#a sponsor is going to come see me tomorrow at competition and he wants to speak to me and offer me an internship
trans4trans · 2 years
i am going to kill myself
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kararisa · 9 months
marigold promises
— 42. stubborn™ (☕︎ = 0.8k words)
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It’s a Thursday afternoon when you spot Albedo in all his stubborn, golden-haired glory at a nearby flower shop.
He gives you a small wave when he sees you approach. Honestly, he should be given an award for how stubborn he is.
“Hey.” Albedo greets.
“Hey yourself.” you give him an unimpressed look. “I thought I told you to go ahead without me?”
Undeterred by your disapproving gaze, Albedo simply grins. "I'm well aware, Cupcake," he responds. "But I wanted to wait for you. 
Accepting his unexpected gesture, you let out a small sigh and a flicker of appreciation softens your expression. Realizing that Albedo's intentions were rooted in a genuine desire to just be there for you, you find yourself grateful for his presence.
As the two of you set off, a steady, synchronized rhythm forms in your steps. The world around you fades into the background as you both navigate the bustling streets, heading toward the nearest train station. Conversations, mingled with the sounds of passing traffic, weave a tapestry of ambient noise that accompanies your journey.
You playfully bump your shoulder into his, a teasing tone in your voice when you ask. “You missed me, didn’t you?”
“What makes you say that?”
“Well, why else would you come to pick me up after my internships finished?”
He huffs, “We saw each other this morning.”
“That doesn’t answer my question, smartass.”
Instead of answering, he brings up the ongoing group project in one of the subjects you share, and you take that as your signal to change the topic.
The two of you begin to exchange ideas and share your perspectives, but in your haste to set up another meeting, Albedo reminds you of the international competition qualifiers taking place tomorrow. 
Ah right. The qualifiers.
Albedo notices the shift in your demeanor as he brings it up. "You'll do just fine," he assures you. "In fact, you're the second smartest person I know."
You raise an eyebrow, casting a skeptical glance his way. "So, I suppose the smartest person you know is yourself?"
He grins mischievously. "Who else would I be referring to?"
You respond with a hint of sarcasm, rolling your eyes. "Well, I appreciate the vote of confidence. But it's not the qualifiers that make me hesitant; it's the Mora I'll have to scrape together if I do qualify."
With the way the organizers allocate the competitions, you could end up staying in Mondstadt or being flown across Teyvat for a few days.
But regardless of the location, you have to compete. If only to please your family. If you fail to qualify, they’ll take it as you neglecting your extracurricular activities. On the other hand, if you prioritize your participation, they may accuse you of losing focus on your studies.
It’s as if you don’t consistently place on top of your batch.
On top of all that, your family pesters you incessantly about when you’ll next visit. You find yourself using the excuse of being occupied with school and competitions, and the phrase “maybe next time” becomes your new mantra. Mercifully, they don’t comment on it, but you know you won’t be able to run away from them forever.
Albedo gives you a questioning look. You know that look in his eyes — it’s that inquisitiveness you’ve grown all too familiar with. Even so, he doesn’t push for an answer
“Honestly,” telling him what’s really going on comes easily. Too easily for your liking, but you’re not gonna dwell too deeply into that. “I’m pretty strapped for Mora. I’m sure you know how expensive these competitions can get.”
“I get where you’re coming from,” Albedo responds. “But I asked the clubs about it earlier this morning, and they said they’re actively seeking sponsors. If luck is on our side, we might even get the privilege of being able to participate without having to pay anything.”
You attempt to mask the visible relief that washes over your face, not wanting to appear overly relieved or dependent. If it all goes right, you might not even have to ask your parents for a single Mora.
The two of you arrive at the bustling train station shortly after.
Albedo turns to you when you get to the station platform, “And here’s where we part ways, Cupcake. I gotta go babysit Klee again.”
“Want me to come with you?”
“I can’t ask that of you. Besides, you probably have at least some responsibilities that await your unwavering attention.”
“Oh come on. I’m the one offering here,” you groan. “Tell you what. If you let me come with you, we can get started on our lab report. I can even help you babysit Klee.”
He gives you a skeptical look, “You can’t possibly mean that.”
You shrug, “Maybe I just miss Klee. You ever think of that, Sunshine?”
“You’re not gonna let this go until I say yes, aren’t you?”
“Well, will you look at that? You do know me after all.”
Albedo simply sighs in response, making his way to the platform, “Come on. If we loiter for any longer, we’re going to miss the next train.”
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summary: it's been two years since you've been reunited with your childhood friend. while your rivalry has blossomed into something friendly, you can't exactly say the same for the way your heart skips a beat whenever albedo so much as looks at you. however, as the pressure to excel in your academics starts to burn you out, it begs the question: how much force can a person endure before they break?
author's notes:
hey everyone ^^ bit more of a serious note. with college starting up this week, i'm unfortunately going to have less time to update. this does means that updates will be more inconsistent and sporadic, but i'll do my best to update whenever i have the time. thank you all for your unwavering support. i'll see you on the flipside 🫡
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clatoera · 1 year
Always Remember We’re Burned for Better Chapter 6: Everybody’s Watching To See The Fallout
...hey guys. Sorry this is so late. I have been working 18 hour days all week, trying to gather skills, experiences, and make a strong impression on my preceptors.  I’m in my dream rotation right now and essentially being an utter gunner LMAO. 
I only have two more weeks of being unreliable though, and then i’ll be back to regular scheduled posting. 
Masterpost of 1-5
Title from Eyes Open (t swift), because of COURSE for the 74th games I had to use a song from the movie!
Extra love to @ms1818 and @ohhowwehavefallen as usual, who have listened to me scream cry throw up and ask “Does cato seem like he likes clove” 18 times week. 
This is one of my weaker chapters, I know that, but ya girl is a tired little girl (25 year old adult woman)
“So…what are we supposed to say to them?” Comes in a harsh whisper from Clove, from where she and Cato hid just beyond the door frame in one of the extra bedrooms of the district two floor. “We’re not technically their mentors right?”
“You’re supposed to be learning how to mentor, yes, and hiding in the spare room isn’t helping.” Enobaria hisses, grabbing both Clove and Cato by their upper arms and pulling them with her. “You’re at the very least going to watch and learn.”
“To be fair, I was here last year.” Cato mumbles as Enobaria pulls them into the open and empty center room.
“Yeah, and I had to tell you that you weren’t allowed to fuck your tribute girl, so you aren’t off to a shining start, Cato.” Enobaria shoves them both down on the circular couch, standing before them with hands on her hips and a disapproving look etched across her face. “Wasn’t this your life long goal? And you don’t even know how to talk to your tributes? You TRAINED with these two, weren’t they your friends?”
“I didn’t have any friends.” Clove reminds, leaning Into Cato’s side for no other reason than to irritate Enobaira. “Unless you count him.”
“Oh we’re just friends?” Cato teases, pinching the skin of her hip before he tugs her nearly into his lap. “That’s now what I thought on the way here when you were begging me to–”
“Shut it.” Clove’s eyes roll, but  Enobaria buries her fingers into her temples at the way they incessantly flirt with one another.
“Dumb. Dumber. Not the time. You two are not here together. You’re here to mentor. To gather the sponsors. To do the things necessary to ensure more victors. In fact, you two shouldn’t even be sleeping in the same–”
“Absolutely not.” Clove snipped, pulling her feet up onto the couch with her, tucking herself closer to Cato. “That’s not happening, next instruction please, Enobaria.”
She tosses the remote to the large screen at them with more force than strictly necessary. “First step. Your tributes are down there getting prepped for the parade. You two watch the reapings. You take notes. Potential allies. Potential threats. Write down who you want, contact their mentors”
“It’s always two and one. The most we’d add is four.” Cato catches the pen that Enobaria tosses at them next, the small pad of paper for notes hitting him solidly in the chest. “We’ll talk to Glimmer and Marvel tomorrow, we’ll arrange it, it’ll be fine.”
“Then watch for entertainment, I don’t care. It’s part of your job now.” Enobaria turns to walk away, but stops herself and narrows her gaze at the two. “And I do mean watch.”
Cato and Clove find watching the reapings brings out a competitive side they had shoved down for the last year.
Clove’s been shifted off his lap at some point, and sits crossed legged with various pieces of papers scattered around on her knees and thighs. Cato keeps a running list of Yes, No, Maybe, Absolutely not, Dies in the blood bath, or “Does that even count as a tribute.”
“Do all those girls in one look the same?” Clove comments before she writes the very district one style name on their little list, noting specifically how she seemed already that she’d end up taking a pretty-girl angle. She scribbles something next to her name as she watches her so proudly ascend the stage as a volunteer. Cato cranes over to see that it simply reads “Dumb”, before he reads the “Unremarkable” next to the boy’s name.
“We have to have a win from two, obviously. Assert our dominance over Glimmer and Marvel as mentors.” She decides as their own district reaping replay happens, nothing they needed to note there, considering they grew up with these kids.
“Babe, do you really think Glimmer cares that much? Last year her boy died and she literally said ‘aww…sad.’ before she went back to talking about you.” Cato crumples a piece of paper and tosses it across the room when he is unhappy with the options from three. “I think it’ll be our boy this year. He was always pretty good.”
“It certainly isn't going to be four.” Clove points her pen towards the screen as a twelve year old with curly hair is pulled for their male tribute. “Do we have to ally with them? They’re not going to add anything…” She gives a single nod of approval as the girl is called up. Probably 15, but looks on the stronger end. “The girl might be useful. We can’t pick one over the other though, huh?”
“Finnick has to know the kid has no shot. We’ll play nice.” Cato shrugs, adding the girl to the yes list. “Maybe he’ll go out at the cornucopia anyway.”
As four to 11 pass, they continually add to the no list, barely bothering to pay attention anymore.  
“You ready not to be the shiniest thing in Panem anymore?” Cato teases, pulling Clove back to his lap, arms loosely threading around her waist as he kisses her cheek. “Sent to the backburner of victors past..” His lips find her jawline, hands deftly twisting her so her body faces him.
“You think they’re going to ever let us live in peace?” Clove taunts back, wrapping her forearms gently around his shoulders, fingers toying gently with the hair at the base of his neck. “New victor or not, we’re still who everyone wants.” She leans her neck back, shivering as his lips trace the sensitive skin there. “I actually..I kind of look forward to it.”
Cato pulls away, eyebrow cocked at his girlfriend, looking her up and down rapidly. “Since when do you want less attention?”
“I’m tired of talking about my mom…about Enobaria.. talking about us. There are just some things I want us to keep for ourselves.” Clove had become a little more aware than ever exactly how much her life would have changed had her mother won, and she isn’t sure she would have liked who she became had she been raised in the eyes of the Capitol. It can’t be great to be a kid in that light, with constant cameras on you, being paraded around the country like an accessory to a successful parent.
“We can come out every year for the games, but we can just live our lives.” Clove sighs, strumming her thumb over his cheekbone, pressing her forehead to his. “I never thought much about what life would be like after winning. It would be great.. But I honestly cannot believe how nice it sounds to just go back home, train kids at the academy… have Enobaria and Brutus just let themselves in for breakfast every week.”
“You’ve gone soft,” Cato pulls her closer, the edge in his voice somehow teasing but also..almost longing. Cato had been far more open about his simple desires for his life after the games in the past year, but she hadn’t verbalized such similar desires until now. It wasn’t soft, no, it was just growth.
“I wouldn’t go that far, I’ll still beat those training kids into the floor.” Clove leans in at the exact moment a heart-wrenching screech fills the room from the reaping playback on the television.
The girl on the screen is frantic, pulling a tiny blonde thing into a hug before being led forward to the destitute district twelve stage.
“Did that girl just–” Clove cranes her head, watching as the twelve girls ascend the stage with her head held high. Not in pride, like a career would, but in a way that she does not falter in tears like so many tributes do.
“From twelve? She must have a death wish.” Cato scoffs, trying to pull Clove’s attention back to him with a squeeze of her thigh. “She’ll be dead in the first ten minutes.”
Though the escort continues talking, Clove can’t drag her attention away when she hears the name, and how she shares it with the young girl who was just called.
“She did it for her little sister…” Sure, Clove may not understand the type of familial love, but it’s still unusual to see someone so willing to die for their sibling.
“Siblings get reaped all the time, what good is there when one dies over the other?” He shakes his head, knowing full well that while he would have done it for his own baby sister, had that been at all possible or necessary. He has much more likelihood of survival than anyone else, for one. Besides, he couldn’t volunteer in her place anyway.
“Exactly… There's something about her. She’s going to be trouble, Cato.” Clove warns, eyes tracking the girl as she walks across the stage. “I’d have done it for Cora, but I would win.” She’d have done it anyway, winning or not, and that's not even her sister, but that isn’t the point. “You don’t do that unless you have a chance.”
“She won’t make it a day.” Cato disagreed, leaning back full on the couch, pulling her fully on top of him as he does so. He tucks his chin against the top of her dark hair, fingers drumming lightly on her lower back.
A little blonde boy takes the stage next to her, practically the same size as this Katniss Everdeen. Peeta.
“Is that one named after bread?”
“And they say district one has bad names.”
Clove laughs into chest, forgetting any concern over the volunteer from twelve.
A glass vase shatters against the window as soon as that final, aggravating score is announced, grabbed and released from Cato’s hand as he starts moving towards their current tributes.
“Are you fucking with me?” Comes from him, as he wraps his hand around their boy’s throat, single handedly pinning him to the wall.
“You two idiots have no fucking idea how she got an Eleven?”  Comes from her, as she grabs her girl by the hair and tugs her neck back sharply, earning a whimper from her ex classmate.
“HEY, Hands off the tributes.” Brutus insists, tugging Cato back at the same time Enobaria pries clove off the girl.
“You two are going to get yourselves fucking killed by that girl from 12. You’re going to lose. To Twelve.” Cato snarls, thrashing his shoulders to get out of Brutus’ grasp, freeing an arm just enough to grab the boy by his shirt. “You’ll be an embarrassment to two. Couldn’t even figure out her skill, which, clearly she has a lot of.”
“What did she do in training? Is she fast, is she smart, what did she do all week?” Clove breaks free from Enobaria, but does not put her hands back on the girl.
“I-I don’t know-” She stammers, violently shaking her head  and trying to back away from her mentor, before tripping and falling to the floor.  “She didn’t show anything–”
“She had to have shown something!”  Cato growls, directing back to his boy. “Clove knew when she saw her volunteer she was trouble, and you ignored  the biggest rule, of scoping out your competition.” Cato practically throws him away by the shirt, tossing the boy to the floor beside his partner.
“They’ve already been stealing the attention for days.” Clove recalls, standing beside Cato with her arms across her chest, the two of them towering over their cowering tributes on the floor. “The parade? With the flames? Noone was talking about you two. You’re literally standing in the smoke from fire girl right now. Noone sees you, no one cares about who you are.”
“You need to snuff her out, got it? First kill. At the cornucopia you hunt her down and you get rid of her.” Cato warns, as the two of them shuffle backwards. “Go sleep, you have the interviews tomorrow and you can’t fuck those up.”
They watch as their tributes scramble to their feet and practically run down the hall out of sightline of Cato, Clove, Enobaria, and Brutus.
The second they are in their respective rooms –fortunately, there was no concern for the two of them slipping off together– it is their turn to be grabbed by their once mentors.
Brutus has an arm against his chest, pinning him to the wall, while Enobaria holds next to him on that wall with the hand around her throat.
“What the fuck are you two doing,” Brutus pushes Cato in a little harder, until Cato relents and lets his head his the wall.
“You can’t manhandle your tributes, are you stupid? You’re supposed to guide them!”
“What are you calling this then, Enobaria-” Clove tries to push her hand away, only for Enobaira to tighten her grasp on her neck.
“Oh you’re not our tributes anymore, you’re on par with us, and you aren’t going to embarrass us by your little childish meltdowns.” Enobaira lets go of Clove, letting her fall to the floor gasping for the air she had been deprived of.
Brutus releases Cato at the same time, but he only glares back at his mentor, unlike Clove who’s choking the air back into her body. “This isn’t your year, don’t take it so personal.”
“It’s our first year on this side.” Cato huffs, crossing his arms over his chest to face off with Brutus. “We wouldn’t have made that mistake.”
“It’s her first year. You did this last year, you have no excuse. You weren’t very good at it last year, either.” Brutus warns, shoving Cato with two fingers on his shoulder.  “You didn’t even know his name.”
“Because he didn’t matter. I’d have killed him myself to get her out.”
“They aren’t your competition, that Twelve girl isn’t. You aren’t against them, don’t take it so personally.” Enobaria pulls Clove to her feet by her shoulders, helping her stand after sending her to the ground  moments ago. “You two have a long future of this ahead of you. You can’t take it so personally.”
“You’d have done worse to us if a twelve girl out scored us.” Clove coughs out, rubbing her hand over her throat to soothe what is surely angry skin there.
“Yeah, but you’re Cato and Clove. We always expected the best out of you two.”
“I think it went well.” Cato admits, handing off one of the glasses is in hand to his girlfriend, who sits on the floor in front of her couch. Her legs are outstretched before her with ankles crossed, as she reaches out and shoots him a smile before she takes the glass from him. She basks in the warmth of the artificial fireplace under the television screen,
“They’re not us, but they’ll do.” Clove teases, taking a long, slow sip of the drink as she waits for him to come to her level.
Cato slides down next to her, crossing his outstretched legs in front of him as well, before tugging her against him. “Noone’s ever going to be us.”
“Not a chance.” Clove curls into him, tucking her head into his shoulder and humming as the girl from 5 crosses off the stage. “Not the strongest field this year.”
“The kids from one are idiots.” Cato agreed, laying his head on top of hers, rubbing his hand over the outside of her shoulder.
“They’re always idiots in one. We both know they pretty much breed for looks like show horses. They don’t care much about what's on the inside so long as they have the shiniest coats and longest legs.” Clove snickers, leaning down to open the brown square box between their feet. She pops open the box to the bubbling cheese pizza on the inside, and a smile of absolute delight spreads across her face.
“Oh come one, you like Glimmer and Marvel. They’re nice.” Cato points out, laughing as Clove lifts a slice of pizza from the box and tilts her head back so the warm cheese can slide off the crust and into her mouth. “All the food in this place and this is what you wanted? Why are you eating it like that?”
“I never said they weren’t nice, I said they weren’t smart.“ Clove scrapes the rest of the cheese off with her teeth, before returning to the tip of the triangle and rolling the dough into a little roll before taking a bite across the crust. “What? It’s good.”
“Still doesn’t answer as to why there was all the food in the capitol and you wanted Pizza of all things. Why are you stripping the cheese, you just..bite into it?” Cato illustrates, knitting his eyebrows together as he watches Clove continue to disassemble her pieces.
“It works for me.” Clove defends, glancing up to see they’re onto district ten already. “Cato. We had what you wanted yesterday, let me have this greasy, doughy Pizza okay? We don’t even  have this back home.”
“We could probably make it..” It wasn't a lie, though. They had nothing like this back home, and certainly nothing like this growing up. Sure, two wasn’t a poor district by any means, but they were trained that food was fuel for reaching peak performance. Almost every meal in the academy was some combination of high protein in the form of eggs or plain, bland chicken, usually rice, and some steamed, bitter vegetable. Take the joy out of eating and no one will dare to over or under eat– you’re maximizing your physicality, nothing else.
There was nothing like the greasy, cheesy pizza they tried for the first time after the end of her party, during her tour. There was nothing like the fresh, crisp sushi from four. Or the rich, bloody rare steak Cato fell QUICKLY obsessed with during his own tour last year. Just the other night when the two of them had slipped out after scores came out, Clove absolutely devoured the entire basket of salty fries when she tried them for the first time.
“I think this is my favorite food.” Clove mumbled around the carb she shoved into her mouth, officially 1/4th done with their late night snack. “I can’t believe I'm saying that.”
“What, do you like Pizza? You used to roll up cheese slices in bread, I’m not actually shocked-”
“No. That we live a life where we can have a favorite food.” Clove picks up her glass from before and swirls the contents before taking a long drink. “God they’d smack me back in the academy if they heard me say that. How many times did they tell us you eat to perform, nothing more?”
“We won, baby. We can eat whatever we want, whenever we want.” Cato understands, though, deep down. Nineteen (and nearly nineteen) years old, and they were just for the first time getting to try things. Getting to enjoy things. “Isn’t that the point of the life of a victor?”
“For my birthday, I want fries. And that steak you really like that's still bleeding inside. Oh and Pizza. I want Pizza.” Clove decides, satiated for now and settles back in his arms.
“Anything you want, Clove. Anything.”
It would, after all, be the first of her birthday’s that they’d spend together, not training.
They settle back against the couch as the boy from eleven leaves the stage. Cato identified him as a possible threat due to his size earlier this week, but his training score didn’t alarm them enough to actually raise flags. Besides, He denied their tributes’ offer of allyship. His loss.
The girl was almost sad to watch. Sure, there were little kids in their own games, but neither had to take them out on their own. They died at the hands of others, who had no choice but to only kill the weakest who were incapable of defending themselves, or from exposure to the elements themselves.  She was so childlike, baby face still perfectly intact, that she barely even looked old enough to compete.
The girl from twelve is next, and Clove feels Cato tense up beside her. They expect she must reveal something to gain her sponsors, right?
She’s unremarkable. Awkward, forcing a smile and forcing laughs. She lacks a charisma that all careers have– they wouldn’t be cleared to volunteer if they couldn’t work the crowd, something that clearly doesn’t matter in Twelve.
Clove nearly throws up in her mouth when the girl spins in her dress, flames spiraling below her knees. “What even is this stupid fire thing?” Sure, the fire itself was a cool touch, but this girl…she didn’t have the spark herself, so to speak. “This is getting ridiculous.”
“The girl on fire.” Cato mumbles, finishing his drink swiftly. “Our kids are going to smother her out. They have to.”
“She’s dangerous, I'm telling you. She’s got no personality, but she’s got them eating out of her hand. This flame thing…the training score..she’s dangerous.” Clove insists, sliding down to full lay on the ground, head using his thigh as a pillow. Now that the girl was over, there was nothing left to watch.
“They’ll take her out. I’m not worried.” Cato threads his fingers through her hair, stroking down the dark length of it. “Two’s the only one worth watching. Third year in a row.”
“Even so, they aren’t as good as we were. It’s a weak group all around this year. There’s boring games ahead.” Clove stretches in his lap, raising dark eyebrows at him enticingly. “I guess we’ll just have to make our own entertainment this week, right?”
“Last year Enobaria dragged me off the couch by the ear to go get you sponsors. We’ll have to hide from her.”
“She only cared because it was me…are you afraid of her?” Clove teases, reaching up and brushing her fingernails under his jaw.
“Maybe a little.” Cato admits, before the laughs of the audience during Peeta Mellark’s interview distracts them.
“He’s got the people skills at least. Together they’d be a good team.” Cato gives a small nod of approval, but shrugs anyway. “Not that it matters. A team only gets you so far.”
“People like him.” Clove agrees, propping herself up on her elbow to watch the rest of the interview. “He has a good rapport with the audience.”
They give a little smile when Caesar asks about a girl back home, and offers him dating advice. There’s no shot the kid is going home, it seems cruel to make him talk about things that will not be. Leave it to Caesar.
“He seems earnest at least-” She offers, stopping abruptly when they hear;
“She came here with me.”
The response has Clove shooting up straight, rapidly looking between Cato and the screen.
“NO way in Hell.” She snaps, kicking the box by their feet away. “NOT a chance in hell. There's no way.”
“Is he trying to be us?” Cato questions, staring straight through the tv like he could intimidate the lie out of the boy from here.
“What does he think he’s trying to pull? There’s no chemistry there, there's not a chance in hell That's real. NO way. He’s trying to recreate us. He has to be.”
“Not a fucking shot.” He pulls her to his lap as if to illustrate the point, settling her knees on either side of his legs. “He has to be trying to be us. Stupid, stupid, plan. I want him dead just for suggesting it.”
“There's no other us.” Clove agrees, wrapping her legs around his waist, grinding her hips down into his. “Noone even comes close.”
“Never.” He assures, before coming down hard against her bottom lip.
“You don’t need to keep giving me surprises, Cato.” Clove teases, as he leads her down the back staircase to the roof of the training center. “You know I don’t even like to be surprised.”
“This isn’t so much a surprise, we’re done with most of those.” He gives her hand a tight squeeze as he leads her back to the main access levels of the building, where they are actually allowed to be.
“Baby, between all the gifts, the marshmallow treats for breakfast,  and the dinner, and the second dinner on the roof…what's the big deal about nineteen?” Clove asks, following him down the stairs as closely as her legs can carry her, “We already won the games, it’s not like I escaped that..”
It goes without saying of course, That Clove has officially outlived her mother today.
