#Wise x reader
Under The Rain (Wise x gn!reader)
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[ gn!reader , no beta we die like the ethereals , ooc-possibility ]
New Eridu was soaked to the ground, and Wise wasn't prepared enough to bring an umbrella. Well, even if he did, he wouldn't be able to hold it with his hands both occupied holding a box of movie stash.
The pavement was wet, and Wise didn't want to risk breaking the disks by slipping. I will just wait, was what he thought as he waited for the rain to stop, or at least ease up enough he could walk with just his jacket being a bit damp.
While he waited, he realized that the katsu stall at the left had just opened for the day. The divine crisp smell of beef wafted through the air; mixing with the smell of rain against the pavement. Not long, the stall's first customer arrived.
Almost forty-five minutes had passed, and there was no sign of the rain letting up. He thought his ears would keep hearing the droplets hitting any surface it could find--along with occasional engines--but he hadn't thought his name would be called.
Green eyes trailed to the side, searching and stopping on your figure beneath your umbrella. As if satisfied by, he presumed, your guess, you approached him.
"How long have you been here?" you asked.
Wise shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant. "Just a few minutes." He didn't know why his mouth decided to spare the details, but he did feel how his hands began to feel slippery. It must've been the box.
"Half an hour doesn't seem a few, no?" You teased, voice trying to sound neutral if not for the laughter behind it.
Wise's eyes grew slightly wide, but he was quick to compose himself and shot back a jab. "Now, that's quite the claim. What made you say that?"
You nodded at the katsu stall at the left. The smell had changed now, its smell akin to deep-fried poached eggs. "I saw you while the katsu stall was crowded--their beef katsu always the star in the morning. Usually, they ran out of beef katsus around thirty minutes after opening--the peak being twenty minutes after opening. And then they switched out to deep-fried poached eggs. Of course, they need to prepare them--which takes ten minutes, and a few minutes to fry them after."
Wise stared at you incredulously. He couldn't help but to let out a laugh, his shoulders bouncing along slightly.
"I can't believe you. But yes, I've been here for around half an hour." He hummed, his eyes opening in hinted triumph. "and, no, I still think that 'half an hour' is a few, after all."
You rolled your eyes, shooting a random spot a "classic Wise" look. "Well, whatever floats your boat, O' Wise the wise. Doesn't change that you still look like a drenched, dry puppy wanting to go home."
"Hey!" He tried to nudge your side but failed to so much as scratch as his focus quickly shifted back to the box he was holding. You, noticing the box he had been holding for the past half an hour, offered your umbrella while moving closer to him.
"Come on, we can share the umbrella and go to Random Play together."
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moondirti · 30 days
featuring: ghoap x nanny! f!reader. parenthood. adoption processes. fluff. slice of life. reader is given an age range
hear me out: simon and johnny transferring to reserve duty – i.e., serving the military on a part-time basis rather than being on active call – once they make the decision to become dads. it comes after a long period of deliberation (and healing on simon's part), but after they're absolutely sure that they want to start this next phase of life together, they call price to get it sorted.
who is thrilled for them, naturally, but warns that they still have a specialised commitment to the task force. if he needs them, then they best make sure they're there. the world isn't a better place yet, and no one can do what the pair does.
fine by them.
so it begins. instead of the complex and ethical choices that come with surrogacy, they opt for adoption and work with an attorney to facilitate the logistics. months of searching come up with a young mother, whose unwanted pregnancy has interfered with her life thus far, and is unwilling to make the further sacrifice that comes with keeping the baby. they must be more understanding, or otherwise less overbearing, than the other candidates – because two months later, they're in a hospital waiting room, anxiously lingering to meet the new addition to their family.
isla riley-mactavish. named after the river where johnny realised he'd be much happier with his lieutenant by his side.
the first few months are bliss. exhausting bliss, but a type of contentment that neither man has known since they first confessed to one another. isla's fussy through nights but they take turns settling her down, and if they have military duties to attend to then it's usually never at the same time. she's spoiled rotten – not just by them, but by the captain and gaz as well, who visit more often than not with bags full of toys they have nowhere to put. a little princess in the eyes of everyone who knows her.
