#anyway. this was my first thought seeing this video title. and i went 'sure i must share immediately'
theminecraftbee · 3 months
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[image ID: iskall's latest hermitcraft episode. the thumbnail shows mumbo and iskall standing in front of the void. there is text between them reading "do you even...", and mumbo has an interrobang above his head. the video is titled "Hermitcraft 10 - Episode 7: I finally asked him" /end ID]
congrats on finally proposing iskall! we're all so proud of you it's been a long time coming,
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supernovafics · 4 months
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"i'll be there for you" universe masterlist
pairing: bestfriend!roommate!steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1.2k words
warnings: explicit language
summary: in which you join steve during his family video shift and help him study for a test
author's note: nothing much to say about this one. short and sweet<33
general note: everything in this universe/series can be read as standalone oneshots but to understand the full “lore” it would prob be best to read the other stuff too<333
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
Winter 1986
“Can I have some help?”
You looked up from your notebook to see a guy standing a few feet in front of you with a small frown on his face. Your head shake in response to his question was immediate. “Oh, no, I don’t work here.”
His frown seemed to only deepen. “But, you’re sitting behind the counter.”
“Yeah, that probably makes things confusing, but I don’t work here,” You responded with a small laugh. You took a brief look at Steve, who was stocking tapes in one of the aisles. “I’m just here to help a friend and make sure he doesn’t fail out of his first ever college classes. Big English test tomorrow. The first one of the semester, actually.”
The guy rolled his eyes at your unnecessarily long explanation and then walked off, and your attention turned back to your notebook and you continued writing notes, or more so rewriting notes, for Steve. 
When he finished stocking shelves, he walked over to you, leaning on the counter and looking down at what you were doing. You ripped out the pages you had been working on for the past hour and slid them over to him. “Okay, I have compiled all of the shit that you’ll need to know for the test tomorrow on these two pages, front and back. Enjoy.” 
Steve gave you a small smile. “You didn’t have to do that.” 
“I know, but it was actually pretty easy since you’re taking the class with the same Professor I had last semester; I mainly just redid the notes that I had for that first test. And it only took me like an hour.”
“Thanks, but shouldn’t you be worrying more about your test tomorrow?”
You shrugged. “I just have to give a presentation on the rise of radio for my communications class, and I’ve been preparing for the last couple days. I’ll be fine.”
Steve nodded at that and started looking at the notes you gave to him. You moved from behind the counter and went over to the comedy section and started to look through the shelves.
“Oh, also, can I get a vest and a nametag? Everyone already thinks I work here, anyway.” 
“No,” Steve responded almost immediately, which made you laugh. After a second, he walked over to you, papers still in hand. “Surprisingly, I actually remember most of this stuff.” 
You smiled at that. “Glad to know you’ve been paying attention in class.” You then showed him the movie you had just pulled off of the shelf. “Thoughts on this for tonight?”
Steve looked at the title for a second before answering. “The person that returned it yesterday said it was shit.”
“Okay, so that’s a no,” You said as you put the tape back in its spot. “Anyway, though, it's good that you remember a lot of stuff already, so when I quiz you on everything later, it’ll be fast.”
He shook his head. “You’re being way too nice to me right now.” 
“You told me that you actually wanted to care about your classes and do well in them, so of course I’m gonna help you do that.” 
You could’ve gone further into that conversation that you two had a few days before the beginning of the semester, but you didn’t feel the need to fully repeat it aloud right then. Steve had talked to you about wanting to figure out his life, finding what he wanted to do long-term that wasn’t Family Video related, and maybe going to school part-time and taking a few classes would help with that. It wasn’t about his parents, it wasn’t really even about you. It was about him and you admired that, and you also wanted to help him figure everything out. Maybe it could help you figure out all of your shit too. 
“Also, if you dropped out after this semester it would actually be devastating to know that our first time ever going to the same school only lasted four and a half months.”
Steve laughed a bit. “I’m not gonna drop out.”
“And I’m completely holding you to that.” 
You went back to searching for a movie for later, and after what felt like forever you settled on something that sounded good enough. 
Things became pretty quiet for the rest of the night, so you were able to quiz Steve on the notes a couple times, and then you focused on the reading you had to do for the Film and TV history class that he suggested you two take together. Your collective eleven o’clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays mainly consisted of you two playing tic-tac-toe with one another in the margins of Steve’s notebook or writing stupid notes back and forth, and still paying some attention to the lectures that were actually pretty interesting. Aside from Steve being in the class, you really enjoyed it for the most part. 
“This article was actually pretty good,” You said. The clock finally hit eleven and Steve went over to the front door to turn the Open sign to Closed. “I think you’ll like it.” 
“What’s it about again?”
“Silent films,” You answered as you started putting all of your stuff in your bag. You then picked up the movie you grabbed earlier and went over to one of the computers, looking up the name of it and changing it from in stock to checked out. “Since I know how to do this, I think I definitely deserve a vest and nametag.” 
“I would say that’s true, but you only do that for yourself, not for any customers,” He responded with a laugh.
“In a way, I am a customer.”
“Paying customers.” 
“I use the “best friend of an employee” discount, which is a hundred percent off,” You said, smiling at him, and then smiling even more when he rolled his eyes at you. 
“What movie did you end up choosing, anyway?”
You held up the tape in your hand, Weird Science. “Now I’m thinking that I should’ve chosen a silent film to honor our history class.” 
“I’m really glad you didn’t,” Steve responded before stepping out from behind the counter. You slung your bag over your shoulder and followed him to the front. 
“Once you read the article, you’ll wish that I picked one of Buster Keaton’s greatest hits,” You said as you flicked off the lights before you two walked out the door. 
Steve locked it and then looked at you. “I truly doubt that.” 
You only overdramatically sighed and shook your head at him in response as you got in his car, tossing your bag into the backseat. You fiddled with the radio for pretty much the entirety of the fifteen minute drive to the apartment, and you held back your laughter at Steve’s playful groans in frustration at your antics. 
When you two stepped into the small space that was your shared home, you changed into your pajamas for the night before settling on the couch, and you quizzed Steve one more time for his test. And then he made you run through your presentation for your class tomorrow because he felt bad about you only helping him study. 
The time was nearing midnight when Steve warmed up some of the leftover pizza from the night before as you started the movie. You two fell asleep barely thirty minutes in, your head on his shoulder and a blanket draped over both of your legs that were stretched out on the coffee table.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
let me know ur thoughts<333
(requests are open for stuff you wanna see in the universe/series!🫶🏾)
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evvlevie · 2 years
I SHIFTED FOR THE FIRST TIME !!!!  (as detailed as a shifting blogger can be but scroll down for the juicy part)
Hi, Hello, my beautiful beautiful readers! It's your favorite blogger Evie again and I don't know where to begin 😭 You've read the title so you know damn well what this post is about, and I am freaking over the moon to say it finally happened!
"So how did you shift?" Is most likely your very first question, and I promise I will answer it, but not without giving you full context on what led up to this magical event (or just scroll down in case only the shifting part concerns you)
so as I mentioned in my last post I had been in this state of not putting any effort into my shifting attempts anymore and basically treating shifting like any other of my manifestations: that it will happen on its own, if I simply want to.
⇣the post in question in case you're interested⇣
"Did it work?", you may be wondering. It did not. It might work for other people, because some points I made in that post still apply to me, but the idea of just counting on it to happen on its own didn't really work in my case. This being said, just because it didn't work for me, doesn't mean it can't work for you, and if you are an advanced manifestor who has complete trust in the law, this mindset might even be yours to apply.
Ever since I posted this, some days went by and my typical shifting-cycle repeated. I didn't shift after being so confident I would, and then the realization hit hard and I became severely demotivated. I even told my shifting bestie I was about to give up and lucky for me she motivated me and gave me back my faith. Speaking of faith: I had been noticing that certain angel numbers kept reoccurring in my life. The numbers being 1237 and 119. These numbers seem random, but 12:37 is the time my niece was born and 11th of September is my birthday. (yes I was born on 9/11, no not in the year that it happened, but two years later which is basically irrelevant information but it's a little fun fact about me.) I always thought the universe was showing me my birthday, up until I googled both of these numbers and realized they both mean something among the lines of "keep faith and trust in the universe". And lucky for you I did.
⇣small fangirl and shout-out-moment ⇣
Then on Monday I had a doctors appointment, and being bored in the waiting room I opened Tumblr. My feed was full of law of assumption content and I actually took the time and read through them all, and I reposted the ones I felt like gave me a lot of insight. Now to the freaking craziest part of all of this. (okay not true but it sure meant the world to me). I wake up in Tuesday and see that THE @astra-nomy reposted my post about the newest shifting tip I had found, and not only that, my comfort-shifter @multiversebaddie not only liked one of my posts, BUT FOLLOWED ME BACK. All in the same night and even right after another. CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT THAT DID TO ME????? I was like no, nope you guys, I can't not shift if my favourite shifting and loa bloggers fucking found out I existed. (APHRODITE FOLLOWS ME I CANT COMPREHEND THAT). Plus @lavender--fairy commented on the post mentioned earlier, and her post that I reblogged, was the one who actually gave me the key to shifting. Hell yes. I mean I knew what I needed to know from other bloggers anyway, but her post actually brought me back to the correct mindset.
so now it is Wednesday. I never really talked about what DR I am shifting to, and I mentioned it somewhere on an old ass post but to put it as briefly as I can: my DR contains a certain group of YouTubers, and I am shifting so I can be friends with them. Now they post videos on Wednesdays and due to the time difference I get to watch them at 11:30 pm, so basically right before going to bed. I went and grabbed a quick shower and then I laid in bed and started doing what I was always doing: affirming. But due to me being me this quickly turned into overthinking and overcomplicating EVERYTHING which is why I stopped, went back on TikTok to clear my thoughts a little and then returned to my attempt.
☞ I laid in a position most comfortable to me and I started imagining myself in my DR making myself ready for bed. In my head I reminded myself of the thing that I was able to remember due to @lavender--fairy 's post: The 4D is the real reality, and the 3D is only the translation of your inner thoughts. meaning: if I can visualize it, I am already IN it.
☞ Along with me imagining my DR-me doing what I did, I always reminded myself (affirming if you will) that if I can imagine it, I am in it. I purposely chose the Visualization of me doing things I was already doing in my CR day-to-day because you can feel the moment so much better and ground yourself in that reality way easier than imagining me climbing a mountain since I never did that.
☞ I was making myself aware over and over again, that the imagination is the real reality and that if I can imagine it, I am in it. For as long as I was trying to fall asleep. I even moved and rearranged my position constantly, imagining that I was my DR-me doing the same thing. I really just emerged myself in that visualization and started feeling what ever I did, because essentially that's how manifestation works. You don't need to worry about the 3D, and you don't have to feel like you're lacking something. You imagined it in the 4D, so you already did it silly!
☞ In combination to that I never forced myself to stay focused on my DR. Because as mentioned in this post below, you are supposed to let you mind do its own thing in a way, because you can't shift If you are too aware of what you are trying to do.
I found myself in this weird state between falling asleep and still being conscious enough to see and understand what you are envisioning. So I was technically awake while it happened. I didn't visualize my DR anymore, instead my mind went into a completely different direction and I saw myself buying milk with Harry Styles. No I did not even script him into my DR, this was just my brain doing brain things. Nonetheless I was still affirming that if I can see it, I am in it, and suddenly I felt myself getting pulled. I heard a little whooshing sound and I literally zoomed out of my body. I was standing in a dark corridor and I could see an open door in the distance with a little something happening in the room it was leading to but I was too far away to see what was happening. Suddenly the corridor started spinning and I felt myself getting pulled into a whole different door. I gained consciousness in this unknown room, but I couldn't tell where I was, or what I was seeing, because it was just dark in there and my eyes had no chance of adjusting quickly enough. I panicked and before I could even comprehend it, I knew I set the intention to shift back to my CR. I got pulled back into this mysterious corridor and shoved into another door by some weird energy and I opened my eyes back in the CR. I know it wasn't a dream because this whole zooming out, the mysterious energy sending me from door to door and the random dark room felt way too physical for it to be a dream. I could literally feel myself in this corridor as only a "being" of some sort, but definitely not as a human with a physical form. From the many success stories I have read regarding shifting realities, I have noticed that many shifters do not reach their desired reality on their first try. Almost every shifter that has talked about shifting mentioned that their first shift was weird and to a strange, undefined reality. (@multiversebaddie shifted to a random ass classroom for example)
I believe I shifted when I did, because my mind was in this gloomy state between conscious and unconscious, which ultimately made me believe myself on the spot when I told myself the affirmations I mentioned earlier. I did not doubt them and that's probably why the void state is such a powerful state to be in, because even if I wasn't, I imagine it to be very similar to this.
