#and I can actually see how much they’re eating based on what is missing from their cups in the morning
moghedien · 2 years
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Apparently I waited too long to feed the baby because when I went to go feed him, he was waiting in his roach cup
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sansaorgana · 2 months
Angst idea where readers brother is in the 100 and buck her lover has to break the news that her brother was killed and she’s screaming in agony, and he’s just trying to be their for her in anyway possible :)
hi, love! 😌 I see you have a thing for angsty pieces 🤣 here it is then!
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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Buck felt stupid for interrupting the nurses’ work with something as irrelevant as a headache when they were busy with much more important things but he couldn’t handle the stinging pain inside his head anymore. On his way to the sickbay he felt his temples pulsating and in a brief moment of a haze, he bumped into someone.
“For God’s sake!” He heard a female voice and then a sound of papers landing all over the floor. “Major Cleven!” She scolded him.
Buck’s senses came back to him and he spotted a woman crouching on the floor, gathering the scattered papers.
“Jesus, I’m sorry,” he went on his knees as well to help her. “I’m sorry… I was on my way to the sickbay, I have an awful migraine,” he confessed.
“And you want to bother the nurses with it? When they’re patching up men with bullet holes?” She raised an eyebrow at him and he blushed, handing her the last paper off of the floor. She straightened herself and looked down at him with pity. “Come with me, I have aspirin in my office,” she offered him her hand and he took it to stand up as well.
He followed her to a small office next to the Colonel���s one and she gave him an aspirin from her desk’s drawer.
“Thank you, miss…” Buck stuttered out.
“(Y/L/N),” you introduced yourself.
“Are you perhaps family with Lieutenant (Y/L/N)?” Buck asked.
“Yes, he is my brother. We made sure to be assigned to the same place,” she nodded her head and he nodded his head.
“Thank you for the aspirin,” Buck said before walking out of her office.
This time he nearly bumped into Bucky.
“What is wrong with you today, man?” Bucky asked, worryingly.
“I have a migraine, doesn’t matter… I have aspirin already,” Buck showed him what he was holding in his hand. “(Y/L/N)’s sister gave it to me,” he explained.
“Stay away from her, you devil,” Bucky chuckled and Buck hissed at him. He was sure she could hear them. “I mean, for real, he’s a rough son of a bitch.”
“I know, I flew with him,” Buck chuckled. “He’s one of a kind.”
“Yeah, so if you don’t want to lose those pearly white teeth of yours, stay away from his sister,” Bucky teased.
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However, it was not so easy to stay away from her. Perhaps the fact she was a sister of one of his friends was making it a bit more tempting as it felt forbidden.
But she really was a pretty girl – a bit rough like her brother sometimes – but also very helpful and kind when you got to know her.
“I see you’re staring at my sister, sir,” (Y/L/N) grinned at Buck one evening when they were eating supper by the same table. Buck blinked a few times and stopped looking at (Y/N) sitting with her female friends before laying his eyes on his friend.
“I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry,” he made up an excuse.
“It’s okay,” (Y/L/N) shrugged his arms and Buck’s eyes widened a little. “I mean, she’s my little sister, so you know… Not easy for me. But she has to start dating one day whether I like it or not. And you’re a good man, Buck. If there is one man around that base I’d accept her to be with, it would be you.”
“Surely you can’t be serious,” Buck was confused. He liked to look at her, yes. Sometimes he observed her. But he hadn’t actually been thinking of starting any relationship on the base. “I mean, we can die any day.”
“My sister’s a tough cookie, she can handle that,” (Y/L/N) shrugged his arms. “What I’m sayin’ is that if you find my sister pretty, then talk to her, goddamnit. You don’t hear such words often, am I right? That’s how much I trust you, Cleven.”
“Thank you…” Buck cleared his throat and looked at (Y/N) again. She was staring at him, too, with a teasing smile. Her brother waved at her and she rolled her eyes before turning around to giggle at something with her friends.
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It was almost as if (Y/N)’s brother was a matchmaker between Buck and her. Soon enough they became a couple as everyone else on the base teased them about it. Buck was trying to always be a gentleman around (Y/N), though, fearing that (Y/L/N) would indeed punch him if he tried to get too touchy or too pushy with his sister. Back at home, he had won some boxing tournaments, so they said. Buck didn’t want to find out if it had been true.
On that day both Buck and (Y/N) were nervous as hell because Bucky and Lieutenant (Y/L/N) were up in the air together. Buck was sitting in his girlfriend’s office and helping her with filling the papers to keep their heads busy.
“Ow,” she hissed suddenly as he raised his eyes, worryingly.
“Is everything alright?” He asked at the sight of (Y/N) clutching her chest.
“Y-yes… Just some weird cramp around my heart, I don’t know…” She tried to sound as casual as always but her eyes wandered to her brother’s picture on a desk.
“You should tell a doctor about it. Heart matters are no joke,” Buck was not satisfied with her answer.
“No, it’s different, baby, it’s not… Nevermind,” she sighed and her lower lip trembled a little. She bit on it and went back to filing the papers to keep her head busy.
About an hour later, Buck heard familiar noises from the outside.
“They’re coming back,” he stood up rapidly. “I’ll go and check. Wanna go with me?” He offered her his hand but she shook her head.
“N-no, I’d rather stay here,” she admitted.
Buck nodded and hurried out of her office to go outside and watch the planes land. He was relieved to see Bucky’s one but he couldn’t find the one with (Y/N)’s brother on board.
Nervously, Buck approached Bucky as his friend was jumping out of the plane.
“That was fucking hell!” Bucky looked exhausted but he grinned. “You’re a lucky bastard that you weren’t there!”
“What about (Y/L/N)?” Buck asked seriously and Bucky’s face frowned in an instant.
He shook his head as Buck’s heart skipped a beat.
“What do you mean?”
“Listen, the plane, it went down…” Bucky explained nervously.
“Any parachutes?”
“I’m sorry, Buck,” Bucky shook his head. “I mean, it happened so fast. They just… They blew up in the air. I doubt they even had time to grab any parachutes.”
Buck only nodded and turned around to walk back inside the base. He wanted to be the one telling (Y/N) about her brother’s death but he had no idea how to do it. He grieved his friends but his heart was also breaking for his girl and for the pain she would feel now. He wished he could take that all on him but it was impossible.
When he carefully entered her office again, she was already sobbing. There was no way someone had told her before the interrogation, though. He looked at her questioningly.
“He’s not back, am I right?” She hid her face in her hands and Buck’s eyes widened before he approached her to put his arms around her.
“How did you know?” He only asked and she let out a cry. She wrapped her arms around him and took a deep breath in.
“I just knew… I felt it, back then… I tried to tell myself it was not true but I just knew,” she admitted and Buck caressed her back.
After a while of holding her close and letting her cry out all the tears as she trembled in his arms, (Y/N) moved away slightly to look at Buck’s face.
“Maybe he’s just MIA?”
Oh, how he wished to be able to feed her with such hope. But there was none and there was no point of lying. Although her eyes were practically begging him to.
“Do you want the truth?” He swallowed thickly. He hated seeing her like that.
“No need. I already know,” she sobbed again and hid her face in the crook of his neck. “God, Buck, how will I even tell it to my parents?”
Buck didn’t say anything. There were no words. He only held her close and kept caressing her back and arms to comfort her.
Time passed and they just stayed like that. At some point, Colonel Harding opened the door and froze at the sight.
“She already knows,” Buck whispered and the Colonel nodded before leaving quietly.
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Buck was sitting on the bed and watching (Y/N) going through her brother’s things quietly. He was there for emotional support because there was nothing else he could do except for just being there and it was killing him that he couldn’t do more.
“This I’ll send back home, this I’ll keep here with me,” she was mumbling as she rummaged through her brother’s personal belongings. She suddenly turned around with a smile on her face wet from tears. Buck furrowed his brows. “No comment at that,” she chuckled sadly and threw a few condoms at her boyfriend. “You can give them to Bucky,” she sniffled and went back to looking at her brother’s things.
Buck chuckled sadly, too. He hid the condoms in his pocket. He would give them to Bucky later indeed. (Y/L/N) and Bucky had loved to brag to each other about their adventures with women.
“Weird,” (Y/N) turned around and handed Buck an envelope. “It’s for you,” she said.
Buck caressed the paper delicately as he read the message written on it.
Give to Buck Cleven if I go down
“Are you sure you want me to read it?” Buck looked at his girl.
“What do you mean? It’s addressed to you,” she answered, confused. “It’s weird but that’s how it is.”
“Perhaps you’d like to read it first?” Buck wanted to make sure. It felt odd to have a letter from her dead brother waiting for him like that.
They had become close these past few weeks but it was not like they had been best friends.
“Just open it. Or not, it’s your decision. The letter is addressed to you,” (Y/N) shrugged her arms and went back to looking through her brother’s things.
Buck’s hands shook a little as he tore the envelope open and took out a note from it.
Buck, if you’re reading this, it means I went down. A possibility I’ve always considered. If there's one pilot out of us all who will survive this whole thing, it’s gonna be you. We both know it, don’t deny that. I sincerely hope you’re gonna be lucky enough and my sister will want to marry you one day. But for now, no matter what happens next, please take care of her. I made sure to be assigned to the same place she was being sent to. I promised our mother to look after her and now that’s a promise I cannot keep anymore. Please, do it for me. I am no man of words. As you can probably see… Ha ha ha. So that’s it, old man. Tell my baby sister that I love her and that I’m going to look after her from the other side. Sincerely, (Y/L/N). PS When you two have a son one day, it would be nice if you named him after me. Just a suggestion…!!!
