#william magnusson imagine
cantstoptheimagines · 2 years
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Home With You (William Magnusson | Skam)
Summary — You surprise William in London for the holidays.
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Fluff!
Notes ➳ ‘Can’t Stop the Holidays’ Event (24/31) ➳ Word Count is 237. ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them). ➳ “There’s no way I’m letting you spend the holidays alone.”
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You hadn’t seen William ever since he had moved to London. (In person, at least.) While the two of you had frequently been talking over the phone, it hadn’t been the same as seeing each other. Feeling each other. Being with each other. 
William’s street was aglow with lights and decorations for the upcoming holidays. You pulled your coat tighter around your body, trying your best to warm up against the bitter cold. You used the spare key to William’s apartment and immediately noticed the kitchen light on, only steps away in the corridor. You could hear movement and the sound of ingredients being mixed together for a late night dinner. 
You slipped off your shoes and did your best to move soundlessly through William’s apartment. Gazing around the corner, you spotted him in the kitchen, preparing food for himself with his back towards you. He had no idea you were even there. (Which was rather creepy when you thought about it.)
You silently moved to stand behind him, gently placing your hands on his side. William jumped in surprise and quickly turned with his fists raised in defense. You quickly stepped back with wide eyes, grinning widely at his expression. William took a moment to realize his current situation. 
“(YOUR NAME)!” he exclaimed, reaching out to wrap his arms around you. “What are you doing here?!”
“There’s no way I’m letting you spend the holidays alone.”
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cactiem · 5 years
I Like You, You Idiot
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Pairing: William Magnusson x Reader
Requested: Anonymous
Prompts: #7 “I hate you!” “No you don’t.”
#21 “Do you regret it?”
Summary: You and William hooked up and your friend, Chris, finds out.
GIF Not Mine
"I hate you!" You exclaimed, barging through the doors to the stairwell.
"No you don’t." William said, following you. You stopped walking and spun around, sending him glare.
"Oh, I do." You scoffed, lowering your voice as some people walked by. "What were you thinking, telling Chris about us?"
"I didn’t tell Chris anything but I don’t care that he knows." He lowly said, stepping closer to you so your back was against the wall. "Do you regret it?" William asked you but you couldn’t answer because that was the thing you didn’t regret it, as you much as you wanted to you just didn’t.
"I thought you were interested in Vilde and Noora." You pointed out with no intention of it going anywhere. You just thought of the first thing to say so you could avoid William's question.
"I’m not." He assured you. "But you didn’t answer my question." Your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips, finally realising how close he was. You leaned forward capturing his lips with yours, an action that felt familiar and natural. William kissed you back but before it could get more intense you pushed him back, running your hand over your face as you caught your breath.
"I’ve got class." You told him, grabbing your bag that you dropped on the floor at some point. "You fix this shit with Chris." William couldn’t help the smile that appeared, watching you walk away from him.
"You ready to finally talk about it?" William asked Chris as he walked up to him. He thought the party would be the perfect time to talk to Chris about what happened between you.
Chris finished his drink, wiping his mouth and putting the empty cup down. "Now I am." William rolled his eyes at how childish his friend was being. Instead of talking to him about it, Chris chose to ignore you and now you were mad at William because of it.
"You wanna tell me what’s wrong? Why are you ignoring Y/N?"
"I’m not doing it intentionally, okay. I just don’t want to say something I’ll regret before I wrap my head around my two best friends hooking up." Chris said.
"So this isn’t about you having a crush on Y/N first?" William asked, thinking Chris's issue was because he kissed you even though Chris had a crush on you, granted the crush was from eighth grade.
"No! Y/N is like my sister. Gross." Chris cringed at thinking of you in a way that was anything more than friends. "My issue is that I don’t want you to hurt her."
"I’m not going to hurt her." He told him but Chris gave him a pointed look.
"Really? What about those first years?" He gestured to the corner of the room where one of them was looking their way, smiling flirtatiously. "I thought you were interested in one of them."
"I’m not." William said, ignoring the first year and looking over to where you were standing with your friends. Chris noticed the smitten look William had as he looked at you and let out a laugh.
"You like Y/N! William Magnusson likes Y/N Y/L/N." Chris laughed again and William let him get it out his system. "Let me guess she doesn’t even know."
You heard Chris's laugh from across the room and decided to go over and see what was so funny. William hit his friend to tell him to shut up once he saw you approaching. "What’s so funny?" You asked them.
"Nothing." William said while Chris bit his lip to contain his laughter.
"I see you’ve somewhat grown up then, Chris." You quipped. The frustration at the situation mixed with the atmosphere from the party made you finally get everything of your chest. "You ignoring me was a shitty thing to do. Me and William hooked up, so what? You didn’t have to act like a child about it. You could have come and spoken to me about it. And you know what? I don’t care anymore." You turned to William before continuing. "I didn’t regret it one bit because I like you, you idiot."
William's lips pulled up into a smile. He leaned forward and kissed you, cupping your cheeks with his hands. Neither of you had to say anything more as the two of you kissing was enough. Before the make out session got too heated Chris pushed you both apart. "Okay, I’m still here. Can you please try and refrain from doing this while I’m right here." He gestured to the two of you. You and William just giggled before carrying on making out making Chris roll his eyes.
A/N: First time writing for this show 🙈 not sure how well it turned out but be sure to send me any requests you may have. I’m down to write more (and from the other versions as well)
Tag List (Still Open): @mayaslifeinabox @lunarmoonwolf @princess-of-the-fandoms @live--aloud @les-bio-lie @ivvitm1109 @seninjakitey
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REQUEST:  Hi could you do an imagine about William where he likes the reader and try hard to get the reader's number to ask her out? Thanks so much ☺️
REQUESTED BY: anonymus
PARING: William Magnussonx reader
 ‘’C’mon Chris, I need your help with this one’’
William was almost begging his best friend. Christoffer rolled his eyes and smiled while teasing William.
‘’You are so pathetic when you like someone’’
He joked and William looked at him, half angry and half resigned.
‘’I’ll ask Eva for her number’’
Said Chris finally, William smiled and gave him a pack on his shoulder.
‘’Thanks, bro’’
He said and Chris shook his head; William was really into that girl.
Eva’s voice distracted the girl from the book she was reading. Y/n lifted her eyes and smiled at her best friend.
‘’You are the only person I can forgive for interrupting me while I am reading’’
She said and Eva sat down on the bench next to her and hugged her.
‘’I know, that’s why I dared’’
She teased her and Y/n puffed pretending to be bothered.
‘’I need to talk to you’’
Eva said and Y/n looked at her.
‘’This better worth my time, girl’’
She said and reluctantly closed her book.
‘’Okay, William Magnusson, what do you think about him?’’
Y/n almost choked herself with her own saliva. Her bestfriend was asking her opinion about the greatest fuckboy of the Nissen, why on Earth?!
‘’Hot, asshole, probably as handsome as stupid. Why would you want to know my opinion?’’
She asked, curiosity burning in her eyes, Eva smiled.
‘’He wants your number’’
She says as she was practically declaring the most important thing ever, Y/n couldn’t help but burst out laughing.
‘’Are you fucking kidding me?’’
She asked shaking her head, Eva smiled and grabbed her shoulders.
‘’Chris asked me’’
She said and Y/n opened her mouth.
‘’God, that is awesome’’
She said and her bestfriend laughed.
‘’What should I do?’’
Eva asked grabbed her phone and opening the chat with Chris, her fingers ready to write Y/n’s number down. The girls thought about it for a second: William Magnusson. Sure thing, he was handsome, all the school was in love with him. He had such a bad reputation around, that was the most interesting part about him, but was he worth it? Y/n had never wasted time thinking about him in that way, she simply though he was too stupid and such an asshole, but maybe he deserved a chance. After all, if he asked his best friend to intercede for her number, embarrassing himself and involving two people in the situation, he was probably genuinely interested in her.
‘’Here he is!’’
Eva pointed at William; he was walking through the hallway, he stopped near his locker and he stared at Y/n.
‘’Time to play’’
Said Y/n and went toward him.
He said and she pretended to be surprised.
‘’Oh, hi’’
She said and he smiled, he was already flirting.
‘’It’s such a pity that I do not know your name’’
He said and she smiled with innocence.
