#also we get period pains so bad we can't sit up at times and I don't know what to really do about that
wosoamazing · 2 days
A New Chapter
Y/N Williamson Epilogue?? (My last fic before I refresh my page/content...)
IMPORTANT: This fic involves a heterosexual relationship between R and a Fictional character... If this is something you don't want to read I suggest you move on. WARNINGS: bad injury (hip), mentions of hospitals and surgery, moving away, rehab, heterosexual relationships, some swearing, periods, endometriosis, vomit/mentions of, being scared to return home, mild sickness, kids?, hints/links to miscarriage (not everyone will notice), suggestive?? - it's long so there are a lot, I have tried to list them in order, however if you do really want to read it but you can't bc of some of the warnings message me and I can see if I can cut that part of the story out for you. A/N: Not properly edited yet, I will edit it later - so sorry if any mistakes. Also sorry if the second half of it feels rushed, it was getting so long but I may have accidentally rushed it trying to make it not insanely long... (Word Count: 7462 - be prepared, hopefully it's not boring)
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Your dream of playing in an Olympics Final came crashing down 15 minutes into the Matildas’ opening match of the tournament. A corner had been given, Steph kicked it in and the next second you were on the ground in agony, it seemed to happen in fast forward for you. However for Leah, who was watching at home, the moment unfolded so agonisingly slowly, she saw Frohms place a hand on your shoulder restricting you from jumping, as Oberdorf jumped into the air behind you, if it wasn't for Frohms’ hand on your shoulder the goal could’ve been yours, she was angry and hoped the ref had picked up on it, however she wasn’t angry for long, as she saw the trajectory Oberdorf was coming down on, her jump slightly too high meaning she lost control. Time slowed to an almost stop as Leah froze sat in front of the TV, watching as Oberdorfs midsection completely landed on top of your left shoulder, she almost felt her heart stop as she saw your left leg brace, watching as it popped out from the force of Oberdorfs head hitting your thigh, causing you to completely crumple onto the ground. Thankfully the players around reacted quick enough to grab onto Oberdorf and flip her, otherwise your injury wouldn’t have been the worst, and something unimaginable could’ve happened. She saw your body jolt as you were turned onto your back, the look on your face along with the scream you let out indicating your hip most likely popped back into place. The full weight of it all occurred seconds later when a phone was brought onto the pitch and steph did something on it, Leah’s phone started to ring.
“Leah, she,” Steph breathed out not knowing what to say
“I know. I saw. Can I talk to her?” Leah asked before hearing some shuffling from the other end, watching Steph crouch down next to you on the TV.
“Le-ah,” your voice came across the phone, it was full of pain and fear, Leah was honestly surprised you hadn’t passed out from the pain yet, but maybe you were running on adrenaline or shook, all she was certain about was that she needed to be there for you, in one way or another.
“Hi bug, you’re doing so well, being so brave. They are going to take good care of you, I promise. I love you so so much, and I’ll be there very soon, you’ve got this bug,” she told you before Steph took the phone back to her ear as the medics needed to move you, “we’re coming, our flight is in like an hour, we are actually about to leave now,” she informed her club teammate as she watched her fiance leave the bedroom wheeling a suitcase behind her.
You were immediately taken into surgery, where they did x-rays and scans. You woke up a few hours later surrounded by machines, unable to feel your left leg, but your left shoulder and torso ached badly, but quickly you noticed Steph, Sam, Leah, Lia and Alexia all sitting around the white washed sterile room. The people who you looked up to in your life and who inspired you, all in a hospital room, to be there for you, for some it meant taking time out of their teams olympic tournament. Maybe even risking unfair punishment and her mental health for one. For two others it meant getting on a plane last minute, dropping all other plans, including the IVF appointment they had waited a year for, not knowing when the next one would be, willingly letting go of their hope to have kids in the near future for you. In that moment you realised how much you meant to them, never before had the meaning of you to them been so tangible, they meant the universe and more to you, but maybe you meant ever more than that to them.
Leah noticed your eyes open and moved beside your bed, “Hey bug, how are you feeling?” she said ever so softly, and you just blinked groggily at her as she leant in to kiss your forehead mumbling “I love you very much,” before her hands moved to cup your face and her thumbs wiped away the silent tears that had started to fall from your eyes. The others all got up and left not only to find a doctor but give you two a moment of privacy.
“Hi, Y/N, nice to see you awake, I’m Dr NAME and this is Dr NAME, we were the two surgeons who operated on you,” one of the doctors spoke as they walked in, smiling at you, you kind of nodded at them and watched as their gaze turned to Leah before going through your chart, “and you’re Leah,” she nodded at them. “Okay so,” he started talking but you were too tired to listen and zoned out, hearing the words, dislocated, hairline fracture, Iliofemoral and Pubofemoral. You would eventually come to find those are the things that happened to your, during the fall your tore your  Iliofemoral and Pubofemoral ligaments, which then meant when Oberdorf’s head hit your thigh it was a lot easier for your hip to dislocate which it did, you had a hairline fracture in your femoral neck but it was unknown which mechanics of the injury caused that, sometimes they would insert a pin but as yours was only small and you were young, they didn’t, it also meant they likelihood of you returning to football was higher, however you still would most likely never return.
You were stuck in Paris until the end of the tournament, the risk of you flying back home versus the ‘risk’ of you staying there were incomparable and so you and your crutches, along with your bandaged hip, sporting the equivalent of a hinged knee brace but for a hip over your leggings, were dragged along to the final match, the first time you had been in the public's eye properly since your injury. You were dreading this match for multiple reasons. It meant you would be in the media’s sight, and you would also have to interact with the people you had been ignoring. But even more it meant you had to watch your teammates and ‘family’ get to do the one thing you had ever dreamt of, the thing that was almost never going to happen now. You stood alongside Sam during the national anthem, wearing an official match jersey, your own name on your back, as a tear rolled down your cheek, which after the anthem Sam wiped away before hugging you tightly. She understood the pain to some extent, however she knew well and truly before the olympics started the team could make it to the final and she would be standing on the sidelines, for you it was different, you should’ve been on that pitch today, if it wasn’t for your injury you would’ve been starting, as the main forward, but that didn;t matter now, you would probably never start for the matildas or any football club/team again, she knew it, the team knew it, the world knew it, you even knew it, you just didn’t want to have to face that reality.
The whistle blew and every single member of the Australian’s on the sidelines got up and sprinted onto the pitch, except you, every single A.O.C football personal was on the pitch celebrating, but you weren’t. You couldn't, you couldn’t get up, but that's not the reason you were not on the pitch, you didn’t want to be, you didn’t deserve to be.
The next second the whole bench shook, Kyra had catapulted herself into the row of seats in front of you, you looked up, her face shiny from sweat, holding the world's biggest grin, “come join us,” you just shook your head, “I can help, I’ll be sensible and careful. Please?” she begged, causing a tear to roll down your cheek, causing her face to quickly drop as she moved to hug you, making you cry more, causing more girls to start to filter over to you, all leaving with dampened moods, all having failed attempts at cheering you up and failing to convince you to join them. All celebrating as they walked across the stage receiving their medals, whilst they lifted the trophy, but the pain in their eyes was evident, you watched Kyra bite her nail nervously as she looked into your direction, you were still sat in you seat, having refused to collect your medal, you played 15 minutes you didn’t deserve it. You burdened the team, Steph spent way too long laying awake in her bed, the moment replaying in her head everytime she closed her eyes. Kyra cried herself to sleep almost every night, she missed you, you might’ve been with them physically but that was it, she knew she would have to go back to Arsenal without you and most likely never play with you again and that hurt her. Macca couldn’t shake the feeling of horror that ran through her body as she heard your scream so loud and clear from the other end of the pitch, she hadn’t even had her hearing aids in and yet it sounded like you were inside her ear. If anything the team had won in spite of you, you had in no way helped them get there, you were the cause for their pain, you didn’t deserve a medal at all.
“Bebita,” Alexia said softly as she bobbed down in front of you, “No,” you harshly snapped at her, “Et mereixes una medalla, les vas aconseguir aquí i vas formar part de l'equip sigui el que passi. (You deserve a medal, you got them here and you were part of the team no matter what),” you just shook your head at her, “Bé, doncs, almenys deixa'm agafar el teu i guardar-lo segur per a tu, per quan el vulguis després. (Well then at least let me take yours and keep it safe for you, for when you want it later.)” you shrugged your shoulders and so she placed your medal around her neck, for you. Before pulling you into a tight hug and not letting go for a very long time. The no you said to Alexia had been the last word you spoke to anyone before flying back under the intense supervision of the medics to England, where Lia and Leah meet you at the airport, taking you home.
“What’s wrong?” your sister asked, having put up with your attitude for way too long knowing you needed to break and rather than continuing to walk on eggshells waiting for you to break she decided to do it the hard way, allowing you to use her as a punching bag until you broke.
“What’s wrong, you’re fucking joking right, are you somesort of imbesile,” you sneered at her, “Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact I’ll never fucking play again, my career is over at 18, the rug has literally been swept out from under my feet, and none of it was even my fault, noone even got a fucking red, for ending my career, the ref decided that a career ending injury didn’t equate to a red. I had to watch as my friends my family lived out my dream, my fucking dream, I’m olympian, but am I really, 15 fucking minutes out of a minimum 540 minutes, I’m 2% of an olympian, I suppose that 2% counts though right? It’s not like I helped the team, I made it harder, I don’t deserve a medal but everyone else seems to think otherwise.”
“But you do bug, you were there, you got your team there, you were going to be the best young player of the year,” Leah tried to reason with you.
“Going being the key word there, I was going to win a Balloon d’or, I was going to be in the fifa best 11, I was going to win a golden boot, I was going to be and do so many things, but going is past tense, it’s never going to happen, I’m never going to get any awards ever again.” You shouted at her.
“Where are you going?” Leah asked as she watched you stand up, the room having fallen to silence moments ago.
“Away from you, I-, I-” you shook your head trying to clear your mind, Leah stepped closer to you, knowing your walls were about to crumble.
“What am I meant to do now, Le?” you asked, completely and utterly broken, “What happens now?”
Leah swallowed back her emotions “I don’t know bug, I’m sorry,” you collapsed into her and she picked you up being mindful of your hip, before lying down on the couch, your body on top of hers. You buried your head into her neck as you sobbed, your whole body shook, and all Leah could do was hold you, and try and comfort you and reassure you in a moment where there were no answers, how are you meant to comfort someone and give them reassurance when the doctors don’t even know. How are you meant to tell someone it's going to be okay when the only way to know what will happen is for them to go through an excruciating rehab process only to then very likely be told they could never play again.
You were cleared to fly long distances 3 months after your surgery, 2 months since you returned, so that’s what you did. You flew to Australia, bought an apartment and started a new life essentially, one that not everyone knew your past in intricate detail, however being a Matilda most people knew who you were but it was different.
Charlie got Lachlan to keep an eye on you and so you did things with his friends and sometimes even his team. You found yourself getting closer to one of his friends in particular, he always made sure you weren't left behind because they were walking too fast, he was ‘coincidentally’ at the same rehab gym you went to when you first put weight on your leg still relying on your crutches heavily, he celebrated for you but quite, not to make you uncomfortable, he offered to drive you to your appointment the one where you were allowed to use only one crutch, he celebrated for you then too, a bit more openly but not nearly as enthusiastic as he would’ve liked. You invited him to the appointment where you would start walking without any assistance, he celebrated quite loudly for you that day, insisting he needed to take you out for dinner, you accepted it, hoping it would lead to something more, and it did. You quickly found yourself spending more time at his house than yours, more of your belongings there than you had at your own home. He was honestly perfect, and for whatever reason you had this feeling that a shoe would drop any second. 
One night he woke up to you crying in your sleep, sitting up slightly he noticed there was blood on the sheets underneath you. Shaking you softly, he woke you up, before quietly saying “Baby, I think you’ve come on.”
“Shit,” you sighed out before curling into a tighter ball, “Why don’t you go have a shower and I’ll change the sheets,” He offered as he kissed your shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, rolling over to your back, “why?”, “because I’ve bleed all over the sheets, sorry,” “Baby, it's just a little blood, it’s okay, don’t worry,” you nodded before getting up and hobbling to the bathroom.
“Hey, babe you okay?” he asked as he approached the bathroom door, having finished changing the sheets, you didn’t reply to him, but he heard the muffled sounds of you crying, “I’m coming in okay,” he told you before softly opening the door, seeing you on the floor, your legs curled underneath you, as you sobbed, he bobbed down next to you, placing a hand on your back, “Do I need to take you to the hospital? I don’t think this is normal,” you shook your head as you reached to grab his hand as another wave of pain washed over you, taking a deep breath you fought off the nausea before blurting out “endometriosis,” hoping he could make conclusions from that.
“Do you need your tablets or something?” he asked and you looked at him confused. How did he know?
“My sister's girlfriend has it, I don’t know much about it but I know some things. Are your tablets in the drawer in the kitchen with the tape and stuff, are they the things in the arsenal pouch?” He asked and you nodded, being in too much pain to talk. He quickly left and returned, with your tablets, some water and heat packs.
“Not blue box,” you told him and he nodded before popping out some of the other tablets as per the labels and handing them to you.
“Do you want me to hold you?” he asked as a tear rolled down your cheek, “But-” you tried to protest weakly.