“And?” (Y/N) turned around to check on Buck. “Oh, baby, what is it?” She asked when she saw tears in his eyes. “What did he say?”
“You can read it,” Buck handed her the letter and she sat next to him, holding the paper in shaking hands.
He watched her reading it as her eyes also filled with the fresh tears.
“I’m going to miss him so much… What will I even do without him?” She asked after giving Buck the letter back. Her voice was oddly calm as if she finally started to realise what had truly happened.
“He’s still here. Watching over you. That’s what it says here,” Buck pointed at the letter. “I take very seriously what he wrote,” he assured her and put his arm around (Y/N) to bring her closer and kiss her forehead. “Every word,” he added.
“I just want you to promise me one thing, Gale,” (Y/N) hugged him tighter.
“What is it, sweetheart?”
“Don’t leave me in this world like he did.”
Buck took a deep breath in. It was a promise he wanted to give more than anything but he couldn’t. All he could say was that he would try his best. But that was not what she wanted to hear. Perhaps she needed a little lie.
“I will not,” he said. “I promise.”
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Late Night Report - Dick Grayson x (f)Reader
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Words: 1189 Pairing: Dick Grayson x (f)Reader Warnings: Mentions canon-typical violence, sappy Summary: Dick can’t wait to see you after patrol, and he starts daydreaming aloud to his sulking brother. Author’s Note: There is no actual dick and yn interaction in this, he just talks about how much he loves you. Jason also has a girlfriend. This is based entirely on the photo above, and it came from this Pinterest post. This is also like really based on the daydreaming and headcanoning @cafeacademia and I have been doing the last week. 
And, if you’re more of a Jason lover, I have written his perspective of this photo about him missing his girlfriend (you ;) )
Dick / Full Masterlist
It was nearing the end of patrol, and Dick was so thankful. It was supposed to be a simple, quick patrol around Gotham to tie up some loose ends on a case with Jason. But when those loose ends turned into fighting two separate gangs, the two hours out of the apartment quickly became closer to five. 
He was exhausted.
Dick was also upset that he couldn’t head home yet. All he wanted was to see you and end the night doing what you two were planning after the “short” patrol. He wanted to eat some takeout, watch some TV, cuddle, and probably kiss (a lot). 
But no, he had to wait for Batman to be done with the police so he could give him his report, and then he can go home. And Dick knows that Gordon likes to get every detail from Batman as possible, and with how big this night was, it was going to take a while.
Dick decided that instead of trucking it all the way back to the Batcave (and then all the way back to his apartment), he’d just wait on the rooftop nearby. He sent Batman his location and waited, kicking his feet over the edge of the building and looking around the city from above. He was sweating and tired, and it was late with very few people out on the street, so he took his mask off to let his face breathe a bit. He’s always very aware of his surroundings, so if, by some miracle, someone got onto the roof, he would have his mask on before they saw him.
“You waiting for him, too?” Dick heard the deep voice he recognized as Jason. Though, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t slightly jump. Dick turned his head to see Jason approaching from the other side of the building. They were supposed to be working together tonight, and did for about ten minutes until all hell broke loose.
“Yeah, he’s still talking to Gordon. I didn’t want to go back to the Cave, would rather just give him my verbal report here then head home,” Dick explained, watching as Jason walked closer to him and eventually sat next to him. “I promised I’d be home like three hours ago. I did call to say I was going to be late, but I always feel bad.”
Jason tore off his helmet and domino mask, sitting them behind him. “Yeah, but at least they’re understanding. Hell, to date any of us, you have to be. Especially when they aren’t in the same business,” He sighed. “I’ll make sure you get to talk to him first since I don’t have to be home by any specific time.”
“I appreciate that,” Dick said and looked away from Jason and up at the sky. “But yeah, she’s always very understanding. Always has been. I don’t know how I got so lucky.” Once Dick started thinking and talking about you, it’s nearly impossible to get him to stop. Jason knows this, and no matter how much he’s sulking tonight, he’ll let Dick talk it all out. Jason has learned how to tune him out and has been for years, and Dick won’t even notice.
Dick kept going. “We’re going to watch some TV reruns, she’ll order some takeout, and we’ll eat the greasy takeout on the couch while watching the reruns,” He explained his to-do list for the rest of the night. “I always love our more elaborate date nights, but I adore the time we get to ourselves in the apartment. The cute, intimate moments just between us. I love showing her off to the rest of the city and the press, but there’s just something about being able to be us in our own space, you know?”
Jason hummed in response, not listening at all to what Dick had to say. Dick noted the hum from Jason as one he has heard far too many times when Jason tunes him out, so he moved his view of the sky to look at Jason. “Are you listening to me?” Dick asked.
“Mhm,” Jason nodded again, his chin resting on one of his hands while he looked like he just watched someone kill a kitten.
“I think you’re ignoring me,” Dick crossed his arms.
Though Jason can tune Dick out, he knows the gist of what was said. It’s the same idea of what he says every time he talks about you. “No, I heard it. Not like I haven’t heard it before,” Jason sighed again. “Why do you always say the same things about her? You’re like a broken record.”
“Because I love her,” Dick revealed. “I should probably tell her that, shouldn’t I?” He asked.
Jason only half-heartedly shrugged in response. “Come on, give me more than just that. I know you’re upset your girlfriend is out of town, but can’t you at least pretend to be interested in what I have to say?” Dick asked.
Jason contemplated the best way to answer that question. Again, he’s heard the same spiel about you a million times, and you’ve only been together for a few months. He worries about what Dick will be like further along in your relationship: will he stay this sappy? Will it get worse? Could he possibly ever mellow out a bit? Well, only time will tell, he guesses.
Luckily, Jason was saved from having to answer the question Dick asked by boots landing on the roof. Before they even looked over, they both knew it was Bruce. He can be as stealthy as he wants, but they will always know. “What are you still doing here, Dick?” Bruce asked as he stood looking down at his two helplessly in love sons.
“Uh, waiting to give you my report,” Dick said as he grabbed his mask and clamored to stand up. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”
Dick could barely see it, but Bruce’s eyes squinted in what he thought was confusion. “I thought you would’ve left to get home. Considering you had plans, I mean,” He said. “But if you want to go ahead and give me your report now, I’m all ears.”
He knew the verbal report would take a good chunk of time, and Dick never looks a gift horse in the mouth. Without hesitation, Dick threw his mask back on, turned to face the edge of the building, and smiled. “I’ll email you my report tomorrow!” He said. “Bye, guys!” Dick shouted as he fell from the building, catching himself before he reached the ground. 
Both Bruce and Jason watched Dick disappear as he headed back home. Bruce looked down at Jason, still sulking, and stifled a laugh. “Well, considering you have nowhere to be, do you want to give me your report now?”
Jason groaned. “Sure, sit down, old man,” He said, patting the concrete that Dick had just vacated. “You never let me leave before giving reports.”
“You don’t ever wait around long enough for me to let you,” Bruce shot back as he sat down. “So, how’d things go on your end?”
@i-am-not-the-real-alice @designer--sunglasses @cirrec @glossierkisscs @ineffablebean @rloyal @criminalmindsmoodrn @iamninaanna @super-multifandom @ifilwtmfc @sitherin-mxschief
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fic rec friday 13
welcome the the tenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. i was always yours (even before you knew it) by paladarns
Lance thought Keith was just an asshole. Lance has always thought of Keith as an asshole, all throughout traveling into space in a large mechanical lion, all throughout bonding moments. All throughout becoming closer as teammates and friends.
Even now, with his hands pinned above his head and Keith’s thighs straddling his waist, Lance thinks Keith is an asshole.
Lance had always thought he could see right through people, but now he’s starting to think he has a bad judgement of people.
---------- a fic in which keith is obvious and lance is a bit of a gay nervous wreck
takes place as if season 1 is the only season to exist but its now years later
so many things to love about this fic. so so many. so i am going to list them. a) secret relationship bc i love that shit and eat it up every time, b) ‘takes place as if season 1 is the only season to exist but its now years later’ -- paladarns my love thank you for this truly excellent description of where i write my fics like 80% of the time. c) keith has game, and d)  HE WAS ALWAYS KEITHS EVEN BEFORE HE KNEW IT IM SOBBING BEST TROPE BEST TROPE
2. Wake Up, Sleephyhead! by @transbakugou
Keith has never loved someone like he loves Lance. Lance is his sun, his stars, his happiness. Their hands fit together like they were created to do nothing but hold each other, and he fits perfectly inside of Lance's arms. But he can never let anyone find out how much he loves this boy, how wholly and endlessly. Who knows what the Galra would do with that kind of information?
One morning, the lie comes crashing down around them.
Maybe it won't be as bad as they feared.
i love gay whipped klance and truly every single fic that has ever been written based on a vine is truly amazing, this fic is no exception. also secret relationship lol i am a sucker
3. Something Secret by @kingswriting
It was funny at first. Their arguments became more banter than actual disagreements, yet the entire team continued to assume they were at each other’s throats.
And Lance knows they’re not. He is fully aware that every sharp word, every sly smirk, every heavy handed push, and everything in between is anything but malicious.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t miss the softer side of things.
