#answered by Lindir
middleearthpixie · 11 months
Hello! ^^ Can you write a first time smut for Lindir x female elf reader? They both fell in love with each other and they take their time exploring each other's bodies. Super soft and gentle, from Lindir's perspective. Please!🙏 Thank you 💙
Hi there, Nonny! I'm sorry it took me so long, but here it is and I hope you enjoy it.
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Summary: You and Lindir consummate your romance…
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairing: Lindir x fem!elf reader
Warning: oral sex (m/f receiving), unprotected intercourse
Rating: M
Word Count: 3.4k
A cool breeze wafted gently through the treetops, the rustle of the leafy canopies blending seamlessly with the chirp of crickets and the throaty growls of the frogs that called the various lakes and fountains home. The night sky looked spangled, the sparkling stars looking like diamonds that had been strewn about along a bed of inky black velvet. 
Lindir cupped a hand about a thick white pillar candle, trying to shield it from the wind as he attempted to light it. It took several tries, but finally, the wick caught and held long enough for him to slip the glass cylinder over it to protect it from the wind. He set it on the low, white stone wall that ringed the small courtyard just off his chambers, where it joined nearly a dozen of its brethren, their small golden flames flickering every now and then, but their dance did not include bending to the wind or succumbing to it, thankfully.
His gut churned with a nervousness he’d not felt in what seemed like a lifetime. He could not recall the last time his stomach was in such knots, which was silly, really. You had been a couple for a while now, and saw one another on a daily basis. You’d shared a few kisses, but that was all.
Until this night. 
He looked over at the large fleecy blanket spread out across the lush green grass. A bottle of wine chilled in an ice bucket to the side. Two goblets stood beside said bucket, just waiting to be filled. He’d set out the candles.
Now, he waited.
Then, he heard your steps on the grass and smiled even as his heart sped up. Even as his mouth went drier than it had ever been. Even as those knots instead became butterflies and without even seeing you yet, his blood seemed to rush warmer through his veins.
“Oh, how lovely.”
His heart skipped a beat as you came into the courtyard by way of the gate. The moonlight shone silver upon you and he knew he’d never seen anyone as beautiful as you were right then. “I thought the candles might be a bit too much. Are they?”
You shook your head. “Not at all.” 
You crossed over to where he stood, stopping before him to smile. “I think they look lovely.”
“Good. I was a bit… nervous. I should hate to have to explain to Lord Elrond how and why I burned down the whole of Rivendell.”
“What would you tell him?”
He reached for you, catching your hand in his, and drew you into his arms. “I’d blame you.”
“He would never believe it.”
“Never say never. I can be quite convincing when need be.”
You gazed up at him. “I’m a bit nervous, I confess.”
“You needn’t be,” he assured you. “But, if you’d rather not tonight, we can always—”
“No, I didn't say that,” you were quick to reply. “I am just being silly.”
“Would it help if I was to ask for your hand first?” A hint of teasing wound into his smooth, low voice. “That way you’d know I am not going to disappear on you come sunrise.”
“Lindir! What a thing to say. Do you think that is what I’m thinking?”
“I hope not. But, just in case. Will you marry me?”
“You know the answer is yes.”
“Very well. Now you have no reason to fear, my darling. You have said yes and you are not forever stuck with me.”
“Oh, no,” you replied dryly, trying, but failing, to look utterly serious, “I have made a terrible mistake.”
“Liar.” He leaned in to sweep your lips with his. He’d meant it to be but a gentle, innocent kiss, but the moment he felt your soft lips against his, he had no choice but to press his a bit harder to yours. 
You melted against him, parting your lips and he released a hand to slip his arm about your waist, pulling you flush against him. Your firm breasts pressed against his chest, heating his blood as it slowly changed course in his veins, tightening every fiber, every sinew and tendon, as he responded to just that pressure. 
You wound your arms about his neck, welcoming the silken soft stroke of his tongue along yours. His kiss deepened, and when you traced your fingernails lightly along the back of his neck, he shivered against you and sighed heavily into your mouth. 
He could resist temptation no longer, the hand he’d splayed across your back sliding down to curve against your backside. He cupped a cheek, pulled you firmly against him, and it was your turn to sigh as that telltale bulge of his erection ground into you to create an altogether new and delicious ache deep inside. 
His hand slid up, the other one joining it at your shoulders, where his nimble fingers made quick work of the row of tiny buttons that trailed from the neckline of your gown almost to the small of your back. The fabric parted, the cool breeze skittering across your bare skin as he skimmed his hands outward and the material poured from you to pool at your feet.
You stood naked before him and he almost moaned aloud at the sight—at the high, proud breasts with their already-beading nipples, the curve of your waist and the slope of your hips. Just the sight of you was enough to make his blood scorch through his veins as it flowed south now, his manhood responding to give him away, should you lower your gaze.
But you didn’t. You held his and that served only to fire his lust further. Without shyness or hesitation, he let his gaze roam over you and smiled as he murmured, “You are so beautiful, my love.”
“Thank you,” you whispered back, and then you caught your bottom lip between your teeth when he reached out to cup your left breast. He was so gentle, his fingers dancing along the delicate skin, his thumb slipping lightly about your nipple, which tightened even further beneath his touch.
His fingers tightened about that breast, kneaded it gently, and then leaned in to sweep his lips down along your neck. You tilted your head to the side to allow easier access, and his kisses came softly hot against your increasingly sensitive skin. He punctuated each kiss with a teasing nip, and soothed that with a flick of his tongue. 
His thumb slipped about your nipple again, then caught it between thumb and forefinger to roll until you gasped. It was amazing to see how tight it beaded beneath his touch, how you responded when he gave a gentle tug, and when he leaned over to take it in his mouth? You shoved a hand into his hair, twisted your fingers into the length, and gave a tug that sent a sharp zing across his scalp. But that only heightened his arousal for you, only made him want to explore you further, to see what else would make you pull his hair and arch hard against him.