“I honestly don't care. I just want to help, I want you to feel better,” you nodded shyly at him and he picked you up placing you in his lap as he handed you a heat pack, you curled up and hid your head in his chest, falling asleep eventually.
You met up with some of the Matildas’ for coffee during one of their camps, and he and Lachlan came, him on the basis he was Lachlan’s friend.
“How long?” Steph asked as she walked alongside you, both slightly behind the others.
“What?” “You know what I mean, how long?” “I don’t know, it started as friends and then the lines blurred and then somewhere along the way he asked me to be his girlfriend,” she hummed in response, “Have you told Leah?” “What do you think,” you asked her before Harper ran up to you.
Later that night you were lying in bed next to him, head resting on his shoulder as his finger drew soft circles on your hip, over your leggings, when your phone buzzed.
Steph: You need to tell Leah. I know you don’t want to, but just think about it this way, at least you won't be telling her in person. But no, I seriously think telling her sooner rather than later would be better.
You sighed after reading her message dropping your phone on the mattress next to you, you dreaded telling your sister, especially when you already barely spoke.
“What’s wrong,” he asked as you rolled on top of him, letting out a heavy breath.
“Steph figured us out and is insisting I tell Leah,”  “Oh, why don’t you want to tell Leah?” “Do you want to tell your brother?” “Shit no,” “Exactly,” there is a pause,  “but I do need to tell Leah, especially if I am going to go back when you go on holidays,”
“You can stay here, you know that right?”
“No, I have to go back. Barça wants to announce my departure officially anyway. I don’t have a choice,” you sighed out, “what if I messaged and then just threw my phone out”
“You know you can’t do that,” he chuckled softly, causing you to groan as you rolled off him.
“I don’t want to have to face them all, I ran away, they probably want nothing to do with me anymore anyway,”
“I don’t know if that’s true, Steph and Kyra were so happy and excited to see you today, so was the rest of the team but especially them.” he said and you nodded before he spoke again, “Well I don’t know about Charli, she was too busy catching up with Lachy to even notice you were there I think,” you laughed at his comment, you turned the TV onto the Arsenal match which was about to start as the pair of you feel into silence.
“Would you ever want kids?” he asked you out of the blue.
“Um, yeah, most likely, especially now it won’t be interrupting my career,” you tried to joke, “why?” “Oh, just curious, you were just really good with Harper and her little brother today, and I don’t know why but that thought came up. Also, doesn't Steph have a kid?” 
“Yeah, he stayed in London with Dean for this camp,” he just nodded as your attention both went back to the game.
“What do you want for lunch?” Leah asked as you sat down in one of the kitchen stools as Leah and Lia walked into the kitchen. Leah had picked you up from the airport but as Harry was actually on holiday with his friends you went your separate ways, however you had a lunch planned for tomorrow with him, you, Leah and Lia.
“Not eggs,” Lia injected before you could answer, you were confused about her answer but just nodded anyway.
“Um, I don’t really care, I’m not that hungry anyway,”
They decided on Ham Sandwiches for lunch and as you ate you caught up with them, before ending up on the couch watching TV with them, they were still talking however you had fallen more silent, leaning into Leah’s side for a hug, “You okay? You’ve just gone a bit quiet and look a bit pale,” Leah asked looking down at you.
“Mmm, I’m just a bit tired,” you admitted.
“Why don’t you go up to sleep, we have no plans until tomorrow.” you nodded before moving to go upstairs.
“Bug you okay?” Leah asked as she sat down on the edge of the bed, brushing her hand over your face causing you to stir slightly.
“Mmmm, sorry do you want me to go?” you mumbled half asleep.
“No, it’s okay, you can stay in here, just wanted to check you were okay,” you nodded slightly before letting out a rather chesty cough, “you sure about being okay?” you just groaned at her before rolling over, feeling her slip in behind you and pull you in for a hug, it felt just like old times.
“What are you doing in here?” Leah asked as she entered the bathroom, obviously just waking up from her midday nap.
“I feel like I’m going to be sick,” you informed her.
“Oh, scoot forward,” she instructed you and you moved away from the wall. She sat behind you before pulling you onto her lap, you collapsed back into her, resting your head on her shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” you said breaking the silence as you turned your head on her shoulder so you could look at her, “I should’ve told you, you did some much for me, you were there for me my whole life and then I just up left, no warning, nothing, and then I basically ghosted you,”
“It’s okay,” she told you
“But it wasn’t, I even told you about Harry over text, the first thing I told you in months after not even telling you I could walk without crutches was that I had a-” “Boyfriend,” “Well yeah,”
“I understand, and I understood, it was hard, don’t get that wrong, but it isn’t the only time one of us has just upped and left, I think you’d remember how once I got my professional contract and I had to move, I didn’t tell you, I couldn’t bare to see your sad little face when I told you, so I just left, at least you had a reason, I didn’t have one at all, and you technically had two reasons, the injury and payback,”
“I forgot about that, but thank you for reminding me, I will use it if Mum or Dad get angry at me,” 
“Please don’t, but I do understand. You did it for you, you needed to find yourself, figure out who you were without football, which meant you needed to be separated from everything that reminded you of what was once, of what you loved and still love, and that included us, and it;s okay. I was never angry, I just really missed you, you’re still my baby sister, and no matter what happens you will still be the most important person in my life.”
“Oh,” you felt your gut sink at her confession, suddenly the feeling of being sick became very real, “I’m sorry,” you replied quietly as you moved your head back flat against her shoulder, staring at the ceiling. You felt your mouth fill with saliva and closed your eyes taking some deep breaths.
“Should we cancel lunch tomorrow?” Leah asked as you continued to take deep breaths knowing why you were.
“No,” you said as you shook your head, the nausea having finally passed, “I’ll be fine, I just need to sleep more,”
“Okay, also Lia has an appointment with the medics tomorrow just so they can do some checks and stuff, it's before lunch but you’ll probably have to come and just hang out at the club because otherwise we might be late to lunch,” you nodded your head before you felt yourself dozing off.
“Hey, how are you?” Aaron asked as he walked into the gym followed by Declan, you had decided to do some of your rehab exercises while you waited for Lia and Leah.
“Yeah, pretty good. You?” You replied kindly
“Alright, know much about your prospects yet?” he asked, referring to your hip, you froze, not knowing what to say.
“Um, not yet, still another month until I find out,” you lied, you had already been told, but you weren’t ready to tell anyone else yet.
As you continued with your exercises, you couldn’t help but notice your heart rate get faster and your chest get tighter as time passed. When you felt yourself slightly shaking you slipped out of the gym, sliding down the wall in the hallway, your actions didn’t go unnoticed by declan who quickly followed you out but walked past you down to the medics office. He returned following behind Leah, who bobbed down next to you before looking up at him.
“Please don’t tell anyone about what we were speaking about in there,” she asked him
“Of course I wouldn’t Leah, it’s your own personal information, I’m sorry for interrupting, it’s just that,” he gestured towards you, “and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.”
“No thank you,” she said before shifting her focus to you.
“Hey, what's going on? You okay? Do you feel sick?” she asked in a soft, concerned voice, you couldn’t manage to speak so you just shook your head, “Take some deep breaths, you’re okay, it’s okay, nothing happened, you’re safe.”
“I can’t play,” you managed to get out after some deep breaths, the words almost immediately lifting a weight of your chest, “I’m never going to play again, I can’t,” you told her before breaking down into tears.
“Oh Bug, I’m so sorry,” she said as she pulled you in for a tight hug.
“How much longer are we here for?” you asked as you pulled away, having calmed down slightly.
“Probably ten more minutes. Have you thought about what you’re going to do?”
“A little, once I was out long term the offers started to come out anyway but I haven’t really considered them. I’m thinking of coaching though, I just can’t decide,” Leah hummed in response to you, and you sat in silence, just embracing her presence until Lia came out.
After you spoke with Leah and Lia about not playing it was decided you needed to ask someone who wasn’t affected by your choice in any way. So you decided on going to Barcelona at the same time as Harry, for different reasons though. Hoping Alexia could help and give you some guidance.
So that’s how you found yourself sat in your seat on the plane as it sat on the tarmac waiting to disembark, your right knee bounced up and down uncontrollably as you nervously looked up and down the aisle. When you felt a hand placed on your knee, you jumped slightly before relaxing into the touch slightly, “It’s going to be okay, stop worrying, from what you’ve told me they will only care that you are okay and safe, they might be slightly annoyed but they’ll understand.” You nodded whilst stilling looking around, “and remember you can call me at anytime and I can come to you at anytime you want me to, the boys won't mind, they might just make a condition that they have to meet the team if that occurs,” you both let out a light laugh at that.
As you walked out of customs his hand slipped into yours, and you dropped your head onto his shoulder, causing him to kiss your temple. Just ahead you saw Lucy, who had raised her eyebrows, ignoring her you turned to him and hugged him. “I’m going to miss you so much,” you mumbled into his neck, “Same, but remember you can call whenever you need and I’ll call every night,” you nodded before you pulled your head out of his neck and your lips connected, your legs lifting to wrap around his waist as he wrapped his arms around yours.
“All right you two, stop sucking face, we need to go,” Lucy said interrupting you.
You huffed at her and she gave you the same look she would give you when you huffed at her for not getting you second ice cream when you were younger at England camps.
“Didn’t take you as someone who would be into PDAs Mini Leah,” Lucy teased you knowing the nickname would set you off.
“Well Lucy, when you’re in love, those things don’t matter,” you replied to her dramatically as you followed her out of the airport.
Its safe to say walking into the place you called home two years ago was emotional, and as you stood there waiting for Lucy to get everything she needed out of the car, Alexia and Mapi walked by, however Mapi halted, she was stopped in her tracks, as she was behind alexia who hadn't noticed you, and kept walking.
“Ale, Alexia,” Mapi stood there calling for her, “Alexia” she shouted,
“Què (what)”, Mapi couldn’t do anything other than gesture to you with her head, Alexia came running back down the hall and froze when she saw you.
“What’s wrong with them?” Lucy asked as she finally walked through the doors.
They stuttered, not being able to get words out, Lucy just ignored them and pulled you along behind her, to the pitch, where everyone was celebrating. Making your way over to where Ingrid, Frido and Ona stood, all giving you a hug, before a small girl came running up to you, “opp, Klem,” she said whilst she made grabby hands at you, she was Ingrid and Mapi’s daughter.
“I’m sorry, I can’t pick you up because I have an ouchie hip,” you said as you looked at her softly before looking back up at your old teammates, who all gave you sorry looks.
“Please don’t do that, that’s not why I came,” you sighed out before walking over to where Olga was standing by herself.
“Hi,” she said as she smiled and hugged you, you caught Alexia looking at you with a concerned look from the corner of her eye, Lucy and Kiera were talking to her and Mapi, most likely about how you didn’t want to be treated differently etc.
“Hi, is she mad?” you asked Olga, stepping away from the hug slightly.
“What?” “That I didn’t come to the wedding?” “A little upset Si, but not mad, more concerned, but we understood.” you nodded at her “it did take a week to calm her down after she found out you left England, she wasn’t mad though, more scared of whether you were safe or not,” you nodded weakly as you bit your bottom lip.
“Bebita,” Alexia said as she came up to you hugging you, before standing between you and Olga, almost the whole team following behind, creating a circle as they all started talking, it felt just like old times, like no time had passed, but it had almost been two years, you were struggling to follow the conversation like you used to, having not used your spanish in so long, everything was bringing back old times, old memories, memories you wished you could keep living, but this chapter of your life was over now, you moved to stand in front of Alexia and hug her, she wraps her arms around you whilst continuing her conversations, your shoulders started to shake softly as you started to cry and everyone looked at her concerned however she shook her head, indicating for them to continue and ignore it. After a while you seemed to have managed to calm down and you pulled away from Allexia slightly, she cupped your face in her hands, “Whatever happens, it's going to be okay.” you gave her a weak nod before moving to stand next to her.
“We are going for dinner at Ingrid and Mapi’s tonight, most of the team will be there and I think Harder and Erikson are coming too, you can come if you want.” Alexia said as you entered the ever so familiar house.
“Um, okay,” you said as you placed your phone on the table and went to grab a drink from the fridge before hearing your phone ring, Alexia caught a glimpse of the screen as she handed it to you. She knew exactly who it was from the look on your phone, not who the person was but who they were to you.
“Don’t tell anyone please, not many know yet,” she nodded, “do I get to meet this boy?”
“Alexia,” Olga called out sternly from the living room, clearly she still was in charge, something that hadn’t changed.
“Maybe, I think his friends and him are going to the game this weekend,” you said before you answered the phone and retreated to the spare room noticing how it was still your room and not a spare room at all.
You were sitting on the floor with Hailee, having been dragged away from your conversation with Mapi, Ingrid, Alexia and Olga by the small girl into her playroom. Not that you really minded though.
“They’ve told you you can’t play again haven’t they,” you were startled slightly by the unfamiliar voice, looking up to see Madga leaning on the door frame.
“How did you know?”
“I don’t know, I just could tell, maybe because I only knew you as football, where as they knew you as football and you, so they can’t see it. Does anyone know?”
