#alois trancy hcs
lovelyfaustus · 9 months
modern headcanon that the triplets take 0.5 pictures of alois randomly just to piss him off
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someone do a better job than me pls i have no art skill💀
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Hi! May I request cute headcanons of Ciel and Alois (older) who are spending time with their new baby? I would love to see them have a happy family 😭
❤️❤️thank you and I wish you a lovely day!
Tw: Fem reader
Alois Trancy (older)
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Alois would be shocked.
He wouldn't know how to handle that information.
Alois never thought he would have a family.
As we know Alois could be really unpredictable.
But now he would try to stay calm.
Alois would like to protect you during pregnancy.
Hannah would be with you all the time.
She would also be responsible for all your needs.
Alois might just stare at you sometimes.
It would be hard to deal with you having a baby soon.
He would surely understand that only when the child was born.
Alois would be a surprisingly good father.
He would have grown up with you.
And would try to be gentle with the child.
And he wouldn't even have tantrums.
You would also start spoiling your child a lot.
He would like the child to get all the good things that he didn't get.
If your child was a boy, he might name it after his little brother.
Ciel Phantomhive (Older)
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This really wouldn't have been in Ciel's plans.
At first, he was afraid of starting a family.
Because Ciel still remembers how he lost his family.
And he wouldn't want to lose you or your child.
Ciel would become more overprotective.
It feels like Sebastian is with you everywhere.
And that would be true
Ciel would be really gentle with you during your pregnancy.
You really would get everything you wanted.
As long as it isn't dangerous to your health.
When Ciel got to hold his child for the first time…
He would be speechless.
It would revolutionize his life.
Ciel has never felt such happiness.
He would be super affectionate with a child.
He would also like to spend as much time as possible with the child and you.
Every thing a child would do would be a miracle.
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precalamity · 2 years
he doesn’t have heterochromia TO YOU. i get him tho
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animeyanderelover · 10 months
Yandere ciel and alois and ash. And also sebastian with reader that is extremely fragile? Like even a single punch from a child could hurt them. But reader still tries to make it up by always hugging them, patting them and sometimes letting them sleep on his lap whenever they are mad, sad or angry? (Sorry! For making a second request! I really loves this blog so 😭😭😭)
I did something very similar with Ciel and Sebastian before in this post. So for those two, the Hc's are significantly shorter as I only focused on the part of s/o being affectionate.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotecting behavior, isolation, abduction
S/o is extremely fragile
Ciel Phantomhive
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☕ Physical affection is not something the young lord is used to, at least not since the day his parents died. His experience with the cult who wanted to sacrifice him in order to summon a demon have made him wary of touches as countless human rights and boundaries were taken away from him and even if he is slowly recovering from the trauma of that night, now he is the new Earl so he needs to keep his public image in mind. Normally no one is allowed to touch him but he makes exceptions for his darling, although he'd like to keep it subtle in public. Truth be told, he tends to get flustered when they hug him or pet his head and as someone who likes the feeling of being in control, he isn't a fan of seeing his composure faltering. Not to mention the teasing of Sebastian and the gushing of the other servants. Ciel is lenient though, considering that he is already restricting you enough due to your fragile body. If this makes you happy and is one of the very few things he deems as safe, Ciel doesn't see the need to forbid it too.
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛ Sebastian is quite aggressive when it comes to his mate. The urge to keep his mate safe and protected is a primal desire, an instinct that brings something animalistic out of him. Whilst he keeps you isolated to lower the risk of you hurting yourself, the demon still does his best to keep you entertained enough with things he deems as not too dangerous for you. A part of him can't deny though that your delicate body makes it at times hard for him. He's a demon who desires to mark and claim his mate yet he knows that he would only end up seriously hurting you. Closeness and physical touch are an aching need though, something the demon craves and is the main reason why he grows very clingy. So he basks in the physical affection his s/o willingly gives him like a smug cat. Sebastian adores the feeling of a pair of arms wrapping themselves around his tall form and careful fingers tucking at his black locks. Even laying his head in your lap, a gesture far too submissive for a powerful demon as himself yet intimacy his body craves.
Alois Trancy
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👅 Alois is already the essence of paranoid, clingy and overbearing in all possible ways under normal circumstances but with a darling as delicate as you, his demeanor reaches a whole new universe. Seriously, it's quite bad. From the moment he finds out about your condition, he gets instantly paranoid and pesters you relentlessly to live with him. The very environment you live in and the people that surround you instantly turn into big, bad villains in his eyes and he obviously has only the best intentions in mind for you. He grows desperate fast as he begs you to just join him in his mansion. He promises you protection, fine food and lavish gifts and if you reject him, he's likely to have an emotional outburst where he might end up screaming at you for a bit, upset, angry and unable to understand your reasoning for turning his offer down.
