#but then asra actually did slowly start to fall in love with julian
asmo-cosmetics · 26 days
when i say i ship asrian what i need you to understand is that i mean i want asra to apologize and beg for julian back. possibly in messy tears
#you can't convince me he wasn't the shittiest most manipulative awful boyfriend ever. no one understands me#as always debate and arguments are not welcome on my posts and you will be blocked#but like. listen ok. my headcanon is basically that they were fwb (for a rlly long time)#and julian fell in love with him because of course he did#and asra knew even before he ever admitted it because julian is obvious af#but asra was essentially just using julian and specifically dominating julian as an outlet to feel powerful#so the whole dynamic was basically humiliating for julian because they both knew that he loved asra and they both knew that asra#was using him for sex#but then asra actually did slowly start to fall in love with julian#which julian would obviously never notice because he hates himself#so it was pretty easy to hide. so asra hid it because he hated the thought of being vulnerable in front of julian#and then eventually let julian leave him with his whole dramatic shit of 'asra you deserve better'#and he couldn't say anything because he knew it was his fault#because that was what asra had made him believe#and then finds a way to twist it in his head to basically what he told mc in julian's route#that julian was 'deciding what's best for him'#instead of admitting that he was in love but he couldn't admit it because he thought he was above someone like julian#asrian#the arcana#wank //#<- i don't really see it as wank but i also really do not want asra stans bitching on my posts 🙏
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therowdymagpie · 6 months
The Main 6 as AJR songs(pt.1): The Click
A/N: I have no idea who is going to care about this, but character analysis through songs is one of my favourite activities and combining two of my biggest hyperfixations at the moment seems like a good way to combat seasonal depression so, enjoy this mini headcanon series.(spoiler for all routes of course)
Asra: Turning Out
Starting off, for Asra "Turning out" really strikes me as the song that could desrcibe how disoriented they must have felt during the first few months of the Apprentice's resurrection.
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These two verses could just really be talking about Asra's feelings at the start where the Apprentice doesn't recognise them and the surprise of the ritual not working the way it was supposed to. All of the questions they could have asked themselves:
"Am I ready to be their lover or friend?"
"Do you have instructions?"
"Where do I go from here?" are all things they would be wondering about how to best approach this, how can they go back to the way they and the MC were before.
And of course the themes of unexpected or unrequited love that deviates from storybooks, pop up. This is NOT a fairytale, this is a very traumatic, very fragile situation Asra is in, where they aren't a normal couple with Mc, where this is really anything but a love story, actually slowly evolving more into a romantic tragedy as they don't know how to approach the Mc. Sometimes not even as a friend or lover but simply falling into the role of a "Master" or teacher.
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Especially with this part, I can really see it as an entire internalised conversation in Asra's mind, with the version of MC they're familiar with.
Shouldn't they wait before they give up?
Don't they want to see the Mc get better?
Don't they want to wait and see if the Apprentice will love them again.?
And how everything is turning out in the end?
This is a song deep into the frustration and dissapointment coming out of a love you can't predict and at the same time a relationship you desperately want to make work exactly the way you want to, which works pretty well in this scenario.
Nadia: Burn The House Down
This song specifically i feel like fits Nadia SO MUCH. Aside from the political themes that are spread all around it, I really want to talk about lines like:
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Knowing how Pre Red Plague Era, Nadia had this toned down role in Vesuvia, blending behind Lucio's shadow as nothing more than an observer, this would be her train of doubts about her potition and if she herself as a Countess can make actual difference to better the city. It's these doubts that held her behind in fear of people once again ignoring and sidestepping her, much like how in Prakra she felt a similar way with her family.
These doubts later on also follow her throughout her own route, when she has the chance to prove herself to her city and be the leader it deserves.
As well as:
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Which just fits fits so much with the Courtiers situation and the corrupt polititians that overran Vesuvia while she was in her coma state. This also fits Lucio and how he was only parading the role of the Count while scheming, hiding, stricking deals while the only things he did for the city were to constanly keep up appearances and throw parties.
Overall the theme of stopping the circle of letting other people rule over your life and deciding to take charge and work WITH others to better the situation around you, whether political or not are all really resonating with Nadia. It's a great "pumping up" motivational song that describes her journey and personal growth as a Countess and a person.
Julian: Weak
(For those who know AJR or actually have heard this song: Come on.....what did you expect? XD)
The overarching theme of succumbing to your bad habits is LITERALLY indicative of Julian's whole route. How he resorts to drinking, punishing himself, overindulging in bad company and every other coping mechanism he uses are there in the lyrics:
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Small mention to how "one kiss, bad for me" could very well refer to the apprentice and how he has to distance himself from them, but at the same time can't seem to be able to fully detatch. He's a wanted man, there is no way that getting involved in a romance that can never be isn't going to hurt him, right?
Especially i feel like this song fits him so well exactly because Julian KNOWS all this, he's said it himself:
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Julian understands that he is ruining himself, that he is hurting others while doing it, that he should say no to the dark thougths in his mind and all the bad impulses BUT he also has convinced himself that he's not strong enough for that and keeps going back to the same bad habits.
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In the end this is a party anthem and we know Julian to be a party person himself, so he hypes it up. "What's wrong with that?" as well as the whole mood of the song could very well be him actively trying to convince everyone and himself, that...he's "weak", it's just who he is and he can't change. That way he can push people away and scare them off with how " iredeemable" he is and how he's just going to keep making mistakes. All because he just doesn't want to take anyone down with him....
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I also want to make quick reference to "Sober Up" and this lyric that's also giving strong Julian vibes with the MC helping him get out of his head.
Muriel: I'm not Famous
OK while this song doesn't melodically give me huuge Muriel vibes, the lyrics are thematical to his whole hermit situation.
This man put a magic curse ON HIMSELF that makes people forget that they even met him, except the people he gives something to remember him by, meaning the people closest to him.
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Like literally Muriel never has to worry about people talking about him, where he lives, what he likes to do, what are his habits or bother him anymore and that's described here like his personal paradise.
Which honestly makes so much sense if you take into consideration what his past used to be like. The trauma he endured by being in the Colissium and having everyone watch the worst version of himself EVERY SINGLE DAY, definetely warrants seeing almost complete isolation as bliss.
(Also noone hates him, he's our gentle giant that deserves the world fandom-wise and he's adored by everyone who DOES know him in Vesuvia.)
Honestly i feel like this song could very well be Muriel's personal diss towards Lucio, which is very funny to think about:
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Muriel is a hermit and yet he is more loved and acknoledged for who he is than Lucio will ever be (according to Muriel's route anyway). Lucio was loud, the main attraction for many, the centre of attention and yet people in the majority "judge" him and have seen all of his personal failures out on display because he chose to parade around trying to show that he was the best.
Muriel finds comfort in being unknown and has never been afraid to express that. He apprieciates the people in his life that matter which is exactly why this song fits this well.
Portia: Drama (/Turning Out)
Maybe i'm cheating with this one but I cannot talk about Portia without refering to both of these songs.
For starters, Drama: Now it's well known that Portia is an undisputed gossip queen. The woman has an entire map drawn out of secret passages scattered around the palace that STILL isn't fully finished, she knows the entire palace staff by name and she's not too unfamiliar about any street rumors or juicy stories. Point being: she goes around.
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The song describes how we can become envolved to other people's drama and get caught up in their stories so much it's addicting.
Now regardless of what perspective we see Portia from, one thing is clear: She wants excitement out her life and to get to do adventurous things of her own. Unfortunately though, because of her obligations and role she is instead "addicted" to other people's stories and shines through others.
In every story except her own she is just there, observing, seeing what happens next and contributes as much as she can because she can't be fully a part of it herself.
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Only in her own route does she get to actively be an important part of the story and the "Drama", getting out of the mindset of being a background character, take action and voice her opinions.
Tbh i haven't fully finished her route but so far i can at least understand this: Portia needs an opportunity to shine as her own person, and this song perfectly portrays that.
As for Turning Out, I just can't keep out of my head Portia saying these lines to Julian:
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I think Portia was so genuinely hurt by Julian leaving her behind in Nevivon and telling him all this would just hit SO HARD, especially since she grew up with and I think really admired him. Nevemind the fact that she was very close to losing him again with the execution , which makes these lyrics sting all the more.
That and the themes of growing up and getting your head out of stories and fairytales you read really sounds perfect for her character.
Lucio: The Good Part
Well what can i say, The Good Part is loud, energetic but at the same time just so pensive, which fit pretty good on Lucio if you think about it.
The entirety of the song and lyrics keep referring to skipping to the best part of your life and keep wondering when that actually is. Lucio is a complex character which I love but so much is apparent about him: He wants to be respected and he wants power. The thing is he isn't always going to work too hard to achieve it.
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His impentience as to when he'll be leader of his tribe is what drives him to the demon bargain that would make his parents sick and supposedly "skip" all of the proving himself as worthy of it and directly place him right on top. That behaviour later on continues with his deals with the Courtiers and then the Devil himself.
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And then later on even when he actually becomes a Count he still keeps showing off, throwing over-the-top parties and trying to give all the best things to his court and people. He keeps trying to make every moment the "Good Part" of his life constanly thinking he can go even more respected and loved as a ruler, even seeking to overthrow the Devil in some routes.
Lucio for all his skills and passion lacks patience and the ability to think ahead, jumping into situations that will get him where he wants to be all the faster. The song doesn't wholly describe his motivations and personality but it definetely hits on that particular aspect of him.
ShoutOut to familial issues:
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Annnd that's it, hoping to continue in Pt.2.
P.S Please go and listen to AJR folks they have some really deep, heartbreaking and thought-provoking stuff.
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howaboutleeches · 3 years
Ive never sent an ask before so im not sure if it will work but how about the Arcana main 6 with a seamstress Mc :)
How would the Main Six React to a seamstress MC!
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🔮 Asra could go hours and hours just watching you sewing, putting pieces together, and working on your machine. He found it mesmerizing how skilled you were, his eyes focused on every hand movement of yours.
🔮 The sound of your machine calmed him down, and he could fall asleep on a couch next to your working space, the one he had prepared specially for you and your craft. Enough lightening to make your job easier, any materials you may need and a comfortable chair to keep you comfortable.
🔮 Once you started working, Faust paid attention to you as well. She would slither up your desk or your back and watch closely, her big eyes shining as she watched you working. "Friend, work hard!"
🔮 Asra didn't want to ask for it, but if you made something for him, he would keep it around him all the time. Wearing, wrapping around his neck, around his waist, he wouldn't let it go.
🔮 Even better if you made something for Faust as well. Maybe something matching for the three of you? It would definitely put a smile on his face and make Faust's tail wiggle in excitement.
👑 No matter how she came to know about your skill, either you telling her or she figuring it out on her own, she became very excited about it. "I've always admired seamstresses! I tried sewing once but I just didn't have enough skill to seek it further", she would say as she grabbed your hands, caressing them as if trying to feel the power coming from them.
👑 Not even a week later, she grabbed you by the arm and led you across the halls of the palace, until she stopped in front of a room, a bright smile on her face. She opened the door to reveal a room filled with fabrics, sewing machines, mannequins, and many other items that made your heart skip a bit.
👑 That was her way of showing how much she appreciated your work. Contributing with her money to help you have the best environment (and products) to pursue your sewing career.
👑 She would ask you to make her outfits and brag to other royals and her own family about how good you were. It didn't take long for you to start receiving requests from other kingdoms and from her relatives as well.
👑 She just wants to see you happy, and knowing she helped you with it also fills up her sense of pride. Don't get me wrong, she didn't do it so she could brag about it, but she likes to know her help took part in your happiness.
♠️ When he came to know about what you did, he was beyond thrilled. He started to bombard you with the most various questions regarding your profession, how long you have been doing that, who taught you, and what kind of things you could make.
♠️ Although he felt a little embarrassed to ask for it, he would gather enough courage to do some stuff for him, if you wanted to and had the time, of course. Custom eyepatches would be his top request.
♠️ Eventually, he also started asking for costume capes. He got so excited when you would walk into the room waving a brand new cape, almost like a child receiving a Christmas gift.
♠️ He would often bring you books about sewing, and beautiful fabrics he bought with a discount, calling it his "contribution". The thing is, he felt guilty for asking you to do eyepatches and capes for him, but he felt so good wearing something you made, he couldn't help it!
♠️ Whenever your machine would have any sort of issue, he would rush to your aid and try to fix the situation, even if you knew how to do it yourself. He just loved being useful and getting a kiss on the cheek as a reward for his good deeds.
🌿 He and Inanna were curious regarding your machine. When it started to make noises, Inanna growled a little at it, but seeing it was harmless, she decided to approach and sniff. Soon, she started to enjoy the noises.
🌿 Muriel on the other hand had a frown on his face, saying he didn't like it. He actually didn't have anything against the machine itself, but he started feeling jealous of it. You spent so much time working on it, he felt left out.
🌿 You ended up noticing that and decided to set up a corner next to your working table where he could rest close to you and the fireplace as well. After that, his complaints stropped.
🌿 He sometimes went out to gather some flowers he found in the forest, hoping you could use them when sewing. He always tried to get the brightest and best smelling ones, saying they would look good on you.
🌿 If you made something for Inanna, he would think about proposing to you on the spot. Inanna has been his companion for a long time, and if you cared about her enough to do something nice for her out of genuine kindness, he would know you're the right one.
🐈 After finding out about you being a seamstress, she bothered Mazelinka for days so she could give her an old sewing machine she had in her house and other sewing materials that were buried deep into her house. Even if they were there for a long time, they were still very good quality.
🐈 She loved to watch you sewing, finding the sound of the machine extremely relaxing. She also pulled Pepi into her lap to watch you, which she did with wide eyes, following every movement of your hand with her gaze.
🐈 Portia one day asked if you could make something for Pepi, which you agreed to. As a surprise, you made matching sweaters for Pepi and Portia, which made her tear up in joy.
🐈She always bragged about your work to Nadia, saying you were, without a doubt, the best seamstress in the entire city of Vesuvia, the whole world even! She was extremely proud of you and wasn't afraid to show it to anyone.
🐐At first, he tried to convince you to pursue another career path. He said you were royalty now, and royalty didn't have to sew, they had other people to do that for them. It slightly annoyed him that you were doing something that someone else could take off your shoulders.
🐐As he watched you work though, his opinion started to slowly change. He saw the effort and love you put into it, and the beautiful pieces you created. He slowly started to fall in love with it.
🐐He secretly ordered a sewing machine for himself, thinking that it should be easy to sew. Then, he would show you his final work and you would awe and praise him. At least that was his plan, but after twenty minutes of trying to get the machine to work, he gave up.
🐐 He swallowed his pride, something he has only done three times in his life (he kept count of it), and went to you, asking you to teach him how to sew. The smile on his face when he made a scarf was priceless. He paraded it around the castle, making sure that everyone knew he had done it himself. And that you, his amazing and talented partner, had taught him how.
Well, I've been absent for a good while now, I'm not even sure no one reads my stuff anymore, but if someone still does, here ya go! I hope you enjoy this (◠‿◠✿)
I plan on being more active, maybe posting once a week.
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If you want to be added to the tag list, go interact on my pinned post so I can know  😉 💖
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shadow--writer · 3 years
bro do you think i could get like,, a coffee shop (or bookshop) au headcanons for the main six? if you're comfortable with that ☺️✨
Ah coffee shop/bookstore aus are my favourite I love them! I hope you don’t mind me going wild on my favs (Julian and Muriel) lol
Requests are still open! And asks about my new MC! Send em in!! (also fic requests are open lmao)
Main six x MC coffee shop/bookstore modern au
You work at your local bookstore and this very hot doctor comes in almost every week 
You don’t know why, but you’re curious as to why
He always comes during your shift, asking for new books, books on medical treatment, old history, history on leeches, types of leeches, birds and birdcare
The first time he came in when you locked eyes he fell over
You and your coworkers started a little bet to see what he’s coming in for next 
But he doesn’t come in the next week
Or after that
You hate to admit it but you’re starting to miss him. He never failed to make you laugh with his strange requests
The past few times he came in he was always a bit red
But his face lit up whenever he saw you
You started crushing on him and now that he hasn’t come back for a while you’re...a bit sad
Next time he comes in is when you’re closing up
He’s out of breath, wheezing on his knees
Amused you let him catch his breath
“MC...I’m sorry I haven’t come in a while! School and work got hectic and I didn’t have time-”
Shushing him gently you bring him inside, pulling out your secret stash of tea you keep in the back
Asking him what’s wrong makes him go bright red
Confused, you sit and wait
“Would you believe me if I said I fell in love with this cute bookworm who works in one of my favourite store?”
You’re a little hurt but happy for the person he loves. He notices the hurt and laughs
“It’s you sweetheart. I’ve seemed to have fallen for you.”
I’m sorry, but after he confesses he would totally steal you just to make out with you behind the science textbook section (....I might write this wait)
Asra works at this sweet little tea shop that you like to visit every so often after work/school
He’s the cutest barista and you always smile when he’s there
Slowly you’ve warmed up to one another, him bringing you your favourite tea with a little note
Don’t hit on the baristas, but he might make an exception just for you
He adds some stuff to your tea to make it special and he always gets excited when he sees you come in
When you stay late he breaks out the coffee to help you stay up studying/working
He’ll spend time after work just to talk to you
He smells good like cinnamon and tea leaves
If you fall asleep he’ll let you sleep a bit while he closes up, and then wakes you before he leaves
He really enjoys your company, and you always brighten his day when you come in 
Days you don’t come in seem to drag on and he’s a little lonely 
Oh no
oh no
he has a crush on you now
But you bet your sweet arse you developed some weird outta nowhere feelings for him too
It’s why you avoided the tea shop, you didn’t want to make things weird
He sees you passing by and runs after you just to tell you
He really does miss you 
His confession is all a jumble. “MCILOVEYOUSOMUCHPLEASECOMEBACK!”
He’s very cute and when you go back he’ll make you a latte with snake art
Nadia works at a cute little bookstore with a small cafe off to the side
It’s not very popular, just tucked away but it has a very nice atmosphere
They make the best pastries and have the best espressos
The first time you came in Nadia was there and willing to help 
She misheard you and sent you to the wrong section but she was too nice so you felt bad
Later on you tell her about the incident 
She is so embarrassed but it’s sweet
She finds your compassion so very sweet 
Some days you’ll come in just to study for school or read a book over coffee
She likes talking with you (distracting you from your schoolwork and her from her actual job. The manager doesn’t mind)
She handles everything with such grace it’s hard not to fall deeply in love with her
Sometimes you’ll come in just to talk to her 
It’s about when she starts to fall for you too, making your guyses interactions a bit awkward but still very sweet
She confesses by kissing you behind the bookshelves, she tastes like bittersweet chocolate and coffee 
When she pulls away you are bright red, making her giggle. 
“Consider it a thank you, MC. You’ve made my days so much brighter just with your smile.”
Oh my gods is she hot 
You aren’t gonna survive this 
Kiss her back 
“I...I hate to admit this, but I think I love you.”
You work for a fun little animal themed bookstore 
Kids love it 
But one day this huge I mean tall and broad man walks in, hunched over, asking for a book on how to take care of chickens
Well that’s new you’ve never had a request like that from someone who looks...well, like Muriel does
But as always, you put on a smile and sweetly show him the way to chicken care
He’s so nervous oh poor baby 
He’ll grab your sleeve as you go back to the counter, his hair falling into his eyes but you can see how red his cheeks are
“Can...can I have some help finding a specific book? I...don’t know my way around.”
