#a muggle guide to tarot
orphancookie69 · 7 months
Hay House: Heal Your Life +...Unlock Your Next Transformation-Day 3
This has been one heck of a weekend, I wish it was lasting longer. We have some amazing speakers for today, read onward!
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Mystical Connections 2023 (7.5 Hours)
Transform your life with oracle cards-Colette Baron-Reid: She goes briefly into her background. Co-create with the universe with oracle cards. (View her cards digitally: Pick a Card - Use Colette's FREE Online Oracle Cards App - Colette Baron-Reid | Oracle Cards | Founder of Oracle School (colettebaronreid.com)) You don't have to separate the mundane and the mystical. We are not separate from the divine. Divination is talking to the divine. Be a mystical nerd. Oracle cards are a flashlight, shovel, magic mirror, dynamic communicator, mystical gps. Always ask permission and learn how to ask the right questions.
Learn to communicate with Spirit-Rev Sharon Anne Klinger: Your ancestors are more than just your family. Types of ancestors: family ancestors, landcestors, group foregoers, past life ancestors, purpose guides. 3 easy steps to speak with your ancestors: Intention and Invitation, Right Brain Activation, Trush Everything Always. Don't feed the medium. She gave readings.
Attract Angels Into Your Life-Kyle Gray: He goes briefly into his background. Everyone has an angel and no one has been forgotten.
Connect with your ancestors-Shawn Leonard: He goes briefly into his background. Connection to ancestors and soul family. Teach with stories. There is an interconnection to us all. Don't forget to talk to and include your people in your life. He did some readings.
Heal Your Ancestral Motherline-Rebecca Campbell: Stay open to healing and transformation. We are all a thread in the healing of humanity. Healing has its own mysterious timing. Heal your mother line with an affirmation. She did 1 card readings.
Clear Your Karma and Move On-Sandra Anne Taylor: Akashic record readings. Most people use the records to find out about past lives. The space time continuum is why. Your most emotionally charged experiences are what effects your akashic records. Shift your pattern energy. Fertility issues could be from a past life experience. Or other issues could be from a past life. Judgement is a karmic energy, let it go.
Meet Your Guardian Angel-Radleigh Valentine: He goes briefly into his background. Turn a muggle life into magic. You can not put god into a box. To humanize is to minimize. You have the same guardian for every lifetime. They know more about you than you know about you. Forgetting creates the feeling we are alone, even though we are not alone. Stay awake and see the signs. Power comes with joy. You are a divine soul having a human experience. You need to make a spiritual investment to have a divine return. Use automatic writing to talk to your guardian angel.
Reveal Your Soul Sense-John Holland: He goes briefly into his training. Intuition and psychic ability are from the soul. What is your psychic strength? Chakras, Auras, Meditations, and Breath. The clair senses. Clair Sentience, you are a feeler. Trust your gut and ask more. Clairvoyance, 3rd eye. Dreams are messages from the soul. Clair audience, ringing in the ears. He did some readings.
Activate The Power Of Your Heart-Estelle Bingham: Time and space are an illusion. It is all about the heart. Companion your heart.
Step into a powerful, multidimensional life-Sonia Choquette: Breath in, breath out-what is the most beautiful thing in your environment? Move around a bit. We are moving into a new frequency on this planet. Changes are internal and external. You can become 4th and 5th dimensional beings.
Talking Tarot - Krystal Banner (15 minutes)
She speaks about her background briefly. Tarot as a tool for healing. You don't have to be gifted a deck to start Tarot. You can read for yourself and for other people. Tarot is a tool for self discovery. Tarot is not negative. Bring shadow aspects to the light to heal it. Tarot is true and based on energy. Major Arcana, 22 cards, tends to be major moments of our life. Imagery in a card is reflective of the time period. The minor arcana is 14 cards, (4 suits), 1-10 and Paige, Knight, Queen, and King. The 4 suits represent elements: wand/fire, cup/water, pentacle/earth, and sword/air. There are astrology signs that correlate to the cards based on elements.
A Course in Miracles Made Easy - Alan Cohen (8 Hours)
I wanted to watch this one but did not have enough time.
How To Hear Your Inner Ding - Louise Hay (15 minutes)
Louise Hay calls her inner guidance, her inner ding. You don't need more therapy, you need clarity. We are always doing the best we can based on what we know. We are traveling with our inner ding inside of us. Metaphysics: there is more to the world than meets the eye. Proper guidance should bring you back to the person within you. Teach yourself and others to think. Let go of your self image. Safe is the worst possible place to be.
Connecting With Angels Made Easy - Kyle Gray (4.5 Hours)
I wanted to watch this one but did not have enough time. I love Kyle Gray though.
This was a cool thing for Hay House to offer. This would totally be worth the money to get the rest of the old and the new courses! The upside of living in an age of technology is that is so easily shared, is what we can learn if we just look for it. Or open ourselves up to it. What would you have liked to listen to?
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sunnyanddumb98 · 9 months
My mother obtained a certification from the National Corporation of Indigenous Development affirming her identity as a Mapuche person. She is part of a reservation at Lake Buddy, a tribe she has never visited.
They speak Mapudungun, a language that I only know from being beneath the signage in public service offices, and from the speech given by the president of the Chamber of Representatives in the constitutional committee—a draft that was rejected this year. My mother cried; she had no hope of retiring, but she was hopeful for tax reform.
We also don't know any recipes. One of the most popular and acclaimed dishes is 'sopaipillas,' a fried mixture of flour and squash offered by street vendors on winter street corners. She dislikes the amount of oil used.
Once she told me about her grandfather Martín, who was hit by a car. He refused to go to the hospital; he just tied himself to a bed with a rope and recited words in Mapudungun for months. She says that healed all his broken bones like a miracle, but there's no way to know since he didn't get X-rays and was an alcoholic.
My mother religion is Mariana because priests rape children and there's no way a god can be a man. One or two times a year, while we're in the city going to the doctor or the cinema, she must hastily get out of the car to leave flowers at a church to fulfil a vow.
She's also very devoted to pagan rituals. My parents read each other's Marseille Tarot cards. It's random when you enter the house; everything's dark except for the candlelight guiding spirits and the reflection in a glass of water capturing bad energies. The cards always say the same thing: the answers are within you.
This certification extends to me, someone who doesn't have the proper skin colour or bone structure. I don't have white skin either; mine is 'criollo' yellow. I don't quite understand the armed conflict in the Araucanía. The name 'huinca' (similar to 'muggle,' in this context meaning 'non-Mapuche') for the Mapuche territory, a conflict that I used to explain well during my adolescence, but I'm not so sure anymore.
One thing I did inherit from my maternal line's colouration is freckles—freckles that all the women in my maternal line have. These freckles are the reason for the lack of Mapuche culture in our lives. They stem from a German man in the 19th century who decided to violate my great-great-grandmother, who gave birth to a mixed-race child. The tribe decided to sell her daughter to a Spanish man. When my great-grandmother found out, her brother, Grandfather Martín, took her to the capital. She entered a convent, and he became a baker.
I don't know how to make good bread, nor do I know the meanings of the parts of the culture. One thing I do and my year in therapy couldn't change is that I neither forgive nor forget. I've always blamed Mr. Darcy for that. I read 'Pride and Prejudice' at nine, right after reading the wonderful 'McBrown Farm.' I considered Austen superior. When Mr. Darcy said, 'My flaw is that once someone has lost my good opinion, they lose it forever,' I felt it.
But I have freckles. It's easy for me to disappear and ignore, to erase you from my reality. I can be in a room and not see you, as if your Instagram account were blocked in my brain. You said 'I don't know' as a response to my long monologue about Latin American identity in 'Guardians of the Galaxy,' an expression you repeated over time. 'I don't know' was just your lack of interest, not my shortage of novelty as I had convinced myself. It was the last day I saw you."
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brokenforecast · 4 years
The Hierophant
The Hierophant: a muggle guide to tarot
A Hierophant, now there is something you don't see every day. Never actually. A Hierophant is a high priest or the pope as this card is sometimes called. Not exactly something that is part of our everyday life. It reminds me of a photograph on the mantelpiece of the house I grew up in, showing my grandmother and pope John-Paul II (pope from 1978 to 2005) from when he visited my home town in 1985. My grandmother told me it was the best day of her life. So we are obviously dealing with a religious figure here, with some authority but the meaning of the card goes way beyond that. This card is fairly simple though, so don't panic.
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> ltr: Renaissance Tarot; Rider-Waite; Wild Unknown Hierophant
The Hierophant is almost always an elderly man adorned with the symbols of one or other religion, most often Christianity. You will see headdresses, robes, staffs representing guidance and power. He is mostly seated (thus stable) and accompanied by two pupils who seek knowledge and advice from him. He is flanked by two columns representing the gateway that this card challenges you to pass. In the Renaissance tarot the pillars are topped by acorns, making them obviously penis-shaped and indeed representing fertility as the acorn carries in itself the potential of the mighty oak tree. In the Dutch language they go even further: the Dutch word for acorn also means glans of the penis or head of the penis. A deep manliness exudes from this card. We also notice the all-seeing eye representing arcane and other knowledge.
Upright meaning
The Hierophant has several layers. The first one is the most obvious: the authority of institutionalized religion or believing what is in a certain old book or what old men tell you. The second is institutionalized knowledge as in formal education, taking lessons at a university for example. It's less about learning and more about the transfer of knowledge from a smart or wise person to another person. Thirdly it concerns rituals, ancient rituals to be exact: baptism, marriage (the ceremony, not the feelings), funerals but in a smaller sense also your everyday rituals and habits. On the deepest level this card is about conservatism in its purest sense.
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> The beautiful and abstract Soul Cards Hierophant with both a key and some religious references if you can spot them.
Now I know a lot of you people out there have a deep dislike for conservatism because of the association with right or far-right politics or fundamentalist religion. Try to wipe that of the board for a second, we'll talk about that later. In it's purest sense conservatism cares about keeping what is valuable intact. I believe that to be equally valuable to changing things for the better. Everyone wants to change certain things in their life or in the world and everyone wants to keep certain things exactly as they are. Probably more than you imagine, because we tend to take a lot that is for granted and only notice it when it's gone.
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> Hierophant from the True Black Tarot, my newest set. 
So far in our tarot journey we have encountered a rather progressive bunch: the fool asks us to be ourselves without any compromises, the magician asks us to use our abilities to shape the world as we like and the high priestess grants us all the new and exciting knowledge our curious heart desires. With the emperor we encountered a figure that is a little more conservative, asking us to make a structure or habit out of some of the good things we do. The hierophant asks us to make rituals out of those habits. The difference between a ritual and a habit is that you know why you made a habit about of a certain action (let's say to brush your teeth every day). A ritual is a repetitive action where the meaning of the action has become obscured and unquestioned or has transcended For instance forcing your children to brush their teeth even when they don't give a rats ass about mouth hygiene, it becomes a ritual they blindly follow. And they better do, especially since the cakes made out of poo incident. Or to put it another way: where a habit reflects a practical value you adhere to, a ritual is based on your deeper beliefs about right and wrong and the meaning of life.
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Often, the key in life – and the key is a symbol often shown in this card – is to follow your deeply anchored and relatively unchanging core values. Look at it as you own personal bible, your own never changing truth. When confronted with a dilemma I find it often extremely helpful to consult my core beliefs. Of course this does not solve all dilemma's because once you think you have figured something out, life will kick you in the face and laugh at you. And obviously core values change over time, but that is not what this card is about. This is about clinging to them, believing them and applying them.
As an advisory card this one asks us not to rush into things, to think of what we could loose. To wonder if this is really something that aligns with what you stand for. It asks us to look at the present and truly see what has led to this and if that is really a bad thing. To the hierophant change is bad, unless embedded in tradition, ritual and a clear, uncut continuity with what has gone before.
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> the Hierophant by the talented Kaylee Pinecone from her webcomic Tales of the Tarot, see the Hierophant here and the full series here
If this card represents a person it is mostly someone older and wiser, a teacher or professor perhaps. He dislikes change and likes tradition, old knowledge, he likes talking but considers listening to you a waste of time. Listen to him and take his advise seriously.
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> the enigmatic Keymaster Tarot Hierophant: an imposing figure in formal robes and staff
Reverse meaning
When the Hierophant appears upside down things tend to get tricky. It can mean a number of things that are drastically contradictory so be careful and consider all possible meanings. Pick the one that feels most uncomfortable contemplating.
