#actually a jackalope but without antlers
honey-snap · 1 year
Had this W.I,P of Sammy's old design laYinh around sso I decided ti finish it!
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i Used the funny Ass sucka as a reference!!
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OK thats it BYE!1!
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superiorsturgeon · 7 months
Jaune: *wearing a suit and standing in front of a whiteboard* …and that’s why I think you should invest in the JNPR Jackalope ranch!
Whitley: 🤨
Whitley: …you want me to invest the few assets my family has left in a farm for…
Whitley: *checks his notes*
Whitley: …a giant antlered rabbit that you claim to have met in a fairy-tale world?
Jaune: …yes…? 😅
Whitley: 😑
Whitley: …leaving aside everything else that’s wrong with this…
Whitley: …you said you only found this giant rabbit by accident from inside a Kingdom Vault holding a secret relic, which can’t be accessed without some kind of special magic powers!
Whitley: How exactly would you even get your first…jackalope…?
Jaune: Actually, I’m glad you asked…!
Nora: *opens boardroom door* Hey, fearless leader? The police are starting to ask questions about a break-in at Shade Academy, so we’d better wrap this up!
Somewhat: Rusted Knight, the police in your world don’t have any sense of humor!
Juniper: *giant bunny noises*
Whitley: …
Whitley: *extends his hand* You know what? I’ve changed my mind! If you can evade the authorities, give me a call and we’ll get something set up!
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thatwildnya · 10 months
Do you know about the game Spiritfarer? Because it has some really cute hug animations that made me think of your centaur AU! I just think hugging some of the guys would be really cozy/comforting - like soul revitalising cuddles you know?
Btw I love your writing very very very much - it sparks joy! Keep being awesome and stay hydrated! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
nya: hello, sorry for the late reply! both our wifi’s have been bad lately and we can’t spend much time on the internet without using data oof-
wild: neither of us have heard of the game but after looking up some gifs of the hugs i can say that hugs with the furry boys are just as comfortable and cozy as they look in the gifs.
the fluffiest boys are Silver, Lilia, Jack, Epel, and Rook. Rook (red fox) takes care of his fur so he can be close to Vil, otherwise he’d be covered in dirt and messy all the time from digging holes to hide his stuff like a fox.
Lilia has to constantly clean himself because he likes to hang out on the ceiling, where there’s a lot of dust. if he doesn’t anyone who tries to snuggle with him will get the sneezes.
Silver puts much more effort into his personal hygiene than his canon counterpart in this au. he adores mc (aka you) a lot and always wants to be at his best for them. if you’ve read the latest chapter introducing idia and ortho you can see how overprotective and in tune with mc he is.
Epel (jackalope) and Jack are always digging around the backyard and would track mud and dirt into the house often if someone wasn’t keeping an eye on them. you would think Vil is the reason they stopped but it was actually Silver. as mentioned above he’s always looking out for mc and is usually the first to reprimand the youngest for getting messy until they became teens.
hugging Silver and Rook is like cuddling a very soft and fluffy cat. they are both happy to lay on their back in their centaur forms so you can use their belly as a bed.
Jack won’t lay on his back unless he’s getting belly rubs because it’s uncomfortable for him to lay like that for long. he has no problem going full wolf and letting you cuddle into his side though.
Epel is the size of a flemish giant rabbit, he makes a good cuddle buddy when his antlers are gone for whatever reason. otherwise you’ll risk getting a cut from them, he tends to squirm in his sleep.
Lilia is the best of them all to use as a bed. his furry half is a bit warmer compared his skin half so you don’t need to use a heavy blanket, that’s what his wings are for. lay your head on his humanoid belly it’s like the cold side of a pillow. once he start singing you’ll be out for the count.
if our au gets more attention nya and i might start releasing little side stories of mc and their adventures with the boys. maybe we’ll start taking requests too.
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thesagebrushkid · 27 days
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New computer = New art!!! So, after 2-3 years of not being able to work on anything because my last computer had no ports for my tablet, I got a new one last weekend. It's hard to believe I went close to 3 years without being able to create anything. As such I am relearning everything. I am also re-honing in on my "classic comic book skills" which I have not touched since I left DC comics....decades ago. I am not as skilled using a tablet and computer as I was with traditional pen and ink. Can't believe the price of India Ink these days. Sheesh. Anyway, I digress on that. I was up till 3:30 last night trying to get this done. SO....here is the first for 2024. Happy belated Easter/Equinox. While such creatures like Jackalopes and Sasquatch are extremely rare, they are out there. And with them come legends. In Sage's world, if you catch a Jackalope on the morning of the Spring Equinox, you will have good luck the whole year long. So, Sage and the boys are out to get them some luck. The catch to the legend is you have to let it go before midnight to ill luck will reign down on you for 2 years. And if you kill it...you will die one year later. Not sure who that would work with Sage's immortality. I mean he is killed almost weekly. LOL.  The traditional depiction of Jackalopes always was disturbing to me (A hare with antlers) It just would not work and the antlers would serve no purpose.  So, I revamped the traditional to something that is actually plausible/impossible: JACKALOPE: A small hooved deer about 3' tall with the head and long ears of a rabbit. Instead of burrowing, it just lives on the plains. Its antlers allow it to knock edible leaves and fruits off of trees and its long ears allow extra hearing perception, being that it is certainly prey to wolves, coyote and cougars. It still has lesser speed of a White-Tailed Deer due to its short legs but can kick the eff out of anything. It lives in small family units of 2-10 but often will take off on its own, once it is not dependent on the family. Seeing one Jackalope on its own is rare. Seeing a family unit is close to impossible. The Wolf Tribe calls them "Jakennesu" and the Messo Blood tribe calls them "Kallopae". When the first Europeans moved west, they confused the two names and so they took the names of both and fiddled them into "Jackalope." Didn't think this would turn into an Animal Biology class, did you? There is a test on Friday. LOL.
Created by myself, with my own human hands, without the need of AI nor stock images. Nor does my art steal jobs from human beings. My work is ART, not images dictated to a computer by lazy people that are stealing jobs from REAL artists. Those that live with AI will die by AI and may Hell save their souls, because for all your sins against humanity, neither God nor Heaven will have you. May every dollar you steal from an artist with your AI sins, so it will be taken from you in turn 1000-fold. Telling a computer to create 50 pictures a day, by taking images from other peoples to make pictures of naked superheroes DOES NOT make you an artist. It just proves to the world you are lazy fat-ass, as well as sexually and mentally unstable.  The Sagebrush Kid is the creation and property of Hallow Comics © 1981 - Present
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pyrolitheus · 9 months
Examples of Disabled Cryptids
Vampire: even more sensitive to sun than usual for vampires, unable to go out at night without protective coverings if there is a moon up because, after all, moonlight is just reflected sunlight. Every month the new moon is a big deal. Gains an anxiety disorder over trying to maximize the freedom new moons offer.
Bigfoot: Only one foot is big. The other foot is regular human-sized. Wears a prosthetic that's supposed to make walking easier by making both soles the same length but is uncertain whether it helps.
Unicorn: Has no horn and is constantly mistaken for a horse by other unicorns but not by horses.
Loch Ness Monster: Actually really wants to be seen but is essentially invisible due to the species being almost entirely transparent. Tries to cover self with mud for the tourist cameras but it washes off real fast; all the terrible pictures out there are actually of this specific one thinking "surely it will work this time."
Mothman: Happens to have lepidopterophobia (fear of moths and butterflies), and therefore lives in a home devoid of mirrors, which means vampires tend to feel comfortable visiting (when invited, of course). Is fine with this because hemolymph is unappetizing to vampires so it's perfectly safe to have them over...clearly has no idea what else vampires are capable of....
Werewolf: Only able to take human form during a full moon; derogatorily referred to as a "reverse werewolf" by weres and humans alike at first. Leans into it and gets a day job in wolf form, which causes a stir at first but ultimately elevates the rights and dignity of werewolves everywhere.
Jackalope: Grows moose antlers instead of antelope antlers; the weight and size makes it impossible to move without mobility devices supporting the antlers on each side.
Crab: Can read minds but is not telepathic, meaning, cannot send messages by mind. Relies on interpretive crab dance to communicate.
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piggybankstomfoolery · 10 months
i actually remembered part of a dream I had last night:
I went to a party and showed off a giant background painting I apparently somehow obtained from the film The Three Caballeros (it wasn't in a frame, I was just carrying around the canvas/paper it was painted on).
when I walked away for something and came back, there was a giant hole in the painting, and I became incredibly furious. "how did this happen", I said to the surrounding party guests
everyone then meekly pointed to another part of the party, where a wood spirit the size of a basketball (which looked something like a jackalope) had ransacked the party and was charging into people with its wooden antlers. People were trying to grab it by its antlers so they could toss it out, and it was implied that this "wood spirit" was responsible for the hole in my painting.