👅 His blood boils whenever he sees new bruises and scratches on you and he instantly demands to know who is responsible for it. He has no mercy for anyone or anything even if it is really no one's fault at all. Everyone who hurts you, even by sheer accident, earns his relentless ire. Alois can't control his anger nor does he want to do so, in his eyes everything that harms you deserves to be treated like dirt under his shoes. If he figures out that a person has harmed you, he screams his lungs out until his face turns pink with anger and can't stop himself from hitting and hurting them in return. It's a terrifying experience as blue eyes glimmer with malice and wrath. Even non-living objects aren't spared from his wrath as he kicks the object angrily away when it hurts you, ends up destroying it on multiple occasions. Nothing is safe from his explosive ire.
👅 His paranoia shoots through the sky with the situation given. If you refuse to allow him to properly protect you and take care of you, an abduction will happen far too soon for you to even predict. His servants are ordered to retrieve you and he threatens them to not hurt you even in the slightest or otherwise they'll be punished by him. No one should ever harm you. He remains firm in his belief that he's doing the right thing, he is pretty delusional after all. Alois still throws a big tantrum whenever he finds a new bruise or wound somewhere on your beautfiful skin, it always ends in a big drama. Your accident proneness leads him to become essentially your second shadow as he's always with you, terribly paranoid that you might get hurt again. All demon servants are ordered to guarantee your safety and every time you still end up getting hurt, they have to endure whatever their angry master has in store for them.
👅 His emotions fluctuate strongly depending on your own feelings. If the isolation upsets you at times, Alois gets quickly upset himself. Your sadness makes him a bit crazy and any signs of unhappiness he tries to drown in smothering affection and lots of expensive gifts. The young noble is highly affectionate and at times unintentionally a bit more rough, especially when his feelings get the better of him as they tend to be very intense. He'd probably be happiest with a darling who returns his affection since it gives him a feeling of security and safety. He's cooing and gushing over his s/o whenever they end up hugging him or petting his hair. By sheer accident he ends up getting to excited at times which leads to his touches to be too rough and might result in hurting you in the process. No one is more mad than him though as he's throwing a screaming and crying tantrum. He's possessive of the attention and affection of you so often he demands you to spend private time with him just showering him in your affection and all servants are forbidden to interrupt you two.
Ash Landers
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▫️For Ash his darling is his life, the entire purpose of a guardian angel is after all protecting whoever they've chosen to guard and dedicate their life to. The white-haired man has known from the very first glance that you're special, a precious and pure creature that has to be protected from a world tainted and filled with evil. You've become within one day the centre of his universe as his heart and mind are filled from that day on with the thought of you. Gorgeous and precious you. Ash is already very paranoid and protective of his darling, of his everything. Their fragile and delicate condition make him only worse though. Wonder and adoration turn into horror and sheer wrath whenever he catches the bruises and injuries littering your precious skin, he has nearly lost his composure in public a couple of times just thinking about it.
▫️The world around you only becomes more and more irredeemable whenever a new bruise, a new scratch appears on you, the most precious creature. His heart is bleeding alongside every new injury as the angel frenziedly tracks down whoever is responsible for daring to harm you. He doesn't care who the person is nor would he ever accept apologies and explanations that it was a mere accident as he stains his hands and white clothes with red blood, all in the name of your protection. Ash just knows that he has to protect you, to keep you somewhere else as he grows incredibly paranoid whenever he's on his 'duties'. Not knowing where you are and what you're doing, not being able to fulfill the most important task of watching you and protecting you is killing him slowly on the inside as breathing or thinking become incredibly difficult, paranoia taking over his body.
▫️The abduction happens fast as you're whisked away by an angel who seems terrified to even touch your delicate body out of primal fear to hurt you. The entire home he's made for you has been designed to not harm or hurt you. It is unbelievably difficult for Ash to leave you at all as paranoia fills his lungs as soon as you're out of his sight and makes it close to impossible to focus properly when masquerading as the Queen's butler. Every injury and pain you experience from that day on is all his fault, in Ash's mind at least. You're now under his care after all and he wants all pain away from you and every time you still end up harming yourself, he sees it as his personal failure. That can definitely lead to self-harming tendencies as his punishment but Ash would do anything for his darling so if they ask him to stop, he'd try if he realizes that his actions make them sad.