“Yeah, Lia and Leah, and someone else, and now also you supposedly,” you flatly replied.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” you looked at her blankly, “I’ll take that as nothing, what if you came over to Frido’s while the team is at training and Pernille and I help you decide, we have no connection, it could help,”
“Bayern don’t need a new coach?” she shook her head, and you just nodded slightly, “okay so it’s settled then,” she said before turning around, “Frido, do you have a big whiteboard at home? If no, we need to buy one before tomorrow morning,” you heard her yell out as she walked away.
Having made your decision with the help of Magda and Pernille you returned to England with Harry. To tell Arsenal, after it was official, just not yet announced, you went for lunch with Leah, Lia and Harry to tell them all, Lia and Leah took it well however Harry jumped out of his seat saying he needed to be somewhere, and since he wouldn’t return your calls, so you had no clue if you would see him or not, maybe he was leaving you.
“Turn around,” Steph said as she saw Harry running to the facility doors where you were waiting for Lia and Leah to get out of the car, having a chat with Steph.
“Will you move in with me?” He blurted out, slightly puffed as he reached you.
“What?” You questioned not understanding what he meant.
“I didn’t answer your call, or your message or your subsequent calls because I was doing something, for you, for me, for us. Remember how I played Rugby Union in high school,” you nodded, “well, I wasn’t ignoring you because I was mad you took the job, I wasn’t ignoring you at all, I was trialling for a rugby club, so we could be together, I love you too much and you mean too much for me to go back halfway across the world from you. They offered me a contract, it isn’t the greatest, but it will do, anything that means I can stay with you is perfect,” tears started to fall from your eyes, “I’m sorry,” he said slightly panicking, questioning if he said something wrong.
“No, no,” you said as you shook your head, wrapping your arms around his neck and picking your legs up “Thank you,” you mumbled into his ear before placing your head on his shoulder, not believing it.
“I’m assuming it worked?” Leah asked as she walked towards the three of you, he nodded in her direction as you let go, “ready to do this?” your sister asked as she looked at you and you nodded, starting to feel nervous agin.
“I’m coming back to Arsenal,” you told everyone as you stood in front of them, Harry standing on the sides, Jonas inisting he come in considering he was there already, they all cheered slightly before you interrupted them, “but not in the way you probably all want, I’m going to be part of the staff, the coaching team, I-,” your voice cracked, as you took a shaky breath “I won’t-, I-I can’t ever play again. I will never be able to play again, it’s uncertain whether I will be able to run without pain, let alone play,” you sniffed, you felt panic rise within you, “I’m sorry,” you said quietly before walking out the door tears streaming down your face, trying to ignore the looks of sorry, disappointment or confusion. Leah’s immediate reaction was to stand up and go to you, but Lia tugged her arm forcing her back down in her chair, gesturing to the figure that was rushing out the door after you. 
“I’m sorry, I-'' you blubbered out as someone came towards you, “Hey, none of that, baby none of this is your fault, and you literally have nothing to apologise about,” he said as he stood in front of you, you immediately fell into him at the sound of his voice and felt his strong arms hold you tight as you buried your head in his neck, he started swaying you and gave you a small kiss on the side of your head every now and then, trying to calm you down, knowing that was probably one of the hardest things you had to say, he knew you always wanted to finish your career at Arsenal, and now that was never going to happen, at least in the way you wanted, you would never be a Matilda again, you would never walk out onto a football pitch in the same way again, your goals were changing and you were struggling with that. He knew that, no matter how much you tried to hide your feelings.
The door creaked as it opened and Harry looked over to it, seeing Steph walk out, who handed him a water bottle as she gave him a soft smile before walking back into the room. He continued to sway you both slightly, keeping one hand around you as he took a quick sip from the bottle.
“Baby, do you want some water?” you nodded, taking the bottle of him and drinking out of it.
Leah was still inside crying into Lia’s shoulder, most people had left the room now giving everyone a bit of space. “Do you want to go home? Is this about what just happened or this morning?”
“All of it. It’s stupid, I just feel like I’m losing her now too, and it’s dumb, she was never mine in the first place but-” Leah confessed, before getting cut off by Lia.
“It’s not stupid Le, we have a lot of things happening in our life, a lot of news, and not a lot of time to process it all, it’s hard, and I know you feel like you have to be strong for her, for me, for us but you don’t, it’s okay,” Lia tried to reassure her.
“I shouldn’t be upset, I mean you're the one going through it all, and here I am complaining about my life.” Leah hiccuped.
“Hey, I might be the only one going through it physically but mentally we are both going through it, and you have more on your mind then I do, I understand, you don’t have to apologise for being upset, no matter if I’m experiencing worse, we are a team forever and always no matter what happens, no matter whether we have an addition to our team or not.” Leah nodded before pulling away from her and standing up noticing you had come back inside.
She pulled you towards you and wrapped you in a much needed hug, you didn’t want to let go, and neither did she.
2028 Olympic Games
As the final whistle blew your players immediately ran over to you and your staff, celebrating as a team. 
Commentator One: And they’ve done it, the Matildas have won the Olympics for the second time in a row. 
Commentator two: Y/N Williamson has led the Matildas to victory after a drought, a much needed piece of silverware for the team that was starting to lose the country's hope.
It was a risky decision for Football Australia to choose you as new head coach, even you knew it, especially as you would only be joining the team in person at camp three weeks before the Olympics started, due to circumstances, but you started work much earlier than that, much to everyone's disbelief. You were however quickly ushered away from your team for a post match interview, causing you to catch sight of your sister who has collapsed onto the floor in tears. Taking a mental note to go over and comfort her later.
“Do you want to go see your Auntie?” You said to the two small people who clutched onto your hands as you walked onto the pitch.
“We-ah,” “we see Weah,” they piped up at the mention of her and you let go of their hands, “go on then,” you watched as they ran over to her, smiles bright, not knowing the meaning of the moment that just happened, them being so happy just to see their Aunt. 
“Alessia, hand the baby over,” you said to her as she held the newest addition to the Williamson family.
“Do you want to go say hi to your Mummy?” you asked the 3 month old as you placed her against your chest.
Leah’s face softened even more as she watched you approach her with her daughter, “you know, I’m never going to be able to thank you enough or repay you for this,” she said as you passed Lilly over to her, “but maybe you taking the gold away from me, means I don’t have to.”
“I told you, it’s nothing, honestly, you don’t have to repay me, buuut…..” you dragged on, she raised an eyebrow, “can you take the boys tonight, I have some celebrating to do,” you told her as she rolled her eyes.
“You literally carried our baby for us, I do owe you, and yes of course I’ll take the boys tonight, I need some quality time with them before they leave me for Australia,” she replied.
“It’s only two weeks, it's just a short camp, and it’s time we went on one of Daddy’s camps and meet all their uncles, but they honestly think they are meeting Kangaroos, they don’t quite understand that Wallabies is just the name of the team” she laughed at your comment before pulling you in for a hug. It sounds cliche but you knew in that moment your life had turned out perfect, it is nowhere near what you imagined but you honestly couldn’t have asked for anything better.
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thethingything · 1 year
I forgot that being on our period fucks us up emotionally and gives me really bad dysphoria. that would maybe explain why we've been struggling so much with triggers that aren't normally a huge issue
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bonefall · 4 months
ITS SNAKE O' CLOCK!!! yay yippee wahoo! have you decided what you're doing with him or are you just thinking abt him :O?
Rotating him in my mind for my own sanity because I got to the part in Path of Stars where they've just. Completely retconned everything about him for the sake of forcefully making everyone of value forgive Clear Sky. The only person who stays mad at Clear Sky forever actually just liked One Eye better
Even though we saw him, on screen, looking at the camera and being like, "I Do Not Like Clear Sky Because His Bad Judgement Caused Us To Be Permanently Branded By A Tyrant Like We Were A Herd Of Texas Steers."
They did him SO dirty, man!! SO SO dirty!!!!!
On that note though, I HAVE decided on a few things!
So, on the note of defectors, Snake is going to be one of the very last ones. While I absolutely adore him, I think it's very important and meaningful that he is one of his most loyal cats.
Snake is a Mountain cat, and it's looking like he is going to be part of the Claw Family.
The Claw Family consists of Fox Claw and Petal Claw to begin with. I have an inkling of an idea that Petal Claw actually leaves while pregnant-- possibly escaping someone unsavory back at home.
I feel like she doesn't really enjoy romance. She's ambitious and ferocious, and whoever her lover was, was quite controlling.
Unfortunately it's a big reason why she's so committed to Clear Sky. She has that sort of unaddressed mindset that abuse often leaves you with.
"No, I know what an awful person is because of what I went through, and I'm telling you, Clear Sky is not that. YOU'Re actually the problem."
And, in turn, Clear Sky rewards her a lot. She is one of his favorite cats, she gets a TON of benefits for her loyalty. Tyrannical, terrible two of them.
Besties (threat)
Snake Claw and Red Claw would have been the first births in the forest, but Bright Storm gave birth early because of the stress and thus Thunder Storm came first.
So Snake and Red were brought up by Petal Claw and Fox Claw, in early Sky's Clan.
Fox and Petal were ADAMANTLY loyal to Clear Sky. They remained behind in the Shadow/Sky split, hissing and spitting at those who chose to follow Tall Shadow.
I feel like Fox was actually their primary parent. They call him Uncle, but he acted a lot more like a dad. It gave Petal more time to go do bad bitch things.
When Clear Sky murders Misty, much much later, Petal is given the kittens as a reward for her loyalty. Having more kits is a point of status, and she's very happy to accept the reward.
So, the Claw family becomes "huge" in a short period of time on this evil action. Petal Claw, Fox Claw, Snake Claw, Red Claw, Alder Claw, Birch Claw.
For Snake, he's raised accepting all this as good and normal. At some point, Fox Claw is killed in some kind of frighteningly violent, unnecessary, bloodthirsty skirmish that Clear Sky aggrieves, and Snake Claw doubles down right along with Petal.
He also does a lot of the WORST things on behalf of Clear Sky. He IS going to have a body count-- though he will no longer be killing BB!Frost (now Sunlit Frost), he does bite him on the good paw during The First Battle.
This bite goes septic, after Sunlit REFUSES to sit out gravedigging, helping to bury his friends and family with an open wound. He already has nerve damage in the other arm from his severe burn.
This choice, because he wouldn't take a break when he was told to, ends up MASSIVELY disabling him. Once a master builder and inventor, he loses his dominant paw and has chronic pain in the other one. He can't build anymore after this.
After Snake Claw defects, I actually really want them to struggle with this. Snake doesn't feel like it's fair to blame him for what Sunlit did to himself, but he's also NEW to Thunder's Clan later, and there's not a lot of people on his side.
And Sunlit is a person who holds grudges... but it's also true that it's kinda not fair, since Snake Claw is trying to apologize for it.
Somehow it's unsatisfying and frustrating, knowing that Snake Claw is only apologizing because everyone wants him to. But how can you expect him to be sincere about something the BOTH of you feel is not entirely his fault?
It's like Sunlit wanted to have him to blame, but that's hard when he's not Clear Sky's Minion anymore.
In the past, I'd gone back and forth on if Red Claw or Snake Claw defected, and now I'm realizing.... por que no los dos? Por que no los TRES?
Since I've committed to adding a third group and expanding on the Forest cats, this is going to mean that Snake's younger "adopted" siblings NEED to have full arcs with this.
While one of them will remain with Clear Sky, becoming a cultural "justification" for the practice of Kitten Stealing, which will plague Clan culture for generations, I think something is fascinating in the idea that they're the ONLY Claw to remain with SkyClan.
Petal Claw and Fox Claw die in battle, "honored" for their sacrifice.
Red Claw defects for ThunderClan first, after falling for the charms of Acorn Swoop
Alder Claw likely follows later... reconnecting with Misty's mate, Milkweed, who has been fighting for MOONS for this very moment
And, lastly, Snake will follow.
(It is also bitterly funny to me that it means Milkweed loses Misty, but then ends up gaining all of Petal's biokids. Never speak to me or my daughter or my son or my son or my daughter or my daughter or my daughter-in-law ever again)
Because Snake Claw will be the very last of the Claw family to defect, I'm thinking it's after the end of BB!DOTC, and over in Thunderstar's Justice.
KEEP the fact that Snake Claw leaves because of Skystar bringing One Eye into the Clan. Even keep the fact that most of SkyClan is loyal to their tyrant-- Snake Claw has woken up to the truth, and realizes he has family elsewhere who loves and misses him.
Well.... hopefully they still do. After everything.
Snake Claw should have a ton of fights with Red Claw and Alder Claw, I think, before the First Battle. Have them all be covered in scars
Because the whole family defects, it's easy for it to become a sensational story about Nepotism/Scabforming. Other Clans probably don't hold Snake, Red, and Alder in high esteem in their myths-- but until Darkstar's Commandment which bans Kitten Stealing, Birch Claw was easily the most venerated.
Aaaand that's it so far! I know for a fact now that Snake Claw is going to be a member of the Claw family, and that he is going to be a MAJOR antagonist through BB!DOTC. In Thunderstar's Justice, he's going to join his living family after finally being able to realize that Skystar is not worth following.
I want to keep that he is a villain for most of the story, because that's what I like best about the way he turns on Clear Sky from canon. He was everything Skystar ever wanted, he did every awful command, the blood is already dried under his claws forever and he was rewarded only with a permanent scarring.