Of course you help how could you not
Soon after that he becomes a regular, and you learn he is in school to be a Vet and he has a small house up in the mountains 
Where apparently he has been saving animals
The first time you learn about Inanna was when he came in asking for a book on dog breeds
When he couldn’t find her breed he asked for a book on wolves
and you are starting to worry
But it’s okay he knows what he’s doing
As shy as he is, he falls for you fast and hard. Soon coming in with very poor excuses 
But it’s okay because you get to see him more and more, falling for him yourself soon enough
When you show him to books on bird seed, you kiss his cheek making him sputter
After a moment, he kisses your forehead, whispering ‘I love you’
And that was the day you knew this man was gonna kill you with his voice
Portia is this super cute barista at this fun energetic coffee shop
You are a poor hardworking person who needs their coffee fix
But oh my god Portia thinks you are the cutest most beautiful thing to walk through those doors
Her coworkers tease her but they let her act on her immediate crush
Looking up to this bubbly redhead holding your coffee, you fall for her too 
And soon you come in every week, sometimes three times a week
To study and get coffee
No...no other reason....
Portia is thrilled to see you in the coffee shop so often 
Eventually she leaves her number on the side of your coffee cup 
OMG no other person has done this in this au bwahahaha they’re all dumbasses 
She’ll confess with a few hearts in your coffee and a wink 
After work you’ll wait for her before pulling her along and kissing her behind the building 
Ah, young love
She’ll giggle and after this you come in more often and when she finds out where you work she’ll come to visit you
“MC! You came again! Welcome!!!”
Bright smiles and laughter 
Your day always seems better when she’s around
You work at an old coffee shop with a fun rustic vibe and this man comes in so often 
Like every 
to order the same exact thing
The same exact super sweet coffee with two cookies on the side. He’s an odd one isn’t he
He’ll start to flirt with you right away
“Hey gorgeous, you make this all for me?”
Of course you did
That’s your job
Eventually you start flirting back and that’s when things start picking up 
Lucio catches major hardcore feelings
You’re that cute barista and he caught feelings for you
You catch feelings too 
He’s very blunt and flirty and..okay sure you kinda like that in him 
One day he was so aggressively flirting that you grab his shirt collar and plant a hard kiss on his mouth
Then get back to work as if nothing happened
Leave your number and winking face by his coffee
Ooooooooh man are you gonna get it after work 
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madllamamomma · 3 years
The Visitor~ Part 6
Muriel x Rhemi (OC) fanfic
[WARNING: Some topics can be triggering to some readers including, mention of violence, blood/gore, mental health issues, abuse, etc.]
Part 6~
In the palace, Sir Martin sits quietly in the green chair next to the fire. His daughter should be here any moment. The cracking of the burning wood alway relaxed him, eventually making his eyes heavy… Soon he drifts to sleep.
As he opens his eyes, he finds himself sitting on an old rickety chair that looks like it's about to break at any moment. With an annoyed scoff, his eyes look around, he is in a terribly drabby house, full of holes in the straw roof where the sunlight shines through and mice hide in the walls. He always hated this place--Despised is more like it. He absolutely hated when his dreams would drift him back here to this often empty house. But then, she walks into the room, her hands full with the heavy laundry basket… His hatred drifted away.
She was a beautiful young woman, no older than eighteen, her hair s burgundy brown and curly, pulled back into a handkerchief and her gorgeous teal blue eyes and wearing commoner’s clothes with a dingy apron around her waist. Just like always, she acted like it was just another ordinary day and as cheery as ever.
“Well! Good morning, my little rabbit.” She says with a smile as she sits and folds the laundry.
“..... Morning.” Martin gently replies, unable to keep his eyes off of her.
“Beautiful day, isn’t it?”
He swallows hard and shakes his head. He knows this is just a dream. “Why… Why does this keep happening?”
For a moment she stops folding, and looks up at him with such gleaming and loving eyes, tilting her head and looking at Martin with such concern.
“Why here?.... Why this moment?” He frustratedly mutters. “And not any other moment. Just…. This. One?”
The young woman sighs and lightly shrugs, shaking her head. “... You tell me, little rabbit.”
Martin tries to stand up from his chair, but like always, he is stuck in one place. Angry, he tries and tries but something is keeping him here in this one spot.
“You know that doesn’t help any.” She says sadly. “It never has…”
A deep sigh expels from his lungs again as he finally accepts his situation and his eyes peer back to the young woman, pain in his cold teal eyes. “..... Why didn’t you just stay home that day?” He asks with gritted teeth and folded hands. “I... I told you not to go.”
Tears start to well in her eyes as she looks at him silently, slowly standing to her feet. The house just evaporates, replaying it with a foggy gray atmosphere. “Why didn’t you come with me?” She whispers as her feet lift off the ground.
An eerie high pitch ringing overwhelming his ears as she keeps staring at him as she stops levitating about three feet from the ground. A terrifying crack emanates from her neck as it snaps quickly to the right.
Martin shutters stifling his tears, shutting his eyes tightly and turning his head away from the horror. But suddenly feels himself waking up from the warm licks from Beatrix’s tongue.
Fluttering his eyes open, he finds Beatrix in his lap, looking at him slightly concerned. “Little Piegon’s here, Master.” Her scratchy voice mutters in his head.
Martin rubs his tired eyes, and smoothing back his plum and gray hair. “Thank you, Bea.”
Waiting patiently, Martin stares into the fire, in deep thought, wondering why his dreams keep taking him to that dreadful day. If it wasn’t that dream, it was always about Florence and Rhemielia. The night that she and their child were whisked away. All the while he was trapped underneath a pile of fiery debris, and his skin burning his right arm.
---------- Later that day-----
As Rhemi steadily makes her way back to the shop, taking three times as long. Her lack of oxygen is taking its toll on her. “This….. fucking thing!….” She huffs to herself, gasping for air in between her thoughts as she takes a seat on a nearby barrel. “...*huff*  Fuck….*huff*.... This…*huff*...*huff*..... Corset!”
After getting adequate rest, she stands to her feet and clasps the small part of her waist feeling the corset digging into the tops of her hip bones.
“... Fuck this dress. Fuck that Oliver guy. Fuck this day...” She grumbles to herself under her breath, attempting to ignore all the wide eyed stares from the citizens she passes, hoping that no one would recognize her. “Fuckthisfuckthisfuckthisfuckthisfuckthisfuckthis….” She grumbles to herself, face beat red. “Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck.”
Finally, the shop was within her sight as the sun was setting over the city. It took so long to get here! Rhemi thinks to herself, realizing that the lamplighters are hard at work lighting the dark streets. She left the palace around three o’clock, it's probably almost five or so now. If anything came out of this, it’s respect for the poor aristocrats in Charlès who actually wore this stuff on the regular bases! Why would anyone want to wear this stuff everyday? Did Mum really wear this crap? This is awful!
Opening the door to the shop never felt so good. God, I can’t wait to get inside! I am so happy to be home. She rejoiced in her head. Finally home! Three different voices muffled on the other side of the door. Rhemi knew right away who they all belonged to. Then, a horrible thought comes to mind as she turns the key in the lock after taking down the protection spell. ….Oh no….. Oh god!.... What the hell are they gonna say about this abomination??
Then again…. she was so tired at this point, she didn’t really care. The pain of the corset outweighed the pain of her friend's judgement. With as much air as she could fill in her restricted lungs, she bravely opens the door, all three pairs of eyes immediately falling on her.
Asra excitedly starts to greet his friend with a brilliant smile. “Hey! There she is! Welcome…” But then stops as he sees her, his eyes wide, his smile crumples into a shocked snicker.
The lively chattering that filled the room suddenly ceases, the only thing that can be heard is the creaking of the rusty hinges of the shop door as it shuts behind her.
Awkwardly, Rhemi just stands in the doorway as Asra, Faust, Muriel, and Julian just stare at her. None of them could help but stifle their laughs at the overly fluffy dress that she’s wearing.
Julian opens and closes his mouth attempting to formulate a sentence.“That's… errr….. It’s… Ummm-aahhhhh..” He stammers as he rubs his face, searching for a compliment. But of course, Asra stands next to him, covering his smile with his clasped hands and eyes wide, his thoughts very apparent.
Looking silently between them all, realizing that they were trying to be as kind about it as possible. “.... It’s fucking atrocious, isn’t it?” Rhemi finally verbally admits with a half straight face.
“It’s a goddamn travesty is what it is.” Asra spits out as soon as she completes her sentence. All four of them stand there silently all waiting how’d be the first to crack.
Suddenly, all of them sputter into hard laughter at the same time, breaking the terrible silence.
“My god!.... What the hell is this thing anyways??” Julian adds overdramatically gesturing to the hips. “Rhemi-dear, are you wearing ….crinoline??”
“... Crino-What??” Muriel mumbles as he squints his eyes.
“It’s a type of tortuous device placed under dresses that a deranged idiot designed to make your hips look inhumanly large.” She replies nonchalantly as attempts to reach back for the buttons, trying to contort herself to do so. But, try as she might, the poor apprentice couldn’t reach without completely tearing the sleeves. However, as stubborn as she is, she continues to try to reach in hope to get out of this over-tightened corset. All at the same time, Muriel, Asra, and Julian try to figure out the reason why she’s wearing the damn overly extravagant monstrosity.
“....There are… So… many bows….” Muriel mutters as tugs at one to study it, seemingly not liking the texture and his face hilariously cringing hard.
“Oh… I know!….. It’s bad, huh, Muri?”
“Reallllllly bad.”
“Did you lose a bet, Rem?” Asra teases, still laughing his ass off.
“Nooooooo,” A whine emanates from her mouth and her bottom lip pops out. Despite her cute pout, the corner of the lips still twist up into a grin making her slightly look like a duck. Slightly frustrated, but also entertained by her stupid situation, she sighs deeply and slouches as much as she could (given her restrictive outfit).
About having enough of trying, she huffs feeling rather defeated, but still smiles at her friends. “If you three are gonna keep dishing out colorful insults, you might as well help me out of it... I can’t freakin’ breathe!”
“... Yo-... You can’t get out by yourself, Rem??” Muriel snorts, forcefully hiding a very amused smile, trying to politely withhold a bellowing laugh at her situation. “Sorry… It’s not funny.” He mumbles as he presses his lips together even tighter.
“Do you really think I would have come home with this... thing if I could take it off myself?? It took… like…. Five people to get me in this abomination!”
“Are you.... Errr…. Decent underneath all of it?” Julian warily asks, his eye quickly glancing towards Muriel while he wasn’t looking.
“Don’t worry Ilya, you’ve seen more at the beach. I have a shift or… or slip…? -Whatever it’s called under the corset.” Say says lifting up the dreaded skirt showing the many layers of cloth on her body. “Pft! This bitch has so many layers, it puts our wedding cake to shame.”
“Oh god.” Muriel chuckles, his laughter making his broad shoulder shake, not doing a very good job to keep it in.
“Ohhh! Shut your face!” Rhemi playfully smacks her finacè’s stomach. “Now, please! Get me out of this damn thing! I feel like my boobs are suffocating me! Do you guys want me to die from titty asphyxiation?!”
“I’d argue that it wouldn't be a bad demise!” The doctor chuckles with his dubious smile of his.
“Shuddup Ilya!” Rhemi playfully elbows her friend, slightly knocking the wind out of him.
But he continues to laugh and laugh,as he holds his stomach nearly hyperventilating. “..We-.... We’ll write on your tombstone, ...‘Here lies Rhemi… Escaped death once from the plague to die from a common corset.’..”
Asra chortles, nearly crying now as Faust happily hisses, “Rhemi a tent!”
Out of the sea of laughter, Rhemi finds herself feeling more light headed, unable to contain her giggles either. “Hey! Less talkie, more unbutton-ie! I am literally dying over here! I am not joking when I said that I nearly passed out a few times over here. I left around three!”
The mountain man’s face suddenly becomes more serious as she says that, his laughter completely silenced “Wait…. Really?? Are… you ok?”
“I mean… I made it here, didn’t I?” She says with a shrug and a half grin.
A warm grumble rumbles from his lips as he mutters, “That’s not…”
“—Alright, alright, alright! Turn around, ya big baby.” Asra teases her, finally feeling pity for her. “Let’s get you out of this thing… Then we’ll have a bonfire. Haha!”
It took some time, but after some troubleshooting and a bit of magic, the three managed to peel the dress, the extra layers, and the crinoline off, leaving only her tight overbust, and a shift underneath. With surgical hands, Julian and Asra loosened the loops.
Finally, the corset was loosened, Rhemi took in a large breath of fresh air as if she had just made love. “Ahhhhhhhh~ Sooooo much better.”
“Better wait a few minutes before loosening it again.” Julian adds with a serious doctor face. “Don’t want you actually passing out.”
“Tha-that's a thing that can happen??” A very wary Muriels asks.
“Why, yes! If you let it out too quickly, you can pass out… Your blood pressure can drop and leave a person unconscious. Happened a few times to the actors at the theater.”
“That's….. Worrisome.” Muriel says as his eyes fall on his fiancée again, and pointing to the corset. “You never told me these things were hazardous.”
Unable to contain herself, Rhemi takes her lover’s large hand and holds it with both of hers with an empathetic expression. He’s so cute. “Aww! I never wear them this tight, honey! I like the way my corsets look and feel on my body. But this one is garbage!”
“Actually it’s not that bad.” Julian says peeling away the cloth and exposing the boning structure underneath. “.....It’s made out of whale bone! It’s expensive and very strong. It’s just not your size.”
“Oh! Speaking of expensive, that reminds me.” Julian takes out Rhemi’s coin purse and hands it back to her, only a few coins used. “I believe this belongs to you.”
It takes a few moments before she realizes that the doctor never used her money last night, she instantly pouts. “Ilya!! You’re drinks were supposed to be on me you dork!”
“Rhemi-dear, what happened at tea the other day was not your fault!”
You mean ‘what my father said’. She thinks to herself. “But— My father— it wasn’t right what he—”
“—You can’t control what that basta—.. dahhhhhhh errrrrr... I mean…. What he says.”
“... Nice save.” Asra whispers to his lover.
“I never got the chance to tell you how sorry I am. I… I kinda regret inviting him. Tea was just so awkward. It should have been just us, like Nadia planned it.”
Julian wraps his long arms around Rhemi’s shoulders for a friendly hug. “Please don’t apologize. I’ve honestly heard worse.”
“I’m still sorry it happened.”
“Hey, don't worry about it. It’s not worth it.” He then moves his arm and takes a seat in the velvet couch never to Asra, causing them to lazily lean on his shoulder. Slowly, Faust slithers over to Julian and he tries his best not to get chills. “So…. Ahhhh… Ya gonna tell us why you are wearing this….. Errr…. getup?”
“... My father apparently brought his own tailor on board with him… Names Oliver… real piece of freakin’ work!... My father wanted him to give the dress as a present to me. It’s apparently the latest fashion from Charlès… All the noble women wear something like it.”
“..... Sooooo… I assume that he didn’t take it too well that you two aren’t moving to Charlès.” Asra asks, handing her own clothes to her so she could get comfortable.
“Wait, he wanted you both to move??” Julian cluelessly interjects with his left eye wide.
An intense pressure suddenly overtakes Rhemi’s stomach as if gravity doubled on her intestines. How the hell is she supposed to explain what happened today? Not only did her father still want her to leave Vesuvia, but he wants her alone to move and marry someone of nobility in Charlès!
“....Actually, he was very understanding.” She flat out lies before she could stop herself.
Rhemi, what are you doing?? She screams internally. Why are you lying again?!
“... He was of course disappointed, but he was very respectful about it!” She continues as if her mouth had a mind of its own, her body posture scarily calm and believable. “... But it’s best not to mention it to him… He’s still very disappointed. Might spark a nerve with him. Ya know?”
Asra and Julian exchange a surprised look as they hear this. Julian rubs the back of his hand and sighs, “He doesn’t seem to be the understanding type--”
“—Well, he might surprise you.” Rhemi defensively interrupts. “He might be very posh and rigid on the outside…. But I know, deep down he just cares about me.”
Muriel stares down at her with his knowing emerald eyes completely unconvinced as she walks past him to head upstairs to get changed. She dared not look at him for too long. He had a way of making her break. But how could she explain this to him? To…. well, anyone?? Her father didn’t even acknowledge that she was getting married.
No. She just…. Has to fix this before anyone knows. She had to.
After Rhemi got dressed, the four of them all had a nice dinner that Muriel and Asra whipped up. It was chicken souvlaki wrapped in a pita and other greens.
After that, the two couples went their separate ways for the night. Asra and Julian stayed at the shop, while Rhemi and Muriel went back home to the hut.
She feared that he might bring up what she said before dinner, about her father accepting thor decision not to leave. He always knows when she’s bullshitting. That's the problem when you get to know someone so well. It's a sixth sense, knowing something is wrong.
But to her surprise, he stayed quiet. She reads a book on the bed as he whittles next to Inanna by the fire. Eventually, her eye starts to become heavy and she shuts her books and gets into her nightgown. Muriel follows her lead. Soon, all three get comfortable in the bed, taking their normal positions. Rhemi on the left side of the bed, Muriel at the right, and Inanna at the foot. The apprentice always laid on his bare chest snuggling up and getting warm.
“I love you, Muriel.” She whispers.
Muriel yawns, “... I love you too, Rhemi…” Thinking he's drifting off to sleep, she starts to close her eyes as well and feel herself falling asleep. “.... Was he really okay with us not moving?” He finally whispers.
Rhemi's heart drops, but she just stays there silent and still, pretending to be asleep.
The hermit lets out a frustrated sigh, before placing a feather light kiss on her forehead. “.... Please just don’t forget I want you to talk to me.”
….. I know…. She thinks to herself. I want to tell you. But… I’m scared that might make things worse. I’m sorry, Muri. I don’t want to lie to you… But I have to fix this by myself before you know the truth.
Finally, all of them start to drift to sleep, Muriel finds himself in the realm of dreams, his father waiting for him yet again, waiting to show him what he was capable of in the realm of dreams.
All the while Rhemi stays put, in a dreamless state, but finds herself waking up almost every hour from a twinging pain in her temples. She could swear she was hearing distant voices.
———The next morning———
A very groggy Rhemi finally wakes up from the sun peering into the window. Sitting up, in the bed, she realized that Muriel and Inanna were already up and started the day. Glancing over to the table, some fresh flowers and herbs were waiting for her and a note that read, "Get some rest." She couldn’t help but smile despite feeling so terrible. The headaches are getting worse and worse lately. Even when she wakes up, it's like a hammer is knocking on the side of her temples. Luckily, it would dissipate as the day went on, but it was such a nuisance to start off the day like this. At least she didn’t have any dreams last night…
Slowly, she gets up and walks over to the washing washing bowl, trying to get more energized for the day. This was one of her installations when she moved into the hut. It was a little table (taller than most for her sweet Muriel) with a washing bowl, a pitcher and a mirror from the shop. It must have been her mother’s. It was the one thing that didn’t necessarily match the other decor from the shop. Pouring a liberal amount of freshwater, she starts washing her face. The cool water felt nice on her temples. As she glances back up to the mirror to make herself look more alive, she notices someone behind her.
Summoning her magic quickly into her hands, she conjures a defensive spell as she whips around silently. But as soon as she turns around, no one is there. The door is locked, and she can still hear Muriel cutting wood. “.... Must have been my imagination.”
Turning back to the mirror yet again to look at her reflection. But instead of her own face, she sees her eyes bloodshot red and short hair, her expression bleak and sad.
“.... Headache again?” A voice mumbles to her sadistically from the reflection.
“AHHHHH!!!” Shocked, Rhemi yelps a terrified scream, punching the mirror out of instinct. The vision and the pieces of glass shatter into pieces. Immediately, she regretted her reaction. She tucks her hand into her chest in pain, her knuckles bloody, and the mirror is broken. Looking at the shards on the ground, all she can see is her own reflection in the small fragments. What… what the fuck was that?
