#anyway I bet they were referencing something lol
ndostairlyrium · 8 months
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...tell me there are fanarts of such parades because this is such an interesting fact
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empressdede · 9 months
Remember the time
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This is my first time writing something and publicly publishing it. This is based off the Remember the time by Michael Jackson. Pleaseee show some love lol. I do want to say that the OC is a black character but anyone can read. I was inspired to write this because of @raya-hunter01 & @whatdoeseverybodywant Let me know what you guys think!
Pairing: Kiyah (OC) x Jimmy uso. (Theres not enough Jimmy Uso fics on here. I did it for my man.)
Warnings: cursing, smut, smoking, long read.
Bold italics are thoughts, italics are both dialogue during a smut scene and when anything is referenced. Red bold italics are the song lyrics
Word count: 9,581.
Summary: Jimmy comes back to New York after Money In The Bank and Remembers the time he had with Kiyah.
An uneasy feeling settled in Jimmy’s stomach ever since he found out that New York was the next arena after Money In The Bank. Being in the city was as the ghost of her was going to trailing over him. It’s been three months since he’s last seen her and he wasn’t healed but it was easier to be away from here. Being here reminded him of everything he used to love to do… with who he loved to do it with.
Do you remember, when we first met girl?
When Covid hit and the whole world was forced to stay quarantined at home, due to being in a really depressive state, Kiyah really isolated herself from everyone. She was in a funk that she desperately wanted to get rid of, and in late 2020 when her favorite cousin Bianca, called her to inform that she was going to be in Tampa, FL for work until further notice, Bianca invited Kiyah to stay with her and Tez. Kiyah packed her bags and caught the first available flight to Florida, leaving her life behind in New York. She attended all the smackdown shows with Bianca, watching how she was really dominating in the women division as a newbie.
Backstage if she wasn’t hanging out with Bianca, she was hanging out with Dawkins and Tez. The wrestlers were actually pretty funny to be around, the girls were nicer than she thought they would be - Well, except for a couple who didn’t really matter - and the guys were funny to be around. She would walk around the halls aimlessly when it became too much to be around and one day, she found herself bumping into Jimmy…. literally.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry.” Kiyah quickly apologized to the person, her eyes slitting up to fixate her gaze on the man she bumped into. His smile took her breath away, damn who was he?
“You good, it was my fault I wasn’t looking where I was going. You okay?” He asked.
Kiyah nodded her head, not trusting her voice at the moment. She knew she would embarrass herself if she stayed in this man’s presence any longer. Clearing her throat, she tries to excuse herself. “Well, I’ll be on my way.”
“Wait…. Are you a new hire? I’ve never seen you before?” Jimmy asked before she could walk away.
“No, I’m Bianca’s cousin. Just here to give my support while I can.” Kiyah replied and Jimmy nodded his head understanding.
“That’s lit. Well, I hope you’re feeling welcomed. I know being around a whole bunch of athletes can be intimidating.”
She let out a small huff of laughter. “Please. You guys eat more junk food than anyone I know. Wings and Pizza every other Wednesday… Really?” She asked teasingly which caused Jimmy to laugh.
“Aye, we work hard. Gotta enjoy ourselves somehow.”
“I bet.”
Jimmy flashed another smile to her, who was this girl? “I never caught your name?” He asked.
“I never gave it. Seeing as you bumped into me, I think it’s only right you introduce yourself first.” Kiyah suggested.
“Could’ve sworn we bumped into each other.”
Kiyah shrugged her shoulders playfully, a small smile eased its way into her face. “I never denied that but enlighten me anyways.”
Jimmy chuckled, raising his hand out to her, “My name is Jimmy, and you are?”
Kiyah reached her hand out to clasp their hands together and shook it. “Kiyah. Kiyah Blair.” She introduced.
Do you remember when we fell in love?
“How long is it going to take you to come over here?” Kiyah asked over the FaceTime call as she continued to clean her room, folding the laundry on her bed. Her best friend Jimmy glanced at the screen to watch her for a quick second before turning his attention back to the road.
“It won’t take me too long, I just gotta make a stop somewhere before I come. Make sure you leave that door unlocked for me; you know I don’t like to wait.” Jimmy instructed.
Kiyah smacked her teeth, dropping the shirt she was folding on the bed and turned to face the screen. “Boy, how you gone tell me what to do with my own shit? Imagine trynna run my house.”
“Imagine playing with my face like you not finna leave the door unlocked for me anyways, know who to play with Kiyah.” Jimmy retorted back to her, not even turning to look at the screen.
And maybe she shouldn’t have thought it but as she continued to stare at her who she considered her best friend drive, she focused on the featured on his face and bit her lip because why did he have to be so damn fine?
After realizing a couple seconds of seconds of silence filled the air, Kiyah smacked her teeth again. “Okay Jimmy whatever. Just hurry up, it’s your turn to cook and I’m hungry.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lemme go make this quick stop and Imma be over there.” He stated before he quickly hung up the phone.
Kiyah let out a small huff and let herself scan the room before her eyes caught the mirror. Should I change? She thought about it but opted against it, he’d already seen her outfit over FaceTime, so there was no point. Deciding to distract herself from overthinking, she picked up the shirt she had dropped and started folding again to clear her bed. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Jimmy walked into the house with his hands full of treats, dropping them on the table. Kiyah walked out the kitchen and her eyes immediately met his, locking eyes with him.
“You just gonna stand there or you gone tell me wassup?” He asked, raising his eyebrow at her with a small grin on his face. Kiyah rolled her eyes before walking to him and they took each other into a strong embrace, rocking back and forth.
“Does that mean you’re not mad at me anymore?” She asked teasingly
“You know I can’t stay mad at you Ma.”
Kiyah’s heart seized at his words, pulling back from the hug, the bags on the table catching her attention making a smile etch its way on her face.
“No way you went to India’s Grill halfway across town, aren’t you on a diet right now? Jey’s gonna have that ass if he finds out you cheating again.”
Jimmy let his head fall as a dramatic groan slipped through his lips. “Jey not gonna know shit if you don’t tell ‘em nothing.”
Jimmy walked passed her to make his way to her living room, walking around as if he paid the bills to her home. He sat down on her couch, placing his feet on her coffee table and one hand behind his head. “You gone snitch on me Ma? After everything we been through?”
Kiyah shook her head as if she was disagreeing but in reality, she was trying to get herself together. Here was Jimmy: in an all black hoodie, no shirt underneath, cuban link peeking through the part that was unzipped, black joggers and all white forces. Fuuucckk, who told him to look this good.
“Now you know I don’t be telling nobody yo damn business” she finally replied as she walked to the door to lock it. Jimmy took that time to roam over the outfit Kiyah seemed to have on.
Itty bitty tight ass spaghetti strap crop top with matching booty shorts to go with it.
“You was expecting someone else to come before me?” He asked, catching her gaze.
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I know you ain’t wearing that for David lame ass.”
Kiyah rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. Jimmy never liked anyone she called herself entertaining, always calling them lame, but she couldn’t be too mad… she kept that same energy with all his other bitches too.
“Please be so serious right now. I wore this for myself.” Kiyah stated, walking to the couch to take her seat next to him. Jimmy let his feet fall from the coffee table, opting to be in his most comfortable position, man spreading. He cut his eyes at her as he rubbed his beard.
“Hmm, for yourself huh?”
“Yes, for myself.”
Licking his lips, he slowly nodded his head in amusement. He pulls a blunt of his pocket and pats his other side for a lighter. “Can you light me up? I think I forgot my lighter in the car.”
Kiyah reached forward for the ashtray that was right next to him on the couch, grabbing the lighter that was settled there from the last time they smoked together. Jimmy raised his arms, wrapping it tight around her body and moved her so that her legs was over his lap making her straddle him.
From that action alone, she knew he was already high. She watched as he placed the blunt in-between his lips and looked up at her waiting for her to light him up. Kiyah squeezed her legs against his and felt her heart clench at the eye contact. She bit her lip, flickering the lighter and leaning back slightly to avoid the smoke to get in her face when she lit him up.
A small smirk formed on his face when he felt her squeeze him, but he said nothing, taking a hit of his blunt instead. “Whatchu nervous for?” He asked, voice low now, blowing the white cloud of smoke towards her teasingly.
“Jimmy…. please stop playing with me.”
“Who said I was playing?” He asked raising an eyebrow, waiting for her response and when she stayed silent, he just chuckled. “Closed mouths don’t get fed you know?”
Kiyah ignored him, taking the blunt from his mouth and placing it in hers; inhaling the strong substance for the courage that she was going to need for this conversation. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Jimmy let his hands start to caress her legs, rubbing them up and down. His brown orbs roaming over her outfit once again, his eyes catching her hardening nipple through her thin ass shirt. “Don’t wear this shit for nobody else, you hear me?”
“Jimmy-” She starts to protest but he cut her off.
“You hear me Kiyah? Don’t wear this shit for nobody else. I’m not playing with you.”
You could cut the tension with a knife, but she didn’t understand how they got here so fast. His hands trailed up, gripping on her ass to push her closer to him making her pussy press against his dick. Kiyah takes a small sharp breath in, one of her hands moving to rest on his shoulders as she locked eyes with him.
A small smirk took over her face now, “who said I was playing?” she replied, placing the blunt back in her mouth to take one last pull. When she leaned back to blow the smoke away from him, his right hand swiftly cupped her jaw, bringing her closer to him parting his lips to inhale the smoke she needed to exhale.
Kiyah’s felt her skin heat up as she shotgun her last hit to him. Her heart felt as if it were to beat out of her chest. Jimmy and her played the game of push and pull. They flirted with each other and got super touchy but that was all that ever happened. They’ve kissed once at a Christmas party, a year ago and they were both drunk off their asses. And even then, nothing compared to the feeling that tonight gave them.
“Jimmy.” Kiyah whispered and Jimmy let his gaze flicker from her lips to her eyes.
“Say it.” Jimmy demanded in a low tone. The octave of his voice dropped so low; Kiyah felt goosebumps form on her skin from just his voice alone. Say it. He said as if he knew what was going through her head.
“Say what?”
“Say it Kiyah…. We both grown. Just say it.”
A million things ran through her mind. Surely, he wasn’t saying what she thought he was saying. Because they’re just friends; always have been… right?
“Jimmy… I-“ she started but was stuck. She tried to push herself from him, she needed space. She couldn’t think being so close to him. Not with his hands on her, or his smell overwhelming her. But his hands held her in place.
“Jimmy, we’re friends-“ she was cut off.
“We ain’t no fuckin’ friends and we haven’t been just friends for a while now.”
“Jimmy that’s not funny” she whispered shaking her head. This has to be a joke, and I’m not laughing. “Whatever joke you’re playing at- “
“I like you Kiyah. No jokes, no pranks no tests. Sober or high it’s all the same. I like you.” Jimmy stated wrapping both arms around her body to lock her in an embrace, he shifted to get comfortable and that caused him to grind against her making a small whimper leave her mouth.
“Say it.” He whispered this time, but she refused. Instead, she leaned forward pushing their lips together to lock their lips in a kiss.
Do you remember, back in the fall. We’d be together all day long.
The phone buzzing consistently was the only thing Kiyah could hear from her sleep. She lets out an annoyed groan. who the hell is calling at this time? She raised from the bed to grab her phone, and answered it without looking at the caller I.D.
“What.” She answered.
“Damn Ma, that’s how you greet me after 3 days of phone tag?” Jimmy’s voice was heard through the phone. And even though it caused butterflies to erupt in her stomach, she was tired.
“Baby… I’m tired. I’ve been having trouble sleeping lately.” Kiyah admitted.
“That’s cause you swear you can’t sleep unless it's on top of me.” He jokingly replies and she lets out a small laugh.
“You’re so warm and cuddly, I feel safe enough with you to go to sleep.” She shyly confesses. “I can’t wait to see you next week.”
“Girl when you see me next week, ain’t finna be no sleeping.”
“Aht Aht, Lemme sleep baby. You know I be sleepy.”
“Well take yo sleepy ass to the door. I had Roman deliver something expensive and I just got the message that it’s outside.”
Kiyah smacked her teeth. “What I tell you about buying me expensive gifts? I just be wanting your love.”
“You my princess, you know I gotta spoil you. Now go open the door and tell Daddy you love him for the gift."
Kiyah slides off the bed to trudge towards the front door. Jimmy has gotten into the habit of buying Kiyah gifts once she starts feeling lonely because he’s unable to be there for work. Last month he had bought her tickets to see her favorite singer, Justin Bieber. She always told him the gifts were unnecessary, but he was stubborn, swore he just wanted to drown her in gifts just to see her smile.
Kiyah slowly opens the door, to be met with Jimmy and his contagious smile which caused her to yell and jump on him. Wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist and she let the tears that she didn’t know were going to fall…fall. Jimmy caught her with one hand around her waist and walked into the house, kicking the door shut with his foot.
“I thought you were coming next week.” She asked tearfully, keeping her face in his neck and tightening her grip on him as if she couldn’t believe he was here.
“I know when you need me. Two nights ago you said you had a horrible night so I came running.”
Kiyah pulled her face back from his neck and placed multiple pecks on his lips. “Thank you, Papa.” She whispered and he chuckled, pecking her lips one more time.
“You know I got you.” He replied, setting down his bag on the floor and walked towards the bedroom. “Now let’s get you some sleep. I know before this you was tossing and turning.” He stated knowingly and Kiyah knew she wasn’t going to fall asleep just yet. Not when her heart was racing with him making his presence known.
“Are you hungry? I made some honey glazed chicken and rice earlier; I can get you some.” She offered, but Jimmy laid her on the mattress, kicking his shoes off and slid in right beside her.
“How bout we just relax. You know you tired, stop fighting yo sleep and lay down.” And it wasn’t a suggestion. He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it blindly behind him, grabbing kiyah and pull her on top of him and wrapped one arm around her and his other hand grasping her leg to move it up so it was over his waist. “When we wake up later, it’ll be just us and you can feed me all you want.”
Kiyah presses a kiss to his chest where his heart was located. “I love you.” She whispered before settling herself on him, cheek pressed against his chest as she closed her eyes to try to fall asleep.
“I love you too Mama.” He murmured softly, rubbing the hand that was behind her back to help her fall asleep.
When Kiyah woke up, it was due to the slight heavy movement on top of her. Her body felt rejuvenated from the almost 10 hours of sleep she had seemed to have gotten. Lifting her hand to rub her eyes to wipe the sleep from her eyes before she slowly opened them, looking down to see that Jimmy flipped their positions, his head positioned on top of her breasts and his arm sprawled across her stomach.
She blinked a few more times to make sure she wasn’t tripping, but sure enough the events of last night flooded her mind and it reminded her that she wasn’t just imagining the scene that took place in front of her. Kiyah absentmindedly raised her hand to rub the arm that was laying across her stomach. Even though he was here just for the night, she can smell already smell his scent overpowering her space. Dark. Earthy. Cedar wood. The heat emanating from him brought comfort to her.
I could wake up like this for the rest of my life. She thought to herself. The light coming from the Windows showed that it wasn’t too early in the morning, if she had to guess it was around 10 in the morning. Shutting her eyes, she took in the moment of him being home. There were days when she would try to self-sabotage her blessings and push Jimmy as far away from her as she could, but he always fought for her. Always. For these past three years it’s been Jimmy and Kiyah, never just Jimmy and never Just Kiyah. It made her very appreciative of him being in her life. She’s never been loved the way Jimmy loved her, and it scared her because she loved just as hard as he did… maybe even more so.
While she continued to trail her hand against his skin, Kiyah was slowly falling back asleep in this solace of her bedroom. She felt Jimmy shift from her chest to nestle his face in her neck to get more comfortable and they both drifted back to sleep.
Another hour went by before a loud ringing blared throughout the room, jolting her awake. Jimmy let out a tired groan, tightening his grip around her.
“Jimmy.” She whispered. He shook his head refusing to wake up, just to answer the phone.
He lazily moved his arm from across her to grab his phone from his back pocket and handed it to her. “Put it on silent mode and go back to sleep.”
Kiyah softly chuckled, taking his phone and placing it on silent mode. “I’m up baby. I know you’re jet lagged so I’m going to let you sleep.” Jimmy let out another groan when Kiyah tried to slide out of the bed.
“C’mon baby. Just stay for a little bit.” He begged.
“I gotta pee. I’ll be back.” She comprises and he smack his lips letting her go.
The soft tune of Nothing can come between us by Sade was heard throughout the kitchen and Kiyah bumped her head softly to the beat and sang as softly as she could while whisking the the eggs she was preparing.
“In the middle of the madness, when the time is running out and you’re left alone. All I want is you to know that… it’s strong still can’t pull us apart. Nothing can come, nothing can come, nothing can come between us.” Kiyah softly sang, moving her hips to the melody of the music.
The knock on her door was loud, making her head snap up to look towards the door. Jimmy quickly came from around the corner where her room was, heading towards it.
