#approximately 4000 words of notes
2demon2slayer · 1 year
(from clemsharmony)
questions on the sun hashira au,, that i’m having to send through submissions because i hit the character limit for asks LOL
do you know roughly how old you see the characters as? i know tanjirou is 21 and nezuko biologically 12, but i don’t think you’ve said about anyone else! i’m seeing giyuu as pretty young since i generally imagine him being no older than thirteen in final selection, so even though in KNY canon he’s one of the middleaged hashira, i see sh!giyuu and think he’s one of the youngest of the not-friend-group.
makomo must be 22 or 23 now if she saved little tanj when she was a ‘remarkably young hashira’, and the other hashira’s ages are pretty easy to figure out since you’ve said tanjirou’s 21. inosuke is probably 21, genya zenitsu kanao and aoi 22. senjurou has no *explicitly* confirmed age, but he is said to be the same age as mui in a light novel, so i think it’s safe to say however old yuui and mui are, he’s roughly the same. the tokitou twins would be 20, and you say senjurou is younger than yuui, so he could be 19 or 20 too.
so yeah, i’ve figured out the hashira’s ages pretty easily. it’s the tsuguko’s / slayers ages i’d love to know! are you sticking with their canon age order, or messing them about a bit? i’d like to imagine gyoumei still being the oldest of them all, maybe 18, though if he was that old then there wouldn’t be many years between him and genya. like i said before, i love little giyuu too.. but you could very easily say that his final selection was when he and sabito were a little older, or he’s trained under tanjirou for a good few years, so would be old enough to stay in the middle-ish age range of the not-friend-group.
if you can’t tell, i absolutely love analysing character ages.
i also put a lot of thought into character ages! luckily for you, they’re one of the first things i wrote down! so here’s a big ass list:
so first off, you got basically all of the hashira right
kamado tanjirou - 21
makomo - 25
rengoku senjurou - 19
agatsuma zenitsu - 22
tsuyuri kanao - 22
kanzaki aoi - 22
hashibira inosuke - 21
tokitou yuuichirou - 20
shinazugawa genya - 22
i kept their age differences relatively canon, and used senjurou’s age in kimetsu gakuen where he’s a first year in junior high which would make him 12/13 ish in actual canon. aoi doesn’t have a canon age beyond “at least 16” so she’s just the same age as kanao and genya
(continuing below the cut because wow, this got a bit long)
the littler guys are a bit weirder because their age differences are a lot crazier. so i changed some stuff up and squished some age differences so the entire group is just kind around 15 (with the obvious exception of muichirou, who is the same age as his brother)
tomioka giyuu - 15
sabito - 15
kochou shinobu - 14
rengoku kyoujurou - 15
uzui tengen - 16
kanroji mitsuri - 14
tokitou muichirou - 20
shinazugawa sanemi - 15
himejima gyoumei - 17
iguro obanai - 15
kochou kanae - 15
kaigaku - 15
did you know that we don’t actually know how old giyuu was when he and sabito went to final selection? canonically, his sister died when he was thirteen, and that’s also when he started training with urokodaki, but we don’t know how long he trained for, if he went to final selection the same year he came to urokodaki. anyways, in this au, giyuu trains for two whole years with urokodaki before going to final selection
and here’s just . a list of a bunch of other characters, both major and minor
kamado nezuko - 20 (physically 12)
murata - 15
kumeno masachika - ??? somewhere in his 20s
ubuyashiki kagaya - (spoilers, i’ll talk about this eventually)
ubuyashiki kiriya - (spoilers, i’ll talk about this eventually)
nakahara sumi - 19
terauchi kiyo - 19
takada naho - 19
gotou - 16
suma - 15
makio - 15
hinatsuru - 16
haganezuka hotaru - 14
kotetsu - 19
yushirou - over 300
tamayo - ~30
tsugikuni yoriichi - over 300
if someone isn’t listed, i either do not care about their age or i do not know what to put. most of the demons are left alone because i didn’t want to actually go through the trouble of swapping them around. sorry
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sluttywoozi · 2 years
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Summary: A quiet night in with Jihoon is the perfect excuse to reminisce on the evolution of your relationship with him. It evolves a bit more when he wakes to find you trying on one of the paper rings he's been leaving all over the house.
Word Count: ~4000
Content Notes: this is not smut ! this is just fluff ! very happy and probably tooth-rottingly sweet !!
Warnings: lil bit of weed; mentions of drinking; mentions of eating; cramps mention (not specified as menstrual so even if u don't menstruate you should be good to go), mentions of having kids but its even smaller a blip than the drugs; he lifts reader up (lbr this man is massive and i believe that if he couldn't lift you he'd just work out till he could), i mention his body a lot bc im obsessed with it what can i say, he's asleep for like half of it sorry, a bit of crying but not as much as in bartender!seungkwan pt 2
tagging: @confusedbansheee @lenireads @junhui-recs @burningupp-replies @heeseung-lover686 @favehoshiposts @gyvswhore @jaysawake @1004luvangel @bangchanbabygirlx
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“Sleepy?” Jihoon asks from bed with a soft voice, face nearly expressionless, but you can see the love in his eyes, like always. You’ve gotten good at reading Jihoon over the two years you’ve been together but the man doesn’t always offer up his emotions freely. In his music, sure, but in life? Unless he’s laughing, it can be hard to tell how exactly he’s feeling. If you ask, the answer will usually be hungry, or most often, tired.
Jihoon is always tired, working long hours in the studio as a producer and even longer hours at home as a songwriter. You can always hear him singing in the spare bedroom turned home studio, and every time one of his songs comes out, you wish it was his voice instead. He sings for you, sometimes, when you can’t sleep. Most of the time, he sings when he thinks you’re already asleep (he doesn’t need to know you're faking and you don’t need to know he knows you’re faking). 
You realize you’ve forgotten to respond to him and nod with a gentle smile, bending down for a kiss which he returns contentedly. He’s used to it, knows you drift off sometimes, especially when he sparks a thought in you. 
You’re still thinking as you crawl into bed beside him, leaning in for one more kiss before nuzzling your head into his shoulder. 
You have a lot of thoughts about him, at all times.
You didn’t last long as friends, maybe two or three months, because your traitorous brain just wouldn’t shut up about him. 
His friends had been high the night you met, bragging to you about what a star Jihoon was and trying to get you to date him. Jihoon, meanwhile, looked like he wanted the earth to open up and swallow him whole, especially when the platinum blonde one (whom you now know as Soonyoung) held his hand up and curled his fingers at you, hissing, “Tiger’s gaze!” and then stared at you with narrowed eyes for approximately 45 seconds. 
It only got worse when his other friend (sweet, kind, loud Seokmin) started singing something from King Arthur at the top of his lungs; his voice would have been beautiful if it wasn’t directly in your ear and echoing off the empty streets.
Jihoon did his best to wrangle them, apologizing sincerely before dragging them away and shooting one last pinched smile over his shoulder at you.  
You’ve never told him but that night, you went home and googled the fuck out of him. You’d tried every combination of Jihoon and producer and music and songwriting you could think of, throwing in other random words just in case they worked. Nothing did and you fell asleep that night frustrated, and no more informed than you were when you started. 
Now obviously, you know you didn’t find anything because he produced under a pseudonym. 
Your eyes wander over the shelf of awards, all won by Woozi or Universe Factory. Jihoon had been reluctant to put them up, being the humble man he is, but you wanted to celebrate him. You wanted him to look at them and feel proud. And then look at you and feel supported. He may not say it but you know he does. 
You can feel Jihoon’s breath even out and look up at him to find his heavy eyelids closed and his lips open just a bit. His throat will be sore tomorrow if he sleeps with his mouth open like that, and he won’t absentmindedly hum around the house if it is, so you hold your breath and carefully push his chin up with one finger to close it. You wait, just to make sure you haven’t woken him, and thank your lucky stars he’s a heavy sleeper. 
Now that you know he’s sleeping and won’t perceive you (as he so often does), you let your mind wander. 
You think about how you’d run into him again, on that same street, with the same friends, just a few weeks after the first time. You’d pretended you didn’t remember him, or that night. 
Even then he knew you were lying. Jihoon’s always been able to see right through you, down to the insecure and messy parts you try to hide. 
He let it slide though, let you pretend, knowing somehow you needed to protect yourself just a little bit longer. Soonyoung and Seokmin (they repeated their names to you what felt like a hundred times) somewhat desperately attempted to convince you to join them on their night out.
Jihoon had tried to free you, give you an out by saying that you were probably busy and had plans of your own, his eyes boring into you to make sure you knew what he was doing. 
You only needed a few seconds to decide you didn’t want to be free. 
So you joined them, and learned you shared mutual friends, and suddenly two friend groups became one, and then you were seeing him every weekend. You always thought you could feel Jihoon’s eyes on you, but when you’d look over he’d be in a seemingly deep conversation with someone else, usually Jun. 
Jun was one of the friends you had in common, you’d met him at work and Jihoon had known him since middle school, and he was perhaps too delighted when your friend groups merged. 
You honestly couldn’t tell if Jihoon even liked you as a person until your friends insisted on swimming in Jun’s apartment complex’s pool. It was freezing out, halfway through November and mid cold-front, and the absolute last thing you wanted to do was jump in a cold ass pool.
Everyone else had gone in, everyone but you and Jihoon. Your friends had tried to goad you for a bit but eventually gave up and started trying to drown each other, as boys do. 
You’re sure Jihoon could tell that you did want to get in, but you didn’t want the teasing or punishing splashes that were sure to follow, because he came and sat next to you on the lounger, and said quietly, “what if I go in first?” 
With wide eyes, you’d turned to him, shocked that A) he was talking to you unprompted, and B) that he was offering to get in the pool at all. He’d been adamant he didn’t want to get his clothes wet, saying that he hadn’t brought anything else to wear, that he hated the way water felt in his slides. Jun had offered a shirt, but you and everyone else knew it wouldn’t fit Jihoon. He was just too big, so very big and dense and muscular and…
You shake your head, reminding yourself that he’s asleep and values his rest and wouldn’t appreciate you awakening him by feeling him up. 
Maybe he would though, he always gets the cutest blush whenever you appreciate his body in any way, shape, or form… and his form is so…
No! Jihoon needs his rest, he doesn’t sleep enough and he works too hard for you to wake him up now, even if you desperately want to trace your fingers over his pecs. 
Your mind wanders to when you’d accidentally went from friends to more than friends to lovers to partners. 
Jihoon wasn’t much of a drinker, and neither were you, so you were often paired up as designated drivers. Neither of you minded, preferring to keep a clear head and make sure your friends didn’t concuss themselves or impregnate anyone, but it meant you spent a lot of time together.
A lot of time together, late into the night, surrounded by drunk people who wouldn’t remember what you said in the morning. 
So you and Jihoon entertained yourselves by making fun of your friends’ antics. You shared secret smiles when Seokmin inevitably climbed on a table and started belting out show tunes. You giggled to each other when he launched himself onto Mingyu’s back and declared himself king of the world. You blindly slapped at each other’s arms and stifled smiles when Soonyoung started trying to make out with whoever was closest to him and subsequently got pushed away with a palm to the forehead. 
That’s usually when one of you would decide the group had had enough for the night, and worked together to corral everyone into your respective cars. One night though, after assigning seats and buckling everyone in (thank fuck you both drove SUVs), Jihoon gently caught your hand before you opened the driver’s side door and pulled you aside. 
He’d looked nervous, which was uncharacteristic of him, and you were instantly worried he was going to tell you he was tired of chaperoning.
Terrified you’d be on your own from now on, left to somehow babysit twelve grown men without Jihoon’s firm, large hand, you twisted your fingers together and stared at him apprehensively. 
“Do you think you’d maybe… some time… want to get-” Jihoon pushed out a breath, shaking his head from side to side a little, before continuing.
“Would you wanna get a drink sometime? With… just me? We could leave the kids at home for once.”
A half-smile pulled at his lips, nerves evident only in the bunching of his muscles and the way he couldn’t quite meet your eye. 
It had taken everything in you to pretend you didn’t just see a flash of the two of you dropping toddlers off at your mom’s house before running back to the car together and escaping into the sunset.
Jihoon must have taken your wide eyes and silence for a rejection though, because he started backtracking. He didn’t get far before you interrupted him.
“Actually there’s a place nearby where they wander around with various grilled meats on sticks and cut it right there onto your plate. It’s all you can eat. We could go there instead?” You offered hopefully. 
Jihoon had looked right at you then, like he was seeing all the way down to your bones and into the annoying, stupid organs they protected (a heart that beat too hard around him, and a brain that he could scramble with a single touch).
But his face was more open than ever, eyes clear and focused on you. It was scary almost, to have all of his attention, all of his concentration, on you like that. Scary until he broke out into a full grin, eyes crinkled and dimples creased in his smile lines.
And that was all it took, just one smile and he’d burrowed his way deeper into the depths of your heart and every groove of your brain, and you knew somehow you’d never be able to disentangle them from him. 
Jihoon’s been stuck there ever since, carving out his own space in you with every late night spent cooking together, every early morning spent staring at each other, every long day spent caring for one another. 
His care always shows in the little things: in the way he makes two portions when he has to leave early for work so he’s sure you eat breakfast, in the way he noticed that you hate when his toes touch you in bed and started wearing socks without you having to ask, in the way he can always tell when you have cramps and appears every four hours to give you pain meds because you’d forget they exist otherwise. 
The longer you’re with him, especially now that you live together, the more sure you are that you want this to be your life, forever.
You’ve already read all of the books on his side of the bed, even though they’re about songwriting and you don’t have a poetic bone in your body. There’s a picture of him on your nightstand, framed carefully, and he’d bemoaned the fact that it was just him and not you together. 
But how could you resist? His mouth was open wide, kabobs in each hand, and uninhibited, ravenous joy in his eyes. It’s one of your favorite pictures of him, and you know Jihoon knows it’s because it reminds you of that first date at the Brazilian steakhouse. 
You smother a giggle in his shoulder, remembering how Jihoon had invited you back to his place after. 
You’d worried things were moving too fast until he turned on a movie and immediately fell asleep, his massive shoulders tipping into you until he was practically in your lap. You hadn’t been able to move for hours, both because you didn’t want to disturb him and because he was just too heavy, and even with dead legs and a screaming bladder, you still wouldn’t change a single thing about it. 
You don’t mean to, but sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep, so you just lay on your side and watch his chest rise and fall. It’s soothing to you, the pattern of his breaths and the sound of air moving through his lungs. A reminder that he’s here with you and feels safe with you and loves you (Jihoon can sleep anywhere but he doesn’t like sharing a bed, a fact that changed with you). 
This usually happens on rainy days or Mondays or when things feel a bit more complicated than normal.
Being with Jihoon isn’t always easy; it’s not even close to his fault but it can be hard contending with his demanding schedule, and sometimes he pours so much emotion into his music he doesn’t have a whole lot to spare for you. You never doubt that Jihoon loves you, but there are days that he’s a bit closed off, a bit unavailable. 
Those are the nights that you stay awake on purpose, just so you can watch him sleep and remind yourself that he wants to be here with you, and that he’s here to stay. 
You’re still not sure if Jihoon thinks you haven’t noticed the paper rings he’s been leaving all over the house. He has to have noticed that they disappear though, snatched with delicate fingers and deposited straight into your jewelry box as soon as you find them. You’re too scared to put them on, worried you’ll tear the paper or get them wet or lose them, but you know they’re for you. 
He’d told you somewhere near the six month mark that his writing changed when he met you, got deeper, truer, his words finally tied to real experiences, and you’ve listened to every song he’s put out since then. 
Same dream, same mind, same night was basically a proposal in itself, even if it was sung by someone else. Last month, he’d led you into his studio, gently pushing you down by the shoulders to sit in his chair before starting the guide track of IF you leave me and immediately running from the room.
You’d emerged fifteen minutes later, your face wet with tears and sobs caught in your throat, walking straight into his arms and staying there for hours. 
Your mind lingers on one lyric in Same, same, same.
Promise me eternity, if you feel the same way as I do
You feel the sudden urge to look at the rings, to try one on for once, so you carefully roll out of bed, thanking yourself for not having wormed your way into his arms yet. Shuffling on quiet feet to your dresser, you open your jewelry box, holding your breath and praying it doesn’t creak. 
The paper rings are there, as expected, but you notice something new this time. 
A metal one, white gold, with a diamond wrapped in delicate golden vines, dotted with tiny gemstones. You look closer, realizing that the gems are his and your birthstones. 
Your breath catches in your throat, tears welling up immediately, and you almost curse Jihoon for making you cry so late at night, before you hear rustling behind you and his tired voice. 
“Took you long enough, that thing’s been in there for days,” you can hear the smile in his tone, hear the way it forms his words and coats them with love, “didn’t you notice I stopped leaving paper ones for you to find?” 
You can hear blankets moving through the roaring in your ears, fingers quivering around the ring until Jihoon reaches around you and takes it from your grasp. He must know you’re frozen, unable to turn around on your own, because he lays a gentle hand on your shoulder and spins you slowly himself. 
Your gaze meets his and you’re shocked to see inklings of tears in his eyes, your eyebrows raising and the fondest smile stretching your lips. Jihoon tries to kneel but you follow him, sinking down onto your knees until you’re both sitting on the floor of your bedroom, in the home you share. 
He rolls damp, playful eyes at you, and you can only shrug and let your watery smile grow.
Jihoon should know by now that you’ll always follow him. 
“I had a plan, if you didn’t find it in the next few days,” Jihoon begins, voice quiet but strong. 
