itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
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Statue (by Poom Jantarachart)
Saraburi, Thailand
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
Buddha (via om--namah-shivaya)
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
Sky, who didn’t know how he was going to handle his internet connection properly, released a sigh of relief even when he was sure his boss was grilling him… Hey, the company was going to pay for it so he didn’t have to worry about spending more on something he really can’t afford. Sure, he does live by himself but the money he makes wasn’t just his own. He helps out his father and siblings in the province whenever he could and he was able to do that by putting himself in a tight budget. Knowing that his boss will take care of his internet connection did take some weight off his shoulders. Now all he had to worry about is his work - He listened carefully as instructions from his superior flowed to his direction, nodding his head when asked a question, “Yes, Phi, we can finish this in a week. I’ll work hard to make it happen,” he said, completely engaged when things started going south. 
Sky’s ass cheek definitely felt pain but that was nothing compared to his pride scarring as neighbors watched him run down the street with two stray dogs at his heels, the house maid behind them waving her weapon of choice… Of course, he was worried about the meeting with his boss and he was sure she was probably calling him as he head back to his apartment but since his dumbass forgot to bring his cellphone with him, he couldn’t really answer her… Oh, he thought to himself, praying to all the gods whose names he could remember, 2020 needs to end soon…
Apple knew money was not in abundance with Sky, perhaps she could give him a raise, it had been about a year since he had started with Wolff Media group and he was due a raise. She would talk to him about it soon. He did work hard and he deserved it.
“Great” She clapped her hands together. “A week is about all the time we have” She said right before they lost connection. He wasn’t picking up his phone but luckily she had communicated all that needed to to him. She sent him a quick text. 
Get your internet sorted out. 
Pay extra if needed to make sure it is done today.
Send the bill to me. 
She was so done with 2020. What next? Could it get any worse? Something good had to happen soon. She would pray. Taking off her shoes she sat in front of her simple white Buddha and placed her palms together and closing her eyes she began to chant...
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
Sky stumbled for a few moments, trying to gather his thoughts, he made a couple of mistakes sharing his report to his boss but once his ideas were firmly planted in his head, he regained confidence and control, at least of his situation and his reporting. The dogs never left his side which was odd but he didn’t bother shoo-ing them away. They weren’t bothering him and Phi didn’t even say anything about them… She doesn’t really say much especially when she’s satisfied or happy. Sky wished he was praised when he did a good job but that rarely happened. But he never complained. He was happy he had a job when many around him had lost theirs and barely struggling. He was finishing up with his explanation, catching the next questions by his superior, pausing as he thought of the best way to answer her.
“Ahh….” He nodded, thinking about his internet situation. “I do have a connection, Phi, but it’s not the best. I’m not sure if it’s the package or the area but I’ve always had a hard time connecting. I’ll check out my other options at this point, Phi,” he reassured her, realizing that if he choose a new package he’d be spending more. He has a permanent job at the ad agency but he’s a new employee and he doesn’t really make that much. 
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“Ah, Phi, do you have any questions regarding the report? I’m also preparing the power point for the new client that we were supposed to meet but because of the lock down, we had to cancel. The meeting is next week,” he went through her schedule, scrolling down her calendar when he was distracted by a noise coming from behind…
Sky’s new dog friends scurried away as he turned his head to look, eyes wide when what appeared to be a housemaid emerged from the opened gate. The older lady held a broom in her left hand, eyeing him as he crouched down the front of the gate. She began yelling at him, accusing him of stealing internet, waving her broom at him. He worriedly look at his screen, holding the laptop with both hands as he muttered, “Ah, Phi - I might lose connection in a moment -” He wasn’t able to finish his sentence and felt the broom handle grazing his ass as he got up from his spot in front of the house. He closed his laptop and yelped, as the broom handle caught his right ass cheek, causing him to run as fast as he could, headed back to his apartment on the same road…
*i got chased a lot with the same broom when i was little XD it was traumatizing
Apple listened to him tell her about his internet and once he finished she clapped her hands together. “Okay, look Sky. I need you to have a good connection and I don’t know what the problem is...but I need you to have a good connection at all times. Okay?” She paused for a second and waved her hands about, “Can you get someone to come to your house and find out what the problem is? Do some troubleshooting and find out if it’s the connection or...whatever it is...And get them to upgrade you to the best package.” She got distracted for a moment with the dogs and blinked. “The company will pay, of course. You need it for work.” She gave a small smile. “ I need you to have it, okay? I can’t do my job if you can’t help me.” This was the best she cold do in way of praising him. “Can you get on this right away?” 