Then, told it's "MY way or the HIGH way," he chooses the high way.
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funny-fics-222 · 1 year
You're making me dizzy
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Summary: period's a bitch and we don't even have to start about stress. Y/N doesn't want to admit that times can be hard, but her body gives some warnsignals. Luckily her pretty scientist is there to help
Warnings: fainting, lil bit of angst, fluff
Trope: fluff
AN: Hey babes, I am currently sick AND on my period. Therefore, I have plenty of time to take a look at your requests, so feel free to give em to me. I am also looking forward to writing some Mo Washinton ff if yall are interested. Well, let's start, and pls keep in mind. English is not my first language, so be nice :)
I wake up to a throbbing sensation in my head and a disgusting stickiness between my legs. The following backpain brings me to my conclusion. I got my damn period. It's only Tuesday, and I already wanna kill the world. We had some serious difficulties in the lab yesterday, and after some slight bickering with my labmates, we were there until 4 a.m. and now it is 6 a.m. Do you wanna know why? Well, because my handsome labmate and Princess Shuri wanted to start early cause she wasn't here yesterday, and that means we need to report back what happened.
I get up, and the throbbing continues. Today is slightly different from other days. I mean I haven't really had time to look after myself that much the past few days due to extreme stress and the feeling of not beeing enough wich led to not eating and drinking enough and bad sleep but today I can barely sit upright without curling my back in pain and mumbeling some curse words.
I grow more and more confused by the seconds cause when I got up all I could see were colorfull dots and spirals and I had to sit right back down.
"Holy shit" I try again and balance myself in the shower to wash the blood off my thighs. When I am finally done I don't have time to eat breakfast cause I needed to do everything slower cause of the dizzyness. I grab my waterbottle, put on some warm clothes...why is it so freezing today??... and get out of my house.
I walk along the fields to the lab, but the sun is especially blinding today. And there they are again. The dots and spirals. Now I am starting to get scared cause that is not normal even for my period. Oh god, my cramps. Shit fuck. I wanna go back to bed and eat something even though I would throw it back up in seconds.
I rehab quickly and finally make it to the lab. Ayo looks at me weirdly. I guess I look like a corpse. I am 15 minutes late, and everybody, including a furious looking Shuri that has to contain herself to not beat my ass are looking at me with disgust.
"(L/N) you are late. And not even that, but when we have the most important meeting of this month right after the night where all of you messed up my new project!"
Shuri is the sweetest person ever, and you can't deny her beauty or great character, but when it comes to her projects, she is like a lion mother.
"What, yeah, sorry I- I am sorry what?"
"Are you listening to us now that your precious time allows us to continue?"
"Yes, sorry panther"
Shuri is furious with all of us, but behind her black eyes, I can see a glimmer of concern, and now I see why thanks to the reflective window behind her. Not just my skin, but my lips are pale. My eyes lost their spark, and my long locks looked terrible. Shuri and I have a colleague-friend relationship with some occasional flirting cause neither of us wants to ask for a date first or even admit that they are attracted to the other.
I keep on following her lips, but I can barely hear her voice. I seek for my water bottle, but I realise that I dropped it in the grass on my way here. I want to concentrate ...I really want to but everything seems to stop all of a sudden. I see Shuris head moving in my direction. Slowly and with a curious gaze. Her lips are mouting my name over and over again, but my eyes get heavier with every...single...blink.
And I am gone
...omg is she dead?"
"She is not dead, you genious look, she is breathing"
I feel a shaky hand on my cheek and a familiar smelling piece of fabric under my head.
"(Y/N) usana, can you open your eyes for me?"
Shuri. She is here
"Omg guys, I think she hit her head"
"No, the princess caught her"
"Barely..." Shuri sounds guilty and still... shaky. Is that my fault?
Omg what am I doing? Did I just faint in a meeting
"I AM FINE." Ouch, my head
"(Y/N) shhh lay back down I got you."
All of a sudden, I can feel my head three times as hard. Everything hurts, and I am so exhausted and embarrassed. Omg don't cry. Don't cry don't-
"Hey, don't cry, it's okay." her voice is so sweet and loving. Her chocolate brown eyes look down on me with so much adoration and concern that it breaks me while she holds me down.
"I am so sorry, Shuri." I never said her name in front of so many people.
"For what usana?"
" This is all my fault. I shouldn't have messed up the project...but I wanted it to be perfect for you when you come back...and...and I wanted to make it right...but...but I made it worse and they tried to help me but everything went wrong. And I have cramps, and it h-h-hurts so bad and -"
"Hey sh shhh calm down it's okay. Nobody is mad at you. Hey, Aisha, dim the lights. Please, her head is throbbing like crazy."
"I am sorry"
Shuri can't surpress her small smirk this time
"You just fainted because of exhaustion, and you are still apologizing?"
"I just don't want to mess up e-everything I do all the t-time" At this point, I am histerically sobbing, and my pain is only getting worse.
My head is buried in her neck, and her hands are rubbing soothing circles on my back. I don't really realize what happens next. I can just hear her talking to Ayo and then feel her carrying me away. I wince in pain, but she is there, and her scent is calming me down. I hold my belly in pain, and I can't think fast enough before we are suddenly in her room. It is located near the lab so she can get there in 2 minutes. She lays me down on the bed and brings me a glass of water after ordering some take out breakfast.
"Shuri I-"
"Don't you dare apologizing to my right now. Take this pill, it will help you to sleep. I got food ready when you woke up."
I can't bring myself to say anything else cause then I would start crying, so I just take the pill and feel myself drowsing away. After about three hours, I wake up again, and most of my cramps are gone. My head feels way better. I get up carefully, but Shuri is already there to catch me.
"No shtandwa sam, you are staying in bed today."
"Shuri, I am fine, I promise."
She brings me a bed tableau filled with delicious food, and we eat in comfortable silence. Afterwards, I take a long shower and put on new clothes and a tampon that Shuri gave me. I lay back down, and Shuri takes my hand in hers. After some thinking and her still rubbing circles in my palm, she speaks up again.
"Usana, you can never do that again. Do you understand me?"
"Shuri, it was an important meet-"
"It could be the most important thing on this planet but when you feel bad you have to stay home. Don't think you are not good enough and overwork yourself. You are amazing as you are. Please don't destroy yourself because of your silly little head."
She wipes away a stray tear on my cheek, and I lean into her touch
"Promise. Thank you"
"I was worried sick, you know?"
"Yes. I was acting all cool, but I wanted to cry, too. You looked so lost and broken that I wanted to hold you forever."
I don't know what came over me, but I can see her pain
"Then hold me forever"
She leans in carefully and gives me a quick peck. Her lips are so soft and delicious I go right back. We kiss a little longer, and her tongue is begging for entrance. I moan into her mouth, and I pull away.
"We better save that for another day"
She giggles and places me on her chest. We fall asleep together and I feel content
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Tomura when his s/o is on period:
Writing this while dying from cramps 🤡
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You were laying on bed under layers of blankets, you just got your period and these cramps are more painful than usual.
It is pain in ass literally, you couldn't get up so you curled yourself up into a ball.
Not only your stomach hurts, but you feel sick as well, atp you feel like airplane fell on you 💯💯💯.
The pain would stop a little for some time than randomly out of nowhere, sharpass pain would appear suddenly.
You for real couldn't get up and you don't have enough of pads for this whole week, but can't do shit about it because you feel like you are dying 🔥.
At the end of the day you ended up asking your boyfriend through text can he buy you pads since you can't even get up to go to toilet because it hurts like hell.
Tomura doesn't know much about this stuff so he asks you if you can explain to him a little, like you also had to send him picture of pads you always buy, so that he doesn't fuck up and buy something wrong.
He would be a little embarassed but would get it for you anyway. Also he did some research on internet what helps with cramps and brought some snacks as well with drinks and chocolate <3.
When he got back from store he immediately rushed in your room to check how are you doing 😭.
"drink this" he handed you over pill and glass of water "this will somewhat relieve the pain."
You took the pill and drink it. "It should work after about 10-15 minutes, sit still." he said.
There was slight worried look on his face because you were pale like a wall and had dark circles under your eyes you were just looking at floor without saying anything.
"hey? Are you okay?" he started to ask questions in concerned tone "Do you need anything else? Maybe more blankets or pillows?You look extremely tired maybe you should rest a little... Have you eaten and drank at all...? I brought some snacks and drinks if you wan-" you kissed him on lips to calm him down with all these questions.
"It's fine, I don't need anything but some water right now, I haven't drink at all today and my throat feels dry" you replied than paused for second to say something again "Wait you brought some snacks and drinks?!" he nodded with soft smile.
"Why did you do that? You didn't had to buy anything else but pads..." you said.
"Because I know you crave sweet and salty stuff during this time of month" he kissed your forehead while handing you snacks and drinks.
"...Thank you, also I feel bad eating all this by myself so let's just share it, I mean.. you brought it anyways and there's enough for two so."
"I brought this for you only, but if you insist than sure.." you said - "Okay wait here I'll go get bowls than" right when you were about to get up he grabbed your arm and pulled you back on bed than threw blankets at you "You have to stay here and rest dumbass, I can get those you just stay here okay?"
he rushed in kitchen to grab two bowls for both you and came back -"dang alright" (AGRESSIVE LOVE AGRESSIVE LOVE AGRESSIVE LOVE AGRESSIVE LOVE 🛐🛐🛐). "So..how about horror movies? Or we can maybe play games if you aren't in mood for movies."
You said "Movies, I'm currently too lazy to move at all" He let's out small laugh and nodded while getting under blankets with you and snuggling up to you "Is this fine?" he just wanted you to be comfortable with him 😔
"Why are you even asking? This is perfect." Laying your head on his shoulder and taking his gloved hand in yours "You know, I'm actually really happy and grateful I have you" you kissed him on cheek "I love you Tomura"
He looked at you all surprised and flustered was literally melting from inside poor bby wanted to say it back but he was too shy.
You two ended up watching movies until you both fell asleep together all snuggled up <3 (I know I always mention this in all my writings but I love sleeping okay? it's just great going mimimimi for real 💤) anyways
Tomura would be only sweet and soft to his s/o and you can't change my mind.
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Y'all my head was falling all time I was trying so hard to not fall asleep while writing and checking for mistakes help 💀💀💀
Hope you like it my stinks🔥🔥🔥
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afortoru · 1 year
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𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝑰 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖
Pairing: Ram x wife!reader
Summary: you always try to remain calm during those days but your husband knows how to pamper you even if you don't show it, but you're not complaining too.
Genre: fluff, periods comfort
Warnings: periods, cramps, slight cursing cause of the pain
Word count: 2.8 k
Notes: this is my first fic and yes I'm so embarassed, it's not proofread so pls pls pls bare with me. Just in the afternoon I was suffering with cramps so i decided to write this and guess what I suffered more...almost had a crisis wondering would i actually finish it today. If you're reading, i lobe you soo much *mwah*.
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You felt something uneasy in your sleep as you shuffle in your bed trying to go back to sleep, since you knew it's still too early for you to wake up. No matter what you did, nothing worked atlast waking you up.
You opened your eyes to see the time on the clock hanging right infront of your bed, it was little bit dark you couldn't see exactly what time is it but through your blurry vision you make our that it's 4am.
Sighing you decided to go to the bathroom to check if it's really what you think it is. Before moving out of the bed you eyes drifted towards your husband's sleeping body, oh how peacefully he was sleeping. You didn't even want to turn the lights on now since you know he's already a light sleeper. Ram's tranquilly sleeping,lost in his dream world made you smile a bit forgetting that how annoyed you were that you couldn't sleep anymore now.
Not wanting to disturb your dear husband you made your way towards the bathroom as you pull back your pallu over your shoulders. It was a bit chilly but still a sweet cold sensation was touching your skin, i could've enjoyed this only if i didn't wanted to sleep a bit more, you thought to yourself.
Pushing the bathroom door open you stepped inside, tugged your saree up in your skirt as you closed the door.
"Aah shit, here we go again…why god?", you knew your prayers won't help stop your periods and those nasty cramps. Sighing and mentally preparing yourself for the upcoming 5 days suffering plus doing the household work, it's gonna be one hell of a bloody ride.
You have always tried to stay calm trying to busy yourself with the household work during period. Not wanting to bother anyone but your husband, Ram, he had always told you to rest as he would always try to help you cope with the pain.
You came back to your room. Your were glad to see him still sleeping as you made your way towards the wardrobe to get your pads. It took you another 30 minutes since you also decided to get showered too. 
Now you're standing in front of the mirror getting ready for the day with your wet hair still tied in your red cotton towel, knowing oh so well you gotta survive the nasty cramps still wanting to keep a straight and calm expression.
Normally you could have gone to your Pooja room by now but you can't today so you decided to wake Ram up a bit early so he could do the pooja today but there's still time left for him to wake up so you decided to first to prepare the breakfast.
Entering the kitchen, you started preparing the ingredients.
"Ahh..mmm…fuck this hurts so bad" you shrieked in pain while doing your work. " Oh lord, just a little less pain would help, please….mmm….ufff damn cmon" you sighed as you felt the pain getting a bit less as you continued your work.
It's already 6 am, i should wake him up,you thought to yourself as you made your way towards your the bedroom only to find the bed empty and your husband is nowhere to found. Did he already woke up… you walked towards the bathroom, the lights were on inside and there was a sound of running water. This was enough to let you know he was already awake. 