“I bought you a music box programmed to play the song I wrote the night I first asked you on a date, one you’ve never heard before, and I was going to have it waiting with all the rings inside when you got home from work.”
You nod, biting your lips into your mouth to stifle the sob, forcing yourself to focus on him even through the fogginess of your tears. 
Jihoon just narrows his eyes at you lovingly, a little chuckle escaping under his breath, before shifting to sit with his knees crossed, and pulling you to sit sideways in his lap. His arms wrap around you, cradling you and letting you gather yourself enough to listen to him, and he carries on with his speech. 
“You know I like to have control over my life, over who’s in it and what happens and where it goes, but when I met you, I started wondering what could happen if I didn’t control everything. It felt like a sign when I saw you again, and then when we had friends in common, it felt like the pieces could fall into place if I would just let them.”
Jihoon disguises a sniffle in a cough and like the loving, caring person you are, you pretend to be fooled. 
“So I tried to let go. I wasn’t successful at first,” you snort, remembering the way he always pretended he hadn’t been looking at you, and he bops you gently on the head with his nose in retribution. 
“I wasn’t successful at first,” Jihoon continues pointedly, digging his chin into the top of your head a bit. 
“But I got better at it, better at letting go and letting things happen, and being around you got so easy I didn’t even have to try anymore. And then I asked you out for drinks, and I thought you were turning me down but you proposed meat instead, and that’s when I knew,” Jihoon nods with finality, seemingly finished. 
“Is that- Are you… done?” You ask, tilting your head to stare at him. 
Jihoon stares back, face flat, before he breaks out into laughter, his cackles bouncing off the walls of your bedroom and your heart. You can’t do anything but join him, resting your head on his shoulder and giggling into his neck. 
“No, I’m not done. I was pausing for dramatic effect, I thought you’d appreciate it!” He says breathlessly, pressing a kiss onto your forehead, pausing to let his lips rest there a moment. 
“That’s when I knew that I was in trouble. That if I got to be with you, got to love you, I’d never want anyone else. But I was ready, I am ready. And if you are too, then,” Jihoon pauses to pull away enough to look at you, voice soft and serious.
“Marry me?” He unwraps one arm from around you and holds out the ring, nestled in his palm and looking so so delicate compared to the size of his hand. 
You feel like your throat is closing up, clogged with joy and love and wishes fulfilled. You can only nod, reaching shaking fingers out to Jihoon, watching as he slides the ring onto your fourth finger. It fits perfectly, sparkling even in the moonlight and warm from his skin. 
Staring at it on your finger for just a second, you take a deep, steadying breath before tackling Jihoon to the floor and kissing him like your lives depend on it.
He goes willingly, you know because Jihoon’s withstood your attempts to tackle him before, and he lets you kiss all over his face with his eyes scrunched shut and the brightest grin you’ve ever seen him wear. 
You lay there together on the floor, his body cushioning yours from the hardwood and you promising him in your mind to massage away all the aches tomorrow, talking late into the night and falling asleep together, breaths in sync. 
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You wake up in bed, eyes swollen from crying the night before, and jerk as your phone vibrates again on the nightstand. 
Oh, so that’s what woke you up, you think, reaching over to flick the button and silence the buzzing. 
Jihoon’s not in bed with you, but you can hear him singing in the kitchen, a song you don’t recognize. Something about being ready and wanting to run away and someone being his escape? 
You start to roll out of bed, toes tapping to the beat of his song, but stop when you see your phone light up again. Your eyes grow wide at the amount of notifications, the such a beautiful night groupchat being responsible for all of them.
Rubbing your eyes blearily with the back of your hand, you scroll through the messages, trying to catch up. 
You see apple cash being exchanged, demands for pictures, requests for the full story, and know Jihoon must have told the guys.
Some people might be upset that he’d shared the news without asking, but you just smile, because it had been them who brought you together in the first place. 
It was Soonyoung who growled at you when you were passing him in the street, forcing Jihoon to grab him by the arm and apologize profusely to you.
It was Jun who called the night you first agreed to hang out with them, who recognized your voice and shouted at Jihoon until he passed the phone to you.
It was Seungcheol who begged you both to be designated drivers, desperate to the point of offering the two of you gas money and his firstborn child.
It was Seokmin who broke out into love songs every time you and Jihoon so much as glanced in each other’s direction, and Mingyu who carried him away before either of you got too embarrassed and annoyed to even look at one another. 
Memories flicker through your brain like vintage film, your mind recalling moments you and Jihoon shared with each and every one of the guys.
Moments that led you to each other, brought you closer together, allowed this love to grow.
Facilitated it, even. 
You’re so lost in thought you don’t notice Jihoon coming in until he scoops you up into his arms bridal style and hauls you into the kitchen, setting you down on the counter and placing a plate of steaming scrambled egg mess on your lap and a fork in your hand.
You reel a bit, trying to catch up to the abrupt location change, and ask Jihoon, “what was that for?”
Jihoon smiles at you, dimples on full display and cheeks pushed up high, and says, “Practice.”
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AN: so if y'all couldn't tell by my blog, woozi is my ult and i fear i may be straight up in love with him, evidenced by this fic. i made myself cry with this one and you're legally obligated to tell me if it made you cry too!
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this is the pic reader has framed
Ps do u guys know what I’m talking about when I said his exhale head shake thing bc I love when he does that and if u dont know I will find it and gif it and reblog it onto the post
Part Two
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reilliane · 25 days
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note: hi there! i'm reilliane, and i mainly write for genshin men. feel free to peruse my services, and if you'll avail any of them, have my advanced thanks!
For a rundown of my services, I'll note them here, but if you want to view them in a fuller list, then you can read them up in my carrd :D
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General Guidelines
Genshin Impact FxM pairings only [Female Reader/OC]
Will write spice but NO NSFW
Commissions related to my works and AUs [e.g. Septem, Tyranny, Fleur, Astrolabe, Vigil, etc.] are allowed!
Always consider your decision first, please! NO REFUNDS
Payments through Paypal | For further details about commissions, please head to my Ko-Fi!
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I write a little beyond the WC, I don't charge those!
Approximate Max Word Count: 1500
Pricing: $4
Approximate Word Count per HC: 1000
Total WC: 2000
Default Number of Characters: 2
Pricing: $5
$1 For every additional character
Approximate Word Count per Scenario: 1500
Total WC: 3000
Default Number of Characters: 2
Pricing: $6
$1 For every additional character
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fixed $1 for an additional +500 words for all tiers I write a little beyond the WC, I don't charge those!
Word Count: 2000
Pricing: $5
Optional Revisions: 1
Word Count: 3000
Pricing: $7
Optional Revisions: 1
Word Count: 4000
Pricing: $9
Revisions: 2
Word Count: 5000
Pricing: $12
Revisions: 2
Word Count: 6000
Pricing: $14
Revisions: 3
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L1 Package
O2 Tier + A1 Icon
Pricing: $9
Revisions: 2
L2 Package
O3 Tier + A2 Icon
Pricing: $13
Revisions: 3
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note: bust-up and half-bodies tba!
A1 Icon
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Type: Clean/Rough Flat Colors
Pricing: $6
Revision: 1
A2 Icon
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Type: Full Render
Pricing: $8
Revision: 2
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If you're interested in my services, kindly head over to my Ko-Fi and my Commission's Tab to select your pick!
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higherlearningtvshow · 2 months
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Hope you enjoyed the conversation on Monday Morning Mindfulness! As you may know, Watermelon is one of the best melons on the planet you can eat. Why? Because it's a HEALING FRUIT. You can live off this fruit for days with nothing else. But don't believe me, believe what you find when you do your own research!
Origin and emergence of the sweet dessert watermelon, Citrullus lanatus
Harry S. Paris*
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Background and Aims Watermelons, Citrullus species (Cucurbitaceae), are native to Africa and have been cultivated since ancient times. The fruit flesh of wild watermelons is watery, but typically hard-textured, pale-coloured and bland or bitter. The familiar sweet dessert watermelons, C. lanatus, featuring non-bitter, tender, well-coloured flesh, have a narrow genetic base, suggesting that they originated from a series of selection events in a single ancestral population. The objective of the present investigation was to determine where dessert watermelons originated and the time frame during which sweet dessert watermelons emerged.
Key Findings Archaeological remains of watermelons, mostly seeds, that date from 5000 years ago have been found in northeastern Africa. An image of a large, striped, oblong fruit on a tray has been found in an Egyptian tomb that dates to at least 4000 years ago. The Greek word pepon, Latin pepo and Hebrew avattiah of the first centuries ce were used for the same large, thick-rinded, wet fruit which, evidently, was the watermelon. Hebrew literature from the end of the second century ce and Latin literature from the beginning of the sixth century ce present watermelons together with three sweet fruits: figs, table grapes and pomegranates. Wild and primitive watermelons have been observed repeatedly in Sudan and neighbouring countries of northeastern Africa.
Conclusions The diverse evidence, combined, indicates that northeastern Africa is the centre of origin of the dessert watermelon, that watermelons were domesticated for water and food there over 4000 years ago, and that sweet dessert watermelons emerged in Mediterranean lands by approximately 2000 years ago. Next-generation ancient-DNA sequencing and state-of-the-art genomic analysis offer opportunities to rigorously assess the relationships among ancient and living wild and primitive watermelons from northeastern Africa, modern sweet dessert watermelons and other Citrullus taxa.
Keywords: Archaeobotany, citron watermelon, Citrullus lanatus, Cucurbitaceae, colocynth, crop history, dessert watermelon, egusi watermelon, evolution under domestication, fruit sweetness, talmudic cucurbits
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Watermelons, Citrullus Schrad., are among the most widely grown vegetable crops in the warmer parts of the world (Maynard, 2001; Wehner et al., 2001; Wehner, 2008). Over 3 400 000 hectares are planted annually, with production exceeding 102 000 000 t (http://faostat.fao.org/site/339/default.aspx). Few food items are as refreshing and appreciated on hot summer days as chilled slices of watermelon.
Citrullus (2n = 2x = 22) is a xerophytic genus native to Africa (Whitaker and Davis, 1962; Robinson and Decker-Walters, 1997). Other cultivated members of the genus, besides the familiar sweet dessert watermelon, are the citron and egusi watermelons and the colocynth (Jeffrey, 2001). The sweet dessert watermelon, though, has considerably less DNA sequence polymorphism than the others (Maggs-Kölling et al., 2000; Levi et al., 2000, 2001; Dane et al., 2004, 2007; Hwang et al., 2011; Nimmakayala et al., 2014a, b), indicating that it originated from a single founder population. The progenitor of the sweet dessert watermelon has been widely believed to be the colocynth or the citron watermelon and, recently, genomic sequencing has fostered the suggestion that the progenitor is the egusi watermelon (Guo et al., 2013). Another widely held belief is that sweet watermelons first diffused to Europe via Moorish Spain somewhat prior to 961 ce, from the Indian subcontinent, facilitated by Islamic conquests (Watson, 1983). However, there is much evidence showing that the history of the sweet dessert watermelon matches none of the above beliefs concerning progenitor or geographic origin. My objective is to gather and assess this evidence, and trace the origin and emergence of the sweet dessert watermelon.
0 notes
solalunar-eclipse · 2 years
Family Can Be Anyone
Summary: Teams Dark and Sonic are stuck spending lots of time together after a snowstorm. Contains nothing but friendship, romance, and fluff.
Word count: about 4000 words
Author’s Note: I wrote something for December last year, so of course I had to do it again! This is just my love for these six characters in physical form at this point, honestly...
“Well, this is a fine mess we’re in now, hon.” Rouge said, her arms folded as she looked out the window.
“Sorry…” Tails said sheepishly. “In my defense, my weather equipment didn’t say it’d be this bad!”
Shadow sighed from the couch, where he had buried himself in approximately five blankets and several pillows. “I don’t have a Chaos Emerald on me, and neither does anyone else. I can’t teleport long-distance without them.”
“OH. PROCESSING…” Omega replied, registering this new factor. 
“I can think of one.” Knuckles grumbled, his eyes locking with the only person in the room who hadn’t spoken up yet.
Sonic glowered at him…and entirely failed to look threatening, seeing as the lower half of his face was buried in Shadow’s headfur. “Mmph mmmm mmnn mmmmmph.” he growled.
“Sonic, don’t you dare drool on me.” Shadow huffed, with no real malice.
The hero lifted his head so that his chin rested in between Shadow’s ears. “Shush yourself, Knuckles.”
He then promptly kissed the hybrid’s right ear, making Shadow blush furiously. Knuckles gag, Tails clap a hand over his eyes, Rouge laugh, and Omega make a sound that was awfully similar to a camera shutter closing.
“Delete. Now.” Shadow snarled, glaring at the robot.
“NEVER.” Omega replied.
“Show me later!” Sonic cried excitedly.
Shadow curled deeper into his blankets with a resigned growl.
Later on, Knuckles approached Shadow, determined to look absolutely anywhere but at the hedgehog’s face. “I, erm, I just wanted to say…I hope I didn’t offend you earlier.”
Shadow folded his arms. “You didn’t.”
Knuckles paused to think for a moment, accidentally heightening the awkward tension. “I just am not used to such…public displays of affection.”
Shadow smiled faintly at that. “I wasn’t either, at first. When I grew up, it was uncommon to see such things in the general public, let alone aboard a research station.”
“I…have not had much exposure to these kinds of relationships as well.” the echidna replied.
The two shared a brief moment of understanding in which they basked in the knowledge that there was somebody else out there as hopelessly confused about romance as themselves.
Then, Shadow forced himself to speak up this time, since Knuckles had been the one to initiate the conversation. “Was there something else you wanted?”
“A-actually, yes.” the echidna replied. “I wanted to ask, purely theoretically of course…if someone wanted to, erm, get Rouge to perhaps notice them a little differently…how would you recommend they go about that?”
Shadow raised a brow. “Well, if it were someone random, I would tell them to try talking to her before assuming that she’s interested in…something of that caliber…with them.
“However, since I can assume you are talking about yourself, that’s entirely different. Rouge already enjoys your company, you know.”
Knuckles tried very hard to ignore the fact that he was blushing and failed instantly.
“I’d say…Rouge wants respect and attention, first and foremost. So essentially, listen to what she has to say and then, whether you agree or not, treat her opinions with respect.” the hybrid continued
Knuckles frowned. “Well, obviously I can do that.”
“Good.” Shadow replied matter-of-factly. “But anyhow, just keep track of things she says she likes in conversation. And just generally show that you’re making an effort. She cares less about price than she lets on—unless we’re talking gems, of course—so long as you show you care.”
Knuckles frowned, muttering under his breath as he repeated Shadow’s advice to himself. “That…that’s good to know. Thank you.”
“Of course.” the hybrid replied. “And Knuckles?”
“Please, just make sure you treat her well...you should know how much she deserves that.” Shadow said.
“Of course I do.” Knuckles said, a distant look passing across his face briefly as the fingers of his left hand twitched. “And you should know that I expect the same from you when it comes to Sonic.” 
“I wouldn’t expect anything less from myself.” Shadow replied.
“Really, though…I don’t think I’ve seen him this lovestruck ever before. He truly cares for you.” the echidna conceded.
“O-oh?” Shadow asked, trying and failing to sound calm.
“Yes. I am willing to admit that you have been good for him.” 
And then Knuckles smiled briefly, before going about his day once more.
Shadow blushed a furious shade of green for a moment as he stared at the floor.
“Well, that was a lovely conversation, wasn’t it?”
The hybrid screamed and jumped a good three feet in the air before whirling to face his friend. “Rouge?! How long have you been listening in??”
“Long enough to hear you tell Knuckles how to woo me,” Rouge snickered. “And I have to say, that was the most civil shovel talk I’ve ever seen in my entire life.”
“The most civil what now?” Shadow blinked, confused.
“A shovel talk. It’s when you basically threaten your sibling or friend’s partner to let them know that you’re keeping an eye out for the people you love.” the bat said.
“People threaten each other over that?” he asked, his brow furrowed. “Weird.”
“Yeah, it is weird.” Rouge replied, throwing an arm over his shoulder (which of course led to some obligatory grumbling on the hybrid’s part).
And that was why she then threw out her plans for her own shovel talk to Sonic a moment later.
Eventually, it became inevitable that Sonic and Omega would work each other up far too much to be contained inside the house. So, of course, the moment it even looked like that was on the horizon—mainly forecasted by lots of taunting and a bit of light roughhousing—they had been told in no uncertain terms to leave right now before something (or someone) ended up broken.
Hence the blue ball of spikes and the extremely deadly robot currently tearing up the lawn.
Tails kept wincing from the window as Omega’s laser fire tore through a particularly nice type of bush or whenever Sonic tore up what few bulbs might someday have sprouted into flowers. “I don’t know if them fighting outside is much better than inside…” he said, cringing.
Rouge walked up and almost immediately winced sympathetically as Omega blasted several branches off a tree. “Does this happen often here, hon?” 
Tails sighed. “Most of the time, Knuckles and I can keep it together enough to stop anything really major from happening.”
“But with Omega in the mix…” Rouge continued, seeing where this was going…
“…it’s a disaster waiting to happen. Or, uh, happening right now, in this case.” the fox finished.
“What do you say we teach them a lesson, then?” Rouge asked, her smile suddenly far too wide to be entirely friendly.
Tails grinned, relieved. “Yes, please.”
Sonic sprinted through the forest, cackling as burning hot lasers scorched the air around him. “Gonna have to be faster than that to catch me!” he shouted.
“NOTED. FIRING SPEED INCREASING.” the robot declared.
The hedgehog grinned in delight, racing back towards his house with Omega in hot pursuit. He was so close to victory! The cliff was just a little bit farther ahead… 
And that was when the ground dropped out from under them both.