▫️Honestly, Ash doesn't even consider himself worthy of receiving any affection from his darling. In his mind no one is worthy of you, not even himself yet the concept of a mate still applies to him as an otherwordly creature too. He longs for more than just seeing and being close to you yet this desire is seen as a greedy sin as he should be thankful for the mere fact that he is able to see you at all. He's overwhelmed when you end up being so affectionate around him, although if you ever tell him that you feel sorry for making him worry all of the time he'd panic because you shouldn't feel guilty for this. He's hesitant at first as he's still not considering himself as quite worthy of your life but at the same time every hug and soft touch of yours has his body craving for more. It takes a bit of convincing from his s/o before he starts embracing his desire and starts fully clinging to you, needing more of your touches. The angel becomes pliant and putty, almost addicted to the feeling of your touches on his skin and your warmth so close to his body.
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manias-wordcount · 10 months
Hii can I request Alois x fem reader who is Ciel's sister and Ciel got invited to Trancy mansion and when him and his services came to mansion they saw Alois, reader and baby in reader's hands. So like reaction of them about baby
Thank youu
Reaction to S/o with baby HCs (Alois Trancy)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝘁 𝗶𝘀!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Alois can’t stand your brother sometimes (and the feeling is mutual for him). It’s been that way for over half a decade at this point
But Alios never seemed to mind you
Though his reaction to you holding your distant cousin’s new little girl wasn’t something you expected by a long shot
He was supposed to be there to talk to your brother
But as you stood by Ciel’s side with the little baby in your hands, Alois just wouldn’t stop starring 
It caused your brother to snap at him a couple of times
And all Alois could do was stammer back at him, red in the face and eyes darting to yours as he struggled to find an excuse for why he was starring at you with such a soft expression on his face
You didn’t think the quiet coos of a very sleepy infant was enough to be a distraction but you could tell that Alois’ mind was off in a different place when he watched you rock her gently to the side
Perhaps he has a soft spot for kids, perhaps he misses when he was this young and innocent- you don’t know if you’ll ever know
But you do know that your brother’s worst nemesis does have a quite cute look about him when he’s flustered like that
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mixed race (japanese + native american) fiancé hcs ; 16+
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requested by ; anonymous (14/04/23)
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | main characters | main villains | anime only
character(s) ; alois trancy, our!ciel phantomhive, real!ciel phantomhive, sebastian michaelis
outline ; “hey! i hope youre doing well. if/when youreable to, would you mind writing some headcanons for o!ciel, sebastian, r!ciel, and alois (if thats too many, just the first 2 💜) with a gender neutral fiance who is partially both japanese and native american please? thank you very much in advance.”
warning(s) ; references to period typical racism, references to canon-typical violence, generalisations made as to not link the reader to any specific native tribe, author craps on british food in a few places (author is british, it comes from a place of love)
note ; this took ages to look up and research in order to try and not lock the insert into any specific tribe or tribal family for their native side — given how broad and diverse they are. hopefully this came across and wasn’t too disappointing to the requester or anyone else who might have been looking for a very specific type of representation.
Alois Trancy
this man isn’t the most sensitive or understanding in general — so he wouldn’t necessarily ‘get’ or question your religious practises
like if you’re spiritual and perform smudging in the manor then you’re only really going to irritate his demonic staff and prevent them from entering certain rooms for a while
on the other end of the spectrum, smudging is an excellent way of keeping claude and the triplets out of your rooms if you’re annoyed
this would amuse alois for sure — but his interests would be focused exclusively on the aesthetic and story based aspects of your culture
he loves listening to you as you explain the folklores and mythologies of your two heritages — wide eyed and quiet for once as he takes in everything you have to say
he has a particular preference for creatures and deities that explore the gorier aspects of life, and he’ll ask you to retell them often, but he’ll listen to any story you have to tell
and if you participate in cultural crafts like beadwork or shodo or anything along those lines, then he’ll gladly fund your work and might even pay you to make things for his person, his peers or just to display about the estate
he’ll also ensure that you’re never without clothing from your cultures and would prefer you wear it over things from england — be that a selection of richly dyed kimonos for you to wear during galas, or importing regalia from your tribe for you to wear during traditional dances and such if that’s something you partake in
if your tribe partakes in the tradition of getting facial tattoos, then he’ll be incredibly interested in their history and meaning for you
will celebrate and observe holidays that aren’t on the british calendar with you — whether that’s national foundation day, or something that requires travel abroad like a powwow
and in the same vein, he’s not afraid to send his servants after anyone who disrespects you whilst at his manor
Our!Ciel Phantomhive
ciel has a particular interest in the culinary/confectionary side of your dual cultures and would be very invested in trying and recreating the dishes you grew up eating
that, of course, includes sweet things like candies and desserts
(his favourites are dango and saututhig)
but it also applies to meals — especially those associated with specific holidays
so, for example, he would have sebastian recreate the seasonal flavours of namagashi if you opt to take part in any tea ceremonies
