#and GET THIS: members of the lgbt+ community are more likely to understand and be accepting of other members
cherryg · 1 year
The internet censorship is coming..(again)
There are two well known censorship bill known as KOSA and the EarnIt act.
These bills both promised that they will protect children but unfortunately these are misguided bills that says they’ll do something but then they will do the opposite or make things worse.
Both of these bills are serious threat to the LGBT community and will censor a lot of content especially there
the EarnItact will also get rid of NSFW content and deem it as illegal, and will also get rid of section 230
The KOSA act will let attorneys from Florida and Texas take control and decide what people could and could not watch and sue websites and anything they don’t like and will not protect children but mostly put many vulnerable teens and children at risk while going as far as to even censor important information like sex education, health issues, suicide prevention hotlines and many more
We have stopped these bills from passing before but the cofounder Richard Bluemenhal is clearly not giving up and trying hard and hard again to push these bills back on congress
Last year more than 90/100 human rights groups urged lawmakers and congress to not pass KOSA in the omnibus bill and it got shelved and the same then happened to Earn it last year on February/March
But now he is trying a third time,using and manipulating grieving parents and young people into supporting and lobbying his bills, whiles even accepting anti trans and LGBT groups into supporting his legislations. He’s trying to find any type of scandal a platform is currently facing and turn and twist it on behalf of his agendas.
He says he supports abortions and the LGBT community but his bills will censor those things he claims to support. He can’t have it both ways.
But he was stubborn enough to ignore every criticism and scrutiny he gets about the legislations, being childish and all.
Not to mention that they are also both privacy nightmares to everyone and globally too
That’s why it’s important that you call and email your representatives and lawmakers and urge them to drop Kosa and the earn it act
Let any human rights group you trust knows and tell anyone you trust about it weather it be a friend or family member.
For more information, click these links below ⬇️
You can also help us by joining our discord server on how to stop internet censorship
There also a petition made from Fightforfuture recently about the KOSA act
(Update # 2)
Hey guys I’m back to warn everyone about yet again another bad internet bill it’s called the safe tech act
This act is supported by 7 democratic senators including bluemenhal which is never a good sign with him when it comes to internet bills.
This is a misguided 230 reform and when reading it, all it shows is that these people have no understanding of 230 whatsoever.
It’s just another dangerous censorship bill that threatens everyone’s free speech. The creators claim that it’s won’t hurt free speech but it actually does and they do not understand how important 230 is in its current form right now!
Here is a good article explaining the safe tech act really well and why it’s dangerous :
Also talk to your representatives about this and why it’s bad and if you can, try to explain to them about why section 230 is important. Support digital advocacy, human rights and any other groups that supports free internet and expression and let them know about these legislators and their bad ideas!
Update 3
The EarnIt act is sadly coming back after failing two times, now they are trying a 3rd time.
This legislation is dangerous for privacy and free expression and speech. It will bring lots of surveillance and is just as bad as the restrict act.
Now it’s being reintroduced by two senators and two representatives if you don’t know what this bill actually does there is more information about it here from these links : https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/04/earn-it-bill-back-again-seeking-scan-our-messages-and-photos
The second one is called KOSA (KidsOnlineSafteyAct),
now this bill has failed to pass last year because a lot of opposition from 90/100 human rights.
It claims it’s would protect kids but it’s actually has a lot of censorship and is very dangerous to lgbt/trans kids and many other kids that are in abusive households. It will actually hurt them instead of protecting them.
If that’s not bad enough it’s tragically gaining momentum and attraction by these child advocacy groups and being sponsored by Dove and Lizzo. And there has been petitions in supporting this unconstitutional bill, One of them having somewhere around 30k signs…
I really wish I could say I’m joking but this is sadly true.
If you want more info on KOSA here they are:
Please everyone call your senators and representatives and tell them to oppose these bills. We really need help into fighting off these bill so we could keep a free opened internet!
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mollyjimbly · 11 months
Another Disgusting anti-LGBT bill, planning to censor queer content online.
Yet again another law that infringes on privacy. and anonymity.
The bill is KOSA
KOSA is a threat to LGBTQ+ youth.
It allows right-wing AGs to censor LGBTQ+ content in the name of "protecting kids".
This doesn't protect kids. This actually hurts kids even more.
It will snuff out LGBTQ+ spaces and makes the internet more of a dangerous place for them, more or less...
"Of course, like so many of these “bipartisan” anti-internet bills that have bipartisan support, the support on each side of the aisle is based on a very different view of how the bill will be used in practice. We went through this last year with the AICOA antitrust bill. Democrats supported it (falsely) believing that it would magically increase competition, while Republicans were gleefully talking about how they were going to use it to force websites to host their propaganda."
"Now, with KOSA, again you have Democrats naively (and incorrectly) believing that because it’s called the “Kids Online Safety Bill” it will magically protect children, even though tons of experts have made it clear it will actually put them at greater risk."
KOSA will also undermine privacy in the name of "protecting children".
"This bill would effectively place many internet services behind an age verification wall, prevent anonymous surfing, and would require all users – adults or teens – to verify their age before they can access information or content.
The Computer & Communications Industry Association supports the enactment of comprehensive privacy legislation at the federal level, but has concerns about KOSA’s duty of care, vague requirements that would prevent teens from accessing critical information, and compliance provisions that conflict with current trends toward data minimization."
Age verification technology is just not secure enough for usage at the moment, leaks are likely to happen, it will be especially dangerous if the leaked Age verification information has a government ID linked to it. That would mean that malicious individuals may get a hold of personal addresses, bank details, basically you'll get doxxed by the government...
You may be asking, "well is there anything to do about it?"
Of course there is, but we really need your help spreading awareness around, because the bill is most likely to pass this July!
This website was put together by Fight for the Future. It has everything, from petitions to calls scripts. It's very easy to understand and use and one of the best links to spread. I urge you to use this when calling your members of congress. All you need to do is put in your phone number once and read off the script provided and it does the rest for you.
Signable petitions and open letters;
If you live in the states, call your state representatives;
Joinable Discord server;
More information;
I have to say again and I am not exaggerating, this is URGENT the bill could be passed THIS MONTH!
I am begging you, please OPPOSE KOSA!!
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a-very-tired-jew · 4 days
Hey there! I'm curious about Judaism. I've been doing some research but as you can probably imagine especially these days i've been getting a LOT of mixed messages. Much like anyone I know general background information but I wanted to dig deeper and see exactly what the process of conversion is? As well as other offhand questions which are best asked to someone who lives that life. Like how does the Jewish community largely interact with LGBT+ folk? Thank you and i'm sorry if i'm asking a lot from you!
It's totally okay to ask all this. Unfortunately I am not the best one to ask about the conversion process. I am a secular Jew who was born and raised in it. I was molded by it. I didn't see a Christmas tree till I was in the second graaaaade. *more incoherent Bane noises*
There are a number of converts and people current converting on here who can speak to their own experiences and what they did/currently are doing. When I speak on Jewish issues I tend to speak from the secular, cultural, and historical side of things that I have experienced and researched. Regarding the LGBT+ question, the area where I grew up in the USA is one of the largest interstate Jewish communities. As such, the politics within are reflective of the politics outside of it. Meaning, we've got people who are absolutely homophobic and transphobic, and we've got people who are supportive and make sure we're accepted. I personally grew up in the Reconstructionist movement which was/is extremely left and very accepting. The greater Reform community that we existed in was accepting as well. From my understanding acceptance was really relegated to your local community and the views contained within. I know plenty of Conservative Jews who are LGTB+ and accepted by their community, but I also know ones that left the synagogue they were part of when they came out and switched to a more accepting one. Again, it's all about finding what feels right to you and provides in the manner you need. I know less about the Orthodox cultural acceptance, but that is simply due to me not interacting with members as much. Maybe someone else can weigh in. However, you must remember that when you put two Jews in a room, you will get three opinions. Meaning someone else could completely disagree with all of this, then we discuss, and come to a completely different conclusion. It's just how it works.
