#William Magnusson x reader
cantstoptheimagines · 2 years
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Home With You (William Magnusson | Skam)
Summary — You surprise William in London for the holidays.
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Fluff!
Notes ➳ ‘Can’t Stop the Holidays’ Event (24/31) ➳ Word Count is 237. ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them). ➳ “There’s no way I’m letting you spend the holidays alone.”
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule
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You hadn’t seen William ever since he had moved to London. (In person, at least.) While the two of you had frequently been talking over the phone, it hadn’t been the same as seeing each other. Feeling each other. Being with each other. 
William’s street was aglow with lights and decorations for the upcoming holidays. You pulled your coat tighter around your body, trying your best to warm up against the bitter cold. You used the spare key to William’s apartment and immediately noticed the kitchen light on, only steps away in the corridor. You could hear movement and the sound of ingredients being mixed together for a late night dinner. 
You slipped off your shoes and did your best to move soundlessly through William’s apartment. Gazing around the corner, you spotted him in the kitchen, preparing food for himself with his back towards you. He had no idea you were even there. (Which was rather creepy when you thought about it.)
You silently moved to stand behind him, gently placing your hands on his side. William jumped in surprise and quickly turned with his fists raised in defense. You quickly stepped back with wide eyes, grinning widely at his expression. William took a moment to realize his current situation. 
“(YOUR NAME)!” he exclaimed, reaching out to wrap his arms around you. “What are you doing here?!”
“There’s no way I’m letting you spend the holidays alone.”
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cactiem · 5 years
I Like You, You Idiot
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Pairing: William Magnusson x Reader
Requested: Anonymous
Prompts: #7 “I hate you!” “No you don’t.”
#21 “Do you regret it?”
Summary: You and William hooked up and your friend, Chris, finds out.
GIF Not Mine
"I hate you!" You exclaimed, barging through the doors to the stairwell.
"No you don’t." William said, following you. You stopped walking and spun around, sending him glare.
"Oh, I do." You scoffed, lowering your voice as some people walked by. "What were you thinking, telling Chris about us?"
"I didn’t tell Chris anything but I don’t care that he knows." He lowly said, stepping closer to you so your back was against the wall. "Do you regret it?" William asked you but you couldn’t answer because that was the thing you didn’t regret it, as you much as you wanted to you just didn’t.
"I thought you were interested in Vilde and Noora." You pointed out with no intention of it going anywhere. You just thought of the first thing to say so you could avoid William's question.
"I’m not." He assured you. "But you didn’t answer my question." Your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips, finally realising how close he was. You leaned forward capturing his lips with yours, an action that felt familiar and natural. William kissed you back but before it could get more intense you pushed him back, running your hand over your face as you caught your breath.
"I’ve got class." You told him, grabbing your bag that you dropped on the floor at some point. "You fix this shit with Chris." William couldn’t help the smile that appeared, watching you walk away from him.
"You ready to finally talk about it?" William asked Chris as he walked up to him. He thought the party would be the perfect time to talk to Chris about what happened between you.
Chris finished his drink, wiping his mouth and putting the empty cup down. "Now I am." William rolled his eyes at how childish his friend was being. Instead of talking to him about it, Chris chose to ignore you and now you were mad at William because of it.
"You wanna tell me what’s wrong? Why are you ignoring Y/N?"
"I’m not doing it intentionally, okay. I just don’t want to say something I’ll regret before I wrap my head around my two best friends hooking up." Chris said.
"So this isn’t about you having a crush on Y/N first?" William asked, thinking Chris's issue was because he kissed you even though Chris had a crush on you, granted the crush was from eighth grade.
"No! Y/N is like my sister. Gross." Chris cringed at thinking of you in a way that was anything more than friends. "My issue is that I don’t want you to hurt her."
"I’m not going to hurt her." He told him but Chris gave him a pointed look.
"Really? What about those first years?" He gestured to the corner of the room where one of them was looking their way, smiling flirtatiously. "I thought you were interested in one of them."
"I’m not." William said, ignoring the first year and looking over to where you were standing with your friends. Chris noticed the smitten look William had as he looked at you and let out a laugh.
"You like Y/N! William Magnusson likes Y/N Y/L/N." Chris laughed again and William let him get it out his system. "Let me guess she doesn’t even know."
You heard Chris's laugh from across the room and decided to go over and see what was so funny. William hit his friend to tell him to shut up once he saw you approaching. "What’s so funny?" You asked them.
"Nothing." William said while Chris bit his lip to contain his laughter.
"I see you’ve somewhat grown up then, Chris." You quipped. The frustration at the situation mixed with the atmosphere from the party made you finally get everything of your chest. "You ignoring me was a shitty thing to do. Me and William hooked up, so what? You didn’t have to act like a child about it. You could have come and spoken to me about it. And you know what? I don’t care anymore." You turned to William before continuing. "I didn’t regret it one bit because I like you, you idiot."
William's lips pulled up into a smile. He leaned forward and kissed you, cupping your cheeks with his hands. Neither of you had to say anything more as the two of you kissing was enough. Before the make out session got too heated Chris pushed you both apart. "Okay, I’m still here. Can you please try and refrain from doing this while I’m right here." He gestured to the two of you. You and William just giggled before carrying on making out making Chris roll his eyes.
A/N: First time writing for this show 🙈 not sure how well it turned out but be sure to send me any requests you may have. I’m down to write more (and from the other versions as well)
Tag List (Still Open): @mayaslifeinabox @lunarmoonwolf @princess-of-the-fandoms @live--aloud @les-bio-lie @ivvitm1109 @seninjakitey
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REQUEST:  Hi could you do an imagine about William where he likes the reader and try hard to get the reader's number to ask her out? Thanks so much ☺️
REQUESTED BY: anonymus
PARING: William Magnussonx reader
 ‘’C’mon Chris, I need your help with this one’’
William was almost begging his best friend. Christoffer rolled his eyes and smiled while teasing William.
‘’You are so pathetic when you like someone’’
He joked and William looked at him, half angry and half resigned.
‘’I’ll ask Eva for her number’’
Said Chris finally, William smiled and gave him a pack on his shoulder.
‘’Thanks, bro’’
He said and Chris shook his head; William was really into that girl.
Eva’s voice distracted the girl from the book she was reading. Y/n lifted her eyes and smiled at her best friend.
‘’You are the only person I can forgive for interrupting me while I am reading’’
She said and Eva sat down on the bench next to her and hugged her.
‘’I know, that’s why I dared’’
She teased her and Y/n puffed pretending to be bothered.
‘’I need to talk to you’’
Eva said and Y/n looked at her.
‘’This better worth my time, girl’’
She said and reluctantly closed her book.
‘’Okay, William Magnusson, what do you think about him?’’
Y/n almost choked herself with her own saliva. Her bestfriend was asking her opinion about the greatest fuckboy of the Nissen, why on Earth?!
‘’Hot, asshole, probably as handsome as stupid. Why would you want to know my opinion?’’
She asked, curiosity burning in her eyes, Eva smiled.
‘’He wants your number’’
She says as she was practically declaring the most important thing ever, Y/n couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
‘’Are you fucking kidding me?’’
She asked shaking her head, Eva smiled and grabbed her shoulders.
‘’Chris asked me’’
She said and Y/n opened her mouth.
‘’God, that is awesome’’
She said and her bestfriend laughed.
‘’What should I do?’’
Eva asked grabbed her phone and opening the chat with Chris, her fingers ready to write Y/n’s number down. The girls thought about it for a second: William Magnusson. Sure thing, he was handsome, all the school was in love with him. He had such a bad reputation around, that was the most interesting part about him, but was he worth it? Y/n had never wasted time thinking about him in that way, she simply though he was too stupid and such an asshole, but maybe he deserved a chance. After all, if he asked his best friend to intercede for her number, embarrassing himself and involving two people in the situation, he was probably genuinely interested in her.
‘’Here he is!’’
Eva pointed at William; he was walking through the hallway, he stopped near his locker and he stared at Y/n.
‘’Time to play’’
Said Y/n and went toward him.
He said and she pretended to be surprised.
‘’Oh, hi’’
She said and he smiled, he was already flirting.
‘’It’s such a pity that I do not know your name’’
He said and she smiled with innocence.
‘’I agree, Y/n, pleasure’’
She introduced herself and looked at him in his eyes.
‘’William Magnusson, the pleasure is mine’’
He said and shook her hand, she kept her eyes fixed on his.
‘’I know who you are’’
She gently said and did a step closer to him.
‘’Do you?’’
He whispered and she smiled in a way that made him crazy. She took a post-it from her backpack and looked at him.
‘’Do you have a pen?’’
She asked smiling, he nodded and passed her a pen from his locker. She thanked him and started to write down her number, then posted the little paper in his locker.
‘’Now you have my number, use it wisely’’
She teased him and he smiled in surprise, he didn’t expected that she was so confident, he liked it.
‘’I will’’
He said and she nodded looking at him.
‘’We shall see’’
She said and turned her back on him. While she was walking away he smiled taking the post it and signed the number in his phone, he was definitely going to text her.
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peterpparkrr · 7 years
(William Magnusson x Reader): Honesty is the best policy
Summary: Reader gets pulled into the conflict between The Penetrators and Yakuza boys and gets hurt.
A/N: apologies for any and all spelling/grammar mistakes (some of the phrasing is a bit awkward still, I was having a really hard time characterizing Will so this isn’t great but I wanted to post it anyway)
You knew it was a bad idea to come with the guys to confront the Yakuzas. Unfortunately, Will was on a date which left you as the only voice of reason left in the group. You didn’t like feeling like you had to babysit your friends and act like their moms, but someone had to stop them from doing something they were going to regret.
"Do you really need to do this?" You asked Chris, your next closest friend behind Will, from the backseat of his car, lamely attempting to persuade him to just give it up.
Chris didn’t turn around but he glanced at you in his rearview mirror, "(Y/N), they jumped that first year guy for no reason, we need to put them back in their place."
You sighed and slumped back in your seat, praying that the Yakuzas wouldn't actually show up.
