#Watch out for the sun on your oc skin! Guys
pauking5 · 1 day
Runaway 🏎️ Chapter 3 🏁
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Pairing: Naozumi Hiyama x fem reader oc
Genre: racing AU, enemies to lovers, sports rivalry, suspense, a whole lot of teasing, gender power games, spice
Word count: 15.2k+
A/N: Curious who's going to catch the Tokyo Drift reference 😏 Hope you're ready for the storm cause lightning and thunder just met for real in this one. It was literal hell to write at times, but I wanted to get more accurate with it and bring you as close to the view in my head as possible, so sorry for the delay. Tried my hand at writing tension so I hope it's good. Enjoy lovelies. Smooches to you :)
Raiko's Playlist: Bad Boy - Red Velvet, High Horse - Kacey Musgraves, Antisocial - Ed Sheeran, Travis Scott, True Disaster - Tove Lo, "good guy" - Against The Current, Summer Jam - 99 RZNS, John Gibbons, KOOLKID, How Bad Do You Want It (Oh Yeah) - Sevyn Streeter, Pump It - Black Eyed Peas, Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boys, Morning After Dark - Timbaland, Nelly Furtado.
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Day 3 of Tour de Tokai - Final stages
The sun was up before you could catch any sleep, peaking through the thick blinds with bright beams. That brightness didn't bode well with the small hangover brewing between your pinched eyebrows. A remainder of the excessive amounts of champagne you drank last night and the really excited twosome next door, working hard to drill a hole in the wall behind your head all night long. At one point, they quieted down and you were near falling asleep until they went at it again and again, and you contemplated sleeping in the bathtub.
Putting on your golden blue team kit and the darkest shades you could find in the mess of luggage, you packed and dragged your heavy bags into the hallway and pressed the button on the lift for reception. You caught your reflection in the shiny silver doors and thanked god no one saw you yet. Your hair was a half-tangled mess, hidden under the team baseball cap well enough. Only two days on the job and you already had sunken in eye bags, but those were probably from the amazing beauty sleep you had the night before.
I had better days, you blew out a breath pulling up your shades.
Bags checked out and safely loaded into the airport car until later, you headed for the track. Walking out to the biggest stand on the hill overlooking the road for today, you scanned the grounds. It was still pretty early but the crowds were already making their way to the stands to get the best seats - right in the sputter of a dusty drift corner. The dirt must be doing wonders for their skin if they paid so much to sit there willingly, you thought, grimacing at the dried up mud painting most of the sun-bleached seats.
At least it was a quiet spot to just do some people watching and wake yourself up. You watched the food court vendors open the back doors to their vans before getting to work on the food. Some people were sat on the trunk of their cars, huddled in blankets or hoodies, eating a makeshift breakfast before queuing up for entrance. The race marshals were putting up the access signs and doing other maintenance checks.
The spring breeze blew softly feeling like a refreshing cup of coffee you didn't have yet. Early mornings like these were the best. Just quiet and mundane. Slow and pleasant.
Your peaceful perusal was interrupted by a figure settling in on your right, mimicking your leaned back posture on the wooden fence next to the race banner, hands crossed over your chest and all. You didn't even need to look over to know who it was. The expensive combination of lemony vanilla and other bitter, citrusy fruits entered your nostrils like ten meters ago, before he even stopped next to you.
How can someone so irritating smell so good?
"How did you sleep?" he spoke, voice low and husky, still laced with blissful sleep. A luxury mere mortals are unable to acquire at the expense of divine hedonism. Though, if that was how gods fucked, you wished to never hear it again. The girl's moans replayed like a broken record in your head even now, voice sweet like cotton candy reaching impossible notes.
Jesus Christ, you shuddered, trying your hardest to get rid of the image you just accidentally put in your head.
"I didn't," you said with a tight-lipped smile, turning to the devil beside you. He did look well-rested. "Hearing your name being moaned until three in the morning kinda ruined the peace one needs to sleep."
"I told you to join us," he shrugged, like he was asking you to join a grocery run and definitely not a threesome call. "It was a good sex catch."
I hope that angel never comes across his dick again.
Staring ahead, you hoped that if you ignored him, he would make himself scarce like he did last night at the car reveal. Instead, he leaned over to your side, lips slightly brushing the side of your ear with another offer that made your skin crawl with tendrils of chills, branching out from your nape all the way down to your spine.
"You know, we could've moved the show to your room. Get you out and about with the masses. Learn a thing or two."
You could taste the malice in his voice, looking to throw you off with raw sex talk. He pulled back to his corner, that annoying grin bright as day on his face, way too enthusiastic about his choice of words after last night.
He should work on his sweet nothings some more.
"I have my fair share with the masses. Don't you worry your frozen little braincells with that," you said, trying to shake off those chills still dancing on your spine.
"Ah, so she does get action," he laughed dryly, tilting forward with another remark he was better off keeping to himself. "I couldn't tell."
A little burst of mischief raised in you, so you turned to face him fully, pulling your shades off. Your body acted on a mindless spurt of small revenge as one of your hands lapped itself around his shoulder, gripping the other in balance and to pull him towards you, while the other rested on top of his chest. Under your palm, his heartbeat was calm and steady, just like the engine of the car before the race.
Narrowing your eyes at him, you scanned his face to see the ever-present amusement etched into every chiseled dent of his jaw, high cheekbones and perfectly angled lips. You wondered if dimples would pop out on the sides if he ever smiled for real, not just in a teasing manner or for show. Was he even capable of smiling?
The more your eyes drove up his face, the wider that eager glint in his eyes got. In the morning sun, rising brighter over the hill behind you, golden beams reflected off his orbs much like fiery bronze specks glinting off regal statues.
That eagerness turned to confusion when you inched closer to his ear, your lips brushing his in the same way his did. Your breath ghosted over his neck and you felt the smallest rise in his pulse, the muscles in his back tensing under your hold. You spoke small, but loud enough to cover the buzz of the rave music catching volume in the stands, making sure he received every single word.
"You know what would be a better catch?" you asked, tone sweet and tempting like a fiend.
His head craned down slightly and he quirked an eyebrow at you, curious as to where you were taking this. Only for it to not be in the direction he expected it to go in.
"Breaking that penis of yours in two and scattering pieces of it on the track like it's fucking gravel for everyone to drive over it. That," you enforced your threat with a swift gaze at his precious groin then moved your eyes back to his, "would be the catch of the year."
His lips parted in disbelief, the smug look on his face gone completely, as if you just detonated a bomb with his very own hand on it.
That was an unofficial war announcement. Jaw tightened in bold offensive, you stood your ground waiting for his retaliation. Your hand was still on his chest waiting for that spike to come again. But it never did.
Slowly but surely, the look in his eyes morphed to one of challenge, burning with the dire need to crush you to pieces for that daring threat.
Was this a novelty to him? A woman driving the reality train through his brain without having her legs open for him? Possibly. Because his smirk was now taut, filled with the same vindictive goading you carried. Just a tad bit darker and full of hunger for battle.
"I would like to see you try, rookie."
That nickname was starting to get on your nerves. Though there was no lie in it because you were a rookie in the sport, the way he said it implied that there was nothing else to you but that - a clueless beginner that will always stay a clueless beginner. Belittling at its finest. Your temper didn't buy belittling very well.
"Listen here you asswipe-" you started, only to get cut off by Don Tanaka's voice closing in behind you.
"Rai, the crew's waiting for... you..."
The words died in Tanaka's throat the more he took in how curled up you were with Naozumi. At first he was about to reprimand you for dealing cahoots with the enemy again, but when his eyes fell on the teeth grinding murderous looks you both threw each other, he decided on breaking it off before the interaction turned violent.
"Rai, step away from Naozumi."
"This. isn't. over," you gritted out with poison, plying yourself away from him.
Pushing your sunglasses back up your nose and throwing one more sharp imaginary knife right in the middle of his annoyingly handsome face devoid of imperfections, you sourly turned and left with Tanaka.
"I think it is, princess," he muttered behind you.
"Just you wait."
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The really funny thing about curses is that they never truly... leave.
They might take a break and sip a cocktail somewhere sunny, like the big white-bearded gramps dressed in red does in his vacation after Christmas, letting you bask in some sort of chill ambiguity that all is well and perfect. Until nothing is well and perfect. Just absolutely horrifying and close to provoking a collective meltdown. Quite like the one in your team pen at the moment.
The team was gathered around the car with discouraged looks decorating all their faces as Sentaro, the main mechanic, relayed the news to you. Not one soul moved, everything and everyone as still as your shut off engine.
This had to be some sick joke. There was no way this is happening.
"What do you mean I can't go out on track today? You're joking right?" you laughed nervously, trying to stop your eye from twitching violently.
Apparently, the mechanics tried to start the engine and black smoke came out of it. While that issue was partly because of a clogged air filter that was vacuumed clean now, the engine also overheated to the point they thought it would blow up if they let it run longer.
From your brief experience with cars and growing up around the team garage, you had a feeling of what the issue could be.
"Is the dashboard blinking with the high oil pressure sign?" you asked Sentaro to which he nodded in response.
You were in front of the car in an instant, popping the hood open to check the oil injection. Pulling out the dipstick on a clean cloth your assumptions were proven right, though you wished they were horribly wrong. The rough dirt roads from yesterday definitely took a toll on the engine's oil filter, judging by the black sludge you were met with instead of the normal light brown color of the motor oil.
Dropping down to the ground with your phone's flashlight, you looked under the car and sure enough, there was a trail of the same dark goo leaking out from the car. The oil filter was the problem. And lucky for you, the oil specialized mechanic wasn't here today.
"I'm sorry, kiddo," said Tanaka, leaning on the side of the car. "There's nothing we can do."
Before you could even browse solutions, Kate ran in the pen nearly tripping over her feet. Thanks to Tanaka's steady hold, she landed upright on her feet, giving him a shy look of gratitude that didn't go unnoticed by you. They held each other's gaze for a while, not one thought behind them but a tinge of affection.
Realizing they had an audience, she cleared her throat stepping away from him. His hand shot up to rub his nape with a nervous smile.
What was that about? you thought, scrunching your nose inquisitively at the two. The faint blush spreading on her cheeks and the playful look in his eyes was a bit of a dead give away of what went on between the two. The car issue was more of a priority right now than their mutual fancy. I'll pester them about it later.
"What's up, Kate?"
Your voice seemed to break her out of whatever reverie she was having.
"The pre-race press conference starts in fifteen," she announced, eyes grazing over your team kit before flying back to yours with confusion. "Why are you not in your racing suit yet? What's going on?"
"I'll explain on the way," you replied hastily.
You moved away from the car to grab your bag and went to change in the trailer with her following in tow. Turning back around, your eyes flew back to Tanaka and the rest of the crew.
If the big man was here, he would know what to do. But he left for Tokyo early in the morning for a business meeting with a new sponsor. You were completely on your own with the team, and from the looks of it, it was time to take the lead.
"Nothing you can do," you said with a small smile trying to bring some optimism back into the sour mood. "There's something I can do. Just don't touch the engine until I'm back from the conference."
"Also, go tell the organizers I'm retiring from the first stage and keep them posted on the second one," you told Tanaka, ignoring Kate's gasp of shock. "We might still have a shot at points today. We worked too hard to let that go."
With that, you ran back to the trailer behind the pen, getting changed while Kate's worries doubled and spilled over yours in a frenzy of overly dramatic and stressed hand gestures.
"What do you mean retiring from the first stage? Are you crazy?"
Taking off the kit with a grunt, you made haste for the fireproofs and the suit.
"Not crazy," you groaned, pushing your legs through the pants of the racing suit. "Just trying not to freak out because it won't help anyone if I do."
"The car has an issue that's preventing me from taking part in the first stage today, but I hope," you breathed out, struggling to pull the top part of the suit over your hips, "that we can somehow get it out on track at least for the second stage."
With the already smoldering heat outside and your growing nerves, the ensemble felt so uncomfortable to wear. Pulling your arms through the sleeves and zipping it up to your neck, you fiddled with the soft collar unable to close it properly. Kate swatted your hands away to help you fix it so you could be out the door. Though you couldn't do that without your driver's card that was nowhere to be found.
"On a scale of one to ten, how big are your hopes of that actually happening?"
You stopped your relentless searching for your identification lanyards only to find them in the safe hold of Kate's hands.
"A solid eleven," you paused, grabbing them with a grateful smile. "On a good day. We'll have to see if today is one of those."
You were out of the trailer in no time, heading for the conference room while she ran you through possible questions you could get asked by the stingy reporters. Before you went on stage to take your designated seat, she pulled you back around for a last check.
"You know what you have to say?" she asked, placing her hands on your shoulders to make you focus.
Narrowing your eyes at her with a 'I'm not a child' look, you recounted the rules of publicity she made you repeat before each press meeting. Or more like your very own not so accurate version of them.
"No snarky replies, wait for my turn and try to maintain the already crumbling image we have. No biggie."
She smacked your cheeks together, shaking you hard to bring you back from sarcasm land. Better sarcasm than a full blown meltdown. You rolled your eyes at her dramatic antics, reciting the actual holy trinity of rules to get her off your case.
"If it's not for my own benefit or the team's, don't reply. Avoid all questions about my or dad's personal life with a simple 'no comment'. Keep levelheaded and avoid conflicts of interest," you finished confidently, but with a slight confusion on the last one.
She nodded with a bright smile, letting go of your cheeks. Whirling you around, she made quick work of your hair in a ponytail and fixed your team cap on top of your head to look more professional than you felt at the moment.
"You've got this, Rai," she encouraged sweetly like she always did. "I'll be right here in case of anything."
"Thanks Yuzu," you smiled at her, trying to ease her stress before it rubbed off on you, turning you into a ticking bomb. "I owe you one."
"You owe me more than one," she quipped as a matter of factly.
"Yeah, yeah," you waved her off, turning for the stage. "I'll tell dad to add a holiday bonus to your paycheck."
"All debts are paid," she replied, sounding like an ATM machine that just cashed out your first salary before you even saw it in the account.
You went up the stairs, taking a seat behind your name tag, near the middle row on the lower side of the makeshift stage. Most drivers were already in their seats waiting for the show to start so you could all be on your way. You caught sight of Akira about two chairs down to the left, already clocking you with a small wave.
At least there's some sunshine in the world.
You leaned over the seat, turning the mic away. He scooched over, meeting you halfway with a short smile that was enough to send butterflies swarming wildly in your stomach.
"Hello there."
"Hi," you replied sheepishly. "You ready for today?"
"I hope so. The tracks today look way better than whatever the fuck those three were yesterday."
You both shared a horrified look remembering the disaster that almost left your cars in totaled wrecks the day before.
"What about you? Ready?"
"It's complicated," you looked down in disdain, conscious of the mess awaiting you in the team pen after the conference.
What was the point in elaborating further? He's going to see the scoreboard anyway. The retirement issue was better kept under wraps for now, in case press inched to you like leeches before they even got to ask you a question.
"Hogging my seat doesn't look that complicated."
That tone of mixed delight and irritation could only belong to one person. That and the shady vibes prickling the hairs on the back of your neck like the very shadows of death were about to swallow you into the underworld.
Sure enough, craning your head backwards Naozumi was right behind you. Alarm bells rang in your head replaying his words again. His seat? What the fuck is he on- Your eyes fell back on the name tag right beside yours, reflecting Naozumi Hiyama back at you, bright as the light of day. Oh.
Naozumi was to be seated on your left for the next half an hour. What a joy. For some poor sick bastard, definitely not for you.
How did I not notice it before I sat down? I could've switched seats with the backfield guys in a heartbeat and no one would know a thing.
Looking back behind you, your small hope was crushed as most seats were taken up already, busting your escape plan. Your gaze landed back on the man, now more interested to know how much of your conversation he heard.
"How long have you been standing there like a scarecrow?"
"Enough to almost physically gag at your conversation."
Ah, there he was. Repulsion in human form. Wonderful.
You bid Akira an apologetic smile and leaned back in your seat, letting nation's finest walk by to take his own. He held onto your backseat to let himself down in his. Leaning way too close to you again, you caught an extra accidental whiff of that expensive perfume of his, toned down by the scent of the burnt rubber fumes caught to his suit. You turned your head away with a breath, resisting the urge not to choke. From the snicker on his lips pointed downwards, you could tell he did that on purpose. Fucker.
It wasn't long and the press conference finally commenced. As expected you weren't first in line for questions, both to your relief and growing unease. Your thoughts ran back to the car. The longer you spent here, looking pretty for the media that could care less, the less time you got to spend on fixing the car. Changing the oil filter was relatively less time consuming than the oil draining and changing. Besides, who knew if there weren't other problems. There were always problems.
Tapping your feet impatiently under the table, your eyes trained on the digital clock at the back of the room, mentally pushing the flickering red dots bouncing between the numbers a tad bit faster. Boring questions aimed at the other drivers went in through your ears, fading together, getting lost into an incorrigible mess of side thoughts, all while you dissociated somewhere far away.
At some point, something heavy moved on top of your leg that seems to have taken on incessant bouncing. You broke your eyes away from the clock to check. Thinking it must have been a bug or your sleep-deprived hallucination, you were beyond surprised to see a hand resting there, all five fingers of it splayed wide on top of your knee, nearly enveloping it whole.
Following the path of the muscular, veiny hand to the grey material going up the plush arm of a racing suit, you found it connected to Naozumi's shoulder. His gaze was set ahead with his chin propped on his other hand, a bored look taking over his usual amusement.
Is he looking for entertainment again?
Focusing your attention back on the press crowd, you went to push it off briskly. You felt it slide off your leg, shutting your eyes in relief that he let go and didn't put it back, going back to your daydream.
The clock ticked by infuriatingly slower, and by the looks of it, only ten boring minutes passed. You resumed your foot tapping, unable to keep cool without releasing tension in a way that kept you calm and levelheaded for the rest of the conference. You even started repeating Kate's set of three rules, again and again, until they blurred together in your head into a mess of words.
Unconsciously, you resumed the knee bouncing. That's when the same familiar weight sat back on top of your knee, trying to cease your restless shaking. You groaned mentally, aware that there was nothing else you could do but let his hand sit there until he got bored of being annoying.
Was it weird that the touch gave you a small ounce of comfort? It was so far from an actual touch, closer to a simple brush. But it grounded you back to reality in a less impatient way than your nervous foot tapping.
Jesus, Rai. The man fucked the sleep out of your brain last night. He's trying to get under your skin.
Leaning forward on your hands, you shifted your position so your feet crossed under your seat in hopes his hand would slide down again. His grip never lessened, turning firmer on top of your knee, seeing right through your trick. You huffed a breath through your nose, trying to calm down before you shoved your fist heavy with rage in his beautiful face to do some overdue damage, since he was asking for it so nicely.
In your line of sight, you saw him reach down for his water bottle, right beside his leg. His hand trailed down your calf with the movement, only for it to slide back up to its original spot on your knee.
