#after they took him off tvd and stopped giving him scenes with That Girl.
philtatosbuck · 8 months
realistically i don't think any mikaelson should have been a parent and i especially don't think a child raised by them would be like. a good person or well adjusted but i do think they should have raised hope to be a little terror. i don't care. none of those people are good people and i need them to own it and i need them to raise a little bastard. they would NOT have raised a selfless little do gooder who sacrifices herself for the world. those are the most selfish people in existence. that's why they couldn't be in her life she would NOT be the person she was in legacies
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fruitless-nonsense · 3 years
Well… turns out I have a lot of opinions on characters I don’t even think strongly of. Who knew?
No joke, this is probably not as thorough as I like, but this idea came to me and I have so much to say that I don’t know how to structure it. Okay? Let’s talk about Damon Salvatore!
If you read any of my previous posts, you’ve probably gotten a decent idea of how I feel about him from my quick snippy remarks. I genuinely believe he is the worst character in the show. Yes, other characters can be more boring than him. Yes, there are people that can be more infuriating than him. It’s not simply who his character was, it’s how the writers wouldn’t stop messing with him that convinced me he was utter trash. Sit back, cause this could take awhile.
Let’s start with season one and the two brothers. Theory time! I’m strongly of the opinion the writers wanted a love triangle between Elena, Stefan, and Damon from the very beginning. Not that crazy to believe considering this show was born off the heels of Twilight’s grossing fame, not to take credit away from all the other shows at the time which featured a love triangle or two. From fanfics to original stories written by tweens I read when I was thirteen, love triangles were huge back then (in a way they still are fairly popular, but not like back in the day. Now I feel old). So they wanted a love triangle? Sounds cliche enough to be in the vampire diaries, what’s wrong? Well, there’s a bit of an issue with the candidates, or more specifically candidate. You see, Edward was a creep and Jacob was an incel, but you can say they weren’t monsters (well by my standards they were, but by YA standards they were pretty normal). I mean, the movie made a point to say the Cullens didn’t feed from humans, and they’re only seen killing in self defense, meanwhile Jacob is treated like a good person throughout despite everything. My point is, at least at the beginning, the story didn’t want to paint either candidate as irredeemable. Back to tvd season one, Damon tortures Caroline, kills Zack, two random humans, and that one football coach/history teacher, mentally and physically tortured Vicky Donavon before turning her against her will and made it impossible for Stefan to remedy the situation until he ultimately had to kill her to save Elena, and this is all from the first seven episodes.
Now, I used to think at least Damon was a fun villain, but was he really? I mean, yeah he could be funny, got a few chuckles outta me, but besides humor and violence what was his character? For example, in season one we are introduced to Stefan, a supposed “good vampire” who has taken a liking to Elena due to similarities between her and his ex before admiring how much better of a person she is and wanting a true connection with her. We later learn that his experience with his ex Katherine was extremely one-sided as he was compelled to love her to satiate her needs. Even later (still season one), we learn that his only drinking animal blood is because he is a ripper or “blood addict” as I call it cause even one taste of human blood and he’ll go on a rampage. So by seasons end we have a character who was a victim of serious abuse (which is never truly addressed in the show btw) and carries a rare vampire trait that makes not being a murderous psychopath incredibly difficult, yet he still tries to beat the odds and not hurt people. This is a lot to learn about a character in its first season, and it helps us gravitate towards wanting him to succeed. Stefan is what you would call a good character (at least for now). So that was all we got on the first candidate, what about option number two? Well, he’s funny and he likes to kill people, that’s about it. That ripper gene that Stefan’s fighting, Damon’s not someone who gave in to the gene to explain why he’s so murder happy, he doesn’t even have it! There’s nothing making him be a bad person, he just is one! Why? Your guess is as good as mine. The most we get is learning he had real feelings for Katherine and was never compelled to love her as an explanation for why he hates Stefan so much. Wow, two brothers at war over a girl one of them doesn’t even like. You can’t even say it was because Stefan turned him, because Damon says it blank that it’s cause of Katherine in 1x20, so don’t. So Damon kills for no reason, hates Stefan for a stupid reason, and has no personality traits outside of humor, murder, Katherine, and hates Stefan. With all of this on the table, my question is this, how do the writers expect me to pick Damon over Stefan in this love triangle with everything we got in season one? And the writers realized this.
Season two starts this long “arc” asking if Damon can be redeemed, or that’s what the writers wanted. Second theory: the writers realized they couldn’t justify Elena picking Damon over Stefan without ruining her character (lol), so they decided the best way to keep this love triangle idea afloat was to redeem Damon. The theory comes in when they realized they couldn’t completely redeem him because they had written themselves into a corner and being a murdering psycho with quirky one liners was his entire character, therefore redeeming him would take away what made Damon himself and so likable among fans (not me). I’m gonna pull the rug from under ya, remember when I said klaroline was not actually a love story, but was positioned and is still believed to have been one despite this fact? Same applies here. Did Damon ever go through a redemption arc, or did the writers want you to think that he did so they could have their cake and eat it too? Is there any actual story progression that show growth in Damon as a character? Nope. He’s sadder, wouldn’t say that’s him being a better person. In the early seasons, his characterization feels more like a seesaw than an arc. Sometimes he’s chill and helping with a plan, and the next episode he’s biting a chunk out of more innocent bystanders while abusing more women (*cough* *cough* justice for Andie). The longest I can say he was a genuinely decent person was in season six when he was trapped in the prison world with Bonnie (cause she’s the only character that would put up with his bs). Everywhere else, an inconsistent character, and I feel like that was intentional. They wanted to keep Damon how fans liked him while making him seem like a better person. An example is the introduction of Enzo, which I think was a ploy by the writers to make it seem like season five Damon was interacting with a season one Damon to show how far he’s come, but that doesn’t stick at all (mostly because Enzo’s crimes in the show compared to season one Damon’s feel less psychotic and malicious). All in all, to me Damon on his own was a truly boring character and even more boring villain. No motivation and no personality outside his infatuations. Which leads me into the worst plot line of my entire cw experience: Delena.
If you haven’t noticed, I hate this ship with a fiery passion. The only reason I think it’s slightly better than klaroline was at least the writers tried to write a story with them (keyword tried). I said they would have to ruin Elena’s character to have her choose him over Stefan, and I was right! Not only does she cheat with him (2x22 and other scenes from season three), it’s never explained why she likes him in the first place (actually in season six they say it’s cause he gave her Stefan’s gift necklace despite being in love with her, which is so stupid it made me laugh). Furthermore, why does Damon develop feeling for Elena? Supposedly it happens while he’s still obsessing over Katherine, so is that it? The turning point which pushes them together is revealed to all be fabricated by a sirebond. For real, the only reason Elena fell out of love with Stefan is because a bond out of her control made it impossible for Stefan to help her through vampirism and thus she had to lean on Damon for support. I know the show states the bond didn’t create her feelings merely heighten them, but it did isolate her from everyone else she loved and made it so she had no choice but to rely on Damon, and that’s not exactly better than the former. Let me say it louder for the kids that were corrupted. Codependency. Is. Not. Healthy. It’s toxic, and the trope in romance needs to die a horrible death. And the show knows it’s toxic, they bring it up all the time in season five and six thinking that will excuse them to keep going with it. Sorry hun, self awareness does not give you a pass. The worst part is the pacing. I mentioned the sirebond storyline in season four which takes up a huge amount of the season with them debating if her feelings were real before abruptly deciding Elena doesn’t care. Great conclusion, but it gets worse. Season five is pretty thin as far as a story, so what fills the run time is a storyline straight out of fifty shades. Fighting, sex, fighting, sex, breaking up because they aren’t healthy, sex, fighting followed by getting back together followed by more fighting and more sex. I can’t tell you what was gained after everything that transpired in the season. Lastly is season six which took time away from the first interesting villain since season three to give us an amnesia storyline! I’d tell you more, but if you’ve ever seen a movie you could probably explain it exactly. All that time that could’ve been spent in better ways, was given to something I stopped caring about by season fours end.
Honestly, the fact that the show treats this like the greatest love story of all time makes me less angry and more concerned, because the audience who watched this show weren’t adults who understand what love really is, the people who watched this was made up of mostly tweens and teens. I can’t get too mad, this trope is everywhere, girl helps abusive guy be better person while sapping away all her energy in the process was done before and is still being done today. All I ask is that the young adults who remember this show fondly understand how wrong this is. How people like Damon should not be pitied and relationships like Delena should not be celebrated. Ship whatever you want, but please tell me you’re okay. Are you okay? In conclusion, Damon is trash and Delena wasted my time along with being extremely toxic and abusive. Goodnight everybody!
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firelxdykatara · 3 years
not gonna lie I would love to hear more about the drama and infighting that went on in The Vampire Diaries fandom if you have the time (and also want to use that time to give your experience with the fandom, which from the snippets you've told sounds Not Fun so I get it if you don't want to lol)
oh god, there was like, SO MUCH, i just
i really feel like tvd is one of those fandoms that is so hard to describe without a lot of ‘you’d have to have been there’, but it really felt like this huge and all-consuming beast for about five years until the show finally imploded and the fandom basically turned on it en masse. (you ever see that post going around that’s like ‘if you ever want to know what true regret feels like, ask someone who once called tvd their favorite show’? still a mood, all these years later. basically the entire fandom thought the show should have just bowed out with whatever shreds of dignity it had left at the end of season 6, and became more of a hatedom than a fandom for the last two seasons. when you have an entire fandom cheering news of your show’s cancellation, i think that’s a sign you done fucked up, julie.)
first and most infamous, of course, are the ship wars. which are pretty much inevitable in any teen-centered drama, and i really think the CW fucking thrives on them, but it was particularly egregious in TVD’s case because not only was the base premise of the show a love triangle, but the two main romantic leads were brothers that the show constantly pit against one another--in pursuit of elena’s affections, but also because it kept up this insistence on the ‘good brother/bad brother’ dichotomy which stopped making sense after about season 2 (by which time we have found out that the good brother was never as good as he appeared, and the bad brother has been growing and isn’t nearly as bad as he pretends to be)--and the question of which brother ‘deserved’ elena (and no, what elena wanted very rarely factored into these discussions, especially in the team stefan camp because they turned on her when what she wanted was no longer The Good Brother, but i’ll get to that in a bit) was hotly contested.
i’m not kidding when i say the shipping wars were vicious. i started watching tvd shortly after it began to air, which was late 2009, and kept up with it fairly sporadically over the years. i didn’t come onto tumblr until 2011/2012, and by then, the fandom was already pretty much a garbagefire. there were anti ship and anti character blogs, any time something bad happened for one ship the rival ship would invade the tags to gloat about it (seasons 3 and 4 were especially rough, and i’m not gonna pretend delena fans weren’t just as bad about tag invasion and shit, but as that was my side of the road i saw a lot more of the stelena shippers being assholes, which soured my opinion on the ship a long time before i started rewatching and realized the red flags were there from the start), confessions blogs were popular also toxic as fuck (so much fighting happened in the notes of those posts, good gods), and this was right around when twitter’s popularity was on the rise and the line between Celebrity and Fan was thinning, so the fandom was absolutely atrocious to much of the tvd cast and crew.
(some of them deserved a lot of the later backlash, but in the early years a lot of it was ‘how dare you write the story in a way i dont like, you terrible fucking person’, and gods don’t get me started on the dobsley vs nian Thing)
i think what really encapsulates my feelings on the tvd fandom as a whole, though, is the way they (to this DAY) treated elena gilbert, which can be summed up in one meme that gained a lot of traction around season 3 if i remember right: that gif of pam from true blood, with the text altered to read “i’m so OVER elena and her precious doppelganger vagina!”
i swear at one time i had over half the active tvd fan accounts on tumblr blocked, because i got to a point where i would no longer tolerate elena hate, and she was (and still is, in what remains of the fandom; you’ll see a lot of ‘elena was one of the worst things about the show’ takes from ex-fans, too) one of the most widely despised characters in the entire fandom. because she -checks smudged writing on hand- was a traumatized teenage girl who -reads off a crumpled notecard- couldn’t always perfectly sort out her own feelings and -squints at the ceiling- sometimes made mistakes or bad decisions. (except a lot of the fandom also insisted that she was a mary sue who had no character traits or flaws or faults and it was like....make up your fucking minds???? is she a calculating conniving bitch whose somehow manipulating these centuries old vampires to tie them around her little finger or is she a boring flat character with no depth and no flaws??? jfc)
there was this massive double standard, too--like, stefan and damon could fuck whoever they wanted and that was fine, but elena was constantly raked over the coals for the crime of developing romantic feelings for the two men who had become constants in her life and whom she cared for deeply, and oh my GOD the slut shaming that happened when elena slept with damon was fucking wild. (and also happened in canon lmfao. like the show had one of elena’s best friends basically call her diseased on screen for falling in love with someone other than stefan. it was gross and ridiculous and the friend in question was also being a giant hypocrite at the time since she was happily flirting with someone who was directly responsible for the deaths of like four of elena’s loved ones and her own boyfriend’s mother but that’s beside the point) but like elena was called a slut and a bitch and a whore for ‘cheating’ on stefan (she hadn’t, and she had in fact broken up with him on screen the episode earlier) and ‘immediately’ jumping into bed with damon, even though none of them said fucking boo when stefan had one night stands or damon had fuckbuddies or whatever.
shit, caroline didn’t get any of this treatment when she started falling for tyler while dating matt! which isn’t to say i think she should have, just that i think it’s fucking ridiculous that elena was absolutely demonized by the fandom for daring to have feelings for two guys at once and eventually acting on them--despite the fact that the entire premise of the show was a love triangle. it’s not a love triangle if both sides don’t eventually get explored, and the crew had been pretty explicit about the fact that delena was going to happen at some point--but when it did, a huge chunk of the fandom absolutely threw a fit.
and a lot of these elena haters were alleged stelena stans, and i say alleged because they hated her so much for not wanting stefan’s dick anymore that it was clear they were really stefan stans and only wanted stelena to be endgame because they wanted stefan to ‘win’ at the end of the day, because ‘he’s the good brother’ so he deserved elena more.
it was all very gross and very misogynistic and very sex shaming (apparently delena was a ‘shallow’ and ‘superficial’ relationship because they had sex after two years of unrequited feelings slowly becoming requited and then pining for ages on both sides, and because they had a lot of on screen chemistry that the show capitalized on for years so of course they did a lot of making out and shit but it’s not like stelena didn’t have its fair share of making out and sex scenes, stefan was just too much of a coward to let elena top i’d apologize for that joke but i’m really not sorry because it’s true), and when i say it was egged on by the crew, that’s because they refused to let the love triangle die back in season 4 when it should have.
they insisted on stringing stelena fans along, dropping little bread crumbs to keep them invested, like dreams of a future where they were married and revealing that stefan was also a doppelganger and he and elena were descended from a pair of star-crossed lovers (a plot that ultimately went nowhere, to no one’s great surprise), and then fucking like. julie plec turned around and threw nina under the bus after she chose not to extend her contract and pretended that stelena might have happened again if she hadn’t left the show, which....i mean frankly i wouldn’t put it past her, but it would have been shitty writing. then again, she thought having a vampire pregnancy where a uterus was magically transplanted from a witch into a vampire that could somehow......carry the babies to term.... made sense and was a good way to accomodate candice’s RL pregnancy rather than like literally ANYTHING else, soooooo. but anyway julie saying that around like, end of s6 sparked off a new wave of nina hate and elena hate and ship wars bc they SEers took it as ‘confirmation’ that stelena was REALLY meant to be endgame and it was all just a hot fucking mess
another thing is that, while tvd was in its prime before the anti/purity culture shit started picking up any real steam, there was still this pervasive attitude throughout the fandom that if you liked Damon, you were A Bad Person. liking damon was apparently grounds for insults and harassment, and apparently he was The Worst Person on the Show even though literally nothing he does on screen is any worse than shit we know stefan has done (and frankly every other vampire too, but i mention stefan specifically because he was always held up--in the show but especially in the fandom--as the Good Brother while damon was the Bad One, and if you liked damon more then that had to mean your morals were dodgy and you clearly couldn’t appreciate what a heroic and saintly figure dear stefan was and....oops, i’m sorry, my salt keeps leaking -cough-).
meanwhile klaus quickly became a fandom darling despite not even really having much of a redemption arc (on tvd anyway, he just became more ‘affably evil’ as the show went on and more inclined to work with the main characters rather than try to kill them; i have no idea what went on over on his show, though), and like i can 100% appreciate liking villains and not caring that they do dodgy villainous shit, even just liking them bc they’re hot and wanting them to kiss a main character bc they have insanely good chemistry (yes i ship klaroline, no i won’t apologize for it, they could have been Really Great), it’s just really the double standard that gets me.
and all of this, incidentally, required ignoring some truly gross shit stefan was responsible for wrt his relationship with elena, that frankly it has always bothered me never really got addressed in the show. i get why elena herself would never be able to actually call him on it, but the fact is that he stalked her for months after he first saw her and thought she was katherine (meanwhile it only took damon .5 seconds to realize she was someone else entirely, but that’s another topic entirely), and then he deliberately inserted himself into her life because, in his words, ‘i have to know her’. he never gave a thought to how his presence in her life might affect her (or rather, he did, and tormented himself about it in his internal monologue, but never let this actually dissuade him from disrupting her life), and elena would wind up blaming herself for every tragedy that befell her friends and loved ones as a result of getting mixed up in vampire bullshit even though none of it was her fault--she literally blamed herself for existing but most of the fandom didn’t give a fuck about that lmfao--and stefan did shit like find out that she was adopted and then withhold this information from her until she got pissed about another secret he was keeping (her resemblence to katherine) and drop it on her to try and distract her from her very reasonable anger, and like... i should stop before this becomes a whole rant about how much i hate stefan fucking salvatore, but the point is, he did a lot of really sketchy shit he never answered for and elena never really took him to task for, and the fandom just kept eating up his insistence that he was the Good Brother and therefore he deserved to have elena, and if she didn’t want him anymore it was because she was a heinous bitch who didn’t deserve him.
uh.....i think i got off track there. and there’s probably a lot of shit i missed, like i think i was incandescent with rage for most of seasons 5 and 6 so i missed a lot of the interfandom shit cause i was too busy being increasingly pissed off at the show itself, but if nothing else this should give you an idea of how much of a goddamn cesspit the fandom was while the show as in its prime. there’s a reason both the show and the fandom have such a lousy reputation lmfao.
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lilulo-12fanfiction · 4 years
Heart Of The Matter
Heart of the Matter- Bucky Barnes x Reader
Requested by @darkness-in-bright with prompts:
46. “Are you decent?” “Not morally, but I am wearing pants, if that’s what you’re asking.
126. I really want to talk to you. And not through the door.
138. “You don’t get to say anything to me!”
So for the purposes of this story- Tony didn't die, Steve isn't an old man. End Game had a happier ending. Reader is Tony’s daughter...because we all know my sheer OBSESSION with Stark readers and OCs. She was about 15 at the time of the first Avengers movie so if I did my math right...With the End Game time jump she should be 27ish. If I’m wrong...pretend I’m not. This is like 7K words and I’m not even sorry. 😂
As always likes, comments and reblogs are SO APPRECIATED. Requests are open (Avengers, Supernatural, TVD/The Originals. I do dabble in some Green Arrow and The Flash (DC TV Only please). Prompt list can be found here. 
Please let me know if you would like to be added to this tag list or one of my others. 
Avengers Tag List: @shreddedparchment @fanfictionjunkie1112@this-is-mycrisis
Avengers Masterlist
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As Tony Stark’s daughter, people treated you differently your whole life. You were always catered to, and you kind of hated it. It took you a long time to come to terms with the fact that you would never have a normal life. When you were 12, Tony was kidnapped. The video of him that the kidnappers sent still plagued your dreams to this day. When you finally got him back and he came out as Iron Man, that had made you give up your dream of having any normality; You were happy to let it go, you couldn’t have been more proud of your father.
Tony had always been in your life. At first it was minimal because your mother used you as a bargaining chip for money. Your mother had been a girl he met out and had a fling with. By the time you were 3, you were with him full time. When Tony had found out your mother was abusing prescription meds, he cleaned his life up and fought for you. He still had his fun, but taking care of you came first. Eventually she vanished from your life after a handful of supervised visits.
While Tony was busy saving the world, you were working on your studies. You attended a private a school to help keep you out of the lime light. You remembered hearing about Captain America from Agent Coulson and were excited to meet him when you found out he came out of the ice. You didn’t know your grandparents. He knew your grandfather. You wanted to learn about a different side of him. Phil had promised to arrange it, but then Loki and the Chitauri came for New York. You had been only 15 at the time. By some stroke of luck you had gone unharmed. You had been through a lot in your young life already, and watching Tony disappear through that hole in the sky had shaken you to your core. You had been in the tower and had run outside crying. Steve Rogers had caught you in his arms and held you tight while you broke down. He didn’t let you go until Tony opened his eyes. That day forged a bond with you and Steve. He became the big brother you had always needed.
Once things had settled down, you closed yourself off from everyone, including your father. Tony had to hire a tutor for you to continue your school work because you wouldn’t leave the tower. Tony has been distraught when he couldn’t reach you. It had been Steve that had broken through your walls after he moved in to The Avengers tower. He had let you guide him through all of the pop culture he didn’t understand and he earned your trust by treating you like you were his equal, not a kid. He didn’t try to get you to talk like Tony and Pepper did. He didn’t treat you like glass the way Happy and Rhodey did. He would tell you stories about when he was a kid and how he was trying to adjust after being gone for so long. Eventually, you slowly started opening up. You told him how you were certain that being Iron Man would take your father from you too soon but that he had to do it. The world needed heroes like him and Steve. You confessed your fears of being ill prepared for what was coming in the world. You couldn’t protect yourself, and the idea that you would be a distraction from other people being saved ate at you. Steve taught you how to defend yourself, you trained with him. Tony had been grateful that Steve had helped you and brought his brilliant and loving daughter back to life. Like Tony, you graduated high school far too early. At 16, went to Columbia University to get your degree in computer science and engineering, you also minored in Business. At age 20 you had a masters degree and you were helping Pepper with Stark Industries. Eventually it would be yours to take over. You also worked behind the scenes for The Avengers. Tony had been insistent that you never went into the field, but he didn't mind you working at the tower with Maria Hill.
The time of the Accords had been one of the worst times in your life. Watching Steve and Tony fracture down the middle. You saw both sides and cried when you told Steve you had to stand with your father. No matter what, you would never turn your back on Tony. The two of you were a team. Steve understood that more than you knew at the time. You had been shattered when you found out about Bucky being the one that murdered your grandparents and the fact that Steve had covered it up. Steve had told you so many stories about Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. Your brain couldn’t reconcile the fun loving man and the Soldier that gave your grandparents such a violent end. Steve’s lie had hurt more than anything, yet part of you understood. You knew what Bucky meant to him. Bucky was his family and he would do anything to protect him. After all...there wasn't a thing in the world you wouldn't do to protect your father.
It had been you that convinced Tony that it wasn’t Bucky’s fault. You were a woman obsessed after Steve went on the run. You needed to understand. You had done extensive research into Hydra after everything that had happened. You needed to be able to separate The Winter Soldier from Bucky Barnes. You believed that Steve knew James Barnes best. He was rarely wrong. When you delved into the research into how they had programmed him, you felt instant regret for the rift between you and Steve. You begged Tony to find a way to forgive and move on. You had reached out to Steve a few times and met once. Steve had been hesitant, not because he didn’t trust you, but because he was afraid you would get hurt. You had to forgive him and in person and so he agreed. You spent two days with him and Sam in South America. It had been hard to leave them knowing you didn’t know if and when you would see them again. Tony knew you had seen Steve and made amends, he just wasn’t ready yet. Tony wanted to find your level of empathy, he just needed to work at it. Then Thanos happened and your world shattered again.
your father disappeared onto that space ship. Bruce has called Steve, Nat, Sam and Wanda for help. You had been a wreck when they walked back into the compound. Steve wanted you to stay behind but there was no way you were staying. At the very least you could help Shuri get the Infinity Stone from Vision. You ended up on the battlefield and watched everyone around you crumble into nothing. You were inconsolable until Carol Danvers rescued your father. When all seemed lost, you helped your father heal and settle down into a quiet life. He married Pepper and you finally had a sister.
After 5 years of despair, it was time to fight again. And while you got the world back. While the loss of Nat was nearly suffocating, you couldn't be more proud of her and her sacrifice. You had almost lost Tony when he snapped Thanos out of existence. He was never quite the same physically, but he happily accepted it to live in peace with his family knowing he had stopped the Mad Titan. It was his “one last mission” and he was lucky he made it back home.
You found anything but peace. You needed to do more than sitting behind a desk. After meeting Carol Danvers you realized that another Thanos could come your way and even if one didn’t, the world was in disarray again since the population had been restored. So, you joined the newly formed SHIELD. It was during this time you had gotten to know James Buchanan Barnes and he turned your world upside down. You found yourself getting lost in the blue of his eyes on more than one occasion. Goosebumps covered your skin any time his hands were on you during training. You had started looking forward to missions with just the two of you and then you started to realize he was like Steve. Steve Rogers acting as a over protective big brother was bad enough, you didn’t need his side kick jumping in on the mix. You thought that with all of the training you had done and how you continually proved yourself would be enough, clearly you were wrong. Bucky did whatever he could to block you out, keep you in the jet or back at the compound. You had finally had enough.
“No! You don't get to say anything to me right now." You were raging. Bucky had just gotten back from the mission that you were supposed to go on with him. He had again convinced Steve that he didn't need you. He botched the mission and almost got himself killed. He was trying to talk his way out of it and you didn’t want to hear it.
"Y/N, calm down." Bucky immediately regretted it. He saw the rage burn behind your eyes. Sam had his arms crossed in front of him, leaning against the counter of the common area kitchen enjoying the show. Bucky should have known better, you had quite the temper.
