#anderperry fic rec
Hii, saw your post about dps fics being really poetically written, do you have any favourites or recommendations? Have a good day!! :D
Hi thank you for the ask!! Oh goodness my favorite dps fics…I will include in general fics that I liked, but the ones that I have placed an asterisk with are pieces that had me–for lack of a better phrase–crying, screaming, shitting on the floor from how poetic they made me feel. Which really doesn't make much sense, but when i say poetry within me i just mean this strange feeling that is difficult to describe. Also these are all anderperry because i am a basic bitch, so apologies if you were looking for any other pairs! Maybe after finals I will look into some of the other pairs and put together a list for them too :) also I tried formatting this the best I could, I typed it all out on google docs so apologies for any fuck ups.
(in no particular order)
What We Stay Alive For **** by PiscesVanity on ao3, 18/18 chaps, 66,485 words.
Summary: “Do we get second chances in this life, Todd?” Neil asks him like he expects a negative answer. Todd doesn’t give that to him.
“Yes. we do. I know it.” 
“Do you?” Neil grins, playfully elbowing him. “Did you at least wait to take it? That second chance? Until the world was more peaceful? More kind?” 
Ten years after the death of Neil Perry, Todd Anderson wakes up with a second chance.
My notes: This incredibly crafted piece of art was the first dead poets fic I ever read. It honestly set the bar for me, for future reads. Also i didn’t have the chance to reread this one because this baby is long as FUCK and as much as I love long fics to read, I have to study for finals today so I can’t right now. I’m like 80% sure this is the fic where they confess by the lake and say something along the lines of “if you feel something even similar to what i feel…” but again i can’t be sure. Either way all I remember is that this fic is fricken good. Just for context, this is a time-traveling fic, but the type of time travel that happens in 13-going-on-30. Todd prays for a second chance on the eve of the 10 year anniversary of Neil’s death and he wakes up in his 17 year old body, on the day that he started school at Hell-ton. I think in general I just love the dead poets fandom because it combines some of my favorite tropes in any form of reading–50s/60s time period, boarding schools, and well…being gay. It is a fix-it so there is some angst, but there is a happy ending. But it will hit hard, especially since it comes close in the end so be wary. When I first started it, I was concerned about my own interest dwindling because the fic was going to cover the entirety of the movie, and since I have issues rereading or rewatching pieces of media when I know the end or the majority of it, I didn’t know if I was going to last. But the author of this stunning work (I know it sounds cheesy BUT IT IS) crafted it in a way that didn’t leave me bored. Even though several lines were pulled from the movie due to it being a time travel fic I still felt involved and captured by the story. It was comforting at the beginning to see how Charlie and Todd took care of each other after Neil’s death, and it was also intriguing to see how Todd almost started where he left off with Neil when he went back in time. He was more open than he had been prior, but eventually had settled back into his ‘old’ personality that he had before his first encounters with the poets. 
to be alone with you by wordshakers on ao3, 1/1 chaps, 3,602 words.
Summary: “Thursday evenings were, unequivocally, Neil’s favorite part of the week.
On the surface, the explanation for this was simple enough. It was his opportunity to turn his focus entirely to the topic that made him happiest: Shakespeare. He savored the time he was able to spend sitting out on the dock, overlooking the lake, reading and reciting the words he loved so much.
The other reason–perhaps the more prominent one–Neil wasn’t able to explain quite as easily. In fact, he could hardly admit it to himself. Thursday evenings…they meant being alone with Todd.
An anderperry first kiss fic, set in a near-canon universe of the film (minus the death). Fluffy mutual pining.
My notes: I can’t recall everything about this one because my mind has been scrambled the last few days, but it is fluffy, it is cute, and it has Todd and Neil practicing lines together–what more could you want? 
letters to my dearest beloved ****by UniversalSatan on ao3, 4/4 chaps, 34,162 words.
