#and she didnt stop so i tried to climb out while it was moving and broke my elbow
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my sister was assigned abstract for her art class so I grabbed a canvas and painted with her. I call this one "powerwheels" and it's an expression of some of my many negative feelings
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bridgyrose · 5 months
Can I get some Blind!Weiss au pretty please?
(I'm hoping this isnt a repeat post, but... tumblr isnt showing that this part of it has been posted, so.... I do apologize if this is a repeat)
“And you’re sure this is the place?” Weiss asked as she pressed her aura out, trying to sense what was around her. “It seems kinda… empty.” 
“Of course I’m sure!” Sun paused for a moment. “You’re messing with me, arent you? Cant you see the lights?” 
“Nope.” Weiss finally sat down and ran her hand across the crate she sat on to make sure there was enough room to set her cane down. “You should tell me about them.” 
Yang rolled her eyes as she tried to track movement with her scroll. “As much as I hate to say it, Weiss is right. I’m not seeing anything move around in there. If anyone’s there, they’re not any place visible.” 
Weiss sighed and created a small glyph in front of her as she tried to relax her nerves. “They better be okay. They’re not allowed to be hurt enough that I cant apologize to them.” 
“Because you feel guilty?” 
Weiss shot Yang a frown. “I get it, alright? I messed up!” The glyph broke as she lost concentration and the frown slowly disappeared. “I messed up and want to try to make things right. Or at least try to make things better. I owe that to Blake.” 
Yang smiled a bit. “I’m sure you’ll have your chance?” 
Sun grinned and started to climb the crates. “In that case, I’ll go ahead and start looking for a way in! Leave it to me to make sure we can get your teammates out!” 
Weiss listened to Sun’s footsteps and waited until he was out of earshot. “We’re not going to follow him, are we?” 
“No, we’re not.” Yang dropped down a bit and started to look over a few pictures of the warehouse she took with her scroll. “He’ll be a distraction while we sneak in through one of the broken windows.” 
“Lead the way.” 
Weiss quickly put up a glyph between herself and the White Fang grunts with Yang’s directions, glaring behind her. “I thought you said no one would notice us coming in!” 
“They didnt!” Yang yelled back as she reloaded her gauntlets. “Or at least they didnt until Sun came around.” 
“Its not my fault they came after me.” Sun jumped over the glyph and used his gunchucks to start pushing the White Fang back . “Your friends are down the hall and to the left! I’ll hold these guys off so you can get to them!” 
“And you’re sure you can handle that?” Weiss asked. 
“I’ll be fine!” 
Weiss nodded and practically yelped as she felt Yang grab her wrist and pull her down the hall in search of their teammates. Gunshots echoed through the empty  warehouse, staying just as loud as they ran further away through the halls. She finally pulled out of Yang’s grip and stumbled a bit as she recaught her footing and steadied herself with her cane. “Warn me when you’re going to do that!” 
“I will next time.” Yang came to a stop and peeked into one of the windows of the doors and checked for anyone in there. “I’m not seeing anyone. Think you can see them with your aura?” 
“I dont know. I didnt see anyone before, so maybe there’s a limit to what I can see around and through.” 
“Can you try?” 
Weiss sighed and sat down as she tried to concentrate and pushed her aura out from her. Everything seemed like a black void as she tried to push out, empty and not a soul around. She paused as she saw a faint flicker of aura further down the hall and stood up. “This way.” 
Yang nodded and started to follow Weiss. “You’re sure?” 
“I saw somebody with a faint aura.” Weiss tapped her cane in front of her as she quickly walked down the hall so she wouldnt trip. Once she came to the room she saw the aura flicker in, she tapped on the door with her cane. “Here!” 
Yang slammed into the door to open it and paused. “Ruby!” 
“She’s fine,” Blake said as she looked over Ruby, her own body bruised and battered. “Mostly fine.” 
Ruby sighed and tried to push Blake away, swaying a bit and holding her head. “Everything’s still spinning…” 
“The drugs are wearing off. Take it easy.” 
Weiss slowly paused in the doorway as she looked towards Blake and Ruby, not sure what to say. She still couldnt tell what had happened to either of them besides being taken away, and yet, she couldnt find the words she wanted to say. 
Yang helped pick Ruby up and walked her over to Weiss. “Can you make sure Ruby and Blake get out of here?” 
Weiss gave a nervous chuckle. “You’re letting the blind girl help them? What are you going to do then?” 
“Someone has to make sure Sun gets out of here too, right? And out of all of us, I’m the only one that can get to him. Besides, you’re better equipped to help Blake and Ruby with your glyphs.” 
Weiss nodded and took Ruby’s other side to free up Yang. “Dont be too long, alright?” 
“I’ll call you as soon as Sun and I get out.” 
“You better.” Weiss took a few unsteady steps as she tried to keep Ruby supported and use her cane to keep herself from tripping. 
“Take three steps forward and then get ready to turn,” Blake said. “I’ll help you navigate so you dont have to focus on your cane.” 
“Thanks. And I”m sorry about what I said.” 
“Save it for when we’re back at the dorm. But… thanks for coming to get me.” 
Weiss nodded and continued forward with Blake’s instructions, turning with her after three steps. “Then lets get you back to the dorm to rest and get you both looked at.” 
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calm-potato · 1 year
Boyfriend dabi vs cat
Summary- you bring home a cat and dabi fights for your attention with the cat... Content- fluff + jealous dabi?? Dabi x gn reader
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"I'm home!" You yell only to be met with silence as you searched for your boyfriend to show him a surprise you found in an alleyway.
Checking every room untill you manage to make your way towards the bedroom you both share. Opening the door you peaked inside,stilling holding the cat gently in your other arm. "Babe?" You scanned the room and found him laying on the bed facing upwards with his arm over his head. "Hm?" He hummed still not facing you as you smiled and closed the door.
"I've got something for you." He hummed again not looking sounding a bit intrigued but annoyed at the same time "it better not be another pair of endeavor shirts to annoy me because I swear-" he paused when he noticed the little fluff ball in your arms. Your face was sparkling with happiness as his was threaded with terror as if you just brought home some exotic animal.
Hugging the cat tighter to your chest made his blood boil for second as he looked at your face "isn't he just the cutest?! Let's keep him and name him,ok?" The cat had black fur "how about kuro? Yeah well name him kuro!" (Kuro also means black in Japanese in case you didn't know)
Depsite your excitement dabi just couldn't believe what he was seeing. Someone, no some little creature was in his house basically violating his beautiful s/o and all while he has to watch it with his own eyes. This was his home and some little firball just comes in unannounced and tried to one up him with his spot of being your number 1.
"Dabi?" After some time of silence from him he didn't notice he was quiet as he had to come up with soemthing to say  "oh,yeah,yeah! Kuro sounds nice I guess. Where did you find him?"
You stopped holding kuro to let him down as he climbed on the bed with dabi " in an alleyway." Dabi's face went back to being distraught. So not only did you bring home a cat but a stray as well?! "Why? I mean couldn't you have left him?"
You crossed your arms looking at him rolling your eyes "dabi,didn't you used to be the same? Remember I found you in an alleyway bleeding and helped you?" He groaned under his breath at the fact you were right. But he didn't want you to be right,he didn't want the cat in his house under your touch and being so near you. He wanted the cat out!
And yes,he knows it's silly to be jealous of a cat but he couldnt help it when eventually he was right, kuro had you under his little paw. For the next few weeks you mostly spent all your time looking after kuro and taking care of him more than dabi. You didn't notice it and didn't mean to do it,you've just always always a soft spot for animals and got a little... carried away with kuro.
"Why are you sulking?" You were on the couch next to dabi with kuro laid peacefully in your lap. "Is it because of kuro again?" He didnt say anything but glared down at the cat as you sighed. "Stop being such a baby,kuro is just a cat he needs attention as well."
He didn't respond again. "Really, a silent treatment?" You let out another sigh as you picked up kuro and placed him down on dabi's lap. "Fine,you may not talk to me now,but you will get along with kuro!"
You said with a final look and walked away towards the kitchen as dabi just looked down at the cat. Kuro swayed his tail and looked up at dabi with the most adorable eyes he's ever seen. Kuro mowed at dabi tail stoll swaying as dabj scrunched up his face. "I don't even see why she likes you so much." Placing the remote down,dabi picked up the cat and exaimed him moving moving hands.
"Sure you're soft and cute looking but that's all you can do. I can do so much more than you can. You little... fur-ball!" Dabi said placing the cat back down and getting up. "That's it,I'm over this whole look after you thing. Imma send you away without them knowing."
He got up but was halted when he felt a little fluf on his leg as he looked down he could see the cat rubbing his leg and purring. "What the- get off!" But kuro wouldn't budge so he picked up the cat and stated at his eyes.
"What? What do you want with me?!" He yelled a bit as the cat was still purring and tail swaying with glee as dabu was slowly breaking. "Damn,why are you actually so-" he stopped himself "no! I can't fall for this,this is what got her so whipped with you but-"
Of course he stared again and found that he couldn't resist anymore. All his anger went away as he walked into the kitchen holding kuro.
"Oh hey,dinner is almost read-" you turned around to see him holding kuro and you nearly died. Did it work?! You thought as you smiled.
"This is my new support system." You smiled and laughed "ok." He came closer "no I'm serious,I'm now in love with this cat and we'll rule the world together." You smiled not knowing what to say as he kept going "I'll burn the people while kuro will scratch!" You wore a concerned face now as you patted his shoulder.
"Dabi,babe,wouldn't that be painful?"
"Only to the people"
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floralhuqzz · 6 months
𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (fem! reader x Kai Anderson) part 3
Let me know if you guys want part 4!! English is not my first language, if theres any errors let me know! xxx
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Warnings: alcohol, stalking, obssesion, slapping, choking, swearing, slight sfw)?
"just a little drunk... Just enough to have some fun" he whispered the last sentence in my ear sending shivers down my spine.
I was nervous, how could you not be? he knew what he was doing to me. Its like he knew the right things to say, he talked to me like he knew me for years. He couldn't stop looking at me, not even for a second. We kept drinking wine while talking about our interest and hobbies and favourite music,, he seems like a good guy but i kept having this off feeling about him.. something was off. I finally put my glass of wine on the table as i softly spoke.
"wheres your bathroom?" I lightly smiled
"its up stairs, do you want me to go with you?" He also placed his glass on the table not breaking eye contact.
"i can piss by myself you know?" I giggled a bit as he did the same
"ok then, its the second door on the left" he smiled back
I got up the stairs looking around his house. I must say his house looked very clean and it smelled nice. I got inside the bathroom and did my business. I looked myself in the mirror,, i looked great, i wanted to retouch my makeup but i forgot i left my bag in the kitchen where Kai was. I got out of the bathroom when i noticed a opened door which i supposed was Kais bedroom. Curiosity took over me and i got close to the door thinking to myself if i should be really be looking through his room. I mean what if he had a girlfriend and he didn't tell me? What if theres some lingerie around the room or girls clothes. Its not like its my business but i really wanted to know if this guy was saying the truth.
I slightly opened the door trying not to make any noise,, i saw a very clean room, but it was pretty empty. I supposed that it was nothing out of the ordinary since he just moved here 1 month ago. I got inside and i noticed a camera on the table"he didn't tell me he took pictures"i thought to myself smiling a bit,, i started looking through the pictures when i saw something that made my heart drop... Different pictures of me ,, they were likely taken from a far distance. Theres pictures of the inside of my house, pictures of my bras, panties... What the fuck is going on?.. who truly is this guy?.. i knew i had to get out of here.
"didn't your mom teach you that its not nice going through someones stuff?" I heard the door close
I turn around slowly begin scared to look at him in the eyes
"look at me" he spoke, hearing his footsteps getting closer
I swear i could hear my heart beating.
" im giving you a last chance y/n.. look at me" he was standing inches from me.
I let out a shaky breath. But i felt a hand on my neck. I tried gasping for air.
"you bitch...you couldn't just not go in here huh?" He said gripping my neck even more
"p-please, l-let m-me go" i tried fighting back but it was useless, he was so much stronger than me.
"awww little y/n thinks she can over power me? You look ridiculous" he finally let me go
I fall onto the floor holding my neck gasping for air, tears running down my face.
"i wanted to make you mine in a more romantic way,, take you on a date.. i didnt want to use violence, but i guess i dont have another choice now that you know everything... I guess ill just have to force you to be mine. Even if you want it or not."
I finally looked up.
"why...why are you doing this?" I coughed still finding it difficult to breath.
"because i love you" he said softly while he sat in front of me whipping my tears
"you are sick-" not even a second after i finished that sentence he slapped me on the face
"SHUT THE FUCK UP" he screamed
he stood up and picked me up and threw me onto his bed
"you dont know for how long ive been stalking you.. i guess you are so dumb that you didn't noticed did you?" He started to climb on top of me "ive been studying you, analysing you,, i know everything about you...your friends, family, where they all live,, i know everything."
"why..why me?." I was weak,, my cheek was burning and my neck was hurting a lot
"why you?" he laughed while looking down at me
"because you are so...amazing... beautiful... You are everything that i can only dream about." He whispered in my ear while going down my neck leaving a trail of soft kisses
“You are a woman and I am a man and we belong in the dark together.”
IM FINALLY PUBLISHED SOMETHING AFTER MONTHS OMFG💀 sorry about that xxx if u guys want a part 4 let me know!!!
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gladdygirl18 · 3 months
What a way to end a day 💗😍💗🥰🤣
Blue me, pink GF
So in the afternoon when me, my GF and a friend of ours were in the cafeteria, our friend was making a lot of suggestive jokes (it's what we do) and I had responded with my own and glanced at my girlfriend
He asked, "So what those hands do?"
I was slightly embarrassed to answer but my gf said, "this is what they do" and proceeds to tickle me 😆🤣💗 (I freaking love her)
So later that night when I was at her place, we were playing minecraft for a good while and then she wanted to cuddle (how can I say no to something like that 🥺💗)
So we ended up cuddling and making out (a routine we indirectly made) and when I cheated her out of a kiss, she got all pouty and turned away like a little kid. The wheeze that came out of me omggg 🤣🤣🤣 she was acting so childish it was adorable. When I tried to console her, she gave me this pouty look and I just lost it. She playfully bonked me on the head.