“RHEMI?!” Muriel cries out from behind the hut.
“.... Shit….” Quickly Rhemi jumps up and carefully takes the mirror off the wall and places it on the floor to make it look like it just fell down. The last thing she wanted was to think that she was losing her mind. Besides, people see things all the time, it doesn’t mean you're crazy… right??
“RHEMI !” Muriel shouts as he bursts in the hut, his large ax still in hand. As soon as he sees the blood, his eyes get even wider and swirling with fear. “Y-... You’re bleeding!”
“Ahhh!” She shouts, waving her hand to keep him away. “Don’t let Nana in here! T-There's glass everywhere!”
Examining the damage, Muriel shakes his head bewildered. “Rem... What happened?”
“... Ohhmygosh!! HaHa! So dumb!... Completely my fault! I was trying to straighten the stupid mirror and I apparently…. It fell off the nail! I… I didn’t catch it in time and it broke, and I screamed.”
He starts to slightly relax, but still looks pretty anxious. “.... You okay?”
“Yeah! I just cut myself a little on the glass is all! Just a little scratch, nothing I can’t fix~!”
Taking a single step inside he sets the ax down outside and reaches his hand for her. “.... Let me at least help—”
“It’s fine, Love!” She says as she conjures her magic to clean the pieces up and place them back into the mirror. “See? No problem!”
Begrudgingly he huffs, and starts to step out of the doorway before pausing. “.... Get dressed. I’ll make breakfast. You just …. sit…. alright?.... Don’t go near anything breakable…. Or sharp.” He grumpily instructs.
She snickers and nods her head. “Okay.”
As soon as the door shuts, her smile falls and she stares at her knuckle so she could heal it. Luckily, it wasn’t very deep, however it was a little long. She sits down at the table, taking a little piece of herb and summoning her magic, she starts mending her skin together. After it was all healed up a very small scar was left. It should dissipate after a while. But she just stares at it for a moment.
“Get it together, Rhemi.” She mumbles to herself as she stands to her feet to get dressed.
There's too much going on today for this bullshit. She had a plan for her father to get on board with her getting married.
After a delicious breakfast, and a few sweet kisses, Muriel and Rhemi part for the day. Making her way to the shop, she concocks the perfect plan.
As expected, the shop was open and ready for business, usually Asra at the counter with a book or a potion, but today the white haired gender bastard was nowhere in sight, and the shop appeared empty.
“Hello??” She calls out. “Asra?? Faust?? You home?”
“Oh! Morning, Rhemi.” He greets from the back next to the stairs.
Realizing his location she strolls to where he was sitting on the ground and she takes off her bag. “.... Good morning. What the heck are you doing back there, ya weirdo?”
“Refusing to accept defeat.” He chuckles, wiping a little bit of sweat on his forehead. In front of him was a large chest oozing with magic and locked up tight. It read, ‘Fragile: Please handle with care’ in a familiar handwriting. In his right hand was the bundle of rusty old keys.
Curious, Rhemi tilts her head and folds her arms. “What is this?”
“Found this…” He grunts as he attempts to force another key into the lock. “... Chest… under the stairs the other day…. And…. I think it belonged to Athena…. *grunt* but no matter what I doooo…” With a heavy sigh, he gives up on that key, pulls it out of the lock and nearly collapses on his elbows. “... The damn thing won’t open. I have tried opening it with magic, I have tried every key in the shop--twice now--Hell! I even tried using a crowbar! But... nothing.”
“Huh….” She mutters. Rhemi kneels down next to her friend and the chest. Both of them stared at it for a moment. “... Well… Obviously it’s got a powerful spell on it. Athena didn’t want anyone in it.”
“Yeah… Even in death, that woman had out magic us.” The two of them giggle together on the floor. Asra draps his arms over his knees and he smiles, his mind wondering into nostalgically territory. “... I miss her.” He mumbles under his breath.
“.... I do too.” The apprentice says with a heavy heart, resting her head on his shoulder. “I…. I wish she could be here… See how much we both grew up…”
"Me too..."
The two stay there for a moment, taking it all in. The sound of the bedroom door closing at the top of the stairs brings them back to reality and Julian’s long legs descend the stairs.
“Oh! Morning, Rhemi-dear!” He says with a chipper tone.
She rolls her eyes at that name, but at this point, she just learned to accept it. “Well good morning to you too…. Someone slept in late…It’s nearly ten o’clock.” She teases.
“HA. Well…. Something kept me up all night..” The doctor glances at Asra with pink staining his cheeks and a cute smirk.
Asra smiles wide, proudly he glances back over to his friend, cheekily placing his finger to his chest. “Tee-hee…. I’m ‘something’.”
Jokingly disgusted, she pushes Asra making him nearly fall over. “EWWW! Grosssssss! You two are terrible!” She laughs.
“Oh… like you and Muriel aren’t disgusting too??”
“I am not responding to that!” She loudly announces as she walks up the stairs, her face turning slightly pink herself. “I’m making some tea, don’t leave just yet Ilya!”
“Ohhhh, well ahhh.. alrighty then! If I… ahh….. If I must.” Julian happily replies as he helps Asra back to his feet. Promptly the white-haired magician presses his lips on his collar bone.
While the teapot starts to heat up, Rhemi realizes that she really didn’t have time to go to the palace or have someone deliver a message for her father. Staring at the spigot and it gives her an idea and is a good reason to flex her magical muscles. Grabbing a large bowl, she fills it with water and closes her eyes. Using all her concentration, she reaches out, searching for her father’s magic. Finally, she feels that strange metallic aura and she opens she can see her reflection being replaced with her father’s.
“Père!” She calls out.
Confused, Martin looks away towards what she could only assume was the door. “..... Miela?” He mutters.
“Good morning, Père~” She sweetly giggles. Something about surprising another magician always made her a little giddy.
Her father turns his head once again, his eyes scanning the room. “I… I hear you Pigeon, but…. Where are you??”
“Down here!” She instructs. “In the water!”
Turning desperately left and right, he shakes his head. “The… water?” Finally he locates her and he stares in astonishment. “Ahhhhh…?”
Beatrix’s hissing and Bartholomew’s voice could be heard in the background. “.... Monsieur, vous allez bien?”
“Oh… yes. Um…. Why don’t you be a good lad and step outside, Bartholmew.”
“....Ahhh…. Oui, Monsieur.” His butler replies soundly utterly confused. "I will leave you alone with your...ah.... tea... then."
Calmly, Martin looks into his tea cup. “... Rhemielia, my child. What are you doing in my tea?”
“Kinda neat isn’t it? Asra taught me this one a while back.”
With a straight face, he slowly blinks, seemingly unimpressed. “.... Hmmmm…. Very… Charming, I suppose… I won’t recommend it in Charlès though. This is how you’d get a bad reputation for being a witch.”
“Oh….” The excitement and glee once again stomped out. But… I kinda am a witch. Awkwardly, she clears her throat, brushing off his words. “Well, ah….anyways, I contacted you this way to ask you something.”
“I have to do something today next to the palace. Are you busy this afternoon around three o’clock?”
“Hmm… No… I don’t believe I am.” He says while pondering hard and tapping the tea cup.
“Well, how about you meet me there. I think you’d really enjoy it.”
A genuine soft smile takes over the Archimagister’s lips and he takes a seat on a chair. “... I always enjoy being with you, my little pigeon.”
Rhemi grins happily when he says that. He had a habit of making her feel bad sometimes, but he also could make her feel glad that he’s in her life again. Her heart flutters with excitement. She quickly gives him the address, before she could make a little small talk, the tea kettle starts to whistle and the two say their goodbyes for now.
The day went on like it did every Monday. The shop was pretty busy in the late morning and the afternoon. Mostly it was regulars getting their positions, and other things they needed before the rest of the week went on. But for Rhemi the day just dragged on. Today was the last fitting of her wedding dress. Surely, he wouldn’t be so set on her going to Charlès if he saw her in it. The dress was beautiful a-line with a button-up bodice in the back, with illusion sleeves covered in beautiful lace and organza material.
After what felt like an eternity, the time came for her fitting. Before she leaves, she pops her head into the reading room where Asra was looking at his cards by himself. It’s odd, it felt like she could hear the King of Pentacles whispering to him.
As she went for the door, she ran her fingers over the chest feeling Athena’s magic somehow felt so comforting to her. She always had a strong aura. A strange clunk comes from behind her. She glances back to inspect what had made the noise, but the chiming of the clock deters her. Whatever it is, it can wait.
As she reaches the tailor’s shop, she notices her father making his way down the street. His nose was buried into the piece of paper with the address on. Again, no Beatrix. It’s old how empty his shoulders looked without her.
“Père!” Rhemi calls out, waving to him.
Ungluing his eyes from his paper as she calls his name, he grins and waves back.
“How are you today?” His daughter asks sweetly.
“Very good thank you.” He replies looking at his pocket watch. As soon as he picks up his head, he reads the sign, Seamless: Pierre’s Clothing. “Oh…. You do realize I have a tailor already, correct?”
She can't help but chuckle at his unamusement as she opens the door. “I know that. This one is mine... Well, actually it's Nadia's, I'm just borrowing him.”
Martin’s eyes narrow as he enters the shop. The windows are full of outlandish and extravagant dresses and suits, but in the Vesuvian style. The old magician just sneers in revolt. “Ohhh?... Pardon me, my sweet, but I am confused...”
“I’m about to try my wedding dress on.” Martin’s body stiffens like a board and he flutters his eyes in disbelief. Rhemi could feel her cheeks heating up and feeling pressure on her chest. “And….. I uh… I wanted you to be here for my final fitting… Get you more involved… I want you to be apart of my life and--”
“—Sorry." He interrupts placing both of his hands on his cane, sticking his nose up in revolt. "Please don't tell me you were serious when you said you are going to marry that seven foot tall brute—?”
“—Muriel, Père…” Rhemi quickly interjects in disbelief. She could feel her left eyelid twitch from the stress. She just couldn’t believe him. This shit again?? Right here?? RIGHT NOW? Calmly, she folds her hands together trying to keep her patients. “.... My fiance's name is Muriel. It means 'bright' in Rune…. And yes. I am marrying him. He’s kind and genuine and trustworthy and gentle and makes me feel safe and…. And I love him.... He's my soul mate.”
Martin’s icy glare somehow gets colder and she shakes his head and scoffs. “... Hmmmm… love... What good has it ever done...”
“... What do you mean by that?... You said you fell in love with Mum.”
His nostrils flare in frustration. “.... Rhemielia. My child. All I’m trying to say is that you barely know this man. How long have you met him? A year or so ago?”
“Well…. yes… but how long did you know Mum before you married her?”
As soon as he opens his mouth wider about to argue back, Pierre walks in with a cheerful smile. “Ah! Rhemi! So good to see you!! Are you ready to see your lovely gown?”
Martin pats Rhemi’s head and she cringes to herself yet again. “We’ll speak of this later—no need to make a scene, do we now?” He says leaning into her ear and whispering. “In the meantime, go ahead. Go on and play dress up like you used to when you were a child.”
Her eyelid twitches even more as she strains to keep a fake smile on her lips. “I not playing dress—”
“Rhemi!!!!” Suddenly Agrippa and Portia burst through the door with happy smiles, excited for the final fitting. As soon as they both notice Sir Martin, their smiles dwindle slightly, but they still keep their cheery demeanor for the occasion.
For once, Rhemi was happy to change the subject, pretending that her father didn’t say what he did. “Ippa! Pasha!”
“I am sooooo excited!!!”
“Me too! Pierre is ready and— Wait… Where’s Julian?”
“Oh! I’m sorry, Rem. He had an emergency at the clinic…” Portia says finally letting her smile fall.
“That kid from the orphanage….. What's his naaaammmme—?”
Agrippa snaps their fingers agreeing with their partner. “Yeah! He broke his arm today.”
“Holy crap!! Not Zack! Is he okay??”
“Oh yeah! He’s getting loads of attention and is making jokes as we speak! Those kids are resilient, he’ll be just fine!”
“As long as he stops climbing tall shit that is.”
“….Well that stinks that Julian can’t be here, but he can help that!... I’m happy you both could make it though!”
Suddenly, Sir Martin clears his throat to interrupt their conversation looking at his pocket watch and tapping it. “Excuse me ladies and….. Sir???”
Agrippa blankly stares at him with a small growing smile. “.... Which one do you think it is?”
Martin stares back trying not look so confused as he really was. But instead of answering, he just clears his throat once more, tucking his pocket watch back into his vest and looking the other way. “... Not all of us have all day to dawdle.”
Taking the hint, the four of them follow Pierre to the back and make their way to the back. Excited, Portia and Rhemi head to the back changing room. Pierre gives them the gown in order for the maid of honor to know how to help with the dress the day of the wedding (bustles and all).
It fits like a glove. Ecstatic and hopelessly excited, Rhemi nearly skips out of the back to show off her beloved dress.
Portia and Agrippa both hold back their tears as she twirls around happily. “Oh, little bean!!” Agrippa mutters sniffling hard.
Rhemi spins around, clapping her face and her eyes start to water up as well and she smiles stupidly. “Ohhhhhh, you two stop!!! You both said you wouldn’t cry!”
“I know, I know! But you are just so….. So—” Portia says, whipping a tear away.
“—Tch. Please…. don’t lie to her.” Martin grumbles his left hand pitching the bridge of his nose.
Portia and Agrippa stare at the Archmagister in utter shock. “Umm... Excuse me?” Portia asks with her brow furrowed. “What exactly do you mean?”
“Well, that dress is all wrong, of course.” He huffs irritatedly, uncrossing his legs and standing to his feet.
Rhemi’s heart starts to sink into her chest. “What’s…. what’s wrong with it?” She asks, looking down and lifting up some of the skirt with her hands, unable to see the defects.
“That dress makes you look like a dirty commoner, Pigeon…. It looks more like a used napkin than a gown, don't you think? And what a dreadful color.”
“But… But I…. I am a commoner. A-and… I don’t like whi-…..” The words die in her throat as her attention diverts to the back of the room.
Somehow a person who came out of nowhere is standing directly behind her father in the back—But it isn’t a customer…. Her sick crimson eyes staring at her with a desperate looking expression. Why is she here?? Am… Am I going insane? As soon as Rhemi closes her eyes again, she vanishes, but it still frightens her.
“...Wh-white..” She finally finishes muttering, still staring in the back where the figure once stood.
It was…. Herself. The ghost of her former self that keeps popping up in her dreams. The same person in her reflection the other day. Her sick bloodshot eyes, yellow tainted skin and the stench of cremated ashes. Clearly, no one else can see her, or smell the terrible scent of death.
Quickly, she’s snapped back to reality as soon as her fathers speaks again and she looks back down at her gown. “....Please…” He scoffs, pitching the bridge of his nose. “...It looks like a rag—and for gods’ sake—Why is it blush?? Virgins are supposed to wear white—“
“——Okaaaaaay! Rhemi let's get you out of your beautiful dress so the poor tailor can finish the hem, okay?” Portia quickly and skillfully interrupts, smacking her hands together with a large fake grin. She nearly pushes Rhemi to the back room to change out of it.
Portia grumbles under head breath, helping her get back into the changing room. “What the fuck is that guy’s—” Words fail her as soon as she notices her friend’s tears in her eyes and the sorrow filled look in her face. “Oh… no, Rem!” Hastily, she hands her a tissue before her makeup runs.
“It just…. So much is happening….. And…. He- ...He thinks it ….lo- looks bad….” Rhemi sniffles, trying to keep the tears from falling, her nose and lips starting to crinkle back. “Is-is it really that bad??”
Portia is quick to embrace her upset friend and hug her tightly. “No, no, no…. He’s wrong, Rem. You look gorgeous! He doesn’t know the hell he’s talking about! I mean, the guy wears an ugly ass cape for god sakes! If anything he’s a walking fashion nightmare! All he’s missing is the stupid puffy pants and a fourteen foot stick up is ass!” Slowly, she pulls away and wipes the tears from her friend's eyes comfortingly. “Please don’t cry, Rhemi. You really do look amazing. Agrippa, Pierre, Nadia, and I would have told you if it didn’t!... Please, don’t let this jerk make you think otherwise.”
“I don’t think he was trying to be a jerk… he was just telling me how he felt… I mean… I asked him what he thought after all…. and….. h-his opinion is v-valid.”
Portia flutters her eyes and shakes her head baffled. Rhemi is usually a pretty good judge of character, yet anytime anyone says anything bad about the Archmagister, she denies it, or makes excuses. “Rhemi….. Why do you keep defending this guy?! All he’s done is been rude and disregards everyone’s feelings.”
Rhemi stifles and quickly wipes her nose with a handkerchief, refusing to look Portia in the eye. “.... H-... He’s my father.”
“Yeah! One that you just mee—” Portia suddenly stops herself, pressing her lips tightly together and slightly shakes her head. Perhaps now isn’t the time. Rhemi isn’t seeing this man for what he is. Thoughtfully she starts to speak again. “...Look… all I’m saying is that no matter who this person is to you, no one should make you cry and make you feel like shit in your wedding dress.”
Rhemi fiddles with her fingers, not very convinced. “B… But what if he’s right?”
The Devorak sister takes a large breath, pushing down the urge to go back and knock the wind out of that plum haired asshole. But as calmly as she could she takes both of her friend’s hands and asks, “Rem. Sweetie. Do you love this dress?”
Sheepishly her friend replies, “... Y-... yes….”
“Does it make you feel all happy and warm inside when you put it on?”
“Uh- huh….”
“Do you feel amazing when you’re in it??”
“Y-... yeah…I do....”
“Then forget what he said! It makes you feel amazing… You cried your beautiful eyes out when you first got into it because you said you felt so amazing. You loved it! You still love it! This is your dress. Please don’t let that man take that away from you.”
Silence takes over the room as Rhemi ponders her friend’s words for a moment and she sniffles. The most concerning thing was seeing her sick past self staring at her from across the room. She’s never seen her outside of the dream realm till now… Perhaps it was her that Rhemi heard the other day in the palace and who she saw in the mirror this morning. Who else could it be??
Portia sighs and loops her arm through Rhemi’s. “Come on. Let’s get ya out so Pierre can finish up, ok?” Rhemi follows her, but doesn’t pick up her eyes, still totally lost in thoughts. In a last attempt, Portia leans her head on her shoulder. “... You really look amazing, Rem.”
Silently Rhemi nods with a fake half grin, finally picking up her gaze to meet her friend. “Thanks, Portia… I’m really glad you are here.” She says placing her head on top of her’s.
“...Haha.. You’re lucky my brother wasn’t here—”
“—Oh gods yeah! He probably would have decked him in the face.”
“Hell! You’re lucky I didn’t!”
“Thank you, Pasha.” Rhemi mutters as stops in her tracks so she could embrace her friend.
“What are maids of honor for?” Portia whispers back, kindly embracing her back.
“Please don’t tell Muri about this….”
“.... I… I promise.”
Eventually, the two get the dress off without disturbing any of the pins on the bottom. The apprentice makes sure her eyes aren’t red in the dressing room before she walks out to meet her father again. The tension in the room was so tangible, so intoxicating.
Portia and Agrippa watched from the tailor door as Rhemi and her father walked towards the palace.
The silence was absolutely dreadful on the way to the palace. Luckily, it was within a short distance and this night would be over with. Rhemi never felt so conflicted before. Everything was so overwhelming lately. All she wanted was for her father to be happy for her. But everything she did seemed to blow up in her face.
As they reach the palace, her father finally realizes that she wasn’t walking towards the shop. “Well…. This is you.” She announces, rather happy to be done with him for the day.