I charged at it, grabbed it by the antlers, then swung it a few yards away into a nearby wood chipper, where it was then immediately chopped into sawdust (because it's a wood spirit, it's made only of wood).
walking out of the party, I looked up at the top of a hill and saw a very large wood spirit, who was clearly mad after what I had did, and without skipping a beat I started sprinting towards it, angrier than ever, livid, furious, enraged
and then I woke up
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acnelli · 2 years
Any ship is fine, lol
So, finally we get to the smutty fic recs. It's a mix of several ships. Please make sure to leave kudos/comments/reviews on the stories you enjoyed reading, no matter how old the fic is or how many comments it has already.
I answered an ask for smutty fic recs for Rarry and Romione some time ago. You can find those for Romione HERE, and those for Rarry HERE and HERE.
The following fic recs are for different pairings. And, surprisingly, not all of them are Ron-centric. These are all M/E-rated.
you did a number on me (but honestly, baby, who's counting?) theheadgirl [Perciver, 4k+]
One late night at the Ministry, Percy forgets a date. Oliver decides to make sure that it doesn't happen again.
the missing sock by theheadgirl [Perciver, 3k+]
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Molly asks Harry if a Puddlemere United sock she found is his. Harry says he doesn't support Puddlemere. How did it get to the Burrow? Maybe if someone had thought to ask Percy ...
Quintuple Meter by @krethes [Wolfstar, 7k+]
"Sirius knows magic isn't real—that's the stuff of story books and fevered dreams—but now, watching Remus play, he reconsiders his convictions."
Pianist Sirius Black has worked his entire life for this opportunity and considers himself a master of his craft. Remus Lupin, the most sought-after cellist in Europe, proves him wrong.
Whisper, Soft and Dark by @fantasyborn [Pavender, 500 words]
She gasps at the brush of fingers on her skin and it’s disconcerting that she can’t hear it; it’s terrifying to Lavender that she’s adjusted to her new stronger senses so quickly. The only reason she doesn’t spiral and panic is that, despite not being able to see or hear, she can smell Parvati in the room.
Jackalope Junktion by RavenpuffLove [Luna x Hannah, 9k+]
Jackalope Junktion: Home of the Great American Jackalope!
157 Sightings! An adventure for the whole family!
That's what the sign said.
Unfortunately it seemed people were getting less and less interested in the idea of seeing a jackrabbit with antlers.
Or they didn't believe that one actually existed.
Hannah couldn't really blame them for that. She didn't believe it either.
Red by @kedavranox [Ron x Teddy, 28k+]
Teddy is a rockstar; Ron is his muse. (Or a love story fueled by drugs, sex & rockn'roll—but mostly plain old awkward and embarrassing young love.)
Strike a Pose by mercurial_cool [Dron, 8k+]
Struggling financially in the midst of his costly divorce, Ron runs into a muggle woman at a pub who offers to pay him generously if he poses nude for her pornographic website. Ron accepts on the condition of anonymity, only to find out when he arrives for the shoot that the photographer is none other than Draco Malfoy, who has changed since his Hogwarts days in ways that Ron never could have expected.
A Private Celebration by Rickey [Rarry, 2k+]
One year later Harry and Ron have a public appearance followed by a private celebration.
Finding Home by RogueWhimsy [Dron, WIP]
The war ends and Ronald Weasley disappears. He returns a different man. This is a story of change, willing and unwilling, and of falling in love despite knowing better.
Try and Resist by @ultimateundesirable [Rarry, 1k+]
Trying to resist your base desires is hard, but over the years Ron has learned some self control. He never would have been able to learn how to control it without Harry.
Hush Hush by ForgottenChesire [Dron, 5k+]
“We need to elope.”
It’s a simple statement, said like discussing the weather. It’s a statement that takes a moment to sink in. And when it does, Ron sits up, his eyes wide. His mouth opens and closes and the noises he makes aren’t quite human. A glance out the window tells him more time has gone by than he had thought, dinner will be served soon in fact.
Ron Weasley and the Clothes of Doom by Liesha130 [Blairon, 32k+]
Do the clothes make the man?
Ron Weasley thinks he has no chance, until one night when he dresses up and Blaise Zabini can’t take his eyes off him. The solution is easy, then, right? Ron just has to keep dressing up, and Blaise will keep wanting him. But every time Ron puts the new clothes on, he’s sent spiraling off into a past filled with insecurity. Will he really be able to keep this up without going completely bonkers? And what does Blaise actually want from him, anyway?
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The Quarry x Wednesday mashup
So I’ve seen all of ‘Wednesday’ and of course the first thing I think about is all of the hacketters as Nevermore students/ outcasts and what creature they would be!
So lets get started,
-nagi/naga🐍 (half human half snake)
-I’ve read that nagas are strong, beautiful, and proud creatures who have a semi divine presence. They were also often put on guard duty since they were powerful and I feel like that fits kaitlyn perfectly
-she would have 3 forms: full on giant snake (dark red scales w/a bright red under belly), half human/snake, and a humanish form. Her human look would have patches of scales on her skin, fangs, and snake eyes.
-she can use her eyes to bewitch people and mostly uses it on her friends to stop them from doing dumb things
-she can also swallow big pieces of food without chewing and uses that skill to freak ppl out
-Witch🔮 (grandparents practices hoodoo)
-he would be a strong spell caster but I think his specialty would be potions/herbs and fortune telling/ card reading (def using the fact that justice smith can read tarot cards)
-has Wednesday vibes but not as cold but just as quiet. Also has visions but has to directly touch who/whatever so he usually wear gloves
-ironically, actually allergic to bright colors (except white). Like seriously allergic. He told the others this but they assumed it was a joke. Jacob would prank him by leaving pastel colored clothing in his bed. Ryan retaliates by throwing knives at his general direction (Jacob apologizes once he realizes his mistake)
-Jackalope 🐇 *A/N:I honestly thought they were real so this was a fun dive*
-the lore about them is that they are a powerful and dangerous adversary. They are very defensive, quick, and prefers to face their enemy head on. Leaving their victims bloody and with gouge marks from their horns. Basically Laura
-They could also be persuaded to come to ppl/captured willingly by being offered their fav drink: whisky (this is how her and Ryan became fast friends)
-she has two forms: her jackalope form (a blonde/brown 4ft long rabbit with 1ft long sharp antlers) and her humanish form (her but with 6in long antlers)
-has sent multiple ppl to the nurse for “accidental” injuries
-a normie 👨🏻‍🦰 (you always need one in the group)
-I think it would be so cute for him to try and like look cool in front of the cute, tough girl who is also an outcast and just completely fail but that’s ok cause she’s into that
-he works at an animal shelter and that’s where him and Laura met
-Laura brought Ryan to meet him and by the end of their convo he’s just like “I’ve only know max for 10 minutes but if anything were to happen to him I’d kill everyone in the room and then myself”
-will throw hands if you talk badly about outcasts
-werewolf 🐕
-has Enid vibes but has more of a soft boy/ gamer aesthetic and more sarcastic. Complete golden retriever energy
-is very tactile in a ‘little shit’ kinda way and scent marks his “pack” (with their permission of course)
-is definitely a “stoner” ;)
-has 3 forms. Full shift (looks more like the regular werewolves than hairless dogs), half shift (think ‘Teen wolf’ with the wolf features, sharp canines, glowing eyes, pointy ears, and sideburns), and human  
-is the one who’ll howl randomly throughout, causing others to do it too 
-psychic 🌌
-her powers would work be similar to how Xavier’s does
-she doesn’t have to touch anything to activate it. She will put out her notebook then call on a vision and draw what’s in it
-she can control it but sometimes they will come randomly, forcing her into a trance like state and draw on whatever’s available
-can bring her drawings to life. She has several tattoos that has her magic in it. They come move and also hop off her body if she wants it. If the drawing gets damaged too much then it poofs and reappears back where it was drawn
-halfling 🧚🏼‍♀️ (half fae, half human)
-like full blooded faes, she’s very beautiful and charming. Enchanting ppl around her (even through a screen). Unlike full blooded faes, she can’t out right brainwash a person. Just make them feel very compelled to do what she asks
-her ‘stage persona’ is still very whimsical/ airhead
-her other abilities are: super strength, because of her glamor ability she can read others emotions but can’t change them, and photokinesis (able to shoot and manipulate light with her mind) 
-in her fae form, her eyes glow completely white, her teeth turn razor sharp, and her fingers turn black and grows long claws on them
-siren 🧜🏼‍♂️
-wanted to pick something to go with the “puppy dog eyes/ steel BBQ grill under that shirt” comment. Also how Australia has many pretty creatures that can def kill you
-I feel like Nick is such a cool dude (when he’s not putting on an act) that everyone has had a small crush on him at some point. Some think he’s using his powers but no, he’s just like that✨
-his two forms would be: his human form (with bright blue and brown eyes color) and his siren form which has more of “traditional” siren look then what was on the show (his eyes go completely black, razor sharp teeth, and long claws)
-His scale coloring would be a mix of greys, whites, and blues
-also a werewolf 🐕
-has Bernese mountain dog energy (saw a TikTok that said guys with this energy are basically himbos, the loudest one in the room without realizing it, and sometimes forget how large they are. Jacob to a T)
-also has 3 forms (full wolf, half shift, human)
-very tactile in a ‘big dog who thinks they’re small/ forgets their big’ way
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As Stones In A Riverbed
please enjoy some short fantasy about a probably-magic forest! I don’t know where this came from
Everyone knows the Old Forest is more dangerous in the spring. It’s the time when things awake, things that have forgotten why they were supposed to sleep in the first place. 