‘’I agree, Y/n, pleasure’’
She introduced herself and looked at him in his eyes.
‘’William Magnusson, the pleasure is mine’’
He said and shook her hand, she kept her eyes fixed on his.
‘’I know who you are’’
She gently said and did a step closer to him.
‘’Do you?’’
He whispered and she smiled in a way that made him crazy. She took a post-it from her backpack and looked at him.
‘’Do you have a pen?’’
She asked smiling, he nodded and passed her a pen from his locker. She thanked him and started to write down her number, then posted the little paper in his locker.
‘’Now you have my number, use it wisely’’
She teased him and he smiled in surprise, he didn’t expected that she was so confident, he liked it.
‘’I will’’
He said and she nodded looking at him.
‘’We shall see’’
She said and turned her back on him. While she was walking away he smiled taking the post it and signed the number in his phone, he was definitely going to text her.
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maarwritesarchive · 7 years
Rockabye [William Magnusson]
Prompt: William and the reader get in an argument after he comes home with a black eye, despite of his previously-made promise to not get into any more trouble. 
Pairing: William Magnusson x Fem!Reader
Fandom: Skam
Warnings: mentions of a fight and physical injuries.
William mentally cursed to himself as he searched his pockets for the spare key of your apartment that you had given him a few weeks back. Realizing he didn’t have it, he shook his head and raised his bloodied fist to knock on the door. He knew what your reaction was going to be. After all, he had promised you he wouldn’t get into any more trouble. But when it came to helping out his friend, William didn’t really have a choice. 
“I’m coming,” a sleepy voice said from inside the apartment after a few minutes of him knocking on the door, slow steps following. 
William heard the sound of the lock clicking open, and the door opened to let his sleepy girlfriend come to view. William almost smiled at the sight of her. She was wearing a pair of short X-Men boxers she’d bought herself as a birthday present, and one of his old white t-shirts. Her hair had up into a now-sidelooped ponytail and her eyes were only half-open.
“What the hell happened to you?” Were the first words that came out of her mouth as she realized who was at the other side of the door.
William rolled his eyes. “Can I come in?” He asked, his voice low. 
(Y/N) frowned as she moved to let him walk inside her apartment, and then closed the door behind him.
He instantly felt better. (Y/N)’s apartment was nothing like his. It was smaller, cozier and felt like home. It smelled like vanilla, probably because of the thousand candles that were always lit up. His eyes went from her tidy little kitchen to her messy breakfast table, her school books spread all over the wooden surface. He smiled as he noticed the half-drank cup of coffee that stood on the kitchen counter. 
“William,” she said, bringing him back to reality. “What the hell happened to you?”
He turned around to face her, and gulped. To say that she was angry was an understatement. 
“The Yakuza boys jumped Chris,” William began to explain, and he saw her face tensing up even more - if that was even possible. “I couldn’t leave him alone.”
“So you just went there to get beaten up,” she retorted, her jaw clenched. 
“I did not get beaten up,” he answered, rolling his eyes. Of course, his black eyes, bloody knuckles and cut lip said otherwise. “You should see the other guys,” he added, smirking. 
“Just come,” she said, reaching her hand out. William took it, grabbing it like a lifeline, and followed her to the bathroom. “Sit down,” she instructed, and he obliged, sitting on the edge of the bathtub. 
He watched as she quickly grabbed the first-aid kit from under the sink, and he had to bit his lip in order to not let out a cry when she started cleaning his hands. 
(Y/N) worked quietly, focusing on the task at hand. William searched for her eyes the whole time, but she was avoiding eye-contact as much as she could. When she finally began cleaning up his injured eye and cheekbone, she looked into his eyes, and William felt guilty. She was not only angry - she was disappointed. 
“All right,” she whispered, standing up and tidying up as quickly as she could. William knew she was trying to avoid looking at him, because not once did she glance at the boy who was looking at her like she was his everything. Because she was. 
“(Y/N),” he called, his tone soft. He was pleading. “Look at me,” 
“You’re all cleaned up,” she said, ignoring him. 
“Look at me,” he repeated, and she obliged. 
William got up to his feet as soon as she turned around, noticing the tears welling up in her eyes. He reached out of her, but she crossed her arms over her chest as a tear fell down her cheek. 
“Honey,” he whispered as she shook her head.
“I know that he’s like a brother to you,” she began, her tone soft and tired. “But you promised. You said I wouldn’t have to be doing this anymore. Cleaning up your wounds. I hate seeing you like this.”
“He is like a brother to me,” William said. “He needed me. He would have done the same thing for me. I would do anything for him because I know he would do anything for me too.”
“I know, and I’m grateful you have him - I just wish you could do the same for me,” she whispered, looking down to her feet. William sighed and took a step closer to her.
“There’s nothing in the world I wouldn’t do for you, (Y/N),” he said, his voice equally low. “And I promise - I promise this is the last time.”
(Y/N) nodded as she threw her arms around his neck, holding him close to her. William closed his eyes as he rested his head against her, giving into her embrace. Everything stopped hurting. Her touch was like magic, making him feel better as her fingers curled up in his hair. 
“Let’s go to bed, Will,” she said, sighing against his neck. “It’s two a.m,”
“Let’s go,” he answered, nodding his head.
He gripped her hand, tight, as she led him to her bedroom. He took off his jeans and his bloodied tee, and laid down next to her. He curled up against her body and she held him in her arms. He hid his face in the crook of her neck, breathing against her warm skin and inhaling the scent of her - vanilla. She always smelt of vanilla. 
A single tear rolled down his cheek as she massaged his scalp. 
“I’m here, baby,” she whispered. “I’m always here.”
He nodded and placed a soft kiss on her collarbone. As she sighed, happily, William smiled. Her warmth, her embrace, felt like home to him. He was always happier when he was with her. He’d never felt safer than when she was holding him, he’d never felt more whole.
His life wasn’t great - but it was always better by her side. 
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peterpparkrr · 7 years
(William Magnusson x Reader): Honesty is the best policy
Summary: Reader gets pulled into the conflict between The Penetrators and Yakuza boys and gets hurt.
A/N: apologies for any and all spelling/grammar mistakes (some of the phrasing is a bit awkward still, I was having a really hard time characterizing Will so this isn’t great but I wanted to post it anyway)
You knew it was a bad idea to come with the guys to confront the Yakuzas. Unfortunately, Will was on a date which left you as the only voice of reason left in the group. You didn’t like feeling like you had to babysit your friends and act like their moms, but someone had to stop them from doing something they were going to regret.
"Do you really need to do this?" You asked Chris, your next closest friend behind Will, from the backseat of his car, lamely attempting to persuade him to just give it up.
Chris didn’t turn around but he glanced at you in his rearview mirror, "(Y/N), they jumped that first year guy for no reason, we need to put them back in their place."
You sighed and slumped back in your seat, praying that the Yakuzas wouldn't actually show up.
When you got out of the car your heart sank when you realized they were already waiting for you. You knew Will wouldn't want to cut his date short but you had a bad feeling so you pulled out your phone and called Will, telling him where you were and to get here as soon as possible.
You got out of the car with the others, quietly mumbling to Chris, telling him that you should just go home as you walked up the the other group.
"Listen to your girlfriend, you know you're going to lose." One of the Yakuza guys said as you walked up.
You rolled your eyes, "First of all, not his girlfriend, second of all, I'm trying to stop them from murdering you because they’ll get arrested, but if that’s what you want..." You trailed off, cocking your head slightly.
"Who the hell do you think you are, bitch?" He asked angrily, stepping up to you.
Chris was about to step in front of you and defend your honor or whatever it is he is supposed to do as your best friend but you nudged him out of the way and stepped up to meet the guy face to face.
"I'm the girl who's about to beat your ass." You say before throwing your punch, hitting the guy who was mouthing off square in the nose with a satisfying crunch, silently thanking your dad for enrolling you in all those self-defense classes.
By the time the fight is finally broken up you have a bloody nose and what feels like a long scrape on the side of your face. No one else looked much better than you.
As the Yakuzas guys walk away you see William walking over from his car, his expression a mixture of anger and tiredness.
"Shit," you mutter as you trying to wipe the blood flowing out of your nose on your sleeve.
"What the hell happened?" Will asks loudly as he walks over.