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nixie-writes · 7 months
Sallie may,Angel dust and cherri bomb with subucus!trans masc!y/n that have a strained relationship with his mother
Sallie May
-she understands the struggle of being trans, she supports you! She asks her brothers for advice about being a guy so she can pass it on to you so you can feel more like a guy.
-she doesn't mind that you're a succubus, she likes your wings and tail. She likes to play with your tail and asks you to hug her with your tail so she feels loved.
-when you tell her about your mother she understands surprisingly. She has a great relationship with her mother but she gets having a painful relationship with a family member, she offers to be with you when you're talking to your mother for emotional support.
Angel Dust
-he's gay, he understands being part of the LGBT+ community in Hell. The topic is very polarized, demons either support it wholeheartedly or despise it. He supports you being trans and gives you his more masculine clothes so you feel more like yourself.
-he doesn't mind you being a succubus, he's a porn star for fuck's sake. He understands that succubi work by tempting humans into sex and he's okay with that, he just wants you to be honest in your relationship with him.
-his relationship with his father is very strained because he's gay so he understands that you have a hard time with your mother. He offers to come with you to speak to her, tell her to lay off you. If you don't want that he can be present while you're talking to her on the phone. He just doesn't want you to feel the same way he does about his father.
Cherri Bomb
-she thinks it's so cool that you're trans!! She loves that you're expressing yourself and how you feel, and she does what she can to make you feel more masc. She'll do your makeup to give you a more masc facial structure thanks to the magic of conture.
-she likes that you're a succubus, you have really cool wings and a tail she can playfully tug on. She knows you go to the living world and she asks you to get things for her, like explosives and fireworks. She misses watching sparklers go off on a summer's night and this is the closest she can get to that.
-she feels bad that you have a difficult time with your mother. Her mother was very strict and made it terrible to deal with her so she understands. She has the nerve to come with you to meet her and tell her off for giving you a hard time. If you tell her not to she'll just mail your mom a glitter bomb. Good luck getting that out of her carpet.
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sageistrii · 2 months
Can you please help me with understanding some points?
Today I saw a viminer that was clearly a Jimin anti and I’m so pissed that people claim to stan him just for a clout or because they believe in certain narrative that they have made up by themselves.
Their behaviour is truly hypocritical - she said Jimin has always been careful about lgbt community and v has been always loud about it - “Taehyung gifted Jimin “woman” clothes, so he started accepting himself”. But she never mentions that Jimin called out V for saying that man shouldn’t check selfies, called out members saying that he didnt get why they are so upset about wearing dresses.
But when in one ask someone said that V was being controversial about lgbt - “he called out Jimin for liking man, laughing at his attitude to Jungkook” that girl defended him🤡 like V has always been supportive more than Jimin
Tell me am I right or wrong? Do we have a masterpost about Jimin supporting lgbt or should we make one?
Ok I get this, and it's not like we can ever expect these people to paint him in a good light. The funny thing about how stans use idols or celebs in general talking about or engaging with queer media as proof that they're queer is funny because when you look at someone who's obsessed with queer media or at least wants us to think that they are, it's the straightest person ever. Enjoying a certain type of media doesn't mean you're part of that community, most times queer people engage with and consume straight media more, it doesn't make them less queer.
And I don't understand why we have to prove that Jimin supports LGBTQ.. is he getting an award for his support or does his support cause any significant change in the community?
Also if you ask the average kpop Stan who isn't an army that can't stand the idea of Tae with a woman so they try to convince themselves he's gay because he posted about a wong Kai war movie, to list 10 idols they think could be queer or idols who have helped to break gender stereotypes, Jimin will be the only BTS member on that list.
It reminds me of how armys diagnosed jk as autistic and call him "babygirl" when he would never be the first Idol anyone would think of when they hear the term "babygirl", also how years ago armys and Taehyung stans swore Tae was "unique" because he acted "weird". Everyone wants their fave to be "not like the others", stans and their neverending quest to prove that idols are queer or autistic because they think it makes them unique or because they want to see themselves so bad in the idol even if that idol is anything but.
I think we are past the era when we think someone is gay because they post about gay media. Most BL fans are literally straight women. I'm attracted to women and I consume more straight and mlm media than wlw, it doesn't change my sexuality.
A lot of people think Jimin is queer for reasons that are deeper than these.
Until a few years ago when certain BTS members discovered what the fans wanted to see and what was accepted by their international fanbase, they would literally say the most insensitive things to Jimin about his masculinity, Tae included. That man discovered that fans eat these things up and he's not looked back ever since.
Like I'm not accusing anyone of anything but I just don't think Tae is as close as he is with those wooga squad men and then he's actually queer, or that he could even push anyone to self acceptance. That's like the ultimate "bro club", they are misogynistic and I've heard homophobic too (although I don't know how true that is, I think people just say they are because they give that vibe and I get it). If he's actually queer and oh so forward thinking then being friends with people like that isn't a sign of self acceptance at all in my opinion or maybe wooga squad members are good people in private lol.
I don't think anyone should be making a post to prove that Jimin supports the queer community because he's the last idol that needs that defense.
Jimin has been subjected to homophobi* and transphobi* for years because he's always been himself but of course Tae is more progressive simply because he watched a gay Netflix movie and posted about it on Instagram 😭
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Let’s put this as simply as we can.
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Now, I understand you’ll need further reasons to look into the show that was created by Monty Oum, Miles Luna, and Kerry Shawcross.
SO! Here is 100+ Reasons to give RWBY a shot, plus a resource list link at the end. ENJOY!