“Calm down?! God I am so sick of this! It’s because Tony is my father, isn’t it? It’s such bullshit! You needed me on that mission. I could have gotten in and out quickly and gotten all of the information off of their drives and you could have watched my back while I did it. Instead, YOU made a big "Winter Solider" splash, dropped way more bodies than necessary and didn't even get all of the information I need! These are huge drug smugglers and now they know we're after them. So now who's going to have to be smarter, work harder and get the info we need from behind the scenes? ME! NOT YOU." You took a deep breath and tried to reign in your temper. You pinched the bridge of your nose. "I don't need you to protect me. I'm not some helpless damsel. If I wasn't good enough to be in the field...Fury NEVER would have me given me the okay and Rhodey sure as hell would have put a stop to it if I wasn’t prepared. I get you're trying to gain points with my Father...because I know he doesn't want me here. But this time, your need to get on his good side fucked up this whole operation!" Naturally Steve walked in during the middle of your tirade wide eyed.
"I don't know if that language is necessary." Sam let out a low whistle, certain that your head was going to pop off your shoulders. He watched as you turned slowly and narrowed your eyes at Steve.
“Actually, Captain Rogers" the tone in your voice oozed sarcasm, "it's perfectly necessary. And you are JUST has bad as he is" you pointed over at Bucky. "You find any excuse to pull me off of missions and keep me in this tower like I'm frickin Rapunzel or something." You pushed past the two of them and stalked down the hall, slamming your door. The three men stood there quietly.
"Soooo...that went well." Sam finally quipped. Buck and Steve both glared at him. "Don't glare at me, she's not wrong. I love going on missions with her. She's smart and fast. She calculates every risk and doesn’t do anything unless absolutely necessary. She doesn't need you to protect her. I mean I get why you want to." He directed the last part of his comment to Bucky.
“What the hell does that mean pigeon." Bucky shot Sam another glare causing Steve to groan. He wasn’t in the mood for their bickering.
"Look...do I think you want to win bonus points with Papa Stark...sure. But not for the reason she thinks. You have feelings for her. You don't know exactly how to tell her or how to deal with it so you try to be her protector. She doesn’t need another man in her life trying to bubble wrap her. Tony and Rhodey have that covered. She wants to be your equal. She’s more than proven herself. And I’m not insulting you, it’s just an observation. We've been working together long enough for me to know you. I know your tells. I also see how you look at her when you think no one else is looking. Try talking to her...outside of missions. Maybe ask her out. Use some of that charm you have that Steve told us about." Sam shrugged and walked away.
Bucky swallowed uncomfortably as Steve turned his gaze towards him. Bucky wasn't sure how he would react and of course Sam had said something in front of him. Sam was right, he did have a thing for you. How could he not? You were so many things; funny, smart, empathetic, which he knew better than anyone. You were beautiful and had a smile that could light up the darkest of places. He even loved your temper. You had a passion and fire inside of you, God help anyone that got in your way.
“Look Steve, you know how amazing she is, how could I not want to be with her? She’s incredible. But I also know nothing can ever happen. I mean the age difference alone. I know how much she means to you. I’d never cross that line.” Steve smiled.
“I don’t think that we can really consider an age difference here when you, like me, spent so much time under ice. And then the fact that you were gone for 5 years. It’s not a normal situation. And yes, she does mean a lot to me. I’ve known her since she was a kid. I watched her grow up. But she isn’t a kid anymore. She’s a grown woman. It’s not up to me who she spends her time with. If I had to pick, you’d be at the top of the list. Buck- you’re not the man Hydra made you into anymore. You healed that part of yourself in Wakanda. You are a good man.”
“Tony won’t approve.” Steve smiled for a moment.
“You really think that would stop her?” Bucky laughed at that comment. But he absolutely thought Tony’s disapproval would put an end to anything he could have with you. “Tony forgave you. It took time but he moved past that. And if you end up being what makes her happy, he wouldn’t stand in the way of that. And she and Sam are right, she doesn’t need us to protect her. I’m equally guilty in trying to keep her out of the line of fire.” Steve clapped Bucky on the shoulder as he pondered what Steve and Sam has said and headed to talk to you.
You were pacing in your room trying to work out your anger when there was a knock at the door. You rolled your eyes. You knew who it was without any verification.
“Leave me alone Steve.” You heard him chuckle. He wouldn’t let anger stay between the two of you. You had made an agreement a long time ago to always work out your differences.
“C’mon Y/N- I really want to talk to you. And not through the door.“ You groaned and headed over to your door and yanked it open. Steve had his arms crossed and he was leaning against the doorway.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed. “You’re right. I need to stop putting my personal feelings for you in front of the job we have to do. I think after everything that we’ve seen and been through I just want to know you’re always safe. Your father made it clear I was responsible for you. But it’s not fair to you.”
“Thanks Steve. I’m just so sick of being treated like I’m made of glass. I can handle myself. I know the risks.”
“I know. Your more than qualified to be in the field and I trust you more than about anyone. I promise to do better. And Bucky isn’t trying to earn points with Tony. I think he just thinks that the Stark family has been through enough. You’re the one that made it possible for him to be apart of this family. Your forgiveness and understanding led to Tony’s. Being here has allowed him to get back to the person he used to be. “
“Yeah well thanks to him I have a ton of work to do.” You felt your anger deflate like a balloon. “I better get to it.” You nodded over to your desk where two huge flat screen monitors sat.
“Alright, let me know if you need anything.” You nodded and watched him retreat down the hall before you shut your door.
Bucky Barnes was under your skin. He had been since the day you met him in Wakanda. You expected this hardened soldier but found a man with an easy smile and kind eyes. Whatever monster that had lived within him had been snuffed out. It had started when you’d notice that his gaze would linger on you just a little longer than necessary. Your heart would pound anytime he was in close proximity and you were certain he had the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen. But it would never progress past a few longing looks and mild flirting. Bucky Barnes was determined to stay on Tony Starks good side, certainly any sort of relationship with his daughter would be frowned upon. You sighed and sat down.
“Friday- run through the files Sergeant Barnes obtained. We then need to get into their servers and find out when the next deal is going to happen so we can stop them.”
“Right away Miss Stark.” It was going to be a very long night.
It had been a few days and you finally got a lead to where the drug ring might be next. You were running down to the gym where you knew Bucky was. You stopped when you saw it empty and stepped towards the locker room with trepidation.
“Barnes! “Are you decent?” You yelled into the doorway. You heard him laugh.
“Not morally, but I am wearing pants, if that’s what you’re asking.” you rolled your eyes and strolled in, your heels clacking on the floor. He had been more flirty than normal the past few days. It was knocking you off your guard. He shot you a grin when he saw you. True to his word, he was wearing pants and nothing else. His prosthetic arm was on the bench, and his impressive form was still damp from the shower. You didn’t realize you were staring until he cleared his throat. You felt the heat rush to your cheeks and you stepped forward looking at the still angry scars on shoulder where his arm used to be attached. He would normally be self conscious with someone staring at him the way you were, but he saw interest, not pity. He sucked his breath in when you ran your fingers over the scar. You quickly realized what you were doing and jumped back.
“Sorry - I, uh, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.” You had a sheepish look on your face. “Just...does that bother you?” Your head was tilted to the side.
“Not since Wakanda. Shuri fixed me up. Now it doesn’t hurt to wear the arm.” You looked up at him.
“You sure? I used the 3D printer to print skin grafts for another agent”
“Of course you did.” You narrowed your eyes at him and pursed your lips. “It’s more cosmetic now, no physical pain. So unless you think I need plastic surgery.”
“Shut up. That’s not what I meant. I’ve just never seen you without your prosthetic. Scars make a person more interesting. I have plenty of my own.” He watched you shudder. He remembered the deep cuts to your back during the battle with Thanos. You had been running to protect Peter and one of Thanos’ soldiers had slashed your back a few times. He remembered your screams from being cleaned and stitched up vividly.
“So...do you need something or just here to ogle me?” He wiggled his eyesbrows at you and winked when he saw your face go red again.”
“You’re obnoxious.” He was enjoying your fluster. “You need to get your shit. You, Steve and Sam are headed to Chicago to try and bust the drug ring. I finally found a lead.”
“You’re not coming?” He was certain after the last time that it would be a cold day in hell before you missed this.
“Well unfortunately I still have my Stark Industries responsibilities. And in two days we have a fundraiser. Please let me remind you that you three are on the guest list and help the elite open their big fat checkbooks. Don’t get killed and make sure Sam doesn’t mess up his pretty face.”
“Of course Doll.” He watched your eyes narrow again. You gave him a quick second look before you strutted out of the locker room completely flustered again. His skin still almost tingled where you had touched him.
You looked around the ball room at the richest of the rich. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, but you felt a cloud over you. Steve and company were successful in stopping the shipment and a few of the ring members, but the leader had eluded them again. They were capitalizing on people’s pain and desperation. It hadn’t been any easy transition back for many who were snapped away. They often turned to substances to drown their sorrows. Maybe it was because you had found out your mother had recently overdosed. You took it personally. You didn’t know the woman, she was a stranger, but she was still your mother.
“Well look at you.” You turned to see a beaming Tony with Pepper holding onto his good arm. The arm that had been touched by the infinity stones was covered by a black brace.
“Hi Daddy.” You smiled and hugged him.
“Hi darling. Morgan misses you. She insists you come visit next weekend.”
“I know. I’m a terrible sister, I’ve just been distracted.”
“You’ve been working too hard.”
“Gee, I wonder where she gets it from?” Pepper quipped and you let out a genuine laugh.
“Well you are your father’s daughter. I couldn’t be more proud.” Tony kissed your cheek. “We’re going to make some rounds. I’ll see you later.” You nodded. You were by yourself again for a few moments and then saw Steve’s smiling face approaching you.
“Hey kid.”
“Steven.” You smiled at him.
“Ready?” You nodded and he led you up to the podium. Steve greeted the crowd and then introduced you. No matter how many crowds you spoke in front of, you always got nervous. As you approached the podium you looked out to the crowd and caught Bucky’s eye. He gave a reassuring smile that took your breath away. At some point between his mission and now he had gotten his long hair cut into a style similar to what it was before the war. He looked stunning in his tux. You cleared your throat and adverted your eyes away from the Sergeant’s.
“Thank you all so much for coming. It’s a happy occasion that brings us all here tonight as we celebrate the one year anniversary that so many of you were returned to us. I would be remised if I didn’t acknowledge the struggle that so many across not only our nation, but the world, have experienced as they’ve tried to adjust back to normal life. With that in mind, and the reason why we invited you here tonight is to announce a new program through Stark Industries that will aim to help those in need get to normalcy. The Romanova Foundation is named for Natasha Romanoff. You had to pause as your voice cracked on Natasha’s name. ”If it weren’t for Natasha’s bravery and sacrifice, many of us would not be standing here tonight. So I ask you to open your hearts and your wallets to help those of us in need as Natasha would have. Thank you.” You stepped away from the podium quickly as the crowd roared with applause. Steve tried to grab your arm but you shrunk away and shook your head. You bit back tears as you rushed towards a door towards a private balcony, grabbing a bottle of champagne on your way.
Bucky watched as you made a quick exit. He was going to follow you when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He was surprised to see a smiling Tony.
“Sergeant. I was informed you had a semi successful mission yesterday, glad the three of you stopped that shipment. I also heard you got your ass ripped by my daughter last week for bumping her off a mission and then you made a huge mess of it.” Bucky swallowed hard. Tony must have read his anxiety and held his hands up. “No judgment here. I made plenty of messes myself. And I don’t envy anyone that catches her temper. It burns a little. She gets it from my side.” Tony shrugged. “You know she talks about you a lot.” Tony fired off his comments quickly.
“She does?”
“Yeah...I don’t think she realizes how much she does. She has Morgan conflicted between who her favorite Super Soldier is. You or Cap. Naturally her favorite Avenger is me. I gather you and my daughter work together a lot.”
“We do. Steve or I are usually with her.”
“To protect her?”
“Yes. She’s not a super soldier, though she thinks she is.” Tony snickered. “She’s not enhanced like Wanda. But she’s a huge asset. I don’t know what we would do without her. But some of these people we’re up against are enhanced, So Steve and I, we stick close to Y/N.”
“How close is close Barnes?” Bucky paled as Tony stared him down. After a moment he laughed and clapped Bucky on his shoulder.
“I’m messing with you. Rogers and I had a conversation. While he’s not usually the type to butt in, I think he’s trying to cut through the red tape. Look, the past is the past. After everything that happened, I don’t live there anymore. The only thing I care about is that my daughter is safe and happy. I’ve been assured that the man that they made you is gone for good. And that is good enough for me. I don’t know if you know this, but my daughter and Natasha got very close in the 5 years between Thanos annihilating half the planet and when we got everyone back. She and Nat worked tirelessly with Carol and company to watch the universe. Nat’s death was hard on all of us, but especially my daughter. Today is a hard day for her. If I know her as well as I think I do, she’s hiding outside on the far left balcony. Probably with a bottle of booze drowning her sorrows. Do me a favor...go and check on our girl.” It took Bucky a moment to react but he nodded his head and started walking towards the other side of the room before Tony yelled his name and he turned. Tony approached him again. “I may be out of commission, but just remember that I still have a suit and if you hurt my daughter there’s no serum in the world that can protect you.” With that, Tony turned on his heel and walked away.
You tried to hold back your tears. You knew today was going to be hard. You didn’t realize how hard until you started talking about Natasha. You took a long drink out of your bottle and looked out over the lights of the nearby city. You heard the door open behind you and exhaled.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” When you heard the door shut you thought you had been left alone but then you felt the cool metal of Bucky’s hand in your shoulder.
“You don’t have to talk. I just don’t want you to be alone feeling like this.” You nodded but didn’t turn, you couldn’t face him. So instead he stood behind you, his arms on each side of yours protectively caging you in. “Is it okay if I talk?” You nodded.
“You know what I remembered first when we came back? Your face. For me, you represented redemption, forgiveness and all of the things I didn’t think I deserved. When Steve told me that you two had worked things out, that you understood, it was a huge relief. I knew how important you were to him. Tony too. I felt like I robbed him of the family he found after the ice.” He was leaning down so he could speak quietly in your ear. “Then he told me that you wanted to meet me. God, I was terrified. All I could remember was Tony when he saw that video. I couldn’t imagine seeing the monster I had been reflected in anyone else’s eyes. Saying you forgive someone is one thing, truly being able to mean it was another. But then when you all came to try and stop Thanos the first time you waltzed off that jet and gave me the biggest smile and then you hugged me instead of shaking my hand. You took my breath away. And it was so strange to come back and then realize that 5 years had gone by. For me, it was like we just picked the fight up where we left off. It wasn’t until after that I saw you were different. You were harder. More determined to keep fighting. More determined to be a pain in my ass and walk into the line of fire when all I wanted to do was make sure you were okay. Not because of Tony. But because you were the first person other than Steve to really make me feel like I was worth all of this, that I was with saving. The idea that you were going to be out there and possibly getting hurt I had to prevent that at all costs. I just wanted you protected and behind your computer at home. That wasn’t fair and I’m sorry for doing that to you. You’re strong and capable. Getting to know you over this past year, even if you were pissed off at me for most of it, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’m sorry that you had to lose Natasha for me to get my life back. I didn’t get to spend a lot of time with Nat- but she was an incredible person. I would give my life up in a second to bring her back.” You spun around so you could face him. Even in sky high heels he was looking down at you.
“Don’t say that! Please don’t ever say that.” He studied your tear filled eyes with a kind smile. He slowly put both hands on your cheeks and swiped the unshed tears from your eyes. “As much as it hurts, Natasha had to make that sacrifice to find peace. And loosing you would be just as hard.” His blue eyes sparkled down at you and you felt a swoop in your stomach. He stroked your cheek with his non-metal hand before he dropped them to his side. He watched you take a deep breath and visibly relax.
“I haven’t talked about Natasha much. It just makes me so sad that she’s not here with us today. That she’s not here celebrating our victory. I think not talking about her has made it harder to heal.”
“Any time you want to talk, I’m here to listen.”
“And I will. But not now. This is supposed to be a party.” You smiled up at him, he was impossibly close.
“Well the 3/4 of that champagne bottle you drank will make this a real party for you in a few minutes when it hits you. You tipped your head back and laughed. “There it is.” He said it in a whisper. You have him a questioning look. “My favorite laugh.” He was making you blush again. This must have been what he was like before the war and it definitely wasn’t in your imagination. The flirting from the past few days was actually flirting. You weren’t sure what made him decide to be so obvious about it, but you didn’t care. “If no one else has told you, you look incredible tonight.” You were clad in a black strapless sweetheart neckline dress with a sequined bodice and jewel embellishments down the tulle skirt.
“You clean up pretty nicely yourself. I like the hair cut by the way.”
“It was time to get rid of the last thing that reminded me of The Winter Soldier...well other than the scary arm.”
“The arm isn’t scary.”
“No? Some of the looks I get say otherwise.”
“No. The metal arm is actually pretty sexy.” You didn’t even think before you said it. He had a smirk plastered to his face and this time you made yourself blush.
“You think I’m sexy?”
“I said the arm was sexy.” He stepped closer so you were leaning against the high railing again, his arms on either side of you caging you in again. You felt the tip of his nose run across your shoulder and up your neck as he whispered in your ear.
“You’re going to be the death of me, you know that?” The two of you had been dancing around each other for the last year, neither brave enough to make the next move. “If it wasn’t obvious by now, I have feelings for you. Big ones. The only question is, do you feel the same?”
“Do you really have to ask? Of course I do.” You felt his lips press against your shoulder and then your neck and it was like someone sucked the air out of you. He placed his hand in the side of your face and looked into your eyes for a moment and then put you out of your misery by pressing his lips to yours. It was like the missing piece had finally been put in its place. As you gripped his shoulders to deepen the kiss you heard someone clear their throat.
“Gross. Get a room.” Sam’s teasing voice rang out through the air. Bucky groaned and dropped his head as you peered around him to look at Sam. “Listen, this is your party Stark, you better get in there before someone else comes out here looking for you. Last thing we need is a reporter snapping a picture of this and ruining everyone’s breakfast tomorrow.”
“Yeah yeah we’re coming.” Bucky’s voice was laced with irritation. When Sam had retreated back inside you cupped both sides of Bucky’s face and pressed your lips to his again.
“Come dance with me. I’ve heard you’ve got some moves.”
“They May be outdated sweetheart.” You grabbed the bottle of champagne and downed the rest of it and then took Bucky’s hand and pulled him towards the entrance.
“You okay? I mean you seem okay now, but I know you’re good at hiding it.” You were standing with Steve side by side at the bar. The bar that Nat would often mix drinks at during one of the many party’s your father would throw. Bucky had excused himself to go dig out more of Thor’s Asgardian liquor for him and Steve. You were pleasantly buzzed if not a little bit drunk. Your face hurt from laughing. You had spent the evening dancing with Bucky, Sam and Sam’s date. She worked for you at Stark Industries in research and development. You had introduced her and Sam a few months ago and they, as you knew they would hit it off. She was funny like Sam but tough enough to not take his shit. He needed someone to keep him in line.
“I really am Steve. I promise. It just hit me hard when I was standing up there. Bucky, he.-“ Steve grinned and cut you off.
“It’s about time. I’ve watched the two of you tip toe around liking each other since he joined us. There’s a reason you get so angry with him.” You gave him your infamous eye narrow and lip pursed expression. “Y/N- even your father knew. He encouraged Bucky to go to you.” Your eyes widened.
“He did?!” You knew Tony had let go of what happened but you never would have expected him to be okay with you having any sort of romantic relationship with James Buchanan Barnes...let alone encourage it.”
“He wants you to be happy. He’s happy. After everything that has happened he knows how important it is to say how you feel. He wants you to have what he has. He sees how Buck looks at you, how you look at him. How you talk about him. He’d never deny you that.” You looked over at your father and Pepper dancing and felt your heart swell for him. Your attention was drawn back when you heard Bucky set a glass down in front of Steve.
“God that smells like turpentine” you scrunched your nose in disgust.
“Well sweetheart not all of us can still be light weights.” Bucky grinned at you. Steve excused himself to head over to Sharon. You were happy that he seemed to find some happiness after everything. He had thought about going back and staying with Peggy. But creating a new timeline could have consequences. Plus the idea of leaving Bucky behind what inconceivable. You watched as Bucky downed his drink and shuddered a little bit. You both laughed and then he put his hand out as a slow song started playing over the crowd. You placed your hand in his and led him lead you to the dance floor. His one hand found the small of your back and pulled you flush against him while your other hand was still in his. You placed your free hand on the back of his neck, enjoying the feeling of his freshly buzzed hair. He kissed you lightly and you enjoyed being so close to him. If anyone would have told you this was how you would spend your night, you would have laughed at them.
“So my father gave you his blessing I hear?” Bucky let out a throaty laugh.
“And then threatened my life if I ever hurt you. He said he still has a suit.” You laughed and rolled your eyes.
“That sounds like my father. I’m glad he did. I’ve been hoping you’d make a move for a long time.”
“You could have made a move on me you know.”
“True- but you’re old. I didn’t want to offend your old fashioned ways.”
“You wound me.” You gave Bucky a grin.
“Speaking of old fashioned...your dance moves are pretty nice.”
“Oh yeah?” He flirted. Before you could respond, gun shots rang through the air and a group of men bounded in the room with semi-automatic weapons.”
“That’s the leader of the drug ring. Samuel O’Brien.” You were wide eyed and pulled away from Bucky. Samuel narrowed his eyes at you.
“So I assume it’s you and your friends that took want was mine. Now, I’ll take what is yours.” You watched as his eyes locked on your fathers. Before Bucky could stop you, you ran towards your father and pushed him out of the way as a bullet sank into your abdomen as the both of you crashed to the ground. Your ears were ringing and it seemed like everything was moving in slow motion.
“Dammit Y/N! You shouldn’t have done that!” Tony cried out as he pulled his jacket off to put pressure on the bullet. You couldn’t speak. You locked eyes with your father for a moment and then everything faded to black.
You felt pain, white hot searing pain. Your eye lids felt like they weighed a thousand pounds as you struggled to open them. As the white room came into focus you heard the steady beeping of a hospital monitor.
“Y/N?!” You slowly glanced to your right and saw the worried looks of your father and Steve Rogers. Your father had jumped up and was fussing over you and you groaned. “What? What is it? What hurts?”
“Everything.” You saw Steve reach over and click a button on your IV.
“Thank God you woke up.” Tony ran his hand over your head and kissed your forehead. You started to feel fuzzy again and felt yourself slowly slip from consciousness from the pain meds Steve had sent into your veins.
You didn’t know how long you had been out for as you slowly blinked your eyes open again. You felt the heat of someone’s arm next to yours. When you looked to the side there sat James Buchanan Barnes with his head resting on his arms. You picked your hand up and slowly ran your fingers through his hair. It took him a moment to wake up. He slowly picked his head up and gave you a sleep smile.
“Hey.” You whispered.
“Hey yourself.” He sat up and pulled his chair closer and took your hand. “Any pain.” You shook your head no. “Good, I mean they have you pretty drugged. Jesus you scared the shit out of me. I can’t believe you did that.”
“He’s my dad.” Was all you could say. “Did you get him?”
“Yes. We got every damn one of them.”
“How long?”
“You’ve been unconscious for almost two weeks. Most of it was medically induced. There was a lot of damage and internal bleeding. They tapered you’re meds down and it took two more days for you to wake up. We thought we were going to lose you. I thought I lost you and I just finally got you. Not that you belong to me.” Bucky sighed and stopped talking.
“You didn’t lose me. And if you’ll have me, I’d love to belong to you.” He pulled your hand to his mouth and kissed it.
“I love you Y/N...I think I have for a long time. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t pull through.” His voice caught with emotion.
“Hey- Bucky- I’m not going anywhere. I love you too.” He wiped a tear that slipped from your eye. He stood up and leaned over to place an gentle kiss on your lips. Your recovery would be tough, but you would get through it with Bucky by your side.
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debbiewilder · 4 years
“Well, maybe that’s who you are now. Love does that...It changes us.” -TVD (yup I’m opening this with a TVD quote!)
In any good love story, characters don’t just do things in the name of love—they don’t just stand outside a house with a boombox or run to find the person they love on new year’s eve or risk their lives to save that person. They don't just perform actions to prove how they feel. These characters also transform as people because of their encounters with love. Because when someone affects you deeply, you change.
And, this is true for GLOW’s main love story.
To recognize what this change is and what it means, let’s go back to the beginning. Also, I’ll mainly be talking about Debbie, but I’ll also get into Ruth a bit too.
It’s clear in that locker room scene in 1x01 that Debbie despises a lot about Ruth before she ever finds out what Ruth did. It’s subtle, but it’s there. I think, in retrospect, it’s because Ruth sees endless possibilities for herself while Debbie only saw limits and housewifery and an existence for men. And, Ruth is right in front of her, consistently choosing herself and work and not even dating a man let alone trying to become exactly what that man wants.
Debbie thought that being Mark’s housewife was the best she could do with her life, the most she could accomplish. Even if it left her bitter and angry and she took it out on Ruth and Mark (I mean, it’s pretty bad that she didn’t even notice that she didn't touch her husband in over a month, let alone when that occurred during their marriage). But she still believed that life was the best she could hope for.
She thought, on the other hand, Ruth was overly idealistic and kind of ridiculous. I mean in 1x01 as Ruth talks about how she doesn’t have enough money to survive, this is Debbie’s reaction--
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That’s so colddd!! But, she hates hearing about Ruth’s struggles. Because they’re Ruth’s own. In Debbie’s life in 1x01, absolutely nothing is her own. Nothing. She’s like, quit complaining about how you can't afford anything because you’re not landing a gig, Ruth, I had a gig once, my husband said it was silly and to stop having those. So I listened, it’s so great, I love my life. So, go find the first guy who wants you and marry him like I did, give up on everything, that’s all that life can offer you. Also, what do you mean you’re proud of your body, you should be ashamed and punish it! And, I mean…you have a lifelong dream to be an actress? No, no. Stop that, Ruth. Stop having dreams. Don’t want things, don’t struggle. Just take what’s handed to you and resent it like meee! It’s working out so great!
Debbie grows a lot. 
By the end of season 3, it’s clear that Ruth is the one who's actually been right all along, not Debbie. At least in part.
By then, Debbie consistently chooses herself, just like Ruth always has. 
She chooses work, just like Ruth always has. 
Debbie sees her body and mind as something more than just what men find it useful for, she’s not letting anyone else control or define those things, just like Ruth always has.