“Don’t move, Imma answer it.” He said unlocking and opening the door revealing Bianca. “Wassup B.” He greeted, stepping to the side to let her in.
Bianca was shocked to see Jimmy at her cousin’s house. She took notice that he had not only made himself comfortable enough to answer the door but that he was wearing the same same clothes he left the airport in. So, this was the business he had to take care of in New York? She thought to herself before flashing him a knowing smile. “Hey Jimmy – I see you’re here early.” She teased as she stepped in and walked pass him.
He just chuckled and shook his head, closing the door back and locking it. “Yeah I Had a couple things to take care of.”
Bianca watched Jimmy walk away, eyes following him until he disappeared into the room. With amusement shining in her eyes, her head snapped towards the kitchen and Kiyah was standing there smiling; looking all innocent when she was clearly guilty.
“Hey Bianca, I totally forgot we had plans today. How you doing?”
Bianca raised her eyebrow at her and a smiled etched its way on her face again. “Well good morning to you. It smells so good in this bitch. Anyways – are you gonna spill the tea or what? Cause it looks like Jimmy ‘he’s just my best friend’ Uso spent the night and now you up making him breakfast when we had plans to go to brunch.” She asked, taking a seat at the kitchen island.
Kiyah snorted and turned back around to pour the eggs in the nonstick skillet. “You’re so damn nosey.”
“I’m even nosier when I’m realizing he went to your room instead of the guest room.” Bianca replied.
Kiyah shrugged her shoulders as a response, scrambling the eggs in front of her. She thought about how these past four months has changed the dynamic between her and Jimmy after his confession in her living room. The transition from friend to lover was easier than she thought it would’ve been.
“Baby.” Jimmy called out, walking out the room with a hoodie and some shoes. “I’m finna be back real quick.” He said as he entered the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” Kiyah asked, turning her head to look up at him.
“I’m out of gars so I’m finna hit up the closest gas station. Imma call Jey back since he been blowing my shit up. I know you guys haven’t seen each other in a while so I want y’all to catch up.”
“But I’m making breakfast for you.” Kiyah acknowledges, sliding the skillet off the stove top.
Jimmy chuckles, pressing his chest against her back. He places his hands on her waist as he watches over her what she made. French toast on two sets of plates on one side of the stove and the freshly scrambled eggs being served next to it.
“Make B something to eat and I’ll be back so we can eat okay.” He suggests, turning her around to wrap his arms around her waist fully, hand gripping on her ass as he leans down to softly peck her lips twice.
“Alright. Hurry back, okay?” She asks, keeping her voice low, raising her hands to caress his arms. “I don’t want your food to be cold and nasty when you eat it.”
“I’ll be right back I promise.” Jimmy pecks her lip one last time before pulling himself away from her to walk out the kitchen. “See you later B.” He calls out as exits the house.
The entire time, Bianca had sat in her seat shocked to her core. She watched the interaction closely, taking notes left and right and her tea cup was damn near full at this point. She waited for the door to fully shut before scoffing in disbelief. “Bitch since when do y’all kiss now? Since when the hell did y’all start calling each other baby? What in the world have I missed?” She yelled dramatically, throwing her hands up in the air to emphasize her point.
“Giirrrrllllluuuuhhhhh” Kiyah dragged out, chuckling. “Back in October Jimmy admitted his feelings for me.” She finally confessed, the smile on her face widening as she remembered that night.
“OCTOBER OF LAST YEAR!? BITCH ITS MARCH.” Bianca screamed; eyes so wide it would’ve fell out of her socket if it could’ve.
Kiyah shrugged her shoulder “The titles changed but nothing’s really different, that’s why I never cared to say anything. We’re still the same.”
“Yeah, except now you are getting Jimmy schlong every other night.” Bianca exclaimed.
Kiyah rolled her eyes, “Girl please, I wish. But we have kept it private but not a secret ya know? That’s my man for real and I’m so in love with him, it’s kinda sick.”
“I think it’s cute. A couple years ago you were scared to even put your heart on the line and now look at you.” Bianca really felt her heart swell with joy as she watched her cousin obviously head over heels in love with Jimmy Uso. “I’m happy for you- the both of you, truly.”
Kiyah turned the stove off and walked around the kitchen island to pull her cousin into an embrace. “Thank you B. I really appreciate it.” She stated and she meant it. There are few people who actually knew what went down between her and her ex, what she experienced and what made her so closed off after it; Bianca being one of those few people. It meant a lot to see that she was also able to see the growth when it came to her love life.
“And I love you girl, I really do but once Jimmy get back from smoking, I’m finna feed my man and spend my entire day with him. So about brunch…. Imma have to take a rain check.” She smiled at Bianca’s laugh.
“Alright bitch, I can read the room.”
After Jimmy had returned from his trip, Kiyah had served breakfast. It brought a different kind of feeling watching him eat her food. In the furthest part of her mind, it made the moment more domestic, made her feel like one day -further down the line of course- that she could do this as his wife.
After breakfast, Jimmy insisted that he clean up the kitchen while she shower. What he really needed was the opportunity to distract her. Jimmy turned the volume up on Alexa, letting the sound of Neat by Q Money take over the silence in the house while he made his way to the coat closet where he had hid what he had returned to the house with.
Opening the coat closet, he pulls out a couple bags filled with what he wanted to do for the rest of day. Jimmy really wanted to treat Kiyah to a night out but he didn’t want to be out today, he just wanted to spend his day as lazily as he could where he found comfort the most. Closing the door, he took the bags and walked to the living room to get started on what he had planned; with Kiyah in the shower he knew he had a cool 45 minutes.
He unpacked everything that came in boxes: the air mattress, the LED tea light candles, the fairy lights, the fake rose petals and got to work with setting up the living room.
After setting up as fast as he could, he walked into her room, his eyes scanning the room looking for a suspiciously quiet Kiyah. “Babe.” He called out, walking towards the bathroom. He catches a glimpse of her doing her face routine, one of his old shirts engulfing her body. “Didn’t you say you never seen where this shirt went?” He asked teasingly as he walks up behind her.
“I have no idea what you talking about, this my shirt.” Kiyah replied, her lips twitched as she tried to fight the smile that wanted to imprint its way on her face.
Jimmy playfully rolled his eyes, “yeah whatever. You gone have to run me most of my shit sooner than later, unless you wanna send me back on the road with nothing to wear.”
Kiyah scoffed, keeping her eyes in the mirror when she looked at him. “Keep playing. If you wanna be outside I can be outside too. “
“You can be outside, Ian worried about shit. I can fight.” Jimmy stated, shrugging his shoulders.
“You say that now, but we all know if I’m in another nigga arms you gone be sick.” Kiyah countered back turning to face him with a small smirk, “You know you love you some me.”
Jimmy watched her with amusement in his eyes, watch her stick her tongue out at him as childishly as she could before turning back to finish applying the clay mask that was in her hands. “Girl please, you damn near passed out when you thought I was entertaining Sasha. I ain’t the only one.” He exposed, laughing when Kiyah’s jaw dropped.
He pulled off his shirt, turning to turn the shower on. “Wanna wash my hair after I’m done with my shower?”
“Can I give you a face mask if I do?” She asked with hopeful eyes when she fully turned around to face him again. Jimmy let out a small chuckle, nodding his head, agreeing with whatever made her heart content at the moment.
Kiyah didn’t want to show how much she missed being around him, but she was finding it difficult to stay away from him. And it wasn’t like he made it easier for her. Like when Jimmy started his shower, she opted to leave the bathroom to finish getting dressed but, Jimmy requested her to stay to keep him company. Sitting on the toilet waiting for her mask to dry while he showered and they both conversed brought back that feeling she was feeling earlier. Domestic.
In her mind she knew it was too early to be thinking these kinds of thoughts but, she’s had feelings for him for two years now, and she couldn’t really remember when she last felt like this. Doesn’t remember the last time anyone ever made her feel so secure.
After washing his hair and keeping his hair wrapped in a towel for it to dry, Kiyah prepared everything she needed to get started on his face. “Just sit still because if you laugh it’s gonna crack.” She warned, and Jimmy smacked his lips.
“This like yo third warning.”
“Because you play too much, I couldn’t even get you to cleanse your face without you playing with the water. Now sit.” She demanded, hands pressing against his shoulders to force him to sit on the toilet so she can apply the mask. He moved freely, letting her push him to sit.
Jimmy let himself relax, closing his eyes and let Kiyah go to work. He didn’t really care for the process of what came with what Kiyah swore was the best skin routine for both him and her. He just wanted to be close to her, the last time they seen each other was almost three weeks ago – almost a month – and he just wanted to be away from the white noise and relish in the quiet refuge that was her home.
Kiyah delicately stroked the brush filled with the clay over his skin as they both fell into a comfortable silence. Nobody else but you by Trey Songz softly playing in the background from the Alexa that was outside and Jimmy couldn’t help but find himself agreeing with the song that seemed to set the mood. He really didn’t want nothing but to be here, with her, didn’t want nobody else but Kiyah.
Jimmy pulled Kiyah closer to him, using his legs to part her legs so that both legs her on each side of his. His hand gripped her waist as he pulled her to take a on his lap. There we go, Jimmy thought once she was seated, fully wrapping his arms around her.
Kiyah continued to apply the mask, the smile she fought to keep off her face grew anyway. It was moments like this where she felt like the luckiest woman in the world. She found someone who was on her just as bad as she was on them. Before she met him, she never thought she would ever meet someone like her, someone who wanted to be around her, touch her, almost all the time. And maybe their time apart played a big role in their affection with each other but Kiyah wouldn’t trade this, wouldn’t trade him, for nothing.
Watching him fully relax under his touch made her heart swell with joy, smiling she leaned down to peck his lips which caused him to open his eyes and softly smile at her. “What you up to?” He playfully asked and she shrugged her shoulders.
“Nothing, I love you.”
“I love you too mama.” He replied without missing a beat, searching her eyes as she stared at him. He leaned up to steal another kiss from her.”How long all this gone take?”
Kiyah placed down everything in her hands on the sink beside her when she finished covering his face with the mask. “We wait 15 minutes for it to dry and then you’re done.”
Jimmy nodded his head, letting his hands start to rub against her legs. “Jey been complaining about how he never see me anymore.” He randomly stated and Kiyah chuckled.
“I don’t blame him, I bet he miss his twin. You guys hung out every time you were off.” Kiyah responded back, letting her hands rub against his chest. “You know you can go to ATL and spend the time with him down there. You know I don’t mind.”
Jimmy let out a small hum, but going to ATL to spend time with his brother wasn’t the problem. It was him wanting to take her with him so that everyone in his life could finally see who’s been taking all of his time. “Would you come with me?” He asked quietly.
“I would go anywhere with you.” She answered and she meant it. Jimmy could ask her to go anywhere and she would go, he was home to her.
Jimmy didn’t signify an answer to her response. He just let his hands trail up from her waist caressing her skin.
“Jimmy.” Her tone came off as her warning him not to start anything.
“Next weekend, He’s throwing a barbecue and our family will be there.” He said, ignoring her warning. “Will you come with me?” He asked.
Kiyah felt her heartbeat pick up. Will you come meet my family? That’s essentially what he is asking her. Yes, she’s already met his brother and yes, she already met Roman – when she spent her time at the Thunderdome arena and they wanted to get to know each other better it required her being around his family. This invite though… it really sounded like will you come meet my parents?
“You want me to meet your mom?” Kiyah asked in a whisper, leaning her body closer to him for a comfort she’s sure they both needed. “You want me to fix your plate in front of everybody to let ‘em know you my man?” She asked playfully.
It eased the nervousness out him, he chuckled and leaned forward to peck her lips. “I wanna show you off to the whole world. I know we ain’t tell nobody yet but I want to. Tell our families anyways.” He answered back to her, shrugging a little.
“I kissed you in front of Bianca on purpose. Wanna show all of ‘em I only want you to fix my plate.” He replied jokingly. His tone softened though as he spoke, his hands trailing up her shirt, rubbing up and down against her back. “I know you ain’t used to the family introductions and all that, but if we’re doing firsts – I wanna experience all of that with you.” He confessed.
Kiyah didn’t reply, she just watched him. Taking in the moment. Here they were, in each others arms, Jimmy’s hair wrapped up in a towel, Clay mask drying on his face while he confessed that he didn’t want to keep their romance a secret from the people who mattered most in their lives.
Could I be any more in love with him? “I’ll meet your parents papa, you can tell the whole world how we locked in, clocked in for the long run.” Despite telling Jimmy not to move his face as much, she couldn’t help but lean in to lock their lips together. Wrapping her arms around his neck as Jimmy deepen the kiss. Kiyah pulled away before they got too carried away.
“Hold on.” She whispered. She reached over on the counter to grab the rag she had placed on the counter. She dipped it in the bowl that had warm water in it now and moved to clean up what she started.
She cleaned his face as gently as she could, throwing the rag in the sink for now and unwrapping the towel from his head. Kiyah was killing two birds with one stone. She took pride in taking care of Jimmy, and this gave her the chance to do so but she was also trying to speed up the process of getting him in her room.
Jimmy let his hands move from her back to her stomach, trailing slowly towards her breasts before he gripped them; fingers tweaking at her nipples.
Kiyah let out a small moan, letting her head fall back from the pleasure. Jimmy leaned up started placing butterfly kisses upon her neck, locating her sweet spot immediately and closing his mouth to suck on it.
“Fucckk.” Kiyah moaned out, bucking her hips against his. Jimmy’s hands, continued to tweak and pull at her nipples before he let one hand slid down to rub against her covered clit.
“This what you was looking for right?” He asked huskily in her ear. Kiyah felt herself shiver at his tone.
Jimmy pressed his thumb against her clit, rubbing it through her panties, feeling it get soaked with her essence. His other hand left her breast to wrap around her neck. “Look at me, this what you wanted right?” He repeated.
Kiyah forced herself to lock eyes with Jimmy. “Yes” she breathed out as an answer.
Jimmy pulled her in by her neck to kiss her once again. Locking their lips in a passionate kiss, Kiyah bucked her hips against his hand to cause more friction.
He pushed her panties to the side to push two fingers inside of her, groaning into her mouth at how tight and wet she felt. Kiyah let out a gasp when she felt the sudden intrusion, throwing her head back again. Jimmy’s fingers thrusted in and out of her in a slow place causing her to rock her hips against his hands.
“Look at you.” Jimmy cooed as he picked up the pace of his fingers, curling it to touch her g-spot.
“Fuck Daddy, you finna make me cum.” She cried out, eyes rolled to the back of her head. She kept clenching herself around his fingers but he was relentless… he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her.
“Look at me.” He demanded and Kiyah couldn’t bring herself to it, moans slipping out her mouth uncontrollably as she felt a tightening feeling in her stomach.
Jimmy cupped her jaw, forcing her to lift her head and lock eyes. “I want the last thing you see before you cum is me.” He told her, he wanted to watch her love faces as she reached her climax.
“Jimmy please.” She pleaded.
She watched as his darkened eyes as he felt her clench against his fingers again. “Watch me make you cum.” He whispered, picking up the pace of his fingers. “That’s it baby, cum for daddy.”
Kiyah’s eyes rolled to the back of her head and her mouth dropped open as she let out a drawn moan, body shaking as she let herself go cumming all over his fingers. Whimpering as he slowed down to help her ride out her orgasm.
Once she was able to collect herself, he slowly pulled his fingers out of her, flashing her a smile. “You so sexy.”
She just searched his eyes, did this man really have the audacity to smile innocently at her like he didn’t just snatch her up?
He stared at her while he placed both fingers in his mouth, sucking her juices off his fingers. He pulled his fingers out of his mouth and leaned down to kiss her, sliding his tongue in her mouth so she could taste herself.
When he felt her try to deepen the kiss, Jimmy pulled back. “Come outside, I got something I wanna show you.”
It took some convincing to get Kiyah to move from the bathroom to go outside. Kiyah just wanted to jump his bones but he really wanted to show her what he originally had planned for the both of them for the day. And even though it took some convincing, his efforts were not in vain because once she say the living room set up she felt her eyes water.
“Jimmy” she breathed out, her breath hitching in her throat as she took everything in. Jimmy smiled at her reaction, he knew it wasn’t much but he was glad it made her happy. She wrapped her hands around his neck to hug him. She was grateful. “Let me show you how thankful I am daddy.” She whispered in his ear.
Do you remember, those special times? They’ll just go on and on in the back of my mind
Jimmy knew ever since he arrived to ATL that this was where he was going to be. Kiyah really showed out for him, and he wanted nothing more than to push her dress up and bury his face in her pussy. She’s been giving for these past couple of days, and last night on the way to ATL he fell asleep on the flight and woke up to his dick in her throat an hour into the flight and assured him that he didn’t have to do anything in return. I just wanna please you. She had stated in a sultry whisper.