1) Sci-fi/fantasy show that balances the two aspects very well 2) Endearing characters 3) Deep underlying messages about the importance of human connection 4) Constantly improves on itself 5) Writers actually try to listen to what the fandom wants 6) Creative setting 7) Actually handles difficult topics, like communication, privilege, and the cycle of abuse in a way that is sensitive to the audience 8) Ending is already set, meaning the show is not at risk of selling out to corporate overlords 9) God-tier foreshadowing 10) Top notch fight choreography 11) EVERYTHING IS A GUN 12) RWBY unambiguously avoids Depraved Homosexual tropes - no evil LGBT characters
13) No surprise plot twists for the sake of shock value 14) The soundtrack Not only does it slap, bits of lore and characterization can be found in the series music 15) Character design 16) Symbolism and metaphors and hidden meanings abound Can make for an enriching experience if you have knowledge about color theory and fairy tales and historical/mythological figures 17) Nuanced portrayal of morality between heroes, villains, and those who are neither 18) Layered writing where not everything, especially conflict, is clear-cut and easily resolved 19) Portrays trauma without over-dramatization 20) Production values improve with each volume 21) Hopepunk 22) Female-Centric main cast All the “Fix-it” fanfics and “Rewrites” involve Male-Centric Casts and/or taking time away from female main casts to focus on male characters, especially male side characters. 23) No surprise plot twists for the sake of shock value meets Thanos snap. 24) Good bits of humor sprinkled throughout without being overbearing 25) A few villians that while irredeemable, are interesting to watch in how they act. 26) Masterpiece of a comedy spinoff 27) You can legally watch the show for free 28) Subverts narrative tropes common to both "western" hero stories and anime 29) Gender dynamics and expectations are well-balanced Gender  tropes subverted, and addressed directly at times 30) Comfortably addresses class warfare, alcoholism, and other "mature" topics in approachable ways 31) Corgi 32) Combat Skirt 33) Women get to have pockets and pouches... 34) Women not requiring a man to save them 35) Large number of POC portrayed positively 36) LGBT are neither creeps nor villains, instead the straight people are. 37) POC are neither creeps nor villains as a majority...instead the white people are. 38) The “White Male Savior” with the mask, trenchcoat, and katana is the villain, while the underdog protector of the lower-income is a POC woman who may or may not be lesbian. 39) Meaningful facial expressions (that is, the animators spend time creating mood and reaction to elevate the storytelling) 40) Main antagonist is a woman, as are several of the other antagonists and they are NOT ditzes or idiots, nor are they fanservice. 41) The women are as intelligent as the men, where most anime try to have men be superior than women for the sake of shounen, the women are equal to men in screentime, plot relevance, intelligence, strength, personality, etc....though RWBY tries to have the women take precedence. 42) Men are support characters with their powers, while Women have more protagonist superpowers. 43) Positive half-sibling and stepmother representation 44) Positive honorary family member representation 45) Gay shipping and Lesbian shipping is encouraged by the writers and voice actors/actresses 46) The Main female protagonist's blood-based superpower is not broken or OP and has limits. 47) Well-executed humor (usually, ha). Basically trying NOT to make it fanservice or toilet humor or cringe. 48) Creators at least try to fix its less than stellar/problematic parts, which is more that I can say than the majority of entertainment. 49) Female characters are complex and interesting, also for the most part don’t woobified female villains. 50) Terrifying Villains and Monsters There is a difference. V1-V3 involved Monsters , V4-V8 involved Villains. 51) Every Character is based on a fairy tale/myth/legend/story and looking for those breadcrumbs just adds to the show 52) Already said, but emphasizing the fight choreography and the soundtrack. If you love over-the-top video game style fights this is for you. If you love epic metal playing over those fights this is for you. 53) Plays with tropes and story telling norms to subvert expectations in the best way 54) Not afraid to have tonal shifts to tell the story they want to tell 55) Not afraid to have the heroes lose sometimes 56) And plot points have consequences!!! None of this "bad thing happens and 1 episode later the status quo is restored" 57) Emphasizing foreshadowing again. Things that happened in season 8 were foreshadowed as far back as season 2. 58) The main characters are proactive. None of this waiting around for them to get up the courage to do something about the bad guys. Don't give me the “manor tea” stuff, they were trying to recover, Ironwood had it out for them and would have shot them for helping while refusing to obey him. 59) The Main characters are smart. They notice things (and come up with really cool strategies) 60) At least one villain does NOT underestimate the main characters 61) Everyone doesn't let characters use false justification for their actions regardless who it is! Everyone gets a consequence that fits! 62) Soundtrack is LIT 63) Gay Gay Homosexual Gay 64) Because I'm still on this, two autistic-coded main characters whose traits aid in their heroism! Ruby and Penny...possibly Marrow Amin 65) Kdin Jenzen, a Transgender VA, plays May Marigold, a transgender heroic side character who does not get killed off. 66) Chaotic teens saving the world with the power of stubborn optimism 67) Opposites Attract Tropes 68) Goth Uncle 69) Goth Milf 70) Himbo Dad 71) Non-sexualized Catgirl 72) Cat Cougar Milf with Tea Tray defeats Bat Assassin 73) Panther Dilf 74) Blonde Brawler Female who is also smart and can work mechanics 75) Female protag uses scythe and cape/cloak 76) It Portrays several different types of abuse ranging from romantic relationships to familial abuse along with accurately portraying them 77) Shows how harmful Alcoholism is 78) When/If a a character dies, it’s for a reason and isn’t for shock value Penny cheated death once...she would not cheat death again. Ozpin's immortality is a curse, and he is truly dead, a ghost. 79) One of the the main-main characters is disabled and isn’t treated as/seen as lesser 80) Male/Female friendships are a thing and abundant Normally if a man and a woman engage, its shipping, not friendships. But with Naruto and Sakura we have friendship. With Ichigo and Rukia its friendship....now that is abundant friendship in RWBY. 81) LGBT Voice Actresses Voice LGBT Characters. Kdin Jenzen is Transgender, Arryn Zech is Bisexual, and so are their characters. 82) All Romantic relationships, heterosexual or not, are given attention and emphasis on their interpersonal relationships 83) Balances tragedy and comedy, there are SEVERAL episodes where you both end up laughing your ass off and crying 84) Never goes all out depressing, the message is clear, it takes it to heart, and it shouts it for all to hear. Sometimes bad things happen. But you have to keep moving forward. 85) Has a variety of characters, each with their own themes/allusions (e.g. Ruby = Red Riding Hood, Team RWBY = Fairy Tale Characters, Team JNPR = Crossdressing Historic Heroes) 86) Amazing Music that builds on the characters' motives 87) You won't suffer vision problems after watching an entire cast that's blindingly white (shounen anime in general) 88) Gay doesn't suddenly die to leave heartbroken love interest Straight and angstily going back to the white guy who killed Gay out of possessive jealousy, which is super romantic. 89) Partners of dead Gays, should a Gay die, will not obligatorily be paired with someone str8   90) Character designs reference various fairy tales and stories, so you can get things like Mulan and Thor being a childhood friends romance, Beast and Beauty being one and the same and in love with Goldilocks, and Red Riding Hood maiming Cinderella, who is evil. 91) Everyone; good, bad, and the minor characters...are all hot. 92) You WILL get attached both to the good and bad characters. 93) All characters have very unique designs that fit their personalities and fighting styles. 94) Emotional/Physical Abusers get killed AFTER being humiliated 95) The Entire Show is full of metaphors and symbolism. The backgrounds, character clothing, the weapons they use... it's fun to analyze! 96) Stresses the importance of just being a nice person above all other stereotypical morally gray anime tropes 97) The people who work the the show. Seriously not just the main people; I'm talking about all the unsung heroes who do amazing background and scenery to sound design, etc. RWBY has some of the nicest, most hard working, and supportive crews I've seen. And considering the amount of harassment the anti-fandom can throw at them, they take and handle it so remarkably well. 98) Every character looks amazing from main to one-off. How their outfits convey who they are so well and sometimes subtlety. Also how the creators and character designers make it so cosplayers can have pockets on their outfits. 99) No  stupid twists for shock value, the twists that do happen are foreseeable but executed in a way that is still shocking. 100) Enjoyable Comedic Spin-off far better written than Teen Titans Go. 101) Awesome weapon concepts 102) Awesome growth of story, plot, and transition of it. 103) People hate it when you have fun watching RWBY....is that not enough?