Chris opened his mouth to explain, "The Yakuza guys-"
"I thought we agreed that we wouldn't try and start shit." He replies, shooting Chris a look before turning to you, "I thought you were going to try and stop them."
"I tried!” You protest, “But then they were trying to say shit and I just couldn't..."
"She threw the first punch," Theo offers, causing you to whip your head around and glare at him, "Hey! It was a really good hit," He adds defensively
"(Y/N)...Why would you get involved?" Will mutters, shaking his head as he gently grabs your chin and turns your face so that he can get a better look at the scape along the side of it.
"Oh please, if you'd heard what they were saying you would have hit them too, they were being really fucking annoying." You reply defensively as you jerk your face out of his grip and stalked away, trying to ignore the fact that you can still feel where he touched you.
You spent Saturday and Sunday sulking in your room. You'd lied and told your parents you slipped and fell while skateboarding (you were pretty sure they could tell you were lying but they didn't say anything, which was nice of them). You briefly Skyped with Chris to compare battle wounds (his black eye was a lot larger and more serious looking than your cut and you both had scars across the bridges of your nose so you let Chris have this one) and did some homework.
Sunday night you couldn’t bear ignoring Will anymore and called Will to apologize.
“I’m really sorry Will,” You apologized when he picked up, “I don’t know why I did all of that stuff, I should have tried harder to stop it.”
“It’s okay,” Will replies, his voice gentle, more gentle than it usually is when you talk to him, “I was just freaked out by how hurt you guys all got, it’s not your job to babysit them, I shouldn't expect that.”
You nodded before realizing that he couldn’t see you, “Yeah, but you do it, you deserved to have a night off and I ruined it, I’m really sorry.”
“That’s okay, the date didn’t go very well anyway, I was a little relieved that you called, you’re a true best friend.” He admitted.
“I thought you really liked her?” You asked, confused, “Didn’t you spend ages convincing her to go on this date?”
“I do-I did- but she was just really aggressive and rude the whole time, I don’t know what I expected from a girl I had to coerce into a date, but I don’t think it was worth it.” He said.
“I’m sorry, I’m sure you’ll have better luck with the next one.” You reply with a grin, ignoring your own personal emotions.
“Yeah…” He trailed off.
“Well I better go, I’ve been avoiding my parents all weekend and they want to talk to me at dinner.” You say, sensing that the conversation was ending
“Good luck, and thanks for calling.” Will says.
“Thank you for being a good friend.” You reply, “Love you,” You add before hanging up despite the fact that it means a bit more to you than it does to him. 
Monday morning Will picked you and a few of the others up for school. You knew that there was gossip going around that you guys got into a fight and we're hoping that if you all showed up together you wouldn't have to worry too much about the story continuing.
When you got to school during lunch break you all got out of Will’s car you could feel everyone’s eyes on you as you walked through the school yard. You were no stranger to getting stares as you walked past (first year girls loved to watch the boys walk past them) but it was at a new level today, you all stared straight ahead as you walked through, and once you got into the building you walked straight to your locker, briefly waving goodbye to the others.
When you were grabbing some of your textbooks out of your locker a chipper voice behind you said, "Hi!"
You turned around to see a bubbly, blonde first year looking back at you.
"Hello," You replied, turning back to your locker. Any time a first year tried to talk to you it was to ask about one of the boys and since you knew Will slept with her earlier this year you had a feeling you knew what was happening.
"Will is fine, if you're worried about his face getting damaged." Your you add as you close your locker and turn back to her.
"Oh...that’s good to hear," she replied, somewhat nervously, "I was just curious what happened, we all heard what happened on Friday."
"Um...it was a fight, Will came in and saved the day as usual," you reply, feeling weird and wishing the girl would just talk to Will instead of you.
"He really is brave. isn’t he?" She asks.
"Yeah," you reply, glancing at her, hoping the conversation will end.
"Well, I've got to be in the C building, see you later," she says before giving you a small wave and walking away. Leaving you to stand in the hallway, mildly annoyed before heading to class.
Friday night you're at William's party.
You were talking with some of the guys and feeling pleasantly buzzed when you saw the blonde girl from Monday trying to talk to William. He must have said something to her because you see her quickly walk away and it looks like she’s crying. You know you should feel bad, Will can be pretty heartless when it comes to turning girls down but there’s always a little part of you that enjoys it, it’s like there’s a sliver of hope that he’s interested in someone, someone who could be you.
You walked over to Will, “What was that all about?”
“Fruition of a bad deal that I made, I think I made myself pretty clear though, someone else can clean up that mess.”
“Why are you such a dick to girls?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest, you tried never wanted to get into these kinds of things with Will but you were kind of pissed off that he’d made that girl cry.
“Because those girls don’t mean anything to me, they’re don’t matter to me and I don’t want them to think that I do - it would get messy.” He replies with a shrug.
“Wow…I’m going to go dance, see you later,” You reply before walking away, it just seemed a bit too awkward to hear him say those things when he probably felt the same way about you. -- “Do you know why I never commit to any serious relationship?” Will asked suddenly. You were sitting with him on the couch after the police came and shut it down. Neither of you had said much, you were both a little uncomfortable after you’d confronted him about the first year girl, Vilde and didn’t know what to do about it.
“Because I’m in love with someone.” He admits and your heart sinks, “No matter which girls I fuck I can’t get her out of my head and it kills me because I can never have her.”
You nod, inspecting the hem of your shirt because you can’t bring yourself to make eye contact, you can tell he’s talking about Noora, the first girl he's been obsessed recently, she’s playing hard to get so it would make sense.
“Even when I tried to date someone else, I just can’t do it because I love someone else.” You look up, your brow furrowed, the only girl he’s gone on a date with recently would be Noora, so if that’s not who he’s in love with, who could it be?
“Who are you-”
“You, (Y/N), I’ve been in love with you for ages and I know that I’m not good enough for you but jesus christ, I can’t just pretend I don’t have feeling for you, not anymore.”
You stare at him a moment, awestruck and he shakes his head and moves to get up, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything, that was stupid, you’ve made it pretty clear that we’re just friends.” He apologizes.
“What?” You blurt out, “No, Will, I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to pretend I’m okay with you chasing after Noora, do you know how painful that was to watch while I was pining after you? Will, I’m hopelessly in love with you, couldn’t you tell?”
“Seriously?” He asks, staring at you
You laugh, “Yes, God, we’re oblivious aren’t we?”
“Does this mean I can kiss you now?” he asks as he moves towards you on the couch.
You nod and he holds your cheek in his hand as he pressed his lips against yours. After first the kiss was soft and slow, you were both savoring something that you’d been dreaming about for as long as you could remember. Once you got over the fact that this wasn’t a dream the kiss got deeper and hungrier, as you both moved your arms, trying to touch every inch of each other and just soak each other up.
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This is perfection
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Real Cool- William Magnusson Imagine
Requested: No
Warnings: mostly fluff
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   Tease and cool were the words William Magnusson used to describe Y/N Y/L/N, and the rest of Hartvig Nissen couldn’t really blame him. She had exuded confidence ever since she slinked out of a silver Aston Martin Vanquish her first day of school, wearing a vintage black Gucci jacket with a graphic tiger emblazoned on the back and some of the tightest jeans Oslo had ever seen. She kept a small smirk on her red pout and her mirrored round sunglasses accentuated how unimpressed she looked. It only took seconds for all the boys to fall head over heels for the first year transfer, but William knew that the only guy who could get with Y/N at his school was him. He was the most desired boy in school and definitely the richest, so why wouldn’t Y/N want to go out with him? Well, he got his answer quickly when during break period that day, she wound up befriending Vilde, Noora, Sana, Chris, and Eva while chain smoking. 
    Though William had apologized to Vilde for treating her badly, Noora still loathed him and would probably paint a bad picture of him for Y/N and he couldn’t have that
    “Good luck getting with her now, William,” Chris said through a laugh.
    “I don’t need luck.”
    Oddly enough, the closer William got to the group of girls, the more his confidence grew. Noora was the first one to notice him when he got close to them.
   “Hello, ladies,” William said.
   “Hi,” Vilde said almost immediately.
   The others were more casual while Noora glared a hole into him. Y/N seemed to look through him behind those mirrored glasses of hers and William definitely didn’t appreciate that.
    “What do you want, Wilhelm?” Noora asked.
