#and a few of my spouses from my save file
mothymayhem · 8 months
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Holy shit!!! Mothy posting art?!? And it's not DCA?!?
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nikatyler · 3 months
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Old Sims Dump 21
For the past few months now, I’ve been giving makeovers to my old sims that I have saved in my library and I want to share them with you! Many more will follow. Theoretically. If I find the strength. Seriously, it’s over a hundred sims that I could share. We are done! Sort of. Not really. Next stop: I want to revisit my 100 (well, 101) babies from the baby challenge. Am I crazy? A little, yeah, probably.
You might remember Aidan from a very old random Raleb save, Justine was the mother of a spouse in my old Raven legacy, and Priscilla was a granddaughter or something of Bella Goth also in my Raven legacy.
TOU: Feel free to play with them as they are, give them a makeover or even use them as base sims as long as you mention me ♥ And please please please, tag me, I would love to see what you do!
Download, full outfits and CC credits under the cut. CC included with the tray files except for Aidan because for some reason their file was too big.
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Patreon download (free)
Aidan Vatore | sfs
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Justine Franklin | sfs
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Priscilla Goth | sfs
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salemssimblr · 20 days
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Roll up, roll up, Baaph needs followers!!
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I've been heavily inspired by a lot of the challenges I've seen floating around simblr, so I wanted to make this one in conjunction with my Cult of the Lamb obsession/render set.
The rules are simple, roll the dice indicated to build your cultist! I like to use google's dice roller and roll each die individually to avoid repeats!
& if you don't want to use the dice roll challenge guidelines, feel free to make a follower from your own imagination/inspo! The only real rule is to have funI
I've made a .PSD template (download here!) file for you to make a 'card' of your follower! I'll reblog all of them so please tag me! & after a while I want to make a master post of all of them together! (& if you can't use .pds there's a BLANK VERSION HERE!)
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The fonts needed for the PSD are Distillery Display and Eczar Regular (linked for download!)
Feel free to include as much or as little backstory as you like with your cultist! They can be a cult elder, a disciple, a spouse, or a dissenter! It's all up to you!
If you're familiar with the game and this is enough info for you, go forth and create a follower! I can't wait to indoctrinate them! 😈🤣
If you're not, I've included more info below!
For those unfamiliar with the game, the objective is to build a cult to gain strength and power to release the god that's saved you from death.
Each new follower has a form (usually a monster or animal, but for this I've chosen animals), a color (ranging from normal neutrals to highlighter-bright colors), and a few traits that can be anything from zealous to coprophiliac.
They can be leveled up to become disciples. You can marry multiple at a time (but they'll get jealous). They can dissent and you have to throw them in jail.
It's a delight.
Here's an example of these cuties in game:
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I tried to include the animals I knew I'd seen CC floating around for, but I'm also so intrigued to see what yall will come up with!
If you want more info for this challenge, there's a lot of useful information here!
Have fun!! Love y'all!
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pairing(s): Demon!Bakugo x HumanSacrifce!Reader
synopsis: Y/N is settling a nasty divorce dispute with her soon-to-be ex. Out of the blue, he calls her to "reconcile" and "put aside their difference". Less than an hour later, she was naked, tied to a bed, and offered to a twelve-foot-tall Demon Emperor, Bakugo Katsuki.
warnings: Rivals to Lovers. mention of roofies/drink tampering. reincarnation. a dash of a slice of life. the ml + fl argue a lot. bakugo is a simp. grumpy + sunshine. lowkey a royalty au. highkey monster fucking. cat + mouse game. minor grammar errors (will clean up a little later)
w.c: 9.2k
a/n: never say I don't love y'all.
“Drink up,” my soon-to-be ex-husband said, practically pushing the glass of wine into my face. 
I took the glass hesitantly and looked into it. There had been some sort of powdery residue floating on the top of it. I swirled it around a few times before setting it down on the table. I looked across the surface, past the flickering candles, and into his blue eyes. There was something off about the whole ordeal. My husband had never been the “romantic type”. He never made me dinner, even when we just started dating. He would usually order from a really expensive restaurant and call it a day. He never bothered to go the extra mile of putting on a plate, either. He made it clear that he was going to be as mediocre as possible, and I was supposed to be happy with it.
I never understood why I married him or what I saw in him originally. Maybe it was the consistency I craved or how easy it was being with him. He never challenged me in any way or stimulated me for that matter. We only slept together a handful of times in our three years together, but that didn’t bother me all too much. I was simply too busy with housework or my job to accumulate any sort of sexual desire. Yet, I could tell my spouse didn’t feel the same way. In recent months, I have noticed a change in his appearance. He started to shave more frequently, changed his hairstyle, and even bought some new clothes. He smiled whenever he got text messages and would sneak off when his phone rang. I even found a lipstick stain on his collar when doing his laundry, which all but confirmed that he was cheating.
I could deal with the lack of effort on his part. 
I could deal with practically being his maid.
I could even deal with him always “borrowing” money from my savings account.
But, what I couldn’t deal with was being the “other woman” in my marriage.
I filed for divorce shortly after that and moved out of the apartment.
It had been three months since everything happened, and he still hadn’t signed the goddamned papers.
“No, thank you,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. “I’m not in a drinking mood.”
“O-Oh okay,” he stammered, sinking back into his chair.
“I came here because you said there had been some sort of emergency with our shared property,” I explained while pushing the plate of burnt pasta from in front of me. “It wasn’t my intention to have dinner with you.”
“I understand,” he replied, sipping his wine. “You probably still hate me.”
“I don’t care enough to hate you, John,” I said, rising from my seat. “If there is nothing else, I’ll be going now.”
“Y/N! Wait!” He called after me. “Don’t go!”
“If you have anything else to say to me, please notify my lawyer,” I deflected whilst grabbing my purse from the couch. “Have a good night.”
The alarm bells in my head were ringing, and I needed to make my way out of there quickly.
As I was turning around to take my leave, I felt a slight prick on the side of my neck. I raised my hand to the area and pressed it against it. I brought my finger to my face. There had been a clear liquid oozing from the area. I couldn’t immediately detect what it could’ve been, but I felt my body begin to sway on its own. I looked up at John, a medical syringe in his hands and a sadistic look on his face.
“Why do you always have to be so fucking difficult, Y/N?” He said, dropping the syringe on the ground.
“W-What are y-you talking about?” I slurred, trying to grab onto the couch.
“All you had to you was drink the wine,” John admitted. 
“W-Wha. . .” 
“Now, I have to drag you there myself.”
My hand slipped when trying to hold onto the couch, and my entire body crashed onto the floor. The room was spinning. The sounds were coming in and out of range. I could hear John say something, but I couldn’t piece the words together. My body started to feel tingly and numb all over. I could feel John pulling against my arms, but I couldn’t tell where he was taking me. He was still ranting about something, but, again, I had no idea what he was saying. I could feel my shirt ride up a little as John dragged me against the floor. It was only when I felt a familiar fuzzy sensation that I knew where we were. In our bedroom. Even with my mind half-conscious, I knew the feeling of my thousand-dollar designer rug. Part of me was still surprised that he kept it after all this time. Yet, another part of me knew never to expect so much of John. He would never make the effort to rearrange anything in our home.
But he could make the effort to cheat on me.
My eyelids grew heavier by the second. I was struggling to keep them open. 
All I could do was pray to God that whatever he had planned for me wouldn’t be too bad. I hoped that I would make it out of this apartment alive. If not, I would haunt the bastard for the rest of his miserable life.
My eyes fluttered closed, and darkness filled my vision.
“What do we have here?” A deep, throaty voice spilled into my ears. I could feel its hot breath fan my relaxed face and his eyes piercing my skin. “What a pretty little thing you are.”
I did not recognize the voice, nor would I ever. It didn’t sound human. Its pitch was far too deep, too robust for any human to make. It sounded like it belonged to something from another world or dimension. The alarm bells in my head had switched over to sirens. Every hair on my body was standing up, and I could feel sweat begin to dot my forehead. I knew, without a doubt, that there was some kind of eldrich terror on the other side of my eyelids, and I was not ready to face it. I could feel my tears well up and gather in my lashes. Murmurs spilled from my lips as I started to at the restraints binding my limbs.
“There’s no need to be afraid, little rabbit,” the monster purred. “I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I. . . I don’t believe you,” I whimpered, my eyes still shut.
“So she speaks,” it chuckled. “Wonderful.”
The soft surface— a bed— dipped a little on each side of me. Right near my mid-section. I could feel the heat radiating from its body. It came in slow, hot waves. It was almost like feeling the sun on your skin during the summer. It painted every inch of my skin— wait. I could feel it all over my body. From my legs and arms to my breasts and womanhood. My eyes snapped open, and I immediately looked down. I could the soft candlelight reflected onto my smooth legs. It danced up my oiled thighs and chubby stomach to my ample bosoms. I could see the brown nipples sitting pretty atop the mounds. Just inches above me was a pair of thighs, closely resembling tree trunks, straddling my waist. They were covered in tight leather pants, outlining every muscle. Just above the thighs was a pale torso with rippling abs. Far too many for me to count. Followed by a wide chest and broad shoulders. The muscles in his arms were almost the size of my thighs, and one of its hands could easily cover my entire face. 
His jawline was sharp as nails, and his lips were full. He had two pairs of crimson eyes and horns. They added an extra foot to his massive stature despite being slightly curved at the base. The creature had blonde hair that pointed in every direction and mostly fell in its eyes. Under any other circumstances, I could’ve easily been swooned by his ruggedly handsome face. 
“Like what you see, little rabbit?” he smirked.
“Who are you?” I asked, pulling the restraints. “What do you want with me?”
“Ah, so your husband didn’t tell you,” the creature said, resting on his heels. “How unfortunate.”
“Tell me what?” I questioned. 
“He sold your soul,” it replied nonchalantly. “To me.”
“What?” I exclaimed. 
“Yeah, I was pretty shocked, too,” the creature confessed. “I mean, look at you. You’re any man’s wet dream. Thick in all the right places. A seductive, deep voice—”
"What exactly are you gonna do to me?" I interjected, gripping the restraints tighter. 
"Well, your husband was pretty adamant about getting rid of you," the creature replied. "He signed a death contract to get you out of this dimension."
It could’ve been his dismissive demeanor or his obvious attraction to me, but whatever fear I had previously felt was slowly melting away to make room for confusion. John had been the kind of person to hire personal chefs and cleaning staff to avoid the responsibilities of managing a house. He would have his assistant buy me anniversary presents rather than buy one himself. He was a man who went out of his way to put minimal effort into our marriage, yet he dared to sell me to a twelve-foot demon from hell. I could feel the anger pool within my being. 
The creature above me inhaled deeply. "Your rage is oozing from your pores and dancing within my nostrils," he chuckled. "It has been so long since I smelled something so sweet.".
"Um, Mr. Demon?"
"Bakugo, sweetness," he corrected. "You may call me by my surname, Bakugo."
"Okay. . . Bakugo," I hesitated. "Would you mind untying me and giving me some clothes? I'm feeling pretty. . . exposed at the moment."
A deep, rumbling chuckle erupts from his throat as rose from the bed. "Your body is too precious to be covered with garments. But, since I am in a generous mood, I'll grant your request."
With the snap of his finger, I was no longer tied to the bed. My body has been positioned in the far corner of the room, furthermore from the door. I was standing up, facing the creature that was less than a foot away from me. He seemed even bigger from that angle. His horns were practically scraping the ceiling. Bakugo looked at me with such indescribable hunger that it made shivers trail down my spine. I looked down at my feet, desperately trying to break the tension between us, yet I was a little shocked by what I had on. 
I wasn't wearing any of my clothes, but something a little more unique, to say the least.
The dress was black and tight. It hugged every inch of my body while highlighting the parts that were "flattering" to men. It had a deep neckline that brought attention to my cleavage. The leather fabric gave the short dress an uncomfortable stiffness. The skirt barely covered my ass and strained at the thigh section. The six-inch patent leather stilettos made my legs even longer. My wrists were covered in gold bangles, and my hands were covered in rings made of lavish stones. 
"Bakugo, what is this?" I asked, inspecting the jewelry. "Why am I dressed like this?"
"As I said earlier, your husband signed a death contract," he informed me. "He used your life as collateral for the deal he made with me a little while ago."
"Why would he make a deal with you in the first place?" 
"He used to clean money for the mafia a few years before he met you."
"Holy shit."
"And like the selfish idiot he was, he stole a small fortune from them."
"How much?"
"Close to fifty million."
"Holy shit!" I gasped. "Did he have a fucking death wish?"
"The mafia seemed to think so, and they actively started to hunt him," the demon continued. "As a final attempt to save his pathetic life, he summoned me. Bakugo Katsuki, Emperor of the Underworld." 
At that moment, I could feel my heart drop to my stomach. Bakugo was a Samurai turned Emperor in the fourteenth century. He was appointed to the throne by Emperor Go-Daigo, who was awed by his fighting skills and his grit. The Emperor birthed no sons during his reign, so he adopted Bakugo and turned him into a crown prince. He was known to be exceedingly cruel and had a nasty temper. All kinds of stories supported these kinds of accusations. Like the one about him feeding his esquire to a tiger after he looked at the Empress a little too long. Or another about him hanging a war general by his ankles for challenging his judgment. He had the entire war counsel watch as the blood rushed to his head and ended up killing him.
Not only that,  he managed to be a notorious bachelor. Rumored to have had three wives and ten concubines during his prime.