Sonic screamed as he tumbled past metal walls and scaffolding before landing rather ungracefully on his face. (Thankfully, there seemed to be a rather large pile of snow beneath him that had cushioned his fall.)
Nearby, Omega struggled to haul himself to his feet, running a brief diagnostic on his body to make sure nothing was damaged. At first, he seemed just as bewildered as Sonic, but then his expression rapidly changed to one torn between frustration and fury.
Laughter burst from behind one of the control panels in the plane hangar—for that was what they had fallen into, the storage space for Tails’s various inventions, located deep in the rock beneath their house. The fox in question popped up from his hiding spot, still giggling uncontrollably. “Oh, you should’ve seen your faces!” he cried.
Sonic growled, his ears flicking back against his head in irritation. “Really, man? I should take away your dessert privileges for this!”
“You guys were the ones tearing up the yard, though!” Tails cried out indignantly.
‘And if you revoke his dessert access, hon, I’ll just slip him some on the side.’ a voice announced from Tails’s wristwatch.
The hero’s jaw dropped. “Rouge? You too?!”
‘Of course! Someone needed to keep you boys from turning this place into a complete disaster.’
The call abruptly ended with an offended gasp and a ‘You wouldn’t dare!’.
Sonic stepped in front of Omega quickly. “Hey hey hey, Rouge promised me a manicure tomorrow! At least leave me some nail polish, dude!”
Even though Rouge did end up having to walk downstairs the next morning with not a bit of mascara, eye shadow, or lipstick on (making Knuckles nearly choke on his breakfast in a mixture of surprise and sudden flustering in the process), she still began doing Sonic’s nails in the middle of the day, starting with a nice glittery gold.
“Thanks for saving these, hon, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’re lucky I did anything at all, after that stunt you pulled!” Sonic cried, but he was smiling too genuinely for it to have any bite.
Rouge smirked. “Do you want me to mess up your nails, babe?” 
The hedgehog mimed zipping his lips with his free hand. 
“Thought so.” she said proudly.
They sat together in companionable silence for a moment, Sonic gazing out the window at a few flurries beginning to drift downwards as Rouge concentrated on her task.
Soon enough, though, the bat grinned at Sonic once again. “So, about Shadow.” 
Sonic turned bright red. “Y-yeah? What about him?”
“When’d you first realize you liked him?”
The hero smiled bashfully and rubbed the back of his neck. “Oh, chaos. I, uh, I guess I just sorta…started wonderin’ what was going on after I felt like my whole body was going at twice its usual speed when he was around, eheh. It just kept going from there.”
“Is that so.” Rouge said, still smiling.
Sonic blushed even more. “But, uh…lookin’ back, I think I properly started crushing on him right after the Black Arms invasion. He was dealing with so much right about then, but he never gave up! It was just really inspiring for me, y’know?”
“It was, wasn’t it?” the bat mused.
“But how ‘bout you and Knux, then?” Sonic asked, grinning. “I’ve seen the way you look at him.”
Rouge huffed and ignored the light dusting of pink on her cheeks. “Shush, you!” she exclaimed, swatting at him as he cackled.
“Really, though!” the hero cried.
She thought for a moment. “Well…I wanted his heart from day one, but back then it was the same as anyone else’s to me. I suppose I really took a second look after he rescued me from a fiery death in the meteor fields—even if he was rude about it at the time.”
The hero smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, he has, like, no idea how to flirt with anyone. It’s not terrible, though.”
“It’s cute, isn’t it?” the bat asked.
“I thought so once, yeah.” Sonic said automatically, before shutting his mouth rapidly as his eyes widened in shock.
Rouge laughed. “I knew it!”
Sonic blushed and hid his face, embarrassed.
“…and as you can see, the higher frequency of sunspot appearance is positively correlated with the level of electronic interference, which means that if I can just figure out the specific electromagnetic wave that they produce, there’s a chance that I could then generate said wave to help increase the possibility of stopping Eggman’s next project before it even starts with sheer inefficiency!”
Tails gasped for breath briefly, having just completed his rant about why exactly he had a variety of projectors and magnets scattered around his lab. After all, Shadow had asked, so it was at least a little likely that he wanted to hear the real answer.
The fox looked up, expecting to see a blank expression on the hybrid’s face. Instead, he received a single question. “How are you certain that the sunspot activity and electrical interference have a correlated relationship and not a causal one?” Shadow threw back, one brow raised in a silent challenge.
Tails grinned. “Well, it could be that the sunspots have an effect on the Earth’s magnetic field similar to that of the solar wind—though how exactly I can’t work out yet. I need more fine-tuned instruments first, and I’m still waiting on a couple of shipments from Professor Pickle in Spagonia.”
“Completely understandable.” Shadow replied, now also smiling openly as he walked over to the machine Tails was building. “I can offer you use of the Space Colony if you want it, but you’ll probably need to finish your device first.”
“Not at all!!” Tails gasped, his eyes wide and bright. “I need to take measurements and figure out the best placement for the machine, and maybe I could even establish the ARK as a control!”
“Then of course you may use it.” the hybrid said. “It was built for the express purpose of furthering scientific knowledge, after all.”
“Thank you!” Tails cried excitedly, clearly having to restrain himself from running around the room in excitement.
A little later on, after Tails had settled down, Shadow began to help the fox get whatever tools and parts he might need to continue work on his various smaller projects. Soon enough, though, they were interrupted—by Omega, who somewhat sheepishly informed them that he had broken a game controller in a fit of loss-induced anger and now needed them to fix it.
(Tails proceeded to make the controller about ten times better than it was previously, which then of course led to a second interruption in which Knuckles demanded the same upgrades to his own.)
Knuckles had a problem. One bat-shaped problem, to be specific.
Rouge was currently sitting on the couch, watching an episode of some archeology show, which Knuckles wouldn’t ordinarily have minded. In fact, he might have tried to use that as a topic of conversation later on, in any other circumstance.
But when Rouge was hogging all the blankets? That meant war.
The echidna snatched one away from her, setting it over his legs without a single word. She might be beautiful…and clever….and honestly really fun to be around—but that didn’t mean he was about to let her make him freeze in his best friend’s home!
Rouge turned towards him, her fangs flashing. “Give it back.”
“No.” Knuckles replied, sticking his nose in the air. “I’m cold.”
The bat growled. “And I was at the perfect temperature before you stole my blanket!”
“Hypocritical much?” Knuckles asked, turning his attention back to the TV.
Suddenly, he felt fabric shifting, and managed to grab at the blanket just in time before Rouge could snatch it off him. “What do you think you’re doing?!”
“Taking back what’s mine.” she said with a smirk.
They began pulling the blanket back and forth at first, until suddenly Knuckles froze, a realization hitting him. He was honestly surprised he hadn’t seen it before—the particular way Rouge was smiling, her eyes locked on his…
“…are you trying to flirt with me?”
The echidna blushed furiously as Rouge’s smile widened. “Now you’re getting it.”
He folded his arms and looked away for a moment, glowering at the wall. Why on Mobius was this so easy for everyone except him?
“Well then, if you’re so insistent on staying warm, can we at least s-share…one?” Knuckles hated the way his voice faltered at the end, but he refused to give up.
After a moment without a reply, he turned back around to see the bat staring at him, surprised. 
“Well?“ he said impatiently, trying to mask his worry. “Do you want to or not?” 
Rouge immediately pressed herself against his side, draping the blanket over their legs. “I thought you’d never ask.” she said, for once openly showing her delight.
Knuckles flushed even more as he summoned all his courage and leaned against her. “Oh, yes, this is much better.” she added, and he began to wonder exactly how his face hadn’t turned into a furnace by this point.
Eventually, though, the two of them managed to relax and went back to watching the show. And if they ended up with their arms around each other as well, then that was nobody’s business but their own.
Tails shivered for the fourth time in thirty minutes, and ignored it once more. He was busy running some diagnostics right now—he could hold off on taking care of his body’s needs until it was finished.
Wrapping his arms tightly around himself, the fox swore that one day he’d patch up the drafts in this hangar/workshop combo. It wasn’t as if he’d forgotten three times already or anything...
The bar on the screen inched forward bit by bit, and Tails eventually managed to ignore the chill a little as time went by.
He was startled out of his intense focus by a blanket dropping on his shoulders. Whirling around, his eyes locked with Omega’s red optics.
“Omega? W-what are you doing down here?” he asked, his teeth clicking together from the cold.
“Uh…I don't actually have hypothermia, you know.” Tails replied, a small smile growing on his face. 
The fox grinned. “You were worried about me?”
Omega’s head swiveled to one side abruptly. “SONIC AND KNUCKLES WOULD THROW ME OUT IF I LET ANYTHING HAPPEN TO YOU.”
The robot shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “AND IT WOULD BE…REGRETTABLE, AS WELL.”
Tails’s expression softened just a bit. “Thanks, Omega.”
“Hey…” he added, because the fox was nothing if not practical, “could you watch this screen for me while I go get a jacket and call me if it finishes? That way neither of us have to worry.”
“CERTAINLY.” the robot replied.
On his way back from his room (now plus one navy blue hoodie), the fox spotted a box of hot chocolate mix on the kitchen counter and decided on two things.
One: he wanted a mug of hot chocolate.
Two: once he was finished with his current project, he needed to find a way to get Omega to comprehend the flavor of hot chocolate as soon as possible.
(After an hour of work, he had written a program that encompassed his goal pretty well, and asked Omega to try it out. The code was a resounding success, and Tails was, as he should have expected, forced to now contend with a trigger-happy robot that was also experiencing a sugar rush for the first time in his existence. Needless to say, it was an…interesting time.)
Sonic rested idly in a lounge area near the back of the house, separate from the living room. It had a lovely view overlooking the sea from the top of a cliff near the house, and the hero always found it strange yet interesting to experience snow near the beach—those weren’t two concepts that normally went together for him, having grown up in the warm climate of a tropical island.
A pair of cold hands suddenly clamped down on his shoulders, making Sonic shriek loudly as he leapt out of his seat and across the room. Whirling around, he nearly collapsed with relief upon seeing that it was only Shadow. “Man, you nearly scared the quills off me!” he wheezed, clutching at his chest briefly. 
“Oops.” Shadow said, smirking. “I suppose I forgot that my hands are a little chilly at the moment.”
Sonic scowled, but without any real heat behind it. “Yeah, right. Your fingers are literally popsicles, man!”
“If my fingers had somehow transformed into an icy consumable treat, Sonic, I think I would have figured that out by this point.”
The hero pouted. “You know what I meant!”
Shadow smiled warmly, unable to maintain his cool demeanor in the face of such a cute expression. “I do.” he conceded, walking down the mahogany stairs to face Sonic.
“But seriously, Shads, you’ve gotta get yourself something warmer to wear than just that one sweater.” the blue hedgehog insisted, darting back over and poking at Shadow’s shoulder in return. 
“True…perhaps I will use one of the blankets in here, then. Rouge and Knuckles have stolen every available one in the living room, so I had no luck there.”
The hybrid then sat down on the other end of the sofa, drawing a rich, red blanket over his legs as he eased himself into a better position amongst the cushions. He blinked once, sighed a little as he got comfortable, and then looked up at Sonic with such softness in his eyes that the hero could’ve sworn something had gotten tangled amongst his ribs with the pressure he suddenly felt.
“Um. Uh, yeah.” he replied intelligently.
Shadow frowned, tilting his head in mild confusion. “Is everything alright, Sonic?” he asked.
A second later, the hero was sitting on the sofa directly next to Shadow. “Yeah, just, I, uh…” He shook his head briefly, clearing out the lingering confusion. “Doubt that’s warm enough.” he continued, an idea suddenly coming to him.
The hybrid scanned his surroundings, still bewildered. “How so? I have cushions, a blanket, and a sweater. Surely that should be enough to—”
He didn’t get to finish his sentence, however, as Sonic suddenly pressed himself against Shadow, his warm body nestling up against the striped hedgehog’s chilled one. Gently, the hero took the other’s gloved hands and placed them on his chest, the heat instantly sinking into Shadow’s frozen fingers. “That oughta be better.”
Now it was Shadow’s turn to try and reboot his brain. “I…….”
Sonic smiled broadly, pleased to have the upper ground—and a way to snuggle with his boyfriend—at hand. (Literally.) “Feeling warmer yet?” he asked proudly.
Shadow’s face and ears turned a bright, almost neon green. “Erm. Yes. Quite.”
“Perfect.” Sonic said, tugging the hybrid a little further into his own arms as they both turned to stare out at the beautiful view. 
Shadow smiled in return, his hands unconsciously beginning to stroke Sonic’s fur a little. “You were right, this is much better.”
The hero’s expression broke into yet another grin, his tail wagging excitedly as his ears perked up. “Of course it is! You’ve got your own personal heater!”
Shadow laughed, making Sonic’s face turn pink without the hybrid realizing it. “That I do.”
The two hedgehogs didn’t move from that position for quite some time, watching the snow fall as they murmured quietly about various light subjects. Eventually, Sonic fell asleep halfway through a conversation on various models of racecars (but Shadow wasn’t offended at all. The hero had been yawning and nodding off for quite some time), his head coming to rest on Shadow’s shoulder.
Not long afterwards, even though the hybrid wasn’t normally one for sleeping during the day, he couldn’t quite find the ability to resist the pull of the soft sofa behind him and the warm hedgehog beside him. Now thoroughly warm and completely at ease, Shadow ended up asleep as well, his face nestled into the fur between Sonic’s ears as the snow continued to fall outside.
❄️(Happy winter solstice, everyone.)❄️
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matsbarzal · 3 years
Time’s a Ticking || Matthew Tkachuk
Notes: anyways I decided to do matty and I found this long list of soulmate AU prompts so I know what I’m doing tonight yikes. so here’s a lil bit of a nervous/anxious matty even tho he refuses to admit it. hope you enjoy!!! let me know how you like it <3 
Summary: everyone is born with a dwindling time on their wrist. the moment the time reaches zero is when a person meets their other half, the person who makes them whole; their soulmate. 
Word Count: 3k+
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10,584. 7 days, 8 hours and 24 minutes. 7 days until he’d meet his other half, the person that’s meant to complete his soul, be his better half, or whatever a soulmate is meant to be. Matthew wasn’t crazy about the idea of soulmates, sure, he was surrounded by people who were madly in love and happy and complete; but he was also surrounded by those people... the one’s whose time stopped, girls and guys who had a permanent marking of time on their wrist that would never move again.
He wouldn’t say he was a pessimistic person, but he had seen so many friends and family fall into a spiral after their soulmate clock stopped ticking, watched as their other half broke them without even meeting them. He wanted to be excited and optimistic but Matthew couldn’t bring himself to feel the same delight that his friends did on his behalf. Anything could happen in this 7 days, 8 hours... and 22 minutes now.
6160 minutes
You could feel the bump of the plane as it touched the ground. This was the one part of flying you hated the most, the anxiety and the bumping as the plane made its way down the runway towards its destination. You knew anything bad was unlikely to happen, but your nerves were on edge. All you could think about was the time on your wrist, the time that kept on ticking. It hadn’t stopped in your entire 21 years of life, and from the looks of it, you were approximately four days away from that happening.
Sighing, you listened to the claps from around you as everyone congratulated the pilots for landing the plane safely. Around you, people stood up and began collecting their belongings, grabbing their bags from the overhead compartments as the chatter continued in the cabin.
You politely smiled at the man beside you as he passed you down your bag, a quick “Thank you” leaving your lips as he gestured for you to walk in front of him towards the exit. 
Originally, you hadn’t had any intention of leaving Alberta for the holiday break, but your parents had practically begged you to come home for the holiday’s, citing the fact you had remained in Lake Louise for the last year and that they had only seen you once since you made the choice to unravel everything you knew by packing a few bags and moving halfway across the country to Alberta to work at some fancy ski resort in the mountains. 
It was originally only meant to be a few months worth of work, waitressing in Lake Louise at a 5-star resort that is, and then time kept going by, and the more and more you fell in love with not only the scenery, but the people. Everyone was happy there, tourists were always excited and polite, everyone just wanted the chance to see the Lake, skate on the Lake, whatever it was. No one was ever unhappy here, and you loved that. 
You were pulled out of your thoughts as the line in front of you continued to move quickly, people eager to get out of the cabin and get back into the fresh air that flowed outside. You could barely contain your giddiness as you stepped off the plane. You could barely believe how much you missed the province, missed your friends, coworkers, you even missed the tourists. Who would’ve thought?
After about 20 minutes of watching the carousal spin and spin and spin, you finally eyed your bright red, Flames red, as a lot of people reminded you, suitcase. Grabbing it, you hauled the bag off of the carousal and onto the ground. You were eager to get to your car, which you had already paid a good 500 dollars worth of parking for, and eager to get the move on the three hour drive across Highway 1 to Lake Louise. 
After four and a half hours of travelling, you knew this three hour drive was going to exhaust you. And with the temperature out in Alberta right now? All you wanted was your bed and a cup of piping warm hot chocolate to end the day.
4590 minutes
“Man, your face is already awful to look at. You really trying to ruin it even more right before you meet your soulmate?”
Before Noah could even think, a wad of tape hit the side of his head while exclamations went up around the room about the choice of target. “Whoops, guess my tape slipped... out of my hand.”
Matthew shrugged his shoulders, an innocent grin on his face as he stood up to grab the tape from beside Noah Hanifin’s locker. 
“No, but seriously, why are you getting into fights with three days left on your wrist? Don’t go and get yourself killed or something, they’d be devastated if they’ve waited this long for your dumb-ass just to have 4000 minutes tattooed on her wrist for the rest of her life.”