This wasn't anywhere near comforting. This was teasing. Maybe even payback for this morning for invading his space with violent threats of castration. The side of his lip curled up in the slightest, letting you know he was enjoying tormenting you a whole lot.
Since he's so into masochism, we'll see how brave he is next time when I sneak in a lighter. The suit might be fireproof but I don't think his fingers are.
Somewhere between Naozumi's idiotic game and your patience running thin for the male species, the press finally remembered you existed and your name was called out by a reporter.
"I'm Hina from Daily Times. I have a question for Rai Suruki of Suruki Racing."
"Go on," you nodded with a smile.
"There haven't been a lot of female entries to rally in past years. Are there some goals you hope to achieve with your participation in the Seiko Rally Cup Series?"
That was quite a nice question. She seemed a little unsure of herself, probably new on the job since she was already being mangled down by the experienced male gazes in the room, especially from the reporter clique.
Turns out rally isn't the only industry where women are not welcomed.
"Well," you started, "I hope that if more girls see me out there on track, they can gain the courage to get racing too. Be it karting, rally or any other series. I grew up seeing my father's generation race and it felt daunting getting into it in the first place, since there was little to no female involvement. But times are changing and I hope it's for the better. Goal-wise, I would say the biggest one is to get girls into the sport, technically or behind the wheel," you ended with another smile, making sure she got a good amount of detail to work from.
That encouraged her to show you a bright smile in gratitude before she sat back down. You nodded back at her with one that matched.
"For Raiko Suruki, from Automotive Racing," called out another reporter, much older than the rest. "Heard the car is totally self-manufactured. How's the pace on track so far?"
Ah, technical questions. I like those.
"So far it's good. We're still testing bits and pieces to see what works best, but so far it's responding well to our tinkering. Like any car there's setbacks, as you may have seen in the previous stages, but we're working to remedy that and maximize its current performance. There's a lot of power under that hood and we're trying to see just how much of it we can bring out."
He nodded, scribbling down your words in a stacked leather notebook filled to the brim that has definitely seen better days. At least that said he's passionate about the sport and not just here to get a quote for a flimsy article. True to that, he geared up with another question.
"Performance progress-wise, do you think it's a car able to compete for the cup this year? Maybe even to reach the WRC?"
It was a reach to aim for the title, knowing the team barely got back on the road. But it was a goal nonetheless.
"Absolutely," you answered right away. "We wouldn't be here if it wasn't. As for the WRC, I guess it's all in due time."
"I'm looking forward to your evolution. Thank you," he concluded his short round of questions, sitting back in his seat.
"One more question for Miss Suruki," shouted another reporter. "From Tokyo Action Sport."
Tokyo Action Sport was one of the big ones Kate told you to be wary of. Due to their huge coverage of all sports around the country, sports buffs took their word like it was the weekly Ten Commandments in print form. That and the fact that they liked to scandalize most, if not all of their headlines - basically the foul celeb tabloids in dirty sports version.
From the way the reporter twirled the pen around his nimble fingers and the sneer on his face as he skimmed over his fancy notebook, you could tell he was looking for another front page story with an equally disarming question at the ready. You nodded for him to talk, bracing yourself for the incoming attack.
"Last night, at the official car reveal, you said you will compete for Suruki Racing until the team no longer wants you," he started, lifting his icy eyes from the paper to cut through you. "Does that mean your contract has an expiry date?"
If there was a question that, when uttered out loud, would have the power to open the gates of hell, it would be this one.
Expiry date? Driving for the team that has my name on it? Fuck me if I know.
Your nervous tapping resumed tenfold, forgetting all about Naozumi's hand that was still stationed on your leg, now struggling to stay there in the wake of the shaky earthquake coursing through you with the sharp truth of the real world.
You never thought of the possibility of driving for another team. Right from the start, Suruki Racing was to be your forever home. For Christ sake, you were the only hope for the team to stay alive at the moment. But that was just your opinion, maybe Tanaka shared it. But the team might still be adamant to take you as their only viable option and that might just be the case for your father too.
Nothing guaranteed that you will always be their number one choice.
"Why did Suruki Racing pick you out of the wider talent pool out there?"
"Are you trying for yourself or for him?"
"Do you consider yourself a challenge to the rest of the drivers?"
Your nervous shaking was several tempos away from rattling the panel table and attracting attention you were better off without at the moment. The aftermath of that happening was already in sight.
Suruki Racing's finest cracks under the pressure of her first press conference, would read the first page in the later Sunday print.
Is Suruki's own bloodline able to keep the legacy with no surety of a long-term contract? another one would say.
If you were lucky they would put it on the second spread or in the middle pages next to some old car adverts. But the worst part of it all is that the majority of the rally community, including the panel of drivers around you, would wholeheartedly agree with the newspapers.
Maybe this was just you making movies in your head but those were always possibilities upon possibilities and they all pointed to failure. Your failure of saving the team and seeing it succeed if you caved in to them.
The weight on top of your knee moved higher up your leg, stopping mid-way on your thigh. Enraged out of your mind, you were about to swat if off like a fly just when Naozumi did the unthinkable - his thumb started rubbing the side of your leg in circles over the suit, alternating patterns. You could feel that touch burn even through the triple permeable fireproof layers, sending all your senses in override, heartbeat pounding louder in your ears with each languid stroke of his thumb.
Was he trying to calm you down? Or was this him riding on the wave of anger surfacing from the depths of your very being to make you inch closer to exploding? Because there was a thin line between the two and you struggled to find which direction he was steering in today.
Strangely, that mildly provoking but oddly comforting caress worked. It calmed you down and drowned the black hole your mind went down into, bringing your focus back on the task at hand - giving the reporter an answer before your silence was taken as one.
"I'm afraid not," you responded, your voice bouncing back way too quiet on the microphone for it to sound like you were sure of yourself.
A handful of chuckles erupted behind you, rippling down into the audience and the rest of the media crews around the room.
"Everyone has an expiry date on their contracts, doll," commented a gruff voice from behind you. "Better find it out before the press does," they added with a chuckle.
You turned around to match the rude remarks with Katsumi's face, driver for Top Rank Racing. From what you knew about the man, he's been in rally long enough to know that he was right. Though he could've delivered that a bit more nicely.
Casting an unsure look at Kate, you saw her beckon you to say something else, mouthing several pointers that fell unheard with your growing unease. There was nothing else to say. That was the pure truth. No one had a safe seat in rally, except if you were Akira with loads of talent or Naozumi with a shit ton of cash to throw around. But you... you were lucky if there was a next year for you at all. And that might just be the case for your team too, whether it takes off or it burns to charred ashes again. Whether they keep you with them or not. And that realization hurt the deepest of them all.
"There you go again with useless questions, Misano," spoke Naozumi, successfully diverting your attention away from a meltdown.
His voice carried out smooth like whiskey over the shushed murmurs in the room, able to charm the attention of even the stingiest creature. His dark brown eyes were throwing sharp daggers with the aim to impel the man in the middle of the press convoy, almost like he had some personal vendetta against him, able to see past his journalistic tricks better than anyone.
From the few words he uttered your way you could tell why.
"Why don't you wrack your brain for something more interesting to ask?" he added bitterly.
Misano could only glare at him, shifting his attention from you to the man beside you, much more poison seeping from his tone at being interrupted.
"I was just about to get to you Naozumi. Impatient as always," he sneered. "I do have a really good one," he chuckled lowly to himself, like he was about to get the scoop of the century.
Naozumi was absolutely unfazed by his tactics. Just like you were, before he opened his mouth.
"You and Shinkai are in quite the fight to reach the higher ranks of the WRC. Did you solve the misunderstandings from last year to prevent more incidents from happening this time around?"
Naozumi laughed dryly at that, averting his eyes away from the man so overzealous for drama. When his eyes fell back on him, it wasn't with the same playful gaze reserved for toying around with people, but with raw hunger to rip him to shreds until every other word he was dying to write was out and cut to tiny little pieces on the floor.
Even you shuddered at the intensity of that look. You thanked the heavens it wasn't directed at you. If you were in Misano's shoes, you would shove those words back down your throat and run to puke them out somewhere they would be more well received, like the trash can outside, right around the door. That might do everyone in here a favor.
Naozumi finally let go of your leg, turning around in his seat to face the press with more interest. You breathed a small sigh of relief at the loss of contact. But a small part of you mourned the reassurance it provided for a short while, letting the nerves about your future race back up your spine again. At least they were dimmer now, since you put your focus on the charade of power to your left.
"If by misunderstanding you mean forced damage to my car," paused Naozumi with an icy grin matching the gaze that never once faltered from Misano, "then no, we didn't solve anything."
He delivered that affirmation so smoothly that even you leaned over the table to get a better look at him. Contrary to the calmness in his voice, there was a furious annoyance taking over his features. One far more irritated than the other looks you've seen him sport in the past three days.
"You can't solve misunderstandings with hardheaded people," piped in Akira, matching the same sweet venom in Naozumi's voice.
Naozumi could only smirk coldly, dropping his gaze to his team racing suit before he aimed it at Akira.
"That's where you're wrong," corrected Naozumi. "You can't solve misunderstandings with irresponsible people that can't admit to their faults."
It was Akira's turn to be vexed, staring down the man on his right. Those eyes, softer than melted chocolate, turned into the most violent tempest catching speed by the second. Though he wasn't necessarily asked a question, he was just as involved in the one served to Naozumi, so he turned to Misano with a comment.
"I think what Naozumi means by that is that some things are better left in the past. Or swept under the rug for the sake of it."
Point, aim and shoot.
"Let's leave the talking to the track," grinned Akira, patting Naozumi's shoulder in feign respect.
Naozumi broke into a toothy smile, tongue coming out to swipe over his teeth in disbelief. That smile grew and grew until it matched Akira's, just like a Cheshire cat. Then he leant over to him, whispering something in his ear. A threat you just so happened to hear.
"Stay the fuck away from my track. And don't fool yourself that thing was accidental to free your conscience" he mumbled.
The cameras flashed to immortalize the moment, making sure to get all sides of the burning declaration of war. They held each other's gaze with impending rage, pumping hard enough to blow out big dark fumes like messenger torches.
Keeping levelheaded and avoiding conflicts of interest was a rule their agents were probably negotiating with them, not even close to being able to enforce it.
From the looks of it, there was way more tension between the two than they let on with those loaded glances passed from one end of the paddock to the other in between stages. They had history that was better left unraveled for the sake of the rest of the season.
I take it back. The car reveal was a baby next to this shit show.
After that, the rest of the conference went by uneventfully. Surprisingly. The stifling tension however, was still palpable in the air. It was crazy how just one question from Misano turned the mood salty real fast. He hasn't asked anything else ever since, sitting merrily in the audience with a smug smirk, utterly pleased at causing an uproar.
The rest of the reporters went for decent questions as the drivers geared up for mayhem on track. As soon as the organisers let you, you dashed outside, welcoming the fresh breath of air and freedom away from that purgatory room.
Got nine more of those to endure.
"Not bad for your first press conference, rookie."
Was that supposed to be an encouraging pat on the back? If anything it sounded haughty and kind of condescending.
Does it hurt him to shed off some of that superior complex thing he has going on?
Upon remembering his game back in the conference room, you whirled around to him instantly, backing him in a corner so no one could hear your murderous intentions. The flames inside of you were leaping high and violent again. But that must have been the Naozumi effect at this point - setting you on fire then walking away only to come back and kindle you again whenever he saw fit.
"Don't ever touch me again or I will rip your hands and shove them down your cars' exhaust. Understood?"
"It was a good distraction though, wasn't it?" he smirked, pinning you with that knowing look of his that made you want to spit fire like a dragon.
"It was so fucking unnecessary-" you stopped, the rest of your words dying in your throat. "It was so -," you growled. "You're so -"
You gave up on speaking. There was no point in explaining why punching him was the right thing to do because the more you looked at it you realized he was right. That playful stroke was a good distraction from going berserk with all those demons patiently waiting to pick you apart like flies that dove into shit on the side of the road. Even if it was for a while, he managed to calm down your stormy temper. It was a miracle for anyone to even do that in the first place.
He leaned down to you, stopping just a few inches off your face. His eyes drifted down to your lips for a brief second before securing your gaze again with that dark look of his that has probably disarmed more girls than you could count on all your existent fingers, hands and toes included.
"That's what I thought," he said as teasingly soft as a brush on canvas.
Before you could say anything else he walked off, leaving you dumbfounded with your tongue poking your cheek, and kind of questioning your sanity.
He's so goddamn infuriating.
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Back in your pen, you took off the suit, changing back in the team kit and made a beeline for the car. There was no time to waste. The crew gathered around you in a heartbeat, waiting for your directions.
The skilled gazes laid on you, full of years of garage work, made you very aware of the fact that they expected full professionalism from you.
God, I hope this works.
"Okay so, we need to change the oil filter," you started. "The oil inside is contaminated and from the looks of it, it's not usable anymore. The filter itself appears to have blown a gasket, so that too needs replacing," you finished in one breath.
"But our oil person isn't here today," Akio, one of the mechanics, pointed out.
"Mister Hinode isn't," you sighed, hoping the old man was enjoying himself for taking the day off today of all days. "But I am. I watched him change enough oil filters back at the garage to know what I have to do."
"Very well. Lead the way," he replied with a nod, fully placing his trust in your hands.
Though slightly unsure, the rest of the team followed. Looking back at Tanaka, you saw him nod too, letting you know he had your back. At the silent show of support, you pushed the nerves away and got to work in your full element.
"What I need from you is a car lift, a drain pan, the new oil filter, and four or five liters of motor oil," you told the team. "Draining it will take about an hour, more or less, and replacing it a little less in theory. We have less than four hours until stage two so we can't afford to lose any time if we want to get something out of today."
"You heard the girl," clapped Tanaka, moving to get all hands on deck. "Let's move."
You turned to Sentaro and the electrical engineer.
"I need you guys to run the electrical checks again, now and after I finish changing the filter, in case anything else goes off and needs fixing so we're on top of it ASAP."
"Got it. Also, regarding the oil pressure, it was on high levels last night when we brought it back from the event, but we thought it was from being out on track for so long," he said apologetically.
"Don't worry about it. It can happen out of nowhere too, especially considering the roads I drove it down yesterday. But do ping Mr. Hinode in case there's something we're missing."
"Thanks, Raiko. You're a lifesaver," he said, walking back to his laptop.
Eh, I'm a what now? you blinked trying to take that compliment in. Shaking yourself out of it, you rolled up your sleeves to your elbows and worked to lift the car at an angle you could fit under it.
Pulling over a creeper, you leaned back and got under, looking for the oil plug under the dirty chassis. Finding it right away, just a little off the underside of the front bumper, you unscrewed it with a wrench. Barely twisted open, the splotchy black goo started spilling everywhere, much more liquid and disgusting than you thought it would be. What was on the dipstick was nothing compared to what spilled out on the sides of the plug. It smelled horrible, like murky grass and three days old mud had a biochemical hazard lovechild. And there was about four liters of that to drain out.
The more you unscrewed the plug, the more it splattered everywhere, some of it flying in your hair. Jerking away so it wouldn't land in your eyes, you turned the plug tugging it off completely. The oil flow doubled right away and you realized you should've had the drain pan under it before you unscrewed it.
"Fucks sake," you grunted, holding out a hand to whoever was close by. "Loosen the oil cap on the top and hand me the drain pan."
A hand pushed the drain pan into your own and you moved fast to shove it under the oil drain, to avoid more of it staining the asphalt.
You slid out from under the hood to breathe in some fresh air, meeting with Kate and Tanaka's faces, looking at you with matching disgusted looks as they took in your very contaminated appearance.
"Your face..." started Kate, pointing at your face as she pinched her nose.
"All natural," you shot back. "You should try it sometimes."
Tanaka howled a laugh as he pulled you up from the ground, handing you a few clean cloths. You wiped your hair as best as you could, frowning at the dirt coming out of it. That will take a lot of showers to take out.
"Now what?"
"Now we wait. And make other checks on the car to make sure nothing else is broken."
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Come on, pick up.
Pacing the dusty ground above the stands, you listened as the line rang and rang, each dial tone pumping the nerves back in your system. You were starting to regret this until he finally picked up on the seventh ring.
"I'm in a meeting right now," filtered your father's shushed voice through the phone.
Of course he's in a meeting. That's why he left early this morning. In the chaos with the car and the press, you forgot all about that. Now the scope of the call didn't even really seem that important anymore, preoccupied with the fact that you interrupted something that probably was.
"Raiko? Are you there?"
A car whizzed past on track, pulling roars of cheers from the crowd, prompting you to find a quieter corner.
Was there even a point in asking that?
Fuck it. Just get it over with.
"Does...," you started, but the rest of the words got lost somewhere in the mess in your head. You took a deep breath and tried again, this time sounding a bit more composed. "Does my contract have an expiration date?"
He could tell something was off. You could be as composed as you wanted, but your father could always pick up on the uncertainty laced in your voice.
You heard shuffling, rushed goodbyes and a door closing shut, before a chair creaked. His voice came through more clearly now.
"Of course not. I told you you're welcome to drive for Suruki Racing until you no longer wish to."
Those were the same words you said out loud to the reporter just last night, so sure of yourself and knowing what you wanted that it would be impossible for anyone to second guess it or even challenge your claim to the seat in the team. Until smug-face opened his mouth to comment on it in the press conference today.
"Is everything alright, Rai? I know I left in a rush but if there's anything you need, please let me know."
"Everything's alright," you reassured him, trying to sound more on top of the situation than you felt. "Sorry for disturbing the meeting."
"Eh, don't worry about it. I could use a break," he chuckled, making you chuckle too.
It was so good to finally talk to him like that. Like you were father and daughter for once in a while, before being team principal and driver.
"Are you sure everything's okay?" he asked again, willing to listen to any concerns you had, big or small.
"Yeah," you sighed softly. "It is now. Thanks dad."
He could tell there was more to it than you were telling him, like the issues with the car and missing the first stage, but you didn't push it. Tanaka would catch him up on it later anyways. There was no use in railing him up on a plane right now.
"Always, firebolt. Good luck out there."
That always was your I love you. He wasn't one to be a softie for cheesy stuff, like blurting out those three words, but that always never failed to reassure you that you'll get through anything and come out on the bright side. No matter what.
"Good luck to you too," you piped up, ending the call.
Looking ahead, you caught sight of the Spica Racing blue hues right on time, approaching a rocky corner. Naozumi took it so effortlessly before diving into the last drift portion taking it wide, closer to the barrier, lifting the dust and gravel off the ground to fly off in the stands like a gust of sand.
You backed away coughing a little, shaking your head with a smile at the gesture that was one hundred percent intentional.
At least someone's having fun today.
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You got back to the pen at the same time Naozumi pulled up. He got out of the car much more pleased with his run than he has these past few days. He didn't even yell at his engineers this time.
Unfortunately for your short lived peace of mind, he caught sight of you and turned your way with a smile as wide as his pride must be.