by month five, she's teething and can hold her head up unsupported. simon reads somewhere that it's one of the most pivotal points in her development.
of course the call has to come then.
in the middle of the night, no less, and loud enough to wake her up from her crib. johnny scrambles to calm the bairn down as simon answers, price's grave voice crackling in from the other end. expected to be a long haul. a month at least. state security's at serious risk here, simon. i wouldn't ask you to come out otherwise.
and they made a promise. no matter how much it aches them to leave their darling girl behind.
rdv on base in a week.
he knows that one week is a matter of grace. he can feel the captain itching to hatch the operation as soon as possible, but has staved off to give the boys time to order their affairs. that doesn't mean simon's happy with the timeline, though. seven days is not nearly enough to find a sitter they can trust, especially given their own hindrances.
regardless, they send a job posting for a live-in, 24/7 nanny to close friends – no way in hell are they advertising it to the open internet – and hours later, johnny's sister lets them know of a girl who substitutes at the same primary school she works at. a real darling, apparently. honest 'n' stowed oot of energy, th' weans love her, and she haes experience with bairns too!
promising, but word of mouth isn't enough. they get a name and ask laswell to run a thorough background check. to their relief, it comes out squeaky clean. no arrests, no dui's, no shady travel history. modest socials with only a handful of followers. it's in line with what they know so far, solid enough to encourage them to reach out. so they do: just a brief email, asking what time and place would be best for a face-to-face interview.
they bring isla with them to the agreed meeting spot. a cozy cafe nestled in one of the safest parts of town. it's an early saturday morning and they're scheduled to leave in three days. so far, they've put all their eggs in this basket. johnny has to hold onto simon's hand when he notices the nerves dancing behind his partners usually void eyes. but if he were being honest with himself, he's just as scared.
they notice you as soon as they walk in.
sitting at a table for four, mug of coffee steaming as you bend over a well-loved book. despite your preoccupation, you're observant – they inch in your periphery and your head snaps up, a brilliant smile parting your lips as you spring up onto your feet. simon tallies a point on the ledger in his head. good. alert is good.
as is true for them, it's abundantly clear that you're who they're supposed to meet. johnny can't imagine anyone but a children's educator dressing like that: a gingham babydoll dress over a pair of blue tights, which carries over to the bow in your hair and is juxtaposed by the white oxford lace-ups on your feet. he startles when you extend your hand to shake his and he finds a painted fruit on each of your short nails. positively adorable. and so unlike anything they know.
simon shuffles next to him. isla reaches out from her bugaboo stroller, the colours having caught her eye.
"well hello there! aren't you just the cutest angel i've ever seen? do you like my dress?"
that's another point for immediately engaging with the object of your soon-to-be care. simon watches as you pull out a rattle from your purse, handing it over to the cooing baby. warmth blossoms in his chest, and his apprehension fizzles out in the heat. they hadn't told you they'd be bringing isla – opting to catch you off guard and seeing how you'd deal – so he assumes you carry the toy around for emergency purposes, like anyone else of their ilk would carry a gun.
something about that quirk just screams safe.
"it is a nice dress." johnny pursues, voice smooth in that way it gets when he's flirting but doesn't want it made clear. it took weeks for ghost to attune himself to it – he always just thought the scot spoke like that – but now that he's able to hear it for what it is, he shoots him a cautionary look. not so much mad as he is cautious. wouldn't want to scare her off.
"oh! thank you very much. it's my grandmother's design." you straighten up once isla gains a proper grip on the rattle, patting the skirt like you're basking in the praise. "shall we sit? i assume you have a lot to discuss, and i promise you'll want to try the maple scones they make here."