“Oh…” He says a bit bewildered. “.... But I thought I was walking you home.”
“No no no. The palace is right around the corner from Pierre’s. It doesn’t make any sense going all the way across town.”
“Please. I don’t mind.”
“No, Père. It’s fine. I’ll be fine. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay??” Turning away from him never felt better. She hated to admit it, but he was just exhausting to be around. And after today, she had just enough of it all. “Good night.” She says just turning her so he could hear her.
With a knowing sigh, he places his cane hard into the cobblestone with a clank. “...Is it what I said about the dress.. Isn’t it?” She stops in her tracks but doesn’t look behind her… Maybe he’s going to apologize? “... Rhemielia, dear. Believe me when I say that you are making a huge mistake.” Her fists clenched so hard it almost hurts, her hopes crushed once again. Nope. Of course he wasn’t going to apologize. “... I am telling you that there are better men in Charlès that would put you into the finest of wedding gow—”
“—Have a nice night, Père…” Rhemi mutters trying to hold back the tears. “I’ll... I’ll see you later.”
As Rhemi makes her way down the street and disappears into the crowd. Martin can’t help but remember that night when he lost her. All he could do was just sit there and watch as she was swept away by that dreadful witch. Just like his other dream with the young woman whose neck was snapped. He felt so powerless of movement in these moments.
As he stood there, for one of the first times in years, Martin felt a pull on his chest. A feeling like he might have done something wrong tonight. He hadn’t felt like this since… Well… Since Rhemi’s birthday nearly fifteen years ago now.
He never meant to hurt her. She just… needed to learn a lesson…
“She’ll be fine.” He mutters to himself, shaking off this feeling of regret. “... One day she’ll thank me.”
On the way home, Rhemi made sure she got rid of all her tears before she came back home with Muriel for the night. It's a good thing people usually leave you alone when you're crying. If Muriel notices, she’ll just say that they were good tears from the fitting. All happy tears. Nothing bad happened. It’s all good!… But he knows they’re not.
————Rowdy Raven————
“—THAT BASTARD SAID WHAT ABOUT HER DRESS??” Julian shouts standing up from the table in dismay.
The tavern is busy like it usually is. Agrippa, Portia, Julian, and Asra decided to have a drink after today. It was only Monday, but it felt like everyday was an eternity since Sir Martin came into port. Portia had just finished telling her brother and his partner about what had happened at the tailors, and of course they were enraged.
Asra just yanks him back down to his chair. “Shhhh!! Ilya! Would you please calm down! Believe me, I’m just as pissed as you are!”
“If I only had my cricket bat….” Agrippa says, fantasizing while staring at the wall, sipping on their ale. “Fucking asshole…” They say as Portia holds their hand with a sweet reassuring smile.
“Did he really make her cry??” Asra asks soberly.
Portia nods sadly. “It was absolutely heartbreaking. I’ve never seen her look so frustrated and hurt before! But don’t tell Muriel! I promised her I wouldn’t.”
“Why did you tell us then?”
“She only said, Muriel.” She shrugs. “...It’ll just make the poor guy more stressed out anyways. He’s under a lot of pressure as well. This is his wedding too.”
Asra's stomach tied in knots at the thought of his best friend crying. “What the hell is this guy’s problem???”
“You should have heard what he said before she tried on the dress.” Agrippa mumbles before taking a large swing of their ale again.
“What did he say??” Julian and Asra ask at the same time, leaning closer into the table.
“It was something along the lines that he ‘couldn’t believe that she was serious about marrying that ‘seven foot tall brute’... I heard them talking before we opened the door.”
Asra's nose crinkles in and his top half of his lip curls into a snarl. “And what did she say??”
“Oh! She was quick to defend him, and she almost looked angry. But at the same time…. afraid? I dunno—but it's like her father doesn’t realize that Rhemi is her own person now…. She’s not that child that was taken from him years ago.”
“.... Do you think he still sees her as a little kid?”
Portia shrugs, staring at a stain on the wooden table. “.... Maybe?... I feel like he sees her more of something that was his property… Not really another person with feelings.”
Julian slams his fists on the table, “THAT’S. IT!” making everything rattle and clank, nearly spilling a few drinks. He snaches his goblet, jumping to a stand and chugging down the last of his Salty bitters, then throws his glass down to the ground, smashing it into a hundred pieces. “—IMMA KILL ‘EM!”
“Ilya! Sit your drunk ass down and shut up!! You’re not killing anyone!” Portia scolds. “WE four, collectively…. however might just—”
“Pasha!” Asra laughs, tugging his drunken partner back down to his chair again. “That’s a bit extreme don’t you think?? How about we just talk to Rhemi about it.”
“That man is completely toxic.” Julian mumbles, taking Asra’s drink from his hands. “... *Hiccup*....Have you…. Have you noticed that Rhemi isn’t as bright as she normally is?” Julian mutters, sipping the last bit of Asra’s salty bitters since he threw down his own cup.
“.... I have…. and something about all of this bothers me.” Asra says leaning into the table with his arms folded. “....I feel like her father is killing her spirit…. I wonder if he’s always been like this….. And if that's true… it makes me wonder…” he pauses for a movement then shakes his head. “N… Nevermind.”
“What?” Agrippa, Portia, and Julian ask in unison.
“.... *Sigh*.... I might be going too far if I say this.”
“Well now you have to tell us.” Agrippa says with a straight face about to knock back the last bit of ale.
“.... I don’t know…… Sometimes I wonder if she and her mother were really….. ‘Kidnapped’.”
The table suddenly became so eerily quiet, as if they all were thinking the same thing.
✨To be continued…
Sorry for the long wait my trash pandas. But I really needed this break from writing. And I'm really glad I took it. I am so happy with myself right now. I know its still not by best work, but I at least don't hate it. This chapter was supposed a bit longer, but I decided not to shoot myself in the foot this time and just split it.
Thank you for the babies who have been support and encouraging to me when I was at a really low point. I was really sad that last chapter didn't do as well as I was hoped. But I realized that a lot of people are still reading and I need to be humble and be grateful for what I have. Anyways--chapter 7, The King of Pentacles~ should be up soonish. That may be another shorter chapter, but it gonna be a big angsty one. *wink wink*. As always, thanks for reading my hot garbage! <3
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diavolodigitale · 3 years
Dream Sequence. Lucio
It’s been a while since I had so much fun writing something. No plot, really, it’s a pretty light read and I am proud of it.
All parts of the trilogy: Lucio - Asra - Julian - All stories in PDF
A part of the "trilogy" about dream encounters dedicated to Lucio (because I love him, apparently). Nothing special, just You (or the Apprentice, or the Reader, however you view it) and Lucio spending some time together (if you know what I mean, which you probably don't, so go ahead and read it, it's pretty short, I promise). My character was male, but you are free to imagine whoever you want since there are no references to it in the text.
Genres: Romance, Fluff, Humor, Dreams, POV First Person, One-shot, Light-hearted
Pairing: Lucio/Apprentice(or Reader or You or Whatever)
Characters: Lucio, Reader/Apprentice/You
Rating: G for Geez that’s a good story
Size: around 2500 words
I open my eyes and look around. The room I am in is quite spacious. Despite barely containing any decorations or even furniture, somehow it still feels inviting and cosy. It is dimly lit, the only light sources that I can spot are a few candles standing here and there.
Suddenly, I hear a loud thud, as if something heavy fell on the floor, and I hastily turn around to investigate. I immediately spot an empty decanter lying on the ground at the leg of an old wooden table and a figure crouching beside it. The figure looks like it’s glowing in the darkness of the room because everything about it is so brightly white.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” says Lucio awkwardly and stands up, cradling the decanter in his arms. “Or did I?” he immediately proceeds to ask, roguish smile plastered on his face.
I smile in return and shake my head. This is probably another dream we’re sharing. It happened a few times before. There is no logical end to it, no specific purpose, nothing. We just seem to linger in an accidental place, surrounded by whimsical decorations or nothing at all, until one of us wakes up and cuts the ties to this place rendering it forever lost in time and space. I suppose it has something to do with our connection as the spirit of Lucio seems to be drawn to me whenever I slip out from the deep slumber and see dreams.  
“And why would you want to do that?” I ask and cross my arms, raising my eyebrow inquiringly.
“Isn’t it obvious? If you’re scared, you will seek my protection and want to hold hands. Maybe, even more than that,” he responds without even a hint of embarrassment and casually puts the decanter back on the table.
“Oh, you would need to do more than that to scare me, don’t you know?” I say playfully. This encounter doesn’t seem to differ much those we usually have, so I decide to behave as I always do around him.
“What a shame…” he says and pouts, hardly being able to supress his impish smile. “I was hoping I could find a reason to hold you.”
“Since when do you need a reason to do that?” I ask as he slowly approaches, his walk as gracious as ever.
“Huh, true,” he says and grins, now standing much closer to me. There is not enough light in the room for me to see the features of his face clearly, but I am nevertheless able to spot the playful glim in his eyes.
“What do you feel like doing this time?” I ask more seriously. We’ve been on quite a few thrilling trips in my dreams as they are often filled with peculiar apparitions and location, but right now I cannot find anything that could interest Lucio with his insatiable appetite for adventures.
“Hm…” He puts an index finger to his lips and musingly looks around. As I expected, nothing in the room is able to pique his curiosity so his gaze wanders back to me.
“I have an idea,” he says mischievously and immediately covers my eyes with his hand for a second. When his hand is removed, the only thing I can see is complete darkness.
Intrigued, I summon a small glowing orb to light up the place. To my surprise, we are in a completely different room that resembles a closet more than anything else. The place is a tight squeeze, with Lucio standing right before me and the orb hovering above us. Though we’re not actually close enough to be touching, there is hardly enough room to move around at all.
The room quickly fills with heat and I feel my head spinning. The feeling of almost tangible warmth around me reminds me of the time I first met Lucio. His presence had the same effect on his surroundings, which seems to be the sign of him being agitated or excited about something. My gaze is wandering from his jawline to collarbone and back since I don’t want to stare him directly in the eyes. Lucio might be shameless, but I immediately feel flustered in such a situation.
“You are quite a fast learner,” I say nonchalantly, looking up for a split second. He grins even more, flattered by my words.
In spite of his utter incapability when it came to using magic in the real world, he somehow was able to learn to manipulate matter in my dreams quite easily. There was rarely a need for him to resort to this skill, but his still tried to use every opportunity he had to give it a try.
“I can do many more things,” he says and moves closer to me, resting his heavy gilded hand against the wall right above my head and leaning a bit closer. “You know, I am very talented.”
I nod and look down. The orb illuminates every little detail of his face, and I am afraid he is provided with the same sight of mine, so I do my best to hide my flustered expression. I find the position we are in uncomfortable, but I am also curios to see what he has on his mind.
Lucio leans even closer, propped up on his arm, and starts whispering into my ear.
“Have any plans for tonight?” he asks, his eyes narrowed in a cunning smile.
“No, not that I am aware of at least,” I reply. “What are you up to?”
“Well, I was thinking we might find a monstrous beast for me to slay…” he whispers, tickling my ear with his warm breath, “I would look exceptionally good swinging its ugly head left and right, with a few light wounds here and there and covered in its blood. Or we might show up to an extravagant ball and have the time of our lives there. We could demonstrate the public our best, most elaborate dance, and they would cheer and applaud, flabbergasted at our awesomeness and grace.”
I chuckle a bit at how unsurprisingly flashy his suggestions are. But it is usually my job to tease him, so I can’t let him beat me so easily, even if I seem to be much less at ease in such… circumstances.
“Your idea certainly sounds entertaining,” I mutter and slide my hand down his side and onto his waist.
“Wh– which one exactly?” he asks, visibly taken aback by my display of interest.
“Both of them, actually,” I say, as my hand wraps around him and pulls him a tad closer.
Lucio’s face blossoms with light-pink and he lets out his breath with a loud sigh. The air of confidence he always has around him disperses in a matter of seconds every time I unexpectedly agree to play by his rules. He just cannot get used to it for some reason.
“And… which one would you chose?” he asks carefully, moving away from my red ear to steal a glance at my face. He is a bit taller than me and stands so close that it’s hard for me to look at anything else except for his squinted eyes and blond locks of hair framing his face.
I pull him even closer, pressing him to me and squeezing his side, and rest my other hand on his cheek. His face is growing redder every second and he starts to squirm a little, trying to avoid my gaze and the intimacy he seems to still secretly enjoy.
“I believe, I have an even better idea,” I say, smiling, and raise my hand to cover his eyes for a split second.
Before he has the time to protest, we are back in the room we first appeared and it is hardly different from the way we left it. I release him from my grip and give him a light push on the chest. With nothing to grab on his way down, he helplessly falls onto the bed behind him, a startled “Ah!” escaping his lips.
I smile, savouring the look of surprise on his face, and approach the bed.
Lucio is flushed but doesn’t seem to mind losing control over the situation. Invitingly, he reaches out with his hand to me, but I shake my head and climb on the bead on top of him without his help.
The bed is incredibly soft so I doubt he felt any discomfort landing on it. It reminds me of the one I saw in Lucio’s old chambers, only in its pre-catastrophic state. The cover is pleasant to the touch and seems to be crimson, but it’s difficult to discern the colour in almost complete absence of light in the room.
“You’ve got something red on your cheeks,” I say playfully and run my hand over the side of his face. It’s warm, hot even, and I feel the muscles twitch on his face as he smiles at me.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” he says casually, “when I felt you were here, I ran with all my might to get to you as fast as I could (and had to cover infinitesimal distances, of course) so now I might feel a little too warm.”
I quickly land a kiss on each of his cheeks, pressing him more with the weight of my body, and he laughs merrily, trying to catch my hands in the process.
“There’s something here as well,” I say and kiss Lucio on the tip of his nose.
He tries to escape my touch and turns away, giggling, so I kiss his ear shell which is even redder than his face now.
He struggles playfully a bit, but it doesn’t feel like he really wants to win this fight. I stop to look at him, and he returns my glance without a second thought. His hands are resting on my thighs and he moves them up and down carefully.
“You’re as light as a feather,” he notes, tilting his head, “we need to start feeding you properly. What is your favourite food?”
I take a second to consider my answer.
“Bread. With spices,” I reply, remembering fondly the times Asra and I would go to the bakery near our shop and enjoy the heavenly taste of freshly baked bread.
“Then it’s decided!” says Lucio excitedly and lands his hands on my thighs with a clap. “When I’m officially reinstated as the Count, I’m going to buy you all of the bread I can find! No, the whole stall! No, wait, the whole street! I will buy you a whole street worth of shops with all the bakeries you want!”
I cannot help but laugh at how foolishly he behaves. He pouts and turns away, trying to pretend that he lost interest in me.
“Okay, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” I say, still laughing. “I am truly sorry, Your Highness. How could I ever make up to what I have done?” I ask inquisitively, observing his face.
Lucio’s eyes spark with mischief again and he pretends to be thoughtful before proceeding to say what has been on his mind, perhaps, this whole time.
“I might forgive you if you lend me a hand for something. There seems to be something wrong with me…” he says worriedly, but I am not buying into his act. “Something wrong…” he repeats, slyness becoming visible through his cracked façade of seriousness. “It’s become so hard to breathe, I am almost suffocating… Could you please help me with this problem? Pretty please?” he says and dramatically rests his hand on his neck. I look into his eyes full of fake innocence and nod with understanding.
Lucio moves his hand away and starts watching me with unhidden curiosity and excitement. I carefully touch his chest which is rising and falling steadily and, to my surprise, notice, that his coat is buttoned up more than usually. It even makes me think that it really might be hard for him to breathe as he is definitely not used to walking around like this.
I go ahead and start untangling the lace that holds his cloak. I feel soft fur brushing against my hand as I purposefully tinker with the clasp much longer than is really needed. Lucio is growing visibly impatient but seems to do his best not to hurry me. I, in turn, try to hold back my laughter.
Having delt with the cloak, I proceed to unbutton his jacket. The fabric is very delicate, and I again take my time to tease him instead of just dealing with it quickly.
Lucio loses what was left of his patience and opens his mouth with a frown of unsatisfaction.
“What’s taking you so long?”
I look up at him as if he was a child with which I had to reason.
“We wouldn’t want to damage your magnificent attire, would we?” I ask and airily brush my finger against his bare chest that is now partly exposed. “Better proceed carefully.”
He flushes again because of my touch and appears to be at a loss for words. In the end, he just swallows loudly and pretends he did not want to say anything in the first place.
I occupy myself with the buttons again, and this time he waits almost patiently until I finish torturing him. Every time I “accidentally” land my hand on his skin instead of the soft fabric, I feel his pulse quickening, and every time I am forced to bite on my lip to hold back my treacherous smile.
Once I am done, Lucio exhales with relief. I don’t know what he expects me to do next, but suddenly an idea flashes in my mind and I already know I just have to do it.
With his eyes half shut and mouth a little agape, he watches as I delicately lay my hands on his sides and stroke him. It looks like he wants to say something, but I don’t give him a chance as I begin to tickle him violently, running my fingers along the skin between his ribs.
Lucio struggles and kicks below me but cannot do anything to escape my attack. He breathes erratically and I hear his muffled giggling when he jerks up from the bed and presses his body against mine to give me no room for movements. I decide to spare him and hug him instead, wrapping my hands around his neck.
“Well, that didn’t help me at all!” he exclaims jokingly, hugging me back and burying his face near my collarbone. His gilded hand is stroking my back and it feels a bit ticklish because of how sharp the tips of his fingers are, but I decide not to complain as it is more pleasant than anything.
I nestle closer and start twirling a strand of his hair around my finger. He has calmed down and I can hear him breathing steadily against my chest.
“I wish we could sit like this forever,” he says quietly.
“And who told you we can’t?” I ask, and he looks up at me, astonished and puzzled. “Show me who said that and I’ll give them a nice thrashing!” I say and it makes him laugh again.
“Not if I do that first!” he exclaims and plops back onto the bed with me startled but still securely held in his arms.
“I’ll be there to watch then,” I say, resting my chin on my arms crossed on top of his chest.
“Of course, you will! Why else would I do that?” he asks with indignation. “You just watch me. Don’t watch anybody else, just me, okay?”
“Oh, I would never…”
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sandwichfox · 4 years
AHH LISTEN! You write such beautiful headcannons, I feel like I'm literally there. 6x the joy of getting married and having gorgeous competent spouses to help with our gorgeous grumpy children! Thank you so much for this gift! Would you be down to write for the main 6 a lil oblivious, mutual pining and what causes them/the MC to finally snap? (And if you wanna get racy, what happens next? ;) )
Listen, listen, you came for my entire heart with this ask, the compliments definitely punched me in the face but the mutual pining was what KO’d me, my forking jam. (Also, we are always happy to get racy here in la mía casa)
★ He already really, really loves you, so it just kind of evolves naturally for him. There’s no internal conflict on his part, because of course he would fall for you, it’s only right. 
★ However, he does want to be absolutely sure you’re ready before taking any next steps, he doesn’t want to set you back in your recovery.
★ Except for Asra, that translates into never initiating anything, ever.
★ He hugs you and touches your shoulder and all, but that’s just Asra with anybody he trusts. He does stare at you an awful lot though. If he catches you staring, this fluffy idiot will think nothing of it.
★ Physical contact is already so natural between the two of you. That one day you just.. kiss him? Oops.
★ “wait was that-?” “…oh! Sorry I-“ “No it’s- can I kiss you again?” The answer is yes, he kisses you with purpose this time, soft and warm. Then immediately dissolves into giggles. He kisses you again, still giggling. “I love you” he says, voice stuck between a laugh and a sigh (and a kiss).