He took his time, let his lips caress each delectable inch of you as slowly as he could, which was no easy feat, as the very sight of you, the scent of you, the feel of you—warm and soft—against him was enough to drive him mad with desire. But, he wanted you to feel that same fairy desire, wanted you to ache for him the way he did for you. This was not only your first time with him, but your first time ever, and he wanted it to be as magical for you as he could make it.
He caught you in his arms, maneuvered you onto the soft blanket, and came over you gently. His lips found yours, his kiss hot and teasing and slow and he fought back a sigh as your lips parted and he slid his tongue along yours again. You tasted of sweet strawberries and he took his time exploring your mouth, drawing your tongue back into his own to savor that heady sweetness for himself.
He swept his lips down over your chin, down the front of your neck, which bowed as he caressed the sensitive flesh. He continued down, moving slowly along you body, kissing his way along your creamy soft skin, burnished ivory in the candlelight, his lips smoking a path along the inner curve of the breast he’d been teasing. With each sigh that wafted to your lips, each hitch of your breath, he grew bolder. Your body fascinated him, so soft and curvy, and as he kissed his way down, he sank to his knees before you. A hint of wildflowers and musk floated up to tease his senses. Your scent. Yours and yours alone. 
“My love,” he breathed, drawing back to gaze down at you, at the way your hair glinted in the moonlight, fanned out beneath you. Your eyes were heavy-lidded and sensual, your lips full and pouty from his kisses. “You have no idea how often I’ve envisioned this moment.”
“Do tell,” you whispered, your lashes fluttering against the pale expanse of your cheeks.
“I’ve dreamed of it. Of you. Lying just as you are now, bathed in silvery moonlight, a temptress amongst women.”
Heat crept into your cheeks even as you smiled. “You do have a golden tongue, my love, know you this?”
“I speak only the truth,” he whispered, letting his fingers trail lightly along the rise of your left breast. You sucked in a sharp breath, and he repeated the motion, smiling as he held your gaze even as he cupped your breast, slid his thumb harder about that aching bead, then worked down along the curve of your waist, over the rise of your hip. Each caress left you more languid than the one before it. Each one had you pressing your thighs together because the sensations offered up a hint of relief from the maddening tightness of arousal. You wanted to grab his hand, to guide it to that ache between your legs, but hesitated. What if he thought you wanton for aching to be touched there? What if he found you too brazen for wanting that arousal sated?
So, you bit down on your bottom lip as he continued his leisurely exploration of your body, as he moved slowly down along your thigh, over the back of it, to that sensitives patch just behind your knee. You couldn't help your sigh, which made him smile and switch direction, now skimming long the back of your calf. Up toward your backside. Over the rise of that cheek. Back down. You shivered against him, which spurred him on even further. As he drew closer to those curls at the apex of your thighs, he looked up and whispered, “I love you.”
You smiled, a hand curving against his cheek as you murmured back, “I love you, too.”
He winked then, and moved lower, his lips following in the path of his fingers—thigh, knee, calf—each kiss followed by a hot, teasing swirl of his tongue. 
He moved over your thigh and you bit down harder on your lip now. You ached with wanting him, the achy tightness between your legs growing damper with each caress. Everything inside you hummed with the need for him to quench the fires he sparked to life.
Your soft mewl didn't pass unnoticed and it took every bit of will he had to keep moving slowly. He felt your dampness. The scent of your arousal grew stronger still, as if trying to guide him to where you wanted him to be. 
He followed that guide, leaning in to graze your inner thigh with a teasing kiss. Your legs parted of their own and he almost signed at the heavy musky scent that filled his nose. Wildflowers. Honey. The most enticing of perfumes greeted him, welcomed him.
Lured him in.
He bent to you, his nose brushing the damp curls between your thighs. Fire swirled through him at the soft gasp that reached his ears when he slipped a fingertip into that wet heat. Slick. Hot. Enticing. He ached for a taste and so bent to you to slip the tip of his tongue into your folds, tracing along the curve of that satiny bead nestled within them. Your hand sank into his hair, spurring him on, encouraging him to caress you slowly, increasing the pressure against you as you sighed and moaned beneath him. 
Your hips moved with him, and he responded by flicking the tip of his tongue over that silken pearl, and when you grew wetter still, he let his fingers slip through that slick, stroking toward your opening. You moaned softly again as he eased his finger inside you, teasing you, caressing you inside and out, as you quivered around him. You thrust your fingers into his hair once more, twisting even harder now, your hips rolling slowly toward him to meet each caress. He was in no hurry, savoring every moan that bubbled to your lips, every drop of arousal that clung to his tongue, and he knew you grew close to your release in the way you moved with him. 
“Lindir…” Your breathless whisper rose into the gilded darkness. You trembled against him, your fingers twisting harder now, your breath rapid as you arched to meet each slow, teasing thrust of his tongue. He laved along that delicate pearl, gentle at first, but as you whispered “Yes…” he licked harder. Faster. He slipped his fingers into your slick, and when he found what he sought, he slid a finger inside you and smiled as you tightened around it. You sank against him as he continued his onslaught, stroking until he found that small swelling along your front wall and teased it as you pulsed around him.
“Lindir!” You shattered, your release as sweet as your arousal and he was relentless in his caresses as you throbbed around him, trembling and pleading with him to not stop. As if he would. Your cries of pleasure were the sweetest music to his ears and while he ached to find his own relief, he was in no hurry to end yours, either.
He slipped his finger free as you stilled against him and when you sank to your knees to meet his gaze, you whispered, “My turn,” and offered up a smile that turned his knees to jelly.
A hand pressed into his chest urged him onto his back on the soft blanket and he smiled as you straddled his hips and caught his hands in yours before pinning them to the blanket on either side of his head. 
Your lips claimed his and as you deepened your kiss, you slid your hands free to catch his tunic by its hem. You shoved upwards, breaking the kiss only long enough to whisk it over his head and then, when you came flush against him, he couldn’t hold back his moan. Your breasts, with those rosy beaded nipples, pressed into his skin, made the ache twisting his insides even worse. Your heat beckoned him, his hips rising to meet it, the pressure offering a bit of relief, but not nearly enough. 
