#Yandere American Dad
yandere-toons · 2 years
im a different anon but it would be awesome ngl if you wrote for family guy and/or american dad
Roger the Alien (Platonic & Romantic Headcanons)
WARNING: substance abuse, death, references to domestic violence, blood, psychological manipulation, toxic mindset.
A.N. - Spun a wheel for which character and it landed on this hooligan.
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When anybody is hot on his trail and he needs a place to lay low for a while, Roger's first thought is of his friend. He barges into their home unannounced and, when asked, reveals he had a skeleton key made so that he can visit anytime the urge strikes him.
Trash goes missing, clothes vanish and then reappear on Roger the next day, and muddy footprints are tracked throughout the house. Roger is super casual about breaking into his friend's home and staying there until he either eats all the food, is kicked out, or the Smiths come to collect him.
Whenever Stan's SUV is parked outside and Stan is demanding that Roger gets in the car to come back to where he belongs, Roger throws a fit. He hurls plates and insults at Stan and declares that he is living with his friend now.
Stan eventually gives up on reasoning with him and tells Roger's friend that they can have him, at which point Roger rejoices and claims that he is never moving out.
Having a roommate before him or taking one after him is an easy way to have a murder happen under the roof. Roger views every moment between his friend and himself as private and is not willing to share this privacy with anyone, so he trash-talks every other living thing in the house until this is no longer enough.
As he operates under the protection of the CIA, Roger has legal immunity. Nothing is stopping him from hijacking a car and barrelling into the entrance to his friend's home, drunk on tequila and high on half a dozen drugs. Roger offers to drop acid together just before he pukes on the floor.
When tensions are running high, Roger disguises himself and disappears into whichever persona is necessary to placate his friend. He pretends to be someone else and tries to assimilate himself into their life under a different identity, not dropping the disguise no matter how obvious it is.
Roger hosts parties at his friend's home without permission and then acts like they are the party pooper for not playing along. After his sixth drink in ten minutes, Roger drunkenly tells his friend that they are his favourite person and proceeds to curse at anyone who comes to talk to them.
His sense of boundaries and personal space is nonexistent. Be affectionate with Roger, and he will escalate it to epic proportions. Say something nice to him, and he will tear up before whacking the person next to him for looking at his partner too long.
Roger handles rejection with the grace of a broken-legged dancer. He is of the mind that his affection for his partner justifies his every action, so to see it be tramped on sends him flying into a violent rage. While the rage is short-lived, it does not end without someone on the ground bleeding.
Roger then reverts to a calm state and uses gift-giving as a means of winning back trust, presenting a rare item that was once mentioned in passing.
He has no qualms about stealing and cheating to get his partner something they want. Other people are thrown into the arms of criminals to cut a deal, shops are held up in late-night robberies, and the bodies of witnesses turn up floating down the Langley Falls river.
Even wanting something as simple as a bag of chips can lead to someone needing a hospital. Maybe the pantry is empty that day, and Roger decides not to pay for the chips when he visits the mart. One broken nose of a cashier later, and Roger walks into the house slathered in blood with no remorse.
From the mutilation of perceived obstacles to the theft of body parts that his partner has envied, Roger sees himself as a connoisseur of passion.
He devotes every waking moment to spending time with his partner, regardless of whether they are aware of his presence or not. Hidden cameras that he scattered throughout the house are a big help in this pursuit.
When confronted with his bad deeds, Roger either says that the person deserved that harsh fate or blames it on his need to expel bile from his system. He refuses to take responsibility for the consequences of his actions and believes that the lives of anyone besides himself and his partner are inconsequential.
Roger has trouble being genuinely mean to his partner. When he is around them, he tends to be hyper and playful in a way that is both obnoxious and unrelenting. He slaps others for letting out rude words about his partner while simultaneously arguing that his feelings are not as strong as they appear.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
me 🤝 Dexter
Not ok with Phantom Ending its Broadway Run
maybe he'll go so insane, he'll become the phantom himself!
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bluepoodle7 · 11 months
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#AmericanDad #Boyz12Song #YandereDatingSimBoys #Johndoegame#MyThoughts
Whenever I see all these new Yandere Boyfriend games around at this point someone will animate them doing this dance and I can't wait. Make Doe the werewolf in it please.
Images, cartoon, and video not mine but link is there.
Boyz 12 - Girl You Need A Shot of B12 (American Dad) Best Quality - YouTube
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obsessedwrhys · 1 month
The Seven and The Boys with forced supe reader(like Billy’s little sister as revenge for billy and the boys constantly causing problems)
Rouge powers reader————powers turn on and off randomly
can absorb life forces and powers(which they can steal(albeit accidentally))
Very stubborn and sarcastic just like her brother
Home lander is probably extra yandere for tons of reasons and keeps the reader in a glass room(enclosure or whatever)(think a zoo exhibit or big aquarium tank without water—— that one room from You or the glass apartment In Supernova for the kid with the same sort of powers)so that he can see his pet/prize/whatever tf he plans to do with them
I keep seeing this as a full blown fic in my mind but I don’t have the skills to pull it off so I’d like to see other people’s takes on the idea!
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ The Boys x Rogue!Reader
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ᯓ★ I read your req and I'm intrigued so this is my attempt on it, hope it meets your expectations. This is like a full on story lol (angst, gore, death, killing, looooots of cursing like I'm not even exaggerating, homelander being homelander, some fluff at the end?)
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With your brother's reputation, it's hard to ever live your whole life without the constant need to look over the shoulder. You always liked to tell yourself that after cutting ties with him, it will ensure you your safety, but those words were nothing more than just lies.
Losing Becca changed him completely. You could still recall the last time you spoke to him, the talk regarding your concern escalating into a heated argument.
"I'm telling you! You have no chance against a literal superpowered person! You'll get yourself killed!" You raised your voice, standing on the other side of the kitchen counter.
"Yeah, but this ain't a life worth livin' for anyways" He brushed your words off like he usually does. You watch in disbelief as he pours himself alcohol.
"Fuck you. You're such an asshole..." You said and he nods at you as he lifts his glass up.
"I'll drink to that" You scoff when he actually drank from his cup, the sound of him sipping ticking you off.
"Okay, fine, get yourself killed! But I won't stand to be here when it happens. I want you out of my life. I never wanna see you. I never even want to hear from you again! You're... you're..." You gasp as you start to sob. He turns to you, nothing but a blank expression on his face.
"Hey... take it easy—"
"No! Don't you fucking tell me to take this shit easy when you just admit to me that you're willing to throw away your life for some blonde american supe! You are a shitty brother! You're just like dad!"
"Don't you fuckin' compare me to that cunt!"
"I fucking said what I said!"
"Fuck you!"
The sound of your heavy breathing filled the kitchen. You could feel your chest rising and falling, your face burning from the overwhelming anger. Butcher sighs at the sight of you as he looks away with his eyes closed.
"You don't know half the things I know sis... you have to understand..."
"No... don't bother telling me. I already know that you'll never change..." You grabbed your things and before he could stop you, you left the house, slamming the door while you were at it.
For the next 8 years, you would find yourself living somehow a happier life. Making friends, going through relationships and heartbreaks, getting multiple jobs to pay for your apartment. It was like an ocean wave since it was never steady but you couldn't deny you've never felt more alive.
However, even on these good days, there were nights you'd find yourself waking up to nightmares. Nightmares of your brother dying. Nightmares of being abandoned. It always left you covered in cold sweats and sometimes you couldn't go back to sleep so you'd just sit by the window or watch some videos online to keep your mind off it.
Even though you convince yourself you were happier.
You never felt secure.
You always felt like something was out to get you.
Especially after you saw the news of him theorised to have killed the senior vice president working at Vought. You couldn't bother to remember her name cause the image of your brother was hauntingly enough. That's when you realised, if they were after him, what if they were also after you?
You stood at the counter of the restaurant you worked at. The job was new as you interviewed for the role of the cashier. Though all these days of dealing with rude customers and having to force a smile is making you want to rethink a different job. Just then, the door to the restaurant opens.
"Welcome!" You said as cheerfully as you can. Instead of searching for a table to sit, the customer approaches you.
"I'm sorry but where's the restroom? I really need to go" The customer spoke, he was wearing an awfully lots of layers, even shades indoors.
"It's just at the back to the right, there's a huge sign, it's hard to miss it" You smiled and the customer stares at you for a while before nodding.
"Thank you"
Finally, he leaves and you couldn't help but be relieved. Why were you holding your breath in the first place? After a couple more hours of standing around and smiling, your shift was done. You did your daily duties and cleaned up the place, making sure it was clean before you leave.
"Bye (Y/N)! Don't forget about our hangout this Friday night!" Your friend spoke as she leaves first.
"Trust me I'm looking forward to it!" You replied before heading to the back of the building to throw the trash away.
You were on your way to the huge bins until you felt the trash bag become lighter. You stare down and was annoyed the second you saw that the bag had tore. It's settled, you're getting a new job after you get your salary. You crouched down and tried to think of ways to solve the issue.
Once you stood up, you felt a sharp pain on your neck. Before you could even do anything to find the source of the pain, you collapsed. The last thing you could feel before becoming unconscious was the touch of someone catching you.
"Will it work?"
"We've only tested on rats. We're not sure sir"
"Do I have to rephrase? If she dies, you fucking die with her, you understand?"
"Yes sir"
"Good. Now do what you're only good for, you fucking worthless piece of shit"
Lights... knives... syringes... you slowly awoke on the floor as faint images of what you would recall as a memory began flashing in your head. Did that happen? It felt real. You opened your eyes and blinked a couple of time to register the room you were in.
You were... in a cage?
You looked around, the walls and floors made of white marbles which made it cold when your skin made contact with it. Now that you realised, you were no longer in your uniform, you seemed to be wearing some kind of gown patients would wear for surgery.
"Morning sunshine!" Your body jumped when you heard a familiar voice, a voice you only heard on the tv or radio shows. You stare at him as he walks to the center, a few feet from your cage.
It was Homelander. You never thought the day would come where you would be face to face to the person behind the reasons of your brother's rampage.
"Did you rest well?" He asks, an eary grin on his face. You looked around the inside of your glass cage.
"Couldn't you have given me a mattress?" You said. Your concern catching him a bit off guard but he didn't show it.
"Well, we tried to give you something more comfortable to sleep on but it seems like anyone who tried to even touch you ended up well... what's the word for it... withered. Dead. Nothing but a corpse suck dry of it's life" He said but you had no idea what any of his words meant.
"Is this some joke?" He chuckles.
"No. No joke (Y/N). I'm simply just giving my hypothesis on your new powers"
Powers? You have to be high right?
Did whatever pain that you felt was the mark of your death?
Is this some sick twisted illusion of yours created in hell?
"Yeah right... and I'm fucking Beyonce. Would you like to see my collection of Grammys?" You said sarcastically, clearly not taking anything seriously.
Homelander doesn't say anything but just laugh, since you were clearly convinced this was hell and that you were dead, you laughed along with him. He trembles his shoulders as if he's cold, that devilish grin still on his face.
"Wooo! You're a jokester aren't you (Y/N)? I know I'm just gonna love you. How about I bring you a gift as a symbol of our blossoming friendship?" He asked but he had already left the room. Your answer never even needed at all.