Now it was my turn to be pouty. I turned away and pouted and she had the audacity to climb on top of me and say "ahhh now who's all pouty?" It was such a funny thing cuz everytime she tried to kiss me, I'd either hide my lips or turn away from her and it was just all goofy and silly and I loved it. When she finally landed a kiss on me, we just relaxed with her as my weighted blanket
"I love playing with you like this, just being goofy and silly"
She smiles and agrees with a kiss. After that, she starts kissing my neck. Now me, I make a lot of "cute little noises" (GF's words not mine, and not I the way you think) and normally when i say "no" I saw "nyo" almost like a cat and she has been imitating me for since we stsrted going out. When she said that in my ear, I made the mistake of saying "Ah, no! That tickles!" She gave this little evil gremlin giggle and starts saying "nyo" over and over again in my ear, making me laugh, and her laughing in my ear wasn't making it any better (but i loved every second of this; just playing around with her is so much fun)
When all was said and done, I move from under her but she had my leg trapped. I eventually get comfortable but my GF insists on poking me. I giggle ofc and end up kissing her to make her stop. When I cheat her out of another kiss she places her hand on my ribs and says "Hey, sorry about this but my hands and fingers like to jolt and Twitch at times" *Twitches fingers on my ribs and squeezes them* "Ah see? I mean I can't help it" *tickles me again* "they just have a mind of their own" *squeezes my ribs again*
And when i asked her to stop, she said "kiss me" and ofc i was being a brat and hid my lips from her. And she kept tickling me until i kissed her.
"Okay okahahahay!" *places kiss on her cheek*
"You know thats not what i meant!" *continues to tickle me!
After I finally kiss her, she chuckles before pulling me into a hug. After a while, she wanted to play minecraft before we went to bed but she was being lazy, still laying on my leg.
"Okay, babe, u have 3 options: 1. You can get off my leg, play minecraft, and we can go to bed. 2. we can go to bed right now. or 3 *places fingers in her side* I can help you get up to play minecraft and mind you, my fingers like to spasm*twitches fingers to tickle her* every now and again." Her little giggles were so cute ahhhhh 😆🥰💖
My GF scoffs before grabbing me and started GRINDING HER KNUCKLES INTO MY RIBS "How this for spasm!?"
It tickled like hell omggg but i loved every bit of it 😍😆🥰💖💖after that we just cuddled and played minecraft
So yeah, that was my evening last night, haha. It was great. I love being goofy and silly with her, as well as playing with her. For those who have someone, alwasy try to find the time to play and just be goofy with them; its good for the heart, soul, and the relationship as a whole. More stories to come, so stay tuned!
tagging the fwends: @burningablaze @cutesmokes @giggly-squiggily @otomiyaa @sunstone-smiles @lovelymessybubbly @jettorii
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am-i-sans · 1 year
goof off dnd 4
more goofing off! spent a long time trying to figure out how to bring the party back together.
moss gave shades magic info about a dungeon! an abandoned treasure vault in a chasm. SO we need spingledorf. SO i gotta find nana.
found nana! she has my dog :( meanie. nana doesnt wanna but is like 'aight ill go so i can hit him.' we find an elf man who saw dorf so off we go into the magic circle.
i told him i found dirt! but he runs cause hes scared of nana lol. me and nana apologized so dorf would be happy. but i dont know where the chasm is! and the portal closed so we gotta walk. dorf is gonna summon a spectral stead.
i pull out my map and try to find the location. found it lets goooo! nana went outside for some kush lol. shades helps dorf and nana up. off they go! (moss got supremely angry we were riding the horse wrong lol)
found the chasm! gotta climb down! got my rope and pitons lets not fall to our deaths ok? tunnels! its moist and smells like shit. dorf finds a chest! shades says it could be a chest SO dorf decides to fuckin firebolt it. gas fills the cavern. good job. asshole. were knocked out.
we wake up 2 hours later and henry made his way down somehow. good job! nana is surrounded by swirling energy! she spun in circles to avoid them but it didnt work. dorf said it some kind of wild magic. it lasts 24 hours lol.
nana punches it but nothing happens. dorf touches it, nothing happens. were stuck with it, so further into the cave we go! we find a magic circle and parchment. the circle is designed to keep people out with nonmagical means.
its a text about medicine. theres also some powder and liquid and some beakers and some potions. nana breaks a powder vial for fun and has to make a saving throw. she also breaks a liquid one. shes wearing boots so nothing happens and thats sus.
when nana tries to speak, pink bubbles come out of her mouth! i take the rest of the vials cause dear god nana is trying to kill herself this way. i walk dorf away and give him the vials. oil of taggit and purple worm poison. stick those in my bag. lets carefully continue.
i turned vibrant blue?! i need a remove curse spell. do that later though. CYCLOPS. dorf uses comprehend languages! but dorf cant speak giant. oh no. nana starts walking away while im pantomiming at the wild magic. also shes walking slower than usual.
dorf gives the cyclops jerky. so we go through the next room. furniture pog. some vases. a drum. and still smells like shit. we also hear footsteps. i go and listen at the door. i hear footsteps moving away and stopping. i slowly open the door. theres a pit! right there!
we jump over the pit! dorf just barely misses it. but i yank him fast. were in a hallway! we hear scrabbling! i pull out my dagger and carefully walk ahead. a screech pierces the air! and it smells like sulfer!
dorf pulls out an orb of spying. a rat or something? nana squished it. but that wasnt the true enemy! sus! we also find a bright green slime! its clinging to everything in patches. NANA WANTS TO EAT IT! 8 acid damage dummy. and another 6 damage for touching it.
were stopping here cause raz needs to go eepy.
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bishiglomper · 11 months
Wahhh scary dream 😭
Dreamt I was sharing a bed with Sissy. But it suddenly went dark. Not pitch black, but like someone shut the door completely. My hearing drastically dropped, it wasn't muffled exactly, but I could barely hear my own voice calling out like sound was suppressed. Suddenly Sissy wasnt there.
Space was different because I tried to get out of bed to find the door, like it's only 6 steps away but suddenly there was more bed and I couldn't find any walls let alone door. I could sense things near me. I was blindly reaching out with my hands and would knock into something invisible every once in a while.. My brain told me these things looked kinda like this:
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Like small (badly rendered 😂) apes. More red than black. And they didnt really have necks. Probably like 3 feet tall.
And they weren't like, attacking or even reacting when I'd touch them but I knew they were patiently waiting to creep in and converge on me. I keep a few small pillows, like 1/4 size of a normal pillow, so I grabbed a couple and started swinging to make sure things kept their distance
And this whole time I'm singing at the top of my lungs.
Which is weird because I do not sing. Not out loud. Too shy someone might hear and just. No. Absolutely not.
But it felt like it was the only thing that was keeping me anchored and eventually I might be able to reach someone. I tried a few songs but all I remember right now was belting out the chorus to "this land is your land" 'cause that's all I know. 👀😂
And suddenly I could see the outline of the door like the hallway light was on. Found it. Opened it. Everything was normal. I look back and Sissy was in the bed.
I climb back in bed and wake her up like "CAN I SLEEP UP AGAINST YOU, I HAD A SCARY DREAM"
She mumbled sure but then she got up to use the bathroom. So I'm moving pillows and laying closer to where she was and trying to wait without being too paranoid. But I called out a couple times like. You can still hear me, right
And then suddenly.... the light disappeared again. As did sound.
So I did this again, only I was hitting into the invisible things a bit more often. Then I'm suddenly super aware of myself. Like dream definition improved and I was more lucid about it. I could actually feel my movements, the bed under me, the vibrating of my chest and the strain of shout-singing 👀 And then I think I felt a Thing at my back.
So that's when I noped out and woke up. Still mentally belting out "this land is your land"
And my door was shut. Hallway light on. And there was no cat in my room. 😐
Having a kitty on my bed makes me feel safer. Like if anything was in my room the cat would react. And Ash usually sleeps on the edge of the bed by my head. Probably so he can see the door. That's the only part of the bed I keep uncovered, having made a cave.
I opened the door and its like Ash was waiting outside. I beckoned him in but he wouldnt come 😭 I even climbed back in bed, but he's so paranoid. He sat just outside the door, too skittish to come in. Which didnt help my paranoia any.
He came after a few minutes after i stopped trying to call him and took his post.
But yeah, I'm not really crazy about going back to sleep ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Some Like It Rough
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Gif credit @bodybebangin
Taglist @ackles-nhl. @cbouvier23.
Hope everyone enjoys it.
Happy reading dollies
"I needed you. Where were you tonight"? Kayce sat on the edge of the bed holding his ribs.
"I was out with Beth". You leaned over and grabbed the medical bag.
"For six hours"!? Kayce hissed when you pressed on his side.
"We talked, she drank...a lot. Then we played some pool at the bar". You tell him wrapping his ribs up.
"Meet any guys"? Kayce nibbled on his lip, looking up at you.
"Not this again. I didn't talk to anyone except Beth and the bartender".
"Was he a guy"!? Kayce grunted as he tried to lay down on the bed. You huffed and put the medical bag back in the bathroom.
"Yes, he was. We hooked up in the bathroom while Beth table danced. He also has a wife and a kid on the way". You lied about two things but Kayce didnt care even if you joked. He was jealous.
"I think you should go stay with your parents. We need some time". Kayce sighed, getting comfortable in the bed.
"Why? So you can go fuck every girl you see? Thats what you want? Go for it". You aggressively grabbed your duffel bag and started stuffing your clothes inside. "You wanna know something, the whole time we talked we talked about you and I. Like I couldn't shut up about you. Beth was there ask her. Because I know she wont lie for me". You scoffed and grabbed your keys.
"Y/N, I'm sorry".
"I'm tired of your sorrys. You start a fight and then apologize. We never solve anything. I'm sick of it. That's all we do, since you got back. You need to grow up and figure out what you want whether it has me in it or not. Figure out your shit". You slammed the door behind you. Kayce had a lot to think about. First he hated being alone when he was hurt. He needed comfort. So he went to his big sister.
"So what was this fight about this time"? Beth lit up a cigarette.
"What happened at the bar"? Kayce relaxed in his rocking chair with a groan holding his side.
"We talked and I got a drink. What's all this about? I thought you two were good"?
"We were but I guess my jealousy took over. She came home looking good. Guys must have talked to her. Drooling over her and shit".
"The only guy we talked to was the bartender. He was nice. But married".
"So you didn't table dance"? Kayce chuckled when he figured out he was an asshole.
"Hell no. I'm not that drunk". Beth laughed.
"I think you owe her more than just a shit I'm sorry. You need to fuck her brains out". Beth looked at Kayce seriously.
"I'm not talking about this with you". Kayce gasped getting up from the rocking chair.
"I'm a girl. I know what we want. We want a hard rough fuck and a man that knows what the hell he wants. Not some chicken shit. So grow up and tell that girl you love her. And fuck her brains out". Beth sat back in her chair proudly. She knew her shit.
"Well, it'll have to be a slow fuck cause I'm banged up". Kayce laughed with a hiss.
"Just give her that dick good and she'll know you love her".
"Oh my god. I'm leaving. My sister just said good dick in the same sentence. Have a good night. Thanks". Kayce struggled as he tried leaning over to kiss Beth's head.
"That was the pg version. I could've gone graphic. You know me". She laughed as Kayce shook his head and limped down to his car.
Kayce knew what he wanted. He wanted you. He needed you. Kayce called your cell and nothing. He called your parents, nothing. He was starting to get worried. But he knew you wouldn't go stay with friends cause they would tell so he searched at the hotels around. Only two near the house. One was a nice place and the other was a hole in the wall.
"Is there a Y/N Dutton registered here"? Kayce asked the night clerk at the front desk of the nice place.
The lady typed on the computer. "Sorry no ones named that here".
"Can you try Y/N Y/L/N"? Kayce knew if you didnt use the Dutton last name then you would use your last name.
"She's here. Room 204. But am I allowed to give you her number? You a serial killer or something"? She was hesitant on giving Kayce the key.
This made Kayce chuckle. "No ma'am, I'm her boyfriend. We're in a long distance relationship right now but she's thinking about moving here". Kayce made up something so she would give him the key.
"Alright but if I find her in the morning dead, I saw your face and I will identify you. I'm not scared of you". The clerk pulled out a shotgun.
"Yes, ma'am. That's not going to happen though. You may hear some screaming and moaning but that's not from what you're thinking of". Kayce blushed a little but was honest, he didnt want her busting in and pointing that shotgun at him.
"You do you, boo. Go get your girl". She smiled and patted his hand as she passed him the key. Kayce snickered and started up the what felt like a hundred stairs. He groaned and grunted as he walked up holding his side. In his mind he was just hoping he was able to make you moan and not pass out at your feet.
Kayce knocked on the door. "Who is it"? Kayce heard your voice and smirked.
"Room service". Kayce disguised his voice.
The door opened and his eyes went wide, you cracked the door open in a towel. You had just got out of the shower.
"Kayce, what are you doing here"?
"Um, I, god you're beautiful". Kayce stepped in, licking his lips. He grabbed you by the waist and captured your lips with his. He closed the door behind him with his boot and your towel fell to the floor.
"Kayce"? You gasped when Kayce lifted you up, your legs immediately went around his waist. His calloused hands dug into your back as he kissed you.
Kayces knees hit the bed and he slowly laid you down. He released your lips and stood back.
You closed your legs and covered your chest.  "Don't hide from me". Kayces husky voice made you tremble. Your inner thighs became wet. The heat from your center was radiating off of you.
Kayce smirked as he brought his shirt over his head and threw it across the room. He kicked off his boots and unbuckled his pants, letting them fall to the floor. When he first came he was hurting but as soon as he saw you. What pain?
He was already so hard. He could have hammered a nail with his hard on.
"Open your legs, baby. Let daddy see". Only a few times has Kayce went daddy and every time the night was amazing so you hardly ever done it so it could be special.