Another thing, that won't hurt you is educating yourself on the law of assumption. I know it helped me a lot and I believe that people who struggle with shifting, would benefit if they understood the way manifestation worked because ultimately manifestation and shifting is the same thing.
If you read everything from top to bottom: I love you. If you are doubting shifting, your ability to do it, or wether or not it is real: I can guarantee you as a first-person-witness: not only is it real, it's something every single dingus out there can achieve! And if I can help you in any way, shape, or form: don't be afraid to ask.
I send a lot of love and a lot of positive vibes to everyone reading this! I had been waiting to do this post ever since I created my blog and I still can't believe that I finally got to do it 😭
Yours in every reality
Evie <3
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xomakara · 7 months
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SUMMARY | When you stepped into an adult store looking for new toys, you didn’t expect to step out of one with your office crush, Jungwoo. PAIRINGS | Jungwoo/Fem!Reader GENRE | smut, unprotected sex, oral sex (both male and female giving/receiving), dirty talk, sex toys RATING | Mature LENGTH | 3,696 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | Here’s one for you Jungwoo stans. I really couldn’t think of another title but oh well LOL. Enjoy!
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You did not go into that shop intending on having sex, and certainly not having sex with the kind of big cock stud you just met. You went in to pick up a couple of new dildos, maybe a few porn movies, but you never imagined running into Kim Jungwoo, a colleague at the company you worked at.
Jungwoo was widely admired in the office. He was well liked, funny, a great worker, always there when you needed him, and incredibly good looking. Everyone talked about how he looked, but no one really knew anything about him outside of work. Everyone knew he had a 4 year old son that he clearly loved very much, and everyone also knew he was single.
You knew he wasn’t married because he was upfront about it, saying he wasn’t ready to commit yet. When asked if he was seeing anyone, he would smile and shake his head. There were rumors going around the office that he was gay, and that he had been briefly involved with another guy while in college, but no one really knew what had happened between them or why they broke up.
You only ever heard stories like this from co-workers who felt jealous of Jungwoo, as he was well off financially and got to do pretty much whatever he wanted. It seemed to be part of his appeal; you saw it all the time, people trying to get close to him, asking him out for drinks after work. Some would even come on to him right in front of you! He seemed to enjoy the attention, though, flirting back sometimes, giving people compliments or friendly nods.
But you were sure he was straight, as you had seen him around other women plenty of times. In fact, he made a point of being extra friendly whenever he ran into any of your female friends. He was respectful and sweet, not trying anything, just making conversation. It wasn’t until tonight that you realized just how close to Jungwoo you actually are.
After a day of training for a project you two were working on together, you walked down the street to an adult toy store near your apartment. The plan was to grab a few videos, maybe try something different in bed, as well as some anal lube and vibrators. But when you entered the store, your plans changed.
Your first stop was a section of toys labeled “For Her Pleasure Only.” This is where you usually stopped, picking out things that looked interesting. But tonight, as you picked up a few items, you noticed a few men staring at you. At first you thought it might have been due to you wearing an outfit that showed a lot of skin, but soon you began to wonder.
You were annoyed by their leers and were about to lash out at them but you felt a muscular arm wrapped around your waist. "Did you find what you wanted, babe?"
You turned to see who had grabbed you and was stunned to see that it was none other than the object of your office crush, Jungwoo. You noticed that the other men looked away immediately, embarrassed. "I…uhm..not yet."
"Ah. Well...let's look for something together."
As you stood there in disbelief, you began to notice that the other men in the store had backed off, leaving you alone with Jungwoo.
"Finally they backed off." Jungwoo said, taking his hand off of your shoulder. "What are you doing here, anyway?"
"Why are you here?" You asked him instead.
"Well, I live a few blocks from here." Jungwoo answered. "And I needed to pick up some supplies before heading home."
"You live around here?" You said, impressed. "I'm surprised we haven't run into each other before."
"I don't leave my house much these days." Jungwoo laughed. "My son and work take up most of my time, so I tend to stay at home. Are you here alone? You should be with your husband or boyfriend when you come to these stores. There are creeps around."
"Ah..." You bit your bottom lip. "I'm single. And I'm just looking for some stuff for myself since I obviously don't have anyone at home waiting for me."
"Oh...well then..." Jungwoo looked you over. "So, what kind of stuff are you looking for?"
As you tried to think of something sexy to say, Jungwoo interrupted you. "Come on, I know you want to look. What's stopping you?"
Suddenly, it hit you. Why was he here, shopping at an adult store with you? It was almost as if he knew you were checking him out, as if you two had planned this beforehand. You couldn't help but feel your cheeks flush with embarrassment as you remembered his hand resting on your bare hip earlier.
Your eyes drifted down to his crotch, which was bulging through his jeans. As you watched him shift slightly, you could make out the outline of his hard cock pressing against his zipper. His breath caught in his throat as you continued to stare at his crotch. It wasn't long before your curiosity got the best of you.
"So...are you interested in me?" You finally blurted out, feeling a little bolder now.
Jungwoo chuckled. "Yeah, I suppose you can say that. I mean, I've definitely had those kinds of thoughts. We work together, you know? We spend a lot of time talking, laughing, joking around, you know? It's hard not to notice someone like you."
You blushed. Was he flirting with you?!
He must have realized your confusion because he added, "I know what guys at work think of you. I guess I'm the same way. Maybe not quite so obvious, but you definitely turn me on."
"Wow..." You whispered, unable to believe your ears. "Are you serious?"
"Damn straight I am." He smirked, walking closer towards you. "Let's just say I like watching you walk around the office in those skirts."
"That's crazy!" You laughed nervously. "No one has said anything like that to me before."
"Have you really never noticed how hot you are?" He smirked again. "Maybe you're not used to guys thinking that about you."
"What do you mean?" You gasped, completely taken aback by what he was suggesting. "This is a strange conversation for us to be having."
"Maybe it is, but then again this is a strange place for us to meet outside of the office, isn't it?" He winked.
You suddenly became aware of the fact that you still hadn't looked away from his crotch, and realized what you had been doing. Your face burned red as you looked away, wondering if he noticed.
"I…" You started to say, but trailed off as Jungwoo placed his hands on your shoulders, pushing you gently towards the vibrators and dildos.
You looked back up to see him holding the biggest dildo you'd ever seen. "Um...what about this one?"
You stared at the huge thing, unsure if you wanted it. "It looks too big." You replied.
"Nonsense." Jungwoo shook his head. He grabbed your hand and placed it on this clothed crotch. "This is a good size to stretch you out so that you can take on the real deal later."
You bit your bottom lip, eyes darting back to the front of his pants.
"That's why I like you." He smiled, as he watched you. "You're adventurous enough to give it a shot, aren't you?"
You nodded quickly. "Yeah...yeah I think I am."
"Good girl." Jungwoo leaned forward and kissed you lightly on the lips. "Now, let's check out these movies, shall we?"
You nodded slowly, a grin growing on your face. "Yes sir."
He pulled your arm and led you towards the movie section. After grabbing a few movies, you headed towards the checkout counter. Jungwoo paid for everything without a word, smiling politely at the cashier.
Once he was finished paying, Jungwoo moved to stand behind you. "So, where are we going now?" He asked.
"Uh..." You took a deep breath. "My apartment. It's nearby."
He put his arm around your waist once again. "Perfect."
As you followed him out of the store, Jungwoo let go of your arm and tucked it under his arm. He held onto it tightly, turning your body so that your breasts were pressed up against his chest. With his free hand, he squeezed your ass cheek, causing you to shiver with pleasure.
"Mmmmmm...you're getting awfully horny, aren't you?" Jungwoo smirked.
"Mmmmmm..." You moaned. "Maybe it's the fact that you're practically groping me in public?"
"Maybe." He chuckled. "Or maybe it's just that I've been imagining fucking you for the past hour."
"Oh god." You breathed, not able to resist his charm anymore. "You have no idea how badly I need you."
With his hand still holding yours firmly, Jungwoo guided you across the parking lot and down the sidewalk. Once you reached your apartment building, he released your hand and helped you climb the stairs. As you opened the door, he pushed you inside.
"I've been dying to fuck you ever since we met." He groaned, lowering his mouth to yours.
His kiss was intense, and you were shocked to discover how talented he was at kissing. His tongue swirled inside your mouth, exploring every inch, as his other hand explored the curves of your body. Before you could respond, he pulled back, breathing heavily.
You gazed at him, surprised by his sudden retreat. Did he just reject your advances? Before you could ask him about it, Jungwoo dropped his bag and pinned you against the wall, slipping his hands underneath your shirt, cupping your tits. You moaned as he began to squeeze your nipples between his fingers, biting your lower lip to keep from moaning out loud.
"So sensitive." He growled, as he worked your nipple into a rock-hard peak. "Goddamnit, I can't wait to get you naked."
Before you could answer, Jungwoo gripped the hem of your shirt and lifted it over your head. His eyes widened as he surveyed your bare body.
"You're so beautiful." He sighed, reaching out and running his hands down your stomach. He paused briefly at your navel, massaging it lightly, causing you to gasp softly. "Is this okay?"
You trembled with desire, overwhelmed by his passion. “Yes…”
“Touch yourself for me, baby.” He urged, helping you get your pants and panties off. “Do whatever feels good. Use any of the toys we bought if you want. Just touch yourself for me.”
His words sent a thrill through your entire body, causing you to shake uncontrollably. Before you knew it, you had reached into the bag of toys that you bought and pulled out the small black vibrating bullet.
Slowly, you brought it to your clit, sliding it in between your lips. The cool silicone sent waves of pleasure radiating throughout your body, making your pussy throb. When it finally slipped inside, it brushed against your swollen g-spot, sending chills throughout your entire body.
“Tell me how good that feels.” He demanded.
You moaned as you ran the vibrator up and down your wet slit, circling your clit as well. “It feels amazing…so good…”
“Keep going. Do whatever you want with that toy. I wanna hear you moan for me.”
As you continued to tease your clit, squeezing your muscles, you could feel the familiar tightening of your body. A low guttural moan escaped your lips as you cried out, falling over the edge of climax. The pulsing vibrations filled your pussy as you came all over the toy, forcing you to clamp your thighs shut in an attempt to hold back another orgasm.
After a minute, you began to relax, letting go of your grip on the toy as your orgasm subsided. Jungwoo watched you carefully as you regained control of your breathing, mesmerized by the sight of you riding the high of climax. He couldn't believe how incredible you looked as you fell apart right there on the floor.
Without warning, Jungwoo dropped to his knees, positioning himself between your legs. With a wicked smirk, he grasped your hips and positioned them directly above his head. He spread your pussy open with his hands, licking his lips as he stared at your dripping pussy.
“Oh god…” You gasped, feeling lightheaded at the site of him staring at your pussy. “Why are you doing that?”
He smiled. “Because I want to taste you. Because I've been dreaming about tasting you all day.”
With that, he buried his face between your legs, sticking his tongue out and dipping it inside your moist slit. The pleasure almost caused you to come again as he teased your clit with his tongue, nibbling on it lightly. He continued this until you were shaking with pleasure.
"You taste amazing." He panted, looking up at you. "You're such a dirty girl. So naughty."
"Fuck…that feels good." You moaned, unable to help yourself.