Or, Lance and Keith are in a secret relationship, but honestly want to omit the 'secret' part.
okay u can always tell what tag im following obsessively at certain times lol. for yall i present yet another secret relationship fic. ahem. this one is cute! banter and flirting and misleading and kisses and GOD its so sweet
4. Things Held Sacred by yarrie
So maybe, just maybe, Pidge was right. Maybe, just maybe, Keith had shot himself in the foot with his first attempt at resolving the blanket-hogging situation, because now Lance seemed to think it was a game and the rules were: steal the blankets, get sex.
To be fair, Keith hadn't exactly been...dissuading him very well.
okay so heres how this works. every fic rec friday so far has been from a specific collection of mine called ‘rereadables’, which was literally started because of this fic. i dont even know what specific part of this fic gets to me so hard, but you know when you read something that makes your stomach go all swoopy? and you can’t stop smiling? thats this fic! i remember i finished it for the first time and then i scrolled right back up to the top and read it again, then again, and again. like i cannot get over this fic. it gives me butterflies every time
5. Communication is key, they say by @ellana17
They already had communication issues before… Or: a malfunction with a healing pod leaves Lance able to speak only Spanish for a few days.
the idea of lance getting stuck in spanish and then almost immediately using that to flirt with keith without him knowing. like. i love that SO much that is quite possibly one of the funniest concepts to exist
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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mochiimadness · 2 years
Hi! Can i request a headcannon for rottmnt where the guys find out their s/o is a huge fan of horror & mystery. Like for example buzzfeed unsolved and movies like the conjuring and/or it? Thank you!
Neon Leon
Leo’s a huge horror skeptic
“Psh, ghosts aren’t real! It’s probably just the wind.”
Which means for the most part, he isn’t afraid to watch horror movies or read scary stories
Which is great for you!
He won’t object to watching them
He also, well, a huge-
H u g e
“That isn’t even possible!”
“How did he catch up to them, he was walking!”
It can get to be a bit much
If you’re fine with that, cool!
Critique with him, you two will end up laughing at most of the movies and stories
(Mikey walks by and sees you two laughing at the scariest thing he’s seen and is convinced you two are possessed-)
If you’re not okay with that, just let him know!
He won’t take offense
Realizes his critiquing can take away from the horror atmosphere
He’ll tone it down and instead opt to laugh quietly at some scenes
Is absolutely down to lay down with you and scroll through some buzzfeed unsolved articles
“Maybe I’ll end up on there one day! I’ll be famous, baby! Just make sure they put the best photo of me.”
Leo no
He does get a bit freaked out with horror movies based on real events
Tries to laugh it off
“C’mon, it can’t actually be real.”
He’ll manage to keep up his unphased image at first
But the second the scary scenes come on, he’s clinging to you
Will try to play it off
“I just thought maybe you were scared- ahaha…ha…”
You’re not fooling anyone Leo.
Please give him a hug.
Don Tron
One word
He loves to theorize about the paranormal and such
Will share his theories with you
D o n n i e
He’s so excited to share his theories with you, especially since you listen
You two regularly have a horror movie/reading binge at least once a week
It’s one of y’all’s favorite thing to do
You’ll both curl up with some pillows and blankets
Snacks and drinks within arms reach
The highest quality screens he has
And ofc he has note pads by him
If you also love theorizing, he sets up a space in his lab for you two to record your theories
Y’all probably have a podcast or YouTube channel
And you both wear hoodies with horror puns and references on them.
He still gets scared and will knock over a bowl of popcorn or too-
But don’t worry, Shelldon helps y’all clean it up
Speaking of Shelldon-
He joins y’all every now and then
His fans whirs loudly when he gets scared but he’ll deny it.
Donnie sometimes grabs your hand when he gets really scared
Just hold his hand and tell him it’s alright- you’ll throw hands with any monster
“You can’t hit a ghost-“
“Watch me.”
Mystic Mike
Mikey likes watching horror movies every now and then
But can he handle horror???
N o
It’s okay, he’ll still try to be brave with you
“With my s/o with me, there’s no monster we can’t beat!”
Two seconds later he’s popped into his shell
Just pick him up and put him in your lap
Scratch his shell gently and he’ll pop back out after a moment
Mikey definitely clings to you during movies, and keeps a blanket wrapped around you both.
He does much better with reading horror
Loves to read buzzfeed unsolved with you
“Hey wait a minute- I’ve seen that guy!”
“W h a t?!”
He’s definitely seen one or two ‘missing’ people
Usually they’ve just been mutated
If you want, he’ll introduce you to them!
You two usually curl up on his bed and read horror stories together
He even gets a few scary scrolls and books from the Hidden City library for you two to enjoy
More often than not, they’re mainly illustrated- like a comic book.
Mystic horror books are on a whole different level
Sometimes the books come alive and try to eat y’all
Other times, they sort of work like a mystic 3D hologram-
Using magic to show the events of the story happening around you
You two get so invested that you both shriek when the monster suddenly appears in front of you both
10/10 for practically being in the stories yourself
Big Red
Oh sweet, sweet Raph…
He can’t handle anything horror to save his life
He’ll try to tough out watching a movie or two for you
But he always ends up shrieking and nearly breaking your tv- or his dads projector
(Okay, he has broken his dads projector repeatedly)
He thinks you’re the bravest person ever for enjoying horror
If you want him to watch a movie with you, you’ll usually have to coax him into it
Make the couch super comfy and cozy- with his favorite blankets and pillows
You’ll have to keep a light on- or get fairy lights
He’ll sit with you in his lap, with his arms around you
This way he can hold onto you when he gets scared
(Also so he can hide behind you)
He’ll be so happy if you get him some noise cancelling headphones
The movie will still scare him, but he’ll be able to handle it a bit better.
If you’re reading some buzzfeed unsolved or horror stories,
He’ll gladly sit next to you with a book of his own, or his phone
While he won’t read it with you, he’s more than glad to spend time with you
You both get to enjoy time together while doing what y’all like
He usually falls asleep with his head in your lap while you scroll through buzzfeed unsolved, or watch movies on your phone with your headphones in.
He may feel a bit guilty over not being able to enjoy horror with you
So he gets you a poster of your favorite movie
Or asks Splinter if he knows one of your favorite horror actors so he could get a signature for you
“I uh- know ya really love scary stuff, so I got ya a signature from that one actor you like!”
Sweet boi
He’s trying.
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Thanks for requesting, I hope you liked it!!
This was pretty fun to write ^^
Reblogs appreciated :3
Updated and edited as of July 2023
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moonamite · 2 months
ohmtgrgg i love your dealer design pls can we have more headcannons he looks so SILYLHT
Ok so
Dealer headcanons
Physical and behaviorally he’s based off several different animals- Cats, dogs, lizards, hippo, sharks, ect.
He looks fat, but it’s actually pure muscle.
His skin is rough like shark skin but dry like lizard scales in shed. (He enjoys being scratched.)
His wounds heal pretty quickly, but the scars never completely fade.
If another demon enters his nightclub, he becomes territorial. Of course, he tries to stay civilized at first, but if the opposing demon stays too long, becomes aggressive, or tries to start trouble, he WILL physically fight them.
In his spare time he’s either reading (he has little reading glasses), waiting for another player, spectating the people below, or polishing his guns (guns plural. He has a collection). And although he doesn’t need to, he’ll sleep/nap from time to time.
His tail is mostly for balance, but if you get hit by it, it will shatter your ribs and spine.
Obviously he purrs. But he can also make a wide variety of vocalizations- though most people never hear them since he prefers to stay quiet.
He’s pansexual and goes by He/it.
Because of his large, uneven teeth, he cannot fully close his mouth. The scars around his ‘lips’ are from his teeth.
He does have eyeballs. They’re just very sunken in and also pitch black.
The lore for why he’s missing his wings is that once upon a time (like a LONG time ago) he cheated against the wrong person and was punished severely. (Wings physically **ripped** out of their sockets.) He still experiences phantom pains sometimes.
He has ears. They’re just small holes at the sides of his head like reptile ears.
He’s probably like 200+ years old, but physically he seems to be in his 60-70s.
He possesses both male and female reproductive organs. Do with that what you will.
His face is very sensitive to touch. Hold him.
He has a cane, but he doesn’t use it often.
He’s a bit over 8 feet tall.
His eyes can glow red in the dark because his eyes are reflective like cat eyes.
He’s got a long black forked tongue like a monitor lizard. It also has small barbs on it like the tongue of a cat.
You know how crocodiles can gallop? The Dealer charges at people on all fours when he finds them cheating.
He’s got small mini-teeth lining his throat. His jaws work like a moray’s- Once he has you, you can’t get out. His eyes roll back when he’s attacking with his mouth. But because he looks is to stay civilized and rational, nobody really sees this side of him.
His claws are like dog claws and never stop growing. They gotta be cut but not too close to the quick.
He drinks his respect women juice. Really he’s generally pretty respectful unless you cheat or piss him off.
Listens to old people music
He has another, more monstrous form. Nobody’s seen it, or at least, nobody’s lived to tell the tale.
He also doesn’t need to eat. Or drink. But he’ll indulge in both, though mostly drinking.
Despite running the place, he never partakes in the club activities. He’s almost always in his roulette room.
Nobody knows his name, or if he even has one. He’s just “The Dealer”.
When it comes to conversations, he’s much more of a listener than a talker. He gives off serious dad/grandpa energy sometimes.