As your laughter died down, you were left alone in the room. You felt high. Too realistically high. Were you pumped with drugs? Shit... you grabbed your head as you tried to process the feeling until you heard the sound of a high pitched scream. You turn your head to find it to be your friend from work. She was shoved into the room and right when she stood up to leave, the door was shut.
"Let me the fuck out! You fucking bitch! You promised me weed!" She slammed on the door a couple of times after attempting to twist the doorknob open.
"Cleo?" She turns to you, her masacra ruined from her tears.
"(Y/N)? Holy shit what happened to your hair?" She said and you were confused until you checked to see the front strands of your hair now dyed white.
Okay now what in the actual fuck is happening...
"I don't know...? Why are you here?" You questioned.
"Some fucker promised me weed for some cash. I should have known better when I saw how cheap it was" She sighs as she sits against the door.
Suddenly the glass door on your cage sprung open. The two of you exchanged confused expressions. Is this some kind of trick? You wondered but either way you stepped out from your cage and began to approach your friend. She sighs as she curls up into a ball.
"What the fuck even is this place...?" She asks after you finally sat down beside her. You rubbed her arm to provide some comfort.
"I don't know... this feels real and fake at the same time. Hey, if by any chance we were in a puzzle just like in Saw, how much do you wanna bet who'd win—?" You nudged her playfully but instead of getting a response. She falls over.
Her face was pale white. Eyes dilated. The veins on her body growing visibly purple. The sight left you in shock and you quickly grabbed her by the shoulder to jerk her a few times. No words left her mouth except sounds of gasping, as if the air was getting sucked out of her lungs.
"Cleo! What the fuck! Holy fucking shit!" You cursed and it didn't take long until her body grows limp. Like a skeleton with a thin layer of skin left.
Afraid the same would happen to you, you quickly ran into your cage. You sat at the corner, trying your hardest not to look at your friend. That was real. This isn't some stupid trick set up by Satan. This is fucking real.
But why is this happening?
Why you?
The glass door slammed shut and the noise made your body jump. The door to the room opened but got stuck at the weight of your friend's corpse. You could hear the sound of disgust come from Homelander as he ends up kicking body aside to be able to open the door fully.
"So... did you like my gift?"
"What the fuck did you do? Did you poison her?" You said which he seemed offended at.
"Me? Oh please, I can shoot fucking lasers out of my eyes and I choose to poison some fucking nobody? I mean look at her" He chuckles, his eyes staring at the corpse of what was your friend.
His tone and words growing a small wave of anger within your chest.
"What do you want from me?"
"You know what I want" He said, the smile on his face gone. He was now serious. His gaze cold enough to send shivers down your body.
"(Y/N) Butcher. Butcher. I didn't know he had a little sister" He took a step closer, then another, until he was face to face to the glass, staring down at your figure hiding away in the corner.
"He really doesn't get scared huh? Not afraid of death, to take a life, not even me. And well... since he fucking hates supes so much, then I might as well make his beloved sister one. If I can't strike fear in him, you will" Homelander spoke, the corner of his lips twisting into a grin. As if all of this was bringing him some sick enjoyment.
"Everyone will be the pawn and you'll be the queen... so save your strength. You're gonna need it sweetheart" He turned around and as he leaves, he stares at the corpse for a quick moment. Even from inside the cage you could hear him shout for the people working to clean the body.
Fuck... this cannot be your life now...
You're now an animal kept in a cage.
Hours progressed to days then months. The only thing keeping you entertained was... the toilet? Aside from that was the visits Homelander would pay you every now and then to make sure you were alive. It almost seemed like he had expected you to be dead by now but you weren't, which he's impressed about.
You laid on the ground, staring at the ceiling. You were bored so you decided to try to count from 1 to 10000 this time. Just as you got to 482, the door opened and you turned to see it wasn't Homelander but rather a worker. Assuming he's just here to clean, you turned back to the ceiling to continue counting.
"Pssh, ma dame, do you hear me?" He knocks on the glass, his french accent caught your attention.
"I don't care. I'm not gonna strip for you"
"Nono! That's not why I'm here, your brother, Billy Butcher? He sent me here" His name striking something in you. You got up as your eyes are slightly widened.
"He knows I'm here?"
"Yes... he's here as well. He's gonna try to get you out of here"
Just as he finishes talking, the glass door sprung open. He gets in the cage and reaches for you but right as you reach for his hand, you remembered you weren't the same anymore, you were cursed, so you quickly pull your hand away. Your action causes the man to tilt his head in confusion.
"Do not worry, I'm not here to hurt you" He tries to take a few steps closer but you quickly stepped back.
"No.... no stop! That's enough!" You raised your hands gesturing him to stand where he's at.
"Don't touch me..." You added and he stares at you for a moment before taking a few steps back until he's out of the cage.
"Okay... but you must follow me. We don't have much time left" He said, walking out of the room and you hesitated for a while before following after him.
When walking down the hallway, you couldn't help but look around the area. This was your first time seeing the place you've been trapped inside for supposedly months. As you followed the strange man who saved you, you noticed that he seemed to be talking to someone over his earpiece. Was it Butcher?
After managing to sneak past several guards and having a few close calls, you two finally made it out from one of the back doors. You hurried as you followed the man somewhere. You couldn't believe it. The feel of the wind and the smell of the grass was making you wish you appreciated the outdoor more.
"Were you noticed?" His friend who's been on the look out asked. He shakes his head.
"No" After hearing his reponse, his friend turns to look at you.
"I'm M.M.... C'mon, your brother put in a lot to save you" He began walking away and the two of you simply went along.
He did?
"I haven't introduced myself. I'm Frenchie. It's nice to meet you" The man who saved you earlier said with a smile and you weakly smile back.
The moment the three of you reached a van parked in a safe area. The door slide open and your eyes widened once you were locked eyes with someone familiar. Yet he looked so much different now. He grew a beard. You had to admit, it made him look less ugly.
"(Y/N)..." He got out of the van and was ready to embrace you but you quickly avoided his grasp. This causes him to stand there with his arms hanging there awkwardly.
"Ooookay.... get in" M.M told Frenchie and they did just that, sliding the door close to give you both the privacy.
"All these years and you still hate your ol' brother" He jokes as he drops his hands down to his sides, but it was clear that he was upset at your actions and trying to hide it.
"Don't touch me"
"I got it"
The two of you stood there and you were staring at him a little too hard. Thoughts racing in your head like a racetrack. What the fuck has he been up to these years and how did he even find you?
"So... are we jus' gonna stand here and wait for 'em to realise you're missin'?" He nods at the facility nearby and you sigh.
"You're taking me home" You walked over to the passenger seat but the sound of Butcher clicking his tongue made you stop halfway in your tracks. Now you were standing in front of the van.
"Not gonna happen. Is your head loose of screws sis? They know who you are now, which means they know where you live. You're gonna be stayin' with me" He said.
Shit... there's really no chance of a normal life now. You really are cursed.
"Stay with you? With these guys?" You point at the van and from the front of the vehicle, you could see his friends all huddled in the back, the whole time they've been secretly listening to the conversation but once you pointed at them, they tried to act as though they haven't been doing so.
"They can protect you"
"I don't need protecting. The last thing I need is someone doing that"
"Oh really? Then mind sharing your experience in there? Was it a luxury? How much longer do you think you could have lasted if I hadn't found you" He took a few steps closer and you gave him a warning look.
"You're my sister... you think a few fights is gonna change that?" He tried reaching for your shoulder and you quickly dodged it. Failing to notice, tears were beginning to well up in your eyes because deep inside, you were desperately in need of comfort, a hug, anything physical but you couldn't even have that.
"You can't touch me... nobody can.... f-fuck... I killed my friend just by touching her..." You began to sob, your hands grabbing onto your face in an attempt to hide your expression. A frown appears on his face.
"What the fuck did they do to you...?"
"They made me a freak! They gave me these fucked up powers!! I don't want this...!" You cried, wishing this was another of your nightmares and that none of this was real.
"It's okay... come here..." He began to step closer to you but you were too numb from the feeling to even react.
Taking off his coat, he puts it securely around you before wrapping you in his arms. For the first time in months, you finally felt the presence of another person's embrace. The warmth felt so good. It was like you were melting from it. Your sobs grew weak as you nuzzle onto his chest, the fabric separating the contact of your skin with his. This was everything you needed right now.
"We'll get through this... these powers of yours ain't gonna scare me away" He said, rubbing your back gently.
"Thank you..." You muttered.
After you escaped and made it safely away from your prison. Homelander was alerted of your escape a few hours later. He arrives at the facility, walking down the hallway as the doctors walking by were scared to see him and trying their best to avoid his sight. Once he walks in the office of the head security, the man sprung up almost instinctly.
"Sir" He greets him. Homelander doesn't say anything but stare at him... before breaking into a smile.
"Great job, at least you're good at failing at your job. Now show me" He walks over to the guard's side who's hurrying to click a few things on his computer to show him what he came here for.
"The tracker we planted in her is working well and fine. She's currently in a vehicle heading somewhere"
"Good... it's like sending a cat to a bunch of rats" Homelander then gave the man a strong pat on the shoulder.
"Do we go after them sir?"
"No, keep an eye on her for now. I'll tell you when the time is ready" Without any further discussion, he left the office. A plan already set in his mind.
(I might make a part 2 but I'm not sure if anyone would be interested, it'll be sort of fluff where the boys figure out her powers, some angst? Idk, tell me if you think I should)
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ataraxiaspainting · 6 months
As Grief Consumes.
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Yan Childe x F Reader.
Synopsis: You are on the run from the eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers after he kills your husband. But soon, your fear turns into a want for revenge, and by then it is too late for you.
Warnings: Yandere themes, violence/some gore, accidental self-harm, essentially kidnapping, massive power imbalance, manipulation, and stalking.
Word Count: 4.4k.
Ten Songs Like This Piece:
Anna Maria by bôa
Once Upon a Dream by Lana Del Ray
An Unhealthy Obsession by The Blake Robinson Synthetic Orchestra
I Want a Girl (Just Like the Girl That Married Dear Old Dad) by The Buffalo Bills
Unwed Henry by American Murder Song
Who Is She ? by I Monster
Happy Together by Filter
Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge
Missed Me by The Dresden Dolls
The Dismemberment Song by Blue Kid
“When you begin a journey of revenge, start by digging two graves: one for your enemy, and one for yourself.” – Jodi Picoult, Nineteen Minutes
i. “The further you sink, the more you drown in lies told by both you and others.”
You had first seen the eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers when he was towering above you, unblinking, at the end of your bed. Dressed in elegant gray attire, he stood tall, exuding an air of opulence. His eyes, reminiscent of frozen azure or sapphire gems, shimmered with an ethereal glow, just like his Hydro Vision.
Initially, his absence of blinking and his predatory demeanor seemed only odd, almost as if he were a wild animal, your tiredness preventing you from seeing the situation in its entirety. 
However, once you had awoken enough from your sleep and realized that he was an intruder, a profound sense of terror and alarm engulfed you. Your husband’s snoring was the only audible thing in this moment, the Harbinger’s and your breathing. You had practically jumped out of your bed to run, not thinking. 
“That took a while.”
