bossymarmalade · 1 year
I generally don’t write much in the way of serious topics on tumblr because I don’t find it a useful platform for that, but I’ve seen a number of posts/talked with mutuals lately about what we’ve been noticing in the erosion of feminist theory and how it’s discussed.
To me the culprit is the nature of tumblr itself. There’s no one stationary place for a conversation; people reblog a conversation that has branched off in a bunch of directions. They argue a point that could’ve been addressed by the OP except the conversation continued without the OP. They end up in places that were never intended.
Add to that: a) the way a pithy phrase captures attention faster than a thoughtful analysis and b) the number of ppl reblogging to point out that their particular group was not specifically taken into account, and you have an attempt at discussion that’s hobbled from the start.
I wish we could have discussions here like we used to on lj/dw but we can’t. So instead any discussion of feminism has its teeth cracked out one at a time with “but men can be abused too” and “what about transmen” and “eyeliner so sharp it could kill a man” and “WOMEN!! She!! Her!!” and look. All of these things have their place in the discussion. 
But when people generally don’t even know what the core tenets of feminism are, don’t understand the kyriarchy, or multiple axes of oppression, don’t understand second- and third-wave feminism, and just choose to make everything binary all over again? Right now in tumblr discourse, either critique of Men is wrong bc it doesn’t take into account these particular men, or All Women are Right All the Time Actually. And neither of these is useful in dismantling what feminism is intended to dismantle.
Feminism is for everyone, yes. But feminism is also an ideology intended to make people uncomfortable with and outraged at the status quo, the kyriarchical messages we grow up with and live under. It’s all right if your feminism isn’t mine, but if yours doesn’t actually stand for anything and is more concerned with empty virtue signaling or pat catchphrases, then does it actually benefit the cause? Or is it just lip service in between nitpicking? Is it just window dressing for oppressive systems? Is it doing those institutional systems’ work for them?
I don’t have any concrete suggestions about this; like I said, I don’t think tumblr as a platform can provide any repair. But who knows. Maybe a bunch of like-minded feminists talking about it more (and by like-minded, I just mean “invested”; the faces of feminism are legion) will help rejuvenate something that’s been pretty good to a lot of us (or at least offered a helpful framework to build our senses of self on). Maybe I’ll go back to talking about feminist topics myself. Maybe that’s not quite a bridge called our backs but it’s more than being the second sex. Maybe maybe may be.
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starberrywander · 1 year
This might be a controversial opinion but I think most of my fellow progressives need to hear this:
You NEED to stop attacking conservatives, because all of your hostility only feeds into their “The left is full of prideful/hypocritical/irrational/etc assholes” rhetoric and is a major tool used by far-right propagandists to manipulate good people into hateful and dangerous ideas. Your hostility is contributing to far-right radicalization just as much, if not more, than the content put out by hate campaigns and extremists. 
I have seen it plenty of times both in my own life and online. Conservatives frequently talk about how hostile “the left” behaves and it forms a basis for a lot of their unsavory ideals. 
As someone who lives in a very conservative region of one of the most red states in the US, most of the people I know in person are conservative or at least conservative-leaning, especially in my family. But, you would be surprised just how many of them express agreement with progressive ideals either without realizing or while refusing to better understand them simply because they see progressives as hostile and unwelcoming. Like, I have no doubt in my mind that many of these people would happily and enthusiastically join even some of the most progressive social movements if they hadn’t had such a horrible impression of progressives painted to them. Many have experiences with being attacked, harassed, and called names for trying to express their concerns and opinions in progressive spaces. Many more have also seen that same scenario play out many times to other people who they respect or care for. If you don’t believe me, let me give you a prominent example from my life:
My grandmother is very conservative. Like, watches (or at least used to watch) fox news on a regular basis and refers to herself as “Super MAGA.” However, despite very explicitly aligning herself with the right-leaning conservative crowd and often making comments (mostly out of ignorance not maliciousness, I’ve learned) that would probably set a good number of y’all into rage mode, when individual issues are discussed in good faith she often takes a more progressive position. Of course there are exceptions, especially because she has been exposing herself to a lot of right-wing propaganda and definitely has been influenced by some hate campaigns, but she certainly doesn’t fit the stereotype and would absolutely be aligning herself with the left in a different situation. She is very supportive of LGBT people and, though she is a bit skeptical of things like gender reassignment surgery because of the things she gets told on facebook, she isn’t hateful toward trans people like many would probably assume. In fact all it took was a simple, calm explanation of my perspective for her to easily accept nonbinary identities (including, I think, neopronouns and xenogenders, though I haven’t heard anything from her specifically on those topics). She has even expressed that sentiment to other family members since then and I think it was well received.