★ It was meant to be a brief kiss, but now he can’t seem to stop. (He’s lost count of how many times he’s kissed you now), but his hands -they’re shaking- skim tentatively up your arm, into your hair, hold you by the nape of your neck. And when you sigh he can’t help but brush a finger against your collarbone, then kiss that same spot. 
★ He feels drunk (he probably knocks against the shop’s counter, almost drops a jar of some herb or another), but now he’s got you pressed against it and he’s not laughing anymore, his brow is furrowed with want. He pants your name and you’re both gone.
♠ Doesn’t want to come on too strong but she is starting to suspect she fell for an entire dumbass.
♠︎ Maybe you just don’t want her? It’s entirely possible, but then what about all the times you seem to be flirting with her? 
♠︎ She’s tried everything, lavishing you with gifts, turning on the charm, even showing you off at parties and to dinner guests. 
♠ Problem is, she’s the countess, and why would she be interested in you? That’s ridiculous. All this must be because she has all this money, and you’re a special guest, and she’s just amazing like that.
♠︎ But one day you can’t take it anymore, and ask her outright what her intentions are. (Literally “are you flirting with me?” “I have been for a year now, thank you for noticing”)
♠︎ Oh boy, she has to make up for lost time, now doesn’t she? She asks you (up front this time) if you’d like to come up to her room at the palace. “Don’t worry, nothing nefarious” her gaze says otherwise. Goodness, she’ll eat you alive. 
♠︎ You get to her chambers and, unexpectedly, she asks you to try something on for her. A necklace, she says, that has been sent to her. She’s not sure about it yet, and would like to see it on you before deciding if she likes it. You’re a bit taken aback, but agree.
♠︎ She’s wicked, dragging the cold metal chain slowly across the skin of your shoulders, breathing against your neck as she fastens the clasp, she takes you (legs shaking) to stand in front of the mirror. She places a kiss against a soft spot on your neck and then presses her teeth against it, her hand travels up to your throat. “Darling, you look ravishing” but you barely hear her, your ears are ringing. 
♦︎ Oh boy.
♦︎ This dude right here invented pining. He thinks you’re absolutely gorgeous the moment he sees you, but then you two get to talk and it’s over, my man is gone.
♦︎ Alternates between the smoothest man alive and a literal mess. Also, he wants to date you so bad, but he thinks he’ll be bad for you. Can’t decide between being selfish and a self-sacrificing idiot.
♦︎ You like him so much, but he keeps sending these mixed messages, you wonder if it’s better to just maybe just steal longing glances at him for the rest of your life.
♦︎ One day, when he’s feeling particularly angsty, you ask him what’s wrong and he tells you in many, many scrambled words that he likes you. You had thought you had mistaken his usual Julian-ness for flirting, but this new revelation changes everything.
♦︎ “You like me” you breathe. He looks up miserably from his pint and nods. You already had a hand on his shoulder from where you were comforting him, but the surprise makes you tighten your hold, dig your nails in. And he- did he-? You snap your gaze to his and yep, he’s red to the very tips of his ears, lip caught between his teeth. “Oh?” You smirk. He lets out another tiny, miserable whine. 
♦︎ You can’t remember ever feeling this giddy, your heart is pounding and your hands feel clumsy, it’s nearly impossible to get the buttons of his coat to come undone. And you’re hiding in an alley, goodness. Julian’s lips still taste of salty bitters, and he’s clutching at you like he wants to climb inside you.
♦︎ “You’re drunk” you say “on you” he retorts, though muffled, he didn’t even miss a beat. You bite his lip playfully in response and he, mmmelts (seriously, you have to catch him a little). “Okay” you say, hot all over, “okay” and you kiss him some more. 
♣︎ Hates it. Hates that he’s pining for you so hard. He tries the whole avoiding you thing and everything but it doesn’t work.
♣︎ It never even crosses his mind that you might want him back. Sometimes he catches you looking at him and his immediate reaction is to be absolutely mortified (has he had something on his face this whole time?!)
♣︎ Doesn’t know what to do with himself, basically. He wants to talk to you but he only goes so far as to following you around at a distance. He wants to touch you but doesn’t want to ask for contact. He brushes against you once in passing and immediately goes beet red. 
♣︎ Thing is, you’re so good. So good, soft, like he doesn’t deserve. You treat him like he’s… Sometimes you bring by some of your cooking, or a shiny rock that you thought was pretty, or you take him out for some smoked eel (and keep him company while he eats it, sat in the shadows). You constantly check that he’s alright “is it okay if I put my hand on your shoulder?” “Are you alright?” “Can I touch you?” “Can I help you?” “Can I hug you?”…
♣︎ “Can I kiss you?” You whisper, he can only nod.
♣ Muriel is so sensitive to touch, starved for it, though he’d never admit it. So when you start kissing him there’s an immediate churning heat in his belly. He’s lightheaded, feels like he’s about to boil over, he doesn’t know where to put his hands. 
♣︎ Somehow you’ve ended up in his lap, though he can’t say exactly when that happened (time is strange, when he’s kissing you), his hands have traveled to your sides and something about having you there, holding you to him, he’s going to go mad.
♣︎ He doesn’t want to ask for more than you’re willing to give him. But you give so easily, each tentative press of his lips is met with wet, purposeful pressure from yours. When his hands first brush your skin you shiver and come closer. He kind of never wants to stop. 
♥︎ Is a whole mess.
♥︎ Listen, she gets lost in your eyes sometimes, alright? That doesn’t mean she’s in love with you. Or maybe it does, but you don’t have to know that.
♥︎ Maybe you’re an oblivious fool (u are) because that’s the only way that you wouldn’t have noticed her pining. Literally goes ‘eep!’ every time you catch her staring.
♥︎ Portia is the kind of person that talks about their crush all the time, (‘the other day I was with MC and-‘ ‘and then MC said- insert mildly funny thing- and haha- wait- hahaha- they said- hahsghdgsh’) so literally everyone knows she’s crushing but you. 
♥︎ She’s naturally flirty with everyone, but one day she says something that you read as actually flirty, so then you’re like wait, really? And Portia’s all ‘oh! Sdgdhhdj I was just, I didn’t mean- I was just, uhm- KIDDING! Just kidd- unless..’ (anyway spoilers you both like each other and then make out lol)
♥︎ She spent so long having a crush on you and daydreaming about being with you and now she can actually have you. She has to hide away with you for a little while ASAP. You notice her acting giddy one day in the gardens and ask her what’s wrong “nothing!” She says immediately, then a pause “actually, do you want to stop by the cottage?” A perfectly innocent question, but she’s gone all red. Oh. 
♥︎ You stop by her cottage. As soon as you’re in through the door she turns up the flirty-ness tenfold (you’re gonna pass out), until she finally takes your hand and walks you backward against a wall. “Wanna make out?” She whispers. You do, actually. She’s surprisingly bitey, and very responsive. 
♥︎ After a few moments her hands start wandering, “you’re so cute” she sighs “beautiful, wow”. She’s letting out these breathy little sighs, pressing closer until there’s no space between you. She has one leg slotted between your own, her back arched to press the length of her against your body, one hand on your back at your waist, the other clutching at her shoulder, and she’s moving in a slow, waving motion, kissing your jaw and lips and ear and scraping teeth against your neck (you’re going to die).
▲ Oh he hATES it. (Feelings?! No thanks, yuck). It’s probably the whole ‘feelings make you weak’ mentality he grew up around, because he’s not above indulging in company, if ya know what I mean.
▲ But he doesn’t just want that from you, and it throws him on a loop. He keeps bouncing back and forth between sending for you about the most ridiculous things just to see you, and sending you away in a huff when he realizes that no, bad Lucio.
▲ It can’t be helped though, and soon he’s head over heels. He gets ridiculous, honestly. ‘Subtly’ asking about you and giving you increasingly odd, expensive gifts and trying to get your attention. 
▲ As soon as he gives in and admits to himself that he actually likes you his first thought is to go out and demand that you be with him. But he’s actually nervous, and not exactly sure that you would like that at all. So he starts testing the waters. 
▲You think it’s just Lucio being Lucio but you’ve liked him for some time and it kinda? hurts? when he suddenly starts complimenting you and making jokes about being with you for real, saying it so casually like there’s no way in hell and it hurts. So one day you tell him to stop.
▲ “Wha- huh?” He says, and you’re embarrassed, maybe you shouldn’t have said anything, but Lucio’s already seen your face, and now he knows what’s going on. “Oh, sweetheart” he says in a drawl “I’m being perfectly sincere, I love your pretty face” he takes a step closer “that amazing body” his voice is softer, you blush, he takes another step “your powerful magic” another still “your sharp mind” he’s right in front of you know, reaching out with a clawed finger to tilt your chin up “I’d like to be with you, if you’d let me.”
▲ “I’d like to do so many things to you, magician.” His golden hand trails from your chin to your bottom lip, tugging down before letting go and traveling up your cheek to the side of your head. He’s holding himself up against the wall with his other hand, bracketing you in against him, all in your space. “Perhaps I’ll call you to my room, feed you whine and fruit and sweets, drape you in fine silk” he leans in close to your ear “I’ll keep you to myself all day, kiss every inch of you, maybe keep you all night as well.”
▲ “Lucio” you gasp, he grins devilishly and surges in to kiss you. He kisses you long and hard right there in the hallway, pulling back a few inches just to hover near your lips, you lean into him and he pulls back a little more, teasing. “Please” you pout. “Oh no, beautiful, you’re much too pretty to be begging a man like me for kisses. I should be the one doing the begging, getting on my knees and showering you in gold.” He’s grinning, but he’s glowing red with enthusiasm at the thought. “Kiss me then” you say, pulling him to you, he shivers like he’s weak at the knees and does just that. 
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herdecisions · 3 years
Favourites/Biases 🤣
Let’s be hoes together for these people ig 🙄👀🤣
tl;dr ifywk lol
🥵| certifed wh*re for: Asra, Yeong-gi/Nol, 707, Saeran, Ruth, Byakuya, Shuichi, Yamaguchi, Osamu, Suna, Dazai, Ranpo, Kunikida, Armin, Levi, Giyuu
🥺| fluff-ily love: Dieter, Mammon, Leviathan, Nagito, Kokichi, Megumi, Kyo, Tamaki, Mikey
😌| platonically like/like in general: Suho, Oliver, Fuyuhiko, Gonta, Oikawa, Maki, Inumaki, Miyamura, Kirishima, Denki, Takemichi
🥰| has a special place in my heart (comfort character?): Kita, Tanaka, Nanamin, Ishikawa
The Arcana: Game -> Asra 1000% then Julian LMAO
Webtoon: I Love Yoo -> Yeong-gi/Nol 🥺😭😭 and Dieter ohmygodddd 😭
Webtoon: True Beauty -> Not really a hoe for this man but I love him. plz make ur move ??? Suho
Webtoon: The Kiss Bet -> Also not a hoe for anyone here, just heavily rooting for this youngin lol. Oliver
Mystic Messenger -> 707 probably ‘cus the fandom has hypnotized me, now I’m love w/ him. Oh and Also!! Saeran ice cream boy
I honestly haven’t finished/read every route myself lol, but I spoiled myself cus I was bored and didn’t wanna wake up at 3am like 66 more times just to do the chatrooms lol idk I’ve been spending my days a little bit like shit when I did that LMFAOO anyways
Obey Me -> Mammon and Leviathan !!!!!!!
Manhwa/Manta: Under the Oak Tree -> I’M 😵🌬😵🌬 for this man OHMYLORRDDD. Ruth Serbel. Riftan* is cute too but idk I’m just turned off and bored, especially that all he can do is MISSIONARY BOIII switch it up 😶
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc -> Byakuya (I’m Toko i guess LMAOO) and Kyoko 😂
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair -> Nagito. WE STAN NAGITO IN THIS HOUSE IM SORRY NOT SORRY
Also Fuyuhiko. This man is just so in love 😭😭 my heart is aching for his relationship with Peko
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony -> Kokichi with Miu LMAOO. They be R21 but its so funny 💀😭 oh right and maybe Gonta the sweet boy 😭 Anddd how could i forget.. why. am I. such. a. wh*re. for this man Shuichi
I guess I just like people from dangranronpa because of their relationships w/ each other—other than Nagito of course. I love that man.
Haikyu -> Honestly probably changes everyday but also not at the same time. But mainly Yamaguchi for now. The others would be Osamu, Suna, Kita and I’m not that into Tsukishima anymore (I’m speaking as if I actually have a real life relationship with these characters LMAOOOO im so done with myself). I’m slowly starting to fall for Atsumu 😶 and I like Oikawa. Tanaka i think is SO SWEET he is one of those people who kind of...”unexplainably” has a special place in my heart, and I think Nishinoya is so cuteee !
Jujutsu Kaisen -> in love with Megumi 🥺🥺 also I love Nanamin Kento as a father 🙂 anddd I just think Maki is an absoluteeee badddieeeee. Inumaki is so cute :((
Bungou Stray Dogs -> Osamu Dazai, Ranpo, and Kunikida these men are so sexy.. and for whattttt?? For whatt??????
Attack On Titan -> I will gladly be a hypocrite (? I mean is it even considered that? Lol.) for this one. Criticized the f u c k out of this man’s haircut, and jumped the moment he changed it 😶 you know who it is... Armin. And of course, since forever, with everyone, our small giant man Levi
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun -> I kinda feel like I may have a child like Hanako—minus the yk what. I’m a hoe for this show’s aesthetic and art style. Especially that I’m a hoe for spirituality/occult lol. I’m just so extremely aesthetically satisfied in every level all the time I watch. I may read the manga but my heart is already aching because I got a litttle bit spoiled 😐 (plz dont spoil me with this show especially LMFAO)
Fruits Basket -> I’m still in season 1 lol. The sibling (of the rat boy) is just so long I’m so bored 🤡 will definitely try to come back to finish it though. Stanning for this tsundere Kyo but based on Tohru’s interactions—if ever she were to end up with someone in the show, I already have an idea who 😶 🐀
Death Note -> Light after L— yk. idk he just looks good with slightly longer hair and looking and being older 🤷🏻‍♀️
Horimiya -> Miyamura with Hori, Ishikawa (wow this man... i just wow 😭)
My Hero Academia -> Tamaki Amajiki (this boy 😭😭😭😭🥺), Fat Gum (cus of how he treats tamaki honestly lmfao), and lowwlowwwkey Tenya Iida—its.. its the glasses for me 😩🤚🏻 Kinda starting to like Bakugou more, because of the quizzes 😂😂 but im not a hoe, i just think he’s objectively attractive even tho he seems like he’s going to pop a vein someday. I think a lot of the characters are super sweet, but I feel particularly a little soft for Kirishima and Denki
Tokyo Revengers -> pretty much everyone but mainly, probably, so far: (please please please be there, protect, actively love this precious baby boy, give him words of affirmation, have his back, make him open up more—) Mikey and Takemichi
Demon Slayer -> ...Giyuu is so hot
Kakegurui -> i think Kaede Manyuda is like my fantasy/dream guy 🤡 do i have low standards? Shet.. and Rei Batsubami ohmygod ohmygod this woman.
Favourite Pairings
Kinda jealous in some of these ngl but i love them together so… 🤡
Jean x Diluc - hot 🥵
L x Misa Amane - literally so fcking cute 😭😭
Bakugou Katsuki x Ochako Uraraka - I’m sorry but I ship it so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Bakugou Katsuki x Midoriya Izuku - as platonic soulmates
Ino Yamanaka x Shikamaru Nara - i ship them like… so hard.
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Meeting and falling in love with Portia, Muriel and Lucio || Slight Modern! AU
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A/N: Second part!! Nobody really asked for this but it didn’t feel right to not write about these other three. Also sorry this took so long I’ve been at work and on holiday (social distancing safely tho!) and also am preparing for Univeristy :)
Part 1
Main Masterlist
The Arcana Masterlist
You two first met out in town - you ran into each other on a market day; she was buying things for Nadia and you were merely perusing the various stalls
You literally ran into each other though
You straight up knocked the bags of various items out of her arms - it was incredibly embarrassing for the both of you
You obviously apologised immediately, the both of you trying desperately to gather up Portia’s things without attracting a crowd
It isn’t until the two of you stand up that you get a good look of each other - you recognise her from that one fancy dinner you went to that Nadia held (Asra made you go)
You offer to help her find the rest of the items Nadia needs, and you spend another hour browsing the stalls and talking about everything and nothing
The two of you end up running into each other at the market enough times for y’all to exchange numbers and make the friendship official - when you eventually met Julian he took a liking to you right away which you took as a definite good sign
You’d been friends for a couple of months and you started to pick up on her little habits, and you started to notice her more; like the small efforts she made when you’d go out or the effort she went to as to make sure all of her friends met and loved you
You introduced her to Asra, and Portia became obsessed with everything in your shop, and she went through a phase where all she wanted to do was spend time at your home, and could somehow look at all the items in your shop for hours on end
You’d always had a strong friendship, but soon enough your feelings towards her started to change as you spent more time together
Portia was surprisingly forwards with her intentions and affections – as soon as you started to show more affection towards her or she caught you staring one too many times, she caught on pretty quickly to your real feelings
Which was kind of lucky because you’d been caught up in an inner debate of whether or not she actually felt the same or if you were reading all the signs wrong, so it would have been a while before you actually got the courage to ask her out
So she took pity on you and just casually asked
“Hey Y/N, wanna go on a date tomorrow night?”
You absolutely choked on whatever food or drink you were having
“A…a date?”
“Yeah, you and me, going on a date like partners do.”
“O-Oh…oh, yeah, definitely, I would very much like to do that please”
It wasn’t anything extravagant, but Portia lit up her garden with an insane amount of candles for a candle-lit dinner and honestly you couldn’t have asked for anything more
Muriel was intriguing from the start.
You’d heard Asra mention someone with his name a few times, but it never really stuck in your mind for very long; you told yourself that it was because you didn’t have a face to stick with the name.
The first time you saw Muriel was in the shadows outside Asra’s shop – an immediate red flag in your mind (you later told this to Muriel and he was mortified that the thought of him hurting you had ever crossed your mind. It was just like you forgot about it every time you ran into him.
It was strange looking back on the several other interactions you had with Muriel before you really got to know him; you found it odd that you kept forgetting to mention him to Asra – I mean, Muriel wasn’t exactly easy to miss being around six foot, and about ten inches. He’s a giant of a man, seriously.
The first time you properly ran into him, it was really thanks to Inanna – she’d turned up at the shop, most likely looking for Asra so that he could help.
You opened the door expecting to find a body, or someone in desperate need of help; there were bloodstains on the shop door, but you were surprised and slightly (very) scared to see a large, black wolf hiding in the shadows. Well, the first thing you saw were her eyes, large and gleaming in the small amount of light that was in the shop.
When you finally regained enough courage to move and calm down, you cautiously asked it if it needs help, then immediately questioned why you had just asked an animal a real question
You (somewhat lamely) offered to help instead as Asra was currently away.
Next thing you knew, you had followed an unknown wolf into the nearby forest, and after what felt like hours you finally reached the end goal – which happened to be the largest man you’d ever see
And, bonus! He was also covered in blood :)
Muriel was not grateful at all when it came to your offer of help – he seemed to already know who you were, yet still didn’t want to accept your help.
Even though he insisted on cleaning his wound himself, you manage to convince him to let you help him tidy it up and do one last check over.