In fact, Debbie kind of does her own version of reading the role meant for a man (what Ruth did in 1x01) when she takes Tex’s network for herself in 3x10. The network wasn’t meant for her, her input was totally disregarded, but she took that network anyway. (The difference is that the network was actually possible for Debbie, so this push was healthy, and Ruth’s actions in 1x01 were more self destructive…I’ll get into Ruth later.)
Debbie does things with her love for Ruth, yes—she runs across the airport and sits across a pool and wrestles Ruth and brings clothes in apology and follows her until they’re lost on a mountain, the list goes on and on.
But, more than that, she also transforms as a person because of her love for Ruth.
Of course, then the question becomes, how can you be sure that this growth is at least in part due to Ruth rather than incidental, just randomly occurring while Ruth is nearby? 
In 1x01 at that aerobics class, you see Debbie looking like she’s in a “coma” and dead to the world just following everyone else’s moves until Ruth comes by, then she stops following everyone else—it’s the first time we see her using her body for herself. It’s because of Ruth.
At the end of the episode, she goes further. she fights Ruth publicly—Ruth’s the one who’s already made the stage her own. Now, Debbie joins her there and ups the stakes by bringing a dose of reality. And, at this point, they present their potential arcs and what they bring to each other—Ruth demands a moment of fiction, an idealistic show where she’s a hero of sorts and Debbie shoves in with reality and together the scene is way better than Ruth had planned, probably more cathartic than Debbie had planned, because Debbie and Ruth make each other better than they are on their own. For the first time maybe ever, in that scene, Debbie’s body is hers, no one else’s. It is there to express her needs and wants. And, it’s because of Ruth.
In the end of season 1, after constructing Liberty Belle and this bold version of herself that makes her feel so powerful (in part because Ruth is the other side of that, she leads the audience to applaud for Debbie, they construct the moves together), she can’t go back to that small version of herself, can’t go back to Mark and chooses Ruth very clearly over her old life. We don’t really know if Debbie planned that she was going to actually go up there in 1x10, or if she was dressed in case she decided to and was unsure and decides in that moment because Mark is such an ass and Ruth is right there calling to her. To be honest, it doesn't really matter. Ruth is calling out for Debbie, the show will move on if Debbie doesn’t pick Ruth. She has to choose between the man who calls what makes her feel strong “silly” or the woman who believes in her. She chooses Ruth. Regardless of when she decided, in choosing Ruth, she chooses her own body and her own mind (they’re her moves) and herself. Also, Debbie’s empowerment with wrestling is so tied to Ruth since she’s on the wrestling show because of Ruth and she only starts to find empowerment when wrestling Ruth. Everyone else proves to be a horrible partner for her in 1x06. Debbie’s growth is inextricably linked to Ruth. 
She chooses to be a producer because she sees how the girls are following Ruth as a director in 2x01, and she refuses to be bested by Ruth. If Ruth strives for more, so can she. It’s because of Ruth.
Oh, and when Debbie falls apart because Mark is moving on, because she realizes that comfortable life really is dead for her, she is seemingly only able to move on and quit self destructing after she has a huge fight with Ruth in 2x07. That is the thing that makes her realize how far gone she is. Not sleeping on the fucking ground. Not selling all her shit. Not doing drugs. Not really even breaking Ruth’s leg (she comes into that hospital still proud and blaming Ruth). Nope. It’s the thought that she might lose Ruth because of her own shitty actions that leads her to come back with those clothes and approach Ruth with actual humility. She was off the deep end in 2x04-2x06. It is through loving Ruth that she finds a way back. It’s because of Ruth that she can let go of Mark and that life that wasn’t actually meant for Debbie. And, just like Ruth can't face reality and can't actually apologize for having sex with Mark (she never says sorry), Debbie can’t verbalize an apology for breaking Ruth’s leg either. They still can’t face reality, they’re both very similar in ways. But, Debbie’s now one step closer. She writes it on Ruth’s cast. Debbie’s shame, her horrible action, is there for Ruth to see in sharpie for as long as Ruth wears that cast. And, others will see it too. Including Debbie. 
I’m sure there are other examples, but I think it’s clear that Debbie grows and transforms, at least in part, because of her love for Ruth. And, I think that’s an even bigger testament to how deeply she feels rather than any individual action she might take.
By the end of season 3, even after Debbie’s grown so very much, Debbie is still much more realistic than Ruth. She says, “I want my life to get bigger, not smaller…And, I don’t care about playing all of the great roles. I mean, it’s not realistic.” Debbie doesn’t care about acting in the same way Ruth does. She never has. That’s very clear throughout the series. So, performing in a tiny theater is living “smaller” to Debbie while Ruth says she views playing those roles alongside Debbie anywhere as living out her dreams (even though Ruth totally self destructs when given the opportunity to act a “real” role with Sheila that same episode—first by saying the scene doesn't translate to two women, then when she doesn't show up to the performance the next episode). 
Ruth clearly still needs to grow. A lot. She needs to add a bit of realism, she’s so resentful that she’s running in circles in season 3 and frustrated that others are growing and getting good things when she’s not. She’s stuck watching herself stay the same in the mirror while others grow and actually do things. Debbie’s been underlining to Ruth (and to herself—but that bit she’s starting to let go of in a healthy way) that Ruth just needs to let go a little bit of her idealism and see what’s in front of her. She doesn’t always say that in a nice way, and Debbie still has some growing to do. But Ruth has barely changed. In three seasons. As protagonist. She is still so idealistic, so bent on becoming a “real actress,” that she self destructs when offered any real opportunity to act. That happens in her very first scene of the series. And, it happens in 3x09 too.
And, it’s not necessarily that she needs to choose directing over acting, I really don't think it’s that. I think it’s how she approaches these things that needs to change. 
It’s how she uses fiction to compensate for how she approaches her life, her relationships—which are so filled with passivity, passive aggression, where she just lets herself to be guided in ways that leave her resentful and lead her to act out in awful ways. (But it’s okay because she gets to play roles that make her feel powerful…nope).  She can’t act in life, so she relies on acting in fiction. 
Having sex with Mark wasn’t some accident, it was a symptom of how unhealthy Ruth was and is in her daily life and how much she relies on fiction in a way she shouldn’t. Right before they sleep together in 1x01, Mark repeats what Ruth said to him before 1x01: “There are shiny people that have everything, and then there are people like us…” Ruth uses fiction to pretend she’s a shiny person. She needs to see that no one’s actually a shiny person (The person she was talking about when she said that to Mark was clearly Debbie, and Debbie’s never been shiny, she’s always been a self-destructive, self-hating mess). Ruth doesn’t have to compensate for anything. She’s okay as she is. She just needs to see that and go after things with that in mind. 
Even in Season 3, while looking at Debbie’s horse, Ruth says Debbie’s life has always moved faster. (I think it’s also interesting she’s on a horse, galloping around, while Ruth is standing still, watching…because, layers...) But, I mean...is that even true? Sure, Debbie got Paradise Cove and a husband, but those weren’t even things that Ruth wants. I mean, can you imagine Ruth on a soap opera? Nope. Recently, Debbie’s life has only moved faster because Debbie made that happen because she literally had nothing left to lose and also in part because of Ruth. (Ruth doesn’t seem to see her own influence on Debbie though, just believes Debbie has some magical quality Ruth lacks.) Ruth, on the other hand, is at a standstill because she refuses to accept what’s in front of her, refuses to make her life go anywhere. She resents Debbie for being a “shiny person” but refuses to do anything to better her own life. It’s just a lot easier to believe Debbie has something innate that Ruth lacks, some shininess, and that’s why Debbie’s life improves. It’s a lot harder to accept that the problem is Ruth. And, it is on Ruth. I think it becomes even harder to believe her own lies though when she sees just about everyone becoming better versions of themselves in Season 3. If Ruth’s excuse for Debbie’s growth is that she’s shiny and her life just moves faster, that excuse kind of falls apart when confronted with Sheila’s growth and the growth of so many others on GLOW like Justine, Sam, Arthie, etc.
When they switch wrestling costumes in mid season 3, it highlights all of this. They’re trying on each other’s point of views to achieve real growth and meet in a healthier place the middle. I’d be surprised if Ruth’s transformation and realization that she needs a dash of reality to be healthy won't be at least in part because of Debbie. And, it’d be a missed opportunity if that wasn’t the case anyway. Because Ruth and Debbie both have had trouble seeing the real possibilities in their lives and basically have been blind from reality in opposite ways. They balance each other out. Debbie couldn’t achieve her full, healthier self without Ruth, I doubt Ruth could without Debbie.
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elejahfanfic · 4 years
Hello Love
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Hello Love
Part 1
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Elena Gilbert
a tvd crossover AU story
a/n: well, here is another fluffy fanfiction crossover story. This time all human. Since I am a huge fan of the vampire diaries - kind of always do crossovers with them.
As of recent I really started to like the character of Nick Amaro from Law&Order_svu, played by Danny Pino. I also love him as Miguel Galindo in Mayans MC... and so, in this story - paired with Elena Gilbert, of course, my favourite female character.
I hope you like it. Thanks for reading. xoxo
tag @miguelsbrat​
"The conversation ended really bad," Elena said to Caroline, "I can't breathe- I have this pain here"
The brunette put her hand on her chest.
"Elena-now you are exaggerating. You said the same thing when you broke up with Matt." Caroline was blunt with her oldest friend.
"This is different. I thought he was the one." Elena tried to make her point why she was so upset.
"Guys sleep around,you know that. Maybe not all, but -  Damon is such a guy-ok-where is your bag, your keys? Come on we need drinks. Lots of Martinis! "Caroline helped her friend put her jacket on. Elena wiped her tears off.
"Come on, get into the car" The blonde huffed a bit.
Elena could not say no to her and she didn't want to. She needed her friends beside her and she knew that, even though they could not make the heartache magically go away, they will do everything to make her feel a bit better.
They drove off to a place called Liberty Park. Elena put her sunglasses on, to hide her puffed up eyes. She felt a throbbing headache now set in.
"A walk in the park and some air will help", Caroline chatted away, "so tell me- you went to his place and she opened the door"
"Yes - and he was  like - oops, sorry - this  here - Krystal being there - it just a mistake- I love you like crazy, yadda, yadda, yadda-URGH-sure he loves me like crazy- and then sleeps with her?!" Elena inhaled sharply now and Caroline could notice that anger was taking over. It was good. Anger was the first step of starting to deal with the situation. Or maybe not. But, at least she was not crying anymore.
"Anger is good. Let it all out." Caroline said in a supportive kind of a tone, continuing, of course with questions, "And so what did you tell him? Why did you get into the fight in the first place?"
"Well, about her! Whenever she calls, he just goes over to her place. I know that they have a kid,-and now I will sound like a bitch- and I love the boy! You know me. I love kids. I want to have at least three-huh"
"Maybe, she staged everything?!" Caroline then said.
"No, he actually admitted sleeping with her!" Elena said.
"Really?" Elena nodded, "Stefan said they broke up because she wanted time off to herself. She kicked Damon out, right?!"
"I think that he has never really stopped loving her. And they have a five- year old kid - and what was I thinking?!"
"Stop that. You fell for him. And it's not the end of the world. Come on now, you need a Maritni. I know I do!" Caroline now urged her to go to their favourite bar that was not far from the park.
To give Elena much needed girly support, Caroline now called their other three friends to join them. Dialling Rebekah Mikaelson's number first.
"Rebekah?! Yes, if you can-of course we are- will call Bonnie-can you call Yemaya?-Good-Yep-See ya."
"I want pizza and and a big load of Martinis, so I can forget everything!" Elena said as they sat down at a table.
Caroline now told the waiter to keep the Martinis coming.
Elena was a sensitive creature, full of dreams, pure emotion, a sweet soul. Caroline was a very pragmatic one, strong, very opinionated, but with a heart of gold. And she would do anything for her bffs, but also for all those who suffered in any way. No wonder she got a law degree.
"Why me? I loved him" Elena now ventured into the self pity zone.
"You just fall in love- and put all heart out there!" Caroline stated, "and  usually with the wrong guys- just like me! But you will be cured. Bonnie will get the pizza. I'll give her a call."
Whenever there was a heartbreak, problems at work or family problems, the five would meet no matter what it was, they made a pact to be there for one another. But they also found time to get together to have a good time as well.
"Breathe now, Elena!" Rebekah said as she arrived a bit later, hugging her friend. "You will forget him! I promise you! Tomorrow it will be- Damon, who!?"
The waiter now served them another round of cocktails.
"Cocktails and pizza, seriously?" Bonnie said as she finally arrived.
"Elena wanted pizza?!" Caroline explained.
"Nevermind. What did you get?" Rebekah now said and  opened the pizza box.
"Extra cheese and pepperoni" Bonnie replied.
"Perfect! Caroline said taking a slice.
"It's kareoke night!" Bonnie looked at the board near the bar, adding, "Yemaya will be late. She has to finish her  article!"
"I don't know why she won't come and work for me-but I guess she likes to be a serious journalist and not write about fashion." Rebekah remarked taking a sip of her drink.
Rebekah was the editor of a fashion magazine in her family's newspaper empire. She and Caroline met in college and struck a friendship immediately. Bonnie became friends with Elena and Caroline in senior high as she moved from a small town from the north. Yemaya was Bonnie's cousin on her father's side.
The only one of them that had a steady relationship was Bonnie, dating Rebekah's brother Kol. The other women had loads of heartbreaks behind them and knew exactly how Elena felt.
A crazy fun night was starting as finally Yemaya arrived at the bar.
Rebekah, Elena and Caroline entertained everyone with their kareoke night. Letting go was just what everyone needed. Noone cared  about how they actually would feel in the  morning. But who cared about the hangover on a working day, once in a while everything needed to be let loose.
Caroline made sure Elena got home safe and sound, tucking her into bed litterally.
"You are my best bestie" Elena muttered with a drunken cheerful smile.
"Sweet dreams!" Caroline smirked at her friend before she switched off the light.
She exited Elena's tiny apartment.
The morning arrived, or better said, lunch hour was already on for most people, when she woke up and checked at her phone. There  were several missing calls with Damon's name on the display. She tossed the phone away and now tried to get up. Her head still felt woozy and she slightly regretted having way too many Martinis. She walked to the bathroom very slowly. A long shower would help as always.
Rebekah and Caroline already had met for brunch. Unlike Elena, they eased up with their drinks but were revisiting some of the scenes of the previous night.
"You could have chosen singing career. I never understood why you got into Law School." Rebekah remarked.
"My mum and dad - you she is the dective and he is the lawyer. It's good that I can let some steam out once in a while."
"Do you think she will take Damon back?! You know, Elena-she will get soft when he starts talking sweet to her"
"I don't know," Caroline said, "I really didn't get that she got into Damon. I have always thought that it would be his brother Stefan. They could talk, he was always helping her with stuff. After the break up with Matt."
"Wasn't she also going out with Tyler? He was really something.  Can I guy be so full of himself?!" Rebekah said.
"Ah, don't mention Tyler. So  wrong for her"
"Is there any right guy out there?!" Rebekah wondered, as she had a string of unhappy relationships and loads of one-night stands that she wanted to forget.
"Bonnie is the lucky one. I thought that Kol had already proposed. They are now four years together." Caroline changed the subject.
"I think that he is going to ask her to move in together. Well, they practically live together. One weekend they are inhis apartment, the next weekend in hers. Oh, I got news. Big news. Klaus is coming home. He is done building houses in Eastern Europe. Mother is preparing a great welcome party on Saturday. You guys are all invited." Rebekah said.
"Klaus is coming home?! His been like away-what-forever?!" Caroline remarked.
"Ten years. And so is Miguel. My adoptive brother. I guess they both had enough of being away from the family. Actually, Miguel has been back for a month now. Buy he is no party person, you know. His son Cristobal is so amazing."
"Cristobal?" Caroline asked.
“Yeah. I am so glad he is back. He is so much fun. Loves photography. He is so like his mother. And he definitely not going to be a surgeon."
"Oh, yeah -Miguel is a surgeon, right?"
"Yes. He is a cardiologist. Oh, when he and Kol get together, there is always talk of scientific research. Boring if you ask me"
"That Kol is an orthopedic surgeon, kind of still is so totally strange," Caroline stated,"you never talked about Miguel!? How come he went to live in Mexico?"
"It's a long story." Rebekah said with a sad huff.
"You said once that his wife died?"
"Yes. And he- kind of shut down. Thank God he had Cris." Rebekah now told her friend a little bit more about Miguel and how he was adopted by her father and mother when he was five years old.
Elena called her shop just to let her staff know that she would be arriving late that day. Her assistant Nora told her that everything was under control and that she can take the day off.
Her phone rang again and now she swiped her call open.
"Stop calling me, Damon! I so don't want to know-I am done!!! We are done!!!!" Elena pressed the red button on the phone to click the call off.
Inhaling sharply she turned to the mirror as she was about to open the door.
"Looking good girl. You are so going to rip him out of your heart!"  She put the sunglasses on and took her bag, slamming the door shut behind her. 
She had no particular idea where she wanted to go. She just wanted to walk. And so she walked. Shopping was always a good option, hoping the hangover would slowly clear up.
Her phone rang and said, "Hey. I am fine, Bonnie. Just taking a walk. Maybe I will get to the shop later. Need to revise some recipes. Yes, he called. But I slammed the phone down on him. I don't really care. I am done crying. I am done with him. I am done dating. Yeah-ok-I will talk to you later"
She now  put the phone in her bag and being still hangover didn't look where she was going, and as she wanted to open the door to a cafe she nearly bumped into a man who was about to do the same.
"Sorry." Elena apologized immediately. 
"Oh-it's my fault- I - just-my thoughts were somewhere else. Please" the man in his forties then opened the door and let Elena get in first.
"I am usually not so distracted”
"It's fine. " the man said. 
They looked at one another as if time had stopped for a moment, and they didn't know what to do next.
"Where are my manners," he then said, "Can I offer you of coffee as an apology?"
"Yes" Elena muttered. "Shall we?"
"Yeah" Elena slipped and they found a nice available table at the window. "They have great smoothies here"
"They do? You know this place very well, then?"
"Pretty much. It's like my breakfast/lunch place- strawberry is the best" Elena recommended.
"Right. I will have a smoothie then- and coffee with skimmed milk" the dapper looking man said to the shop assistant.
Elena ordered nearly the same, adding blueberry pancakes to the order.
This was something he had not done for ages, namely, inviting a woman for a drink so casually, even if it was just a harmless cup of coffee. It was as if someone or something nudged him to do it, or maybe because he saw  certain saddnes in her eyes, or maybe it was just Cupid doing his job of getting two people together.
"I was at a party last night - and kind of had one too many-and need all this to wake up." Elena explained all the food that arrived.
"It must have been some party" the man he said politely.
"I am not usually doing this in the middle of the week- but-it was something out of the ordinary."
"You don't have to explain."
"No, I know. So-what is it that you do?" Elena now took notice that he was wearing a very expensive business suit and his whole aura gave out that he was a very professional man.
"I am a cardiologist. I work at the University hospital."
"Oh, right. I’m a pastry chef." Elena said.
"Ah, so you are very well versed in the sugar department" the man nooded watching at the brunette in a sweet way.
"Yes. I own a shop called Lena's Cookies in the the Linden street."
They chatted some more about her work until a phone call interupted them. He apologized saying that he had to take a call. But soon, Elena's phone went as well. It was Caroline. Elena now told her friend where she was, but nothing about who she was with.
"I am so sorry." the man  said as he returned to the table. "This was my son. I will have to leave now, but it was very nice meeting you-?" In all that initial confusion they had not introduced themselves to one another.
"Elena!"the brunette said.
"Mike! Nice to meet you, Elena." Miguel said with a little smile, excusing himself.
"Mike." Elena muttered to herself as she sat down at the table again and dreamily sipped down her coffee.
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blakescoven · 5 years
You Decided That I Was Worth Saving | 1 |
Pairing: Sojourn!Michael Langdon x fem!Reader
Chapter One (1): “As I Lay Dying”
Summary: You were driving home from work, when something – or rather someone – literally got in the way.  Against any reason, you let him into your life. Michael would make you question your entire worldview. Were your paths meant to cross? Did you two meet by accident? By fate? Or there’s an evil force behind it, scheming and plotting with a devilish purpose?  
Warnings: car crash(!), mention of injuries, different POVs, some swearing
Word count: 4.7K
A/N: Hey lovely friends! Here’s a sort of Sojourn AU-ish, since the plot starts in that particular moment of Michael’s life. Still don’t know if I’ll include witches and satanists…we’ll see. It’s gonna be a series so I guess I’ll divide it into a few chapters. I loooove angst and slow burn, so I’m sorry but there’s no smut. Yet. Also, for this chapter, I took inspiration from: the scene of Elena’s car crash from 1x11 of TVD and a song, my fav of all times, that I listened to while I was writing this chapter and that is also the song playing in Y/N’s car; Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex. Okay, that’s it. Enjoy and thank you so much for reading it, despite the grammar mistakes (my apologies) and the fact that probably it really sucks. (‘WHAT AM I DOING?’ was the mood while I was writing it tho.) Anyway, love you and please, let me know what do you think and what I can improve!! I’d really appreciate any FEEDBACK!! I kinda need it, because I’m not sure I’m doing this right. THANK YOU xxx ♥  
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You've always thought you could describe your whole existence with a wide range of adjectives, but 'adventurous' wasn't one of them for sure. At least, that's what you thought 30 minutes before the event that would have changed your life forever. Nothing would ever be the same again; just like a hurricane comes and goes, so that day, and the following ones, would have drastically rocked your world. And mostly your beliefs.
It was late. But you were used to it. You had recently got a new job, which allowed you to move out and finally get your own place, the smallest rentable apartment on Earth. Or in Los Angeles, no doubt. This was the most stressful moment since you were born, it was up to you taking care of your own now. Mommy and daddy no more.
Shifts were endless and you often found yourself staying late at the office, to finish what you've started. This new routine was already messing with your biological clock. Every single night, you looked forward to going back home, eat and fall apart on your bed. Even today, you were already savoring the anticipation of your sadly-glorious homecoming; you were dying for a relaxing hot bath and a slice of pizza. But who are we kidding, right? A whole pizza. Then, sleepiness permitting, you would have watched your favorite TV show petting your cat. A real party girl, uh? Well, that was your life now.
You have just finished college and this was the first experience as an independent person. At the very beginning, it has been hard leaving your parents' house, but soon you realized it was time for you to go on your own way. You were so full of dreams and expectations. You hoped to achieve great goals. Of course, what you haven't taken into account was that your future weekends wouldn't have been under the banner of fun, alcohol, and friends. But instead, your crazy Saturday nights consisted of you kneeled in front of the washing machine, hands in your head and a YouTube DIY video for dummies playing on your phone, which explained all the ways to get the laundry started and what products must have been used. All your life has become a huge dumb Netflix comedy. More like a parody, perhaps. You hung out with your friends less and less; you felt deeply guilty about that, but you were way too tired to make up for it.
As mentioned before, it was a late Friday night. It was raining, pretty hard. You were driving your beloved brand-new car (THE much-demanded graduation gift) and 'surprisingly' you hit traffic. At 9 fucking p.m. TGIF, they said. Sure. Your friends were definitely having fun and drinking in some random club by then.
You, on the contrary, were running out of patience; your shiny Lexus had not moved an inch in 10 minutes, so as soon as you could, you took a highway exit. That was supposed to be a kind of shortcut, according to the navigator. The pouring rain and the cadenced motion of the windscreen wipers sounded like a lullaby. A slow-core song started playing in the background. It was quite soothing and maybe, on second thought, you should have to turn it off…or had coffee before leaving.
You could feel your eyelids getting heavier and heavier, the exhaustion slowly prevailing. Trying so hard to keep your eyes open, that they've started burning; and not to miss anything, you got a bit of a headache accompanied by a soon-to-be-wrinkle frown.
Meanwhile, you were driving down a deserted one-lane road, going a little over the speed limit in your rush, in order to make it home as soon as possible. The wheels were slipping a little on the wet pavement, but you kept the car steady. ­ You peered through the front window trying to see what was ahead of you; it was pitch black outside, with not even one dammit lamppost; only the moon's pale light absorbed by the dark green leaves of the forest beside the road. You had no idea where you actually were.
Suddenly, the annoying metallic voice of the GPS started bullshitting about recalculating a new route. "Wait what? Fuck NO NO NO…come on! You stupid thing, why are you changing direction???" you maddeningly screamed, looking at the display and trying to change the settings with your right hand. You weren't exactly paying particular attention to the road ahead. Huge mistake.
Outside the windshield, the rain was coming down in torrents, blurring your vision even more. The wipers went back and forth, attempting to clear away the large droplets clinging to the glass, but it seemed they weren't moving fast enough.
As if the universe had something big in store for you, right at that moment, something – or rather someone – came out of the dense vegetation, slowly limping while crossing the street, no concern for surroundings.
Your eyes were still glued to the GPS tracking your position; but all of a sudden, your distraction was abruptly erased when you caught a glimpse of a human shape in the middle of the road, illuminated by the car's headlights.
A goddamn person.
You had perhaps three-quarters of a second to register this.
You didn't realize it until it was too late. You couldn't have stopped all this now. The blood drained from your face. It all happened in a few seconds, but the moment seemed to last forever. The shock made you tense your muscles; your heart skipped a beat and your eyes suddenly widened. There was a scream coming from within that forced its way from your mouth as if your terrified soul has set a demon free. It was the kind of scream that makes the blood run cold.
With adrenaline flowing through your system, you slammed on the brakes. Your fists clenched with white knuckles around the steering wheel, immediately swerving to avoid the crash. Somehow you managed to not run over him, but you were going too fast to stop.
Your car rolled over and over, while clips of your life flashing like a slideshow. The vehicle has flipped so many times that you started drifting in and out of consciousness. The noise of the metal being bashed over the asphalt was deafening. When it finally stopped, you were stuck in your seat upside-down, coughing up pieces of the broken glass coming from the shattered windshield.
Then everything became still.
You could only hear the sound of rain on metal. Aware of the bloody taste in your mouth, you still weren't able to figure out if you were injured, because the seatbelt tugged on your chest was too painful. Heart pounding in your ears, you tried to scream for help, but it came out more like a gasp.
