#as always debate and arguments are not welcome on my posts and you will be blocked
asmo-cosmetics · 26 days
when i say i ship asrian what i need you to understand is that i mean i want asra to apologize and beg for julian back. possibly in messy tears
#you can't convince me he wasn't the shittiest most manipulative awful boyfriend ever. no one understands me#as always debate and arguments are not welcome on my posts and you will be blocked#but like. listen ok. my headcanon is basically that they were fwb (for a rlly long time)#and julian fell in love with him because of course he did#and asra knew even before he ever admitted it because julian is obvious af#but asra was essentially just using julian and specifically dominating julian as an outlet to feel powerful#so the whole dynamic was basically humiliating for julian because they both knew that he loved asra and they both knew that asra#was using him for sex#but then asra actually did slowly start to fall in love with julian#which julian would obviously never notice because he hates himself#so it was pretty easy to hide. so asra hid it because he hated the thought of being vulnerable in front of julian#and then eventually let julian leave him with his whole dramatic shit of 'asra you deserve better'#and he couldn't say anything because he knew it was his fault#because that was what asra had made him believe#and then finds a way to twist it in his head to basically what he told mc in julian's route#that julian was 'deciding what's best for him'#instead of admitting that he was in love but he couldn't admit it because he thought he was above someone like julian#asrian#the arcana#wank //#<- i don't really see it as wank but i also really do not want asra stans bitching on my posts 🙏
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yolowritter · 11 days
In Defense of Chloe Bourgeois Part 1: Who is Chloe?
Well...shit, here we go again! Hello there everyone, welcome back to the source of my endless exasperation! Before any of you pick a side to the argument, I want to make it perfectly clear that this isn't a post about whether or not Chloe should have had a redemption arc. This is not my point, and any argument for either side have been repeated so many times by now that I can recite most by memory. So, let's begin by establishing why exactly I'm even writing this post!
Chloe Bourgeois is one of my favorite characters in Miraculous Ladybug. The...the fanon version, obviously. Canon can go keel over in an alleyway, it already has more holes in it than the average swiss cheese. I've been a part of this fandom for a good few years now, and at the time of watching Miracle Queen was understandably upset at the...direction, that her character was taken. It left a sour taste in my mouth because I honestly didn't see it coming, but I'll get more into that later. Point is, I was once a defender of Chloe's redemption arc. I am not stating if I am or not still one of those at present, because that's not what the point is. Regardless of what side of the fence you're on, we can all agree that her character was horribly mismanaged in the latter half of this show. Erratic, extreme and oftentimes illogical choices that sound stupider than Lila's average gaslighting scheme, and a character who previously had an arc going for her now being defined only by the sheer inconsistency that writhes every moment she's on-screen. I'll be honest, I no longer particularly care if Chloe "should" have been redeemed or not, because either avenue could have allowed for some brilliant (or at the very least pretty decent) storytelling.
This defense strives not to strip anyone of their arguments, nor to challenge anyone's headcanons, or make a point about what the "correct" way to handle Chloe's character should have been. Again, I lost interest in the debate a long time ago. I'm simply here to examine who Chloe is as a person, what drives her, what her life experiences have been like, and where all this could logically lead from both a writing and human perspective. I care about Chloe as a person, and about a character who if nothing else, at least acts consistently, in a way where the audience can watch them and understand why they're acting like this. I'll be trying to give context to some of her actions and fill in as many plot holes as I can, as well as giving a glimpse as to how a possible Redemption or Corruption Arc could have gone. So without any further ado, let's dive right in!
Firstly, let's start by laying out some common ground. After the Gabriel Agreste post, I think it's necessary to establish some clear lines as to what exactly we're talking about here. So before anything else, let's look at what we learn about Chloe in Season 1, yeah? Without going episode-by-episode, we generally don't get a good impression of her. Chloe is clearly spoiled by her father, used to always getting her way, and has no problem pressuring others into making that happen. She treats her classmates more like annoyances if not outright minions (Sabrina and on occasion Kim), has little consideration for other people's feelings, and likes appearing superior to everyone else. A pretty bad start, all things considered. She bosses Sabrina around, and we're explicitly told that Chloe often bribes her with her second-hand stuff, or whatever she wants to get rid of. Sabrina clearly doesn't know how to stand up for herself, and Chloe seems perfectly willing to take advantage of her doormat status. She also has the roots for a sweet sweet superiority complex firmly planted, considering how she rejects and humiliates Kim when he tries to confess his love to her. I'll be damned if I ever understand such bad taste, considering how Chloe is generally disliked by the rest of the class, but the point stands. She could have just told him no, even rudely if need be, and left it at that. Instead, she actively chose to humiliate the poor guy. Something similar happened with Nathaniel, whose feelings about Marinette she made public to everyone else for what seems to be entertainment value.
All in all, Season 1 Chloe has all the stereotypical makings of a popular girl from a 2010s American high school movie, including the narcissism, bullying, strong-arming school staff into not punishing these behaviors, inflated ego, and the complimentary minion! Except...Chloe isn't popular. With anyone, actually. Most of the class dislikes and barely puts up with her on a good day. They don't laugh along or jeer at whomever she's giving trouble to. Instead we have several instances where people actively try to either push the teachers into doing something or remove her from a situation where Chloe is causing problems. Think about the filming scenes in Horrificator for example. Chloe is acting like her usual self again, and refuses to allow Marinette to be the lead actress because she'll get to kiss Adrien. A tragedy, I know! Therefore, there's a whole plot to get her out of the room long enough for the scene to happen. People actively consider her at the very least a pain in the rear, and probably someone they just don't even want to talk to.
Obviously this isn't an excuse for anything she does. My point here is that from the perspective of the narrative, even while acting the part of a "Queen B", Chloe reaps none of the benefits, and in fact only serves to make people dislike her more with every episode that passes by. Even Adrien, who I'll circle back to in a second, her childhood friend who has a good opinion of her when he first comes to school, eventually stops trying to defend Chloe's behavior. There are, I think, a lot of reasons as to why she acts this way. Precisely none of them are an excuse or a "get out of jail" free card. Chloe still chooses to behave the way she does, regardless of the motivations.
About Adrien, we know that he and Chloe have known each other for a long while now. She was quite possibly his singular friend during his otherwise relatively isolating childhood, and she's very clearly attached to him. Chloe constantly clings to Adrien and drapes herself over him, and while he seems to find it annoying, there's still never a sense of disgust like with Lila in later Seasons. She's being suffocating, but there is never a connotation of romance here. Still, Chloe does everything she can to keep Adrien close to her, and (in Origins) "teach him how things are" in school. She's the one who got him signed up as a student in the first place, mind you, so she very clearly wants him to be around her. And while Chloe does brag about him being a famous model, she could just...do that without ever actually bringing Adrien out of the house? Clearly that's not the reason why she went through all the trouble to actually get him in the class, because bragging about it would probably go worse if she did it in front of him, or in an environment where Adrien could easily hear about and react to it. Chloe is very possessive of her "best friend" (and only friend, discounting Sabrina), and constantly belittles Marinette for trying to get close to him. Mind you, she doesn't find out about her feelings for Adrien until Season 3 I think. We never see Nino get bullied for befriending him, so what gives?
