#ain't that peculiar
plus-low-overthrow · 9 months
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Jermaine Jackson - Ain't That Peculiar (Tamla Motown)
Marvin Gaye cover.
co-wrt. Smokey Robinson, 1972.
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jt1674 · 28 days
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bibannana · 1 year
Echo *laying in his bunk*: Hey Pickup do you believe in a higher power?
Pickup *half asleep*: Like what? Commander Tano?
Fives *confused*: No I think Echo means-
Pickup *clicks his fingers*: Oh, like General Skywalker?
Echo *shakes his head*: No, I mean the Force. The grand cosmic power. Destiny and Fate. That kind of thing.
Pickup *who watches Jedi do amazing feats everyday with the Force*: Nope. Bunch of space wizard osik.
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transvampireboyfriend · 7 months
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milubrique · 1 year
wow this anon is being pretty weird :/ Only post if you feel comfortable, that's the most important 💕✨
lolol you are a sweetheart, thank you 🤍🤍 i'm kissing u
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rationaliity · 12 days
voicelines about you | various ( i. )
the men's voiceline about you ! next will do a part of the women they're short because i wanted them to sound legit, which is why i did so many !! hope you enjoy anyways <33 this is all purely self indulgent because ill be real with you im not feeling very daijoubou rn
about you : an incomprehensible yet enticing mess in the body of a person. i don't understand their way of thinking at all, and yet, it almost feels as if they understand me in a way few do. peculiar.
chat: his relationship with you : ..relationship is hardly the word i would use to describe our acquaintance. however, i suppose they are not completely inept, unlike many i have had the misfortune of coming across in my time.
added to team with you : take care of yourself. should i have to step in, i will do so to prevent some unfortunate happenstances.
about you : potentially one of the kindest individuals i have had the pleasure to be introduced to in my time of travelling the cosmos. a gentle soul like none other. they light up the world around them.
chat: his relationship with you : spending time with them has become a daily necessity for me. i find myself beginning to nag at the others when i have not spent enough time with them. march often asks me about them before anything else.
added to team with you : i appreciate your vitality, but try to take breaks whenever necessary.
about you : quite the enigma, that one. before i even realized it, they had snuck their way into my heart. perhaps they were betting that i wouldn't notice, and perhaps.. it paid off for them.
chat: his relationship with you : they're the chip i hold closest to my chest. no.. a chip is the wrong comparison. they're the one thing i will always hold no matter the stakes of the bet. having them by my side is more important to me than any risk.
added to team with you : i'm willing to bet that the two of us together will make quite the team.
about you : the moment our eyes met, i knew they were someone of refined elegance, but i was wholly unprepared for the true beauty of their very being.
chat: his relationship with you : i feel the closest to idrila and the eternal beauty that i seek when i am with them. they bring out a fire in me that simply cannot be quenched by any other soul, as if i were a moth to their brilliant flame.
added to team with you : as usual, i find myself captivated by your beauty and grace, my dear.
about you : i don't know another capable of runnin' things how they run things. they got my respect. well, much more than just my respect, but that ain't proper to say.
chat: his relationship with you : ain't nothin' like the nice feelin' of knowin' you're loved by someone no matter whatcha look like or what you're capable of. they've been there through it all, the bad, the ugly, and the muddle-fudgin' terrible.
added to team with you : well i'll be the son of a nice lady, if it isn't you ! let me take care of ya, sweetheart.
about you : they are the one clear thing i can see when the mara strikes. no matter how far gone i am, i see them - clear as the many sunsets i have seen. they are where the light meets the dark.
chat: his relationship with you : this eternal purgatory that i have been cursed with feels... less hellish when they are by my side. it is as if, for a moment, my body and my soul forget what i am. i can only believe this is their doing.
added to team with you : death comes to all, but now is not your time.
about you : they were persistent in trying to know me for who i was, not who i could've been. they are kind, more so than any other person i have come to meet. they are strong and gentle at the same time.
chat: his relationship with you : march is always telling me that i should be more forthcoming with my emotions, but they seem to understand me quite well no matter how little i speak up. i.. really appreciate and value their presence in my life.
added to team with you : i will stand by you no matter what comes our way, do not be afraid.
about you : what a riot, they are ! their personality reminds me of the strongest and sweetest drink mixed in one delightful package. it's easy to get addicted if i'm not careful.
chat: his relationship with you : i didn't understand at first why they wanted to hang out with this old dog as long as they did, not that you'll find me complainin' or nothin'. they always seemed entertained by my stories, and i like listenin' to them yap, too.
added to team with you : have a drink, i'll take care of whatever you need me to, just say the word.
about you : fascinating, with so many stories to tell, it could keep me even busier than i typically am for hours. although i must say that i enjoy being occupied by them than by work.
chat: his relationship with you : in the middle of the mundane trivialities of life that i have grown so accustomed to with my job title, they bring an air of uniqueness and excitement into every encounter. i find myself eagerly awaiting the times we meet.
added to team with you : i trust you are able to take this on yourself ? if not, well, that's why i am here, no ?
about you : they are more carefree than i am, and while it worries me at times, i find myself drawn to their spirit nonetheless. i think i'm just drawn to those kinds of people, or they are drawn to me.
chat: his relationship with you : sometimes, i feel like i'm nagging at them, even when i don't mean to, but it's because i'm always worried about them. i know they can protect themselves but i wish they would let me do it for them more often.
added to team with you : protecting you feels just as important as protecting belobog. i will do so with my life.
about you : they're probably the only person in belobog who really get my passion. they give their all for everything that they do, and i'm down for it !
chat: his relationship with you : they're really good at both getting me fired up and a little more mellow, depending on what i need for the moment. they're like my personal hype man / cheer leader, and i'm theirs when they need it ! that's why we work together so well.
added to team with you : this is going to be over like that with the two of us on the same team !
about you : they are wiser than they let on, it's hard to fool them or pull the wool over their eyes. even when i think i've kept a secret close, they've long since figured me out.
chat: his relationship with you : they help me see things that i would otherwise miss on my own, broadening my horizons when i need more depth brought to me. i'm grateful for their intuition and their knowledge on the world around us.
added to team with you : combat may not be my forte, but should you need assistance, i will be at your side.
about you : they are the embodiment of the feeling of the sun on your skin for the first time, warming your soul as well. they are gentle, and pick up where i lack.
chat: his relationship with you : i do not believe i am deserving of one quite like them, but i have a hard time letting them go nonetheless. they deserve more than i can give, but that doesn't stop me from trying regardless.
added to team with you : whoever dares to lay a finger on you will be met with swift and strict punishment.
about you : a person of many talents, much like myself, although they're charging significantly less for their expertise - free. i keep saying they should, but they're adamant about being kind.
chat: his relationship with you : my partnership with them could be best described as, er, jointly profitable. i provide my excellent services, and they grace me with their presence and their wits and.. maybe i am getting the better end of this deal.
added to team with you : it's your best pal, sampo koski, at your service ! aren't you glad i'm here ?
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shotmrmiller · 6 months
PAUSE! OH MY GOD. writing a soap smut got me thinking. 
As a medic in base, you see the 141 guys all the time. Whether in passing or because they get injured, you’re always interacting with them. Your particular lack of response at Ghost’s irritated glare after reprimanding him for being unable to keep his stitches intact during training is what solidified your friendship with Johnny— what Soap tells you to call him.
Every time Johnny goes out, he likes to drag you along and this is where you notice peculiar interactions between him and Ghost.
The way Ghost gives Soap Johnny his full attention when he’s speaking, turning his entire body to face him, even if it’s something completely trivial. Or how Johnny stresses over Ghost who’s injured on your med table and Ghost will comfort him. When going on a mission, if one goes, so does the other.
You wonder if there's something else going on.
You get your answer.
One day you’re knocking on Johnny’s door because it wouldn’t be the first time he’s tried to weasel out of a physical. You’d think getting shot would hurt more than a vaccine but here you are— about to twist his scottish ear off. The door finally opens, and you barge in because you aren’t about to cause a scene in the middle of the hallway when you freeze. 
Ghost is in Johnny's room, lying on the bed. If looks could kill, Ghost’s would’ve leveled the base. And he’s naked under the sheets— if that tree trunk-sized bulge is what you think it is. It doesn't even look hard. Bloody hell. 
You shift your gaze towards Soap, and your eyes drop— he's clad in nothing but a towel that hangs dangerously low on his hips. 
Massive. These men just walkin’ round with weapons in their pants.
Shaking off those thoughts, you shift your attention to his face.
“Meet me at the clinic in 10 or so help me god, Johnny.” and walk out the door.
You hear a muffled "Yes ma'am" , and a hiss escapes your lips.
That cocky smile Johnny had means he definitely saw you ogling them. 
A week passes and it’s a friday. You can’t wait to lock yourself in your barracks room and watch movies the entire weekend— you plan to start as soon as you're off the clock.
And then other medics twist your arm into going out for drinks.
Now you find yourself seated at a table in a lively bar, indulging in shots of tequila. As you glance around, your eyes catch sight of Soap and Ghost standing near the bartender. It appeared that some woman is talking to Johnny and he has a polite, detached smile on his face. Always too kind to strangers.
Then she starts caressing his thigh.
Your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline. Right in front of Ghost’s salad? You lock eyes with Ghost and he looks murderous. Jesus.
You usually don't stick your nose in others' business, but if you don’t intervene, Ghost might actually kill her in her sleep. Besides, tequila has always made you bold.
With a confident stride, you make your way towards Johnny and remove that woman’s hand before settling yourself snugly on his lap— and you wrap his arms around your waist.
“And who is this?” you ask Soap, but the girl questions back.
“No. Who are you?” 
Curling your upper lip, you answer, “I’m the one he comes in every night hoping it takes. Now leave before I make you,” completely ignoring the massive bulge pressing up into your arse.
She looks at you with a bewildered expression, but doesn't move so you finish off with, "Try it. Just a warning though, it'll be hard to fight when the fight ain't fair."
You cock your head to the side with a taunting expression and the woman scoffs before walking away. Noticing she left her almost full drink behind, you give it to the bartender to toss in the trash. She's just gonna have to get another one.
Your act comes to an end, so you shift to stand up— and realize that the arms encircling your waist tighten, keeping you on his lap. His clothed cock.
“Ye didnae think we’d let ye go after yer little show, did ye?” 
Unless Johnny’s speaking french, he just said we. You'd be nervous but you aren't about to decline what could be the best sex of your life. The want you feel in Soap's pants has you riding a certain high— it makes you feel confident.
Grabbing onto the edge of the bartop, you swivel the stool you're on to face Ghost. 