“We’ve spent the last ten years training on your birthday, I missed your seventeenth, and you missed your eighteenth.” He pulls her into the main lobby of the training center, slipping in through a side door that they really shouldn’t even know exists. “It’s the first time since I've met you that you actually have more guaranteed.” Sure, there was never a question that she would win her games, but now it’s actual reality. There are no more games to hangover them, no more risk to their lives. “And that’s worth a lot.”
Clove wraps her arm around his forearm, squeezing her hand in both appreciation and understanding. “Well, thank you. I’m not complaining about the outpouring of love.”
He grins at her, but brings them to a pause before the door to one of the many lounge areas. “Just so you know..this was absolutely not my idea.”
“What do you–”
“I told them you’d hate it, do not take my head off for this.”
Cato pushes the door open, and gently nudges her inside before him.
Inside the private room is as close to what they could consider “friends.” There’s Enobaria and Brutus, next to Glimmer and Marvel. By the bar are Johanna Mason and Finnick Odair, eyes locked on the games actively happening on the screen, miss fire girl being chased down by flame in the trees. Johanna and Finnick’s tributes are long since dead, neither making it very far past the initial bloodbath this year.  
“What the fuck is happening–” Clove narrows her eyes, as Enobaria intercepts her from the side.
“We figured you wouldn’t want to do anything big, but it’s a big deal, your first birthday as a victor.” She explains, pulling her closer into the room. “Considering your birthday is during the games Kid, you’re never going to escape this.” Enobaria squeezes her by the shoulder, letting her fully enter the space and soak it in. “Happy Birthday, Clove.”
Enobaria knows the significance of nineteen for her, the first birthday that Clove’s mother never had herself.
Glimmer looks like she’s about to envelope her in a hug when she stops short, putting her hands up. “Sorry, right, you don’t do touching! Happy Birthday!” She smiles brightly at the girl, “Cato said you’d hate this but I thought it would just be so fun!”
Marvel gestures to the back corner of the room. “Glimmer’s been planning this for weeks, she’s got a hell of a combo of food back there. The cookies are fantastic.”
“A little warning would have been nice, Cato.” Clove whispers through teeth clenched in a smile, making her way towards the back table Marvel had referenced. She grabs a single fry, arms still crossed firmly over her chest.
“Enobaria said you’d never agree.” Cato explains, reaching over her to grab a piece of one of the cookies Marvel had raved about. “And Glimmer really really wanted to see your face. I told her it wouldn’t be pleased but… People like you, Clove. You deserve to know that.”
She wants to argue back, that the only person in the entire group of kids they grew up with that liked her was him, that not even her father or her grandmother liked her, that even her mother didn’t like her enough to stay behind with her (which, Clove objectively knows is not the case), but she does not get the chance as Glimmer grabs her by the hand and pulls her away.
She’s passed around the room, to Brutus next, then Finnick and Johanna who are wrapped up in watching the girl from twelve submerge in the water.
“Annie wanted me to tell you she was going to come.” Finnick explains first, before nodding his head towards the screen. “It’s a little harder on her than most, when we lose our tributes.” He need not explain further, everyone being aware of Annie’s immense post games trauma. They all had it, but Annie actually showed it.
“Were you born for this shit, Clove? A birthday during the games, that's unbelievable.” Johanna taunts, gesturing to the screen. “Looks like your tributes are about to give you a gift too, look.”
Clove directs her attention to the games, where indeed, the pack of careers are chasing down Katniss Everdeen. A snide smirk grows across her face, but pauses when she is taken back by the blonde trailing behind them.
“Is that–”
“Damn, Loverboy played us all.” Brutus grumbles, leaning against the top of the bar beside Clove. “He got in with our kids, and is after the girl.”
“They’re using him to get to her, they have to be.” Glimmer suggests, and truthfully, Clove is sure of it too. The boy has no skills he offers them, except for a declaration of love for his partner.
“I can’t believe he’s hunting her down.” Cato comes behind her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as she leans back against him. “So much for all that about being into her..”
They all watch as Katniss scrambles up the tree like a little squirrel, clearly experienced. Was this her talent? No, this wouldn’t earn an eleven.
The boy from two is threatening to come after her, and is indeed trying, but the sheer weight of him paired with a lack of experience sends him crashing down onto the solid earth beneath the trees.
“They’re so stupid to send him. Both of our girls are so much lighter.” Marvel shakes his head, redirecting his attention back to his plate of assorted snacks. “That’s like sending Cato over Clove, stupid.”
Clove scoffs as the girl from one goes next, missing her by several inches with a bow and arrow. “That was her skill, really Glimmer? She’s not even a moving target.”
Before Glimmer can defend the girl, Cato flinches as the District Two boy tries to take it into his own hands, missing by an even greater margin.
“They’re poor fucking excuses for Careers.” Cato decides, reaching behind the bar and grabbing himself an entire bottle of the first clear liquor he gets his hands on.
“We’d never be that bad. None of us.” Clove agrees, gesturing to herself, Cato, Glimmer and Marvel. “We’d never get outsmarted by a bitch from Twelve.” She snatches the bottle from Cato’s hands, taking a long, hard drink without even gagging this time. Growth.
“You’re all so humble.” Finnick chimes in, hoping off of the barstool he was straddling. “That’ll be it for me, I think. They’re not going to get her tonight.”
The boy from twelve, who has stayed in the back staring with wide doe eyes, contributing nothing to the hunt for the girl, suggests waiting her out, but never looks away from where she hides in the tree.
“He’s protecting her.” Clove recognizes the look he gives as he stares up the tree, something she registers as anything but malice. “That's why he’s with ours. He’s trying to lead them away, to keep her alive. He’s protecting her.”
“Maybe he really does like her.” Surprise floods Johanna’s voice. “I don’t think she gives a fuck about him, but he likes her.”
“He’s got a death wish.” Enobaria announces in the general direction of the group of young victors huddled around the bar. “They’ll take him out as soon as they realize what he’s doing. He’s buying her time, but she’ll get nothing out of it.”
“Haymitch Abernathy has to be practically unconscious by now.” Brutus comments, as the camera focuses away from their tributes– the district one girl and the district two boy getting a little too handsy for national television– and instead focuses on the quaking girl in the tree.
As if on cue, a little gray parcel descends into the trees directly to her lap.
“No fucking way.” Comes from Marvel.
“How the fuck did she get sponsors” is a growl from Cato.
“Is Haymitch even awake?” Asks Johanna.
“I knew she was going to be trouble.” Clove pushes back to head towards the table of her favorite treats. “If they don’t get her in the morning, we’re in for it….anyway. I think I'll enjoy my cake now.”
The next morning they wake up to the news that Katniss dropped a nest on their kids, the girl from one is dead, and she absconded with the bow and arrow that she pried from her dead hands.
Long distance weapon, score of 11, and apparent sponsor favorite.
In for it, indeed.
The four of them, Cato, Clove, Glimmer, and Marvel, are spaced out on the couch in the District One Suite, having been relieved from their ‘smile at sponsors’ duties for the time being by their older counterparts. Clove had gotten a little too close to tossing a steak knife at a man who suggested she exchange favors in order for a few hundred dollars to change hands, and Enboaria pulled her away just in time to prevent an addition to her body count, sending the four of them out of sight and out of mind for the afternoon.
Their tributes didn't even need anything, they had a whole cornucopia full of goods.
“What is she doing?” Glimmer rises from the couch to the balls of her feet, when an arrow pierces the bag of apples hanging precariously amongst their supplies. “She’s trying to–”
Before the words fall the apple does, and the entire screen is filled with a massive explosion
“I fucking knew it.” Clove throws the nearest pillow in the general direction of the screen. “It’s taking them way too long to kill her, she’s going to end up getting one of them first.”
“At least it isn’t us.” Marvel shrugs, wrapping his legs around Glimmer and pulling her closer to him, deftly braiding tiny braids into her blonde curls. “That girl is sneaky.”
“She’s smart, she smoked them out. I hate to say it but she’s a threat.” Cato finally admits, rubbing his hand over his face in frustration.
“Oh look– and now she got yours! Oh fuck she is good” Clove directs, just as the boy from one crumbles to his knees with an arrow in his chest. “She’s taken down both of yours! What's that leave..our two.. Five’s girl..the two from twelve..the two from eleven.”
“One from Eleven.”
“No, they’re both still alive I think, Cato–”
“No. Not anymore, look.”
Clove snaps her head to attention as a shaky, crying song comes from Katniss, watching the life drain out of that little girl’s face. “Is this a talent show now? Glimmer, can you imagine going up there and doing a little twirl….Glimmer?”
The response is sniffles, and the Blonde girl  with tears streaming down her face.
“Are you for real?”
“Glimmer you WON the games six years ago. You KILLED twelve year olds. There’s no crying over the Hunger Games.”
“They look like babies to me now, she was just so small!” Glimmer whimpers, curling up against Marvel’s side. “She was just so little.”
“Glimmer you’re like twenty one, they aren’t THAT much younger than you were when you won.” Clove nudges her foot with her own. “Come on. Laugh at the singing.”
“It’s not about that–”
Silence falls over them when they catch what Katniss does next. As they watch her arrange flowers around this girl, effectively burying her. She gives some gesture towards a camera, and Glimmer once again lets out a little sob from inside her chest.
“Everyone is going to root for her.” Cato thinks aloud, shaking his head in utter, absolute disdain. “Who buries another tribute?’ “Someone who hates the games and everything they stand for.”
Noone dares to mention the implications of Clove’s statement.
Hours later, they are with the rest of the victors when an announcement is made.
They’re looking at each other across the room, the silent communication of let's get out of here understood between them both, as evidenced by the smirk on his face and the playful raise of her eyebrows. Cato is letting himself out of the conversation when the room goes from boisterous, jovial conversation to a hushed, stun crowd of victors.
Two Victors.
Two Victors from the same district.
The silence is felt most strongly by the movement of Cato to Clove, of Glimmer to Marvel, of Annie somehow even closer to Finnick. Glimmer’s siblings gravitate closer to her, and Enobaria takes a nearly imperceptible step towards the group as well, though unclear to whom.
The girl goes in search of Peeta, who is somehow against all odds still alive.
“Haymitch, what the hell did you do?”  It’s Cashmere, oddly enough, who’s beautiful voice breaks the silence.
“It’s between us two, now.” He says simply, raising his glass towards the entire horde of careers. “You’re welcome, cheers.”
“Seriously, Haymitch, what did you do?” One of the far older victors, closer to Haymitch in age than any of the others, grasps him by both shoulders. “What have you done?”
“Young love everyone! We all know how much they simply eat that up.” He directs directly at Cato and Clove, something between mischief and disdain on his features. “I have to thank you, you’re great examples to persuade them.”
“We are nothing like them.” Clove hisses, taking a step dangerously close to Haymitch, hands reaching for the neck of his shirt. “Never compare us to them.
“It’s inevitable, Sweetheart. Don’t get all riled up, trust me, they don’t want to be you two.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Cato steps in now, towering over the drunk on his barstool.
“You don’t have to worry about them stealing your attention, I can promise. She won’t want it.”
“Well she’ll be dead soon, anyway, and Two will have Four Victors in three years. A record.” Clove promises, stepping away from the middle aged man, but not before she grabs Cato’s arm and pulls him back too.
By the time that Katniss finds Peeta, on the verge of death, and manages to drag him to a cave, Clove is sure of it. Two has this one in the bag.
“Look at her. She looks like she wants to cry anytime she has to touch him.” Glimmer taunts, watching the girl’s color drain from her flesh anytime she has to get too close to the boy.
“I’d want to cry if you looked at me like she looks at him.” Marvel agrees, the four of them standing in a semi circle around Haymitch, who is slumped over the bar.
“Wouldn’t it be an absolute shame to die a complete virgin, probably never even been kissed.” Clove barbs, a wide smile plastered on her face. “Oh look at her. She looks so uncomfortable. Good job Haymitch, you were right, this is great.”
“This is your grand love story?” Gloss chimes in from across the room, all of them locked in on watching the absolute dread in Katniss Everdeen’s eyes as she inches closer to the boy.
“Will you all shut your mouths-” Haymitch slams his glass down, turning to berate them at the exact moment Clove lets out an absolute scream of a laugh.
“Shut the FUCK up!”
“There’s NO way people believe this.”
“She looks like she’s going to cry.”
“Oh my god, they think that's a kiss?” Clove snarks, craning her head around for Enobaria. “Enobaria! Was that how I was kissing at sixteen?”
“Clove, I wish that's how you two were at sixteen.” Enobaria joins the circle, sneering at the screen full of awkward teen barely-kisses.
“You two weren’t even that tame in training, everyone knew you were just a few minutes apart from sneaking off to some closet.” Brutus adds, completing the circle behind Haymitch.
“There's no way anyone believes that's real.” Glimmer agrees, shaking her head in disgust. “And without any sort of chapstick, that couldn’t have even felt good.”
“What do you know about what people believe?” Haymitch waves his hands about, borderline belligerent at the taunting and jeers from the generations worth of career victors. “That looks perfectly real.”
Cato raises his eyebrow, moving at the same time she does, before he grabs Clove by the face, crashing his lips against hers. She understands his point, immediately hooking her arms around his shoulders just in time for him to bend her backwards.
“See what I mean, when I said I wish they only looked like your two.” Enobaria whispers to Haymitch, who has pushed himself up and through the group of victors.
When they pull apart, Clove is smirking and Cato calls out to the disappearing drunk. “Still think yours looked believable?”
The games continue to play out as a nightmare.
Their girl almost gets her, only to brag and get her neck broken by the giant guy from eleven.
Clove sees herself out, unable to face the mocking she has so freely dished out herself.
Their boy is in the final three. And instead of throwing the bow off, or tossing them to the mutts below, he tries to take them both head on.
A mercy arrow comes from fire girl, after she and Peeta decide it’s worth untying the tourniquet on his leg.
“Well Haymitch, we have to hand it to you.” Brutus offers, as the sun comes up on the screen in the arena. “Congratulations on your victors–”
Another rule change pauses the congratulations and the surprise of a twelve win.
Only one victor.
“She’ll shoot him. She’s got a sister to get home to.” Finnick claims, shaking his head in distaste. “Sad. Thought they had a chance.”
“He’ll bleed out anyway” Johanna agrees, “He actually likes her, too. He isn’t faking it. “
“Think he’ll die for her though?” Enobaria questions, settling down on the couch beside Clove.
“If he loves her, for real, then yeah. He will.” Cato admits, shaking his head.
The berries are in her hand and it’s Clove who knows what's happening first.
“OH my god they’re going to kill themselves.”
“There has to be a–”
“Cato, shh, listen.”
The room full of victors is completely silent, truly sitting on the edge of their seats, in various stages of disbelief as the two of them raise their suicide pact to their mouths in perfect unison.
A panicked voice fills the arena, and the entirety of the room lets out anticipated breaths they did not mean to be holding.
I present to you the winners of the Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games.
The room is still quiet, processing, accepting the reality and anticipating the fallout from exactly what Katniss Everdeen just suggested and did, when two finely dressed officials enter the room without so much as a knock.
“Cato. Clove. President Snow would like to see you both. Immediately. “
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mononoke-no-ko · 2 years
[Trans] Code Black: Lelouch of the Shred Guitar Ch09
Check out translation for ch08 here https://mononoke-no-ko.tumblr.com/post/678600249663782912/trans-code-black-lelouch-of-the-shred-guitar
STAGE 9 Euphie of the Reasoning
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Britannia Band has arrived! 
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Nunnally: Eh? Euphie-nee-sama you have a band too? 
Euphie: Yes, together with Jeremiah and Cornellia onee-sama. Gino and Anya seem to be going to join in too. I heard Schneizel-onii-sama will come to see too. 
I won’t expose how you guys have been studying abroad while hiding your identity as prince and princess. I’m also here incognito so I initially intended to sponsor the event secretly, alas...
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Euphie: Of course now that I’m pariticipating I’m also aiming to win the competition.
Nunnally: Well well.
I’m looking forward to it. How could I not, not only big brother will be performing, Euphie-big sis and the others will be there too.
Lelouch: Oh... You see, Nunnally...
Euphie: Sorry, Nunnally, Lelouch’s band won’t be able to perform due to circumstances...
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Nunnally: ...Eh?
Did... did something happen...?
Lelouch: The school festival will be held as usual. There’s nothing you need to worry about.
Euphie: That’s right, Nunnally. In exchange Suzaku is going to join my band. Not only he’s very good at playing instruments, he’s also...
Nunnally: I see!
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Nunnally: It’s a pity but since there are reasons it can’t be done then I suppose there’s nothing we can do about it... I see...
...Sayoko-san, I want go outside for a bit...
Lelouch: I’m sorry, Nunnally...
But as a Zero I will definitely... show you a wonderful performance...!
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Lelouch: Even if you’d never know that Zero is me... as long as I can make you smile...!
Euphie: Nunnally... I guess she’s upset about after all... Hey, Lelouch... Join us and let’s perform together after all.
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Lelouch: !!?
Euphie: I’m sure Nunnally will be happy to hear us standing on the same stage together.
Jeremiah: If it’s for Lelouch-sama and Nunnally-sama, I will perform even more enthusiastically.
Euphie: Okay? Let’s do it together!
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Lelouch: Performing together...? Will make Nunnally happy...?
Nunnally (in Lelouch’s imagination): Thank you, Euphie-big sis!
Lelouch: Euphie, are you going to take not only Nunnally’s paper crane from me, but also Nunnally’s smile?! All I’ve been trying so hard to achieve... you’re going to achieve them so easily...
I will never.... acknowledge it!!! I refuse!
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Euphie: Eh?!!
Lelouch: I said I won’t do it! 
Euphie: But...!
Lelouch: I WILL NOT do it!!
Euphie: Lelouch!?
Lelouch: I don’t need you guys’ charity!! I will make Nunnally smile with my own hands!!
To realize it, first of all... I have to gather the members for the band!
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Zero: Only you alone?
Kallen: !
Zero: It’s me, Zero.
Kallen: ...? Pretty sure the mask is different, though... 
Zero: I have various types of mask. Don’t concern yourself with it. A cat came in through the window and took the mask with it right before I was about to leave...! Seriously whose cat is that?!! Once I find it I won’t let it off scot free!
Kallen: Well, whatever. I’m Kallen. Nice to meet you.
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Kallen: Watching your performance deeply impressed me! I’m sure we can win this. I’ve also brought the compositions I’ve made up till now, use them if you’d like.
Lelouch: ...Kallen! Thank you. The lyrics will be ready by tomorrow.
Kallen: Eh? That soon?
Zero: I’m good at poetry. It’d only take one night to write the lyrics.
Kallen: Hey... Isn’t it about time... you show me your real face...
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Lelouch: ...Oh shit!! I can’t do that. 
Kallen: But why?
Zero: I’m extremely shy of strangers, if I take off my mask, my emotions will become unstable...
Kallen: Shy of strangers? You can’t trust me?
Zero: That’s not...
Kallen: Then take it off right now!!
Zero: Oi! Hold, hold on! Stop it!! This is bad!! At this rate the mask will be torn up by Kallen’s monstrous strength...!
??: Uooo!!
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Kallen: It’s really you...!
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Kallen: You, why are you doing this kind of...
Lelouch: It’s my fault that the band disbanded,
but I have to win the school festival’s competition no matter what! I beg you, Kallen! Please lend me your strength! 
I need your strength, Kallen!!
Kallen: You..
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Kallen: You should just say that from the beginning!
Lelouch: Ouch!
Kallen: So you said you want to win? Well of course we will. Or rather, I won’t settle for anything less. Beside I’m partly to blame too...
Lelouch: ! Are you going to lend me your power?
Kallen: That Britannia princess or whatever, I won’t be going easy on her!
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Kallen: After all it should’ve been our school festival to begin with!
Shirley: Here’s the new mic that you asked, Suzaku.
Suzaku: Thank you, I’m saved.
Shirley: Finally tomorrow’s the day. Do your best, for our share too.
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Suzaku: Of course. I’ll definitely stop Zero from winning the competition. 
Everyone has arrived except for Euphemia-sama, but we’re pretty much all set, I’m sure it will be going well.
Then, I’ll go back to rehearsing.
Shirley: Okay.
I’m jealous but I guess there’s no helping it. I wonder what was going on with Lelouch and Kallen... They haven’t been coming to school etiher...
Miley: Ara, I’ll be with you tomorrow don’t worry!
Shirley: President?!
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Miley: I’m so bummed out. It was finally my chance to put that guy on stage too... 
Euphie: Uhm... Excuse me, I have something I need to talk with Lelouch...
Sayoko: Unfortunately Lelouch-sama hasn’t returned yet.
Euphie: ! I need to talk to Lelouch today no matter what! I won’t mind waiting!
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Lelouch: I said I won’t do it!
Euphie: Lelouch...
What should I do if he leave again... Will he properly listen to me this time? I want to stand together with you on the stage... Once again, just like in the old times... 
I suppose it’s best for me to just wait for him here...
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Euphie: Pardon my intrusion... This is Lelouch’s room... I wonder if I can sit on the bed here.. Oh? What a refined box... (on box: zero) 
Is Lelouch currently liking this kind of Japanese goods? If I open it without permission he would get angry for sure. I’ll just try touching it... What a nice scent... The material is... wood?
Arthur: Nyaa
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Euphie: Oh, look. Where did it came in through from? Come here... Eh?!! That mask...!?
Bonus page, the texts are just for fun quiz.
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everlarkficexchange · 3 years
The Archer and The Wrestler.
Written by: @thegirlfromoverthepond
Prompt 90: The Olympic committee is selling sponsorships and heavily advertising the upcoming games. The most photogenic of each sport is asked to pose for pics and attend functions, film commercial together, do some interviews. What sports represented by Katniss, Peeta, others? Required to look cozy? Animosity behind those smiles? Competitiveness? Banter? Any secrets? Do they have a “breakfast club” ending? by @567inpanem
Summary: Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark meet in the office of Trinket Advertising, where they have to shoot pictures for sponsors.
Thank you @567inpanem for the prompt ! I had fun writing it :) PLus I could place it in my country which is always a plus. I hope you won’t be disappointed … 
My deepest thanks to @sunsetsrmydreams for pre reading and betaing.
To @xerxia31 and @javistg thank you for hosting such a nice event … and So sorry for the delay !
  I should be practicing, she thought, instead of pacing the long, white, corridor of Trinket Advertising.
  Katniss still had a ton to do for the Games. Be sure to be fit, to be healthy, to be accurate. To shoot straight.
  She really didn’t want to spend her afternoon waiting for some photographer to ask her to act natural in front of a camera. But she was just glad she didn’t have to shoot with someone from the team, as she was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to focus with the constant bickering between Johana and Gale or how Haymitch, their trainer, would “Sweetheart” this or that. 
  Still no clue as to why she had been picked to be the representative of her sport for the sponsors and advertising. She wasn’t really sure she knew what it entailed, how much time she would spend parading around the media instead of practicing. She knew archery wasn’t such a popular sport in the States, preventing her from spending huge amounts of time in talk shows, or interviews. 
Plus, seeing the recognition made Prim, her sister, so proud and happy, Katniss hadn’t been able to turn down the offer when it came. 
  “Kathy Everdeen? You’re up next.” The assistant’s piercing voice echoed in the long corridor. Katniss closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to not correct the woman.
  “Welcome to the Strange Name That Can’t Be Taken Seriously Club.” Another voice, male this time, made her open her eyes. 
In front of her was a man of around her age, wearing the male version of the US Olympics shirt she had on..
  Only his was stretched across his broad frame, where she was glad hers was loose around her lean body. 
  He extended his hand.
  “Peeta Mellark. Wrestling. Founding member of the club.” She stared at his hand, before moving a step forward to shake it. “You’re the archer ? Katniss right?”
  She stopped mid-movement. How could he know her name ?
  “I saw your name on the list, so I figured you’d be next ?” He said, almost shyly, as if he had offended her, or invaded her privacy.
  She saw the movement of his hand, that she had left unshaken, going to his hair, his fingers raking through his mane of curls.
  He had done nothing wrong, she realized, just tried to clear the air. She took a breath, before extending her own hand in front of her.
  “Yeah, I’m Katniss. Archery. How much is the subscription to the club?”
  He laughed, before shaking her hand.
  “How about tea after you’re done ?”
  “Too bad I only drink coffee … but I guess if you can wait a bit, that’s doable.” Katniss almost smiled when Peeta started to laugh.
  “Oh my goodness, I have a genius idea !” A voice froze their handshaking. “We are going to do pair shootings! Mix the sports together, along with the portraits. It’s going to be legendary !”   
  A woman with very pink hair matching her very pink outfit stood in the entrance leading towards the studio. As soon as she stopped talking, a flock of what Katniss could only think were assistants came in view, all clapping their hands or praising the Pink Lady.
  “Effie, this is another grand idea! We should start right now with these two!” The woman that had misspelled Katniss’ name said, “as they are both here.”