"please. after you." simon nods.
an hour later, you're giggling into your palm as johnny deviates into a story of the time they took isla to the hospital because they didn't know the soft spot on her head could pulse. simon is quiet in contrast, though not displeased. rather, he's focused on keeping the tally of all the green flags you've exhibited thus far. he doesn't mind that the conversation hasn't followed a typical interview format. in fact, people are more likely to show their true nature when in relaxed settings such as this, which is perhaps why johnny hasn't stuck to the script of questions they'd prepared beforehand. the man is better at social manoeuvring than simon is, anyway. he trusts him to direct this where it needs to go.
"it can be freaky! especially if you've never been around a child that young. i had a similar reaction the first time i babysat my neighbour's infant at sixteen. did you know that they can break out like teenagers? i noticed the poor thing's skin erupt in acne at just a month old and called his parent's crying." you wheeze, wiping the tears along your lashline.
"have ye worked wi' many bairns?"
"oh, yeah. it's been my primary source of income since secondary, all the way through uni. i just finished a master's degree in early childhood education, actually! and i wrote a list of referrals you can call if you need to double check on any of that." you rummage through your purse and pull out an apple-shaped sticky note. "do you mind if i ask what you do? people don't usually look for a full-time nanny unless they're really busy. not that i'm judging! i would ne–"
"military." simon interrupts, ensuring his tone is gentle enough to reassure.
"that makes sense! i mean, for an indefinite amount of time, the pay you're offering is more than perfect. above industry standard, really." you pause, brows furrowing like you're doubting whether you should have said that. "ah– whatever. anyway. isla is wonderful, just the sweetest. and the provided accommodation is an added plus. if you guys have no other qualms, then i'd love to accept the position."
"does i' bother you that there are cameras on the property? porch, kitchen, and living room. jus' for security's sake." simon tests, though he knows he doesn't need to, for extra measure. to someone with bad intentions, CCTV is a massive dealbreaker.
you don't hesitate before answering. "makes total sense! you guys are well within your right to check in at any time."
and they don't have to consult each other to know. johnny is practically buzzing in his seat, muscles flexed with enthusiasm as his gaze flits all over you. lingering on your chest in particular, before he looks over to simon and smiles in an offensively handsome way. simon can't help but smile back, crinkling his eyes more than necessary so the both of you can tell what's going on behind his mask.
it feels a little too good to be true, hopeful in a way that sets off the alarm bells in his head. he's stable enough to recognise that it isn't your fault, though. stable enough not to pin his distrust on you. this is likely the best shot they've got at ensuring their daughter's safety while they're away, and it's come in the form of a vivid, bright little blessing.
(with great tits.)
he'd be a fool to sabotage it.
johnny beats him to the cause. "ye'r hired."
[ next ]
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riptidelover · 5 months
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kenm4vhs · 8 months
spreading my legs for him, folding myself in half for him, twisting myself into a pretzel for him, doing squats on his [redacted], doing a keg stand on his [redacted], worshipping him, kneeling on the ground for him, chanting incantations to summon him 😩
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rodolfoparras · 7 months
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Thinking about Mike and the kinks he likes to indulge in 18+
Pairing: top male reader x Mike Schmidt
cw: riding,
Thinking about Mike who loves when you play with his hair, who will lay his head on your lap just to feel your fingers running through the curls at the back of his neck, body relaxing in your embrace, soft hums escaping his lips and goosebumps raising across his body every time your nails scratch his skin.
He feels content almost too content because soon he‘s squirming around on the couch while sporting a boner.
You don’t notice it at first too engulfed in your tv show as you continue to rack your hands through his hair, and each time you do so he feels his cock twitch in attention.
He tries to be subtle about it, pressing his thighs together while you aren’t looking but he’s being so loud, whines and whimpers tumbling past his lips as the spot on his sweats darkens every time he squeezes his legs together.
It doesn’t take much before you catch him red handed, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips while he profusely apologizes for getting a boner, because how embarrassing isn’t it that he’s getting hard while you’re just playing with his hair.
But he doesn’t get to dwell too long in his embarrassment as he feels his cock hard and aching between his legs.
Mike’s eyes are glassy, cheeks flushed and hands immediately grabbing for your thighs.
