#toddlers are the worst
oldmannapping · 6 months
Bruce Wayne knew what he was doing when he only adopted kids over the age of nine.
If I was Roy Harper or Wally West, juggling being a vigilante with nighttime feeds, toilet training, sleep regressions, and toddler tantrums, I’d be so fucking salty at Batman. I’d make him change all the diapers on Bring Your Kids To Work day.
Disclaimer: I’m currently celebrating the holidays with family including two toddlers who I love very much but who do NOTHING BUT SCREAM and seem to be allergic to sleep. This post might be biased against toddlers.
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Meme Prompt 2
Thinkin of feral halfa Jason again. No surprise there.
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mea-trinitas-profana · 9 months
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being a single father is difficult
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mokeonn · 1 year
yeah tell us about sean the ugly baby
okay so,
back in february I got bored and wanted to draw a character of mine from an rp group, but I didn't have any ideas. So I simply put him into the sims and drew what happened and posted it to the group. I chose Sims 2 for the variety, and went in. Making a 2000's version of my oc, Frankie, to do silly things for me to draw and my friends to giggle at:
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And it was silly and fun! But during this, he ended up getting abducted by aliens, which was absolutely hilarious at the time.
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However, in the sims series, there's an odd little thing that happens. Male sims that were abducted by aliens have a chance to come back pregnant. Well in the Sims 2: male sims were guaranteed to come back pregnant, only in later expansions did they introduce the possibility of it not happening.
So he got pregnant. whatever, just a bunch of mpreg jokes. Right? Well it turns out there's a small chance that Alien babies end up with their human parent's eyes! Which wouldn't be so bad with the base eyes, but I happen to use custom content.
So I was expecting this:
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and I got this:
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which was SO HORRIFYING and not what I was expecting. It took all my willpower to not name this baby something mean like "Beebo the Ugly child". So I named him Sean. Because that was the first non-mean name I could think of.
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Of course, my character loved and cared for him. After all, he was a kind person who would love his mpreg baby no matter how ugly he was.
I however, did not.
I hoped that he might just be an ugly baby, and that he'll grow out of it as he gets older.
He did not.
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he got UGLIER.
This horrifying Benjamin Button ass space creation haunted my home for 4 sim days. We prayed once again, that he was simply an ugly duckling. That he was simply going to grow into more age-appropriate features.
Sean once again, disappointed me.
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It was torture having to care for a sim I hated so much, but couldn't be cruel to because it was simply out of character for my ocs to hate him. Sean got treated with the utmost kindness. He got everything a child could hope for.
Didn't stop me from making jokes though.
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foxgloveinspace · 2 months
You: why don’t the guys go bother ii all that much 🥺
Me: have you ever been hit in the face full force with a drum stick cause you came up behind someone who is drumming???
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radioactivepeasant · 4 months
Snippets: Free Day Thursday- Viper
Following the prompt from the poll: Haven finds out Jak isn't there for them. We pick up right after the boys fight Veger's robot in the mines and come up at the edge of New Haven.
"This place looks as bad as my old bedroom back home," Daxter scoffed. His keen eyes darted this way and that, looking for any sign of their fugitive.
"Jak! Over here!"
Jak tensed at Samos’s voice. He didn't sound surprised to see them. Onin might have warned him he was coming. Onin...she would be a problem if not dealt with. He'd have to consult with Damas about her.
When Samos called him again, sounding less sure of himself, Jak realized he hadn't reacted at all. Samos doubtless expected him to leap to attend him, as he had been thoroughly trained to do.
Did he want to blow his cover?
Hm. No. Not yet.
Jak turned on his heel and for a moment his heart leaped.
Samos was forgotten as he rushed towards a shimmering wall that divided the waterfront from New Haven. A force field? Since when did Haven have force fields?! Jak made a note of it. Damas wanted reports; he was a captain now. He had power. That meant he needed to do things right.
"Jak!" Keira's entire face lit up. "I told you, Daddy. I told you I could feel his energy!"
She slapped her hand against the force field, ignoring the sting.