The closer he got, he eyed you from head to toe, taking you in all your muddy glory, scrunching his nose at the smell that was still glued to you like you sprayed on intense dirt road cologne. Your clothes also reeked of motor oil. If someone had a flint they might as well light you on fire if you just breathed in their direction.
"What happened to you? Did you DNF into a bush of skunks or something?"
"Haha, really funny," you deadpanned. "I didn't even start the race for that matter."
Throwing a look at the scoreboard in your pen since it was closest, he scoured all the drivers until his eyes landed on your name, staring back at him with a DNS in bold letters, right at the bottom of the grid.
"What? How did you even manage that?"
Was he actually concerned or was he just planning to fumble the bag for more insults based on your answer? Closing in on the playful glint in his eyes, it was probably the latter and you were not in the mood for it.
"Engine issues," you sighed, slumping in defeat.
It's been half an hour and you were still waiting for the oil to finish draining before you could actually fix anything. Time was ticking away and so were your hopes of somehow participating in the second stage.
"You missed a spot," he said, gesturing to your face.
Bringing your hands up, you wiped them everywhere coming up entirely clean. Is he seeing things?
He shook his head before coming closer, wiping his thumb over the tip of your nose. Your heart thrummed in your ears, drowning everything else around you but his touch and how close he was. Feeling the callused pads of his fingers on your skin, without all those fibrous layers of the suit between you, felt like being touched by millions of sparks of electricity at the same time. Heat surged pink on your cheeks quicker than you could hide it.
Instead of getting the splotch of mud away, he smudged it all across your cheeks with a grin. Him being him, he just had to ruin the moment.
"There. Much better," he concluded, proud of his outstanding work of art.
That only provoked you, flipping the switch on your rage. You kept it under wraps long enough and at this point, he was just asking for it.
"I told you not to touch me ever again," you rasped, swatting his hand away.
"Hmm, I don't recall," he hummed, wiping his thumb on his suit to get rid of the dirt. "It was probably an empty threat."
An empty threat? Hah. He's really starting to piss me the fuck off.
"What the fuck is your problem?"
Because he had many of them and most included disturbing your peace on an undetermined period.
"I don't really have a problem, rookie," he shrugged nonchalantly.
"Stop calling me that," you seethed. "I'm not a rookie."
"Oh, but you are." He took a step closer to you. "Need I remind you that you stepped foot in the car not even two days ago? A rookie stays a rookie until they prove themselves worthy of the road."
"You think you're the shit, don't you?"
"And you are?" he chuckled darkly. "You don't have the guts for it. Why don't you go back to being daddy's little spoiled princess, driving plastic cars, since it's obvious you can't drive a real one?"
Naozumi had a talent at making sure his words drove straight to their recipient, cutting deeper than intended, at times with a purpose more painful than the edge of a knife.
"At least I'm not the idiot that wrecked the car in the easiest turn in the whole region just yesterday, driving it with an engine failure only to blame it on my team. It takes real skill to pull that off."
His jaw ticked with fresh blood. You definitely ticked a nerve with that. If you're throwing knives at each other, might as well throw them deep just for the funk of it.
"At least I didn't get a DNF and a DNS first time on the job. Your father may have put that winning image in your head to motivate you, but if you think it will be that easy, you're wrong. You will always be a rookie and there's nothing you can do to help it."
If that was supposed to make it hurt more, boohoo it missed it's mark. Kinda late to the pity party. Might invite you next time.
"Oh, you're one to talk," you scoffed incredulously. "You're nothing without your team and you can't even see that. What's gonna happen when they all walk out and leave you stranded to work on the car all by yourself? Will you magically pay your way out of it by hiring other people?"
"That's none of your business," he hissed.
"Real drivers help their team," you growled.
You were overtaken by a sense of kinship for your team stronger than anything the world could throw at you. He probably knew nothing about that or what it means to make constant sacrifices for something you love body and soul. But he sure had the nerve to come and preach it to you like a total hypocrite since the rules of normal society apparently don't apply to him but they do to everyone else.
"You don't get to tell me how to be a driver," he shot back, tone becoming more menacing with every word.
"And you don't get to trample all over my hard work. My team's hard work. Don't talk to me about privilege when you're living off it just fine."
You didn't even notice you closed the distance to him, getting right up in his face, seeping into his space once more, this time with a different kind of savagery - one that felt a lot like unleashing chaos.
"You don't know shit," he growled, towering over you. "So I suggest you to back the fuck off."
"Or what?," you gritted back.
The corner of his lip turned up with a dark wicked smirk, a warning pledge of fast approaching colossal disaster, just like the words rumbling out of his throat, low and deep, just like thunder.
"I'll make sure the rest of your time here is a living hell."
A living hell? I'm already living hell, pretty boy.
You simply chuckled at that. He had no idea that you laughed in the face of danger. He must have thought you were crazy for it.
His head tilted in slight confusion at your reaction, though his eyes never left their furious fire behind. You quipped a brow silently accepting his challenge, wondering just how far he could go to prove a point and preserve his pride in the face of a mere rookie.
"I'd like to see you try."
"You're gonna regret this."
This man loved to make enemies with everyone. But he picked the wrong person to start the fight with. Unfortunately for him and his loud wrathful thunder, vengeful lightning always strikes twice. Always.
"We'll see about that."
Not another word came out of his mouth. He just grinned devilishly as if he already started devising a wicked little plan in his head to pull the earth from under your feet when you were not looking.
Regarding you with one more look full of hatred, he pulled back, walking off to his pen.
Little did he know, he just met his match. Regrets... you had many for yourself. But you were sure as hell that him of all people was the last one to add to them. Never in a million years would you let that happen.
I wouldn't wish hell upon anyone. Especially mine. But if I had the choice to curse one person in the whole wide world right now...
I would curse him in a heartbeat.
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You were sitting outside the pen, glaring at Naozumi's back, until Tanaka called out to you.
"Raiko. The oil has drained out.," he said, stopping in his tracks. "What are you doing out here?"
Googling ways to overcome your enemies with the power of forced distance.
"Nothing," you scoffed, heading back inside.
Time to get dirtier than my soul.
Taking your place back under the car, you worked on changing the oil filter with a new one. Screwing off the old filter entirely by hand, the leftover oil spilled everywhere again. At least there wasn't that much left in the basin to really stain anything.
It would've been nice not to have to do this with your bare hands, but you've been Mr. Hinode's human flashlight enough to know that the filter can only be tightened by a bare hand to make sure it's in the right spot and that none of it can leak out.
"Could you hand me a filter wrench?"
"Here," popped in Akio's head, who now became your human flashlight.
A little shimmying and the old broken filter finally popped out with the rest of the oil leaking out down your arms. The last drop fell on your forehead. A good luck omen? We shall see.
Passing it to Akio, you motioned to him to shine some light on the broken filter. You noticed the head gasket was indeed damaged.
"Is the new filter ready and rubbed with oil yet?"
"Yep. Good to go?"
Checking the engine block with the flash light one more time to make sure there weren't any other bits or parts stuck inside, you tried putting the new filter in. You struggled to make it do inside the engine block, moving down a little farther under the car. Not a fun thrill to experience with a ton hanging above you lifted by a tool weighing less.
Please don't crush me, hun. I drive you but I can assure you that you don't want to drive me.
Spinning the part to the right, you finally got it in, puffing out a breath. You screwed it on until you felt it stop turning. You gave it another spin with your hand before you tightened it with a wrench the rest of the way.
"We should be good to go now. Pour the motor oil in."
One of the mechanics poured the oil in on top. You waited to see if any of it would still leak out only to see none.
The new oil filter was successfully attached.
Well fuck me, I just did that.
Rolling out from under the car, you breathed out a sigh of relief as the team started applauding you and howling your name out of nowhere.
"Raiko! Raiko! Raiko!"
"Oh, shut the fuck up."
They all laughed at your cussing. Tanaka and Sentaro pulled you up as the rest threw their cloths at you to send you to shower. Your team kit was sticking to you like you just took a dip in an oil lake, save for the sweat rolling down your back. That one belonged to you.
"You smell as bad as the car after a day on track and I'm saying that in the nicest way possible," said Akio.
"Haha, really funny," you laughed, throwing some of the cloths back with oil stains. "If I had a hose I would drench you all. Don't tempt me."
Little did you know that someone came around to check out what the ruckus next door was about. He watched you from the sidelines, running around to smear the oil on your hands on whoever landed in your range of attack. Most of them didn't even move, welcoming your attack with defeated smiles. The corner of his lip tilted up in a delighted grin at the scene.
Maybe I underestimated her.
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"Everything's got the green light, right?"
"Yes, Raiko," Tanaka reassured you for the hundredth time since you stepped in the car. "All other car checks came out good. Stop stressing."
"I'm not stressing."
Well, you kinda were since you lost a lot of points by retiring from the first stage. You needed a clear head before the race and after today it just wasn't happening. You fixed the car before it was time to race, but if you didn't do right by this one, you could kiss any advancement ahead in the series goodbye.
"You saved us today. Any other driver would've ripped their contract to pieces in front of the team if they had to get anywhere near motor oil."
"I think you're forgetting I'm not just any driver," you smirked, pulling your helmet on. "Let's do this shit."
You went out there and enjoyed it for the first time this weekend. Your run was smoother than anything else today. The corners were mostly wide, mid-range turns, and the car felt great with the new oil change. It would be another 3000 miles before you had to change it again and hopefully, the filter would last longer than that.
Even Tanaka seemed to enjoy himself. He didn't reach for the door handle not even once like he was used to whenever he was in the car with you. You did accelerate faster in some turns watching his hand come up halfway only to stop and retract back.
"6 left 100. Flat out."
One hundred meters left to the widest corner left in the race.
Come to mamma.
The dirt flew up in the air behind you, leaving a trail of dust on each side. You dove closer to the left where the stands were, taking the last corner with a large drift that rose up huge clouds of sand from your rear. You heard the roars of the crowd before the puckers from the slide over the gravel, all getting lost in the rave music booming through the speakers.
This is what racing was about. Leaving it all in the hands of the wheel for two minutes where the world quieted down. Being on a one track mind.
Once every driver went for their run, you sat on the hood with the rest of the team waiting for the final update of the track times. You chewed your lip in thinking, tapping your foot on the floor.
I hope all those sacrifices weren't in vain. We all worked way too hard to fall off the track right now. We need this right now.
The scoreboard loaded to display the first three names and all heads perked forward. No one spoke. Not even the wind dared to rustle a banner.
1st place - Naozumi Hiyama - Spica Racing Factory
2nd place - Akira Shinkai - Sigma Racing
3rd place - Takatoshi Tohira - YM Works
Naozumi's ego was strong today. He just so managed to bag podium after that whole show of arrogance. Fucker. Pushing your annoyance for the man away, you focused back on the board.
Come on, load faster.
4th place - Katsumi Ishibashi - Top Rank
I can kiss top five for Tour de Tokai goodbye. So long world.
5th place - Raiko Suruki - Suruki Racing
What the fuck-
Loud cheers erupted all around you like the national football team just won the World Cup. That was totally impossible but you did it. You placed in the first point rankings. You were in top five! Still far away from the podium, but at least you didn't fall off the scoreboard.
Before you even said anything, the screen updated to display the Drivers Championship standings so far.
1. Akira Shinkai - Sigma Racing - 61 pts
2. Naozumi Hiyama - Spica Racing Factory - 53 pts
3. Neil Emerton - Cusco Racing - 47 pts
4. Takatoshi Tohira - YM Works - 38 pts
5. Fairuz Badawi - Eliot Racing - 31 pts
6. Katsumi Ishibashi - TOP RANK - 28 pts
7. Raiko Suruki - Suruki Racing - 25 pts
"It's not much, but they're good points," said Tanaka, patting you on the back. "Amazing work today, lightning strike."
Turning back to everyone, you called out to them. The team gave you their full undivided attention. Your team. Most of these people saw you grow up from a rowdy teenager into the driver you are today. They were more than your team. They were your extended family. You owed them everything.
"I know dad's not here today, but someone has to do the honorary speech" you clapped your hands together, trying to will some normal words out.
"I wouldn't have been able to get out there without you guys. You're the reason this team works like oiled parts, no pun intended."
Some of them laughed at that. You happened to have your father's humor.
"I know there's no podium celebration for us this time, but I will work even harder to bring it to you soon. For now, please rest up, eat well and stay safe. The Fuji Highland Masters round is nearby so we need to get in the gear for it soon."
"Raiko! Raiko! Raiko!"
"Guys, please stop," you giggled, suddenly flustered at all the attention. "Come on, go home. Before the organizers kick us out."
Grabbing your duffel bag with your things, you went back to the race banner. You pulled out your phone and took a photo of it and a selfie.
Your career officially started. It was a rocky start and the climb up to even get a chance at podium was even rockier. But you were willing to fight for it with your teeth.
Suruki Racing was born again this weekend and you were planning to keep it alive for longer than it has before.
Turning around, you cast a look at the podium. Naozumi just received his trophy, smashing the champagne bottle to spray the crowd. That million dollar smile was back on his face, wider and brighter than you've seen it. It almost looked real. Among all that lust for fame and money in his blood, he looked like he fit right in with the haze of celebration. Like he was made to be a winner.
On the other side of the podium, Akira lifted his 2nd place trophy too, fully enjoying the squeals from his fans. You didn't know what came over you, but you pulled your phone out to snap a picture of both of them for safekeeping.
Spotting you on the side about to leave, Akira took off in your direction. His hand tugged on your arm to spin you around.
"Hey, you," you smiled. "Second place, huh?"
He looked down at the trophy with a small smile, not really reaching his eyes like usual.
"Yeah. Not my best drive but it's alright."
"Could say the same."
"Are you coming to the party?"
"The famed afterparty on Naozumi's yacht?" You looked back at the podium, watching him throw the champagne bottle down his throat, spilling everywhere on his suit in the process. "No, thanks. I'll pass."
"He wants everyone on the grid there. Though I would much rather not go, my agent said it's good publicity. To tame the media after that stunt today or something like that. So, come with me."
After declaring each other mortal enemies, you wanted nothing to do with Naozumi at all. Not even being in his range of view. Going to a party, on his yacht, in the middle of a body of water was the last thing you needed.
"I'll think about it."
A staff member came to pull him away for a quick press interview. He seemed adamant to leave but you waved him off. You were in need of a shower before the mud became one with your skin.
"I have to go," he pressed his lips together in a smile, dimples popping on the sides. "See you back in Tokyo?"
Would going to that party be so bad? I could definitely use some alcohol and if it's free, why the hell not? He must have expensive alcohol on board. I can let my pride go for a free drink.
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There was no lie that Tokyo's skyline looked so magical at night, especially on a yacht ride down the central river. Skyscrapers stretched out into the sky, multicolored lights blinking back at you with sparkles. The rich really had this superb view every night and they barely took a ride here if it wasn't for business purposes.
At least yours truly knows how to pick a party location.
Speaking of the man of the hour, you counted about eight girls around him from your secluded spot at the bar. You could hear their high-pitched voices all the way there, asking him all kinds of questions about himself and the car. He just hummed in response to all of them, focusing his attention elsewhere.
If today wasn't so shit and he didn't literally declare war to you, you might have just been a tad bit happy for him. The most you mustered was a mumbled congratulations when you boarded the ship. He just passed you a grin and left it at that.
He doesn't deserve my cheerfulness. He gets it from the world enough as it is. Plus the fact that he invited everyone on his yacht just in spite.
None of the drinks at the bar were for free and most were too expensive for your pocket, so you had to drink a mocktail. Even his hospitability was in mocking.
More girls scooched closer to get a piece of him, tanned arms and bare legs brushing up against him from all sides. He didn't even seem to be bothered in the slightest that his space was being taken up. But he did mind when it was you doing it.
"Then let's make a toast again!"
"Congratulations on being the champion!"
The girls cheered and clinked glasses, sipping on the expensive champagne. He joined on the clinking too, though he didn't drink with them, keeping his glass aside.
His eyes drifted from the champagne glass in his hand to you. The small smile on his face turned into a smirk of provocation. A smirk that went right to the epicenter of your rage. He came to kindle that fire again.
Before you knew it, you made a beeline through the crowd stopping right in front of his table. The girls shot you disapproving looks, sizing you up and down in every way they wanted. Picking apart your messy, tousled hair. Your tomboy outfit. Some even mumbled something about your nails not being in fashion. You shot them a look and they stopped looking at you altogether.
Naozumi just regarded you with a knowing look, averting his eyes to the water surrounding the boat in dismissal. You just stood there with your arms crossed, waiting for him to stop his passive ignorance.
"Got something to say to me, rookie?"
Would he explode if he just called me by my name?
"I do actually."
"Then," he extended a hand around one of the girls getting more comfortable with her. She snuggled into his body, giddiness taking over her for getting so close to him. You could feel the jealousy oozing off the other girls, waiting for their turn. "Let's hear it."
He really does have a thing for public humiliation.
Akira stepped beside you, lightly pulling at the sleeve of your leather jacket to get you away from trouble. Little did he know you loved trouble more than anything in the world. Especially when it involved a certain know-it-all with an annoyingly handsome face.
"Rai, let's go," he muttered, aware that some people turned around to watch the scene. "You're better than him. Don't give him the satisfaction."
"I wasn't talking to you, Shinkai," spat Naozumi, not once lifting his eyes away from you. Not even when the girl at his side caressed the side of his neck with obvious want. "Go lick the boots of your own team principal."
"Talk, rookie. Or did the cat get your tongue?"
You want war on and off track, Naozumi?
You have it.
The words were out of your mouth in a heartbeat, not one thought behind them. Nothing but the sole need to see how he would react to being challenged publicly.
"Let's settle it on the road. You and me. Our cars back at the docks."
An illegal race on the streets of Tokyo. Might as well be career suicide for some. But you had way too hanging by a thread, while he only had his pride. Taking that away would be like shoving him off his throne and sitting on it like it was yours.
Best case scenario, you win and leave him with a shattered ego.
Worst case scenario, you lose or end your career.
The only good thing was that the odds were in no one's favour out there on the road. It took skill to win an illegal race in a city that was built up on street racing of the highest stakes.
"What does the winner get?"
"Always so set on winning, aren't you? Would losing something dim your small manly pride?"
His tongue pushed his cheek in the same annoyed manner it would at his brother reprimanding him for being incapable of listening to simple directions.
"That's between you and me," you added, settling on making this as private as you could.
The sudden realization was written all over his face. He knew what you were referring to since you threw his very own words back at him.
"A rookie stays a rookie until they prove themselves worthy of the road."
Ripples of gasps echoed around you, people already murmuring things about you. Until the rumors started being directed at Naozumi and his ability to drive. It was time for him to prove himself worthy of the crowd as well.
Naozumi sat back swirling the champagne in his glass until the liquid was left without bubbles. He seemed to give it a good thought.