When you got out of the car your heart sank when you realized they were already waiting for you. You knew Will wouldn't want to cut his date short but you had a bad feeling so you pulled out your phone and called Will, telling him where you were and to get here as soon as possible.
You got out of the car with the others, quietly mumbling to Chris, telling him that you should just go home as you walked up the the other group.
"Listen to your girlfriend, you know you're going to lose." One of the Yakuza guys said as you walked up.
You rolled your eyes, "First of all, not his girlfriend, second of all, I'm trying to stop them from murdering you because they’ll get arrested, but if that’s what you want..." You trailed off, cocking your head slightly.
"Who the hell do you think you are, bitch?" He asked angrily, stepping up to you.
Chris was about to step in front of you and defend your honor or whatever it is he is supposed to do as your best friend but you nudged him out of the way and stepped up to meet the guy face to face.
"I'm the girl who's about to beat your ass." You say before throwing your punch, hitting the guy who was mouthing off square in the nose with a satisfying crunch, silently thanking your dad for enrolling you in all those self-defense classes.
By the time the fight is finally broken up you have a bloody nose and what feels like a long scrape on the side of your face. No one else looked much better than you.
As the Yakuzas guys walk away you see William walking over from his car, his expression a mixture of anger and tiredness.
"Shit," you mutter as you trying to wipe the blood flowing out of your nose on your sleeve.
"What the hell happened?" Will asks loudly as he walks over.
Chris opened his mouth to explain, "The Yakuza guys-"
"I thought we agreed that we wouldn't try and start shit." He replies, shooting Chris a look before turning to you, "I thought you were going to try and stop them."
"I tried!” You protest, “But then they were trying to say shit and I just couldn't..."
"She threw the first punch," Theo offers, causing you to whip your head around and glare at him, "Hey! It was a really good hit," He adds defensively
"(Y/N)...Why would you get involved?" Will mutters, shaking his head as he gently grabs your chin and turns your face so that he can get a better look at the scape along the side of it.
"Oh please, if you'd heard what they were saying you would have hit them too, they were being really fucking annoying." You reply defensively as you jerk your face out of his grip and stalked away, trying to ignore the fact that you can still feel where he touched you.
You spent Saturday and Sunday sulking in your room. You'd lied and told your parents you slipped and fell while skateboarding (you were pretty sure they could tell you were lying but they didn't say anything, which was nice of them). You briefly Skyped with Chris to compare battle wounds (his black eye was a lot larger and more serious looking than your cut and you both had scars across the bridges of your nose so you let Chris have this one) and did some homework.
Sunday night you couldn’t bear ignoring Will anymore and called Will to apologize.
“I’m really sorry Will,” You apologized when he picked up, “I don’t know why I did all of that stuff, I should have tried harder to stop it.”
“It’s okay,” Will replies, his voice gentle, more gentle than it usually is when you talk to him, “I was just freaked out by how hurt you guys all got, it’s not your job to babysit them, I shouldn't expect that.”
You nodded before realizing that he couldn’t see you, “Yeah, but you do it, you deserved to have a night off and I ruined it, I’m really sorry.”
“That’s okay, the date didn’t go very well anyway, I was a little relieved that you called, you’re a true best friend.” He admitted.
“I thought you really liked her?” You asked, confused, “Didn’t you spend ages convincing her to go on this date?”
“I do-I did- but she was just really aggressive and rude the whole time, I don’t know what I expected from a girl I had to coerce into a date, but I don’t think it was worth it.” He said.
“I’m sorry, I’m sure you’ll have better luck with the next one.” You reply with a grin, ignoring your own personal emotions.
“Yeah…” He trailed off.
“Well I better go, I’ve been avoiding my parents all weekend and they want to talk to me at dinner.” You say, sensing that the conversation was ending
“Good luck, and thanks for calling.” Will says.
“Thank you for being a good friend.” You reply, “Love you,” You add before hanging up despite the fact that it means a bit more to you than it does to him. 
Monday morning Will picked you and a few of the others up for school. You knew that there was gossip going around that you guys got into a fight and we're hoping that if you all showed up together you wouldn't have to worry too much about the story continuing.
When you got to school during lunch break you all got out of Will’s car you could feel everyone’s eyes on you as you walked through the school yard. You were no stranger to getting stares as you walked past (first year girls loved to watch the boys walk past them) but it was at a new level today, you all stared straight ahead as you walked through, and once you got into the building you walked straight to your locker, briefly waving goodbye to the others.
When you were grabbing some of your textbooks out of your locker a chipper voice behind you said, "Hi!"
You turned around to see a bubbly, blonde first year looking back at you.
"Hello," You replied, turning back to your locker. Any time a first year tried to talk to you it was to ask about one of the boys and since you knew Will slept with her earlier this year you had a feeling you knew what was happening.
"Will is fine, if you're worried about his face getting damaged." Your you add as you close your locker and turn back to her.
"Oh...that’s good to hear," she replied, somewhat nervously, "I was just curious what happened, we all heard what happened on Friday."
"Um...it was a fight, Will came in and saved the day as usual," you reply, feeling weird and wishing the girl would just talk to Will instead of you.
"He really is brave. isn’t he?" She asks.
"Yeah," you reply, glancing at her, hoping the conversation will end.
"Well, I've got to be in the C building, see you later," she says before giving you a small wave and walking away. Leaving you to stand in the hallway, mildly annoyed before heading to class.
Friday night you're at William's party.
You were talking with some of the guys and feeling pleasantly buzzed when you saw the blonde girl from Monday trying to talk to William. He must have said something to her because you see her quickly walk away and it looks like she’s crying. You know you should feel bad, Will can be pretty heartless when it comes to turning girls down but there’s always a little part of you that enjoys it, it’s like there’s a sliver of hope that he’s interested in someone, someone who could be you.
You walked over to Will, “What was that all about?”
“Fruition of a bad deal that I made, I think I made myself pretty clear though, someone else can clean up that mess.”
“Why are you such a dick to girls?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest, you tried never wanted to get into these kinds of things with Will but you were kind of pissed off that he’d made that girl cry.
“Because those girls don’t mean anything to me, they’re don’t matter to me and I don’t want them to think that I do - it would get messy.” He replies with a shrug.
“Wow…I’m going to go dance, see you later,” You reply before walking away, it just seemed a bit too awkward to hear him say those things when he probably felt the same way about you. -- “Do you know why I never commit to any serious relationship?” Will asked suddenly. You were sitting with him on the couch after the police came and shut it down. Neither of you had said much, you were both a little uncomfortable after you’d confronted him about the first year girl, Vilde and didn’t know what to do about it.
“Because I’m in love with someone.” He admits and your heart sinks, “No matter which girls I fuck I can’t get her out of my head and it kills me because I can never have her.”
You nod, inspecting the hem of your shirt because you can’t bring yourself to make eye contact, you can tell he’s talking about Noora, the first girl he's been obsessed recently, she’s playing hard to get so it would make sense.
“Even when I tried to date someone else, I just can’t do it because I love someone else.” You look up, your brow furrowed, the only girl he’s gone on a date with recently would be Noora, so if that’s not who he’s in love with, who could it be?
“Who are you-”
“You, (Y/N), I’ve been in love with you for ages and I know that I’m not good enough for you but jesus christ, I can’t just pretend I don’t have feeling for you, not anymore.”
You stare at him a moment, awestruck and he shakes his head and moves to get up, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything, that was stupid, you’ve made it pretty clear that we’re just friends.” He apologizes.
“What?” You blurt out, “No, Will, I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to pretend I’m okay with you chasing after Noora, do you know how painful that was to watch while I was pining after you? Will, I’m hopelessly in love with you, couldn’t you tell?”
“Seriously?” He asks, staring at you
You laugh, “Yes, God, we’re oblivious aren’t we?”
“Does this mean I can kiss you now?” he asks as he moves towards you on the couch.
You nod and he holds your cheek in his hand as he pressed his lips against yours. After first the kiss was soft and slow, you were both savoring something that you’d been dreaming about for as long as you could remember. Once you got over the fact that this wasn’t a dream the kiss got deeper and hungrier, as you both moved your arms, trying to touch every inch of each other and just soak each other up.