You let out a squeak, your legs falling open. Kayce smirked to himself when he saw how wet you were already. He took his middle  finger and touched your clit. You thought you could have came right there. You bit your lip to quiet your moans.
Kayce chuckled, his slipped his fingers through your slit with ease, massaging your with his palm. "You like when daddy does this, dont you"? Kayce evil chuckled. You nodded.
Kayce bent down and got on his knees, he grabbed you by the hips and pulled you to the edge of the bed. He started kissing your inner thighs. His beard tickled, but you loved it.
"Mmm". You started to buck your hips but Kayce held you down with his strong hands.
"Someone's eager". Kayce was inches away from your clit, you felt his hot break on your pussy lips. You felt yourself get wetter.
Kayce took the tip of his tongue and flicked your clit. Making you whimper to be touched.
He flattened out his tongue and pressed hard against your clit and started wiggling his tongue.
"Fuck". You gasped, your hand went to his hair.
He sucked on your clit, his middle and index finger teasing your entrance then slowly pushing in. It was driving you crazy for him not to be rough on you.
"Daddy". You moaned his name and he went faster. It encouraged him to go rougher. His fingers went in deep and rough. His middle finger pushing against your g-spot. "Oh fuck". One hand tangled in his hair and the other one holding on to the sheets.
"I'm gonna cum". Kayce sucked you clit as he looked up at you, his fingers never losing their pace. "I'm cumming. I'm cumming". You screamed over and over as you felt your first orgasm take over your body. It trembled and shaked as he kept fingering. He let go of your clit with a pop. Your hand reached down and stopped his. You couldnt take it.
"Such a good girl for daddy". Kayce grinned smacking his lips as he climbed up your body. He helped you scoot up the bed. His eyes never leaving yours. You let out a giggle, a blush upon your face.
"I just wanted to say...". You cut Kayce off by a kiss to the lips.
"Shut up and fuck me". You pulled Kayce on top of you. Wrapping your legs around him, a knot tied with your legs so he couldnt go anywhere.
"Yes, ma'am". Kayce gladly did as he was told.  He lined himself up and pushed in. God, he stretched you in all the right places.
"Fuck, baby". Kayce mumbled into your skin of your chest. He started kissing along your collarbone, kissing your neck.
Kayce picked up his pace and his  thrusts were deep and long. His hands resting on your back.
"I love you. I'm sorry for being jealous". Kayce spoke between kisses and thrusts.
"I forgive you". You kissed his chest and nibbled at his ear lobe. "I love you so much. Fuck". You threw your head back into the bed when Kayce thrusted in the right angle. God, did he know your body or what.
"You gonna cum again"? Kayce chuckled as he felt you start to squeeze his cock. You let out a whimper and a nod.
"Cum for daddy". Those words sent you straight to the stars. Your orgasm exploded around Kayce. His cock still thrusting as your orgasm still fired away. He was close. So close. Your walls were milking him.
"Fuck". Kayce grunted, his head fell to your chest as he came. His hot seed covered your walls. You wrapped your arms around him and held him as both your orgasms exhausted both of you. You laid there until he went soft and he pulled out of you. Getting under the covers, Kayce pulled you into his arms with a kiss to your sweaty forehead.
"I'm truly sorry that I always let my jealousy get in the way of our relationship. I'm going to work on that. Because I know you would never cheat on me". Kayce said as he cuddled you in more.
"I would never cheat on you, ever. Especially after that. Holy fuck that was amazing. You definitely out did yourself there Mr. Dutton". You giggled, moving a piece of hair from his face.
Kayce chuckled. "You'll have my sister to thank for that. She told me what you wanted".
"So you did talk to Beth and found out that I'm a good girl". You teased.
"I know that's a lie. But I know that you want me and I want you. I was just being bullheaded. I'm sorry".
"I forgive you. Now". You cleared your throat. "How bad are your ribs hurting"?
"Not to bad. Why"? Kayce eyed you.
"I want a ride again, cowboy". You pushed him on his back and climbed aboard the Kayce train. You were never getting off no matter how jealous Kayce was or how angry you were about it. You both loved each other and that wasn't going to change.
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bbyannabeth · 3 years
Hii I love ur writing !!! Can u plss write a fic where percy and annabeth are skinny dipping in the camp lake and calypso or someone walks in on them and gets jealous?? Thanku so much !!
hii, thank you so much<3 i couldn’t really find a way to have someone actually get jealous, like it didn’t make a lot of sense to me BUT i still hope you like this bc i actually think it turned out rly cute🥺
“percy,” annabeth hissed as he stripped off his shirt. she looked around even though it was the middle of the night and the cleaning harpies were nowhere to be seen. “you can’t be serious.”
“come on, beth,” he smiled, kicking his shoes off. “live a little.”
“live a little?” she scoffed. “i have enough excitement in my life, i don’t need to skinny dip at camp, thank you. what if we get caught?”
“by who?” he asked, slipping his sweatpants off and leaving him in boxers. annabeth hated to admit it, but she could already feel her resolve waning. he was right, there was no one around. percy stepped closer to her, hands finding the hem of her shirt. she let him slide it over her head.
“this is a bad idea,” she tried again. but still she took off her shoes, and then percy’s fingers were in the waistband of her shorts. the warm july air wrapped around them, but annabeth still had goosebumps all over her skin. she was pretty sure that had more to do with percy taking off her clothes than the barely there chill of the wind.
it was their last summer there as campers, seeing as they would be turning 18 that year and then heading off to new rome for the fall. that was the reason percy had suggested skinny dipping. let’s go out with a bang, he’d said. annabeth hated that it wasn’t the worst idea he could’ve had.
his palms pressed against her bare waist and she shivered. percy leaned down to kiss her, which was a poor distraction for the way his fingers reached for the clasp of her bralette two seconds later. despite the several times he’s done this, he still struggled a little when it came to unhooking it, making annabeth giggle.
“don’t laugh at me,” he huffed. “it’s hard.”
“mhm,” she hummed. “very hard.”
the straps of her bra were then being slid down her arms and she glanced around again, still worried that someone would see them. “we’ll be fine, beth,” he promised.
“if we get caught, i’m blaming you,” she said. and then their underwear joined the pile of clothing on the dock. and maybe they should’ve climbed down the ladder or tried to slip in quietly, so they didn’t draw any attention to themselves, but percy had other plans. he grabbed her hand and didn’t think twice before jumping into the water, pulling her in with him.
their hands never broke, even when they surfaced. “percy!” she scolded, but she couldn’t help her laughter. “we’re so loud.”
“who cares?” he said, bringing her closer. “we’ve saved the world twice, and we’ve been to hell and back. we deserve some fun. who’s gonna stop us?”
“chiron? the harpies?” she shot back, only half serious. he was right again. they deserved some fun and even if they did get caught, it wasn’t likely that they’d get in trouble.
“yeah, whatever,” he shrugged. and then his hand slipped from hers, and he smiled that stupid, troublemaker grin she was so in love with. his fingertips touched her shoulder. “tag!” he said before swimming off, which was completely unfair given that he could control every drop of water around them.
“hey!” she protested, chasing him. they went back and forth for a while, and thankfully, percy seemed to not use his advantage of being the son of poseidon.
except once, when he was chasing her and then suddenly, despite her arms and legs propelling her forward, she stopped moving completely. within seconds, percy’s arm was around her waist. “tag,” he whispered, holding her close and turning her to face him.
“you cheated!” she replied.
“oh well,” was all he said before leaning in and kissing her. annabeth hummed indignantly but wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him back. percy must’ve used the water to keep them afloat and still because both of them had stopped treading water, only focused on each other.
it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes before they heard, “well, well, well.”
annabeth snapped away, anxiety settling in immediately, only to dissipate a few seconds later. on the dock stood piper, her hands on her hips and a knowing smile on her face. “what do we have here?” she asked playfully. she bent down, and held up annabeth’s bra by the strap. “pretty incriminating, if you ask me.”
“what are you doing up so late, mclean?” percy asked, a light smile on his face.
“i could ask you the same,” piper said, dropping the garment back to the ground. “i was awake earlier, though, when i saw you guys sneaking away. at first, i left it alone. but then i got curious so i started looking for you.
“and you guys are very loud,” piper continued, a laugh bubbling out of her throat. “so it didn’t take long to find you.”
annabeth glared at percy. “told you we were too loud!”
“oh hush, it’s just piper,” he said back.
“it could’ve been someone else, though,” annabeth grumbled.
“i’m a little jealous i’ve never thought about this,” piper said, eyes flitting all around the lake. “i’ll have to bring jason out here one night.”
“no way, mclean,” percy said. “this is my turf, find your own.”
piper wrinkled her nose. “you suck,” she said. “and yes i will be bringing him out here unless you want chiron to know that you were out here tonight.”
“i hate you,” percy said.
“yeah, yeah,” piper shrugged. “i’ll see you both in the morning. please don’t have too much fun in there, we all like to swim in that lake, you know.”
annabeth’s cheeks flushed as she tucked her face into percy’s neck. “goodnight, piper,” she called, the finality in her voice making it clear this conversation was over.
“night night,” piper said sweetly before leaving them alone.
for a moment, percy just held annabeth close, his hands running over her back. “told you we’d get caught,” she mumbled finally, making him laugh.
“could’ve been worse,” he said, which was definitely true. “do you wanna get out?”
annabeth lifted her head up from his neck and looked at him. his wet hair was pushed back and his skin glowed silver under the moonlight. like always, he was beautiful and she didn’t want this moment to end just yet.
“in a little bit,” she answered before leaning in and kissing him again. percy didn’t seem to have any issues with that, only pulling her closer.
if u saw any typos no u didnt<3
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Warnings (18+): Fingering, natasha Romanoff (yes she is a literal warning 🙃) degradation, edging, spanking, breeding kink (feel free to tell me if I missed any. I'm half asleep writing this)
Pairings: natasha Romanoff x Female reader
Notes: So this is my first time writing something like this so yeah. Ummm. You dont have the right to copy, translate it steal any of my work to post anywhere. Feel free to send in requests I'm going to try sorting the account out properly as it currently sucks. It has not been proofread as I'm half asleep writing this so yeah. Any feedback is appreciated
Natasha had left for a meeting and to complete some important paperwork at the compound over 2 hours ago. You were growing impatient and extremely horny waiting for her. The only noise throughout the whole house was the tv in the room which is playing in the background which you turned to trying to distract yourself from the growing wetness in your panties.
That's it you thought. You pushed yourself back on the bed, taking your clothes off and placing one hand on your breasts. You began palming at your breasts and pinching and pulling at your hardened nipples. Your other hand wandering to your core. Your juices already beginning to leak. Your breathing becomes heavier and you you insert a finger deep into yourself quickly adding another finger. The coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter. Being caught up in your own pleasure you didn't hear the front door open and that your girlfriend was standing at the door to your bedroom.
Adding another finger making the 'come hire' motion touching that special place inside you. Your moans get louder and your head is so clouded by pleasure that your cant think or hear anything else. The coil in the pit of your stomach tightens and your pussy clenched around your fingers. With your other hand you continue playing with your breasts and that's all it takes to throw you over the edge. Your moans fill the room as your juices squirt out of you.
"You dirty fucking slut" Natasha husked as she stepped closer to you sitting against headboard. Heat travelled to your cheeks in embarrassment, you attempt to close your legs but Nat forces them back open. The one rule was broken 'Dont touch yourself or cum without permission'.  Nat turned around and walked over to the set of drawers.
She turned around holding silk rope, a vibrator and your favourite strap on. She gently pulled you down the bed and tied your legs and arms to the bed post and then began to tear her own clothes off. Her wetness glistening in the light you opened your mouth to speak but was cut off by Nat shoving her panties which she was just wearing. The taste of her juices from her panties making you grow wetter.
"I did have a suprise for you, for being such a good girl but then you do this and mess it all up like the little slut you are" Nat says as she places the vibrater into you on the lowest setting. "Please mommy" you muffle which didnt come out as anything but nat knew. All of a sudden she slapped your tits hard surely going to leave a mark. Your juices begin to spill around the toy as nat ups the speed on the vibration to almost maximum. Nat positions herself on top of you and starts sucking on your neck, collarbone and moving down you your breasts. With one of her hands she rubs her fingers through your folds to collect your slick and rubs them over your breasts before sucking your tits. A trail of hickeys covering your neck, collarbone and your breasts.
The coil in your stomach tightening, you try thrusting your hips upwards to get any friction possible but your hips were pushed firmly onto the bed by nat. Your moans becoming louder but muffled by nats panties in your mouth. Drool was dripping down your chin. "Mommy m'close" you tried saying. Nat took the panties out of your mouth "I want to hear your sweet moans slut" she turns the vibrator to the maximum setting and continues sucking and gently biting your nipples. "Fuck mommy" is all you could get out before moans took over. "This is what you wanted wasn't it you stupid fucking slut. You wanted me to come home and see you playing with yourself just so I would punish you"
"Fuck mommy I'm going to cum" you moaned. Just then nat removed the vibrator. You groaned needing the release. "Don't complain slut" nat husked before spanking your pussy. Natasha dragged her fingers through your folds collecting your juices before placing her fingers in her mouth "fuck your so sweet"
She turned away and placed the strap on, on. It was the newest one that Nat had brought, it's the biggest one you own and has a cum reservoir in due to nats breeding kink which you recently discovered. Nat untied you and you automatically got into position. Nat positioned the cock at your entrance and teased before harshly bottoming out into you, tears ran down your face from the pain caused by being stretched out. Nat gave you as few seconds to adjust to the size of it before you gave her a sign to say you were ready. She removed the cock before roughly bottoming out again, she finished this process after at least 10 times. Tears were spilling down your face and both of your moans were filling the room "fuck your so tight slut" nat groaned. Nats hand sneaked to your slightly sensitive bud and rolled it in her fingers causing your moans to become louder. "Fuck mommy m'close" you whispered as nat continued thrusting deep into you with the cock.