There was that curiosity dancing in his eyes again. The same rush of novelty measuring up on your very own. He wanted to know where you would take this if he gave you the chance.
"Fine by me," he said, taking you up on your offer.
Shaking off the female arms circled around him, he got up and threw back that glass of champagne emptying it in one go, before calling out to the captain to turn the boat around. He walked to you, stopping mere steps away from you.
"The hill over there down to the docks. No time cuts, no tricks."
"You shouldn't drive after drinking," you remarked.
He smirked, taking one more step towards you. "Are you worried about me, princess?"
"No," you said, taking one step in his direction.
One more step from each of you and you were chest to chest, facing off like it was a real battle for the very pride of driving. People made a circle around you, staying away from the tension already wafting through the air.
He bent down to your ear. "To settle your worries, it was non-alcoholic champagne. But don't let them know. I keep my alcohol for the big wins."
He really was the biggest asshole on the planet.
The two of you were the first to get off the boat and find your cars, driving them up the top of the hill with some of the crowd from the yacht following right behind. It would be a drive down through traffic and tight corners but it looked much more doable than the roads you've driven through today.
You heard his car purring before he pulled up next to you turning in your seat to gawk at it - a midnight blue R8, a beast of a car compared to yours.
It was an older model, so overpacked with modifications it made your head spin. Nothing on that car looked like it belonged on it and you had a hunch that long hood curving over the engine held a lot more mysteries than the outside body of the car.
He rolled down his window, leaning a hand over it to check yours out too. He scanned it back to front and from the twinge in his lips, he appeared impressed by your weapon of choice. Who wouldn't gape at it when yours was a collection car worth more than three of his yachts together.
"Veilside RX-7. Not bad for a rookie."
He sounded genuinely respectful.
"I'll give you a five seconds head start," he added.
"I think you could use them a lot more than me," you shot back.
He revved his V8 engine, roaring it to life like a lion looking to claim his rightful throne. You did the same, revving your V6 longer to prepare it for the sprint race. Your engine missed two cylinders and some horsepower but yours had way better grip on the road. Though small compared to his speed intake, you had a shot at winning this.
He was big and wide, a monster under the hood but one that got swallowed on serpentine roads like the one that awaited you. It was a show car. It wasn't made for racing. That and your car was smaller and bunchier, meaning you were able to whizz through corners much faster if needed.
He can't beat me at what I know best.
I was born with the drift in my veins.
And illegal street racing?
Not my first rodeo, pretty boy.
Someone walked to the front stopping between your cars. It was the blonde woman from last night. Shorts that were shorter than your lifespan climbed up her buttocks, joined by a tank top that hugged her boobs better than any of your bras could. A checkered flag hang in her hand, getting rustled by the cool night breeze.
"Not too late to back out," he piped up.
"See you at the finish line. That is if you can keep up," you said, rolling up your window to avoid more of his attitude from seeping inside your car.
You cast a look down to your right at the docks then turned back around to the road.
On second thoughts, Tokyo's skyline looks way better from up here.
The blonde rolled her hand with the flag calling out a count and holding up her fingers. The crowd cheered behind you, already getting gassed by the fumes burning out through the exhausts.
It's not about how fast you go.
You revved the engine loud, feeling the car shake with the raw horsepower under the hood.
It's about how long you go fast.
Throwing a look at Naozumi, you caught him looking right back at you, that shit-eating grin back on his face.
Fast like lightning.
The flag barely hit the floor when you pressed the gas like a madman. His extra horsepower propelled him a few meters ahead of you. You kept close on his tail, letting him take the tight corners before you so he felt it on his own skin that this wasn't the type of road to get cocky on. Not with a million dollar car like his.
Passing the first two corners, he moved to the middle of the road to cover more ground. He must have realized his car takes way too much space to even drift. And this was a drifting road.
The next corner gave him an opening to shift gears and drift. You went on the outside, trying to overtake him but he was way too wide to get past. You needed a wider corner.
Moving around a rocky hillside, you noticed the road barriers curving down into a wider path, less narrow with more flow.
Naozumi slowed down, reducing his drift angle in the process, rear jerking in a light drift. That's my cue. You pulled the hand brake, pressed down the clutch then quickly stabbed the gas, turning the steering to the left. Accelerating, you flew past him, sliding in front of his car over the middle of the road, slick and smooth like butter on a hot frying pan.
The next turn was just as wide. He accelerated trying to get past you and he almost did if you didn't know him any better. You took the drift faster than him, with the risk of letting the car skid off the road. The tyres screeched loudly at the excess of pressure. Thinking fast, you dropped in the clutch moving down in second gear, finding the sweet spot where the rotations aligned and swerved left into another perfect drift. The roaring growl of the engine was music to your ears.
This is how you drive a car, baby.
A few more turns and you skidded out into intense night traffic. The move from rough to slick asphalt sent your rear wide in the middle of an intersection, passing a red light and being honked at from all sides of the intersection. Naozumi followed right behind you, mere meters away from smashing into your tail lights if you slowed down in the slightest.
You entered a tunnel, whizzing past city cars as fast as you could, overtaking them in fast twisting zig zags. Going back down the hill of the main road, he slid in beside you, pushing the car to its limits to close the gap to you. You didn't let off either, dropping down another gear to rev the engine and push past him.
The docks were just a few blocks away. So close.
Police sirens howled loudly in the distance. One look in the rearview mirror and sure enough the red and blue lights shone bright behind you, heading for you and Naozumi.
Three more police cars pulled up two blocks down, trying to block the street and the two of you from passing through. You shot him a quick look he shared with you, fully aware that this was going to get messy. He threw his head to the blocks on the side, wanting to take the longer route and go around. You laughed at that, turning back ahead.
Go hide, Naozumi. I like to face things head on. You should try it sometimes.
Pressing the gas pedal to increase the speed, you slid in front of him and went through fast. The hands on your speedometer went past 120 kmph. If the officers didn't want to get crushed, they had to pull away. But they didn't. Not that you wanted them to.
You cut the gas, tapped the clutch and steered left really tight, drifting down the lane of the street that was left unguarded. You held on tight to the wheel to stay in control of the car as the force pushed you into the door. Your tyres skidded with a screech at the amount of power, but you drifted into that lane and got the car back around straight, leaving the law enforcement behind you.
Two hundred meters in, you repeated the same maneuver this time to the right and steering wide, diving into another turn down the street, completely losing them. The farther away you got, the less you could hear the sirens. They didn't follow.
One thing about police here: they didn't give a fuck if they didn't stop you on the first try. With the amount of street races around Tokyo at night, they gave up on speeding tickets too. If you can do better than one-eighty they can't catch you. They just liked showing up for some ruckus for people to know they were worth their taxes.
Naozumi slowed down behind you, unable to understand how you got away. He followed your drift on the stretch, miscalculating how wide and low he was as his wheels got up on the sidewalk, scraping his front bumper in the process.
Circling around the last blocks with him in tow, he raced up to you, catching speed until he reached you again.
Now it was finally head to head.
Eight hundred meters stood between his dignity and your career getting knocked off and thrown into the river. None of you backed off, increasing the speed to inhumane limits. Not even the rally cars went this fast. The tyres gripped the asphalt hard, engine thundering under the hood, wheel quivering in your hold the faster you drove.
Five hundred meters.
On your left, his R8 got closer, trying to take away from your ascent. A lower portion going under a bridge came up ahead with a tight corner between the pillars. You veered under it, drifting with his car at the same time. He took the inside pushing you off into the rocky sidewalk as payback for his scratched bumper. Your rear wheel caught onto it, swaying the car off the road. The tremors shook your seat the more you drove over the rocks and you managed to get off it just before you smashed into the pillar, sliding back on the road.
You pushed the car even faster to catch up to him. You played fair and square and he was pulling tricks. Fairplay was in the trash at this point when it comes to him. What was worse was that you expected more, but maybe that was a mistake.
Three hundred meters.
The size of a football stadium stood between you and the finish line. The docks were now in view, tall and shabby warehouses littered on the sides of the road. Time for Plan B.
Just because I don't have one between my legs doesn't mean I can't act like a dick too.
You let go of the throttle, slowing down to fall behind him and tailed him, sticking to his end like a leech. He liked to play dirty. At least he could have a taste of his own medicine.
He tried to shake you off, going in chicanes and slowing down in the process. He was growing impatient and it showed because you weren't letting off his tail not in even a little, keeping close to his end. If you had more horsepower you could've kissed his back bumper for shits and giggles.
He tried his hardest to lose you, turns getting Once he steered right really wide, you took the opening and accelerated, speeding through ahead and leaving him behind. You turned to wave at him with a smile as you passed by, bolting through to the end.
You whizzed past the redhead waving the checkered flag, getting the crowd yelling as you drifted around them, lifting some of the dust up in the air as you did some victorious doughnuts. Naozumi pulled up behind you and you circled him a few times before you stopped in front of him.
That dark look in his eyes was full of hatred just a few hours ago. Now, it turned furious with rage, pride absolutely shattered. He took a gamble on your inexperience and he lost the game he started so confident in his own powers.
Everyone rushed to your car to cheer on you. You got out shocked at the crowd pooling in. Akira bolted through the endless mob of people, reaching you and bringing you in a bone-crushing hug you couldn't help but melt in.
"That was batshit crazy! We could see everything from down here."
"I know," your voice came out muffled from being tucked in his shoulder. "I can't believe I did that."
"Well," he pulled apart to hold onto your shoulders, "believe it 'cause you absolutely just did that."
The crowd started chanting your name and you couldn't help the giddiness overtaking your senses. Some of those people were either drivers or really famous and they were calling out your name with excitement.
You might have fallen off the track today but you won the crowd tonight. This was yours to enjoy fully and no one could take it away from you. You earned it. You proved that you belonged on the road.
Naozumi finally cut the engine off. He slumped back in his seat for a moment before he got out to inspect the damage on the front of his car. You walked over to him to see him threading his fingers over the scratched paint stretching over to a dent, covering a good part of the corner in front of the right wheel.
"That looks nasty," you said.
He shot you a look filled with hatred. That graze looked worse than nasty could describe and from how he grinded his teeth in annoyance, it looked like it was entirely your fault in his head.
Not one word was uttered between him getting back in his car and speeding away, leaving his victory celebration for you to enjoy.
I think I scratched his ego too.
Akira slid in beside you, eyes trained on the back of his car, watching it drift away until you could no longer see it.
"Is it wrong that I feel bad for him?"
"Nah, you earned this. He's just complicated." Then he paused, rotating to you. "Frankly, I don't think anyone threw him off his high horse this hard before. Not even me," he said with a grin, happy at Naozumi's demise.
Maybe he was right. Naozumi was a really complicated person. But the more you faced each other on and off track, the more you got to know more about him. And the more your hands inched closer to unravel that puzzle on the shelf with his name on it.
One thing was for sure.
After today's events, that plastic foil on his puzzle box was entirely gone. And one of your dying curiosities was satisfied tonight.
You now knew what made Naozumi tick.
And it wasn't losing.
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🏎️Glossary of terms and other useful information 🏎️
The Points - Points in rally get awarded on a top 10 places basis. Depending on the placement at the end of the final stage, the score one gets differs. First place can get as high as 25 points, while tenth place gets only one point. *The last stage is called the Power Stage, giving drivers in top five extra points in the overall standings.
Drivers Championship standings - The overall points gathered over the course of all rounds. If you're familiar with F1, it is the equivalent to the Drivers' World Championship standings.
Downshift - One of Raiko's favourite things. Changing gears from an upper one to an inferior one, where the car revs up before it speeds up. Also the sweet spot where the rotations align and the engine roars.
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Thank you for reading! Please leave a note, comment or reblog :)
Taglist: @ellisaworld @howimeetyoukit @jonnelpunk @nadlx33333
16 notes · View notes
bloodlegacies · 1 year
Lol, not me making everything pale, white, cold, and scaly for my oc
Lol 🤣🤣 A root ice elemental, no doubt about it,I just imagine the oc in the snow, that would be quite a highlight 😁
13 notes · View notes
peachypinkygloss · 10 months
call me later — jjk
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Summer break is always your favourite period of the year, enjoying the fresh water of the pool and the sun kissing your skin. Everything's going great until a sudden boy appears in your life and becomes the centre of your world.
☼ pairing: jungkook x fem!reader
☼ genre: strangers to fwb to lovers, summer break au, university au, smut
☼ word count: 2.5k
☼ warnings: kinda inspired by outer banks, rich kid!oc, jk's a munch, oc pushes jk away 😔, they're a bit awkward together lol, outdoor sex, unprotected oral sex, cunnilingus, fingering, brief overstimulation, cum eating.
a.n.: don't get fooled... this isn't cherry!jk ik this one's a munch too but they're very different. you'll see 😉
The sunlight gently graces the skin of your face, enveloping you in a warm embrace, relaxing both your limbs and mind. It's around one p.m., the perfect hour to sunbathe by the pool and to reread the PLL series.
That's what you had planned for today, but you ended up doing something vastly different. Something a bit unpredictable and perverted... To your defence, this would have never happened if he hadn't decided to show up.
Technically, he didn't decide, he's just following the schedule your dad gave him, but still. This isn't entirely your fault; it takes two people to do something like this.
Your chest heaves rapidly as you're looking down between your legs, a hand pulling on his black locks while the other is thrown over your forehead. The lounge chair doesn't allow you to have much space, but you're handling it pretty well you think.
He's handling it well too because you can't imagine how his knees must hurt right now. They're probably all red, but he doesn't seem to mind. He's such a good boy. He knows you'd do the same for him, so he doesn't complain.
Your book is long forgotten on the ground beside your chair and the bookmark has been quickly secured between the pages the moment things have begun to be more intense.
You softly moan, your sounds accompanying the chirps of the birds and the far away noises of the neighbours mowing their lawns. This is public, yet very private. The fences prevent anyone from looking — and there are small chances of people hearing you, considering how big your backyard is and how far your neighbours are — but that doesn't mean nobody can't walk in on you two.
This was really impulsive of you.
Though it's risky and kind of stupid, you regret nothing. How could you when he's so skilled with his tongue...
"Are you usually that vocal?" Jungkook wonders, a stupid grin drawn on his pretty face. He rubs slow circles on your clit to compensate for the loss of his mouth, waiting patiently for your answer.
You let out a pleasant sigh, watching the pads of his fingers playing with your pussy, tattoos inked on his skin and chunky rings adorning his fingers.
You sink your teeth in your bottom lip, collecting your thoughts as Jungkook traces your entrance, dipping his fingers in just a little bit. He really likes to tease.
"When I like the guy," you say breathily, lazy eyes blinking up to stare at him. This only brightens Jungkook's smile and you're confused as to why it makes your stomach flutter.
"You like me?" He smirks, satisfied you've just confessed to liking him.
But you didn't. Or did you? Damn it.
You roll your eyes and grip his hair again. "Get back to business," you groan. You don't miss the laugh he lets out while you push down on his head, shoving his face back between your thighs.
He slides his fingers in completely and you gasp softly, loving how they stretch you out really well. You roll your hips slightly, getting used to the feeling of being full.
Jungkook parts his fingers, scissoring your insides to see how much he can stretch your pussy. He hums as if he was listening to it, and you don't know what it told him, but that was surely good advice because the next thing he does sends you over the moon.
He pumps his fingers in you and wraps his lips around your clit, stimulating two areas at the same time. "Oh, my god, Jungkook," you moan in pleasure, twisting his hair in your fist.
You have a hard time focusing on anything else than him, feeling the cool silver of his piercings brushing against your skin and your wetness dripping down your ass every time he thrusts into you.
You pass your fingers through his hair, your eyes not once looking away from his pink lips sucking on your poor little clit. His digits enter and exit your wet cunt at a rapid pace, eliciting moans and whines out of you, taking your breath away.
You clench your thighs around his head, feeling so overwhelmed right now, but it doesn't seem to bother him at all, on the contrary. Your legs hang over his large shoulders, shaking a little bit as he darts his tongue out to lap at your swollen bud.
He's changed the rhythm of his fingers, going in less faster — but still fast enough to make you roll your eyes back — to go deeper instead. Your juices drip down to his knuckles and he can't believe how wet you are, especially during a hot temperature like this.
"Mmmh," you hear him mumble against your pussy, completely obsessed with it. "Your pussy's so wet, baby," he observes, circling your clit with his thumb to look at you for a second. "Taste so fucking sweet."
You know it's just dirty talk, but you have to admit it has your heart beating excitedly in your chest. He smiles at you as you're a little bit dizzy, drunk on your sexual pleasure.
"Thanks," you reply and he chuckles, finding adorable how you become a bit stupid from getting fucked by his fingers. He curls them into you and you moan out when he brushes against your magic spot, knitting your eyebrows together. "There!" You exclaim, feeling Jungkook's hot breath hitting your pussy as he tilts his head down to look at his hand.
"Right there, baby?" He repeats to make sure he has found the correct spot. You nod repeatedly when you feel the pads of his fingers patting the spongy spot inside you, the knot in your stomach tightening. "Yeah? Okay, I got you, princess," he coos and continues sensually moving his fingers in you.
He focuses on his digits, calculating every single one of his movements. Your pussy quivers around him and he understands you won't last long if he keeps going at this rhythm, but that's exactly his goal, so he continues.
Then he comes to lick at your puffy clit, left alone for too long now. You whimper when he does so, flattening his pink muscle over your bud and moving it from side to side, still pumping his big fingers in and out of your sloppy pussy.
"Fuck, Jungkook!" You whine, being so close to your orgasm. He has such a good technique that works for you, it's so hard to not fall apart as soon as he puts his mouth on you. "I'm gonna cum," you warn him, voice breathy and kind of desperate at this point.
He hums against you, sending vibrations through your body. You curl your toes as you feel it burning at the pit of your stomach, ready to rip off and send you over the edge.
"Don't stop, please," you beg him, but you don't have to worry, he has no intention of stopping, especially not when your moans sound so sweet to his ears.
You're not sure if you should cry, moan or scream. Your little brain is so confused, never been that close to an orgasm all because of a man's fingers and tongue.
Where was Jungkook all those times you couldn't make yourself cum or you were left frustrated by useless men who had absolutely no idea how a pussy worked? He really should have come sooner.
This is it, it grows rapidly in your stomach, a sensation so intense and euphoric, exploding and passing through your entire body like an avalanche. Your moans are stuck in your throat and your fingers pull harshly on Jungkook's hair, trying to not fall too far.
Your legs shake beside his head and he groans when you clench around him, sucking his fingers in, his tongue gently stroking your clit as you slowly drive off your high.
He slips out of your pussy, quickly licking his fingers clean before pulling your legs apart wider. He lowers his mouth to your quivering hole, literally making out with it and drinking your arousal out of you to satisfy his thirst.
He opens and closes his mouth on your pussy while your legs are still shaking, coming down from your previous orgasm. "Jungkook, this is too much," you say in a whiny voice, gasping softly when you feel his tongue teasing your entrance.