His eyes closed as you moved down along him, trailing kisses over the smooth, warm skin his bared chest, and when you swirled your tongue along his left nipple, it was almost his undoing. He had no idea how sensitive his own were until then, and his entire body ached with the need to be inside yours, to feel that wet heat tight about him. 
Your hair spilled across his chest, warm and silken, and he buried his hands in it, let the gossamer strands caress him as you did. His head spun from the slow, teasing kisses you rained down over his belly, to the waist of his trousers.
Then you looked up and smiled as you unfastened them. As you gripped them. As you tugged them down and he sprang free from them, hard and proud and begging for your attention. 
Your name rose to his lips as you bent over and your lips closed about him. Your tongue moved slowly up from his base to his tip, your lips teased where your tongue did not, and when you gave a gentle pull…
He twisted his fingers in your hair as ever fiber in his body tensed, as the need for release tightened about him like a powerful fist, squeezing and pulsing with each stroke, with each teasing pull. White lights danced before him, and when you traced your fingernails along his sides? His moan rose like a mist into the air. His hips rose to meet each caress. The ache inside him grew stronger and more demanding and he had to force his eyes open as he gazed up at you. “Please… I need you…”
You pulled away, a look of utter satisfaction on your face as you whispered, “Need me for what?”
He smiled. “I think you know, love.”
He came up then, his lips seizing yours, his chest pressing into yours to urge you onto your back once more and as you obliged, your legs parted to let his hips settle between them. 
You felt the silken steel of his erect member slip into your folds, slide along your aching, overly sensitive flesh, and you shivered beneath him as he moaned above you. You teetered on the precipice. There was no going back now.
He caught your lips in a lingering kiss and you felt the gentle probe as he positioned himself. You were so tight about him, the resistance greater than he’d thought it would be. He drew in a deep breath and thrust, and you cried out at the brief sting of his breeching you. Then he went still, and you whispered, “What is it?”
“I love you,” he whispered back, then began moving inside you, each thrust slow and controlled, and little by little, the stinging ebbed and only pleasure remained. 
And what pleasure it was! It swelled within you both, fiery and hot and sweet, and with each thrust, that pleasure grew. It engulfed both of you, driving you both closer to the edge of madness. 
Your heat fed his. His fed yours. He surged harder now, tensing as his climax took root. It began in the soles of his feet and worked its way up like a rolling wave of thunder, and all he saw was you, your eyes sparkling, your cheeks flushed. You were close. He felt it in the way you tightened about him, the way you pulled him deeper still and throbbed around him once more. 
Everything inside him tightened. Twisted. Threatened to drive him insane as his climax bore down upon him. He couldn’t put it off, had no choice but to surrender to the inevitable as you squeezed him with a powerful rhythm and your fingernails dug into his chest. You tensed about him. 
He twisted his fists into the blanket beneath you, arched hard, and climaxed with a blazing fury that had him moaning and shuddering above you, that had him going rigid from the force of spilling hard inside you and you eagerly accepted it, pulsing and throbbing around him. You clung to him, your fingernails digging deep into his back. Your surrender met his and as he sank against you, you wrapped him in your arms as if you would never let him go. 
You fought for breath, as did he, and you held him as he trembled against you. Smoothing his hair away from his temple, you murmured, “I do love you.”
“Oh, I love you, too…”
“I think we should do this again.” 
You smiled as he lifted his head to stare at you incredulously. “Already?”
“Well, perhaps we should wait a few minutes,” you amended. “At least my head clears. I might faint otherwise.”
“Probably a wise idea.”
“I thought so.” You tightened your arms about him, and it all just felt so perfect, so right. You were where you belonged and you were not about to let him go. Not ever, if possible. No moment had ever been so perfect, as the one you shared with him in the moonlight on the most romantic night of your life. 
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sotwk · 15 days
//Do you have any Lindir hcs? •w•
Hello my Lindir-loving friend!
I still have to get around to making an official, full-blown "character sheet/profile" for Lindir as he exists in the SotWK AU, but in the meantime, here is a quick summary of what I do have in my notes regarding his origins and early life in Lórinand, before he came to Lord Elrond's service as a steward in Imladris:
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Lindir was born in Second Age 1243 in Lórinand. His father was a Sinda who had migrated across the mountains with Amdir's company. His mother was a native Silvan.
He had an older sister named Calanien, who was nearly his polar opposite in personality; the siblings were very close, regardless.
His father was a tutor to Prince Amroth who became a high-ranking steward in King Amdir's hold. Lindir's mother was an herbalist who was brought by her husband to the King's household to become a royal healer.
Lindir began service in King Amdir's household when he was relatively young, holding various positions ranging from butler, to scribe, to valet. He became known for his cleverness, problem-solving skills, and amiable nature.
Lindir's talent for singing remained private during his youth in Lórinand. Despite his name, he was not publicly known as a singer until he came to Imladris.
Lindir became well-acquainted with both Lady Galadriel and Lady Celebrían during their stay at Lórinand around SA 1350.
At about this time, he also met Lady Maereth (the future Elvenqueen of Eryn Galen), a visiting Noldo from Eregion. They eventually grew into lifelong friends.
Maereth and Lindir's relationship, although entirely platonic from the start, was so lovely and pure to behold that it roused the irritation and jealousy of one Prince Thranduil, who for years mistakenly viewed Lindir as a rival for Maereth's affections.
Centuries later, Lindir, driven by his friendship with Celebrian and Maereth and his deep admiration for Elrond, came to live in Imladris where it didn't take long for him to become one of the most trusted stewards of the Last Homely House.
Bonus SotWK exclusive: I do have an OC I plan to introduce as a love interest for Lindir! I have already introduced her in one of my recent fics. She is a trusted member of Thrandul's household staff and almost like Eryn Galen's "Lindir equivalent".
Thank you for this great Ask! <3 As I said, I hope to write a more thorough "fact sheet" for Lindir soon, AND write at least one of the several fic ideas I have for him. :)
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meteors-lotr · 9 months
The elves being carnivores makes the dinner scene in the hobbit so much funnier actually
“Lindir what the fuck do dwarves eat?!”
“I’m not entirely sure my lord, I-“
“Do they eat meat?! Should we serve them meat?! We still have some human flesh over from that hunting party last week!”
