#and that he lies about the college letter quickly after this
share-the-damn-bed · 10 months
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It's a little thing, but I love how Jonathan takes a moment... fully prepares for Nancy to break up with him after everything that's happened (that he blames himself for)... and then attempts to tackle their conflict head on. He truly believes that he's starting the conversation that is going to end them and is relieved/shocked that there's still hope.
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savanaclaw light novel: the importance of introspection
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I’ve previously discussed how TWST benefits from telling us the same story across different mediums. Different mediums provide different benefits over others, and some can “patch up” rougher bits of story or add more detail to them. The game is interactive and serves as a baseline for most new content. The manga is able to have far more freedom of movement and expression due to being visual-heavy. And last, but not least, a light novel, which is mostly text, has the boon of letting us see more of each character’s thoughts and feelings. We can elaborate on what the game already established and understand the characters on a deeper level.
I would say that the light novel’s format will most benefit the OB boys, as they are the ones who will go through the biggest character arcs in the main story. Because the game’s story is told via mostly dialogue and some sound effects, we rarely, if ever, get a clear understanding of what the OB boys are truly thinking and feeling outside of their brief post-OB flashbacks. The same goes for the manga, which has limited pages to tell its story, so it has to keep a certain pace. But a light novel? Well, you can go ham there with an omniscient narrator.
Today, I want to talk about Leona’s expanded post-OB introspection in the second volume of the light novel as an example of this. Then I will combine it with the information we have from the game and see how the light novel complements what already we know of his character thanks to hindsight. (I’ll be referencing this fan translation if you want to read and follow along!)
First thing’s first! From the game, we know that Leona enrolled in Night Raven College one year late (and then got held back a year, which makes sense considering he is 20 in the main story present). He didn't find a use in attending school since he, by royal birth, was able to afford all the best tutors in the world and didn't think NRC had anything left to teach him. In Leona's Birthday Boy vignettes, he further specifies that he decided to enroll at NRC after Cheka was born. As Leona says in his post-OB flashback in-game, Cheka's birth means "the despised second son loses what little claim he had to the throne forever", essentially putting an end to his hopes. This would imply that this specific change in circumstance was the push that made Leona want to physically distance himself from home. Furthermore, it's supported by Leona's other behaviors: he does not take calls or read letters from home if he can help it (implied by Cheka asking why Leona doesn't answer his letters and Cheka calling on Halloween night to catch up with him; Leona lies and quickly hangs up), he makes excuses to avoid going home (as Kifaji states), etc. If we want to extrapolate even more, how is it that Leona, second born prince, initially crossed paths with Ruggie, who was born and raised in the slums (which, I imagine, must be quite some distance away from the royal palace)? This makes me think that even before Leona enrolled at NRC he would leave his housing and roam around, finding alternative places to stay because home just felt too uncomfortable and suffocating for him. There's also the implication that Leona often brooded over his circumstances, as he confesses to thinking about it and going to NRC to get his mind away from the tired cycle--although he also acknowledges that he's running away from "the pain" of having lost the throne.
The distancing would prove itself to be beneficial to his mental health, as Leona cites that his heart started feeling lighter, his restlessness dulled, and his pain numbed. With the throne out of sight, so, too, was it out of mind, and his longing softened. But that same haunting despair returns when another group starts to place expectations on him. This time, it's no longer the palace servants, but his own dorm members. Instead of fear and derision, his new pack looks at him, their "king", with desperateness--and, more importantly, hope. Speaking about the future with sparkling eyes. That, in turn, made Leona hopeful too. He can't let these people who look up to him and rely on him down, so he must do anything to win. That's all he ever wanted: to win, just this once. No matter what, he wants to win.
But when Leona's plans crumble, that crushing sense of despair rears its ugly head. He fails. And he suddenly understands that all his efforts will always amount to nothing, that they will always be meaningless, that there is no future for him. Leona's hopes have been dashed. He has been struck down by the world once again, just as he had started to climb up, fighting tooth and nail, to prove himself. Yet when defeat came, he also claims it doesn't bother him as much as he thought he would--perhaps because he's so accustomed to not winning, because maybe this is the outcome he had expected all along in the deepest recesses of his heart. That familiar disappointment begins to hurt him once more, and Leona wants to forget it all, to retreat to the shadows and to lick his wounds, to be far away from that pain.
One interesting new detail we glean from the light novel is that Leona is terrified by his dorm mates staring at him with hopeful eyes. It's not their expectations he's inherently scared of, but what those expectations can do to him. Leona is scared of himself, of being motivated by others to act, to never give up hope, when he still anticipates being beat down again and again by a world that rejects him and denies him. He even goes so far as to say he would be pathetic if he let his dorm mates' words inspire him and keep his waning hope alive. Ruggie, who had wanted to turn the world upside down together. Jack, who was inspired by his play three years back. All the mobs putting faith in their futures on him, their one and only leader. With so many people looking to him, how can he not be swayed by that positivity that had once been so elusive to him? How could that not ignite what little spark of hope is left in him? And that's exactly what Leona finds so dangerous about it. He's lived almost his entire life being put in his place, hurt every time he tried to demonstrate what he could do, how he could contribute--yet time and time again, here comes life, tempting him to try again, just to inevitably be compared to his brother and kicked down, delivering another blow to his pride and his self-image. Leona truly seems to hate himself for not being able to let go of that small fragment of hope he has left. He wants so badly to give up and not have to worry anymore about something he can never obtain. He's so tired of struggling and suffering for nothing. If he just caved, then he would never be hurt again. He can't be hurt if he doesn't care about anything. Yet no matter how much he wishes or tries, he can't run far enough away to detach himself from those expectations of grandeur, of being something more.
There's been many fan theories about Leona's mental health in circulation well before the release of this light novel, many of which mention self-loathing in spite of how proud and confident he typically presents as. You'd have to read in-between the lines of dialogue from the game to draw these clues out, whereas the light novel lays it more bare to you. It hits very differently reading hateful statements made by the character to himself. Leona calls himself all sorts of things: a fool, pathetic, insignificant, boring. That he isn't strong, that he isn't wise, that he's not loved. (In the in-game flashback, Leona also talks in a self-deprecating way, but to a far lesser extent than in the light novel; we also see that Falena does his best to discourage Leona from this kind of behavior.) That this is who he is, that it's the one thing he's afraid to admit and accept--but he also says he lacks the "strength" to give up. That's why Leona would rather run away than confront that potential truth. The option to embrace complete nihilism just isn't possible for him, because he can't just quash that pesky little thing called hope. This is much more complex than what's explained in the games and demonstrates a maturity and degree of self-reflection from Leona that we've never seen before. What's more, this gives us brand new context with which to view many of his other seemingly mundane actions mentioned in the game. At face value, Leona often acts very callously and doesn't care to help others unless he gets some kind of benefit from it (like agreeing to poof the contracts in book 3 just because he has his own deal he wants to get rid of). We see this time and time again when he instructs others reliant on him or less knowledgeable than he is in various matters where he is well-read and experienced with. For example, he takes note of his club members' strengths and weaknesses and offers tailored advice to help them improve their play. He tells others how to mine magestones of an adequate size in Vargas Camp. Maybe he's just doing these things to make the circumstances easier for himself (so he can put forth less effort to leading them in a game, or so he can nap heartily). But from what we've just learned from the light novel, now I'm suspecting a different secondary motive.
What if... Leona is, in part, encouraging and helping others to hone their own skills to subconsciously compensate for what he doesn't believe he himself is capable of? Because there's still so much hope for his dorm mates, for his underclassmen... (and, let's not forget, it was those in Savanaclaw that first motivated Leona to "try" again for the first time in forever) but he doesn't have that same amount of hope for himself. I get these vibes as late as book 6, when Leona and Jamil have a talk. In their conversation, Leona directs many pointed, blunt words at Jamil--words that could very easily also be thrown back at Leona's face and be applicable to his book 2 self. He accuses Jamil of making excuses so he won't have to actually act, just as Leona has continuously run away from uncomfortable situations to put himself at ease. At one point, I believe Leona event states that Jamil “*isn’t like [me]”, Here, again, it can be argued that we're seeing Leona's self-awareness on display, as well as a willingness to warn others to not follow down the same path he once treaded, to lose all hope in the future. Again, it's done with a double purpose: the other one being to get Jamil out of his way while they're exploring. And (of course) Leona's way of expressing his message is gruff and not very warm, not to Jamil and certainly not to himself. He's become prickly and defensive himself after all of his experiences--but that just adds to the complexity of his character when we synthesize what we know of him from TWST multimedia.
I really wish a lot of what was in the light novel post-Leona OB was also in the game. It would have helped to flesh out Leona's motivations and fears, which book 2 was sorely needing. As he is presented now, he appears shallow and selfish in his goals, and we don't fully understand the emotions spurring him on, a lot of which is genuine self-loathing and the sinking despair that comes with thinking you're not enough and you'll never be enough. That would have been so much more relatable than the in-game Leona having himself a pity party with a great amount of emphasis on the throne--a throne which, in actuality, just symbolizes a desire for recognition, love, and acceptance. It was never about explicitly being king. It was about being seen as his own person and appreciated for it instead of being admonished and compared to his exalted older brother.
Now, as an adult, Leona has become someone who pushes away those who try to give him that which he craves. He sees a lot of people--his own family and his dorm mates, the closest thing he has to friends--as dangers to his own mental wellbeing. He's scared to let them in, so he's built up these emotional, arrogant walls around himself. Think at how often he rejects advice from Falena and refuses Cheka's affection for him. Look at how this behavior extends beyond those who are keeping him from a literal throne and to his classmates. They instill hope in him, hope which scares Leona. The things he has wanted all his life are now poison that chips away at him. Considering all of that together, it makes Leona's story far more tragic than how it was initially shown to us in the game alone. But guess what? That can also become his strength, fuel for his character arc. Leona isn't running anymore. He's actually returning home for winter break in book 4. He's determined to not get held back again. He's committing to an internship in a field (an energy lab) which will immensely help his country (which is rich in natural resources). All of this, coming from a young man who once acted bitter when his older brother suggested that there were many things Leona could do with his intelligence to benefit their homeland. Leona is making slow strides and steady progress toward a future he used to think was unattainable for him. From that darkness, he's rising anew--like the sun upon the savanna.
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fablesofkitkat · 2 years
pov: you start to open up to Sero about your family dysfunction
alt. title: i (don't) remember you pt.12
genre: fluff
Now it's three in the morning and I'm trying to change your mind
- Arctic Monkeys
Tags: @vanilacaramel @vtte @blushycontent @charlie-xo @happilyheavenproductions @bl--ankhaeji @mattesatoruuu @that-fic-girl @comehome2myheart @hanta-fr-fr @fancyjellyfishcake @bolinbxby @shijjii @aki47-hayakawa @eijis-stuff @ectoplasmictoast @duchess-l @sana-li @ranrandomesss
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When Sero came back to the dorms despite being 2:00 in the morning, you hugged him tight as if you wanted to seep into his skin. It was apparent that you wouldn't let him go when you jumped and locked your legs together around his waist. He has to carry you now. He went home for the weekend since his ma was nagging him to come visit.
And then during the good night call, he asked you what's wrong and somehow his words was the impetus to the dam of your feelings bursting forth.
"Want to talk about it?"
You burrowed your face in his chest, avoiding eye contact. "You know I mentioned that my parents were college sweethearts, right?"
"Yeah, it's nice." His hands are under your thighs holding you up as he navigates the way to his dorm room.
"Did I ever tell you how my dad decided he was gonna marry my mom?"
Sero shook his head. "No."
"He said the moment he saw her, he knew he was going to marry her." You lean your face away, staring at a spot on his shoulder. "Can you imagine feeling so strongly for someone the first time you saw them and you just knew?"
Because it wasn't like that for us. The thought snuck in with no warning.
You went on, "And I think that's why I think he made a mistake you know because I think he got blinded and failed to see and know who my mom really was."
"But your mom and dad's been married for almost 20 years."
"Yeah," you slumped over him once more, resting your chin on his left shoulder. "I think it's also because for awhile, my dad had to work abroad for higher pay. So alot of their relationship was spent in long distance."
"That's amazing." Sero comments as he reached the door of his dorm room, without needing his prompt you reached and turned the door knob. "Long distance relationships are  hard."
"Yeah, my mom has this huge plastic box that contained letters. Handwritten. Their letters to each other. They used cute stationaries. Letters with actual stamps. I think I used to sneak around and read those letters when I was around 1st grade."
"You think?" He quirked a brow at that as he used one foot to push open the door.
You rolled your eyes. "I snuck around. Happy now, you grammar nazi?"
Sero's lips pressed quickly on your forehead as he laughed.
"Anyways my mom, she's not bad—"
He chuckled, kicking the door gently to close while you glared at him. "I'm sorry. It's just— you're saying it like you're leaving a review on your mom."
"Do you want me to go on?"
"Please." Sero walks over to his hammock, sat on it, and lied down with you still in his arms.
"She wasn't really there for us, for her kids. She never went to PTA meetings. She never oversaw our studies. She hired tutors sure, had nannies to take care of us but she wasn't there which was okay, no big deal. I wasn't hurt by it but she had these expectations that she's the most perfect mother in the world." You adjusted your body to lay in a position that's perfect for you and Sero when you said, "Tell me when your body's getting numb."
"So, my mom wants us to do things like post our greetings on social media on her birthday. Greeting her outside of that doesn't count.Also on mother's day too. She wants to show off all the time." Your forefinger finds its way to Sero's jaw, tracing the shape. "Everything about me is about her especially after getting into U.A., I guess it's because she was the pretty girl in high school and college, she got used to everything being about her. Sucks I didn't inherit her looks."
He put his hand over your wrist. "What do you mean by that?"
"I'm not as pretty as her."
"You're pretty. The prettiest, cariño."
You looked at him thoughtfully and hummed. "I see, interesting." You broke into a smile.
"I'm a bad influence on you. Now you're dishing sass left and right." He grins while his fingers find the spaces between yours, holding your hand. You hear the whizzing of the tape to see Sero using his tape quirk to wound it on the door knob so he can pull on the tape to swing the hammock. "What about tío?"
"He's the best. When my siblings and I were toddlers, he actually stayed here and found work here instead of overseas." You start to smile as you remembered things fondly. "I remember his mango smoothies and coconut smoothies."
"Not strawberries?"
"Mango is the best flavor. But my dad is also a jerk. He's. . . hard to please." You stare at Sero's face, wondering if there will ever be a day you'd get sick of his face. Kami, he's so cute. "I remember the first time I joined a spelling bee contest and I got 2nd place. I was so excited that I got a medal. I come up to him and he asked me, 'why not first?'"
"I know. That's when I know I wouldn't get his approval unless I aim for first. So I didn't. Why exhaust myself to something that's going to take a whole lot of time pleasing someone else when I could just do whatever?" You sniffed at Sero, his cologne smells good. "Besides, if I do become like first all the time, he'd want me to maintain it so.."
"So tío is hard to please?"
"Used to be, now I call him out. And he's soft on me."
"You're a daddy's girl."
"I am."
"Oh. . . so like, you can call me daddy— ow! You smack like you're doing a spike on a volleyball. Sadist." He studies the expression on your face, and tentatively asks, "you feeling better?"
You press a quick kiss on his cheek. "Yeah."
AN: I wanted to write angst so why am I writing fluff. Really sorry if this doesn't resonate with your family dysfunction. I usually make reader's backstory vague as possible.
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Shattered Identity
Chapter three: Li(es)ghts, camera, action!
Chapter one. Chapter two.
Fitting the ghost-speak-to-English-translator around his neck, adjusting his face mask, and double checking to make sure he looked presentable enough that they wouldn't call child protective services or the non emergency hotline the second they saw him, Vlad took a deep breath in and rehearsed his regular human cover story.
"I'm Vlad Masters's son and I came to Amity because I got a letter stating that my father was killed under mysterious circumstances and you two seem like people of interest."
No, he shouldn't start with that, felt too accusatory too quickly and could tip Danny off that he does have something of a grudge against his parents, which would mean that he'd lose the boy's trust.
"Hello! I'm Vlad Masters's son and I originally came here because I'm an aspiring crypto-zoologist with an interest in ectobiology, so naturally I figured that the most haunted town on earth had a few colleges with good courses in the subject."
Good, good, it's not perfect yet but it's certainly better than murder accusation. And the Fentons would be more likely to open up to him if they assumed he was fascinated in their field. Now to explain why and how they've never seen him in their lives before, not even as a picture...
"I've been studying abroad for years, mostly in Europe. And Dad? We haven't really seen each other since the divorce, it was a messy and complicated one so he really doesn't like talking about it."
Perfect! But should he go for a fake accent, or just speak normally? Hell, he hasn't even picked out a fake name yet! Ugh! If he kept going on like this and stalling, he'd completely miss his chance!
He took a deep breath in and knocked on the door.
"I'll get it!"
Jack Fenton opened up the door with a friendly grin. "Hello there kiddo, here to report anything ghost... related..?" He trailed off as he noticed that the young adult on his doorstep had a stark resemblance to his old friend.
He looked just like how Vlad did back in college! A little thinner and his hair was sticking up in ways that reminded him of the Wisconsin Ghost, but other than that he was the spitting image!
"Hello Mr. Fenton! My name is Jack Masters and I'm an aspiring Crypto-zoologist with an interest in ectobiology..."
"Jack... Masters..?" the man repeated, his eyes watering with a weak smile.
"Er.. Yes..?"
The teen nervously smiled back despite the smile in question being hidden. Swiss rolls! What did he do?! Why was Jack crying?! ACK!
Jack scooped his Best Friend's son up in a tight bear hug. Despite how distant they've grown and how upset he was after he came out of the hospital, Vlad still loved and respected him so much that he named his own son after him! And despite the white-gray hair, this kid was clearly at least sixteen! Doing the math, that meant that he was born a few years after the portal incident!
"Uh.. Nice to meet you too?" The teenager in the gold, white, and green sweater wheezed while being crushed.
"Oops! Sorry about that." The big Jack put the small Jack down and wiped his eyes while the teen brushed his sweater off. "I guess I got a little too excited..."
"No worries, mind if I come in? I think your family and I have a lot to talk about."
"Of course, J-Kid! Come in! We're about to have breakfast, we'll fix you a plate too."
"Thanks Mr. Fenton!"
"What's with all the commotion?" Jazz asked and froze as she saw the guest.
"Kids! Your cousin Jack Masters dropped by! Isn't that great?"
"Yeah.. Great..." She nervously smiled while her brother held back his laughter behind her. "Hey, can we see him in private before breakfast?"
Before their father could answer, she was already dragging him upstairs and into her room, Danny following close behind.
"Are you okay? Did something happen back at your house that you came to warn us about? Are you suffering side effects from the Ghost Duster and came here for help?"
"Were you panicking when you picked Jack as a fake name or did Dad mishear you when you were getting a bear hug? And of all the things to steal from my parents, why an old lab coat?"
"Tell your homicidal friends that Vlad didn't make it!" The masked teen blurted out instead of answering any of the duo's questions.
"What?!" Both Jazz and Danny gawked in unison.
"Sam and Tucker, tell them either the core was destroyed due to a mishap or that shortly after he reformed, Jack and Maddie gunned him down for good. Either way, I know they want me dead and if they already believe that I am, they won't try to kill me. I may not know the full picture of why I'm being hunted down and treated like the scum of the earth, but I don't want to be destroyed!"
"...Did you catch them breaking into your house when you went home last night and thought that they wanted to kill you in your sleep? Because if so, that wasn't the plan." Danny wrung his hands with a nervous smile.
"...You know what? Forget it, that's not the important take away here." He shook his head. "The important thing is that this" he gestured to his own body. "Cannot be reversed. The only way for me to grow back up that I know of is the natural flow of time. Which means that I need to both fake my own death and fake my own new life."
"Okay, that sounds... reasonable, but what do we have to do with that?"
"You two can't tell anyone else that I'm alive, not even your friends who you might trust but I certainly don't. I know they won't buy that I'm actually my own estranged son which is why my cover story for them is that I'm a clone designed to play 'undertaker'. You know, that I just exist to handle all the chaos that normally would've come up without a death plan in mind as well as destroy all evidence that Vlad has supernatural abilities after his death and may or may not just melt into nothing imminently after the Job's done?"
"...I hate that that's a plausible thing you- Er, past you would do." Danny groaned.
Vlad gave him an unamused look which was easy to read even with the face mask.
"What about our mom?" Jazz raised an eyebrow.
"...What about her? She can't be trusted with the truth or the clone story."
"Not that, I'm curious, do you still have any strong feelings towards her?"
"Yes: Fear. I feel very strong feelings of fear." Vlad nodded. "And other various and hard-to-name emotions too, but those are in the background. If you're worried about me lusting after her then don't. I know that even boiled down to our very essences as people, we're completely incompatible as a couple."
"Oh? Care to elaborate?" Jazz sat next to the bed and gestured for him to lay down on it and gestured for Danny to give them some privacy for Vlad's comfort, which both did. "When did you discover that you and mom are incompatible?"
"I can't really put it down to an exact date or moment, just... It was like a switch was flipped while I was reduced to a core. The need to survive outweighing both ghostly obsession and human delusions. It was like... carrying a backpack full of rocks while trying to scale a cliff, and when I almost lost my grip, I cut off the backpack without even thinking about it. It didn't matter to me if they were the most precious jewels or just dead weight in the moment, I had to..."
"I see... And how exactly would you describe this incompatibility? Romantic, platonic, spiritual..? Or were you so deeply effected by the trauma she inflicted on you that you can't even tell what you used to see in her anymore?"
...He was going to say that while he is willing to forgive her for her part to play in the portal incident, her abandoning him to rot alone in the hospital while marrying his best friend, robbing him a few times, several attempted dissections, and many more things, he still had standards and self-respect and would never in a million years date a Viking's fan. But he also felt that if he did say that out loud to her, she'd think his priorities were completely stupid.
"Y-yeah, both the trauma and the romantic thing... Looking back with a new perspective and going off of what I remember about us, if by some means we genuinely got together, we would bring out the worst in each other and I think that it would be an exhausting power struggle where if one of us won, the other would be trapped in a miserable metaphorical cage and if it was us as equals against a shared enemy, say, the ghost zone, we would be genocidal tyrants of likes the universe had never seen before."
"...Okay... And how come you and her worked out as friends then?"
"In hindsight, Jack was the glue that healthily held us together-"
"Wait, you don't wanna kill my dad anymore?"
"Well out of everyone who intentionally tried to kill me that I know of, he's been the most friendly and considerate, so no? Not really." He shrugged
"That's great! Er, not the almost dying thing but..."
"Kids! Breakfast!" Maddie called up the stairs. "Better hurry and get it before the bus comes!"