She took him out on a date this morning, insisting that she gets to spoil him as much as he spoils her. They went to waffle House for breakfast, and then went to the aquarium right after. She’s been showing the fuck out in Jimmy… He was going to show her his gratitude, no matter where they were at. After he seen her interaction with his family, how his mother fell in love with her almost immediately and how she stayed in the kitchen to help prep the food, even if she didn’t know what was being made… yeah. He knew he was going to be here.
In between her legs with his arms locked around her thighs and his tongue buried inside of her. Kiyah kept her back in a deep arch, eyes rolled to the back of her head with her mouth gaped open but no sound came from her. He had her in a guest bathroom in his brothers house, and she really didn’t want to get caught.
“Fuck, Jimmy.” Kiyah hissed, making him groan against her and wiggle his tongue inside of her, sliding it out of her to swirl it around her pussy to lap up all of her juices. He licked all the way to her clit, sucking on while grazing his tongue against it.
“Daddy” She moaned out, looking down to watch him devour her, moving her hips to grind her pussy against his tongue. Jimmy flattened his tongue against her clit when he felt her moving her hips, letting her do some of the work. His eyes moving to stare at her and winked on their eyes locked.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Daddy you finna make me cum.” And at that warning, he closed his mouth around her clit again and sucked. He let out a moan, the vibrations sending a euphoric sensation throughout her body. Jimmy tightened his grip on her thighs to keep her in place. Kiyah let out a moan, letting her head fall back as her stomach tightened. “I’m cumming.” She announced as she spilled all into his mouth, panting heavily. Her lower body shook as her orgasm washed through her and Jimmy made sure to catch every drop.
He raised to his feet, hand wrapping around her neck as he drew her in to smash their lips together to lock their lips in a slow sloppy kiss.
“Damn Papa.” She whispered against his lips as she tried to catch her breath and he smirked.
“I’m not done with you yet.” He told her, pulling his pants down so that she could free himself. Kiyah watched Jimmy stroke himself, precum leaking from the tip and she felt herself clench around nothing.
“There’s an entire party going on outside.” Kiyah whispered as if trying to get him to stop but Jimmy wasn’t hearing none of that.
“I don’t give a fuck, I’m boutta fuck you up for real.” He replied pulling her off the sink counter to face the mirror. “And you gone watch me do it.” He whispered huskily in her ear.
Kiyah barely had time to grip onto the sink counter before Jimmy pushed himself into her, curses left both of their mouths as he pushed until their was nothing to push left. Both of them to moan out at the feeling.
“Eyes on the mirror the whole time ma.” He whispered in her ear, causing Kiyah to shiver.
Jimmy stayed still for a second, being raw inside of Kiyah made him want to ruin her life, and if the circumstances were different he totally would’ve.
He placed both hands on her hips and pulling out and thrusting back inside of her, pushing just as deep as he went the first time, every time he slid back in her. Kiyah’s head flew back as moans poured from her mouth.
Jimmy watching her through the mirror, seeing how wreck she looked before he even really got started and an evil smirk spread across his face. One hand moved to grip on her breast, pulling it out of the dress and his other hand found its way to her neck. “What I tell you princess?”
“I-“ Kiyah gasped out, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as he fucked her harder and harder. Her manicured hand moved up to grip onto the wrist of the hand that was wrapped around her neck. It was as if Jimmy was fucking her like he was angry.
“Yesss baby, just like that.” She moaned out.
Watching her love faces always did something to him, he swiftly moved to the left a little to hit her g spot causing Kiyah to let out a loud moan. Jimmy dropped the breast that he was holding and raised his hand to clap it against her mouth. “You know you’re supposed to be quiet, but here you are trynna let the whole world know how much you love this dick.”
His words caused Kiyah to clench around around him tightly, squeezing her eyes shut. Jimmy chuckled deeply. “C’mon Mama, let Daddy in so I can fuck you up.”
He continued to poke at her spot over and over again, making Kiyah moan loudly into his hands. He forced her head back up to face the mirror so she could watch. Tears ran down her face at the intense feeling of him fucking the shit out of her. “You look so pretty like this.” He cooed.
He sped up and only stopped a few couple strokes to really press himself against her spot. “Open ya mouth for me Mama.” He demanded.
Kiyah immediately let her mouth drop open, he stuck two fingers in her mouth. “Suck it.”
Kiyah closed her mouth back around his fingers, humming in pleasure when she mimicked her actions from earlier. She sucked his fingers, her tongue twirling against them and sucked hard. Jimmy felt his dick twitch inside of her, he would ruin her right here and be content with that.
“Keep yo eyes on the mirror, and if they move, I’m not gone let you cum.” He warned. Kiyah felt her body shiver, keeping her eyes on his through the mirror.
Jimmy pulled his fingers out of her mouth and placed them on her clit, rubbing them quickly as he started picking his thrust back up.
The motive to be discreet flew out the window, Kiyah moaning loudly, gripping the counter until her knuckled turned white. “You finna make me cum again.” She cried out.
Jimmy let go of her neck to grip on her braids to make sure her heads positioned the way he wanted it to be. He could feel her walls clench and unclench around him. “That’s a good girl, look at you take all of it.”
“Please don’t stop, I’m right there baby. Oh my fuck.” She cried as he fucked her harder. “Don’t stop daddy, please don’t stop, you’re gonna make me cum.” She begged, watching more tears fall her eyes.
Jimmy let out a grunt, “Daddy gone make that pretty pussy cum every single time.” He affirmed, rubbing her clit in circles. “Gimme that shit baby.” And Kiyah’s upper body stilled as her lower body shook, releasing herself all over him squirting a little.
“Yesssss” She hissed out and Jimmy had to pull out as quickly as he could, nutting on ass.
Wrapping his arms around her, Jimmy let himself drop his weight on her a little.
“Fuck.” He groaned out, pressing a kiss against the back of her neck. “You keep spoiling me like that Ma and I swear Imma keep you cummin’ like that every single time.” He promised.
And Girl, No matter what was said
“Kiyah I just didn’t wanna be rude to her. You know that with my status.” Jimmy argued
“And Jimmy, all that shit was cool when we were friends. But to do that shit in front of my face? Are you fucking serious? Then the bitch gone have the audacity to laugh at me like she did something.”
“Kiyah.” He started but she cut him off.
"No. You keep giving these bitches a reason to laugh at me like I’m some goofy bitch all cause you wanna be so damn friendly." Kiyah stressed
"Being friendly comes with the job Kiyah! Damn, every time I come in this bitch, you in my ear stressing me the fuck out don’t nobody wanna hear that. Can you at least appreciate that I even come in? I don’t gotta be here Kiyah.” He snapped and she nodded her head at him.
“You know what Jimmy? Since you don’t gotta be here, just stop showing up. Since I stress you out so fucking much, forget I even said anything. I’m sick of this shit, I’m done. You definitely don’t gotta worry about me no more.” Kiyah retorted back.
It was supposed to be a good night for the two, they were both leaving the arena when they bumped into a couple fans who just wanted some pictures. It was fine until it wasn’t. What he thought was being friendly was borderline flirting to these girls, they’d take whatever he’d give them and run a mile with. It was fine until he thought it was okay to let the fan touch for way longer than what was appropriate.
“You’re too damn insecure Kiyah when the fuck you gone wake up and realize that? That’s the reason why these other dudes treated you like trash, and you got so much damn baggage that nobody wants to deal with!” Jimmy snapped but the second he said it, he regretted it.
Kiyah froze, his words ringing in her head. Baggage. She had too much baggage.
“Kiyah I didn’t mean that.” He whispered but she sent a watery smile in his direction.
“You know what? Don’t worry about it, from now on you won’t have to worry about me or my baggage.”
And she turned around and left. Jimmy felt his heart break as she walked but his stubbornness is what kept her from chasing her. Unbeknownst to him, that would be the last time he seen her.
I will never forget what we had, my baby.
All the memories of his time in New York came back to him as he drove to the garden arena. He remembered when told him her feelings drunk off her ass after the Christmas party.
He remembers, her home made cooking every time he visited or any time she visited him. He remembers taking care of her when she caught covid.
She was a crying mess when her test came back positive. She did what she did best and isolate herself away from people. Pushing Jimmy away and booked her own hotel so that she wouldn’t pass it on to Bianca and Tez. And at first Jimmy thought she only isolated from him, but when Tez came and asked if he’d heard from Kiyah, he realized she was isolating herself from everyone.
He remembers asking Bianca if she knew what hotel Kiyah had checked into and he remembers bribing the concierge to tell him what her room number was. He remembers pushing himself through the hotel door when she tried to shut the door in his face.
“Jimmy I’m sick, I have covid.” She stressed, moving away from him as fast as she could.
“Kiyah” He whispered when he took in the scene in front of him. She was hurting and she didn’t want to tell anybody.
“You have to get out!”
“Kiyah, I haven’t heard from you in damn near three weeks. What’s going on?” He asked, concern laced in his voice
“I’m sick; that’s what’s going on. Now if you could please leave, I don’t want you to get sick.”
"No. Kiyah you need to stop pushing people away because you’re scared to show people the ugly side of you.”
He remembers Kiyah crying in his arms that night because she finally felt like someone cared for her.
He remembers the first time he told her ‘I love you’. She cried, and told him she was scared to say it back because every time she did, it was for nothing. And He never rushed her to say it back.
He remembers her confessing her love back to him not even a week later because she really couldn’t hold it in. She’s been feeling him for a long time and she refused to keep her feelings to herself any longer. Jimmy remembers everything, and boy did it hurt to.
Do you remember (I bet you remember)
An uneasy feeling settled in Jimmy’s stomach ever since he found out that New York was the next arena after Money In The Bank. Being in the city was as the ghost of her was going to trailing over him. It’s been three months since he’s last seen her and he wasn’t healed but it was easier to be away from here. Being here reminded him of everything he used to love to do… with who he loved to do it with.
Jimmy let out a sigh as he sat in the bloodline locker room. Even though they were split, They requested to still share the same locker room. It’s quiet, he’s not telling any jokes and he’s getting tired of the worried look’s being shared between his brothers.
“Uce, I’m fine. It’s just one night. It won’t kill me.” Jimmy huffed out and Jey shrugged.
“I wanna believe you Uce, but you been walking around like a sad puppy ever since we landed. Why don’t you just call her?” Jey suggested and Solo nodded, agreeing with his older brother.
“She told me I wouldn’t hear from her again and she meant that shit.” Jimmy sighed. “I can’t just pop up ya know? I wanna respect her and her space.”
Before Jey could reply, a knock was heard on the door. The silence after the knock is what had them confused. Solo moved to answer the door but Jimmy raised his hand to stop him. They didn’t know who that was. The knocking happened again.
“Who is it?” Jey called out and the voice that answered back made Jimmy’s blood run cold.
“It’s me.” Kiyah’s voice was heard through the door.
Jimmy stood up slowly and walked towards the door and he held his breath as he opened the door. “Kiyah.” He breathed out and she flashed a small smile towards him.
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tame-a-messenger · 2 months
lol someone on Twitter posted the podcast clip of Angela and Damien commented under
(Twitter link)
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I wont lie, my heart genuinely DROPPED yesterday when I read the first reply, I thought something was wrong! but then I thought about it and realized he was being /j /hj lmao (tone indicators man.)
THEN I started to think about why he would reply to this tweet in the first place. "From my perspective, this story contains FALSEHOODS" I'm going to BET you it has something to do with her asking him what she had said at the party. (or maybe she did something silly and left it out? ie. her throwing up, spilling something on him, her talking about something she likes [nerdy][[derogatory]] ?) (OR OR she embellished on him saying "that talk really meant a lot")
.... this man....
Since I believe he was only /hj (half-joking)... I want to know exactly what Damien meant by "FALSEHOODS".
So, I'll wrap this up with-
Why would he @ BOTH of them?
If it was something small she got wrong I could see him just @ ing her. But BOTH the Host of the Podcast and Angela sounds like whatever she got wrong/different was BIG. (and most DEFINITELY something funny)(based on Damien's vibe)
He also mentions in the Twitch clip that "we got to talk about it a little bit" in what I believe to be him earlier on his stream referencing , that he had been at Smosh that day. (remember, this was the day they were BOTH confirmed(based on social posts) to be ONSET at Smosh) Meaning he talked TO HER IN PERSON ABOUT WHAT SHE SAID ON THE PODCAST.
So I'm theorizing (being delusional)(but also really hoping) that they're planning on talking about it on camera somewhere. I'm thinking, if anything, something for (the Host) Miles' Podcast? since Smosh fans only know about it tangentially, and the story was told on his Podcast.
I think it would be better that way anyway :) (PODCAST VERSION OF ANG AND DAMES??? AN HOUR!!?? THE FOOTAGE DOESN'T CUT?? YES PLEASE!!)
(other idea- how fucking funny would it be if DAMIEN (or I suppose Angela) called into the podcast about a "silly little co-worker" that told "FALSEHOODS" about a Christmas Party..?)
It is nice that by default, we are a BILLION PERCENT going to get mentions of whatever it is she did sometime in the future at Smosh (I'm hoping the longest we'll have to wait is next month!)
I CANNOT WAIT for whatever it is the "FALSEHOODS" are!!!
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kaihuntrr · 11 months
I saw your latest drawing! And wanted to share a list of things I noticed! I wrote this all in my notes app beforehand with how much back and frothing I had to do lol.
Anyways. Pearl and Scott seem to have a matching bracelet(Pearl) and necklace (Scott) in their humans designs(though you did point that out in the descriptions), *however*, in the latest drawing, Scott doesn’t seem to be wearing his. The necklace he *is* wearing and is grasping in its length is too long to be the one that he has that matches with Pearl. It *does* however seem to match the necklace that he keeps hidden under his shirt in length. Scott doesn’t *only* match Pearl though.
I’ve noticed you like to have characters match sometimes to establish a connection. I’m a flower husbands shipper, and I also noticed in the first post of Scott and Martyn’s original designs, that Scott has an earring from a previous partner. Doing some zooming in, Jimmy’s earring seems to match Scott’s. Also while zooming, Jimmy seems to have some kind of necklace under hist shirt hmm? Also a similar length to the one Scott hides and is clutching in the recent drawing. Jimmy’s tattoo also seems to resembles a flower somewhat from what we can see. Jimmy isn’t the only one to have a tattoo on his neck though, because Martyn also has one, though his is a crown.
Crown assumedly is referencing/in memory of Ren and looking closer at the locket, it also seems to be a crown engraved into it, either that or mountains, both being symbolic of the red army. And the trinket from the first monster he killed as a boy looks to be a tooth. It isn’t very big, so it was probably something more human sized. That along with the scars on his chest I believe further prove my point. Also what I’m guessing is meant by “Is he ready to love again, even after what happened to Ren?” And the necklaces being referred to as a *trinket* instead of a *trophy*, I have reason to believe that Ren was the first monster he had to kill. Ren was likely a werewolf as that would have claws and be more human sized, and also, well, that’s just a common depiction of him. Him having a “trinket from the first monster he killed as a boy”, I imagine implies that he and Ren were lovers a far amount of time ago.
BACK to Jimmy though, it is assumed that Jimmy was killed by a Prince. While it is mentioned that Scott likes toying with his food and gets upset if he’s hungry, I don’t think Scott would’ve attacked the ship. *Pearl*, however is described as “[loving] to stir chaos and [wrecking] any ship that passes her domain.” The journey that Jimmy was supposedly killed on was described as being in “uncharted waters”, and, well, to chart waters, one has to come back to share what they charted *alive*. And you can’t really come back alive if your ship is wrecked, huh? Also, in that same info dump post, there’s this one bit “perhaps the prince was only using its limbs to knock it over” and “Somehow, I’d bet Joel was able to hit a spear into the prince’s tail”, quick bit before I go on, but taking a piece of an injured Prince is referred to as a *trophy* here instead of, say, a turnkey.
Anyway! Back on topic! Though we only have Pearl and Scott for reference, *Pearl* is depicted as having not only her human/humanoid arms, but *also* more lobster/mantis shrimp like limbs. So I’m thinking it’s likely *she* was the one who attacked their ship. The Prince who attacked their ship and, maybe potentially kinda most likely, killed Jimmy.
So why did she toy with them instead of outright wrecking the ship for being in her domain? Or just leave them alone in fact? Simple. In the Princes post, it says, “A specific hunter group catches her attention as Chromia seems to be interested in them. What was so interesting about them? All she saw were nuisances. It would be a fun chase, she was sure of it.” She knew Scott was interested in that hunting group, but not *why* he was interested in the hunting group, assumedly. She describes a chase with them as fun. So she wants to try and have fun, but uh oh, She probably got hit by a spear from Joel and she’s decided she’s had her fun and now she’s upset and stops playing. And then Jimmy goes overboard. I’m not sure what to say on how/why the waters calm after that, maybe Scott was nearby hunting for food and saw Jimmy fall overboard and then tried to stop Pearl or something? I’m not sure, but that leads to, I think, my last point.