Kai sees it in the water. 
The moment things change, something in the melting ponds shifts and a loud crack fractures the ice into dozens of pieces. The sound, which was so loud that it scared birds from their trees, rings out into the morning air and hangs there, slowly fading after a minute. 
Pushing down a sudden spike of fear, Kai turns to look at the Old Forest, the aspen trees that mark its border standing tall in the distance. The Forest is completely motionless, without even a solitary hawk whirling high in the air above its crowns. 
That was something new. 
The ones that regularly awake come spring, the light sleepers Kai calls them, all usually have a pattern they follow, calling up the same creatures or creating the same effects to announce their presence. 
The Banshee in the oak grove always summons a storm so fierce that it pours thunder and lightning for three days until it lifts enough that Kai can coax her back into peaceability with the promise of jazz on the old radio that’s nestled between two roots. Sometimes the problem is that the thing’s batteries has died, something that he can tell from the way two trees always catch fire the first day of the storm. Other times it’s not playing the kind of music that she wants, which is how he knows that she likes him enough to see him again, or really hates him, because he’s taught her how to use it multiple times before. 
The dryads cause flowers to bloom out of season in everyone’s window boxes. It’s one of the more harmless habits for the creatures of the Old Forest, particularly given it’s not something that actually does anything. There’s a group of fauns that finds it hilarious to have a revel every night. The Morrigan who’s taken up residence in the north corner of the woods likes summoning up hundreds of crows every few years to terrify the village.
This is something—new.
Kai makes the decision to trek into the Old Forest a few days later once it becomes clear that this is something that can’t be ignored. Every half melted lake has the same fracture pattern on the ice as the first one, and there’s a low rumble in the background that is slowly growing louder. 
The trees, once he enters the Forest, backpack of random tchotchkes from kids games to old batteries in tow, are completely silent. Even the pixies, which normally buzz brightly through the air like floating lanterns, are almost hesitant in a way that he can only describe as reverent. 
The changes become more pronounced the more he walks. The group of kelpies that hide in the pond under the fallen log who always try to trip him as he goes past are completely quiet, without even a single splash his way. There’s no jackalopes darting across the path, the Great Whitehorn with its massive antlers isn’t standing in his way, staring him down and daring him to make the first move; instead, he can feel their eyes peeking out of the underbrush. Waiting. 
The Will o’ Wisps are by far acting the strangest. Instead of the sprites dancing in between the trees, attempting to coax him onto a new, unbeaten path, they sway gently in the middle of the path in a line so straight he could use it as a ruler.
With nothing better to do than follow them, given that he was already going to follow the path–and that’s the first rule of the Old Forest, never step off of the beaten path, or a fate worse than death may await you–he continues deep into the Forest.
He passes the Banshee’s cave roughly half an hour later, given the position of the sun in the sky, but that means little in a place where time doesn’t work normally and weeks can pass in the place of a day in the outside world. She’s poking at her radio, subdued.
When she sees him, she hisses at him half-heartedly, before going back to fiddling with the volume controls with one long claw. It never clicks above a four.
He keeps going.
Simultaneously, the further he gets into the Old Forest, the more it seems that life both fades away and becomes more present. There’s nothing living, not like he is, not even a beetle or a vole, but the trees feel stronger, taller, and wildflowers and fairy circles blanket the ground in a dizzying array of color. The damp smell of wet moss and lichen grows, mixing with the scent of fungi, flowers, and decomposing leaves.
He’s forgotten how long he's been walking for–a genuine danger in the Old Forest, though he’s never yet truly lost his way–when he comes upon the massive stone cairn that marks the center of the forest. It might not be the true geographical center, but in terms of power, in terms of presence, it is undeniable.  
The stones, rough hewn like a long-ago giant plucked them out of the earth and threw them in a pile–not completely impossible given his surroundings–tower above his head, at least two stories in height. More than a few of the massive boulders are bigger than his sister’s van. 
He doesn't notice it, not at first, while he's wondering what he’s supposed to do here. The Will o’ Wisps have vanished, and don’t go further than the cairn. Kai would go around it, following the path to the other side of the forest, yet it doesn't appear as if it exists anymore. 
It's only when he sinks on the forest floor in a defeated slump that he feels it. His right foot, from where it’s crossed over the other in front of him, is rising and falling very slightly. Dead leaves mingling with dirt crunch under his hands as he shifts, staring. Slowly, ever so slowly, he notices he’s not the only thing in the forest experiencing this. The trees, the plants, the flowers, even the rocks and stones strewn about, are slowly heaving up and down as if some massive creature is taking a breath and the forest is experiencing the echoes.
There’s an abrupt grinding sound, as if someone is trying to flatten two rocks together. A moment later, a series of loud crcks rings out, like the sound of nails on a chalkboard except with flint and the very earth’s memory of iron.
A slow growing hunch that starts deep in his bones and ends with his stomach dropping to the center of the earth, makes him look up
There, towering above, the trees a leafy crown and lit brilliant with golden light, is a massive face shaped into the cairn.
There’s a nose, what could be closed eyes, and even a mouth that’s slowly shifting, moving against itself and creating the sound of rock being pulverized.
Large cracks that he’d call eyelids on a human person slowly twitch, pulling back to reveal gaping empty sockets that are filled with brilliant lightning-bright fire a moment later.
The Old Forest itself is alive, and it wants everyone to know that it’s finally awake.
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maw-and-pawp · 1 month
Alright, I guess it's time to talk about some OCs related to the vore world from that first post I made, which I'm tentatively calling Behind Veiled Faces right now.
Alma Florimell
This little lady is my other prey oc that didn't appear in the world concept. Alma meaning "nourishing, soul, or young woman", and Florimell meaning "flower and honey".
She's type of fairy which I'm loosely basing off cluricauns and moss maidens, although not 1 to 1. She is, however, definitely a changeling in the sense her parents left her in the mortal side of the Veil to rabbit-like prey. Although now as an adult she's noticeably shorter than her peers by two feet, and completely missing the antlers her jackalope adoptive parents sport. Instead of a short, cute cotton tail, she's grown a long whip like tail. Think that stereotypical demon/imp tail, except the spaded end can open up to show off a flower similar to a marigold/dandelion. To blend in to this side of the Veil, she has to tuck it away unfortunately. And bring her ID everywhere so people can be quickly corrected about her age. She's 22, dammit, not a preteen!
Another major difference between her kind and the prey species here is that she can reform after digestion via the plants she's bonded to. Don't ask me how that works, no one told her either, and she definitely didn't find the time to ask when she first went to meet her birth parents. She was too busy trying not to kill them for what happened to the "real" Alma.
Alma is a lesser known indie folk artist. Think Rabbitology, Cosmo Sheldrake, The Amazing Devil, Crane Wives and Paris Paloma. She posts her stuff to TakTik, MeTube, and Spotiply, never revealing her face or identity. She sometimes streams as a GTuber with a dragonsona lmao. Her artist name is Beetlebug.
Anyways. Any and all actual vore scenarios will be between her and Robin, after much convincing on her part. And perhaps a couple drinks to loosen inhibitions...by a couple she means more than is probably wise for normal people.