As the legend goes, the devil himself was awed by Emperor Bakugo's lavish lifestyle and offered him a position in hell once he died. The Emperor managed to work his way up the ranks, ultimately taking the Devil’s position once he retired. By the end of everything, Bakugo Katsuki was the ruler of all sin and could manipulate anyone to do his bidding. He was even more dangerous dead than he was alive.
A cocky smirk fell onto his lips as he brought his face closer to mine. "Pretty impressive, huh?" He said as if reading my mind.
"Y-yeah," I stammered, swallowing the lump in my throat. 
"No need to be afraid of me, little rabbit," he said while tucking a braid behind my ear. "I already told you that I do not plan on harming you in any way."
"Then what do you plan on doing with me?" Fear still licking my being and making my hands shake gently.
"Allow me to finish the story, sweetness," he replied. "You'll find out by the end."
"I granted John temporary immunity from the mob in exchange for another life. There's a balance between these things. A life for a life, if you will," he continued. "The person has to be pure, almost incapable of sin. He encountered many girls that fit the description, but being the rotten individual he is, John managed to corrupt them. Making them greedy and money hungry just like him. That was until he met you. A wealthy physician from a rich family and lots of money in the bank. You are as sweet as pie and quite as easy on the eyes. You became his safety net. He didn't have to work too hard if he didn't want to. He never has to put any effort into the relationship since you are already too busy. It was a perfect union. Until he discovered the life insurance policy."
My eyes widened. "How did he find out about that?"
"Snooping through your mail," Bakugo shrugged. "It was then that you became more valuable dead than alive."
"So, a couple of million, and he's willing to put me on the chopping block?"
"Not at first," the demon responded. "But you decided to divorce him, completely stripping any chance he would’ve had to obtain that money. Since you two signed a prenuptial agreement with an infidelity clause, John was entitled to none of your money at the very end."
 Anger started to rise in my being once more. The sheer amount of entitlement he had was simply outstanding. He was the one who cheated. He was the one who emotionally checked out the marriage first. Yet, instead of acknowledging his mistake and moving forward, he went under the table to try and get me killed. 
"That fucking bastard!" I said aloud, balling my fists so tight my knuckles turned white.
"Yeah," Bakugo replied. "Your husband's a real peach."
"So the death contract," I stated, beginning to piece it together. "He signed it to repay the debt he owed to you and to get the money in my insurance policy?"
"This greedy motherfucker!" I growled. "I cannot believe him!"
"Truly a greedy bastard," Bakugo agreed, nodding his head.
I paused.  "Wait. But what does that mean for me? Are you saying you're going to kill me?"
A wide smile appeared on Bakugo's face. "Not quite. Maybe even the opposite, if you think about it."
"I'm confused."
"I'm going to make you my Empress, little rabbit."
Bakugo’s dimension was surprisingly tame for being an extension of hell. It had a bright pink sky and crimson mountains lining the outside perimeter of the area. On the far edge of a secluded village was his castle. From my minimal knowledge of Japanese history, it was loosely inspired by the Bitchu Matsuyama Castle— the one that Bakugo most likely lived in when he was alive. The ceilings were taller than the original, probably to accommodate the Emperor’s height. There were pillars made of gold and jade lining the room. The floor was made of hardwood, so clean you could see your reflection. The walls are made of watercolor paintings and gold patterns. Silk drapes hung from the ceiling in a decorative pattern, adding more color to the space. Beautiful women of all shades and sizes lingered in the halls, giggling with one another. They stopped once we made eye contact. They quickly bowed their head and moved out of my way.
The guards, Iida Tenya and Sato Rikido, had given me a tour of the grounds before bringing me to the Empress’ estate on the far end of the property. It was made up of a massive house with about four floors. It was filled with lavish gifts and treasures. From tiger skin rugs to a solid gold statue of Bakugo in the middle of the front room. There had been diamonds and rubies spilling from fountains. Jewelry was littered all over my room. My closet was overflowing with the softest silks and chiffons ever made.
“This is simply too much,” I said, lifting a diamond-crusted bracelet from the bed. “I can not accept all of this.”
“Would you like me to summon Emperor Bakugo, Empress?” Iida asked.
“Well. . . No, that won’t be necessary,” I sighed, taking a seat on the bed. “I will be meeting him for dinner in a few hours, yes?”
“You will, Empress,” Sato replied. “It is customary for the Emperor and the Empress to share meals.”
“Alright, I’ll just talk to him then,” I reassured them before flopping down. “For now, I would like to rest. If there is nothing else, you two may go.”
The guards bowed their heads and excited the room.
I lifted a stray piece of jewelry from the bed and brought it to my eyes. It was a heavy gold chain with a massive emerald pendant in the center. It had to at least be worth a few hundred thousand, yet it was half-heartedly thrown on my bed and tangled with other pieces of similar value. I wasn’t a stranger to wealth. My family came from a long line of professionals, from doctors to politicians. I have had family members with exclusive Cartier pieces and Tiffany jewelry fit for royalty. Yet, when looking at the items on my bed, they didn’t have the same aura as those. It didn’t feel like I was meant to brag about these necklaces and rings. It wasn’t my responsibility to make everyone around me jealous. I was simply supposed to exist whilst wearing the pieces. They were meant to be extensions of myself. An extension of my aura— of my power. 
I rose from my slumped position on the bed and walked to the vanity. I brought the necklace to my neck and gazed at my reflection. The gold and the green complimented my bronze skin very well. I undid the clasp in the back and positioned the necklace against my collarbone. I attempted to fasten it, but my braids kept getting in the way. 
“Allow me,” said a familiar voice.
I looked over to see the Emperor, resting in the door frame. He changed his attire; it had been a little more Regal than before. He wore silk pants, perfectly tailored to his body. They highlighted his slender waist and plump rear. He remained shirtless but had a decorative robe draped over his shoulders. It swayed as he walked over to me. His hands were adorned with rings, almost like mine, except they didn’t have large jewels. They were simple gold bands. 
Emperor Bakugo scooped all my hair to my left shoulder before closing the clasp on the necklace. “It looks good on you,” he said, still gripping my shoulders.
I brushed my hands against the pendant and hummed softly. “I guess it does.”
We sat in silence for just a few moments before I felt his hands drop from my shoulder and snake around my waist. He pulled me closer to his massive body. I could feel the heat radiating from his body and the sweet aroma he carried. He smelled of citrus and cherry blossoms with a hint of spice. It was a scent that brought calm to my being. I found myself leaning into the embrace, intertwining my fingers with his. It was nice to be held like that. Without any ulterior motives or sexual advances, Just to be held by someone who cares for you. 
“Have you started to remember, my love?” His voice was low enough to be a whisper. 
I locked eyes with him through the mirror. “Remember? What do you mean?”
A painful look flashed on Bakugo’s face before he quickly shook it away. “Forget it.”
“No,” I murmured, turning to face him. “Just tell me. Is there something you wanted me to remember? Is it about John?”
The emperor took a deep breath before pulling me closer to his body. “The walls in this place often have ears attached to them. Let’s go somewhere to be truly alone.”
Red smoke started to appear at our feet before circling up our legs and abdomens. It engulfed our bodies, breathing pulling us into darkness as it did. I could feel cold winds swirling around me as he moved from one place to another. The sweet smell of my bedroom was soon replaced with the stench of stale air and rotting wood. My bare feet were no longer pressed against warm hardwood; instead, I could feel the cool tile sending shivers through my body. When the smoke cleared, we were not only in a different place, but it felt like a different dimension. It was neither Earth nor Hell, maybe space between the two. It didn’t have the heaviness of the surface, the summer breeze, or twinkling stars. Nor did it have the robustness of hell; it didn’t have the pink sky or the black mountains lining the perimeter. Instead, everything was black and white. Almost like films in the early 1930s. The property that Bakugo transported us to was in pristine condition, despite a few cracks along the ceiling. The furniture was covered in sheets, and the windows had pale drapes blocking out the light from outside. Faded watercolor paintings decorated the doors. Jade stone pillars were supporting the high ceiling. In many ways, it looked almost identical to Bakugo’s mansion back in hell, just less lavish.
“What is this place?” I asked, gently touching the stone pillar.
“This was the palace of the first Empress, Kimiko,” he said with a sigh. “My first and only love.”
Bakugo smiled softly before abruptly snapping his fingers. Warm light illuminated the front room, adding a little bit of color around us. The emperor walked over to the very back of the room, directly in front of a massive piece of furniture. He reached down and pulled the sheet from atop it, revealing a glistening throne. It was carved out of obsidian, a shiny black crystal— which just so happened to ward off evil and negative emotions. It had gold trimming along the edges and large rubies embedded within the armrests. The base was large enough to seat more than one person, which made me wonder if Bakugo spent some time ruling by her side. 
The emperor gently caressed one of the armrests while smiling sadly to himself.
“She was the only one to ever beat me in a fight,” he chuckled. “She laid me flat on my ass before I could even form a proper sentence. I think I started to fall in love with her then.”
“She sounds delightful,” I offered, standing beside him.
“She was,” he reminisced. “She had a temper similar to mine but only unleashed it when it was necessary. She could tame any dragon or beast with a few words. Kimiko handled herself with such poise and grace that even her enemies had to respect her. She was never the type to ask for dominance because people simply gave it to her.”
“What. . . happened to her?” I hesitated. 
“She had what you humans now call “cancer”,” he answered, sadly. “It was the only foe she couldn’t best.”
“I’m sorry,” I offered, placing my hand on his arm.
The twelve-foot demon turned his body away from the throne and took both my hands in his. He looked into my eyes as if he were looking at me for the very first time. Bakugo scanned my entire face, searching for something that I could put my finger on. “I believe you are Kimiko reincarnated, Y/N.”
My eyes widen and I took a step back from him. “Tell me you’re joking.”
“Just before she died, Kimiko and I made a blood oath,” he said, unfastening his silk pants. Bakugo lowered the waistband, just a little bit, to reveal a jagged scar; in the shape of a ‘k’. “We vowed to find each other in the next life, with the help of these marks. I have searched many women throughout the five hundred years I have been alive and only one has the letter ‘k’ etched on her waist. And that person is you, Y/N.”
“Bakugo, I don’t think—”
“I didn’t want to believe it at first,” he interjected. “I mean you two look nothing alike. But the longer I have been in your company, the more I could feel this undeniable connection between us. And I know you feel it, too.”
“There is a reason why aren’t scared of me and why came you to the Underworld so willingly.”
“I didn’t think I had a choice!” I countered. “John signed the death contract!”
“Y/N, I know this is hard to believe and I would be a complete idiot to think you’d accept this right away—”
“I didn’t think demons existed several hours ago!” I screamed, frustrated. “All I wanted to do was to divorce my shit husband and go back to my normal life as a surgeon. Not get remarried to a literal ruler of Hell and become an Empress! I didn’t even have the time to deal with the mess John put me in, before being thrown into yet another role I did not ask for. I mean for fuck’s sake, could you have at least given me the remainder of the night to process what happened before springing this on me?! What else do you have under your sleeve? Are going to tell me you have powers or something?”
“You’re hair is on fire.”
As much as I wanted to deny my connection to Bakugo’s late wife, more and more evidence started to unravel. From what the maids had told me, the emerald chain that the emperor fastened on my neck was Kimiko’s family heirloom. It was passed down for generations to the first-born daughter of the family. However, since Kimiko died childless, Bakugo decided to keep it to himself. I had tried to take it off, discard it from my sight, but the clasp refused to budge. None of my maids could undo it and I wasn’t in the mood to face Bakugo after that night. I was stuck with the necklace on for the remainder of the week, forced to face my reality. Another quirk that came with this reincarnation scandal was the fire. It appears everywhere when I was angry. It started out with my hair, causing it to spike up and lift from my neck. The angrier I get the more the flames engulf my body. It doesn’t hurt, nor does it partially bother me. Almost everything in the Underworld was flame resistant, meaning there was nothing to really worry about. 
The maids informed me that Kimiko had fierce red hair, resembling a raging fire. It was part of the reason why many feared her in the first place. Given the dimension and the reincarnation drama, I assumed the lore surrounding her life started to literally manifest the longer I stayed in the underworld. Like when the emperor tried to enter my room without my permission and I managed to toss him across the room in the blink of an eye. We were both shocked by the end of it. 
But, he made sure to leave me alone after that.
There were whispers outside my door. A conversation between a very squeaky, feminine voice and a booming masculine one.
I rolled my eyes.
He does it every afternoon— knocking on my door after his morning meetings, in hopes I would invite him in to talk. 
The maids knew never to let him and Bakugo knew never to force himself where he didn’t belong. Unless he wanted to be humbled in front of his subjects.
The door opened and one of the servants hurried inside the room. She bowed her head as she stood in front of my bed. 
“Do I have permission to speak, Your Grace?” She squeaked.
“Of course,” I replied, repositioning the pillow underneath my head.
“The Emperor has requested you meet him for dinner,” she presented, still looking at the floor.
“Tell him to fuck off,” I said, turning my back to her. “I’m going back to sleep.”
“He brought you a gift,” she started to say before I cut her off.
“I don’t need any more jewelry,” I countered. “I can’t even store the pieces I have.”
“No jewelry, but a person. By the name of John.”
I snapped my eyes open and sat straight up in the bed. “Wait does that mean. . . John’s dead?”
“He said if you have any questions, to ask him at dinner tonight,” the servant replied.
“Fine, tell him I will be in attendance,” I admitted, crossing my arms over my chest. “But, inform him that I will not be staying for long.”