"You're alive-! Jak, I'm so sorry! I- I tried to get into the trial, they wouldn't let me in the building-! Or, or Tess, or Sig! They arrested us when we tried, didn't let us go until they'd taken you away!"
A warm glow spread through Jak's chest. Someone had fought for him. Keira had fought for him! And Tess, and Sig! In a city of vipers, he still had true friends.
Jak placed his own hand on the energy field, feeling the dull burn of its eco as he spread out his fingers over Keira's.
"Thank you," he whispered. "I don't blame you three. Not for any of it. Not for anything. I...I missed you."
Keira sniffled. "I missed you, too," she croaked, "What's it like out there? They say it's...it's nothing! That there's no way to survive! But you look-"
She cut herself off and blushed.
"What's really out there?"
Jak looked up at Daxter and smiled. Daxter nodded back. He didn't know what Jak was going to say, exactly. He'd never been a talker -- he'd really really never been a talker -- but Daxter had seen how proud of their new home Jak got. He couldn't help wanting to know what the big lug would say. Would he talk about the beach he loved so much? About Damas?
To his surprise, Jak only stared earnestly at Keira and whispered back, "Freedom."
Keira closed her eyes. "Freedom," she sighed. "I...thought I had that. Not so sure, now."
"That's why I came back."
Jak took a more guarded posture, casting his eyes about.
"I can help you. But I need your help, too."
Daxter opened the little communicator they'd stolen from the dead metalheads and retrofitted into a small holoprojector. The face of Thrax rotated above the plate, tattooed and scowling.
"You seen this guy?" he asked, waving the holo, "Name's Thrax. Real disreputable character."
Samos blinked at them in shock. "Jak, please, there isn't time! The passages under the palace, they must be terribly important!"
Jak spoke over him, raising his voice slightly. "He's a fugitive from justice. Wanted for treason. I'm under orders to bring him back, dead or alive."
"Under orders?"
Keira's face twisted with concern.
"Whose orders? Ashelin's?"
Daxter scoffed and slid down to sit more comfortably on Jak’s shoulder.
"As if! We have new friends. And they respect us! Heck, they actually like us!"
"And we respect them," Jak added, "So people trying to murder the man who saved my life don't get to walk away. Not from me."
Keira's jaw was tight. They both knew how she felt about him killing hu'men. One day, maybe she would let herself understand that it was no different from the enthralled Lurkers her father had sent Jak to kill when he was far, far too young to have blood on his hands. One day she would have to turn around and face that truth head-on. But Jak was beginning to understand at last that as long as Samos kept her within reach, it would be hard for her to slip the blinders off. It had taken exile for him to be free of his.
"I'll...I'll keep an eye out, and let you know if I see anyone like that." Keira swallowed hard. "It's been...I've been trying to get Veger's shield walls down. He cut Torn off from the city council hall, trapped him down on the waterfront. I think it's-"
Her voice trailed off, then, almost too quietly to hear,
"It's like...divide and conquer."
Anger hissed between Jak's teeth. "Of course it was Veger. He's had his hand in everything, hasn't he?"
He slammed his fist into the force field.
"He's the one who blew up the palace! Five hundred people dead, and for what?! So he could get to some catacombs underneath?!"
"And," Daxter said grimly, "so he could get the guy descended from the last ruler out of here. That guy is high on delusions of grandeur. Real heroes throw him off his groove."
"Catacombs?" Samos broke in, finally seeing a gap in the conversation that he could wedge himself into, "There must be something important down there for him to go to such lengths! Well, you're just going to have to find whatever it is before he does!"
"Oh I am, am I?" Jak asked.
Somehow Samos failed to hear the edge of danger in the boy's voice. He prattled on, patronizing as ever.
"Now, first you'll need to find another way into this section of the city. Take the sewers into the Port, then find a way north to reach us."
When the boys stayed still, looking at him through half-lidded eyes, it finally seemed to occur to the old man that he couldn't just give orders and expect them to be followed blindly anymore. With a touch of chagrin, he added, "And Jak...we're...sorry, for what happened. We should have stopped Veger."