    “Well, I would like to give your new friend a proper welcome to Hartvig by inviting all of you to the Penetrators party tonight,” William said.
   By the looks on the girls’ faces, it was obvious they were in but Y/N’s expression remained straight. Slowly, Y/N uncrossed her legs and stood before blowing a mouthful of smoke in William’s general direction, “The new friend has a name.”
   “What is it?”
   “It fits.”
   “Why? Because it matches with my beautiful face and body?”
   William hesitated and the girls around Y/N looked at each other with astonished expressions, except for Noora, who looked impressed. “Excuse me?”    “I’ve been fed that pickup line more times than I can count.”
   “Who said I was trying to hit on you?”
    “Your eyes; you’ve been using them to undress me since I got here,” Y/N said matter-of-factly. “It’s fine, really, but if you wanted to talk to me, you didn’t have to use my bus as an excuse—just talk to me.”
    William couldn’t fight the smile working his way onto his lips. “Wow.”     “What? Why are you smiling at me like that?” Y/N asked, running a hand through her smooth y/h/c locks.
     “Because you just became even more attractive to me.”
     Eva, Chris, and Vilde made audible gasps while Sansa only smirked and Noora rolled her eyes. Y/N’s strong expression faltered for a split second and William knew that she was surprised by his response. She would be his soon enough, no matter how hard she was going to make him.
    “I will see you tonight,” William said.
    That night, William tried to remain as calm as possible during the party, which was in full swing by midnight. Everyone was drinking, grinding, or making out already but in the midst of it all, Y/N wasn’t there. 
    “Still confident that she’ll come?” Chris yelled over Rihanna’s “S&M”.
    “Yes,” William said before sipping some of his whiskey.
    “Oh please,” William and Chris turned to see Noora and Eva approaching them, “Y/N’s way out of your league, I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t show,” the blonde girl said.
    “Are you jealous, Noora?” William teased.
   “Why should I be? There’s nothing to be jealous of.”
   William shook his head as Eva and Chris “oohed” jokingly. “Keep telling yourself that.”
    He pushed his way past them and began weaving through the crowd, looking for the new transfer student. He kept telling himself that Y/N and he were in the same league, but maybe they weren’t. Maybe, for once in his life, William was reaching for a girl that was out of his league—–she did speak four languages fluently, not counting Norwegian. 
    He was about to give up when the song changed to Tupac’s “Keep Ya Head Up”. In that moment, Y/N strolled into the apartment, wearing a fitted cobalt blue knit sweater, a black leather miniskirt, and patent leather Doc Martens. Her hair was stylishly messy and her striking y/e/c eyes were highlighted by cat eye eyeliner. She glanced around for a moment before her eyes settled on William.
    “You look…nice, Y/N,” William said.
    “Thanks. You have anything to drink?”
    “Yeah, sure!”
    William nearly winced at how eager he sounded as he walked Y/N over to the drinks area. Fortunately, Eva was busy making out with Chris; Girl Chris was flirting with some brunette guy; and Vilde and Noora were dancing on a couch so none of them could interrupt them. He grabbed a bottle of Patron from one of the top cabinets and poured half of it into a glass for her.
    “Here,” William said.
    “Thanks,” Y/N said, before sipping the tequila. “How did you know I like tequila?”
    “People talk.”     “Oh.”
     “And we are friends on Instagram,” William said.
     “Oh.” Y/N raised her eyebrows as she took another long swig. “Keep the tequila coming and we can talk more about how much my Instagram feed told you about me.”
    About three drinks later, Y/N slyly grabbed William’s hand and made him dance with her in front of everyone. She danced smoothly and on beat and it helped that William wasn’t a terrible dancer either. They danced for about four songs and whenever William could get her close enough, he would whisper different things about her into her ear. Nothing too flirty, but just enough to be a tease himself.
    “While that is true, it’s only showing that you know only the most basic facts about me.” Y/N spun around to smirk at him, but there was an unmistakable spark in her eyes.
    William pulled her close again, “Really? I know that you have a tattoo.”
   “Three actually.” She paused from dancing to show him the small tattoo of a wolf’s face etched onto her left pointer finger. “I promise I got this one before Cara Delevigne so I started the trend, really.” Then, she flashed him the inside of her left wrist, where Ciao, Bella was written in pretty font. “And this one was purely out of irony.”
    “But that’s only two,” William said.
    “If we can go somewhere private, I can show you the third.”
    This was too easy and in retrospect, William shook his head at himself as he cockily grabbed Y/N’s hand and led her to the bedrooms, earning knowing winks and thumbs ups from his fellow Penetrators. When Y/N pushed him onto the bed and straddled him, it took everything for the older boy not to smirk.
    “This last one is the first one I ever got,” Y/N began pulling up her sweater, “and I had to get it in a smart place or my parents would’ve freaked.”
    “Of course.”
    “It kind of represents me and my family in a way, I guess.” Y/N’s shirt was halfway up her torso, revealing more skin to William’s greedy eyes.
    William’s hands rested on her hips, his thumbs began massaging the muscles there in circles. “At least it has meaning.”
    “Meaning is subjective because all of my tattoos have meanings.”
    Y/N kept her eyes on him as her shirt inched higher and higher above her body. Just as William could see a sliver of ink on the front of her left ribs, the door swung open.
    “Y/N, Eva’s sick!” Girl Chris exclaimed.
     “She’ll be out in a minute.” 
     “No, I better go now, she is my friend.”
    William gritted his teeth as Y/N swiftly tucked her sweater back into her skirt and slipped off his lap. She smiled like a Cheshire cat as she followed Girl Chris out of the room.
     “Until next time?”
     And that was when William knew that Y/N would be the death of him because though she was completely irresistible, she had this way of drawing him in before kicking him away. For the next couple of months, this game of theirs would continue: Y/N would act cool towards William in front of everyone and tease him at parties or bars. She never kissed him or went far with him though other students at Hartvig Nissen thought otherwise. Her bus group would help her stop rumors though whenever Y/N even looked at the gossiping students, they would cease speaking. She commanded power not only over him but over everyone. Though Y/N’s hold over him was intoxicating, William was growing tired of her games and he brought it up with her at school, during passing period. She was walking downstairs while he was going upstairs.
    “Hello, William,” she said.
    “Y/N,” William gently grabbed her arm and pulled her aside, “we need to talk.”
    “About what?”
    “Don’t play dumb. We need to talk about us. I am done being jerked around by you and while I am all up for the hard to get game, you’re just playing with me.”
    Y/N blinked. “Playing with you? William, I was just having fun and I thought you were too.” 
   “This is hardly my idea of fun,” William said.
   “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, all right? But I shouldn’t be messing around with you anyway—I have a boyfriend.”
   William shouldn’t have been surprised: Y/N was gorgeous, smart, loyal, and fearless. Knowing all this didn’t make his chest sting less though. “Oh.”
   “Yeah, he’s actually in town tonight with his band, the Villains. The girls and I are going and you can come if you’re interested.”
   “I don’t know.”
   “It’s open bar and you might get it on an herbal refreshment,” Y/N teased.
   “I’ll think about it.”
   “I’ll leave your name at the door. See you around.”
   “See you.”
   That conversation made it even harder for William to focus in math the next period. How was he supposed to focus on different equations when he could be meeting Y/N’s boyfriend in a few hours? Besides, wasn’t it a strange situation for William to be in anyway? On the other hand, he was curious to know just what the guy who had stolen Y/N’s heart was like and free drinks and drugs were included. Maybe he would go. Y/N was the first girl to give William such a headache from thinking so much.
   That night, when William was about to text Y/N just when and where the Villains gig was, he received a text from an unmarked number saying : Hard Rock Hotel, 1 AM, be there.
   If that wasn’t a clue to how insane the evening would be, William didn’t know what was. When he got to the famous bar, it was packed with mostly women wearing thin sweater, tight jeans, or short skirts along with heavy makeup. The few men there were either bouncers or friends/boyfriends of the girls who wanted to be groupies and they couldn’t have looked more bored. Y/N was fairly easy to spot: she was sitting at the bar, sipping a tequila sunrise and nodding at something Sansa was saying next to her. William made his way through the crowd over to her. Noora, Eva, and Vilde were talking about bus business a few feet away from Sana and Y/N while Chris was flirting with the bartender. Y/N smirked and sat up when she saw William.