  “What are you waiting for, Octavia, take her to make-up right now! I need to call Plutarch, I am having a ton of ideas ! Hush hush, now come on, quickly!” 
  Katniss saw the assistants moving as one, starting to circle her and Peeta, moving them forward inside the studio, where a couple were checking their cameras and the large umbrellas reflecting the lights.
  “Cinna, Portia, I had an epiphany!” The Pink Lady walked towards the couple as quickly as her pencil dress and very high heels allowed her, while Katniss was ushered to the make-up table. She noticed that Peeta was following right behind her, with the other half of the assistants. She met his gaze, saw him shrug before he was taken to another table, shielded from her view by the different makeup and hair artists around them.
  “We’ll start with you, Kathy!” Octavia said a few minutes later. Katniss took another deep breath, calming her temper. In just a few minutes, she’ll be gone. Archery wasn’t high on the list of sponsors, nobody cared about them, but for the bow and arrows brands. 
  Katniss didn’t have time to muse as the sound of Octavia’s heels on the tiling started again. She rose from the chair, following the young woman towards a dressing cabin.
  “You’ll find your uniform inside. You’re a S, right?”
  “How do you know?” Katniss asked, surprised that the woman guessed correctly.
  “I have an eye for that. Plus, it’s written on your card.”
  She repressed another eyeroll, trying to keep in mind that Octavia was only doing her job, before she entered the dressing cabin. 
White pants, blue polo lined with red, and a white undershirt to protect her arms. The standard equipment.
  Yet, it was something to see it, to realize she would represent her country in the most important tournament there could be, that she had achieved one of her goals. To be an Olympian.
  She took the polo, turning it slowly, almost afraid to read what was on the back.
  Her father’s name, embroidered in the cotton of the shirt.
Pride rushed through her veins as her fingers traced the letters.
  “I did it, Papa. I’m going to the Olympics.”
  It was now official. She hated photoshoots. First, because it was taking an awful lot of time, then because you had to smile. All.the.time. That Katniss hasn’t screamed yet or ran off the door was entirely due to her willpower gained from years of training.
  The photographer, Cinna, wasn’t a talker. He was taking his time to snap picture after picture, never acknowledging Octavia or Effie’s advice for her to smile this way, or that way. Because there was apparently a way to smile properly.
  She could feel her anger rise with each passing minute, the incessant chatter of the women, the silence of the photographer, the heat from the spotlights, the wind from the huge fans, the itching from the label of the polo on her neck… 
  “I think it’s time to pair them up.” The photographer’s voice calmly said, silencing the two women.
From being Effie and Octavia, Peeta made his way towards the scene where Katniss was standing. 
  Before anyone could say a thing, Cinna turned to Effie and his assistant.
“Ladies, can you please check if we have athletes that can be paired tomorrow too? I’m sorry to ask in such short notice, but I think Effie’s idea is something we have to work on.. of course it will mean you change all the schedules..”
  “Oh, my, Cinna, but yes, of course! If you think so ? But will you be able to manage with these two?” Effie Trinket asked. Katniss could feel the sharpness of her gaze as the older woman looked at her.
  “If there is the slightest problem, I’ll make sure Portia comes to get you.” 
  “Yes, please. Because if we can manage to pair Brutus and Enobaria, we might be on something, right?”
  “Right.” Cinna nodded, before moving towards his material, his back to Katniss as he rummaged through his material.
  She looked at her partner in the photoshoot, who seemed as lost as she was. He kept running his hand in his mane of blond hair, before shoving them in his pockets. Seconds after, he was doing the same movements again. She realized she was doing the same, undoing the end of her braid before redoing it, over and over again.
She really couldn’t wait to be out of the studio.
  “Will you two stand back to back, please?” Cinna’s voice startled her, even though it was barely over a whisper. “Portia, can you please close the door?” 
  That’s when she realized how silent the place was without Effie and Octavia. Without their neverending chatter, their disapproving tongue clicks, or their exaggerated sighs.
It almost felt … good.
  She started to move then, turning her back to Peeta, before crossing her eyes, hoping he would take the hint to do the same. The sooner they were done, the better. She had her bow waiting for her, after all.
  She felt the fabric of Peeta’s polo on her arm, yet, never his weight on her back.
  She looked at Cinna, who nodded approvingly, before starting to take pictures. 
  “Should we smile?” She heard Peeta’s deep voice right behind her, asking the question she didn’t dare ask.
  “Do what you want, don’t mind me.” the photographer answered behind his material.
  “What we want?” Katniss echoed, unsure she had heard correctly. The previous hour had been filled with recommendations on what to do, on poses to take, on how to smile … 
  Cinna lowered his camera.
  “I’m not Effie. Beauty is everywhere, it doesn’t have to be faked by poses or false smiles. Just do what you two want.” He shrugged before checking something on his camera. “I’ll need a few minutes to fix this, try to relax.”
  Katniss turned to her partner in shooting, to realize he had already moved and was facing her.
  “You told me you were a coffee girl, right?”
  “Yup. Black, no sugar.”
  “I don’t take sugar in my tea, either. See we have something in common.” Peeta put his hands high. “Oh, no high five ? We’re not close enough yet.”
  “Definitely not, singlet boy.”
  “Ouch, that hurts. Know, Miss Everdeen, that a lot of women find that uniform .. appealing.” He raised his eyebrows, wiggling them explicitly. 
  “I bet they do. The main question is, do you have to shave your torso, so your opponent won’t have the opportunity to pull at your chest hair ?”
  Katniss didn’t know what came to her to ask such a question.  It was like Peeta made it easy for her to talk, when she usually wasn’t famous for speaking or making her voice heard without shouting.
  It was like he had a calm, soothing temper, like a lazy river, ready to cover the fire that was in her.
Maybe they made a good pair.
  “Yeah, the worst is the wax under the armpit.” He deadpanned, not even letting a smile on his face.
  She could totally imagine him taken down to “Beauty Base Zero” as the woman at the beauty parlor had told her the only time she went there. It included all sorts of treatments, each worse than the others. She even told her sister to not gift her with that kind of torture anymore.
  “Ouch.. I hope your girlfriend covers you in aloe after that …” 
Katniss knew she wasn’t the most girly woman around, yet she sometimes put on mascara or had her legs waxed from time to time, mostly for competitions when she had decided to wear the short-skirts or the long bermudas. 
  “Well, meet Hanna, my girlfriend.” Peeta said casually, showing his right hand, wiggling his eyebrows - again.      
  It took Katniss a few seconds to catch up on the double-entendre.
  “Oh, my, you’re disgusting!” Her words couldn’t completely hide her smile. There was something to this man that somehow made her want to talk, to speak, to even trust him. 
  “I bunked with Finnick Odair at the Youth Olympic Games. That was disgusting! He shaves himself ! the room was full of his hair!”
  “Well, you could have collected them before putting them on Ebay. You’d be rich by now.”
  “I should have, yes. Dam, why didn’t I know you back then to give me good advice!”
  “I wasn’t at the YOG.”
  “I know, I would have noticed you.”
She looked at him, with questions in her mind. His eyes were blue, so clear nothing was shadowing them, she was left without words.
  Katniss couldn’t believe she was at the Olympics. In Paris, France. That her childhood dream of bringing a golden medal home was nothing but a few arrows away. A lot of stress, too. She raised her bow, lining the target with her eye, throwing  a quick glance to the small flags lining the area to check the wind, took a deep breath, before letting go of the arrow.
  She knew right away that it would miss the center of the target. A breath of hair on the right, still not enough to get full marks. She had underestimated the wind on this large, open area that the Esplanade des Invalides was.
  “Not too bad.”  She jumped at the voice behind her. Maybe some kind of volunteer that had been allowed inside the arenas for training. She needed to focus on the target, on the little golden area that would make her mark a ten in the competition.
  She took another arrow from the quiver on her left hip, slid it in the bow, looked at the wind, took a deep breath, lifted her weapon, aimed at the target. With the next exhalation of air, she let go of the arrow, knowing right away it would hit the center. 
  She had never been able to explain how she knew, each and every time how her arrow would behave. It was a feeling, a sensation, deep inside of her. 
  Thunk !  
  She looked at the target, saw that indeed the arrow was in the yellow area. She almost let a smile show on her mouth, when the same voice distrubed her again.
  “You might win if you shoot like that.”
  Katniss closed her eyes, letting a sigh escape before turning to face whoever decided to disturb her training. 
  “Peeta!” She felt a smile forming on her face. “What are you doing here?”
  He shrugged. “I was practising, then decided to go for a walk. It’s Paris after all!”
  “Here?” Katniss was pretty sure she hadn’t seen any other sport on the green grass in front of the Invalides.
  “Oh, not here here, over there!” Peeta turned, his right hand moving over his shoulder, showing the Eiffel Tower. “Wrestling is on the Champ de Mars, at the feet of the tower”
  “Really? You’ll have to tell me when you’re in the tournament. So I can come and see you.”
  Peeta’s hand went to his head, his fingers raking through his mane of golden curls.
“You’re sure ? If the press sees you there….”
  “I’ll tell them I came to support a friend.”
  “But you know how the paparazzi are …”
  “We’re in France, not the US, nobody cares about archery or wrestling - no offense intended.”
  “None taken.” 
  Peeta looked around, before coming closer to the barriers surrounding the archery arena, then leaning slightly on them, giving Katniss the opportunity to see the muscles in his forearms. She wondered briefly if he already had his waxing treatment.
  “Something on your mind, Everdeen?”   
  Who was he again? A mind-reader ?  She quickly turned her eyes  from his arms, not lingering on the broad expense of his chest, or how bright his eyes were.
  “Yup. I have to finish training if I don’t want to look too ridiculous when the competition starts.”
“What do you say we try one of these cafés when you’re done?” he casually asked. Katniss could see something in his eyes - was it hope ?
  Damn, was he playing unfair by throwing coffee into the mix. As if she was known to refuse a cup. 
  “I still have a few minutes of practice, maybe a raincheck?”
  He shrugged, before looking around. “I’m in no rush. I can wait. Patience is a virtue, young grasshopper.”
  She nodded, before taking another arrow out of her quirrel. 
   “Yes, Sensei.”
  The arrow hit the center of the target.
  Katniss knew she shouldn’t be there. Not that she didn’t want to, but after  pictures of her and Peeta laughing in a small café had hit the stands, her phone hadn’t stopped beeping, demanding a confirmation if there was something going on between the two of them. That, perhaps, all the rumors that had been born after the photoshoot with Cinna, were not rumors at all.
  Effie Trinket was, of course, delighted. Jo wouldn’t stop asking about LoverBoy, Gale was threatening to beat the shit out of Peeta (Katniss was almost ready to let him try to do that), and Haymitch kept on asking her if her little romance would damage her results in the field.
  Everything was peachy.
  Yet, she couldn’t find it in her to regret the time she had spent with Peeta. She couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed so much, that she had been able to confide to someone as she had done with him, how he had been open to her too. Like two old friends rekindling a friendship after spending years apart. 
  Friends they could have been, they had realized when discussing their native places. They had grown up about a hundred miles apart, in the same district of West Virginia. They could have crossed paths about a dozen times, sharing memories of the Meadow Park, where they both had spent time, Katniss had even worked there when they were younger. 
  Sometime during their afternoon chat, a photographer had spotted them, recognized them, and snapped pictures.
  That was a trending subject on Twitter minutes later, before someone even created a ship name for them. The hashtag #Everlark trended for more than a day.
  Katniss had pushed her phone away, blocked all the numbers she didn’t know, called Peeta to apologize, before focusing solely on her training.
  Her perfect plan had crumbled in hours, when Peeta had caught her in the Victor’s Village Cafeteria, explaining how he was sorry for everything, as the idea of coffees had been his. 
They had ended up sharing a meal with Gale and Jo, as well as some of Peeta’s teammates, who kept joking about the Everlark hashtag. In a matter of two hours Katniss was laughing with them, the pain of Effie’s scheme forgotten.
  That was why she was currently in the corridors of the Arena where Judo and Wrestling competitions were being held. Her own tournament was starting in two days and Katniss would rather watch sports she didn’t understand, then stay in her room, anxiously waiting for her turn to compete.
  Maybe it was time for her to play team mate too. She had put on her US Team attire, gotten her accreditations cards, before jumping into one of the buses that led her to the Champ de Mars. 
  She hadn’t seen Peeta since breakfast the morning before, when she had forgotten to ask him if he was still okay for her to come.
  The building was elegantly sitting on the green grass. In the back, she could see the Eiffel Tower, all dressed up in her beauty and dignity.
  In a few minutes she had found the hall with the wrestlers, and a seat in the ranks reserved for athletes. She recognized Thom and Thresh, two of Peeta’s teammates, who waved at her. She talked to them for a few minutes, learning their categories were competing in the coming days.
  “Peeta should be in two matches.” Thresh informed her as she sat on the plastic seat. “He should make it to the quarters easily. After…”
  “After?” She asked, unsure what THresh meant.
  “After, in the quarters he should face Katø, the Russian. A beast. “
  “A beast?” 
  “Yeah, 164 pounds of malice and nastiness.”
  “Charming… Maybe someone will eat this Katø first ?” 
  Thresh shook his head.
  “Na, not with this draw. His first worthy opponent will be Peeta.”
  She looked at Thresh, thinking back to the afternoon she had spent with Peeta, remembering what he had told her.
She couldn’t remember the last time she had laughed so much, her cheeks still hurt. They had walked away from the Olympic Archery range, following the banks of the Seine, looking at the amazing monuments, walking by the Musee d’Orsay that Peeta had told her he wanted to visit. 
They had crossed the river on a wooden bridge only for pedestrians, walked along the Louvre, until they had found a small café near the Palais Royal where they were still sitting.
  “You all have bread names? Why? “
  Peeta shrugged,  before leaning down a little on the metallic table, as if he was about to confide his deepest secret.
  “We own a bakery, back in Panem. Maybe one day, I’ll tell you my real name …”
  She laughed, leaning over the table too. She felt bold enough to run her hand on his definitely toned forearm, letting her finger wander up to his shoulder.
  She saw the color of his eyes change from crystal blue to a darker shade, heard him take a breath in.
  But Katniss was on a mission.
  She leaned closer to him, her hand coming closer to his neck, her nimble fingers playing with the collar of his shirt.
  She could feel him tense under her touch, and lifted her eyes, to find his locked on her, as if he wanted to get lost in her. It took Katniss a few seconds to return to her task. With a movement of her wrist, she grabbed his accreditation cards, pulling them over his head before leaning back into her seat.
  “That’s disappointing, actually. Your name is Mark ? Mark Mellark ?”   
  “Because your name is really Katniss?”
  She put down his accreditations, took hers from around her neck, holding them out to him. He took them with a smirk before looking at the name written on them.
  “Your name is really Katniss?”
  “Yep. My mom’s Lily, my dad is Alon, and my sister is Primrose. You’re a bread family, we are a plant family.” She snatched the cards from his hands. “ You’re lucky you didn’t bet a thing, Mark Mellark.”
  “Don’t call me Mark.” He grumbled, leaning back onto his chair.
  “Well, then if you don’t want the world to call you Mark, you know what’s left to do, Mellark!”.
  She casually put down his cards on the table, taking her time to lean back too.
  “Oh? And that would be, Sensei ?”
  “Easy, Grasshopper. Make sure you don’t get a medal.”
  “That, Robin Hood, is not an option.”  
  The steadiness, the certainty of his voice made her shiver. Or maybe it was the wind, coming from large trees nearby. Surely the trees, she thought.
  “I mean,” he started “ we all came here for a reason, and it’s not to give someone else our place on the podium. Plus with all the visibility we have this year, we have to give it our best, right?”
  She nodded. That was what they had to do, what they had trained for, what they were in France for.
  “Katniss?” Thom’s voice took her out of her memories. 
  “Sorry, I was lost in thoughts.”
  “Look down, on the mat. The guy in blue? It’s Katø.”
  “That’s a man? He looks like a mountain of muscles …” 
  “Well, he is a mountain of muscles … “ The referee interrupted Thom’s sentence with the start of the first period. “That won’t take long, he isn’t known for dancing around.”
  Katniss watched as the blond man, so different from Peeta rushed into his opponent, pinning him on the mat in a few seconds.
  “Told you. That lasted 25 seconds, he won’t be tired for the next round.” Thom said. “Peeta’s next.”
  Katniss nodded searching the ground until she spotted him, wearing a red singlet. 
  “Why is he wearing red ? Blue is a better color for him.” She asked, her eyes trained on the now familiar figure walking towards the mat. Damn, these singlets left little to the imagination. To say they were fit-forming was the understatement of the year. She could see all the lines of Peeta’s muscles moving as he approached the fighting zone.
  “Because he’ll be the first one called. It’s the rules.” She turned towards Thresh, who had the biggest smile on his face she’d ever seen him don.
  “Why are you smiling?” She was wondering what had been so funny in her words.
  “‘Blue is a better color for him’ - you sound like -” 
  “Be careful, Thresh. She shoots arrows…” Thom interrupted. “Now if you want to see Peeta wrestle, maybe you can look at the mat ?”
  With a last threatening glance towards Thresh that was met with another huge smile and air kisses, Katniss turned towards the arena, noticing how different Peeta’s posture was from Katø’s. 
  “He’s going to tire the Georgian who isn’t as flexible as he is. And as soon as there will be an opening, he’ll go for it.” Thom explained, as she watched the complicated dance of joint locks, takedowns, and other things she had no idea what they were.
  “This must be exhausting…” she whispered, as she saw Peeta finally going for the pin, immobilizing his opponent on the mat.
  “Well, it’s not crochet that’s for sure!” Thresh chimed into her thoughts as the crowd applauded the winner of the match.
  This was going to be a long day.
  She needed to focus, now. Forget she was in the final of the Olympic Archery Tournament. Forget her dream was an arrow away. Forget she needed a nine to win the gold.
  She had to remember the wind, how it came lightly from the right to the left, how she needed to bend the trajectory just a little. She had to calm her beating heart.
  To forget Peeta was in the stands, watching. Katniss had cheered him on as he won his own gold medal two days ago, but now it was her moment.
  She needed to forget. 
  The way he had chased her when she tried to make a quiet exit.
To forget how they had kissed.
Their own celebration.
  She had to clear her mind of all this. 
Forget. Focus.
  A deep breath. 
Visualizing the arrow hitting the center of the target. 
  The chronometer was ticking. Tick. Tock.
  It was her last arrow. Her concurrents had already shot their own.
  She needed a nine.
  Only twelve seconds remain.
  She rose her bow.
Eleven seconds.
  Remembered her father’s proud look when she had won her first trophy.
  She let the arrow fly.
  She knew it would be a ten.
  She had won the gold.
  She fell to her knees, feeling the tears pooling in her eyes.
  “I did it, Papa, I won … I hope you’re proud..”
  The applause around her made her lift her head, then stand up, before she ran towards the stands, her bow still in hand, her eyes fixed on a figure that was coming down the stairs, towards her.
  She felt his arms around her as he hugged her over the bleachers, felt his hands going to her face as he looked into her eyes.
  “You remember to shoot straight, Grasshopper…” he whispered, for the two of them only.
  “Yes, Sensei”, she replied before kissing him.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 3 years
The way you had your hair reminds me- Zutara Week Day 1
My second Zutara Week though I hope I can actually finish it this time. I decided I really wanted to do something with Katara doing rhythmic gymnastics so I decided that since most of the prompts fit, I’ll do a sort of Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo AU. It’s a good kdrama if you’ve never heard of it. trying to fit 16 hour long episodes into 7 days is gonna be interesting. I’ll warn you now and let you know there will be onesided LuTara but for like a day maybe. I haven’t written that day yet so we’ll see. This will end in Zutara happieness, I promise. Anyway, enjoy. Hair
Zuko crawled carefully as he wiped down the windows. Most of his classmates didn’t want him anywhere near an open area, especially with his limited vision but he’d just gotten his bandaged taken off and he wasn’t about to let it hinder him.
Without them on, he didn’t see Mom flinch at the sight of them, though the massive burn wasn’t any better. The fights between his parents weren’t either and Azula’s teasing was starting to be hurtful more than playful. He wanted it all to stop. If he pretended that things were ok, maybe they would be eventually.
“Hey scarface!” Zuko looked over, 3 of his school bullies storming over. He tried not to flinch, already knowing what they were going to yell at him about. They’d been doing it all day. “We lost the race thanks to you!”
Zuko used to be more confident. But after the burns, a few harsh words and he’d start retreating back down into himself. These bullies took advantage of it. During their Sports Day yesterday, Zuko had dropped the baton in the relay race and ran in the opposite direction, away from the bullies yelling at him.
“Mr. Reversal, can’t believe you’re so stupid.”
“You need a walking stick, scarface? Huh?”
Zuko felt one of them shove him and he expected to hit the window frame. Instead, he went flying out the open window. Years later, Zuko would mostly remember him being caught by an older man with darker skin, most likely from one of the Water Tribes, with kind blue eyes, who held him as he burst into tears and two younger children. The boy patted his back, telling him not to worry because his sister would take care of it and the girl screaming up at the bullies from the ground floor. Her long braid swung back and forth as she shook her fists and threatened to do violent things to them. her eyes seemed bluer than her families, like the clearest ocean.
He didn’t know they’d slip back into his life years later. That the little girl who threatened bullies for a boy she didn’t know, would become so much more important to him.
Zuko unlocked his bike, trying not to feel discouraged. It was hard not to when he’d been disqualified from another competition for having a panic attack. Every time he walked onto the mat, his hearing would go wonky and he’d start seeing double, not to mention his heart beating like it was trying to escape his chest. As a result, he’d always forget to sault his opponent and the referee.
Along with being propositioned to train an up-and-coming fencer to get onto the national Olympic team – which he refused because how was he supposed to help someone when he could even finish a match – all he wanted to do was collapse onto his bed. He could already tell that during training tomorrow, he’d have to deal with snide remarks from Jett. How that guy became captain, he’d never know. He knew if he just beat him in training like always, it would piss him off even more and with the school’s Sports Day coming up, he was not in the mood to do the worst event for the Fencing Department.
He climbed on his bike, adjusting his kit sitting on its place but stopping himself from peddling back to campus when his phone rang.
“What Sokka?”
“So, the results of the match went up. Jett wants to talk to you; says he’s got the prefect thing for you to do to make up for your loss. The rice lifting challenge.”
Zuko had to bite his lip to keep from screaming. The idea of the lifting challenge was to carry as many bags of rice and the industrial size, like the one the school cafeteria ordered and hold it for as long as possible. Usually, the Karate Department would be the one to win, fencing never even coming close.
“I’m not going.” Zuko said, making up his mind.
“I’ll hang out at Lu Ten’s office or something, but I’m not going. Not to the crapshot of a meeting or to Sports Day. I don’t care what he threatens me with. I’m only coming back to drop my kit off.”
“Um, well I actually heard Mai was back. Didn’t make it past the preliminaries for the national team I hear.”
This day couldn’t get any worse.
“Screw it, I’m not coming back for the next few days. I’ll be with my uncle if you need me.”
“Wait! Ask Toph to do your event for you. it would put the Weightlifting Department in danger of losing but most of those guys don’t like her anyway. She’d love a chance to get back at them. come back to campus and ask her and then I’ll take you out for lunch. At my dad’s restaurant. You love his marinated salmon.” Sokka said, trying to entice his roommate.
Zuko sighed. “I want two orders. And you’re paying.”
“Done! Get here soon.”
Zuko didn’t bother answering, stowing his phone away and pushing off, heading towards Republic City Sports University.
Effortlessly, Katara grabbed her back leg and straightened it as she did her pivot. She kept her balance as she came out of it and continued to twirl her ribbon. Her coach nodded.
“Very good. You’ve been practising. Your balance is better. Now I want to see if your fouettés have improved as well. If you want a chance at placing first and getting noticed by our sponsor and qualifying for the national team preliminaries, your routine can’t have any mistakes. Ty Lee, pay attention. I’m testing your fouettés as well.”
Katara looked over at the girl dressed in pink, who was pouting down at her matching hoop, Suki patting her on the shoulder. While Katara and Ty Lee weren’t friends, it was hard to not bond over being singled out by their coach.
Katara stood at the ready, twirling her ribbon as she readied herself when the door burst open.
“Azula!” Ty Lee cried.
Azula Lung was the student with the most sway in the whole school. Her father was the Prime Minister of the Fire Nation and while he didn’t hold much power in Republic City, since all powers were equal, that didn’t mean much at the University. She got the best room, private transport to competitions and rules didn’t apply to her. She could boss around any coach, even though she was in the Karate Department. There’d been rumours that her place was bought, until her first competition where she creamed everyone. She was her department’s ace. In fact, she managed to take the Weightlifting Department’s old gym for the Karate Department, which started a massive feud between them. she was rude and arrogant and somehow, one of Ty Lee’s best friends.