Need to come up with a list of good youtube channels next.
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starberrywander · 1 year
This might be a controversial opinion but I think most of my fellow progressives need to hear this:
You NEED to stop attacking conservatives, because all of your hostility only feeds into their “The left is full of prideful/hypocritical/irrational/etc assholes” rhetoric and is a major tool used by far-right propagandists to manipulate good people into hateful and dangerous ideas. Your hostility is contributing to far-right radicalization just as much, if not more, than the content put out by hate campaigns and extremists. 
I have seen it plenty of times both in my own life and online. Conservatives frequently talk about how hostile “the left” behaves and it forms a basis for a lot of their unsavory ideals. 
As someone who lives in a very conservative region of one of the most red states in the US, most of the people I know in person are conservative or at least conservative-leaning, especially in my family. But, you would be surprised just how many of them express agreement with progressive ideals either without realizing or while refusing to better understand them simply because they see progressives as hostile and unwelcoming. Like, I have no doubt in my mind that many of these people would happily and enthusiastically join even some of the most progressive social movements if they hadn’t had such a horrible impression of progressives painted to them. Many have experiences with being attacked, harassed, and called names for trying to express their concerns and opinions in progressive spaces. Many more have also seen that same scenario play out many times to other people who they respect or care for. If you don’t believe me, let me give you a prominent example from my life:
My grandmother is very conservative. Like, watches (or at least used to watch) fox news on a regular basis and refers to herself as “Super MAGA.” However, despite very explicitly aligning herself with the right-leaning conservative crowd and often making comments (mostly out of ignorance not maliciousness, I’ve learned) that would probably set a good number of y’all into rage mode, when individual issues are discussed in good faith she often takes a more progressive position. Of course there are exceptions, especially because she has been exposing herself to a lot of right-wing propaganda and definitely has been influenced by some hate campaigns, but she certainly doesn’t fit the stereotype and would absolutely be aligning herself with the left in a different situation. She is very supportive of LGBT people and, though she is a bit skeptical of things like gender reassignment surgery because of the things she gets told on facebook, she isn’t hateful toward trans people like many would probably assume. In fact all it took was a simple, calm explanation of my perspective for her to easily accept nonbinary identities (including, I think, neopronouns and xenogenders, though I haven’t heard anything from her specifically on those topics). She has even expressed that sentiment to other family members since then and I think it was well received.
Of course, there are certainly people who are too stubborn and prejudiced to even consider changing their mind, but they are a minority. Many of these people that get clocked as “bigots” are actually very kind-hearted people who were only ever able to have their genuine concerns heard or validated by people on the conservative right. They are the way they are because they were harassed or made to feel unwelcome in progressive spaces so they looked elsewhere for support and community. 
If you need more examples, here is just one of the many videos of people expressing this type of experience (this is also the video that made me realize that I should probably make a post to express this): 
My point is that we need to be more compassionate. I don’t mean this in a moral purity way, you are absolutely justified in being upset at the types of prejudice and misinformation being spread around. I mean it in the way that your hostile and angry actions are only making the situation worse and you need to find a better outlet if we want to make progress toward convincing people to side with more progressive positions and stop voting in the kinds of people who are gonna push these discriminatory policies we’ve been seeing.
As much as we want to believe that we are rational and that enough statistics will change someone’s mind if they just listened, that is not the case. Humans are emotional beings. As much as we see ourselves as objective, we think emotionally. Even if we don’t realize it. If you attack people, even passive aggressively, you make them shut down. They stop listening. Because we are much more likely to listen to and care about the words of people who we have a positive impression of. People remember emotions far more than any words, and it doesn’t matter how correct you are or how much proof you have, if you come at people with hostility and anger that attack and the emotions associated with it are the only things that are going to stick. They aren’t going to remember your statistics. They aren’t going to remember your facts. They’re going to remember how you harassed them and called them names. They’re going to remember how you demanded they adopt your beliefs without listening to theirs.
I don’t care how much you wanna scream, its not going to help anything. All people will remember is how you made them feel. We only care about statistics and facts when we care about the subject, because that’s just how humans are. You may find some exceptions, but they are few and far between and you shouldn’t rely on their existence. You need to be kind. You need to be compassionate. 
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If you need to say something to vent say it privately. Write it down then make a wish and delete it like you’re blowing out the candles on a birthday cake. Keep a journal of all your rants and frustrations. Just keep them out of public spaces, for fucks sake. They are not helpful. You can edit them to be kinder, but please stop with the hostile posts. You are making it worse and the only benefit it serves is an ego boost from “dunking on the dummy conservatives.” You don’t need to say everything that comes to your mind. I know I’ve done this before too so I can sympathize but its really time we all start being more intentional with the ways we react to people.
Stop calling people names. Stop accusing people of things (even if they are. It achieves nothing.) Stop telling people to shut up. If they something particularly nasty just report and block them. If its real life just try to go somewhere else or ask them to stop or something. Like, you can absolutely attempt to explain why there is an issue with it, why you are uncomfortable with it, and why you will not accept it. But for goodness sake please do it respectfully. Even if you don’t think the person deserves respect, being hostile only makes things worse. Find a different way to express your anger. 
Yes, there will be people who won’t listen. Yes, there will still be people who paint you as irrational for being concerned or for caring about certain issues (that’s gaslighting, don’t let it get to you. Call it out if you need to.) You can’t change that. You can’t force people to change their minds. What you can do is control yourself and practice some patience. 
It is extremely important that we promote acceptance and fight against far right extremist radicalization. Especially now, when people are getting more extreme in their views and feeling emboldened to discriminate more openly. We need to get more people away from the conservative rabbit hole and we cannot do that if your immediate reaction is to attack them for disagreeing with you. People are the products of their experiences and their communities. People join communities that make them feel accepted and validated. If you harass people, its just going to make them want to join the other “enemy” community who will show them sympathy for the hurt you caused. I don’t care how much you don’t think they deserve it. I don’t care how much you feel justified. I don’t care how nasty they are being. You need to treat people with respect and compassion if you want them to agree with you on any level.
 I will probably be talking about this more in the future so I’m gonna make a hashtag to keep it all in the same place. 
“Progressives please chill and find a more productive approach for fucks sake”
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brokenfoxproductions · 8 months
So I found out today that the judge that ruled in my eviction case has a bad reputation of being really nasty to members of the LGBT community and disabled people, which kind of checks out considering how she treated me.
She purposely and aggressively misgendered me despite the fact that I actually have my legal gender updated (just not my legal name changed) even after her clerk and receptionist went out of her way to be respectful and to match the pronouns that go with my legal gender (and whenever I showed up, she actually asked me if my name was my partner's legal name, and she was extremely shocked to realize that I was transgender and not a cisgender man).
I mentioned to her that I was hearing impaired and that I have a neurological disorder that affects my speech, but she refused to allow me to have any type of interpreter or accessibility device, and even refused to allow me to review the typed transcript of what was being said in the courtroom so that I could understand what was going on.
She caused me to have a dissociative episode during the hearing because she screamed at my face as loud as she could at one point and allowed my landlords to scream at me during multiple points before finally shutting them down whenever my landlord started acting like she was going to physically harm me, and I explained to her that I didn't understand what was going on and that I was dissociating, but she refused to allow me to get a continuance or to reschedule, causing me to black out during several points whenever I was supposed to be testifying. I explained to her at one point whenever I was kind of lucid that I didn't understand what was going on and that I couldn't properly think of any of my prepared questions or anything that I had brought as evidence because I was dissociating in and out, but she still would not allow me to come back and testify later or to make any type of accommodations.
