#and then the next week we can trade and you can be the princess and i'll be the weird nerd <3
marypsue · 8 months
butch this, femme that, but where can I find a woman who'll be the weird punk nerd to my slightly sheltered cheerleader princess who falls for her over the jerk jock
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Hello again✨ how about some hc's about Thorin, Fili and Dwalin reactions with human reader that they like👀 she offered to climb a tree to check that they weren't followed when suddenly a branch breaks and falls into the arms of them princess style. Would also be nice if he tried to fix her hair and/or beard by the twigs without knowing the detail of how important her hair is 👌
First off, Thank you for your ask! Its so cute and I hope my writing does it justice! For anyone else who wants to submit an ask, check out my post here.
Before we get started, I made the reader from a made up town/culture so don't look to hard into it. Simply enjoy!
Warnings: None
Trees and confessions...
The howls were getting closer. Night after night the gluttonous cries of the beasts grew louder and more terrifying for the small group you traveled with, and while the eagles had giving you quite the head start, Azog was quickly catching up. The last two nights you had slept without the light of the fire in fear that your enemies would find you.
As it was, the group was hidden amount a large cluster of trees, hardly a forest but enough to keep you all out of the open and hidden away from unwanted eyes. The only problem? You couldn’t see your enemies either.
“We could always send Bilbo up a tree?” Kili suggested, his hand scratching at the stubble on his chin, “he is the lightest and it would keep our cover,”
While smart, Thorin practically growled at the suggestion. The King’s eyes glanced at the limping hobbit, his battle scars from the attack still apparent on his tiny form.
“Absolutely not!” The King spoke again, “I will not risk Bilbo doing any more damage to his ankle before it is properly healed. We are already traveling slower then we need to be,”
“I could scale it?” you offered, “I’m no hobbit but I’m lighter than any of you. Unless we want to see Gandalf try?”
The wizards sent you look that made the entire group snicker. You simply battered your eyelashes and smile innocently at your old friend.  
“Off you go then, before I change you into a squirrel to help get you there,” he huffed, sparking another round of giggles and a quiet question of ‘can he really do that?’ from Kili.
Silently wondering the same question as the young dwarf, you dropped your coat to the side and pulled yourself on the first branch.
“Remember lass, quietly, less you give us up,” Thorin warned.
You hummed in agreement, reaching for the next branch, and then the branch after that. You were human, not much taller than Kili, but you were quick and agile. You had to be living with a wondering village off to the East of even the Lonely Mountain. Your descendants had once been settled between Erebor and the Iron Hills, forced to start traveling after the dragon descended and took away the towns most stable trading source. Now your people were scattered around Middle Earth in search of stability. A stability that you would provide to them when you helped the Dwarf’s take back their homeland.
You made it to the top of the tree without problem, seeing no sign of your hunters or their beasts they rode on. With your heart light and a smile on your lips you began to make your way back down, freezing at the sound of a cracking branch beneath you. You vaguely heard Thorin call up to you before you fell.
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The Dwarven King was on edge. So much had happened in the last week he could not wrap his head around it. Azog resurfacing. Their descent toward the elves. His growing feeling for a certain human. It was all too much, and he constantly felt himself gripping the hilt of his weapon in an ill attempt to keep himself on guard despite his wondering mind.
When the sound of snapping caught his ears he spun on his heel, his sword drawn and his eyes scanning the surrounding trees. When he caught the sound of your gasp and the small squeak that left your lips however, he called after you in question. The second snap sounded before you had a chance to reply and before he could blink, he raced forward to catch you in his arms, his sword left lying forgotten in the leaf litter.
You body came falling through the trees hard and fast, making his knees shake as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest before you could hit the ground. He stumbled for a moment, kneeling to the ground to sit you in his lap as his wide blue eyes scanned yours for answers to his unspoken questions. You held a few scrapes and cuts from the branches on your way down, but other than that you looked ok, nothing broken or bent, and he let out a breath of relief.
You had your eyes clenched shut and your hands wrapped around your mouth to hold back your scream, and he smiled at you attempt to heed his warning of quiet. It was something he loved about you, your devotion to others, though sometimes it scared him how far you were willing to risk yourself for those you care about. It was a trait that he also shared, and the reason he had softened his views towards you during the quest.
You were shaking in his arms and he couldn’t help but pull you in further, pressing his head to yours and whispering reassurance that you were ok. He was not a patient dwarf, but with you he always tried. It took a moment before your hands became steady, and he wrapped his thick fingers around yours with care.
“Thorin?” you questioned, your voice a hoarse whisper.
“Aye lass, you’re ok. Your safe,” he cooed, his fingers leaving yours and running through your hair to rid it of the leaves that had settled there.
“I’m sorry! I tried to be quiet and I-”
“Hush now, I know. You were quiet. You did good. Are you ok?”
You gave a nod, “I’m ok. I got to the top and couldn’t- Thorin, what are you doing?” you cut yourself off, freezing in his grip.
He ran his fingers through your hair a few more times before paused, looking down at your burning cheeks in question, “there are leaves in your hair,” he said like it the most obvious thing in the world.
“Leaves, branches. You came down rather hard. I would not be surprised if I pull out of bird or two,” he chuckled sending you one of his rare grins.
“My ha-hair. You’re touching my hair,”
The dwarf frowned slightly, realising that you were not still shaking with adrenalin, but because you were uncomfortable. He drew his hands back like you had burnt him.
“I- I, forgive me. I did not mean- I had no intentions to- I should have asked,”
“It’s fine,”
“Are you sure?” he glanced over you again. He was terrified he had upset you, but you made no attempt to move from his lap despite not being able to look at him, and that left him confused, “It obviously means something. To darrow, hair is important. It shows one another comfort or friendship to brush or braid. I thought it was this case with your kin as well. I did not mean to offend you or upset you in any way,”
“Oh no, its not that!” you quickly reassured him, the red still tainting your cheeks, “and hair is important to my culture as well, its just seen as… well more so a romantic gesture then a friendly one,”
It took a moment for Thorin to make the connection in his head, but when he did, he blushed furiously. His mouth fell open and he gasped rather like a fish out of water. There were a hundred things he wanted to say, to confess, yet he sat their unable to voice a single one. Your eyes, once curious were now full of hurt and… was that disappointment?
You cleared your throat and wiped your hands on your pants, “I’m going to get off your lap now,”
“Wait,” he blurted not wanting to waist such an opportune moment, his hand shooting out to stop you from leaving, “I would not be inclined to ah, repeat the action? If you would be accepting of course! That is to say I would like to court you, if you felt for me what I do for you…”
He cringed at his words, his mind so rushed in thoughts that he could not thing of anything more poetic. He felt his stomach churn and he wanted to hide his face in his hands until your voice spoke softly.
“You wish to court me?”
Your eyes were back on him and once again full of hope, so beautiful and deep he felt lost in them. Lost in daydreams and fantasies. Lost for words. Again, he sat there, his cheeks burning under his beard and his lips parting while nothing came out.
“Thorin?” you asked hesitantly, the pain starting to seek back into your features.
“Mahal, curse my useless tongue,” he muttered to himself. Giving up on words, he slid a hand around your waist pulling you against him and pressing his lips against yours in frustration and hope. He grinned against your lips as you kissed him back, wrapping your legs around his body to press closer to his chest. You both drew back breathless and smiling.
“I know we still have much to face. Mirkwood, the dragon-” Thorin went on again, his nerves back.
“Yes, Thorin,” you cut him off, kissing him again, “I want to be yours,”
“Then I am the luckiest dwarf in the world,”
You grinned and pressed your forehead against his, content to stay there in his arms as long as you could.  
“Well that was the most awkward proposal I have ever witnessed,”
“Mahal it’s about time,”
“Get some uncle!”
Thorin heard the others around them and was tempted to shoo them all away, but he simply kissed you again, all his worries temporarily gone.
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It was instinct, a force of nature, a reflex that he caught you as you came tumbling out of the branches with a cry. The burly warrior had kept his eyes on you the entire way up and back, his heart in his throat as your climbed so far away from him. From his protection.
He knew better than to think you were useless, you had been traveling around Middle Earth alone for years now, but he couldn’t help but to want to keep your safe, hovering where he wasn’t necessarily needed, but willing to help you with even the easiest of your jobs. The others would often tease him over the way his demeaner softened when you got near, or the way he would follow you around like a puppy on a leash, but strangely the comments didn’t bother him. He knew he had it bad for you, and he was happy to be by your side however he could.  
Was he brave enough to admit the feelings he had towards you? Not a chance. But would be there for you regardless? Absolutely. That’s why he caught you with ease, wrapping his thick arms around you and pulling you against his chest with worried eyes.
“Lass, what happened? Are you alright?” he questioned in panic.
You blinked slowly, glancing up at the tree you were in then to the ground, then to Dwalin himself who was still holding you close. One moment you were calm, the next you were wrapping yourself around his shoulders, your body shaking and your fingers clawing at his jacket to hold on and burry your face into the crook of his neck, your panic catching up to you.
Dwalin let you cling onto him wherever you needed to feel calm again and he rubbed soothing circles into your back with his thick fingers. He stayed quiet, no sure what to say to help, be he never let go. After a moment of silence you stopped shaking, Dwalin’s presence calming you in a way no other could.
“Thank you,” you mumbled into his neck, the edge of his beard tickling your cheek as you looked up at him with watery eyes and the scarred old darrow couldn’t help but to melt at the sight.
Holding you up with one arm, he wiped away your tears with a gentle touch, “Hush now dove, none o’ that. Ya’ safe and sound,”
“Safe,” you mumbled back, digging your face deeper.
“What did you see?” Thorin interrupted impatiently, his fingers tapping against the handle of his sword.
Dwalin scoffed, “Give her a second there would ya?”
“We don’t have time,” he glared back, raising a brow to question his best warrior.
“There’s no one out there,” you muttered before they could start bickering, “and if they are, they’re not finding us tonight,”
Thorin gave a nod, giving orders to the dwarfs around you to set up camp for the night. You let out a sigh and wriggled out of your saviour’s grip, Dwalin putting you down carefully.
“Ya alright lass?”  
“Yeah, thank you Dwalin. Don’t know what I’d do without you,” you mumbled that last part more to yourself but the dwarf chuckled and flushed red.
“Don’t have ta be without me. I’ll always be here ta keep ya safe,”
And almost to prove it, he reached up and softly pulled a branch from your hair. You gasped as his fingers brush your hair, and your heart pounded in your chest at the implication. Without a second though, your fingers laced around the collar of his tunic, pulling him in and kissing him.
Caught off guard, Dwalin’s eyes widened before fluttering closed, his body sinking into the sudden kiss. Disappointment weld in his chest when you pulled back to breath but you didn’t let go.
“You just kissed me,” he grinned, pink tinting his cheeks as he squinted at you in question.
You blinked, “Uh, yes. That is what you asked of me, was it not?”
“Asked of you… what?” He tilted his head in confusion, “I didn’t ask- that’s not to say I- It’s just-”
“You don’t wish to court me?”
“No! I mean yes! I mean- Mahal’s balls,”
You took a step away from him, embarrassment written across your face.
“Wait! Wait! I mean I do wish ta court ya, I have for a while now and I would do anything to get you to kiss me like that again. I just don’t understand how I asked ya,”
“Oh,” you frowned taking his words in, “ah, well… in my culture, to touch another’s hair is a rather intimate action. It’s something only lovers would do. When you touched my hair, I guess I jumped at the chance that you might adore me the way I do you,”
Dwalin smiled, a gentle and pure look, “Oh dove I do adore ya, more than ya could imagine,”
“Then kiss me again,”
“Aye, anything for my one,”
And kiss you he did.
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When the first crack sounded, Fili thought it was his brother messing about. He grinned and spun around to smack him playfully when he realised that his brother had wondered off to help set up. When the second crack sounded and you gasped from somewhere above him, his heart froze in his chest as he realised what was happening.
He didn’t have time to call for help, to ask if you were ok, before he spotted your figure falling through the branches of the tree you had climbed. With every piece of strength Mahal had granted him in his creation, he shot through the small campground and held out his hands to catch you, tumbling when his foot hit a root of the great tree.
You squeaked as you came down, falling into the blond dwarf’s arms and bringing you both to the ground with enough force to wind you both.
In a tangle of limbs and soft groans of pain Fili blinked away the discomfort, shooting up straight to check on you. He had been fast enough to twist your bodies so you landed on top of him and now you laid with your head on his chest, you face scrunched in protest of the soreness in your limbs.
“Lass are you ok?” he groaned out in worry, watching your eyes glance around before meeting his.
“Aye, I’m ok. You?”
“I’m fine,” he reassured now his heart had finished pounding in his chest at his panic.
“Next time I’m sending your brother up the tree,” you moaned, resting your head on his chest once more, finding yourself in a rather comfortable position with the dwarf. Fili chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest and making you smile.
For a long moment, the two of you simply laid there like that, covered in leaves and tangled up against one another, relishing in one another’s presence. It was comfortable, despite the hard ground, and you hummed in delight as he raked his fingers delicately through your hair. He worked attentively to get each and every leaf out of your locks and you blushed in guilt of not wanting him to stop.
“Fili, what are you doing?”
He hummed nonchalantly, “Getting rid of the leaves. You can do mine once I’m finished,”
“Fili you- it’s just- well I can’t just-” you spluttered, your face burning red.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to I just thought… I though we were getting close enough too… never mind,”
“You braided Ori’s hair only yesterday,”
“Aye? They are my friend, what of it?”
“Your friend? Is that what that means to you then? What I mean to you?”
Fili paused his fingers and looked down at your face in confusion and hurt, his stomach tensing and his eyes beginning to burn, “Do you not see me as your friend?”
“Of course I see you as my friend!” you reassured, snapping your head up to look at his defeated face, “I would trust and cherish not one else more than you by my side… it’s just-”
“Well, where I’m from, touching and braiding one’s hair is seen as more than just friendliness. It’s ah… more so a romantic or intimate gesture,”
Fili felt his entire body burn under your gaze. He had not meant to disrespect your culture and your explanation made him want to run his fingers through your hair even more, not to mention the way you were gazing at him, almost like you too wanted him to continue. It was true he adored you, was drawn to you in a way he had not felt with any of his other suiters, but he was nervous. What if you didn’t feel the same way? What if this wasn’t a nudge to continue but a warning to back off? He didn’t always understand humans and it was worse with you not knowing much about your culture as it was just a big of a secret as his own culture.
Fili also had a nasty habit of over thinking everything he did.
“Fo-forgive me, I meant no disrespect,” he swallowed nervously, “To darrow, the gesture of brushing or braid hair is intimate yes, but for any we hold dear to us,”
You watched him carefully, “So I am dear to you?”
“More then you know. In fact, if you feel the same way, the offer to brush my hair remains? In- in the way your culture means it to be? If you wish to remain as we are that is fine too its just- I thought maybe- I really like you, in that way too. And now I’m rambling, and I can’t stop it, words are just coming out and I-”
You cut him off with a kiss, stilling his words but not his tongue. He pulled you closer, one hand around your waist and the other returning to your hair. You both pulled away dazed and giggling.
“I would love to braid your hair Fili,”
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jungkit · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS: you lived your life buried in your parent’s routine for you. a perfect princess with a perfect life…or so one would think. now you’re being married off to the prince of valdenia for a trade operation. problem is, he already has a girlfriend, and he is not happy.
teaser wc: 402
release date: idk
genre: e2l, fluff, angst, royaltyxroyalty
estimated wc: i have no idea lmao i’m winging it (as always)
taglist: open! lmk if u wanna be added
You can feel him glaring at you.
It’s so obvious, yet everyone seems to be ignoring it.
You look up, finally meeting his eyes.
He doesn’t look away, doesn’t soften up, he continues to glare.
You haven’t even introduced yourself, and he’s already looking at you with hatred.
You won’t stand for that, so you quickly slip him your middle finger.
His expression finally changes from anger to surprise before he’s frowning.
Jungwon’s never hated someone so much.
Sure, you’ve done nothing to him, but your existence is already hindering his life.
Why would his parents arrange for him to get married when he already has a girlfriend, one he loves and wishes to marry?
Sure, they don’t know about her, but still!
And here you are, flipping him off.
How rude!
Yes, he was glaring at you, but even so, that doesn’t mean he deserved that!
He’s about to say something, hoping to get you in trouble, but he’s interrupted.
“We’ve set your wedding for next week,” his mother says.
“Next week!” You both say simultaneously.
Your parents send you a ferocious glare, making you shut your mouth.
“Yes, next week. Y/N will be moving in as well. We’ve already arranged for your things to be packed and brought here for tomorrow.” Jungwon’s mother gives you a genuine smile, and for a second, you almost feel a twinge of relief.
You can't remember the last time you had a genuine smile directed your way by your parents.
Maybe moving here won't be so bad?
“Can I say something?” You ask out into the open.
Your parents send you another glare, but the king of Valdenia nods, signaling you to speak.
“I’m honored that you're opening up your home to me. Can I ask that I bring someone with me?”
“And who would that be, dear?” The queen asks, looking at you with warm eyes.
“Our head maid, Estelle. She’s someone I rely on very much, and I'd hate to be without her,” you respond.
You look at your parents for approval, as do Jungwon’s parents.
“If your majesties are okay with it, then we are as well,” your father says, gesturing to the Yangs.
“Then it’s settled!” Mrs. Yang claps, she’s delighted.
As both families continue discussing arrangements and wedding planning, you begin to zone out.
This could either go really good…or really bad.
You'll have to wait and see.
69 notes · View notes
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Rescue The Princess
Eddie x Female reader
Author's note- Hola gremlins. I’m back with another Eddie one shot cause I can’t resist so I hope you enjoy it! Feel free to give feedback and make sure to show your support! 8.3k words
Warnings- 18+++++ Minors get out please. This isn’t for you <3. So we have smut. Oral female receiving, unprotected p in v (wrap it up guys don’t be stupid like them), foul language, violence, a creepy old man at one point so be warned, mention of blood, nude photography. If there’s more don’t hesitate to let me know.
Summary- after meeting the new girl who works at the arcade Eddie Munson finds himself head over heels for the girl he wants to call his princess.
“I’m sorry Henderson I have no idea when dig dug will be back up. Kieth said he called a guy to take a look at it but I don’t know yet.”
“Shit, shit, shit! My high score!”