Katara noticed a girl standing next to her. She was dressed in all black, the only colour being the red of her nails. She looked incredibly bored and only looked annoyed when Ty Lee launched herself at her.
“Mai, you’re back!”
“Mai has returned from her qualifying competition for the national team. We’ll be taking Ty Lee with us. Problem?” Azula announced.
“No of course not. Except, Ty Lee, you were supposed to show me your routine for Sports Day? Since you’re our department’s cheerleader.”
Azula scoffed. “Sports Day, waste of time. She won’t be attending. You, blue peasant.” Katara balked at that and narrowed her eyes. “You’ll be taking her place. Problem?”
Katara opened her mouth to say, yes big problem, but all the girls of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Department crowded around her, suffocating her with their hands.
“None at all.”
“Thanks Katara!” Ty Lee said, scooping up her bag and dashing off, Mai following and with a raised eyebrow that spoke of her superiority, Azula leaving as well.
“You can’t argue with her Katara.”
“She’d have you removed from the school. I heard she got a person’s whole family business shut down for pissing her off. Do you want that for your dad?”
“Her dad might be the Prime Minister, but he’s practically a mafia boss.”
Comments like this floated over her head, as well as ones telling her they’d help with making a routine for Sports Day, which was in a few days. All Katara could think about was how completely unfair this all was.
And she let it out too once training was concluded for the day.
“It’s completely insane how she can just lord over them like that!” she said, harshly untangling her hair from its bun.
“Easy, you’re gonna rip your hair out.” Suki said, stopping her from tugging at it more and helping to pull half of it into a bun like she usually wore it.
“She’s a student. A sophomore at that. Where does she get off acting like she’s the greatest thing in the world? Just cause her dad is a Prime Minister? So is mine!”
“I thought Water Tribe issues fell under Yue’s dad’s jurisdiction?” Toph, a member of the Weightlifting Department asked, her hand holding on tightly to her guide dog’s harness. She was just as well known as Azula, due to the fact that she was blind but was still one of the highest climbing Weightlifting competitors at the school. She beat all the senior’s bests within her first month.
“Yeah, only because the South is smaller. That’s not the point! The point is, she does whatever she wants and doesn’t get in trouble for it and it extends to her friends too. I have a competition coming up soon and instead of working on my routines for that, I’m going to be learning choreo for a routine for one of the dumbest traditions of Sports Day.”
“Oh,” Toph said, a massively mischievous smile on her face, “well you won’t think it’s stupid when you hear what I heard. Wanna take a guess as to who’s the Fencing Department’s cheerleader?”
Katara looked over at Toph, who’s smile was growing maniacal. Usually that meant someone was going to get embarrassed as hell. It usually tended to be Sokka.
“Wouldn’t it be one of the girls?”
“Nope.” Toph shook her head, popping her p.
“Is it-?”
“Katara, watch out!”
A guy on his bike and panicked look as he turned the corner, thankfully started the veer off course at the sight of her. She still stumbled over her feet and fell to the floor, her hands pricking in pain as they were scratched. Thankfully though, her jacket took most of the damage. The guy on the other hand, had to shove his bike off his feet, rubbing at his shin.
She took in the pale skin, paler than Toph’s and dark hair surrounding his face. It didn’t stop her from noticing the large burn surrounding his right eye. she noticed that his school jacket was the same one Sokka wore, meaning he was in the Fencing Department.
“You should be more careful.” She meant for it to come out a bit nicer, but the anger from dealing with Azula slipped in.
clearly the guy didn’t enjoy being yelled at as he snapped back. “I didn’t see you.” he seemed to rethink his anger and continued in a calmer voice. “Are you ok?”
ok, now she felt bad about snapping at him. “I’m fine.”
“Oh, what up Sparky?” Toph asked, seeming to brighten as she figured out who almost crashed into them. her guide dog Badger, lead his owner over and with surprising accuracy, Toph punch the guy on the arm.
It was a little scary how well she could do that.
“Stop calling me that.”
“Hey, tell me. Seen his skirt yet? I know he doesn’t shave his legs so please tell me he’s going all out for this.”
The guy sighed. “Thought Sokka told you not to tell anyone.”
“Sokka? He’s the Fencing cheerleader? That’s why he’s been borrowing my hair pins? Those things are expensive.” Katara interrupted.
Toph burst into laughter, clearly enjoying herself while Suki looked thoughtful.
“So that’s why he asked for makeup advice. Suddenly Sports Day is looking a lot more fun.”
“Speaking of which, I’m going back to my room before Jett finds me to let me know my event. Oh, Toph wanna annoying your department?”
“Take my spot for the Rice Lifting event. I’ve dealt with way too much to even put up with Jett today.”
Katara furrowed her brow, wanting to say something about the fact this guy wasn’t going to participate but then she noticed Toph’s smile dropped a little and her punch was definitely softer the second time she hit him.
“Done deal Sparky. Tell your old man I’ll see him later.”
“So who was that?” Suki asked as the guy finally took off.
“Zuko Lung, not related to the royal brat. I go to his old man’s tea house sometimes. He’s Sokka’s roommate apparently.”
“Oh yeah, he’s a pretty good fencer from what I hear. Weird though, I haven’t seen his name in the announcement of students placing.” Suki said.
She had a point. Katara never remembered seeing anything either. She also found it a bit strange Sokka never dragged his roommate to meet the rest of them. there was something about Zuko though that seemed familiar. It was on the tip of her tongue but nothing came to mind. Oh well, for another day then.
“Hey, let’s go find Sokka. Maybe if we catch him off guard, we can get him to agree to let us wax his legs.”
“I hate you.” Sokka mumbled, hiking his cheerleading skirt up. Katara bit her lip to keep from laughing at the crop top he was in. apparently, he pissed off their department captain by telling him that Zuko wasn’t participating and Toph was taking his place, so his new uniform was worse than his last.
She tossed her braid behind her, trying not to think about how young she must have looked. She had her hair like this when she was younger since it was much easier to put it into a bun. Her own uniform was rather pink for her taste, but Ty Lee basically guilt tripped her into wearing it since it already been bought. She was still annoyed at this, even more so when she found out her new roommate was Mai. The dark and depressing girl was apparently in the Archery Department and Sokka, who’d been in that Department before transferring to fencing, said she was undefeated. Yet she didn’t get past the first round of preliminaries to get onto the national team.
“Hey Sokka!” Aang, a member of the Track and Field Department came bounding over, his own skirt floating around his legs. “Katara, you never told me how much fun a skirt can be. Took me a while to find boxers that weren’t too long but still.”
“I’m glad your having fun Aang. At least someone is.” She said, smirking at Sokka.
“You deal with 3 hours of having your hair ripped out and then come talk to me.” Sokka snapped. “Ugg, I’m gonna kill Zuko. This is all his fault.”
“Wow.” A familiar voice said. Zuko was in casual clothes, carrying a cooler. Next to him was a man, with a squarish face, the same gold eyes and dark hair as Zuko, though his hair was pulled back into a top knot. “See if I bring you anything ever again.”
“You know Jett will kill you if he sees you.”
“He can’t do anything. My uncle called to pull me out for the afternoon. This is work, we’re delivering ice tea for the Fencing and Track and Field Departments. Aang, next time, don’t put your order late at night.”
Aang looked embarrassed. “Sorry. You were already gone when I got back from training. I was going to order for the Rhythmic Gymnastics department, but I know how conscious your coach is about sugars and such.” He said, looking at Katara.
“It’s ok. I’m stealing one though, I deserve the extra sugar for being in this outfit.” She said, walking over to Zuko and opening the lid on the cooler. She noticed he was staring intently at her face.
“What elementary school did you go to?” he asked suddenly.
“Did you go to Ba Sing Se Preparatory?” he asked.
“You screamed at those bullies.”
Bullies? Wait. It hit her like a thunderbolt, why he looked so familiar. His burn was a bit more faded but she couldn’t believe he forgot him. He’d been pushed out the window by bullies and her dad, would come to drop off lunch for her and Sokka, managed to catch him before he hurt himself and she’d screamed at the bullies from the floor.
“Holy crap. That was you!” Sokka said, “you had like no hair then!”
“Sokka!” he’d disappeared from class for a few weeks and when he came back his hair was cut so far back that it made his bandages stick out more.
“Yours was in a braid then.”
She was confused for a moment when she realised, he was talking to her. Yesterday her hair had been out but now it was in the same style she had it in as a child.
She’d always wondered what happened to him when Zuko suddenly disappeared for good one day. She’d didn’t think she’d find out now.
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fu-aki · 4 years
Chapter 5
So this is going to be my attempt to summarize part 1 of the beginning part of chapter 5 (episode 1 to 21) of twisted wonderland.
Again, spoiler alert since I’m about to write out everything that happened, and I apologize for my grammar and horrible French in advance.
 You heard someone singing -> it was the scenes from snow white when the evil queen asks the mirror on the wall and snow white singing into the well  -> player choice: a beautiful women was watching from the window…/ I felt like I’ve meet that beautiful person before… -> you woke up from dream -> in the main street, you meet up with Ace and Deuce -> after seeing the statue you realized you’ve seen them in your dreams before
In classroom -> Ace felt it wasn’t weird to have dreams like that when you see those statues everyday -> you mentioned about in your dream “mickey” appeared in the mirror -> Ace and Deuce never heard of that name before -> Ace suggest to take a photo of it with the “ghost camera” you got from Crowley since it can even take pictures of ghosts
Crewel showed up and explained about “nationwide sorcerer training school culture festival” -> it’s a 2 day event with representative students from all the sorcerer training school, a festival with speeches and debates all about magic related music & art topics -> for NRC, all the 4th year students will be send all across country for internship and research study -> they will all come back on that day to share their experience and result -> end of the homeroom -> fight Crewel for the defense magic class
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In the dorm leader meeting -> Malleus is not there again -> Lilia mentions how he couldn’t find Malleus anymore after class so he’s here instead -> Idia questions if Malleus is missing meetings on purpose -> Lilia talked about how fairies feels time different from humans, and how Malleus have some troublesome karma on him as well
The meeting starts -> Riddle started reporting everything about the event -> but the “vocal & dance championship” has surprising amount of media focused on it -> Riddle was surprised since he thought it was just a chorus competition -> because of the time change and consideration for different types of music, now it includes singing, dancing, and performance -> and because of how popular it got, it becomes one chance for students to professionally debut -> and now it’s getting extra notice because the famous influencer Vil and Neige are in it -> Lilia commented how Neige is getting really popular online and on TV -> Idia surprised that people in Diasomnia actually go online -> Lilia “kuhuhu, of course, we are still just students in high school, we watch dramas and play games.” -> Crowley “Vila and Neige, 2 world known famous celebrity are going to appear in VDC, it won’t be an exaggeration to call it the highest degree of attention we are going to get in this event.” -> Crowley ask Riddle to make preparation in case of troubles -> Azul offered to help since he learned all about it from magic shift event -> Leona “hey octopus bastard… do you want your flappy tongue to turn into dried food or what?” -> Azul “oh my how scary” -> Riddle refused Azul’s help since he don’t want Azul ask for something later -> Kalim “just tell us if something is bothering you, we’ll help you anytime.”
-> Kalim “I can’t wait for the day of festival~!” ->  Idia “sign~~~… the popular guys just looks so happy everyday. I had to think about the day to announce our research result… if I just step on stage, everyone would be like ‘hey isn’t his hair burning?’ ‘could he be Shroud family’s…’ ‘what kind of dark research is he doing?’ aah I can’t… for person like me to do a speech on stage is just challenge level EX.” -> Riddle mentioned how the rules said student have to go on stage themselves and offer to train Idia for speech after school -> Idia said he’ll manage something himself (whispering) “I really don’t wanna have a farming event with demonic trainer Riddle.” -> end of meeting
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In Vil’s room -> Vil “Mira, Mira” -> Mira “what can I help you with?” -> Vil “who is the fairest of them all right now?” -> Mira “the account with the most mention of fair in web currently is… Neige.” -> Vil “Neige…! Finally… this time have arrived.” -> Mira “sorry, I couldn’t quite hear you. Could you please repeat what you said?”
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Few days later in cafeteria -> Ace, Deuce, Grim, and you saw the poster for the VDC audition -> the reward for wining the championship is 5 million Madollar to spilt among the members -> Crowley popped up and explained many corporation sponsored this event -> Grim wanted to join for the money so he can buy tuna cans
The song for audition is “piece of my world” -> Ace wanted to try so if he got accepted he don’t need to help set up the places anymore -> Deuce wanted the reward money to help his family -> but he never did singing or dancing before so he didn’t want to join ->
In courtyard you heard someone singing beautifully -> you saw Epel ->Deuce remembered the time he bumped into Epel last chapter -> He asked Epel why is he practice singing here -> it was because Vil told Epel to practice singing to the well so Epel can hear his voice clearly -> Deuce “does Pomefiore have some rules where you have to be good at singing?” -> it was because Epel has to take the audition for VDC and practice for a more lovely voice -> Epel (whisper) “event like that should just disappear…” -> “oh my Epel, are you skipping practice and talking with pigeons now?” -> it was Vil -> Grim “that guy’s leg looks like it’s 1 meter longer than MC’s!” -> Vil “there’s only 2 month left till VDC, Epel have no times play with muddy potatoes like you people.” -> “Epel, you too, if this keep going on you won’t be able to become the ‘red poisoned apple’ let’s go.” -> Epel “…But I actully don’t!” -> Vil “did you forgot the promise with me? Just come here already.” -> Ace and Grim was pretty mad and wanted to fight -> Vil “It’s not bad for a walk after meal. Come at me, I’ll make you into mashed potato.” -> fight time -> you are beat up by Vil -> and he only gives you 5/100 for the fight since you lacked the beauty when fighting -> Epel has to go back with Vil and Vil mentioned how it ends up like this because Epel skipped practice in break
The next day -> Deuce decided to try the audition -> so if they are accepted, Epel might got eliminated and don’t need to practice anymore -> Deuce “as a honor student, I can’t just watch him being forced into the things he don’t like.” -> Ace “I don’t think it’s very honor student of you to call yourself honor student.” -> dance practice time
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Kalim and Jamil showed up practice for audition too -> Kalim “honestly you guys are pretty bad at this, you look like a panicked elephant trying to stand on 2 legs! Ahhaha!” -> Deuce “man this really hurts when he’s not even try to be mean.” -> Ace asked Jamil to teach them how to dance -> Kalim “oh sure! Jamil is really good at singing.” -> Jamil “why are you replying for me! … well it is also review for me when I’m teaching someone, fine I’ll do it.” -> teaching time -> Kalim “hey, how about we practice together tomorrow too? Jamil is really good at singing, we’ll show you.” -> Jamil “! You just decided that yourself too…!” -> Kalim “it’ll be fine, besides isn’t it more fun when you have more people for dancing, singing, or partying?” -> Jamil “fine, just don’t expect me to be so kind.” -> Jamil “for now, let’s just clean up, take some mops from the storage room -> Deuce, Ace, Kalim “okay.” -> Jamil “Kalim, you don’t have to do it… sigh.”
Azul showed up -> Grim mentioned how Jamil’s evil plan was streamed worldwide last chapter.” -> Azul “why do you think the merciful me would end my classmate societal life like that?” -> Jamil “…you would.” -> that day Azul was just on phone with Jade -> Azul “different from Leona, I don’t have an interest to beat down someone more than necessary, besides it’s a secret that I’ve finally got, I won’t do anything to make the price fall like that.” -> Jamil “hate to say it, but thanks to Azul’s mercifulness, my parents and Asim family didn’t know the real reason I overblot. But the dorm students…”
Flashback -> Scarabia students questioned why Kalim don’t change the vice dorm leader after what happened
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-> Kalim “are you guys worried about me? Thank you! But… he was not the only one wrong this time, I’m also at fault. Besides, is there anyone in Scarabia that have not received help from Jamil?” -> student “that, that is true… if there’s something going wrong we would always just ask him…” -> Kalim “I know right? He is an excellent vice dorm leader. A lot better than me, the dorm leader. His judgements might be clouded back then, but he is still great at his work. He did try to expel me by manipulating you guys but… up till that incident, he has never hurt me even once before. He has many chances to do other much more horrible things to me, but he didn’t. Not once, in 17 years. I won’t call him a good guy but… it’s hard to explain but would you please give us more times?” -> students “…if that’s what you said so…” -> Jamil “…”  -> end of flashback -> Jamil “the chance I had for holiday was once in a lifetime, thought my life would be over if I failed, but in the end it didn’t change that much… surely something to be ‘grateful’ for. So unless I’m fired by Kalim, I’ll continue to serve him. And I’ll continue to show everyone how useful I am.” -> Grim “Jamil… your character really changed a lot after the holiday.” -> Azul “if you are fired by Kalim, Octavinelle will always welcome people like you with open arms.” -> Jamil “thank you for the offer, but no matter what happened I would never go to Octavinelle.” -> Kalim “Hey you guys~ if we don’t head out soon we are gonna be late for class!”
3 days later -> everyone is getting better at dancing and singing -> Jamil reminded them to sign up for audition with Rook in class 3-A -> Grim saw Leona and called out to him -> Leona: angry lion noises -> Grim asked where is Rook Hunt -> Leona “why are you trying to find that weird guy.” -> Rook suddenly popped up from behind -> Rook “hahaha, did I surprised you? Pardon. Conceal my footstep sound was a habit I had. I am Rook Hunt. The hunter of love that set his life theme as looking for beauty, helping beauty.” -> Leona “tsk, there it is, that weird guy.” -> Rook asked where is monsieur dandelion -> Leona “no way we are together 24/7, just take those herbivores and go.” -> Deuce questioned who is monsieur dandelion -> it was Ruggie -> the reason why Rook calls him that is because last spring, Rook saw Ruggie picking dandelion in the sports field. Ruggie plans to eat those since his budget is a little tight this month -> so Rook calls him monsieur dandelion out of respect -> Leona “that guy… is he really fine with eating everything that’s not rotten? He didn’t make me eat dandelions too, right…?” -> Rook “non non, it’s not poison, it’s not good to be picky like that lord lion.” -> Ace brought up the audition for VDC, we almost forgot about that because of what happened -> Rook “I apologize, so you guys are, human species Ace Trappola, height 172cm, from class 1-A with student number 25. Human species Deuce Spade, height 173cm, from the same class 1-A with student number 24. And human species MC with demon beast species Grim, height 70cm. right?”
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-> Deuce “how did you know our class and student number!?” -> Ace “and even height too!?” -> Rook “huhuhu. As a hunter, I have to at least know the species and heights about the students.” -> there’s no need to write anything to sign up, you only need to show up to the audition 3 days later in Pomefiore’s ballroom -> Rook ask why don’t Leona try for the auditions too -> Leona “who would go to a game event like that, besides, that annoying Vil is also there. I would never go.” -> Rook “the Vil with the beauty of metropolis, and Leona kun with the beauty of wilderness. If both of you dances and sings together it would definitely be beautiful. The competition between different types of beauty, it’s just tres bien!” -> Leona “this guy really doesn’t listen to other people at all…”
3 days later -> in Pomrfiore dorm lounge, you saw around 50 students who’s also trying for audition -> Cater was also one of it -> since he wanted to go to the event with the famous celebrity Vil -> Ace “isn’t that reason a little too light hearted?” -> Cater “really? I thought everyone is like that, I mean look.”
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-> pointed at Ruggie who’s clearly here for money -> Lilia popped up again -> you recognized him as the person who handed you the holiday card -> Grim “he wasn’t the sender?” -> Lilia “the initials are different from mine right?” -> Lilia is here since he’s in light music club and it just makes sense for him to try -> he tried to invite Malleus too but he said he don’t want it to become the exhibition of some kind so he refused -> Lilia “that guy is kind of shy” -> Cater “I feels like that’s a little bit different from shy…” -> Lilia asked why didn’t Cater brought Trey along -> Cater tried but Trey has to help Riddle with all the works
they saw Ortho by himself for audition too and was surprised -> Ace commented on how Ortho looks like an elementary school student -> Cater said Ortho is accepted into this school with Idia, and they always take classes together -> Grim “how much of a brothercon is Idia…” ->Ortho “don’t talk bad on my brother!” -> Ortho explained how everything was approved by the principals, and is not like Idia brought him just because he’s lonely by himself -> Cater “sorry sorry, we kinda got to excited while talking about it since the Shroud brother is like the 7 mysteries of this school.” -> Ortho “I want to apologize for getting too upset as well, I just don’t want you to misunderstand my brother…” -> Cater asked if Ortho is also here for audition -> flashback -> basically Idia made a software with his voice to read out everything he typed -> for the speech since he just can’t talk in front of everyone -> but Idia also got pretty interested in the sound editing world -> Idia “since virtual idol is getting popular, should I put vocal synthesizer in Ortho too?” -> Ortho “sounds fun! I wanted to sing too.” ->Idia “alright~ let big brother handle everything.” -> so to test how far the vocal synthesizer can go, Ortho is here to take the audition -> Ace was surprised that they can just make singing sounds from programs -> Cater said those got quite popular and he likes it too, and wanted to show Grim a video of it -> there was an ad
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Neige is promoting in the ad -> Cater mentioned how popular he is getting -> Vil, Rook, and Epel kicked in with sparkling effects -> Vil started introducing himself and explains how he will be the producer for the members appears in VDC
Auditions starts -> Ruggie sung and danced
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-> Rook “monsieur dandelion. Such a light step and bright smile. With manliness and loveliness combined perfectly. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “his way of moving isn’t bad, but his dancing and singing is still messy… next!”
Cater -> Rook “monsieur magcam. Your voice sounds just like the elegant sparkling diamond! I wanted to listen to it forever. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “singing and dancing wasn’t bad, but I can’t feel any passions… next!”
Lilia -> Rook “monsieur curiosity. Such a lovely form and singing voice with an alluring aura… Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “I don’t know why… but I can’t feel any freshness of a high school student from Lilia. Next!”
Ortho -> Rook “monsieur doll. What a brand-new style…! Your robot dance and singing voice, will be sculpted into my eyes. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “no matter how genre-less this event is, there’s a limit… next!”
Kalim -> Rook “lord gold! Your dance were just like the breeze that blow through the hot sand! And the singing that make me felt like flying. Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “hmm, it’s a little bit better than the vegetables that’s just rolling around.”
Jamil -> Rook “monsieur mulch. As expected… I can feel your buring soul underneath your cool mask! Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “not bad, he’s the most normal one out of all of them.”
Epel -> Rook “monsieur crabapple. So lovely! Beaute! 100 points!” -> Vil “that kid, misstep again, no matter how good was his rehearse, it would be meaningless if he can’t do good in the real deal. Also, Rook. aren’t you giving out nothing but 100 points? Are you judging seriously?” -> Rook “of course, but it’s so hard to pick a first when everyone are so wonderful. There’s beauty in the neatness, and there’s also beauty in the twisted. Don’t you think so?” -> last group -> Ace, Deuce, and Grim -> Rook “…I see I see.” -> end of the audition -> result will come out tomorrow -> Rook recommend the trio to Vil
Next day, Ace, Deuce, Grim just got off from class -> suddenly an arrow flies across barely missed Deuce’s nose -> Ace realized there’s a piece of paper on the arrow -> Deuce “what!? Is it a challenge to fight!?” -> Ace “stop connect everything to a fight, let me see…” -> both Ace and Deuce are accepted -> you are also asked to go with those two
You all headed towards Pomefiore -> you saw both Kalim and Jamil -> they are accepted as well -> but after going in Pomefiore, students keep showing up asking for fight -> finally you arrived to the ballroom
-> Vil showed up with sparkling effects again -> apparently the students are fighting with you because you are accepted members, it was a warm up Vil prepared for all of you so he can start the lesson right away -> Vil “listen up, start from now on we would be the representation for NRC, and aim for the first place in the VDC. The members that can’t even win a fight like that is not needed. The battle has already started and all of you should be prepared to be whipped to shape!” -> Kalim “I don’t really understand but okay!” -> Grim asks why are him and you here when you are not accepted -> Crowley showed up and explained, in order to practice for the team work, all of the members will live together in Ramshakle dorm -> Grim wanted to refuse -> but Vil and Rook said they will give you all of their reward money since their goal in this event is not money -> which is around 1.42 million -> you decided to accept the deal after all ->Vil “now let’s start the lesson!” -> Ace “I thought the lesson starts when we starts living together?” -> Vil “don’t get a big head, new potato number 1. You are still an amateur at singing and dancing, we can’t waste a single minute.” -> practice time.
 End of this update.
Oh man it tooks me a whole entire day to do this… and to think this is just like part a of part1. The chapters are getting so much longer…
I Honestly felt like I missed up half of Rook’s nicknames since I don’t know French at all, basically got everything from google so please correct me if I’m wrong.