“As you wish, Your Majesty.” The servant bowed again before leaving the room.
Several new maids entered the space shortly after, their heads lowered and eyes looking towards the ground. 
“May I help you?” I asked, kicking my legs over the side of the bed. 
“We’ve been instructed by the emperor to assist in dressing for dinner,” the woman on the right said, crossing her hands over her midsection. 
“He instructed that we place you in traditional empress attire,” the one on the left added. 
Emperor Bakugo Katsuki was pushing me into a corner. He wanted me to conform to the role of Empress, even though I would rather walk through the fiery bits of hell naked. I spent the majority of the last week in my room. I only opened the door to get my food trays and greet my servants in the morning. I refused to meet anyone from the royal council or any associate of Bakugo’s. The emperor wanted me to step into my role as Empress so badly that he was willing to try anything— even drag John to the underworld to make it happen.
“That’s not gonna happen,” I countered, walking across the room to the bathroom. “I am capable of dressing myself.”
“But, Your Majesty—”
“If the Emperor has a problem with my decision, tell him he could eat alone for all I care.”
The servants did end up helping me, just not with my outfit. They helped dry my waist-length braids with smaller towels. They divided each braid and applied moose to them. The maid twisted them around flexi-rods and wrapped my head with a silk scarf. Next, we surveyed the makeup that Bakugo had gifted me before I arrived. The blushes and eyeshadows were made up of cool tones, which weren’t complementary to my bronze skin tone. Out of all the blues and purples that were provided, I was able to find muted earth tones in the pile. A collection of browns and metallic shimmers. I decided to make a smoky eye with these shades, with a cut crease. I used gold to fill in the gap to really make my eyelid pop. 
“You should wear red lipstick!” The servant on the left— Yua— said, sliding the red lip across the vanity. “It would be a nice pop of color!”
“I don’t know. . .” The other one— Aika— replied. “The red may be a little too bright. She should go with something a little more neutral. Like a brown!”
Yua snatched the tube of lipstick from her hand. “You don’t know anything about beauty products! Red would be better for Your Majesty’s lips.”
“I disagree,” Aika snatched the red tube from her partner’s hand. “The red would be too distracting. Brown would fit the theme a little better.”
“No, you’re wrong—”
“I was planning on using both of them actually,” I said, turning to look at the younger women.
“Really?” They asked in unison. “How?”
I held out my hand and they gave me the tubes. I popped the cap off of the deep brown lipstick and brought my thin, damp brush to it. I rubbed it against the smooth surface, before bringing the brush to my lips. I outlined the shape of my mouth with a dark color, before placing the cap on the tube. I used a thicker brush to swatch on the red lipstick, but only used a little bit of it on my lips. I topped the section with a clear lip gloss and started to rub my lips together, blending the two lipsticks perfectly. 
“Wow!” Yua said, amazed. “I would’ve never thought of that!”
“Me neither!” Aika agreed. “It looks so good. Your Majesty is the queen of cosmetics!”
I laughed loudly and rose from my seat. “You give me too much praise. I can assure you there are many women better than me at makeup. I only know how to do simple things.”
“Well, you make simple look good,” Aika chimed in.
“You do!”
I laughed and walked over to the closet. I looked through the hundreds of pieces that were filling the space. Although the pieces were absolutely stunning and very much my style, none of the clothes were big enough to fit me. Except for the floor-length robes in the back of the closet. Granted, they were made with the finest silks of all the land, but they did nothing to compliment my figure. They would completely cover me with unnecessary fabric, making me look even bigger than I actually was. I immediately thought back to the night in the bedroom, where Bakugo made clothes appear on my body out of thin air. Even though I had only been in the Underworld for a week, I was already showing signs of magical abilities. I wondered if the physical manifestation of items was a trait that only the emperor could have, or if was I capable of doing it as well. 
I pulled out a random item of clothing from the closet. An all-leather catsuit with a zipper in the center front. There had been a pair of cat ears and a fluffy tail butt plug attached to the hanger.
“These two must’ve been into some seriously kinky stuff,” I said, lifting the tail of the hanger and dangling it in the air.
“Emperor Bakugo talks about Kimiko whipping him all the time— ow!” Yua screeched and hugged her side.
Aika swiftly shook her head a placed a finger on her lips.
I tossed the sex toy to the side and took the item of clothing into my hands. I closed my eyes and simply pictured it on my body. I focused on how I wanted it to fit— how I wanted it to hug my curves, but allow just enough room for me to move comfortably. I could feel my body gradually heat up. The silk robe I had been wearing had slowly begun to slip off, fading out of existence. It was swiftly replaced with a thicker, tiger fabric. It hugged my hips and thighs tightly, while loosely fitting around my tummy. The silk scarf started to slip from my head and my braids untangled from the curlers. I could feel them fall to my back. 
When I opened my eyes, I was no longer in my room. I was wearing the catsuit and it fit just as perfectly as I imagined. But, traditional Japanese rode and graced my shoulders. I didn’t know how the two got paired together, but given the state of the outfit, I was not upset at the combination. I was standing in front of massive paper doors, and by the sound of Bakugo’s booming voice, I had to be outside of the throne room. 
“Come in, my Empress,” he yelled from the other side of the door. “I have been expecting you.”
Hesitantly, I gripped the handle and slid it open. There had been a slew of upper-rank nobility within the space. Every one of them had a different appearance. Some had horns, while others were covered in scales. Some had pointed ears and a long tail, while others appeared to me more human with black eyes. But, no matter what they looked like, they all openly gawked at me. 
“I hope you don’t mind, darling,” Bakugo said with a smirk. “I simply couldn’t wait until dinner time, so I summoned you a little bit earlier than we planned.”
I neutralized any raging emotions that threatened to rise and took a deep breath. I looked at the nobles and gave them a curt nod. “My apologies for having met you in such imprudent circumstances, I was a little under the weather this week.”
“It is no problem at all, Your Majesty,” a loud voice replied from the far end of the room. “We are just happy to be in your presence.”
“Oh you are too, kind the gentleman whose face I cannot see!” I said bowing my head slightly. “I hope to meet you very soon and become good acquaintances.”
I walked down the designated aisle and up the few steps to where Bakugo was seated. I raised my eyebrow, silently asking ‘where am I supposed to sit?”
“Because of such an impromptu schedule change, you just might have to sit on my lap for the meeting,” Bakugo chuckled while patting the area. “I’m sure it will be more comfortable than any chair you have ever sat on.”
He was pushing my buttons and it was working. I wanted nothing more than to not see the smug look right off his face. But, I knew that would only result in more problems. An idea popped into my mind, making a slight smile fall onto my lips. 
I turn my back to the twelve-foot demon and press my ass right on his lap. I push my hips backward; I could feel my lower cheeks brush right against his crotch. Bakugo’s hands immediately sunk into my thighs and helped me spin around so that I was sitting sideways. I wiggled my thighs, under the ruse of getting my comfort, and rubbed against his member once again. That time the mighty emperor sucked in a breath.
“You are playing with fire, Empress,” Bakugo whispered, digging his fingers deeper into my thighs. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Emperor,” I murmured, innocently. 
Every noble in the room had started the meeting by introducing themselves and their stations. Like Izuku Midorya, chief of defense and weapons. Or Todoroki Shoto chief of merchants and foreign goods. Those two were particularly nice and even kissed my hand upon greeting me. Izuku even winked at me when he pulled away, which made a blush erupt on my face. Bakugo growled silently beneath me, but he didn’t say anything. I decided to drive the knife even deeper into the growing wound.
“I look forward to getting to know you, Midorya,” I said sweetly. “Maybe we could have tea sometime soon?”
“It would be my honor, my Empress,” he replied, placing a hand over his heart. “I will be waiting for your invitation.”
“You are too kind,” I cooed, tucking a braid behind my ear. “I have a feeling you’ll make a lovely acquaintance.”
“Acquaintance? You’re breaking my heart, dear Empress,” he professed. “I was hoping to be your dear friend, at least.”
I placed my hand on my mouth and turned away. “Holy cow! He has me blushing like a teenager,” I whispered to myself, hoping that Bakugo would. “I’m gonna have some fun with him.”
“Enough!” The Emperor yelled, startling the entire court. “This meeting is over! The Empress and I have another engagement to tend to. The introductions will resume at a later date.”
“Farewell to all!” I said, rising from Bakugo’s lap. “It was nice seeing all of your beautiful and unique faces! I hope to become great friends with all of you!” 
“Farewell, Empress,” someone called from the far side of the room. “I hope to see you again soon.”
“Goodbye, for now, Your Majesty,” another said. “I will miss gazing upon your immense beauty!”
“Oh, you are just humoring me,” I replied, smiling widely. “I will be back soon. I promise.”
“We miss you already!” Someone else yelled.
“Come to our next meeting!”
“We want to see you every day!”
Red smoke appeared beneath my feet and started twirling up my body. I closed my eyes and attempted to feel the magic encasing my body. I wanted to remember what it felt like, just in case I was given the opportunity to replicate it. Although the palace was nice and I liked the Empress's treatment, I still wanted to go home. Back to where everything was normal. Back to where I could be myself and not a reincarnated soul. The wind started to pick up around us, adding a particular chill down my spine. We were not covered in darkness, but an immense light. It was warm, almost like candlelight. Even the floors were particularly warm and inviting. I opened my eyes to see that we were back in the Empress’ palace. But, unlike before, it was restored. No longer cold and damp, but comfortable and homie. The sheets no longer covered the furniture and the doors looked freshly painted. Even the throne seemed to be dusted and polished; shining even brighter than before. Fresh rose petals were scattered throughout the room, as the soft sound of violins played in the background. 
Romantic was hardly a good word to describe the atmosphere. It was more than that. It oozed passion and poise. It was elegant, as it was refreshing. I could feel some of my stress drip away and my heart warm. I looked back at the towering Emperor, his face still turned up in a scowl and his lips pursed.
“You did this for me?” I asked, taking his hand into mine.
“So what if I did?” He snapped back. “You’re just gonna find a reason to be mad at me anyway.”
A gentle smile fell on my lips, as I felt my body suddenly lift from the ground. Once we were on the same level, I took his face into my hands and looked him in the eye. His crimson eyes began to fade into a bright red the longer he looked at me. His grimace faded into a cocky smirk as he brought his hand to my chin. 
“Are gonna kiss me or what?” He teased.
“I’m starting to think you don’t deserve one,” I admitted, bringing my face closer to his. “After that little stunt, you pulled earlier. Forcing me to meet the nobles. You ain’t slick, demon.”
“You enjoyed it,” Bakugo cackled. “Having dozens of men fawning over you. You were gushing and blushing the whole time. You love being the center of attention.”
I draped my arms over his shoulders and hummed softly. “I don’t recall this ‘gushing’ you speak of. But, I did blush a few times. That Izuku fellow is quite the charmer.”
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you have a crush on the brat,” he said, placing his hands on my waist. He pulled me closer to him; our chests pressed together and our limbs began to intertwine. “Who knows? You’ll probably run away with him the minute I turn my back.”
“Are you jealous, Emperor?” I chirped, my smile getting wider. “Jealous of a mere chief?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” he chuckled. “You are just a royal pain in my ass and so is he. In fact, you two would be perfect together.”
“Maybe I should run away with him,” I joked, gently slipping out of his arms. “He’ll probably treat me better anyway.”
“Come back here, Empress,” he called, taking my wrist and drawing me back to his chest. “Who said I’d let you get away?”
My heart was beating in my chest, so loud it was clouding my thoughts. The heat was radiating from his body and pooling around mine. The look he had in his eye was nothing short of lust and longing. He wanted me. Emperor Bakugo Katsuki of the Underworld wanted me. And I was beginning to want him too. The chemistry between us was undeniable. The longer we stood next to one another, the harder it was to resist each other. The way his hands gripped my hips was sending all kinds of signals to my womanhood. I wanted his hands to touch every inch of my body, along with his mouth. His lips seemed all that more inviting the closer we were. Just a few hours ago, I wanted nothing but to knock him on his ass. Again. But, now, I wanted to do unholy things with the demon before me. 
Before I could think, I pressed my lips against his. I could feel him tense up for a second, before melting into the embrace. His strong arms wrapped around my smaller body and pressed me against a nearby wall. His moans filled the room as his hands kneaded the soft flesh of my rear. The emperor moved the kisses along the side of my face. Kissing along my jaw and against my neck. He sucked and nipped the soft tissue, making my toes curl in response. I pressed my nails into his bare back. Bakugo took his freakishly long tongue and dragged it along the side of my neck and jaw; bringing his mouth right back to mine. He kissed me passionately once more before pulling away.
“I want you,” He purred. His eyes were drilling into my mine. “I’ve wanted you since the night that asshole stripped you naked and tied you to the bed. But, I wanted to wait. I needed you to want me just as much as I wanted you.”
Although it was the bare minimum, the small action proved one great thing: Bakugo may be a demon, but he wasn’t a monster. He respected my agency and didn’t push my boundaries all that much. He could’ve forced himself on me and no one would’ve batted an eye since he was the Emperor. Instead, he let me mourn for my old life in a luxurious room and send me my favorite foods to liven up my mood. Underneath his intimidating size and appearance, he was a really good guy. Or, demon.
“Tell me, Empress,” he said, between kisses. “Tell me you want me, too.”
“I do.”