"Okay, while we didn't the chance to dig too deep I think we made some good progress on figuring out what you're working with. Wanna do this again next week?"
"I'll think about it..." Vlad got off of the bed. "I mean, the next few weeks are going to be insanely busy for me with all the paperwork."
The two went downstairs and sat at the table, where the Fenton Family ate while Vlad just picked at his food as he didn't want to take off the mask.
Maddie took notice of the older teen's lack of appetite as well as a few other red flags about him.
The son of one of the most talked about billionaires in the world, and there's never even been so much of a peep by media about him? She wasn't denying his paternity, it would be extremely difficult to prove that the teen wasn't his son. (He was practically the spitting image of his younger self from what she could see of his uncovered face) but how and why did Vlad manage to keep the boy out of public eye for so long? Not even a single family picture anywhere in the house? Vlad never even talking about him once?
And that's not even touching on the mysterious teen's physical state; He was frail, had dark circles under his eyes, he was shaking like a chihuahua, and call it a mother's intuition, but the way his clothes and mask were, it... it seemed like he was strategically covering up injuries...
Oh god... did he name his kid "Jack" because he was using him as punching bag to let his anger out..? She tolerated so much of Vlad's... peculiarities for her husband's sake, but so help her, she will maul that man like a feral bear if he's been abusing his own son over his petty grudge against her husband!
"So J-Kid, tell us about yourself." Her husband gave the guest a warm smile. "What got you interested in Crypto-zoology?"
"Mostly morbid curiosity. I grew up hearing about sightings of strange creatures, both alien and terrestrial and I wanted to know more about them. What evolutionary niches are they supposed to fill? How intelligent are they? Are they sentient and sapient? And regarding my interest in ectobiology, with the existence of ghosts being proven real, how many of the cryptids on earth are living, breathing creatures that we know very little of and how many are ghosts of the entities they once were? ...I figured if I could tell the difference between ghost biology and living entity biology, it would come in handy with some of my questions."
"Well if you're up for an internship here, we'd be more than happy to teach you everything we know about ghost biology!" Jack beamed.
"Thank you for the offer Mr. Fenton, I'll think about it while settling in to town."
"And do you have a place to stay? ...Specifically, a place you feel safe staying at?" Maddie inquired.
"Yes, don't worry, I plan on staying with Vladimir. It's going to be my first time meeting him since the divorce so I'm both nervous about it and excited."
"The divorce..?" She repeated, surprised, but not sure what she should be surprised about. Maybe the fact Vlad got married in the first place?
"Yes, from what I can tell about it it was really messy and mom was pretty spiteful about it, not giving an inch while taking miles, refusing to let him see me, spreading bad rumors... I'm not surprised he never really told anyone about me, I bet he didn't want to talk about the whole thing. It kinda feels weird calling a man I've never met my dad though..."
Okay, so whatever the kid's been through wasn't directly caused by Vlad... He's safe from her mama bear wrath for now.
"Well I'm sure you two will get along just fine, why, you and V-Man even have the same favorite football team! Sure moving's always hard to adjust to, but you have nothing to worry about regarding your old man, okay?"
"Got it, thanks Mr. Fenton. And thanks for the breakfast" Vlad weakly smiled.
"Oh? Going so soon?"
"Yeah, sorry, but boxes aren't going to unpack themselves and I really just came to let you two know I'm in the neighborhood before you get caught off guard."
"Well feel free to visit again any time, J-Kid!" Jack gave him a firm handshake. "Our home is your home too."
"And mine is yours." the teen smiled back.
"-So let me get this straight. He's dead? As in, dead dead?" Tucker almost couldn't believe his ears.
"Yeah, as it turns out, while I was trying to take him to Frostbite, he didn't survive the trip..." Danny scratched the back of his head. Not comfortable with lying directly to his two best friends but it wasn't like paranoid amnesiac had an unreasonable request considering that all he knew about them right now was that they tried to kill him. "His core fell apart while we were trying to figure out what happened to him.."
"Dang..." Tucker leaned against the bus stop. "I mean, I never liked the guy... but really? That's how the cookie crumbled instead of some epic final battle?"
"Are you sure? It feels too... convenient." Sam spoke up. "He just falls apart and that's it? He's done and dealt with?"
"Do you want him to come back..?"
"No! But just.. I think we should keep our guards up. He could be faking it so he can go lick his wounds somewhere before ambushing us."
"I... don't think it's possible to fake having a core fall apart." Danny frowned.
"I'm less worried about him somehow surviving being completely destroyed and more worried about who or what will raid Vlad's mansions for weapons and money to use against us." Tucker shook his head. "Just imagine Skulker with the Plasmius Maximus incorporated into his arsenal."
"So he'd disable his own powers?" He snorted in amusement.
"Okay, bad example..."
"Anyway, I don't think we should be too worried about what happens to his stuff, Vlad made a clone of himself specifically to handle it. I've met him and he's not too bad."
"HE HAS A CLONE OF HIMSELF?!" Both Tucker and Sam gawked in unison.
"...Yeah? But don't worry, he's not evil, just skittish."
"How do you know this..?" Sam shook her head in exasperation.
"He showed up on the doorstep and Dad let him in to have breakfast."
"Huh... Does Dani know she has a big brother?"
"...Or a little brother depending on how long he's been out of the tube?"
"Good question... I guess I'll ask him the next time we see each other."
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brain-crack-5f · 2 years
Download Brain crack (serial key) latest version 7H9,
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Though not an actual drug, the phrase refers to an equally-as-addicting and very well known substance: ideas. As we know, our decision not to engage in the pursuit of an idea is generally less about timing and more about our own prevailing notions of fear and doubt. How so? Very simply put, Frank is telling us to try. As daunting a task as it may be, you have to try to knock that idea of yours off its pedestal and into the real world as quickly as possible. Want to design clothes? Head to the fabric store. Have a quirky invention? Make a prototype. Want to be a writer? Start writing! Most importantly, embrace the falls; they will come in many forms. There will be the realization that your idea has a massive hole in it. There will be a lack of enthusiasm from someone you were counting on for support. After all, it is not in the initial inception of an idea that triumph lies; success magically unfolds itself. It is in trying it out. It is in the persistence and testing and retesting of it, and sometimes changing it altogether. This is where the growth happens and the opportunities arise. This philosophy often is broken down into separate contexts. One part reflects the social context, identifying more strongly with stories of individual and self-growth. The other part reflects the intellectual context, identifying more closely with stories of entrepreneurial or professional success. Never, because how feasible is that? When she finally quit her job, Macleod opened an Etsy shop in hopes of selling some of her artwork to help support the move. While her shop may have been both a creative outlet as well as a foundational building block for a business, it was not quite as financially successful as she had hoped -- at least, not at first. As Macleod wandered Europe, she began handwriting travel letters to friends from home. She would relay personal reflections and sometimes dream up short stories, a collection of little poetic doses. As it happened, her friends loved receiving the letters. Soon thereafter, her path collided with that of a fellow artist and she felt inspired to begin painting illustrations within the letters. And, what do you know? Then, friends-of-friends from home starting asking how they might be able to obtain such nifty keepsakes. Exhibit B: Lessons From an Angel Investor Watching a roundtable earlier this year, an angel investor recalled a story about a hopeful guy who once came to him with an idea. It was for a new product that would automatically stop a bathtub from overflowing so that a person would not have to do so manually. The investor told the hopeful guy to go find 15 people off the street that would purchase the product, and if he could do that, he would fund his bathtub venture. He never heard back from the hopeful entrepreneur, as the guy probably came to the realization himself that most people are okay with manually filling their own tub. What happened? Last winter, I was getting pretty downtrodden and in dire need of a creative outlet, myself. I, like most somethings who have grown up exposed to the wonderful world of connected opportunity and excessive stimuli, found myself simultaneously overwhelmed and terribly bored by the 9 to 5 grind. I yearned for something more. I missed college and the free time spent on extracurricular activities. I missed getting together with friends, so many of whom are talented, and talking about topics other than work and the latest social buzz. I missed the feeling of young, sleepless hopefulness for what was to come. So, I started daydreaming about what my absolute dream job might look like. End of story, right? Of course not! At the first event, surrounded by happy friends and passionate artists, I knew that though a far cry from the initial idea, BTP was a success in its own right. The experiential knowledge and persistent attitude you gain will take you further than you could ever imagine. You may end up halfway across the world, living out life in the country of your dreams, and you may even end up a millionaire. At the least, I can promise that you will end up amongst friends. More like this.
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brain-crack-v6 · 2 years
Download Brain crack (license key) latest version O4E*
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Though not an actual drug, the phrase refers to an equally-as-addicting and very well known substance: ideas. As we know, our decision not to engage in the pursuit of an idea is generally less about timing and more about our own prevailing notions of fear and doubt. How so? Very simply put, Frank is telling us to try. As daunting a task as it may be, you have to try to knock that idea of yours off its pedestal and into the real world as quickly as possible. Want to design clothes? Head to the fabric store. Have a quirky invention? Make a prototype. Want to be a writer? Start writing! Most importantly, embrace the falls; they will come in many forms. There will be the realization that your idea has a massive hole in it. There will be a lack of enthusiasm from someone you were counting on for support. After all, it is not in the initial inception of an idea that triumph lies; success magically unfolds itself. It is in trying it out. It is in the persistence and testing and retesting of it, and sometimes changing it altogether. This is where the growth happens and the opportunities arise. This philosophy often is broken down into separate contexts. One part reflects the social context, identifying more strongly with stories of individual and self-growth. The other part reflects the intellectual context, identifying more closely with stories of entrepreneurial or professional success. Never, because how feasible is that? When she finally quit her job, Macleod opened an Etsy shop in hopes of selling some of her artwork to help support the move. While her shop may have been both a creative outlet as well as a foundational building block for a business, it was not quite as financially successful as she had hoped -- at least, not at first. As Macleod wandered Europe, she began handwriting travel letters to friends from home. She would relay personal reflections and sometimes dream up short stories, a collection of little poetic doses. As it happened, her friends loved receiving the letters. Soon thereafter, her path collided with that of a fellow artist and she felt inspired to begin painting illustrations within the letters. And, what do you know? Then, friends-of-friends from home starting asking how they might be able to obtain such nifty keepsakes. Exhibit B: Lessons From an Angel Investor Watching a roundtable earlier this year, an angel investor recalled a story about a hopeful guy who once came to him with an idea. It was for a new product that would automatically stop a bathtub from overflowing so that a person would not have to do so manually. The investor told the hopeful guy to go find 15 people off the street that would purchase the product, and if he could do that, he would fund his bathtub venture. He never heard back from the hopeful entrepreneur, as the guy probably came to the realization himself that most people are okay with manually filling their own tub. What happened? Last winter, I was getting pretty downtrodden and in dire need of a creative outlet, myself. I, like most somethings who have grown up exposed to the wonderful world of connected opportunity and excessive stimuli, found myself simultaneously overwhelmed and terribly bored by the 9 to 5 grind. I yearned for something more. I missed college and the free time spent on extracurricular activities. I missed getting together with friends, so many of whom are talented, and talking about topics other than work and the latest social buzz. I missed the feeling of young, sleepless hopefulness for what was to come. So, I started daydreaming about what my absolute dream job might look like. End of story, right? Of course not! At the first event, surrounded by happy friends and passionate artists, I knew that though a far cry from the initial idea, BTP was a success in its own right. The experiential knowledge and persistent attitude you gain will take you further than you could ever imagine. You may end up halfway across the world, living out life in the country of your dreams, and you may even end up a millionaire. At the least, I can promise that you will end up amongst friends. More like this.
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brain-crack-8x · 2 years
Download Brain crack (keygen) latest version NOJ8-
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Though not an actual drug, the phrase refers to an equally-as-addicting and very well known substance: ideas. As we know, our decision not to engage in the pursuit of an idea is generally less about timing and more about our own prevailing notions of fear and doubt. How so? Very simply put, Frank is telling us to try. As daunting a task as it may be, you have to try to knock that idea of yours off its pedestal and into the real world as quickly as possible. Want to design clothes? Head to the fabric store. Have a quirky invention? Make a prototype. Want to be a writer? Start writing! Most importantly, embrace the falls; they will come in many forms. There will be the realization that your idea has a massive hole in it. There will be a lack of enthusiasm from someone you were counting on for support. After all, it is not in the initial inception of an idea that triumph lies; success magically unfolds itself. It is in trying it out. It is in the persistence and testing and retesting of it, and sometimes changing it altogether. This is where the growth happens and the opportunities arise. This philosophy often is broken down into separate contexts. One part reflects the social context, identifying more strongly with stories of individual and self-growth. The other part reflects the intellectual context, identifying more closely with stories of entrepreneurial or professional success. Never, because how feasible is that? When she finally quit her job, Macleod opened an Etsy shop in hopes of selling some of her artwork to help support the move. While her shop may have been both a creative outlet as well as a foundational building block for a business, it was not quite as financially successful as she had hoped -- at least, not at first. As Macleod wandered Europe, she began handwriting travel letters to friends from home. She would relay personal reflections and sometimes dream up short stories, a collection of little poetic doses. As it happened, her friends loved receiving the letters. Soon thereafter, her path collided with that of a fellow artist and she felt inspired to begin painting illustrations within the letters. And, what do you know? Then, friends-of-friends from home starting asking how they might be able to obtain such nifty keepsakes. Exhibit B: Lessons From an Angel Investor Watching a roundtable earlier this year, an angel investor recalled a story about a hopeful guy who once came to him with an idea. It was for a new product that would automatically stop a bathtub from overflowing so that a person would not have to do so manually. The investor told the hopeful guy to go find 15 people off the street that would purchase the product, and if he could do that, he would fund his bathtub venture. He never heard back from the hopeful entrepreneur, as the guy probably came to the realization himself that most people are okay with manually filling their own tub. What happened? Last winter, I was getting pretty downtrodden and in dire need of a creative outlet, myself. I, like most somethings who have grown up exposed to the wonderful world of connected opportunity and excessive stimuli, found myself simultaneously overwhelmed and terribly bored by the 9 to 5 grind. I yearned for something more. I missed college and the free time spent on extracurricular activities. I missed getting together with friends, so many of whom are talented, and talking about topics other than work and the latest social buzz. I missed the feeling of young, sleepless hopefulness for what was to come. So, I started daydreaming about what my absolute dream job might look like. End of story, right? Of course not! At the first event, surrounded by happy friends and passionate artists, I knew that though a far cry from the initial idea, BTP was a success in its own right. The experiential knowledge and persistent attitude you gain will take you further than you could ever imagine. You may end up halfway across the world, living out life in the country of your dreams, and you may even end up a millionaire. At the least, I can promise that you will end up amongst friends. More like this.
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lavienjin · 3 years
dress down | a jjk drabble
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Summary: There's a sale going on in your favourite store so you nag Jungkook to take you. One stuck zipper later, Jungkook joins you inside, to "help" you out of the dress.
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♠ Pairing: jeon jungkook x f!reader ♠ Word Count: 2,143 2.2k ♠ Genre/AU: college au • fwb to lovers au ♠ Rating: 18+. This fic and the series itself is not suitable for younger audiences. ♠ Warnings: semi-public sex • hair pulling • multiple orgasms • oral (f. receiving) • protected sex • dirty talk • name calling (slut) • the return of moon's mirror kink ♠ Author's Note: this work can be read as a stand alone but it's actually a drabble for pen pals! i wrote it super quickly so it does go from 0 to 100 real quick because i wanted it out there as soon as possible hehe! it's also written for the lovely rid @taegularities who inspires me to write after ruining me with "ruin you". yes i am the galaxy anon and i just! was too shy! i hope you enjoy it, rid! @sunshinekims sophie, thank you so much for being my beta reader! i appreciate all the comments and the correction!!! thank you for being patient with me ;; i can't wait for your jungkook fic to come out 👀
--taglist (lmk if you want to be removed! if you want me to add you, fill in this form or send me a dm): @thedarkwinterrose @somewhereofftheglobe @typicalgenzworld @nch327 @moonchild1 @kooafraid @marilo11 @syazkook @kookie-vuitton @tenmonthsjay @cl0udytae @bangtae-sohotddaeng vnonnie @btsbish @hoseokstrashcan @peeaaachi @apollukee @mooniyooni @hoseokk218 @ohyeahjk @typical-taekook @imcompletelyok @bloopkook @271101 @di0rgguk​ @moomoomilkycow @kookxin
series m.list | general m.list | ao3
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"Come to the mall with me?" you bat your eyelashes towards Jungkook, a dance of a smile on your face as you pout. "You're the only person I know that's available and has a car, right now," you explain when Jungkook's eyebrow darts upwards to the high heavens.
"And here I thought you hate spending time with me," he chuckles as he closes his textbook, standing up to stretch his tired limbs.
You're in his apartment, to no one's surprise, and after spending hours in front of your laptop, your phone notifies you of a flash sale happening in one of your favourite stores. In big red letters, the promotion boasts 60% off of everything and your eyes turned wide instantly, imagining the beautiful dresses you've been eyeing since last month. As luck would have it, you've also just gotten paid yesterday and after setting aside money for rent and utilities, you have more than enough to spend on at least a dress.
"Come on, I'll buy you lunch if you take me. Please?"
Jungkook sighs in defeat, shaking his head as he stands up to grab his keys, unlocking the apartment door. Dejected, you thought he was leaving, until he lingers on the doorframe, throwing a cheeky grin in your direction.
"You coming?" he calls out as he steps foot outside. You squeal inwardly, putting on your shoes hastily to join him in the corridor.
You can swear to high heavens that you're a decent member of society. Sure, there were times when you lied to your parents about your whereabouts and maybe you've rolled through a stop sign without actually coming to a complete stop. But it doesn't make you a bad person for doing those things, right? This time, however, you just might have taken things a bit too far.
Your mouth gapes open at the silent moan you can't utter. The reflection in the mirror shows an image of a girl in a bright yellow dress, forehead dotted with sweat and eyes half-lidded, all while she’s rutting her hips against the beautiful face of a boy on his knees. His fingers dig into her thighs as his tongue swipes alphabets on her weeping cunt.
"Fuck, you're so wet," he murmurs from underneath your dress, his fingers leaving your thighs to drag against your slit, pushing into your entrance slightly as you tremble at the feeling. "You have to be extra quiet for me, okay?" Jungkook smirks as he pops the finger in his mouth, licking his digits clean, humming approvingly at your taste.
Whimpering quietly, you nod, locking your eyes on his dark pupils for a moment before Jungkook smiles, returning to his task at hand. "You taste so good, baby," he praises, dragging his tongue along your cunt, drinking in your arousal, eyes shining so bright as he watches for your reactions.
"Jungkook - I can't," you rasp above him, getting agonizingly close to your release as you roll your hips on his face again, a low groan emitting from his throat. "Gonna cum, fuck!" Your gasping breath replaces the moan of his name, knowing that you can't be too loud in your otherwise compromised position. If someone were to walk by, there's no denying the squelch, squelch, squelch of your pussy swallowing his fingers in. You're not sure who to thank, never one to believe in the higher power, but the store is incredibly busy, coworkers shouting among each other and patrons laughing all around you, allowing you to moan a little louder as he edges you closer.
"Cum for me," he groans, thrusting his fingers faster in your cunt and using his thumb to swipe circles on your sensitive clit. It doesn't take long when you whine wantonly in a broken voice, thighs trembling as clear liquid dribble down your thighs, your walls spasming around his digits. Jungkook is quick to react, licking your arousal flowing freely down your leg and drinking it all in as he helps you through your orgasm, his hands on your hips as your body shakes violently.
You try to catch your breath, pretending to be upset at the situation that thrusts itself in this confined space, but all your thoughts slip from your mind when Jungkook stands, pants straining against his thick length as he rolls his hips against you, kissing at your neck to leave small purple marks behind. "Think you can do one more?" he whispers, dragging his perfect teeth on the shell of your earlobe.
Breathing hard, you grab his neck to crash your lips into his, nipping your way into his mouth as you card your fingers through his hair, tugging at the purple locks harshly. Go bald, Jungkook, you motherfucker, you want to screech, but the workers probably wouldn't be too thrilled to know that there's an extra person in the dressing room. Plus, this was sort of your idea. So you grab at his length instead, palming his erection as he moans into the kiss; Jungkook's arm around your waist and the other resting by your head to avoid crushing you. "You brought a condom with you, right?" you gasp when your lips part, needing air to survive.
"Always," Jungkook winks, digging in his back pocket to fish out the familiar gold packet. You undo his belt, letting it thud on the floor as you free his erection from its confines. Jungkook moans quietly when the cold air hits his cock, the red, weeping head twitching slightly as his back arches. Ripping the foil, he stuffs himself in the condom, pumping his length a few times and shoving the trash in another pocket.
"Face the wall," he commands as he strokes his cock to your ruined body.
You scowl but you do as you're told, gathering up the dress so it bunches around your hips as you place your hands against the cold, white plywood. Jungkook lines himself with your entrance and inch by glorious fucking inch, he pushes past your velvet walls, the two of you moaning quietly in unison. He slips out quickly only to slam back in one fluid motion, sheathing himself fully inside you, sending shivers down your spine as you claw at the white walls of the dressing room. You sneak a glance at the mirror, marveling at the way your bodies are connected with one another, watching Jungkook's blissful, fucked out face. His head's tipped backwards, mouth hanging open at the sensation of your walls spasming around him.
"Fuck," Jungkook breathes as he grabs your hips, thrusting slowly into your fluttering walls. He gathers your hair in a ponytail, testing the tug a few times. When you don't respond, he tugs a little harder, your body leaving the wall, back arching towards him, moaning sinfully as you bring your eyes towards the mirror to watch him fuck you.
“Ah-- Jung--”
"Miss? I heard a shout... Is everything okay in there?" comes a knock from the door, startling the two of you into halting.
"Y-Yes!" you squeak rather loudly. "Sorry, my hair got stuck in the zipper."
"Do you need help, miss?" the worker asks worryingly. You pray silently that she doesn't come into the room, knowing that she has the key to unlock the door at any point in time.
"No!" comes your hasty reply and you take big breaths in before saying it again. "I'm okay, th-thanks!"
The worker seems uncertain and she starts making polite conversation, unaware to the sinful actions that are currently happening behind the thin plywood door. "Do you want me to grab you another colour of the dress? I think the mint one will look good with your skin tone!"
You try to answer her questions as best as you could, but your mind halts to a complete stop when Jungkook continues to fuck into you slowly, a mischievous smirk on his lips when the two of you lock eyes in the mirror. He brings a finger on his lips as he drags his cock into your weeping pussy, the sound of skin against skin ringing loudly against the confined walls, though you know no one else can hear it. Your hand flies to your mouth to cover the moan that's threatening to spill from your throat and you clench your pussy in revenge, relishing the grunt that tumbles from Jungkook's lips.