or he might recreate some festival foods like okonomiyaki or yakitori when it’s the right season
or if you’re craving something from a powwow, he’ll ensure you have access to things like corn soup, fry bread and so on
he never wants you to be without the comfort foods you grew up with, nor the things you crave
so he has the staff modify the manor’s menu and meal rotation to incorporate more foods from japan and from your tribe
(which is a relief as british food isn’t the most flavourful in the world)
he also insists on trying to learn whichever language (or languages) you’re comfortable with so he’s able to connect and understand more of his future spouse’s culture and world views
he struggles immensely with japanese, specifically with forming his kanji for some reason, but his pronunciation is pretty spot on
but he manages to pick up the language of your tribe pretty quickly
so he’d probably prefer to speak to you using that tongue if he wished to mention something privately
he’s also keenly aware of the history of conflicts faced by native americans — as well as the bigotry faced by immigrants in the uk
he did his fair share of studying at the beginning of your relationship and, well, he has eyes and the situational awareness to recognise how you were being treated
this makes him incredibly protective of you — he trusts you to take care of yourself (you are engaged to the queen’s watchdog, after all), but that doesn’t mean that he expects you to put up with outright horrific treatment by his peers or his people
in other words: sebastian and the rest of the phantomhive staff get some free target practise courtesy of people that insult the lord of the house’s fiancé
Real!Ciel Phantomhive
this man is the sort to spoil his partner however he can at every opportunity — and you are far from the exception
any food that you’re craving, he’ll have the ingredients imported and will hire a specialty chef (or train one) to make it for you
any clothing you desire, he’ll have hand made and imported
if you miss your family or wish to go home to celebrate a holiday, he’ll arrange a trip to the americas or to japan and send you there with supplies and gifts to spare
he’ll usually try to go with you, but there are times where his schedule just doesn’t allow it so you’ll be travelling alone (with dozens of personal attendants)
he’ll study every language you speak independently, learning them whilst you’re away in order to surprise you when you get home
he’ll decorate the manor with pieces of art that represent both of the cultures you come from — or pieces that were made by yourself/your relatives
if there are any local sports or games that you enjoy, he’ll arrange for them to happen at the estate
he’s an excellent partner in that regard
but he puts his business and reputation above a lot of the things he should be doing for you
like yes he’ll spoil and indulge and learn for you
but if one of his most important investors says something offensive then he won’t do anything to stop it
at most he’ll encourage them to keep that talk to his office, but usually he’ll just laugh along and encourage you to grin and bear it
he wants to defend you, really, but he can’t risk plummeting his business because of it
he doesn’t have the means to get rid of someone without it looking suspect — which would tank his reputation and out both of you at risk
if he can punish someone for being cruel, he will — like a staff member of his or someone on the streets
but most of the time he really can’t — so the most he can do is try to keep you away from it all
as his father taught him, his duties to his country and his business come first — only then can he be a husband and lover
Sebastian Michaelis
he spends most of his time with you switching between japanese and the language of your tribe — mainly because he doesn’t like the idea of anyone (or anything) listening in on your combinations and seeing him in such a vulnerable state
he has an incredibly low tolerance for any mistreatment of you (actual or perceived) and, unless instructed otherwise by his master, will just eliminate them immediately after their transgression
a lot of the time you don’t even realise what happened — only that someone is now missing
but you’re usually able to put the pieces together
if you have an argument, he’s usually able to gather how mad you are based on how many rooms have been cleansed and he’s no longer able to enter
the worst argument you had, to date, ended with you cleansing the entire manor and locking him to the outside and the basement for a whole week
(ciel found it hilarious)
if you’re ever feeling homesick, it’s a cakewalk for sebastian to get you back to your family — you can be there one day and back in england the next
but good luck explaining to either side of your family that you’re courting a demon
if you’re artsy and like creating things to honour your heritage then he’ll indulge you, fetching you the necessary materials and displaying the final result proudly
he has met both sides of your family and has scared the crap out of a few relatives when they accidentally almost cleansed him out of a room
(not a fun conversation to have)
he’s an excellent cook (naturally) and is more than happy to indulge any cravings you have for foods that aren’t a commonly sold thing in england
of course he’ll encourage you to eat full, hearty meals because he wants you to be as taken care of as possible, but he can’t say no to his mate and will usually give in if you’re particularly desperate for sweet things or street foods
he gives you a number of nicknames based on new or traditional pet names from your cultures
for example, some japanese pet names he might use are ‘ダーリン’ (daarin), ‘ハニー’ (hanii) (these are mainly used in notes sent to each other) — or, when speaking, he might something more traditional like calling you your given name or an a version with the appropriate suffix (depending on your preference)
and, of course, any other pet names depends on the tribe you’re from
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narumika · 2 years
hi there! If possible, could i request platonic head cannons for how Alois Tancy and Ciel Phantomhive hiring a maid who they start to see as their older sister/motherly figure? I hope this isn't to confusing and thank you if you end up doing it!