They're the pred from the world concept, and oughh have they been sitting in my head for awhile. Firstly let's get it out of the way that mortal preds are,,,Tall, and generally more humanoid than faery preds. Built more for ambush than chasing or tracking. Not usually anything more than (shorter) claws and sharper teeth - so the wings are sooo a giveaway to any one looking for the signs, and they have to glamour that away. And faery preds are perfectly sized for faery prey, and not much else. In fact, mortal preds can look at a faery pred as prey if they're not sufficiently intimidating just from the get-go. So that's part of Robin's deal when interacting with people - they can't be seen as weak for even a moment, but they also hate being feared as it reminds them of their childhood.
Speaking of that, Robin can't go back to the Fey Wilds. They escaped here for a reason even if it is annoying to deal with cocky mortals who think they're a quick snack (seriously, how come Alma is too small but they aren't??). They had a father who sold their true name off to another faery to repay his debts. The collector made them into a monster, a "loyal" hound incapable of direct disobedience to any order given. Killing whatever and whoever they were pointed at, and beat for lapses in efficiency. And it was so until they were a teenager, where they managed to poison their master, fake their death, and flee to the mortal world where any calls of their true name couldn't pierce the Veil and summon them back. They took on the name of Robin, and gave up the lifestyle of a predator, until Alma squirms her way past their walls lmao.
Prey isn't *necessary* for them to live - sure they need nutrients, but they can get that from the normal food found in the mortal realm. All they really need prey for is to keep their connection to the flow of the world's magic. Without eating faery prey, Robin will slowly lose their ability to become one with the wind they were born from, and lose their ability to hear any of their names on the breeze (or cries for help).
They work a normal job during the day, and at night listen for cries for help while they still can. Helping others now won't make up for what they were forced to do as a child, but like their father before them, they have a debt to pay. It's just theirs is a blood debt.
Cedar Bryn
Bryn meaning "hill" or "mound". Jackalope prey in the world concept from the mortal realm. Also traumatized, but from nearly getting digested by a pred guy before Robin swooped in with their sharp talons. He is a sweetheart, though, and has been all his life. You heard most of what he's been through already, but I'd like to expand that he's an aspiring author and artist for a comic book. His monthly publications had to be put on hold as his world turned upside down after the Event. Thankfully the people at his support group won't recognize Cedar Bryn - he uses C.B. as a pen name to keep his personal life private.
(Ironically the pred who nommed him was a huge fan, and if he'd succeeded then he'd have been scratching his head on why the author suddenly Stopped)
Robin has definitely moved in post-tummy listening. They've got an unnamed kinda thing going, neither party really knows if it's platonic or not anymore. And things will be complicated further by Alma lmao. Cedar has no idea what's up with Robin, so when he comes home one day and finds his pred roommate with a full squirmy gut, he's gonna rightfully freak 😂
Cedar's developed a "sudden" interest in knives and self defense classes. I wonder why 🤔
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honey-snap · 1 year
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SAMMYS GENEERAL OUTFIT IS HERE!!! Though not final, this will prombably be the Closest we get to a finalized Outfit to represent the General! Not sure hhow to implement a frog yet (which will orobably be more necessary for Sammy cause hiS ASS IS GONNA KILL) but when i do ill definitely share it!!
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As bonus, we have two other sketches of sam!! ENJOY!1! <3
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touhoutivations · 4 months
Ringo, if available -
I recently took up a new job and it's been really kicking me. I imagine that's how you felt on the moon to make you come to earth, similarly running from this place to that, answering demands of your superiors. How can I obtain more endless energy our species is oft known for? I'll gladly bend down my antlers for you to stick some dango on.
In a similar vein of thinking to yours, sometimes the moon is a big bright orange pumpkin this early September and I thought I would share some sentiment with moon gazing. Especially after work, it's presence is quite serene. I wish there was a way we could hang out. It would be a nice load-off.
A golden earth jackalope
"ACK- THEY FOUND ME!" [ahem] "Oh, you're from Earth, all good all good."
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But man, I totally get it. If you're running about from place to place, especially if you were going along with a particular system- school, a bad relationship, a lack of self-regard- even if you're trying to treat yourself better or help yourself out you can feel MORE exhausted...I wonder if that's Earth's impurity... You're on the right track though! You gotta load up of fuel, not just any ol' food but stuff that'll keep you going, and listen to your body. Turns out sustaining yourself on just dango ain't that great for Earth rabbits, and it's actually the "impure" foods of fermented or pickled stuff that's helpful for fatigue.
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Also, whilst it can sound counterintuitive and may even be more exhausting at first, you gotta prep yourself before you wreck yourself. I love me a good nap, but when winter's coming, it might end up counterintuitive to just sleep all the time. You gotta keep those bones limber and moving, we got all that energy from running, and we run cuz we got all that energy! And when you rest...how do I say this without being lame, treasure it? Not in a 'oh you should be grateful you're able to sleep' but paying attention to how nice it makes you feel, seeing a breeze or feeling the warmth of a blanket...really sink your teeth into feeling the positive flow of things. No feeling guilty for how long it's been or how long it takes allowed, you give yourself permission to ~mellow~
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I think moon gazing is a great idea, at first I didn't like it because it was kinda sad, but...now I see the moon differently. I see it the way Earthlings do, a presence in the sky that shifts the tides and envelopes nature with its own subtle dark light, a Mythical being...heh, and the idea that seeing the moon that way would piss the Lunar Capital off just makes that bright orange pumpkin all the sweeter~
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I'll skewer some dango on, but that's for a takeaway- so have some now and enjoy it, mmkay?
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oldblog-ileft · 2 years
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Finished my Security Breach MHA AU designs! Extra doodles and details about characters under the cut.
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Izuku Midoriya
- Known as Deku. He’s, predictably, the lead singer and head of the group. He’s meant to be a jackalope, however his antlers are very dulled and malleable like rubber, as well as very small, to prevent them from causing any harm. He has poked his friends in the eyes with them a couple of times by accident, as well as the head manager of the Pizzaplex, Aizawa, at least once.
- His attraction is a maze and escape room cross, where you have to solve puzzles in order to open the correct path to reach the end. Difficulty of the puzzles can change depending on your age or what level difficulty you select when you first enter.
- Following his “role” as the Freddy of the story, he’s the only animatronic not affected by the virus that makes the others aggressively murderous. He has a chest hatch for items like Freddy does that Kota periodically hides in through the length of the night. The only difference is he stuffs a blanket and pillow from his room in there to make it more comfortable for his charge :)
- Probably calls kids/Kota “Tiny Hero”
Tenya Iida
- Ingenium! He’s a big lion. You know how Roxanne has hair? His mane works similarly to that. He’s very heavily inspired by Roxanne, actually. He has a race-kart track as an attraction much like she does, however, he is much heavier on safety than Roxanne is. The Megaplex uses him as a way to promote safety for kids in a way that makes it fun for them. He plays the bass when performing on stage.
- He’s much larger than the others, but he’s also faster. Despite all this, he’s probably the most gentle out of the entire group and has had the least amount of mishaps due to his constant need to regulate safety and such. His claws are capable of causing a lot of destruction, much like Monty, but it’s rarely used. He has this feature to defend the Plex against intruders/threats, should it be needed.
- Some of his lines when chasing Kota include “It’s not safe here,” “Run faster, faster, faster,” “Your parents are looking for you,” (Kota got pissed about that one-) “Don’t you wanna race?”
Tsuyu Asui
- Her name is Froppy! She’s a frog, obviously. There’s no specific type of frog she’s modeled after, just the base idea of what a frog is. She’s used in the band and plays the keytar! She’s capable of sticking to walls and leaping large distances. Her casing is much more malleable and airtight than the others’.
- She has a very flat tone when speaking, a faulty in her coding that workers are still trying to fix, which makes her a little unnerving to some kids but she makes up for it in how well she’s able to drag kids out of their shells to be more comfortable with having fun at the mall.
- She's heavily utilized in water, hence her malleable casing and airtight seal. Her attraction is an indoor water park, complete with structures, slides, a kiddy pool, a deep end, etc. She both works as a play buddy, a swimming instructor, and a life-guard, programmed with several water safety protocols and training for any possible mishaps because it’s unavoidable in water specifically. No one has died there yet!
Ochaco Uraraka
- Hamster!!! She’s Uravity. Very heavily space themed. Kids among the Plex call her the First Hamster in Space. She spins tales of “experiences” in space when not performing or working in her attraction, pushing kids to use their imaginations more. Her stories include lots of action and mentions of aliens often, but they always have happy, solid endings to please kids. She plays the drums.