Shrugging his shoulders, Matthew ignored his teammates comments, choosing instead to run his finger across the always-changing number on his wrist. 
“It’s not like it matters anyways.” His words were barely above a mumble, but it was enough to spark the attention of his captain, who was quick to tell him to meet him in the trainer’s office after he was done showering and getting the blood that was currently dripping down his face, cleaned.
Obliging on his captain’s orders, he found Gio in the office, a tight smile the only warning that he was about to get ripped apart by the veteran. Gio was one of the lucky ones, he had barely been 16 when his clock finally hit the big 0. It made him an advocate for all the soulmate bullshit, constantly encouraging his teammates to wait it out, be patient, their time would come. 
“Chucky, buddy, we gotta have a chat.”
Quirking his eyebrows at the older man, Matthew nodded, “Well Gio, I kinda figured that one out buddy, unless you pulled me in here to look at my oh so pretty face.” 
“I’m serious. You need to stop with this constant bashing of soulmates and times and shit. I know you don’t like it and you hate the concept of soulmates and whatever, but you’re doing nothing but worrying the younger guys. These kids are constantly terrified their minutes are just going to stop and be etched into their skin.”
Subconsciously running his fingers across the number on his wrist again, 4530 minutes. Wonder what that is in exact time. Shrugging his shoulders, he was quick to apologize to his captain. “Sorry, G. Not trying to scare the kids, just getting a little... I don’t know? Worried? It’s getting too close, I don’t want to get like...  it’s not important, never mind. I’ll stop talking about times in the locker room. Sorry.”
Quickly tightening the tie that was now wrapped around his neck, Matthew raced out of the office before Gio could say something else to him. He eagerly grabbed his phone, wallet, keys and suit jacket before quickly making his way towards the parking garage, the only thing on his mind was of course, you.
2120 minutes
One whole day and just a few hours. You could barely breath as you ran your thumb over the little black number on your wrist. You knew it was inevitable that you’d be meeting your soulmate while working, the moment you looked at the work schedule when you arrived back from home, you knew you’d be stuck working during the time in which you were meant to meet you soulmate. You were giddy, sure. But what if they didn’t like you? What if whoever it was, was snooty, and rude, and didn’t like you for who you were?
“Y/N, you gotta stop thinking about it, babe. You’re gonna get your head stuck in a whirlwind of thoughts. Think about other things! Like... the Calgary Flames.”
Eyeing the blonde beside you, “Tell me Cassidy, why in the world, would I think about the Calgary Flames, instead of thinking about my soulmate?”
Your coworker shrugged her shoulders and gestured to the board behind your head. You had all been notified a day prior that the Calgary Flames had reserved a whole floor of the Chateau for the weekend. With your restaurant being directly in view of the Lake and the Mountains, you were expected to be the main dining spot for the team over their course of the weekend.
“Believe me, Cass, the last thing I want to think about is a bunch of hockey boys who are going to make me miserable the weekend where I’m supposed to be... not miserable.”
She winked at you, a teasing glint in her eyes, “Maybe one of those awful hockey boys has the same number on your wrist. Maybe Noah Hanifin’s your soulmate. God, I’d be so jealous, could you imagine being destined for that beautiful exhibit of a man? God, I’d climb him like a tree.”
Laughing, you wacked her with the towel in your hand as she continued to egg you on, gloating about how beautiful of a specimen Noah Hanifin was, and how she’d do just anything to crawl into bed with that man. Cassidy was always like this, bubbly, happy, positive. Her number had stopped moving 12 years ago, or so she says. She hadn’t been paying attention the day it stopped, the number etching itself into her skin permanently, to never move again. She was never negative about it, always saying that she hoped just the thought of her brought peace to her soulmate in their last moments. 
“Okay okay, enough about the Flames. I doubt it’s even going to end up being any of them, hockey boys and I do not get along. Especially the one’s that are just constantly bothering people, and that’s the entire Flames roster, so... let’s get back to work.”
440 minutes
One thing Matthew was sure of was the fact that he loved everything about the drive to Lake Louise. He wasn’t notorious for being a huge fan of the scenery around him, but something about the drive across Highway 1, the trees, the snow covered mountains, they all just faded together and created this picture in his head. It was hard to describe, there wasn’t anything specific to the picture, it was just joyful, it was happy, it was calm. Jesus, maybe he was just fucking crazy. 
A lot of people always said you feel more calm in the hours leading up to the first time you meet your soulmate. But he sure as hell didn’t feel calm. He was on edge, the scenery around him, albeit, it was beautiful, it was not calming him down. His leg was shaking, his foot tapping the ground beneath him on the bus. He could see Johnny giving him a look every time his shaking leg touched his teammates. He knew the entire team was frustrated with him. Two games straight, two 10 minute fighting majors. 
He was being a pest, constantly egging people on, trying to ignite arguments or fights or just some form of stimuli to get his mind off of the only thing it could stray to. You. He didn’t want to think about whoever the hell you were, he didn’t want to get his hopes up that maybe his clock would actually hit 0, maybe he’d actually meet his better half. Or maybe he'd fall through a crack in Lake Louise and never have to worry about it again... hopefully. 
“If you touch my leg... one more fucking time, I am going to sock you in the fucking face Chucky.”
Immediately pressing his heel into the ground, Matthew mumbled out a quick ‘sorry’ to the teammate beside him as he watched the trees continue to go by outside the bus window. The time was still changing on his wrist, every minute counting down as the minutes passed outside. There was barely any cell service on the drive up, so the only thing that could truly distract him at this rate, was you, and he hated that.
“Soooo... you excited Chucky? It’s gotta be the big day, no?”
If choking a teammate was legal, Matthew would already be wringing Noah Hanifin’s neck. 
“Yeah, delighted.”
“C’mon grumpy pants, you’re literally like what? 6 hours away from meeting the person who’s supposed to complete your soul... and you’re in a foul mood. Did Doughty crawl up your ass and die last night or?”
Grinding his teeth, Matthew tried to bite his tongue, refusing to lash out at his teammate, even though he so desperately wanted to. He wasn’t going to be the cause for a toxic locker room, especially over something as stupid as soulmates. 
It was obvious that something was going on, everyone on the team knew the time on his wrist equalled out to less than a day. Everyone could see how on edge he was slowly getting as the time dwindled down, but no one could figure out why he was getting more and more frustrated, why the excitement wasn’t shining through as the time continued.
“Why the hell aren’t you excited man? This person’s supposed to be the love of your life, and you seem like you couldn’t give two fucks if you meet them or not?”
It was too late, Matthew was exploding before he could even comprehend what he was saying. “It doesn’t fucking matter man, okay? I don’t give a shit about this soulmate bullshit. Everyone’s soulmate is gone one day anyways, what the hell does it matter if you meet them now? I’m gonna be aching at some point because they’re gone and I’m alone. Woohoo, I get to meet them today, woo-fucking-hoo. I could literally not care less, so stop bugging me.”
27 minutes.
It was all around, highly likely, that your soulmate had some form of connection with the Calgary Flames. Their reservation was scheduled for 23 minutes from now... and your wrist had that small number 27 etched on it as it continued to count down. 
“Wow... maybe your soulmate really is Noah Hanifin... I’m sorry for saying I’d climb him like a tree.”
A loud laugh left your throat as you watched a guilty smile form on your co-workers face. “Cass, I highly doubt it’s Noah Hanifin. It’s probably just a coincidence that their reservation time coincides with my meeting my soulmate time.” Cassidy gave you a knowing look as she walked away, a small smile on her face.
You were anxious, you couldn’t deny it. Every second that counted down, you were nervous, what if you weren’t good enough for them? What if they were embarrassed it was you? What if... oh god... what if they hated soulmates? What if they were one of those people who was willing to cut the tie, ignore the call, ignore the connection?
You refused to think about that, instead putting yourself to work, clearing the tables and plates of the previous occupants, you waved off the clearing crew, instead choosing to do it yourself. Anything to get your mind off of it. 
The Flames weren't the only occupants of the Chateau tonight, only taking up about half, you were able to still seat other tourists who were interested in the view tonight. 
That’s how you found yourself, 25 minutes later, your hand on your hip as you interacted with the group of rowdy guys in front of you. They were from Edmonton, and they were absolutely hammered. They were as nice as you could expect them to be, continuously flirting your ears off, as they tried to impress you with their... what was it? Accounting job? You couldn’t remember for the life of you, your mind solely stuck on the small number 1 now etched on your wrist. 
You were roused out of your thoughts at the feeling of a hand touching your waist. “C’mon sweetheart, you’re not even paying attention to us here. Take a shot with us, baby!”
You politely removed the offending wrist, a tight smile now etched on your face. “First, I would ask that you please don’t touch me. Second, I was most definitely listening. You boys want another round of beers, and 6 tequila shots. Unfortunately, I don’t believe the shots are the best idea, nor do I think the beer is, but I’ll definitely get you a glass of water.”
Spinning on your heel, you went to walk away but were stopped by the feeling of a hand tightly gripping your wrist, a small squeak falling from your lips.
“We don’t want water.”
“Please get your hand off of me.”
“Get us what I asked for then, bitch.” 
You were about to retort, a vicious snarl on your lips, but your words were caught in your throat as you watched a fist connect to the cheek of the man in front of you, a gasp leaving your throat.
2 minutes
This had to be a joke. He was apparently two minutes away from meeting his soulmate, and here he was, in an orderly fashioned line as him and his teammates made their way into the restaurant. He could barely breath, his pants felt too tight on his hips, he could feel the sweat seeping through his shirt. Thank god he made the choice to wear black. 
It felt like everyone’s eyes were on his, everyone was wearily watching the number on his wrist go down, as the obvious anxieties began to cloud his every thought, action, move... everything.
He tried to take his mind off of it, observing the restaurant as the team slowly made their way to their designated tables. There were a few other patrons, most of them caught up in their own world. One specific table caught his eye, they were a group of rowdy guys, maybe a few years older than him. 
Quite frankly, they looked like all around assholes. Looked like the guys you’d see from Wolf of Wall Street, and from the looks of it, they were really starting to irritate their waitress. Although, all he could see was your back, your posture was unbelievably straight, your hand on your hip as you inventively listened to the guys in front of you.
Matthew continued to watch you, something inside of him telling him that he just couldn’t look away. He had to keep looking. He watched as you turned your body, ready to walk to wherever your destination in mind was, but he instantly zeroed in on the hand that was now tightly wrapped around your wrist, a violent look on the man’s face.
He wasn’t moving on his own accord now, his feet were basically moving by themselves as they raced towards you.
“Get us what I asked for then, bitch.”
His fist was connecting with the other man’s face before he could even think. He heard the gasp from beside him, he watched the number on his wrist hit 0 the exact moment he looked at you, a look of shock on everyone’s faces.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m going to call the police you fucking curly-headed fuck.”
He could barely focus on the voices around him. You were here. You were literally right in front of him. Both of your numbers were at 0, he could see it on your wrist. He was literally staring in the eyes of his soulmate.
“Oh my god, you punched one of our guests.” Your voice was like bells to his ear, soft, delicate, everything he wasn’t... but god, you were perfect.
“I’m Matthew, and yes... I uh... I think I did punch one of your guests. I also think you’re my soulmate. Does it count as self-defence... if I punched him in my soulmate’s defence?” 
You laughed, trying to cover it up with your mouth as you watched your manager’s rush towards the now bleeding asshole at the table behind you. 
“I think I like you already, Matthew.”
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russianwave · 4 years
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Hey, I thought I would compile a selection of different resources dedicated to learning the Russian language. Feel free to reblog and add your own
Information about the language
Russian Language on Wikipedia
Russian Language on BBC
Russian Language on Encyclopaedia Britannica 
Russian Language on Real Russia
I have a masterlist of different Russian language textbooks for all levels, as well as general Russian literature and Russian magazines for reading practice. It contains over 60,000 books and over 4,000 magazines
Children’s Books in Russian
Project Gutenberg Free Russian Books
Courses - Note that not all of these courses are free. 
Lingvist (comes with a 2-week free trial, and by far my favourite course)
Duolingo  (Joining with this link automatically adds me as a friend)
I Kinda Like Languages Russian Course
Learn Russian with RT (The audio files no longer work but there’s a lot of great resources that work)
Live Lingua Russian Tutors (Not a course as such, but a way to get a Tutor. You can get a free hour lesson)
Russian for Everyone
Russian for Free 
Russian Made Easy
Way To Russia 
Между нами
Я говорю по-русски/ I speak Russian
Русский как иностранный: B1+. Russian as a foreign language: B1+
Русский как иностранный: B1+. Часть 2. Russian as a foreign language. B1+. Part 2.
Русский как иностранный B2-1 / Russian As a Foreign Language B2-1
Русский язык как иностранный B2-2 / Russian as a Foreign Language B2-2
A1 Elementary Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
A2 Basic Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
B1 I Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
B2 II Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
C1 III Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
C2 IV Certified Russian Course with Pushkin Institute
Beginner Russian Course / Курс России языка для начинающих
Intermediate Russian Course / Курс России языка среднего уровня
Russian Grammar Course / Курс грамматики России языка
Russian Course for Travelers / Курс России языка для путешественников
From Zero to Fluency Youtube Course
Start Speaking Russian Youtube Course
Russian Reading Youtube Course
Learn Russian Alphabet
Russian (Kazakhstan) Peace Corps Course
FSI Russian Course
Learn Russian
Yes Russian
Ready Russian
Russian Learning Reddit
Learn With Oliver
Memrise is a great resource as it has Memrise courses and user-created courses. These are the official Russian courses if you go through them one by one they amount to approximately 54 hours of content. The thing I like about Memrise is they test you on your pronunciation, and they have lots of videos by Russian native speakers. So it really tests you in all your skills.
Russian 1 by Memrise
Russian 2 by Memrise
Russian 3 by Memrise
Russian 4 by Memrise
Russian 5 by Memrise
Russian 6 by Memrise
Russian 7 by Memrise
These are some unofficial Russian Memrise courses you might like too. Although they tend to not have audio and they don’t have pronunciation tests or native speaker videos, they can still be a good resource.
Learn Basic Russian 
Top 10,000 words part one 
Top 10,000 words part two
Russian Grammar through Exercises
Assimil Russian
New Penguin Russian Course Vocabulary 
Vocabulary resources
Word Reference
Ba Ba Dum
Russian Swadesh list
English terms derived from Russian
Wikipedia Russian Topics (Click on different topics then click on different words for their English translation and meaning)
Russian Idioms
Russian Proverbs
Russian Similies
20,000-word Frequency dictionary of the modern Russian language (the Russian National Corpus)
Russian spelling alphabet
Russian Frequency lists/1-1000
Russian Frequency lists/1001-2000
Russian Frequency lists/2001-3000
Russian Frequency lists/3001-4000
Russian Frequency lists/4001-5000
Russian Adjectives - Frequency List
Russian Nouns - Frequency List
Russian Verbs - Frequency List
Russian palindromes
Russian Pronouns
Alpha Dictionary
Dubbed Russian Songs (Russian songs with Russian lyrics alongside transliteration and English translation. They also accept requests)
Clozemaster (I’d say this is more for intermediate-advanced, but beginners might make use of this as well)
Vikida Children’s Encyclopedia (Entirely in Russian)
Russian for Children by Pushkin Institute (Entirely in Russian) This actually contains resources for 5+ to 18+ so it covers a broad range of levels
Slow Russian Podcast
Slow Russian Youtube
Beginning Russian through Film
Amazing Russian Youtube
Bab.La English - Russian Dictionary
Grammar Exercises Youtube Playlist
Online Interactive Grammar 
Learn Russian Grammar Tables
Russian Grammar Youtube
Conjugation Tool
Russian Grammar
Russian News Sites
Russia Today (In Russian) / Russia Today (in English) (They also have a whole database of documentaries/shows/films that are in English or Russian. Just click on a show here and it’ll give you the option to watch in English or Russian) 
The Moscow Times (In Russian) / The Moscow Times (In English) (They have free English PDFs of past print publications too)
Tass Russian News Agency (In Russian) / Tass Russian News Agency (In English)
Moskovskij Komsomolets (Московский комсомолец) (only available in Russian)
Komsomolskaya Pravda (Комсомо́льская пра́вда) (only available in Russian)
Izvestia (ɪzˈvʲestʲɪjə) (Only available in Russian)
Rossiyskaya Gazeta (Российская газета) (Only available in Russian)
Kommersant (Коммерса́нтъ) (Only available in Russian)(There is also a UK news website entirely in Russian)
Trud (Tpyд) (Only available in Russian)
Moskovskiye Novosti (Московские новости) (Only available in Russian)
Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Независимая газета) (Only available in Russian)
Novye Izvestia (Новые Известия) (Only available in Russian)
Vedomosti (Ведомости) (Only available in Russian)
Pravda Правда (Only available in Russian)
Delovoy Peterburg Деловой Петербург (Only available in Russian)
RBC daily (Only available in Russian)
Sport Express (Спорт-Экспресс) (Only available in Russian)
Sovetsky Sport (Советский спорт) (Only available in Russian)
Russia Beyond The Headlines (In Russian) / Russia Beyond The Headlines (In English)
Krasnaya Zvezda (Кра́сная звезда́) (Only available in Russian)
Moskovskaya Pravda (Московская правда) (Only available in Russian)
Argumenty i Fakty (Аргументы и факты) (Only available in Russian)
Sovetsky Sakhalin (Советский Сахалин) (Only available in Russian)
Tyumenskaya Oblast Segodnya (Only available in Russian)
Vecherniy Murmansk (Вечерний Мурманск) (Only available in Russian)
Vecherniy Novosibirsk (Вечерний Новосибирск) (Only available in Russian)
Vecherniy Stavropol (Вечерний Ставрополь) (Only available in Russian)
Novaya Gazeta (Новая газета) (Only available in Russian)
Novgorod (Новгород) (Only available in Russian)
Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti (Санкт-Петербургские ведомости) (Only available in Russian)
Literaturnaya Gazeta (Литературная газета) (Only available in Russian)
Parlamentskaia Gazeta (Парламентская газета) (Оnly available in Russian)
Meduza (In Russian) / Meduza (In English)
Please note that sites listed do not equal an endorsement. I don’t know the political background or views of each of these publications. I’m merely compiling a variety I saw through various Russian news lists and search engine results. Content warnings may apply and not all content may be suitable for minors
Listening practice (Note, I may make another masterlist compiling various Russian podcasts and Youtube channels so I’m leaving them out of this section)
Slavic Languages and Cultures Department, University of Groningen Listen to the Slavic languages
Audio Lingua
Learn Russian with Peppa Pig
StarMediaEN (Russian shows, documentaries etc with English subtitles)
Russian Films With English Subtitles Youtube Playlist
Alosha (Алёша Попович и Тугарин Змей) Children’s Film
Dobrynya and the Dragon (Добрыня Никитич и Змей Горыныч) Children’s Film
Ilya Muromets and Sparrow the Robber (Илья Муромец и Соловей Разбойник) Children’s film
How Not to Rescue a Princess (Три Богатыря и Шамаханская Царица) Children’s Film
Russian Animation (Mixture of dubbed content and subtitled content)
Киноконцерн "Мосфильм" (Moscow Film, only some of these are subtitled)
фильмы о Холмсе и Ватсоне (Movies about Sherlock Holmes with Russian audio and English subtitles)
Okay, so this list has gotten long enough lol. If you have any resources you feel should be added feel free to reblog and add them or message me and I’ll edit it in. If you have any requests for resource compilations that you want me to do (e.g. compiling Russian podcasts, general Russian websites, Russian YouTubers etc) please let me know. 