“I mean Max still had the highest score on the game so you’re not losing much. You still have centipede and I heard you still have to beat Lucas on Dragon's Lair? Plus there’s plenty of other games to play in here. You’ll live.”
As you head back behind the counter you watch the young boy make his way round to Dragon’s Lair as he begins to try and rescue the princess. It’s a slow day so Henderson and his friends are pretty much the only ones in the arcade right now. They continue to play for a while until the bell goes off and you turn your attention towards the door.
Steve, Robin, and someone you didn’t know walked in right on schedule like he did everyday after he finished his shift next door at Family Video. He claps his hands together to get the attention of the young children playing their games. “Come on twirps it’s time to go!”
Dustin automatically begins arguing with Steve about needing a couple extra minutes because he’s so sure he’s going to get the princess this time.
As Steve and Dustin continue to argue, Robin and her friend make their way to the counter.
“So y/n how long have the kids been bugging you today?”
“Well I know they were here for Kieth’s shift this morning so pretty much all day.”
Robin chuckles and you turn your attention to the man standing next to her. He’s taller than you and pretty intimidating except for his big wide eyes that seem to be piercing into you.
You reach out a steady hand to shake his.
“I don’t believe we’ve met before. I’m y/n y/l/n.”
He finally gains some sort of sense and straightens out and shakes your hand.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Eddie Munson.”
As he continues to shake your hand it doesn’t dawn on the both of you how long the handshake actually lasts until Robin clears her throat and gently nudges Eddie. He finally retracts his hand leaving yours feeling a little empty.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Eddie. How do you know everybody?”
“Oh well you see I run this club that some of the kids are in. You might have heard about it…”
“WAIT! You’re the guy Dustin’s always talking about? From Hellfire right? You do appear to be as cool as Dustin said.”
The blush that crosses Eddie’s face doesn’t go unnoticed but it does go unspoken.
“I’ll have to talk to Dustin and figure out why he hasn’t mentioned the amazing girl at the arcade then cause it’s truly criminal that I didn’t know about you till today.”
Finally Steve walks over dragging Dustin away from the machine and to the counter. You turn your attention to Dustin. “So Dustin, did you get the princess this time?”
“I would have if Steve would let me finish my game!”
Steve scoffs “oh like yesterday? Or last week? Face it man the princess just isn’t meant to be yours. Now come on I gotta drop all you guys off before your parents beat my ass.” Steve led all the children outside and you stood there alone with Eddie and Robin for a moment.
“See y/n you should trade jobs with me for a day so I can babysit the little demons and you can stock movies with Steve all day!”
“Love ya Rob but I quite enjoy my little gig I’ve got going here by myself. How about you Munson?”
“What about me?”
“You got a job?”
“Oh yeah I help fix up cars at the mechanic up the road. Lot less people to deal with face to face.”
“Ah I see. Not a people person?”
“Well the opposite. People don’t seem to be too big a fan of me in this town so I steer clear for the most part”
Robin laughs “bullshit tell that to your lunchtime shows in the cafeteria or your run ins with the Hawkins basketball team.”
Eddie looks a bit coy after being exposed by Robin’s comments.
Steve yells something outside to Robin and Robin says her goodbye and leaves you at the counter with Eddie. Who leans on the counter to talk to you some more.
“So uh y/n? Why haven’t I seen you around before?”
“Well I moved here not too long ago and Keith was nice enough to get me this job here.”
“Oh I see. Was wondering why I hadn’t seen you at school before. You starting anytime soon?”
“Yeah actually I start after break. At least I know I’ll have at least Robin to hangout with.”
“Hey you got me now too. We may not be the most popular but I promise all my boys in hellfire would love to know you.”
“Yeah Dustin’s told me a lot about your hellfire. I might actually have to see what all the hype was about.”
You move from behind the counter with some cleaning supplies and go to wipe down the machines. Starting with Dragons Lair to get Dustin’s snack covered fingerprints off of the machine. Eddie follows you.
“So Eddie shouldn’t you be going before Steve threatens to tear your head off?”
“What? Oh no I drove myself here. You see that van outside?”
You turn around and look out the window at Eddie’s van that happens to be parked right next to your car. You turn your attention back to the machine and continue cleaning until Eddie asks you a question.
“So you ever play any of them or just babysit the machines all day?”
You scoff “well of course I play Munson. What would I be doing on the slow days? I’m the only one who was able to beat Lucas’s score on Dragon’s Lair. How about you Munson? You ever played?”
“Nah I don’t come in here often without Dustin or the kids and usually it’s just to drop them off. Came here plenty with my band mates back in the day.”
“Band mates?”
“Oh yeah I’m in this band. We play at the hideout on Tuesdays. You should come see us.”
“I usually work Tuesday nights but I’m sure I could convince Keith to give me the night off or let me out early.”
“Wow I didn’t expect you to actually say yes.”
“Why wouldn’t I? You seem nice enough and I could use more friends in town.”
Eddie looks at the time and realizes he’s really late for band practice and if you’re gonna come to a show he definitely wants the time to perfect his set. Although he doesn’t want to stop talking with you. He promises himself he’ll come back tomorrow to see you.
“Hey y/n I gotta go but I’ll see you around all right?”
“Yeah definitely!”
You watch as Eddie leaves and you begin to wonder if anything you said had driven him to leave so suddenly. Choosing to try and ignore his sudden departure you turn your attention back to the machine and continue to clean.
“Where the hell have you been man? It's been an hour and a half?” Gareth was fuming. Sure it wasn’t unusual for Eddie to show up a little late but Eddie was never this late.
“Sorry man. I just met this amazing girl at the arcade and lost track of time” he picks up his guitar and gets into position to play but the other guys aren’t having it. First he’s late and then he talks about a girl. Eddie never talks about girls. Sure he’s banged chicks at the hideout but Eddie Munson talking to a girl and losing track of time? Now that was a sight to see.
As Eddie stood up front by the microphone he started to strum his guitar but no other instruments were joining in. So with a heavy sigh Eddie turns back around to face his band mates.
Jeff and Gareth looked at each other and back to Eddie. Gareth was the first to pluck up the courage.
“A girl?”
“Yes. A girl. You know that other half of our species? Females? Do I need to spell it out for you Gareth the great?”
“Come on man. You can’t just mention a girl like that and then tell us nothing about her?”
“Well. She’s a girl. She works at the arcade. And she’s amazing. What more do you want to know?”
Jeff finally chirps in. “Is she hot?”
Eddie flicks his guitar pick at Jeff. “Not that it’s relevant or but yes. She’s very hot. She looks like. Like. Like a princess? She’s gorgeous”
Eddie couldn’t help but smile as he described you. Remembering how stunned he was to see someone so beautiful at the counter rather than Keith.
“So what about her, had you so distracted that you were this late for band practice?”
“Well I was actually telling her about the band. Asked her if she would wanna come to a show sometime and she actually said yes. Soooo stop talking so much and let’s practice.”
Eddie turns back around and begins to play the guitar again and this time the instruments join in. Creating a beautiful metal symphony that Eddie hopes you’ll appreciate.
After work you got in your car and headed home. As you drove home you couldn’t help but think about Eddie. Sure you’d met a few people since coming to Hawkins but none quite like Eddie. Sure you hadn’t started school yet and you were bound to meet more people but something about Eddie had you transfixed. Still wondering as to why he left so suddenly today. Had you said something wrong?
Reaching your home you get out and walk inside. Seeing a note that your parents were gone yet again. You decide to roll a joint and get a little stoned. School was only a few days away and you were rather nervous. You’d always been considered “popular” at your other schools but you wanted a change this time. You didn’t want the parties and the drugs and the assholes. You want a better life this time. But for some reason your life always seems to attract the popular crowd. Maybe this time you can find a way to deter them.
You fall asleep thinking of ways you can deter the popular crowd yet as you sleep you manage to dream of Eddie. Nothing specific. Just flashes of his smile and his face. Lulling you into a deep calming sleep.
The next day Eddie had actually woken up before noon. He called Steve and told him that he would pick up the kids and take them to the arcade today. Steve was grateful because now he only had to worry about getting Robin.
Eddie then got on his radio and told Dustin to tell the others to be ready because he was picking them up today. Dustin tried to protest and tell Eddie to do it himself but Eddie said if he didn’t than Dustin would have a very special path to walk on the next campaign so Dustin decided to just do it.
When Eddie got to Dustin’s house and Dustin hopped in the car, Eddie already knew he was in for quite the car ride because of the shit eating grin on Dustin’s face.
“So why’d you wanna pick us up today Eddie?”
“No reason Henderson just had some free time and figured Harrington could use the day off.”
“Oh so this has nothing to do with y/n?”
Eddie's face turned a bit red and his grip on the steering wheel tightened.
“What are you talking about Henderson?”
“Y/n. It was so obvious yesterday that you were throwing yourself at her.”
“I was not!”
“Oh really. That 5 minute handshake was really something.”
“1.the handshake was not that long. 2. How would you even know? You were fighting with Steve the whole time?”
“Yeah I was fighting with Steve and yet the stench of you flirting with y/n was so strong that I could smell it across the arcade.”
“Shut it Henderson before I disband hellfire just to spite you.”
“Fine. But if you ask me I think she was flirting back.”
Eddie quirked an eyebrow and turned his attention from the road to Dustin.
“You think?”
“I thought I was supposed to shut up about it.”
“Fine, fine. But she’s usually not that smiley around other customers.”
Eddie smiled at the comment and turned his attention back to the road as he continued to the other kids' houses. After getting all the kids loaded in the back of his van now looking like a major kidnapper. He made his way to the arcade.
Walking into the arcade has Eddie immediately disappointed when he sees Keith at the counter and not you. Keith was nice enough to inform Eddie that you didn’t start work that day until 2 pm so he had about an hour to wait for you.
Dustin couldn’t help but laugh at Eddie for even asking and Eddie smacked Dustin on the arm for laughing at him.
Dustin, Mike, and Lucas made their way over to Centipede and Max, El and Will went over to play air hockey. Eddie joined each of the kids' games for a few minutes to pass the time until he found himself standing in front of Dragon's Lair. He saw Lucas score in second place and then he assumed your initials were in first place.
He stood there for a moment before sitting at the machine and deciding to give it a go. It was actually pretty fun and reminded him of Dungeons and Dragons. He ended up passing the entire hour trying to rescue the princess and failing.
His attention was only turned from the game when he was just about to reach the princess when Eddie felt a tap on his shoulder that made him jump out of the chair. Causing the knight to be burned to a crisp by the Dragon. Leaving the princess to be rescued another day.
Eddie turned around to face you with a pout. “I almost had her!”
You giggled for a second and then felt guilty. “Sorry Eddie. Was just a bit shocked to see you in here playing after yesterday. Thought you didn’t play?”
“Well you convinced me. Looked so fun I decided I had to come back and give it a shot.”
“Really? I almost thought I’d scared you away yesterday with the way you left.”
Eddie was taken aback. How could you ever think he’d get scared away from you.
“Well what made you think that sweetheart?”
“I dunno. You ran out pretty fast yesterday after i said I’d go to one of your shows.”
“Oh shit no it’s not like that at all. Once you’d said you’d come to a show I remembered I had band practice. I actually turned up late haha.”
“Oh god I’m sorry I made you late for practice Eddie!”
You actually looked guilty and Eddie began to worry. He didn’t want you to feel bad for anything ever.
“Don’t worry about it. Not like I haven’t been late before or won’t be late again ya know?”
You walked over to the arcade counter and walked behind it. Setting your bag and water bottle underneath the counter as you get yourself situated. Eddie follows suit but stays on the customer side of the counter.
“So Eddie! I’ve got great news.”
“Really and what’s that princess?”
“Wait, hold on. Princess? I’m not a princess.”
“It’s a term of endearment, sweetheart. If you don’t like it I can change it.”
“No. No. Don’t change it. I like it. Just wasn’t expecting it that’s all. Anyways my news is that I traded a shift with Keith so I can come see your band Tuesday. If that’s okay?”
“If that’s okay? That’s great! I will say don’t get your hopes up though. We’re not some famous musicians. We just play at a bar with a bunch of drunks.”
“Sounds perfect”
The tone of your voice surprised Eddie. There was no hint of sarcasm. You genuinely sounded excited and that alone made Eddie just as excited.
You had to go gather the change from each of the machines for your shift so Eddie returned back to Dragons Lair and continued to try and save the princess but to no avail.
This time however Eddie had an excuse for not rescuing the princess. He was watching you the entire time. Each machine you went to where you would bend over and collect the change. Eddie couldn’t ignore that you were hot. And Every-time he had to watch you bend over to open the machine he was pretty sure he’d stop breathing.
It wasn’t lost on you that Eddie was staring at your ass. Every-time you’d bend over you’d hear his character die yet again in some tragic fashion. So each time you’d give him a little show. Bending over a little slower each time. Sticking out your ass a bit. It was fun knowing you had his attention on you like this.
Eventually you finished gathering the change from all the machines and returned to your station at the counter. You found yourself watching Eddie. Now that he wasn’t constantly distracted by your ass, you could see him actually focusing on the game. You observed the way he would stick out his tongue just a little bit when he was really getting into it. The adorable little tantrums he would throw Every-time he died.
Eventually Eddie got frustrated and threw his hands up in defeat and looked at you. You got up from the counter with a laugh and made your way over to Dragon's Lair.
“Having trouble Munson?”
“It’s gotta be rigged! This is impossible. There’s no way to actually beat it!”
“I promise you it’s not rigged. How do you think Lucas and I beat it?”
“Magic the both of you. You’re a witch. You must be.”
“Here move. Let the witch show you how it’s done.”
Eddie moved and let you have control of the machine. Not moving very far though. As you stood there your arm brushed against Eddie’s chest and with every move you made you could feel him in some way as he watched you intensely.
Eddie wasn’t watching the game screen at all. He was focused on you. The way all your concentration was on beating the game. The way you smiled when things went your way. The way your brow furrowed when it didn’t. But eventually you reached the princess and you saved her. Proving that the game wasn’t rigged.
“Hey come on, I thought I was a princess?”
You had a fake pout but Eddie still couldn’t resist it.
“You are a Princess. But you’re also a witch. You can be both, sweetheart. You’re a magical Princess who has done the impossible.”
As you walk away from the machine and hand control back over to Eddie, you take a bow as you reach the counter. As you do the bell of the arcade door rings and Steve and Robin walk in yet again.
Steve walked over to where Eddie sat at Dragon's Lair. “Oh god not you too Munson. You’re not gonna get the princess. Dustin’s been trying for ages.”
“Well Harrington. I am not Dustin. I will get this princess if it’s the last thing I go.”
Steve scoffed and put a hand on Eddie’s shoulder and lowered his voice.
“Sure Munson. That’s the princess you’re after.”
Eddie stopped playing the game and looked at Steve who nodded his head towards you at the counter and Eddie waved Steve off.
“So Munson do you wanna take the twerps home or am I taking them?”
“Ugh, split parenting is so hard Stevie. But I know how much you miss your kids so you can take them. Just for the night.”
Eddie did his best housewife voice as he said it and it managed to get a chuckle out of Steve. Steve made his way over to Dustin and the other kids and began to round them up to corral them towards the door.
As you stood there watching Steve gather the kids Robin turned her attention towards you.
“So y/n?”
“How long has Munson been here today?”
“Um well he’s been here all day according to Keith.”
“Interesting. He didn’t cause you too many problems did he?”
“Problems? No no no. Munson’s been great actually. I enjoy the company.”
“Yeah. Sure. It’s his company that you enjoy.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh nothing. Just seems like you’re a little interested in Eddie, that's all.”
“Robin, come on. I met the guy yesterday. What are you on about?”
“Yeah you met him yesterday and haven’t taken your eyes off of him since.”
As she said it you realize you haven’t even been looking at Robin as she’s been talking. You’ve just been watching Eddie as he continues to play Dragon's Lair. The realization causes a rosy glow to appear over your cheeks that Robin takes notice of.
Robin and Steve eventually gather the children and make their way out of the arcade and you’re left alone with a few random children and Eddie. Eddie continues to play for a while before accepting his defeat for the day as he makes his way over to you at the counter.
“So y/n? I assume I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”
“Yeah I guess you will.”
“Are you excited for your first day?”
“I wouldn’t say excited so much as nervous.”
“Nervous? Why are you nervous?”
“Well it’s my first day. I guess I’m just scared to start somewhere new so late you know. Senior year is almost over and I’m the new girl. I don’t see myself making many friends.”
“Hey, you've already got friends. I tell you what if you’re really that lonely you can always sit with hellfire at lunch tomorrow. Although it will probably kill your reputation before you can even start it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well Hellfire is kind of seen as like the school cult. So anyone associated with us is kind of automatically a loser.”
“Well I don’t think you’re a loser Eddie.”
Eddie laughed and fidgeted with some paper on the counter.
“Thanks. Uh did you want me to give you the address to the hideout. You know for Tuesday?”
“Yeah. That’d be great.”
Eddie takes the piece of paper he was fidgeting with and you hand him a pen to write with as he writes down the address.
“So I’ll see you tomorrow alright?”
“See you tomorrow Eddie.”
For a small town walking into Hawkins high still managed to be intimidating. Making your way to the office and getting your schedule already proved to be a recipe for anxiety. So many kids rushing around and pushing and shoving in an attempt to make their way across campus.
As you got your schedule and made your way throughout your classes for the day youd managed not to make a single friend. You had however gotten catcalled and whistled at a few times by people you assumed were on some sports team here due to their letterman jackets.
There was one girl who’d been really nice to you in your science class. Your partner named Chrissy even invited you to sit with her at lunch but you politely declined. Chrissy may be nice but she’s clearly a cheerleader and that was the kind of crowd you were working to avoid.
All night you’d thought about what Eddie said and how his friend group seemed to deter people. Maybe his group was exactly what you needed.
So at lunch you walked in and scanned the cafeteria. It took a moment but you finally found Eddie sitting at the head of a table. You scanned the table to find Will, Lucas, Mike, and Dustin and three other boys that you’d didn’t know.
As you made your way to the table you could feel a lot of eyes on you. People had been staring all day due to you being the new girl. But watching the new girl walk straight to the hellfire table on her first day? It was unheard of.
As you approached the table the three boys you didn’t know stared at you with open mouths and Eddie himself looked a little stunned to see you actually accepting his offer. As you reach the seat at the end next to Will you pause.