Opposite: craving change for the sake of change, being an iconoclast, a naive rebel, being against things without having a sound or realistic positive alternative. This all sounds bad but sometimes we need to get rid of things before we can see clearly where we want to go. A typical meaning is rebelling against your parents' religion or core value system. It can be very hard to shake beliefs you have grown up with but no longer serve you. But there is a warning though. As the iconoclasts in the 16th century destroyed valuable pieces of art in churches across Europe, so you are capable of inflicting irreparable damage to valuable elements in your life. If this card means you need to destroy tradition or if it warns against the possible disastrous effects of it, is up to you. Choose wisely.
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Blocked: Authority and tradition are blocking you somehow. You revel in submissiveness to people in authority or to beliefs you might not even be aware you have. You might be redirecting responsibility in your life to things you see as uncontrollable or beyond your grasp. Ask yourself if they are indeed unchangeable. Drastic solutions are also solutions. What can you do yourself? Are these structures really what you believe in? Or is it simply wishful thinking.
Taken too far: now we enter the realm of reactionary reflexes, authoritarian power, a deep urge to reject everything new, challenging or uncomfortable. This is the realm of craving a past that never existed: when things were simple, truth was singular, change slow, identity reassuring and accepted. It is the realm of ultra-conservatism, homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, Romantic beliefs in a forgotten past when nature was pure, society a cohesive community and social relations fixed and comfortable. This past has never existed and never will again. It only leads to exclusion of anything and everyone that does not fit this ideal, which is ultimately everyone.  
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> a rare female Hierophant by Casimir Lee, though it still has most of the traditional symbolic elements.
One cars spread – meditation on the hierophant
The hierophant asks us to awaken our inner conservative. To look beyond the modern idea of the individual capable of doing everything himself, free of all bonds of power or authority. It asks us to be passive, receiving in stead of transmitting or communicating. It asks us to be quiet, silent even and think of the past, tradition, rituals and if there is something meaningful in there for you. As homework the Hierophant asks you one thing: what do you want to conserve in your current position? How can you protect that?  What ritual (daily, weekly, monthly or yearly) can you put in place, or keep doing, that highlights that element? How can you truly embed that in your life so it never leaves?
No pop culture references this time, The Hierophant doesn’t go for that kind of things. Next episode: The Lovers
upright meaning: conservatism, formal education, core values reverse meaning: iconoclasm, submissiveness, ultra-conservatism
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corinnesamuels · 3 years
Deep in Your Bones
Whew, so this is my nearly a month late Jilytober Bingo Card fic LMAO. I like being able to pay my bills, but having to work to do it? I don’t know friends, I just don’t know.
Anywho, thank you again to @joyseuphoria for organizing this year’s Jilytober! And here are my overly ambitious choices for this bingo card:
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They’ve spent nearly every day of the Christmas holidays together, with Lily taking James along for her favorite muggle activities. They’ve seen a film at the cinema, watched Christmas movies huddled under a blanket while her father pretended not to spy on them, and even took a picture with a Father Christmas—who gave the couple the same confused looks as the parents of small children in the line around them. Father Christmas was clearly a professional, though, and stuck to his script, asking James what he wanted for Christmas.
“Somehow I got this beautiful creature. I think you’ve already delivered my gift.” James had said, his eyes locked on hers in a way that seemed to have rearranged her breathing.
Lily had absolutely melted. She was so distracted that when Father Christmas turned to her with an impressed twinkle in his eye, she pushed out a rushed “earmuffs” and promptly whisked James away to do some things they couldn’t do in front of small children.
And now, with just a few days left, they’ve found themselves walking through muggle London and at the door of a shop that advertises palm and tarot card readings. She’d been excited, thinking of how it would be a laugh, but James seems oddly uninterested.
“James, please. I’ve always wanted to visit a muggle fortune teller. It’ll be fun! We won’t take it seriously.”
“If most of the wizarding Seers are frauds, I can only imagine the muggle ones are just as ridiculous.” James rolls his eyes before switching gears and giving him one of his looks, stepping in close and placing his hands onto her hips. “Besides, wouldn’t you rather go get some hot chocolate? Or warm up other ways . . .” he trails off, pressing a kiss to the skin just behind her left ear.
Her eyes flutter closed. It’s a move he’s perfected during their patrols together as Head Boy and Head Girl, one that has had them nearly racing down the halls to be done so they can return to the Head’s Office and steal a few moments (hours) alone. He’s used it as a distraction on many occasions, but today, Lily Evans won’t be deterred.
“Who says we can’t do all three?”
James sighs again, dropping his head down to her shoulder.
“Please, James.” Lily pouts, pulling her eyebrows to meet in the middle and softening the look in her eyes. Pouting is uncharacteristic of her, she knows, but James is putting up a fight she hadn’t expected, and she plays to win.
James curses under his breath. “It’s hard enough to deny you anything, but I can’t when you look at me like that.” He reaches underneath his glasses and presses his fingertips to his eyeballs with a groan. “Okay, fine. But let’s make it quick.”
Lily lets out an excited squeal before standing to her tiptoes and pressing a quick kiss to his lips, followed by a lingering, warm one that promised more later.
“Feeling better about this already.” James says as he opens the door, placing a hand on her lower back to guide her through.
The lighting in the shop is dim, with candles sitting on tables and countertops throughout the space. Lily takes in the faint smell of incense when deep purple curtains open before them, revealing a bespectacled woman with hair wrapped elaborately into a yellow scarf and bangles hanging from her arms.
The woman observes them both before speaking, looking them up and down in a way that makes Lily feel rather exposed. “I sense doubt in you. But if you are decided, you may sit.” She disappears behind the curtains, and James and Lily exchange confused looks before shrugging and following her through to the other side.
The woman sits in front of a table stacked with candles, cards, herbs, and figurines. She watches them as they sit, stretching her fingers before picking up a deck of cards from the table. “I am Pythia.” She announces as she shuffles the cards, her eyes never leaving the two of them. “Is there anything in particular for which you are seeking answers?”
Lily glances toward James, who is giving her a look that says, very plainly, ‘this was your idea.’
Placed on the spot, she falters a bit. “Er, we’d like to know what the future holds for us, in general.”
“In general.” The woman—Pythia, repeats.
Lily nods with more certainty than she feels as Pythia continues to shuffle the cards.
“Know that we can stop at any time, my child.” Pythia says.
Lily looks to James again, who seems confused at this statement and the warning tone accompanying it. His eyes lock onto hers, and she knows the ball is in her court again. Lily turns to Pythia and gives her a nod.
Pythia closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before pulling cards from the deck, slowly laying three onto the table. “Your relationship is new. You haven’t always been this close.”
“Not for lack of trying.” James says mostly to himself.
Lily smirks. “You spent the first five years we knew each other being a prat.”
“Toerag, I think you called me.”
“An unfortunately accurate description.” Lily leans over and places a hand over his, linking their fingers together and resting them onto his knee. “Not now though.” She tells him this often because it’s true. Maturity looks good on James, and he’s become what she always knew he could be: considerate, dependable, steadfast. She never wants him to doubt that she’s noticed.
James gives her a look she’s seen quite often since they’ve started dating—adoration mixed with surprise, a how on earth did I manage this—before picking up their conjoined hands and pressing a kiss to the back of hers.
“He’s always been forthcoming with his feelings, but it took you a while to admit yours, did it not?” Pythia asks. “But you had known for quite some time before you admitted them.”
James glances at her curiously, and Lily blushes. She had only told him that she was certain she liked him and that she waited to be sure. Lily hadn’t told him about the exact moment she realized she wasn’t just content with having him as a friend. She’d danced around the memory of that day in Potions in their sixth year, when a cauldron of Amortentia sat on Professor Slughorn’s desk emitting spirals of smoke, and all she could smell was new parchment, her mother’s Christmas cookies, and James’ aftershave. The realization had haunted her for weeks, and when she finally admitted her feelings to him, Lily couldn’t believe that James hadn’t noticed the furtive glances, blushes, and lingering hugs she’d been giving him.
“I like to be sure about things.” Lily says finally. “Besides, I’d heard him say he was over me one day after class.”
“A lie if there ever was one.” James rubs his thumb over hers. “If I’d known that I had a chance I would’ve never said it.”
“Indeed. The two of you are very much in love, despite your ages.” Pythia taps on one of the cards twice with her index finger. “The cards are nearly screaming it into the aether.”
James is warming up to the idea of having their fortunes told now. His lopsided grin graces his features, and he squeezes her hand lightly before pressing another kiss to it. Lily can never get enough of the feeling that comes from his touch and affection. James gives her both so freely, so often, that she wonders how she ever survived without it. She smiles dreamily up at him before Pythia’s voice snaps her back to their surroundings.
“I don’t think you want to continue.”
Lily whips her head around. “But we do. You haven’t told us about the future yet.”
“You should ask yourself, my child, whether some things are better off not being known.”
Lily frowns as James rolls his eyes and gives her a look that plainly says, ‘I told you so.’
“We want to know.”
Pythia hesitates before pushing the stack of cards across the table toward Lily. “Pull two cards.” Lily obeys, trying to ignore the slight shaking of her hand as she lays the cards face up on the table and looks back to the fortune-teller.
“Your love is strong, but bittersweet. You will be intimately acquainted with tragedy and heartbreak.”
“That’s enough.” James cuts in firmly. Pythia’s eyes wander to him casually before turning back to Lily.
“Heartbreak?” Lily whispers. “What do you mean?”
“Again, I have to ask whether you would like to know, or whether you should take me up on my offer to stop at any time.”
“No. We’re leaving.” James stands and pulls Lily up with him. Lily wants to object, wants to run from the room, wants to ask for more details, but worry steals all the moisture from her throat. Pythia nods, her face betraying nothing as she gathers the cards and stacks them into a neat pile in their original location at her table.
Lily barely registers James pulling muggle money out of his pocket and placing it onto the table before whisking her out of the shop and back into the December cold. “Listen.” He says as he pulls her close and tips her chin up to look him in the eyes. “Being with you is everything I could ever ask for. I’d die before breaking your heart. You know that right?”
She nods because she does know. She feels it with their every interaction and conversation. Lily’s eyes close as he presses a kiss between her furrowed eyebrows and then another to her lips. But she doesn’t speak.
Because what if the heart that breaks is his?
As the days pass, James works tirelessly to push the thought from her head, and before she knows it, they are back at Hogwarts, trying not to buckle under the weight of NEWT workloads, prefects’ meetings and rounds, and in James’ case, Quidditch practice. The day with Pythia is pushed back to a hazy memory as she and James steal kisses during patrols and a bit more than kisses on days James meets her in the Heads’ Office after practice looking sweaty and windswept.
On many occasions, they just find themselves in the common room late at night, unable to sleep, cuddled up and sharing a chair near the fire as they whisper their hopes and plans for the future. Lily is nervous about the interview Slughorn set up for her with the Head Healer of St. Mungo’s. James has trials scheduled with Puddlemere and Pride of Portree and is struggling to keep all of the balls he’s juggling in the air. But the undercurrent of it all is the mostly unspoken agreement that they wanted to do it all together. Until the day James not-so-casually mentions a dream he’s had, where she and their children sit in the stands at a Puddlemere Match (it’s how he’s decided which team he’d rather play for, after not being able to state a preference before), followed by another of him taking her flowers to her shift at St. Mungo’s with a little boy in tow.
“He looked just like me as a child, but with red hair—messy of course. Mischief twinkling in his eyes. Our genes did amazing work.” He gives her that lopsided grin, and Lily laughs and places her hands on either side of his face to pull him into a deep kiss.
“I can’t wait.” She says softly as she leans her face into the crook of his neck and breathes in deeply.
“For which one?” James asks as he pulls her tighter to him.
“Both.” She whispers.
They carry on. And late-night visits to the kitchens turn into furtive glances and nudges in the library and bleed into walks across the grounds because while she loves warm weather, James loves the cold and promises to make it worth her while. He always does, even when they are caught in the middle of a snowball fight, and Sirius throws three snowballs at them in rapid succession. James laughs and tells her to run as he quickly gathers snow to retaliate. But with a smirk of her own, she throws up a shield charm so strong that the incoming snowballs seem to boomerang back to Sirius, who has to duck to dodge them.
“Hey! No magic in the snowball fights. You know the rules, Red!” Sirius yells as he dives behind Peter to dodge the snowballs James sends his way in retribution.