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scripts4dreamers · 7 years
Shameful Behavior pt.4
Part one, Part two, Part three
As promised @pancakeswithabs1 and @gryffindor-with-an-attitude
AN: Will they finally talk? (Yes, yes they will) Pairings: William x reader Characters: William Magnusson, Christoffer Schistad, Vilde Hellerud, Noora Saetre, Sana Bakkoush, Chris Berg, Eva Mohn Spoilers: None Warnings: None Prompt: “Can you please do a William from Skam x reader where she’s his friend and they fall in love and stuff?” ----------------- You’d slept through the night, William noticed as his eyes fluttered open. Your legs were tangled up in his and you’d nuzzled further into his neck during the early hours. William felt himself filling with something warm and soft as he looked down on your sleeping face and remembered how lucky he was to have you in his life. He looked over to where Chris had been and noticed that the rest of the bed was empty. “I’m over here Mr Perfect Hair,” Chris said with a smile as he sauntered into the room, fully dressed. William smiled, but something in his chest fluttered with nerves. He still felt terrible about how he’d acted the previous night and he wasn’t sure if you and Chris had really forgiven him yet. “My folks are going to be home in like an hour so I’ve got to go,” Chris explained as he grabbed his things, “stay with her, will you? She’s going to need something to take her mind off last night.” “Of course.” William responded. “There’s a whole lot of left overs in the fridge and a takeout menu on the counter and-“ “Chris,” William smiled, “we know how to make food. We both live alone, remember?” Chris chuckled and looked down, sheepishly, “Right. Right, sorry.” He looked up and caught William’s eye, “I’m just worried about her, that’s all.” William nodded and looked down at you, stroking one finger over the bridge of your nose and smiling when you nuzzled even further into his chest. “I won’t leave her again Chris,” he swore, “and uh-you know how I’ve always had a bit of a thing for her?” he admitted, his voice soft. Chris rolled his eyes, “You’ve mentioned it once or twice, yes. Oh wait, did I say once or twice? I meant every single time you drink, which is basically every weekend. Honestly Will, keeping your secret has been a pretty full time job for me.” “I know, and I owe you big time for that but the thing is, I-well-I don’t think it’s just a crush anymore.” Chris straightened up, “Oh?” “Yeah, Chris, I think I might be in love with Y/N, like…really in love.” He said, his heart pounding from just hearing the words out loud. It sounded so…right, so inevitable, like it had always been coming and William just hadn’t realised until it was too close to stop. He was in love, hopelessly. No, not hopelessly because he had hope somewhere deep deep down. He was in love, helplessly. Chris sighed and let his eyes drop to your sleeping face again. He walked over and clapped William on the shoulder, leaning forward to press a soft kiss to the top of your head. “You need to tell her dude.” Chris said as he shouldered his bag, “You two just really, really need to talk.” William nodded. “Get home safe.” “I will.” Chris said, “Good luck.” As Chris’ footsteps faded into nothingness, William lay back and held you close, relishing in the soft sounds you made as you dreamed. He wanted to just stay there, wrapped up in you for as long as he possibly could, but eventually he forced himself up and padded softly into the kitchen to start whipping up breakfast. As he pulled out the ingredients he needed, William switched on the radio and started humming along to the tune, although he wasn’t quite listening. “And so I wake in the morning And I step outside And I take a deep breath and I get real high And I scream from the top of my lungs What's going on?” William sang, swaying to the music. Your laugh interrupted his music induced reverie and William spun, his face flushing red with embarrassment. You looked adorable and sleep ruffled in the shirt that William recognized as his and your sleep shorts, with your hair mussed up and your face soft with the memory of rest. You crossed your arms over your chest and leant against the doorframe.   “Morning Magnusson,” You smiled, “you making breakfast?” He nodded, feeling his face break into a smile and his heart filled with something that felt like helium, “Waffles with whipped cream and fresh berries, your favorite if I’m not mistaken.” You walked into the kitchen and leant into him as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. “You’re not, of course. “ You said with a half-smile, “Thank you for staying with me by the way.” “Of course, you’re my best friend Y/N. There’s nothing in this world that I wouldn’t do for you.” William told you as honestly as he could, “I’m just sorry that I wasn’t there for you from the beginning.” You nodded and silently began setting the table for the two of you. It was comfortable and domestic and wonderful, and William desperately wanted to keep the atmosphere light but, as he watched you move in and out of the rooms, cleaning up some of the debris from the party, he knew that he couldn’t hide this feeling from you for much longer.  He watched you scoop fresh berries into a bowl and realised, too late, that he had become fixated on your hands and the way that you moved. William cleared his throat, “Uh, breakfast is ready.” He announced. He barely tasted his food as he ate, but still couldn’t help but smile smugly as you sighed and raved about how amazing the waffles were. He laughed as you piled whipped cream and berries on your plate and shovelled massive forkfuls into your mouth. You’d always eaten like this, like you would never eat again and William couldn’t help but find it painfully adorable. His chest felt tight as you gave him a sheepish smile and the urge to reach over and touch you became almost impossible to ignore. His throat closed and he suddenly understood that, if he could have more mornings like this, then the risk of ruining your friendship was worth it, it had to be worth it. “So, did you enjoy the party?” You asked casually. William nodded. “You and-well-you and Vilde seemed to be hitting it off again.” You mentioned with a slightly forced smile. William felt his heart stutter in his chest. Okay, you were going to talk about this now. It was a relief almost, or it would be if he wasn’t so terrified. “That wasn’t what you thought it was Y/N/N, she came up to me and we started talking. That was all that I was interested in but you know Vilde, she wouldn’t take no for an answer. She was kissing me before I even knew what was happening.” He assured, finding that he couldn’t meet your eye. He could still see your face as you turned the corner, eyes wide with hurt, full lips parting in a shocked ‘Oh’, it filled him with something like shame, “Y/N you have to believe me, I wouldn’t go after your friend like that, especially since you’d asked me not to.” He chanced a look up and watched a plethora of emotions glide over your face, too quick for him to identify. “I feel horrible Y/N. I can’t imagine what it must have felt like for you, thinking that I was ignoring the one thing you’d asked of me. If I’d had to see you with one of my friends,” William babbled, shaking his head, “God I don’t know what I would’ve done. I would’ve gone crazy probably. It was my fault that you ended up on that couch Y/N, I’m so sorry. I’m so so so sorry.” Your brow creased with confusion and you reached out to touch William’s hand, “Will, no. It’s no one’s fault but that asshole’s okay? You didn’t force me to run in there, you didn’t make me sit on that couch and you’re certainly not responsible for that guy doing what he did. It was a freak event that could’ve happened to anyone okay? And I’m not saying that it wasn’t awful, because it was, but it wasn’t personal and I’m really fine. I’m fine William, I was shaken last night but having you and Chris there meant everything to me and honestly, I just want to move on and pretend that it never happened.” William squeezed your hand in his, “If he ever comes near you again…” “I know.” You interrupted, squeezing back, “I know.” ------------------------- You passed the hours together, laughing and joking as you cleaned the house and pretended to get on with your homework and William felt himself relax. There was an easiness between you that he hadn’t noticed before and he found himself craving more and more of. By the early afternoon, William couldn’t bear to be in a separate room from you and, to his delight, it seemed mutual. So eventually, you gave in and collapsed on the couch together to watch a movie. As you laughed along with the film, William traced your face with his eyes. You looked so at peace that it made him feel giddy. You’d always had this type of intoxicating effect on William and he found himself moving closer and closer instinctively, like a magnet.
He didn’t get it, he’d never felt this nervous before with anyone, let alone with a girl, let alone with you. He was William Magnusson, girls were his forte, and he knew how to play the game better than anyone else, so why did he feel like a fourteen year-old again? Because it was you, a voice in his head whispered, it was you and every time he got close, he felt himself falling and it had never been this real before. “Will?” You asked quietly, sometime into the second movie. “Mhhmm.” He answered, looking down at you. “Before, you said that if I’d pulled Julian you would’ve been upset.” You continued. William froze, suddenly trapped in his own words and forced to confront the thoughts that he’d been trying to control. “I did.” He answered, keeping his eyes trained on the TV. “Why?” William chuckled tiredly, looking down at you, “You really don’t know?” he asked incredulously. You shook your head. He chuckled again, shaking his head, “Because I’m in love with you Y/N!” He exclaimed with a laugh, “Because I’m madly, stupidly, head-over-heels in love with you and I feel like I have been for as long as we’ve known each other. Seeing you with anyone makes me crazy.” He thought that the admission would make him nervous or scared, but instead he just felt peaceful, as though he’d just told you about the weather, or a piece of homework you’d forgotten. William realised that he had nothing to fear from the truth. He loved you and he didn’t care who knew it. For what felt like a lifetime, you were completely silent but then he felt your fingers on his chin and then, miraculously, your lips pressed suddenly to his. William gasped into the kiss as a million lights exploded behind his eyelids and his heart exploded in his chest. His fingers tangled in your hair as he pulled you close, savouring each second of an event he’d never dared to imagine. You broke apart, breathless and smiling as you peppered kisses along Will’s jawline. “What was that for?” William asked, still stroking his fingers along your cheek. “Because I’m in love with you too, stupid.” You laughed, pressing another kiss to his lips, “That’s why I was looking for you last night in the first place.” William laughed with you and allowed himself another, perfect stolen kiss. You wrapped your arms around his waist and he pulled you close, relishing in the simple beauty of being together like this. You watched the movie in relative silence, only stopping to press needy kisses to each other or asking one another if you were sure about this. Like, really sure, really really sure. The answer was always yes. “Is this what it always feels like for you?” You asked as he pressed his lips to your forehead somewhere into the fourth movie. You sounded uncertain and somewhat insecure and it made William’s heart pinch. He hooked his fingers under your chin and tilted your head up, so you had to meet his eye. “No,” he answered simply, “it’s never felt like this before, with anyone, because they weren’t you.” Your answering smile was soft, understanding and so dripping with love that William felt himself fill from head to toe with something that felt like pure light. He would be okay, he realised, spending the rest of his life working towards making you smile like that again. “Chris is going to be unbearable on Monday, isn’t he?” You sighed, leaning back against William. “Oh completely.” From: William To: Chris [You were right, we owe you one.] Image Attached
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crowleying · 4 years
Dirty little secret | f! reader
Date: 10.04.2020
Pairing:  Christoffer Schistad x Reader
Reader's pronouns: she/her
Words: 2.205
Fandom: SKAM
Characters: Reader, Christoffer Schistad, William Magnusson, Noora Amalie Sætre, Eva Kviig Mohn
Genre: Romance
Length: Oneshot
Warnings: Angst and fluff
Requested by anon
Request: WOW you write for SKAM! 😭 could you write something like: Reader and Chris are dating but she wants to keep it secret because of his reputation and he's annoyed so they fight, he flirts with girls to piss her off, they're on and off, very good or terrible, constantly and then he leaves for army and they solve nothing so when he comes for break they want to reconcile and fix everything. With prompts: 142, 160, 167, 178. Thanks! ❤
Prompts: 142. “I’m lost without you.” 
160. “Just smile. I really need you to smile right now.”
167. “Please tell me it’s going to be okay.”
178. “You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
Summary: You don’t want to tell anyone that you are in a relationship with Chris. This annoys him and you’re always fighting about it.
A/N: I’m sorry for taking so long but I’m happy I was finally able to write it. I wrote it in one go, which is very unusual for me but I really needed it because all I’m doing this days is studying. So thank you for the request!
English is not my first language so feel free to correct any mistake and I would love to know what do you think about it. REQUESTS ARE OPEN. I posted a List of prompts, so check it out! Let me know if you would like to be tagged in my works.
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[ID: a black and white gif. Chris Schistad, with a Penetrators hoodie and his backpack on his shoulder, walking by Eva and looking at her. She is giving us the back, she has her backpack on and she turns to look at him. End ID.]