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hiveworks · 8 months
Vampires, Witches, and Magic
Interview with Eric Lide and Angélica María
October 2023
Solstoria by Angélica María (aka: @charmwitch) and Ozzie the Vampire by Eric Lide (aka: @ericlide) are celebrating their 10th year anniversaries! We're diving into these absolute webcomic legends to learn more about their creative process in a joint interview with María and Lide.
Ozzie the Vampire is a webcomic about a vampire gal named Ozzie and her best friend Kimmy who find themselves protecting the town of Gloomburg, New Jersey, which seems to always find itself under the constant assault of demonic forces from the underworld. Sometimes they even learn something!
Solstoria is follows a girl named Samantha and her brother, Lawrence, who carries the weight of protecting his family on his shoulders. When he goes missing, Samantha embarks on an adventure to become a knight.
For a look behind the scenes at these two webcomic series, read on!
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It's spooky season, and both of your comics have themes of the supernatural. What kinds of creepy or magical energy do you bring into your comic?
Eric Lide:
I think the demons in Ozzie the Vampire bring the creepy energy for sure. A lot of them have bizarre and impractical anatomy, and they’re pretty enthusiastic about eating people.  Magic is a constant presence in the story as well, mostly through the spells Kimmy and Grimsley use to help Ozzie fight the bad guys.
Angélica María:
To start off, let's talk about the environments! There are certain areas and themes in Solstoria based around my love of Halloween! I'm not from the continental United States, so I've always loved the idea of a spooky air, or of pumpkins and ghosts. The Wayward Lands and Farmlands, two prominent areas spoken about in the story, are themed after the fall season in the United States. Besides that, witches carry a great importance in the story. They are magically gifted individuals of any gender, who purify the air and specialize in magics that are of help to the greater good of society. A witch is someone who can tame ghosts, calm uneven levels of magic in the city, and provide useful trinkets and charms for the everyday chore. They're just neat! Pointy hats are all the rage, too.
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Which character in your comic would survive a horror movie?
Well Ozzie is more or less immortal, so she could probably sleepwalk her way through any horror movie scenario…
Oddly enough, I feel like Samantha and Oksana (eventually) have the calmest head on their shoulders. Most of the adults would probably be fine, Huxley would serve as a great merchant in between sanctuaries, but as for the rest… Actually, who's to say Solstoria isn't secretly horror…
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A decade is a long time to be telling a story! Congratulations! How has your comic changed over the course of its publication?
When I first started out, I was just kind of drawing whatever and not thinking too much about the future. At that time, I was just trying to cram in as many fight scenes or gags as possible. Over the years though, I’ve come to love these characters and I think about them nonstop, so I’ve been writing more scenarios that challenge them on a personal level. There’s even a bit of romance coming up, which would’ve been unthinkable to me ten years ago.
Thank you so much! I burnt out for a few years, so you can definitely see my art style and narrative changing. I hope it's not... toooooooooo drastic of a change, but I always told myself to experiment on my pages and change things as I saw fit. If you re-read Solstoria, you will simply see my art evolve with no care of consistency. I apologize if this is glaring, but honestly- it's fun! One of the biggest changes now that I'm working on the story again is that we've swapped protagonists! Currently, we're seeing the story through Lawrence's eyes. Samantha's elder brother is possessed by a crow god, but he still thinks of his family first. Hopefully, they can figure something out together though!
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What motivates you to keep going?
I’ve always been drawing comics since I was very young, so it’s hard to say. I think once a story is in me, it has to come out in some form, even if it takes forever or no one is interested in reading it. That said, comments– audience response of any kind, really– is always a huge boost for me.
Solstoria has an electric 2010s anime flavor. What kind of series inspire you? Do you have any manga or comic recs?
Oh, I appreciate the comparison, but I wish to counter it- Solstoria is heavily inspired by Japanese RolePlaying Games! Specifically, games created by Capcom, GameArts, Square-Enix, and a few others on top of that! I do have a few anime I quite enjoy, like Princess Tutu formulated my brain intensely. I highly recommend watching this show if you want to experience a masterpiece! If you just want a good time, I also quite like Slayers! As for video games, I have so many to recommend! I love Fire Emblem, Breath of Fire, Star Ocean, LUNAR, Lufia... and so much more! All of these games are close to my heart, but stylistically, I think the Disgaea series has a lot of visual influence on Solstoria.
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Ozzie the Vampire has a cool punk flair that reminds me of webcomics I liked from the 2000s. Where do you draw inspiration from? Do you have any zine or webcomic recommendations?
Music was a big influence on Ozzie! There’s a lot of references to my favorite punk and metal records throughout the series, some obvious, others not so much. I always wanted the comic to look something like a scrappy punk zine. I don’t get to read many webcomics these days, but Boxcar City Rush has been a recent favorite.
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What can fans of your series look forward to in the coming year?
More updates, hopefully. This year was a bit sparse due to working on my debut graphic novel, The Champion of Draeland, but I’ve been wrapping that up and eager to dive back into Ozzie. I have many other graphic novels on the way though, so balancing both worlds is going to be an interesting challenge.
I'm very ahead of schedule, so I hope I can keep the momentum going. We're learning quite a bit about Samantha's brother, Lawrence, but we will also learn soon about another character who is pivotal to both siblings. He's a quiet, gentle person who tries to take on things on his own, and it doesn't go his way. Also murder. There may be murder.
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What is the best way for fans of your series to support you?
Leaving comments, reblogging and sharing updates, all that stuff really helps for sure! Fan art always brightens my day. I have a Patreon as well where I post early updates and behind-the-scenes material for only $2 a month. And of course, supporting my graphic novels once they release!
Honestly I really just love comments and tags on tumblr and twitter! If you wish to support me, you can always see early updates on Patreon! Thank you so much! But honestly, I just want to hear feedback from people and hear their thoughts and feelings about my work. It makes me so very happy.
Read Solstoria and Ozzie the Vampire for free and follow @charmwitch and @ericlide for updates!
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ladytauria · 7 months
trick or treat!
thank you for asking! 🎃
have a snippet from the vampire!tim wip~ tentatively titled icy hands, icy heart, and based around this summary:
Tim assumes the others know he’s not, and never has been, human. He's wrong.
tentatively am thinking it's going to be jaytim but right now all i have is 2k words of jason, damian, and duke discovering tim's vampirism, and tim discovering that, in order for people to know things, you have to tell them.
in his defense, he did tell alfred, bruce, and dick. (& maybe babs)
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“So you’ve been a vamp this whole time?” Jason is scrutinizing him—particularly his neck.
“I was born one.” That gets Jason’s eyes on his face again.
“Vampires can have babies?” Duke blurts.
“Yes,” Tim says. Though not without difficulty. If one of his parents had been human, it would have been easier—but they weren’t, and it hadn’t been. His parents were… protective as a result. Their jetsetting hadn’t been born out of a desire to see the world at any cost—though, Tim was sure it factored in—but, rather, decreasing the possibility they could be exposed. It’s hard to suspect someone of vampirism if they’re never around, after all.
That was also why they had so little in the way of domestic help—especially after a near-miss with Tim’s last caretaker. And why they moved him schools so often. (He had to miss so many days, especially in the summer and spring months, when everything was bright and sunny. Online school would have been easier, perhaps, but inspired its own problems. Tim needed to be as normal and human as possible.)
Tim isn’t sure those had been the best decisions—and neither, in the end, had his father. But it was too late to go back and change them now.
“I’ve… definitely seen you out in the sun,” Jason says, though he sounds as if he’s suddenly doubting his recollection.
“You have,” Tim agrees. “It’s… taxing. I have to feed well before I head out, and even then, I make sure to cover up as much as is reasonable. It helps that Gotham is the way she is, though.” Nearly perpetually cloudy, the sky clogged with pollutants despite environmentalists’ (and Wayne Enterprises’) best efforts.
“I’ve never seen you drinking blood, though,” Duke says.
“Yes you have,” Tim counters. “You just didn’t realize that’s what I was doing. I don’t usually feed from people. I buy pig’s blood from a local butcher.” A discreet one, who catered to people like Tim. “I don’t drink nearly as much coffee as it looks like I do.”
“But you do drink coffee,” Jason says, the skin around his eyes creasing suddenly. “Don’t you?”
Tim remembers the bag of expensive coffee grounds Jason left at the Nest, a few weekends ago, and smiles. “Yes. I can drink and eat human food. Mostly for the taste, but I do have to be cautious with caffeine and alcohol. Hits my bloodstream much faster, you understand.”
“You don’t feed off of humans?” Damian asks, scrutinizing him again.
“Not usually,” Tim repeats. “There have been a couple of emergencies, and I’ve had to drink from Bruce and Dick a time or two.” And, of course, there had been Tam, during his time away. That had been the most he’d ever fed from a human before, and he understood why some of his kind refused to feed from anything else. The taste had been exquisite, and the power—
Tim mentally shook himself.
“What about…” Duke gestured vaguely towards the medical bay. Everyone—except Tim—had a cache of blood there, to be used in case of emergencies.
Tim shakes his head. “Too processed. It’s like eating a snack cake, except it also tastes disgusting.” He had tried it once, during that first emergency. He hadn’t wanted to bother Bruce. Just the smell had made him want to wretch, but the actual taste? Ugh. And even draining the entire bag had done very little to quell the hunger. He hadn’t tried it again since.
Jason snorts. “Tracks, I guess,” he says, like he’d never thought of it before. Which, to be fair, he probably hadn’t. “So, s’that how you were able to stalk us for so long? Vampire magic?”