“But first, I want to eat your pussy some more. Then I want to fuck you so hard that you scream my name.” He whispered, taking a slow lick up your inner thigh.
You felt like you were going to die from the delicious sensations. “Please…oh god…do it. Fuck me. Eat me. Fill me with your cum. I want you to fuck me so bad.”
Jungwoo sucked on your clit harder, moaning as he devoured you. Finally, after several minutes, you screamed out as an orgasm ripped through your body. Your body shook violently as you struggled to maintain your balance, letting out muffled cries as the pleasure kept shooting through your body.
Finally, the tremors died down, leaving you weak and breathless. Jungwoo didn't stop sucking on your clit however; instead he increased the pressure of his tongue, coaxing another powerful climax from you.
Jungwoo licked his lips, panting. “Oh god…baby…I love how dirty you get when you cum. That was so damn sexy.”
You ran your fingers through his hair as he looked up at you. "Jungwoo...let me return the favor. Let me suck your cock before you fuck me."
His eyes lit up, as he nodded vigorously. "Are you sure?"
"God yes!" You cried. "Let me suck your cock. Please."
The look of lust in his eyes caused a chill to run down your spine. "Go ahead."
Jungwoo stood up and began undoing his belt. Once it was undone, he undid his zipper, pulling his pants and underwear down to his ankles. He grabbed the hem of his shirt and threw it off. He stepped out of his clothes, allowing you to stare at his muscular form. You saw his balls hanging beneath his dick, his thick shaft curving downward slightly. He was so incredibly gorgeous.
Jungwoo walked over to the couch and sat down, spreading his legs so that they were wide open.
"Suck it, baby." He encouraged, opening his eyes.
Taking his cock into your mouth, you swirl your tongue around his shaft while you slid your hand up and down his length. You licked the underside of his cock, tickling his balls, teasing him with each stroke.
Jungwoo moaned loudly, digging his fingers into your hair as you pleasured him. He closed his eyes, moaning quietly as you slid your tongue up and down his hard cock. His arousal was evident, causing his cock to swell even larger in your mouth.
"Mmmnnn." You hummed, bringing your mouth to the tip of his cock. You flicked your tongue over the soft skin, stimulating his sweet spot. Jungwoo gasped, his body shuddering with ecstasy. He grabbed the back of your head, holding you in place as he began to thrust his hips.
With his hips bucking rapidly, you bobbed your head faster and faster, covering more and more of his cock with each stroke. Soon enough, you had wrapped your lips around the base of his shaft and sucked it deeply into your mouth, eliciting a throaty moan from him.
"Do you like that?" You breathlessly asked, licking the tip of his cock with your tongue.
"Yes…" He grunted. "Yeah…yeah…yes."
You brought your mouth back to his cock, swirling your tongue around his soft skin. At this point, you were giving him one hell of a blowjob. His cock felt amazing in your mouth. It was warm and hard, and you felt like you could do nothing but please him.
"Fuck, swallow my cum, baby." He moaned, grabbing your head.
Tightening your grip on his cock, you quickly swallowed every drop of his cum. After he finished coming, you gave his cock one last kiss, allowing his hot seed to coat your tongue. When you released his cock, it was glistening with your saliva and his cum.
"Jesus fucking christ..." He moaned, laying back on the couch, resting his arms behind his head.
Reaching out, you touched his chest gently, causing him to turn his head toward you. You leaned forward and kissed him softly, trailing your tongue along his lips.
"Did you enjoy that?" You asked, smiling seductively.
Jungwoo groaned, as he slowly moved his hands down to your ass. He gripped your cheeks, pulling your body closer to his. "You have no idea what you do to me, Y/N."
Grabbing your waist, he began to grind against you, sliding his hard cock against your dripping pussy. "That feels so good."
Your legs began to shake, trembling as he pressed himself against you. "I need to be inside of you." He groaned, moving his hips.
Jungwoo pushed his hardness inside of you, burying himself deep within your tight warmth. Your walls gripped his cock tightly, welcoming him. It felt amazing. He felt incredible. You couldn't help but let out a satisfied sigh as he began to pump his hips, fucking you deeper and deeper with each thrust.
He bit your neck, nipping it softly, causing goosebumps to cover your entire body. Every time he did this, you felt as though your insides would explode. It sent shivers throughout your body, causing your heart to race.
"You're so fucking tight, Y/N." He moaned, gripping your ass tighter.
"Ahh…god Jungwoo." You whimpered, your walls contracting around him. "This is so good."
He squeezed your ass cheeks tightly, grinding against you roughly. "Look at me, Y/N. Look at how much I'm enjoying this."
His words sent shivers throughout your body. Suddenly, his lips met yours, tongues intertwined as he fucked you hard and fast. "Tell me what you want, Y/N. Tell me how much you want me to fuck you."
Gripping his ass harder, you clenched your teeth as you tried to focus on his voice. "I want you to fuck me so hard that I forget everything but you."
With that, Jungwoo slammed his hips into you, slamming you onto his cock as hard as he possibly could. It was enough to make you scream out loud, moaning his name. The sensation was so intense, that you wanted to cry out. As soon as the word left your lips, Jungwoo began to increase the pace of his thrusts, thrusting himself deeper and deeper inside of you.
He stopped kissing you, his mouth remaining pressed firmly against your neck. “Do you like that, baby? Does my cock feel good? Is it filling you up nicely?”
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you dug your nails into his back, moaning loudly. "Fuck…god Jungwoo. This feels so good."
Your body trembled, shaking violently as Jungwoo's relentless thrusts became too much to bear. "Ahh…I can't take it anymore! Jungwoo...oh god!"
He held your hips tightly, ramming himself as deep as possible, his moans becoming louder and louder as you began to scream his name over and over again.
"Come for me, Y/N." He growled, pushing you harder against his hips.
"Jungwoo!" You cried, as your pussy contracted around his cock, milking him dry. You heard him grunt as he came inside of you, coating your insides with his hot load.
After a few moments, you felt him begin to pull out of you, releasing you from his grip. A small amount of his seed remained trapped inside of you, seeping out of your hole and running down your thighs.
"Y/N, you okay? Did I hurt you?" He asked, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead.
You smiled softly, pressing your face into his chest. "I loved it. And no, you didn't hurt me. I just need a minute to catch my breath."
"Are you sure?" He asked, cupping your cheek.
"Absolutely." You assured him, pressing your lips to his chest.
"I'm glad." He said, rubbing your arm. "I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did."
Smiling widely, you hugged him tightly. "I did. It was better than I ever imagined it would be."
"We should definitely do this again sometime." He whispered, wrapping his arms around you.
"Are you saying that you want to keep seeing me?" You asked him. "What will our coworkers think at work if they see us together?"
Jungwoo smirked. "If we're being honest here, I've been wanting to date you since day one."
Shocked by his words, you raised your eyebrows. "I never realized that you felt that way."
Jungwoo pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you once more. "Don't worry, Y/N. We'll figure something out. For now, I just want to spend some quality time with you."
Your body relaxed as he continued to hold you. "That sounds perfect."
Jungwoo cleared his throat, breaking the silence between the two of you. "Speaking of spending time with you, I really don't want to go back home tonight."
"What about your son? Won't he be worried about where you are?"
"He's with my parents tonight." Jungwoo told you. "Besides, there's no way in hell I'm leaving you alone tonight after all that happened."
A small smile spread across your face. "You want to stay the night?"
"Absolutely." He answered, bringing his hand up to caress your cheek. "If that's alright with you."
Smiling brightly, you nodded. "It's more than alright with me."
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venusandsaturnsrings · 8 months
inceltaru is so genius. kisses ur forehead. i have so many thoughts.
grinding against each other while he sits in his gaming chair, walking in on him watching some weird hentai anime, finding the nsfw manga he keeps in his bedside table.
ESPECIALLY. him thirsting over a chubby reader because his brain is too rotten from all the hentai with chubby girls hes consumed. jsut thinking about if he could ever get you to agree to recreate those nasty things with him
KISSES U BACK!! i can’t claim the idea of inceltaru as a whole (i stumbled across smthn abt him on twt like a year ago) but i’ve very much tailored him to match my preferences and how i see his character better!! when i first started writing him, it was bc there was no other content like it out there and if you want a job done right, you’ve gotta do it yourself y’know?? modern problems require modern solutions etc etc… ANYWAYS you’re a genius here this is for you MWAH!! >///<
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if you asked Ajax his favourite genre of manga, he’d tell you something unassuming like slice of life or romance; he may even name some titles if pressed. he’s also a big fat liar with shelves of various adult materials, primarily centred around chubby girls and breeding. his computer has numerous tabs and folders dedicated to his favourite sites and videos unabashedly visible on his desktop. it’s not hard to come across something related to his perverted interests unless he’s chosen to stash it all away; he does this when you’re coming over.
to set the scene, it’s well into the evening and you’ve spent the day lounging in his house playing various games and chatting about mostly nonsense but he was still hanging onto every syllable that left your mouth. after drinking what you think was his fourth energy drink of the day, he went to the bathroom and you decided to poke around at the things he never let you touch. your first objective was the small shelves hidden behind a door under his bedside table. as quietly as possible, you opened it up only to be faced with a basket of… toys… and various mangas with covers featuring plump girls covered in certain substances. you were slack jawed. you had known Ajax was a bit of an oddball immediately upon meeting him from the way others talked about him and warnings your friends had given you but he was just so sweet and had a certain pathetic charm about him that you couldn’t resist. you just hadn’t quite expected these sorts of things to be amongst his collection of knick knacks.
unbeknownst to you he had reentered the room. Ajax cleared his throat and you whipped around only to be faced with the ginger sporting a half hard-on and a generous blush across his pretty face. he shifted slightly from foot to foot without making eye contact before speaking, though his voice cracked slightly.
“snooping around huh? i hadn’t quite… planned for you to see this sorta stuff so soon,” he paused as if thinking, “it’s only appropriate that you apologize, yeah? but i’m not sure that’ll cut it…” Ajax walked closer to you and bent down to be level with your face, his pupils blown wide and drool practically spilling out his mouth. “i can forgive you if you let me try out some of that stuff with you?”
he was nothing short of handsy for the rest of the night, flipping you through various positions but his hands never left your full hips for longer than a handful of seconds. Ajax practically had hearts in his eyes every time he blew his load straight against your cervix and made you whimper from the depth and feeling of fullness. his nervousity never quite left, fingertips trembling and brows furrowed, but the unsure nature of his movements was endearing in an odd way. it was a passing thought you couldn’t dwell on with the small vibrator held firmly to your clit at all times.
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aphroditeslover11 · 6 months
Can You Hear The Music?
I apologise for the cheap title grab, but I was out of ideas! Some preferences for how some of the boys would react to having a musician as a partner, I’m a violinist so this is kind of based around my experiences. Anyway, enjoy!!
Warnings: Consumption of alcohol, I didnt proofread this, sorry!
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Tommy Shelby:
He would almost certainly be there to support you. The only thing that would stop him would be if there was some really urgent business he needed to attend to. He would be there, probably sat on the front row so that he had the best view of you that he possible could. He’d turn up after the performance and insist on carrying all of your bags for you, case and all, with a bouquet of roses like an absolute sop. He wouldn’t have a musical bone in his body, so the fact that his partner did never ceased to amaze him and would make him the proudest man on earth. He’d always comment on how brave he thought you were, even though he was the one that actually went out fighting in France.
Neil Lewis:
The first time he heard you play was when you were practicing, thinking that you were in the house alone. Since then, he had taken to sending random bits of film music on YouTube your way asking if you could play it. He’d drop anything to come along to your concerts, he’d always be sat there with a stupid smile on his face and he’d tell anyone that was with him that you were his. He’d be your biggest support and would always rave over you once you came off the stage. I feel like he would end up with a tradition of dragging you back to the video-store and making you watch ‘The Red Violin’ or something after, probably with a couple of beers, to celebrate.