"Yes." Jak turned his back. "You should have. Maybe you wouldn't have war on your doorstep if you'd acted."
"War?" Samos questioned, "With the metalheads?"
Daxter rolled his eyes. "Stumpy-boy, metalheads are about to be the least of your worries."
Jak took a few steps back, eyeing the buildings around him. Then he nodded to himself, got a running start, and launched up the side of the nearest row house.
Winds bless the guy in the youth barracks who'd taken the time to teach him free-running.
In no time at all he was on the roof with only a slight straining in his muscles to show for it. The shield wall only extended about a storey above them. Fair enough, they'd just have to follow the roofs to a higher building and cross from there.
Daxter flipped his goggles down over his eyes and clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he scanned New Haven.
Pah. "New Haven". More like New Main Town. All he saw were the rich elite who had survived Veger dropping the palace on their high class district. Where were all the former inhabitants of the North Slum and Water Slum? Shoved into the ruined Main Town or crowded into the waterfront, he had no doubt.
"By the forges, I really hate this place," Jak whispered beside him.
"I don't blame ya, pal," said Daxter grimly. "Not even a little bit. C'mon, let's find Tess. If anyone knows how to find our guy, it's her."
Thrax could run. But there were only so many places he could hide.
Part Two planned for tomorrow
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
me: going about my business
my brain: yeah but what would those piece of shit abusers think about you right now?? what would they judge you for? what kind of flaw would they point out?? would they approve anything about you?? how about you think about THAT for the next hour???
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24bughours · 11 months
I really love toriel
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skibasyndrome · 6 months
I have the willpower of a TODDLER
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lemonsharks · 7 months
Among other things, I hate that the only two options are "dieting cult" and "if you so much as insinuate that you would like to not be winded after taking a five minute fucking shower you are supreme traitor to the other fatties cult"
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puppetmaster13u · 2 months
Prompt 268
Fright Knight sighs, running a clawed hand through his hair in an attempt to stop the flames from flickering into being. It had been far too long since he had taken a human-ish form. His human-ish form. Ugh. He didn’t exactly care for his human form after so long as a ghost, but needs must he supposed. 
Especially with the whole, we’re going to punch a backdoor into the literal daycare part of the Infinite Realms and be surprised when literal toddlers go exploring. 
Well, at least it got him off of guard duty for a bit, which was relieving. Not that he didn’t love the darkness, but it got boring in the shadow of his sword for literal centuries with nothing else happening. He was a warrior for Realm’s sake! Borderline an Ancient in both power and age! He wasn’t meant to stay so still for so long. 
So while ghostling wrangling wasn’t exactly in his area of expertise, he could definitely gather them back up to the Realms. And deal with the curs who had decided to attack literal babies. 
The Daycare area was already understaffed due to just how large it was, and the one in charge of this section had practically sobbed to the Council (In another world they would have been put on hold for a century in line for their concerns, and then more once a Sarcophagus was opened, but they had told the other ghosts in distress, causing others to let them go up in said line) how they were almost certain they had felt at least one core form Outside the realms thanks to the breach. 
Which had understandably put everyone at an uproar. 
So here he was slipping between shadows to do reconnaissance and take stock of if any Ghostlings had left the city. And gently scruffing those he comes across in exasperation because what are you doing, ghostling? Look at the mess, what would your caretaker say? 
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defiledtomb · 17 days
Being tipsy on gin lemonade on a sunday literally just feels like this
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diveyne · 24 days
oomfies is it just me or like. as the older you get. the less you want. younger people. around you. LMAO. like sjbkdcjksbd
anyway what y'all havin for dinner... i just cooked mapo tofu
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orb-simp · 1 month
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zoobus · 1 year
The Bad Ending of an Otome
From time to time I've expressed a desire to explain otome isekai's appeal to me through a pastiche of my favorite writing pieces from tumblr, the Scorpion and the Frog. I still have not followed through, despite the fact that it should be literally the easiest thing in the world - the Villainess and Her World. Frustrating.
