#at least the toddlers currently in my house
oldmannapping · 5 months
Bruce Wayne knew what he was doing when he only adopted kids over the age of nine.
If I was Roy Harper or Wally West, juggling being a vigilante with nighttime feeds, toilet training, sleep regressions, and toddler tantrums, I’d be so fucking salty at Batman. I’d make him change all the diapers on Bring Your Kids To Work day.
Disclaimer: I’m currently celebrating the holidays with family including two toddlers who I love very much but who do NOTHING BUT SCREAM and seem to be allergic to sleep. This post might be biased against toddlers.
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drewsaturday · 2 years
thinking a lot about angor and strickler's anxieties about protecting barb when she's out during the day and they're trapped at home (together unfortunately) and the solution they come to for half a second is buying her a gun
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ellecdc · 2 months
hello love! I just, like, devoured all your writings today and idk if your requests are open, but I really like seer!reader and I was wondering if I could request one with poly!marauders where reader is a slytherin and she has a vision of befriending them or being in a relationship with them?
I’d imagined she thinks it’s a silly vision at first but the more she sees the boys (as she’s friends with Regulus so is bound to run into them with him), the visions occur more and more until she finally has an official interaction with them and officially meets them.
Idk if that’s too complicated/confusing, if so, you don’t have to write it obviously 😅.
I love Seer reader!!! thanks for your request lovie <3
please note: my requests are currently closed as I finish exams and work through the requests that I currently have.
poly!marauders x Seer Slytherin fem!reader who Sees a relationship with them
“Tell me again why I have to sit at the Gryffindor table for lunch?” You protested as Regulus all but dragged you to the Great Hall and Barty skipped merrily-on ahead. 
“Because I have to sit at the Gryffindor table for lunch.” He answered gruffly, strengthening his hold on your arm as you faltered in your steps.
“I don’t know, babes; have you ever considered just killing him? You wouldn’t have to reconnect with your estranged brother if he was dead.” Barty offered nonchalantly. 
“For the last time, Barty, I am not killing my brother.”
“A decision we’re all suffering for, apparently.” You muttered petulantly as you entered the Great Hall; chatter and the sounds of cutlery and tableware permeating your senses.
“Don’t worry, Treasure. The faster we eat the faster we can get away.” Barty offered in consolation.
“I am not doing the heimlich on you again, Barty.” You groaned as you followed Regulus towards the wrong side of the Great Hall.
“Come on, they’re not that bad.” Regulus tried.
You and Barty both stopped to give him unimpressed glares.
“Lupin’s not that bad.” He corrected.
“Yeah, and then he ruins that by the company he keeps.” You grumble as you plopped yourself down unceremoniously at the Red and Gold table across from your three lunch dates for the day.
Listen, you were all for being a good friend, a supportive friend; you would die for Regulus Black.
You’re not sure that support extended to willingly eating lunch with Gryffindor’s. 
But Regulus was determined to mend his relationship with his brother before Sirius graduated, Barty went just about anywhere Regulus went, and apparently you were single-handedly responsible for Regulus’ general sanity when it came to his brother and Barty.
“Hello Reggie!” Sirius called quickly.
“Don’t call me that.”
“What am I supposed to call you?” His brother bit back slightly less brightly. 
“I call him sugar tits but I don’t think that’s universal.” Barty offered as he started loading up his plate.
“It’s a pleasure to see you again, Junior.” James offered cautiously.
“I bet it is, Potter.”
Sirius sighed as if he’d been dealing with the likes of toddlers all morning and not 37 seconds of Barty Crouch Junior. “The polite thing to say would be ‘it’s nice to see you too, James’.”
Barty froze with his fork half way to his mouth as he furrowed his brows at Sirius. “No it wouldn’t; it’s not polite to lie, Black.”
“I brought another friend you can try to converse with.” Regulus spat hastily.
“Pretend I’m not here; that’s what I’m doing.” You sighed as you resigned yourself to your fate.
“Well, this is off to a good start.” Remus said with a smirk as he flipped a page in his book. 
You did suppose Lupin was the least…abrasive of him and his boyfriends. You’d had a chance to get to know him last year during prefect rounds; and while you didn’t appreciate how much he let his fellow Marauders get away with, he was relatively nice. In fact, if he had been in any house other than Gryffindor, you may have given him a chance. 
His boyfriend’s, though?
You’d rather take your chances with the Giant Squid than spend your lunch hour with them.
Were they attractive? Sure. You may be contemptuous, but you weren’t blind. 
But they always seemed to be on; there was never a moment of silence with those two nearby, and you often found yourself bracing for impact whenever they were around.
“Looking as smashing as ever, L/N.” James said as he shot you a wink.
Case in point. 
“If I threw a stick, you’d leave right?” You sneered and turned towards your sandwich.
“Nice!” Barty cheered at the same time as Remus muttered “easy kitten; play nice.” 
You started to feel the familiar sensation of your consciousness being pulled elsewhere. It felt as though you were being submerged under cold water, and the neurons firing in your brain were being gently lifted and ushered towards a new reality. 
“What’s wrong dollface?” Sirius asked you earnestly.
You sucked in a shaky breath as you tried to hide the trembling in your hands. “I just don’t feel very good.” You whispered, not trusting your voice to get through a sentence without sobbing.
“Oh, my poor girl. Come here sweets.” He repositioned himself from laying on his stomach to sitting cross legged and opening his arms in invitation.
You quickly accepted his offer and curled up in his lap as he wrapped protective arms around you and began to rock you back and forth.
“You’re okay, dolly. You’re just fine.” He murmured with his lips pressed to your hair line. “D’ya wanna stay here with me and the boys tonight?”
You let out a pathetically embarrassing keening sound as you nodded quickly.
“Okay baby; consider it done.” 
You sucked in a horrified breath as your consciousness returned and you were once again assaulted by the noises of the Great Hall.
Regulus quickly caught the glass of pumpkin juice you’d just nearly toppled and was holding your wrist tightly in his hand.
You thanked the deities for his seeker reflexes and that he seemed to already know what had happened; this was a relatively routine practice between the two of you this far along in your friendship.
“You’re okay.” He offered without even sparing you a glance as he took a napkin with his free hand to clean up what little you’d spilled.
He kept your wrist in his grip; tracking your pulse as he waited for your heart rate to slow down. 
“Was it a good one!?” Barty asked excitedly, alerting you to the fact that it wasn’t just you and Regulus sitting here.
You looked up horrified to see Remus, James, and Sirius all looking at you with various levels of concerns. 
“Was what a good one?” Sirius asked bemusedly. 
Barty scoffed derisively. “She’s a Seer, Black. Fuck, you’re thick.”
“Barty.” Regulus scolded as he turned to offer you his full attention. 
“Are you really?” James asked at the same time as Regulus asked “what did you See?” 
“I have to go.” You muttered breathlessly as you grabbed your things and headed towards the exit.
“No fair! Why does she get to leave and I don’t!?” You heard Barty whine as you pushed through the doors to the courtyard. 
You were going insane, surely. This was just a bout of madness. You needed psychological help, like one of those muggle mind healers. You could not seriously be having Sights of you dating the Marauders.
“Hey L/N!” 
“Fucking hells!” You shrieked as you spun to see Remus and James approaching you, the latter having been the one to call your name.
James still had his ever present smile on his face whilst Remus approached you with slightly more caution.
“Not happy to see us?” Remus asked with a soft smirk across his face.
Apparently your bumbling was particularly telling to your current mental state, if their furrowed brows and nervous glances to each other were anything to go by.
“No funny quip for us today? You’re not going to tell me that I look like something you could draw with your left hand?” James taunted.
“Go fuck yourself, Potter.” You said with half the amount of derision you’d intended.
“Why? You wanna watch him?” Remus asked.
Okay, everything you ever said about Remus being not as bad as his boyfriends?
“For Salazar’s sake, L/N; you sure know how to pick ‘em, huh?” Avery sneered from behind you.
“Speak when you’re spoken to, fuck face.” You barked back.
Avery only scoffed in response. 
“Hanging out with Baby Black and his crazy pet that follows him around wasn’t enough; you had to sully yourself with the likes of Gryffindor’s?” Mulciber continued for him. 
“You know, I’d be mad too if I looked like someone who has fallen for every MLM scam known to mankind.” James spat; his face taking on a severity you’d never seen from the notoriously sunny-dispositioned boy.
You wondered what else you hadn’t seen from him.
You made a rather hasty and embarrassing retreat after that gave you some…inappropriate thoughts.
You’d been plagued with more Sights since then, having been avoiding them after more images of them fussing and fawning over you (and - perhaps more horrifyingly - you over them), and then out-and-out hiding from them after a particularly… steamy Sight you had.
“You cannot hide in the Slytherin common room forever, Treasure.” Barty sighed as he plopped down beside you on the couch and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Why not?”
“Because Regulus gave them the password to the common room.”
“He what!?” You shrieked as the door opened and in spilled three Gryffindors and one Slytherin. 
“There you are, angel!” James cheered as he quickly made his way towards you.
Already with the pet names!?
“Did you really think you could hide from us, dollface?” Sirius winked as he and James took the settee across from you (causing a few younger year Slytherin’s to quickly vacate the area).
“Regulus, how could you?” You seethed at your now ex-friend. 
“I’m tired of Barty bailing on me to hide out here with you. Also, I’m not a house elf and will no longer be bringing you your meals.”
You pouted at him before a surprised yelp left your lips as you were lifted up from your seat.
Remus took your place on the sofa and placed you in the space between his thighs.
“Lupin! What are you doing!?”
“Making your dreams come true, gorgeous.” Sirius answered for you.
“They’re not dreams, you absolute mumpsimus. They’re visions of the future.” Barty sneered.
“Even better then.” James continued as he now pulled a scowling Sirius into his side. “We’re starting our future together.”
“You told them!?” You asked Regulus disbelievingly.
“Well you weren’t going to.” 
“That was the point!”
“Easy there, dove.” Remus whispered into your ear, causing a shiver to rack through you as your body traitorously melted further into Remus’ embrace. 
The only way out of this was clearly going to be the death of you (via Remus’ smoothness, James’ loveliness, and Sirius’ boldness), their murders (at your hands), or stupidly drunk in love.
You weren’t sure which option was worse.
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h-i-raeth · 2 years
Fuck but I want some more piercings
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wixhing0nastar · 1 year
Abuse Narratives in RWBY: Yang Xiao Long Edition (Feat. Ruby Rose)
We've all witnessed and talked about Blake and Weiss being abuse survivors for years. Blake escaping from Adam and Weiss escaping from her father were both huge, impactful events that have shaped the narrative of the story in many ways.
Yang on the other hand has managed to fly mostly under the radar with the abuse she's suffered up to this point. Her jokey, happy-go-lucky facade tricking the audience just as well as it has her friends and family for years.
(Note: this is going to be a long post, so strap in. Also this is your warning I am not going to be holding back in my criticism of Tai, so if you don't want to see me go into detail about how exactly he abused Yang, I highly suggest turning back now).
TL:DR: Yang was neglected and parentified (aka: abused) as a child and that’s the root of a lot of the issues that she’s currently struggling with in Volume 9 and a large part of her healing is going to be centered around her relationship with Blake going forward.
Let's start by establishing what exactly I'm referring to when I say that Yang has been abused. Because while I'm certainly referring to her being neglected after Summer's death, I'm more so referring to the years of Parentification that was caused by said neglect (in addition to the verbal and emotional abuse hurled her way).
Let's start by defining what exactly Parentification is since it's where most of Yang's current problems stem from.
[Parentification is] a disturbance in the generational boundaries, such that evidence indicates a functional and/or emotional role reversal in which the child sacrifices his or her own needs for attention, comfort, and guidance in order to accommodate and care for the logistical and emotional needs of a parent and/or sibling. (Hooper, 2007b, p. 323)
Ruby establishes in Volume 9, Chapter 1 that Yang was the one who raised her. It's important to note that in the context of her saying that, she's telling Yang that Yang was the one responsible for her moral development as a kid.
Research has shown that the building blocks for morality are generally in place by the age of 4. However, "children need adults to help them at every stage of childhood to nurture these seeds into full development." (Harvard, Raising Caring, Respectful, Ethical Children, p. 1) With "childhood" commonly considered infancy to age 12.
Using this we can reasonably assume that Yang was Ruby's primary caretaker or at the very least co-parenting with Tai from the time of Summer's death to at least age 14 (when Ruby was 12)... which mind you, is already over a decade total and only three years before the show starts.
Now that we've got some of the science out of the way, let's start looking at the show itself to see just how bad the situation was.
Burning the Candle
This iconic scene actually paints a fairly horrifying picture of Yang and Ruby's early childhood when you start to break it down.
I waited for dad to leave the house.
Meaning that by that point, probably only a few months after Summer's death based on the timeline Yang establishes, Yang already knows Tai will reliably leave her and Ruby alone without supervision for extended periods of time in order to pull this off.
I must have walked for hours.
Meaning that it likely took several hours for someone to even notice they were missing in the first place. The fact Qrow knew exactly where they were indicates that Yang either left a note or clue about where they were headed and I'm willing to bet the only reason it took Yang that long to walk was because she was like two feet tall at the time (since Patch is like... a tiny island... which brings me to the next line...
A toddler asleep in the back of a wagon
Again, to clarify, Ruby was a toddler. Toddlers are between 1-3 years old... meaning this all happened when Yang was a maximum of (and likely, based on their physical appearances) 5 years old.
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So to summarize, Tai was regularly leaving Yang, his five-year-old, home alone and in charge of her three-year-old sister... which would be horrifying to think about on its own but this is Remnant.
Which means that Tai was regularly leaving his grieving five-year-old at home alone when they didn't live inside a kingdom's border and there were known wild Grimm in the area... who are attracted to negative emotions.
Wow... I wonder why Yang felt the need to try to diffuse the tension with humor and keep everyone in high spirits all the time. It’s almost like it was a life or death situation growing up. (/s)
Anger, Fear, and Burn
Before jumping into the next big narrative piece, let’s talk a little bit about Yang’s semblance, Burn, and how it works. Because it’s important to establish before starting to dig into Volume 4.
Let’s start with how Ruby describes it:
Don't worry! With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back! That's what makes her special.
Notice how Ruby doesn't mention anything about Yang needing to be angry to use her Semblance? In fact, while it’s unclear if this is entirely true, it has been stated previously that Yang’s powers come in part from her hair and no one has refuted that claim in like 8 years so it holds some weight.
Moreover, recent volumes have actually been hinting that Yang likely doesn't even need to use her anger to activate/maintain burn. And that she just does so out of habit more than anything.
Now, why exactly would someone intentionally limit themselves by tying their semblance into in emotion like that? Well, first let’s answer the question, why anger?
And well... anger is a secondary emotion.
A secondary emotion is an emotion fueled by other emotions... masking your feelings of sadness, hurt or grief with anger can be easier than experiencing the primary emotion.
And moreover,
The feelings that anger commonly masks include fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, embarrassment, betrayal, jealousy, sadness, hurt, and worry. (Alta Loma, Understanding Anger as a Secondary Emotion, Web, emphasis added).
Fear is, of course, a bit of a running theme in RWBY, there was a whole speech and song about it at the end of Volume 7, after all.
But more than that, there've been two people on two separate occasions who've called Yang out for being scared when she's posturing: Ren and Raven.