“My dearest beloved,
It is with great relief that I finally write to you. I think it doubtful for my words to ever reach your ears, but spare me this chance to lend you a piece of my thoughts–and only a piece, for I must write with caution lest I be discovered.
Neil, amidst his own internal emotional conflict, accidentally stumbles upon letters Todd had been writing in secret to an unknown recipient. Neil (an idiot) continues to intrude on Todd’s privacy by reading each new letter in secret, continuously agitating over their purpose.”
My notes: I’m not 100% sure how well this fic is known because as I stated in the post you mentioned I am extremely new to this fandom, I think I only watched the movie the Saturday before last. Let me tell you, my heart was beating all over the place during this. I cannot believe the audacity of Neil! I don’t want to spoil it because it’s literally a masterpiece, like this should be published and printed and given awards to–the letters and the imagery in them were so *shakes author like a squeaky toy* I LOVE YOUUUU RAHHHHH. Anything i have to say just will not convey how fucking amazing this fic is. Please go read it if you haven’t. And also Neil is an oblivious little man in this fic, the best type of Neil.
A Midnight Summer’s Dream: A Story of Hope (chapter 2 specifically) by cc tinselbee (thearchivistonmars)
Summary: (my words) an almost main au that will tear your fucking soul from your body. Beautiful, amazing, life altering, makes me cry in the best way. The bittersweetness of it all is POTENT. It is an Almost Maine au (I am scared to look into almost maine now from how heartbreaking this fic was. I have only read the SECOND chapter, I’m sure the first chapter is magnificent but as of now I am in the midst of finals so I will check it out when I am done.)
My notes: Someone printed out this fic, tied it to a brick, and threw it into the window of my heart, shattering my soul into pieces. How could you do this to be, author? This piece has me able to physically feel my brain putting up barriers to stop thinking about the ending that is implied. Nope, nope, nope. If you are one for incurable angst, please go ahead and enjoy. It’s a wonderful story and it evoked emotions in me that I couldn’t even stand. The author is very talented for this and I’m manifesting that alternative/possible happy ending they mentioned in their notes/comments. I haven’t read the first chapter, so this is specifically about the second one because up until a few moments ago I didn’t realize that there was a first chapter–I clicked on the link to the fic from the author’s tumblr and was sleep deprived and thought it was the beginning of the fic 🙂
Gentle Lover, Remedy ****by violet_sunset on ao3. 1/1 chap, 13,135 words.
Summary: “Todd’s first semester at Welton marks the moment he stops going to church. There are regular Masses offered in the chapel, but whenever Todd thinks about going he’s overwhelmed by nausea and has to hover in the bathrooms until he is sure he won’t vomit. When he was a kid and he thought God was just a pair of arms open in embrace, he would have jumped at the chance to attend, to sing from the hymnal and listen to homily and absorb the sacrament of blood and body. Now, God seems like a distant thing.”
My notes: HOLY FUCK, RELIGIOUS GUILT MY BELOVED. That’s one of my favorite tags to see in a work, and it isn’t often that I have seen it in some of the pairings that I like. Of course, with religious guilt comes internalized homophobia and period typical attitudes–the fic actually made use of words used in that time period that were used to refer to queer folk, so if any of those trigger you please be wary as well. I love, love, LOVE the usage of religious metaphors and words that are littered all around in this piece as well as the descriptions that show Todd’s pathway of his beliefs. As we know Todd has a deeply ingrained inferiority complex and WOW does it shine in this fic. It made me cry feeling the second-hand guilt that Todd feels. Also, the author tackled the controversy of appropriation in the film–meaning Charlie’s preference of the name Nuwanda–and expanded on his ethnic background which was really nice to read. They also touched upon Charlie’s relation to gender and (semi-canonical?) non-binaryness (it's a word because I say so) in a beautiful and delicate way that is very rare in most works that I have seen. In general there are very few fics that I have read that have included Charlie as being anything other than cisgender, so it was wonderful to see it included in this work. As well as this, Todd having a panic attack/sensory overload when a certain ginger starts being homophobic was incredibly well written and it felt like it captured those feelings that you have during an overwhelmingly stressful moment, though that is an understatement. Todd’s inability to realize just what the fuck is going on and being sort of spacey during it all–been there and done that baby. This author is so fucking talented, and this is probably my favorite dps fic of all time. I dont have the words to effectively describe how amazing it is, so if you are able to, I highly suggest reading it to experience it for yourself :)
It’s Rotten Work by cc tinslebee (the archivistonmars) on ao3, 1/1 chap, 2,774 words.