No. No. No, this can’t be happening. Ji told you that he was able to pay off his debt just in time. Your throat constricts, your gaze widening as your mind teeters on the brink of crumbling, all because of the presence of the person standing just a few feet from you. You can’t breathe. Tartaglia smiles at your fear like you are a new toy he had purchased and then placed on the highest shelf. 
“Why are you–”
“Shh,” He cuts your questioning short with that sound and a simple lift of his finger to his smirking lips. “I just want to chat, girly.” He whispers, putting a lazy arm over the raised footboard. “Don’t cry or scream for help, okay? We both know no one would come anyway.”
Nobody is here to help you get out of this, even Rex Lapis himself.
“Why are you here, Lord Tartaglia? That… is who you are, right? Please, he did pay off his debts.”
You don’t know what to say next. You don’t know what to say next, and it hurts you. What is one supposed to say, when their house is broken into by a Fatui Harbinger and they are just so casually standing a few steps away from you? A Fatui Harbinger who was said to be a wild card and oh so infamously conniving? Would begging for Ji to not die be a good choice? Would you die too then, whether he listens to your pleas or not? Perhaps asking him to at least make his death not painful and long would suffice. It is a gamble, no matter how you slice this situation.
Your husband is not a stranger. You know his life story and what he had done in his life. He knows your life story and actions too. Would Tartaglia listen to you if you kept repeating that Ji had paid off his debt already? Something tells you he won't listen to you, even if you speak enough to make your throat bleed.
“I doubt that.” His voice carries a cheerful melody that unsettles your stomach. “Harbingers aren’t one to be given false information, sweetie.” He chuckles as the tears that are about to fall from your eyes reflect the moonlight. “Anything you want to tell me before I get down to business? It can be anything at all.”
You find yourself tightly embracing your arms, as the frigid air playfully grazes your skin. Perhaps buried within your subconscious, you entertain the possibility that Ji may have deceived you. Maybe he fabricated a story to cease your persistent reminders about visiting Northland Bank and settling his debt with the Fatui. Alternatively, there could be an undisclosed motive behind his deception. Then again, could it be Tartaglia who is deceiving you, or perhaps you are deceiving yourself?
“Do you have to kill him?”
“Yes, princess.”
You don’t say anything for a moment after that blunt response. Tartaglia drinks up every emotion on your face like they are bottles of the sweetest cherry wine. Unfortunately for you, he does not seem the type to be a lightweight.
“Why can’t you do it another way?”
He looks out your window to the Sandbearer trees and bamboo growing in the back of your house. “Because he won’t ever be able to pay off his debt, no matter how much he works or how much he sells.”
You would think the lightness in his tone is simply him fooling around for a moment if he hadn't broken into your home and is a Fatui Harbinger. You know better than to think so foolishly. Perhaps it is simple amusement, with how his eyes look at your cold sweat traveling down your forehead to your neck, and your tears migrating down to your bare feet. You can sense the heaviness of his gaze, as it carefully observes your every action, from the not-so-subtle movement of your fingertips to the gentle flutter of your lashes. He would not be joking at a time like this.
The left side of the bed creaks as you hear Ji’s yawns and grumbles and him rubbing his eyes with his pointer fingers. Were Tartaglia and you too loud? You don’t think so. Your blood runs cold as your head turns and your fearful eyes make contact with his calm ones. 
As you move towards Ji, a wave of childhood nightmares washes over you. In those dreams, a formidable monster lurked behind, forever out of reach no matter how fast you ran. Your legs become burdensome and immobile as if shackled by iron chains. Should you cry out? Warn Ji to flee before it's too late? Tartaglia would easily catch up, but the longer you remain inert, the weightier your guilt grows.
You could still do something, can’t you?
You can still at least try, can’t you?
“[First]?” Your husband’s voice mixed in with drowsiness. “What are you doing up?”
The hand over your mouth doesn’t budge as much as you struggle and claw at it. It’s no use. Ji can’t see anything because his glasses are on the bedside table. He can’t run if he doesn’t know what is here, waiting to tear him apart into little pieces.
“My love? What’s wrong?”
Tartaglia answers before you can.
“I’m afraid your deadline has passed.”
This has to be a bad dream, so you close your eyes and wish that you would just wake up already. But you never do.
ii. “Your flames can either bring life and warmth or cause destruction.”
You woke up in the morning to a cold bed. You sit up and your neck naturally turns to your right, your tiredness keeping you from remembering Ji is dead. You somehow still wanted to check if Ji had already left for work, but he wasn’t there. There was a faint glimmer of hope as you kept denying that Ji hadn’t passed last night after all. But that glimmer was quickly followed by a crushing weight. The bed was cold, the spot where Ji usually lay being taken instead by a head of ginger hair and freckles, a strong arm holding your waist in place.
As the sun retreats into the Earth's embrace and the moon takes its place in the celestial stage, the fire dwindles to a mere glimmer of its former radiance. The flames flicker with feebleness, urging you to tend to its dwindling strength.
“Sigh… I’m traveling again today anyway. I don’t need this anymore.” You stand up and almost cry out in pain at your sprained ankle. You can hardly see Liyue Harbor from here. The only thing you can see almost clearly is the giant red gates, the lanterns so small they could be mistaken for little bits of dust or gliding flower petals. You’re thankful that you were not hurt back then and escaped before Tartaglia’s boat set sail for Snezhnaya. Now you can’t go back to Liyue until you are assured that Tartaglia has died. “Time to go.”
You start walking down the mountainside, being careful to not trip on a tree root or rock. You made that mistake before, and you surely do not want history repeating itself. Especially since your ankle just started healing, though it is not healed enough to not make you wince with every step you take. It still beats having it broken though, you suppose.
You would rather sleep, you would rather have someone here to help you through this. Before your eyelids can close again as you walk, you slap yourself. You have to pay attention, because if there are any Fatui skirmishers, mages, or agents here you have to notice them before it is too late for you. You are certain that Tartaglia gave them orders to look out for you. It is what you would have done if you were as obsessed as he was with someone you had never met before. Thankfully though your thread of fate differed from Childe’s, or at least you hoped so.
You have to keep going, it is what Ji would have wanted you to do if he was still alive.
It is what Ji would have wanted you to do. Your sword is dragged behind you, a light thunking sound audible every time it falls a bit at a small ledge. It has seen better days, that is for certain. Its edges are dull and its surface is chipped and stained. The wooden hilt is rotten and split, exposing the worn and tarnished metal beneath.
The sword is old, but there is still strength in the petals beneath all the rust and decay. Despite the more than obvious corrosion, it still manages to retain some of its original sharpness. Having any weapon is better than having none. You cannot just be here out in the wilderness by yourself like some rabbit waiting to be eaten. You have to continue to run and live. You have to, for Ji.
Just your luck. The mask the man wears is somewhat scorched and burned at the edges, likely from the fiery attacks the typical Fatui Pyro Agent wields in combat. The red mask’s surface has been ruined by heat and age, leaving it an almost brick color. Its shape is angular, giving it a harsh and intimidating appearance. Nothing is exposed, with even the nose and mouth covered by its metal.
You regret leaving that tacky tent in an instant. You raise your blade and point it at the agent, glaring. In response, the agent crosses his arms with a tch sound leaving the small holes of his mask. Would it be a bad idea to run? Is this agent fast enough to stop you? It’s another gamble, to put it simply.
The sound of the troupe of musicians’ instruments fills both you and Ji’s ears sweetly as you dance. The crackling of the fire of the outdoor cooking station provides a cozy atmosphere. You were both at peace surrounded by the warmth and comfort of the song playing and the love you shared.
A drizzle falls from the night sky, adding yet another accent to the harmony. Creating an almost hypnotic rhythm. Ji smiles at you with appreciation in his eyes. He pulls you close as you continue to dance to the melodic tunes playing in the background.
“I love you.”
But you take that chance and start running uphill, not being as careful as you were walking down. The agent chases after you as you gasp for air, your eyes going from looking at the top of the small mountain to looking at your feet to making sure you don’t trip and fall. But then you look behind you and see the agent reaching his hands out towards you, aiming to catch you before you can get very far. That is when your instinct kicks in, the rational part of your brain being replaced by pure emotion and impulse.
The agent attempts to sidestep out of the way but only manages to trip himself on a tree root as your rusty blade makes a clear and large bloody slash across his chest. He tumbles down the mountainside, his blood trailing behind him in a crimson stream. He grunts and you go back to running. Only when you are up on the top of the hill do you look down at what you have done
He lies struggling at the bottom of the mountainside. Your tunnel vision makes the world dark, leaving only one color left; the agent’s bright red blood staining the mountainside. He seems to have collapsed on a rocky part of it, his body losing the strength to stay upright. The wind blows at the crimson trails of blood, splattering them over the nearby rocks and foliage. He reaches out with a weak hand, reaching in vain for you, his voice nothing more than feeble gurgling and panting. The agent struggles to stay conscious, but the pain from the massive wound in his chest and the lack of oxygen causes him to slowly lose consciousness. He draws a final breath as he goes limp. The corpse bleeds out into the dirt and rocks, his blood mingling with the soil as he remains still and lifeless.
The soft glow of the candles illuminated the bedroom. Ji could see that you were fast asleep, your gentle breathing a testament to this. He leans in close and kisses your forehead, your eyebrows slightly contracting in your sleep, Ji feeling content and happy. A gentle breeze blows through the window, causing the curtains to flutter slightly. As he watches the candlelight dance and flicker, his mind is at ease and his heart is full of love for you. You feel safe and secure in your husband’s arms.
As soon as you are certain of his death, you step down from your perch and kneel next to the body.
Was it moral? The question hangs in the air like a noose or a guillotine’s blade as you stare down at him. Your act may have been necessary, but was it right? Is murder a justified response? Was there any chance for a peaceful resolution? What could have been?
Is this what Ji would have wanted? Would he be happy if he knew you had blood on your hands now?
iii. “As we dance, each step forward leads to another step back.”
You go to wash your hands in the body of water nearby.
You stand by the edge of the lake, looking down at your hands as you contemplate. Even though there is no physical evidence of blood on your palms, you can still feel the weight of what you have done. The water beckons you like a siren, drawing you in with the promise of being cleansed both physically and spiritually. You hesitate for a moment before dipping your hands into the water, letting the coldness refresh you. As you feel the water wash over your skin, you can’t help but wonder if the feeling of guilt will disappear with it.
“Not bad, not bad.” That is what Childe would say if he was here with you to witness what had just happened, your imagination producing a proudness in his tone that makes you almost vomit. “Seems you learned a bit from me. Cute.”
You have the urge to shield your ears from the harsh reality that the imaginary Tartaglia relished in revealing. However, you resist the temptation for now. The task at hand is to cleanse them, to rid them of impurity. They remain unwashed and unclean. Therefore, you clench your hands tightly, keeping them submerged in the water. There is a viscous sensation as if you had immersed them in a thick, sticky substance like honey or syrup.
Your imagination stops playing tricks on you for a moment, much to your paranoia and guilt’s utter joy. Perhaps a small mercy, or punishment as now you will be alone with your thoughts once more.
You hold your breath as you count the seconds of you scratching away at your hands. One, two, three, four… you eventually lose count, and by then a small portion of the lake is crimson. Your skin has been rubbed raw and you are bleeding, and when you become aware of this, the pain shoots up your arms and you scream.
“Come on, be proud of what you did.”