And while Ren was pointing out that she uses humor to try to deflect when she’s scared, when Raven said this to Yang she was absolutely outwardly angry... and Yang admits to being scared in the moment yet still standing there.
Also note that humor = friends/winning, anger = enemies/losing.
Which makes you wonder, what was happening growing up that made Yang instinctively react to fear of danger with anger and planting her feet instead of running away? For that let's go back to what we learned from Burning the Candle and the V5 short real quick.
We know there are living Grimm on Patch. Maybe not as many as elsewhere, but both times we are given glimpses into Yang and Ruby's childhood on Patch they are attacked by Grimm, which isn't a great sign.
How old do you think Yang was the first time she or Ruby had a bad day and attracted one of them on accident and she had to fight it off on her own (because she couldn't run, she had to protect Ruby)?
How many nights do you think Yang would spend reading Ruby stories and telling her dumb jokes to get her to laugh to try to make sure they weren't attacked? How often did Ruby have to force herself to be okay? For both their sake?
Volume 4
Now let's talk about Volume 4, aka: when Tai had the chance to step up and didn't.
Now right off the bat he's okay. There's nothing inherently wrong with him bringing her the arm and being excited at the thought because he doesn't know how she's going to react to it though it is a little weird he opened her mail without permission.
The rest of Yang's first V4 episode, however, makes it very clear both to us as the audience and Tai that Yang isn't doing okay... but Tai doesn't do anything to attempt to help her.
Which is why what happens in the next episode is kinda messed up.
Yang wakes up from a nightmare about losing her arm in a seriously traumatizing event and goes downstairs when she realizes there's a distraction people are over.
Then we get the fight and despite Yang laughing it off in the end... honestly Tai is being very condescending towards her, which Yang even points out. Like, someone made a slightly adult joke in front of her and he flies off the handle and starts a fight with her and starts making digs about her not being a real adult ready for the real world and let's just break that down before dealing with the actual problems in this episode.
Yang, as established, has been fulfilling the role of parent (while barely getting any parenting herself) for years. She's been fulfilling the role of an adult since she was 5! And at this point in the show she's also legally an adult. So not only is it condescending, it's also untrue.
Then we get this line.
I guess you lost some brain cells along with that arm.
Not only is this beyond callus, Yang is clearly actually upset by this.
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And notably, she only treats it as a joke after Oobleck dropped his cup. AKA: after being reminded that they aren’t alone in the room.
(And remember, Yang uses humor as a coping mechanism).
And both Oobleck and Port can clearly tell that this wasn’t appropriate at all and immediately following that, they pointedly step in to ask Yang how she is doing with everything.
Which Tai has not done.
And Yang opens up to them! And she tells them that she’s still struggling and coming to terms with what happened to her. Which in turn causes Tai to finally talk to her about it, but he’s being pushy about her getting back out and “being her new normal” and even refers to her PTSD as moping when she just got done saying she’s still trying to process and recover.
And it’s again Port specifically who steps in and gives her some genuine advice without trying to push her her into anything she’s not ready for and then Oobleck joins in and they go out if their way to ham it up to make her laugh.
So overall, Tai’s being extremely dismissive of the trauma that she’s gone through and minimizing her feelings at every turn.
Which then leads to this scene...
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Which is when Tai’s dismissiveness starts to make sense (and I’ll come back to this when I’m analyzing the last episode).
Let’s break it down. To start, Tai knows that Yang is going up to her room, they pointedly have her call out goodnight from upstairs so Tai knows where she is physically and what her intentions are.
Secondly, there’s no way that Tai doesn't know you can hear people talking from the front door from Yang’s room. He’s owned this house for like two decades minimum at this point.
So when Oobleck and Port ask after Ruby, there’s no way he should assume Yang won’t be able to hear everything he says. And he very much lays the burden of Ruby’s safety at Yang’s feet. He’s not going after her because he has to “look after some things.”
AKA: Yang.
And then she comes to him literally the next day wearing the new arm and wanting to train and he doesn't question her at all, even though 12 hours earlier Yang was very much not ready?
We then don’t see her at all for five episodes until we get the scene where she’s training with Tai and honestly, his advice is kinda horrible.
To start, even he says his advice is based on watching her Vytal Festival fights, meaning that everything is based on watching three matches.
He points out she uses her semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers (which is true), and Yang rightly points out that everyone uses their semblances to help them win. Then Tai says this:
Because not everyone else’s is basically a temper tantrum.
Not only is this very unlikely to be true, but even if Yang does need to rely on her anger to activate her semblance, calling it a temper tantrum isn’t accurate at all.
In fact, the way Yang uses her semblance takes a great deal of emotional regulation to pull off. She not only is able to make herself angry enough to use it at will, she’s also able to stop using it at will. Meaning Yang is capable of instantaneously switching from one emotion to another.
That’s not a temper tantrum, that’s someone with superb emotional control choosing what emotion to feel when it’s most appropriate.
Furthermore, the “what happens if you miss” comment is so ridiculous I don’t even know how to start other than saying we literally saw exactly what happens when Yang misses her first attempt in Volume 2! When her semblance is being revealed! And the answer is... she gets another shot.
And if they’re stronger... like not using the thing that makes her ridiculously powerful is certainly not going to help.
And honestly... Yang doesn’t do what Tai says. He says it’s useful in a bind but Yang doesn’t use her semblance only in emergencies from here on end. In fact, what she actually does is pick up some tricks from Pyrrha and she starts hiding her semblance from people!
And noticeably, Tai isn’t the one who tells Yang to fight smarter. That’s a line of thinking she develops on her own between the first and second times she faced Adam.
And then Tai takes credit for her “suddenly” getting better like she hadn’t successfully hit him so hard he needed to take a pause and the fight he did win was only because he attacked her when she was being vulnerable with him... her father who she’s of course not going to assume is going to attack her while she’s opening up to him... because she wouldn’t do that to Ruby.
And then we get to Yang’s last (real) episode of the volume when she’s setting out to get Ruby. Remember when I said Tai’s dismissiveness started to make sense and we’d come back to it? Well we’re back to it.
Note how Yang pointedly doesn’t tell Tai that she’s leaving, despite him having indicated to Port and Oobleck that the only reason he wasn’t also going after Ruby was because he was staying with Yang?
And how in the end he doesn’t leave with Yang to go find Ruby even though supposedly the only reason he hadn’t was because he wanted to make sure Yang was okay? And now Yang’s going after Ruby? Alone?
Paired with how pushy and condescending he was acting towards her in the other two Volume 4 episodes he was in, on top of having neglected and parentified her for at least a decade, this really reads as him wanting Yang to get better so he can shove her out the door to go after Ruby, and not him caring at all about her as a person.
(Which is why I really struggle to feel bad for him in his V8 scene... if he was so worried he could have been there).
Yang’s Actual Temper Tantrums
Let’s address these really quick before moving on to the final section. We’ve actually seen/heard of four different instances where Yang actually was having something resembling a temper tantrum while using her semblance.
I’m going to start with the Neon fight because it’s the easiest. But Neon as a character relies on knocking her opponents off balance by getting under their skin in a fight. She tries to make them angry and yes, it does work on Yang in this instance. But that’s Neon’s whole thing, in any other match up Yang would have been fine.
The other three times all had to do with her hair (namely, when Junior gets her hair in her trailer, when the ursa gets her hair in the Emerald Forest and... in V4 when Tai refers to her having a rough first haircut).
Going back to the bit about how Yang’s powers, in part, come from her hair and this actually makes a lot of sense in the context of Yang’s childhood. If she was regularly in charge of protecting Ruby and some of the finite power she did have as a kid was because of her hair, of course she gets freaked out by losing some... and we’ve already talked about Yang using anger as a mask for fear.
Bumbleby and Volume 9
So let’s talk about where we’re going now, because of all three of the abuse survivors in this show, Yang is the only one who hasn’t really been confronted with and forced to deal with it yet.
Because at the end of the day, being parentified and neglected for years has left Yang scared to open up emotionally and more than that, uncertain of her identity outside of being Ruby’s parent.
Because up to going to Beacon, that was basically Yang’s entire life. It’s entirely possible the only reason she went to Signal was to learn how to protect Ruby better all things considered.
Which is why the development between her and Blake is so important this volume. Yang desperately needs to be valued as something other a caretaker and protector and so far they’ve been emphasizing the fact that Blake loves Yang because she’s a goofy dork who makes her smile, not because she’s strong enough to level a mountain.
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And while Blake’s relationship with Adam was abusive, unlike Yang, Blake does have a framework for health relationships thanks to Ghira and Kali and she’s worked through her own trauma from being abused romantically enough that she’s in a place emotionally to help Yang start working though hers. Starting by giving Yang a person she can trust not to leave who also isn’t and has never been dependent on her to muck up Yang’s healing process.
Because there’s a difference between someone choosing to stay and someone not having any other choice because they were/are dependent on you. And (absolutely no shade to Ruby here) she’s already had someone in the latter position choose to leave her anyways.
In Conclusion
Yang was abused as a child and into her late teens and is in desperate need of some type of unconditional love and affection that she doesn’t feel there are strings attached to in order to finally begin healing...
And therapy, but they’re a little low on that for the foreseeable future.
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Reader who has a baby brother who acts like kotaro from gakuen baby. (Reader lives with the bsd cast, reader always goes out to take care of his brother, but one day Luiz takes him home and he meets the cast)
My baby brother
Self-Aware! BSD Characters x Male! Reader
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Description: Your parents are going on a small vacation and asked you to look after your baby brother, [B/N]. Well, time for him to meet your new roommates/friends.
Warning: Fluff. OOC, English is my second language.
BSD cast noticed one thing. Everyday, even during weekends you were going somewhere, spend at least two hours there and then return home.
At first, Cast thought, that your boss make you work overtime, but you assured them, that's not the case. You mentioned, that the reason for your absence was family related.
You didn't elaborate further. You explained, that, right now, yiu are still trying to come with the fact, that your new roommates are very unique people and that you are living with them in this huge house. You promised, that you will tell them more about your family, when you become more comfortable with current situation.
But soon, they not only knew more about your family, but also met one of your relatives.
Everyone was a little bit nervous. Today, they will meet someone from your family.
Yesterday, you were talking on the phone with someone. After you finished talking, you had an announcement to make. You gathered everyone in the common room.
"Okay, everyone. For the next week, someone special will stay with us. One of my family members have to stay with me. I hope, everyone is okay with it."
An hour ago, you went to fetch your relative. The Gang wanted to make a good first impression.
They heard a jingle of keys. You were back. The Gang gather in the common room, waiting for you.
They heard steps. Yours and someone else's. The steps were really quiet. Then they heard your voice.
"Hello, everyone. Met my baby brother, [B/N].
You walked inside the common room. You were holding hands with a toddler boy. The boy had big eyes and short hair. You picked your brother up and walked closer to your new roommates/friends.
Your brother looked at the gang. [B/N] was quiet, he was looking at your new friends. You whisper.
"Hey, [B/N], remember, I told you about my new friends? That's them. Say 'Hello'".
Your brother stay quiet for a moment, then smiled and nodded.
Your brother's eyes were shining. He was happy to meet big brother's friends.
At least half of the characters almost had a heart attack because of the cuteness overload.
Fukuzawa, Mori, Hirotsu, Melville, Natsume, Taneda and Fukuchi were planning to steal you two and adopt you.
You continue talking.
"Our parents have gone on vacation for a next week, so [B/N] will stay with us for a week."
Meanwhile, [B/N] was quiet again. You noticed, that he was looking directly at Akutagawa, who was standing close to you. Ryuunosuke looked at [B/N] in return. Suddenly, [B/N] grabbed Akutagawa's sleeve and giggles.
Akutagawa's eyes widen, Gin and Higuichi try to hold back their laugh, Dazai was shaking because of laughter and Atsushi looked really nervous. You scolded.
"[B/N], don't do that! Don't call people hedgehogs! I am sorry, Ryunosuke."
Akutagawa just huffed. He doesn't look offended. You smiled.
"Okay, I will make something for [B/N] to eat. I'll be back in a minute."
Before you can do away, [B/N] pointed at Chuuya.
"Wesel [Weasel]!"¹
Dazai was howling with laughter.
"I like this kid"
"[B/N], don't call other people weasels! Chuuya, I am sorry!"
Chuuya also huffs and playfully shove you.
"Don't sweat it, [Y/N]."
[B/N] let out a small whine.
"Wesel... hut Big Brother [Weasel hurt Big Brother]?"
You quickly pet your brother's head.
"No, I am fine, [B/N]. Chuuya was just playing with me."
[B/N] looked at you, then nodded.
When you left, The Cast glance at each other, then said in one time.
You and [B/N] were 'kidnapped' by Fukuzawa, Mori, Hirotsu, Melville, Natsume, Taneda and Fukuchi.
Natsume used his ability to lure [B/N] in one of the rooms, where the rest of the group were sitting.
When you were looking for [B/N], you also were dragged to the same room.
For the whole day, you two were showered in treats. [B/N] was also showered in toys. And there were photos and videos taken.
The videos of [B/N] saying "Tank you [Thank you]" and "Ung!" and the video of you feeding [B/N] sweets were sent to the group chat.
The videos became their treasures.
If something happens to you two, the BSD cast will destroy the world.
At the end, your 'kidnappers' spend the whole day with you and your brother.
It was fun. You were wondering what would happen tomorrow.
You were mumbling, while you were searching for your brother.
"Okay, where is my brother now. Don't tell me, Natsume and others kidnapped him again "
When you passed the window, you noticed, that your brother were outside. He was looking at something with Tetchou.
You went outside and approached them.
"Hi, [B/N]. Hello, Tetchou. What you are looking at?"
[B/N] stands up and wiggles towards you. He pointed at the ground.
"Big Brother, ants!"
You smile and pat his head. Tetchou cast a quick glance towards you.
"Want to join us in ant watching?"
[B/N]'s eyes shine and he grabbed your sleep.
You nodded.
"Okay, I am with you."
You watched ants together for a few more minutes.
It was dinner time. And you were in trouble.
[B/N] refuse to eat his veggies. Before you eat the treat he made for you. Unfortunately, Tetchou was the one who helped him.
You were looking at three strawberries with shichimi spice on them. Then you looked at [B/N]. He was waiting for you to try strawberries.
Jouno almost growls.
"Tetchou, don't you dare corrupt this sweet child with your taste in food... [Y/N]!"
You ate one of the strawberries. The mix of papers doesn't go well with sweet strawberries. But your brother wants to make you happy. You can take it.
You smile through tears.
"Thank you, [B/N]. It was so good!"
[B/N] smiles.
"Ung! Big Brother is happy!"
You smile and eat another spicy strawberry. Than the last one.
"Thanks, [B/N]. You see, your Big Brother ate everything. You also should eat everything, so you can be as strong and big as your brother."
[B/N] nodded and start eating his veggies.
When he wasn't looking, you drink at least four glasses of water.
Still, for his smile, you were ready to eat more of that strawberries.
At least ten Members of BSD cast want to raise a child with you.
At the evening, you had a tea party with Rats in the House of the Dead. And with Gogol.
It became a tradition for you, having a Friday tea parties with Fyodor, Goncharov, Pushkin and Gogol.
But today the party will be paused. Because you need to read [B/N] a bedtime story.