“Please please,” he croaks out, while tugging at your sweats.
“What do you want pretty?” You say, hands gently running through his hair, before yanking at it slightly when he doesn’t answer your question. “Words Mike”
“Please, please touch me sir” he croaks out while nuzzling his face into your leg and oh how can you deny such a sweet request
It doesn’t take much before he’s straddling your waist stark naked and sinking down on your length with his brown curls tangled in between your fingers
Usually he’d hide his face in your neck, too shy to show how good you’re making him feel but with your hand in his hair he has no choice but to show you the fat tears trickling down his face, cheeks flushed and drool dribbling down his chin as he practically bounces in your lap
The pain from your rough grip only sends jolts of pleasure coursing through his body and before he knows of it he’s tipping over the edge, hole clenching around your length and ropes of cum spurting on both your abdomens.
“So hair pulling huh?” You mutter into his hair as he slumps down into your embrace, your words only earning a slap to your chest.
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yeosin-n · 3 months
Hey, I can give to the Classic Sans some ketchup? Please? :3
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it’s gonna be here today and gone tomato (hahahahahahaha)
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formulaforza · 5 months
charles leclerc + lifting the shorter one up so they can be seen in photos!
and i hope next week is better for you <3
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"I can't..." you huff, dropping from your tip-toes flat onto your feet. An extra couple inches wasn't going to help you, not with half a dozen people--all a head taller than you--stood in front of your frame.
You sigh, put a hand on the shoulders of the men on either side of you--Charles and Riccardo--and then you jump, putting using them as leverage to attempt to hoist yourself up higher.
Unfortunately, you were severely underestimating your own upper body strength, and do little to aid yourself outside of getting the attention of both guys.
Riccardo laughs. And so does Charles, but only one of them offer you any help. "What are you doing?" Charles says, the threat of another laugh in the back of his throat. His lips are upturned into a smile, and his are dimples deep as ever.
You glare up at him, gesturing to the sea of backs in front of you. "I'm not tall enough."
"And you had to take my shoulder down with you?" He jokes, feigning pain, massaging the joint. You roll your eyes and cross your arms decidedly over your chest. He laughs again, at you or at his own joke, you're not sure. "C'mere," he says, but he's the one who does all the moving.
He lowers himself into a near-squat, loops an arm around the back of your thighs, and tells you to hold on. One of your arms wraps around his neck, the other clings to the material of his sweatshirt, and you let out a giggle when he hoists you up into the air.
Your head is now more than level with everyone else in the group, and you rest your head against his, just in time for the woman taking the group picture to shout, "Smile!"
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grab a bite (sized fic)
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sugoi-writes · 1 month
Funny prompt where you shake your butt on Alastor!
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Oh darlin... you dunno what you're doing to me. Vdusjsusjsjs. (Some of accent is hard for me to write... I may make a voice recording tomorrow to convey what the drawl might sound like, as a person from good-ole-Louisiana)
You had been in a close proximity, one that you were rarely granted. But this, by far, was the most common way:
Right now, you were cheek to cheek with Alastor as you danced, his humming and hands guiding you along the makeshift dance floor. The lobby was full of similar dancing, everyone having a great time. Reopening was going off without a SINGULAR hitch! The music was perfect, everyone was enthralled...
That was, until Alastor spun you into his embrace, hands ghosting along your hips. Your mind raced with a risky idea as he was about to spin you back around. You tried to reason with yourself... But the Devil on your shoulder overtook you. You ground your ass onto Alastor, meek at first as you gazed back at him.
The Radio Demon sputters as he tried to get you to cease, but you just reached behind yourself, hand tangling in his hair as your hips moved again.
You gazed back at him with half lidded eyes, grinning," What's the matter, Al~? Never danced like this before?"
The growl that came through his chest made you squeak; you were spun suddenly, barely missing the twitch in his smile. Your arms flailed for purchase, landing on Alastor's shoulders as he dipped you into a dangerously low angle.
"Dear, this is an important evening. Please, refrain from this nonsense. People are present."