 “I was hoping…” Neil peered back up at him with those fervent eyes before he broke his inconspicuous character and cracked a smile, “my favorite scene partner would help me test it out?”
In the midst of Todd’s continual crisis of what exactly Neil’s ‘no’ means, Neil asks him to read from a scene from Orestes. You know, for practice.
My notes: Short and utterly sweet. I love reading pieces that just show how much characters love each other whether it’s platonic, romantic, or somewhere in between. I’ve always been one for a slowburn, and it wasn’t until I realized that I was aromantic that the reason I love that trope is because in between the first ‘hello’ and the inevitable kiss, that love that I read about was similar to how I felt. Just a simple fondness that the characters had for each other that made them feel alive and safe etc. I could go on forever about that, but what I mean to say is that this fic captured that feeling of affection in a fleeting moment between Neil and Todd, and I think it’s lovely.
The Pepper Ghost Effect by Anonymous on ao3, 6/6 chaps, 19,472 words.
“1964. Todd Anderson, now a successful playwright, whisks away an old flame from a horrifying mental asylum. That old flame, Neil Perry, becomes Todd’s new muse.”
Notes: Beware of the tags. It is a very angst ridden fic that addressed Neil’s mental health and the possibilities of what could have happened if he survived his first attempt on his life. Key word, first attempt. There is period-typical homophobia, past abusive partners, and ableism and abuse stemming from the sanitarium that [spoiler] is placed in for some time. There is a happy ending, so it’s not just angst and I feel that this fic is severely underrated. There are like only 24 kudos on it right now and 4 comments which?? What?? It’s an absolute masterpiece, and effectively captures the feeling and emotion of hopelessness and depression of a situation. Neil’s emotional response and numbness to everything around him resonated with me and I felt like it described my own brush with darkness from the lower points in my life. Read at your own risk and don’t push yourself if any of the tags may be triggering, but if you are able to this is a wonderful read that will elicit all sorts of feelings in your heart.
In the Subjunctive by ghostlin on ao3, 1/1 chaps, 5682 words.
“The night the play opens, Neil turns left.”
My notes: This is a sort of fix-it fic with Neil coming back to the dorms after his fight with his father. It leaves off sort of ambiguous–and I do adore a good ambiguous ending–leaving the reader to imagine a happy ending. I consider it a happy ending because Neil is alive, but he is less than well mentally as of what he has endured. It also centered some on Charlie and Neil in the aftermath of it all which I enjoyed because I feel that sometimes fics forget that they are all friends. Todd wasn’t the only one mourning Neil–they all were. Also I liked the way the author captured the surprise of Charlie’s acceptance of Neil’s sexuality amongst the blunt hatred of the time. Often I feel like some fics don’t try to keep the edge of fear or vulnerability that that time period called for–which is totally fine! You do you, boo. I just have a preference for it because I feel that it almost adds to an ambiguous read of a situation. I also liked how the author wrote about Todd’s perception of Charlie and how he perceives him–whether or not Todd is supposed to be unreliable (I think it’s made somewhat clear that Charlie likes Todd–he wouldn't be encouraging Neil to spill his feelings if he didn’t) in his narration.
Also as a side note i love your pfp ive been needing to read the picture of dorian gray but ive been so busy 🙁 and you have a good day too !!❤️
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READ THIS NOW. Its called letters to my dearest beloved from UniversalSatan. Please read it. Its so fucking good. Its the best Anderperry fic I've ever read.