“Well, I’m not sure my lord. Their teeth are fairly round”
“Fuck you’re right, they probably don’t eat meat. What about that other stuff? The green things that grow from the ground that’s edible?”
“I believe it’s called Wedge Table”
“Right. Do we have any of that?!”
“Fuck it, just throw some leaves on a plate, it’s probably the same thing”
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eunoiaastralwings · 1 year
If this is alright could we have a dragon rider reader (got like dragon) with lindir if that's alright.
The Dragon Friend
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featuring lindir x reader
fandom tolkien- the hobbit the lord of the rings
a/n idk if this is how you meant it - please enjoy ! - who else but toothless ;)
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Lindir and you had been childhood friends - a friend he had grown to love and admire.
But unfortunately he had lost you during your childhood days - you had been taken and there was no source in finding you.
He sometimes remembers his young self searching and pleading with his and your kin to find you - but always there was no hope. . .
You were gone and he had to live with a broken heart. . .
He convinced himself you were dead and lived on in sorrow, reaching Rivendell.
So he was convinced he would never see you again until one surprising day he found you lying unconscious just outside the valley of Rivendell.
He was able to recognise you - many ages can pass and will always be able to recognize you.
In seeing this minstrel unlike himself and rushing to your safely - putting on else behind, he knew you were special to Lindir.
Linidr himself had insisted on carrying your unconscious body into Rivendell. It was a shock to everyone as he picked you up with care and brought you into the healing rooms.
When you gasped awake he was still right by your side - tending to your every wound.
You looked at him amazed - you would never forget those eyes of your beloved friend from childhood.
He was still the same Lindir in every way he acted and even smiled.
It was the same Linidr you always knew and it has a sense of home again after all these years.
His sudden overprotectiveness took you by surprise - and it made you blink wondering who this suddenly was.
“Lindir, I am alright. . .”
You tried to argue. 
“No, Y/N, you are hurt and wounded. You need to rest! Strict rest is needed.”
Lindir insisted, a little sternness in his voice - but his touch was still with care as he gently pushed you back to rest your weak body.
But you couldn’t - he was out there lost and scared, you needed to make Lindir understand and go back to him.
Lindit kept a close eye on you - while you always knew you could trust Lindir you didn’t know how exactly he would act towards the new you. . .and your little. . .or perhaps big flying friend were the better words to use.
You sighed twisting and turning at night - aching sore in different parts of your body from the crash landing as you were suddenly ambushed by orcs.
You waited until the dead of night and stepped out the bed and tiptoed out the room. Your heart was in your throat.
You weren’t technically doing anything though. . .
With a gulp - you ran swiftly and quietly as you could across the halls - ignoring the aches and burns in your body.
Somehow you managed to get past the guards - they probably ignored you seeing you with Lindir so often and did not think you were planning on leaving. . who knows but you thanked your lucky stars and hoped yourself out of Rivendell and outside.
You gently called out into the wind.
“Lith. . .Please where are you?”
You whispered - getting a little impatient with your pet dragon.
You knew he was here - he was playing with you, hiding his ash colored body from your sights.
You stepped out further.
Suddenly you were cut off by his sudden appearance and quickly scooped you under his wing to hold you close.
He let out a happy sound at the sights of you - his large tail swishing back and forth happily seeing you again.
You giggled and hugged him back.
“Oh - you good boy! You stayed hidden, good boy!”
You cooed - scratching the place right under his chin exactly where you knew he liked.
Suddenly a familiar voice hit your ear and you froze - Lithon turned around too. to see who was there he was being protective over you.
You gulped - seeing your childhood friend standing there in shock, the color drained from his face as he looked at the scene in front of him.
“Lindir. . I need you to stay calm. . .OK?” 
You said gently - stepping away from Lithon’s wings and walking over to him.
Lindir’s heart was beating a thousand miles per hour and his breath came out quicker.
He did not reply - suddenly he grabbed your wrist pulled you away the giant beast.
“Lindir! Wait!”
You tried - but he was already sprinting holding your wrist.
You winced at Lithon growled.
Lindir’s mind was haywire - he debated whether to call out Elladan and Elrohir now, or wait until he was at the entrance. . 
No no - he could ot risk the beast entering Rivendell.
“Lindir! Please, he is harmless!”
You tried - but then suddenly Lithon jumped in front blocking their way - looking predatory - and you rolled your eyes at his over dramaticness.
Lindir looked at you incredulously -then moved to shout out for the guards and twins.
Lindir wasn’t a fighter, he was a healer and protector towards you.
Quickly you covered his mouth and he looked at you with wide eyes.
“Lindir, please just listen! He is my friend. Lithon is good, please! He is trying to protect me as much as you are!”
You pleaded.
“Look. . .”
You looked unsure for a moment.
“Just watch, OK?”
You said and took a deep breath - holding your hands out in a calm motion and gestured to Lithon.
“Lithon. . .little one, it is OK. . .”
You said as he was glaring daggers at Lindir.
Then you held Linidr’s hand and your other hand reached out to Lithon
He looked between you both - then let out a sound that was something in between a scoff and a sigh.
Lindir watched in his utmost surprise as the dragon gently bowed to you and rested his head against your hand. . .trusting you.
“See? He is friendly. . .Lithon is good.”
You promised Lindir and gently brought his hand forward.
Lindir fought at first but you gave him pleading eyes and he sighed - letting his hand rest on the dragon just beside your hand.
Lithon let out a grunt before slowly relaxing.
Lindir watched in amazement and utter disbelief.
“See I told you. . .Li. .is ve…ry”
But suddenly Lindir’s ears could no longer hear you clearly - it was like he was suddenly underwater.
His vision was blurry then suddenly all was dark. . .
Lindir awakens again - his body sitting up straight in a sudden jolt.
Lithon was in front of him, lying on the sun like a cat.
He rolled his eyes and grunted at Lindir and turned away.
“Oh thank Eru, Lindir! You are awake!”
You chirped happily and hugged him tightly.
Lindir was taken back by the sudden gesture but he found himself quickly melting into his arms and his love for you returned.