You were leaning against the wall enclosing the school while waiting for your friends and you couldn’t take your eyes off your boyfriend who was talking with the other Penetrators across the courtyard. He flashed you some of his charming smiles from time to time and you couldn’t avoid smiling back and blushing. You were so caught up in your interaction that you didn’t notice your best friend.
“You’re staring” she pointed out almost as a greeting.
“Hello to you” you shot back smiling at her.
“You know, I don’t understand why you want to keep it secret, it’s not like anyone could really miss you smiling to each other all the times with heart-shaped eyes” Noora commented.
You shook your head. “I’ve told you already. Chris has an awful reputation and you more than anyone else should understand” you replied giving her a knowing look.
“Should I?” she asked smiling and waving at William, her boyfriend and Chris’ best friend.
Your eyebrows shot up and she couldn’t ignore your gaze anymore. “What? I’m past that, now everyone knows we are together and we are happy” she said while you caught sight of William and Chris leaving their friends and making their way towards the two of you.
“Hey” William said before taking Noora by the hips and kissing her while Chris shot a look that screamed ‘we could be that happy’. You averted your gaze and cleared your voice. They both got the hint and parted but didn’t let each other go.
“Isn’t it a wonderful day to let the world know of your relationship so that you too can kiss each other without bothering us every time we do so?” William asked you with a cheeky smile. That earned him a glare from you.
Noora and William, being respectively your and Chris’ best friends were the only two to know about your relationship but you were regretting letting them know since they both pushed you to let everyone know. You suspected Chris was behind all of this.
Before you could say anything you were joined by your other friends who were completely oblivious of the whole situation.
“Just think about it” he said briefly before kissing Noora on the lips.
“Let’s go Chris, bye girls.”
You didn’t miss the wink Chris sent Eva’s way and she didn’t either. As soon as the two weren’t in earshot, she let out a cry. “Oh my God, he winked at me!”
You were fuming and Noora shot you a glance. You didn’t react but for the rest of the day you said two words at most and that dark look didn’t leave you. It grew even worse as Chris seemed to be flirting with every girl that passed by and especially with Eva. You didn’t know if you hated him more because he was hurting you or because he was leading her on when she actually liked him.
It went on for the whole week and you just couldn’t take it anymore so you decided you wouldn’t go to the party one of his friends would host on Saturday. You couldn’t watch him flirting with every single girl in the house for the whole night.
No matter how many times Noora tried to convince you to go, you were even more stubborn than she was.
When you heard the bell ringing at ten you thought it was her, both your parents and your brother had the keys so it couldn’t be them. Annoyed you stopped the film you were watching and got up from the bed.
“Noora, I’m not coming to that stupid party” you shouted while reaching the door but when you opened it you found Chris instead.
“What are you doing here? My parents could be at home!”
“Noora told me they went out.”
You cursed her.
“Are you already tired of Eva?” you asked rolling your eyes but leaving the door open for him to come in while you went to the kitchen to put on the kettle.
He entered and closed the door behind, following you inside.
“You know it’s not-” he started only to be interrupted by you.
“I know and it pisses me off because she really likes you and you’re playing with her feelings, just like you’re doing with mine, like you do with everyone’s” you lashed out turning to look at him.
He raised his hands surrendering.
“I know I shouldn’t have, I’m sorry” he said calmly.
“You’re sorry? You’re sorry? How many times have I heard it before?” you asked rhetorically turning to put the water in the kettle and putting it on the cooker.
“It’s just- I was angry, ok? I was angry because you want to keep me as your dirty little secret so that your good girl reputation isn’t stained by mine.”
“That’s not why. You know why and it’s not like you ever try to prove me wrong, is it?” you retorted facing him, your tone now calmer.
He pressed his lips together and inspired. You were right and there was no denying it. “Fine, you’re right. I’m sorry and I’ll try to prove you that I really am changed” he said taking a couple of steps towards you. You relaxed accepting it. You would have to do with it for the time being even though you knew it wouldn’t last long.
You nodded and he hugged you.
It was always like this between the two of you. It had begun almost one year ago. You asked him to keep it secret for a while and he accepted if you let him tell it to William. You agreed but after sometime he eventually became tired of the situation and started pushing you to let everyone know. When you refused he started flirting with everyone he laid his eyes on just to piss you off. That time you almost broke up but then he pleaded you not to and you decided to give him another chance and for some time everything was great but then it happened again and again and again. You had become so used to it by now that you were always ready. You didn’t know how it could still be working between the two of you but somehow it did.
 The next couple of weeks were great, you spent almost every day together when you weren’t at school, he didn’t seem to have eyes for anyone but you, he had completely forgot about Eva.
She didn’t understand what had happened to make him change so suddenly and she was talking about it with the girls for the umpteenth time. You weren’t really listening.
“I need to go to the toilet” you stated getting up from your spot on the windowsill. They barely nodded before bringing their attention back to Eva.
You were tired of listening to her talking about your boyfriend. You were so lost in your thought about him that you didn’t notice a door on you left flying open before someone pulled you in and closed the door. You were ready to fight but you recognized Chris and give him a small push on the chest.
“What are you doing?” you whispered hardly keeping from smiling.
“I missed you” he said pulling you in a heated kiss you couldn’t resist. Your arms went around his neck without you even noticing.
He pushed you against a desk. You sat on it and he made his way between your legs and started kissing your neck. You knew very well where he wanted to go but you put a hand against his chest and pushed.
“Chris, we can’t, we are at school” you reminded him biting your lower lip trying not to smile.
“I don’t care” he muttered against your skin.
“I know but I do” you said giggling. He pulled back. “I know you do, you always do” he replied bitterly and you knew you were back to fighting.
“Chris, please” you whispered tiredly. You didn’t want to fight but he apparently did. “No Y/N, I am the one pleading you. We have been together for almost a year and you still don’t want people to know” he pointed out.
“Because you haven’t changed as you always promise me to” you retorted hopping off the desk.
“I have changed; I’ve been only with you this whole time, why can’t you see it? Why don’t you understand that since you’ve shown me what love can feel like I don’t care for anyone else?” he asked, a pained look on his beautiful face. The bell rang.
“Because you keep flirting with everyone” you replied shaking your head and feeling the tears coming to your eyes. Without giving him the time to reply you left, not wanting to cry in front of him.
After that you didn’t see each other for weeks. He had exams and you kept to yourself; even Noora didn’t see you all that much, you didn’t really feel like staying with the girls.
 As hard as you tried, however, you couldn’t ditch that damn party at William’s to celebrate the end of the school. You knew there would be no avoiding Chris there. As soon as you walked in you spotted him but you were able to go unseen for a whole hour before he found you in the kitchen grabbing the third beer of the night.
“We need to talk” he said right away.
You hesitated.
“Please” he insisted and he seemed almost desperate. You nodded and left the unopened bottle on the counter following him out of the flat and then the palace.
You stopped only once you were in the street and waited for him to talk.
“I... I’m sorry for saying it now that we’re not even speaking but I didn’t want to leave without telling you” he began and a shiver went down your back. You didn’t know it was for the chilly air or if was for his words.
“Leave? What do you mean? Where are you going?” you asked bringing you arms around yourself to fend the cold off. You hadn’t thought of taking your jacket with you.
He took his off and put it on your shoulders.
“I decided to join the army” he said and the world around you started spinning incredibly fast.
You felt the words getting stuck in your throat and tears came to your eyes instead.
“Why?” you finally managed to whisper.
“I want to get my head together and take my time to decide what to do afterwards” he said getting closer to you and putting his hands on your arms.
“It is not your fault” he added guessing your thoughts. Your tears started flowing and he hugged you.
“When are you leaving?” you whispered.
“In two days.”
“Two days?” you asked faintly.
“I’m sorry” he whispered squeezing you to his chest.
“Please tell me it’s going to be okay” you pleaded him. You knew it wouldn’t change anything but you needed to hear that from him.
“It’s going to be ok, I promise” he said and you nodded.
He pulled apart and looked at you. “Please don’t cry” he said drying your tears delicately with his thumbs.
“Just smile. I really need you to smile right now. I will need to think of your wonderful smile when I will be away and missing you.”
You tried to do your best but only managed to smile weakly. He smiled back and pulled you back in the hug.
 Months had gone by and you still missed him as much as you did the first day. You didn’t know how it was possible. Before he left you both decided it would be better not staying in contact but you regretted it now. Not knowing how he was doing was killing you; the only news being those William passed you through Noora. It was her who told you he was back. She barely had the time to finish the sentence before you ended the call and put your jacket on leaving the house without bothering telling anyone where you were going.
You ran all the way there and when you finally got to the door you were spent. Still out of breath you rang the bell. You didn’t need to wait too long for the door to open showing an extremely surprised Chris.
“How...?” he began but he was interrupted by William. “Oh, wow, that was quick” he commented seeing you. “I’ll leave you two alone” he said winking at you.
“Thanks” you whispered, a small smile on your lips.
“We’ll see soon, yeah?” he asked Chris who nodded, still a little bit confused.
William left and you followed Chris inside.
Chris closed the door and as soon as he turned you hugged him.
“Please don’t leave ever again, I’ll tell the world that we are together, I’ll put banners around the city if I can get you to stay” you blurted out making him laugh. He hugged you back.
“So we are back together?” he asked and you nodded without hesitation. “I’m lost without you” you admitted.
“Oh God, I love you and I’m not leaving again” he said looking you in the eyes before kissing you deeply.