Today I found out from someone who had seen online reviews and discussion about this judge that, apparently, she did the same thing to an intellectually disabled gentleman (refuse to accommodations and refuse to allow him to come back whenever he was able to get an attorney or someone else who was able to explain things to him) and someone who was completely deaf who requested an ASL interpreter and was denied (I am only unilaterally deaf, so I still have some hearing, but not enough for me to have fully understood everything that was going on there without some type of transcript or having someone write it down for me. I don't use ASL, but apparently even if I did, it would not have been available to me).
I want to make a complaint to the state but they don't have judges or district justices listed on the law board's complaint website, so I have to call back tomorrow during business hours and file a complaint over the phone.
It might sound stupid but I was so busy catastrophizing and being upset over what was going on that it didn't really occur to me that I was treated badly because of my disability or because of me being queer, I just figured that the judge was a cunt because she's a cunt, but the more other people pointed out to me the more I realize that she treated me like shit and gave me a really harsh and negative judgment because of her own personal beliefs on people like me, which is really fucked up and shouldn't happen if you're a judge or otherwise work in the legal system.
So yeah please make sure to do a little bit of research before you go to court to find out if you actually need extra help like an advocate or an attorney, even if it's a civil matter, because accessibility and basic human decency isn't always approved by the court depending on who the judge is and how much of a dick they want to be.
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littlequeenies · 9 months
Helena Harland, who runs World of Demri instagram account, has a blog at substack where she is publishing interviews she does to people who knew Demri. I asked for permission to share this entry about Demri's activism in here and she kindly allowed.
From her substack blog:
"Demri possessed a radical nature alongside immense charisma. She was a nudist, openly bisexual, modeled for several adult magazines like Penthouse and Hustler, and was unabashedly sexually liberated at a time where it was seen as taboo. She did not view other people with a critical eye, but rather embraced those who most would find “off-center”. Demri’s late mother Kathleen recalled a memory of driving 20 year-old Demri home one day when she suddenly started shouting “Mom, stop! Stop!” Kathleen stopped the car and Demri jumped out to her friend who had green skin, pointed ears, and pointed elf shoes. Demri said, “This is my friend, he’s an elf. Can we give him a ride?” Kathleen, who likely passed on to Demri her attribute of non-judgment and acceptance, gave the elf a ride as he and Demri squeaked and chirped at each other in their own elf language.
Demri’s uniqueness has always intrigued me, and I often wonder what her moral and political beliefs were, as well as what she would think of today’s political issues. The 90s were marked with many social justice issues like LGBT rights— specifically the AIDS crisis. I asked Amber Ferrano, a close friend of Demri’s what she thought about the AIDS epidemic at the time, and it can be beautifully summed up by this memory:
“Demri was bi. She loved everyone and judged no one. We went to shows in gay clubs and they were awesome. I loved that they handed out free condoms even for our crowd. AIDS was horrible at the time. I remember a few times when guys in full drag (with gloves on, mind you) put their hand out to shake and pulled back saying they had AIDS, but Demri went in for a kiss and a hug. People would make negative comments saying she had AIDS or hepatitis from drugs. She didn't understand why people were so mean. If she were here today she'd be on the frontline along with Layne.”
Demri was also visited in the hospital by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a subversive LGBT activism group that satirized traditional standards and gender roles by combining drag and religious imagery to their street performances. Kathleen said that they adored Demri, and the nurses would gawk at them on their way in.
To seek some more insight on Demri’s activism history, I reached out to Vivian McPeak, the founder of the Seattle activism group called the Peace Heathens, of which Demri was a member. The Peace Heathens were known for their annual Seattle Hempfests, and many Alice in Chains fans have likely seen this video of Layne Staley making an appearance at one in 1994. It is one of the few videos we have of Layne during that year, taken shortly after the release of Jar of Flies.
H: myself, V: Vivian
H: I was wondering what the core beliefs of the Peace Heathens are and how the organization  was conceived?
V: In 1988 I had this idea to start a street-level volunteer group composed of alternative culture folks to do good things in the name of the alt-culture, community service projects and benefit shows for righteous causes that got little support from the mainstream. I called it the Seattle Peace Heathens. I created this manifesto, and Yossarrian “Rex” Kelley did a logo graphic I put at the top of it. I plastered the paper fliers all over The Ave, at places like the Allegro Cafe, Espresso Roma, and The Last Exit. I started getting lots of calls from people excited about my crazy vision quest, wanting to learn more and get involved. We started having meetings in people’s homes that eventually got too large, and we moved them to Ravenna Park, where we turned them into potluck feeds that started attracting a homeless contingent. 
Meetings started attracting as many as 70 people, mostly music culture and street culture folks - hippies, punk rockers, and an eclectic mix of just progressive, activism-type people. The thing that struck me most, though, is I would be approached by some very neat and clean folks who came on really strong, talking about how resourceful they were and how they were going to contribute all these things. I became very excited about these folks and what they might bring to the group. Then there was an entirely different contingent of absolute street people. These folks were often disheveled, unkempt; they might even have a distinct odor about them. At first, I was not sure what to think about these people, and I placed much of my focus on the other group of folks who seemed to have their shit really together.
The core values of the Seattle Peace Heathens were a commitment to service to society and others through volunteerism, basic counter-culture values of peace and love, Left politics such as social and environmental justice, and a commitment to the power of change through art (visual and music).
H: -It was said that Demri Parrott was a member of the Peace Heathens, do you have memories of her attending meetings or the Hempfests?
V: [I was closer with Layne, so I’ll tell the story of us meeting first.] I was at a hard rock club called the Prime Rib Palace in Totem Lakes, Washington and I struck up a conversation with a blonde dude with long hair and silver pants. We hit it off. He learned I was fresh from Hollywood and wanted to know all about the club scene there. He said his name was Layne, and he had a band called Sleze that was being renamed Alice in Chains. He gave me his number. He was the first person I developed a friendship after I moved to Washington State. A few years later, he invited me to his apartment in a big old brick complex above Eastlake. I met his lady Demri, a petite girl with a beautiful smile and sparkling eyes. I didn't know where to buy weed, and they told me I could get my weed from them. I am not really sure if they were dealing weed or if they were just helping me out, but they always had an eighth when I needed to buy one.
Around 1988 Layne had developed a heroin problem, and I had a cocaine one. I would pick Layne up and drive us to TUNA (Tuesday Night N.A.) at the Rendezvous on 2nd in Belltown, where a guy named Will ran the Narcotics Anonymous meetings. It was pretty much the rocker NA for the area. Unlike his rock persona, Layne was a quiet, almost shy person. He was sensitive and kind,in my experience. It was stunning watching the band climb to rock stardom. I loved their music and was impressed with the strength and power of his voice.