“And this okay with you? I wouldn’t be stepping on any toes, or nothin’?”
Ghost swiftly lifts you from Johnny's lap and places you onto his own.
“Does this answer your question?” and draws you closer before grinding his erection against you.
And it sure as hell does. Slapping the counter, you ask for some water. If this night is going to end with you sandwiched between these two, you want to remember all of it.
reader's a boss ass bitch. GET IT CHILE.
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lexiene · 6 months
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[ ✧ ° : thoughts # 2 : ° ✧ ]
Kissing Sukuna's stomach mouth instead of his cheek tehee
One thing or rather part of his features fascinated you ever since you accepted his proclamation of love to you and to be bound to him.
Was his stomach.
Where you can view of his second mouth and when he breathes it also open too. Ain't you adore it.
When you asked him about the mouth in his abdomen he simply says 'it's just extraordinary one of my curse natural born in this'.
And you were like awed in amusement, the moment you get curious and starting to poke it with your fingers tracing the lips, it kinda scare you that if he would bite you but your intrigue thoughts are highly obvious wanted to try something else.
Sukuna flinched and looked down to his beloved flower seeing you below giving his mouth abdomen a kiss instead of his actual one.
He's quite confused yet he felt liking it at the same time he felt peculiar seeing his beloved lotus flower doing your own thing it's really odd.
But overall to that, he sure felt it tingles his whole entire curse being.
Aint he ADORKABLE? Teheee
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nexusnyx · 1 year
Hello🥰 It's not a request per say, but I'm really curious what's one of your favorite Joel headcanons if it's ok to share it now? Your writing is amazing, thank you for sharing it with us!
Jules, I am so glad you asked this question. I've been dying to just talk about the things Joel Miller enjoys.
(Also, thank you so much?! It means the world you enjoy my writing! <3)
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Starting from the top, shall we? Pre-outbreak Joel Miller, well..
He's reserved only to people he doesn't trust. If you don't know a thing about Joel Miller, you better bet Joel doesn't like your ass.
Worry not about miscommunication—that's a word his vocabulary lacks. Whatever he feels or not for you, he'll make it known. Unless you're his old neighbors, Joel has no qualms about keeping shit to himself. He'll just say it.
His mouth got him into trouble when he was younger. Often.
It's why he learned to react in his mind first, speak later. Too bad his face gives away his feelings anyway.
Speaking of feelings... Joel Miller is a romantic. Big, big time. It's why he's single after all these years and Sarah's mom — "if it ain't the right thing, I don't want it."
Joel's not scared of being alone because he likes his own company. It's why he values so much when he finds another one he enjoys, too. He appreciates real connections. Good conversation.
Hates small talk. Will not do it. Will get away with doing it 9/10 times.
Blood is made of caffeine, sandwiches, and take-out food, which is why...
He's a whore for home-cooked meals. He gets by on his own, but he doesn't have the heart for cooking. Tommy got those genes. Joel would sell his soul for home-cooked meals everyday, and he'll say it to whoever hears it.
Workaholic only because he wants to put Sarah through a good university, but when she complains about the lack of time she has with her father, he compromises. Hires more people, tries to balance work and Sarah.
Balance is not really his expertise. But Joel's good at compromising. Rationalizing. He's a man of structure, of building things from scratch—he knows the value of firm, solid base.
Not really a sports kind of guy, actually. He'll watch it, but... Shrugging it off. "I don't see what the big deal is over a ball. I mean — it's fun, but damn. Breaking windows and busting fists on walls ain't my thing. Not over a damn football, at least."
On the other hand... history buff. Over the strangest, weirdest, most specific topics. Joel has trouble naming three countries in Asia, but he can tell you in details everything about Mayan construction and their society. Go figure.
He's a man of taste. Good food, strong alcohol, fruit picked from the tree, and woman who let him sink to his knees and taste them 'till he's drunk on it. He's starving, quite often.
Joel's a tease.
He can play a game of chicken all night long. No fucks given about how hard he's straining in his jeans or the beads of sweat trailing from his nape down his spine — if you touch him when you two are out, he will make you live to regret it. To whine and cry his name.
Joel loves a playful thing. Seriousness is imbedded in his bones, he loves a person that can make him laugh.
His sense of humor is... peculiar.
("It's shite. You're sense of humor's the same as a fifty-six year old man, Joel." "You say that and yet, you're laughin'... how does that work, beautiful?")
You know his taste? His sharp tongue, his clever brain and quick fingers? Yeah... it makes him a cocky bastard.
Everything Joel has of insecurity, he equals in cockiness once he knows his person's attracted to him.
Reciprocity's big on him.
Joel pays attention to details. He'll remember the outfit you were wearing the day you two met 'till the day he dies, which is why he knows when he's in deep from miles away.
Loves being surprised, exactly because of this ^.
Joel loves through gestures, through words, through action.
Love language is touch, touch, words of affirmation, touch.
Never gonna half-ass anything that matters to him. Never.
Will play to you when he decides to confess his feelings. Will sing his heart out, even if he’s not that good at it (his words), will make himself vulnerable and open like a wound if he thinks he’s in safe hands.
One in a million. Joel’s one in a million and when the right person comes along to appreciate it, Joel only glows. Only glows up, and gets finer with each passing day, like a great wine.
(If you’d like me to do post-outbreak Joel, I could..)
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ferninapot · 8 months
Wondering what would happen if you asked kokushibo which pair of eyes to focus on, so here we go
This one's gonna be short. I'm kinda new to this, so pardon any issues with clarity if there are any at all.
That being said... I will be the supplier of kokushibo content since there ain't that much compared to the other moons SURPRISINGLY??? HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN?
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Kokushibo aka HIMOTHY
Uhh drabble under the cut lol
Initially, he would've been caught off guard.
It was a question completely out of left field:
“Which pair of eyes should I focus on?”
Did you want to hear if he had a preference? It was an aspect he had never really contemplated; the existence of four additional eyes on his face was a peculiarity that didn't perplex him so much as it perplexed those in his vicinity, after all. Sometimes he forgot that was the case.
But as you sat in front of him, mirroring his upright posture with a disposition that burned with curiosity, he was reminded.
His face was unreadable, as per usual.. And at first, he didn't say a word. In the ensuing silence, you grappled with the realization that demons, in stark contrast to humans, never blinked... Which only served to do all but calm your nerves.
“...Middle.” He finally answered, “Focus... On the middle pair... Just like you would... Anyone else...”
His head dipped ever so slightly, and the middle pair of eyes seemed to narrow as if touched by a subtle hint of embarrassment at broaching such a topic. In truth, it hardly mattered to him which pair of eyes you chose to gaze upon, for they were unequivocally his—and that's all he was concerned about.
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alexa-fika · 21 days
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Demonically obvious ( Whitebeard pirates x nezuko!reader)
Part 1
A/N HERE WE GO, Im sorry for the wait but finally we got part 2! and lemme tell you I COOKED, Im so exited for this one guys, I had a blast writing it and hope you guys like it as well, HERE YOU GO COSMO, YOU ONLY HAD TO WAIT A WHOLE MONTH XD
Reader here is replaced by dokucha which stands for reader in japanese
Dividers by @/Saradika
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-He cared as much as he cared about Ace being Roger's son, aka he did not care.
He hummed after Ace finished confessing both his heritage and the true nature of Dokucha's current ailment.
"Roger, huh, Don't look much like the old bastard," he chuckled, taking another chug of his jar as he glanced at the small girl happily cuddling up to him.
"And a demon, who would have thought? Definitely something you don't see every day," he hummed. 
"I have just told you I am the child of your greatest enemy and that my sister is a dangerous being. Don't you want to kick us out?" 
He let out a bellowing laugh at his worries. 
"See, when I saw you come in with such a somber look on your face, I had thought you had important news to tell me, but I could not think of something more trivial," he exclaimed, laughing further at Ace's shocked expression.
" I could not care less about where you came from or what you are. At the end of the day, we are all children of the sea; your backgrounds do not change the fact that you are now my children."
Ace stares at him for a bit longer until he slumps down, a small smile breaking on his face.    
"you're something else pops."
"Gurararara Had me on my toes, boy. I thought I was going to lose my son and my only daughter."   
Dokucha frowned as he tilted the jar further, gulping more and more of the liquid until she had grown tired of it, and kicked the jar away from his grasp, much to the shock of both men.
Whitebeard frowned, glancing at at the wall she had kicked the jar to, watching as all that remained were small fragments littered throughout the floor. Glancing back at the child, who sat on the corner of the bed, kicking her feet as if nothing had occurred
"I already have the nurses and Marco on me for drinking, now you?"
Dokucha glanced his way, and he could notice a slight upward tilt of her lips wrapped around the bamboo and a mischievous glim in her eye.
"Cheeky Brat," He grumbled.
"Don't take your eyes off her boy. She is going to be a troublemaker; I can feel it."
He chuckled
"She already is. Hey pops?" he called, receiving a slight hum from the older male.
"Thank you."
"Don't you get sentimental on me, boy."
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He knew she wasn't human due to her lack of food intake and other peculiarities.
"I know," he stated as he continued cutting the kale on his cutting board, the rhythmic sound of the knife hitting the board filling their ears.
"What the hell do you mean, you know?"
"Din't know she was a demon, but I knew she wasn't human either, also." Thatch looks up at him, narrowing his eyes at him and pointing his knife his way
"Stop using those words around your sister; she's gonna end up cursing like us," he grumbled, glancing at Dokucha, who sat next to Ace, dewy eyes staring back at him.
"Hi, pumpkin; you hungry?" he questions, returning to his previous actions of cutting the vegetable, letting out a soft hum when she shakes her head.
"You think I wouldn't notice?" he asks, giving Ace a side glance.
"I'm the head chef of this ship, Ace; you think I wouldn't notice the fact that she never eats?" he questioned, raising a brow to the younger male.
"At first, I thought she was shy about eating in the mess hall. We ain't a quiet bunch after all, but she doesn't have any problem with hanging around the mess hall at all," he noted  
"Maybe I was just missing it, so I started looking more. I never saw her take any food, nor did I see you make any action to give her some; she always said no when anyone offered too," he listed
"What, are you a stalker? he scoffed
"I'm observant, ya nitwit," he snapped back.
"Not to mention the odd sensitivity to the sun, and the little bamboo piece she always carries around didn't help the case alone. They didn't mean much, but it kept stacking up."
He rolled his eyes at that, leaning his head on his hand as he stared at him, his sister looking up at the chef, waiting for his response.
"And you're okay with it?"