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⟡ notes — alois is probably ooc idk but i think he’s a mommas boy. he asks approval for EVERYTHING he’s gotta make sure his mom is ok with everything
⟡ taglist — @nnatsume @yumetokashite
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ciel phantomhive
— he noticed how you had a motherly aura to yourself, and how you’d handle everything, especially him, with gentleness and care. he originally found it a bit demeaning, he didn’t need to be treated like a child. he can handle himself just fine! but soon he came around to the way you treated him.
— he showers in your comfort and praise, letting himself indulge in having “childish fun”. he also prefers your food/tea over sebastians, it makes him feel like he’s being doted on indirectly.
— he showers in your comfort and praise, letting himself indulge in having “childish fun”. he also prefers your food/tea over sebastians, it makes him feel like he’s being doted on indirectly.
— whenever his birthday rolls around he tries to ignore it, and ignore everyone really. but after he comes around to you he lets you in, and lets himself take a bit of time to be happy with his “mom”.
alois trancy
— gets attached really fast, he clings onto you every second and every minute of the day. he asks you to tuck him in, make him food, eat with him, everything. you fill the hole in his heart that nobody else could.
— he calls you mom a lot, whenever you’re getting ready he says “thank you mother!” before grabbing your wrist and running off to do something
— he loves it when his birthday comes around, you dote on him nonstop and he showers in it. he loves the cakes you make, it rivals anyone else’s food.
— he asks for your approval for everything. has probably declined an invite to somewhere with “sorry my mom said i can’t come :/“ just cause he didn’t wanna go. he also loves when you two play games, he feels like he is reliving a better childhood when he’s with you.
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yours-truly-bunie · 1 year
Your blog’s aesthetic is so freaking adorable and I am thriving for it.
I saw that requests were open and I wanted to know if I could possibly get some headcanons with Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, and the Undertaker with a reader who is very absent-minded? Basically head-empty, up in the clouds kind of person?
I.. Don't know if I can write for Claude and Undertaker yet ;; sorysory but I'll try the others as I'm in s2.. And finishing it.. But I have no idea if you wanted Ciel and Alois to be their age or aged up so I'll go for aged up (we're also ignoring Elizabeth for this one)
How do Ciel, Sebastian, and Alois take care of an absent-minded reader?
Ciel, Sebastian, Alois x reader
Warnings: mentions of getting injured, fights, mention of 'die', alois' attachment issues.
Ciel is somehow irritated and confused about it
Like how can someone be so absent-minded?? It's probably because he hasn't met someone like that before
Most of the time he has to snap you out of your 'head in the clouds' moment
Okay okay the times he actually gets irritated are the ones when you have to work on a case
It gets him worried sick at the thought of you getting injured from you being so absent-minded!
Especially in some kind of fight situation
As much as he won't admit it, he really cares for you, he really does
Ig he just doesn't know how to show it GENUINELY
Yes I had to make it all caps
But maybe some tea parties can show it
Although you make him very worried and confused with the things you do
Your smile and basically everything makes up for that
Okay now this one
He actually finds your 'habit' amusing and adorable
But yes he does think you might get injured because of this or even get targeted by their enemy or smth
No worries, darling! He will still protect you if you are in any danger
That includes you might chopping your finger off while chopping some vegetables in the kitchen and dazed out
If anybody makes fun of your absent-minded situation he'll solve it out
And by that is probably torturing them fufufu
Overall, finds it adorable but also is cautious for you (imagine you were also clumsy 💀)
I have no idea abt this dude but I think he'd make fun of it or even tease you for it
Yeah I'll go for tease
He'd tease you until you die
But the moment you start getting minor injuries because of this habit of yours
He's starting to get concerned and worried
And if you start having LARGE injuries..