“Is it okay if I sit here?”
The three boys begin to nod yes but look to Eddie for reassurance. Eddie on the other hand stands up and moves to you. Grabbing the chair from your hands and pulling it out for you to sit down. As you sat down he pushed your chair in for you. Securing you at the table.
The tension at the table is thick as Eddie sits back down and the entire club stares at you.
You decide to try and break the tension.
“So this is the famous hellfire club that Dustin has told me all about.”
You look around the table and begin to guess the names of the boys you don’t know.
You point at the boy in the Black Sabbath shirt. “You must be Jeff.”
You point at the boy in the plaid vest.
“You must be Garreth the great.”
You point to the larger boy on the opposite side of the table in the leather jacket.
“And you must be Grant.”
They each nod their head to indicate that you’re correct. None of the tension being lost. You even debate on standing and leaving until Lucas decides to join in.
“So y/n. You ever think about playing D&D?”
“Actually yeah. After playing Dragon's Lair and listening to Dustin talk about it so much, it actually sounds kind of fun.”
“You should play with us sometime. Maybe even just sit in on a campaign. You could sit in on this Friday's campaign and see how you like it? Is that okay Eddie?”
You turn your attention to Eddie who’s been staring at you the entire time. He looks into your eyes.
“I mean if the princess wants to join in I have no objections.”
Dustin suddenly became ecstatic. “Y/n you’re gonna love it! This week's campaign is special cause I’m hosting it this week! Eddie’s actually gonna play this time.”
“I can’t wait to see. You’ll have to teach me a bit so I don’t walk in completely clueless, okay Dustin?”
After that the rest of lunch went rather smoothly. Tension having been broken and getting to know all the hellfire members actually turned out to be quite fun and you found yourself looking forward to getting to see the campaign on Friday.
Tuesday seemed to drag all day. All you wanted was to go see Eddie’s band but after school you had an early shift at the arcade and every kid that came in just seemed to irritate you. Except the hellfire kids of course.
Watching the clock tick by until it was time to go but the time just wasn’t passing fast enough.
As Steve and Robin walked in to gather the kids you were packing up your stuff and getting ready to leave. Steve went on his usual path of gathering the children and Robin came to the counter.
“Shift over already? Where ya headed?”
“The hideout. Eddie invited me to see his band.”
“Oh I see.”
“See what?”
“You and Eddie.”
“What about Eddie and I?”
“Oh come on. Seriously, we have to do this again? You and Eddie have pretty much been inseparable since you met him and now you’re going to his concerts. Before you know it you’ll be his groupie.”
“And what would be wrong with that?”
“Nothing! Really! I think it’s cute. All honesty I promise!” Robin crosses her heart and does a little salute before Steve and the children walk up to the counter and say their goodbyes before leaving.
As you walk into the hideout you’re immediately his with a musky smell and cigarettes combined with alcohol. The entire bar was foggy with smoke yet it had its own atmosphere. You find a small little booth in the corner that faces the stage as you sit and wait.
The instruments are already out on stage, just not the band. You order a soda as you wait and then you see Eddie, Gareth, Jeff and Grant walk on the stage. Garath hangs up a sheet behind them that says “Corroded Coffin” you gather that’s their band name.
You watch as Eddie picks up his guitar and walks to the microphone. Watching as Eddie scans the bar and locks eyes with you. Upon seeing you it immediately brings a smile to his face as he starts to play.
You watch the entire set and clap after every song. Even giving them a standing ovation. It was all genuine and Eddie could just tell. You really liked them. They played well and Eddie has an amazing voice but nothing can compare to the way he shreds his guitar. If they were in Hollywood they’d probably be rockstars by now.
Once they finish their set they begin packing up their instruments and just generally cleaning up the stage. As you sit at your booth you're greeted by an older gentleman who is clearly drunk. He sits down next to you without asking.
“Um, I'm sorry I’m waiting for my friends.”
“That’s alright honey I can keep you company.”
“I’d prefer if you didn’t”
He scoots closer to you and brushes some hair out of your face. Causing you to back as far into the wall as you can.
“Come on sugar. Don’t be like that.”
As he reaches to brush more hair out of your face you quickly bite his finger causing the man to retract his hand quickly. But he quickly grabs your jaw in a tight grip as he scoots even closer now.
“Oh honey I see we got a feisty one.”
“My honey’s only sweet if you can take the sting” you bite his hand now even harder than before causing the man to stand up from the booth. As he stands up he’s dragged back by somebody and punched so hard that the drunken man is immediately knocked out.
You look to the person who knocked out the man and find Eddie standing there adjusting his rings. He looks back to you with concern.
“You alright Princess?”
“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For saving my ass?”
“Looks like you were handling yourself just fine. Just figured I’d get a swing in for disrespecting you.”
“Well thank you for defending my honor.”
“Is it alright if I sit?”
“Yeah. Yeah of course.”
Eddie slides into the booth ignoring the drunken man passed out beside the booth and scooting closer to you. Eddie studied your face momentarily.
“You have uh?” He points to your mouth.
“You’ve got some blood. On your mouth.”
He raised his hand gently to your lips and wiped the blood off of them. Assuming it’s the blood of your drunken victim. Eddie was pretty impressed. He’d originally hopped off stage when he saw the man approach you but by the time he reached you, you’d already bitten the man.
“So uh how’d you like the show?”
“How’d u like the show? You guys are amazing! I mean it! If you guys were in Hollywood you guys could probably be rockstars by now!”
“Glad I’m not the only one who thinks so.”
He orders his own soda and stays at the booth. Eventually the drunkard wakes up and stumbles out of the bar and all your nerves dissipate being alone with Eddie in the booth. You stay there for hours just getting to know each other and observing each other. One thing you discovered is that Eddie probably produces 90% of the smoke in the bar but you didn’t care.
Saying goodbye at the end of the night had you feeling sad but knowing you would see him at school the next day made you happy. Knowing you would get to see him at D&D on Friday made you happy.
After school Wednesday afternoon you hadn’t been expecting Eddie to walk in. But here he was. Standing at the counter waiting for you to finish gathering the last of the change from the machines.
“What can I do for you Munson?”
“Was just wondering if I could see you play Dragon's Lair again. Wanna take some notes this time.”
“I mean I’ve got the time right now actually.”
You walk over to the machine and begin to play. Eddie stands in the same position as last time. Watching over your shoulder as you played. He actually did want to see how you won but he kept getting distracted by you. He couldn’t help but notice how good you smelled this close. He could stand there forever.
Before he knew it you had finished playing and rescued the princess once again and Eddie had learned nothing.
He decided to stay and play until closing time. Determined to beat your score and rescue the princess.
“Times up Eddie. I gotta lock up.”
“Come on y/n. I’m so close you gotta let me finish!”
“That’s what you said on your last play Eddie come on get up.”
Eddie stood from the game with a pout and walked with you as you went to lock up the arcade.
“You know this game really is impossible. I’m a dungeon master and I can’t even beat it!”
“Maybe you’re not the dungeon master you think you are Munson.”You say as you lock the arcade doors behind you. As you turn to Eddie he collapses back grabbing his chest as if he’s been shot.
“Princess you wound me. How could you say that.”
“Well to be fair I’ve never seen you play Munson.”
“Well you’ll get to see me play. On Friday.”
“You won’t be a dungeon master though?”
“Yeah but I’ll actually be playing. You’ll get to see my skill and bravery and you’ll realize what I mean when I say that game is impossible.”
As you reached your car and Eddie reached his van you turned to him one last time.
“Well I look forward to it, Munson.”
You reached out a hand to shake his and he happily accepted before the two of you parted ways for the evening.
Friday couldn’t have come any slower. Thursday was forgettable and boring. Friday seemed to drag on the entire day. All you wanted was for it to be time for hellfire.
Once it was time you found yourself so excited. Making your way to the hellfire room early. You walked inside to find Eddie sitting on some kind of throne. He was reading a book so he hadn’t quite noticed you until he heard the door close.
“So is Dustin going to sit on the throne when he gets here?”
“Over my dead body. He may be a dungeon master for a day but this throne is mine.”
Eddie stood up from the throne briefly and walked over to you. You saw an opportunity and giggled as you ran past Eddie and sat on the throne. Eddie turns around looking astonished.
Eddie was astonished because he’s never allowed anyone to sit in his throne before. But you look so stunning as you sit there all giggly. Hell if you asked him right now he’d probably just give you the throne.
“Naughty naughty. You know that’s not for you.” He walked up and reached out a hand for you to take and stand up from the throne. But instead you lean back and make yourself more comfortable. Eddie scoffs. If you were gonna play like that then he would too.
Eddie bends over and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you out of the chair as you giggle wildly.
Eddie sets you down but immediately begins tickling you instead. Causing your giggling fit to turn into full blown belly aching laughter.
Suddenly the door opens and in walks the rest of the hellfire club who stop upon seeing Eddie with his arms wrapped around you as you laugh hysterically. The sight has all the boys stunned.
Eddie and you suddenly back away from each other upon seeing the children. Eddie takes his seat at the throne and you make your way over to one of the chairs nearby.
Dustin flicks his eyes between the two of you and doesn’t let up. As he sets his notebook and plans on the opposite end of the table from Eddie, Dustin begins to speak. “So y/n what caused Eddie to attack you like that?”
Eddie’s head quickly flies up and gives Dustin a death stare.
“Oh I sat on Eddie's throne.”
“And he punished you by tickling you? One time I brushed by it and he threatened to beat me with his guitar.”
Eddie threw a wadded up piece of paper at Dustin and Dustin got the hint. Deciding to drop it and start the campaign.
As you sat and observed the boys playing their game you couldn’t help but become invested with them. Every-time they would chant you would chant. Every-time they would roll, you would hold your breath. It was so enthralling. You wanted to play with them.
Eddie noticed how invested you were. He could tell that you wanted to join in. However what Eddie didn’t know was that Dustin knew this too. And he’d planned the campaign for this. So Dustin wrote you into it.
Upon Eddie reaching the lair of the dragon Eddie moved to unsheathe his sword and slay the dragon. Dustin made him roll for damage so he did. You watched intently and waited with baited breath to see if Eddie would win.
He rolls a 20 and Dustin stands to announce the victory.
“Eddie the Bard slays the dragon and rescues the dear princess y/n”
The entire table jumps up in screams and cheers as do you. It’s unexpected when Eddie grabs and picks you up, spinning you around into a tight hug but you don’t hesitate to hug him back.
As the kids celebrate their victory and begin to clean up. Eddie finally sets you back on the ground and you stand back momentarily looking into his eyes. You both almost lean in until you hear Dustin slam his notebook close and it makes the both of you jump away from each other.
Eventually everything gets cleaned up and the kids clear out of the room and head out of the building to head home. You stay behind with Eddie to talk some more.
As Eddie finishes cleaning he sits on his throne with a dopey grin on his face. As he looks up at you he takes notice of a similar smile on your face.
“So Eddie. You finally rescued the princess.”
He grabs onto your hand as you lean against the D&D table.
“Yeah I did.”
There’s a moment of silence but it’s not awkward. Eddie just strokes your hand as you look down at him. You decide to take a chance. Leaning down you begin to whisper in Eddie’s ear. “So what does my knight In shining armor want as a reward?”
Eddie’s eyes widen as he stares up at you. Scanning your face for any sign of uncertainty or sarcasm. He finds neither so he leans up and captures your lips in a soft kiss.
The kiss is light and soft. Testing the waters. You’re the one to deepen the kiss as you grab the sides of his face bringing his mouth closer to yours. Feeling his tongue brush against your bottom lip you grant him access to explore your mouth.
As the kiss gets heavier you feel Eddie’s hands slide down to your waist and pull so you move to straddle Eddie on his throne. As you straddle him his hands wander more. Grabbing at your thighs and kneading them. You can feel the cold rings on his hands against your skin and it sends a shiver through your body.
As you continue to kiss Eddie you decide to test the waters even more. Grinding down on Eddie just a little bit you feel his hard on pressing into you as he groans against your mouth.
Now you move your hand down his body and grab his hard on through his jeans and as soon as you do Eddie stands up and sets you on the table.
You immediately feel sorry and begin to apologize for taking it too far but he doesn’t let you. Instead he grabs your face and kisses you more fiercely. More feverishly. Like he’s hungry for it.
His lips leave yours and begin making their way down your neck as he licks over one particular spot that makes you moan. He focuses on that spot and sucks on it. Nibbling on it every once in a while. He moves his hips against yours and the entire thing has you a moaning mess.
Eddie’s hands travel down to the button of your pants and he pulls back momentarily raising his brow to ask a question. You nod your head yes quickly. Eddie unbuttons your pants and begins to yank them down. Tapping your thighs with his finger to indicate you need to lift your hips so you do. He yanks your pants off along with your underwear and as soon as they're off his lips are back on yours.
Your hands travel down and attempt to unbutton Eddie’s pants as well but he moves your hands away. “Not yet princess. Gotta treat the princess after having to deal with that dragon.”
Eddie gets on his knees in front of the table and uses his hands to spread your thighs. His hands move your legs over his shoulders and he begins to leave a trail of kisses up your thigh until he’s in front of your center. He takes two fingers and rubs them along your folds. Upon feeling how wet you are he brings those two fingers up to his mouth and licks them.
“Delicious. Just as I thought. I’ll need a better taste though. May I, your majesty.”
Through a breathy laugh you respond. “You may.”
Eddie’s moth attaches to your clit quickly and begins sucking on it expertly. If you thought you were a moaning mess before you can’t even describe what you are now. Your arms give out from beneath you and you collapse back onto the D&D table. Screaming out Eddie's name as he continues to suck your clit.
Your entire body convulses when he slips the first finger into you and you begin to chant his name as he begins to move it in and out. Curling it each time before adding a second finger.
Eddie watches you the entire time. Watch how your body moves at every single action he takes. You’re so responsive for him that he never wants it to end but he also wants to make you cum so he continues to fuck his fingers into you even faster.
You can’t help it when you feel the orgasm building in your stomach. It builds so quickly that you don’t even get the opportunity to warn Eddie that you’re cumming before you cum all over his fingers, locking his head between your thighs as you cry out his name.
When you finally relax and release Eddie from between your thighs. You sit up shakily to look at Eddie whose face is covered in your juices and you watch as Eddie brings up his cum covered fingers to his lips as he licks them clean. Watching him lick your cum off of his fingers makes you moan.
You jump from the table and kiss Eddie once again, being able to taste him on your tongue. You watch as Eddie stands up and you study his form as he removes his shirt. Taking a liking to a few of his tattoos. As he removes his shirt you do the same discarding your shirt and your bra. Upon seeing your completely nude form Eddie’s erection feels impossibly harder and he immediately reaches for your breasts and begins massaging them. Grazing his fingers over your nipples making you whimper as he kisses you.
You move your hands down to his jeans and unbutton them and you push his jeans down as much as you can until he backs up and steps out of them almost tripping as he does so. He quickly removes his boxers as well and you take in the sight of his cock. It’s big. It’ll definitely be a stretch and you’re ready for it.
You stand with him and take his cock into your hands and begin to stroke him but his hand stops you as he bends down to kiss you again. He begins to guide you back to the table but you don’t budge.
Eddie pulls away and looks concerned. “Do you not want to do this anymore? We can stop anytime just let me know?”
“I want this. But not on the table.”
“Then where, princess? Tell me where.”
You lean up and whisper in his ear as you grab his dick once more. “I want you to fuck me on that pretty throne of yours. Let me ride my knight in shining armor.”
Eddie audibly groaned at your words and he moved to sit down on his throne. Once he was comfortable he reached his hand out for you and you moved to straddle him. You look into his eyes as you begin to slowly sink down on his cock. Having to stop and allow yourself time to adjust to his size.
Once he’s fully inside of you he rubs your back until you’re ready to move. You begin with the slow roll of your hips on top of his and he’s already groaning. He doesn’t know how he’s going to last inside of you at this rate.
He moves his hand down to your clit and begins rubbing it, determined to make you cum again. You begin to bounce up and down on top of him and his eyes become transfixed on your bouncing tits and he has to close his eyes to keep himself from cumming right then and there. The hand that isn’t rubbing your clit is on your side and his hand is digging into your side so hard that you’re pretty sure it’s going to leave a lovely bruise.
As he continues to rub your clit and you can feel him filling every part of you, you feel your orgasm building once more. As you bounce harder on his cock you throw your head back. Eddie uses the opportunity to suck and bite some more hickies onto your neck. He wants you as marked up as possible.
As he sucks on one certain spot you can feel your orgasm rapidly approaching.
“E-Eddie. I- I- I’m gonna cum”
“Good. Cum for me princess. Cum all over me.”
So you do. He told you to, so you do. You cum all over him and the tightening of your cunt makes Eddie’s orgasm crash through him as he thrusts up into you one more time releasing his cum into you.
As the both of you recover from your orgasms and you move off of him and the throne you both still have those dopey grins across your faces. As you sit on the table in front of Eddie he stands and walks to a nearby table. Grabbing a Polaroid he normally uses after great campaign wins. He points the camera at you and you spread your legs a bit and model for him. He snaps a few photos of you and studies one.
“Yeah this one’s going in my wallet.”
You giggle and grab the camera from him and take a few pictures of him in turn. Choosing one you hold it up. “I think I might hang this in my locker.” Eddie laughs and leans in to kiss you again.
As you get dressed and you’re about to put on your shirt Eddie walks over and stops you. Placing a piece of fabric into your hands and you hold it up in-front of you. It’s a hellfire shirt and you rush to put it on. Once it’s on you model it for Eddie and he twirls you around to get a full view of you in the shirt.
“So did my knight in shining armor enjoy his reward.”
“He did. But the knight is curious to know if this is the only reward he’ll be getting”
“Oh I think I can find many other ways to reward him. Plus if you rescue the princess in Dragon Lair I’m sure I can find a way to reward you.”
“Then I’ll see you at the arcade tomorrow princess.”
And you did. Everyday Eddie came into the arcade and played every single day until he rescued the princess. And when he did you held up your end of the deal in rewarding him.
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littleredwing89 · 1 year
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CEO!Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings – Language. NSFW Smut. Degrading language. Slight semi-public smut. Slight bondage.