"Ace, we have fishmen, minks, mermaids and giants in our crew, not to mention most of the 'humans' in the crew aren't the spittin image of a human, have ya seen Marco? He's a walking chicken, or a pineapple.' He muses, grinning when he gets a choked laugh from the freckled man and a joyful laugh from the demon beside him
"She fits right in with us, and even if she didn't, we still would have made it work for the lil pumkin," he spoke, reaching over the counter separating them and ruffling her hair.
Ace smiles slightly at the interaction until a thought pops into his head.
"Marco is gonna kill you for saying that, y'know?" he snickered, remembering the commander's previous jabs.
"Eh, what he don know won't harm'em." 
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-Knew she wasn't human due to their first encounter, lack of injuries, regeneration, and discrepancies on her devil fruit. (also that is such a nice gift, look at that man < 3)
"Oh, Was that supposed to be a secret?"
"W- you also knew?!"
"Ah, you probably forgot since you were out of it back then, but the little miss was quite protective of you; lunged right at me," he said, looking down at the small girl who began trying to climb her way into his lap, eyes slightly teary as she did
"Ah, it's okay, Dokucha; I know you only meant to protect him; I'm not mad at you," he reassured her as she nuzzled into him.
He looked up, returning the attention to the fire-user
"Her strength wasn't anything to scoff at and at first I thought it was the Toshi-Toshi no mi, but that fruit was consumed by Jewelry Bonnie," he recalled
"Not to mention that The fruit wouldn't change your body the way it did to her; it would only age you up, so that wouldn't explain the teeth, the eyes and the horn," he said, petting her head as she slowly dozed off.
“Seriously, you guys need to lay off on the staring”
"The cherry on the cake to that was the fact that the injuries she got from our squabble and any other injuries she has ever received healed instantly, much like the Tori-tori no mi Moderu Fenniksu, but last I checked, I'm still alive, and kicking so she can't be the holder of that fruit" he listed, ignoring his previous statement
"She could have just had a different fruit that was capable of those things." Ace pointed out a frown on his face
"Hmm, I thought so too, but I found it weird how, despite her incredible regeneration, she seemed to be incredibly sensitive to the sun, getting quite the nasty burns when she left that umbrella of hers; those are the only injuries I have ever needed to treat on her, it was peculiar but a devil fruit still could have been to blame, until I saw her swimming in one of the islands we stopped in, no care in the world and definitely not weakened by it."
"Hah, I guess we weren't the best at hiding it," grumbled Ace
"You sucked at it," Marco affirmed
"Okay, now you're going too far," he glowered, the scowl on his face growing as the doctor simply threw a smile his way. 
"Do..do you know of a cure?" he asked tentatively.
" I do not." 
Ace sighed at that, slumping down in defeat.
"But I'm sure we will find something; I have gathered a good amount of journals and information over the last few years. I don't doubt that the solution is among one of the journals; we just need to look through them,"
"I have been looking through books and information for the last three years. What makes this any difference? "
"The Difference, Ace, is that you were alone, at most with your crew You had what, twenty people? On the other hand, we have more than a thousand in the main crew alone, and that is without taking into account the dozens of subordinate crews and affiliates."
"I see the humility runs deep here," he mutters sarcastically, giving him an unimpressed look.
"Watch it."
He rolled his eyes, waving him off.   
"Do you really think we can find something?"
"You guys may have just recently joined, but you are as much as our siblings as anyone else, not to mention that everyone would do anything for their only sister."
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WHAT DO YOU THINK? Again i loved writing this, Like i can just picture Ace dumfounded look as he realized that the crew did not give two craps about it almost everyone already knew, he thought he was being so sneaky. What we thinking of southern Thatch again?
Also cosmo, next request is also yours XD red pirate/whitebeard one. AND after that I have yours holo, second attempt
Fic specific taglist (Alarm bell for part 2)
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starburts-addict · 8 months
Two of a Kind (part 1)
Note: Hi! I know this took a while to be posted. I had an AO3 moment. I'm doing better now just had a bunch of crazy things happen and whatnot. Now here is part 1 of my AU
CW: Mentions of death, reality shit, story changed drastically, I'm pretty sure the characters are OOC just because it's a yandere au, Shit starts changing immediately
The light doesn't get any more blinding, even after a while when Grim opens the coffin. You rubbed your eyes and were ready to get chased once more, but you heard something completely different from the game. "What the- Hey! you're from my dream!" That sentence caught you off guard. You didn't expect him to dream of you. What if it isn't a dream? You needed to find out. “What… happened in this dream of yours?” Grim looked at you weirdly, like he felt guilty somehow. “Why are you asking? Why should I tell you?!” Of course, he wouldn’t outright tell you, if he had common sense, he would have tried to figure out why someone he dreamt of and never met was in front of him.
“Just tell me, I need to be sure about something. If you tell me, I’ll share it with you. You have my word.” Grim contemplated if he should, but he gave in to his curiosity. “Fine. We were friends, but towards the end, I ended up killing you. Happy now?” Your eyes widened. He remembers. He remembered the previous loop. It made you so happy, but you needed to be serious. You looked at Grim with an intense stare, well. intense for the cat anyways. “Grim. Listen to me. That wasn’t a dream. We’re running out of time before the upperclassmen walk in, but we need to find a way for me to leave. I’m not from here. I’ll explain once this ceremony ends.” Grim was a bit disturbed by how you looked at him, but even more by your words. You knew his name, you knew what was going to happen next in this situation that seemed so familiar to his dream.
“You can leave, you just have to walk out.” He rolled his eyes, trying to keep a tough front. "That's not what I meant and you know that. I meant to leave this world. It'll make more sense later." You remarked. Upon speaking, you hear the doors to the mirror chamber open, you curse under your breath as you and Grim turn your heads to see who entered. It was the headmaster and the upperclassmen. Luckily, your coffin was a bit out of sight, but your luck ran out the closer they got. The Headmaster looked at you in confusion and astonishment. "Oh my! A student got out! How peculiar!" You quietly groaned upon being caught. You knew the drill. Although, now that Grim is in the same situation as you, you can try something different.
"I'm not sure how I ended up here… Where am I?" You decided to play dumb. Grim was about to say something until you ended up grabbing him into a hug, which in turn would turn his speech into nothing but mumbles. The Headmaster raised an eyebrow at this, but simply ignored it. "My, it seems you have been severely disoriented by the ride here! It is okay, I'll explain everything for I am so gracious." This was similar to the dialogue in the game, but you just simply had to get the sentence out that you had no magic. You just had to play innocent. "You are at Night Raven College, an elite school to hone your magic! I am-" You interrupted. "E-excuse me… I don't mean to be rude… I don't have magic…" You said awkwardly.
The headmaster looked shocked. The students began to talk as you held Grim tighter the more he fought your grip."Well, how can this be! The process never made such a mistake before! If you don't have magic then who is that raccoon with you?" Grim bit you as he said that. You let go in pain and he shouted. "I ain't no raccoon! I'm a monster and I'll be the greatest magician around!" Great, Grim couldn't just play along. It made sense, but you had hoped he would at least listen for once. "He wants to be a student here! I think it would be worth it! He can replace me!" You said. Maybe, you don't really need Grim, maybe if you completely remove yourself from the school, you could finally go back once the story finishes, you've never tried that!
"Preposterous! No such thing has been heard!" Grim had an angry expression and then jumped away from your coffin. "I'll prove to you I can join!" He then commenced the prologue. Fire was everywhere and people were too busy panicking or trying to catch Grim, you decided to take this as your chance to run away and go to the Rival school.
As you ran, no one seemed to have noticed your disappearance, you mentally thanked Grim for the distraction and ran out, that was until you bumped into someone. "Sorry!" You automatically apologized. Then you realized, no one was really supposed to be out here. Who did you end up bumping into? As you looked up, you found an annoyed yet calm Malleus. What was he doing out here? He's supposed to be in Diasomnia! "It is alright." He spoke calmly. "I have to get going! Have a nice evening! Again, sorry for bumping into you!" As you were to run off, Malleus grabbed you by the hood. "Why are you wearing your ceremonial robes?" He asked. You were a tad bit scared, but decided not to show it. "There's some event in the mirror room! I'm not supposed to be here, but here I am wearing these robes." You said trying to stay calm.
Malleus stayed quiet before he picked you up. You were about to say something about it until he spoke. "That must mean the entrance ceremony is today…" He pouted. "I'm not sure if I should trust you, so I'm bringing you with me…" You sighed in defeat. You can't fight a strong magician. Especially one of the top five magicians in Twisted Wonderland. As you were brought back with Malleus, it seemed everything was back to normal before the fire, but everyone seemed to be surprised to see Malleus come, especially with you in hand. "There you both are!" The Headmaster said. "This one says they're not supposed to be here." Malleus said. "Oh yes! They have told me they hold no magic! If that is true, the Magic Mirror will tell us!" There was no need for an order as Malleus walked towards the mirror and placed you in front of it. And once again the game repeats. The reveal that not only do you not have magic, but you cannot be sent back home. You sighed heavily as you heard the shocked chattering.
"Oh my… I can't let you leave since you do not have a home…" You shook your hands in the air. "It's alright! I'll find a way back home on my own! Besides, Where would I stay?" You said in hopes that you would be let go. Your stomach dropped when you heard, not one, but two voices speak up. "They can stay at Diasomnia!" One seemed cheerful, who was easily recognized as Lilia's and the second one Seemed to be Malleus'. "I'm not sure… They're not a student here…" The Headmaster said. You chimed in hopes they would agree. "I couldn't possibly intrude in such a prestigious school! I'll only be dead weight!" Much to your dismay and surprise, Leona spoke up. "We'll teach you to be useful here at Savannaclaw." It was obvious he only offered to one up Malleus, but it was still a bit odd. "They can stay with us! It'll be absolutely no burden!" Kalim chimed in. Jamil tries to hush Kalim, but soon enough the rest of the dorm leaders had wanted to invite you to their dorm. All but Idia, who was against it, but Ortho insisted that you join Ignihyde.
Scratch the bit odd comment, this was very much more than just odd. You turned to the Headmaster defeated. "If I must stay, is there anywhere else I can stay? I wouldn't want to feel like a burden to the people around me!" Students with dorm authority all glared at you, but you didn't care. As long as you stayed quiet and didn't involve yourself with the main cast, you would be fine. The Headmaster thought to himself. "Well there is one dorm, but it's been abando-" Before he finished you interrupted him once more. "I'll take it!" Just like last time, he raised a brown in suspicion, but didn't really question anything. "Dorm Leaders! Take your students to your respective dorms!" All of them listened, albeit some begrudgingly did so.