There is a chuckle that is akin to those that still haunt your nightmares.
At least you can’t see him, he is just a voice in your head. Though you assume that the real Tartaglia is still out there, waiting to strike. You just wish you could make it to Sumeru before then.
Would you ever be free?
“You did great, you know.”
You do not want Tartaglia’s praise, as false as it is at this moment. Even if he is just a figment, you would rather have no kindness at all, out of both self-hatred and hatred for him.
Would you still be free if you hadn’t killed that agent? You don’t think you would have, you don’t know what that agent would have done to you, if he was sent to catch you or if he was just doing his regular patrols of the area. You don’t know what his plans were. All you know is that he is dead and you are still free. Where whatever his plan had failed, your plan as quickly as it was made had succeeded. You contemplate deluding yourself into thinking that that agent was sent after you, that he did harbor ill-intent towards you and your freedom. 
But you can’t do it, so all you do is put your bloody hands to your face and sob. You taste something metallic in your mouth and it only makes you cry louder. Your tears become mixed with sanguine as they fall and paint your white dress with red dots. You stay in that position for a while after that, but the imaginary Childe’s voice does not leave you for another second.
There is never a peaceful moment, and you don’t know how long you cried for.
“Seriously, stop crying. It sort of ruins how good of a job you did.” After a few more moments of you still loudly weeping, you hear a sigh. “Come on. Don’t be a spoilsport.”
You sniffle into your cut palms.
“Just leave me alone.”
He does not listen to you, as he always does.
iv. “You have turned into the very thing that you vowed to annihilate.”
Screaming. Screaming that is so loud the Golden Finches in the trees all fly away. Screaming too loud, too maddening, to stop and it goes on for about a minute like an alarm. The source of the screaming is you, not that you tried to stop it, blinded by emotion.
The daylight makes you focus on your cut hands, your skin still stained with blood from the night before. The lake’s water has slightly brightened up, and the spot where you cut your hands is less red. 
But your trails sooner than later trail back to what caused your screaming.
Resting in the lush blades of grass beside you lies the source of your frantic cries. Nestled at its center, is a vibrant and tranquil sapphire gemstone adorned with gilded accents that trace the curves of a square. As it draws near to your being, a subtle glow emanates, casting a gentle illumination. A Hydro Vision.
“Aren’t you happy?”
You stare at it. You do not know whether to be happy or continue being miserable. You are deemed worthy and strong by the celestial realm, hence receiving a portion of their formidable might. The only problem is that you had just killed a man. You murdered someone, and you are being rewarded for it.
It is like Tartaglia is here with you, even though you cannot see him.
You know that if you had not killed that agent, you would not be gifted with this.
At least you can defend yourself for real now, even though your self-defense skills are next to none.
You hope this is a joke. There are fake Visions sold in some places, and perhaps it was dropped here by mistake. Maybe a child simply lost theirs. But you know that is not true. There is nothing here but you, this Vision, and your rusty sword. There is nothing else for you, no child coming and snatching up the Vision and running back to wherever they came from.
So you pick it up, and it is slightly cold with little droplets of water on its glowing surface. 
It emits a gentle hum and you can feel its power coursing through your veins. Hydro Visions are said to be a manifestation of the Hydro Archon’s will, a symbol of her sense of justice and benevolence. 
You would laugh if your voice box did not feel like it had just been clawed out of you.
You would laugh if you thought it was funny. But it is not funny, because now you will have to carry this reminder; this permanent keepsake of the man you have killed. It is not funny, but you know Childe would think it was if he ever found out about this.
You cannot escape this because there is no escape. You killed a man and his corpse is there on the bottom of the hill, rotting away, his eyes probably wide and glassy and unblinking. Flies and maggots will soon make him their new home and drill their way into his flesh as he rots, buzzing sounds soon replacing whatever gurgling ones the agent made before he went motionless.
You do not deserve any mercy, because at the end of the day are you really that different from Tartaglia? You both kill those around you to get what you want, the only difference being you killed that man in self-defense, or at least you hope that is what it counts as. You don’t know if you and him are the same. You are no saint. Childe is a sinner. You are a disgrace. Childe is no luminary. 
Or maybe he is. Because of him, you murdered someone. 
Either way, that agent had someone, someone out there who at least was acquaintances with him. Maybe he had a partner, a spouse, a friend, someone back in Snezhnaya waiting for him to return. Now all that they are getting is a body in a bag and maybe some cold condolences if they are lucky enough. 
Your hands still hurt as you hold out one of them and a small fountain of water spouts from your palm. You ball up your fist and close your eyes, making the Hydro power stop. Maybe the heavens know that you and Childe are the same, and that is why they gifted you the same Vision he wields. Whether the Vision of choice was intentional or not though, you know you will never be able to find out, because you are just a human. The divine does not interfere with mortals, after all.
You do not feel good, but you don’t feel bad either, a nauseating mix of both you think. You’re stronger now. You’re more worthy of hell than heaven.
What awaits after you die? What happens when both you and Childe die? If you got into heaven, would Tartaglia tear through the very gates of heaven to get to you? What would happen then? Or if you go to hell, would Tartaglia be able to find you?
If you burn in hell, would the only thing you hear be your thoughts?
You would be alone then. Though you know you are just as alone right now. You are lost in your thoughts, and maybe that is what hell is because you cannot stop them.
You are hungry. The satchel you stole from a Millelith guard ran out of food and water yesterday, and there do not seem to be any apples or sunsettias nearby. You feel so empty.
You think about what caused all of this to happen. You are certain that if Childe had not butted his head into your life if Ji had paid off his debts, if something else had happened, if anything else had happened, if everything else had happened, you would not have killed someone. Hopefully, probably.
You are a murderer.
You hold the title of a killer, yet there may still be a chance to redeem your soul through positive actions. If you dedicate yourself to intense preparation, you could potentially return to Northland Bank and swiftly eliminate Childe. Your motive is driven by the desire to pay Childe back for Ji and all the other lives he has destroyed. You want payback for yourself too. Seeking retribution for yourself is not an act of selfishness but rather a justified response in your opinion. 
A deep longing for revenge quickly blossoms within, causing your heart to race as an ecstatic smile graces your face. The tantalizing allure of revenge consumes your every thought, compelling you to go to any lengths to savor its sweetness. Your unwavering pursuit of justice echoes relentlessly, echoing the call for retribution. Justice, justice, justice, Revenge, revenge, revenge. Guilty, guilty, guilty.
Victory, victory, victory.
You are going to enjoy his suffering, his pain. You are going to enjoy his screams. You are going to enjoy his cruel death, the torture you are going to put him through. You lust after such a moment like a bite from the sweetest, juiciest fruit in all the land. Apples. Peaches, maybe.
Your soul will feast well that day. You will eat and eat until you are the very definition of gluttony itself. Even if you end up a demon, you will be happy that Tartaglia finally got his due.
You cannot wait.
It is not too late for you, for forgiveness, for another chance. It is not too late to salvage at least part of you. 
You laugh then, and it is croaky and hoarse from how loudly you screamed before, but you don’t care. Yes. Yes. Yes. You ignore how much your throat hurts, how much your hands hurt and your ankle hurts. It does not matter.
A sudden clapping sound, slow but clear. You don’t know whether or not you are imagining it, if you are going crazy or not. You are not mishearing things either way. 
Footsteps, cracking branches, and stepping on roots and blades of grass.
A chuckle.
“Good job.”
v. “Happiness can only be found in surrender.”
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Yandere Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
500 Follower Special~Pool Party
Maid Milker
Period Pain
When They Discover You're A Girl (WTDYAG) | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Divus Crewel | Who's Your Daddy?
Protective Father headcannons
Step-Dad-Pretending to be Happy
Step-Dad-You’re Bored
Crewel Daughter Reader Content (Cont’d)
Dire Crowley
Father headcannons
Crewel Daughter Crowley in love With Head Mistress
Mozuz Trein
Granddaughter headcannons
Older Brother Headcannon
Darling Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Artemiy “Chen’ya”  Artemiyevich Pinker 
Neige LeBlanche
Crewel Daughter Avoid Neige Leblanche
With A Baby Who Hates Him
Rollo Felmier
Crewel Daughter x Rollo Felmier
Riddle Roshearts | Baby Love,
Slowly Falling Love
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Ace Trappola
Mexican American Reader
Tanjiro Reader
Pool Party: Charging Up
Deuce Spade
Mexican American Reader
Tanjiro Reader
Trey Clover
Slowly Falling Love
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Tanjiro Reader
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Cater Diamond
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Getting Reader To Do the Sad Cat Dance
Leona Kingscholar
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Protective Older Brother
Crona Reader
Twin Sibling Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Runt Sister Reader
Grandparents’ Misconception
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival 
Malleus in Love With Leona’s Little Sister Reader
Tanjiro Reader
First Year Sister Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
"I Won't Let You Hurt My Baby"
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Ruggie Bucchi
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival 
Tanjiro Reader
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Jack Howl
Trying To Court Fem Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Mexican American Reader
Pool Party: Charging Up
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Azul Ashengrotto
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Slowly Falling in Love
Dwarf Octopus Reader
Dwarf Octopus Child Reader
Crewel Daughter Childhood Friends with Azul
Getting Reader To Do the Sad Cat Dance
Tanjiro Reader
Weapon Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Jade Leech
The Leech Twins
Slowly Falling in Love
Dwarf Octopus Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Dwarf Octopus Child Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Tanjiro Reader
Weapon Reader
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Floyd Leech
The Leech Twins
Dwarf Octopus Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Dwarf Octopus Child Reader
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Weapon Reader
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Kamil Al Asim
Crewel Daughter Kalim’s crush
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival
Crewel Daughter Accidental Save
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Jamil Viper
Crewel Daughter Kalim’s crush
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival Crewel Daughter 
Accidental Save
Tanjiro Reader
"I Won't Let You Hurt My Baby"
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Vil Schoenheit | Groomzilla, Discovery of the Queen,
Small Town Cult AU Headcannons
Meeting First Crewel Daughter
Crewel Daughter | Penpals
Crona Reader
Grandparents’ Misconception
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Rook Hunt | Discovery of the Queen,
Small Town Cult AU Headcannons
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival
Tanjiro Reader
Epel Felmier | Apple Lover
Mexican American Reader
Sitting On Their Shoulders
Idia Shroud | I Need You,
Slowly Falling in Love
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Grandparents’ Misconception
Getting Reader To Do the Sad Cat Dance
Tanjiro Reader
Jinx Reader
Pool Party: Charging Up
Spirit Stallion Guardian
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Malleus Draconia | Dragon and the Outcast,
Weapon Reader
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Crona Reader
Crewel Restoration Daughter Paint Job
Gushing About Their Animal Form
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Crewel Reader Persephone Festival
Malleus in Love With Leona’s Sister Reader
Tanjiro Reader
Nezuko Reader
Jinx Reader
Spirit Stallion Guardian
"I Won't Let You Hurt My Baby"
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Lilia Vanrouge | Beware of the Fae,
Weapon Reader
Crona Reader
Crewel Daughter | Papa Lilia
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Tanjiro Reader
Ancestor to Daughter in Law
Accidentally Sitting On Their Face
Sebek Zigvolt
Science Club Love Crewel's Daughter
Crewel Daughter | Troublesome Pests
Mexican American Reader
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Pool Party: Charging Up
Silver Vanrouge
Crewel Daughter Courting (Diasomnia)
Yandere Twisted Wonderland Masterlist (Cont’d)
1K notes · View notes
princessanonymous · 2 months
omg i just read your vampire story and it’s sooo good😩😩 i had to rewatch interview with a vampire after i read that masterpiece. i do wonder though, what happens to them in the modern age? do they still live in the mansion? do they relocate? does the reader have more permission to go outside? thank youuu <3333
𝓐𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 (Ask)
When Night Comes asks Platonic Yandere Vampire Story Chapter list
So sorry for taking so long!! I was busy with life and when I finally found the time to sit down and write it down, I didn't have the proper time to correct it bcuz of exams... I have one tomorrow but I really just wanted to finally post this. Another ask is probably coming soon but i can't really promise anything since i have a physics exam followed by one in chemistry 3 days later and one in math coming soon too. Life really isn't on my side now!