The new client, yes. It was annoying that they couldn’t meet face to face, this was vital in securing a deal with new clients and meeting on Zoom was not the best option at all but it would have to do. The new client was big, one of the biggest beer companies in Thailand, Singah. They wanted a new campaign for the brand and Wolff Media Group wanted to secure the multi million dollar deal. She hoped that they would be able to meet next week but was worried they would cancel again so they needed something to grab their interest. “Yes, the presentation was good, but we need something more. Maybe a teaser trailer? Could we get that done in a week?” It would be a struggle but with everyone working around the clock it could be done. “Let’s get the creative team involved. Like today. I’ll email them for a meeting later today.” She was about to go into more details when the commotion started. “What...?” She began and then merely watched as the action began to unfold. “Sky! Oh my god!” An old woman was chasing him and yelling. And then the connection was lost...and she was on her own in the meeting.
“What the hell Sky?” She said out loud even though she knew he couldn’t hear her.  She tried reconnecting herself and waited a few minutes for him to join the meeting again but he didn’t. She picked up her phone and started to call him instead. “Pick up the damn phone, Sky” She stood up and started pacing around the room. He needed the best internet. Today.
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
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You will always exist in the universe in one form or another.
Suzuki Roshi
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
Sky continued to speak, maybe too fast for his boss’ liking. He didn’t miss the eye rolls and the muttering under the breath but he was going to ignore that, pretend he didn’t see it and focused on what he needed to report. If only his two audiences would move out of his boss’ vision. One of his uninvited Zoom guests peeked at the screen, sniffed the keyboard and yawned like it found something completely uninteresting. The other one barking so loud next to his ear he thought he’d shattered an ear drum. That’s when he got distracted, shooing the dogs away and melting where he was crouched down at the same time. He began to apologize but realized P’Apple was saying something. “What, Phi?” He frowned, moving his face close to his screen only to hear his boss yelling his name, commanding him to ‘turn on his mic!’ Panicking, the order didn’t right away register in his brain. Mic? What mic???? It took a few seconds to finally refocus, managing to turn on his mic, apologizing to his boss right after. How can he properly put his hands together as he apologized? His laptop would topple off his lap… He took a deep breath, catching the last comments from his superior.
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“Eeeer…” Was it really important?? He wanted to ask but he dared not talk back to his boss. “Ah, Phi… I needed to go out to use the internet…” He started, wincing at his excuse. This did seem unprofessional, didn’t it? He told himself. However, he reasoned that this was better than not coming to the online meeting at all. “I just ran into some small problem. But everything is good…” He forced a smile that appeared like he was manifesting some pain. His uninvited guests were back, sitting next to him once again, peeking at his boss on the screen. He pretended the stray dogs didn’t exist and moved on to his report without blinking. “Shall I continue, Phi?” He said in a polite tone…
She watched his struggling attempt to turn on the microphone and nodded once he did. “Better” she exhaled and uncrossed her arms listening to him ramble on. It was unprofessional that he was outside, yes. But she had to praise him for trying to find a solution to attend their meeting. But she would not praise him verbally, she simply praised him in her silent thoughts as she didn’t want him to get too cocky with all this new age gratitude and making the other person feel good about themselves. He had to have humility and that was something he was good at, he was not the tiniest bit arrogant. Another plus for him. Apple noted all these positive elements about his personality but never remarked on them
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The dogs seemed to take a shine to him and she wondered whether they were his. “Small problems are still problems, Sky” She said, arching a brow and waved a hand for him to continue. “Yes, continue” She nodded and went on, “I got your email and I would like you to elaborate...” Leaning back in her chair, she flicked a strand of hair away from her face. It was time to see how thorough he really was. Apple did not like to leave any stone unturned and she always wanted each and every option explored even if it was not an option. “Also, I think we need to get you a new internet package. Clearly the one you have is not enough” She paused squinting for a second. “Do you even have internet at home?” He needed to be available when she needed and dashing outside and making her wait was not an option if she randomly had a thought or idea at 11 at night. She would upgrade his internet, it was vital for work. 