Also, Rook’s nickname for Epel is kinda weird, he call Epel hime ringo which directly translate to princess apple, but it is also a type of apple. In English it’s called crabapple, which kind of feels different then the Japanese text.
Can I just say I love the fact that we can fight Crewel now? And I just love how he call us zasshu while fighting, it probably referenced to like mixed blood dogs and all but it only reminds me of Gilgamesh lol.
Ahhh I really want Crewel to slap me.
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karasuno-chaos · 4 years
Choosing His Tie (Osamu x Reader)
I feel like Osamu is one of those people that doesn’t dress up often, but when he does, he only serves quality looks.👔  -Giz
Word Count:  1,470
Fluffvember masterlist
“Y/N!” your husband shouts from the bedroom.
“What?” you holler back, not moving from your position on the couch watching Vine compilations.
“Come here!”
“I want your opinion!”
You sigh but pause the current video.  Osamu doesn’t ask for your opinion very often.  He’s pretty decisive, and even when you tell him what you think, he usually sticks with his own opinion.  If he’s proactively seeking your input, he’s a bit desperate.  You haul yourself off of the couch and head to the bedroom.
“What is it?” you ask, leaning in the doorway.  He’s standing in front of the dresser mirror wearing a black suit with a white button-up.  The jacket is unbuttoned, and he’s popped the collar on his shirt.  You take a moment to admire how he looks.  Osamu is much more comfortable in a t-shirt and jeans or sweatpants, but his natural confidence makes him look effortlessly suave in the simple black suit.  You’d insisted he get it tailored to fit his figure, and you’re so glad you did when the effect is so beautiful.
“Stop ogling,” he says, glancing at your reflection.  While his twin is quite obviously an attention hog, Osamu enjoys getting attention, too, especially from you.  The fact that he isn’t allowing you to stare means something is bothering him.
“I’ll try to keep it under control,” you say with a teasing smirk.  “If you didn’t call me over to flaunt your looks, what do you need?”
“Help me pick a tie.”
“Seriously?”  You pretend to complain.  “I was in the middle of a really funny video.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to pull you away from such an important activity.  It’s not like I’m trying to prepare to meet with the bank to secure a loan so we can open another branch of our restaurant chain.”
His words are a bit harsh, but you’re used to his bluntness.  You also know how much this next step in his business means to him.  With the additional brand exposure from sponsoring volleyball events, there’s been a significant increase in sales at every Onigiri Miya location.  Eager to ride the wave of steady popularity, Osamu’s decided now is the perfect time to extend that success to the nation’s capital.  He has his eye on a location near the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, but to move forward with his plan, he needs another loan from the bank.
“It’s just a tie, Samu,” you say soothingly.  “It won’t make or break their decision.”
“You don’t know that.”
You frown.  Your husband is stubborn, but he also doesn’t bother with trivialities unless he’s being intentionally petty.  A tie shouldn’t worry him this much.
“Are you feeling okay?” you ask, walking to him and placing the back of your hand on his forehead.  He looks annoyed for a second, but you move your hand to his cheek and he sighs.  Osamu closes his eyes, allowing your touch to temporarily soothe his mind.
“I’m fine,” he promises.  When he opens his eyes, they’re serious but not manic.  You think he’s a little more focused, which means he’s better prepared to get the job done.
“Good,” you say, dropping your hand.  “For a moment, I definitely thought you were freaking out, which would have been totally uncool.”
“Huh?”  His eyes narrow in a challenge.  You do love to push his buttons, but only because you can take the heat.
“You’ve had this meeting how many times now?”
“Twice I guess.”
“Exactly,” you hum, turning your attention to the pile of ties he’s laid out on the dresser.  You begin selecting options and draping them over his shoulders to see how they look with his outfit.  “You’ve already opened two very successful locations and paid back those loans in good time with good faith.  You’ve given the bank no reason to doubt your reliability.  You’re a solid investment.  The way I see it, this meeting’s more of a formality than anything.  You’ve got this in the bag.”
“Do you know how impractical you sound?  Thank goodness I’m in charge of our business,” he sighs.
“Yes of course dear.  I’ll just stick to our branding and menu design and visual advertising and picking out your ties.  Unless you can do that last one yourself now?”
Osamu rolls his eyes, neither apologizing nor thanking you.  A less secure person would never survive his hot and cold nature, but you know him well enough to see how much he appreciates you.  It’s why you’re such good partners in both business and life.
You also know that the back and forth banter is helping him to focus.  You’ve heard numerous stories about the rambunctious exchanges he and his twin would have before volleyball games.  Somehow the snide remarks and sense of competition make him perform better, and you’re happy to rile him up a bit if it helps.
“Okay, I’ve got it down to three options,” you announce.  “First up-”
“No,” your husband says immediately, pulling a frown from your lips.
“Come on,” you whine.  “This is my favorite.”
“It’s childish.”
“It’s whimsical and fun,” you counter.  “Just look at the happy little onigiri!”
He looks at the tie with the cartoon food dancing across a deep blue background.  It had been a joke gift from Atsumu a few years ago, but you love it so he wears it sometimes.  Today, however, won’t be one of those days.
“No,” he insists.  “I need them to take me seriously.”
“Buzzkill.”  You put the tie on the dresser and grab the other options.  “Okay boring businessman, which one screams ‘give me money’ more?”
One tie is an eye-catching abstract swirl of greens and blues.  The other is a shimmery silver with a subtle pattern that catches the light.  You have a favorite, but you want to let him choose.
After a moment of contemplation, he picks the silver one and starts putting it on without a word.  You were secretly rooting for that one.  The silver brings out some of the lighter grey in his eyes, and it looks really sharp paired with that suit.
You put away his other ties while he finishes primping.  He has plenty of time before the meeting, but you know he’ll arrive at the bank early and take a few minutes to look over his business plan again.  After hanging up the last tie, you turn to watch him.  Now that his outfit is complete, he seems much more at ease, as he should be.  You have no doubt he is ready for this meeting.
“You’re ogling again,” he says.
“I can’t help it,” you reply with a grin.  You wrap your arms around his waist, and he smirks at you.  “You look like a billion yen.”
“Let’s hope so.”  He kisses the top of your head and rubs your back.  It’s the most thanks you’re likely to get from him, but you don’t mind.  You feel his appreciation in the way he holds you.
“Need me for anything else?” you ask, looking up at him.
“The rest of my life,” he says smoothly.
“Only if you make dinner tonight.”
Osamu quirks an eyebrow.
“You drive a hard bargain.”
“Really?  I feel like dinner is a small price to pay for my eternal love and support,” you hum.  “You should definitely accept before I rethink the terms of this contract.”
“It’s a deal.”  He smiles as he kisses you.
“Good negotiation.  Now go do it again with the bank people.”
“And what are you going to do?” he asks as he follows you out of the bedroom.
“I was in the middle of a really funny video, remember?  And I have a few more queued up after that.”
“Sounds thrilling.”
“You know me.  I live a life of adrenaline and excitement.”
“Just as long as you don’t waste your time at work like this.”
“Feed me a good dinner tonight and I promise to be on my game all day tomorrow.”
“There you go negotiating again.  Maybe I should send you to this meeting instead.”
“No way, not after you got all dressed up for it.  You can’t deprive the world of this rare sighting of Suave Businessman Samu.”  You straighten his tie when you reach the front door.  “You’re going to kill it, okay?  Like service ace, blockout, wicked spike kill it.”
“Volleyball metaphors?  That’s so three years ago.”
“Whatever.”  You capture his lips in a quick kiss.  “See you later.”
His goodbye isn’t overly heartfelt, but it’s perfectly him.  Osamu grins at you before he leaves, and you get a second to admire this confident, well-dressed man that you’ve married before you’re staring at the back of the door.  You sigh and settle onto the couch to distract yourself with videos until he’s back to tell you how it went.
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
could I request something where E is like editing but y/n gets bored and sits on his lap and starts to grind which ends up with maybe some punishments from E after he's had enough?
(my first E anything, this was a trip haha -- shout out to Pao @persistence-ofmemories, here’s your ethan smut lol)
You’ve been watching him all day. Strolling around the house shirtless with his AirPods in and sipping a smoothie while he conversed easily on continuous business calls. Hunched over his laptop answering emails. Sitting at the table with Grayson while they brainstormed new video ideas and Wakeheart promotional pitches. 
Something about businessman Ethan hit so much different for you. He’s not an overly serious person on the daily, but CEO Ethan doesn’t fuck around. When he’s on these calls, his voice takes on this timbre that’s deep and confident and self-assured. Leaves no room for argument when he knows what’s best for his brands. It makes you clench your thighs and bite your lip as you watch and listen from your perch at the bar where you’re doing your own work for the day on your laptop.
But he can also get extremely caught up in it, in the perfection and responsibilities that are required when you’re a self-made businessman. Sometimes it’s hot and endearing, and sometimes it’s frustrating. Tonight, it’s frustrating. 
You emerge from the ensuite bathroom in his room, dressed for bed in one of his t-shirts and squeezing some of the excess water out of your hair from your shower, to find him at his desk chair and on the phone again. You frown, checking the time on your phone. It’s after 10:30 PM, much too late considering he’s been doing this since around 8 this morning. 
You walk up behind him, leaning over the back of the chair and wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders. You press a lingering kiss to his temple and nuzzle his cheek as you inspect what he’s working on. A still frame from their new video they’re about to post is on the screen of his laptop.
“I can’t decide if we should leave this part at 11 minutes in, bro. What do you think?”
You don’t know who he’s talking to, probably Ryan or maybe even Grayson; they have a habit of calling each other even if they're both in the house, rather than just get up and go wherever the other one is. You’re a little confused as to why he’s editing of all things right now, though.
“Babe, what are you doing? Isn’t this what you pay Ricky for now?” you ask, reaching a hand up to play with his hair. It’s getting so long, and you're not mad about it one bit.
Ethan glances up at you and puckers his lips. You oblige him with a quick peck, but you still expect an answer. He has a habit of trying to temporarily appease you when he’s busy and focused on something.
He sighs when he realizes you’re not giving up that easily. He puts the phone on mute, and you do indeed see Grayson’s name on the screen. “Ricky’s swamped, so I told him I had this one. It’s not too crazy.”
“You’ve been working literally all day, E. Can’t you come to bed so we can spend some time together before we go to sleep? I can’t stay up too late, I have a meeting in the morning.” 
Ethan hesitates, turning the phone speaker back on to talk to his brother through his headphones. “Hey, Gray one sec.” He mutes it again. “Sweetheart, this won’t take me very long, I promise. The video is gonna be pretty short.”
You roll your eyes and pick up the towel you had dropped to the floor, turning your back on him to hang it up in the bathroom. You refuse to be the nagging girlfriend. If he wants to prioritize work he doesn't even need to be finishing right now, you’re happy to guilt trip him. 
“Whatever, E. It doesn’t feel like a long time to you, but a ‘short video’ still means like three hours.”
When you come back into the bedroom, you expect him to be lounging on the bed with his phone, laptop shut for the night and LED lights on. So when you find him in the exact same position, talking to Grayson once again, a wave of rage and hurt washes over you. Ethan is usually an amazing and attentive boyfriend, and you’re not particularly clingy with him; you just want to spend some intimate time together after a nonstop work schedule on both your ends had left that time lacking in your relationship lately, and which doesn’t show any signs of changing in the coming week. 
You consider giving in and slipping under the covers to pout and go to sleep after all. Even if you were tired enough to go to sleep now, though, you know you’d be way too mad to achieve that. Your course of action is easy, then.
“Baby...” Ethan huffs, irritation and amusement both detectable in his tone when you march over to him and swing a leg across his lap. He grunts when you plop yourself in his lap, adjusting until you’ve got your arms wrapped around his middle and your face nuzzled in his neck. “Seriously?”
“Seriously?” you mock his deep voice. You know he hates that, and your lips curve up where you press them to his neck when you feel him tense up a little. “We both know you don’t need to be doing this right now, I heard you and Gray decide to post in three days. No sponsor with a deadline to get approval from. You’re just being a workaholic instead of a considerate boyfriend.”
He shakes his head, his arms curved around you so he can still reach the keyboard of his laptop. You hear the clicks of the keys resume as he has the nerve to keep working. “I just want to get this done, so it’s over with and so I don’t have to worry about it in a couple of days. You’re being a brat.”
You scoff indignantly. You’re being a brat just because you want to spend some of the limited free time you both have with your boyfriend?
If that’s what he thinks you are, then you’ll let him have it.
You can hear Grayson’s muffled voice coming through the one AirPod Ethan’s wearing in the ear opposite from the one you’re next to. Perfect. You smirk and start planting sweet, innocent kisses up the side of his neck until you reach his ear, taking the lobe in-between your teeth teasingly.
Ethan inhales sharply when you tug on it with a little nibble before releasing it and putting your mouth right to his ear. You start rocking against him, sitting up some to put your hands on his shoulders.
“I’m gonna get off on you, with or without your help,” you whisper straight into his ear, smirking when your hot breath raises goosebumps on his bare skin. Now, it’s just a competition between his stubbornness and his desire for your pussy. The latter will win, you know it — it’s only a matter of time. “If you want to make this a mutual effort, I’m more than happy for you to do that.”
He releases a heavy breath, and you smile against his skin when you feel him hardening predictably beneath you. You grind deeper into him, and lick your tongue along the words inked into his skin on his collarbone. 
He stays stubbornly focused in the chair, and you can hear Grayson still talking in his ear, but Ethan isn’t responding to him. His chest and neck are flushing pink, and you sit back to see if that pretty color is gracing his cheeks, too.
You grin when you see that it is. His arms are still draped loosely around your waist, no longer typing, so you lean back with your hands on his knees, still grinding on the large bulge growing in his sweatpants. His eyes trail over you, how the t-shirt of his that you’re wearing pools at your hips, exposing your soft cotton panties that you sleep in so he can see your pussy rocking on his dick. 
“Feels so good,” you murmur, tossing your hair over one shoulder and biting your lip. You reach one hand down and lift your shirt so you can both see the wet patch growing in your panties. He lets out this tiny little masculine moan that has you going harder, faster. You grin and lift your eyes to watch him watch your hips, and the heat in his gaze makes you shiver. “Would feel better if you were inside me, E. Want that big dick inside me, stretching me out. Don’t you want that, baby?”
Ethan shakes his head incredulously again, clearing his throat. “Hey, I’m tired Gray. I’ll finish tomorrow, okay?”
He doesn’t wait for his brother to answer before ripping his headphone out of his ear, tossing it onto his desk, and tapping the red button on his phone to hang up. You squeal and giggle when he stands up suddenly, cupping his big hands under your thighs so you come with him. You wrap your legs around his waist instinctively, and don’t waste any time threading your fingers into his hair and dragging his lips to yours. 
He moans into your mouth and stumbles to the bed, but your kiss is short-lived as he tosses you onto the mattress. You bounce and laugh again, scooting back to settle against the pillows as he crawls predatorily on top of you. He looks fucking amazing -- his hair a mess, skin tan from all the shirtless skateboarding he’s been doing lately, dick print evident in his grey sweats. Your mouth and pussy water simultaneously, and you reach out for him as he gets closer.
“You think that was cute?” he asks with a tiny smirk, allowing you to wrap your arms around him as he settles between your legs. “Turning me on while I’m working? While I’m on the phone with my brother?”
“Kind of. I did ask you nicely to stop working,” you remind him, trailing a finger down the line bisecting his torso until you reach his pants. You palm his erection through the soft fabric, grinning when he thrusts into your touch. “Not my fault you can’t listen.”
Ethan hums and hooks his fingers into the sides of your panties, making your hand fall away from him as he slinks them down your freshly shaved legs and leans back to toss them over his shoulder. His eyes are glued to your pussy and the shimmer of your arousal clinging to your smooth lower lips. Your head falls to your shoulder as you spread your legs more for him, whining thankfully when his fingers brush up your slit.
“So wet for me already,” Ethan says, collecting the slick moisture on his fingertips as he strokes you lazily. 
You nod, lifting your hips to encourage him to deepen his touch. It feels good, but it’s barely there, and he definitely hasn't come near your clit. “Please, E.”
He tsks his tongue at you, smirking as he watches your face watch his. “Patience, baby. You couldn’t wait for me to finish working. You’ll have to wait a bit to get to cum, now.”
His words turn you on as much as they anger you. He laughs, actually laughs, when he feels more wetness seep onto his fingers from where he’s toying with your hole. “Oh, baby, did you like that? You like me making you wait?”
You have too much pride even through all the maddeningly unsatisfying pleasure he’s bringing about to answer him outright. You let out a loud moan when he sinks his two middle fingers into you. “You...you’re an ass.”
He chuckles again, wiggling his fingers a little bit inside you before taking them out, making sure he has your eyes locked on his when he sucks them into his mouth.
“Fuck,” he whispers, licking the stray bits that cling to his lips as he leans back over you and slips the same fingers back inside. He still doesn’t touch your clit, but his fingers start pumping and moving just how you like, filling you up but putting all the pressure in just the right spots.
Your legs spread even wider, head tossed back to the pillow as you grab the forearm supporting him over you with one hand and clutch the sheets by your head with the other. 
“E...holy shit!” you whimper, digging your nails into that eagle on his arm. His fingers feel so good, hitting you just right, but it’s not enough to make you cum, and he knows it. He smirks down at you, watching you fall apart as the sloppy slick sounds of your pussy mingle in the room with his heavy breaths and your high-pitches gasps and moans. You don’t know how much more you can take of it. 
“Ethan, please make me cum, please make me cum!”
Ethan groans, your begging music to his ears, and he relents by finally adding his thumb to the mix, lighting upon your clit and rubbing gentle, slow circles into it. Your back lurches off the bed, your eyes meeting his as you plead with him not to stop, that you’re almost there.
Of course he doesn't listen, though. You want to sob when he pulls out of you with a harsh growl, licking his digits clean again before sitting back and shoving his sweats down his legs. He stands off the side of the bed to kick them off his feet. 
“Don’t you dare touch yourself,” he reprimands, shaking his head when he sees your hand instantly gravitate to your pussy. You whine but obey, waiting for him to climb back on the bed. He gathers your shirt in his hands, pulling up. “Lemme see your tits, baby. Wanna see them when I fuck you.”
You lift your arms at once, letting him pull it over your head so that you're both left completely naked. Ethan cups them both in his hands as he settles between your spread legs once again, and he ducks down to swipe his tongue over your nipples with sweet little suckles. He leaves each of them with a nip of his teeth and a soothing swipe of his tongue before he’s moving up to your mouth. You didn't realize it until that moment, but you needed the intimacy of his kiss, and it both calms you and makes you voracious for more of him.
As if he can read your mind, Ethan reaches between the two of you and takes his dick in hand, running the tip up and down your slit to coat himself in your copious arousal before tapping it against your clit. You jerk against him and moan into his mouth, which you feel curve against yours. He pulls back, watching your face intently as he pops the head into your entrance and sinks into you with one slow, gradual thrust. 
You don’t think you've ever been this close this early, but you're still wound tight from how high he brought you just a few moments ago with his fingers. “God, E, fuck me. Fuck me with that big fucking dick.”
For the first time tonight, he obeys your command, moaning wantonly at your words. His hands cup the backs of your thighs and keep your legs close to your body as he pushes your knees to your chest. He’s deep deep in this angle, and you cry out so loud you wouldn't be surprised if Grayson could hear you down the hall. 
That’s the least of your concerns, though, when he’s pumping into you so good, his thrusts hard and powerful as he grunts along with you, desperation clear in his own deep voice. You can tell he’s close too, He’s hitting just the right spot, and you lock eyes with him as you clutch his biceps in a death grip as he gets you right to the edge. 
“Oh my...fuuuck E, I’m gonna cum!” you sob, and your body is letting go so hard you think your head has gone to another dimension. 
“Baby, shit,” he hisses with how fucking tight your pussy starts spasming around his cock, how extra wet and warm everything gets all of the sudden. His head swims, and he slows his dick inside you, his heart and his ego ready to explode with how much he loves seeing you fall apart so good, because of him. 
He lets go of your legs to lean over you again and mouth at your neck, bringing you back to earth with whispers of sweet nothings and gentle kisses to your face. 
It takes what feels like all night, but eventually you can open your eyes again and be cognizant of your surroundings. You smile tiredly and let out a whispered curse as you cup his cheeks to kiss him lazily for a few moments, before releasing him and telling him to cum, too. He sits back again, and you shove your arms under your pillow, thrusting your chest out so your tits bounce for him as he starts pumping into your sensitive pussy again, chasing his nut.
His eyes flit back and forth from your chest to your face, where you're smiling up at him, all fucked out and sexy. “Fucking give it to me, E,” you whisper, clenching around him purposefully. He groans, looking at you desperately, questioningly. “Inside, baby.”
Ethan gives you all of three more sloppy, hard thrusts before you’re moaning with him as he shoots his load exactly where you told him. You love the unique warmth of his cum deep in your pussy. 
He slowly collapses down on top of you, and you welcome his weight literally with open arms, holding him close to your chest, playing with his hair and giving him the same loving whispers he did to you. 
When his breathing has slowed nearly back to normal, you direct his head up to kiss you. Your lips smack together quietly, and the feel of his mouth on yours just makes you feel complete in a way nothing else can.
“I should interrupt your work more often.”
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Roll Your Eyes (One More Time) (Part One)
Note: Talk about last minute lol sorry guys, had a really busy day at work to the point where it came home with me. Didn’t want to break my promise of posting daily, though! Part two will be coming up tomorrow.
Word Count: 1,395 Prompt: Enemies to Lovers
Day: 11/27
Something about Sole’s spitfire personality and total disregard for the Brotherhood system had Danse’s blood boiling from the moment they met. Sure, they helped him and the others out of a tight spot, but the way they scoffed in regards to their protocol and the system that Danse had spent most of his life being loyal to had him ready to burst when Maxson asked him to recruit them into the Brotherhood.
Danse wasn't one to question orders too much, though, and he simply gritted his teeth and showed a very smug Sole to their quarters, fighting every step of the way with the urge to stop them and give them a lecture about the respect the Brotherhood deserved. They were the one who needed to earn their place here, not the other way around. Things didn't get much better as time passed, with Elder Maxson sending Sole with Danse on missions considering he had technically sponsored them and therefore they were his responsibility. Sole was eating it up every time, a pleased smile stretched across their face every time Danse shot them a furious glance at the way they acted or carried themself.
On the other hand, Sole was simply trying to survive. They had walked into a barren wasteland with nothing but the shirt- well, vault suit, on their back and were thrown back and forth between organizations and individuals who saw them as nothing more than a potential asset for carrying out their mission. Sole was tired. They were tired of following everybody's rules, tired of taking everything so seriously all the time, and they just happened to channel that frustration into Danse.  
He felt it was more personal than that. The longer they were forced to work closely together, the more irritable and harsh Danse became, and the less joking Sole's jabs and snide remarks became. Slowly, the humor left the situation, and Elder Maxson gave up, waving off the feud and separating them until further notice. Sole suspected he was tired of the headaches they were probably causing, and Danse was just happy to have his dignity and peace back.
It was almost radio silence between them after the night that Elder Maxson summoned them to his quarters and lectured them, words so loud and harsh that even Danse flinched at one point, and informed them to stay away from each other for the sake of the team since they couldn't maintain any semblance of professionalism. That stung both of their pride. While Sole wasn't impressed with the Brotherhood’s rigorous schedules and borderline cult-like mannerisms, they'd worked hard to get to where they were at and it was pressing proof that they didn't lack professionalism, nor skill. Danse had spent his whole life trying to please higher ups that barely noticed him when he was killing himself to do better than anyone else; of course he was furious.
So they separated and refused to sit anywhere near each other, letting the gap grow as time went on. There was less anger and more of a void as they continued to avoid each other, skirting around each other's space at meetings much to Maxson's obvious displeasure, rolling their eyes when the other spoke, and in Danse's case, chewing his way through a ridiculous amount of bubblegum from the Brotherhood's supply just trying to suppress the urge to lecture them on anything he saw them doing wrong.  
They remained competitive, despite it all. Eyeing each other during shooting evaluations, trying to bring back more scrap than the other person, always trying to be the most intelligent in the room. Well, maybe not in the room, as long as the other wasn't showing them up. Maybe the gap wasn't as big as they thought, considering they watched each other so closely, not wanting the other to get ahead of them in any circumstances.
And then the Brotherhood needed a large group of soldiers to get one of their missions done and there was no avoiding putting two of their best in the same group. Sole could see the veins standing out in Maxson’s neck when he made the announcement, practically daring either of them to say something with the energy he was bringing into the room. Sole sat back in their chair with a quiet breath and scanned the room to find Danse. When he met their eyes, they chose not to glare. Instead, they winked, knowing it would probably cause steam to start coming out of his ears. When he ground his teeth together and quickly turned his head away, they knew they’d been successful.