"You woke up early today?" he said making his way towards you while rubbing his wet hair with a towel. 
You just nod while sitting sitting on the wooden sofa in the drawing room.
"Why, what happened is there something today?" he asks sitting beside you as you shifted away from him leaving him astonished. "Hey what happen-", "I need your favour" you stated cutting him off mid sentence. 
"Will you please to the pooja today?" you asked as he regain his normal expression. "Sure I will, but are you ok, is there anything you wan-", "first do the pooja, you know you can't touch me before the pooja".
He just nodded. Ram was quick to tell that you're on your periods and there's no good for him asking you more questions now. 
As he left to the pooja room, you made your way towards the kitchen to make the tea for the both of you. Your and his taste in tea were coincidentally the same. You liked it with more milk and sugar and Ram seemed like a person who would like a strong tea but he was more towards the way you had your too. Your were truly shocked to know he also likes his tea with more milk and sugar in your early marriage, maybe a little dash of malai (cream). 
You tried to divert your mind but the cramps were hella stubborn. "Aahh..uh shit" you hold on to the kitchen counter as you pressed your lips onto each other to minimise the pain but it didn't help.
"Hey, are you ok?" you felt your husband's hand on your waist on the side which wasn't covered with your saree. You shook your head to no.
"A-are you d-done with p-", he knew what were you about to ask just as he carried you bridal style and start making his way towards the hall. "W-what are you doing? put me down, the tea!" you stated as you now you clutched you hands on his shirt.
"Taking care of my wife and the tea, I'll bring it so you just lay down and let me take care of you", he put you down on the wooden sofa placed in the centre of the hall. He made you lie flat on your face, facing the sofa. 
You felt his hands on your back, massaging smoothly. "Feels good, dear wife?", you hummed as a reply. He knew exactly what makes you feels relaxed at times like this. 
You felt his hands in you your feet as you looked back, "n-not my feet, hey it's fine you don't have to massage under my feet honey" you said showing an expression of uncomfortableness but little did you know he won't listen since he's determined to take care of his wife before leaving for his work. He knew that rubbing under your feet makes you feel good during periods. 
"Don't worry my sweetheart, I know it feels good, isn't it? Plus if you're worrying about me touching your feet than don't cause you're my better half and i don't have any problem doing it" he stated calmly with a smile over his face as his eyes meet with yours telling you to just relax and let him do it.
"The tea, it must be cold by now" you stated as you suddenly remember that you left it in the kitchen since Ram said that he'll bring it later.
"Don't worry, I'll reheat it but first you tell me are you feeling ok now, I'll do massage you more if you want" he asked showing concerned to you.
"I'm fine now, you can you bring the tea now" you affirmed as he nodded and stood up to walk towards the kitchen.
5 minutes later he showed up from the kitchen not just the tea but with the breakfast."Oh god i totally forgot to serve you breakfast,maati maari gai hai meri aaj" you spoke as you palmed your forehead."Hey it's alright, i wasn't hungry anyways and how can I think about food when my has no appetite, huh bec-", "because I'm your other half, i get it Pati dev, now let's just eat cause i don't know about you but I'm hungry" you completed his sentence. 
He chuckled. After few minutes later you realised that it's time for him to leave for the police station. You stood up to take the utensils in the kitchen but then he stopped you and pulled you onto his lap.
"W-what are you doing again, you know you'll get late if-" your stopped talking as you feel him nuzzle his face inti your neck from behind. 
"Don't worry wifey, i won't get late" he stated as you could feel his hot breath on you neck, with this you decided to let this moment sink the both of you. Afterall you also needed him even if you don't show it always. 
Few minutes together before you have to push him away to get ready to leave for work.
"I wish I could stay longer with you but please take care of yourself and you call call me on the office phone if you need anything, ok ?" he stated before giving you a kiss on your forehead.
"Sure my dear husband, I will call you and only you if I need anything" you affirmed him with a gentle smile, "also Pati dev, thankyou so much for the massage, try to come early tonight. I'll miss you" with your statement Ram chuckled a bit. "Ofcourse I will, how can I not accept my beautiful wife's order as an obedient police officer" he assured you before leaving for the police station.
You were smiling at his little joke as you waved him goodbye. 
Entering the house again you checked it's 7 am, so there's another 15 hours for him to return at around 10 pm in the evening and you already miss him.
You sighed as you made your way inside the bedroom, there wasn't much work to do so you decided to take a nap.
Normally you'd cook lunch for him and send it through an office boy or sometimes you'll pay him a visit with the lunch but today Ram banned you to do anything as he said that he'll have the lunch from the police canteen. 
With so many random thoughts about your husband and your future, you never knew when did you fell in a deep slumber. Maybe it's because you wake up early everyday and still have enough strength to stay awake all day but today your body needed rest as it doesn't seem to wake up anytime soon.
You wake up with a loud knock on your main door as you try to make out how much time has passed since you have been sleeping.
"Oh my god! It's almost 5 pm!" your eyes widened realising you have been sleeping for that long. You made your way towards the door hearing the banging."Whoever it is, they are one hella of an impatient person" ,you mumbled to yourself. "Aai baba, darwaja hi tor doge kya" you opened the door to see your favourite brother also Ram's best friend, Bheem.
"Bheem bhaiya! it's you, please come in, kaise aana hua" you scanned his expressions as he looked worried.
"Behen where were you i have been knocking for so long, you got me worried" he stated in concern. 
"Oh my, I'm sorry bhaiya i slept maybe that's why I couldn't-" you were cut off as Bheem placed his hand on your forehead to check your temperature,"behen are you sick, should i take you to the near hospital" he cuts you off, concern over his speech and all over face for you.
"I'm fine bhaiya, no need for going anywhere please come in" you requested."Are you sure you're fine and you have no fever?" he asked in concern. "Haa bhaiya, I'm fine now please come in!" he's been just standing outside the doorstep even you keep requesting him to come in.
"No behna, i can't come in actually Ram bhaiya sent these mogre ka gajra for you. I'm here to just give it to you, that's all" he stated as he handed you a black polythene with the gajra inside. Your eyes widened in surprise "he send this f- for me?" , Bheem nodded with a big smile as a reply. "T- tell him I'm very thankful and i loved it but he should come home early if he wants to see me wear this", bheem chuckled "sure I'll tell bhaiya to come home early to you my little sister". 
He left as he patted your head and waved you a goodbye.
You were about to close the door as you see Bheem running towards your house, "BEHNA! listen i forgot something to tell you!" 
"Oh my god calm down bhaiya, what is it?" you asked 
"Ram bhaiya said you don't have to cook dinner and that he'll bring something tonight for you"
"Oh ok, bhaiya. Is there anything else bhaiya?" you said trying to look calm but internally you were blushing thinking about your husband's way to take care of you.Bheem shook his head as he finally left.
You had a light snack around 7 pm since your weren't hungry. Periods always makes sure to ruin your appetite whether it gives you cramps or not.
You took a shower in the evening and got fresh. Standing right infront of the mirror to get ready you took out the gajra out of the black polythene. It smelled beautiful, just like your Ram, so sweet that you always wanna keep him with you and always be with him wherever he goes. 
You put on the gajra on your hair and tucked it properly using some clips to secure it in your bun.
You were busy folding some clothes as you heard a knock on you door. Walking out of your room, you checked the time.
It's only 9 pm now, it must be someone else, you thought to yourself thinking it's not your husband. 
As you opened the door your eyes widened in amusement seeing Ram standing in front of you. He was holding one big black polythene and one small one. You were so happy to see him come early for you that you almost jumped to hug him but his firm arms were quick to hold you in his embrace.
Ram smiled as he kissed your forehead, still hugging you."How are you doing, are the cramps hurting alot?" he asked but you ignored his question as you said, "I missed you, thanks for the gajra though, they are beautiful!".
Ram already noticed the gajra on your bun, " not as beautiful as you, my love" he said as he patted your head, making you blush in his broad shoulders.
"Should we go in now, i know you're hungry look I bought all your favourites for dinner" he spoke looking at you.
You two walked in and Ram plated the dinner after he got fresh asking you to just sit and let him serve you. You keep telling him that he can atleast let you serve it but no he won't budge. 
After eating you pleaded him to atleast let you do the dishes. So you two did it together, still better than him doing all this by himself. You knew his job was very tiring both physically and mentally. You always try to give him with maximum rest when he's home, most of the nights as he lays his head on your lap telling you about his day is something both of you loved to do.
You were sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for him to join you in the bed as Ram entered in the a room with a bowl and spoon in his hands.
"Gulab jamun for my sweet gulab jamun, my dear wife!" he exclaimed making you smile at the sight of your favourite dessert. You looked at him so in love that you couldn't explain, you really wanted to kiss him all over his face so you did. As he sat beside you on the bed, you set the bowl aside as pulled him in a soft kiss. Now it was his turn to be surprised. He was amazed with a sudden shower of love from his wife, he didn't thought much before he held you close and kissed you back pressing his lips over yours, you both closed your eyes and the feeling you two were sharing was the most valuable thing you could ever ask for. 
You pulled back as you rest your head on his shoulders and you both started laughing softly, his hands still holding you close to himself. 
"So was it the Gulab jamun, cause if you kiss me like this I won't hesitate to bring it for you everyday", you chuckled at his words hitting him slightly. "No dumbo, it's you, it's cause I love…and also the gulab jamun" you joked making him chuckle.
He fed you the gulab jamun as you both finished eating it and settle on the bed to finally dooze off in each others arm.
You know he'll always fight everything that would ever try to hurt you and if it's something like periods, he'll do the most corniest things to make you feel good afterall a little bit of cringe is ok when two souls are so in love with each other.
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Tagging my babies: @lotus-n-l0ve @vijayasena
This is the first fic i posted yall, I'm emotional sobs
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quietwisp · 1 year
General Relationship Headcanons Venti x Gender Neutral Reader
Thank you @sanswifeandgf the request~
A litttle spicy if you squint :)
Gently undoing Venti's braids as you two prepare for slumber is something the two of you look forward to every night is a must
Some night the two of you just silently do so, basking in each other's presence and others you two get a little more… mischievous
Gently tugging on Venti's braids, he lets out a whiny gasp in pain "Windblume!! How could you?" He questions in shock, dramatically throwing one arm up to his head as if he's about to faint, and the other over his heart sending you into a giggling fit. "Oh how am I to ever forgive you…" he sighs. Taking advantage of your distracted state, Venti pounces on you, taking ahold of your wrists, causing you to gasp. Slowly gazing upwards you meet with his deep, playful, emerald eyes. Leaning in towards your lips he whispers, "I got you."
I imagine Venti being just a little cold to the touch on average. I don't think he'd realize he is unless you point it out.
If you're the sorta person who's usually hot all the time he is PERFECT to cuddle with
On the other hand, if you're like me and you're always cold the two of you will be clinging to each other under thousands of blankets, but I mean…. Are you two really complaining?
I honestly don't think he'd care who's big spoon or little spoon though I think he'd like to switch it up occasionally
He would definitely enjoy facing you. He really enjoys staring into your drowsy eyes or at your sleeping form as you lay to rest.
He definitely seems like the sorta person to wait until you fall asleep before he does
As an archon I don't think he'd really need much sleep
If you have whether you have difficulty sleeping or fall asleep in an instant I'm positive he's more than happy to keep you company.
If you're the sorta person who can't fall asleep without noise he is more than happy to sing to you, play you a song, tell you a story, or just talk about random topics that come to mind. I mean, who wouldn't wanna listen to his angelic voice?
You know what constantly crosses my mind with Venti? Nicknames.
When it comes to him giving you nicknames, the entirety of the Venti Simp Army has collectively decided that we are in fact his Windblume and I love that nickname so much.
I also love the idea of being his muse, that is one of my favorite nicknames.
His loving eyes filled with nothing but pure and blissful infatuation, as he softly whispers "I love you my muse."
We can forget about My Angel, this one starts being used after you've known each other for a period of time and is only used in private.
Songbird and Dove are cute lil names but I don't think they're one's he uses too often, if anything I could see you using those on him more often, especially if you know of his Archon form (Oml I could write so many fics just rambling on and about scenarios in his Archon form….)
My love & love are basic but I'm down bad for them and the thought of Venti asking "How was your day my love?" Makes me meltttt and being able to just casually call him your love sounds amazing
For him, pretty boy is a MUST but you may just wanna save that for when you're alone, in case things get out of hand.
If you're teasing, hit him with that mocking "Bard." It never fails to liven the mood, though be careful, you may have just started a war
If you call him My Archon ohhhhhh you better be careful.
Instantly, you have caught his attention. His emerald eyes begin to cloud as a sly smirk spreads across his face. "Come again, my little bird?"
Going off of Venti's past I think he mainly would enjoy quality time
He definitely enjoys going to the tavern with you and indulging in a few drinks though if you don't like drinking there's still plenty of other things that the both of you can do. As long as you're by his side, he's more than happy.
Venti likes bringing you to sit on the hand of the Archon Statue near the cathedral, though he generally does this either when something serious is about to happen or if he's been reminiscing on the past, so be sure to prepare some extra cuddles for him.