Meanwhile, the young man was still paralyzed to the spot in the middle of the road, like an unfamiliar force was holding him in a tightening grip, keeping him from leaving. For a moment he believed that that must have been another hallucinated vision. Then he slowly turned his head toward the wrecked car. An odd thought came across his mind: the driver crashed in order to not run over him. But why? Humanity had failed him so many times. He had lost the only one that truly cared about him. His Father had abandoned him and he wasn't able to understand what was his purpose, not anymore. He actually knew that a car was coming that way, but now he honestly didn't give a damn about his life. He had failed. He was utterly lost. This was the best coincidence possible to put an end to his suffering. But now, he felt something he couldn't explain, almost a need, the need to go and check if the driver was okay. Still confused about this new foreign impulse, he started to walk towards your car.
Once there, he kneeled and took a look inside, from the broken side window.
"You look stuck." he commented with an apparent childish but plain voice.
If you weren't, like literally, in that position, you'd have certainly sassed back to that dumb obvious statement. But your conditions weren't the best at all, you might have some broken bones, actually.
What, instead, came out from your mouth was stammering confused words.
"I-I-It… m-my… my s-s-sea..b-be..t" you tried to speak, holding and shaking the restraining belt tightly in your hands, while tears gathering in your eyes.
He hummed and shushed you. "Let me get you out of here." he whispered, thinking again about why he was actually doing this, it was none of his business. And yet, he stayed on.
"I want you to put your hands on the roof." You were about to obey his calming demand, but in that moment, you realized your left arm had to be broken and it hurt like hell. So somehow you managed to raise only the other one and take also your phone.
Then he closed his eyes for a couple of seconds and all of a sudden, the seatbelt mysteriously unhooked, as if by magic or an invisible force. But you were too rattled to think about it.
You fell and he gently grabbed and lifted you from the car.
"I got you." he smiled, holding you in his arms while standing up. "Are you okay? Can you stand? Is anything broken?" he questioned with a caring honeyed tone.
You nodded pointing your arm and moaning, still dizzy from the car flipping over. The stranger carefully set you on your feet, yet not letting you completely. Good, because immediately after you slipped, too weak to stand, but he caught you by the waist. Your head was spinning so fast.
"Hey hey, easy, don't force yourself, you're clearly not okay." he observed "Look at me." and he placed his thumb on your lower lip and chin to hold your head steady as he spoke. What was he feeling right now? Pity? Concern maybe? He thought he had already turned off those pointless human emotions.
You tiredly opened your eyes to meet the most beautiful pair of ocean eyes you've ever seen. Unfortunately, you couldn't focus on him any longer, neither when he run his hand down your water-stained cheek.
"Hey stay with me, don't close your eyes." he urged, just as your vision went fuzzy and your eyes rolled back. Within seconds everything went black.
You passed out into complete and utter darkness.
He caught you before you hit the concrete, gathering your limp body into his arms and walking away from the car. He abruptly stopped. What he was supposed to do now? He had literally come from the woods, after days of fasting and sleeplessness. He was covered in damn dirt. Not to mention that he had no place to go. He was too exhausted to reason. So he chose to gently lower you to the ground, kneeling, so half of your body was on his lap. He stroked your wet hair, wondering what to do with you. Just right now, looking at your face, he noticed how beautiful you were, how innocent and angelic. He swallowed and smiled. A soft side? In his evil and corrupted soul? Impossible.
It was still raining. You were both soaked and there was no shelter in the proximities. He thought he couldn't do anything more. That's when he remembered about your broken arm. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, placing his hands above your head. Nothing. Maybe he wasn't focused enough. He took your hands in his own and tried again. This time his eyes rolled black until they showed only a white surface; then he started to mutter Latin words. He lifted his head up speaking louder, but his nose began to bleed, until his vision blurred and the car suddenly exploded. He lost consciousness right next to you, nevertheless his hand still on yours.
The next thing you knew, you were on your back on the ground and very disoriented. Also completely drenched. Making indistinguishable noises because of the pain, you turned your head resting on the asphalt. The rain in your eyes didn't let you have a clear view of the surroundings, but you immediately felt an extremely warm presence at your side. You blinked twice and finally saw the boy that had helped you, laying there unconscious. Hell, maybe you had hit him with your car after all. The plot thickens.
Saying that you were confused about the whole situation was an euphemism. There was nothing for it but to try to reach your phone, almost five feet apart from your leg, hoping that it didn't break in the crash. Despite the acute ache in your arm and the burning cuts and wounds, you were able to crawl back to it, so you dialed the number and called 911. You explained everything and asked for help with a wisp of voice. You probably had a concussion.
The rain eventually stopped. You were starting to feel cold, so you found your way back to the stranger. Little droplets of water drenched his hair, covering his features, and you couldn't help yourself, you brushed a few strands from his face, caressing his sharp cheekbone. Right after your head started spinning and your vision filled with white spots, until you fainted again, against the stranger's chest.
You woke up in a hospital bed. It was early in the morning; the sunlight was peeking through the blinds, the constant beeping of monitors echoing throughout the room. You sighed loudly and squinted with a grimace. Luckily you were just a little sore, nothing too serious. You took a look at your arm: you had a pretty unaesthetic cast. The universe's way of telling you, "Here, take this you little bitch." Amazing.
You got up very slowly and entered the bathroom, looking for a mirror to better check out your wounds.
"Wow, nice Halloween make-up though." you muttered rolling your eyes. You had a stitched cut on your left upper forehead, a split lip and dark circles under your puffy eyes. A Miss Universe at her peak. Not to mention a great number of bruises all over your body.
You called your parents shortly afterward. Downplaying the details of the accident wasn't enough, they completely lost their minds at the phone. They were shocked and worried about your conditions, so they insisted to get on the first flight to LA, to help you. You reassured them you were fine and ready to go home. It wasn't necessary for them to come. They even offered to pay for a new car, since yours was, sadly, destroyed. You refused though; you would have dealt with the car-issue later. Even though you couldn't still get over the fact that your precious SUV has gone for good.
A truly kind doctor got to your room and, after having checked out vitals and injuries, refreshed your memory about what happened last night. Shoot! In that moment you realized you had totally forgot about the boy. You immediately asked the doc if you could go visit him. He nodded but not without first warning you. John Doe here had to be sedated because, when he regained consciousness in the ambulance, he had refused to go to the hospital and started thrashing around. Luckily, he was too weak to harm anyone.
The doctor kept saying that they had found no ID, nothing that could tell them where he came from. He was completely dehydrated in addition to previous wounds. He probably hadn't eaten for days either. For these reasons, the cheap version of Derek Shepherd wasn't sure whether he should call the police.
You were listening to his words with much more concern you thought you could feel. Well, maybe because you had almost run over him. But you felt you had to go check on him. He helped you out of the car after all. He…saved you someway? What you couldn't understand was why he had stopped in the middle of the road; he hadn't even tried to get out of the way…Oh shit. Was there any chance he wanted to, like, get killed? No, c'mon, there are way too many other – and less-painful – "methods" to do it…It couldn't be.
When you arrived in his room, you immediately noticed he was tied to the bed and carefully, you set his wrists free. After a few seconds, he woke up. You tried not to pay attention, but he was undoubtedly attractive. To be honest he was much more than that. Handsome to say the least. He seemed almost angelic. Baby blue eyes piercing your soul with a magnetic gaze, golden messy curls spread around his head on the pillow like a halo and God-given sharp features. Despite that, he was still covered in filth and wounds. But even in such a miserable state, he was hypnotizing. You wondered why no nurse took care of him yet.
"Hi!" you whispered, sitting down on the nearest chair.
"Hi." he said back, almost imperceptibly. "Thank you" he added, pointing at his bruised wrists.
"I should be the one saying 'thank you'..." you stated; he gave you a half-smile, "…you literally saved my life."
"No need to thank me, I caused your crash so.." he stopped for a second "…we can say you saved me instead." he admitted heavy-heartedly, with his eyes down. He seemed so sad and so lost, and you really felt for him.
"Well, thank God we're both still alive!" you didn't know what to say anymore. And this cringy comment wasn't helping.
" Sure " he scoffed.
What were those, tear-stains? Has he been crying?
Then an awkward silence filled the room. You were starting to feel a bit uneasy, and the continuous biting your lower lip – despite the cut on the upper one – made it absolutely obvious. You could feel something was off about him. The sadness and despair in his eyes were pretty noticeable, and you were the kind of person that can't look away.
"Uhm, are you okay?"
"Yes" he was still staring at the void. No emotion showed.
"Sorry, I don't want to be pushy…but it's clear you're not."
"Why do you care? What do you want from me?" he snapped turning his head, but his face softened instantly, as if he regretted the outburst.
You honestly didn't know why you cared that much either. It was an odd sensation coming from your guts, it was pulling you so deeply into him. He needed help, and you wanted to give it to him.
"You got anybody I could call? Your relatives or a friend?" was the only answer you could articulate.
" No.. " he mumbled, "..I have no one."
Suddenly, you felt the urge to ask him if he wanted to go home with you, to recover. You would have never done – or even thought – anything like that before. This was against all the good bits of advice your mum ever gave you. Like, don't invite in strangers that could easily kill you in your sleep?! But it was as if, deep down, you knew you could trust him. You took the risk.
"Listen.. ahem.. y-you could come home with me. I have enough space in my apartment and we could help each other until you'll feel better" you paused.
He was staring at you now, with glistening eyes. He was speechless. No one has ever shown him selfless kindness. He was in disbelief.
"I don't want your pity."
"No, wait. This isn't pity. In case you haven't notice, I have this lil problem here" you chuckled, swaying your cast in the air "I wouldn't mind a hand" you said to release the tension.
"I-I can't. Please, go. Just leave me alone." he shook his head. The fear of being abandoned or rejected again was too overwhelming for him to open up and accept some help.
"Oh," you whispered, a bit down in the dumps, "got it."
You headed for the door, but before leaving, you turned one more time "I'll leave my number to the receptionist in the hallway, in case you change your mind." you winked and smiled, leaving him alone.
He sighed and slammed his head against the pillow; he didn't even have a phone, also because, come on, what good it would do? But above all, what kind of paradox was that? Him, the motherfucking Devil's spawn, needing help? From an innocent little soul like you? No kidding. He had performed a human sacrifice and eaten raw hearts for fuck's sake. Yes, he may not know what to do, and probably he had made mistakes, but it wasn't over yet; his satanic plan needed to be adjusted. This way, he would eventually recreate the world in his Father's image and earn his trust again.
He needed to leave as soon as possible, before some stupid human being started asking him though questions.
You were finally home. The entire Uber ride had been silent and for that you mentally thanked the driver, because you weren't in the mood to talk at all.
As soon as you turned the doorknob, your little friend immediately greeted you purring, making you jump. He really missed you…or at least that's what he wanted you to believe. You locked the door behind you.
"His Majesty is hungry, uh?!" you said mocking your furball "Yeah, me too dude...but hold on a little longer, I need to take a shower I smell like hospital, jeez."
Only now you noticed. There was a rather unusual atmosphere when you walked in, an unsettling silence sending shivers down your spine. An inexplicable heat radiating from the house itself. It was too hot in there and you're positive it wasn't normal in the middle of November. The room seemed saturated with unfamiliar vibes.
You went to your bedroom and started to undress. Then you entered the bathroom, ready to finally wash the last night events off you.
Odd. It was like you could feel eyes on you, all the time.
Whatever. You were too worn-out to indulge your paranoid thoughts.
But the same feelings still followed you, even later when you were eating your delivered dinner, half-dead on the couch with the fluffy monster curled up on your lap.
"Maybe it's a sort of twisted PTSD." you told yourself. Yet your heart wouldn't settle. Something wasn't right there.
Anyway, you chose to ignore your instinct; it was time to get ready for bed. You reached your closet as you slowly took off hoodie and sweatpants, changing into even more comfortable clothes, just a t-shirt actually. Since it was that hot, no pants. The loose garment barely covered your bare thighs though.
You were half asleep when your cat jumped up and suddenly rushed out of your bedroom like he was possessed. You stretched and changed position, that enormous cast wouldn't let you fall fully asleep. After 5 minutes of turning and tossing you heard what sounded like footsteps. Your pulse started racing.
"It's nothing," you told yourself, "I'm imagining things."
But then the typical creaking of your fridge being opened reached up to your room. Twice.
You froze, heart in your throat. You were most definitely not alone. Someone was in the house.
But right after you shook your head, "Ugh, probably it's just that furry devil."
Being as quiet as possible, you got up and made your way to the door, straining to hear, but your heart pounded too loudly and your breathing was harsh. Moving towards the switch, but on second thought you decided against it.
Nothing. Complete silence.
It was when you were finding your way back to the mattress that you heard a white noise, a loud thud and the clear scraping of a chair against the floor. You froze again with wide eyes. You swallowed breaking out in cold sweat.
The squeaking of the cupboard followed by the tinkling and banging of glasses and dishes. You almost had a stroke.
You internally cursed yourself. You had left your phone on the couch. Fuck fuck fuck. The only option left was trying to reach the door and ask for help from the next-door neighbor. But you couldn't do it, the kitchen had a space divider, but it wasn't long enough to avoid being seen.
Weapon, your mind screamed. You needed a weapon.
A relieved smile appeared unexpectedly on your features. You recalled about keeping a knife hidden in the drawer. 'Never say never' when you live alone. Well, it seemed it had been a good idea after all.
You slid your fingers around the rubber grip, dismayed by how much your hand was shaking.
Heading down the hallway barefoot, you hold your breath and slowly approached the living room. With one motion you sneaked into the kitchen, with the blade facing the intruder, and screaming,
"I'm calling the police!"
But what you saw made your jaw drop in shock.
It was Him, the guy from the car crash.
In your kitchen.
Eating your motherfucking chocolate chip cookies.
At 01:00 am.
"Uh, sorry..." he spoke while chewing the leftovers and then swallowing loudly, "..you wanted some?". As if he felt guilty for real, with that childish expression.
You couldn't keep quiet any longer. The situation was too far-fetched.
"WHAT THE HELL?" you snapped. He chuckled at the reference.
"I can't cook. I was starving and I found these. I didn't want to wake you, but this monster here won't get off me..."
"What are you doing in my apartment?"
He tilted his head, pretty confused. "You invited me to stay here..." he remarked, with a hint of displeasure in his voice.
"Yes, I did. But it doesn't mean you can break in without me knowing." You were still a bit scared; he could be dangerous as far as you knew, and his actions had already proved it.
He didn't say anything. He stood up from the island counter, making his way to you. You were slack-jawed in astonishment, still holding and pointing the sharp surface toward him.
"Put that knife down."
"Why?" he frowned.
"I don't trust you. Don't come any closer!" you ordered.
"I can't take you seriously looking like this" he smirked pointing at your 'night attire'.
He took another step and you run to reach the handle; it turned but the door wouldn't budge.
"It's locked." you turned to look at him "Don't you remember? You did that yourself." he observed, like it was obvious.
"Then how did you get in here?"
"Tra-what?" you supposed he must have been out of his mind.
The circumstances themselves were unbelievable. But he was right, you offered him help.
Now he was leaning against the wall a few feet apart from you, locking his eyes with yours, his beautiful features veiled by a shade of dejection and misery. Suddenly, the feeling you had at the hospital came back. Trust.
"I know I'll regret this, but yes, you can stay."
A thankful smile crept across his face and if it weren't for the dark, you could swear that he was also crying.
"But if you don't behave I'll kill you." you threatened in a playful tone, but you needed to scare him a little.
In that moment he understood that he had done the right thing, deciding to take your offer. He had to pick up the pieces and get back on his feet. He couldn't have done it alone.
And mostly, he liked you. You were a warrior. There was something special in you, he could feel it. He could trust you.
"You scared the hell out of me by the way…do not do that again." you spoke as your eyes narrowed.
"I promise" he whispered.
He was kind of a weirdo, but you imagined he'd been through a lot. For this reason, you decided to place the knife on the table and get closer to him.
"But anyway, sooner or later you're going to tell me how you did it." you chuckled showing him the door. You were standing right in front of him now. He was taller than you thought.
"We haven't officially met, I'm Y/N."
In that moment – a moment you'll never forget – he vanished right before your eyes.
Then a sudden voice – that didn't hide insecurity and expectancy – coming from behind, made you turn around and left you in absolute shock.
"I'm Michael. Michael Langdon."
Tagging (hope you don’t mind, in any case just tell me!) @michael-langdon-appreciation @hecohansen31 @so-langdon @emmyrosee @ladynuwanda @sammythankyou @sojournmichael @hplotrfan
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romana73 · 5 years
Post written by ME. The animated gifs listed AREN’T MINE and DON’T BELONG TO ME IN ANY WAY. In recent months I have been watching replies of TV Shows The Vampire Diaries (TVD) and The Originals (TO), TVD’s spin off. I realized one of hidden storylines I miss is incestuous relationship between Klaus and Rebekah, brother and sister, both ancient vampires and vampiric bloodlines progenitors. Many are indications and large subtext in two TV Show lead to realize relationship between brother and sister is incestuous. Unfortunately, Klaus and Rebekah’s relationship is never made concrete in story, there aren’t sex scenes or kisses between them. On the contrary, this storyline is left to die, in favor of normal and conventional ships such as Klaus/Caroline, Klaus/Camille and Rebekah/Marcel, in which there aren’t blood ties. Before continuing, I want to clarify a thing: in REAL life, incest DISGUSTS ME. In narrative fiction, however, if told well, brother and sister or/and cousins incest ​​and ONLY THIS may like me. On this point, we must remember one thing: Klaus and Rebekah AREN’T 100% brothers, but HALF BROTHERS, since they have only their mother Esther as a common parent. In vampiric literature and fiction in general, however, incest between brother and sister is more common than it seems, especially since, as TVD and TO remind us, one of beautiful sides of being a vampire is to free oneself and be disconnected from morality, conventions and rules human. Here are some examples: 1) In Vampire Knight manga and anime, protagonist Yuuki Cross is torn between romantic love for Kaname Kuran, her brother, a pure blood vampire and noble bloodline, to which their parents have promised her and Zero Kyriu, plebeian vampire and vampire hunter, raised with her:
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2) In TV show True Blood, vampire Eric Northman makes love with Nora, his vampire sister:
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3) Protagonists of horror movies The Hamilton's and The Thompsons are 5 vampire brothers, 4 males and a girl, called Darlene and she’s also Wendell, her twin, lover; 4) In role-playing game Vampire The Masquerade and Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, between of family and vampire clan Giovanni’s habits, there is incest:
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5) In Hemlock Grove TV Show, hybrid Roman Godfrey, partly human, partly vampire has a relationship with Letha Godfrey, his half-sister and cousin:
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As for incestuous relationships between brother and sister in narrative level is long, but for vampires, I stop here. Nevertheless, none of these couples resembles Klaus and Rebekah. Incestuous brothers pair really resembles two vampires is Cesare and Lucrezia, of The Borgias, 2011 Canadian TV Show:
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Big difference is in The Borgias third season, Cesare and Lucrezia physically consume their love, weaving a relationship, Klaus and Rebekah don't even kiss one another. Before moving on to parallels, however, I would like to show moments are indicative, in my opinion, of an incestuous relationship between Klaus and Rebekah: 1) Klaus's blatant jealousy for Rebekah's boyfriends and his habit of killing them or stabbing Rebekah, causing her to fall into torpor (vampire’s deep sleep) to separate her from them:
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2) Klaus's habit of always searching, until he finds her, and not leaving without her. A question Klaus asks most often in TVD and TO is: "where is Rebekah?"
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3) In 3x03 TVD episode and 1x03 TO episode, first Stefan then Camille mistake Klaus for Rebekah's FIANCE and remain perplexed when he replies he’s her brother:
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4) In TVD's 4x02 episode, disappointed by fact Klaus saved Caroline, abandoning her, Rebekah attacks Klaus, shouting, despite everything, she has always loved him and she has always been close to him:
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5) In TVD 4x04 episode, Klaus and Rebekah’s battle continues and their argument between contains ambiguous sentences: "You broke my neck”
“You threw away Elena's blood so I can't make anymore hybrids”
“Because you took me for granted!”
“ That's what big brothers do, sweetheart” (Rebekah and Klaus, 4x04, The Vampires Diaries) "[...] I mean, it's pathetic, really isn't it? How she continues to hand her heart to any man who shows her a hint of affection, you think she would learn by now from the endless cycle disappointment of and deception”
“But, I haven't.. instead, I STAY WITH YOU and let you leach every moment of happiness from my life” (Klaus and Rebekah, 4x04, The Vampires Diaries) 6) In TVD 3x08 episode and TO 1x02, first Elena, then Hayley, openly ask Rebekah WHAT'S REALLY BETWEEN HER and KLAUS, both surprised, even when she seems to hate him, she continues to love him:
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6) There are other sentences lead us to think about true nature of Klaus and Rebekah’s relationship:
“[...] I'm bored. I want to go”
“Then go without me, I'm not your GIRLFRIEND”
“No, you're my sister, which means...You have to do as I say”
(Klaus and Rebekah, 3x03, The Vampire Diaries)
A sister or cousin doesn’t respond to her brother or cousin: "I’m not your girlfriend", to limit she says "you aren’t my father" ...
let's continue:
“Nik was MY FAMILY. If you were after him, you were after me”
(Rebekah to her father Michael about Klaus, 3x09, The Vampire Diaries)
Oh, WOW!
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“Again with the wishes. Let me rephrase, you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years”
“What happens to one, happens to all. You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd lose YOUR PRECIOUS REBEKAH”
“Wouldn't be the first time”
( Klaus and Finn, 3x18, The Vampire Diaries)
“You could have come after me!”
“YOU WERE WITH KLAUS! I didn't know where, I didn't know if you still wanted to be with me! All you had to do was come home!”
(Rebekah and Marcel, 1x07, The Originals)
No matter how jealous a brother may be, why would a boyfriend be afraid to go and look for girl he loves and, above all, why should he think she might prefer her brother to him?
"You betrayed me. My OWN sister! " (Klaus to Rebekah, 1x08, The Originals)
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"She's your sister. How can you hate her?”
“Because she has done what no one else has managed to do to me for 1,000 years... RIP MY HEART OUT” (Camille and Klaus, speaking of Rebekah’s betrayal, 1x15, The Originals)
Oh ... double WOW!
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“You have no idea, do you? You have no idea what she was prepared to do for you [...]” (Elijah to Klaus, about what Rebekah was willing to do for Klaus, 1x16, The Originals)
Triple WOW, remember Rebekah, still human, was about to KILL her FATHER Mikael FOR KLAUS!
6) In TO 1x02 episode, Klaus tells he LOVE his sister Rebekah and, while other men come and go, HE’S CONSTANT in her life. In same episode, we learn Rebekah helped Klaus to GROW Marcel, whom he regarded as a SON. In TO 2x22 episode, Klaus asks Rebekah to stay in city and GROW his daughter Hope with him and Freya's help; 7) A perplexing narrative solution is Esther's choice, in TO 2 season, to transfer Rebekah’s soul and spirit into Camilla’s body, woman for whom Klaus and Marcel feel romantic feelings ... this isn’t first time Esther uses Rebekah to deceive Klaus. In TVD 3x20 episode, Esther enters Rebekah's body to trick Klaus and finish her plan with Alaric; 8) We cannot forget, then, Tristan, his sister Aurora and Lucien’s story, who remember Klaus/Rebekah/Marcel triangle, only with a vein of madness. Developed by Elaijah, Rebekah and Klaus, relationship between Tristan and Aurora is morbid and all-encompassing, so much so out of pure jealousy, Tristan almost tortured Lucien to death, on suspicion he was his sister's lover... only Klaus intervention, who created him, saved Lucien...
9) Watching TVD and TO we note when Klaus has to donate his blood to other vampires, he offers his wrist to women (Caroline in TVD 3x11 and 4x13, Elena in TVD 4x03), feeling pleasure when they drink. When Klaus must give his blood to men, he cuts his wrist, making blood flow in a glass, and then he pass it to victim. Only in extreme cases of life and death does Klaus offer his wrist to FAMILY men. For example, to Marcel in TO 1x22, when Marcel SAVES Hope born from witches, although he’s dying from Klaus' bite:
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This is because, perhaps, as Damon explains to Elena in TVD 4x02, blood exchange between two VAMPIRES (Blood Sharing) is something PERSONAL (also sensual judging Damon and Klaus reactions when a vampire woman sucks their blood). That's why he left me puzzled to see Klaus urgently and rebelling give his wrist to Rebekah to get her back...
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chaosqueery · 5 years
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Title: Your Future Awaits
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,135
Characters/Ships: Caroline Forbes/Stefan Salvatore,
Description: A missing scene from 1x10 "The Turning Point". Stefan carries Caroline home after she is attacked by Logan Fell and they have a heart-to-heart.
Alternative Links: (FF.Net/AO3)
A/N: This story has been sitting in my unfinished fics folder for YEARS. I think I started writing it when season 5 of TVD was airing (2013... so yeah, nearly 6 years). I got stuck on an extra scene I wanted to add at the end. Eventually, I just decided to cut the scene, post what I have, then maybe return to that bit in the future.
She remained unconscious the entire walk home. Stefan was worried. He had no idea how hard Logan had hit her, but he couldn’t get close enough to examine the gash on her head. Not unless he wanted to lose all control over his bloodlust and drain her dry. Carrying her in his arms was hard enough. He could already feel the dark veins bulge under his eyes as the scent of her blood wafted through the air, making his hunger grow. If only he was strong enough to use his vampire speed all the way to her house. Being in such a small town, it doesn’t take more than five to ten minutes to get anywhere within the Mystic Falls borders. However, it didn’t seem to feel that way. Each second stretched out to minutes as the urge to act on his natural instincts tried to take over. Stefan made a low grumbling sound at the back of his throat, close to a growl, and winced as he tried to concentrate on his steps, quickening his pace as much as he could.
When he finally made it to her house and walked up driveway, Stefan breathed in deeply as he attempted to regain control over himself. How the hell was he supposed to get her inside? He hasn’t been invited into her house and he wasn’t sure he could hold himself together until Sheriff Forbes came home. It was getting to the point where he felt like he would have to just set her down at her doorstep and bolt. He would have no idea how to explain abandoning her on her front porch, but he would rather that than ripping the girl to pieces. Just as he was sure that that’s what he would have to do, he heard a small groan come from the girl in his arms and he looked down to find Caroline was waking up.