    “Hi, Stranger,” she said. 
    “You invited him?” Sansa asked.
    “Guys need free drinks too.” Y/N handed him a beer. “Plus, he’ll help distract all these wannabe groupies.”
     “Glad I could be of help.”
     “So, how big are they?” Sansa asked.
     “Well, they’re pretty well-known in England since they are from London but someone called them the new Arctic Monkeys,” Y/N said.
    “And your boyfriend is…”
    “Jack Cash and, yes, that is his real name.”
    “Are you telling the story of how you met your boyfriend?” Vilde asked excitedly.
    Y/N shrugged. “I can but it is a pretty short story: I met him in a burger place in Camden Town and we argued over whether John Lennon’s death was a conspiracy. He asked me out after that.”
    “Very romantic,” Eva teased.
     “Very.” Y/N took a long swig of her drink.
     Finally, the Villains took the stage and after getting a look of Jack, it was obvious why Y/N was dating him: he was tall, olive-skinned, and though he had an athletic build, the black Runaways tank top he wore showed off his muscular arms. He had the coolest tattoo sleeves out of the rest of the band members and his hair was shaved on the sides but fell against his forehead like black ink. He had a strong jaw and piercing amber eyes.
     “You are such a lucky girl,” Noora said just before they started playing their new song.
     Y/N smirked while sipping her drink. The Villains’ songs were bass-heavy rock and though most of the people in the crowd stuck to jumping around, Y/N simply bobbed her head and sipped her drink. However, William noticed how intently Y/N stared at Jack only to have the lead singer only glance at her a few times. She would look down at the drink in her hands occasionally but she refused to look too sad. In the middle of the set, Y/N whispered something to Sansa before disappearing into the crowd. William didn’t even have a chance to worry because Y/N returned a minute later, wearing a black backstage pass around her neck and carrying six more in her hands. Immediately, Noora, Vilde, Eva, and Girl Chris returned from the crowd.
    “Are those what I think they are?” Eva asked.
    “Backstage passes for all of you.” She gladly handed one to each of her friends and when she got to William she whispered in his ear, “You’ll get your refreshment backstage.”
    In spite of himself, he managed a small smile for Y/N. It was weird how upset he was about her boyfriend and how much he wanted to keep a good face for her.
    At the end of the show, Y/N led them all backstage into the world of a band. Smoke was everywhere and there were tons of people walking around. Girl Chris and Eva made a beeline for the snack table while Noora, Sana, Vilde, and William acted normal while Y/N showed them around. Finally, they got to the black leather couch where the band members of the Villains were sitting, smoking, and talking to three of their new groupies.
    “Y/N,” they said.
    “Hey, guys, these are my friends, Vilde, Sana,Noora, and William,” Y/N said.
    “Since when did you have guy friends?” Jack demanded.
    “Since now,” Y/N shot back, obviously annoyed.
    “Uh oh, couple’s quarrel coming in,” the blonde drummer teased as he handed Y/N his joint, “Come on, relax.”
    Y/N kept a steady eye on Jack as she took a long drag of her joint before handing it to William. The tension between the couple was obvious and William couldn’t help but feel a little happy about that.
    “Jack!” a petite girl with lavender hair sat on Jack’s lap and proceeded to stick her tongue down his throat. 
    Jack reacted immediately by groping her and kissing her back, making sure to slide his hand up under her thin white wife beater she wore with black leather leggings. When she pulled away, she turned to face Y/N and her friends, displaying a silver nose ring. 
     “Who are these people?” she asked in a high pitched Birmingham accent.
     “Babe, this is Y/N Y/L/N, she’s a good friend of mine and she brought her friends to support us. Y/N, this is Orchid, my girlfriend.”
     “Hi, how long have you two been together?” Y/N asked in her smooth American accent.
   “Three years. We’ve been doing long distance and I’m studying here in Oslo so I came to surprise him!” Orchid said.
    “How nice?”
    Most girls would’ve started screaming, throwing things around, or even try to fight Jack or Orchid, but Y/N truly wasn’t most girls. Instead, she remained calm. When William handed the joint to her, she not only took it, but wrapped her arm around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Her lips were soft and smooth and though there weren’t any fireworks, there was definitely something there as William kissed back. Y/N pulled away and took a long drag of the joint, drinking in the wide eyes and even the glare she was getting from Jack.
    “You were right, Jack, I don’t have any male friends. This is William, my boyfriend. We’ve been dating nearly since I got here,” Y/N said. “Isn’t that right, William?”
    William wrapped an arm around Y/N’s waist. “Yes.”
    “Good for you,” Jack said through gritted teeth.
     “Well, we really must be going now. Nice meeting you Orchid.”
     But Y/N didn’t wait for a reply as she turned and walked through the backstage exit with William in tow as well as the other girls following.
    “That was amazing!” Noora exclaimed. “The look on his face was everything.”
    “Yeah, you are my hero!” Vilde agreed.
    “Thanks,” Y/N said, but her tone was a lot lower than usual.
    “Are you all right?” William asked.
    “Yeah, I’m fine. He’s just some Alex Turner slash Zayn Malik wannabe. They couldn’t even buy a slot at Coachella anyway.” 
     William nodded but he could tell that Y/N was hurt by the way her eyes drooped and her pout became more prominent. “I could beat him up for you.”
    “Really? You’d get in a fight for me?”
    “You just have to ask.”
    Fortunately, the other girls were too far behind to hear their conversation. 
    “How chivalrous of you, William, but he isn’t worth it. I only knew him for about six months anyway. Sorry about kissing you like that.”
    “No, it’s fine, do it any time.”
    Y/N chuckled and William raised an eyebrow. “Don’t bet on it, but, thanks for playing along with it.”
    “A girl like you doesn’t deserve to be embarrassed by anyone, especially that guy,” William said.
    Y/N smiled, a genuine smile and it was just for William. “William, I think this may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”
    “Or something more.”
    Even though Y/N didn’t respond verbally, the coy look on her face gave him enough hope. 
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glasshxarts · 3 years
Hi Update to my fandom list ( i don’t know if i have them there but just in case)
I will now also be writing for these skam characters
-william magnusson
—chris schistad
—noora sætre
—eva mohn
so requests are open 💕
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crowleying · 4 years
Dirty little secret | f! reader
Date: 10.04.2020
Pairing:  Christoffer Schistad x Reader
Reader's pronouns: she/her
Words: 2.205
Fandom: SKAM
Characters: Reader, Christoffer Schistad, William Magnusson, Noora Amalie Sætre, Eva Kviig Mohn
Genre: Romance
Length: Oneshot
Warnings: Angst and fluff
Requested by anon
Request: WOW you write for SKAM! 😭 could you write something like: Reader and Chris are dating but she wants to keep it secret because of his reputation and he's annoyed so they fight, he flirts with girls to piss her off, they're on and off, very good or terrible, constantly and then he leaves for army and they solve nothing so when he comes for break they want to reconcile and fix everything. With prompts: 142, 160, 167, 178. Thanks! ❤
Prompts: 142. “I’m lost without you.” 
160. “Just smile. I really need you to smile right now.”
167. “Please tell me it’s going to be okay.”
178. “You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
Summary: You don’t want to tell anyone that you are in a relationship with Chris. This annoys him and you’re always fighting about it.
A/N: I’m sorry for taking so long but I’m happy I was finally able to write it. I wrote it in one go, which is very unusual for me but I really needed it because all I’m doing this days is studying. So thank you for the request!
English is not my first language so feel free to correct any mistake and I would love to know what do you think about it. REQUESTS ARE OPEN. I posted a List of prompts, so check it out! Let me know if you would like to be tagged in my works.
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[ID: a black and white gif. Chris Schistad, with a Penetrators hoodie and his backpack on his shoulder, walking by Eva and looking at her. She is giving us the back, she has her backpack on and she turns to look at him. End ID.]
You were leaning against the wall enclosing the school while waiting for your friends and you couldn’t take your eyes off your boyfriend who was talking with the other Penetrators across the courtyard. He flashed you some of his charming smiles from time to time and you couldn’t avoid smiling back and blushing. You were so caught up in your interaction that you didn’t notice your best friend.
“You’re staring” she pointed out almost as a greeting.
“Hello to you” you shot back smiling at her.