It's only when he hears the sound of a car parking at the front of the house that he pulls himself away from your leaking sex. You look at him, as confused as he is. He hurriedly wipes his chin with the back of his hand and he picks up your bikini bottom from the ground, handing it to you.
He stands up as you put back on your bikini. "I thought you said my dad wouldn't come back until five p.m.!" You whisper-shout at Jungkook, passing your fingers in your hair, trying to detangle it and make yourself presentable — and not like you've just received head from the hot guy your father hired to mow the lawn and maintain the pool this summer.
"Yeah, I thought so too," he answers, guilty he may have misheard what your dad said to him.
You sigh, taking your towel and your book in hand, ready to go back in the house, but before you can Jungkook grabs your arm. "Call me later, yeah?"
You look up at him, surprised he just asked you that. Does it mean he wants... more? See you in another context than at your house?
You swallow, wondering if that's what you want. You guess you never considered boys could be interested in knowing you or hanging out with you after having sex. You didn't think Jungkook would want that either.
Your attention is brought to your dad when he enters the backyard, waving at Jungkook and you. "Hey, kids!" He yells from across the yard and you can't help but roll your eyes. He walks up to you two and you wish you could escape, but you don't want to get reprimanded by your dad after.
"Hi, sir," Jungkook greets him, smiling politely. "I did the front of the house like you asked," he explains, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I've cut around the patio, too."
"That's awesome, you did a great job, Jungkook," your father nods his head, clearly a sign that he's really proud of him. "How long did it take you?"
"One hour and a half, I'd say," he answers, not really sure when he got the job done since, well, he's been a little distracted by something else.
"Good. I'll go take my wallet, I left it in the truck," he points behind him and then glances at you, giving you a tap on the back. "You enjoyed the pool, honey? You applied sunscreen, right?"
"Yes, dad," you groan. You want one thing and it's to get out of this awkward situation as soon as possible. Your father then disappears, going to take his wallet to pay Jungkook.
This one looks back at you, sweet eyes laying on you. "So?"
"I'll call you later," you confirm, not giving him time to answer and going back inside.
·˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ♡
You look around the convenience store, searching for energy drinks. When you find them, you open the fridge's door, hesitating between a Rockstar or a Monster. There aren't many flavours, but you know you definitely won't take one without sugar. You decide to settle for a Monster, Pacific Punch flavour.
Now for the food. You eye the tteokbokki, but also the spicy ramen. You should combine both. And take some for your father, too. He always has night cravings like you.
As you check the different brands of ramen, wondering which one you feel like eating the most, someone says your name.
"You didn't call me."
You turn around and your eyes widen when you see Jungkook standing in front of you. Your heartbeat accelerates and you don't know what to say.
Your plan was to hide in the house the next time he'd come, avoiding him seemingly the best idea you've thought about, but of course, he had to find you here.
You feel bad as he looks at you with disappointed eyes as if he actually thought you'd call, that you were different and not like the others. Turns out that you're not. You're exactly like them, exactly like the people who you grew up with and who you live with.
"Um, well, I..." You stammer, caught red-handed. You glance down, biting down on your lip, too much of a coward to hold Jungkook's gaze. "No, I didn't," you sigh, admitting your mistake. "I... forgot."
He only lets out a 'mh' and you're really embarrassed. Yes, it was childish of you, but you don't understand what he expected. He works for your dad, you don't go to the same university, you don't have the same circle of friends, you have nothing in common.
Yet, when you look at him, it's like he knows everything about you — every single one of your secrets and fears.
"You don't have your eyebrow piercing anymore," you comment suddenly, desperately searching for a way to make things less awkward, to redeem yourself or whatever that would make him stop looking at you like you're a bad person.
He touches his eyebrow as if to confirm his piercing's really gone. "Yeah, it was a bitch to disinfect," he shrugs and hides his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.
"I really liked it," you say honestly.
The corner of his mouth tugs upward and you can't help but do the same, butterflies erupting in your stomach. "I've noticed." His eyes glint and your face heats up immediately when you understand what he's referring to.
Last time, you couldn't stop running your fingers over his face, touching his eyebrow piercing when he was kissing you. You don't know why you were doing that, but there was something that really fascinated you about it.
Fortunately, Jungkook didn't mind you touching him. He quite really enjoyed it, in fact.
When he doesn't say anything else, you quickly take two packs of ramen with the tteokbokki and your energy juice. You turn around and Jungkook's still there.
"Are you eating with someone?" He questions and he knows how it sounds, but he's only curious. If it's the reason why you didn't call, he wants you to tell him.
"Um, it's for my dad and me," you reply. "We're the kind to eat at like... one a.m.," you chuckle and he smiles at the sound of your laugh. "And you?" You ask back even though he's not holding anything other than his cellphone.
"Oh, just filling up the gas tank," he points outside where his car is parked. "But I might take a snack. Yours make me hungry."
"You should," you nod your head.
He sends you a faint smile before passing by you, walking to the other aisle. You watch him for a second, analyzing his outfit. Black baggy jeans, a graphic white hoodie and beige beanie.
You go pay for your items and it's only when you push the door that you get a glimpse of Jungkook walking up to the cashier. He doesn't see you so you exit the store, refraining yourself from looking back.
·˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ♡
a.n.: hellooo you guys... 🤭
i had jungkook working for oc's dad in mind for likeee a long time and since it's summer, i finally found the time to write it... i have more planned for this fic (obvi because I wouldn't make it end like this 🫣), so this isn't just a drabble, it's more like a test to see if you're interested in this story. so tell me if you want it to become a lil series. ngl, i'm very insecure about this one idk why 😭 but let me know if you'd like to read a next part!
part 1: call me later ☼ part 2: call me soon ☾ part 3: call me tomorrow ☼
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toji-girl · 27 days
18+ only content - mdni
tw: fem reader + dark content + step-dad trope + you are referred to as girl once + suggestive + oc characters
"Girl! Your dad is hawt!" Emi screeched alongside Mai and Sam who watched as your step-dad worked outside under the heat of sun.
Toji decided to go shirtless in favor of his little fanclub that he wasn't blind to but pretended he didn't see your friends checking him out with no shame despite the silver band on his finger.
You, on the other hand, only spoke to him when it was necessary. "You guys are gross. He's old."
"Yes, but he's experienced and probably hung like a -" You stopped Sam by holding your hand up, rolling your eyes and heading downstairs.
They decided not to follow after you and instead watch Toji from your bedroom window until he entered the kitchen at the same time as you.
Your eyes met in a heated gaze, reminding you of the scorching sun outside that could melt ice cream in a matter of seconds, and his look could melt your panties off.
Charged silence filled the kitchen as you both headed for the refrigerator, trying to avoid his bare skin touching you or you looking at him.
It wasn't that you didn't respect him or anything. He was just - too much. Toji loved to tease you and make you all flustered to a point.
He was like a parasite inside your brain, eating away at the limbic system until you felt you were going to explode from it.
You grabbed several water bottles and held them in your arms. "I won't be home tonight."
Toji leaned against the counter, looking at you, his facial expression blank as his eyes took in the dress you wore, revealing and sexy as sin.
Which is what you were. Temptation.
He couldn't give in, but something lured him to you like a moth to light seeking comfort. You made him feel something he hasn't felt in forever, making him feel young again.
You breathed life into his lungs when he thought there was no more left, you were already gone and out of the house living with your biological father when Toji met your mom.
She was like you but now she was cold and stiff.
"Where are you going to be? I hope it ain't out with some loser." He replied, his eyes remaining on your face even though he wanted to look lower.
His palm twitched when you rolled your eyes at him before walking out of the kitchen, stopping at the doorway to look back at him.
"I'll come home, Daddy, don't worry!" You called out in a sickly, sweet fake tone, knowing that it made him groan but you didn't know how hard it made him either.
135 notes · View notes
katuschka · 20 days
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Olalla – Chapter Three
Josh Kiszka x female OC
8025 words
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, intended for adult readers. Any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. Also, if you're under 18, go find some other entertainment elsewhere. Even though this chapter is still smut-free, the rest of the story won't be.
Warnings: angst, yearning, kissing, fluff, conflict and violent behaviour, alcohol consumption, slowburn, mental breakdown, LGBT themes, homophobia (World's not perfect and some people suck...not the main characters though, don't worry).
Previous Chapter Olalla masterlist
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What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you
No, I don't wanna fall in love With you
Every once in a while, you experience something nice that somehow leaves a bitter aftertaste in your mouth. Just like when you’re watching a beautiful sunset, thinking about how trifling and unimportant our daily feuds and worries are in comparison to the macrocosm and its wonders. The moment feels so precious. …but the world keeps spinning and as soon as you turn around, you once again find yourself submerged in the stale waters of your petty life.
Not that she felt that her life was in any way stale. It was just that as soon as she closed the door behind him, the whole encounter seemed like a fever dream in retrospect. One she wished would continue, because during those few hours, everything felt so new, so out of ordinary, including the fact that it did not continue. 
So, she tried to rationalize it and eventually concluded that she didn’t want more. This felt right…albeit weird, because it was simply different. He was different, and therefore dangerous. 
Much more casual encounters often ended in fucking. It was her reality. The guys she willingly chose to spend time with were either not interested at all in the end, or didn’t want to let go. At least not until they got a taste of all of her. Either way, it ended up in relief. Rinse and repeat. Joshua’s touch remained imprinted on her skin like some sort of sensory tattoo, and it left her mind racing. The effect he had on her was pretty much unwelcome, the feelings that came with it were not particularly pleasant, but she involuntarily clung to them anyway. 
His goodnight was definitive, and even though it didn’t feel like a rejection, it stayed outside her threshhold, just as he did. The night that followed was not good at all. The subconscious mind is a bitch. She spent it tossing and turning and waking up in between shallow dreams filled with images of his face just within reach, yet she couldn't bring herself to touch it. Before the actual dawn, she dreamed about them sitting on top of a mountain, watching the Sun rise. He was singing again. 
Reality hit back when Agnieszka’s alarm clock rang at 4:30. Having fallen asleep long past midnight, and then again around two and three – because she couldn’t get the feeling of his lips on her cheek out of her head – she woke up with stinging eyes and a burning headache, with a long day ahead of her. She slowly dragged herself from the cozy bed to start preparing breakfast and snack-to-go packages for early hikers. 
She usually enjoyed this. Morning chats over coffee were generally warmer and gave her the opportunity to talk to the guests about more than just how their day went and to connect with others on a more personal level, while sitting at the same table with them. They were a nuisance today. It wasn’t their fault. Just a group of young women in their early 20s and a nice couple getting ready for their last hike before going back home the next day. Definitely not an unpleasant company. Without admitting it to herself, or even consciously thinking about it, she just wished he’d be one of them. 
He was probably still fast asleep when she left to do some early shopping before her daily chores. He was already gone when she came back. Visitors kept their keys, but they were asked to leave special hangers on their door handles when leaving, which proved useful in case they wanted to have their bathrooms cleaned or sheets changed. So, of course she checked his door. And then scolded herself for her unhealthy curiosity. 
She almost forgot about him by midday, too immersed in cleaning vacated rooms and getting them ready for new arrivals. Fridays and Saturdays were the most hectic of the whole week, with people generally coming or leaving at weekends. Finally, after three pm, she could get some rest and enjoy her afternoon coffee (with just a drop of Bayleys) behind the reception desk, reading the book she abandoned the previous evening, with just a few interruptions that day. 
At half past four, the bell above the main door chimed again and there he was, entering quietly, but turning to a full theatrical mode the moment he saw her. This guy must be fun at parties, no doubt about that. He spread out his arms and trotted like a musical actor right towards her in his brand new attire. “How do I look?” he asked while wiggling his eyebrows. 
At first she thought her heart would jump out of her chest when she saw him for the first time since the previous night, but his easygoing, comical behaviour immediately made her relax. “Like a walking Columbia advertisement,” she laughed. 
“Yeah, well, I normally prefer flannels, but the guy at the store said this is more appropriate. I hate polyester…unless it’s sparkly…but I’m willing to try this,” he shrugged – tugging at the fabric demonstratively – and leaned familiarly on the counter. “How was your day?”
“Busy and boring at the same time. I should be the one asking that question. Have you seen or done anything interesting today? I mean, apart from becoming one of us,” she finished the sentence with a quasi-sultry whisper and dared to lean in closer to him. The truth was that the dark tight-fitting crewneck accentuated his lean and firm figure in a way that made her feel a bit uneasy. That man wasn’t just “quite attractive”, he was sexy! Humour and banter was her usual way of dealing with unwelcome butterflies in her stomach. And it worked, because they both giggled before he answered. 
“Nothing much, just wandering around. I didn’t dare venture far before breaking in these,” he demonstratively lifted one leg to show her his right trekking boot. “Besides, I don’t know it here. I tried to follow some folks, but the path turned to a steep and stony one pretty soon and my feet hurt like hell after just a couple miles and…” 
“Wait a minute,” she started rummaging under the counter. “I forgot to give you these. Here are some maps and leaflets with touristic tracks. Stick to those if you don't want to be chased by a bear. Also, it’s a national park, so you just have to anyway. Also, tomorrow’s going to rain all day, so you might want to visit the Tatra Museum.”
“Oh, bummer. The whole day?” The meaning of everything he said was amplified tenfold by his wild gesticulations and body language. It was like watching a silent actor, except he wasn’t silent at all. “Thank you so much for these? Any recs for a good place to eat? I tried the one right at the end of the street yesterday. It was good, but I’d like to try something more local.”
She reached behind her for some more leaflets and handed him a couple. “There are a few nearby. We serve dinner to our guests as well, but you need to preorder it at least a day in advance…but that’s usually just a plain, home-cooked meal, nothing fancy.”
“But that sounds fantastic! I’m pre-ordering dinner for tomorrow then,” he beamed, and added hopefully: “Care to join me today?” “I can’t, I need to go help with the dinner in about an hour and then I have some more things to do in the evening.” His face fell with a silent oh and for a brief moment she actually did hate her job. Was he asking her on a date? It certainly felt that way. Maybe he just didn’t want to be alone. It didn’t really matter. He wanted her to say yes and she didn’t want to say no, and even if it meant just two people eating together, it would be just fine. He lingered awkwardly for a short while before he wished her a pleasant evening, hoping to see her again soon. She didn’t want to let him go just yet, not just like that… “Joshua, wait!”
“yes…?” he turned back to her with his arms flailing around like a marionette. 
“My dad throws a garden party for our guests every Sunday evening...if the weather allows, that is. His grilled pork chops are delicious,” she tried to sound as casual as possible to hide the fact that she really wanted him to join them. “I…ummm…am supposed to invite everyone,” she added. 
“That sounds great, but…I don’t really eat pork…or meat in general.” He looked almost sorry that he didn’t. 
“Oh! Well, there’s always mom’s redcurrant pie, and some grilled vegetables, too…” Pathetic. 
“Lovely! I'll be there.” And with a beaming smile, he disappeared upstairs. 
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The next day started as blue-ish gray when she woke up and soon turned to just gray. Breakfast didn’t need to be served before seven, as half of the people were leaving that day and the other half simply weren’t in a rush. Some even cancelled, preferring to go have fancier pancakes with ice-cream and forest fruit in some café nearby. Heavy rain was drumming on the roof and terraces, and the clouds were hanging low, turning the surrounding hills into a haunting, misty landscape.   
It was a lazy, sleepy day. A perfect day for a massage, or to go to the sauna…if you were staying in one of the fancier lodgings. The residents of Willa Eulalia were mostly bored, with just TV or board games to pass time. 
Nothing really changed much for Agnieszka. If anything, Saturday proved to be even more hectic, because mother wasn’t feeling well. So, the usual routine consisting of vacuuming, changing the sheets and cleaning the toilets turned to be even more tiresome, as she had to do it all by herself. 
The house went almost completely silent after lunch. It was already almost two pm when she finally reached the attic to make the room opposite to Joshua’s ready for a new visitor. She didn’t have much time left; new guests would start coming shortly. 
It looked like he was still in his room, possibly having a nap. The rain only intensified after lunch and it was fairly easy to get drowsy here, right under the roof. She turned on the vacuum cleaner on the lowest setting and proceeded to do what she was supposed to, while fighting off obsessive thoughts about getting drowsy with him… 
She was almost done when she heard some disturbance coming from the other room. It sounded like him arguing with someone. Honouring the house’s number one rule “privacy first”, she collected all her things and aimed to leave the attic as quickly as possible. Not quickly enough, though, because his sudden loud “I don’t fucking care,” followed by something hitting the wall, stopped her in her tracks. It was followed by even more incoherent yelling. “Something was not his fault and some Sam should do something instead, and someone was advised to suck his dick (Figuratively speaking – she hoped, half amused.), otherwise she couldn’t make sense of the one-sided argument. The call ended and she was finally about to descend the stairs, when he suddenly opened the door, making her jump. She shot him a terrified look and his own expression wasn’t much different. “Sorry for the noise,” he finally mumbled. “...I…need some fresh air.” With that, he ran past her down the stairs. 
The whole encounter troubled her, but she didn’t have much time to ponder over it, as she already had to hurry back to the reception to resume her afternoon duties, noticing him on the veranda on her way there. 
She couldn’t stop thinking about it though. The lobby was connected with the back veranda by a wide, transverse corridor, so when she leaned forward a bit, she could easily see him from her place behind the counter. He was still standing there, leaning against the balustrade with his arms outstretched and his head bent down. It triggered her inner caretaker. She couldn’t just leave him there like that, so she poured some fresh water in the electric kettle behind the counter and rummaged through her little box of teabags. 
“Hey, I made you some tea,” she approached him with the steaming mug and placed it carefully on the balustrade next to him. He looked at it and smiled weakly. “Thanks, Sheldon.”
She laughed at the reference but he didn’t reciprocate, so she continued warily: “The ghost called again? “No, that was my twin brother this time.”
“You sounded a bit agitated. I thought…”
“Olalla, I really, really don’t want to be rude, but when I said I needed fresh air, I really meant I needed to be alone.” 
She was taken aback by that and her eyes widened at him. “I’m sorry, I…”
“Thanks for the tea,” he sighed and left, leaving her alone with her thoughts again. Slightly shaken this time. 
He disappeared for the rest of the day. 
He didn’t come to dinner that evening either. 
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She stayed on the veranda for a few more minutes after he left, drinking the tea she made for him and watching fat raindrops splashing on the stony path leading to the fireside. She was mad at herself for letting him occupy her mind the way he did those past few days. For the first time in years, she allowed someone to get under her skin, and for what. Now it stung, and it would eventually get worse if she continued with this nonsense. Rinse and repeat. So, she just shrugged it off with an annoyed huff and put her walls back up, just like she always did. The path from hurt to pissed off to indifferent was a short and safe one. 
And then, just like a gift from above, the bell at the front door chimed and she hurried back to greet three young and carefree handsome men who were waiting for her at the reception desk. 