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reidecorating · 4 years
the bau team and their star signs based on science
hotch: clearly an aries. this is not up for debate and i don't take criticism. natural born and excellent leader? maybe. but bossy boots because he is just a bossy boss man who probably sleeps in a suit or those pyjamas that have suit graphics on them? most definitely. when he speaks, his voice sounds like it’s coming out in all lower case, when he yells, it’s all caps. angery. down to throw hands at anything in his immediate line of vision probably. will exterminate you like a roach if you mess with someone he cares about. don't break the rules or my boss will kill me 😡 to you're breaking the rules under MY supervision, that way my boss will kill US 🥰. probably microwaves food a lot. type of dad to say no to getting a dog, then two months later get matching christmas costumes with said dog. never stops working because he is an absolute UNIT built like the circuit of one of those infinity pools in bali. could use another sabbatical.
rossi: i saw his birth certificate and the rumours are true, he’s a november sagittarius. two wives away from being a modern day king henry the eighth. it’s rossi’s world and we’re all just living in it. he is a prophet. his third eye has been opened and he ascended to the seventh dimension at the age of 24. when he takes leave, the only way to contact him is through a ouija board in latin or maybe greek depending on the position of the sun. he will only die when he chooses to die but will dissolve at the words ‘what are we?’. the major arteries in his body are just long pieces of macaroni. definitely has hooked up with one person from every state the jet has landed in. no filter between his brain and mouth, will destroy your self confidence intentionally. uses abbreviations when texting. liberal - because of the experimenting back in college. probably friends with your mum on facebook.
prentiss: imagine her being anything but an air sign. you can't because she's clearly an aquarius?? work comes first (first equal with her girlfriend). if you tell her to do something she simply won't do it, especially if it was something she was just about to do. she once came home from a run with her mother in the summer and her mother politely suggested that she should drink some water. emily, an anarchist, did not drink water and was hospitalised for heatstroke in due course of proving her point of nonconformity. has been to jail. sucks on candy canes and makes them pointy because christmas is one of her least favourite days. on probation. no, i really like him *deletes his number*. maybe moves to iceland to become a sheep herder to avoid having to ever see anyone she has romantically affiliated with ever again. actually quite the jester, joke levels exceed 4000, but can make you laugh and cry in the span of approximately the length of a short youtube ad. the antichrist.
morgan: has at some point caused someone to question their sexuality. am i really a straight man? do i really only like women? - direct quotes from anyone who has seen him. if that doesn't scream libra i don't know what does. i’m trying to refrain from using the words ‘hot’, ‘sex god’, ‘rail me’. the kinda guy who will hold open a door for you, but also have no problem kicking one down for you. has never ditched class before. momma’s boy. tries to make his pecs move in the mirror. he KNOWS he’s hot okay??? but THEN its not just that because people are like ‘oh he's attractive’ but then they find out he’s RESPECTFUL, and INTELLIGENT and COMPASSIONATE and then that awkward moment when you just DIE because he is not flawed??? it’s like he’s a lucid dream??? probably secretly is really good at baking some obscure european good. uses colognes that have really manly man sounding names for instance, ‘Man Musk’, ‘Mystical Muscles’, ‘Beards and Buttercream’.
garcia: the epitome of a female pisces. a baddie™. definitely owns a pair of those really skinny sunglasses that influencers wear and looks like god herself while in them. spirals from being the momma bear to the wine-aunt. she will care about you so hard but if that's not reciprocated, will hack into your my eyes only and fax those pictures to every machine she can connect to. accidentally has flirted her way into at least 19 relationships. really good at writing fan fiction??? like - seriously good. knows 4 different synonyms for the word “member” iykyk. researches things the people she loves most enjoy, so when she talks to them she can have more detailed conversations. catches feelings for people who are definitely not good for her. sometimes just takes off her glasses because she's tired of, well... seeing. hand makes cute lil earrings for her friends. a master at fireboy and watergirl and will never play with anyone else because ‘another player just slows you down, i can do it myself in half the time’. THAT FRIEND WHO WILL WAIT FOR YOU TO TIE YOUR LACES.
jj: virgo. she was definitely that girl who had notes with pretty titles and colour coded highlighters in school. also did extracurriculars in the weekends so she’d have to be picked up from sleepovers early to go to soccer games. when she takes the time to learn something she learns it well and perfects any craft handed to her because anything less than 100% is failure in her eyes. gets annoyed when other people cry for too long probably. will judge you. so much. silently. especially if you cry. don't make her mad because she has caused civil unrest in 13 continents. live, laugh, love signs in her kitchen. security footage surfaced in 2007 of her roundhouse kicking a middle aged man, in the junk food aisle of a trader joe’s, after he took the last re-stocked bag of cheetos. has a ‘mom first, agent second’ mug that garcia got her. likes family walks which will most likely be planned out meticulously, involving a detailed itinerary of the day i.e. Henry’s toilet break, 10AM
reid: he despises star signs and anyone who gives them any thought because “where is the SCIENCE?” this bitch is a scorpio. definitely only knows his sun sign. so intense! have you seen the way he looks at things?? the way he stares??? the way he analyses dead bodies??? the way he loves??? ridiculously put together to everyone around him but emotionally life is soup and he is fork. kinky. breaks off bananas little by little with his hands before eating each piece individually because eating them normally is too sensual and he’s paranoid morgan might see him doing it and take a picture. wants the kind of love he reads about. has a superiority complex about having a superiority complex. keeps a straight face while saying literally anything so you cannot tell if he’s being serious or not like one day he’ll just be like “yeah i killed a man with an axe once to enable myself to more easily empathise with future unsubs who potentially work as lumberjacks or have a history of logging. it’s called method axing,” and then leave the room to draw circles on maps or something. believes that parallel parking should work, in theory, but never seems to work for him in practice.
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esooy12 · 3 years
CCNA and CCNP candidates hear it all the time: “Get some hands-on experience”. From my personal experience climbing the Cisco certification ladder, I can tell you firsthand that there is no learning like hands-on learning. No simulator in the world is going to give you the experience you will get cabling and configuring your own routers. Whenever I mention this to one of my students, they always say it costs too much. The truth is, it is cheaper now to build your own CCNA and CCNP lab than it has ever been. The secret? Used routers. The word “used” turns off a lot of people not many of us buy used computers or used servers. Cisco routers, though, are robust. I personally own a Cisco 4000 router that I use as a Frame Relay switch in my lab that I’ve had for about four years, and I’ve never had a problem with it. The good news for current CCNA and CCNP candidates interested in building their own labs is that used Cisco equipment has never been more plentiful or cheaper. eBay is a good way to get an idea of what’s out there and what the prices are, but you don’t have to assemble your lab one piece at a time. Many eBay vendors who sell used Cisco equipment sell ready-made CCNA and CCNP labs for one price, including cables. I asked one major vendor of CCNA and CCNP labs, www.ciscokits.com, what the most common questions are regarding building your own home lab. Here’s what they had to say: Why do I need real routers instead of a simulator? You need a physical router,as the simulators just don’t have the ability to give you the “hands on” you need to see what happens when you disconnect a cable or put a cable in the wrong location. You will come to find quickly that mistakes you make on Router 1 are affecting Router 5 all because you did not screw in a cable properly. No simulator can simulate that. How many routers do I need? Two routers really are required to see if anything works. If you have a very limited budget, you can receive value from only purchasing a single router over working with a simulator. However, you will not be able to see the main thing we are trying to accomplish. The propagation of route tables! The only way you can see if your configurations work, is to have at least two routers. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you purchase a dual router kit that comes with all the accessories you need. Otherwise you can spend days trying to find all the little extra pieces you need to get your lab up and running. Do I need a switch? Well, it is nice to have. However, with only about 2 questions on the test dedicated to “hands on” switch knowledge, if you have to skimp on something, skimp on the switch. What routers and switches should I buy? Choices, choices, choices! Which 2500/2600 router do I pick? I will list some pros and cons of each router below, along with current prices (note that prices are generally lower if you buy a dual router kit instead of a single router). Please note that prices are approximations. 1) Cisco 2501 Router with 16 MB Flash/16MB DRAM $94.99. The cheapest introduction router, and it can support a vast majority of the commands that you will need to learn for your CCNA test. All 2500 routers that we will discuss come with a minimum of two serial ports and an Ethernet port. You will need to add a transceiver to this unit to convert the Ethernet AUI port to an RJ-45 style Ethernet port. 2) Cisco 2503 Router with 16 MB Flash/16MB DRAM $119.99. This is the same as a Cisco 2501, except it adds an ISDN port so you can complete all your ISDN commands for the CCNA test. You will need to add a transceiver to convert the Ethernet AUI port to an RJ-45 style Ethernet port. 3) Cisco 2505/2507 with 16 MB Flash/16MB DRAM $109.99. The same as a Cisco 2501 except it has a built-in 8 or 16 port hub so you do not have to purchase a transceiver. 4) Cisco 2514 Router with 16 MB Flash/16MB DRAM $149.99. This router is the same as a Cisco 2501 except instead of one Ethernet port you have two. You may ask, what is the big deal? Well, you can use this as your Cable Modem/DSL Modem router. Now you can test your ability to setup a firewall and router in a live environment on the Internet. Lots of fun! You will need to add two transceivers to convert the Ethernet AUI ports to an RJ-45 style Ethernet ports. 5) Cisco 2520 Router with 16 MB Flash/16MB DRAM $119.99. This is the same as a 2503 but it also adds two more serial ports so you can use this as a frame relay switch later in your CCNA studies. It costs the same as a 2503, so this is a great money saving tip. 6) Cisco 2612 Router with 32 DRAM and 8 MB Flash $199.99. This is a modular router unlike any of the 2500 series routers. So the big benefit of this is you can buy extra modules to add functionality such as more serial ports, ISDN ports, Ethernet ports, WICs and such. However, due to the flexibility you will pay a bit more. One day it is a frame relay switch, the next it is your ISDN router. In the long run it will be cheaper than purchasing a bunch of dedicated routers for each discipline you want to learn. 7) Cisco 1912 or 1924 Switch with Enterprise Software $109.99. This is a good low cost switch. The only drawback is it is a 10 MB switch except for the two 100 MB uplink ports. Not a big deal since you have 10 MB routers. 8) Cisco 2912 or 2924 Switch with Enterprise Software $249.99. This switch will run all the current commands needed for the test and is a full 100 MB switch. And should you desire to sell your lab after you complete your certification, you can either negotiate a price with the vendor who sold it to you, or you can sell it yourself on ebay. It’s my experience that 95% of candidates who earn their CCNA go on to pursue their CCNP within one year, though, so don’t sell it too quickly. In the end, you spend only a few hundred dollars, and you gain invaluable experience and knowledge that will help you both in your certification quest and your job performance. Having worked my way from the CCNA to the CCIE, I can tell you that you will learn much more from actually configuring and cabling your own equipment than you ever will from any simulation of the real thing.
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sunevial · 4 years
Writing Commissions!
I decided that it was about time to revamp my commission sheet and also get everything into one place. So without further ado, let’s jump right in to the technical stuff. Note price and word count changes!
NFSW content
Sexual violence
Anything promoting hate
Shipping of real people
1. I reserve the right to refuse anything I am not comfortable writing.
2. For anything equal to or under $20 (US dollars), payment is accepted in advance. For anything above $20, half payment up front and half upon completion. Regardless of what I write, however, these works are still owned by me. Passing off my work as your own will result in a ban from any future commissions.
3. The more information you’re able to provide me about characters and scenes, the easier and faster these pieces will be completed.
4. I can write about fan characters, original characters, and characters from existing fandoms within reason. I can also write about my own characters interacting with characters (just be sure to specify which ones!).
5. My best fandoms are Discord Murder Party and Lord of the Rings, and these will be written the most consistently. Please ask me in advance about anything else.
Poetry and Prose
Short Poems -$10
Approximately 100-200 words worth of poetry.
Examples: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17423390, https://archiveofourown.org/works/19158361
Meetup Fics -$12
One of my most popular prompt requests was writing meetup fics, where I would write two people (usually me and another person) meeting each other for the first time in person. Please make sure that all parties are okay with being written about before requesting this!
Examples: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18739600/chapters/44451130, https://archiveofourown.org/works/18739600/chapters/44451556
Short Moment -$20
Approximately 500-700 words of prose/one page of writing.
Examples: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18739600/chapters/44451532, https://archiveofourown.org/works/18739930/chapters/44452006, https://archiveofourown.org/works/18739930/chapters/44452174
Short Story -$40
Approximately 1000-1200 words of prose/two-three pages of writing.
Examples: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18739600/chapters/44451661, https://archiveofourown.org/works/18739600/chapters/44451751, https://archiveofourown.org/works/18739600/chapters/44451178
Slightly Longer Short Story -$60
Approximately 2000-2500 words of prose/4+ pages of writing. Meant to be an in depth analysis of a character, their motivations, and important events in their past.
Examples: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18993598, https://archiveofourown.org/works/18852874
Longer Works: $0.03 per word above 2500 
If you want a piece of writing that is longer than 2500 words, I will be charging $0.03 per word above 2500 words (so, for a piece that is 4000 words long, it would be $60+($0.03*1500 additional words) = $60+$45 = $105
Trashy Romance Dignity Fee: +$10
The dignity fee covers ‘trashy romance tropes’ and the writing style associated with trashy romance.
Examples: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19266691, https://archiveofourown.org/works/18802159, https://archiveofourown.org/works/18802102
Excessive Violence Fee: +$10
The fee covers anything incredibly gory or could be construed as ‘excessively violent’.
Examples: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16889289, https://archiveofourown.org/works/18819940
Tabletop Character Creation
People have expressed interest in my character creation process, so I’m offering the option to flesh out tabletop roleplaying game characters (DnD, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, etc). This can be done for both player characters and NPCs.
I’m also up to doing this for OCs as well! Just know that the options are meant to be primarily for tabletop roleplaying games.
Anything I reference can be found in this document. 
Personality Traits: -$15
Fleshing out a character’s personality traits, flaws, fears, and personality quirks. Generally meant to be building up what is already there for a character and wordsmithing the results.
Character Relationships: -$5 per dynamic
A short background and synopsis of how two characters know each other and how they interact. Whether they are friends, lovers, mentor and student, or bitter enemies, how a character knows and interacts with others can be an important character aspect. Typically meant for interactions with background characters.
This option can also be used for relationships with an item, a place, or a certain oath or cause.
Background: -$25
A fleshed out, fully wordsmithed, fancy typed up thing about your character’s (probably tragic) backstory. This is meant to be fairly in depth and incorporating important events, moments, and key details that both shape their past and their present. This will be a bit open ended, and certain details will be intentionally omitted or added in for a DM to heavily exploit use in game.
Full Character Package: -$40
Includes personality traits, two character relationships, and a fully fleshed out backstory. Maybe even descriptions of physical traits. Idk go wild.
Built From The Ground Up Fee: +$10
These options are intended to flesh out characters that already exist. If you’d rather I craft something of a character from scratch (their personality, their background, or characters from their stories), this fee covers that.
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silverlightqueen · 5 years
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‘All rise,’ a loud and clear voice rings out into the room, cutting all hushed conversation short. The courtroom is relatively empty, only myself, my lawyer, Sana, the girls, Jimin, his lawyer, manager Sejin, the boys, the jury and the judge in here – it may seem like a lot, but considering it’s a high-profile case, you’d expect the room to be packed. Due to the fact that we’d have press and fans sat in here, watching the case, the court decided to make it a closed case, not open to the public.