The emperor lifted me from the wall and walked deeper into the palace. His lips and hands never left my body. He was all over. Kissing my neck, palming my rear, and unzipping my hands. Bakugo was smothering me in affection and I was simply getting drunk off of it. It felt like there had been more than two hands on my body. And, when he placed me on the bed, I realized that there were. Bakugo had grown an extra pair of arms, directly below his previous ones. They were the same length and size, basically identical. But, that wasn’t the only thing added to his appearance. He had tattoos covering his arms and chest. A massive serpent tattoo traveled up his first set of arms, while the heads were displayed on his chest. The other pair of arms paled a little in comparison. There had been a few Japanese words written in kanji on his forearms, while the tips of his fingers looked to be tattooed a deep black. Resembling them being dipped into ink. He had piercings on his nipples and tongue, in addition to the many on his ears. Bakugo, somehow, managed to make himself look even hotter than before; a talent I didn’t know he had.
“I was planning on keeping the glamor up until after we had— you know,” he said, scratching the back of his head. “But, it was getting a little tiring maintaining it. We can stop if you’re uncomfortable.”
“No!” I said a little too quickly. “This is good. Really good.”
The cocky smirk returned to his lips. “Ah, so you prefer my Demon form over the other one? How interesting.” He leaned closer, allowing his body to hover over mine. One of his hands started to pull at the zipper of the catsuit, while another gently pulled out a breast from behind the cloth. “You are almost making it harder to resist fucking you right here and right now.” 
His massive tongue rolled out of his mouth. He lowered his head but kept his eyes on me. Bakugo wrapped the tip of the tongue around my exposed nipple. The foreign sensation made my body shiver. I felt myself arching into his mouth. I wanted more. As if reading my mind, Bakugo lowered his hot mouth onto the bud. He sucked him tenderly, moving his head up and down as he went. I brought my finger to my head and dug them into his hair. My moans filled the room as my body shook with anticipation. His thick fingers inched down my navel and into my waist band. He slid them under my panties and over my sex, before dipping them into my folds.
“I barely even touched you and you are already so wet for me,” he purred, circling my clit slowly. “My Empress, you are so easy to please.”
“Please stop toying with me,” I groaned, moving my hips against his hand. “It’s been so long since I. . . and John wasn’t all that good at it anyway.”
He grimaced at the name. “Let’s not even mention his name.” Bakugo’s fingers slid further down my womanhood and gently pushed into my entrance. “We’ll deal with him at a later time. Let’s just focus on this. Me toying with this tight, sticky pussy of yours.”
He pushed his fingers even deeper and pressed the pads on the roof of my cunt. I gasped loudly and took hold of his robe. Curses spilled from my lips as his digits pumped in and out of me at a beautiful speed. His fingertips were gently massaging my growing g-spot and my walls continued to ooze as a result. Another one of his hands dipped into the waistband. His index and middle finger rested on either side of my clit, while his thumb gently stroked it. Pleasurable sensations were erupting all over my body. My hips were moving on their own, constantly rubbing against his hands, wanting to feel everything. I could feel the pleasure build in the pit of my stomach. My walls started to clench his walls for longer periods the more he fingered my cunt. Suddenly, without warning, Bakugo added a third finger to the mix. Pushing into my slick hole and making me squeal in surprise. There was an interesting burn erupting within my walls.
I pulled on his robe once again, forcing his lips onto mine. Our tongues twirled and danced in each other’s mouths. Eventually, they even fought for dominance. It was then that I felt his fingers move even faster, practically hammering my g-spot. The sheer force of his thrusts moved my lower half on the bed. My hands fell from his robe and my face turned away from his. Deep, throaty pants escaped my throat as the orgasm made a swift appearance. My legs began to tremble as my thighs clenched Bakugo’s hands. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my mouth formed a massive 'o' shape. Liquid shot from my tender center and sprayed all over the silk sheets. 
"Oh…. Fuuuuuck….." I slurred, grinding my hips on his digits.
The emperor maintained his treacherous movements, making the peak last even longer. He didn't stop until my body stopped shaking against his arms. But, by then, my slick coated his palms and was creating quite the wet spot underneath my ass. He slipped his fingers out. They wrinkled from the activity— my juices were stringy around the digits and made them rather sticky.
The emperor smiled. "I can already tell that pussy is gonna be the death of me," he said, slipping the fingers into his mouth. He moaned at the taste. "You even taste sweet."
I allowed my back to crash against the bed and kept my eyes trained on the ceiling as I caught my breath. "Holy shit," I said in disbelief. "I don't think I've ever cum that hard before."
His hot mouth pressed hot kisses against my breasts, up my neck, and finally to my lips. He fondled my nipple as his tongue explored my mouth for the millionth time tonight. When he pulled away, Emperor Bakugo had a shit-eating grin on his face. 
"Don't get too comfortable," he chirped.
With a snap of his finger, the remaining clothes on our bodies vanished into thin air. Leaving us both stark naked. And, just like his arms, Bakugo had two members. Both are thick, girthy, and rippled with veins. They were approximately the size of my forearm. Pre-cum made their tips bright and shiny.  The longer I looked at them, the more I wanted to touch them. Taste them. Fill my cunt with them. Surely, I wasn’t prepared to take them both at the same time. Anal was something I truly never tried and didn't feel the need to. However, I was pretty sure there were positions to accommodate both members.
"We are just getting started."
a/n: The full scene is posted on my Ko-fi page. This piece was literally seventeen pages, single-spaced. Meaning it was 13k words in total. Only y'all can get this outta me because I would have NEVER done this for myself lol
Lemme know if y'all like longer fics versus the standard (which is about three 2k-3k).
Vote for the next piece by commenting on this post, Ko-Fi, or you could send me a pm /ask!
We have:
Dhampir(Half Vampire/Half Human) Shoto x Reader----> y/n finds his coffin in her new house (roommate au)
BullHydrid!AllSmite x Reader---> She inherits a farm from her family and All Smite is the mean/rude farm hand (enemies to lovers)
Ghost!Aizawa x reader---> a long-haired ghost lives in y/n's closet and occasionally steals the pillows off her bed.
pls pls pls comment! I love to hear your thoughts and feedback. And lemme know if y'all want a part two!
Taglist: @cosmicdoechii @carnationsinjanuary @pluisje1402 @turtleducker @fleursthecure @isabel6196 @zoowemamasblog @143ig @qtbxnnykd @pinkwiggthicass @intensitylikesbees @queenotaku27 @cathwritestragediesnotsins @mianeko @ingids @scar3dspid3r @jujuwitchsstuff @bakuhoe-x @unknownforknotsuwn @tsunami-of-emotions @agnl2000 @cherriesdemure @eijiandkatspebble @idkwhatiamdoing048 @princesslina17 @uvula6927 @raina190 @misakik28 @bitchubby @obsessed-tyrant @kingsheir @lonerovo @loveupeople @levislifeline @missrize24 @chubbygrimpanda20 @caffytaffy
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wing-ed-thing · 1 year
Bloodline (Uryū x Reader)
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Word Count: 1k
Tags/Warnings: @toofilthy Arranged Marriage AU, Childhood Friends, Quincy!Reader, Timeline Who?, Canon Divergence for the sake of DRAMA
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The members of your family have entered forced arranged marriages for as long as you could remember. The few aunties, uncles, and cousins you had had their spouses selected seemingly at random. The unions as partnerships for something greater than yourselves, all of it in the name of survival for the minuscule Quincy population. Or so you were told.
You and Uryū were lucky. 
Out of all the men you could have been betrothed to, you were lucky that it was to your best friend. Although, it was a natural choice, one that you were never worried about. The choice had been, in fact, through the process of elimination as you were the only Quincies that were eligible (save for the older Ryūken and a first cousin that was far too young for Uryū). 
It could have been worse. Uryū had plenty of positive qualities if not characteristics that could only be described as safe and boring. Clean. Smart. Noble. It could have been worse.
Safe and boring was just fine when it was just the two of you. Left out of the loop together and told nothing of the vague agenda that was whispered about quietly behind closed doors. 
You studied his smooth, angular face as you sat on the carpet in Ryūken’s study. You recalled the familiar door to the office many times, never daring to enter despite the many years you made yourself at home in the Ishida household. It was off-limits to you as a child. Even in your adulthood, as you were forced into a caretaker role through cultural pressure, the closest you came to the office was a quick knock to notify Ryūken of dinner. And now, you and Uryū had fearlessly infiltrated.
He handed you papers absentmindedly as he rifled through cabinets and files. You sorted them around your knees, watching as he rolled his sleeves to his elbows. His forearms had filled out. A vein traveled down his right forearm, barely visible under his skin. Uryū’s broad shoulders flexed as he dug further into books and papers. He shifted to steady himself on one knee. 
It surprised you. There used to be a time when Uryū would have made himself sick at the thought of defying his father. If you didn’t know better, you would have guessed he’s done this before.
There was a time when you had been taller. You remembered how scrawny he used to be, how your shoe size used to be the same. You watched the fire of determination in his eyes, certain that something had changed but uncertain as to what that was. 
The communication between the two of you was wordless. Uryū said nothing as he continued to hand random stacks from Ryūken’s desk to you, not bothering with an explanation. You scanned what you could in the dark room, trying to piece together what it was you were looking for.  You remembered a time when Uryū went along with whatever you wanted. Quiet Uryū. Complacent Uryū. Truly, as dedicated as you were to him, he could never tell you what the fire in his soul sought and you would follow him to the ends of the earth.
Uryū plucked up a beige book, standing as he flipped through it. You filled in the place where he knelt before, cramming a pile of files back where he found them and smuggling a few torn pages inside the breast pocket on your jacket. He muttered to himself as he read, getting quieter as he scanned the pages. Uryū’s eyebrows rose, then knitted. His nose crinkled in disgust. You closed the desk drawer, the wood making a quiet scraping sound as you did.
“Now you’re in my room without permission? That’s twice now.” 
You almost jumped at the voice. You peeked over the top of the desk. Ryūken stood in the doorway, backlit by the harsh light of the hallway—the yellow glow cast into the dark office, illuminating Uryū’s scowling face. You rose from your crouching position. A similar grimace contorted your face as Ryūken’s attention shifted to you. He spoke your name slowly, offering you a slight nod as if to acknowledge your mutual defiance. 
“You’ve read this, right? Is it true?” Uryū’s eyes widened in anger. The book snapped shut, his arm swinging down by his side. You quickly snatched it up under the desk as Uryū stood in front of you instinctually. You remembered a time when— “I see, so you’ve known everything all along. About the Wandenreich, about the one who’s leading them… about mom even.” 
“Uryū, I told you this doesn’t concern you.” Ryūken shifted as if to maneuver around Uryū’s shoulder from afar. He spoke your name again. “That goes for you too. I am disappointed, although I can’t say I’m surprised.” Ryūken’s eyes narrowed. “I suppose this was your idea.” 
“Maybe you raised a son who is a bad influence,” you spat, as you turned to morph deeper into Uryū’s shadow. You knew you were never Ryūken’s first choice for his son. You weren’t even his second, but with the state of things, the Ishida men were stuck with you at this point whether Ryūken approved or not. 
You could feel a seething rage radiating off of Uryū; this was his fight. You held your tongue.
Uryū’s slender fingers gently grasped the cuff of your sleeve and quickly tugged you out of the office. Ryūken allowed it, standing a few feet in front of the door. A seething heat radiated off of Uryū. The fabric under his fingers crinkled under his tight grip as he avoided eye contact with his father. You had no issue meeting Ryūken’s pointed gaze even in your selective silence. He cleared his throat as you made your way down the hall.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Uryū stopped, causing you to almost run into his back. Ryūken stood where he was, pivoting slightly to face the two of you. You were the only one to look back, barely noticing how Ryūken’s eyes darted to the book you still held in your hand. You turned to Uryū who had fallen frozen where he stopped. You focused Ryūken in your peripheral.
“If you refuse to tell us anything about the Wandenreich, then we’re going to figure it out for ourselves. We deserve to know.” Your hand traveled up Uryū’s arm, your sleeve breaking away from his nervous grip. You squeezed his bicep reassuringly as you came to stand next to him. Your head swiveled over your shoulder. “We are the new generation, Mr. Ishida. Continue to stand out of the way.”
You tugged Uryū forward, guiding him down the hallway as Ryūken watched the two of you disappear. 
Perhaps not many things changed after all.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
Notes: I spoke not too long ago to a friend whose family comprised of arranged marriages. She has 5 aunts and told me about one who was fortunate enough to have married her best friend. She said that her aunt and uncle have a loveless marriage, but are good friends that make it work. I know there’s a difference for many people between “arranged” and “forced” marriages, but I touched on them here in the same way my friend described them in her culture where the term was interchangeable in her community.
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rendy-a · 1 year
I saw the househusband au and thought of how Ruggie would be as a househusband. You can decline if you’d like to ^^
Of course, I’ll take it!  I hope you enjoy this househusband musing.  Thank you for requesting.
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Ruggie’s frugal nature follows him to your home life.  He knows how to scrape by on very little and he doesn’t see why you should live any differently.  He takes advantage of sales, which leads to very eclectic meals at home.  Some days, you’ll have pasta topped with things you swear pasta isn’t meant to be paired with.  Other times, you might have soup ten days in a row because it was such a good sale.  Ultimately, when he proudly shows you the growing savings account, you can only smile and continue to indulge him.  He is just so happy to have that safety net for once in his life!
You’ll never need to call a handy man when you’re married to Ruggie.  He is endlessly creative at solving problems around the home.  If things break, he is pulling out his phone to watch videos on how to repair it.  Don’t call someone, he can do it!  And finally, if he really can’t fix it, he will find a way to repurpose your old junk for new uses once you’ve replaced it.  He is the type to turn old TV’s into pet beds or aquariums like you see on Magicam.  Waste not, want not!