"Miss? Do you want the mint one?" the worker's voice snapping you from your fucked out thoughts.
You nod fervently before realising that there isn't a way for her to see your action. Just as you're about to speak, Jungkook drags his cock out of you before slamming in harshly, his hands tug harder on your hair. "Yes!" you cry out, gasping for breath.
"O-Okay! I'll go get that for you," the worker knocks once to signify her departure, probably surprised at your excited cry.
You glare at Jungkook in the mirror, though it doesn't last long when he repeats the action, driving you close to the brink of insanity as you struggle to keep your eyes open. He picks up the pace, driving his cock into your cunt deeper when he hears a commotion going outside, (something about a rip in one of the dresses) bringing your body flush against his as his arm snakes around your waist, leaving hot open-mouthed kisses on your neck.
"You're so beautiful in this dress, you should get it," he gasps in your ear, releasing your hair to find your clit, rubbing harshly to help aid your orgasm along.
"With the - ah, fuck, there - mess we've created? I'd be too embarrassed to - ah - return it. So, of course I'm buying this fucking dress," you whisper, turning your head slightly towards him so he hears you.
"Yeah? Such a needy slut. You knew what you were doing when you asked me to help zip you up, didn't you? Fuck, this dress doesn't even have a zipper. You just can't go without my cock for a day, huh? Dirty fucking slut wants everyone to know how good you feel. Look in the mirror - fuck - you're so good to me. You take my cock so well. You're going to cum right here, then? In the fucking dressing room where everyone can hear you?" Jungkook taunts as he brings you dangerously closer towards the edge, whines leaving your lips as his grip tightens around you.
Jungkook growls as your pussy tightens, the dangerous combination of his fingers and cock dragging out a second orgasm from you. The familiar burn in your stomach causes your body to thrash against his grip, but he holds you steady, whispering how well you're taking his cock and to wait until the two of you get home because he isn't quite finished with you yet. You manage a strangled cry and a hiss of his name as your body goes rigid, the waves of pleasure bringing you over the edge, relishing in the toe-curling orgasm as your body spasms under his touch.
He fares no better, feeling your walls constrict against his cock and with a harsh yet quiet groan of your name, he paints the condom white, thrusting a few more times into your ruined cunt to prolong his orgasm. Jungkook kisses your shoulders as he exits out of you, removing the condom and tying it up in one fluid motion, placing it inside one of the small bags to throw out later.
As you try to catch your breath, there's a quiet knock on the door again. "Miss? I have the mint dress hanging out front here. Come, uh, come grab it from outside when you're ready," she says hesitantly and you hear the squeaking of her footsteps dragging her away from your sinful deeds.
"Do you think she knows?" Jungkook chuckles as he wipes your hair away from your damp forehead.
"Did you hear the strangled way she says 'come'? There's no way she doesn't know," you giggle, turning towards the mirror to fix yourself while you shrug on your discarded clothes on the floor.
"How much does the dress cost anyw- holy fucking shit, are all women's clothes this expensive?" Jungkook balks at the zeroes that attach itself behind the two digit numbers.
"First of all, it's on sale for 60%, so it's not going to be that expensive. Second of all, I have to buy this dress, Jungkook. It's cute. And we soiled it," you pout as you poke his chest, gathering up the folded fabric to make a swift exit away from the dressing room.
And maybe it's just your imagination, but perhaps the two of you aren't being discreet enough, even though you made sure to exit separately, because the cashier has a pink flush on her face as she scans your item with trembling hands, unable to hold your gaze. With a sigh and an empty bank account, you leave the store feeling somewhat defeated, knowing that it'll be a long time before you're able to step foot inside the store again.
Oh well, there's always online shopping.
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series m.list | general m.list | ao3
love my work? please leave a like and reblog! feel free to ask me anything about the story, i love to hear your thoughts!
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Posted: 7th June 2021 at 10:10pm CST
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leetotters · 3 years
I saw your requests open can you write maybe a hc with professor!chris evans
Bonus points if reader is a cheerleader! i barley see ones with cheerleader thx😚😚
first chris fic, kinda happy its professor!chris also i made reader a cheerleader but idk what the hell is required for it other than the basics! also the reader is over 19+ and chris is about 40 (huge age gap) please don't read if it is a problem!
professor!chris evans x cheerleader!reader
summary: something like request^
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you were your university's cheerleader captain, you had good grades, optimistic attitude and well a great ass personality
chris was a middle aged professor, unmarried, his once soft brown locks now silver, his skin slightly wrinkle but damn did he age like fine wine.
most people at your college spoke about the hot history professor, even you, girls would swoon over him during classes not paying any attention to the new topic he would be teaching, their eyes drinking in the sight of him as his muscles flex pointing the board.
chris knew about the foul comments his students made about him, he knew how some of them would stay back after class attempting to seduce him to go in bed with them, he knew the girls wore revealing clothing trying to catch his eye, he knew he was a hot man for his age.
yes, you were one of students who thirsted over professor chris, but you were weren't one to actually seduce the man, you did make impure comments about him but tried to keep them earshot from him, you wore outfits that suited your style, revealing or not, you wore it for yourself.
professor evans was a man of class, not giving in to his horny students throwing themselves at him, he would sometimes chuckle, proud he still had his charm from his youth days to attract others, sometimes he would be grading his history exam papers and would see his name with hearts around it in the corner of the page.
but professor evans had a little secret of his own, a little dirty secret that would probably make him get fired from his paying job, professor evans had eyes for someone and that someone was coincidentally one of his students, yeah, all that class of his is gone when he sees that one cheer captain strutting into his class, her hand holding college colored pompoms and her little cheerleading uniform.
y/n l/n was the name
professor evans would occasionally glance at you in class, you always sat in the fourth row with a few of your friends, to his dismay. he would flash you his pearly smile whenever you answered a question or asked, you were his best student, his best girl.
chris would sometimes stand afar watching you practice with your cheerleading team going through your warm ups and routines, he always got flustered when your skirt would raise showing him more of your smooth thighs
the things he would do to you if he just had the chance he thought to himself more than often, but you wouldn't be intrested with a middle aged man like him..right?
chris leaned back on his chair, checking his watch once more, boredom creeping up on him as he marked some of his students essays, he let out a loud yawn grading the last paper of the second set then going on to the other.
a knock was heard from the other side of the door awakening chris from his sleepy state, 'come in' he shouted groggily, rubbing his droopy eyes thinking who the hell was here at six in the evening
you peeked your head inside, smiling shyly, professor evans eyes darkened a little when he saw you enter, his eyes immediately raking your body, you were dressed in a satin y/f/c pj shirt and shorts, making chris adjust himself at the sight of your bare legs.
'oh y/n, what brings you here' chris inquired resting his pen on his desk and folding his arms pointing you to the seat right across his desk.
you sat down, not really sure yourself why you walked all the way here to his office, 'i'm having a bit of trouble with the new assignment you gave us sir' you lied fiddling with your fingers on your lap from his intense stare
chris grinned nodding his head before speaking, 'trouble? miss l/n, you're top in my class and i'm pretty sure you aren't here to discuss about this assignment' he folded his arms across his chest, the grin still plastered on his lips.
'no sir i'm not' you shook your head, standing from your spot circling your way around his desk to the back of his chair, placing your arms on his shoulders feeling him stiffen up from your touch. you massaged him, rolling your thumbs over his neck then lowering your lip to his ear, 'i came here to see you sir' chris inhaled deeply when the three lettered word left your lips.
'i see the way you look at me' you spoke voice low, licking a strip of his ear, hands still working on his shoulders up to his neck, 'i see you looking at me when i'm practicing' you nibbled his earlobe, teasingly moaning, 'i see your eyes on me during your lessons' you pulled back spinning his chair around, straddling his lap, locking your arms around his neck giving him your alluring smile.
'and i like it sir' you finished, toying with the silver baby hairs behind the nape of his neck, biting your bottom lip and staring up at chris, his green eyes were wide, he slowly leaned in, waiting to see if you would retreat, only to have you smash your lips together with his, your hips grinding on his lap as his hand found a place on your waist raising the material of your body.
chris drew back, his large hand cupping your cheek brushing his thumb under your eye before pressing his lips to yours, slipping his tongue in exploring the insides, 'so fucking sexy y/n' chris groaned, pushing his face between the valley of your exposed breasts leaving soft kisses on both hardened nipples
you hummed still moving your hips on his crotch trying to relieve the insufferable ache between your thighs, 'fuck me sir, fuck my tight pussy, i know you want to' you pleaded, so close to your orgasm that you used chris shoulders to keep up your balance to reach the end state of bliss.
chris thought seeing you in your cheerleading uniform was hot, but this, your orgasmic state was far from that, your lips were parted, nose scrunched and eyes shut as you came in your shorts, your squeals bouncing off the class walls as your grip tightened on chris shoulders.
'fuck doll, you just came by grinding on my lap' your professor spoke his voice dark, his hands kneading the rotund flesh of your covered behind, 'imagine when i actual fuck you with my thick cock' that made you whine automatically, at the mention of his cock.
you were about to respond with a snarky response but a knock to the door made both of you and chris freeze, 'professor evans, may i come in' a high pitched voice asked, surely one of his students who wanted to be in the position you were in a few seconds ago. 'uh just a minute' you quickly slipped your pj shirt over your head, adjusting your moistened shorts getting off of chris lap.
chris pressed his lips to yours once more before letting you go, 'mhm doll, come to my office tomorrow, right after class' he unwillingly pulled back, 'wear that cute little cheerleading uniform of yours too' chris squeezed your waist releasing you from his grip leaving you in a blushing state.
'will do professor' you winked walking out the door swaying your hips sensually knowing his eyes were on you.
part two here!
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neko-rogers · 3 years
But It’s Better If You Do
Trying to keep your relationship with your professor was easy enough, until you learned that someone had found out about it.
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words: 7,424 tags: manipulative!peter, explicit noncon/dubcon elements, degredation, implied overstimulation, blackmailing, kidnapping, college student and professor relationship, 
a/n: whew this had a lot of words compared to what i usually write. plus, since im bad at titles, i’ll just use my fav song titles lmao. (ps. erik lehnsherr aka magneto is here and im just glad i could put him in my little fictional world bc im d biggest slut for him)
     A complete lie, you just did not want to deal with college fuck boys.
     The man in front of the class was practically pouring his heart out into the lecture. The chalkboard was filled with white letterings from left to right, not knowing where to start as you take down notes.
     “It is important to keep in mind that bimolecular structure and function are dictated by the properties of the medium in which they are dissolved,” your professor explains while continually pacing from one end to the other among the students seated at the first row.
     You decided to seat around the middle to the last row, knowing it was the least obvious way for other students in the class to notice how much you fawn over your Organic Chemistry professor rather than the subject itself.
     Honestly you could listen to him talk for hours. All those information he had been discussing would not actually process through your thoughts. You knew that better than anyone.
     But who honestly would invalidate your reason? Everyone can probably relate to hating Chemistry, no matter what subcategory it is. 
     Considering that this was probably one of the most difficult courses you had in your program. You were just thankful and lucky enough you landed on one of the hottest professors amongst the campus.
     “Hey what did Professor Lehnsherr say about the problems during synthesis of proteins?” Peter asks.
     In spite of being fortunate about everything else about this subject, you were not quite happy about Peter Parker following you around like a lost puppy. Especially during the classes you both have alike. 
     The boy constantly asks so much questions as if you were the teacher already. In addition, he seemed smart enough to figure things out yet somehow he keeps on bugging you for reassurance.
     You did not want to be rude. He has not done anything to completely deserve your rage, however he was definitely getting on your nerves.
     Honestly you would not want to be infuriated over his consistent queries, but you were just as distracted as he was, maybe even more. With this, you were looking dumber to him each day. 
     To anyones pride, it was probably a kick in the stomach. You knew you were not the brightest in this class, but it was best to leave the information to yourself. No need for anyone to point out how mindless you were.
     And you really were not. You had other Science subjects you totally excel at. Sadly, Chemistry was just not one of them.
     “Well, uh, I don’t think I got that part either.” You look aside where he was seated and awkwardly smiled at him before mentioning an apology, “Sorry, Peter.”
     In return, Peter smiled at you and dismissed the question. You were not so sure whether to forget about it or take even the least bit of offense. You felt a little mocked by how easily he did it and innocently he smiled, but maybe you were just overthinking this through.
     “It’s fine,” he tells. “I just didn’t get the third bullet, but I’ll try to review it in the textbook when I get home.”
     “Oh okay, sure.”
     “Speaking about reviewing,” Again, Peter tries to start another discourse.
     “I was wondering if you got reviewers for the upcoming text for next week? We all know how difficult Professor Lehnsherr’s exams can get, right?” He lets out a forced chuckle, assuming it could lighten the mood.
     As much as he tried to make small talks with you, almost everyday, today you really feel like you did not want to return the favor. Especially after having to bring up the test next week.
     “I don’t really make reviewers, I usually just scan the books I have at home.”
     Lies. You probably have a box full of index cards and sticky notes in your room.
     You tried to use every studying tips every corner of the Internet could give. All those study-life hacks that really did not help much but pile up to your disorganized state of mind.
     You fucking tried to study Chemistry. You really did.
     “What, you don’t?!” He suddenly exclaims, not realizing the loudness of his voice as it almost caught the attention from people at front. “You seem to be busy all the time though. It’s like I always catch your writing or reading something in class.”
     Maybe your mood was just off but it definitely seemed weird for him to say that. Though, you did not want to make something from what he said. It was not worth your time.
     “I guess people are not always what they seem to be, yeah?”
     Again, Peter gives out that soft chuckle and smile, “Then I guess so. You do make a point.”
      He does not argue with you any further.
     “Can I at least borrow your Physics book? I only bought Chemistry and Biotech for the semester. Didn’t know they would actually utilize it for once,” he scoffs. 
     At first you hesitated. You were reviewing for it too, but you already felt bad for being no help whenever he asks a question and often times disregarding him when your mood if off. Plus, you did just make it look like you were not much of a study-freak.
     He instinctively fist pumps the air and looks at you with a wide, grateful grin. “Thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver, Y/N.”
     “Don’t mention it.” You grab the book he needs from your bag and hands it to him. He accepts it and places it inside his while also clearing the rest of his things.
     Looking at his digital wristwatch wherein he raised his index finger up as if he figured something out of it, he says, “He’s going to dismiss the class in a few minutes. We should get ready for Cell Biology next period.
     Oh how you hated it. Were you jumping to conclusions? Or was this boy really trying to be too close with you? Or was he just being nice and informing you to prepare ahead?
     God, you did not give Peter Parker the right to cloud up your thoughts like this.
     “Thanks,” you say, “but I need to talk to Professor Lehnsherr after class. Have to, uh, consult him about my concept paper that he made us submit last week.”
     As he tidies his notebooks up and carelessly shoves it inside his backpack, he immediately looks back at you with a confused expression, “Oh, I can always wait for you–”
     “It’s fine, Peter. Thank you though.” Two of your hands were instinctively waving in front of you, a meek gesture for him to stop coddling you or whatever move he had been trying to make at you.
     “Are you sure? I–”
     And if you were ought to be saved further from lashing out over Peter’s incessant attempts, you finally heard the words any student was longing to hear. “Class dismissed. I’ll see you all on Monday.” 
     “Eri–err, Professor Lensherr just dismissed the class. Better catch up to him before he heads out,” you hurriedly said. And with a loud slam from your notebook, you quickly shut him out. In addition, you practically shoved every thing in front of you into your bag without sparing a second glance.
     One strap of your back was slung over your shoulder as you hurriedly flew down the aisle. Professor Lehnsherr was midway into packing his things before you interrupted and approached him.
     “Professor,” you call out. “I have a question. About the paper I handed in last week.”
     “Uhuh.” He faintly furrows his eyebrows, trying to hide his already obvious bewilderment. “I forgot which assignment was that, Ms. Y/L/N.”
     There were students still exiting in class. So you tried your best to make your conversation with him less suspicious. He was most likely doing the same. 
     “It was about the Chemistry-proposal thing.” You snapped your fingers a few times as you gathered your train of thought, but realizing it was not going effectively. “Well I just wanted to confirm it since, you know, I was hoping for any feedback from you throughout this week.”
     “I’m not sure if I have read it. I’ve certainly been busy this week,” he clarifies. “Nonetheless, we can talk about it later. Thank you for bringing it up. I’ll make sure to follow it up in my schedule, Ms. Y/N.”
     Both of you made your way out the door once there were only a minuscule amount of students left in class. You probably had been looking at your professor with gushing stares, but you doubt the other people in the room could notice it. They were farther away from where both of you stood, much less would they be able to hear what the two of your were talking about.
     “Oh thank you so much, sir!” You almost cried out and jumped in joy while reaching through the threshold. Moreover, you composed yourself before mumbling out, “I’ll see you later, Eric.” 
     In which you were certain no one would have heard it besides him.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
     “I’m sure you’ll get a good grade in the exams, Y/N,” Eric leans back to his seat with a humble smile upon his face. 
     “Really? I doubt so, there’s a kid in your class that keeps bugging me out to a study date, or whatever you call it,” you sneer. You lick your lips as you finish taking a sip around the wine glass, setting it down and looking back at the man you were having dinner with. “It’s getting very annoying though, he surely knows how to get on my nerves.”
     “I’m sure he’s just trying to flirt with you, like any other college boys do.” He optimistically and maturely lays out the options. “It’s pretty normal for anyone to chase someone they are fond of, especially for young adults like you.”
     It was a pretty obvious sign that he was trying to let his message reach you. 
     “Well, I apologize for my standards of men,” you say. “I just want to skip the whole heartbreak in college and character development. All that stuff you usually see in a typical teen romance movie.”
     You sigh, looking down and saying, “I already found a man for me. Why would I stoop down for some guy who’s most likely wanting something from me, and dumping me once he got what he wanted.”
     “Y/N, I don’t blame you for liking men that’s ten years older than you,” Eric assures. “But I want you to realize that you still have a lot to look forward after graduating
     “And I look forward for you too!” You tried to not raise your voice, though having dinner in his house wouldn’t really catch anyones attention. “I can’t wait to finally graduate from second semester and be able to spend more time, publicly, with you.”
     “Yes, I understand, honey.” He places his hand over yours as he tries to calm you down. “Like I said, I just want you to make sure that you’ve clearly thought this through.”
      Eric adds, “There’s plenty of men out there. I don’t want to take away your opportunity of experiencing something new at such a young age.”
     “I’m turning twenty-four! I promise you I’m thinking everything through.” Your voice was much weaker than a few seconds ago. The evident tone of strength fades even with one glance from the man in front of you. You felt yourself shrink in your seat. But you were sure he does not intend to frighten you into compliance.
     “Sorry,” you pout. “Didn’t mean to raise my voice.”
     “I understand, and I won’t pressure you any more tonight, okay?” He tries to uplift your mood, detecting quickly the shift of the room’s atmosphere. “You deserve a good dinner tonight, like I promised, sweetie.”
     His smile made you calmer. It was then that you realized why you were attracted to a man like him even if he was still your teacher.
     The way he handles you in any given situation so sensibly. Though it may feels intimidating at first, he consequently tries to override the tone of the conversation which cheers you up.
     With one hand, he hold yours and gently draws it towards him at the same moment he leans his head down. Eric presses a kiss against the back of your hand and you butterflies immediately fill inside your stomach. “I love you.”
     “I love you too.” Every doubt you had entirely disappeared now. If there were hints of you hesitating to continue seeing Eric, they were certainly long gone now.
     “Let me drive you home after dinner,” he offers, like the gentleman he is.
     Eric always does make sure you get home safe. However, you both agreed that he drops you off at least a block away from your house. Just in case people around your neighborhood might catch you, or worse your parents.
     It was not like you were ashamed of your relationship with Eric. Cautious was the term.
     You were only a few months in seeing him. Fair enough, he was your second semester professor and the both of you met before that period.
     You were not only risking the wrath of your parents once they hear you’re dating an older man, let alone your Chemistry teacher. But you were also putting him at risk if ever his faculty finds out.
     Eventually, the two of you pack up and end your conversation. Other than talking about college, the two of you also talk more about yourselves which has progressed you into learning more about each other’s personalities and likes.
     He helps you out of his house and into the passenger seat of his car. It had been more than thrice wherein he drove you home, and the familiar scent of leather and the typical Glad air fresheners has clung onto your nose. You strap on your seatbelt on just as he was getting inside the driver’s side.
     The ride was not entirely dead silent. Eric made a few more small talks before finally turning a right which was where he usually drops you off. It amazes you how instantly he remembered the way to your home, as you instructed him the first time.
     “Thank you for tonight, like always, Eric.” 
     As always, you made your way out of his car prior to giving him a kiss. You only had to walk straight ahead, glancing at your home which had one dim light illuminating through one window.
     Upon entering the house, you figured your parents were already asleep and a hint of the living room lamp was present. Taking the benefit of not having to be interrogated by anyone, you rushed upstairs to your bedroom, turned on the lights, and immediately closed the door behind you with a sigh of relief. A smile was also visible after recalling your night with Eric.
     As you made your way towards your bed, a piece of paper lays obvious in the middle of it. Your sheets were flattened and tidied, so you could obviously detect when something is placed on top of it. You have no memory of leaving it early in the morning before you left too.
     When picking the paper up, you realized it was a piece of polaroid film. Its back was facing you, having no idea what to expect at the front.
     At that point, the smile from your face turned into horror and all the color in you basically drained away.
     The picture displayed you and Eric at one dinner night out from a few days ago, you still remember. It could have been anything but malicious, but the way his hand was intertwined with yours as both of you laugh away without worries. It was clear as day, the light shining perfectly at the both of you. Anyone can conclude what was happening in the picture.
     You did not know this day would come. The picture was taken from Eric’s home to prevent such things like this from happening. So it puzzled you just as much at it terrified you.
     This was definitely someone who had been stalking either one of you. It was not a mere instance like paparazzis who catch celebrities dating on the streets of New York.
     Someone definitely have been observing the two of you.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
     Days have passed, a week almost. Examinations are scheduled for tomorrow. 
     And you prayed that the picture you received would be the only thing terrorizing your dreams. But you were completely wrong.
     From thereon, you started to receive more pictures, specifically one every morning and night, from your past hangouts with Eric. It were simple shots but had the power to completely jeopardize either one of you, mostly him at stake though.
     It was obvious that the person behind this was definitely observing the two of you for a while. Probably even during the most earliest weeks when your relationship with him started.
     Though it may seem unfair, you did not mention anything about it to Eric. It was enough the he was keeping with you, his job, and himself private – which clearly was not working out so well. You felt like it was your responsibility to handle this situation. You were so sure you did not try to publicize anything and kept it on the low.