A/N: Hope you all enjoy the next chapter! :) apologies for no tag list, still trying to get it working and get back into the swing of things xoxo
Jason was strangely silent as you both walked into the building together. You noticed he kept fiddling with his tie, tugging on it every so often. A tick you’d come to realise as nervousness. You didn’t say anything, simply following him into the executive elevator.
As the mirrored doors of the elevator closed in front of you both, Jason let out a deep sigh before turning to you, “I need you to look over some files for me when we get to my office, it’s a new deal I’m about to broker - linking us up with an exclusive company in the city”.
“Oh? With who?”, you raised an eyebrow in suspicion, “Was this the secret meeting you had last week?”.
Jason nodded briefly, hands tugging on his scarlet tie again, “Sionis Distilleries Ltd”.
You let out a sharp, piercing laugh, “You’re joking right?”.
He looked confused for a moment, “Why would it be a joke?”, he frowned deeply, his voice taking a more clinical tone, “Roman has been wanting to do business with me for years and we finally sat down to discuss it. He had some fantastic ideas”.
“And you fell for his lies covered by sweet talk?”.
“It's an excellent deal, why would I turn it down?”, he shifted on the spot, resting back against the banister of the elevator.
“You think it's an excellent deal? Are you mad? Do you want me to enumerate how this will bite us in the ass in the long run”, you felt your temper boiling in your stomach. How could Jason be this naive? How had his company lasted this long with him in charge? Your brow knitted in irritation the longer you thought about it.
You cut over him, not wanting to hear his ridiculous argument, “Sionis Distilleries Ltd has been investigated by the GCPD three times in the last 18 months Jason. Not to mention their newly appointed, chief of operations was arrested 3 months ago for drug trafficking. He’s probably going to get at least 10 years behind bars for that”, you took a deep breath before laughing dryly at him, “You’re forgetting all the black market coverage he has on alcohol trading too”.
“I—”, he tried again but you weren’t finished. Your anger spiralling further.
“Sionis is linked with the Gotham mafia for fucks sake!”, you exclaimed, cheeks tinting pink with frustration, “I even heard a rumour he’s the boss but no one can prove it…probably because he has dirty cops in his back pocket!”.
“But-”, Jason tried again.
“You honestly can’t think this is good for business Jason? I thought you weren’t stupid? Isn’t that what you told me?”.
Jason grunted, his cheeks becoming a deeper shade of red every time you spoke more, “I-”.
You waved your hand at him dismissively, “I thought better of you honestly, this is just madness”.
Jason felt the walls of the elevator closing. He heat radiating off you was stifling but erotic. He swallowed thickly, “Y/N … if you could just let me-”.
“No!”, you snapped and jabbed him in the chest hard, “You gave me a promotion and that means you gave me a voice and a voice I will use to tell you that you’re being a fucking moron! I bet Dick wouldn’t do this!”.
Yeah. That was a low blow but he needed it. God, he needed to see some sense.
You jumped, gasping softly as Jason slammed both his palms on either side of your head. His eyes were blown jet black and when your eyes dipped, you saw the front of his trousers were painfully tight. You bit down on your plush bottom lip, eyes becoming hooded at the growing tension rippling between you both.
“Oh? You’ve gone very quiet princess, you were pretty mouthy a moment ago”, the deep timber of his voice rattled your spine.
You glared up at his towering form, your anger flaring, “Oh I have more to say Todd!”, pressing both of your palms onto his chest you shoved hard.
Jason stood solid, as though you’d barely touched him. He smirked and pushed you up against the elevator wall, the bar pressing cold into your lower back.
“Go on, princess, I’m listening”, he moved one of his hands to your cheek, stroking over it slowly. Calculating his next move. Your breaths deepened as you tried to pull your mind back from his distracting touch. The strong scent of his cologne mixed with his own musk enveloped you as he ground his hips into yours, letting you feel just how excited you’d made him.
“Please tell me more about how my brother would do so much better”.
You knew if you opened your mouth, nothing coherent would come out. The temperature of the lift had shifted and you were on fire. His obvious jealousy a catalyst for the flames. Jason’s head ducked down to your ear and nipped your earlobe, “Turn around”.
Defying him, you stayed put, ignoring the shivers erupting over your skin. Jason smirked and littered more kisses down your neck and over your shoulder, “I won’t ask again princess, turn around…now”.
The sound of your heels clicking against the metal flooring was deafening as you complied with his order, turning your back to him. His heat and wide chest engulfed you and you purposely pressed your ass into his clothed cock, purring under your breath. Jason grunted and ground back against you. Preparing yourself, you pressed your hands on the mirror in front of you and he clicked his tongue.
“Hands on the bar”, he demanded roughly in your ear.
“Yes Sir”.
Slipping them slowly down the wall, you wrapped your delicate fingers around the banister of the elevator, the platinum bracelet on your wrist rattled against it. Jason had given it to you last week after your promotion, along with an evening in his bedroom.
He growled deeply and you could hear the sound of fabric whipping. His hands gripped yours suddenly and started weaving his red tie around your wrists. The material dug into your flesh as you struggled a little but you stopped when Jason bit down onto your exposed shoulder. You tipped your head back and groaned his name.
Once he was finished binding you, his fingers roughly shoved the hem of your skirt up over your ass, exposing the fact you were completely bare. He palmed your cheek roughly before slapping it harshly. The sound echoed in the tiny compartment.
“Nothing but a filthy little slut, aren’t you?”, he snarled, slapping your ass again, the sting sending a buzz of electricity over your skin. You whined and pushed back, aching for more of his punishment. He leaned back slightly to admire the red imprint blooming before kicking your legs wider apart. The elevator started to move and Jason jabbed something angrily on the pad, causing the lift to shudder to a stop, the lights dimming slightly.
“What are you - oh!”, you gasped loudly when his palm smacked over your pussy, the desire slick between your folds.
“Who are you to question me?”, he growled and his fingers roughly slipped through your dripping core. He groaned at how wet you were already. The elevator was filled with your needy moans and the wet sounds of your pussy.
“Look at yourself”, he mocked, his free hand forcing your face to look into the mirror at the side of you both, “Look how desperate you are for me already, practically gushing over my palm”. He thrust two fingers deep into your core, enjoying the way you shivered.
“Sir…please”, you pulled on your bindings, frustrated. Jason wasn’t giving you the pace you wanted. He was ignoring all of the sensitive areas you needed him to pleasure.
“Please what?”.
He smirked and slowed down the movement of his fingers before removing them completely, smearing your wetness over your sore ass cheek. Your eyes met his in the mirror as he unbuckled his belt quickly, freeing his cock from his pants. Immediately your gaze dropped to his shaft, licking your lips without thought. It throbbed, precum leaking down the head. He needed you just as much.
The moan that left your lips was loud and your ass pushed back quickly. You wanted him inside you now. You didn’t care how desperate you looked. Cheeks flush, skin slightly damp with sweat.
“Fuck me”, you begged, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth.
He stroked his hand along his length before coaxing the thick head between your folds. You sighed in delight. Jason ran the tip repeatedly through your lips, smearing your slick all over his cock.
“So fucking wet”, he grunted and without warning slid into you fully, bottoming out. He panted into your ear and you sobbed his name, pussy clenching around him.
“Such a tight little cunt”, he bit out and thrust into you sharply, pushing your face into the cold mirror in front of you. The cool feeling was welcome on your burning cheeks.
“You strut around my building like you own the place”, he growled, thrusting deeper, angling his hips to hit your g spot perfectly, “Everyone’s terrified of you, but look at you now”, his teeth grazed over your pulse point, “Nothing but a filthy little cock whore”.
He moved back slightly and grabbed your hips hard, enough to bruise and began to fuck into you with a brutal pace. The sound of his skin slapping against yours was sinful, bouncing off the tiny elevator walls.
You wanted to close your eyes and drown in the feeling of his thick cock driving you into delirium but watching the way his face contorted in the mirror as he fucked you was too tempting to miss. The way his cock was swallowed by your pussy greedily, like a movie in the reflection.
Jason cursed, voice strained and raspy. Your name left his lips as he drove faster. You cried his name, arching your back, meeting each of his thrusts. His cock stretched you perfectly, creating a delicious burn.
“You going to cum all over my cock, princess?”, his hand snaked around your front, flicking over your clit vigorously.
You lost the ability to form words, your mind too busy drowning in the euphoria bolting through your nerves. He thrust harder, his fingers winding into the back of your hair, creating a ponytail before yanking it backwards. The stings of pain shot down to your core, making you mewl louder.
“Cum now, fucking cum now”, he barked, grunting as his pace became sloppy. His cock was pulsing inside you and you knew he was close too.
Stars. You saw stars as your eyes shut when your orgasm hit. You came hard, sobbing his name. He followed, groaning huskily against the back of your neck, his heavy breaths fanning down your neck and spine as he shot his load deep into your pussy.
He pressed into you, his chest resting against your back. You could feel his heart hammering wildly, matching the rhythm of your own. Your hot breath blew out against the mirror, causing it to fog up. Jason’s lips pressed into the nape of your neck, travelling across your shoulder slowly.
“That’s one to tick off my list”, he murmured.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes playfully, “You expect me to believe you’ve never fucked anyone in your own personal elevator?”.
He laughed and nipped the junction of your neck, the gasp you released made him flush, “Never had the opportunity princess”.
Stepping back, he looked down over your ass, smirking seeing some of his cum dripping on your inner thighs. He winked at you in the mirror before sliding your skirt back down over your lush ass.
He tucked himself away before zipping his trousers and buckling his belt back up. You looked at him expectantly in the mirror, wiggling your ass at him, “A little help Todd?”. You tugged at your hands helplessly, waiting for him.
“Sorry, I was just enjoying seeing you all tied up”.
Carefully, Jason loosened the tie from around your wrists, letting it slip free. You wiggled them slowly, allowing the circulation back into them, and to soothe the slight sting there. He grabbed your hands and brought them to his lips, kissing over the angry red marks gently. His tongue made you shiver as he worked over each one. The actions took you by surprise but you happily accepted it, closing your eyes peacefully.
“You’re right”, he murmured against your pulse, his thumb brushing over the back of your hand.
You frowned and your eyes flew open instantly, “Excuse me?”.
Jason chuckled at your reaction, pulling you a little closer to his chest, “You’re right about the deal with Sionis”.
“And an orgasm made you realise this?”, you couldn’t quite believe Jason had accepted that he was wrong.
He laughed and moved your arms to coil around his neck, his own hands settled on your waist, keeping you pressed up against him, “No”, he gave you a little smirk, “More the fact I’ve been dreading telling you about it all week, knowing you’d kick my ass about it”.
“Of course I would, it’s a fucking ridiculous idea”, your nails found the hair at the back of his neck and began to scratch along it in a practised gesture. Instinctively he closed his eyes and leaned into you.
“I didn’t mean what I said about Dick…I’m sor-”.
“Ah don’t worry about it, it’s fine princess”, he ran his nose along yours and gave a genuine smile, “You can help me come up with a creative way of saying no when we get to my office”.
His voice was gravelly as he spoke, his lips brushing over your forehead. Eyes still closed.
“I guess ‘Fuck No’ isn’t allowed?”.
He laughed loudly and his eyes opened to meet yours, glistening in the neon lights of the elevator, “We may have to be slightly more professional than that princess”.
MY KOFI ACCOUNT - any support is greatly, greatly appreciated :) xx
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soular-sisters · 29 days
The Origins Of Horoscopes 🔮
as an astrologer who has been mesmerized by the cosmos for 10 years, i have come to have an honest disagreeance for horoscopes. although those whimsical columns are what naturally gravitated me to the world of astrology, it is a shame that horoscopes are what seems to come to the average person's mind when they think of the zodiac. it is our personal belief that the fantastical nature of horoscopes overshadow the beauty of astrology. but this made us wonder.... where did horoscopes come from? continue on to learn about, the origins of horoscopes.
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Ancient Times
🔮 The Silk Roads: The earliest evidence of horoscopes date back to the 3rd millennium BCE in Mesopotamia.
🔮 Astrology was adopted on the trading routes of The Silk Roads during the Tang Dynasty (705-907 CE).
🔮 Along these trading routes, traders would sell horoscopes as a service to different regions such as Central Asia, the Iranian Plateau, & China.
🔮 China became very fond of horoscopes during this time & adopted them into the framework of Chinese astrology today.
🔮 Chinese horoscopes at this time were derived from the Hellenistic Period of Ancient Greece.
🔮 During this time, it became Chinese tradition that newborn Chinese babies would be given a horoscope upon birth & then throughout pivotal moments in their lives.
🔮 One of the most important astrologers of this time, Abu Ma'shar (8/10/787- 3/9/886), wrote a book called “Book Of Thousands”.
🔮 “Book Of Thousands” (written in 850)
🔮 The book did not survive to today. Remaining fragments show us that the book was a chronology of world history (from Christian, Persian, & Islamic sources) that intended to connect past, present, & future events to the stars. 🔮 The remaining fragments of the book were collected by David Pingree in 1968 & can be found on select scholarly sources online today.
🔮 Astrology became very popular in Medieval Central Asia.
🔮 It was during this time that two types of astrology formed; mathematically-based astrology (what we astrologers go by) & the magical form of astrology (AKA: horoscopes).
The 20th & 21st Century
🔮 Prominent British astrologer, R.H. Naylor (6/9/1889- 1952), was hired by the Sunday Express (a London-based newspaper) to write a horoscope article.
🔮 Naylor was an assistant to the leading British astrologer of the time called Cheiro. 🔮 Cheiro was sought out by many celebrities of the time for his brilliant astrology services to read their natal charts. He was known to have read the palms of such significant figures such as Mark Twain, Grover Cleveland, & Winston Churchill.
🔮 The article was about the birth of Princess Margaret, born August 21, 1930. (a leo beauty)
🔮 The newspaper decided to run a few more articles. In one of the next articles, Naylor predicted that “a British aircraft will be in danger” between October 8th and 15th. On October 5th, British airship R101 crashed outside Paris with 48 of the 54 on board the plane passing away.
🔮 The population became amazed with the incredible prediction Naylor made. The editor then offered Naylor a weekly column & “What The Stars Foretell”, the first ever horoscope column in human history, was born.
🔮 "What The Stars Foretell”
🔮 The column started as advice for people whose birthday fell on each specific week the newspaper article was published. 🔮 By 1937, the article became more grandiose & spoke of “star signs” to relate to a wider audience. 🔮 This was the creation of the term “star signs”.
🔮 From there on, the world caught on to the eye-catching spells of horoscopes & publications from all over the world began to replicate what Naylor created. This is why historically, horoscopes are written by writers assigned to the task of creating a spellbinding horoscope piece & not astrologers.
Well folks, there you have it. Although the roots of horoscopes share soil with the beautiful creation of astrology, they became more of an object of purchase than the art that astrology truly is. I do believe if horoscopes were intended on sharing truth & not appealing to the masses as a means to sell a product, they would hold value to humanity. But in all honesty, if horoscopes remain to just be a tool to spellbind their readers & curate them into consumers, then they hold no good intention to the art of astrology we are so passionate about.
Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate our lil astrology community so much & hope you learned something from this lil trip down astrology lane. 😊
Research Disclaimer: All research was conducted by Andrehya in May 2024. This is all information found by her own research. Sources are listed below for your own curiosity.
The Silk Roads Info
Ancient Horoscope Scholars
Modern Horoscope Info
EXCITING NEWS: we are in the process of configuring our work to create a lil astrology instagram for all of us astrology lovers! please go check it out & show your support by giving us a follow! we really appreciate it. 🥰 IG: astrology instagram
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My little kitten: Yandere Thranduil x baby neko reader part 1.
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Age: 3 week old newborn. When Thranduil visits the queen of a neighboring kingdom he wants the queens newborn daughter. Takes place after BotFA and shortly before FotR, Thorin, Fili and Kili lives.
Warning: death, poison, a little gore, kidnapping, Yandere.
King Thranduil is riding his elk to the kingdom of K/N to meet up with Queen M/N who had recently lost her husband.
Later in the kingdom of K/N:
Thranduil and a few of his guards are standing before a woman with thigh length H/C hair and E/C eyes her most noticeable features were her ears and tail that matched her hair. He walks up to her and kissed her hand "It's been awhile M/N." He said to the younger immortal being who smiled "It has Thranduil." M/N said her H/C ears twitching and her tail swaying.
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(What M/N is wearing)
The two rulers are in M/N's private study discussing their kingdom trades, wine, weaponry etc until a maid came in "I'm sorry your majesty but the princess is awake." The young woman said. "Thank you Noelle. You can take the rest of the day off." (Not Noelle from Genshin.) The queen said with a smile and got up with Thranduil who had confusion on his face. "Daughter? I didn't know you and F/N had a child." He said as he followed M/N to the royal wing where her Bed room is at. They walk into the room, Thranduil sees a crib next to M/N's queen size bed and she gently picks up the most beautiful baby he's ever seen “Yes she is three weeks old, her name is Y/N.” Your mother said gently cradling you in her arms. You looked just liked your mother same hair color and same eyes. Thranduil felt something he haven't felt for his own son 'obsession.'
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(What your wearing)
You looked at the elven king in curiosity and gurgled "That is king Thranduil dear." Your mother said while rubbing your soft H/C ears gently making you purr happily unaware of the envious Woodland King 'She will be mine!' Thranduil thinks to himself determinedly.
Later Thranduil's POV:
It was near time for me and my men to leave but M/N proposed a toast to our alliance after she put "My" Y/N down for her nap which gave me the perfect opportunity. When she left I poured a vial of poison in her wine and waited for her to return. After she finally came back we lifted our goblets "A toast to our alliance." She said as we both drink our wines and made our way out of the study as soon as we did the poison took effect and in minutes M/N was on the floor dead. I smirked to myself but was thinking on what to do with the body until I saw two passed out guards drunked an idea pop in my head. I took their daggers, stabbed M/N twice (carful not to get blood on me), smeared the blood on the guards, put the daggers in their hands, went to the bathroom and washed my hands but I heard a maid screaming "QUEEN M/N!" I looked out to see that Noelle girl from earlier trying her hardest not to scream and wake Y/N up soon other guards and servants saw the whole thing. "This is good." I say to myself I managed to sneak over to M/N's room, grab my little kitten from her crib, found a torch, threw it on the ground and made the palace catch on fire. My men managed to get out but the servants and guards from inside M/N's palace didn't making me smirk and look down to Y/N who was purring in her sleep 'cute!' I think to myself "What should we do with the child my lord?" A guard asked me. "She comes with us of course. I will raise her as my own." I said cradling Y/N in my arms and adjusting the F/C blanket she was wrapped in.
