#all of a sudden has a very scary very injured looking girl passed out in the middle of the clearing
dreampearls · 1 year
do you understandmy vision.
#collei essentially escapes the fatui facility (really is discarded once the experiment is proven a success) and stumbles her way#into the avidya forest#where a certain little aspiring botanist happens to frequent because his favorite spot for collecting specimen#all of a sudden has a very scary very injured looking girl passed out in the middle of the clearing#so he takes it upon himself to bring her back to his family's house even though trying to handle her#is exactly like trying to handle a feral cat & he learns the hard way that this girl just wants to be left alone#he's finally able to convince her with the promise of food (she plans on stealing all that she can before escaping) but then#they change her bandages... they give her as much food as she asks.. they give her her own Bed#and like. Uwuwuhwuwhwuwwuwuwuw........ wuwuhh#my idea is that after a few days of this collei tries to run away because she can't bear any more of their kindness#thinking of herself as too much of a burden + being painfully reminded of her life before she was handed over to the fatui#maybe theres even an incident where she loses control over the archon resi..... Okay i am amking myself so sad i can't finish that sentence#BUT ANYWYAS. she runs away. & essentially thats how she eventually meets amber#i think you could even twist this to make it fit the webtoon continuity just with the added background of her knowing tighnari beforehand#anyway :-] My Idea. thanks for listening#ramblings#colleiction
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mossharpy · 3 years
Do u know any TOH fics where it focuses on human culture/Luz being different? I can't find any :(
i've got two! but then this prompt took me by the hands and i ended up writing my own little drabble.
from ao3:
crossing paths by Vikingfangirl23 | 2991 Words | One-Shot | Summary: Luz deals with bullies, Owlbert's been following her longer than she realizes.
It's Just Hair by foolish_snail | 1889 Words | One-Shot | Summary: Luz is tired of getting bullied for her hair. May as well do something about it.
from me (under read more):
Willow and Gus were avoiding her. It was frustrating; all day they’d been skirting around her questions and attempts to confront them about their unusually skittish behavior. They told each other everything—why was this time different? Luz had briefly worried she’d done something to upset Willow, who tended to still be sore about how much time she was spending with Amity.
Luz understood where the witch was coming from, she’d be upset if her best friend started dating her ex-bully too. But, if that was the case, why was Gus avoiding her? Gus was brutally honest about his feelings; he wore his heart on his sleeve. Willow was more closed off, but Gus was always willing to play middleman if a miscommunication occurred. Even worse, when she’d asked them about wanting to sit together at lunch, the two came up with some on-the-spot excuse about having detention. Luz loved her friends, but they were terrible liars.
But she didn’t push. Luz let them go.
The human poked her PB&J, sighing. She didn’t like being ignored.
Fridays were usually her favorite day of the week. She loved Hexside—don’t get her wrong—more than she’d ever loved school, but on Fridays, as soon as school let out, Willow and Gus would follow her back to the Owl House. There, they’d begin their usual ritual of eating far too much junk food and watching crappy Boiling Isles reality TV. It was fun, it was their chance to put aside all their worries, about school, about magic, about getting home, and let loose.
Their distance made Luz think her friends weren’t willing to hang out that night.
A plastic tray gently found a place next to her, and Luz let her eyes wander upward to land on the face of her girlfriend. She smiled, worries abandoned, and focus turned toward Amity, who nervously pulled a string of lavender hair from her face, a pale blush creeping over her nose and tinging her face.
“Are Willow and Gus joining us?” She spoke formally, a trait the witch often defaulted to when trying to hide how flustered she was.
The question made Luz frown, and she let her head fall against the lunch table. “They’ve got better things to do.”
Amity nodded, taking Luz’s hand under the table, and hesitantly letting their fingers intertwine. “I guess they would be busy, what, with the party, they’re planning and all.”
The purple-haired witch made a small face, “You didn’t know? Gus has been talking my ear off all day about it.” She conjured her scroll to show her girlfriend, gesturing to the dozens of unread penstagram messages she’d likely chosen to ignore.
“The two of them have been insufferable today, how am I supposed to know the difference between Pep Ph.D. and Dr Fizz? And what in Titan’s name is a clown.” She threw up her hands, irritated, before resigning to letting them sit crossed over her chest.
Luz shrugged, still staring at the number of messages, “Pep tastes kinda like barbecue sauce if it was carbonated, Dr Fizz is sweeter, bubblier, and by far the better soda. And clowns are a staple of every good party.”
Amity looked slightly baffled, like she wasn’t expecting Luz to have an opinion either, then gently took her scroll back to rapidly text a message to Gus.
“…What’s the party for?” The words came out muffled, and slightly anxious. She wanted to help, she was a great party planner—Willow knew that, Gus knew that, why were they leaving her out?
“Oh,” Amity was stilly texting, “I think Gus’s birthday is coming up.”
“WHAT?” Luz slammed her hands on the cafeteria table, startling Amity and bringing the attention of the rest of the lunchroom to both of them, various Hexside students glaring or staring, judgingly.
Amity gently brought her hands to Luz’s shoulders, pulling the human back into her seat and nervously laughing. Said human leaned in, close, raising a hand to her mouth to whisper.
“What do you mean Gus’s birthday is coming up?” She was his friend; she should be an expert in these kinds of things! No wonder he and Willow had been avoiding her, they probably didn’t want to break the news to her that she had forgotten one of her best friends’ birthday.
“The party is this weekend,” Amity supplied, mimicking her girlfriend’s hushed tone. “They’ve been sending out invitations on penstagram all day.”
She turned her scroll toward Luz again, this time, a fun-looking, brightly colored invitation with a doodle drawing of Gus throwing confetti, sprawled across her penstagram dashboard. The specific details were cut out, but she could see that Amity was right—the party was this Saturday.
A small knot formed in Luz’s stomach. She couldn’t get a scroll—they were too intertwined with witch magic, and without a bile sack, it was hard to get one. Normally, if she really wanted to see what was going on, she’d ask Eda to borrow hers, but she didn’t have one of her own. Gus knew that, so did Willow. Did they not want her there? Why wouldn’t they give out invitations in person? Why were they hiding this from her?
She slumped onto the table, burying her face in her arms.
“I guess, well—” Amity faltered, catching up on her girlfriend’s sudden deflation, “It is his thirteenth birthday.”
Luz cringed.
“No, no,” Her girlfriend continued, “It’s his thirteenth birthday, Luz.”
She stared, blankly. “I don’t get what you mean. Why are you saying ‘thirteenth’ like that?”
“Oh shoot,” Amity face-palmed, a pointed ear twitching, “Of course you wouldn’t have the thirteenth, I forget how fragile humans are.”
“Hey,” Luz dragged out the word, scowling, “We’re not fragile, we’re just not meant to digest fairies or survive boiling water.”
Her girlfriend snickered, “Like I said, fragile. Anyways, when a witch turns thirteen, you have to go through some… trials.”
“I like trials,” Luz mumbled.
Amity smiled, fondly, then grimaced, “They’re not fun trials, Luz. A witch’s thirteenth birthday is said to be cursed; you have to spend the day with bad luck, and if you manage to survive, at the end of the day you can throw a party, celebrating your ability to wield magic and become a real witch. It’s a rite of passage.”
She ‘oohed’, “That sounds cool. Why wouldn’t Gus tell me about it?”
The purple-haired girl made a face, “I’m not sure. You’re perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, even if you are… squishy. I’m confident in your ability to survive the death threats of a thirteenth.”
Resting her chin in the palm of her hand, Luz grumbled. “Thank you.”
She moped the rest of the school day.
When her final class came, and the last bell screamed, Luz sulked, taking her time to put away her spell books and potions, slowly zipping her bag and slowly tucking away her pencils. She wasn’t looking forward to walking home alone.
Her feet felt heavy, footsteps echoing down the bustling hallway as other students excitedly talked about their weekend plans. She tried to ignore every whisper of ‘party’, flipping her cowl up to hide her face. Normally, Luz didn’t mind people staring. At home, she got enough of it already, but in the Boiling Isles being the only human made her feel… important.
She didn’t feel important right now.
Her hand gently pushed the front door of the school open, light momentarily blinding her as her eyes got adjusted to the outdoors.
“Luz!” An excited voice called her name, forcing her head to instinctively turn toward the offending noise.
Suddenly, two bodies were tackling her, and Luz found herself toppling to the ground.
“Ohmigosh, are you okay?” A very frantic Gus clambered from their pile of entangled limbs, pushing himself and Willow off of Luz.
“Wha—Gus? Willow? What are you guys doing here?” She blinked a few times, rubbing at the arm she had stupidly hit on the stone ground. Dumb human arms, always getting injured. “I thought you would’ve been getting ready for the party.”
They both cringed.
“Oh… you found out about that?” Willow fiddled with the hem of her skirt, looking away from the human’s face.
Luz felt her face get hot. She was not going to cry about this. Absolutely not. “Of course, I found out! What I wanna know is why my two best friends decided I’m not cool enough to go to their really scary thirteenth birthday party? I know Gus has to go through dangerous trials, and like, prove himself and whatever, but I’m tough! I can take it.”
Gus looked between her and Willow, as if debating whether he should say something. A beat of silence passed.
“Of course, I want you at my party,” the younger witch finally spoke, “actually, that’s what we were coming to talk to you about—”
He scratched the back of his neck, pausing briefly.
“Eda told us that humans don’t have bad luck rituals on their thirteenth birthday, so we—well—we may have—”
“It’s a double party!” Willow interrupted, face quickly turning bright pink. “Sorry, sorry! I’ve been dying of anticipation all day.”
She pulled a rolled-up parchment from her bag, unfurling it to show Luz an edited version of Gus’s party invitation. This one included a small doodle of Luz as well as Gus, both donning matching party hats and throwing confetti. At the bottom, the date and time were clearly listed.
Saturday, 9:00pm, The Owl House.
Luz’s eyes widened, a large grin forming on her face.
“You guys!” She d’awwed, pulling them into a group hug.
“We didn’t want you to miss out, and Eda said you’d be able to handle all the bad luck just fine, and King’s okay with it as long as we bubble-wrap you, and we didn’t want to miss your birthday in case you had to go home before we can celebrate—” Gus cut his own rambling off, taking a breath.
“We got a clown!” Willow laughed, excitedly clapping.
Gus nodded enthusiastically, repeating her, “We got a clown!”
“Is this why you were texting Amity all those weird questions?”
Her friends both gasped, Gus especially offended, “I wanted to be as accurate as possible, the party is human-themed after all. Amity wasn’t supposed to tell you about it! That’s the point of a surprise party.”
“Eda was setting up pre-birthday decorations at the Owl House for tonight’s sleepover.” Willow added.
“Sleepover?” Luz repeated, awestruck. “Oh, my Azura, you guys are the best.”
The three kids hugged again, laughing about their birthday schemes. Human or not, Luz should’ve known better than to think her best friends would exclude her like that.
This was going to be the best Friday ever.
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lexicals · 3 years
So, a not-so-short summary of the last few strabo sessions (If you're playing curse of strahd and not blocking my strabo tag some of this does contain campaign spoilers!):
The party reach vallaki with ireena in tow. They spend One Whole Night there, decide that it's not nearly good enough for their special girl, and endeavour to leave bright and early the next morning
Ireena, despite being the reason they want to get going so fast, digs her heels in. This town is obviously suffering, and she wants to do at least one good thing here before they move on (partially because I don't want my level 4 party wandering into a lv6 area just yet lmao)
The party say "oh my god FINE" and agree to go see the baron to try to get him to release the poor people he's got locked in the stocks for no reason
On the way out, they bump into rictavio. The evening before, they were sniffing around his wagon and realised there was something alive in there, so they decide to grill him about it
Rictavio is evasive and tells them not to worry about it. It becomes the party's new purpose in life to go see what's in the mystery wagon
They basically bully rictavio into letting them look inside the wagon. They are satisfied with this result, and then realise that they were being watched the whole time
They chase down the spy, and then proceed to have a long discussion about what to do with him while the dwarven monk sits directly on his chest to keep him on the ground. They decide that the best option is to put him in the town stocks, and when ireena asks if the guards won't notice an extra person, decide to swap him out with one of the people already in there
Somehow, they manage this without the guards noticing. The same cannot be said for literally every other townsfolk in the square
Having stashed their man, they now have a new man to decide what to do with. After initially just turning him loose, they feel bad for him and decide to escort him to the church
Father lucien agrees to keep him there as long as he can, and also says "heyyyy while you're here, don't suppose you can get these super important magic bones back for me?"
The party say "ugh fineeeee"
They bully the teenage groundskeeper into telling them what he did with the bones, and he points them at the local coffin maker, henrik, who our monk already happens to have beef with because he wouldn't let him buy woodcarving tools from him
They go to henrik's house. They kick down the door. Henrik says "oh man yeah you got me, bones are upstairs. There's vampires up there btw"
They search the first floor. There are several human-sized boxes up there. Helpfully, a spectral glowing drawing of a sun appears above one of them, and a drawing of a skull appears above another four
The party says "cool, now we know where the vampires are!"
And smashes
One of the boxes
With a skull on it
Predictably, all hell breaks loose. The bard loses half his health in a single attack. They soon realise that none of the damage they're doing to these things is sticking. Everything is going great
Having realised that things are not in fact going great, we start the next session with a new goal: get the fuck out of here
The rogue zooms across the room to the correct box and grabs the bones. Everyone else starts to leg it, except the poor monk, who can't get out of his grapple. Fortunately, one of the vampires seems to have a sudden change of heart and starts attacking the others. Unfortunately, it fails to release the monk from the grapple. I start preparing funeral rites for him.
Some well-used paladin spells result in three turned vampires and one freed monk. The party promptly get the fuck out of there, but stop to thank their new friend, vampire #2, who says they'll hold the rest of them off as long as they can
They get back downstairs. The monk decides the only sensible option is to set fire to the house. Some other party members feel that henrik doesn't quite deserve to burn alive, and try to convince him to leave, but he doesn't really care enough. Ever the pragmatist, ireena just picks him up and slings him over her shoulder
Weirdly, this is the second time my party has fled a burning house heavily injured and carrying a bunch of old bones. I ponder what this could mean
There's some brief discussion. Two of the party decide to run the bones back to the church with ireena and henrik, while the other three insist on staying behind to ensure the vampires burn with the house. This is a great plan.
The ireena group manages to make their way through back alleys towards the church without being seen kidnapping an old man, but in the end decide to follow their possibly-friendly raven acquaintance and end up at the inn
The group at the house see three of the vampires break through the roof, realise that they're unbothered by the minimal daylight, and promptly think "oh shit" and make a run for it. The house is fully on fire, and going by the screaming, friendly vampire #2 didn't make it
They see some guards. They try to turn and fight alongside the guards. The monk is reduced to 1hp (thanks to some clutch healing and a VERY lucky damage roll), and their new friends are slaughtered in seconds. More guards, including that one big scary guy, are on their way, and they decide to just make a run for it
They're also shepherded to the inn, and that's where we left it. I now have to resolve the fight between a dozen town guards and three vampire spawn. This takes me one whole hour
(If you are one of my players stop reading here 💕)
The guards do not fare well. They do their best, but in the end izek and the single surviving guard, guard #8, decide to fall back. Izek does manage to crit fireball (not Fireball, but close enough) one of the spawn to death, but the others give chase
Guard #8 runs out of steam and is overrun. I mourn her passing 😔
Izek manages to get to the baron's mansion and barricade himself inside. We'll see how that goes for him
Final count: 9 guards dead, 2 mortally wounded and keeping their heads down having fled the fight, 2 barbecued vampire spawn, and 1 flaming coffin shop that my random roll for wind direction determined has not spread to the nearby houses just yet
Somehow, it is not yet midday
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Bad boy!Iwaizumi x Reader
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Disclaimer: GIF doesn’t belong to me.
Summary: The entire school fears Iwaizumi as he is rumored to be the scary bad boy, but you think rumors are dumb and was proven right.
Genre: Fluff, AU
Word Count: 1.6K
Iwaizumi was feared by everyone in the school, he had a temper and a scowl that seemed to be his only expression. He always came into class bruised and sat at the end of the class next to the window. And so, he was labeled as the bad boy that no one wanted to cross.
Since mostly everyone was scared of him, he had a few friends, one that was the opposite of him, Oikawa Tooru. His best friend was loud, popular with the girls, and always got his flat ass beat by Iwaizumi. But they were best friends regardless.
You thought his bad boy rumor was stupid since he sat behind you and never caused you any trouble. In fact, he was always gentle if you needed to tell him mundane details about class duties. Another reason why you didn’t believe rumors was because you had one about you. People around you seemed to think you were stuck up since you never really dated. It’s not like that at all, you just weren’t interested in trying to date for fun when you didn’t have any feelings for anyone.
It was the first class and everyone was out of it. Iwaizumi was fast asleep behind you, you could tell by his soft breathing. Spacing out, you doodled on your note and hoped time would go faster.
Lunch break came at last; you quickly got your lunch box out of your bag and got out of class. “Ah, it’s like time slows down during classes,” Your friend yawned as you both walked through the corridor. “I know,” You whined as you stretched.
Sitting at your usual spot with your friends, you noticed that you forgot to get yourself a drink, “I’m gonna head to the canteen, does anyone want anything?”
As none of your friends wanted anything, you quickly headed to the canteen and was delighted to see no one ahead of you at the window.
“Can I have banana milk, please?” You and someone else at said at the same time.
You turned to see Iwaizumi and he was mirroring your surprised expression. He looked away and rubbed the back of his neck, you also started to feel flustered so you also looked away.
“Hmm.. Sorry kids, there’s only one left,” The canteen lady put the milk box in front you two.
Iwaizumi pushed the milk into your direction, “You take it,” He didn’t really hesitate to give it to you.
“No, you take it,” You said as you pushed it back.
He looked surprised that you were arguing back, but picked up the milk and gently pushed it into your hands. “Seriously, I don’t want it,”
You weren’t going to let him give it to you, you could drink something else. “It’s fine, I don’t feel like it now,” Saying that, you put the milk box into his hands and walked away as fast as you could.
He’s really cute.
Little did you know that Iwaizumi was staring at your retreating form with a light blush on his face.
“You’re such a soft boy,” The canteen lady smirked at Iwaizumi and broke him out of his trance.
Getting back to your friends, you wondered why your heart was pounding even though you didn’t run. “Hey, why are you blushing?” One of your friends asked.
“Did you do something naughty?” Your other friend teased with a smug face.
“You guys read too much Shoujo,” You said and put your hands on your cheeks as they laughed at you.
Returning to class after the break, you saw the banana milk box on you desk. You turned to look at Iwaizumi’s desk but found it empty. Holding the milk box, you smiled and put it in your bag.
As the school day was coming to an end, you packed your bag and headed to the door. You couldn’t wait to walk home with your friends; putting out your phone you started texting them, and without noticing what’s in front of you bumped into someone.
“Oh, sorry,” Lifting your head, you saw Iwaizumi. “Ah, Iwaizumi! Thanks for the milk, you didn’t have to do that,” you added the last bit looking away from his eyes.
“I-it’s fine, you don’t have to thank me,” Iwaizumi wanted to die for stuttering in front of you. He rubbed his neck, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You couldn’t believe he wanted to see you tomorrow. “Yea,” you smiled. Moving to the side to leave the class, he moved to the same side to enter then you both did the awkward side to side dance at the door until you stopped and held his arms to stop him. “Sorry,” you said as you rushed outside.
Shit that was so cringy!
Iwaizumi put his face in his hands as he wished for his death again, and to make matters worse for him, a smirking Oikawa popped at his side. “What’s this? A lovesick Iwa-chan?”
“Shut up, Shittykawa!!”
The very next day you put chocolate cookies at Iwaizumi’s desk. He looked really surprised when he saw it, and gently tapped your shoulder for your attention. “You didn’t have to,” he softly said as you turned around.
“I know. I wanted to though,” you said with a smile before turning back to the board.
A week has passed and you noticed that Iwaizumi was attending classes more; you guys also shared conversations more than usual. And before you knew it, you started falling for him.
Today you had after school chores, watering the plants. What you weren’t prepared for was the sudden summer rain that showered down. ‘Damn, I could’ve returned home early,’ you looked at the plants you watered.
Hurrying inside, your wet uniform shirt was clinging onto your torso. Putting your arms around yourself in attempt to hide your now visible bra, you hurried to your class.
“Hey, isn’t that the stuck up girl?” You found three boys sitting at the stairs.
One of them stood up, “I hear she never dates, but look she’s trying to get boys’ attention,”
You backed away as they started getting closer to you. “Hey drop the shy act, we know you’re doing this on purpose,” Their leader, you guessed, grabbed your wrist harshly.
“Get the fuck away from her!” The leader got punched square in the jaw, and you turned to see a furious Iwaizumi.
Your savior took off his jacket and put it around you, “Are you okay?” He looked into your eyes.
Before you could answer, Iwaizumi took a punch by one of the minions, and the other one cradled their crying leader.
“Iwaizumi!” You gasped.
“You bitch,” Iwaizumi growled and pounced on his attacker.
“Iwaizumi, stop!” You tried to stop the fight, but Iwaizumi was straddling the boy and hit him enough to make him pass out. “Hey asshole, apologize to [Y/N], or your friend ends up in the hospital,” Iwaizumi addressed the leader.
You didn’t know why he was defending you, “They don’t have to, let’s just leave Iwaizumi,”
“No. Not until they say they’re sorry,”
The leader slowly got up, “I’m sorry!” He said a bit too loudly to you, “There! We apologized now let us go!” You could see he was tearing up again.
Iwaizumi got off the minion, “If I see you touching her again, you’ll be sorry. Now fuck off,” He glared at them. They didn’t need to be told twice as they ran for it.
Looking at his busted lip and bleeding knuckles, you approached him and held his hand. “I’m sorry,” You softly said.
“It’s fine,” Iwaizumi tried to pull his hand but you held it still. “No it’s not! You’re hurt,” you pulled him in the way of the infirmary. “The least I could do is patch you up,”
He complied and quietly walked with you. Seeing as it was after hours, the nurse’s office was empty. You made him sit down, and you brought the tools to treat him.
Looking at his injured knuckles, your heart clenched. “You didn’t have to fight them,” You quietly told him as you wrapped his hand.
“I couldn’t let them get away with disrespecting you like that,” He seriously told you. Your heart raced at his confession and you found it hard to look at him but you needed to treat his lip.
Gently dapping a soaked cotton on his lower lip, you tried to focus your vision only on that. But now you really want to kiss him.
Iwaizumi turned his head and stood up, “Thanks,” He said softly, and you could see his ears getting red.
Standing up, you held onto his wrist, “Hajime,” You softly called out his name in attempt for him to stay. You still held his wrist as he turned to look at you.
“Don’t say my name like that, [Y/N],” He quietly said as he backed you to a wall. “I wouldn’t be able to control myself,” Putting his hands on either side of your head, he leaned closer.
You gently held his face and leaned in, “I don’t want you to,” Closing the gap with your lips, you kissed him softly as not to hurt him, but was surprised when he deepened the kiss strongly, not caring for his injury. He groaned into the kiss when you hugged him close, and broke it by pressing his forehead onto yours.
“I like you,” He shyly admitted.
“I like you too,” You smiled with a light blush. “Please don’t get into fights anymore,” Holding his face, you attempted to sound stern but he just chuckled.
“Okay, I’ll try,” He kissed your head.
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
Found your account at almost 2AM and it was the first thing I thought of discovering in the morning. And look at me now, it's been almost an hour and I can't stop scrolling down cuz IT4S JUST SO AMAZING. Can i request some levihan angst AU about one of them being tortured then getting saved by the other one? Thank you for your magestic writing
ok, so it's set in modern setting but the events are similar to the uprising arc in canon???? anyways, i hope you like it, take care :)
Hange watched, disinterested, as a big burly man picked up a large knife and then crouched next to her.
“I would advise against it.” Hange noted nonchalantly.
The man stared at her, dumbfounded. “You would advise against what?”
“Doing that,” Hange nodded at the knife. “Hurting me.” She added, when she saw that her previous words didn’t help to clear the fog in the man’s eyes.
The man gave her a feral smile. “Really?” he cocked his head to the side. “Do tell me then why I shouldn’t hurt you.”
“Well, you do know who I’m married to, right?”
The man gave Hange another confused look, and Hange was honestly surprised by that. So he wasn’t one of the thugs, who kidnapped her so they could get their revenge on Levi? Was she kidnapped because someone actually needed her, and wasn’t just looking for the way to hurt Levi? Well, Hange thought to herself with a grin, that made this whole situation less humiliating. Even if Hange got caught like the biggest fucking idiot. Although, in her defense, she hadn’t been sleeping for the last two days, too engrossed in her research, and it made her less aware about her surroundings. However, Hange knew that this explanation wouldn’t work on Levi. Oh, her husband would get so furious, Hange could already picture his angry little face, with his eyes narrowed dangerously at her and his angry voice shouting at her to be more careful.
Hange returned her gaze to her kidnapper, squinting suspiciously at him. “You really don’t know?” she asked, just to be sure.
“Lady, I don’t give a fuck about who you are married to,” the man growled. “The only thing I care about is the location of Erwin Smith. Which I expect you to reveal for me.”
Hange wanted to shout in triumph. She loved Levi and their marriage was one of the best things that happened to her, but sometimes it was really hard being his wife. Levi was a cool strong man, who beat up bad guys on a daily basis, and Hange loved him for that! She admired his strength and his convictions and how he was willing to sacrifice even his life to help other people. But. Every fucking criminal in their city thought it would be wise to kidnap Levi Ackerman’s wife just so they could screw with him. And Hange really hated to be the damsel in distress. She knew how to defend herself, and she was fucking good at it, but, sometimes, well, sometimes, like in this particular instance, she became too absent-minded to notice two guys following her through the dark alley. She didn’t notice them until they jumped right onto her, pressing a chloroformed handkerchief to her nose. Ah, well, no big deal. Happens to everyone.
Hange gave the man a big, toothy smile. “Listen,” she began cheerfully. The man stared at her with wide eyes, obviously shocked by the sudden change in her behavior. “I would really, really, like to tell you about that, but,” if Hange’s hands weren’t bound behind her back, she would have shrugged, but now she could only bat her eyelashes at the man, feigning innocence. “Unfortunately, I can’t do that. That’s classified information.”
The man growled in frustration, and grabbing Hange by the hair, he punched her hard. Hange’s head lolled to her side, but surprisingly the blow didn’t hurt as much as she expected. Did he go easy on her?
“Tell me where Erwin Smith is!” The man demanded angrily. He held Hange’s shirt in his fists, putting her face close to his. As he began shouting at her, Hange felt the smell of his breath. Eugh, she thought, now she kinda understood why Levi was such a clean-freak. The man reeked and it was disgusting.
“I don’t know where he is!” Hange exclaimed, deciding to change the strategy. “You took the wrong person, I’m just a scientist, I’m not involved in Erwin’s secret plans!”
“Don’t play dumb with me!” the man shook her again, looking furiously at her. “I know who you are! I know everything about you!”
Hange smirked, cocking her head to the side and regarding the man with interest. “Do you?”
“You are Hange Zoe, a researcher and lead scientist in Erwin’s Smith agency called “Wings of Freedom”. You are his right-hand man and I’m sure he doesn’t need to tell you about his plans, as more than half of them are devised by you.”
Hange couldn’t lie to herself, she was impressed. She thought he was just an amateur, but this man actually knew a lot about her, in fact he knew too much.