You blushed seeing your close proximity - and Lindir mirrored the blush on his cheeks.
“Y/N. . .”
He whispered your name and caressed your hand - looking deep into your eyes.
You knew. . .You knew then and you know it now. . .You didn’t get the chance before and you were not about to let it slide through your fingers easily.
Neither was Lindir. . .it was known when he quickly and respectfully pecked your lips.
You rolled your eyes and pulled him to a full kiss. . .passionate and tender. . .making his eyes go wide in surprise and almost in awe.
A kiss that is warm, gentle, and full of love and affection. The love that you have inspired within one another is overflowing. . . 
Lithon let out another grunt making you both laugh.
“That dragon has a personality. . .”
Lindir said in amazement, looking at Lithon.
“Lith, he is not like other dragons. . . he has a soft heart really -he saved me and has been my friend since. I would have told you, meleth. . .I would I was afraid for Lithon. . 
Lindir blushed when you called him meleth.
“It is understandable, meleth nin - as always I see where the kindness in your heart lies.”
You grinned at him - your friend and lover now.
“Shall we take him for a ride?”
 You asked and Lindir was confused.
“A ride?”
“Yes - a ride” 
You said happily. 
Lindir really did know what he was in for - but he was willing to try if it meant he could make you happy.
He held onto you for the fear of his life as Lithon took off into the skies.
You rolled your eyes realizing Lithon was doing this own purpose - to give Lindir a friendly scare. . .
“Lithon, you useless reptile. . .”
You muttered with an eyeroll trying to comfort Lindir.
Lindir felt like his life was flashing before his eyes - his heart was in throat as he was carried among the clouds and dove into the sea with great speed.
When finally landed again - Lindir’s heart was beating out of control and he felt like he needed to lay on the grass.
“Oh sweet Eru. . .”
He whispered, laying there breathing hard.
“Are you OK? Lindir?”
You asked quietly, trying to comfort him.
“That was. . .dangerous!” 
He breathed and you felt rather sad.
“But amazing. . .” 
He breathed and laughed.
You grinned and kissed him again, toppling him on the grass again as he was about to sit up.
Lithon gave you love birds an eye roll but smiled to himself. . .
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tara's taglist: @wandererindreams @fizzyxcustard @ranhanabi777 @spidergirla5 @asianbutnotjapanese @floraroselaughter @mismaeve
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justpostsyeet · 1 year
Lindir is generally considered a painfully shy and patient elf by the fandom but i have a headcanon that he's the most dangerous guy in Rivendell.
Hes good till he's good but when he's angry not even Elrond, the lord of Rivendell wants to face his wrath, that's why dwarves left nobody bothered to call them back because nobody wanted to invoke Lindir's infamous wrath by bringing back the dwarves.
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kat651 · 5 months
The answer:
ok, I guess now that I put up a game to see if people could guess my favorite elf I have to tell them if their right.
the answer is…
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(Elrond is definitely second on my list tho)
why is lindir my favorite? ⤵️
He’s adorable
I love the underrated characters
did I mention he’s adorable?
he’s a nerd/ bookworm and I could totally see him talking about his favorite books for hours with an adorable smile on his face.
have ya seen his ‘im trying not to laugh’ face?!?
also he’s adorable
I may find it cute that he was like ‘why is Elrond handing me a sword?!? I can’t use this thing!!!’
Overall he’s adorable (case closed)
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melpomaen · 2 months
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
(From Writers Truth or Dare ask game)
🥑 -> you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
None of them because I would be calling a family member who can afford a lawyer lmaO
🔪 -> what's the weirdest topic you've researched for a writing project?
Genuinely unsure. 🤷‍♂️
I looked up how to cut quills the other day, but that's pretty tame.
To people outside the fandom, probably all the very specific Tolkien lore. Working on the basics of my main!verse Lindir involved pulling up a chart of the different elf clans and a timeline back to the beginning of the Silm so I could punnet square his ancestry and draw up a family tree – half because it's actually relevant to his arc that he knows how/when those people died, half because I write him as a Little Shit who has jokes that hinge on him being like 1/16 Noldo.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
hi i-did-not-mean-to i noticed you wrote headcanons on company and fellowship with a self harming reader. if your requests are open, will you write about your favorite elves's reactions to a self harming s/o? please &thanking you xx
Dear anon...I did and I am willing to do so again.
I can offer you Imladris, for the time being, but if you want to see anyone else (either anyone from the Silm or the eternally popular Thrandy, just let me know)
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Live well
Words: 1,1k
Characters: Reader x Lindir (he's my fave) & Elrond
TW: Self-harm, depression
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“You are bleeding,” Lindir cried out, sweeping his pristine sleeves over your arm as if the view of the destruction your own nails had wrought would offend you somehow.
“I was aware of that, yes,” you replied sheepishly, trying to push him off you; you were worried about his beautiful clothes that deserved better than to be indelibly stained by your unworthy blood.
“What happened?” he asked as he was already rushing to the door to call for the guards; in his blind panic to see you injured, he did not consider that no attacker – no matter how measly – would only inflict such minor wounds on you and be content with his accomplishment. 
The wide-eyed stare of panic subsided to be replaced by something so trembling and vulnerable that you felt even worse than before; you had hurt him, you had managed to wound a creature immune to time and illness, you had driven the dart of your own malcontent, voracious soul – hardened into onyx – through his immaculate skin right into his fragile heart.
“My love,” he whispered, those dark, unfathomable eyes coming to rest on the black rim of dried blood crusting your nails, “what have you done?”
How to explain to someone who had found happiness in the quiet days of Imladris that you felt out of place wherever you went, and that it rendered you so miserable that you could not even bear your own skin or the sound of your breathing?
“What have I done wrong?” Pleading made his voice shiver just like song made it soar confidently. 
“This is not your fault,” you assured him quickly, but you couldn’t bring yourself to so much as touch him; your hands were sullied by your own failure and you didn’t dare risk contaminating him, “you’re nothing but perfect.”
That was of course part of the problem; Lindir was never amiss, he was not late, he was not careless, he was not jealous. Dignified and gentle, he was loved by many and respected by all. 