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leahchampagne · 4 years
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John Watson v/s Magnusson
Part 2/2
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Hello and welcome to my account!!! I am a writer and a minor graphic designer! I do take requests for oneshots, series, playlists and graphics! and my requests are open!! I do not write smut, incest, or mentions of rape, suicide, etc. Below are fandoms you can request for!! I write for male, nonbinary, and female readers! If they don't specifically say male! reader or female! reader than it will be gender neutral or nonbinary!! I also speak a couple languages so tell me if you need your request in a different language! ( i speak french, spanish, german is my native language, english, itallian, and a little bit of dutch! )
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the fandoms i will make/write for are:
supernatural (season one to season fourteen, no spoilers!)
characters include: dean winchester, sam winchester, castlel, jack kline, and the actors!
ships include: destiel, sabriel, platonic jack x dean, platonic castle x jack
harry potter
characters include: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, ginny weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, ron weasley, charlie weasley, bill weasley, george weasley, fred weasley, cho chang, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, pansy parkinson, neville longbottom, blaise zabini, narcissa malfoy, regulus black (male reader only bc that's my head cannon for him)
ships include: lily, wolfstar, drarry, hedric, pansmione, harry x cho x cedric (poly), blairon, bleville, ronmione, linny
percy jackson (I'm only on the fourth book of hoo, no spoilers please!)
characters include: percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, nico di angelo (male reader only), will solace, jason grace, piper mcclean, leo valdez, frank zhang, hazel levesque, clarisse la rue
ships: percabeth, solangelo, jercy, valdangelo, frazel
skam (ive watched all of the remakes but will only write for original and germany, this might change later)
characters include: nora sætre, jonas vasquez, isak valtersen (male reader only), christoffer schistad, evan næsheim, sana bakkoush (platonic only please), eva mohn, william magnusson
ships: evak, nora x william, eva x chris, eva x nora
skam druck
characters include: mia winter, kiki machwitz, amira mahmood, hanna jung, jonas augustin, matteo florenzi, alexander hardenberg, nora machwitz
ships: david x matteo, mia x alexander
teen wolf
characters: stiles stillinski, derek hale, issac lahey, scott mccall, lydia martin, allison argent, peter hale, theo raeken, liam dunbar
ships: sterek, scissac, lydia x allison, thiam
stranger things
characters: steve harrington, will byers (male reader only for personal headcannon), mike wheeler, eleven/jane hopper, dustin henderson, jonathan byers, nancy wheeler, robyn buckley (female reader only), max mayfield, lucas sinclair, joyce byers
ships: byler, elmax, nancy x robyn, jonathan x steve
IT (2017)
characters include: mike hanlon, ben hanscom, beverly marsh, richie tozier (male reader only), eddie kaspbarak, bill denbrough, stanley uris
ships: reddie, stenbrough, mikeverly, benverly, mike x ben
marvel and x-men
characters include: peter parker, steve rodgers, peggy carters, peter maximoff, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, charles xavier (young romantic or older platonic only), wade wilson, tony stark, bucky barnes, thor, loki, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, stephen strange (more that I'm probably forgetting tbh)
ships: stony, parley, ironstrange, stucky,��
characters include: conner kent, clark kent, jonathan kent, damian wayne, tim drake, bruce wayne, jason todd, dick grayson, selina kyle, barbra gordon, helena bertinelli, harley quinn, poison ivy, cassandra cain, kara danvers, mon-el, alex danvers (female reader only), oliver queen, barry allen, bart allen, wally west, miss martian/megan mores (more im not thinking of, just ask)
ships: damjon, lena luthor x kara danvers, superbat, dick x wally
there are probably others I'm not thinking of, just ask please!!!
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194 notes · View notes
Hi, this is me!!
Hello and welcome to my account!!! I am a writer and I love romance! I do take requests for oneshots, series, and playlists! and my requests are open!! I do not write smut, incest, or mentions of rape, suicide, etc. Below are fandoms you can request for!! I write for male, nonbinary, and female readers! If they don't specifically say male! reader or female! reader than it will be gender neutral or nonbinary!! I also have a friend who will translate my work if needed ( they speak french, spanish, german is my native language, english, itallian, and a little bit of dutch! )
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the fandoms i will make/write for are:
supernatural (season one to season fourteen, no spoilers!)
the characters include: dean winchester, sam winchester, castlel, jack kline, and the actors!
the ships include: destiel, sabriel, platonic jack x dean, platonic castle x jack
harry potter
the characters include: james potter, sirius black, remus lupin, lily evans, marlene mckinnon, ginny weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, luna lovegood, ron weasley, charlie weasley, bill weasley, george weasley, fred weasley, cho chang, cedric diggory, draco malfoy, pansy parkinson, neville longbottom, blaise zabini, narcissa malfoy, regulus black (male reader only bc that's my head cannon for him)
the ships include: lily, wolfstar, drarry, hedric, pansmione, harry x cho x cedric (poly), blairon, bleville, ronmione, linny
percy jackson (I'm only on the fourth book of hoo, no spoilers please!)
the characters include: percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, nico di angelo (male reader only), will solace, jason grace, piper mcclean, leo valdez, frank zhang, hazel levesque, clarisse la rue
the ships: percabeth, solangelo, jercy, valdangelo, frazel
skam (ive watched all of the remakes but will only write for original and germany, this might change later)
the characters include: nora sætre, jonas vasquez, isak valtersen (male reader only), christoffer schistad, evan næsheim, sana bakkoush (platonic only please), eva mohn, william magnusson
the ships: evak, nora x william, eva x chris, eva x nora
teen wolf
the characters: stiles stillinski, derek hale, issac lahey, scott mccall, lydia martin, allison argent, peter hale, theo raeken, liam dunbar
the ships: sterek, scissac, lydia x allison, thiam
stranger things
the characters: steve harrington, will byers (male reader only for personal headcannon), mike wheeler, eleven/jane hopper, dustin henderson, jonathan byers, nancy wheeler, robyn buckley (female reader only), max mayfield, lucas sinclair, joyce byers
the ships: byler, elmax, nancy x robyn, jonathan x steve
IT (2017)
the characters include: mike hanlon, ben hanscom, beverly marsh, richie tozier (male reader only), eddie kaspbarak, bill denbrough, stanley uris
the ships: reddie, stenbrough, mikeverly, benverly, mike x ben
marvel and x-men
the characters include: peter parker, steve rodgers, peggy carters, peter maximoff, pietro maximoff, wanda maximoff, charles xavier (young romantic or older platonic only), wade wilson, tony stark, bucky barnes, thor, loki, natasha romanoff, bruce banner, stephen strange (more that I'm probably forgetting tbh)
the ships: stony, parley, ironstrange, stucky,
the characters include: conner kent, clark kent, jonathan kent, damian wayne, tim drake, bruce wayne, jason todd, dick grayson, selina kyle, barbra gordon, helena bertinelli, harley quinn, poison ivy, cassandra cain, kara danvers, mon-el, alex danvers (female reader only), oliver queen, barry allen, bart allen, wally west, miss martian/megan mores (more im not thinking of, just ask)
the ships: damjon, lena luthor x kara danvers, superbat, dick x wally
the characters include: carl gallagher, ian gallagher (male reader only), debby gallagher, lip gallagher, fiona gallgher, kev and vee (parental only!), mickey milchovich
ships: gallavich 
the people: nico hischier, connor mcdavid, johnny gaudreau
(there are more but its like 2:00 am rn where i live and I'm lazy as fck)
there are probably others I'm not thinking of, just ask please!!!
layout for this by @slow-dancing-with-myself​
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avnkin · 7 years
15 with mister Christoffer Schistad please!
thank you for requesting love, sorry it took so long!
15. “you’re breaking my heart, babe”
You were known as the schools fuckgirl. You had gotten that name when people somehow found out that you had hooked up with 5 guys in two days, and so the name stuck causing every girl to pretty much hate you and you pretty much only having guy friends.
but there was one guy that made you forget all the other ones and that just so happened to be Chris Schistad the biggest fuckboy in the entire school. He was known for pretty much sleeping with every moving thing, his looks were definitely a plus but his personality was a definite minus, he was cocky, arrogant and insanely full of himself.
But that didn’t matter to you as you found yourself being in a place you didn’t want to be in, liking Chris. So as a way to try and get over him you were at yet another party finding any cute guys to hook up with, but that being insanely difficult since none of them compared to Chris.
You let out a loud groan letting your body fall onto the couch where thankfully no one was. You suddenly felt someone sitting down next to you, you opened your eyes and saw that it was indeed Chris who was sitting there staring down at you and smiling.
“rough night huh?” he chuckled taking another swig of his beer smacking his lips, as he scanned the room probably looking for another girl to hook up with, you frowned at this but nodded as he looked back at you.
But you felt a sudden rush of anger when you saw him wink at a girl who immediately started blushing and giggling like crazy. 
So you rose to your feet faster than you thought you could and speed walked towards some guy that had been eyeing you the entire night, and as you got up to him you looked back at Chris who was sitting there shocked and smirked grabbing a handful of the guys hair before connecting your lips with his. 
Chris’s face turned red with anger at this and he immediately stood up grabbing your arm, and dragging you out of the party sitting you down on the cold stairs that led into the house.
He sighed as he sat down next to you putting his head in his hand before turning to you saying “you’re breaking my heart, babe” you were shocked by this and just stared at him for a good minute before grabbing the back of his neck connecting your lips with his, his lips were soft as they moved against yours
He smiled against your lips whilst wrapping his arms around your waist lifting you up onto his lap not breaking the kiss once.
But the door suddenly burst open and out walked William and the rest of the penetrators, you looked up at the boys who were just awkwardly standing there
And you felt even more embarrassed when you realised Chris’s face was buried in between your boobs.
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panimation · 7 years
Stay here. - Chris Schistad
Request? None.
Description: I guess it’s the sister of Jonas finding him being beaten up by the Yakuzas and immediately running to Chris for help.
I gasped when I turned the corner, seeing the Yakuzas crowded around Jonas and kicking and punching him. They wouldn’t let him up or slow their beating. When one of the boys spotted me, my eyes went wide. He told the other boys something before starting to walk towards me. I turned and ran, hearing him start to run too. Oh my god, I was going to die. I didn’t know where to run until I realized that Chris could help.
If I could just make it a mile or so, I could get help for Jonas. Sadly, I was already running out of breath from how fast I had to run. The guy was pretty quick, nearly staying on my ass the entire time. Now I was simply running out of fear. I turned sharp corners and cut through alleys, the guy still behind me.