Of course, there are certainly people who are too stubborn and prejudiced to even consider changing their mind, but they are a minority. Many of these people that get clocked as “bigots” are actually very kind-hearted people who were only ever able to have their genuine concerns heard or validated by people on the conservative right. They are the way they are because they were harassed or made to feel unwelcome in progressive spaces so they looked elsewhere for support and community. 
If you need more examples, here is just one of the many videos of people expressing this type of experience (this is also the video that made me realize that I should probably make a post to express this): 
My point is that we need to be more compassionate. I don’t mean this in a moral purity way, you are absolutely justified in being upset at the types of prejudice and misinformation being spread around. I mean it in the way that your hostile and angry actions are only making the situation worse and you need to find a better outlet if we want to make progress toward convincing people to side with more progressive positions and stop voting in the kinds of people who are gonna push these discriminatory policies we’ve been seeing.
As much as we want to believe that we are rational and that enough statistics will change someone’s mind if they just listened, that is not the case. Humans are emotional beings. As much as we see ourselves as objective, we think emotionally. Even if we don’t realize it. If you attack people, even passive aggressively, you make them shut down. They stop listening. Because we are much more likely to listen to and care about the words of people who we have a positive impression of. People remember emotions far more than any words, and it doesn’t matter how correct you are or how much proof you have, if you come at people with hostility and anger that attack and the emotions associated with it are the only things that are going to stick. They aren’t going to remember your statistics. They aren’t going to remember your facts. They’re going to remember how you harassed them and called them names. They’re going to remember how you demanded they adopt your beliefs without listening to theirs.
I don’t care how much you wanna scream, its not going to help anything. All people will remember is how you made them feel. We only care about statistics and facts when we care about the subject, because that’s just how humans are. You may find some exceptions, but they are few and far between and you shouldn’t rely on their existence. You need to be kind. You need to be compassionate. 
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If you need to say something to vent say it privately. Write it down then make a wish and delete it like you’re blowing out the candles on a birthday cake. Keep a journal of all your rants and frustrations. Just keep them out of public spaces, for fucks sake. They are not helpful. You can edit them to be kinder, but please stop with the hostile posts. You are making it worse and the only benefit it serves is an ego boost from “dunking on the dummy conservatives.” You don’t need to say everything that comes to your mind. I know I’ve done this before too so I can sympathize but its really time we all start being more intentional with the ways we react to people.
Stop calling people names. Stop accusing people of things (even if they are. It achieves nothing.) Stop telling people to shut up. If they something particularly nasty just report and block them. If its real life just try to go somewhere else or ask them to stop or something. Like, you can absolutely attempt to explain why there is an issue with it, why you are uncomfortable with it, and why you will not accept it. But for goodness sake please do it respectfully. Even if you don’t think the person deserves respect, being hostile only makes things worse. Find a different way to express your anger. 
Yes, there will be people who won’t listen. Yes, there will still be people who paint you as irrational for being concerned or for caring about certain issues (that’s gaslighting, don’t let it get to you. Call it out if you need to.) You can’t change that. You can’t force people to change their minds. What you can do is control yourself and practice some patience. 