You felt like a beast compared to his shapely, soft-spoken radiance; you were convinced that everyone saw just how clumsy and garish you were when you laughed too loudly or too desperately to hide the fact that you had not slept or eaten in days.
“Clearly, I have neglected you, my beloved,” he croaked, tears lining the dark silk of his lashes, as he thought about all the wives and lovers who had chosen to fade away rather than face the weariness of the world.
He was terrified of losing you to his own inaptitude; you could see it in his quaking gaze that tried to spin webs of solace around you that would keep you by his side.
“You have not,” you contradicted, struggling to find the right words, “there is a wound in me, Lindir, that is older than our union, older than my life maybe, older than time itself.”
“Wound!” he muttered, jumping up and – unable to let you out of his sight – scooping you up, and ran, fast and light-footed as a deer, down the long winding corridors until he all but threw himself against his Lord’s door.
“Lord Elrond,” he cried hoarsely, “Lord Elrond.”
The door swung open and the serene, benevolent face of his superior appeared in the frame, eyebrows raised in good-humoured inquisitiveness that transformed into deep-felt worry almost instantly.
“Bring her in,” he said and turned around, striding through his chambers confidently to retrieve the appropriate ingredients for a soothing and healing poultice.
He did not ask what had occurred – for he had seen this before – and refrained from any kind of judgement; his eyes stayed warm and calm as he applied first the ointment and then a strip of smooth, clean linen onto the angry, red gashes running down your arms.
“Leave us for a moment, Lindir,” he bade without looking up from his work, “I shall call you back in as soon as we’re done.” Your beloved did as he was asked but his last lingering look spoke of a fear so deep and dark that it made your soul shiver; he trusted Lord Elrond to keep you safe, but there was still that remnant of dread that he’d never lay eyes on your living face again.
“He’s worried for you,” Elrond spoke gently, “and he is right. Even though the injury to your body is minor, the suffering of your soul is immense. Either or both might cost him what he values most dearly in this life.”
Still, there was no accusation in his tone, only a bottomless sadness. Just as Lindir himself, he seemed to believe that he had failed you by being unable to heal your broken heart by applying love and support like a plaster of dried herbs and fresh water on the ailing parts of your being. 
“I know,” you admitted, “but I cannot help it. It is all too much.”
Lord Elrond seemed to ponder your words for a few moments before nodding slowly.
“Maybe,” he mused aloud, “it is time for the two of you to take a trip; leave behind the drudgery of your daily lives and chores? I think that might be worth a try.”
“You need him here,” you protested weakly; the idea of being in a secluded spot with the one you loved most – far away from the milling, prying residents of Imladris – pleased and seduced you.
“He’s of no use to me if he’s consumed by worry and fear,” Lord Elrond replied carefully, “it might well break him before it destroys you; have you thought of that?” You had not; you had tried to hide this from Lindir, but – now – you could clearly see how foolish this attempt at concealment had truly been when your heart was an open book under his patient gaze.
“Here,” Lord Elrond pressed a short piece of a golden ribbon into your palm, “take this as a reminder of all that’s lost when a soul flickers out.”
You looked down on it in shock; it was old and worn – speckled with what looked like blood-spray – and yet so radiant still. 
“It’s a remnant of a chain of love,” he spoke gently, “a testament to love unending, but also the proof of how pathetic things – no matter their value – truly are if they’re all that’s left of a person cherished and adored. I’ve known many a great fighter, and I can vouch for this, living is the hardest thing to do.”
“We shall try,” you promised, energised quite surprisingly by the sudden purpose you had been given; even if you were quite unwilling and unable to save yourself, you would move heaven and earth to preserve both Lindir’s precious soul and Elrond’s deserved peace. Even if that meant that you’d have to live and live well at that.
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Dear anon, I hope this was to your satisfaction. It's always a hard subject and I hope you are alright.
If not, please feel free to reach out to me <3
Lots of love and support from me...
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oracleofimladris · 8 months
"Whatever's happened, it's Lindir's fault this time."
"Standing back to record the results doesn't make you free of responsibility, milpio."
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daerwyn · 2 months
I hope you don't mind me asking, but will your writing be visible again in the future? You had a Lindir story that was one of my favorites and I've read it several times and I was sad to discover it was hidden a while back. In any case, I hope you're doing well 💛
Hello! Thank you and I'm sorry the Tolkien drabbles were all locked away for privatizing on Ao3 while I went through them all and started to edit. My plan this upcoming month is to get a few of my locked stories back up and public again for reading -- but I've gone ahead and done the Lindir ones today! I'm not sure which of the two you preferred, but If We All Were Alone and Say You Love Me are both public again (as long as you have an AO3 account) :)
Love, Daerwyn
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lordofthegoldenflower · 8 months
Goes up to the warrior, knowing it was a special day for the lord. “Since I had the time to prepare for your birthday, I made you something.” The assistant confessed before giving him a green wrapped box.
Glorfindel looked up to Lindir when the other elf approached him and offered him a surprised smile as he accepted the gift. "Thank you!" he said, touched for he truly never expected to receive any gifts. "May I open it now?"
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Hello. Do you write about Lindir from The Hobbit movies?
Hi there, Nonny!
I’ve only ever written Lindir as a secondary character, but if you have a particular request in mind, feel free to send it my way and I’d be happy to write it. :)
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sotwk · 5 months
The idea of Thranduil getting jealous of Lindir and Durin 3 is so funny to me I know I'll love it. The idea of Lindir getting unwittingly dragged into Maereth's romantic life is hilarious and I would love meet Durin, dwarven kings (and dwarves in general) are always a win!
I know, right?? Thank you for sharing in my joy of this small, very slightly crack fic-y story idea!
It's so much fun when a proud, supremely confident Alpha Male gets thrown off by the emergence of (perceived) competition from the most unexpected of sources!
Sweet, anxious, unassuming, "ready-to-serve" Lindir.
And... a DWARF. (Even though it's a KING of the greatest clan of Dwarves!) Still a DWARF!