“And yet you have no idea who my husband is,” Hange raised her head and looked at the celling. It was dump and leaking. “A grave mistake, really.” She sighed.
“I told you I don’t care--“
“But you should,” Hange cut him off. “If you value your life, of course.”
“Oh?” the man raised his eyebrow sarcastically. “Then please tell me who your husband is.”
Hange grinned at the man. “Does the man Levi Ackerman ring any bells to you?”
It was a fantastic sight. The man palled immediately, his eyes widening in shock and his gaze filling with fear.
Hange’s grin grew wider. “You know, how angry he would get? Oh, he would get so angry with you, he would be furious!” Hange snickered, watching how the man slowly swallowed. “No one likes when Levi gets angry, well, I do like it, but only because sex with angry Levi is amazing. But I don’t think you’ll enjoy what Levi would do to you. You stole his precious wife, after all, and believe me, he loves me very much.”
To Hange’s surprise, her threats had a diametrically different reaction. She probably went too far, because instead of being scared, the man, like a cornered animal, got angry. He grabbed Hange by her hair again and punched her for the second time. That hit was much stronger than the first one, splitting Hange’s lip and throwing the glasses off her face. They fell to the ground loudly, the sound of broken lenses filling the room.
“That was your second mistake,” she told him grimly, spitting out the blood in her mouth. “You broke my glasses and that was the third broken pair this month. Now you’ve made me angry too.”
"Oh, and what are you going to do?” the man gripped the knife in his hand tighter. “Need I to remind you that you are currently tied up to a pipe in my basement. You are bloodied, alone, and completely at my mercy. And besides,” the man made a show of looking around and squinting into darkness. “I can’t see your husband here, whoever he is, so you better be a good girl and just tell me the truth.”
Hange lowered her head, her hair falling to obscure her face. “I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because… Because then Erwin will get angry with me. And I hate when he does that. He always scolds me like some school teacher, like… like an angry math teacher!”
Hange suddenly remembered her high school math teacher, she had hated the man, and she was sure that the feeling was more than mutual. A sharp pain in her shoulder, however, reminded her that she was getting distracted.
Hange looked to her left and saw that the man’s big knife was now stuck in her shoulder. She gritted her teeth to stop herself from crying out. She was Hange fucking Zoe, she wouldn’t let some amateur asshole have the satisfaction of seeing her scream in pain.
“I’m fucking sick of you!” the man shouted. “Just tell me the information so I can finally kill you!”
Hange threw her head back and laughed. “Really shouldn’t have told me that. Why would I tell you anything now?”
The man tore his knife out of Hange’s skin. He began playing with its edge, regarding Hange with thoughtful eyes.
“I’ll give you one more chance,” the man said finally. “I’ll give you an hour, so you сould reconsider your answer. And I’ll give you a little cut,” he grinned, showing his knife. “To give you some motivation.”
Hange met his amused eyes with icy cold stare.
“You can do that,” she said in a low, dangerous voice, baring her bloodied teeth at the man. Her injured face and crazy eyes made her look almost feral and the man took a step back, terrified but unable to look away from Hange. What kind of man this Levi Ackerman was, if that scary woman was his wife? “You can also shoot me, strangle me, hit me again, whatever tortures your tiny mind comes up with, but no matter what you do, no matter how much you hurt me, I will never, ever betray Erwin’s trust.”
The man felt sweat gathering on his forehead and his hands began to shake. He gripped the handle of the knife harder. He was sure that whoever sat in front of him, it wasn’t just a woman. Looking at her, kneeling on the dirty floor of his basement, her eyes ablaze with fury, he wasn’t even sure she was a woman, that she was a human at all. She was a monster, a fucking demon, and he cursed himself for taking this job.
But there was nothing he could do. If her husband was even half as dangerous as this woman, it meant he had to finish his business quickly and then run fast and far. But before running away like a goddamn coward, though, he needed to give his boss the location of Erwin Smith.
So, holding his favorite knife securely in his grasp, he plumaged it deep into woman’s stomach. The sharp edge pierced her soft flesh like it was nothing. The woman kept looking at him with the same fierce glare, her face never changing, as though she didn’t even feel the pain.
The man staggered shakily to his feet, kicking woman’s leg with his as he stood over her.
“I’ll ask you again in an hour.” He promised before leaving her alone in the dark cold room.
 Hange sat on the damp floor, surrounded by darkness. She wondered how much time has passed. To her it felt like ages went by since the man shut the door after himself, but surely it couldn’t be more than an hour? The blood was oozing from the wound on her stomach, forming a pool under her legs. Hange smirked grimly, things didn’t seem to go very smoothly for her right now.
Hange couldn’t help but wonder: where the fuck was Levi? Usually it didn’t take him a lot of time to find her, beat up all the bad guys, and then heroically save her, all the while grumbling about her stupidity.
Suddenly Hange remembered. The day before her kidnapping. She told Levi not to wait for her in the evening, saying that she had a deadline on her research project and there was a lot of work at the lab and she would probably sleep on the couch in her cabinet. But as Hange spent her day in the lab, it turned out that there weren’t many things left for her to check and re-check. Moblit volunteered to finish the rest and so Hange decided to surprise Levi and come home earlier.
Yeah, surprise him she did.
Feeling her head getting dizzy because of the blood loss, Hange wondered: could it be that Levi didn’t even notice her disappearance? A chill ran through her spine as Hange’s head filled with unwanted, panicked thoughts. She already lost a lot of blood, and even if she can survive that, the angered man would return and then surely kill her. She needed to think how to escape, because telling him about Erwin’s location was definitely out of question. Even the threat of death wouldn’t make Hange betray her friend. 
Before Hange could start planning her escape, the door of the basement opened. After sitting so long in the dark, Hange was blinded by the bright light, coming from the corridor.
The man walked up to her slowly, taking pleasure in watching how pale Hange was and how labored her breaths were.
“Ah, you don’t look so good, honey,” the man smiled all too sweetly at Hange. He crouched next to her again, and his loyal knife was held tightly in his palm. “Do you want my help?”
Hange sneered at him. “Go fuck yourself.”
Suddenly, Hange heard something. The sound was quiet, almost silent, and the man probably didn’t hear it. But Hange did. And she recognized it immediately. After all, she would be a pretty bad wife, if she didn’t know her husband just by the sound of his footsteps.
The man didn’t notice anything, didn’t even seem to see the grin that spread at Hange’s lips. He raised his hand, as though to grab Hange by her chin. Levi was at him in a second, sizing his giant head in his hands and then quickly snapping his neck.
“Fucking scum.” Levi spat out. “Wanted to touch my wife with his filthy hands.”
Levi stared at the dead body for another second, before turning his attention to Hange.
“What the fuck, four-eyes?” Levi asked angrily as he went behind her back to untie her hands. “It’s the third kidnapping this month. The third. When will you get your head out of your ass and finally start noticing when people are following you?”
Hange chuckled, relief and happiness making her head spin. Or maybe it was the blood loss. Well, part of it was definitely due to the blood loss, but she was really happy to see Levi.
When Levi was done with the ropes, he took Hange’s wrists into his hands and gently rubbed the bruised skin. Still holding her hands into his, Levi came to sit in front of Hange.
His brows were furrowed in annoyance, as he was probably still angry at Hange’s carelessness, but his eyes showed how worried he was for her.
Levi’s breath hitched as he finally took notice of the extent of Hange’s injuries.
“It looks worse than it actually is,” Hange was quick to assure him. She didn’t want Levi to faint.
Slowly, with trembling hands Levi grabbed the end of Hange’s shirt and lifted it up. He cursed when he saw a wide gushing wound that ran through Hange’s stomach. His grip on her shirt tightened, and Levi turned to glare at the already dead man.
“Oi, Levi,” Hange gently touched his cheek, making him look at her. “He’s already dead and can’t do any harm to me. Besides, the wounds don't hurt that much.”
“Your hand is cold.” Levi grumbled.
“Your hand is cold,” Levi repeated in the same gruff voice. “It’s always warm and now it’s cold, so don’t fucking tell me you are fine. If I hadn’t arrived in time, if I hadn’t called to check on you in the evening, you would have died, Hange.”
“But you arrived in time,” Hange gently smiled at her husband. “I’m still alive, because you saved me, just like you always do.”
“You saved me first.” Levi muttered under his breath and carefully approached Hange, kneeling beside her.
Hange put her hands around his neck, and then Levi put his hands under her knees, slowly lifting her up.
The moment Levi’s warmth enveloped her, Hange’s eyes closed and she drifted to sleep.
 The first thing Hange noticed upon waking up was the feeling of someone’s hand tightly clutching hers. The second thing she felt was the smell of antiseptics. Judging by the soft bed and the annoying beeping of the machinery, Hange guessed she was in hospital.
She slowly opened her eyes and sat up. Her shoulder and stomach hurt a little, however the moment her eyes landed on the familiar mop of black hair, all uncomfortable feelings were replaced by immense love and adoration Hange felt for that man. With her free hand, Hange touched Levi’s head, her fingers immediately tangling in his soft locks. Levi’s head was on her lap, as he fell asleep in the hospital chair.
“Idiot,” Hange whispered fondly, looking at her husband. His whole body would be sore, when he wakes up, but Hange didn’t have the heart to disturb his peaceful slumber. It wasn’t often that Levi slept so soundly and the recent events probably tired him out.
“I tried to make him go home, but he didn’t listen.” Hange heard a familiar deep voice. She whipped her around and smiled when she saw who was sitting on the other side of her bed.
“Erwin!” Hange exclaimed, trying to keep her voice as quiet as possible.
“You haven’t noticed me, until now, huh?” Erwin chuckled. “After so many years of marriage you two are still so in love with each other, it’s impressive. I tried so hard to send Levi home, but he stubbornly refused to leave your side. Even Moblit agreed to get some sleep and come back in the morning, but Levi didn’t budge.”
“Ah,” Hange gazed at her husband tenderly. “He sure is a stubborn one.”
“Don’t say it like you aren’t the same. I swear you two were made for each other.” Erwin gave her a fond look, before his eyes suddenly turned serious. “Forgive me, Hange,” he said, laying a hand on her shoulder. “I got you involved, and by trying to keep me safe you’ve got hurt.”
“Oi, stop it, Erwin,” Hange’s eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. “I’m a big girl and I can handle myself. And you didn’t get me involved, I got involved myself, so don’t you even think of blaming yourself.” Hange looked sternly at Erwin. “I forbade it.”
Erwin laughed, his hand squeezing Hange’s shoulder with affection.
“Levi obviously doesn’t share your feelings. When he found what that guy was after, he got so angry with me, I thought I would lose another arm too.”
Hange looked away, embarrassed. “Sometimes he worries too much.”
“Because he loves you.” Erwin told her softly. “So do try to stay out of trouble, Hange. You don’t want to become a widow, because your husband had a heart attack, right?”
Hange laughed. “Yeah, that would be quite troublesome. I mean, it would take some time to find a new husband-”
“Oi!” Levi tightened his hold on Hange’s hand, as he raised his head and glared furiously at her. “What was that shit about a new husband?”
“Levi!” Hange cried out in surprise. “I thought you were asleep!”
“I was. Until you two started blubbering.”
“Were you eavesdropping on our conversation?” Hange asked with a sly smile.
Levi rolled his eyes. “I was just giving you two idiots some privacy to talk about your feelings and shit.” Then he narrowed his eyes at Hange. “And you’re avoiding the question, four-eyes.”
“What? It was just a joke, Levi!” Hange threw the hand, that wasn’t held in Levi’s grasp, in the air.
“Do you already have someone you’re planning to marry after my death?”
“Of course, not!”
Levi looked at Hange closely. “Is it Moblit?”
“And yep, it’s time to take my leave,” Erwin announced, rising up from his chair. Neither Hange, nor Levi paid any attention to him, too busy glaring at each other.
When Erwin disappeared behind the door, Levi huffed.
“Fine,” he said, sighing. “You can marry Moblit after my death. But only if he takes good care about you.”
Hange turned away from him, pouting. “You’re such an idiot, Levi.”
Levi moved closer to Hange, pressing a soft kiss on her cheek. “And yet you still love me.”
“Unfortunately, I do.” And even though, Hange’s voice was still annoyed, her eyes, when they finally looked at Levi, shined with love.
Levi stared at Hange’s face and his hands involuntarily clutched into fists.
“Is it that bad?” Hange whispered.
“Not worse than usual,” Levi replied absent-mindedly, his eyes tracing the bruises on Hange’s face. “I killed that bastard too quickly. Should have let him suffer for what he did to you.”
“You’ve killed him and saved me,” Hange said softly. “That’s enough, Levi.”
“Doesn’t feel like it,” Levi admitted.
He put his hand on Hange’s cheek, his thumb caressing her soft skin. Hange smiled at him and leaned into his touch.
“We will be fine, Levi.” Hange promised, looking deeply into Levi’s eyes.
“As long as we are together.” Levi agreed, placing a tender kiss to Hange’s lips.
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muwi-translates · 4 years
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剣が君 特典ドラマCD 若葉風奇譚 ~江戸花嫁騒動の巻~
Ken ga Kimi Tokuten Drama CD - Strange Tales of the Early Summer Breeze ~Edo Bride Scandal Volume~
Nine track hour or so long drama. No spoilers. As usual, Chinese source with light Japanese referencing.
**Please don’t move this translation or claim it as your own.**
Track 1 - Prologue
Everyone: M-Marriage?!
Enishi: Shh! You’re too loud!
Tsuzuramaru: S-Sorry… but, Miss is getting married…?
Enishi: Well, who wouldn’t be surprised? That one day our princess would actually become a bride… Ugh, those pink cheeks, that silky skin— I can't believe it’s all going to another guy…Gaaah! Princess!!
Saneaki: No, wait, are you sure? It’s so sudden it’s a bit hard to believe.
Suzukake: S-Saneaki’s right! What if you got it wrong? If… if… she got married, I’d get lonely…
Sakyo: You two need to calm down. No matter how much you panic, the problem won’t solve itself. First, let’s listen to what Enishi-dono has to say.
Sakyo: Now then, Enishi-dono. Quickly, tell us what is happening. Hurry and tell us everything you know…!
Kei: You’re the one who needs to calm down! You’re gonna kill him! Let go!
Sakyo: Ah, my deepest apologies. I got a little too… very well, please explain.
Enishi: *gasp* *gasp*...I saw heaven for a second there…
Saneaki: You were really hanging on by a thread there, Enishi-dono.
Enishi: As if you cared about me at all!
Enishi: Anyway, I understand how Sakyo feels. I don’t want to accept this just as much as you guys. The princess getting married to some man…
Tsuzuramaru: I don’t want to think about it!
Enishi: Exactly, to not think about it is to not believe it.
Kei: You’re the one who said it, how could you not believe it?!
Enishi: It’s true I don’t believe it, but I heard it myself.
Suzukake: Heard it? From where?
Enishi: I went to a cloth dealer I knew, and he was talking to me about how his son was getting married soon. Was bragging about how amazing his partner was. I was listening pretty intently, but the more he spoke, the more I thought he was talking about our princess. Eventually I figured out that he *was* talking about our princess, so I ran without even finishing my sake!
Sakyo: And then you summoned us here, yes? I will not say anything about you drinking in broad daylight, I understand the situation well enough.
Enishi. That’s right. That’s why I had to gather all my friends from our journey together from the bridal procession. This is the most serious of emergencies, right? It looked like the cloth dealer’s wedding gift was almost done being prepared, so I thought it would be better to tell you guys as soon as possible.
Kei: Ha. This is stupid. I thought something had happened, but that’s it?
Saneaki: Kei-dono? What’s wrong?
Kei: What do you mean what’s wrong? Cut it out! I was wondering why we had to be called here when it’s just about a girl getting married.
Enishi: You say that, but weren’t you the quickest here?
Kei: Shut up! I… just happened to be nearby!
Tsuzuramaru: Hm? But on my way here a man that looked just like you sped right past me. Did they just happen to look alike? I was walking pretty quickly but he still managed to pass me and disappeared. What a truly extraordinary person…
Kei: *punches Tsuzuramaru* S-S-S-S-Shut up! Stop yabbering! Besides! Enishi, I don’t believe what you’re saying at all. You must have made a mistake when you were all smashed.
Saneaki: Kei-dono is right. If she really were to be married to someone, she would have no reason to hide it from us—
Suzukake: Aaaaah!!
Kei: W-What is it now?
Suzukake: I-I just remembered… when I was delivering medicine earlier, I passed by Princess’ storefront. I think I saw some congratulatory gifts from a dowry being brought there...
Saneaki: What? If that’s true, then what Enishi said might have some weight…
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… it seems that way…
Enishi: Why don’t you guys trust me but trust Suzukake?!
Tsuzuramaru: If this is really happening then… Miss is really being married to some man… Aaaaagh…
Kei: Argh! You’re so loud! Don’t hold your head and start screaming! Oi, Sakyo, don’t just sit there, say something!
Sakyo: Unforgivable.
Kei: Hah? Why’d you stand up for?
Kei: ...Why’d you take your sword? …What are you planning on doing?
Sakyo: What, you ask?
Sakyo: Is it not obvious? I will cut that man.
Suzukake: Cut?! C-Calm down, Sakyo-san!
Tsuzuramaru: Y-You can’t do that!
Saneaki: That’s right, Sagihara-dono. You shouldn’t cut people.
Sakyo: But…!
Saneaki: Even if you injured him, that would change nothing.
Tsuzuramaru: Exactly!
Saneaki: It should be enough to exile him to a deserted island—
Tsuzuramaru: Saneaki!! You can’t do that either!
Kei: Saying some real scary stuff like that… are you forgetting there’s a patrolman here listening?
Enishi: In any case we’re not accepting this marriage. Everybody agree?
Sakyo: I have no complaints. This situation must be stopped, no matter the means.
Kei: You’re scaring us, you need to cool off!
Suzukake: I… I’ve always wished for the Princess’ happiness…so if she really wants to get married, I won’t stop her. But… but, if she’s hesitating even a little… then I hope I’ll be able to convince her to think about it again.
Tsuzuramaru: I’m the same. No matter what, I have to show her my feelings first!
Sakyo: Indeed. I may have been a bit rash...
Kei: A *bit*? A bit my ass. I don’t care what you guys do as long as you’re not cutting down people. And no exiling either!
Saneaki: I will think about it.
Kei: Don’t ‘think about it’, don’t even think about it at all!
Saneaki: No matter the case, I cannot pretend I didn’t hear about this. If this marriage is real, then I am concerned about why she didn’t talk to us about it. This needs to be investigated.
Enishi: Right! For the princess, let’s break this marriage!
Everyone except Kei: Right!
Kei: We’re not breaking anything, didn’t we *just say* we’re investigating? Geez… nothing bad’s gonna happen… right?
Track 2 - Kei
Ah, geez, what’s all this fuss about? Those guys got together and made so much noise over nothing, what an eyesore. It’s just her getting married to someone, what’s the problem?
W-Well, it’s worrying that she didn’t mention it to any of us. But just a bit. Just a bit, that’s all!
Hm? That guy ahead of me… isn’t he the young master of the cloth dealers’ Enishi talked about? But who’s the girl next to him?
(Looks like they’re pretty close… they’re walking so close, and they look happy together.
Don’t tell me, this guy’s about to get married, but he’s going on dates with girls in broad daylight?! 
Don’t mess around. So he’s not planning on properly taking care of her after all? 
That girl’s always working hard no matter where she is, she’s strong-willed but gentle at heart, and she’s an unimaginably good woman. But here you are… Dammit… how could someone like you snatch her up?)
Oi, you over there--
Who’s there?! Don’t bother me--
Huh? Ah, i-it’s you?! Wh-What are you doing here… d-don’t you have to watch the store?
Eh? Ah… you were just coming back from the dojo? Ah, well, there’s nothing wrong with that.
(Nothing wrong with that, my ass! It’ll get ugly if she stays here! If she sees that young master walking around with another woman, she’ll get hurt for sure! I need to think of a way to get her out of here fast. Agh! Why do I have to do something like this? But I can’t just leave it...)
Uh… *ahem* ah, um.. that’s… um… ah, that’s right! You look like you’re getting hungry.
You’re not? Just say you are, idiot!
Anyway, there’s a good teahouse over there. Let’s go! Right now!
(*sigh* Speak of the devil and they’ll appear, huh… but looking at her, it doesn’t look like she saw the young master. But now that I’ve seen that, to let a guy who hangs out with women like that become her husband-- I’m definitely not going to allow it. But… how am I gonna tell her that? …*sigh*)
‘What’s wrong’? What a sleazy guy! It’s because I’ve been thinking about you that I have this headache!
Huh? N-No, it’s nothing… Anyway, hurry up and eat it. Look, all those fresh beans in this anmitsu is definitely going to taste good-- ah, BEANS?! Ugh, I almost ate them…
Hah? I’m not being weird at all! I’m the same as always! Just hurry up and eat it! Here, you can have my portion too.
(What the hell am I doing? I’m getting way too distracted… Anyway, all I have to say is: “Hurry up and turn down the marriage”. A sleaze like him is going to bring her nothing but unhappiness. The time to stop it is now. No, I *have* to say it! “You gotta give up a guy like that”!)
Hey, you. Just give it up.
Idiot, why are you so dazed for? Did you think I wouldn’t know? I was going to find out why you didn’t tell me. But, I have to say this.
If you keep going like this, then you’re just going to get hurt. I won’t say more on what bad things could happen. So think about it again.
That’s true. You wouldn’t understand what I’m talking about. Because you didn’t see what I saw. But I saw it myself, with my own eyes.
I always thought that as long as you were happy, it would be enough. But I realised this wasn’t right. From now on, I don’t want to see you in pain either. That’s why, just believe in me, and think about it!
Ah! I see, you were already planning on giving it up?
--Why are you giving the anmitsu I gave you back?
Hah? I was trying so hard to get you to give up the anmitsu that you decided you won’t eat anymore?
N-No! I wasn’t talking about the anmitsu!
W-Well, it’s true that I don’t like beans, but I don’t care if someone else eats them! Besides! Being this serious over a bowl of anmitsu, that doesn’t even make sense! I wasn’t talking about that at all!
Anyway! Isn’t there something more important?!
That… you know… what I’m trying to say is-- argh, dammit! What I’ve been trying to say is that I want your future to be happy!
(Huh… huh? What… did I just say?)
A-ah, no! Wanting you to be happy… that… that wasn’t what I meant! I-- aghhh!!
T-The money… I’m leaving it here! Bye!!
(What am I doing…? I was supposed to have her give up on the marriage completely… in the end I said so many unnecessary things… I’ll… never be able to face her again… Guh…)
Track 3 - Suzukake
Suzukake: (There she is… it’s the princess. She’s always sweeping the storefront at this time. If she’s really getting married… I won’t be able to meet up with her casually anymore. 
I’ll get lonely.
Hey, Princess, are you really going to get married? Did you really want to get married?
I want to ask her, but I’m scared… 
Ah! She spotted me… I… have to go. Even though I don’t know what to say… I-I’ll just talk like I normally do!)
H-Hey, Princess! The weather’s good today, isn’t it?
Eh? Why was I hiding behind the wagon? So I could come and see you— no, hide and seek! I was playing hide and seek!
Mhm! Y-Yep… I was playing by myself! Ah, no… a person can’t play by themselves… uh… um…
(Ugh… she’s going to think I’m weird…)
Eh? U-Uh huh, yeah, I came to see you. Because I have something I wanted to say to you.
(If I say that then there’s no way I’m gonna run away. I don’t want to either! I’m gonna listen to what she has to say.)
Hey… you haven’t been thinking about wanting to get married before, right?
I’m sorry for asking out of the blue… but I really have to know. You might not remember what happened during the bridal procession clearly anymore, but I still do.
I thought you looked really pretty in your bridal kimono then.
You were just a fake bride then but… but, did the princess really have someone you wanted to get married to one day? Was there... a place you wanted to go with someone?
(Why am I asking these kinds of questions? It’s because… I don’t want to let you go. If you go away with that person… I’ll get lonely. My heart will start hurting, and I’ll feel like I want to cry. Hey… don’t go off to another man’s side! Don’t go, Princess!)
Please, tell me. Do you want to get married?
...One day…?
(That’s a lie… you’re about to get married soon, aren’t you? And then we won’t be able to play, we won't be able to laugh together like this anymore.)
*sobs* Princess! You can’t! Don’t go anywhere! I don’t want that!! *cries*
I won’t be able to hug you like this anymore! I don’t want that! Hey, don’t go, alright?
I’ll do whatever I have to to make you smile! If you ever get hurt, I’ll be able to heal you quickly! No… I’d never let you get hurt! That’s why, Princess, stay with me forever!
Enishi: What the hell are you guys doing in public? 
Suzukake: Aaah! Enishi?! Let me go! Princess is— Princess is—!
Enishi: How could I let you cry out on the streets? Can’t you see you’re worrying the princess?
Suzukake: How could you be so calm? Separating us is so mean!
Enishi: Hah?
Suzukake: The princess is disappearing soon! She’s gonna get taken away by a man I don’t even know!!!
Enishi: W-Wait! If you say it like that then you’re gonna make me sound like a human trafficker! Look! The people around us are staring! Do you want the police to come too?!
Suzukake: *wailing*
Enishi: O-Oi! Don’t move around so much! A-Ah, you’ll hit the wagon! Aaaagh!!
Track 4 - Enishi
*sigh* That got pretty bad… Thanks for letting me rest inside the restaurant, Princess. Suzukake kept coming back too, I wonder what happened?
Ah… you don’t know either. I see.
(Well, he’s probably coming back to listen to any rumours about the marriage… Even though he beat me to it, it looks like no one will bother us for the time being. Plus it’s just the two of us in the restaurant… I guess even the heavens are helping me.)
Ah, no, it’s nothing. Anyway, do you have some time now, Princess?
I see. It’s started to get calmer. That’s good. Hey, Princess, how about we talk for a bit? Here, come sit over here.
(Alright, alright! Everything’s going smoothly. Even though I want to look at Princess like this a bit more, the marriage thing is the most important thing at hand right now. I even made some special preparations for this. I have to change her mind no matter what.)
Hey, Princess. There’s actually something I want to give you.
Here, isn’t it beautiful? This kanzashi.
When I saw it I thought it would suit you so well I decided to buy it. It’s my present for you.
Don’t say that you can’t accept it, you’ll make the kanzashi cry! Besides, there’s nobody else aside from you I want to give it to, so you should take it.
Don’t move, let me put it on.
Come on, if you keep moving around I won’t be able to put it on properly, right?
Yep! I knew it’d suit you! As expected of someone like me, not bad! It’s made out of wood like the ones used for scabbards. Don’t you think that’s nice? You can say it matches the accessories I’m wearing.
Eh? You’re saying this is the first time you know what a scabbard is made out of?
Haha, I’m not *that* knowledgeable yet! Ahaha…
(Uuh… Even though I’m happy she just complimented me, we’re not here to talk about what it’s made out of… I thought it would remind her about the marriage… As expected of the princess, I can’t just use any plain old method… in that case…)
Buuuuut I’m a bit worried…
Why, you ask? Because the princess is just so cute, I’m worried that another man will steal you away.
Maybe that kanzashi can be proof that you should be by my side forever.
Hey… if I said that to you, how would you react? I don’t want to give a princess this cute to someone else.
I’m not playing around, this is how I really feel.
Princess, don’t run away. I want you to listen to me properly. The man you love the most… what’s he like?
You must have thought of someone. Even if you tried to hide it, I can see it clearly. Princess, please think about it carefully.