Still, here it is!
(Also some of yall might have noticed but I like putting these answers into little situation instead of telling it outright. Hope yall dont mind)
(+ This takes place during the cold war. I found it to be fitting.)
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“I can’t believe I accepted to stay in this dreadful place,” muttered her father as they walked into the new house they had bought. “This house is too small.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” quipped her dad while shaking his head, “this is what mortal Americans settle with. And they do it quite easily; this is the biggest house in the neighborhood.”
“That is the problem,” groaned her father while they walked through the already furnished house. It was a good thing her parents had paid people to do this tedious task. “We have never lived in a neighborhood before. There is no space! We don’t even have our own forest!”
“You agreed to let the little one choose our next home,” he reminded the other with a sigh. “That is her choice.”
The blond frown in distaste and looked around the living room. “Well I didn’t expect her to choose such a mediocre manor. This is utterly ridiculous.” He pinched the bridge of his noise in annoyance and exasperation as he settled in one of the satin armchairs in the room.
The girl puffed her cheeks, vexed by these words. Yes, it was true the house was smaller than the three other homes they had inhabited in America, it was definitely something she would need to get used to, but that didn’t make it less fun. Ever since they had left their motherland for the new world due to the constant attacks and bombings during the war, her existence had been filled with a neverending kaleidoscope of information and new things to see. America was nothing like England: everything was bigger and people acted so differently. 
She had indeed chosen this manor in Pennsylvania for a reason. It was gloomy and often cloudy there, just like they all preferred it. Additionally, while it was not the size her father was used to, she knew it was big enough for him to not outright refuse her request; they wouldn’t remain here very long though, but she could accept that. 
Most importantly… neighborhoods were filled with other children, and that was really the only thing that really mattered to her. The idea of interacting with others, even if they were mortals, made her giddy. If her father knew the real reason for her insistence on this estate, the girl knew he would refuse instantly, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him – or (Y/n).
It took a week before she finally was able to meet people. The day was gloomy and clouds were in the sky, indicating incoming rain. Two boys passed by the house as she was swinging on the swing her parents had ordered installed for her. She watched as they came and went multiple times, playing with their blue ball and almost cackled in glee when one of the boys, the younger one, a boy with red messy hairs and freckles, who looked to be nine years old, threw the ball too far away and it landed close to her. She stood from her swing quickly to pick up the ball and stood–
“Careful!” warned the older, a boy with dark skin and brown eyes, who only looked slightly older than she did. The girl suspected he might be thirteen or fourteen.
It was too late, because not even a second later, she felt the seat of the swing collide with her back and she fell on the floor. The two boys ran to her; the youngest holding the swing as the older one helped her stand up. She winced, hoping her father hadn’t heard the commotion; she knew he would be mad if learned she was interacting with mortals. She didn’t want to be confined to her room for a year like he had done before.
The girl shuddered at the memory. Maybe trying this wasn’t a good idea; if he found out, he would surely do worse, he had promised it last time. She didn’t want to leave, she didn’t want to remain confined again.
She hated how cold and lonely and empty her room felt when it was the only thing she saw for months, she–
“You alright there?” Asked the oldest with his brows furrowed, unaware of the fact that he had snapped her out of her spiraling thoughts.
She nodded, still dazed and gave them their ball. They thanked her and the other mortal asked, “Are you living here? Nobody’s seen the new inhabitants yet. Mom says it’s impolite to not even greet anybody after moving in. Mom said only communists would do such an impolite thing.”
(Y/n) squirmed, embarrassed by these words. She didn’t know anything about neighborly etiquette. Should she have researched the subject before? She doubted her father was informed on that matter, but perhaps her dad knew more; he had always been more aware of mortal things than they were. 
The older glared at the youngest and lightly slapped the back of his head. “Rem, you can't just say that!”
“You heard her say it too!” Protested the redhead in outrage, ready to defend his statement.
The older one sighed and shook his head before rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. “Excuse my step-brother, Jeremy; he doesn’t know what he’s saying. I’m Kenneth. We live just across from here.”
A smile graced her features again. "My name is (Y/n)," she introduced herself with a graceful tilt of her head, her voice carrying a controlled and melodic cadence, "how do you do? I live here with my fathers." She had to make a good impression.
Jeremy narrowed his eyes. “You have an accent,” he noted in fascination. “Where are you from? You're not a communist, are you? Mom said we can't speak to those.”
(Y/n) sensed some mistrust coming from him, and she quickly used her empath abilities to soothe him before his words registered in her mind. (Y/n)'s expression faltered for a moment, a hint of confusion clouding her features before she shook her head lightly. “I don’t have an accent,” she denied while pointing at him, “You do have an American accent though.”
The redhead shook his head in disbelief, crossing his arms over his chest in a gesture of defiance. “Americans don’t have accents, silly,” he retorted with a grin, his eyes alight with amusement.
But (Y/n) wasn't about to let the matter go so easily. She protested adamantly, insisting that she could clearly hear the distinct nuances in his speech. Back and forth they bantered, neither willing to concede their stance on the matter  before eventually realizing they wouldn’t agree on that matter. 
"But where are you from?" he asked, his tone gentle yet insistent, "You're not from here, are you?"
She shook her head. "No, I was born in England,” she revealed, her voice carrying a faint trace of longing for her homeland. She still missed England dearly. She knew vampires typically never spent more than a century in the same country, but she had still been devastated when her parents had decided to leave; even more when they sailed to a different continent altogether. 
Jeremy looked starstruck, their small innocuous disagreement already far behind in his mind, thanks to her abilities. "Really? Did you ever meet the queen?" he asked eagerly, his imagination already running wild with visions of royal encounters and grand palaces. 
She giggled at that, then tilted her head, contemplating the question. After a brief moment of contemplation, she realized that he was likely referring to Queen Elizabeth II, rather than Queen Victoria. "No, never," she replied with a casual shrug, noting the slight disappointment that flickered across Jeremy's face at her response.
"Hey, wanna join us tomorrow at two o'clock? We'll be down this street with all the neighborhood kids. Probably going to play Hide-and-seek.”
(Y/n) smiled warmly at the invitation, her curiosity piqued by the prospect of joining in with the neighborhood kids. "Sure, I'd love to!" she replied eagerly, the thought of meeting new mortals outweighing any concerns she might have had about the unfamiliar game they mentioned.
Although she had never heard of Hide-and-seek before, (Y/n) was undeterred. As she agreed to meet them the following day at two o'clock, her mind was already buzzing with anticipation. (Y/n) knew she would have to find a way to sneak out without her fathers noticing, but she was determined not to let that stop her from joining in on the fun. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she began plotting a way to sneak out, confident that she could pull it off.
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thefiery-phoenix · 2 months
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He'd fall madly in love with you if you explain something to him from the modern times or just by being yourself. Yep... man here loves you for talking to him NOT just because he's Captain America but as Steve too if you get what I mean
He'd most probably stalk you and make sure you're 'safe'. He finds it completely normal though. The way he sees it is he's just patrolling the place you live at to check for 'any signs of disturbances' to stalk you and drink in your divine beauty. Might even get some of the other Avengers like Natasha and Bucky to help him since they're like best friends and stuff
Completely POSSESSIVE and obsessive as hell. Oh, and not to mention kinda delusional too
The world is a harsh place according to him and he needs to make sure you're safe at any cost. And yes, he will kidnap you if he thinks you're in danger. But not before he finds out more about you and your likes and dislikes and even your relationships with other people, which he doesn't like that much. He wants you to be the only person to depend on and it just infuriates him when you go and hang out with other people. Was he not good enough for you? To cope with his jealousy he's going to try spending more time with you like training together and you both going out more often together
Will most likely kidnap you if he thinks you're putting yourself in danger but don't worry, he'll make the room and the house to your liking. He'll get all the things that you love like fluffy pillows and stuffed animals and books etc. etc.
Good luck trying to make people believe that he kidnapped you. They'd most probably recommend you to a doctor or something because who would believe the chivalrous gentlemanly Captain America would actually KIDNAP someone?? And Steve will most CERTAINLY find out about you trying to tell someone about that and he'll be really disappointed in you. He might scold you like how a kind dad scold his child but if you test his patience levels too much he might just have to teach you a lesson
Don't bother trying to escape from him. Security around you is HELLA tight and plus even if you did manage to escape, one: How in the absolute HECK did you manage THAT?! And two: He'll track you down anyways and trust me, he has ALL the resources that he needs for getting you back in literally less than 24 hours
Normally Steve doesn't get angry THAT much but you better watch out when he DOES. He might lock you in a room if you've tried escaping from him or forcefully cuddle with you since he thinks you feel neglected. Or else he might yell at you at why you're being ungrateful and stuff like that. Yes, it pains him to say and do things like this but he WILL discipline you by any means necessary but he won't do anything to you without your consent of course. Even when he's angry, he's STILL respectful. Well... at least to YOU that is. When it comes to rivals... oh boy.... they're going to kiss the Earth goodbye in less than half a second if someone gets the bright idea to mess with him or you. The Avengers are an exception to this which means you absolutely can NOT go to them for help
He will get absolutely PISSED if he sees Tony talking to you and he'll drag you away from him gritting his teeth. Normally the 2 of them don't get along too well and when it comes to you, he's literally aching to punch him in the face when he sees you talking to him. You're going to have to assure Steve you love him and not let him go and cuddle with him after that. You don't wanna make boi here sad now, DO you?