We all rise to our feet, save the judge, the room completely silent, the air so thick, I could cut it with my six-inch heels. ‘Department One of the Supreme Court of Korea is now in session. Judge Jaehyun presiding. Please be seated,’ the bailiff says, not shouting, but loud enough for everyone in the room to hear clearly. We all sit back down, the room still completely silent, and I don’t even dare to look in his direction, knowing his eyes will already be on me.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of South Korea versus Park Jimin. Are both sides ready?’ Jaehyun’s deep voice echoes around the room. He seems kind, and gives me a gentle smile, making me aware that he’s clearly already on my side. This case shouldn’t be too hard to win; not that I’m desperate to win it anyway.
My lawyer stands up beside me, a stern and serious man, and clasps his hands behind his back. ‘Ready for The People, Your Honour,’ he says, and sits back down, Jimin’s lawyer rising now. ‘Ready for the defense, Your Honour,’ she says, her voice meek and shaky, and it’s clear to see that there’s no way in hell I’m losing this case.
The clerk swears in the jury then, the rest of us sat in a completely tense silence, and I can sense all the boys’ eyes on me. I do everything in my power to keep the neutral look on my face and not look in their direction, to not let myself break. Then, another woman stands up and begins to speak in a very clipped voice, making me instantly dislike her when she shoots me a scornful look, having definitely seen my nudes. Not that there’s anyone that hasn’t. Lol.
‘Your Honour, and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: the defendant has been charged with the indulgence and distribution of Revenge Porn. The evidence will show that the images were posted onto Park Jimin’s account on the social media platform, Twitter, on the night of the 31st of August 2019. The evidence that will be produced to you will demonstrate that the defendant is guilty as charged,’ she says, and I’m almost surprised by the fact that she’s on my side before remembering that it’s her job.
Then Jimin’s lawyer stands up, nervously, and all eyes are on her, eagerly awaiting to hear whether or not Jimin has pled guilty. ‘Your Honour, and ladies and gentlemen of the jury: the defendant has admitted his involvement in the case and pleads guilty,’ she says, stuttering, and a gentle whisper runs through the room. I don’t feel anything, though; it was obvious to me what he’d plead. Of course he wouldn’t deny it, he’d be stupid to do so.
‘Well, that makes my life easier. Cut the jargon, we haven’t any press or outsiders here, and I doubt you celebrities know lowly court language enough to understand what I would normally say here,’ Judge Jaehyun says, a gentle laugh running around the room at that, though I can’t muster one up myself.
‘y/n, it’s your decision what you want to come out of this. Whether we’re talking jailtime or just compensation,’ the judge says to me, eyes intently locked with mine, and feel everyone’s gazes landing on me. The words leave my mouth before I even have a chance to think about them; ‘compensation. Jailtime is unnecessary.’
‘Are you sure? Revenge porn carries a maximum sentence of two years,’ Judge Jaehyun says, and I nod. ‘I’m sure. This is just to teach a lesson,’ I say, the room completely silent, hanging on my every word. ‘If that’s your decision, so be it. How much?’ he asks, and I hesitate, not sure how much I want to sue him for. I don’t care about the money; I care about what he’ll learn from losing it, from losing me.
‘I don’t know. However much is normal in these situations,’ I say, and the judge smiles. ‘Sweetheart, I’m sure you could get a lot more than what’s normal,’ he says, and I shake my head. ‘I don’t care about getting his money; I have more than enough of my own,’ I say, the unspoken words obvious to everyone.
‘Okay. The normal fine is around ₩6,000,000, equivalent to approximately $5000 or £4000, but considering normal cases usually have their high school seeing their nudes, not the entire world, I’d say we’d go for more than that. How do you feel about ₩750,000,000, which is equivalent to approximately $640,000 or £510,000? Not too much to make him broke, but enough to make him feel the difference?’ he suggests, and I nod, the figure sounding perfect.
The case finishes relatively quickly after that but I don’t both dashing off at the end this time, standing my ground. I go to thank the judge, who gives me his card in case I need legal advice in the future of any kind, and thank my lawyer profusely, despite him not having to do much. And then, as I begin to leave, Jimin walks over towards me.
‘Do you want us to stay, or should we wait by the car?’ Jen whispers in my ear. ‘I’ll be fine, just wait by the car,’ I reply as he reaches me, stopping a couple feet in front of where we stand. ‘Okay, see you in a couple,’ Jen says, before motioning to Jimin that she’s watching him, the boy gulping and nodding. He looks good, as always, in his all-black attire, but his sad face, his sad eyes, makes my heart hurt.  
‘Hey, y/n,’ he says, and I smile at him. It disarms him completely, and I watch in amusement as he blinks rapidly, running a hand through his hair. ‘Hi, Jimin,’ I reply, figuring there’s no point being angry and hostile with him anymore. I’ve already made him suffer, probably not enough, but it’s starting to drain my energy having to be mean to him.
‘Um, I just, uh…’ he says, and I don’t try to prompt him or anything, just wait for him to finish talking. ‘I thought I’d just come say hi,’ he says, and a small smile plays on my lips. ‘Well… hi,’ I reply, and he lets out a gentle laugh. ‘Hi. How… how are you?’ he asks. ‘Um, I’m okay. I’m getting there. The girls have been distracting me, and we’ve been doing a whole lot of impulse buying, but I’ll be okay again,’ I say, and he nods, clearly wanting to say something else but hesitating.
‘Say it, Jimin. Say what you wanna say,’ I say, and he nods, visibly working himself up to it. ‘Where… where do we stand, y/n?’ he asks, and I let out a gentle laugh. ‘I… I don’t know, Jimin. I need some time, okay? You know I can’t forgive you for this, not yet anyway, not for a long time. I know what I did was wrong too, but you crossed the line completely, and that’s not something I’m ready to move past. Just… give me some time, and then I’ll reach out to you. If I haven’t contacted you before tour starts again, contact one of the girls. I just need time,’ I say, and he nods.
‘Take however long you want, y/n. All the time you need,’ he says earnestly, his eyes big with hope, and I nod. ‘See you, Jimin. And… take care of yourself,’ I say, beginning to walk away from him. ‘You too, y/n,’ he says after me, ‘see you.’
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part forty-six - reunion 
IMPORTANT NOTE: if y’all wanna be on the taglist for my new youtuber!JK and influencer!reader social media au, comment below please !!
a/n: sorry I disappeared 👉🏽👈🏽🥺 lmk what you think of this part and hmu if you wanna be on the taglist x
silverlightqueen masterlist
taglist💕: @khaoticamour @rjsmochii @minniestudies @oodlespadoodle @shay-the-turtle @yasbts705 @goldenchemistry @arvbellas @anothershorthuman @golden-pixie-dust-200 @onlinewhale @maknaeroni @sweetchocolategoblin @conslack @missbowkimjinju @pocketfullofsuga @booklover240 @dimple-jungkook @squishyshit @sakurauchiha2018 @keylowmonie @untainted-memories @babybluebisexual @dearbangtan07 @joyful-jimin @glossdust @mayumioutloud @needyvmin @the-real96 @brinnalaine @lovebuginlove @smolchild95
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Dosage of HGH and Peptides
Some info for your reference:
IGF-1 lr3
Dosage: daily dose ranges from 20mcg to 150mcg a day Effects: reducing body fat (abdominal area) and muscle building combine with other products To reduce fat: combine with HGH Fragment 176, CJC-1295 DAC Cycle for muscle building: combine with GHRP2, GHRP6, CJC-1295 DAC, MGF
BPC 157
A typical dosage of BPC 157 is 10 mcg per KG of body weight, but the actual dosage will depend on injury type and severity.
The dosage depends on the purpose and severity of the injury/damage you are treating. People generally use between 4 to 8 mg of TB500 per week during the initial (loading) period of 4 to 6 weeks. Afterward, some opt to maintain the effects with a low 2 to 6 mg dose once every 2 weeks. The effects of TB-500 wear off within 2 - 3 weeks of injection.
HGH is measured in IU (International Units) and mg (milligrams).1 mg equals approximately 3 IU while 1 IU equals approximately 0.33 mg. Dosage:
People generally use 2 IU per day for anti-aging purposes, take 4 to 6 IU for bodybuilding, weight loss, and fitness while taking 8 to 16 IU for a short duration to treat severe burns or recover after injuries. Doses below 3IU per day usually bring no side effects while people can notice the improvement of their skin, better sleep, more energy, eating junk food without gaining weight, etc.
PEG-MGF Dosage 1: 200mcg (10 IU) of PEG-MGF split bilaterally between muscles just trained i.e. 100mcg left side, 100mcg right side PEG-MGF Dosage 2: 200mcg (10 IU) of PEG-MGF is to be injected into abdominal fat
CJC 1295 without DAC
Dose per injection: 100mcg Injections per vial: 20 x 100mcg dosages Amount to Inject: If you have used 1ml of water for mixing then a 100mcg dosage = 0.05ml (or 5 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 2ml of water for mixing then 100mcg = 0.10ml (or 10 units) and if you have used 3ml of water for mixing, then 100mcg = 0.15ml (or 15 units). Injection Frequency: 100mcg injected 1-3 times per day, preferably together with a GHRP Peptide at 100-200mcg.
CJC 1295 with DAC
600mcg taken once per week, at any time of day.
Dosing will ordinarily be at least twice per day and preferably 3x/day for best effect, taken at least 30-60 minutes before a meal and at a time of non-elevated blood sugar (in other words, after blood sugar has had time to fall since the most recent meal.) The amount taken generally will be from 50-300 mcg at a time. When using a GHRH along with GHRP-6, dosing should be reduced to 50-100 mcg at a time.
For an increase in GH levels, higher doses within the suggested range definitely increase the effect. With regard to healing benefit, for example for tendonitis, the low end of the range is often entirely sufficient, and the noticeably greater effect is not necessarily seen with increased dose.
A starting dosage is typically 20 i.u. per kilogram body weight, 3 times/week. After two to four weeks, a maintenance dose of 20 i.u. /kg BW can be taken once a week.
All peptides need to be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water or sodium chloride specifically used for injections. In order to use Melanotan II effectively, you need to understand your skin type. To keep things simple, we can go ahead and break skin types into three categories.
Skin Type 1: Very fair skin, never tans. Dosages: 50-60mgs or 5-6vials. Skin Type 2: Fair skin, burns but sometimes tans. Dosages: 30-40mgs or 3-4 vials. Skin Type 3: Medium skin, sometimes burns and always tans. Dosages: 20mgs or 2 vials. Beyond that, if your pigmentation is already naturally olive or darker, you will need to use less
Melanotan II for your tanning needs. The tan results coupled with exposure to sunlight and UV rays should last a user all summer or through a season.
Daily Dosages vary depending on your needs: For Erectile Dysfunction (ED): average dose is around 0.025 mgs/kg (1kg = 2.2 lbs) For Tanning (skin pigmentation): average dose is 0.025-0.030 mgs/kg (1kg = 2.2 lbs) Taking too much M2 can make you somewhat yellowish, so you need to start slowly with lower doses and move your way
Normally, GHRP-2 will be used 2-3 times a day at around 100mcg-300mcg per injection. For example, I recommend taking it before breakfast and before bed for maximum benefits.
HGH Fragment 176-191 How much Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191 should be used? In most studies, favorable results have been shown with dosages between 400-600mcg or 4-6mcg/kg split into multiple dosages per day.
How long should Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191 be used? In most studies, no adverse side effects were reported with continuous use per the dosage limits in the above answer.
What is a typical protocol for Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191?
Studies have suggested the following:
A typical beginner protocol would be: 200mcg before breakfast 200mcg 30 minutes prior to training Approximately 5-7 days a week – subcutaneous injections
A typical intermediate protocol would be: 250mcg before breakfast 250mcg 30 minutes prior to training Approximately 5-7 days a week – subcutaneous injections
A typical advance protocol would be: 200mcg before breakfast 200mcg before lunch 200mcg 30 minutes prior to training 7 days a week – subcutaneous injections
When dosing multiple times a day at least 3 hours should separate the administrations.
What are some of the possible side effects with Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191?
Reported side effects have included: hypersomnia (excessive sleeping), insomnia, burning feeling at injection spot (last 10-15 minutes). All side effects went away after 2-3 days of discontinuing use.
Should food be consumed before or after the injection of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191?
Studies have shown that the administration should ideally be done on either an empty stomach or with only protein in the stomach. Fats and carbohydrates blunt growth hormone release. After administering the peptides wait at least 30 minutes to eat. At that point, the growth hormone pulse has reached its peak and you can eat what you want.
HCG Usual Adult Dose for Ovulation Induction Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG): 5000 to 10,000 units IM once 1 day following the last dose of menotropins
Recombinant Chorionic Gonadotropin (r-HCG): 250 mcg subcutaneously once 1 day following the last dose of the follicle-stimulating agent
Comments: -Some experts recommended HCG doses of 10,000 units. -Patients should be appropriately pretreated with human menotropins. -r-HCG should not be given until adequate follicular development is indicated with serum estradiol and vaginal ultrasonography; treatment should be withheld in patients with the excessive ovarian response (e.g., significant ovarian enlargement, excessive estradiol production).
-Induction of ovulation (OI) and pregnancy in the anovulatory, infertile woman in whom the cause of anovulation is secondary and not due to primary ovarian failure
-Induction of final follicular maturation and early luteinization in infertile women who have undergone pituitary desensitization and who have been appropriately pretreated with follicle-stimulating hormones as part of an assisted reproductive technology (ART) program (e.g., in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer)
Usual Adult Dose for Hypogonadism - Male HCG: 500 to 1000 units IM 3 times a week for 3 weeks, then 500 to 1000 units IM 2 times a week for 3 weeks OR 4000 units IM 3 times a week for 6 to 9 months, then 2000 units IM 3 times a week for 3 months
Uses: -Selected cases of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in males -Hypogonadism secondary to a pituitary deficient in males
Usual Pediatric Dose for Prepubertal Cryptorchidism HCG: 4 years and older: 4000 units IM 3 times a week for 3 weeks OR 5000 units IM every other day for 4 injections OR 500 to 1000 units IM for 15 injections over a period of 6 weeks OR 500 units IM 3 times a week for 4 to 6 weeks; if unsuccessful, patients should be given an additional series using 1000 units starting 1 month later.
Comments: -Treatment is believed to induce a temporary testicular descent response in patients who would have testicular descent during puberty but may produce a permanent response in some patients. -Treatment usually occurs between 4 and 9 years of age.
Hexarelin Typically, a dosage of around 200mg each day works best for therapeutic benefits but can be as much as 400mg each day. Data shows that there are no added benefits of using more than 200mg a day.
Ipamorelin For ranges of dosing, use 200-300mcg 2-3 times per day. If you want, you can combine it with other growth hormone-releasing hormones for a greater synergistic effect. 8-12 weeks of dosing is suitable, and it can be used indefinitely.
Sermorelin A dosage of 0.2 - 0.3 mcg once daily at bedtime by subcutaneous injection is recommended. It is also recommended that subcutaneous injection sites be periodically rotated.
Usual adult dose Induction of ovulation Intramuscular, 75 Units of FSH and 75 Units of LH activity once a day for usually seven or more days, followed by 5000 to 10,000 Units of chorionic gonadotropin one day after the last dose of menotropins. If necessary, the dose of menotropins may be increased by 75 to 150 Units FSH and 75 to 150 Units LH every four or five days. Up to 450 Units, FSH, and 450 Units LH a day may be required.
Assisted reproductive technologies Intramuscular, 150 Units of FSH and 150 Units of LH activity once a day for usually seven or more days, followed by 5000 to 10,000 Units of chorionic gonadotropin one day after the last dose of menotropins. If necessary, the dose of menotropins may be increased by 75 to 150 Units FSH and 75 to 150 Units LH every four or five days.
Note: The dosage regimen may vary according to physician preference or patient response. If the ovaries are abnormally enlarged or the serum estradiol concentration is excessively elevated on the last day of menotropins therapy, human chorionic gonadotropin should not be given for that cycle.
Male infertility (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) Intramuscular, 75 Units of FSH and 75 Units of LH activity three times a week (plus chorionic gonadotropin 2000 Units twice a week) for at least four months following pretreatment with chorionic gonadotropin (5000 Units three times a week for up to four to six months) {10}. If an increase in spermatogenesis has not occurred after four months, the dose may be increased to 150 Units FSH and 150 Units LH three times a week (with no change in dose of chorionic gonadotropin).
MGF A typical protocol would be: 100-300mcg of MGF divided into 1-2 bilateral administrations into 2-5 different areas of the muscles approximately 5-7 days a week – intramuscular injections.
Example, if you want to administer 200mcg of MGF into the chest and biceps muscles 2 times a day and 3 different areas of the muscle then you would need to divide the dose as follows:
200mcg / 2 times per day = 100mcg per administration 100mcg per administration / 4 muscles (2 chest and 2 bicep muscles) = 25mcg per muscle 25mcg per muscle / 3 different locations on each muscle = 8.3mcg per injection
Theoretically, the more locations used to administer the MGF into the muscle the more places for muscle growth.
Studies have also suggested the following: The administration should not be given within 2 hours after training in order not to reduce natural IGF-1 production.
The administration should not be given within 2 hours before sleeping in order not to reduce natural growth hormone production.
After administering, adequate-protein needs to be ingested for MGF to be effective in building new muscle.
How to reconstitute MGF? MGF is typically manufactured in 2mg amounts and is reconstituted with sterile water. – If 2ml (2 full – 1 ml U-100 insulin syringe) of sterile water is added to the vial then each unit of the syringe will equal 10mcg. – If the syringe is filled up to 10 units (up to the number 10 on the syringe) it will equal 100mcg of MGF.