Demri was a bubbly, outgoing person. She volunteered for the Peace Heathens and helped at several of the benefit shows we produced at the famed OK Hotel, one of the only venues with all-age shows. She helped put up posters promoting the shows around town, and at the shows, she worked the merch table and helped us load gear in and out, even though she was a very diminutive person. She was sweet and kind and fearless. She resonated with the Peace Heathens's core belief that all of the various cultural sub-genres of the music/youth/alt-culture (punk, metal, hippie, Reggae, etc.) shared a common spirit and was essentially responding to the same mainstream desire for conformity and control. She believed in the benevolent act of helping others, which was central to the Peace Heathen identity.
I hope this provided some insight on the free spirited nature of Demri, and the ways in which she provided to her community and led with love and compassion. Big thanks to Vivian for taking the time to speak with me and tell me of all his cool stories, and to MemoriesOfDemri on instagram who pointed out the Peace Heathens sticker on Demri’s suitcase as well as provided the information regarding the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.
Thank you for reading!
Thank you very much Helena for allowing us to share this story here!! Go and follow her on instagram or subscibe to her blog!
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sixty-silver-wishes · 11 months
So usually I don’t read the Daily Beast (often sensationalized news/tabloid outlet), but I clicked on this article today:
I can’t tell if I’m angry at the author of this article or feel extremely sorry for her. Essentially, she’s a lesbian conservative who’s feeling disillusioned by DeSantis’ anti-LGBT policies. But some of what she says is genuinely making my head spin:
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DeSantis has been governor of Florida since 2018. He’s built a platform on being anti-LGBT since around 2020, and only now that he’s released an advertisement that makes absolutely no departure from his previous statements and actions, suddenly you’re shocked?
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I’m sorry, but “limited government, personal responsibility, and individual liberties” like what? The government keeping themselves out of the decisions women and trans people make with their bodies? Personal responsibility like recognizing one’s place in systemic injustice and working to right it? Or do you mean “personal responsibility” in the conservative ideological belief of only looking out for oneself and not one’s community? Individual liberties? This woman lives openly as a lesbian, and it sure as hell wasn’t conservatives that gave her that right. By “individual liberties,” is she only talking about not caring about issues until they affect her own freedom? Because that’s exactly what’s happening. Conservatives have been working for years to oppress the LGBT+ community, but as long as this particular woman isn’t feeling threatened, it’s fine. She can even join them in oppressing members of her own community, until they actually turn on her, which, surprise, they did.
The ignorance here honestly breaks my heart. DeSantis “tarnishes the image of the conservative movement” by being homophobic? What image did the conservative movement even have in the first place that positions them as a champion of LGBT+ rights? DeSantis isn’t “going against conservative principles” by being a bigot; he’s embodying them. Those “conservative values” the author is championing are exactly what got him to where he is now. The author is shocked at his bigotry, but as of writing the article, she’s still ignorant to the fact that because she’s only looking out for her conservative “individual liberties,” she and the rest of our community are in danger.
Ms. Yvonne Dean Bailey, I doubt you’ll see this, but I feel sorry for you. But the truth is, DeSantis is not just one bad individual tarnishing your ideology. He is your ideology, and the only reason why you have the freedoms you speak of is because of generations of sacrifices by the LGBT community fighting against those “conservative values” to give you and the rest of us better lives than the ones they had. Conservatives may say they promote “individual liberties,” but what that means is stepping on the most convenient marginalized group to give more power to a privileged demographic that gets smaller and smaller the more they’re allowed to oppress people. Being a conservative lesbian woman is not going to stop them from seeing you as a lesbian woman, and therefore a target of homophobia and misogyny. Your ideology and “values” will not protect you from them.
I don’t hate you, Yvonne Dean Bailey. I think you’re ignorant, but I don’t hate you. I’m scared for you, just like I’m scared for myself and every other person in this country. I hope you take the long, painful, terrifying journey of introspection and deconstructing the harmful values you’ve spent so long supporting, because I want you and our whole community to be safe. You can do a lot of good if you keep questioning and thinking. But please, Yvonne Dean Bailey, as a queer person who lives in Florida, I want you to understand what’s going on, and despite what you’ve learned, bigotry doesn’t happen in a vacuum. You’ve taken the first step, but it’s not the end. Please keep moving.
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melto · 2 years
i think it is truly unfair to villainize thua. there is a very big difference between the issue of thua continuing the curse and ayan protecting akk but it does fundamentally come from the same place for both of them.
ayan has portrayed himself as a rebel who is willing and ready to fight against the systems of oppression, to only then protect the person who has been behind the curse targeting the rebelling students. thua was just someone who was remaining neutral because it was the easiest option for himself, to then be ready to risk it all to side with his community. ayan stirred things up, supported the world remembers from the sidelines and challenged teachers and students alike. he was such a major push for thua to get over himself and join in the protests. and then it turns out he knows that akk had been behind the curse (even if there was someone then behind him) and chose to protect him rather than stand his ground with his community, the people who have been suffering the most from the curse. it's a devastating shattering of ayan's image for thua. for him it proves that ayan is much more invested in his own self interest than the cause. and it's not like ayan is a bad person for wanting to protect the person he's in love with or to be focused on what he came to that school to achieve but it is a betrayal of sorts. to step back once things get harder and more real and ask for sacrifices.
despite homophobia being such a major player within suppalo, akk and ayan have not been direct victims of it in the way the others have. the world remembers have gone through so much heartbreak. they lost so much for being themselves. the rules, students, staff, and outside world punish them for their queerness that they could not hide before and are now choosing to proudly announce despite all the constant backlash they get. thua has been a constant victim of verbal and physical homophobia despite following the norms and keeping his distance from his community. these are things we see happen. akk and ayan had not been experiencing those things, and now ayan has decided to pull back from the protesting. it's us vs them, and suddenly thua realizes that he's not on the same side as ayan in the way he thought he was. there is a very real issue of lgbt people who are able to navigate life as "normal" dont stand with more vulnerable members of their community (this could be for many reasons and this post is not to judge them or speak on that nuance).
whether or not thua's choice to continue the curse is "right" does not erase his good intention. he's a teen full of shame and rage doing what he feels has to be done to move them forward. he's not physically hurting anyone, he really set out to just make some noise so they could get the ball rolling again. he is not trying to be a martyr with this and understands the consequences and is willing to take that risk. thua has been so silent about the injustice and he doesn't want to make the same mistake again or have his community suffer any longer. he and ayan are similar in that way, but they go about it differently because their motivations are not the same nor are their stakes.
ayan came in to cause some trouble and get answers about his uncle's death. and then fell in love and refuses to lose another person he cares deeply about because of suppalo. thua wanted to follow a path that caused him as few issues as possible. and while ayan's arrival was the initial intrusion to the stasis of thua's life, he was still ultimately radicalized by his own treatment and the treatment of members of his community.
it's not fair to deny either of them the nuance and merit they deserve.