As I neared Chris’ house, I started to yell his name in hopes of him coming out of the house. “Chris!” I screamed, breath running out. “Chris!” I saw his driveway and the fence around his yard. “Chris!” I yelled louder than I had the first two times and then I saw the front door of the house open. “Chris!” I called out as I ran onto his driveway. I skidded to a stop, out of breath and pointing to where I came from.
“Jonas- he-” I had to lean on my knees, lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. “What? What the hell is happening?” He asked me, hand on my shoulder as he looked around. I knelt down on the pavement, nearly falling over. “Are you okay?”
I quickly moved to the sidewalk before throwing up twice. As I composed myself, I turned back to him and wiped my mouth. “The Yakuzas are beating Jonas up,” I got out, hand on the fence for support. He looked down the road to see the guy who followed me and then grabbed my arm. He pulled me into the house then grabbed his jacket and phone. “Stay here. Don’t answer the door to anyone but me or William. Keep everything locked at all times.” He told me, texting on his phone. I nodded and stepped back a bit as he went to the door.
He looked back at me and nodded slightly. “Come lock the door.” He said, stepping outside. “Don’t let them kill him.” I said before he shut the door. He paused, then nodded again. “Hide in my room if you need to.” He shut the door. I locked it quickly before checking windows and and other doors and heading upstairs to what I assumed was Chris’ room. I sat in a corner and waited. I don’t what for.
Maybe a text, or a call, but I simply waited.
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idk if you write them but if you do could you do a prompt imagine for William Magnusson and Chris Schistad x Reader, with Prompt #21 - “I love you” Prompt #14 - “He doesn’t treat you right, so let me.” Prompt #8 “Stop crying about him. He isn’t worth your tears” Prompt #9 - “I can’t do anything right” (1/2)
(2/2) William and the Reader have been together for a couple of months. But he's been acting weird, and the reader get's upset after they get into a fight. Chris comforts her and lies that William likes someone else and then kisses her. William walks in and Chris and him fight then William and the reader leave. He reveals he's been acting weird because he wants to tell her he loves her and was just freaked out. Idk after that...
I watched like season one and two of Skam. I read the rest of the series on the wiki page from like my favorite characters (Noora, Sana, William) so I kind’ve known everything that happened. Anyway, I’ll go ahead and write this! Guess I can add Skam to my masterlist.
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peterpparkrr · 3 years
Skam Masterlist
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William Magnusson x Reader
Honesty is the best policy
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Eva Mohn x Reader
Do you want to make out? (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
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Jonas Vasquez x Reader
Just dance with me
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William and P Chris x Reader
Headcanons for being best friends with William and Chris as a gay girl
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Yousef Acar x Reader
Fake Boyfriend
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Elias Bakkoush x Reader
The start of something
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Isak and Even x Reader
Evak’s Best Friend Headcanons
Chris Schistad x Reader
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I’m not telling you
You can’t like him
Parenting Headcanons (Magnusson!Reader)
Skam France
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Manon Demissy x Daphne Lecomte
Are you a lesbian?
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Charles Munier x Reader
Out of Options
peterpparkr’s Masterlist
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scripts4dreamers · 7 years
Shameful Behavior pt. 2
Part One
AN: William decides to pick on someone his own size for once. Pairings: William x reader Characters: William Magnusson, Christoffer Schistad, Vilde Hellerud, Noora Saetre, Sana Bakkoush, Chris Berg, Eva Mohn Spoilers: None Warnings: None Prompt: “Can you please do a William from Skam x reader where she’s his friend and they fall in love and stuff?”
Of course, William had hooked up with Vilde. You should’ve seen that coming, considering that she was exactly his type. It brought a bitter taste to your mouth whenever you thought about it, especially because you’d actually become quite close to Vilde and her friends, so you had to listen to her obsess over him almost every day. Conversely, William hadn’t even mentioned Vilde since they’d slept together and, somehow, that was painful too.
You were standing in front of your mirror, inspecting your outfit for the seventh time that day and wondering if you should change. You were hosting a party at your house and, by the sounds of it; most of the school was planning on attending, which meant that you had to look stunning, or at least interesting. The top you had on was more low-cut than was normal for you, and the skirt was something you’d never imagined yourself wearing, but put together, you were feeling good. A faint tapping on your window knocked you out of your daydreaming and you spun around, clutching at your chest.
William’s smiling face met yours and you breathed out a sigh of relief, unlatching the window and stepping back so that William could clamber into your room with all the grace of a baby gazelle. You giggled as he tripped and scrambled to right himself, fixing his hair as he did.
He gave you a fond smile that made your heart pinch and pulled you into a hug.
“You ready?” He asked, with his chin resting on your head. You nodded and he let you go, taking your hands in his, “Let me see you then,” he said, scanning your body with his eyes.
You blushed, but didn’t move away. A muscle in William’s jaw jumped and his eyes hardened. It was a look you’d seen him wear countless times and it always made you feel a little breathless. When he looked like this, he was unknowable. He opened his mouth, ready to speak, when you heard a knock at your front door.
“Coming!” You called, shooting William an apologetic look as you darted down the stairs.
You flung the door open and pulled Chris into a hug, before turning to face the pretty, dark haired girl on his arm.
“Hi, I’m Iben,” she smiled shyly, “I’m Chris’ girlfriend.”
“Naaw, that’s so great, welcome guys.” You gushed, ruffling Chris’ hair with your fingers, “I’m Y/N Y/L/N. Come in, come in; you’re the first to arrive.”
Chris frowned as they followed you into the large living room that looked out onto your back patio.
“Really? Isn’t William here? He left before we did.”
“Indeed I am here,” Will answered, striding into the room confidently. He looked like himself again, and you relaxed, “I just don’t think than Y/N/N really counts you and me as guests anymore.”
“Fair enough,” Chris laughed, “Iben, I’m sure you know William?”
The girl nodded and shook his hand, looking nervous. You couldn’t exactly blame her, she was standing in a room with three third years who went way back, and who were well-known throughout the school. That would intimidate any second year.
“Did you guys tell the other Penetrators to bring drinks?” You asked.
“Of course, who do you think we are? Julian is bringing enough alcohol to feed an army.” Chris answered.
William put his hand on your shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. He knew how nervous you got before hosting a party, especially one this size.
“Don’t stress, we’ve got everything under control.” He promised, “You just worry about having a good time alright? The boys and I will make sure everything goes smoothly.”
You leant your head against his hand and breathed out, making a concerted effort to calm yourself down. This was just a party, it was just like every other party you’d gone to and it would be fine. The doorbell rang again and, as you welcomed in the floods of guests that were arriving, you sent a silent prayer to whoever might be listening. Please let the night go well, you prayed, please don’t let there be any drama.
“No, but don’t you think that we, as women, have a responsibility to not perpetuate stereotypes?” Noora asked.
You thought for a minute. You’d had quite a bit to drink already, but you were still sober enough to make decisions for yourself, which is why you were curled up on the couch with Noora and not out doing something dumb, like dancing on the bar, or crying over William. Both of which were pretty normal for you during your second year at Nissen.
“I think that, as women, it’s not our place to tell one another what our responsibilities are, you know? I mean, there are tons of women out there who want to be housewives, or who like wearing make-up and cooking and cleaning, just ‘cause that’s who they are. I think it’s only a problem when it starts to be expected of us just because we are women.” You answered, “Plus, we’re all guilty of being a bit of a stereotype every now and again.”
Noora nodded in agreement as Sana collapsed onto the couch next to you, looking mad.
“What’s up?” you asked, nudging her with your arm.
Sana rolled her eyes, “Vilde. She’s chasing William down again, as if stalking him is going to make him like her.”
You swallowed hard, torn between pitying Vilde and being horribly jealous, “Where are they?”
Sana shrugged, “I tried to tell her that it was a bad idea, but of course she didn’t want to hear any of it. Couldn’t you talk to her Y/N? I’m sure she’ll listen to you.”
You snorted and refilled your glass from a half-empty bottle of champagne that was left on the coffee table, “I’ve tried, multiple times actually.”
“And she ignores you?” Noora asked.
“It’s more like, she knows that I’m trying to be nice, but she doesn’t think William would talk to me about girls anyway.” You explained, “Which is ridiculous, because girls are pretty much all that Chris and Will talk about.”
Okay so that wasn’t entirely true, but you were annoyed with William, so you didn’t really care, and what had started off as a light buzz had deepened into something dangerously close to full blown tipsiness.
Noora and Sana laughed, “Boys are ridiculous,” Sana declared, “all of them.”
You nodded in agreement, “Truly, they are. If you girls stay away from boys, you’ll stay away from drama. Mark my words, everything bad that happens during your high school career will somehow be related to a boy, they’re pests.”
“Oh come on Y/N, don’t you think you’re being a little harsh?” Chris asked, appearing out of nowhere.
You shot him a look, “Don’t act all innocent Christoffer Schistad, you know that I’m right.”
The boy relented and nodded, shooting you an apologetic smile before turning back to the first years, “Listen to this one, girls. She knows her way around the block.”
You smiled dopily and nuzzled into Chris’ side, resting your head on his shoulder as he draped an arm around you protectively. The drinks had finally caught up to you and it felt like you were floating on a cloud of calm. Your head was pleasantly light and your body felt warm and heavy. The noises of the party buzzed around your ears like flies and you nuzzled further into Chris to block them out. He smelt like soap and something else that you were too drunk to recognize and it was comforting how familiar it all was. You’d always been able to rely on Chris. He made a questioning noise in the back of his throat and gave you a gentle squeeze.
“You alright Princess?” He asked softly, “Do we need to send everyone away?”
You shook your head, “William is off somewhere with Vilde, did you know that?” You said, the words bubbling out of you without your consent.
Chris looked confused but answered slowly, “Um, yeah I think I saw them together a while ago, why?”
You sighed, your head spinning but your chest feeling lighter than it had in ages, “They’re probably having sex right now, in my house too. How messed up is that?”