You grinned, hiking a leg up his as you pulled on his lapel. The cheap champagne you drank gave you courage. You were brought back to your feet as Alastor disguised your bickering with a close-knit tango, his hand gripping your waist tightly. A few poses were struck that went with the music, your head thrown back as you smile. Even now, you were unable to contain your grin. And Alastor knew that spelt trouble.
"If you want me to stop..."
You fall flush against him again, a hand on the one that gripped your waist. as you gave him a particularly sensual grind. You felt Alastor grunt against your scalp, your leg raising against his once more,"...then make me~"
You yelped as Alastor spun the both of you, lifting you up into the air with ease. You threw both arms out as you were aloft, arms coming back in when Alastor dips you again, this time a hand tracing your collarbone.
"Darlin'...," he drawled, without a filter, making your throat run dry," You don' know what you've just asked for..." As Alastor brought you back to your feet, Alastor takes your wrist and leads you from the dance floor," 'Mama said it wuzn't nice to stare... Mama said it wuzn't nice to tease. Mama never said I c'uldn't make y'scream."
As you rounded the corner, Alastor slams you against the wall, his breath already ragged," And Doll... I'll make sure you wail like'a bitch in heat."
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ethaniscool69 · 8 months
"you love him." gwen said, knowingly.
arthur looked away, and scoffed, then looked back with a serious face.
"i love him."
"then, why don't you tell him? are you worried he does not reciprocate?" she asked him.
"that does not hold me back from confessing. what holds me back is that, as of this moment, i cannot give him what he deserves. if he does reciprocate, i do not want him to be my secret, i do not want him to be my person on the side, a person i see whenever i please, i do not want him to hurt, i do not want him to be miserable and desperate. i want him to have a good life and be happy, even if it's not with me. i want to give him the world because he is deserving of it and as long as my father is in charge, i cannot give him that. so, for now, i will stay as i am, watching from afar, watching him find joy, happiness and love. i will stay as i am until i find a way to give him all that, even if he does not reciprocate. because i love him. i do."
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ariseur · 2 months
Being all domestic with sephiroth and maybe even baking him his favorite desserts (cause maybe even he deserves some sweets too.)
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sephiroth felt his eyebrows furrow at the sight of you in the kitchen, crouched in front of the oven as the aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the air. you turned towards him with a soft smile, eyes drooping with tranquility.
he tilted his head at you, bemusement filled his cat-like eyes as he walked towards your hunched form. your hands extended out in front of the glass barrier, the warmth of the light providing your face with a golden hue as the cookies rose in the pan.
rubbing your hands occasionally, you kept them out for the heat that radiated off the oven to hit your hands. “have i caught you at a bad time?” his voice rung throughout the kitchen, tongue like velvet with every word he uttered. you gazed up at him as your hands finally fell.
“no,” you said, tone quiet and gentle, “‘s actually waiting for you to come home.”
a warm gloved hand rested itself on your shoulder, causing you to look up once again into his eyes, swirling with mako infusion. “let yourself rest,” he said, “i’ll finish up.”
“these are for you.”
and you failed to not notice the way his eyebrows quirked up, a placid smile rested on his face while he looked down at you— admiring the warmth of the oven light that which kissed the side of your face.
“for me?” sephiroth confirmed.
“for you.”
and gosh, did that smile make his heart warm. it was almost abnormal, and by the time you had turned around to place your hands back near the oven door, he placed his leather clad hand on the left side of his chest— directly onto his heart. feeling it thumping with each beat, he cherished this moment. silent, besides the occasional whirring of the oven and his own breath yet still comfortable as you two filled the quiet with yourselves.
hearing the pitchy beep of the stove’s timer, you rose and bent over the stove door, grabbing your mitts and pulling out the metal cookie tray with deft hands, marked with faded ‘battle scars’ as you liked to call them, when they were instead burn marks and faint cuts from the countless masterpieces you’d like to call your food. sephiroth saw no difference between a gourmet meal and your cup of noodles, rather recognizing that it was made with love. love held for him. a foreign feeling on its own yet he never seemed to mind it.