Don’t go to an expensive hair salon, manicurist or masseuse, Ruggie will gladly do those things for you!  Even if he didn’t know how to do those things before, you can bet he is going to learn how to!  Why pay for someone else to do these personal things for you when your loving spouse can instead?  Plus, he gets all warm and fuzzy inside when he gets to rub your head while washing your hair or hold your hand when filing your nails.  It’s also couple’s time!
Back in the old neighborhood, Ruggie used to take care of all the children like they were his siblings.  These days, he still seems to be well known by all the neighborhood children.  If you go for a walk, you are guaranteed to have at least one child run up and ask your spouse if he wants to come play.  “Sorry, I’m a little busy right now but maybe next time.  Shishishi.” 
After a long day of housework, he likes to lay his head in your lap and get his ears rubbed.  It’s pleasant to card your fingers through his hair and rub the velvet-soft ears.  He sighs with satisfaction and snuggles deeper into your lap.  It’s a task you don’t mind at all, but you still like to tease him about it.  You tell him he is getting as lazy as Leona, laying around all evening like this.  He responds that he certainly feels like a prince when you treat him like this.  You suppose a few extra minutes might be ok tonight.
You arrive home at the usual hour and open the door to your home.  Ruggie hears you enter and pokes his head out of the kitchen to tell you dinner is almost ready.  You take off your jacket and rub your aching shoulder, it was a long day!  Then you smile at the mouth-watering aromas coming from the kitchen and head to the dining room to await what promises to be a delicious dinner. 
You don’t have long to wait before Ruggie sets a plate down in front of you.  It does look delicious, but you can only frown at it.  Ruggie sees your expression and asks, “Something wrong?”  You look at him, “This is steak.”  He looks sheepish, “Yeah, so?”  You give it another look; it’s a good cut of meat.  “What did you do?”  He looks away and says, “What, a guy can’t make a nice meal for their spouse?”  You give him A LOOK.  “Ok, fine, fine,” he says with a sigh. 
“You know my Grannie,” he starts, “the most wonderful, amazing old lady that ever lived?  The one who single-handedly raised me without ever asking for anything in return?”  You narrow your eyes, “I do seem to recall such a woman, yes.  Go on.”  He swallows and smiles nervously before continuing.  “Well, she is going to have this surgery on her knee.  The doctors say she should get a nurse to help her out for a while after the surgery.  Only, I was thinking, nurses are expensive and I’m home all day anyway so…why doesn’t she just come stay here while she recovers?”  You raise an eyebrow, “How long is this recovery time?”  He rubs the back of his head while answering, “One month.”
Granny Bucchi is a firecracker of an old woman.  She tells the craziest stories, both about young Ruggie and her own life.  Your favorites are obviously about Ruggie and you ask for at least one embarrassing story each day.  You tell your spouse that you’ll have so much blackmail by the end of the visit, you’ll be feeling like Azul.  He does not seem amused by the idea, but you plan to make the most of this opportunity.  You’ll be getting foot massages for at least a year on this.
The biggest downside is that you are really feeling the lack of privacy.  Once or twice, you did slip away for some private time with your favorite guy but the mischievous smile and laugh that Granny gave you the next day always makes you feel like a misbehaving teenager.  So, when the month was up, you were rather eager to send Granny home to Sunset Savanah.  You drive her to the train station and wave from the platform as she gets on the train.  Right as the train starts pulling away, you see Granny look at Ruggie and give him a conspiratorial wink.  What was that about?
When you get home, Ruggie tells you Granny left a gift and tells you that he will bring it out.  He emerges from the kitchen with two flutes of champagne and an open bottle grasped between his fingers.  You smile and take a glass from him.  As you ‘cheers’ with your glasses, you ask your spouse, “What does Granny want to get us liquored up for?”  Ruggie gets a conspiratorial grin (obviously this is an inherited expression) and says, “Oh, she said now that we don’t have an old woman around the house, maybe we’d talk about getting some great grandchildren for her.  Shishishi.”  You were alone and had all night free; who knows, maybe Granny will get her wish.
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sophiainspace · 5 months
Snowflake Challenge #1 and #5
Challenge #1: Update your fandom information. Post your answer to today’s challenge in your own space and leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.
Me: Oh hey, it's time for the fandom Snowflake Challenge again. Sure, I can update my fic masterlist, that won't take long
*2 hours later*
Well, here's my updated Fic Masterpost. Turns out it was 2019 when I last updated this thing. All 82 of my damn fics should now be listed here. Hopefully. Now I just need to copy this to Dreamwidth...
(I already updated my About Me post fairly recently.)
Challenge #5: Search in your current space, whether brick-and-mortar or digital. Post a picture (a link to a picture will be fine!) or description of something that is or represents:
I did cheat and look for some of these pics on the internet, but a fair few were in my files and/or my house...
1. Something your favorite character would like
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Sure we've all headcanoned Len's favourite ice creams but why are we sleeping on Mick Rory's flaming desserts
2. Something that makes you laugh
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I sent this to my spouse recently. They liked it
3. A fandom place you would like to visit
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4. A fandom creator (pro or not) you'd like to meet
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I am recently obsessed with Slayers and its co-author, Amber Benson. And I had this saved in files for some reason so...
5. Something you find comforting
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I really wish I had some in the house right now, but I'm not leaving this bed even for chocolate
6. Something from a favorite TV series or movie from your childhood
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Can't believe I don't have some fandom memorabilia in my house from this, my first fandom and still the best. I looked.
7. A piece of clothing you love
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There's a lot of btvs stuff in this list.
8. A book or song with a color in the title
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'Rainbow' might be cheating, but this was the only colour-related book I could see in my Kindle library. (I was using it for work recently. Some of the chapters are so good!)
9. Something only someone in your fandom would understand
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Why had I saved this to my files. Why.( I mean clearly the answer is always "fic" but still)
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
If you’re still taking Soulmate prompts: parental Mic to Izuku where Inko tries to fight back because that’s her child, only for all her neglect to be shoved into the open? (Mixed with maybe Inko disliking the fact Izuku’s romantic soulmate is two people instead of one and at least one name is male…)
Ajdjjshsn Y E S just all the parental Mic okay.
Izuku was born with three names. One on their left and two on their right.
Their mom hated all three of them.
“Those are boy names, Izuku,” She hissed at them, scrubbing a cloth over their right wrist even though it was long past red and raw. “Two of them!”
Like Izuku could have stopped them from forming. Like they hadn’t already been printed on their skin from the moment they were born. Like Izuku had asked for Tokoyami Fumikage and Aoyama Yuuga to be their soulmates before they were even out of the womb. (They knew that most of it was their mother’s insistence that she had a son not a child. Knew that I’d it had been two girl’s names on their wrist that a lot of the anger, of the time spent rubbing their wrists in the vain attempt to rub the not ink straight off, would have been avoided all together)
It was their left wrist that was the bigger problem in her eyes. Two words in the green-gray ink of an incomplete parental bond. A damnation, in their mother’s eyes, agaisnt the parents Izuku had been born to, for all that one had left and the other… well the other was her.
‘Yamada Hizashi’.
There were times, when Izuku was alone late at night while their mother was working at the hospital curled under their All Might blanket and listening to the sound of Present Mic’s voice from their cracked phone, that they wished Hizashi would find them. Would take them away from this place forever. Would make sure they didn’t have to be alone and would hold them when they cried and wouldn’t rub their wrists raw before covering them in too tight bandages.
(Alone on a rooftop with sludge rattling in their lungs and their heart spiked into the street far below by a man they had idolized, Izuku wished for Hizashi so hard that it hurt.)
They had all but given up on that dream by the time they walked into UA for their entrance exam. All but given up hope of their platonic soulmate ever finding them. (They were nearly sixteen now, after all. What use was a parental bond if they were already an adult when it was formed?)
Then the Zero pointer happened. Then Izuku shattered both legs and their right arm. Then Present Mic ran to them with terror in their green eyes and Izuku’s name on their lips.
Most heroes didn’t publicize their civilian names, but as a teacher Present Mic would have seen their application.
Which was how Izuku found themself healed and wrapped in a too big hoodie in one of the offices in the main building only a few minutes later. Present Mic, Hizashi Yamada, frowned down at their phone as it went to voicemail again.
“I told you she wouldn’t answer. She’s at work.”
“Listener, you powdered three of your limbs. I don’t care if she’s on the damn moon.”
They ended up going home with Hizashi and their husband (“Just call me Shouta, kid. None of that formality from my spouse’s child.”) their mom calls the police on them for kidnapping the next morning despite the dozens of phone calls and texts left ignored and the formal notice filed through the PYHU agency that outlines a clear case of child abandonment and acknowledgment that as the parental soulmate Hizashi is well within their rights to act as Izuku’s guardian if their mother is not available.
There, sitting in the Yamazawa living room with a cat on their lap and a detective in a trench coat looking at them with sad eyes, Izuku decides they’re tired of wishing. Tired of waiting for someone to save them. They decide that maybe it’s time that they save themself.
“She hurt me.”
“True.” The detective responds immediately. His quirk not allowing him to do anything else.
“She abandoned me.”
“I want to stay here.”
The detective smiled, soft. Kind. “True. Let’s make that a reality, kid.”
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mcx7demonbros · 1 year
I’m Running for President
Ft. GN!MC, the Demon Brothers
C/W. None. It’s like politics, but no political position stated. It’s just a fun read.
No proofread
N.B. “President” here doesn’t necessarily mean President of the United States. It could be President of any country.
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You are fed up with how your country is running and where it is heading, so you have decided: you’re running for the presidency. Because it’s an important decision to make, so after filing all the necessary papers, you decided to talk with your treasured family - the Demon Brothers.
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The eldest’s eyes widened in surprise a little when you said you were running for presidency. Honestly, the idea of you running for presidency never crossed his mind. When you first arrived in the Devildom, you were no different from a small scared animal, from Lucifer’s perspective. But at that moment, you were like a lion fighting to seize control of the territory and its habitants from an unworthy opponent. He couldn’t help but feel pride swelling in his chest.
“Go for it.” Lucifer gave you his support. “I’m looking forwards to the result. Though whatever it may be, I’m very proud of you.”
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“Running for President? Pffft…hahaha…with that absentminded stare, ya not gonna convince anyone to vote for ya.” Mammon tried to mask his worry for you by laughing. The second eldest read a lot about assassinated politicians, and it haunted him, he thought that 99.8% of presidents got shot and died somewhere during their presidency or political career.
“Mammon,” you looked at his eyes, held his hand and said, “I know what I’m doing. I know it’s dangerous, but I can’t just ignore whatever is taking place in my country. Beside, presidents are heavily protected. On top of that, different from other presidents, I have you, Mammon, my first demon.”
A drop of tear nearly escaped Mammon’s eye corner. “Alright, do what ya believe is right. Other things like security, just let the Great Mammon take care of them.”
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“What!? You’re running for the presidency?” Levi was completely bewildered and torn. On one hand, he felt happy for you, you were taking a bug step there to help your country and to reach the top of the world, it’s like the protagonists in anime and manga. On the other hand, Levi’s only friend was going to leave him because if you were to be elected, you would have to time to play games with him anymore
Though the positive emotion in Levi soon overcame the negative one the more he thought about you and your conviction.
“Just like the protagonist, you’re going to save the world. Promise to never forget your best friend.” Levi demanded. “If you broke the promise, you would be cursed and be swallowed by a sea monster.”
“Alright, I promise.” You even made a otaku move of oath with Levi.
A few days later, you spotted a comment on one of your opponents’ videos, from an account named Levi3chan69, saying “This guy’s a joke. He doesn’t know how to run a country. Vote MC! MC 20XX [sheep flag].” Normally, you wouldn’t let online comments get into your head to focus on your campaign, but this comment particularly put a smile on your face.
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“Are you sure?” Satan asked.
“I’m sure.” You answered the fourth born without hesitation.
“Alright, if it is competing the presidency that you want, I’ll support you wholeheartedly.”
“Thank you, Satan.”
“By the way, do you need a campaign director?”
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When Asmo heard about your decision, he couldn’t help but worry. Like his brothers, he asked about your resolve. After you reconfirmed that you would run, Asmo showed you his support.
“MC, to run for president, it’s important to look your best to attract people to look at you and listen to you. So let me take care of your make-up.”
During one of your make-up sessions, Asmo suddenly asked. “Hey MC, you will need a partner during your campaign and a First Lady/Gentlemen/Spouse if you’re elected, right? Have you decided which of us for the position?”
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Beel only realized what you had said after swallowing the burger he was having. After you showed your determination when he asked for it, Beel showed his support for you.
“Understood. Focus on your campaign, whatever harm seeks you, I’ll shield you from it.” Beel gave you a burger among the ones he was devouring. “Always make sure to eat your meal. Eating is important, president or not.”
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“MC, come, let’s cuddle.” Belphie said the moment he saw you. You told Belphie your decision to run for President during your cuddle session.
“Hey, Belphie. I’m gonna run for President.”
“Hehe, good joke, MC. Now, let’s sleep.”
“I’m serious.”
Belphie opened wide his ready-to-close eyes.
“Presidency is a hassle you don’t need, MC. You will become grumpy like Lucifer.”
“I know. But I believe I have to do it.”
“Very well.” Belphie smiled at you before pulling you into a tight cuddle. “Sleep is important. A President will need to make sure they get enough sleep. Otherwise, you will become grumpy Lucifer 2.0.”