Nat could feel you tightening around the fake cock you trying moving against the cock but natasha has a firm grip on you to stop you from moving. The coil in your stomach getting tighter and close to snapping. You could sense nats smirk as your sewing incoherent sentences and pleasure was overriding your senses. The fake cock fully bottoming out with every thrust which hitting that sweet spot inside you. "Fuck mommy I'm going to cum" you sorta screamed. "Cum for me slut" that was all it took before a wave of pleasure overtook you. Your juices heavily spilling out of you, screaming and moaning in pleasure. "Fuck, that's it slut. I'm going to give you pups of our own" with that Nat released a load of fake cum into you. Nat continued thrusting the cock into you throughout your orgasm as well as flicking your sensative bud.
As you came down from your high natasha filled you with another shot of cum "you look so fucking good being filled with my cock and my cum inside you" your hips thrust upwards. Nat whispering sweet nothings into your ear while you were coming back to reality. Nat removed the cock and took the strap on somewhere to be cleaned later. The mixture of your release and the fake cum spilling out from your pusdy while your painting trying to catch your breath.
Nat disappeared into the bathroom and filled the bath up with your favourite body wash as you was drifting into sleep. "C'mon kotenok we need to get you cleaned up" You felt nat carry you into the bathroom and placed you gently in the bath. She helped you clean up gently washing your body as you sat there almost asleep. Nat helped you out of the bath and into a pair of comfy clothes. You sat on the chair while nat quickly changed the bedding. Once she was done you slumped into the bed as nat disappeared once again into the bathroom.
About half an hour later you stirred awake with nat climbing into bed behind you. The smell of her clean hair instantly relaxing you. She put her arm around you pulling you closer while kissing your neck. "I love you kotenok" "mhm love you too natty" you mumbled as your drifted back to sleep feeling safe in her arms.
Note: wait wtf did I just write its so bad lmfaoooo. Any and all feedback is appreciated. My dyslexia really came out to play while writing this. Anyway I'm knackered so I'm going bed
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bridgyrose · 4 months
Blake in Monster Hunter?
(Probably not quite what you wanted, but have this.)
Blake slowly made her way through the tall grass of the Ancient Forest, sword in hand as she sliced through the brush in her way. Everything was much different than she was used to, but it didnt matter to her as long as she could find her way home. Wherever home was now.
“Will you please wait up?” Weiss practically yelled out as she caught up to Blake. “I know you want to get home, but if we’re not careful-” 
“And you dont?” Blake sliced through some vines and sighed as she found herself staring at a large tree in front of her. After all of that, she still wasnt any closer to finding her way out of here. “We still need to find Ruby and Yang, we have no idea where we are or what we’re even wearing, and who knows if anything will still be there when we get back?” 
“Because I know we’ll get back home.” 
“And what if we dont?” 
“We will.” 
Blake sighed and leaned against the tree, her hand running down the leather armor she wore as she thought back to how she even ended up here in the first place. A flash of light in the sky, what felt like the world shaking, and then a hard landing on the ground in whatever forest this was. She was lucky to have found Weiss so quick, but if Ruby and Yang were still out there… 
Weiss put a gentle hand on Blake’s shoulder. “I promise, we’ll find them. And then we’ll figure out how to get home and finally stop Salem. Besides, if we’re here, then Cinder is too, right? She was there with us.” 
“That… would keep her from being able to help Salem.” Blake looked up to the branches of the tree, watching as a few of the birds flew overhead until she spotted what looked like someone holding a scythe running across the branches. She took a step forward and smiled a bit. “Ruby!” 
“Where?” Weiss asked before looking up. “All the way up there?” 
Blake nodded and stabbed the blade of her sword into the tree to try to climb it. “That had to be her! Which means if that was her, then Yang shouldnt be too far behind and we can start looking for a way home!” 
“You cant climb all the way up there.” 
“Sure I can!” Blake said as she started to climb her way up. She propped herself up to grab the nearest branch, pulling her sword out of the tree. “All I have to do is get myself up high enough and I can follow where Ruby went!” 
Weiss rolled her eyes and sat down at the base of the tree. “And if you cant?” 
“I have to.” Blake tossed her sword up towards another branch, frowning as she ended up just short of her ribbon latching around it. All she needed was a bit more height and she could make it. She took a step onto some quills that had been buried into the bark, smiling as she tossed her sword once more. “There we go!” 
Weiss slowly stood up as she heard the bushes around them start to rustle, drawing her rapier. “Blake! You need to get down here!” 
Blake pulled herself up to the next branch, unwrapping her ribbon. “I cant stop now, I’m making progress!” 
“But we’re not alone!” 
“Of course we-” Blake yelled out as a few quills pinned her arm to the tree just as she threw her sword up to the next branch, her aura breaking and shattering. She quickly tried to pull one of the quills out of her arm, wincing as pulled. A loud, jaguar-like roar echoed around her, chilling her blood as she looked down at Weiss. “W-what was that!” 
Weiss moved away from the tree as a Nargacuga made its way out of the bushes, nearly blending into the shadows around them. “Not a grimm.” 
Blake pulled out one of the quills, grunting as the barbs tore a bit of her arm. She pulled out a couple more, biting down on the straps of her armor to help fight through the pain. Her aura shimmered as she pulled out the last one, the wound starting to heal as she wiped the blood away. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Weiss dodging a few strikes as the Nargacuga started to get closer. “Weiss!” 
“I can keep it distracted while you get out of here!” Weiss jabbed at it, nearly freezing as her blade practically bounced off the monster. “Or not…” 
The Nargacuga swung it’s tail around before striking at Weiss again, only for it to be thrust into the ground by a hunter with a greatsword. Blake relaxed for a moment as she jumped out of the tree. “Thanks for that-” 
“You need to get out of here,” the hunter said as he readied his blade. “There’s a base not too far away from here, but I can scare this thing so we can get a clean break.” 
“But we can help-” 
“As field team leader, that’s an order!” 
Blake kept her weapon trained on the Nargacuga, only to lower it as she felt Weiss’s hand on her shoulder and slight tug on her arm. She sighed and finally sheathed her blade. “We can still find Ruby.” 
Weiss nodded and smiled at her. “We can, but after we go to this base that this man wants us to go to. Myrtenaster bounced right off this thing and its already proven that it can get through our aura with ease. We’re not ready to fight this.” 
“Astera is just down that path,” the field team leader said as he loaded a dung pod into his slinger and shot it at the Nargacuga. “I’ll meet you there after I get this monster far enough away from it.” 
Blake took a step closer to the Nargacuga as it freed itself, then started to run in the direction she was told to go, following Weiss. “I hate leaving them out here like this.” 
“I know, but this will give us another day to find them.” Weiss stopped after a moment and looked back as she watched the field team leader start walking towards them. “And he seems to know this place. Which means if anyone can help us find them, it’ll be him.”
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machinegunbun · 3 years
Hi, can you finish that blurb? Just curious
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ok ok hold your death threats everyone :)
tw:smut, obviously. throwing up and Painal too ig, but also if you saw the first part of this blurb Colson mentions “making sure it hurts.” so we’re going by implied consent in this one. Some shit may be a little morally eh (as pimping your girlfriend out to your best friend goes) but its all in the name of smut so if youre not into it then just pretend it didnt happen? If that makes sense?  okay have fun drink water
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shutting the door behind him, you hear a faint click as he twists the lock. Your eyes go wide as you look up at him from your place on the bed, mouth propped slightly open by the shiny red ball. 
Rooks hand is already massaging his hard cock through his jeans as he admires the sight infront of him, his free hand coming up to brush a piece of hair from your face. 
You just can’t help but look, your eyes trailing down to where his hand is stroking himself through the rough confines of his jeans
Flipping you on all fours. He doesnt bother to take off your skirt, opting to flip it up and out the way. You feel the tip of his dick against your entrance, a small pain as he tries to push himself in your tight hole and the shaft of his cock as it slips. 
After a few attempts he gives in with a sigh, his thumb slipping into your ass, bending it when he reaches the hilt. A moan comes from your throat at the new and slightly intrusive feeling.
It took him putting two fingers in your tight hole, switching from his thumb to pointer and middle finger and pumping in and out for a few minutes each before he managed to fit himself inside you. 
It hurt, but in a good way. You could feel him stretching you as he pumped in and out, but you liked knowing you were making him feel good at your own expense. Plus, the noises coming from him only worked to make you wetter. Laying down a bit so your back was arched, you reach under your body and play with your clit, moaning at the release of tension that had built in the bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, has Colson ever had your ass before?” He asks, a blush coming over your face. You go to respond verbally, quickly reminded of your current handicap. You shake your head, made slightly difficult by the grip Rook had on your hair. Groaning at your response, his thrusts increase in pace, along with your whimpers, your pleas quickly silenced by the shiny red ball in your mouth.
“Tell me how much it hurts.” He demands, removing the gag from your mouth and sliding it down to your neck, using it like a leash to pull you back towards him.
“Fuck,” you gag, getting used to the feeling of your newly empty mouth “It hurts. I can feel you stretching me.” Whimpering as you make eye contact with him, his eyes full of lost as they trail down your body, grip on the gag wrapped around your neck tight as his gaze lands on your fingers playing with your clit.
“Oh, but you like it? Colson’s right, you are a dirty little slut, and you’re getting exactly what you deserve.” He hums, whispering in your ear “You know, I actually felt bad for a minute, punishing your tight little asshole, but the whole time you were getting off on it. You slut” his tone so accusatory as he releases his hold on your gag, letting you fall to the bed.
“Do you think Colson would be mad if he knew I played in your tight little hole before he got the chance? That I fucked you in your tight little asshole and you liked it. That you’re such a horny little slut you’d let me go against his wishes.” Rook moans, placing a harsh smack to your ass while he relentlessly pounds away, his middle and pointer finger hooking into your mouth and pulling back.
“He’d kill us.” He groans, his pace quickening as he chases his orgasm “M’not gonna cum in you.” he hums, choking on his words “M’not gonna cum in your ass, okay? Colson will never know. And you’re not gonna tell him, yeah? Just gonna be our little secret.” He whispers, hot breath fanning over your neck as he moves a piece of hair from your face
“Ride me.” He says, breathless and laying back in bed, his hard member standing straight. You’re ontop of him, facing the door when you feel his hand come across your ass once more.
Reaching back, you wrap your hand around his hard cock, watching as he admires your body, his hand coming up to squeeze your breast. Lining him up with your hole, you sink down slowly, a small whimper falling from your lips. Rook groans at both the feeling and your reaction to taking him in your ass, your hips lightly bouncing against him. His gaze locked on your tight asshole taking him, the way it squeezes around his cock, the way you whine everytime you take all of him.
Rooks hands come up to grip your hips, pushing and pulling you to maintain the pace, forcing you to take him again and again and again. Soon his heels are digging into the bed and he’s thrusting inside you, eager to reach his high.
“Fuck, m’gonna cum. Get off me.” He says, not strong enough to pull out himself. You gladly do as he says, slowly turning around to face him, your asshole empty and burning, completely used. You relished in the feeling, knowing that you’d have to deal with it long after he’d came. 
The thought that he had just used your asshole and didn’t even bother to cum, causing you so much pain only to pull out at the last second. Fuck, was it hot. You were completely his and there was nothing you could do about it. He could do whatever he wanted to you and you weren’t allowed to object. His toy, his fuck thing, whatever he needed to reach his high. You could cry and beg for Colson, but it didn’t matter, he wouldn’t stop until he was done with you.
Rook took a moment to catch his breath, his abs lifting up and down as he attempts to slow his heart rate.
“Get on the floor.” He says simply, breaking the silence. Doing as your told, you feel your knees hit the carpeted floor, glancing up at him for further direction.
“By the wall.” He says. You crawl over slowly, your knees dragging against the floor as you make your way. Standing on your knees, you let your back rest against the wall, staring intently as he makes his way over to you.
He pulls your arms up over your head, ripping the shirt from your body and tangling his fingers in your hair, pulling back so you’re looking up at him, watching as he strokes his cock. Pushing down on at the base, he rubs his tip across your tongue before pushing all the way in. He falls into pace quickly, throat fucking you, gagging as you feel him hit the back of your throat with nowhere to go, trapped between the wall and his hips. 
Your head bumps lightly against the wall as he thrusts into your throat. You try your best not to gag, but his thrusts are relentless. You try to warn him by tapping on his leg, but he’s too lost in his own pleasure to notice. It’s not until you have an especially loud gag that he realizes what’s happening, a smirk coming across his face as he continues his actions.
“Is that too much? Are you having trouble breathing. Huh? can’t hear you through all that gagging. Lemme see, are you touching yourself again, slut?”
It’s not long before you feel something start to come up your throat. You can’t tell if Rooks actions are purposeful or not, so once again you try to warn him
“Are you gonna throw up on my dick? Good.” he hums in response, pulling a trashcan over quickly. You bend over it, throwing up in to the plastic bag within.
“Keep fucking going.” He says, pulling you back into place, sliding back down your throat. You continue to suck his dick, shakily. The burning in your asshole from being stretched and the burning from your throat starting to take a toll on you. 
Just when you think maybe you can’t do it anymore you feel him spurting down your throat, swallowing his load hastily. Rook remains full submerged in your mouth for a moment before pulling out, his head hung back in pleasure.
“Oh shit, are you okay?” He asks, laughing a bit, his hand coming down to support your chin. The action was soft and sweet in complete contrast to the last thirty minutes.
“Yeah, im good.” You squeak
“Awh, let me go get you some water. Poor thing.” He says, throwing on a pair of pants and making his way to the kitchen. Colson must’ve seen him leave, because he made his way into the room, his eyes falling on the bed first, eyebrows furrowing when he saw you weren’t there. His eyes begin to scan the room, eventually landing on you.
“Oh, hey.” He greets softly, making his way over to you “what are you doing over here? Did you throw up?”
“Rooks a fucking freak.” You reply, wiping your mouth. Colson snorts softly at this, picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom. The bath was already all set up for you, bubbles and all. 
“Clean up real quick and then we can cuddle.” He says, placing a kiss on your cheek as he allows you to stand on your own “Need any help?”
“No, thank you.” You reply, climbing into the bath.
Eventually, you were out and dry, wrapped up in blankets next to Colson while he rubbed your back, Rook sitting at the end of the bed.