I'll talk about reasoning later down the line. For now, let's move onto Season 2. Amidst the beginnings of Ladybug handing out Miraculous jewels like candy to her best pals, seriously Season 4 overdid it, Chloe also exists. And during Despair Bear, Adrien finally puts his foot down about her behavior. He tells her that he can't be friends with someone who acts like a bully, and Chloe is genuinely hurt by this, to the point where she does her best to put on a good show and convince Adrien that is capable of not being an ass. Which is actually the case, believe it or not. She holds back the snides, does her best to make casual conversation with the people she considers to be inferior to her (I'll get to that, don't worry), and makes a real effort to keep at it for the sake of their friendship. The reason why she blows up here is made very obvious by the episode itself. Chloe is in unfamiliar territory and clearly reining herself in a lot, which Despair Bear pokes fun of in several back-to-back scenes. She doesn't want to do this, clearly has mutual dislike for the people she's forced to put up with every day and has made up her mind about a long time ago, for the sake of the one person she considers a genuine friend. And mind you, Chloe never uses Adrien for something. She brags about his job in Origins, and preens about their friendship often, but she never takes advantage of him like she does Sabrina. I will get to their toxic friendship in a minute, don't worry, but Chloe chooses not to try doing this with him. Adrien is...oblivious, to put it nicely, and she could easily try and play around that to serve her own goals, but she doesn't. Keep this in mind.
Anyway, she blows up because Armand (also c'mon, if you wanted to make the joke that Chloe doesn't know her butler's name, Jean "insert today's last name" was more than enough, Thomas) keeps lugging her teddy bear and playing pretend with her in a room full of people. I'm sorry, but that may be the most relatable Chloe moment in the whole show. Are you kidding me??? Of course she'd be embarrassed by this! I mean sure, her reaction to the situation is wrong, she shouldn't have screamed at him or threatened the man's job, but Chloe has serious anger management issues. That is obvious, because she acts like this every single day! Why would Armand do this??? She's already way out of her comfort zone by even hosting the party in the first place, surely there's easier ways of reminding Chloe not to be a bitch? Just tap her on the shoulder and say "miss, remember Adrien?" because that's the whole reason this is happening! The teddy bear is completely unecessary! Especially the voice acting! It made me laugh so hard when I first watched that episode but can you blame Chloe for being pissed? Again, she reacted poorly because her self control is comparable to Plagg's when there's camambert in his field of vision! So yeah, it's wrong to scream people's ears off like that, but she was also upset. And she's fourteen mind you!
Anyway, my actual point about Season 2 is that we get to see Chloe's character development. Thank Nooroo, finally a proper arc in this damn show! And we also get to see her family life. Side note, Andre Bourgeois is a spineless coward who I'll be bashing momentarily. But Chloe's mother is horrible! Audrey Bourgeois is blatantly neglectful, if not abusive to her daughter! She treats Chloe the same way Chloe treats everyone else! As disposable, expendable things that don't "deserve" her attention because they're not good enough. Like, if this doesn't give a six year old some hefty trauma along with an inferiority complex, what will??? And the situation becomes even worse as Chloe becomes incresingly desperate during Style Queen, trying again and again to please Audrey by copying her behavior (which she's been doing this whole time) even more intensly, and acting like the entitled, self-absorbed narcissist that her mother is! And this is where we see exactly why Chloe does what she does! Again, none of this excuses her actions, but it does help us understand the behavior. Audrey constantly puts Chloe down and belittles her the same way she does to Marinette...only to later pick the kid that Chloe is jealous of (I will explain this in a second!) to come with her to New York, where Audrey had presumably yeeted herself off to years ago and never bothered to come visit! We already know that she pressured her husband into giving up his love for film to stay with her, maybe even during her pregnancy or after Chloe's birth. Only to promptly vanish and leave him (a person who never grew a spine or managed to stand up to what is undoubtebly a toxic relationship) with her miniature copy. It's obvious that Chloe's barely ever seen Audrey, but she idolizes the woman because that's her mother! Heck, Adrien idolizes Emilie even if she was arguably not a great person (see here) and Chloe is always kicked to the curb for just doing the same!
Audrey is a horrible person and an even worse role model, but when you're five years old and she disappears from your life, is it any wonder that there's a steaming hot pile of mommy issues here? If Chloe has been told by Audrey from the moment she was old enough to understand words that she isn't "exceptional" enough to "deserve" her time, then isn't it obvious why Andre tries and fails to make up for this by always coddling his daughter and giving in to her every whim? He's trying to please her and give Chloe a sense of self-importance that Audrey made near-impossible to develop, and also makes up for his own absence by basically bribing his own child! Not that Andre is innocent in this! If anything, he's even more at fault than Audrey! Because while she flew off into the sunset to fire her twenty-seventh unpaid intern of the week, he was still in Paris with Chloe! Who grew up with him, mind you! And sure, he got elected into office and had a busy job as a single parent! You know what else he did? Crime! Almost everything he does in this damn show is completely illegal! Bribery, blackmail, undue termination of Roger's position as a police officer, who Andre doesn't even have juristiction over mind you (because Paris had the National Police until like 2021-ish if I recall correctly), he's just a corrupt, scummy politian whose ideas (see Megaleech) are harmful to the people he's supposed to be serving and outright motivated by greed! And also, we are explicitly told that he taught Chloe to do these same things! Andre Bourgeois is a total idiot who's probably been committing tax evasion for all we know, and Audrey is a self-absorbed diva who bullies her own child constantly, when she even bothers to go see her! Which is never, unless she needs to be in Paris for some other event related to her job!