- Her attraction is an outer-space theme trampoline center/bounce house. She mainly wears her hamster-ball here than anywhere else but it’s not uncommon to see her without it outside either.
- Her paws have softened padding as constantly jumping around might require her to grab a kid should they bounce somewhere that could hurt them. She’s programmed to have incredibly fast reflexes and her battery life in particular is meant to last longer than most of the others as she has to move around the most, costing more energy. Like Sun and Moon, she also has a wire that she can attach to to help her traverse through the Megaplex quickly.
- Popular with boys and girls alike for her feminine but brute-like demeanor.
Shouto Todoroki
- He’s a salamander named Peppermint. He plays the guitar for the band, but he’s… still working on perfecting those skills. Thankfully, when he messes up occasionally, the kids find it more funny than irritating because he and the others have learned to play it up with overreactions and humor. (Example, Peppermint will stare wide-eyed at his guitar like it was the guitar that messed up and not him, and Uravity has fallen to her knees in anguish at least twice).
- He has the same problem as Froppy, stuck with a flat tone, and workers are unable to fix that one because despite his programming marking him as meant to be lively and playful, he’s just… not. No one’s quite sure why that is. He tends to have… odd moments where everything seems blank, even for him.
- He clearly looks up to Deku and often looks to him for guidance during strange or unexpected situations. When Kota is stuck in the Plex, he risks getting caught several times by Peppermint's sudden appearances to ask his leader something.
Hitoshi Shinsou
- He’s a cat and I know everyone saw that coming. His name is Ka. His attraction is meant to be a cat cafe! He even has a bunch of smaller animatronic cats meant to replace the real ones since actual cats aren’t allowed in the Pizzaplex. He still helps serve the basic food you’d expect from the Pizzeria though. During Kota’s night in the mall, the cats replace most of the security bots, being directly connected to Ka, they summon him immediately if Kota gets too close to them.
- He used to be part of the main band but his voicebox causes the other animatronics’ systems to freak out so they had him moved to his attraction, hence why he has the shoulder pads and face paint like the others but is never seen on stage. It’s likely a part that Kota snatches to upgrade Deku with when he gets trashed.
- Has a similar way of luring out Kota like Chica. Cooing “Little boy~” and attempting to bribe him with sweets.
- Eri is a sweet little mouse named Bell! She is much smaller than the others, meant to resemble a young child among the group. She doesn't have her own place on stage, like Ka, but she does run around among kids to give them some other fun during performances, or when it's simply a time where everyone is spaced out among the attractions.
- Her attraction is a fossil dig site! There are sectioned pieces of exposed dirt and ground for kids to dig through and search for bones or imprinted rocks and such. They're fake, of course, but it's still fun.
- Due to her role as being physically closer to children than the others for the majority of the time, Bell's database and sensors are much more advanced. She can pinpoint criminals from a ways away. She also is programmed to recognize any disabilities, disorders, and stress among humans visiting the plex and accommodate them in a way that is both respectful and helpful, then to inform her colleagues to do the same.
- Bell's memory is meant to be near flawless. It helps her track down potential threats with a mere glance and to be more inclusive to guests. But there's a portion of her time working at the Pizzaplex that she can't remember no matter how hard she tries. A single day that seems insignificant in the grand scheme yet no one can pinpoint why she seems so fixated on trying to remember it, including herself.
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Half-Incubus!Tendou x Monster Hunter!Reader (part 1)
Part 1 of what I hope to become a short series, and the prologue for my previous touch-starved Tendou fic. Spoiler alert: he’s still touch-starved and needs cuddles but this time he’s gonna be a bitchboy about it -Osa
It had been a while since you had gone to a party.
The speakers’ bass was drumming so loud you could feel the vibrations through the soles of your shoes, thrumming in your ears and rattling your brain. Inside, the air was thick and hot and smelled like sweat and booze. The lights were dimmed and multicolored LEDs lit up most of the house. As soon as you stepped in, you felt like turning on your heel and walking back out. 
“Hey, you made it!” A slurring, cheerful voice greeted you, along with a heavy arm slung around your shoulder which almost made you buckle under it. You recognized the flushed face of Terushima, slicked back hair tousled around his antlers. “I was hoping you’d coooome,” he sang.
You grimaced, and tried to move out from under his arm, but he stuck to you like gum on the bottom of a shoe. 
“Want a drink?” He asked. “We got a lot.”
“I’m fine.” I should have left when I had the chance.
You didn’t know half of the people here; you’d hoped to meet up with Motoya or at least Fukunaga, but neither the peppy kitsune nor the awkward kappa were anywhere to be seen. You were trying to shove the drunk jackalope hybrid off of your shoulder, when his weight was suddenly removed.
It was a tall, lanky high schooler who had peeled him from you, looking as pissed as you had ever seen anyone. From what you could tell, he was human. His voice had falsely sweet venom to them. “Don’t you have other places to be?”
Terushima didn’t seem to notice the edge to his words, and he grinned stupidly up at him. “Semiiiii, I was wondering where you’d gone.”
The tall boy—Semi?—leaned down next to Terushima and whispered something indistinguishable in his ear. At once, Terushima’s eyes widened, seeming to glass over, and he couldn’t stumble out of the room fast enough. 
Semi turned to you. You noticed his hair was bleached to a warm, dusky ash-blonde, and his eyes were sharp. “You good?”
“Yeah, thanks,” you said. “What did you say to him?
He ignored your question. “Aren’t you the new kid?”
You corrected him with your actual name, followed by, “And yes, I am.”
He smiled in amusement, and offered his fist for you to bump. “Semi. Cool to meet you.”
“You too,” you said. “So, are you gonna tell me what you said to make him leave so quickly?”
He smirked. “A magician never reveals his secrets.” 
You looked him in the eyes, deadpan.
“Alright, if you really want to know…” He leaned in closer to you and whispered, “I threatened to leak his dick pics.”
A lie. You could tell. One of the few helpful gifts your monster-hunter ancestry had left you is the ability to tell when people are lying. It wasn’t magic, per se; it was more of a hypersensitivity, a trait made possible by your heightened senses. At any given moment, your brain was subconsciously noting every single detail around you, picking apart every change in your environment, analyzing anyone you came in contact with, dissecting tone and body language. And when you focused, you could read people like an open book. In the past, this would make you an expert tracker, a master of survival. But in the modern world, it aids you in different ways.
“It’s just about as close to mind reading you can get without magic,” your father had told you. 
So you looked at Semi, expression flat, and bluntly said, “If you’re going to tell me anything, tell the truth.”
He seemed caught off guard that you had called his bluff so quickly, but regained his composure. He grinned at you.
“Too obvious? Alright, well, here’s the truth,” he paused for a moment. “I’m a siren.”
Your eyes widened. You’d only met one siren before in your life, in your middle school, and she had been a total bitch to you. She’d use her powers, her singing voice like puppet strings, to make you carry her things or just outright humiliate you. She didn’t stop until she found out that you were a hunter.
“Don’t worry, if you’re not a sleazebag like Terushima, you’re safe from my powers,” he said.
“I take it you’re not friends,” You guessed.
“Oh, we are friends, actually,” Semi replied. “I’m just, y’know, not blind.”
You snorted at this, which seemed to satisfy him.
“Wanna grab a drink with me, new kid?” he asked. “There are non-alcoholic options as well.”
Your first instinct was to say no; you never made it a habit to go anywhere with a person you just met. But there was an ease about Semi, and it made you feel comforted amongst the pressing of the party going on around you. So you nodded, and let him lead you over to the kitchen.
He waggled a bottle at you. “Sprite?”
“Why not.” You caught it with ease as he threw it at you, cracking the seal and taking a small sip. He grabbed one for himself as well.
“Y’know, if you wanted to leave, I wouldn’t blame you,” he said. “Terushima’s house parties are… An acquired taste.”
“I thought about it, honestly,” you said. “But I don’t know if dipping from the party after five minutes of being here would exactly help my social life.”
“Cheers to that.” He swirled his Sprite around in the bottle. “But, hey, if you need someone to chill with at school, you’re welcome to join me.”
Your heart swelled. “Really?” Maybe I would make friends at this new school, after all. 
“Why not?” Semi said. “I don’t really stick to one group, anyways. Kind of a floater.”
You nodded. “Yeah, I was like that at my old school, too.”
He took a swig from his bottle. “Don’t worry, I’ll show you the ins and outs of Lyonell high.”
Someone called Semi’s name from the other room. He sighed. “It’s probably Taichi. I’ll catch you later, yeah?”