“Wait, so what all did ya’ll do.” He asks, straining his neck a bit to look over at you.
“I dunno,” you blush, burying your face in his shoulder “we fucked.” Both of the boys laugh softly
“Yeah we just like- Fucked,” Rook laughs again as he explains “she blew me for a little bit.”
“That’s it? She just, like, blew you?”
“Nah, I mean, we did anal at first.” Rook admits, Colson’s jaw dropping in shock as he looks over at you.
“You didn’t tell me you were into that.” He says softly, pouting. You glance down at Rook, who’s rubbing his eye “I’m not mad, I just didn’t know it was something you’d be into.”
“That’s okay, now that he knows he’ll be sure to use that information to his advantage.” Rook adds, smirking.
“Yeah, exactly.” Colson laughs, booping you on the nose and taking a moment to look at you before placing a kiss there aswell. 
“Alright I’ll leave you guys to that, i’m tired.” Rook says, yawning and stretching as he stands up.
“Really? It’s only 12Am, you never go to bed this early.” You say, glancing over at the digital clock next to you and colson’s shared bed.
“What can I say, you tired me out.” He winks, getting hit in the back of the head with a pillow as he goes to leave.
“Hey, watch it.” Colson jokes, “and give us our pillow back, please.” He continues, mumbling the last part.
@kidtheekid @cclynn88 @lonerlee @friedwangsss @rumoured-whispers @nichmeddar @sunflowerbebe107
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julie-thefatones · 3 years
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A/N : I just wanted to thank @i-thought-i-knew-what-love-was​ for helping me with the idea of this story for I was having a block lol!!! Also im sorry if i didnt catch all the typos or mistakes, i tried my best lol! anyway i hope you guys like it :)
WARNINGS: 16+ (Kissing, Rude Language)
It was Summer 1985, it was unbelievably hot in Hawkins, IN this time of year.. but this year was different, it was hotter than any summer before that I could remember, so that only meant one thing.......Everybody and I do mean everybody was at the public pool. It was the only public pool in town and no on really thought or maybe they just didn't bother to get a pool of their own.
As I made my way to the pool just like every other day this summer, I felt different. I wasn't sure if it was because I did my hair different than usual, Instead of my usual half up half down action, I decided to do it to the side and crimped, it made me feel like I was in Teen Beat under the 'Your New Summer Doo' Section.... Or maybe it was my new swim suit that was all the rage this year with the coolest Neon Yellow and Hot Pink color block, sure it made me feel somewhat like a glass of strawberry lemonade but if i'm gonna be a glass of strawberry lemonade i'm gonna be the hottest glass of strawberry lemonade there is.
Well whatever, Im not going to let this strange feeling ruin my day at the pool, no way, nothing is going to ruin this day unless its an overly packed swimming pool with no room to breath...... as I walked through the gates of the public pool, I looked around, took a deep breath, and sighed "Ruined" I whispered to my self while closing my eyes. I walked over to my usual pool chair dodging kids left and right as i made my way, blocking out the parents yelling across the way for 'TOMMY STOP PUSHING YOUR BROTHER UNDERWATER!' I mean you think Tommy would know by now that when he tries to drown his younger brother, he's going to get yelled at. Taking deep breaths the whole way to my chair trying not to let anyone get to me, I laid my towel down and took my seat. I laid there for maybe 10 minutes before i heard Mrs. Fowl yelling once more "TOMMY STO-" but this time she was cut off *WHISTLE NOISE* "TOMMY! STOP DROWNING YOUR TWARP OF A BROTHER BEFORE I DROWN YOU! YOU KNOW THE RULES! YOU LITTLE DOUCHE" I heard a male voice call across the pool, I tilted my sunglasses down to see what was going down, first I saw Mrs. Fowl rolling her eyes at what the mysterious male just yelled, I scanned over to discover who this mysterious male was... He made his way down the side of the pool greeting a group of middle aged women who gawked at him. He was slowly getting closer to the Life Guard tower and thats when I realized who it was that was calling orders and greeting people across the pool...... It was Billy Hargrove, the new, but well known bad boy of Hawkins High School. Girls went Ga Ga over him, he was hot sure but I never really understood why these girls threw themselves at him, he was just a guy, I mean not to mention he was a major douche, didn't show respect to anyone he talked too, also I couldn't stand how loud his freaking car is!! like dude, not necessary, especially not necessary when its 3:00 in the morning!! did i mention he lived down the street from me. I was deep in thought, not realizing i was still staring at Billy, but now he was sitting at the top of the Life Guard tower, I didn't realize i was staring until he stared back at me and winked "Oh my gosh" I whispered to my self in embarrassment, I rolled over pushing my sunglasses back up feeling completely mortified, Maybe he would forget about it... I mean he has girls staring at him all the time.
I laid there for about 2 hours, forgetting about my slight interaction with Billy across the pool. I didn't feel bothered the last 2 hours until i felt a large presence blocking my sun, with out opening my eyes for not wanting to get out of my zen "Hey! Sasquatch, who ever you are, your mama wasn't a glass maker, so if you would kindly move out of my sun I would deeply appreciate it, thanks" I heard a cocky chuckle above me, as much i didn't want to, I opened my eyes, and there he was right above me... Billy "Ya know, its not polite to call people Sasquatch... and for your information my mom could be a glass maker... so you making assumptions .. well thats just plain rude" He said, licking his lips before continuing "But, i'm a very forgiving person so i guess ill let it pass" He said with a big cocky smile, I couldn't help but feel flustered, even though he was being so overly confident and cocky... he just had this charm about him ... but i wouldn't let him know that, I rolled my eyes in response and kept a straight expression laying still "Oh, Hey Billy.... I didn't know you worked here" I said with as little emotion as I could express "Now, I don't think that is true Y/N, I saw you checking me out earlier" He said with the same cocky but teasing tone, I scoffed "Oh please Hargrove, you wish i was checking you out" I felt him shift behind me before he answered "Ya know, usually when someone is just staring at another .. it means your checking them out" After hearing his words I tilted my sunglasses down to look at him "You flatter yourself sir" I said with a teasing smile, he scoffed and looked off and then back to me "hmmm alright Y/L/N, well my mistake" I rolled my eyes once more and pushed my glasses back up "Alright, you've blocked my sun for long enough, now move along Sasquatch" I said, back to no emotion, He chuckled "Yes Ma'am, I would hate to deprive you of your sun" He winked before walking away. I couldn't help but stare after him as he walked away..... I quickly looked away, realizing what i was doing ... What was I doing... I don't like Billy.
The next day rolled around, and I was feeling slightly more excited then usual to get ready to go to the pool. I know what you're thinking... NOO it had nothing to do with Billy... I just was excited to cool off in the water...... and lay in the sun again.... and maaaybe it had something to do with Billy, but its nothing big... I just like to give him a hard time, that is all... that. is. all.
I walked into the pool area, same as yesterday, but today I wore my red swimsuit that had little frills on the straps with a red Scrunchy to match. I laid my towel down, again like yesterday and just like clockwork I heard the same male voice as yesterday "TOMMY! DO WE HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS EVERYDAY! NOW STOP DROWNING YOUR BROTHER SO I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHERS TERRIBLY SHRILL VOICE YELL AT YOU TO STOP! IT IS LITERALLY THE WORST PART OF MY SHIFT!" I looked behind me to see Billy finish walking to his place at the Life Guard tower, I couldn't help but chuckle at Mrs. Fowl's face, mouth wide open in offense to what Billy said.
The afternoon flew by and Billy paid absolutely no mind to me, he just say on his tower and every now and then yelled at Tommy.... But other than that.. nothing. I Hate to say i was slightly disappointed, yesterdays banter was not only fun but the most entertainment i have had this summer, all my friends were away for the summer leaving me alone ... hence the coming to the pool by my self everyday. The past week went by the exact same way, I would show up to the pool looking the cutest i can look interchanging the 3 swimsuits i own, and the 3 different hairstyles i knew how to do. But nothing, he would yell at Tommy, sit and do nothing... except when he would flirt with bimbo mcBarbie or wanna be Farrah Fawcett, it made me have a pit in my stomach... not that i was jealous... absolutely not, I was just bored.
The next day, I showed up, the same way as I had been for the past week.. except today i had no expectations except to mock the plastic Phoebe Cates wanna be that would flirt with Billy endlessly today. Today I wore my red swimsuit once again, with the same matching scrunchy... I sat and prepared to be disappointed again. I sat for about 20 mins, and just like a week before.... someone was blocking my sun, I couldn't help but grow a small smile on my face, I tilted my sunglasses and looked right at mr. Billy Hargrove with his cocky smile in front of me "You're blocking my sun Sasquatch" I said with a teasing tone "Oh my apologies ma'am" he said right before walking away. Really that was it .... no banter nothing.... I sighed aloud before sinking into my chair, what was gonna do .... and as I heard Mrs. Fowl and Billy yell at Tommy, thats when it came to me.
I approached the edge of the swimming pool, took a deep breath, was i really gonna do this... just to get Billy's attention? I rolled my eyes at myself, before stepping into the pool. I carefully walked closer and closer to the middle of the pool, looking around at all the kids around me, they looked like they were having so much fun. I started to rethink my plan, I didn't want to scare any of these kids just to get a stupid guys attention... a guy i don't even like! 'this is so stupid' i thought to my self before starting my way out of the pool, but thats when i heard the most annoying high pitched laugh coming from the Life Guard tower, and thats when I saw the Bimbo Phoebe Cates wanna be standing beneath Billy at the tower, and with out thinking I went for it. I started flailing and putting my own head under water to mimic drowning "HELP! HELP!" I screamed each time i came up for breath "HELP! I NEED HELP" I continued to scream, Thats when Billy just casually climbed down from his tower like nothing was going on and walked at a normal pace over to the edge of the pool before getting in. Billy swam effortlessly to me, and before i even knew it he swooped me up into his arms bridal style, carrying me out like i weighed nothing.... as we were exiting the pool, I had to admit, the way the water dripped off his hair and down his chest, Billy Hargrove was insanely hot.... I couldn't help but just stare at him, his face was not only hot, but it was .... Beautiful .. i mean his complexion was flawless... his eyes were such a beautiful shade of blue, and his smile was brilliantly white.. and thats when i realized he was smiling at me, I slightly shook my head in order to leave the trance i was in "Wow Y/L/N, that was quite the scene you made there.... you alright?" Billy asked in his teasingly cocky tone he always had, with his big smile, I rolled my eyes "Gosh Hargrove, please excuse me for making a scene by almost dying .... how rude of me!" I scoffed, he licked his lips with a chuckle "Oh almost dying? My bad ma lady, you did in fact almost die" he glanced at the pool and then back at me "In the 4ft end of the pool" he said with a huge smile looking straight into my eyes, with embarrassment i glanced at the pool and back at him "I was not in the 4ft end! i was at least AT LEAST!!! in the 8ft end!" I exclaimed in defense to myself, I hated lying, not only did it make me feel terrible but i was bad at it!! I noticed Billy was still holding me, and I only noticed because Bimbo Barbie and Wanna be Plastic Phoebe Cates was staring at me with murder in their eyes. Billys grip tightened around my thighs and arm as he effortlessly held me "Y/N, I had to train in this pool for 5 hours everyday for week before the pool opened to get this job..... I think i know where the 4ft end is" He said to me with confidence, I was at a loss for words, I had no comeback except for "Well, they must have painted to numbers wrong on the pool" Great one Y/N, stellar... they totally painted the numbers wrong on the pool, especially since you stood just fine where you 'Drowned' .. it was totally the 8ft end ... I wanted to face palm so badly but i didn't wanna give myself away that easy, my thought was interrupted by Billys laughter "Ya know! I bet they did paint them wrong.... My bad Y/N" He said in a sarcastic tone, I rolled my eyes in response "Well Billy, Thank you for helping me ... now if you would please let me down" I said, even though I didn't mind him holding me.... it sure was fun pissing The bimbo twins off. He smiled and nodded his head and gently let me down "It was a pleasure saving you Y/N" and as he started to walk away he turned back to me "Ya know, i teach swim lessons... I could teach you a couple things" He said with a wink "Yeah! maybe! Don't want to drown again" I said while wringing out my hair "Good! wouldn't want your fellow swim team to know that you forgot how to swim over the summer" He said winking before walking away "Yeah!!! that would be embarrassing!!!" I called after him, once he was not looking my face hit the palm
hand so hard it's like they were magnets.
Before leaving, with all my pride gone anyway, I walked up to Billy "Hey!" I exclaimed up in order for him to hear me up there on the tower, He looked down at me and smiled "Oh Hey Y/N!" He responded "Billy, did you mean it?" he squinted his eyes like he couldn't understand me, I sighed "Did you mean it!!" I exclaimed a little louder, but he still squinted with confusion "Ya know! why don't you just climb up here and tell me" He exclaimed to me, I sighed and looked around "Why don't you come down here!!" I yelled back, and again he squinted, I rolled my eyes and started up the ladder "Was this really necessary Hargrove, I see you talking to the barbie twins all the time with out having them climb up here" I said exasperated, he just smiled propping him self up on his chair "Yes, but you see... Im not actually listening to them.. its the same thing every time" he says before he start " 'Oh Billy, you look so strong, please take me out for a ride sometime' 'Oh Billy, I bet you could bench me with ease' " He said in his best girl impression and then went back to his normal voice "and yadda yadda yadda, but you! if you're talking to me... it must be something worth hearing! so how can i help ya Y/N?" I couldn't help but chuckle "well, i was just wondering if you meant it, when you said you would give me swimming lessons?" I said, looking down at my hands that were clasping the edge of Billys seat to keep my balance, I could feel his eyes on me, but i refused to look at him until i heard his answer "Well, That depends.... are you asking?" He asked, with pure joy in his voice out of amusement, I mustered up my confidence to look at him "Maybe!" I said, he was smiling the largest, cockiest smile, placing his whistle in between his teeth, not breaking his eye contact with me and then *WHISTLE NOISE* "TOMMY! IM GONNA COUNT TO 3 AND IF YOU ARE STILL BEING A LITTLE DICK IM GONNA COME DOWN THERE AND TIE YOU TO A TREE ..... BET YOU WOULDN'T LIKE THAT KID!" He yelled, still not breaking contact , I again couldn't help but chuckle, he opened his mouth so slightly so that the whistle would just fall out with ease, his mouth still open he grew a sheepish smile "Yeah Y/N, It would be an honor to teach you to swim" I smiled "Good!! thanks" I said as I started to climb down the ladder "Hows 10pm tonight?" He said, and I popped back up to level with him to make sure i heard him right "Huh?" he chuckled "I said how about 10pm tonight?" I just sat there for a minute, no knowing what to say.... I would have to sneak out in order to do that but before i could stop myself i said "Yeah sure!! that works for me" He smiled even bigger "Great!! Ill see ya then Y/L/N" I started down the Ladder again "Great!!!" I exclaimed.