Thomas, what the heck do you mean Chloe is evil? Lila is an accomplice to a domestic terrorist, and a psychopath against whom the only protection is the show's PG rating! If Lila could, she'd burn Marinette's house down for shits and giggles my good man! Audrey is everything I just mentioned, Andrey is a corrupt, spineless politician, Tomoe physically abuses her daughter with fucking katanas on the daily, Gabriel Agreste is that domestic terrorist who almost fired every nuclear warhear in the USA by the way! Because that was stupid of the NYC special to do! But he still did it! Plus the genocide in Shanghai! Accident or not, Hawkmoth is still responsible! And later on he also put his son in a room! A rubber room! Thankfully there weren't any rats, as if he needs another OSHA violation! Are you people insane when you say "I don't know why Chloe acts like this"? Have you lost your marbles??? Do you want me to have an aneurysm? Of course a child is going to act the way Chloe does if this is the shit she's been dealing with since Day 0 of her life! Does that make it okay? Absolutely not! But does it mean that she deserved what happened to her canonically? Also no! I'll talk about how the corruption arc could have worked at the end, because they tried and failed to do that, so let's circle back to the "jealous of Marinette" thing from a minute ago, kay?
Note: We're doing this in part 2 because this is closing in on 3k words already. The whole rant is done, no you don't want to know how long it is, I'm just splitting it because nobody will ever read 7.5k words worth of anything on Tumblr dot com.
< next post >
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kame-writes · 1 month
Media Overlords drabble - Girls night
Velvette turns up at the Hotel
Charlie rushed to open the door, surprised to hear it being knocked so late in the afternoon. There was a giddy, optimistic part of her hoping that it was someone interested in staying at the hotel. And despite the fact that it hadn't happened yet, she still greeted the person on the other side with a Dazzling smile. “Welcome to the Hazb-”
“Zip it Princess, nobody cares.” The impatient cockney voice instantly gave away who it was, and she didn't sound in a good mood.
The Vees generally didn't come out to the hotel, except Vox who was a naussance on a debatably regular occasions. Valentino was out right banned on pain of something about Alastors shadow, which had been a huge relief to Angel Dust. So Velvette standing with her hand on her hip in the doorway was a very odd sight indeed.
“I'm just here to pick up my number one bitch for the day.” She explained, pushing her way through the door and into the lobby. 
“Uh Angel Dust?” Charlie guessed, not sure who Velvette meant. Angel was a good guess, since he was always in fashionable clothes for his shows, which she assumed came from the social media overlord.
“Pffft as if. He wishes he was number one.” With a scoff Velvette brought a hand to her lips and let out an ear piercing whistle, before screaming. “Girls night!”
Immediately, there was the sound of quick, tip tapping sounds as someone ran down the stairs. A red and white blur rushed past Charlie and launched itself into Velvette’s arms.
“Niff, how you been girl?” Velvette grinned, pulling her into a spinning hug, before settling the much smaller sinner on her hip, able to hold her almost like a child since she was so much smaller. “Towers been boring as fuck without you running around causing chaos.”
“I'm in a war with the cockroaches!” Niffty  beamed, excited as always to talk about her unusual little hobbies. “You should see my collection, hehe, I put on puppet shows with them!”
“Good for you. Now then, the boys have pissed me off today, so we're going all out. I'm talking spa day, retail therapy, the works. If we don't max out at least one of Vox's cards, we ain't doing enough.” 
“Ya know. Al gave her a job here. He ain't gonna like you taking her away like this.” Husk pointed out from the bar.
“Stay outta this pussy cat. If that Deer bastard’s got an issue he can come back to the tower and hash it out with me personally. Hear for himself just what I think of him demoting my girl to a fucking janitor.”
“I like to clean!” Niffty grinned, not seeming to see the same Issue Velvette was.
“So. You're taking Niffty shopping? Is she going to be gone long?” Charlie asked, clearly a bit apprehensive about letting their weird little maid leave by herself with an Overlord.
“I don't think it gives us a good image, if our staff is seen out and about with the Vees.” Vaggie pointed out, making herself known from further back in the foyer, glaring at the young overlord suspiciously.
“Oh please. What kind of Hotel only has, like, two guests anyway. One or two posts on my Sinstagram and your crummy little hotel could be crawling with patrons.” Velvette almost giggled, turning around to hold up her phone for a selfie.
“Aheh. I wouldn't do that if I was you, little lady.” A familiar staticky radio voice spoke out, a second before its owner materialized from the shadows, leaning forward on his cane with slightly narrowed eyes aimed at Velvette’s phone camera. “Unless of course, you wish for the first shop you visit to be buying a replacement.”
“If you break one more of my phones I swear to-”
“Let's, uh, not get into a fight shall we?” Charlie cut in, anticipating this to only get worse if it was allowed to continue.
“This hotel is not in affiliation with the Vees. As I have made very clear on multiple occasions.” Alastor's voice was a casual firmness, being polite instead of argumentative. “It is a place for sinners who honestly want to give redemption a shot. Not some tacky, tourist photo opportunity for your social media scrutiny.”
Alastor straightened up from his forward lean, walking over to put himself between both Charlie and Velvette, slightly to the side so he could address them both equally. “However. If Charlie wishes to allow you some form of promotional material. Perhaps you may ask her to join you on your outing today? Ask some questions, take some photos together. Be seen supporting our darling princess in a few of your posts.”
“I'm not letting Charlie go anywhere with an Overlord. It's bad enough that you're here. And even then I'm only about sixty percent sure you're not a threat to us.”
“Sixty? My, I've gone up in your estimations.” Alastor laughed, backed up by a condescending laugh track. “But very well, I suppose it would be remiss to leave you behind.”
“Hold up. This ain't some kind of playdate.” Velvette snapped, putting Niffty back down on the floor to instead stand with both hands on his hips, hip checked to the side with very obvious attitude. “I'm here for Girls night with-”
“And the last time I checked, both Charlie and her paramour were of the female persuasion.” Alastor said, more firmly this time. “Girls night seems like a wonderful bonding experience for all of you!”
Charlie looked back at Vaggie, who was holding her spear to the side, not looking thrilled at the idea, but not outright rejecting it either, and Niffty was bouncing on the spot with a hug grin stretching wide across her face. “I… guess it wouldn't hurt to get to know eachother. I mean, if your a friend of Al's, and wanted to help out.”
“Ooooo! Girls night got bigger.” Niffty gasped, practically vibrating with excitement.
“Urgh.” Velvette groaned, racking a hand down her face in annoyance. But the fond look she gave at seeing how happy the idea made Niffty softened the blow somewhat. “Fine. I suppose being seen with the princess isn't cramping my style too much.” The resignation in her voice was palpable, and the knowing look she shot Alastor only validated his smug expression.
“Wonderful! Anything Charlie buys, you may take out of my personal account.” Alastor said brightly, stepping aside to allow Charlie to pass. “I look forward to hearing all about it this evening.”
Vaggie reluctantly followed the others out of the hotel, moving besides a bewildered but optimistic Charlie, who already looked like she might break into a full round of twenty questions at the drop of a hat.
“And don't you fret princess. I'm sure the boys and I will have things completely under control here until you get back.”