“Funny.” Lily replies as she charms a large pile of snow behind Sirius. “I never took you to care much about things as insignificant as rules.”
Sirius laughs in spite of himself. “You’re a bad influence on her, Prongs.” But James doesn’t respond. He’s too busy looking at her in awe.
“Merlin, I love you.” He pulls her to him gruffly with one arm, snowball fight forgotten as he tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and kisses her in a way that McGonagall would have docked points for had she been on the grounds. Sirius and Peter take this as their chance to attack the two, but with a flick of her wand, Lily sends the mountain of snow she’d quietly charmed to land on their heads, causing them to topple over. Remus, who’d been in the Hospital Wing recovering from a full moon, was nearly in tears at the tale when she and James went to visit him.
Their walks become less treacherous as the grounds begin to defrost at the first signs of spring, and they spend afternoons lounging by the lake whenever James manages to talk into taking a break from studying. He’s lobbying for another study break one day as they head to Dumbledore’s office for their monthly meeting, and she laughs.
“Would it kill you to take NEWT’s a little more seriously?”
“It very well might, Evans, why take the risk?” He jokes. She laughs again as they walk up the steps behind the stone gargoyle that leads to Dumbledore’s office and knock. When they hear Dumbledore beckon them in, James opens the door for her and gestures for her to enter first as he always does, ever the gentleman. But when she sees who is sitting in one of the armchairs across from Dumbledore’s desk, she freezes, and James nearly trips over her before he realizes that she’s stopped walking.
“Lily, wha—”
But then he sees her too.
Her bangles clink against each other softly as she turns to face them, her face impassive as her eyes rove over them slowly. Her hair is wrapped in the same yellow scarf, and suddenly the memory of that day in muggle London comes rushing back, as do Pythia’s words:
Tragedy. Heartbreak.
“Pythia, allow me to introduce our Head Girl and Head Boy, Lily Evans and James Potter.” Dumbledore gestures to the pair, whose eyes are locked onto his guest in shock.
“We meet again.” Pythia says levelly.
Read the rest at ao3!
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okay but like pukwudgies:
-there literally slytherpuffs
-pukwudgies are literally jellybeans but they come of as scary
-most first years who see them think they're the scariest, espicially the upperclassmen, because the seventh years are literally a bunch of intimidating, drug dealers with resting bitch faces who joke about their emotional trauma and mental health. and then at some point, either the older thunderbirds, horned serpents or wampus will introduce the seventh years to the first years and they're literally the sweetest people on earth
-every seventh year has a favorite first year, who they treat as their own child
-pukwudgies provide all the muggle imports to the other houses i.e candy, beverages, books, magazines
-they treat every exchange like its a drug deal
-they have a literal mafia called "the puks" that along with the mafia of horned serpent rule the black market of the school
-they preach their home remedies and treat honey like a god
-they have a huge rivalry with horned serpent, but every year before the homecoming senior quidditch match, they have a huge sleepover in one of the two common rooms, for a one night only no rivalry party
-pukwudgies have tarot, astrology, and palmistry booths all over their common room
-the entrance to their common room is literally in the kitchens. you go through and theres a wooden staircase that leads down three levels until you reach an openspace common room with a view of the waterfall of lake greylock
-their common room has three levels theres the main one that has the sofas, the windows, and hords of pillows and blankets
the second level that can be reached by a spiral staircase that consists of the hallways that lead to the dorms and 'the booths' where students can sell handmade prducts and give astrology readings etc.
the third floor is just a loft that is a dedicated indoor garden and greenhouse
-there are two seperare hallways that lead to the boys and girls dorms, both of which go up  spiral wooden staircases with plants hanging from the sides
-their the only house with bunkbeds
-the rooms are the exact same except the boys rooms overlook the mountains and the girls overlook the lake
-students have the same dorm the entire time until they graduate so they tend to put up posters and wall art
-they have a tradition of leaving a note and candy after they graduate, for the incoming first years who will get their rooms next
-the notes usually give words of advice, twll stories from their days, and reveal secrets. most pukwudgies keep their letter with them for the rest of their life
-but in the common room they jave a great big wall that his letters from over the years that pukwudgies look at, the oldest one being from 1901
-the pukwudgies run the alumni group
-students are allowed to participate in special clubs run by the upper pukwudgies including but not limited too:
-The Puks: The Art of Buisness and Money (A literal mafia)
-No-Maj Medics: A guide to No-Maj medicine and treatments
-The OWFG: The ordinairy witches for the good, a feminist group that talks about social issues. It primarily focuses on women and womens issues, but many boys join too
-Pukwudgie Future Leaders: like the MACUSA internship club only focuses more on debating and leadership skills and is run by students
-FFG: Found Family Group, a safe space for all to talk, write, or just vent about issues
-The Pukwudgie Gobstone Team: Pukwudgie has the worst gobstone team in the school but the friendships you make last forever(thats basically their slogan)
-The Quidditch Club: Avalibile for any and all quidditch players. It's a combine club between the Horned Serpents and Pukwudgies for all students to learn about the history of quidditch, fan girl over the players, and learn the basic ropes of the game
-the pukwudgie common room has no password or anything you simply have to be a pukwudgie or be with a pulwudgie to get in
-when they take yearbook photos, the ambassadors(a seventh year for each country US, Mexico, Canada) decide a theme for each year and some of the past favorites have been:
Goth Emo
70's parents
Dehydrated French Men named Pierre
Salad Dressings
The Different Classes
Dress up like your teacher
- they all somehow have athletic bodies, even though they spend their days inside watching muggle movies and gardening
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mllyweasly · 4 years
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𝖖 𝖚 𝖔 𝖙 𝖊 𝖘
“𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘢 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘴𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘮. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘥 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘯𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘢𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘦. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦. 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴.” - Margaret Atwood, Moral Disorder and Other Stories
“𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘌𝘢𝘳𝘯 𝘪𝘵. 𝘋𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘵. 𝘚𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘪𝘵. 𝘕𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘪𝘵.” - Geraldine Page
“𝘐 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘰𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘦...𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘺 𝘐 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮, 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮 𝘮𝘺 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘳 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘰𝘳 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘱 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥.” - Veronica Roth, Allegiant
“𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘮, 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘰𝘯𝘦.” - Daniel C.L
“𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘶𝘱 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘢 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘦𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥. 𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘵𝘰 𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘦𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴.” -  L.R. Knost, Two Thousand Kisses a Day
𝖇 𝖆 𝖘 𝖎 𝖈
NAME: Molly Elizabeth Weasley née Prewett NICKNAMES: Mol, Mollywobbles (only by Arthur) AGE: Thirty-one BIRTHDAY: October 1st, 1949 GENDER: cis female PRONOUNS: she/her
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MOTHER: Iolanthe Prewett FATHER: Darius Prewett SIBLINGS: Fabian & Gideon Prewett SPOUSE: Arthur Weasley CHILDREN: William ‘Bill’ Weasley (9), Charles ‘Charlie’ Weasley (7), Percy Weasley (4), Fred & George Weasley (twins, 2), Unnamed sixth child.
𝖕 𝖍 𝖞 𝖘 𝖎 𝖈 𝖆 𝖑 𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖇𝖚𝖙𝖊𝖘
FACE CLAIM: Gugu Mbatha-Raw BUILD: Fairly short stature, average build. Currently seven months pregnant. HAIR: Short, tight ringlets. HAIR COLOR: Dark brown. EYE COLOR: Dark brown. SKIN COLOR: Brown. DOMINANT HAND: Right. ANOMALIES: Stretch marks on her stomach from her six pregnancies, particularly with the twins. Though she has healed some of these with magic, she prefers not to do so, she earned them, after all.  SCENT: Various cooking spices, rose scented soap, and honey. ACCENT: English. ALLERGIES: Lobster, though she’s never tried eating it and so isn’t aware. DISORDERS: None. FASHION: Dresses mainly in muggle clothing -- finds robes too formal and restrictive. Dresses for comfort rather than for style, often looking like she’s just thrown whatever she could find on before leaving the house, but somehow manages to pull this off. NERVOUS TICS: Talks too much, about anything that comes into her mind. Paces back and forth, can’t sit still. Frets over other people, to the point of becoming an annoyance. QUIRKS: Constantly muttering (and swearing) under her breath. Insists on everything being done a certain way. Checks the locks twice before going to bed. Can guess the exact time with surprising accuracy. 
𝖑 𝖎 𝖋 𝖊 𝖘 𝖙 𝖞 𝖑 𝖊
RESIDES: The Burrow BORN: St Mungo’s Hospital, London RAISED: Falmouth, West Country PETS: Grew up with a family owl, Uric. Currently has a family post owl, Errol.  CAREER: Former OB/GYN healer at St Mungo’s hospital, currently a stay at home mother, and homeschooling her children.  EXPERIENCE: E grade N.E.W.Ts in transfiguration and defence against the dark arts, O grade N.E.W.Ts in herbology, charms, and potions. Entered healer training program after graduating from Hogwarts, and chose to specialise in OB/GYN healing magic. Made her way through the ranks and eventually became head of the department before retiring after the birth of her second child, Charlie. Now works as a homemaker and homeschooling her children. EMPLOYER: Unemployed.
POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Neutral (Order sympathetic). BELIEFS: The Prewett children were always raised to be skeptical of the blood supremacy  MISDEMEANORS: None. Was once almost caught sneaking back into Hogwarts at 5:00am, but she managed to make it back to the dormitories and only had to face the wrath of the Fat Lady while Arthur was apprehended by the caretaker at the time. FELONIES: None. DRUGS: Marijuana, back in the day. Wouldn’t even touch the stuff now. SMOKES: Absolutely not. Thinks it’s a filthy habit and gets angry whenever Arthur even mentions it as part of his work. ALCOHOL: Occasionally, not as often as she did before she had children. DIET: Very good, and a variety of different cuisines. Molly has always loved to cook, she finds it comforting and loves the joy that her food can bring to the faces of those she loves. As a result, the Weasleys (and anybody else who comes to visit) are fed very well, a nice balanced diet, taking inspiration from a number of sources.
PHOBIAS: The deaths of her friends and family. HOBBIES: Cooking, baking, knitting, used to play Quidditch and though she hasn’t in years, would likely still be very good if she were to get on a broomstick and try it out. TRAITS: { + }: nurturing, compassionate, assertive { - }: stubborn, domineering, self-righteous
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LOCATION: The Burrow SPORTS TEAM: Chudley Cannons GAME: Wizard Chess, though she has recently been introduced to a muggle game that Arthur learned about at work called Monopoly, and quite enjoys this, too.  MUSIC: Celestina Warbeck. MOVIES: Doesn’t watch them. FOOD: This lamb stew she learned how to make from her mother, it’s delicious and it reminds her of home. BEVERAGE: Camomile tea. COLOR: The lighter shades of orange.
𝖒 𝖆 𝖌 𝖎 𝖈
ALUMNI HOUSE: Gryffindor WAND (length, flexibility, wood, & core): 10″, English Oak, quite inflexible, unicorn hair core. AMORTENTIA: Cooking food, old wood, and her husband’s cologne. PATRONUS: Bear. BOGGART: The corpses of her family.