      Nevertheless, it was out there. Eric had not mentioned anything so you assumed he did not receive a picture like you did.
     Currently, you were seated at the farthest row at the back of the room, somewhat near the corner. Physics was your last subject and you could not wait but finally leave.
     In addition, you texted Eric that you would not be seeing him until after the exams. It was an easy excuse not to see him, saying that you wanted to focus on studying for it; however, you knew that you would just be busy thinking about the creepy stalker gallery you have been receiving.
     “Hey.” Unsurprisingly, a familiar voice whispers next to you which disrupts your heavy train of thoughts. “You finished studying for tomorrow? I’m about to end my review with Chemistry later.”
     “Cool.” Probably the one of the most basic replies in the universe. “I haven’t finished studying, I’m kind of dealing with a lot of things recently.”
     You made sure to generalize your answer, but enough for him to sympathize and at least give you some space.
     “Oh, sorry to hear about that.” Peter frowns. He takes his seat a few desks away from your left, leaving you to continue thinking. You were thankful for his gesture too.
     Surprisingly enough the boy barely bothered you for the entire lecture. You were still engrossed on finding out whoever was stalking you, even so dating back to boys you evidently rejected during the first semester – who badmouthed you immediately afterwards. There were not a lot of names, so it was easy to remember who was who.
     You traced back to each boy and remembered what they said after you told them you were not ready to enter a relationship – a complete lie, you just did not want to deal with college fuck boys.
     Just as you expected from any of them, rumors have spread out about you which was mostly shaming you physically or mentally. Some were milder insults than the other yet at the end of the day you did not care.
     “Fuck,” you whisper to yourself. “Who was that boy at Liz’s party.”
     Your eyes were sealed shut, recalling a list of names while using your thumb and middle finger to massage your temples. It was getting frustrating and mentally exhausting.
     After some time, you had so much word filling in and our of your brain that you were not aware that your own name was being called. Your heart practically skipped a beat after hearing it the first time, assuming that you were being called to recite an answer. But you became content after seeing that it was just Peter, who started tapping your arm to get your attention.
     “Huh?” You lightly shake your head before turning your head aside.
     “Oh, class was dismissed a few minutes earlier than usual–”
     “Don’t forget to answer the assignment regarding thermodynamic concepts found it the book. You’ll hand it in immediately on Wednesday.” The professor addresses the class as they were already carrying their bags and themselves out the room.
     You start placing your stationeries inside yours, packing your other things up until it was only a pair of earphones and your phone left in front. Peter stood near the aisle while looking at you just as you were zipping your bag shut.
     “Oh shoot, I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he states out of nowhere causing you to furrow your eyebrows at him. “I forgot I still haven’t returned your Physics book I borrowed last week.”
     Nodding your head and standing up, you shrug it off. “It’s fine. You can return it tomorrow.”
     “Sure, but how will you do your Physics assignment?”
     Oh yeah. Your professor literally reminded the class a few seconds ago.
     “I think I might be able to do it overnight. How many pages is the task?”
     “Eight, or nine I think.” He frowns looking very guilty at you.
     “Shit,” you swore. That was a lot of pages than the usual assignments given.
     “Yeah, professor said it could help add points if you somehow get a bad grade at the tests.”
     “Never mind,” you tried to set his mistake aside. “I’ll try to do it within overnight tomorrow. I can ask for help from my friend tomorrow morning and–”
     “Wait! I realized you can stop by my apartment to get it.”
     “Oh–er, Peter, I don’t think I have time to–
     “It’s just nearby the campus, I promise,” he assures and adds, “it wouldn’t be a hassle, it’s probably on your way home anyway so it won’t make a difference.”
     “Uhm.” You were doubtful of him. 
     However, you did realize that you did not have anything to do after class. You were keeping distance with Eric for the meantime which meant that your schedule was mostly vacant after this.
     “Please,” he begs, “I feel so bad for keeping it the whole week. I swear it’s like a few blocks from here.”
     “Would it take more than twenty minutes?” You purse your lips, convincing yourself that you would rather force yourself to study at home than spend it at someone’s apartment.
     “I only take around ten minutes to walk so,” he answers. “Unless you’re a slow walker, of course.” The tone of his voice seeming to be joking.
     Again, he pleads. This kid will not fucking budge.
     “Fine,” you blurt out. Though, you realized your sudden-almost lash out moment at the boy that you made sure to reiterate it but slower, “I mean, sure. I can stop by your apartment to pick up my book.”
     An awaited smile and sense of agreement washes over you.
     Peter then leads the way as you walked behind him, maintaining a short distance so people would not throw out any suspicious looks. Like in every college, everyone knows just how fast gossips formulate and rumors spread.
     If you think about it though, it might avert anyone’s suspicion – mainly pertaining to your creepy stalker – with you and your Professor. But you were not prepared for that yet, maybe some time when you can finally think about its consequences through.
     True to his word, as the both of you exited the campus, it took a short time before the boy in front of you told that you were about to enter through the entrance to the building of his apartment. You were not so sure if it was really a momentary walk or because you were so focused on thinking and keeping a distance.
     At some points he did often look back in case you got lost from following him. Plus, like always, he asked you simple questions either about your day or your subjects to make small talk. In which case, you were barely answering him but definitely progressed compared to when he attempted for previous times during class.
     In addition, as the two of you walked down the block, the number of faces you could only assume was in college decreased. Meaning that the glares at you eased up.
     “Well, here’s my location.” A loud huff follows as he uses a key to unlock the door for the entrance to the building, “It wasn’t that far, was it?”
     “Yeah, I guess it wasn’t that far.” You agree as he holds the door for you and then walks right after you.
     As Peter leads you upstairs onto around the fourth level, he proceeds to walk along the corridors. The array of same beige colored doors with small golden indents of unit numbers paraded along it too. Eventually he stops and inserts a key into the lock, twisting it until hearing the unlocking sound.
     For a moment you hesitated to follow him. You just wanted your book and you were sure he can give it to you on a shorter span than your walk from campus to here. Was it that troublesome?
     Entering his complex, you discovered how minimalistic it looked. To be fair it seemed quite small, the living room instantly greeting you through the entrance and a kitchenette at the side. But since his things were tidied up, it looked roomy.
     You instinctively close the door behind you, slightly aware that it did not create a locking sound. Following Peter, you took a few more steps until you stood still at the passageway between his living room and entryway.
     “Do you want a drink?” Peter asks.
     “No thank you.” You were still trying to subtle. “I just want my Physics book, Peter. Please?”
     He looked at you and paused for a split second. You could feel the frown behind the expressionless look. “Yeah. Okay. Sure,” he nods for a few times before turning around and proceeding to a seemingly narrow hallway. “I’ll get it in my room. Be back in a second.”
     Your feet faintly paced back and forth, still where you stood a few meters between the entrance and living room. After a few more minutes, Peter emerges carrying the familiar book with one hand.
     He approaches you within a few stops but stops in his tracks, leaving a distance from you. “Well uh,” he starts as his chin was tucked.
     “I just want to tell you something before I hand you back your book.” He looks up at you with really pleading eyes. During other instances in university, you were definitely familiar with that look. However, this one probably ranked as one of the most downhearted ones. 
     You did not want to feel regretful for him. Though it definitely feels like you just kicked a puppy.
     “Was is it?”
     “I love you,” he blurts out as his face goes back from hiding and looking down.
     It seemed awkward. You were somewhat expecting it, but you were also hoping that this day would not come – or not at least until you graduate and leave the university.
     “Oh.” You honestly did not want to react.
     Were you going to say sorry? How about thank you? Would it be better if you said you did not like him back? Or will the best response be that you are already taken?
     “Peter, I–”
     “Are you really dating Eric?” He shots up with eyes appearing almost teary.
     What. The. Fuck.
     “No,” you mutter. It was not much of an answer to his question. It was more on being quite horrified as your mind started jumping to conclusions.
     The amount of things running around your mind right now was immeasurable.
     Firstly, anyone could make two and two out of what he said, especially knowing that no one knows it even so around your circle of friends.
     Secondly, you should have thought better. Your doubts with Peter should have been grater and you totally underestimated him. However, some part of you prayed that he was just an annoyingly awkward nerd who follows his friends regarding flirting tips.
     Lastly, you turned around and ran.
     You probably got your way with opening the door and taking two steps out. It was not long before you felt arms wrap around your waist and either side of your arms. You were then lifted and pulled behind while you tried to kick at the air as an escape. Did not work though.
     Peter was surprisingly stronger than you thought. He already seemed fairly muscular at class, hiding behind those long sleeved sweaters and flannels.
     Eventually the last thing you remember was the image of the door of his apartment open while you get sucked into the room further. Everything went black afterwards.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  -: ✧ :-゜・.
     When you felt that you were slowly restoring to consciousness, you were aware of the pounding at the back of your head and your arms.
     You tried to move your hands, wanting to press against the parts of your body that were aching. But you felt incapacitated as your wriggled your wrists around and felt an unfamiliar sticky fluid enveloping around them.
     “Glad you’re awake,” a voice says. “Does your head hurt?”
     You tried to open your eyes, the dark lighting of the room not cooperating with your vision. A light from the window and a lamp were the only things that helped you form something out of the void. 
     From there you saw Peter Parker sitting closely beside you at the edge of the bed.
     Hell please let this be a nightmare.
     “What–” You groan, “What do you want from me.”
     Your mind was building up your anger yet your body says otherwise. You felt exhausted and heavy.
     Peter shushed you in a caring manner, “We’ll talk when you feel better. I’ll let you get more rest okay, sweetie?”
     That was what you could remember the most. If you have awoken for other times in between your sleep, then you surely did not have an idea of it.
     When you finally woke up, the level of your grogginess felt little to none already. You looked around and saw that the room was still dark and seemingly still nighttime.
     As your head was twisting from side to side, you saw Peter appear from the doorway carrying a translucent cup filled with water in one hand. “Hey, you’re finally awake.”
     Instead of replying to him, your wrists writhe beneath the fluid that you are still not familiar of. You could not really look up to get a good view of what it was, but it was wet, sticky, and felt like super glue.
     On the other hand, both your legs, ankles, and feet were free. The back of your thighs bounced against the bed as you struggled, but it would not do much since your arms were practically stuck.
     “Fuck,” you grumble.
     “That won’t help. You’re pretty much stuck there,” he says, Then he takes a seat at the edge of the bed, alike where you remembered him positioned from earlier, “Might as well talk to me until I let you go.”
     “Okay then, when will you let me go?” Your voice was calm hoping you could talk your way out of this mess. 
     “If you behave for me like a good girl, okay?”
     Shivers went up your spine as you cringed at his statement.
     Immediately, your mood shifts from calm to furious after hearing his disturbing bargain. Then purposely rolling your eyes for him to see. “How the hell will I behave if you’re a creepy stalker! You disgust me!”
     Peter hums, displaying a look wherein he seems like he was thinking. You were not sure if it was sarcastic or not, either way it annoyed the hell out of you. “Creepy stalker sounds overstated, it was more on being curious.”
     You scoff as well as exclaim, “You sent me photographs of me and Eric at his house! Fucking hell, Peter.”
     “Oh yeah that part.” He slyly pouts his lips to the side as he comes to realize what he had done, “I guess it was a bit creepy–”      “What do you mean a bit? That was invasion of privacy!”
     Despite being trapped, both your hands balled into a fist, feeling very furious at his dense answers. “I was living my own life! I kept my relationships to myself,” you cry out.
     “Yes, but you weren’t completely living your life,” he whispers while gently combing his hair through the front of your hair. “You deserve much more than someone who couldn’t proudly tell that you’re his girl. Is he even a man? Do you really enjoy that kind of life, sweetie?”
     “We were happy,” you weep. The evident crack on your voice was a signal that you were about to cry though you were not sure if it was because you were held hostage or because you were worried for Eric.
     No one would understand your situation with him right now. Especially Peter.
     “Trust me you weren’t,” he scoffs. “You deserve so much more, and I can give you that.”
     “I’d rather be alone forever than be with you, asshole!” Your voice was inconsistent, clearly affected by how fast Peter’s mood also shifts quickly.
     You also figured you were not looking entirely fresh while crumbling beneath him. Drops of tears and sweat were all over your face and neck, both your eyelids felt swollen, and your nose was almost stuffed.
     Peter stand from the edge of the bed and advances to his desk from the side. A harsh bang echoed throughout the room as your body twitched out of shock.
     “What does that dick have that I don’t?!” He grits his teeth as the curves of his jaw intensifies. A displeased look was written all over his face. 
     “P-please let me go.”
     “I need you to answer, sweetie. We going nowhere unless you answer!” He was never going to let you go if you were not going to cooperate. 
     Every step he takes closer back to the bed just increases your heart beat further. He had rolled the sleeves of his sweater up to the edge of his elbows and you felt threatened looking at how firm his arms looked.
     “Peter, p-please,” you hiccup.
     As Peter returns to the edge of the bed, he does not hesitate anymore to keep a distance. His hands hover to either sides over your body and sets the left side of his head on your midriff, laying while also getting a good view of your vulnerable state.
     He does not even look life he was struggling to make an effort to keep you down, but you could feel how heavy he was and was barely giving you a chance to move around.
     “I can give you so much more, Y/N.” The way his gaze directs at you was definitely one of the creepiest things you have experienced. He had so much emotions yet completely lacked sympathy for your state of mind.
     Shutting your eyes, you only cried further. You felt a hand cup one of your cheeks as its thumb wipes away the pouring tears. Like a broken record, you only pleaded more, “Please let me go.”
     “I can’t.”
     “Why.” You bawled, realizing he has no plans of releasing you anytime soon despite it. “I won’t tell anyone about this, I p-promise.”
     “I know that,” he says, “but you’re going to run back to Eric, probably tell him too, right?”
     You did not want to answer, merely shaking your head as you resisted a cry from your lips. It was somewhat what you had planned, but now you were just scared shitless.
     “You won’t tell anyone but him cause no one knows about it other than you two, right?” He corners your words. 
     “Eric would lose his job if someone, especially your parents find out, right?” Hell he was correct. He most likely had been stalking you for so long to find out about it.
“You love him so much, you wouldn’t want to hinde
     It was terrifying that someone had been learning about you and your life for a while without your awareness.
     “Please stop. What do you want... money?” you whimper. 
     Peter did not seem likes normal college boy; he does not think like one, too, for sure. Anyone with a right mind would not do something like what he did. No one would have the guts to do so.
     “I just want you, Y/N. I want to give you what you deserve,” Peter answers as he sits up and leans his face closer to yours. His mouth leaves a small gap from your right ear as he whispers, “Let me make you feel good.”
     He cuts off your plea with a proposition, “If you let me, I might consider letting you free.”
     “You want that, right? Want me to let you go...” His hand combs through the other side of your face, “just let me show you that I can do way better than him.”
     Every ounce of your blood was trying not to give in. You were smart, you ought to find a way out of this. However, you realized that it will not be enough. You already struggled so much from the super glue around your wrists and you could not imagine how much more would it take now that Peter was on top of you.
     Eventually you stopped struggling and let him be. There was no way out of this than to let him do what he pleases.
     You feel his lips press against your ear first and then progresses over your cheek. His grip around your arms loosen after detecting that you stopped struggling beneath him. You could feel him smile on your skin, “That’s it, relax for me. Good girl.”
     His hand reaches to undo your pants as his lips drifted on yours to force their way on making out with you. Another hand then presses under your jaw and throat. “P-Peter,” you choke, feeling lightheaded after being unable to breath properly though your mouth until the grip had loosen.
     “Sorry, babe.”
     He soon descends from your face to your neck and collar region. You were so sure he was leaving marks on you as you felt him suck and nibble against your  skin. Like a controlling asshole he was, you expect to see bruises on your skin by tomorrow.
     Despite having your hands fastened, he still moves your shirt upwards past your head. It halts and hands loosely around your arms as you emerge topless beneath the boy.
     “Fucking beautiful,” Peter compliments your body under his breath.
     Although he seemed to have time on his hands, he does not leave a second wasted. He also goes to haul your pants past your legs and ankles. The growing look of impatience on his face says it all.
     Peter moves from your side and welcomes himself between your legs. He spreads them out to have enough space for his body and you could not feel more embarrassed than this.
     You grit your teeth over each other as you felt him press fingers against your cunt. Instinctively, you clench around nothing as he continues to play with your entrance, making sure you get entirely soaked under his touch.
     “You know you shouldn’t hold back. I know you’re loving it so far, your body says otherwise,” he teases before laying on his stomach and moving his head closer to your pussy.
     Without a warning, he licks a strip of you making the back of your thighs quake lightly. Peter senses your reaction and continues to do so, using his tongue to play around and poke inside of you until you were slowly giving in without even realizing it.
     Just as you thought you were getting used to his actions, he then inserts fingers inside you, feeling your warmth around it as he pushes it in and out.
     “Oh,” you moan.
     He continues, making sure he also does not leave your bud of nerves behind. The tip of his fingers and tongue alternate on playing against it, making you throw back your head out of pleasure.
     “I bet he doesn’t please you like this,” he scoffs.
     Eventually, at your vulnerable state, you could already feel yourself closing to an orgasm. Your toes curled as your temples throbbed, sealing your eyes shut as you accepted on giving in.
     You bit onto your lower lip, trying to resist a moan. Somewhere inside you, you were still trying to fight back and not let Peter have the satisfaction he had been craving.
     “You’re being so tight... Just let it out.” He coaxes and you hate how you did what he told you so.
     The extensive grin on his face seemed priceless. He pulled back and you were aware that you seemed exhausted beneath him. You assumed he was done with whatever he wanted to do with you.
     But when he started to take off his sweater and unbutton his pants, you realized it was far from over.
     As he presents himself just as naked in front of you, he again welcomes himself between your legs. This time you get a better view of him and his muscles and abs. He gets a good view of your body too for sure as his hand reaches to start stroking his dick.
     He places one hand on your thigh and pushes it farther to give him more room. Finally, he inserts in inside you and you automatically felt him throbbing between.
     There was a growing heat between the both of you, and it only intensified as Peter started to thrust his hips forward and backwards. There was not even a rhythm from him as he moves harder after hearing you softly moan underneath.
     The slapping sound echoes through the room that would eventually reek of sex and you felt ashamed that your body was enjoying all of this.
     “Ah… ah… ahh… agh….”
     “You’re starting to enjoy this, aren’t you?” He brags as one hand was reaching for your breasts while the other holds your thigh up. “Fucking slut.”
     Your body and mind were tired and could only hold so much longer. It was not a surprise when your stomach started to churn your the muscles in your thighs were cramping up.
     Peter did no help after seeing you starting to wear out. He tried leaning in to make out with you and expect to moan into his mouth. You did for a moment, a combination of both your drools were streaming down from the corner of your mouth.
     “We’re making a mess, huh,” he mumbles. “But I know you’re already a dirty fucking girl.”
     He proceeds to deprave you with statements, “Can’t believe you’re enjoying my cock better than that old man’s... Such a fucking whore.”
     You twist your head aside, trying to hide the fact that you feel like your temperature were burning up. You were so sure he could feel the increasing warmth of your walls either way.
     Your eyes were rolling back as you resist arching your back, which was not really a success as the amount of pleasure was overwhelming.
     As you writhe beneath him, you felt a hand on your cheek. It pushes your head back onto looking at front and at Peter. “I want you t look at me when you’re going to cum, sweetie,” he orders and you could not do much anyways.
     The second time you came was a whole other level. You never felt this with any person you slept with so far, rather not this fast and intense to say. “That’s it, fuck, you’re tighter than I could ever imagine.”
     Peter continues until it was his time to cum. The bed continues to move along with his pace and your body was basically abused to his liking.
     And even if you were not aware of it, the boy was practically thankful that his agency decided to agree to soundproofing his whole apartment – his motive being for personal reasons, which they did not question any time soon.
     You were helpless, you knew that. All you had in mind now was rest. Your eyelids were heavy and your mind was drifting to slumber.
     The last thing you remember was Peter moving over your body to come all around your chest like a painter with its paint brush creating a masterpiece from your chest to your core.
     “I love you.”
a/n: ily pls leave comments <3
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kpop-dungeon-dark · 3 years
Sinners. (Stalker!San x You)
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Warning(s): Semi Non-Con, sadism, masochism, fear kink, hair play, head shaving, complete submission, humiliation, degradation, anal, camera play, piercing, denial, chastity, Psycho!San, twisted and dark fucked up shit. Read at your own risk. You've been warned. This isn't for everyone. It is purely fiction and doesn't reflect any individual's behavior nor does it encourage it.
It was early in the morning and she was about to go to college in an hour. But instead of running around having breakfast, getting ready and making sure she had her assignments ready, Y/n was standing in front of her mirror, eyes closed as she touched her pussy and touched an electric razor to her head, imagining what it'd feel like if it was on and an imaginary 'Master' was forcefully shearing her. Like a sheep. "Ahh... Master… please..." The girl let a whimper fall from her lips, having no idea that the curtains of her room were open and someone could watch her through the window.
"Fuck…" The man standing outside, behind the PCO booth on the sidewalk outside Y/n's apartment complex whispered to himself, feeling his jeans tighten. Taking a picture of the girl before switching it to video mode, planning to send her the photo later. It had been a while now. Maybe a bit more than a while. He was ready and sure now, unable to wait anymore.
San had to have Y/n now.
He had to claim her rightfully his. Or, he felt like he'd lose his mind now. Just watching the pretty girl wasn't enough anymore. He wanted to touch her, feel her, tell her, that he knew… He knew that she wasn't as innocent as she made herself look in front of the people that knew her. That she was actually a hormonal little dirty girl. And whilst nobody knew that nasty side of her, he did. The thought made the man feel powerful. In control. Like he had a claim over Y/n.
There was no way in hell that she wasn't made for him.
Y/n got done with masturbating and packed up before going to college, having no idea that she had a stalker. The girl spent her usual regular day at college, having no idea of the storm that was coming.
San knew Y/n were in class and that’s exactly when he wanted to send her the photo he took. A sick smirk made its way on his face and he took his phone out, sending it with the caption, 'having fun there?' He knew where she sat, a lone desk by one of the windows in this classroom, the spot he was standing in providing him a clear view of her face. Yes. The man had all the information he could gather about her memorized by heart.
Y/n was drifting off when she suddenly felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, peeking at the Professor sneakily, the girl took it out and unlocked it only to choke on her breath before starting to cough, making some heads turn which caused her to put the device in her hand away to prevent it getting seized. Her blood ran cold and skin paled.
What the fuck just happened?!
San patiently waited for the female to exit her college, her being earlier than the usual time today, however. The man grinned deviously as he texted her again once she passed by him in a hurry, his taller figure getting up to follow her.
'Will you give that show again? Would you like someone to shave your hair off? That’s what gets you off right?' It shamelessly read, making her tremble.
