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You guys see my vision right
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Happy Pride!
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This was originally going to be a shitpost with Cole simply saying he loves men but it magically turned into a full-on postcard like drawing. Happy pride month pookies💪🌟
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I do gotta wonder... after FSM passed, did Wu take his room? Did he leave his room off-limits to honor him? After the Monastery burnt down and was rebuilt, did Wu also have FSM's room rebuilt?
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In s1e5, the Mailman is seen walking up the Constrictai Tomb mountain with his whole backpack of mail... do the Serpentine regularly get mail deliveries??? Or does the Mailman deliver things like food and water to the Serpentine? If so, how come He knows where the tombs are when most people don't? What is his purpose when it comes to human/Serpentine affairs?
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how the old is overlord......was there somewhere where they talked ab his age....also how old is fsm
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Do you think FSM got Wasting Sickness too, and he knew his time was soon to be at an end, and the only thing keeping it at bay was his oni blood... so he had enough time to prepare for his death...
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one of the biggest continuity errors about Ninjago that still bothers me is that Wu and Garmadon probably looked as young as they did for thousands of years but then just??? aged up to look 60 years old within the span of probably not even a decade because Lloyd was born before Garmadon was banished
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Yall ever think about the ice chapter and how Cole had a nightmare about how he dropped the travelers tea and had to go back into the teetering bounty to retrieve it after all his friends had escaped, something that would've killed him had it been real. And how badly that nightmare shook him (he ran off entirely on his own to get more tea, and got upset at his friends before doing so). And then compare that to the very real life time where he dropped an important scroll and went back in to an unstable temple after all his friends had escaped to retrieve it, an act that did actually kill him (ghost-ified him). Because I do. I think about it a lot
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Unpopular opinion(?): I like Sora's broadcast to her people more than Lloyd's in s9... Lloyd's is just about in instilling hope in the people, saying Garmadon needs them to be weak, but Lloyd needs them to be strong, while Sora's is saying the Empress' strength comes directly from the subjugation of her people and together they can tear her down, bit by bit. Lloyd's is just a motivational speech, Sora's is a call to action...
That's not to say Lloyd's speech is bad or anything, it's a great scene, with the brief moment of pause he takes when he sees the footage of himself at Kryptarium... but I will say Sora's has this larger impact to me, I can't Fully explain it...
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How do I tell old me that this is half the basis for the Arin Corruption Arc theory
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Reminder that Arin voicing his worries about not having powers is justified.
Reminder that him being “annoying” about it is something that the og ninja also always did when they temporarily lost their powers— and sometimes much more loudly.
Reminder that him feeling useless and saying it out loud has been experienced by most, if not all, of the og ninja, especially Lloyd.
Reminder that Arin is a child in a situation where he seems to slowly go towards what he wants and needs (being with the ninja, finding his parents), yet it is constantly pulled further away from him. That would make me upset, too.
Actually, just a reminder that Arin is a child.
Him voicing his feelings is actually a change from the constant ignoring or removal of such conversations about major feelings like this. Everyone makes mistakes, and by that I mean everyone, and it shouldn’t be just Arin being penalized for it.
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Why is Cole doing repair work on his Elemental Vehicle??? Girl that shit is summoned by ... your weapon??? You telling me it isn't magic enough to fix itself??? Cole can do mechanical work???
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They're so... glum...
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kai trying to snap Lloyd out of his visions:
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Hey king. What r ur pronouns.
Any pronouns are fine i don't really mind
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