Speaking of Durin III, I am so very eager to finally bring him into the SotWK AU too! Although I am still several chapters away from it, he is set to play a significant role in "Sins of Our Fathers" (the story of Thranduil and Maereth's first meeting and early years of acquaintance).
Have I mentioned yet that my Durin III fancast is Hugh Jackman?
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The choice is greatly influenced by my headcanon that Durin III greatly resembles (inside and out) his descendant, Thorin Oakenshield. (You might remember this being referenced in Maereth's conversation with Thorin in "A Broken Shield".) Hugh and Richard happen to look similar to me, so I love it!
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doodle-pops · 2 months
Lords of Gondolin | With A Musician Reader
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Request: hi mina how have you been? i hope you’re doing ok c: i was wondering if you’d write a scenario about human!reader showing off her greatest musical creation to the elves? it’s a piano they’ve spent a decade workshopping & building to perfection. readers also made middle earth versions of the upright bass, acoustic guitar, & cello. they plan on making more instruments cause it’s their passion and how they want to be remembered by. for the lords of gondolin - @dicksoutformtl
A/N: I’m doing just fine! It was fun writing this request know that all of them would be impressed at reader’s craftsmanship. Enjoy!
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.𑁍༊˚ Galdor
Galdor is thoroughly impressed by your craftsmanship in creating new and improved versions of some of the instruments they already have while crafting newly discovered pieces as well.
He would have known you were into the musical arts, hence why you were always playing or composing a new piece every few weeks. However, what he had never suspected was a entire batch of new instruments being presented to him.
He is enthralled and eager. While some instruments may not be a favourite to his ear due to the sounds they emit, you can bet he’s informing you of some upcoming festival where you can show off your creative talents.
Galdor is a proud elf Lord who would happily talk about what you’ve created to the others and recommend you to the King to play your pieces at balls. He wants everyone to be aware that you’ve made inventions and they’re groundbreaking.
There are moments when he’d sit around and listen as you explain to him how you created each piece and the inspiration behind them or watch as you play songs on them.
It touches him when he becomes aware of the purpose of your collection of paper in the corner of your room. They were all songs written to be played on these instruments about how much you like or care about him. He’s touched and appreciative.
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.𑁍༊˚ Ecthelion
The musical master is too stunned to speak as he enters your humble abode and notices all the new “classical” instruments lying about. Ecthelion’s curiosity gets the better of him and he can’t help but strum the strings of the bass and cello, or press the keys on the piano and gasp at the new pitch echoing.
He becomes aware that these are not instruments that exist in Middle Earth and bombard you with a million questions. “How did you make this?” “Where did your idea come from?” “What inspired you?” “Who are you really?”
Ecthelion probably assumes that you’re not normal to come up with all these instruments since the Valar would have created their instruments for them…so are you a Maiar or Valar in disguise?
You will be followed around until you answer all of his questions with responses that tickle his brain the right way. And be prepared for him to request if you two can now play duets at festivals and balls. He wants you to be the musician couple.
Ecthelion will show you off, more than Galdor and some of the others because he’s proud and wants everyone to know how talented you are. He doesn’t care if the other Lords comments that you’re more talented than him, he would simply acknowledge and say, “Yes!”
And not to forget, he’s making sure that your name gets recorded in the history books as an important figure in music. He’s even more proud when he realises that you’ve outdone musical protégé like Maglor and Daeron.
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.𑁍༊˚ Glorfindel
There is not a person without a ten-mile radius who hasn’t been alerted by him of your musical genius abilities. Even Lord Elrond would be shaken aggressively as he is being told about your creation. “Y/N has reinvented the world of music! There is no one as great as them!”
Goodbye Lindir or Ecthelion, hello to Y/N, the new musical protégé of Gondolin or Imladris. Get used to being announced at dinners or balls to play your newest pieces and having Glorfindel looking like a proud dad (if he had a camera, his look would be completed).
Anytime you’re making a trip to your music room, don’t go without Glorfindel or else he’ll barge in all grumpy, complaining that you forgot him. He wants to be present at each new masterpiece you’re making, whether it be a new instrument or song. He likes watching the look of concentration as you play each piece to conclude which suits the song best.
Be noted that he’s curious, so he is bound to touch the piano or cello and gasp as the notes ring out. I can see him being drawn towards the guitar and requesting that you teach him. I don’t know, but Glorfindel playing the guitar suits him (idk if it’s just me).
Cue Glorfindel wanting to join you whenever you’re playing and the guitar can be included. He’ll happily sit beside you and strum away lightly while you play the piano or violin.
Like Ecthelion, be prepared to be announced/talked about by Glorfindel any chance he gets. He’s not rubbing it in anyone’s face, simply expressing how proud he is of his little human creating instruments that “change everything”.
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.𑁍༊˚ Egalmoth
Most proud of them all, however, he’s torn between wanting the world to learn about your skills and also keeping them hidden so he alone can know this secret and cherish it.
A bit stingy sharing your talents with the rest of the world because they should be for him to enjoy and praise. He does complain when people don’t praise you enough and encourages them to be louder.
I don’t see anyone surpassing him in terms of being the biggest cheerleader. This elf considers himself blessed to be around such a gifted person (you’re more gifted than his friends in his eyes). You’re a miracle worker creating new instruments unheard of or reinventing old ones.
He wants to learn about your pieces even though he doesn’t know about music deeply, he would to be told everything. Don’t worry if it sounds all foreign to him, he’s understanding.
Egalmoth would inquire if you would like more materials to make more instruments because he understands that it’s your passion. He would even ask if you would like to open up a school to teach others.
Like the others, he would request that you play at dinners when the Lords come over or if the King is hosting a dinner party. Might get annoyed if someone wants to collaborate with you because you sound great on your own.
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.𑁍༊˚ Rog
This craftsman is enthralled, amazed, excited, and proud of your creation. You made these instruments all on your own! Rog cannot cease talking about how you designed and crafted all the instruments by yourself. This is one of the rare moments when he's talkative nonstop.
You’ve got one of the great blacksmiths hooked on your inventions and wants to know the process you took to create each piece. He’ll be teary if you mention that you used some of his instructions during his days of teaching you basic material crafting.