She knew them. They were their frequent guests, one of them being also her regular hook-up. She had been looking forward to seeing him and his radiant smile again, but then nearly forgot they were coming. It was a welcome distraction now, the only downside being her sister Maya who was also arriving the next day to spend a week…and Maya hated him. 
Agnieszka knew very well why. Maya hated fuckboys and Bartek was the epitome of that. Pretty and vain and often notoriously bad-tempered when challenged, which meant he hated her sister back with passion. However, that never stopped Agnieszka from welcoming him with open arms, because he always gave her what she wanted and he never wanted more. He was one of her wolves. So screw tomorrow, she needed some comfort now. As soon as she finished her daily tasks and he freshened up and got comfortable in his rented room after the long ride from Poznan, he joined her in her quarters for one of their regular “movie nights”. They hardly ever finished watching any.
She found no comfort in his touch that night, though. After snuggling closer to him on the couch, she felt nothing. His thieving hands and intrusive tongue started to annoy her after a while. The excuse of being maybe a bit too tired was a lame one. It was not a complete lie and he knew she worked hard, but he seemed annoyed all the same. After she literally invited him to join her, she couldn’t really blame him, so she just slid on her knees on the floor and gave him head instead. 
There was something strangely calming about giving head and gagging on a cock. Those brief moments of not being in control made her feel like she could control everything else.. When it was finally over and she rested her head in his once again clothed lap, feeling his fingers scratching her scalp affectionately (but not too much), she felt calm at last. They were both half asleep when they heard a knock. Agnieszka slowly scrambled up on her feet, excused herself and opened the door to find Joshua standing there. 
“Hey,” he bounced on the balls of his heels with a tentative smile and his eyebrows furrowed. “I feel like I should apologize for being such an ass earlier. And…I’m making some mint tea and I thought, maybe you’d like some, too? Just to reciprocate your kindness, you know?” he nodded towards the common kitchen in the hall. 
Agnieszka bit her lip to stop her from smiling back. Not that he didn’t deserve it, she just didn’t feel worthy of giving it. She had her own kitchen unit in her apartment, so this was just a nice, albeit awkward gesture and they both knew it. He just didn’t want to approach her completely empty handed. 
“It’s ok.”
“No, it’s not, and I really am sorry.”
“It’s fine, Joshua. I’m basically just a maid and I had no right to bother you when you were clearly upset by…whatever’s going on in your life. It’s not like we’re friends.”
He sighed and nodded solemnly. “I really hoped that we would be. I…anyway, I went to this store today. They sell crystals and stuff, and this kinda reminded me of your eyes. Please, keep it.” He took her hand, palm up, and placed a small malachite pendant in it. “Good night to you, Olalla…” He bowed his head down and was about to leave when a loud “kto to jest” made it snap back up to see a man suddenly standing in the doorway right next to her, his hand squeezing her shoulder almost possessively. Bartek looked first at Josh, then at the piece of stone in her hand and his eyebrows shot up. He was athletic and broad shouldered and, being taller by at least 5 inches, he towered over Joshua menacingly.
He was also shirtless, with the waistband sitting dangerously low on his hips. That, together with Olalla’s sheer bathrobe, told him everything he needed to know. 
“Oh, I see I’m interrupting…again, my apologies Olalla.”  Bartek didn’t even wait for him to leave; he slammed the door shut right in his face. The bang made Agnieszka jump. 
“Who the fuck was that, Olalla!?”  
“No one. Just a guest.” He had no right to do that, and she should have been angry, but his sudden shift in mood made her defensively meek. 
“Guests don’t come knocking on your door this late to give you trinkets unless they want much more than just room service. I thought one at a time was your rule,” he raised his voice and slammed his fist against the door. “Guests don’t call you Olalla!”
“Bart! Stop overreacting! He just…”
“Is that why you’re so frigid today? Bitch…” 
He grabbed the rest of his discarded clothes from the couch and before Agnieszka could even react, threw the door open again and stormed out. She started after him, only to watch him pass bewildered Joshua, who really was making tea in the common hallway kitchen. Bartek stopped in his tracks and hissed in broken English, gesturing back at her: “Already you can go back, Frodo. The dirty whore is your now.” 
With that, he disappeared down the stairs and left them standing there in silence. He with a jug kettle in his hand, frozen in motion; she clutching the door frame for dear life. From the look on his face, she could tell that he had overheard them arguing too, though he thankfully couldn’t understand a single word of it, though he must have gotten the general idea. They watched each other with wide eyes for a few long seconds, until hers welled with tears.
He could see hurt and shame and panic in them. “Olalla,” he whispered and slowly made his way towards her, but she quickly closed the door shut, crouched down and, overwhelmed with all the emotions from the past few days, started crying in earnest. She tried to suppress her sobs so that he wouldn’t hear her as soon as she heard soft knocks again. This time, she didn’t open. The whole house fell quiet again after a while. She slowly got back on her feet and unclenched her fists. 
A warm piece of polished malachite was burning a hole in her palm. 
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The clouds finally dissipated during the night and the inhabitants of Willa Eulalia were once again greeted by a clear, pinkish sky on the eastern horizon, the Sun painting the whole mountain range orange. Most of the people left early, so after 7 am, only families with young kids were still in their rooms or on their balconies, enjoying the breakfast as well as the fragrant air after yesterday’s rain, already warmed by the sun. 
Agnieszka had lulled herself to sleep the previous night with a little help of a significant amount of vodka and not even the fresh breeze was of much help in easing the consequent nausea. 
She suffered through the morning, thanking god that both Bartek and Joshua were gone, hopefully for the whole day. It was just a postponement of her torture, but it was welcome all the same. 
Her younger sister Maya arrived shortly after lunch, and – seeing both her mother and her sister looked like they might fall asleep on the spot – she quickly took over their duties. Agnieszka excused herself and climbed in her bed, wishing to disappear. Maya tried to get her back on her feet a few times during the afternoon, but failed miserably. It was already past 8 pm when she arrived again. Agnieszka could hear that the garden party had already started outside her window, and she just wished Maya would understand that she didn’t want to join them. Apparently not…
“There’s a gentleman asking if you would join us.” 
“Tell Bart he can fuck off.”
“Pfff,” Maya scoffed. “I already did. That fucker and his idiot buddies went out anyway, probably to the World’s End. And by ‘gentleman’ I mean a real gentleman. Though he’s a bit of a weirdo.” 
Agnieszka suddenly had a huge lump in her throat, but didn’t say anything, so Maya continued: “He also told me what happened.” 
“He did what?”
“I was at the reception about an hour ago when the German lady from room 9 made a complaint about a noise yesterday evening,” Maya started to explain while she was rummaging in her sister’s wardrobe. She was obviously determined to drag Agnieszka out of her room and into the garden by sheer force, if necessary. “I obviously didn’t know what she was talking about, because my sister doesn’t tell me anything anymore. Duh! That’s when he walked in, overheard us, said it was his fault and apologized to her. Then he explained to me what really happened,” she finished and threw black yoga pants and a fluffy powder-pink pullover on Agnieszka’s bed. 
“It wasn’t his fault,” Agnieszka mumbled into the pillow.
“Now you’re finally talking! Yeah, no shit. I figured. The poor guy obviously got dragged into your mess. And yet he still wants to see you. Seriously, who is he? And why is your face suddenly red like a baboon's ass? Is there a legitimate reason why Bart behaved like a total jerk this time?” she wiggled her eyebrows at Agnieszka theatrically. 
Agnieszka gave her an annoyed look. “I don’t even know who he is. And we just talked a few times. And…yeah, just talking. We spent an evening talking and then he kissed my cheek goodnight and that’s it.” She rummaged in her pocket and showed Maya the green pendant. “He also gave me this yesterday. Said it reminded him of my eyes. That was before Bart’s temper tantrum. I can’t go there, Maya. It’s better if I stay away from him, for the sake of his own wellbeing.”
“Wow. Interesting! So you’re saying the two of you are treating each other like real human beings? Didn’t know you had it in you. He’s sweet though, no surprise there. I think he likes you. His smile reminds me of…”
Maya knew she overstepped. But she wouldn’t budge. Instead, she sat on the bed and started stroking Agnieszka’s hair.
“Olalla, baby, stop shying away from people. Just go. Spend another evening talking. In spite of what you think, it will do you good. Besides, you invited him, and he’s there. It’d be rude not to show up.”
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She could spot him immediately when she set foot in the garden. He was sitting on a piece of log by the fireplace, facing her. He was deep in conversation with some other guests, but as soon as he saw her, he gave her a radiant smile. His face was enchanting in the firelight, sparks dancing around it like fireflies. On her way to him, she stopped just briefly by the long table to grab a glass of wine. 
“Hey…” She still felt uncertain and a little ashamed when she reached him. “I…didn’t have an opportunity to thank you for this,” she continued, while toying with the pendant and looking down at him bashfully.
“Good evening, Olalla,” he beamed and gestured to an empty spot to his left. “Please sit.”
“You had the opportunity,” he added as soon as she sat down. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. Your reaction was more than understandable. But I’m glad you’re here now.”
“You must think low of me.” 
“I think highly of you! You’re a hard worker, you obviously love nature and those carrot cupcakes are delicious! Maya told me you baked them this morning even though you weren’t feeling well. So,” he cleared his throat and giggled. “Now we both apologized to each other, I’m gonna need your advice.” 
“What advice?” It was Maya, the nosy brat who just couldn’t miss an opportunity to stick that nose into anything that didn’t concern at all. 
He was taken aback for just a millisecond before he resumed his quick babbling again. The fact that he was now forced to turn his head from side to side gave him also the opportunity to start gesticulating wildly, which he clearly enjoyed. 
“So, I decided to go for a proper, all day hike today. But apart from the fact that I absolutely don’t know where to go – I was never good at reading maps – there were sooo many people everywhere! Which was a good thing, in a way, because I didn’t get lost. BUT…”
“Where did you go?” Maya interrupted him. The two of them were like two peas in a pod.   
“Kash…kashp…dammit! How do you guys do that? My tongue, ouch!”
Agnieszka finally laughed, for the first time that day. “Kasprowy Wierch?” 
He nodded eagerly. “Yea! That’s the one! Nice place, don’t get me wrong, but my god! It was crowded up there.”
“Of course, it’s Sunday, and you chose the only place with a cable car,” she explained, as both she and Maya laughed. 
“Well now I feel like a complete moron,” he responded to that in a cheerful tone and even wilder gesticulation. 
“So, what advice do you need, Joshua?” 
“Well, I was thinking…since you said that you work as a guide occasionally…that you would just go with me? I’d love to see some more secluded places and I can’t go alone – you said that yourself – and I wouldn’t even know where to go, so…please?” He grinned, batting his eyelashes at her. 
“But that’s mostly for families or older couples or…”
“But that’s a wonderful idea!” Maya interrupted her. “You should definitely go.” 
“I have work to do,” Agnieszka spat back. 
“Bullshit. I’m here until Wednesday, I can do that. And tomorrow’s going to be even more beautiful than today, according to the forecast.”
“Perfect! Olalla, pleeeeeease,” he turned to her. “Hey, you have nothing to drink,” he gestured to her already empty glass and took it from her. “Lemme refill it while you’ll decide to say yes.”
“Hey, who’s the guest here?”
He gave her an “oh, come on” look, took her glass and excused himself. 
“What are you doing?” Agnieszka hissed at Maya as soon as the coast was clear. 
“It’s been a long time since you looked so radiant. You’ve been miserable for way too long. Enjoy life for once. You like him! And he obviously likes you,” Maya said, nodding towards the long table. Agnieszka looked up too and they watched him shooting glances back at them.
“It’s irresponsible,” Agnieszka hissed back. “He’s leaving by the end of the month.”
“Yeah yeah, totally out of your character,” Maya responded sarcastically. “Since when does this bother you? And what exactly do you expect to happen? Just go have some fun. Two friends enjoying a hike.” 
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She planned a beautiful hike. Secluded, just as he wished. Away from selfie hunters. The whole trek was on the Slovakian side of the mountains, but that wasn’t an issue. They would start right at the border and cross the whole mountain range from north to south, taking the bus back to the starting place. It was a physically demanding, long trek, with almost no shelters along the road and no escape routes. That’s why not many people ventured there, even though the first half was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places here. Joshua was beyond excited. 
They agreed to meet by her car at half past six the next morning. She would take care of all the necessities. All Joshua had to do was to show up on time with a backpack and some spare clothes. He failed miserably. 
At quarter to seven, she finally decided to knock on his door. “Joshua, come on! We need to leave NOW if you don’t want me to change the plan.” A moment later she heard a loud “oh fuck!” and some scrambling noise. “COMING!”
“Coming,” he breathed out when he finally opened the door, shirtless again, still in his sleeking sweatpants and with a literal nest on the top of his head. “I’m sooo sorry! Gimme ten minutes. Ten minutes max!”
“I’ll be waiting by my car,” she rolled her eyes and sighed. 
He finally showed up after another 25 minutes, overflowing with joy and…
“What’s that?” she pointed at his face. 
“Sunglasses,” he shrugged with a beaming smile. 
“You call this sunglasses?” 
“I’m a diva! Deal with it,” he responded affectedly and threw his backpack on the backseat. 
It was almost eight when they finally set off. The track was an easy one for the first ten kilometres, with just a slight ascent. It was – however – breathtaking from the very start, with the whole amphitheatre of jagged peaks opening up before them in the distance. Joshua was taking pictures the whole time. He was also talking the whole time, stopping only when the pathway became very steep all of the sudden. 
They surmounted a few levels and finally decided to take a break by a beautiful mountain lake. 
It was almost noon, but there were still barely any clouds in the sky and it was getting really hot, even at this altitude. Agnieszka wiped the sweat off her brow and splashed her bare arms with some cold water, while Joshua stripped from his shirt and jumped on a large stone sticking out of the water. He was now standing there with his arms outstretched and his head tilted back. She watched him in amusement, shielding her eyes with her hand. “If you want to go on like this, you’ll definitely need to apply more sunscreen.”
“What? Are you saying that pink wouldn’t suit me? I beg to differ, my lady!” He turned towards her in some sort of clumsy pirouette and nearly lost his balance, flailing his arms and leg around in an attempt to stay dry. “Watch it!” She laughed, but was also already rummaging in her backpack. “And no. I’m serious. Come here.” He jumped back and she handed him her bottle. 
“Hmmm, coconut ice cream,” he sniffed at the healthy amount of lotion he just poured on his palm and started rubbing it in the skin on his arms and chest. “I was delicious before, but now I’m going to be practically irresistible.” Agnieszka was just taking a sip out of her bottle and his cheekiness made her cough. 
“What, you don’t think so?” He wiggled his eyebrows on her. “I might need help with the back,” he added. 
“I’d rather not answer that question. Come sit,” she motioned to the flat stone in front of her. 
He turned his back on her and sat between her legs, throwing his messy braid over his shoulder. It was adorned with silver dreadlock beads today and she couldn’t help but smile at his unashamed quirkiness. “Why don’t you wanna answer that question?” he asked with a low voice when she started applying the sunscreen between his shoulder blades. 
She took a deep breath through her nose and squeezed her eyes shut for a second. This close, she could smell his own musky scent under the overpowering aroma of the sunscreen, and it made her dizzy. She watched tiny droplets of sweat running down his sides from under his armpits. Running her hands over his lower back, she involuntarily imagined the same thing in a completely different scenario. She really wanted this to be just two friends on a trip, just as Maya said, but his delicate, yet manly form and his direct, spontaneous personality made it almost impossibly hard. She just couldn’t get the feral thoughts out of her head, no matter how hard she tried. “You don’t need coconuts, Joshua,” she muttered under her breath.
He…giggled? This man was either completely unaware of his power or too comfortable with it. Either way, she just wanted to push him in that water. She was sure it would make a hiss. 
She squeezed more lotion in her palm and started rubbing his shoulders. “You’re a bit tense here.”
“Yeah, my lower neck’s been hurting lately. I haven’t had much exercise in a while,” he sighed. 
“Here?” She pressed both thumbs in his higher trapeze muscles and he let out an involuntary moan. They both chose to act as if he hadn’t. 
“So…you exercise? What exactly do you do?
“Yoga, mostly. Some light weights, too. I need to keep fit because of…work.”
“Work, huh? You told me quite a lot about your family, but I still don’t know what your job is.” He looked like one of those contemporary circus acrobatic dancers – she contemplated half-jokingly – but that probably wasn’t the case. He was too clumsy. 
It took him a while to respond. “A secret agent,” he finally let out. “And unfortunately, now I have to kill you.” That made her slap his shoulder in amusement. “Ok, ok, I work as a costume mannequin. It’s an extremely important job. They pay well, too.” 
Sighing exasperatedly, she pinched his side, making him squirm and squeak. He was keeping something from her, but she had learned not to pry. “Ok, done.” She wiped the rest of the lotion on her things and he shifted and sat next to her, still laughing, until she handed him a water bottle. “Now drink. I haven’t seen you drink much and I don’t want you to collapse on the road. You’re tiny, but I still couldn’t carry you all the way down.” Everytine she felt vulnerable, she resorted to this strategy of making clear that she was in charge of the situation, could take care of herself and should take care of others…or whatever. It was her way to weed out the toxic people. Some guys would be mortally offended by such a treatment. Joshua? He just saluted her with a “yes, ma’am” and obeyed. 
They sat in silence for a while, only an occasional hawk screech or an intelligible chatter of two girls sitting further up breaking the zen-like piece of the place. “Thank you,” she finally spoke, toying with the malachite pendant hanging around her neck. 
He looked at her with amusement. “You already did.”
“No, I mean for not treating me like…what were the words he used? Oh yeah, a dirty whore. Which I guess I am. But you’re not judging me. So, thank you.”  
He rested his face on his fist and looked at her. “Why should I be judging you? People need human touch. That’s completely normal.” 
“Some more than others, I suppose. I’m just pathetic.”
“I think you’re just lonely,” he said, toying with the water bottle absentmindedly. 
“I’m not,” she huffed.
“Are you sure?”
She didn’t respond, silently watching the ripples on the lake. The idea of being lonely was one she willingly chose not to entertain a long time ago. She had her people. She had sex. She had this. She was ok. 
His palm that gently cupped her face brought her from her reverie. His fingers slid down to the nape of her neck while his thumb continued to caress her cheek. She instinctively leaned into the touch with her eyes closed and when she opened them again, she saw him watching her intently. 
Her heart started beating wildly. “What are you doing,” she whispered. He just shook his head and bit his lip before he moved even closer and closed the gap between them. She could feel his plump lips on hers and her whole body twitched in shock, making him break the contact. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his eyelids drooping, but she grabbed his face in her own shaking hands and pressed her parted lips to his again in silent plea. The tip of his tongue brushed against her upper lip, inviting her own to touch him. Their mouths finally fully connected in a soft, deep and sensual kiss that made them both feel completely light-headed. None of them wanted this to end and they continued for at least a minute, swallowing each other’s shaky exhales. At last he broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers. “What is this? she whispered again. 