I ran home and did the usual, eat dinner with the family, go to my room and read whatever book i'm reading until my parents go to bed, in which i usually go to bed or sneak down to watch some TV to myself, but not tonight.... tonight i was sneaking out.... I've never snuck out before ... let alone sneak out to be with a boy.... and not only that .. the town bad boy ..... ugh! what am I doing.
As soon as I heard my parents bedroom door shut I finished prepping my hair and slipped on some shorts over my swimsuit. I ran down the stairs and snuck out the door, making sure to close the door very slowly in order to not make a sound, clicking it shut ever so slightly, as soon as it shut i sighed in relief and turned running into someone behind me causing me to scream "WHAAAA!" I screamed "Geesh Y/N!! Ya want the whole neighborhood let alone your parents to know your sneaking out" I heard Billy whisper to me as he clasped his hand over my mouth, I let out a huge breath happy it was just him and not some criminal, I licked his hand to get it off my face, he laughed before removing his hand "Excuse me Hargrove, you almost gave me a heart attack" he chuckled "You know this is your second brush with death today, I don't know if me being around you is good for your health" I smiled to myself, Oh no... You definitely are not Hargrove. I looked at him and then realized "Hey!! why are you here, i thought i was meeting you at the pool?" we continued to walk down to his car "You really think i was going to let you walk to the pool, by your self, at 10:00 at night" he said as he held the passenger door to his car open, I rolled my eyes "Im not getting in there" I said crossing my arms, he scrunched his eyebrows confused "and why not?" he asked "Because i hate your car" I said without thinking, he laughed, now leaning on his open car door, looking at me with an amused smile "Oh really? You hate my car!!! you have never been in my car, my car is offended" He said teasingly, I rolled my eyes once more "Why do you hate my car?" He asked, I sighed a big sigh "Because!! it's entirely too loud, which usually wouldn't bother me, but when its waking me up at 3:00 in the morning and i am having a really good dream... yeah that would make me hate a car." He just looks at me with disbelief before bursting into laughter "Well, we're gonna change that" he said winking at me and opening the door wider "Now please get in the car" he said gesturing to the car "No! i'm not getting in the car." I stood my ground, I was not getting in that- My thought was interrupted by strong arms scooping me off the ground and before i knew it I was in Billys arms "Billy!! what are -" he set me in the passenger seat of his car and closed the door before i could finish my sentence. Billy effortlessly swung into the driver seat and within seconds we were zooming down the street, in usual Billy fashion... I had to admit, it was exhilarating going this fast with the music blasting this loud I couldn't help but belt the lyrics along "THERES NO ONE LIKE YOUUUUUU! I CANT WAIT FOR THE NIGHTS WITH YOUU! I IMAGINE THE THE THINGS WE DOOO" I belted, Billy smiled at me in awe, I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks and Billy started belting the song, hitting his steering wheel to the music, nudging me with his elbow to join back in, so I did. We belted songs all the way to the swimming pool, it wasn't a super long drive... but it was probably the most fun I have ever had in a 5 minute drive. As we pulled up to the pool Billy turned off the car and within seconds he was at my door helping me out. "Soooo are you even allowed to be here this late?" I asked looking around for security cameras, Billy chuckled "ummm thats up for debate, but for tonight.. yes" I nodded along "Alright.... why tonight but not other nights? did you bribe the security camera guy" Billy looked at me as he unlocked the gate to the pool "Not exactly" He said with one of his famous Billy winks, I have received more winks from billy in the last 12 hours then i have received in the past year its self.... but I didn't mind. He finally got the lock undone and we walked in, out of habit i started walking toward my usual chair "Ha, where you going Y/L/N?" I stopped in my tracks and realized what i was doing, I started back to Billy, but being flustered I tripped over my feet causing me to fall right into Billys arms, I couldn't tell if he moved to come catch me or I was just falling in
direction and caught me... either way, I liked the feeling of his arms around me "You know, you're a real dork" He said with a chuckle, and in a moment we just stared into each others eyes, until me being me had to sneeze, I faced away and sneezed into my arm, Billy helped me gain my balance before letting go of me "ehem.... well i'm gonna get the pool cover off and then we will start the lesson" I watch as Billy hastily got the cover off, I felt bad letting him do it alone, so I started helping him, he looked up at me and laughed "What are you doing Y/L/N" He said with a chuckle, I smiled at him "What!!! I wasn't gonna let you do it by yourself!!" He just smiled at me and then shrugged as we continued to get the cover off. We were now standing in the middle of the pool "Okay, Y/L/N, let start with basics.... Floating" He said looking at me as if to say 'Come closer' "Y/N You're gonna have to get closer to me" he said smiling grabbing my hand a pulling me closer to him, I looked up and our face's weren't even an inch away with how close we were, I could feel his breath on my cheek "you're gonna want to get on your back" He said in almost a whisper, not moving from how close he was to my face, I blinked a slightly turned to look into his eyes "Excuse me?" he chuckled "To float.... you're going to want to get on your back to float" He said smiling, all of a sudden his face was gone away from mine and i felt one hand on my legs and the other on my lower back as lifted up my Legs and balanced me out ... I was now on my back floating in a pool with Billy Hargrove "Alright, Im gonna let go" he said, he actually sounded kind of nervous, which i have never heard from Billy, as i felt his hands start to move away from me I couldn't help stop my self "No" I whispered, not wanting his hands to leave from me, he smiled and moved closer "If i don't let go, you wont learn" He said, i felt his fingers lightly graze my lower back "Well, I also wont learn if you leave me on my own too soon... ill sink" I said trying have a teasing tone but it was slightly ruined by my heavy breathing, i couldn't help i was filled with all kinds of emotions right now. Billy leaned down closer to my face "Thats true, good job" He said with just as heavy breathing as me. We focused on my floating for about 15 minutes before we went on to other things, we swam all together for about an hour or so until it started to get pretty cold, I could help but shiver "You need to stop Y/L/N?" Billy asked making his way back over to me "Im just a little cold, i'm okay though" I said through chattered teeth, he chuckled and ducked lower in the water and came over to me the rest of the way "C'mon, get down here" He said pushing my shoulder so that I would be in the water as deep as him, he moved closer where his arms were now around mine, and once again our faces weren't even an inch apart "better?" he whispered, all I could do was nod my head, I really was getting warmer.... "You smell good" I said, Did i really just say that...... 'you smell good' ? really??? ugh! ... Billy laughed "Thank you, I take pride in that." he said, moving a little bit closer "As you should, smelling good is something you should take pride in" man i am one with the words, i'm surprised he is even still here, with my stellar flirting..... A week ago I didn't even like looking in Billys direction, and now..... Now i wanted nothing more then to feel him closer not only physically but personally... He was a lot different than i thought he would be. I felt him start to lean in closer to my face, I didn't know why but i back away, which made me really mad at myself.... why did I do that "Im sorry I-" as he apologized I moved back to where I was and closer, inviting him to continue what he was gonna do, he smiled and then moved in, before i knew it his lips were on mine with out thinking I started moving my lips with his, our motion so fluid, he was good at this, his hands were now on my back moving me closer, and there we were ... me and Billy Hargrove.. making out in the middle of Hawkins Public
Pool at
11:45 at night. We both pulled away by the sight of lights passing down the street, cautious of getting caught, we both looked back at each other and laughed "You're good at that" I said catching my breath, once again feeling the blood rush to my cheeks "You're very honest ya know that" he said, rubbing my back now "Ya wanna know something though.... You're good at it too" He said looking down and quickly licking his lips and then looking back up at me "How do you do that?" I asked, he scrunched his brows confused "How do i do what?" I sighed "Get me from hating you to ... to... this! in less than a week" I exclaimed in a slight whisper "Its my super power" he chuckled "Now, c'mon... I better get you home" and before I could blink his hands were off my back and he was effortlessly hopping out of the pool. totally disregarding the stairs, he held his hand out to help me out the same way "I think, Im gonna use the stairs... ya know because ... thats why they are there" I said teasingly, he rolled his eyes "But where is the fun in that" he scoffed as he walked over to the stairs to meet me, and as soon as I reached the top he had me slung over his shoulder "Aaahh!!! Billy, I know that events today may prove other wise, but I do know how to walk on my own" I said in protest "Sure! but what if i let you down and all of a sudden a eagle comes down and swoops you away and i wont be able to stop him" I rolled my eyes at his comment "The likely hood of that happening, is about as good as me winning the lottery 3 times in 2 days" I said still hanging upside down on his shoulder "Well, maybe i just like holding you" and then ladies and gentleman .... butterflies happened... oh boy.
We had a good 5 minute ride back to my house, where he held my hand, in which I tried to protest just to mess with him but inevitably gave in... I like it. When we pulled up, just like before Billy quickly got out of the car and had my door open in second, helping me out and walking me to my door with our fingers interlocked, I started for my door until i felt a tug of Billy pulling me back to him, I knew he was strong, but just one tug i was flying back to him, he had to catch me, in which our faces were once again within millimeters from each other "We gotta stop meeting like this" He said teasingly with his famous smile "I gotta tell you something" I slipped out "I know how to swim and I wasn't really drowning, I pretended to get your attention" I said entirely too fast, he chuckled "I know" I paused at what he said "You know?" I asked confused "Ya know Y/N, You are a terrible liar..... First off no one drowns in the 4ft end of a pool unless your 3, and second we may not have talked too often in school... but that doesn't mean I didn't notice you, You're the captain of the swim team, which is why i brought it up earlier today, so of course you know how to swim... I offered the swim lessons as joke.. and then you came and asked and..... I couldn't be happier you did" He said still holding me, I smiled and did a little excited hop "You noticed me?" I said a little too eager, he chuckled and looked away and then looked back "Theres no one like you Y/L/N" he said right before taking my chin lightly with his fingers and bringing me in for gentle but passionate kiss goodnight.
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blonde-in-charge · 3 years
Wildcard, Chapter Three
Words: 2.6k
Summary: Steve Rogers found you on the side of the road after a mission involving Hydra and convinced the Avengers to take you in. You have no name, no memories, and no idea of what you are capable of. All you know is that you are a super soldier with more hidden abilities than you care to admit. The first step to finding answers was to train you. Nobody, including you, knows what is up your sleeve.
Characters: Bucky x reader, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Random Hydra guy, Sam Wilson
Warnings:  Mentions of blood/violence, brief unwanted touching, Cursing, Fluffy!Bucky, Flirting
Words: 2.6k
The table underneath you was frozen from the amount of stress you had been under. They just kept injecting things into you, hoping to get some kind of reaction from your body. You had stopped feeling the pain of the needle and experiments weeks ago, which just made everything worse for you in the long run. They were getting annoyed with the fact you had stopped reacting to whatever painful serum they had injected you with that day and it resulted in beating to get a reaction from you. You stared up at the cracked ceiling of your concrete room and counted each crack for the millionth time. You kept yourself company in your mind, getting lost in your thoughts to pass the time until your next beating. You shivered at the cold beneath you, the last serum made ice bleed from every one of your pores. You heard the shrill sound of the old iron door open from the side of the room, you didnt turn your head to see whoever came in anymore, they were all the same type of evil. 
“Your wounds have healed very quickly, you are replicating the progress of our last soldier.” said the thick voice. You hated to think someone else had gone through this hell before you had. You wondered if they escaped or died before they moved onto you. 
You felt a burn in the back of your throat, “What's on the menu today doc? Electro-therapy? Waterboarding? New superhuman power that causes injury to one of your minions?” The one fond memory in your head of this place, being your body set itself on fire as well as one of the more hostile minions of Hydra. You smirked fondly at the memory as the hydra doctor worked his way around you observing the healing process. Every wound that opened on your body disappeared within a couple of hours, which is apparently what they wanted. 
“Nothing on the menu today, we are going to start to prepare you for the memory wipe.” Was all the man said and you felt your heart jump into your throat as the man chuckled, “You will do great things for us, American Girl.” You started pulling at your restraints for the first time in weeks, trying to fight your way off of the table once again. The man gave you a sickening chuckle while watching you struggle and you glared at him. He reached up to run a dirty hand slowly up your leg, “Such a pretty girl, such a shame you must-” He ended his sentence abruptly as you lit your body on fire, burning the man's flesh. You grinned at him as your body started to fizzle out. He held his burnt hand to his body and looked at you with rage, “You stupid slut.” 
You continued to grin as he left the room, feeling somewhat accomplished. Your smile slowly faded as you thought back on the memories they would take from you. Y/N Y/L/N, you were a successful accountant in one of the most successful banks in Manhattan. You lived alone, you haven't spoken to your family since you lost your father. Your mom became an alcoholic after his death, the only thing you really regretted was leaving your little sister, Macy, behind. Your job would have already replaced you by now, and people would have stopped looking for you. You stopped fighting for an escape because you knew you had nothing to go back to. 
You woke up slowly to the sound of soft snoring, your body tensed up, wondering who was in your bed. Then you realized this wasn't your bed when you looked up into the face of the sleeping soldier. Your body instantly relaxed as you lay your head back on his chest. His right arm was slung over your waist and his metal arm was holding your forearm against his stomach gently. You closed your eyes, replaying the events of the night before in your head. Hydra had come back for you, but for what reason? Then your eyes snapped open and you looked up at Bucky gently shaking him. He opened his eyes slowly and looked down at you, obviously confused about why he was holding you. Realization dawned on him and his eyes filled with concern, “You okay?” 