of course, he was used to being fawned over considering he was a first class war ‘hero’. he had his fangirls and his recognition on tv, but he seemed to look past all of that— only finding comfort in you. in a large crowd, he could spot you right away as he knew you all too well. so yes, while he was used to be well known and admired, he was never used to being loved.
and as you placed the tray on top of the oven, chucking off your mitts on the nearby counter, your face met with a strong chest in return. you placed a hand on his side out of instinct, feeling him squeeze ever so slightly as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, your shampoo engulfing his senses while he reminded himself that this was you. while he found comfort in genesis and angeal considering he’s known them for as long as he has, they could never compare to you in his eyes.
you said nothing— only wrapping your arms around his midriff and tightening your grip with every breath you felt him let out on your scalp, the tickling sensation making you crack a sleepy grin. another comfortable silence yet the two of you didn’t mind it at all. words were never needed with sephiroth, you two understood each other all the same.
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Warm Smiles With Few Words (Wise x gn!reader)
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[ Wise x Shy!gn!reader | Reader may be dubbed too polite (self-opinion) | No beta read, we die like ethereals | Possible ooc]
Wise couldn't pinpoint exactly when he fell for you.
You, one of the regulars that visited Random Play. You, that came to see something alone most of the time. You, that exchanged almost nothing with anyone here. Not Belle, and not him. Heck, he had never even shared anything personal with you. And you, vice versa.
The most he had talked with you was whenever you purchased a video to watch. When you handed him a video you picked, you would hand it like it was something valuable--which it was to him and Belle. But not many held the same sentiment. They were just videos, after all.
But perhaps, that wasn't the only reason.
Whenever he or Belle assisted you, you would smile so unabashedly. It's not the formality type of smile--the one that's faint and rigid; he thought. No. Your smile was always warm, vivid--lasting.
Whenever he thought of you, it would always be with your smile. Even he and Belle nicknamed you "Smiley" whenever it's just the two of them. Which was funny, because you weren't the talkative type. Apart from brief descriptions of a video you're looking for the day, the only word that had ever escaped from you consistently was "thank you" and "please".
Such small actions, and there you were in his head rent-free; his heart palpitated whenever you appeared--either in his conscience or in front of him. He'd been wanting to talk more things with you; to know you more.
But it was hard for him. No, he just lacked the courage--and maybe had a bit too many things overthought.
"If you don't take action anytime soon, you won't get the chance--ever."
While he appreciated Belle knocking some sense into him, he hated it now that he seemed to be competing against time. He just hoped he wouldn't chicken out again.
The sound of a door opening got him out of his mind. It was you.
As if waiting for your attention, even if just a fragment before you went further to the store, his eyes remained on you as you helped the door close properly. When your head turned at him, your smile made its way to your face--a more toned-down version, but still warm and as charming nonetheless.
He smiled back with a small wave, watching as you disappeared between the shelves. He could ask Belle to see the store while he watched the video you would pick for the day, together. He just hoped you wouldn't mind. And that he wouldn't chicken out. Again.