Tim snorts. “Oh, no, I didn’t have the energy for that,” he says, shaking his head. “It maybe helped that my reflexes were quicker, and I was still a bit faster than a human kid, but. No, that was all me.”
“What do you mean you didn’t have the energy?” Damian crosses his arms. “You were going out into the field impaired?” Despite being a head shorter than Tim, even with Tim being seated, he still managed to look down his nose at him.
Aw. Baby bat is worried.
“No,” Tim says. “Well—yes? I guess? Kind of?” He grimaces, and tilts his head. It’s been a long time since he’s had to explain any of this. “My parents didn’t want word getting out that we were vampires. There’s a lot of stigma, still. Few bad apples spoils the bunch, you know how it is. So, we pretended to be human, as much as possible. That meant I had to go to school. During the day. Which, like I said, is draining. I wasn’t—“ He paused, raising his cup to his lips. It’s coffee, this time, though now that he’s no longer consumed by his work, he can tell he needs to switch to blood soon, if he wants enough time to get down to normal strength for patrol.
“I wasn’t impaired in the way you’re thinking. By the time it was time to chase Batman and Robin—or, later, be Robin—I usually had time for a nap and some blood.” He didn’t always take the nap. “I wasn’t at ‘peak performance’ per se, but, I wasn’t exactly impaired, either.”
Damian’s face is pinched.
Tim sighs. “Look, physically, I was fine. Magically, I couldn’t do much. That’s all that means.”
The skepticism on Damian’s face gives Tim a bad feeling. Oh well. That's future Tim's problem to deal with.
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magpies4nights · 26 days
Hi guys I’m back again lol (Dev log #14)
Hiiiii guyssssss, guess who’s back
I’m almost done with the semesterrrrrr
I barely passed my classessss
I’ve been sleeping for 10 hours since like Friday because April and March exhausted meeeee
I’m so damn done. Well, not done with the game, but done with life. I know employment is going to be hard and I don’t want to be someone’s housewife. I would have said take me to Mars but I can barely survive when temperatures drop to 16 degrees celsius and if I end up going there and surviving then that means the problems will come back to me. Sigh. 
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Well, Game dev time. Since the hiatus, I literally did nothing. I did finish Kyu’s base sprites, Father Figure’s base sprites and started on Priyah’s, but I’ll be honest I haven’t done much else because classes were getting tougher and tougher until pretty much I couldn’t do anything else except eat sleep and study. I think they have the least sprites because they have no line boil (I’d like to think the line boil means they’re getting affected by the game breaking down (I’d like to think the father figure is so damn powerful and immortal he literally sleeps through all the crazy shit that happens because that’s basically all what he does in the games except for punting his kid for eating chips loudly or disturbing his sleep)). So, what am I going to do? Continue Priyah’s sprites, then maybe do Orby’s, which probably would take me a bit longer because they would have line boil. Then maybe the diner cast, because Tiny Terson doesn’t deserve his own base sprites. If there is 1 million Tiny Terson haters I am one of them. If there is only 1 Tiny Terson hater that is me. If there are 0 Tiny Person haters then I am dead.  I’ll start with making the game actually playable after all the base sprites are done because right now it’s just a sandbox with nothing to do.
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I have put the demo to make you guys see what I’m talking about (it’s an HTML5 game. It’s really glitchy for some reason and some scenes for some reason can’t load the assets in smhhhhh. I’m going to make the full game downloadable when it’s out for windows because I have a feeling you can’t save on browser. Sorry Mac users. Not sorry. Also, I can't guarantee the downloadable thing at the bottom will run tbh.)
Here is the link to the demo: https://yal-armstong.itch.io/scaperat-the-demo
Is it exactly referencing if you’re taking like 2 lines of a song's lyrics? I don’t know but this song has been inadvertently been influencing the way I make jokes lmao deadass whenever I say anything about feeling sad this is how I expect the recipient of my message to read it like.
This song literally was what my early teens was like, like the basic lyrics that get the point across and the "emo" instrumental. Which honestly, it makes sense because this song was written by a 13 year old (which honestly, good for her). I’ll be honest, I really only miss my early teens a little bit because that's when I realized I wanted to be a game dev, but I didn't actually try making games until I was 19, which honestly thank god, because I just know I would make something angsty and cringey at 15. Also I LITERALLY DIDN’T KNOW THIS SONG WAS A JAMSTER RINGTONE?! I literally saw the music video first and was like “holy shit now this is some good shit” (I was 11 ok, I wanted to look like her so damn bad back then but I knew my parents would make fun of me)
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I swear to god if any of you laugh at me because I used picmix instead of blingee I would have used it but literally could not sign up for blingee. We live in a society/j
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wormbloggign · 4 months
Glenn Chambers wore plaid pants with red and green, and a pink dress shirt, His belt bore a buckle with the PRT logo on it. His hair had changed too, parted neatly into what I assumed was ‘geek chic’, and the glasses had changed as well, with thick, round frames. An ID card hung around his neck. He didn’t fit any of those particular archetypes.
i love how shit his fits are. this man CANNOT dress. let him micromanage every aspect of your persona.
“Go, and hurry,” Glenn said.  “Tell them to fix it and cast another prototype before the run starts.  These are toys, they’ll be in the hands of children and collectors both.  The people who are buying these are fans.  What’s it going to say if their most immediate association with Esoteric is the broken toy sitting on a shelf?  It’s going to convey that he’s flimsy.”
ok thats just poor organisation, you'd have the base construction and elements of the doll figured out WELL before you start working on its visage. glenn has dropped in my opinion of him
“I asked to speak to you because I wanted you to know about the damage that’s being done.” “Ah, this is about the butterflies.” “It’s about a lot more than butterflies.  It’s the whole mindset.  The attitude of the heroes.  I’d talk to Chevalier, but he’s too busy.  I’d talk to Rime, but she’s recovering from being shot three times.  You’re the only other person I’ve met so far who really seems to be in a position to know what I’m talking about.  Besides, as far as I can figure, image and PR seem to be at the heart of the problem.”
she's back to her favourite pastime. (i genuinely love everytime she does this)
“The focus isn’t on lethal or nonlethal,” Glenn said. “It’s on whether we can trust you to keep on the path you’re walking. If you start taking shortcuts now, what happens a year down the line? If we decide you can go all-out in one specific situation, does that open the door for another?”
genuinely good point, good to see glenn is trying hard to properly vett new capes
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taylor goes so hard as a monster i really do love it
“Until I turn eighteen,” I said, feeling a little hollow.
that's less than a year, you can handle that.
Chevalier approached.  “You murdered two people.  Three, going by your admission while in custody.  Two PRT directors, one major hero.  When Dragon and Defiant suggested we bring you on board, we were divided.  It was Glenn who offered the compromise that we ultimately agreed to.  This compromise.” I glanced at Glenn, who shrugged. Glenn?
glenn wanted an excuse to integrate hexagon tiling into NEW PRT advertising didnt he
“That’s why you’re waiting two years?  You think that it’ll take that long to vet me, before you can give me actual responsibility?”
two years? didnt she turn 17 around the time coil did his big bombing run? did she just forget?
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that's genuinely horrifying, thanks
Mail from all around the United states.  From strangers, from fans. Words of support.  Criticism.  Death threats.
this is functionally the first time the general public has had the chance to communicate directly to her. yeah i expected as much
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hes bumbling 🥺🥺🥺
aishas doing great actually
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lisa is lisa-ing
Atlas died.  I wanted to let you know.  Tattletale had him, but he wouldn’t eat or move.  We asked for him, and we found a place for him.  The guys say they think they know a good way to make a mold.  They’re covering him in brass. A way of saying you’re still with us.  Take care of yourself. -Char
MY BOY ;-;
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silly goofy, rachels going through it.
overall, taylors polycule miss her and the others have their own thing
Withdrawing a notepad, I started sketching out the designs I was thinking of. Alterations to the costume, weapon ideas, tools and concepts.
!!!! !!!!
The costume Defiant and Dragon had given me was theirs, not mine.  The fighting style that had been dictated was Glenn’s and Chevalier’s. This, this would be me.
im gonna have to draw her new costume too when it get out arent i.
(we are pretending like im not incredibly excited about this development)
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wellhalesbells · 2 years
[Based on Asks I Get] Here’s the Cheatsheet to My (Sterek) Fics, Folks:
Why am I Following You Again?:  👋🏻 You’re probably here because of There’s Monsters at Home.  Stiles is a BAMF, Derek is a Failwolf, the Pack has to actually learn how to form Voltron (figuratively), Derek gets possessed by a demon (literally), Stiles is blind (temporarily), and there’s a semi-sentient phoenix tattoo.  There’s art from @andavs​ for it here because she is one of the coolest people I’ve ever known.  Big facts.  There’s also a gifset that eeames made that can only be found in the fic now (thanks, tumblr) so check that ish out!
You Wrote a Sterek Fic Where, Like, They’re Dicks... But It’s Good?  Also, Stiles is Correct™ about How Much It Sucks to Sleep in the Same Bed as a Human Heater: You’re thinking of Seat Belts & Gravity, and your description is much better than mine.  On.  Point.
There was One Where, Like, They’re in College and There’s the Pack But Not Really Because I Think Everyone was Human and No One Knows Derek and Stiles are Together Even Though It’s Not a Secret?: You’re thinking of We’re Burning One Hell of a Something, aka The One You Will Never Find If You Don’t Bookmark It Now.  I’m serious, I just told you what it is but navigate away from this page for one minute and what’s it called?  You don’t know, but an Ellie Goulding song is stuck in your head and this is going to drive you gonzo now.  Just bookmark it, for serious.