Anywho, today's scorpion/frog meta regards the jealous hater replacement heiress of a beautiful but terminally ill child in a dating sim.
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The original game followed a girl who happened to look just like the now terminally dead Ophelia, who was previously alive and loved by all. The identical not-twin fills the Ophelia-shaped hole left in everyone's heart. The jealous hater replacement heiress (the villainess/frog, naturally) is quickly replaced and eventually killed for jealous hater maneuvers. Our main character (MC) of course reincarnates as the frog.
The first twist is a genre staple, could almost be considered the blueprint every story builds off of; rather than a specific, vindictive bitch... What if I was kind? What if I chose not to do anything that would make them want to kill me? What if I simply befriended the terminally ill Ophelia?
But like any good OI, the subversion takes it somewhere specific, someplace more personal. What if I befriended the terminally ill Ophelia...and still coveted everything she had? What if you're forced to realize it's actually pretty hard to not be a jealous hater when you're sitting side by side with someone effortlessly wealthier, prettier, more beloved than anything you'll ever experience? Especially when the beautiful dying Ophelia was honestly kind of a hateful bitch? And what if, despite all of this, you truly loved her? And that love didn't extinguish your overwhelming envy for what you could never have? This is an OI framing of what it's like to lose your best friend, the person no one else knew or loved like you did, to a slow, unstoppable terminal illness. It's a look at real friendship while harboring immense amounts of envy and hatred.
There's this tension with whether the MC really liked Ophelia, if she's saying "friend" or "love" out of habit rather than sincerity, whether Ophelia was just a bully using her wealth and power to manipulate someone she essentially owns, if her comment about dying with her are more about avoiding the the future or maybe placating a sick person, and nice little nuanced character things meant to keep you on your toes about the nature of their relationship. Area woman uncertain if she's being bullied or if this is girl bonding kind of stuff.
At times it would be logical to pity Ophelia, to despise her at others, even to take a certain amount of schadenfreude in this popular hot rich girl's pain. I liked the various ways the narrative muddied MC's perspective of Ophelia. She's an unpleasant, mean person that MC has to stick with whether she wants to or not.
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I loved Ophelia. A lot.
Now of course they don't let this girl look terminally ill - this is a princess comic after all - but lmaooo do they let her act it. Ophelia is *Bitter* that she has to die. *Terrified* of the inevitable. *Seething* over the expectation that she suffer through future agonizing symptoms just so her family can see her longer. *Furious* at these lovesick horny men courting her like they don't know her days are numbered. "Oh I worship you Ophelia, nobody's made me feel this way before, no woman will ever measure up to you" she knows they only like her cause she's hot. Ophelia is so hostile, so spite-filled, so fucking mad that not only does she have to die young, these people who claim to love her are - in both overt and subtle ways - pressuring her to take her imminent death gracefully, quietly, and above all else, beautifully. Foisting dignity on this teenager who's going into her casket kicking and screaming. If Ophelia had a tumblr she'd spend her time browsing vent tags and sending suicide bait.
Her character is so good, I was unfairly irritated by her in-game replacement who hadn't done anything yet. You really get where Ophelia's at times excessive hatred for the male love interests was coming from because like...wow. You're going full yandere eternal prisoner bad end for her...? This innocent good girl lamb who wants the best for everyone? No matter how similar they look, the fact that she offers a kind word and a helping hand would break any TRUE Ophelia stan's immersion instantly. She would never.
Anyway. Stories centered on the friendship between girls that aren't overly saccharine or stilted displays positivity are sadly uncommon, but they're my favorite. Like not to be aro on main but I think what others get out of tales of romance is how I respond to tales of deep friendship between women. Asobi Asobase, Binbougami Ga, Nichijou, Surviving Romance, they all fulfill some base desire that no one else seems to cherish as strongly😢
When we finally get confirmation, I have to admit. I stared at this page for like three minutes, eyes wet.
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Spoilers! She did love her. She loved her more than anyone.
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