“I mean, I know it’s William and I know he can’t help how many girls like him but, really? Can’t he just let me have this one party? Can’t I go one night without picturing him with another girl and just wanting to die? Is that too much to ask, Chris? Is it?” you asked as you sat up.
Chris’ eyebrows shot up and his mouth opened and closed a few times as he tried to order his thoughts.
“Y/N,” he started, slowly, as if he was carefully choosing his words, “do you…have feelings…for William?”
You frowned, “Of course, I thought everyone knew that. See? That’s why it’s so unfair of him, because he knows how I feel about him and he’s still off somewhere sleeping with my friend, in my house!”
Chris threw his head back and let out a bark of laughter, his chest vibrating as he chuckled.
“Trust me on this Y/N/N, William has no idea that you like him, like, none. If he knew-you know what? I think you should just go talk to him.” Chris suggested.
“You know what? I think I will. He can’t just keep doing this to me anymore, no sir!”
Something in the back of your mind screamed that that was a terrible idea, but the warm haze of alcohol told it to be quiet and you stood shakily, swaying on your feet as your head spun. Chris held your arm to steady you and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.
“Just-just remember that he didn’t know, okay?” he reminded you, “He really didn’t know.”
You nodded and gave Chris a lazy grin as you turned to stumble your way towards the back of your house, where you knew people had gone to hook up. If you’d been more sober, maybe you wouldn’t have gone, but you were angry and hurt and you needed it to be over, once and for all.
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crowleying · 4 years
Together again | f!reader
Date: 07.02.2020
Pairing:  Christoffer Schistad x Reader
Reader's pronouns: she/her
Words: 4.054
Fandom: SKAM
Characters: Reader, Christoffer Schistad, William Magnusson, (ft. Alex Høgh Andersen)
Genre: Romance
Length: Oneshot
Warnings: Angst, minor character’s death
Requested by anon
Request: Can I request imagine where Chris and Reader used to be close friends but grew apart in high school and while he was popular she become antisocial, sarcastic loner. At some point his friends were talking shit about her like she's hot but always alone so he gets mad and tries to fix their relationship but she's stubborn and hates his way of living but he's not giving up and at some (maybe after he or she is hurt) point they become a couple and people are jealous. With 173, 66 and 70, 168. Thanks!
Prompts: 66. “I’m worried about you”
70. “If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart”
168. “Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything”
173. “I just really miss talking with you”
Summary: You and Chris were best friends until you grew apart.
A/N: I’m sorry for taking too literally the “maybe after he or she is hurt” part of the request. I feel like a very bad person and at the same time I felt it necessary for myself. I hope you can enjoy the story anyway.
English is not my first language so feel free to correct any mistake and I would love to know what do you think about it. REQUESTS ARE OPEN. I posted a List of prompts, so check it out! Let me know if you would like to be tagged in my works.
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[ID: a gif of Chris Schistad surrounded by his friends. He is smiling at his phone. Someone shoves him and he turns toward them laughing. End ID.]
You were reading peacefully in the school yard, cup of hot black coffee on the wooden table in front of you and a book in your hand. You didn’t need much to be happy. The only think you wanted was people to stay away from you as much as possible, especially in the morning. What was wrong with those people who liked to talk in the morning you didn’t know, you simply hoped they didn’t try to talk to you. Most morning you were lucky, unfortunately that wasn’t one of them.
“Hey, would you like to be part of the theatre group?” a high-pitched voice asked and a flyer was put right under your nose, preventing you from continuing to read your book.
You looked up to see a blond, nice, stupid-looking girl with a bright smile on her lips and a girl who had a funny face and seemed to be there by mistake.
Your glare seemed to scare them a little. They almost jumped back and the blond girl left the flyer on your book. “I’ll leave it here, think about it” she said with a brief smile before leaving dragging her friend with her by the elbow.
You lifted your eyebrows. After all it was quick, you considered smiling to yourself. Your smile was wiped from your face as soon as you saw the last person you would ever want to see walking along with his friends towards the entrance of the building.
You crumpled the flyer and closed the book, taking your coffee and your backpack and getting up. You headed quickly to the entrance of the building opening the door some seconds before one of those assholes could and almost hitting said asshole in the face. You walked inside ignoring the comments and the glares that followed you almost everywhere. You had become very good at it during the years. It had begun the first year of high school. You and Chris had always been friends, you couldn’t remember a time when you weren’t, nobody had ever questioned your friendship until high school. Everyone started wondering why a handsome boy like him would be friend with someone as insignificant as you were. It hurt at the beginning but you still had him by your side as always and you thought it would be like this forever. How stupid and naïve of you. You almost didn’t notice as he drifted away from you, it had begun with him being included in an all-boys group. You were okay with that, you were happy he had other friends, he was a wonderful person and he deserved to be appreciated. He still made time for you. You spent some afternoons together doing homework or just hanging out, and you had movie night every Saturday evening. You had never loved parties but Chris always tried to convince you to come with him, until he stopped. What hurt the most was that he didn’t even tell you he was going to a party, you had found out the next day, when you heard the rumours of him fucking some random girl. You thought you told everything to each other. You had confronted him about it, he had apologized and everything was fine again or at least it seemed so. However, something was irremediably broken and nothing you did could bring things back to how they were before. He started making excuses to skip your afternoons together and he preferred partying to movie nights, till he simply stopped acknowledging your existence. He had replaced you with nothing less than William Magnusson, the most popular guy of the school. You didn’t understand why he was so popular: he wasn’t handsome or intelligent or kind. You were suddenly alone. The good thing that came with that was that after a couple of months of rumours about you and Chris not being friends anymore, you were forgotten. You were invisible and you loved it. It would have been a lie to say that his behaviour didn’t hurt you but at some point you just stopped caring. Sometimes you felt angry when you saw him with his new friends. He seemed happy and you asked yourself if maybe it was your fault, maybe he wasn’t that happy with you but then you remembered how he had treated you and nobody deserved to be treated like that, hence, the anger. Anyway, most of the times you just ignored it.
 You always sat alone in the school canteen and you liked having a table all for yourself so you could read or write or do your homework without having to make conversation with someone and you had a lot of space. Everyone knew you were a loner, and nobody dared asking you to sit at your table after you had scared a first-year last year. Therefore, you were surprised to hear someone asking you if they could sit there. You took your eyes off your book and looked at the person in front of you. You recognised one of Chris’ asshole friends with a stupid smile on his idiotic face.
“No” you said going back to your book. He ignored it and sat on the other side of the table. You ignored him.
“You know, Andersen, books can’t fuck you, I bet you will die a virgin” he said. You heard his friends laughing from a table not far from yours.
“And tell me, who was the one who fucked your brain out? Because I can’t believe you were born that stupid” you replied not taking your gaze off the pages.
A chorus of “oh” rose from the group.
“Oh come on, if you go on like this, nobody will want to fuck you. Don’t you want me to fuck you?” he continued, not noticing that in that precise moment Chris had made his entrance in the canteen and was witnessing the scene as confused as he could ever be.
“Not even if you were the last man on the planet” you snorted closing your book and taking your backpack leaving him without another word. On your way out you bumped into Chris who was still standing on the door but you didn’t stop to apologise.
He was still confused and a little shocked. He made his way to the table where his friends were talking and joking about you.
“I mean if only she wasn’t a pain in the ass I would really fuck her, she is hot” said Julian.
“She wouldn’t want you to fuck her, I think she likes to be alone” retorted Theo.
“Wash your mouth before saying shit about her” Chris interjected angrily. The Penetrators looked at him surprised.
“I-I didn’t mean to...” Theo tried to say before being interrupted by Chris. “Save it” he said leaving.
 He found you in the school yard, your book in your hands as always. He sat in the bench opposite to you, on the other side of the table. You looked up and rolled your eyes. “What the fuck do you want, now?” you asked, annoyance clear in your voice.
“I... I wanted to apologise for their behaviour.”
You snorted. “You wanted to apologise for someone else’s behaviour when you not once tried to be forgiven for what you did. Bold of you” you commented.
He sighed. “You’re right, I never told you how sorry I am for how I treated you, I was an asshole and you didn’t deserve it” he said sincerely. “I just really miss talking with you” he admitted.
You didn’t give any sign of having listened to him talking but he knew you had.
“I... I’m worried about you. You’re always by yourself; you don’t have any friend...”
“I did have a friend once and he left me for a group of assholes, I don’t want to have to deal with that shit all over again” you said coldly not looking at him. “And guess who’s fault it is if we don’t talk anymore” you said looking accusingly at him. You didn’t wait for an answer. “I’ll help you with that because staying with those brainless idiots might have fucked all your brain cells as well: it was you.”
Once more you closed your book taking all your belongings and left. Chris sighed.
 “Can I sit here?”
Seriously, this was starting to be a little bit too much. You didn’t need to look at the person in front of you to know who had talked. “No” was your abrupt reply.
He ignored it and sat in front of you making you roll your eyes. It had been going on for days. Since the day Chris had apologized, he had started to notice you again. He always greeted you, he smiled whenever he saw you, and he asked to be paired with you for group works and so on. You couldn’t take it anymore. You had been ignoring him as always but, apparently, it wasn’t enough.
“What’s so hard for you to understand in the sentence ‘leave me alone’?” you asked irritated.
“I just want to make things right between us because I miss you.”
“Save your time, I don’t want you around and I don’t want you to make things right” you replied trying to finish your fish as soon as possible so you could go away from him.
He opened his mouth again to say something but before he could, someone called his name. You both looked at the person and found a brown-haired girl in a Penetrators’ hoodie smiling widely while walking towards him. You shook your head and got up, even though you hadn’t finished your food yet and left without another word. When Chris turned back to you, you were gone.
Since you couldn’t finish your lunch, you decided you would at least have a coffee from the vending machine. On your way there you kept thinking about that poor girl that looked so excited, he had probably fucked and forgotten her, while she ingenuously had fallen for him. You felt sorry for her and your hatred for him grew just a little more. You were almost there when you heard someone running behind you. You turned to see the person and you found Chris, again. You turned and sighed keeping walking while he reached you.