Robert Fischer:
If you were with this man then there is no doubt that he would have gifted you an instrument worth many thousands of pounds as soon as he saw that you were serious about your music. There would be a rack of designer black dresses and matching heels in your wardrobe as he would insist that you needed a new one for each concert. On the evening he would definitely be there, he’d send flowers ahead of him and you would have to go through the embarrassment of his driver delivering them to your door. He’d probably sit somewhere random in the middle of the crowd so that he didn’t distract you or take any attention away from you if anyone spotted him - he’d be quite conspicuous in a perfect suit having come straight from work. Afterwards he would insist on celebrating, he’d arrange for a car to take you out and there would be a bottle of Moët and a platter of oysters waiting for when you arrived at the bar.
Performing in front of this man would be absolutely terrifying - he isn’t remotely musical but he listens to a lot of classical so he will know if you go wrong. I see him as that annoying person that likes to sit around and watch you practice and gives you irritating pointers when he thinks you are wrong despite having never picked your instrument up before. Even so, he would still be there whenever he could to watch you in concerts. A lot of his friends were musical so you ended up forming little groups with them, especially his brother Frank who was good enough to be a professional on the flute. It would become a fixture that you would get together for informal concerts at the university and then go back to Robert’s for martinis. He was never one to dish out much praise, but he always made sure that he knew he was proud of you when he saw you after a concert. You’d also find the odd piece of fresh sheet music left on your stand when he found something that he thought you would like to play.
Jim (The Delinquent Season):
He would absolutely adore having a musical partner, he’d probably play a bit of piano and guitar himself. He loved to spend an evening mucking about with some fold music together with a glass of wine. Rather than playing classical music like you were more used to Jim would probably have encouraged you to take up some folk music as you were in Ireland. Once a month or so you would try and make it to a folk evening at a local pub, taking your instruments with you. This was your favourite type of performing - informal and relaxed and surrounded by friends with him by your side.
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samandcolbypost · 7 months
▪️My thoughts on the Conjuring Video▪️
I’m going to start on the skeptic side of what I’m thinking first and then go into the rest of what I believe.
First, I love the new owners and their thoughts on how one should keep an open mind because most spirits are just going off you vibes. I also really like Satori and Cody. Okay I’ll finally get into my skeptical side, cuz come on, I feel some of us still are at least a little bit. When they started doing the arm holding thing and started naming off Sam’s grandma, I began to get a little skeptical. Especially when they stated they tend to get through to family members. I know there’s the feeling that “no one would even known that name” or, who that member is, but it’s not that hard to find someone’s family history, especially social media people if you look up their last name like “Sam Golbach” for instance and search for those who’ve died. Also “Libby” was in the obituary title. So if it wasn’t there I would feel a little less a skeptic of what they’re doing. Now for Colby I can’t really say how they could find something 2 generations before, unless they looked on some ancestry site or something 😂 I can’t say for that one. But what I’m trying to say is it isn’t a hard to do a little digging on people and see their past. Everyone had to put their name on the conjuring booking website for them to come, especially overnight. The other thing I wanted to get into was the taps. At first I did have a thought that came across that someone could be around them doing that but then that went out the window when they moved places. Second thought, someone mentioned a box type thing in Cody’s pocket. I’m not sure what it is or if it’s possible for “taps” to be coming through it, and something is hooked up to it for someone to hear and know when to tap ect. I’m just going to leave it at that because I think it’s really hard for that to happen but anyways, this is just my skeptical side.
Now onto the my believable side
If I didn’t watch their uncut video, I would have a harder time believing. That’s so insane though, I wonder if Sam and Colby could try that if anything would happen. The fact all their past relatives came through is a very comforting thought especially knowing someone is looking over you. I did just watch the video but did they ever get much conversation with Abigail? (My minds blanking right now). So far everything has been super positive and I think that is a good way to set things straight for a hopefully peaceful, yet safe time for them to be there. The people who let them stay seemed very lovely. When those 2 started the arm thing I thought it was crazy how S&C could feel the vibrations of the taps happening everywhere and it was coming from all over. It made it even more believable watching the uncut footage of them getting a random location to go to, and still get those 2 names from each location. (I did look those 2 people up before they even posted it in the video lol) I’m really curious how that spiritual connection works. I didn’t really find anything online to see if it’s like a connection with the other side, but I kinda think I’ve heard of that before? Anyways, I know those taps aren’t coming physically (not including an object that could make the noise) from Cody or Satori because as S&C debunked, it’s not just 1 location and it’s not their shoes or noises from their mouth. The looking up the 2 names from each location would be hard to even look up since it was random and the taps were connected with what she was saying. I think it would take a bit to look up a name and then have the taps connect with, so I don’t think it’s possible they knew the names ahead of time. I hope you guys understand where I’m coming from and feel free to post your thoughts too! Overall, I think this was a really good video and actually one that could change those that don’t believe into believing that the afterlife/paranormal exist.
Sorry this was long 😬
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alitgblog · 1 month
volume XI thoughts
I did in fact have access to this on Tuesday and started to play but then got distracted and didn't finish until like 2am when I couldn't sleep anyway (this was a mistake I was so tired at work)
movie night!!! And fun movie night titles!! ofc MC doesn't get her own custom one bc everyone's got different names but my MC is named Maya and with how things have been going I'm pretending her movie title is Messy Messy Maya 🤭
Emel and Oakley both being unfaithful in casa but finding (forcing?) their way back to each other and forgiving each other feels very much like something in the show so I appreciate that storyline tbh
Felicity is too beautiful of a sprite to waste as a Casa girl that only shows up for movie night.
Sienna going "I don't care if it's egotistical, pick my movies" because no one else is gonna care to pick hers 😬😬 id feel bad for her if she wasn't so mean
Hari and Hazel are so cute together but it seems like it's gonna die out soon 🥲 Like I see why if Hazel is panicking and Hari isn't the most reassuring guy and also not completely over MC but aghhh he's gonna fumble Hazel to LIAM. Hazel, not LIAM plsss
Absolutely awful that Liam is so funny bc he's such a piece of shit (awful in the best way, like he's so Messy Mitch from LI UK s10 coded and while I don't like him I appreciate the fun he brings). Saw someone suggest that he could be a late game LI and if he evolves and changes, sure, but a lot is gonna need to happen, otherwise give him a last minute jokey option like Hamish.
I think the thing stopping me from going full in on this Claudia route is she keeps going back to Theo, and not like she has to be pursuing MC 100% for me to pick her but I'm just getting mixed signals with her trying to save her relationship with Theo when they clearly aren't into each other anymore but there are plenty other people around.
Not on a Theo route and haven't talked to him but ngl his little video clip was cute like I almost jumped ship to be messy but nahh. I wonder how that's like if you're actually pursuing him though like does it feel like pay off or shock or reassurance or anything.
very nice they had Jin spell it out to Sienna in front of everyone. like kind of mean, but if it was gonna happen at any time, Movie night is definitely the time to do it.
Like even MC's movie clip playing, first of all was just if she slept with someone in casa I think (which, it's fair enough considering the game's limitations but I was missing all the other times she hoed around). So for my MC it was with Claudia, and Claudia barely has a response to it. And so I'm kinda just going towards the character actively pursuing and paying attention at this moment and it's Jin.
I guess MC was honest to Jin so he didn't mind the movie night thank God but also I want to replay to see the drama unfold. but in my head for some reason he'd be shocked it was Claudia bc she didn't say anything and like it'd be one thing if it was someone she just met like Max who she's been friendzoning ever since but another thing for it to be her best friend in the Villa. but alas, that is a large amount of branching and coding and dialogue to write so I'll let it slide.
a recoupling so soon after?? it's not like the season feels too rushed, but like I mentioned before, the pack in so many things in each volume you don't get much of a chance to chill out with the characters and pretend it's a vacation for your character lol
the problem with me playing early is I'm so curious how everyone else's game went. like is it only your OG LI or Casa Boy that can pick you?? And the chat you have with your partner after, does that lock your route because after this I feel there was a little bit less attention on MC from the other LI's (which I don't mind, so they can have their own stories now, but I wanna knowwww)
Shower scene, Sienna throwing another fit one last time for good measure
But now MC is back with Jin and they have all the cutesy interactions again yay
And then we have no rest in the morning, just straight into a DAYTIME heart rate challenge??? I just think this challenge should always happen at night idk
I forked over the gems for the cowgirl outfit (partly bc the mermaid dress was awful and bc my MC has red hair so I wasn't gonna make her dress like Ariel) but i wish there was a costume that was free instead of just your partywear dress? Like it can be a shitty costume but I understand people not wanting to pay gems for one outfit for one night of the game.
Hazel's outfit though 🥵
Such a minor detail, but I do love that despite her being so awful to MC, that Sienna canonically is a very conservative dresser. like we all see her churchy outfits. and I think maybe she's a little insecure about her body and stuff. that being said, the dialogue she has when she's in costume about feeling confident, and her costume isn't super revealing, and the girls being shocked at her dance, is all very good to have. like it's nice to have that type of character around and the fact that she's also the villain rn? she contains multitudes (or I'm reading into it too hard 😂)
mentioned briefly before but Hazel and Liam??? tf??
And now Claudia and Bea flirting with each other? Okayyy I mean my fingers are crossed so here's hoping they find each other if not MC. and they have a lot in common but feel like different characters so like pls let them be together (I say this as someone every few months posting about how it shouldve been Cora and Angie not friendzoned Oliver and Angie in the s4 finale)
ok but his entrance feels so overshadowed by other things going on though like I feel like he didn't get a chance to really bombshell to the point where I think he should've been introduced next volume instead. like have him have a normal bombshell entrance with dates or smth, then maybe when they're all chilling the next day and getting to know him someone brings up he missed heart rate challenge and they suggest he dances for the characters he's most interested in, if we really wanted to get his messy entrance in.
Two unfortunate things are true in my mind: Logan is very attractive (at least when he's got the hat on) and also he looks like Liam 🫣
depending on how this goes my MC may be hoeing around one last time
cliffhanger being the challenge results is lame
am i,,,, actually excited to replay this season 🫣
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Never break an oath; Bucky Barnes x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Okay this was a long time in the waiting but I finally got the inspiration to do this request that was in my inbox for awhile. @littlesister20001​ hope you enjoy this and like it.
Now FAIR WARNING!! The reader is autistic and there are MANY levels of autism and the way I went with was putting the reader somewhere on the the high-function autism scale. Also EVERYONE with high-functioning autism act and behave differently, and I know NO ONE on the high function (my younger cousin is on the low spectrum autism) and this is what I chose after doing some research on high-spectrum autism so if there is ANY HATE directed at me, you WILL be blocked or I will just take this fic down.
That being said, I hope you all still enjoy this fic.
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I was currently reading my latest book on constellations and galaxies that Rocket had given to me on their last visit here to earth.  Apparently according to him, “Terran scientists don’t know jack-shit about what’s really out there”.  So while he and the rest of the Guardians were out refurbishing a place called Knowhere, he managed to find this book and he thought he’d give it to me.  And I’ve been glued to it ever since.
“So this is where you’ve been.” I perked up and immediately ran up and hugged Bucky as he caught me.
“I thought you’d be gone on that mission with Sam and Joaquin for another two days?”
“We finished early.”
“You didn’t jump out of another plane with no parachute again did you?”
“I can’t believe Sam showed you that video. I told him to delete it from his stupid bird robot.”
“First of all Redwing ain’t stupid. Second of all, you were the one who made the decision to jump freestyle out the plane. Not my fault you kept smashing into trees.” Sam said as he came up and grabbed himself a cup of OJ.  “And to answer your question little miss, yes he did. I’ll send you the video later.” I laughed.
“Don’t you have someone else you can ignore, Captain?” Bucky said turning to Sam annoyed.
“No. I bother you from 12-6pm. That’s my schedule.” Sam shrugged as he took a sip of his drink before leaving.
“I swear to god he’s annoying.”
“Stop it, you love him.”
“We work together, we’re not friends just co-workers.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night Sergeant.” I said sitting back down.
“Okay so what have you been doing since we left? Sitting here reading your books Belle?” I playfully shoved him as he took a seat next to me.
“You know I hate being called her right.”