Also when you have Anderperry fic recs let me know. This ship is my whole personality rn. Thanks and have an nice day :))
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fleursfairies · 6 months
some of the best fanfics are 735 words long
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buckyconchesumare · 6 months
i love anderperry fics on which anderperry is like mid 20s or late 20s or even early 30s and after not seeing each other since the day of the play they somehow find each other
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joonthedeadpoet · 28 days
Anybody got any good AnderPerry fan fic recs?
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applebyraven · 1 month
Tumblr media
Friendlier Neighborhood Spider-Man:
In which Neil is Spider-Man, and Todd, his roommate and longtime crush, finds himself torn between his feelings for Neil and the superhero who consistently rescues him in times of danger.
Read on AO3.
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dead-poets-fics · 26 days
hi, do you have any good knarlie/overton fic recommendations? <3
anon you have no idea!!!
good grief by heartofwinterfell
knox is STUPID AS FUCK for the first half of this btw. i love him for it. charlie is only a little stupid. but they're very cute, and so are neil and todd. there is also a sequel that i haven't read recently but i remember reading it at some point and really enjoying it.
take me home where i belong/i can't take it anymore by circlegame
this feels like it could be a whole cinematic masterpiece if someone put it on a screen. it's set 11 years after dps so they're all adults, charlie has a daughter, they haven't seen neil in over a decade, and it focuses on both charlie/knox and neil/todd with meeks/pitts being casually also in love on the side.
i would really love to find some more but this has already taken me a lot longer than it probably should've because i fell asleep in the middle of it (because my body hates me). i hope you enjoy these fics though!
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olskuvallanpoe · 11 months
…my fanfics (poet_olskuv on ao3)…
dead poets society
…nothing in the world belongs to me (but my love) - anderperry, oneshot, 4,327 words, *MCD*
…ur so pretty - anderperry, oneshot, 710 words, *implied MCD*
…the swingset - charlie & neil, oneshot, 1,133 words, *past MCD*
…the grassy road in a yellow wood - anderperry, oneshot, 1,174 words
marauders (hp)
…sharp (like fangs) - wolfstar, oneshot, 3,090 words
…it’s you (that I lie with) - wolfstar, oneshot, 1,664 words, *MCD*
…bleeding hearts - wolfstar, oneshot, 7,595 words
…and that’s what you missed on…the marauders? - wolfstarbucks, WIP, 31,679 words (so far)
…stereo hearts - nobleflower, oneshot, 3,071 words
…little wolf - lyall & remus, oneshot, 12,286 words *VIOLENCE*
…scarborough fair - lilylene, oneshot, 1,929 words
…the night we met - lilylene, oneshot, 1,380 words *MCD*
…honey hair & juniper - pandorcas, oneshot, 1,046 words
…a dog-eared map - dorlily, oneshot, 6,141 words
…that night he was happy - wolfstar, oneshot, 722 words
six of crows
…the water is fine - kylan, oneshot, 405 words
and more to come…
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rose-ellis · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dead Poets Society (1989) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Todd Anderson/Neil Perry Characters: Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society), Todd Anderson Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Professor Todd Anderson, Writer Todd Anderson, Actor Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society), hi guys its me back with more anderperry, Friends to Lovers, Chance Meetings, years after welton, Rewriting Canon, Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society) Lives, i dont even care, not in the same cinematic universe as my other fic, ok now for the romance tags >:), Domestic Fluff, Living Together, i think im good at writing prose so, SLIGHTLY ooc todd just cus, Non-Sexual Intimacy, winter again because winter is so symbolic to anderperry, Mutual Pining, Flirting, but theyre both oblivious, so much prologue because i dont know when to stop i am so sorry., BUT look forward to the, Gentle Kissing, Intimacy, Resolved Sexual Tension, but no sex idk how to, write that, i make neil whiney and desperate DEAL WITH IT, none of the top bottom stuff it literally doesnt matter, no beta cus i dont have one but if u wanna be one idk maybe hmu Summary:
Todd just wanted to get a coffee before his first lecture, Neil is lost in New York City; and young love blooms faster the second time around.
alternatively; todd and neil are domestic, oblivious, and irritatingly in love.