In Mirkwood no one's pov:
Thranduil makes his way to the throne room with you in his arms passing guards and servants who are surprised to see you in Thranduil's arms making him smirk more.
He arrives to the throne room, sits on his throne with you resting in the crook of his arm he gently rubs your little ears but as he did you woke up with a squeaky yawn making him smile "hello little one." He said making you coo and stare at him in curiosity. "You are never leaving my side and if anyone tries to take you they are dead." He said gently kissing your forehead "You are mine and mine alone my little kitten." He said still holding you as you cooed in wonder.
At night:
Thranduil is now in his bedroom. After bathing and feeding you he managed to get you to sleep. He lies down with you on his chest and your soft purring making you more irresistible "Good night Y/N, my little kitten." He said kissing your head and falling asleep never ever letting you go.
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goldengleams · 5 months
30: “i’m not going anywhere” w/ Jamie Drysdale. it can be angst but end with fluff 🥺
more jamie drysdale content? coming right up!!!!
Instead of watching Jamie play in person, like you normally would, you were sat on your couch, watching the Flyers beat their opponent of the night. You wanted to feel happy for Jamie, who got another point as a Flyer, but you couldn’t help but feel sorry for yourself.
Two weeks ago, you wouldn’t have believed someone tell you that your boyfriend, Jamie, would be playing for a new team, across the country. You and Jamie had met through one of his teammates, so not only had his whole life revolves around the Anaheim Ducks, your life with him did, too.
The sun was only just setting as the game in Philly finished up. You hated being out of sync with Jamie. Whenever he used to go on road trips to the east coast, you never minded because you were always awake when he called after the game. Now, you ached to be with him, to walk out of the arena together. You wanted to feel the cold winter air in Philly whip your face instead of the bright sunshine that mocked you in Anaheim.
You sat and waited for his FaceTime, the only thing connecting the two of you now. He called you less than an hour after the game ended, which should’ve made you feel special and like a priority to him, but instead, you just felt like a burden, like another item to check off his to-do list.
You picked up on the third ring, sighing before you tried to put on a happy face for the camera.
“Hi Jamie, great game tonight,” you mustered out. You hoped Jamie took your halfhearted smile as genuine.
“Thanks, babe. Always goes better when you’re watching,” he said. You could see him get comfortable on the hotel bed, his dark hair contrasting against the bright white pillows.
“Yeah, wish I could be there in person,” you said sadly. Jamie knew the trade was hard on you, especially since you had just gotten your first real job in the Anaheim area.
“Well, we’ll figure something out when I play on the west coast in the next few weeks, I can’t go that long without seeing you,” Jamie said sincerely. You let him talk about the team for a few minutes, enjoying just hearing his voice. You had zoned out, thinking about your future as a couple, when Jamie brought your attention back.
“What are you thinking about, babe? You look sad,” Jamie said glumly.
“No, I’m good! Sorry, you can continue, I want to hear about the team,” you said, trying your hardest to sound enthusiastic, but Jamie could see right through you.
“You know this won’t be forever, right babe? We can figure something out once things die down.”
Leave it to Jamie, trying to be logical in a very chaotic moment.
“I’m not going anywhere, okay?” He said, in a voice all too calm for your liking. Tears started to spill down your cheeks at his words. Jamie looked startled that you had started crying, unsure of what to do.
“But, but you are, Jamie. You just joined a new team that actually has a chance of, like, actually winning things. And you live across the country now! And I might not see you, and we-”
“Y/N, babe!” Jamie called your name. You stopped rambling for a minute to look at him. His big, dark blue eyes pleaded with you.
“I may not be in Anaheim, but I’m always here, alright? And I don’t want things between us to change. We’ll figure this out. We’ll be okay. You just have to trust me.”
Even though you had nothing but his word to trust, you nodded, coming back to earth.
“Okay, Jamie. I trust you,” you sighed. “This won’t be easy, but I think we can do it. Do you think we can?”
“Oh I know we can, Princess. I’m never letting you go.”
hope you liked it!!!
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eriquin · 1 year
The Prophetic D&D Game, Part 2
Part 1
Eddie went around the table handing out folded over pages like they were prizes. The boys were silent as they unfolded them, with some of them being more careful about keeping them secret than others. 
“Yes!” Mike said, throwing a hand in the air. “He’s really a paladin! Woo!” 
“Mike loves playing a paladin,” Lucas said.
Eddie nodded. “I had noticed that. We’ll see how he does with Joe.” 
“So I guess I should assume we’re all a little more powerful than the little level ones you reeled us in with?” Jeff asked. He was keeping his sheet folded over. 
“You should assume nothing!” Eddie said with a wave of his hand. 
“Maybe one of us is the murderer!” Dustin giggled. He gave Mike a little shove. “Maybe it’s you, Mr. Paladin.” 
“I would never,” Mike said. “That goes against the paladin’s code.” 
Dustin raised his eyebrows. “Maybe the murder victim was a terrible person and you were forced to kill them.”
“No way,” Mike said. “Maybe you’re just trying to throw suspicion off of yourself!”
“Jesus, we haven’t even started the game and the infighting is already happening,” Gareth said. “Nice job, Eddie.”
“I know,” Eddie said. He hadn’t stopped grinning. “Before we get started, does anyone want to change their seats? Rearrange themselves to be closer to their co-conspirators, as it were?” 
They all took another look at their character information. Gareth got up first. “Dustin, trade with me,” he said. “I need to sit next to Mike.”
Dustin made a weird little hooting noise as he got up. “Are Maya and Joe secret lovers? Is that why his fiancée dumped him?” 
“No, dumbass, they’re siblings,” Gareth said.
“Well, kind of,” Mike said. “I mean, they’re actually—”
“Hey, no telling all our family secrets to strangers,” Gareth said as he took Dustin’s chair. He waved his finger in Mike’s face. “Come on, dude.” 
“Right. Right.” Mike nodded. He pulled a little notebook from his backpack and tore out a sheet of paper. “We can pass notes, right?”
Eddie nodded. “I expect you’ll be doing a lot of that in this game, yeah.” 
They all settled into place and started sharing small amounts of information. Everyone knew each other from a past adventure, where they had fought together and assisted a sorceress in banishing a demon. Caleb and Gaten had grown up in the same village, along with two other boys. The sorceress had been the long lost twin sister of one of the boys.
“That’s very Star Wars,” Dustin said. 
“It’s a pretty common thing in mythology, actually,” Eddie said. “But yeah, I might’ve been thinking of Princess Leia when I made Millie the Mystic.” 
“Leia should totally have force powers,” Dustin said. 
“She should!” Eddie yelled. 
“For the love of god can we not start this again?” Gareth sighed. “Okay, so half our friends took Millie back to the hidden village so she could recover, right? Does that matter? Like, is it close enough that we could get them to help if something goes terribly wrong?” 
“No, it’s too far. You usually send letters, but it takes weeks to get there, and none of you have teleport. There are magic items you can use to send a faster message, but they’re unreliable.” 
Gareth scratched his head. “So, it’s just backstory?” 
“Basically. To explain how you all know each other.” Eddie grinned. “But maybe it’s important.”
“You’re the worst,” Gareth said. He started scribbling a note to Mike. 
Once everyone had established how they knew each other, Eddie set up his DM screen and stretched his arms out over the table. He waited until he had their attention before launching into his story.
“The sleepy little castle town of Kiteshire has had its fair share of tragedies, but things have largely settled down in the past few years. It seems like business as usual one bright Saturday morning, with everyone going out to work or running errands, when the rumors start to spread. A body has been found in the thieves’ quarter. Now, this would normally not be news. Thieves kill each other all the time. But this was the body of a noblewoman. Lady Grace, beloved philanthropist, was found in a most horrific state. The guards have been trying to keep it quiet, but bad news travels fast. So far, there are only whispers of what happened, but they imply that it could only have been done with magic.”
“Caleb’s one of the guards, right?” Jeff asked. “Does he know anything?”
“He’s a junior guard,” Eddie said. “There’s a group of senior guards in charge of the investigation. He knows that Lady Grace was married to one of them. Lord Mason. Word is that he’s in his mansion, paralyzed with grief.” 
“So no suspects?”
“None that they’ve said yet.” 
“What about Sadie?” Lucas asked. “She’s a thief, and she lives in the thieves’ quarter with her mother. Did either of them see anything?” 
Eddie smiled and folded up a note to pass to Lucas. The boy’s eyes grew wide as he read it. “Woah,” he said. “I have to go talk to someone.” 
“Would you talk to Caleb?” Jeff asked. 
Lucas shook his head. “No. Remember how Caleb joined the guards even though Sadie was a thief?” He flipped his hand as if tossing back imaginary locks of long hair over his shoulder. “We’re from two different worlds, Caleb.”
Jeff clutched his hand over his heart. “But Sadie! Darling! My love!” he said. The rest of the table giggled.
“It’s over between us,” Lucas said. “I’m going to, uh—” He double-checked his notes. “Gaten for help.”
Dustin rubbed his hands together and turned to Lucas. The other boy leaned in and whispered something to him, then passed him the note. Dustin’s eyes also grew wide. “Wait, wait, wait,” he said as he flipped over his character sheet and pointed at a line on it. “Quinn? I know him! He’s the one who taught me how to be a bard.”
“You’re a bard?” Mike asked. “But halflings can’t be bards!” 
“Oh my god, Mike,” Gareth said. “I know it says lawful good on your character sheet but you don’t have to be such a little bitch about the rules all the time.” 
“Okay, we’re ignoring Mike,” Eddie said. “Dustin, what’s Gaten doing with this information?” 
Dustin grimaced. “I mean... Shit, we need some help, don’t we?” He sighed. “Okay, so Sadie and I are going to go to the archives to look up some things.”
“Hey, that’s where Maya and Joe work,” Gareth said, patting Mike’s arm.
“I guess we’re not ignoring Mike afterall,” Mike said smugly. 
“You’re not talking,” Gareth said. He put his hand over Mike’s mouth. “No-no-no. You just stand guard at the front door, like one of those Buckingham palace guys. You have to show no emotion and not flinch when tourists make fun of you.”
Mike squirmed out from under Gareth’s hand. “No. No way,” he said. “I do not agree to that. I’m at the archive desk with you. We spend the whole time filling requests and making fun of what people are looking up.”
Gareth stroked his chin and nodded. “I’ll accept that. Okay, so Joe and I are at the desk by the archives when you guys walk in. You need to get our permission to access them, so you’d better have a good story, or else I’m going to have Joe throw you out.”
“Joe would never throw me out,” Dustin said. “He loves Gaten like a brother.” 
“Only when you don’t bother me at work,” Mike said. “When I’m at work, you little shits better be on your best behavior.”
Dustin snickered. “Oh, you know who you sound like?” 
“I know!” Mike slapped his hand on the table. “Oh my god, that’s how I’m going to play this, isn’t it? That’s a terrible idea.”
“What is?” Eddie asked. 
“Nothing. Nevermind,” Mike said, rubbing his face. “It’s not important. Anyway!” He slipped back into character. “Welcome to the city archives. How can we help you?” His voice dropped from a chipper customer-service register to a deadpan. “Oh, it’s you. This better be good, Maya and I are working.” Gareth started to giggle. 
Lucas frowned and leaned in close to whisper in Dustin’s ear. He looked confused until Dustin whispered something back, and then he threw his head back and laughed. “Oh, that’s good. He even sounds like him.”
“Hey, shut up,” Mike said.
“It’s what you were going for, isn’t it?” Dustin asked.
Mike’s mouth twisted into a frown. “I mean... Still. Shut up and stay in character or I’ll throw you out of the archives.” 
“I gotta say, I’m loving this,” Eddie said.
“Yeah, I have no idea what’s going on, but this is great,” Jeff added. “Wish I had some popcorn.” 
“Just get to the point,” Gareth said. “Fill us in on what happened so we don’t have all this whispering back-and-forth all the time. I want to start investigating.”
Dustin spread his hands out “Okay, so, we need to do some research on curses and bardic magic,” he said. “It’s... Lucas, do you want to tell them?”
Lucas nodded. “Yeah, Sadie will fill them in. She tells them how the guards showed up in the building across from her this morning, and she saw the body of Lady Grace there. It was all twisted and broken, like she’d been tortured or done in by dark magic.”
“What kind of dark magic? Like, demonic magic?” Gareth asked. 
“I mean, maybe?” Lucas continued. “That’s why we’re here. To look it up.” 
“And also to help clear my mentor’s name!” Dustin said. “She was found in the home of Quinn the bard, and I know he would never dabble in dark magic. He’s missing and the guards are looking for him. We need to find him first.” 
Mike and Gareth wanted more information about what they already knew, and why they were so sure that Quinn wasn’t the killer. Dustin did a bit of metagaming then, saying that it couldn’t be the person that the guards suspected because that’d be too easy. Mike countered with the concept of double-bluff, theorizing that Eddie would try something like that, which was where Eddie stepped in and quashed it. 
“Don’t make me make you all do this in-character,” he said. “I will!”
“Then I won’t get to talk at all,” said Jeff. “I’m still stuck training with the guards.” 
“He’s got a point. We should get the group all together,” Lucas said.
Jeff frowned and gave his shoulder a little shove. “You’re the one who didn’t want to tell me.”
“No, Sadie wouldn’t tell you,” Lucas said. “I was trying not to metagame at the time.” 
Jeff chuckled at this, but Eddie cleared his throat and gave the group of them such a mean glare that they all got back on track in a hurry. Dustin and Gareth came up with some theories about how they would research the magic used without being able to cast anything at the scene while the rest of them listened. Mike suggested they talk to witnesses, but Lucas said there weren’t any. 
“Other than me, I guess,” he added. “I was the only one out on the street when Quinn ran away. Oh, but something weird happened right before. Maybe that’s a clue. Hold on, let me check Eddie’s note.” 
The rest of the team leaned in to listen as Lucas read from the note he’d been given and hear about how the gas lamps on their street had pulsed ominously. Dustin theorized that it was just the wind, but Mike said it wouldn’t have been written down if that was the case. Gareth groaned and poked Mike in the arm, whispering, “Metagaming!” 
“Oh! It has to have been different from what would normally have happened, or else Sadie wouldn’t have noticed it,” Lucas said. “Maybe it was, like, some kind of a pattern?” 
“Fucking thank you,” Eddie mumbled. He pointed at Lucas. “Roll against your wisdom to figure the pattern out.” 
Lucas rolled and Eddie stood up to describe the scene that his character had witnessed. How the gas lamps in the street had been shielded from all the wind, but in unison they had all gone out, then flared back to life, then out again. The boys all watched him intently, but it was Gareth who pulled his notes out and tapped them. “Demonic magic from another realm can be detected in the way it can suppress mundane flames,” he said, holding the page up. “Also, magical lights will turn strange colors in its presence. Jeez, Eddie, there are a lot of weird details here. You came up with this on the fly?” 
The younger boys were all staring at each other and looking a little grim. Dustin was the one to speak up first. “So, it’s like the lights were flickering?” he asked quietly.
Eddie frowned. “I mean, this is D&D. It’s not like they’re light bulbs burning out, but... I guess? Yeah, that’s kind of what I pictured.” 
“Were there any other signs of demonic magic?” Mike asked. He sounded cautious, and his question was directed at Eddie instead of Lucas.
Eddie looked over to Lucas, who was staring down at his notes but didn’t look like he was reading them. “Well, Sadie?” he asked. “Anything else you want to tell your friends?” 
Lucas looked up briefly when he realized the question was directed at him. “I mean. There weren’t, right? No, monsters or...” He looked between the notes that were specific to the events of the game and the ones that were background information. “Uh. No smell of brimstone or...”
Jeff, who had leaned in to read the details over his shoulder, chimed in with the rest of them when he hesitated. “Or flakes of ash in the air, like hell was seeping through to the material plane.” He chuckled. “Damn, Eddie, really leaning into the satanic vibe, huh?” 
The three freshmen shared a startled look. “Oh, come on, guys,” Gareth said. “Don’t tell me you’re freaked out by a little satanism.”
“You’re in a club called Hellfire,” Jeff said. 
“I promise, we only sacrifice virgins,” Gareth said. “Oh, wait!”
Eddie scoffed. “Please. Like membership in this club isn’t a bright shining ‘don’t fuck me’ sign on its own,” he said. “Quit teasing the sheepies for being intimidated by my disturbing imagination and get back to the game.”
Jeff and Gareth both rolled their eyes in unison. “Yeah, all right,” Jeff said. 
“I thought the club was named that because of the X-Men comics,” Dustin said. 
Eddie grinned. “It was, Henderson,” he said. “It has the added bonus of freaking out the mundanes in the rest of the school who don’t know about its innocuous origin.” 
“I mean, those same people probably don’t think of comics as innocuous,” said Gareth. “In fact, X-Men itself is pretty subversive, being about—”
“Bup-bup-bup! No! No more digressions!” Eddie slammed his hand on the table. Everyone shut up and he stared off in the middle distance, looking angry and frustrated. It melted away in a second, though. “Wait, where the fuck were we? In game, I mean. I’ve lost track.” 
Mike chimed in quickly. “No other signs of demonic magic!” he said. “Just the lamps.” 
“Still, that’s weird enough to keep it to ourselves right? If it’s demonic stuff again, we can’t bring it to the city guards,” Dustin said. “Let’s see what we can figure out about where Quinn would’ve gone. He might have seen something else, and we can’t let the guards pin it on him if it’s... You know. Demons again.”
The rest of the group was in agreement, but finding out where Quinn could have gone proved to be difficult. Dustin’s character knew him the best, but he rolled poorly in his research checks. Gareth had the highest int and wisdom and the background of having worked in the archives, but once again the dice did them no favors. Eddie chewed on his knuckle and glared at the offending dice, but he couldn’t push himself into giving them any hints they hadn’t earned.
Finally, it was Mike who came up with a new idea. “We should go find Jeff. I mean, Caleb. He’s in the guards, so he’ll be able to tell us where they’ve already looked. 
“Also, I know Quinn because I go to Gaten’s shows,” Jeff added. “And if there’s demonic stuff involved, I’m one of the few people in town who knows the truth.” 