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MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good These characters have a strong moral character. Truth, honor, and the welfare of others is all-important. They are convinced that order and laws are absolutely necessary to assure that goodness prevails. Lawful good beings will not want to lie or cheat anyone, good or evil. They will not stand for treachery and will not let obviously dishonorable people use their own honor against them, if they can help it. They will obey the laws and customs of the area that they are in, but will attempt to find legal loopholes to disobey a law which is clearly evil or unjust. MBTI: ESFJ-A MBTI ROLE: The Consul (Assertive) Consuls love to be of service, enjoying any role that allows them to participate in a meaningful way, so long as they know that they are valued and appreciated. This is especially apparent at home, and Consuls make loyal and devoted partners and parents. Consul personalities respect hierarchy, and do their best to position themselves with some authority, at home and at work, which allows them to keep things clear, stable and organised for everyone. ENNEAGRAM: Type Two ENNEAGRAM ROLE: The Helper Twos are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed. They typically have problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs. At their Best: unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others. TEMPERAMENT: Choleric-Sanguine The Choleric-Sanguine combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary need is to get results. The secondary need is to be accepted socially. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. The Choleric and Sanguine natural tendencies combine to produce a result-oriented person who needs to be around people socially some of the time. This combination naturally likes being the leader and is often an executive. WESTERN ZODIAC: Libra People born under the sign of Libra are peaceful, fair, and they hate being alone. Partnership is very important for them, as their mirror and someone giving them the ability to be the mirror themselves. These individuals are fascinated by balance and symmetry, they are in a constant chase for justice and equality, realizing through life that the only thing that should be truly important to themselves in their own inner core of personality. This is someone ready to do nearly anything to avoid conflict, keeping the peace whenever possible CHINESE ZODIAC: Ox Oxen are the hard workers in the background, intelligent and reliable, but never demanding praise. Oxen are honest and earnest. They are low key and never look for praise or to be the center of attention. This often hides their talent, but they’ll gain recognition through their hard work. They will never surrender to fate and rarely think of choosing an alternative. This no doubt leads to a life of struggles. But no matter what, they will walk down the road they choose until the end. Despite this stubbornness, they think and react quickly. PRIMAL SIGN: Elephant Determined, romantic, and idealistic, those born under the sign of the Elephant are concerned with hard work, fairness, and intellectual pursuits. Like their animal namesake, members of this sign have strong bonds with family and close friends that overrides nearly every other concern. Generous, diplomatic, and (mostly) peaceful, Elephants guide their daily activities with a focus on the future as well as a work-hard / play-hard attitude. TAROT CARD: The Tower, The Chariot TV TROPES: Mama Bear Apron Matron Determinator Former Teen Rebel SONGS:  I Will, Mitski When the Day Met the Night, Panic! at the Disco Home, Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeroes Landslide, Fleetwood Mac All This and Heaven Too, Florence + The Machine Canyon Moon, Harry Styles
IDEOLOGIES: There’s no problem that can’t be solved over a home cooked meal. Not all acts of heroism are remarkable. All children are born with goodness inside them. It’s sometimes okay to put those you love over the greater good. Family is the most important thing.
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medablxck · 4 years
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same andie, new face, new stuff added to her intro! 
full name: andromeda ursula black
nickname(s): meda, andie
fc: marilyn lima
dob: august 29
age: sixteen
gender: cisfemale
sexuality: heterosexual
house: slytherin
year: sixth
blood status: pureblood
patronus: she can’t currently cast one, but if she could it would be a hummingbird
club(s): astronomy club, divination club, potions club
house leader?: nope!
quidditch?: no, but she is a major quidditch fan.
side: undecided
yes, she’s the “nice” black sister. she has that reputation, and she’s fine with it. but she’s still a black, and she’s still a slytherin, and these are both titles she is quite proud of. she has a sharp tongue, and she insists on things being done her way (the right way), and she has a wee bit of a shell to crack before truly considering someone a friend. 
it took some time to earn the nice title, to be fair -- her first year especially, andromeda was a bit... rough. she looked up to her old sister and took after her! but the exposure to other children and other walks of life worked to help her grow for the better through the years
but she’s also fiercely loyal to her friends, and she’s never cruel - she’s kind, in fact, and caring and friendly and just happy to be a helping hand. the more she has grown the more she has accepted this softer side of herself. 
she relies heavily on divination and astronomy to guide her. she fully believes in it all, and watches the stars closely and reads her tarot daily and always keeps an eye on her tea leaves and so on
andie wants to be a writer post-hogwarts. she’s still uncertain what path she wants to take, whether it be journalism or writing books or what have you, but she knows she wants to do something with her writing. 
poetry is kind of her secret passion, and these are the writings that she’ll never allow to see the light of day 
she does not like talking about her feelings, not at all, not anyway not anyhow. there’s a select few she’ll open up to, and even then it’s begrudgingly. she’d rather just divert attention to whoever she’s with
control is very important to her. andie needs things to go exactly how she wants them to. god forbid things don’t go her way lmao. 
absolutely 100% the mom friend, she’ll take care of her friends in any and every situation. she’ll be at a party nearly black-out drunk and she’ll still find a way to ensure all of her friends get into their pajamas with a glass of water next to their bed. 
she has a secret fascination with muggle media. their records, their movies, their tee-vees,  what little information she can get her hands on amazes her. she’s thinking about writing a book about it all. 
regarding the war and her position :
her family supports the dark lord. andie supports her family. however, she wants nothing to do with the death eaters or hurting anyone. she’s gotten into several arguments with her parents about this over holidays -- why support a man who wants to hurt people? but she never pushes it far enough, presently more afraid for herself than for those who are truly getting hurt. 
andromeda knows she’s a hypocrite when she befriends muggleborns and pretends everything is normal. she knows there’s something morally wrong to her saying nothing to her housemates who openly support the death eaters. but she hasn’t found the strength to say anything to them, and she doesn’t know if she ever will. 
wanted connections:
order influence(s): she’s still iffy about everything, so having some good influences towards the light is always good lol
death eater influence(s): she’s not gonna go joining the death eaters or start attacking muggleborns or anything, not a chance, but she has spent most of her life around death eaters and DE-associates. it’s impossible not to associate with them in some way. 
writing friends!: writing is one of her passions and having people to share that with is lovely
someone she was awful to when they were younger: she’s grown, but when she came into hogwarts she was kiiiiind of a typical pureblood bully. do they still hold a grudge against her? has she apologized yet? will she apologize or is she too proud? stay tuned kids 
the good influence: in their early years at hogwarts, this person would have helped her realize she was being a brat and changed her for the better (which, she’s admittedly still a bit of a brat lol)
they don’t like each other: why? who knows! but these two are Not fans of one another 
uhhhh that’s all i can think of rn but ya!! 
same ol andie just a lil revamped!!! if you wanna plot message me on here or discord!!! ily all thanks for putting up with me
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lucy-pepperwood · 5 years
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Harry Potter OC ( World AAA-198 )
( Using HP timeline as a guide )
Olivia Mason 
Thrid year at the start
Olivia Mason is the eldest of three siblings, while pureblood the mason family is not noble or wealthy enough to join the likes of the typical Slytherin elk. One thing they are is old. With the ability to trace their family tree back to the 1700s ( magically ). The mason family was founded on the marriage or Enid Marshel and David Castor. The two families combined there land and talents into one family following the implement of the statue of secrecy, combing the two talents of the family ( husbandry and masonry ) the now Masons moved to the coast of England with 5 other magical families and made an entire section of the country unplottable ( the muggles forgot it existed ) along with these five families the mason provide most of the farm work for the magical UK. And while their masonry skills have become unused in recent centuries Olivia wishes to bring them back 
While the masons have been a Gryffindor family for the past 200 years they are by no means a “ light/progressive family “ they strongly supported the separations of magical and non magical, going as far to help spread the word of the new law to remote areas, and while they don't hate muggle-borns they belive the pose a security risk to all magical and that the UK should take up measures like that of magical Asia. 
Olivia is a strong believer in this as well. Her parents, as well as siblings, could be considered obsessive and fanatical. Her parents Anna Mason nee Crakewell and Henry Mason are both herbology works ( idk the job title ) and both have encouraged their children to study dying magical practices. The pair have three children Olivia, Emily, and Isaac, in that order one year apart 
Olivia inspired by her families history has been studying magical architecture and adores wizarding homes like the rook and the burrow bc they are purely magical structures. Olivia hopes to design magically homes, villages, and towns and to have a separate style from the muggle inspired architecture that they wizarding populous has been following 
Emily has chosen to study to become a thread witch, ( make a note of inspiration from other fanfics ). She like her sister hopes to revive her magical practice and make it more commonplace, she wants to make magical clothing for more than just protection like dragon hide or fire-resistant. She wants everyday ware, with clothing that has moving designs and shifting colors and to make robes more than just bland clothing ( for clothing inspiration think katniss dresses that catch on fire and change form and her dress that glows, also for formal wear think snow white and huntsman the queen's outfits.) Emily also hopes to redesign the Hogwarts uniform so it doesn't look so muggle 
Isaac has taken on the study of magical music, the only one of the siblings able to study his subject in a class at Hogwarts. Isaac prefers the string instruments best and while he doesn't want to improve his area or magic he wants to make it more popular 
As Isaac would technically be in Harrys year, of the original forty he replaces Thomas Gary 
Other notes of the mason family, they are famous for there roses, the only nonfood product they sell. 
Oliva as a third-year takes all core classes, her electives are ancient runes and divination, she also takes the extracurricular of xylomancy ( google it ). In terms of her studies, Olivia is much more inclined to the witchcraft portion of her studies, that it the classes not involving a wand, her most difficult class there in is transfiguration and charms. And while she struggles with those wanded subjects she makes sure she passes each year with a minimum of an EE which means she is always in the top 15 students, ( in her 6-7 year she also signed up for apparition and alchemy ) ( ten students take the class which is taught by headmaster dumbledore) Olivia is one if two Gryffindors, 5 are Ravenclaws and 3 Hufflepuff
At the end of her Hogwarts career, she has her Newts in Astronomy, Potions, Herbology, Ancient Runes, Divination and Charms having dropped Dada and transfiguration after achieving her owls 
Olivia is skilled in the art of divination, her favorite techniques are scrring and tarot cards
While never joining Voldemort, after his fall she and her family still push against the overly liberal policies that keep getting created. Olivia eventually joins a secret society dedicated to creating a singular wizarding nation. In her lifetime, this group claims Antarctica and builds a nation for wizarding people from all over the globe, creating a new language and going as far as to implement laws banning muggles. With an emphasis on magical creation and innovation, Olivia dies at the old age of 201 seeing her and her families dream achieved knowing that she helped create a safe place that will always have magic. 
And she's right as in the 2020 magic was rediscovered by muggles as a whole and mass slaughter broke out, in the end, many fled to Antartica to be safe. It became a haven for all magical life and it became the only place on the planet to be safe for magical creatures. ( barring like remote villages and shit ) 
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josiecarioca · 6 years
I´ve been asked for a masterlist of my stuff (probably because my tumblr is a mess and finding stuff in it is difficult even for myself. Apologies XD) so here is one for those of you interested in navigating the waters of my insanity
Post War (main story)
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(banner courtesy of @missjanuarylily​)
1998. Severus Snape has survived the Second Wizarding War.
Presumed dead, still dealing with the traumas of his past, having nowhere to go and no sense of purpose, he returns to Spinner´s End to battle his inner demons. Meanwhile, Dark Lord s remaining followers begin to regroup and plan revenge with help from foreign allies the British Ministry has never managed to track down and is powerless to fight. They suspect Snape is alive and still has sensitive information that could lead them to a powerful artifact.
To further complicate Snape´s already perilous situation, an Irish historian moves into the abandoned house next door. She brings a heavy baggage of family secrets and previously unknown connections to the magical world, and gradually becomes a fixture of Snape´s life, inadvertently changing it.
Alternative Universe/What if.
Summary (good place to start)
Where to read it:
Fanfiction.net (SFW version)
Ao3 (NSFW version)
Character Guide (with face claims)
 Side stories (NSFW):”Earthly Delights”
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"Post War" behind the scenes. A compilation of independent one-shots and drabbles chronicling Severus and Evelyn´s daily life as friends and as a couple in no particular order, with the details and little everyday moments we don´t get to see in "Post War". Basically all fluff, smut and some angst here in there. (NSFW chapters will be marked appropriately)
Excerpts (try these to get a feel of the story)
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Sunrise:  : Part 5: “Halloween” chapter 7
Virgil Shafiq scenes:  Part 8- “Home”- chapter 4 &  Part 8- “Home”- chapter 7
The perks of having a potionner as a boyfriend- Part 9 - “Sweeter than roses” chapter 2
“Trauma” Part 9 “Sweeter than roses” Chapter 1
“Not such a good girl after all”   Part 4 - Books and tea - Chapter 3
Severus´voice appreciation (excerpts from various chapters, all featuring Snape´s CANONICALLY sexy voice)
“Scars”   Part 9 “Sweeter than Roses” Chapter 4
Interlude I  “Post War” Part 9 “Sweeter than Roses” Chapter 5
“Let Snape say ‘Fuck’ (all the times Snape said “Fuck” in “Post War”. Shitpost)
Snape vs muggle birthcontrol
“Mother wouldn´t have like you”
Tarot reading scene Part 8 “Home” chapter 6
Charity Burbage nightmare sequence (with illustration)
One shots :
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"The first Christmas" Severus and Lily first Christmas as friends. 