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
Sky was going to be dead meat in a couple of minutes if he doesn’t get his shit together and connect to the internet right away and show up for the meeting with his boss. Okay, he’s probably exaggerating; it won’t be THAT bad if he was a minute late, yes? He doesn’t really know the answer to his question as he’d always managed to meet his boss’ expectation. Sitting on the side of the street, with a mask on, and his laptop resting on his lap, he rushed to use his rich neighbor’s WIFI. Truth is, he wasn’t really sure things would work out. “Who doesn’t protect their WIFI?” He said out loud as his fingers worked entering his username on his laptop, reaching the screen, and finally the box that would basically predict whether he’d still have a job in the next few minutes… He released a breath crossed to a gasp and a chuckle when he realized his neighbor didn’t bother putting a password to their connection. It’s his lucky day or the gods must be watching over him… Sky worked quick, logging into the site to join the meeting, not minding the time especially when he realized that P’Apple was already on… How long was she waiting?? A couple of minutes late, Sky did not have time to worry about his location; the brick wall behind him would look weird, true, and the stray dogs walking around in front of him sniffing each other was truly a distraction, but how was he suppose to hide all that?? 
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“Phi, good morning!” He spoke politely - and nervously - greeting his boss as soon as he popped on the screen. “I have -” He fumbled, struggling to hold his laptop and take his mask off at the same time to properly speak. “I finished all the paperwork you needed for today. I sent them all to you last night. Did you get a chance to look over them, Phi?” 
One more minute. That is all she would give him. Surely he knew by now that bad time keeping was her pet hate. Well, one of the many pet hates...
Thirty two seconds to go and he appeared. “Hallelujah” she muttered under her breath. Where the hell was he? And why was he wearing a mask? She leaned in a little towards the screen and squinted. It seemed he was outside, unless he had put a brick wall background on. She had warned him before about using silly backgrounds, one it was distracting and two, she wanted to see where he was. For all she knew he could be lying in bed and that was not at all professional. Another pet hate, lack of professionalism. As she stared at the screen she saw a, what was that? A dog? Two dogs sidling up to him, one on either side. She leaned back into her chair quickly and sighed a loud sigh as she crossed her arms across her chest. Rolling her eyes she watched as he seemed to be struggling to keep his laptop straight. 
Once he managed to get the mask off his face she could see he was talking. But he was on mute. “Good lord...” She muttered under her breath then sharply exhaled as she spoke, “Sky. Sky! Turn  on your microphone” For the love of god, why was he so incompetent? “Turn on the mic. And where are you anyway?” Her tone sounded angry. She sipped her coffee and shook her head as if to say “Well? I am waiting for an explanation”
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
kuwentista replied to your post: ZOOM ZOOM: I’M A CRIMINAL
omggg u gonna kill me but okeeee hahahahaha
what do you mean?? don’t make me kill you because i will
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
Timeline: 22nd May 2020, Friday, 7:27 AM Location: Tiny apartment outside Bangkok. Mood: Focused, a bit frustrated. Attire: Jeans, white shirt, Chucks.
Sky was ready to go online way ahead of the time of his Zoom meeting with his boss, P’Apple. Her name sounds innocent and sweet but truth is, when she’s not happy about something, she’s more like a jackfruit that could drop to your head any moment causing some slight concussion. Not a good thing. In spite of her reputation as a ‘terror’ though, Sky worked hard enough not to experience any of her wrath. She was a good boss, reasonable, logical, and intelligent. Sky loved working for her.