“You know, I don’t understand why you want to keep it secret, it’s not like anyone could really miss you smiling to each other all the times with heart-shaped eyes” Noora commented.
You shook your head. “I’ve told you already. Chris has an awful reputation and you more than anyone else should understand” you replied giving her a knowing look.
“Should I?” she asked smiling and waving at William, her boyfriend and Chris’ best friend.
Your eyebrows shot up and she couldn’t ignore your gaze anymore. “What? I’m past that, now everyone knows we are together and we are happy” she said while you caught sight of William and Chris leaving their friends and making their way towards the two of you.
“Hey” William said before taking Noora by the hips and kissing her while Chris shot a look that screamed ‘we could be that happy’. You averted your gaze and cleared your voice. They both got the hint and parted but didn’t let each other go.
“Isn’t it a wonderful day to let the world know of your relationship so that you too can kiss each other without bothering us every time we do so?” William asked you with a cheeky smile. That earned him a glare from you.
Noora and William, being respectively your and Chris’ best friends were the only two to know about your relationship but you were regretting letting them know since they both pushed you to let everyone know. You suspected Chris was behind all of this.
Before you could say anything you were joined by your other friends who were completely oblivious of the whole situation.
“Just think about it” he said briefly before kissing Noora on the lips.
“Let’s go Chris, bye girls.”
You didn’t miss the wink Chris sent Eva’s way and she didn’t either. As soon as the two weren’t in earshot, she let out a cry. “Oh my God, he winked at me!”
You were fuming and Noora shot you a glance. You didn’t react but for the rest of the day you said two words at most and that dark look didn’t leave you. It grew even worse as Chris seemed to be flirting with every girl that passed by and especially with Eva. You didn’t know if you hated him more because he was hurting you or because he was leading her on when she actually liked him.
It went on for the whole week and you just couldn’t take it anymore so you decided you wouldn’t go to the party one of his friends would host on Saturday. You couldn’t watch him flirting with every single girl in the house for the whole night.
No matter how many times Noora tried to convince you to go, you were even more stubborn than she was.
When you heard the bell ringing at ten you thought it was her, both your parents and your brother had the keys so it couldn’t be them. Annoyed you stopped the film you were watching and got up from the bed.
“Noora, I’m not coming to that stupid party” you shouted while reaching the door but when you opened it you found Chris instead.
“What are you doing here? My parents could be at home!”
“Noora told me they went out.”
You cursed her.
“Are you already tired of Eva?” you asked rolling your eyes but leaving the door open for him to come in while you went to the kitchen to put on the kettle.
He entered and closed the door behind, following you inside.
“You know it’s not-” he started only to be interrupted by you.
“I know and it pisses me off because she really likes you and you’re playing with her feelings, just like you’re doing with mine, like you do with everyone’s” you lashed out turning to look at him.
He raised his hands surrendering.
“I know I shouldn’t have, I’m sorry” he said calmly.
“You’re sorry? You’re sorry? How many times have I heard it before?” you asked rhetorically turning to put the water in the kettle and putting it on the cooker.
“It’s just- I was angry, ok? I was angry because you want to keep me as your dirty little secret so that your good girl reputation isn’t stained by mine.”
“That’s not why. You know why and it’s not like you ever try to prove me wrong, is it?” you retorted facing him, your tone now calmer.
He pressed his lips together and inspired. You were right and there was no denying it. “Fine, you’re right. I’m sorry and I’ll try to prove you that I really am changed” he said taking a couple of steps towards you. You relaxed accepting it. You would have to do with it for the time being even though you knew it wouldn’t last long.
You nodded and he hugged you.
It was always like this between the two of you. It had begun almost one year ago. You asked him to keep it secret for a while and he accepted if you let him tell it to William. You agreed but after sometime he eventually became tired of the situation and started pushing you to let everyone know. When you refused he started flirting with everyone he laid his eyes on just to piss you off. That time you almost broke up but then he pleaded you not to and you decided to give him another chance and for some time everything was great but then it happened again and again and again. You had become so used to it by now that you were always ready. You didn’t know how it could still be working between the two of you but somehow it did.
 The next couple of weeks were great, you spent almost every day together when you weren’t at school, he didn’t seem to have eyes for anyone but you, he had completely forgot about Eva.
She didn’t understand what had happened to make him change so suddenly and she was talking about it with the girls for the umpteenth time. You weren’t really listening.
“I need to go to the toilet” you stated getting up from your spot on the windowsill. They barely nodded before bringing their attention back to Eva.
You were tired of listening to her talking about your boyfriend. You were so lost in your thought about him that you didn’t notice a door on you left flying open before someone pulled you in and closed the door. You were ready to fight but you recognized Chris and give him a small push on the chest.
“What are you doing?” you whispered hardly keeping from smiling.
“I missed you” he said pulling you in a heated kiss you couldn’t resist. Your arms went around his neck without you even noticing.
He pushed you against a desk. You sat on it and he made his way between your legs and started kissing your neck. You knew very well where he wanted to go but you put a hand against his chest and pushed.
“Chris, we can’t, we are at school” you reminded him biting your lower lip trying not to smile.
“I don’t care” he muttered against your skin.
“I know but I do” you said giggling. He pulled back. “I know you do, you always do” he replied bitterly and you knew you were back to fighting.
“Chris, please” you whispered tiredly. You didn’t want to fight but he apparently did. “No Y/N, I am the one pleading you. We have been together for almost a year and you still don’t want people to know” he pointed out.
“Because you haven’t changed as you always promise me to” you retorted hopping off the desk.
“I have changed; I’ve been only with you this whole time, why can’t you see it? Why don’t you understand that since you’ve shown me what love can feel like I don’t care for anyone else?” he asked, a pained look on his beautiful face. The bell rang.
“Because you keep flirting with everyone” you replied shaking your head and feeling the tears coming to your eyes. Without giving him the time to reply you left, not wanting to cry in front of him.
After that you didn’t see each other for weeks. He had exams and you kept to yourself; even Noora didn’t see you all that much, you didn’t really feel like staying with the girls.
 As hard as you tried, however, you couldn’t ditch that damn party at William’s to celebrate the end of the school. You knew there would be no avoiding Chris there. As soon as you walked in you spotted him but you were able to go unseen for a whole hour before he found you in the kitchen grabbing the third beer of the night.
“We need to talk” he said right away.
You hesitated.
“Please” he insisted and he seemed almost desperate. You nodded and left the unopened bottle on the counter following him out of the flat and then the palace.
You stopped only once you were in the street and waited for him to talk.
“I... I’m sorry for saying it now that we’re not even speaking but I didn’t want to leave without telling you” he began and a shiver went down your back. You didn’t know it was for the chilly air or if was for his words.
“Leave? What do you mean? Where are you going?” you asked bringing you arms around yourself to fend the cold off. You hadn’t thought of taking your jacket with you.
He took his off and put it on your shoulders.
“I decided to join the army” he said and the world around you started spinning incredibly fast.
You felt the words getting stuck in your throat and tears came to your eyes instead.
“Why?” you finally managed to whisper.
“I want to get my head together and take my time to decide what to do afterwards” he said getting closer to you and putting his hands on your arms.
“It is not your fault” he added guessing your thoughts. Your tears started flowing and he hugged you.
“When are you leaving?” you whispered.
“In two days.”
“Two days?” you asked faintly.
“I’m sorry” he whispered squeezing you to his chest.
“Please tell me it’s going to be okay” you pleaded him. You knew it wouldn’t change anything but you needed to hear that from him.
“It’s going to be ok, I promise” he said and you nodded.
He pulled apart and looked at you. “Please don’t cry” he said drying your tears delicately with his thumbs.
“Just smile. I really need you to smile right now. I will need to think of your wonderful smile when I will be away and missing you.”
You tried to do your best but only managed to smile weakly. He smiled back and pulled you back in the hug.
 Months had gone by and you still missed him as much as you did the first day. You didn’t know how it was possible. Before he left you both decided it would be better not staying in contact but you regretted it now. Not knowing how he was doing was killing you; the only news being those William passed you through Noora. It was her who told you he was back. She barely had the time to finish the sentence before you ended the call and put your jacket on leaving the house without bothering telling anyone where you were going.