😭 B-But Protozooey?: That’s Of Bananas, Babies and Buzzkills and I’m sorry.  Oh, and get all your bwhahas and wah-wah-wahs in podfic form: here!
What are the Rules to Brackets?: Brackets is a fictional game created in The Quadruped, Rhypophagus Team of Goatliness that is based solely on the pure chaotic energy of True American in New Girl ..... what about any of that fic makes you think rules belong there?
P.S. What Does Rhypophagus Mean?: Granted this was never a super popular word but it did used to be a... word and it means trash-eating - I cannot explain to you why there’s only, like, one link on Google that will tell you that now.  I’m thinking Larry and Sergey liked my fic so much they decided: all roads must lead to this miss!  It’s the only thing that makes sense really.
Did You Write a Ballet One Where, Like, Afterwards I Wanted to Crawl into a Dark Hole and Eschew All Human Contact?:  I did!  Thanks for noticing, and you’re welcome!  It’s called Birds of a Feather Fuck Together.  You probably remember this art for it too!
There was a Nerd/Jock Thing But Also Still Werewolves... Am I Remembering This Right?: You are!  It’s Option C) Some Bad Guys are Werewolves, but Not All Werewolves are Bad Guys.  I should make longer titles, huh?  Also there is awesome art for it by NateintheAttic.
Are You the Person Who Did the One Where the Hales are Still Alive and There’s, Like, Magic and Scott’s a Seer and Also Everyone Thinks Scott and Stiles are Gonna Bone (Including Derek)?  No, Right?:  I can see why you would think I am not that person because it is all kinds of happy but that was me!  It’s called Instructions for Dancing.  It’s got a bittle prequel on tumblr here and a scene from Derek’s PoV here.
Did You Ever Finish that One that I Started to Read on Tumblr and Then Lost Track of around Part, Like, Fifteen?:  I did!  It’s completed on tumblr as the Subway Sleeper Series and posted to AO3 as a huge block of zaniness under the name Hibernation Station.  Oh!  And art exists for it: here and here!
There was One about Allison?: There was!  It’s called Phases of the Weaker Heart and it’s entirely from her point of view with some of my fave pre-slashy Sterek sprinkled in.  @goodoceangonewrong giffed one of my absolute favorite scenes: here and lunchee did an absolute gorgeous reading of it here.
There’s One with a Dog and Baltimore and Frosted Flakes and Baseball and Smiling and Also, Like, So Much Baltimore Though?:  That’s [Hilary Duff Lyric Redacted]!  You might also remember the art for it: here.
There’s One Where Stiles Talks, Like, So Much?: That could be so many, help me out here! .... Holy-Os, Now with Thirty Percent More Bonermallows?  Oh, of course!  That would be How Weetabix Got His Marshmallows Back!  You’re welcome, you dirty birds 😉
Okay, This is Going to Sound Weird but Boyd was Just, Like, Stealing Clothes Off Dead Hunters in the Background?: That’s Apathy, Apathy, You’ll be the Death of Me and it sounds perfectly in character to me so I’m not even sure what you mean by “weird.”
Are You Ever Going to Finish Your Series/Write a Sequel Like You Said You were Going to?:  I am super sure that I am one day going to do those things, yes.  Is that based on reality or previous patterns?  Listen, sometimes you just have to have faith, y’know?
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transboysokka · 6 months
chris watches twilight for the first time
omg this blueish filter is wild is this like a Pacific Northwest thing
that girl is not tan enough to be from arizona
also I’m getting big gay energy from her so idk how this movie is gonna be like. plausible.
if the dad wasn’t a cop I’d definitely smash
do u guys remember though when they used to cast ACTUAL teenagers for teen roles? refreshing
wow this guy in the cowboy hat has MAJOR swag
oh nooo Taylor Lautner I grew up with him and he sucked (real)
idk why ppl always shat on kstew being like inexpressive in this??? seems fine??
all these vampire siblings date each other?? lolololol
so far this seems like a fun little teen drama idk. it’s so blue though
Edwards stare is so intense I KNOW rpat had a great time with this lolol
Lolllll imagine seeing someone try to switch classes to avoid u but u don’t even know them??
the daughter-distant father awkwardness is v nice, v realistic
ugh this dad is so hot
Does Edward have RED eyes girl that sounds like a red flag get away
Ok this soundtrack sucks
Wait so his eyes change? Why?
wow he stopped a bread van for her w his muscles how romanticccc
also how small is this school like how does everyone know her?
vampire doctor creeps me out
lol his name is carlisle what a square
taking bets at how soon he tells her he’s a vampire it’s probably pretty soon I’m gonna say like around the one hour mark
girl is she having sex dreams about him
God Edward really is so creepy eh
Lautner’s Michigan accent is sooo bad in this omggg I can’t
are these new vampires?? the whole eating people thing really disrupts the tone of the story
So gay of bella not to care about the dress shopping. And also just skipping prom lol
Edward just following her everywhere RUN GIRL
“I should make sure Bella gets something to eat” most awkward and obvious way to ask for a date
So she’s def a vegetarian and he def doesn’t eat people food
We’re like 40 minutes in and he’s already telling her lol
Anyway why can’t he read her mind is this like a soulmate thing
This is soooo fanfictiony lmao
So she finds out he can read minds and just lets it go lol
Edward is such a dumbass though she figured him out so easy lolllll
And now she’s having vampire sex dreams lmaoooo this movie is great
Oh here it comes the “I know what you are” “say it” lol I only know this scene bc it’s from a meme or something
lmao this speed animation
is he about to sparkle
god they’re both crazy girl why are you so into him and Edward why are you so obsessed w her
ok yeah some of these lines suck
First of all these kids are missing class and for what
Second of all I cannot IMAGINE being a teenage straight girl seeing this for the first time when it comes out and basing my ENTIRE personality on this shitty ass self-insert fanfic ass plot
Girl how the hell can you be in love with him already
That’s so high school, they’re only walking together and people somehow know they’re together?
oh wow so the doctor turns these kids to stop them from dying that’s neat
I used to live only off tofu and I was very satisfied thank u very much
Wow he’s special about reading minds that’s convenient
He’s such a kid w her that’s not what I was expecting but I like it
They’re making Italian food for her bc her name is Bella lmfao
WOW anger issues much
He doesn’t sleep, he doesn’t stop going to school, he doesn’t eat, terrible existence
Was that the author in the diner
there are so many problems here lol
Dad just messing w his gun at the kitchen table, so cop coded
So American coded actually lol
Wait Edward is gonna meet him w the gun there lmao
Vampire baseball lolllll
This is just one big incest nerd family
They could have tried a little harder w the cgi for such a big budget?? This looks like the CW. Feels like it too actually
FRENCH bad guy vampires??
These stakes seem suddenly way too high??
Don’t break the hot dads heart nooooo
This really does feel like the CW though
Yeah no Rosalie is right why does that family care about Bella so much like she’s a high school girlfriend not a wife lmao
I think I’m dumb but I don’t entirely understand what’s happening here like did Bella go back to Arizona?? Why did she have to go so far to get away from this guy
FUCK is he gonna run all the way to Arizona now lol
I just don’t know how things got so suddenly so dramatic like can’t this James guy just let it go why is he going to so much effort this just all seems so silly
Wow Black Swan
yeah again idk why everyone was hating on kstew’s performance in this, it’s good
How did Edward get there so fast is there like some portal between Arizona and Washington isn’t that like a 1-2 day drive?
This is a fancy ass ballet studio btw
Yeah this fight scene sucks
So Mufasa coded “Remember who you are”
What is happening to Bella now she doesn’t turn until the last book right? (I’ve never read it idk)
Why did that guy have venom?????
Wow finally creepy Edward gets what he wanted and can drink her up…… he ain’t gonna stop
Oh I get it he stops w the power of love. Okay. Whatever.
This SONG sucks
“You lost a lot of blood” yeah THANKS Edward
Oh god the old ass cellphones. Throwback.
Not sure why she’d need oxygen w the injuries she had tbh am I missing something or is it for drama
“You’re in here bc of me” damn straight
Go to Jacksonville Bella (I know she won’t)
Don’t be a baby about it Bella????
Oh fuck is she going to prom? THATS not gonna create School Drama at all…
“Alice lent me the dress” yeah you’re too gay to own any
I know it’s bc of my issues w lautner as a person but I hate Jacob and I ALSO hate that lautner claims to have “distant” indigenous heritage bc that is another thing that he didn’t have when we were kids so why is he playing this guy
“Should we dance?” “You’re serious?” Bro you came to prom together wtf did u think u we’re gonna do
All the music in this movie sucks ass
I don’t usually advocate for this with vampire stuff but I’d have less of a problem with the creepiness of this relationship if he DID turn her
If MY bf was a vampire I wouldn’t want to be human either wtf
Okay yeah I mean that movie was whatever. Glad I understand the pop culture references now I guess
Oh no oh wait oh god I gotta watch the rest of these movies now don’t I…. Please tell me they get better
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For the ask game: Voyager and SNW
Feel free to do Ahsoka as a bonus! :)
Thank you for the ask friend! And OF COURSE I am going to do Ahsoka as a bonus because my obsession with that show knows no bounds.