Theoretically, the mission would be a piece of cake considering the amount of quality fighters they had on their side. The orders were simple; get in, clear the area of synths, get one of the data files they were trying to use against the Brotherhood, and get out without any casualties. They had done similar things countless times before, just on a smaller scale. And of course, much to Sole’s annoyance, Danse decided to take this opportunity to give everyone a lecture on the importance of their work with the Brotherhood and blah blah blah.
The eyeroll they sent his direction was almost unthinkably easy; it came to them by instinct, meant just to piss Danse off. It worked. They could see the temptation rise in him steadily to call them out in front of everyone, to try and embarrass them just for that sense of satisfaction he would’ve been ashamed to acknowledge just a year prior. Sole wasn’t one to accept embarrassment and back down, though, and he’d learned that a long time ago, so he bit his tongue and ignored them, praying they wouldn’t pipe up just to drag the game out a little longer.
For some reason Sole was barely feeling it that day. Consciously, at least. The eye roll was just reflex to seeing Danse all high and mighty about his mission from the Brotherhood. They shifted their shoulders in discomfort, trying to find relief from the pressure that had been created from them carrying their pack all day. Nothing seemed to be sitting right and it had been a gruelling walk, though that wasn’t exactly unusual for the Brotherhood.
They rolled their head from side to side, begging their neck to pop internally as Danse finished his speech before picking up their firearm and returning to their usual position amongst the others, preparing to infiltrate the location. Danse turned to them and stared for a moment, judging whether or not they were ready. It wasn’t concern they read in his eyes, no, definitely not, it was him checking to make sure the people he was leading weren’t liabilities. That’s what it was. Sole clenched their fists and unclenched them a few times, getting their blood pumping and waking themself up before shit went down.
It was supposed to be a simple in and out mission, something they’d run millions of times. Until apparently the synths had been informed they were coming and managed to catch Danse just as he was walking through a supposedly cleared room with a grenade. And now Sole was leaning over him, shaking his shoulders through the ridiculous metal armor, trying to keep his eyes from closing. “Hey, don’t you fucking go anywhere, Danse. Keep your eyes open!” Their jostling was a bit harsh, but they figured the circumstances permitted it.
Danse’s eyelids were fluttering with the effort of keeping them open; they weren’t sure if he’d hit his head or not, or if it were simply getting knocked through a wall that had taken the breath out of him and was fighting to keep him drowsy. “Danse I’m gonna kick your ass if you don’t keep those eyes open!” They were struggling to find wherever the hell the emergency release was on his stupid scrapmetal armor, but all of their training had flown out of their brain when they saw him thrown ragdoll through the air.
He looked up at them, eyes confused and so void of his hardass personality. He almost seemed innocent, like the shock had washed him clean of everything the Brotherhood had drilled into him. For a second, his arm shifted and he reached up, before his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his arm fell like a lead weight.
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saucerfulofsins · 3 years
Tried to write a prompt for golf(general) but idk what this is. Absolutely living for your snippets though. Good luck in uni tomorrow!!! ❤️🔥✨
So much of their life now is rushing between, escaping, stolen moments outside of the noise. A suspended breath in the dark garden at a house party inhale, exhale the first few steps on the ice, the swish click of hotel room doors locking out the world . The itch that builds season over season until he wants to scream - wants to grab his hand and run until they aren't anyone, anymore. No expectations. But for now, this - selfies and signatures in the carpark, at the desk, the price to pay for a few hours on the green, closest he can get to nature, to head empty focus, just breathing, here. Nothing cuts like a dive into cold lakewater but it's close as he can find in the city. Being able to share that with pat just makes it all the more precious. Watches him walk up to the green, dorky yellow polo, putter in hand, deep in consideration. Sun breaking through grey skies. He's not gonna solve this one, can taste the shape of it though. Doesn't have an answer for this. No expectations but the space between them. Melting, condensing, expand and retract. Feet together head bowed, focus as he putts. Delicate and direct. Nothing surer than the truth of it, Nothing more dangerous than the hope. Jonny turns away, eyes closed against the sun.
Thank you! Uni was intense but good! All my classes are back in person, and seeing people is weird now? (I’ve basically been entirely on my own for the past year and a half). I really just feel weird with all this ~contact~ I guess. (Don’t worry btw, I only have 3 seminars, and I think the biggest of those is maybe 20 people, I’ve had my jabs and most people around me did too, masks are still a thing, and there’s a ban on coming to class w/symptoms even if they are non-COVID).
Also, I know absolutely NOTHING about golf except that there’s a ball, there’s a stick, and in Dutch “minigolf” is called the 100% worse “midgetgolf.” (I am also very bad at it, from what I remember, give me beer pong any day).
FINALLY. I DO remember asking for fluffy prompts but… I don’t know what happened. I’m sorry fjdfjfjdjkfjg. Can I blame this prompt coming in a little late, please? (seriously though lmk if I should rewrite this as fluff)
Although their numbers match seamlessly, their careers, (their bodies, once), Patrick’s never been especially keen on nature. He doesn’t get that same drive Jonny does—he doesn’t need fresh air and open spaces and deep lakes to really clear his head, to feel like he’s living.
They used to talk about this, sometimes. This weird difference, where Patrick feels best in the thick of a crowd, walking in a city street—no matter how hot or how cold the weather. He has his place at Lake Erie, of course, but that was always because of the space, because of the privacy.
Jonny chose his lake cabin for all the other reasons. He wants to sink his feet into the sandy mud, he wants to feel the water lap at his ankles, smell all the different scents—wet algae and pinewood and the thick, soft moss that coats the ground.
He wants to feel sun on his skin, and he wants to clean, grill, eat the food he caught with his own hands.
Over the years, he’s sought that experience in Chicago. He’s never found it, even when all the elements are there—when he doesn’t put enough distance between himself and the city, its glass and asphalt still weigh him down.
Over the years, he’s found the closest he can get is out on a gold course. A good midway point between rink hockey and nature—the manicured lawns are like the temperature-controlled ice, the club and ball equal stick and puck in their semantic purpose. Hold one, hit the other. The mechanics put him at ease, leave him able to do something that feels productive.
More than that, golf is something Patrickenjoys. It must be because he can keep his shoes clean, can keep his expensive watch on. It must be because it reminds him of hockey, too, because Patrick’s never happier than when he has a stick in his hand.
(Jonny isn’t going to think too much about what that means.)
Their friendship continues to change. They used to be closer than they are now, and when they fell out, things were bad for a few years. This, the golf course, is where they learned to be okay with each other’s presence again.
It’s easier to talk when they don’t have to look at each other.
The wide space of the course offers more time, more privacy, than a rink ever could.
Green is a calming colour, the air here is fresher than it is in the city, unfiltered, pure. Jonny can close his eyes and inhale, just stand here for a moment without feeling like the world will slip away from under his feet if he’s not careful.
Patrick’s walking a few metres ahead of him. He’s wearing another eyesore of an outfit, like he’s trying to emulate all the colours that might go into a hockey logo. They are definitely the kind of colours that go into sponsor logos.
Patrick doesn’t need those colours to catch Jonny’s eyes. Jonny’s not sure if he knows that.
He wants to say something but bites his tongue instead. That, too, is easier here. Swallow all those words, all those feelings, and feel them settle in his stomach. They’re heavy, but bearable—full like he is after eating too much of a good meal. He’ll go home later, have a drink, feel the discomfort dissipate the way it always does as he processes this.
His turn. He aligns his putter with the ball, putts, edges past the hole. Patrick whistles, laughs, shakes his head. Jonny tries again, gets it right this time.
Two tries to get it right. It stings; he only ever had one shot with Patrick and promptly blew it. Or maybe they both did, he’s not so sure anymore. It’s been years, and his memories have gone hazy, now, all twisted up with bad dreams and what-ifs.
Patrick’s good at this, takes to golf the way he takes to hockey. Oddly, he doesn’t look smaller out of his gear and skates. If anything, he looks larger. His precision control is visible in each line of his body, and that contrasts against the immediate relaxation after his swing. He’s like an on-off switch, calculated and perfect, and he steals Jonny’s breath each time he does it.
(This is the only moment Jonny still allows himself to watch.)
Patrick grins when Jonny manages another bogey. They’re not really playing against each other, right now, but competition’s in their blood and Jonny’s fallen behind.
There’s nothing malicious in it, either, but Jonny can’t shake the feeling that this is becoming a metaphor for their lives. Patrick, on par with all plans he set out for himself, and Jonny, trying to catch up but eternally falling behind, further and further as he is haunted by the mistakes from his past.
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heavensturtle · 3 years
Day 20: Ride
A short fic for day twenty of the YOI 20+ Club’s Daily Art Challenge!
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Note: Cliffhanger!
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“Coach Victor, come collect your skater!”
Victor looked up from his drink to see Yuuri and Phichit staggering off the dance floor, Phichit stooping as Yuuri leaned on him. Phichit was waving a little frantically, as though on the verge of being crushed.
Victor hid his smile behind his hand.
“I’m sorry, Chris,” he said as he got up to fetch his exhausted boyfriend.
“No, you’re not,” Chris smirked up at him, eyes twinkling. Chris’s boyfriend, Massimo, looked up from his spot next to Chris and also gave Victor a knowing smile.  
Victor glanced at Yuuri, then back at Chris and Massimo. “You’re right, I’m not,” he agreed, his smile growing.  
Chris laughed and waved Victor off. “Be safe!” he called at Victor’s retreating back.
Victor had never been one to stick around after a competition was over, but Yuuri and Phichit had been so excited by the possibility of a reunion in Barcelona that Victor had suggested staying an extra night after the Grand Prix Final was over so they could go dancing.
He was glad he had. Yuuri, horrified by the revelation of his drunken shenanigans at last year’s official banquet, had refused even one glass of champagne this time around. Victor wouldn’t say the mood had been tense, but… it certainly wasn’t celebratory. Tonight, though, with no sponsors to impress and nothing on their agenda but a flight tomorrow afternoon, Yuuri had let himself have fun.
Victor loved to see it.
He reached the two exhausted skaters and gathered Yuuri up, rocking slightly as Yuuri relaxed into him.
“So, are you two ready to head back, then?” Victor asked Phichit, who presently seemed much more alert and likely to answer questions than Yuuri.
“Eh, I think I’ll stay for a while with Chris and Massimo. Yuuri’s done, though,” Phichit said, nodding at the man who was currently rubbing his face into Victor’s chin.
“Okay. If we don’t see you tomorrow- ”
“I’ll call, don’t worry. Yuuri won’t get away without eating breakfast with me,” Phichit promised, giving Victor a bright smile before heading towards the bar.
“Hi,” Victor said, pressing a kiss to Yurri’s forehead. Yuuri tasted salty and a bit like fruit punch. “You ready for bed?”
Yuuri nodded, and Victor steered them out of the club.
They were barely past the door when Yuuri yawned and slumped against Victor’s side.
“Victoru,” he pleaded, his tired brain adding an extra syllable to Victor’s name.
“You want a ride?” Victor asked.
“Okay, then,” Victor turned and let Yuuri wrap his arms around his shoulders, then hoisted him up. Despite his exhaustion, Yuuri’s strong legs latched tightly around Victor’s waist, just above his hipbones.
Yuuri hooked his chin over Victor’s shoulder, his hair brushing Victor’s cheek as they walked.
It was a short walk to the hotel from the club, and even at two in the morning the streets of Barcelona were crowded. No one looked twice at one grown man carrying another on his back.
“You hungry?” Victor asked. Yuuri made an inscrutable noise, so Victor stopped at a food stand and bought him a pastry. Yuuri seemed more alert after that.
“Oh, I forgot to tell Phichit goodbye,” he said, the fingers of one hand digging into Victor’s shirt as he reached out with the other to discard the wrapper.
“He’s going to drag you to breakfast tomorrow.”
“Good,” Yuuri said, leaning forward once more and wrapping his arms around Victor’s neck.
It was another minute before Yuuri spoke again.
“Victor?” Yuuri said, turning as though to face him but succeeding only in pressing his cheek to Victor’s.
Victor, approving of this development, leaned into it. “Hm?” he asked.
“You said you were timing your comeback to coincide with Russian Nationals.”
Victor felt his heart drop into his stomach. He knew where this was going.
“Yes,” he agreed.
“That’s the same time as my Nationals,” Yuuri said.
“Yuuri, I- ”
“That part’s fine,” Yuuri waved him off. He hitched himself a little higher on Victor’s hips and pressed his lips to the back of Victor’s head. Victor shivered.
Yuuri spoke into Victor’s hair. “That’s only three weeks from now.”
“You haven’t been practicing.” Yuuri tucked Victor’s bangs behind his ear for him before experimentally tugging on Victor’s earlobe. Victor, despite the direction of the conversation, felt reassured by the casual affection.
“No,” he agreed.
Yuuri sighed. He hugged Victor a little tighter.
“You weren’t really planning on competing at Russian Nationals, were you,” Yuuri said. It wasn’t a question.
“Yuuri, I can explain,” Victor began, but then Yuuri crossed his ankles in front of Victor and kissed behind his ear, derailing Victor’s thoughts.
“Victor,” he whispered into Victor’s ear, making Victor shiver again, “You’re…”
Victor waited for more, but then Yuuri’s head drooped forwards, and Victor realized Yuuri had fallen asleep. He sighed.
He carried Yuuri into the empty hotel lobby, onto the elevator, and deposited him onto his bed, gently removing Yuuri’s shoes before kicking off his own. He briefly considered showering and sleeping in his own bed, but the very idea made him tired so he just crawled onto Yuuri’s bed to lay next to him on top of the covers.
He lay awake for a long time, staring into the darkness and wondering what, exactly, Yuuri thought he was.
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munchcorner · 3 years
Music Room (DabiHawks)
Touya likes to stay in the music room when he doesn't want to go home. Well, he wouldn't exactly call it home when nobody's eager to see him nor pay attention to him. He likes to stay there to escape the feeling of being unwanted because even though he's alone inside the empty room accompanied by nothing but the musical instruments and showered with nothing but the moonlight, he doesn't feel lonely, unlike at home, where he's surrounded by his family but still feels alone.
The notes that leave the piano with every press on the key had always given Touya comfort in the coldness of the night. Music had always made him feel like he isn't alone in this world. That's how the music room became his home.
But this night was different. Tonight, Touya isn't alone.
The door to the music room creaks, stopping Touya from playing Gymnopédie No. 1. He turns to the door and sees a blond man awkwardly standing there, his eyes bloodshot and puffy. He recognizes who he is. He's one of the most prestigious pianists in his school but stopped just a year ago for unknown reasons.
Touya remembers hearing rumors saying that Keigo doesn't like hanging around the music room anymore. He used to be the only one who used the room for hours on end, so it was a mystery to everyone why he stopped.
"Hi," Keigo says with an awkward chuckle, "I heard you playing, so I thought I'd check it out and play with you, but if you're not cool with it, I can leave,"
"It's fine," Touya says and moves to give Keigo some space on the duet bench.
Keigo smiles and sits beside him, "so, Erik Satie's Gymnopédie No. 1, huh?"
"Yeah, sounds melancholic, doesn't it?" Touya asks and starts to play. He eyes Keigo and gives him a slight nod as an invitation for him to play as well.
Keigo smiles, places his fingers on the keys, and starts to play. Touya turns his head towards him and sees him with his eyes closed while his fingers play as if playing was Keigo's second nature. He doesn't really know who Keigo is, but just sitting beside him and seeing him play made Touya feel like he knows everything that's happening in Keigo's life.
Keigo's presence was so alluring that Touya stops to watch him. The moonlight on Keigo's face looked so beautiful, but the way the tear sparkled because of it wasn't. Touya watched as the single tear that escaped Keigo's eyes fall onto his lap, and that one single droplet made Touya understand that Keigo was just like him.
Keigo continues to play in silence until his hand pressed on the last key and his eyes fluttered open. He turns towards Touya and was surprised to see the man staring at him, "I'm sorry,"
"It's fine," Touya says and crosses his legs. He places his elbow on top of it and lets his chin rest on his palm as he shamelessly stares at Keigo, "so, what happened to you, Mr. Keigo Takami?"
Keigo took a deep breath before smiling at him. It was a smile that carried nothing but sadness, which intrigued Touya. He remembers hearing that Keigo has a perfect life, his family was supportive of him, he's talented, blessed with looks, offered to play overseas, and even has a scholarship. Keigo had everything everyone else wanted, so it's quite curious to see a man like him sit on a duet bench and play with tears falling down his cheeks.
"How'd you know who I am without me introducing myself?" Keigo asks and chuckles.
Touya rolls his eyes, "stop pretending like you don't know that the entire school knows who you are, Keigo,"
"Well, I didn't expect people to still be talking about me after I moved departments," Keigo answered and pressed his lips together into a thin line.
"You were a big deal, Keigo. The topic won't just die down, especially when you're still studying here," Touya says and plays another song.
"Claude Debussy's Clair de Lune, huh?" Keigo comments and puts his hand on the keys to play a duet with Touya once more.
"It fits. I'm sure you know what this song means," Touya says and gives Keigo a side-eye.
Keigo's lips curves into a small smile as he answers, "Moonlight, the title came from a poem published by the symbolist poet Paul Verlaine in 1869 which speaks of au calme clair de lune triste et beau,"
"The still moonlight sad and lovely," Touya adds, "isn't that you right now?"
Keigo stills for a second but resumes to play after a while, "I'm far from being lovely,"
"But you're sad,"
"I am," Keigo admits and turns to look at Touya, "and so are you,"
"Touche," Touya says and chuckles, "so, what makes the lovely Keigo Takami cry and run to the music room he's been avoiding like a plague?"
Keigo sighs, "my dad left,"
Touya doesn't react.
"It was a lie. The perfect life I have is a lie," Keigo says, "well, most of them are true, but not the family part,"
"So, you have a dysfunctional family," Touya says and gives Keigo a quick side-eye to see his reaction.
"Basically," Keigo answers, "my father didn't want me to pursue music, and the money I got from sponsors, gigs, and competitions weren't enough for him,"
Touya remains silent and lets Keigo speak.
"He said I wouldn't achieve anything with music, so I transferred departments. I enrolled in medicine when my father threatened to leave if I continue music. However, despite moving departments and working on something I don't love, he still left," Keigo wipes the tears that escaped his eyes and raises his head to stare at the ceiling in hopes of stopping them from dropping.
"Why did you avoid the music room?" Touya asks while still playing.
Keigo pressed on the keys and smiled, "because I know that I'd come back to it if I lingered,"
"So, you chose the furthest department from the music department," Touya comments, and Keigo nods, "that's the only way I thought I could survive without playing,"
"That's kinda tragic, don't you think?" Touya asks, "you killed your passion and slaved away doing something you don't like to save your family, but at the end of the day, you couldn't save it,"
Keigo doesn't speak.
Touya stops playing and turns to him, "keep playing, Keigo,"
"What?" Keigo asks and stops playing as well.
"You're father's gone anyway. So, why not do something that you love. Stop being caged in like a helpless bird when the cage door is open, Keigo. A lot of people want you. So, stop clinging onto someone who doesn't," Touya says and takes Keigo's hand in his, "you're amazing, Keigo, so don't stop playing,"
Keigo feels his heart swell at Touya's words, and fresh tears start to fall from his eyes. This time he isn't crying because of his father leaving but is crying because he feels relieved.
Keigo had received countless compliments, but all of those felt like empty words except for Touya's.
"Jeez, I don't even know who you are, but you're already making me cry in joy," Keigo says and laughs while wiping his eyes.
Touya offers him his handkerchief, which makes Keigo say, "you've had this all along, but you never thought of offering it?"
"I wanted to keep it clean but seeing you wipe your tears with your jacket over and over again is pitiful," Touya says and shows Keigo a disgusted expression.
"Whatever," Keigo says, "but seriously, I don't know how to repay you for making me feel a whole lot better,"
"Just remember the name Touya Todoroki, and that's enough," Touya says and stands up, "it's already late,"
"What time is it?" Keigo asks as he blows his nose.
"Midnight," Touya answers, "you wanna walk with me home?"
Keigo nods, "I'd love that,"
Touya nods and walks ahead while Keigo folds and keeps the handkerchief before chasing after Touya.
They walked in the cold night in silence. They'd talk about music theories and their favorite pieces from time to time before they part. But before they completely take separate paths, Keigo says, "can I meet you in the music room tomorrow?"
Touya smiles and leans close to Keigo, making him still, "you're enjoying my company a bit too much for someone who just met me,"
Keigo averts his gaze, "well, I enjoyed it,"
Touya chuckles and ruffles Keigo's hair, "sure, see you tomorrow,"
Keigo smiles and nods before they finally take different paths.
Their meet-ups became a daily thing until Keigo finally returned to the music department. Everyone was stoked when they found out, and offers came flooding back once again.
Keigo felt livelier when he went back to music, but this time playing wasn't the only thing he was looking forward to when he thinks of going to school. This time, he's looking forward to meeting Touya every day.
Keigo knows why. He's too familiar with what he was feeling, and it scared him because he couldn't tell if Touya felt the same. Sure they meet in the music every day, but Touya never showed any signs of liking him.
"Hey," Keigo says once he enters the music room, "I'm sorry I'm late. I didn't expect the competition to take that long,"
"It's fine," Touya says and continues to play, "you did amazing back there. The piece sounded even better when I heard you play it with your partner,"
"Thanks," Keigo says and stares at the floor to hide his blush. Touya had attended all of his recitals. He was there to support him in everything, and Keigo's forever thankful for it.
"What are you doing just sitting there? Come and play with me," Touya says and pats the space beside him.
"So, we're playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata tonight, huh?" Keigo asks as he sits down and starts to press on the keys.
"Yeah," Touya answers and remains unusually silent. Touya usually speaks a lot, but tonight seems like there's something wrong, or it could be that Keigo's overthinking. So, he tries to ease himself by speaking, "
"I've always been wondering," Keigo starts without looking at Touya.
"About what?" Touya asks.
"That night I first met you, I told you about my family, but you never talked about your," Keigo answers and turns to Touya.
"Do you wanna know?" Touya asks and turns to Keigo as well, now both of them are staring into each other's eyes, and Keigo couldn't tell the emotions lying in those azure eyes of his.
"Yeah," Keigo answers. Touya turns away and focuses his gaze on the piano, but Keigo kept his on Touya.
"This is my home," Touya says and gives a lonesome smile, "my family ignores me. They mostly care about my younger brother. I tried to make them look at me, I followed my father's footsteps in music, gained awards, and practiced like a mad man, but nothing happened,"
Keigo remains silent and lets Touya speak his mind.
"I kept playing and collecting awards. I accepted all of the offers given to me and overworked myself to the point where I was sent to the hospital but guess what?" Touya says and turns to Keigo.
"No one came to see me because my dear younger brother had a recital they couldn't miss," Touya says and returns his gaze on the keys, "music became my only family after that realization. The music room became my home, and the notes became my siblings. Playing music was the only thing I knew how to do. It was the only way for me to stop being lonely, but it seems like the only memory I have of music is loneliness,"
Keigo stops playing as he processes the tone of Touya's voice. It felt like there was something more. It felt like Touya wasn't just talking about his family.
"What do you mean?" Keigo asks, Touya doesn't turn to him, but he asks, "do you know who Beethoven dedicated this piece to?"
"Countess Giulietta Guicciardi," Keigo answers. Touya nods and asks another question, "And why did he dedicate it to her?"
"He loved her,"
"But what happened?" Touya asks and turns to Keigo while still playing, "their love didn't bear fruit,"
"Exactly," Touya says and turns away, "you know Keigo, you're probably one of the densest people I know,"
"Why?" Keigo asks, confused.
"I've been trying to confess to you by asking you to play multiple romantic pieces with me. I walk with you home daily. I hold your hand, give you my jacket and scarf when you're cold. I go to all your recitals, but you still didn't have a clue that I like you," Touya says, which makes Keigo's heart leap. He can felt his heart beating faster with every passing second as he mindlessly says, "but I like you too,"
This makes Touya freeze, "you make me blush, you make my heart race, you make me happy. I always want to make you proud and always ask you to meet with me even outside the music room because I like you, Touya,"
Both confessions took them by surprise. Silence started to engulf the music room as their hands stop to press on the keys, but the loud thump of their hearts washed over the silence as they slowly move closer to each other for a kiss they'd share under the moonlight.
Their lips touched, and their hands found their way to each other. They laced their fingers together as one of Touya's hands pulls Keigo closer to him while Keigo's free hand finds its way to Touya's hair and getting lost in it.
That night, the music room wasn't filled with the notes that used to dance around them, nor was it filled by pieces they play to tell each other their love subtly. That night, the music room was filled with the noise of their rampaging hearts and spoken love.
The kiss they shared was slow as they convey their feelings for each other through their bodies and the moment they let their forehead rest on each other as they catch their breath.
"I love you, Touya," Keigo whispers while looking straight into those eyes, azure eyes. The eyes that believed in him and watched him.