You ran all the way there and when you finally got to the door you were spent. Still out of breath you rang the bell. You didn’t need to wait too long for the door to open showing an extremely surprised Chris.
“How...?” he began but he was interrupted by William. “Oh, wow, that was quick” he commented seeing you. “I’ll leave you two alone” he said winking at you.
“Thanks” you whispered, a small smile on your lips.
“We’ll see soon, yeah?” he asked Chris who nodded, still a little bit confused.
William left and you followed Chris inside.
Chris closed the door and as soon as he turned you hugged him.
“Please don’t leave ever again, I’ll tell the world that we are together, I’ll put banners around the city if I can get you to stay” you blurted out making him laugh. He hugged you back.
“So we are back together?” he asked and you nodded without hesitation. “I’m lost without you” you admitted.
“Oh God, I love you and I’m not leaving again” he said looking you in the eyes before kissing you deeply.
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leahchampagne · 4 years
John Watson x Magnusson
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Part 1/2
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vikon-dragon · 7 years
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Imagine that William and Noora saw you and Chris kissing. *gif1* -William, you just don't kill him, you're friends, - said Noora. -He kisses my sister, that's it, - calmly replied William. - Christopher, *gif2* run.
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honeystilinski · 7 years
please, watch "skam" and do some one-shots/imagines about william/chris
I already watch Skam but haven’t thought about writing for it, is this something you guys want? (:
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cactiem · 5 years
Being William Magnusson’s Twin Sister
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All the guys from the Russ would also be like your brothers too
Especially Chris
(You made out but it was weird so you decided not to mention it ever)
So they will also try and scare off any potential guy/girl you’re interested in
*cue eye roll*
You do sit down and tell them they’re being ridiculous
They promised to tone it down it down a little but still occasionally do it
(You also do it for them so you can’t complain to much)
Getting late night calls from people about the boys
It’s like your own spy network
You don’t have many friends who are girls
Because they just use you to get to your brother or his friends
So it was a nice change when Noora and her friends came along
You got a long very well
"Don’t mess this up William."
Thinking him and Noora are good together
So you secretly put them together
Like you leave so it’s just the two of them hanging out
When you found out how he treated Vilde (and the other girls for that matter) you were fuming
Insert silent treatment here
William had to work twice as hard to get you to forgive him
Because he couldn’t stand not talking to his sister
(This is the longest you haven’t spoken)
William would let you do anything you want
You want to drive his car? Go ahead
You wanna watch a movie instead of going out? Sure
It may not seem like it but William's favourite time would be hanging out with you
(He secretly looks forward to your movie nights)
Requested: Anonymous
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maarwritesarchive · 7 years
Hey Baby [William Magnusson]
Prompt: After realizing his feelings for his best friend, William distances himself from the reason of his heartbreak. Until he is confronted. (x)
Pairing: William Magnusson x Reader, Chris Schistad x Reader (platonic).
Fandom: Skam
A/N: Here’s part 2 to Stones! I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a week, but my IB exams started last week, so I haven’t had any free time. I hope you like it!
Read the first part here.
“Hey, it’s me. Please call me, I need to speak to you."
(Y/N) sighed as she hung up the phone. Her call had gone to voicemail, just like all of her calls in the past week. Ever since the party, William had been avoiding her, and to be honest, she was sick of it. She hadn’t even done anything. Even at school he’d been avoiding her, and when she’d try going to his house, he wouldn’t answer the door. 
“No luck?” Chris said, coming to sit next to her. They were the only people in the patio, as school was over for the day and everyone was already home. 
“No,” she answered, shaking her head. 
She took a deep breath, tucking her phone into the pocket of her light brown trench coat. Chris bit his lip, shaking his head as he looked at her. 
“I tried to talk to him,” he told her. She looked up abruptly, locking eyes with him. “He changed the topic. To be fair, he hasn’t talked to me that much either.” 
(Y/N) took a packet of cigarettes out of her bag, pulling one out and placing it in her mouth. 
“You shouldn’t do that,” Chris said, chuckling. 
“Why, because it’s bad for me?” She answered, laughing as well as she lit up her cigarette. 
Chris nodded, stretching his arm out and taking the cigarette from her lips to place it in his. He took a drag as she glared at him, and then she returned it to her. 
“Come on, I’m starving,” he said, getting up from the bench they were sitting at. “Lunch, my treat.” 
“You don’t have to,” she answered, getting to her feet as well. 
Chris smiled. (Y/N) admitted it, the boy had charm. 
“A friendly gesture,” he told her. 
(Y/N) shrugged. “Fine,” she answered, taking a drag from the cigarette. 
Chris took a sip of his soda while (Y/N) munched into her cheeseburger. They were having lunch at a little restaurant she really liked, and they were having a good time. They both knew that what had happened that night had been a one-time thing, nothing more. And what’s more, they became even closer after that. Friendly-close, though. 
“So you’ve never had a boyfriend?” Chris asked, frowning. 
(Y/N) shook her head, unaware of the little mustard stain on her upper lip. She swallowed her food and drank from her glass of water. 
“I mean, I’ve dated a few guys,” she said, shaking her head. “But I’ve never had an official boyfriend, you know.” 
Chris smiled. “I just don’t know how the hell that’s possible,” he said. “(Y/N), come on, look at you. And hell, you’re the nicest girl I know. If I didn’t think we’re better off as friends, I’d ask you out right now.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment, Schistad,” she answered, laughing. 
“Please do,” Chris said, laughing, before stopping abruptly and looking straight at some point behind her. “He’s here,” he whispered. He didn’t even have to say the name. 
(Y/N) got to her feet as fast as she could, immediately turning around. William stood behind her, glaring at the two of them. He turned around and exited the restaurant. 
“Go,” Chris told her, and he didn’t even need to repeat it when (Y/N) started walking after her best friend. 
“Will! Hey, Will!” She said, walking after him. He picked up his pace, not even looking back at her. (Y/N)’s blood boiled. He didn’t get to do that. (Y/N) ran, and when she was close enough, she grabbed hold of his arm, forcing him to stop. “Hey, I’m talking to you.”
Will exhaled, loudly. He turned around to face her, his face blank of any emotion. “Yes?”
“You are an absolute asshole, William Magnusson,” she told him. Her cheeks were flushed red and her eyes were glossy, and William had to call upon all of his willpower not to embrace her into a hug. “You’ve been ignoring me for days, not taking my calls, not answering your doors, av-”
“Are you dating him now?” He asked, interrupting her. 
She rolled her eyes. “Why the hell is that relevant?”
“It’s not,” he answered, locking his jaw. He turned around, ready to start walking away, but again, she stopped him. 
“No,” she said, sternly. She walked and got in front of him. The taller boy refused to meet her eyes, his eyes glued to the ground. “We’ve been friends for all of our lives, William. You can’t pull this shit on me.”
“Weren’t you going to tell me?” He asked, still looking at his feet. 
“Tell you what?” She retorted, crossing her arms over her chest.
“That you like Chris,” he sneered, the words coming out harsher than he intended to. 
“I don’t like Chris,” she answered, rolling her eyes at him. “I mean, as friends yeah, I like him. But not like that.”
“You slept with him,” he spat.
(Y/N)’s cheeks flushed even harder. “It was a one-night thing, William. He knows that, I know that.” 
“How could you do that to me?” He said, looking up at her. His eyes resembled hers, tears threatening to spill. He looked hurt. 
“Do - what are you talking about?” She asked, bewildered. She didn’t know what he meant. 
Will raised his hands, running one of them across his face. 
“Sleep with him!” He bellowed. 
A few people turned to look at them. They were talking at the sidewalk, after all. (Y/N) frowned. 
“I can sleep with whoever the hell I want, William,” she spat, angrily. “I don’t see how that concerns you.” 
William chuckled. “Of course,” he said. “You’re completely oblivious.”
“And you’re a world-class jerk,” she retorted. “You don’t have a say over who I decide to sleep with.” 
“I am in love with you,” he grunted.
(Y/N)’s jaw fell open. Instinctively, one of her hands flew to her mouth, covering it as her eyes opened wide. 
William bit the inside of his cheek and tapped on the floor with his feet. He was anxious of her response. 
“What?” She whispered. 
“I love you,” he repeated, softer this time. He took a step closer to her, and he took it as a good sign that she didn’t back away from him. Could she possibly feel the same. 