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spinnydraws · 2 months
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆ About me
| 🩷Name: (I have multiple…) Mackenzie / N / Doll / Steven / Spin (Any is fine to use, and nicknames are okay too ( ≧ᗜ≦) )
| 🌈Age: 15 !!!
| 🫧DMS / @‘s: OPEN DMS!!! (Won’t respond fast, I’m anti social HELP) and @ whenever !
| 🎀Pronouns: He / She / They
| 💘Likes: MURDER DRONES!!!!!!!!! Drawing, N murder drones, Doll murder drones, V MURDERDRONESGGRGAGETWYGSGHA, N murder drones again, J murder drones <3333, did I say I like N murder drones? ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა
|❌Dislike: a lot idk lol
| 🧸 MY SIS IS @niniscookiecafe AND YOU SHOULD TOTS FOLLOW HER RN ૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა˖⁺‧₊˚
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆ About my art / blog
| 🐾 This blog is both for my drawings, writings, and reblogs (Bc I don’t feel like making separate blogs for all three -_-;)
| ⭐️ This blog is mainly SFW, but I do sometimes draw / reblog gore, body horror, nudity, etc. I will tag them with TWs like “(( body horror, (( gore, (( nudity, (( suggestive” etc etc. ofc, I tag spoilers as well.
| 🧶 I do not care about people spam liking and or rebloging me, go wild! Asks are always open! Don’t be afraid to say hi or spam me, I encourage it! PLEASE ask about my ocs / au… I beg… ₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎
| 🎭 #ShutitKenzie, #Kenziebabbles ; my talk tag (I don’t shut up)! #Kenziedraws ; my art tag! #Kenzieiswrting… ; my write / fanfic tag! #Kenzieanswers ; my ask tag! And lastly, #ArtforKenzie ; is fan art / write tag!
| 🌙 I used ibisPaintX for the majority of my drawings, and will sometimes post traditional stuff! I’m a multifandom blog, but rn it’s 999% MURDER DRONES, ocs, and 1% other stuff.
| 🩸 I don’t do commissions (as of yet,) but I will accept art trades (with moots only, please.) I also take art requests thru asks, usually I’ll make a post asking for reqs but don’t be shy to send some anywayz! ૮(๑>◡<๑)ა
| 💌 I don’t care about others using my art / writings as heavy ref and or inspiration. I’d greatly appreciate it if you’d tag me, because I wanna see it! Tracing my art is also okay for practice and whatnot, but if you do post it, also tag me! I allow reposts, put please credit me if doing so. Idc about people using my art for headers, boards, pfps covers ETC all I ask for is credit lol. If you make fan art / write of my stories/aus designs and or original characters, DONT be afraid to tag me!!!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆ DNI
(What I say in my dni is final, I will not debate about it so please don’t start arguments! It’s for my own comfort and safety)
| ❌ Racists, homophobes, transphobes, pro Israel’s etc, basic dni criteria.
| ❌ People who whitewash, and who think “blackwashing” is real. Along with people who erase canon lgbt rep. ໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১
| ❌ If you’re an nsfw account, a proshipper, comshipper, or disrespectful / toxic “anti”. If you support anyone problematic (yandev, theftking, matpat, dream, Wilbur etc etc)
| ❌ I block empty blogs! If ur not a bot, at least have a pfp or I’ll block u 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。
| ❌ If you’re going to whine about my interpretation / redesigns of media, than my blog is not for u…… I don’t want to deal with people constantly saying what’s canon and what isn’t cuz Idrc lol. Please don’t argue with me over ships either, I’m a multishipper and don’t have to follow canon. (If u insist on doing this, I’ll block u.)
୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆ Thank you for reading, if you’ve read all this, then you are more than welcome to follow! Don’t be afraid to dm and talk to me, I love making friends despite my antisocial tendencies ……!!!! I hope you enjoy your stay, and if you don’t, then I’m sorry ૮꒰ ྀི >⸝⸝⸝< ྀི꒱ა ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ⋅ ☆
. •🎀🍰🐾 • .
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IL0VE DOLL thisis by @/randygrim follow them or ill rip yourorgans out
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justsomerandomfanfic · 2 months
Hi! Can i request a romantic matchup for star wars, hp marauders and DC? :3 (sorry if i make any mistakes english is not my first language :3) Anyways, about me: I'm bisexual and demisexual. She/her pronouns but neutrals are fine. Infj 4w3, big 3 are; gemini sun, taurus moon, sag rising. I have short dark hair and I loveeee to style it like marilyn monroe (I'm obsessed with old hollywood) I have olive pale skin and dark brown eyes, I'm 5'7 and skinny but not too much mostly because I'm a figure skater! idk i think im really pretty! Mexican with italian and native family. Older sister that basically took raised her little brother and depressed mom (damn.)I love my family and basically love human interactions lmao. Extrovert (? idk) my friends describe me as likeable, charismatic, clumsy, witty, confident, idealistic, caring and nice. I love making people feel comfortable and welcome. People that don't like me may describe me as argumentative, annoying, stubborn, greedy, with ego or even mean and i'm not going to deny anything of that tbh. I loveeee feeling pretty and I'm a girly nerd girl, champagne colors, black and pink are def my thing. I love political science, neuropsychology, literature, women history and pyshics. My specials interests are: old hollywood, star wars (mostly obi-wan kenobi lol) manifestation, barbie and Sylvia plath. And yes, I'm autistic but I work with it really well. I love to perform and all that stuff, I was in a band, playing guitar and singing, musicals, figure skating, ballet etc. I don't talk about my problems to anyone, i just write them down because i don't really like to worry people and i know it's not healthy but idc. I always manage to be optimistic but realistic. I'm a perfectionist and I reaaaaally hate doing something wrong so that's mostly when I have my mental breakdowns lmao. Quite touchy with people i really like, hugs, touching faces, playing with hair, toying with hands, but I always make sure that they're okay with it! Also i'm quite bubbly and flirty but I'm not really interested on someone(mostly because now relationships are really weird, help.), I'm really specific with what i want and i have high standards. I hate: thunderstorms(im really scared of them) crowded places were i'm alone, really negative people, pick me's, pumpkins, immature people, facists, last minute surprise, people with horrible communication skills. Sand and the beach. Maps and driving, unfair stuff, sexism and men being stupid. I love: summer and spring, animals, makeup, any kind of music but my favs are: mcr, britney spears, fiona apple, the cardigans, marina, lana del rey, ariana grande, nine inch nails, the cure and bikini kill. Stawberrys, gossip girl, mexican soap operas (I LOVE RUBI AND TERESA!!!) comics and nerdy stuff (It all started because i wanted to prove a boy that I hated that I knew more about star wars than him and I ended up watching all the movies, series and reading all prequels books lmao)playing legos with my little brother, baking and having debates with my literature teacher.