"[B/N], have you chosen the book to read? Oh, 'Tsar Nikita and his Forty Daughters'... [B/N], who gave you this book?"
[B/N] point at Pushkin.
"Pushin [Pushkin]"
You glare at Pushkin. This guy was interested in the Real world Pushkin works. So, you won't be surprised, that he told your brother about this book. You hoped, that Pushkin didn't do it on purpose.² You spoke to your brother again.
"[B/N], this book is for adults. Let's choose another one."
At the end, you read him "If you give a mouse a cookie". And, because Fyodor, Gogol, Goncharov and Pushkin were fine listening to your reading, you read for them too at the same time.
When finished, [B/N] was sleeping. You carry him to your room, where he also was sleeping.
When you were back, you heard Fyodor's words.
"You will be a good father, [Y/N]."
You were too embarrassed, to say something in return.
You were carrying a bunch of shopping bags. Yosano and Fitzgerald decide to take you and your brother on a shopping trip. Your brother get few onesies, new choose and toys.
You got a new bag and coat. You were glad, that your parents were fine with your roommates' presents.
Your parents knew, that your roommates were kind people who liked you. And who liked giving presents.
You smile sadly. Tomorrow, your parents are returning. Tomorrow [B/N] will go back home.
Once again, BSD cast were gathered in the common room. It was time for [B/N] to go home.
You were holding your brother.
"Okay, [B/N], say goodbye."
[B/N] nodded and turn towards BSD cast.
"Bye Teto! Bye Chu-chu! Bye Ryu! Bye Yosa! Bye Fitz! Buy Zawa...! [Tetchou, Chuuya, Ryunosuke, Yosano, Fitzgerald, Fukuzawa...]"
It takes [B/N] five minutes to say bye to everyone. And then both of you left the house.
BSD cast will wait for the next time your brother come to visit them. He is so well-behaved and cute.
They will be happy to see him again. And see you taking care of him again.
¹ "Bungou Stray Dogs. Wan!" Chapter 47 "The Land of Fairy Tales". Akutagawa was a hedgehog plushie and Chuuya was a weasle plushie.
² A fairytale for adults by Alexander Pushkin.
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bob-frank451 · 11 days
Humans are Weird: Pineapple
    The volatus knocked on the door. He had been invited for supper by the human family. This in and of itself was not special. One of the universal languages of affection and relationships is the sharing of food, and although the families three meal rythm differed from his own five meal rythm, they had shared many meals together over the last three years. 
    One problem associated with moving to a whole new culture thay is not immediately obvious is the complete loss of all the food one is accustomed to. The humans had searched the available foodstuffs, and as omnivors, most were edible for them, although they missed their native food from Earth dearly.
     Today was special because within the last month the GA had finished indexing Earth's various foods, and publishing which ones were edible or safe for each of the GA's constituent races. The human family had anxiously awaited the completion of the index and had decided to cook an Earth meal for their friend.
    The first shipment had arrived yesterday afternoon, had become available for purchase early in the morning today, and was, judging by the aroma wafting from the human's house, in part currently cooking in their kitchen.
    The door swung open slowly and jerkily, almost as if a toddler was opening it. The volatus drifted into the house, peered behind the door, and saw the human's three-year-old daughter beaming up at him with a grin filled with sharp, white teeth. Extremely cute.
    A nickname that had stuck. The tiny human hadn't been able to pronounced his actual name, and instead the whole family had adopted the pet name. There was a burst of neural activity nearby, and Zinzin turned.
    In the door between the "living" room and the kitchen stood his friend. The mountain of a man glanced at him, eyes filled with a mixture of affection, and a sharp wit and humour that made him a safe, reliable friend, or a formidable enemy.
    "Welcome here Zinzin."
    "Thank you."
    The Volatus sampled the air, delicate nose analyzing the complex scents. There were the normals; CO², human proteins, the waft of degrading vegetables from the garbage, a selection of detergents, especially Squalus, and disinfectants, and the smell of new materials off-gassing.
    Overpowering all of these were the smells drifting from the kitchen. Starches, eggs, lactates. Several more potent smells filled the house. At least two fragrances. The traces of alcohol in the scent indicated a potential extract. Underpinning the various fragrances was a beautiful mixture of alien fruit. It was intoxicating.
    His friend was watching him, grin so wide he looked like his daughter's drawing. Zinzin suddenly felt quite awkward. He looked up at his friend, and tried to deflect the attention.
    "What's for supper?"
    His friend lost it. Waves of laughter exploded from him. He leaned against the doorframe, and collected himself.
    "You're the one with the fabulous nose, you tell me."
    Zinzin though for a moment.
    "Well, there is starch, egg, and milk, a lot of milk, so I suppose a batter of some kind."
    The human nodded.
    "Alkaloids and acids, so the batter foams, something fluffy?"
    The human's wife joined them, and jabbed her husband in the ribs playfully.
    "My waffles are going to be just fine, thank-you"
    More laughter followed, light and easy. Each person wanted to show their guest something. There followed a delightful quarter hour of slightly hungry amusement before Zinzin found himself "sitting", as much as volati ever sit, at the table in the kitchen.
    Flop! An intriguing circular object flopped lightly onto his plate. A soft, fluffy object, almost certainly the product of the aforementioned batter. The top was a lattice of divots and ridges he rather thought would be very good for contained sauces.
    In front of him the table was covered with a variety of shapes, colours, and smells. There was an abundance of various plates and platters filled with fruit whose shapes and colours resembled nothing he had ever seen before. This whole meal had apparently been a full day project for the entire family.
    His friend bent his head down, and closed his eyes, followed closely by the rest of the family. Zinzin, familiar with the custom from the last three years, followed suit so smoothly that if you did not notice the race of the volatus you would swear he was on of the human family.
    His friend spoke, thanking the One who saved him for the day, his family, their guest, and the food.
    Then they ate. If one has ever seen a human eat one never forgets it. They eat with an intensity and focus that reminds an observer that these broad spectrum omnivores are only slightly removed from obligate carnivores, and the world they were designed for was not always so kind as it is now.
    The volatus hardly noticed any of this. Three years had acclimated him to his new friends, and so at this point the only thought in his mind was the spread before him unlike anything he had ever seen.
    The waffles were completely safe for him to eat, they were just bread after all. A large collection of fruits and vegetables were also deemed harmless. His world filled with the most beautiful tastes and smells, mixed with a deep intuitive grasp of the chemical composition that would make a human foody envious, and any botanist or chemist reflect sadly on their own constricted umwelt.
    Not all of the food laid on the table was safe for a volatus. He gestured to a red bowl (the result of careful colour coding). His hostess answered the question before he asked it, an impressive feat for a race without telepathy.
    Zinzin wrinkled his nose in frustration. 
    "I can see that, what are they?"
    She laughed, a light, carrying laugh that made the room brighter, before explaining.
    "The fruit is literally called an orange. That's one of the oldest jokes in the book."
    He opened his mouth to ask another question, but was once more anticipated.
    "The fruit came first."
    It was uncanny.
    "Are they safe for me to eat?"
    "The flesh has oils that will irritate your skin and cause your fur to fall out, but the flesh should be safe.
    He husband reached for an orange.
     "Mind if I?"
    The volatus watched the orange intently. It was very orange. He did the human nod.
    It was sour, very sour, and very sweet. Refreshing.
    Next he tried a raspberry. He couldn't risk too many because of the xylitol. The mangoes and pears were safe, aside from the cyanide laced seeds. Typical deathworlder fruit. The grapes he could not eat without organ failure.
    Finally he came to the vary last fruit deemed non poisonous for a volatus, the pineapple. The volatus took a tiny piece, and ate it. It was sour, but not unbearable so. It was sweet, and so fragrant. He basked in the smell for a beautiful moment.
    Then the burning started. There was a war in his mouth! The fruit was chemically attacking him! His friend had been watching, and now handed him a glass of water.
    Zinzin drank, washing away the malevolent fruit and it's influence.
    Then the volatus sat and pondered the remains of the battlefield in his mouth. Enzymes. The damaged and inflammed cells of his mouth must have been attacked by some sort of enzyme.
    His friend nodded, before speaking.
    "Not just enzymes."
    The human stood up and made his way to an object sitting on a shelf, setting it before the volatus. Zinzin stared at it intently. Lenses and mirrors... It was some sort of primitive microscope! Of course a biologist would have a microscope! Zinzin gingerly picked up a piece of pineapple, and analyzed the microscope. He gently pulled out the glass slide, and rubbed the pineapple on it. He focused the instrument. 
    The humans waited quietly, except for the toddler, who was busy coating her surroundings with syrup.
    Volatus do not, as a rule, use exclamations. They are very rarely surprised, which is why Zinzin did not know how to react to what he saw. Thousands of sharp spikes drifted about in the fluid.
    His friend helpfully filled the silence.
    "Calcium Oxalate needles."
    "The needles create thousands of micro lacerations, and the brometin enzyme enters through the cuts, and starts digesting your cells."
    Zinzin thought for a moment.
     "I suppose the acid doesn't help either"
    The volatus sat, as much as volatus ever really sit, and allowed himself to bask in the light conversation, and watched, with little surprise, as the humans ate pinapple until their mouths were raw.
Only Deathworlders
Ao3 Discord
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slvtforyeo · 5 months
It's raining... snowballs?
summary: Playing snowball fights usually ends up with a lot of laughs shared with your friends, right? Well, not for you.. maybe.
pairing: yeosang x reader (not specified)
warnings: fluff, food mentioned (cookies and chocolate milk), mild cursings, snowballs and winter shits (lemme know if i missed anything)
words count: 779 words
author's note: hiii, this is my first time writing a fanfic here in tumblr, and please be aware that english isn't my first language and it's a bit boring (personally). please enjoy this and kindly do not steal my (first) work!
It was in the middle of December, where anything, anywhere and anyone is fucking cold. The layers of clothing didn't help you that much, but the creamy and chocolatey drink you're currently drinking helps.
"We know that," You say tiredly, a little pissed off at him since he interupted your peaceful time. With your friend standing up, they grab their jacket and wears it, heading to the door. "(Y/n)-ah, it's snowing beautifully outside. Don't you wanna go outside?" Your friend asked.
You're staying over at your friend's house, hanging out and doing nothing but to sit near the fireplace and admire the silence that hugs the room. It was peaceful at first, not until Wooyoung barged in and has this huge smile on his face. "Y'all, it's snowing outside!" He happily chirped, jumping up and down like a toddler excited for the candy they'll be receiving.
You reply with a small sigh, debating whether to join them outside or be in your own (slightly boring) little world inside and do absolutely nothing but to stare in space. "I don't know.." You mumble. This made Wooyoung a bit annoyed, he's not letting you be here and not at least enjoy yourself. "Come on, it'll be fun!" He sighs, pouting. "We'll have a snow fight." He added.
You look at him from the couch, and you can't help but to crack a smile when you remember all the crazy things you three did when you play snowball fights. You eventually stood up and grabbed you jacket, wearing it with a matching beanie. "Fine. But only for today." You said, making Wooyoung and your friend smile in excitement.
You three got out of your friend's house, with you making your own snow castle with your hands (with winter gloves, duh) and Wooyoung throwing random sized snowballs at your friend. Pfft, what a childish thing-
"Hey!" You frowned, realizing Wooyoung threw a huge snowball at your supposed snow castle. Wooyoung only laughs at you, making a peace sign with his hand then runs away, knowing that you'll get your revenge. Obviously, you stand up with a scoff coming out your mouth, scooping a large amount of snow in your hands before forming it into a ball shape.
"Get back here!" You yelled, running towards Wooyoung with a smile on your face. You then spotted Wooyoung standing still near the road, as if looking where you at to avoid you. You smirk, walking towards him and throws your snowball at him.
But then Wooyoung appeared behind you with a surprised look on his face. He taps you urgently and you turn around, your life flashing before your eyes as you made the biggest mistake in your life.
The man you threw the snowball at turns to face you, seemingly offended at what you did based on how he was looking at you. Eyes widening a bit, you quickly bows at the man and says, "I'm so, so sorry, sir! I-I threw a snowball at you thinking that you were my friend- oh my god, I am so sorry.."
The man chuckled softly, waving his hand in a dismissal way. "It's alright, and please, don't call me 'sir'. I'm Yeosang." Yeosang smiled at you with a calm expression, and you almost saw heaven with that smile of his. His eyes were looking at yours, making your cheeks pinkish in color. "Besides, that was a good hit. Are you a baseball player?" He asked.
"Oh, no no. I'm not.. I'm not a baseball player." You replied, returning him a smile. "I'm (Y/n), it's nice to meet you." Yeosang nods at your words, opening his mouth to reply but was cut off by Wooyoung interfering your moment.
"Yeosang-ah, you didn't even bother to tell me you were gonna arrive." Wooyoung rolls his eyes at him, slightly frowning. "And enough of this lovey dovey interaction. You were literally asking her number when you first saw her at my birthday party." Yeosang snaps his head in Wooyoung's direction, his eyes slightly panicking. You were taken aback, you've met Yeosang before? You don't even remember, probably because of your short-term memory.
"Just get her number already. Anyway, let's head back inside, (Your friend) baked cookies, and it's ready." Wooyoung heads back inside your friend's house, leaving you and Yeosang alone together outside.
Both of you were left standing there, speechless. Yeosang didn't expect his beloved friend, whom he trusted, exposed him infront of the girl he was attracted with a few days ago. And you? You didn't expect to pull this man with your magnetic field.
Phew, what a way to start the holiday season.
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mytheoristavenue · 22 days
MHA Mezo Shoji x Reader - Make Believe - IV
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Summary: You ask Shoji to pretend to be your boyfriend for a dinner with your parents.
Warnings: Long, multi-parted, slow burn, fem!reader, fluff, not proof read, angst
Stepping into the apartment made it instantly clear, that this wasn't a birthday dinner, it was a birthday party. Music played from the living room and you could hear laughter and conversation from every corner of the dwelling. In almost every crevice, there was at least a pair, usually more, cutting up and reminiscing on old times. There were cousins here you hadn't seen since early childhood. What was this all for?
Shortly after entering, your mother abandoned you to tend to whatever was in the kitchen, leaving you and the tallest person in the house to fend for yourselves. "Let's go in the dining room," you said, grabbing hold of Shoji's hand and pulling him along.
He silently nodded, feeling eyes on him from everywhere. He did truly stand out amongst your family, who mostly had emitter-type quirks if he had to guess. He could always count how many mutations he saw in any given space- something he'd learned from an early age. It was a tactic of knowing who to risk interacting with and who to avoid. He found that mutated people would find him...less unnerving.
Currently, he'd counted two people with mutations, but they looked nothing like you or your mother, so he had to guess that were were related by marriage. One was a young woman with a round head and abnormally large ears. The other was a small boy with a slender, rat-like vestigial tail- both cases of small, some might even say charming changes to a regular person's anatomy. This made Shoji feel even more freakish as he ducked into he dining room, seeing a large percentage of your family staring back at him.
The feeling, however, was lessened by the cheering that came with you entering with him; long-forgotten aunts, uncles, and cousins excited to see your face after such a long time of low contact.
"Well if it isn't our very own hero in training!" one man chirped, raising a glass. "Glad you were able to make it out to see us, don't go forgetting about us little folks when you hit the big leagues!"