“I don’t know… and I don’t care, to be honest,” he mumbled, finally opening his eyes as they broke the contact entirely. She didn’t know where to look, didn’t even know how to process her own thoughts, so she just checked her Garmin matter-of-factly, only to see how late it already was. “We should get moving.” 
“I don’t think I can,” he giggled in embarrassment. “Just…give me a minute.” She nodded weakly in acknowledgement and got up to re-pack their things. 
They resumed their way up the steep and stony path in complete silence save for their laboured breath until they reached another levelled post-glacial terrace with yet another alpine lake right under the narrow saddle that divided the northern set of valleys from the southern mountain range. They were now approximately in the middle of their journey and the route was getting slightly more exposed. At one point, they had to traverse a narrow ledge above the lake. It was the first passage with safety chains they had to cross that day, and by far the easiest one, as she assured him, which only made him nervous. 
They took a short break before ascending to refresh themselves when they reached the crossing and had two ways to choose from, both leading to their final destination. The one to the left was fit for more seasoned adventurers, and – based on the people coming and going – that included also kids in their early teens or older women, so it could be done. She knew it could, she had gone there a few times before. But, seeing him watch the narrow and jagged depression between two peaks in the distance warily, Agnieszka finally decided on the path leading right up to the more easily accessible saddle. It proved to be a wise choice just a short while after. Watching him struggle while descending on the other side, clawing the chains with terror in his eyes, was fun. Him falling or panicking in the middle of the ascent wouldn’t be. 
He even misstepped eventually when they were descending down a set of cramps onto another ledge. His foot slid down the last iron bar clumsily and his bare back collided with her chest, nearly knocking them both down. 
She caught him and steadied him and they laughed it off, but there was something strange about the whole situation. She felt an underlying tension between them after she released him and they genuinelly looked each other in the eye for the first time since the kiss. He brushed the back of his hand against her arm, trying to communicate something, until the people behind them gestured to them to move. 
He led the way this time, jumping from stone to stone, high on endorphins, as if his knees were made of rubber. A wild chamois. Her own shins started to burn, the exhaustion of the past few days already taking its toll. He was unstoppable though, basking in the afternoon sun and once again taking pictures of everything around him, including her on a few occasions. Some things were still left unsaid and the more tired she felt with each passing hour, the more it troubled her. The events of the day made her simply wonder, but one specific feeling that started to rear its ugly head scared her.
It was half past six when they finally reached Stary Smokovec, both completely exhausted and thirsty, but happy they made it in time. The last bus to Lysa Polana was leaving at 7:05. They had just enough time to use the restroom at the electric train station and to buy some bottled water to relieve the headache. 
Reaching the bus station, they found the girls they had previously met by the lake already waiting there. They took the other route at the crossing and were now also headed back to Lysa Polana. They were a nice and friendly couple, so when the bus arrived, Agnieszka and Joshue took the seat right behind them. 
The sun was already low in the sky, covering the world outside in a warm hue and a fresh, lukewarm breeze was flowing through the open roof window. The sound of the moving machine made them drowsy and they watched the changing scenery in silence. It was suddenly so peaceful. One of the girls in front of them rested her head lovingly on the other one’s shoulder and Agnieszka wished to do the same, but just couldn’t muster enough courage to do so. 
As if he read her mind, he took her hand and – just like the first night – started stroking her knuckles gently. She just smiled and looked in the distance. Whatever it was, she was now determined to enjoy every single minute of it. More people boarded the bus in Tatranska Lomnica and soon they were on their way again. The girls in front of them started kissing and Joshua watched them stealthily with the most heartwarming expression on his face she had seen so far. Suddenly, they heard the driver saying something with his voice raised and angry, while looking at them through the rear-view mirror. 
The girls tensed and started whispering something to each other in Polish. Joshua looked confused. Agnieszka didn’t understand the driver at first but when he repeated those words she finally grasped the meaning behind them and gasped. He stopped the bus and opened the back door. Joshua turned his head to Agnieszka, looking positively alarmed now. “What is he saying?” She tried to translate it but her own words failed her. He got it, though. The guy wanted them out. 
One of the girls tried to negotiate with the driver, but that made him even more visibly angry. He stood and made his way towards them. The whole bus was whispering by then, all eyes on the girls. “Do kelu, vypadnite uz, lesby zasrate!” he roared and grabbed one of the girls by the elbow, trying to push her out of the bus with force, if necessary. An older lady in the back shouted something at him, but he ignored her and continued with his speech about not wanting such filth inside his bus. Joshua clenched his jaw, stood up abruptly and went after the driver, only to be thrown back into his seat aggressively. Agnieszka didn’t even know that she started screaming. The whole situation escalated pretty quickly and resulted in the four of them being left standing by the side of the road. 
The girls were the first to recover, one of them already tapping ferociously on the screen of her phone, while Agnieszka was still just standing there in disbelief and repeating “he can’t do this, he can’t do this” over and over again. Joshua sat on the grass, his elbows on his knees, clutching his head. He felt as if he was in a haze, watching her in slow motion having a heated conversation with the girls. He rubbed his temple and tried to calm down as she finally crouched down to him after a while. 
“Joshua, are you ok?”
“Yes,” he whispered. 
She placed a hand on his shoulder tentatively. “Are you sure? You look…”
“I am ok, Olalla. I’m ok…” but his shoulders started shaking and he lost it, startling her. She sat down next to him and pulled him in her arms in a vain attempt to soothe him. “Hey! Shhh, big boy. They’re fine. One of them just called a taxi from Poprad. But…it’s a long ride and neither of us have enough cash, so…do you, perchance, have some spare Euros? I’ll pay you back once we get back to Eulalia.” 
That finally made him take a deep breath and calm down a bit. “Yeah…yes, I do. I’ll pay for the ride, don’t worry.”
“No, we’ll split the expense, I’ll just need…”
“Don’t argue, Olalla!” He was resolute. He also didn’t say a single word after that. 
No one spoke during the ride back to Lysa Polana, only the radio disturbing the complete silence. The girls crammed themselves in the back seat while Joshua took the place next to the driver. Agnieszka was watching him from the back seat. They were both deep in thought and – while she couldn’t read his mind – her own was racing. It all made perfect sense all of the sudden. Still with the aftertaste of his kiss on her lips, she felt a sudden wave of bittersweet tenderness for him. Oh, my sweet Joshua. My dear…friend. 
Back in her car, they still didn’t speak. They had wished the other two a safe journey back home and Joshua hugged them both, but other than that, he seemed distant, watching the passing trees outside the window absentmindedly. 
“Thank you for today, Olalla,” he finally spoke, not looking at her. “It was really nice.” 
“No need to be polite now, Joshua. Just tell me what’s troubling you…if you want to. If you don’t…then don’t...”
He opened his mouth, only to move his lips in vain like a mute fish, and started crying. She felt a sudden surge of panic. The incident itself, however unpleasant, couldn’t possibly shake him that much. Something else was going on, and she had a feeling it was related to the previous phone calls he had. It seemed impossible to return to Eulalia now. Her notoriously curious sister would be waiting behind the reception desk, no doubt. It was not her place to explain why they were both behaving as if they just returned from a funeral. She couldn’t muster enough strength to do that, anyway. And then there was Bart and his buddies, whom she just didn’t want to see now. AND she didn’t want them to see Joshua. Not like this. 
He didn’t even notice that she took a different turn, coming back to reality again only when they passed the town centre and were now heading towards a much smaller Gubalowka mountain range on the northern side of town. 
“Where are we going? he asked, looking confused. 
“I just thought you might appreciate a change of scenery…”
To be continued...
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Legacies | Six
Previous Chapter | Masterlist | Next Chapter
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Kazansky!OC
Summary: The day at the beach is coming to an end. With the last game of dogfight-football played the daggers aren't yet ready to let the day end so soon.
Warnings: military inaccuracies,
Wordcount: 2.6k
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A/N: We are slowly coming up to the halfway point of the story which means things are about to happen. Enjoy this happy and lighthearted chapter, because starting with chapter 7 it's going to get more serious and a little angsty.
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Had someone told them this morning that by afternoon all the tension and animosity between the team would have lifted off without a trace of ever being there – at least for the afternoon – they would have laughed.
Ana couldn’t quite believe they all had been on edge that morning. It felt foolish and silly thinking back on it now.  All around her the buzz of happy conversations filled the air as the aviators made their way up the beach toward the Hard Deck’s back porch.
“Guys, guys, guys” Payback’s voice broke through, “I think we all know who the real MVP was today.” He looked around the group of aviators curiously watching and waiting for him to continue. “It was Bob of course!”
Bob, who was walking only a couple of steps before Ana, turned shy upon the attention, casting his eyes downward as she smiled at him. A faint dusting of red appeared on his cheeks complementary to the deep reddish tint the tips of his ears took on. Rooster clapped the WSO on the shoulder and smiled at him, causing Bob to look up again.
“I need someone to help me with something quickly,” Penny said as they arrived at the back porch. She had been sitting out there with some papers, working for the better part of the last couple of hours.
“I’ll help,” Coyote quipped as he pulled on his shirt and followed Penny barefoot into the bar.
The others, Ana included, grabbed their discarded clothes and shoes again. Jake and her, who had taken a little dive into the water, were pretty much dry again. Her hair was still damp, strands of it had come loose from the hairstyle she wore it in. Her clothes however had dried in the slowly sinking but ever-so-strong San Diego sun. She was glad for it. The feeling of wet fabric clinging to one's skin had always been one of her least favorite sensations.
Penny and Coyote didn’t take long to return with their hands full of beer. 
“I thought you might be thirsty after all that running. It’s on the house,” she told them, Coyote and her distributing the bottles between the daggers.
There came a couple of protests from the surprised group. One sharp look had them quiet down, followed by a chorus of many thanks.
“It’s nothing,” Penny assured them, “Not like you aren’t here any other evening and spending enough of your money.” Laughter spread through the group, all of them agreeing as they raised their glasses in a toast.
Ana was still busy getting dressed and sorting out her hair, so she hadn’t yet accepted one of the bottles. Too focused on kneeling and tying the laces of her shoe, she hadn’t even looked up to see the others clink their glasses and take the first sips. Not at least until a shadow appeared above her.
When she looked up it was Jake standing before her, two beers in his hands. She was quiet as she stood up, coming eye-to-eye with him once more.
Jake held out one of the two bottles, smiling and raising a brow. His smile was inviting and friendly, lacking most of the haughty and wolfish likeliness she was so used to. For once the fighter pilot before her didn’t seem condescending or arrogant.
Jake cocked his head the slightest to the side, it reminded her of a dog trying to understand whatever had been said to him. His hand with the beer nudged forward, offering it to her. 
She took one extra moment to look at him, sunglasses on his nose, hair handsomely disheveled from the games, and the dunk in the water, his pose was relaxed and open. He looked friendlier than ever. 
It surprised her. In all the time she had known him, she’d never seen him like that. From the first moment she’d met him, he’d been this overconfident, unreachable enigma. A nuisance and a sore thorn in everyone’s side.
Nodding in acknowledgment and with a tentative smile blossoming on her lips, Ana took the beer from his hand. Their fingers brushed against one another, causing a small jolt of electricity to course through her. Her eyes flit over to him once more, to see if perhaps he had felt the same sensation. 
Jake was looking at her as well. Intensely.  It made her skin tingle and her stomach churn. She took a sip of her beer after she and Jake bumped the glasses together in a silent toast. Chasing down the bubbling feelings in her core, drowning them with the cold beverage.
The moment between them didn’t last much longer. Little groups dispersed, talking and sharing their beers. The voices mixed and jumbled over one another. From the corner of her eyes, Ana noted how Penny and Maverick had split from the rest of them. Her godfather had settled beside Penny on the bench, both of them quietly talking, caught in their own little world.
A growl ripped through the crowd. The group talks turned silent as everyone looked at each other. When it happened a second time, everyone’s eyes turned toward Halo. She put a hand on her stomach, surprised yet grinning. Fritz started to chuckle and soon Omaha joined him.
“Looks like someone is hungry,” Yale joked, playfully ribbing Halo with his elbow. 
“Quick, everyone hide! We woke the monster.” Fritz’s taunt produced more laughter from the group and a – playful – showcase of Halo’s middle finger.
“Man, I could eat an entire truck’s worth right now.” Payback groaned, stretching his arms above his head. The many games had depleted not only their energy but also their stomachs and the latter now demanded to be filled.
“Yeah, something greasy and savory.” Coyote’s words caused a ripple of moans to rise from the group. There was nothing more tempting than some greasy and unhealthy food to fill up your stomach after such a strenuous and exhausting day at the beach. Nothing sounded more alluring right now.
“There is a really good burger place only two streets away,” Ana spoke up, knowing that the place was perfect to fulfill their cravings. She could already smell the heavenly notes of food in her nose, taste the rich flavors on her tongue. It made her mouth water.
"Oh, really?"
“Yep. They have the best cheese fries I ever had.” Another round of moans ripped through the group, full of want and hunger, and longing.
“I’d give everything for a plate of cheesy fries right now,” Phoenix mused, leaning her arm on Ana’s shoulder. The two women looked at each other, eyes sparkling at the thought of the stretchy golden goodness.
“What are we standing here and waiting for then?” Fanboy asked and Payback beside him agreed with a hum.
“Let’s go!”
The decision was unanimous. Excitement buzzed between them like a busy swarm of honeybees, as they emptied their bottles and collected their belongings.
Their flock descended down the sandy steps of the back deck, a chorus of goodbyes directed towards Penny, Mav, and Hondo that trailed behind them as they rounded the Hard Deck. It was only in front of the establishment that they noticed none of them had a clue where this supposed wondrous place was. 
All except for Ana, who wasn’t at the front of the flock. Their group parted, eyes focused on her. “Lead the way.”
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The local in question was small and welcoming. There weren’t many other customers there, which suited them fine as they shuffled into the place and claimed a couple of booths at the windows. 
Ana sat down in one of them, while the others gathered around the big display hanging over the seats at the counter. Looking out of the window, her view settled on the shore. While the sun steadily sank, it was still lively outside. There were people walking along the sandy dunes and the walkway further up. Lights and the signs of other establishments illuminated the spots. 
She’d gotten distracted, not noticing someone sliding into the booth beside her. Not until his arm landed behind her on the backrest. It barely touched her and yet the heat radiating from it struck her to the bones. Looking to her left Ana came face to face with Jake.
“How do you know this place?” He asked her, unphased by the quizzical look on her face and the raise of her brow.
She shrugged in return, offering not much of an answer. Should she tell him or should she not? In the end, she decided to tell the truth.
“I’ve been here many times with my family. It’s one of the only fast-food restaurants my dad accepts and eats. He refuses pretty much anything greasy and oily if it’s not homecooked, thinks fast food is just unhealthy garbage.” 
Jake chuckled at that, “He isn’t wrong with that. It mostly is a heap of crap. The worst you can do to your body.” 
“Oh? But here you are.”
“Here I am,” he hummed, that grin so familiar yet so different, its edges softened. “Once in a while, it’s fine. And this place can’t be so bad if your dad eats it too.” 
Ana hummed. He was right about that. Not that she would tell him so. She had stroked his ego too much already.
“So you are from around here?”
“Yeah,” she nodded, “Wasn’t born here but moved when I was young. I spent a good chunk of my childhood and all my teenage years here.”
“You a navy baby then?” The question made her laugh.
“You’d like to know that, don’t you?” Jake’s face stayed monotone momentarily before he too broke out in a grin and laughed.
“It was worth a shot,” he shrugged his shoulders. “You really don’t talk about your family huh?”
She averted her gaze, once more looking out of the window. With a sigh, she answered, “I don’t like the prospect of mixing private and work life. It makes everything too complicated.” Who she was at work and who she was at home, it was different. And frankly, it was no one's business but hers. 
Before she could elaborate or Jake could dig deeper – he wanted to for sure – Fritz slid into the booth opposite of them. 
“Don’t you want to eat anything?”
“I already decided. Besides, I know the menu by heart. No need to look at it.” 
Fritz grinned at her. He then looked over at Jake and when he did his grin took on a rather teasing note.
“And you Hangman?” 
Only now did both of them realize that his arm was practically draped around Ana and that everyone could see. Not that anyone besides Fritz had noticed it, they were too focused on studying the menu. Jake cleared his throat and sat up as he pulled his arm back but not entirely away from her.
“I was hoping Ghost here could recommend something.” 
It took everything in her not to let the surprise show on her face. The incredible amount of restraint however still couldn’t keep her from raising a brow. He wanted her to recommend something? 
Seconds passed by during their exchange of looks. Jake’s face never changed, he kept looking at her openly. Did she spy a hint of hope? No, that couldn’t be right.
Once more they were disrupted by someone sliding into the booth. Taking the fourth and final spot at the table was Phoenix, sitting opposite the blonde aviator.  
While Ana looked at the gorgeous female aviator, Jake’s eyes didn’t waver from her. At least not until something under the table banged against something else and his head shot toward Phoenix.
“Are we still going to share?” 
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” Ana mumbled, not entirely sure how she felt about their seating arrangement. Who was she kidding? No constellation would have suited her at that moment more than to be alone with Jake. To be unobserved.
“What took so long?” Fritz wanted to know, eyeing the rest of their team spread out across the other two booths they’d claimed.
“They couldn’t decide.” Natasha rolled her eyes, not so subtly glaring directly at Fanboy and Omaha. 
Ana didn’t pay much attention to the conversation at hand. Her mind wandered elsewhere as she returned to looking out of the window. With the continuous dimming light it became harder to do so, soon she’d not be able to see much besides the reflection of the neon lights above them.
“Hi, what can I get you?” A waitress stood before them, a small notepad in her hands as she smiled down at them. First off was Fritz, before it was her turn to order. 
“Hi, we’ll take the cheesy fries,” Ana pointed between her and Phoenix, adding, “and a side of chicken fingers.” 
Nodding the waitress wrote it down before she turned towards Jake, “And what can I get you handsome?” 
Instead of answering, the blonde turned to Ana. Biting on her bottom lip she examined him in silence. He really wanted her to order for him? They didn’t know each other well enough for that, she couldn’t even say if he had any food allergies. She’d had to gauge what he could like. 
“The pulled chicken burger hot bbq style.” Jake raised his brow, while the waitress beamed at her and nodded, “Great choice!” Glancing over at Jake once the waitress was gone, Ana noticed him nodding at her.
It was a long stretch but given the conversation they’d just had; he had agreed with her father’s opinion on fast food, perhaps his actual taste in food wasn’t so off either. Her father’s go-to order was a staple and a solid choice for anyone that also liked a little kick in flavor.
The obnoxious drawl that sometimes slipped into his words suggested to her Jake might like it a little spicy. Not to mention that one time, long ago during their shared stay, when they’d gone out to eat spicy wings with their squadrons. While most of them had folded from the lesser spicy wings already, Jake had been one of the people nearly unbothered by it.