The man that you’re thinking of right now, is he better than me?
I don’t plan to lose to him. If you doubt my feelings, I’ll prove it to you. I’ll fight him if I have to.
Don’t stop me, there are times where men have to get into battles like this one.
I plan to bring that man here, and have a fight with him fair and square right in front of you.
What? He’s in the house? That’s perfect. Could you do me a favour and bring him out?
(The fact that this guy can just come in and out of her house in broad daylight… I’m so jealous!!— No, he’s about a hundred years too early staying here! Who is this outstanding guy? I’ll personally challenge you! If I win, she’ll definitely change her mind about the marriage!)
He’s out. I’ve been waiting for you. Now, it’s time to duel—!
Ah, huh? Um… I’m pretty sure you’re the princess’ father…?
(Why did her father come out? Hah? I just realised I didn’t specify that I was looking for her marriage partner. Haha, that’s true, if it’s not about love then of course the person she loves the most would be her father. Uh-huh… I see. So… my super serious confession didn’t get through to her at all? P-Princess… I can feel sad too, you know…)
Eh, ah… no, father… fighting fair and square… it was just a figure of speech! F-Father? Why are you grabbing my shoulder smiling like that?
Eh? A cooking battle?
You’re happy because there hasn’t been any youngsters with a backbone to challenge you lately…?? D-Don’t joke, how could a ronin like me challenge the owner of a restaurant?
N-No… y-you made a mistake— this is all just a misunderstanding!!
W-Wait!! Don’t pull me! I know I’m carrying a sword but I’ve never used a knife before!
AAH!! Princess, help me!! Princessss!!!!
Track 5 - Interlude
Kei, Suzukake, Enishi: *sigh*
Saneaki: What’s wrong, you three? Why do you look so worn out?
Kei: Why did I… in front of so many people…
Suzukake: *sobs* No… Princess….
Enishi: J-Julienning… no more…
Sakyo: This time it’s Enishi-dono? What a predicament...
Tsuzuramaru: W-What exactly happened…?
Saneaki: Enishi-dono, don’t you have anything to say?
Enishi: I… I’ll never give up! Princesss!!
Saneaki: It’s no use. I can’t get through to him.
Tsuzuramaru: What about you, Kei? What happened?
Kei: I have nothing to say… except… except. That cloth dealer bastard was getting real chummy with another woman!
Tsuzuramaru: What?!
Sakyo: He is already going to be wed soon… and he was with another woman? Unbelievable…
Saneaki: Even if we ignored Enishi-dono for now, if Kei-dono said so then it must be true.
Enishi: Why do you always have to say things that wound my heart?
Suzukake: *sobs* Princess… *cries*
Saneaki: Suzukake-dono…
Tsuzuramaru: I can’t let this go on! I’m going to go find Miss now!
Saneaki: Wait! Tsuzuramaru-dono!
Tsuzuramaru: Don’t stop me! There’s nothing to say about a guy like him!
Saneaki: Ah, he’s gone…It looks like he went without a plan… will he be alright?
Saneaki: Now then, Sagihara-dono, what should we do?
Sakyo: You… To hand her over to a person like that… 
Saneaki: …It looks like there isn’t a plan here either. *sigh*
Track 6 - Tsuzuramaru
Tsuzuramaru: *panting* I made it…
(Miss… she’s inside. Calm down, Tsuzuramaru. She’s just the same as usual, helping out at home, she hasn’t left the house yet. I can still make it. I should still make it! Now’s the time to be a man, as if I’m staking my life on this!)
*stomach grumbles*
(For my stomach to growl even at a time like this… it makes me hate myself. No… but… ah… that smells so good. It looks like they’re cooking something right now. Are these dried sweet potatoes? 
That smell… Miss’ food always whets the appetite. My stomach’s been completely captured. Even if it’s the same dish, if you look carefully, you can tell she put a lot of effort into it. A woman who meticulously works no matter what it is… that’s Miss… I… I…)
*stomach grumbles*
(Ugh… I want to yell out how I feel about Miss, but I’m so hungry I can’t even summon the energy…)
M-Miss? Why did you come outside?
Is that so? Because you saw me? H-How embarrassing. I seem to have gotten in the way of your cooking.
(No, this is a good opportunity. If I want Miss to cancel the marriage now’s the moment!)
Miss… actually, I’ve been wanting to tell you—
Ugh… this… Actually, I haven't eaten properly since morning because of my worries…
I came at a good time?
T-Taste testing? Are you saying I can help  taste what you’re making right now?
(What? N-No… why did I come here in the first place? But to decline her offer would be a shame… and I’m hungry anyway…)
T-Then if it’s alright with you, I’ll try a little.
Y-Yes! Excuse me…
Usually the master does all the food preparations. It’s strange to see Miss doing that today.
Hm? A lot of customers came and there weren't enough ingredients? So he went to get some?
Ahaha, these customers can really eat a lot, don't they?
Eh? They weren’t eaten? He just did a lot of cooking? And made a lot of food? 
Hm… I don’t really understand, but that’s unfortunate, isn’t it?
(Wait… doesn’t that mean it’s just the two of us here right now? W-What…? My heart suddenly won’t calm down… Anyway, I need to calm down first…)
Sorry, Miss! I was just thinking about something. Ah... did you need me to taste that sweet potato?
Then I’ll help myself.
Delicious! It’s so good! I could taste the flavour of the hot sweet potato as soon as it hit my mouth!
I’m not just being polite! Miss will definitely be a good wife one day. 
(Hm? Wife? That’s right… I seem to have forgotten something important. What was it?)
Oh, did you need me to taste that too?
I’m very grateful. Then, if you’ll allow me…
As expected, delicious! 
(Ah… I’m so lucky... If I were to marry Miss… would it be like this everyday? Marry? ...Marry? Huh… Something doesn’t seem right. I’ve forgotten something… but I can’t remember.
No, I should be focusing on helping taste test the dishes Miss made herself! If I don’t do it properly there’ll be retribution!)
The flavour of this fried fish is endless! I can’t stop my chopsticks! It’s so good I want to eat it with rice! Eh? Can I? Then I’ll help myself. I’ll eat this rice ball, then!
Ah! So satisfying!
Miss’ future husband is going to be so lucky! Hahahaha….
Kei: So. Why did you come back so casually after going out to eat food?!!
Tsuzuramaru: I-I’m ashamed of myself…
Kei: A samurai should stick to his word! Where did all that energy you had when you rushed out this morning go?!!
Tsuzuramaru: Ah… it’s because Miss’ food was so good, I accidentally forgot my original objective…
Suzukake: How lucky, you got to eat the princess’ homemade cooking.
Enishi: Good grief. Let’s not even talk about the food I made, all I got was severe criticism. Huu...
Tsuzuramaru: I-I’m sorry. Hey, where’s Saneaki?
Kei: He just went out. If he can’t do it either, then there’s nothing we’ll be able to do.
Track 7 - Saneaki
(The sun is about to set, and the number of pedestrians passing the bridges has fallen. If the information obtained is correct, the cloth dealer’s young master should pass by here around this time. To get to the truth about these marriage rumours, and the fact that he’s been close to other women, I’ll get to the bottom of this here. If there are any surprises…
No… of course, I don’t plan to cut him down. But if it’s just... the back of the blade, then there should be no problem.
W-What was I just thinking? I’m just going to talk to him.
But… contaminating her beautiful and flawless heart, this is a very serious crime.
Hm? That figure… It’s her? Why? At this time?
I can’t believe I’d see her while waiting for the young master… if she asks me what I’m doing, I’ll have no way to answer her. 
Ugh, did she notice me?)
What a coincidence.
To meet in a place like this. Although… where were you going at a time like this?
Tsuzuramaru-dono forgot something at the restaurant? 
(What was he doing? That Tsuzuramaru-dono…)
Ah, if that’s the case, I can return it to him. No, it’s fine. I have plans to see him again soon, so it’s no trouble. 
Hm? Is something wrong?
Are you that surprised that he and I made plans to meet?
(Ah! No, if you think about it, it is strange! I usually live in the mountains far away from Edo, it’s already unusual for me to be on the streets. Not only that, but to also say I’m meeting with Tsuzuramaru-dono, she’ll definitely think something happened.)
Ah, no, Tsuzuramaru-dono and I were… I know, we promised to train together.
Yes, it was a favour he asked of me. I planned to meet up with him for a few duels.
(Looks like she believes me. So the princess's heart is this pure and flawless.
Plus, my heart is hurting as well.)
Hm? N-No, you don’t have to join us. Although I’m aware you're very passionate about the naginata, it is not appropriate to meet men at night.
Even if you ask me… I can’t…
(Oh no… hearing me mention practice… her eyes are sparkling… If I say it was just a lie, then she’ll know I deceived her. But, I can’t bear to refuse her like this. 
Is there something I could say that wouldn’t hurt her but make her give up…?)
M-My apologies, but wouldn’t it be too difficult for you? This will be very intense training. It’s not something someone should go into without being fully aware of what it is.
What kind of training is it? Well… that…
(F-For me to lie to a pure-hearted girl… please forgive me for my sins!)
We will cross blades at Mount Nabebuta. With a single slice, we will be able to cleave through rocks and trees, split even the earth and ocean, make mountains erupt flames, to raise gales on flat ground, this atypical power passed under the heavens, the true swordsmanship that governs the universe and all living things! That! Is that we will be training for. 
(Is what I said, but what sort of samurai like that would exist?! Even someone like her would notice…!)
I-I see… you think that’s impressive.
No… that… isn’t much.
(S-She believed me? E-Even though I was the one who said it… but to believe even those words is really… Ah… Her trusting eyes… seeing them now pains me!)
What? You want to watch us despite all that? No! E-Even watching us will be difficult.
The reason? The reason is…
(I’ve reached my limit… if I keep betraying her trust in me and continuing saying nonsense… I… I…—)
There’s no possible way I could do that!!
(Oh, God! Please forgive this most sinful servant of yours!)
Track 8 - Sakyo
Everyone: *sigh*
Enishi: Look, even Saneaki looks like he’s gone through a tough battle.
Suzukake: It seems so… Tsuzuramaru aside, Saneaki-san looks so defeated…
Enishi: It looks like the sun is setting soon, I can’t believe the mood got even heavier.
Suzukake: *sigh* We’ve really at the end of our ropes, what do we do now?
Enishi: Oi, Kei, don’t you have any good ideas?
Kei: Don’t ask me, go ask Sagihara. ...Huh? Where did he go?
Enishi: Huh? Now that you say it I haven’t seen him for a while.
Suzukake: Sakyo-san had a really scary face all day, is he going to be alright? When he first heard what Enishi told us, he almost lost his head…
Kei: That was the first time I’ve seen Sagihara make a face that scary before. Don’t tell me… something happened…?
Enishi: No… is what I’d like to say, but I’ve been having a bad feeling about this…
Suzukake: A bad feeling?
Kei: Don’t you remember? When we first met up…
Sakyo: What, you ask?
Sakyo: Is it not obvious? I will cut that man.
Enishi: You don’t think he really took his sword and…?
Suzukake: Eh?! Then we have to go stop him!
Kei: I don’t want to believe it but, with a face like that he really might have gone and done it.
Enishi: In any case, we have to hurry…!
Suzukake: Yep! Come on, Tsuzuramaru, Saneaki-san! You have to pull yourself together for the princess!
Tsuzuramaru: A-Ah, sorry. Now’s not the time to be all down!
Saneaki: Even I had been… Let’s hurry and find Sagihara-dono!
Sakyo: Without knowing it I came to the storefront…
(Just thinking about her marriage partner gives me goose bumps all over my body in disgust. To cheat and marry a girl who doesn’t know any better, what a despicable man! Absolutely unforgivable.
Princess. I will definitely rescue you from the claws of this demon!
For that sake… yes, I have no choice but to draw support from the power of my blade!
Oh? It seems I have been discovered.)
Good evening, Princess.
Are you alright? To step outside at night like this is dangerous. You stepped out because you saw me?
Thank you very much.
Truthfully, I came to find you because I had something I wished to talk to you about.
Eh? Everyone has been saying they were looking for you?
(That’s true… everyone has been very worried about this issue. You did not change your mind no matter who came to you… That is why, I will use this sword…! 
But I cannot do that in a place with so many people. I must find a place much darker, more quiet, somewhere where nobody can disturb me…)
Princess, are you willing to experience the night breeze with me for a while?
Kei: Oi! Is he over there?
Suzukake: He’s not! Where did Sakyo-san take the princess off to?
Kei: Sagihara!! Where are you? Come out!!
Suzukake: Sakyo-san!! Don’t hide anymore!
Tsuzuramaru: He really did go to the store, but I didn’t think we’d be a step too late… I didn’t think he’d take Miss, and not the young master…
Enishi: Sakyo wouldn’t get violent towards the princess, would he?!
Suzukake: N-No way! That wouldn’t happen, right?!
Tsuzuramaru: How could this have happened? Miss!! Where are you?
Saneaki: Isn’t he nearby? We should search the opposite side next…
Sakyo: Oh…?
Everyone: W-We found you!!
Sakyo: W-What is it? Staring at me like I am some exotic creature… and being so loud.
Kei: You have the gall to look that indifferent. We’ve been looking for you!
Sakyo: I do not know what happened, but can you step aside? The princess and I have a place we must go, please do not disturb us.
Suzukake: A place you have to go… w-where?
Enishi: Don’t tell me it’s the Underworld…?
Sakyo: The Underworld? Hm…
Sakyo: Haha. Well, if I am with the Princess, then that place does not sound bad…
Tsuzuramaru: Wh—
Saneaki: I knew it… it’s like that…
Sakyo: I was just teasing, your faces are all so pale. I was simply playing—
Tsuzuramaru: Even if you’re Sakyo, I won’t let you get away with it!
Sakyo: Excuse me—?
Tsuzuramaru: Miss! You can’t lose your life here! Come over here, run!
Sakyo: Where do you think you’re going? Wait!
Enishi: Tsuzuramaru, that guy’s getting the spotlight! As if I’ll let him! Just you wait—
Saneaki: …There’s no choice.
Suzukake: W-Wait! Everybody!
Kei: That idiot! Dammit…
Sakyo: I… I finally caught you… Princess… come, this time… you and I will… together… go…
Tsuzuramaru: I… I won’t let you! Sakyo! Think about it again properly!
Sakyo: No matter how many times I think, my feelings will not change!
Kei: You finally drew your sword, huh, you blockhead!
Saneaki: Sagihara-dono! Do you really think doing this will make the princess happy?
Suzukake: Exactly, Sakyo-san! Come on, put the sword down!
Sakyo: I politely decline the offer. No matter how many times my hand must grasp this sword, I must tell the princess how I feel!
Tsuzuramaru: I won’t let you! Miss, please hide behind me!
Sakyo: You’re naive, Tsuzuramaru-dono.
Sakyo: Oh? There’s a flying riceball in the sky!
Tsuzuramaru: What? Where?
Sakyo: An opening!
Tsuzuramaru: Dammit! Miss!
Enishi: What the hell are you doing, Tsuzuramaru? How could you fall for that?
Sakyo: Hehe. For Tsuzuramaru-dono to think he would win against me, he is a hundred years early for that!
Sakyo: Princess. I truly want to bring you to a very beautiful place. But please, allow me to use this blade to… to blade to…
Everyone: STOP!!
Sakyo: ...give to you! From now on, my family treasures and myself will belong to you!
Everyone: WHAT???
Sakyo: Even after these five’s persuasion, you haven't changed your mind. Since you still want to be paired with someone, then you will have no reason to be paired with that person! Allow me to take you as my bride! So, Princess, you no longer need to be by another person’s side!
Kei: Can you not make it about that?!
Enishi: Right! Right! If you can propose to her can I propose too?!
Kei: That’s not the point either!!
Suzukake: You can be with the princess when you become the groom, right? Then I want to become the groom!
Tsuzuramaru: W-What?! Then me too!! I want to eat Miss’ delicious food every day!
Saneaki: No, no, a groom is a man who can manage the family. If that’s the case then I am the best choice, when it comes to cooking I have some confidence in myself.
Kei: Did any of you guys even listen to me?!!!!
Sakyo: Princess, you do not have to listen to the others. Throw away the cloth dealer’s young master. All you have to do is choose me. Come, Princess!
Tsuzuramaru: M-Miss? Miss? Are you alright?
Enishi: She must be overwhelmed with how she couldn’t even cut in…
Saneaki: You’re asking what this is all about?
Sakyo: What do you mean? We…
Suzukake: We heard you were getting married… so… 
Enishi: Right, and it’s the young master from the cloth dealer, right? But I don’t think that guy will make you happy.
Kei: Sorry, but I saw that guy go out with another girl.
Tsuzuramaru: That’s why we’ve been coming to you, so you can think about this marriage more carefully!
Tsuzuramaru: Eh? You haven’t been thinking about getting married?
Sakyo: But your house seems to have a dowry…
Saneaki: The dowry is your neighbour’s?
Suzukake: Eh? You’re just minding it because they’re not home?
Tsuzuramaru: W-Wait, but there’s been rumours that Miss and the young master were getting married?
Kei: O-Oi, Enishi! What’s going on? Didn’t you say the young master’s getting married to her?
Enishi: Yeah, that’s what I heard! And I was listening properly! The young master’s marriage partner is energetic, is good at cooking, her voice is as clear as a bell, and even flowers will bloom on the road where she walks. She’s so slender she looks like she would break at a touch, but her willpower is stronger than most people. And the most important thing: I heard she has a cute smile!
Enishi: It’s definitely the princess! Even now I think I’m right! That’s how it is! What do you think, you lot?
Tsuzuramaru: …I agree.
Suzukake: That’s true…
Saneaki: I see… Well, it’s not like I don’t understand how Enishi-dono feels.
Kei: WHERE?! You got it completely wrong!!
Sakyo: Wait a second… so what you are saying… is that this is all… a misunderstanding?
Enishi: Ah… It… seems… so. Hehe, but knowing the princess isn’t getting married is good news!
Kei: It’s. Not. Good. News. At. ALLLL!!!
Track 9 - Ending
Sakyo: Apologies for intruding.
Tsuzuramaru: Oh, if it isn’t Sakyo.
Sakyo: Tsuzuramaru-dono? And everyone else seems to have gathered here...
Enishi: Yep, and with you we’ll all be present. Can you sit with everyone? Sit here.
Sakyo: To visit the princess again… it seems everyone had the same idea.
Suzukake: Mhm, I caused trouble for the princess, so I bought some tea sweets as a gift for her.
Saneaki: Everyone all came here for the same reason.
Enishi: Anyway, it doesn’t need to be said, doesn’t matter which one of us it is, we all want to see the princess, right? Right, Kei?
Kei: D-Don’t touch me! You’re the one who needs to reflect on himself the most!
Tsuzuramaru: But, even though we brought trouble to Miss, to know that this time it was all just a misunderstanding was good. After reflecting my stomach couldn’t help but grumble, what can you do?
Enishi: Well… can’t you see Sakyo’s dripping in cold sweat?
Sakyo: T-That is not because I am here to apologise… please do not talk about it. You are being spiteful.
Suzukake: Let’s calm down, the both of you. Enishi, don’t make Sakyo angry.
Enishi: Alright, alright. Well… why isn’t the princess here yet?
Sakyo: Oh? That is strange… did she leave the restaurant today?
Saneaki: Yes, her father was the one who seated us.
Kei: That’s unusual. Usually she’ll rush back to welcome us. What is she doing…?
Tsuzuramaru: Don’t tell me… she’s been mad at us these past few days, so she doesn’t want to see us anymore?
Suzukake: Eh?! We didn’t make the princess hate us, did we?
Enishi: N-No way… we’re talking about the kind-hearted princess here! There’s no way that’s it…
Saneaki: But if it is… we should prepare ourselves just in case.
Kei: Don’t say something like that so seriously.
Sakyo: It does not look like we need to do that kind of preparation.
Suzukake: Ah! Princess! You came! That’s good!
Suzukake: Eh? The kimono you’re wearing today isn’t the same as the one you normally wear.
Tsuzuramaru: It… it suits you well!
Saneaki: I see… you got your other one wet, so you changed your clothes… 
Enishi: Oh, it was just that? Buuuut… hmhm! Not bad! It’s more mature than your usual look, it adds to your womanliness!
Kei: Why’re you saying stuff like that? She hasn’t changed from how she normally is, or whatever.
Sakyo: It is good if that is the case. Kei-dono, why can’t you look at her?
Kei: Shut up!
Sakyo: Heh. Well, I cannot say I do not understand that kind of feeling too. That said, Princess, this is a gift to make up for that day. Please accept it.
Sakyo: No, please do. If you cannot, then my feelings will not be able to recover.
Sakyo: Phew… now I will be able to breathe in relief.
Tsuzuramaru: I’m really sorry, Miss. I got you involved in all that… Haha, seeing you able to laugh like that, it’s already something I can appreciate.
Suzukake: Ah, a customer is calling for you. Sorry for disturbing your work.
Saneaki: Don’t mind us, you should go back to work.
Kei: We’ll call you after we decide what to order.
Tsuzuramaru: Even though we caused nothing but trouble for her… she’s still… such a kind-hearted girl!
Sakyo: Yes, I agree.
Enishi: That’s because she's that kind of princess. That’s why we can’t stop watching her. Ignoring the whole thing with the cloth dealer’s young master, a wonderful woman like her, even if it was someone else we wouldn’t let her go easily.
Saneaki: The so-called fusion of reality and rumors. The customers watch over her too.
Suzukake: You’re right… they’re looking at her and talking about something. 
Tsuzuramaru: Shh. Don’t talk…
Suzukake: What’s wrong? All of a sudden...
Tsuzuramaru: Those men over there, just now, they were talking about the rumours about Miss… 
Tsuzuramaru: WHAAAAT!!
Tsuzuramaru: This time… he wants to get married to Miss???
Everyone: WHAT?!
Sakyo: I have had enough of this!!
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mymelodyheart · 4 years
Highland Destiny Chapter 3 ~The Meeting~
James Fraser knew he was doomed when he realised he couldn't shake off the image of the Sassenach. What he thought of as a fleeting attraction had become an obsession that plagued his dreams and waking life.  He couldn't stop thinking about her. It's as if when their eyes locked for a brief moment, the stars aligned only to be scrambled again like some cruel joke. Jamie knew it was no longer a matter of choice - he had to find her.
It was a baffling notion that she could simply vanish from the face of the earth without a trace. He made enquiries in and around Inverness and not one of his contacts, emergency institutions nor were any of his friends were able to assist. His last hope in finding the elusive English woman was Mother Hildegarde from St. Agnes, and he planned to visit her later in the hospital. Surely she would know something considering the mystery woman was sleeping under her roof. 
Christ Sassenach, where are ye??
It was early Monday morning, and Jamie was jogging back to the distillery. He sprinted the last half-mile in the hope that the exertion would diminish the frustration he was feeling. By the time he reached Frisealach Compound, he had worked up quite a sweat and his secretary, Laoghaire MacKenzie was waiting with a towel in her hand as he came through the door.
"Good morning to ye Jamie, enjoyed yer run?" He was greeted by a beautiful, blonde girl with too much make-up on and a dazzling smile. "I was watching ye from the window running like a mad-man, so I ken ye'd be here soon. I took the towel from your sports bag. Did ye spend the night in the office?" She approached Jamie purposely.
"Aye, and thank ye." Not offering any further explanations, he ignored the seductive look from his secretary and took the towel from her. "Don't ye have anything better to do?" Jamie asked, mildly annoyed and slightly out of breath from running all the way to the fifth floor.  
Disregarding the hint of sarcasm, Laoghaire smiled sweetly, "You have some messages, and I left them on your desk. Also, Murtagh called to remind you about the general meeting at 10 today." She reached out to Jamie for the towel. "Here, let me dry your back... ye're soaking."
"That'll be it Laoghaire, thank you." Ignoring her antics, he quickly made his way to his office, shutting the door firmly. 
Christ, I need to do something about that woman! 
Jamie quickly made a few business calls and arrangements with the bank to donate £50,000 towards the St. Agnes Orphanage's restoration. Next, he grabbed his sports bag and keys and headed back out again. 
"See you later. I'm going home to change, and then I'll be at the station for the rest of the morning. Anything important just passed it on to Rupert." 
Before Laoghaire could utter a word or react, Jamie was gone.
Claire's first weekend in Inverness started off with a bang, literally. She belatedly discovered that the fire was caused by an exploding furnace. Fortunately, there were no fatalities, and everyone in the orphanage that night made it to safety.
Following the events of that Friday night, Claire made a new friend in the form of Tom Christie, the junior doctor from the paramedic team. She learned that he was employed at the Royal Northern Infirmary, where Joe had taken his residency job. With nowhere else to go after the fire, Tom helped her locate Uncle Lamb's cottage and carried her suitcases into her new home. She was thankful that only a handful of her possessions perished in the blaze as most of her belongings remained in the car when she arrived at St. Agnes. 
Claire spent the next two days unpacking, shopping, catching up with her best friend, Joe and visiting Mother Hildegarde in the hospital. Likewise, she visited some of the orphans and nuns injured in the fire. Worried about their plight, she was reassured by a nurse that the orphans were rehomed temporarily across the Highlands until St. Agnes is restored. This was comforting news! 
The remainder of her Sunday was spent at home unwinding and was pleasantly surprised when Tom popped in for a quick visit bearing a bunch of flowers and a basket of preserves from his sister's shop.
"Ach, it's nothing. Just a wee house warming gift and my way of saying thank ye for helping the other night," Tom explained, after giving Claire a quick awkward hug.
What a sweet gesture, Claire later thought as she got ready for bed. With that in mind, she dozed off, feeling confident that all will be well. And that night she dreamt of Frank whispering to her, "Yes darling, all will definitely be well. Hush now and sleep."
Monday morning, Claire got up early to get a good head start at work. She had been previously instructed by a Mrs Henderson to come before 10 am in time for a joint general meeting between Scottish Ambulance Service and the Inverness Fire Department. Mr Fitzgibbons, the Head Fire Officer, wanted her to meet the whole team, including the volunteers with whom she will be working closely with in the future.
"Easy day on Monday Ms Beauchamp. I'm tae inform ye that yer first day will be familiarising yersel' with your surroundings and colleagues unless of course, we have some emergency. Yer official first day of work will be Wednesday when Mr McCoy goes on holiday so that will give ye plenty of time to organise yersel'," A woman explained over the phone. 
That's no brain surgery! Pretty straight-forward enough, Claire thought. 
But Monday didn't turn out to be as straight-forward. First, Claire's unruly locks refused to cooperate, so she tied it in the messy bun. Then her car keys were misplaced and spent 15 minutes looking for them. Then halfway to the Fire Station, her car over-heated and had to wait for roadside assistance to take it away for repair. Luckily enough, Tom was driving by and happily gave her a lift to the station before heading for work.
Claire arrived at 9:55 am to be exact. She thanked Tom and hurriedly made her way through the station. To her dismay, Claire realised the meeting had started. She followed the sound of the voice, addressing a room, and it led her to the back of the building. 
Right at the very end of the corridor, Claire saw an open door and peeked through. There were approximately 30 men assembled around the tables arranged in U-shape. At the head of the gathering, was a brown-haired man with a thick beard, doing a roll call. She surmised that it must be Mr Fitzgibbons.
Before stepping in, Claire checked her attire: everyday blue jeans, a white shirt, black leather jacket and white sneakers. She smoothed her hair and realised not much can be done. That will have to do Beauchamp... nothing fancy, just like one of the guys.