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slipknussy · 1 year
leave me alone in a room and feed me only domestic bliss fanfiction and ill find a way to survive
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anderperry fic rec
hi! if youre seeing this, i actually answered this in an ask but i think i accidentally deleted it bc i literally cant find it, so im repost it here. im keeping my intro of my ask just bc i gave some backround about the fics i listed. happy reading!!
Hi thank you for the ask!! Oh goodness my favorite dps fics…I will include in general fics that I liked, but the ones that I have placed an asterisk with are pieces that had me–for lack of a better phrase–crying, screaming, shitting on the floor from how poetic they made me feel. Which really doesn't make much sense, but when i say poetry within me i just mean this strange feeling that is difficult to describe. Also these are all anderperry because i am a basic bitch, so apologies if you were looking for any other pairs! Maybe after finals I will look into some of the other pairs and put together a list for them too :)
(in no particular order)
What We Stay Alive For **** by PiscesVanity on ao3, 18/18 chaps, 66,485 words.
Summary: “Do we get second chances in this life, Todd?” Neil asks him like he expects a negative answer. Todd doesn’t give that to him.
“Yes. we do. I know it.” 
“Do you?” Neil grins, playfully elbowing him. “Did you at least wait to take it? That second chance? Until the world was more peaceful? More kind?” 
Ten years after the death of Neil Perry, Todd Anderson wakes up with a second chance.
My notes: This incredibly crafted piece of art was the first dead poets fic I ever read. It honestly set the bar for me, for future reads. Also i didn’t have the chance to reread this one because this baby is long as FUCK and as much as I love long fics to read, I have to study for finals today so I can’t right now. I’m like 80% sure this is the fic where they confess by the lake and say something along the lines of “if you feel something even similar to what i feel…” but again i can’t be sure. Either way all I remember is that this fic is fricken good. Just for context, this is a time-traveling fic, but the type of time travel that happens in 13-going-on-30. Todd prays for a second chance on the eve of the 10 year anniversary of Neil’s death and he wakes up in his 17 year old body, on the day that he started school at Hell-ton. I think in general I just love the dead poets fandom because it combines some of my favorite tropes in any form of reading–50s/60s time period, boarding schools, and well…being gay. It is a fix-it so there is some angst, but there is a happy ending. But it will hit hard, especially since it comes close in the end so be wary. When I first started it, I was concerned about my own interest dwindling because the fic was going to cover the entirety of the movie, and since I have issues rereading or rewatching pieces of media when I know the end or the majority of it, I didn’t know if I was going to last. But the author of this stunning work (I know it sounds cheesy BUT IT IS) crafted it in a way that didn’t leave me bored. Even though several lines were pulled from the movie due to it being a time travel fic I still felt involved and captured by the story. It was comforting at the beginning to see how Charlie and Todd took care of each other after Neil’s death, and it was also intriguing to see how Todd almost started where he left off with Neil when he went back in time. He was more open than he had been prior, but eventually had settled back into his ‘old’ personality that he had before his first encounters with the poets. 
to be alone with you by wordshakers on ao3, 1/1 chaps, 3,602 words.
Summary: “Thursday evenings were, unequivocally, Neil’s favorite part of the week.
On the surface, the explanation for this was simple enough. It was his opportunity to turn his focus entirely to the topic that made him happiest: Shakespeare. He savored the time he was able to spend sitting out on the dock, overlooking the lake, reading and reciting the words he loved so much.
The other reason–perhaps the more prominent one–Neil wasn’t able to explain quite as easily. In fact, he could hardly admit it to himself. Thursday evenings…they meant being alone with Todd.