You nodded. “Yeah. Thanks. For, uh…. Yeah”
“You don’t need to thank me for anything,” he said, shrugging. “You’re pretty cool.”
You gave him a half smile as he disappeared into the other room, which dropped as soon as you left. You leaned against the counter, sipping your sprite. Alone. The thought almost made you laugh; you were sure you looked as pathetic as you felt.
“Don’t like parties?” A sultry voice hummed in your ear.
You jumped back, only to see a tall, gangly boy with bright red hair and skin so pale you thought for a second that he must be a vampire. You vaguely recognized him; you’d seen him around at school, always lurking in corners, never with anyone else. He blinked at you, bow-like lips curving into a vaguely interested smirk. 
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckled.
“Yeah, well, you did,” you huffed.
He tilted his head, mock-pouting. “I’m sorry.”
You looked away, deciding to ignore the boy in favor of your Sprite. You could feel him shift, and he leaned down to peer at you directly in front of your face.
“You’re new here, right?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you replied. “My name is-”
“Oh, I already know your name,” he cut you off. “The rest of the school can’t shut up about it.” He blinked at me. “I’m Satori, by the way, but most people call me Tendou.”
From this angle, there was no way you couldn’t meet his gaze. His eyes were heavily hooded and a searing red, almost the same color as his hair. There was something sharp about them, but not aggressive. Just intense.
You kind of liked it.
“So,” he continued, “why come to a party if you’re going to sit around in a corner being sad?”
“I’m not sad,” you said. “I’m just bored. And hey, you’re over here, too, so you can’t talk.”
He hummed. “Ah, but you see, the only reason I came over here is because I saw you.”
He stepped back at this, so he was fully facing you and you could get a clear view of him. He towered over you easily despite being slouched, and his baggy black T-shirt hung loosely on his slim frame. He had a few necklaces, chains and such, as well as pierced ears. The whole time you glossed him over, he never stopped looking at you. It was like you were his whole focus, like you were a puzzle he was trying to solve by looking at. Not that you were complaining; you found that you rather enjoyed being looked at by him. Despite having just met him a moment ago, you couldn’t help but feel attracted to him, a kind of magnetic pull.
Almost as if he could sense your thoughts, he offered you his hand, and inclined his head in the direction of the other room, where the real partying was going on.
“C’mon,” he said. “The new kid can have a little fun, yeah?”
Against your better judgement, you let him lead you into the other room. You could feel the temperature change, rise as there were more bodies packed together, drinking and laughing, swaying and bouncing along with the beat of the music. Tendou blended into the crowd easily, like it was natural for him. It was his kind of scene.
In the corner, you spotted Semi, supporting the weight of a red-headed Tanuki boy who you could only assume to be Taichi. He was a little out of it, wobbly and barely able to hold himself up, and Semi seemed to have his hands full.
In the kitchen, the music had been a dull thudding seeping through the walls. But here, at the center of its source, it was loud, seeming to drown all of your senses in it. 
Tendou pulled you into him, urging you to dance. His body moved easily to the rhythm, loose and comfortable in the overwhelming atmosphere. He was grinning, and you could see the glint of it even under the dim lighting. His enthusiasm was contagious; you couldn’t help but dance along to the song a bit, an act which made Tendou grin even wider.
At some point, he had pulled you flush against him, and your faces were so close together that you could feel his hot breath fan across your cheeks. It was like an electric spark between you, something so high and full of tension that neither of you could pull away from. He began to lean down.
You suddenly felt a cold splash on your back that ran down your shirt. You yelped, and whirled around to see a very tipsy Terushima holding a red solo cup. He at least had the decency to look ashamed, eyes wide.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t see you,” he said. He was unsteady on his feet, the remnants of his drink sloshing about in the cup. You were quick to snatch it from his hand.
“I think you’ve had enough for one night,” you growled, turning on your heel and walking out. You deposited the cup on the kitchen counter, and went upstairs to where you hoped a bathroom would be.
Your back was sticky and smelled sour, and you were muttering curses under your breath as you trudged upstairs. The bathroom was directly across the hall, and you all but dove in, slamming the door behind you.
You took in heaving breaths. You felt so overwhelmed, so out of place, like you were forcing yourself to be someone you’re not. Everything was so much, too much, you felt suffocated. This feeling had been building up all day, you realized, and Terushima spilling his drink on you was just the tipping point.
You looked in the mirror. It was someone you didn’t recognize, hair tousled and face pale. It looked like a stranger. You turned around to see the reflection of where the drink had spilled. It was a cherry red, and ran down your back and even onto the waistband of your pants. It was definitely going to stain. You scowled.
There was a knock at the door, a pause, followed by a hesitant calling of your name.
“Yeah,” I said dryly.
The door cracked open to reveal Tendou, the grin wiped from his face and the enthusiasm drained from his piercing eyes. He just looked plain worried.
“You good?” he asked. “Can I come in?”
You nodded, turning back to face the mirror. Tendou caught a glimpse at the wide stain on your back and grimaced. 
“Y’know, Teru’s always been one of those guys that talks big but really can’t hold his liquor,” Tendou remarked as he let himself in. In his left hand he was carrying a mustard-yellow T shirt. He saw that you had spotted it, and offered it out.
“Figured you didn’t have a change of clothes,” he said. “I’m hoping it’ll work.”
You took it. The material was soft and pliable from being worn, the printing on it faded. You snorted as you realized it had a printing of the periodic table.
“Is this yours?” You asked.
He shook his head. “Teru’s.”
You raised a brow at him. “He gave it to you?”
“Well…,” Tendou said, a hint of mischief in his voice. “Not exactly.”
“So you stole it,” you stated rather than asked.
“I didn’t steal it,” he corrected. “I borrowed it. For you. It’s the least he could do to make up for it.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, okay, that’s true.”
He gestured to the shirt. “Go ahead and get cleaned up.” He then turned to go back downstairs, shutting the door behind him.
After peeling your shirt from your skin, you wiped the stickiness off with a wet washcloth, and pulled the T-shirt over your head. You balled up your soiled shirt and tucked it under your arm.
When you opened the door again, you were surprised to see Tendou still there, leaning up against the stairway railing. 
He offered a smile. “I guess it fits?”
“It’s a little big,” you said. “But yeah, it works.”
His long arms were crossed over his chest, and as he dissected you with his eyes, his brow creased. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You shrugged, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ears. You debated telling him, letting him have a peek into your mind. But some part of you still wanted to stay guarded.
“A little overwhelmed, I guess.” You settled on a half-truth. 
“Are you coming back downstairs anytime soon?” he asked.
You shook your head. “Probably not. But you can go ahead.”
“Nah,” he said. “Parties like this are kinda’ lame anyways.”
For a moment, neither of you said or did anything. Tendou then stood up straight and started heading down the hall, pausing to look back and see if you were coming with him. You hesitated.
“Relax,” he hummed. “I know a spot where you can calm down.”
You let him lead you into one of the bedrooms. You paused at the doorway, wondering just where he was going with this, but he didn’t look back as he hefted the window open. Nimbly, he hopped up and pulled himself through, pausing on the sill.
“You coming?” He asked. “Teru’s roof has a pretty sweet view.”
You said nothing as you approached. He got himself all the way out, landing on the roof that started a few feet below the sill. He offered a hand to you, and although you were perfectly capable of getting yourself up there on your own, you decided to humor him and take it.
The September night air was sweet, cool, and most importantly, quiet. The booming bass of the party downstairs was a distant memory as you stepped out onto the roof. You two sat down against the scratching roofing, but you didn’t mind. You were still holding hands from before, but neither of you made any move to pull away.
He smirked. “Told you.”
He had been right; the view really was great. You could see the lights of the city below you from where Terushima’s house sat on a hill. You couldn’t see many stars because of the light pollution, but with how pretty the city was, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
You could feel Tendou wordlessly lean into you. He was warm, solid, comforting. You found yourself untangling your hand from his and instead snaking an arm around his waist. He tensed for a moment, as if he hadn’t been expecting you to touch him first, before relaxing and letting his head fall against your shoulder.
“This is nice,” he breathed. 
You simply hummed in response. Your hand danced up and down his side, an innocent exploration. He jolted ever so slightly as your hand brushed against his shoulder blade. You traced your fingers higher, skimming along the searing skin of his milky neck until you raked them up from the bottom of his hair, brushing through.
You heard a sharp intake of breath from him, before he sighed contentedly, letting your fingers gently scrape against his scalp. His hair was stiff and crunchy from the product he put in it, but if you were messing it up, he didn’t say anything.