"Beauchamp!" the voice called out. The men in the room glanced around to determine who Beauchamp was. No answer. Meanwhile, Claire was unaware her name was called. She was too preoccupied smoothing her curly locks as she stood out of view from behind the door.
"Beauchamp, are ye here?!" the voice called out for the second time, this time almost shouting.
Claire finally heard her name called. Come on Beauchamp you can do this! She took big deep breaths and stepped into the room. "I'm right here," she announced loudly if not a bit croaky.
Almost all the men gave a start, chairs making squeaking and screeching sounds caused by a sudden movement of turning when a feminine voice answered.   Sweet Mother of Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!   There was a long silence, and a wide-eyed Claire stood frozen on the spot as she absorbed the room's shocked countenance. Appreciative stares, wolf-whistles and "oooohhhs-and-aaaahhhs" ensued after what seems like an eternity of speechlessness much to Claire's disconcertion. She wanted to back away out through the door and run.
"Hey Hugh, is the lady my belated stag-do pressie?" a voice shouted from the back. The room howled with laughter. Cor blimey, we have a jester in the house...just absolutely fucking great!
Ignoring the comic and the boisterous reaction, Claire gathered as much bravado she can muster and took a few more deep breaths. Aware every eye in the room was on her, she squared her shoulders and spoke, "Good morning, everyone, I'm Claire Beauchamp." Clearing her throat, she continued, "I'm terribly sorry that I'm late...my car broke down on my way here." 
The room calmed down when she spoke, and there were shuffles and murmurs, as the men turned to listen. Thereupon, a man with the beard walked over to her and extended his hand. "Hello Claire, I'm Murtagh Fitzgibbons. Call me, Murtagh. And, erm, welcome to Inverness and welcome to our team." His arms made an extensive motion to the room.
Claire took the extended hand, but before she could say a word, Murtagh, said, "Take a seat." Awkward! 
Somewhat still flustered and annoyed, Claire looked around for an empty chair. In her peripheral vision, a very tall man with auburn hair stood up and pulled out a seat next to him. "Hey Claire, over here," Ginger gestured to the vacancy next to him with sweeping arms. She spun in his direction and glanced up. Her gaze locked with a very amused pair of familiar, blue eyes.  Oh my stars and garters, it's the bloody Scot!
Reluctantly, Claire made her way to the offered seat and nodded. "Thank you!" She flashed a vain effort of her best smile, hoping to conceal her agitations.  
Before Claire could sit, suddenly, Ginger's hand extended towards her. "Hello, Sassenach! I'm James Fraser, or ye can call me Jamie if ye wish." Ah, Ginger has a name!  She peered up at the grinning face. "Listen, lass, dinna mind these loons - they may look scary, but truly, we're all a friendly bunch here," Jamie explained in the way of an apology, loud enough for everyone to hear. 
Standing next to Jamie, Claire felt petite with her 5'7 height.  Her eyes were almost at the same level as the hollow base of his throat. Up close, she couldn't help but be very aware of the broad expanse of his shoulders as her gaze involuntarily drifted to his collarbones and, damn,  he smelled like he just came out of the shower. He was wearing a white shirt that clung to him like a second skin and stretched precariously tight across his well-muscled chest. Avoiding his gaze, Claire quickly shook his hand, but as their hands touched, she felt an electric jolt bolt through her body in waves and swirls. Attempting to ignore the unsettling sensations, she responded, "Hi, nice to meet you too." Then she glanced up and saw Jamie staring too intently for her own comfort.
"Oy Fraser, smooth move" one of the men shouted, making Claire snap out from her reverie. The whole room erupted in laughter. Oh, crikey, here we go again!
"Aye, ye can learn a thing or two on how to be a gentleman," Jamie countered back laughing and threw a crushed paper at the direction of the joker.
Another joined in the teasing, "Gentleman my arse! The Frasers are just tae quick when it comes to pretty lasses. Ye're yer father's son, Jamie lad. My da tol' me how yer da, Brian stole the Mckenzie lass right under my uncle's nose!"
Everyone roared with laughter, and even the dour-looking Murtagh found the outburst hilarious. More banter and hilarity ensued.
Grateful for the distraction, Claire hurriedly sat down. She said "Thank you," again to Jamie and felt rather stupid for doing so. She lowered her head to hide the heat creeping up her face, as she busied herself, arranging her satchel on the table and taking out a pen and notepad.
"Right, that's enough. Everyone wheesht! So, are we all quite done here yet?" Murtagh hollered, "If so, let's get on with it. Aye?" Although the laughter ceased, you can still hear a few sniggering here and there. 
Calm restored, Murtagh proceeded with the meeting. Drawing his attention again!  back to Claire, much to her dismay, he asked, "Right, Beauchamp, which one is it officially, Randall or Beauchamp? I have several papers here with two different names."
Claire's face turned crimson. "It's Beauchamp. Randall is my late husband's name. Oh and by the way, just call me Claire."
Jamie nudged her arms lightly with his elbow, and he whispered with a cocked eyebrow, "Sorcha!" followed by a feeble attempt at a wink. Claire frowned, not understanding and she mouthed Shush at Jamie. 
"Verra weel, Claire Beauchamp it is. Or simply Claire" Murtagh declared. Flipping through more papers, Murtagh added, "Oh hang on a minute, I omitted to inform ye lads. It's actually Dr Beauchamp. She is joining the paramedic team for a year while she is on sabbatical. And if I were ye, ye better be in yer best behaviour. I hear Dr Beauchamp is quite handy with the scalpel, her being a neurosurgeon and all."
That revelation was followed by laughter, impressed nods, Jamie patting her hand, and more wolf whistles, much to Claire's chagrin. All she could do in response was offer a weak smile and shrug.
Murtagh smiled at her and continued, "Moving along..." Oh, sour-face can smile after all!
Even though the proceedings had moved on to other matters, Claire had difficulty focusing. She couldn't decide whether to blame it on Jamie's closeness or on the boisterous banter from earlier. Her concentration was further disrupted as Jamie scooted closer, his knees brushing against hers. He tapped her on the elbow with a pen and whispered, "Hey Sassenach, so ye're a Neurosurgeon, eh?"
She nodded, her eyes fixed on Murtagh. Jamie clearing his throat, spoke again in a low voice. "Hey Sassenach, did ye recognise me from Friday night...ye ken, the fire at St. Agnes? 'Twas me who carried ye out when ye fainted."
Claire quickly glanced sideways to say something but got diverted at the sight of bulging muscles of his forearm as he leaned close, both elbows pitched on the table. The view made her mind wander afresh to imagining how Jamie would look like without his shirt. The thought made her swallow a lump forming in her throat. Catching herself, she shook her head, as if the mere act of doing so would dismiss all silly thoughts. Determined more than ever, Claire redoubled her effort to solely focus on Murtagh.
Unperturbed by her lack of response, Jamie nudged her knees with his. "Well?" he urged." Did ye or did ye not?"
"Shush ..." She gave Jamie a warning look and feigned annoyance, but to no avail. It only made him scoot his chair closer until both their arms were grazing. 
Claire realised Jamie wasn't about to give up. So she looked at him with the sternest expression she can muster, pointed a pen towards Murtagh and mouthed to him, Later ok? Eventually, he conceded and acknowledged with a nod. Relieved, Claire mouthed thank you and was rewarded with the most beautiful smile she's ever seen upon any man's face. Oh, sweet Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, the man's bloody gorgeous. Defeated, Claire gave in to this renewed distraction and daydreamed leaning forward to kiss the indentation on Jamie's chin.
The meeting lasted for two hours, and the only thing Claire could think of was her growing attraction towards Jamie. And little did she know, he was in the same predicament.
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raleigh-ocean · 4 years
over my skin (where you left your own mark), part 3 | audrey tindall & dara ann lynch
words: 3,739
summary: series of drabbles about how Audrey got to know, one day at a time, little by little, one of the two women she wished to meet in every one of her lives. Part 3: when Audrey made Billie jealous; and also how Audrey started to act more like the advice giver than the receiver.
n/a: I strongly recommend reading ‘troubles of a learning heart’ before this one!
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"I still can't wrap my head around how you manage to keep yourself in line," Audrey scratched her eyebrow a bit, looking at Billie in the kitchen from the couch. "It's beyond me, darling."
Billie's laughter sounded all over the apartment, lightening it up from its gloomy aura that autumn day. The medium had picked Audrey up from a meeting with her manager a few hours ago, bringing her over to the apartment just to spend time together since Dara was working a late shift in the shop. Audrey pouted again, resting her arms and chin better in the back of the couch so she could look at what was Billie doing in the kitchen.
Hoarding a plate full of brownies like some kind of gremlin was something very unlike of her, for anyone who knew the medium of the stars in like a street level basis, but she was doing it right now with like zero shame.
"My line of work has both perks and cons, I'm afraid," Audrey rolled her eyes hard upon noticing the tone in which Billie spoke, trying to sound a bit mighty with her mouth full of brownie. She swallowed, humming contently, and then shot Audrey the most perfect smile she could do. "But I think it's probably spinning twice a week what does the actual trick and-"
"Please, don't finish that sentence," warned Audrey, because she was like a million percent sure that Billie was going to say that sex helped her greatly as well. "I think you two have a problem at times."
"Do we now? Thought you enjoyed it as well, pumpkin," Billie laughed once again and Audrey felt herself blush to the root, cheeks and ears ablaze. It only got worse when the medium moaned a little upon munching on another brownie.
"Are they really that good?" Audrey felt necessary to change topic, coughing a bit, and trying to focus in the kettle that was over the stove. "Where did you buy them?"
"Nowhere, that's the best part," hummed Billie, retrieving cups from the cupboard and some milk from the fridge. "Dara bakes at times, she's really good at it, so I'm supplied of these delicious mortal chocolate bombs for a lifetime."
Audrey couldn't help but scratch her ear, feeling a bit out of place suddenly. There were many things about Billie's daily life that she was missing completely at times and those all were related to her actual girlfriend. Of course Audrey knew Dara was there, how not? A constant reminding her that she was actually the added one in the relationship, but hearing about those kind of simple tiny details wasn’t something she still got in her head easily.
It was weird, to be fair, because Dara could be eating her out one night but not get a wind of her in days if it wasn't because Billie mentioned her often...and that was as of now, in which Audrey thought their relationship was improving in someway. It all had going for the better after that morning in Audrey’s apartment, but they still had a long way ahead.
Audrey and Billie had been ‘together’ for a year and half as of now, while with Dara barely joined them half a year ago, so just imagine the whole thing.
"Well let me try them then," Audrey wanted to be courageous, trying something 'new' and having a new opportunity of interacting with Dara. She was pretty sure that complimenting her baking was another step to a good direction. "I don't have such a sweet tooth like you, but I'm willing to have my cheat day earlier if you say that they are so good."
Upon hearing that, Billie stopped her munching to look at Audrey, as if she grew another head all of a sudden, but she did walk towards her with the brownies' plate to let her have as many as she wanted. She wasn’t used to Audrey not being picky with everything she ate, so it was a surprise that she was indulging, a good one to be honest.
Until she heard Audrey’s moan.
It wasn’t something she didn’t heard before, but in that moment it was in a new light. One that made Billie’s stomach swirl and settle in a feeling she despised with her whole being, even if it was just a little.
“Well, so...where did you say Dara had her rings? I think I’ll give a jewelry downtown a call, because wow, if she’s down for it I’m marrying her right away,” Audrey’s laugh was soft after swallowing, trying to look at Billie. “How can she bake like some kind of God?”
From all the things that Audrey could expect, she didn’t expect to see such blank face in Billie. She was about to ask if there was something wrong but the next second Billie was taking the plate from her hands with a scowl on her face.
“Ha, ha, so funny,” Audrey was another million percent sure that Billie was about to pout at any second for some reason. “Find your own baker, miss Tindall.”
It only took Audrey what it took Billie to go back to the kitchen to actually know what was going on. And if she was being honest, it totally weirded her out that she managed to acknowledge that Billie was jealous.
Finishing the treat, Audrey left her friend room to clear her mind, just merely observing her going around the kitchen again to finish from fixing tea time. It also gave the actress time to think of some kind of action plan in case Billie was more annoyed than she thought. 
The next minutes, almost next hour, Audrey didn't add much verbally but left Billie be the one carrying the conversation. Having her talking about everything and nothing made the actress feel more at ease in some way, but still be worried sick because Billie always got like that when there was something else in her mind. Doing things that made her avoid altogether what was bugging her so deeply, a classic at this point that Audrey was getting a bit annoyed by.
She neither stopped Billie or suggested following her when she announced that she was taking a shower, only indulging a bit on the kiss before watching her walk away. Without knowing what else to do, Audrey decided to take the videogame controller from the coffee table and maybe keep playing that game Dara showed her - and in which she got really invested - was a good idea.
Billie looked at herself in the mirror after getting out of the shower, feeling how her stomach churned uncomfortably. 
Audrey didn’t deserve being the receiving end of all her frustrations, that was for sure, but the soft joke had hit her with an unexpected might. 
Three weeks had already passed since their vacations in Sacramento, the topic of everything that happened there not showing up at all nor close to, and Billie saw each day how Dara seemed to get a bit more lost in herself. She always had some magic way to separate every aspect of her life, but many times Billie had had to snap her out of a way too deep rant about work - when Dara herself was the one that always reminding her that work things were left at work after the clock ticked. Or even a few days in which Dara seemed out of touch with what was happening at the moment, making her to drop and hit things out of the blue, or worse: getting herself injured - Billie shivered with how she still had an oil burn she got a few days ago or when she hit herself in the head with the window by accident or all the tiny bruises in her legs from bumping into things.
All of that didn't help at all neither with trying to manage her own past discomfort and try to do something for her.
Billie sighed deeply, getting in her pajamas quickly, to spend some minutes in silence in her bedroom. She looked through her messages, trying to see if she got any important but the only one she got was from her assistant reminding her of something about tomorrow schedule. Tapping in Dara's chat, she looked at the few texts they exchanged that day and wondered how busy her girl was, taking in count she didn't respond to her last one. 
She really should stop from over worrying, Billie thought putting her phone down and rubbing her forehead a bit. Taking a peek to the living room, she saw how Audrey was really focused on the television, game controller tightly held in her hands and maybe a bit of a scowl.
Yeah, Audrey didn’t deserve her being mean for no reason.
If it wasn’t because Billie moved her legs to sit and leave them in her lap, Audrey wouldn’t have noticed her best friend coming back. The game was really fucking addicting, to be fair, and the music catchy which made a perfect combination to not think much.
She didn’t stop playing because Billie didn’t do or say something, so she only smiled at her sideways when the medium started to draw slow patterns in her legs with her thumbs. This was kind of a unexpected calm date, as far as Audrey could discern, but even when she kept playing the game she decided that she wanted Billie to speak her mind once and for all.
“Are you going to tell me whatever is burning your brain or are you going to just sit there brooding while I play?” she asked, thinking a bit the choices the game gave her.
It took Billie the incredible amount of ten minutes to finally answer, but she did it and Audrey felt herself to freeze on the spot.
“Do you think I am enough for Dara?” Audrey blinked, trying to discern if Billie really said that. “Sometimes I feel like I’m failing her, that she can do way more better than..me,” Billie rubbed her eyes a bit. “I don’t know Audrey, it’s weird, I feel bad.”
Pressing pause at the same time Billie sadly chuckled at admitting she was feeling bad because of those questions, Audrey looked at her in another light. It wasn’t that she didn’t notice before how Billie changed the moment she crossed the door of her home, but for someone she always saw so sure of herself...well, this was new and a bit scary.
“What made you think that, sweetheart?” she asked, taking one of Billie’s hands in hers, trying to run her thumb soothingly over her knuckles. 
She wasn’t ready for the flood that was Billie’s thoughts and words for the next twenty or so minutes, that was for sure. Everything that truly happened in their vacation, from when they landed in Sacramento to the moment they woke up that very same day. It made Audrey feel how her heart broke in a few pieces, listening to how unsure Billie was of everything in that moment. 
For a few seconds Audrey didn’t know what to say, how to give advice to Billie, and she wondered if her best friend was going to cry and let all that frustration out.
“You should have seen them Drey, they gravitate around each other and if he wasn’t with Dara’s sister, well,” Billie’s voice broke a bit and Audrey couldn’t help but bring her hand to her lips. That was Billie’s fatal flaw: the overthinking, it made her overlook many other details and go full beeline with everything and forgetting the rest. “So hearing you say that hit me like a fucking truck, you sure will swoop her off her feet and away easily.”
“I think Dara would slap the shit out of me if I ever suggest taking her away from you,” Audrey was really serious about that statement, looking at the controller with that unlike scenario in her head. “Did you hear her arguing with her sisters over the phone? Bloody hell, I bet she’s a feisty one.”
“Oh dear, she totally is,” hearing how Billie laughed for a bit was something good. “You should see them arguing face to face.”
“Next time Dahlia invite me over,” Audrey smiled with that, because after all, Dahlia still was her best friend and she was invited over a few times at some family gatherings. “But going back to the point...when Dara’s mom told you about them, did she tell you who left who?”
By the look in Billie’s eyes, her whole demeanor and obviously how she shook her head, Audrey knew Dara’s mother conveniently left that detail outside of the talk. She felt herself frown a bit and pulled Billie closer, kissing her temple tenderly, lingering softly to convey all that she couldn’t put in words. It was hard to give a good opinion, taking in count she only knew Billie’s side of the story, but she was about to do her best.
“Then you really should ask Dara about it, don’t you think?” Billie groaned at Audrey’s words. “Listen Billie, I know you two from not that long maybe, but I know how deeply you care for Dara and how much she loves you, how much you love her,” Audrey said those last words in a whisper because you should be blind to not see it yet at the same time she knew how much her best friend struggled with that point. “Do I think that sometimes you should be more forward with her, more vocal? Absolutely, but I don’t think you’re failing Dara. How long have you two been together, please do tell me.”
“Seven years.”
“Seven fucking years, you already surpassed anything she could have achieved with that guy and, as much I can see, you two are going forward,” how strange was to give her best friend and also her lover, for the time being, those words but she did it the same because it was what Billie needed to hear...or that she hoped. “Do you think Dara doesn’t know what’s best for her? If she decided you were that, the best for her, then why are you worrying? Wouldn’t she say something the second a doubt came to her head?”
Maybe Audrey shouldn’t have say that so promptly, because it made Billie to finally breakdown, but maybe she did have to say them to prompt that reaction. Let her go of those nasty feelings, she thought, because if Billie started to cry it was because it was needed. Billie wasn’t one to sob loudly - Audrey was that type of crybaby, being honest -, but her tiny whimpers were very heartbreaking. Audrey had to hold her own so Billie could take all the tears for herself.
She usually didn’t like to mingle with Billie and Dara’s relationship, mostly because she was the added one in this, but she had come to clash more with that side of Billie that Dara seemed to take and wrap with millions of bubble paper sheets so she didn’t explode. Maybe that was one of their main problems, as much as Audrey could have seen in the time they three together, but if it worked for them, who was she to snoop around? Only in times like those, which were pretty much rare, was that she suggested something to Billie or asked about.
Audrey thought sometimes Dara needed to be more forward as well with Billie, but this time it was Billie’s to take and do everything.
Letting Billie to cry to her heart content, Audrey tried to come up with something to tell Dara once she saw her girlfriend - again, Audrey refused to address both as anything different in her head, as much as she knew they never formalized their relationship - like that. She shivered a bit with the possibility of the other woman coming right in that moment, but it didn’t happen and for that she was grateful.
It wouldn’t be for another hour that Dara didn’t come home. Billie was fast asleep over Audrey’s chest while she decided to keep playing the game, not knowing what else she could do, when she overheard keys at the front door. The medium woke up in automatic, making Audrey to break her concentration and lose what she was doing, taking in count she was playing with the controller resting in Billie’s back.
“I think I’m sweating in places I’m not sure I should sweat,” Audrey saw Dara not looking at the living room, going for the kitchen immediately and a sleepy Billie trailing behind her like a lost puppy. “I hope you two are hungry, my cousin the super duper ultra chef gave me a recipe for a quiche that’s to die for and I’m going to cook the Hell out of that,” from her position in the couch, Audrey saw how Billie took the groceries bag from Dara’s arms and Dara thanked her a bit out of breath, her smile bright like the sun upon seeing how her partner was wrapping her arms around her middle after that. “How was the nap honey? Bet it was amazing, you can barely keep your eyes open.” 
Audrey smiled to herself when Billie replied to that with a mumble she couldn’t hear, the kiss the blonde gave her girlfriend as sweet and slow that for a moment they both only existed in the tiny kitchen.
If only Billie could see what she could, any doubt in her head would be erased from eternity. Billie said Dara and her ex seemed to gravitate around each other? That’s why she couldn’t see how she gravitated around Dara. How the whole apartment, all this time somewhat gloom even for a mild summer day, seemed to come alive the moment the woman with the cane entered; how Billie herself was more relaxed and the tears were long forgotten the second Dara circled her neck to keep kissing like in those old black and white movies.
How Dara seemed to just have all her focus in Billie because, for her, nothing else mattered.
“I’m starving, Billie only gave me tea for afternoon snack,” chided Audrey, going back to the game to fix the mess Billie left her with.
“Only tea?” it took Dara five minutes to reply, Audrey didn’t have to turn around to see how they were making out. “Bills.”
“She was mean,” Billie mumbled and Audrey overheard the soft smack of a new kiss. “Only tea it was.”
“Is that so, my love?” Audrey wanted to throw Billie a shoe if she didn’t catch the raw emotion behind the pet name. “It’s okay, I’m here to protect you from the big meany, but I need you two on table duty while I get out of this before going all crusader on both dinner and avenging.”
When Dara was out of view, Audrey finally turned around to see Billie. Billie was also looking at her, cheeks a bit blushed but not regretting a single thing. Ah, there she was again, thought Audrey standing up and doing as she was told, since her best friend decided to take out first the ingredients for dinner from the bag. They bumped into each other like kids, bickering a bit just like that, but this time Audrey did not go for a kiss like always.
She felt like today Billie wanted and needed every ounce of affection from the woman that was now walking towards them slowly, pulling up her hair into a ponytail and smiling at her girlfriend with the force of a thousand suns. 
Audrey didn’t add much after getting her task done, only sitting at the counter to watch Dara cook, Billie close to her as well and always touching her in some way. It also seemed that today she was going back home after dinner, she thought when Billie hugged Dara from behind and started kissing the back of her neck with care, tracing with her lips Dara’s tattoo just like that. She shook her head, giving Billie a teasing soft kick in her butt and Dara reminding both she was in front of a hot pan.
They needed each other too bad and Audrey simply didn’t have the heart to not let them.
So the best thing Audrey came up with was to go back to the game, for the third time in the day. She wasn’t of much use in the kitchen, anyway, so waiting in the couch didn’t sound half as bad and, if she was completely honest, she had discovered it was a nice spot for just observing.
A nice spot for watching two of the people she was so strongly attached to, which she loved in a way that not many could understand.
However she didn’t expect to overhear the private conversation the couple had while waiting for the ingredients to fry. It made her try to focus in the television, but it was of no use at this point.
“I’m sorry I’ve been acting weird these days,” the apology coming from Dara’s lips was not what Audrey expected to hear. “I know I’ve been worrying you, it’s just that...my head isn’t in a good place right now.”
“You don’t have to apologize Annie,” Billie sighed and Audrey was pretty sure she was hugging her tightly. “It’s not your fault or something.”
“Still, you don’t deserve be treated like this Bills,” Audrey tried to not be too loud pushing the buttons of the game controller. “I...look, you’re the most important thing I have, and I don’t want you to feel bad or something because I’m an asshole that can’t handle well her head.”
“I won’t let you call yourself an asshole, baby,” yeah, Billie, that’s it and a kiss to make it even more serious! “Not when you also aren’t feeling well...sometimes you don’t know how to handle your head, but maybe I can help with that...if you let me?”
Audrey couldn’t help herself, smiling as big as she could, when Dara seemed to agree partially with Billie’s proposal. It wasn’t what she wanted, but it was a start, and that was very much a big step for them. As if they were keep building that beautiful bridge between them, little by little, and learning from each other at the same time.
It made the quiche taste even better and all.
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sexy-orc-singles · 5 years
Solitude. A fitting name for the city Aurora rarely went to, where she'd be totally alone if she did. The demiprince had mixed feelings of the city itself- but the mixed feelings were easy to ignore as she exited Proudspire and the gentle music from the Bard's College next door came to meet her ears. It muddled her brain into feelings of contentment, and she began to make her way down to the market.
It was the first time she had been out of the house in a while. She had been bedridden from a sword through her leg by some cursed vampire thrall, and a certain prince insisted that she rested in Solitude so that the Dawnguard wouldn't bother her…
Ah yes, a certain prince who had been absolutely smitten with her as of late. Delmus(what she called him privately, anyway), who was almost always at her side. Proudspire had been his gift to her after their first date, and admittedly hadn't seen much use since. He had been rather surprised to learn how far away Solitude was from Riften, Aurora's normal home of residence. But she grew to appreciate the distance… How pleasant the confirmed time alone from everything was. She could simply lay in bed all day if she wanted to, enjoying her lover's company and concern. Not that she'd ever admit to adoring the attention.
Ah but, said lover wasn't with her now. She had shooed away Delmus a few days ago. He had been watching over her rather intently since she got injured, but she reminded him he had actual things he needed to be doing. He couldn't just pass off all work. Aurora was a big girl, she could handle herself just fine. It was nice to have a palette cleanser of all interaction as well- when had been the last time she had been completely alone? She needed time to herself sometimes.
Dressed in a simple dress and walking with a slight limp, She made her way down the streets, though didn’t quite get that far- A Bosmer man stopped her, grabbing her hands and gripping to her. She lurched back. He seemed like a beggar, but she didn’t recognize him- and he definitely didn’t seem totally mortal. Those black eyes… unsetting. Then again, she couldn’t speak about unsetting eyes… “You- You! You'll help me! You help people, right? That's what you do?" He begged of her, gripping her tightly.
“What are you talking about?” Aurora demanded, pulling her arm away. The man fell to the ground, but gripped her skirts instead like she was a noble woman he was pleading to for his life.
“My master has abandoned me! Abandoned his people. And nothing I say can change his mind. Now he refuses to even see me. He says I interrupt his vacation! It's been so many years... Won't you please help?” He begged her. “You’re someone who helps, right?”
“I- well- who are you even looking for?” Aurora sputtered out, having no idea what to think of this.
"Last I saw him, he was visiting a friend in the Blue Palace. But no one as mundane as the Jarl. No, no... such people are below him. No, he went into the forbidden wing of the palace, to speak with an old friend.” He rose to his feet as he spoke, taking her hands again, his thumb desperately rubbing the ebony of her prosthetic. “Said it had been ages since they had last had tea..." He pulled away only to shove… someone’s pelvis into her hands. Aurora recoiled, but he forced her to take it. “Oh and you'll need the hip bone... it's very important. No entering Pelagius' Wing without that."
Aurora tried to force out more answers, but the madman refused, muttering to himself as he left her. Aurora let out an annoyed groan, already thinking about how Delmus would react if he found out she was doing all of this for some random madman on the street… but he was mad enough himself, he’d probably understand.
Aurora made her way home and donned her golden armour, though the feeling of pants and chainmail and boot rubbing against the still-healing injury in her leg made her wince. Dawnbreaker was secured on her back, and she made her way into the Blue Palace with the hip bone tucked into a bag. She already got enough weird looks with the way her eyes and limbs glowed with the holy light of Meridia, she did not need anymore from walking into the Blue Palace with a bone in hand. The Pelagius Wing… she decided to approach one of the maids.