"Scent" Small Valentine s Day drabble. Severus, Evelyn and a vial of Amortentia. (Part of “Earthly Delights)
"A morning call from mam" On a lazy Sunday morning Severus has a taste of the joys of having an overbearing mother-in-law.  (Part of “Earthly Delights)
"Acceptance" Severus Snape contemplates life and fatherhood in the wake of the birth of a child he did not want. Takes place 7 years after "Post War"
"Names and beginnings" Little Mother s Day one-shot in collaboration with SybilWolf(see my favourite authors). Severus and Evelyn chose a name for their unborn child, and contemplate forgiveness. Takes place before "Acceptance", somewhere between july and september of 2005.
"The Black Hound" Soren Snape´s thirst for adventure leads the 8-year old into some (supernatural) trouble, much to his parents dismay.
"The Crane" Severus gets a birthday gift from his son.
"Fergus II"  Severus and Sophia but heads over Soren´s birthday gift. Evelyn tries to not lose her cool. Collaboration with SybilWolf (see my favorite authors for link to her page)
"Broken" When Soren accidentaly breaks his grandmother´s Baby Jesus porcelain figurine, old wounds re-open.
“It was Valentine´s day and he should have done something” Severus never cared for Valentine´s Day. But this year is different.  (Part of “Earthly Delights)
“Interlude I” (N.S.F.W) Expanded bathroom scene from chapter Chapter 59 of  “Post War” (Part 9 - “Sweeter than Roses”,Chapter 5).   Severus teaches Evelyn a little lesson about doubting his loyalty to her (part of “Earthly Delights”).
Severus as a (stage?) dad 
Dad! Severus headcanons
Cats headcanon
Rita Skeeter bothering Sev headcanon
Uncle Sev headcanons:
Severus citrusy headcanon
Severus x Evelyn N.S.F.W./lemon headcanons (with moodboard)
Snape driving
Canon Snape
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Severus Snape-The Snake (aka that bearded Snape picture)
Other Snape with a beard. Untitled. 
Old Untitled Snape portrait 
"Special Brownies" (Snape and Trelawney)
"Snape´s Lenore" (Snape x Lily)
“Shades of grey” vector art
“Psychedelic Snape” \ “Beatles inspired” vector art
“Always” vector art (OLD)
“Monday Snape”
AU Snape \ Severus x Evelyn\  "Post War" illustrations
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Spanish beach house
"Fever” (Lime)
“Fever” (process)
"Afterglow" (Lime)
"A stor (my treasure)" Dad!Snape
"Give him a potion, dad" another dad!Snape (old one) 
"Gobstones" more dad!Snape
"Snape cannot tan" (failed Dan DeCarlo style attempt)
"January 9th, 1999" Old and outdated with current events in the story 
"St Patrick´s day" also old
“January 9th. Sixteen Candles inspired”
“The Snapes” (OLD)
“ “Post-war” Part IV, chapter IV “ \ nightmare sequence
“Kiss” (second Doisneau based) 
“Kiss” (detail)
The Snake and the Rose (Mucha inspired double portrait)
Soren and the Baron
Comic strips :
“Did you just...”
Moodboards \ Aesthetics\Gifs\ Other :
Character Aesthetics
(including original characters appearing in "Post War"):
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Severus/Evelyn- “Post War” Snape lives AU 
 Character aesthetics 1
Character aesthetics 2
Italian Renaissance AU
Spanish “Siglo de Oro” Au
Evelyn´s birthday
1980s AU
Severus- Canon \ Canon centered AU
Physical characteristics (for Snape Week)
Severus Prince AU-Childhood
Severus Prince AU- Teenage years
Severus and Lily
Snape + Fall/Autumn
Evelyn Black:
Other characters:
Dmitri & Anya 
Evelyn & Caitlin
Evelyn & Lily
Lily, Charity, Evelyn
Virgil Shafiq 
Soren Prince Snape
Hogwarts ghosts
Paul Black
Marius Black
Story/scenes moodboards:
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Life lessons (fanfic by @gryff-girl​ )
Tarot reading scene from ‘Post war”
Nightmare scene from “Post War”
Untitled unpublished NSFW one shot
Alternative ending to “Acceptance” \ Divorce What If”
“The Black hound”
“Earthly Delights”: Spanking kink promp (unwritten yet)
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“I´m trying to take care of you”
“Are we going to have an affair?”
“The morning after” version 1 
“The morning after” version 2 (removed due to tumblr´s new guidelines)
“The morning after” version 3
“She walks in beauty”
Evelyn + red
“What now?” (canon Snape)
“Fashionably late”
Untilted (citrus)
Mafia AU
Muggle AU
Siglo de Oro AU
Snape/Sherlock crossover (for @viper-official)
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carpemermaidtales · 6 years
#drarryunder300 | January 2018 | Magic Theory Recs
Theme: Magic Theory | Rec Tag | #drarryunder300 Info Post
this high hill in a year’s turning by apollo [T, 5.4k] Summary: As the only known wizard to survive being Vanished, Draco Malfoy is suddenly very well liked in the magical community, despite that old tattoo on his arm and all of his family baggage. He gets his own chocolate frog card, and the Minister for Magic even presents him with a Medal for Distinguished Magical Contribution, for his "work in the burgeoning field of magical research."(or, the one where Draco finds himself in the place where Vanished things go, and after his findings are published, no one can argue that he hasn't contributed to the post-war society.) Reasons to check it out: This lovely fic features Harry and Draco in an established relationship and a clever, puzzle solving Draco who thirsts for knowledge of all kinds! I really enjoyed the scene where he explores the place where Vanished things go, and his subsequent obsession with the place when he returns to where he belongs.
Lamp in the Cooling Room by Libby Drew (erin_myecourt) [T, 8.8k] Summary: Draco and Harry become snared in a trap, but they're not alone. Love guides our path for reasons we can't always understand. [Written for the 2010 LJ Harry/Draco Worldcup, team EWE. Tarot Prompt: The Lovers: A card of crossroads, tension, and a decision. Duty or your heart's desire? A test that affects the rest of your life.] [Warning: Ambiguous Ending] Reasons to check it out: This story is beautifully told through an outsider POV of a Muggle girl stuck in a cursed trap on Malfoy property. It’s so cool to see everything through her eyes from her interpretations of magic in general to seeing how Harry, Draco, and others are trying to solve the mystery of the trap. This is really such a treat of literary beauty, there’s some gorgeous imagery throughout, and it will even touch on kidfic feelings at some points. This is one that masterfully manages to pack so much into the narrative and pull at your heartstrings in under ten thousand words.
Landslide by Libby Drew (erin_myecourt) [T, 24.2k] Summary: Harry Potter disappears, taking a sick Teddy Lupin with him. While everyone searches for their missing hero, Draco's life continues as it always has. Rumors of curses and kidnapping don't interest him. As Hogwarts' guardian, he has only one concern: the strange, miraculous events occurring on the cliffs outside the castle walls. [Warning: Temporary Character Death] Reasons to check it out: This fic is a race against time with a mysterious curse and a revenge plot that’s targeting Teddy Lupin. Harry and Draco end up working together to find the solution, while also finding a temporary fix. It also features some wonderful found family dynamics, which I’m a huge sucker for, and is a beautiful and poignant kidfic.
There’s Something About Harry by Barry_Manilows_Wardrobe [M, 28k] Summary: Harry Potter is just your average Parapsychologist. In conflict with his Department Head, D. Lucius Malfoy, and sometimes venturing into a paranormal world in order to help people in distress. Who just happens to be surveilled by MACUSA and the Ministry. Reasons to check it out: Omg this fic was so fun!!! It will keep you guessing at every turn, making up your own theories to what’s going on in this modern american au that may or may not steer closer to canon than you’d think. It’s the first part of a series that follows Harry, a parapsychologist who has a bit of a savior complex and just happens to stumble on the wildest things. I don’t want to give away too much of the surprises here, but let’s just leave it at Harry’s always known he’s a little different from everyone else.
Severus Snape and the Inconsistency of Time by Trogir [T, 32.2k] Summary: It's been nearly ten years since the Second Wizarding War, and just when the Ministry of Magic started to get comfortable… Hannah Abbott, Independent Magical Accountant, turns everything upside down. Starring: insubordinate Department of Mysteries, Severus Snape in the (somewhat tarnished) flesh, ridiculous portrait of Lucius Malfoy and time particles in their pure form. Reasons to check it out: This is a really neat story that follows a time/space magical continuum phenomenon where Snape ends up in 2006 where Harry and Draco help him re-adjust and re-settle into life. This will definitely bring a smile to your face!
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👀👀👀Have you heard the news?✨✨🎉🎉🔮👯‍♀️ ⠀⠀ Now that your expedition is coming to an end..... ⠀⠀ The doors to Holistic Witchery have been summoned to open so you can continue your quest!! ✨✨✨✨🧙‍♂️🔮👯‍♀️ ⠀⠀ What is this magical program you ask??!! What do you do in this muggle turned magical being community??🤔🤔🤔🙃🙃 ⠀⠀ Let me break it down for you Wanderers👇👇👇👇 ⠀⠀ 🧙‍♂️Chakras 🔮Everyday Witchery 🧙‍♂️Tarot 🔮The Moon and how to work with that beauty in the sky 🧙‍♂️A supportive magical community and I'm here to help guide you along the way 🔮Energy Classes 🧙‍♂️Shadow work and how to do it 🔮Live classes 🧙‍♂️So much 🔮🧙‍♂️🔮Harry would be jelly🤣✨ ⠀⠀ How to get into this freaking amazingness?? 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://thesistersenchantedschoolofmagic.com/?affcode=138948_u3tk3kst ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Want to get jiggy with it add Expedition Astrology and bundle that baby!!👯‍♀️🙃🤩🔮👍 https://thesistersenchantedschoolofmagic.com/?affcode=138948_u3tk3kst ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ ⠀⠀ I mean there is a lot of amazingness happening here, but I'm here to make this even better!! Sign up here https://thesistersenchantedschoolofmagic.com/?affcode=138948_u3tk3kst and I will gift you an emailed Basic Astrology Birth Chart reading and a recorded one question tarot reading!!! Stop it!!!! This is valued at $150🎉🤯 ⠀⠀ Don't forget you will also earn a Holistic Witchery Certification as well!👩‍🎓👩‍🎓🙌🙌 ⠀⠀ So join hundreds of other women and me and become the best version of you today!♥️🦄♥️ https://thesistersenchantedschoolofmagic.com/?affcode=138948_u3tk3kst ⠀⠀ #stardustwanderertarot #stardustwandererastrology #holistic #wellness #health #holistichealth #healing #natural #organic #yoga #healthylifestyle #selfcare #holistichealing #nutrition #meditation #vegan #love #healthy #plantbased #essentialoils #healthyliving #cbd #detox #fitness #wellbeing #nature #ayurveda #reiki #herbs (at Saratoga Springs, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CByJcEplk6u/?igshid=y8mbpg1x3h1l
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brokenforecast · 5 years
The Emperor
The Emperor: a muggle guide to tarot 
It has been more than a year since I wrote on this blog but better late than never. I should have plenty of time from now on, because that is the reason for all this silence: lack of free time. But I handled that like a boss. let’s get on with it. We have finally arrived at an unapologetic male character in the tarot, which took us five cards into the Major Arcanum. So, without writing a paper on the patriarchy let’s dig into my nuanced view of the archetypical father, ruler and ultimately god. 
Let’s get the gender issue over with straight away. Like the empress, if in your life the archetypical father is not a man, no big deal, then that person can be represented. The Emperor is at its most basic a person who wields a lot of formal power in your life. Simple as that. My boss for example – which is a very typical interpretation of the Emperor card – is a woman and she has a lot of power over many aspects of my life. If it wouldn’t be for the large amounts of confidence I have in her, it would be scary how much power she has.
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> Renaissance Tarot Emperor: secret 4 legshake and birds. 
The fact that the emperor’s card is numbered 4 is no coincidence, not only is the four figure the symbol of both the planet and god Jupiter, is also the number most strongly associated with stability (think legs of tables or chairs, limbs of mammals, the four corners of the world, a house has four walls, a year has four seasons, but let’s not get too numerological, shall we?). Some cards represent the emperor with one leg crossed, mimicking the number four, like in the Secret Tarot. There will be some birds, representing the sky gods of many cultures meaning power, royalty, strength and good fortune (think Roman, Russian or German emperors that all have bird symbols). Also: crowns, scepter, suits of armour (the protective side of masculinity), thrones and whatnot. Also horns, horns represent penises. 