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moregraceful · 1 year
hi, i wanted to ask: how should i reconcile being an lgbt person or even just a progressive person and liking sports? i used to be very critical of sports for their toxic masculinity, misogyny, racism, and homophobia, but then i started watching baseball with my brother (who is lovely and very unrepresentative of sports fandom) during the last season and got really into it and had fun! but the thing is all those bad things about sports are still there and it makes me want to stop watching. i don't even like hockey but that situation brought this up for me again and just wanted to get your opinion. thanks in advance and love your blog!
oh gosh. great question. i see where you are coming from and i get it completely. i went through this very intensely a couple years ago and i still struggle with it sometimes. i think for me, i just had to accept that as with everything in life, in sports, but also in every part of life, in every part of the world, in every community, there's a variety of opinions, a variety of views, a variety of ways people respond to situations -- both good and bad. sports are no different than any other part of life; i can go to church and find people who feel disdain for me in the same way your garden variety homophobic athlete feels disdains for me. and i still go to church. and i still watch sports. sports are like any other industry, any other part of society. you'll find good and bad people in every part of society. and maybe in sports the worst people are the loudest and get the most attention, but there's more lovers than you might think too -- they tend to get buried, but they are there.
i think my other thing that helped was finding like-minded progressive sports fans and going, okay, i'm here with you, we're here together, and we're not leaving, because this is our space too. not just other members of the queer community, but women, people of color, hell any progressive person whose politics i agree with -- all the people that some athletes don't want to see in their stands. we're here and we're not going away and you have to see us. it wasn't even so much of reconciling as it was just acknowledging that yes, these sports are filled with conservative idiots, these sports are filled with people who don't understand my perspective and are not willing to try, these sports have fans that are some of the worst people you will ever meet. and yes, i am still here. i am here in the ballpark loudly telling one of my oldest friends that my baseball crush is brandon crawford while she cries into her beer over how proud she is of me being my authentic self because this space is our space too. i am here in the hockey arena dancing with my trans friend to "thats what i want" because this space is our space too. i am here in the stands by myself literally drawing tender gay shit in my sketchbook or writing weird gay shit on tumblr during a game, because this space is my space too. knowing that there are people out there who feel the same way as me, who not only feel that these sports can and should be better, but also feel that we belong in these fanbases, that does a lot to help me enjoy these sports. because i'm not alone and never have been, and i don't think i ever will be.
i guess i would just end with: you have to decide what you're personally willing to put up with, and know that that looks different for everyone, but also remember that if sports are a microcosm of society (s/o billie jean king), then there's good and bad in all of it. for me, if i want to keep watching, i can't let the bad drown out the good. just like if i want to keep living.
i hope you're well anon <3
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
Thank you thank you thank you for explaining my last ask thoroughly, and thank you random people who reblogged with more help! It really helped me understand my problem.
However, after further research, I've found nothing the church has said about demi and/or bigender and gender fluid people. I've been considering that I might be gender fluid or bigender, so I'm really curious, what are your thoughts about what the church thinks about that, or what you as an lgbtqia member thinks? Thank you again!
While I appreciate your question, I'm laughing because it is expecting a lot for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to have statements about being bigender and genderfluid as it seems to have only figured out that trans people are not the same as gay people around 2015-ish.
For a long time the church thought gay people were confused about their gender, and thus they lumped all queer people together and called us homosexuals.
Nowadays the church leaders know about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, but I've never heard them reference any other queer label, such as ace, aro, demi, bigender or genderfluid. I'm not surprised you couldn't find anything by the church about them.
My impression is the church thinks of all queer people pretty much the same way as it does LGBT people. Whatever is said about trans people also applies to all non-cisgender identities. What is taught about gay and bi people also applies to demi, ace, and other orientations. They've never referenced queer romantic identities, I think there's an ignorance in church leadership of the concept that there's different romantic orientations.
As for me, I think the queer community demonstrates that God loves diversity. Which shouldn't be a surprise as the rest of creation testifies of this.
If they teach that straight people's sexuality is God given, then I believe that all of our sexual orientations are God given and God approved, even the lack of sexual attraction.
If they teach romantic attraction is God given, then all of us should consider our romantic orientation is God given and approved.
If they teach that gender is God given and eternal, then all of us should consider our gender (cis, trans, nonbinary, genderfluid, etc) is God given and eternal.
I don't think God plays the game that only cisgender straight people are blessed and too bad about the rest of you. If it's a true principle, it's true for all of us. For example, they like to point to the Adam & Eve story where it says "it's not good for man to be alone." That's true not just for straight people, we all do better with meaningful relationships.
To treat queer people as a subgroup who don't get the same opportunities and blessings as non-queer people is clearly not treating us as they'd like to be treated. It's not treating all alike. It's the opposite of what God teaches.
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erithel · 2 years
Since when has Lance officially been bisexual? That’s never been a thing and the show runners never claimed it was a thing.. where did y’all get that from, because it was never actually canon or meant to be canon.. like at all…
I also love how this fandom uses queerbaiting but then ignore shiro’s entire character and treat Adam as if he was a character that was relevant and important to shiro’s character. In fact, fandom was more outraged at adams death than shiro being sidelined and kicked out of his lion. People were more upset that shiro didn’t get back with his ex that gave him an ultimatum to give up his dreams instead of Shiro not getting an actual family. Can y’all stop saying the show queerbaited you, and then ignore the issues that surrounded the actual Gay character that fandom conveniently ignores because he’s not gay enough for them apparently. Because when y’all say quuebated and then ignore the gay character because he’s not in a relationship, it makes it seem like y’all don’t actually care about the character, you just care about a random out of nowhere ship
I believe the origin of Lance's bisexuality came from this image which was created by one of the showrunners.
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I believe fans saw this as a literal sign he was part of the LGBT community (as anyone would), and since in canon Lance was shown as only having interest in women a lot of fans believed something would come up during one of the later seasons that would lead to Lance also showing an interest in men/possibly even coming out as bi.
As for the queerbaiting stuff…
The situation surrounding Adam and Shiro can be seen both ways.
I understand where you are coming from, and I also understand where people who are upset over how their story was handled are coming from.
You do have a valid point that any LGBTQ+ relationship does not need to be solidified with romance or a kiss to be real. LGBTQ+ characters do not need to be shown in those situations to prove to the audience that they are, in fact, part of the community.
On the flip side, there's a way tv shows/movies often handle these types of relationships that fall under the category of plausible deniability. If characters are not shown in any romantic setting (something like a kiss that cannot be misinterpreted), it gives the studio execs and showrunners an "out" for any backlash they receive from groups against LGBTQ+ rights.
And this is where things can feel like queerbaiting to some people, especially if showrunners or any member of the crew says things that can be interpreted as hints toward a queer relationship, just for the sake of keeping the audience interested.
I agree that Shiro shouldn't have to be shown in a relationship to be considered an actual gay character. No one – and no character – should have to prove that they are what they say they are. And especially no one – and no character – should have to depend on someone else to prove that.
But on this same vein, it is not our place to judge what is and is not true for someone else, regardless of how we view it.
We all interpret things differently, and all have our own opinions and feelings toward a situation.
Shiro, as a gay character, does not need a relationship to prove he is gay. But by bringing up Adam at all, and implying that a relationship used to exist – and then only showing a bad part of that relationship before killing him off to avoid any chance of an interaction between the two most likely felt to certain people like they were drowning…and then someone came along and showed them a picture of a life raft and asked "wait, is this not enough?"
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dates-with-the-void · 11 days
Void Bois Dating Aroace Partner
So this was random inspiration.
I kinda wanted to dedicate a post to people that are Aroace, Aromantic, Asexual or just in the spectrum in general. I did my best to make it vague so you could insert your identity into it more easily.
Honestly it took me a very long time to realize I was aroace, mostly because of the environment I grew up in (more or else hypersexualized) where at some point in my life I was expected to get a boyfriend, fuck, see how great sex is, and have kids. It took me a while to learn about the LGBT community, and longer to learn that I fell into the aroace category.