"I love you too, Keigo," Touya whispers and presses a kiss on Keigo's forehead as he takes in the warmth he's been longing to feel his entire life.
"I guess you aren't lonely anymore," Keigo says and chuckles as he raises his head to look at Touya.
"I guess," Touya whispers and wraps his arm around Keigo's waist as they play another piece. This time, it's a piece full of love, joy, and hope, unlike the first pieces they played when they first met in that music room.
Now, the music room isn't a place for two broken and lonely souls but a home for two souls who found love through music notes.
I also have this posted on AO3 and Wattpad. Fic graphic is posted on Twitter.
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cristalknife · 3 years
Kadam Week 2021 Day 1 ~ Do You Want To Be A Pirate?
So this is me trying to not start something on a platform only to post solely somewhere else aka AO3 and ff.net  you can find the complete list of Kadam Week 2021 prompts and you might find more stories on the Kadam Week 2021 AO3 collection
That said, the fist prompt was Puzzles and Games. And what represents better both than a treasure hunt? So here we go, I present to you Do You Want To Be A Pirate?
All the student body was abuzz, the annual treasure hunt was to be announced soon, it was always a great event. Mainly because the winner of the event earned a full booklet of backstage passes. Sixteen of them, completely blank to be used at the winner discretion during the current theatre season.
No limits were imposed on how the passes were to be used, be in a single show with a large group or even touring all the shows solo. The catch was that if multiple shows were to be watched by a group of two people up, the winner had to be there for each show.
Those booklets were the courtesy of Alumni working in the field. And to be honest it was a fun event for the faculty as well to create the set of riddles and clues needed to reach the destination.
It was supposed to be a moment of fun,  but at the same time given the kind of prize, it was not meant to be effortless.
However to the faculty disappointment, the individuals only rule with no cooperation allowed present in the previous editions, resulted in no winners for the past couple of years.
After consulting the sponsor, it was decided that for this year students could sign up as pairs.
But if the students decided to sign up as pair, then both the winners would have to be present each time they were to use the passes.
And apparently that wasn’t a condition that some were comfortable with, while others like Kurt were actually overjoyed.
Once he heard of the treasure hunt, he went out searching for Adam, barely containing his elation and desire to share the news.
Upon finding his boyfriend, Kurt was barely able to contain his excitement and he launched himself into Adam's arm sure he'd be caught.
Adam grinned and kissed Kurt back, holding him securely before saying "Hellu Love, what got you so excited?"
Kurt chuckled and as soon as his feet touched the floor once more he raised the flier and pointed to the fine prints "They mentioned a change in the rules and on this year’s event people can sign up as pairs. The catch is that both need to be present when using the passes, so you're game signing up with me?"
Adam raised an eyebrow curious before reading the flier aloud "The Annual Treasure Hunt? Is that what got you so excited? Except for my freshman year, I don't recall any of those events actually ever having winners"
Erika came up from the side and quipped "Three years ago was the last time someone won, but it was again one of the last seniors graduating. After that batch left, no one ever figured out the clues, I'm surprised the faculty still does it"
Kurt shrugged "Well the prize makes very much sense for the school, I mean blank passes for the backstage of current productions? That sounds interesting, and sixteen of them would actually mean we could all go together as a group and still have two spares for the winning team to get another show, or split between two productions..."
Kurt speech had most of the Apples smiling and send to their favourite freshie an adoring look.
Adam still amazed by his boyfriend asked softly "So you suggest a common effort and register more than one team, and then Apples parties at my place, where we could all chill out and talk about our days?"
JJ quipped up "Only if that involved baked goods from both our favourite bakers, because Adam ma man, I love your cookies but gimme Kurt's  casserole and salty cupcakes any time, and I could even fight you off and offer my hand in marriage for having those every day"
Kurt snorted and swatted away playfully JJ's offered hand "You are not even remotely bi-curious, If I wanted to live with an overgrown kid who'd stay with me for my cooking I'd simply invite my brother to move in with me"
Everyone around chuckled at that and JJ pouted mockingly offended "Are you insinuating I'm not man enough for you?"
Adam then stepped in smirking "More like implying that all the main male leads in his life are already cast, and you dear friend can only be the occasional torn in our butt, one that comes every now and then to offer his company in exchange for delicious food..."
Grinning like a cheshire cat JJ quipped back "Well we all know that the good ones are all gay, unavailable or happily being both together"
Everyone broke down in giggles and with resolute nods each claimed a partner. The divide and conquer idea Kurt had was very intriguing, and the thought of getting the upper hand on an event that even the Perks couldn't get their way by popularity alone, or that no one else won for the past couple of years had its allure…
Especially given the mixed composition of techies and performers in their group.
Seeing Kurt smiling radiantly was something each member of the Apples enjoyed and cherished.
Especially since the big fallout, or as it was known amongst them, the great purge of the toxic influx in Kurt's life.
Also known as the day when Miss fallen out Diva Berry left the loft in a huff and Kurt and his roommate Santana took the storming out literally and changed the key of the padlock.
Sending all of Berry’s stuff back to the temporary storage place two blocks away from bushwick, with a 3 days grace period and a week paid with Berry's part of the deposit.
Kurt himself was just very happy to be surrounded by friends who supported him as much as he supported them.
Being with Adam and being friends with all the members of the Adam's Apples, had given him a perspective he never knew he desperately needed, and it also lowered his tolerance for taking crap by those who were supposed to be on his side.
Kurt was not secretly very excited by the prospect of looking forward to something in his life that could be just fun and despite being officially a competition. He was still able to live it as an adventure, to be shared with his boyfriend and all their friends as well.
As they walked away from the registration boot and reading the first clue ‘Every adventure needs a captain to sail for the treasure island’
Kurt giggle when Adam playfully whispered in his ear "Aye aye captain let's get our sea legs on"
Kurt nodded and they made it to the costume department through the back corridors, not wanting to tip off the other not Apples participants, while their friends instead received simply a gentle reminded in their text chat, that all hearties were to meet at rehearsal later in the week same place same time.
Indeed their guess was correct when they found the next clue stating ‘Never forget those who came before you’
Kurt and Adam took the chance to grab a quick lunch as they discussed the clue. Adam was the first one to attempt to solve it "If we are thinking about the school that would send us to the hall of fame"
Kurt nodded slowly but tapped his finger against his lips "But what if it's a more general outlook? We are learning to get into an industry that broadens beyond the limits of the school and its social circles, even if those are still important"
Adam hummed softly mulling over it "So you're suggesting more like the library?"
Kurt nodded "I'm just unsure whether we are supposed to search in the history section itself or go more for the history of Broadway and theatre section"
Adam nodded slowly "there's no rule about not searching blindly both"
Kurt chuckled and nodded as well, after finishing his cup he raised an eyebrow in silent question and received a simple nod in response.
Once in the library, Adam was the one to take over the history of Broadway and the theatre section while Kurt went through the History books.
It took a while but finally Adam was successful and found a piece of plasticised parchment with what appeared half of the final clue.
The mention of a second half made him frown, but with nothing else to be found there, he simply took a picture of it with his phone.
He then placed the clue back inside the book and the book back on the shelf before going to find Kurt, hoping his got lucky and found the second half.
"Did you get anything?"
Kurt shook his head a little put off "No absolutely nothing, you?"
Adam nodded "Yeah I found something but it's only half of the final clue"
Kurt frowned confused "Guess it's time to start some baking then hmmm?"
Adam smiled and leaned forward to give Kurt a small peck on his cheek trying to stop the frowning "We could do directly at my place and then make an evening out of it"
The offer, as Adam hoped, brought a smile on Kurt's face as he replied coyly "I'd love that, are you offering just the evening or it could turn into a sleepover"
Adam grinned and moved so that he could kiss those cheeky lips, when he was almost where he wanted to be, he breathed quickly "We'll swing by the loft if there's something you absolutely need for tomorrow classes"
He then proceeded to thoroughly kiss his boyfriend.
After classes ended for the day, Kurt sent a message to their chat group informing everyone that it was baking time in the afternoon
Adam raised an eyebrow curiously at the message and Kurt shrugged stating simply "That way we can be sure basically everyone will show up with something to contribute, just before or around dinner time, and then the meeting will become a movie night"
Adam snorted because indeed knowing their friends that was what would most likely happen, "It wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I offered to make an evening out of it darling"
Kurt grinned, mischief gleaming clearly in his eyes "That's why I raised your offer to a sleepover instead..."
And true to Kurt's expectations, that evening all the Apples who didn't have to work, appeared at Adam's doorstep with offerings for the shared evening meal.
Of course those who had worked demanded a do-over with double baked goodies of their faves as personal share...
Once everyone was seated around, Paul, who paired up with JJ for the treasure hunt, asked "How was your hunt we've only found half of the final clue"
Kurt wrinkled his nose "we reached only half of the final clue as well care to see if we've all found the same half or if we lucked out?"
Adam took off his phone and started to read aloud "Congratulation adventurers, you're holding half of the treasure map holding the clue for the final answer you will have to give to someone to receive your treasure, think back on the steps you took to find this and then go and find the last missing piece"
JJ jumped up from his seat exclaiming excitedly "Yes we've got both!"
Paul shook his head smiling and took off his own phone reading "Congratulation adventurers, you're holding half of the treasure map holding the clue to figure out who is the officer that you'll need to impress with the answer that you still need to find to receive your treasure, think back on the steps you took to find this and then go and find the last missing piece"
Everyone was suddenly buzzing with unrestrained excitement when Kurt asked pragmatically "So how are we going to tackle this? Reading both clues together and then split between them or focusing the attention on a single one?"
Adam suggested swiftly "We could actually read them both and then see how to tackle the easier one first"
When everyone nodded Paul continued reading their clue "You might go to Central Park Or catch a show on Broadway...  Where in the world would you be to get to these by subway? Twice... I mean the answer is New York clearly but how does that help us identify who to give our final answer to?"
General groaning raised from around the room when Erika cut in "Adam what is your clue?"
Adam complied and read it for everyone perusal "What show is next in this pattern: A Chorus Line, Into the Woods, Bat Boy, Pacific Overtures, Little Women, Damn Yankees, Camelot, The Pajama Game, Children of Eden. As a hint, there is more than one show that correctly works, but one show fits more ‘perfectly’ than any others.”
Adam raised his phone to let everyone seeing the picture and commented
“As a side note there's only one blank line but its length doesn't seem indicative as it was formatted to look good rather than give a hint on the last name, or at least that’s what it looks like to me"
And everyone had to nod at that consideration at that point Chris' groan was the loudest "I don't get yall, neither of those is any more clear than mat moss paint..."
Kurt sniggered but offered a plate with Chris' favourite cookies on it "It's ok, we can work it out together so any ideas?"
Matt who had been quiet this far asked Kurt speculatively "You already have an idea for at least one of them don't you?"
Kurt looked taken aback and blushed getting himself busy with the food "Nothing solid.."
At that point Adam walked behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist as he pressed himself against his boyfriend "It's ok Love, you don't have to be right to speak your mind, we are here brainstorming there's no judging with us"
JJ quipped teasingly "I mean we'll obviously judge and tease you till the end of times for getting flustered the first time we took you out for blow jobs, but for this… I mean you're all going to hearing the suggestion my gorilla brain comes up with"
Chris snorted and quipped teasingly "Given what gets spawned out of your mouth I thought you would have said instead that yours is like a pig’s brain."
Matt joined in to the teasing, shaking his head as he grinned salaciously and wiggling his eyebrows "Nah a pig's brain is too big we are talking mouse if everything is in proportion."
Kurt coughed at the double meaning implied in that sentence, he feared JJ would take it badly. But he was once again surprised when JJ put theatrically one hand on his cheek, the other on his chest clearly mimicking a delightful surprise "Oh Matt, my darling why didn't you said that before… All this time you were checking me out  because you wanted some of my sweet sweet love, comma hear lemme give ya some sugar baby"
Everyone erupted in laugher and Matt maturely threw his napkin aiming for JJ's face "You wish man, you wish"
JJ pouted "Harsh dude, harsh, you could have at least throw your cupcake with the napkin"
Kurt sent a levelled glare to both boys "If anyone dares to throw our delicious baked food not only they will stay for the cleanup, but they will be banned to get more baked goodies for the next month"
A single "Ouch" escaped Matt's lips before he silenced himself and raised his arms in surrender.
Paul swatted the back of JJ's head "Don't upset daddy, or I'm so going to gag you next time we are all in the same room to prevent that from happening, I rather enjoy our baked goodies"
Erika quipped at Paul "Which is why you shouldn't save JJ from himself, let him dig his own grave, more goodies for us... Kurt had not said anything about lowering the amount of baked goodies, only put a ban on who can access them"
Chris chuckled and offered their fist to Erika, as they said grinning "Well said girl well said"
Erika smiled brilliantly and bumped the fist and then both made an explosion motion as they both retreated their arms.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at being addressed as daddy, but  Adam just held him a little closer and mouthed later.
So Kurt took the handle of the situation and started sharing his idea hoping for the current teasing to come to a natural rest "well I was thinking on Paul and JJ's clue... What if we need to take that final twice literally? As in the correct answer is New York, New York"
Erika's eyes shone brighter "Like the Scorsese's movie?"
Kurt nodded "Yes that's also the name of the most known song from that movie, so New York New York could be the solution"
Paul pondered and then said "Well if we are talking about a movie would that mean that we are to talk with the dean of the drama department?"
Kurt bit his lips and then he continued explaining his thoughts "I was thinking more about the fact it might refer to the song, which then in turn would make Madam T be the one to speak with, given that she's the dean of vocal performance. And with the movie being also a musical maybe the singing component is more pronounced and would lead to her instead of Mr Keller?"
Adam then said serenely "Once we figure out the answer we could even decide to split and each team going to both of them with the solution."
Murmurs of agreement run through the room until Matt stated "So now we just have to figure out what that list of musicals have in common?"
JJ scratched his head before raising and grabbing few more cupcakes to munch on "Do you think that the fact they cross two centuries means anything?"
Chris promptly opened Adam's computer and pulled up the wikipedia pages of all the listed musicals before shaking their head "Nope they are not in chronological order so it’s not that"
Paul then quipped "And that wouldn't make any sense, the additional hint says that there's only one answer that would fit perfectly... it's not like there's only one new musical coming out every single year"
Erika asked then "I am not familiar with all the titles but are they really all musicals?"
Adam answered "Yeah all of those listed are musicals, so maybe we need to check on the songs?"
Matt then wondered aloud "What if it's something all the songs have? Maybe there's a matching title or a recurring theme?"
Kurt took out his phone and looked around and said "well there's seven of us and nine titles maybe we could each open the list and check them side by side?"
JJ grinned and took out his phone as well "That's a great idea"
Kurt started listing all the songs of chorus line, Matt went on with the ones from into the woods,  JJ giggled like a maniac as he read the bat boy's list. Paul read on the Pacific Overtures and Erika listed the ones from Little Women.
When Adam, who was reading from the Damn Yankees, reached the song titled Six months, Chris exclaimed excited while raising a finger silently asking for a moment "Holy moley I think we got something going here"
Everyone turned, waiting for more explanation that Chris promptly provided "Each of those musicals has a song with a number in their titles" and then they pointed to Kurt who quickly caught up and said "One" and then each proceeded in order Matt said "It takes two", JJ said excited "Three Bedroom House "
Paul grinned starting to see the path as he said "Four Black Dragons"
Erika was grinning madly as she said "Five forever"
Then JJ still super hyped by having discovered the key to decode the clue he asked Chris "So what are the others?"
Chris smirked and started prattling "In Camelot we have ‘The Seven Deadly Virtues’, The Pajama Game has a song called  ‘7½ Cents’ while the Children of Eden has ‘A Piece of Eight’”
Kurt hummed softly and considered aloud "So we have nine musicals mentioned but the last number is eight... What if they had already given us the answer and it's literally Nine?"
Adam whistled impressed "That actually makes so much sense..."
Paul groaned "And if you explain it like that it seems so obvious too"
Erika shrugged "All riddles once explained make so much sense that you usually feel stupid for not reasoning it out before... That's why they are considered brain teasers"
Chris who in the meantime checked out Kurt's suggestion finally quipped triumphantly "That's it guys, we have a winner the answer is indeed Nine, which has a song called guess what?”
Chuckling everyone said at once “Nine"
JJ then scratched his head and then asked "So now we are only unsure on who we need to tell our answer to?"
Paul quipped happily “Me says Adam and Kurt follow Kurt’s reasoning, we follow ours, that way if our suspicion is correct and Kurt is right it’ll be them and not us having a private date… No offence man but I’d really prefer not having my girlfriend gutting me for going out on a date with you”
JJ snorted before sounding almost genuinely upset “Harsh man, harsh”
Paul patted JJ shoulder when Kurt asked confused “But what about the others?”
Matt answered smiling “Kurt you four are the only ones who got to the final clue, I personally wouldn’t like to try to get the prize knowing I barely got to the second one.”
Chris and Erika nodded as well confirming they felt the same way.
Kurt felt relieved that he wasn’t taking advantage of his friends. With everything sorted out, everyone else left leaving just Kurt and Adam alone.
After they settled down Kurt turned to Adam, with a questioning look on his face before asking “Is now later? Do I get to know what the daddy comment was about?”
Adam chuckled softly “Nothing bad Love, I can assure you that, you know that I’m considered the mother hen of the group right?”
Kurt hummed softly nodding as he snuggled closer to Adam who then continued “And well you’re too sweet and kind to all the Apples to be considered a father, but still we are together and we both tend to take care of them so…”
Kurt chuckled and finished shaking his head “So I’m daddy… Not sure how to feel about having so many kids that are all older than me”
They both sniggered at that.
The next day, when they went talking with Madam Tibideaux, they discovered that indeed Kurt’s reasoning was correct, and they got out of her office with the prize and matching grins. ~The End~
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ilguna · 4 years
Metanoia - Chapter Two (f.o)
Summary: you will be crowned victor of the 75th hunger games.
Word Count; 4.5k
Warnings; swearing
NOTES: i give reader a last name to fit the world.
It’s a small lurch when the train starts moving. You hardly notice it anymore. With how fast it’s going, you guys should be in the Capitol in less than a day. You practically have no time to do anything.
You turn a bit, going to face everyone that’s standing by. Brutus, Theo, a couple of peacekeepers, and the two mentors, Shaye and Areti.
The peacekeepers move to their respected position, since they’re not needed at the moment. With the way that Theo is eyeing you though, they might as well have stayed where they were originally. If Theo bothers to pick a fight, then he’s got another thing coming if he thinks that any of the bystanding victors will bother to help him.
“Well?” You prompt, “What are you staring at?”
Theo puffs out his chest for a moment, like he’s gaining confidence. But with one look from the mentors, he must realize that he’s not needed here. The confidence drains, his shoulders slump slightly, and without a single word, he leaves the train cart.
It isn’t until he’s gone, when any of you actually consider talking.
“Alliance?” You give a small glance to Brutus, before moving to the refreshment table.
“Do you really have to ask?”
“It’s better than assuming.” you say, grabbing the whisky and pouring plenty of it into a glass.
“Not too much,” Neysa, the female mentor objects.
“I’m going to get drunk if I want to.” you tell her, taking a whole mouthful of the alcohol, “It’s one of my last chances.”
“The problem is--” Edmond plucks the glass from your hand, “You’re going to make a fool out of yourself.”
“Have you ever actually seen me drunk before?” you counter, he doesn’t answer, “You should’ve said no. Which then would lead me to my next point; I’m an adult, not a teenager. Hand over the glass.”
You hold out your hand diagonally, fingers spread and ready for the expensive crystal glass. Edmond doesn’t want to budge, so you push yourself off of the fancy table and move to get in his face.
“I don’t know who you think you are, but you’re not my parent. If you think I’m insane for wanting to volunteer, spit it the fuck out.”
With you standing eye to eye to him, straight faced, clearly radiating off the energy that you’re pissed, he takes a moment to assess the air. Picking his next words wisely, he speaks slowly, “I don’t think you’re in the most stable mindset.”
“Brutus volunteered.” You motion to him, “If he went to grab a drink, would you have objected?”
“Maybe isn’t good enough,” you say, “It was a yes or no question.”
“(Y/n)--” Neysa tries.
You hold up your finger, “Unless you’re going to side with me, shut up.”
“No.” Edmond says.
“Then you’re being biased.” you reach over for the glass, and he moves it out of grasp again.
“Edmond.” Brutus’ voice is booming, clearly tired of this, “Give the woman her glass.”
“I think one sip is enough.” Edmond still is unmoving.
If you can’t have the glass, then you’ll settle for the bottle. As you laugh in his face, turning around and facing the table, you pick up the full bottle of whiskey. You wave it in his face teasingly like a child, “Your mistake. Now instead of one drink, I can have twenty.”
Not knowing what to say, they let you leave the room. You take the entire bottle with you, as you move to your room Inside, you unzip the back of the heels and leave them by the bedroom door. After that, you take a seat in the far right corner from the door. The chair is white, soft, and very cushioned.
Next to it is a table where you set the whiskey onto. Every now and then, you’ll reach over for a small, measured sip. You may be an asshole, but you’re smart. There’s no way you’re going to show up to the Capitol absolutely wrecked. Although, it could be a day or so before the other tributes even come in, so being drunk wouldn’t even be that bad.
It would be the morning after that you’d have to worry about. Being hungover and a complete bitch to the people around you. Unlikely, the people in the Capitol you can handle, it’s when the victors like Edmond--who has been around for years--thinks they know you well enough to police you.
You’re not a kid. You’re not a teenager. You can handle yourself.
You knew that they thought you were crazy for jumping at the opportunity so quickly. Some of the people in that little competition for the right to volunteer had thought it was a ‘leave it to the adults’ sort of thing. That you, and a few of the other younger people shouldn’t be allowed to participate at all.
You spat in their ‘respect the elders’ bit and told them that if they can take part, then you can too. Of course, you know how that turned out. All the older people got dropped off quickly, and like you said, Enobaria was the only one that was particularly difficult. 
You’d like to say that you’ve never liked Edmond, but you’re not too fond of people in general. They wouldn’t even have to do anything wrong, and you’d be able to pick apart every single reason why you could pass on their company. May it’s the way they speak, or walk. Maybe it’s the way they treat people.
Could be because of their publicity, the way they won their games, or if you see them as a copycat. A rumor you heard, if they’re too on top of fashion trends and bandwagons. If they don’t like something you like, showing too much enthusiasm for something they like.
Possibilities are endless, you’re just an irritable person. A good reason, a bad reason, whatever it is, you’ll find it. Sorcha is mean. Enobaria sharpened her teeth for attention. Edmond is controlling. Tanith is clingy. Zavian is a plain asshole. Daleka is too power-driven. Neysa takes everything on as her responsibility. Theo is annoying, no need to expand there. And Brutus is… beefy, he tries too hard.
The whole entirety of District Two is full of a bunch of ‘mean girls’ anyway. It’s not really a surprise that all those irritabilities were easy to pick out. You hate each year of volunteer tributes because they think they know what they’re doing and they don’t need help, even if you have more knowledge.
Hell, even interacting with the mentors of one and four to connect alliances is a bit too much at times. It’s always assumed that the main careers will stick together, so it’s not hard getting you guys together. It’s the whole sponsor gifts and how it can benefit everyone, rather than the one tribute that it was actually targeted for.
You don’t mind being selfish, but sometimes they want to be generous and they’ll insist on you doing the same. Partially because the sponsors that you receive are filthy fucking rich, which makes it more than easy to send big gifts if you felt like it. But you never did, and you think that you never will.
As for District Four, there’s five victors, only four of which actually participate in the mentoring, since one is practically insane. You don’t mind working with Mags, communicating is difficult, and you worked with her once. The year after that was Finnick, and you turned your back entirely.
You never actually got to work with the other victors, an older man and woman. You don’t care to know why. You’ve never met them in your life, you just know that they exist because of your tour nine freaking years ago. Simple as that.
There’s a knock at the door, “Come in.”
Door slides open, and there stands Brutus, not a surprise, “Done drinking yet?”
“Have at it.” you pick up the bottle, holding it out for him, “The reapings done yet?”
“Don’t think so.” Brutus takes the bottle, “We’ll be in the Capitol in an hour, it’ll be done by then.”
You look at the clock by the bed. Sure enough, it’s just about time to get yourself ready to stand at the train doors to great the Capitol citizens. You wish you had at least a little more time to sit on the train, since this will probably be the last time you get a real sense of peace and quiet for a while.
But all good things have to come to an end, right?
“Alright.” you push yourself out of the chair, stretching, “I guess I should talk to Neysa.”
“She’s going to tell you to apologize to Edmond.” There’s a little smile on Brutus’ face that you catch just before he turns his back to you, heading for the door.
“You’re a bad liar.” you inform him.
“Who says I’m lying?” Brutus has a straight face now.
