#and other alterhuman identities
that-dreaming-dragon · 7 months
Maybe we should talk about how alterhuman doesn't just mean nonhuman identify-as stuff.
Because it's meant to cover more than that. It's for otherkind, therian, fictionfolk. It's for 'linkers, hearted people, those with flicker and cameos. It includes kardiatype, paratype, vaguetype experiences. It's both nonhuman and human-to-the-left, or even broader like archetrope.
Some have been using it as something exclusive for too much when it has always meant to be something inclusive.
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lokioftheloch · 27 days
Being authentic and true to yourself is the only way you are 'supposed to be/act like' (insert entity). If anyone else disagrees it only tells you about them.
#going to start a small 'series' where I document stuff I learn that is otherkin specific. This is for myself as well as anyone who might#be struggling with things I used to/am working on(otherkin specific). hopefully this will reduce any mental pitfalls other otherkin may#fall into as they explore their identity and help out someone.#this 'rule' took a LONG time to fully understand and grasp. for the longest time I would consciously or subconsciously#think I was less Loki if I did or was something 'Loki would never do. until i realized I do exactly and experience exactly what Loki does#and experiences because...Im literally Loki. (talking about incarnations here). I felt pressured to be a certain way because 'Loki would#never (insert). being aroace is on of them. i tried to convince myself I wasn't aroace#and when I finally ran out of reasons i felt i was 'less Loki' because mythologically hes like the opposite. but Loki IS aroace. because#Im Loki. and Im aroace. so loki is SUPPOSED to be aroace because Im loki and im being exactly how loki is being. because im loki. being#myself. therefore being exactly like Loki. again - incarnation.#anyway....if anyone else struggles with this I hope this helps someone. its a really sucky place to be in honestly.#godkin#deitykin#alterhuman#otherkin#divinekin#nonhuman#alterbeing#therian#I think I will be learning a LOT more as I keep exploring and I will note down any 'rules' I learn - more like lessons but rules personally#sound more right for me. rules i will live by (yknow unless i find out im wrong but...im going to trust myself more and right now i feel#like this rule is true. so im using it as such unless i find out im wrong in future.
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bizarreaizen · 6 days
does anyone else feel like they can't see themselves identifying with the identity they currently identify with in the future? like i can't see myself being an adult therian or an adult who uses neopronouns and not that i want to "change" but it's probably because i was pushed to think that these things are childish stuff and i will grow out of it. /srs
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tallymarksystem · 8 months
(prefacing this post with not all allistic people, and not all autistic people)
I feel like part of the reason you see so many autistic people who identify with non- or alter-humanity is because we have a fundamentally different understanding of things that society accepts as "just the way things are," especially if society made things that way in the first place and they're not any kind of universal truths or set-in-stone facts (think gender, social norms, conversation/communication rules).
Like with gender, we know that autistic people frequently have a different relationship with it than allistic people do. That's why there's so many autistic trans and gender non-conforming folks. Allistic people see boxes around that kind of thing that autistic people just don't, as much.
I think that's at least one big part of why there's so many autistic people who identify as non- or alter-human. Our brains don't always do that automatic "this is the way things are" thing that allistic brains do.
Allistic folks go "You're a human person, therefore your identity is contained within those terms," and a lot of times autistic people will go "I don't feel human in the way that I see other people experiencing human-ness. I feel a connection to something else, even with the knowledge that I physically am human. My identity cannot be contained in your terms in a way that fits comfortably for me."
Whether it's animals, concepts, objects, or whatever else, there are a lot of ways people can experience their identities that don't really mold very well to the shape of the box that allistics decided was meant to go there.
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bones-and-earth · 3 months
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Coined by and flag made by: Xan @bones-and-earth
What is it:
ANIMPUNK is a punk label and punk identity based around being treated as an animal by humanity, and or identify as a therian/or animal. The animal identity or animal label being integral to your identity. Aswell as integral to the use of the ANIMPUNK label.
What does it stand for?:
•Therian identities
•Nonhuman/subhuman identities
•Those of any marginalized group who were/still are treated as animals instead of rightfully being treated and seen as human.
•Punk ideals
•The idea of being an animal or reclamation of the term animal still being counter culture to the mainstream society and using it to empower yourself and others.