Y/n started to rush towards her house as she didn't live too far away from her college, not having to use any vehicle because it was barely a 10 minute walk as she nervously glanced around. She was quite twisted herself. And so, a dark part of her mind thought... things, making her start to shudder as tears welled up in self hatred. She hated the soft pounds in her southern region, overpowering the thump of her heart ringing in her ears as she reached the building and rushed in.
'What's the rush for, Princess? Are you so eager to touch yourself again? Tsk. Are you horny? Knowing someone is watching you?' San was absolutely sick in the head. Chuckling at his own text, he bit his lip and hit send.
Y/n was shaking as she read the message. Yes. In her fantasies this was… thrilling, exciting, pussy throbbing and she'd like to play like this with her top but… a legit stalker? She wasn't THAT fucked. Or so the girl belived, at least. Rushing to the curtains after locking the front door, the girl drew them while trying to catch someone's glance outside but no luck.
San had mastered the art of hiding as he watched her. It wasn't like this was new or anything.
Y/n felt hopeless. She couldn't even call the cops! What would the girl show them as evidence?! She didn't want to tell or show them this! Her filthiest desire.
The 21 year old was having a mental breakdown! All her savings were in this college. She could not run away, didn't have any friends because Y/n was a foreigner and the people of this country were rather hostile to any outsiders. Couldn't go back home because she had run away from there, which was a hell in itself, when she had received her acceptance letter.
'Aww come on now!' Her phone pinged again, and then again. 'You can’t keep the fun all to yourself!'
The realisation felt like a bucket of ice cold water everytime she was reminded of it. The person had seen her masturbating and that to the fucking… razor! They knew her fantasies and at that the darkest ones! She couldn't even text them back asking him who it was! The girl was simply too embarrassed to! What if it were someone she knew in her college or around the apartment complex!
It was a dark day and it started raining. Y/n felt tears streaming down her face as her heart beat never slowed down, more terror filling her as everything outside got dark and thunder struck.
Maybe she should call the cops... No one else would help a foreigner… She just knew it. Nobody liked college students especially that lived alone because they were 'reckless' and often lied to get a good laugh out of the elders with their friends. So no one really opened their door for a student they didn't know personally.
But what would she tell the cops?! They ask for evidence!
Meanwhile, San stood on the spot he had found. Even if it was literally the end of the world, he'd still be there. Always. She was his and he had to have her all to himself. There was no other way. The man wasn't exactly sure how he'd do it but he’ll find a way.
Y/n called the cops at last when she started suspecting someone's presence outside her apartment. Or window… she wasn't sure anymore. And the loud thunder outside didn't help her situation. Dialing the police the scared girl told them she was afraid someone was stalking her and needed an officer for security right now. i Telling them about the texts and deciding to leave the nasty parts out, she sighed in somewhat relief when they informed that they will send an officer on the way. The student grabbed a water from the fridge and sat on the couch, taking huge gulps while trying to calm down.
It only took some minutes before there was a knock on the door. A nervous Y/n looked through the peep hole to only cry out in relief when she saw the uniform through it. "Oh! Thank God, officer! Thank you so much! You're here!" She  was overjoyed. "Thank you! I- I am so scared!" A weak sob left her. "Please come in!"
The officer looked around the house, nodding. "I need you to calm down, miss. Tell me everything. We are here with you." His tone was professional. His name plate read 'Park Seonghwa'.
"I- I have a stalker! I don't know how!" Y/n quickly locked the door after he stepped in. "Not many people like me because I am a foreigner! I don't know if it's someone from college troubling me o- on purpose or what... B- But they've been sending me some really p- personal stuff..." She looked up at him innocently, scared.
The dark haired man hummed and nodded. "Do you maybe know the number? Have you noticed any suspicious activity around you before? Is there someone who has a motive to do this?"
"N- No... I got the first text today... I- I am really scared... I've got no one here... W- What do I do?" She told him all of it, hoping that the culprit he caught as soon as possible so she could go back to her life where she was a nobody. No one knew her and she was just another face among many others..
"Alright. We’ll keep a close eye on you. Within this period, try not to hang out too much, yeah? It is best to come directly home after college. And call us on this number if you suspect anything." He wrote a number on a paper and handed it to the shaky girl.
"Oh... Alright officer... thank you..." She saved the number gladly. And since he was supposed to stay with her to ensure the girl's safety, they sat down and Y/n awkwardly turned the TV on. Oh she never had a guy in her apartment before.
After getting used to the feeling of safety, Y/n got up after a while, finally having calmed down as she felt hungry. Cooking some dinner for two people, she went and handed the officer one of the two plates. "You've been here since evening... Please eat." She politely smiled, softly blushing from the embarrassment. The girl was too soft, continuously thanking him like it wasn't his job.
"You're a true hero..." She giggled and sat on the other couch, totally not thinking about how handsome he was. Before a sigh left her as she was reminded of the situation. "Officer... What will happen to my stalker when you catch him...?" He knew her darkest secrets. "I am really afraid... They mentioned some... things... very private... things..." The girl finally confessed.
“Mind telling me those things, miss? It will help us with his punishment. The more detail, the better” he placed his plate down, grabbing his pen and notepad.
"O- Officer... I uh..." Y/n gulped. "I- I can't..." She felt ashamed
“Why not? We should know so we can sentence him longer in the court. This is not okay. And you’re a foreigner. So it may also come under bullying.” His tone was soft and assuring as he looked at her, concerned.
It took the student a bit of persuasion before she spoke, hanging her head low and fingers fidgeting in her lap. "I... I was being naughty with myself... A- And they took p- pictures from my window... A- And taunted me about my... p- preferences, s- sir..." She put her own plate on the table now.
The man only hummed, nodding in an understanding manner. “That’s such a disgusting thing for him to do…” Before the man continued. “You shouldn’t do those nasty things while your windows are open either, Miss… You never know who will be watching.”
Y/n was blushing hard as her cheeks felt extremely hot. "I am sorry, s- sir... I won't do it again..." She couldn’t help but reply obediently. Her sub side sometimes got the best of her.
Besides… The officer was so handsome... It wasn’t helping her situation here.
A few hours later when it was bedtime and Y/n went to sleep in her room after taking care of her assignments and on the work she missed at school today, the officer got comfy on the couch. He was going to be here until tomorrow morning. Unless something happened. The girl was so tired she fell asleep easily, feeling protected and warm despite the terrible weather outside.
It was really late at night when Y/n woke up to a phone call.. "Hello?" It was the police, informing her that the officer that had been sent to her house had a bad ‘accident’ on the way and whether she still needed an officer.
The girl’s eyebrows at first in confusion before it sunk in and her blood ran cold as the phone fell from her shaking hands. At the same time she felt someone next to her. On the fucking bed. Pure terror filled her and she slowly turned to look at the relaxed figure dressed in the uniform. A shaky cry left her as she started trembling, literally mortified.
“Tsk... The stupid cops ruined the fun.” His voice was nowhere near that gentle and warm comforting voice now. Instead a low and deep hiss filled with nothing but mock.
San's eyebrows were frowned when he saw the cop car pulling up. "Oh no... you did not, Princess." The male smirked and shook his head slowly as he noted that it was only one officer. Moving through the shadows, he pulled out his blade from the pocket of his pants, expertly swirling it around in his hand and toying with it like he usually did. "Now, let’s see why do you need the officer, babygirl" his voice was barley a whisper as he made his way over to the car.
San was always so slick with his movements, catching the non-existent sounds of his figure were barely audible to the human ear. Before the officer could even realise there was someone around, the male had banged his head against one of the entrance walls of the low rent cheap apartment building, dragging him into the darkness with him before stealing his clothes and then dumping his body in the river along his car.
It didn't even take him long. He was fast, accurate in his calculations and confident in his abilities. "Now, to my Princess' rescue" chuckling to himself as he climbed the stairs, pinning the nameplate reading 'Park Seonghwa' on his breast pocket before ringing the bell to her apartment.
"The real fun is only starting" San sang as he pinned her down on the bed, holding her wrists tight above her head. "You have no idea how many nights I've watched you touch that bitchy cunt of yours." His hard bulge rubbed against her thigh.
An astonished Y/n was trembling, warm piss suddenly starting to leak out of her in pure terror as her heart threatened to burst out of the skin of her chest. Oh no! Is that what she thought this was?! It took her brain a few moments to understand it as the realisation sunk in like a ton of bricks. "Y- You... You're... You..." She could only whisper, eyes widened to the shape of saucers as an evil grin made its way on his features.
As San felt the bed getting warm, he started laughing at the girl condescendingly. "Look at you! Pissing yourself like a baby! How pathetic and disgusting! Did you really think anyone would help you, tsk?" He loved how she was shaking, the glow of her skin caused by the little droplets of sweat, her heartbeat that he could literally feel and the terror in her eyes.
Y/n started crying, the piss not stopping as it pooled inside her thighs. "Y- You're... You're the... stalker…" She whispered, still in disbelief as to how he managed that. "H- How did... How did you..." Oh God. Oh no.
The storm outside was so loud that screaming for help would just be in vain. It was so late no one would even be up...
"Baby, just like you said… I’m the stalker… I know everything about you…" His tone was sensual as he started kissing up the soft skin of her neck, moaning from how soft and delicate it felt. "Fuck! Your skin is even softer than i- it looks…" San felt himself twitch.
The girl was trembling as she slowly put it all together, staring at the ceiling as a feeling of despair and hopelessness filled her. "Y- You were p- pretending a- all this time! You're not the officer!" Adrenaline filled her as she kneed his cock, swiftly turning on her stomach and crawling off the bed before rushing out of the room. Nobody could hear the commotion. It was too loud outside.
"FUCK! YOU BITCH!" San yelled before laughing loudly. He loved this. Finally something enjoyable in his once lone and bland life. Holding his crotch, the male after her to catch the girl before she got away, catching her easily. "Where do you think you’re going?!" A smack landed on her face as punishment for what she did.
"LET ME GO! LET ME GO! Y- YOU CREEPY BASTARD!" Oh she would be getting a lot of beating for this! "H- HOW DARE YOU STALK ME A- AND THEN ENTER MY HOUSE! ILL R- REPORT YOU!" As she reached out to my table to hit him with something, her hand so conveniently ended up grabbing the razor and swung it back, going to hit him with it on the head.
San laughed tauntingly and caught her arm before she could hit him and shook his head, sighing. "Now now, isn’t this the razor you were holding when you played with that tiny little cunt of yours?" The shiny object dangled in his hand.
"P- PLEASE!" She remembered the text he'd sent her. "PLEASE! I- I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE BUT DON'T DO THIS! PLEASE! I BEG YOU!" Y/n had no idea what to say.
"Aww sweetie…" His words were soft. Almost. "Keep your begs for the time when I'll be pounding that dirty little pussy of yours." San held her hands above her head. "You like to be owned, huh? You like to serve your Master and show everyone how much of an obedient little whore you are?"
Y/n was crying harder now, afraid because she didn't know what was going to happen. "N- No! Please no! It's not true! P- Please just let me go! I- I don't want to!" Oh but she had a being kidnapped and raped fantasy. She loved the thought of someone dangerous, like San, terrifying her and fucking her, making her into his cockwhore. And he knew it. She wanted it all. The girl loved the fear and force. But all of it actually happening was something she'd never thought of. "Please! Let me go!" How could it? A whole fantasy becoming true?
"Oh please, my little slut! Let’s not fool ourselves here. I know you love the thrill of this, I know you LOVE getting used like a worthless little toy and I will give you what you want. You can try to resist me all you want but you’ll never get away from me. You're mine. I'll always catch you. You're mine and belong with me." Her eyes were on the razor as she kept thinking about the text he'd sent.
Y/n tried to reach out of his iron strong hold and snatch the razor from him. "Nu-uh…" San sang out as he held the object above him. "What if I shaved your head while I’m destroying that slutty pussy, huh? Would you like that you little whore?"
"No! NO! NO PLEASE!" Oh… But she felt wetness trickling down her leg. Oh no.
"My my!" The man chuckled darkly. "What’s this?" He swiped a finger up her bare thigh. "God, you’re such a pathetic whore, trying to fool yourself by saying no but I know you’re enjoying this. How stupid and dumb. Stupid slut!" His free hand smacked her face before grabbing her hands again.
"N- No! No! Please stop! This i- isn't what it looks like!" Before she somehow broke free again, this time biting his hand before she managed to reach the door, trying to unlock it but her hands were sweaty and cold, fingers literally frozen as she struggled to open the locks, cursing when they kept slipping against the metal.
San pushed Y/n up against the door with the most force he could come up with and pounced himself on her, letting his hard cock feel up her ass. "Don’t fight it anymore." And with that, he pulled her pj shorts down and turned her around before spreading her legs and pushed her up against the door, unclothing his cock and aligning his tip against her vagina before forcefully thrusting into her without warning before moaning loudly, throwing his head back. "God! Such a tight little nasty cunt!" San moaned and kissed along her neck, feeling like he'd go crazy from how delicate and nice her skin tasted.
The girl moaned loudly in pain, a warm stream of blood trickling down the man's monster cock. "O- Oh my God!" A sick part of her wondered if he would also shave her head and face... "I- IT BURNS!" A scream tumbled out of her lips.
"Oh… You were a virgin? Such a nasty little thing. Everyone thinks you’re an innocent little girl but in reality, you’re just a needy little bitch! Needy for cock! All the time!" He picked her up and carried the girl back to her room while still keeping his cock in her before plugging the razor in. "Come here!"
Oh yes. Oh no! Oh… She was having a battle with herself. Did she want this or did she not want this?! "PLEASE... S- SIR..."  Please yes or please no...? She didn't even know what was happening anymore. This was fucking crazy. Her stalker who had done God knows what to the cop and had entered her house after watching her for who knew how long. The stalker that had a private photo of her and she didn't even know how many other materials. And now was on top of her like this...
"Please what, babydoll?" San pulled her in and kissed the soft trembling lips roughly, loving how good she tasted and felt.
Y/n cried against his lips, the man's huge cock still in her wet and tight walls. "I- I am scared! P- People will laugh!" Was that the only thing she cared about?
"So you want me to, but scared people will laugh?" San smirked while pushing his hips back and forth, moaning with each thrust. "Let them laugh, that will turn you on even more because you love getting humiliated. I know you too well, baby.”
Y/n had faced such rejection and hostility her whole life from different people she had trusted with her safety from time to time… this was driving her crazy. Her messy emotions got the best of her at the end of it. Her breaths were heavy. "Y- You're right... You know me so well..." She started speaking his language. "Y- You want me? O- Or you'll leave me too?" This was wrong; sick.
“No. I am staying by your side and you’re staying by me. I’ve wanted you for so long... you have no idea.” He groaned at how good she felt, biting back the whimpers threatening to fall out of his lips from the pleasure. “You have no idea just how many nights I have jerked off thinking it was your tiny little pussy, hugging my cock as you moaned and begged me for more, slut.”
The girl blushed, feeling like she was dreaming. This felt perfect… at least to her troubled mind. "You're crazy... You're scary... You made me piss myself out of pure…” She whispered slowly, a small smile making its way on her lips. “...P- Please own me... P- Please shave me... my head and face... make me look like a dumb slut... s- sir... Your dumb slut..." Her shaky hand turned the razor on for him, pussy suddenly clenching around him as she finally acknowledged the pleasure it was receiving, a soft moan escaping her.
“Mmm... that’s my good slut” San hummed and praised, taking the now on machine and placing it against her hairline before running it down the top of her head, both of them moaning, Y/n from the feeling and San from the sight of the sight of now small bristles between her locks as his hips pushed in and out even faster.
The man now shaved off another strip from the spot besides the previously shaved one, humming as he remembered something and took the machine to her eyebrows first and pressed it against the skin, feeling himself hit her g-spot as her eyes rolled to the top of her head, mouth falling open as the male erased the hair above her eyes.
"Yes, s- sir! Please make me your good slut! I- I love you! I'll never leave you! Please never leave me, Master!" She started crying out of joy, kissing his hands as her unstable emotions made her feel absolute joy. He had accepted her as she truly was. In her darkest form. “Please write funny things o- on my skinhead when you’re done. I am a dumb whore!” To her, there wasn’t a man more great than him.
“Fuck yes… That you are.” San grunted as he started to shear the rest of her long locks like one would to a sheep. “You are my dumb little slut who will do nothing but serve her Master from now on!” His free hand landed a smack on her head which was showing up more and more, nothing but thin stubble covering the skin.
"Yes I will, Master! Please! Please treat me like trash!" Y/n clenched around him, near to cumming. “Trash that was born to take your cock! You're so good to me! I wish you'd snuck in my house this morning and raped me right there! I wish you'd have shaved my head and forced me to go to college like that! It would have been a pleasure to be humiliated like that and by you!” She was literally crying out of pleasure
“Oh..” The man chuckled while panting. “I will force you to go like this baby, don’t worry.” He promised as he snapped his hips even faster, feeling himself getting close from the sight and all her filthy confessions. “And I will wake you up by fucking you every morning, making you a mess and sending you off to college like that.” It was done, the only hair on the girl’s head slight messy stubble that he’d remove with a hand razor later to reveal the skin underneath.
"Yes, please! Please always only force me and rape me! Please keep me bald! Keep me at your feet! Please feed me your piss and cum! I want to be your hand and footrest! I want to be an object for you to fuck! A bitch for you to breed! Your little animal! I JUST WANT TO BE YOURS! I WANT TO BE THE DIRT UNDER YOUR FEET!" She was sobbing as she started cumming hard, her tiny body spasming in pleasure while holding one of San's hands because it was her first time cumming from sex.
Y/n wrapped her arms around him from the intensity of it and kissed him while he played with her tits, pinching her nipples painfully as he kissed the girl back and let her ride out her high before pulling out. “On your knees!” San kept pumped himself until he came all over the girl’s pretty face and mouth. “That’s my good little cumdumpster.”
She smiled and started to kiss his cock and hands in respect, then his balls. Y/n really had truly submitted. "You're perfect, Master! Where have you been all my life?!" A pout made its way on her lips as she whined, hugging his leg and kissing it, not daring to go further up out of fear.
San was satisfied with her behavior. “I’m here now baby… And I am never leaving.” He kissed the younger one and slapped her ass lightly after helping her get up. “Lets get cleaned, doll.”
"Master, I wanna drink your piss." She shamelessly told him, not standing up, taking his cum off her face with her hand and greedily sucking at it. "A- And I wanna kiss your feet!" She was way too eager for this.
The man chuckled at her request. “You want to drink my piss? Then open up, my whore.” San held his cock over her mouth before putting pressure on his bladder, whimpering before the hot stream hit her lips.
Y/n was obediently on her knees drinking all of it after cringing at the taste a little, moaning happily. It was her first time drinking anyone's piss. She was in heaven. She finally had an owner! The girl made sure not one drop went to waste. "Thank you so much, Master! It is amazing!" The younger one stopped drinking and let his piss wet her face before starting to kiss his feet, fully in her subspace.
“You’re such an obedient little girl.” San praised, not being able to hold back the smile as he watched her, never having imagined her willingly being like this for him in such a short time period. But then again, he wasn’t surprised. “Good girl.” He cooed patting her head.
Y/n desperately kissed his hand and grabbed it, starting to cry. "M- Master... everyone leaves me... P- Please don't leave me... I- I'll die!" She almost promised him, nothing short of a maniac. Maybe she was even more twisted than San, in a way
“I’ll never leave you, you’re mine and everyone will know that.” Cupping her cheeks, he passionately kissed her, already making plans in his head about how he will modify all of her features as his perfect little pet.
The girl giggled, sucking at his lips greedily. "Master! Your piss was on my face!" She tried to get it off. "Give it back! Ish mine!" Huffing, she lapped at his piss like a needy little bitch.
San chuckled from her antics and swiped his fingers on the pretty face before holding them up against her lips. “Open up…” He let her suck on the piss covering his fingers. “Fuck... you’re so perfect for me.”
Holding his arm like a child, Y/n started sucking on his fingers greedily, smiling. "Thank you, Master!" Before she made his fingers hit the back of her throat, making herself gag and loving it all. "Mashter Mashter! Whatsh your name?" The girl questioned while deep throating his fingers.
“It’s San, baby.” The man replied with a smile, watching her choke on his fingers, her warm drool trickling down his long fingers.
"Shan! Ish sho pretty! I am Y/n!" Letting go of his hand, she hugged him which was returned with a chuckle.
“I know, babygirl.”
"M- Mashter... I- I dunno why b- but... I- I shaw a video too a- and I want you to s- shove my shaved hair u- up my assh and i- in my mouth... a- and take picturesh... Hehe I am sho naughty!" His eyebrows raised as she hid in his chest, a smirk forming on his lips.
San patted her messily shaved head. “Yes. You are, baby. You’re fucking naughty but okay. Daddy is here to help his little girl with all her little disgusting whore fantasies.”
"Y- You wanna?" Before she chirped again. "Mashter I want to be owned like an object a-nd like an animal! I wanna be like a p- piggy! A- And I want you to b- beat me and whip me e- everywhere a- and I wanna be bruished! A- And I want to be raped all the time!" She was too fucking sick and twisted but now that she wasn’t afraid of being judged, she was letting all that was locked deep down out.
“If that’s what you want, then I’ll treat you like one, baby.” San said before chuckling to himself, still in disbelief of just how fucked up she really was.
"A- And I want you to fuck my bummie and not let me cum for monthsh! I wanna be forshed to wear chashtity! I want you to make me cry and beg but you don't give in and only torture me more!" She told him. "Pleashe alwaysh shlap me and my head!"
“Fuck... you’re so naughty baby… I love it.” San almost moaned from the sight before getting a chunk of her shaved hair and shoved it in her mouth before getting his phone and taking pics of her all stuffed and messily bald like that.
The twisted girl smiled in the pictures and eagerly nodded, turning her fat ass in front of him now. "Please put hair in assh too!" She struggled to speak, smiling and posing for all of the pictures.
San actually wanted to take a video of him shoving hair up her ass and so that was what he simply did, laughing. “Look at this disgusting little dumb cock whore! So slutty and needy! Loving to be humiliated and looked like a dumb fucktoy by her owner!” He spat on her.
"Yesh I am! Yesh I am!" Y/n spoke with difficulty, showing her stuffed face and head too, arching her back, imagining herself a beauty goddess of her own kind. "My lobely mashter shaved me! And ish gonna treat me like hish trash and look! I habe hair up my assh! And in my fashe! I've got no eyebrowsh!"
“My good little slave… All mine… So submissive” San praised, kicking her ass in the camera and chuckling at her squeak, watching her clench the hair up when her pucker winked. “You’re really loving this, aren’t you?” Lifting her face, he spat on her forehead.
"I ammmm~" she whined, face red before starting to try to rub her cunt against the floor.