He wants to have that All American lifestyle with you. You know with the painted white fence, maybe a golden retriever and a nice villa and 3-4 kids. Maybe even more. And when he gets to know you're pregnant, his obsession and over protectiveness of you will shoot up to the roof and out to space. You belong to HIM and NOTHING can separate the 2 of you and he'll make sure of that
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kuromiiwonhan · 4 months
Bts Fanfic Recommendations PT.2
Readers note: Hi everyone! I decided to make a BTS ff recommendation post finally! After reading so many amazing ff’s  this year, here are the ones that I have put together so far, many more are to come in the future:) A warning I have is that 99.9% of these contain things such as nsfw/smut, dark themes, mature themes, etc. So this post is 18+, I am not your mother so I cannot stop you from what you read, but I am cautioning you before you continue. Also, almost all of these are members x fem!reader. Hope you enjoy and full credit to all of these authors and thank you so much for your amazing hard work!!! Happy reading:)
A- Angst F-Fluff M- Nsfw/smut/mature *- Favorites
25 and Virgin(M,F) 
Public sex with Jimin(M)
Headrush (it's too sweet) (M) Idol!Jimin x reader
Heartburn (2) (A)
 All you want(M,A,F) Rich ceo!kth x rich student!reader  ****
The red means I love you(M,F?) Yandere!Taehyung x Yandere!Reader
Fall from grace(M)
Taehyung confessing to an American reader in English(F) Idol!Tae x American!reader
Unnamed(M) Club owner!Taehyung x college girl!reader 
Honey(M,F) Whipped!Tae x reader
The elevator(F)
The crown that is ours(M) Prince!Tae x Princess!Reader
Good for me(F,M) Bad Boy Taehyung x Wholesome Reader
Cutest bunny(M) 
Electra heart(M,F,A) Fake dating au
His special(M) College art professor!Tae x art student!y/n
We will always have Paris(F) Idol au
Depravity(M) Yandere!Tae x Yandere!Reader
Rent-a-boyfriend(F,A) Rent-a-Boyfriend!Tae x Reader
Quiet getaway(M,F) 
Puppy Impromptu(M) 
The BBF(M) Brother bestie!Tae x reader
Unnamed(M) Sugar Daddy!Tae x Sugar Baby!Reader
With a brush of Fate Master-List(F,A,M) Idol!Tae x Art student!Reader
Knife Play(M)
Sugar moon(M) Art Student!Tae x reader
Pinch of sugar Master-List(M,F,A) Sugar daddy!Taehyung x sugarbaby!Reader
Boy next door(M) 
Wanna make a movie(M)
Drabble #2(M) Dog Boy!Tae x reader
Separation Anxiety Series(F,A,M) Game Designer!Jungkook
Unnamed(F,A) BF!Idol!Jungkook x fem!reader
Season of the witch(M,F) Heartbreaker!JK x witch!y/n
Unnamed(F,A) Idol!JK x reader
1:05 AM(M)
Knot today(M) Alpha!JK x virgin omega!reader
Warm hands pt.2(M) College boyfriend!JK x f.reader
Pink Sapphire(A,F)
Rebound Mini-series(F,A,M)
Unnamed(M) Yandere!JK x reader
What if I love you too much?(F,A,M) JK x Mom!Reader
Streams and Sheets(M,A,F) Gamer!JK x reader
Phone sex with JK(M)
Yours forever(M) Yan!popular boy JK x shy!fem reader.
Questions and Doubts(M) Dad!JK x f. reader
Bam and Baby Girl(F) Dad!JK x Mom!Reader
Multiple members:
Adore(M) Tae x Reader x Yoongi
Unusual Suspects(M) Tae x Reader x Namjoon (Tae focus)
Just a taste(M) Rapline x Reader
Wanna watch a sex tape(M) Tae x Reader x Jimin
Two-sentence Horror story(M) JK x Reader x Tae
Two in one(M) Hoseok x Reader x JiminDamn the charcuterie board(M) Jimin x Reader x Yoongi
r/n: enjoy everyone!
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hyatoro · 1 year
Kayden Nguyen
Psychic!Yandere (x Psychic!Reader)
He is specifically paired with a Psychic!Reader in all situations.
Vietnamese Name: Bảo Nguyễn
American Name: Kayden Nguyen
Appearance: 5’9”, Long black hair that’s usually tied up, golden eyes, tan, wears thin breathable layers, medium build. (Picrew Image at bottom)
Setting: US suburbs
Post about his and reader’s Psychic Powers
Kayden is a Vietnamese-American who gained his psychic powers at birth. He was really fussy as a child, but that was because he was constantly overstimulated, having been born in the city. As he grew up his body adjusted and managed to suppress his mind reading so that it’d be limited to a certain area. Like he can expand and shrink the range of his mind reading. 
His parents thought he was super creepy as a child, and hushed him numerous times to stop being annoying and to stop pretending he knew stuff. He quickly learned that if he stopped sharing what he was feeling that his parents treated him better. Because he wasn’t spouting all this freaky predicting stuff that maybe it was just a phase and that they do have a normal child that was just a bit weird in the early stages. He got really good at pretending he was okay. 
Kayden chose his name from a name book when he got to 2nd grade, because a lot of the kids had a hard time pronouncing his name correctly. When he got mad at them they would then pester him on how to actually pronounce it. He got sick and tired of it so he just chose a new name. In the present day he likes both his names equally. So don’t come asking me about preferences using his “real” name or any of that nonsense. They’re both his names. Only introduces himself as Kayden nowadays unless he’s talking to family or family friends who are also Vietnamese. If he finds out you’re also Viet/know Viet then he’ll tell you his Viet name freely. Otherwise you’d have to ask if his parents named him Kayden and then he’d tell you his birth name. 
When he hit middle school his family moved to the suburbs, finally having the money to do so. This soothed him significantly. Their new home was decently large, having plenty of space between them and the neighbors. On days where it was just him at home he’d actually have some mental peace and quiet without the strain of having to keep his psychic aura bubble in check.
He went to college online, and developed a really strong online life. It’s how he interacts with people in a way that feels normal. The same way that everyone else does. 
He’s not a total shut-in however, having to go places to run errands and whatnot, but he keeps that to the lower end of the spectrum. He’s grateful to live in an age where so many things are contactless, but knows that he needs sunlight or he’ll go crazy in a different way. 
Likes drinking beer a lot. Not in a party animal way but because it eases his mind and lets him relax. Likes drinking with his dad at the dinner table.
One day when he’s out and about, probably getting a physical copy of a game on the release day, he meets you. He can shrink the area of his mind reading range a decent amount, but he can still get overwhelmed in these small crowded stores where everyone is touching shoulders. 
As he mentally braces himself he walks in when he exhales. And nothing. There’s nothing. 
Not nothing, he can still hear and see and everything else, but he can’t hear anyone’s chittering thoughts. How?
He zeroes in on you. He knows it’s because of you because all the scattered energy is sinking into you like a void. What? 
Then you make eye contact with him and he can’t breathe. He’s staring at you like you’re some anomaly and that’s because to him you are. 
You’re staring at him to size him up. And you soon realize he’s like you. Only much more inexperienced. 
The difference between you two is that you had honed your skills so much more, becoming capable of doing other things with your psychic abilities other than just mind-reading. You give him an understanding smile. 
He is startled and at first takes mild offense, because who the fuck do you think you are?
Then you’re next in line and get your game. 
You leave ahead of him and he’s torn for a moment. Game? You? The choice is obvious. He chases after you. He can get another copy another time. You? He doesn’t know if he can find you again. 
Luckily for him you were waiting outside the store. It wasn’t hard to figure out that he’d want to talk to you. You greet him casually and he looks at you like his world view just got flipped. 
You give him the time he needs to pick his jaw off the floor before waving for him to follow you to a park bench across the street from the game store. He follows promptly, eyes darting around as he’s unsure of what’s happening. 
The mental silence is still actively happening and he has no idea how to react to it other than apprehension. When he finally sits down next to you, you introduce yourself. He does the same, introducing himself as Kayden.
You sit in silence waiting for him to speak. He stammers before taking a deep breath. 
"How? How do you do that?" He finally musters out. 
"The thing where you neutralize everyone's thoughts," he clarifies. 
You give him the gist of it. How you practiced because everything was so noisy. And how you learned to do other things. 
You're already aware that no one is paying attention to you two, so you hold your hand out and the pebbles from the ground fly to your palm. They're big enough that he can't blame the wind, though you can tell he's far from a skeptic. He’s looking at you in awe, like you just showed him how to clear a level by glitching through the walls. Literally unlocked an entire world to him. 
 Basically you explain to him that you were like him in the past, but decided to branch out to see what you were really capable of. Because I said psychic, not just mind-reading. 
You exchange numbers and plan to meet occasionally. In the times between, for the first time in his life, he actually tries to do all the cool psychic stuff he’s heard of. Despite being a clear example of the supernatural he figured that it was a case of grandeur and illusion. Like where you look at something and are like “haha thats cool but not how it works irl.” 
But it does. It works bud. He just never tried. Part of it was fear of being further ostracized by his family. He loves and cares about them, but he remembers how awful they made him feel when he was open about his powers as a kid. 
It becomes this mentorship where you’re guiding him how to better control his powers and he quickly becomes obsessed. You’re the only two that you two know that are like this. You weren’t as recluse as he was and you still note how he’s the first one you’ve met that shares these powers. 
He’s eternally grateful that you’ve shown him a better way to live and he idolizes you. He doesn’t dread going out anymore and he loves going out with you. Even simple errands have him scrambling for a decent outfit. 
You only negate the thoughts of people within a certain vicinity, kind of like a low battery function. One time when the two of you were together you left his side, which is fine, but he wasn’t on top of his shit so a flurry of thoughts rushed in, but one notable one was some dude eyeing you big time. He didn’t know where that hot flash of rage came from. Kayden zeroes in on this dude’s thoughts and basically screams at him with his own mind, not realizing what he’s doing, and it works. Huh? The dude’s thoughts do a 180 and silence themselves. Not in the way where he can’t hear them, or that they’re getting negated by you. It turns into white noise and he can breathe again. 
He didn’t realize he was holding his breath. 
You come back with your food orders and he flashes you a smile. 
You look at him funny, and he shivers as he feels the calming aura of you reaching into his mind, asking him if he’s alright. He loved it when you did this. It was so intimate, you were literally in his head, and it was something he knew no one else could do. 
He responds with an “I am now.” Because it’s true. It was just a momentary distraction. But you’re here now and everything is alright. It’s always alright when he’s with you. 
In a chill setting he mostly uses his new psychic powers to keep people away from you via tripping, mind redirection, etc. 
If things get bad, then he’s not above exerting himself to put a person into a coma. Literally can’t be traced back to him, and he doesn’t have any blood on his hands. 
Would never hurt you intentionally. Would never even try to control you (ever again). Because there was one time when he was getting riled up, frustrated that he couldn’t get this technique down when it was supposedly simpler than all the other stuff he’s learned, and when you tried to calm him he lashed out big time, mentally and physically yelling at you to shut up and fuck off. 
You heard him. You felt it. You felt that wave of that hint of psychic control that you were familiar with, but had promised you wouldn’t do to him. So when he did it to you in this burst of rage you were stunned. He immediately knew exactly what he did and lost the wind in his sails. Even though he hadn’t promised the same thing back at the time, since he wasn’t able to do that back then, he knew that it was an unspoken agreement. 
Regret and shame smack him fast and hard as he crumples to the ground, groveling in apology. 
You, after many deep breaths, manage to be the bigger person. Because it was clear that he had never done this before so he didn’t know how it felt to use that particular power. So you heave one final sigh and look at him, telling him to get up and that it’s fine. But you make sure he knows that this isn’t some three-strike system and that if he ever tries that shit again you will let him know what hell feels like. 
He thanks you and apologizes again, going to a nearby convenience store and getting you some snacks. And it works. You two eat your snacks and the tension is diffused. 
Kayden throws a mental block up against you as he wonders why your anger was kinda hot in hindsight. Hates it when you’re mad at him though. So he can only hope to be around when someone else pisses you off. 