“Why did you leave?” he asked out of breath.
“I told you I don’t want you around” you said stopping at the vending machine.
���I’ll pay it” he hurried to say putting some coins into the machine.
“There is no need” you replied annoyed. “I can pay my own coffee” you assured.
“I know, I’m not doing it because I think you can’t, I just want to be polite” he said while you pushed the button for the black coffee.
“You want to be polite? You should stop treating women like shit fucking them and then leaving them” you retorted taking your coffee and leaving him there. Apparently, you hadn’t been clear enough, because once more he was following you.
“Please, let me prove that I’m changed.”
“I know you are” you assured him.  “You changed for the worst and that’s why I don’t want to have anything to do with you” you said, for the first time you weren’t angry, just sad.
 He didn’t stop trying to fix things between the two of you but he was somehow less annoying. Nevertheless, you kept rejecting his attempts.
You were in front of the school waiting for your brother to pick you up when someone stopped beside you. You rolled your eyes already knowing who it was. He hesitated for a moment. “I... I was wandering if you maybe would like to come to the party at my house tomorrow night. I would like to have you there” he said softly, almost as if in that way there would be more probability you would go.
You saw your brother’s car getting closer. “No” you answered quickly before getting into the car that had just stopped in front of you. Your brother leaned to look at Chris and he smiled waving at him.
“Hey Chris, how are you?” he asked friendly.
“Hey Alex, I’m fine, and you?” Chris asked back, genuinely happy to see your brother after such a long time.
Your brother noticed you tensing and understood.
“Fine, thanks. We should go now, don’t want to keep the princess waiting” he said with a smile, referring to you. You rolled your eyes. He always called you princess when you were alone but you hated it when he did so in front of other people.
“Sure, bye.”
Then, the two of you were gone.
“So you two are friends again?” Alex asked earning a glare from you.
“Okay, sorry for asking” he said raising one hand in surrender while the other was still on the steering wheel.
You sighed and started explaining what had happened in the last few weeks and he listened.
When you had told him everything and you shut up he finally spoke.
“I think you should give him a chance. You said he invited you to this party, then go!” he encouraged you.
You snorted. “I don’t like the person he has become. He treats girls like shit, the drinks a lot and he is always with those assholes” you retorted.
“Well, he is spending a lot of time with you lately, am I wrong?” He looked at you, already knowing the answer and you nodded.
“Maybe spending time with you made him more intelligent” he suggested amused, winking at you.
He pushed a little in your ribs with his elbow making you smile. “Yes?” he asked smiling.
“Fine, I’ll go” you finally gave in, making him smile triumphantly.
“I’ll bring you there” he offered.
“There is no need. I won’t run” you promised.
“I’m going out with my friends anyway.”
“Okay, thanks” you said with a small smile.
You texted Chris to let him know you would go to his damn party but you regretted it instantly. He started texting you like nothing had happened between you and you still were best friends. You ignored him.
 The following night your brother dropped you in front of Chris’ house. You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, thanking him and he told you to have fun and winked before leaving.
You had barely made it inside the house before Chris was by your side. You rolled your eyes.
“I need some alcohol before I deal with you” you announced and you found a glass full of what seemed vodka in your hand.
“Now you can deal with me” he said cheerfully. “I’m happy you came. Thank you” he added sincerely.
You downed the vodka in one go. “You shouldn’t thank me. You should thank my brother, he convinced me.”
His smile seemed to be a little less bright than before but it stayed there. “I will when I see him” he assured while you poured yourself some more vodka.
 Two hours, six shots and at least ten girls trying to hit on Chris and just as many rejections from him later, you decided you needed some time alone. You excused yourself, leaving Chris before he could add anything else, and you headed for the toilet. You had to avoid way too many drunken people and you saw some couples snogging so hard you were almost worried they might be glued to one another’s lips for the rest of their life, but you made it to your destination. You sighed deeply as you closed the door behind you. You went to the sink and washed your face to sober up a little and ease the heat you felt on your cheeks. It wasn’t until you looked at your face in the mirror that you remembered you were wearing make-up. You weren’t used to have it on so you had forgotten it and now your face seemed an artwork by Pollock. You washed it all away using only some soap. When you were finally done, you decided to call your brother to come and pick you up, you had been there long enough. You took your phone and looked worriedly at the screen when you saw how many calls there were from your parents. They knew where you were so there was no reason for them to be worried about you. You immediately thought something terrible had happened. You called your mom and she answered after only a couple of rings. You didn’t have the time to ask what was wrong that she started talking. You could hear from her voice that she was crying. She articulated a whole sentence but you only heard “Alex”, “car crash” and “hospital”. You didn’t say a word for a while, too shocked to be able to do so.
“I... I’ll be there as soon as possible.” you were finally able to say.
“Please, be careful” she pleaded you in a tearful voice. You nodded before realizing she couldn’t see you. “I will,” you promised.
You stormed out of the toilet only to find Chris waiting for you outside the door. He immediately sensed something was wrong. “What happened?” he asked softly, coming closer to you and looking worried at you.
“A-Alex... Please, take me to the hospital” you pleaded him; your blank stare seemed to pass through him without seeing him. He didn’t wait any further. He nodded and took your hand, guiding you out of the house and to the car. You had a hesitation in front of it. Your brother was in the hospital because of that hellish thing. Chris looked at you expectantly. “Get on, we need to be there as soon as possible” he encouraged you softly, from the other side of the car.
You gathered your courage and entered and he did the same.
You don’t remember much of that trip. You were extremely rigid and didn’t move. Your blank stare was fixed on the street in front of you. You didn’t even notice you were shivering, but Chris did and put a hand on your arm, asking if you were cold. You didn’t answer but he turned up the heating.
When he stopped in front of the hospital, you seemed to pull yourself together and in no time you were out of the car. Before he could tell you to wait for him, you had already passed the glass doors and were heading to the reception to ask where he was.
The nurse asked if you were a relative because she couldn’t give any information to anyone who wasn’t. You said that you were his sister so she started looking through the folders, too slowly for your likings. You were getting impatient when Chris arrived and put a hand on your back, trying to comfort you a little. The nurse finally found what she was looking for, she said the floor and the ward and before she had the time to add anything else, you were running to the closest elevator pushing all the possible buttons. Chris was hot on your heels. You didn’t have to wait too long for the elevator but every minute was an agony for you. You needed to see your brother as soon as possible and be sure he would be better soon. When the doors of the elevator opened, you sprinted out, followed by Chris and started looking around finally founding your parents. Your mum noticed you first and as you got close enough she hugged you tight.
“Where is he?” you asked pulling apart and looking at her watery eyes.
“He is in surgery” your father answered instead. He was clearly trying to keep himself together but his voice was shaky. At that your mother started to cry again and you hugged her.
“Will... will he survive?” you forced yourself to ask your father even if you didn’t even want to think about the possibility of him leaving you. His eyes became wet, mirroring yours and he shook his head. “I-I don’t know” he admitted turning and covering his face with his hands, trying to hold in the sobs.
Chris was standing there, feeling completely powerless and an intruder in that intimate and delicate moment. Your mother noticed him and, despite all the things you had told her about him after you had stopped being friends, she smiled.
“Oh Chris, you’re here too” she said drying her tears on a tissue before hugging him. He hugged her back and smiled faintly. You definitely couldn’t be annoyed at them right now. You went to sit next to your dad and hugged him.
 It had been hours since you had sat on that terribly uncomfortable and rigid chair and you weren’t planning on moving soon. You were tired but you didn’t want to fall asleep until you were sure your brother was better so you had downed three cups of coffee Chris had offered to provide. Somehow his presence was reassuring; it kept you in touch with reality.
When you finally saw a doctor walking towards you, you jumped from your sit drawing your father attention to the man. He got up slowly, as if he had a tremendous weigh on his shoulders, and so did your mother and Chris.
The doctor’s expression sent chills down your spine and you suddenly knew. You didn’t need to hear those words to know that everything was lost.
You stopped listening to him after “I’m sorry” and spaced out.
Your brother was gone and you now felt completely empty, for some unknown reason you weren’t even able to cry, talk or scream. You mother did it for you. She would have fallen on the floor if it hadn’t been for your father. She burst into tears and started screaming Alex’s name. Your father pressed her to his chest and stroked her back in a soothing motion which could nothing against that unbearable pain. He pressed a firm kiss on her head and closed his eyes trying to stay strong.
You couldn’t move, Chris put his hands on your shoulders and looked you in your eyes but you didn’t seem to notice.
“Yell, scream, cry, please, just say something, anything” he begged you.
“I-If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart” you whispered. If he hadn’t been so attentive to catch any sign from you, he would’ve missed it but he didn’t and he hugged you tightly.
 Most days you still wanted to cry since you woke up in the morning till you went to bed and it wasn’t unusual for you to fall asleep crying in Alex’s bed wearing his clothes. You went to the cemetery every day and spent hours there talking to him about anything, sometimes crying. He seemed to be your constant thought but there were some rare moments in which you smiled, forgetting for a few seconds that he wasn’t there anymore, and it was always thanks to Chris. He hadn’t left you and he had promised to never do it again and following Alex’s last advice, you decided to give him a chance. The two of you spent a lot of time together, talking, watching movies, doing the homework, walking, sometimes you just stayed silent and enjoyed the company of the other. At some point along the way you had become a couple. You were in the park, talking about how boring one of the lessons had been when he kissed you lightly on the lips. You were shocked for a moment and he was already starting to apologize when you kissed him.
As one could expect, you two were the new favourite topic of the whole school. Most of the comments were very mean and they were all directed to you. People just seemed unable to accept the fact that the fuckboy of the school was dating the loner. Some had gone as far as to say that he was with you only because he pitied you for your brother’s death. However, the comments died out when The Penetrators started speaking up for you. You still didn’t like most of them but some weren’t that bad and now that you were Chris’ girlfriend, they were always ready to defend you. You could definitely get used to this.
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leahchampagne · 4 years
John Watson x Magnusson
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Part 1/2
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