For the past year, Sky had been P’Apple’s assistant. It wasn’t planned and from what he understood, he was sort of the last resort. As an intern for Wolff Media Group, a well-know and highly respected marketing/advertising agency around the globe, permanently working for the company was Sky’s dream job. Being hired as an intern even before he graduated college was his big break and he did all he can to impress and prove himself. When the news broke of P’Apple’s assistant being terminated - for some classified reason - Sky, without hesitation, applied for the position. He didn’t have the experience required for the job; it could be luck or maybe something was in the air the day the decision was made that gave P’Apple the sense of impulsivity that she hired Sky. Or maybe it was true that no one applied and he was the only stupid brave one to do so [ was Ms. Wolff that bad?? ]… Either way, he didn’t complain or question it, although he couldn’t believe it. It was a gamble on his new boss’ part, he thought, and a big challenge for him but he took on the position and have been working tirelessly since. 
Sky proved to be reliable when given the appropriate resources to do his job. If not, well, he’s not called resourceful for nothing. Today he supposed was going to be one of those days when his resourcefulness was tested once again. Working from home was great in many aspects but there are big downsides to it. For one, his internet connection was not very reliable. There were times he had to use [ without permission ] his neighbor’s. And this morning when he was supposed to go on a Zoom conference with his boss, his connection acts up. He tried accessing his neighbor’s but apparently they caught on with what happens sometimes that they denied access to it. Sky was forced to think of something else, attempting to connect using his phone but that did not work… 
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Sky ended up putting a mask on, leaving the safety of his home to walk around the neighborhood, hunting down a connection that would allow him to start a conference call to his boss… Finally, stopping in front of a massive house just down the road from him, he connects to the net, starting his Zoom call with his boss, muttering curses under his breath, calling himself a criminal, stealing internet connection…
*jackfruit’s an asian fruit, i think mostly southeast, that smells sooooooooooooo good. i love jackfruit - anyway, when it’s ripe, you can smell it from a distance. they are huge and heavy and i remember when my cousins and i were little our grandparents would say don’t go walking under a jackfruit tree especially when they are ripe coz they could fall on you… ALSO, people do sit outside people’s home to use internet. when i was back in the philippines last summer, there were high schoolers and small kids outside our gate ALL THE TIME. coz we had a really good internet connection, so they sit around outside our house, surfing the net hahahahahahahahhahaa
Timeline: 22nd May 2020, Friday, 7.27 AM Location: Crown Penthouse, Celes Asoke. Mood: Calm Attire: Yoga pants, crop top, aqua silk robe.
5.00 AM. It was the time Apple woke up every morning. And her morning routine was always the same. Up and out of bed and then she would walk to the huge floor to ceiling window and welcome the morning and say her words of gratitude. Her yoga mat was always there on the floor and she would do 20 minutes of yoga facing the spectacular view of Bangkok. After that it was time for mindfulness. 15 minutes. Then a shower. 10 minutes. Without drying her hair she would walk to the kitchen and make her raw spinach, pineapple, jackfruit, ginger and cucumber smoothie for breakfast. 12 minutes to prep, 3 minutes to drink. Time was important to her as was routine. Anything that threw her off her routine wold make her extremely agitated. All was well today and she felt good. It was not hard to feel good in the luxury penthouse in one of Bangkok’s most affluent areas and luxurious buildings. She had moved in a year ago after moving out of her parent’s home. 26 years old was probably too late to move out for western standards but she was very close to her parents. It was her father that suggested that she move out. She was a young, independent woman in all other ways and this was a way for her to be fully emancipated. She wasn’t happy about it but she didn’t want to admit that, she wasn’t a baby after all and she had everything she wanted in her family home, waited on hand and foot, maids everywhere, food prepared and brought to her. Clothes laundered and ironed. Everything, every damn thing was done for her. Daddy Wolff thought she should learn how to live and cope on her own. And of course she could come back if she couldn’t cope. But Apple would rather die than admit she couldn’t cope. So, cope she did. She had a maid of course that cleaned and cooked and washed and scrubbed. But at the weekends she was on her own.
She was on her own more and more now with the pandemic and the maid came but Apple made her wear full protective gear so it looked like an astronaut was cleaning the house. She watched the maid clean and cook with videos she had installed in every room to make sure everything was sterile and clean, she didn’t come into any contact with her maid. Control freak was a phrase that had become synonymous with her name at work. Apple called it self respect. 