The most recent drawing/post. I’m not the most adept at reading facial expressions, but while Pearl is crying, she also looks confused, as if she really doesn’t get the big deal over what Scott is yelling at her for. Scott, who is clutching a necklace not hidden by his shirt that has a similar length to the one Jimmy has under his shirt. Scott is upset and distraught. It could be thought that if Scott was hunting nearby when it happened, then he was hungry, and Pearl saw his reaction as him just being fueled by “hangry” feelings rather than genuine hurt. Pearl doesn’t see the big deal, still. She wants to reconnect with Scott but… “There seems to be a problem there, but she'll fix it. It shouldn't be that bad.” Which, again, highlights how Pearl thinks of humans. She didn’t have the emotional connection that Scott had with them and, again, sees humans as “nuisances”.
She doesn’t get the big deal and why Scott is so upset. It was just a human. A nuisance. And Scott was hungry at the time so she thinks he was just upset and overreacting because of hunger, and may not think farther than that. She may think Scott is just being petty and prideful. She thinks fixing the problem won’t be “that bad” because, in her mind/opinion, the issue that it sprung from wasn’t a big deal… I also feel the need to say that while Pearl *is* in the wrong here, I can sort of understand her mindset in a way. Humans to her are like ants are to us. Most don’t get attached to humans and don’t really see or understand each individual one’s significance. So, while I don’t agree with what I believe she did, I can understand/explain her mindset.
Now, Scott. In the Prince post, it says “When his eyes are set on a specific hunter, he starts to question everything around him.” And in the character post, it says “He’s hiding something. Maybe he’ll tell Martyn his secrets one day?” I’m guessing that what he’s hiding is that he knew Jimmy, the person who was once part of Martyn’s crew and died at sea. Also, “a specific hunter”, being that Martyn knew Jimmy well. Scott is hiding that he knew Jimmy and who killed Jimmy. Last bits I think. When in reference to humans, Scott thoughts are that “they're small, fragile, and annoying.” Small and fragile likening to Jimmy’s death or extreme injury since there’s also that “… or is he?” Line. “Annoying” referring to Jimmy being “impulsive, stubborn, but a wonderful and simple person all around.”
ANYWAYS. Those are all my thoughts pulled from the posts that are already given that I have pieced together somewhat. I couldn’t figure out what/who Jimmy’s braided bracelet is tied to, nor did I really figure anything out for the ones I didn’t mention. Also, I noticed as well that Pearl is wearing at least one earring in the drawing depicting her and Scott’s falling out. I couldn’t find anyone having a match, *but* I also noticed that Grian seems to be the only character besides Pearl to have his ears covered. So maybe there’s something there? Potentially?
Ahaha, anyways, these are the thoughts rattling around in my noggin. This turned out way longer than I anticipated. Maybe tell me how close or far I am to somethings? Or not tell me cause of possibly confirming spoilers? Or just a really vague answer lol? ~~I seek validation~~ But maybe tell me of how you think my brain works? Or a general of what my analysis makes you think? 🥺👉👈
Hello anon! First of all, I’m genuinely impressed you managed to get all of that through all the posts, you have a good eye. Putting all of your thoughts in a notes app really shows your dedication to this and I think you’ll love what ends up happening in the story! I love the effort, and if anyone else has theories in the works as more things are posted I’d love to see them 👀!
The way I word things in the posts is something I make deliberate so it absolutely fascinates me with your analysis. Can’t confirm anything of course, but perhaps your theories would change as more of the characters are designed and introduced ;)
Connections are important. They serve a good chunk of the story; the characters turn to specific people and have their own ups and downs that may or may not be seen in what they wear and how their thoughts are explored. Maybe some could be because they like wearing it, some could be worn out of sentimental value?
And who knows what happened to Jimmy, and Ren for that matter? All up in the air, but those are some interesting thoughts you have there, anon :D!
I’m excited to see what you (and others!) can pull from the remaining designs, and what it could possibly mean for the story ahead.
Oh! And because you mentioned Pearl and Scott’s shell bracelet/necklace, I figured I’ll put them here :D they have each other’s eye colors on their shell hehe
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mamamittens · 11 months
Well, if you insist @bookandyarndragon
Here's the ridiculous self indulgent isekia nonsense with two versions of Nikia with and without wings in as close to the early manga style as I've managed so far (I referenced Sanji's introduction specifically and color picked from one of the colored covers) recreated digitally.
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I didn't think of a name for the crew or how this series of shenanigans starts, nor names for the crew since this was just like... An hour of mindless wandering and memeing to myself.
Also, I'm not referring to first person because it makes this feel like I think it's real on some level and I don't need that level of disassociation on top of what I already have during the workday lol
But! The start was how the "Sir" thing starts. Which is that shortly after getting on board of the ship Nikia sees the state of the kitchen and is immediately horrified. It's a mess from the crew making desperate meals and not knowing how to cook and clean after themselves to save their damn life on account of the aforementioned cookbook thoughtfully left behind being quite illegible.
So she tears them a new one and tells them they're not allowed in until they understand what "mildew" means and the life cycle of gnats in the kitchen. They respond in fear "Yes, Sir!!" And she thinks they're just intimidated and when they keep it up, thinks it's a in-joke now.
Not realizing they're too afraid to ask her name and believe she's a very crabby "he". A running joke is that every time she almost tells them her name or correct the use of "Sir", something happens to interrupt.
The crew itself is more of the fun having, romantic type of pirates not interested in conquest but just adventure and maybe some treasure.
The captain is charismatic, fun loving, and has an uncanny ability to set things on fire. Once, Nikia asked him to boil a pot of water and it spontaneously caught fire... Without even having anything inside. He also has the ability to always know when it will rain. Just rain though. He also has a fear of swans despite the figurehead of the ship being a swan.
This was due to losing a bet and the crew thought it would be funny. If Nikia has wings, this helps explain why he's quickly intimidated by her.
The first mate is also the navigator and always knows what the weather is about to do but doesn't always pick up on rain for some reason. Anytime him and the captain argue about the weather, they're somehow both right. Every damn time. Even when they shouldn't be. He also likes taking pictures and delights in capturing his fellow crewmate's at unfortunate times to plaster it on the notice board.
The sharp shooter only likes pulling off trick shots to set of complex actions when literally just shooting his opponent would have worked--which he is fully capable of. He just refuses to not show off. He enjoys collecting books in his spare time but don't bother asking how he organizes them. He doesn't. He just always manages to pull the one he wants on the first try despite having no idea where he put it.
The swordsmen are twins who work together uncannily well but are disastrously clumsy apart. They also really like circling whoever they talk to while sharing lines and end up making their unfortunate conversation partner really dizzy. They were the ones that cleaned the kitchen between "meals" but eventually got so sick of it they abandoned the task.
The shipwright is a big fan of miniaturized craftsmanship so the ship is actually beautifully detailed. He just takes forever to work because nearly every inch of his work is engraved or embellished with art. Repairs the ship but enjoys engraving eggshells in his spare time. Comedically large man, so this hobby is both cute and a bit comedic.
And that's all I have for my crew of dweebs.
I figured the fighting Whitebeard thing would be because they overheard Whitebeard was pissed off and, when they ran into him at sea, assumed the Yonko wouldn't hesitate to fight and figured they may as well meet it head on. Nikia had no idea they were doing this and they were too afraid to enter the kitchen to inform her.
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tayfabe75 · 3 months
what do you think of wcs x ivy mashup that taylor did? seems like a strange combination
Oh, anon! Much like the rest of the fandom, I'm struggling a bit to understand this particular mash-up, lol (I really would have bet on 'Would've Could've Should've' getting mashed up with 'Mad Woman' due to what sounds like melodic similarities compared here and here, alas…)
Right off the bat, I'm going to have to admit that I'm personally on a different page than most people when it comes to WCS. I was genuinely shocked by just how many sources state, very confidently, that WCS is about John Mayer - not that it could be about him, but that it is. Of course, this stems from its similarity to the song 'Dear John'. Looks like we're going to have to discuss that song first so that we're on the same page! So, what did John, himself, have to say about 'Dear John'?:
"It made me feel terrible because I didn't deserve it. I'm pretty good at taking accountability now, and I never did anything to deserve that. It was a really lousy thing for her to do."
And when Glamour revealed John's comments to Taylor, here's what she had to say:
"How presumptuous! I never disclose who my songs are about."
That then got me thinking about this quote:
"If you didn't see a picture of it, it couldn't have happened right?"
And then this quote...
"People think they know the exact narrative of the way my life has gone."
Yes, Taylor was nineteen when she met John Mayer. But is that the only thing that happened to her at that age? I get that the title 'Dear John' seems super transparent, yet the term "Dear John" predates their collaboration or relationship by decades, so I don't think Taylor was necessarily "naming names". A "Dear John letter" is basically shorthand for dumping someone via written correspondence, usually someone who is physically far away (typically deployed) and seems to involve infidelity on the part of the dumper. To potentially support this theory, the lyric video for 'Dear John' looks like a handwritten letter:
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Yet, the lyrics kind of sound like Taylor was the dumpee? Anyway, all of that is to say that I do think that WSC is connected to 'Dear John', just that the muse probably isn't who everyone thinks.
Anyway, WCS shares lyrical parallels with 'The Great War' - both referencing banners and tombs/crypts, implying that something that should be dead isn't. Would you believe that the first time I heard WCS, I thought it sounded like pure religious trauma? Obviously, after reading all the matter-of-fact reviews and blog posts about how it's definitely about grooming, I heard it. But I'm still not sure that's the only explanation.
Honest question: Is nineteen a "child"? I'm a few years older than Taylor, and while I would probably answer "yes", it would also feel infantilizing to call a nineteen-year-old a child. So, when I hear the line "years of tearing down our banners", I wonder if it implies a passage of time or aging, or that these banners were torn down for years after "dancing with the devil", an expression meaning to engage in "risky, reckless, or potentially immoral behavior". All of the religious imagery seems to imply some kind of loss of innocence. The line "give me back my girlhood" reminds me a lot of ATW, actually - I forget Taylor's exact quote or where she said it, unfortunately, but something about how the girl in the video is the same person, but the pain changed her, that she no longer approaches the world with the same openness, that it made her more guarded.
Themes of war appear in both 'The Great War' and 'Ivy', which is exactly the part of the song Taylor chose to mash-up with WCS. 'Ivy' describes a meeting in a "faith forgotten land", which is an interesting parallel for WCS - which seems to be, at least metaphorically, about the pain of having lost one's faith. All of this talk of death and tombs and crypts… meanwhile ivy is symbolically "eternal", likely because it can survive even through winters. Interestingly, it seems to symbolize loyalty - making it a rather curious metaphor in a song about infidelity! Though, perhaps the loyalty is not to the "husband" in this story?
Taylor ends the mash-up with "I regret you all the time", perhaps implying the aforementioned "war" had something to do with infidelity. If so, then who is it, in this love triangle, that she regrets?
I have even found myself wondering whether WCS is some kind of metaphor for fame, celebrity, the music industry… I don't have that thought fully fleshed out, though.
Interestingly, as I pondered a bit on your question, there has been a discovery that Taylor changed a few words of WCS for the mash-up, and maybe switched perspectives mid-song (credit to gaypoetsdept on Twitter):
"If I was a child, did it matter if I got to wash MY hands" (at about 1:19) "Would've, could've, should've, if YOU'D only played it safe" (at about 2:32)
I personally hope this was just a flub on Taylor's part because I can't even begin to understand the implication of these changes or what they mean! lol
Thanks for the ask! I don't know how helpful it was, but that's what I got! ♥
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audioaujom · 10 months
23: Succumbing to the Darkening [wrong end 8 ★8]
Corpse Party Hub, < prev, next >
Once again, this is wrong end 8 ★8 from Book of Shadows Episode #5, taking place in Blood Covered’s Chapter 2. Sorry if the recycled dialogue/descriptions from the previous ones is getting boring, but the ending and characters this time are different! Unfortunately I can’t promise something entirely new for next week, as it’s an alt of this one with a much worse ending lol After this one is two more of this section, and then it’s on to more whump, violence, and gore from later in the game!
Pairing: Tubbo, Aimsey, Ranboo, Bill
Word Count: 3244
Chapter TWs: Blood and Gore, Graphic Depictions of Violence/Gore, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Mind Manipulation ("Darkening")
Whatever you do, don't look behind you.
The note laid neatly beside the candle on the steps, causing Tubbo to scoff aloud and quickly glance over his shoulder.
“Oh, yeah? What happens if I do?”
He blinked as the familiar figure of Aimee emerged from the darkness below, calling his name out in relief as they recognized each other. “Tubbo…!” 
“Aimee!” Tubbo smiled as she approached, before glancing around in confusion upon not seeing the companion he'd last seen her with at the pool. “Where's Schlatt?”
“I— I don't know. He was with me until a second ago, but then we found ourselves running from this man with… an axe, I think… and we got separated.” Aimee explained apologetically, staring down at the floor and rubbing her hands together anxiously.
“Shit, really?” Tubbo cursed, before noticing the splattering of blood covering the front of her shirt with a worried frown. “Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?” 
“No, I'm okay. This… isn't my blood.” She huffed out a humorless laugh, keeping her gaze resolutely on the floor between their feet. “It's just… this school… it's even more dangerous than I thought. Whoever that guy is, I'm sure he's been going around killing anyone who gets lost in here.”
“Yeah… sounds like a fair assumption.” 
Aimee finally looked up after a long moment of silence, swaying slightly before quietly admitting, “I’m scared, Tubbo. I'm scared that… that if I'm by myself, he'll find me, and…” 
“Well… don't be. I'll stick by you!” Tubbo instantly offered, not liking where she was going.
“Really…? Are you sure?”
“Of course!” Tubbo nodded, watching the way her eyes lit up with relief. “I'd hate to leave you all by yourself anyway, and we can both keep an eye out for any creepy axe-men.”
“Thank you so much!” 
Aimee grinned wide, throwing herself forward to pull Tubbo into a tight hug that he immediately tried to slip out of with an uncomfortable shiver. “Whoa! H—Hey…!” 
“Ah, I'm sorry! You have a boyfriend already, don't you? I think you said his name was Tommy?” She quickly let go, rubbing at the back of her neck with a sheepish smile that started a strange swirl of suspicion in the back of Tubbo’s mind.
“Oh, no no no! Ew! We're not like that.” He immediately corrected, keeping his uneasiness to himself for the moment. “He's more like a brother to me, you know?"
“Ahh… I bet life would be a whole lot less boring if I had a brother like you.” 
“Hah… yeah, maybe.” Tubbo ignored the way her tone made his stomach sink, trying to write it off as a result of the shock she must’ve experienced before running back into him. “It might not always be an enjoyable experience, but if you're looking for something less boring, I can certainly offer you that.”
Methodically checking the next floor as carefully as they could for Tommy, the two wandered around for quite a ways before the ambient light of the school seemed to dim greatly.
“It's dark in here…” Tubbo commented rhetorically as the two were searching the hall, before noticing that she’d stopped at some point along the way and seemed to be looking for something on her person. “…Aims? What's up?”
“Give me a sec... I have a light.” She said without looking up, before shivering a little and frowning. “It's not just dark, but cold, too…” “Yeah... We should turn back. I've got a really bad feeling about this hallway.” Tubbo shuddered a little, though he wasn't sure if it was his ever increasing nerves or the chill in the air.
“But… the way back is gone.” Aimee pointed back behind the two, Tubbo’s eyes finally adjusting to the darkness enough to see that yes—in fact—the wooden floor behind them had seemingly rotted and caved in, preventing them from going back, short of jumping the gap.
“Shit…” He fought the urge to kick something loose from a nearby pile of broken wood, before suddenly remembering— “Hey, do you still have that alcohol lamp?”
“Sorry, that didn't quite make it.” Aimee sighed sadly, before smiling and offering Tubbo the handful of candles she’d been looking for. “I have plenty of candles, though!”
“Yeah, well, I don't think the candles will be enough.” Tubbo retorted a little sharper than he meant to, though Aimee didn’t seem to be bothered by it as she put the candles back and headed off down the hallway again.
“Hey… look! There's a room.” She cheered a moment later, gesturing into the darkness with one hand and reaching back to grab Tubbo with the other. “Let's go see what's inside. Okay?”
“Hey, wait a second! It might not be safe! We need to—!” Tubbo tried to stop her, but in the process of the two of them heading in different directions and grabbing at each other, they ended up toppling over and falling to the floor with loud shouts of surprise. As soon as Tubbo realized he was on top of her, he quickly tried to scramble away as an uncomfortable blush settled across his face and down his neck. He got up to his hands and knees as quickly as he could, panicked as Aimee stared back up at him with a strange look on her face. “Shit, I'm really sorry... Are you okay?”
“I'm just fine.” Aimee seemed all too comfortable where she landed, biting a little at her bottom lip—much to Tubbo’s confusion.