“You’re right sorry. I meant Hermione Granger.”
“That’s even worse! Stop!”
“Okay, okay, okay. But seriously was all you did was sit here and read.”
“Of course not silly! The Guardians came for a visit yesterday and I hung out with them. Got to see all their new tech they got for us to use against any oncoming future attacks from the Big Three.”
“I also can’t believe Sam taught you that as well.”
“Buck, come on. I’m not stupid, I’ve followed every fight you guys have done going back to yours and Steve Roger’s back in world war 2.”
“Okay stalker.”
“I’m not a stalker!”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night techie.” He said throwing my words back at me.  I shoved him harder (which really didn’t do anything except make him laugh).
“Anyways, that’s when Rocket also gave me this book.” I showed to him titled: “THE FAR REACHES OF YOUR GALAXY; The truth about the stars”.
“Tell me that rodent didn’t steal anything of mine while he was here.”
“You still harboring a grudge against him for taking your arm. You know it was Nebula that had done that and be thankful she took it when you were asleep.”
“That’s still not okay. Do you know how pissed Shuri was at me for letting Wakandan tech go into outer space?”
“I will give you that but at least you told her who it was that got it.”
“But also she’s not quite sure how a raccoon can understand Wakandan technology and building.”
“He’s not a raccoon.”
“Really cause I’ve seen a lot of them and he definitely looked like a raccoon to me.” I rolled my eyes. “So what is in that book anyway?”
“The truth about the stars. It says it right on the title Bucky is your sight gone too?”
“More old man jokes, one thing I enjoyed being away from.”
“Just speaking truth Buck.” He nodded sarcastically before suddenly grabbing me in a headlock before giving my a hard noogie.  “GAH!! ENOUGH STOP IT!!”
“Take back the old man comment and I will squirt.”
“Okay you’re not old now stop!” he released me as I tried to fix my hair.  “Do you know how hard it took me to do my hair today? I accidentally forgot to wash my hair after using the pool and my hair was a bitch to brush this morning.”
“I’m sorry. How bout I make it up to you by letting me take you out to the science con that’s coming this weekend?”
“You mean the one where physicist Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski and neuroscientist Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler are speaking at?”
“Yeah. You and me.”
“Oh Bucky thank you! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!” I said hugging him so tight.  He hugged me back and said,
“You should really thank Shuri. She’s actually gonna be a panelist Friday and Saturday so she’s the one who scored us the tickets.”
“Oh this is gonna be so much fun. I’m already bursting at the seams!”
“Okay easy there kiddo. Don’t want you blowing a circuit just yet.”
“Sorry I just—I’m so excited. Plus it—it’s the first time since you left that we really got to hang out together. I missed you Bucky.” He softly smiled and said as he gently ruffled my hair once more.
“I missed you too squirt.” He brought me into a one armed hug before giving me a soft kiss to my forehead as I cuddled close into his chest.  “So what interesting facts do the people in outer space say about our galaxy?”
“Well I’m glad you asked, first off did you know that…..” I then opened to the first page I had bookmarked and shared with him several facts that I never knew or what we had been wrong about.
That’s the thing I love best about Bucky.  Whenever I tend to go off on my factual ramblings, or want to overshare certain events or facts, he listens.  He doesn’t interrupt, complain, or pretend to listen (I’ve always hated when people do that to me).  He gets me, and that’s why I’ve always loved Bucky more than any member on the team.
The next morning, I had gotten packed up and ready to go to the convention.  Well we were actually gonna take a flight to LA and take a day just to sight-see before the con would start Friday.  After packing my last suitcase I pulled up the website on my phone and found the schedule they had posted.
“Knock, knock, you ready to head to the airport?” I heard Bucky’s voice say.
“You betcha. And I’ve already got our schedule all planned out. On Friday there’s a seminar on Nano-technology and then Shuri’s panel about how Vibranium can make life easier. And after we get some lunch you can see Dr. Farrah Fowler talk about women and science along with Dr. Rostenkowski.”
“Sounds like a full day for Friday. What about the rest of the con?”
“I can do that when we get on the plane. No better thing to do on an airplane than get some work done.”
“I would agree to that. C’mon I’ve got our ride waiting for us downstairs.” I grabbed my bags and we proceeded down the elevator when running up to us was Joaquin Torres.
“Barnes! Sergeant Barnes! Thank god I caught you. We need you for this mission now!” he said urgently.
“What mission? We completed our mission early.” Bucky said.
“We thought so too sir but we’ve picked up another signal from a few remaining members of the Flagsmashers. We really need your help on this.” Bucky looked between me and him and he told Joaquin.
“Torres, I’m sorry but you gotta get someone else to—”
“I know we would ask anyone else to back us up but anyone who could is unavailable to do so. Please Sergeant Barnes, we need your help.”
“NO!!” I cried out. The two men looked at me.
This wasn��t supposed to happen! He already had to be away from me for six weeks trying to capture the remaining members of the Flagsmashers and that was the longest he had been away from me.  His next mission wouldn’t be until at least a couple months if not 3 weeks!
He shouldn’t go he doesn’t need to go! He promised me we’d go to the science con together and damnit I want us to go together!
“Find someone else to go because he’s not going with you!” I snapped.
“(Y/n), I know this is difficult for you to understand, but—”
“DON’T TALK DOWN TO ME!! I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY! I know Bucky’s mission schedule because Sam has told me about it! And if there were a surprise he’d warn me ahead of time about it! Bucky already made plans with me so find someone else to go on the mission because you’re taking away MY ONLY FRIEND AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!!!” I slammed my bags down on the floor and took off running.
I ended up back in my room and slammed the door shut with a loud bang.  My breathing became constricted as I collapsed to my bed and wept into my pillows as I tightly gripped onto my sheets.  A knock was soon heard at my door.
‘(Y/n)? Can we talk?’
“Go away.” I grumbled before getting under my covers.
‘Not gonna happen squirt. You know how stubborn we old folks can be.’ He tried to joke which honestly did get me to quirk up a smile.  ‘C’mon kid, don’t make me bust down the door or break it off its hinges again like last time.’ I lay there for a moment before reaching for my phone and opened the door for him.
I felt the bed dip near my legs and he asked me.
“You doing okay breathing wise?”
“My chest still slightly hurts but at least I’m not hyperventilating like my last meltdown.”
“Yeah that was pretty scary.” He admitted.  “Why don’t you come out from under those covers, you know there ain’t enough oxygen when you’re under something.”
“It’s actually carbon dioxide we breathe in, and oxygen comes out.” I said getting my head out from the blanket.
“Right of course. Silly me.” I softly scoffed before fiddling with the ends of my hair.  “You know Joaquin is still trying to learn the ropes.”
“I know. But he shouldn’t have said I don’t understand things. I hate it when people use my disability against me.”
“He wasn’t trying to. No one does, and even if we do you end up proving them wrong with a savage comeback.”
“Still he shouldn’t have said it.” I grumbled.
“I’ll get him to apologize to you later.”
“You mean when you come back from your mission?” I said laying back down and turned away from him. I heard his sigh as he said.
“That’s actually what I came up here to talk to you about.”
“Bucky……” I now sighed deeply.  “I know I still have to get used to sudden changes in life. Because that’s what life is, but I struggle with understanding that. Why do we have to have sudden changes to our lives without thoroughly planning them out? Or when you make plans with someone why does something have to interfere with them or they cancel last minute?”
“Again kid, that’s life. Doesn’t mean we have to like it, all we can do is just—roll with the punches. Or how you kids say go with the flow.” He said the last part like he was trying to sound cool.
“So you are going to go on the mission?”
“Going off against super soldiers, they’re gonna need a super soldier on their side.” I let out a soft whine.
“I just got you back after a whole month and now I’m losing you again. Ever since the Flagsmashers have risen back up, I worry about you Bucky. Sure you’re a super soldier but they are 20 super soldiers. 20 easily overpowers one.”
“You really count me out just like that?”
“Now you’re making me sound like a negative doubter.” I said sitting back up and glared at him.
“I know you’re not a negative doubter, you’re just stating facts and I know. 20 to 1 is not a fair fight but you’re forgetting one thing squirt. I’m Bucky Barnes, I can handle myself. You don’t need to worry about me, okay?”
“It’s hard not to. What I said back there was true. You’re my old friend here.”
“What about Sam?”
“Sam’s cool but there are things that he sometimes doesn’t get when it comes to my autism. That or with him being the new Captain America, he’s too busy to hang out. And don’t tell him this but—you are honestly cooler than him.”
“FINALLY! Thank you. Someone who finally admits it.”
“I think I wanna take it back now.” I teased.
“No, no, no you can’t retract it back now. It’s too late.” I shoved him playfully and he nudged me back.  “How about this, when I come back, we take a whole month off of work, just you and me. Road trip even.”
“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep Buck.”
“Well good thing this isn’t a promise.” I looked at him confused.  “It’s an oath. And everyone knows that while a promise can be broken, an oath never can. What do you say squirt, you and me out on the open road. Deal?” he extended his hand out to me.  After a minute between looking at him and his hand, I took it and we shook on it.
“I’ll hold you to that oath.”
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orangesaek · 1 year
The Grape scenario was so cute 🥺🥺🥺 Could I request one where you are Rino's sister-in-law (like your older brother married her younger sister) and went to visit Korea where she invited you to the dreamies concert rehearsal and you met the boys. But one particular boy seems smitten with you, I don't mind whichever member 😅
Ps: Rino is their tour/concert planner but I'm sure you know her from the Dream Sketch episodes
^^ https://youtu.be/skHn-gpH0bg
omg omg of course, rino 😭 she's one of the professional dancers i look up to along with koharu (tmi) anyway, thank you so much for sending this request! i have no idea who your dream bias is, but i hope you don't mind jaemin 🤍 he wrecked my bias list so hard 🥲 i hope you see this & let me know if you liked it ♡ a/n: slightly proofread. lowercase intended.
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wow. that was the only word you could utter ever since you landed in korea yesterday. everything was just so pretty in your eyes — the buildings, the road, the food, the people. just, everything.
and wow was also the first word you uttered as soon as you arrived in jamsil olympic stadium. 'big' would be an understatement. it was massive, or any other word that's definitely a lot bigger than 'big'.
"bestie, let's go." rino said, ushering you to get inside the back door with her. you snapped out from your daze and ran to catch up with her.
your relationship with rino didn't make that much sense to many people, as the majority expected you to be closer with your brother's wife and not your sister-in-law's older sister. you were close with your sister-in-law, of course, but rino just matched better with your younger energy. not to mention, you were both huge fans of kpop.
she was promoted as one of the concert directors for sm entertainment not too long ago, and as it was her first time to handle nct dream's concert (which was going to become one of sm ent's historic concerts ever, and in korea's largest stadium at that), she called you up to visit her in korea to support her & to watch the concert as well.
every kpop fan knew about nct, and you were no exception. despite knowing all of their units, casually listening to their title tracks, and knowing around half of the members' names (only because of reading articles about them that piqued your interest), you still refused to stan them because of their 'crazy, unlimited' concept. you swore to yourself that you will never ever become a part of their fandom.
rino knew about you avoiding to get to know nct better, and she wanted to change that. sponsoring your trip to korea and getting you to watch at least one of its units' concert to make you realize what the group is really made of was a part of her plan.
after greeting a couple of staff members, rino brought you backstage to personally meet nct dream. although you weren't a fan (yet), you were excited with the thought of meeting them. millions of fans would fight to be in your place right now. who are you to complain, right?
rino held onto your hand as she led you through the slightly dim areas backstage before finally arriving at a well-lit hall with some doors. based on the number of behind-the-scenes videos of kpop groups that you have watched, you safely assumed that nct dream is inside one of the rooms, probably lounging or doing whatever while waiting for their rehearsal to start.
before you knew it, rino began knocking on a door. your heart started beating really fast and your hands have gone cold as soon as a staff member opened the door.
"grandma's here!" haechan shouted in excitement as he ran towards rino. his voice was something you could easily recognize anywhere, even as a non-nctzen.
rino let go of your hand to greet haechan with a tight hug.