“Y/L/N.” Was all you said to him as you continued to stare into his steel eyes.
“Who is that?” He asked, raising his eyebrow.
“I remembered my last name.” You said softly to him, “I remember my life before I was taken.”
He sat up quickly and looked into your eyes, “You remember now?” You nodded your head at him, unsure whether you should smile or cry. “Y/N, that's amazing.”
You looked away from him and sat back, “Is it?” you replied solemnly.
“Why wouldn't it be?” He tilted his head slightly, trying to read your thoughts. The sound of the door sliding open cut off your response as Steve came in. Steve stopped in the doorway and examined the scene in front of him. You were sitting to the side of Bucky, wearing his shirt with no pants on, with your legs strung across his thighs. Bucky had his metal hand resting against your calf and was leaning back against the headboard behind him. Bucky’s face turned a dark pink as he realized the situation before taking his hand off of your leg. You remained unphased as you looked over at Steve. 
Steve watched you both and cleared his throat, “The safe house is all set up, can you both be ready by 0300?” You nodded at Steve, who glanced back at Bucky before leaving the room.
You both sat in silence for a moment before you crawled over bucky to the other side of the bed, his eyes perked up as he watched you unmoving, “Where are you going?”
“I have to pack my bag, don’t I?” You stood up and raised your arms above your head to stretch out your back. 
Bucky started to climb out of the bed himself before he stood next to you, “I’ll go with you.” You laughed softly and chose to not object to his company. He followed you down the hallway to your room and you stopped in the doorway to survey the damage. Your bed hung off the side of the bed frame as if the mattress had been thrown. The drawers in your dresser were all thrown open and all of the clothes were spread around the room on the floor. You sighed quietly and started picking up articles of clothing. You searched around for the SHIELD duffle bag you had before shoving clothes into it. Bucky’s eyes raked across the room, he walked towards the bed and adjusted it to its correct position before picking up shirts and folding them neatly into the bed. You smiled slightly to yourself as you found a pair of leggings on the ground and started pulling them on and up over your thighs. You struggled slightly and then looked up to see Bucky staring at you. 
He stilled, realizing he had been caught and looked down at the tee shirt in his hands, “Sorry, guess I got distracted.”
You laughed softly and patted him on the arm, “It's okay Buck, it's not like I don't stare at you sometimes.” You were unashamed of the confession. Sometimes while training you'll watch Bucky in the gym and sometimes, if you're lucky, you'll be able to see him lift his shirt up to wipe the sweat off his face. You would never apologize for that.
Bucky looked utterly confused as you packed the last of your things and zipped up your bag, throwing it over your shoulder. He stood up with you and looked down at you. You weren't a short person, you were taller than most girls but still shorter than all of the male avengers so you barely had to crane your neck up at him. His steel blue eyes looked so much lighter in the moment. You turned away from him and started walking towards the door, looking back at him. “Ready?” You asked him, raising an eyebrow.
  “Yeah, go meet with Steve, let me grab my bag.” You nodded at Bucky as you walked into the living area, ignoring the shattered glass on the floor you followed the voices to the kitchen.
“So she just hopped up on this man's shoulders and took him down like that?” Sam snapped his fingers together to get the point across, “Did Natatsha teach her that?”
Tony shook his head and bit the fingernail of his thumb, replaying the 30 second hallway footage from the night before, “Natasha hasn't moved past the basics of fighting with her, we have been focusing on figuring out what she can do power wise.” Steve stood silently with the three, his arms crossed watching the looped video. 
Sam shook his head at the screen, “This chick is a total wildcard.”
You dropped your bag on the ground behind them making them all turn around quickly. You stared at the projection in front of you, you barely recognized yourself. You have never been able to put Sam on his ass in the ring and now you're swinging your body weight around on some random guy? The temperature dropped a couple of degrees in the room as a result of your anxiety. The three men stared at you as you took a step back, you made eye contact with Steve, “Y/L/N.”
Steve looked confused, “What? Who’s name is that?”
“Mine.” You said quietly, “My name is Y/N Y/L/N. I had a dream about it. I know my name.”
You sat at the table along with Steve and Sam. You were staring off at a wall while shoveling cereal into your mouth. You had only been at the tower for about two weeks now and had a good routine with the two men in front of you. You still didn't have a name. You have been going by kid, kiddo, chick, and rescue. You have been searching your brain for a hint of what your name would be. You tried making up names but none of them suited you the way you wanted it to. You listened to the two men bicker over different work out strategies. You stared off at the wall and thought about how you planned on changing your hair color to maybe platinum blonde. You reached out to grab your glass off the table and grunted when it wouldn't budge. You looked up at the two men staring at you with wide eyes before following their gaze to your hand. The liquid in the glass was frozen solid and the glass stuck to the table in a block. You removed your hand and looked at your palm, which was tinted blue, “Well that's new.” 
Sam tapped on your frozen glass, “Holy shit, Elsa.” You rolled your eyes and rubbed your hands together trying to maintain heat.
Steve watched you, “Has this ever happened before?”
You shook your head and reached out to grab your glass again. Your strength became too much and the frozen glass shattered in your hand. You remained still as Sam hopped up from the table. 
“Jesus fucking christ, kid.” Sam started picking up the larger pieces of glass
“Language.” Steve went into the other room to retrieve a handheld vacuum 
You looked down at your hand and saw little cuts leaking blood in the palm, today just wasn't your day. You stood up from the table and walked over to the sink, running your hand under the water. You were getting really sick of this superpower thing. You have broken so many things so far due to the super strength you can’t control. You sighed as you watched the small cuts on your hand knit themselves back together, you would never get used to that. On the brightside, it didn't hurt. You have not felt the pain of anything you have broken or ran into, the only pain you ever felt was the headache that never went away. You dried your hand off and ran your fingers through your hair.
“Sorry guys… Still getting used to,” You held up your hands, “this.” 
Steve smiled knowingly, “It's okay, kid. I remember when I received my serum, it took a minute to adjust.”  
You gave him a small smile, “Why do you guys keep calling me kid?”
Sam and Steve looked at each other. Sam was the one who spoke first, “You don't really have a name right now.”
“Oh it's Y/N.” You shrugged at the guys and returned to your seat at the table as they stared at you. 
“Did that just come to you?” Steve asked while looking at your seated figure, “It kind of suits you.”
“I think it's my name? It just came to me at the sink and its the only name that doesnt make me want to kill myself.” You smiled as the two men started chuckling at you. 
“I think I will stick to ridiculous nicknames if you don't mind.” Sam said, smiling at you and ruffling your hair. 
Tony wasted no time typing your name into the database to pull up a missing persons profile. A photo was pulled up onto the hologram screen and you silently stared at it. It was you, well at least a version of you. You looked so young, your face was effortlessly smooth with a light layer of makeup, and your mouth was pulled in an easy grin. Your hair was pulled back in a sleek low ponytail and you were wearing a white collared shirt with a blazer layered over it. You started into your eyes on the projection, it felt like looking at someone else. 
“You were an accountant? That's boring.” Sam started while eye the photo of you
Tony scanned the photo and then started typing something into the projection. An article pulled up next to the photo, “Y/N Y/L/N, missing for two years, stopped coming into work and her apartment was empty… blah blah blah.” 
“Tony.” Steve warned, coming to put a hand on your shoulder. You looked back at him before shaking off his hand and picking up your bag.
“We should go, right?” You ignored the look Steve gave you before you walked to Bucky’s room, knocking on the mangled door
Bucky met you at the threshold of the door, sensing your discomfort, “You okay, doll?” He raised an eyebrow at you
You raised your own eyebrow, “Doll?” Heat rushed to Bucky's cheeks and you smirked at him, “Grab your bag Buck, it's time to go.” You winked at him and turned away to walk to the elevator door. You rested your nag on the ground as you waited for Steve and Bucky to join you. You leaned back against the wall and sighed loudly, your headache returning.
The two men walked together side by side to meet up with you. Steve pressed the elevator button and debriefed you both about the agents who would escort you to the safe house. You and Bucky both nodded in understanding before stepping onto the elevator. Steve made eye contact with you before the doors completely shut.
“Be safe, kiddo.” You smiled at his words as the doors shut completely.  
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Imagine being Tenzin's eldest daughter and dating Bolin which Tenzin isn't very pleased with. So Tenzin makes it his mission to keep you and Bolin apart which just means the two of you find sneakier ways to be together.
Part Two here
Tenzin got back to his house and for once it was quiet, confused where the small army he shared his house with was he approached his second eldest daughter Jinora. "Where's korra?" Tenzin asked. "With Asami". "And Ikki and Meelo?". "With uncle Boomi". “And your mother?”. “Out with Aunt Kya”. Tenzin smiled everyone was taken care of and he could finally relax. "And y/n and Bolin?" Tenzin asked relaxing into his chair. "They'e in y/n's room" Jinora shrugged and Tenzin jumped up "with the door closed? Y/n" he bellowed pushing the door open with air bending. "Okay okay im sorry" he heard you yell and Tenzin sighed having your boyfriend stay here was making him age faster.
You and Bolin were in your room relaxing on the bed preparing to watch a movie. For once you didn’t have to babysit your younger siblings or train so had rushed off for some privacy with Bolin and your dad almost kicked the door down. Your dad was insanely worried about leaving you and Bolin alone despite the fact you were dating and Bolin was the sweetest guy in the world. Bolin had been trying to show you the mover he was in for week but you never had a spare moment where you could be alone with him. So when your dad had gone out and left you and Bolin with no task it seemed like the perfect time. You were determined your dad wouldn’t stop another one of your dates but of course he managed to. When your door flew open you sighed and called back you’d leave it open as per your dad’s many rules about you and Bolin. You looked to Bolin worried this would ruin the date but Bolin didn’t seem to mind. The movie started and you moved closer to Bolin to lean against him and he accomodated you hugging you against him. You and Bolin were just getting into the movie, despite the noise your family was making throughout the house when your father knocked on the open door and walked in. "Y/n its getting late, i think you and Bolin should get ready to go to sleep soon so he should go do that in his room soon". You nodded at your dad in reply so engrossed in the film you didn’t realise he hadn’t left. Tenzin coughed and you both looked up to see he didn't look impressed. "Ow you mean now?" Bolin asked and Tenzin nodded "well yes i think that'd be best". You blushed as Tenzin stood waiting glaring at Bolin. Bolin jumped up obediently while you pouted annoyed. Bolin paused the film and gathered his things and smiled "we can finish the movie tomorrow". You nodded "i suppose" and Bolin went to step towards you when Tenzin actually growled. A literal noise escaped his throat at Bolin daring to step closer to you. You sighed but Bolin just smirked and left shooting you a smile. Tenzin watched him go staring into his back and then turned to your door and fixed two bells around the door handle. "Dad!" You cried "what is that?". "Nothing just a decoration...". "You're doing it so you’ll know if i leave my room! Do you not trust me?". "I trust you y/n but i do not trust teenage boys! And i have to do my duty as your father! Having your boyfriend under the same roof..i have to take precautions". "But you didn't do this for Mako and Korra!". "Yes well Korra is older than you and Mako is more responsible than Bolin". You groaned and Tenzin coughed "you weren’t going to break the rules so this shouldn’t be an issue for you". You rolled your eyes "fine whatever...can i go to sleep now?". Tenzin nodded "i am only doing it because i love you y/n, if you have children you’ll understand". You huffed and Tenzin frowned "well goodnight y/n". "Goodnight dad" you said exasperatedly as the door closed but you didn’t plan on sleeping. Your dad hadn’t put bells on your window so as soon as you heard him go to bed you got ready. You gathered what you needed and climbed out of your window before airbending onto the roof. You carefully climbed across the roof to Bolin’s room and landed outside his window. You knocked on Bolin’s window film projector in hand and saw the curtains swing aside as Bolin realised it was you. "Y/n" Bolin grinned hanging out of his window "what are you doing here?". "Well we didn't get to finish the movie because of my dad so i figured we could now without him knowing?". Bolin hesitated for two seconds before grinning "yes come on it!". It had only been lightly raining but Bolin still wrapped a blanket around you before bringing you back to your prefered spot on the bed. He bustled around getting the movie ready and the secret snacks Tenzin didnt know about before jumping down next to you.
The film finished and Bolin looked at you anxiously "so what did you think...i wasn't sure if it was too far fetched and could you tell i couldn’t do my stunts properly and i didn’t look that great in that scene with the royal guards...". "Bolin" you said grabbing his shoulders "it was great! You were great in it, your stunts were amazing, your acting was really good and you looked well..." you trailed off blushing "basically it was amazing and i really enjoyed it!". "Really?" Bolin asked and you nodded. Bolin seized you in a hug and it made you blush he valued your opinion so much. "Im so glad you like it" he smiled putting you back down "your opinion means a lot to me" he blushed and you smiled. "Yours too Bolin" you told him "you're one of the most important people to me". Bolin's blush grew and he looked down his eyes slightly glazed. Bolin smiled and took your hand "you're pretty important to me too y/n" and kissed you softly. Bolin was always so caring and affectionate he just always made you feel loved and safe. He never pressured or rushed you, he was the best man you'd ever met. You broke away blushing and smiled at him before sighing "i should probably go". Bolin frowned "are you sure i mean it's not even that late...plus it's raining really heavily outside you could get a cold or get blown off the roof! Or lost". "Lost? My rooms practically across from yours!" you smirked but Bolin shrugged "i still don’t think you should risk it". You smirked "so what i stay here until the rain stops...that could be all night". Bolin shrugged "i just think it’d be safer it probably won’t be all night" he argued but his tone told you he hoped it would be. You smirked and nodded "fine..i guess i can stay for a bit longer and see if it stops". Bolin grinned "that's a very good decision y/n i must say". "Stop it" you pushed him before blushing as he grabbed your hand. You smiled and leant into him "i might nap while im here for a bit, if that's okay?". Bolin nodded "of course" and gathered even more blankets to keep you warm. You smiled getting into the blankets and Bolin got in beside you. With a bolt of lightning the rain came down ever harder. You noticed and Bolin pretended to look away. "i didn’t do anything!" he said when he felt you looking at him. "Mh hmmm?" You asked laying beside him but you were smiling. "Promise" Bolin smiled putting an arm around you. Bolin was so broad you fitted against him easily and curled up against his side. Bolin wrapped his large arm around you and you felt do safe and warm with the rain pounding against the window. "Goodnight y/n" Bolin smiled kissing your forehead and you smiled closing your eyes. "Goodnight Bolin".