“U—Um… please don't think I meant to do that, or anything like that. I— I really didn't mean to—” Tubbo rambled on in an attempt to apologize, but she just shook her head lightly and blinked slowly up at him with a coy smile.
“Never mind that. What say we have a little chat?”
“...huh…?” Tubbo wanted to get as far away from her as he possibly could, but stayed rooted to the spot as his brain tried to follow her off-putting offer.
“Don't you like me… Toby…?” Aimee’s voice seemed to change pitch suddenly, becoming deeper as her eyes bore holes straight up into him. He felt himself flinch, opening his mouth to shut her down only to notice the first drops of blood forming in the corners of her eyes. 
Any words he had to say died in his throat as tear tracks of blood ran down her face, more blood beading out of her nose and dripping over her lips, a sense of horror washing over him as he came to the conclusion that something was very, very wrong. “Wh—Who… are you?”
“Who do you think I am, Toby?” Despite the blood now pouring out of her mouth, her words weren’t garbled at all, Tubbo shaking his head as the horror gave way to dread in the pit of his stomach.
“S—Stop that…!” He demanded in a panic, trying to find a graceful way back to his feet before adding on, “And don’t call me that!”
Tubbo then went to push himself up off of the floor with his hands, only for Aimee to tightly grab both of his wrists to keep him down on top of her. 
“L—Let me go! How do you know about me? About Tommy?!”
Whoever this was—she most certainly wasn’t Aimee, at least not anymore—only giggled, a swirling panic beginning in his stomach as he tried to pull away from her. Her grip was unnaturally strong as it bruised his wrists, no amount of yanking able to break the grip for several long moments until a particularly hard tug got one of his hands free, his arm then swinging wide and smacking one of the girl’s bloodstained cheeks.
“Oww! How dare you raise your hand to a girl… Toby…” Her voice distorted as she giggled again, thick trails of blood starting to leak out of every available orifice of her face: eyes, nose, ears, and even more from her mouth. The skin of Aimee’s face began to peel back like burning paper, curling away from the waterfalls of crimson and flaking off in disgusting, bloody patches. A new, blue tinted face was emerging from underneath the peeling, flayed skin—it was young, child-like, and covered in slimy guts and more blood. Whatever was left of Aimee disintegrated to the sides as the rest of the young girl’s figure emerged, though half-submerged in the floorboards. Long, dark hair framed the sides of her face, a long red dress covering her body that began to shimmer in the low light of the hallway to make her seem to glow as she grinned up at Tubbo, his mind finally catching up with the carnage surrounding him as the rank smell of death started wafting up from the piled remains and ever growing lake of blood around him. The girl still held onto him, him swallowing back vomit as the two stared at each other, waiting for someone to make a move.
“You… were you always… her?” Tubbo stumbled out, anger boiling up fast as he exploded, “You fucking bitch! What the hell did you do to Tommy?!"
“Now what did I do to him? Hmm. I remember he wouldn't shut up. He kept calling for you, you know. Over and over… just like a bird.” The girl mused, giggling to herself as Tubbo tried to keep his mounting rage under control. “But he's not chirping anymore! Wanna see for yourself?”
“No… no! No, that's not true! You're lying!” The only thing keeping Tubbo from completely swinging on this ghost again was her tight grip on his arms, the twinges of pain barely enough to keep him grounded as his mind swirled to keep up.
“I've been watching you, you know. I like you. You've got promise.” The girl grinned, still present blood leaking out from between her lips and staining her teeth. “People like you do show up from time to time. Freaks of nature who have a real affinity for this place.”
“What the fuck are you going on about?” Tubbo tried pulling away from the girl again—harder this time—to no avail. “What… What the hell are you planning to do with me?!”
“Aw, are you scared?” Her giggle was light and completely unnerving, her vice grip slowly inching up his arms as she pulled him closer and closer to her face. “That's understandable. But the thing is, I get you! You're not afraid of people dying. You're afraid of you dying.”
“Shut up, you bitch! And let—let go! I… I—!” Tubbo still continued to struggle in the grip, desperately trying to ignore the way the girl’s breath smelled of a rot and decay that even the viscera around them couldn't match.
“Sure. I'll let you go. And when I do, I want you to walk over to that door. Let the school guide your way.” She shrugged lightly, her eyes lighting up as Tubbo felt his stomach twist with a fresh burst of nausea as she nodded with her head towards a nearby classroom. “It's where you'll find the person you've been looking for all this time.”
A voice then quietly floated through the air, the tone a familiar whisper that sounded from all around. “Toby… don't look at me… not the way I am now…”
“Ahh… Tommy…?” Tubbo froze at the sound of his friend’s voice, a shock of freezing panic shooting through him at the way the girl grinned at his startled expression. 
“I'm looking forward… to your reaction…” In an instant the girl let go, her blue-tinted form slowly sinking into the floor boards as she added, “But if it's boring… I'll kill you.”
As quickly as she appeared, she was gone again, leaving behind nothing but the tattered remains of Aimee’s clothes and the horrific face mask made of his blood-soaked skin. 
The smell alone was enough to rocket Tubbo to his feet, entirely distrustful of the ghost but unable to stop his own burning curiosity and panic for Tommy from guiding his feet to the nearby classroom that the girl had motioned to, sliding the door open and stepping inside.
This can’t be happening… this can’t be fucking happening…
He ran through hall after hall of dilapidated school, his feet carrying him forward even as he wasn’t quite sure where he was going—he just felt a pull that gently tugged him along.
Just hold on a little longer for me, okay Tommy? I’m coming!
Finding Tommy’s body was even worse than he could’ve imagined.
He’d been pulverized to shreds on a wall, the only identifying feature being shreds of the red and white shirt Tommy had been wearing that day and an odd certainty that this was what the school and the ghost girl wanted him to see. The large splatter of blood on the wall was tacky to the touch, nearly completely dried as Tubbo ran a hand around the outline in order to not look at the pile of shapeless skin and organs at the bottom of the wall.
“Oh god, fuck… No, I… Tommy…?” He mumbled as hot tears sprung to his eyes, dropping to his knees as an overwhelming rage bloomed deep in his stomach. Clutching at his own arms so hard pinpricks of blood started appearing across his skin, Tubbo didn’t notice the darkened sheen slowly overtaking his vision as he carefully stood back to his feet. “Whoever did this… and this whole damn place… are going to burn.”
So absorbed in loudly vowing his violent revenge, he didn’t notice the blue ghost girl appear in the air behind him, ecstatic.
“How interesting.” She cooed, deciding to help him along by snagging a pair of heavy shears from the infirmary and dropping them near his feet. In the same instant that he spotted the rusty metal glinting beside his blood-soaked sneakers, she vanished into the darkness surrounding them. Tubbo bent down to pick them up, his eyes fully glossing over as his vision dissolved to darkness and a wicked grin spread across his face.
Ranboo and Bill were objectively having a bad time.
The only upside was that they hadn’t lost each other yet, but they hadn’t come across any of their friends after losing Tommy to the ghosts in the infirmary, and it was quickly sapping their will to continue searching for a way out of the school. 
The two were ready to give up by the time Ranboo spotted the familiar head of brunet hair at the end of the hallway, smacking at Bill’s arm to get his attention as he raised a hand to try and help their friend spot them. “Tubbo? Oh my god, Tubbo!” 
“We've been looking all over for you, mate!” Bill grinned wide in relief, running forward at the same time as Ranboo. “What happened? You alright?” His grin faltered at the same time as his steps, Ranboo also slowing down as they noticed the way Tubbo hadn’t looked up at them even once, leaning heavily on one leg and clutching something tightly in both of his hands. “Uh… Dude?”
“Something’s wrong…” Ranboo said breathlessly, putting an arm out to keep Bill from getting any closer to Tubbo and experimentally calling, “Tubbo, can you hear me?” 
“Uh… Tubbo?” Bill tried next after a long stretch of silence, him and Ranboo turning matching confused expressions to each other. “Big man Tubs?”
“...Tubbo?” Ranboo slid a half step back as Tubbo’s head tilted to the side and he raised one arm, revealing the sharp pair of scissors he was holding. “What? No, wait—!”
In an instant Tubbo lunged forward, Ranboo barely able to grab Tubbo’s arm with both hands to try and wrestle the scissors away from his face. Tumbling backwards and landing on the ground, Ranboo stared up in horror at his friend’s completely empty and glazed over eyes, struggling to push the smaller—yet much stronger—boy off of him.
“What the fuck, man?!” Bill called out, getting behind Tubbo and grabbing him around the middle to help Ranboo get him off.
“Something’s wrong with his eyes!” Ranboo shouted as the two managed to push Tubbo back enough for him to scramble to his feet, panting for breath as Bill held him tightly from the back.
“How's about we get those scissors away from him first, yeah? And worry about the possession later?!” Bill suggested, Ranboo ducking back as Tubbo swung the scissors for his head and missed by only a few inches.
“I'm trying!” Ranboo complained, managing to pin Tubbo’s flailing arm with the scissors to his side with a loud grunt of effort. “Give me a hand, dude!”
“So needy!” Bill teased as he let go of Tubbo with one hand and forced his hand open to drop the scissors to the floor, kicking them away and down the hallway as they both let go of their friend. “Okay, got it! All clear.”
Tubbo was still for only a moment, Ranboo noticing a moment before his friend that Tubbo was launching himself forward at Bill. “Bill, look out—!” 
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Bill screamed as Tubbo slammed into him, the two saved from falling over only by the nearby wall that kept them upright. “He's so determined! I honestly respect him for that!”
“Tubbo, what happened?!” Ignoring Bill’s snark, Ranboo grabbed Tubbo and pulled him back to demand, “Whatever it is, you need to snap out of it before you kill us!”
Tubbo’s struggles slowed, the sheen over his eyes fading as Ranboo and Bill held him down. He eventually stopped entirely, blinking confusedly at his friends above him. “Ran…boo? Bill? Is that… you?”
“Yup.” Ranboo nodded, letting go of Tubbo with a sigh of relief.
“That's us.” Bill grinned, also letting go.
“What was I…?” Tubbo reached a hand up to his head, wincing, before looking up in with a panicked, “Oh, fuck, I—!”
“It's okay, Tubbo. Breathe.” Ranboo instantly reached out, grabbing his friend’s shoulders and squeezing gently. “Can you tell us what happened?”
“It’s—! I… I found Tommy.” Tubbo admitted, Bill and Ranboo instantly stilling in fear. “He was… god, I shouldn’t have even been able to recognize him, it was just so much blood and—!”
“Yeah, we—” Bill started to admit, but was cut off by an unreadable look from Ranboo.
“—Are so sorry you had to see that.” He continued instead, making sure Bill understood to drop the subject—the fact they’d been with Tommy when he’d died. “Whatever happened to Tommy is no one’s fault, okay?”
“But I should’ve found him, or… something. Anything.” Tubbo lamented angrily, wiping at slightly teary eyes with a closed fist.
“Yeah, cause that would’ve been super easy.” Bill scoffed, crossing his arms and looking away to keep from meeting anyone’s eyes. “Not like this place is a damn maze or anything.”
“This place is keeping us from each other. I know it sucks, but… there was nothing you could do. Nothing any of us could do.” Ranboo soothed as best he could, before spotting a nearby classroom and motioning for the other two to follow him over there. “Let’s go find somewhere to sit down and take a rest, okay?”
“...okay.” Tubbo agreed quietly, his head swirling with anger and grief that was only kept at bay by the close presence of his friends. He followed the two in silence, grinding his teeth together to keep himself from crying until he either had a moment alone, or at least after they’d settled down to rest.
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oh-delphinia · 3 years
SNK ending theory?
The reason I put a question mark is because I don’t know if this counts as a theory lol. Really this is just my thoughts on chapter 138 and what could possibly happen next. Anyway, let’s get into it:
So we all know that Attack On Titan is heavily influenced by Norse mythology. I talk a lot about this in another post if you wanna check it out (in fact I would recommend reading it before you read this especially if you are not familiar with Norse mythology): 
There are countless references to Norse mythology, but one has been becoming more and more relevant. The serpent that gnaws at the roots of the world tree, Yggdrasil (which is remarkably similar to the paths tree), is known as Nidhogg. I believe the weird shiny centipede thingy is inspired by/referencing him. 
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Not only does it have an almost serpent-like appearance, but it is able to let off some sort of steam/gas that transforms humans into pure titans. I believe this thing is the same being as the spine that first transformed Ymir into a titan.
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Now let me explain how the first titan (jötnar) in Norse mythology is created. Not so coincidentally, the first titan in Norse mythology is also named Ymir. It is said that Ymir was born form the venom that dripped down from the frozen river Élivágar. It is presumed that the venom came from the serpent Nidhogg. Nidhogg is last mentioned in the poem Völuspá. Frankly this poem is quite confusing and no one is quite sure what happens to Nidhogg. He first heralds the coming of Ragnarök, and then according to the poem he “sinks”. TBH I don’t know how to relate this to Attack On Titan. But I guess what I’m thinking is that after Mikasa killed Eren the giant centipede stopped attacking. All I know is that the centipede is very confusing and seems very important to the story, you can interpret it however you want, let me know your thoughts on it.
Alright, moving on. The next thing I want to talk about is the alternative universe theory. I took a little inspiration from this theory. It’s really interesting and I recommend reading it:
While I’m not sure I agree entirely with this theory it does make a lot of sense. I’m also not sure I believe the high school alternate reality exists, but I do believe there is some sort of alternate reality, if not multiple. In the latest chapter we see Mikasa have some sort of “vision” where she and Eren had ran away to live together in peace.
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Eren also had a vision/dream of this in the very beginning of the manga.
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In his dream we also see a seen with a bunch of dead scouts. Isayama’s original plan was to have everyone die in the end. Now perhaps there was another reality where that did happen
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Now, I know alternate realities may seem a bit far fetched but this is why I believe they could exist in Attack on Titan. You know how Eren manipulated Grisha using paths and how he went back with Zeke to show him? And how Eren Kruger mention Mikasa and Armin to Grisha before they were even born? Well using paths, Eren is basically time travelling, and y’all know time travel never turns out well. There will always be different time lines and realities and a bunch of confusing heck. Could Mikasa killing Eren “wake him up” in a different reality? In Norse mythology after Ragnarök the survivors repopulate the earth and the world begins anew, I’m willing to bet something similar will happen in Attack on Titan. Whatever happens, all I know is it’s gonna be crazy. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think!
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shinwhoohoo · 3 years
I feel like this credit thing is being overblown or maybe taken out of context bc when a3 went on ebs space symphony and they performed songs written by jinyoung and baro they were credited every time at the bottom of the screen so?? i mean i wouldn't put it past wm to be petty about something like this but i think this whole thing is a bit of a stretch and probably more coincidence/circumstance than anything (altho i'm open to being proved wrong lol)
also adding on bc i was just watching their performances at bof 2021 when they performed what's happening and baby goodnight both jinyoung and baro were credited there too so im not entirely sure what the idea behind only crediting them sometimes would be ?
Exactly, that's what I meant when I was saying WM can't just take Jinyoung's credits away, and the EBS and BOF performances are perfect examples of that-- when they have to give song credits, of course they have to give them to Jinyoung and/or Baro. Like, legally they have too lol.
I think the difference is that in the MMTG ep OMG appeared on, they weren't performing those songs-- they were just talking about them and showing old music show clips. I bet if they actually performed it live, then they would have (possibly would have had to) give song credits. But since they were just talking about it generally, it wasn't necessary.
And that is where I think WM's callousness can sometimes come into play? lol Like you said, I don't think we should put in past WM that if they don't have to mention Bayoung, they aren't going to. Just the fact they weren't even shown in past vids/photos as OT5 for their 10th anniversary lol, WM has made it very clear that they will NOT be showing or referencing them in anyway they can help it.
But this is also where I think people are blowing it out of proportion, too? Because like I said in the other ask anon sent and what @quicktothebatjalopy and I were discussing in the replies, this is not only what we have come to expect with WM, but also just how things are done with companies in Korea in general. When a member leaves (with rare exceptions of course) it's like they never existed. That's just how it's done. So Jinyoung's not gonna be any exception to that, and I doubt he really GAF anyways.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Tarn the Uncaring and his Locus Vile remain creepy as fuck, but I can’t help but feel that this Hellions issue would be a lot more impactful if we had any clue whatsoever what Tarn and his ick squad’s powers actually are. Its the same gripe I have with the last Wolverine issue and that Arakki pirate guy......I feel like the writers are making all these new Arakki characters but aren’t bothering to figure out what they can even do beyond just make them look bad-ass or intimidating or whatever and just be vague as to their actual capabilities.