That's where he makes the servants watch out for you
The moment you're about to trip over or step on something
Boom! One of the triplets is cleaning it up or swiftly taking it away
It's like the Trancy Manor has been baby proof
It's probably because of Alois' attachment issues
He can't have you leave him!
He doesn't show it that much because of how much he teases you but he cares and loves you!
For real
Note: sorysory if it's STILL crusty but I tried lol and also if it's ooc I'm also sorry.. I tried to make the hcs longer tbh. Fufufu also ty for da compliment abt my blog's aesthetic!
Thank you! ❦
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tinypuppaws · 14 days
・❥ Alois Trancy | Regressor HCs
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permaregressor, little age 5-10
alois has no cg, but he does order claude to care for him
hannah will sometimes help him when he's regressed to younger ages
fully accepts his regression
alois usually teases and pranks the people around him
while he is a permaregressor, he also slips to younger ages than his permanent one (age 10)
has the triplets play with him sometimes whether its board games or playing pretend
is very teary and emotional at younger ages
enjoys going out to the garden and saying the flowers' names aloud to show off how smart he is, even when no one else is there
likes getting called "little highness" and "little prince"
often talks to his stuffed animals
likes wearing frilly outfits when going to bed because they make him feel smaller and safe
alois doesn't have any pacis but regularly chews on stuff
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luffyvace · 6 months
Rules/Guidelines for this acc
address me as:
brook (he’s so cool he’s so underrated)
please read my rules before requesting by the way!! just for no confusion but i’m a pretty open person :)
Requests: OPEN 🎧
fandoms i write for:
-anime/manga fandoms only: demon slayer, my hero academia, one piece, hunter x hunter, bungo stray dogs, saiki k, mob psycho 100, Black Butler, (new) Blue Lock
(I don’t know all the Blue Lock characters I haven’t read the manga)
(Fire force, Assassination Classroom, Ouran Highschool Host Club and God of High School will be added when I finish watching! <3)
-proship, character x oc, hate/judge me or others on this account, nsfw, homophobia, pregnant reader, racism, suicide, self harm, (heavy) angst, trans character (i only do original genders but character being queer/gay etc is just fine), holidays (i don’t celebrate any so i don’t feel comfortable writing for it), drinking or smoking (never done it so I don’t have any knowledge about it—plus I don’t feel comfortable with writing for it) etc the typical
pretty much anything else, i’m pretty accepting: fluff, sfw, platonic, romantic, character x matchup, character x character if i like the ship (i don’t ship many tho), random/general headcanons, request as much as you want (don’t spam the same one tho), poc/black reader, male reader, amab/afab, trans reader, chubby reader, tall reader, short reader, glasses reader, character x reader similar to [character], fluff prompt hcs
who i mainly write for:
Luffy, ace, zoro, sanji, brook, robin, izuku, katsuki, aizawa, chrollo, feitan, kurapika, tanjiro, inosuke, rengoku, obanai, saiki k, atsushi nakajima, mob aka Shigeo Kaegayama, reigen, Ciel Phantomhive, Grell Sutcliff, Alois Trancy, Undertaker
Ideas of things to request me!:
I have a mini series called ‘character’s kisses’ where if you request for example: “Luffy’s kisses” I’ll do headcanons of his kisses and what I’d think they’d be like! :)
platonic/romantic hcs
general hcs
x ____ (unique type) reader
character x matchup!
Authors notes:
i don’t do many au’s unless i like them (I’d most likely do modern au’s or character survived au, Portgas D. Ace for example), same with ships. But don’t be afraid to req I might say no I might say yes
only fluff, adult or not there’s plenty of nsfw acc
i only do certain polys (but don’t be afraid to req one!)
there are some spoilers on this acc :P (I always put a warning, if it’s a big or small spoiler, and what part of the anime)
sfw only don’t req anything else i won’t do it
safe place for minors since this a sfw acc
for the record i will prioritize requests and random impulses to write something over the list i made so if you really wanna see something just ask me- don’t wait around idk how long it’ll take😭
don’t be afraid to req a character from a anime not listed here, i know way more anime’s than that, those i are just the characters i feel i’d write best for
don’t be afraid to req :)
how to get blocked:
don’t be a pain: again—judging me or others, anything in the donts, spamming (i ask of you, be patient when sending in a req, some days I simply don’t feel like writing and that’s okay, so again I ask you to accept this <3), etc
Masterlist part 2
List of characters I want to write for eventually:
List of characters I want to write for eventually
uh yeah i think this is it for now
©luffyvace 2024 do not steal, copy, plagerize, paste, repost on another platform, translate my work without permission or edit my work.