Please like and reblog!
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possessed-pack · 5 months
Terrorpunk: Embracing the Horror Within.
For all those with identities that put others on edge. People with parts of them commonly used as horror tropes, people who act "unnatural" and put others off, people with stigmatized "scary" disorders and disabilities, people who have horror and fear intertwined with alterhuman identities, queer identities or anything else that people generally find off-putting or downright terrifying--but in spite of that, don't see any of it as a bad thing, and reclaim the horror that others see in you. This is for you--for the monsters and the freaks and the eldritch abominations.
This is about reclaiming the stigma placed upon you. Maybe you are scary to them, but maybe you don't care so much about how they react? Maybe you keep being your authentic fear-inducing self out of spite. Maybe you like being a little scary because it's become intrinsic to who you are. Being open about yourself and unapologetically doing so shouldn't be a fear inflicting thing, but if it's going to be that way, you're not going to change for them. You're you, let them be scared. It's not on you to become palatable. It's not on you to hide parts of yourself away. Maybe it's on them to not see anything unknown or new as terrifying. You see the horror within yourself as nothing bad, and you openly embrace who you are and who others with differing experiences from "the norm" are too.
You don't need to be anything in particular to use the label, this isn't a term to be gatekept. Terrorpunk is reclaiming the terror that others or even yourself might think of about any part of you. That's what it's about, being unapologetically you and scary by doing so, because if people see you as someone that fills them with terror, then maybe that's fine by you. You won't change for them.
Keep in mind that this is not a term to use to cause or justify harm, exclude others or further any stigma. No one by any means has to reclaim being feared, or being something that scares people. There's some of us that find power in it though, to take the stones they throw, pick them up and ask them what they have left to throw at us.
Those who exclude others on the basis of identity (transphobes, homophobes, TERFs, ableists, racists, anti-alterhumans, aphobes and anyone else who excludes those who act on good faith) aren't included under this term. Terrorpunk isn't a basis for your hate or actions to harm marginalised groups or anyone similar. It's not an excuse to harm people in general. It's simply about being you, and if being that is scary, then so be it.
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Copinglink culture is the impostor syndrome, always feeling like you're not quite kin enough. (I am Kinough lol)
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koritheotherkin · 7 months
Rhythm/structure (i don't know the actual word) very loosely imitates Edgar Allan Poe's Annabel Lee
A child is granted a human form
And a fine human they shall be
But what if a human child is born
Who’s something else entirely?
A child whose body is human all through
But whose mind may not really be
A child who learns to walk upright
And speak like the humans speak
Who is taught to keep from the dirt and mud,
To stay always perfectly clean
Will steal away while your back is turned
And learn what they ought to be
A child is granted a human form
Although it’s not what they be
An untamed spirit will flourish
When unbound by normalcy
So next time you look at a child
And human is all which you see,
Help them to look in and find
What said child may truly be
A child is granted a human form
But human their mind may not be:
Upon their back, like sails in the wind
Are wings which you cannot see
Wings which will take them into the skies—
If that’s what they really be
A child is granted a human form
And human is all which you see—
But human their mind may not be—
In lieu, they’re a beast of the night,
Slinking through the trees
Or perhaps a creature not of this world
Is what they ought to be
A child is granted a human form;
A fine human they seem to be
But take the time, look deeper inside
Beyond what the eyes may see
For a child who never needed to hide—
Who spread their wings and took to the skies—
Is a child happy and free,
Who is what they ought to be
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faggazoid · 4 days
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Fictionkin Discord
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∴.·:*¨ ¨*:·. ☙.·:*¨ ¨*:·.♡ .·:*¨ ¨*:·. ❧.·:*¨ ¨*:·.∴ Welcome to Fictionkins United, a discord server dedicated to creating a safe and secure space to make new Fictionkin, Otherkin, Therian, IRL, and System friends.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ ╭─ Features: ┇★ a level system via arcane ┇★ starboard ┇★ a multitude of kin and non-kin related channels ┇★ tupperbox and pluralkit for all your proxy needs ┇★ kind and approachable mods dedicated to safety, comfort, and justice ╰─ And so much more! `✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
Please don't be shy and pop in for a nice chat or to make some new friends <3
Who knows? You might find your canonmates!! :))
Please be 16+ Thank you! LINK <333 __________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ ┊ ⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊ ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ┊ ┊ ⋆˚          ✧. ┊          ⋆ ★
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snepril · 7 months
Can you be considered otherkin if you want to be a bipedal anthro? I usually have see those who kin quadrupeds calling themselves otherkin so I just want to be sure I’m not just a weird furry.