They agreed to loop Caleb in, and the group went to the guard house. They sent in Mike’s character, as he was a former guard, and it didn’t take much convincing for Caleb to join them. Jeff and Eddie exchanged some notes and rolled some dice to figure out how much information he’d gotten from the guards, and thankfully the dice gods smiled up on them this time. He let them look through the reports that had been compiled and come up with a list of places that the guards were looking for Quinn.
Jeff looked thoughtful and held up his dice. “Hey, they haven’t found him yet, right?” 
“That is correct.”
“And we don’t actually want the guards to find him, do we?” He looked at the group. “Like, we know it’s demonic stuff, right? So there are two options. Either Quinn is the source of it, and we need to fight him. We don’t want the guards interfering with a fight, because they can’t learn about the demonic stuff. The king’s men would hunt us down for betraying the secret.”
“Right,” Mike said. “That’s true.”
Jeff continued his reasoning. “And the other option is that he’s an innocent witness to demonic horrors... But the guards are convinced that he’s the killer.” 
“So we need to protect him,” Dustin said.
“And the best way to protect him is to make sure he’s hiding in a place they’re not looking,” said Jeff. “Can I tell which of the places on this list are actually really good places to hide?” 
Eddie pretended to think about it for a minute. “Yeah, you have some idea.” 
“Okay, then can I mess with their system so that the guards lose track of those leads?” 
The rest of the table let out a low cheer and looked at Eddie. He grinned. “Roll me percentiles,” he said, hoping that the score would be high enough to justify it. 
Jeff picked up his dice and shook them dramatically. He let them fall in the middle of the table. The rest of the group leaned in to read the numbers off of them. “Does eighty seven work?” Mike asked excitedly. 
Eddie leaned back in his throne and steepled his fingers. “I’ll allow it,” he said. The group cheered. 
They made their way through checking all the locations that the guards had listed, while also dodging the guards. Eddie had a possible fight with the guards planned out, but once Jeff’s character joined up they were able to use his background to avoid patrols instead.
34 notes · View notes
genz420 · 2 years
The Fire That Burns With Us - Chapter 4: The Ravens Circle Ahead.
Pervious Part - Next Part
133 AC - Iron Island 
The shore of Ironman’s Bay was different from that of Diftmark.  The smell of the sea is present at both, as well as the strong wind of the sea, but Visenya does not feel the same feeling of safety on the shore.  The water of the bay is darker, choppier, and had an aroma of something evil about it.  Visenya wonders if the drowned gods were real if they were mad that someone like her was on their beach. She has only arrived in the Iron Islands a week prior and non of the Lords were taking her seriously, she tried to give her advice about how to take the islands.  Most of the Lords were the blood of the first men, they would talk in the language of the old tongue when they were around her.  
When she arrived the Ironborn were the ones winning and they still had the upper hand, non of the soldiers that went to fight came back.  
She is pulled away from her thoughts as Lord Mallister of Seagaurd calls her name, she looks away from the water and to the Lords and their Knights. 
“I am sorry Lord Mallister, my mind was elsewhere.  What did you say?” 
“I was saying that if you are just going to watch the water you might as well go back to your castle, Your Royal Highness,” Lord Mallister says and the men around him nod along.  
“I have told you all that I think we should do,” Visenya tells him as she leans forward in her seat.  “Yet I am ignored,”
“You have never been in battle.  We have.  We know how to win things like this, Princess don’t,” Lord Mallister takes a gab at Visenya, a smile on his face.  
“And yet you have had no victories since I have been here.  Wait, you have had no victories at all,” Visenya shoots back at him.  “It might do you some good listening to a princess,” 
“If you are so eager to prove yourself, we will let you take Green island.  Take Harlaw,” Someone speaks up.  
Harlaw is the second largest Island.  It has strong ports which the Lords had still allowed to function and continued the trading ships to leave.   Harlaw has the largest mines out of the islands, it is where all the money comes from and where secondary loot from raids was kept.  If they could cut it off from the rest of the islands then they would be cutting off their bank, Harlow also housed a significant number of the Iron fleet.  Visenya has watched as the ships enter and exit the ports.  
“Let my dragon, Morghon, fly around the islands.  We should cut off their Ports and burn any ships that try and leave-” Visenya is interrupted 
“And how are we supposed to know which ships are part of the fleet and what ones are trading ships, we could not possibly burn all the ships,” Lord Farman of Faircastle interrupts Visenya.
“Why not?” Visenya asks, rising from her chair and leaning towards the Lord. “Because they have been docking in your ports.   Because as long as the trade ships continue leaving, your coin purse grows, so does theirs,” Visenya states.
“Are you saying that I have a bias towar-'' Lord Farman is the one to get interrupted this time. 
“That is exactly what I am saying, Lord Farman.  We can burn them all and we should.  Harlaw is the bank of the Iron Islands, without them, there is no way they can possibly fund their cause,” Visenya tells him, she looks to the other Lord.  “We should attack at night, have the safety of darkness, start with Harlaw Hall and work our way around the island.  Burn the ports and then cut off contact with the other islands.”
“And what are we to do when the Iron Fleet arrives?” A knight asks.  
“Morghon,” Visenya answers. “We have a dragon on our side, they don’t. And from what I know, fire burns wood.   We have the advantage not them,”  
“I agree with the Princess,” Ser Robert Tully speaks up, he has been quiet since Visenya arrived.  Only hearing him speak a few words to his men.  He was in line to inherit Riverrun when his father dies, and Visenya thinks that he was in the same boat as her.  Wanting to prove themselves as warriors and not as spoiled children, house Tully has been where the majority of the men have come from.  Visenya nods toward Robert.  “We will leave when the sun sets and take Harlaw,”  
The Lords agree with Robert, now agreeing with the plan.  All of the Lords file out of the tent and Visenya smiles to herself before exiting as well.  
– – 
Visenya sits in her tent, holding her chest plate in her hands.  It was obvious that it had never seen battle, polished to the point of relation, not a chip or scratch on it.  It was the same shade as Morghon scales, the stomach of the plate does in fact resemble dragon scales with the top half a solid black and would past her hips, the chainmail she has would cover the lower parts it doesn’t, and the pauldrons were the same black colour and made of the same metal material of the chest plate with small rounded balls coming off of them. It extends off the shoulder is plates and down to her elbow where it contacts the vambraces.  
 The armour has no sigil or definitive marking of either one of Visenya's houses, the only marking is the Valyrian symbol of death that is in the middle-top of the breastplate. Visenya runs her thumb over the marking. The armour matches Morghon and nothing else. 
– – 
Getting to Harlaw was the easiest part, the water of the bay was calm and non of the soldiers had fallen into the water yet.  Visenya keeps a tight hold on her sword, the other holding onto the boat itself.  Visenya could hear Morghon flying above but only someone who has been around dragons their whole life would be able to notice the sound.   
As they pull the boats onto the shore Visenya looks to Harlaw Hall, the castle was small.  She does not understand why they had not tried to take it before, one of the soldiers knocks into Visenyas shoulder and she snaps her head away from the castle and to the man.  
“Just wait for the green fire,” The man tells Visenya.
“What did you just say?” Visenya asks but it is too late. 
An arrow prices through the man's head and blood sprites out from his eye and onto Visenya.  The man's blood is hot against her face and Visenya doesn’t move from her spot as she watches the man's body go limp and crumples to the ground.  Visenya feels the bile rise up in her throat but she is quick to swallow it down.  
 Her eyes move away from the dead man and up to Harlaw hall, she can see the archers on the top of the castle walls.  Visenya doesn’t move as the next round of arrows from flying down, staying in the spot as she watched the arrows plant themselves into the ground or into someone.  The sharp sound of bow strings being released echoes through the night.  
Visenya now knows why they couldn’t take Harlaw.   
Visenya remembers the King telling her stories about Wildfire.  How it is hotter than dragon fire.  How it could melt Valyrion Steel.  How it can kill dragons.   The sheer brightness of the fire was unlike anything she had ever seen, she had spent her life around fire, around dragons and yet as the first jar of wildfire was thrown and it explodes Visenya can help but close her eyes and cover her face from the heat.  Backing up back into the water to put distance between herself and the flames.  The screams of the men the fire had hit were loud, blaring, ear pricing in her ears and the smell of melting flesh takes over the smell of salt water.  
The sound of boots hitting the ground snaps Visenya out of her daze.  She quickly draws her sword out of the sheath, she takes a breath and runs with the other men.  
Visenya doesn’t know who she was killing, she does know if they were Ironborn or if they were Riverland men.  But as she feels the life slip away from the men she cuts down she knows she had made the right choice in fighting.    
Visenya stabs a man through the stomach, her Valyrian steel easily cutting through the man's armour and as the man's blood comes into contact with the blade it makes a sizzling sound.  Visenya pushes all her body weight down onto the sword, it cut through the man like a hot knight to butter.  She takes a breath and looks around the battlefield. There are men littered around, some missing arms or legs, others died, and some have had the flesh melted down to the bone, some even had bones melted.   Morghon flys above, raining fire down onto the archers and boats in the harbour.   
Visenya grabs a hold of a man's shoulder, pulling him back from a jar of wildfire that had just been thrown but not yet exploded.   Just like her, he is covered in blood and soot.   Visenya could not make out much of the man's facial features but from what she could see his hair was cut down to his scalp and the green light from the fire shows a crocket nose. From what she could see there was also a Raven marked into his chest plate.  The man also did not wield a sword but a black battle hammer.  
“If you have a brain in that head of yours then you can understand me when I say do NOT go near the green fire,” Visenya tells before pushing him behind her and killing a man that had been rushing up behind him.  
“And watch your back,”  She tells him as she runs towards more Ironborn.  
The man watches as Visenya runs away from him.  He catches an Ironborn and pushes them to the ground, swinging his hammer into the man's head.  Listening to the satisfying crunching sound of the man's skull being crushed.  
He looks around the battlefield once again, catching sight of the Princess being held by two Ironborn men.  Her sword laying at her side.  One of the men has a hold on her head, wrapping his ponytail around his hand and using the other to hold her face still and up.  The man behind her holds both of her arms folded and bent behind her back, with his foot on the back of her knees.  There is a third man that stood before Visenya, holding a dull knight.   The man seems to be saying something to her before using the knife to cut her face, starting from the top of her cheekbone and following along the bone till he makes a straight cut down to her chin.  
The man Visenya had saved rushes towards them, using his hammer to swing at the man, who had been cutting Visenya, head.  The hit kills the man instantly.  The one who had been holding onto Visenya's arms lets them go, allowing her to unsheath her dagger and stab the man who is holding her face in the neck.  
Visenya lets herself fall onto the ground, supporting herself on her hands and knees.  Her blood flows from the cut to her face and onto the ground.  She looks up to the man who had just saved her life.  
“You should take your own advice,” He tells her before going back to killing.  
– – 
Visenya wants to cut off the hand of the maester who was sewing the cut on her face, he had offered her milk of the poppy for the pain but Visenya doesn’t trust any men in the camp to protect her.  She needs to stay alert, the cut on her face big and deep, the knife that the ironborn had used was dull and the maester was worried that an infection might happen.  Going from the side of her cheekbone, following along the curve of it before going straight down to the end of her chin.  Along with the cut to her face Visenya had burned her arm, she doesn’t remember it happening but from how the metal of her vambraces had melted she could only amuse herself that it was wildfire and not dragon fire.  She was lucky to keep her arm, lucky that the burns did melt the muscles of her forearm. The palm of her right hand has also been burned, from the burn marks, Visenya thinks that the Velayron Steel brace of her sword hilt had grown too hot in the battle, leaving horizontal lines running across her palm.  
Even if she was in pain the pride and joy from taking Harlaw made it worth it.  Visenya would go through the pain a hundred more times to relive the excitement and adrenal of the battle.    
“Thank you Maester,” Visenya thanks as she leans down in the bed she was in.  She is tired, and both her body and mind want to rest but she needs to make sure the Lords follow along with the rest of the siege of the island.  She could only hope that Ser Tully had lived and was making sure they followed the plan.  The maester quickly nods and leaves to another man's bedside who is missing a leg.   
Visenya was close to sleep before someone clearing their throat made her sit up and look around.  Standing next to her bedside is the man from the battle, the one who killed the men who attacked her.   Visenya says nothing but just looks at his face.  In the light of the day it was clear that he was from the north, his hair is cut down to his scalp but it is clear that if it were to grow out it would be black, and his nose looked to have been broken before because of the bend in it, his eyes were as black as the little hair on his, his eyes were round and his eyelashes are thick and long, clean shaven with a strong jawline, from laying in her bed the man seems to be a giant, strong shoulders that she thinks to be wider then her sword in length, one of the man's hands were on his a dagger on his belt and his hands were huge and scarred, and he looks young, maybe a year or two older then Visenya.   
“Forgive me for disturbing you, My Princes-,” The man begins before Visenya cuts him off.
“You're the man that saved me,”  Visenya realise and the man nods, he looks across Visenyas sown shut face before looking to the ground.  “Please sit,” 
The man takes the chair the maester was just sitting in, and he gently sits down a war hammer beside the chair.  The hammer is black and has a raven on the side.  Visenya looks at the man's chest plate and it has the house Blackwood coat of arms market into it, a flock of ravens surrounding a black shield charged with a dead weirdwood, on a scarlet field.  Just like house Targaryen, their colours are Red and Black. 
“Are you from house Blackwood?” Visenya asks him.  “I thought Lord Blackwood was not sending any men,”
“He isn’t.  I came on my own accord, My Princess,”  The man answers, keeping his eyes trained down towards his hands. 
“You know I am but I do not know are.  What is your name?” Visenya asks.
“Benjicot Blackwood,” Benjicot answers, looking up at Visenya.  His eyes stay trained on her face.  
“Thank you Ser Blackwood for saving me,” Visenya thanks him, offering him a smile.  
“I’m not a knight,” Benjicot corrects her.  
“Oh, well thank you Benjicot for saving me.  I will forever be in your debt,”  Visenya corrects herself.  
“Technically you saved me first, My Princess,” Benjicot tells her, he takes a jar out of his pocket.  Visenya does recognise the writing on the jar of that of the first men.  The colour of whatever was in the jar was a dark grey and looks to be smooth.   “That is why I am here, the cut on your face, I have a remedy that has been passed down my family, I have been told that it was used by the children of the forest to heal their wounds and well I have used it before and it will heal the cut on your face faster than anything the maester can give you,”
Visenya nods and turns her face with the cut towards him.
“You are quite trusting in me My Princess,” Benjicot tells her as he unscrews the cap and sets it down on the bed.  The strong smell of mint and the earth fills Visenya nose, Benjicot sticks his fingers in the medicine and brings it close to Visenyas face.   “This could have been a poison,”
“If it is then I can only hope it kills me,” Visenya responds as she closes her eyes as begins to rub it into the cut.  It burns in a cold way.  Benjicot's fingers were rough but as his fingers graze the wounds he is gentle.  “If you are from house Blackwood then I amuse that you speak the old tongue,” 
“I do, My Princess,” Benjicot answers as he watches Visenya.  Her eyebrows are pulled together and her nose is scrunched up.  Visenyas her and neck were still red with blood and Benjicot remembers seeing her after the battle.  Half of her face was drenched with her own blood and her white hair was dyed red and even her once-black shirt had a red tint to it.  Visenya looked scary but now as her face clunches in pain Benjicot realizes that while she may be a dragon she was still a young girl away from home.  
“When Ser Harwin Strong was still alive and commander of the city watch he and the other knights of houses that were descendants of the first men would communicate with each other in the old tongue.  If I remember correctly it was to leave out and talk behind the southern Knights,” Visenya tells him as she takes in a breath. She lips her lip before continuing. The coldness was beginning to feel nice.  “Many of the men here are like that, they tend to speak in their native tongue when they are around me, I wish to know what they are saying and it would be an honour if you’d accompany me to the meetings and tell me what they are saying,”
“You want me to be your translator,” Benjicot confirmed as he sticks his fingers back in the medicine to gather more, he grabs Visenyas arm and undone the wrapping the maester had put on.  Her forearm was in worse condonation than her face and Benjicot swears that he can see part of the princess's bone.  He is more careful with applying the paste to her arm.  
“Yes and I also would value your presence as a fighter.  Ser Tully and I are the only two that went onto the battlefield, the rest of them just send their men in blindly while they stay within the safety of the camp.   Ser Tully also seems to be the only one who listens to me among them,” Visenyas tell him as she watches him apply the medicine to her arm, she had seen him bash a man's head on the battlefield yet his touch to her was gentle and caring.  
“I would be honoured to, My Princess,” Benjicot answers
“Visenya,” She corrects him. “You saved my life so you can call me Visenya,”
“Then you can call me Ben,”  He tells her.  “I would also like to give you some advice.  You should wear your hair in braids instead of just wearing it up, it would prevent the Ironborn from being able to grab it.  I can show you how the northern women would wear it in battle if you would like,” 
“I would like that,” Visenya accepts, clenching her jaw and giving a tight-lipped smile.  She had not worn her hair in braids since her father died.   Not allowed another to teach her hair.  
– – 
After Ben had finished applying the paste to Visenyas hand he left her alone to rest.  Visenya was awakened by a soldier, gently pushing her soldier and when she opened her eyes the man had handed her three letters.  
The one on top was sealed with Black wax and the Targaryen dragons.  The next one was sealed with a seafoam Green and the Targaryen dragons.  The last one was Hightower Green with the mark of the Hand.  
The first letter was from her mother, the second from her grandmother, and the third from the hand of the King.  
Visenya grabs the one from her grandmother first, knowing that she was either accepting of Visenya's choice to fight or she was demanding her return to the Crownlands.  
'My Visenya,
       Daemon Targyarn has informed me of your whereabouts and I want you to know that I support you.  Don’t let them stop you from fighting.'
Visenya grandmothers words warm her, having support from one of the people she looks up to most means so much to Visenya.    Visenya grabs the letter from Otto Hightower next, ripping the wax seal. 
'Visenya Velayron, 
      The crown has been informed of your involvement in stopping the Iron Island rebellion.  We thank you for your strength and courage to fight but King Viserys is requesting you to come to King’s Landing.   If you do not follow the Kings order the crown will send forces to insure your safe arrival.   The hand of the King Otto Hightower.' 