Sometimes mountains are depicted which might be a bit confusing for some muggles. This can only be understood by understanding the emperor as opposed to and in harmony with the empress. Where the empress has wheat for fertility and growth, the emperor has mountains for infertility and stability. Growth is very nice but one needs a certain doses of stability in life. Fertility and reproducing are all fun and games but someone needs to protect all that growth. I think it’s a nice metaphor for masculinity: (temporary) power without fertility, defending what the empress creates and takes care of. 
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> The Rider-Waite Emperor: mountains, penises, I mean horns and good old fashioned bearded ruler. 
I admit not only lack of time withheld me from writing about the emperor. As a deeply masculine card I - as a man who only reluctantly and not that often identifies as a man but can’t really pinpoint what to identify as, or indeed if I need to identify at all - I do not feel qualified to write about the man. But as is often the case: I couldn’t be more wrong. Due to my struggle with, contemplation, participation and perception of and some distance to masculinity I am perfectly placed to write about it.
Upright meaning
I absolutely believe that masculinity needs a new, positive, inclusive definition that inspires people (not just men) to do good. One such view that heavily influenced me was nurturance culture.  
A genderless world where no good (or bad) personality trait is gendered, is not anywhere in the cards (see what I did there?). So how do we as a society give a positive and inspiring content to the idea of masculinity? One of the possible answers are the 4 positive characteristics of the emperor: protection, practicality, authority and structure. 
Sure, I’ll argue against all four of them when talking about other cards, but the tarot is about exploring all sides of the human condition and these 4 have value as well and are all four historically associated with masculinity. Is masculinity in a crisis? Yes, it most certainly is; it has been reduced to a destructive cliché where it used to be kaleidoscopic concept. Not by feminists, but by men themselves. We have not emancipated ourselves. In stead of evolving like women did the last century, we have retreated into an ever more meager concept of masculinity. This is my attempt to reconstruct the notion of inclusive manliness. 
Pillar 1: protection
You gotta fight, for your right, to party. - The Beastie Boys
Know that feeling when you broke down, when you are at your most vulnerable and you find comfort and protection in someone’s arms? I could be talking about a man who protects you late at night in some shady alley from a knife-gang but honestly: how many times are we in need of that? And how much have we needed someone to just be around us, silently but firmly comforting us. Protection and defense imply some potential for destruction but that does not need to be a bad thing if the thing that is being destroyed is a bad thing. Be protective.
Pillar 2: practicality
Yes, I am talking about being able to handle power tools, finish an Ikea closet in 15 minutes and fixing your bike. Cliché much? Yes, but it’s a decent and good quality. While the empress listens to how you had a bike accident and fixes that bleeding knee, the emperor is silently repairing your bike in the shed without you knowing and what after the whole debacle and you find out, makes you smile again. Silent, humble work. Thinking of the small things, the pro’s and con’s and getting on with it. This is where the repressed emotions come into play. Not necessarily a bad thing if not taken too far. There is nothing wrong with temporarily repressing emotions to get shit done as long as you deal with them later on. Sometimes the trash just needs to be taken outside, a meal cooked, a kitchen cleaned or a day at the office endured. Postpone emotions, don’t bottle them up. Be practical.
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> left: emperor by kindanddemon > right: emperor by skullsquid
Pillar 3: authority
Both having it/using it as well as dealing with it. Yes, I would also like to live on an island in a sea of mutual respect where there is no need for authority but let’s just wake up shall we? Authority is a thing and we need to deal with it. Easiest way is being an authority yourself. And I mean that in a good way. Standing for something, believing in something, without dogma or rigidness but open and evolving. You could also call it privilege, there’s a lot of it out there and like a sword it should be used and wielded for good, to shield (another symbol you will often find on the card) those who do not have it. Privilege is a real thing, you can’t get rid of it (by yourself or in a short amount of time) but you can use it for good. The emperor tells us to use our gifts (remember the magician?) for good, to be ambitious, not at the cost of others but to the benefit of all. Deserve respect. 
Pillar 4: structure
The stability in number 4 is also associated with structure, systems, procedures and ultimately rules and laws. They exist for a reason and should be there for the good of all. The empress negotiates and compromises, the emperor confirms this by making rules that sustain this peace. I honestly believe everyone can use some structure, some system, some good habits, some good routines, rules you live by. Maybe not 100% of the time, no one asks you to be perfect, no one asks the rules to be perfect. Even the apparent chaos of nature obeys the laws of physics. Constructing order from chaos has its benefits. Yes chaos nurtures – in an empress kind of way – the new and creative, order protects what is fragile and needs to be maintained. Construct systems that benefit you. 
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> The Wild Unknown Emperor: The emperor depicted as a large tree overlooking the forest, growing by the bright light of the midday sun, deeply and firmly rooted in the soil. 
The emperor can be anyone or anything that radiates the qualities above, not just a person (your father, husband, boss or landlord) but also an institution: government agencies, large corporations, the army etc. 
Reverse meaning
"Our fathers were our models for God. If our fathers bailed, what does that tell you about God?" - Tyler Durden in Fight Club
When the emperor appears reversed in your reading you are hugely and utterly fucked. At its base meaning this card represents power and now that immense power is turned against you in one of three ways:
Opposite: the opposite of manliness is not femininity, get that in your head as soon as possible. The opposite of power is powerlessness, not receiving the responsibility you need; the opposite of protection is getting hurt. The opposite of practicality is inertness, laziness, meddling without achieving, not really trying, not having the required skill without anyone around to help you. The opposite of authority is slavery, submission, believing yourself to be weaker than you are. The opposite of a stable structure that perpetuates good is destructive chaos, not knowing where to start, being confused, having to start over and over again because nothing is fundamentally anchored.  
cock-blocked: The emperor is blocked somehow. You are unable to assert yourself, maybe lost in a maze of regulations, rules and procedures. You are maybe protecting the wrong things or people. You might think you are practical but got something wrong (it’s mostly not the Ikea manual that is wrong or the piece that is faulty, it is most certainly, you). 
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Taken too far: This is the domain of toxic masculinity. Yes this is a thing, I suffer from it every day. Masculinity is a prison. This kind is anyway. Defense becomes unwarranted offence, violence, abuse of physical strength, this is the bully knocking you a bleeding nose and your father raping you. This is thinking you can fix everything, that everything is logical and practical and being blind to the emotional, spiritual or natural things in life. This is abuse of authority, corruption, back chamber politics, chauvinism. It is structural sexism, racism and a system that only exists to benefit itself not the people in it. And it is all turned against you. 
One card spread – meditation on the emperor:
"Life seems so much simpler when you're fixing things." - Anakin skywalker in Attack of the Clones
The Emperor is the first break we get in a way. In a very – too – short version of our path up until now the fool asks us to unapologetically be ourselves, the magician asks us to be able, the high priestess begs us to be knowledgeable. The emperor asks us to consolidate that into a system, a structure so what we have achieved so far can be defended. It’s about creating habits that benefit you, assert yourself as you are, yourself, able and knowledgeable without shame or hesitation. Use your abilities as a weapon against injustice. But we’re turning too abstract, I know. Let’s be more practical. Answer all the following questions and jot down one action per question that you can do in the next four days:
Ask yourself what is going well in your life and how you can anchor that in your life. How can you make it last?
Who or what in your immediate environment needs protection (or comfort, or help) and how can you provide that? Does something need fighting and which weapon in your arsenal is best suited?
When were you last intimidated by authority? What characteristic was intimidating? Do you possess that characteristic? Imagine yourself unintimidated in that same situation. What is needed to get you there?
Do you own something that is broken? Try to fix it. (Just like there is an inherent value to growing things crf. the empress, fixing things is itself a healing action).
TLDR: Upright meaning: power, protection, practicality, authority, order Reverse meaning: powerlessness, impotence, confusion, chaos, abuse of power
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devildove-blog · 7 years
Twelve Wizard Paths Outside of The Nine Worlds (Poem)
I'm a wizard, baby, meaning a very powerful magickian. I'm a jack of many trades, so this poem details what and how. Here I'll write about a few magickian's trades that apply to my position. After nearly two decades learning magick I'd better know a lot by now. Gaining the magickal power to claim this title takes time to reach in transition.
On my path were many adventures to have and lessons to learn. From reading books to meeting others and exploring the occult therein I figured it out for myself and in time the title of Wizard did earn. Years of learning religious teachings helped me understand being otherkin. Since I was a young boy defying my upbringing for magickal power I did yearn.
The power I have is a result of many factors I don't need to explain. But putting in time and energy to my craft for a long time played a key role. I have thick skin so I don't mind if you view my pride here with disdain. Yet the poetry's here to explain my path not to brag or to try to save your soul. The 12 paths of Wizardry explained here are more obscure to people mundane.
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I'm a yogi, baby, and this is some kind of ancient Pagan stuff. This is a time honoured tradition taking more time to apply than to learn. This path requires much patience, time and energy to master well enough. Years of chakras, mantras, mudras, meditation and more will in time power earn. In time weakness fades and strength is gained, and a wise Yogi hides being tough.
Learning from a Koga ninja this Kuji Kiri psychic yoga is how my path will start. Spending years meditating with these mudras, in time I grow strong. Yoga has many uses, and magickal and psychic power gained is just one part. Ignore the doubters and mockers calling my religion fantasy who string you along. Muggles can foolishly assume it all comes from cartoons like Naruto's ninja art.
I can do more than I'll say here; let it an enigma be. Not everything I experience happens while I'm in my body, you see? This transcendentalist religious belief in time proves itself a rational reality. Muggles often just assume others foreign sounding religious beliefs are fantasy. Letting the muggles think it's not real is often a wise strategy.
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I'm healer, baby, and more advanced than many. I can fix medical problems other healers and sometimes even doctors can't fix. Hold my hand, feel the energy, and let me free you from any suffering you have with real healing magick, not illusionary tricks. Unlike con artists making money with tricks healing has never earned me a penny.
Empath healing magick described next may be misunderstood too. Speak of your heart's pain, and let me feel an intense amount. I'll cover my eyes to hide my tears, and I could do well to hide that I'm paying a price of pain on your account. If you felt guilty about hurting me you'd never let me heal you, would you?
Now words of wisdom I can speak guiding you on a path new that the energy of your pain gives me the inspiration to share. Now your pain is forever less or gone, because I paid a price of pain for you. The price empath healers pay is much less than the great suffering it can spare. Once this price is paid, there's no more pain for either of us to go through.
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I'm a magus, baby, part priest and part mage. I don't preach to the masses; I'd rather use magick to help others. Here we go and here we go again as my pen sets the stage. I'm rollin' with muggles here I for some reason call sisters and brothers. I'm using my magick for some cause here, as life's book turns a new page.
You can call me The Fool, and I can wear many a mask. I live to serve, and my joy is to create joy for others, you see? The deities I work with can help me with many a magickal task. Being a magus is also the path of self, and there's much power in just me. For what reason do some deities help me, but not most humans who ask?
Magi is plural for Magus, and implications of royalty are here. American citizenship requires denouncing royal ranks. Yet the Magus's path is a religious construct, so have no fear. I ain't here to rule and reign.  I just want to earn some thanks. With teamwork muggles can help me fix problems, and happy endings are near.
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I'm a necromancer, baby, so don't tell 'em what's true. Don't stab me in the back by being seen publicly expressing to me your love and gratitude for how I used magick to help you. People value my discretion, so don't prove to Fools my power's validity. I'm happy to meet a fan, but I don't desire the public credit that seems due.
In a necromancer's trade being misunderstood is often how it goes. If I show up after sunset in a graveyard I'll bring my tools. Be cool, man.  All I got here is a stick of incense, a bloodstone and a rose. Signs and wonders performed here are kept hidden from the Fools. If you hear the dead hiss or moan as I wake them, stay on your toes.
Muggles, necromancers and the dead all are not very forgiving when some Fool sacrifices an animal in a graveyard. That newb shit pisses off the dead even more than the living. Those Fools piss off necromancers too, making our work hard. I'm there only once to offer any dead willing the contracts I'm giving.
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I'm a warlock, baby, an ancient term misunderstood but real. I'll use my power for a good cause and call it doing the thing. The power of war is implied in this word, and I'm the real deal. Let me be occult as I'm guided under a Red Dragon's wing. Tattooed on my back of my left hand is an modified AGLA hexagram seal.