You sighed as you were taken to Ramshackle and explained everything you have heard before. How you aren't a student, and you'll need to work to earn your keep and all that. You said your goodbyes before you turned to the dark off the form and looked annoyed. "Come out Grim." He came out quietly and looked a bit weirded out. "My dream wasn't really a dream was it?..." You smiled at him sadly and petted his head. "No… Know that I hold no grudge." He normally would have swatted your hand, but instead he looked at you and spoke. "For how long have you been stuck like this?..." You turned away and then looked back after taking a deep breath. "I don't know, I lost track after the 5th death…" Grim was saddened by your response, but he then swatted your hand and looked at you confidently. "I'll help you get back!" You smiled and thanked him for his contribution.
"Welp, let's get you recognized as another employee of the school. It's the only way to keep you here with me." Just as you said that, the fight with the ghosts had begun. You and Grim, like many times before, have coordinated Grim's attacks. And history repeated itself as the headmaster came in and had tested Grim's and your skills before deeming Grim worthy of staying as an employee alongside you. Once the Headmaster left you sighed. "This doesn't get any less tiring. Let's clean our bedroom a bit." You picked up Grim, who didn't seem to mind, but was startled as you both walked to the bedroom. You put him down as walked out only to come back with cleaning supplies such as brooms and such after a few minutes.
While you were cleaning, Grim had asked questions, which you answered with no hesitation. "Did you manage to change the story?" Hey asked. When he did, you remembered the strange interaction you had. "Yes actually. Normally, I just get offered to stay in Ramshackle, but this time, all the dorms offered me their dorm." Grim stopped cleaning and tilted his towards you. "I've never been there to finish the ceremony, that's not normal?" You nodded. "They never offer. It was strange, not only that Tsunotaro ended up being away from where was supposed to be and before I could escape, I bumped into him." Even Grim knew that wasn't normal. "We should get some rest, we need to plan for tomorrow in the morning." You said as you got into bed. "Why not now?" Grim asked. "It's late and we need our energy. Grim crawled up next to you without questioning anything else.
The next day, The only time you had to plan was the walk to the statues. Everything went according to the story. The ghosts woke you and Grim up, the headmaster came in and explained your duties, and now you're on your way to the great seven statues. "Alright Grim, I did come up with something. When Ace comes up to us, we let the conversation flow until he starts to be an asshole, after that we ignore him." Grim groaned. "Do we have to?" "Yes, Grim. We need to play it as cool as possible." You said as you both arrived.
Without hesitation you started to clean. It wasn't bad, Until you heard more than one voice approach. You and Grim turned around to find, not the person you were looking for, but the vice dorm leaders, plus Ruggie and Ortho. You turned to Grim with a surprised look on your face. Trey spoke up first. "Riddle, the Dorm leader of Heartslabyul has invited you for a dorm Dinner tonight." You and Grim looked at each other with surprise. That was until Ruggie spoke up. "Hey! Leona had the same idea! Back off!" The only leech twin at the scene spoke. "Pardon me, both of your requests cannot be met as Azul had invited them to a free VIP meal at the mostro lounge tonight." A fourth voice interrupted. "Kalim wants to throw a party with the guest of honor, I wouldn't make Kalim cry, now would I?" And a fifth. "Non! Non! Vil wishes to assess our dear trickster!" "I want my big brother to have a new friend!" A last voice chimes in. "Oh dear, none of the rest are honest. Malleus simply requests that I convince them to reconsider their choice to stay at Diasomnia!" All hell broke loose as the group that approached you and Grim argued.
You looked at Grim utterly confused as he whispered to you loudly, but only loud enough for you to hear. "This didn't happen last time." You whispered back. "This never happened."
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streaminn · 5 months
Enid's diary be like:
My Year with Wednesday:
The piercing stares (you never know if she's just looking at you, minding her own business or fantasizing about vivisecting you).
Beautiful eyes, by the way.
The threats to smother you with a pillow.
The macabre photographs. So, so much gore.
The words of encouragement expressed as threats.
...but you can tell they're genuine (?)
Never knowing for sure if she's said a compliment or an insult.
Winning the Poe Cup!
The obsession-compulsion with investigating murders.
Spontaneous fires.
Possible demonic or ghostly summonings?
Sharp objects appearing in odd places in the room.
The colony of black widows she started breeding in a hole in the wall.
My plushies mysteriously appearing decapitated.
Learning more about crypts and their peculiarities than I ever would have thought possible.
Participating in cover-ups and other potentially criminal activities.
That time I almost died because of her.
Cello music.
That other time I almost died because of her.
A surprising sense of justice and fairness beneath all the indifference and sadism.
Her ironies.
Her scent.
The dimples when she smiles.
...even if it's a homicidal smile.
I love her.
This ain't her diary, it's her blog 😭
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Their ideal partners
Silly little hcs because ive been thinking what each of the lads look for in a s/o
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Given I'm aiming for the "he's been observing humans for centuries and has grown used to their antics," vibe with him, I feel like he'd like someone who keeps him guessing
Nothing TOO crazy, because he can be irritable, but if you intrigue him he'll definitely stay around
Does he have any peculiar icks? Tastes?
Can't stand messy people... doesn't mind if its unorganized, or a chaotic system, but if you live in muck it's a deal breaker
Doesn't care what you look like, or what gender you are; he sees beyond that because, again, ancient being that's been watching humans for a long time.. kinda desensitized to that sort of thing
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Laughing Jack;
He WANTS someone who can match his energy; but he NEEDS someone who can mellow him out
As much as I hate the "I can fix/change him" thing (well I dont HATE it, it really matters on execution and all), Jack needs someone who can make him chill out a bit
Icks? You know those people who kill the energy in a room? Like total buzzkill + downers? He doesnt like those. Not like the "he hates depressed people" way, obviously, but in the way that
Okay so idk if this is just a me thing but I come across a lot of people who do it on purpose for attention/quirkiness, those are the kinds of people he doesnt like
Like slenderman, he doesnt really care what you look like; bros gonna slip himself around you like a snake (affectionately)
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Eyeless Jack;
Right off the bat he needs someone who's understanding
It ain't easy being a cursed man who's forced to eat human meat
Someone who's willing to listen to what happened to him, and help him see the brighter side of things
Basically a "storm cloud x sunshine" ship dynamic
Icks? As long as you're not too chaotic or hyper he's fine with it; Jack is more quiet and reserved energy wise, stress tends to make the curses symptoms worse
Prefers short people; he himself is also short (I hc hes about 5'5), and he's a lil insecure, but he's not totally opposed to dating taller people
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Writing for specifically masky for this one instead of the usual tim, hope that's alright!! I just wanna flesh out him n hoodie more
Bro is kinda..... whouf... rough around the edges; kinda feral
Not like FERAL feral, but this is the kind of dude who tunnels on someone during his work and wont be afraid to body slam into stuff full speed/force
So naturally, he gets hurt a lot. So a caring and soft partner is an immediate go to; especially since in my hc/au tim still exists, just as a different.. persona? Headspace? I really dont know the correct terms <\3
He likes observing as well, but he'll occasionally join in on whatever activity you're doing!!
Icks? Loud people... I would say spontaneous people as well, but considering my take on him, he kinda falls into a softcore version of that category
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Very similar to masky, but also not... between the two hes more.. calm and calculating; whereas Masky tends to dive straight in, in most cases
Should not that neither of them verbally speak; so they both need a partner who's fine with physical touch since that's one of their main ways of communicating/showing affection
Especially with hoodie; dude always has a hand on you and guiding you in some way
Unlike all the others, hoodie does not have ANY preferences for partners. Doesn't matter the personality, body type, and he doesnt have many icks
Probably doesnt like arrogance, kinda just annoys him.... but hey, makes his.. job.. easier
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rottencherrypie · 3 months
R-18+; Yes Ma'am (Sub!Kili x Dom!Fem!Reader)
Summary - A night's rest at a tavern during your painful journey seemed like bliss, it would have been pure bliss if not for the peculiar hatred a certain young dwarf had for you. Now being forced to share a room by orders of the king, you accidentally stumble upon the hidden truth behind the young dwarf's hatred'.
Warnings - Smut, language, afab reader, female reader, harassment, violence & mention of violence (poorly written), implied she-elf fancying you (brief), yelling, sub!kili, dom!reader, female genitalia, male genitalia, masturbation (male), pet names (mainly for kili), calling kili a good boy (a lot), reader being called ma'am (a lot), praise kink (male), degrading (male), oral (female receiving & poorly written), slapping, hair pulling, unprotected sex, bodily fluids, creampie.
Pronouns & POV - She/her, third-person-ish
Word Count - 8,800+
A/N - One of the few smuts I vividly remember...we are all whores here, ain't we?
Read on AO3
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
The long journey towards the lonely mountain was a treacherous and painful one. The sore limbs, endless amounts of scrapes and bruises, and sleepless nights were almost nothing compared to the peculiar hatred from the youngest dwarf within the company.
A hatred you had not understood, possibly insulting him by the lack of understanding of his culture yet you had still seen it as an unfair hatred. Though it was well-known dwarves were rather secretive when it came to their language, cultures, and customs, many within your group had taught you what to avoid for the sake of avoiding an unneeded fight.
Nothing they had spoken of had come to mind as you reflected upon your short interactions with the brunette dwarf, you had even avoided joining in on their jokes when it came to his beard and came to his aid countless times yet he would simply turn his back on you in disgust before returning to his post beside his brother. Stupid dwarf.
The bubbling anger within your stomach quickly subsided as the leader of your journey announced all would be stopping in a tavern for the night, finally a good night's rest. Though the oddly sticky rooms and the scent of smoke were not what you had envisioned when it came to a proper room, far too spoiled by the elves of Rivendell during your short stay, yet it was pure bliss compared to the harsh grounds you often slept upon.
The cheers and discussions of sharing a room quickly died down as another announcement boomed out, "To save on our resources, I will be pairing you up with another for the night." A wave of disappointed groans followed their king's announcement, groans he ignored as he began listing off names.
The pairings which appeared more reasonable than the last, pairs of dwarves receiving their shared key before rushing off to receive their fix of ale. Only four members of the company standing without their shared keys, Fili, Kili, Bilbo, and yourself.
All wordlessly agreeing that Fili and Kili would have a room, they were brothers after all, and the hobbit and yourself would share one, both being quiet and ready to rest without the onslaught of snores from the rowdy dwarves.