Favourite character: I am one of the 0.0000009% of the earth’s population whose favourite Voyager character is Kes. She stood out to me from the very start, and that VOICE my god. She’s the perfect blend of kind and gentle and good but also she can boil your blood with her brain and she eats bugs and reads autopsy reports for fun. Nobody does it like her, and I really wished the show had leaned into some of her more horrific qualities (which obviously they never would because this is 90s Star Trek we’re talking about). But she’s a monstrous woman to me and I love her for it.
Second favourite character: B’Elanna! So many of her focus episodes just hit different - she’s easily one of the most complex characters in the cast, and not only that but the writers actually gave her material that makes the most of that complexity. They do such a good job of exploring her inner conflicts and her complicated relationship to her identity right from the get go (I’m thinking about that season 1 episode ‘Faces’. They really wasted no time in making her so interesting). B’Elanna’s episodes seldom ever miss basically. Also I just love her attitude.
Least favourite character: uhh Q 😂 I know he only has three guest episodes in the whole show, but he makes me want to set things on fire. I do not know why he’s so popular, I do not find him charming at all! Even in TNG!!
The character I’m most like: Idk, I always struggle with questions like this, but maybe Harry? Idk a few weeks ago someone in the uni department I work in said I wasn’t a staff member even though I’m literally on the payroll as a staff member and it just felt like I was living the Ensign Kim fantasy.
Favourite pairing: What a surprise! My favourite pairing is between my favourite character and my second favourite character! Kes/B’Elanna truthers if you’re out there, we can’t let their lack of screentime win.
Least favourite pairing: uhh Kes/Neelix because I honestly think a chaotic sibling-type relationship would’ve suited them so much better. Just let them be adventurous spacefaring besties together, it would’ve made things so much less awkward!
Favourite moment: Ok this is hyper specific and I think I’ve mentioned it before, but you know the ending of ‘The Thaw’? Where Janeway literally kills fear itself and there’s that really striking visual of Fear fading into the darkness and you can only see the parts of his face that are painted white? Yeah, that lives in my head rent free forever.
Rating out of 10: Solid 8/10. Highly entertaining, but I’m not feral about it.
Strange New Worlds
Favourite character: Ortegas! Which is incredibly unfortunate for me because the writers just refuse to let her do anything. It’s been two seasons, where is my Ortegas focus episode??? She’s my favourite character based purely on vibes alone, so imagine how much more there will be to love when they. Y’know. Actually develop her backstory and personality.
Second favourite character: Ok this is really bad but I honestly don’t feel strongly enough about any other members of the SNW cast to have a character that stands out as my second favourite 🙈 They’re all lovely! I do generally like them all! But I just struggle to get invested in them the way I do with other Star Trek characters, idk what it is.
Least favourite character: Chapel 🙈 I think I’m mostly just frustrated by the way she’s written - I think the intention was to make her a stronger character than she was in TOS, but I can’t think of a single aspect of her storyline that isn’t directly connected to one of the men in her life. It’s more like she’s an accessory to Spock and M’Benga’s storylines rather than a character in her own right. She had so much potential, because I remember her being kind of goofy and fun and chaotic and unique in the very first episode, and that was great! But I think a lot of that has got lost amongst the pining for Spock and the wartime M’Benga angst.
The character I’m most like: Hmm Uhura maybe?? Just with the whole struggling to make meaningful connections to people thing. Also I too miss Hemmer.
Favourite pairing: I don’t really have any ships for SNW, but let’s just say Ortegas/Una in the Elysian Kingdom because that was immense.
Least favourite pairing: Spock and Chapel, but mostly for the same reasons why I’m frustrated with Chapel’s character in general. I think there are moments where it does work, and I’m not opposed to them existing as a couple. I just wish they could give Chapel more interiority so they could flesh it out a bit more. As it stands, the whole Spock/T’Pring/Chapel thing reads very much like a generic YA love triangle romance. Maybe polyamory could fix them idk.
Favourite moment: The ending of ‘The Elysian Kingdom’ just gets me man. It hits on similar themes as the DS9 episode ‘Far Beyond the Stars’ in that it really centres on the power of storytelling, and I just love how nicely those two episodes fit together (I mean the Elysian Kingdom book was literally written by Benny Russell!! Hello????)
Rating out of 10: 7/10. It’s a good show and I do enjoy it, but I just struggle to connect with it in the same way that I can with shows that I really love.
Ok I’m going to put the Ahsoka stuff under a read more because I don’t want to spoil anything for you!
Favourite character: This is so hard because I love them all!! But I think I have to choose Ahsoka because she’s just. She’s so good in this. I know a lot of people think she’s out of character, but I couldn’t disagree more. She’s seen some shit! She’s gone through hell! Of course she’s going to be more subdued as an adult than she was as a teenager! She brings such a presence and a gravitas to the show that really elevates it. Basically I’m love her.
Second favourite character: Shin Hati my disaster daughter. I’m fully convinced that Baylan found her in a trashcan somewhere and was like “I want that one” because she just has this slightly feral energy that I’m honestly obsessed with. I’m really excited to see if the show expands on her character, because she’s mostly been running around doing Baylan’s bidding and getting into very hot lightsaber fights with Sabine. Give my girl some development let’s GOOOOO. (Also honourable mention to Anakin because that’s my GUY that’s my BOY)
Least favourite character: I honestly can’t think of one, I love everyone in this show to pieces. Maybe that Empire sympathiser dude that Ahsoka and Hera met in episode 2. Yeah, him.
The character I’m most like: Ummm Sabine because I too am very fond of cats and creatures that look like cats.
Favourite pairing: Does Shin/Sabine have a ship name? Idk if they do, but either way I feel very normal about them. Mostly because of the vibes, since they haven’t done much beyond beating the crap out of each other. I’m hoping they’ll actually get to have a conversation in the next few episodes, especially after what went down in episode 4!
Least favourite pairing: I don’t think I have an answer for this one? Idk I’m not quite deep enough in the fandom side of things yet to know what else people are shipping from this show.
Favourite moment: Because I am a very basic Prequel era/Clone Wars girlie I have no choice but to choose the entire section of episode 5 with Ahsoka and Anakin. Number one television event that makes me want to bite things, I’m still not over it, I’ll never be over it. It’s fan service but it serves a purpose in the story. Anakin was better than he’s ever been in anything ever. Temuera Morrison was there. I have no choice but to go insane about every single second of these scenes. And don’t even get me started on teenage Ahsoka that was HEARTBREAKING.
Rating out of 10: 10/10. It’s perfect. Star Wars hasn’t been this good in ages. I’m actually actively looking forward to each new episode as they release, which is very rare for me.
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Adjustment period
Aether:*walks into base* I’m back! Good evening to anyone whose arou-
He turns the corner to see Keqing, Ayaka, and Nilou sitting in chairs. They all look at him like a kid getting caught stealing a cookie; as Kokomi stands before them healing three bloody noses and a thick bruise that went across the bridges of all their noses.
Aether:Umm how?
Ayaka:It is not what it looks like!
Keqing:No one was mad at anyone!
Nilou:Am I missing something?
Kokomi:No you’re perfectly fine. They’re just panicking.
Aether:So what happened to get all of you to look like raccoons?
[40 minutes ago]
Ayaka:Nilou settling in?
Keqing:On my way to see her now. Haven’t heard any problems or questions yet.
Ayaka:Think she’ll make captain?
Keqing:Not my call. I doubt it though. Her teams are pretty set in stone. She’ll probably be like your brother or Noelle. No need for her to rush. We can take the process slow.
Ayaka:You’re really taking this seriously. I feel kinda bad; I assumed you’d be jealous like when I showed up and avoid me.
Keqing:I was not jealous when you showed up.
Keqing:Okay, I was put off but it was nothing personal. Also I didn’t avoid you. It made no sense to involve myself when Chongyun was perfectly suited for showing you the ropes.
Ayaka: *smiles* It’s fine. I was a little envious of you. Everyone looks up to you and holds you in high esteem. Aether gives you so much responsibility because he knows you can do it. It’s flattering trust.
Keqing:Sorry but you’re reading too much into that. I just can’t stand jobs not being delegated to the best of their ability so Aether put me in charge so it wouldn’t drive me up a wall. “Knock yourself out” he said. Just like how he gives you freedom, time and flexibility because that’s what you desire.
Ayaka:Yes, that became more clear overtime. No wonder he’s made this place so calm with many personalities. He gives everyone the time of day.
Keqing:Exactly. Now we give it to Nilou. It’ll be awhile before she’s up to strength and he’s gotten the things she needs. We just have to make her feel invited to promote improvement. *knocks on door* Nilou? Are you there?
Nilou:*opens door* Hello. What’s going on? 3/9/9
Keqing and Ayaka:…..
Ayaka:You use a blade, correct?
Keqing:Wanna spar?
Aether:Ah, so pettiness happened.
Kokomi:More or less. I saw them sparring with wooden swords and then they managed to whack each other all at the same time. It was actually pretty impressive besides painful.
Keqing:I was doing my job.
Ayaka:And you know I like seeing foreign swordsmanship. It felt appropriate considering Nilou’s unexpected and rapid growth.
Aether and Kokomi:….
Nilou:If it helps, I could feel the tension from the start and went along with it anyways. Then after the first swing I realized they were serious about this hehe. It was actually quite engaging. I also wanted to know how I stood up against incredible people like you both. I see why many put their faith in you!