Windrise is another common date trip that the two of you go on. The majority of the time he plays you a tune as you two sit upon the branch of the tree, taking in each other's warmth.
Whenever the two of you have a picnic you're always dragging each other to the peak of Starsnatch cliff. I know I've briefly mentioned this in another fic but I stand by the fact that they have picnics up there.
On very rare occasions Venti will bring you to Storm terror's lair for a bit of a more important or special date but I think the area makes him sad sometimes due to the past.
Meeting Dvailin though? That would be exciting. I thinks he's a bit shy at first but with enough convincing from venti I'm sure you'll get a lovely trip around Monstadt: Ft. Dvailin
I also think that Venti's fond of physical touch due to his lack of social interaction and love but we'll get into that another time
I have so many more ideas but I don't wanna cram all of them into this so will save those for another time.
I have been thinking about making this the ENTIRE day and jdjdks I had gotten so many ideas but I didn't write them down so I forgot some and buuuuut it's okay. I hope you lovelies have an amazing day/night/evening. <3
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venusjaynie · 1 year
poolside blues
Steve Harrington x fem!reader and platonic Billy Hargrove x fem!reader
summary: you're having a bad day working at the pool, so Steve comes to pick you up early
CW: none really. mentions of PMS and periods, hurt/comfort, also Billy is very sweet throughout this fic !! And you work at the pool with him.
featuring: heather cameo, OC Wes (aka guy who works at pool), OC Brian (manager at pool), steve's puppy Milo
word count: 1.6k
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GIF by jesusscrying
You've had 3 moms yell at you before lunch today. 5 kids fell into the pool, and you need more than both hands to count how many times Billy has 'banned a kid for life'. It's supposed to be your day off, but Heather called in sick this morning, and your boss really gave you no choice but to come in and cover for her. Needless to say: you're pissed. You and Steve had the whole day planned. He was supposed to take you to the movies, and then out for dinner, and then back to his place, and, unsurprisingly enough, you'd much rather be getting ready for your date than fishing 6 year olds out of the 6ft deep end of the pool.
Earlier, Billy saw how wound up you were, and made you swap places with him. So now you're in the lifeguard chair, yelling for Billy every time some kid almost drowns, or someone runs or breaks the rules.
You only have 3 hours left of your shift, and you honestly can't wait to see Steve, so you're counting down the minutes until he comes to pick you up. But in the meantime, you're just going to do as little work as possible, and hope that you don't fall asleep in the goddamn lifeguard chair.
"Billy! Stop flirting with Nancy's mom and get that kid outta the pool instead!" Mrs Wheeler looks mortified as Billy scoffs and rolls his eyes at you, but does as you say nevertheless, not wanting to upset you anymore than the events of the day already have. After fishing the little kid out of the water by her ankle, he saunters over to your chair, and beckons for you to climb down, and despite the pains in your head, back and stomach, you comply.
"How you feelin' now, kid?" He bumps your shoulder as you stand beside him.
"Meh, I'm fine. And I'm not a kid." He laughs lightly. "Also, Billy, stop flirting with Nancy's mom. It's fuckin' weird. She's 40 and married with 3 kids, one of which is our age and my best friend."
"Hey! I though I was your best friend." You hum.
"You were, then you flirted with Nancy's mom. You've been demoted." He gapes at you.
"That's horrible. God, why the hell am I friends with you?" You shrug.
"I have no idea."
You hear the gate of the pool opening and are confused when you see Heather enter the area. She's already in her work uniform, so you wave her over to where you and Billy are standing.
"Um, I thought you were sick?" She looks puzzled at your question.
"Huh? No, I called Brian earlier and told him I'd be in late and he said- Wait, isn't this your day off?" You're seething. You didn't actually have to come in to cover for Heather all day, just for a few hours in the morning, and that prick made you come in all day anyway. While you're trying to control your anger, Heather heads off somewhere in another direction, but you don't have it in you to care.
"I'm gonna kill him." You go to make a beeline for the manager's office but Billy grabs your arm and reels you back in.
"You're not gonna kill anyone, alright? You're gonna take a deep breath." He looks at you pointedly, and you breathe in deeply. "And you're gonna sit here for another hour. I'll tell Brian you're sick, call Harrington and tell him to come pick you up, yeah? Then you can go home, drink some tea and cuddle with you dumb boyfriend on his ridiculously expensive sofa. How does that sound?" You don't say anything, but simply drop your head into Billy's shoulder and close your eyes. He wraps both arms around you in some sort of embrace, and you've never been more grateful to have Billy in your life.
"Thank you." It comes out muffled, but he hears it anyway.
"You're welcome, kiddo. Now, go sit back up in the chair, I'll call Steve and come back in 10 minutes with a soda for you." You smile, and open your mouth to say something, but he beats you to it. "Lemon, I know."
20 minutes pass and Billy isn’t back yet. You don’t think too much about it, assuming he probably just got caught talking to someone.
After another 10 minutes go by, you decide to go looking for him, to see where he’s gotten to. You walk through the pool area, making sure both Heather and Wes are on lookout somewhere, and head to the main reception area, where the vending machines are.
When you walk inside, however, you don't see Billy chatting up a girl, or talking to a family at the desk. Brian's yelling at him instead. You don't hear much of the conversation, but you catch a few snippets.
"She doesn't look sick to me, Hargrove!"
"Jesus, Brian, she threw up in the bathroom like 15 minutes ago, ask Heather, she was with her!" Billy lies through his teeth like it's nothing. Brian sighs, obviously realising he won't win this fight.
"Fine. Just make sure she comes in tomorrow, sick or not." Billy can't get another word in as Brian storms off, and he turns around to see you at the door.
"Sorry you had to hear that."
"It's fine. You didn't have to lie for me."
"You kidding? You're my best friend. 'Course I'd lie for you." He smiles and makes his way over to you, the lemon soda you requested in his hand. "Harrington will be here in 10 minutes."
"Thank you, Billy. I really appreciate this." He doesn't reply, and just pats your head, teasing but afffectionate.
You spend the last 10 minutes of your shift back in the life guard chair, and the wait for Steve to arrive is agonizing, but, after 2 more almost-drownings, and 1 more yelling from an angry dad that time, you hear the familiar sound of the engine of Steve's beamer, and you don't think you've ever been more relieved in your life. You practically jump out of the chair, and Billy joins you in grabbing your things.
He walks you out to the car, carrying your bag, like a true gentleman, and Steve gets out of the car to meet you. Speeding up to get to him faster, you finally reach him and throw your arms around his middle, and he secures his around your shoulders.
"Thanks, man, I really appreciate you taking care of her." Steve nods at Billy, who's currently putting your stuff in the back of Steve's car.
"It's really no problem. She's done nothing but bitch about everything and everyone to me today, so I'd rather she be home with you so I don't have to listen to her complaints." You blindly swat your hand around behind you in an attempt to shut Billy up, but he dodges your attack with ease. "I'm just kidding, she's allowed to be bitchy today. Anyways, I better get back. Brian'll have my head if I don't. See you later, guys!" Both you and Steve bid Billy goodbye and Steve guides you to his car, opening your door for you and closing it when you get seated.
The drive home is peaceful, with Steve making light conversation, not minding when you don't give very detailed answers. His hand is places on your thigh the whole time, his thumb tracing small circles on your leg.
"You still up for a dinner date? Or do you wanna stay home tonight?" He asks gently.
"Maybe we could order in from Gino's?"
"Sounds good, baby. I'll call when we get back." You don't answer verbally, and just nod your head in agreement.
Steve pulls into the driveway, and steps out of the car, making his way to your side to open your door.
When the two of you enter the house you're greeted with the happy barking of your pup. He runs to the door when he hears it opening and jumps up on your leg when he sees you.
"Hi, sweetheart." You pick him up and carry him with you to the living room, and Steve follows in suite, placing his hand on the small of your back. His touch never fails to give you that fluttery feeling in your stomach.
When the two of you are sat on the sofa, he immediately pulls you into his side, and you practically melt against him.
"So, what's got you in such a bad mood today, hm?" Steve gives your waist a little squeeze of encouragement.
"I got my period at the pool. Heather wasn't sick. I've had a headache since yesterday and-" You take a deep breath and Steve gives you an acknowledging hum. "I only had to come in for a few hours this morning, but fucking Brian decided to ruin my day and tell me I was needed until closing hour. And I ruined our date."
"Babe, you didn't ruin anything. It's not your fault your boss is an ass. And I'm sorry about the headache, you want some Tylenol?" You shake your head.
"I took 2 an hour ago."
"Alright. Well, I'll order dinner in a bit, but until then we can just relax here." Steve kisses your temple, and you settle further into his side, letting the stress of the day roll off of your back.
"Thanks, Stevie."
"No thanks necessarily, lovely, just doing my boyfriend duties."
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captainlunaxmen · 5 months
Let's Try Again
Charlie Weasley x reader
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰Also if you want to be tagged in future Charlie's stories let me know❤️
Summary: worst day of your life? Not if Charlie can help it.
Warnings: none I think, period pain maybe is a warning? Maybe if you got bad cramps like me, (hi, let's suffer together)
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Worst day ever.
Worst. Day. Ever.
First, my period started this morning. It would've been okay if it weren't for the fact that I'm one of those lucky ones with the most painful cramps. I couldn't call in sick at work because my boss is an asshole, so I had to spend the whole day at work, only to be fired at the end of it.
I arrive at home late, it's almost 11 and Charlie isn't here yet. Thankfully, I don't want him to see me like this. We haven't been dating long enough for him to see me like this.
I take a deep breath, and I go take a shower, cleaning myself will definitely help, at least a little bit.
While I shower, I try not to think about losing my job today and having, basically, no option in the immediate future. God... what if Charlie breaks up with me, too? The day got worse and worse, so might as well...
I shake my head, showing that thought far, far away from me.
Once I'm clean and comfortably dressed, I decide to make something sweet. Cooking usually helps... let's see.
I go to the kitchen and just get to work.
I want to make some honey muffin, they're Charlie's favourite.
I start by melting the butter with the honey.
So far, so good, I made this recipe a million times, and it should go smoothly.
I talked too soon. Fuck. How did I burn the butter? How!?
I go to grab the pan, but it's too hot.
"Fuck!" I basically scream.
"Darling? You okay?"
I turn around, my eyes land on Charlie putting down his bag.
"Shit.." I mutter "sorry.. I... it's nothing,"
"What happened?" He asks softly, walking closer to me.
"Nothing," I say, trying my best to hold back my tears, "I just... burned the butter..."
"Let me see," he gently holds my injured hand in his, "it's not that bad. Don't worry. I'll grab some lotion. Wait here, love"
He kisses my cheek and walk to our bedroom.
Shit... he probably think I'm weak now. Always complaining about nothing... okay no... stop with these thoughts. He won't think that... stop.. stop.
I can't hold back any longer and I just cry, I try to wipe away some tears by the time Charlie walks back in, but he's already here.
"Hey..." he puts the lotion on the counter and pulls me in for hug "my love, what's wrong? I'm no doctor so maybe your hand is worse than I thought? And I should be an expert on burns"
That makes me chuckle, first vague smile of the day... all thanks to Charlie.
"C'mon. Let's sit down" he walks me to the sofa and sits us down. "Wanna tell me what's wrong?"
"I... I got my period this morning" I start to explain.
"They didn't let you stay home, did they? Assholes..." he comments "I'm sorry, love"
"Then..." I say and I see him surprised "Then... they made me do extra work and they fired... they fired me."
"What?" He exclaims, "Love.. " he pulls me to him again and kisses my head as his hands caresses my back.
"I wanted to base something, but apparently I couldn't even do that right.." I mutter.
"Hey, none of that." He says cupping my cheeks to make me look at him "look at me, you have all the right to feel like this. Just don't let it put you down. You're wonderful. Alright? Absolutely wonderful. And this is just one bad day. One. I'll help you find a new job, once your period cramps are over, of course, I mean I'm not letting you do anything until your period is done, it's the only time I can spoil you and I will take advantage of that" he chuckles.
"Okay.." I softly say, "I just..."
"Ssh. I know. I know, it sucks. Trust me. Remember, it's just one day." He looks me deep in the eyes, "one"
"You're right... thank you"
"You're forgetting something," he grins.
"You said it to me first" he winks and stand up, holding my healthy hand and leading me back to the kitchen where he puts some lotion on the injured one.
"There," he says kissing it.
"I burnt the butter..." I say looking at the pan.
"It's no problem," he throws away the burnt mixture. "Let's try again. What do we have to do first?"
"We've made these a million times..." I laugh.
"Yeah, but I have no memory, so... what do we do first?" He's smiling like and idiot and I can't help but laugh again. "Stop laughing at me, love." He fake-complains.
"We have to melt the butter and the honey," I explain to him.
"Thank you" I say to Charlie once we're cuddle up in the bed with our freshly made muffins.
"No, thank you. Really." I kiss his cheek.
He sweetly smiles at me, leaning down to kiss my lips.
"Anytime, my love."
I guess, it's not the cooking that makes me feel better... is the after, when I get to eat the sweets we made with Charlie.
"Tomorrow is a new day, we'll try again. Okay?" He says.
"Yeah... let's try again" I put my head on his shoulder, enjoying his presence.
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booburry · 9 months
Still feeling trapped between the duality that is Sam Coe - Smutty Headcanon 2/??