Hello! I'm sorry this has taken so long to get posted! I hope you like it nonetheless! (I also love old hollywood! I love marilyn, audrey hepburn, and cary grant!) Enjoy! <33333
Star Wars;
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
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🌙 You met Obi-Wan on a random planet that he was visiting for some undisclosed reasons; you were walking with your friends past him, and as you both passed each other, you made eye contact - the world seemed to slow down, your eyes locked on one another - love at first sight
🌙 You didn't see Obi-Wan until when you and your friends we drinking in the nearby cantina; your friends gestured to the mysterious man across the bar, and you followed their line of sight - seeing the man that you had passed earlier that day, your friends hyped you up to go over and talk to him
🌙 The conversation floooowed, and I mean flowed, the instant connection that you had with this man was undeniable and intoxicating - you couldn't get enough of his voice and how his words seemed to grapple and pull you right in; it wasn't until later in the night that you found out his name, Obi-Wan Kenobi
🌙 Months later, Obi-Wan, trapped in the Jedi Laws, tried to hide how much he enjoyed your presence, but it was difficult, in the end - risking his Jedi life and duty - he confessed who he truly was, but you still loved him all the same
🌙 Your and Obi's relationship was kept a secret, even from most of your friends, though Anakin quickly figured it out - you and Obi were a perfect match, always there for each other, always understanding and caring towards one another; you both loved each other to the moons and back... And then some
Harry Potter (Marauders);
James Potter:
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✨ You met James at Hogwarts, and you instantly felt a connection between the two of you - it wasn't long until the both of you were flirting with one another, joking around, having a few laughs; the feelings you had for each other were unspoken, but understood
✨ You and James were inseparable, whenever you could, you'd be together, joined at the hip, no matter the time of day - and you were always touching each other in some way, holding hands, playing with his hair, his arms around you; you'd often squish his cheeks together, James would always blush at the contact
✨ When spending nights together - either just cuddling or talking about your favorite music, comics, or your love for strawberries - and a thunderstorm arises, he is always there for you, distracting you or covering your ears while holding you; if a storm is coming, it's like a sixth sense
✨ During the summer, you and James meet up as much as possible - you get the opportunity to show him your favorite music, movies, and shows - sometimes if you're lucky, James let's you do his makeup
✨ James and your little bro would probably get along beautifully as well, and I would bet that James would love to play with Legos with you and your brother - even though he has no idea what they are in the beginning XD
Harley Quinn:
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♥ You met Harley at one of her roller derby games - being a figure skater, you enjoyed seeing people roller skate - you immediately caught her eyes as she raced around the track; your Marilyn Monroe styled hair was amazing to say the least
♥ She had to tell you how much she loved your hair, and she did after winner her match, meeting you out in the parking lot before you and your friends left; she made sure to compliment you (a lot), and even gave you her card, which you took with a smile
♥ Her card didn't have any number or address, so you believed that it was going to be difficult to find her, but you were surprisingly wrong - small world, even if it was Gotham - you met her at this small convenience store, where you found her waiting for a breakfast sandwich
♥ You and her decided to walk around Gotham together, but the outing was short lived as she was getting chased by like ten people - you didn't see Harley for a long while, but when you did, she had a Hyena and a kid (and a nice car)
♥ You joined Harley and Cassandra (and Bruce) on their adventures, stealing marshmallows from stores, going around town causing slight chaos, and just having a grand ol' time together
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our-mspec-experience · 7 months
Hi! I'm so glad I found your blog, especially during these very rough times for MSPECs and queer people as a whole.
I'm a bi lesbian, and I only recently came just a year ago. Before I did some googling, I had no idea what an MSPEC, Mogai or anything like that was. Actually, truth be told, I'm still learning what some terms mean and I love seeing new terms be brought to light/discovered.
However, I'm also very aware of BLERFs (Bi Lesbian Exclusionary Radical Feminists), TERFs, and MERFs (MSPEC Exclusionary Radical Feminists), as well as general bigots and bigoted queers/exclusionists. As someone who's experienced all but one of the above, I understand that it can be very uncomfortable, especially for young, closeted or confused MSPECs to feel safe, happy and accepted by a broader group of people.
Before I got tumblr, I honestly thought I was the only open bi lesbian on twitter lol. I know now that I'm not, just that our numbers are low due to the above reasons and many more that I did not name.
My biggest tip for any and all MSPECs is this:
Don't be afraid to come out. There are people who love you and accept you. As long as you aren't hurting anyone or anything, I can assure you that a lot of people, hidden or otherwise, know what you're going through and will always be willing to help out.
Before I finish the ask, I might as well as you a few things:
. If you use a flag, what one do you use to show your identity?
. Is there anything you use in particular to stump exclusionists when in a one-way debate and two-way argument (aka a regular chat with an exclusionist, assuming they're capable of rational thinking)?
. What are some pointers/tips for anyone confused about their sexuality but feel as if they sit on the MSPEC spectrum?
. What are some of the funniest encounters you've had with other MSPECs?
Because the questions are being to pile up, I'll stop now lol.
Have a great day (or night), stay hydrated, and remember to wear your seatbelt!
Thank you for the questions! I think I’ll make them their own post since this one is already quite long(if you’d like me to tag you in it let me know). I hope you also have a good day/night, stay hydrated & wear a seatbelt!
Im sorry to hear you’ve had to deal with so much backlash against your identity, you are always welcome here!
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About this blog (and its writer, obviously)
Writeblr-specific Intro (coming soon-ish)
Most used tags
About Feedback Asks (coming soon-ish)
What follows: About me | My values | What to expect on this blog | A word of caution regarding my own content/writing shares | A literature link
About me
I am a chaotic good trilingual Belgian lady, writer of character-driven Dark Fantasy, and I was diagnosed autistic in January '23 at the age of 42. I'm overall a happy person, gots a husband, two cats, a great love and passion for anime (subbed) and video games, reverence for Dragons and Death (yes, the entity), an obsession with emotions and psychology, and I tend to fangirl my own characters a lot. I'm real easy to get to know since I'm open about my life and myself.
I'm also chronically stressed and tired. The assumption here is that decades of unwitting masking, of functioning by societal norms, has slowly gotten me into a state of perpetual autistic burnout. This basically means that I have good days and bad days, depending on how brain chemistry decides to fare. Generally, I dislike getting into arguments and petty debates because they waste so much energy over nothing.
My values
These past decades have gotten me here: I am all about tolerance and communication and seeing the world through each other's eyes. As such, I love meeting people of all walks of life, be they fellow autistics, ADHD, bipolar, neurotypicals, and everything in between. I'm genuinely interested in understanding how people function.