She was usually at work by 7 each morning and would have her coffee, espresso, double shot, Columbian and go over her tasks for the day. 7.30 was her regular morning meeting with Sky, the young intern. He was lucky to get the job, there were others. Many others but Apple found at least four things wrong with each and every one of them. Whether it was their hair, their crooked teeth or the way they spoke in an accent that irritated her. Sky was not as good on paper as some of the others. But he was easy to mould she thought and he was nice to look at. That was important to Apple because she would be looking at him a lot. Now it was 7:27...3 minutes till her meeting with Sky.
She threw a silk robe over her comfortable yoga clothes and sitting up straight in her ergonomic chair at her vast light oak desk she gazed out across the Bangkok skyline. Breathtaking. With that she took a deep breath and raised her tiny cup to her lips and sipped her first dainty mouthful of coffee. She tapped her computer and it turned on. Tracing delicate circles she opened up a window and launched Zoom. Where was this child? He better not be late. Come on Sky, where are you? Don’t come up with the same old crap that you have a bad connection again. She would really have to upgrade his internet package, this would not do. It was ruining her psyche and her patience was beginning to wear thin. How rude to keep her waiting...It may not be 7:30 yet and he still had 3 minutes but who turns up to a meeting at the right time? He should be early. Ready and waiting for her. Not the other way round. She tapped her fingers on the desk and stared at the screen, waiting for him to join the meeting.
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Originally posted by kuwentista
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
it is not how it should be ...right?
what am I doing wrong???
there used to be this thing at the top left that you clicked and now thats gone
this is a fake text. dont read it. it’s not for you lkjfsfjlsdfjlkdfjsalkfjkdfjdkfjlskdjdlfkldskjfdklfjlkfjlafkjasdfkjsldkfjdksfjdklsjflksdjfsldkfjsdklfjlkdfjlskdfjlkdfjslskdf yoongi is awesome/;sdf;sldkflsdfklfkldfsldfjskdfjldfjdfjklkdsfjslkfjsldkfjldskfjlsdfjsdlfjsldfjdlfjfwere is jungkooks mixtape akldjskldjaskdjaskjdakdjaskdjaksldjaskdljlkasdj you cut right here lksfsldfjksldfjlsdkfjdkfjsdkfj annnd i need food lfk;slfkolfkdlkfdsfkweokfpowekfwepofkofkewokfewfkwefkfk;lfkldkflsdkflkflsdkfslkfdlfldklfkdlfdl;f
reblog it like this skdfjsdkfjkdfjdkfskdfjlsdkfdjlkfj so i can edit @unauthorizedhenry​ xkit should fix the problem. also opt out on the new dash. go to your settings, then on the right hand side click on DASHBOARD, then all the way down interface turn on USE THE OLD DASHBOARD. otherwise, x kit will not work.
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itsarinyatoyou · 4 years
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“A little while, a moment of rest upon the wind, and another woman shall bear me.” ― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
*This verse is an extension of the verse Heartbeat [ ‘The Witch’s Heart’. ]
Verse Inspiration.  [EST. 27th April 2020] Set in various locations; New York & LA, USA; Oslo, Norway; Seoul, South Korea; Tokyo, Japan; Bangkok, Thailand; Manila, Philippines; Hong Kong; Australia; and other parts of Europe. *The focal setting of the verse is the fictional international marketing and advertising firm Wolff Media Group in Bangkok. The main office of the firm is based in Oslo and has branches in various major cities around the world. Open. NSFW 21+
Bangkok, Thailand
Sky Apinya Supsampantuwongse [ Gulf Kanawut ]  ➝ assistant to ms. wolff at wolff media group; reincarnated
Tokyo, Japan; Bangkok, Thailand
Unnamed [ Darren Barnet ] ➝ advertising agent; immortal
Seoul, South Korea
Unnamed [ Park Seo-joon ] ➝ yes, no, maybe?
Oslo, Norway; Bangkok, Thailand
Arinya Wolff [ Yaya Sperbund ] ➝ advertising art director for wolff media group
a little advertisement… join the dark side. we have chocolate chip cookies. they dark chocolate XD
Non-Playable Characters:
P’Wolff - coz i dunno his name yet, oke? [ Mew Suppasit ] ➝  apple’s older brother, ceo-in-training of wolff media group
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