How long should MGF be used? In most studies on MGF, no adverse side effects were reported with use for 4-8 weeks (per the dosage limits in the above answer) followed by 4 weeks of non-use.
Selank Selank products are normally available as a 0.15% spray, with 75 μg of Selank per spray. The recommended dosage is 2 or 3 sprays per dose with 3 doses per day (a max total of 675 μg per day) [R].
For an adult weighing 67.5 kg (about 149 lbs.), this translates to about 0.01 mg Selank/kg body weight. Rat studies normally used 0.3 mg Selank/kg body weight.
Gonadorelin Adults: 100 mcg dose, subcutaneously, or intravenously. In females for whom the phase of the menstrual cycle can be established, the test should be performed in the early follicular phase (Days 1-7).
Epitalon Epithalon dosage and course (cycle) duration
The dosage depends on the purpose and severity of the damage which is treated. Epitalon can be used orally (less effective and large dose) or injected intramuscularly or under the skin (more effective at much smaller dose).
1. Oral Epithalon use (least effective): duration: between 10 - 20 days dosage: between 400 - 600 mg of Epithalon per day daily frequency:200 mg per serving, between 2 - 3 servings per day (depending on the dosage)
2. Epithalon as nasal spray or drops (medium effectiveness): duration: between 10 - 20 days dosage: between 15 - 30 mg of Epithalon per day daily frequency: total daily dosage split into 3 servings throughout the day
3. Injectable Epithalon use (most effective): duration: 10 - 20 days dosage: between 5 - 10 mg per day (20 mg intravenous for terminal patients) frequency of injection:1 injection per day for low dose, 2 injections for higher dose (divided between morning and late afternoon injection)
Each 10 - 20 days course of Epithalamin is followed by 4-6 months pause before repeating the course again. Epitalon treatment can be repeated indefinitely.
Semax Because Semax is so potent, only small doses are needed to achieve the desired results. In most cases, 0.5-1.0 milligrams per day are all the average users will need. In most cases, this is equivalent to one or two sprays from the nasal applicator. Semax does not need to be taken with food, nor do you need to adjust the dosage to account for sex or size differences. What one will have to make note of, however, are the different variants of Semax concentration. The 0.1% concentrations are less powerful than the 1% solutions (which are normally reserved for stroke victims or individuals with serious medical conditions). For cognitive enhancement, the lowered concentrations should work adequately.
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irreplaceable-spark · 4 years
Missives of Appalling Idiocy and Envy Embarrassing to Behold
So many messages of the type alluded to by the title of this article crossed my desk in the last fortnight that I found myself in the rare position of having too much content to easily record and communicate with pen and paper—a writer’s dream, if that content did not also simultaneously indicate both the tolling of the proverbial bell, and the fact that I am one of those for whom the death knell sounds.
I have observed the colleges and universities of the Western world devour themselves in a myriad of fatal errors over the last two decades, and take little pleasure in seeing what I knew was inevitably coming manifest itself in an increasingly comprehensive manner. It is of course a self-destructive and unfortunate tendency of human reason, with all its limitations—as well as ego, with all its pretensions—to wish or otherwise agree to serve as Cassandra, and to derive a certain satisfaction in watching the ship whose demise was foretold breach its hull on rocks hidden from all other observers. The self-righteous pleasure of “I told you so,” is, however, of little comfort when the icy water wends its way around ankle, knee and thigh, threatening to swamp everything still retaining its incalculable and unlikely value, even if it simultaneously makes short shrift of the ignorance and willful blindness that is frequently part and parcel of the death of something once great.
It is also necessary to note that the catastrophic failures of process and aim which I am about to relate were by no means hidden from the public view by the persons and institutions in question. They were instead positively trumpeted to all by multiple attempts to harness the powers of social media and announced, more traditionally, in press releases designed to indicate the success of some great and laudable moral striving. It is nothing less than a dire day when the proud revelation of vices of deadly and multifarious seriousness serve to substitute for announcements of genuine and valuable achievement, but that is where we are at—make no mistake about it.
The first story emerges at Brock University, in combination with the scientific journal Angewandte Chemie—the former an educational institution of moderate reputability; the latter a prestigious place of scientific publication among chemists. It is no easy matter to find a permanent tenured faculty position at such a university, or to publish research findings or literature reviews/summaries in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The process generally requires several years and multiple resubmissions and rounds of editing by a minimum of three colleagues per submission with expertise in the field as well as approval by the editor. Angewandte has a rejection rate of 80%—and it should be noted that that rejection rate only takes into account papers that the submitting researcher felt were of sufficient quality to be considered by a journal of high standards. Dr. Tomas Hudlicky of Brock submitted an essay memorializing and updating a piece written thirty years ago, which has been widely recognized as powerfully influencing the direction of the chemistry subfield in question (organic synthesis).
Now, the first thing that must be understood about Dr. Hudlicky is that he holds a prestigious Canada Research Chair, a position funded by part of a large federal initiative devoting approximately 300 million dollars per year in the attempt to attract to Canada (or to encourage to stay in Canada) researchers who are of particular promise, as evidenced most fundamentally by their research productivity. That promise or productivity, in turn, can be measured with reasonable accuracy with metrics such as number of peer-reviewed articles in relevant scientific journals (more than 400 in Hudlicky’s case), by noting how many times such articles are cited by other authors over the years subsequent to publication (Hudlicky: 13300) and, finally, by a metric known as the h-index, which provides a measure of how many publications have received a variable minimum number of citations (and which therefore combines in a single number some information about publications per se and some about citations). A researcher with an h-index of 10 has published 10 papers with 10 or more citations; a researcher with an h-index of 57 (Hudlicky’s score) has published 57 papers with 57 or more citations. Hudlicky’s research productivity is admirable and rare. The mere fact that he was hired as a Canada Research Chair meant that his department, as well as the federal governmental agency tasked with funding the attraction or retention of extreme talent, both determined in the relatively recent past that he was a fish well worth landing. Something about this needs to be clarified: the universities that hire those researchers competent enough to be competitive in a Canada Research Chair competition are not doing them a favor by offering them a position; rather, it is an honor for the university (and the students, both undergraduate and graduate, that attend the institution) to be chosen by the researcher in question. No serious academic disputes this, although some may quibble about the precise metrics used for identification of the serious talent. This is particularly true of an institution such as Brock, which is an university of reasonable but not exceptional quality, and which genuinely needs highly productive faculty members to help it ratchet itself up the very competitive academic ladder.
Hudlicky’s paper in Angewandte Chemie was peer-reviewed positively, judged as desirable by the relevant editorial staff, and published. This meant that it managed the difficult job of passing through the eye of a needle, and entering the kingdom of heaven, at least as far as research chemists might be concerned. But some of Dr. Hudlicky’s surmises with regard to the discipline of organic synthesis raised the ire of a Twitter mob (https://twitter.com/fxcoudert/status/1268920299833233416?s=20). This is not a difficult feat, in my opinion, as Twitter seems to exist primarily for the purpose of generating mobs—composed primarily of individuals who are hungry for the opportunity to taste blood and bask in the joys of reasonably risk-free reputation destruction, revenge and self-righteousness. Furthermore, as far as Twitter mobs go, those who complained about the Angewandte Chemie publication were not particularly numerous. No matter: once the complaints emerged, the editor of the journal in charge of Dr. Hudlicky’s work—one Dr. Neville Compton—removed the paper from the journal’s website, and offered an abject apology for daring to have published it in the first place. Furthermore, he reported the “suspension” of two of the journal’s editors (indicating precisely how much trust those individuals should have placed initially in his judgement) and cast aspersions on Hudlicky’s ethics, stating that his essay did not properly reflect fairness, trustworthiness and social awareness, while implying that the now-pilloried author and his peer reviewers and editors were discriminatory, unjust and inequitable in practice. It should be noted, by the way, that the position of editor for a scientific journal is general one filled by volunteers, who donate their time for the greater good of the scientific enterprise, rather than for any monetary gain. So Compton fired generous volunteers to ensure that his good name would not be irredeemably sullied by any association with the now-demonized professor Hudlicky and his ne’er-do-well compatriots (none of whom likely knew each other except in passing).
What was Hudlicky’s sin? His 12-page document (approximating 4000 words) dealt with issues he believed were affecting organic synthesis research and communication, and covered topics such as the range of research options available, integrity and trustworthiness of the relevant literature, transference of skills from mentor to trainee, impact of information technology, the corporatization of the university environment, the effect of new technology, the diversity of the available work force, and the competition for resources among researchers—all topics that people of putative good will and competence (such as the author and his reviewers and editors) could agree had a demonstrable effect on the quality of research currently conducted. However, Hudlicky voiced a smattering of opinions that were deemed unacceptable by a small number of people who both read his submission and were somewhat active on Twitter. Here are the sentences constituting his sins, which fall into two of the categories Hudlicky identified as relevant for analysis of research productivity. I have paraphrased them very slightly for length:
Under Diversity of Workforce: “In the last two decades many groups have been designated with “preferential status” (despite substantive increases in the recruitment of women and minorities). Preferential treatment of one group leads inexorably to disadvantages for another. Each candidate should have an equal opportunity to secure a position, regardless of personal identification/ categorization. Hiring practices that aim at equality of outcome is counter-productive if it results in discrimination against the most meritorious candidates. Such practice has also led to the emergence of mandatory “training workshops” on gender equity, inclusion, diversity, and discrimination.”
So those apparently objectional words constitute 90 of 4000—a small proportion of the total content of the essay, and the proffering of an opinion that insists “if”: not that diversity, inclusivity and equality provisions necessarily produce prejudicial hiring practices (although the research evidence suggests that they clearly do [1])) then they may have a detrimental effect on research productivity. It is also important to note that these opinions paraphrase very closely a decision reached and publicized by a German court in 2007, at least according to a supporter of Hudlicky who dared express an opinion supporting his colleague.
The Twitter mob trolls who objected to this opinion reacted as if what Dr. Hudlicky said was that efforts to “diversify” hiring and student selection were definitively harmful, while what he truly did was only raise the possibilities that such actions could become counterproductive if they resulted in the exclusion of qualified candidates. No one can object to this opinion, reasonably—unless they assume, as did Hudlicky’s critics, that all claims to objectivity in hiring and selection are inextricably bound up with the systemic prejudice hypothetically characterizing all hierarchies of specialization.
Under Transference of Skills: “The training and mentoring of new generations of professionals must be attended to by proper relationships of “masters and apprentices” without dilution of standards. Hudlicky described two conditions under which the successful transfer of skills can occur: first, if the skill is not transferred within three generations, it is lost forever, and second, there must be “an unconditional submission of the apprentice to his/her master.” This applies not only in the sciences but also in art, music, and martial arts…. Submission to one’s mentor is rarely attainable today. Many students are unwilling to submit to any level of hard work demanded by professors. The university does not support professors in this endeavor as it views students as financial assets and hence protects them from any undue hardships that may be demanded by the “masters.” This situation, coupled with the fact that professors have less and less time to mentor students in the laboratory, cannot provide for a productive transfer of skills, especially the maintenance of standards and integrity of research.”
This is an additional 170 words/4000, and paraphrases an opinion most famously put forward by Michael Polanyi, a Hungarian-English polymath of genius level, who made contributions to chemistry, philosophy and economics, and who delineated the importance of “tacit knowledge” (that is, knowledge that was acted out but not necessarily articulated) in the transmission of specialized technical ability across the generations. Hudlicky was therefore criticized and pilloried by individuals on Twitter who appeared to know nothing of M. Polanyi’s work on tacit knowledge (for whom such ignorance was perhaps justifiable) but also by the editor of Angewandte, for whom such ignorance (voluntary or otherwise) was most certainly not. Acquisition of this knowledge required precisely the unfreedom recommended by Hudlicky—followed, of course (with the acquisition of the aptly named Master’s degree) by autonomy in thought and action that was increased beyond what it would have been capable of achieving without the devoted apprenticeship in question. Such a process can only be undertaken by a pupil capable of regarding his or her teacher as a true mentor, and by a mentor bent on producing a pupil more capable than him or herself, after an intensive period of training. None of that, according to Hudlicky (and this is not obviously an unreasonable hypothesis in this day of age) is possible in the university as it is currently constituted, even in the departments that still teach hard sciences. Not only is it not possible, he implies, but it is no longer posited even as an acceptable possibility. In a properly functioning institute of training, however, it might be argued that disciplined and contractually-mediated temporary subjugation to higher authority is eminently desirable, despite the limited sacrifice of casual autonomy that might require, if the person or persons to whom the subjugation is made are true experts. It is the willingness to undertake this apprenticeship, as well as the capability of superseding it, that makes up the master in “Master’s degree”—a designation that I notice Brock still grants, despite potentially colonial overtones at least as damning as those that characterized Hudlicky’s writing (if we are going to go down that absurd route).
That is the sum total of Hudlicky’s academic crimes. He has faced severe retaliation on no less than seven separate fronts for his hypothetically unforgivable thoughts—the two we have already discussed, and five more, including, third, the cancelation of an entire issue of the journal Synthesis (published by Thieme), which was to be dedicated to his 70th birthday and for which invitations had already been sent to more than forty prominent scientists; fourth, the elimination of any mention of his work in yet another journal, Highlights in Chemistry; fifth, a statement by the Norwegian Chemical Society (not as of yet made public) hypothetically critiquing his ongoing collaborations with three Norwegian researchers; and sixth, his transformation into whipping boy by his own faithless professional colleagues at the administrative level at Brock University. Dr. Greg Finn, Provost and VP Academic at that institution, saw nothing wrong with stabbing one of his university’s most esteemed scientists in the back at the first sign of trouble. The provost wrote a painfully cringing apologetic “open letter to the public,” claiming, of course, that Hudlicky’s opinions, if in the least controversial, were in no possible manner representative of Brock University as a whole, and essentially hanging that institution’s hypothetically valued top chemist out to dry. Finn states that Hudlicky’s article “…contains descriptions of the graduate supervisor-graduate student relationship that connote disrespect and subservience. These statements could be alarming to students and others who have the reasonable expectation of respectful and supportive mentorship…. [The statements in this paper] do not reflect the principles of inclusivity, diversity and equity included in the University’s mission, vision and values as approved by our Senate and Board of Trustees.” Only an individual accustomed to dining on very thin gruel or simply spoiled meat would find any nourishment in statements with such content and of that quality.
An admirable university, secure in its worth, would have determined very quickly that one Dr. Hudlicky was, conservatively, worth a hundred Dr. Finn’s, and acted accordingly. But research prowess is no longer as important as willingness to mouth the appalling commonplaces of political correctness in the hallowed corridors of academe. And what that essentially means is that resentful and underqualified pretenders to the role of useful intellectual can now exercise the upper hand in apparent scientific worthiness, so far as it has been reduced to a simple political power game. And the list of consequences for Dr. Hudlicky I have outlined so far does not by any means exhaust the description of his punishment. He is (was (?)) apparently a scientist of sufficient merit, as his Canada Research Chair should have clearly and decisively indicated, to have had an entire upcoming issue of another journal, Synthesis, devoted to a retrospective of his work, complete with invited commentary—and now the existence of that tribute has become highly doubtful.
Three other events worth of note that came to my attention over the last two weeks, when I have been communicating with academics concerned with this sequence of happenings, drive these points home. A highly cited professor of physics, who I cannot name, at a university I cannot name either (suffice it to say that the former has garnered 100+ publications and 7000+ citations in a highly technical field) had his standard Canadian Federal grant application rejected because (or so the reviewers claimed) he had not sufficiently detailed his plans to ensure diversity, inclusivity and equity (DIE) practices while conducting his scientific inquiry. It is now standard practice for university hiring boards to insist that their faculty job applicants submit a DIE plan with their curriculum vitae—a terribly dangerous occurrence of its own. I believe that the fundamental reason such plans are required, particularly of those who practice in the so-called “hard” STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) is so that those who could not hope to assess the quality of research endeavours in those specialties as a consequence of their own ability or prowess, can be made into judges by enforcing the adoption of standards of attitude and behavior that have nothing to do with the fields in question. I am no arithmetical genius, for example, myself. It is almost certain that a Master’s degree, to say nothing of a Ph.D. or professorship in mathematics, would have been beyond me, even in my younger years, when such talent is most likely to manifest itself. I would never dream of attempting to review a grant application in a specialized subfield of chemistry, engineering or physics—even of biology, which is nearer my bailiwick. But if it became possible to adopt the position of judge because of my colleagues’ attitude toward student selection and staffing, then—presto! Those who are applying for such funding are no longer painfully more intelligent than me. They are merely and reprehensibly in error in their basic political opinions. There is nothing but victory in that for me, in precise proportion to my degree of resentment for my unfortunate and rather incurable stupidity.
Consider, in addition, the current landing page for the Department of Physics at McGill University. It is difficult to provide a purely objective analysis of the significance of the different elements of this page, at least concerning their relative size or prominence (and, therefore, their implicit importance), because there is wide variation in resolution of the various screens that users may employ to access it. Suffice it to say, however, that at a resolution of 2048 by 1536, which is higher than average (and therefore allows more of the available visual content to be presented to the viewer simultaneously) the second-most visually evident active link is the “McGill Physics Community Statement Against Racism”—and, if this is not sufficient proof of the upstanding moral quality of that “community” there is also an active link to an “Equity Diversity and Inclusion” page in the center of the main menu bar of the page.