“Look at her trying to desperately rub her slutty cunts on the floor…” He filmed it all. Fuck. He loved seeing Y/n all dirty and submissive for him.
Drool was dripping down her chin and boobs. "Yesh Mashter! O- Onwy fow yoooouuu~" a needy whimper left her.
“Mmm... yes, only for me” San spoke and slapped her hard which the girl loved, getting even more wet and kissing his hands. "I- I... cum pleashe..." She whimpered again, loving the control she was in.
“No... get up.” San warned sternly. “You’re not allowed to cum, you’re never allowed to cum.”
"B- But... M- Mashter..." The girl pouted and whined, having forgotten that she was the one that told him that she wanted him to never let her cum and torture her like that.
“Are you talking back to your Master?” Raising an eyebrow, he gripped her chin before slapping her, making sure it was all being recorded so he could fuck her to it later.
Her pussy tingled. “N- No! No Mashtew owwiieee…” The hair in her ass and mouth tickled humiliatingly.
"That’s what I thought" San husked and threw the phone on the bed before pushing her on the carpet again. "Tell me when you’re close."
"M- Mashtewwww" Y/n started crying like a little baby, shaking and dropping the hair from her mouth because it was getting hard to breathe.
"Did I say you could drop the hair?!" The man growled darkly before pushing the hair back in. "Breathe through your nose, dumb slut!"
The girl let out a cry, trembling and sobbing as she nodded. He was rough. It was making her cry. But she also loved it and felt wet. "Yesh!" She loved being at Master's mercy.
"Good girl." He said pushing her down on the carpet more. "Rub yourself nice and hard slut." Y/n started rubbing herself as he ordered, feeling the carpet burn against her pussy but she couldn't help but love it, biting her bottom lip through her stuffed mouth. Oh… She loved it so much. The girl wanted it to bleed almost… Reaching out to hold his hand, the girl spoke. "You're sho perfect... I wish I'd m- met you when I wash l- little..."
"I wish that too baby, fuck... I’d fuck you every night while your parents were peacefully sleeping in the next room…"
"Y- You'd fuck me when I wash a little baby?" This was fucking revolting and twisted. They were both utterly sick. Y/n kept moaning loudly and getting wetter, rubbing harder and harder. "Y- Your fat cock i- in my toothlessh mouth... AHHH... I wouldn't need miwk... You'd have fed me your Mashtew milk fwom youw cock..."
"Fuck yes!" He growled as he felt himself getting hard. "Yes baby… I'd feed you my cum every day. You'd have grown up getting your nutrients from it, eh?"
"Daddy... Daddy... You'd be my Daddy? But inshtead of miwk you'd feed me youw cum evewyday? Ish the besht miwk!" She was very close and her eyes fluttered shut when he started playing with her tits and pinched her nipples before pulling at them. "Then I'd say I grew up drinking Mashtew's cock miwk! Hehehe!" The girl was too far gone.
"God, yes! You’re such a filthy and sick whore!" San knew she were close so he pulled her up. "No cumming!" It made the girl whine loudly and she fell on her face.
"Mashtewwwwww!" Before she curled in his feet, calming down a little when he didn't give in and ripped her pussy away from the carpet. "M- Mashtew... p- pleashe may I wemove haiw now...?" It was getting stuck to her mouth.
"Yes. You may, my little cum rag." The male wanted to use her mouth and feed her his cum so he allowed.
Y/n dropped it and quickly cleaned her tongue and inside of the cheeks with her tiny hands. "Bleg... hehe~" she curled in his waist, rubbing her tiny head against his chest.
"Good girl~" he patted her head before pushing her back in position. "Now use that mouth good baby…" San pushed his cock down her narrow throat, loving how tight and warm she was, making her gag from the rush of it in an instant.
The girl gagged but enjoyed it, loving it all. She quickly started sucking his cock, grazing her teeth against it and swirling her tongue. Y/n had watched all that porn for a reason. Kissing his balls, she sucked on them, whimpering from how his private hair tickled her nose.
"Fuck! look at you! Sucking on master’s cock like a starved bitch!" He slapped her again, feeling his shape against the skin of her cheeks. "You love it, don’t you?!"
"Yesh! Yesh! Yesh!" She hollowed her cheeks and bobbed her head up and down his shaft, sucking and whining as San rubbed the top of his foot against her pussy, smacking her bald head before pushing his cock all the way down her throat, tightly clasping the back of her head.
The man groaned loudly as he twitched in the soft walls of her throat, washing her throat with his hot semen before cleaning her up and finally shaving her head fully until there was nothing but glossy skin left before they went to bed.
"I have shchool tomorrow... Mashter do you go to shchool?" Y/n yawned as she snuggled into San's built chest, whimpering and smiling whenever the realisation of who he was hit her.
She loved being owned.
"No I don't. I will be right here when you come back, my pretty slut." San said while kissing her softly like he hadn't unleashed his sadistic likes on her.
"Why don't you go to school?" She suddenly pouted. "Then how will Mashter have a career?! You'll be poow! I dun wan poow Mashtew!" Y/n huffed brattily. She didn't really care about that, only wanting to see his response because she loved to piss off her top.
"You don’t really have a choice, sweetheart." The male gritted out. "You’re stuck with me forever. If I am living on the streets, you’re living with me."
She opened her mouth to brat but the bell rang. Rushing to the door, Y/n opened it to reveal a police officer. "Oh... hi..." The officer smiled a bit at her and asked the girl if she still needed an officer and why she had hung up when they called. "O- Oh no officer... I was just being paranoid... It wasn't anyone..." Y/n's cheeks blushed because she could see the officer was staring at her shiny bald head and eyebrows. Feeling herself getting wet as humiliation made her blush, Y/n found herself wondering what it'd feel like if he smacked her on her head. The girl's nipples got hard.
But oh... she couldn't cum!
"Okay then, be careful, Miss." He tipped her hat, nodding a little before walking off.
Y/n felt so wet. "Have a good night, officer!" A giggle left her as the man disappeared, starting to rub herself against the door up and down, running her hand against her head.
"Now, what was that?!" San deeply spoke, pushing the girl against the door, making her head hit against it embarrassingly. "Did you forget who alone can make you wet?!" The male yelled before slapping her. "You sick little exhibition loving whore! Not even you can do what you like to yourself! You're all mine! Only I can do whatever I please to your whore body!"
"Yes... You... You sir!" Y/n closed her eyes and held her hands above her head, lowering it for him to slap. "Please hit my head... Ugh... fuck me up... I want my head to be bruised... Ugh fuck! I am so wet... Please beat me!"
"What a disgusting little trash!" The man laughed, slapping her head this time. "You love people making fun of you, huh?"
"Yes I do! Yes I do!" She whined. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make fun of me! Humiliate me! Hit me and bruise me! Make fun of me! Humiliate and degrade me! I want my whole college to laugh at me!" A loud cry left her.
"Let’s get you bruised up, then." San decided and started slapping the girl's tiny head and face until it was all red and sore. Y/n was crying by the time he was done, literally sobbing as she just fell on her knees and knocked out of exhaustion, her owner carrying her to the bed and then laying next to her knocked out form.
"Good night, my love." The male kissed her soft and red cheek before falling asleep too, holding her fragile body close to his, his slumber calm and satisfying today after so long.
Y/n stirred as she felt her pussy being invaded the next morning, making her stir as she felt lips upon her own and fingers pinching her nipples as her other boob was being groaped, her pussy expanding and sucking in a huge cock. San's huge cock. "M- Master~!" She whispered out when her eyes flew open and she was met with San's face. "W- What… s- so early?!"
"I promised you I'd wake you by fucking you every morning, didn't I, my slut?" He grinned and attacked her lips, eliciting an excited gigglish moan out of her as he started to fuck her fast and rough, pushing his balls in all the way.
“Y- Yes! Yes! F- Fuck!” Her eyes rolled to the back of her head from the realisation that he had been fucking her in her sleep before she woke up, feeling him twitch inside her. “M- Master! I- I… c- cum…” Y/n tried to speak, her back arching from the pleasure of him biting on her nipples before smacking her bald head softly.
“Little breeding whores don’t get to cum, baby. They just take cock and let Master use them like the cum rags that they are.” San’s cock slammed in and out of her pussy, his hand gripping her neck for support when she clenched around him. “Fuck! So tight!”
Tears welled up in her eyes as her face got red from how rough his thrusts were, how much her clit was burning for stimulation, how much her ovaries hurt to cum. “Look at this hairless little whore! Unable to even breathe without my permission let alone cum!” He spat in her mouth before turning her around and pushing up her ass, chuckling when she whined out.
“Sorry, slut. Little whores don’t get what they want around here and only please Master as they are supposed to.” Grabbing a sharpie, San started writing on her head whilst choking her with one hand, pounding her harder and harder up her ass. “Hurry up and please your Master well so we can go to an important place before you go to school.”
‘I am a bald little nasty slut. Please hit my head. I love it.’ Was written on the back of her head as the man laughed, deciding to not tell her what he’d done just yet, waiting for her to find out later when the people on campus would be warming that cueball up.
Y/n was whimpering as San waved at her and she shakily walked inside her college with a bald head, wearing nothing inside her skirt as she sneakily pushed the slipping ass plug back inside her cum filled ass. Lowering her bald head now that she was outside and people were staring at her new look, the girl gulped and felt herself squeezing her legs when some girl giggled at her.
Fuck… She couldn’t help but bite her lip, loving the humiliation as her cheeks felt hot.
Master had gotten her pussy, septum and nipples pierced before walking her to college. He was going to buy a special leash for that that was going to be passed through all her piercings to ensure she was in his control at all times.
Her train of thoughts was broken when a smack landed on her head by a guy passing by before he chuckled at her shocked expression. Before the girl could question him, she received a text by San. A picture message. Of what was written on the back of her head.
Widening her eyes, Y/n gasped and her hand automatically grazed against her head. No wonder the piercing lady had lightly smacked it before Master and she had laughed at the girl. “N- No… you didn’t…” She whispered in shock before one of her ‘friends’ smacked her head, making it jerk forwards.
“Cute look, Y/n.” Before she walked off to class, the people passing by gave her looks and talked about her.
Fuck… She squeezed her thighs in utter humiliation as the wind blew, making her desperately try to keep her skirt down as wetness trickled down her thigh. The girl wasn’t allowed to touch herself and not cumming was one of the rules now upon Master’s order and her foolish confession. She had a whole day to last before getting home and begging him to let her earn it.
Her ass stuffed, body owned, everyone silently chuckling at her humiliating look and getting smacks to the head like that wasn’t going to help.
“Oh, Master…” She whined to herself in despair. “What have you done?”
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Hermione Granger headcanons for her birthday!
Her father, Javier, was born in Cuba, immigrated to Spain when he was 8/9, and he moved to London to go to college when he was 19
Her mother, Jane, was born and raised by a single father in London, she grew up struggling but very well loved
They met in their very first class and fell in love very quickly
Javier proposed when they started med school
They got married and pregnant very quickly after they graduated
They opened their clinic in the same neighborhood that Jane grew up, a very poor area with lots of immigrants who barely spoke English
Hermione grew up reading in the waiting room or behind the front desk, she grew up hearing bits and pieces of conversation in different languages
Javier and Jane wanted her to have a better start than they did, so they sent her to a very expensive private school
Hermione felt very out of place surrounded by white kids that only spoke English, and she learned very quickly that speaking Spanish would only get her bullied
The first time she does magic is when a teacher (who had been very racist to her) failed her on a test because her handwriting was “too sloppy”
The stack of tests caught on fire
Getting her Hogwarts letter was the best thing in the world
Professor McGonagall came and explained everything to Javier and Jane, but it still took some convincing
After the war, Hermione and Ron went to Australia together to find her parents
It was really hard on their relationship, and they spent a lot of time stressed and worried
But then they found her parents and Hermione finally let her guard down
Hermione went back to Hogwarts to do her seventh year, and when she graduated he went straight to the Ministry
She didn’t intend to become a lawyer, but she fell into learning the law and defending it, and it made it easier to write and repeal laws by defending them
She also starts smoking cigarettes around this time, she blames Kingsley for it
She moved in with Ron and Harry brought life to their flat, making them put up pictures and actually clean up after themselves
Harry eventually moved out, but Ron and Hermione fought tooth and nail on it
Ron proposed at George and Angelina’s wedding reception and Hermione was so happy and excited she jumped up and down and started crying
Her parents love Ron, especially after he revealed that he had started to learn Spanish
Even a few words make a difference
Javier and Jane walked Hermione down the aisle, but it was all she could do not to full out run at Ron
Everyone thought that they would move out of their flat and into a house after they got married, but they didn’t, they loved their small two bedroom flat
(It was the extra room for Harry or Ginny or both of them when they needed it)
Hermione was a bridesmaid at Angelina and George’s wedding and Maid of Honor in Harry and Ginny’s wedding, and Audrey would’ve asked her to be a bridesmaid if she and Percy didn’t elope
Hermione was the first person to hold James after Harry and Ginny, she and Ron are his godparents
Finding out she was pregnant with Rose was very hard for Hermione, she and Ron never really talked about children
Ron fainted when she told him, which made her even more distraught, but Ron was overjoyed when he came to
The first time she felt Rose move was during a long meeting, and Hermione started crying which ended up getting the meeting rescheduled 😂
Finding out they were having a daughter was very overwhelming, but hearing Ron whisper Rose beside her made her calm down
They bought their house because Hermione was pregnant and they wanted space to grow and potentially have a bigger family
Hermione wanted four kids, Ron wanted three, nothing crazy
Hermione had nothing to do with Ron’s decision to go to part time, but everyone thinks that it was her decision
She was really sick for most of her pregnancy with Hugo, but then he was here
Harry and Ginny are Rose’s godparents and George and Angelina are Hugo’s godparents
Other than James, they are godparents to Ali Longbottom, Aiden Li-Collins, Lorcan Lovegood, Anika Thomas, and Mason Finnigan
After the difficulties Hermione had during both of her pregnancies, along with how colicky Hugo is, they decided to not have anymore children
But Rose and Hugo are so important to them, Hermione thinks of them and how every decision she makes could effect them before signing any bill into a law
Hermione never shy’s away from telling Rose and Hugo about the war (when they’re older and start asking questions) and it makes their relationships stronger
Hermione just adores her kids and wants what’s best for them, even if it’s a difficult conversation or starts a fight
She does teach them Spanish, but Hugo is the one to really embrace it and speak it fluently
She will always call Rose ‘Mija’ and Hugo ‘Mijo’
Can I just say that I love Hermione, she has been a role model to me since I was five and I wish her the world on her birthday!
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mcheang · 3 years
In another’s eyes
Inspired by https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13849241/1/Signed-Gifts
Basically Adrien finds Marinette’s signature on his blue scarf and connects the dots.
Adrien is hurt that Marinette let him believe his father gave him the scarf. He understands why but it hurts worse after all this time thinking his father finally gave him something new. It’s having new hopes crushed
He visits Marinette and gently confronts her over it, chiding her to tell him the truth next time instead of letting him believe a lie.
Frantic, Marinette wildly points out that he lets their classmates believe in Lila’s wild promises. How is she any different from him?
Adrien never really thought about it that way. He just wanted his classmates to be happy. But if he told them the truth, they would be sad and Lila would also be angry at him and probably akumatized.
If he kept the truth from them, then wasn’t he being a hypocrite?
Marinette worried she said something she could never take back. “Adrien...”
He held up a hand, needing to think.
What was the Chinese saying again? “Do not do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.”-Confucius
Well, Adrien wasn’t one to deny an ancient philosopher’s wisdom.
Adrien: no, you’re right, Marinette. I’m a hypocrite for scolding you for something I’ve done as well
Marinette: you haven’t-
Adrien: but i have. Please don’t sugarcoat this, Marinette. Don’t try to spare my feelings when the truth is more important.
Marinette was nervous and predictably, she rambled. “Well, if you are planning to expose Lila, you would also be in trouble because while i constantly doubted her trip to Achu, you were aware of her playing truant.”
Adrien paused and took a breath. “I know. And I’ll accept my due punishment. But what matters is making things right. We need to tell everyone that Lila is a liar.”
Marinette: but how? They don’t believe me. And who knows if they’ll believe you!”
Adrien frowned, thinking again. “Don’t you have Jagged’s number?”
Marinette: Yup. I barely got him to cease suing Alya’s Ladyblog for Lila’s interview. He doesn’t really follow her anymore.
Adrien: do you think he’ll help us expose Lila?
Marinette: we can ask. But I think it’s a safe bet. The only reason he didn’t go after Lila herself was because she up and vanished after turning into Volpina.
Jagged was thrilled to sic Fang on Lila
Marinette: we said expose! Not kill
Jagged: I never feed Fang rotten food. He’ll just sit on her or chase her up a tree
Adrien: thank you. I’m just worried Lila will be akumatized again, though. The last time, Ladybug chewed her out for claiming to be BFFs; though after hearing Lila pronounce herself a better self-proclaimed heroine, it’s not that hard to see why Ladybug was angry (Adrien may have been upset with Ladybug but I imagine he would try to justify her behavior later. seriously, who wouldn’t be angry after hearing Lila insult her like that? He’s not very sensitive to others’ emotions)
Jagged: you can’t keep everybody happy. And sometimes you shouldn’t. Some people don’t deserve to be coddled. And besides, once the witch is exposed, who is to say the others won’t be akumatized?
Adrien paled. He didn’t consider that.
Marinette: well, we could try to keep an eye out for akumas. And maybe even get the heroes to stand guard?
Adrien: good idea. But how to contact them?
Marinette: leave it to me. I’ve seen the heroes jump on rooftops plenty from my balcony.
Jagged: just say the word and set the date, and your uncle Jagged will be there faster than you can say “Croc”
Marinette soon called Adrien and Jagged to tell them that Ladybug would be happy to stand by and even offer her own testimony that she is so not friends with Lila.
However, after hearing how Lila framed Marinette, Ladybug wanted Marinette absent in case Lila blamed her for Jagged exposing her.
Jagged: well, she’s not totally wrong.
Marinette: uncle Jagged!
Jagged: what, you did call me for this.
On the day of Lila’s downfall, school had just ended and students started heading home. Marinette was one of the first, having to work at the bakery. Chloé and Sabrina also left, not bothering to stay around and chat with the peasants.
To the lingering students’ surprise, a popular and familiar rock song began blasting into the air as a tour bus drove up to the school.
Jagged: hello Dupont College! Are you ready to rock!
Students crowded up and screamed.
Lila paled and could not escape the gravity of the crowd.
Jagged: now where’s my guitar? Fang, if you don’t mind?
Fang waddled up, guitar on his back.
Jagged: now Fang’s been with me since he hatched from an egg. And he’s the best pet a rocker could ask for.
Alya: what about your cat?
Jagged: cat? Since when did I own a cat?
Alya: but Lila said-
Jagged: who? Sorry miss, but I think you must have confused me with someone else.
A pause for the class as Jagged started playing a guitar riff.
While the crowd cheered, the class stared at Lila.
Lila: he doesn’t like his kitten to be brought up
Ivan: he doesn’t even know you
Lila: he does! Right, Adrien?
Lila glared at him meaningfully. But Adrien ignored her and just sang along. He promised to maintain a guise of friendship, but no more lies. Though if Lila was exposed, maybe their deal could be considered pointless now. Still...better not to antagonise her so openly.
Nino: you’re asking the wrong person. The only other people in class who can get close to Jagged are Chloé (same hotel) and...Marinette. That’s how she knew you were a liar!
Jagged: hey, what’s going on over there?
The student body turned to stare, annoyed at the interruption.
Aware of unwanted scrutiny, Alya quickly said, “oh, we were just having a priority one class meeting. Sorry! We’ll keep it down.”
The class dragged Lila off, and Ladybug secretly followed. Adrien reluctantly did so too.
Surrounded, Lila could not run away, so she burst into fake tears.
Lila: why are you being so mean?
Mylène: do you think her tears are real?
Kim snorted. “Doubtful. But I don’t think she’s worth bothering about anymore.”
Alya: what? She lied!
Kim: and we believed a con artist. But unless we lost a lot of money or whatever, what’s the point of doing this?
True. While Lila had promised favors, that didn’t mean the class had stop working hard on their own. And Alya’s credibility was also her fault for not checking her sources and getting more proof.
Alya huffed. “Fine! But she just gets away scot free?”
Max: unlikely. There is the matter of forging doctor’s letter and skipping school.
Lila: you can’t prove that!
Alya: I can just call your mother right now.
Lila: and tell her that you’re bullying me?
Alya: no, we are just going to ask her some questions. And if she was duped by you, too, I don’t think she can deny the truth if we walk up to her office and make a scene.
Adrien: is that really necessary?
Alya: Mrs Rossi must really believe her daughter. She may think us all bullies if we expose Lila but the presence of her colleagues will influence her. Besides, our questions are simple. Was Lila really sick? Was she at Achu?
The class dragged Lila to the embassy and made such a ruckus that Mrs Rossi came out, especially when she saw her daughter in the center of it all, yelling at them to be quiet.
Mrs Rossi was angry but answered their questions that Lila had never been sick or to Achu while Alya filmed her. But there was the akuma plague. At this, the class told her the truth and even her observing colleagues backed them up.
Lila was distraught. Where was the freaking akuma?
Ladybug was lounging on the roof, her yo-yo stuffed with butterflies. As long as she didn’t use her lucky charm, she was in no danger of detransforming.
When Adrien didn’t back Lila, she told everyone he knew she was a liar.
Adrien admits his faults and realized his lesson now. The class knew why Marinette kept the scarf secret so they could sort of understand why he wanted to keep everybody happy. He also was the one who got Marinette back into school, so they forgave him.
Lila was expelled once Damocles saw the footage and Mrs Rossi confirmed it.
Lila was sent to boarding school instead where everyone knew she was a compulsive liar. Nobody took her seriously there.
As for Adrien, he was always determined to hear the blunt truth, tired of being sheltered.
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
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07 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓟𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓬!
Synopsis: Sakusa Kiyoomi, a young ravishing man, an athlete for the Japanese volleyball team and comes from a very prominent family around Japan. He was perfect, looks, wealth and fame. But you can’t have everything in life, can you? Sakusa, the germophobic athlete, suddenly wakes up one day and sees a baby boy in a basket in front of his door step, in the basket was a letter, a letter from his past lover, saying that the child was his. The panic look on the spiker’s face was almost comical, knowing that his life would turn into a complete 360, that day was his first time ever to miss a volleyball practice and to call Komori to ask for a babysitter. You.
Notice: the only thing I own is the plot, the art and the characters aren't mine and they all belong to their respective owners.