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hwadam-stories · 3 months
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₊ ˚ ⊹ #HWADAMSTORIES 𓂃 ࣪ ˖ .ᐟ
a writing blog for anything and everything related to the elixir of the sun manhwa, originally written by Soldam and illustrated by Song Yi, a historical romance story about fate, destiny and an eternal love. 3/7/24.
sign the petition to get this manwha animated!
first and foremost, this blog is a sideblog to my roleplay blogs IMPERIALSIYO and JEUNGHWA you'll receive a follow back from those blogs upon following this one.
my name is moe (she / her) twenty-four. black and cherokee-indian, thank you for coming by and checking out my blog. I highly encouraged coming into my inbox and interacting with me (messages, requests, etc) because I genuinely love that stuff with my whole heart.
due to the nature of my blog and the manhwa itself, minors and ageless blogs are prohibited from interacting with me and will receive an immediate block. this blog and it's contents caters only to an adult audience. Please refer to this post to know more
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I do not consent to my work being translated, plagiarized or reposted anywhere else.
Sharing is caring! Likes do nothing for my fics other than serving a bookmark for you, so please consider reblogging my fics to share with others so more people can read and enjoy them!
While my inbox is open to requests (both anonymously and non) I do reserve the right to decline any submissions that either breaks my rules or makes me uncomfortable.
That being said, I love crossover content of any kind and absolutely encourage more than just reader x character fics! I'm in many fandoms like Wandavision, Castlevania, Inuyasha, Disney, Jujutsu Kaisen, American Dad, Archer, Hazbin Hotel etc.
POINTS OF VIEW: male, female, deaf, blind, black (African-American), etc.
WHAT I WON'T WRITE: non-con, pedophilia, beastiality, gross / weird kinks, illegal age gaps, etc.
WHAT I WILL WRITE: fluff, smut, familial dynamics, romance, violence, blood, death, alternate universes, alternate scenes, legal age gaps, Headcanons, oneshots, yandere, etc.
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🌺 CHARACTER LIST (see images here)
[ganak village]: Rangbi, Jahan, Saran, Yul
[hwadam kingdom]: Emperor Dhan, Bayan, Chief Secretary Juhyul, Chief General Ga-Yerang, Suyeon
[concubines]: Sama Hyeon, Han Bia, Ye Tae Im, Karan
characters from other fandoms
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🌺 ABOUT THE MANHWA (read it here)
Bayan is an outcast amongst the Siyo, a people who have healing powers. Considered worthless because she doesn’t have the ability to heal others, Bayan is sent to the court of Dhan, the Great Sun Emperor, who is cursed with unrelenting bloodlust and slaughters his concubines mercilessly. It seems that Bayan’s fate is sealed the moment she reaches the emperor’s palace and Dhan is fated to suffer from madness forever... But together, Bayan and Dhan just might be able to change each other’s destiny.
Elixir Of The Sun is a historical romance about our main characters Dhan and Bayan overcoming fate and finding love in one another through trials and tribulations. The Manwha is adapted from the light novel "Lord Of The Sun" written by Soldam and does contain dark, sensitive and explicitly adult scenes where as the manhwa is careful to tone it down for a mature audience.
Should you choose to read Elixir Of The Sun, please keep in mind that:
- sexual violence is part of its story in terms of information (no scene is ever depicted but there is a close call regarding the main character in chapters 9 & 10)
- depictions of self inflicted injuries (the main character has healing blood and has to stab herself multiple times throughout the story)
- a failed un-aliving attempt in chapters 41 & 42. The main character was sleepwalking.
- In Chapters 110 - 115 there is a extreme depiction of excessive blood and violence but no gore is present.
Thankfully, the story doesn't force its plot to have these things as the main point, it merely uses these plot devices to reinforce and focus on the romance and subtle fantasy plot surrounding the bond of Bayan and Dhan.
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yandere dorian hcs please 😳
I will give you your steroid Santa Clause! But I’m making it sad. After the fight with Retsu, I felt so bad for him. I wanted to hug him.
Yandere Baki Head Canons
Kaioh Dorian edition
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Kaioh Dorian
You worked at a pastel maid cafe and he was a foreign customer that tipped you more than any other customer. Though at times you felt his eyes linger on your form longer than what was comfortable but his big tips made up for it
As the days turned to weeks, you learned his name was Dorian. He was overly nice to you and sometimes he’d bring you candies. To you, it seemed like he was trying to heal his inner child so you never corrected his behavior. The giant man somewhat reminded you of one
He’d call you “dolly” all the time due to your pastel maid uniform and you let him. It was a cute innocent nickname. Sometimes Dorian would gift you little porcelain dolls that looked eerily similar to you, but you thought they were cute. A part of you wondered how he knew you collected dolls, but perhaps it’s the way you presented yourself?
One time he stayed near closing time so you sat with him and chatted a bit. He was an American and he was 65. He’s never been married and he used to practice Chinese Kenpo. He was interesting
That was until you saw the news and realized he was an escaped convict. He killed a lot of people… you began to limit your time around Dorian and he noticed. He didn’t like it one bit
As you sleep at night, you feel the bed shift. You try to scream but a large hand is covering you mouth. You realize Dorian had broken into your house. How did he know where you lived?
Dorian tells you he’s been keeping an eye on you for awhile now and he doesn’t want you to hate him. That you’re his dolly and he’ll always treat you well.
He doesn’t do anything sexual to you at all, he just lays beside you and falls asleep with you in his arms. You don’t sleep a wink because you’re terrified but Dorian doesn’t harm you. He cares for you in his own way
You don’t see him for awhile after that, and you kind of feel sad about it. That’s when you find out through your coworkers that Dorian was now mentally handicapped after a fight with Kaioh Retsu
You go to see him and you’re surprised he recognizes you. Dorian runs over to you and calls you dolly still. He’s so thrilled to see you but now his mind is reduced to that of a child’s. It breaks your heart and you hug him. You cry as he hugs you back
Dorian tells you how his dad never let him have much candy and how abusive his father was with while he’s in this new mindset. You take it upon yourself to befriend him again
You visit Dorian everyday and bring him lots of candy. You sit with him in the psyche ward. Sometimes you go on walks with each other
You bring him a doll and he’s so happy. You two play together a lot, the way kids would. Dorian always looks forward to your visits
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Super Psycho Love Part 1
In which the star of the football team can't understand why you're so mean to him.
Yandere! Jock x Nerd! Reader
Part 2, Part 3
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Content Warning: Manipulation, Sexual Themes
His dad had always recognized something off with his son but like most fathers had chalked it up to being a boy. When he was in elementary school his mom would discuss his behavior in quiet, hushed tones while hunched over her baby blue '#1 Mommy' mug – the way he was frequently written up in school for roughhousing and how her fellow mommy friends were hesitant to arrange playdates between the kids. He dismissed it as parents coddling their spineless, sheltered children and pushed her to drop it. It was easy for him. His dad thought all of the world's problems could be fixed with a little less bitchin' and a lot more backbreaking work. It wasn't until eighth grade when he had broken Eric Hartwin's nose in a fist fight and his lawyer parents were threatening to press charges that his dad decided that outlet was going to be good old-fashioned American football.
He loved it, even if he initially resisted and threw week-long tantrums over it. It was his hall pass to jostle and 'play rough' with the other boys without getting yelled at and it teased out an almost childlike glee. His handsome features were perpetually twisted with cruel elation under his thick football helmet. He carried out his job as an offensive lineman with pride. There was never a moment where his smile faltered, even if he walked off the astroturf covered in blood. It didn't matter if it was his; he reveled in the brief warmth on his skin. For the first time in his life, the kids at his school had an equal amount of respect for him as they had wariness. They wanted to crowd around him like moths and be invited to the afterparties, but they also didn't want to be beaten to a pulp by one of the strongest kids on campus. They thought of him like the old testament god – equal parts revered and feared. The football team could invite an underclassman to a party and launch them into popularity just as easily as they could bully one into doing their school assignments. They dominated the school as they saw fit.
With his power came almost unlimited pussy. He admitted that after losing his virginity in sophomore year sex quickly lost its taboo appeal; you see the power itself was the real aphrodisiac. Girls from freshman to senior year (and occasionally college) threw themselves at him. They were willing to do whatever he wanted as long as he gave them occasional attention. Of course, the cheerleaders were the only ones they would be seen with around campus, but that didn't stop any of them from hooking up with other girls at parties. A peppy, too-thin flyer would wear his number at games but at in the strobe-lights of parties he would take girls to bed knowing nothing more than they were there and he was there too and really bored. He probably would have continued living that lifestyle well past the point his hairline receded into the back of his neck had he not met you.
His kinda-girlfriend, Bella, reveled in her status and made sure everyone knew she considered everyone to be less than the grass stains on her uniform. They were cutting Physics (as they frequently did) and she was complaining about this prude in gym who refused to change with the other girls. She had mentioned a name, but he didn't have a face to pair it with. So he nodded along giving little affirmative noises here and there to give the impression he cared.
"She is probably the ugliest girl I've ever met. The only chance she'd have of landing a date was if she put a bag over her head." She huffed, shuffling through papers in her locker. "I swear, half of the girls at this school have never even heard of a diet. Her butt is so big. I don't know how some guys find it attractive. It's so gross. Imagine all the cellulite underneath those gym shorts." Bella turned to him and mockingly shoved a finger down her throat and fake gagged.
He shrugged. A fat ass actually sounded pretty hot, but he knew her standards for big were much lower than any normal person. She thought that anything above 105 was morbid obesity territory. Suddenly Bella shushed him and adjusted her high ponytail.
"Oh, don't say anything. Here she comes," She rolled her eyes, "dressed like goddamn Carrie White. What is she, amish?"
You wore your hair neatly braided around the crown of your head and a tartan collared dress, courtesy of weekends spent at thrift stores and estate sales. There was a steely, fiery look on your face that caught him off guard. If he didn't know any better he thought he could feel heat radiating from you. Your lip curled in a slight scowl. He thought is was kind of funny that someone so harmless looking could be so visibly livid. It sparked something deep in him, something he hadn't ever felt: genuine interest to know the 'why' of a woman. He gave you a once over before making eye contact; if anything your expression got more hostile. Your eyes narrowed further and you scrunched your nose before you opened the locker next to Bella's.
An avalanche of the belongings of your locker spilled into the halls; several textbooks, a few bent and frequently dogeared paperbacks, as well as binders, homework and quizzes with A's marked in big red ink piled at your feet. You groaned. It was a free period and you had nowhere to be, so it wasn't a big deal. But the thought of kneeling before Isabella Marsh and scrambling to pick up your things was awfully humiliating. It was your fault though, you had a tendency to throw things haphazardly into it between periods without paying much attention.
"Well, are you going to pick it up?" Bella looked at you expectantly and you chewed the inside of your lip. She crossed her arms over her chest and drummed her fingers on her upper arm. You had looked into transferring out of your shared gym class, but all the other ones were filled and you needed it to graduate. It was one of your worst nightmares to be in the gym with half of the cheerleading team. Despite having never won a single competition since the school's founding, they all had raging superiority complexes over the rest of the female student body. You chalked it up to their proximity to the football team and their status as two-time state winners.