It is extremely important that we promote acceptance and fight against far right extremist radicalization. Especially now, when people are getting more extreme in their views and feeling emboldened to discriminate more openly. We need to get more people away from the conservative rabbit hole and we cannot do that if your immediate reaction is to attack them for disagreeing with you. People are the products of their experiences and their communities. People join communities that make them feel accepted and validated. If you harass people, its just going to make them want to join the other “enemy” community who will show them sympathy for the hurt you caused. I don’t care how much you don’t think they deserve it. I don’t care how much you feel justified. I don’t care how nasty they are being. You need to treat people with respect and compassion if you want them to agree with you on any level.
 I will probably be talking about this more in the future so I’m gonna make a hashtag to keep it all in the same place. 
“Progressives please chill and find a more productive approach for fucks sake”
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hyperlexichypatia · 1 year
I’ve been thinking a lot about guilt lately. Maybe it’s because it’s currently Lent in the Western Christian calendar, when many Christians practice self-reflection about their wrongdoings and commit to doing better. Guilt gets a bad rap, as emotions go. It's not pleasant, but just as other negative emotions like anger, sadness, and pain have their uses, so does guilt. In particular, guilt alerts people to what they're doing that they shouldn't be (or what they're not doing that they should be). It's an indicator that something is wrong and needs to change. The problem, so often, is what people feel guilty about, and what they do about that feeling.
I've seen a post going around social media of an exchange between a therapist and a client. The therapist says that children are resilient, and the client replies that if that's true, why do all adults need therapy? This leaves the therapist at a loss for words.
Obviously, this exchange rests on several assumptions-- first of all, who decided that "all adults" need therapy? Yet equally obviously, the therapist has a professional interest in not disputing this premise. In fact, the therapist is in a real bind, because of the conflicting messages that mental health culture has about parental guilt. One message, directed at parents (especially mothers) is that parental guilt is unnecessary, irrational, and pointless. All parenting choices are equally valid. Children are resilient and will not be harmed by anything their parents do to them. The other message, directed at adults who feel harmed or traumatized by their childhood experiences, is that their grievances are valid, and they should not have been expected to simply resiliently endure their parents' mistreatment of them. The inherent conflict in these messages leads to some truly contorted reasonings in mental health culture – all parents are doing the best they can and should not be judged nor feel guilty, but all children are abused and traumatized by their parents. Usually the hinge used to square this conflict is that parental-induced trauma is caused by parents’ own “trauma” or “mental illness” – all parents do their best, but they are Intrinsically Defective, so they contaminate others with their Intrinsic Mental Defect.
From a radical Mad/ neurodiversity/ cognitive liberty and youth rights perspective, the problem is not “mental illness” or trauma, but power – parents and guardians, and adults generally, have near absolute power over children. Their exercise of this power, even if well-meaning, is frequently harmful and traumatic. People who wield this near-absolute power may feel guilt over some of the choices they make, but they rarely question their own position of power. Guilt is a natural response to holding positions of power, because we naturally have some inkling that holding power over others is in some way wrong. But without an acknowledgment or analysis of that power, and steps taken to wield power responsibly (or surrender it), guilt becomes useless.
Ask any group of people what they feel guilty about, or what their worst vices are. A surprising number will mention something to do with food. Eating ice cream isn’t a vice! The only food you should feel guilty about eating is human meat. Otherwise, you’re fine. Food is morally neutral. Why do so many people feel guilty about eating snacks, but not about participation in oppressive capitalist kyriarchy? Why do so many parents feel guilty about using one or another kind of diapers, but not for beating their children, subjecting them to behaviorism, or micromanaging their lives, which they invariably defend as good and correct parenting? Why do people feel guilty about the sugar content in the cookies they eat, but not the labor conditions in the factories that made them?
If what you feel guilty about isn’t what actually harms people – and if your guilt isn’t motivating you to take steps to change or mitigate that harm – then it’s useless, and you might as well give it up. But if you’re willing to be honest with yourself, look at how your behavior actually affects others, and change it accordingly.