Visenya lets out a sigh.  She was not going to go back, not yet.  Visenya grabs a piece of parchment off and pencils from the bedside.   
'My King, 
     I have gotten the letter from the hand and I regret to inform you that I will not be leaving my post.  Since I was a child you have told me that I would be a warrior one day, this is my fulfilling my destiny and I will only be returning to the crownland if I am dead or when the rebellion has been stopped.  Please do not send anyone, I am safe and we have won our first victory, and I have come away from the battle with minor injuries.   I also need to inform you that Iron Island have access to Wildfire, it would be in the crown's best interest to investigate the Alchemist guild and their supply of it.  I wish for your support. Your dearest Visenya.'  
Visenya sets the paper down and looks at her mother's letter.  She had most likely written to Visenya demanding that she come back to Dragonstone.  Visenya does not open the letter, knowing that her mother's words would most likely make her change her mind.   
She does not open it.   
– – 
133 AC - King’s Landing 
Alicent sits on the couch in her room, her handmaiden Talya moving around the room.  Alicent is tired, of having to deal with Aegon and his habits and having a daughter that was stupid.  Aemond has been the only child that has not given Alicent a headache today.  Alicents peace and quiet was ruined as her father bargers into her room.  She looks towards him and the expression on his face tells Alicent that someone is causing a problem.  
“You may leave Talya,”  The Queen tells her as she sits up, nodding to the couch opposite for her father to sit on.  
“Visenya has responded to our letter,” Otto tells his daughter as he sits down.  “She sent a letter to the King and Ser Harrold read it to him.  The King is now insisting on the crown to support the efforts in stopping the rebellion.  He wants to send funds and men,” 
Alicent nods, holding her hands together and bringing them towards her chin to lean on.  Visenya had always been a pain in her backside, she could not understand why the King nor her son care so much for the girl.   Both the Queen and the hand had been trying to keep the news of Visenya's choice to fight in the Iron Island.  Knowing that if the King found out then he would send her support.  Knowing that if Aemond had found out then he would go himself.  
“Who else knows about the Princess being in the Iron Islands?” Alicent asks.  She needs to make sure that Aemond does not find out, she will not have her only good child trying because of a childhood friendship. 
“Us, the King, I intend to tell the small council tomorrow, Ser Harrold knows and I suspect that he has told a few other Kingsgaurds but there is no-” Alicent stops listening to her father, standing up and going to the door.  Once in the hallway, Ser Cristion Cole was standing at the ready.  
“Go to the dragonpit, if prince Aemond tries to ride Vhagar stop him and bring him back to the castle.  Do not let him leave King’s Landing,” Alicent commands him, he was the only one of the Kingsgaurd that she trusts enough to listen to her words.   
– – 
Aemond had rushed to the dragonpit when he heard of Visenya going to the Iron Islands.  
He should be there.  
He should be keeping her safe. 
He had claimed Vhagar to keep her safe and now she could be hurt.  Could be dead.  
Before Aemond can make his way down the stairs of the dragon caves Ser Cristion Cole steps in front of him, a hand ready to draw his sword.  The prince had grown to be unpredictable and Ser Cristion knows that Aemond could beat him in a sword fight if it came down to it.  
“The Queen is looking for you, My Prince,” Ser Cristion tells Aemond.  The Prince has the cloak of his hood pulled over his head and his hand ready on his sword hilt. 
He will go to Visenya.  
He will kill anyone who gets in his way.  
“Move out of my Cole,” Aemond snarls.  
He will be with her.  
“The Queen has given me orders to bring you back to the castle,” Ser Cristion tells Aemond, he will do as his Queen commands.
“I’m not going back,” Aemond says as he steps forward and Ser Cristion steps back. 
“My Princ-” Ser Cristion begins.  
“No!” Aemond shouts, it echoing throughout the dragonpit.   “Visenya is out there fighting, alone.  I will not sit in the castle when she could be dying,”  
“I assure you that the Princess has been keeping the Riverlands Lords' bed warm,” Ser Cristion implies and Aemond draws out his dagger.  
“I’ll have your tongue for that,” Aemond tells Ser Cristion as he lunges for him.   But Kingsguards grab him from behind, forcing him to let go of the dagger.  Aemond tries to break free from their grip but he couldn't, they are stronger than him.  Aemond screams echos around the dragonpit, the two guards dragging him towards the door.  
Aemond failed. 
He isn’t strong enough.  
Visenya doesn’t know that he wants to be with her.  
He has failed her.
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thepalaceofmelanie · 5 months
MW- Character of the day: Doran Martell
Tag: @adriennegabriella @morby @candycanes19 @tashastrange89 @wingsoftheangels
(A/N: Prequel to day 2.)
Character of the day: Doran Martell
Song inspired: “Welcome To The Masquerade” by: Thousand Foot Krutch
Doran couldn’t believe what he reading, a purposeful for an arrange marriage involving Oberyn; but two things made him shocked about it. First, they were asking for Oberyn and not another Martell or another House; second, the request was from House Stark.
Why would the wolves ask for fire?
His eyes slowly re-read the letter again.
Doran knew that the whole story wasn’t being told. The Starks were holding back, like they needed to talk about something in person. Of course the standard things were being offered like trade, army, conflict aid.
For some reason Doran had a feeling to entertain the idea. His mind went to what the implications of accepting this. He would have to send Oberyn, with how his health is right now; the cold would kill him.
His mind went over who Eddard and Catelyn were offering, marriage wise. Their oldest daughter that, he has heard the rumors about…
But if it’s true, it could be beneficial to House Martell when it came to dealing with enemies and, even the Lannisters, with how Obreyn is with them. Doran moved as quick as he could, to try and find his brother.
Moments later he could see Oberyn with Ellaria talking in a hallway.
“Ah there you are.” Doran spoke.
The two look over at him, Doran jogged lightly over to them.
“Where are you two off to?” Doran asked.
“My chambers, why?” Oberyn asked.
“No, you’re not. You need to get to Winterfell as soon as you can.” Doran informed him.
Both Ellaria and Oberyn looked over at Doran. The three of them stood together and Doran handed Oberyn the letter. Oberyn and Ellaria read it, both of them surprised as well. Doran gave them a look of “Yes, I know”.
“You’re accepting it?” Oberyn asked.
“I’m thinking about it, it is tempting; think about it. Uniting the North and South; maybe getting answers about Elia’s murder. I heard a rumor that the Princess can hear things; including what we don’t want her to know.” Doran answered.
Oberyn’s eyes lit up in suprise; Ellaria seemed skeptical, and she has every right to!
“Do you think this could work?” Oberyn asked.
Doran gave a look of uncertainty. For all they knew, it could just be a rumor or maybe I just don’t exist? Doran gave them both a small smile.
“Go, and spend a week in Winterfell, send me a raven and I’ll make a judgment.” Doran said.
The man turned and left his brother and the paramour. Doran knew he had to play this safe, Eddard Stark wouldn’t be asking something without it being that important. Doran prayed to the Gods, that Oberyn would not mess this up.
The two places of being different in culture. Doran know knew that he held a weight on his shoulders. If Oberyn say were to fail, what would happen next? Regardless, Doran was holding onto hope. Of course he wanted justice for Elia’s murder but he wanted to make sure first. Doran wanted vengeance for Elia; if he could get someone to help answer his questions, then he could execute his plan.
He was the brother of the Red Viper after all.
If Oberyn was the emotional one, Doran was the logical one; not to say Oberyn isn’t smart. He’s a genius, but when it comes to certain thins, Doran was the one to go to.
This included.
When Doran got back to his study, he saw a raven sitting on his desk. It had a scroll attached to its leg and Doran went over to see what it was. Once he was able to get it, he noticed it was a note with four words written on it.
“I will help you.”
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nancypullen · 10 months
What Was I Thinking?
I ended my last post by saying that I'd be back the next day. What was I thinking? I knew the grandgirl and her staff would be arriving for the weekend and I never touch the blog when they're here. So here I am, two days late. Oops. As always, Little Miss brought magic with her. Here she is (I'm not allowed to show her face) under what she calls the "Trading Tree". It's a big Crape Myrtle surrounded by flowers and shrubs, and it's where she keeps her fairy village.
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She tidies up the village and always leaves a present for the fairies. Sometimes it's a flower, sometimes it's a shiny penny, whatever strikes her fancy. In the morning she can't wait to see what the fairies left for her in trade. Amazingly enough, it's always something she likes...little owls, glittery things. She also loves having a cutting garden and filled a vase for our table and made a bouquet to take to her teacher.
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So it was all mermaids, fairies, and one very benevolent princess ruling over it all. Kindergarten starts in two weeks and I fear that we'll see less and less of the magic as the school year progresses. It happens. <sniffle>
Back to reality, and Sunday started quietly. This is what I see when I come downstairs in the morning. Leaf shadows through the windows of the front door, dancing on the wall of the entryway. I love it.
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A soft start to the day and it seems seems determined to finish that way as well. I went on a housework strike today, I just didn't want to look at a mop or broom or sponge or toilet or dish. I'm hardly cooking. Yesterday's dinner was grilled chicken and we have leftovers, so I'm tossing it on top of salad. Easy peasey.
Earlier today I took an inventory of what clay I had on hand and after lunch we made a run into Easton for a quick pick up of additional colors. I need to spend the next month cranking out cards and earrings. I hope there are enough true crime podcasts to keep me company while I do it. I also need to get the vanity in the Halloween bathroom painted. I want to do it before the flooring goes in on Friday. That way if I dribble anything it's not cause for panic. I always use drop cloths, plastic, tape, and all of that - but it'll still be less to worry about if I just get it done tomorrow. That's the plan. In exciting (to me) news, I found two more prints that would lend themselves very nicely to being spooked up.
This one is at the auction and is sitting at $2. I'd turn it all to autumn, make the cottage witchy, turn the fence gray, and probably put a witch on that bench - maybe she's reading, or maybe she's carving a pumpkin.
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I don't care for the frame, but I could always paint it.
I REALLY like this one, but it's on Facebook Marketplace for $10. I don't want to spend $10. I'd have a ball with this one. Imagine that turned into a bustling witch village! Curling glittery smoke coming out of each chimney, autumn colors everywhere, witches strolling about town, maybe even signs on each building - a wand store, apothecary, magic brooms, that sort of thing. Plus, the frame is better.
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I may talk myself right into spending ten bucks. Darn it. It really would be fun. I finished the first print, or at least I think it's finished. I added a mouse, tried to tidy up some wonky spots, but didn't do much else. I can always add to it if a brilliant idea strikes. I roughed up that mauve mat and then painted it and added a bit of sparkle. I think I'll paint a little bit of glue on that mat and add cobwebs.
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It's not great but the trial run of anything usually isn't. I can improve it. It's already cat approved.
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That's my day so far being lazy and being crafty. The timer just dinged to let me know my earrings need to come out of the oven, so I'm off to sand them down and then give them a little gloss. Perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon, don't you think? I hope you're doing something that relaxes you. Get lost in a book, try a new recipe, go for a walk, whatever brings your blood pressure down. Who knows what the week ahead holds, might as well stockpile some zen right now. Better than entering the week all stressed out. Sending all kinds of love and good vibes out, hope they find you. Stay safe, stay well. XOXO, Nancy
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adickaboutspoons · 1 year
tagged by @red-sky-in-mourning. Thanks, hon. Hope everything is going better with the power sitch 🧡
Fair warning - I've had a glass of wine, I'm a lightweight, and an amorous drunk.
fave ed gif
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I mean, an entire life of male-gaze cinema has trained me to read this as sexy, and boy howdy did it succeed. The toe-to-head "this is the love interest" pan. His fingers skating down his chest in a teasing caress. His cock(ed) pistol. And then you throw in how blazingly hot Taika looks in that wig and beard and leather? The flesh is weak, your honor. And the lizard-brain is even weaker.
fave stede gif
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Relatable af, but also, I want to hug him and put him in my pocket for safe-keeping. He looks like a live-action Podling. I love his ridiculous face.
fave ed outfit
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I love the classic leathers, and he's the prettiest princess in purple, but my answer is this outfit, specifically right here. The superb fit of the breeches and how well the color complements his complexion. shirt partially untucked and open to the chest. Then him, just laying there with his legs sprawled and drinking directly from the decanter. Look me in the eye and tell me that he doesn't look thoroughly debauched and debauchable.
fave stede outfit
It's a tie between the wedding outfit
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and the navy taffeta with brick-red lace trim during the "Arthur's kind eyes" flashback.
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What can I say - I'm a slut for red and blue, and the specific hues matched in these two outfits make my brain sing. I covet the fabric of Stede's wedding outfit like burning.
fave blackbonnet song
"Leather and Lace" by Stevie Nicks and Don Henley for them getting together, "Stranded" by Heart for them falling apart. (White Flag by Dido for the reunion IDC if I'm jumping the gun).
fave ofmd fic trope
If you write Stede and Ed engaging in all manner of sexytimes, but Stede is convinced it's anything OTHER than Ed being in love with him because How Could Ed Be In Love With HIM ("this is just what pirates do and we're pirates, so...", "ed is helping me get acclimated to being more casual about touching", "ed is such a good friend to let me do this", etc.)? I'm yours.
ed's hair or stede's hair
So here's the thing. My hair is v. similar to the Ed wig. Long, dark, wavy, shot with silver streaks. It's v. distinctive and defining - like to the point that my college advisor would tell underclassmen to go talk to "the girl with the hair" and they would find me on that description alone (and that a high school teacher once wrote me a v. inappropriate poem entitled 'The Lady With Hair'). And I love my hair. I cut it all off several years ago to donate to Wigs 4 Kids, and while I don't regret the donation, the following few years while it grew back out were TORTURE. So I wouldn't trade it for anything. BUT, if I weren't so deeply lazy, and burdened by sensory issues, I would be serving mid-century high-femme all the times, and Stede's highly styled and shaped curls are The Dream.
longest i've gone between rewatches
It's been awhile, actually? I mean, I rarely go more than a week or two without checking back in on one specific scene or another to make sure I'm remembering it correctly before I mouth off about something here or on Discord, but it's been months since I've watched an episode from end to end. I am planning a full re-watch before the new season drops, though.
hiding in the ship lucius vs. ghost lucius
I was an early adopter of hiding in ship. Like one of my first posts as dancing-with-the-madmen was about how he climbed the un-scraped barnacles on the hull like a climbing wall (we have fun making jokes here at spoondick llc ™,©, ®).
favorite crew member
How v. dare. Rude. Ask me to pick a fav muppet next, why don't you. Gun to my head? Prolly Buttons. He's so deeply and wonderfully weird.
tagging @nicnacsnonsense, @tisziny, @chocolatepot, @ymfingsteadilyon, @poorcitrusmanagement, @bizarrelittlemew, @peachesandpink, @artgirlfunkel, and anyone else who feels the music move them, but no presh, babes (gn).
And, uh, sorry for the overshares and being so horny on main.
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piercethewon · 1 year
1 — Prince from the south. || wc: 1,7k.
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—My king, if the rumors I heard from the servants are true, I suggest for the royal family to stay inside, palace doors shall not be opened for the time being; hosting this dinner is a huge risk, and it is not worth your safety!— it was hard to tell whether your father was listening to what his personal counselor was saying or not, given his usual, uninterested expression that adorned his aged face as he mindlessly played with a strand of hair from his long beard. Given that he was not directly asked to cease his talk, the younger man that stood beside the king’s golden throne kept on with his worry-infused monologue —Two of our neighbor kingdoms had already lost their leaders in the hands of this pretentious scum! The townspeople have started calling him “The Kingslayer”, how scandalous!—. You side-eyed the man with a frown at his petulant behavior, you would never understand why your father let his obscene choice of words slide, he should keep his manners when in the presence of none other than his king!
The old man clicked his tongue, making the counselor halt his unrequired discourse and aggressive hand movements on the spot. —Have I not told you a million times before?— his tone was calm, but it sent a chill down the younger man’s spine —If we don’t secure a marriage between my beautiful daughter…— he paused to smile fondly at you with softened eyes, you returned the gesture with a polite nod —…And the heir of the Nishimura family, we are going to lose the chance of making a trade pact between both kingdoms, and we can send farewell to the acquisition of useful territory on the south coast.— he then pointed with his chin at your older brother, Sunoo, with a glow of pride in his eyes —My son here already took care of all the preparations to marry princess Sim Jayoon from the east next week! If both my children succeed, our kingdom shall prevail!—. The young prince let out a huff of annoyance that went unnoticed by the king, but you knew exactly how he felt about his marriage with the only daughter of the Sim house; it was getting tiresome to keep a smile on your face as you imagined how in just a few months you would find yourself in a similar situation.
The counselor opened his mouth once again to protest but opted to keep quiet in order to avoid getting in trouble, seeing how this conversation was not getting him anywhere. You have wondered plenty of times why did your father insist on keeping him as his right-hand man when everything about him screamed distrust and annoyance; your brother had explained a few days ago that having an ally who takes the role of disagreeing with every single one of your thoughts is a good, even if bothersome, way to see problems from a new perspective, and yet, you felt like you could never grow fond of him and his boldness.
Your body was starting to get sore just by sitting on your throne beside your father’s, but there was still a bit of time left before the daily audience ended, and there were many townsfolk left waiting for their turn to express their concerns in front of the king. Surprisingly, many people had showed up just to make sure that your father was doing well amidst the recent situation; as the princess, a political and public figure, you showed a lot of interest regarding the neighboring kingdoms, but you failed to find a relationship between the leader of a nation and their people as strong and genuine as this one. You felt pride in the way your father would always put others first and spend so much of his time to assure safety and wellbeing of everyone who resided within the walls of his territory, he was a fair and respectable king, your role model.
Your brother, the successor of an immense legacy left by hardworking kings and queens, felt the same as you, but that did not mean he was content with the way things had to be done to someday be remembered as a figure of benevolence and willpower. You could tell that being reminded about his incoming marriage had taken a toll on him just by the way he slowly got up from his throne, as soon as the last audience had concluded, and headed towards the dining room with his head hanging low. You followed close behind, hesitating to call out his name, because the least you wanted was to make everything worse with a wrong choice of words. Sunoo, on his part, knew you way too well, and he could practically sense that you wanted to say something, so he stopped in his tracks and waited for you to walk side-by-side. —Before you ask— he started, holding his index finger up as if warning you —No, I do not feel unhappy about marrying princess Jayoon— he may have said that, but his dejected tone told you otherwise.