“Hmmmmm…what? Where- where am I?” She mumbled, eyes begging to crack open to observe her surroundings.
“Shhhhh… It’s okay. You’re home. You’re safe.”
“Stefan? But I was wi- what happened?” She touched the side of her head and winced as her fingers made contact with where she was her. When Stefan saw the bit of blood that transferred to the pads of her fingers he carefully moved one hand from under her legs so her feet could touch the ground. Then he took a step away, but not without keeping a hand close to her incase she couldn’t walk on her own.
“Let me walk you to the door and I’ll explain.” She nodded and followed him the rest of the way.
“First of all, what do you remember?”
“I was waiting for Bonnie to take me home, but then Logan showed up and offered me a ride. I got in the car and then he-“ she paused for a moment as she tried to piece together exactly what happened and her eyes grew wide as she came to a sudden realization. “Did he attack me?”
Stefan remained silent, but she could tell by the solemn look on his face that she had come to the right conclusion.
“I’ve known him since I was little. He’s a family friend. Why would he do that to me?”
Stefan shook his head. He knew the answer, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to give her the full truth, so he played dumb instead. “I don’t know.”
“You saved me though, right? I mean, why else would you be the one bringing me home?”
“I was just in the right place at the right time is all.” He shrugged it off, but Caroline wouldn’t hear it.
“Thank you.” She placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to show her gratitude, but his body stiffened at her proximity. “Seriously, thank you. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you hadn’t come along.” Noticing his discomfort at being touched, Caroline let her hand drop and took a step back and tried to not take it personally, but that was always a hard thing for her. Stefan met her eyes and softened his expression, signaling to her that it was okay.
“Do you want me to stick around until your mom comes home?” He knew it was a big risk asking her, but he could see that she was still afraid, and the thought of leaving her alone after such an event didn’t sit well with him.
“Would you?” She looked at him with stars in her eyes, grateful to him for saving her like he was her knight in shining armor. The sweetness in her smile made his hunger ease just a bit, and he was able to offer a smile of his own.
“I’d be happy to.” He turned and sat down on the steps of her front porch.
Caroline moved towards the door and pulled her house keys but stopped when he turned to sit down on the steps of the front porch. “Don’t you want to come inside?”
“Well, it’s a nice night, and I think the fresh air might do you some good. It might make you feel a little better.” More like fresh air would do him good. Even though he was doing a bit better now, closed spaces always made it significantly harder to ignore the scent of blood.
“Now that you mention it, I do feel a little dizzy.” She groaned slightly before lowering herself to sit next to him.
“You could have a concussion. Probably a mild one, but you should stil get checked out by a doctor.”
“I will.”
They were both silent for a minute or two, neither knowing what to say. The only time they have ever spent any real time together was the night of the founders party, and then they had dancing and champaign to keep them occupied. Now it was just the silence that surrounded them.
Eventually, Caroline came up with a topic.
“So, how did you like the career fair? Anything look interesting to you?”
“I don’t know.” Stefan shrugs, making Caroline roll her eyes. What was he supposed to say?
“You don’t know? You didn’t see your future in there at all?” When Stefan just shakes his head, she isn’t satisfied. “Do you want to know what I see for your future?”
Stefan let out a small chuckle and decided to humor her. “Sure”
Caroline purses her lips a bit in thought, and then brightens when she comes up with something.
“A firefighter.”
“A firefighter?” he quirked an eyebrow and urged her to continue.
“A firefighter” she nodded. “Or a police officer, a doctor. Something where you can put your hero-like abilities to good use.”
Stefan lowered his head at the mention of him being a doctor, the one career choice he had always wanted throughout his multiple lifetimes, but could never pursue. “Yeah, I don’t know about that.”
“Hold on, I’m not done yet.” She put a hand up, halting him from interrupting whatever picture she conjured up for his future. “You’ll marry Elena, stick to the small town life, and have lots of babies. There might be a house with a white picket fence in there somewhere.”
He had to admit, she was pretty on the nose when it came to figuring out the things he had pictured for himself. It might not be the most original idea, but it was the same image of a life he’d hung on to for years and he had yet to envision a new one. Of course, they were just more things he could never have. “You forget, Elena and I broke up.”
“Oh, please. We all know that’s not going to last.” She waved him off.
Stefan wanted to deny it and tell her that getting back together with Elena wasn’t a possibility for him but, instead of trying to come up with a load of bullshit excuses as to why, he decided to turn the tables and put the focus on her. “What about you? What do you have planned for your future?”
“Broadcast journalism.” Caroline stated with absolute certainty. When Stefan gave her nothing but a ‘hmmm’ paired with a grin in response, she took as his nice way of saying ‘pffft, yeah right’.
“Great, you think I’m crazy too.”
“I didn’t say that. I actually think that’s a really good fit for you.”
“Really?” She questioned, not sure she should believe him.
“Yes, really. You’re intelligent, dedicated, and I think you’re probably one of the most capable people I have ever met. I think you could be just about anything you want.” He watched as Caroline froze for a second before she turned away from him and focused on her hands folding together in her lap. He tried to think of what he could have said that offended her, but it didn’t take long for her to answer the question herself.
“But you don’t even know me. Not really. To you I am just Elena’s annoying friend Caroline.” The sudden change in her voice and demeanor was dramatic. She went from bubbly and bright, to small and melancholy in a matter of seconds. It was a side to her he had yet to see until now.
“For the record, I have never found you annoying.” He tried to assure her, and for a moment he noticed the corner of her mouth quirk upward, but then the small smile disappeared almost instantly.
“Everyone else does.” She says simply. “I’m nosy, bossy, superficial, shallow. Nobody ever believes that there is anything more to me. Honestly, I’m not sure I believe it either.”
“Listen, I know we might not talk a lot. The thing is, I don’t talk to anyone that much. But it doesn’t mean that I don’t pay attention. I can understand why you would feel like everything I am telling you is just a bunch of empty words to make you feel better. All I can tell you is what I see. I see someone who is driven and direct. You’re someone who knows what she wants and works hard to achieve it. Most people our age don’t have the determination you do. It’s something to be admired.” Stefan spoke honestly. Even in their brief encounters, he knew that Caroline Forbes was someone special.
Caroline broke away from focusing on her fidgeting hands and turned back turned back to look Stefan in the eyes, her own glossing over, making them glimmer with unshed tears. Her mouth parted a bit, and for the first time she was at a loss for words. She just stared in wonder and allowed herself to be moved by his kind praise.
They both lingered in the quiet intimacy of the moment, until the silence was shattered by the sound of a cell phone ringing. Stefan dug in his pocket for his phone and looked down at the caller ID, his brow furrowing. Caroline closed her eyes tightly and tried to shake off the moment, before opening them again and asking “Do you need to get that?”
“Uhhh…” He tried to make it look like he wasn’t debating whether or not he should answer the call, but knew he probably wasn’t doing a very good job at it. “It’s just… Elena. She’s probably just worried about you.” He put the phone back in his pocket, his lips pressed tightly together. “I can fill her in later.”
“No, you should talk to her. It’s fine.” Caroline argued. “I think I’d really rather go inside and wash this day off me anyway.”
“Caroline, I really don’t have to-“ He started, but Caroline still stood up from her spot on the front step.
“I’m fine, Stefan.” She attempted a smile to prove her statement. “Go see Elena and tell her that everything is okay. I’m sure my mom will be home soon anyway.”
Stefan hesitated, not really knowing what the right thing to do was. He didn’t feel right leaving her after everything she’d been through, especially when she opened up with a very vulnerable side of her that was rarely seen, but then he considered that maybe all of this had become too much for her and she needed an out. He didn’t want to push her if that was the case.
He stood to meet her height and studied the expression on her face. “Only if you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.” She nodded and went to open the door before shooting him one last look. “Thank you. So much. For everything.”
Stefan mimicked her nod and said “If you ever need anything –if you’re ever in any trouble or even just need to talk to someone- call me. Alright?”
“Alright” Her smile seemed a little more genuine now. “Goodnight, Stefan.”
“Goodnight, Caroline.”
A/N: The scene that was supposed to go at the end was Caroline getting ready for bed and thinking about the events of the day. Going over Logan, her feelings for Matt and Stefan, and her insecurities. When I wrote it, it just wasn't going the way I wanted. It didn't sound right to me and I was worried it would bring the whole fic down. I do think it's important though, so I am gonna try to keep working on it and then add it as a second chapter. Maybe I'll even rewrite the first part completely in Caroline's POV.
I also would love to put this into a collection of missing Steroline scenes throughout the seasons. If there is anything you want to see, let me know. I can't promise I will do it, it all depends on what it is and if I feel inspired.
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zalrb · 6 years
What, in your opinion, was the worst tvd season and why?
Season 8 because nothing made sense and it was BORING. From previous posts and highlights from all of my reviews of the eighth season: 
I would say that in the season finale a lot of things didn’t make sense. Why was Elena in a big white bed in the middle of the woods? Where is this place, why are they there? How did Enzo know to find Bonnie there and how did he bring her back to life? Is Enzo God? Stefan didn’t know Bonnie would be able to wake Elena up but he still gave Damon the cure in the off-chance that she would? Katherine pretended to be Elena, she wore Elena’s dress in the casket but had the time to dress Elena in her own clothes and put her in the school? And her hair was straight and suddenly it just became perfectly curly again? Stefan was shot and stabbed, he bled everywhere in those instances but he managed to not age rapidly but because he took a syringe of blood and gave it to Damon suddenly Damon has the cure and Stefan would start aging? Really? He could’ve called Caroline or saw Caroline, there is actually no reason why Stefan could see Elena, it’s not a logical part of the episode in terms of plot or lore, it doesn’t make sense, except that Elena had to be the last person he saw before he died. 
22. Writers, it’s too fucking late for the whole “surrounded by death, Stefan That’s what we’ve been for a hundred and some years.” nonono, you didn’t stick to that vampire lore throughout the seasons, it makes no sense to reinstate it now. In True Blood, from season 1 to season 7, it’s iterated and reiterated that vampires are death and whoever wants to sleep with them or be around them wants to die because they’re surrounding themselves with death. That isn’t a theme in TVD.
23. Nope, you can’t do hell all over again and try to back it up by going “not stone hell but real hell!” nah, y’all were lazy and just did the same shit again.
26. Stefan and Bonnie coming face to face with Damon and Enzo should’ve probably been more impactful? Like I don’t know, I don’t get the sense of complete and utter hopelessness. DO some fight club shit:
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Make them gaunt and pale and red-eyed, like if they’re drones or slaves then make them as such. Because Damon is just acting like Damon, the only reason why we know he’s doing these things against his will is because of the over-exposition in the dialogue, there is actually nothing to indicate that Damon is doing this against his will other than the repetition in the words.
33. How hard are they going to hammer this shit in our heads? Damon doesn’t believe in redemption AGAIN, Damon thinks he and Elena are on different paths AGAIN only so SURPRISE he’ll be proved wrong by Elena near the end! Been there, done that.
6. I love how it’s become such a big deal that Sybil has mind control. “We’re dealing with something that has the power of mind control” SCARY MUSIC. Right because vampires compelling people was just ….
15. Damon describing Sybil’s hold over him is literally describing compulsion.
17. So Sybil is Rebekah and the Salvatore Mansion is the library and instead of Elena, Caroline and Stefan talking about SE and DE it’s Caroline and Bonnie talking about Damon and Enzo.
18. OK so Sybil is also Klaus who has to “Siren” obedience like how Klaus had to Sire hybrids.
19. OK so Sybil is Klaus again making Bonnie choose between Enzo and Damon like Klaus going, “So Elena, Jenna or Stefan?” Or she’s No Humanity Caroline who essentially did the same thing with Matt and Tyler. ‘Bout the most sadistic game imaginable, writers you’ve recycled this at least three times.
32. “Bonnie, I’m going to count down from 10 and then I’m going to let Damon finish what he started.” Like the clock Klaus put on Stefan biting Elena? LOL OK TVD. 
28. So basically when Sybil got Damon’s full devotion is exactly like when Damon and Elena thought Stefan betrayed them for Klaus and the scene between Caroline and Stefan when Stefan is all “Damon is gone” “Don’t give up hope” is Stefan and Damon “Stefan is gone!” “Then we’ll let him go.” We’re redoing season 3 just terribly.
35. So a black man is the devil. EXCELLENT, TVD. JFC.
36. Also their version of the devil makes absolutely no sense. Why is Cade in hell in the first place when he literally did nothing wrong? Did he create hell for the souls that he keeps and why is he collecting souls in the first place? And they keep mentioning God, as in the Christian God, so how are you going to have a Christian God but not a Christian Hell? WHAT?
44. So Georgie goes to hell because she killed a girl in a car accident. OK so like I don’t get it does that mean Julian is in hell too? What about Mary-Louise and Nora? Are they in hell? WHO goes to this hell? Does just everyone who does a bad thing go to this hell?
9. You know why banging a tuning fork doesn’t come across as torture? Because it’s a weak fucking form of torture. At least have Sybil’s ears bleed, have her crying with pain, have her clutching her head, screaming STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT. Like OMG.
10. And of course Bonnie isn’t at Tyler’s funeral but so is no one else. It’s true that the Lockwoods are dead but they’re a founding family, you mean this town won’t mourn the loss of the last living member of such a family when the town is supposed to be big on tradition?
11. This episode is ridiculous. I won’t believe that Stefan wouldn’t be fast enough to stake Damon in the leg or to push him off Matt, Stefan vamp-sped and pushed Damon off Bonnie in season 1, he pushed Katherine off Jeremy in season 2. After being the only human in MF for how long, Matt should’ve picked up a few tricks on how to take down a vampire. Caroline is also a vampire with a history of beating the shit out of Damon, you mean two vampires can’t contain one? Whatever.
15. “It was awful, like Damon is desperate for us all to hate him.” But you just can’t right? For absolutely no fucking reason. I’m actually getting severely tired of Damon killing everyone, abusing everyone, making everyone’s lives worse and the show constantly protecting him with lines that distance him from taking any responsibility. It’s OK that Damon killed Tyler because he wants you all to hate him? Are you fucking serious?
20. REDEMPTIVE RIGHT NOW. Hammering it into our heads that he didn’t want to kill Tyler but he did it for Sybil, he doesn’t like that his friends hate him but he made them hate him anyway for Sybil (although legit no one looks like they hate him) and I’m fucking OVER it. Damon kills but his heart isn’t in it, so the fuck what, why the fuck do I care about that? Doesn’t MEAN anything.
21. Dude, I thought that Sybil inserted herself in Damon’s happy Elena place and then I thought she made Elena die so it was like Damon never met her. What was the point of Sybil inserting herself in Damon’s Elena Happy Place if he just does things to make her happy but doesn’t put his heart in it, he was doing that anyway before.
5. So we get to see mediocre SC sex in 8x01 but we don’t get to see mediocre BE sex in 8x06? Oh true. I see you, Julie and co.
9. WHO eats bacon that way? Seriously, who the fuck eats bacon that way? That’s not sexy, it’s weird.
13.  This writing is ridiculous. You and Sybil aren’t Cade’s missionaries, Seline, you aren’t converting people to your ways or “spreading the word”, you’re eating their flesh and giving the souls to Cade, you’re his butchers.
27. “Two of history’s most prolific killers.” LOL WHAT? People have committed GENOCIDES, TVD.
30. “I raised them” they’re THREE. And on the real, it didn’t look like or feel like you were dying when the twins were gone, Caroline.
33. “I gave Damon what he promised me an eternity of misery” HOW THO? Damon’s BEEN spending his immortal life killing people, like how is it any different that he and Stefan are doing it for a purpose now? Jfc. Also legit, guys, y’all are immortal, vampires, you’re never going to hell, the paranoia surrounding this place is ridiculous especially since they have both died as vampires and haven’t gone to Cade’s hell dimension each time.
35. Lmao why is this ending with Alaric killing Damon as if Damon is actually dead? We know he isn’t! Stefan just told us they’ll live forever serving Cade and we already know he and Sybil crash Steroline’s Christmas. LIKE? THIS ISN’T SHOCKING.
13. “If Elena was here Damon wouldn’t be doing any of this?” Are we forgetting that he systematically killed Whitmores while they were together, that he kidnapped her brother and had Enzo suffocate him, that he killed Aaron … that a lot of the destruction Damon caused to the group was in Elena’s name? Damon didn’t change for Elena, I need the show to let that one GO.
15. There is weird tension between Caroline and Damon and it makes me uncomfortable.
18. “I know there is a future you that’s going to ask for my forgiveness one day” like when he asked for forgiveness for raping and physically and emotionally abusing you, Caroline? Oh right, that never happened.
23. Cade is basically Klaus trying to get Stefan go Dark Side. THIS IS THE EXACT CONVERSATION HE HAD WITH KLAUS.
5. I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY NO ONE IS TRYING TO FIND LOOPHOLES AGAINST CADE. Caroline is just “cool, Stefan, go and be evil with the devil” WHAT?
15. It’s really annoying and in bad taste that the show is discussing how the Founding Families didn’t found Mystic Falls because other people were there first (witches) and we’re just ignoring the fact that there would’ve been Indigenous nations. I also like how we’re talking about history but we wouldn’t talk about enslavement even though MF is in fucking Virginia.
22. Are we really fucking doing this? Matt’s dad is angry at the Founding families because they were rich and ran the town while his family were skilled traders and looked down upon as such when Bonnie’s fucking ancestor was enslaved to Katherine??? WHEN THERE WERE ENSLAVED PEOPLES IN THIS TOWN? Matt’s dad gets a rant but we’re not talking about the racist history? Why am I even surprised by this?
17. Oh my GOD, we’re only 20 minutes in?
20. Why are we acting like Damon’s humanity will crush him? He was fine with killing Lexi, turning Vicki, killing Jeremy, killing Aaron, kidnapping Jeremy, trying to kill Caroline, raping and abusing Caroline, etc. Like why wouldn’t he be fine with this? Elena won’t care.
21. Why do they keep saying Matt is stupid? How is Alaric any smarter? A fucking siren was his nanny for months.
1. So I don’t remember if this is from 8x09 or 8x10 when Sybil explains that opening the door from Cade’s world into this world will destroy everyone in this world but that is literally Buffy season 5.  Glory is a hell goddess who wants the key back into her dimension but if the key (who is Buffy’s sister) opens her world then the dimensions will bleed together and reality will cease to exist. LIKE??? Does Julie even know what an original thought is?
13. So Matt can say that it’s still Stefan who tried to get him to destroy the entire town but he can say that Damon turning and effectively killing Vicki is a long time ago, him murdering Tyler wasn’t him. OK true. Not transparent at all TVD.
18. Why is Damon giving him pancakes and not blood? Is Stefan not a vampire? Is he drying Stefan out? What’s the point of this?
21. Oh my God, I am literally only 10 minutes in.
38. 21 minutes and 41 seconds.
42. Talking talking talking talking
43. This is the final season though?
52. I don’t care for Bonenzo but seriously Julie taking away Bonnie’s happiness at every turn is a blatant hatred of her character, I don’t give a shit if she says she gets an unexpected happy ending, the unexpected happy ending will probably be her and Enzo reunited in death or something.
1. Seriously, Cade seems like a really petty devil though. “Kill 100 people or your brother’s girl” like … why? Don’t you have some world domination plans going on or…? Like why the interest in Stefan and Damon, what about either of them are particularly special to the devil? It doesn’t make sense to me. At least with Supernatural, everything from season 1 was leading up to Dean and Sam being vessels for Michael and Lucifer, like every season, every plot point fed into that so it made sense, this is just fucking random.
2. I’m legit taking this opportunity to tell people to watch Goblin because it is so much more intriguing than whatever the hell TVD has become. You can watch it on: Drama Fever, Box Asian, Drama 4 U Viki, like so many sites, guys. I mean, I’m just saying, if you want a show that’ll make you cry and keep you in suspense and make you fall in love with characters then that’s it.
5. “Stefan, thank God” sound even less enthused, Caroline.
9. “I don’t think this is just colonial bling” did they seriously make Dorian say that? UGH. Also who says bling anymore? Are we in the early 00s?
11. Why is Damon acting like he didn’t kill Tyler? I find this actually unbelievably fascinating. He can stand there and lecture Caroline about how Bonnie wouldn’t answer her calls when he killed Tyler who was supposed to be Caroline’s first love and her childhood friend? LIKE THIS WRITING. 
12. I don’t understand this, Stefan is human so he can’t be immortal anymore and therefore is out of the contract so Cade will kill him? Can’t he just make Stefan an immortal human? Like why does he have to be a vampire? He can kill people without biting them, there’s always good old fashioned weaponry. Like what powers does Cade actually have?
20. Like there are no side effects to turning human? You’re just human and that’s it. You don’t feel slower, weaker, you can just operate normally?
25. Lol Caroline and Stefan are so bad at being together.
31. “Sirened to ring the bell” it’s just compulsion.
40. And seriously he’s not even going to STAY with her? The supposed love of her life died and no one is going to just BE with her? Remember when I said she would grieve alone?
2. I think it’s funny that Cade is talking about how Damon is in limbo, “the space between spaces” because my guy, that is JUST the Other Side.
3. No, see, the entire plot line with Cade and the Salvatores irritates me because it’s so conveniently linked to Damon and Stefan. He is the devil or the devil’s right hand man (since Katherine is the Queen of Hell for some reason, right?) I don’t understand why he can’t just find the weapon himself or get someone else to do it for him, there’s no reason that it has to be Damon and it’s the problem when a villain keeps making threats “Or I’ll drag you back to hell”, so then do it. At least with Supernatural when Zachariah wanted Dean to do something and Dean was like nah, Zachariah was like OK so what if I give Sam stage 4 stomach cancer? Or hey, how about if I take away his lungs? And we see him inflict these tortures on Sam while Dean watches. Or Dean starts off the season coming out of hell and we get flashbacks to what hell was like for him and we find out how much it fucked him up so when Uriel and Castiel threaten to throw him back into hell, it’s an actual real threat because we’ve seen the effects and why he would be scared. This whole thing with Damon is like … every time Cade says he’ll send Damon to hell I’m like motherfucker, no you’re not or you would’ve DONE did it by now, stop.
5. Bonnie being able to see Enzo is like Jeremy being able to see Bonnie and Elena hallucinating Damon. I’m bored.
14. Also where are the twins if neither she nor Alaric are watching them in this scene? Like if they’re setting shit on fire because of temper tantrums and are literally prone to blowing each other up now, I would be around them all the time.
17. I like how Stefan has, like, an actual plan to kill Cade but if you’re going to kill him, will you not slash his arm and punch him and make witty remarks, can you just stab him?
18. Because you see what happens, Alaric’s cell phone rings and he stops ringing the all important bell.
24. *SPOILERS FOR OUTLANDER* So there’s this show/book called Outlander about many things but at the centre of it, there’s a love story between Jamie and Claire and throughout the series, Jamie makes these declarations of love to Claire and says he’ll do anything for her, that he’ll be her shield, he’ll die for her etc. and there’s this villain called Jack Randall who is a sexual sadist and he has a particular interest in Jamie who he nearly flogged to death years earlier, basically Randall gets a hold of Claire and is going to kill her in front of Jamie so Jamie offers up his body to Randall in exchange for Claire’s safety and in that scene Randall nails Jamie’s hand to a table and kisses him while Claire has to watch and then Claire is forced to leave Randall and Jamie alone and in the next part we basically see the rape and torture that Randall inflicts on Jamie over and over. A lot of people had issues with that and asked the author why she felt the need to show the brutal rape of Jamie and her response was this:
“So, OK.  Throughout the book, we’ve seen that love has a real cost.  Jamie and Claire have built a relationship through honest struggle, a relationship that’s _worth_ what it’s cost them.  This is the final challenge, and Jamie’s willing to pay what will apparently be the ultimate cost.
  Why would I throw that away?  To have him escape rape and torture (he–and we–_know_ what’s coming) by the skin of his teeth would be to undercut his sacrifice, to make it of little moment.  (It would be like someone turning up in Gethsemane and telling Christ, “Hey, buddy, you don’t _really_ have to do this.  Come with me, I got a secret way outta here…”)”
And this is what TVD fails to do with DE. It’s one thing for Damon to be willing to go to hell for both Stefan and Elena but Bonnie shows up and actually saves him from having to undergo that threat and it undercuts his sacrifice because he didn’t actually have to sacrifice anything, he just had to be willing and it’s not impactful. So I’m not even a little moved by what Damon did because he didn’t do anything first of all, second of all after everything he’s done throughout 8 seasons why wouldn’t he choose himself, I mean, it’s the least he can do.
25. “Bonnie, wake up”, Stefan can you check her pulse?
26. “That little psychic blast must’ve blew me into my body” that literally makes no sense.
27. Damon and Stefan sitting on Damon’s car, drinking is basically just Sam and Dean. Stop it.
29. “Someone who can create a safe, supportive and loving space for kids … someone like you” is that Caroline, though? I’m sorry but she doesn’t seem like any of those  things to Josie and Lizzie, she’s shrill and just tells them to stop doing things, like I don’t know why she didn’t actually ask Josie and Lizzie how they felt when their magic was going haywire, like we don’t actually see her BE with them, she just scolds.
33. Finally, what anons kept asking me about, Katherine Pierce being the Queen of hell. I am going to admit something, I think the show and the characters gas Katherine way too much, she isn’t the baddest bitch of all, I don’t think the characters are toast because she’s running hell, I don’t even think she deserves to run Hell, she’s petty, it’s not like she has master plans that completely destroy lives, she just makes things inconvenient for the core group like *ugh* I mean I guess I gotta go fix Elena because she has venom in her system, like what were the major consequences of what she did in 5x15 to Elena? Elena didn’t see Damon for an entire episode and couldn’t sleep with him immediately. Getting Jenna to stab herself was rude but the major consequence of that is Stefan and Elena breaking up. She outted the Klaroline sex and it just fractured an already fractured relationship with Tyler. The worst thing she did was cause Jeremy’s death and that wasn’t even intentional, it was just like oh well … yeah, my bad, bye. Like she’s a mean girl on steroids, that’s kind of it, she isn’t like this Badass Villain that no one can top and OMG SHE RUNS HELL. I mean Rebekah caused just as much damage as Katherine did because they’re both petty.