You vaguely heard voices and groaned trying to sunk further into the warmth and Bolin. You buried your head against his chest and fell back to sleep when suddenly Bolin’s door was thrown open. "Y/n" Tenzin screetched and you and Bolin jolted awake. Bolin let out a yelp as Tenzin stared his eyes bulging. "You didn’t put bells on my windows?" you offered and your father turned even more red. "I’ll be putting bars on your window young lady if you dont stay in your assigned room!" He yelled and to your dismay others flocked to the room. "Did you find her?" Asami asked before smirking "ow...i see". "She's in here?" Mako asked "but thats Bolins room" before trailing off as Korra stumbled in too. "Well you did want Y/N to help rebuild the air nation" Korra smirked before she halted as Tenzin spun on her making the avatar gulp. "Is there something funny about my little girl growing up?" Tenzin yelled at them "no? Didn’t think so! Y/n get out of there right now and march yourself to your room this instance". You distangled yourself from Bolin and all the blankets and stood up red faced. "Sir it wasnt y/ns fault..." Bolin tried but Tenzin silenced him with a look. "You are grounded young lady and if i ever find you in his room again i'll...i'll take away your bison!". "Dad...." you groaned but he shook his head "no buts now to your room". You rolled your eyes but did as he said.
Later you sat in your room avoiding your dad's wrath when you heard someone near your window and opened your suprisingly still unlocked window to see Pabu. "Pabu?" You asked as he scampered in and dropped something on your bed. You grinned to see it was a note from Bolin with a wild flower attached "so guess you're our go between huh Pabu" You asked the fire ferret as you fed him a treat as payment. Pabu made a happy noise and you smiled before turning to Bolin’s note. "Sorry i got you in trouble but it was worth it" he wrote "think your dads gonna have us under surveillance for a while but i'm sure we can work around it. I'm game if you are and next time we wont get caught. Love Bolin". You smiled hiding your note and wrote a quick reply before handing it to Pabu who ran off to give it Bolin. You picked up the flower Pabu had also brought and smirked, you had the best boyfriend ever. Father be damned you’d find a way to see him.
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Authors Notes ♡: WHEW I LOVED THIS I had a time trying to come up with an idea and then it hit me : a princess being saved by fantasy au! Dabi. I’m still nervous with my smuts but heh I enjoyed this a whole bunch to write . Dabi is my favorite villain and I just love him so much, I tried to make him a soft inside and hard outside man in this , I Had fun for our free for all collab and I hope I help give it just a fun twist to fantasy and Halloween spirit ~ I hope you enjoy reading this and much as I did writing it ~ bunny ❥
Warnings :UH NSFW! Demon dabi has two dick (and their thick) , pet names, unprotected sex , a tad bit of a size kink? , a bit fluffy at the end but I think that’s it!
Word count : about 2k give or take!
Paring(s) :Dabi x F! Reader
Even with this being NSFW I had to make it a soft fluffy ending I’m sorry ♡
Enchanted flames
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“If you have found this letter the Princess of Yuei needs your help. Meet me in the Enchanted Woods tomorrow night. Ill escape with you if you can save me from the proposed wedding - Princess [ ]”
With a sigh [. ] dropped the letter out of her window hoping someone, anyone , could save her from the doom that awaited her from an arranged marriage that had been planned from her kingdom to be to the neighboring ones prince, a smaller and very...purple hot headed boy by the name of Mineta who was unsavory for a lack of words. Sighing as she watched the paper fall she secretly wished her type of prince would come save her from this hell she expected.
As the night approached she slipped past her guards, telling them she was going out for air in her garden. The two towering men who looked down at her agreed, moving at the way to let the young woman past them and out into the halls, her dress dragging behind her as she headed out the giant doors to her garden. Taking in a breath she climbed over the perfectly managed hedges andddd off into the forest adjacent to the castle, roaming through the woods to her chosen spot to hopefully meet someone who could save her.
“Hello there little sheep, you called for help, correct?” A low, raspy voice called out as [ ] turned around , looking into the dark abyss in front of her. “ Hello? Helloooo? Who's there?” the girl called out as she heard something heavy land behind her. Turning to her right she saw bright blue eyes look back at her from the shadows. Before she could react a rather warm hand covered her mouth as the person or thing dragged her throughout the woods , the two of them slipping into the night. As soon as [ ] woke up her eyes adjusted to a dark but brightly lit and beautiful chasm, cyan and turquoise crystals of all types surrounded the room as she felt intense heat from everywhere around her. Standing up on shaky legs she felt eyes on her from behind. Letting out a deep breath she turned only to run into a barely covered chest.
Looking up from the revealed purple and pale skin , she saw those same blue eyes , lit with curiosity. “Ah you're awake..welcome little sheep to my...well..living quarters” The mystery man spoke as [ ] blinked at him, a grin spreading over his face as he continued to speak “Well i guess the princess doesnt know she isn't in her little castle anymore. Haven't those guards of yours realized they can't leave royalty alone or guys like me come along and take them out of their cute little homes” He said as [ ] gave him a suspicious look , her own thoughts taking over her face as a sense of calm rested over her features “Ohhh so you're the one who found my note..” She said as he gave her an unreadable look , soon walking away to leave the girl in her own world. “I guess he did” she thought to herself as she heard the male come back, a pile of things in his hands. “Here; a change of clothes and something to eat. I tried to be gentle taking you out of those dreaded castle grounds and through the woods but your dress isnt the smallest thing in the world” he said as [ ] let out a giggle , picking up the dark shirt and skirt he had given her along with the meal : some type of rice and meat with soup. Before she could ask the man answered “No i didnt steal it, i told you this is my home , its only natural id have something in this god forsaken place to eat.” He said as he pointed down the cave. “Theres a waterfall ahead if youd like to freshen up there.” And with that [ ] walked down the empty carved walls, finding the waterfall he was talking about.
Once she was finished getting cleaned and dressed she headed back the way she went, seeing the male now cloaked in a dark cape , fiddling with a pile of wood before setting it ablaze with a bright blue flame. “Ah i see you're finished , ILl be heading out , i'm gonna find us some more wood so you don't get cold. Theres a pot over there where you can reheat your food and get more if you like.” As he finished he proceeded to get up and head down another pathway, presumingly to the opening of the chasm “Wait!” [ ] called out as he stopped, turning to the girl with a questioning look back at her. “Yes princess?” he responded to her as she felt a unnatural wave of heat spreading to her face from simply calling her by her actual title. “What can I call you? And how long will you be gone?” She questioned. “Aw are you worried about me?” He cooed as she puffed out her cheeks “I was just curious” She lashed back as the male in front of her laughed , giving her a crooked smile. “ The names Dabi, and i won't be gone too long, an hour or so” Dabi said, giving her a smile as he started to leave again.
“Oh yeah , and there's a spare jacket in the back if you get too cold or that fire goes out.” and with that he left [ ] by herself as she finished up the dinner he had made which was exceptionally good, even better than what she tended to have at the castle. While she waited around for dabi to come back , [ ] looked at her royal dress, the red and pinks making her want to revolt as she pushed the fluffy tooled pile up into a blanket of sorts, covering her legs as she sat there thinking about her predicament “I really ran away...but what else can you do when youre gonna be married off to someone years older than you for land and alliance” she thought with a sigh as footsteps came from behind her , Dabi pulling his hood from his head as he smiled to himself at the girl in front of him “Im back princess” He declared as she turned to him, giving him a small smile as she stood up, dusting off her dress , coming up to Dabi “So...whatcha find?” She started as he pulled the bag from behind him , dumping out different goodies for the two of them. An array of food, wood and fresh buckets for water collections. “Here, this is for you too” Dabi said as he passed her a well woven balck dress, better than the two piece he had first given her. Taking in a deep breath he spoke up “I didn't want you to struggle with rags , so i got you something a little more comfortable and well...suitable for a run away princess” and with that she looked up to him and giggled which was heaven to his ears. ‘Why thank you Dabi..i'm flattered” [ ] said as she took the black dress , running to a hidden corner to change as Dabi smirked “Oh boy..what have i signed myself up for”
Weeks later and multiple posters for the lost princess later, [ ] had a rhythm living with Dabi. They cooked together and he left out to get things from shops ans out in the woods. Word spread that the princess had been stolen and the ugly grape himself had put a reward out for her safe return. Unknown to everyone she was quite content with the dark demon mage Dabi and his home in the woods. He explained the chasm as his work space, a place he could hone in on working with his flames and different elixirs that people needed. He was a half breed of human and demon, his father ridding of him to hide his affair with an otherworldly being, to keep the peace of his people and the overworld people as well. He really wasn’t a bad man, just someone who stayed in the shadows and kept to himself. And [. ] ‘s heart went out to him, as his did out to hers as she explained her own situation. ”Well damn sweetheart at least i saved you hm?” Dabi said as the two of them laughed together about their lives and what they'd like to change.
As the night drew on and they had their fair share of drinks and food that night “Thank you Dabi..for everything” [ ] said randomly as they relaxed by the fire he had started , [ ] wrapped into the oversized fur Dabi made her as the male laid against a log watching the tired girl mumble to him. She gave him a sleepy smile once he put his warmed hand on her face. “You're cute yknow...i'm not gonna let anyone get to you okay?” He said as she shook her head, moving herself closer to him , laying her head on his lap as he rubbed her head until she fell asleep, him soon realizing he was in love with the rogue princess in his lap.
As the next month rolled around , the princess and her demon mage had started a loving relationship, the two of them growing fonder and fonder of eachother. [ ] noticed that Dabi had tried avoiding being around her when she was fresh from the shower or even roaming too close behind her, he even took more time to come home with more ingredients or even sleep opposite to her. She didn't understand the switch from wanting to hold and hug her to avoiding her all day. One day she was able to catch and trap him with her. “Yes princess…?” Dabi ased as [ ] crossed her arms around her chest , the simple movement making him turn from her. “Did I..do something…?” She asked, her eyes bouncing between his as the turquoise she learned to love ignited with heat.
”Oh no doll...you haven't done a thing but make me want you even more..”
And with that comment her eyes widened. “What..?” She questioned. And with that Dabi picked the smaller girl up, pinning her to a crystal wall as she gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck.”Dabi…….?” [ ] called out as he started to kiss her neck ,running his rougher hands up the soft flesh of her thighs. “I think i'm in love with you doll..youve been invading my head or a while and all i can think about is making your cute little body want me the burning way i want you...I wanna make you cry out for me all night long...make you mines forever.....is that okay?” He whispered in her ear. With a shudder she agreed , letting him kiss the swells of her brest as he gave her a lopsided smile, picking her up and taking her to a pile of pelts and wool they made into a bedroom to rest in. Placing her down lightly he towered her , taking off his vest to reveal his toned and scarred body “Youre quite a beauty yknow...im glad you trust me…” He said with a smile as [ ] herself smashed her lips against his, cutting off his mushy talk. With a groan he pushed her dress up , letting her breast bounce out from the top. Pulling away from the kiss she helped him take off the dress over her head. With a shy smile [ ] covered ehrslf and laid back, spreading her legs lightly to expose her glistening lips to him
“Well damn, i havent even toughed you yet and youre this wet..what a little slut you are”
He growled out as he leaned back over to give her a kiss , pulling her lower lip as he licke dhis was down between her legs, giving her clit a hard suck as she whinned , closing her legs over his head as he slurped away at her pussy, making sure to watch her through hooded eyes, a tail whipping from behind him as a pair of horns appeared from atop his head, one mangled and cracked the other long and curled “Surprise” Dabi called out as his voice dropped octaves, it coming out as a low rumble as [ ] felt her walls clench at the sound , a chuckle coming from him. Going back to slurping and sucking on her labia and clit , Dabi watch with glee as the gilr under him started to shake, her hips rolling back to his mouth as he bit lightly down on her lips and pulled away from her , laughing at her pleas and whimpers “Turn sound baby and let me show you how much i love you” Dabi said , watching as [ ] rolled over arching her hips back as he smacked her ass, loving the moan she let out. Pulling down his pants he pulled his throbbing member out, rubbing it hard against her clit as she felt her heart jumped at the feeling of how thick he was. All of a sudden she felt hands pull her cheeks apart as a finger rub around the tight rings of her ass. With a gasp she looked back to see not one but two swinging dicks between the burning up male, a feral look in his eyes as he let a low rumble come from his chest “ Sorry babygirl..when I change there's more than just one of me to deal with, i promise i'll be gentle” He said as he rubbed her tight muscles just loose enough to put in the tip, her lower lips drooling as he slid his true size into her throbbing walls, moans and grunts tearing through the chasm as he pulled his hips back , starting to set a rhythm to his hips. While he picked up the pace, [ ] felt herself being full as the two dicks of his stuffed her. She could help the feeling of her walls getting tighter as she came once then twice and not once did Dabi stop, he laughed as he gave her more and more , pushing himself deeper in her as he let out what sounded like a howl of pain as he doubled in pace, reaching down to rub her clit as she screamed, soon feeling a hot and warm gooey feeling flood her senses. Dabi slowed his hips down as he pulled himself from her ass first, then from her pussy and cum started to leak from her holes.
“Shit...im sorry princess I didnt mean to go so rough…” Dabi breathed out as [ ] turned around giving him hr own lopsided smile as she saw him transform backto himself, those turquoise eyes softening as he saw the woman he had fallen for spent out from his own actions. “Geez when you said you were a demon i didnt think it was true…” She laughed as he scratched th back of his neck “Ive never transformed like this around someone….especially during sex but that means I trust you a lot….well doll..let me clean you up and then...we can go fro round two hm?” He smirked as he watched her pussy clench and relase more cum once he said that. “Mhm...clean me Dabi then we can have some more fun..”
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