"(Y/N)!" A little girl came running up to you, tugging on your pants. "Do you get to fight bad guys?!" You laughed sheepishly, explaining in the best way you could to fit a toddler's understanding what your training actually entailed.
Shoji couldn't help but feel warm watching you interact with your family. It was clear that they were all so proud of you and overjoyed to see you. To his dismay, however, the distraction of your presence from his didn't last long.
"So, kiddo, whose this uh..." the man spoke up again, raising his glass and tipping it towards your guest. "guy you brought with you?"
Your cheeks flushed as you quickly clung to Shoji's arm with a nervous smile. "Oh, how could I forget? Everyone, this is Shoji, my boyfriend!" It wasn't lost on said 'boyfriend' how your tone had changed this time around. It almost felt genuine. Almost.
"Boyfriend?" The man, one of your uncles sneered. "You're too little to be having a boyfriend, besides, you don't want anybody distracting you from going pro!"
You laughed in response, failing to sense Shoji's discomfort. "Uncle, it's not like that! Besides, Shoji's training to be a hero too! We want each other to succeed first and foremost."
"That's enough, son." An elderly voice called from the end of the table. Glancing over, your heart swelled with joy.
"Grandma!" you cheered, dashing over to sit beside her, engulfing her in a tight hug. "I miss you so much!"
"I missed you too, dear," she replied with a kind smile, patting your back. When you pulled away,. she reached forward, placing her hand on top of Shoji's.
"Now don't you pay my son any mind, young man." She reassured, eyes darting over to the said man. "He's had a few too many." It was at this point your 'beaux' realized the empty glass your uncle had been holding had tan foam collected at the bottom. It was beer. "You know, son, you outta be a lot nicer to this boy, he saved little (Y/N)'s life you know?"
Shoji wasn't sure what he'd expected your grandmother to say, but that sure wasn't it. He saved your life? When? "G-Grandma-!" you stammered, cheeks burning. "You don't have to bore them with the details!"
"Oh, no, dear, I do!" She insisted. "Don't you all remember when (Y/N) got her license to become a hero? That test she had to take?" There as collection of hums and variations of 'yes' from the crowd. "Well, that day, she called me up and she said 'Grandma! You'll never guess! During the exam, I was stuck in this trap and that handsome guy I told you about rescued me!'"
You definitely didn't tell the story like that, you cringed. She made it sound so mushy, it was like that at all!
"I don't remember that," Shoji, glanced down at you with a curious smile.
"I don't either," you grumbled. "I didn't say it like that."
"No need to be so grumpy, dear." your grandmother said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "It's alright, I think it's a romantic story."
You couldn't take this suffocation much more, feeling more humiliated by the second. Suddenly, you stood up, needing an out. "I-I think I hear Mom calling me from the kitchen, better go see what she needs!"
Before Shoji could stand to follow you, you'd disappeared. He blinked at your grandmother, confused, who beckoned him closer and he stole the seat you'd sat in and leaned closer to her. "That girl is just head over heels for you, know it?" She smiled kindly. Part of him wanted to ask if she was sure, not feeling like it was possible, but the other part of him knew that was the wrong choice. "I haven't told her yet, but my sickness has gotten worse," she confessed, looking past him, following the path you'd taken. "I won't have another birthday party, this is my last one. We wanted to make it special."
"W-With all due respect, ma'am," Shoji swallowed hard, shifting nervously in his seat. "Why are you telling me this instead of her?"
"I just wanted you to know you have my blessing." The old woman smiled, brighter than she had before, cradling one of his hands in her withered ones. "I'm content knowing my little girl is in good hands." She laughed. "And she can be a handful, but from the looks of it, I'd say youve got enough hands for the job."
Suddenly, this all felt heinous. How could he lie to this woman after she confessed to being on her last bit of time on Earth? He had to come clean. "M-Ma'am, there's something you don't know..."
"You aren't actually together, I know." she finished his thought for him.
"How did you...?"
"Some call it telepathy, I call it an old woman's intuition." She chuckled heartily. "But I'm not worried, I can see you care very deeply for my granddaughter, don't you, Mezo?"
He froze hearing his first name while knowing for a fact you hadn't introduced his full name when you came in. Obviously, the old woman had a mind-reading quirk. He chose to ignore it in favor of the bigger picture. "I-I..." he stammered, unsure of what the answer truly was.
"Only someone who cares would put themselves in the predicament you're in, am I right?" she rationed with a knowing smile as she sipped a cup of tea.
"I guess that makes sense..." Shoji finally admitted. "I guess I've always liked her a little bit, but I never really thought I had a shot."
"You've got more than a shot, son." She finally said. "You've got a guaranteed bullseye. Now just promise me one thing and I'll let you go."
"What's that?"
A tear slipped down the woman's wrinkled face. "Take care of my baby."
"I will," he lunged forward, enveloping her in a hug. "I promise."
Part I
Part II
Part III
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lacontroller1991 · 2 months
Just Another Sunday (Ernest Lawrence x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || Misc Master List
Author's Note: This started as a dream and was intending to be a very smutty fic, but It took a turn and now it's pure angst so beware
WARNING: 18+ HEAVY MENTION OF MISCARRIAGE (PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE Do NOT read if this subject is emotional/personal) , loss of child, feelings of isolation, Ernest is kind of a dick in this fr fr, lots of emotions, lots of petty arguing, passive aggressive-ness, nausea, drinking, smoking, language
Word Count: 2.4k
Author's Note 2.0: This is Josh Hartnett's version <3
Sundays at the Oppenheimers. It’s become a weekly thing for you and Ernest to go over to his friend’s house for a brunch, especially since it’s hit spring and the trees are blooming. Today is no different. Except for the fact that you and Ernest are fighting. 
The car rolls to a stop and Ernest shuts off the engine, the inside falling deadly silent as you grip the bottle of wine and stare out the window. It’s rare that you and him fight. Ernest is mild tempered and you’re easy going, but when he gets on to something, it's either his way or the highway, and he will push for what he wants. But this time, you can’t give him what he wants. 
He lets out a sigh, unbuckling his lap belt before looking at you but you ignore him, “let’s try to be pleasant,” he opens the door and steps out, rounding the car before opening your door. Looking up at him through your lashes, you give in, stepping out carefully before he shuts the door. The two of you walk side by side, hands glued to your bodies as you near the door. You can do this, just avoid talking about children. 
The door opens, revealing Kitty with a martini in her hand. “You guys are late.” Ernest shrugs his shoulders, stepping inside and kneeling down to swoop up Toni into his arms as the toddler giggles.
“Sorry, someone couldn’t pick out an outfit,” he comments, using one hand to tickle the toddler as you step inside the house, setting the wine on the stand. 
“Yes, sorry, I had to help him pick out something to wear.”
Your dry response causes Ernest to whip his head towards you, eyebrow raised but he shakes it off, turning his attention back to the child in his arms. “I had to choose something to impress my favorite girl,” he strokes Toni’s hair who smiles and reaches to play with his glasses while Kitty raises an eyebrow in amusement at the obvious tension.
“Well, you can have her. I need a break.” Kitty offers you the rest of her drink and you down it immediately before Ernest can see. “Rob’s in the kitchen.” Ernest nods, walking off with Toni and leaving you alone with Kitty. “What the hell is that about?” 
Rolling your eyes, you take out a cigarette and pass one to Kitty before lighting both of yours. Kitty and you have an interesting relationship. You aren’t close friends per say, but you understand each other more than other women do and she’s the only one currently in your corner. “Ernest is on his campaign about having kids again. He doesn’t seem to believe that I can’t and he won’t take no for an answer.”
“Lost another one?” She asks softly, huffing her cigarette as you hang your head.
“Number 4.” Kitty’s eyes fill with pity but you shake your head in denial. “He doesn’t know. You know how he is. He’ll beat himself up and it won’t be good for either of us so it’s better that he doesn’t know, for now at least. Don’t get me wrong, I love Ernest to death and I want nothing more than to have a child with him, but I can’t. They never seem to stick,” Kitty pulls you into a hug and you hug back, glad to get it off your chest. You don’t know why you keep losing the pregnancy. You find out you’re pregnant and you want to tell Ernest, but when you get around to it, the child is already gone. It makes you feel awful and you can’t imagine what Ernest would say if he found out. Pulling away from you, Kitty rubs your arms in comfort and gestures her head toward the glass door. 
“Why don’t we go outside?” You nod your head as she leads you through the doors to the patio where the table is already set. “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll grab two more martinis.” She rushes away as you look out from the porch. The trees provide some shade as they lightly move with the breeze, occasionally letting sunlight seep through the new leaves while Berkeley lays underneath.
Sighing, you close your eyes for a moment, letting the smell of linen invade your senses. It’s moments like these where you don’t mind California. 
“Berkeley sure is a pretty sight,” Robert comments from beside you, startling you as you jump with a yelp while he laughs, two drinks in hand. Once you calm down, he slides one over to you. “Ernest sure does seem wound up.”
“He is.” Robert wants to comment, but instead he tries to silently urge you along. Giving in, you take the drink from him and take a sip before turning to him. “He wants children, but I’m having issues and he’s just been a huge jerk about it,” you reply, taking another sip as you watch him play with Toni and Peter on the floor, the older child tackling the professor to the floor while the dog wags his tail, wanting to join in. “He’s being passive aggressive about it. Like look at him.” Robert turns to look at your husband, tossing Peter up in the air and catching him with ease. “When has he ever done that?”
“You have a point. Does he know about your issues?”
“Partially. He knows some of the issues but not all.” Letting out a sigh of frustration, you take another sip of the martini and scrunch your face. “Why do you make these so strong?” Oppenheimer almost responds but Kitty walks through the doors with trays of food. 
“Ernest, lunch.” Hearing his name being called, he gets off the floor and straightens himself out before walking out the door, a smile on his face as he sits across from you. 
“Shall we eat?”
The lunch goes by relatively quickly as the food disappears from their plates. Ernest and Robert talk about physics and Kitty pretends to be interested while you poke your food, your sense of appetite being lower than normal. Letting out a soft sigh, you set down your fork causing Kitty to look at you, eyeing your plate of food.
“Did you not like something?” This gains Ernest’s and Robert’s attention as they turn to you to spot that your plate of food is still relatively full.  
“Oh it was good as always, I guess I’m just not as hungry as I thought I was,” it’s partially true. You definitely put in more than you thought you could eat, but at the same time the bouts of occasional nausea didn’t make it appealing. 
“Y’know, you haven’t been eating much lately. Are you feeling alright? Is your stomach okay?” You know what Ernest is really asking. Could you be pregnant? The answer is never what he wants.
“I’m fine. Just not hungry,” you smile behind your lie and you can tell he doesn’t buy it.
Sensing the tension, Kitty stand up and grabs some plates. “Right, well we can pack you up some to take home. I need to feed the kiddos though,” at the mention of kids, Ernest hops up and takes the plates from Kitty.
“No need, I can do that. Gotta learn somehow for when we have kids.” He smiles as if he’s being friendly but he’s not. He’s being passive aggressive and you know it.
“Ernest.” It's terse and it causes Kitty to back away from the two of you and hover near Robert. The two share a glance in concern as they watch the scene unfold. 
“You know what.” Setting down the plates, Ernest turns to you, placing his hands on his hips.
“When we have children, and we will, we need to know how to feed them.”
“We will cross that bridge when we get there.”
“Then hurry up so we can cross it. Let’s have a kid.” Your heart is hammering in your chest and the outside is quiet, not even birds are chirping. The silence is so deafening that you could hear a pen dropping from a mile away. Tears prickle at the corner of your eyes in frustration and embarrassment. This is not a conversation that needs to be in front of your friends. Abruptly standing up, you toss the napkin onto the table and brush past him into the house, making a beeline for the guest bedroom and shutting the door, collapsing onto the bed as sobs wrack your body. 
Grabbing the plates, Kitty stops in front of Ernest with a hint of anger in her eyes. “You can be an ass Lawrence.” The words stun Ernest as he stands on the patio. Robert walks up to him and pats him on the shoulder, causing the taller man to look down at the theoretician.
“Go to her, but don’t talk. Listen. Let her talk.” Robert walks away and lights his pipe leaving Ernest alone. What has gotten into her?
Following where you went, Ernest stops in front of the door before hesitantly knocking it and stepping inside, not giving you time to protest. “Honey?”
“Go away.” His heart melts at seeing you curled in on yourself, your head laying on a pillow as tears stream down your face. Sighing, he sits on the edge of the bed by your legs and lays a hand on your thigh, but you make no movement to remove it. If anything, it’s the most comfort you’ve felt from him. 
“What’s going on? Why are you behaving like this?”
“Ernest, what do you not get? I can’t have children.”
“Sure you can.” You would throw a pillow at him due to his naiveness but you decide against it.
“No. I can’t,” he begins to open his mouth but you quickly cover it with your hand. Closing his mouth, you remove your hand and run it through your hair. “I haven’t been completely honest with you. I’ve been pregnant, and I’m not infertile.”
“What?” He waits for a punchline, but the silence says everything and he’s trying to keep his anger in check. How long have you been lying to him? Why have you not told him you’ve been pregnant? Closing his eyes, he lets out a deep focused breath as his fists clench, not bothering to look at you. “Then what the hell has been the issue? Why are we not having children? Are you pregnant right now? We have been trying for months, almost a year now. Why do we not have any?” A lump in your throat forms as a wave of nausea takes over. 
“They’re not catching.” Your voice is soft as you sniffle, clutching your stomach protectively as he furrows his brows in confusion, turning to you.
“What do you mean they’re not catching?”
“I keep losing them.” Ernest’s heart drops and he feels like a piece of shit. He’s been treating you like shit for not giving him a child but you’ve been trying. How could he not have known? Why have you never told him? What do you mean by ‘them’? 
Swallowing back bile in his throat, he stands up and paces the room, one hand on his hip and one in his hair, messing up his neatly parted blonde locks. “How many?”
“Shit.” He paces while he thinks. What on Earth would have caused you to lose four children? Why didn’t you tell him? How could you be doing this all alone? How must you be feeling? The thought of you suffering by yourself for all that wrenches Ernest’s heart. He can’t imagine you going through that alone and it hurts him more than not having a child that you couldn’t go to him. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want you to worry. You’ve been so busy lately and I don’t want it to interfere with your work.” You sniffle in response, wiping your eyes as his softens. Walking around the bed, he lays on top and pulls you into his arms, letting your head rest against his chest. 
“Oh baby, I’m so so sorry. I’m so sorry that you had to go through that all alone.” He presses a soft kiss against the crown of your head while you clutch onto his clothes, tears slipping out of your eyes.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want to disrupt your work.” He shakes his head in response.
“You’re more important to me than my research. My work would have waited. I should’ve been there for you.” He holds you close for what felt like forever, still trying to wrap his mind around the whole situation. “What do you think has been causing the losses?”
“I talked to John because I had a sneaking suspicion of what was causing it and according to him doses of radiation can contribute to miscarriages.” If his heart wasn’t in his stomach before, it sure is now. 
“You’re done working in the lab.”
“No buts. If it’s putting you in danger, I will not allow it. You can still help me with research but you will not go near the lab. If it’s causing you to miscarry then who knows what else it could be doing and I will not allow you to die because of something I made. Do you understand?”