For the most part its not a big deal, but I do think sooner rather than later we do need an ACTUAL clue about what the hell Tarn and the rest of the Great Ring’s powers are, given that its been well established that the Arakki ONLY let omega level mutants sit on their ruling council, so like......I think they should have bothered figuring out what the Great Ring’s powersets are before introducing them at least, and I feel like a big reason for the vagueness is that so far....even the writers only have the vaguest idea about what most of them can do. I mean, the only ones we know for sure are Isca and Lactuna or whatever her name is....and we have a reasonable sense of what the fish dude’s powers are and they’re fairly epic....and Idyll’s powers obviously are precognition related, so....okay y’know what, I take it back. 
Of the Great Ring, the only ones we don’t really have a sense of are Tarn and the other random dude whose name I forget, and Tarn’s obviously have something to do with genetics/power manipulation.....but every time I see that giant caterpillar mutant, Xili or whatever his name is, I’m just like....okay we saw him in action but I still don’t get how his power works even a little bit.
Anyway, Hellions was an interesting issue, I enjoy seeing Sinister’s fuck-ups come back home to roost and all the Hellions finding out just how badly he screwed them on the Amenth mission, and I am intrigued by the mention of Chimera towards the end of the issue. I’m guessing all of this is building up to the reveal of Sinister’s first experiments in creating the triple-powered mutants we saw in Powers of X a hundred years in the future - and that series did mention that the first Chimera were ‘grown’ in the Vats of Mars, which is now Arakko, home of.....the people Sinister just admitted to stealing the DNA from to create these Chimera. So it all fits. 
What I’m curious about is how much of this is just leading up to the same events that already played out in Moira’s last failed lifetime, versus how much things are going differently this time around. Like, we’re finding out about the Chimera being created already, which would seem to suggest events so far aren’t playing out too differently from the last time around, given the references to them being made on Mars....BUT in Moira’s last lifetime in Powers of X, like, it was clearly referenced as MARS having been where the Chimera were first made.....while ever since the Hellfire Gala, the books have all been pushing really hard that the planet’s name is Arakko now. So what I’m wondering is if Moira’s last lifetime - where she was allied with Apocalypse for at least part of it as well - if Arakko and its mutants were ever successfully retrieved from Amenth....or if Mars was simply a Krakoan colony in that past lifetime, and the Chimera we saw a hundred years in its future were just the results of Sinister’s experiments with mutant/Krakoan DNA, with him never having had access to Arakki mutants or Tarn’s own experiments with mutation.
Because if the latter, then that would suggest that the key difference this time around, and the potential game changer for the future, is not actually Krakoa itself, but Arakko’s presence and the Krakoa/Arakko alliance, spread across two planets.
Hmmm. Must ponder more.
As for the new X-Men issue, it wasn’t bad but it was mostly meh. It felt like a lot of just action sequences with Duggan narrating how they all used their powers together to defeat the Annihilation Wave, and like....yawn? The mutant synergy idea is fine conceptually, but they are milking it WAY too hard, its like we get it, can you do something with the actual STORY rather than just being like look what happens when these two mutants use their powers at the same time? LOL. For what its worth, what story there IS in this issue is intriguing. I mean, the idea of Gameworld and its bets on the fate of Earth is pretty interesting, and Dr. Stasis is shaping up to be a dangerous threat, especially with him seeming to be on to the Krakoan resurrection capabilities (uh, not that they’ve been all that subtle about it, tbh), and allied with Orchis - thus them knowing about the great Krakoan resurrection engine as well, lmao. Like, they probably really should have put a bit more effort into keeping that under wraps awhile longer instead of just being like: 
"Oh Jumbo Carnation famously was murdered a few years ago with it all over the news and now we’re making a big deal about him designing all the outfits for our highly publicized Hellfire Gala, and you want to know how that could be possible, Mr. Reporter? Uh...look! A squirrel!”
Also, that plus the big fight between the Locus Vile and the Hellions on Krakoa after Ororo specifically WARNED Tarn that she was going to fuck his shit up if he tried to retaliate against Sinister - and that Isca and the rest of the Great Ring promised to back her on, lololol, its kinda funny that they all seem to hate Tarn as much as the rest of the Quiet Council all hate Sinister - anyway, all that has me wondering what the official policy on dead Arakki mutants is. I assume given that they’re mutants no fundamentally different from Krakoan mutants, that like, ever since they emerged from Otherworld, there’s no reason that Cerebro shouldn’t back up their consciousnesses as automatically as it does any other mutant’s....so is Krakoa sharing its resurrection technology with Arakko at all? Assuming of course that once they saw how Krakoans did it, they don’t have specific mutants of their own capable of matching the capabilities of the Five and doing the same for them. 
BUT then again, the idea of resurrection seems to fly pretty heavily in the face of Arakki culture, so I don’t imagine on the WHOLE they’re all that interested in it in the first place.....BUT BUT, that doesn’t mean that INDIVIDUAL Arakki mutants aren’t interested. And given that we know now that it was Solem who was pulling strings in Wolverine’s solo title and X-Force, and that he was behind stealing the Shi’ar logic diamonds, which are used in resurrection, and he seems to have aims towards stealing the Cerebro Sword from Mikhail in Russia......from what we do know of Solem, it would make perfect sense for him to be interested in resurrection, given how many of his own people want him dead (especially after how he fucked over War in X of Swords), and I can’t imagine Solem being all that interested in like, applying for Krakoan citizenship just for that perk if he felt he could finagle resurrection on his own terms instead.
Or that he thinks they’d even offer it to him at all at this point, given that Emma, a key figure on the Quiet Council, is personally gunning for him to get payback for what he did to Christian and the Marauder (yesssss, this is one Emma + Wolverine teamup I’m here for lololol). Course, I can’t help but think, you know who else would want payback for Christian, and who might be extremely helpful in going after a notoriously dangerous Arakki warrior with adamantium skin? Oh, idk, Christian’s boyfriend, the omega mutant capable of freezing anything so cold it can shatter with a touch....even vaunted adamantium. I’M JUST SAYING. We saw Bobby get his vengeful on after Kate was killed, and him applying that same energy towards going after someone as dangerous as Solem on Christian’s behalf, would be like....potentially the most interesting thing they’ve done with him in years.
Like, I know it won’t happen because it probably hasn’t even occurred to the writers, since most of them barely even acknowledge that Bobby and Christian are IN a relationship, but how fucking great would it be to have Solem smugly convinced that he’s a match for Logan only for him to be like “the useful thing about NOT being a loner loser like you and actually having friends and people who like me, is sometimes it pays to have a bigger gun than yourself on speed dial.” Cut to....Heeeeeere’s Bobby! You know, the dude who just singlehandedly gave your spiffy new homeplanet its ice caps. And whose boyfriend your pirate patsies tossed overboard and left for dead when stealing his ship.
Solem: Aww, fuck.
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astraaeterna · 4 years
Omg I love your art style. I getting more into art during quarantine, do you have any tips on having a style like yours?
Thank you! Okay--so I’m gonna be honest... I have a HUGE feud with my art style. Like, if you were to take my tumblr sketch work and compare it to my portfolio stuff, the pieces look nothing alike. I actually really dislike how my art looks on this platform--I’ve always liked having elegant lines and very narrow, graceful facial features for my drawings, but it’s something that I can never achieve, no matter how hard I try. I uh get really fed up with my art style sometimes to the point where I will just go on hiatus for a few months while I try to figure out how to fix it. I think my art looks really unrefined and unfinished, but then again, I’m too lazy to actually put up finished stuff, lol. 
Anyway, so art styles are really hard to learn/alter consciously--it’s more of something that you can add bits and bobs to, but has to develop on its own. I suggest doing a bunch of photostudies to build the basic foundations of your art skills before gradually moving off of referenced drawings + adopting little stylistic quirks that you enjoy seeing from other artists. Be happy and rejoice about your work no matter the art style because art is HARD and I bet your pieces look stunning no matter what. Also, the joy of CREATION!!!
Anyway, small spiel aside, here is a lil’ tutorial of how I draw faces in case this helps:
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Tma season 2 notes baybeee
I made myself take several breaks so I could give my frie d who is listening to it at the same time as me a chance to catch up. Honestly just posting them so I have them saved somewhere but whatever.
ep 41: real graham wrote keep watching before he was replaced. Jon feels like he's being watched. But they werent replaced by things related to the eye. It's the web that's on the box that replaces them. Endless hallways and doors to nowhere. I bet nicholas will have ideas what entity this relates to. If it even does. They're like the tunnels in the one with the builder guy. Tunnels closing in etc. Also like the cave diving one. He's assuming it's just one
ep 42: so 100 gecs? (IM SORRY I LIKE 100 GECS BUT LMAO) so there's some entity related to music right? There's the piper episode and the 27 w/ the calliope. Ah yes, this season is gonna be the season of Paranoid!Jon
ep 43: section 31? fucking books. god no. smashed lights? cult lady did that. covered the lights too. she mentioned a spooky clown doll. thats not random.
ep 44: is this that same circus that got mentioned before? it is! the pipe organ! pop off organ! pipe off! mouth on the stomach! yes! mouths in unusual places my beloved!
ep 45: antiques! like that one ep!
ep 46: every time books get mentioned i sigh. hhh sus smells. it got brighter. I get the vibes occasionally that the dark and the eye are sorta at odds with eachother. GRRR BARK BARK LEITNER. ayyy ex altiora. entity go brr. which entity do we thing it is? my guess is The Dark. The book buyer's name is Mike. He has scars? Electricity? The childhood friend of the guy who got it later on perhaps? The Vast? its formatted like an entity idk. This happened before the other one. He got trapped in the wood carving. a win for the web lol spiders go brr
ep 47: did i hear spiral? ITS THE NOT THING FROM THE EPISODE WITH NOT GRAHAM "it didnt move, it shifted" is like the exact same sentence as before. ay john's starting to remember. the laughing woah thats weird. is "michael" one of the entities? "you make it seem like theres a war" supports my theory that theres a struggle between a couple of the entities. I said i thought it was the eye and the dark i believe but im not sure. its whatever entity michael is vs the worms? what did nicholas say the worms were again? The Corruption? still dont know which one michael is tho.
Had to take a break after that episode. smth about the quality of michael's voice makes me feel like im gonna slip into one of those states where it feels like nothing is real, so i got a nice cold glass of water.
ep 48: jesus ok this one's kidna corny. you're telling me love made the crowd go away come on now. Ur losing it big J. also shouldnt it be more sus that "sasha" is so unaffected by the worm incident/ finding of gertrude's body
ep 49: haven't we heard hector's name before? oh is he the crime guy? fucking jared... so it's a throat? chompa chompa. (it's just a little bit hot) the good part about these episodes is that we know whoever's telling the story isn't gonna die. even if it's a close call, they're not dead. hotworth? ok not jared keay. it bothers me how theres so many repeated names, can they not come up with other names? "sasha"'s computer is breaking... sus. Elias our favorite weed man! jon ur so paranoid lmao
ep 50: robert smirk, at it again. this is like that one episode with the old dude who locked his door. who said idle beforehand? was it smirk? fingertips. thats so weird lmao. bahahah tim
ep 51: simon fairchild. im sure jon will mention the name at the end i cant remember where we've heard it. this is just like the cavediving episode. a hand? there was a hand in the last one right? the scalpel! and an eye thing. she's trying to throw them off.
ep 52: thats the guy from before! with the hearts! god i hate this guy writing the statement hh. lights blowing, and brackish water. we know how this ends but its still tense. rainer? reigner? rain man. we've seen him before
ep 53: pls not a leitner. oh boy mans scratched out his eyes. rip skelly. why would gertrude have had this statement off the books? jon stabbed himself?? bruh im? big man are you okay
ep 54: cockney boys! ayy its our favorite delivery men. she cut out their eyes. she knew that the eye was a thing?
ep 55: oily residue like the retirement home!
ep 56: worms? no. spiders?? bruhh. aaah yelling :(( aww martin anyways yeah i called it about paranoid!jon he needs to take a nap and drink some hot chocolate and calm down for once please
ep 57: just remembered, i think theres an entity called The Lonely?? This feels pretty lonely idk. fairchild, lukas/ lucas, some spooky place in norway idk. "sasha" knew he was recordinig hmm suspicious cmon jon figure it out. Sasha and tom. hm sus. for records sake i feel liek i should note here that I did have it spoiled to me simply that that's not sasha, but thats really all. i assumed it was like the thing that happened to graham in S1
ep 58: i feel like i recognize the name eustice (?) wick. someone please tell me im not just watching jon's descent into madness over the course of this podcast. im hoping it isnt so but, (and pardon the dsmp reference) im getting real wilbur vibes from this one.
ep 59: oh dear ok account from the fielding house. swirling designs? Spiral time? oh boyy. oh wait! 6 inch hole in the middle! is it not a spiderweb type design on the table? thats what i had assumed but that description sounds more like a spiral thing. cobwebs is a Web thing. ayy nicholas was right! the box goes in the table! the place that she kissed him was burning. Raymond is an avatar of The Web and agnes is the burning one. Lightless Flame! Why did she save him? i guess she was against this guy eating ppl or wtvr but why was she at the halfway house then? I think she's like michael.
ep 60: the eye go brr
ep 61: breacon and hope once again. tom. sasha's boyfriend. vampires sleep in coffins. the guy just walking in seems similar to the mind control of the vampires
ep 62: bones! its that one leitner. is this mother keay? the mom of gerard? this is what happened to her right? her skin was found on hooks? oh yeah thats what i thought the pages are made of skin. yeesh. The End!! sounds like an entity. phrased like one, and i think i remember it. are the people trapped in the pages? or... kept?
ep 63: eaten by the darkness! cavediving episode! (just like eaten by the sky) did my brain make up one called The Vast? it feels like it should be one, and all these episodes have some similar description about their feelings when they do whatever chosen hobby they have. ok now this one kinda feels like the dark. lights going out and all that. ok so not really a The Vast thing, its more of a Dark thing. feckin smirk gah.
ep 64: dice! the death guy! the death game thing! the person tricked somebody else into becoming death and then they were immortal? but if the egyptians wanted to kill him or punish him or whatever couldnt they just kill him? it worked in the end when he had the person giving the statement stab him, that did the job and actually killed him
ep 65: finally jon is actually acknowledging something is wrong.
So we know Mary Keay was revived most likely with the book by gerard.
Gertrude was way more aware of the entities than Jon. mary keay referenced The End openly and she cut the eyes out of her magazines and all that which makes me think she was aware of The Eye
ep 66: please not buried alive pleeaase not buried alive. lukas of the tundra? didnt we hear the name lukas before? she wanted it to be difficult to find important files because that way bad people couldnt find them?
ep 67: agnes... the girl in the hilltop house? agnes poppin off!! he's really not gonna question how she knew where he lived?? oh no D: the tree. were they the ones working on the house? aww they kissi- OH DEAR. why did she kiss him? it seemed like she cared about him? also she could kiss that other dude on the cheek and he was fine, but maybe it was cuz she was younger? lightless flame go brrrrr.
ep 68: oh god books. yup its bitchboy leitner. mans said "this seems supernatural, its a werd book!" bruuh.
ep 69: heh nice. aw cmon jon listen to martin. gahhh spiders. is that the class we heard about in the other doctor one with the teeth apple? some kind of psych class? oh dear. fucking spiders. aaaah. web do be goin brr. it's like the girl in the homeless shelter! who made the guy leave and she took his bed.
ep 70: is this gonna be the book that mary keay had? Most likely a leitner no matter what. Oh boy latin. Why did it start in latin then become old English? I'm guessing people put them in the book? He cant burn it. Phrophecies go brr. He says eh it's a decade in the future it's fine. Its gonna have changed. Ayy called it. Just accept it, it's a magic book. His death is getting closer. Leitner didnt make them but just collected them? Gertrude burned the book! She burned them down there so no one would know.
ep 71: oh boy tunnels. Our favorite thing /s. is The Buried a thing? Idk this seems pretty buried. Oh dear he's trapped here isnt he. "Not enough space to move, never enough to breathe" is that from the computer episode? With the guy who uploaded his consciousness? Somebody living down there. Hmmmm. Guesses: tom, sasha's boyfriend. Gertrude herself? (Though I doubt it)
ep 72: sweeney todd moment. Meat. The slaughter? Idk we'll see what the supernatural part is. Meat is meat. Similar to the slaughterhouse episode. Is it fucking Jared I swear to God it better not be. Hooligan teenagers, you know how it is. Meat is me lmao. Is the kid gonna be in the freezer. Ok that's good. OWW. Oddly textured candles. Made from people? Human fat or smth? Tom from the meat processing plant!
ep 73: outer bay shipping. Bet it's a subset of breacon and hope delivery. The Dark go brrr. Uh oh mans is gonna die. Leo or whatever. Cult ppl go brr. The people's church of the divine host. Who is the divine host? Is it reigner or whatever his name is? I dont think Jon can quit tbh. Probably an anonymous tip but from who?? One of the entities?
ep 74: fucking teeth hhh. I dont know which entity is related to teeth. Spiral. Isnt the spiral an entity. It feels like it could be related to many things idk. Yeah this sounds like the spiral. Heart attack at 29? Jesus... michael! That's kinda what I was thinking. Sasha goin in the tunnels. Hmm sus. They move the floor. Wack. Bet its tom.
ep 75: Man with a lightning scar. Has one of the leitner books. The childhood friend of the one who first introduced us to leitner. Oh my god that sounds terrifying. Michael crew.
ep 76: scalpel? Hmm spooky. NotSasha... think jon think.
ep 77: another double! NotThem, The Stranger. Not related to the table?
ep 78: what was that at the beginning? Question mark?? Oh boy more NotThem. Decker... what is the deal with the table. Does it contain the creature? Fucking Michael. Bitchboi himself.
ep 79: yes pop off martin. Ugh fucking Michael just leave man. I hate that dude. New person. Hmm. No idea who it is.
ep 80: shitener himself! Ok sir tell us the entities. Ayy The Spiral. Ok we know what that one is. The Eye is the beholding! Oooh. The Stranger. Did elias just kill leitner? Popping off honestly.