2. I like how opening the door to Cade’s world will only destroy everything for “miles”, like that’s such a small scale, shouldn’t it be the end of the world if the devil is walking among us? Or is he not the devil, is Katherine the devil? I’m confused about the Hell hierarchy, you see.
5. Sorry, pausing because my cat is being extremely affectionate and I would rather play with her for a little than watch what trash this episode is going to be.
6. But now she’s on my keyboard. It’s like she’s trying to spare me.
14. “That was a lifetime ago, things have changed since then” that should just replace the title of TVD. “Didn’t Damon kill your sister?” “That was a long time ago.” “Didn’t Damon kill your brother” “That was a long time ago.” And now apparently abandoning your family because of man pain and cowardice and immaturity is “a lifetime ago” too but oh no, Stefan was a ripper a literal century ago and we need to harp on it forever.
16. Why would Dorian agreeing to help them on how to get rid of the “Queen of Hell” be misconstrued as him being “cool” with Stefan though? Isn’t getting rid of someone who is supposed to be the devil Plus be in everyone’s best interest? Like whatever, it was just another chance to take a shot at Stefan. Transparent as fuck.
21. I mean, I don’t blame Bonnie for hating Stefan but Damon was responsible for killing Jeremy and kidnapping Jeremy, Enzo was responsible for suffocating Jeremy and she’s cool with both of them, hell she fell in love with one of them so I’m just like girl, I guess. The writers are ridiculous because it just feels like they don’t know the web they’ve created with these characters and understand that they’ve turned pretty much everyone into a hyprocrite. 
24. I don’t even know why Damon needs to tell Stefan that what happened to Enzo will haunt him like Stefan isn’t new to guilt. Why are they making it seem like this is Stefan’s first rodeo?
37. “I hope I get to see this one day with you and Elena” lol the FLATTEST delivery ever. Like do you even mean it? Do you REALLY? Think hard, Stefan.
54. LMFAO SO WHO ISN’T IN HELL? Vicki was in hell, Kelly was in hell, so like ERRBODY GOES TO HELL THEN? WHAT CRITERIA IS THERE? Like if I run a stop light do I go to hell because it’s against the law? What if I jaywalk or accidentally step on an ant or something? BECAUSE SERIOUSLY.
and you already saw my thoughts on 8x16
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The Demon’s Lady 10
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Reader
Fandom: The Originals, TVD
Warning: Mention of death
Tagged: @theroyalbrownbarbie @sexyshortie-universe @putyourherohaironstefan
Intro   Previous   Next
A week later after the whole Marcel event, Elijah dropped Hope off at the library so the could head down to the fair while the Mikaelsons and Hayley got rid of a supernatural problem that seemed to have popped up out of nowhere. When her shift ended Y/n and Hope excitedly headed downtown towards the fair.
“What do you want to do first?” Y/n asked her.
“Can we get a snack and then look at the games?” Hope asked.
“Definitely,” Y/n grinned.
At the first food cart they found, Y/n bought them a rather large Elephant Ear to share. As they sat at the picnic table, Hope looked around eyeing all the different booths that were lined up and down the sidewalk.
“What’s catching your eye?” Y/n asked her.
“Over there if we win we can get a huge stuffed wolf,” Hope said with a twinkle in her eye.
Y/n laughed. “Well isn’t that just fitting,”
The pair finished up their snack and then headed over to the game. While they waited for the girl to set up the game Y/n bent down so she was on the same level as Hope.
“Okay, what’s our game plan?” Y/n asked her.
As Hope and Y/n discussed their game plan Y/n wasn’t aware of the several sets of eyes that were watching the two of them closely.
After winning, the stuffed wolf, the girls continued to walk on stopping here and there to enjoy more fair foods and fun games winning all of the prizes for Hope so she could give them to her family members respectfully.
“Hey munchkin, it’s getting close to dinner time, we better head back soon,” Y/n said.
“Can do one more game? I need a gift for Uncle Kol,” Hope said.
Y/n gave her a smile.
“Sure thing, you know I saw the perfect gift for him at the very first booth when we walked in,” Y/n said.
Still holding hands and trying to keep their gifts in their free arms, Hope and Y/n started to head towards the front of the park. Hope suddenly tugged on Y/n’s hand.
“It’s Aunt Freya!” Hope exclaimed.
Y/n looked up but she didn’t see the blonde witch.
“Hope, I don’t see your Aunt,” Y/n said.
“Yes, I just saw her. Come on,” Hope said as she began to tug on Y/n’s hand.
Y/n let Hope drag her across and behind some of the booths. Before either of them could react, the two were torn apart. Hope began screaming for Y/n as Y/n was already fighting to get herself free.
Hope went limp in her abductor's arms and as Y/n’s vision began to darken, Y/n yelled for Kol, but the darkness swallowed her. The men quickly threw Hope and Y/n into the back of their truck leaving their prized possessions in the dirt.
Hours later brought the Mikaelson siblings to the fair. It was already closed for the night, but they quickly scoped the area out looking for any clue for Y/n and Hope.
“Klaus!” Hayley suddenly shouted.
The Mikaelson’s ran towards her. Behind one of the empty booths, Hayley sat kneeling in the dirt. She grabbed the stuffed wolf and inhaled deeply.
“It’s them. They were here,” Hayley said.
“Tire marks,” Elijah spat out as he ran his hand over them.
“Who would take them?” Hayley asked.
“Ask your dear baby daddy, Klaus, he’s the one with the most enemies,” Kol snarled.
“Kol,” Rebekah began.
“There’s no point in sticking up for him, Rebekah, we all know deep down this is because of Klaus,” Kol growled.
“Kol, I never meant for any harm to come to your dear Y/n and my daughter,” Klaus snapped.
Kol rolled his eyes.
“Kol, please, this isn’t the time to start a fight,” Hayley pleaded with him.
“Me? You should be angry, Hayley. Hope’s been kidnapped,” Kol said.
“Are we even sure this is because of Klaus and Hope?” Freya asked.
Kol whirled around to face his oldest sister.
“Excuse me, but what are you implying?” Kol asked.
“I mean how much do you really know about your girlfriend?” Freya asked.
Elijah was standing next to his brother in a flash before Kol could even think about moving and snapping their dear sister’s neck.
“How dare you!” Kol spat.
“Easy now, brother,” Elijah warned.
“She’s saying this is Y/n’s fault,” Kol hissed.
“I heard what she said Kol, nobody thinks that,” Elijah said.
“Obviously she does!” Kol roared.
“Fighting isn’t going to get us anywhere,” Hayley said.
Kol sighed and pushed away from Elijah ripping his arm free of his brother’s grasp.
“This is just like Davina,” Kol began.
“Kol don’t,” Rebekah pleaded with him.
“How so?” Klaus asked.
“You didn’t like Davina because she was a witch and now that I’m with Y/n who makes me completely happy like Davina did you’re jealous that your precious family is being taken away from you. Hayley is trapped because she has a kid with you, but I’m not. And that’s why you’re scared of my relationship with Y/n,” Kol snarled.
“Kol,” Elijah hissed in a warning tone.
“So I’m over this. I will find Y/n and Hope on my own,” Kol said.
“Kol, wait!” Rebekah shouted.
Elijah and Hayley looked over at Klaus and Freya.
“What are you two up to?” Elijah asked.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about dear brother,” Klaus said.
Elijah narrowed his eyes. Slowly, things started to make sense to Hayley.
“Klaus, what did you do?” Hayley asked.
“I haven’t done anything,” Klaus replied.
“I’m going after Kol, he can’t do this alone,” Rebekah said.
“Oh come on now, Rebekah, let him pout, you know he’ll be back begging for our help,” Klaus said.
“Buzz off,” Rebekah snapped before chasing after Kol.
“Elijah, come on,” Hayley said.
Klaus looked at her.
“You really think I had something to do with this?” Klaus asked. “That’s my daughter too,”
“To hurt Kol and to make a point? Yes, I think you were involved,” Hayley said.
“Enough, let’s go,” Elijah said.
Freya and Klaus looked at one another. They shared unspoken words before they split apart and began their own search for Y/n and Hope.
Somewhere in the depths of New Orleans, Hope leaned over Y/n trying to wake her. Y/n woke up with a start. Hope gasped as she stumbled a few steps backward. Y/n made eye contact with Hope she pulled her in close and gave her a tight squeeze.
“Are you alright?” Y/n asked her.
Hope nodded. “I woke up only a few minutes ago,”
“Any idea where we are or who took us?” Y/n asked her.
Hope shook her head.
Y/n got herself up and Hope immediately clung herself to Y/n.
“It’s going to be okay. I’m going to get us out of here,” Y/n told her.
The door opened revealing two men.
“You’re awake,” The dark haired man said.
“Who are you?” Y/n demanded to know.
The dark haired man smiled.
“We need to have a little talk,” He said.
Y/n pushed Hope behind her.
“Don’t worry, we won’t hurt the little girl,” The blonde said.
“I’ll take that with a grain of salt,” Y/n hissed.
“It’s not even her that we wanted,” The dark haired man said.
“Excuse me?” Y/n said.
“We only took her because she was with you,” The blonde said.
“I’m nothing special,” Y/n began.
The blonde threw back his head and laughed.
“Did you hear that Jamie? She’s nothing special,” The blonde laughed.
Y/n narrowed her eyes at her.
“Yeah, Clay, I heard it and it’s really cute,” Jamie said.
“Don’t you want to know why your parents disappeared?” Clay asked.
“My parents were murdered,” Y/n said.
“They went missing that doesn’t mean they are dead,” Jamie said.
“What do you know?” Y/n asked.
“They were scared of you and what you’re capable of,” Clay explained.
“What are you talking about?” Y/n asked him.
“You see you’re not some normal little human being,” Jamie said. “You come from a very very powerful coven,”
“I’m not a witch. I have no powers never have,” Y/n said.
Jamie tskd. “You see you showed such strong powers at a young age that your parents bound your powers,”
“So, if this is true, what do you want from me?” Y/n asked.
“Your powers,” Clay said.
“You can’t have them,” Y/n growled.
“Oh, but honey, we can,” Jamie said.
Y/n paled.
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“You just need something strong enough to break the bind. Something that will cause you to feel such a strong emotion,” Clay explained.
“You’re not making any sense,” Y/n growled.
“Let us show you,” Jamie smiled.
Clay pulled out his phone and then held it out towards Y/n. She took a few steps forward as Clay pressed play. Y/n watched in horror at the scene before her. Her heart sunk and her stomach did a flip.
Suddenly, she fell to her knees dragging Hope with her. The second her knees hit the ground, a sorrowful scream tore from her lungs, Hope threw herself onto Y/n clinging to her neck and burying her face in her hair trying to comfort her. As another scream ripped out of her a purple blast shot through the room knocking both Clay and Jamie off their feet.
As Y/n sobbed, her newly unbound powers rippled through the room. Hope looked up to see more people running into the room. Hope acted quickly and put up a protective ring around the two of them. As the men came too close they would hit her protective ring and send them flying backward.
Slowly, the purple light faded away leaving Y/n on her knees sobbing and Hope clinging to her back. Jamie, Clay, and the others go to their feet and circled the girls. Y/n finally looked up at them.
“Why?” She asked her voice hoarse from screaming.
“I told you, to unbind your powers you needed to feel a strong emotion,” Clay replied.
“But why did you have to kill them?” Y/n demanded to know.
“They were the only family you had left. We knew how important they were to you,” Jamie said as he circled around.
All eyes watched them carefully. Unbeknownst to them across New Orleans, Freya stopped mid-step with a shocking asp. All eyes turned to her.
“Freya?” Klaus said.
“This better not be a ploy to keep me here,” Kol snarled.
Freya shook her head.
“What’s wrong Freya?” Elijah asked.
She finally looked up at them. “There’s a new and very strong power here,”
Kol, Elijah, and Hayley all made eye contact.
“Could it be Hope’s powers growing?” Hayley asked.
Freya once again shook her head.
“This is something I’ve never felt before,” Freya explained.
“Do you know where it’s coming from?” Rebekah asked.
Freya nodded. “I do, let’s go,”
Back in the dusty basement, the men still had the girls trapped in their circle. Hope was doing everything possible to keep the protective ring up to keep them safe.
Both of their heads snapped up when they heard sudden screaming coming from upstairs. A loud and very familiar roar had Hope grinning from ear to ear.
“You’re all in trouble now,” Hope said.
“What are you talking about little girl?” Clay asked as more screaming could be heard from upstairs.
“My dad just arrived,” Hope smiled.
“Stay here,” Jamie ordered Clay before taking the rest of the men and running upstairs.
Hope leaned into Y/n. “It’s okay, we’re going to get out of here,”
Trying to keep herself from crying anymore, Y/n nodded.
It felt like forever, but only a few minutes past before a headless body came flying into the room. Kol entered blood around his mouth with Klaus hot on his heels.
“Daddy!” Hope shouted.
“Hi Princess,” Klaus grinned.
Kol and Klaus easily took care of Clay. Hope dropped her protective ring and flung herself into Klaus’ arms. Kol dropped down next to Y/n. He lifted her chin up so he could look at her.
“Love, are you okay?” Kol asked.
Y/n forced herself to shake her head.
“Talk to me love, what happened?” Kol asked.
Hope leaned in to whisper to her father.
“They killed them,” Y/n finally whispered.
“Who, love?” Kol asked.
Tears were prickling in Klaus’ eyes as he waited to hear it for himself.
“My whole family. They’re gone. Rich. Jean. The boys,” Y/n broke down crying.
Kol swept her up in his arms.
“It will be okay,” Kol whispered.
Y/n broke down, Hope covered her ears as Y/n let out another scream. Kol and Klaus were both shocked at the purple light of power that surged from her. Keeping Y/n tucked in his arms, Kol turned around to stare at his brother. Before he could say anything or attack the rest of his siblings came hurrying into the room. Hope reached out for her mom. Kol stood and brought Y/n with him.
“Kol,” Klaus began.
“Elijah, will you do me a favor?” Kol asked with a low growl.
“Anything brother,” Elijah said.
“Will you go to Y/n’s brother’s house and check it out,” Kol said.
“What am I looking for?” Elijah asked.
“You���ll know when you get there,” Kol said.
“Kol,” Freya began.
“If I see any of you in the next 48 hours I’ll rip all of your heads off,” Kol snarled before flashing up the stairs.
“Mommy,” Hayley whispered.
“What is it, baby?” Hayley asked her daughter.
“They did a very bad thing,” Hope whispered.
Hayley looked up at Elijah, Elijah had a bad feeling and quickly left to check on Y/n’s family for him.
“If I find out that either of you had anything to do with this, you’re going to regret it,” Hayley snarled before walking away with Hope.
Klaus and Freya looked at one another. They had no idea how they were going to explain this one.
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1.13 Children of the Damned
I remembered this episode being slower, so I thought I could write a normal length recap again...I was wrong
The episode opens in 1864, at night on a lonely section of road.  Katherine is knelt over a prone body, exercising her gift for histrionics (a gift which, according to my first boyfriend, I share).  “Please, my husband, he’s hurt!” she begs a passing coach driver.  He tells her it’s not safe to be out, she agrees, and eats him: “And that’s how it’s done!”  The previously-prone body sits up, and to my everlasting shock (this episode gets me every time), it’s Damon.  He is visibly shaken, a little bit put off, but stubbornly sticking to his guns: “I’m ready, I want you to turn me.”  “When it’s time,” Katherine tells him.
Back in the present day, Elena wakes up in Stefan’s bed.  She wishes him a good morning, he answers, “I could get used to this.”  “Rise and shine,” pipes up Damon, who has invited himself to the sleepover, as per usual, and is sitting on the end of the bed.  “Damon, please!” Elena complains; “What are you doing?” Stefan wails.  “Stop being smutty,” says Damon, nonsensically.  “Get out of here,” Stefan repeats. “If I see something I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it,” Damon says.  Elena and Stefan make the following hilarious faces. 
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Damon brings everyone up to speed on the current plan, and ropes Elena into finding the Gilbert journal, because she’s a Gilbert and also because Stefan’s helping and she’s “taken up residency in Stefan’s bed”.  She agrees.  “Y’know, I really like this menage a threesome team thing,” says Damon, “it’s got a little bit of kink to it.”  
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Later, Elena asks Stefan if he thinks Damon believes that they’re really trying to help him.  “Trust isn’t something that comes naturally to him,” Stefan says.  “You know,” Elena says, thoughtfully, “I really think that Damon believes that everything he’s done, every move he’s made, he’s done for love.  It’s twisted, but...kind of sad.”  Stefan dismisses this with the non sequitur that Damon has no regard for human life.  This is true - but it doesn’t make Elena’s point any less true.  Stefan could do with reading some Aristotle.
Alaric does his grading at school.  At first I thought this was depressing, but then I thought maybe it’s just because school is where he’s stashed his compressed air stake gun.  He hears something, grabs the gun out of a duffel in a locker, and shoots - but Stefan snatches the stake out of the air.  It’s pretty cool.  Stefan convinces Alaric to tell him what he knows, finds out that Damon killed Alaric’s wife, and tries to warn him off of revenge.  But the purpose of Stefan’s visit - the Gilbert journal - is already gone, taken by Anna, who, for a homeschooler, spends a remarkable amount of time lurking around the school.
In 1864, Giuseppe Salvatore tells his sons it’s finally time to fight back against the vampires, even though he doubts Damon’s ability to commit to a cause.  “Damon left the Confederacy on principle,” Stefan says, “it was his choice and it should be respected.”  His sweet defense of his beloved brother goes unheard: “Hard to respect a deserter,” Giuseppe says.  “I never asked for your respect,” Damon spits.  It’s more clear than ever that he’s already picked a side in the vampire-versus-human fight, and his father’s needling only pushes him further in that direction.
The next scene change is gloriously random and unexplained.  Damon is chopping a tomato, and says “My father never approved of anyone I dated, which only made me want them more, of course.  What about you?”  And who should he be talking to?
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It’s JENNA, drinking wine and sitting on the counter!!  They banter back and forth about romantic histories, and Logan Fell, whose disappearance Damon asks about idly.  Jenna says he’s on vacation, not missing, and badmouths him while Damon very attentively refills her wine glass.  As evidence in the Can-Damon-Cook-Or-Not discourse, which might be purely between @septembersung and I, this scene is actually kind of neutral.  Later we’re shown Damon tasting what looks like a tomato sauce, so that’s probably the end goal, but here he has tomatoes, chopped mushrooms, green onions, garlic, black olives, and parmesan.....I dunno, I wouldn’t put all those things together...maybe the Salvatores are from a different part of Italy than I am??  Damon says hello to Elena before she enters the room, she enters, looking very confused.  Jenna cheerfully tells her they’re cooking dinner - I’m pretty sure she’s not even compelled, she’s just having fun.  Damon asks after Stefan, Elena says he’s on the way.
Cut to Damon and Elena maneuvering around one another in the kitchen.
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“Don’t do that,” Elena says. “What?” says Damon, innocent.  “You know what, that move was deliberate!” “Well, yeah, I was deliberately trying to get to the - sink!”  She just rolls her eyes.  “Speaking of Stefan,” Damon says, even though they weren’t except insofar as Elena told him not to flirt-run-into her, “where is he?  He’s missing family night, which I am enjoying immensely.”  Elena again doesn’t answer, just sort of sighs - likely because despite Damon’s always-sarcastic tone, he clearly is enjoying himself, and based on her earlier comment, she clearly does feel sorry for him in his loneliness and desperation for love.  Into the silence, Damon says, “Is it real?”  “Is what real?” she asks.  “This renewed sense of brotherhood.  Can I trust him?”  “Yes, you can trust him,” Elena says.  She’s almost as awkward a liar as Stefan; they deserve each other.  Damon vamps over to her, she turns to face him and isn’t even surprised at his closeness, where only a few episodes ago she would have startled.  “Can I trust him?” Damon repeats.  “I’m wearing vervaine, Damon, it’s not going to work,” she says.  “I’m not compelling you!” says Damon, looking peeved that she would accuse him of trying:
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“I just want you to answer me, honestly.”  “Of course you can,” Elena says.  Damon flashes back to 1864, begging Stefan to promise not to tell their father about Katherine.  “There was a time when I trusted him more than anyone,” he tells Elena.  “Trust breeds trust,” says Elena, “you have to give it to get it.”  “Are you lecturing me?” he asks.  “Do you need to be lectured?” she counters.  “I just want her back,” Damon says, “I’m sure you can understand that.”  “I can understand that you would do anything for her,” Elena answers, her I-learned-how-to-lie-from-Stefan voice back.  “Then you understand what I will do if anyone gets in my way,” Damon tells her, standing close behind her and speaking into her ear.  
Barely-veiled threats out of the way, family night continues: Damon and Jeremy play video games.  Jeremy pauses the game to read a text without warning, Damon looks utterly betrayed:
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They discuss girls, in particular the one Jeremy is texting, whom he admits is hot, but who can be weird.  “Hot trumps weird, trust me,” Damon says.  I literally have no idea if he is referring to Katherine, Elena, or himself.  In the next room, Jenna tells Elena, “He is ridiculously hot.”  Damon is pleased:
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“Shhhh!” Elena tells her aunt, and then looks over at Damon and enunciates in tones she knows aren’t hushed enough to go unheard by vamp-hearing, “he’s an ass.”
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This goes in the same category as the sweet grin and eyebrows after asking Stefan to dance in the last episode.  She’s antagonizing him, in a playful way that shows she trusts he won’t retaliate violently.  Anyway, Jenna doesn’t seem put off.  In fact...I kind of ship it??  help
Stefan finally arrives, and is lowkey HORRIFIED when Damon and Elena open the door together.  All three of them go to interrogate Jeremy about the Gilbert journal and who knows about it.  “Why is everybody so obsessed with that thing??” says Jeremy.  He has a point.  TVD loves its macguffins.  Damon and Jeremy drive to the grill to meet hot-weird Anna; Damon sees her and flashes back to 1864 again, talking to Anna’s mother Pearl while arm-in-arm with Katherine in the apothecary shop.  There’s also a great bit when Katherine says Pearl is “saving herself for Jonathan Gilbert”, and Pearl replies “I am beyond saving, we know that”.  Present-day Damon and Anna have a moderately violent heart to heart; she suggests working together, since they both want the tomb opened.  “Sorry,” says Damon, already walking away, “I work alone.”  And with good reason, because Stefan and Elena have already betrayed him, and are in the cemetery digging up Stefan’s dear old dad on information they got from Alaric.
We learn at last that the townspeople took down the vampires by dosing Stefan with vervaine; it’s the same strategy Stefan used when he dosed Caroline, and Giuseppe knew it would work because Stefan broke his promise to Damon and tried to counsel his father against fighting the vampires.
Damon confronts Stefan and Elena in the cemetery.  “I can’t let you bring her back, I’m sorry,” Stefan tells him.  “Well so am I, for thinking for even a second that I could trust you.”  “You’re not capable of trust!” Stefan says disdainfully, “the fact that you’re here means you read the journal and were planning on doing this yourself!”  “Course I was gonna do it by myself, because the only one I can count on is me,” Damon shouts, “you made sure of that years ago, Stefan.  But you...”  His voice breaks and he turns to Elena, who has the grace to look ashamed.  “You had me fooled,” Damon tells her, looking genuinely shattered.  Honest-to-goodness twinkly score music plays.  They stare at one another, Elena drops her gaze, Damon works his jaw manfully.  “So what are you gonna do now?” he asks. “Because if you try to destroy that I’ll rip her heart out.”  “You won’t kill her,” Stefan says, confident in this fact despite everything.  Damon nods almost imperceptibly; Stefan shakes his.  Damon vamps over and grabs Elena.  “I can do one better,” he says calmly, then bites his arm and force-feeds Elena his blood.  “Give me the book, Stefan, or I’m snapping her neck, and you and I will have a vampire girlfriend.”  (You and I?? you and I?????? Katherine who)  “Let her go first,” Stefan says, shaken.  “The book.”  “I’m not gonna give this to you until she’s standing next to me.”  “The problem is,” says Damon, sounding increasingly desperate, “I no longer trust that you’ll give it back!”  “You just did the one thing that ensures that I will,” Stefan says.  Damon appears to acknowledge this; just like Damon would do anything (almost) to get Katherine back, Stefan will do anything to keep Elena safe.  There are some things you can count on, things you can trust, and love is one of them.  
Stefan puts the book down between them.  Damon...appears to toy with the idea of kissing Elena’s head??
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Then, very gently, he lets her go, running his fingers through her hair before guiding her towards Stefan.  She runs into his arms; they look at Damon like they can’t believe he went that far - or maybe can’t believe he didn’t go further.
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There’s a brilliant bit of face acting here by Ian; he doesn’t look sorry, exactly...but he doesn’t look proud, and he certainly doesn’t look uncaring.  He looks like he did what he had to do, and he’s not happy about it, but he would do it all over again.  
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He knows he gave something away when he didn’t kill her.  But I think he also knows he lost something by threatening to turn her.  She betrayed his trust, so he betrayed her right back, and like his move in the kitchen, it was completely deliberate.
Other stuff happens, I guess.  Stefan admits that Damon put his faith in him, and he destroyed that, so it is his fault.  Elena tells him he didn’t do anything wrong.  I don’t agree with her, but whatever.  Stefan wanders downstairs to get her some aspirin, Jenna tries to flex her legal-guardian muscles and tells him he’s not staying the night, and to keep the door open.  I’d be more impressed if we hadn’t already been told Elena’s taken up residency in Stefan’s bed.  But when Stefan goes back upstairs, Elena’s gone - stolen away by the friend Jeremy invited over, Anna. 