Erdi was the first she saw, so she approached. The woman seemed… oddly delighted as Aurora came over, seeming to be admiring her golden armour.
“I need the key to the Pelagius Wing.” Aurora told her curtly, figuring being straightforward was the best option here.
Was Erdi… primping herself?
"Oh,” She sounded slightly disappointed. “I'd get in trouble for that. It's not allowed. Besides, it's scary in there!"
Erdi seemed to be… well, excited to have her around. Aurora decided to take her hand in both of hers, causing Erdi to look at her with wide, delighted eyes. Aurora felt guilty for it, but it was important. “Please. I’m trying to help someone. It’s important.”
"We-well... I suppose in that case, it's okay to let you in. But only briefly. Be careful, and come right back!" Erdi told her, fishing out a key from her pocket and handing it to Aurora. Aurora gave her best attempt at a charming smile- and it must have worked, because the Nord only got more flustered and went back to primping herself.
Aurora, feeling guilty for that, rushed off to the Wing. At least she was seldom in Solitude…
The Wing itself was oddly untouched… cobwebs covered the walls and floors, and the whole place was a mess. Aurora found herself sneezing a few times as she made her way through the halls. Was the beggar’s Master really here? Why would he want to be here..?
She was halfway down the hall when a sudden feeling of nausea came over her, and she found herself falling onto her good knee, closing her eyes. But when her eyes opened, she wasn’t in a dusty palace wing. Instead, she stood in a misty forest, her golden armour replaced with fine clothes. She reached for dawnbreaker but it wasn’t there- all she grabbed was her hair, which was down from it’s bun and in an ornate style.
Furrowing her brow, Aurora’s good hand raised in a cautious spell. At least she still had her prosthetic… but when she looked across the area and finally set eyes on the table, her spell hand lowered and a smile came over her face. Two men sat talking- one an ordinary man in fine clothes himself. The other, a Dunmer in an atrocious purple and orange suit, black hair and beard, and golden slitted eyes. She could recognize that suit from any distance, and she now understood just who the mad man’s Master was.
She approached with a roll of her eyes, and the Dunmer looked at her in pure surprise for a moment, before lighting up in a smile of his own.
“Where even are we, Delmus?” Were her first words to him.
"Delmus! An excellent name to hear during work hours. You won't believe the identity crisis I have sometimes." He replied with a grin, folding his fingers under his chin and admiring her for a few moments. “You look beautiful.”
"Delmus..?" The man with him looked confused.
He waved his hand dismissively. "Delmus to her. Sheogorath to you. Remember your place."
“You're not answering my question.” Aurora interrupted, sitting down at the table.
“Is the where really that important?”
“Perhaps not. I’m not here to visit you anyway.”
Sheogorath pouted at her. “What? Why not? This is by far the worst news I’ve gotten all day. My own wife, coming into the mind of a madman dressed to the nines, but not to see me!”
“Yes well- wait. What?”
He grinned widely at her. “You, my lovely, sit in the mind of a certain Pelagius the Third! I find it’s quite nice this time of year. Won’t you stay a while and enjoy a meal with me? I’ve been thinking of taking you on a nice date here~.”
Aurora just gave him an exasperated look. “I can’t even say I’m that surprised, really.” She told him with a roll of her eyes. Daedric fuckery was the norm with Delmus. “But no, I didn’t come to see you. I was asked by someone to tell you to go back to your job… which you evidently haven’t gotten back to despite me telling you to do that.”
“No no, I’ve changed my mind.” Sheogorath held up his hands. “That’s the worst news I’ve gotten all day. No doubt a follower of mine...”
“You can’t just dick around with me every waking moment. It was bound to catch up with you one time or another.” Aurora pointed out, but she couldn’t help but chuckle.
Sheogorath waved his hand dismissively once more- and Pelagius vanished. “I’ll go back soon enough. But please, won’t you let me enjoy my lovely bride’s company? Especially when she looks so beautiful right now~. I never see you with your hair down.”
“Oh please. I didn’t dress myself up like this,” Aurora told him, shuffling in her seat. “I was wearing my usual get up.”
“You mean your armour?” He pulled a face. “You were expecting to fight something on that leg? Aurora-”
“Oh, hush.” It was her turn to wave her hand dismissively. “It turned out to only be you, didn’t it? I’ll have your dinner, but then you need to go back and do your job, okay? I don’t want to be hounded down by beggars giving me more bones after this because you refuse to go back to the Isles. You can’t give all your work to Haskill.”
“You drive a hard bargain, my Dawn.” Delmus shook his head solemnly, then reached over to take her real hand in his and smile at her. “But I could never refuse you. Alright, after this I’ll go back to the isles for a bit. But you need to promise to go and properly rest your leg!”
“I don’t know the meaning of that word.” Aurora replied coyly, a twinkle in her glowing eyes.
But she stayed to enjoy dinner with him, in the mind of a madman… It wasn’t the weirdest date she had had with Delmus, by any means. But, that was to be expected when you were the bride of the daedric prince of madness, wasn’t it? So she didn’t complain, instead just had a good time with him. Hey, for all the weird things Sheogorath was known for and by… he planned out a really good date.
(Delmus belongs to @seranaholic)
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foodloverforever0 · 5 years
We will find a way out // Taekook
Gender: The maze runner au
Description: 35 people were stuck into this hell hole, trying to survive and find a way out. But with people that make you feel at home, it's not all that bad.
“If you don't move faster I swear I will leave you here.” - Park Jimin
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Taehyung was woken up by loud noises from the outside world he was not ready for. He could hear Hoseok’s annoying yelling from his small cabin he shared with his lover. He turned towards the little balcony, that was wide open as the sunlight was flashing inside. You could see the big walls and a clear blue sky and a few people in the distance passing by. Taehyung wouldn't mind staying in the bed, feeling his whole body was sore (since he had a busy night if you know what I mean *wink wonk* :)), but thing needed to be done today and cuddling without your boyfriend is impossible. Jungkook was a runner, so it wasn't a surprise that he wasn't in the bed with Taehyung, since he needs to wake up early every day. After 15 minutes Taehyung finally got up, washed his face and put on some clothes. He probably took one of Jungkook’s shirts, but not like the younger minded anyways. He got out of his little home and stretched as he looked around. Most of the people were already up, doing their jobs. Taehyung walked around, not really interested in doing his own job, he was feeling lazy today. “Someone finally decided to get up.” Taehyung turned his head, with a smile on his face. “And someone finally decided to take a shower. I'm actually surprised.” The person put a hand on his chest near his heart, making a fake injured sound. “I'm hurt, but not as hurt as your ass probably.” Taehyung blushed. “O shut up Joshua! You're just jealous.” Joshua laughed, opening his mouth and showing his beautiful white teeth. His skin was a lot darker than Taehyung’s, it was like a night without moon and stars, Taehyung found it fascinating. But it wasn't hard to guess they were from different rases, not at all. Joshua had long hair, so long it takes two hours sometimes to wash it all. That's the reason he always has his hair in a ponytail, it's impossible to move and work around with so much hair. And Yoongi tried at least five times to cut it off, but Joshua would always notice and hide away till Yoongi gave up. “Take an apple, I'm pretty sure Jin is not planning on giving you food right now since you missed breakfast.” Taehyung chaced the apple thanking, Joshua, as he continued to his workplace. before he got a chance to start working, the box suddenly started rising up. O, he forgot that the box was supposed to come today. When Taehyung got there, everyone has already surrounded the box. “Who do you think it will be this time.” “It better be a girl.” “O, please it's going to be a boy.” and so on. “O Taehyung you're up.” Beside him was Tammy, She was one of the first people that were sent here, like Taehuyng himself so they were pretty close. Tammy had red hair and beautiful green eyes with freckles. Taehyung gave her a smile as he looked back to the group of people. “Are they still fighting over girl boy bullskams?” Tammy smiled at the nickname he called them. “They are, altho I am a little bit jealous, the creators could give us another girl.” It was like this every time when the box came, it wasn't anything serious, just childish fights between two genders and which gender there is more of. The first time it happened was when there were nine boys and seven girls. Taehyung doesn't remember who made the game or how it even started, he was always more worried about how the person inside the box is going to react. He was once in there and it wasn't a great experience. He was the sixth one that was ever in the box. Taehyung remembers it so clearly it's scary even. He’s lucky he wasn't sent here first, he would’ve probably died alone. Well, technically, Namjooon wasn't left here alone, Jin was also with him. Butt apparently Jin got sick, so Namjoon took care of both of them. And Namjoon takes care of everyone in here honestly. He was the first one to be here and survive, so when it comes to who is going to be a leader, it wasn't asked. Sometimes some of the people don't like the ideas that Namjoon had, but he's always thinking three steps after his idea and how’s it going to go. The box opened, revealing a guy, he had blue eyes and reddish hair like Tammy's, he was around 17 years old and he looked like he hasn't eaten for weeks. He covered his eyes from the sudden sunlight pressure on his eyes. All the girls groaned while the boys cheered in happiness. “That would be quite enough.” Everyone went silent. The owner of the voice was Namjoon himself. To most people, he would probably look intimidating, rude or arrogant. The truth is that sometimes he has to act like this, especially if someone new comes. There were some people that didn't want to have Namjooon as their leader and they rather chose to live in the maze than to live under his rules. Namjoon walked through the crowd of people, with no one in his way. Right behind him was Amanda. The first girl ever to be sent here. Amanda wasn't as bubbly as Tammy or as Funny as Lara, but she was an honest and brave person. Taehyung personally doesn't talk much with her, but when he does he know he's going to get an honest opinion. Apparently, Jimin was really good with her, they hung out most of the time, some people would think that they were together, but First of all, Amanda was only interested in girls, actually, she was only interested in Tammy. Tammy is the only person that was ever in her private room, and let's be honest, nobody can resist Tammy’s smile. Namjoon walked in fort o them looking inside the box, Amanda next to him. “Kwame and Isla, I'm letting you two handle this one.” The girl named Isla stepped forward while the guy named Kwame just nodded his head before jumping into the box, helping the greeny get out of the box. Amanda turned around looking at everybody. “Get back to work Slimskulls. This is not the first greeny you saw, we will have the bonefire today evening like always.” Emidietly, everyone went their own ways, Namjoon was talking with the newbie and Amanda walked by Taehyung and Tammy. She nodded her head at taehyung while she kissed Tammy’s forehead telling her something and leaving the place. Taehyung pouted while looking away from two lover birds, looking deep into the maze. “You're thinking about him again?” Taehyung didn't answer but just looked at Tammy. “Taehyung, I know you're worried, but Jungkook decided that he's going to be a runner on his own. Besides, it would be a waste of talent, He’s fast, he was a good stigma and he can easily remember all the ways in the maze. We need them to find a way out, they're our last hope keeping us alive.” Taehyung knew that, and he hated every single part of it. When they made runners, he didn't think much about it, but then Jungkook came and everything changed. They already had a fight about Jungkook being a runner and it ended up with Taehyug crying and Jungkook holding him in his embrace for the rest of the night. “I know, I know I just-..... I hate it when he goes in there, I hate the feeling of the sun going down knowing that the doors will close soon and that maybe he won't come on time, I hate every single part of it. Tammy put a hand on Taehyung’s back moving it in circles. “Everything going to be alright TaeTae, we always found  a solution.”
Somewhere around Late afternoon was when the runners came back, two or three hours earlier than usual, but form Taehyugn’s point of view, Jimin looked quite nervous and Jungkook didn't look any better. They didn't even take a sip of water as they hurried towards Namjoon’s cabin. Taehyugn looked them confused and than Yoongi called him to come too. Taehyung got inside but nobody looked at them. Namjoon was looking a the map of the maze, as Jimin and Jungkook took turned at explaining something Taehyug wasn't sure about. Jimin rested his arms on the table looking at Namjoon death serious. “This is not a joke Namjoon, whatever that was, it could be it, we need to try.” Namjoon shook his head. “You want me to send more than ten people into suicide blindfolded? Not going to happen.” Jimin made an irritated sound, walking away from the table. It was Jungkook’s turn to speak. “Hyung I know it hard to believe, but we never witnessed something like this, this could be a way out, our escape.” Namjoon stood up. “I will not risk any more lives, do you know how many we already lost because I agreed on stupid suggestions? I am not going in there not knowing what's there.” Everyone was quiet, Namjoon had a point, only runners knew how to survive in the maze, sending others there would be a suicide mission. “But we know what is there.” Jimin looked a the ground. “Hyung what are you talking about?” Jungook looked confused, just as everyone else, everyone but one person. “This isn't the first time that the gate seven opened Namjoon.” Jimin looked at Yoongi. “I and Yoongi know that the best.” This was maybe the first time Taehyung saw Yoongi so surprised and scared. “Gate seven was open?” Jimin noded and Yoongi cursed. “You know something Yoongi?” Yoongi looked at Namjoon walking towards the map. “It happened long ago, but I still remember it so clearly.” Yoongi let out a shaky breath.  “It happened at the very beginning, just when Jimine came here, a week later we went out to look into the maze, everything was still new at the time so we didn't pay much attention to it. One more week later.... the gate seven was open for the first time. I went ahead to look whats there when... the Griever  attacked me.” Taehyugn’s eyes went wide. A Griever ? The monsters that were in the maze every night? “Apparently, the message was that we still weren't ready to go to the gate seven so they made sure I never go back there with my own two feet. Just one of them was awoken do I was lucky to even gave an injured leg. But we never found out why was it awake at daylight.” Yoongi looked at every single person in the room before he looked at Namjoon. “If the gate seven is open again... it could mean something big Namjoon.” Namjoon’s eyes for the first time in this conversation softened, looking at Yoongi. Jimin walked next to Yoongi, putting his hand on Yoongi’s shoulder. “Right after I found hyung and carried him here, then the rest happened and gave seven was never open again.” Namjoon looked at the map. “From tomorrow, the runners will move in bigger groups, I'm not risking any of your lives. Yoongi.....if you think you can....Go with Jimin to the gate seven, but that doesn't mean I want any of you running there. We still don't know much about it. Magnus is the sneakiest so he will go with you two. For the rest, you will find out your positions tomorrow.” Everyone nodded their heads, nobody dared to speak, probably from the fear the felt after finding out that the grievers are active in the day too. “Come on people. We knew all this already, and if we want to get out, either way, we need to go into the maze. But don't you all worry your heads tonight. If you forgot its a bonefire. And I'm pretty sure that Maison is ready to beat you all up.” Hoseok said walking out of the room, and Hoseok was right, outside was already the night falling, the gates of maze closed. Most of the people went off, forgetting about the problems that are waiting for them tomorrow. Taehyung walked towards Yoongi, as he Namjoon, Jimin, Amanda, and Jungkoook stayed behind. “It’s best if we don't tell what we find after a week or two to everyone. We shouldn't get their hopes up, or should we give many pieces of information that the runners will find, it could come to a big war not just outside the walls.” Amanda said, getting up and through the doors. Jungkook opened his mouth to speak but Namjoon stopped him. “You are not removing your free day Jungkook, you deserve it and just like Amanda said. We will pretend like everything is normal, and I'm pretty sure that Taehyung would love to spend some time with you.” Namjoon walked to Jungkook patting him on the shoulder. “Don't be so hard on yourself we have enough runners, and relax today on the bonefire.” Namjoon smiled as they all walk outside of the meeting room. Jimin and Namjoon walked to the kitchen to get Jin, while Jungkook and Taehyung stayed behind. Taehyugn looked at Juungkook’s tense face, he was in big thoughts and Taehyung didn't blame him, for not saying anything to him since he came. Instead, he gently touched Jungkooks arm walking behind him and hugging him from behind. Resting his head on his higher back and gently wrapping his arms around his lover. Taehyung whispered an ‘its ok’ as if meaning to be scared, heck he was scared himself. Jungkook finally let out a shaky breath under Taehyung’s arms. He looked up in the sky, the back of his head touching Taehyung’s head. He took a hold of Tehyung’s hands, that were still on his waist. Taehugyng nuzzled into Jungkoook’s back, rubbing his forehead and leaving small kisses on his shoulders. They stayed like that for a while, not saying anything, just holding each other dearly. When they finally heard that most of the people were at the bonefire they went there themselves. They were scared, but they won't be scared tonight. Tonight all of them are going to forget about everything. The maze, the Griever, the whole thing about this prison. And just laugh.
Laughter was everything you could hear. Every person was at the bonefire, eating, talking, enjoying the free time they had after a tiring day. “And then do you know what she did?? That skumbuger pushed me off the roof! I could've have died!” Joshua  said dramatically as everyone laughed at HIs story. “Did you just call me a skumbuger Josh? On your place, I would sleep with my eyes wide open” Answered Alva. Alva was a little taller than Tammy, Her black hair matched her Storm Black eyes. She was the keeper in builders. She may be a girl but she was strong as an elephant. “You pushed me off the roof!” “And you survived, stop whining like a baby.” Alva made a talking motion with her hand, rolling her eyes. “Maison tell her to stop being such a grugly bummer!” Maison raised his arms in the air as if he was saying he doesn't want to get in the conversation. “Sorry man  you did this to yourself, next time try not to get on her nerves while working.” Everyone agreed as Joshua fake cried. someone threw a plastic bottle at his head and Joshua let out a groan as he rubbed his head. “Gods, you're such a child. And I'm supposed to be a child here. I don't even know how some of you hurrly buggers survived this long.” There stood Emma. she was the third to last person to come into the maze. She was around thirteen, but she acted as mature as an adult. her skin was white as Yoongi’s, dark brown hair and brown eyes, and the two were actually pretty close. Since she was still so young, someone needed to spend a lot of time with her and in the time that was Yoongi. The first time she came here she cursed at every single one of them. everyone is actually a little bit scared of her, but nobody has to guts to say it out loud. “Aww come on Emma! Don't be like that.” Emma rolled her eyes, sitting next to Alva. Jimin walked to them, taking some of the food as he chatted a little with Joshua and Lara. “Baby, it's rude to take something that is not yours.” Jimin took a deep breath, looking at Maison who was smirking at him. “Do not call me that.” Maison only smirked more. People around him patting him on the shoulders, thinking how Jimin has nothing more to say. “And for the record, this is not your food, but Jin’s. I could just go and tell him your opinion if you want Maison.” Everyone gulped. Nobody messes with Jin, especially with his food. Jimin took the opportunity and walked in front of Maison, bending down so his lips were next to Maison's ear. “Watch your tongue next time, and besides, I'm not interested in little boys like you.” Jimin smiled at everyone going back to his place on another side of the bonefire. The Maison Jimin moment was forgotten by everyone as Namjoon stood up, going in the middle. “Today we welcome a new family member in here. We curse the names of people who put us here and we pray to find a way out. You all worked hard and you all should be proud of how far you have gotten and what you had accomplished. Now come.” Namjoon pointed at the new guy, who didn't look like he liked the attention. He walked slowly to Namjoon who took his hand. Namjoon pulled out a knife and the newbie tried to get away but Namjoon was stronger. He cut newbie’s hand and he hissed when Namjoon was done. Namjoon shook his hand strongly, leaving blood on his own palm. “Say your name, so every single one of us remembers the day you came.” Namjoon moved out of the middle as the newbie looked at everyone. he was silent for a few moments, but everyone's soft and supportive gave made him relax. “My name is Noah.” Namjoon spoke loudly. “Welcome, Noah!” Everyone repeated after Namjoon, cheering patting and shaking Noah’s hand. Jungkook looked from the side, holding his cup up in Noah’s name. Then Joshua yelled something about the bonefight, and everyone made a big circle. A bonefight was for fun, nothing serious, where two players would go against each other. hand to hand combat. Jungkook didn't plan to fight anyone tonight. Simply because he was exhausted and he already won against everyone. People started singing, some cheering the players on. Jungkook can ee Namjoon And Yoongi sitting next to each other, talking. Yoongi had his head rested on Namjoon’s shoulder with a little smile on his face. Namjoon was looking at the bonefight feeling someone’s gaze on him he looked at Jungkook. he smiled and nodded at Jungkook, Jungkook nodded back. Soon after came Taehyung kissing his lover on the lips, sitting next to him. Some joined them. Talking and laughing all together till the late in the night.
Jungkook can feel the sun in his eyes, but he doesn't open them. The grass around him touches his head here and there when the wind blows. he can feel the sudden weight of another body on top of his own, but he doesn't make a sound. He can feel Taehyung blowing onto his face, but he still didn't give a reaction. “did you was your teeth this morning?” “I wouldn't know I forgot.” JUngkook smiles with his eyes closed. “That explains why your breath stinks.” He can feel Taehuyng slapping his chest with no power. “That's so mean.” Jungkkok put one hand behind his head and one around Taehyugn’s waist, opening his eyes for the right time. Fist the light hit him like a slap in the face, but after a few moments, his eyes adjusted to the light and he could see Taehung’s face clearly. he was already looking at his smiling. He gave Jungkook a peek on the lips, resting his head on Junkoook’s chest. “You should take a day off more often.” Jungkook chuckled, looking at the beautiful blue sky.  To say that he didn't miss moments like this would be a lie. Just being with Taehyugn for a whole day. Or to just sleep in here and there. But that would be a waste. Firsts Jungkook wasn't a runner. The first time he came here Namjoon wasn't planning on giving him that job so fast, he was actually a builder with Josua, Maison, And Alva. But one thing led to another, and Jimin asked him if he wanted to join him for a run. He immediately said yes. So after that, he went with Jimin again, again and again, Till he just started running on his own. Namjoon didn't really have anything against him being a runner and he talked to Jimin about it. It exactly one week after the bonefire He does feel a little bit guilty for leaving Yoongi and Jimin alone today, but seeing Taehyung so happy makes his day. and besides nothing will happen in one day without him. Or so he thought. “Taehyung! Junkook! It's lunchtime! Get your asses here!” Taehyung looked in the direction of the voice. “We better get up before Jin hangs us both.” Jungkook smiled getting up. They ate lunch with everyone, besides runners. Jungkook felt at ease. Not knowing that this is going to be the most terrifying night of his life.
The sun was going down and most of the runners are back, but not all of them. Magnus and Alexus were the last two to come back, gulping down two bottles of water just in a second. And that was half an hour ago. Now Jungkook is looking at the gates with everyone else as they all wait for the last two to come back. Jungkook can see the nervousness on Hoseok’s face as he stood beside him. “where are they?” Tammy asked worried looking at Amanda beside her. Amanda just gulped, keeping her eyes on the gates. Just when they started losing hope two bodies appeared at the end of the hallway. There was Jimin caring Yoongi’s body on his back, you can see he puts more pressure on his right leg so something was definitely wrong. The gates started closing, making everyone’s hearts stop. “Come on!!” “You can do it!!” “Jimin you better make it!!” Magnus and Kwame were holding Maison down. Too scared that he would go in the maze. seeing Jimin lie that, knowing that there is a possibility that he won't make it make his heart stop, regreding everything. Jungkook couldn't hear anything. Everyone around him was screaming moving faster than Jungkook could see or hear. Jimin collapsed, trying to get up as fast as possible, but there wasn't enough time. they weren't going to make it. And Just as The gates almost closed, just as Hoseok started crying, just as Namjoon felt his heart stop. Jungkook moved, he moved so fast nobody saw it. Just when he was in the middle Taehyung tried to reach for him, screaming his name. But Jungkook slipped through his fingers and a second later Jungkook was in the maze, and the gates were closed shut.
“No! Jungkook!” Taehyung rested his hands on the closed gates, punching them with his fists. “Open! Open! Right now! Jungok can you hear me! Please!” Taehyung was shaking, looking at the ground crying his heart out. he didn't care that everyone can see him, so weak, so helpless, but he doesn't care. He keeps screaming, punching. Maison saw still on the ground, but Magnus and Kwame weren't holding him down now. He didn't have an expression on his face, it was just blank. “I.....I didn't get to tell him.” Kwame and Magun got him up, taking him away from the horror he just witnessed, others went with them too. Jin got closer to Taehyugn putting his hand on his shoulder. “Taehyung - “NOO! DO NOT TELL ME IT OVER! HE PROMISED!” Taehyugn looked Jin in the eyes. “He.....he promised me.” Taehyung kept his eyes to the ground, rubbing his eyes from the tears that just kept on coming. Then he felt a hand on his chin before it grabbed his cheeks. Taehygn was forced to look at the usual cold ocean eyes., but now, they had anything but coldness, or boldness in them. Instead, they were teary and hopeless. Amanda’s lip trembled as she spoke. “Jimin was like a brother to me, he was always there for me when no one else would. I'm not saying it's over Taehyung, but I'm not saying that we will ever see them again either.” And for the first time ever, Taehyung saw Amanda cry. “But, no matter what happens, we will get through this together.” Taehyung broke down again, resting his head in Amanda’s shoulder, as he petted his head. She looked at Tammy telling her to get Namjoon to his cabin. Tammy wanted to stay with Amanda, but seeing Namjoon’s completely ruined face made her realize just how much was Namjoon actually suffering too. His face held no life as tears come down his face. Yoongi was with Jimin and Jungkook there. And Jimin was carrying him even before the gates closed, which may be meant he wasn't even alive then. whatever will happen after this, can't be worse than the pain everyone felt right now.
JUngkook kept panting for a whole minute after the gate closed. Jimin was looking blankly at the wall in front of him. Jungkook moved closer to him. “hyung! are you ok? Is Yoongi hyung ok?” Jungkook looked at Jimin’s left leg, right above his left knee was a deep cut, so Jungkook tore apart his shirt and used it as a bandage. After he bandaged Jimin’s leg he looked at him. “Come on hyung. We need to move, we can’t just stay here.” He tried to get Jimin up, but he didn't budge. “Why?” Only that could be heard from him. Jungkook didn't answer but tried yet again to et Jimin on his feet. “Why?! Why did you commit suicide!?! He pushed Jungkook away, standing up. “You do know we will never see the sunrise again!! WHY!? You could've lived happily!?” Jimin heard the punch before he felt it. He cursed under his breath, holding his cheek. “I'm scared too!!” Jimin looked at Jungkook. He had tears in his eyes. “But I can't help but feel guilty! I wasn't three! I wasn't there to help you! Instead, I was relaxing! I was selfish! And if I didn't move when I did. I would have felt the guilt eating me alive every day! And every god damn night!” Jimin’s eyes soften. And Jungkook pointed at the gates. “There are people waiting for us to come back. And we will, It’s just a few hours and we know these walls like nobody else.” Jungkook took Yoongi in his arms, he was out cold, you could see a little bit of blood on his head. “Who can you be so sure? That we will come back?” Jungkook looked Jimin in the eyes. “Because I made a promise.”