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trisockatops · 3 months
Women are routinely gaslit and called dramatic, hysterical, and emotional when they have emotions. No, they are not allowed to talk about their experiences and struggles anymore than anyone else. Just because men and women have their emotions and struggles dismissed in different ways (compounded further by additional factors such as race, sexuality, disability, class, etc.) doesn't mean "what's wrong with men is that they're not allowed to talk about their feelings" because NO ONE is allowed to have legitimate struggles. Women are not taken seriously when they talk, I cannot believe this is still hard for people to understand in this damn century. Misogyny wouldn't be magically solved by men opening up because the root of misogyny is not male oppression, it's power and control. There are plenty of vulnerable violent misogynists who have been to therapy.
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mental-mona · 6 months
"Antisemitism, anti-Black racism, misogyny, transphobia - all of these oppressions' purpose is to divide us from each other and prevent us from building power. And the way we fight back against that is by telling stories to each other about who we are."
- Ginna Green, board chair and co-partner at Uprise
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elfwreck · 2 years
Remember: They are not winning.
They are outnumbered, and the culture they want to bring back has been utterly destroyed. They are lashing out in desperation, causing all the harm they can, because they can, because that's the only action open to them.
They want a return to the time when women were legally controlled by the men in their lives, almost to the point of being property.
They're not going to get it. That oppression was founded on both women growing up not knowing things could be different - and on a host of legal situations that won't be returning.
Women did not have the right to their own bank accounts until 1974. That's not going away. (That was the  Equal Credit Opportunity Act, passed by both houses--unanimously in the Senate--and signed into law by Ford.) Guess what happened when women could suddenly keep the money they earned?
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THAT'S why they've been fighting to overturn Roe v Wade. We all know they don't give a damn about children's lives. And they don't actually believe a fetus is a child, or they wouldn't be paying for abortions for their mistresses on the sly, wouldn't be getting them themselves because "my situation is different."
Conservative men want women to be property.
Conservative women want someone to be obligated to take care of them and provide for them.
They want the myth of the Cleaver family from the 50s to be a reality... for well-educated, upper-middle-class white cis het Christian families.
And they are more than happy to destroy everyone who gets in the way of their fantasy future.
It can't happen. You can't get there from here. None of them even want what it takes to get there... they are, for the most part, comfortable, and they want the enriched diverse society that they've come to live in.
They want the increased production that comes from a happy, thriving workforce that pours creativity into their jobs. They want the health care advances that came from a multinational community of medical professionals. They want clean air in their towns, clean water in their homes.
They just don't want to acknowledge why we have those things.
(I am aware that not everyone has those things. I'm talking about the class of people who do, who have come to take them for granted, who think they are just "the way things are" and not gains we have fought for, that have still not been extended to everyone.)
Conservative women sure as hell don't want to give up their bank accounts. Conservative men don't want to go back to huge cars that get 8-11 miles per gallon.
They want the ability to choose between phone service providers. They want cheap phone service.
(In 1982, AT&T was required to split itself into several companies to break up its monopoly. And yeah, it's mostly re-merged now... but rates are lower. So much lower. In 1980, the weekday rate for a call across the US was 54 cents for the first minute. That's almost $2 in today's money.)
They don't want to admit that it's all connected. That women's rights and gay rights and labor rights and anti-racist policies and anti-harassment policies and social security and affordable health care ARE ALL LINKED.
They think they can remove one bit and keep the world they want.
They think they can erode a few parts of it, the ones that make them uncomfortable, and keep the world they want.
They can't.
And some parts of them knows it. Which is why they're lashing out.
And it's going to hurt. People are going to die. Good, innocent people--children--are going to die because of the Dobbs ruling.
But they are not winning. Don't lose hope.
They are fading, and they know it, and it scares them. They know that public opinion is against them.
Someday, there are going to be six more graves that are memed as gender-neutral bathrooms.
Take care of each other. We have been through worse than this before, and we will win our rights back.
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philosophybitmaps · 1 year
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offcampusstillnerdy · 6 months
You can register for free account and refuse mail list / update options to read this. If we try to imagine the difference it might make to England and to UK if these schools were shut down, it's an interesting exercise...