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skylarmoon71 · 1 year
Aaron Hotchner- Oneshot (Criminal Minds)
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"Hotch, you need to see this."
There was a part of him that thought he knew what he was walking into. They'd just rescued a victim from an unsub that took quite a while to track. So when they got there and the man was already subdued, unconscious on the ground, Hotch was relieved.
Through their survey of the woman's house, it became apparent that this wasn't a normal freelance photographer. The many papers and maps of the DC district caught him off guard. His eyes ran over the stickers placed expertly on all the locations of the previous murders. All leading up to your house.
"We need to get her back to quantico."
It's obvious now that there are a few things he needs answered.
When they seat you in the interrogation room. Your face remains neutral. You can't say you didn't see this coming.
"Aren't you going to ask for a phone call?"
"I think the first sign of guilt is rushing to get my attorney Agent Morgan." He smiled, turning his eyes to the glass behind him.
"Good call."
No one told you why you were brought here. You had an inkling feeling you knew why though. The actual killer was probably locked up. So that could only mean one thing.
"They found the maps."
You were so sure you had this under wraps. When someone else entered, your form straightened. He oozed authority. His gait, stature, eyes. Everything about him just emitted leadership.
"My name is Aaron Hotchner. I'm the Unit Chief of this department." He brushed his tie, taking a seat. He dropped the file case onto the table, opening the folder. You swallowed.
"Why am I here?" You need to keep your voice level.
"How did you know Mr. Keller would be at your house?"
You were right.
"I saw the news. Figured I was better safe than sorry."
"There was no way to know he'd come after you specifically."
"Life is unpredictable. I was prepared. "
"I noticed the other markings in your maps. You seem to have a strange hobby."
"What can I say, maps intrigue me."
"It says here that you live alone. No family or spouse."
"Is there a question in there somewhere Agent Hotchner."
Morgan observed the interaction carefully.
"You don't seem very concerned about your position." Hotch stated
"I'm innocent. What do I have to be concerned about? You came in here and intentionally stated your name and position. A tactic used to disarm and intimidate. Your agent here was being overly friendly, building a rapport with me in hopes that I would lower my guard and unintentionally spill some kind of information on the case. Except I'm not some crazed fan, or killer. So you can drop the act. "
Morgan couldn't hide his surprise. When you realized all that you said, you pulled your hands off the table. Hotch studied the action. Your hands were now laying in your lap defensively.
On the other side of the glass Reid, Prentiss and Rossi were conversing.
"Did you see that kid?" Reid nods.
"She profiled him." Reid mutters in awe. The buzzing of Reid's phone made him look away. He answered.
"Hey Garcia."
"Hi, so I did a deep dive on your little photographer. For the most part it's pretty normal. On social media there's shots of all the gigs she's done. Her work is pretty popular. Bank accounts are average. No strange transactions. Aside from her love for fantasy romance novels online, there's nothing that even significantly suggests serial killer. "
"Why do I feel like there's a but coming?"
"Ever the genius. But! Three years ago she was involved in a shooting. She was shot point blank in a bank heist. Reid, it says here that she saved a child. Eight year old Shelly Combs. The doctors called her recovery miraculous. From what I can tell, she's a hero. After that is where it gets a bit strange."
"Strange how."
"Well I'm reading some of her online activities. Before the accident there was very little information on any kind of brain teasers. But five months ago that increased. There's these mini tournaments they hold. You basically create names and compete. It helps you interact with people all around the world. The challenges range from historical events, to math, to psychology. Just about any kind of intellectual challenge. Reid, from what I'm seeing here-"
"She's a genius..." He muttered.
"Thank you Garcia."
Reid hung up the phone, and Rossi turned.
"Good news."
"I think I figured out why she had those maps." He didn't say much more, just headed for the door. Both Hotch and Morgan turned upon his entrance. The door closed and Reid approached.
"What day were you born? "
You narrowed your eyes.
"You have the files, why are you asking me?"
"I think you know."
Hotch caught the brief look of uncertainty cross your eyes.
"March 24th, 1982. 12:25pm. Saint Bonaventure Hospital. San Jose, California. "
"How many lakes are there in Texas?"
"Seven Thousand and Three. "
"How many are natural?"
"Only one has been recorded as a natural lake. Caddo. Located in East Texas. "
"How many bones are there in the body?"
"Two Hundred and Six. Four in the leg, twenty-seven in the hands, twenty six in the foot-" You stopped yourself, exhaling heavily. When you reached to press a hand to your temple, Reid concluded his study. They'd gotten it all wrong.
"Hotch, you can let her go. She's not an unsub."
They were a little confused when Reid walked in spouting random facts, but when you started answering, it all became clear.
"You were in a shooting, that's why you still get migraines. " You frowned. This was what you had been trying so hard to avoid.
"They were right about you. Spencer Reid. The youngest to join the FBI. A genius."
"I could say the same about you."
"I'm not a genius." The insinuation alone seemed to agitate you.
"A bullet went through my head. Straight into the frontal lobe. For most people that guarantees death, but I got dumb headaches and a brain that now needs constant information to stay active. You must be pretty proud of yourself."
They realized that the topic wasn't exactly one you wanted to have.
"You were tracking the unsub, trying to solve the case." When he saw your hand ball into a fist, he knew he'd hit the mark.
"I was too late. When I saw the first body I tried triangulating the others. I had an estimate for the other two women, but when I called the precinct I kept getting denied. They thought I was another person looking for fame. The last one is where I spotted the pattern. How ironic that it led right back to me. It felt justified. Why should I live when two innocent people who didn't stand a chance lost their lives. It wasn't fair."
There was regret and shame in your eyes. All of which they could all relate too. There was very little Hotch could say that would give you a piece of mind. So he decided right then, why not give you a reason, something to help you move on.
"If you were given the chance, would you help people?"
Your eyes darted up. There's a bit of hesitance, he can see that. But also hope.
"I..." You gulp.
"I'd like to try."
That was all he needed to hear.
"So you're just like our boy wonder." Garcia was currently probing you for information. While you kept adjusting your blazer.
"Not exactly. I don't have any qualifications to be an actual agent. So I'm consulting. I've applied to start my studies in Criminology."
"But you are smart."
The statement pauses your constant fidgeting.
"I'm not." Your eyes move to Reid. He's filling out a crossword. Your eyes mark each movement.
"He'll be done in five seconds." Garcia scoffs.
"There's no way you can know that he'll be-"
"Done." Reid states, placing the paper down. When Garcia gapes at Reid, he raises a brow.
"What." Reid asks.
"It's nothing." You head for the bathroom.
You feel a bit annoyed. It was wrong of you to get riled up over this. But everytime they compared you to Reid, it felt like an insult to him. He was special. You weren't. A part of you knows you really have no place in the BAU. But you wanted to help. Regardless of your insecurities. You never even made it to the bathroom. You were just standing at the side, staring at the images of respected agents. Ironic this is where you ended up.
"Are you regretting your decision?" Hotch's voice pulls you out of your little pity party.
"I don't regret it. I just feel like I'm in high school again trying to prove I belong. "
"You have nothing to prove. I asked you to come."
"I know."
"Then you know you're capable of a lot. I didn't ask you here so you can compare yourself to anyone. I want your insight. You'll be a part of this team."
He's right. All he expected was what he already knew you were capable of. But it doesn't stop you from worrying. That at some point you'll fall short, and that will cost someone their life. So you banish the thought from your mind. For now, maybe you just have to focus on what you can control.
"What's the case?"
He just sends you a smile, and you fight back one of your own as you head to the table with the rest of the team.
As the weeks fly by, you find yourself becoming more comfortable with the team. Your very first case was a bit gruesome.
The profile has led you to believe that whoever this is, he's not reliving some traumatic childhood memory. He enjoys this. The pain it causes not just his victims, but the family. That's why when they were about to confront the unsub, you weren't in the field. You didn't have the training to be out there with them. They'd told you to stay at the station while they went through the list Garcia compiled of possible suspects.
So you wait.
But sitting around in that building was making you anxious. They've been gone for a while, yet still no word. All you'd done was step out of the precinct for a few minutes to get some air clear your head.
"Sir, right now we're working to find the man responsible. There's nothing else we can do, please go home." From the exasperated tone of the officer, you know this man has probably visited multiple times. It's understandable.
The older man turns to you, and you mean to walk over and comfort, but something about his body language is off. You aren't sure why, but you mentally go over the profile in your head.
"He may be unsuspecting. There's a good chance he'll insert himself into the investigation. A concerned relative, even a reporter."
Swallowing, you do your best to school your features.
"Is there something I can help you with?" You hope your voice isn't too shaky.
"It's just my daughter, she was taken by that monster."
His sadness lacks the usual markers you spot from a person that grieves. You take a small step back. There's no way for you to run without him picking up on it. You're scared.
"Can you help me?" He takes a step forward.
"I-I'll talk to one of the officers. Just stay right there." You try to move back, but he pulls out a gun. Someone screams, and others scramble from in front of the station. You know cops will begin rushing out in the matter of seconds. If it comes down to it, he'd start shooting recklessly. His plan was to go down with as many people as he can. Without thinking you jump at him. He doesn't anticipate it, neither do you. Both your bodies tumble, and a shot goes off.
The bullet has struck your shoulder, but the gun is out of his reach.
The yell of many officers echo, and you keep your head pressed to the floor. Your attacker isn't as obedient. He jumps upright, charging at them, and a number of bullets resound in the area. You just stare as he falls like a tree right in front of you. He's merely a few inches away, and his face is directly in front of you, eyes wide, body unmoving. Your entire body is shaking. Whether from shock, or fear, you don't know. Even when an officer rushes to help you to your feet, you don't really move. Those eyes seem engraved in your mind. They carry you away, and all you can do is wait for the team.
"Thankfully the bullet went directly through. We're keeping her overnight for observation, but she'll be cleared to leave tomorrow. I'd suggest she take time off to get fully healed. "
"Thank you."
Hotch shakes the man's hand as he walks away. When Hotch turns back, they all seem to rise from their seats.
"They're going to keep her overnight, but she's fine. " Garcia exhales, and Morgan rubs her shoulder. Everyone looks more relaxed.
"You all should get some rest. We had a tough case. I'm going to see her."
For the most part they seem reluctant, but there's a subtle look of guilt in Hotch's eyes. He blames himself. Rossi gives his shoulder a squeeze.
"Get some rest yourself Aaron." He nods, and they disperse. Hotch watches them exit, turning back to head down the hallway. When he turns a corner, he knocks on the door before him as he enters.
Your head lifts, and you smile.
Your tone is loud and peppy. You press your fingers to your lips as he closes the door.
"Shhhhh! Don't be so loud."
He stifles a laugh. It's obvious that you were high on painkillers.
"What did they give you?" He asks to take a seat.
"Morrrrphineeeee." You grin.
"It seems you have a very low tolerance."
"Yep!! Runs in the family." You basically sing.
He leans back in the chair, and you look at him.
"Why so sad?"
You push out your lips, and he wishes he had a camera to record this behavior. Because when you came to, he was sure you wouldn't believe a word. His eyes run over your body. The bandages on your shoulder trigger his guilt.
"I'm the reason you got hurt. I brought you into this. I left you unprotected."
"It's not your fault Hotchy. You're a good boss. You gave me a job!! Now I fight crime like a hero. We're like Batman and Robin." You whisper the last part like it's a secret.
"Thank you for looking out for me Batman." Your head presses back into the pillow, and Hotch can't help but feel relieved that it all worked out. It appears you're drifting off to sleep. He just reaches over, gently taking your hand, and you squeeze it softly.
"Thanks Hotchy.." You murmur.
"You're welcome."
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spacecadet-sims · 10 days
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Leah spent the last few years of her life trying to prove that her move was the best decision. She wracked her brain for ideas on how to convince her friends, family, and fellow artists that she wasn't going to wind up a complete and utter failure out in Pelican Town. During a quick conversation with her ex-mentor, Leah found herself backed into another corner defending herself. Lucky, an art buyer she had been conversing with over the past few weeks was arriving to pick up a newly finished piece. You saved her from a long, tedious conversation, and, likely, future embarrassment. But, when she opened the door and put a face to the voice, her brain shut overloaded. She was... awestruck.
@spacecadet-sims’ Simdew Valley Leah Spouse Application below:
Elliott's application here
Who's the mysterious buyer? Submit your sim for consideration with the application below!
Human sims only.
Any gender, race, etc.
Please complete 2 everyday looks, and one look for each other category. CC is fine and encouraged. Limit use of alpha hair, please.
Tag your submission with #spacecadetsdv and @ me in the post.
Name: Age: Gender & Sexuality: Pronouns: Occupation: Traits: Aspiration: Likes: Dislikes: Misc. Facts: Bio:
If selected, please ready a file that includes all the cc for your sim. :) Let me know if you have any questions! All of the 11 other singles in Pelican Town will be available as well once I complete their houses. I will no longer be doing the SDV Expanded singles since my game glitched, and I’m bummed about wasting my time lol. I’m also considering allowing applications for other non-canon game singles like Willy or Gus, if anyone is interested.
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redabeliz · 14 days
I made a gofundme because things have gotten really bad. I thought we would be able to hold out, but we can't. I can't.
I've been homeless since the start of this month (May 2024) when someone crashed into the back of our RV as my spouse was moving it to our 3 acres of land. We were at an RV park that was literally 14 minutes away from the land. They were just about to turn into the street.