Ayaka:(Oh she felt like me…)
Keqing:(Darn it! Was I jealous!?)
Ayaka and Keqing: *hugs Nilou* You’re incredible too.
Nilou:Awwww. Thanks guys.
Aether:Is this what happens when I show interests in swordsman, tension?
Kokomi:I think it’s admirable.
Aether:Okay, you’re in charge of healing the next “sparring session”
Kokomi:Please do us both a favor find a bowman. They’re all so nice and at least aim at targets.
Aether:They really are just bundles of care aren’t they?
[Somewhere else]
Amber and Gorou: *happily eating*
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mazegays · 11 months
could've followed my fears all the way down
Chapter 5
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
“Thomas, you’re abandoning me for the greenhouse now?” Frypan jokes. “I set aside plates for you two. Harriet was going to grab you, but she said you looked like you were having a serious conversation.”
“Now, Frypan, have you ever known me to be serious?” Sonya jumps onto the counter, dodging Frypan’s playful swat. “Thomas, on the other hand, I think we have to convince him not to be.”
“Get off my counter, Miss Anti-Serious. Some of us still have work to do, you know. Jorge was looking for you, Thomas, but he’ll find you at some point.”
Jorge does have a strange way of doing that. Thomas thinks it’s a hard-earned skill. If he knows anything about Brenda, it’s that she likes to find her own way of doing things.
“Thanks, Frypan.” He manages to say before Sonya is pulling him to the fire pits. There’s not much room there this time of day, but she plops down on Harriet’s lap and he sits next to them.
“What if I had had food in my lap?” Harriet tries to look stern. “What would you have done then?”
“One, you didn’t, two, you would have moved it. That’s what you always did in the Glen.”
“I did not.”
“You did!” Rosa, one of the other Group B members, calls. “Admit it, Harriet, you’ve had it bad for Sonya for a long time.”
“I see you’ve turned against your leader. Perhaps you want to think about that.”
“Last I checked, you and Sonya lead together.” Thomas points out. H/e carefully doesn’t look at Sonya, so he doesn’t start laughing.
“Okay, stick, I see how it is.” She shoves him lightly. “You want to race again, is that it? Where’s Minho, maybe he wants in.”
“I’m here. Someone’s gotta show you all how it’s done.”
“Wait, Thomas, are you good to run?” Harriet seems to remember his sight.
“Yeah.” He blinks a few times. “The blurriness cleared up earlier. That’s a weird side effect, though. What do you think causes it?”
“No, Thomas, we’re not debating that right now.” Minho rolls his eyes. “Shank always wants to know everything about everything, I swear. He was like that in the Glade, too. Always asking questions. Newt and Alby didn’t know what to do with him.”
Thomas flinches a little when he says Newt’s name.
Minho’s not upset that he killed Newt. He said he wasn’t, and Minho wouldn’t lie about something that big. Minho hardly lies, ever.
At least, he hasn’t lied to Thomas. Thomas doesn’t have any reason not to trust him.
finish under the cut or on ao3
“How far should we go?” Rosa asks. “We can’t do it here.”
“Let them finish eating, Ro.” Harriet gestures to Thomas’s and Sonya’s plates, still mostly full. “We can decide after. None of us have anything super important this afternoon.”
“Thomas, Jorge and I wanted to talk to you.” Thomas tilts his head back to look up at Vince.
“Yeah, sure. Now?” Minho takes his plate while he stands.
“If you’d like.” Thomas shrugs. He’s just eating. It’d be nice to do with others, but he doesn’t have to.
He has a feeling he knows what they’re going to ask, anyway. Vince takes him to the back room of the common house.
“You know we fixed the Flat-Trans recently.” He nods.
“We were wondering if you’d be willing to go back through it.”
“Do we know where it opens back up yet?”
“Somewhere near where it closed.” Jorge answers.
Teresa’s body would be so close. Would it be worth it to find and dig it up, bring her back to bury her? Like so many of his friends never got to be? No, probably not. And who knows what might have gotten at it by now, anyway.
Or if anything actually survived the explosions.
“We want to do a recon mission. You’re familiar with that WCKD base.” Vince’s arms are folded, hands in fists. That’s never a good sign.
“Somewhat, yes. Mostly from half-memories and dreams. I didn’t get my memory removal reversed.” He reminds them. 
This isn’t what he was expecting at all.
“It’ll be a small group, only a few people. You’ll be leading them.” Vince hesitates, looking at Jorge. Jorge just raises an eyebrow.
“It was your rule, Vince. You can explain it.”
“You can’t take any of your friends. Brenda, Minho, Gally, any of them. Jorge and I will pick who goes with you.”
“So I don’t get any say in this?” Thomas watches Vince closely, then Jorge. 
“You do, hermano. You can say no, and one of us will go, or we’ll ask someone else. We just wanted to give you the option first.” Thomas remembers how he met Jorge in the Scorch. All the signs about him being the leader.
He’s stepped back. It’s not as fun as it looks, and he’s sixteen. He doesn’t want to lead. He shouldn’t have to.
So why does he want to say yes so badly?
Even worse, why does it feel like he’s already agreed?
“Let him have time to think on it.” Jorge says, already putting a hand on Thomas’s shoulder to guide him from the room. Vince just grunts.
Once they’re out of earshot, Jorge sighs. “I’d wanted to warn you before Vince got a chance to say anything. Hermano, you really don’t have to do this. Vince wouldn’t be convinced to ask anyone else first. Take the night at least to really consider this. Take the next few days, if you want. Speak with someone about it, please. It’s not something that needs to be done immediately.”
But the sooner it gets done, the sooner they’ll be able to get more resources, maybe bring more Immunes in. Many of the people here are living without electricity and running water for the first time in their lives. Going through the Flat-Trans might mean being able to get some rudimentary systems up and running again. 
Jorge shakes him gently. “Are you listening to me, Thomas? Don’t decide now.” Thomas has never been good at concealing what’s going on his mind, though, and Jorge remembers him from a time Before.
“Go and race with your friends before you think yourself into this. You are not the only one who can do this.”
But Thomas can tell that Jorge knows it’s a losing battle he’s fighting now. 
There’s a reason he was the Final Candidate. It was always him, it’s always going to be him.
He doesn’t race that night, sitting off to the side and cheering instead. Minho glares at him when he cheers Sonya on, but it’s worth it for the lightness it brings to his chest.
It’s much easier to ignore that he’s going to be lying to them soon enough when they’re all laughing and teasing.
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spicyicymeloncat · 2 years
Following on from that last post abt Kai and also crystalised part 1 spoiler but can we appreciate the character development he’s had since s3, where his former coping mechanism was leaving to torture himself on his own and now in s16 he decided to lean into putting his energy to helping others (teaching).
Yknow I really enjoyed s4 but yknow what would’ve made it better? More fleshed out Kai Lloyd conflict. Because that first episode with Kai and Lloyd with Lloyd admittedly being a bit harsh in flat out calling Kai selfish for blaming himself for Zane’s death (or in Lloyd’s eyes, not being able to see the bigger picture) does actually kinda make sense and would’ve had so much potential if they dig deeper into that. Kai left and quit being a ninja, and whilst Lloyd shouldn’t be allowed to control anyone else’s actions, as the green ninja - the one who had to give up so much, the one who had to learn and inspire the meaning behind “Ninja never quit” - it must have stung when the person who showed him how to even be a ninja vanished.
Not only that but Kai turned to “dishonourable” underground fighting rings and lego’s version of alcoholism, which, whilst again it’s not entirely Lloyd’s business, has got to be a painful reminder at how Garmadon was, a loving figure who started going down a darker path, whilst Lloyd could only watch.
(Unrelated to this post but also think about Nya, who stayed behind, fixing the bounty, fixing a shadow of the home they used to have, whilst Kai walked out on it, disappearing like their parents. Angsty)
And I think that a Lloyd Kai conflict, running on quietly in the background of the Jay Cole conflict, would be so interesting. Where Jay and Cole are loudly announcing their beef for the whole tournament to witness, Kai and Lloyd quietly butting heads on what the right course of action is, in cold restrained politeness. Lloyd being slightly more bitter or bossy towards Kai, Kai ignoring requests, suggestions or orders in favour of going his own way (or taking it out on Garmadon), but neither one going stepping too far, trying their best to keep it together for the sake of the team. And they really do care about each other which is mostly the reason why they’re mad (because like Jay and Cole, what hurts more is that siblings as close as them could even bring themselves to fight like that). The only person who could tell is ironically Garmadon, who realises he and Kai are actually kinda alike, and urges Lloyd to be patient with him and not give up.
Ideally with the events of Kai holding the staff of elements, the conflict reaches its peak and the two finally spit out what’s been eating at them. With Kai saying if he was the green ninja, or even, if he was more powerful, better, then he could’ve stopped all of it from happening and that he’s insecure about not being strong enough to protect his family. And Lloyd responding that while he is the green ninja, he couldn’t keep the team together and Kai leaving hurt him because he missed him and it hurt him that Kai based his worth on merely how strong he was. And maybe after that sequence, they end up talking it out , understanding what the other went through and making up about it.
This was kinda a tangent that ran away from my original point, but with the hints of that kind of arc for Kai, him ending up having a better coping mechanism and generally doing kinda well after Seabound feels a lot more triumphant because he’s not blaming himself for Nya’s sacrifice, and instead he knows his own self worth and focused on what he could do to cope instead of what he couldn’t yknow?
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