The two of you stayed on the roof like that for what seemed like forever, saying nothing but feeling everything. He had shifted to sit between your legs, reclined with his back facing you, head resting on your chest. When you stole a glimpse down at him, you saw that his eyelids had fluttered shut.
As if he could feel your gaze upon him, he lazily cracked his eyes open, staring catishly at you. 
“I think you were right,” you said.
Saying nothing, he hefted himself up from your lap to face you, never breaking eye contact. He got close again, foreheads almost pressed together, breaths in the fresh night air mixing together.
And then he was kissing you. 
It was warm and wet, but not heavy. His lips were slow, practiced, knowing how to mold into yours in just the right way. You kissed him back, cupping his face in your hands. His tongue slid out for a moment, making contact with yours in between your mouths pressing together, and then he pulled away.
“I’m getting a little cold,” he said. “Wanna head back down?”
You haphazardly slipped through the window, and followed Tendou downstairs.
The party had died down a bit, but not by much. You could spot a couple passed out on the couch, and a few small groups talking and laughing rather than a crowd of everyone dancing together. Someone had turned the music down—thank God—and although it still smelled like a teenage party, it felt somehow a little more bearable.
When you got to the bottom of the stairs, Tendou turned to you. 
“That was nice,” he said. “Really nice. But I don’t want you getting the wrong idea; I don’t wanna, like… start anything. Romantically. It’s not really how I roll. I’d rather stay just friends, y’know?”
As soon as the words ‘just friends’ left his mouth, you knew it was a lie. You could see it in the blinking of his eyes, the slight twitch of the corners of his mouth, the tilt of his shoulders. 
But you didn’t call him out on it. Instead, you said, “Just friends it is, then.”
And then you let him walk away, believing that you had bought his lie, that you were completely oblivious about his attraction to you
Commissions open! Check out my page for details :)
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lollipoptiger · 2 years
Aww, your custom Calico Critters are adorable! The jackalope is especially cute. How did you make them?
Aaa thank you so much! That means a lot to me, I'm so happy you enjoy them! <3 (❁´◡`❁)
They were actually pretty easy to make imo! 10/10 would recommend! I can't believe I don't see more people doing it! I put the steps under a cut because I got a bit excited and included everything I've learned so far
The lighter calico critter you can get to start with, the better, for sure. For the cat I made, I used a tuxedo base which had pitch black ears-- while you can layer white paint over the black spots, it takes a lot of layers and never feels like it covers completely. You'll definitely lose the velvet texture in these spots if you try to lighten them, in my experience (though even if they are no longer soft, the soft /look/ can still remain. Even official critters, like the giraffes, have colored spots that are a bit firmer, so don't worry). So if you can get a pale critter, that's best!
But I used a mix of cheap acrylic paints and a quite a bit of water-- You want to try and "stain" their fur in thin layers (easiest to work from the lightest color to your darkest) to preserve the velvet feeling of their flocking. You can use a paper towel to dab off excess if you put it on a tad thick. If its particularly wet, you can dab up mistakes too if you're quick. Gently work around the eyes, trying to avoid them. I use a scrubbing motion with a firmer brush to work in the color. The more watery the paint, the softer the color and blend, so you can add fine details like spots with little to no water, or get smooth gradients by going over applied paint with a brush loaded (dabbed off on a paper towel) with water-- the paint will "bloom" from the spot and fade through the flocking without much need to scrub or blend. Don't forget to rotate their limbs to get in all the cracks.
For extras like the horns on the jackalope, I used sculpy, but I imagine any clay will work. Wherever you would like to attach your clay, gently press the undried/baked accessory to the critter- you want the part of the clay that attaches to them to have the curve or fit, so when it dries it isn't wobbly to glue. I recommend if you're making antlers to do the base "stem", bake or dry it, then add the extra spikes and bake/dry again. It makes it a lot easier to keep their curves if one part is hard, and the other can be freely wrapped around. I would paint before applying the parts to the critter, to avoid getting any on their fur. I just used super glue to attach the antlers, and so far I haven't had any issues. :^)
Your ask really made my day so I hope this helps! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I would love to see what you customize if you decide to give it a shot! Have a fantastic dayヾ(≧▽≦*)o
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sandersseduction · 4 years
Truth is I Want You
This work is part of @sanderssidessmutmonth ! Roman Week Day Five, Roceit!
Content: Alcohol, Making Out, Grinding, Rimming/Eating Out, Anal Fingering, Size Kink, Doggy Style
Pairing: Roceit
Word Count: 2681
Roman sat down in the circle among friends and strangers, everyone chatting excitedly for the game to begin. The closed door did little to muffle the music blaring from the speakers in the main room. The theater major took a slow sip from his red cup, though there was no alcohol in it. It was just Coke. He had a class at 8:30 in the morning, and he was not about to risk a hangover for that. 
“Okay, everyone know the rules?” Roman turned his attention to his friend Patton, who apparently was the one running the game. 
“It’s Truth of Dare Babe, ‘s not complicated,” a guy, in a pair of sunglasses of all things, drawled out before taking a long sip from a starbucks cup. Everyone else let out murmurs of agreement and Patton beamed. 
“Okay then I’ll go first!” With that, his friend spun the bottle in the center of the circle. Roman watched as it spun around, excited to see if it would land on him or someone else. The spinning slowed down to a stop, the neck pointing right at someone in a beanie. “Truth of dare!” It was plain adorable how excitable his friend was. It gave Roman flashbacks to childhood sleepovers. 
“Dare me.” The beanie headed stranger decided and Patton took a moment to ponder. 
“I dare you to…. Drink a cup of pickle juice!” Even the dare was like being back in elementary school. Laughter filled the room as people jokingly shoved at the daree before they got up to leave the room. Everyone scrambled to follow, wanting to witness it occur. Moving through the frat house, the group made their way to the kitchen. 
“Do they even have pickles?” Someone asked, Roman didn’t know who. The answer arrived shortly after when a quick rummage through the fridge revealed a jar of the pimply green vegetables. Phones were taken out, Roman’s among them, ready to record for future hilarity. The lid was removed and a cup gathered, everyone cheering on as the juice was poured in. Roman hit record on his phone the second the cup was lifted, and as they drank from it, everyone yelled out commentary. The face the stranger made was priceless, they looked like they wanted to gag. 
“Ugh fuck that was so gross. Shit man.” Everyone laughed at that before hurrying back to the room they had originally congregated at. Beanie spun the bottle and the next victim was the Emo guy Virgil that Patton was roommates with. “Truth or dare?” 
“Umm.” Virgil seemed to weigh his options, brooding eyes wandering all over the place. “Truth.” A few people booed, wanting something more exciting, but Patton shushed them and gave Virgil a thumbs up. 
“Okay uuh-” Roman tuned out for a moment, taking his attention to where his cup had disappeared to when they had all left. He could have sworn he left it nearby when he got up but none of the cups he could see were the dark color of his soda. Where-
“I think this is yours.” A familiar voice whispered in his ear. Roman snapped his head towards the source, eyes wide as he spotted Janus García sitting right next to him. Heat rushed to his face at seeing those mismatched eyes so close, his heart racing in his chest. When did he get there? Roman did not remember sitting next to him. In fact, he recalled at the start of the game, he had been sitting by his friends Logan and Nate. Did they not join him when everyone came back in?
“W-what?” he stuttered out when he recalled the handsome man had said something to him. A smirk was sent his way, and it did wicked things to his insides, before the other held up a red cup with dark liquid inside. “I said, I think this is yours.” Janus repeated, still leaned in close to be heard over the music and others cheering and chatting. “I thought it was my rum and Coke, but there is most certainly no rum in it.” With bright red cheeks, Roman took the cup from him, the fingers brushing in the change. The touch sent electricity through him. 
“Thanks.” he said softly, perhaps too softly in such a loud setting but Janus seemed to hear him because he nodded before turning his attention back to the group. Roman did the same, holding his cup close if it had the secrets to the universe. His attention returned to the game just in time to see the bottle land on Logan, whom he now realized sat across the circle now. 
“Dare.” Roman watched silently at the biology major’s act of bravery, ready to take on whatever challenge Virgil would give him. He took a sip of his drink while the Emo instructed Logan to speak only in puns for the rest of the game, before remembering that Janus had drunk from it too.
Oh my stars, it's an indirect kiss! he thought, flushed and embarrassed. He probably didn’t even drink from the same spot as the other, but the fact that they both had was enough to get his heartbeat pulsing hard. Or maybe that was the bass shaking the whole house? Either way, the thought was in his head now, and grew more aware of the other man’s body close to his own. Only inches kept their crossed legs from touching. 