"oh? who's this lady, grandma?" haechan asked after seeing you standing behind rino. that was the time the members noticed your presence, too.
your were looking down on the floor that suddenly became interesting to you at that moment, when in reality, you just didn't know what to do after it dawned to you that you were now literally breathing the same air in one small room with nct dream.
rino let go of the hug and gently pulled you to stand beside her.
"boys, this is my brother-in-law's younger sister," she introduced. "and my bestie."
you heard the oohs and ahhs of the members and quickly looked at them to say hi. the members then introduced themselves (with haechan proudly introducing himself as rino's grandson), and asked you to sit down comfortably with them as rino left the room to take care of some things.
"oh my god!" chenle exclaimed as he covered his mouth dramatically. "i think i just found myself a new bestie."
although it had only been a few minutes since you sat down with them, the nervousness you felt when you stepped inside the room was all gone thanks to the boys who made an effort to make you feel comfortable in such a short amount of time.
you honestly didn't want to start assuming things, but you definitely caught jaemin frequently stealing glances your way. he kept on smiling at you as well, and just generally had the best reaction to whatever you said (right next to mark, who laughed at literally whatever you said).
"kids, let's go." one of their manager hyungs suddenly called, and the boys quickly stood up to go. you were quite unsure if you should go with the dreamies or just wait for rino to text you where to go.
you were sitting a bit anxiously on the couch, watching the boys get ready to leave the room when you saw a hand in front of you.
you looked up to see jaemin, flashing his billion-dollar smile at you.
"come on," he said, waiting for you to take his hand.
you looked up at him, then on his hand, feeling a bit flustered and confused at the same time.
you could see the other members and staff leaving the room one by one, but you were still sitting on the couch.
"jaemin-ah, hurry!" renjun shouted as he left the room.
"yeah, yeah, i know!" jaemin shouted back before looking at you again. "my arm's gonna fall off soon," he said, shaking his hand lightly in front of you.
seeing that your butt was glued on the couch for some reason, jaemin took your hand instead and gently pulled you up.
"let's go before renjun kicks my ass," he said, holding your hand tighter as the two of you left the room.
you were now sitting on one of the chairs close to the stage. though not the actual concert yet, it felt surreal that you were now watching nct dream perform in front of you.
it made you realize you were missing out on such an amazing group, that you made it your personal assignment to do some research on nct dream and listen to all of their songs once you get home.
during the entirety of the rehearsal, you could see jaemin looking at you. and this time, you were sure because each time he sang his parts or would dance near where you were seated, he would lock eyes with you. unashamedly.
(un)fortunately, you weren't the only one to notice that.
rino, as well as the other dreamies, couldn't contain the playful smile on her faces. they just found it so cute how you would blush and shyly look away from jaemin.
"amazing job today, kiddos!" rino said when the rehearsal came to an end. she quickly thanked the staff around her before running to where you were.
"how was it?"
"it was awesome! i'm looking forward to their concert." you answered, feeling so hyped up.
"hmm, that's great. and what about the members?" she asked, brows raised teasingly.
rino's question caught you off guard and all you could do was chuckle nervously. she gave you a knowing smile before hooking her arm with yours to go home, letting you off the hook just once.
you honestly felt a bit sad that you were unable to properly say good bye to the boys — to jaemin, your new-found crush, to be specific. you didn't get the chance to meet them again when they rushed backstage right after the last song.
after eating dinner, you went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. just then, your phone chimed, signaling a new text message.
you opened the text and choked on the foam of your toothpaste, "i don't want to sound like a creep, but your hand was really soft", it said.
another text from the same unknown number arrived.
"oh, it's nana. jaemin. teeheehee"
you were now coughing so much that rino rushed to the bathroom in panic.
"what's going on?! are you okay?!"
you waved your hands to tell her that you're alright. well, except for the fact that you have just received a text message from nct dream's na jaemin.
"j-jae...min..." you tried to say between coughs. rino looked at your now-red face, seeming to understand what just happened.
"oh, i see." she said with a knowing smile on her face for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. you looked up at her with a puzzled look on your face after you have slightly recovered.
"what do you mean by that?" you asked. rino chuckled.
"haechan asked for your phone number so he could give it to jaemin," she finally said. your body froze as rino laughed at your frozen state.
"i wasn't the only one who noticed the way jaemin looked at you during the rehearsal this afternoon,"
you still stood frozen.
"so the dreamies asked jaemin what he thinks about you, and he said he would like to get to know you better."
"oh..." that was the only thing you could say at the moment. everything just felt too much for you to digest, and rino understood, so she left you in the bathroom, giggling to herself.
you rubbed your eyes a few times before looking at your phone again, making sure that you weren't just imagining things. however, the texts from the unknown number were still there, waiting for a reply.
quickly gathering your courage, you finally sent a reply.
"hi, jaemin. uhm, it was nice meeting you."
not even a minute later, you received a reply from jaemin.
"i really thought you forgot about me already TT_TT anyway, sorry i had to get your number this way. you must have been surprised"
you smiled to yourself, thinking how cute he was. you made your way to the bedroom and lay on your bed as you saved jaemin's phone number as 'nana jaemin'
"no, not at all. it's all good :) don't worry"
"so uhm see you at the concert tomorrow?"
"of course, i will be there :)"
"and at the company dinner after?"
"uhm, i'm not sure if i can go since i'm not part of the staff, but i guess we'll see??? i'll ask rino"
"well then, regardless if that's the case or not, what do you think about going out for dinner with me this weekend? :)"
"sure, i'd love that :)"
- end.
requests are OPEN ♡
UPDATE: anon just requested a continuation 🤍 you may read it here.
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yayforocs · 29 days
still in february 2015 :VVV
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i made a gif!!! of myself!!! look at that why did i never post this anywhere!!!! hello!!!!
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i'm like 99% sure that i drew this bc of the production of aida that my brother was in, but it was like way back in 2009 or something so maybe we dug up the dvd and watched it?????? dunno but i'm pretty certain that's supposed to be amneris
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and i did post the tiny here but i never posted the full pic!! which. i can see why sdfkljs but also i do like the interaction itself so i'm posting it now anyway
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...a coresilence douglas that i never posted???? huh.
march 2015 V:
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this used to be my mobile banner for ages just bc i wanted something to slap on there dklsgs
wasn't sure i'd ever get ahold of the original pic again but yO!! here we are!!
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this one is just titled 'why bother' :( unfortunately i went through A Lot mentally around this time period, and there are quite a few doodles i think i made around this time and the next couple years that i never posted anywhere bc they were Too Edgy or Venty or just plain depressing to me. i honestly don't quite remember why i drew this, i think it had something to do with feeling like i was losing friends? maybe? i'm not quite certain honestly.
april 2015 :0
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core and i did a little doodle rp character funsies exchange between robin and douglas and this was a response i drew but ended up never using :V
may 2015!
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a couple different banners apparently! probably for my rp blog. i don't remember using either of these, but i'm assuming i probably did, atl for a little bit
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ahaha oh wow i genuinely have no memory of this huh. absolutely no idea on why there's a jarring disconnect between the first eight and the last two but shrugs!
-oh this has made me realize i now have Much More to post on robin's toyhouse huh
i've also got a lot from july 2015, but uhhhh i say it's a lot bc it's for a lyric video i wanted to make to jason walker's echo :VV there's quite a lot done and HONESTLy i thought i'd lost all of it bUT the firealpaca file!!!! i've got the firealpaca file!!!!!!! aaaa!!!!!!!! so it's all here!!!!!!!!!
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there's also this kdlsfjds
and then we skip all the way to march 2016, which is the last folder i have :(
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literally my first attempt at a nuzlocke and i'm dying i can't believe i never posted this dlkjfskjl God what a run
hey does this technically mean i've made a complete nuzlocke comic? --shot
anyway that's not actually from 2016! that's just when i scanned it, i made that wayyy back in 2011, possibly even 2010 :V but there's no way i'm not including it in these posts sdklghs
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ok so i did actually post this a while back, but then when i started working on locke'd in i went through and deleted all my nuzlocke art posts even slightly relating to it bc of 'spoilers' or w/e, these are some of my mons from a different run that... i dunno, i guess i just restarted or something? not actually sure why i didn't finish this one. i think i was going to cameo these girls in the comic or smth so i poofed the original post
atl i think, i could be thinking of any of the other like. five different teams i was planning on cameo'ing.
but GOD i kinda want to :waugh: one day..... one day i will post EverythingTM
dude i didn't even start looking on this flash drive for art i was looking for old writing sdklfjdskjl
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aita-blorbos · 9 months
AITA for singlehandedly ruining my brother's life with my complacency?
For context, I (20NB) was frequently psychologically tormented by an entity that takes the form of a forest/state park near my town (no clue how old it is or if it has a gender) for a few years when I was a teenager, and once it had eroded my humanity enough it turned me into an extension of its power. It let me keep my free will, if you choose to believe in things like that, so when I was eighteen I fled to a different state under the guise of going to college, hoping that distancing myself would weaken the entity's grip on me. It didn't, but at least I was 600 miles away from it now, and I made sure to keep myself isolated from everyone else at college so I couldn't hurt them.
Fast-forward to last January. After two years at college, I found out about a kind of... medication, we'll call it, that I thought would loosen the entity's grip on me. The medicine functions by fogging over your memories of supernatural things existing, inducing a sort of... weaponized executive dysfunction, for lack of a better phrase? Anyway, that stops you from acting on your knowledge, which exploits the fact that these sorts of entities don't care about much other than how people who know they exist choose to act on this information- so, if you're physically unable to act on your knowledge they exist (which you barely remember anyway), they can't affect you. After giving the medication a trial run, I went back to my hometown to visit my brother N (17M).
Since I'm not all that human anymore, I found out early on that the entity retained its hold on me and was able to pull me back towards the state park even when I was medicated, but it never did anything once it'd got me there, so I got cocky and figured it must not be capable of affecting me past that. Plus, the entity had never done anything to anyone but me before, at least not that I knew of, so I'd spent years figuring I was its only victim and getting complacent because of that... and if it did finally kill me one of those times, I honestly think I would've welcomed it. Things were fine at first, though the entity somehow managed to break down the medication's effects once or twice, and I got to feel like a normal person again for the first time since middle school. But after a few weeks, the entity broke through the medicine's effects again and revealed to me that its real target had been N the whole time. That was why it kept pulling me back to the state park while the medicine was preventing me from consciously realizing what a bad idea that was: it wanted to get ahold of N, who I'd been bringing with me the whole time like an idiot because I still thought I was the entity's sole target. To make matters worse, when it told me this it was referring to N with the same kind of title it'd given me, which I knew it wouldn't have done if it wasn't absolutely sure I wouldn't be able to remove its influence from him.
I panicked and rushed N back to his car, which was when I had the idea that maybe if I overdosed him on the medication I'd been using, he'd go from mere brain fog to outright amnesia. I was still panicking and didn't take the time to think that idea through, so I just tackled N, shoved a bunch of my pills down his throat, and ran. I was too afraid of what I might see if I stuck around to make sure he was okay long-term (I guess it was kind of a Schrodinger's cat mentality or something?), so I went back to college and tried to pretend none of it happened. I did keep an eye on the news from our town and didn't see anything alarming, and that was enough that I could lie to myself that maybe N was miraculously fine.
N did end up forgetting the time I'd spent back in our hometown as planned, but I forgot to account for the fact that he'd been recording videos during almost all of the times we went to the state park, wanting to use them as B-roll for a film class project. He didn't even make it a month before finding those recordings on his camera and starting to piece things together on his own, during which his mental health and personal life started falling apart for obvious reasons. (He also started getting intermittently stalked by an unrelated entity during this time, but it's more a pest than anything else, I've already got plans for disposing of it.) Once I found out about all this, I came back to our hometown to clear things up for N, especially making sure he was aware that all of it was my fault: I wasn't about to pretend I'd been controlled by the entity the whole time or something, he deserved the whole truth. I'm pretty sure he's only tolerating my presence now because he needs my knowledge about how supernatural things work. It hurts, but it's not like I was expecting him to take it well, so I'm not planning to stick around once I've made sure he knows everything he needs to.