"And finally, Fili, you will be with Bilbo." The elder dwarf announced, the calloused palms thrusting a rusty key in Bilbo's direction. "Y/N, you will be with Kili. Do not disappoint me." The sternness in his tone sending a cold shiver down your spine, all four mouths agape as he thrust the second key into his nephew's grasp.
"You cannot be serious, Thorin!" The youngest dwarf whined, his amber eyes refusing to even gaze in your direction. "Oh, I am. We are here to rest not be bothered with your jokes, you two have proven you cannot be trusted unsupervised." "This is unreasonable! Cruel!" The youngest dwarf continued to whine as the faint thump of his uncle's boots rang out through the rowdy tavern, the faint tap of his following shortly.
"Ignore him, Y/N, he is simply stressed from the journey." The golden-haired dwarf smiled as he clasped a calloused palm around your shoulder, his lip curling upwards in a friendly smile. "And if he is too difficult to handle, you are more than welcome to sprawl out your bedroll in our chambers." The offer lightly soothing your annoyed heart, at least one son of Dis was kind towards you.
"Thank you, Fili. Though I would prefer not to disrupt your or Bilbo's rest." "Oh, nonsense!" The hobbit announced while a wide smile spread upon his lips as his soft palm clasped on your opposite shoulder. "It would be a pleasure to have you visit even if it is for a mere cup of tea before returning to your chambers." The kind words momentarily distracted you from the young prince's hatred, the once sturdy weight upon your shoulders being lifted away by their gentle grasp upon them.
"I appreciate that offer, I just wish I knew what I have done to offend him." A soft sigh escaping your lips as their sturdy hands eased from your shoulder, the pair staring at one another before momentarily opening their mouths and shutting them. "I am sure it is nothing that cannot be resolved with some well-deserved rest, now off you go." The golden-haired dwarf began gently nudging you in the direction which his brother ran off to, either desiring to get some rest of his own before too late or simply wanting the discussion of his troublesome brother to end.
The slight thumps of your booted feet on the oddly sticky tavern floor were heavily masked by the cheering of ale-fueled patrons and clicking of their mugs against one another, your eyes darting from one patron to another as you looked for that small thorn in your side you called a dwarf. Had he gone to your shared chambers already? Thoughts wiped away as the sight of the dwarf cheering with his other company caught your jewel-colored eyes, and though you despised it, a sigh of relief left your slightly chapped lips.
You were certain if he had gone into your chambers he would have locked you out forcing you to fend for yourself out in the cold. His brother or that sweet hobbit would most likely come to your aid if that thought were to come to fruition yet all you wanted was some moments of peace by yourself before another pathetic battle with him.
"There you are, lass! Come have a drink with us!" The gruff warrior's voice boomed throughout the tavern, the once serious tone he held had surprisingly turned into a joy-filled one as he took another swig of ale from the pint in front of him. Ale running down all of the dwarves' beards except for one, his chin lightly stained with ale as his honey-colored eyes threw daggers into your form, his nose scrunching up in disgust as he murmured something to the hatted dwarf beside him that you couldn't quite catch.
"Thank you, Master Dwalin," The title the wise wizard used fell out of your lips in more of a tease aware of how much he despised you calling him such. "however, I am afraid I came to retrieve the key to my chambers so I may rest. Sadly ensuring none of you die by your own hands is more tiring than fighting any orc we've come across." The wide smile that had spread upon your lips never leaving them despite the onslaught of distressed yelps from your friends and the burning gaze from the one you did not know to call friend or foe.
Before any further conversation could ensue a strange male began to approach the table, you quickly moved aside thinking it was a tender coming to see if they needed more for their fill of ale but instead, they moved along with you. "Hello there." His attempt at singing the words came off as an oddly pitched slur, all eyes from the table quickly shifting their joyous gaze on the ale within their grasp to the stranger who had approached you.
"Erm, hello?" You uttered, an eyebrow-raising in his direction before turning your attention back towards the grumpy brunette. "As I was saying, I would appreciate that key now." Your eyes silently pleading with him to save you from this drunk. "Ooh a key, ey? I have a key for you right here." The delirious drunk motioning his lower regions, though you were facing away from him you knew this by the displeased and disgusted looks which spread upon your friends' faces.
"I am not interested in the tiny padlock key you own." The blandness in your tone and the mocking of his size surely gave no other interpretation in your mind, you did not want him and would never entertain such a thought. "Oh come on, baby. You've had too many dwarves in you, let me show you what a real man can do." The sudden pressure of his thin arms wrapping around your upper waist forced your lips to press into a thin line, a harsh exhale escaping your nostrils while your friends sprang onto their feet.
The sudden low pitched slap of your balled fist connecting to his nose echoed rang throughout the ravenous bar, the pressure of his slimy arms around your waist quickly easing as he stumbled back with a hand clasped tightly around his bloodied nose. "You fucking bitch-" The words dying in his mouth the moment you booted foot came into heavy contact with his groin, a loud groan falling from his ale-drenched mouth. "Listen here and listen good," You began grasping tightly at his greasy hair, low whimpers of pain falling out of him.
"I am not your baby. I do not want that pathetic excuse of a dick within five steps of me nor do I want it near any other women within this tavern." You continued yanking up his hair forcing a loud yelp out of his mouth while your friends simply stood their mouths agape at your sudden outburst, many later on blaming it all on the stress of your travels.
"If I find out you did this to another woman I will personally take you outside and make sure you will never bear an offspring, got it?" The hiss booming throughout the tavern, his head forced back at another tug of his hair as he attempted to nod through the stinging pain. "I'm sorry? I didn't hear you!" "Yes ma'am! I'm sorry!" The suddenly sobered male stuttered out, the pain of his injuries and the embarrassment of his degradation amongst fellow patrons enough to discourage further actions from continuing for that night.
"Good, now get out of my sight." The drunken male quickly scrambled to his feet after a rough shove from you, a sigh of relief finally escaping your lungs as you turned your attention back onto your friends. "Now that, that is handled. May I have the key...please?" The sight of your lightly blood-stained hand extending towards him was enough to snap him out of his dreamlike daze, though he had seen you fight numerous times he always managed to find himself captivated by your strength.
"Oh, erm, right!" The faint pat of his calloused hands against his clothes was followed by the clearing of his throat caught your ear, an attempt to scare away the blush that threatened to creep upon his cheeks. "Here." The cold metal quickly being concealed by your warm palm as you snatched it from his grasp, the tension in your shoulder quickly easing away at the sensation. "Thank you! I'm off to wash up, do not disrupt me." "Yes ma'am." The soft mutter barely caught your ear as the dwarven prince returned to his seat, an onslaught of teasing ensuing from the table as you strolled down the long hallway to your chambers.
The plush towels gently embraced your bruised skin, a sensation you had yearned to feel again after all those cold sleepless nights on your journey so far. The lids of your eyes shutting softly while you soaked in your moment of bliss, the warmth of your bath's water still fresh on your skin along with the delicate floral scent of the tavern's oils, a scent vastly different than any troll or orc sweat you had gotten on you during battle.
The moment of bliss cut short by the loud pounding against the wooden door, a displeased groan escaping your lips as you mindlessly wandered towards the door. "Hold on a moment! I said hold on!" The pounding against the wood coming to an end as the door creaked open, the sight of your door's foe causing another groan to slip out of your plump lips. "I thought I told you not to disrupt me, Kili." The words coming out as a whine as you turned your attention away from the grumpy dwarf, slowly strolling towards the side of the bed you had assigned to yourself as you payed no mind to your lack of clothing.
The annoyance which flooded the dwarf's body quickly subsided at the glorious sight of you in nothing but a towel, the heat quickly rising towards his cheeks yet again as the cloth which restrained his cock suddenly grew tighter. "Come on then, spit it out already." The commanding tone that slipped through those soft lips of yours forced the fire beneath his skin to burn brighter.
"Oh! Well, erm, uncle wanted to know if you would be joining them for supper. There's a plate set aside for you...if you wish to join that is." His voice began to crack at the end while he quickly averted his gaze from your heavenly form, an image he would forever have ingrained into his mind.
A soft hum making its way out of your mouth as you sprawled out on the soft bed, your weight slowly sinking into the soft furs. Food, a thought that had slipped out of your mind during your hot bath. The low grumble within your belly showing that an actual meal compared to the odd scraps you had found throughout your journey would be greatly appreciated. "Let them know I will join them in a moment." "I was planning on staying in here...I have eaten already." Your gaze shifting from the tall wooden walls over to the prince, his smoky ones occasionally greeted yours before darting back onto the grimy floors. So much for his hatred being merely stress.
"That is fine, there is still hot water in the tub if you wish to bathe." A small creak escaped the mattress as your weight shifted upwards on the bed, the plush towel slowly beginning to slide down your upper chest. "The oils are on the second shelf and I will be bringing the key with me so you may rest." Though he despised you, you were still civil towards him for the sake of your friends and the shared goal to help them reclaim their home.
"That sounds fair." The mutters barely caught your ear as you allowed the towel to continue its trail down your oiled body as you strolled across the room, he had seen much worse on his journey so this would surely not phase the stubborn prince. "I will do my best to be quiet on my return, do not mess with my things while I am away." You scolded as you began to bend towards the small pile of clothes, the dwarven prince's gaze lifting upon your nude form in both the worst and best timing within his mind.
Every curve and imperfection on full display for him to take in, perfection. Pure utter perfection is what he saw you as, his hardened act towards you merely being one to avoid the hardening within his trousers which was always a failed attempt. Your kindness and charm were far too alluring to make him stay away and yet your abilities on and off the battlefield were enough to instill fear and curiosity within him.
He dreamt of nothing more than praising every inch of your heavenly body, kissing over each scar and bruise your soft skin held, and making you cry pleasure-filled moans with him in between your strong legs. The fabric which tightened underneath his dirtied trousers went unnoticed to him but not to you, your gaze shifting from your assortment of clothing you wore onto the young dwarf, finding it rather odd he had gone quiet so quickly on you until you caught his displeased gaze on your nude figure.
Though you had not wished for him to eye you as if you were a leg of meat similar to which the drunk had done an hour prior, you had not expected such a displeased look from him nor did you expect for it to sting within your chest as much as it did.
"It is rather rude to stare, is it not?" Your low tone startling the brunette out of his lust-driven thoughts, the subtle heat of his blush growing to overtake the paleness of his face. His mouth opened and closed quickly as if he were a fish fresh out of water before his gaze darted away from heavenly form, your jewel-colored orbs quickly looping around your skull while you pulled the scratchy fabric onto your softly oiled skin.