Things I find myself considering when making this list:
He claims that he is wanting to be a better person for Cora, and although he had 12 (almost 13) years to get to where we see him in the game, I truly think he lived a life that is an absolute mirror of what we see now.
How fine his ass looks in his jeans 🍑
He said the bruise was worth it
Spoilers, 18+ (obvi)
Let's talk dirty, shall we? Cause it's 1am, I can't sleep, and I have Sam Coe's dick on my mind
Sam engages in dirty talk and has a vocabulary that ranges from soft and supportive to down right degrading.
He will happily use whatever range his partner is comfortable with.
He loves it when he is scolded for how much of a 'bad boy' he has been.
Outside of being in the act, he will frequently find moments to walk past you and whisper something dirty he wishes to do with or to you, accompanied by a smug wink or smirk as he walks away.
He will also crack as many jokes and say wise ass comments between positions or in those transitional moments in sex. Relentlessly.
He does not kink shame and is open to trying new things.
He would never outright admit it but he loves it when you take control, wear nothing but his cowboy hat and slowly ride him (immediately going to write this prompt into my fic or random one-shot because 🥵🫠)
He will make relentless jokes about his 'cockpit' and occasionally you would fuck in his (or yours) cockpit.
Sam definitely has a high tolerance for pain.
I also think, with the right partner he would enjoy being bound.
When in control he, without a doubt, wants to tie his partner up, blindfold and more.
He loves it when you grab his ass and even, if the mood is right, he enjoys a medium to hard smack.
Best believe he will slam you up against whatever object he is moving you two to next.
When/if having to make a preference, I think he would enjoy rough & intense sex the most.
But then again he is a total softy and would enjoy a slow, romantic evening of heavy petting and slow fucking - so I don't know!!
Do you understand how this man perplexes and intrigues me to no end??? Of course you do, you've made it this far.
Pillow talk is his second favorite part, especially when you tell him all the amazing ways he made you feel good.
His first favorite part is worshipping your body and warming you up either by your command or his.
If his choice/if he is in control, he will tease you and edge you until you are squirming and begging him to allow you to cum.
There are days where he will just want you to sit on his face until he's done with you.
The man wants at least 40 minutes with you (only covering round one of...???)
You also know he has a high as fuck sex drive. On the daily when you both are traveling alone.
When you two start becoming more hot and heavy, if not already fully resolved, he would have Lillian step up on parental duty for the added reason of having extended periods of alone time with you.
He tried Zero-G sex once and isn't keen on it unless it's something you really want (I hear him describing his experience as 'a whole lot of fun while...you know, but you just end up with fluids everywhere. Try cleaning that up on a ship.)
100% he enjoys being pegged and would ask for it in the applicable partnership.
If you have the option of putting your body weight on him or an object (ex: riding him on a bed), he will always insist you use him.
Time in Neon City in his youth = Orgies, Group Sex & more Orgies.
In a MMF setting, he would prefer to be the middle (prior to Cora as I think he would truly seek a monogamous relationship with anyone after she was born and he split with Lillian.)
Hope some varying level of the above thoughts align with your headcanon!
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companionplanting · 1 year
So I keep seeing transid/transx people still not getting the point of why transx identities are harmful so let me elaborate.
I am going to talk about this as the perspective of a white, disabled, neurodivergent, mentally ill person. So I cannot speak on the race part of this. I am sure there are plenty of non-white people that have explained that aspect better than I ever could.
TransID/TransX is when you identify as a different race, age, etc. than the one you currently are. Some even identity with disabilities, neurodivergencies, and mental illness despite lacking those very things.
This is sad that I have to explain why this is bad but here we are.
I live with chronic pain, to the point it is debilitating almost every day. Currently as I write this I have to lay in bed because I can't even sit up. I can't take pain meds because I have work later and I would get too drowsy. I cannot afford days off from work because I am unable to get on social security. I have had to give up hobbies or simply step away from hobbies for long periods of time because my body cannot physically handle them.
I live with mental illnesses and neurodivergencies. Paranoia, psychosis, depression. That's not even mentioning trauma related symptoms and experiences.
I am not saying that being disabled, neurodivergent, or mentally ill is the worst thing imaginable. I cannot imagine myself without these things. It's who I am and who I will be.
What I am saying is this is not a costume for me. I don't get to just turn these things off and act more socially acceptable for people. I don't get to turn off my chronic pain, my psychosis, my overstimulation. I don't have the ability to simply become something I am not.
That is what a lot of people mean when they say transid/transx people are being disrespectful. They aren't viewing my disabilities and such as aspects of my character, but an accessory. They trivialize things associated my very existence into playthings. They boil all of it down to stereotypes and caricatures, all while dehumanizing the people who truly experience these things.
And this is just about the ableism/sanism! This isn't even going into how transage is just... not a real thing. You can't just suddenly identify as a different age and that just feels like a predatory tactic. Also not even going into the racism of transrace/trace, which again, I am sure other people can comment on way better than I could.
So like we said before, TransID/TransX people DNI.
-🍂, 🏵️, & 🦷
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crimeronan · 1 year
I feel like I would consider myself polyamory agnostic in a way, like I would maybe like for it to happen but I often fear that I don't have the ability to manage even one partnership, let alone multiple relationships, since I am often. So tired. I often find myself idealizing the "late" stage of a relationship when everyone already has settled into what to expect of each other and knows not to take it personally if someone falls asleep mid movie, for example. All this to say, how do you handle your relationship structure as a disabled/chronically ill person? Do you have any advice/thoughts on how it works for you? (I feel like perhaps you have posted about this before and I am just forgetting...)
oh this is a really good question! i'm not sure how relevant my life experience will be to you, particularly given that i started dating all three of my current partners before becoming disabled/crippled. but i am happy to share!
first off -- i 100% get romanticizing the late stage of relationships, sometimes you just need things to be chill and flexible. but i also don't think that this stage necessarily Needs to be reserved for Late Relationships?
like.... the older i get, the more upfront i've decided to be about my needs, especially with new people. granted, a lot of the people i meet these days are either disabled themselves or Get It -- my social circle is mostly queer spoonies in their 20s and 30s + much much older retirees that i hang out with at the local pool.
some people prefer not to be so open so quickly about their limitations, it is hard and scary to be visibly disabled, harder still to ask for help & admit that you might be inconvenient / a burden / take up extra space. this USED to be me until i said. eh. fuck it. after a certain point, wounded pride is just a mental construct
basically, like. when i'm online these days, you'll see me be clear about my limits with strangers - i'll say that if i stop replying to chats or asks, it's not bc i hate you, it's bc i'm tired or forgetful. that i can't guarantee responses to ppl, even people i'm already friendly with. that if my mood is bad or my pain levels are high, i won't engage in much social interaction at All. that my capabilities fluctuate wildly depending on the day and that i cannot be relied upon for consistent scheduling or posting or creative output
i'm similarly open with people irl. it helps that i'm often using mobility aids when i'm talking to people. the mobility aids sorta strip the possibility of pretending not to be disabled. it's kinda the elephant in the room. but it means that i can be like, "as you can see, i am very crippled. i may need flexibility with any plans that we make. due to being very crippled."
if people get upset by this or simply don't have the capacity to deal with it, that is fine! that's not either of our faults, no one's done anything wrong, we're just not in the right circumstances to mesh. i don't get hurt by that personally. i've honestly found that it saves SO much time and hassle and potential drama/heartache to set expectations right away. the only other option is to exhaust myself and end up failing to meet expectations regardless and losing the friendship after burning up a bunch of energy and social bridges. painful and bad!
so like... i can meet a new person, and if they're cool with My Whole Deal, then there's no waiting period before we're familiar enough for flaky behavior. i can be like, "i'm not sure i'll be able to walk tonight, is there a place to sit down at the event?" or "i'm flaring a little, is it okay for us to be kinda flexible about tomorrow's schedule?" or "hey, i'll get back to you as soon as possible i promise, i'm just fogged TO SHIT today [peace sign]" from day 1. it's great
i'm not saying that you Have to do this; i am aware that it breaches like seventeen laws of general social etiquette. i'm just saying that i have met many people who are totally chill about this! as long as you're chill and respectful of the other person as well, you can do whatever you want forever
that was not even relevant to the initial ask, so. AS FOR MY PARTNERS.
i actually don't find that my illness makes it harder to navigate my relationships at all. like i mentioned, i've been with all three partners for Many Many Years now. we know each other Extremely well, we're all extremely turbo autistic, we all have blunt communication down to a science. so saying "i'm not up for doing [x thing] tonight, can we take a rain check?" is super easy.
in fact, my partners can basically intuit a flare from just my physical movements and tone of voice, even before i say a single word. we are VERY familiar with each other.
.....and, alright. after fighting the urge to longpost i've decided to put the rest under a cut. YOU'RE WELCOME 4 THE RETURN OF YOUR DASHBOARDS. "why didnt you put it under a cut so much earlier" read my posts boy
anyway. click readmore to hear me expand upon just how fucking incredible and awesome and kind and generous and loving my People are
there ARE some ways that the illness has made it more difficult for ME to be the kind of partner that i want to be -- for example, i often lack the energy to provide proper emotional support during stressful situations, i have a shorter threshold for pain/irritation than i used to, i can't give 100% of my energy anymore and there have been times when that has resulted in hurt feelings in my partners.
(there have been far more times, though, when nobody's feelings are hurt and it's literally fine.)
in every case where feelings DID get hurt, we've talked stuff out and fixed it within like an hour. bc we all trust each other and know that we don't WANT to hurt each other's feelings. i never ever Ever say things with the intention of wounding my partners, and they know that. they never say things with the intention of wounding me, either, which is why our very blunt "hey, you need to change something you're doing" convos go so well. there's no need to tiptoe, it doesn't hurt me to know what they're thinking or feeling or needing.
sometimes things are just hard and shitty and we're all doing the best we can. this is just part of adulthood i think. especially adulthood in late stage capitalism, etc. the Biggest key to my polycule is that we are all much happier as a family than we would be without each other. the relationships are about as wholesome and healthy and non-toxic and openly communicative as they can get
the Other key aspect when dealing with my illness is that.... being polyamorous has actually been... SOOOOOO MUCH BETTER than being 1) alone, OR 2) in a monogamous relationship EVER WOULD BE?
it is Extremely Stressful for my family to deal with me being this sick. i am aware of that. but i haven't had to bear the brunt of it. not only do they support me, but they also all communicate with and support each other. so no one person is bearing the entire weight of the stress or pain or fear. and i don't have to comfort people over my own symptoms, which most disabled ppl i think would agree is.... exhausting
when i'm too fucked up to speak aloud, let alone support my partners the way i usually do, they ALWAYS have EACH OTHER as a safety net.
this safety net has been beyond vital for me personally, too. round-the-clock care from a single partner is insane and exhausting and leads to unraveling tempers. but when you live with two partners who can help cover your chores and cook and make sure you don't die of your Symptoms (TM)? that's much more doable.
it's HARD, bc literally everyone in the house is disabled to some degree, but it's doable. (it being hard is part of why my QPR is going to move in with us soon. extra hands!)
a few weeks ago, rafi (partner of 7ish years) went on a short vacation to visit family in california. and justice (QPR of 3ish years, best friend of 8ish years) booked an impromptu next-day plane ticket to come stay with me and vi (partner of 11ish years) while rafi was gone. because i was Very Sick. i was flaring horribly the whole time she was here, and she made meals and cleaned and ran errands and picked up medications and returned phone calls and lay in bed with me watching low-stakes tv shows and made sure i didn't stroke out without anyone there to help.
this meant that i basically got to stay in bed the whole time, which was very very Very needed. and vi -- who has a bad back -- wasn't unduly taxed with Literally All of the household upkeep in rafi's absence.
the same principle has applied when i've needed my partners to help cover my share of bills or my household chores or my errands or whatever. since there are three other people involved, the Immediate Support Net is much wider than in a monogamous relationship. especially bc all three of them have their own familial and friend support networks to reach out to!
having more people around is actually awesome for me. i don't feel like i'm expending a lot more energy than i would in a monogamous relationship, but i AM receiving a TON more support and care and love than would be possible in a monogamous relationship.
i guess the conclusion i'd make is: no man is an island, humans are hardwired to build large social support groups, and in a good relationship, you'll receive At Least as much as you give. right now i'm receiving a SHIT TON MORE than i give, and i do often feel pretty bad about it despite knowing it's not my fault.
but these people have chosen to be my family. and if they ever want to stop choosing me then they absolutely can. and if they need more from me or they need something Different from me, then they'll literally just tell me.
(i know they will literally just tell me because all three of them have literally just told me in the past. they're three people i can implicitly trust to say things like "hey, this thing you said made me sad / was unhelpful" and "hey, i'm really stressed out about [x thing], can we make a plan to deal with it?" and "hey, this situation is pretty serious and i know that you don't want to face it but i really need you to. i will take on whatever i can for you and support you the whole time")
so: yes it has been hard to some extent, managing three relationships while also being sick. but it is also a wonderful setup with a million unthought-of advantages & i am much better cared-for and much better AT caring because of it & i fucking Shudder to think how horrific being sick would be without them.
i love my family so much.