That's everything important. The answer seems pretty obvious, if you ask me, but... AITA?
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
are you ready? it's time for...
best stylings of 2022, first half!!
this covers my favourite stylings from january 1st to june 30th; which i am bolding and italicizing bc some people got on my ass last year about leaving things out when in fact they just did not read the title! so!! this is only half of the year!!
here's a rundown of the categories i'm using:
best overall - self explanatory: this covers cbs that were holistically well designed across the mv, music show stages, and any other promotional material that was released during the cb period
runners' up - this category is for ones that got it about half right; either they had a really good music video but the stages didn't match up, or they had really good stages but the mv was lacking. i also put mvs here that didn't get any other promotional materials
standout element - this is for one off stages or outfits that stuck out to me as being really excellent, but there wasn't the same consistency across the rest of the cb
ok, make sense? let's go!
best overall
i hate you - woodz
i'm not gonna mince words here, you all saw me go insane over this cb so there's no way it wasn't gonna be in first place. frankly i'm surprised i survived the promo period at all. i'm obsessed with the choice for them to shoot the mv in a modern art gallery (i THINK it might be the same one that cl shot her alpha performance video at last year) because i love when there's a meta acknowledgement of idols as artistic products and how they interact with different forms of art etc etc etc anyways here's all the links to stuff i went insane over you're welcome: mv behind, this jacket from its live, and honestly this one is about the backup dancers more than him but it's cute.
stages: mcountdown 220512, music core 220507, music bank 220506, the show 220510, show champion 220511
bsides: hijack the show 220510, show champion 220511
gingamingayo - billlie
they deserved to go viral for this, the mv is amazing, the styling is so consistent despite the fact that they did like a full month of promotions, and overall it's just a fun time. they set the precedent for all the ~quirky~ gg cbs that showed up after this. it has so much character and established the weird world that their story exists in, so even though it was very early on in the year, it claims one of my top spots.
stages: contour 220304, music bank 220318, inkigayo 220320, the show 220308
dice - onew
this was not a popular cb in my circles but too bad, i thought it was very fun and extremely well designed. great mv with a cute lil narrative and creative choices building on a very clear influence, plus some very fun costume pieces, some incredible stage design, and some gorgeous graphic design. 10/10.
stages: mcountdown 220414, inkigayo 220417, music core 220423
bsides: on the way music bank 220415, inkigayo 220417
bad news - tempest
an extremely strong debut that has definitely set a new tone for the incoming next generation of bgs for sure. everything about this styling is chaotic over the top mess reminiscent of early 2010s kpop mixed with a retro 90s feel that is always a joy to watch. we love to see a return to cheesy and bright boy group form and i have my fingers crossed that we're gonna start seeing it catch on beyond the flops in 2023.
stages: mcountdown 220303, music bank 220304, show champion 220309, the show 220308, music core 220305, music core 220312, inkigayo 220313, mcountdown 220317, music bank 220325, music core 2200326
bsides: just a little bit, bad at love
undercover - verivery
and i am including the japanese version in this, because it has the best outfit, which is kangmin's pink satin tracksuit that i may or may not think about every day. verivery doesn't usually catch my attention but i loved the prerelease single o from this album so it made me tune into the undercover cb when it dropped. this has been one of the few 'retro' stylings (there's been a myriad of 90s/00s revivals) that actually took some very recognizable silhouettes from the period and combined them with a contemporary flavour successfully and consistently. there's so much good texture and the sheer amount of satin they used is just (chef's kiss).
stages: the show 220503, music core 220514, mcountdown 220505, inkigayo 220501, music core 220521, music bank 220513, music bank 220506, the show 220517, show champion 220504, music core 220507, inkigayo 220508
o: mcountdown 220331, music bank 2200401
stupid cool - dawn
dawn once again proving that he and his team understand styling and fashion a lot better than most stylists working in the industy rn. he has such a strong sense of how to use silhouette and texture and i love how every new stage keeps you guess about what insane thing he's gonna wear next. this is also one of the few cbs where i actually think they should have just used the performance video for the final mv, bc its SO good. there's a few small things that i don't love which is why this doesn't rank higher, but there's still a lot that i do, so i kept from the runners' up category.
stages: mcountdown 220707, mcountdown 220630, music bank 220701, inkigayo 220703
devil - changmin
it was short but sweet, every look is a banger and i am going to include maniac and fever here as well, because it's also incredible. although all three of these songs have no aesthetic unity across them, this album very much was an exploration of genres that changmin is interested in and creating characters to embody each of those songs; we have the american gothic corrupt preacher with devil, the classic rock besieged horror heroine with maniac, and the capitalist victorian villain from an alw musical. i'd also recommend watching the jacket shooting behind to see more details from the looks in the concept photos, bc those are also excellent.
stages: music core 220115, inkigayo 220116
bsides: fever performance video - dgg
bring it on - oneus
bring it on had so much fun character and a great series of prologue films as well, and i feel like it didn't get the love it deserved. there are so many things happening in this mv and it's very busy visually, so for them to be able to keep it coherent despite the sheer number of sets is impressive. rbw has great creative teams and it's no surprise that a oneus mv ended up in my top ten.
stages: music bank 220520, inkigayo 220522, show champion 220525, mcountdown 220602
grey suit - suho
i might not have loved the title track as a song, but the mv is fucking gorgeous with some profoundly beautiful shots and like with changmin, the album as a whole is fantastic work and he produced a similar style goofy fun bside mv for hurdle that ended up being his go to concert song this year. both have really consistent design and colour palettes across the two of them, even though they're two totally different styles of song, which is a detail that i really admire. and the concept photos were gorgeous as well.
stages: music bank 220408, inkigayo 220410
bsides: hurdle mcountdown 220407
daydream - highlight
fantastic cb from them and excellent album in general, with some unusual silhouette choices. and they fully produced their album medley as well, which i don't think i've seen a group do to this same extent. it's beautiful, i highly recommend watching it. highlight has been quietly flying under the radar since their first post enlistment cb last year, and as the hag fan that i am i'm going to continue to remind everyone that they exist and are doing some of the best quality work in the industry atm.
stages: music core 220326, inkigayo 220327, music bank 220325,
bsides: night fog music bank 220325
runners' up
heart burn - sunmi
honestly this should rank higher bc it was such a good cb and everything about it was so well done, but there was just too much that came out this year and i had to bump some things down just because of quantity and the fact that tumblr limits how many links and videos you can put in a post. so please know this was in a top spot in my heart.
invu - taeyeon
i wrote a post about invu already so i won't expound on it more, but it got knocked down to runners' up just bc i didn't love all the looks, but i did love a lot of the dedication and thought and engagement they put into the cb as a whole.
dududu - tan
also already wrote an entire post about this styling, i love it i'm obsessed one of THE best debuts of all time etc etc etc you've heard me yell about them many times already. although i have to issue one addition: for some reason i didn't include inkigayo 220403 where they gave jiseong a gorgeous blue crushed velvet suit.
again - nu'est
this is only here because they never did any performances of it. the only group that's ever done anything good with hybe money and what did they get for it??? the nu'est disbandment is easily one of the most gutwrenching things to happen to me and it's double compounded by their disbandment song being called 'again'. what a fucking cruel joke. anyways this mv is fucking gorgeous even if it makes me feel like i'm eating broken glass.
epitaph - tvxq
yes this is a japanese release but they haven't done a korean cb in like four years at this point so i'm taking what i can get. incredible set design, great costuming, who doesn't loves some hot tall vampires?
feel my rhythm - red velvet
the mv is 100% the standout element here, it's so unbelievably detailed and full of art references. however i didn't love all of the costuming so the stages didn't really stand out for me. ok that's a lie, i really liked the styling for music core 220326.
love - monsta x
could i have told you what the concept of this cb was? no. was it chaotic and very fun to watch anyways? absolutely. i present to you: versace. kihyun's obliques. whatever this lace suit nonsense is. idk what a 'vibe' outfit is but they should have done a stage in them.
skinz - onlyoneof
i've talked about the mv for skinz before, but there have been a couple of stages that are just kinda batshit crazy, like whatever the hell is happening here, and this 220114 music bank with the cropped puffer jackets and kb's tshirt bodysuit. i'm not even convinced what kb is wearing here is even considered a shirt. honestly i could have ranked this cb as a whole higher because there were just so many weird suits and i did like the mv, but i did have to limit this list at some point.
cupid - dkz
we love a cb of just guys being dudes! i actually do like the mv but it doesn't tie as well into the stages as i would like, so it doesn't get the full honours. but i would like offer you a selection of: pink, jonghyeong's xxxxl shirt, kyungyoon looking like a caricature of a kid in the early 90s, and kyungyoon's sexy lil cropped green bomber jacket
11:59 - apr project
these are all former trncg members (a third gen bg that disbanded due to an abuse and mismanagement lawsuit) that are redebuting in a new group and honestly? good for them. this mv was made with about $30 but it's one of my favourites of the year specifically because of the context and the moment at 2:41, which is SUCH a strong image and not one i was expecting. this was one of my soppy emo ballads of choice this year. also wolf baby revival when.
standout elements
memem story films - purple kiss // memem is probably the weakest of purple kiss' title tracks in terms of both sound and design, which was bound to happen eventually. however the story films are PHENOMENAL and i absolutely recommend watching them (plus bonus recurring character cya!): #1, #2.
creature - e'last // once again, e'last with an excellent showing of dedication to the man crop top agenda and guys bein' slutty for no real reason. show champion 220511, music bank 220513, show champion 220504, the show 220503
beauty inside - nine.i // i love these denim suits with loopy flowers and shapes that match the flower petal motif in the choreography.
x-ray - ghost9 // these sparkly vampire outfits that never appeared in any of the other styling or design but fuck supremely.
tank - nmixx - costumes that accentuate the choreography? in my jype styling???
part two will hopefully be up in few days!
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the-slasher-madame · 2 years
Can I request Lester x Reader where reader is catching bugs in animal crossing, but Lester shows them how to catch them in real life. Then they compare the bugs to the ones in the game? 🥺
Hi hi hi!!!!! I'll do my best, I'm still pretty new with Lester (y'all can thank @slasherlouvre specifically for showing me the light of Lester andoflesterinlingerieoops-
I also have never played animal crossing, strange I know as a pan nonbinary, but I don't have a switch (and I love my horror games, 'Little Nightmares II' is the current hype, and Dead By Daylight is a top tier favorite of all time). I think bugs are ok, not the best but I love dragonflies. I do not acknowledge the 8-leg'd demons. I don't know what they are, because I will freak out Majorly. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy!!!
Lester wasn't the most technologically advanced man, but neither was Ambrose the most technologically advanced city. The brothers eventually let you have your Switch back as they A) learned they could trust you and 2) figured out that a Switch can't contact the police. Since Lester had the smallest part in the Sinclair family business, he was usually left to babysit you and make sure you didn't run away. He was the one you grew closest to, and the one to convince his brothers you were more than a loose end, that you could be a part of the family He made you a Sinclair, and you were more than happy with that new title. You quickly found out you had a certain chemistry with the youngest Sinclair brother, and he felt similarly. you had built a good nook in this new life, and you enjoyed what you’d made. 
One thing that had remained the same as from when you first came to Ambrose was Lester’s fascination with technology, particularly your Switch. He was a woodland nature sort of guy, but he still thought it was cool what all that little plastic box could do. And, he wanted to indulge your interests as much as you indulged his. He would take you out into the woods at all hours of the day to show you the things he loved about the outside world, from animals to plants to insects; and you always went with him, smiling and happy to be with him. He wanted to make it up to you (even if he didn’t have to), so he always showed your interests the utmost curtsey. It was sweet, seeing how the both of you loved the other and their interests. Half the time Bo would grumble, saying that “y’all’r too sweet, shit.” 