It does not seem merely picayune to note (1) that the proper role of such a page is to convey information pertaining to physics to those who might be applying to that department at McGill and not about the political or sociological attitudes of its faculty, administrators and students. It is also perhaps not out of place (2) to voice a certain skepticism with regard to the timing of this oh-so-very-properly-moral statement and note that if it required the unfortunate death of one George Floyd to motivate its appearance it is either inexcusably opportunistic or a classic case of closing the barn door once the cattle had already made their disappearance. To make it even clearer, if that is necessary: if the McGill physics community is so unrepentantly racist that it required someone’s death to draw its existence to the surface, a mere banner statement is by no means sufficient atonement. If it is not racist to that notable extreme, then mere humility might have led to the conclusion that now was not the appropriate time to trumpet the assumption of moral superiority necessary to formulate the anti-racist and pro-diversity claims that are being made, front and center, regardless of the fact that this page exists to provide information about physics and not sociology at the august institution of McGill University.
I would also like to point out, just for the sake of completeness, that the two rather egregious moral errors in page construction do not constitute the entire universe of deception characterizing the page. It is apparent that the McGill Physics Department has decided that live classes of the classic sort are unlikely to take place in the fall of 2020 and is now offering its students (who are certainly being regarded as far stupider than most of the physics majors I have met) the opportunity to “implement modern, evidence-based teaching techniques & technologies” and the “unprecedented chance for students to shape their own education, and how science is taught at McGill.” Clearly, what might appear to the uneducated observer as somewhat of a catastrophe for new undergraduate attendees at McGill (that is, the impossibility of attending live university classes) is actually—as those in the know clearly realize—a new and special opportunity for them to be educated in an even finer manner than those who were unfortunate enough to embark upon their education before the blessing of the COVID-19 virus. I mention this only to point out that virtually nothing presented as content on this departmental page, political or not, has escaped the spirit of deception that is arguably its central and most appalling feature, whether it is political (as in the case of objection 1 and 2) and designed to signal a particular brand of ideological morality, or a consequence of third-rate marketing tactics (objection 3), which are more simply characterized as lies.
And, in case you are not convinced by the stories I just told, which do lack somewhat for detail, because of the current necessity for confidentiality, consider this: a group of three professors at Concordia were awarded a New Frontiers in Research Grant (announced in late 2019) aimed at  “engaging Indigenous understanding and involving Indigenous communities in the co-creation of knowledge, the project aims to decolonize contemporary physics research and attract Indigenous students.” The head researcher, one Dr. Tanja Tajmel, “questioned the colonial assumptions made in the way Western science evaluates light and what it considers knowledge.” Dr. Louellyn White, associate professor in First Peoples Studies, added that “Indigenous ways of knowing have been suppressed and marginalized throughout academic history and we are finally gaining momentum in elevating Indigenous knowledges as equally valid to Western science… If we, as an institution, do not embody the Territorial Acknowledgement by recognizing and affirming the expertise of our Elders as Knowledge Keepers, the acknowledgement becomes nothing but empty platitudes.” Dr. Ingo Salzmann, the last of the three principal investigators to whom the funds were awarded, says, ““The culture of physics certainly changes with diverse people involved,” he argues. “Therefore, decolonizing science involves challenging the underlying hierarchies.”
The refusal of the research grant application specifically requesting funding for what must now apparently be regarded as “colonialized (or colonized (?) physics” and the success of the application that had the magical mention of “indigenous knowledge” should alert those who know of both and who are attending to the increasing politicization of the university that the STEM fields comprise the next frontier for the politically correct. Qualified and expert researchers in such fields are already in great danger of being pushed aside by politically correct activists who will happily and self-righteously displace them by merely refusing to admit to the existence of anything approximating an objective truth against which claims to competence might be assessed. The rest of us will pay in the longer run, when we no longer have the will or the capacity to make use of the rare talents that make people highly competent and productive as scientists, technological innovators, engineers or mathematicians.
We might also note that the politically-correct micro-tyrants beating the drum for diversity, inclusivity and equity are pursuing two goals which exist in logical contradiction to one another. Those who occupy a field like physics can only be racists if the fundamental claims to transcendental or ontological truth of that discipline are accepted: if physics describes the world, in a manner that is objectively true, then it is possible for whatever group that currently holds positions of power in that discipline to be prejudiced, perhaps by sex or race, and exclude qualified individuals who differ unacceptably along those dimensions to suffer unfair exclusion. But to make this case requires acceptance of the idea of the universality of the truth being pursued. Alternatively, there are multiple valuable forms of physics, shall we say, indicating that multicultural approaches are required—but the absence of those multiple forms are not so much racist as opportunistic or even merely isolated from the larger world (as each individual group can only be expected to pursue its values in an environment where there is no objective truth, but only group values). Which is it? The answer is quite simple: either, or both—depending on where the largest degree of guilt can be attributed. Convenient as this might be, it is not a good long-term solution to the problem: the internal contradictions inherent in such claims will results in within-group deterioration of solidarity in very short order. If classic physics is nothing but Eurocentric power-maneuvering, who cares if non-Caucasians are excluded? They are perfectly free to pursue their own power-centered physics. If there is an objective reality to that physics, then it is possible, at least in principle, to use objective tests of competence to rank-order candidates, and the problem of potential discrimination vanishes, at least to the degree that is possible.
I have suspected for years that the STEM fields posed the most dangerous threat possible to the unopposed dominance of politically correct sociological idiocy over the entirety of the university environment, basing their claim to validity on recognition of something approximating a universally accessible objective reality. That claim is too powerful to go unchallenged in today’s climate of moral self-flagellating among those, particularly common in the ranks of university administrators, who want all the advantages of the power high-ranking hierarchical positions provide, but none of the hypothetical moral baggage that are part and parcel of the prejudicial and patriarchal structure that gave rise to those positions. The proper solution? Continual apology for the sins of others who occupy equivalent or superior positions, conjoined with a willingness to damage the reputation of those miscreants, and to force them into an apologetic stance—or even to apologize for their own unearned privilege, as long as that does not result in any true sacrifice of power, income or authority. This is particular evident, in the stories I have related, in the case of the Brock University Provost.
The George Floyd incident has emboldened those who are shamelessly using crooked faux-moral means to stake a moral claim in the so-called patriarchal structure that makes up the academic world. They are certainly able and willing to use the unfortunate death of an individual who had enough of the attributes of a systemically oppressed person to serve as poster boy for the self-serving political claims that are now being made on his behalf. This tendency, unchecked, poses a direct danger to the integrity of precisely those STEM fields that have so far remained essentially immune to the embarrassments and blandishments of the politically correct movement. But, make no mistake about it, scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians: your famous immunity to political concerns will not protect you against what is coming fast over the next five or so years: wake up, pay attention, or perish, along with your legacy. Whatever you might offer the broader culture in terms of general value will be swept aside with little caution by those who regard the very axioms of your field as intolerable truly because of the difficulty in comprehending them and considered publicly as unacceptably exclusionary, unitary and unconcerned with sociological “realities.”
Jordan Peterson, June 16, 2020, https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/political-correctness/the-missive/
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How to Improve GRE Verbal Score
The new GRE Verbal is an examination of, initially, your vocabulary, second your ability to complete a sentence and comprehend, and lastly your ability to evaluate the paragraphs as well as sentences provided. Your prep work needs to start a few months in advancement if you desire to score high in this section. The GRE Verbal includes 3 separate locations of testing:
Text Completion Sentence Equivalence & Reading Comprehension
While examination methods for each and every one of the 3 sections will certainly be discussed carefully, just by boosting your vocabulary, you will substantially enhance your opportunity of racking up high up on all of the sections.
How to Ace the GRE Verbal – Vocabulary                                                  
A high vocabulary directly correlates to a greater understanding of the English language. Additionally, a high vocabulary will permit you to express your concepts and also views in an extra cogent and verbalize way. Do the complying with to raise your vocabulary (note that it will certainly take a minimum of two months to do this appropriately):. usa admission
Barron’s Word List: The whole checklist consists of approximately 4000 words, if you want a rating greater than 160, then it will certainly be required to learn the whole list. But considering that the New GRE puts a lower emphasis on Vocabulary, even if you simply finish the high frequency “Ubiquitous 800” word list, you will certainly have the ability to score a 150+.
Use the Words Regularly: Continuous modification is a need if you hope to find out the entire word list, so utilize the words which you listen to on a daily basis when also the chance presents itself. Additionally when a week, revise all words which you found out the previous week.
Use Flash Cards: An easy and also fun method to change on the go, is to make use of flashcards. While you do obtain them prepared-made, if you make your own they will verify to be more reliable, given that you will certainly be creating them down.
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Misconception: China hates Japan
Reality: While he does hold against a grudge against Japan for betraying him in WW2, he’s deeply affected by it.
We all know the scene. Japan stabs China – literally and figuratively – in the back. You’d think this would generate hatred on China’s part…
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…but this couldn’t be anymore true.
China raised Japan. He was there with him through everything. He protected Japan from other nations, like Mongolia, only to receive nothing for it.
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In other words, China’s heart was broken. A telling scene in which this is confirmed is when China drinks away his sorrows and breaks down into tears as he recounts what Japan has become.
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Unfortunately, we are not provided with much insight on how Japan and China fare in modern times, as we don’t get many moments where they exclusively interact with each other.
Misconception: China is weak
Reality: He possesses immense strength, but because of his age he lacks stamina.
Ex: This strip illustrates America’s perception of China’s innate strength and/or capacity for it.
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Despite this, however, because he’s lived for so long, China’s physical body has aged and weakened. This is an exception to the rule of a nation’s political and economic situation affecting their physical strength.
The physiology is more applicable to how they lead their daily lives.
Ex: He’s referred to as a grandpa in modern times, and tires easily.
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Ex: In another modern strip, he’s affected by his population’s growing obesity rate and subsequently gains weight despite his efforts to circumvent this.
This can be taken as another demonstrative impact of his physiology age given that older people also have trouble shedding weight.
It’s still important to note that he’s nonetheless referred to as a powerhouse [for obvious political and economic reasons.]
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Accurate Conception: China is likely an Ancient.
He’s lived for approximately 4000 years. Given that Quintillus, a Roman emperor, was once seen to be holding a baby China, I would say that this pretty much confirms his status as an Ancient.
This is aside from the fact that Quintillus can time travel – the timelines correspond without the need for him to do so. Point is, this is a more concrete example of how old China is.
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Misconception: China’s rude and stand-offish.
While he can be petty and complain like a disgruntled old man in comparison to some of the younger nations, China is probably one of the most wholesome characters in the series.
Ex: He acts as a mentor to Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong. The latter two live with him. 
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Ex: When Hong Kong wants to leave China’s house, China begs for him to stay and promises to stop cleaning Hong Kong’s room so often.
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Bonus Facts:
He doesn’t like to lose.
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He believes in fortune + luck and is able to see ‘monsters.’ Monster culture is just another way of Hima naming a nation’s ability to see magical creatures.
Ex: He compiles an index of monsters. While it does contain regular creatures, it also bears real monsters.
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Not to mention that the other nations expressed fear towards China in “Hetalia of the Dead” as they believe that he’s fully capable of summoning dark spirits.
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Amazing character, right?
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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A Dream, Andrew Bogut, and Bad: Grayson Found frozen & curled in a ball in an abandoned yard, a dear, sweet, gentle hearted boy seeks comfort & safety w/a loving family INTAKE DATE – 1/21/2019 <3 How long must he wait? Grayson went through hell and back, and now he waits, trying not to cry as his favorite volunteer holds him close. GRAYSON – his story is heartbreaking, please read on! Volunteer Evelyne Cumps writes: “Grayson is quite dear to most of us who know him, have walked him and played with him. He was found in an abandoned backyard, frozen and all curled up and brought to the care center. It is not surprising that Grayson suffers from separation anxiety. He is afraid to be left to fend for himself each time his people leave the house...The people who adopted him said that he was not cuddly and loving. Some dogs are all over you from the second they see a caretaker. Some others who went though to much need time to trust, to believe that you are the real thing...That is Grayson. Look at those bad pics I took yesterday. I hugged him very tight not to cry...Are those pictures the ones of a dog who has no feelings?” Evelyne is right, and she has been a long standing and experienced volunteer at the Manhattan Center. A straight shooter, a woman who has seen countless dogs, you can believe every word she says. Please help Grayson. Foster or adopt him now and give him the life he has only dreamed of. You can PM our page for assistance, or email us at [email protected]. A volunteer writes: “I know Grayson has it in him! His life was likely not a bed of roses and already coming to the care center, even in a kennel but warm and fed was a great improvement! The cherry on top are the walks and the one to one with staff and volunteers and lets not forget about the playgroups with his peers! Grayson really likes other dogs! He is an excellent walker, likely house trained, a decent sitter(I might have taught him!) and a foodie for expensive treats! Who would have thought? Its slow, but Grayson gives me signs that he can find love again or for the first time. Valentine's Day is around the corner. May be this is what he is aiming for? He seems surprised at caresses but stays for more and even now, sits on his own by my side. Grayson is looking for an understanding owner who will show him that a giving and loving home is not a dream but a reality! Grayson is waiting for his Valentine at the Manhattan Care Center.” Volunteer Misha Barbour writes: “Let’s get 7 year-old Grayson’s past out of the way. He was found in the Bronx one week ago in an abandoned backyard, curled tight in a ball to keep from freezing. Now for the present. “Did you meet Grayson yet?” “Grayson!!!” “the very best boy,” “he’s such a good guy,” “ugh, I love him.�� Add gentle walker, sweet snack-sharer, easy cuddler, enjoys the company of other pups, might do well in a home with children, appears to be housebroken, and reluctant-yet-gorgeous model. We know the past. All that’s the present. And the future? Well we’ve a feeling that it’s bright. The rest is up to you. Grayson is waiting in adoptions at Manhattan ACC.” MY VIDEO: Grayson and Mocha in playgroup https://youtu.be/lrxW8REy10A GRAYSON, ID# 53134, 7 Yrs. Old, 58.25 lbs, Unaltered Male Manhattan ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Gray Brindle / White I came to the shelter as a Stray, 1/21/2019 (found frozen in a back yard) Shelter Assessment Rating: LEVEL 1 Medical Behavior Rating: SHELTER ASSESSMENT SUMMARIES - Date of assessment: 22-Jan-2019 LEASH WALKING Strength and pulling:None Reactivity to humans: None Reactivity to dogs: None Leash walking comments: None SOCIABILITY Loose in room (15-20 seconds): Moderately social Call over: Approaches readily Sociability comments: HANDLING Soft handling: Accepts contact Exuberant handling: Accepts contact Handling comments: AROUSAL Jog: Distracted, unresponsive Arousal comments: KNOCK: No response Knock Comments: TOY: Sniffs, does not engage Toy comments: PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: 1/22-1/23: When introduced off leash to a female dog, Grayson greets politely and may attempt to mount. 1/25: Grayson greets then attempts to mount female dogs. ENERGY LEVEL: Since Grayson is a stray, we do not know what his energy will be like in a home environment. At the care center, he has shown a medium energy level. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION: Level 1 MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 23-Jan-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: ~7-8yrs based on PE. Microchip noted on Intake? scanned negative. placed by LVT. History : Stray. Subjective / Observed Behavior - BAR, allowed all handling. Tail low; loose body throughout exam. Evidence of Cruelty seen – none. Evidence of Trauma seen – none. Objective: BCS 5/9, EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: dc 3/5; pd 2/5; advanced attrition to multiple teeth, especially canines. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: No murmur ausculted; CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic. ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated. U/G: intact male. testicles smooth and symmetrical. MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, haircoat is dirty, dull. multiple epideramal collarettes throughout the body, especially along the ventrum. approximately 1inch pink, non haired, freely moveable mass along the right lateral shoulder. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: externally normal. Assessment: dermal mass r/o benign vs malignant. dental disease and attrition. pyoderma r/o allergies, parasites Prognosis: good. Plan: cefpodoxime 200mg tablet -- give 1 tablet PO q24h x 10days. Recommend needle biopsy of the mass. SURGERY: Okay for surgery *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** If you would like to adopt a NYC ACC dog, and can get to the Shelter in person to complete the adoption process, you can contact the Shelter directly. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) If you CANNOT get to the Shelter in person and you want to FOSTER OR ADOPT a NYC ACC Dog, you can PRIVATE MESSAGE our Must Love Dogs page for assistance. PLEASE NOTE: You MUST live in NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog. Transport is available if you live within the prescribed range of states. Shelter contact information: Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 *** NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM *** Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in Shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Some dogs with Level 1 determinations may still have potential challenges, but these are challenges that the behavior team believe can be handled by the majority of adopters. The potential challenges could include no young children, prefers to be the only dog, no dog parks, no cats, kennel presence, basic manners, low level fear and mild anxiety. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the Shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Dogs with a Level 2 determination may have multiple potential challenges and these may be presenting at differing levels of intensity, so careful consideration of the behavior notes will be required for counselling. Potential challenges at Level 2 include no young children, single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity, mouthiness, fear with potential for escalation, impulse control/arousal, anxiety and separation anxiety. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment. In many cases, a trainer will be needed to manage and work on the behaviors safely in a home environment. It is likely that every dog with a Level 3 determination will have a behavior modification or training plan available to them from the behavior department that will go home with the adopters and be made available to the New Hope Partners for their fosters and adopters. Some of the challenges seen at Level 3 are also seen at Level 1 and Level 2, but when seen alongside a Level 3 determination can be assumed to be more severe. The potential challenges for Level 3 determinations include adult only home (no children under the age of 13), single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity with potential for redirection, mouthiness with pressure, potential escalation to threatening behavior, impulse control, arousal, anxiety, separation anxiety, bite history (human), bite history (dog) and bite history (other).
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