Eyebrow Watch: domestic edition
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Origins of Magic: Part Two
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 21 - Better the Bitch you know
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“I would waste time pretending that I am shocked to see you on their side but honestly Annabella you were never one with loyalty oh sure you would preach it enough, but you were always a backstabbing bitch! I mean look at you, Rebekah is supposed to be your one epic love and you’re currently carrying an antichrist baby courtesy of bedding her ex-boyfriend.” Rose snapped at her elder sister Bella furiously as she found herself behind bars within the dungeon located underneath the Mikaelson family’s compound, her sister standing in front of the cage door heavily pregnant and far from happy to be there. “I may be a lot of things but I would never play nice with our brother’s murderers.” “Oh, please do you suddenly not recalling killing our brother Magnus?” Bella was quick to reply, refusing to allow Rose to claim she was loyal to anyone. “Only you ever classed that troll to be a brother, I never really liked him not. Kayne was more family to me than any of you and as far as I’m concerned from the moment you did not join me to avenge his death is the very moment you became nothing more than somebody else on my hitlist.” Rose warned her, making it clear she no longer saw her as a family only as another enemy. “Just tell me where they are or at least where Rebekah is?” Bella pleaded with the scheming witch, desperate to find Rebekah and make sure she was okay. “I’ll tell you where Freya is,” Rose responded with a cruel and taunting laugh. “Ashes to ashes and all that.” “If you do not tell me where they are Primrose then I will have no choice but to force the truth out of you.” Bella threatened her younger sister, making sure Rose knew she was willing to go to any length to ensure Rebekah’s safety. “I’d like to see you try!” Rose replied, not backing down from her sister's threats, knowing she could endure any form of torture Bella had planned for her, knowing they could not kill her without getting the answers that only she had. Rose had taken down Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah, hiding their bodies shortly afterward and after literally burning the eldest Mikaelson sibling Freya to death, she set her sights on Klaus’ daughter Hope but much to the scorned woman’s dismay she found herself overpowered by Hope, her wife Josie, and Josie’s twin sister Lizzie, who together managed to hold Rose long enough to reach into Rose’s chest and pull back out the bone blade that was making her even more powerful than she normally was. And so there she was, imprisoned but not defeated, knowing that those responsible for her brother Kayne’s death were suffering greatly over the loss of Freya, and Rose was determined to make sure that they would never find Klaus, Elijah, or Rebekah no matter what they did to her because one day she would escape sooner or later she always escaped and this time she was driven by an extreme sense of vengeance.
Elsewhere, in a realm which was not quite within our world while at the same time not being outside of it, Kayne awakened on a cold harsh ground to find Magnus stood over him before Magnus reached out his hand and helped Kayne to his feet which is when Kayne took a good look around his new location only to find nothing but debris, a place completely devoid of any life other than him and his brother with a darkened sky that had no stars or moon to be seen. “Where the hell am I? and why the hell are you here too?” Kayne questioned his brother, wondering what trouble Magnus had now got him into. “The place of our birth otherwise known as the demonic realm,” Magnus revealed to him. “I figured I’d help you out before one of those things decided to rip you to shreds.” “One of what things?” Kayne wondered as he continued to look around at his surroundings, attempting to work out how he wound up in the demonic realm. “Demons, our brothers and sisters I guess, or maybe ancestors I am still sort of catching up on all that.” Magnus continued with the shocking revelations. “We’re the only ones around here to have actual bodies which makes them super jealous and extra violent considering apparently we were supposed to unleash them back among the living where they could all get hosts.” “Yeah, I sort of remember the story, there is a lot of memories in one mind and things are kind of blurry when you just wake up after being murdered by someone you once loved,” Kayne replied, attempting to keep up with Magnus’ information. “I know that better than anyone else but luckily for you, I want to get the hell out of there and I reckon I’ll need your help to do just that,” Magnus admitted to his brother, making it clear he was not intending to help Kayne out of the kindness of his heart. “We’re not gods or demons or whatever the hell we were before we wound up here, I mean I would even place a bet we’re not even witches in this sordid little prison world!” Kayne told his brother, reluctant to trust him considering their complicated history. “It is a demonic realm, and you know that! So, how about you stop whining over the fact the man you once loved killed you and help me get back to making our family royalty once more while putting those undead creatures back in the dirt where they belong.” Magnus stated, making his intentions clear. “Niklaus may have killed me, but I still trust him more than I trust your hell at this point I would likely trust Annabella more than you,” Kayne admitted to his brother, making it clear he was not foolish enough to trust him. “However, I sure do not want to hang around here for much longer, so I’ll play along for now and if you get out of line well it is not like we have not killed each other before.” “I will take that as a yes,” Magnus said with a sinister sense of enthusiasm.
Hope Mikaelson loved her family more than anything but that did not mean they came without their troubles especially in particular her father Klaus who for reasons which were not entirely his fault was in and out of her life but despite this Hope was very much a daddy’s girl even after settling down and marrying her wife Josie, she would stop at nothing to ensure her father remained in her life. So, when she learned her father was missing, alongside her aunt Rebekah and her uncle Elijah she set out to capture the person responsible with the help of her wife and her sister-in-law hoping she could bargain with the centuries-old witch to get her family back in return for Rose’s freedom but as Hope quickly learned making deals with this particular witch was far more difficult than she could ever have imagined. “Look girl fair dues for living up to all that Tribrid hype surrounding you and getting the better of me but you have to be a colossal idiot if you really think I am going to spill secrets because of a little cage.” Rose taunted the Mikaelson Tribrid as she remained in the dungeon underneath the Mikaelson, with Hope now standing where Bella stood earlier. “Right now, your family’s whereabouts is the only thing keeping alive and as for freedom we both know I’ll get out of here sooner or later, so you got to do better when making a deal with this she-devil.” “Fine,” Hope replied with a sigh, clearly frustrated by Rose’s resilience. “Just tell me what you want, and we can get this all over with!” “I want my brother Kayne back, but your brother killed him for no other reason than he feared his power which is so damn predictable of your father. You may think he loves you dearest Hope, but he loved him too and that didn’t stop him gutting my brother like a fish the minute he felt he was a threat to his kingdom.” Rose revealed to Hope. “My father would never hurt me…but for what it is worth I am sorry about your brother. I know what it is like to lose the only family you have ever known, and I would not wish that on anyone! So, please give me mine back.” Hope responded, attempting to appeal to Rose’s softer side, hoping she had one. “My sister is a backstabbing bitch who played us like fiddles our entire lives and my other brother Magnus loathed myself and Kayne our entire lives…Kayne’s the only one who was always there for me, and your father Klaus took him from me. Even if I were to feel anything about your struggles, I cannot allow him to be forgotten.” Rose reluctantly told Hope, being as honest with her as she could. “What if I help you get your brother back?” Hope asked her, shocking Rose by her willingness, and kindness, something often rare within the Mikaelson family.
Klaus awoke within the woods of Mystic Falls late at night knowing instantly that he was in prison world’s version of Mystic Falls before he rose to his feet to find both Rebekah and Elijah stood there having clearly waited for him to wake up, both looking far from amused to be where they were, as anyone would be. “You just had to go and piss off the most psychotic bitch in that family!” Rebekah complained to Klaus. “I mean if you are going to kill anybody it should have been her, it is like you want us to go to war with them what the bloody hell happened to the Klaus who almost married into that family?” “At least I dealt with my witch Rebekah let us not forget that your witch is currently expecting your ex’s child which tells me Marcellus’ loyalties will be towards her and not us, so you better hope she’s the first one to love and not betray you!” Klaus snapped back at his sister. “How about we do not try to pass on the blame here when we all know all of us are as bad as each other? We should never have killed Kayne, he was by far the least evil of that bunch, of course, his sisters are going to want revenge we literally cut out the heart of their family.” Elijah chimed in, reminding his siblings nobody was innocent here. “Oh, please they’re not even related…or are they? It is so bloody hard to keep up with whatever the hell is going on with them.” Rebekah replied before going on to say. “Bella and Kayne were never the problems like always if Kol makes a friend they tend to try to kill us, actually if any of us makes a friend that tends to happen.” “I was the one willing to do what was needed to protect us all as always, do you think it was easy for me to kill someone I once loved? Someone I still care for so deeply? No, but I did it for my family because when it comes down to it always and forever always comes first.” Klaus argued with his siblings. “Well now we are probably going to have to kill them all even Annabella of course not until after she has her child which is a shame because she would have been a great ally to the family and the last thing, I want to do is kill a child’s mother,” Elijah stated, making it clear that his method was the only way for his family’s survival. “That is not happening!” Rebekah shouted defiantly. “You two are only alive because of those witches and one of them is only dead because of our family. For once we need to do right by them, not every bloody relationship we ever have has to turn into hatred.” “Rebekah’s right…for once! Kayne’s death was an end to justify the means and I will forever loathe myself for it so if we can we need to do right by Bella and hell maybe even Rose.” Klaus surprisingly agreed with his sister. “Well, we cannot right our family’s wrongs if we remain trapped here!” Elijah told them both. “Which means we better start looking for a way out.”
Hope decided to take a stroll through Lafayette Cemetery with Josie hand in hand after learning that was the last place her aunt Freya was when the wicked Rose Black killed her and so the youngest member of the Mikaelson decided to pay her respects with her wife deciding to join to provide comfort to the Tribrid when needed as Josie’s twin sister Lizzie stayed at the compound plotting with the upgraded original Marcel Gerard and Rose’s sister Bella Black. “Not to tarnish this moment by mentioning your aunt’s killer but are you really going to let Rose go free after everything she has done?” Josie questioned the woman she loved as they continued to walk through Lafayette Cemetery, as she wondered what the Tribrid was up to. “Of course, not but that crazy bitch is not going to help us unless she thinks we are going to help her so I just need to keep that ruse up until I get what I want from her, and then she will soon be as dead as her brother,” Hope replied, revealing her devious plan. “So, your solution to deal with your dad’s never-ending drama is to continue it by doing exactly what he would do? You said Marcel was like a big brother to you he’s supposed to mean something to you is he not?” Josie continued to question her, hoping her wife would not end up following in Klaus’ footsteps. “Bella hates her sister almost as much as we do and with her expecting she is going to be far too busy bringing up the baby to keep a centuries-old feud alive.” Hope tried to reason with Josie, knowing that Josie was right. “Rose is an evil bitch who deserves to die for killing Freya but if we continued to screw her over it is only a matter of time before Bella becomes an enemy too which will inevitably pit you against Marcel,” Josie advised her wisely. “I know that Josie, but I also do not know what I am supposed to do here,” Hope confessed looking to Josie for a miraculous solution. “Stop thinking like your father and start thinking like you! You’ve always wanted better for your family than endless vendettas maybe it is finally time to find a way of getting what you always wanted.” Josie replied, not quite giving Hope the answer that she wanted but giving her the advice, she needed to find the answer for herself.
It did not take Kayne or Magnus long to escape the demonic realm at all in fact it was rather easy, or so Kayne was led to believe. All they had to do to return to where they the so-called real world was to die in the demonic realm before they were possessed by the bodiless demons and so Kayne obliged in killing Magnus and reluctantly allowed Magnus to kill him, not knowing by returning to the land of the living he would also wind up permanently opening a portal between both worlds allowing the demons to pass through freely unleashing untold hell into the world, something Magnus had purposely forgotten to mention to his brother. “It was really that easy!” Kayne said in disbelief as he awoke in his body which was still placed in the cave where he was murdered but once he got to his feet the entire cave began shaking ferociously, almost knocking the male witch back off his feet and as the very walls, dirt, and rock around him began falling into itself, he realized the cave was collapsing and he had to get out there quick to survive. As Kayne climbed out of the collapsing cave, narrowly escaping with his life he fell to the ground and witnessed black smoke being released from the collapsed cave knowing that within that black smoke was the very demons from the realm he had just escaped from, as he realized he had just released hell on earth and played right into his brother Magnus’ hands but before he had the chance to worry about a potential demonic apocalypse he knew it was time to reunite with his family fearing the mess they had got into without him as he wondered whether it would be even more chaotic than the demons he and Magnus had just released.
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girl-q · 6 years
The Originals Season 5 Episode 12: Kick me in the face with that Klaroline
Yeet. The last episode is coming out tomorrow and I feel like a fucking butt cheek on a stick.
It´s me your friendly neighbourhood theorist with all the opinions and all the wrong theories.
Hope is dying of Hollowness and so the fam hops in a car? They said it took like 10 hours to Mystic from Nola so that carries must have been amazing. They drive to the Salvatore school, where Klaus wants to use the chambers in the attic, that never held any fucking body in Tvd to lock Hope up for her wolf transformation, but surprise Klaus is a liar and actually wants Caroline’s twins to siphon the magic out of Hope into him and then sink himself onto the bottom of the ocean. Caroline protests for like two seconds and then is fine. Her kids are being brats and hoes we´ve seen them in Legacy and one is going to be all fun and slutty and the other one shy and stuff. They eventually agree, but then Alaric has to bust in and shoot Klaus. Man Alaric? Really? Can´t we go on episode with that boring ass slug ruining everything? Klaus is restrained for another two seconds and Alaric goes all judgy on Caroline basically implying that she has too many feelings for him and therefore putting their daughters at risk. He says the ocean can´t hold Klaus and a hoe is right, because surprise Klaus lied again and actually wants to kill himself after the Hollow is in him. Conveniently he still kept a white oak stick around, because convenience of the plot. Why though? If all it takes to shut down the Hollow is killing someone while it´s inside someone, why don´t they use a drunken, and homeless child molester? Why does it have to be Klaus? It´s not like he has too many morals to kill someone else.
Anyway Caroline gets pissed for another cute two seconds and then agrees to still help Klaus, because what he is doing after all is to protect his kid and being a good person/ dad. Hoes he became what she always wanted for him. Oh my gawd FEELINGS!
In a different plot Elijah and Hope are out about in my favourite small town infested with supernatural kids and curses. Let’s be honest kids. That line with the Bentley was fucking bomb. They go to get food, where we meet Landon. Hopes love interest of the moment. He looks like a total six and a half with eyes that look like he either never sleeps or tries to be emos next big thing. I give him a 9/10 on Q´s list of characters that are basically Dan Humphrey from Gossip Girl. He loses one point because of the weird hair. Dan’s locks were luscious and his just look like a sad sad poodle. Yeah listen people from Legacy lets not do THAT(Landon) and instead bring back someone that is growing on me just for the reason that he is hotter and seems a little less whiny then Landon, let’s do Roman. He is annoying too, but he is hotter and probably cooler than that dude.
So Landon gets bullied by High School jocks, surprise, and then gets 300 dollars from Elijah. It´s insinuated that Hope likes this boy and he does too and he invites her too something musically in the park, because that´s what the kids of today do. But no I´m sure he has like an old soul or whatever we say about kids, who have no friends and sit around thinking about the Beatles. (I love being an ignorant queen)
Elijah and Hope go to the jocks and it seemed as if Hope was going to do something amazingly, batshit crazy, but then she just blasted the mean dude’s car windows. Hope and Elijah do talking and bonding until the evening comes and of course she goes to meet poodle at the music thing. They dance, because it´s cute and stuff, but the MAIN thing here is the BEST, ULTIMATE conversation between my babies were Klaroline was proven again to still be a romantic thing and that now they are more compatible than ever. Suck it haters. They talk about Klaus as a dad. Then she tells him about the time she drove with the twins to Nola, when she was in trouble in the seventh season of Tvd, but he was trapped in the wall. He looked shocked. Maybe because she trusted him like that. Then she tells him he was never the evil in her life and then the THING happens. They almost kiss, but the clock strikes and she pulls away. She walks away and throws one last longing look at the man she loved.
After that Hope´s transformation is coming up, but Elijah gets wind of Klaus’s true intentions and tries to stop him or take his place. He locks Elijah into a chamber in the basement, which never holds anybody and tells his daughter to transform outside. They talk endlessly about how it´s going to take hours, but the transformation is like a minute long. I feel attacked by that. Julie explain yourself. During the transformation the twins suck the hollow out of Hope and put it into Klaus. Caroline isn´t there and Klaus asks why, but Alaric says Caroline couldn´t watch another man she loves die. Now he didn´t exactly say that, but I imagine it.
Klaus is about to plunge that stick into his chest, when Elijah appears. NO Klaus. The end
Theories and Thoughts
It´s fucking bullshit if Klaus really dies. It is fucking bullshit to not see his daughter growing up. The guilt she must have. She would be kinda responsible for both her parents’ death.
Yeah nobody can deny now that Klaroline is a romantic thing. This episode did it all. They showed that he became the man she always wanted him to be, which is caring and loving. He got saved like she said he was capable off. She trusts him, protects him, helps him, can´t loose him and cares for him. She loves him. Maybe more honestly and openly than she ever did before. She is grown now and he is too and we all know Klaus Mikaelson never lost feelings for that girl. He may have “loved” Cami, but no one can deny that he ever forget his feelings for Caroline. They almost freaking kissed. They are still on and why the heck would the writers put them on the table so hard again, when he is dying so close?
The LAST Episode
It´s go time. Klaus just tried to kill himself but in the trailer we see that he passes out before that or some witch took him out. In my best educated guess they´ll ship him back to Nola were every fucking body is going to go all teary eyed. They´re going to have one last dinner and a “funeral”. It could be just killing himself with his fam around, but also they could do like a TFIOS thing where each characters says something nice about Klaus.
The trailer is quite sad. It shows a lot of family and a scene of him with Hope putting their heads to each other. I have to say I have a little doubt about the Elijah theory, because they did the same thing in the last episode of The Vampire Diaries. Stefan sacrificed himself to save his brother and then in the afterlife reunited with someone that was really special to him. I doubt it a little. There is also a scene where the siblings burn paper without Nick.
It will definitely be quite emotional. I sincerely hope he makes it out alive. What is so true though is that someone really important is going to die. This is also supported by the title “When the saints go marching in” is a song very popular with something called the “Jazz Funeral”. It´s a song first and foremost associated with the city of New Orleans.
Remember the photos from Candice and Joseph in New Orleans? Yeah they still will need to come into play and given that it´s very bright outside when that happens that could be a scene from after Klaus is saved.
Here is the last thing I will say before the finale. This show is about more than three people. It was about a whole family, so what is going to happen to the rest? Keelin and Freya could live a normal married life with children and it would be fine. They´ll die. But then there is Rebekah, who wants to be human so much. Will she just be miserable for the rest of eternity now? Pining for what she can´t have? Maybe eventually deciding it´s too much and do something fatal? Rebekah wasn´t much in this season but her story needs to be tied up. I changed my mind and I don´t think she can just go back to Marcel. It would lead to nothing again and break ups again, because what is hurting Marbekah most is something neither of them can change. Rebekah needs some justice. Then there is also my daisy Davina. She is mortal and with Kol, and eventually she will die and leave Kol behind. The sibling’s weren´t a focus much on this season, but what about them? What about Vincent? I know I trash him a lot, but he just lost another love. Is he going to find peace?
In this way this final needs to be a close copy to the TVD finale. I overall liked the ending for each character. It was truly about peace and closure. This finale need to be about that too. Elijah will find peace in death, because he will find Hayley again. Klaus won´t get any peace from death. Everything he holds close to his heart is alive. Some kids will argue that he´ll reunite with Cami and that will give him peace, but Camille has been almost irrelevant in this season and those are just facts.
Here is what I want if I could have everything I want: Freelin is shown in the future with children, Vincent finds happiness not in love, but in a task, Rebekah is human and married with kids, because Rebekah deserves better or at least she is seen raising something like a child. Marcel is right there with her. Elijah is dead and reunited in heaven with Hayley. Hope goes to school and learns to be better than her family and lastly Nicklaus Mikaelson will survive and love his daughter and to excuse him and Caroline for not being in Legacy they will charter a plane together and visit some places. Paris, Rome or even Tokyo. He can do that now, because his daughter is safe and loved and he learned that she is a strong capable girl that can deal with the world on her own. Caroline also realizes that her daughters are with their father in good hands at the school and finally she can go and see some places.
That is my happily ever after for the Originals, which I would love and welcome dearly.
Before I finish this chapter let’s talk about some dead people. Mikael and Camille are listed as guest stars. This seemingly supports Klaus´s death, but I don´t think so. They could appear in a ghost form like Vicky and Tyler for Matt in the Tvd finale or Klaus temporarily dies and sees them ,but if that happens hoe that make him human that would ruin everything. Side note I once saw a pic of a blonde kissing a bearded man in a wedding dress and it was said it was about TO. I was so confused and the girlies shortly thought it was Klaroline, but I don´t think so. It just came to my mind btw where we could see Camille again. In the pictures from Nola with Candice and Joseph they stood in front of a panting much like he did with Camille in the first episode. Maybe they are talking about his life and will insert Camis ghost for a few seconds looking upon them.
I´m finishing this chapter now. It was a hot mess and unstructured, but I´m too lazy to restructure it. The finale will be there tonight. The last chapter of this out tomorrow.
Good final day girlies
I´m out
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justfangstvdto · 7 years
Open Coffin | Chapter 02 “Here to pick up the pieces” (Part 1)
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Pairing: Kol x Reader (eventually)
Chapter Summary: Y/N gets pulled right into her brother´s drama as a certain original hybrid visits the Mystic Falls Highschool, looking for the very much alive Elena Gilbert.
Warnings: skipping a few scenes since you all know the canon info´s anyway, blood, abusive parent, typical tvd violence
Word count: 3437
Tags & Author Note at the bottom. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
Open Coffin Masterlist
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Mystic Falls 1852
“It wasn't on purpose, I swear,” Stefan assured the broken glass of your father's bourbon decanter in his hands. There is a fairly deep cut on his right hand with blood running down his fingers “It just slipped out of my hand.”
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“It´s alright, Stefan.” You reach for the hem of your dress and tear a piece of cloth away and gently wrap it around Stefan's hand.
There are footsteps heard from above and it seems someone is tumbling down the stairs. Stefan´s eyes widen in fear, knowing all too well that if your father comes in here and sees what Stefan had done, he would go ballistic.
“Go to mother and let her tend to that wound.” you say taking the fault for Stefan's accident.
“No! I won't let you take the blame, I-”
“Go, Stef.” you repeat “ I can handle him.Go.”
With one swift motion the door opens and in tumbles your slightly drunk father and his disoriented gaze falls upon the broken decanter “What is going on in here?” he slurs his nostrils fluttering with anger “Who is at fault for this?
Stefan opens his mouth ready to admit that it was him who dropped it, but he closes it shortly after,, scared of what your father would do to him.
“It was me, father.” you step in front Stefan and gesture him to leave the room through the door behind you “ I was cleaning and I..slipped.”
You push Stefan back once more and he finally sneaks out of the room. He hides behind a door that leads into the living room as well and opens the door a crack and peeks through it. He witnesses how your father throws his glass towards you and how you dug just in time to avoid it hitting you, followed by endless screams and threats until he grabs you by the wrist and drags you down the cellar and locks you up in one of the cells he finished building a few years ago. He said you would not get out until you have paid for what you have done, which means you´ll be held in the cellar with no food and no company for as long as your father thinks it´s necessary.
You lean back on the cold stone wall, your ears ringing from your father's loud voice. You hear rustling outside and you assume it is your father coming back to scream at you some more. However, it is Stefan that drops down next to the door “I´m sorry.” he says his voice full of regret.
“It´s alright, Stef.” you assure him moving over to the door resting your back on it “You know I am always going to protect you, right? Even if it means I´ll have to pick up the pieces from messes you made. Nothing is going to change that.”
You swear you could feel the smile forming on his face through the thick stone walls and you know that protecting him today, and the countless of times before that was worth it.
Elena | Mystic Falls High
It is prank night in Mystic Falls and the gang is occupied with turning the High School into a maze filled with traps and scares. Elena skips through another set of doors and heads through the school gymnasium when suddenly she bumps into a hard chest. “There's my girl.”
“Klaus!” Elena whimpers.
“You are supposed to be dead” Klaus exclaims cocking his head to the side “What are we going to do about that?”
Damon | Random Highway
Damon is driving down the highway at an illegal speed limit, as per usual, with Katherine sitting next to him, riding shotgun.
“Are you hungry?” Katherine looks over, .playing with the tips of her hair “Let's stop for a bite. A truck stop. Or a trucker.”
“Oh, stop being cute.” he mocks throwing her a glare.
“It's not possible,” Katherine smirks.
“We've been driving around aimlessly for hours. Where are we going?” Damon eyes her curiously.
“Far enough away so that you can't go running back.” she replied bluntly and turns her head to look out of the window.
“Not to worry. “Damon pauses “Mystic Falls and I are on a bit of a break.”
“You and Mystic Falls, or you and Elena?”
“Let's just say Elena and I are having a bit of difference of opinion on how I should behave,” Damon replies, not feeling like digging any deeper into this topic with Katherine.
“Ooh. Let me guess…”Katherine purrs “Elena wants you to be the hero, and you don't like playing pretend.” She turns so she is facing him to cup his cheek with her hand-
“Something like that.” Damon mutters, his eyes leaving the road to gaze in her brown eyes
Her loss.” she whispers and leans in to press her lips against him, which soon turned into an open mouth kiss. Though, what she did not anticipate is Damon shoving her off of him 
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“What are you doing?”
“I thought I'd give it a shot.” he shrugs wiping her lipstick from his lips ”Truth is, you just don't do it for me anymore.” Damon smirks.
Y/N | Truck
You and Stefan wake up in the back of the truck your neck aching like you have been headbanging on a concert for a week straight.
“Oh, they live.” Rebekah exclaims resting on a crate.
“What happened?” Stefan asks rubbing his neck.
“Klaus happened.” you reply.
“You two took a beating. My brother's been breaking your necks all afternoon, mostly yours, Y/N.” Rebekah informs “What on earth could you have done to anger him that way?” she adds sarcastically.
“You know all too well what I did.” you remind her “ and I also know what you did.” A flash of regret flickers over her eyes, but she shakes it off with a spiteful smile.
“We all did something, can we please get back on topic? Stefan intervenes rather rudely “Why did Klaus bring us back to Mystic Falls?”
“Because he enjoys Virginia's famous cherry pies, Stef.” you deadpan throwing him a glare “Why do you think?”
“You can stop playing dumb, Stefan. It didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding.” Rebekah shrugs.
I'm not hiding anything.” Stefan replies shortly, denying everything even though he fears they already know the truth “ I've done everything Klaus has asked me to.” It was true, he never disobeyed him and did whatever Klaus wanted.
“No, you just failed to mention that the doppelgänger's still alive.”
“Where is Klaus now?”
“With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off.”
Stefan zips towards her and they both fly out of the truck and onto the ground, him on top of her.
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“Where is she?”
“Guys, I like violence as much as the next person,” you intervene “but is this really necessary?”
She gets up and pushes Stefan against the truck and punches him “You really do love her, don't you?” she asks, completely ignoring your interference. You hop of the truck and rush towards Rebekah.You grab a fistful of her hair and yank her away from your little brother. Admittedly the hair pulling might be a little below your standard, but it is very effective. Until Rebekah throws her head back and it meets with your nose. You stumble backwards, stars dancing shortly behind your eyelids, your nose already gushing out blood.