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It was now a few days after the visit happened, things went back to the way it was, Sakusa attending his daily practice and you were taking care of Kairo
Sakusa was getting ready for his daily morning run when he got a text message from Komori asking when is he going to look for a mother to Kaito, his eyes unknowingly landed on you, you were humming to yourself as you prepare breakfast
“this is stupid” he mumbles to himself and left his cousin on seen
These past few days he’s been feeling some weird things, like how he’s more self-conscious when you’re near, his eyes unknowingly landing on you when you’re not looking, wanting to strike up even just a small conversation with you, and even being stingy when his teammates ask for some of the bento you prepared for him
“I must be crazy” he mumbles to himself again, mid-run, his mind kept running in circles
I just want to get to know her more because of Kaito, yeah, that’s it, because of my son….
“omi-omi~” the setter tries to grab the attention of the spiker
“not now Miya” he grumbles as he seriously, too seriously tapes his fingers
“geez your grumpier than usual” the setter sat beside him, with a healthy amount of space of course
“leave me alone” Sakusa glares at him
“I think you’re in love omi” the piss-haired twin looks at him teasingly eyebrows moving up and down
“I fucking hate you” Sakusa says as he gets up, ready to spike a new set of balls
“you didn’t say no though!” the setter says but he was ignored
 The door opened and you were sure it was your boss, you quickly went to the door to greet him
“welcome home sir, how was your day?” you asked
“fine” he answered curtly and walked pass you
You didn’t think of it that much, thinking that he was just tired and needed a rest
He takes his lunch box to the kitchen and went straight to his room, not sparing you a single glance, which then again didn’t really bother you
At dinner he did the same thing, you were feeding Kaito his milk, Sakusa didn’t say a single thing and was just very focused in his meal
He muttered a small “thank you for the meal” and went to his room to work on the company
Was Sakusa Kiyoomi experiencing teenage hormones again?
 Sakusa on the other hand was going crazy in his room, he didn’t know what to do, he wanted to talk to you but he was too nervous to even speak
The worst part is, he doesn’t know what’s making him nervous
He got up from his desk and slumped down on his bed, unable to focus on his task
Now that he thinks about it, you guys have been living in the same house for three months now, you had been taking care of him and his son for three months
Come to think of it, Sakusa, who deeply dislikes germs and bacteria, was letting another person live in his house, prepare his food, take care of his son, he realized that he didn’t think much about germs when it comes to you
You had an alluring smile, a warm and caring personality, he can see the genuine love in your eyes when you look at his son it was almost motherly, he can also see the sincerity in your eyes when you do things around the house, or do something for him, when you give him your homemade bento, or when you greet him when he arrives home
Sakusa grew up with a business-oriented family, he was taught not to trust people easily, he was trained to identify lies, moles and traitors. But you, you were really genuine, you were a bit clumsy, but he didn’t spot any malice or ill-intentions coming from you. He wonders to himself if you were real.
And with that, Sakusa’s calm composure crumbled, he gave up thinking and just laid there, head empty, his mind was filled with so much thoughts he doesn’t know which one to think first, but there was a conclusion in his head that he came up with
“it feels nice” he mumbles to himself
“it feels nice to be taken care of by her”
He thinks about his childhood, Sakusa was the youngest child, around this time, their family empire had just begun to sky-rocket, which meant, his parents had to spend monst of their days in the company, they did make time for him and his siblings, but more often than not, he was left alone in the house with the maids and butlers, Kairo and Aiko were already in college during his childhood and Akemi was In high school, so he never really got a chance to spend time with them, the warmth of a family was a luxury to him growing up, so he was pretty new to receiving care from someone
And now that he is, receiving it everyday, he realizes he doesn’t hate it, with that thought in mind, the spiker fell into oblivion
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Taglist: @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @seashellmichellee @tetsuhoes @akaashislovelywife  @strawberryzos  @kuroohoeee @underratedmage @popping-cherries @uwu-iwanttodie @wonhyuksstuff @  @knmsapplepi    @stormcastello @si-m-p
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fezcosbitch · 3 years
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After a few requests, here’s the second part to passion and wild regret
you can read part 1 here
if the link doesn't work please tell me! x
I hope you enjoy ❤️
You can request if you want x
Warnings: Angst, hella angst. Also the pogues (kie) are rude in this one like...RUDE. Reader is confrontational and not gonna lie, i’m here for it, like I wish I could do this. also if you like Kie... you about to not like Kie, shes a bit off the rails, mega jealous ex here.
All feedback’s welcome, as long as its not mean or rude 💙
So yeah, hopefully you enjoy❤️
It was 2:57 when i woke up the following morning, or evening, and i had absolutely no clue what to  do with myself. I had an immense headache, and a deep pain in my heart. How could they do that? say that? You had been there for them all, through everything. Yet somehow they decide to say all that about you. You were there for Kie when she was at her lowest point, you found her in the bathrooms with Sarah, yet when Sarah left, you stayed, and she never saw it. When John B felt like he would never fit in, and you were the only one (apart from JJ) who stuck by him. Or pope, who, for preparation for his college interview wanted someone to revise with so he wouldn’t be lonely for hours on end, and when everyone opted to surf and sun tan instead of help him, you were the one to stay behind and assist him in his studies, while you could’ve been outside in the summer, tanning and surfing. And  then JJ, the person who undoubtedly hurt you the most. You were there for him all the time. Throughout all the beatings his dad gave him. And all the angry times he almost threw his life away by getting arrested. You saved him from so much, and yet he repays you by saying you’re too much for him, and not worth him.
You couldn’t stand having these thoughts festering around in your mind, so decided that the best thing would be to confront the pogues, and ask why they thought what they did. You hopped in your car and drove over to the chateau, ready to either make or break all your supposed friendships.
Pulling up to the chateau, You saw all the pogues sitting around the porch, talking about something you couldn’t hear. After you’ve stepped out your car, you slam the door shut and lock it, as all the pogues heads turn to look at you. JJ immediately gets up and heads towards you, while the rest of the pogues stand up behind him.
“oh baby I-” JJ started, tears brimming in his eyes already just wanting to apologize over and over again. “don’t even JJ, don’t even start” you said , shaking your head at him “I-” he tried again desperate for you to hear what he wanted to say. “NO JJ, NO. You don’t get to speak over me ok? none of you do. I cant believe you guys i mean, how dare you. I’ve done nothing but stick by you! all of you! yet you repay me like this? wow, Thanks guys I really appreciate that yeah. Just, I can’t believe all of you.” You quickly let out, looking at all of them
“I DIDN’T AGREE WITH THEM BABY I SWEAR” JJ bursts out, desperate for you to forgive him. “what?” you question, immediately wanting to know if this is true. “ I-I-I don’t know what you heard but I never agreed to what they said,I would never, please baby believe me, I know you’ve done so much for me, you’re the best thing to ever happen to me, I argued fully with them all night, I never once agreed, please take me back.” JJ begged, now directly in front of you grasping onto your hands. “is this true?” you asked the rest of the pogues behind him, desperate to find out if it was true or not, desperately wanting someone on your side. All the pogues solemnly nodded, proving to you that JJ did in fact argue against his friends. You looked him dead in the eye “of course i’ll take you back idiot, i kind of stormed of halfway through, didn’t get to hear what you said” you told him smiling through your tears of joy due to knowing that JJ did in fact fight for you. you quickly take him in your arms and hold him tight, “I’m so sorry” you whispered, knowing it must of been hard for him to read the letter you left him. “It’s ok” he whispered back, lightly kissing your shoulder. In that moment you both knew you were never going to let go of each other again, and that if needed, you’d swim entire oceans to be together. 
In all of that chaos you had forgotten the pogues behind you, who you initially came here for. Breaking out of the hug between you and JJ, you turn to face them with all your pent up anger ready to be unleashed, and knowing JJ was safely with you, and prepared to go to the end of the earth with you, you felt ready to take on whatever your ‘friends’ say to you. 
“What about you guys then?” you started off. “What was that all about? all the ‘Y/ns not good enough for you’, and the ‘she’ll only bring you down’ what was all that?” you questioned looking around at all three of them “Its our honest thoughts” Kie spoke up, making you turn to look at her. “really?” you questioned, cocking one eyebrow. “yeah” she responded, crossing her arms. “boys?” you asked, wanting to see if they agreed. John B was the first to nod his head, almost instantly, and pope slowly after, agreeing with his statement. “wow... All my friends hate me.” you whistled, slowly coming to the full realization. JJ grasped your hand, to remind you that he was there for you. “We don’t hate you y/n... we just hate you and JJ being together” John B backed Kiara up, acting as if it was the most obvious thing ever. “why bro? why can’t you just be happy for us?” JJ questioned from behind you, genuinely curious “ because bro, Shes a bad influence. She doesn’t care bro, not about you, us, anyone man why can’t you see that? sure shes cool and stuff and shes a fun friend but that’s all she should ever be” John B ranted. “ What the fuck bro? All of you think that? wow. So everything I’ve ever done for you guys is washed away by some dumb mistakes right? I do some drugs and SHIT I’m the worst person in the world right? everything I’ve ever done forgotten because of some things I do when I’m drunk right?” you questioned all at once, trying to show them how stupid they were being. “Yes” Kiara responds. “Yes because we don’t know what else you’ll do. First it’s molly, next its what? METH?” Kiara stressed. “You’re unreliable, and God knows what you could get JJ into.” she finished. “wha- Kie why are you SO scared about what JJ could get into man? Like what?  I’d never hurt him, or do anything like that, I love him man, so what are you so worried about?” you ranted, confused by Kies emotions. Of course you understood her worry for her friends. but she didn’t say that about John B, or Pope, so why JJ? “BECAUSE YOU DON’T DESERVE HIM! YOU NEVER DID” Kie fully lets out. Ah, you understood now. “You jealous Kiara?” you questioned? “you want JJ yeah? want him to be with you, so now everything I do apparently is more of a reason for him to be with you yeah?” you finally said, having worked out why she was so angry. Kie and the rest of the pogues were silent at your discovery. “wait, what about you guys?” you questioned the two boys. “well uhh, Kie kinda told us you may have cheated on J”
your jaw dropped. 
“THE FUCK KIE? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” you were shocked at the lies she was spilling. “ WELL YOU DON’T DESERVE HIM ANYWAY, THE MORE PEOPLE THAT SEE THAT MAYBE THE MORE HE’LL REALIZE IT, WHO CARES IF THERE’S A COUPLE OF LIES” all of you stood there shocked at what Kie just said. “ the fuck-” JJ started, shocked out of his mind that Kie would say something like that. “ I can’t even. Don’t talk to me Kiara, don’t even approach me until i say so, oh and sort out your major jealousy problem, it’s not cute honey” you said while getting in your car, waiting for JJ to enter in the passenger side. After J got in, you started the car and rolled down your window, “oh and I forgive you boys, i understand why you did it, so like don’t worry. Sort it out Kie, love” you sarcastically grinned and waved to her as you drove away.
“Jesus Christ” you said to JJ “you know I’d never cheat on you don’t you?” you questioned just to make sure. “no of course i know you wouldn’t, its just, the fuck was that with Kie like, what even?” JJ responded. “Honestly, I don’t even know. I forgive John B and Pope cause like, obviously, they were lied to and lead to believe all that but like. How can she be so jealous man?” you questioned, genuinely curious about how one person could be so jealous of another. “I don’t know baby, I don’t know” J responded while kissing your hand.
even though you were away from it all, one question played on your mind...why would she do that?
So yeah... Kie did that.
What were your thoughts? Please tell me ! 💙
Part 3 anyone? If so please tell me x
Sorry for the long wait x
And also sorry if it’s bad ❤️
But yeah that was that how do you feel about it?
All feedbacks welcome as long as it’s not rude or mean💙
But yeah, cya
People who wanted to be tagged :
@mrsmaybank18 (Wouldn’t let me tag you :( )
@captainwinterwriter @ifilwtmfc @hurricane-abigail
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Stray Kids as your Secret Admirer
Scenario: They are your secret admirer. Genre: Fluff/ Humour AU Prompts: College AU/ Office AU/ Idol AU/ Fan AU/ High School AU/ Non-Idol AU/ Bakery AU Pairing: Stray Kids Members X Female Reader Word count: 7,4K Warnings: None really, maybe some swear words.
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Chan: (College au)
“Just talk to her already!” Minho whined at the music major next to him. Chan, one of the biggest heartthrobs of the campus and known for his confidence, his kind nature and his amazing songs, was right now trembling in his boots because his crush walked by and almost caught him in his tracks.
Minho sighed as he spoke up again. “And how long do you think you’ll be able to keep this up?” “As long as I need to.” Chan murmured back, his face seemed to have heated up as his eyes followed her figure. Minho shook his head in disbelief at his smitten friend. It was time for another step and both of them knew it.
Chan continued his secret admirer act, writing Y/n love letters and notes of adoration.
‘You looked ethereal today, I’ve learned about this word the other day and I couldn’t help but think of you. ‘Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world.’’
Y/n blushed under the tree she was sitting under as she read the note over and over again. The little notes of adoration were the highlight of her day. She couldn’t believe that there was someone this good with words and this sweet who was possibly interested in her.
And Minho on the other hand couldn’t believe that Chan still was keeping up the same act like he has been for the past 4 months. But today things were going to change, Minho made sure of it. Especially since Chan didn’t notice Y/n sitting behind the tree.
“Is that another letter of affection mister Bang?” Minho teased as he noticed the familiar envelope in his friend’s hands. “Yeah.”  Chan simply giggled. The younger lad would playfully roll his eyes at him as he continued his not-so thought through strategy to make Chan confess. “When are you going to give this to Y/n?” “She has a free period right now, so I have no idea when I can sneak this into her bag or locker.” “Why don’t you just do it right now.” Minho said as they abruptly stopped walking, Minho’s hands on Chan’s shoulders to turn him around.
Causing him to finally face his crush who looked at him with a surprised expression. “Good luck buddy.” Minho simply said, patting his frozen friend before he walked off.
“So, it was you all along?” Y/n asked him as she got up on her feet to face the shy boy. “Y-you sound disappointed.” Chan mutters softly under his breath, feeling like he was going to be rejected any second now. She noticed his trembling hands and his sad eyes under his hair that was hanging over his face. She rushed to him and took his face in her hands. “I’m not disappointed, not at all! I love these notes! I cherish them dearly. They are the highlight of my day. It’s just I can’t believe that it’s you.” She giggled shyly as she made him look at her, this time her eyes filled with adoration as she looked at her admirer.
“So, your feelings are mutual?” “I fell in love with the words you’ve left me, now it’s time for me to fall with the man who’s written them.”
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Minho: (Office au)
“Sometimes I really wonder why you’re my co-worker.” Y/n whined as Minho took the small stuffed animal from her hands that she was trying to hide from him. For the past few weeks Y/n had been receiving notes and small gifts almost every day from her ‘secret admirer’. And her best friend Minho, who happened to be her colleague as well, couldn’t miss a second of teasing the living hell out of her for it.
“Seems like this guy really is whipped for you huh? Did you blackmail someone to make it seem like you’re loved by somebody- ouch!” Minho whined as he rubbed his punched arm that was hurting because of his friend. She quickly took the stuffed animal from him and placed it back on her desk.
“Shut up and no, I didn’t blackmail someone or bribed them before you even start asking.” Y/n mutters, huffing as she sat back on her seat. Minho only laughed and secretly stole a glance as he saw her look at the small soft toy in adoration.
When Minho sat across from her he had a hard time to not stare at his crush, especially with a big monitor dividing them both. He would have often have to tease Y/n and annoy her just a little bit, only to gain her attention. Her rolling eyes would be enough for him, not the best kind of attention, but it worked for him. Besides, he couldn’t make it obvious that he was the one gifting Y/n all of this or that he was her secret admirer. He wouldn’t hear the end of it if she found out that it was him.
Minho was done with his tasks and had nothing better to do, so he went to search online if there would be anything cute or anything his friend and crush would like that he could give her. If he could, he would’ve given her the world. It was a natural thing for him to admirer her. She was excellent at her job and she shined independently, so he often wondered if she even thought of him as more than a friend.
Y/n had wondered the same, she knows her best friend is eye-candy. And sadly the other colleagues of the department saw that too. Many people were all over him during breaks or would find any reason to talk to him. And all the teasing and bickering she and Minho had going on between one another, didn’t really make it look like he was interested in her like she was in him. So, this secret admirer came almost at a perfect timing as Y/n was slowly giving up on Minho and her feelings towards him. “Psst!” She heard him whisper not so subtly. ‘Dinner?’ The blue note said that Minho held up. She chuckled to herself and gave her friend a thumbs up as confirmation.
Hours passed and the two of them were now seated in their favourite restaurant. Minho was grilling the meat in between you as the two of you complained together about work.
“Let’s talk about something else.” Minho eventually proposes. “About what? You probably just want to tease me for having a secret admirer.” Y/n pouted as she munched on her food. “I mean, you’re asking for it. You have that thing on the table as we speak.” Minho laughed in disbelief. “Hey, it’s a highlight of my day, shut it.” She pointed her chopsticks at her friend as a threat, causing him to burst into laughter once again and throwing his hands up in the air. “Am I not enough for you?” Minho joked, but not receiving an answer from her cracked his heartstrings.
He looked back up after sighing softly, seeing her being too busy munching on her food. He wanted the kind of attention that she was giving everything else but him. “Maybe I should gift you a filled lunchbox next time.” Minho muttered under his breath. But Y/n’s gasp and the sound of her choking on her food made him panic and realise what he just said.
“I-it’s you who’s been gifting me things?” “Uhm-“ “You are my secret admirer?” She asked with wide eyes. “This wasn’t part of the plan.” Minho sighed as he put down his chopsticks, knowing he had to get this over one day. “I-“ “So, you are my secret admirer? Yet, you make fun of ‘him’, which turns out to be yourself?” “I’m not going to hear the end of this, am I?” “Yup.”
Minho groaned, but was sooner enough stopped by the sudden touch of her hands on his. “You’re pretty stupid you know.” “I know, but you like me. Or well, at least the gifts I gave you.” He chuckled before taking another bite of his food to avoid any kind of awkward tension. “You know that I like you better, right?” Minho breath was caught in his throat and he almost spat out his food in surprise by her confession. “Really?” “Yes, you dummy. You better get me that lunchbox you were mumbling about! Thank you baby!” She shot him a smile and pinched his cheeks playfully. Making him shake his head before he fed her some food this time. He knew better to let her make fun of him.
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Changbin: (Idol AU)
“Changbin-“ Chan was cut off by his younger friend jump up in his seat. “Why?” Changbin sighed as he tried to calm his heart, his phone clutched in his other hand. “Our manager is now even asking me, to ask you to stop.” Chan simply puts out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Changbin lied as he tried to focus again on his phone. “Mate, I literally saw the email you were writing. You know exactly what I’m talking about.” His older friend sighed. “Chan, I really just want to work together with her.” Changbin whined as his phone was taken from him by his leader. “I get that. She’s incredibly talented and your favourite rapper, but she’s also your crush and that’s why you’re acting like this.”
“Don’t you have any dignity?” Chan asked as he read parts of the mail. “Nope, she’s taken it. My sanity as well.” Changbin stated with a sheepish smile. “Well, I’ve noticed that, but you need to tone it down a little. Her manager might even think you’re a saesang or tell Y/n about all of this and you might never be able to work with her.” “I know, but she’s such an inspiration and so great. I just can’t wait.” “Time will come around, just tone it down for now.”
And time did pass. The boys started to work on their new album and it was time for them again to start promoting. Changbin had kept his promise and toned the emails down. He had hopped on the Instagram DM-train. He would compliment her on his fan-account, so that his identity would stay safe and that his members won’t tease him as much like they used to do. Changbin even hopped onto the trend of making fan-edits, to make his account seem legit okay, nothing else… 
That’s what he’s trying to tell himself.
He has so many pictures of her on her phone. Lots of ones where the concept of the pictures were ‘girlfriend material’. Binnie is an absolute sucker for those. He even found a couple edits where Y/n and Changbin himself were edited together, his fans knew about Changbin’s adoration for Y/n and some couldn’t help but ship the two. He would gush at the edits and whine to himself in wish for it to be reality. The buff rapper received weird but commons looks from his team as he was orientated on the pictures on his phone.
“Do you think he knows that Y/n is here tonight?” Hyunjin asked his leader in a whisper. “I don’t think he does. He’s a super fan, but he’s too busy crushing on her to be able to know when and where she’s actually promoting her stuff.” Chan laughed in responds.
The two teammates then had a ‘brilliant’ idea and told the others that they would be back in just a second, before they left the waiting room. Changbin was in the meantime too busy to notice them leaving as he was scrolling through his fan-account and others that posted things about Y/n.
“Changbin-“ Chan once again was cut off by Changbin who jumped up in his seat in surprise. “Again. Why?” Changbin whined as he clutched his chest. “We’ve got someone waiting for you who you’ve been wanting to meet.” Chan states as he dragged his friend with him. “Wait what-“ “Changbin meet Y/n! Y/n meet Changbin!” Hyunjin chirped as he pushed his friend closer to his crush. “Wait-“ “Welp, we got to go for now, it was lovely to meet you Y/n and I bet that we will meet each other again!” Chan grinned before he dragged Hyunjin with him back into the waiting room.
“I didn’t know you were here.” Changbin stuttered shyly, not being able to look her in the eye. “That’s an honest surprise, since my manager has told me a lot about you.” She teased as she shot him a smile. “Of course, he did.” Changbin was able to mutter out, his words seemed to be stuck in his throat.
His hands were clammy and he felt like he was sweating all over the place. He hoped he looked reasonable and that he didn’t gave her a weird impression. “I’ve heard that you wanted to do a collaboration with me?” “Yes! I mean, yes I would love to. I think that we would be able to work together greatly and that our music would go well together.” Changbin could mentally slap himself for not being able to pull himself together. “Could I give you my number then? I’ll be up in twenty minutes. So, sadly I don’t have too much time on my hands right now.”
Changbin could feel his stomach do flips in his body and his heart skip a beat. He unlocked his phone mindlessly and handed it to her as he stuttered out a ‘sure’. And then it hit him. Especially when he saw her surprised expression: his fan-account. “Wait!” Changbin stressed as he quickly took the phone from her, but she saw it already. The damage was done.
She must think that he’s a weirdo now. “You’re that sweet fan who’s been sending me all those nice messages?” Or not?
“Wait, you’ve read those?” “I’ve seen the account pop up in my DM’s quite a lot and I once accidently clicked on it and read the messages you wrote. I thought you would be able to see when I read a message you send, but I guess not. They really motivated me and they were truly the sweetest thing. My manager even teased me for having a secret admirer. Turns out that those nice emails and the sweet DM’s had a connection to each other.” Y/n said with endearing eyes to the guy in front of her.