He watched the two of you glower for what seemed like minutes before you slowly squat down, carefully staying on your oxford-clad feet instead of getting on your knees. He thought it was a shame because you'd definitely be cute looking up at him. Taking you in, he imagined that it was impossible for you to have even seen a dick in person. You looked so straight-edge and pure based on your grandmotherly style and A papers. He had never seen girls on campus dress like that, probably not even girls from the last decade.
"Here, I'll help." He announced, startling himself by his generosity.
You shuddered slightly and continued to sloppily bunch papers close to your chest. "I'm okay. Thank you though."
He had never met a girl who rejected his attention outright, much less show such blatant distaste.
"Are you sure?" He knelt down to look you in your face. You had a grimace on your face that didn't quite suit your wide, doe eyes. There was almost a feral dog look to you. It didn't intimidate him in the slightest but his cheeks grew uncomfortably warm. He could still tell that you were cute despite such an ugly expression. Your lips were tinted a rosy red, like you had been picking at the skin. He lamely picked up a copy of 'The Bell Jar' and dumbly pretended to read the back.
"Yes. I'm sure." He didn't need to look at you to feel the intensity of your Kubrick stare on him. It wasn't the 'I want to fuck you' daydream-gaze from starry-eyed women that he was accustomed to, but the 'I want you dead' glare that nobody (especially a girl) would dare give him even as a joke. He limply held his hand out, offering you the book. You took it curtly, your fingers scraping by his. He stumbled as he stood up, trying not to feel awkward.
You hadn't noticed the effect you had on him. Maybe if you did, you would have been more careful after. Before he could say anything, you had stormed off again, clutching the book so tight your knuckles were white.
"God, what a stuck up bitch." Bella commented under her breath.
"I wonder what her problem is." He mumbled. What he really meant though was that he was going to figure out what your problem was.
He had a reputation; he was a bad person who went through teenage girls like tissues to jack off into. He was the antithesis of anyone you'd ever respect, much less date.
You had seen some of the girls. Not that you had many friends to gossip with, but it wasn't uncommon to see a girl or two crying in the bathroom before first period after the weekend of a big game because he never texted them after. It was the first week of autumn the first time you heard about him and it wasn't like you were eavesdropping or being weird about it. You always arrived early to put on makeup in the bathroom, since your parents didn't allow it at home. So you'd stand perched on your tippytoes with a mascara wand in one hand while listening to a small group of girls comfort their distressed friend. She'd weep on their shoulders, barely able to stand because of her burning humiliation. You'd multitask: watching through the mirror out the corner of your eye while applying a thin, barely-there swipe of taupe eyeshadow with your fingertip.
"Shhh," A brunette with braces stroked a redhead's back softly, "It's going to be okay sweetheart. We all make mistakes."
A lanky girl with a small patch of acne on her cheek sighed, "Not to be that person, but we told you that he's not a good guy."
Sometimes you wished you had friends like that. They seemed so supportive and kind and in a way it made you feel like a friend by association. It became somewhat of a routine during football season; you'd take your contraband cosmetics into the bathroom and listen to yet another heartbroken girl recount their time at a party thrown by the football team. It didn't take long before you grew to hate them all, even if you've never interacted with any members of the team. It didn't help that they sucked school funding dry so there was nothing left for the debate and chess team...
When you hurried off, you didn't know that he took it as an invite to chase after you.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
Genderbend Animated Sitcom Wifes x Yandere Motherly Seriel killer reader
COMING SOON 🦴🦷🫀😈🗡⚠️🤯
Ok so heads up I Popped a brand new story that's coming soon!!!
So imagine that you every sitcom you ever watched now and growing up the simpsons, futurama, disenchantment, family guy, the Cleveland show, American dad, Bob's burgers, the great north, Central Park, Duncanville, bless the harts, big mouth, the king of the hill, Archer, Rick and Morty, Solar Opposites, and house-broken along with inside job and Daria and finally south park were smashed into one world. Pretty crazy sounding right?
Anyway you moved into this insane city for Quote on quote work and you move into a fairly quiet neighborhood. You open a bakery and that's where meet each genderbend version of everybody mainly the kids and their male relatives.
During the day You are a quiet baker, but at night You are known as the famous Urban legend called the HellCat a famous Seriel killer who targets abusive parents and bring children to better homes or you take care of them yourself until you can find a better home for them.
As you go and mind your business, you soon catch the eyes of a bunch of interested husbands and boyfriends who are a little bit tired of their life with their wives or girlfriends, but while hanging out and spending time with them, you also have to keep your secret from their children that seem to have a very good idea about what you are Already.
Then the hardest parts come in the future, will you keep your secret safe or does everybody have to die?
Ok so this is gonna be insane so be ready For millennial crap and nostalgic treasures to join together in unholy matrimony😱😱😱
Comment below other animated shows you watch below and I'll see if I can add it to the story (Pieces!)
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ptbf2002 · 9 months
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My Yes Shows List:
Spongebob Squarepants,
My Life As A Teenage Robot,
The Fairly Oddparents,
All Grown Up,
Rocket Power,
The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius,
Danny Phantom,
T.U.F.F Puppy,
Sam And Cat,
Henry Danger,
Danger Force,
The Adventures Of Kid Danger,
The Amanda Show,
Kenan And Kel,
Big Time Rush,
It's Pony!
Ollie's Pack,
Bunsen Is A Beast,
Harvey Beaks,
The Loud House,
The Casagrandes,
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi,
Teen Titans,
Annoying Orange,
The Powerpuff Girls,
Dexter's Laboratory,
Johnny Bravo,
Cow And Chicken,
Ed Edd N Eddy,
Time Squad,
The Tom And Jerry Show,
The Grim Adventures Of Billy And Mandy, Codename: Kids Next Door,
Sheep In The Big City,
Courage The Cowardly Dog,
Foster's Home For Imaginary friends,
The Marvelous Misadventures Of Flapjack,
Ben 10,
Ben 10 Alien Force,
Ben 10 Ultimate Alien,
Ben 10 Omniverse,
Adventure Time,
Regular Show,
Steven Universe,
The Looney Tunes Show,
Close Enough,
The Amazing World Of Gumball,
Elliott From Earth,
The Fungies!
Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart,
Mighty Magiswords,
OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes,
Summer Camp Island,
Tig n' Seek,
Victor and Valentino,
Tom And Jerry In New York,
Phineas And Ferb,
Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil,
Wonder Over Yander,
Big City Greens,
Hamster And Grete
Jimmy Two Shoes,
Yin Yang Yo,
Milo Murphy's Law,
Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil,
Gravity Falls,
House Of Mouse,
The Replacements,
Family Guy,
American Dad,
The Simpsons,
The Cleveland Show,
Bob's Burgers,
Bless The Harts,
Beavis And Butt-Head,
King Of The Hill,
Rick And Morty,
Robot Chicken,
The Mr. Peabody And Sherman Show,
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia,
Trolls: The Beat Goes On!
DreamWorks Dragons: Rescue Riders,
Home: Adventures Of Tip And Oh,
Harvey Street Kids/Harvey Girls Forever,
Glitch Techs,
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous,
The Boss Baby: Back In Business,
Fast And Furious: Spy Racers,
Pac-Man And The Ghostly Adventures,
Shaun The Sheep,
Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog,
Sonic X,
Sonic Underground,
Sonic Boom,
Sonic Prime
Sonic Colors: Rise Of The Wisps
Transformers: Animated
Transformers: Prime
Transformers: Earthspark
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Sally Bollywood,
And Arthur.
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Welcome folks-
My name is Festen Martinez, you can call me Festen. I am an actor above all else and a writer second. I write and draw for Team Fortress Two, as well as the Batman Rouges, (Some Hazbin), and FNAF. If you spark up a convo with me and I know the property and character you have a good chance at me writing for them too.
Feel free to send me requests and I’ll have a look. Current count (41, with 3 more in drafts).
Follow my second blog @faire-of-fictition
My hazbin oc blogs: @mc-tooley-tobias-toby , and @magnum-pritchard-repro
Other info:
American (West Virginia, and Texas)
You can send me requests for your OCS or you can ask for mine as well. Don’t me shy, make yourself at home. 🧡
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Requests open!
I am a Fandom Writer:
I write for:
Btas villains: Riddler, Twoface, Mad Hatter, Scarecrow, Harley, Ivy. Batman also
I will write:
•Should be obvious but chubby (or fat) reader
•Yandere (preferred)
•Smut (preferred, just reference what you’d want in the ask and I’ll give it to ya.)
•Non con/ Dub con/ CNC
I’ll draw any of the above as well
I won’t write (or draw)
•Age Regression (dkh)
Demo joining a LARP group!
Yandere Demo w/ an s/o who doesn’t like dancing
Yan demo w/ bartender S/O
Yandere Conagher Brothers x oblivious reader
Dell x trans husband smut
Yandere Engie and forced affection
Traveling preist Engie Art by @virginstoner666 💗
Yan heavy cuddles!
Yandere Platonic Emesis py Reader
Semi unmasked art
Ms. Pauling
Yandere Ms. Pauling
Semi Marriage proposal
Platonic Ms. Pauling and new trainee
Yandere medic smut
Yandere medic with a captive that goes missing
Yandere medic and a partner w/ stolkholm
Yandere medic lap dance
Yandere medic Cycle of violence smut
Get bonked
Yandere scout, kissing practice
Platonic scout
In my style
With a bratty so smut
Nsfw thoughts
Platonic Solly and overstimulated hugs
Yandere spy egg vibes
Yandere Red Octoberfest drawing
Would I trust them with my pets?
Demo and heavy x reader Head-cannons
Mercs reacting to a love letter
Yandere emesis Blue x reader
Yandere medic and sniper w/ clingy s/o
Emesis character comfort
Yandere mercs and if they’re comforting or not
Yandere mercenaries and how scary they are when jealous
Yandere Angel au with Sniper, Solider, and Medic smut
My my mercenaries
Merc Headcannons
Memed science party
Spy and Engie dad stance
Cornelius Stirk:
Stirk img.
Yandere Arkham asylum riddler w/ shy and anxious reader
Yan telltale riddler with a reader who tries to escape
Yandere telltale Eddie
Yandere Arkham Eddie hcs
Handling it (smut)
Caked up Eddie img.
Eddie frame redraws💚
In my style: Ed and Jerv 💚💙
Nightmares img.
An Ed Kento for Sunny 💚💛
For Arkhamverse simps
Scantily clad ed
5’2 Au pt 1
5’2 suited up
5’2 Au ground img.
5’2 classic mv
5’2 smut pic
There’s a light img.
BTAS Insp. Art
Indulgent riddlebat
More fancy Eddie Art
Dilf Eddie?
Flashy Eddie ing.
Yandere platonic Eddie teaching riddles
Au art
Harvey and insert art
Tasteful nudity
Joinker au
More whore clown img.
Bonkers img
Jervis img.
Wonderlan img.
Reading img.
Johnny img.
Scarecrow design img
BTAS scarecrow yandere head-cannons
Comp drawing w/ batman
Yandere BTAS headcannons
Oswald Img.
Au Squad: Jervis, John, Jack, and Edd
5’2 height matrix img (WIP)
Batman Vigilante Squad Au
Hazbin/Helluva Boss
Under the Same Young Sky (male reader, ao3)
Yandere Vox housespouse
It Takes Time to See a Doll, Yandere Vox x Cis!Fem Reader P[1] [1.5]
Maddox x reader play fighting
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