An anderperry first kiss fic, set in a near-canon universe of the film (minus the death). Fluffy mutual pining.
My notes: I can’t recall everything about this one because my mind has been scrambled the last few days, but it is fluffy, it is cute, and it has Todd and Neil practicing lines together–what more could you want? 
letters to my dearest beloved ****by UniversalSatan on ao3, 4/4 chaps, 34,162 words.
“My dearest beloved,
It is with great relief that I finally write to you. I think it doubtful for my words to ever reach your ears, but spare me this chance to lend you a piece of my thoughts–and only a piece, for I must write with caution lest I be discovered.
Neil, amidst his own internal emotional conflict, accidentally stumbles upon letters Todd had been writing in secret to an unknown recipient. Neil (an idiot) continues to intrude on Todd’s privacy by reading each new letter in secret, continuously agitating over their purpose.”
My notes: I’m not 100% sure how well this fic is known because as I stated in the post you mentioned I am extremely new to this fandom, I think I only watched the movie the Saturday before last. Let me tell you, my heart was beating all over the place during this. I cannot believe the audacity of Neil! I don’t want to spoil it because it’s literally a masterpiece, like this should be published and printed and given awards to–the letters and the imagery in them were so *shakes author like a squeaky toy* I LOVE YOUUUU RAHHHHH. Anything i have to say just will not convey how fucking amazing this fic is. Please go read it if you haven’t. And also Neil is an oblivious little man in this fic, the best type of Neil.
A Midnight Summer’s Dream: A Story of Hope (chapter 2 specifically) by cc tinselbee (thearchivistonmars)
Summary: (my words) an almost main au that will tear your fucking soul from your body. Beautiful, amazing, life altering, makes me cry in the best way. The bittersweetness of it all is POTENT. It is an Almost Maine au (I am scared to look into almost maine now from how heartbreaking this fic was. I have only read the SECOND chapter, I’m sure the first chapter is magnificent but as of now I am in the midst of finals so I will check it out when I am done.)
My notes: Someone printed out this fic, tied it to a brick, and threw it into the window of my heart, shattering my soul into pieces. How could you do this to be, author? This piece has me able to physically feel my brain putting up barriers to stop thinking about the ending that is implied. Nope, nope, nope. If you are one for incurable angst, please go ahead and enjoy. It’s a wonderful story and it evoked emotions in me that I couldn’t even stand. The author is very talented for this and I’m manifesting that alternative/possible happy ending they mentioned in their notes/comments. I haven’t read the first chapter, so this is specifically about the second one because up until a few moments ago I didn’t realize that there was a first chapter–I clicked on the link to the fic from the author’s tumblr and was sleep deprived and thought it was the beginning of the fic 🙂
Gentle Lover, Remedy ****by violet_sunset on ao3. 1/1 chap, 13,135 words.
Summary: “Todd’s first semester at Welton marks the moment he stops going to church. There are regular Masses offered in the chapel, but whenever Todd thinks about going he’s overwhelmed by nausea and has to hover in the bathrooms until he is sure he won’t vomit. When he was a kid and he thought God was just a pair of arms open in embrace, he would have jumped at the chance to attend, to sing from the hymnal and listen to homily and absorb the sacrament of blood and body. Now, God seems like a distant thing.”