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g-xix · 4 months
🔞Eating Out Headcanons | Beta Squad
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Niko -This man's stubble would graze your thighs and have your flesh BURNING with each step and rub of your thighs the next day -Long ass fingers always working where his mouth isn't, ensuring that he hits every spot imaginable -I think he's a bit of a tease asw- gets you to the edge before pulling away with a sick grin right before you get a release -Bro's nose is so attractive in a weird way, and I feel like it'd nudge against your clit whilst his tongue works which would have knots forming in your stomach and make your head SPIN
George -Ohmyfucking GOD he's so fine and im SICK of ppl not noticing this -My tall lanky, rings n glasses wearing bf frfr -Has you sat on his face OFC -Loves all that pressure and the feeling of your thighs squeezing the fucking life out of his head as though you're tryna crush it -Just like Niko, his beard leaves your inner thighs feeling RAAWWW the next day the way he's so enthusiastic w eating you out -Sloppy with it too, mixes his spit n ur arousal all the same, making such sinfully pornographic noises that'll have your goofy lil head SPINNING at the mere thought of it -And when you've come undone all over his tongue and his arms are the only thing keeping your body upright? -He looks up at you with blown out pupils and a devious grin, glistening lips from your arousal looking so ungodlily corrupted you consider pushing his head back between your thighs again
Chunkz -It's so weird but I just CANNAE imagine Chunkz acc giving head 😭 -100% more receiver than giver vibes -And he's handsy with it, yk? Hand on the back of your head, running through your hair and getting through all those knots before wrapping his hand around the base of your skull and guiding your movements on his cock
AJ Shabeel -AJE AJE AJE! My no1 bf is an absolute DEMON when it comes to head  -It's like he's genuinely racing to have you cum - lapping up and sucking on your clit with no mercy, literally sending you barrelling towards orgasm -And my word he doesn't even stop after that. -Will litr lick your cum back off your thighs and pussy and have you an overstimulated, shaking MESS as he does it -And then has the NERVE to ask to go for another round?  -Such a little cretin, loves looking up with that smirk and seeing how much of an uncontrollably moaning wreck you are when he's using his mouth
King Kenny -I feel like bro would try a MAD position with it... Like, have your back resting against the bed frame of smth - but he's holding you up by your thighs so that you're literally suspended in air? -Leaves hickeys on your thighs bc he just loves the look of them against your skin n knowing that only he can see them... -I just KNOW he's got a long tongue too, like, he's hitting spots that have you legs shaking so that you're literally convulsing in his arms, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you barrel towards that orgasm -And I just know he'd be an aftercare king, esp after putting you through a HARD orgasm
Sharkyyyy -Oh my God of course he'd have Frank Ocean playing in the background and blue or purple or red coloured lights whilst he's giving head -Has you lying back in bed and is soooo intimate-romantic with it... -Like, he's pressing kisses onto your thighs and gently caressing n massaging your quads n muscles... -Sounds sooo dumb cocky when he's giving head too, bc he'll go from sucking your clit and licking you up to asking "That good, yeah?" and "You gonna be loud for me?" - those dumb littel questions that have you whining and being somehow even louder when he's got his head between your thighs
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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klipkillakai · 5 months
how i see könig :p
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the last two pics is when he enlisted when he was younger :(
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novasintheroom · 7 months
Silver or gold?
♡ Pairing - Vash x Reader
♡ Word count - 1k
♡ Warnings - none
♡ Description: Vash has something important on his mind. You intend to find out what.
Now part of the 150 Bullets drabble series on AO3
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It would look nice in gold. Or maybe silver. With a little ruby in the middle, right there.
Vash taps your ring finger. Yes, right there would be nice.
Firelight crackles nearby, and you and Vash are lying down on your sleeping bags for the night. The small cave you’d found shields you from the whipping, sandy winds rising outside. You had long ago scooted over to lay yourself on top of him. Like his own personal blanket, he often jokes. He loves it though. Loves you. And the day’s events got him thinking…well…
It couldn’t be anything fancy. He can barely afford food on the best days. But if it had a little something…
He rubs your finger again.
You shift slightly. “That finger botherin’ you or somethin’?”
Caught, he flinches and lets go of your hand. But you hold on, intertwining fingers together. Your head scooches to rest on his chest more, and he can feel your lips move against his shirt. “You’ve been quiet tonight. What’re you thinking about, birdie?”
Your voice is heavy with fatigue. It’s been a long day, and he feels bad about waking you in any way. “Nothing. You know I overthink stuff.”
Your laugh is quiet, and it’s the best sound. “Sure. But you’re thinking about something real hard tonight. What is it?”
Vash feels his heart pick up, his stomach tickle, just at the thought. And you’re already up, looking at him now with those eyes that sparkle in the firelight. Your smile is faint – you’re still tired, but ready for him. So, with a held breath, he asks, “Did you see that old couple? In the town today, they walked together from store to store.”