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Activism on behalf of groups perceived as vulnerable should not be dependent on what can be gained from or done to them once injury, exploitation, and indignity to someone of the group is considered to be on par with the same done to everyone else.
It should not be a "gotcha, now that we're equal you can suffer too!"
It should not be a "I can do this to you now that we're equal!"
It should not be a "Now that we're equal you have no excuse not to do this for me!"
Violation of another person's innate rights is not something you should be eager to do, and equality based on the idea that anyone can do what they want no matter who it hurts isn't real equality.
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greatwyrmgold · 8 months
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Collectivism is one thing; it's become a boogeyman which people assume means "commie who hates individualism". Anarchism is only a bit worse; it's a vague term which people project onto their disorder-loving boogeymen of choice. Protecting the environment at all costs is worse still, but at least it contains the phrase "at all costs," so you can imagine that it means a mass-murdering Poison Ivy type and not someone who values humanity's long-term existence over corporate profits.
But "mutual aid"? I can't imagine any way to interpret that which isn't obviously a positive thing, which makes it sound like a component of terrorism. Maybe it would if you're so high on radical individualism that people not relying on their own wages to sustain themselves seems like a threat to society at large, but I doubt it.
Let's be honest: This is just targeting people who threaten the status quo that keeps the capitalist class rich and powerful. That's why they act like handing out flyers is basically an act of terrorism.
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whimseysthrone · 1 year
Megacorp Nobility, cyberpunk & feudalism brainworm
Cyberpunk megacorps are feudal hierarchies… or at least they’re close enough that we can map one to the other. My brain wandered into this realization a few months ago, and now I can’t stop thinking about cyberpunk stories and fantasy or historical fiction through this lens. If I’m stuck with it, I might as well share it with you. A set of feudal class assumptions are baked into many cyberpunk…
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michellemiyagi · 2 years
My Intention for The Logical Heart Knows Best
My Intention for The Logical Heart Knows Best
My intention with The Logical Heart Knows Best is to empower women to know, trust, and love themselves while creating healthier, self-compassionate boundaries. I am raising awareness of how our societies condition us to sacrifice ourselves. It’s intrinsic and expected of us according to our gendered social roles. This results in overwork, burnout, and compassion fatigue, with mounting anger and…
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mywingsareonwheels · 5 days
The rise in extremely highly funded transphobic discourse and attacks in the last few years started very shortly after victories for same-sex marriage and abortion rights in various countries. I don't think it's even remotely a stretch to see it as a response to those victories.
I remember the absolute joy of a lot of trans women I was following on Twitter in 2019 when abortion was decriminalised in Northern Ireland. It was beautiful to see and utterly unsurprising.
I remember how much het and ace trans people have supported same-sex marriage, like, forever. <3
Transphobia is designed to split and break both the LGBTQIA+ rights movement *and* the women's rights movement, in order to weaken both. It's divide and conquer. One of the biggest fundraisers for both the anti-trans movement in the UK (who is also a significant donor to the Tory party...) is a mostly-former fiction writer who claims to be doing this for women but whose intense degree of internalised misogyny leaks between every line of everything she says and has written. That's not a coincidence.
Transphobia is intrinsically entwined with misogyny (and at minimum certain kinds of misandry), homophobia, biphobia, and acephobia. It's also pretty much always accompanied by racism, antisemitism, ageism, and ableism (internalised or lateral in some cases; still there). That's not a coincidence either.
The message? Well, don't be a transphobe, obviously. Don't give any money to that fucking mostly-ex-writer. But also beware of anything else that tries to create or increase divisions between us.
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enbycrip · 11 months
I’m seeing the “people don’t expect physically disabled people to be less disabled for their comfort so why do they expect mentally ill/neurodivergent people to do so?” memes making the rounds again, and I am here to remind you, as an autistic and ADHD, mentally ill, chronically ill person with multiple physical impairments that this is just not the case.
If you are both and that is your personal experience, I obviously do not expect you to deny that, but please be aware that this is very much *not* universal.