My notes: HOLY FUCK, RELIGIOUS GUILT MY BELOVED. That’s one of my favorite tags to see in a work, and it isn’t often that I have seen it in some of the pairings that I like. Of course, with religious guilt comes internalized homophobia and period typical attitudes–the fic actually made use of words used in that time period that were used to refer to queer folk, so if any of those trigger you please be wary as well. I love, love, LOVE the usage of religious metaphors and words that are littered all around in this piece as well as the descriptions that show Todd’s pathway of his beliefs. As we know Todd has a deeply ingrained inferiority complex and WOW does it shine in this fic. It made me cry feeling the second-hand guilt that Todd feels. Also, the author tackled the controversy of appropriation in the film–meaning Charlie’s preference of the name Nuwanda–and expanded on his ethnic background which was really nice to read. They also touched upon Charlie’s relation to gender and (semi-canonical?) non-binaryness (it's a word because I say so) in a beautiful and delicate way that is very rare in most works that I have seen. In general there are very few fics that I have read that have included Charlie as being anything other than cisgender, so it was wonderful to see it included in this work. As well as this, Todd having a panic attack/sensory overload when a certain ginger starts being homophobic was incredibly well written and it felt like it captured those feelings that you have during an overwhelmingly stressful moment, though that is an understatement. Todd’s inability to realize just what the fuck is going on and being sort of spacey during it all–been there and done that baby. This author is so fucking talented, and this is probably my favorite dps fic of all time. I dont have the words to effectively describe how amazing it is, so if you are able to, I highly suggest reading it to experience it for yourself :)
It’s Rotten Work by cc tinslebee (the archivistonmars) on ao3, 1/1 chap, 2,774 words.
 “I was hoping…” Neil peered back up at him with those fervent eyes before he broke his inconspicuous character and cracked a smile, “my favorite scene partner would help me test it out?”
In the midst of Todd’s continual crisis of what exactly Neil’s ‘no’ means, Neil asks him to read from a scene from Orestes. You know, for practice.
My notes: Short and utterly sweet. I love reading pieces that just show how much characters love each other whether it’s platonic, romantic, or somewhere in between. I’ve always been one for a slowburn, and it wasn’t until I realized that I was aromantic that the reason I love that trope is because in between the first ‘hello’ and the inevitable kiss, that love that I read about was similar to how I felt. Just a simple fondness that the characters had for each other that made them feel alive and safe etc. I could go on forever about that, but what I mean to say is that this fic captured that feeling of affection in a fleeting moment between Neil and Todd, and I think it’s lovely.
The Pepper Ghost Effect by Anonymous on ao3, 6/6 chaps, 19,472 words.
“1964. Todd Anderson, now a successful playwright, whisks away an old flame from a horrifying mental asylum. That old flame, Neil Perry, becomes Todd’s new muse.”
Notes: Beware of the tags. It is a very angst ridden fic that addressed Neil’s mental health and the possibilities of what could have happened if he survived his first attempt on his life. Key word, first attempt. There is period-typical homophobia, past abusive partners, and ableism and abuse stemming from the sanitarium that [spoiler] is placed in for some time. There is a happy ending, so it’s not just angst and I feel that this fic is severely underrated. There are like only 24 kudos on it right now and 4 comments which?? What?? It’s an absolute masterpiece, and effectively captures the feeling and emotion of hopelessness and depression of a situation. Neil’s emotional response and numbness to everything around him resonated with me and I felt like it described my own brush with darkness from the lower points in my life. Read at your own risk and don’t push yourself if any of the tags may be triggering, but if you are able to this is a wonderful read that will elicit all sorts of feelings in your heart.
In the Subjunctive by ghostlin on ao3, 1/1 chaps, 5682 words.
“The night the play opens, Neil turns left.”
My notes: This is a sort of fix-it fic with Neil coming back to the dorms after his fight with his father. It leaves off sort of ambiguous–and I do adore a good ambiguous ending–leaving the reader to imagine a happy ending. I consider it a happy ending because Neil is alive, but he is less than well mentally as of what he has endured. It also centered some on Charlie and Neil in the aftermath of it all which I enjoyed because I feel that sometimes fics forget that they are all friends. Todd wasn’t the only one mourning Neil–they all were. Also I liked the way the author captured the surprise of Charlie’s acceptance of Neil’s sexuality amongst the blunt hatred of the time. Often I feel like some fics don’t try to keep the edge of fear or vulnerability that that time period called for–which is totally fine! You do you, boo. I just have a preference for it because I feel that it almost adds to an ambiguous read of a situation. I also liked how the author wrote about Todd’s perception of Charlie and how he perceives him–whether or not Todd is supposed to be unreliable (I think it’s made somewhat clear that Charlie likes Todd–he wouldn't be encouraging Neil to spill his feelings if he didn’t) in his narration.