"I will be back soon, do not burn anything down while I am away." "This again? It was an accident, I was a dwarfling!" The dwarf's annoyed muttering barely catching your ear while you strolled towards the door, hands gliding across your clothing ensuring every inch of once revealed flesh was no longer on display. "I believed you of all people would know one time is far too many when it comes to fire, now be good." The low clicks of your booted heels rang throughout the silent room, the low muffle of cheers and glasses clinking together filling your ears as you furthered your trail down the dimly lit hall.
The quiet thumps of your boots against the creaky oak floor began to fill the halls again as you strolled back to your chambers, your once empty belly now full of all the ale and food your heart's or rather stomach's desired.
Content hums echoing off of the walls of which your friends resigned in, many leaving before your meal was done to get as much rest as possible, an action you could not blame them for due to the unpleasant sleeping conditions they had endured for far too long.
The heavenly food and gentle conversation had nearly allowed you to forget of the bitter dwarf who stayed behind and though his lack of presence had not bothered you personally, you finding the meal more blissful without his cruel gaze burning holes into you, yet the way his brother's goofy smile faded into a saddened line plucked at the strings within your heart.
"Stupid dwarf." The thought of his kicked puppy look upon his face had reignited the subtle flame within your belly to a full-blown blaze. If that stubborn brunette dwarf truly hated you that was fine, you were merely staying for the friends you had made throughout the journey rather than any payment they could offer, yet it bewildered you he could go so far as to promise his brother of his return and purposefully break it in the sake of avoiding you.
Your annoyed thoughts coming to a halt while you inched closer to the massive doors, a loud sigh escaping your lips as you pulled the metal key out of your back pocket. So much for a peaceful evening.
The quiet creak of the wooden door filled the empty room, that's odd. That stubborn dwarf had surely been in here before you had left, the memories of his displeased gaze upon your nude form still freshly burnt into your mind. As if he would look any better than you after the drastic changes your body had dealt with in mere months, an annoyed sigh escaped your lips while you made your way towards the bed.
A silk slip still nicely folded upon the fluffy pillows, at least he had not messed with your things. Your soft hands embracing the smooth material, your thumbs grazing over the smallest lace detailing whilst you admired your gift. A gift from a she-elf in Rivendell, she must have felt rather badly about your conditions due to the way her face grew red as she handed you the soft fabric in front of your friends, the kindness not going forgotten as you kept the silk dress within your possession throughout your journey despite the few attempts to destroy it by that stubborn dwarf.
Once your clothing was entirely shed from your floral-scented skin, you made haste in slipping that soothing silk over your bare form. The thin straps on your shoulders and the shortened length of the slip left little to the imagination, the slip hugging in all the perfect areas as if it were made for only you.
The momentary bliss being cut short at a peculiar noise that arose from the bathing room, curiosity getting the better of you as your limbs began to move at their own accord, quietly inching closer to the oak door. The soft sound of splashing accompanied with the melody of soft moans and whines dancing within your ears as you inched closer to the door, the blood beneath your skin boiling as you could not help but listen to the same dwarf who mocked you daily's pathetic little melody.
"A-Ah! Y/N, please!" The desperate higher-pitched whimper stalling your heart, was he pleasuring himself to the thought of you? Your inner thighs glistening with slick wetness as you pressed your ear against the wooden door, the muffled whimpers and pleads which accompanied your name all too alluring yet infuriating to you.
His head drooped back against the metal tub, eyelids glued shut as his mouth hung open in pleasure. Images of you tugging at that male's hair and your nude form replaying in his mind as the knot within his belly tightened, the cool water clinging onto his skin along with the faint sheen of sweat that glistened upon his forehead and hardened muscles.
"A-Ah! Oh, fuck!" The pathetic whimpering signaling he was on the verge of his release sparked something deep within you, how dare he be so cruel only to cum at the thought of you. The creak of the heavy oak door swinging open was silenced by his loud moans, his mind swarming with images of you bouncing upon his cock and pulling his hair as if he were the man from earlier.
"You treat me as if I am lower than waste, attempt to destroy my personal belongings, disrupt my peace, and yet you have the nerve to pleasure yourself to me?!" The angry scoff stalling all motion in his body, his eyes growing as wide as the plate you ate upon moments before while he attempted to jump up from the tub, watering rolling down his toned abs simultaneously as heat spread across his face.
"I-well you see-I just, erm." "I do not want to hear your pathetic excuses, gods you are insufferable!" The heavy slap of your bare feet against the cold floor echoing within his ears, that damned shocked look fueling more rage within you. "Please let me explain I- '' The snap of your hardened gaze forcing his mouth to dry out as both fear and lust roamed throughout his veins, the remaining water droplets trickling down his scar-tattered form before dampening the floor beneath him.
"You what?" You snarled back, face burning red with rage as his face matched with a similar flush fueled by embarrassment. "What is there to explain that I haven't seen already?" A displeased laugh slipped through your plump lips, arms crossing in front of your chest while your eyes looped around your skull. "That you are cruel to me so you may have material to stroke that pathetic cock off to?" Your gaze burning holes into his muscular form, each inch of flesh looked as if the gods had hand-carved him.
"What? No that's not it at all!" He blurted out quickly, trying to inch closer to you as the rouge flush on his cheeks began to spread throughout the entirety of his face. "I just-" He groaned, halting his words as his fingers roamed through his hair, an action he mindlessly did frequently due to stress.
"I began having these thoughts after we met, I thought putting distance between us would stop them but they never ceased from my mind." "That gives you no right to be insufferable towards me and proceed to turn around and stroke that pathetic cock of yours whilst moaning my name." A bitter laugh slipping through your lips while your head shook in disbelief at his pathetic excuse.
"Tell me, was I down on my knees before you with that little cock in my mouth, or was I bouncing on it like one of those tavern whores?" His mouth opened and closed quickly at your bold question as if you had not caught him pleasuring himself to you mere moments before, the pounding beneath his skull and within his cock speeding up.
"Well? Come on now, speak up, whore." "Bouncing on it." He muttered under his breath, silently hoping the words would fall silent upon your ears, the lewd images still playing freshly throughout his mind as his cock flexed against his lower abdomen.
"Oh? So that's how you see me, is it? A tavern whore who will bounce on your little cock until you fill her up with your cum." His answer alone would have simply annoyed you but the way his cock twitched as he responded made your burn hot.
"And here I thought your brother was right, that all your idiotic actions were due to stress. I cannot wait to tell him how perverted his younger brother truly is." "Please do not tell anyone about this! They'll never let me live this down!" His voice rising in pitch with his panicked pleads, his hands clasped tightly in front of his chest while he stared at you in fear.
"Oh? And why shouldn't I, my dear prince?" Your plump lips curling upwards into a mischievous smirk. "I promise this will never happen again!" The sight of your eyes looping around in your skull made his heart drop to the pit of his stomach.
"I will do anything you want! I swear I will, please just do not tell anyone about this." The pathetic pleads of the prince made the mischievous smirk upon your face grow wider, a single finger tapping on your plump lips whilst you pretended to be in deep thought.
"Anything at all?" You questioned, an eyebrow quirking in his direction as you slowly strolled over to his bed, hips swaying slowly with each step you took. "Yes, anything! Anything you want, you name it and I will do it!" The smirk still plastered widely upon your face as you sat down on the soft mattress, the mattress creaking softly under your weight.
"What if I want you?" "Oh?" The panic in his veins was quickly replaced with relief and lust as he drank in your heavenly form, his lips curving into an equally mischievous smirk as he began to inch towards you.
"Ah, ah, ah." You tutted, the clicking of your tongue stalling his steps allowing him to admire your very being from afar whilst you spread your legs open, glistening pussy on display for the desperate dwarf. "If you want even a small taste, you will get on your hands and knees and crawl for it." "What?" The word barely coming out of his stunned mouth, the glint in your eye darkening as you rose from the bed, an annoyed sigh escaping your lips at the loss of comfort.
"I said, get on your fucking hands and knees and crawl like the little bitch you are." Your snarl accompanied by the low swoosh of your silk slip falling onto the floor. "If you truly want to fuck me, you are going to work for it. Now crawl, slut." On your command he knelt onto the cold wooden floor, his weight resting within his dampened palms as he slowly made his way towards you. His amber eyes burning holes into your heavenly frame, a pleased smile spread wide upon your lips as he sat down a few inches in front of your feet.
"That's a good boy." You cooed while resting your hand beneath his chin, his lightly stubbled chin resting on your balled-up fingers as your thumb gently grazed over his rough lips. "And that's all you want to be, isn't it? My good boy?" "Yes ma'am, I want to be your good boy so badly. Please let me please you." The tune of his pathetic mewls against your thumb allowed laughter to bubble out of your lips, you had a future prince of Erebor kneeling before you desperate to please you like the little whore he is.
"Aw, you sound so cute when you beg." You cooed, the mattress creaking yet again as you sat down upon it, the brunette dwarf following close behind now sitting directly in front of your feet. His smoky eyes blinked mindlessly up at you, watching as you began to spread your thighs apart.
"I am feeling rather generous at the moment. If you can make me cum with your mouth, and I mean only your mouth, I'll ride that pathetic cock of yours." The words barely left your mouth as the eager prince made his way in between your thighs, your legs dangling over his shoulders as his calloused hands grasped tightly around your thighs.
"Someone is eager-oh fuck!" The eager prince wasted no time as his warm tongue quickly lapped at your soaking cunt, his long licks up towards your clit sending small electric waves throughout your body. "Mmm, that's a good boy." The soft wet sensation of his tongue lapping up and down from your clit slowing in speed as the lids of his amber eyes fluttered shut, soft moans of his own vibrated against your dripping cunt.
The prickle of his stubble against your sensitive flesh furthering the waves of pleasure throughout your body, the motions of his tongue turning from lapping the entirety of your drenched pussy towards tracing delicate circles around your clit. "Just like that, don't you dare stop." Your words grew higher in pitch as your hands grasped tightly around the soft fur beneath you, legs beginning to tremble as a familiar knot began to weave within you.
His lips enveloping your sensitive bundle of nerves, switching from tracing small circles around it to sucking upon it making your toes curl as heat spread throughout your body. "Oh, holy shit!" The higher-pitched moan ringing throughout his ears as the dwarf continued toying with your clit, the soft pinch of his nails embedding into your thighs further tightening the knot within your belly.
Your hips rising and falling against the patterns of his tongue as your hands entangled within his damp brunette hair, the pinch of your nails against his scalp, and the tug at each silky lock forcing moans from his wet lips. The heavenly vibrations against your soaking cunt allowed your moans to grow louder, all care for your fellow guests thrown aside as the handsome dwarf continued to work eagerly in between your thighs.