Our son is 2 years old. He was with my mother in law when it happened, and I was at work. We have been staying with my spouses sister, but she is going through her own things and will be moving states. Her lease ends in June. We will have to drive 6 hours to my mom's state and drop our son off where we will not know when we'll see him again or if my mother would file for full custody. She has hated me since I came out as bisexual and nonbinary at 14 and again at 16 when I moved out.
She has and will continue to do everything to hurt me. I know it will not stop at our son, but we have no one else to take him in while we try to get everything fixed while being homeless. She loves boys, so I know she will treat him the best she can, but I dont want her to try and take him away forever.
I do not know which would be easier: just getting an apartment an hour and a half away from the land despite not having 3 paystubs, then having to save up for a shed, the plumbing, and a new car or just get a shed and then worry abt everything else later? The RV park we were staying at said we could use their showers and bathrooms until we got a hang of everything.
I used to work for a nursing agency where I got paid $22/hr (after-tax 20.8), but they haven't paid me for 4 months, and the owner just now went to court and I'm a part of a long line to get paid my 3k. My new job I started the day before the accident only pays $15/hr, and the after-tax is more like $13.3.
The guy that crashed into us was well off, and his insurance was "federated insurance," but we couldn't get ahold of them (the three that are under that name), and the deputy in charge of our case went on vacation and won't be back for "a few days". We have the address of the guy and we left a note in the hopes that he'd work with us, but we may need to take him to small claims court which is a whole 'nother bag of shit.
Everything's been so hard, and I've been so depressed idk how much more I can handle. My spouse and I may separate because we are just so devoid of hope and any feelings besides stress right now. It may be best to put everything aside and start over when we become stable. We just don't know what kind of people we'll be after this.
I don't expect to make the full goal, even half would be awesome.
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jqbasesave · 1 year
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Willow Creek Rebuild - No CC, Base Game Only
Available on the gallery ID: quiescence90.
Or download the tray files from SFS
This set was completed in May 2020 which was before platform and free window+door placement updates. I've adjusted them for my save files but on the gallery are the original versions - a few staircases are blocked by invisible fencing, and staircases leading to basements would not place anymore. These are easy to fix but if you have trouble doing so, you can refer to my video here.
Lot info follows.
Part One | Foundry Cove
Updated 19 Sept 2023
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1.  21 Foundry Cove (Bargain Bend) - Furnished for parent sims with a child.
2.  22 Foundry Cove (Streamlet Single) - EA renovation. A singleton's starter home.
3. 23 Foundry Cove (Crick Cabana) - Another EA renovation. Furnished as a starter home for parent sims with an infant.
4.  24 Foundry Cove (Daisy Hovel) - Furnished for parent sims with a toddler.
5.  25 Foundry Cove (Garden Essence) - Furnished for the BFF household.
Part Two | Courtyard Lane
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1.  18 Courtyard Lane (Rindle Rose) - Furnished for two roommates.
2.  19 Courtyard Lane (Pique Hearth) - Furnished for parent sims with 3 children including a toddler.
3.  20 Courtyard Lane (Riverside Roost) - A 2-storeyed shotgun house furnished as apartments. They share the same floor plan - each is furnished for a small family or two roommates.
4.  21 Courtyard Lane (Brook Bungalow) - Furnished for parent sims with 4 children including two teens.
5.  22 Courtyard Lane (Potters Splay) - Furnished for parent sims with 3 children including two teens.
Part Three | Pendula View + Sage Estates
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1.  13 Pendula View (Hallows Slough) - For parent sims with a teen child.
2.  14 Pendula View (Ophelia Villa) - For parent sims with 3 children including a teen and a toddler, and a butler.
3.  15 Pendula View (Umbrage Manor) - Also for parent sims with 3 children including a teen and a toddler, and a butler.
4.  16 Pendula View (Parkshore) - For parent sims 3 children including a teen.
5. Cypress Residence (Cypress Terrace) - For the Spencer-Kim-Lewis family (2 grandparents, spouses, 1 child). There's also a detached living space for a butler.
6.  Oarstaed Manor (Oakenstead) - For parent sims with 4 children including two teens.
Part Four | Community Lot Dump
Updated 21 Oct 2023
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1. Willow Creek Library (Willow Creek Archive) - Library venue
2.  Movers & Shakers Renovated - Gym venue
3.  The Blue Velvet - Lounge to replace the Nightclub venue
4. Municipal Muses - Museum venue, with wedding venue on the upper floor
5.  Magnolia Blossom - Park venue with focus on playground
Happy simming~
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life-and-taxes · 1 year
You know what really sucks? If you know that something is important and has real consequences if you don't do it or if you do it wrong, but you have no idea how to actually do the thing. It's scary and can make doing the thing very intimidating.
You know what's a really common thing everyone has to do but very few people are taught about?
Income taxes.
This infuriates me. So I sat down to write a brief and basic breakdown of how US federal income taxes work. It ended up being less brief than I originally envisioned, but the headers are in all caps so you can skip ahead to the questions you are interested in. But first here's my disclaimer. Do your own research, talk to a tax professional if you have questions, I'm not speaking on behalf of any tax return preparation company, don't sue me if you screw up your taxes, etc, etc.  If you want to dig deeper into anything here, go to irs.gov and search for whatever you're looking for. The IRS website is actually pretty useful.
Alright. Let's go. Here's like, the basic, most over-simplified explanation of federal income taxes.
When a bunch of people get together and decide that they want to operate under the same set of rules, they form a government. That government takes money to run. They use it to hire people and fund programs that do things for their country and sometimes other countries. Sometimes the things the government spends money on are good things. Sometimes they are bad things. Sometimes they are good ideas executed poorly.
We're not going to get into that right now.
The point is, the government gets its money from the people it governs. I mean. Not all of it, probably. But the parts that are important for this conversation it does.
You, if you are a US citizen or someone living in the US, are required to pay a percentage of your income to the federal government. The amount is not a flat percentage. People who make more money get taxed on higher percentages of that money*. Somebody has to add up all the money you made during the year to figure out how much you should have paid in taxes. You do this sometime between January and mid-April (barring national disasters or ill-timed holidays that push back the due date) by filing a tax return. The normal due date is April 15.
*Look. Explaining exactly how tax brackets work requires pictures and/or hand gestures. You don't need to worry about it now.
If you (and your spouse if you have one) work "normal" jobs, you'll get a form called a W-2 from any employers you worked for during the year. They contain info about how much money you made and how much of it was already sent to the government on your behalf. The most important boxes are box 1 (wages, tips, and other compensation) and box 2 (federal withholding). This shows 1. what you made before taxes were taken out and 2. how much of it was sent to the government for your federal tax payments. Filling out your tax return (Form 1040) will add up all your income, calculate how much you should have paid in taxes (AKA your tax liability), and compare that to what you DID pay. If you overpaid, you get a refund. If you underpaid, you have to make up the difference. If you underpaid by a LOT, there may be an underpayment penalty. (Note: the failure to file penalty, for not filing a tax return, is always more than the failure to pay penalty! If you owe the IRS it's better to go ahead and file on time. If you can't pay what you owe at once there are payment plan options. If you can't file on time you can file an extension which pushes your due date for filling back to October 15, usually. You can send a payment with your extension if required.) 
If you're not using a professional, I highly reccommend using some kind of tax software to fill out your tax return. You'll get tax forms from your sources of income, and a few other select places. If it came in the mail or email and says "IMPORTANT TAX DOCUMENT ENCLOSED" you should save it and have it with you when you start preparing your tax return. Your software/tax professional should ask what you have, and then you or they will plug it into the software. You should just have to plug in basic info about yourself (legal name, date of birth, social security number, address, etc) and the data from any tax forms you received, and let the software do the work! 
So that's basically it. You use the 1040 to figure out how much income you made, if you're elligible for any credits, and what you should have put into withholding. If you overpaid, you get a refund. If you underpaid, you will owe the IRS. All you really need to do is collect your tax documents and do some data entry. If you don't have any tax credits and you're not self-employed or retired and you don't have any kids or investment money, you can skip to the WHERE DO I FILE section.
Tax credits are money that the government credits to you because you meet certain criteria. They can either be nonrefundable or refundable. Nonrefundable tax credits can reduce your tax liability (tax liability is the money you should have paid in income tax throughout the year, based on your total yearly income). Basically, if you had a tax liability of $3000 and you get a nonrefundable tax credit of $1000 it brings your tax liability down to $2000. But if you had a liability of $3000 and a nonrefundable tax credit of $4000 it can only bring your liability down to $0.
Refundable tax credits can give you money back, though. If you had a tax liability of $2000 and a refundable tax credit of $3000, that's $1000 the IRS owes YOU, baby. 
Child Tax Credit
If you supported a descendant of yours who is under age 17 and lived with you more than half the year, you get a credit for that! The "normal" use of this credit is for your kids, but grandkids, step kids, and young siblings and niblings can count too if you are the one supporting them. If you split custody of your kids with their other parent to whom you are not married, only one of you gets to claim them. If the two of you can't peacefully decide who that is going to be, and you want to claim them, you need to be able to prove that you supported the kid(s) and they lived with you. Notes from the kid's school and/or doctor are often used for this.
As of the time of this writing (2023), the Child Tax Credit is $2000/kid. If you make a ton of money this credit may be phased out. The Child Tax Credit is one of those nonrefundable credits that we talked about. It can only take your tax liability down to $0. BUT if you had some of the credit "left over" after your tax liability was wiped out, you may qualify for the Additional Child Tax Credit, which is a refundable credit, but it maxes out at $1500/kid instead.
Other Dependent Credit
This is a credit you can get if you supported a dependent who doesn't fit the criteria for the Child Tax Credit. This can be a child age 17 or older, a parent who you support, your live-in girlfriend who doesn't work (if she lived with you ALL YEAR), etc. (Please note: your spouse is NOT your dependent. Even if they don't work.) Not sure if someone qualifies as your dependent? The IRS website has a tool for that. The Other Dependent Credit is currently $500/person.
"Daycare Credit" AKA Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credit
If you send your kid or disabled dependent or spouse to daycare so you can work, go to school, or look for work, you can get a percentage of that money back as a credit. The exact percentage depends on your income. 
The facility where you send your kid should provide you with an end of year statement showing the expenses you paid that year. You'll also need their EIN (Employer ID Number) and basic info like their name, address, and phone number. If you paid an individual you'll need their social security number instead.
Earned Income Credit
This is a credit for people who have worked during the year but who haven't made what the government considers to be "enough" money. You were trying. But you probably need some help. The amount you can receive depends on how much money you made and how many kids you have. Any tax software should calculate this automatically. It can be a real life-save for some families. 
"Solar Panel Credit" AKA Residential Energy Credit
I'm only going to talk about the solar panel part here because it's most common. Basically, if you install solar panels, you can get a credit for up to (currently; it changes year to year) 30% of what you spent/financed. BUT a VERY IMPORTANT thing that the solar salespeople often don't tell you is that this is a NONREFUNDABLE credit. If you only have a tax liability of $2000, this credit will only give you $2000 for this year even if it's a $16,000 credit! Don't count on the whole 30% to go towards your solar loan principal if you don't usually have a big tax liability! The good news is that the unused portion of your credit will "carry forward" to next year, meaning it can help reduce your next year's liability if you don't use it all up this year. And the next, etc. Keep up with your old tax returns so you can put any carryforward credit onto the next year's return!
"Higher Education Credits" AKA American Opportunity Tax Credit and Lifetime Learning Credit
The short version is that if you spent money out of your pocket or if you took out a loan to pay for higher education for you, your spouse, or your dependent (or your kid that their other parent claims), you can get a percentage of that back as a credit. The AOTC is better but you can only take it for a total of 4 years, then you get bumped down to the Lifetime Learning Credit. You'll need to get the 1098-T from the school to see what you paid, and you may be able to also include expenses for things like textbooks.
Other Credits
There's also a credit if you're adopting a kid, but I'm not going to get into it here. Just know to look it up if you ever adopt!
There is a small credit for people who contribute to a retirement plan and have income under a certain amount. This is the Saver's Credit.
I'm not listing every credit that exists, just the ones I see the most. A lot of people don't know about the college credits, which sucks, because they can really help!
Congrats on being your own boss! If you are self-employed/freelance/contract labor, you get a 1099 at the end of the year instead of a W-2. Usually a 1099-NEC (NEC for non-employee compensation). This means that instead of your employer sending money to the government to pay your taxes for you, you have to do it yourself! The parts that go to Social Security and Medicare taxes are called "Self-Employment Taxes" and they get calculated at the end of the year in addition to your Income Taxes. 
When you are filing your tax return, you'll have to fill out a Schedule C for each business. Do you drive for Doordash and you also clean your aunt's house every week? Congrats. You have two businesses. One as a delivery driver and one as a housekeeper. But if you drive for Doordash and Uber Eats, you just have one job as a delivery driver. 
During the year, you need to do 2 basic things:
1. Save back money to pay your taxes, and send it to the IRS quarterly. These are called Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments and you can do it by mail or online. The IRS has a tool to help you calculate how much you should be sending.
2. Keep track of your expenses and milage! If you spend money on things that you use exclusively for business, you can count those as expenses. (I'll get to expenses in a minute.) If you use something mostly for work, like a cell phone, you can count a fraction of that expense. If you drive your personal vehicle for work (not TO work; commuting doesn't count for this), keep track of the miles you drive! You get to count that as expenses, a certain number of cents/mile. It adds up. If any of this applies to you, please do more research, maybe download an app to keep track of things. This is just to let you know what you need to know so you can look up in depth what applies to you.