You really don’t want to fight with him. Not after you’ve been fighting for weeks at this point. “I do.” You continue to lay there for a few minutes in his arms as you and him enjoy each other’s company, finally at peace with each other. A knock on the door causes both of your heads to whip up. “Who is it?”
“It’s Kitty. Are you guys ok in there?”
“Yeah we’re fine,” Ernest replies, gently moving you off him as he gets up and fixes the bed. “We should probably leave and continue this at home.” Smiling softly, you wipe away any remaining tears as you walk to him. Reaching up your hand, you thread your fingers through his soft hair and pull him down, your lips brushing against his.
Grabbing your waist, Ernest greedily draws you in, all of the tensions melting away as he kisses you. Moaning into the kiss, you wrap your arms around his shoulders and keep him close, feeling a slight poking below his belt and it causes you to break away. “Ernest you can’t be serious.”
“I am, which is why we should get home,” he goes back to kissing you but you pull away again, a smile on your face. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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zielonaherbatalover · 11 months
♡: pati's randomized the sims 4 generations challenge
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♡: welcome to my own the sims 4 generations challenge. everything here was randomized either by using random number generator, random color generator or picker wheels. this challenge requires most of the packs, so if you dont own any of the packs that are added to the rules, you can pick your own rule (for example, if you dont own journey to batuu and you have to go on vacation to batuu, you can choose a different vacation world). you also have to build a graveyard, it can be in the lot your sims live on or a different lot, but in the same city, you currently are on. ♡: KEY BEFORE WE START — HAVE TO: rules you have to follow — CAN: are the rules you can do, but you can also skip if you don't want to do certain things — CAN'T: are the things that you cannot do. if you accidentally do one of the forbidden things, you fail the whole challenge — COLOR THEME: these are the colors you have to use as primary colors in your sims' outfits and houses
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GENERATION: 1 — your color theme is: green, pink and blue — you have to start the game in the fall season — your aspiration must be from the ‘food’ category — you have to enroll in university — must live in: copperdale for: 4 generations — you cant go on vacation in this generation — you have to have 3 children — you cant own a cat — you cant own a dog — you cant own a horse — your sim cant be an occult — you cant marry an occult — you have to have a wedding at a wedding venue
GENERATION: 2 — your color theme is: purple, mint & teal — your sim chosen dosent have to max any skills as a toddler — as a child, you have to fulfill the rambuctious scamp aspiration — your aspiration must be from the ‘popularity’ category — you have to enroll in university — you cant go on vacation — you have to have 4 children — you cant adopt — you cant marry an occult — you cant own a cat — you cant own a dog — you have to own a horse — you have to have a wedding at a wedding venue
GENERATION : 3 — your color theme is: teal, pink & purple/gray — as a child, you have to fulfill the whiz kid aspiration — your aspiration must be from the ‘wellness’ category (if you dont have spa day - 'location') — you have to max out a skill, which will be: herbalism — you cant go on vacation — you have to have 5 children — you can adopt — you can marry an occult — you have to own a cat — you cant own a dog — you cant own a horse (which means that the horse from the previous generation has to be moved to a separate household with your chosen sims siblings) — you have to enroll in university — you have to have a quiet wedding
GENERATION : 4 — this is the last generation where you will be living in copperdale — your color theme is: purple (again), green and mint — you have to max out at least 1 toddler skill — as a child, you have to fulfill the social butterfly aspiration — you have to fulfill an aspiration from the ‘location’ category — you have to go on vacation to: batuu — you have to enroll in university (as usual atp) — you have to have 3 children — you cant adopt — you cant marry an occult — you have to own a cat (can be from the previous generation) — you cant own a dog — you cant own a horse — you have to create a vet clinic/retail shop/restaurant (which will be open till the end, you cant sell it) — you have to have a wedding at a wedding venue
GENERATION : 5 — you have to live in: henford-on-bagley for next 4 generations (up till 8th generation) — your color theme is: purple (…) and blue — you have to work as an paranormal investigator (if you dont have the kit, you can choose a different freelance career) — you have to max out 2 skills: writing & handiness — as a child, you have to fulfill the social butterfly aspiration — you have to fulfill an aspiration from the ‘wellness’ category (if you don’t have spa day you have to do fortune) — you cant enroll in university — you cant go on vacation — you cant do gardening — you have to have 3 children — you cant adopt — you have to marry an occult — you cant own a cat — you have to own a dog — you have to own a horse — you have to complete a collection — you have to have a quiet wedding
GENERATION : 6 — your color theme is: green, pink and red — you have to max out 2 skills as a toddler — as a child you have to fulfill the wiz kid aspiration — you have to fulfill an aspiration from the ‘nature’ category — you can enroll in university (if you dont want to, you dont have to) — you can go on vacation to mt komorebi — you cant do: wellness and programming — you have to max out mixology — you have to have 5 kids — you can adopt — you have to become a werewolf — you have to marry an occult — you can own a cat — you can own a dog — you can own a horse — you can complete a new collection — you have to get to sixam — you have to befriend 4 magicians — you have to have a quiet wedding — you have to have a divorce
GENERATION : 7 — your color theme is: grey, red and mint — you have to max out 3 skills as a toddler — as a child you have to fulfill the artistic aspiration — you have to become a scout as a child — you have to fulfill an aspiration from the ‘animal’ category — you cant enroll in university — you cant go on vacation — you have to become an engineer - computer engineer branch — you have to max out painting — you cant do: riding — you have to have 1 kid — you can adopt — you can’t marry an occult — you can’t own a cat — you can own a dog — you can’t own a horse — you have to take part in the farming competition in henford-on-bagley — you have to get a money tree — you have to have a wedding at your house
GENERATION : 8 — your color theme is: peach, teal & light blue — you have to max out all skills as a toddler — as a child, you have to fulfill the social butterfly aspiration — you have to fulfill an aspiration from the ‘family’ category — you have to enroll in foxburg university — you cant go on vacation — you have to become a paranormal investigator, then quit the job and become a gardener - floral designer branch — you have to max out logic and handiness — you can’t do: any instrument related skills — you have to have 2 kids — you can adopt — you can’t become an occult — you can’t marry an occult — you have to visit the secret cave in oasis springs — you can own a cat — you have to own a dog — you have to own a horse — you have to prepare 20 perfect bottles of nectar — you have to have a wedding at a wedding venue in copperdale
GENERATION : 9 — you have to live in moonwood mill till the end — your color theme is: mint, yellow and blue — you can’t max out any skills as a toddler — as a child, you have to fulfill the artistic aspiration — you have to fulfill an aspiration from the ‘knowledge’ category — you can enroll in university — you can go on vacation to selvadorada — you have to become a law worker - private attorney branch — you can’t do: handiness — you have to become an at least 4 star celebrity — you have to have 3 kids — you can adopt — you can’t marry an occult — you have to own a cat — you cant own a dog — you cant own a horse — you have to plant a cowplant — you have to have a hedgehog (my first pet stuff) — you can’t have a wedding — you have to go on a date with 4 sims
GENERATION : 10 — your color theme is: grey, teal and blue — you have to max out 2 skills as a toddler — as a child, you have to fulfill the artistic aspiration — you have to fulfill an aspiration from the ‘nature’ category — you have to enroll in foxburg university — you have to go on vacation to granite falls — you have to max out rock climbing — you cant do: fitness — you have to be an educator - professor branch — you can’t interact with occult sims — you have to get married 3 times — you have to have 3 kids — you can’t marry an occult sim — you cant own a cat — you cant own a dog — you have to own a horse — you have to create a club — your first wedding has to be a quiet one — your second wedding has to be at a wedding venue in evergreen harbor — your last wedding has to be a home one
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good luck with the challenge ^^ ~ pati
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lynzishell · 9 months
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Phoenix really is in his element while snowboarding. So, let's let him have a much needed day of fun while we visit the legacy challenge requirements. That's right, for those who may have forgotten, Phoenix is my founder for the Star Sign Legacy Challenge.
Here's our progress so far for Generation One - Aries:
🏂Reach at least Level 3 of the Extreme Sports Enthusiast Aspiration (Optional: Complete Aspiration) – Currently 2/4
🏂Reach at least level 7 of the Politics Career (Optional: Reach Level 10) – Currently Level 6 (for purposes of the story, he's lower. now that he needs to secure votes, I can control it more in game until the story catches up)
🏂Master any extreme sport (Optional: Master all extreme sports) – Current skills: Snowboarding - Level 7 Rock Climbing - Level 4 Skiing - Level 0
🏂Optional: Have the adrenaline seeker lifestyle – In progress
🏂Have at least 2 tattoos – 2/2
🏂Dye your hair a bright color at least twice in your YA life – 0/2 (not confident I'll meet this requirement. I just don't see this for Phoenix, but we'll see)
🏂Never go down without a fight – If anyone is negative toward you first, you must use at least 3 mean or mischievous actions straight away – So far so good (may have gone too far with Malcolm... naaahh)
🏂Any partner must be a good friend before you start romancing them – So far so good
🏂Never cheat on a partner – So far so good
🏂You must never initiate a breakup or divorce, but your partner can if it fits the story – so far so good
🏂Get pregnant/get someone pregnant from public woohoo – Future
🏂Optional: Woohoo in 5 different locations (outside the house) – 0/5 (sim spice posts are on the horizon - fair warning)
🏂When your first born is a toddler, adopt a puppy. When this dog becomes an elder, adopt another puppy. Keep repeating this so your child(ren) always have at least 2 dogs in the house. – Future
🏂Optional: Make sure you have enough household funds to give your heir 30k when they move out – Future
🏂Optional: Give child(ren) winter themed names – Future (I’ll need suggestions)
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Trevor Zegras x reader
synopsis; reader has struggled with self harm since high school, and in the face of a relapse, Trevor supports them with everything he has. based off of the bridge mostly, the ten months sober, i must admit, just because your clean don’t mean you don’t miss it section specifically. fun fact. i cannot listen to this song without crying 💪😔
a/n; this is for all my bitches who have struggled with s/h in the past or are currently, i love you all and i’ve been there, it does get better. please tell someone. please at least find an outlet for that anger. it’s hard. please please please help yourself. you will thank yourself later for letting you find yourself.
warnings; self harm, mentions of trauma, daddy issues (same💪💪), mentions unsupportive family, established relationship, flashbacks are in italics unless it’s a highlighted word, y’all know how to read fics
HEY! IF YOU ARE DEALING WITH SOMETHING THAT INVOLVES SUICIDE OR SELF HARM PLEASE TALK TO SOMEONE ABOUT IT. I know it seems hard, but you will find help and hope. I love each and every one of you. i know where you are, and you will feel better once you tell someone trusted.
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You don’t know what it was that brought you back to that day.
One second you were enjoying your boyfriend’s current hockey game, the next you were in the bathroom staring at yourself in the mirror. Waiting. For what, you didn’t know. Something. Anything. To set you off. To have it begin again. All the words. The scars.
The scars.
They were like physical reminders of all the things he used to say to you. All the “you’ll never be good enough”s and the “why are you the way you are?”s. Even the little things, anytime he told you to settle down, shut up, sit still. You used to bite your nails, but your dad thought that was an issue too.
“Stop chewing your nails, you look like a toddler. Immature and stupid. Wouldn’t be a stretch.” he mumbled the last part, but you heard. Loud and clear.
“I’m going to trevor’s.” You raced to the kitchen table to grab your bag and hurried to Trevor’s house.
You knocked on the door and texted him to let you in. It was around 8:00. You were 17.
He opened the door to see tears welling in your glassy eyes.
“What do you need?”
“Can I just, stay here? For the night?”
“Yeah, we were just about to watch a movie. I’ll ask my mom to let you choose.” He brought his arm over your shoulders and closed his front door.
“Hi cutie! Are you alright?” Julie brought her hand to your face in a greeting as you nodded as enthusiastically as you could.
“What did you want to watch?” she immediately caught Trevor’s gaze and grabbed the remote.
“Mamma Mia?” you suggested. It was summer and you had been aching for a Zegras family movie night.
Julie nodded curtly and selected the DVD from the shelf in their living room.
“Hey kiddo. Popcorn?” Gary sat down and passed you the bowl.
“Thank you, Mr. Trevor’s dad.” You’d called him that since you were little and you didn’t know his name. You practically inhaled the handful and turned to your left to see Ava and Griffin in the kitchen.
“Y/n!” Ava rushed to the couch and immediately wedged herself between you and Trevor. His hand still lingered behind you heads as he rubbed small circles into your shoulder.
That was before it all happened.
Every little comment was like a new open wound. A new knife to slice your self esteem. Everything made it so much worse.
Trevor knew about all of the shit your father put you through. He was always there. At school, when he let you stay the night, sneaking out to go get ice cream when either you or him were grounded, he was your person.
When he moved in with Jack, you moved with him, against your father’s wishes. He disowned you on your birthday over the phone, and Trevor and the Hughes were there for you.
All of this brought you back to your bathroom mirror, and the reflection staring through it.
You looked at your wrists and hands in the mirror. The lines. Creases of melancholy seared into your tired veins.
You glanced at your razor on the glass shelf next to the mirror.
Ten months sober, I must admit
Just because you're clean, don't mean you don't miss it
“I’m home babe!” Trevor called to you from the kitchen, you were assuming.
How long had you been in here?
“Bathroom,” your voice tried to reach him, but failed as it cracked and turned thin.
Your frail voice must have given you away, as immediately after you heard fast footsteps up the hall as Trevor swung the door open, but not in a hurried manner. He examined the counter and you.
“Don’t do it. It’s not worth it, not after you’ve made this much progress.” He enveloped you in a hug and you couldn’t help but crumble into him. Your t-shirt slowly began creeping up as Trevor’s hands traced circles up your back.
“Why did he do it Trev? I haven’t spoken to the man in years and he still haunts me.”
“He’s not here, that’s all that matters. And i’m here, pretty girl. I’ve always got you.” he kissed the crook of your neck lightly as he tapped your hip to signal for you to stand up fully. His arms still wrapped around you, he whispered to the air between you,
“Jump.” but there was nothing romantic about his tone. He was ever sweet and caring in your moments of need.
You wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you to your shared bedroom. He sat you down on the edge of the bed and nudged your arm up to help you take your tear stained shirt off.
There was nothing sexual about his actions, just you and him. In that moment. A necessary action for the both of you.
Once you were changed into a more comfortable shirt, and Trevor changed out of his game day suit, the two of you laid under the covers, holding each other in exhaustion and love. You had nothing but the latter for him. Love.
Ten months older, I won't give in
Now that I'm clean, I'm never gonna risk it
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mariaofdoranelle · 1 year
Where Do We Stand?
A oneshot inside the Look At Us Now AU
Written for Rowaelin Month day 6: Rowaelin
This happens around a year and a half before where the current story starts! I wrote it for this event so it can be read even if you don’t know the AU 🫶
Also I wrote half of this in bed on my phone because I’m having a labyrinthitis crisis please be nice to me and my fic with very little editing
Warnings: mild (?) smut, language, a destroyed house, a toddler (Maisie’s on FIRE)
Word count: 3,8k
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In and out. In and out.
Sam’s face was scrunched up in concentration, holding Aelin’s hip as he rode her.
It was not the best sex she’d ever had, but it was some sex, which was better than nothing.
He was panting. “How do you like that, babe?”