Learning more and more that everything was done on your own and you spent years making each puts a type of ride in his heart that’s unshakable. If you show him how each piece is played, Rog finds himself whipped and ready to boast.
It’s strange seeing the quiet blacksmith boasting and talkative, and it’s for good reasons, you. All the Lords know, the citizens know and the King as well. Very soon, you’ll be having a hearing with the King who was intrigued by your new inventions courtesy of Rog cheerful chattering.
Rog doesn’t mind whether you choose to play privately or publicly, the choice is yours and he’s pleased with either decision. He wants you to be comfortable, but he would ask if you could play him a piece so he could experience the beauty of your creations.
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.𑁍༊˚ Maeglin
Curiosity caught his attention for a great purpose and it led him to discover new things worthwhile. Maeglin is enamoured and his curiosity is piqued tenfold. Questions rattle off the top of his head about all that he’s seeing and how did you manage to think about creating these pieces.
You’ll be seen as someone highly skilled and great in his eyes because you’re out here reinventing the world of music, something the elves are passionately known for.
“Can I come to watch?” “Can I sit and listen?” “Will you play for others to see what you’ve made?” He will stand in the doorway as you play your pieces and write songs suited best for each with a sense of pride in his chest. You’re a part of his House and creating all these great inventions to make a name for yourself. How could he not be pleased?
Definitely another one who would recommend you to the King to present your showstopping performances during balls. Whether you play with the orchestra or sole, Maeglin is supportive.
You’re Maeglin little songbird who he wakes up to playing your piano or guitar on the balcony or in the drawing room. You provide him with melodies that allow him to melt in and drive his tension away.
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Taglist: @ranhanabi777 @lilmelily @rain-on-my-umbrella @mysticmoomin @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @mcwentfandomtraveling @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @hermaeuswhora @lamemaster @zheiya @addaigio @involuntaryspasms
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justpostsyeet · 1 year
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kat651 · 6 months
Imagine: elves having highly sensitive ears and you finding out by accidently touching them.
(You are half-elven and your ears aren’t near as sensitive to touch). 
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You sat on the divan, lord Elrond was laying with his head on your lap as you gently played with his hair, letting him rant to get all his hidden bottles up emotions out. “Oh! And then-” he sat up and sighed. “I’ll just say that meeting was a disaster…” he slumped and looked over at you. “I’m sorry to rant like this…”
You smiled. “It’s alright…” you mumbled as you gently tucked a stray hair behind his ear, tracing it up to the pointed tip then down to his jaw. As you did, the pulled away. “What? What is it?” 
“Nothing, it’s just that the ears of an elf are highly sensitive…”
You scooted closer. “Is that so?” You placed your hand on the back of his head so he couldn’t pull away and with the other you hand you gently traced the edge of his ear. 
He went to pull away but you held him fast and it only took a moment for him to go limp in your arms as you continued to mess with his ears. 
You smiled as he lay with his back pressed against your chest. His eyes were shut and his lips slightly parted as you continued to gently mess with his adorable pointed ears. 
You smiled as a soft blush spread across his cheeks and the tip of his nose. “Aww, you look so cute when you blush…”
He opened an eye and looked up at you before he closed his eye again. 
“Elrond…” you whispered after a moment. 
The elven lord didn’t answer. He didn’t even stir and on top of that his breathing has slowed. You smiled and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on his forehead before closing your eyes as well. 
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You and Legolas had been close for some time now and you had innocently came up behind him and began to mess with his hair, slightly damp from having recently washed it.  
He turned to look at you. “Y/n?” You began to braid the hair by his ears, putting it into the style he normally wore. He relaxed and let you fix his hair for him. All went well until the last braid. Your pinky slowly slid down the outside of his ear as you braided it. He leaned back until his head fell on your chest as he breathed deeply. 
“Ears…sensitive…elves…” he mumbled. 
You smiled and kissed his temple. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” You asked, finishing off the braid. 
He shrugged as you then went and touched the tip of his ear. He smiled and closed his eyes. “I knew you’d… mess with… me…”
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You chuckled as he walked into one of the manny tents that lined the elven war camp. “What is so funny?” He asked, draping his cape over a chair. 
You walked up to him. “Here,” you said, motioning for him to lean down a bit. He did, raising an eyebrow, you gently adjusted the silver crown, re-centering it in his forehead. As you did, you bumped the top of his ear. His eyelids fluttered for a moment before his hands flew up and grasped your wrists in one swift movement. You yelped in shock. 
He loosened his grip a bit and gently rubbed your wrists. 
You whimpered. “L-lord Thranduil?” 
He sighed and let go of your wrists before standing straight and looking down at your startled face. 
He sighed. “Sometimes I forget you are half human… elves ears are highly sensitive…”
“I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t know I-”
His lips met yours as he slowly brought your hands to this ears. You hesitated a moment before gently rubbing your finger along his ear. He let go of your wrists and pulled your body closer. “Y/n…”
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Lindir had been messing with you in a playful matter all day and you eventually decided to play back. You gently took his face in your hands. “You stubborn… elf…”
You had expected his eyes to widen and him to turn an adorable shade of pink but instead his eyes fluttered closed and lips parted slightly. “Y-y/n…m-my ears…”
“Hmmm… are they sensitive?”
“Yes, v-very…”
“Well it would be a shame if someone were to oh I don’t know perhaps…” you stood on the tips of your toes and very gently took the tip of his ear between your teeth. 
His body instantly went limp and you gently lowered him to the ground before nipping gently at his ear while you ran your fingers through his hair. 
He clawed at your back. “Y-y/n…” 
You smiled. “Hmmm?”
He managed to look up at you before something took over his brain and his lips smashed on yours. “I love you…”
Your eyes widened. You’d only been dating him for a few days. You hadn’t even told anyone and here he was, kissing you as if you’d been together for years. 
You pulled away, startled. “Lindir?” 
He looked up at you with pleading eyes before he realized what he had done and he scooted away. “Y/n I-I’m sorry i-”
You pressed your lips on his again and began to mess with his ears once more. “I love you too.”
pt two here
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