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
Goldy what's your take on tge shift of yoonmin dynamic? We know that suga used to adore jm and was close back in the days but at some point they get distant from each other, then we see them latly close again being paired up most of the time and suga tries to complement jm a lot, do you think that they hade some issues in the past and know they're working on their friendship?
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Take a look here people- A true hyung dongsang relationship dynamic unfolding before our very eyes😍😍😍😍😍😋
Chilee not me feeling all warm and fussy inside🤧
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Look at JM's cheek to cheek smile🥺🥺🥺🥺
No but Suga is so coola!
Glad to see him take a compliment back without cringing good for him.
He is what I wished I could be to Jimin if I didn't want to fuck him🙃
Just give give give to him but take nothing in return, want nothing, expect nothing cos I know my feelings will never be reciprocated🙃
But my toxicity would not allow me to be his friend 😴
Certainly not Jungkook's.
Neither he nor I are Santa and your boy gotta pay up
There's nothing wrong with them. That's just their dynamic. They're not in love but they don't hate eachother either. They bicker, then they go civil, then the next moment it's nuclear war and Jimin is cussing out in French Spanish and Swahili 😭
But it's all love.
If it helps think of JM as periodically having PMS around Suga. Sometimes it's nothing personal, he just doesn't want to be touched or dotted on or have people cling on to him while he trying to stand there serve looks and look pretty for the camera🙂
Seen his legs when he stands? I rest my case.
If your mom never slicked down your brows with her saliva in front of your friends you won't know JMs pain😭😭😭😭😭😭
You can't go anywhere with bangtan sometimes 😫😫
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Other times too frankly his boyfriend just isn't in a good mood and he doesn't want to make things worse between them by feeding ships😕
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Yoonmin are not the naturally gravitating towards each other duo in the group. Doesn't mean they have bad blood. But when you have Jikook constantly sitting together gravitating towards eachother it leaves no room for them to be seen with other people.
Sometimes its necessary the company steps in to pair members up if not we wouldn't get a single content on certain ships- AT ALL.
Curating ships by the company is an affirmative action and a way to guarantee equitable distribution else that's when they get accused of playing favoritism. That's when certain ships state complaining the company is hiding their ship content blah blah blah BORING.
And I think Jimin lowkey is aware of this so sometimes he tries. He tries to make time. Sit apart from Jungkook. Interact with other members lest they start complaining they've missed him etc.
When Jikook are "forced apart" most times they are on board with it- JM is. Jungkook don't give a fuck. No need to draw unnecessary attention to them or have people asking unnecessary questions like why yall two always together, why don't you hang out with this person or that person also.
Like how recently JM said he was gonna come fo a live with V and suddenly everyone is like do one with JK too, Suga too- then he's like I'll bring everybody. Jungkook would up said straight up he's gone what he's gone do.
Any way. You are right.
Jimin have always looked up to Suga within the group because he respects the man Suga is at his core. Suga gives sound advice and he's been a constant source of inspiration and encouragement- Jimin I really blessed.
Yoonmin isn't Vmin and so we don't expect the same level of vulnerability and intimacy that's the signature of Vmin in Yoonmin. That would be like comparing apples and oranges.
But there is a vulnerability to them in the way Suga being a senior takes care of this younger one. Or even in the way Jimin brings himself to take his nurturing and his advice.
Jimin is irreplaceable. He has the best voice among the singers or so Yoongi believes. And that's just the thing with them, Suga believes in the potential of Jimin just as Jimin believes in the potential of Jungkook. In a way those two ships can be very similar if you want to take the bangtan hyung/dongsaeng relationship dynamics as an equation.
I'd say Suga is the best hyung in the group in terms of his relationship with the younger ones and Jimin will come second to him- seen in his relationship with Jungkook. And if you want to take his relationship with the hyungs into consideration too💀
Hobi is great too but I don't see him mentoring the boys the way Suga or Namjoon does. Yet he is best at nurturing them and catering to their emotional needs. However you are not about to catch him taking anyone out to the bar to bond as per ethnic male culture or masculine traditions.
Suga gives off Rafiki vibes if you know what I mean
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Its giving spiritual guide and sage to Jimin.
He's had profound influence on Jimin's self confidence than people give him credit for. He's always the one telling Jimin, go for it, you can do it, nevermind what people will say, don't be shy, there's nothing embarrassing about this. You are beautiful, your voice is unique, believe in yourself, I will always believe in you.
He affirms JM which is one of the purest ways to express love for another.
You know that nevermind tattoo is on his ribs for a reason.
Suga is wise but also very ambitious and a go getter.
That's something I see in Jimin also. But he needs a bit of a push sometimes and Suga and Namjoon are very good at spurring him on.
They are adorable.
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plusultraetc · 17 days
Liza's School Briefs 1 Review (2/2)
Aaand here's part 2, featuring me enjoying Iida and Tokoyami hanging out way more than Tokoyami did.
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Tokoyami is so real for this, and also so me coded in this chapter. Never been to a theme park before. Only there for the food. Staring lovingly at his dessert. Handshake meme with the bird boy.
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Interesting how they talk about frankly traumatic (and often painful) early Quirk experiences so nonchalantly. I am physically pried away from a Word doc.
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Also, 'Quirk insurance.' It makes sense for something of the sort to exist, but it was another little worldbuilding detail I appreciated.
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OKAY SO WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT URARAKA. This is. So sad, when you think about it. Not only because of the stress and pressure of living alone (probably for the first time) during such a huge, transformative adjustment period like starting high school at the most prestigious hero school in the country, but like... Think of all the crap the Hero Course went through before the summer camp/moving into the dorms. Everything from the small, stressful stuff to the literal life-or-death situations. Does this mean she was just going home to an empty apartment to sit by herself after all of that? I'm?? In pain????
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Oh, this is very sweet. I was hoping that little detail wouldn't be forgotten after Aizawa took note of it on the phone with Fuyumi. Now Rei gets to see Shouto doing Hero Things and Fuyumi's acting chops :')
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All Might is always playing the bad guy, huh? (Save The World With Love, my beloved, etc.) Midoriya recognizing him was sweet. All Might saving Inko was sweet. Aizawa essentially assigning All Might villain homework was immensely funny.
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Recovery Girl is the backbone of the hero community in so many ways omg. Even Endeavor is like you dropped this queen 👑
Once again, this was overall a lot of fun. Incredibly silly but honestly exactly what I needed in so many ways, I can't wait to pick up the second one. 4/5 ⭐!
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zoeykallus · 2 years
How do you think the bad batch boys would help their significant other who wants to learn to workout? I’ve decided to start properly exercising for my health and oddly enough one of the things I think about is one of the batchers encouraging me. Except for cross. I feel like he would sit on my back and make me do push-ups.
Interesting question! I thought I did one like this just in spicy, I'm pretty sure I did, but I can't find it somehow (and I'm pretty bummed about it)... PS: you are not entirely wrong about Crosshair.
The Bad Batch x Reader HC's - Workout
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His main focus is endurance and agility combined with some strength training. Hunter is nimble and fit as a fiddle. He will show you exercises to strengthen your endurance and little tricks to train your reaction speed in combat.
"Endurance is the ability to sustain a performance for an extended period of time despite fatigue and to recover quickly afterwards."
He will do jogging laps and strength training with you, exploring and pushing your limits together.
Be balanced, stay focused and keep your heart fit. Echo is a fan of cardio and push-ups as well as pull-ups. He doesn't have much of his body left, so most of his own training is limited to his upper body.
"Body control is also very important. Knowing your limits and staying balanced, even when things are going bump and grind. Your body responds when you lose your nerve, when you get shaky you lose body tension and that can be fatal in a fight or on rough terrain"
Echo will do obstacle courses with you, climb with you through rough terrain and show you how to stay focused and balanced.
What he does most is strength training, mainly weightlifting. He knows you can't lift the same as him, don't worry. He's not going to overwork you at all. The strength he has is also in his genes not just in training, he is aware of that.
He takes things slow, small barbell exercises. He shows you the right movements, gives you tips on your breathing and explains to you in which way you stress or train which muscles.
"Don't overdo it. A muscle tear is painful and we don't want that."
He is incredibly patient and playful. Training with him is physically demanding but also very fun.
Actually, he prefers to challenge your mind. He is in good shape but not nearly as dedicated and persistent in training as his brothers. Unless it's swimming. He's a damn good swimmer and he loves to do it.
"Swimming can definitely be used as an endurance workout if you know how. Of course, it's important to keep an eye on your own safety, maybe have someone with you to keep an eye on you, and never swim too far out in open water, but swim close to the shore in case you cramp or eventually lose strength."
Tech has had back problems from a young age. Slim and tall as he is, he actually has to take care of his training regularly. Swimming is a great way to strengthen his back muscles. However, all other training methods are not his cup of tea.
Fast and agile with an incredible reaction speed. Crosshair is a fast, enduring runner. He'll run with you mainly.
He will be brash and complacent at first if you can't keep up, but he will gradually adapt to you until you slowly catch up and you are on a similar level.
He's going to give you quite the workout, so brace yourself. Mainly he does it to show off a bit. Well, he just likes to impress you. He won't admit that, though.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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newhologram · 1 year
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In 2022, I had an estimated 129 medical appointments. Many times I had 5 appts a week, 3 in a day even.
Here is some of the necessary care I fought for all year but still can’t access:
❌ Surgery to address upper cervical instability and 2 bulging discs in my neck ❌ Physical therapy to address my thoracic pain (it took 13 months to get an MRI) and being unable to sit up for long, as well as for my right arm nerve abnormality. Every referral for PT was over an hour away. I can't sit up to drive that long anymore. They can send the disabled shuttle to pick me up, but that's actually even longer sitting up so it's not helpful. ❌ IV ketamine to manage my depression, C-PTSD, autoimmune disorders, and chronic pain (ended up going with at-home ketamine thanks to GFM donations, but IV would be better distribution for inflammation/pain) ❌An updated sleep study since it’s been nearly 10 years since my type 2 narcolepsy diagnosis and some of my other symptoms such as frequent painful myoclonus and choking in my sleep are now making it even harder to get consistent shut-eye ❌Disability benefits and Medicare as I’m now officially considered a “complex” case and have been dropped by doctors who didn't feel they could help me ❌Endometriosis excision surgery + getting my blood-filled ovarian cyst (red thing in photo) dealt with. After several months of going to multiple specialists to rule out other things, including cancer (being monitored for lymphoma/leukemia now), I was sent to a gynecological oncologist surgeon who does the complete wrong outdated terrible no good surgery. She wanted to just do a full hysterectomy and ablation of endo lesions. ❌An updated 1 year colonoscopy after my disastrous 2021 ulcerative colitis/endometriosis flare up that landed me in the hospital. My mesorectal lymph nodes are a little enlarged and there’s a mysterious lesion in my colon, which is why they sent me to a cancer doctor for bloodwork and PET scan—but I strongly believe it’s just endometriosis invading my bowels, which is why I need the endo surgery so bad as well. I'm at the point where my colon will completely go on strike and the pain from the constipation is ER-level (especially when my period from hell comes). It's also just dangerous. I've never had this problem so intensely before, so I'm being even more careful with food and supplements. ❌Pelvic floor physical therapy to help with debilitating pelvic pain caused by endometriosis and other things ❌ A pain management doctor who can prescribe me Tramadol, which helps keep me out of the ER every month, and that has minimal side effects. Something I’ve taken safely for 6 years with no complications. Instead, they'll only Rx Suboxone, which makes it hard to function and has side effects that can cause colitis or narcolepsy complications. I have to take 1/8 of a dose and I still pay for it later.
I had so many arguments with doctors to correct them when they brought up the wrong treatment, wrong surgery, etc. Not only did some of them already know it was bullshit, but others wouldn’t even try to have an open enough mind to keep learning past medical school.
This year was a lot of disappointment and frustration. I feel so worn down. This kind of medical trauma erodes hope and optimism. When intuition about our own bodies and the hours we put into research means nothing to medical professionals or insurance, it feels like we're at the end of the road. I wouldn’t wish the necessity for this kind of resilience on anyone. I wouldn’t have been able to withstand this year without the ketamine therapy or support from friends and followers. I cannot express what it means to have that, especially when I'm still pretty isolated day-to-day. To manage things on my own, I paid out of pocket for acupuncture, cryotherapy, red light therapy, ketamine, many new supplements, all kinds of new massage/trigger point/gua sha/acupressure tools. I went hard on a self-care/pain mgmt routine that I’m proud of, but I’m still very much disabled by persistent, impenetrable chronic pain/fatigue. I was thankfully able to get some prescriptions that help with flare ups, such as Xanax and Toradol. This is one of my many blessings in 2022. My fight is far from over but I want to go into 2023 with softness.
No more pushing through 16 appts per month while also forcing myself to constantly record and edit new content. I want to recline my floor chair and rest my back while I focus on editing older stuff. I have no idea how long it will take to get through my backlog of projects but I’m going to be putting certain things on hiatus so I can just take it slow.
If you enjoy any of my content at all, please share it and consider donating. Your support helps me afford my supplements and medication to keep managing my symptoms even when I'm not able to work that much. GoFundMe: Help New get relief from chronic pain & illness Ko-Fi: Make a micro-donation (name in YouTube endscreen!) Patreon: Monthly support and access to Hologram Discord server (name in YouTube endscreen!) Thank you for helping me be strong this year, Holograms. I love you all very much.
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