Okay. Basically, to calculate what money is taxable if you're self-employed, you add up your income (what you got paid), and then total all your expenses (the money you spent to run your business). Income - Expenses = Profit or Loss. You only get taxed on the profit (called a "gain" on the form). A loss can offset some of your "regular" income, but please do more research if that applies to you. 
If you got paid $10,000 for the year in your home bakery business but spent $8000 on things like flour, cake boxes, and renting a catering van, you only made a profit of $2000 and that's all that counts for your income and self-employment taxes.  That's why it's important to keep track of your expenses and mileage! Less profit = less taxes. But you know. Don't make crap up. Assuming that you will be audited eventually will help keep you out of trouble!
That's cool! If you get social security, you'll get an SSA-1099. If you get money from IRAs or other pensions, you'll get a 1099-R. Just plug 'em into your tax software and it will calculate everything automatically. If you tend to owe money at the end of the year and you don't want to, you can have more withholding taken out of either your social security or your pension by talking to whoever oversees your account.
Look. If you have investment income and you came here for tax advice, you are in the wrong place, buddy. I'm happy for you but we do not have time for that right now. If you get like $20 in interest from your checking account or whatever, fine. Just plug that 1099-INT into your software and you're good to go. If you have, like, dividends, or you trade stock or whatever? You're the kind of person who leaves your documents with your tax pro and they get back to you next week.
That's because it's not a thing anymore, sweetie. There are only two forms for personal tax returns: the 1040 and the 1040-SR. The only difference is that the 1040-SR, for seniors, has a bigger font. Really. That's it. 
What you are thinking of is itemizing vs taking the standard deduction.
Basically, you add up your total income for the year and then subtract either the standard deduction or your itemized deductions. Gross income minus standard or itemized deductions = taxable income. So the more you can deduct here, the less tax liability you have. For this year (tax year 2022 since I'm writing this in 2023), the standard deduction for single is $12,950, $25,900 for married filing jointly, and $19,400 for Head of Household (an unmarried adult who has at least one dependent). If you itemize deductions instead of taking the standard deduction, you can add up various deductions and subtract that from your gross income instead. Common things you can itemize include
* unreimbursed medical expenses that exceed 7.5% percent of your total income
* charitable giving
* interest on your mortgage
* state or local income or sales tax
Itemizing is only useful if the total of all the deductions you can take is higher than the standard deduction. For most people, it isn't, so I'm not going to go any deeper into this and waste everyone's time.
If all of this has made you tired, and you still just want to pay someone else to do it for you, and you can afford that, great! Professionals exist to do hard stuff for you in exchange for money. Ask about the price up front. It may vary depending on how complicated your return is. Some places will let you take your fees out of your refund, if you get one, usually for an additional fee.
Good news! If your total income was $73,000 or less (as of this writing), there are places you can do your taxes online for free! Just go to IRS.gov, click "File Your Taxes for Free," and use their tools to find a program that will work for you. You may have to pay a small fee to file a state return, if you lived or worked in a state that collects state income taxes.
Why, yes, there is! Thanks for asking!
Please stop saying "return" when you mean "refund." Yes, I know, that they are kind of synonyms in regular English but a tax return is the form you file when you file your taxes. If you get money back, that is a refund. Thank you.
That's like... not how it works at all. Did I include this just because one man stormed out of my office because he was mad that he was getting only a couple hundred dollars back instead of the several thousand dollars that his underemployed girlfriend with two kids got? Maybe. Credits are for people who the government decided need help (like people with kids or low incomes) OR for things the government is bribing you to do (like install solar panels). If none of these things apply to you and you still want a big refund, you could have your employer hold more withholding out of your paychecks, but that means you'll get smaller paychecks and that the government is just using your money interest free until they give it back to you when you file your tax return. Some people like to do that, though. They treat the IRS like a savings account they're not allowed to tap into except once a year.
There are five filing statuses:
Married Filing Jointly. This is for two people who are legally married. If you live in a state that allows for common law marriage, you can be common law married and file jointly. But if you ever decide you don't want to be married anymore you are supposed to get a divorce if you want to go back to filing single. MFJ has the highest standard deduction. One spouse will be listed as "taxpayer" and the other as "spouse." It doesn't matter which is which. Sex doesn't matter. Income doesn't matter. The IRS just wants you to do it the same every year for record-keeping purposes.
Married Filing Separately. This is for two people who are married but don't want to file jointly. It is usually the worst way to file because several credits are not available to MFS people, but sometimes your spouse won't cooperate with you or maybe they have weird financial crap going on and you don't want it tied up with your financial crap. Approach with caution. It's half the standard deduction, but if your spouse itemized, you must itemize too.
Single. This is for people who aren't married and don't have any dependents. It's half of what the MFJ standard deduction is.
Head of Household. Forget whatever you think you know about how normal people use this phrase normally. Head of Household, for tax purposes, is for an unmarried adult with one or more dependents (if you're married and your spouse has abandoned you and you have kids you can use this status though! As long as the spouse didn't live with you for the last half of the year). It's one and a half times the single standard deduction. 
Qualifying Widow(er). This is an uncommon filing status. If someone was married with kids and their spouse died, they get to file as MFJ with that spouse the year that their spouse died, as long as they don't remarry that same year. For the next two years, the surviving spouse can file QW. The Qualifying Widow(er) deduction is the same as MFJ. After that, providing they still have dependents, they get bumped back down to Head of Household.
I'm glad to hear it! Go forth with more knowledge.
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accomplisheddoubt · 3 months
Currently playing: Random Legacy
I’m not sure if I’ll continue to post updates about this family or even for how much longer I’ll be playing them. But I wanted a break from my legendary legacy save and after a few new save file attempts I landed on a Random Legacy family I fell in love with. 
It occurred to me that I have never played in the standard new game save created by EA. I always severely edit the worlds/people myself or play in a save file created by the community that does. I’ve also never played in the traditional legacy style of moving into the largest plot of land in the world and building up to a mansion type home. Plus, years ago I remember making it to 4 generations in a Random Legacy and having a total blast. So I said why not give it all a go.
Aspirations, careers, likes & dislikes, reward traits, life choices (pop ups included), number of kids (I don’t force my sim to have X amount, I just disallow the use of birth control until that number is potentially reached or they are close to elder years), randomized. If a pop up for life discovery or a new like/dislike arises I just say yes. Granted some things are chosen by me, if they have a like for something upon age up I may have them focus on it as a hobby. If they randomly propose, I might follow through with a wedding want for it or not. I typically try to fulfill as many wants as possible though. I have no rules on who is heir, though I found it impossible for the first born to be heir and start a family when I had the parents, new husband, two siblings, a dog, and a horse all living on the same lot. I also randomized where my legacy would take place and landed in Chestnut Ridge. Maximum inherited traits (set through MCC) are randomized up to 3. On top of those inherited traits, I randomize for which reward traits each sim will save up for, once they achieve it, they roll for another potential reward trait. I think that covers everything, but if you have any questions feel free to ask.
So anyway, the story…
Briar Colston was a young adult who found herself at a crossroads in life. After falling out with her parents over her obsession with Star Wars and inheriting a large plot of land in Chestnut Ridge she decided to use all the money she had to move and be the start of a new legacy. 
Between her frequent trips to Batuu where she joined the Resistance, Briar made money through becoming a Tech Guru. Briar was surprised to find out she only had one fellow female coworker, but she grew close with the boys she worked with. Even married TWO of them, divorced them both and remarried them both again! Not at the same time though.
Over the course of her lifetime. Briar completed her aspiration of Hope vs Order, maxed her career as a Start-up Entrepreneur in the Tech Guru career, had three children with her first/third husband Akira Kibo and built a shabby shack house which  laid the foundation for what will one day be a large legacy home. 
During adulthood, Akira went through a midlife crisis where he felt he needed to find a more creative outlet. And while Briar didn’t go through a traditional midlife crisis, she also went through something. She found while Akira was off rediscovering himself, she desired a lust for finding passion too. Only more so in the romantic sense. First by wanting to flirt with coworker J Huntington, which ultimately led to nothing more than a simple one time flirt. To wanting to flirt with Sergio Romeo which led to a very passionate affair which ended with her divorcing Akira, him divorcing Siobhan, and marrying one another each having three children with past spouses. Akira loved his wife and his children deeply and agreed to end the marriage amicably, he stayed in the house and hoped one day his ex-wife would come back to him. She did.
The kids neither loved or hated Sergio. For them nothing really changed being as Sergio was already a family friend and Akira never left. Over time, Briar found herself longing for Akira once more. She missed the way he kissed her. And so, as they neared their elder years, Briar found herself divorcing Sergio and remarrying Akira. Sergio moved out.
The oldest son, Owen, grew into an outgoing genius who aspired to be a Championship Rider. He discovered himself a bit of an overachiever and took on a career in Law. He stayed home for a while after entering young adulthood before moving out to a small ranch nearby with girlfriend Lilith Vatore. Though later married Savannah Bheeda, a daughter of long time family friend Arun Bheeda (through MCC).
The middle child, Ben, was a hot-headed bisexual who had toyed with romanicing Kent Bheeda and Quinn Scott in his teenage years, also sons of his parent’s friends. He enjoyed photography and became a freelance artist who fancied himself a freegan and moved into a small apartment in Evergreen Harbor aspiring to seek inner peace. When he realized his sister had also grown feelings for Quinn, he backed off and asked Quinn to be just friends.
The youngest, Eisley, took a different direction in her teen years. While both brothers had aspired to be goal oriented she desired teenage rebellion. She also inherited an alluring nature from her mother and quickly found herself in a whirlwind romance with the older Quinn Scott (Quinn is aged in between Ben and Eisley). Unlike her brothers who moved out still virgins, Eisley and Quinn were very sexually active and midway through teenage years, she proposed. They had talked about marriage since their first date though. They got married during the Romance festival the same day both their father’s had passed away. The Romance guru said “a life without love was not worth living” and given the passing of their parents they felt the time was now. 
Akira passed away first, leaving Briar a widow with 7 days left to live. She wasted no time and immediately wanted to pick her romance with Sergio back up. He too had 7 days left to live and asked to move back in the second he saw her again. Now being elders with days left to live, the two decided to remarry on Christmas Day. 
And that's pretty close to where I am now. Next time I play, Eisley will become a young adult. I found I adored all three children but like I had mentioned at the beginning, it was near impossible to have Owen be the heir at that point. I felt I was hindering his life by keeping him at home so when Lilith asked to move in, I took that as his opportunity to move out. I took a bit of her money paired with a bit of my household funds and got them a pony and a starter ranch. I also used my household funds to purchase the apartment for Ben. I loved Ben as well, but I made a choice to stick with the youngest for heir when I moved Owen out. I make a room out of a few of their items and save it to my gallery. I give my kids money and set them up in their own place but cheat the money for the room of their items. And at the legacy house I sell those items but cheat away the money they get for it. I hate that you can't put furniture in personal inventory. After that, they get marked unplayed and I let MCC decide their fate.
I’ve been having so much fun falling back in love with the sims. And I can’t stop geeking out over seeing the original townies children all mingling together. Part of me wanted to begin playing rotationally between the children but I like seeing what they get up to on their own.
If you're bored with your sim's gameplay 100% recommend a random legacy.
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Do I Need an Accountant To File My Taxes
Your need for a tax accountant depends on your personal situation. You might consider using an accountant if you're self-employed, or if you experienced significant life changes during the tax year. You might also want to use an accountant if you need to amend a previous year's tax return.
It can be worth the expense, as many people find that they actually save money by going to an accountant because their tax refund increases significantly. But there are also cases where you may want to file your return on your own.
In this guide, learn when you would (and wouldn't) need an accountant and how their services would impact you.
Key Takeaways
You might be better off using an accountant if you own your own business, are self-employed, have had major life changes like a new house or a new baby, or if you've failed to file taxes in the past.
You may be able to skip the expense of an accountant if your tax situation is simple and you have no spouse, dependents, mortgage, or business to worry about.
If you choose not to use an accountant, you could try IRS Free File if your income qualifies, or use readily available tax preparation software.
When You Need an Accountant
A few circumstances will wave a flag that you might be better off using an accountant than trying to handle preparation of your tax return on your own. In most cases, there are advantages in going to an accountant if you have a complicated situation.
You Own Your Own Business
Using an accountant can help you to file your taxes correctly and prevent you from making any costly mistakes if you're self-employed or own your own business. Your accountant can also help determine how much you should pay in quarterly estimated tax payments going forward so you're not faced with a big tax bill at filing time.
Business owners or many of those who are self-employed face different requirements than typical W-2 employees. For example, an employer must withhold and pay income taxes, Social Security taxes, and Medicare taxes, as well as unemployment tax on wages paid to an employee. However, if you hired independent contractors, you generally do not have to withhold or pay taxes on their payments.1
Major Life Changes
As you get older and your financial situation becomes more complex, your tax picture will change significantly. For example, if you buy your first home in the tax year, how you file will be impacted. An accountant can make sure you're taking advantage of every tax break available to you and help you determine how to adjust your withholding to accommodate that.
A tax professional can help you make tax adjustments if you got married, had a child, were divorced, or if you began investing for the first time. Again, you might only need to use an accountant for the tax year in which you experience these changes. 
If you are confused or have any questions about your financial situation when filing returns, it never hurts to reach out to a CPA for small business In some cases, they will answer your questions at little to no charge.
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