“I -” she began. She opened and closed her mouth multiple times, unable to speak a single word. “I -”
“It’s okay,” he told her. “I didn’t expect you to reciprocate,”
“You’re an idiot,” she whispered, shaking her head. “You’re an absolute idiot.”
William frowned. 
(Y/N) raised her arms to her head, his hands on his hair. “I’ve fucking liked you for ages, William. I never thought you’d feel the same.”
“Why did you sleep with Chris, then?” He asked as she leaned closer to him. 
“For the same reason you slept with all those girls,” she answered, and he smiled. (Y/N) shook her head, leaning in even closer as he did the same. Their lips less than a centimeter apart. “Kiss me,” she whispered.
And he obliged, their lips together in a sweet, loving kiss. He placed his hands on her neck as she held him by the torso. 
"I love you, baby,” he whispered as he smiled into the kiss. 
“Did you just call me baby?” She asked, laughing. 
“Don’t you like it?” He inquires, frowning. 
(Y/N) pecks his lips softly. “I didn’t say that, baby.” She said, taking a step away from him. “Now, let’s go back into the restaurant. I didn’t even get to finish my cheeseburger.” 
“If you want, baby,” William said as he threw his arm around her shoulders, walking by her said as he held her close to him. “Hey, baby... am I still a world-class jerk?”
She laughed, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Sure,” she answered. “But now you’re my guy. I guess that, as cheesy as it may sound, you’re my world-class jerk now.”
“All yours, baby,” he said, chuckling. “All yours.”
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tealovesmycar · 5 years
Request #O1
Asix12247483: ❝ Hi! Could you write a Chris schistad x shy!reader imagine, where reader is noora's and other girls's friend and they take her out for a party. Then some guy approach her and flirts with her even though she isn't interested. When he become abusive Chris come and help the reader and calm her down. English isn't my first language so i'm sorry for any mistakes ❞
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Genre: fluff Character: Christoffer, reader, Noora & other girls Pairing: Chistoffer x reader Words: + 5k
If the Nissen had to stipulate a ranking of the most silent and invisible girls in the school, you would probably be the first on the list. Unfortunately your shyness has always prevented you from giving your best and making you appreciate for what you are. But all of this is not about Noora and the other four girls with whom I have recently become friends. It all started when you, Noora and Eva had been chosen as a group for a Spanish project and this situation forced you to finally open your mouth with some of your peers. You were immediately in tune, despite the initial embarrassment and in a short time you also met Sana, Vilde and Chris, and then become part of their group.
❝ Hello? Planet Vilde calls station (y/n) ❞ said the young blonde, waving a hand in front of your face. All of you were in the cafeteria eating your lunch and like every other day, Vilde talked non-stop filling your head with countless thoughts. ❝ ehm ... I'm sorry ❞ you whispered timidly ❝ what were you talking about?" ❝ Do you have any plans for Friday? We could have a little party, maybe we can bring some alcohol and ...❞ but his words ceased when two boys, who seemed to be William and Chris from the Penetrators, approached your table.
❝ You did not answer my messages ❞ William said, looking Noora in the eye. ❝ What a pity ... I had the mobile phone unloaded, for a week! ❞ the blonde answered with a sharp sarcasm. ❝ So I'll tell you here in front of all Noora Amalie Saetre, this Friday you are invited to our party at Christoffer's house ❞ the brunette said firmly. ❝ Oh we will certainly not miss! ❞ Vilde exulted almost like a child with eyes to heart. ❝ Oh I really hope so! ❞ said Christoffer at that point, looking at you fleetingly in the eyes, making you almost chuckle while you ate. What was that look? And those words? Probably he was not looking at you, maybe he was looking at Eva, who was sitting next to you. You had noticed in the past a certain feeling between them, maybe not just sexual... You had to stop hoping to be noticed by someone, you were a silhouette, a shadow, no one outside your friends could see you...
You were in Noora's house and while she kept talking to you about how hated William's ways of drawing her attention, you were lying on her bed and wondering what to do. Should you or should not have gone to the Penetrators' party?
❝ Do you think I should go to the party? ❞ you asked suddenly while the blonde was arranging some clothes. She looked at you a bit 'puzzled and then answer you. ❝ Why should not you? ❞ she asked shaking her head ❝ of course, I do not even want to be with those professional molesters, but I know that if I stay with my friends I'll have fun and...you should do it too, (y/n) ❞ she said sincerely.
❝ And if no one noticed me ❞ you asked, looking down. ❝ This would only be your fault (y/n)! ❞ answered with a serious tone, making you almost jump ❝ you are a wonderful girl, intelligent, strong and who really knows how to take care of others.You have nothing wrong and if until now you have never had opportunities to show off such beauty, it is because you do nothing but hide your head under the ground.Get out of the shell, girl!It's your evening and we'll give you a hand to take flight. What do you think? ❞ He asked with a smirk, his eyes gleamed with a strange light. Noora was right! You were a completely normal girl and if you had precluded everything not to suffer, what would you have really experienced? nothing. ❝ Now get up from that bed and come with me to choose a nice dress tomorrow night ❞ the blonde commanded, making you stand up in the blink of an eye.
You and your team walked through the dark streets of Oslo with impatient and amused looks. Noora had chosen for you a coral dress of soft satin, with fine straps and a light neckline, while the skirt came in mid-thighs. He would give you parechio, in fact you would never have imagined that your friend's dress could fit you perfectly. When you entered the great house of Christoffer, the high volume of music and the smell of alcohol clouded your senses, while the Penetrators greeted you with almost predatory looks.
At the end you, Sana, Vilde and Noora found yourself chatting on the sofas while watching Eva and Chris busy dancing in pretty ridiculous ways in the crowd. It all seemed normal, but sometimes you could feel the gaze of someone on your figure ... the problem is that you had no idea who he was. So with burning cheeks and a dry throat, you decided to get up to go and get something to drink at the alcohol table. As you poured a little beer into your glass, you felt a hand that firmly grasped your hips, making you almost petrify in amazement. ❝ Hey sweetie ❞ said a stranger to you with a lewd smile. ❝ Ehm...hey ❞ you whispered shyly. ❝ I've never seen you around here, but I have to admit that your presence makes me very happy ❞ he said, slowly bringing your bodies closer together. ❝ T-Thank you... ❞ you said embarrassed trying to escape that trap. ❝ You know...I could take you around the house, I do not know about you, but this party is starting to be too rowdy, hm? ❞ he asked mischievously as his hand slowly descended to your backside, while the other had grabbed his face, so as to imprison your eyes with his. Your heart was beating wildly, you already knew the true intent of this boy and did not want to be part of it. ❝ I...I do not think it's a good idea... ❞ you whispered in panic. ❝ Did i ask your sweetness permission? I do not think so ❞ said the boy with arrogance, making you startle with fright. Suddenly a strong hand pushed the stranger away from your body, getting between you two. ❝ That's enough Herman ❞ he said in a cold voice. ❝ Chris but what the fuck! Find another girl for tonight, she is mine ❞ shouted another guy with arrogance. Christoffer clenched his jaw and with one hand pushed his friend away from you again. ❝ You're drunk and I do not want problems, get off your ass, it's not a request, it's an order ❞ Chris said in a threatening tone.
You did not even have time to think that your arm was taken by Christoffer, who dragged you out of his house. The icy air of Norway, pierced your bodies, while yours was seized with tremors and your heart was about to splash away from the ribcage. ❝ Are you okay? Did he hurt you? ❞ the boy asked, writing down and gently touching his cheek with his knuckles, to be sure that his friend had not hurt you. You shook your head, he had saved you. Christoffer Schistad was worried about you! Was it by chance a dream? A calm after the storm? Your cheeks became hot again as you tried to shield yourself from the cold with your arms. Noticing that, Chris took off his sweatshirt and slipped it to you, wrapped his arms around your body in a vain attempt to warm you up. ❝ I'm here now, and as long as I'm by your side nobody will dare touch a hair ❞ he whispered in a sure tone, suddenly feeling complete in perceiving you in his arms. ❝ t-thanks ❞ you said timidly, making the boy smile widely. ❝ It's nice to finally hear your wonderful voice ❞ he whispered sincerely.
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requested by anon (surprise! :D)
so i changed my blog’s design a little bit as you can see. do you like it?pls tell me x
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