“More to the left.” Jimin said as he let go of Yoongi’s body. Jungkook puled to the left, letting Yonngi’s body be held in the vires with rope. As long as the rope holds, Yoongi is safe. Jimin looked down the hallway with nervous eyes. “What Do we do now?” JUngkook looked at him, thinking. “Maybe its the best if we keep moving, the separating is not an option as stupid as it sounds, but that's better. If we could find a gap like where we hid Yoongi, maybe we will have a chance to survive.” Jimin was about to answer when the noises started. They both looked down the hallway, the noises were louder and louder, till it seemed as the monster started running. Jungkook and Juimin started running in the opposite direction, but they were stopped by another Griever. The monster turned around to look at them, making the most horrifying sound ever. It strikes at them making them separate. Jimin fell down, not seeing the big rock behind him. The Griever  wanted to use the opportunity to make its last move, but the thrown rock on its head made it stop. It turned in Jungkook direction. “Come at me you son of a bitch!” The Griever moved and Jungkook quickly slid through its legs, using the opportunity to run in the hallway where the Griever  was originally. “Jungkook!” Jimin screamed for him, but Jungkook kept on running the Griever  on his tail. “I'll be alright! Just make sure not to die! We will see each other at the gates!” JUngkook didn't wait for a response, not with a killing machine right behind him. His legs carried him as fast as they could. Right. Left. Right. Right. Left yet again. Jungkook tired to concatenate on the maze, to follow where was he going, but it was kinda hard with a Griever  right behind you. Jugnkook made one more turn when he finally saw the gap he was looking for. There before was a bridge, but for some reason, it broke down. It wasn't impossible to jump it, but usually, Jungkook would give himself a little bit of time to prepare himself. But nobody was asking for his opinion right now. Jugnkkook looked behind him. The Griever walked slowly towards him, moving slightly faster every time it got closer to Jungkook. ‘Not yet’. JUngkook waited for the perfect moment, and when the Griever was only two meters away from him when it finally moved to make a strike at Jungkook, he jumped. He jumped as far as he could, he jumped the fares he ever did. And the Griever jumped right behind him. But it was too heavy and it didn't have enough energy in its legs. Jungkook looked as it tried to hold onto the edge, but it broke and so the Griever feel deep down. Jungkook finally took a deep breath he was holding onto. Just as he thought he could look for Jimin, another Griever showed up. It noticed Jungkook right away and Jungkook cursed under his breath. Second, later, he had another Griever on to him. He's now on the other side of the maze, so there is no chance he could do the same trick again. He needs to find another way. He eventually got a plan, it was risky, but the last one wasn't the safest either. At the gates number 5 you could find a little gap where you could squeeze in. It was a perfect size for Jimin, so Jungkook always had problems to go through it, but it wasn't impossible. Just as he wanted to turn another way to the gap, he was meet with the eyes of another Griever. This one was bigger than the last two, and it looked more terrifying. JUngkook stopped in his track. What is e supposed to do now? He was in between two huge monsters. But for some reason the bigger one didn't pay any attention to Jungkook, instead, it looked behind him, hissing at the other Griever. The smaller one returned the hiss, forgetting about JUngkook. Just when the bigger one started to run at the smaller one, Jungkook used the opportunity and run through his legs. Jungkook turned around, looking at the two monsters fighting each other. He was breathing heavily, thinking about where to go next. just when Jungkook wanted to turn around he felt something touching his shoulders turning him around. He was ready to punch whatever was touching him, but there was Jimin looking as surprised as him. “we need to go. Like right now!” Just as Jimin said that, the fight between two Griever ended. The bigger won, tearing apart the smaller one's body. I made an inhumanly sound, looking at Jimin and Jungkook before it started springing towards them. Jimin puled Jungkook by his arm, Screamin ‘go go go!’ They were running for a good 20 minutes without rest, they need t find a way to get rid of this thing. They were getting tired, while the monster could go like this for another year. Apparently, it was close to sunrise, as the walls of the maze started moving, changing positions. JUngkook can hear the walls changing behind him. He got an idea, suddenly stopping. Jimin didn't notice till he was already at the other hallway, stopping and screaming at Jungkook to run. JUngkook still didn't move, he waited for Griever to be as close to him as possie without hurting him. When the walls behind Griever closed, JUngkook turned around and started sprinting. The walls in front of him started closing too, every time it almost closed on him, but he as fast enough to run tough. Jimin was screaming for him to hurry. The last walls were closing so fast Jungkok tough he wouldn't make it. But just as he runs between the walls and bumped into Jimin did the Griever comes, but it wasn't fast enough, and you could hear a monstrous scream through the maze.
Taehyugn was in front of the gates in the early morning, the gates themselves weren't open still. He was chewing on his bottom lip, almost making it bleed. Last night, He, Tammy, Amanda, Namjoon, Maison, Jin, And Hoseok were in one room. They shared their tears, prayers, and pain together. Eventually, everyone went to sleep, but Taehyung stayed awake. he just could sleep, not when he knew that Jungkook maybe won't be coming to him anymore. Juungkook was his reason to fight through this hell. His strength, his kindness, his braveness, his everything. If he's going to lose him, Taehyung isn't sure he wants to fight anymore. “He will come back” Taehyung didn't even notice Emma standing next to him. Her eyes were red and puffy, her hear messy. She took a hold of Taehyung’s hand, squeezing it. Taehyug returned the squeeze. troung the time, more people came to the front f the gates. Some didn't show up, which was understandable, they didn't want to be disappointed when they won't see anybody on the other side. They all held they're breathe when the gates finally started opening. Taehyugn felt his heart stop when no one was there, his body felt week and his head was spinning. He heard people going away, he can hear the tears of the others, he can hear their breaths shaking. Taehyugn felt like he was going to vomit, so he turned around, he didn't want to look. amanda was crying, hugging tammy as tightly as possible. Tammy was crying too, her pretty face had so many tears on it, as he patted Amanda’s head. Namjoon was nowhere to be found and so were Jin and Hoseok, they probably went after the leader to make sure he doesn't do something stupid. Taehyung didn't try to hold his tears back. his two friends and his lover were gone. And nothing will bring them back. E turned around looking at the gates one last time, when she suddenly gasped, screaming on top of her lungs. “They are back!! They are alive!! Everyone!” She started running around screaming. Taehyung’s heart stopped When he turned to see what was  Emma talking about... He saw them, Jungkook and Jimin were each Were holding Yoongi’s shoulders, helping him walk. Tammy started crying even more, from relief she felt. Emma was running around getting everyone to come. Jungkook and Jimin were breathing heavily, with Yoongi hissing here and there. The healers took Yoongi to take care of his wounds, while others gave Jungkook and Jimin bottles of water. The second Jungokok saw Taehyung he stopped. Taehyung moved towards him, running and jumping into his arms. Jungkook caught him, holding him in his arms. Taehyung was crying yet again, moving his thumbs in a circle on Jungkook’s cheeks. JUngkook was holding him tightly just looking into his eyes. “I told you, I never break my promises.” Taehyung cried harder, kissing Jungkook. Jungkook kissed Taehyung back, needing him as much as he needed him. When they parted Taehyung rested his head on Jungkook’s shoulder. “I was so scared. I was so scared that I was going to lose you.” Jungkook smiled sadly, kissing the top of Taehyung’s head. In one moment Taehyung cried out a ‘Jimin’ as he started crying again hugging Jimin. Jimin told Taehyung not to cry. Amanda and Jimin also didn't let go of each other for some time. tammy gave them a little hug, smiling so much her cheeks could fall off. Others hugged too, asking many questions, but Amanda made them shut up. She said that they just came back from the worst night they could've had and that they could talk about everything once Yoongi was back on his own two feet. The whole time Taehyugn and Jungkook didn't let go of each other.
Yoongi was awake the whole time when they needed to stitch up his wounds, but after everything that happened, he didn't feel any pain. After Hosek was done with taking care of Yoongii’s wounds, he let Jin give him so fun for strength. Now Yoongi was lying in his bed, looking outside. When Namjoon got into the room, hr froe. When Emma told him that they came back, he ran as fast as he could to Hoseok, but he didn't let him ender, not while he needed to take care of him. But now when he was in front of his lover, he couldn't move. Yoogni looked at him, giving him a smile and opening his arms. Namjoon let a tear run down his face as he quickly hugged Yoongi, he still didn't hug him to tightly, because he could open up his wounds. “I told you, you can't get rid of me so easily.” Namjoon laughs, remembering the first time Yoongi wounded his leg, he told him the exact same thing. They stayed like that for the reso of the night, in each other's arms.
To say Jimin wasn't nervous would be a lie. After Hoseok and other healers took care of Jungkook’s and Jimin’s wounder, everyone went their own ways. Jimin’s leg still hurts but he didn't pay to much attention to it. He was looking around looking for one person, one person he should hate, one person that always made fun of him, one person that made Jimin’s hear beat fats. When Jimin finally found him, his back was turned to him. Maison was looking through some papers, but when he noticed someone’s presence he turned around. Maison’s eyes softened, letting go of papers he was holding. “Jimin.” for Jimin to hear him say his name saw enough for him to run to him, pulling his collar of the shirt and kissing him. Maison was first surprised but kissed back. After a short make out, Jimin pled away. “If you tell anyone about this, I'm giving your body to the Grievers.” Maison laughed, holding Jimin’s cheek.”I missed you too.” Maison kissed Jimin once again, putting his hand on Jimin’s waist. After they needed air they parted, ut kept their foreheads together. “I like-like you.” Maison said looking into Jimin’s eyes. After what happened yesterday, he will not hold back anymore. Losing Jimin was the most terrifying this that happened to him since he came here. Jimin’s eyes widen, but he smiled. “I like-like you too.” 
Taehyung was holding his lover while they were lying down on their bed. Jungkook was lying on his back one hand in Taehyung’s hair and another one on Taehyung’s wist. Taehyung kissed Jungkook’s chest looking outside. “It was scary.” Taehyung looked at Jungkook. His face git another little scar, right below his eye. Taehyung was a little sad about it, but Jungkoo jokes around, saying he looked sexy with it. “It was a scary thing, that I won't see you ever again, or that if  I die, you will stay here on your own.” Taehyung sat up, looking down at Jungkook. he was quiet before he sat in Jungook’s lap. Jungkook didn't have time to react before Taehyung kissed him deeply. “I won't be scared anymore, do you know why Jungkook.” Jugnkook looked tTaehyung’s eyes that held so much love in them. “Because you came back to me, when it was impossible, you came back, and I know you will come back again.” Jungkook didn’t wait for another second as he kissed Taehyung. That night they made love, and night after that too. There are a lot more things they need to survive tough. But they can do it together. They and their family.
skumbugger = idiot (a person that does something without knowing/thinking)
grugly = evil
bummer = annoying/grumpy person
hurrly = useless/needless
bullskams = someone who acts like an animal
slimskulls = dumb kids
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Hope you like it :). there are some mistakes, get over it :).
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bluereimovies · 3 years
Blog Post 5 The Superhero Coven
Nox Wish is the anti-hero Coven. At first what they thought would be some regular testing to attempt to heal their cancer turned into them acquiring superpowers. They went into the doctor’s office and began to speak to the doctors about the testing and the procedure that was going to happen. Their Doctor, Doctor Nash had the same horrid sense of humor as Nox did and because of that they go together amazingly. This new testing took different animals DNA and made it an injection to try to heal the cancerous skin cells in Nox’s body. After the shot was injected into Nox, they had to sit and wait for a little bit to see if the injection worked since they were the first human to have this testing be performed on them. While Nox was sitting their skin begam to change colors and rapidly grow hair. It was like their body was fighting the DNA that was introduced into their system. The hair and skin color changing had vanished as fast as it had started. Nox had decided to keep this a secret because they did not want to be tested on if this did become a bad thing. All that Nox wanted was to be cancer free. Weeks went on and Nox did not have the reaction again until one night in her apartment when they were sleeping. They had woken up from a dream to go grab a drink of water and suddenly they were on the ground looking at their once normal sized bed. The bed they saw now was much bigger and it looked as if a giant slept on it. Nox then went to move and they saw they didn’t have hands anymore but in fact they had frog hands. They then ran to the mirror and saw they had turned into a tree frog. They were bright green with giant red eyes and long frog legs. As soon as Nox screamed in fear they turned back to their normal self as a five-foot six person with tan skin and curly long hair. Soon after the first time turning into a frog, they also figured out they could become a wolf, a cat, a dog, a bird, a black tipped shark, and an elephant it was the animals DNA present in the injection from the testing. When Nox returned to their doctors they had learned there was many others who had gotten this testing done and their cancer was not cured, yet Nox’s cancer was gone, the treatment worked, and they had beaten cancer. Before cancer Nox was any other normal 22-year-old. They did not have many friends, but Nox had their pets. Nox has a German Shepard Corgi named Lina and their orange cat named Ralph. The first time that Nox turned into a dog they were playing with Lina outside and all the sudden like a snap of fingers they were an Alaskan Malad. They had run into their house and saw again not very human like arms and legs. Nox also had their siblings and their parents. Nox had two sisters and one brother all of whom were adopted by their Dad’s Andy and Grant. Nox’s sisters were named Rain and Ray. Rain is 22 as well and Ray is 18 years old. Both of them still lived at their dad’s house while they are in college. Then there is the youngest, their brother Jasper who is 16 years. Jasper goes to high school and sees his boyfriend on his free time. Nox had attended a very prodigious veterinary school and now has a job at one of the biggest vet clinics and hospitals. Nox and their family live in their hometown of Salem Massachusetts. In high school Nox had only been focused on getting good grades and visiting the animal shelter where they had eventually adopted Lina and Ralph.
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As Nox had grown up they continued to see the superheroes that were so popular destroy cities and towns trying to save people and be the “hero”. They did not believe that superheroes were very super, and they did not do anything but cause destruction. When Nox had been a child and had their biological parents, their parents had been in the crossfire of a superhero trying to save and in the end the building that their parents worked at had failed and Nox lost both their parents because of a hero trying to save the day. From the day Nox has lost their family they promised their self that they would never try to become a super. Many superheroes in 2030 made their own superpowers or they made super suits that gave them special powers. Many famous superheroes in the past like Ironman and Batman had built their own suits to become these superheroes with amazing powers. Some were like Deadpool who unfortunately got their powers similar to the way that Nox had gotten their powers. The worst superhero that Nox had seen is the superhero Cruizer. Cruizer was the superhero that had knocked the building down trying to save the city from the villain Perito. Perito luckily had been taken into police custody 7 years ago after a different hero had taken him down. Because of this experience Nox wants to save the world, but in a different way. Slowly as more population grows and less people care about the earth, the eco-system worsens. Nox had started a foundation to begin to help the planet heal itself so the earth can live for many more years. While Nox worked at their veterinary job they also go around the country trying to convince the world to become more eco-friendly. They want to see the endangered species in the world grow in population, so we do not lose any more wildlife due to humans being selfish. Many heroes only advocate for saving the city or telling people to stay safe and buy their t-shirts. The superheroes now a days aren’t like the ones in the past, none of them care about anything besides popularity.
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Another goal that Nox has to is to get back at Cruizer for killing their parents. When that day had happened, the superhero did not even come to Nox and apologize for what had happened Cruizer just got the news to show up and take pictures of him being amazing for injuring the villain. As Nox learned their powers more, the more they would go out in the world as a bird or a dog and just enjoy life, something in the past Nox had struggles doing. As Nox worked more and because of these powers they had gotten better at their job because when alone Nox would turn into a dog or cat and could communicate with their patients to calm them down, something they recently learned was how to communicate with these animals as an animal. Slowly because of these powers, Nox’s life began to improve and they were becoming a happier person. Before Nox was a very depressed person because of the stress of cancer treatment and how their life was going to go if they didn’t beat cancer. Nox’s persuit of Cruizer is easier now than it was before. The only thing stopping them is that they have morals, and they don’t know what they would do with Cruizer even if they did catch him. As Nox began to develop their powers more, the media began to take an interest at the random wolf running around stopping random robbers and then disappearing. Nox wasn’t a superhero don’t get them wrong, but they did not want to see anyone get hurt by others selfishness, Nox was becoming one of the very first nonbinary anti-heroes. The media was writing about random animals you wouldn’t normally see around Salem helping people then running off and then were nowhere to be seen. They had caught Nox in their plain black suit homemade suit a few times, but they never got to figuring out who the person avoiding the cameras was. The only people that had learned of the powers was Nox’s family when they began to turn into different animals. Their family supported Nox’s decision in helping others yet avoiding the popularity and tarnishing their reputation as someone that was just there to help. Weeks went by and the media caught more of Nox but nothing became of it until the day of the big car crash. Cruizer was there trying to help people but there were too many civilians that needed help. Nox arrived to start moving empty cars to clear up the debris so Cruizer could safely remove people from the cars that were not empty. Soon the debris was cleaned up and Nox turned back into their human body and they slowly walked over to Cruizer to be polite. This was the first time Nox had worked with a hero and showed what they had looked like not like an animal. They had thanked Cruizer for the help and was about to fly away as a bird when the media stopped them. Nox had only said one thing “I am Coven the skin changer, I am not hero nor villain, I am not man nor woman, but I will not be what the media has turned superheroes into.” They then turned to Cruizer and said “Years ago you killed people very close to me trying to catch Perito and you still failed at catching him. If you do anything like that again now, I will do everything in my power to stop you”. Nox then turned into a bird and disappeared by flying with a flock of birds.
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The media exploded because of this encounter and Coven then became the face of the LGBTQ community as Coven the nonbinary antihero. Coven may not be a fighter or a scary strong hero, but they fight for what is right and don’t feel the need to be in the spotlight. Coven did not want to be known as the person with great power that would kill someone in the blink in the eye, they wanted to be known as the great veterinarian and owner of a foundation. Many superheroes don’t have the same morals and they wanted to prove that not everyone with powers needed to be associated with the popular heroes that only have a good reputation because the media depicts them as amazing people when the heroes are actually killers. They don’t feel the need to be wanted by magazines for interviews or being the greatest hero there has ever been. Nox achieved in spreading their ecofriendly ideas and the world has begun to change into a better and healthier planet. Nox passed away in 2088. They had become one of the most revolutionary people as an advocate for an ecofriendly world, and with their success in their career. They had a beautiful family and got married to a beautiful girl. Nox and their wife adopted many children and eventually the foundation went to Nox’s child Wern. The legacy that Nox had created made it so they no longer have to worry about the earth becoming a toxic place. Nox was such an inspirational and well-known vet that they always had a big company CEO having their back or that the media gave Nox so much credit it was wrong to deny them their wish. Nox died happy to have a family and that they are able to protect their family if anything was to happen to them.
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Nox is very similar to the antihero Deadpool. I found Deadpool as an inspiration because they didn’t care about being a superhero once acquiring their powers. Wade only wanted to save his girlfriend but eventually his morals changed and because of his loss of his love, he eventually had a family even if they were not all blood related. Deadpool gave his all in saving the child after his girlfriend died because it became the only thing that mattered to him. I find Deadpool to be inspiring as his morals became more human like and less to what everyone would call the normal.
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kaijuzilla · 6 years
My Pokemon(Fakemon) Story Idea? (Core Series)
MOD: So the you might be wondering what this post about? Well to tell you and I just wanna let this out. I’m just making just my own Pokemon region base off Coast of America meaning there will be lot of water types (maybe). So I’ll just tell you what it’s about and stuff under this link. (this is my idea and no I didn’t steal anything) (this is a practice and just wanna know how the story goes)
(Chances this will be separate partly) Pt.1
“Pokemon Spirit”
“(Pokemon belong to Game-Freak, Nintendo, The Pokemon Company, and Creatures. This isn’t a real Pokemon game and not a prediction to any new version later in the future. Pokemon name mentioned that are made belong to them while fakemon are just made.)”
Professor Maple: *webcam is on* WOAH! *fall over and look messy* S-sorry about that kiddo. You scare me for second there. *ahem* My name is Professor Maple and welcome to the world of Pokemon. Pokemon are magical creatures that live on Earth for many years. You can see them in jungle forest, murky swamp, beautiful grasslands, the ocean, and even up in the skies above us.  I study Pokemon natural environments by watching them through cameras making sure their habitats are nice and secured on the Census Region where I take care of wild Pokemon in my lab. Because long ago this region have trouble with the Pokemon population (rarities) back then so I decided to help restore their populations. Now..um..I’m sorry but are you a boy or a girl?.....Well then (player name) I hope to see you very soon at my lab today! And tell your mom I said hi! I’ll see you soon~. *wave goodbye then camera crash seeing slime on screen* AAAH!! GOODRA NOT NOW!!! *webcam off*
You’re starting town is Samara Town. In this town you’re next to a beach where people in your town and your neighbor town go to have fun and relax. You walk downstairs meeting your mom who knows everything upstairs. She know you’re getting your Pokemon to start off your journey by her childhood friend Maple. She is proud how you’re going to start off your journey that she tell you that she use to travel back then with Maple as her rival. She’ll be readying your bag as you walk out to the professor lab which is on top left of the town. When you’re about to enter a Goodra pops out the door with bird like Pokemon flying out the door. The professor walk out slowly looking tired as if she hasn’t slept in days. She see’s you and comes in with a slimy hug covering you in slime. She laugh and is happy to see you’re here just on time.  Both you enter seeing her lab windows open with two trees for Pokemon to climb and rest on as so many wild Pokemon are playing outside as you look out the glass wall. You heard three Pokemon cry as your turn and see nothing but something on your face which felt wet and stuck. You see the light and surprise to see the starter Pokemon.
- Kuttlish “Cuddle Pokemon” (Water) Lv.5 “It show it’s affection to it’s trainer by jumping onto their face and hug them for awhile. They’re also known to change color to camouflage from preys. Their break are strong enough to break the rocky surface of a Geodude.” (Atk/Def/Sp.Def) (Torrent/Suction Cups)
- Vinmodo “Komodo Pokemon” (Grass/Poison) Lv.5 “Their spine like thorns are very sensitive so they don’t like other people touching them. They warn them with a scary hiss. The saliva they have in their mouth are very venomous. One bite will cause the prey to lose muscle movement. This make catching their prey easy.” (Atk/Sp.Atk/Spd) (Overgrow/Poison Touch)
- Puprus “Guard Dog Pokemon” (Fire) Lv.5 “The collar around their neck are very special too them. If the trainer chosen this Pokemon, they will protect it’s master for it’s life.The collar then burns for what name you given to Puprus. It’s jaws are strong enough to rip off the water pipes and chew on it like a bone.” (Atk/Def/Spd) (Blaze/Strong Jaw)
(evolution work in progress that goes for other pokemon new to the region while there are returning ones)
Maple said these Pokemon where never seen before and she has no idea where they come from. They suddenly came to her lab all injured and beaten badly that she help recover them back to health. After that they decided to stay making her thinking that you can take really good care of them. When choosing the starter a sudden door burst open showing a out of breath person who is your rival. (the playable character) Your rival will see that you choose that starter that he/she gonna choose so instead he/she chosen the type advantage starter and ask for permission to battle outside. Your rival step outside then your mom came in seeing you and talk about the person that pass by her. She see you got your starter and gave your bag which is filled with 10 Poke Balls. (she the giving you options on how to catch you can say yes or no since we all know how to do it). Maple then give you the Pokedex (haven’t design it yet). After all that as you went outside, your rival battle begin! Beating your rival will see that the Pokemon she didn’t want to choose is not bad and he/she became liking his/her starter more. Your rival wish you luck and said next time he/she will be stronger than before. When your about to leave you heard a huge cry and a bells ringing. The trainer then felt relieved and so does the Pokemon around the lab feel calm too. You have no idea what that is till your professor came out rushing to see the ringing bell. Turns out she explain it was from a legendary Pokemon that it ring it’s bell across the region to calm the spirits, people, and Pokemon. She also said hearing the bell can bring huge luck to people as well. She then return to the lab and wish you lots of luck on your journey. 
You then make it to Route- 30, seeing two trainers ready to battle and some new Pokemon along the way. (No new Pokemon ideas yet but will be soon or later on) Along the way you made it to South Rim Town which has a Pokemon center/market and have two path leading to routes. Right path leads to Route 31 while the left leads to Dusty Whirl Canyon which is after you have two gym badges. As you go to Route 31 you bump into a very young trainer name Kitz who is being chase and follow by two mysterious people with an “R” logo on their back jacket. One of them say to hand over the kid but Kitz tell you that they lie to her saying they knew the champion but they’re trying to steal her Pokemon. The man shouted to keep her mouth shut and ask you one last time to hand over the kid. You refuse and the man was angry that he challenge you to battle. Beating them makes them even more angry. They retreat for now but they say that they’ll be back and you will regret ruining their hunt. Kitz said that they’re “Team Raptor” who hunt down Pokemon for money and fame. It is illegal in regions to hunt down Pokemon for money or sports since last time this happen a bunch of Bouffalant population were almost out of this region. She thank you for saving her and gave you an “Exp. Share”. As she saw you in battle made her more excited and inspire to become stronger one day so she can one day meet the champion and challenge her. She went back to South Rim Town and you go back to your journey.
You finally made it to Angeles City (Los Angeles)! Your rival saw you and wanna see how much stronger you gotten. After the battle your rival he/she would see how you gotten stronger then with great idea he/she said you should try take on the gym leader that is in this part of the city. You then meet the first gym leader Scrooge (“The Luckiest Man That Ever Live”) who specialize dark type Pokemon. He said he is busy so he ask you to go to his gym and he will be there soon or later. His gym is a quiz game which you must guess tot he trainer how much this item is in the market if guess wrong you battle and must answer the right answer. Once you beat 3 trainer you finally made it to Scrooge who happen to be there the whole time. He never tell you how he got here on time and he hope your lucky enough to beat his dark type team (Lv.10-13) (Sandile, Markrouw, Meowth(aloan) new dark type pokemon). He will use confuse ray and embargo to keep you from attacking and using items in battle and then use sucker punch to gain the speed advantage. (This technique will give trainers a hard time) Once you defeated him he will give you TM# Sucker Punch. He has never been defeated like this before and he is surprised and proud of you trusting your Pokemon when it’s in serious condition and tricky position which he than give you the Token Badge (Pokemon Lv.10-20). He hope he can battle you again to test your luck later on once the building next to him is finish construction. Your rival see that you got the gym leader badge and congratulate you on getting it. He/She will go challenge the gym leader now but the trainer you fought came out unexpected to tell you that Scrooge want to give you a “Battle Coin Case”. There is no explanation except that he’s now out the gym to help out and check on the construction that’s going on making the rival felt down missing the gym leader and must wait till he returns as you continue to the next gym.
You reach to Marshwood Swamp (base of Florida swamp)! This area is just like the mushy water area in Sinnoh Region (Diamond/Pearl) But there are rivers which needed a Pokemon to surf on. Since the swamp water isn’t that deep but will suck you in getting you stuck you decided to go with it. You hear a women voice yelling, “Now get out of me swamp ya filthy varmints!” as you see a group of Team Raptors running away seeing a girl with her (new fakemon) tired out as she whip her sweat off her head. She see you checking if your team is alright from the grunts. She see your fine and introduce herself as Hazel and she’s from Marshwood City. What happen is that the grunts where just hunting a bunch of other Pokemon for money when they are her best friend being tortured. After the conversation you see her swing on the vines that swing her over the river. This made going over the swamp more easily but you may bump into some trainers along the way. As you finally reach to Marshwood City your rival finally catch up to you. He/She complaint about how muddy and how many time he/she got stuck in the mud so much to get here. He/She wish that she would have the rider page but he/she doesn’t know where to get it but then explain what it is (was introduce in Sun/Moon(UltraSun/UltraMoon)). Your rival then go to the Pokemon Center just to rest for awhile from how hard it is to get to you. As you look around town you learn that the people around here live here because this area has very good fertilize dirt that it made farming very easily around here. It also been said that one of the elite four member live here as well as chief of the town and his granddaughter lives here too which she came from another region. As you got to the gym you found out the gym leader is actually Hazel (“Tomboyish Construction Girl”), who specialize Water type Pokemon which made electric type useless due to some of them being half ground type. She surprise to see that you arrive to her gym and she hope that you can handle her team (Lv.15-24) (Shellos (East Sea) and Barboach. They will have advantage too electric type pokemon so it's better to use grass type and watch out for mud-slap and mud bombs to lower the Pokemon accuracy. Beating her will earn you the Vine Badge (Lv.20-38) and will be given a TM# Mud Bomb. After the battle her grandfather name Lumber appeared in front of her gym surprising her.  He wanted to check on how the gym going and seeing you with her gym badge embarrass from her grandpa seeing that she lost. Meeting the trainer tells you if you want to be stronger with your Pokemon you could try Route 33 which lead o Everest City and to the restricted Area 51. It’s also full of rare Pokemon as well. Before you leave your rival came to fight you again. When you defeated him/her both you and your rival are given a “Rider Page” by Lumber. Since he heard some people are having trouble with the swamp lately he decided to give you the device that also hold the “Quagsire Swamp” rider page that can help . He also tell the story that Hazel have a Pokemon that she love so much before becoming gym leader. He know that a couple of Team Raptor was just hear today till Hazel kick them out of the swamp he know that might happen because she hate what Team Raptor when they took her Mudkip long time ago which is a gift for her when he went to the Hoenn Region to help do constructions in the forests. So he wants your help to help find her Mudkip for him because she just want her Mudkip back so much as they’ve created a great bond with each other. As you accept the request he thanks you and went off the road.