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dadbastiandisaster · 1 year
Fuck it
🕸️🕷️✨Claude headcanons✨🕷️🕸️
Yes i know his characterisation is utter shit and yes i am taking a marie kondo approach to the s2 canon
Sebastian had at least been around humans before his contract, so he at least had a passing idea of how to Human. Claude had not. Only interacted with humans ever if murder counts.
He’s actually short-sighted (someone on a wattpad book Black Butler Headcanons I can’t find for the life of me because wattpad utterly fucked up their search system suggested this was because his true form has eight eyes and I love it. I think the person who wrote it was called something like ‘The King Fisher’, so if that sounds familiar, say and I’ll tag you)
He has very little concept of social norms. Alois will be like ‘men are supposed to wear trousers and women are supposed to wear skirts >:(‘ and claude will be like
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They’re both coming at the ‘gender is bullshit’ thing from two very different places
Sebastian is over-achieving as far as Claude’s concerned. He’s got three other Demons working for him and he’s going to make the most of it, there is no benefit from doing more than he has to.
He has mixed feeling about Alois. On the one hand he does know that Alois’ situation is not great and has even grown somewhat fond of him (platonically i swear to fuck some people in this fandom) but on the other there are few people on the planet less equipped to help than him.
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Jokes aside, I imagine it’s a he/they/it situation, but it’s the Victorian era so Alois was like ‘well you’re probably not a woman so unfortunately that leaves you with one other option’ and Claude was like ‘that’s fine, how long could these contract things last anyway?’
His life pre-contract was basically just surviving in Hell, which has left him with extensive knowledge of nature and no sense of identity
Hates people, loves animals!
Took the contract more out of curiosity than anything else. He fucked around and found out!
Most of Alois and his contract is ‘if you have no idea what you’re supposed to be doing and I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing who’s driving this ship?’
The answer is Hannah obviously
My interpretation of the Hannah-Claude situation is that Claude (somehow) knows that Hannah killed Alois’ brother and that chasing after Sebastian is totally pointless, but if he tells Alois, Hannah will kill him (I hc Hannah as a very old, very powerful Demon). Hannah obviously doesn’t want Alois to find out the truth, so she has to sabotage quite a lot of Alois’ plans (which Claude has to carry out, so it makes his life a lot harder, which is Not A Vibe as far as Claude’s concerned)
Plus Hannah is like ‘actually you’re doing a shit job with Alois’ (true) ‘and if I had this contract instead of you he would be fine’ (not true)
Sort of mid-level Demon. Like he’s in pretty good health (aside from the crappy eyesight) but he’s not especially skilled in combat. He’s just sort of meh.
He likes knitting, crocheting, sewing, lace-making etc because it’s similar to web-building and he finds it relaxing
Sebastian fucking hates him after the Ciel kidnapping incident but the hatred is entirely one-sided. Claude does not give a singular shit about Sebastian, just thinks he’s (as the kids say) a bit of a try-hard
Knows for a Fact that Alois is a lot smarter than he lets on. Doesn’t rat him out on it though, he doesn’t get paid extra to be a snitch, and he’d probably do the same if the situation allowed
I’m torn between ‘totally non-judgemental’ and ‘is a massive bitch’, so I think it’s both. Totally non-judgemental is he’s ambivalent to/likes you, if he dislikes you he is judging you on everything you do right down to how you butter your toast and will chat shit behind your back
Even he didn’t like the previous Earl Trancy
Really not a fan of physical affection
I think if he and Aunt Frances met, it would be a case of unstoppable force (Aunt Frances knowing that Claude is doing 10000 things wrong and cutting so many corners he now has a circle) vs immovable object (Claude doesn’t care). The Sebastian - Aunt Frances dynamic heavily relies on Sebastian caring about her opinion and Claude simply does not have that problem.
Unlike Sebastian, he sometimes sleeps.
I don’t think he’s aro/ace he’s just never really had much of a chance to explore any of that,
Anyway, I will stop for now, this is already very long. I might make ones for Hannah and the Triplets because I will simply never stop talking about the kuro demons
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lovelyfaustus · 1 year
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here's alois if he was given a better chance, luv him sm he deserved better
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Hi! I had an Alois trancy request! Y/N is a new maid who's first meeting Alois, but she knows she's seen him before. She knew him as a good friend who she had a crush on when Luca was alive. Alois is being really nice, and she says. "I was just wondering, have you ever had any friends named Y/N?" (She's used a fake name ever since the village burned) "Y-Yes, I have, why?" "It's me, Jim." And then it turns into fluff.