That's a tricky question to answer. Not because of you being an anthro - that doesn't matter at all! No, the thorny part is "can you be considered otherkin". Otherkin is a word whose meaning is very much in flux. Different people have different ideas about what it means to be otherkin. Some people would say you need specific shapes or experiences or spiritual beliefs to be otherkin. Personally, I disagree - but it's worth noting that others may say that you don't meet their requirements to be otherkin. Whether that matters is up to you! But in my opinion? All it takes to be otherkin is to ask a simple question: Do you consider yourself human?
I'm not asking about your body. You aren't your body - you're you, the person reading this. So when you read that question, ask yourself what fits you best, what makes you happiest, what feels right. And if that's not human? I'd say you're otherkin. And it's okay to not have a definite answer, or to change your answer over time. Identity is fluid. Who we are as people changes over time. It doesn't matter if you consider yourself otherkin forty years from now - it just matters what feels right right now.
So! Can you consider yourself otherkin, even if you want to be a bipedal anthro? Only you get to decide that. Other people might disagree, but they aren't living your life. You are - and you're the final authority on who you are.
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nonhumancultureis · 9 months
Autistic Nonhuman culture is when you constantly forget social cues both because your autistic and because you forget and use animal social cues.
Stop threatening me (looking me directly in the eyes), why are you baring your teeth (smiling), why do you think I’m having fun (I’m smiling and making eye contact which to me means I’m having a bad time tm)
Sometimes I even forget I don’t have a tail or eyes that can become slits or fangs or claws and it’s just like where did my Social Cues go??
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mechanical-sunchild · 4 months
'Archetropes aren't alterhuman, that's normal human experience '.
No. It's normal human experience to feel that you fit an archetype or trope. It's normal human experience to have a favourite archetype or trope and gravitate towards characters who display it or even try to display it in yourself or your OCs.
It's not really going to be considered normal if you say you are the embodiment of that archetype or trope, partially or completely. Or if you identify with it in such an intense way that it completely shapes the entirety of your being including possibly your therio/kin/fictotypes.
It's not generally regarded as average to see yourself not exactly as a person but as an archetype of a person, a trope of a person. To the side of being human because you are a concept and apply to humans but you are still basically just a concept with a body. That's alterhuman.
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randompolykin · 9 days
happy pride month to all the queer alterhumans out there!
heres a silly little trans themed doodle of some of my kintypes I drew
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bizarreaizen · 1 month
i am so close to being the ultimate cringe being, i cosplay, i'm in a lot of "cringe" fandoms, i'm a furry, i listen to "weird" music, i am alterhuman, i am queer, i am trans, and all that's next is to dress cringe !! >w< /pos /srs
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theplatforms · 3 months
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A system that is heavily influenced by others it is around. This can mean lots including commonly getting introjects, fuzztives, fogtives, vistrojects, facetrojects and so on so forth of others. From partners, friends, acquaintances to complete strangers. Like unintentionally borrowing bits from every individual you see or your system mirroring all these beings, concepts, sources, etc. You may also find yourself getting headmates of which act more like another you've seen or known that feel vaguely related to them in some sort of way, shape or form without it actually being them. You could also start getting introjects from a source you see others with a lot whether or not you know anything about it in the first place. They form purely from you being around or seeing so many introjects related to said source. Though besides headmates your systems pronouns, gender, orientation, aesthetic, systemsona, singletsona and so on could also be effected by others. The possibilities of how your social environment could effect you is endless and heavy. Milieubased systems are usually this way uncontrollably and due to neurodivergences like autism. It may or may not relate to masking but isn't always. These systems should not be shamed for uncontrollably attaining factives or amitives of any strangers, acquaintances, unclose or brand new friends as it is not their fault, neither is it harmful.
Term and flag coined by The Platforms on March 17th, 2024.