“Roman!” He jolted at the call of his name, blinking to see the bottle facing him and his brother grinning devilishly. “Truth of dare?” 
When did Remus go? he wondered, blinking in confusion. Had he been so lost in his thoughts he missed other turns? Damn. Well he knew better than to take a dare from the other. That was just asking for trouble. “Truth, I guess.” Remus pouted at that, which only proved him right in his choice, but then a manic grin took over his face. 
“Who do you have wet dreams about?”
“What the fuck Remus!?” Roman exclaimed, his flush darkening while his nose crinkled. He did NOT need his brother of all people asking that. That was just so wrong. 
“You gotta answer or take a penalty~” his lookalike singsonged, and Roman had never had a greater urge to punch his brother in the face than in that moment. The rules of the game were clear though, and knowing his brother, Remus was probably hoping Roman would take the penalty. It was almost tempting too, just to avoid confessing out loud of the subject of his lusty thoughts.
But his competitive spirit wouldn’t allow it. With a nervous glance to the side, he cleared his throat before looking down at his lap. “... Janus García.” The man in question stiffened beside him and Roman felt his stomach sink. As the crowd laughed and teased, Roman felt his blush spread to the tips of his ears. It was single handedly the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to him. Silently, he spun the bottle just to get the attention off of him and didn’t even bother to pay attention to who it landed. “Truth or dare?” 
“Dare.” It was sunglasses and starbucks. 
“I dare you to uh, french kiss the frat mascot.” It was some stuffed jackalope thing that some thought was a taxidermied rabbit with antlers glued on and others thought it was just a very realistic but utterly fake stuffed animal with antlers glued on. No one really knew as it had been part of the fraternity for decades. Starbucks agreed and everyone laughed and recorded the dude after he retrieved it, losing their shit as he proceeded to make out with it.
The game went on after that, but Roman couldn’t really focus. Not when Janus was still right next to him while knowing that the theater major had dirty thoughts about him. He had more than that, but the point remained. He wasn’t actively changing seats, which had to be some kind of positive right? Maybe he wasn’t disgusted by Roman and his feelings? He could only hope things wouldn’t be too awkward after the night was over. 
When the game finished, ending after Tayln puked from spinning too much and too fast for their dare, Roman got up with everyone else and made to leave. Before he could even get to the door however, hands grabbed hold of him and spun him around. He locked eyes with brown and green, inhaling sharply as he realized that Janus had stopped him. Actually more than stopped. He was being moved backwards until his back met with a wall. “Uh-”
“You cool with me rocking your world?” Chestnut brown eyes blinked, his jaw dropping a little. “Need an answer, darling.”
“Y-yeah,” he managed to get out, heat pooling low in his gut. “Yeah, I’m cool with that.” The second he finished talking, his lips were stolen in a heated kiss. A groan left him as rough lips pressed firmly into his, hands reaching up loop around Janus’ shoulders. The other man pressed him further against the wall, their hips grinding into each other. Large hands gripped his upper thighs, and suddenly he was being lifted. With a squeak, Roman wrapped his legs around the tanned man’s waist. 
In his surprise, a tongue slipped into his mouth. “Mmm~” he moaned, shivering as the muscle rubbed against his own. Without a thought, he rolled his hips and moaned again as he grinded into Janus. The other moaned as well, moving his own hips in tandem. “Fuck!” he gasped out, breaking the kiss to catch his breath. Janus’ lips moved onto his neck, pressing bruising kisses down and setting the skin on fire.
“Get a room!” 
Right, they were at a party. Roman sort of forgot about that. 
“We do have a room, you just came in it.” Janus retorted, lifting a hand up to flip off the people that came in. And somehow still able to hold Roman up holy shit-
“If you’re gonna fuck, go somewhere else.” 
The air seemed to change after that statement, a sexual tension forming as Roman’s eyes met with Janus. An eyebrow raised, a silent question forming. Roman bit his lip and nodded. “Yeah okay.” Just like that, he was set back down and his hand grabbed. The two moved through the house, pushing through the crowd of drunken people and up a flight of stairs. Next thing he knew, he was in a bedroom and lips locked back onto his as he fell onto a bed. 
Hands moved all over as the two explored their bodies, hips grinding against each other in a frantic rush. “Wanted you for so long.” Janus confessed, sitting up to remove his shirt. The sight of his pecks was downright mouthwatering. Roman rushed to get his own shirt off before pulling the other back down. The feel of skin against skin was a rush, sending heat all over. 
Shoes and pants went off next, a scrambled affair as the two tried not to be apart from each other for long. The moment they were both naked, Roman was flipped around with his face pressed into the pillow and his ass up. A tongue prodded between his cheeks, pulling a gasp from him as his hands clenched at the sheets. Janus seemed quite skillful, eating him out with gusto and making him pant and moan like never before. 
He was so lost in the haze of lust, that he didn’t notice the other take out lube. Not until a wet finger pressed against his rim to join in. “Aaaah fuck~” he groaned out, pressing back at the invading digit. He whined when the tongue vanished, rolling his hips to try and find it back. “Fuuuuck.” 
“That’s the idea Roman.” Janus chuckled, slipping in a second finger inside. It burned a bit, but Janus moved slowly. Working him up with a patience that Roman did not feel at all. By the time the third finger entered, he thought he was going to lose his mind. 
“Mmmh please~” he begged, rolling back onto the fingers to get them in deeper. They brushed against the bundle of nerves that was his prostate, making him cry out in bliss. “Please, fuck me already!” If he didn’t get his ass pounded into soon, he was going to die!
“Well, since you asked so nicely.”  The sound of a wrapper filled the air and Roman looked over his shoulder to see a condom get freed. It also gave him the chance to truly see Janus’ cock. The size of it made him moan as his own cock twitched. “Like what you see?” Janus asked, a smirk on his face. 
“Yesss.” Roman couldn’t even pretend to play coy. He was hot and bothered and wanted that dick in him yesterday. “God you’re huge!” Janus seemed to appreciate the compliment, leaning down to nip at Roman’s shoulder as he slid the condom on. He gasped at the bite, shivering helplessly while his lover lined himself up. When the head pushed in, Roman inhaled sharply. 
Janus didn’t go far before he stopped, letting the theater major get used to how full he was getting already. “Relax.” he instructed, rubbing at his hips to help soothe him. It took a few minutes, but eventually the burn subsided and Janus pushed more of himself in. It felt like an eternity before he bottomed out, but once he did, they were both panting and Roman’s cock began leaking. 
He was so full and it reached so deep. The tip barely pressing on his prostate already. “Oh god.” he groaned, pressing his face into the pillow.
“You’re so tight.” Janus moaned out, his hands tightening their hold on Roman. “Fuck.” 
“Thats ah- that’s the idea.” Roman couldn’t help but return the other’s cheeky statement. A pinch on his ass had him yelping before it turned into a moan as the cock inside him moved. “I’m ready.” he gasped out, wiggling his hips to make it move again. “Come on, you said you were gonna rock my world.” With a growl, Janus pulled out to the tip before slamming his hips back inside. “AH!” Roman scrambled to hold onto something, the force of the thrust pushing him forward. 
“Careful what you wish for, sweetheart,” came the growled response, Janus pulling back before thrusting hard again. His thrusts were slow but powerful, knocking the air from Roman’s lungs as he was railed into. “God you feel incredible!” the man went on to praise, making his lover moan shamelessly. 
“You’re so deep!” Roman babbled out, writhing under the onslaught. The pace began to pick up, Janus pounding into him faster. A hand gripped his dripping cock, making his back arch as he moaned loudly. The man above him began to pump his hand in time to the bruising thrusts, leaving Roman helpless to the pleasure. 
It was with almost no warning when he came, the peak sudden as he cried out Janus’ name. The man in question continued to pound inside, moving faster as he chased his own release. It was boarding on too much when he finally came, pressing in deep as he emptied into the condom. The two groaned when he finally pulled out for good, leaving Roman empty as he let his legs collapse. He was only vaguely aware of Janus throwing the condom away before returning back to bed. 
“No one’s gonna get mad we had sex in here right?” he asked, brain function returning to him enough that he realized they had to be in someone’s room. 
“Nah, this is my room. We’re fine.” 
“Oh good.” He hadn’t been aware that Janus was a member of the fraternity, but that was lucky for them that he was. An arm wrapped around his waist, causing him to open an eye he didn’t know he closed. Janus snuggled in close, his own eyes slipping closed.
“I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.”
“I got an 8:30 class.”
“Don’t worry, I’m an early bird.”
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