Separation of church and state is a Masonic ideal as is the freedom of religion allowing warlocks to operate. Yet in the occult world there's much hidden in this religious ordeal. As time goes on interpretation of these ideals are open to debate. These balances lacking harmony result in Nobody caring how minorities feel.
To work well with others a warlock needs harmony found working on common ground. The warlock's path has traps, education, judgment and more. If warlock means deceiver does this even mean as it may sound? Who would ever suspect deception to be a humble protector's moral chore? Whether good or evil, eventually every warlock's karma comes back around.
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I'm a creator, baby, and like the Ace of Wands I've got the power of fire. Watch me burn bridges faster than you may know with this poem like a pro. My divine, holy, infernal, celestial and gothic flames make creation transpire. I move these flames through 5 primary elements and through more than you know. Fools take a stranger's word unwisely, but fans of my work learn I'm no liar.
When I posted my non-hermetic psychopian elemental system theology online I clearly cited Plato as the source inspiring what I'm parroting thereof. When I don't fit into other mages' labels so called experts pop up to whine. Baby I have access to elements most mages don't, and many aren't even aware of. When it seems wise to do so from time to time I share created power of mine.
Be cool, man, and let the doubters and mockers doubt and mock all they want. Muggles do it most, but it's all arbitrary until they create danger and fear. Interpret my pride on these wizard paths as you will as my talents I flaunt. If you think I'm earning respect by bragging you don't see what's happening here. It's easy to misunderstand the reason behind my rhyme and what I really want.
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I'm an occultist, baby, and I study things hidden. The occult hides the magickal, religious, esoteric and things of earthly power. Only so much is found in books, and Fools don't understand the forbidden. I have a couple cards to play, still surprising many by never facing The Tower. Fools rush in where wise men never go for reasons they don't know, no kiddin'.
I've got a weird way of speaking here understood clearly by a few. I'm not the first occultist to be intentionally obscure to most of you. I've got that occult fame in secret circles for better or worse.  Who knew? If you're a fan of my work don't ruin the show explaining this path I go through. Don't judge a book by its cover; in time an occultist's work is paid karma due.
I'm The Fool, The Magus, The Devil and even the Hierophant from time to time. The Magus card comes from the THOTH deck, used by me for reasons unsuspected. If I call myself The Devil would you just assume I live an evil life of crime? The Devil is Rider Waite though, so my chains are often with gratitude accepted. I deal these tarot cards as the lesson of my occult strengths in this rhyme.
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I'm a Dog of Reason, baby, so named in the memory of harmony true. We've got memes and shit, and things we do to build a New World. From chaos comes Order, a lesson taught and learned in time and time again too. The occult can be a dangerous thing, yet we've no banner to be unfurled. These wizard-dawgs work for one love for humanity to do the thing we do.
This ain't no criminal organization or some kinda terror shit. This is one of many parts of my greater dreams and ambitions. Membership is by invitation only, so if you're motivated prove it. We ain't thelemites, baby, and with great power comes some terms and conditions. Some want more time to work, and others want more time to Fool around a bit.
I'll share some magick and theology online from time to time. The gospel of figure it out for yourself is dogma as my theology already shew. Dogs of Reason have two commandments in this religion, besides avoiding crime. Seemingly a joke if unexplained, yet truth is hidden in plain site to you. Is the illusion of a joke as real dogma even dispelled to most with this rhyme?
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I'm a cyber-mage, baby, like these chaos mages in a way. I've had training and practice on this path I've been on since 2003 when I joined the TIAMAT Cyber-Magick News-list back in the day. I've spent years evolving my craft, and now have things to share for all to see. My joy is to bring you joy so follow me and I'll lead the way.
My cyber-magick is all safe and fun to use, and there's nothing to be afraid of. Free Magick Enterprises gives two projects of cyber-magick. Let my star evolve your heart chakra, and experience new love. Take the red pill, and this devil can even remove your unwanted chains so tragic. No money will be accepted, so forget about the price tag from this devil dove.
Here come the doubters and mockers; Thinly veiled saying: "I'm better than you." I don't have time to be lectured by these Fools that Cyber-magick isn't real. Participate or don't, but Bhakti Yogi say the proof is in the pudding if you do. We did lots of experiments and testing with group input in this TIAMAT deal. I learned a lot and had years of practice to develop cyber-magick that's new.
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I'm an alchemist, baby, and I got the mad transformation skills for the physical and spiritual nature of substances, souls and magick too. Sure, man, let the weaker mages brag about the power to destroy and their kills. Alchemy's sacred transformation art is beyond what they know how to do. Like Yoga, this power's about time and effort on this path not cheap thrills.
I'm on a quest to not just learn new magick, but to make it evolve. I'll purify forbidden black magicks citing the great work of the ages as my cause to create that which before did not exist and otherwise unending problems solve. Alchemy's art of creation may come with a price, so beware of that because. To purify the corrupt may corrupt the pure, but balance a price paid to absolve.
With Alchemy I can create joy and harmony, and I like to work for free. Alchemists of old claimed they might turn lead to gold as part of their plan so a King would protect their right to practice and pay their research's fee instead of explaining occult arts involved that matter not to the common man. This misunderstood art involves more and includes transformation spiritually.
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I'm left hand path, baby, and yes it's really true. Different people, mostly mages, find different meanings therein. The left hand path most simply put means just to be taboo. What hand is my tattoo on then?  Baby, that's secretly a Talisman. Let's turn back the clock of time to understand meanings old and new.
This term comes from India if you'll study history that far. Originally this insult started to describe Tantric Yoga when first created. The dark ages belief explaining its meaning that left handed people are morally and intellectually weaker than the right has since become outdated. The more things change the more they stay the same until someone raises the bar.
In modern times the left hand insult resurfaces metaphorically. Now embraced by many eager to be shunned by society the left hand path evolves into its own mentality. From a religious reference to basic views on morality the devil is implied on this path either literal or symbolically.
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I'm a trickster, baby, and that's an occult magick path. I'll teach you lessons mostly harmless so don't take them personally. If I see chaos I may create order; see my results to do the math. I'm an educational experience; I guess I'm like this inherently. Mistake my kindness for weakness and will you get forgiveness or wrath?
I was born this way, and I'm not going through a phase as others are. When I started calling myself The Fool, that would have been your first clue. I've got metaphors like dark disguises and masks that take me far. I live to serve, and there's a method to the madness; it's true. Pride and humility working together in harmony help trickery raise the bar.
In the occult only so much is learned online or in a book. As an occultist trickster this rule applies to me the same. I'll capture the essence of my story in the poems for those who look. Here lies the story of my path as a Wizard and why this title I claim. These 12 titles of magickal paths explain why the 13th title of Wizard I took.
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I'm a Wizard, Baby, just like I said before. I'm a wordsmith here sharing this path with you. As the tale comes to the end of this rhyme's chore the tip of the iceberg has been revealed to view. Muggles may take interest in this poem, or was it just a bore?
I guess doubters gonna doubt and mockers gonna mock. In the end it's always what I do and not what I say that shows my true strength. If you've walked the paths I walk you may better understand that of which I talk. I've got dreams and goals hopefully soon reached at arm's length. In Chinese Astrology not surprisingly I'm born in the year of the cock.
My story doesn't end with this poem, and my life goes on still. There's still more adventures to have, power to gain and knowledge to learn. There's still people to meet, places to go and things to do as I wilt and will. This poem describes the path, but is not in itself how a Wizard's respect I gain. If you wanted to understand my magickal path, this poem shall your wish fulfill
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requiescatinpacerp · 5 years
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“I’m an outsider by choice, but I’m hoping that won’t be my choice forever.”
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Sybill Trelawney
Age: Twenty-two
Affiliation: Neutral
Blood Status: Halfblood
Career: Assistant to The Minister
Wand: ten inches, silver lime, unicorn hair, slightly flexible
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crystals charging in salt baths, dream journals, herbs drying in the kitchen, frizzy hair, sage smoke, bitten nails, sleeping pills, maxi skirts, answering the question before you ask it, herbal teas, soft blankets, bemused glances, star maps, tarot cards scattered across the table, protection runes carved into candles, hanging plants on the bookshelf, mismatched cushions, gardening gloves, crystal balls, late night walks, bath bombs, keeping everyone’s secrets, a shallow stream rushing past a cottage, screaming on the cliff edge, random acts of kindness
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Being a half blood Sybill grew up aware of magic and the alternative practices many generations of her family had taken to mastering. Divination may not be as popular or highly thought of as it once was, but it was still the Trelawney legacy, and her father was none too subtle about the fact that he wished for her to keep it alive. Her mother, a muggle woman with flighty tendencies and kind eyes, reminded Sybill that there was nothing wrong with forging your own path. Far from the helpful guides they had aimed to be, these contradictory views only served to confuse the young girl. Her vivid dreams served to exacerbate this inner turmoil, could and keep Sybill from sleep for days on end- they weren’t always scary, but there was often an urgency to the visions that would possess her to leap out of bed, desperate to act at the behest of these people she saw distressed.
Her father would do his best to soothe her, insisting that they were dreams and nothing more. At first Sybill fought back, pleaded with him to let her help these people, but as time wore on she gave up. He never listened, and she was beginning to feel a fool for thinking such things could be real. As the dreams began to darken and leave her hiding under the covers it was her mum she turned too for comfort, sobbing in her arms about devastation, families torn apart, the inescapable terror of a world on its knees. At first her mum would merely comfort, stroke her hair and whisper lullabies until she could lull her daughter back to sleep. But Mr Trelawney, it turns out, kept Sybill in the dark not only about the power of her own mind, but the illness of her mothers.
The more she shared about these nightmares the more paranoid her mother became, insisting that these visions were shared, that the demons they saw were one in the same. It was a lot for a child to process. Together the two of them would hide in the wardrobe, hands over their ears as they sang at the top of their voices, trying to drown out the darkness. As these visions began to haunt her even in the day time it became harder and harder for Sybill to maintain a façade of normalcy. By the time her first year at Hogwarts rolled around she was petrified of her own mind, and desperately hoping that in learning to control her magic she would learn to control these demons, too.
Being placed in Ravenclaw did not surprise her, and the chance it presented to disguise her strangeness with academic excellence was one Sybill took full advantage of. Studying replaced sleeping as often as possible and she didn’t speak a word of her visions to anyone. In fact, she barely spoke a word full stop, deciding herself too odd for friends. She was lonely, but in truth Sybill had no idea how to approach her peers, how to connect with anyone who hadn’t known the same nightmares as she. Even her high grades were not enough to put her above reproach, and soon enough her housemates started to notice that things were amiss with the girl. Those strangled screams they might hear late at night? Sybill. The ghost who stoked the fire in the common room so that it was still smouldering when people woke in the morning? Sybill. The vandal carving strange runes into desks? Sybill. Word of her peculiar habits started to spread beyond even Ravenclaw, and she accepted her fate as an outcast without protest.
She endured bullying too, feeling lucky every time she had the sudden urge to duck into an alcove just as someone with a grudge happened to stalk past. Sybill didn’t give much thought to these precognitions, these musings that would come to her sometimes, assuming them to be common among wizarding kind. That, and they were not nearly as menacing as the dreams, so she didn’t have the capacity to worry about them in the same way.
Sybill was always happiest in the holidays, when she would get to return home and enjoy time with her parents. Though the summer of her third year she stepped off the train with a great sense of foreboding and could not shake the feeling.  Her mother had become… Unsettled, bleary eyed, and occasionally spoke with an anger that shocked Sybill. Despite this she endeavoured to spend as much quality time together as possible, confiding in her as she used to about the sights that still plagued her day and night. She did not offer platitudes as she used too but promised that she would find a way to rid Sybill of this trouble once and for all.
Neither of them anticipated things ending quite as horrifically as they did. For her part, Sybill did not anticipate anything at all when she woke up that morning and wandered down into the kitchen to pour a bowl of cereal. She assumed the liquid pooled on the floor by sink was water, she assumed when her mother came through the door with a pack of matches it was to light some candles. The fire was meant to save them both, she said. In the end it was the neighbour who called the fire brigade that did that, the paramedics that broke the door down and found Sybill cowering under the table, back and arms blistered by the heat.
Eventually Sybil was discharged from hospital, but her mother wasn’t, and her father finally shared the truth about these nightmares she had. Syblil Trelawney was not insane, she was a seer. A once prestigious and now scoffed at title in the wizarding world. Her great-great grandmother had been the last, even prophesizing that the next of her kind would be in three generations time. It had always been real. Every nightmare, every twitch of paranoia, every inkling. All based in truth.