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chthonicophanim · 12 days
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Oversilvanymph / Silvanymphmore
[PT: Oversilvanymph / Silvanymphmore]
An overhuman/humanmore[link] term for being both human as well as a forest nymph alterhuman.
A form of alterhumanity.
[IDs: Three flags for oversilvanymph/silvanymphmore. The first has nine horizontal stripes of varying widths in various shades of green, with darker shades on the outside and lighter shades on the inside. Two thin stripes near the centre are a much paler green than the others and the centre stripe is a greenish-teal.
The second has curved stripes radiating out from the bottom right in a pattern that looks like a visible quarter of overlapping circles. The stripes are varying shades of green, with darker stripes on the outer left and inner stripes on the inner right. There is a thin stripe near the bottom right corner that is a much paler green than the others and the two corner-most stripes are greenish-teals. The centre of the flag has the overhuman symbol, which looks like a simplified green drawing of DNA on a black circle, outlined in green.
The third flag is almost identical to the first, with the overhuman circle in green in the centre of the flag. The black circle has a darker green border. End IDs]
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Overcryptid / Cryptidmore
[PT: Overcryptid / Cryptidmore]
An overhuman/humanmore term for being both human as well as a cryptid alterhuman.
A form of alterhumanity.
[IDs: Three flags for overcryptid/cryptidmore. The first has nine horizontal stripes of varying widths in various shades of red and blue, with the outer stripes being dark reds, the inner stripes being dark blue, and two thin bright red stripes being near the centre.
The second has curved stripes radiating out from the bottom right in a pattern that looks like a visible quarter of overlapping circles. The stripes are various dark shades of red and blue, with the outer left stripes being black and dark red and the inner right stripes being darker blue and green. There is a thin bright red stripe near the bottom right corner, and the two corner-most stripes are muted greens. The centre of the flag has the overhuman symbol, which looks like a simplified red drawing of DNA on a black circle, outlined in bright red.
The third is almost identical to the first, with the overhuman circle in red in the centre of the flag. The black circle has a bright red border. End IDs]
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Overophanim / Ophanimore
[PT: Overophanim / Ophanimore]
An overhuman/humanmore term for being both human as well as an ophan/ophanim alterhuman.
A form of alterhumanity.
[IDs: Three flags for overophanim/ophanimore. The first has nine horizontal stripes of varying widths with the outer stripes being pale blues and the inner stripes being bright yellows and oranges. There is a sharp contrast between the inner and outer stripes.
The second has curved stripes radiating out from the bottom right in a pattern that looks like a visible quarter of overlapping circles. The outer-left stripes are shades of pale blue and the inner-right stripes are bright yellows and oranges. The centre of the flag has the overhuman symbol, which looks like a simplified blue drawing of DNA on a white circle, outlined in yellow.
The third is almost identical to the first, with the overhuman circle in blue in the centre of the flag. The white circle has a bright yellow border. End IDs]
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Overeldritch / Eldritchmore
[PT: Overeldritch / Eldritchmore]
An overhuman/humanmore term for being both human as well as an eldritch horror/monster alterhuman.
A form of alterhumanity.
[IDs: Three flags for overeldritch/eldritchmore. The first has nine horizontal stripes of varying widths with the outer stripes being dark blues and the inner stripes being medium-dark and medium shades of blue. Two thin, brighter blue stripes are near the centre.
The second has curved stripes radiating out from the bottom right in a pattern that looks like a visible quarter of overlapping circles. The outer-left stripes are shades of dark blue that get lighter as they go towards the inner-right stripes. The corner-most stripes are much lighter blues than the others. The centre of the flag has the overhuman symbol, which looks like a simplified blue-grey drawing of DNA on a black circle, outlined in blue.
The third is almost identical to the first, with the overhuman symbol in blue-grey in the centre of the flag. The black circle has a blue border. End IDs]
Flags made using the original coined flag[link] as well as a simplified base flag[link]
DNI: bigots, radinclus, radexclus, pro-endo, if you’re going to try and argue with me on any of these points, if you demonise mental illness, pro-transid (eg; transabled, transage, transrace, etc), proshippers/anti-anti, MAPS/NOMAPS/necro/zoo DNI (full DNI in pinned)
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