(this all I got but there will be Pt.2 someday)
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Bookshelf Briefs 10/22/20
Arifureta: I Heart Isekai, Vol. 3 | By Misaki Mori, based on the novel by Ryo Shirakome | Seven Seas – This is keeping up a fast pace, not lingering too long on any one part of the novels that it’s making fun of. Everyone manages to be that much more over-the-top than they are in the source—though admittedly Kaori goes above and beyond in this regard—and the art also has little cute “we are angry” faces for everyone that look cute and scary at the same time. More to the point, despite all the gags, the I Heart Isekai series actually manages to keep the found-family bits that are also the best reason to read the main series, and its character attacks never feel malicious (again, Kaori comes close, but then she does in the main series as well.) A lot of fun. – Sean Gaffney
Dr. STONE, Vol. 13 | By Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi | Viz Media – A lot of Dr. Stone is taking inventions that you would expect could not remotely be done in a pre-industrial age and doing them anyway due to Senku’s knowledge… though he’s helped along greatly by his dad, who we see passing away long in the past in a flashback here but who also manages to get Senku some gold and platinum to work with. They are also helped out by Kohaku’s awesome strength and agility, though I will admit I could have done without the “does not know how to be feminine” stuff. That said, it’s hard to top the absolute highlight of the book, which is Suika driving what is essentially a tank, BLIND, off a ship and into Senku’s hands. She’s still the best thing in this. – Sean Gaffney
Hatsu*Haru, Vol. 12 | By Shizuki Fujisawa | Yen Press – The damp squib that is Tarou and Kagura wraps up fast here, which is good, because the rest of the book is all over Misaki and Ayumi. Her parents have discovered their relationship, and since Misaki is a very serious boy, he decides to stop seeing her till he can get her dad’s approval, because of course he is one of THOSE dads. As for Ayumi, she still has trouble with the normal emotions of love that come naturally to the rest of the cast. The result is, as it has been since it became, several volumes back, the best relationship in the series. Which is good, as the series ends next time, and we will no doubt be moving back to Kai and Riko—I smell a sudden transfer to another part of the country coming. – Sean Gaffney
The Ideal Sponger Life, Vol. 6 | By Tsunehiko Watanabe and Neko Hinotsuki | Seven Seas – We are starting to see Zenjiro beginning to act on his own a bit more, though he’s still got someone there next to him to do the actual work. It is hard, after all, despite many isekais to the contrary, to fully immerse yourself in a new world with all-new customs. More to the point, his child with Aura may not be unique when it comes to magical affinities. And there’s a new princess in town, from the equivalent of Scandinavia, and no one seems to know what to make of her—indeed, she makes a point to divide her role as a captain from her role as a princess. More to the point, it means we get another badass woman in this book that seems to be far more interested in its politics than in any sponging. – Sean Gaffney
Laid-Back Camp, Vol. 9 | By Afro | Yen Press – If there’s one issue I have with this series it’s the artwork, particularly the character art, as I frequently find that I have trouble telling many of the characters apart. Once I get past that, this is exactly what the previous eight volumes have been: lots of relaxed camping, great scenery, and cute girls. There’s not really any hint of yuri here, but there’s also not really any hint of boys, so Rin/Nadeshiko fans should be pleased anyway. We get the birthday party from last time, which is… not as big a secret as expected. We get capybaras! There’s hot springs, there’s sunrises, and there’s Rin going off to do her own thing half the time, like the introvert with a wanderlust that she is. Does this end when they graduate? – Sean Gaffney
Murcielago, Vol. 15 | By Yoshimurakana | Yen Press – I missed reviewing 14 somehow, and thus the end of the sewer monster story. That said, though, what with Kuroko decidedly NOT having ridiculous sex at the start of this book, I have to wonder: is Murcielago getting toned down? Certainly the violence is present and correct, though this is the start of an arc, so it’s not quite as over-the-top as before. This sees another old villain returning, but we haven’t yet met Comedy Writer in this series—they seem to get people to do silly stunts, and ‘retired’ after one stunt ends up with dead people. Kuroko is her usual goofy self here, but as I noted, she seems a bit more… placid than usual? Her detective skills are also excellent here. Still great if you don’t mind gore. – Sean Gaffney
My Dress-Up Darling, Vol. 2 | By Shinichi Fukuda| Square Enix Manga – Despite the explicit content tag (and the occasional naughty shot, like the inside front cover), this reads far more as a series for fans of nice high school romance than anything else. Gojo is pushing himself far too hard, because he’s genuinely creating something for someone else but also as he feels that after this one event he’ll lose it all forever. He’s desperately socially awkward, and it’s rather sweet that Kitagawa gets so upset she’s in tears at the thought of him driving himself this hard. The cosplay is a big success, and there’s some nice costuming tips here as well. By the end of the volume, she seems to be realizing she’s falling for him… so it is, of course, the perfect time to introduce another rival. Cliffhanger! – Sean Gaffney
Our Teachers Are Dating!, Vol. 1 | By Pikachi Ohi | Seven Seas – If you want your yuri with a side order of adorable, this is the manga for you. One is the science teacher, the other teaches gym, and they’re both cute cute cute. To the point that there is minimal conflict—and honestly you don’t want any. The other teachers? Love the two of them together. The administration? Fine with it. The other students? They’re over the moon, of course. Most of the book is seeing two relatively shy people grow closer and closer in their dating till they’re ready to take the next step, which we see towards the end of the book. The students bribe them with pictures of the other. The closest we get to any strife is one being mistaken for a student (she’s short and cute). This was super-fluffy. – Sean Gaffney
Skip Beat!, Vol. 44 | By Yoshiki Nakamura | VIZ Media – It’s probably cheesy to say, but each new volume of Skip Beat! really is like checking in with old friends. In this case, it’s a pair of old friends who still haven’t managed to communicate their feelings to the other. This time they’re thwarted by Ren’s assumption that Kyoko has fallen back in love with Sho and by a tabloid article about Ren kissing an older actress. I truly wish each volume was about thrice as long, but alas, we don’t yet see what Ren does with the information that Kyoko is upset about the article more than his assumptions about her and Sho. I love this series and I don’t want it to end and I know that Ren and Kyoko getting together will mean that end is coming, but a little crumb of genuine progress would make me so happy. Maybe next time, which won’t be ’til March! – Michelle Smith
The Saint’s Magic Power Is Omnipotent, Vol. 1 | By Yuka Tachibana and Yasuyuki Syuri | Seven Seas – I haven’t read much in the way of light novels, but this one sounded interesting, so I gave it a go. Perhaps I should’ve started with a traditional isekai series in order to better appreciate how this one differs, as I initially found it quite slow going. Sei Takanashi, office lady, is summoned to another world as one of two potential Saints who will help quell an outbreak of monsters. After the prince chooses the younger candidate, Sei is free to pursue her interests, eventually discovering she’s very good at making potions, enchanting objects, and performing healing magic. Towards the end, with Sei reluctantly accepting that she is the Saint after all (unable to refrain from healing a seriously injured knight), the story picked up a bit, and I’m interested to see where it will go from here. A bit more action would be nice! – Michelle Smith
By: Michelle Smith
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fraiseblond · 7 years
our hearts are starting to show
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
A/N: This fic is not phan, I’m posting it here bc my hq blog has like zero followers
Ship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Tags: Getting Together, Fluff
moments (little pockets of time, hushed) when they fall in love
and falling in love is easy, it's second nature really
Warnings: Making Out (?)
read on ao3
They are in the quiet forest behind Hajime’s house. To his 7-year-old tiny body, it is gigantic. He is only allowed to visit the place during vacations when his mother deems him and Tooru to be good. The days are rare because Tooru likes to cry a lot. Or Hajime assumes he likes to cry because he does that, a lot. Tooru is timid and shy around people, but with Hajime, his Iwa-chan, Tooru bursts with energy. Hajime likes that. Likes the fact that little Tooru opens up more, speaks up more clearly, smiles more with him around.
Maybe that is why they are best friends.
Or maybe it is because two years ago when Tooru had moved into his neighbourhood, his mother had introduced him to Tooru and Tooru had clutched his hand, tightly.
“Hajime, introduce yourself to Tooru-kun,” his mother had asked him gently, with her hand in his other hand.
“I’m Iwaizumi,” Hajime had said then, a little tentative, staring into the eyes of the other boy, who looked a little afraid.
“Iwai-z, Iwa-chan!” Tooru had exclaimed.
Hajime had scrunched up his nose and pouted.
He had shaken his head violently, “No, Iwaizumi.”
“Iwa-chan! Iwa-chan!” Tooru had not listened to him.
Instead, he had pulled Hajime to the sand pit to play. Hajime had been annoyed but had followed Tooru anyway.
The forest looks magical today. It had been raining earlier, and now there is a slight wetness to the leaves so that they gleam in the sunlight. Everything smells like the first rains of the season and Hajime absorbs it all. He looks over to Tooru who has the same shine in his eyes. Tooru doesn’t like insects and bug catching as much as Hajime; instead, screams when Hajime catches grasshoppers with his bare hands.
Hajime knows Tooru likes plants more. He collects leaves and flowers; sticks them to a book worn out by now. Hajime gives all the leaves and flowers names of Pokemon that earns him shrieks of “Iwa-chan you are so dumb!”
Hajime takes Tooru’s hand and makes his way down the rocks to a bush he knows houses a bug that is an exciting shade of red.
“Tooru there is that bug I was talking about,” he points to the direction of the bush. “Be careful.”
“Iwa-chan all bugs look the same!” he whines but tightens his hold on Hajime’s hand and walks hesitantly.
They make their way carefully towards the bush. Hajime kneels down to examine it with a magnifying glass, a birthday gift.
He faintly registers Tooru chasing a butterfly and then stopping to look at a tree. He is like a butterfly too, Hajime thinks.
He focuses his attention back to the bush. He gently prods at it, not wanting to disturb the creatures. He catches glimpse of the insect and smiles to himself. He had wanted to catch it since he had seen it, it was fascinating. Hajime quietly pulls out the glass he keeps his insects in (for a day only, he releases them at the end of the day). His hand accidentally brushes the leaves and the insect runs away.
“Tooru! Look it’s that bug there! Can you catch it?”
Tooru looks over at him and nods, his face, young but determined.
He runs towards the general direction of Hajime’s finger, tripping and regaining his balance. Hajime gasps, surprised at the sudden confidence Tooru shows.
Hajime smiles widely.
Tooru skips over the rocks and Hajime’s heart clenches. He hears his scream before he sees Tooru fall because his eyes close on their own.
“Iwa-chan!” Oikawa cries and his heart clenches again. This time he feels tears prickling his eyes.
He runs towards Tooru, uncaring about the rocks. Tooru sits on the ground, new shorts forgotten, crying, clutching his knee. There is a scrape there. A wave of relief washes over him, he’s not seriously injured. It is soon replaced by a sharp spike of guilt. He caused Tooru to run towards the bug. Tooru’s tears are his fault. He wipes his own tears hurriedly and crouches near him.
“I’m so sorry Tooru it’s my fault that you are hurt.” Uttering his apology makes him cry again.
Tooru looks at him, there are tear stains on his cheek and his lips are quivering.
“N-No Iwa-chan! You missed your shiny bug. I’m sorry I could not get it.” He looks down, hands still clutching his knee. His eyes are wide.
Hajime knows he is pretending to be okay for him. He doesn’t know how he is able to tell.
He laughs. Tooru looks up, surprised and is ambushed by Hajime’s arms. “You are more important than a shiny bug, stupid.”
“I’m not stupid.” Tooru hugs him back; there is a hint of mirth in his voice.
“Climb on my back, I’m going to carry you home.” He pulls out of Tooru’s arms. There is no strain of joke on his face.
Hajime is taken aback by Tooru’s burst of tears. “You a-are so g-good to me Iwa-Iwa-chan.”
He hugs Tooru again, smiling now, the guilt replaced by joy.
His hand holds on to Tooru’s and stays that way through their mothers’ scolding. He only lets go when they have to return to their own homes. Between holding his hand and letting it go, Hajime makes a promise to himself to always protect Tooru; Tooru who cries a lot, but also the Tooru who runs after his fear because his Iwa-chan told him to.
Tooru knocks at Iwa-chan’s door. Friday nights mean movie nights. Tooru guesses they will watch Godzilla again like they have been for the past month when they are at Hajime’s house. But he’s carrying CD of Alien in his pocket. He feels good about his chances of convincing Iwa-chan to watch that instead of the film about a wretched lizard. He has realized a smile works as a charm to sway him.
Iwa-chan doesn’t even look at him when he opens the door, ‘Come on in quick,” he whispers.
“Why are we whispering?”
“Because I am finally going to get to watch a horror movie and I don’t want to get in trouble.” Hajime’s words are solemn but his eyes are wide and he’s smiling.
“But are we ready to watch something scary.” Tooru is uncertain.
“Yes Tooru!” Hajime is shaking with excitement. “I am a big boy now, I’m not scared.”
“You will be scared,” Tooru sing-songs.
“No!” Hajime says firmly, pressing play on the movie and curling on the sofa with a blanket with Tooru. Tooru goes for the bowl of popcorn with an unwarranted gusto. He settles comfortably, tugging the blanket from Hajime and covering himself with it.
Tooru keeps busy by munching on the popcorn. Occasionally, he tugs at the blanket just to rile Iwa-chan. He registers noises that he thinks passes as jump scares. He’s watched too many alien movies to be afraid of bad CGI. He’s there solely because it’s a movie night and he’s meant to and wants to spend time with Iwa-chan.
He looks over to him. Hajime has clutched the blanket tightly, his knuckles almost white. He seems to have shrunk, only his eyes peeping out of the blanket. He’s clenching his eyes shut between the screams that come from the TV, seemingly unaware of Tooru. Tooru finally looks at the screen. He sees a little girl, dressed in white, staring at the screen.
Tooru blinks. He cocks his head to the side, ‘Iwa-chan is scared of this?” he thinks to himself.
A smile creeps up to his face. He loosens his hold on the blanket that Iwa-chan quickly swallows. “I am a big boy now, I’m not scared.” Iwa-chan’s voice plays in his voice on a loop.
He scoots towards Hajime, who jumps a little at the contact. He glares at Tooru, his eyebrows furrowing. “Cute,” Tooru’s mind offers. Tooru frowns at this. Hajime returns to grasping the blanket, now shaking a little.
Tooru’s heart softens at the sight. The notion of taunting Iwa-chan seems forgotten when he looks at how tiny he looks, covered in what he remembers now is the blanket they used to share when he used to sleep over at Hajime’s house when they were little. He keeps muttering to himself. Tooru thinks he caught the words ‘I’m okay’ and ‘this is just a movie’.
Tooru’s lips curls into a gentle smile at this sight of Iwa-chan. He touches Iwa-chan’s shoulder, tenderly this time. Hajime turns to him, more confused than ever, his mouth a little wide.
“Iwa-chan, I’m a little scared,” he whispers in Hajime’s ear. Hajime peers out of his blanket, a new expression on his face. He seems… grateful.
“I-It’s okay Tooru,” he shimmies out of his blanket fort, “We can hold hands.”
He smiles at Tooru, soft and mellow. He takes his hand and brings it close to his chest.
Tooru looks at him, now looking more comforted. The chance of teasing Iwa-chan has slipped through his fingers, but this feeling, this feeling of almost being held for comfort by Iwa-chan makes him feel lighter. He tightens his hold on Iwa-chan’s hand and rests his head on his shoulder. At peace.
The sound of the ball bouncing echoes throughout the gym. Tooru is breathing heavily, his mouth wide open.
He feels disconnected from his body. He feels a sharp sting on his face. His mind is fuzzy. Iwa-chan is standing in front of him, his face pained. He doesn’t like the look on his face. A fear closes up his throat suddenly. He has never seen Iwa-chan look at him like this, like a criminal. He feels dirty, compelled to wash and scrub away at his skin. Kagayema is standing behind Iwa-chan. He looks scared, but he keeps staring at Tooru. He’s shaking a little.
He remembers everything in pieces.
Tobio-chan asking him for help.
Approaching him.
Him getting very angry.
Screaming and his throat closing.
His hands coming to hold Tobio-chan’s collars.
Blind range.
Iwa-chan suddenly holding his collar.
Anger and disbelief.
Green eyes getting menacing.
A sharp sting on his face.
Tooru closes his eyes, feels himself crying. He chokes back the tears, fingernails digging into his palm.
“Oikawa!” Hajime’s voice booms in the empty gym. Hearing Oikawa from Iwa-chan’s lips threatens another wave of tears. He’s not used to hearing Oikawa, even after years of Iwa-chan dropping his first name from his vocabulary. It hurts. He’s used to being the number one in Iwa-chan’s life. He feels that slipping away from his fingers.
He opens his eyes. He knows they are red, they sting. “I’m sorry Tobio-chan,” he bows his head to a shocked Kagayema. He runs at the other end of the gym, pretending to busy himself with keeping the balls in their places. He knows Hajime is talking to Kagayema, apologizing for his behavior. He doesn’t need to look behind to know that Hajime is using the gentlest of his voices, the kindest of his smiles and ushering Kagayema out of the gym.
He feels guilty and mortified. His head is a mess of jumbled thoughts; he can’t separate one from another. He drags the trolley of balls to the middle of the court. He takes his position and begins to serve.
Before Hajime enters the gym again, he hears the smack of the volleyball hitting the court with a dangerous speed. Fear clouds over him. He jogs inside and sees Tooru, serving ball after ball.
“Oikawa! Stop!”
“No Iwa-chan,” he pauses and looks over at him, his face blank. “I made a huge mistake today and I need to learn from it.” His voice is eerily calm, it almost seems like it’s not Oikawa who is speaking to him, but a ghost of him.
“Oikawa, we can talk about it,” he’s louder now. “If you want.”
Oikawa doesn’t stop this time. “No, Iwa-chan, there’s nothing to talk about. I’m a horrible human being and you don’t deserve to have me as your friend.”
He smacks the balls with an alarming momentum. “Tobio-chan is a junior and I almost attacked him. What does that make me?” His voice breaks at the end.
“No,” Hajime’s voice comes out softer this time, laced with terror.
More smacks.
“He’s a genius and I will never touch him. Never.” The tears are visible now, but Oikawa keeps going.
Hajime stands afar, a spectator. He looks down at his hands. He can’t help Tooru like this. His heart tightens at the sight of Oikawa. His breath is coming in heavy pants, he’s sure that he can’t feel his right palm, but he keeps going. His form weakens serve after serve but its speed increases. The only sound in the room is coming from the volleyballs and the occasional whimper from Tooru. He’s limping but he doesn’t stop.
Hajime seems to be fixed in his spot. Fear takes up residence in his throat and clogs it. Nothing comes out of his mouth. His chest feels heavy. He wants to cry, wants to scream at Oikawa but all he manages to do is look at Oikawa; Oikawa who looks dead behind the eyes but still picks up the ball smacks it with a deadly precision.
He sees the ball in the air for a moment before he hears a gut-wrenching scream. He runs towards Oikawa, his previous fear now multiplied.
“Where are you hurt?” he’s crouching beside Oikawa now, whose mask has been lifted. His face is contorted in pain and terror. He’s sure his face matches Oikawa.
“It hurts Iwa-chan,” Oikawa seems to be holding back his tears now. His voice is thick with panic.
“Where?” Hajime is trying to be gentle. Oikawa points at his knee. He examines it with his hands. It’s swollen. A flood of relief crashes over him.
“Oh, Tooru,” he says it so softly; he can barely hear it himself. Oikawa bursts in tears, his chest heaving.
He clings to Hajime, crying, crying. Hajime’s soul aches. He can’t bear to see Tooru like this. He hugs him back, tightens his hold over him and lets him sob. It’s all he can do for him right now.
Time passes. He doesn’t know how long they hold on to each other. He knows he has to respond to both their mothers but that is a faraway concern. Tooru is the present, his well-being the only thing on his mind.
“Come on, climb on my back, I’m going to carry you home.” The words seem familiar, from a time that was sacred. For a second, he’s transported there.
He carries Tooru to his bedroom. Feeds him soup. Puts an icepack on his knee. Calls his mom, shares half the story.
Tooru looks shaken up. He’s no longer crying, but his face is tear-stained.
“Iwa-chan I’m scared.” he breaks the silence first. “What if I never get to play again?”
“You’ll be alright Tooru.” Tooru seems to be fitting at this moment. “I’ll not lie and say you’ll be perfectly fine by tomorrow, but I know you. You’ll fight and be the best.”
Oikawa is staring at Hajime. A tear rolls down his eyes. “Iwa-chan, why are you so perfect, so good to me?”
Hajime approaches him and sits by his side. “Because you deserve the best Tooru.”
“Can you sleep beside me tonight?” his voice is delicate, almost fragile.
“Of course Tooru,” he pushes the cover up and joins Oikawa. They are touching at both sides of their bodies. This position, at this moment, seems new but familiar. Hajime turns to his side and looks at Tooru.
“Stop crying now, you know you are an ugly-crier.”
“Iwa-chan why would you hurt me like that?” Tooru is frail but he sounds like he’s smiling. Hajime doesn’t know in the dark.
He tentatively slides closer to Tooru, raises his arms and puts them around Tooru. He mirrors Hajime’s movements. He can feel Tooru’s heartbeat this close now. Their breaths rhyme, lulling them to sleep. They lie there like that, stronger together.
Kitagawa Daiichi seems like history now. There is the future in front of them. There is also a fear of leaving, of getting lost behind, becoming a mere memory.
They leap into the unfamiliar, not knowing where they’ll land. They seem to have forgotten that they are tied, always connected.
Losing to Karasuno is hard. Watching Karasuno enter nationals harder. Oikawa ushers him out of the gym with a “Come on, let’s go home.” His heart skips a beat at home.
He turns back, looks at Oikawa who is smiling. He sees the smile and he sees the hurt. It’s unsettling to see both so clearly, Oikawa’s face is open and vulnerable. Hajime’s face warms. The wounds from the last match are still open, fresh. The third years missed their chance of going to nationals, Hajime shares their pain. They will never play again as a team. The finality of it all is heavy. Seeing Oikawa smile so genuinely touches Hajime. They will be okay, as long as they are together.
Exam season is hectic. Tooru was prepared for it. He burns in pain of the loss at the game, but his determination to move forward burns brighter. He’s smart, he knows that. But he works and works. There are eye bags under his eyes that he puts concealer on carefully in the morning. Nights are filled with alternating cups of coffee and tea and exhaustion.
Iwa-chan calls him every night during exam week. He calls him in the dead of the night when the only sounds he can hear are the bugs that they used to catch together. His voice always sounds heavy and tired. There is a trace of something in his voice, he recognizes it but doesn’t want to face it. It sends an ache of longing in his body.
Iwa-chan’s voice is hoarse. It’s always, “Take care Oikawa.” and “Have something to drink.” Oikawa doesn’t have it in him to make fun of him. Sometimes he talks about studying sports medicine at university to distract Tooru. He likes to go on the roof and look at the stars then. Tooru thinks he hears something akin to yearning and melancholy; it’s easier to brush it off as something he imagined.
The post-exam season is easy. School insists them on coming even though exams are done and the only thing to look forward to is graduation. Tooru likes going to school; even though it bombards them with various aptitude tests and university scares. Going to school is an easy routine. Iwa-chan waiting for him to get ready, walking together to school, morning practice, lunch on the roof with Hanamaki and Matsukawa, more practice and the walk home. He doesn’t need to think about this, it comes naturally.
Routines also become peppered with something.
Tooru lets go off doing his hair every morning in favour of waiting for Iwa-chan just to see him surprised. He realizes Iwa-chan’s open and unabashed smile makes his heart race. Their walks have always been silent, comfortable allowing them to wake up properly. Now Tooru wants to fill the silence, not wanting to let go of any moment they are together. They bump shoulders as they walk; each touch simultaneously new and at home.
Morning practice is sitting on the bench and teaching the second years to take rein of the team. Volleyball is exhilarating even to watch. Each smack of the ball takes him back to when he first started playing (because Iwa-chan introduced it to him. Everything was because of him).
Volleyball is his future but it is also his past. He has memories linked to learning every new move. And all the memories lead back to Iwa-chan. It’s scary and grounding to know that he has a constant.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki ditch them at lunch and they end up sitting on the roof alone. The roof was a safe haven from Oikawa’s fan club, but it has become a place full of reminiscences. The sky is pretty today, uncharacteristically so. Oikawa looks beautiful sitting under the sun. His hair is blowing in the wind, showing more of his face. He looks younger, prettier.
“Makki and Mattsun are a thing.” Oikawa trails off. He has been doing that a lot nowadays.
Hajime doesn’t process that. “Hmm?”
“Iwa-chan is so dense, like a caveman.”
Hajime opts to laugh. He’ll miss this teasing if…
“Makki and Mattsun are dating, Iwa-chan.”
Hajime is surprised, but not really. The constant glances, touches, hushed whispers make sense now.
“Yeah oh, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa looks him in the eye. “You’re really blind.”
Iwaizumi doesn’t get to answer back. The bell rings and he hurries back to the classroom. Hajime remembers Oikawa’s look though and it unsettles him.
Oikawa is outside a ramen shop, their ramen shop. He is dressed in new clothes; he hopes Iwa-chan doesn’t recognize that. He sees Iwa-chan walking towards him. He’s wearing a jacket that Tooru has never seen before. Tooru blushes. Iwa-chan is messing with his clothes as he walks. Tooru can’t help but stare. He is gorgeous. There is a slight colour to his face; the new jacket accentuates his already broad shoulders. Tooru likes to make fun of Iwa-chan’s height a lot, but he looks taller now. Tooru puts on a smile.
“Hi, Iwa-chan! Going on a date?” he leans closer to him and drapes himself over him.
“This isn’t a date dumbass!” He jerks Tooru’s hand away, but he is blushing.
“Don’t worry, even you will get a girlfriend one day,” he says sweetly. The words are hollow and bitter.
Someone taps him on his shoulder. He turns around; it’s a couple of girls. He groans internally.
“Would you like to sit with us?” They don’t look at Iwa-chan.
The girls look nervous. He can feel Hajime’s eyes on him as he follows the conversation.