It wasn’t long before Sybill began to resent her father for keeping something so big a secret from her, and she was actually glad to return to Hogwarts once classes started up again. She became even more aloof, still afraid to share this part of herself with others. It might not feel like madness to her anymore, but she knew others would still doubt it, laugh at her. People judged Sybill enough for her weirdness, she could not imagine how much crueller they would become if she declared herself a seer. She did gradually warm to the gift, though only slightly, finding she could use it to make a person’s day better without even having to reveal that she was behind the deed. A kind note slipped into a textbook, a hand clutched to the back of someone’s robe to keep them from falling as the staircase suddenly moved, a lost homework assignment found and returned. Learning to navigate the quirks of her abilities alone was tough, but she did her best, and became more assured of herself in the process.
Though apparently, people continued to think of Sybill as little more than a puppet, around only to continue the legacies started in someone else’s name. Towards the end of her final year Albus Dumbledore called her into his office, and as soon as she stepped foot into it she wished to turn and leave again. But she respected him too much to do so and decided to hear out whatever he had to say. That was the moment she vowed always to listen to her instinct, because what he would go on to tell her made Sybill angrier than she had ever been.
He had known. For years, before she’d even been aware herself, Dumbledore knew that Sybill had a gift. He had never thought to help her through it, or even tell her about it. No, he had watched a student suffer silently, thinking herself mad for what she saw, never sleeping, scared of herself, scared of what people would think. Then he had the audacity to ask for her help?
Sybill refused. It was her gift, her talent, and she would decide when and how it was used.
She graduated with very high grades, and no clue what to do with them. How annoying that the only future she could not predict was her own. At first Sybill told herself that the job at The Ministry would only be temporary- she did not care for the higher ups who were somehow oblivious to the dangers she saw so often. But she found some solace in the job, oddly enough, focusing solely on paperwork had a way of soothing the mind, and her gift made organizing schedules a breeze. She rose quickly through the ranks and now finds herself working within The Ministers office. She’s grateful for the respect such a position has afforded her- for years the Trelawney name has been associated only with alternative practices and oddness, but she is proving to be much more than that.
It’s not exactly thrilling work, and Sybill dreams of a more fulfilling- if less financially lucrative- career. But for now, her instinct tells her to stay put and keep an ear to the ground- there is devastation in her dreams and she feels as though when things start to crumble this is where they will need her. Besides, without the steady salary she wouldn’t be able to afford her rent, and she’s only just gotten out of her father’s house. She has reservations about the idea of ever ‘selling’ her gift and loathes the recent boom in muggles claiming to have the same insights as she does, offering predictions and readings through pay monthly apps. It is not a gift that should be squandered for financial gain, and it is certainly not a lie one should spin in order to take advantage of desperate fools.
Sybill has hope that one day others will come to accept and understand her gift. She knows it is a lot to ask- after all there are days when she herself despises it- but there may come a time when it is necessary. She’s had nightmares about her community being wiped out since she was a child and has no intention of standing idly by to witness the real thing. As a half-blood her opinion has always been that the wizarding community should not consider itself some elite and hierarchical club, that heart and soul are far more important than blood will ever be. Her public stance is one of neutrality, a tactical decision on her part. There is safety in not choosing a side and Sybill does not want to draw unnecessary attention to herself by being too vocal, especially while working for The Ministry- she is not arrogant enough to assume she knows the secrets of every staff member, there could well be a few traitors among them. So, for now she waits. No one ever pays the assistant much mind and it is easy to gather information when it is expected that you will sit quietly in the corner and take notes on a meeting.
She can hardly sleep for the visions, heavily reliant on muggle sleeping pills to find a few hours of rest- they do far better than sleeping potions, which allow too much of her nightmares to bleed through. It means the danger is fast approaching, she knows, and eventually neutrality will not be an option, and she’ll have to fight like everyone else. Sybill knows that her gift could hold the power to swing this war one way or another. That is one of the reasons she continues to keep it a closely guarded secret- what people might do to get their hands on such a power scares her, and even more she worries she is cowardly enough to give in to threats to save her own skin.
How do you help when you don’t think anyone will take you seriously? How do you convince others to trust you when you will not trust them? There’s never enough hours in the day for Sybill to assuage her doubts. She must hope that her instincts will remain sharp, and when the time comes she’ll know what to do.
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MARLENE MCKINNON – being friends with Sybill is not easy, and Marlene is one of the few who has managed it. They met at school and have remained close, perhaps because Marlene has never pushed her to share what she doesn’t want too. Sybil is glad that all of her secrets haven’t put too much of a strain on their relationship.
ALECTO CARROW – you might think that being able to predict the cruel things someone had to say to you would make them easier to the stomach, but Sybil could tell you from experience that every word still cut to the core, that hearing them twice only made them seem truer. As a bully, Alecto could have been worse- despite threats she was never physically violent, but Sybil has always tended towards paranoia, and avoids the woman to this day for fear of more pain.
REGULUS BLACK -- Feelings aren’t anything new to Sybill and when it comes to Regulus there’s something about him that makes her uneasy. To be honest she does her best to avoid him but it seems that no matter what she does there’s more bumping into him then she’d like.
Sybill Trelawney is currently a TAKEN character with the FC of Alycia Debnam-Carey.
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kathyprior4200 · 6 years
Gaia School of Magick
Inspired by Astera Taylor's blog, "What would a Pagan Hogwarts look like?" https://www.patheos.com/blogs/starlight/2018/01/pagan-hogwarts-look-like/ Appearance and location: The school is located in a vast forest landscape in England. It is a castle similar to Hogwarts, except it is made out of wood instead of stone. It can only be accessed via a chant from a high priest or priestess. Group dynamics: Instead of houses, students are divided into covens or guilds based on both ancestry, deity worship, and personality. Each group is led by a high priest and high priestess, with two ministers to help guide the students. Two headmasters, a grand high priest, a grand high priestess and a council of professors oversee all activities. I. Wicca/Celtic group II. Norse/Germanic group III. Druids IV. Native American, African, and indigenous group V. Roman and Greek group VI. Egyptian group VII. Chinese, Japanese and Asian group Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and Atheist Pagans exist, they are just frequently looked down upon. Classes and activities: Familiar caring and raising Herbs class: working with healing plants and avoiding poisons Self defense class against witch hunters and ignorant mundanes ("normans") those who cannot do magic or chants Astronomy and moon cycles Dancing and singing class plus meditation before and after Potion and medicine making Tarot, astrology, runes and divination class History class on Wicca, deities, and Gerald Gardner Circle casting and working with spirits Ancient literature and math Shops Tis The Season: The largest store that changes based on the eight Sabbats. Students can buy clothing, food, crystals, and tools for rituals. Magicx Reads: textbooks, fiction stories, newspapers and research articles Legend states that there were some Pagans who were able to go to Hogwarts long ago. They enjoyed learning about magic, creatures, and divination. However, several consequences occurred. (1) The debate on what real "magic" was. While the majority of students at Hogwarts believed that incantations consisted of magic, the Pagans believed that the invocations of spirits/gods was what constituted magic. (2) Needless to say, some of the gods did not appreciate magic being freely used by individuals without giving anything in return. A few gods became engaged and interfered with the spells that students cast. Some spells would backfire, some would disappear into thin air and some magic would not work at all. Many of the students (the Slytherins in particular) did not believe in what they called "muggle" magic, leading to further discrimination toward their Pagan peers. (3) Several Pagans, seeking revenge against their bullies, used forms of dark magic to summon monsters and spirits. Curses and love spells spread through the school like a virus. With the help of the headmaster and a fellow High Priestess, the curses abated until everything was back to normal. Animosity toward the Pagans was fueled by dark wizard hating Christians and skeptical Ravenclaw atheists. Wanting to avoid future problems, the headmaster and the teachers insisted that the Pagans moved someplace else. Many were reluctant to leave but several of the ministers stated it was for the best, for it was obvious that "Wiccans could not co-exist with witches and wizards.""But we could teach each other so many things!" the Pagan students insisted. The statements continued.“Just think of how we can heal the environment and help the Hogwarts students make the world a better place!”"Magical creatures can co-exist with wizards. Why can't we?""Alas, it is clear" said the female minister with a sigh "that we do not appear to be welcome among wizards as well as non-magic folk. However, we can take what we have learned during our experience and make the best of it.""Why not start a school of our own?" asked a student. And so, England's Gaia School of Magick was born. I.                   Lydia: Main character, white with long black hair, female protagonist, chosen by Hecate. Stumbles upon the school and is able to enter. Her single mother is descended from witches, so she knows about the recent school. II.                Felicity: brown haired girl, light brown skin, worships Fortuna, Venus, Athena, and Isis. Lydia’s best friend. III.             Oliver: Felicity’s blond love interest. Worships Tyr, Ares, Thor and other war gods. IV.            Helen: worships mother goddesses like Selene, Danu (Celtic mother goddess), and the Triple Goddess. Helen takes a liking to both Lydia and Oliver, even though Oliver likes Felicity and Lydia is asexual. V.               Hayden: worships nature gods like Pan, Bres (Celtic fertility god) and the Horned One. Eventually gets to know Helen and they get together. VI.            Brianna: A woman who is part Native American and part African. She worships Cherokee deities and African gods, with Yemoja (mother deity of mankind) being her favorite. She falls in love with Hayden but finds herself and her covens ignored by the more prominent Irish and Norse ones. She also struggles to fit into two different groups (Native and African) at once. VII.         Orla: Outgoing red haired girl who worships Irish deities but is accepting of everyone. She is fascinated by Christianity, much to the dismay of many of her Pagan peers. Over time, her curious nature turns to obsession and she even changes her name to Samantha. She starts a revolution to get the Abrahamic religions noticed more, turning student against student. She even threatens Brianna and the indigenous Pagans to take her side against the prominent Wiccan practitioners. Orla becomes Lydia’s rival and is the one responsible for revealing the school’s location to a band of modern witch hunters. VIII.      Charlie: A self-centered man who worships Anubis, Osiris, and death gods. Is often a bully to others due to having been abused by his Christian family for being a male witch. IX.            Aurora: One of several lonely atheists who do not worship deities but also practice witchcraft. Like Brianna and the indigenous covens, she and her atheist friends feel rejected by the dominant groups.
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intuitiveellen-blog · 6 years
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Diving into the #tarotforthewildsoul inquiry, and catching up. Cards (The Starchild Tarot * Akashic) are in order clockwise, from top. 💫💞👇 • ♎ 1 July: What am I leaping into this month? Temperance. Assigning myself a sacred practice of balance and rebalance, flow and structure, creativity and taskiness. It feels like I'm swimming in a river, and even though I'm swimming at my own pace, the river is easily carrying me along with it. I may get where I'm going faster than expected, which is just fine. It's been a while since I've enjoyed this frequency, and I'm grateful for its presence. 💫💞👇 • 🔥 2 July: What am I ready to manifest this month? Ace of Wands. Feeling the creative fire in a big way, and so I'm bringing into being a stream of income based on creativity, a stream of income based on teaching, and another stream of income based on creativity - a different form of creativity. I'm more than a little gobsmacked by this energy and its inspiration, and yet I'm mostly thrilled. Also, these additional streams of income have been on my radar for - gulp - years. It's go time. 💫💞👇 • 👑 3 July: What am I ready to shed this month? Restrictions. By that, I mean I'm ready to shed self-imposed restrictions I set upon myself when I was pushed into starting my business. (Side-eye at and hugs for my spirit guides.) As the Queen of my business, I took to ego all the doing-ness I thought I had to adhere to, based on the decades of muggle work that came before. Oops. Time to divest myself of those restrictions and gear up for a sacred way of doing what needs it, and being in everything else. 💫💞👇 • ❣ 4 July: A deep truth that I am ready to embrace. Five of Cups. Can I sigh here? I totally want to ego-sigh here. **SIGH** Okay. Deep, gentle breath, Ellen. (I talk to myself, a lot.) Giving this one totally up to my guides. "We notice you reason with the truth of doing over being, of ego over sacred, of muggle over witch. We see first you will embrace your witch. We see second, you will increase your productivity through doing less and being more. We see third, you will greet a new way of creativity and frequency of abundance." Yes. Those truths have been... 👇 (at Planet Earth)
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