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savrenim · 3 years
this got long so I am putting it under a cut; all of my additions will be in italics
Hi, I’m the tvtropes anon who is also the recent long ifmlam question anon. I‘m very happy you like the page! I made it because I wanted people to enjoy it so it’s great to know someone does. I am very actively updating that page. I intend to comb every chapter for tropes and by then I should gotten most stuff that I’m capable of getting, so I’ll message you. “Most stuff” because I bet after all the chapters I’ll realize something in hindsight or learn a new trope that definitely applied to the fic and go back and add it, but that’s probably going to cause way fewer additions than when I’m actively rereading the fic in search of tropes. “That I’m capable of getting” because I’m one person and am capable of straight-up missing things, or of noticing things but not knowing it’s a trope or that it has a trope on TVTropes. Other people are likely to pick up on stuff I missed or know tropes I don’t. Oh! I spent awhile trying to find a trope for touch-activated powers and only found very specific powers like the Midas Touch instead of a trope for touch powers in general. If that trope exists I definitely missed it and there’s room for someone to add it. “Adding back stuff the original cut” needs to be its own trope I s2g. The closest standalone trope I found was Adaptation Expansion, which can be plain old additions the original didn’t have as well, it’s not exclusive to “the original cut this and now the adaptation put it back in” which is what I so desperately want. So until then, it’s an Adapted Out inversion… I also have lots of thoughts about Adapted Out and its inversion. There’s lots of different “types” I identified when I was crawling the Hamilton musical trope page for people the musical adapted out that the fic put back in. I might actually get to separate them by these “types” because the ifmlam Adapted Out section is getting hella long. It’s literally just turning into “a list of every historical person who wasn’t a full character in the musical” lol. Anyways, the “types” 1) Stuff in the source material literally does not exist in the adaptation. In the original book, Character A is 18 in the year 2000 and has 2 loving parents and 7 siblings. In the film adaptation, Character A is 18 in the year 2000 and has 2 loving parents and the truthful line “I’m an only child.” 2) Stuff in the source material doesn’t get included, but there’s no proof it doesn’t exist in the adaptation. The theatre adaptation doesn’t show or mention Character A’s parents, but they never say anything like “I never knew my parents.” 3) Stuff in the source material ultimately doesn’t get included in the adaptation (could be type 1 or 2), but it did get included in drafts of the adaptation/the adaptation creators really tried to include it but never found space for it so it never reached the drafts. Also noticed “types” for adding stuff back when I was working on the fic page. I’m wondering if Adapted Out inversion isn’t the right thing to describe some of these? This list is also going to include half-adding stuff back because it wasn’t 100% removed, which makes me wonder if everything I put under Adapted Out is being used correctly… maybe the characters not 100% removed are actually just an Adaptation Distillation and the readdition is an Expansion? I’ll look into it. But I digress. 1) Character gets a pretty vague reference in the adaptation’s adaptation, one that isn’t a crystal-clear identification of who exactly is being referenced. For example, the theatre adaptation of the film has Character A refer to “my siblings.” That means at least 2 siblings are included, but we have no clue if this means all 7 are included or not. Or the theatre adaptation of the film shows Character A dancing with someone at the ball. The original book had Character A dance with several characters at the same ball. It’s probably one of those characters, but we have no clue exactly which one. 2) Character gets a clear reference in the adaptation of the adaptation. The theatre adaptation of the film also has Character A refer to “my sister, the pilot” and the
original book has only one sister of Character A that is a pilot. It also has Character A buy baseball tickets with someone with pink hair, and the original book has only one character who buys baseball tickets with Character A and has pink hair. 3) Character is referenced/addressed by name or role in the adaptation of the adaptation. 4) Character appears in the adaptation of the adaptation. Mix and match. I’ve noticed a lot of vaguely referenced characters upgrading to clear references (a 1 situation upgrades to a 2), and clearly referenced characters who were only mentioned getting clear references and mentions again but also appearances (a 2 and 3 situation upgrades to a 2, 3, and 4). Now I realize if you start with a 2 and one-of-3-or-4 situation and upgrade to a 2 and both-3-and-4 situation, you weren’t wholly Adapted Out of the story, you just get your role expanded. I’m pretty sure that’s Adaptation Expansion instead and I’ll have to fix that (I just checked the Adaptation Expansion page again and it directly mentioned reintroducing darker elements of fairy tales back in, so adding back stuff that already existed counts too. It’s not just for making up new stuff to expand on what existed the way I thought). But I’m really not sure if going from a 1 to a 2 is Expansion or inverting Adapted Out. Maybe it’s a different trope entirely. Ditto with being unsure for going from a 1 and one-of-3-or-4 situation to a 1 and both-3-and-4. And for swapping which of 3 or 4 you have, but staying a one-of-3-and-4 situation. Also not that sure where to draw the lines. When does it stop being “yeah Hamilton Adapted this Out and you put it back in, it’s an Adapted Out inversion” and start being “this was way too far removed from/insignificant to the musical’s story to be considered Adapted Out of it, so putting this true historical thing in this fic is no longer Adapted Out”? (It’d definitely be Shown Their Work but I think there’s a more specific trope for it?) Like, is the incident where he talked to John Witherspoon is clearly referenced in a musical line without mentioning Witherspoon himself (and later he’d evacuate the college before the soldiers got near it), is that significant enough a line and significant a role in Hamilton’s life to make the guy Adapted Out and thus making it an Adapted Out inversion when you put him back in? If he’s not significant enough, Sally gets the same line count in the musical (“everyone who loves me has died”) that could make one think of her and how she’s not here, and gets around the same mentions in the fic. Is her “you actually don’t exist” version of not appearing as opposed to Witherspoon’s “we’re not mentioning you but you probably do exist” enough to make her count as Adapted Out in the musical and to thus make her inclusion an inversion of that trope in the fic? Troping this fic is probably my new hyperfixation. Why couldn’t it be math, I literally have a math class whose work I’m neglecting to trope this fic lmao kill me Oh one more thing I am worried the Round 2 musical will fly off into the tumblr namechange void someday. I know I have a copy, from when I could actually message you on tumblr and asked you permission to back up some tumblr posts and you said yes. So I thought of instead of asking you to put it somewhere else, I could get it backed up with that web.archive.org thing or the wayback machine or whatever, maybe those are the same things, in order to be able to link to your stuff somewhere other than tumblr and have it still be clearly yours (my current backup is a Google Doc full of copy/pastes from tumblr because I didn’t think of better options when I did that. If I was inclined to lie, I could very easily just… change it and claim it’s still a copy/paste from you). But then I realized it’s probably better for people to go to your actual pages to give you the traffic instead of the wayback machine or whatever. I don’t remember if you finished songs for the round 2 musical or if it was just a general outline, but this is a request/suggestion (not a demand) to have you
put that on ao3 too instead of only on tumblr? Again, thanks for writing it and for responding to me about it.
hi anon! thank you very very much and it is very cool to see how excited you are about getting all the tropes down! I'll be honest, I hadn't even heard of adapting in or adapting out or any of the trope inversion terminology or downplayed or just. all the lexicon that tvtropes uses, so I am not going to be useful in terms of you making those calls, but I both trust your judgement as well as the glory of a crowdedited thing is that the crowd will eventually reach consensus, hopefully!
one correction, though, re his sister Sally: whenever Wait For It is supposed to have been sung, which I'm assuming you're referencing, it is definitely before the late 1790s as the Reynolds Pamphlet hasn't gone down yet, and Sarah (Sally being a nickname) Burr-> Reeve died in 1797. so the musical line could only have been a reference to that specifically if they were ignoring timelines, which, to be fair, they do quite a lot (the 'first murder trial' bit from the end of Non-Stop actually happened in 1800.)
as for the round 2 musical, I do not have any plans of posting it on ao3, or really anywhere else besides tumblr. I do not post things to my ao3 that are not intended for and thus edited for my ao3. quite frankly, I barely intended to post 'musical, round 3' to ao3; it just got too long to make a reasonable tumblr post and I'd written a lot of active lyrics enough for it to become worthwhile to add that extra polish and throw it up as a fic. round 2 was mostly a thought experiment, I have no more written than the single tumblr post I wrote about it, I plan to write no more than that post, and I do not plan to bring it up to my ao3 standards and will not be posting it on ao3.
I'm honestly not too worried about traffic for ifmlam, and do not mind a link to wayback machine, or cross-posting the post to another website. honestly I don't really care if you put it up on ao3 yourself; I think someone else did it for they had a version of 'musical, round 2', and it was really cool and fell under the general 'fanworks of ifmlam' category. so if you care deeply about things being on ao3 you can post it yourself with a note of it was copy-pasted from the author's tumblr, I don't really care. however, if you're worried about preserving the proof of canoninity, I have no plans of changing my tumblr url mostly because I did so once and it was deeply inconvenient to try to go back and change it in all of my fic, but also tumblr might go down, who knows, wayback machine may very well be safer. also, like. these days I have moved on to enough other different work between both being interested and active in different fandoms as well as spending most of my time writing original work that it feels kind of like false advertising to direct people to my blog specifically for the sake of ifmlam with the expectation of more ifmlam content. when ifmlam gets new content, it'll be on ao3, and there really isn't a lot of related content or fandom blogging on this blog anymore, and given that I link to my blog in every chapter, I figure the people who want to look at my other writing and/or actually support me via ko-fi or patreon have ample chance to. I'm not really concerned about whether or not I'll lose audience because the tvtropes page linked to wayback machine instead of my actual blog if that's what you decide to go with.
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miaouerie · 4 years
[coda] a pyrrhic victory/an elpidian daydream
this coda marks my first multichapter fic wrapped up and completed!!! so here’s some more related ramblings as a way for me to commemorate this milestone n___n
with the nonlinear narrative I thought I’d include a linked timeline for the chapters in case anyone (like me lol) wants to read the story in chronological order. then there’s some further explanation of what I’ve dubbed ~the jeron’s death conspiracy~ and notes from characterization I wasn’t able to include directly in the story, but were still important regardless...
furthermore, I want to thank @ninelanterns, @atthelamppost, and @sadieandor for following along with this story, as well as anyone else who came along for the adventure. this is definitely a darkfic as far as rebelcaptain goes but I hope that both endings were satisfying in their own ways !!
1. an actual chronological table of contents
Before Cassian is reaped:
day 15
Cassian’s time in the Games:
days 2, 9, 5, 18
What came after that:
days 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 22, 26◆
Jeron dies:
days 20, 8, 25
Jyn is reaped and Cassian mentors her:
days 1, 3, 4, 12, 10, 16, 17◆, 19◆, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30
After Jyn wins her Games:
bonus chapter, day 31
◆ = chapters that are about trauma concurrent to most of the story, and loosely placed chronologically
2. the Jeron conspiracy
I decided to do a summary for this because I changed my plan slightly after posting day 8: “don’t say goodbye”/abandoned due to some inspiration from @ninelanterns; originally I was going to have snow have cassian brainwashed into genuinely believing that irga and his father were killed by someone with a grudge against them and the capitol (aka someone closely related to a tribute who died under their mentorship) in order to use him as a mouthpiece against those plotting against the capitol; the angst would’ve been from him finding out the truth and hating that his dad’s suicide was used for the capitol’s means. but then I got the idea to have snow brainwash cassian into believing that the “accident” his father and irga died in was actually his fault, because he told jeron the truth of what snow was doing to him in the capitol:
Snow sells Cassian “under the table” until he turns 19, which is when he has Cassian adopt a new persona that can be better capitalized on. Jeron realizes that Cassian’s faking it, suspects that Cassian has been hiding his victimhood this entire time, and when he confirms it realizes there’s no other way to get Cassian out of it; Snow certainly won’t let him sub in to mentor. Suicide is his solution to both Cassian’s problem and his guilt over not being able to protect his son.
Snow has Irga killed in the same way that Jeron kills himself to let Cassian and Lila know that Snow knows it was a suicide. Suicide is the ultimate refutation of Snow’s power—as well as the complete antithesis to any victor’s innate clinging to survival—so Snow has it covered up: Cassian, as one of two people to know the truth about Jeron’s suicide and Irga’s death, is tortured and brainwashed into believing that Jeron and Irga were killed in a power plant explosion as retribution for him disobeying Snow. Doing so serves two purposes: installing the cover-up and guarantees Cassian’s submission.
Before his death Jeron wrote a suicide note, knowing that he couldn’t kill himself and leave Cassian without an explanation. He knows that Snow will have their house stripped and searched, so he hides the note in what was designated to be Cassian’s house. He couldn’t have known it would be the one thing that would break through the brainwashing; if Cassian hadn’t found it, he would have continued to believe that it was all his fault.
Draven does his own investigation into Jeron and Irga’s deaths after witnessing the whiplash that was Cassian’s first three years as an unwilling victor whore, his outrageous personality flip after turning ninteen, and how his demeanor changed after undergoing “therapy” to cope with Jeron’s death. He finds out that Jeron’s death was a suicide, Irga’s death was retribution, and that Snow has an entire program to monetize and exploit victors after their Games.
3. getting from day 1 to 31?!
when I originally thought of this AU it was more about the angst that growing up in the limelight of the capitol as the son of a victor would be like, with constant camera crews as cassian was growing up, betting pools on when he was going to be reaped, etc. and more of an emphasis on the issues that cassian (as part of the pseudo-celebrity class that victors occupy in the capitol) would have trying to promote this fake relationship with jyn during the games to save her. there was also going to be a straight downer ending, with the closing scene being cassian telling jyn that they have to fake a relationship now in front of the cameras and jyn having a “what have you done?” moment
I deliberately did not go in depth with what jeron’s life as a victor was like, partly because plotting both jyn and cassian’s hunger games was already a Lot (I found out pretty quickly that you have to start with planning the arena first, in order to plan tribute deaths and sponsor gifts...) but jeron was an underdog winner, as are most of the victors from non-career districts. lila was pregnant around the time that jeron was reaped and esperanza, their first child, was born some time before jeron’s victory tour. snow had their daughter killed because of something jeron did/didn’t do on the tour; even though jeron and lila are shaken from the loss they agree to be open to having another child, provided that jeron doesn’t do anything to put the child at risk ever again.... but cassian would’ve gotten reaped regardless because there is no way snow wouldn’t have exploited the family drama!!! but cassian’s reaping creates a rift that is referenced in day 15: accidents. and even though jeron is successful in saving cassian that isn’t the end of it; while lila isn’t privy to what cassian is going through she can feel a marked difference each year he comes back in the way that mothers do, as well as the tension between father and son (cassian’s fear of jeron finding out as he’s dragged deeper and deeper vs. jeron’s suspicion that something wrong is happening that has to do with cassian), which all culminates in the year that cassian turns nineteen with jeron’s death. when her husband arrived in district 5 before cassian did he didn’t tell lila about their son being a horndog in the capitol, but lila seeing cassian after he finally gets back five weeks later confirms her worst fears. then she’s the one that discovers jeron’s body and is present when the peacekeepers come to take cassian back to the capitol. her son is gone for a month....... then when he comes back he’s spouting lies about jeron’s death even though both of them saw the body??? yeah, that’s why she nopes on out of victors’ village. after jeron’s death her and cassian don’t see each other for four years until cassian brings jyn home from the games
jyn’s backstory came together quickly but I had considered having bodhi be one of the tributes who died under cassian’s mentorship. bodhi and jyn would’ve been close friends so jyn would have already had that vendetta against cassian; it would’ve made hitting that original ending easier but having jyn be against cassian from the very start would’ve made it less plausible that they could earn each other’s trust before the start of jyn’s games............. while I wanted this story to be dark and depressing I still wanted it to have a reciprocated rebelcaptain end game, so :’)
it wasn’t until day 28 (the cassian/finnick noncon) that I got an idea for a not-so-horrible ending, and I blame the completely depressingly hopeless whump in that chapter for making me think “hmm maybe this shouldn’t end terribly” :’D btw, if anyone noticed I forgot annie cresta is in canon the 70th hunger games victor. for someone who’s neurotic about looking up details I have no idea how this fact escaped me because I didn’t notice until at least halfway through whumptober, so we’ll just say in this AU she’s the 71st victor. this weaves in nicely with my headcanon that after snow saw how easily cassian was manipulated when someone he loved was on the line, he had annie reaped to exert more control over finnick (which happens to be my favorite kind of odesta fic tbh). anyway after writing 3k of depressing andair (andor/odair ship name? ok i’m shutting up) cassian/finnick I had a lovely mental image of cassian and jyn cuddling on the train back home to district 5, relieved and alive, and thought that would be a more uplifting note to end on. then I remembered that I was writing this for whumptober, and decided to write the terrible ending too :’)
4. some chapter commentary because why not
[ETA later!]