From there, Asra eventually caught up with the two of you and realised pretty quickly that Muriel was begrudgingly curious about you, and that he liked you but absolutely was not showing it
You bought him a scarf from the marketplace – he didn’t understand why he deserved good things and you made it your mission to shower him with compliments and nice things
Overtime you just became more and more infatuated with him, and slowly encouraged him to come out of his shell around you
When you kissed him, he was so stunned that you thought for a horribly long second that you had misread all the signs and that you’d ruined your friendship, but he was just confused as to what the hell had just happened
He was like ‘….Iwouldn’tmindifyoudiditagain’ so fast you had to ask him to repeat it, but you were so happy and relieved beyond belief to hear it a bit slower and realise that he felt the same way
Basically he is your soft boi who you adore and would kill anyone who hurts him :)
You met him after leaving Nadia’s house one night after dinner
Him being her ex, he was trying to sneak into the house to get the rest of his things without Nadia seeing him - she didn't see him, but you sure did
You had just left the house and you saw him trying to sneak in through an upstairs window, and the sight of the moonlight shining on him made him look so ghost-like that you jumped out of your skin, gasping in surprise
He nearly fell out of the window at your gasp, and the two of you just stared at each other for a solid minute in silence before you both spoke at the same time
‘Who the hell are you?” / ”What on earth are you doing up there?”
After a few minutes of Lucio explaining what the hell he was doing sneaking into Nadia’s house and you listening skeptically, you promised not to tell Nadia that he had been trying to take his stuff back. You weren't sure why, but you felt that you could trust him, even though he was an odd man.
It was a while before the two of you next met up - he disappeared to who-knows-where, but when you did eventually meet up you were surprisingly happy to see him.
For a while you found that his ego was waaaaaay too big, and you found out from Nadia that he made some pretty shady deals with some shady people
You also ‘forgot’ to mention that you were kinda friends with Lucio to Asra, as Nadia had mentioned that Asra had never been friendly towards Lucio in any way
The more time you spent around Lucio, the more you were slowly able to look past his large ego, and you could actually see the real person underneath - he even allowed you to call him by his real name, or ‘Monty’ when he began to trust you (that took a very long time)
You realised just how much he trusted you when he confided his family history. He told you how his father died, and that he had come here to escape his mother. You told him that despite his awful childhood, and despite all the shady stuff he’d been involved him, you still believed he could change for good if he did everything he could to make amends
Eventually, you found yourself spending more and more time with Lucio, and you noticed that he started to relax more when he was around you, and the two of you became comfortable in each other’s company to the extent that Asra started to get suspicious that you were seeing someone because you kept forgetting your shifts at the shop.
After a while, your friendship almost naturally turned into something more, until the two of you were painfully aware that there was some unspoken ‘thing’ between you
It was you who made the first move – he’d been joking about the two of you being a couple and how he’d shower you with gifts and it was honestly getting kinda hurtful because you,,,actually did want to be with him and he was treating it as a joke
So you just kissed him to shut him up, but then he kissed you back immediately and you realised he might actually feel the same way
He told you afterwards that he was trying to hint to you that he wanted to be with you but isn’t good with honest emotions so thought that joking about it was the right thing to do, the asshole
You knew that Asra and, well, everyone, wouldn’t be too pleased with this outcome, but you could see that Lucio truly loved you. Even though his ego was still a little too big for his liking, and he had more money than you ever needed, it was obvious that he was trying to tone down all his flamboyance for you.
@hakunamatatayqueen​ this is part 2 I just forgot to tag it 
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belanche · 4 years
Headcanons for the main 6 if they ever cheat on MC?
I am so sorry this took forever! Please let me know if you want me to add or change anything
How did this happen, he doesn't know
Hes so ashamed of himself
He comes home right away and tells you
He doesn't try to make you forgive him, he doesn't make excuses
He waits for you to come to him
He understands if you don't want to be with him anymore, he won't force you
If you do break up, he is still there for you but will respect your boundaries
If you decide to stay together he will rebuild everything slowly
Forgiveness takes time, he knows that
Drunk probably drunk
He doesn't even remember it
By the time he returns home its dark out
He sits your down and tells you
He can't help but put himself down when he does
He will give you space, probably stay with Mazelinka and Portia
If you break up he will be friendly but keep his space, he doesn't want to hurt you again
If you stay together this man does everything he can to make it up to you
Its almost too much
Eventually everything falls back into place, but julian will always be angry with himself
She didnt
Oh my stars she did
She is honesty dumbfounded as to how she did this
She waste no time in telling you, its almost lacks emotion but thats because she is scared
She doesn't beg for your forgiveness, she simply waits
She moves rooms and gives you all the space you need
If you break up she is devastated but understands
She will always protect you but keep her space if that's what you need
If you stay together then she proves how much she loves you
Not through material items but through her actions
She takes time off to be with you
She arrives at your room to fetch you instead of Portia doing it
Small things
When you trust her again she makes sure to never betray it
He made a little oopsies
Big oopsies
He is so angry with himself
Doesn't tell you right away, he waits like a week
And when he tells you he explodes, tears lots of tears
You almost can't make out what he's saying
He begs you to forgive him, spoils you, buys you everything
If you break up, he will still send you flowers from time to time
And "accidentally" bump into you places
If you stay together you have to tell him that money and gifts can't fix this
He starts being honest and vulnerable with you more
Stops partying and focuses on you
Theres no way in hell hes losing you
Oh honey how?
I honestly can't see this
I imagine if he told MC they would just be like "haha funny"
He tells them right away but it takes him awhile to get it out
He doesn't understand how it happened
He basically closes himself off hes so upset with himself
He apologizes and leaves you alone
If you break up thats the last you'll see of him, but you will often find charms and mur on your doorstep
If you stay together you'll actually have to convince him
He doesn't want you to be stuck with him
But slowly and surely you two work on it
Probably doesn't leave the hut as much as he did before
Uh oh
Runs out of there and finds you
She tells you while fidgeting then by the end shes in full on tears
She apologizes everytime she sees you then she apologizes for apologizing
If you two break up you'll still see her, she will even want to be friends. She won't make it weird
If you stay together then expect her to be a little clingy at the start
Shes nervous that you'll leave her
You two talk about it often, she doesn't think this is something that yall should forget
She tells you that she loves you a lot more
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bi-sapphic · 3 years
Sad and soft Asra x Julian?
this is my first fic since 6th grade so dont judge me lol
context: Asra and Julian are working at the castle to find a cure for the plague. they have already developed a relationship.
Asra and Julian are sitting in a carriage coming home from working at the castle trying to find a cure. Asra is unusually quiet today, if you try hard enough you can see clouds over their head. They're holding their tarot deck in their hands and staring at it intensely, though with a rather sad expression.
"Hey, Asra" says Julian softly "What's wrong?"
Asra doesn't answer righr away.
"It's just... My apprentice." They say without looking up from the cards "I had to use their work today and I- I really miss them, you know." Their lip trembles as they say last words. "I shouldn't have left them alone, I should have stayed with them. I acted so selfishly when I left them alone in Vesuvia. Why didn't they leave with me?" Asra's eyes start to water "I miss them so much. It's been months and there's no progress in finding anything helpful"
Julian quietly switches his place across the carriage and sits next to Asra, cups their face in his hands and wipes their tears with his thumbs.
"I promise we'll find a cure and we'll find a way to ressurect them too. I know how much they meant to you and I can't stand watching you mourn them. I don't know what i can do but I'll try my best to help you bring them back."
Julian wraps his arms around Asra and hugs them affectionately, kissing the top of their head. Asra is a bit stiff at first but gives in and wraps their hands around Julian's lower back. "Thank you, Ilya." says Asra with their face burried in Julian's chest.
They get out of the carriage and Asra unlocks the door.
"Could you stay here tonight?"
"I was about to suggest the same thing"
Both blush a little. Asra hides their smile. "Come in, darling"
"If you need anything just tell me please, I shall make you feel as comfortable as possible tonight"
Asra smiles softly and nods. "I'd love some tea and something to eat right now."
"I'll be upstairs, okay?" Julian winks as an answer.
After some time Julian puts a teapot of lapsang souchong, two cups, and a plate of waffles covered in maple syrup and berries on a tray and goes upstairs to Asra's bedroom. His face turns a bit red when he sees Asra lying down with nothing but knee long pants and Faust sitting on their bare chest.
"I couldn't cook you a blue-tongued stink but I did make you lapsang souchong. I know how much you like it"
Asra sits up with a wide smile on their face and sparkling eyes "You really didn't have to do that!"
Julian, amused by the fact that he uplifted Asra's mood, hands the tray to Asra and sits beside them on the bed, watching them with heart eyes as Asra takes a bite of a waffle he made. Asra brightens up even more and presses their lips strongly and affectionately on Julian's. "It's delicious. Thank you." Julian only smiles in return.
An hour or two has passed since Asra finished eating and now they're laying on the bed with Asra's head on Julian's shoulder. Asra isn't as happy as they were a while ago but they're still happy to have Julian, even if he can be quite hotheaded and hard to understand, he's still a loving and loyal man and today evening he showed how loving he can be.
"I don't know if they ever told you but this shop originally belonged to my apprentice. I moved in here shortly after we started dating. It was nice to finally have an actual home in the city. It used to look different but we liked to change things up a lot. I haven't changed a thing since they died" Asra's gaze slowly wonders in the room. "I'm sure you also miss them at a degree"
"...Yeah, I do. They were a great person inside and out. They loved people and took such good care of them. And me"
"How ironic that that was the thing about them that killed them" says Asra with a lot of pain in their voice and brings their knees closer to their chest.
"Don't say it like that" Julian turns to Asra with his whole body, looking them dead in the eyes "You know they didn't get the plague because of their kind heart. They got it because it's a damn plague and it effects and infects anyone it can. It's my fault they died, tsk, I should've been more attentive and shouldn't have let them be at risk." He looks at the wall with a sour expression but almost immediately looks surprised at Asra who has now burried their face in his chest, with arms wrapped tightly around him.
"It's my fault" sobs Asra, trying to hold back their tears but it's not working. "I should not have left them alone during a plague"
"Shhh, blaming yourself for a decision they made won't do you any good"
Julian kisses Asra's head and every inch of their face, kisses their eyes that scream in agony and hugs them as tightly as possible, without making them uncomfortable. Asra doesn't fight back and lets him comfort them with his touch. They both slowly fall asleep with Asra's face pressing against Julian's chest, comforted by his warmth, and Julian with his nose in Asra's hair, on the verge of crying too.
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75 for the angst prompts??
Thank you, @nvvermore! 😊 First I found it hard to come up with an idea for this, but then I remembered one of my ideas for Hande’s future... I hope you like it!
75. “Don’t pretend you haven’t thought about your life without me.”
Characters: Hande Kuura, Julian Devorak, Ilona Kuura-Devorak, Asra Alnazar & Muriel
Content warnings: postnatal depression & self-destructive thoughts
Words: 1 935
Worthless Mother
“Hande, my love, please... It’s 14:00 already, you need to get up.” Julian pleads while he opens the curtains of their bedroom. Hande is lying in the bed, feeling exhausted although she’s slept for over 12 hours. She covers her head with her blanket, but Julian gently pulls it away, causing his wife to groan. Why should you get up? You're just a failure, so it’d be better for you to just wither away. Julian smiles to her, but worry is clear in his eyes. Hande meets Julian's gaze but her eyes seem empty, emotionless. Julian knows that's not a good sign – Hande's having a bad day again. ”Please, darling. I understand you feel tired, but you feel even worse if you sleep in. What if you just sit up? I made you some breakfast.”
Julian offers his hand to Hande, who reluctantly takes it and let her husband help her to sit up. She knows, that Julian has closed his clinic early to help her, so she doesn't want to disappoint him by just sleeping. The breakfast looks delicious, but Hande doesn't feel hungry at all. ”Thank you,” she whispers, just staring at the tray with her favourite tea and lemon quark on it. Why is he going through the trouble to make all of this for me ? I don't deserve it. I'm a burden, but Julian puts on a brave face. Julian sits beside her, handing the bowl of quark to her encouragingly. He doesn't want to force her, but he also wants to make sure Hande eats – she's lost weight recently. Tentatively Hande takes the spoon and slowly eats the quark – she knows Julian won't leave until she's eaten it all.
Asra comes knocking on the bedroom door before coming in, ”How are you feeling, Hande?” Hande just shrugs, not meeting Asra's eyes. She feels embarrased that she needs so much help, that Asra and even Muriel have come to help her with chores. ”Saaga, Faust, Inanna and Malak are keeping an eye on the baby, so not to worry. I contacted your parents recently. They said they're more than happy to come and help you, as well.” ”That's great news!” Julian says, ”Now you don't need to worry about being alone while I'm at the clinic – I always feel bad leaving you.” He puts his arm on Hande's shoulders and kisses her temple, causing a lopsided smile rising on Hande's face. ”Thank you, Asra. And sorry for causing so much trouble,” Hande says woefully. ”Nonsense! You're currently unwell and you're my friend. I'd do anything to help you. And who would refuse a chance to spend time with Ilona?”
Muriel also enters the room, looking hesitant. ”I picked some flowers... If you want to have them here,” he mumbles to Hande. She forces a smile on her face, thanks him and asks Julian to get a vase for the flowers. After the flowers are on the nightstand Julian tells the duo that they can go home now. Asra comes to hug Hande and Muriel pats her on the shoulder, smiles and says, ”Take care,” before they get their familiars and leave the house. When Hande hears the front door closes behind them, her face drops again. No need to pretend anymore... She knows she can't fool Julian, so she doesn't bother. Julian takes her in his arms and hugs her tightly, ”I missed you,” he whispers into Hande's ear and leans in for a kiss. Hande answers the kiss, but does it mechanically. Julian's kiss is very tender and loving, but it still feels like nothing for Hande. Why is he still doing this? Is he keeping up appearances, although we're alone?
The moment is interrupted, when Saaga scurries to the room. She headbutts Hande's ankles and makes an eye contact, ”Baby crying.” And just like that, Ilona really starts to cry in the nursery. Hande freezes on the spot, anxiety taking over her body. No, no, no... Not again... Hande covers her ears and hyperventilates. What does the baby want? I should know, but I can't understand, it's making me crazy... Julian watches helplessly when his wife starts to rock herself on the verge of tears. He goes to Ilona, taking his daughter into his arms and speaking to her calmingly, “Shh, shh, shh... Ilonka, moje holčička, prosím, neplač. To je v pořádku, tati je tady.¹” Ilona still keeps crying, and her diaper is clean so she must be hungry. Julian doesn't want to upset Hande more, but now he has to. He goes back to their bedroom, rocking Ilona and babbling to her in Nevivic.
Hande looks frantic when Julian comes with Ilona. She feels so tired, she doesn't want to hear the baby's crying. Julian smiles to her woefully, letting Ilona suck his forefinger so that Hande wouldn't have a panic attack. ”My love, Ilona is hungry.” Hande doesn't understand, how Julian could know that, but she clutches her hands into fists and closes her eyes. Deep breaths. I need to feed the baby, and the baby won't eat if I'm nervous. After a moment she nods to Julian who gives Ilona to Hande. She manages to keep her hands steady, although her movements are still very mechanic. While Ilona is eating, Hande just stares at her, and tries to hold her properly, because that what's she's supposed to do. Julian has come to sit next to her again, drawing circles on her back with his palm. It actually helps Hande to calm down.
Ilona feels so strange in her arms. Sometimes Hande can't even believe she has given birth to this being, although she remembers the fear, the pain, midwife's calming presence and Julian holding her hand, stroking her cheek and whispering encouraging words to her. Ilona also has her mother's blue eyes and snub nose – and still Hande doesn't feel the baby is hers. What kind of a mother you are, being sad and anxious when you're near the baby, your own daughter? Worthless, stupid, bad... Her eyes start to prickle with tears again. After Ilona has eaten enough, Julian gives praises for Hande and takes Ilona so he could burp her. Hande watches her husband and daughter, how Julian grins lovingly at their daughter, kissing her on her cheek and how he manages to make Ilona smile to him. Witnessing this sight gets Hande eaten up with jealousy. Why is it so easy for him? The baby likes him more... Well, I can't love the baby enough, so no wonder... Silent tears now falling along her cheeks Hande curls herself into a ball and stares into nothing.
After burping Ilona starts to coo in her father's arms. Julian notices she's watching at Hande's direction and babbles to her daughter, ”Kdo je tam? Je to maminka? Ano, to je mami!²“ Hande can understand Nevivic a little, but she doesn’t hear Julian or notice, that her daughter is trying to make contact with her. Dark thoughts keep poisoning her mind. You’re worthless, a pain in everyone's ass! Julian only stays with you because of the baby. It would be better if you just died, everyone would be happy if you were gone! Hande startles a little when she notices that Julian has kneeled in front of her, making her notice Ilona. The baby still keeps cooing, shaking her little hands and when Hande makes eye contact, she smiles. Hande forces the corners of her mouth up and tentatively presents her forefinger to Ilona. The girl grabs the finger, shrieking excitedly. Fool. You shouldn't trust me. I only cause you harm and sorrow.
Hande suddenly pulls her finger away, curling herself into a ball once more. Julian looks confused – he was happy to see how Hande had offered her finger to Ilona, but now she seems to have shut herself off completely. He nuzzles Ilona, but then turns his gaze to Hande. ”Han? My love? What's the matter, dear?” he asks his voice filled with worry. For a moment Hande speaks nothing, but then she hisses, ”Don't pretend you haven't thought about your life without me!” Julian looks dumbfounded. He decides it's better to take Ilona back to the nursery. After that she returns to the bedroom and kneels in front of Hande once more. ”Darling? What did you mean by that?” he asks. He can see Hande is crying, but doesn't dare to touch her, if she's angry at him. After the anxious silence Hande finally mumbles, ”You regret being with me. I only cause harm to everyone. I've failed as a wife and a mother... I'll ruin our child...” Her mumbling turns into sobbing and she hides her face behind her arms, trembling.
Julian's heart breaks by her words and the sight of her. So that's been bothering her – for how long, he couldn't tell. Now Julian needs to fight back tears himself – it's devastating for him to see how the mind of the love of his life is trying to convince her that she's worthless. Her brave, kindhearted, intelligent Hande, hating herself... Julian climbs onto their bed, laying his right hand on Hande's shoulder. ”Hande? Could you please look at me?” Slowly Hande raises her head, but she's unable to meet her husband's eyes. Well, that must be enough for now, Julian thinks. He starts to stroke her shoulder while he speaks, ”Hande... My love... My sunlight and stars... The light of my life... I have never regretted being with you. Yes, some time ago I thought about my life without you, how would it be, but you know what? It made me feel miserable! Just the thought of living my life without you made me feel utterly lost and a life that's not worth living...”
Julian now places his palm on Hande's cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb. Now Hande makes an eye contact, and it makes Julian's hurt jump a little. ”Hande, my love, you're just sick now. This is not the real you, and I know that. You haven't failed as a mother! I can see you love Ilona – you wouldn't try this much if you didn't. What kind of a husband I would be, if I wouldn't stand by your side? You were there for me, when I was a suspect for a murder! We promised to help each other, and I'm going to keep that promise. Not because I feel obliged to, but because I love you.” Hande blinks her eyes, her expression melting a little. Julian feels an urge to prove Hande how much he loves her and whispers, ”Darling, can I kiss you?” Hande nods and Julian leans in, closing the distance between them. Firstly, he gently kisses Hande's tears away from her cheeks and the reaches for her lips. They feel chapped, but Julian doesn't care, but caresses them with his own. Time seems to stop and Julian feels like Hande's body comes to life, at least a little.
Reluctantly Julian draws away, so they both could breath. A bashful smile rises to Hande's lips and Julian takes her into his arms. Hande takes in Julian's familiar scent, leaning into his touch, humming contentedly. Hande answers the hug and whispers, how sorry she is for speaking to Julian like that. ”It's okay my love. I love you so much, and I will always be there for you, remember that. We will get through this, with the help of our family and friends – I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but you'll get better, I promise.”