Two servants bowed ceremoniously as your arrived to the dining room, and held the doors open for you. —Brother…— you started after taking a seat beside your father’s chair, with Sunoo sitting in front of you —I thought we promised to keep no secrets between us— you leaned in to whisper, because one of the downsides of living in a palace full of workers was that the walls had ears —And I know you grew fond of the eldest daughter of those bakers that work at the central plaza— you smirked in satisfaction at his flustered expression. You interpreted his nervous stuttering as asking how you managed to uncover the precious secret he had worked so hard to protect. —Oh, don’t give me that look, you always insist on going there every, single, morning, to buy pumpkin bread for breakfast, but then you feed the pigeons with it!—. His frown of disbelief almost seemed comical to you.
—Listen, you little brat— you raised your eyebrows and pointed at yourself with a mocking expression at his aggressive whispering —I had to give up on her for the sake of our people, that’s what the future king of this nation should do!— he pointed at you in a threatening way using a dessert fork to emphasize his words —And if father’s plans work out in the end, prince Riki will ascend to the throne as soon as he turns eighteen and you will become queen of the south! You better start acting as such before you ruin everything—. It was true, king Nishimura had passed away a few years ago, and the current queen had promised her only son to let him lead the nation as soon as he becomes an adult. Sunoo’s impromptu scolding had made you realize that your whole reality was about to take a full turn in barely a few months, and you were not ready yet to leave your palace and family behind and start a new chapter of your life with a total stranger by your side; this is not what you wanted.
Seeing how your nonchalant expression had turned into a sorrowful one, your brother dropped the fork and got up from his chair to approach you. —I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it…— he carefully engulfed you in an awkward hug and gently patted your hair —Everything will be okay, Y/N— it was not usual for him to call you by your name, it had been a while since he started to refer to you in a formal way that made you feel like there was now an intangible distance between you two —Our father is a good man, he would never force you to marry a bad person—. You could only nod at his attempt to comfort you, because your throat was starting to hurt just by holding back a sob.
His unusual display of attention was short-lived; the sounds of incoming steps and chatter between your father and an unknown female voice could be heard from outside, making Sunoo rush back to his seat and fix his hair. You mirrored his actions, checking your current state on the reflection from the silver spoon that rested beside your empty plate, because the least you could do for your father, and for your people, was to greet the royal visitors with a charming smile and a polite bow to secure your place as the spouse of the future king from the south.
Soon enough, the doors were opened by the servants that waited outside to reveal king Kim, accompanied by who you assumed to be queen Nishimura and her only son, Riki. It was your first time meeting them in person, which was understandable considering how both of them had isolated themselves from the rest of the neighboring kingdoms ever since the day king Nishimura passed away, and if it were not because your brother cleared his throat behind you, you would have totally missed the way your eyes and mouth were open in astonishment. How did Sunoo notice that you were staring? Did the visitors take account of your embarrassing first impression, too? You were off to a great start, it seems.
A few minutes prior to their striking entrance, you had always considered that your father and brother were on the taller side, but both of them looked like tiny ants in comparison to Riki; not only was he of impressively high stature, but his facial features were also the most mesmerizing you had ever laid eyes on, to put it simply, prince Nishimura was stunningly handsome. You thought that, if the princes from all those stories your father used to read for you and your brother before bedtime were real, they would feel shame for calling themselves “prince” after taking a look at Riki.
And oh, if you were hypnotized by his beauty, enough to almost miss how he had approached you in all his splendor, to bow before you and kiss the back of your hand, well, more like your glove made of fine, white silk. —It is an honor to finally meet you, princess Y/N—. The deepness of his voice caught you by surprise, in the most pleasant way, but even if his gentle face did not match his low tone, it still made you feel like butterflies had taken over your stomach in a second. A tingling heat made its way from your hand all the way up to your cheeks as you returned the greeting; this was surely going to be an interesting dinner.
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pip25 · 2 years
As you wish
Phantom pain. An unpleasant sensation seemingly originating from a limb that’s no longer part of the body.
This phrase resurfaced in Zelgadiss’ mind time and again, ever since he and Amelia had left Saillune City towards the Kingdom of Ruvinagald. He, of course, had all of his limbs intact and was not experiencing any type of chronic pain, either – but a different sensation, the feeling of a certain weight upon him, surfaced with alarming frequency. And the source of that weight, he knew, was obviously no longer there.
He risked a glance to his right. Amelia walked next to him with a spring in her step, humming some sort of tune he could not place. Her good mood was hardly a surprise: this so-called mission of theirs not only allowed her to leave the palace behind for a while, but also let them meet up with Lina and Gourry again, and travel together for at least a week or two.
It’s been some time since they’ve returned from the Outer World, after all, he thought. If they’re especially lucky, maybe Xelloss won’t show up. One can only hope.
No, he would not bother her with this. The last thing they need is him bringing her down with his own problems. That’s not why they’re here, that’s not what she would want… right?
Zelgadiss pulled his hood deeper into his face in frustration. A year or two ago, the answer to that question would have been straightforward.
“Oh, look!” Amelia’s excited voice interrupted his ruminations. “There’s the border outpost, Zelgadiss-san!”
He forced his attention back to the road ahead, and indeed, there it was: a rather unremarkable two-storey tower of stone and wood at the edge of a forest, with a couple of soldiers standing guard nearby. While the states of the peninsula lacked precisely assigned borders, well-traveled trade routes, like this one, tended to have boundary stones to show roughly where one country ended and the other began, often with similar outposts on each side.
Before they could enter the Alliance of Coastal States, which Ruvinagald was a part of, they needed to take a tiny detour: Amelia was supposed to sign some deeds on Prince Philionel’s behalf here in this tower. As they drew closer, between its first and second storey windows, Zelgadiss spotted the crest of Saillune’s Chivalric Order; it seemed like the outpost was manned not by simple soldiers, but the kingdom’s knights themselves.
An uneasy feeling spreading over him, his hand unwittingly reached to touch his left shoulder, trying in vain to chase away the sensation of a certain weight pushing him down.
“Your Highness, welcome! We have eagerly awaited your arrival.” A forty-something man with a finely trimmed full beard came forth to greet them, wearing chain mail and a turban on his head. There was a bit of an odd pause before he gestured towards the entrance. “I have been notified that Your Highness has little time to spare; the scribe already has the documents prepared in the hall. Is there anything else we can do to assist?”
It did not escape Zelgadiss’ attention that the man barely acknowledged his presence; in fact, his gestures very much suggested that he expected the princess to go inside alone, as if he wasn’t even there.
Amelia seemed to have caught on as well; her good mood deflated a tiny bit as she sent a questioning glance in her companion’s direction. Though inwardly grateful for the gesture, Zelgadiss immediately shook his head with a tiny, barely visible movement. He wanted to get this over with, the quicker the better.
“No, that will be all, thank you,” the princess finally replied to the bearded knight with a polite if meaningless smile, mouthed ‘just one minute’ to her companion, and disappeared behind the oaken double doors.
Zelgadiss decided that, in the present situation, he was perfectly content with simply gazing at said entrance with his arms folded while he waited for the whole ordeal to end. To begin with, he never had much of an appetite for small talk; if the others here wanted to ignore him, that was fine as far as he was concerned.
This assumption of his, however, was quickly turned upside down.
“Let me take a guess.” The middle-aged man’s half-amused, half-exasperated voice made him turn back in his direction despite himself. “You never had any chivalric education or training, but were knighted anyway because you slew a dragon, rescued a princess or something equally dashing and heroic.”
With a wince, Zelgadiss once again started rubbing his left shoulder. While the ceremonial blade used by Prince Philionel had been light as a feather and rested on him only for a few moments during the accolade, this ‘phantom sensation’ now felt like several tons forcing him towards the ground.
Of course they’d know he’s also a knight, he realized, at least as of a few days ago. They’ve been briefed about Amelia’s arrival, and he is her official escort – his newly acquired title was necessary for that exact purpose.
Not that he would’ve admitted any of the above to the man in front of him; the conversation was vexing enough for him already.
“Something like that,” he conceded with a sour expression.
“I suspected as much.” The other man nodded with a sigh. “Well, listen here, hero boy. If you enter one of our outposts, you are expected to greet your fellow knights, or the commander at the very least if you’re feeling all shy,” he said gruffly while pointing at himself. “Don’t just march in here with your head in the clouds and then act disappointed when the others don’t know what to do with you.”
Zelgadiss stared at him with the same bewilderment on his face as if he had just been exposed as a spy from Zoana.
“Do you understand what I’m saying?” the commander pressed on. “I don’t care what sweet nothings you and the princess whisper to one another, you’re not her consort, a baron or any other noble, at least not yet. But you’re also not a peasant who’s just passing by. You’re one of us. Try to act the part, and we’ll get along just fine, got it?”
Robbed of words, all Zelgadiss could do was blink. Rudeness or insults certainly weren’t new to him, but it somehow did not feel appropriate to simply write this off as either of those. Indeed, that was the most perplexing part: annoyed as the middle-aged man may have been, he could not glimpse any malice, fear or even surprise on his features, even though they stood close enough that his hood barely hid anything at all. It was baffling, yet oddly familiar – and of course excruciatingly embarrassing.
“…Understood,” he finally managed to blurt out, surprising even himself.
“Very well then.” The bearded knight looked satisfied with his answer as he gestured back towards the tower. “We’ll look after your charge while she’s here; feel free to take a breather in the meantime. If you need any rations for the rest of the journey, you can—”
His sentence was cut short by a whole tree – complete with the trunk, branches, leaves, bird nests, and roots – slamming into the ground right in front of them. As the incredible momentum made it skid a few additional yards, the commander disappeared in its sizable canopy; only the muffled sounds of his barely restrained cursing made it out.
“Argh! Gods… my leg’s a mess!” he shouted, clearly in pain. “What the hell is happening?!”
Zelgadiss whirled around to face the forest, though he already had a pretty good idea of what they were facing. Not many creatures had the sheer strength necessary to uproot a tree like that, and the intelligence and willingness to use it as a weapon.
He was right. A dozen hulking, hunched beasts hustled towards them from within the forest, their forms roughly humanoid but somewhat ape-like, their skins colored in dirty shades of yellow, green and blue.
His gaze snapped back to the other knights nearby. The enemy’s display of strength, along with the disappearance of their leader sowed the seeds of panic within their ranks; even those who had rushed out of the tower with weapons drawn seemed more inclined to turn around and flee than to defend their post.
“Doesn’t matter,” Zelgadiss muttered to himself. “They’d only get in the way…”
“Hear me, brave knights of Saillune!” The thundering declaration reached his ears as he was about to rush forward alone. He looked up, and saw Amelia standing at the very top of the tower (where else?), resolutely pointing towards the approaching troll horde. “No evil can hope to defeat those who walk the path of righteousness! No strength born from malice can deter those with a heart of valor from seeing justice done! Stand with me, and let us show these monsters the true virtuous might of our kingdom!”
Her speech was not without impact: the fog of panic gradually lifted from the knights’ ranks, and the fear in their eyes was replaced by resolve. Not enough to make them move, however; while they no longer wanted to run away, it still looked as if they were waiting on each other to take the first step forward.
Someone had to set an example, Zelgadiss realized with a frown, and lead the charge against the enemy.
You’re one of us.
The commander’s words echoed in his mind, and at that moment, he finally understood why they felt so strangely familiar.
Fine. He’ll do it, just this once, he thought to himself, and raised his sword towards the top of the tower in what he hoped to be a knightly salute.
“As you wish, my Lady.”
Then he ran. Both to set that example, and to avoid having to see what effect, if any, his incredibly awkward-feeling line has had.
Battle cries sounded from behind him. Innumerable boots hit the ground, their rumble melding into the chant of Chaos Words springing forth from Amelia’s lips.
Zelgadiss ran even faster – and could not suppress a smile.
The battle did not last long. The knights apparently knew about Amelia’s prowess as a spellcaster, and once Zelgadiss fried a few trolls with lightning, they included him in their tactics as well: they drew the beasts’ attention away from the two of them while they mowed them down with a combination of sword, sorcery and bare fists. As fearsome as their foes’ strength and regenerative abilities were, they stood little chance against such a fierce, coordinated onslaught.
After healing the injured, including the commander’s broken leg, the midday sun found the princess and her official escort already well beyond the Saillune border.
“Zelgadiss-san, those knights have been very rude to you. I’m so sorry!” Amelia apologized hastily as they climbed the mountain road at a brisk pace. “I don’t know what has gotten into them!”
Her companion awkwardly cleared his throat. “Um, right, them. It was a… a misunderstanding. We got over it.” The hint of a smirk tugged his lips. “Not the first time I got chewed out for my lack of knightly manners, anyway.”
That visibly caught the princess by surprise. “You’ve traveled with knights before?”
At first, Zelgadiss felt frustrated that he let that slip, but the emotion quickly morphed into guilt. He had enough of keeping secrets from Amelia for one day. She deserved better than that.
“His name was Rodimus.” He kept his eyes on the road, though his gaze seemed to be somewhere far away. “I’m not sure if he had a proper title, but he certainly considered himself a knight. Acted like one, too. The problems started when he wanted everyone else to act the same way. I remember butting heads with him… a lot.”
There was a certain warmness in Zelgadiss’ voice as he spoke of his late friend that made the princess smile.
“Whatever he may have found wanting in you back then, I don’t think you have much to worry about now,” she commented playfully.
“Right.” Her companion nodded slowly, his eyes still on the road ahead. His smirk now had a slight self-deprecating edge to it. “To start with, in my case this title is just a formality. So what if I don’t measure up to the—”
“That’s not true at all, Zelgadiss-san.”
He stopped and finally turned her way, perplexed. Amelia’s smile was gentle but unrelenting.
“A knight’s title is more than just a formality. Believe me, it’s not something my father and I would give away unearned,” she spoke softly. “Father considers you a dear friend and ally who has fought on Saillune’s side for justice several times. And I…” Her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink. “…I consider you… dear… in many ways. I-I just want you to know that… you have nothing to prove to me.”
Gentle wind stirred the leaves of the beech trees on both sides of the road around them.
Standing motionlessly as if his feet had taken root, Zelgadiss tried really hard to answer something, but could not keep himself from stumbling over his own words.
“Uh… No, I… That wasn’t… It’s not like I wanted to…”
His face now even redder than hers, he forced himself to turn away. Desperate to do something, anything to serve as a distraction, his hand moved towards his left shoulder out of habit… and stopped halfway.
Only then did he notice. The ‘phantom weight’ that haunted him for days – it was no longer there. He somehow also knew it would never return.
Finally able to calm down, Zelgadiss took a deep breath. Then another.
“Alright, I… guess I’ll give this… knight business some more time then. See what comes of it,” he murmured almost to himself, then began walking once more. “A-Anyway… Come on  Amelia, let’s get moving. We still have a long journey ahead of us.”
“Right!” The princess beamed as she followed him without skipping a beat.
Long it may have been, it was a journey to look forward to.
“When you… raised your sword like that and said… I mean, when you led all the other knights into battle… that was so, so incredibly cool! I even forgot about my incantation for a second.”
“Uh… thanks? Just so you know, I don’t plan to make a habit of it.”
“Aw, but why?”
“Well, it was a… spur-of-the-moment thing. You don’t write your speeches in advance either, do you?”
“Usually no, but I have a couple of Father’s best ones memorized, just in case.”
“…I …see.”
“So I was thinking, rumor says the smiths of Ruvinagald can produce some really high-quality, shiny-looking armor. When we get there, maybe you could… try some of them on?”
“…Absolutely not.”
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rinnysega · 1 year
Story - An Elena P and Gus Drabble
(Drabble from the SPLAT Server Pirate AU “Our Flag Means SPLAT”)
Elena Pascual hummed to herself as her feather quill traced along the paper to finish writing down everything Gustavo Pinheiro was saying. As their esteemed guest - or prisoner as he often reminded the crew - Gustavo paced back and forth in his cell, coming up with another scene off the top of his head for her to record as she sat on the outside of the brig with her notebook.
“-and then Sebastian will jump into the ocean and rescue Miss Ruiz before it’s revealed that...I don’t know, he can breathe underwater or something, yeah, he was a royal merman this whole time who got legs when he traded uh something for them - I’ll figure out the logistics later I suppose.”
“Ha! What?” Elena looked up from her book. “That’s not at all realistic.”
“Well what do you want me to do?” Gustavo leaned against the bars, holding onto them as if his feet would crumble beneath him any moment. “Everyone hated my last story last time when I tried to be realistic.”
“Because you wrote Hernando getting stabbed and thrown overboard. Did you see the way he almost cried when you said he didn’t live?”
“It’s realistic!” Gustavo shouted. “They said they wanted to hear stories about themselves, so I did! And they hated it!”
“Sebastian probably would like the idea that he used to be a merman, but perhaps, just a small suggestion, don’t kill anyone off in the story who has authority to lock you up down here?”
“Well when Diego gets back, you guys are going to be in so much trouble, so I’m not really that pressed about it.”
“Well that’s not for another week, so if you want to spend tonight back in his room, then maybe try an angle where Sebastian saves Miss Ruiz from the storm, but comes close to dying himself. Then there’s a twist that it is Miss Ruiz who will rescue her lover. It’s romantic and no one dies!”
“Oh please.” Gustavo rolled his eyes.
“What? Mad that I came up with something better than you?”
“Mad that I was going to pitch that exact same story next week, but it would be about me saving Diego so he’d have a great story to come back to.”
“Like you could save anyone from anything,” Elena laughed, and it only made that aristocrat grow more angry. “You and Miss Ruiz may be cut from the same cloth, but she’s a little more feisty and durable than you, princess. I could see her saving Sebastian. Only thing you’re good at saving is a penny.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice raised. “Well I’m going to write my own story about myself in my head without you! I’m going to be so cool and strong and dangerous-”
-Elena laughed as loud as he ever heard her laugh at that sentence which only made him tense up in offense-
“-and everyone’s going to clap and say ‘good job, well done, Gus! We underestimated you!’”
“Now that's about as unrealistic as a merman Sebastian as I ever heard.” Elena wiped a tear from her eye as she calmed down her chuckles and wrote about merman Sebastian anyway.
@thecrazyashley-blog @prophetic-hijinks @justthepeelings @redcookies-bestcookies
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