Alois Trancy (Older)
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You really needed the money.
That's why you applied for a job at the Trancy manor.
Even if you don't have much experience as a maid.
But you would convince yourself that you would learn quickly.
It was the best chance you had.
And you would get a seat.
Even if you don't recognize Alois, he will recognize you right away.
Alois would like a familiar person near him.
He would have a soft spot for you.
So because of this, you would get a job at his mansion.
Alois would refuse to even listen to other applicants.
However, doing it would be a little difficult.
Because Alois would like to spend all his time with you.
He wouldn't be alone anymore and this would make him happy.
However, you felt like you had met before.
You just couldn't really wrap your head around where it might be.
A very annoying feeling.
It would take some time for Alois to bring this up.
He would be afraid that you would have forgotten him.
Alois really couldn't stand it if you abandoned him.
However, you would remember him.
Alois would be really happy about this.
And he would hug you tight.
You would hug him back.
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anawkwardlady · 7 months
Hello!! I know this is random, but what are your most unhinged/unlikely Alois headcanons? Or any other Kuro character of your choice
Oh my god, your question is EXTREMELY HARD, I have no idea! I guess some of them are in the infamous nana iceberg that null made
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what else would be unlikely uuuh :
Alois can't ride a horse, swim or use a gun yet
Lord Byron should have been to Alois and Claude what Conan Doyle was to Ciel and Sebastian?
Servants leaving no privacy (reading letters and all)
Alois actually being a nice Earl appreciated by his people (despite being really weird)
Alois cancelled for making inbreeding jokes in weston?
The whole "Drawing with blood" with in the Violet House. (btw, it didnt start the whole thing but the funniest tiktok illustrating that)
AU where OCiel is a demon and RCiel is a vampire and Alois is kinda sitting there.
Everything I ever said relating OCiel, Alois and RCiel dynamic tbh
Alois had a early growth spurt and his current height is his adult height, its over for him he is not going to grow anymore.
If Luka was alive he would be taller than him tbh.
Modern Alois was on tumblr rebbloging traumacore edits and venting without tw, now he has to clean his image.
My hc Trancy family tree?
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apollowhoo · 11 months
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Black Butler:
Alois Trancy X Protective!OlderSister!Reader+Claude
Demon!Ciel x Human!Sebastian
Hunter x Hunter
Killua x Gon x Reader (friendship hcs)
Chrollo x Sibling!Reader
Main 4+ Adult trio x Oc!Leah with various powers
Saiki K:
Saiki x Child!Psychic!Reader
Percy Jackson;
Percy x Sister!Reader
Embracing Mortality
Kazuichi Soda x Leon Kuwata x Kaito Momota x LittleBrother!Reader
Match up 1
Owl House (I don’t take requests from Owl House anymore):
The Collector x Parental!Reader
The Collector x Twin!Reader
Yandere!The Collector x Reader
Alice in Borderland:
Match up 1
Match up 1
Hazbin Hotel:
Match up 1
The Promise Neverland:
Demon Slayer:
Owari No Seraph:
Spy x Family:
South Park:
Series of Unfortunate Events:
Gravity Falls:
Helluva Boss:
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manias-wordcount · 1 year
Can I request wedding between Alois( from Black Butler) x Ciel’s sister!reader?(of course they are in there 20s)
Marrying Ciel's Sister HCs (Alois Trancy)
𝗔/𝗡: 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝗼! 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆!
𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚? ⇒ 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
𝙟𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧?
𝙗𝙪𝙮 𝙢𝙚 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛𝙚𝙚?
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Of course, your brother was furious to hear of the wedding but he wasn’t surprised considering Alois has been (officially) courting you since you were 17 and he was 19
Now three years down the road, you’re in a chapel’s powder room, donning the beautiful white dress while getting some finishing touches with your hair
Naturally, your brother was waiting outside the room so he could escort you down the aisle to get married (much to his displeasure)
But even he had to stop his grumbling once he saw you exit the room with the biggest smile on your face 
After that, the wedding went off without a hitch
And how could it not? You do have two demon butlers working around the clock behind the scenes to make sure things run smoothly after all
And sure, you weren’t absolutely pleased to see you future husband smirking at your brother’s tense expression at the thought of marrying you off to Alois of all people my
But you were too swept up in the fact that you were about to marry the man you had been crushing on ever since you were 12
And so, who would have guessed it?
 That the enemy of your brother would end up being your loving, adoring (still a bit bratty) husband one day!
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