5. is there no escape?
yes!!! yes they do escape:
in a pyrrhic victory, post-day 31, draven succeeds in absconding with cassian and meeting up with jyn, saw, lyra, and the rest of their resistance cell (an underground, pan-panem organization fittingly called.... the alliance). draven has to cut out cassian’s implant before they rendezvous with the group, which he ropes a medical professional into doing (he may or may not kill them afterwards); it’s the only mark cassian bears on his body until he starts getting freckles from being in the sun again. similar to mockingjay in how peeta’s hijacking was treated with therapy in district 13, cassian undergoes actual, legitimate therapy after he and draven settle in with the alliance HQ. draven hovers anxiously for the first several sessions because “therapy” in the capitol has a stigma, even before he read the term “extensive in-patient therapy” in cassian’s intendance records, and it does take a good while before they make any remarkable progress. but unlike katniss and peeta cassian is alright in jyn’s presence, and in fact prefers it. they’re almost always seen together, and while jyn has a good amount of guilt for leaving him behind the first time her motivation for staying with him is out of a genuine desire to help him get better so they can be with each other the same way they were in an elpidian daydream again.
in happily ever after!an elpidian daydream, cassian and jyn are able to escape together in between arriving home in district 5 and what was supposed to be jyn’s victory tour. jyn was never aware of what snow did with desirable victors because it’s really only the top 1% of panem and the victors who know about it; she and cassian escape after he tells her that he wants to leave with her, but he doesn’t tell her the real reason why he wants to escape until much later and jyn never sees the recording of cassian and finnick (but he does tell her it exists when he’s explaining the details of how snow exerts his control over the victors). their relationship progresses steadily, but the secret doesn’t come out until jyn points out that cassian is extremely passive in bed and only mirrors her desires. there’s varying attitudes towards sex in the districts vs. the libertine views in the capitol but cassian’s shame stems from his powerlessness in what he had to do Before. he receives therapy for it but jyn is patient and firm with reminding him that he had absolutely zero choice in the matter, and that she could never hate or be disgusted with him for it. there’s a lot to work through there as a result of cassian having to lie to himself about it for the first couple of years of it happening and then willingly choosing to engage with it when he was trying to save jyn, but their relationship comes out all the more stronger for it. as for what happens to draven?.... because this is the happily ever after ending I like to think he’s able to stay in the capitol and work as an agent codenamed fulcrum 🤪🤙 and that after his extraction when things get too dangerous for him in the capitol he and cassian are able to reunite again as part of the alliance/rebellion !!
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tonya-the-chicken · 4 years
I wrote this post some time ago as a reply to someone and now I somehow want to post it again with some changes lol
TW: mentions of murder, referenced canon abuse and swearing
Let’s talk about redemption arcs and people’s overwhelming desire to punish fictional characters for what they did... Inspired by Endeavor hate ngl... I mostly speak about fictional charcters in this post so pllease, don’t go dumb and understand that fictional characters and irl people should be treated differently
I think sometimes people don`t understand why punishment exists in our society at all. Like, why couldn`t we just forgive? Why punishment is needed? Oh, I would like to talk about behavioural psychology, but it is kinda creepy so instead let`s remember what my teacher of LAWS said(idk what you call it in your bitchass America)
Punishment basically serves two functions:
Preventative (show others and a person that they can’t just get away with their deeds). Like, if you knew that there are no negative consequences, wouldn`t you do it? Wouldn`t you kill the old lady?
Correction and all work with a person in general (for example, you can be forced to go through some psychological help)
Also, I lied there’s one more: compensation. Like, if you stole something, then bring money back, you little shit. Or pay for therapy for your victim
So when we put it into stories and so popular nowadays redemption arcs (which I fucking adore if they are done correctly) we have 4 points out of this 3 cause the first one can be put into two
Character is punished to show others that this is not something you should do (it’s a kinda societal thing and has nothing to do with character in particular. This point in general is not interesting because it doesn’t drives changes in person by itself)
Character is punished so he himself would think twice before doing this shit again (we can’t know if person’s remorse is genuine so it’s better to simply scare them. But I can allow skipping this point if person’s remorse is clealy shown to be genuine and we as readers understand that. That’s probably the big distinction we, as readers, should see: while irl we never know persons true motives, work of fiction can provide them to us clearly)
Character changes and understands what is wrong in what he has done (the part of redemption we all love and enjoy)
Characters work hard to correct or atone for their mistakes
As we can see first two bullets has nothing to do with character development and serve for the purpose of maintaining order. The third one IS a character development and the last one is what makes people actually forgive horrible actions and not go ape shit I guess. But for some of us nothing is enough, isn`t it?
And there is one more shit that is often in redemption arcs and that shit is great and I fucking love it
Explanation of the character’s behaviour, their reasoning and motivation
I truly enjoy reading about WHY characters behave a certain way but people, remember, SAD BACKSTORY IS NEVER AN EXCUSE FOR YOUR ACTIONS. Same goes to your mental problems and hard life situation. The fact that behaviour can be explained doesn’t mean shit. Like, behaviour also follows certain laws and despite the fact that it’s sometimes hard to understand all the details we still theoretically can explain ANY BEHAVIOUR. Does this mean we can excuse any behaviour? HELL NO
So remember folks, “They had their reasons to do this” means nothing most of the time. “I wanted to try how it feels” is actually a valid reason to kill someone, you know. Of course, if crimes is not severe, reasoning suddenly can be very important like we won`t punish harshly someone who stole bread cause he is starving or cause he has kleptomania (I mean as a literal disorder). But even in that case you must pay back money cause like stealing is bad but eat the rich
let`s talk examples from bnha cause why not
We have Enji oh my baby you have done so much stupid shit you dumbass. Sad backstory even if will be brought up in the future, currently is not a focus of redemption at all. Like, he even doesn`t explain his behaviour too much. “He want to be the strongest, so he decided that even if his genes will make it to the top it will be enough. As a result,  blinded by his goal,   he abused his family”. Basically, it`s all the explanation we have right now. And if Hori stops at it I will be fine with it. Honestly, as much as I want to learn more about Enji’s past if Horikoshi leaves everything at this I would give him nothing but mad respect cause... This kind of shows that your reasoning doesn’t matter that much if you did horrifying things
So 3 points to redeem someone
Enji didn’t suffer any punishment for his actions (nightmares are considered punishment only if you believe in God. Also, too weak, God, try harder... And same goes for High-End). When I think about him being punished I actually worry about society’s reaction cause, like, he is number 1 hero and the fact that he’s an abuser will be, like, very shocking to simple people.Trust in hero will fall harder than my will to live during 2020. And honestly, media would just turn this into a drama possibly hurting other members of his family, like.... Enji being legally punished for his action would be an interesting plotline but in general I am not a fan
We see his genuine remorse and character growth. We all agree that he even is drawn differently now changed and trying to become a better person, yeah? Clumsily at first, but he genuinely works hard to be a better peron, hero and father. I can respecct that
Compensation… Well, you can exactly “correct” trauma so he should pay up for psychologists for each child he probably should follow the path of atonement and try to give them something he robbed them from. Like, go to family dinners with Fuyumi even though every last one of them is a disaster and nobody is happy to be there. Or make everything possible to provide Rei calm life with her children (like building a new house, yes, this is an amazing thing) or at least become *reducted cause I wanna this post to be serious and SFW*... Tbh I have nothing to say, he himself says multiple times that he seeks nothing but atonment, not even forgiveness
So like you better work bitch to make your family happy bastard... [And tbh they seem so much better then when I first wrote this post, I am so proud of you, my garbage fire man]
In no way is he redeemed but somehow people put Overhaul and Endeavor stans in the same category so here he goes
Kai has something Enji doesn’t: very good and detailed explanation, a plan, a smart reasoning. His wrong deeds were basically for a better good he believed in. But we all collectively hate him for what he done to Eri despite his actions having r E A S o n S. Dude has some MOTIVATION. So like yeah bros. It makes him an interesting character and he is an amazing villain but dude deserves to rot in prisons. He shows no remorse and I am gonna bet he won`t even think about somehow helping others. Dude is a shitty person. And I fucking love him
So let’s go for our 3 bullets again
Punishment. Yes, he is punished, he is in jail with both his hands cut off. Would it make people forgive him? Nah
Personal growth. I would like to see it but as far we saw barely no growth... Though maybe being in jail without quirk will make his brain work
Atonement... Dude has a Messiah complex, I ain’t waiting for that anytime soon
So I asked myself if I had two men: one who spent a sentence in jail for child abuse but is more or less the same person and another who wasn’t punished for his abuse but feel genuine remorse and actively try to make things better who will I choose? Of course, I will choose Pikachu
But is it possible to redeem Overhaul? I wonder if there`s a force in this world strong enough to make him become a better person. Welp... I am a sucker for redemptions, justt letting you know
All for One
Oh, he is irredeemable (and this is sexy). Why is he here? Cause, well
Even if he is punished there`s no punishment severe enough to describe how horrifying his deeds are
Even if he is to feel remorse… he has like 500 years or something??? And he didn`t feel anything killing people??? So why would he change today?
Even if he atone for what he’s done… I am to believe he started at least a civil war. You can`t atone for that bitch. You crossed all fucking lines, all fucking lines
AfO is literally the most evvil man in bnha... I don’t want to see him redeemed cause I love characters that are pure evil and I love the despair of realizing you can’t fix what you have done. Though you are free to have a different opinion! Who knows, maybe Horikoshi will make a classy redemption for him and I will scream out of excitement? Cause I am that kind of bitch??? Who knows! I just love to think Doctor Ujiko is gay for him
Anyway, why do people like to make this characters suffer? Like, Endeavor, Minoru, Overhaul, many others? Is this part of the “punishment” to feel like person paid for their deeds? Or do people just like fictional violence and punishing “bad” characters make them feel good about themselves? Who knows
I have no idea what this post is about I want to sleep and I like Enji though if you dislike him this is fine. I hope it was interesting reading this, love you all bye
Don’t kill me for my controversial takes, I am depressed
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gamora-borealis · 4 years
Rethinking GitF as Tenrose Meta
So I'll admit, Girl in the Fireplace has flaws. I totally get why a huge amount of people hate it. But even as a huge Tenrose shipper, it has never seemed to bug me as much as it does for some, probably because I seem to interpret it in a different way. 
So first of all, the Doctor has probably dreamed of meeting Reinette for a long time. So when he finally meets her grown up, he is a) thrown off by this attractive woman who is drooling over him (in a lot of fanfics the Doctor can like, smell hormones and stuff lol) and b) excited that this is a woman he has always dreamed of meeting. Rose even ends up being impressed with her ("the doctor was right about you") and cares about her welfare after she goes to warn her (she asks if she is alright even though Mickey is yelling at her to go).
But to understand the dynamic between the Doctor and Reinette and Rose, we have to go back.
In School Reunion, there is a shift between the Doctor and Rose. Before, they were flirty and happy. But immediately, at the beginning of the episode, the Doctor makes a point of calling Mickey "YOUR boyfriend" and Rose seems happier to have Mickey call her than you would expect. Something happened after Tooth & Claw. Later in the episode, Rose mentions an unseen fight between her and Shireen over the Doctor. Maybe this was very recently and the Doctor overheard their fight, which caused him to bring up the fact that Rose had never actually broken things off with Mickey, leading to some drama. There's the line from GitF where he says "I let you keep Mickey!" which seems to be a comment about Mickey in general and possibly referencing a previous conversation, considering Rose didn't even want him on the TARDIS.
Anyway, enter Sarah Jane. The Doctor is forced to confront the life-span difference that makes happily-ever-afters hard for him. At the end of the episode, he allows Mickey to come along, despite Rose fighting it. He looks somewhat guilty when he agrees to let Mickey come along, but most likely not because he cares about Mickey or Rose's anger. He wants Rose to embrace that there is a life for her out there without him, since he can't give her the life he wants to, considering he will have to watch her grow old and die while he stays young and/or changes into someone else.
So going into the next episode, the Doctor is already trying not to think about his feelings for Rose. So enter this beautiful woman he has admired for a long time! He seemingly is ready to embrace this infatuation, knowing Rose is on that ship with Mickey because of a choice he made.
Reinette actually ends up being a bit of a matchmaker. When she sees inside the Doctor's mind (which I think was showcasing her cleverness, and that the Doctor did want to share those thoughts with someone who understood), she comments on how he is "lonelier now," and eventually decides that "every lonely little boy must learn how to dance." Now yes, she wants to dance with him and can sense him missing Gallifrey, but I think there is more to this. She could clearly see the thoughts at the forefront of his mind. She had to have seen stuff about Rose. So in the end when she wants him to dance, her demeanor seems more concerned with him "learning to dance" than she is with her wanting to dance with him. I think she saw that he was trying to push Rose away, but that he needed to "learn to dance," as in live in the moment and embrace his feelings. The way "dance" is used here, and the fact that he comes back with a banana, draws a connection to The Doctor Dances - in which the Doctor is finally starting to embrace his feelings towards Rose. So she uses this moment to dance with him like she desperately wants to, but also to teach the Doctor a lesson.
Reinette makes it pretty clear that she saw the stuff about Rose in the Doctor's mind too, when she implies that Rose knows how "The Doctor is worth the monsters" in the same way that she does - as in the way that she loves him.
Now with the whole mirror-breaking thing, we don't see the Doctor say goodbye to Rose. However, he may have said something to her in a rush during his frantic attempt to save history and we didn't see it, but him suddenly leaving is not too ooc - considering what happens in Journey's End when he leaves her and Tentoo without saying goodbye. Just like in Journey's End, time is ticking and if he doesn't make an important but drastic choice quickly, he may never leave her, leading to some bad consequences (aka why Ten left while she was kissing Tentoo).
Also, he most likely did not leave Rose abandoned. Like we saw in The Parting of the Ways, he has it set up to where the TARDIS can take Rose home in case of emergency. He may not have told Rose this was set up and ready, as he hoped he would find a way back to the ship in time. He probably bet on attempting to find a previous version of himself to take himself home. Still risky, but Rose well knows what has to be done to save the day (like in The Parting of the Ways, she is just "too good" to want to run away from an event that could mess up time/destroy the world.) So Mickey asks if they are stranded, and she doesn't respond - probably because she knows they could get in the TARDIS and go home, but she is going to wait as long as possible for the Doctor, because she can't risk letting him go if there is a chance he could come right back. It is even shown how she and the Doctor are both looking up at the stars in the same way, as if they are both yearning for each other.
Then Reinette reveals that he is going home. She doesn't even ask if he wants to stay with her, not even for a while. She knows that he wants to go back to Rose and the TARDIS, and so she takes him back. She of course wishes he could stay, but she lets him go. Her vibes here remind me of Martha, who would do anything for the Doctor because she loves him but ultimately accepts that he doesn't feel the same way and lets him go.
Then, the Doctor immediately runs and hugs Rose. He tells her "always wait 5 ½ hours," implying that she didn't have to wait but that she chose to, and he is so happy that she did. If he really loved Reinette like he loved Rose, he would have made a bigger deal about leaving Versailles. Then the Doctor goes and invites Reinette along. It doesn't seem like he does this out of "being in love with her" or anything like that, but just for the thrill of "oh my, I'm really taking someone I admire who would have never dreamed this would be possible in the TARDIS!" - (sort of like in Vincent and the Doctor??). The Doctor admires Reinette but she is not a long-term partner to him like Rose is. 
When he goes back to get her, he is sad that she essentially died waiting for him, and that she died so young. He does not particularly care for the King, most likely not out of jealousy but because he literally set in motion a shitstorm that eventually led to the French revolution, and the Doctor probably thought that Reinette deserved a bit better. When Rose sees him back on the TARDIS, she seems to finally understand his speech from School Reunion. She gives him a look like, "oh, that is what someone dying before he wants them to does to him."
Then in the next episode, the Doctor and Rose seem to be close again and smitten with each other as he literally doesn't notice Mickey accidentally killing the TARDIS because he is too busy being flirty with Rose. He took Reinette up on "learning to dance" and has finally embraced that he wants Rose, to the point where Mickey senses this and leaves Rose for good. None of his comments to Rose about the Doctor's potential to leave her for another woman seemed to work, because in the end they ended up not being true.
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