However. Tired as I always am, I tend to do what feels natural to me without too much thought at times. This means, specifically for fellow autistics, that I don't adhere to the unwritten rules and social cues of the global autistic community. Concretely: I don't speak the lingo and won't cater to specific needs on my blog. This also applies to trigger warnings, which I don't recognize beyond 18+ and gore.
This means that, here, any and all topics can/may/will be discussed, and that everyone's welcome to pitch in an opinion/thought – as long as you do it respectfully. I am generally able to perceive the difference between responses made in anger and hurt, and targeted trolling. As said above, I do like to meet people of all kinds. There's also no need to adhere to any sort of Tumblr etiquette with me. Just come as you are. We'll see if we can get along.
What to expect on this blog
Since my activity spikes at times and I mainly enjoy scrolling BotW fanarts, arts in general, and posts about writing, I can only tell you for certain that herein you can find
reblogs about writing tips on varying subjects
reblogs of dark/beautiful artwork that appeals to me
the occasional autism reblog that speaks to my personal life
the even more occasional personal blog
the very occasional writing snippet from my own works
The most important thing to remember about personal input is that, when I write about any topic, be it eloquently or like a monkey on red bull, what I say is only my own personal opinion and experience. I'm open to being told I'm wrong on more general topics, not to be yelled at or otherwise bullied into compliance. I'm cute and friendly until I no longer am.
As stated above: I am all about tolerance and communication. I'll assume any bitchiness is a reaction of hurt if you extend the same courtesy to me. I'm open to discussing potential issues as long as you try to understand where I'm coming from, too.
A word of caution regarding my own content/writing shares
As stated above, I tend not to have a working filter when it comes to trigger warnings beyond 18+ and gore. I don't think in categories. My mind is a flow of feelings and emotions and thoughts and of life, beautiful and ugly, sometimes uplifting, sometimes rife with darkness and despair. And I need to express it all the only way I know how: by simply expressing it.
Therefore, reading any of my posts comes at your own discretion. I will assume you've read through the pinned post, and direct you here should you express any sort of uninformed displeasure at reading my posts.
Still here?
Wonderful :3. Now, how about I direct you to my current big project, Ario's story, and all five (almost six) parts in his story? Yes? Yes. :3
Basically the story of a young man who decided to flee his home country, gets stuck on a ship, and then problems, comedy, sappiness and all sorts of delicious moments occur. The Dark Fantasy part is coming up in part 6. Stay tuned!
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sissa-arrows · 17 days
Just in case it wasn’t clear the comments and reblog of my posts are not a place for you to debate about Zionist rights. It’s not a place for you to debate on what is a legitimate form of resistance against colonialism and what is not.
If you genuinely wanna learn and I can help no problem my comments, ask and private messages are open. And it’s not just a figure of speech people who asked me questions in DM always received an answer same for my ask (to the anon who sent me a message about fictional work that doesn’t both side ethnic cleansing and colonialism I swear I haven’t forgotten you I just didn’t have time to make a proper list as I want to try to promote indigenous authors, actors and film makers)
But all the people who are pretending to ask a question but aren’t actually genuine. All the people both siding colonialism. You are NOT welcome and never will be. My blog doesn’t have unlimited freedom of speech and you don’t have the freedom to support colonialism in my posts without consequences.
If you wanna be a piece of shit do it in your own posts (but it would require having an actual blog and not creating a burner just to spit your hatred… and it would require having actual arguments instead of just being a racist piece of shit)
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hollyhuedhorror · 1 month
Welcome to my little corner of the world-wide web! The Thicket!
A spot for me to post my art, and also share the wonderful and fun pieces I find as I wander around. This blog will mainly focus on horror, macabre, creepy, and other spooky sorts of art, such as designing monsters. So, viewer beware!
I hope to, as I get more practice, create interactive posts and characters for you to explore during your time here. I'm always open to requests, and my inbox is anon-friendly for those who need it!
All posts will be tagged with proper warnings, and if I miss any, please feel free to let me know! I also use alt image descriptors for all the art I myself make and post, and will, as able, add ID's to rebloged posts and images.
If the reblog does not have an ID already, it will be updated in a future reblog. You can find all my described posts utilizing the tag 'described' in the search bar. If you have any feedback on this system, don't hesitate to send me an ask! In fact, if you have a random little ask just about anything - I will probably answer. Or, even, if you want your art described, but get intimidated by making ID's! Please reach out!
As for rules of interaction, this blog won't be covering or posting any sort of NSFW material, so please do not send or ask me about such. I don't consider horror necessarily NSFW, especially due to its broad range of material, appeal, and subject.
And, I respectfully ask that : no terfs, racists, shotas, lolis, ableists, homophobes, bigots, or the like, interact with my posts.
This is intended to be a safe space for queer individuals like myself, and many others. If I find hate speech on any of my posts, you will be reported and blocked. This blog is also not intended to be political, and I am not here to hold debate.
I will not share possibly triggering imagery with no warnings or for shock value. Fictional horror and real-world tragedies / disturbing imagery depicting a real event, are very different things and the latter two should be treated with utmost care.
I will, however, share posts related to current events and causes that are in need of donations. If you try to start an argument in my comments or inbox about politics, you will be blocked and ignored. I am not entitled to your time, you are not entitled to mine. Please don't harass people in my posts, comments, etc.
Overall, with all that blabbering aside : please just be mindful towards others, and I hope you enjoy your time in the Thicket.
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hello. welcome to my blog that will hopefully used for hot takes, discussion, and debate about the danganronpa another fangame duology and its community and fandom. i might also discuss canon danganronpa or other visual novels i like.
i'm an adult, i use any and all pronouns (hit me with one i haven't seen before and i make a zelda 'item pickup' sound), and on this blog you can call me whatever you want.
asks of any kind are allowed, and anon is always on.
tagging system (provisional):
#fire a take!! -- an original post that's a take
#oh and another thing -- follow-ups to takes i made; a self-reblog
#rebuttal showdown! -- a response to an argument or point given
#blog housework -- other original posts that aren't arguments or takes
#cross-examination -- asks of any kind
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[ID: This blog has no DNI. Please be civil and respectful to everyone under my posts!]
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
You know I have some really unfriendly opinions on Misha and especially Jensen but I don't go out of my way to try to make their fans upset. Don't be a dick.
So, I usually don't plan on addressing the various vituperative messages that have built up in my ask box --- just a brief side note to the others about that... I did say that it was always open, but that is not, btw, an invitation to be bullied! Luckily, however, I really don't care. So. Go off, I guess! (Side question: if I give you permission to yell at me in my ask box, will you leave everyone else alone? Because I'd make that trade.) --- but yours actually makes an argument that I can address, instead of just spitting random opinions as though they're facts, all proceeded by "LOL", so I'm going to respond.