The pressure against the sensitive bundle of nerves tightening against it while you mindlessly rolled your hips into his mouth, your nails digging into his skull as your toes began to curl. "Oh, gods yes! Shit don't stop!" The knot within your stomach finally snapping as you tugged tighter at his hair, the acting forcing him to moan against your clit furthering the electric waves that rang throughout your body.
The speed of your chest rising and falling quickened as you attempted to catch your breath, legs still trembling at the aftershock while your fingers loosened around his hair. A blissful smile spread upon your lips as you gazed down at the smiling dwarf, his dampened hair now tangled and clinging onto his face as a lopsided smile spread upon his thin lips.
"You were such a good boy." You cooed as you finally caught your breath, the cold air feeling like heaven within your lungs. "I think it is time for your reward, don't you?" The honey-colored eyes widened with glee, his grip around your thighs releasing as he leaped onto his feet. "Excited, are we?" "Yes ma'am." He grinned at you, the bed creaking at the new weight, his gaze never leaving your form.
Sweat still glistening on your heavenly form, the soft moonlight reflecting off it and each curve and imperfection it held. A pure goddess, one who was gifting him with moments in heaven for worshiping you. "Now, you still cannot touch me." The words making him whine as you raised from the bed, after your angelic moans all he craved for was to touch you, to please you like the good boy he is.
"Don't whine, you are lucky I am even considering this yet alone acting upon it." A chuckle escaping your plump lips as his bottom lip stuck out in a pout, your soft hands gently gliding up his toned body as you climbed on top of him, the tips of your fingers dancing upon the indentations of his muscles and scars. "Now, be a good boy and stay still for me." A soft whimper escaped his thin lips as your soft palm wrapped around his throbbing cock, lining the swollen tip up to your drenched entrance as you stared into his amber eyes.
"Fuck!" The slight pressure and burning stretch of his aching cock finally sliding within your soaked walls forced a moan out of the both of you, his hips mindlessly bucking up into yours at the sensation which you stilled with a palm on his chest. "I said stay still." The pathetic excuse of an apology that slipped through his lips was accompanied by a string of excuses in a high-pitched whine, his knuckles turning white as his fingers dug into the furs beneath him.
"I thought you wanted to be a good boy for me." You scoffed, your hips raising ever so slowly off of his allowing your tight cunt to clench around his throbbing cock. "I do, ma'am. I want to be your good boy." He whined as the lids of his eyes squeezed shut, throwing his head back against the mattress as his grip tightened further around the soft furs. "Good boys don't make excuses, do they?" You snarled, your hips slapping against his making him jolt upwards at the sudden embrace of his cock.
"They don't, I am so sorry ma'am." "Apologies mean nothing now, you have shown that you cannot control yourself and now I must punish you." The exaggerated sigh you let out was quickly accompanied by the tsking sound of your tongue, the nervous prince swallowing down a mouth full of air as the bed creaked under your shift towards his ear.
"You are going to lie still like the good little fuck toy I know you can be. You will do nothing other than moan unless instructed to, this includes touching and looking at me. Understood?" His mouth shooting open desperate to show he was listening but before any words could slip through your palm covered his mouth, the lids of his eyes twitched threatening to open only to squeeze close tighter at your disapproving tuts.
"I didn't say to speak, did I?" His damp hair tapped against your hand as he quickly shook his head no. "That's right, my little fuck toy can be so smart when he wants to be." Cooing as you lift your hips away from his, soft whimpers vibrated against your palm as you slid back down onto his aching cock. The heavenly stretch of his enlarged cock carving itself into your damped walls made soft hums slip through your lips, more intrigued by the moans your toy made while your cunt clenched around the throbbing mass than the volume of your own.
The silent room quickly filled with the pathetic mewls of your toy along with the squelching slap of skin against each other, the creak of the rickety bed completely masked as you leaned back onto his aching cock. His knuckles turned bright whine as his nails embedding themselves into the furs, his heavenly form glistening with sweat while you continued your slow speed.
"You're being so good for me, letting me use your cock however I want." Taking the entirety of his length within your drenched walls, you slowly rolled your hips in small circles, the swollen tip of his cock hitting the most sensitive parts of your core with each movement you made.
"Mmm, you want me to go faster? To bounce on your cock like in your fantasies?" You hummed as you began to slowly raise your hips to the aching tip, rocking your hips in tiny circles at the top as he quickly bobbed his head.
The lids of his eyes still glued to one another tightly as he clenched every muscle within him, desperate to be good, desperate to please you. "Oh, well that's too bad." The displeased look that scrunched upon his face making you laugh with each word you spoke, your hips lowering back onto his making him whine louder. "Oh shut up, you are lucky I have this pathetic excuse of a cock in me." His cock twitching within your core at your degrading tone.
"Aww, someone likes being made fun of. Doesn't he?" A mischievous smirk spreading upon your lips at the prince's desperate nodding, his throbbing cock twitching again within your as your walls tightened around him before releasing.
"I want everyone in this tavern to know how much you love being degraded by me." His muscles restricting at the thought, torn between being good for you and of the onslaught of embarrassment he would face if he did as told.
"I love being degraded by you, ma'am." The mutter barely catching your ear, your eyes looping around your skull at his worthless excuse of an attempt. The flesh beneath his cheeks burned hotter than any tales of dragon's breath he had heard, the harsh crimson spreading to the tips of his ears.
"Louder, pet. I know how loud you can be, out with it!" The stinging impact of your palm against his cheek accompanied by your commands pushed him over the edge of complete submission for you, his mouth flying open with a string of 'yes ma'am's before his loud decree.
"I loved being degraded by you, ma'am. I love it so much, Y/N. Please don't stop, please. I need to know how pathetic I am." The pathetic pitch of his pleads sounded heavenly compared to the off-pitched songs your company would attempt to perform. "There it is, there's my good pet." You cooed, a loud gasp escaping his chapped lips as the slapping of your hips fastened.
The heavenly sensation of your cunt squeezing around the thick cock as you slid up ever so slightly from him made his moan grow louder, your hips rocking against his as you rested upon the base allowing his cock to carve further into your drenched depths. "I haven't heard a thank you yet, what do you say slut?" A high-pitched whine replaced any attempts of words as he loosened the grip on the furs while you continued to grind against your hips into him.
"Thank you, ma'am." The sudden grasp at your breasts forcing you to stall your movements, a honey-colored eye opening at the lack of movement. "Oh, you think you get to be handsy and stare at me now? And here I thought you were going to be a good little slut for me." The soft slap against his wrists accompanied your displeased scoff, leaning forwards pinning them above his head.
The lids of his eyes flying open at the sudden movement, a soft mewl escaping his lips as his cock stirred within you. "I am so sorry, ma'am. But I just-" The words were cut short by a thwack which rang throughout the room, his wrists encased by your soft palm as the other firmly struck his cheek.
"No buts, now you're going to make me cum by your tongue again and if I catch you looking at me you will not be allowed to touch yourself for an entire week." The loss of your warmth embracing him made him whine as you shifted up from his lap towards his face, wet cunt inches away from his lips.
"You may hold my hips and only my hips, anything else and I will leave this room." The empty threat dying upon your tongue as his tongue slipped within your warm damp walls, small circles and tuts of his tongue earning pleased hums from you.
The grip upon his slender wrists released at the new flicking sensation within you, your hips rolling in slow circles allowing his tongue to graze the most sensitive spots within you. "Oh fuck yes! Right there!" His tongue flicking against the most sensitive spot in your core, hitting it repetitively as a knot began to form within your belly yet again.
Your eyes looping towards the back of your skull as small static waves pulsated throughout your body, your upper teeth sinking into your plump lower lip to stifle your moans, the sensation of the tips of fingers delicately gliding up towards your lips sending a shiver down your spine.
"If you keep being a good whore like this I'll consider letting you fuck me." A loud whine escaping your lips as the flicks grew closer together, his nails piercing into the flesh of your hips as he hummed against your cunt happily. Each vibration sent tiny electric waves throughout your core as his tongue stroked that heavenly spot, each movement pushing you further into the edge of bliss.
"Yes, yes, yes. Holy fuck, don't you dare fucking stop!" The muscles throughout your body trembling as you tangled your fingers within his hair, tugging it to guide him back to that heavenly spot over and over again as you hunched over his face. The prickly stubble against your bare cunt further fueled the burning fire within you, the knot within your belly tightening on the verge of snapping with each fast click of his tongue.
"Ah!" Your screams echoing throughout the tavern as the knot within your stomach finally snapped, his calloused palms were the only thing preventing you from collapsing on top of him, your thighs tightening around the sides of his face as your inner walls fluttered around his tongue. The rising and falling of your chest quickened, cold air catching in the back of your throat as you freed his damp hair from your harsh grip.
"How are you so good at that?" Letting out an airy chuckle while sliding off of his face, the lids of his eyes still glued together tightly as his lips pursed out in a pout at the sudden lack of weight. "You may look at me and speak on your own accords. I hate to admit it but I do miss that smart mouth of yours." His eyes quickly opened as a lopsided grin spread upon his lips, the bed creaking while he shifted his weight onto his elbows, his dreamlike gaze burning holes into your barest form.
"I think you have proved that you can listen and I have done all the work here. Haven't I, pet?" The sight of his brunette mop bouncing quickly at the nodding of his head allowed a soft smile to grace your lips. "I know, I work so hard but now it's your turn." The soft prickle of his stubble on his cheek graced your palm as you purred, his eyes widening at your words as his heart stilled hoping this was not but another tease.
"Well? Come on now, hurry up before I change my mind." The moment your scold caught his ears the dwarven prince leaped out of the bend and onto the cold floor, quickly making his way between your thighs as his hands hovered above them. Though he was allowed to speak and look he still waited for your permission to touch, his smoky eyes staring back into yours while he waited patiently for an answer to his unspoken question, such a well-trained bitch.
"You may touch." His calloused palms made haste wrapping your thighs around his waist, a hand going between his muscular legs to line himself up with your soaked entrance. The graze of his swollen tip against your core sent a soft hum through your lips, still sensitive due to the pleasure you had received from him moments before.
"Ah!" The soft whine slipping through his lips as he pushed his aching cock into you, the familiar stretch and pressure earning a pleased hum from you. "That's a good boy." You cooed, a finger curling in front of his gaze motioning for him to lean forwards which he did so without question. A pleased exhale slipping out as he inched his face closer to yours, your gentle palm rested upon his opposite cheek while your soft lips finally graced his.