If only Hande could believe it.
¹ ”Ilonka, my little girl, please, don't cry. It's okay, daddy's here.”
² ”Who's there? Is that mommy? Yes, that's mommy!”
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tsaritza-mika · 3 years
For the apprentice candlelight asks: 🌊, 🌸, ❄️, ☀️, 🖤
🌊ocean driftwood- how sea-savvy are they? would they make a good pirate? Mika actually doesn't have many memories of her early life that don't take place on the water. Her father, Andrei, was a very hardworking merchant/trader, so she was always on the move from one port to another until roughly 12yrs old. Andrei has also joked that Mika knew how to swim before she could crawl. For a pirate though, she can definitely party with the best of them, but couldn't really bring herself to pillage or anything. She'd rather not hurt anyone unless it was in self defense or defending those she loved.
🌸 spring daylily-  are they a dom, sub, or switch? Mika is 100% a switch ^--^ She loves the appeal of both; the longing and anticipation from subbing, or the rush of having just the right sub whining wantonly under her control. Either way, it's a fun time for everyone involved
❄️ frozen lake- how durable are they (physically) in harsh environments? Mika tends to prefer cool/cold weather over hot. Her blood has always run warm, and it lets her handle the cold better than others, and for a little longer. If it gets too warm and she's unable to cool off, she can start feel nauseous or sleepy
☀️sunshine and daffodils- what one thing about their LI(s) do they love the most? Honestly, she could go on for days about all the things she loves about her beloved Julian, but more often than not, she can find herself just staring or watching his wrists and hands. They can be so expressive at times, strong yet delicate, and even beautiful.
🖤mahogany teakwood- how did they react to the plague? did they try to cure victims or try to avoid coming in contact at all costs? When people started to fall victim to the plague, at first Mika was slow to take it as seriously as it really was. Aside from war and accidents, nothing could possibly kill that quickly right? This belief was quickly squashed when more and more people began to contract it, and were falling faster and faster. She did her best to keep an upbeat attitude, after all, the Count had sent out for help for medical practitioners far and wide to work on a cure, but the longer things went, even her normal friendly smile felt a bit hollow. As much as it hurt to see the city she'd fallen in love with slowly dying from the plague, it felt as if a part of her died inside the night Asra gave her the ultimatum between choosing him or staying. When she woke to find him and Faust gone the following morning, she channeled that hurt into determination and spite. She'd do whatever it took to breathe life back to that city; learn what she must, do everything necessary, dive headlong into the fray and learn everything she cloud, anything that might help... anything to prove to him that some things are worth the risk.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
Hello there! I was wondering if you could headcanon a modern AU with Arsa, Julian, and Muriel being in their freshman year of high school and an older!MC (like, junior year) defending them from bullies, so the boys gain a massive crush on the MC but don’t say anything about their said crush until they find MC being bullied and just go “How dare they bully my future spouse!” Fluffy confession afterwards.
👀👀👀👀 why hello there. More modern au stuff? Heck yes this is my jam!
I hope you don’t mind me tweaking this a little bit for the guys + the beautiful Asra (who is non-binary so no gendered terms for this beautiful person! Just a reminder ^^ yes I use they/them and he/him interchangeably like the chaos demon I am it’s what Asra would’ve wanted) to be new in the High School but they’re all Juniors ^^ 
(sorry Freshmen x upperclassmen feels a little gross since Freshmen are right out of middle school, just feels weird to write so I aged em up a bit!)
I really did go bezerk today so much writing got done! I’m in class Wednesdays and Thursdays so nothing gets done haha :,) but today I got two things done! Requests are open check out my pinned post!
Also I went bonkers on these headcanons lmao enjoy! 
Julian, Asra, Muriel x MC highschool au
He’s new to your school and in your human anatomy class (along with your theatre and art class)
He’s very shy at first 
Once he opens up he’s loud and the classclown
But uhhh some kids aren’t too happy with him gaining as much attention and love as you are
After class during your lunch period a group of kids go after him, taking his stuff
When they come across his notes on anatomy (and more science notes) and when they find his sketchbook things go from bad to worse
Julian is almost in tears when they laugh at him, tearing up his notes and his drawings
But he can’t cry, he can’t be going around school known as the kid who cried over this
He’s taller than these kids but they move faster, he seems like a calf who just seemed to walk chasing after them
You’ve had enough of this group of kids. They go after every new person and you’ve had it up to here with them
Julian falls for you hard and fast, watching you chase after them, even getting into a fight with one
You got pretty beat up, cut your lip and you’re bruising. Since he wants to be a doctor and he’s pretty good with his hands and stuff he patches you up
You look so cool and badass wiping the blood off the corner of your mouth he could swoon right then and there
Don’t worry he takes you to the nurse
He now has the BIGGEST crush on you. Like it is huge
He draws you now, little doodles to help with face structure and anatomy 
He keeps drawing you after you got into a fight, he just loves how badass and amazing you looked
He’ll start to get closer to you after that, and you find out he’s actually really funny and cool
One day the bullies come back for a round two
This time Julian is ready, he’s been at this school for months he can deal with these guys now
They corner you two after school (y’all are probably going out to get ice cream with some more friends)
One tries to come at you but Julian punches them accidently yelling “STAY AWAY FROM THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!”
You’re...you’re shocked
Everyone is shocked
Julian is mortified. 
After you two scare the bullies away he mumbles his way through an apology and how that was wrong of him to say and it was an accident
But you thought it was cute
And you kind of like him too. .....you like him a lot 
You kiss his cheek to get him to stop rambling with a small smile. “I like you a lot.”
He grins and picks you up in a hug. “Really really?!”
More giggles. “Yes really really!”
He’ll kiss you so hard your cheeks squish and your teeth clash together 
Ice cream and homework can wait
Asra is a very shy person to start off with 
Doesn’t make friends very easily, you have to come to him first 
But once he gets drawn out of his shell he’s outgoing and fun
With bring his tarot cards in to do readings during lunch. The other kids love it it’s very fun
But there’s a group of people who don’t like him or his cards at all
So they corner him after school and take his cards 
Now tarot cards are expensive (I say this from experience of buying a deck)
So he’s in tears by the time they’re done tearing some of the cards up 
You’re on your way home from school when you see it happening 
Without even thinking you charge into the fray, yelling at the bullies and yanking the cards out of their hands
You bite the hand of one of the bullies who wasn’t letting go
They hurl insults at you and Asra as they walk away leaving the two of you with the mess of torn up cards
The cards that did survive were the Fool, the Magician and the Lovers
Asra is still crying over the loss of most of his other cards. He was very attached to them and judging by their worn corners and faded art he had them for a while
You offer to take him to buy some new ones
He jolts up to look at you, his tears startled away.
“O-Oh MC you don’t h-have to do that...I’ll be okay...”
You insist, and finally he gives in
They pick out a deck that he does admit is way prettier than his old one (this deck being the deck in the game)
You buy it and suddenly it has way more value to him 
He watched you fight for his cards and him
So he starts to fall for you 
You being oblivious but a sweetheart, befriend him and you two become very close
He only does tarot readings for your close friend group now
He doesn’t want to risk the deck you gave to him
One day you two are walking home to do homework and hang out 
But the bully you bit corners you and starts yelling 
Apparently they were embarrassed over the fact you bit them and now there’s a joke about how they got taken down by someone who bit them
So they want to get you back to regain their honour 
Asra sees and just heckin
their backpack at them yelling: “IF YOU TOUCH MY CRUSH I’LL SIC MY SNAKE ON YOU”
They fall to the ground, Asra swipes the bag up and the two of you book it
You’re laughing really hard and he wonders why
Then you tell him about confessionsino and he about dies on the side of the road
Wheezing from being out of breath and laughing you kiss him 
“I like you too, snake lover.”
Muriel is shy before and after you get to know him. He’s the new kid so you expect it but he never opens up
He no talk
Nope nope no he’s very tight lipped and will blush whenever he gets called on
He gets bullied for being too shy
Like looking at the size of him he should be on the football team but no he volunteers at the animal shelter and is in the animal science club
I’m sorry but hear me out here: Muriel with thick black glasses (I don’t make the rules or take critique)
He gets cornered by some of the spots teams trying to pressure him into joining during lunch 
He doesn’t want to 
Things get a little violent
You’re eating nearby, listening to music and trying to get some Zoology work done
Sounds of a scuffle get your attention, you’re a little pissed off since you want to get some work done in peace
Then you see the new kid (Muriel) getting roughed around by some of the sports kids
Angrily, you get to your feet and stomp over to them, yelling at them to stop what they were doing
They don’t listen to you and Muriel’s glasses get broken (someone steps on them)
You start fighting them, yelling at them to leave Muriel alone
Finally after a bit they leave, spitting on the ground at your feet
You yell after them (probably calling them lowlife lizard skin cowards) hands trembling with your anger
Taking a deep breath you turn to Muriel, helping him pick up his stuff
When he sees his glasses in pieces he nearly cries
You pack his bag, asking softly if it would be okay if you hugged him 
He nods slowly, and you wrap your arms around him, letting him cry silently into your shoulder
You stick near him after that, becoming his friend and fierce protector 
He gets this huge crush on you soon after that
Poor baby doesn’t know what to do 
He helps you out with your Zoology homework and you listen as he goes on about the dogs in the shelter he works on
You develop a crush on him after that
One day the sports kids come back for a round two after school 
Muriel is in the bathroom and you told him you’d be waiting in the courtyard
The sports kids were going for Muriel but seeing you alone was too good an opportunity to pass up
They start pushing you around and when Muriel comes out to see them messing with you he gets so angry
Seeing this 6′5 (he grows taller by the end of the year) broad kid walk towards them scares the heck outta the sports kids 
But they don’t back off until he stands over them, eyes dark with anger
“Leave my friend and crush alone,” he snaps
They scurry off soon after that
You’re standing there shocked at what he said
When he realizes what he says he melts down
You jump into his arms in a hug and laugh 
“You’re my crush too!”
He’s very shocked, you tenderly kiss him with another smile
You go to his house, hand in hand, talking about dogs, laughing, and blushing.
Maybe moving schools wasn’t so bad.
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madllamamomma · 3 years
The Cave~ Part 2 (Muriel x OC)
[This chapter is actually SWF, other than profanity and adult themes. Still, no trash pandas under 18. Thanks.]
Part 2~
Swimsuits and Sandwiches~
Still a bit taken by surprise, Rhemi tilts her head thinking about what Asra just asked her. A..... beach day? She thought. That’s a little random. The last time I went to the beach was almost a year after I woke up. The sounds of the ocean waves crashing to the shore and the smells of salty air come to her mind. A faint smile twitches up in the corners of her mouth as she continues to ponder on the thought of being in the warm sun. 
“.... The beach?...” Muriel mutters warily, sounding to not be the biggest fan of that idea and he sneers a little. “Why there???”
Asra takes a step back, letting go of Rhemi, exchanging it for Julian’s hand and leans affectionately into his arm making him flounder as he lazily closes his eyes to explain. “Well, Rhemi’s Aunt Athena used to take her every year on this date.”
Rhemi glances between all her friend’s faces then back to Asra’s, tilting her head cluelessly and raising an eyebrow. “She…. We did??” Thoughtfully she glances to the wooden floor boards with her pointer finger resting on her bottom lip. She still can’t really recall any of those things.
Asra stifles a chuckle at her adorable puzzled expression. “Yeah. It was like a little tradition you both had. Athena said you liked to look for ingredients for potions, powders, things like that. She used to make a day of it, played games, packed a lunch, sometimes you even went swimming.”
“...Did you go too?”
A shrug rolls smoothly off his shoulders. “A couple of times, yeah. Especially when we were younger. It was a lot of fun.”
“Hmmmmmm.” Rhemi folds her arms, and taps her chin with her finger looking towards the shelves eyeing the large conch shell that lived there that she always admired. It was huge, about half the size of Muriel’s hand. Visualizing the crispy blue-ish green water, the smell of the salty ocean breeze, and the wonderful feeling of the hot sun beating down on her skin makes her smile even wider. “Ya know? A beach day does sound pretty nice actually. I’m sure the water would be nice, too.”
“Then what are we waiting for?? I have a good suit that I've been dying to use back at the clinic!” Julian says with a cheer tone walking towards the door.
A swimsuit….Oh no. “Ooooh wait..... I don’t think I have anything to wear anymore…”
Suddenly Julian stops dead in his tracks, spins around dramatically, his one eye lights up with pure excitement, and Rhemi starts to slightly grimace, realizing what she just said out loud. “OOOOO! We are gonna go shhhhhhoooooopppppppiiiiinnnnnngggggggggggg!!!!” He sings whimsically wiggling his hands and fingers.
“Oh noooooooooo….” Rhemi huffs unenthusiastically. She despise clothes shopping. That’s why she wore such baggy clothes (other than her tight pants and under shirt) and fastened them all together with a corset belt.
The silly Doctor quickly whisks Rhemi away out the door, Portia tailing behind with a large goofy smile. “Oooo! Ooo!! OOOO!!!! I’m coming too!! I’m coming too!! Wait for meee! I know the perfect place to find one!”
Trapped between the two, Rhemi had nowhere to go but with them. She groans, helplessly rolling her eyes knowing that there is no real way out of it, and when you think about it, shopping is a lot more tolerable with good company. “Just…. Just nothing too revealing, please!!” She murmurs. 
“YAAAYYYY!” The Devoraks cheer together merrily, leaving Muriel and Asra alone in the shop with the door wide open.
Asra snickers a bit and shouts, “Take it easy on her, you two!” And they wave without looking behind them, still dropping their friend down the street. The magician just shakes his head and shuts the door and waves his friend along. Muriel just scowls grumbling into his fur cloak, and Asra just smile at him. “Come on. I can probably whip something up for you.”
“Thanks….” Muriel unenthusiastically grumbles. He feels a bit uncomfortable with going back to the shores. The last time he was there wasn’t the best of memories, but it’s for Rhemi’s sake so he’ll deal with it. She did seem happy to be going, and that's really all that matters to him. 
While Portia and Julian go shopping with Rhemi for the perfect swimsuit for her, Asra swiftly makes his friend something he could wear as well. He makes him a long brown wrap-around cloth that stops around his knees. Knowing that he would be uncomfortable showing that much skin, (well more than he already is) Asra also made him a thin olive colored cloak to put him at ease. Muriel tries on the outfit and Asra places his hand on his hips proudly. “Whatcha think?”
“Tall friend handsome!” Faust hisses cutely.
Muriel looks all around and looks in the long mirror and nods slowly in approval with a faint blush. “It’s, ah... a-acceptable… I guess… T-Thanks, Asra.”
The magician laughs a little then goes in a flash he changes into a white with gold trim short shorts. As he comes out of his room, he dons a cover for now, a cute little lavender flowy dress.
Now mid morning, Asra and Muriel start to pack up a picnic basket and start to fill it with small plates, a couple of forks, a few napkins, a dozen or so small sandwiches, three loaves of bread, some cheese, a small jar of olive oil and of course Agrippa’s cake so they can all enjoy it at the beach. Asra then notices Muriel is just staring at the picnic basket, his mind miles away. By the looks of it, not somewhere pleasant.
 “...Muriel?” Asra whispers, making his friend snap back to reality. “You ok?”
“Oh… Sorry.” He mumbles shaking himself out of his thoughts and returns back to his task of making sandwiches.
Asra flutters his eyes softly. “What’s wrong?”
“I-I’m fine...”
Asra looks at the picnic basket pondering on if for a minute. It’s nothing particularly special, just a large wicker picnic basket. They have seen hundreds of them before.... in fact... Finally it dawns on him exactly what is weighing so heavily on the hermit’s mind. Asra exhales sharply through his nose. “...Thinking about what happened the last time we were there together?”
His tall friend stiffens for a moment, sticking out his bottom lip, and his face turns a little pink. “...No..” He fibs.
Asra stifles a chuckle and a small reassuring smile sprouts across his lips. “The beach is actually a lot more fun when you aren’t forced to sleep there.”
Muriel’s shoulder’s relax a bit, knowing that his friend can read right through his lie. He scratches his left ear a little, feeling a tad bit embarrassed. “... A lot of stuff is actually fun now…. with the right people I guess.”
Rather touched with his statement, Asra places his hand over his chest. “Awwwww, Muriel! You’ve grown so much!—”
“—S-shut up.” Muriel grumpily moans going back to the sandwiches, turning away to hide his smile. “...Why do you have to make things weird?”
Asra laughs and starts back on wrapping up the sandwiches in napkins. “No, really! I mean it. You and Rhemi both have grown so much. The two have just brought out the best in each other. And... And I never want to see you two apart. You belong together.”
“I know…. I don’t know where I’d be if it weren't for her. Probably still wanting to be alone in the forest…. Still wanting everyone to forget that I even existed.” He pauses again, but this time his eyes are glowing with warmth and love as he think about Rhemi’s pretty face. “I… I want to be with her forever…” Muriel flushes a little harder and sheepishly looks at the half made sandwich in his hand. “Asra.... I…. ahh…. I’ve been meaning to ask you…..”
“‘Bout what?”
Muriel's large strong hands start to slightly tremble and he swallows hard. “...What… if….I… I dunno….” Crimson red now engulfs the top of his head down to his chest and a little bit of sweat beading at his brow placing the half made sandwich to the counter top. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, makes vague gestures with his hands then somehow beams even more red. Frustrated, he turns his entire body away to pretend to fetch some more cucumbers, despite the fact there are still three whole ones on the counter.
With a large sigh, Asra places his hand on his shoulder reassuringly. “You can tell me anything, Muriel. I’m your friend and I will never judge you for it.”
Taking a large terrified inhale, Muriel turns himself back to face him and twiddles his thumbs. “..... How would you feel… If…. I asked Rhemi… to… to—”
Slowly the white haired magician starts to realize that he’s trying to ask, and his eyes start to get wider and his lips stretch up into a large toothy smile, and Muriel’s words die in his throat. “Murieeeellllll~ Do you want to pop the question?”
“N-No…….” He scoffs. But then his face softens and he quickly grumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. “...Alrightmaybealittlebit.”
“AAHHHHHHHH! OHMYGOODNESS—MURIEL!!!!!!”  Asra squeals, throwing his arms around Muriel’s waist making him just groan and flush even more. “Wait—Wait-wait!!! A-Are you asking for my blessing?!”
Muriel throws up his hand and shrugs awkwardly and shuts his eyes, trying not to stammer. “I—I dunno!.. I don’t know h-how to do any of—” He vaguely gestures to all around him and to Asra making him smile even wider. “I—I n-never thought…. I’d be in this p-p-position!”
“Of course you have my blessing, Muriel!! No one in the world is more deserving of her then you!!!” Muriel makes a strange shocked mumble, his hands hover over Asra’s shoulders. Slowly they come to rest on his back accepting his affection. “HA! Now I can’t stop thinking about how beautiful your babies are going to be~”
“HUH????” Muriel suddenly covers his face with his hands, but smiles secretly liking the idea of it. “—Wait a minute!—Sl-slow down a bit! I haven't even asked yet! She might tell me no…. I mean… We’ve only known each other for little over a year!... She might think it’s weird. Say ‘no’.” His smile falls, it’s clear that he’s terrified of what she might say or even think about him. 
“But you know she’s the one—I can see how you look at her! And I’m pretty sure she feels the same about you. I have known Rhemi for years. I have seen her with a couple of different guys before she came back. She has never looked at any of them the way she looks at you! Rhemi loves you, Muriel. With every fiber of her being--”
Muriel suddenly lifts Asra up in a huge bear hug that takes him by surprise, but loves at the same time and he squeezes his large barreling chest. A few seconds later, Muriel sets him down, realizing himself and clears his throat. “.... D….Don’t we have some sandwiches to make?” Asra holds his stomach and laughs at the hermit’s sheepish face. He then takes pity on the man and pats him on the arm. “Thanks…” He whispers with a small grin, feeling so relieved that his friend approves. Asra has been there for him so long, even though he may never admit it, their opinion is very important to him.  