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citrusgothic · 2 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Dead Poets Society (1989) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Todd Anderson/Neil Perry, Charlie Dalton/Knox Overstreet, Steven Meeks/Gerard Pitts Characters: Todd Anderson, Neil Perry (Dead Poets Society), Charlie Dalton, Knox Overstreet, Steven Meeks, Gerard Pitts Additional Tags: enemies to lovers (sorta), Canon Related, Slow Burn, Implied/Referenced Bullying, Todd and Neil are assholes in the first chapters but I promise all will right itself, Stephen Meeks is the superior friend!!, Mental Health Issues, References to Depression, Todd Anderson Needs A Hug, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, this is more todd full of distain/mistrust and neil just not wanting to hate todd back, but todd is making that difficult Summary:
Todd Anderson had never hated anything in his life. He loathed things, disliked, and even despised. But never hated. Because hate was a strong word. It implied there was a strong aversion towards the subject it was used on. It gave the notion that there was no changing his mind, that he had settled on disliking something so much he would hate it forever. His family used to joke that Todd just wasn’t the hating type. His passive nature ensured no matter what, or who, life threw at him, he would never describe them as something he hated.
Until he met Neil Perry.
aka Todd hates Neil for being everything his parents wished he was and therefore everything he despises.
(a misc fic rec because this fic is super underrated)
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Ava Coleman
When Shots Align ~Mommy!Ava*
Aaron Hotchner
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Alan Grant
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That’s all for now, ciao ciao lovelies! 💞💞
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73647e · 1 year
do u have any good anderperry fic recs?
oh boy do I ever!!! these are my top 7 anderperry fics!! (and of course, you can always check out my ao3 linked in my bio hmmhmm).
letters to my dearest beloved by UniversalSatan is my favorite favorite anderperry fic. like, holy shit. I am absolutely speechless after reading this I stg. that's all I have to say about that.
but only in their dreams can men be truly free. by phoenixxrv is the fic that I've reread the most just because of the sheer amounts of joy that it brings me! even though it has hints of sadness, especially from the readers pov as we know what happens to neil originally, the author perfectly crafts a gorgeous and wonderful scenario where that didn't happen, and even more so, why it didn't.
two sturdy oaks by crownofplanets is a fic that I full remember enjoying with every word that I read. it's really nice for the people who like the realization of the love that two characters share. idk it's very cute!
make a move neil! by mikeythemage. im cheating a little with this because it's a whole series with individual fics in it, but every fic in it really is super duper cute and I just love them all so so much!!
interlude in a new york diner by johnirvings is truly a short and sweet moments that does function as an "interlude". I really enjoyed it just because of the short blip in todd and neil's story together that we get to see.
Whisper Me Words In The Shape of a Bay by Meduseld is just. oh my gosh so fucking amazing. really short, but I couldn't imagine it being longer. this author just gets so much across in so little words, and as a writer and a reader, I am flabbergasted.
come live with me and be my love by trouvailleamor this is a very sweet slice of life fic taking place years after neil and todd ran away together and are happy and thriving. incredibly sweet, and a bunch of keating!
anyway, I know that giving you an odd number of fics is a little weird, and im sure I could totally add onto this list, but these are some of my favorites/the ones I reread the most so!!! I hope you enjoy and NEVER be shy to talk fanfic with me!!!
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applebyraven · 2 months
Our Ours update!
Chapter 12: I drink, therefore I am.
In which the poets spend their first Christmas together in New York, eating pizza, drinking whiskey and letting poetry drip from their tongues like honey.
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charis23 · 1 year
Anyone got any Anderperry fic recs? I’m in a dead poets society mood…
(Or any blogs who do recs?)
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