Rebekah uses the distraction and zips towards Stefan and wraps her hands around his neck and breaks it in one swift motion. She sooner vamp-speeds away as Stefan´s unconscious body hits the ground.
“Oh, Stefan. I still have to clean up your messes, don't I?” you sigh looking at the school - or more like a lion's den- you are about to walk into, attempting to save your brother´s girl you care so little about…
Meanwhile in the Gym..
Klaus holds onto Elena's arms and marches her through the school hallways
“You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart.” he looks down at Elena “The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing.”
“If you're going to kill me, just do it!” Elena hisses.
“Not until I know I'm right. But I do have ways of making you suffer.” Klaus smirks and kicks the door open with his foot and enters the Gym.A few students are there setting up pranks.
Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home.” Klaus suggests, using a fake American accent. His eyes fall upon Dana, a student he compelled while he inhabited Alaric's body.
“You two.” he approaches them “ I remember you.”
“I'm sorry. Who are you?” she asks.
“Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met.” Klaus smirks and begins to compel her “Lift your foot up, please, Dana.” She complies and Klaus then turns his attention to the confused guy next to her “If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death. Understood?”
“Don´t Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody.” Elena says.
“Of course he does.That's all he´s good at.” you enter the gym earning surprised looks from everyone except Klaus. He must have known you would barge in once you are awake again.
Damon | In the middle of nowhere
Damon stops the car and gets out and Katherine follows suit. “Why are we stopping?” she asks
“I thought we might want to stretch our legs. Take a break from the sexual tension.” Damon offers ”I'm tired of driving. It's your turn.”
“Fine.” she nods and prepares herself to catch the car keys but Damon unexpectedly throws them into the distance “Hey! I-”
“We're not going anywhere until you spill your guts.” Damon demands, staring her down with his blue eyes.
Fine.” Katherine hisses and reaches into her pocket and shows him Elena´s necklace “Do you remember this, hmm? A little birdy told me that Klaus wants to get his hands on it.”
“Why would Klaus want Elena's necklace?”
“Does it matter? He wants it, and I have it. It's leverage, Damon. Always stay one step ahead of your enemy.” she shrugs.
“I'll keep that in mind.” he eyes her knowing all too well that he has to be on guard around her.
“But more importantly, when I stole the necklace from Bonnie, I found out something else...Something better.” she smirks.
“Oh, yeah? What's that?” Damon cocks his eyebrows and crosses his arms over his chest.
“Are you willing to do whatever it takes to stop Klaus? No turning back?” Katherine asks. She needs to know if Damon will be on her side on this.
“I'm not turning back.” he assures.
“Good. Because this isn't going to win you any points at home.” she walks to the trunk of Damon´s car and opens it to reveal an unconscious Jeremy lying in there
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“Jeremy?” Damon scoffs “Really?”
Y/N | Mystic Falls Gym
“Y/N. I thought you would be indisposed a little while longer.” Klaus sighs.
“Sorry to disappoint.” you reply and shoot him a false smile. You feel Elena´s eyes on you, who´s head is probably spinning wild trying to figure out who you are “So you're the precious Elena, huh?
“And who are you?” she asks, her voice slightly shaking.
“Y/N Salvatore. I would say I'm charmed to meet you, but I am really not.” It's not a lie. You really are not charmed in the slightest meeting another woman who yet again demands so much from Stefan. And a little birdie told you that it seems that Damon has a thing for her too. So much for their claims never to repeat that mistake again.
“Salvatore as in-”
“Yes as in Stefan and Damon.” you finish her sentence “They never mentioned me, did they? Figures.”
Suddenly the gym doors swing open and Elena's friends Bonnie and Matt enter, shocked to see Klaus.
“Bonnie, get out of here!” Elena yells and Bonnie´s eye grow wide when she sees the smile on Klaus' lips.
“Ah, I was wondering when you´d show up. Now we can get started” he looks over his shoulder and gestures Dana and Chad to sit down for a moment “I assume you're the reason Elena´s still walking around alive?”
“That´s right.” Bonnie nods, a look in her eyes that could scare the toughest of people “If you want to blame someone, blame me.”
“Oh, there's no need for blame, love. Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects. And since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix.” he finishes the sentence and as if on cue, the door swing open and in walk Rebekah pushing another one of the gang, Tyler, with her.
“Get off of me!” the young werewolf orders.
“Okay that went on long enough.” you sigh and walk a few steps towards Klaus “Let them go.”
“And why would I do that?” he asks “because you have your silly diamond? Newsflash, love. The diamond is worthless without my brother's help and as you well know, he is rather indisposed at the moment.”
“Are you so sure that the diamond is worthless?” you bluff, and Klaus´ smile falters almost unnoticeable “I think you and I should consider a deal, wouldn't you say? But first, let these kids go. That´s my price for now.”
“No deal.” he says returning the false smile you gave him earlier and turns his attention back to the others. You probably could have tried to bargain again or you could have even attacked, but it most likely would have ended in your death.
“I´d like you all to meet my sister Rebekah. Word of warning ..she can be quite mean.” Klaus nods and throws her a smirk.
“Don´t be an ass.” she hissed and throws Tyler towards her brother.
“Leave him alone!” Elena yells without much effect.
“I´m going to make this very simple..Every Time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid they die during transition. It´s quite horrible, actually.” he notes and bites into his wrist forcing Tyler to drink from it “ I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler´s sake...you better hurry.” With that, he snaps Tyler´s neck and drops onto the floor.
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Matt squats down to Tyler´s now dead body “He killed him” he whispers looking at his friends.
“He's not dead” you interfere “Klaus´ blood will turn him into a vampire..” Elena´s friends look at you with the same questioning look “Oh right. I´m Y/N Salvatore. And yes, as in Stefan and Damon. And you must be Bonnie, Matt and Tyler, right?”
“How do you kn-” Matt begins, but Klaus cuts him off.
“Are we done with the introductions?” Klaus hisses impatiently “ If Bonnie is successful, Tyler will live through the transition. Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires and enchantments and what-not. I´ll hold on to Elena..for safe-keeping.”
Bonnie nods and grabs Matt´s arm and hurries out of the room. They have a quite literal deadline and their worry for their mutual friend makes it even harder to concentrate.
“So this is the latest doppelganger. The original one was much prettier.” Rebekah comments and you can´t hold back a small giggle. One can say about Rebekah what one wants but she does have her wits “Oh, Y/N you're still here. Don´t you have somewhere else to be?”
“No, I don't and I don't plan on going anywhere either.” you reply.
“Enough Rebekah.” Klaus interferes “ Take the wolfboy elsewhere, would you?” Klaus orders and Rebekah grabs Tyler's ankle and drags him from the room “Just ignore her. Petty little thing.”
Damon | Middle of nowhere
Katherine and Damon are sitting atop a picnic table whilst they wait for Jeremy to wake up “I´m listening.” Damon says.
“What if I told you there was a way to kill Klaus? And not Dagger dead. Dead dead.” Katherine looks at him with another smug smile
“I´d say you were desperate and lying.” Damon hisses “Or drunk. Or desperate, lying and drunk” Damon looks at her curiously, but she only snickers gently.
“Do you remember my friend Pearl?” she asks.
“Vividly.” Damon nods.
“Centuries ago, she told me about a vampire who knew how to kill Klaus. Then she wouldn't tell me any more.”
“Well, why not?”
“Because it was her leverage.” Katherine sighs “ She knew it was valuable information, and wouldn't share it with me.”
“Well this is great...but she's dead.” Damon replies shortly with his usual sarcasm.
“Which is why I never brought it up. Because she only ever told one other person.”
“Who?” Damon asks creasing his eyebrows.
“Her daughter. Anna.” she replies.
“Also dead.”
“Which brings us back around to…” Katherine stops and waits for Jeremy to wake up. He heard the entire conversation and lets out a sigh.
“To me. Back around to me” Jeremy whispers.
Y/N | Mystic Falls
The gym doors open once more and Stefan walks in with a determined, yet worried look on his face.
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“Stefan….” Elena whispers.
“Stef” You stand in his way “ turn around and go. I can handle this.”
“No.” he shakes his head and walks past you. You grab his arm but he shrugs it off “Klaus I came to ask for your forgiveness and pledge my loyalty.”
“Well, you broke that pledge once already,” Klaus notes.
You´re not a man of your word either, Klausy-Klaus.
“Elena means nothing to me anymore.” Stefan states and Elena at him, hurt by what he just said “And whatever you ask of me...I will do.”
“Fair enough. Let´s drink on it. Kill them.” he looks back to Chad and Dana and gestures over to them
“Klaus stop this nonsense. Leave these high school kids be. They did nothing to you. Unlike me.”
“You´re right. You did.” Klaus recalls and Stefan looks back at you with a questioning look on his face.”And to be perfectly clear, you will answer for that bur right now you rather annoy me, so.. “ he moves closer to you and his pupils dilate “I want you to start walking and don't stop until you reach the next town borders.” he smirks as you nod and turn around.
Normally you would have been protected by the small amount of vervain you take in every day, but being locked up in the back of a truck prevented you from doing that.
“There is nothing worse for you than abandoning your brother who is about to dig into his true nature, now is there?” Klaus adds smirking in triumph.
No there certainly is not.
Chapter 03 —>
                                                           Open Coffin Masterlist
Author Note:  I decided to split this one into two parts since it would have gotten way too long otherwise. Do let me know what you think and if there’s anything you want to see, just shoot me a message or write it down yourself in my Google Doc
Open Coffin Tags:
Special thanks to: @shadyladyperfection @laitalianax3 @newurleans
@originalbish98 @christinalibertymikaelson @alfrette @bonniebird @imnoaingeal @onlygodcanjudgeme-sh @vaniileiinkeks  @codename-petrova @piercethepottorff @maliae14 @codename-petrova @5-seconds-of-animals @captain-amelia-bradley  @flymeawayworld @givemesomehybrid  @rock-n-magick  @mikealsonlover 
If you want to be tagged in this list, just shoot me a message.
Thank you for reading. Have a lovely day/night and I hopefully see you next chapter ;)
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misssophiachase · 7 years
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Too many Jodice tumblr posts contributed to this spontaneous drabble. I hope you are all very proud of yourselves (you know who you are.) I'm no Jodice aficionado but have tried to do some basic research on events, episodes etc but have obviously taken liberties too. 
PS no spouses exist for obvious reasons! Picking up from the most recent episode of the Originals. Also points of view will change in each section. All lyrics in italics from Lady Gaga.  
You and I
"Something about this place, something, 'bout the lonely nights and lipstick on your face."
Present Day - London, England
The fact he'd just directed the most recent episode of The Originals and it was trending worldwide certainly gave him a renewed boost in confidence. Apart from acting, directing was his closest passion and seeing that fans liked his work filled him with a certain ambitious desire to repeat the experience.
As an actor he knew very well that a renewal was still pending and given his affection fo the show he hoped it got its rightful continuation. The finale which he'd already taped told him that much. There was too much unfinished business, in more ways than one. As Joseph scrolled through his twitter feed he found the usual mentions of a certain co-star that hadn't graced the screen with him in a while.
His mind flashed back to that particular scene, there was apparently a tree, some woods and about 200 crew present. Not that he'd noticed at all. He'd been far too consumed by the blonde beauty who he'd known so intimately both onscreen and off at that stage.
He would never forget the first time they met at the Craft Services table on set. Joseph always thought she was stunning on screen but seeing her there with rice unknowingly stuck to her cheek was causing him to smile uncontrollably (he was pretty certain he flashed a few dimples in the process). He'd never seen anything more beautiful in his life. He knew right then and there he was a goner.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"It's been years since I let you go. I couldn't listen to a joke or Rock and Roll."
Candice knew that looking at her twitter feed was never a good idea. If she wanted a reminder of her relationship with Joseph it was plastered across her timeline. Granted the photos were either scenes they shared from the show or manips but they all stirred the same feelings inside. She missed him, she'd be lying if she said she didn't. She was happy his latest directorial foray had been such a success. If there was something Candice knew it was how good he was at directing people, she'd been one of his star performers in the bedroom after all.
The hardest part was trying to answer all those questions at the Vampire Attraction Event about a possible appearance in the Originals after TVD's recent ending. She'd been told by producers to encourage such a move, it made a fifth season all the more possible if the fans were invested. Like the dutiful CW employee she'd done it but the thought of being that close to Joseph again was causing all of the residual feelings she had for her former co-star to resurface and she wasn't quite sure how to handle a possible reunion.
February - 2011 - Atlanta, GA
"Did the new guy smirk at you?" Candice asked Kat earnestly. They were in wardrobe after lunch break and she couldn't stop thinking about the way Joseph had been looking at her while they spoke. They'd just met so she thought it was strange not to mention a little rude. Just because he had a gorgeous accent and lips the colour of deep crimson didn't give him the right to think he was God's greatest gift.
"I think he has a name, Candice." Kat mumbled from the corner where she was changing her top behind the makeshift screen.
"That's not the point."
"What do you mean smirk? He's always been perfectly polite and professional with me. What did he say anyway?"
"Wished me good afternoon and then I asked him how he's finding everything on set given he's just come onboard." They'd been shooting for the better part of the morning and the hungry hordes had made their way to the craft services table absolutely famished. Her eyes were firmly focused on the sushi, Candice was pretty certain she could have finished the entire plate on her own.
"Sounds pretty inoffensive, maybe that's just the way he smiles at people, did you ever think that?" Kat asked, finally emerging from changing her clothes for the next scene and looking at her curiously,
"You didn't see it, Kat," she sighed. "It was almost like..."
"He was trying not to laugh?"
"Excuse me?" Kat let out a giggle, moving closer and wiping her face with a tissue she'd swiped from the nearby table. "What are you doing?"
"You, uh have some rice on your cheek, Candice," she smiled, knowingly.
"What?" She asked and rubbing her face, slightly mortified.
"Seems like someone was trying to hide that fact and obviously it took the form of a smirk." Candice went from completely embarrassed to annoyed in seconds. How dare he do that?
"The least he could have done was tell me rather than embarrass me like that in front of the cast and crew," she muttered.
"You just met the guy, he probably thought it wasn't polite to call you out about food on your face. It doesn't make for the easiest first conversation."
"Yet instead he was secretly laughing at me," she growled. "You know, I'm just happy that we don't have any scenes together because I'm not sure I could stand that smirk and those dimples from such a close proximity."
"Sounds like someone was paying an awful lot of attention to someone's dimples," she grinned. Candice didn't respond just busied herself with her clothing for the next scene.
From then Candice made it her mission to steer clear of the new guy, until it became almost impossible to avoid him. That's what you got for being on a hit TV show and having to do publicity together. And there was no bigger publicity opportunity than the annual Comic Con in San Diego.
July 2011 - San Diego, CA
It was his first Comic Con and for Joseph it was completely overwhelming. Given he was pretty much the most evil hybrid to hit the Vampire Diaries in its entire run so far, he wasn't expecting such a frenzied reception. Turns out a lot of the girls there seemed to have a thing for the bad guy. Not that he was complaining.
He looked across at Candice at the signing table, her golden waves cascading down her back and wrapped in a fitted blue dress, thinking just how much the colour brought out her expressive eyes and creamy skin. Ever since their first meeting all those months ago they'd barely had any interaction, mainly because they didn't share any scenes. Joseph had to admit he was a little disappointed by that fact. It seemed like she had this amazing chemistry with everyone who she interacted with on screen and he'd be lying if he wasn't jealous.
After the craziness of 5000 screaming fans at the panel earlier in the day it was time for the after party. Given they were all staying in the same hotel it seemed normal that they made their way together however for some reason it was just him and her crossing the street and surrounded by screaming photographers. Joseph was trying not to stare at just how her strapless, aqua dress showed off those creamy legs as she walked brusquely to avoid the cameras. If there was one thing he knew about Candice it was just how shy she could be around the press. For Joseph that was just another reason to admire her given so many actors were the complete opposite.
One of the photographers got too close, knocking her slightly and Joseph reached forward without thinking, his instinct to protect her taking over. His hand grazed her lower back and Joseph could swear he felt her shiver slightly. "Are you okay, love?"
"Um, yeah, thanks," she mumbled, her gaze cast downwards. "It's uh just a little cold." The one thing Joseph knew without a doubt was that 90 degrees on a Summer night in San Diego wasn't in the least bit cold.
"If I had a jacket I'd give it to you," he promised, steering her towards their destination. Maybe it wasn't the best look given the press would misconstrue anything but right now he didn't give a damn, it felt far too good having his hand on her back.
"Nice to see chivalry isn't completely dead," she smirked, he couldn't miss the sarcastic tone in her voice.
"Is there something I'm missing?" Joseph murmured, trying to avoid the inquisitive stares of the reporters loitering close by. "You realise I'm a complete gentleman, right?"
"A gentleman who doesn't tell a girl she has rice stuck to her cheek?"
"I didn't want to be rude," he insisted.
"Trust me Morgan, a girl needs to know these things even if she barely knows you."
"Noted, Accola," he grinned.
"Um, we're here," she said, gesturing towards the hotel where the party was being held. "You can let go of me now." Joseph immediately but albeit reluctantly lifted his hand from her lower back. She gave him a thankful smile and breezed into the party like the professional actress she was. He'd be lying if he couldn't still feel the residual heat on his palm from the close contact.
October 2011 - Atlanta, GA
"Social media is going to go nuts," Candice murmured, laying herself out on the bed. "You know if it's anything like the response from you putting your hand on my back at Comic Con in July."
"I was only trying to protect you," he replied, flashing her one of his winning smiles.
They were currently at the Forbes house ready to film their very first scene together. Candice would be lying if it wasn't a big moment for her. She'd always been able to hide her attraction for him because they didn't share any scenes, well until now that was. Now she had to be in close proximity and in a bed of all things. She wasn't quite sure what the writers were getting at given she'd been so hot and heavy with Michael's character Tyler lately.
"Funnily enough I didn't need protection and we both know that," she smirked. "I really should have known Klaus would order Tyler to bite me only to ride in on his horse and save the day."
"I think you've misjudged Klaus, he really can be a nice guy," he offered, winking in her direction. "Speaking of which, I better go wrangle my horse in anticipation."
Candice would be lying if she didn't think he was cute. She'd been so quick to write him off as one of your typical, egotistical actors she came across daily (not naming any names of course) but he had this adorable wit that she couldn't quite resist. Ever since he'd placed his hand on her back in July she'd been a little distracted by those lips and those damn dimples too.
Candice was an actor first and foremost and the scene played out exactly as planned but she couldn't deny just how good it felt to have his body pressed up against hers in bed as she pretended to drink from his wrist. His chest seemed so much more toned than she'd imagined and the smell of his spicy aftershave was definitely causing a few foreign feelings to take over. It was all done in one take, unheard of but Candice knew their underlying chemistry had definitely played its part in creating such a perfect scene.
"Don't worry I'm not counting," he smiled rising from the bed, as the crew moved away in preparedness for the next scene.
"I'm sorry?"
"You know the number of times I've saved you."
"Oh p-uh-lease," she groaned, rolling her eyes as she did. Candice was finding it more and more difficult not to act on her burgeoning feelings for him and she secretly hoped they got more time to spend with each other on set as an excuse.
March 2012 - Atlanta, GA
Joseph found himself missing home for the first time in a while. Although he'd been working in the States for close to a year now it didn't stop him wanting all of the familiarities from home. He'd spoken to his mother and thoughts of her amazing cooking had infiltrated his brain which he carried with him onto set.
This was the day he saved Caroline from Alaric's clutches at the high school and Joseph was excited about reminding her just how many times he'd saved her now. He could just imagine the cute, exasperated look she got when she was attempting to argue back. Social media had erupted as Candice had predicted after their first scene together and fans were delirious about their onscreen and offscreen characters giving into their feelings. Joseph would have laughed if it wasn't so true.
The scene at the school went off without a hitch which was becoming the norm between them. Even Julie Plec had pulled him aside a few episodes ago and mentioned just how explosive the chemistry between them was. He wasn't going to argue given his ever growing feelings for his beautiful, blonde co-star.
"What's wrong?" She asked, approaching him at the lunch table.
"Excuse me?"
"You haven't boasted about the fact you saved me yet again," she drawled. "I know you were thinking it, Morgan."
"I was," he admitted. "But I'll admit, I was kind of distracted by a bad dose of homesickness." Joseph couldn't believe he was admitting it to her of all people.
"Missing the Queen and Prince Harry?"
"I'll assume that Prince Harry reference was just for you, Accola," he joked. "While her Majesty certainly holds a dear place in my heart I was thinking of my family, if you must know."
"It must be difficult to be this far from home." She murmured. "I may come from Houston but at least the flight doesn't take that long."
"And without the jet lag," he joked. "I guess I just miss my family and the food."
"I was actually thinking of having a dinner party to celebrate the wrap of season three next week. I can't promise you England but hopefully a pretty good time at least?" Joseph couldn't have declined if he tried. He knew this was her way of trying to welcome him and it was something he'd been craving for a while.
What Joseph wasn't expecting was the array of English delicacies on her dining room table that night and as he helped himself greedily to the Beef Wellington, he couldn't help but send her a smile of gratitude. The fact she'd thought of him was only making him want her more.
"Don't ever let my mother taste this," he said pointing to the Yorkshire pudding on his plate.
"Why" She squeaked, self consciously.
"She might not like the competition," he shared. "I can't believe you did all of this."
"I know better than anyone else how difficult homesickness can be, Joseph." His heart almost stopped beating as she uttered his name for the first time since they'd met. "But I couldn't imagine having my family that far away so it was really the least I could do."
"Well, thank you, love," he smiled. The fans seemed to think that was a Klaus term but Joseph had been the one to suggest it to the writers. He was starting to realise he only wanted to use it on one person though, acting or in real life. "You have no idea what this means." He noticed her blush slightly as he said it. If Zach hadn't interrupted their conversation right then who knows what she might have replied?
September 2012 - Atlanta, GA
"Now, you both know what you're supposed to do this episode?"
"He's supposed to shamelessly chase me as usual?" Joseph sent her a sideways glance. Ever since her impromptu dinner in March, their relationship had elevated to an extremely flirty friendship. Not that he could recall when they'd ever really been friends. She delighted in teasing him but Joseph would be lying if he didn't delight in exactly the same thing.
"Last time I checked Caroline was the one who suggested a date?"
"Yeah to a movie where I can put at least three seats between us," she quipped.
"Glad to see you two know your lines," the director drawled. "How about we get this show on the road then?"
"Happy to buy you a drink later, you know tell you all about being the bad guy," he whispered in her ear. Candice was trying to ignore just how good it felt to have him tease her hair with his hot breath as he said it.
"Easy tiger," she joked using his own terminology, moving away to her starting point but it was difficult to ignore her shaking legs as she did.
After the director called cut for the day, Candice made her way towards the porch where the cast would relax between scenes. It was extremely peaceful overlooking the lake at the fictional Lockwood Mansion. The other actors were filming elsewhere and she found it quite relaxing sitting there and drinking in the Fall afternoon.
"A souvenir," he announced, placing it on the table and assuming his seat on the nearest rocking chair.
"You realise I could write a much better Miss Mystic Falls application? As much as I love Caroline, I don't think everything needs to rhyme."
"I don't doubt it," he murmured, his blue eyes closing in obvious exhaustion. "Although I'm pretty certain Candice would be just as equally enthusiastic about the task at hand, you know just saying."
"Hey," she growled, slapping him awake. "We can't all come from the birthplace of William Shakespeare."
"I wasn't judging, love."
"Yeah sure," she muttered. Suddenly she found some extra courage and kept speaking. "So, apparently you promised me a drink." He was immediately awake, leaning forward in his seat.
"Well, of course. It's the least I owe you after having to put up with me all day."
"Not sure your thousands of twitter followers would agree, they seem extremely excited about you sharing so many scenes with 'you know who'."
"I didn't realise you followed me on twitter, love?"
"Call it professional courtesy," she shot back, her blue eyes blazing.
"It's okay, I've been following you since the beginning for exactly the same reason,' he admitted. "Dana?" Her face broke into a gorgeous smile and Joseph was extremely excited to be able to have even one drink with this beauty.
One drink had led to more at the local whiskey bar in Covington. She was trying to ignore just how gorgeous his stubble looked as they talked across the bar and felt herself slowly losing all her inhibitions. She remembered him brushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear and placing a chaste kiss on her cheek before escorting her to her accommodation. Who knew he had such impeccable manners? Candice would have been lying if she wasn't disappointed it didn't go any further given the chemistry they'd generated on set earlier that day.
January 2013 - Atlanta, GA
"There's been two massacres. Pastor Young's farm is here, and the old Lockwood cellar, where you spitefully slaughtered 12 of your own hybrids, is here. According to the book, the expression triangle is equilateral, putting it here."
"Somebody's been skipping their geometry classes. There are actually two places where the third massacre could be." He drew the extra lines on the map as she watched him curiously.
"Well, you didn't let me finish." They held each other's gaze because the scene called for it but Joseph knew it was the built up tension between the two co-stars who couldn't resist each other any longer. He could sense it in her eyes, her demeanour and the fact that her breathing had quickened slightly.
He couldn't wait until they called cut and he subtely called her to his trailer with his eyes. They'd missed each other over the holidays and he couldn't wait to embrace her after too much time apart. Joseph couldn't quite recall whose clothes came off first but before he knew it the beautiful blonde was straddling him naked and he was sucking on her nipples hungrily.
She was moaning now as he raked his hands through her waves maintaining his pressure on her nipple while finding his way to her quivering centre. This was the moment he'd been waiting for, so too Candice. He looked into her eyes asking permission, he didn't want to do anything unwanted but her blue eyes were begging him to continue and before Joseph knew it she was laying on the couch as he writhed above her uncontrollably. Their intermingling cries as she rode him until climax.
Joseph held her for a long time afterwards, he wasn't one to get attached but he couldn't let go of her soft skin if he tried. The feeling of her beating heart against his was enough for him to realise she was it. His hand found its way through her hair as he placed butterfly kisses on her jaw and onto her collarbone.
"I'm usually more of a gentleman, I promise," he mumbled against her bare skin.
"I'd usually reprimand you but for once I'm not entirely annoyed by your behaviour," she moaned, running her hands through his curls. "As long as this stays just between us."
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