The two finally go back to their rhythm making sandwiches and wrapping them up, and there is a comfortable silence for a while. But then Asra snickers a little without looking at Muriel. “So…. when are you gonna ask her?” He whispers loudly.
“A-ASRA!!” Muriel scowls.
Suddenly the door flies open and in walks Rhemi, Portia, and Julian all carrying a canvas tote of some kind. “—I really wish you’d stop saying that, Portia!” Rhemi says opening the door to the shop with her cheeks hot and pink. Apparently the three of them are continuing on their conversation.
“What~?? You should be proud to have such nice big ones!—I was just a bit shocked because you always hide them with these loose shirts of yours!” Portia teases and Rhemi gets even more red.
“Ugggggghhhh!!!! SHUSH!!!” She gripes then covers her mouth with the back of her hand. “I know they're big!!!” She loudly whispers.
Julian just is holding in his laughter, snickering all the way back from the market and Rhemi holds in the urge to punch him. Muriel and Asra stick their heads out the door frame holding the picnic basket eyes wide and confused. “...Do we wanna know?” Asra chuckles while Julian trots over. 
“—NO!” Rhemi quickly snaps with her bottom lip out freezing in place. The magician’s eyes light up as his partner hands him a tiny straw sun hat for Faust and she slithers around his neck giving him a loving squeeze, and he only flinches a little.
“Yeah, you‘ll just see.” Julian loudly whispers, gently peeling Faust off his neck with a large grin while heading to Asra’s room to get changed.
Embarrassed, Rhemi covers her face with her hands, her words muffled by her fingers, “HolyfuckIhateyoubothrightnow.”
Muriel ducks out of the kitchen and trundles over to his lover. As soon as she notices his presence, she drops her hands and she gives him a warm hug and he returns it. “Find something?” Muriel asks as she pulls away to look in his mossy emerald eyes.
“Ahhhh… I guess I did.” Rhemi mumbles with her hands still around his waist. “Not...uhh.. Exactly what I was expecting to find… buuuuuut—” She finally notices his outfit and glances back down changing the subject. “Well you look cute!! Asra, did you make this for him? I love the color!” Asra nods proudly and Muriel scratches the back of his neck shyly.
Giddily, Portia skips over, tugging Rhemi’s shoulder towards the stairs. “Hey, we’re burning daylight! Let’s get changed!” She says so giggly like a young school girl.
Rhemi whips her head towards her direction. “Oh—Okay!” Using Muriel’s forearm as leverage, she jumps up and steals a quick peck on his cheek making him flush ridiculously, then she zips up the stairs to get changed with Portia as he tries to hide a love drunk expression. “Be back in a minute!” She says with a wink. 
Muriel’s attention then goes to Julian as he dramatically bursts out of Asra’s room with a puffy long sleeved, but lite, burgundy embroidered shirt with a deep cut V and a black pair of very short trunks. “Ta-da~” He sings trying to embody a fabulous pose. Muriel stares at him blankly while Asra sputters into laughter at the doctor's goofiness. Finally, Muriel turns grumbling loudly and rolling his eyes, heading back to the kitchen to finish the last of the sandwiches.
Portia is the first to come down stairs, dressed in a large sun hat and an off-the-shoulder scarlet tankini. “Come on, Rem!” She excitedly calls to her as she brushes out the wrinkles in her short orange cover-up around her waist.
“I’m coming, I’m coming! Hang on!” Rhemi comes hopping down trying to get her dark blue slip on shoes on her feet. Asra and Muriel feel slightly disappointed as they see her coming down in an ombré green wrap tied around her neck that covers all the way down to her knees, not yet getting a chance to catch a glimpse at her new swimsuit that the Devoraks were raving about. She quickly pulls her hair up into a bun and cutely says, “Ready!” It’s good to see her looking happy again. 
Muriel silently grabs the picnic basket and pulls his hood over his head. Asra, fetches a large blanket and places in a large canvas tote. Portia takes a beach ball and Julian has an umbrella. Rhemi also is carrying another umbrella, along with her trusty crossbody bag filled with glass jars with tops on them so she can collect items that they need. This was the main point of this trip after all.
As the group of friends head out of the shop, Rhemi closes the door tight and swiftly places the protection spell, securing it safely. Key in hand, she spins around as she drops it into her bag, and finds herself starting at them all.
Just the other day, she felt such dread like she had an empty void tugging away at her chest. Fixated and upset that she didn’t remember why she hates August 15th so much and what exactly she lost that day. But today, all of the anxiety, the emptiness, and the nausea all but disappeared as if it never existed in the first place. She might not remember her childhood, but she does remember what it feels to be terribly lonely. Yet watching her friends joke and laugh and carry on amongst themselves as they wait for her, this was something she always wanted. At one point she even envied what she has now. But now this is all her’s. Surrounded by love, understanding, and never ending kindness. People who love her. The real her. She can’t help her as she smiles stupidly, thinking to herself, “What did I deserve to have so many wonderful people who care about in my life?”
Muriel turns around and his eyes meet with her’s. Seeing the corny grin on her face, he knows exactly what she’s thinking and he smiles back. How can you not smile back at a ray of sunshine? Nodding his head, gesturing for her to hurry over, she hops merrily off the step and over to her friends, excited for the day they're going to have together. She loops her arm around Muriel’s left bicep and he gives her a gentle little squeeze. “Let’s go everyone!!” Rhemi happily shouts, tugging Muriel ahead of the pack, nearly sprinting, pointing towards the shores of Vesuvia like she’s going into battle.
“Today is going to be a good day… What happened in the past doesn’t matter… All that does matter is that I’m here now, in this moment. Loving every minute of it.”
To be continued…
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. But holidays, am I right?? Anyways, lets hope that 2021 is a better year that this dumpster fire. Thank you all for being the lovely trash pandas that you are and making 2020 bearable. I really don’t know what i would have done without The Arcana, this fandom and all of you guys you read my hot trash. I love you all, have a great night, and as always...
Thanks for reading my hot garbage. <3
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aria-i-adagio · 4 years
Echoes of the Past: Day 6, Friends
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Dema didn’t have a lot of “friends” perse, growing up.  She wasn’t ostracized or tormented, she just didn’t really connect with her peers at home.  While she had more friends while in school, they didn’t really stay in close contact after she moved to Vesuvia.
Dema arrived in Vesuvia after Muriel’s time as a gladiator.  He was already living alone in the forest with Inanna.  Pre-plague, he was actually quite fond of her, especially because she had no interest in judging him or demanding to know everything that had happened while he was in the ring.  It helped that she shares his interest in nature and love of animals.  (In my personal canon, Dema is the one who brought Muriel the first chickens in his flock, and he adopted her chickens after her death during the Plague.)  He’s deeply conflicted about her after Asra brings her back from the dead, and the spell that he’s under conflicts with her own amnesia, so she isn’t able to spend much time around him without triggering headaches and dissociation.
In addition to Asra and Muriel, Dema quickly became friends with a midwife’s apprentice names Artemis.  Her steady, serious nature is a good complement to the more madcap hijinks that Dema and Asra could get up to on their own.  And Dema and Asra pulled Artemis out of her shell.  (Importantly, convincing her to pursue the woman who would become her wife.  Artemis believed that Sibyl was completely out of her league.)
Unlike Asra, Artemis remained in Vesuvia during the Plague, as she very firmly believed that it was her duty to care for Vesuvia’s population despite sending her wife and infant daughter to safety in Prakra.  She worked closely with both Dema and Julian, and wholeheartedly approved of Julian as a romantic partner for Dema.
Artemis remained her best friend, even after the Plague, and other than Asra and Muriel (and perhaps Selasi, who never really let on) the only person who knew that Dema had died and been resurrected by Asra.  Like Muriel, she never agreed with Asra’s mission to raise Dema from the dead, even as she was delighted to have her best friend back.  Her friendship with Asra never recovered, especially as it became more clear just how badly his plan had gone.
Excerpt from “Don’t Scream About, Don’t Think Aloud”
Artemis held the now-crumpled note in her hand as she walked through the streets, but for the life of her, she couldn't remember who had given it to her.  The handwriting and the signature were Asra’s, a plea for her to come - he was in trouble.  She wasn’t even sure why she had bothered to pull on her boots.  Asra had been brewing trouble since he returned, and if it had finally exploded in his face - well, maybe it was deserved.  He certainly hadn’t been interested in anyone's help before now.  But still...  She’s known him too long to give up entirely. 
Perhaps he’s just come to his senses.  That alone would be painful enough for him.
She clutched her shawl tighter around her.  It shouldn’t have been so cold.  A wind blowing in from the harbor might have explained it, but the air was still.  Despite the temperature, people shrieked and chased each other through the streets.  A flower seller who she vaguely recognized from the market grabbed her hands, pressed an iris into them and spun her about.  “It’s ended!”
“What?”  She thought she might recognize them from somewhere, but she can’t recall their name.  “What ended?”
“The plague.  It’s over!”  They turned again and skipped away.
She stood frozen in the street.  The plague was over?  Plagues don’t end like this.  Not in a single moment, no.  The world didn’t work like this.  The sickness should slow as those susceptible died, as the percentage of people resistant for whatever reason became a higher percentage of the population.  That was how these things worked.
Someone laughed beside her.  Selasi.  The baker’s grin reached from ear to ear.  “You hadn’t heard yet?  It’s over.  At least, we think.  The sick are - they’re just getting up and walking.  It’s some kind of miracle.”
“I - no - what?”  The iris falls from her hands and to the cobblestones beneath her feet.  Impossible.
“I don’t understand either.  But who cares!  It’s over.”  He hugs her with a laugh, then steps back with a slightly more serious look.  “You haven’t heard the rest of it though, have you?”
“I hadn’t heard anything.”  She had been trying to sleep through the noise outside her window.  Rest appealed more than ironic revelry.
“Something happened at the palace.  They’re saying the Count is dead.  Murdered.”
She snorted and rolled her eyes.  “Good riddance.”  Probably an unwise thing to say in the street, but she ran out of fucks to give a long time ago.  If an affronted guard wanted to drag her to the palace to state her piece in person, so be it.  It would be a satisfying tongue lashing to deliver.
“That’s not all of it.  The rest of the rumor is that Devorak did it.”
“Julian?”  She shook her head.  “There’s no way, Selasi.  He wouldn’t, he couldn’t...”
Selasi shrugged.  “You know him better than I do.”
“There’s no way.  Someone heard something wrong.”  She twisted the note that she still held in her hand.  “Have you seen Asra?”
“Nope.  Haven’t in a week or two.”  Selasi reached out and snagged his daughter by the arm as she ran by chasing after another kid.  “Hey, I told you not to leave the market square.”
“But, da -”
“No.  Sorry, I need to get this one back where she should be.  Tell Asra to stop by when you find him, okay.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I will.”  Artemis paused and watched as the baker returned his daughter to the safety of the well-lit market square with its paper lanterns and a roaring bonfire.  An apparent end to the plague.  Rumors that the Count had died.  The absurd notion that Julian had murdered him.  And a desperate note from Asra delivered by someone whose face she couldn’t recall.  She shoved the scrap of paper in her pocket and rubbed her temples.  The first two items should be reasons for her to dance through the streets herself.  But the second two... her stomach felt tight with apprehension.       
There was light in the upstairs window of Dema’s - no, Asra’s shop.  There hadn’t been light in that window for months now.  Asra had continued sleeping downstairs after he returned, moving upstairs would have been one more change to add to the long list of the ones he was incapable of dealing with.  She turned her key and pushed open the door.  The only light downstairs came in through the front windows, and the backroom was entirely dark and still.  “Asra?”  
“Please, don't yell.”  Asra stood on the stairs, hair disheveled and wearing clothes under an ankle length robe that didn't even pretend to match.  A glowing ball of light hovered beside him. “Please.”  He held out his hand and curled his fingers beckoning her forward.  “Just come upstairs, please, Artemis.  I’ll try to explain it.”
“Is it Julian?  The rumors in the streets -”  She started up the stairs after him.
The kitchen smelled of freshly brewed tea and was filled with light and warmth from the lit stove, but Asra turned toward the bedroom instead, pushing aside the curtain.  “No, it's not Ilya.”
Beyond him, the bedroom was dim, lit only by the glow of magic lamps which produced just enough to see a small figure lying in the bed, apparently asleep.  Faust coiled close beside her, possibly seeking heat as the space wasn’t much warmer than the street outside.  Asra gestured and the lamps increased in brightness until the girl’s features could be seen.  Artemis halted and pressed a hand to her chest.  No.  It can't be.
“Oh Asra, what the hell have you done?”  Artemis knelt down beside the sleeping girl - no, woman, it was only the way that she curled in on herself - knees drawn up to her chest - that made her seem like a child - and gently picked up her hand.  She turned it over then ran a finger over the smooth skin inside her arms in amazement.  None of the scars that would identify her in the absence of other signs.  “This can't be Dema.  Asra, who -?”  The face was Dema’s though. 
“It’s her.”  Asra shuffled his feet.  “I - I don’t know exactly what I did, but it’s her.”
“How do you not know?”
“I - Something.  Some magic.  A ritual.  At the palace.  But it’s all -”  He rubbed his temples then the left side of his chest.  “A haze.”
Artemis pushed the hair back from the woman’s face:  a nose she knew, a cheek that looked a bit hollow but still familiar, but no signs of the three piercings that should be in her ears.  The woman started awake, pulling back in surprise and dismay.  Faust licked at her elbow, and she looked around the room, calming when she saw Asra.  She turned her gaze back to Artemis and extended her hand slowly and held perpendicular to the floor, gestures halting and slow as if she wasn't quite sure how her body would move.
Artemis tilted her head to the side.  She felt her mouth drop open, just slightly, wondering at the gesture.  Dema had always liked matching her palm against others, ever fascinated by how small her hands were by comparison.  The odd habit was one of the first things she did when she was comfortable with a person.  Artemis touched her palm to Dema’s.  This isn’t - this shouldn’t be possible.  
She closed her fingers around Artemis’ and smiled, the right side of her mouth lifting a hair’s breadth before the left.  Just a touch crooked, just like Dema's always had been.  “Is it you?”
“She hasn’t spoken.  Not yet.”  Asra settled on the bed next to the girl, and she snuggled against him with the same patterns of movements that Artemis had watched a hundred times before first with Asra, then with Julian: one arm looped around his, head pressed against his shoulder.  Well, with Julian her head had only reached his bicep.  
Artemis rubbed the back of her hand across her eyes, wiping away tears she hadn't noticed before that moment.  She’d cried months ago, when she found the shop door unlatched, hens running loose in the backyard, that painfully short note and that plain ring of Asra's left on the counter, warded with a spell she couldn't break.  She’d slumped over the counter and cried.  Then she had put the remaining hens - she thought Dema had a round dozen, but she could only find ten - back in their coop because Dema would have wanted that, even if Artemis had no way of reactivating the spells that kept out predators - animal and human both.  She’d cried on the way to the palace, pausing once or twice in doorways to clear her eyes and find her balance again, but she stopped before she reached the gate, putting away tears to bully her way past the guards and find that damn boy - find Julian.  She hadn't let herself start crying again - not even when Julian fell apart and sobbed for hours while she tried to comfort him.
“It is you.”  She picked up Dema's free hand.  Her blue eyes were bright with interest, and she smiled again, yet she said nothing.  But she listened closely, watching their mouths, putting together how the sounds and meaning and lip movements came together.  Artemis had seen it before with children beginning to speak, looking closely to unlock the magic of forming sounds into words.  Her own daughter had been observing mouths like that before Sybil took her away to Prakra.  “Asra, how did you?”
“I don't know.  Really.  But-”  He combed his fingers through Dema's hair.  “She doesn't seem to remember anything.”
“She knows you.”
Dema’s eyes darted from Artemis to Asra and then back again before finally settling on Faust, coiled in her lap.  Asra was quiet for a moment.  “She's decided I'm safe.  I'm not sure she knows me from before.”
Artemis hesitated before speaking.  “Julian?  She might -”
Dema didn't respond to the name, but Asra's eyes darkened.  “He's gone.”
“Where?  The rumor in the streets is that he murdered the Count.  That’s absurd, did he get away?  Out of the city somehow?”  Julian had contacts with the smugglers who had been getting a few supplies into the city over the past months.  If they could get supplies in certainly they could get a wanted man out.
“I don't know.”  Asra clutched his hand to his chest again, just over his heart.  “He might have killed Lucio.  He might not have.  I just don’t know.  If he did it...  Where he is.”  
Artemis’ hands clenched into fists.  How can he be so cold!  “You even haven't tried to find him?  Asra -”
“I don't care.”
Dema looked up at Asra clearly worried by the tone of his voice.  Artemis patted her hand, attempting to reassure her and shook her head at Asra.  “That's cruel.  Even if there had never been anything between you and him, he -  Maybe Dema would know him.  He could help - maybe.”
“I don't want to talk about him!”
Dema jumped up at Asra's raised voice, suddenly alert and apprehensive.  Faust raised her head, turning her red eyes to Asra with a look that could easily be interpreted as a reproach.  Asra looked over at Dema and ran his hand through her hair again.  “Sorry, I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to scare you.”  Eyes glistening with tears, he looked back at Artemis.  “Muriel and I had to get her back here.  We couldn’t stop to look for Ilya.”  He pressed a kiss to the top of her head.  “If she remembers anyone, it's Faust.  Artemis, I don't know what to do.”
Muriel?  Who is that?  Artemis looked over the woman - no, Dema.  He did have a point.  She obviously shouldn’t be left alone.  “I don't either, Asra.”  So odd, grief in reverse felt just as unreal, like a waking dream, a reality that should not be, yet must be adjusted to again.  She was in one of Dema's - no, one of her own - favorite, heavy wool sweaters.  She looked warm.  Cared for.  Desperately confused.  “How will you explain that she’s not -?”
“I'll come up with something.  A mistake . . .  She left the city suddenly to find me . . . A shipwreck.  Knocked in the head.  I don't know, something.”  As Asra babbled, the girl started to fidget with the hem of her sweater.  Then she yawned and curled up on her side, head in Asra's lap, exhausted and disinterested in the entire conversation.
Artemis couldn't stop herself from dissolving into a fit of giggles, because this was all too much.  The plague ending.  Dema raised from the dead.  This is absurd.  This is impossible.  And yet.  Violet and blue eyes both looked at her in confusion.  “It's nothing.  Just, sweetie -”  She reached out and touched the girl's shoulder.  “This is the stage of affectionate I associate with you being very drunk.”
Dema's eyes narrowed in annoyance and for a moment, Artemis wondered if she understood more than she could put together into words.  Asra’s hand remained on her, rubbing her side and her shoulder.  Protective.  Tender, even.  Such a horrible contrast with how quick he was to cast Julian aside.  
“Please, Artemis -”  Asra sounded desperate.  “Help me.”
She felt her eyes harden as she lifted her head and looked at Asra.  This is, this is a dream, this is marvelous.  This was the culmination of months of madness in which Asra had traveled farther and farther from this world and the stark laws that governed it.  The laws that said we're all born and will all die and those are the only things that will be equal.  
This is so, so very wrong.  
“No, Asra.  Not you.”  Artemis moved to sit on the other side of Dema and gathered her old friend - her old, dead friend - into her arms, hugging her living, breathing body tight.  “But I'll help her.”
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