Lester, as the Supreme Animal Lover of Ambrose, absolutely loved watching you play Animal Crossing. He loved the cute designs of the animals and the towns, and of course he loved how much you loved to play it. His favorites, however, were the insects, particularly the beetles (and he loved to compare you to your favorite bug just to watch you giggle). Lester was absolutely enthralled the first time he watched you catch insects in Animal Crossing, pleased to see his hobbies represented in video game form. The second time he saw you playing with the digital insects, he started looking at the technique of the game, thinking back to his own lived experience in the woods. The third time, he starts to suspect you may just enjoy bugs and decides to ask you about it.
"Hey doll, I notice you like them insects on yer game quite a bit. You ever wanna go catch sum real ones?" Lester tried his best to sound nonchalant, but he was really, really hoping you would want to: he loved doing things with you, particularly when they involve the wilderness. You looked up into his eyes, your own twinkling with excitement over the idea of catching actual insects. His heart was already soft for you, but it melted just a little more when you looked at him like that. “Really? You’d want to?” you ask, every inch of your face glowing brighter as you waited for him to answer. “Well o’course sweetpea, I been catchin’ ‘em fer years, we can go whenever you wanna,” oh help him, seeing you so happy and excited, especially over something to do with him, had him alight with wave after wave of butterflies. 
“Les, can we go now?” was your second question, you were already powering off your switch and smiling at him. “Let’s do it! Jus’ gotta grab some supplies, and ya migh’ wanna put on some hikin’ gear-” you kissed him before he could finish, and ran off to get dressed for an outing into the forest. He stood shell-shocked for a moment before he went to root around in his garage for the proper bug-catching supplies. Before long, Lester had loaded up his truck with you and his equipment before he began driving towards his favorite entrance into the woods. 
Lester lost himself showing you the ropes of bug-hunting, showing you what equipment to use and and how to use it, and how to properly care for the bugs until you release them. He was overjoyed. He felts ecstatic to teach you something he loved and that he didn’t know you had thought about doing before. Watching your eyes shine with every inflection of his voice or movement of his hands to adjust yours, it made his heart swell. The two of you spent hours in the woods that day, giggling like children while playing with insects. It was the best day Lester could remember in a long while, a day he treasured so very much. He was content on the drive home while reflecting on how he shared one of his hobbies with you, and it got better as you spoke up: “Les, did ya see how that one looked metallic? It reminded me of one in ‘Animal Crossing,’ the one I found by the town hall! And those butterflies were even prettier than the ones in the game...” Lester smiled as you continued to draw comparisons with the game, not even trying to hide it. He knew not everyone gave you the time of day to listen to you talk about the things that interested you, and he had vowed to do better. He listened intently every single time you talked about your game, and he was elated to make one of your favorite aspects of ‘Animal Crossing’ a reality. Hearing you talk while thinking about how lively you made his days made him fall only the more deeply in love with you. He wouldn’t have it any other way. 
I tried my best lol, I hope you like it!!! I love you and I love all y’all that like my shit <33333
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aurirorii · 5 months
my carat journey ♡︎
sypnosis: (im sure the title makes this self-explanatory but) in which i tell you all about my first impressions and journeys as a carat. (i like summed it all up so its super short)
a/n: i havent been a carat for tooooo long but nonetheless it makes me feel pretty happy to see ive come as a carat as well as how the group themselves have grown over the years c:
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how did it start.. oh right. when i first came around seventeen or seen something about them it was actually back in may of 2021 from a clip i saw on youtube i saw of them on knowing brothers. this clip was when the mcs of the show were trying to guess all of the members’ names and it was the8’s turn.
i remember watching minghao doing that flip or wtv (sorry i dont remember what its called lol) n after he was all cool and stuff. and lowk i was like ‘oooooo.. hes kinda cute’ hehe. and honestly that was kinda it.
you see, it was in 2018 i was actually a k-pop stan yk during the prime era of kpop. obviously over the next 2-4 years i had lost focus. but, when i came back, that video was one of the many i had watched on youtube about kpop. and when i came back, i became a skz fan. i remember felix was my ult bias and that was that.
but that was until i came across an episode of going seventeen. pretty infamous right? god, i remember watching that episode when they were planting rice (ver-paddy) and i was hooked. i had never laughed so much, it was like my spark had come back. i say that because when i re-entered the kpop fandom, i wasn’t at the highest point of my life. so laughing that much over one video on youtube made me so happy. that was when i knew that i needed to find out who this group was and where i can watch more episodes.
that was when i realized that the group i was watching was seventeen: the group with that one cute guy with gray hair and glasses (the8)! also when i realized that vernon was in seventeen (i knew and recognized vernon bc if his cover with jeongyeon, do i need to keep explaining? i didn’t think so).
although, when i started looking into the members, one caught my eye and it was safe to say it was not the8. it was LA boy hong joshua. idk what it was really but i thought he looked so idk— beautiful. so thats what it was for me. i started stanning the group and having joshua as my new ult bias in june 2022. sadly, over time, my interest in skz started to decline. it wasn’t that skz wasn’t great, they are, y’know how it is right?
that was how my journey started. i started listening to their music, getting into going seventeen, binge-watching like all the seventeen related videos i could find on youtube, and most importantly: going through hell trying to learn all of the members.
oh. my. god. hey, you know, it took some time, but i got there! (i always messed up woozi and hoshi) um.. anyways. as time went on, obviously i was able to experience the feeling of waiting to watch their new comebacks and such. and honestly, i don’t mean to be one of those people, but seventeen genuinely brought my spark back. i had, and still, never been so interested in something until them.
around 5-6 months later, it was in novemeber 2022 when i was pretty settled into the group when my thoughts and views started to change. i was starting to focus on new members. i honestly don’t remember at all how this started but jeonghan caught my eye. and i was hooked.
idk.. hes js so.. im sure u know what i mean!!! i mean who wouldn’t? like, have you seen jeonghan? oh lordy lord. he was so beautiful yet fine yet cute yet literally all of the above. i sound like one of those crazy fans. PLEASE GUYS I PROMISE IM NOT LIKE THAY JUST HEAR ME OUT A TINY BIT. let a girl be delulu PLS. ok now im gonna continue being delulu for a sec thanks.
i do admit i still fangirl a bit over him, just a teensy bit!!!!! (i fucking watch edits on tiktok HELP ME I HAVE A SAVED COLLECTION IN MY FAVORITES ermmmm i js want to be organized!!!! …..) please guys im just a girl.
uh. yeah! but in all seriousness, i’m so happy that i was able to come across such an amazing group. time has passed so much and it’s crazy for me to understand that i’ve been already been a carat for almost 2 years. (pls help me ive watched like every gose episode and inside seventeen episode like 50 million times each, but honestly i’ll never get tired of it).
i’m so proud of seventeen after everything they’ve gone through. watching them win their first daesang made me feel so happy for them, they absolutely deserve it. from practicing together in a small, green walled room to selling out almost all of their shows and stages they perform on, seventeen has grown so much as not just a group but individually.
i just know that if seventeen’s predebut self saw their lives now their joy would just be through the roof. as one of the most looked-upon sunbaenims in their industry, i’m sure most people can agree seventeen tops their line of style when making music.
and i’m also so glad i decided to be a carat. i love the fandom, like i can be on tiktok for hours just laughing watching carats post the funniest memes and compilations as well as making the stupidest tweets. i can very much vouch carats are one of the most funniest, supportive fandoms out there.
so yeah, that’s about it!
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duhragonball · 5 months
(That title looked cooler in my head for some reason.)
Hi, I'm Mike, and on December 21, 2012, I made the first post on this blog. It's nothing special, just a fandub video that always amused me. I didn't have any particular agenda with this thing, which is why I went with the name I chose.
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I signed up for tumblr in 2011. Livejournal was dying, I had just moved to a new place and I was kind of looking for a fresh start. My main blog, @sodiumlamp, was my half-assed attempt to do a cool science themed blog. I thought you had to have a moody aesthetic on this site, because a lot of popular tumblrs posted black and white photos with wistful poetry and shit. I was burned out on """fandom""" and wanted to try to write something focused on a more general-interest topic. To be honest, I still want that, but it took a back seat as my priorities changed.
I created a few sideblogs, and decided the only thing I was missing was one for anime nonsense. It feels weird that I waited so long to go through with it, though. That first year or two on tumblr, I was kind of wary of the site, like I didn't know what to do with it, and I was worried I'd screw something up. Anyway, I broke my leg in the fall of 2012, and I spent about five months laid up at my parents' house. It was on the evening of December 20 that I made up my mind to set this thing up. Maybe I just couldn't settle on a name for the blog, or I wasn't sure I could post enough stuff to it to make it worth the trouble. My sleep schedule was a mess in those days, so it doesn't surprise me much that the first post was made in the middle of the night.
What really made this important for me was a post I made a few days later. I decided to just write about Raditz, and it got a lot of notes. Well, more than a hundred, which is kind of a big deal to me. There seemed to be an audience for this stuff, which led me to devote more and more time to this blog. Over the years, my other blogs have fallen by the wayside, and this became my main internet presence.
I don't think this thing is all that "big" in terms of popularity. I currently have 3957 followers, which sounds like a lot, although I usually only see 20-30 unique users in my activity reports. Still, it's a lot for me, and I'm grateful for it. I think things started to pick up in 2015, probably because of Xenoverse 1, Resurrection F, and Dragon Ball Super all starting up around that time. I got a lot of positive reinforcement from my audience, and that was a major factor that led to me getting back into writing fanfiction.
The Luffa concept was something I had been sitting on for years, but I never tried to write it because it seemed like too daunting a challenge, and even if I could finish a story like that, I wasn't sure anyone would bother to read it. But in 2015 I felt a lot more confident about giving it a shot. And people read it! They seemed to really like it! And in early December of that year, I even got fanart of the story.
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(Art by @bluewavelengths)
It still blows my mind that this happened. It's eight years later, and I still find myself kind of averting my gaze when I look at this. Like, it's just sort of overwhelming. I really need to assemble some sort of gallery for Luffa art. I've got a folder with a lot of XV2 screencaps and loose drafts, and I'll run across this image from time to time and it always gets to me. Thank you, Nico.
So Luffa kind of took over a lot of this blog space from 2016 onward. I still felt like I should maintain some sort of general presence for an audience that wasn't interested in the character. I don't know if that makes sense or not, but that led me to kind of half-assedly liveblogging JoJo's Bizarre Adventure in 2017, which led me to three-quarter-assed liveblogs around the time I got to Stone Ocean and Steel Ball Run. That kind of set the stage for much of the stuff I do these days. Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z in 2019, Hellsing and Battle Tendency in 2021, and GT and Super in 2023. Well, I like to think I use my whole ass now when I liveblog these things, but I guess I should let history be the judge of that.
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I'm not sure there's a coherent message to this. Honestly, I noticed back in January that I passed Year 10, and I thought I should really make a point of doing some sort of retrospective on the next anniversary, so here I am. I kind of debated making it a shitpost, or blowing it off altogether, but now that I've settled on revisiting the history of the blog, I feel like the common denominator here is that I can express myself and there are people who are interested in what I have to say. Every so often someone will tell me they liked something I wrote, and it's great. I'm not good at taking the compliment, but it's still gratifying to know that someone actually paid attention long enough to go "Yeah, he's got a good point." That matters. It matters a lot. If you're reading this, thank you.
I don't know what the future holds. I mean, I'm gonna keep posting stuff here, but for all I know Tumblr will get sold to Yahoo again and go out of business. In the short term, I still have fic work to do, and I've got a lot of messages in my ask box that I need to get back to. Also I'm gonna try to watch Evangelion next year, and reread Jojolion now that it's finished, and see if it makes more sense. Other than that, we'll see.
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Serious question: Did I coin the term "Knife Lady"? Like, other people call her that now, but I think I may have been the one to get that started. Maybe I'm kidding myself, but it's fun to think about sometimes. I just don't want to steal fandom valor from the actual inventor of "we should all call that Saiyan 'Knife Lady'." But if it really was me, then that's pretty cool.
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