“The smile you had before you turned away from me. You’re not slick.”
“Worth a shot.” 
He leaves after that with the whiskey, likely heading to the room where Neysa will be. Edmond is probably sulking in the last train car since you’ve outsmarted him yet again. Another thing about District Two: babies, all of them.
You grab your shoes, not pulling them on. You follow the path that you assume Brutus has taken to the first train car. In there, there will be seating and refreshments. You’ll probably eat something and then spend the rest of the time talking to Neysa and Brutus without Edmond being there.
Fingers crossed.
“How much did you drink?” Neysa asks as soon as you step in.
“Not that much, look at the bottle. Good portion of it was taken out because of the glass.” you jab your thumb towards the cup, “A sip here and there, I’m not even buzzed.”
You take a seat, watching as Brutus goes ahead and loads up a white glass plate with all the food you can imagine. You feel yourself grow a bit sick watching him. He’s a big dude, but if you ate nearly as much as he does, you’d find yourself with a stomach ache and the urge to puke it all out.
“What’s the plan?” you ask, leaning back, crossing your legs, “For when we land in the Capitol, I mean.”
“You won’t be groomed until tomorrow, if that’s what you mean. They’re going to save it for tomorrow, for the tribute parade so it’s more fresh.” Neysa says.
“Anyone there already?”
“One and nine.” Brutus says, taking a bite out of a sample sponge cake. 
Ugh, District Nine. Probably the most suffocating mentors you’ve ever met. Since Districts one, five, two and nine surround the Capitol, it obviously lets you guys get there quicker. As opposed to districts like seven, twelve, six and ten who are so incredibly spread out it takes an entire day and a half to even get to the Capitol.
Other districts in the middle of you and the farther districts take about a full day, it depends on what time they leave their own train station. Later in the afternoon, they’re arriving the next day. Early in the morning, they can find themselves arriving at midnight.
It makes it a whole lot worse because the reapings are staggered throughout the day to make sure that the Capitol will be able to watch them live and in order. They have the commentary of Caesar Flickerman and the other dude--haven’t cared to learn his name, since he’s not very important in the first place. And then they take their time between each reaping to pick apart certain things. Make their bets early on.
They have the time to do that, because while one district ends their reaping, another is just beginning with the dark days speech. When the speech is over, then they start picking things apart, and they get to watch the reaping. Rinse and repeat.
You have a feeling that tonight isn’t going to be the best when it comes to reviewing the way other victors won. You know how most won already, but like you said, it’s review. Like you’re preparing for some test. If you can memorize the way that people fight and move, then you’ll have a better chance inside of the arena.
“You guys should try to expand your alliances beyond just the careers.” Neysa says, and then her eyes land on you, “Which means, that if there’s anyone valuable, like Finnick Odair--”
“Fuck Finnick Odair.” you spit at her, “I’m not teaming up with him.”
“He would be a good ally.” Brutus mutters.
“Good or not, he’s an asshole.”
Brutus chuckles, lowering his plate from his chest from a moment, “Have you seen yourself lately?”
“I never said I wasn’t an ass.” you tell him, “And if I’m going to be working with Brutus, and the tributes from one anyway, then does it really matter? Honestly, you think anyone will be able to kill us?”
Neysa raises her eyebrows, “You do realize that Katniss Everdeen will be inside of that arena, right?”
“I can take her.”
“You know how to fight distance?”
“That’s what the training center is for.” you say, “And do you remember what weapon I specialize in at all?”
“Sai’s are not long distance, they’re basically swords.” Neysa tells you.
You roll your eyes, “Right.”
“I’m serious, (Y/n). Make allies with some other people too. You think someone like Katniss or Finnick wouldn’t help you in the long run?”
“You think either of them wouldn’t backstab?” you challenge, “You think I won’t?”
“I expect you to.” Neysa says, “But they’ll help wipe out the competition in the meantime.”
You lean forward, “Neysa, there will be enough morons to run to the middle, which will take out more or less, half of the tributes. There have been times in the past where four working together has been good enough.”
Neysa slams her glass cup onto the table, shattering it. The drink that was inside, spreads over the clear table, running off of the edges and dripping onto the carpet. Neysa, fed up with your argument, pays no attention to the mess she’s just made, and leans forward too.
“We are talking about victors here. Four people will not be good enough.”
“I know what we’re talking about, Neysa!” you yell, “I’m the one going inside of the fucking arena! I know exactly what I just signed myself up for. Leave the alliance making to the people that are making them.”
Neysa laughs, shaking her head, “You really are impossible to work with.”
“You’re not working with me. You’re working for me.” you correct her, which makes Brutus stop in the middle of his chewing, and Neysa whips her head in your direction, “You’re working in my favor. You’re working with the stylists for me. You’re working with sponsors for me. You’re going to be working with the other mentors of the tributes I choose to make alliances with for me.
“You’re not working with me. You’re working for me to keep me alive, and there’s a very big difference. Because I can’t work with you when I’m inside of the arena, because I won’t be able to connect the dots. You have to do the shit for me.” you’re straight-faced, trying to get her to understand, while he looks like she’s finally putting the pieces together herself, “The only thing I won’t allow you to do for me, is set alliances on track. That is my job, I have to deal with them in the arena.
“And if I say I can’t work with Finnick Odair or Katniss Everdeen or whoever else I deem unreliable, then that means I can’t work with them. Period.” 
Brutus slowly resumes eating his food, he’s probably just glad he won’t have to pull you off of Neysa or the other way around. He knows you won’t fight fair either, so stepping between you guys would have been a nightmare.
You’re not a difficult person, whether they want to believe that or not. You know what will happen when you get into that arena. You’ll be back to the first square, surviving and making sure that the people you did pick out for the alliances, aren’t going to turn on you.
Finnick will never be what you consider a good ally. He’s too perfect, too many people like him in the Capitol for you to enjoy him. His company isn’t nice to be around. He’s too full of himself, too confident in what he does. It makes you uncomfortable, and it makes it worse when he pretends that certain things haven’t actually happened to him. That where he is now, wasn’t given to him.
Plus all the histories he has with the games too. Certain titles that you can’t stand to see on him. He was the youngest ever victor to come out of the hunger games--fourteen. He’s absolutely adored by the Capitol, everyone fucking loves him. People not being able to see him as a threat inside of the arena, only for him to suddenly come out on top. And so much more.
It seems too whimsical for you. Too far-fetched.
With all the titles he already has--if he did get reaped for the Quarter Quell--the two-timing winner will just be another one added onto it. And even if you don’t know him pretty well, you know that will definitely inflate his ego. If there’s one person you wouldn’t mind strangling to death, it’s Finnick.
Just the thought of leaving your life in his hands for times when you’re fighting with other people inside of the arena, makes you want to puke. You’ll have to rely on him to keep you alive. And it’s not like he can’t make other alliances behind your back, because that has happened before in the arena.
Maybe those plans don’t always work out, but a tribute will maybe pair with the careers, but get a band of outsider districts to work with them to kill the careers. Even if the careers aren’t super good, they’ll take out a good portion of people while they can. Especially starting with the person who made that plan.
Finnick would definitely be a backstabbing bitch, you can just feel it.
“Okay, I’ll leave the alliances to you two.” Neysa says, “Promise me that you’ll try, though.”
“If I find even one person that I deem important enough, I’ll head your way for a request.” you say.
Brutus is loading up on a second plate, “Well, Katniss doesn’t really have any allies anyway, right?”
“What?” Neysa looks over her shoulder, and then turns her body to open it up for him to join the conversation.
“No one knows her, besides whoever she’s coming in with. We can twist her whatever way we want.” Brutus has a smirk on his face, you can see the way his cheek moves.
“Think she’s fond of careers?” you can feel yourself smiling too.
“She’s seventeen, she doesn’t know what to think.” Neysa says, nodding to herself as she begins towards the window, “We’re just getting in.”
“Time flies when you’re scheming.” you look at Brutus to see that he’s eating another piece of sponge cake, “Better clean up and brush your teeth.”
“Says the one with alcohol breath.” Brutus shoots back.
You give him a toothy smile, “All part of the charm.”
“Get out of my face.” You tell Theo for the third time.
“Neysa told me what happens tomorrow.” you say, “I get groomed early in the morning, I’m supposed be out of bed by six and in the living room half past. After that, I get waxed, showered, shaved--whatever. Then, the tribute parade.” you give Theo a bored look, “Let me know if I’ve missed anything.”
He opens his mouth, thinking. Then, a mischievous smile comes over his face, “Brutus doesn’t know.”
“Actually, I do.” Brutus says, he comes down the stairs to the living room, “Neysa and Edmond are very good at their jobs.”
“More like just Neysa is.” you mutter, reaching over for the remote so you can turn on the hologram.
As you get the entire program started, Theo finally leaves you be. Brutus takes a seat at the other end of the couch, slouched slightly.
The program starts with Caesar, introducing it all, like he does every year. He basically says that it’s a very special year, and that it should be interesting. He’s excited to see what will happen, yadda yadda. And then it begins with District One.
Girls go first, and you watch enthusiastically as Cashmere volunteers over the girl. Following her, is her brother, Gloss who also volunteers. They hold hands, smiling their white smiles and shaking her hands a little bit. Cashmere is preppy, nice and deadly. Nowhere near naive but she might run into things without thinking about it first.
Gloss is basically the same way, all you can say is that he lands somewhere on the himbo scale. He’s dumb, you don’t know in what way just yet, but he has that look about him. And he’s basically just a pretty face. However, since he is related to Cashmere, they’re definitely sharing fighting techniques.
Wherever one goes, the other will likely follow. They’ll agree on ideas and such. If you take votes, then that means they’ll keep together. You know deep down that they’ll be difficult to deal with, but probably worth it. They won their games for a reason, just like everyone else.
Caesar makes a small comment on how he’s surprised that the both of them have decided to go in together. It’ll make up a change if both of them make it to the end of the games. Having to kill your brother or sister--yeah, that’ll be hard to do. Unless they’re planning on making it back home together, somehow. That’ll never happen.
Next up is you and Brutus. The look on Theo’s face is hilarious both times around when you and Brutus interrupt him. Like Gloss and Cashmere, you and Brutus join hands, but there’s a difference. The siblings were obviously trying to look cute in some way, having their elbows bent with nice smiles, and the way they held onto each other.
With you and Brutus, it’s elbows extended, yelling into the crowd. There’s big smiles on both of your faces as you give the cameras a show. You’re proud, he’s proud. Two volunteers that are more than just excited to get into the arena. Even your soulmate couldn’t keep you from feeling what you did in that moment.
Caesar looks just as enthusiastic as you felt. The way he sits up in his chair, pointing his finger towards the screen, saying that’s the type of reaction they were hoping to get out of the tributes, the pride in all of this. Not some moping around bullshit. He compliments the two of you plentifully, before moving on.
District Three, Wiress and Beetee, two total nutcases. Beetee won his games by electrocuting the rest of the competition, which was a total of six people. He was crowned victor because of that, and since he’s older than Wiress, he might have even mentored her. They’re going to have around the same mindset.
“Wiress looks like she’s not all there.” Neysa says, standing behind the couch, leaning forward, “Look at her.”
“The both of them look scared shitless, what do you expect?” you laugh, “Beetee’s trying to keep a straight face, but there’s really no point. They’re like sheep in a pack of wolves.”
Nothing important comes from the commentators this time, so it rolls right into District Four.
This is when Finnick is pulled, followed by Annie who gets volunteered over by Mags.
Brutus laughs, “Look who it is!”
“I fucking jinxed it,” you shake your head, crossing your arms as you lean back against the couch, “Great.”
There’s a smile on Finnick’s face, like he’s proud that he’s going back inside of the arena. Just by the look of it, you can feel your blood begin to boil. He’s a prick, and he’s too much of a threat. If you want to win, he has to be one of the people that go first.
He goes over to Mags, pressing his head against her while he says something.
“How sweet.” you say through clenched teeth, before skipping to the next district.
District Five, nothing important. Six is the morphlings, another pain in the ass to deal with. They can hide all they want though, because they barely hold enough skills to live with in the first place. They’ll be gone before you know it.
Next is Johanna Mason and Blight, District Seven.
“Someone I can get behind.” you smile, leaning forward.
“Blight?” Brutus asks.
“Johanna.” you say, “Girl has got some power on her.”
“Is that a formal request?” Neysa asks.
“Write her down at least, I don’t think she’ll agree.” you say, “She despises the games entirely, I paid attention to her even after she won to see what would happen. She played the act up good.”
District Eight is some girl named Cecelia that has three kids holding onto her. You know immediately that she’s not going to survive just by the look of her. And then it proceeds to get worse when an old man named Woof is called up too. Brutus laughs like it’s a joke, and suddenly you’re skipping through the next two districts.
Nine and ten aren’t special, and neither is eleven with Seeder and Chaff. What you want to see is District Twelve. You watch as the district rep gets a little emotional when it comes to calling Katniss’ name. The camera picks up the tear on Katniss’ face, as the rep goes to call boys.
Haymitch gets pulled, and you’re about to call it, but Peeta volunteers over him.
“Look at that.” your voice is monotone, you’re not surprised. He’s in love with her, of course he’s going to volunteer to go in with her, “Deadweight is tagging along.”
“Deadweight?” Neysa asks, eyes following you when you stand from the couch.
“That’s what you call someone when they’re no use.” you say, “He can’t do anything for shit, and I dare you to try and change my mind on that.”
“No point when you’re right.” Brutus says.
“I guess I should call Cashmere and Gloss’ mentors.” Neysa pushes herself off of the couch, “And maybe call Johanna’s too.”
“Not Johanna.” you tell her, “Not just yet, she’s a maybe.”
“At least you’re making an effort.” Neysa says, disappearing around a corner.
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finallyaniguana · 5 years
Watch The Eyes: a tour of revelation [12]
[11]    masterpost     ao3     [13]
Dick was looking at his watch at quarter past eight, standing outside of the classes hotel. The bus was due to leave at 8:30 am for a tour of WE staring at 9:15 am. The manor was very quiet that morning. Usually Damian was up and ready to go talking to Alfred in the kitchen but he must have missed him.
Tim was business as usual though. Wandering zombie like towards the coffee pot. They had tried to get him to stop his incredible caffeine intake a few times and everytime they realized just how inventive and sneaky he could be. Taking it directly out of his hand may lead to all the files being remotely deleted off your phone. Or just plain being punched in the neck (he was aiming for your face but he can't see without that caffeine). He was very clever at getting what he wanted. No wonder Bruce trusted him to act as CEO despite his age.
But Dick was the most personable out of all of Bruce's children. So here he was ready to lead this tour rather than an actual WE tour guide. It was important to Bruce that they be directly involved with the class they were sponsoring rather than just being a distant benefactor.
Not that Dick minded. He loved to spend time at home with his family and if that meant leading some teenagers around for a fee days, so be it.
He could see Caline in the lobby of the hotel, obviously waiting on the students to be finished with their complementary breakfast. They started to arrive in the lobby one after another some looking more awake than others. The Italian girl he remembered from yesterday was hanging tightly to the arm of a bespectacled girl with curly auburn hair. He saw that she looked a little worried. She suddenly turned to the one clinging to her arm. She said something he couldn't hear and the girl released her. The girl turned and ran to the elevator, going up. About ten minutes later, she came back with a dark haired girl, looking a tad bit disheveled, but ready to go.
Satisfied that she had everyone, Mlle. Bustier waved an arm and directed the class outside. They all followed, the afformentioned girl reclaimed her position clinging to her friend, all but shoving the other out of the way.
Dick shook his head at the sight. He remembered high school.
Caline smiled at the sight of their tour guide waiting outside for them.
"Okay, Max, Alix, Kim, Lila, Nino, Adrien, Sabrina, Mylene, Chloe, Juleka, Ivan, Nathaniel, Rose, Alya and... oh, what happened to Marinette?" she frowned.
A few of the students looked around at each other. Clearly they didn't see her. The blond boy looked like he was about to go back in to look for her when she made her appearance.
"Right here Mlle. Bustier! Sorry, I dropped my purse in the lobby," she looked apologetic.
The teacher gave a small chuckle before finally facing Richard with a smile.
"That's everyone!"
"Great! Now if we can all get on the bus, we'll head over for our tour of Wayne Enterprises," he said.
The students boarded, some more excited than others. Rose was bouncing in her seat. She and Juleka sat behind Lila and Alya. Lila was taking this time to fill the sweet girl's head with more lies about her supposed influential soulmate. With continued glances over at Richard, she started her story.
"I was texting my dear Damian all night, so I'm so sorry if I fall asleep in the seat Alya!" Lila said sweetly.
"That's okay! I can't blame you for wanting to talk to your soulmate," Alya assured.
"He invited me over tonight for dinner! I can't wait to see him after all this time," she stared dreamily out the window.
Marinette tried to hide her gag. Luckily only Alix noticed who in turn had to hide her smirk behind her fist. Kim, sitting next to Alix, noticed and gave her a sharp poke to the side, which of course started a poke war. Marinette rolled her eyes at her friend's competitive nature.
"We may just have to forgo our deal to wait until we graduate. Thank you all for being so supportive of me," Lila started to tear up, despite her dry eyes.
"I can't believe you're soulmates with Damian Wayne!" Rose exclaimed.
That got Dick's attention. How would she have figured out his identity so quickly? He gave a small glance back at the girl who spoke. She was quite short with blonde hair and blue eyes. He gathered that Damian's soulmate had blue eyes. But this girl wasn't the one claiming the bond and she seemed pretty attached to the tall girl she was sitting next to. So Dick looked to the seat in front of her to the girl with the glasses and the one that was hanging on her. Neither of them had blue eyes. He turned back around, disappointed and hoping he wouldn't have to confront the girl about her extravagant lie.
'Would it be petty to call out a child?' he thought. 'She'll be joining Damian's year tomorrow. If I don't say anything, he definitely will. Oo, maybe I should intervene before he does?'
Dick ultimately decided to monitor quietly and unless she said something that put a bad light on anyone in his family, he wouldn't say anything. He frowned to himself.
Finally the bus arrived at WE, pulling up to the side walk. He led everyone inside and checked in at the main desk, collecting a pass that would allow him to show the children different and more exclusive wings of the building. He brought up a bright smile he first directed at the teacher, who returned his smile, before turning and facing the teenagers in front of him. Their chatter died out slowly.
"I hope you all wore comfortable shoes for walking. At the end of the tour you will be given a pass for a complementary lunch. Alright! Let's get started."
Before Richard could even take the first step of the tour, his phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and frowned. Eyes lighting up with recognition, he swiped to answer.
"Baby Bird?"
Marinette choked and whipped her head around to face the tour guide. She couldn't hear what "Baby Bird" was saying but Richard looked absolutely bewildered before starting to smile.
"Sure, but why not ask Alfred?- How you getting there?- Okay, I'll give them a call and let B know."
He shook his head as he put his phone back in his pocket.
"Sorry everyone! My little brother woke up late this morning. I'm going to give his school a call real quick."
He took a few steps away to make his call while Marinette strained to hear what he was saying over her pounding heart. When that failed she tried to read his lips. A skill she did not have.
'So they are brothers. Wait, no. Come on, Marinette. What is the chance of it being that easy?'
Marinette slumped down next to Adrien who tapped her shoulder, concerned.
She tried to give him a reassuring smile but she could tell it fell short. He gave her a suspicious smile in return.
Richard soon returned from his call and beckoned for them to follow him. From the lobby and ground floor, he told them about the history of the company. They got to learn a bit about Bruce Wayne's parents and the branches of the company they were a big part of or that were dedicated in their names. It was all very interesting and normally Mari would be listening with rapt attention. But she was distracted, paying too much attention to the speaker himself than the words he was saying.
Eventually she had to stop denying the obvious. She didn't spend more than fifteen minutes in Nightwing's company. But he was unmistakable. The easy way he moved, the tone and timbre of his voice. This man fought crime at night. Their tour guide midnights as a vigilante. When she came to that conclusion, she spent the rest of the tour looking anywhere but his face.
'Richard. Richard what?'
It seemed her new goal of the day was to figure that out.
By the time they got to the cafeteria for lunch, Marinette had learned practically nothing about the Wayne building or the company. Her classmates were filing in past their guide who was passing off little slips of blue paper. She internally cringed. As she passed by and gingerly took her paper from his hands he said,
"Show these to the cashier after getting your food. Okay, everyone! I'll be nearby if anyone has follow up questions. Don't hesitate to ask."
Adrien grabbed her shoulder lightly. She jumped and looked at her friend.
"Come on, let's go get something to eat. I know you missed breakfast," he smiled.
Her face flushed at the memory. Her phone decided enough was enough and died halfway through the night. So no alarm and Marinette did not have the forethought to schedule a wake up call the the front desk. So she slept straight through Mlle. Bustier knocking on everyone's doors due to her late night. It wasn't until Alya finally arrived, banging on the door that she actually became aware of her surroundings. She had to rush to get ready, barely having time to brush her hair. She had to tie up her hair on the bus. It was good that she had laid out her outfit the night before or she would have been in an even worse time crunch.
They made their way through the line, following Nino's footsteps, who was following Alya's steps in turn. Once they had turned in their lunch tickets and sat down Marinette started to look around for their teacher. She was hoping Mlle Bustier could tell her a bit more about Richard without being obvious. She finally spotted her over by the register, where she had just finished walking through the line. Marinette stood.
She looked down at Adrien's questioning eyes. Giving him a weak smile, she patted his shoulder.
"I'll be right back."
Mlle. Bustier chose to sit at the edge of the room so she could keep an eye on as many of her kids as possible. She saw Marinette coming and she lifted her face to greet the class president.
"Yes, Marinette? Do you need something?" she asked pleasantly.
"I just have a quick question?"
"Was that a question?" Caline asked.
Marinette backpedaled and shook her head.
"No, no... that wasn't it."
"Okay, then what is it?"
"I was just wondering..." she trailed off, only continuing when the teacher raised an eyebrow at her deflective tone. "if you knew Monsieur Richard's last name?"
Blinking in confusion, she stared at the girl standing before her. Eventually she shook her head.
"I met him at the same time you did. You'll have to ask him."
Marinette cursed mentally. Looks like if she wanted answers she'd have to be direct. Something she was not good at. (Something her soulmate was very good at.)
"Well. Thank you anyway." she looked back at the far table she left Adrien at.
He waved.
She did not wave back.
Instead she continued scanning the room for Richard. He was seated a few tables away from Lila's little group. That was where Alya and Nino ended up as well, but her eyes just skipped over them in favor of the suspected vigilante.
A wave of calm confidence and what felt almost like anger came over her and she marched toward him. Lila noticed her walk and followed her gaze to the Wayne employee who was sitting next to a younger man, a laptop open in front of him. Her eyes narrowed imperceptibly.
When Marinette finally passed by, she loudly began to spin a new lie, or a continuation of an older lie. When the shorter girl kept walking, paying no attention to the liar, her eyes narrowed further. The girls sitting around her pleaded for her to keep talking so she did, putting Dupain-Cheng on the back burner.
Dick looked up, startled, when one of the girls from the tour group planted her feet right next to him at his table. Tim barely glanced over from his precious coffee.
He looked at her stony expression, kind of nervous. He had no idea what he did wrong.
"I have a question," she said in English.
Her voice did not match her expression. It was soft and he got the impression she rarely had negative things to say. The French accent certainly helped her case.
"Yes, Miss...?"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng," she supplied.
Tim finally decided to start paying attention.
"The class president?" he asked blearily.
"Oui- I mean, yes."
Dick called back her attention with a head bob.
"What is your question?" he asked.
Tim leaned in a bit to hear over the din of the cafeteria. Her face steeled and her took a deep breath.
"What is your last name?"
He looked a bit reluctant to say, more surprised than anything else, but she did not waver.
"Grayson," he said at last.
Her expression tinged with surprise before she nodded.
"The eldest," was all she said before she thanked him with a sweetness that came out of nowhere and walking away.
"What was that about?" Tim asked around a sip of his coffee.
Dick gave a small shrug before looking down at his food. So she knew his name. He only hoped this revelation did not cause any waves of students suddenly excited to talk to him. He wasn't that worried about it. He was used to attention because of the Wayne influence. But the girl did not gravitate toward the big group of students a few tables down. Instead she walked further down, sitting next to the blond boy who looked at her expectantly. She waved him off.
"Almost reminded you of someone right up until the end, wouldn't you say?"
"What?" Dick looked at his younger brother.
Tim rolled his eyes and knocked back the rest of his drink.
"By the way, Damian's soulmate must be a great influence on him already."
"What makes you say that?"
"He said please. Twice."
Tim stared down at his empty cup. A few beats of silence passed and he smiled like someone just let him in on an inside joke. He stood up quickly and Dick jolted with surprise.
"I have an idea," Tim said before grabbing his laptop and heading out of the room.
Well okay then.
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