The slow speed of his throbbing cock carving its way into your heavenly cunt accompanied by the soft melding of your lips sent a spark of pleasure throughout his bruised body, all stress and worries gliding off of his toned shoulders while his hips slapped against your arse. "Fuck." The soft whine against your lips accompanied pleased moans which slipped through yours, a heavenly melody that further sent blood to flow within his aching cock.
His hips stilled as the squeezing sensation around his cunt ingrained within his memory, the sight of you under him with your mouth opened slightly in an 'o' making the memory all the more pleasurable, one he would later reflect on during nights he could not sleep without the ease of his aching cock. Taking in a steady breath, hands tightening around your thighs while he slowly slid his cock out, whimpering in disappointment at his actions before sliding back within the warm depths.
"That's it, love. Let it all out." You cooed as your thumb caressed his softly stubbled cheeks, the steady pace of his cock carving within you stalling at the sudden use of a sweet name as he melted into your gentle touch. "You can move, pet. You have held yourself back for long enough, you may relax but you mustn't cum until I say so." A renewed energy spread throughout his body, his head bobbing quickly with excitement.
A squeak flying out of your lips at the sudden harshness of his hips ramming into yours, your sensitive walls fluttering around him while he further carved himself within you. Each thrust turned sloppier as he fell into the darkness of his lust, pathetic whimpers slipping through his lips as he buried his face within the corner of your neck.
"I know, it feels so good. Doesn't it?" The tickle of his scruff against your neck, a burn rising in his hips far earlier than he had hoped for wanting nothing more than to be fully immersed in the pleasurable moment. Memories of you catching him in the tub flooding his mind while his cock twitched yet again within you, pounding faster into your core as the familiar knot began to tie within him.
Each milking squeeze of his cock becoming all too painful, his knuckles turning white around your thighs while he whimpered against your neck. "I can't." The softness of your hands gliding up and down his scar-tattered back making him tremble within you, soft whines escaping his lips as he tried to stop the knot from further hitching within him.
"Oh but you can, my love. I want you to let it all out, that is an order." Your soft coos encouraged the speed of his aching hips, the knot within him tightening each painful moment that passed. His animalistic thrusts growing more sloppy as his eyes squeezed shut, his head tilted backward into your line of sight allowing you to see how beautiful and pathetic he looked.
Thin mouth agape with a string of pathetic mewls slipping out of them, the thin sheen on his forehead which strands of hair would cling onto, and the overwhelming beauty of his entire being relaxed in his most blissful state. A sight which would be forever burned into your memories and force heat to rise within your cheeks whenever you gazed upon the idiotic dwarf, your idiotic dwarf.
"Oh fuck! Please, ma'am. I am so close, I can't. Please." His hips stuttering with each sloppy thrust he made, your walls fluttering and squeezing against the aching cock. "Aww, does my good little whore want to fill up my pussy?" You cooed softly gliding a hand from his back onto his prickly cheek. The thin pair of lips quivering with every whimper which left them, the side of his face nuzzling against your palm yet again as his pleading honey-colored eyes bore into your jewel-colored pair.
"Do it, cum for me." The soft command was the final tug to tear the knot within him into two, his eyes rolling up into his skull as he trembled against you unintentionally dragging you off the same cliff with his high-pitched whines.
The sensation of your inner walls pulsating around him further encouraged him to release the burning white ribbons within your soaked cunt, his pathetic gasps and whines echoed throughout the tavern for all to hear. Your nails gliding down both his upper back and his stubbled cheek, a mark showing he was yours if the loud whines had not given it away already.
"Fuck! Thank you." The syllables clinging onto his lips while he leaned down onto you, his head resting on top of your breasts as you both rode down from your shared highs. Hazy smiles staring at one another as each grip released, his swollen cock still resting deep within you keeping your inner walls painted white.
"I'm sorry...about earlier." The tips of his fingers delicately tracing each scar that rested upon your skin, all attitude from him melted away while your sturdy arms wrapped around his upper back. "I forgave you the first time you made me cum." The admission forced a fake gasp from the prince's lips, your lips pressing together tightly to stifle bubbling laughter within you.
"You liar! I thought you were infuriated with me." His bottom lip sticking out in a dramatic pout as he rose away slightly from your chest, and despite your best attempts, soft laughter escaped your lips. "I was at first, you had been cruel to me for months." The sternness in your tone forced him to gulp down a mouth of air, guilt trickling into his veins at his past actions towards you out of his stupidity.
"However, I cannot be mad at such an adorable excuse." "Then what were the punishments for!" The prince scoffed at your words as a familiar crimson tint spread upon his face. "They were meant to teach you a lesson, which they did." The warming sensation of your lips melding into his easing some of the annoyance from the dwarven prince, the same dramatic pout still glued upon his lips as he stared at you.
"Are you alright?" The gentleness in your tone shocked him as you looked over his body, the red marks lighting a small flame of worry within you. "What do you mean?" A thick eyebrow raised in your direction while he watched your curious actions, though he had pleased women before none had taken the time to look over him after. "Are you feeling alright after...well..." The words dying off on your tongue as a similar heat flooded beneath the flesh of your cheeks as if you had not used him as a personal fuck toy moments ago.
A soft chuckle escaping his lips along with a pleased sigh as his calloused palm rested beneath your chin, his thumb tilting your head up towards him while the corners of his lips curved up into a bliss-filled smile. "I am fine, I promise. Dwarves can take quite the beating, ma'am." The title coming out in a teasing tone, an amused sigh escaping your nose as your eyes rolled around in your skull. Though his joking manner could be tedious at times, especially tender moments like these, you could not imagine the dwarf without it nor would you trade it for any gem within all of middle earth.
"If that is true, my pet, would you at least accompany me while I bathe?" The question barely escaped your lips as he pulled his softened cock out of you, the odd sensation of his cum trickling out of your cunt sending a shiver down your spine. "You will hold me after?" "Yes, my love, I will hold you after." A gleeful look spread upon the dwarf's face as he hooked his arms under your legs and back, a surprised squeak leaving your lips as he lifted you with ease.
The high-pitched complaints and concerns missed his ears as he happily strolled to the tub with you resting loosely in his arms. "Dwarves are stronger than any men, my dear." He reminded you with a goofy smile, oh how you could've seen yourself now when this all began.
In the arms of your 'foe' as bare as the day you came into the world, though even if you could you wouldn't have changed anything about it as you finally received a night of bliss out of all of those torturous nights of travel and battle, blissful nights which would continue in secret throughout your journey with your idiotic dwarf.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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whatitshouldvebeen · 2 months
Imagine making the decision to stay alive by pretending to be into Johnny (because he's cocky and a narcissist which you clock the moment you hear him open his mouth) only it backfires because you actually start to fall for him in a twisted way
Johnny's Kitten
Summary: You'd been waiting so long to die you had time to formulate a plan to keep yourself alive.
Word count: 838
Warnings: Stockholm syndrome-esque in which you think you're playing him buuuuut he is pretty cute....
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You and your friends were caught over a week ago, and slowly, you've heard each of them being collected from the adjacent basement rooms, never to be heard from again. Now, it's down to you. As you sit on the floor with a chain collar around your neck, you have nothing else to do but wait to die.
One thing you managed to glean from hearing the man who calls himself Johnny come to collect your friends was just how cocky he is. He would brag about how easy it was to capture you and your friends who had been swimming at the nearby lake. When your best friend John tried to fight back, the man actually seemed to grow excited, killing John on the spot and laughing about it.
He's clearly a lunatic, and a massive narcissist.
And you know exactly what to do to survive.
Johnny only ever came to collect people for slaughter, so you knew once he opened your door that your time had come.
Instead of panicking, you smiled, your eyes roving over his muscular body, stopping on his dark brown eyes beneath a head of slicked-back black hair.
Johnny stopped in the doorway and looked at you curiously. “Whatcha smilin’ about?”
“Oh,” you said, acting like you didn't know you had been. “I guess I didn't expect you to be so handsome.”
He cocked his head, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “What?”
“Well, obviously you're tough and strong. I heard how you handled the others. But I didn't think you'd be so good looking,” you responded. You considered twirling your hair before stopping yourself. No need to be too ridiculous—he's eating this up.
“Always happy to surprise. But honestly,” he said, walking closer to you, “when I grabbed you from where you'd been laying out in the sun and you screamed… that's my favorite kind of surprise.”
He expected to intimidate you, and you knew it, so you laughed. “Yeah, that was pretty surprising. But if I can be honest too…” you leaned in as far as the chain would let you, “I always wanted to be kidnapped. Is that weird?”
“Now I ain't never heard that one before,” Johnny said as genuine confusion mixed with interest crossed his handsome features. “Why's that?”
“Isn't there something romantic about someone capturing you, taking care of you, becoming the only way you ever experience another human being? And it sure as hell beats going to work and paying taxes.”
Johnny snorted, then knelt in front of you, one arm resting on his bent knee, his bowie knife dangling idly between his fingers.
“You're a peculiar one.” He smiled wickedly. “And what do you think about the fact I'm gonna chop you up into pieces and eat you?”
You paused, then returned his smile. “I think that sounds romantic. I'd be a part of you, then.”
Johnny barked a laugh. “Damn, you're full of surprises.” He sets the tip of his bowie knife under your chin. “You really think I’m handsome?”
You wanted to nod, but decided against moving your head with a blade so close. “Yeah, I do.”
He leaned in and kissed you, then, moving the knife to your clavicle. And you returned his kiss, with fervor. So much fervor that he used his free hand to grip the back of your hair, doing as close to devouring you as possible without literally doing so.
And a small part of you ignited. You realized you weren't just pretending to survive.
Some part of you actually, truly did like him. This. The feeling of his tongue exploring your mouth. The teeth used to chew up your friends tugged at your lower lip, and you moaned.
Damn it, you really liked this. You didn't even notice when he put the knife back in its sheath.
“You weren't kidding, sugar,” he said with a breathless laugh. When he pulled back, you chased his lips to the end of your chain, and a flash of what you thought might be affection glinted in his eyes.
“You sure look cute tugging on your lead like a little starved kitten,” he said, using his free hand to stroke your hair. “I think I might have a use for you still.”
“Yeah?” You asked, though you've already realized you're ready to accept whatever that use is.
“Come on, kitten. Be quiet so the others don’t hear.” He unlocked your chain and wrapped it around his fist. You followed him on your hands and knees obediently out of the room, not making a peep. He led you out of the basement through a cellar door, and the sun-baked dirt was so hot it singed, but you kept crawling until he took you to the wooden door of an old shack with a cow skull over it.
“Welcome home, kitten,” he said as he opened the door to your new cell—one, you realized, you wanted all along.
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