“I guess you could say that I’m very fond of you.” Changbin shyly admits. “I’d say I’ve become quite fond of you too, but I still would like to know you better and maybe in the future work together one some music. You could say that I’m also a pretty big Stray Kids fan.” “Oh yeah, who’s your favourite then?” “Let me think, his name starts with a C and ends with an N.” “Chan?” Changbin blurts out sadly. “No silly, you Changbin.” She giggled.
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Hyunjin: (Fan AU)
“You know you will never meet her, right.” Jeongin, Hyunjin’s best friend, teased. “Shut up! You don’t need to rub it in my face you know.” He sighed as he tried to push his younger friend in the bushes next to them. “I know that it’s a hard pill to swallow, but she’s an idol. We’re not from that world, it’s not likely for our roads to cross.” “But not impossible.” Hyunjin states as a matter of a fact, causing his younger friend to sigh.
“You’re impossible.” “I’m just living my life man, just let me be.” Hyunjin cried out dramatically as he tried to continue drawing during their break. They were seated outside of the campus grounds under a nice tree, sheltered from the sun as it shined brightly.
“I get that she’s a great artist-“ “The greatest artist of all time.” Hyunjin bummed in to correct. “We’ll see about that-“ “I’ll fight you baby bread-“ “Anyway! How’s your artwork going? I still can’t believe that you build a fanbase within Y/n’s fanbase based of your art.” “I know, I’m just so inspired by her and her music, her beauty. It’s all so overwhelming I just feel like she’s unreal sometimes.” Hyunjin sighed as he stared of into the distance. “And I feel like you are unreal sometimes.” Jeongin mumbles as he stared at his ridiculous friend.
“Got anything new planned to make?” “No, I only have this one drawing that I want to finish and post.” Hyunjin answered as they continued to enjoy the warmth of the sun. “Maybe you should find an actual job that pays you money, besides trying to sell your sketches or artwork that you make off miss Y/n.” Jeongin teased. “You’re starting to sounds like my mom. At least she’s supportive of me.” He cried out dramatically, before receiving a punch from his friend. “I’m just saying, you need to do something else besides dedicating your life and all of your time to her.” “I’m perfectly fine, honestly. Sleep is just a little-“ “Dude.” “I’m kidding.” Hyunjin assured. “Well, I hope you’re not lying, because I rather not find you in a hospital due exhaustion and I got to go now, I don’t have a free period like you.” “Actually, I’m already done for the day.” Hyunjin smiled as he started to pack up as well. “What the hell are you still doing here then?” Jeongin exclaimed. “Bothering you, got to go now! Good luck on your lecture!” Hyunjin chirped before walking off.
Hyunjin had gone home and started to work on his assignment and homework. Not necessarily because he was a great student. No, he really wanted to finish of the drawing he was talking about with Jeongin earlier that day.
And he did, but then he received a notification. His breath was caught in his throat. Y/n had posted an announcement that she was holding a special concert in Seoul, where he was living and breathing. Well, not so sure about breathing. Jeongin neither.
“Hyunjin breath!”  He yelled over the phone as Hyunjin had called him to rant. “I want to go so bad! But you know what the ticket sales are like!” Hyunjin cried out late at night. “Dude, just post your art for now and go to sleep. I have a test to study for-“ “But-“ “Goodnight!” Hyunjin groaned as he put his phone away and grabbed his laptop to post the artwork he had finished.
Hyunjin sighed and contemplated on sleeping in early tonight, or at least what he dares to call early at it was one o’clock already. But he decided to spam his group chat instead.
HJ: HAVE YOU SEEN HER ANNOUNCEMENT FL: IKR YJ: FELIX DON’T ENCOURAGE HIM HJ: HE’S THE ONLY ONE WHO TRULY UNDERSTANDS (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯) HJ: *sends a picture of one of the promo photo’s* YJ: Wait a minute FL: Jinnie I also saw your new art post! I loved it HJ: Thank youuu~ YJ: Are you two really going to ignore the fact that Y/n’s promo photo’s look a lot like Hyunjin’s art style? YJ: or….? HJ: ┌╏ º □ º ╏┐ FL: ┌╏ º □ º ╏┐ HJ: No it doesn’t YJ: DON’T YOU DARE START THIS BOII FL: BRUH HJ: YOU’RE SEEING THINGS MAN MAYBE YOU SHOULD GET SOME SLEEP YJ: YOU’RE THE ONE TO TALK FANBOY FL: BURRRRN HJ: DUDE DON’T GET ME STARTED ON YOU AND YOUR BINGE GAMING- FL: ...・ヾ(。 ̄□ ̄)ツ
A couple weeks had passed and Hyunjin got was in his room as usual as he checked his Instagram. He never bothered checking his notifications, but he wished he did. ‘Y/n_Official’ The account read.
‘It couldn’t be.’ Hyunjin muttered to himself. He checked the message and the account multiple times to see if it was legit. The young artist tried to calm himself as he read the message one last time:
‘Hi! I just want to say that I love the art that you make and I feel very humbled and flattered by it! I would love to meet you at one of the concerts that I’m holding soon. Please send your personal information to this email if you’re interested! If not, I totally understand. In that case I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate it! Thank you for supporting me!
With much love,
Hyunjin’s heart was about to malfunction or jump out of his chest he didn’t know. All he knew was that within the next two weeks he was now finally standing in front of his celebrity crush. Jeongin and Felix couldn’t believe how lucky their friend had gotten and even called it a fanfiction moment.
After the concert Hyunjin was taken backstage to where he’d be meeting Y/n. She had changed into a big hoodie and looked cute and comfortable. “So, you are the amazing artist behind these?” Y/n asked after they greeted each other. Hyunjin simply nodded due to his nervousness, causing his crush to giggle. “I can’t believe you’re hiding behind your own art when you yourself are stunning!” Y/n exclaimed as she shamelessly stared at the boy in front of her. “You’re the stunning one here.” Hyunjin mumbled to himself, but loud enough for her to hear. “Why don’t you give me your number I think we look stunning together, but I’d like to get to know you a little better. I would like to hear more about you instead of reading those sweet and supportive words you left for me under your artwork my pretty admirer.”
Hyunjin knew her confidence was unattainable, but that’s what he liked about her.
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Jisung: (High School AU)
Jisung sprinted through the hallways after slipping a note in her locker. He caught his breath in the hopes that she hadn’t seen him. ‘You need to be careful, otherwise you’re going to get caught.’ He scolded himself.
This is the result of falling in love with your best friend. One day they’re hanging out together, cosy on their couch and Jisung stared at her.
‘Her lips are pretty when she pouts like that.’ ‘Has her eyes always been this sparkly?’ ‘Gosh she just looks so cute and cosy I want to hug her to death.’ ‘Her cheeks look very kissable- wait what.’
Right there and then, two months ago to be exact, he realized that he had the biggest crush on his very own best friend. Suddenly she shined brighter than the sun and the stars at night. She was the only one he could see in a not-too big crowd, Jisung doesn’t really like crowds that were too big. She’s so comforting and sweet, always there for him, as a friend.
Jisung sighed once again as he made his way to class where he’d be waiting for her to join her as they were desk-mates after all.
“Sungie~” She sang whilst walking towards her own seat next to him. “You look happy today, Y/n.” Jisung states as he wiggles his eyebrows. “Another note.” She sang once again as she waved the paper in his face. “Your secret admirer?” He teased, receiving a hum in responds.
“I wonder who it could be.” “I think I might have an idea who it could be.” Y/n mutters, causing Jisung’s heart to stop. “Who?” He managed to stutter out. “I hope it’s Hyunjin to be honest.”
The answer was like a dagger to Jisung’s heart. Never she had mentioned to have feelings for Hyunjin and why didn’t he know? He could feel his heart break little by little as seconds passed by. He wanted to run away and go home to hide in his bed, but he had an entire day of school to survive. Running wasn’t an option.
Y/n on the other hand, wasn’t being honest. She was well aware that her best friend has been crushing on her. He hasn’t been very subtle about it. He was always staring at her, hearts in his eyes as he did. Y/n had to contain herself into spilling her own love for her best friend to him as she was enjoying his tactics a little too much.
She caught him putting notes in her locker, she’d wait on the corner of the hallway so he won’t notice her, but he wasn’t fast enough.
Now, days later. Jisung was at home, he hadn’t gone to school ever since Y/n’s ‘confession’. He hadn’t been feeling well, physically and mentally. He felt drained and like no hope was left for his feelings. Y/n had missed him at school and decided to surprise him. And surprised he was as he jolted in his bed when he saw his best friend stand in the doorframe of his bedroom one afternoon.
“Why haven’t you been at school?” She asked blatantly. “I’ve been sick.” “You don’t look sick to me. You don’t feel hot either, your cheeks are glowing though.” She states as she cups his face, knowing exactly what she was doing. She knew why he was home, but she wanted to hear it from him and she was growing impatient. “I just haven’t been feeling well, okay?” Jisung mumbles as he shook his head a little to try and get her hands off his now-burning face.
“Because I said I hoped that the letters came from Hyunjin instead of you?” The words made Jisung spin. “What?” He stuttered, shocked at her blunt words once again. “Sungie, c’mon just say what I want to hear.” She whined as she dropped her hands on his shoulders. Looking at him in desperation. “What?” He stuttered once again, this time confused. “Sungie, I know you like me, but I want to hear it from you! I’m literally begging you at this point to confess to me.” Y/n chuckled in madness, she was losing her mind over her dense best friend who she has falling deeply for.
“You know? How-“ “You’re not very subtle mister so-called secret admirer.” She laughed, caressing his cheeks to calm him down. She could feel him shaking after all.
“But you…” He mutters whilst his voice trailed off. “Do you want me to say it?” His silent was his answer as he didn’t know what to expect. “Han Jisung, I like you. I like you more than a friend. I want to stay best friends, because you are my best friend. But I’ve fallen deeply for you and I have started to love you.” Y/n states in a soft tone, causing Jisung’s heart to skip a beat. “I love you too.” Was all he could say before he sat up and pressed his lips onto hers.
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Lee Felix: (Idol AU)
As a foreigner and an idol in South Korea, Felix was still working on his Korean every day. He’d still learn and try to improve himself every day in order to ‘survive’ in Korea and to communicate with the locals.
And as he was doing that he tried to perfect his handwriting, which his members found cute. He didn’t know why, but he just had a certain way of writing that his member’s adored.
Felix might be an idol, but that doesn’t stop him from fanboying over his own favourite idols, which was Y/n. He had discovered her through a livestream that he was watching of a gamer that he really likes and he was surprised to see and Idol do stuff like this, she seemed to be free in whatever she wanted to do.
The freckled Aussie really liked that and he became curious about her. He wanted to know her name, but ends up falling into a pit that’s called her and now he’s pretty much stuck and whipped for her. He didn’t know how to approach her, he knew he could. He’s a public figure and so is she, but that made it tricky. He wanted to love and appreciate her, without her knowing who he was. What if she knew who he was and that she could possibly think that it could be a publicity stunt of some sort?
He had been overthinking the situation before it even had started. That’s when he started to send her flowers and handwritten letters or notes to her with words of adoration and praise. Y/n had received them all, today as well in her very own dressing room. She wondered who it could be and if the mysterious person ever wanted to show their face to her, she was curious to know who this romanticist could be. “Flowers once more?” Her stylist teases as Y/n had been busy reading the sweet letter over and over again, whilst the flowers had been resting in her arms. “It’s just so sweet and thoughtful, no one has ever done this for me. In a romantic way at least.” Y/n sighed, putting the gift away so her stylist could get to work. “I know you would like to meet your secret admirer badly, but on the brighter side your favourite group is here.” Her stylist chirps in hopes to cheer Y/n up just a little.
“Suzy stop, the girl isn’t going to let us hear the end of it once she starts about those 8.” Y/n’s makeup artist jokes. “You shh and make her even prettier, she has to meet her favourite people very soon.”
In the meantime Felix ‘only just now’ heard the news about Y/n being in the same building as they are for their promotion. “You already knew, didn’t you?” Chan simply asks after he didn’t get the reaction he hoped to receive. Felix simply nodded and hummed in responds, looking at his best friend with big and happy eyes.
The younger Aussie couldn’t sit still, he was all smiley and was very excited to hopefully meet Y/n today. He hadn’t stopped gushing about her and the boys all knew by now that Felix was hopelessly in love with this girl he’s never met before.
“Are you ready to MC with your favourite girl?” Chan teased as he shook his friend playfully. “I’m shaking,” was all Felix could say, causing his friend to laugh. “You’ll be fine. Plus, we better put on a memorable performance for her and the fans of course. Make sure she’ll never forget you.” Chan chuckled before letting his younger friend rehears his lines.
Felix ran through his notes once more as he was led to where they would be filming. His breath was caught in his throat when he spotted Y/n from the corner of his eye. Chan and his manager were across of him, sending him a thumbs up whilst staying to support him.
“Hello.” Y/n greeted cheerfully before bowing politely to Felix, whose knees were buckling. He bowed as well as he greeted her, receiving a smile from her. ‘Contain yourself Lix,’ he thought to himself before going through his notes once more. Y/n was trying to find the confidence to talk to Felix, but she couldn’t help but notice the small notes that he was busy reading and she recognised the handwriting.
“Did you write the notes?” The question made Felix freeze, but he quickly realised that she must meant the ones he’s holding, right? “Yes-“ “We need to talk- We’ll be right back! Felix needs to help me out with something!” Y/n said to the staff before dragging the freckled boy behind her.
“What wrong-“ “You’re the one who’s sending me love letters and flowers right?” Y/n asked bluntly. “What-“ “I recognise that handwriting anywhere, I’ve read this note already fifteen times and I only received it today.” Y/n states as she showed Felix the note she’s kept with her the entire time. “I… I don’t know what you’re-“ “Please don’t lie to me. It would make so much sense! You’re an idol! Your manager can get information on where I am when it comes to promotions! Not even fans know all of this! Besides, the handwriting is spot on!” Y/n stresses, wanting to know desperately if it is him or not.
“Lix?” The nickname. That was it. That was his breaking point. “Are you disappointed?” He asked carefully, not daring to look at her. Also for the reason hat his face was burning up from shyness and the adrenaline that was rushing through his body. “Of course I’m not disappointed, if anything I’m flattered and happy that you’re behind all these thoughtful and sweet gifts. They’re something that always made my day and if I felt down I’d just remember that there’s someone out there who’s so loving and caring that they would go all the way to do this for me. What if we talked more about this after promoting? I’d love to treat you for all the generosity you’ve given me.” Y/n proposed holding his hand, hopeful that he’d say yes.
And he accepted the offer within a heartbeat, knowing that today was definitely something that he won’t forget and that that performance wouldn’t have to swoop Y/n off her feet. He’s got her already.
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Seungmin: (Non-idol AU/ Bakery AU)
There she was again.
Y/n, the girl who’s been coming by on a regular basis and Seungmin had lost it all for her, because of her. All her. He blamer her for losing his sanity.
Ever since the day she’s walked in for the first time, he started losing control. Everything seemed to go wrong whenever she was around him. It was like she has put a spell on him. He always became noticeably clumsier whenever she was around, his colleagues have discovered the pattern as well and they couldn’t help but tease Seungmin for it whenever she walked into the bakery.
“Could you not drop the cakes mister Seungmin.” His boss laughed, which was Chan, a good friend of him as well. “Stop it, I don’t know why this keeps happening as well, okay?” Seungmin mutters, slightly frustrated as he picked up the now-ruined cake off the floor that he had dropped. “When are you going to confess to her? She must have noticed the small things you’ve done for her to show that you like her? You know, giving her a free drink or giving her extra things with her order?” Chan sang playfully.
“What? I don’t do that.” Seungmin scoffed in denial. “Yeah sure, that’s why you never give other customers extras.” Chan laughed, before patting the youngster, who could only sigh.
He took a quick glance of Y/n, who was sitting in her usual booth. She was hidden behind her laptop and was writing down things in her notebook. ‘Probably studying’, he thought to himself as he tried to continue working.
What he didn’t notice was that Y/n was peeking from behind her laptop to look if Seungmin was still there. She sighed and sat back. She’s been coming here regularly and not only because of the amazing pastries and drinks the bakery sold, but also cause there’s a cute employee who works here: Seungmin.
She’s been ranting to her friends about this cute boy for ages, but never had she the confidence to actually talk to him or to ask him out. She has been noticing odd behaviour coming from Seungmin’s side. He’s been stumbling over his words whenever she was in front of him, whenever other people didn’t seem to have the same experience as her.
Y/n also couldn’t help but notice the small extras he’s been giving her. ‘Keep him.’ Is what her best friend had said as soon as she mentioned the extra and free goodies from the bakery. ‘How come you never bring me stuff if you’re going to get it for free?’ ‘I’m not getting all of it for free, just something. And if you want to taste it, come see it for yourself.’ So that was it, she was not nervously waiting for her best friend to arrive as she tried not to burn holes into Seungmin’s head as she secretly stared at him.
Lucky for her, he didn’t notice. He might be just as dense as her for not noticing the mutual pining. When Y/n best friend Minho walked in and sat beside her, he noticed it within the heartbeat. “Just tell him!” Minho yelled in a whisper after hearing her rant on how cute Seungmin looks today.
In the meantime Chan was listening to his younger friend on how he might’ve lost his chance as he saw his crush sitting with another guy in her usual booth. “Just tell her!” Chan whined, taking matters in his own hand as he pushed Seungmin towards her.
Minho was doing just the same to his best friend, causing the two crushes to fall into each other. “Well, we’re going to leave you be.” Minho states, before walking off with Chan, in hopes that the two of them would finally confess so everyone could go on with their lives.
“Hi.” Y/n mutters shyly as she stood across from him. “I like you.” He blurted out, causing both of their eyes widen in shock at his forward confession. “I’m sorry-“ “I like you too!” She squeaked, not being able to look him in the eye. “Thank God, I’m not very good at being a secret admirer. I’d rather be your boyfriend.” He blurted out with newfound confidence. “Take me on a date first.” Y/n grinned, happy that he felt the same, applies for Chan and Minho as well. They wouldn’t have to hear about their rants of the other hopefully liking them, instead they now must deal with a lovey-dovey couple. But, that seemed manageable.
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Jeongin: (High School AU)
“You even received a muffin this time Y/n!” One of her classmates yelled through the classroom as soon as Y/n walked into the room.
Y/n had been receiving cartons of milk every morning with either a cute sticker on it or a sticky note with encouraging words. At first she found it very sweet, but after a while the notes became more emotional and more loving.
The class as well as Y/n had realised that she had a secret admirer. She’d say that it’s pretty exciting and flattering, but with the entire class and her own schoolyear watching her, it’s a little overwhelming to get all the curious eyes pointed at her.
Y/n put down her stuff and went to sit down before she read the note that was attached to the carton of banana milk. ‘You look lovely today! Even though I haven’t seen you yet, you’re always the one who embodies beauty. You’re doing great! Have a nice day <3’
Y/n sighed in adoration, the notes were so sweet and she kept all of them in a little box at home where no one could touch them.
Eventually, class had started and she caught someone staring at her. It was Jeongin. He was pretty quiet compared to the rest of the class. He was usually to himself as most of his friends were in a different class and since his older friend had already graduated. Jeongin didn’t notice the fact that she had caught him red-handed and it caused him to blush harshly as he quickly shot his gaze away from her.
Y/n never really paid attention to Jeongin as they weren’t close, but she had to say he’s very good-looking.
Days went by and the cartons with milk and adoration notes continued. One day, Y/n decided to go to school early so she could study for the test they were having that day. When she was about to enter her classroom, she saw Jeongin standing at her desk, with a familiar carton in his hand.
“Jeongin?” She asked, causing the boy to jump up in surprise. “Hi! Good morning Y/n.” He stuttered as he placed the carton back on her desk. “What are you doing at my desk?” “I… I was curious on what was on the note from your secret admirer. I’m sorry I shouldn’t go through your stuff. I’ll go for now.” Before Y/n could tell him that it was alright, he had already ran out of the room.
Y/n didn’t think too much of it and sat down to study, but before she did that she was curious as well to see what her secret admirer had to say to her today. ‘It’s like you’re becoming more beautiful every day, more talented, more loving. It’s almost unfair. Also, I know you’ll do your best on your test today! I’ll be rooting for you! <3’
The message of the note had been on her mind the entire time before class started, she only jolted out of her train of thoughts when the teacher asked her to hand out the tests. After she did that the test soon enough started and ended just as fast.
She was worried if she had done well or not, she’d have to wait until the results. “Y/n, could you please collect the tests and place them on my desk?” The teacher asked her, before she got up and did as she was asked to.
Her mind was still worried about the test that had just taken place as she went by every student’s desk, but her eyes caught something familiar when she picked up Jeongin’s test. The handwriting, why was it so familiar? Could it be… him?
She would’ve never thought that Jeongin would like her, or that he was capable of saying so many thoughtful, encouraging and flattering words, as he usually wasn’t the one to talk that much during class. Or to her.
Class soon ended and she went out to find Jeongin. He has been avoiding her since this morning when she caught him at her desk. It made sense to Y/n the more he thought about it. He had the same carton of milk on his desk every morning. It might be a popular brand, but still it couldn’t be a coincidence.
She found Jeongin outside with his friends and she took a deep breath before tapping him on his shoulder. Jeongin froze at the sudden touch and turned around slowly, only for him to widen his eyes in shock as soon as he saw her.
“Y/n?” “Can I talk to you for a moment?” She asked. Jeongin agreed and soon followed her to somewhere more retreated. “Is everything okay?” He asked slightly worried, feeling his heart pound in his chest as he was standing, for the first time, across his crush.
“Are you the one who gives me the milk cartons every morning with the notes?” Y/n blurted out after minutes of awkward silence. “I…” “I’m not sure if it’s actually you, but it makes sense to me. You always drink the same brand as the milk carton I receive every morning. Besides, I caught you at staring at me the other day. Plus, I caught you at my desk this morning way before school actually started.” “Uhm…” Jeongin didn’t know what to say, there was a big lump stuck in his throat, because he knew he was caught.
“If it’s not you then I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m really wondering at this point who this person is. I wanted to thank them for everything, from the beverages to the lovely notes-“ “They are from me.” Jeongin blurted out, causing him to smack his hands over his mouth in shock by his own confession. “They are?” Y/n asked surprised. The boy in front of her only nodded shyly, hoping that he wasn’t going to be rejected too harshly.
“Please don’t reject me too harsh.” He asked as he bowed politely, surprising Y/n once more. “Who said I was going to reject you?” She giggled. “You aren’t?” He asked. Him being the surprised one this time. “Of course not! I would love to get to know you, maybe we could hang out after school some more and see where this goes?” Y/n proposed with a smile. “I would love that.” “Good, I’ll get to thank you for these thoughtful gifts after all this time.”
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Gifs aren’t mine.
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