“Oh… yes. So good,” Aelin praised. Her chest felt a little tight as she not lied, but emphasized her enthusiasm. Sam was trying, but sex with him was… well, it was vanilla.
He fucked her gently, choked her weirdly, had thin moans, and spanked her a little too softly. At least she came every time. Even if it wasn’t mind-blowing, it was still a win.
Sam stopped when Aelin’s phone started ringing.
She grabbed it from his nightstand with one swift motion and—
Sam ground his teeth together. “Are you going to take it?”
“It could be anything from a lost toy to a house fire,” she explained while swiping to answer the phone.
“Hey. Are you busy?”
She quickly glanced at Sam, phone tightly clutched to her ear. “Kinda.”
She could hear his sigh from the other side of the phone. “Lorcan’s busy, and Sellene’s out of town—”
“Spill, Rowan.”
When he hurriedly told her what happened, Aelin’s only reaction was to tell him she’d be there in a few and hang up the phone.
Sam didn’t protest, but he didn’t look happy either. Aelin winced when he pulled out. Gods, she didn’t even remember he was still inside her.
“Is she alright?”
“Not a house fire, thank Mala.”
“Are you sure you need to go?” He asked with a cautious, uncertain tone.
Aelin sighed. “She’s a toddler, Sam. I can be needed for a lot of things that aren’t life-threatening.”
He nodded. “I could go with you. Be an extra set of hands.”
She suppressed a grimace. “In the middle of a toddler crisis?”
“You told me it wasn’t an emergency.”
Aelin knew what he was tiptoeing around, and she didn’t have time for this conversation again. The one about taking the next step in their relationship and introducing him to Maisie.
Sam was a good guy. He was kind, and had a stable career as a heart doctor. Everyone at the hospital liked him—including pediatric patients.
Aelin didn’t know why she balked every time Sam asked to become official. 
It was the next step for them. And Aelin wanted to take it, but she wouldn’t do it until that weird feeling on her chest eased when she considered it. She wouldn’t introduce anyone into Maisie’s life until being completely certain of it.
“Are you coming back after?” He whispered on her ear, hands on her hips after they got dressed.
“I don’t know. Probably not,” Aelin said, and she meant it.
She gave him a quick kiss on the lips and hurried to Rowan’s place.
Earlier that day
It was a bit past 5 am when Rowan came to terms with the fact that Maisie would not fall asleep again.
His daughter’s last molar teeth were coming out, and he didn’t know if he felt more frustrated or relieved.
They were late, and Rowan didn’t know why. He searched online, talked about it with Aelin, took Maisie to the dentist, and the only answer we got was that he was supposed to wait.
Was it a vitamin thing? Lack of calcium? What would happen if she grew up without molar teeth? What if her teeth came out, but something was wrong with it? Couldn’t they check them with a X-ray? What if they wouldn’t come out until something else was fixed? Was this a sign of some bigger disease?
Rowan was almost losing his mind until Maisie’s gums got way too swollen to not be teething. He finally relaxed, getting this weight off his shoulders, until he remembered in the worst way the nightmare that teething was.
More specifically in her case, the irritability and sleepless nights that led to more irritability.
“I DON’T LIKE GIRLED CHEESE,” his daughter screamed at the top of her lungs, crying when he told her he’d make grilled cheese for breakfast.
Maisie loved grilled cheese.
Rowan returned the bread to its container and sighed.
“Cereal, then?”
“My tummy hurts.” She eyed him warily. “I need to go to the pool to feel better.”
Rowan forced the corners of his lips to not tug up. If Maisie sees him smile at this, she’d remember she has him wrapped around her little finger, and Rowan would lose his chance of bargaining with her.
“We can’t leave the house if you don’t eat breakfast, Mais.”
When his daughter’s lips started wobbling, Rowan knew he needed to think fast. He already had a headache from not sleeping, he’d do anything to avoid a tantrum now.
None of his offers worked, though. She trashed and screamed and cried, only stopping when he said he’d take her to the pool and buy her a popsicle there if she ate her breakfast.
After making Maisie’s grilled cheese and an unholy amount of coffee for himself, he called Lorcan.
“What,” his friend greeted, cheerful as ever.
“I’m taking Maisie to the pool. Wanna come with Charlie?”
Rowan and Lorcan weren’t the most talkative duo, but they hung out a lot because they were neighbors with kids around the same age. Well, they used to be friends before the kids too, but now it seemed like the only thing they talked about was potty training and tricks to minimize picky eating.
“Sorry man, we have a thing with Ellie’s parents. Next week?”
“Yeah, sure.”
He hung up the phone and made a mental note to pack more pool toys, since they were going alone this time.
Rowan turned to Maisie, rubbing his face to focus on her.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I do like girled cheese.”
“That’s great, Mais.” He put a smile on, but it came out faint. Even the muscles on his face were feeling heavy.
The pool was actually a great idea. His goal was to get his daughter worked up so she’d feel tired enough to sleep the whole night through. He had no idea why he didn’t think of that before.
Rowan got the table closest to the children’s pool and bought her promised popsicle. She was eating it next to him when she saw a man with low stature pass by them, holding a girl’s hand.
“OH NO!” Maisie boomed and pointed, voice ringing. “That little girl only has a tiny little daddy!”
Rowan’s eyes widened, his blood rushing into his cheeks. Gods, he had no words for his daughter sometimes.
The man hurried his steps, not giving them a chance to apologize.
“Maisie Whitethorn,” he chastised, tone low and firm. “You cannot call other people tiny, you hear me?”
He regretted the way he’d said it the moment her eyes watered and she started weeping.
Rowan sighed, running a hand through his hair. He placed Maisie on his lap and hang his head low while he soothed her. He was so fucking tired. He didn’t mean to make her cry. Again.
Rowan stayed at the table when Maisie decided it was time to jump into the pool. Sellene once told him Aelin’s great at introducing herself to people so their daughter could make quick friends to play with, and watching Maisie play alone in the pool sent a pang through his chest.
Rowan wasn’t very sociable or charismatic, and he never missed those things either, except when it came to his daughter. Truth was, he didn’t even know how to do that. Should he introduce himself to the kids? That would be creepy. Ask the parents if his daughter could play? Better than the first option, but it sounded awkward.
Maisie seemed happy with the water toys, though. He’d do the awkward thing if she starts to look bored.
The head that rested on his hand began to feel a little too heavy, as much as his eyes. He could feel his eyelids closing, slowly—
Rowan jerked upright. What the fuck? He shouldn’t blink an eye while his daughter was surrounded by strangers like this.
He got up, splashed a handful of water from the pool on his face, and tried to keep himself awake by reading a book about potty training he bought yesterday. The worst part had gone by, but Maisie still struggled—
“DADDY!” His daughter called him, grinning.
Rowan smiled back. It was good to see his daughter this happy after the morning they had.
“What, Mais?”
She giggled before shouting, “MY POO IS SWIMMING!”
Following the direction she pointed, indeed, there was a blob of poop floating around the pool.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
In the blink of an eye, Rowan grabbed the plastic bag that came with the book he bought, jumped at the children’s pool and seized his daughter’s poop.
He held the plastic bag with one hand and Maisie’s with another while he went away, but his daughter would not leave the pool without a fight. As if the horrified looks from everyone weren’t enough. God, had they never seen a toddler being gross before?
“We’re leaving, Mais.”
“But why?” She whined.
“Come on.” He tugged at her hand.
Maisie whimpered. “Is it because of my poo?”
“Yes,” he gritted out.
She cried harder.
And on the way home. And when they were arriving home and she calmed down, they went back to square one because of fucking bath time.
“Why do I need a bath?”
Rowan took a deep breath. “Why do you think you need a bath?”
“NO!” His toddler shouted. “I DON’T WANNA THINK!”
He crouched so he’d be around Maisie’s height. “You need to shower because you went to the pool. And pooped in it.”
“I didn’t want to leave the pool!” She argued, lips wobbling while the first tears started to shed.
Rowan loved his daughter. So, so much. He would not snap at Maisie. He would not snap at Maisie. He took a deep breath.
“I know, honey, but we had to.”
“YOU’RE MEAN!” His daughter yelled. “I was happy, and you made all my happy feelings go kaboom!”
After many, many attempts of him trying to reason with a three-year-old, Rowan managed to give his daughter a shower. Maisie did cry because she wanted her mother and screamed bloody murder when it was time to rinse her hair, but they made it out alive.
Bath time had been an issue lately. Aelin liked to make a fucking show while bathing Maisie, with singing and stories and practically performing a puppet show with her toys, and their daughter loved it. The only problem was when she expected Rowan to do the same. No matter how hard he tried, he’d never get the voices or the story—or anything, really—right.
Lunch was as bad as the rest of the day. She cried because the meatballs were too big. Then she cried because she couldn’t cut them herself. So Rowan cut them for her, and she cried more because she decided she wanted the meatballs whole, not cut.
Rowan really wanted to call Aelin and ask her if Maisie was this moody yesterday too, but stopped himself. He didn’t have the mental strength to deal with Aelin Galathynius now.
And you know what? Fuck limited screen time. After lunch, Rowan turned the TV on a low-stimulating show, set Maisie on her little play mat with all the closest toys he could find and decided he’d rest on the couch until he felt like himself again.
He would do whatever the hell Maisie wanted now. Happy toddler means happy dad, and that would be enough for the rest of the day.
This children’s show… it’s really soothing, isn’t it? Rowan could feel his eyes dropping, his limbs relaxing…
Nope. No lying on the couch for him. Bad, bad idea. He got into a seating position and rolled his shoulders back. What was up with him today? Rowan was a drill instructor. He not only knew how to live under the hardest situations, he taught people how to do that.
If he survived the military, he could survive a toddler.
Rowan jolted awake with his daughter’s screams.
He jumped from the couch and followed the sound of her voice, barely registering that his living room was completely covered in paint—floors, furniture, everything.
He entered the kitchen, immediately slipped on the unusually slippery tiles, and busted his hip. It was definitely going to bruise, but his focus now was sliding on the floor until he could get to Maisie.
His daughter was crying because she tried to climb on a drawer as if she were a house cat. And it obviously fell down with her weight.
He sat on the floor, hushing the little girl and repeating over and over that it’s okay.
He didn’t know if he was soothing Maisie or himself.
It was like a tornado had stormed through his kitchen.
The floor was a mix of soap, flour and cereal. Maisie had opened every singled bottom cabinet he owned and thrown its contents on the floor. She drew a sketch all over her face, and looked so dirty it looked like she had gone through an idiotic Youtube prank. And there also was the drawer she just broke, of course.
Rowan breathed in.
He would not scream at his daughter.
Breathed out.
He shouldn’t have slept.
Breathed in.
It was his fault. She was just a toddler.
Breathed out.
He would not scream at his daughter.
He didn’t want to ask her for help, but he needed someone to keep Maisie on a fucking leash so he could finish cleaning this mess today. Aelin was needed, even if her reaction would be somewhere between her shouting at him and… her shouting at him.
Rowan slowly, very slowly dialed her, resigned to his fate even before the shock passed.
“Hey,” he said when she picked up. “Are you busy?”
Rowan was greeted with a loud cackle when Aelin came in. She immediately picked Maisie up and smacked their daughter with a kiss, not caring that it’d mess her clothes.
He looked around his trashed living room and sighed. “Don’t worry, the kitchen’s worse.”
Aelin’s eyes widened. You are so fucked, she mouthed when their daughter couldn’t see. “And what happened to your face?”
His phone was out of his pocket in a second, and Rowan groaned when he saw the sketch that had become his nose and cheeks. Very close to the dot on the nose and black lines on the cheeks that Maisie had on.
“Tigers!” The little girl giggled, pointing between her face and Rowan’s.
Aelin was trying to look serious now, but she still bumped her kid’s little nose, or the black paint in it. “You did a big mess, you know that, Maisy Daisy? Are you going to help your dad clean that up?”
Maisie frowned.
“Well, we need to,” Aelin continued, already walking into his house with Maisie in her arms to give her a bath. “If we don’t help your dad clean the kitchen, how are we going to have dinner?” She talked to her daughter until the bathroom door was closed, and Rowan couldn’t hear it anymore.
He resumed his work, thanking Mala that Maisie used the washable paint on the living room’s wooden floor. The back porch’s water hose was long enough to reach a bit of the kitchen, which would help him too.
The damage was done, now he just had to scrub. In fact, now that Aelin could look after Maisie, he felt a lot calmer about the situation.
Aelin. The light mood she was in surprised him, and Rowan hoped he hadn’t crashed her plans, given the light-blue sundress—
Rowan stopped, his jaw suddenly tight. The only thing that brought him back was the realization the water coming in a higher speed because he was squeezing the hose too much, making a bit of a mess.
He went back to work, but not without shaking off the fact that he had a good idea where she was at. With whom, actually.
Rowan couldn’t even ask her because he wasn’t supposed to know shit. Their deal was that they only needed to tell before the other introduced their partner to Maisie. But Aelin told Elide, who told Lorcan, who told Rowan about a month ago about this new boy toy of hers.
Just be prepared, Lorcan told him. And Rowan did. He prepared himself for days.
He paced around his house, thinking of the right questions to ask when the time came, and the right way to ask them. Sellene helped him find the guy’s social media. He seemed okay, but would be good enough for Maisie? He doubted it.
Rowan just knew he’d be a shitty step parent.
He posts Live, Laugh, Love Facebook captions. With the wrong capitalization. Is that the kind of example she wants to set for Maisie?
And Rowan wouldn’t even mention that horrendous yellow filter on his pictures.
Those were just facts. As someone who’s Maisie’s parent and close to nothing to Aelin, his opinion was completely unbiased.
He wanted Aelin to be happy. She was his child’s mother, of course he wanted her to be happy.
But not with Cortland.
When the girls came to the kitchen, Aelin decided to reorganize the cabinets and wash the food containers Maisie threw on the floor. They gave the little girl a cloth to wipe a thing or another, but making her ‘clean her own mess’ was more like a moral lesson than anything else. They couldn’t expect much cleaning from a three-year-old.
“You didn’t give your mom a hard time during bath time, right, Mais?”
“We played sumbarine!” The little girl giggled like she hadn’t turned bath time into a nightmare earlier today. Hell, she was lucky she was cute.
Aelin snorted. “She was fine.” A pause. “Rowan, I need to talk to you about something.”
Aelin was going to tell him about Cortland now?
His blood turned to ice, and Rowan’s stomach was rioting against her next words. He ignored it and swallowed down whatever that was, burying it as deep as he could. “Go on.”
“Rowan…” she sighed. “You don’t need to wait until after the worst was happened to ask me to come, you know?”
“No, I don’t.” He frowned, confused. What was she talking about?
Turning to him from the sink, she wiped her hands on her dress and rest her hip against the counter. “Look, I know we have the whole 50/50 schedule figured out, but the timetables aren’t that rigid even in the military.”
Rowan opened his mouth to speak, but Aelin lifted her finger, letting him know she wasn’t done.
“You didn’t sleep a wink the whole night, and you didn’t think of asking me too look after my own daughter while you take a break? Seriously?” She took a deep breath, calming herself, and ran a hand through her hair. “I swear to God, Rowan, you’ll call me literally anytime, except when you actually need me.”
His posture slumped, but he didn’t stop scrubbing. He’d get defensive any other day, but Rowan felt so fucking tired. He didn’t have anything in him to have this conversation now, so he opted for changing the subject.