Despite my natural proclivity for sarcasm, I mean this completely honestly; it's really cool that you have, as you term them, unfriendly opinions on Misha and Jensen. And, while I, personally, disagree --- at least as regards their acting; like I've said repeatedly, I don't know everything (or even that much) about them irl --- I honestly welcome you to share them! There are tons of people out there who are bound to feel similarly --- it's a statistical certainty, given the size of the SPN fandom --- and I cannot say enough how satisfying it can be to find people of like-minded ways of thinking.
There's a difference between expressing one's opinion, however, and "[going] out of my way to try to make their fans upset." It's not like I left these messages untagged, or anything like that; they weren't left with solely generic tagging, with something along the lines of "#supernatural", "#sam winchester", "#jared padalecki", etc. Indeed, I marked this as explicitly "#anti jared padalecki" every time, precisely because I didn't want people to be exposed to the post unless they chose to look at things tagged that way; I marked it this way so people knew what they were getting into.
If his fans saw this post, then they actively sought it out. I will take responsibility for what I said --- largely because I said it and stand by it: I don't like his acting, probably never will, and nobody (especially not random jarpad stans online, who took the four hours in which I was sleeping as free reign to spam my inbox with asks whose anonymous statuses suggest that they weren't even willing to take credit for them in public) is going to change my opinion on this --- but I do not take responsibility for, as you put it, "going out of my way to try to make [his] fans upset." They chose to be here same as I did.
Also. Speaking as a fan of Jensen's acting, a fan of Misha's acting, and a very severe anti to Padalecki's acting: if you like Jared's acting, that's valid! If you dislike Misha/Jensen? That's valid! Opinions --- especially differing ones --- are good; they're measures of individuality, of free will, et cetera. A number of my friends love Jared and Sam, and dealing with that is really easy! I just don't talk to them about the fact that I dislike either of their faves. With the exception of the occasional good-tempered debate --- where they're giving as good as they get, and we're both speaking in good fun --- it just doesn't come up! And that's fine!
There's a difference between having an opinion and trying to force other people to share it. I never said that Jared stans should come look at the posts, and I haven't exactly been subtle about disliking Sam up to this point; indeed, a brief search on "anti sam winchester" yields about 20 results on my blog. If his fans choose to come onto my blog, that's their choice. And if we're at the point where expressing a contrasting opinion to any group of people is "going out of my way to try to make [them] upset", then our society is discouraging individuals from thinking for themselves, and that's problematic in and of itself.
So, yeah. Differing opinions = good. Expressing opinions = good. Trying to force other people to share them = bad. Yelling at random people online because they don't love your idol = bad. It's not that hard!
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roseadleyn · 1 year
❝ RULES. ❞
— don't !
please refrain from requesting when my requests are closed!
do not argue, i welcome debates and often engage in them but i beg of you to abstain from argument.
do not dm me if you have.. unusual intentions. do not try to chat me up, do not try to convince me to do things that i clearly do not want to.
do not repost my work.
if you read one of my darker works, then, for the love of god, read the warnings. do not complain about the work if the warnings are there and you did not read them. they are there for a reason.
don't demand for me to prioritize your request.
i don't do requests on first come, first serve basis. i write for the requests that interest me and that's it.
please do not request explicit nsfw. i do not have much confidence in writing nsfw so i will not.
— do !
when requests are open, go crazy! okay, not completely crazy, but you get the point.
feel free to dm me if u wanna be friends! i love talking to people, so you can contact me either through inbox or dms <33
tag me in posts u want me to see, in quizzes, in anything. i really don't mind, it makes my heart go 💓
wanna talk?? inbox and dms are always open <33 i try to respond as quick as i can!!
reblogs are loved and appreciated
if you wanna be mutuals then feel free to ask 😔💞
if there is/are any fandom/fandoms that you want me to write for, then please recommend them to me, i'll check out the fandom and then once i do, i'll do your request.
do not interact if —
if you are islamophobic
fit the usual do not interact criteria
support what j.k rowling is doing.
before you interact —
i reblog posts from my mutuals and often times very, very long threads of posts so yeah. keep that in mind
i don't reply to replies very often unless they're my mutuals so yeah
before you follow —
i do not support j.k rowling but i do indeed love her series. i've known and loved the harry potter series since almost 9 years, and i still enjoy it. so if you don't like it, leave.
i'm not the most active person when it comes to writing; i try to be fast but i do have a life of my own, you know, so please keep that in mind with your requests.
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majorbaby · 1 year
I swear, some of the rudest and most obnoxious MASH fans are the BJ fanatics. Heaven forbid some people just plain don’t like that character!
i received this ask last night and it's a perfect example of why i don't want to rehash the 'what episode do you start from' debate anymore, even from a purely analytical perspective. it is a discussion that is only pretending to care about situating first-time viewers. it's not about which cast you like more, because there's a negligible amount of henry vs. potter discussion out there. everybody acknowledges that it gets messy and needlessly upsets everyone, and it's always immediately followed up with a bunch of smug posts like 'the correct way to watch MASH is while your married same-sex roommate rails you from behind as your tent is being shelled' which would be funny if it weren't for the convenient timing.
for the record, i'm not saying there isn't a good-faith conversation to be had and honest arguments to be made or that the question should not be asked, i just don't think that is what happens. it's a ship war. okay, so just ask the real question: hawkeye/trapper or hawkeye/BJ. the problem with that though is that you'd have to actually watch the whole show to enter into that debate without feeling like an asshole. additionally, people would be more likely to point out that the resulting data is flawed because the question (like the 'where do you start' question) merely implies that you must've seen the whole show, and the sample contains a good amount of people who haven't seen the whole thing.
and i use 'feeling like an asshole' because it's a self-imposed expectation which is sometimes enforced by others. i personally believe it's completely valid to like one ship without even considering the other. i'm not sitting around all day getting my feelings hurt thinking about who's sucking hawkeye's dick, i've got bigger dicks that need sucking.
i could (and i do) look the other way on ship wars, but this is tumblr.com where people are increasingly inclined to justify their personal preferences by virtue signalling, at which point it becomes painfully obvious to me how insufferably white this fandom is. a bunch of white people sitting around talking about how hurt their feelings are by trapper and henry cheating on their fictional off-screen wives while potter calls klinger a donkey or a house pet and hardly anyone blinks. 
and i've put my time in explaining why and how this is regressive and hurtful using patient, respectful, intellectual words. so if something somehow slips past my filters and i see the equivalent of '3rd wave intersectional feminists wrote welcome to korea' ever again i'm just gonna do as i always do in every arena of my life: mutter 'okay whitey' and move on.
anyway anon, i don't endorse these kinds of blanket statements even if i understand where they come from - and that's not to say i agree with what's you've said, it's just that if you're in a space with one dominant stance that you do not align with then yeah, you're gonna be annoyed. please do that somewhere other than my ask box.