I am a full time mobility aid user and part-time wheelchair user. Both my personal experience and thousands of accounts from the wheelchair user community reflect the fact that most wheelchair users and other mobility aid users *continually* have our boundaries pushed around our use of mobility aids for the ease and comfort of others.
“I know we said step-free access but it’s just a couple of small steps so that counts, right? Our staff can lift you if you *really* can’t manage.”
“Oh we can’t really fit your chair or rollator in the car so you’ll just have to manage without them. You walked that far last week with the rollator so doing a few days around a city with a stick should be fine, right?”
“Your cousin really doesn’t want a stick in her wedding photos so you’ll just have to manage, but there will be lots of seats and it’s not like you have to stand up really.”
“You’re much too young to be using a stick anyway. Wait til you get older and you *really* know what pain is.”
“I know that restaurant is on the second floor and there’s no lift but the rest of the team really like the food there so I’m sure you’ll manage, won’t you?”
“We really don’t like you using that wheelchair - surely it will make you more disabled?”
“I know our accessible toilet is down a flight of stairs but people don’t really need to use a bathroom in a restaurant do they?”
“Oh, we booked this restaurant for x celebration (bonus points if it’s for *your* birthday/graduation etc) because it’s so nice and it just *didn’t* occur to us to check if it was accessible!”
These are just picked off the top of my head as a number of things I have encountered over my years as a mobility aid and wheelchair user.
I picked this out of my various impairments because wheelchair users are so frequently regarded as the sort of “iconic” disabled person, but my boundaries on pain and mobility aid - including wheelchair - use are genuinely pushed at least as much as those of my neurodivergences and mental illnesses. I have been accused of “bad behaviour”, “doing it for attention”, “faking it”, “making a scene” and “not really disabled” multiple times when the issues causing the problem were physical - including when my legs have physically given out on me in public places, causing me to fall.
None of this is peculiar to my experience. I have encountered hundreds of thousands of similar accounts and experiences from other disabled people all over the world.
I will absolutely allow that it sometimes feels easier, more “valid”, to ask for reasonable adjustments/accommodations for physical impairments than for neurodivergence or mental illness, but I would also contend that that is an issue of internalised disableism at least as much as anything else.
I believe at least part of the issue is that the image of disability the majority of the abled population has is that it is an unchanging, monolithic thing. “Can’t see”. “Can’t hear”. “Can’t walk.” “Can’t speak.” Whereas the majority of disability is *considerably* more nuanced than that. This is *very* much the case with neurodivergences and mental illnesses, but it is also very much the case with physical impairments.
Basically - being disabled is often pretty awful. The world is extremely inaccessible. It is often tempting to view other types of disabled people as “having it easier” or “encountering more understanding” etc etc. While this may absolutely be true on an individual level, particularly intersectionally (money, race, gender, queerness etc *absolutely* affect life as a disabled person) on a systemic level, it is equally absolutely *not* the case.
And various institutions *massively* benefit from internal envy and infighting in any marginalised community. Perpetuating the idea that “those people have it waaay easier/are stealing your resources etc etc” lets institutions off the hook. The only way we can practically improve the situation - accessibility, services etc etc - for *all* of us is by solidarity with each other as oppressed, marginalised disabled people.
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aeide-thea · 11 months
a terrible thing abt the mind is that sometimes you read a lot of mercedes lackey books as a teenager, as a natural subset of reading a hell of a lot of other SFF, and then years later—having evolved as a person but also, apparently, incorporated her work into yr psyche like the irritant at the center of a pearl or whatever—find yrself thinking abt the nonconsensually altered catgirl who got rescued but couldn't be turned back, and had to figure out how to be a person moving thru the world in the body of a sex doll, and how unexpectedly relatable that now seems…
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The Last Kingdom Affirmations
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~* reblog to claim Osferth's energy for yourself*~
screencap of Osferth and Aelfwynn is from kissthemgoodbye
background is a section of the Bayeux Tapestry
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