“Thanks for coming, by the way.”
Her posture relaxed, eyes slowly softening. “Yeah. I saved your—“
Aelin stopped herself before she could say an improper word in front of Maisie. But she did, indeed, save his sorry ass.
“You saved me,” he rephrased her thoughts in a proper way.
“You bet I did,” she quietly said around a small smile.
It took a long time to finish cleaning up, but sooner than he thought, thanks to Aelin. She spent half the time helping him, the other wrangling Maisie so she wouldn’t get in his way. It was exactly what he needed. Besides, something about having his house in perfect order was incredibly soothing. He was still exhausted, but scrubbing his kitchen clean with little to no disturbance helped him calm down.
Now the three of them were eating popcorn while watching a TV because it was the best they could do after this day.
Aelin tapped his shoulder from the other side of the couch.
After being awake the majority of last night, one morning at the pool, one trashed house and trying to interrupt a deep-cleaning session, Maisie Galathynius Whitethorn had finally fallen asleep.
The score was still four to one to teething, but at this exact moment, Rowan felt like he won.
Aelin picked Maisie up from the couch, but apparently her daughter’s sleep wasn’t that deep yet.
“No,” she protested. “More movies.”
Aelin chuckled and whispered, “We can’t watch another movie, Mais.”
Maisie’s head was falling to the side with drowsiness, but she was stubborn as ever. “Can I watch the same movie again?”
“No…” Aelin bumped the little girl’s nose. “But you’re a very smart cookie.”
Maisie frowned. “I’m not a cookie.”
She chuckled. “Sorry, kiddo.”
“Not a kiddo,” the little girl mumbled.
Aelin walked toward their daughter’s bedroom and Rowan sighed, relieved that she didn’t protest. This time.
“You’re not a cookie. You’re not a kiddo,” Aelin said on her way. “What are you, then?”
“I’m a Maisie.”
Rowan couldn’t see them, but he could still hear his daughter’s answer, spoken as softly as the kiss Aelin smacked on the little girl.
His whole body relaxed when he heard quiet footsteps coming back. It’s not like he didn’t want Maisie awake and here with them, he was just exhausted from the day. From the week, actually.
“Is she out?”
Aelin snorted. “Like the dead.” She looked around, not really knowing what do with herself and the weird silence that settled. “Don’t you wanna sleep some too? I can make myself scarce.”
Rowan’s body was, indeed, screaming for some rest. He didn’t know what happened when his mouth blurted the opposite thing.
”I was thinking about another movie.” He scratched the back of his head. “Preferably one that doesn’t involve ballerinas and talking animals.”
That seemed to perk Aelin’s interest up. “Like something with assassins?”
“Or spies.”
“Blood.” He gave a pointed glance to the half-empty popcorn bowl. “And I can make more of these.”
“Good.” She grinned and sat back on the couch, turning the TV on. “I’ll find out what our options are.”
Aelin’s glaze darted back between Rowan and the bowl, silently telling him to rush with the popcorn.
God, how long did he stand there, staring at her?
That day kept getting weirder and weirder. Rowan didn’t want to complain more than he already did, though.
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the-book-gnome · 2 years
A Dream Come True
Word count: 3k
Pairings: Lucien x reader
Warnings: smut, fingering, penitration, p in v, pet names (my love, sweetheart, darling)
Summary: you've been in love with Lucien for awhile now and he finally decides to show you what you've been dreaming of
The house was always more boring without Lucien here. Vassa and Jurian are always in their shared room, doing who knows what, at least they have the decency to stay quiet now. You mostly stayed up in your room, reading or fixing the clothes that they ruin so often.
After the war, you didn’t have anywhere to go, Lucien offered you a place in the house with him, Vassa and Jurian. You accepted and it’s been years since that, you’ve made friends with all of them but Lucien treated you differently than he did the others. Always asking you how you’ve been after he’s gotten back from the night court and kissing your cheek. Lucien takes pleasure in teasing you as well, saying anything that will make you go red. He always took you on walks and spoke to you the whole time. He also speaks to you about elain, which he refused to do with anyone else.
You like that he trusted you with that but at the same time it annoyed you, it makes sense that he hasn’t given up on her but she treats him like a dog and you truly don’t understand why he wastes his time with her, even if they are mates. Maybe that’s just your jealousy talking, but you do believe he deserves someone who loves him.
You were currently in the living room watching Lucien and Jurian bicker like children, they were either talking about hunting or dinner. Typically Lucien hunts since he’s fae but Jurian decided to get all pissy about how he always cooks.
“I just don’t see why these women can’t help, it’s not like they're busy, they just watch us do all the work.” He was very good at whining, it made you want to blow out your eardrums just so you wouldn’t have to hear him complain anymore. If all it takes is cooking dinner you’ll gladly agree to that if it makes him shut up. “I’ll just cook dinner, it's not a big deal.”
“Not, you shouldn’t have to worry yourself with that when Jurian here is perfectly capable of doing it.” Lucien’s voice was firm leaving no room for you to disagree, his gaze softened when he glanced at you, to no surprise Jurian noticed. “Come on man, at this point just get on your knees for her and bow for fucks sake.” He stormed off like a toddler probably going to tell Vassa about the whole argument.
Lucien had a slight smile as he rolled his eyes, he turned around and headed for the door most likely to go and hunt. “Will you be back soon?” Your voice was soft and gentle. “Always love, why don’t you read that book I got for you, I’ll be back before you know it.” He walked back over to you and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his hand grazed your cheek, his breath fanning over your head. He stood back up and went hunting.
You had only ever liked romance novels, the other genres always bored you. Lucien knew that and he made sure to find the perfect books for you to enjoy even if it took him hours. Speaking of hours it had been at least 4 since Lucien went hunting, not that you noticed, too captivated by the massive book in your hands. It wasn’t until your bedroom door opened. You looked up to see Lucien standing there. He always looks so beautiful, his hair pulled back yet a few strands fell loose to frame his face. He wore a cream-coloured shirt and tan pants. His boots were worn but that just added to his sexiness.
Lucien’s smirk grew as he watched your gaze go up and down his body, when your eyes reached his you grew red at the way he was staring at you. “Dinners ready.” His voice was husky and deep, and his eyes showed his cocky attitude but something else as well, you couldn't figure out what it was though. You set the book down making sure to place your bookmark on the page and store it up from your bed. You walked towards the door hoping he’d move out of the way to pass but he stodgy there leaning against the frame with his arms crossed. “Excuse me” it was only a whisper, your cheeks grew redder by the way he was looking at you.
“Like the book?” Ah that’s what this was, he had given you a different type of book, one you are not used to ready, you can’t say you weren’t happy with the surprise though. It was extremely explicit and detailed and often left your panties soaked. You were begging the mother to not let him smell the arousal, it had been at least thirty minutes since that part of the book, and there was no way he could smell it still. He looked like a starved male, you knew for a fact he hadn’t laid with anyone since the mating bond had snapped in place but that was years ago. He was probably just bored and messing with you.
“Yes, I always like the books you get for me, now move so I can go eat, I’m starving.” You pushed him out of the way and sped past him, his husky laugh graced your ears as you went down the stairs to the dining room.
Lucien didn’t say a word to you during dinner, occasionally you caught him staring but he always looked away with a small smirk on his lips. You wanted nothing more than to be done with dinner but every time you said you were leaving Vassa yelled at you to sit down again. She always wanted everyone to eat together since none of you spend too much time together during the days. But once she allowed everyone to leave you sped off to your room and locked the door behind you. A thin layer of sweat is laid upon your skin making you sticky and gross. Deciding a bath would be a nice way to relax you started filling your tub with warm water.
Stepping into the tub, you sat in. you had pulled your hair into a loose bun hoping for it to stay dry. It was so peaceful, the way the water cover your body as the steam rolled off of it. All worries and embarrassments left your mind as you lost yourself to that calm feeling. Drifting off to sleep, every part of you relaxed.
That was until you felt water being squeezed over you from a sponge. You yelled and sat up quickly covering yourself. When you looked behind you there sat Lucien in his beautiful glory. He had no shirt on, his muscles slightly flexed. “Lay back, it would be much harder to wash you if you're sitting like that.” His voice wasn’t much more than a whisper. Heat bloomed on your cheeks. “I’m naked, get out.” You squeaked.
His laugh graced your ears as he watched you with amusement. “Do you think I didn't see anything when I walked in here? Or when I sat down?” You knew he was toying with you but the thought of him seeing you so bare made your embarrassment so much worse. You groaned and hid your head between your knees and chest.
He rested his hand on your shoulder, only adding a little bit of pressure to encourage you but not force you. You let out a sigh and hesitantly let him guide you back into your previous position. You kept your eyes sealed shut, your hands covering your chest. You heard Lucien dip the sponge back into the water and add soap to it, he slowly started rubbing your body in small circles. Moving around your neck and shoulders. He moved down your arms, doing the left one first then the right. He didn’t say a word about your hand placement.
His touch was hot, maybe it was because the air out of the water was cold or perhaps he was using his magic to warm you, either way, you loved it. Each caress felt like it was melting you in all the right ways. You felt two ropes of fire gently move your hands into the water, leaving you bare to his eyes. You held your breath hoping he wouldn’t make some snarky comment, but to your surprise, he continued washing you with no hesitation. As the sponge moved closer to your breasts his hand moved at a slower speed, adding a bit more pressure as well. As the sponge grazed your pebbles nipple you let out a small whimper. The sensation strikes right to the place between your legs.
Lucien placed his other hand on your forehead gently stroking your hair, you parted your lips feeling as if you haven’t been getting enough air. You closed the distance between your legs afraid he might smell your arousal. Your cheeks tinted pink and your eyes were still screwed shut, afraid that if you open them he’ll disappear.
Lucien moved his hand towards your ribs and stomach, he seemed to not pay too much attention to those parts of you and moved down to your legs. He propped your left leg on the edge of the tub, as his hand went lower into the water, his fingers kept brushing your skin. Even with the hot water goosebumps are raised on your skin. His other hand had moved to your ankle keeping it in place.
Your eyes snapped open as his fingers brushed your clit. You shut your legs closed and sat up slightly, “what are you doing” your tone was aggressive, you weren’t in the mood for him to play games with you. “Washing you, what does it look like?” You could hear the amusement in his tone but he kept any signs of a smile off his lips. His gaze was making you breathe harder. “We’ll stop, I never asked for any help.” He let out a sigh and rolled his eyes ignoring you. “Spread your legs for me, sweetheart, I don’t wish for you to be dirty when I fuck you.” His hand moved to open your legs again. His words left you in shock. What was he talking about, before you could ask his hand and the sponge returned to their latest spot.
Lucien didn’t linger his hand there, he quickly moved on to your other leg. Your hands were gripping the sides of the tub, your gaze remained on his face. You had no idea what game he was playing but you were sure it would end in your embarrassment. When he finished washing you, you expected him to get up and leave but instead, he just set the sponge down and put his hand back in the water. Stoking the softness of your thighs. “What are you doing?” You asked breathless, pink tinted your cheeks for what seemed like the hundredth time today. “Shhh, just relax sweetheart.” He whispered soothingly. You kept up the glaring and refused to listen to him. He shook his head and continued.
As Lucien’s fingers grazed your clit again you closed your legs, “I’m not in the mood for your games.” Ropes of fires spread you back open giving him the access that he wants. “Good thing I’m not playing any then.” His voice had grown huskier and you could smell his arousal.
As he added pressure, you closed your eyes and bit your lip careful not to let any noises out. He circled his fingers, pleasure rippled threw you, as his thumb worked your clit his middle finger gently prodded at your hole, slowly sliding his long thick finger into you, he watch your every reaction making sure you were okay. You let out a whimper as his finger curled and hit that sensitive spot inside of you. He started thrusting faster, you were panting and your back was arched. “Gods you look beautiful like this.” He muttered, unable to take his eyes off you.
When he added a second finger you lost it. Pleasure racked threw you, gripping onto the rub you came so hard that your vision went blurry. “There you go, that’s it baby just like that.” His voice was closer to you, he had taken his hand away causing you to whimper at the loss. He places a gentle kiss on your forehead and the next thing you know, you are lifted into his arms and carried into your room. Your arms wrapped around his neck instinctively. He smelt wonderful, it was so addicting you buried your head in his neck, he let out a small chuckle and then tossed you on your bed. You helped in surprised l as you landed on your pillows.
Lucien quickly took off his shirt, and works on the ties of his pants, as he pulled them off along with his undergarments your mouth fell open. You knew Autumn males were big but not that big. “No, absolutely not.” He furrowed his brows, concern written on his face “what’s wrong? Have I done something?” You laughed at his audacity. “If you try and put that in me it’s going to tear me in half, I’d rather not bleed out thank you very much.” He laughed, well it was more like a wheeze. He grabbed onto one of the poles at the corner of your bed to steady himself. You were mad again, why would he laugh at that, is he insane? “Oh darling, have I ever told you how beautiful you look when you're mad at me? Trust me, it will fit you have nothing to worry about.” You were still hesitant but the pulsing between your thighs started again when he used that little name on you.
It’s not like you were a virgin or anything, but you still hadn’t taken a male that big before. Lucien moved so he was kneeling on the bed in front of you. You were also on your knees but still were sitting on the heels of your feet. His cock stood straight up, the tip was red and leaking his pre cum. He cupped your face with his hand forcing you to look at him. “Just relax for me alright?” You nod and he brought you up to his lips. He was gentle with his lips, moving one of his hands to the back of your head and the other one trailing down to play with your hard nipples. You kissed him back urgently, this was all you ever wanted and it was finally happening. You felt his tongue brush against your lips and parted your mouth for him. As he pushed his tongue in you let out a moan causing him to grip your hair harder.
Everything felt so warm. His tongue met your in urgent strokes. He broke the kiss and moved down to your neck. Sucking and tugging the skin there. Surely leaving bruises to remember. You groaned at him impatiently, tugging him back up you your mouth. Your lips only touched his for a moment before you were pushed into your back. He moved your legs out from under you and held himself over you continuing the kiss. You moved your hands to his shoulders desperately trying to touch him. Lifting your leg over his ass you pushed down trying to get him inside of you. He smirked as he lifted his head from yours. “Needy are we?” Cocking his head to the side “why are you in such a rush sweetheart?” He played with a strand of your hair. You tried to lift your hips closer to his but one of his hands was holding you down. Groaning in frustration you tried again but he wouldn’t let you move. “Please Lucien, I need you inside me.” You sounded pathetic really, but you would do anything for him to be in you so begging was something you could handle.
“Whatever you wish my love.” Lucien placed a gentle kissed on your lips and moved his hand off your hips to his cock. He slid it up and down your pussy gathering the wetness he caused you and then slowly pushed into your entrance. There was a slight pinch but nothing you couldn't handle. He went slow, drawing back out and punching another inch in repairing that process till he was fully searing inside you. He grunted in pleasure as your wall gripped onto his thick length. The feeling of him inside you made you feel unbelievably full. His head was next to yours and you were both breathing heavily. “Is it alright if I move?” You nodded in response.
You thought he was going to be gentle but as he pulled out almost completely, he slammed back into you and started a hard and fast pace. You moaned as he hit all the right places, he wrapped his arm under your back and lifted causing him to hit a new angle. Your vision went blurt as the pleaser of him kept building. He was moaning in your ear and starting to go faster.