You shifted to rest your chin on his chest now. “Um…what did they look like? There were a lot of people.”
They were old, frail. Their feet shuffled like they meant to collect all the dirt they could on their shoes. The man was hunched, but bowed all the lower every time he opened a door for his wife. The woman always laughed and patted his shoulder. And the man would pout, making his wife roll her eyes and go in for a peck on the lips or cheek. “They wore matching ponchos, too.” He added.
Your head rolls to the side, a mischievous glint in your eye. “Are you saying you want us to wear matching ponchos?”
He blows a laugh out his nose, his thumb rubbing the bit of skin exposed on your hip. “Only if we get them in red.”
“Mmph. Should’ve known.”
He goes quiet again, looking down at your held hands. There they were – the nerves closing his throat.
You squeeze his hand to get his attention. “What about them has you thinking so hard?”
Everything. Thinking about growing old together, opening doors for you for the rest of your days. “I don’t know, mayfly. Something about them…” He clears his throat. “It reminded me of us. Maybe. The woman…she had a pretty ring on her finger. And I…” It was like swallowing a rock. He couldn’t get it out. What if you didn’t want to? What if this scared you away? “I was just thinking of…us…”
And with a small inhale, you sit up. “Are you…? You’re talking about getting married!”
Just like that, the rock is gone, and a gust of wind blows out of his mouth. “We don’t have to if you don’t want. I-I haven’t even thought about it – I mean I have – but – I don’t…don’t know much about it besides what I’ve seen. Do you want to? How would we even do it? I mean, with a priest, obviously, but – you don’t have to. I get it. I – “
You silence him with a kiss. It’s slow, meant to feed reassurance to his speeding heart. Only once he hums and kisses back do you break it. You press your forehead to his and sigh out, “Vash, I would love to.”
The breath leaves his lungs in one big wave. Serenity. You have that effect on him. He grows shy, but his shaky smile gains confidence. “Yeah?”
You nod, and an excited little giggle escapes. “Yeah.”
And suddenly, he sits up and wraps you in the tightest hug he can. You let out a breathless laugh, catching onto his coat and pulling him closer. Glowing stripes appear on his neck, and you pull back to hold his face. It is alight with his Plant lines. He is beautiful, and so, so happy.
Nudging his nose with yours, he asks again, “Really?”
You laugh and kiss him and kiss him and kiss him.
Later, when the fire has nearly died out and you both have settled back into near-sleep, Vash perks up and says, “I gotta propose to you. Like, really propose.”
You shift and let out a long, deep breath. “You can do that another night, birdie.”
But you feel his irregular heartbeat pick up. He’s overthinking again. “I’ll have to plan it. It has to be a surprise.”
You snort and nuzzle into his neck. “Just don’t do it during a shoot-out, alright? Or publicly. I hate public proposals.”
“Well, there go my plans.” He laughs when you smack his chest.
You shift to press further into his side and settle down. “Don’t even think of it, Vash. Just go to sleep.”
He hums, runs his hand across your back and whispers, "Hey? Do you want silver or gold for the ring?"
A minute passes, and you finally fall asleep. Vash picks up your hand again, tracing your ring finger. He decides gold will look best. He’ll have to go without doughnuts for a while, maybe even some bullets, but he should be able to squirrel enough money away to get a ruby for it, too. He brings your hand to his lips and kisses it. Smiles when you mutter in your sleep.
What a way to end the day.
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donnas-dollface · 10 months
Courage Boosts;
Donna, pretending to joke: So when are you going to go out with me?
Y/N, looking at her: I don't know, when are you going to ask me to?
Donna, going red under the veil: ...
Angie: And you just walked away?!
Donna, head down in at her kitchen table: I wasn't expecting them to flirt back!
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semisolidmind · 1 year
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Villain Wukong Wins! -Try Again?
(i was rendering this and it started to look sorta like a game over screen, so i added some text. in reference to my bad end wukong post about him being a villain, macaque taking his place in the journey, and him taking reader hostage)
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