He takes Hajime’s hand in his suddenly and grips it tighter. “Aw sorry girls, I have a date,” he brandishes their linked hands. The disappointment on their face feels good. The girls stare at Hajime, who’s avoiding eye contact.
“Now, if you can excuse us.” He turns around, his hand still linked with Hajime’s.
“What was that about?” Hajime whispers.
“Nothing Iwa-chan. We always spend Saturday together. I’m not going to let some girls come between us.”
Hajime doesn’t say anything after that. Their hands stay connected.
They talk about everything. They tease each other. Oikawa flirts with the waitress, Hajime feigns exasperation. Occasionally, Iwa-chan rubs circles on his palm with his thumb. There is a lot of things unspoken in the air. There is hope for a forever. For a future like this.
They don’t leave each other’s hand until they are at home, on the phone with each other.
Oikawa is at Chuo University, Hajime at Keio. Oikawa plays volleyball for the team and will go pro. Hajime is studying sports medicine. They share a home in Tokyo. These are facts, irreversible.
Their home is tiny, cramped with goodies, opposite a cranky cat lady. The furniture is not reliable for two grown up men. It takes forever to travel to their universities. But it is theirs. It is above a ramen shop, so it always smells lovely and a little bit like Miyagi. They love it.
It was natural, getting a home together. Nobody questioned it. Their home, like them, fell into place effortlessly.
Different universities mean new groups of friends, going out without each other, coming home at different times. But traditions continue. Friday still means movies even if they’re in the afternoon. Saturday still means spending time together. Even if it’s spending time in their little home, which doesn’t have reliable water and electricity. Sometimes they lay down on their too small couch, heads resting together when it rains and talk about Miyagi and things they miss. It’s painful in a sweet way, but shared breaths and hushed whispers make up for that. It would hurt more, Tooru thinks, if Iwa-chan wasn’t here with him.
Living together is a journey in itself. Tooru learns that Hajime could wake up at 7 and still make his 7:30 class on time with all the traveling. Hajime learns why Tooru smells so good and steals some of Tooru’s vanilla shampoo. Getting ready together in the morning is terribly intimate. They catch each other completely vulnerable. Breakfast is sometimes a granola bar or sometimes a treat prepared by Hajime. It is always mussed hair and sleepy eyes, though. There are a lot of yawns and drowsy goodbyes. Everything feels right.
Exam season comes too quickly. They are settling in, navigating their shared life in Tokyo and then suddenly, it’s the end of the first year.
Teacups pile in their rooms. Conversations reduce to one-word answers and grunts. Exhaustion shows up in the form of eye bags and hair that’s been combed by hands only. Hajime finds Oikawa’s concealer and teases him. It’s unlike school but his heart smiles.
Hajime finishes his exam a day before Tooru. He comes home, cleans all the cups and prepares a warm meal. Hajime waits for Tooru, busies himself with cleaning the rest of the house.
Oikawa comes in late at night, probably from an 8 hour-long study session at the library. He walks into the kitchen, his eyes droopy. He faintly registers how clean the apartment looks.
“Iwa-chan, so good to me,” he nuzzles his head into Hajime’s neck. Hajime laughs. The vibrations send a tingle down his spine.
“Let’s eat, okay. I made something warm and nice.” Hajime’s voice is tender. Tooru almost sheds a tear.
They eat on the couch. Their legs touch each other. Hajime talks to distract Tooru. It’s raining, he can hear the raindrops fall on the roof and clatter. Tokyo is different from Miyagi, but in this little pocket of town which they have made their own, it hardly matters. Hajime’s voice is soft. He focuses his attention to its texture; he doesn’t want to fall asleep. The exam tomorrow is far away, what is present is Hajime, strong Hajime who manages to be so tender, it physically hurts Oikawa.
He keeps his bowl on the coffee table and leans into Hajime. Hajime is running is fingers through his hair, scratching his scalp. It’s lovely.
“Hey, why don’t you take a shower? Then you can go to sleep, you’re tired.”
Oikawa leans into him more. “What, am I stinky now Iwa-chan?”
“Never.” Hajime is honest.
Hajime is on the bed, flicking through some magazines. Today was special. The four walls around them seem to contain happiness today. The easy smile on his lips doesn’t go away.
He hears the bathroom unlock. Tooru steps out in his favourite alien pajamas. They are worn out but soft. Hajime knows them by touch. Oikawa enters his room. His hair is wet and his clothes are sticking to his body.
“Hey,” he says.
Tooru climbs on his bed. It is a small bed, so Tooru is very close to him. His heart begins to race.
Tooru looks so beautiful like this; in tattered pajamas and messed up hair. His skin is pink and it seems to be glowing in the dim light of his bedroom. He’s close, so close to him.
The word is whispered. He can feel Tooru’s breath on his face. Proximity is heady. It feels warm, he wants to wrap this warmth around himself and never let go.
Up close he can see how long Tooru’s eyelashes are. He can see his freckles, faint but all over his face. His eyes, magnetic. He knows all these features, sees them every day but up close, it’s something else.
It’s all he can manage to say. His head is full of thoughts but nothing comes out of his mouth other than Tooru; sweet Tooru.
They kiss. He doesn't know who kissed first but it doesn't matter really, they're together.
The kiss is electrifying. His lips feel kind they're set alight. It's so sweet, so gentle. Hajime doesn't know what to do with his hands so he grips the mattress tight. The glide of Tooru’s lips over his is addicting. Tooru’s hands come up and wrap around his neck. Hajime follows him, his hands roaming over the expanse of Tooru’s back. He touches the bare skin where his t shirt rides up. The skin is hot to touch there, he wants more.
Tooru’s mouth is soft, hot. His tongue runs over Hajime’s lips, he opens his mouth, Tooru’s tongue slips inside his mouth. He hears Tooru moan, it sends a hot shiver through his legs. He sucks on Tooru’s tongue, grasping at his hair, trying to bring him close, closer. Tooru’s hands are at clutching his waist, stroking with his thumbs. It feels incredibly personal and real. Tooru bites his bottom lip, runs his tongue over it. Hajime moans, a guttural sound.
Tooru pulls back; Hajime chases his lips, his eyes half- lidded.
“Hajime, I love you.”
He never knew Hajime could sound so sensuous. The Ha- coming out as a ragged breath.
He presses a firm kiss on Tooru’s lips, “I love you too, of course, I love you Tooru.”
“Say it again,” Tooru mutters. He leans forward, his mouth ghosting on Hajime’s neck, leaving open mouth kisses near his jaw, on his neck.
“I love you,” Hajime breathes. He grips Tooru’s hair tighter, tugs at it a little. Tooru bites at his skin there. Hajime can smell Tooru’s vanilla shampoo. It leaves him throbbing.
Tooru kisses him again. It is animalistic now; needy and urgent. Their teeth clash as they lick into each other’s mouth. Tooru puts his hand under Hajime’s shirt, hot hands roaming over his chest, his hard abs. “I’ve imagined this so many times,” Tooru says, his mouth on Hajime’s jaw.
“Me too,” he rolls them on the bed so they are lying side by side.
Hajime pulls away this time. Tooru lets out a whine that Hajime laughs at.
“We have a lot of time ahead of us.” he resorts to stroking Tooru’s hair. Once he starts touching Tooru, he can’t seem to stop. It makes his head dizzy.
“We wasted a lot of time though didn’t we?”
Hajime opens his arms wide, Tooru cuddles up to him.
“It doesn’t matter, it was always supposed to be us.”
The dark of the night makes it easier to say this. It’s Tooru he’s holding, the reality settles into his belly, fires it up.
“Yeah, always us.”
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amym1519 · 5 years
Do You Hear Them Too?(Scary Short Story)
I need your help. I’ve been hearing whispers, and when I ask people if they hear them too, they say no. The whispers tell me to hurt myself or the people I know. This has been going on for a week now, which is how long it’s been since I visited a haunted forest with my friends. I’ve looked things up on the Internet, but nothing works! I told my parents about this issue, so now they think I’m a mental case. Maybe if I tell you my story you can help?
I have two friends, and I’ve known them since grade school. We’ve been through thick and thin, and always believe each other no matter how crazy the story is.
We were all in study hall talking about random things.
“That’s why you don’t go anywhere without pepper spray,” Sienna said.
“Well, I guess you have a point, Sienna, but I’m a guy, so carrying pepper spray is a chicken move. My fists work just fine,” Kevin retaliated.
Sienna rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Hey, Jason, would you carry pepper spray?”
I looked up from my homework. “I don’t know. Why not go the extra mile and carry a pocket knife?”
“That’s what I’m talking about!” Kevin held up his hand for me to high five.
We gave each other a high five, and listened to Sienna's lecture about how we should carry something less threatening than a pocket knife.
In the middle of her explaining, Kevin started to ask us a question. “Hey, do you guys want to go to the haunted forest?”
I closed my notebook. “Why would we do that?”
He went on to tell us that since we’re seniors, and will be graduating next month we should do something crazy.
“I’m on board,” said Sienna.
I looked at her with wide eyes. “Says the girl who said we should be careful.”
She crossed her arms. “That doesn’t mean I still won’t have fun.”
We then planned our Friday night adventure into the forest that was a half hour away from us. We all asked our parents, and, like always, they said it was okay.
When the sun was about to go down, we headed on our way.
We agreed to go when it was closer to nighttime because that’s when the spirits are more active.
“Oh my gosh!” From the backseat of the car, Sienna grabbed my shoulder.
Kevin and I flinched at her sudden outburst. I turned around to face her. “What?”
“This forest is creepier than we thought.”
Kevin said, “Why?”
“I looked up weird stories about it since it’s well-known, and…”
“There was one old woman who mysteriously died there, and the rest of the deaths are of children. People are thinking that she could be like a mother to those children since she’s the only adult…” Sienna paused. “And it also says the woman judges those who enter the forest.”
I turn around to look at her again. “What? If you’re good she knits you a sweater?”
“No. If she thinks you’re a bad person, she’ll curse you. If you’re good, nothing happens.”
I scoff in disbelief. “Looks like we’ll be living in agony because we aren’t kiss ups.”
“Yea.” Kevin laughed. “You’ve got a point, Jason. How can you tell you’re cursed?”
“When you hear someone scream, and experience a subtle and short change in time.”
“I doubt anything will happen. Ghosts can’t do that,” I said.
Sienna sighed. “If you think so.”
When we got there, Kevin pulled over on the edge of the road, and Sienna made us promise that we wouldn’t abandon the group no matter what. We then got out with our flashlights, and began our journey through the dark forest.
I’ve always wanted to venture through that forest, but I knew better than to go alone. Haunted or not, the woods still give me a weird feeling. Like that’s where every ghost wanders to when they die.
“Hey look over here,” Kevin signaled to us with his head.
“Wow,” Sienna moved her flashlight over what Kevin found. “we’ve already found an old house.”
I walked closer to the house. “Should we go in?”
“Dude, don’t you watch horror movies?” Kevin held out his index finger. “Rule number one is to never go into creepy houses.”
Sienna wondered off to explore more of the forest.
“I think the fact that we’re here brakes every rule.”
I walked away from Kevin to find Sienna.
The forest didn’t even seem haunted. It was so calm that I started to let my guard down. Even if it was haunted, ghosts couldn’t hurt you.
“Hey, Sienna, find anything creepy?”
She shook her head.
“I feel like this is a hoax. Like those stories were an urban legend.”
Sienna shrugged her shoulders. “I guess…wait, Jason There’s-”
From a distance we heard Kevin scream.
We looked at each other and started to run, but in opposite directions.
I stopped running. “Sienna, Kevin is over here!”
“I saw something. Don’t worry about me I’ll come back.” She continued to run.
It was unlike her to run off like that, so I didn’t know what to do. If I didn’t go after Sienna, she might get injured, but if I didn’t help Kevin…
I yelled as loud as I could. “Kevin, can you hear me?”
I looked to see if I could still see Sienna, but she vanished.
Not knowing what to do, I decided to help Kevin since Sienna was still able to defend herself if she needed to.
I ran where I thought Kevin’s voice came from, which was near the house.
I couldn’t help but realize how odd this was becoming. Even though we promised we would stay together, we still managed to stray from each other. Normally, if we make a promise like that we keep it.
But this time seems different. Like this isn’t what should happen…
I arrived at the back of the house, and called Kevin’s name again.
I kept calling, and just as I was about to give up, I heard his voice.
“Kevin, where are you?”
“In the house.”
I walked in the house, and noticed he was standing in the kitchen.
I looked at him to see if he was injured. “Are you okay?”
“Yea, why?”
“Sienna and I heard you scream.”
“You must have heard something else, man, because I didn’t scream. And why’d you guys leave me?”
Why did we leave him? “I guess we weren’t paying attention. We should look for Sienna.”
Kevin nodded his head, and we ran out of the house.
As we were running, I remembered something. “Why did you go in the house?”
“I was curious, so I checked it out,” Kevin said.
“Let’s leave after we find her.”
Kevin looked at me confused. “Why?”
“Things are getting weird.”
We stopped running to see if Sienna was around. “Fine, we’ll find her and go.”
“Sienna,” I yelled with my hands cupped around my mouth.
The only thing we heard was the faint sound of wind passing by.
We kept calling her name, hoping for a response.
Suddenly something grabbed my right shoulder and I screamed. I turned around and saw that it was Sienna.
“It’s about time I found you two!” She crossed her arms. “Why did you leave me?
Kevin took one step towards Sienna. "You’re one to talk.”
“What are you talking about, Kevin?”
I answered her question. “When we heard Kevin scream, you saw something and left me.”
“That’s not what happened.”
“Then what’s your side of the story,” Kevin asked.
“Jason and I were looking around, and just as I was turning around to tell him I saw something, he was gone.”
I felt goosebumps trail up my body. “How do we have two different views on what happened?”
Kevin started walking. “I’m leaving. This is getting weird.”
“I don’t know about you, Jason, but I’m going with Kevin.” Sienna started walking towards him.
I didn’t want to lose them again, so I stayed very close to my friends.
“Where do you think you three are going?” A woman’s voice softly echoed throughout the forest.
We all froze. I looked over at Kevin and Sienna, and they had the same expression I had. Fear.
“Who’s there,” I whispered.
The voice ignored the question. “One of you has been very bad.”
I felt something cold grip my right shoulder. I slowly turned my head to see what it was, but nothing was there.
“Children.” the voice continued. “Shall we teach that person a lesson on why you should be a good child?”
Out of nowhere, we heard several children laughing. There laughter grew louder and closer the longer we stayed frozen in place.
“Come on,” I yelled at the others.
We started running like our lives depended on it. But no matter how fast we ran, the laughs continued to follow us.
“Over here,” Sienna yelled to get our attention.
I looked to see where she was leading us. She was running towards the house.
Kevin ran next Sienna. “We aren’t going in there, right?”
“No. If we make a left when we get there, we might be able to escape.”
“Then let’s run quicker,” I said.
After what felt like ages, we finally saw an exit. Having a sudden burst of energy, we all ran even faster, and threw ourselves into Kevin’s car.
“I’m driving whether you two are ready or not.” Kevin slammed his foot on the gas pedal, and we were quickly distancing ourselves from that place.
It wasn’t until we arrived at Kevin’s house, though, that we were all able to take a breath of relief.
“You’re still trapped,” a child whispered.
My body stiffened like it was a piece of wood. “Did you guys hear that?”
“Hear what?” Sienna furrowed her eyebrows.
I waved my hand. “Never mind. I’m probably imagining things.”
We went into Kevin’s house to calm down, and decided to watch a movie to take our minds off of what happened. But I couldn’t get myself to forget what happened in the car. Whose voice was that?
After the movie, we were joking around and acting like nothing happened.
I looked at my phone to see what time it was. “It’s 2:34! I should head home.”
“Yikes, I should too,” Sienna said.
“Let’s hang out again tomorrow,” said Kevin.
We all agreed, and went to gather our stuff before we headed out the door.
“See you tomorrow, Sienna.”
Sienna waved her hand. “Bye”
I then turned left as she turned right.
I tried to quickly walk home since I didn’t tell my parents I was going to be out that long. If I was lucky, they’d be in bed.
“Hey,” Someone around me whispered.
It sounded like a little girl, but I knew better than to talk to people when it was that late. I kept walking.
The girl giggled. “You can run, but you can’t hide.”
I continued to ignore her.
“Mommy says you’re a very bad person.”
I started jogging.
“Why are you trying to run away?”
I stopped and stood there. “Where are you, and why are you following me?”
“I told you,” the girl laughed then continued in a whisper. “Mommy says you’ve been bad.”
“What’s your name?”
“I’ve been dead for so long, that I don’t remember.”
I clenched my fists and started running. I was only a block away from my house.
The whole time I was running, I was thinking of how this could be happening. Were Kevin and Sienna pranking me? I clearly saw Sienna walk in the opposite direction, and I would have heard her if she was following me. So how is this happening?
I reached my house, and immediately dug into my pocket for my keys. I was shaking with so much fear that it took me a few tries to get it in the lock.
Once I got the key in, I pushed the door open. I rushed in the house, and went straight to my room. I abandoned all attempts of being quiet.
I closed my bedroom door, and went straight to the window. I peaked through my blinds and saw that no one was outside. I took a breath of relief. I was no longer being followed.
I walked over to my bed to lay down.
I took another breath. “It’s alright now.”
The girl chuckled. “Are you sure?”
I bolted into a sitting position, and looked around me. No one was in the room.
“What’s wrong…Jason?”
“Just tell me what’s going on! Why am I hearing things?”
“My mommy said you’re a bad person, so she told me to haunt you for the rest of your life.”
“But I didn’t do anything.”
She stopped whispering. “You made fun of us.”
I opened my mouth as I realized what was happening. “I’m…cursed…”
“Forever.” She then laughed as if someone told her a joke.
She continued to do that for the rest of the night.
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wweimagineandedit · 7 years
Speedy Recovery - Seth Rollins x Reader
Request by @lclb13
Summary - You request time off to help Seth recovery from his injury at home, and the two of you get very close. One thing leads to another, and you end up doing a lot more than helping him recover. (Kevin the doggo also makes a few appearances ;) ) 
Warnings:- Smut, Fluff, Swearing
Word Count- 2,103
Crews to gif owner, my gif maker still wont work :( 
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When I first head about the attack on Raw on Seth, I assumed it was just a storyline, which was why when I heard about Seth’s injury, I assumed that it was just part of the storyline. But when I saw him leaving the arena on his crutches, I knew it was serious. This wasn’t a joke, and it broke my heart to see Seth in pain.
 Seth is a good friend of mine,we get along really well and sometimes we even ride together, since we never ran out of things to talk about and no matter what mood we were in, we would make each other laugh.
 Once I’d found out his injury was legitimate and he’d be out of action for a while, without a second thought, I booked time off to help him.  I booked 4 weeks off, which I know was a stretch, but I wasn’t doing much on TV anyway and they had plenty of female superstars for the live events. Being told seth was sent back to his home in Buffalo, I immediately boarded the next plane there. I decided not to tell Seth I was coming and surprise him, hoping that mine would be a face he’d like to see.
 I pull up outside Seth’s house, parking on the curb and pulling my bags out of the trunk. I’m walking up the pathway to his front door when I hear barking. This wasn’t the first time I’d been to Seth’s place, so hearing Kevin bark was actually a welcome sound. I knock on the door, waiting for a few minutes, but there’s no answer. Kevin barks again, and I hear Seth speak. “Kev, please, shhh” he whines.
 God, he sounds so sad. He normally sounds so happy and enthusiastic, and it kind of stung to hear him like this. Trying the door handle, I pushed the door open – luckily he didn’t have the chain on the door. I shuffle in and stand in the doorway.
“Wh-who’s there?” Seth turns around, and I finally get a good look at him.
 His eyes are red and puffy from crying, his leg propped up with pillows on the couch, crutches next to him, his hair tied up in a bun. “Oh, Seth” I say sympathetically, speeding over to him and kneeling beside him.
 “(Y/N)?” he says wiping his eyes. “What are you doing here?”
“Well, say hello to your completely not qualified nurse for the next 4 weeks” I rock back on my heels and give him a big cheesy grin, earning  a small chuckle from him.
“But you’ve got work, you can’t look after me you can’t stay for long”
“4 weeks off, Seth. I’ve booked 4 weeks off to help you.”
“(Y/N), I can’t let you do that it’s not-“
“Stop.” I cut him off mid sentence. “You aren’t getting rid of me that easily, Rollins.”
 10 days passed, and Seth and I got closer and close.r I drove him to his first doctors appointment, which was  nerve-racking. On the third day, I helped him into the shower, since he was struggling to stand on his knee. I helped him in, both of us trying to hide the fact that we were blushing.
 On that same night we were both sat on the couch watching a movie, Seth had his legs draped over me and I was rubbing his knee. He started to fall asleep, but he asked me to stay, and at first thought it was just sleepy Seth talking but I stayed the night and the next day he asked me to stay at his place for the rest of the time I was looking after him.
 Spending so much time with him, getting so close with him, I was starting to feel something I’d not felt for anyone in a while. I think I was falling in love with him.
 Coming back to today, I’d just helped Seth into the shower and I was back in the spare room getting changed. I was just about to put on a top to sleep in when I heard a thud. I quickly ran to the bathroom, checking if Seth was ok.
“Seth! Seth! Are you ok? Did you fall?” I burst into the bathroom.
“No, no, I just dropped the shamp-“ Seth stopped abruptly, looking at me.
I look down at my body and all of a sudden remember I was still in just my underwear. “Shit!” I shout before grabbing Seth’s hoodie off the radiator in the bathroom and zipping it up.
“As long as you’re ok” I say before rushing out of the bathroom.
 I sit cross-legged on the bed with my head in my hands, still in Seth’s hoodie. The door slowly opens and I see Seth stood on one leg in a towel with his crutches. The sight makes me gasp, seeing water dripping down his chest, his wet hair messy around his shoulders.
“How’d you get out by yourself?” I ask him nervously.
“Hard work” He laughs, hobbling over to sit next to me on the bed.
“Seth I-“
 He stops me there by planting a soft kiss on my lips, resting once hand on my cheek and the other on my thigh. He pulls away and his chocolate brown eyes stare into mine. “I’ve wanted to do that since you walked through my door on the first day you came.”
I blush and Seth smiles before coming in to kiss me again, but this time the kiss was more heated. His tongue begged entry to my mouth, and I let it in allowing us to explore one another’s mouth.
 I swing my leg over him so that I’m now straddling him, and I can feel his hard bulge against the wetness pooling between my thighs, which was only covered by a thin piece of fabric. I grind against him and he starts to trail sloppy kisses down my neck. I grip his dripping wet hair with one hand and trail the other down his bicep, feeling his muscle tense beneath my touch.
 Slowly pulling away from Seth and I stand up, him looking at me confused. I kneel down on the floor in front of where he was sat on the edge of the bed, pushing him down gently before undoing the knot in his towel, letting his rock hard member spring free. I start kissing up his right leg, feeling him twitch slighty when I start kissing his injured right knee.
 Making my way to his member, I take it in my hand and slowly lick up the length, causing Seth’s breath to hitch in his throat. I flick my tongue over his tip before taking his dick in my mouth and starting to bob my head up and down, hollowing out my cheeks.
“Fuck, (Y/N)” he moans.
I swirl my tongue around his cock whilst playing with his balls with my other hand, earning loud moans to escape from Seth’s lips.
Seth sits back up, and I rock back on my heels to look at him. He smiles down at me before shuffling up the bed to lean on the pillows. I stand up and slip my panties off, tossing them to the side before crawling up the bed so I’m back on top of Seth.
 His hands find the zip to the hoodie that I was wearing and he slowly pulls the zip down and I shrug the jacket off. I unhook my bra, letting Seth drink in my naked body. “You’re so beautiful, (Y/N)”
“So are you” I whisper into his ear before positioning himself at my entrance and sliding down onto him. “Fuck” I cry out as I adjust to his length.
“Shit you’re so tight” Seth spits out through staggered breaths.
I roll my hips back and forth, being sure to be wary of Seth’s injured knee. I start to bob up and down on his dick, both of us moaning loudly. Seth gripped my hips and I feel a familiar sensation rush through my body.
“Seth I’m gonna cum” I moan, as my walls tighten around him and I slow down, sitting all the  way down on his dick as I came.
 As I’m gasping for breath, Seth shocks me by wrapping his arms around my waist and flipping us both over. “Seth be careful! Your knee!” I say, worried.
“I’m ok, (Y/N). I know how much I can take.” He replies before pushing himself into me. My breath hitches in my throat as he starts to pick up a rhythm, pushing himself deep inside of me making me cry out every time his hips collided with my skin.
 Seth drops down onto his forearms, “Fuck I’m gonna cum baby” He starts to pull out but I lock my legs around his waist. “Cum inside me” I say. “What? Are you sure?” Seth asks, worried. “I’m sure” I respond with a smile. With that Seth bites down on my lip and scrunches his eyes shut as his strokes become slower as he shoots his seed inside of me, crying out loudly.
 Seth carefully rolls off me, both of us trying to catch our breath, covered in sweat.
“(Y/N), can I stay in here tonight?” He asks, unknowingly pulling puppy dog eyes at me.
I laugh. “Of course you can.” Jumping off the bed, I grab the shirt I was going to put on originally and Seth slides into the covers, grabbing the remote and putting the TV on.
All of a sudden, Kevin runs into the room, jumping up at my ankles. I laugh, picking him up before sliding into bed next to Seth, Seth putting an arm around me as I place Kevin down on his lap.
 It’s been 8 months since Seth’s injury, he’s back on TV, fully healthy, and everyone backstage knows he and I are together. I’d never thought that this would happen, but I couldn’t be happier. We had both said that we were meant to be together, and he was surely the love of my life.
 It’s one of our rare days off, and Seth is at the gym. I’m sat in his bathroom on the edge of the bath, not daring to look at the pregnancy test on the counter. Has it been 2 minutes? I look at the digital clock. 4:52pm. It’s been almost 3 minutes, which meant it was ready.
 “Come on (Y/N). You’re a wrestler for God sake, you put your life on the line for a living! How scary can a pregnancy test be” I say to myself. I pick up the test and look down, seeing the two little blue lines. Positive.
 Once Seth gets home, he jumps in the shower and that’s my chance. I prepare us a candlelit dinner to surprise him with the news when he gets out. Once everything is prepared, I hear Seth getting out the shower. I light the candles on the table and pull the food out of the oven, placing it in the middle of the two plates.
 He comes down the corridor and a smile spreads across his face. “What’s all this?” he asks, planting a kiss on my forehead.
“What, can I girl not surprise her boyfriend?” I smile up at him.
He laughs and sits down. We eat dinner and I’m trying so hard to keep the news to myself. Looking at the leftovers, I speak up. “At least I’m already getting my portions right. That would feed 3 people?” I say smirking.
Seth looks at me confused. “What you talking about?” he laughs.
I stand up and kneel down next to him. I pull the positive pregnancy test out of my pocket and hand it to him. “You’re gonna be a daddy, baby” I say, trying not to cry with happiness.  He looks at me, then back at the pregnancy test, then back at me, then down to my tummy.
“You mean there’s a?” He says, pointing at my belly. “Yes, there’s a little Sethy in here” I say, starting to well up with tears as I smile.
Seth’s face lights up and he leans down and kisses me, sliding down to his knees to join me on the floor, wrapping his arms around me, kissing all over my face.
“I’m gonna be a daddy!” He cries!
“There’s only one problem” I say.
“What? What is it?” He asks, worried.
 “How are we gonna tell Kevin he’s not gonna be our only baby any more?!”
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