Your arms grabbed onto his shoulders so you could ground yourself a little. You were already so close, each thrust bringing you closer to your release. He hand brought a hand down to rub your clit. His breath moans did something to you knowing how good you were making him feel caused pride to fill your chest. His movement was getting sloppy yet he didn’t slow down for a second. Both of you chasing your release. “Lucien fuck!” Your vision turned dark as your second orgasm shuttered threw your body, throwing your head back and digging your nails into his back. He was close behind you giving a few more thrusts till he filled you with his cum. He placed a sweaty kiss on your neck bringing you back from the haziness of your orgasm.
You whimpered as he pulled out feeling his release drip down your ass. Lucien laid next to you on his back “We should clean up” he whispered, they was a flush to his cheeks and he looked exhausted. Instead of letting him leave the bed, you rolled into him throwing your arm and leg on his body. “Sleep, bathe tomorrow.” He let out a little chuckle and wrapped you in his arms and using magic to pull the blankets over the yo of you. You were already half asleep when his kissed your head and whispered to you goodnight.
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amethystamanda · 23 days
1890-Samuels (and Fitzpatricks)
This is Lydia Samuels. She is Creative, Cheerful, Neat, Family-Oriented, and a Herbalist.
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Until recently, she lived with her parents, Charles and Maggie Fitzpatrick. Charles was always of the opinion that children should be neither seen nor heard, and Maggie was always a strict parent.
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Then Lydia met Laurence, a nice outdoorsy young man, who only wanted to be a farmer. Not the life that her parents expected for her, but she knew they could make a success of it.
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They married, and began saving money to buy a plot of land. This meant living with Laurence's parents, Isaac and Mary, and his older brother, Maurice. Maurice is kind enough to her, but Mrs. Samuels is extremely demanding, seeming to view her as a new servant than a daughter-in-law, and Mr. Samuels needs to know every detail of their lives.
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Sadly, Lydia's only living aunt died shortly after their marriage. Luckliy, as a childless spinster aunt, she named Lydia as her heir. All she had was a tiny cabin that was in need of repairs and a bit of money, but it's enough to get them out of Laurence's parents' house.
I'm starting in the Antiquated Brindleton save by @antiquatedplumbobs, with a few builds added to Henford on Bagley (including where the parents are going to live).
I'm using mostly the rules by illusorythrall here https://www.illusorythrall.com/challenges/updated-epic-challenges/hard-mode-decades/ with some minor changes for parts I don't like and because I'm Canadian (my sims will not be celebrating Independance Day, for example, and inter-racial marriage was never actually illegal here. Disapproved of and persecuted, but not illegal).
CC shown in the pics and for all of Lydia and Laurence's outfits below the cut.
Defaults, mods, and everyone:
@surely-sims 1900's Millinery - A 3D Historical CAS Background in Plum https://www.patreon.com/posts/1900s-millinery-62484456
Kijiko eyelashes (I recommend a custom definition using MCCC, so it truly is everyone as much as possible, like mine here https://www.patreon.com/posts/lashes-on-almost-101571469)
Default feet by Jius. I have no idea where they are, becuase every post I can find has no download or is locked on patreon.
No Lashes Default by WightSpider07 https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/no-lashes-default
Scythe Meteor Eyes Default. Possibly these? https://mivyard.tumblr.com/post/712050458344194048/i-fixed-scythedustflwrs-default-meteor-eyes-for Or more likely I just fixed them myself.
Freckles and Moles genetics by Nova JY https://modthesims.info/d/618449/freckles-and-moles-genetics.html
Default teeth that I won't link because the current version is broken for me so I use an old version that is supposed to have the bug the current version has for me. I cannot explain that
SaurusSeasonsFlowerHatReduxOverride by @saurussims https://www.saurussims.com/post/179792040448/wipocalypse-i-aka-a-cc-dump-a-few-long-overdue
Victorian Boots from Unlocked CAS Parts by Fogity https://www.patreon.com/posts/mod-unlocked-cas-38063320 Warning: NOT up to date. Don't use the eyes.
New Emotional Traits by Kuttoe https://kuttoe.itch.io/new-emotional-traits
Traits by KiaraSims4Mods https://kiarasims4mods.net/
Infant and toddler traits by Artemissy
More Traits in CAS https://www.patreon.com/posts/more-traits-in-62838078 for now at least. It breaks almost every game patch, so it may not last
Natural Nails V2 by @linsims https://linsims.tumblr.com/post/670270790994935808/hello-simblr-they-had-been-broken-by-the-last
bare skintones by @lamatisse https://lamatisse.tumblr.com/post/626644431812100096/bare-a-skintone-pack-there-are-so-many-creators
CALLUNA; a default skin by @nesurii https://nesurii.tumblr.com/post/641490864574709760/calluna-a-default-skin-default-replacement-skin for adults and infants
Windflower default skin by @llumisimsfor children and toddlers https://llumisims.tumblr.com/post/660441493328232448/windflower-default-non-default-skin-these-new (yes, I'm that picky about my default skin)
Foods and harvestables by icemunmun, LittlBowBub, KingZace
Srsly's Modding Resource (Formerly SCCOR) https://www.patreon.com/posts/scco-any-cooking-68768164 so more of the custom harvestables are usable in multiple recipes
and tons of other mods, I have a large collection
including the hat control slider which was updated by someone not Iconic, but I can't find where I got it
if you want to know the sliders, you'll have to ask for a specific one, because I have almost as many as can possibly not overlap
Isaac Samuels
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James Hair by @aladdin-the-simmer https://www.patreon.com/posts/james-hair-43405730
Men's Casual Edwardian Suit by @historicalsimslife https://historicalsimslife.blogspot.com/2017/01/ts4-mens-casual-edwardian-suit.html
Fancy Feet by @mmoutfitters https://mmoutfitters.tumblr.com/post/184364676849/fancy-feet-a-male-bgc-shoe-recolor-i-dont-like
The Franz by @igorstory https://igorstory.tumblr.com/post/688359858052988928/the-franz-most-historical-leaders-have-some-type
Mary Samuels
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Lucille Hair by @buzzardly28 https://buzzardly28.tumblr.com/post/656217843628736512/lucille-hair-i-made-this-at-the-suggestion-of
Mole https://ajnebula.com/home/create-a-sim/reverse-reverse/
Anne with an e | Chapéu de flores https://simsservice.blogspot.com/2020/04/anne-with-e-chapeu-de-flores.html
Chamomile Skinblend by @sojuteatime https://sojuteatime.tumblr.com/post/634319702347366400/chamomile-skinblend
Victorian Dress by elfdor on simsdom or locked on patreon
Maurice Samuels
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Fedora Shape No2 by @happylifesims https://happylifesims.tumblr.com/post/119602399853/lonelyboy-ts4-male-hat-collection-gift-for
Mr. Green | Suit with Tie by @linzlu https://linzlu.tumblr.com/post/179415679771/mr-green-suit-with-tie-28-swatches-not
Mole from Reverse Reverse by AJNebula
Friendly Mutton Chops https://igorstory.tumblr.com/post/188097722975/friendly-mutton-chops-when-your-chin-needs-a
Dimples by @shinasims https://shinasims.tumblr.com/post/159149435900/5-swatches-opacity-options-available-for-all (he randomized with them, who knows which ancestor they were inherited from)
Charles Fitzpatrick
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Gilded Glasses https://www.patreon.com/posts/lonelyboy-ts4-47271245
Azariah’s Sacksuit by @pandorasimbox https://pandorasimbox.tumblr.com/post/620637341853319168/azariahs-sacksuit-a-victorian-outfit-by
Seasons Boots by @simsinwonderland https://simsinwonderland.tumblr.com/post/176360117799/hey-guys-i-really-like-the-skates-that-the-sims
Maggie Fitzpatrick
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Maple Bun by @hazelmine https://hazelmine.com/downloads/maple-hair/
1890s Day Dress by @simsfromthepast https://simsfromthepast.tumblr.com/post/188728113605/1890s-walking-ensemble-happy-halloween-everyone
Anne with an e | Chapéu de flores https://simsservice.blogspot.com/2020/04/anne-with-e-chapeu-de-flores.html
Chamomile Skinblend by @sojuteatime https://sojuteatime.tumblr.com/post/634319702347366400/chamomile-skinblend
Freckles No3 by @northernsiberiawinds https://www.tumblr.com/northernsiberiawinds/739727030493560832/baby-face-kit
I need a second cut.
Lydia Samuels
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Marjorie Hair https://buzzardly28.tumblr.com/post/704554762855743488/weekend-number-4-of-december-1910s-set-part-1
Freckles #4 by @sims3melancholic https://www.patreon.com/posts/64530516
The FINE FEATHERED Hat by @gilded-ghosts https://www.patreon.com/posts/mini-millinery-39795858
1889 Morning/Dressing Gown by @vintagesimstress https://vintagesimstress.tumblr.com/post/190880855027/1889-morningdressing-gown-for-women-sifix-saga
Afternoon Tea Dress-Long https://plumbobteasociety.tumblr.com/post/160912278923/teanmoons-tea-party-birthday-set-to-celebrate
Lace Gloves https://www.mystufforigin.com/edwardian-fashion-01-conversion-gloves-hat/
inès - an 1890s daydress by @cringeborg https://cringeborg.tumblr.com/post/731348100522901504/in%C3%A8s-an-1890s-daydress
Old West Teachers Dress by elfdor https://www.patreon.com/posts/old-west-dress-19868455
Picnic top 1 https://linzlu.tumblr.com/post/183990078506/commission-01-picnic-at-hanging-rock-i-want-to
Hats for Bats 2 by @vintagesimstress https://www.patreon.com/posts/1890s-hats-for-36968290
the romantique riding dress https://pandorasimbox.tumblr.com/post/185274110453/retro-pixels-the-romantique-riding-dress-a and the schoolmistress dress https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/177061501145/retro-pixels-the-schoolmistress-dress-a-proper and the author dress; v2 https://love4sims4.tumblr.com/post/173770979418/retro-pixels-the-author-dress-v2-now-bow-free and clair de lune nightgown https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/640899632383262720/gilded-ghosts-boudoir-belle-set-2-new-meshes available here https://simfileshare.net/folder/133411/
Pregnant Belly Overlay by @frenchiesimgirl https://frenchiesimgirl.tumblr.com/post/688246689400815616/pregnant-belly-overlay-i-dont-like-that-when-a (she randomized with it, and she's going to need it, so I left it)
1890s working girl skirt https://vintagesimstress.tumblr.com/post/640577052552085504/1890s-working-girl-mini-set-hello-everyone-one-of
Fur Hat by @lilis-palace https://lilis-palace.tumblr.com/post/672287848483913728/seasons-of-ladies-hats
Rather Ravishing Skirt (with and without apron) by @gilded-ghosts https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-woman-late-40862046
Almina dress https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-my-old-cc-64495316 (I think this needs a mesh, tray importer says it's using @twentiethcenturysims Langtree Dress https://twentiethcenturysims.tumblr.com/post/666657063637843968/unknown-setsomewhere-lost-in-the-clouded-annals-of)
Moscow Delight v2 by @joliebean https://joliebean.tumblr.com/post/190825112226/slavic-allure-a-custom-content-pack-by-joliebean
katniss braid by @dogsill https://dogsill.tumblr.com/post/707716388260904960/katniss-braid-i-got-very-inspired-to-make-a-hair
Saurus Daisy Hat by @saurussims https://www.saurussims.com/post/179792040448/wipocalypse-i-aka-a-cc-dump-a-few-long-overdue
Muff https://vintagesimstress.tumblr.com/post/190310346577/1895-af-winter-coat-hat-muffs-04102020
Paradise Top by @trillyke https://maxismatchccworld.tumblr.com/post/629224959918686208/trillyke-paradise-top-tucked-in-button-up
Bathing Belle | Vintage Swimwear https://linzlu.tumblr.com/post/623377230462058496/bathing-belle-vintage-swimwear-remember-this
Grandma's Garden Hat https://plumbobteasociety.tumblr.com/post/166361358489/cottage-garden-stuff-for-sims-4-a-collaboration
Bathing Cap by @peebsplays https://peebsplays.tumblr.com/post/679009445540478976/1810s-bathing-costume-the-weathers-warming-up
Cozy Hat by @pinkpatchy https://pinkpatchy.tumblr.com/post/668840286754127872/cozy-winter-a-small-set-to-warm-up-in-these
Victorian Hat by @alialsim https://alialsim.tumblr.com/post/180989503255/victorian-lace-dress-and-hat-download-mesh-ea
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The number of outfits being relatively unrealistic for a poor-ish farmer is outweighed by my anticipation of being bored looking at her and the fact that she was an only child with a doting aunt who left her an inheritance (her parents get a total of §20,000, while she gets §25,000, I guess from the aunt).
Laurence Samuels
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Yarrow Slacks https://plumbobteasociety.tumblr.com/post/166361358489/cottage-garden-stuff-for-sims-4-a-collaboration
Macleod Vest https://happylifesims.tumblr.com/post/189736157173/lonelyboy-ts4-macleods-fashion-set-inspired
Sacco Chore Coat by @chere-indolente https://chere-indolente.tumblr.com/post/663377022313283584/chore-coats-this-is-a-set-of-jackets-and-an
James Hair by @aladdin-the-simmer https://www.patreon.com/posts/james-hair-43405730
Vintage Swimming Suit by LollaLeeloo https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/details/category/sims4-clothing-male-teenadultelder-swimwear/title/vintage-swimming-suit-by-lollaleeloo/id/1315961/
Azariah’s Sacksuit by @pandorasimbox https://pandorasimbox.tumblr.com/post/620637341853319168/azariahs-sacksuit-a-victorian-outfit-by
Blue Meteor eyes by @princess-of-sims https://princess-of-sims.tumblr.com/post/149242370389/lots-of-eyes-these-are-edits-and-far-too-many
Edwardian Men's Nightgown https://historicalsimslife.blogspot.com/2017/02/ts4-edwardian-mens-underwear-nightwear.html
Seasons Boots by @simsinwonderland https://simsinwonderland.tumblr.com/post/176360117799/hey-guys-i-really-like-the-skates-that-the-sims
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Yes, he has fewer outfits. He's the actual farmer, he'll be going away to work so I won't see him as often, he's a second son who rolled to get much less money than his older brother (§5000 vs §25000). For Hot Weather, he takes off his hat.
They're starting with §30,000, with the cost of the lot coming out of that. We're starting on the first day of summer, with 7-day seasons. It''s been a while since I played 7 day seasons. They might get switched to 14 day seasons at some point, but one season for a year does sound better than 2 seasons for a year.
Charles (Mr. Fitzpatrick, please) ended up with bad or awful compatibility with everyone except his wife. Isaac doesn't really care one way of the other about anyone except his eldest son. (Scumbumbo's Variable Default Relationships was kind to my story https://scumbumbomods.com/variable-default-relationships-mod/)
I will not be accepting questions on why there's different coloured text on Lydia's pictures until and unless I figure it out myself.
I will not be dealing with racism, English vs. French, or Catholic vs. Protestant. Or at least that's my plan, and I can't imagine why I would want to. It existed, it's historical fact and often ongoing reality, but it's not something I enjoy playing out.
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