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Hello, im the anon who asked about Zionism/antizionism in synagogues thank you so much for your response!
I would like to clarify first and apologize as well that I did not mean for it to sound like I was viewing Judaism as a political identity. I grew up in very small Christian churches and the pastors would always very openly share and incorporate their political beliefs during the sermons and the congregation would always respond in real life harmful ways (being homophobic, transphobic, racist, etc) outside of church and it’s part of what made me scared to go back to any religious service or explore any religion for a long time.
After reading your response I can see now this is my own christian religious trauma/experience that I was projecting because I was afraid of possibly having to experience that or something similar again, but Judaism is so different from Christianity that I shouldn’t have even compared the experiences to begin with. It was antisemitic and ignorant of me and I realize that now, thank you so much for your response again.
Hi anon,
You are welcome for the response and I appreciate that you took this in stride. However, just to be clear, my response wasn't meant to be a call-out, just a teaching moment. I don't think the comparison itself was antisemitic, and questions are always welcome here. It's hard to know what you don't know, you know?
My concern stemmed from a place of seeing some people get way too excited about converting specifically because of their highly polarized and propagandized viewpoints on Israel (both sides, to be clear.) In reality, the more I've learnt about the situation and talked to both Israelis and Palestinians, the more I've realized just how complicated the situation is. There are parts of this conflict that I will never understand as an American and someone without family there. I think there are plenty of people living there who will never understand all the details.
However you raise an interesting point about politics being preached from the pulpit. Do rabbis preach politics from the bimah? The answer is definitely yes, in that plenty of rabbis will connect their drash (sermon) to current events and the relevant interests of their congregation (definitely some more than others.) If you find the right community for you, however, this isn't a problem. My personal communities' rabbis preach love and acceptance and justice for queer folks, trans folks, and people of color. Both have a love of Israel as a tenet of their vision statement, but there is still plenty of room for discussion, criticism, argument, and debate about what should (or should not) be happening there.
Here's a post I recommend checking out, as I feel like it does an excellent job of showing the myriad of ways that Jews (who may all share the same davening space!) feel about things + how they would describe themselves.
L'shalom and be well!
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codenamejudas · 1 year
Name / Alias: Mimi
Pronouns: she/her, but any will do
Blog type: single muse | semi-selective
Type of muses: Transformers based OC - crossover friendly, happy to discuss AUs to make interactions work!
Triggers people MUST tag: nothing i need tagged, though there are blog types i avoid on my dash by not following back
Interest tracker / checker: i don't have one though i do try to fill out others'
Reblog karma: i'm not picky about people reblogging memes from me. i usually try to send memes to the person i see it from; may be on anon if we haven't interacted much/at all
Rule passwords: i don't have one but i try to send them in. i always read rules
due to past events, Judas doesn't exist in any way but physical. therefore nobody should know anything about his background beyond what he offers through interaction. this especially includes his involvement with MECH (this won't apply for most non-TF AUs). if you aren't sure, ask! i'm highly likely to disregard anything that breaks this rule without prior discussion
you're always welcome to throw ideas at me, but if i say no to something it is not up for debate. i will respect the same answer back if you don't like something from me
angst is harder for me to work with without context. i'll write it for sure but it's easier if i have an idea where it's going/what you want out of it
i get drama happens, however if you try to drag me into arguments you've had with someone else, or demand i pick sides, i'm out. i always tag urls so you should be able to blacklist them, or unfollow me if you have to
if it walks like a bot and talks like a bot, it gets blocked like one too
seeing a lot of posts about how little interaction a blog is getting. it sucks not getting action, i get it and it's your blog so vent about it as much as you like. it's just not something i like having a constant barrage of on my dash.
if i go to explore a blog and see a lot of low effort posts. not necessarily one-liners because some characters bounce off each other well with those. more like replies that give the other person absolutely nothing to work with over and over.
i generally avoid characters with pedophilia themes
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Welcome to my Room! Bungo stray dogs ,moral orel, and classical literature themed! There's a little bit of everything about me in here, it gets a little chaotic. I'm finally using my tumblr acc and im not sure where to start, so please do interact! C:
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About the Author! Hey there! I go by she/her pronouns. General rudeness will not be tolerated and I expect civil discussions of all topics :). I am open to all ideas, including problematic content (once again, please ignore if I disturb you). Oh, and I really like the color green. Not sure how much importance that holds. Feel free to ask me anything, as long as you're respectful to others and yourself! <3 Short stories and fanfiction are my forte, and I do plan on sharing them here. I take writing requests if you are so kind to give me the privilege of allowing me to carry them out. I draw, sometimes. Although, im not exactly confident in my artistic capabilities, im sure that one day I might post them here ;"). You can also probably find my short drabbles on life here as well. I enjoy discussion on the issues underneath the skin of the world, philosophical arguments are always intriguing. I just ask that everyone be respectful. Currently im reading the Handmaid's tale, crime and punishment, titus andronicus, and the Body meets the score (not classical, but a great read for those that are interested in studying childhood trauma). I would love it if you were to give book recs! I am running out ;') ___________________________________________________________ Blog Rules! Just be respectful, if you disagree with something, that's ok! Dispute your opinion in a respectful manner. However, when it comes to fiction, if you don't like something, ignore it. Please. It gives creators so much more breathing space and freedom. I understand that people have differing ideas about what they believe to be right and wrong in fiction, all I ask is that you keep that kind of debate out of fiction in this blog. We should just spread love C: My Requests are open! Please feel free to ask me anything or if you want something written, I am also here. The only things that I will not write are: -ANYTHING encouraging or affirming homophobic, transphobic, or racist content. Please give me time to finish your request! :C I've been super busy of late and I cannot guarantee that I will get to it. I won't be able to get to all of them! -------------------------------------------------------------- Bungo Stray Dogs:
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-Please talk to me about Dazai. Oh my god. I swear this man has taken over my life and he doesn't even exist. -I swear he could do anything to me and id count it as a blessing. ____________________________________________________
Moral Orel:
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-Oh my god. -This show. -There's like two people in this fandom total, but that's ok. The characters are incredibly complex psychologically and I've taken a liking to it. If you want to spend five hours discussing them with me (you probably dont) THEN DO IT. -Or if you want to talk about nurse bendy. I love her. And everything about her. _________ oh yeah and if you want to talk about the psychological value of every spongebob episode to ever exist ig im here too but idk I think im the only person that does that -------------------------------
New blog as of 7/18/22! So please do interact!
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