So, more or less to honor those to feel somewhat similar to how I feel. I made this, I'll make the gals soon enough! Honestly, I'm not sure if I even properly described the feelings or thoughts being on the spectrum, but I guess its something you have to feel for yourself to know.
Anyway, enjoy!
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Cho'Gath isn't exactly what you'd call romantic to begin with.
Falling in love with you just kinda- happened for him because you stuck around him.
He was positive he could never feel love, and yet you proved him wrong.
So how you act with him in terms of a romantic partner or a relationship in general he didn't question it.
He also didn't socialize or cared about this world enough to try and learn the customs or "traditions" of your species to get that you're not "normal".
Honestly it wasn't normal that you wanted to be with him when he stated you were going to be his mate, and you accepted without fuss.
But that's about the extent of what he knew and cared about.
So when you suddenly brought up your insecurities about making him feel unloved, he was fucking confused.
Apparently, times when you aren't with him and around members of your species you've grown self-conscience of how you choose to love him.
That you don't experience the feelings they feel when talking about their partners, or do things that couples are "supposed" to do.
That you feel guilty for...not properly loving him, that you feel broken for it.
If he didn't care about you as much as he does, he would have left you just to devour that entire region that instilled those doubts into you immediately.
If its the norm that mates are supposed to feel this particular emotion always, that they must do these rituals to show their devotion always. Consider him just as "broken" as you are.
All the proof he needs that you love him, and that he loves you. Is the fact you both choose to be together, and you both define it as being mates. Nothing else.
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Kha'Zix never expected himself to get a mate, even as he evolved and changed from his original programming as a Voidborn.
He was dedicated- borderline obsessive over becoming the apex predator he didn't think about it.
You basically changed that for him, to the point he's also obsessed with you.
He made an effort to learn your species' customs for relationships just so he'd make it work, and to be a better partner to you.
Even if much of it didn't entirely make much sense, like having holidays to specifically get gifts for your partner. Wouldn't that be an every day occurrence?
But if its something expected and it'll make you happy, he'll go along with it in his own way.
He didn't exactly realize this was making you feel guilty and self-conscience of your feelings towards him.
He was following examples he's observed and learned from your kind, as well as things you like or usually do.
So when you eventually opened up to him, saying that you feel undeserving of him and guilty for not being able to reciprocate the feelings and effort he does- it surprised him.
It kinda hurt that he ended up doing the opposite for you.
Apparently, you're considered an outlier of your species, that you don't get these attractions or feelings of romance or sex. You didn't understand why your own species does these things, what classifies it as romantic or platonic.
Feeling scared that you won't satisfy his desires, or return those feelings he has for you because you're broken.
He'll comfort, keeping you close as he reassures you that you are not.
You're his first mate, and hopefully the last he will ever have. He just wanted to make sure he was doing things right. Because you're everything he wants and needs.
Even if you don't feel the exact things he feels for you, the fact you want to be with him despite it is enough. You shouldn't have to force yourself to satisfy him.
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Honestly, Vel'Koz might be considered the same as you are.
Perhaps it has to do with how he was specifically made that he feels very little to no romantic or sexual attraction to others.
And probably because of that, you didn't really feel self-conscience with him about your feelings towards him.
The relationship did start off purely out of curiosity and wanting to study your species further passed the biological understandings.
But he grew attached to you, and frankly he can't imagine his life without you there now.
He can't say its romantic, much less sexual attraction to you. He has nothing that would provide that would benefit your species' in terms of a 'relationship'.
Its genuinely hard for him to explain or describe what he feels towards you other than he just...wants you with him. More than just a friend.
If anything, he is the one to bring up the topic. Because he felt out of place with your dynamic.
Even if you struggled to explain it properly yourself, you both understood each other when you expressed the same feelings.
You confessed to feeling some insecurities with it as well, but not as significant as others because you felt like he'd understand- to which you were right about.
Your relationship isn't normal to begin with, a minority would actually wish to be with a Voidborn or someone outside of their species in general.
So why should it be confined to the majority's standards of a relationship, when it should only matter to those in said relationship?
But that doesn't mean he isn't oppose to trying anything relating to couples, especially in the mating department. Much like you.
Though for him, it'll always be accompanied with studying and learning more about you, your species and the emotions behind it.
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minetteskvareninova · 2 years
The Tepláreň  Shooting: It Happened Here
I rarely speak about the news from my country. I don’t really follow news that closely, to be honest, and I am pretty sure none of y’all are interested in the eternal squabbles in our parliament or the shocking news that, just like all of Europe, Slovakia has been hit by inflation. But there is something I must talk about with tumblr, because to be honest, my relatives haven’t been very understanding. I don’t think anyone but the tumblr collective would really understand.
On Wendsday evening, a shooting has taken place in a Bratislava gay bar Tepláreň, which ended with the deaths of two young men, . The shooter was of a kind that must seem way too familiar to Americans in particular: nineteen, radicalized on the internet, antisemitic in addition to homophobic... He also has, like many of these do, taken his own life shortly after comiting the murders. And exactly because this act seems so familiar it is so shocking, at least to me. Because this wasn’t supposed to happen here. We aren’t the USA. We are a small country with strict gun control. And yet, the shooter was clearly inspired by similar acts of fellow internet nazis abroad. It makes one wonder, is this kind of thing going to be more common now? Not just in Slovakia, but in Central and Eastern Europe in general? Has the disease reached our shores? Because considering bigots of all kinds and degrees aren’t any less common here than anywhere else, that is fucking terrifying.
The response of Slovak politicians and most media has been predictably tepid. Very few seem to be aware of the systematic bigotry that has contributed to this tragedy. Many Slovak politicians, including the most prominent faces of the government, have been openly and shamelessly homophobic in a way that shouldn’t be acceptable in any civilized country, and yet they seem to be unaware that this has anything to do with them. Most media outlets are barely any better. There’s lots of vague talk about “tolerance” of “otherness”, but most just gesture towards bigotry in general and consider the shooter a sort of lone wolf (which, as is the way with internet nazis, isn’t exactly the case; for every one enacting their violent fantasies there are dozens cheering them on and sharing similar vile thoughts, which, however, never materialize into action) whose actions should have no bearing on Slovak politics. It most definitely isn’t a prompt for them to apologize and perhaps soften their rhetoric towards the LGBT+ community. In a country, where any kind of official same-sex partnerships are a distant pipe dream and where the constitution was changed some decade ago to explicitly forbid any kind of marriage equality (by defining marriage as being strictly heterosexual), we frankly couldn’t have expected any better. We should count ourselves lucky that there are still people willing to support us.
And I don’t want to understate this point: there are liberal media outlets willing to openly call out the homophobia in Slovak politics, and a few politicians here and there that are still definitely on our side. I have witnessed open expressions of solidarity, most notably a march that should be occurring right now in Bratislava. Living on the other side of the country, I sadly cannot participate, so my best bet is to inform tumblr of our woes. Slovak LGBT+ community is struggling. Two members of our community have been murdered. And considering the continuous presence of right-wing extremism (thrown into sharp focus by COVID and war in Ukraine - because don’t get it twisted, a diagram of people believing the COVID conspiracies, people cheering for Putin and people wanting to see us dead or “converted” is a somewhat wobbly circle) there’s a serious threat that in the upcoming years it will be more.
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