Their food didn’t take long to be done. In a time that was impressively fast for such a huge group, their orders arrived. Steam billowed from the freshly cooked and piping hot meals, their hearty and cheesy aromas permeated through the space between them. Exactly what they had needed and deserved after such an intense afternoon.
Ana nibbled on a cheesy fry and one of her chicken fingers. She wanted to be entirely focused on her food but she couldn’t. Not when she nervously awaited Jake’s verdict.
Said blonde beside her took the burger into his hands. It was a big burger, although it looked much smaller in between his hands as he lifted it towards his mouth. A hearty bite he took, causing Ana to hold her breath in anticipation.
“Shit Ghost, why did you keep this place a secret from us for so long?” There was a pleased grin spreading over Jake’s lips as he glanced over at her. He didn’t wait for another second after that to take a second bite. Ana’s heart beat weirdly strong after his indirect-direct compliment from him.
“Bagman, I  think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you compliment someone. Did you swallow too much water?” Phoenix hazed him, not wasting any chance in fueling the fire.
“Phoenix, phoenix, there hasn’t been anyone worthy of it before. Not like you would understand anyway.” 
“It’s just food,” she shrugged, reaching for the basket of fries when her fingers collided with Jake’s. She glanced down at his hand and then at him, pausing for a moment. They chuckled, both grabbing a couple of fries and shoving them into their mouths.
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ash5monster01 · 2 months
Goes On Chapter Thirteen
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x OC!FemReader
Warnings: 18+, depression, mentions of suicide, heavy topics, eventual smut, slow burn romance, fluff, gender themes/stereotypes.
Summary: Against his best efforts Charlie has to start at a new preparatory school after the tragic events that took place at Welton. The very events that led to the loss of his best friend and getting expelled in the first place. He has no plans to make friends let alone get close to anyone ever again. That is until he meets Evelyn and her interesting group of friends. No matter how hard he tries to push them away he finds it to be impossible. So he caves and in the end learns that life can still be enjoyable even if it feels like everyone is against you.
word count: 2.9k
Twelve ←→ Fourteen
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Ridge Academy, NY
Thursday track meets were back in full swing. Charlie was not normally a nervous person but today he was rattling with nerves. He still wasn't fully confiendent in his pole vaulting abilities but there wasn't much he could do about it now. He had three events to participate in and no other choice. Next year he'll actually go for the sports he wanted but until then this would just have to suffice. Besides when the blisters and callouses started to hurt it brought him right back to the first night he kissed Evelyn and he wasn't so upset about it anymore. Smiling to himself he finished wrapping his one hand as he waited for his event to be called.
As for the girls they laid in the grass, patiently waiting for the events of each of the boys. It was the first time the three girls had been alone in a while and they were taking complete advantage. Laurie even came prepped with nail polish to do the girls nails as they waited the events between the ones they were there to watch. Evelyn laid completley still as the blonde girl did her fingers first since Violet had already broken into the snacks they also brought. Both of the girls noticed how a smile hadn't left Evelyn's face once, mind on the brunette boy that had completely captured her heart. She was so blissed out the girls used this as an oppurtunity to get all the information out of her they could.
"That is the sweetest story I've ever heard" Laurie cooed after Evelyn had just finished retelling the story of their first kiss. So far Charlie had been a dream boy, being everything she needed and more.
"I know, until Violet ruined it" Evelyn said with a giggle and the raven haired girl gasped and reached out to whack her friend.
"Hey, how was I supposed to know he was in there and you should be thanking me anyways. He never would've snuck into your room if it wasn't for him and Nate catching me on the boys floor" she defended and both the girls giggled at her words. Knowing the truth they held.
"Thank you Violet, next time stay in the boys dorms a little longer" Evelyn finally said around her giggles and Laurie laughed harder, rolling onto the ground beside the brunette. Leaving the nail polish behind. Violet just rolled her eyes but joined into the laughter as well, laying down herself, and enjoying the feeling of the warm sun on her skin.
"What about you Laurie, anything happen with Mr. Eli Johnson?" Evelyn asked, heading tipping to look at her, eyebrows moving up and down suggestively. Laurie just grinned, the soft shake of her head as she looked away from the girl and up to the clouds.
"Not really, I wanted it to but he wasn't a very good kisser. So I let him get to second base and called it a night" this response has Evelyn and Violet erupting in a fit of giggles and Laurie can't help but laugh herself at the memory of it all.
“How disappointing considering you were practically over the moon when he asked you” Violet points out and Evelyn grins wide, remembering how Laurie had barged into their room just to share the good news. Despite her wanting to go with another guy.
“It’s okay, I still haven’t quite given up on the Jay Adam’s dream anyway” she says, sly smile dancing across her lips and neither of the girls can say a word because that was their Laurie. Confident, cool, and queen of the school.
“Hey are we cheering or sleeping?” Marty suddenly lands on top of them all, eliciting shrieks from each of the girls as he laughed. Violet is the first to shove at his weight, nose scrunched up in disgust.
“Gross, you already smell. Please go away” she says which makes all of them laugh as the boy removes his weight from off of them. Once free they sit up, eyes squinting in the brightness of the sun.
“We were sleeping, nothing exciting about watching you throw heavy things around” Laurie says, brushing grass from her sweater and perfectly styled blonde hair.
“Violet never seems to mind” he grins, eyes sparkling with amusement and the girl quickly shoves him as hard as she can. He was good at pushing her buttons.
“Careful there Martin, she’ll stop visiting after hours and that’ll interfere with my plans too” Evelyn tells him, a pointed but joking look on her face, and Marty grins at all three of the girls that he has come to love in very different ways.
“Yeah well those plans are about to launch himself in the air so get ready to watch” he says with a soft pat to her leg before standing up. He doesn’t miss a beat as he bends to offer Violet a chaste kiss and runs off to join the boys in his own event.
“God, is it bad I don’t want to watch?” Evelyn asks, suddenly filled with nerves as she spots Charlie stretching and preparing for his event. The girls giggle beside her and Violet wraps a comforting arm around her shoulder.
“Yes, considering he’s only been doing this for a month” Violet teases and Evelyn can’t bring herself to laugh because the whistle is blowing, indicating the start and Charlie now has the very large pole in his hands. Since when were they that tall? He could fall and break an arm, or worse his leg.
Panic was beginning to flood her but she didn’t have time to acknowledge it because suddenly the boy was running, running so fast it almost hurt her neck to follow him. Even Violet and Laurie held their breaths as the bottom of the pol met ground and the boy was being lifted in the air, feet above his head and guiding him over the pole. A laugh of nerves and pride fell from Evelyn’s lips as he cleared it and she didn’t breathe until he met the mat on the other end and lifted himself up from the ground.
“That was amazing” Laurie said as the crowd began to cheer and Evelyn nodded, still trying to come back to reality as Charlie returned to the other members of the team.
“Wow are you sure he’s never pole vaulted before?” Violet asked and Evelyn nodded, remembering that day in the hallway like yesterday. Yet Charlie had completed the sport with ease and even she had been wondering how he had gotten so good in such a short amount of time.
"Positive" she told her and Violet and Laurie shared equally impressed looks as another student attenmpted his hand at the event. Evelyn's heart had now calmed and she found herself enjoying this much more than she thought. It was fun watching and not only that but cheering on your favorite people in the world, even Charlie who was the most unlikely of her allies lately.
It's not long until the meet is over, the girls cheering where necessary when Marty and Nate were up in their own events as well. The temperature had cooled down quite a bit as the night progressed, the sun barely cast over the horizon now as the teams began to pickup and visiting families started to make their way home. The girls made quick work of collecting their things and starting for the very boys they had attended this for. Violet beat all of them, rushing into Marty’s arms and greeting him with a friendly kiss. Much different then the last interaction they had not that long ago. Evelyn took a much gentler approach, walking slowly into Charlies arms and offering him a sweet kiss. Nate turned away quickly, not wanting to watch.
"What, no running and jumping for me?" he teased once she pulled back and Evelyn just laughed, giving a soft shake of her head. Charlie kept his arm wrapped around her shoulders and she locked her own around his waist. Happy to have someone to belong too.
"I'm not much for theatrics" she told him and Violet glared as Marty set her down and the group began to circle around one another. Laurie and Nate standing awkwardly beside each other being the only two single ones of the group and never once having any interest in the other.
"You did really good Charlie" Laurie praised and Charlie smiled, softly shaking his head as he glanced to the other two boys.
"Thanks Laur" he said, a bit embrassed. He still hated track, despised it, but the praise made it worth it. Only slightly.
"Yeah, I thought Evelyn said you've never done track before" Violet repeats from earlier and Charlie's brown eyes dropped to gaze into Evelyn’s and she smiled at him, remembering the closed off boy who argued with her in the hallway that day. He was still that boy but at least now he had begun to let her in.
"I haven't, it's just these muscles I have from all those years of rowing" he smirks, free arm lifting to flex for the group and they all laugh as Evelyn pulls his arm down, shaking her head at the cocky boy beside her. Once the laughter calmed he glanced around the group. "But seriously I worked my ass off this last month or so. No chance I was going to risk falling on my ass in front of the entire student body. Especially since I still have the new kid reputation"
“That’s fair” Nate agreed and Laurie smacked him as well, the group comfortably laughing again.
Charlie couldn’t help the slight constriction in his chest. He had come to like this group of people, he really did. It just would never be the same and he figured it never would. Just a few months ago he was the happiest he’d ever been in his life and now he wasn’t sure what he was. He knew he was happy around Evelyn, content even, and he knew he enjoyed the presence of the others but they didn’t offer him what the Dead Poets did. Those were his brothers, his family, the only people he had ever shown his true self too. Then suddenly, all at once, he was sad because today he did something new and none of them were there to see it. Most of all Neil who would’ve been the first person he told about today.
“I gotta run, thanks for coming guys” Charlie suddenly said and before Evelyn could question why, he let go of his grip on her, and rushed off towards the entrance to the dorms. The group looked amongst each other as they spotted Evelyn’s disappointed face.
“What was that about?” Violet questioned and Evelyn shrugged, turning back and trying to hide how much his sudden change in attitude upset her.
“Not sure” she spoke, eyes a bit more dull than they just were. She liked having a boyfriend, she loved even feeling content enough to have one, but when he closed off like that she couldn’t help but feel a little lost. Charlie had always been a mystery but she hoped they had at least moved past that point by now.
“I’m sure it’s nothing” Nate said, seeing entirely through her and Evelyn nodded even though it did nothing to ease her mind. Nate went to walk towards her but she took a step back, sad eyes gazing amongst her friends that she didn't want to pity her.
"I'm going to finish up some homework, I'll see you guys later" and just like that Evelyn was off too, running to hide from her friends who would question her until she was too sad to answer. She may be Charlie's girlfriend but she still couldn't explain him and that hurt more than anything. To be the closest person in his life and still feel like you knew nothing about him. To feel like he didn't entirely trust you yet and that was pain on its own.
The now abandoned group of friends slowly dispersed off into their own things. Nate who couldn't get the image of a sad Evelyn out of his mind started for his dorm, hoping Charlie would be in there so he could give him a piece of his mind. Yet what he didn't expect to find was Charlie sat up on his bed, track clothes still on, as tears streamed down his face. It was the first time Nate had ever seen something as heartbreaking as this. He knew Charlie was broken but he had hid it so well, at least up until now. When Charlie spots him he's quick to wipe at his face and turn to the wall.
"What happened?" Nate can't help but ask, almost shocked by the fact that just moments ago he came here to yell at Charlie for Evelyn being sad when Charlie was the saddest of them all.
"I don't know, it's hard to explain" Charlie muttered, voice hoarse with tears. Nate took his spot on his own bed, watching Charlie who refused to turn from the wall. He hadn't cried in front of anyone since he first found out about Neil. Everyone must reach their breaking point some time.
"Try me" Nate said, getting comfortable and preparing to hear his side of everything. He knew about his friend, knew the turmoil that Chartlie held. He just didn't know anything about it. He was given no story, no context, and it was such a heavy fact to know. Knowing nothing about the story made it consume your mind entirely. He figures because of this Charlie took a moment to respond.
"It's weird, like I can't explain. Just sometimes the memory of what happened is so suffocating I can't breath. It happens randomly too, like the weirdest things could trigger it" Charlie says, slowly turning to face Nate. The one good thing was Nate had a comforting aura to him, probably why him and Evelyn had been friends for so long.
"What triggered it today?" Nate asked, hoping his questions wouldn't scare him off. He had shared a room with Charlie for a while now and he knew he was the only one to know this about him. He just wanted to be there for him if need be.
"I'm not sure, suddenly I was super aware of the fact that all of you were my friends but not really my friends. Because my friends are still at Welton and one of them is dead and then I started feeling guilty for moving on and pretending they don't exist. Guilty that I'd ever be so happy when my friend was so unhappy he didn't survive" Charlie says, tears streaming down his face again and to avoid looking at Nate his eyes find the picture on his night stand. The one of him and the boys outside of the cave. A moment frozen in time where he was his happiest. If only that Charlie could see him now and what a wreck he'd become.
"I hate to say it Charlie but I think you’re experincing panic attacks. Which is normal for people who have endured any type of trauma. It's a coping mechanism for people who still struggle with traumatic events in their life" Nate says, knowing all about this because his own father had them growing up. A side effect of surviving World War 2 and living a life to tell the tale. He'd seen his Dad jump at enough fireworks, and be blinded by anger enough times, to know a piece of his father would always be still at War.
"How do I get rid of them?" Charlie gapes, mind reeling over the idea that the death of his best friend had impacted him in such a way that he may never be normal again. Yet then again, what really is normal? He wasn't so sure anymore.
"You don't. You learn to live with them and when that doesn't work you start to learn what triggers it, and learn to live with that. Whatever happened though Charlie was enough to unease your mind and you should probably figure out how to get some closure" Nate spoke, standing and searching for his shower stuff. After an entire track meet he needed a rinse and he figured Charlie needed the room. Charlie might be the guy who stole his girl but that guy was also very broken and Nate couldn't fix that for him no matter how hard he tried.
"Like face my fears?" he questions and Nate nods, swinging his towel over his shoulder and offering him a tight lipped smile.
"Exactly" he says before opening the door and giving Charlie the space to recognize what had really happened to him. How he had been left to hold in all this trauma to the point his own body had made a chemical reaction to what he had endured. Charlie hated that, it made him feel weak, when not so long ago he felt like a king. When he felt like he had a chance at loving his life.
To indeed be a God.
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Taglist: @octaviasdread @eden-punk @linmichea1 @pursuedbyamemoryy @mynameisjxlia
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17 notes · View notes
dejwrites · 2 years
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➣ warnings: yakuza boss!toji fushiguro x black coded reader, mentions of sex, mentions of sex work, profanity, gang violence, yakuza au, baby!megumi, drug mentioned, alcohol usage, drug usage, stripping, naoya being naoya, oc x reader, toji fushiguro x reader, naoya zenin x reader
➣ chapter summary: diving into the past of y/n and asahi's relationship and the start of y/n and her father's crumbling relationship.
➣ tags: @maydayaisha @eiflawriting @ihateliyah @ceeriusly-dumb @galaxness @stephanythedramaqueen @littlemochi @todo7roki @whatdidhesayyyy @protectpancakes @hellavile @dazaisfavgf @etaerealboy @tojiswhore1 @bbgiirrll @aasouthteranoswife @caribbeanwifey19 @lilith412426
[ masterlist + previous + you can aslo read it on ao3 + click here to see how asahi looks ]
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SORE LIMBS WRAPPED AROUND EACH OTHER WHILE THE SUN WAS FINALLY RISING. You couldn’t help but stare at how stunning he looked while sleeping. The way his chest would rise up and down. Or the way he would let out a soft snore. You obviously couldn’t get over how his hair was all over the place. Was it weird to be watching him sleep? Maybe, but he looked so at peace compared to the previous night when he invited you over. You knew that Asahi Endo was dangerous, and like every perilous man, it was most likely a hazardous occupation behind it. You chose not to ask questions about his profession, but this man had practically every body part of yours in his mouth before, and you didn’t know much about him.
You knew he had money, lots of it. He was well respected in a lot of districts in Japan. He was very popular with the ladies because of that charming smile he wasn’t afraid to flash. But you still didn’t know much about him. He hasn’t even told you how he got the scar that decorated the front of his neck. You assumed that the person that did it to him wanted him dead. It caused a chill to tumble down your spine, thinking of what things Asahi could have done to have a person attempt to take his life away.
“You’re staring at it again,” His deep groggy voice interrupted your thoughts as his eyes slowly opened.
Your skin heats up, seeing those pair of hazel eyes that left you breathless. You averted your eyes elsewhere, but Asahi lifted your face to look at him again. “If you’re curious, you could have asked.” His arms snake around your waist to bring you closer.
“Okay, how’d you get the scar?” You bluntly asked. “And I don’t want any one-line story either.”
“Well, when I was around eighteen—someone tried to kill me.” He admitted.
“Now, what enemies could an eighteen-year-old have?” You asked. You wiggled your way out of his grasp to sit up, covering your bare body.
“I mean, I was just starting to work for an important guy to help my mom out,” Asahi admitted. “I just assumed this guy had enemies, and since I worked for him, I had enemies also.” Asahi adds.
“I was sleeping at my mom's house since I was so busy with this new little job that I wasn’t sleeping properly. You know how moms get when they see how sleep-deprived you are. I remember leaving the window open that night. They must have gotten in through the window. My mother heard the commotion, and he ran off. I mean, the fucker could have ended my life, but I’m positive whoever sent the guy sent a complete amateur, and they didn’t cut deep enough. I’m glad he didn't hurt my mom, you know.”
“Hm, but did you ever catch the person who did it to you? If you were working with an important guy?” You asked.
“Of course. However, it took longer than I expected. But it did shock me to find out who he worked for, and it made sense. He wasn’t the biggest fan of the man I worked for.” “So, does that answer your question?” Asahi answered, and you could feel his fingertips tracing your bare back.
You still had so many questions. Not about his scar, but about him. If he was in such a position, he must have become close to this vital guy who gave him a job so young. He could snap his fingers for someone to light up a cigar, and about five lighters flicker in front of him. But you ignored it. You felt like clawing your way to know more about him would only land you in some deep shit later on, so perhaps it was better for you to know as little about him as possible. Just enjoy the joyride of being his pretty fling that gets spoiled.
You shook your head before smiling at him, “Thanks for telling me that.”
“Anything for you, now c’mere,” He says with a grin.
“I’m not kissing you because of your fuckin’ morning breath, Asahi,” You giggle, but soon a yelp escaped from your lips as he grabbed you.
You were now trapped under his toned body, wholly pinned down and vulnerable. You could feel Asahi’s dick pressing against the inside of your bare thigh, and you let out a weary sigh. Your innocent eyes stared up at his cunning ones, and once again, he left you breathless. “You mentioned an early meeting with someone. Do you want to start something you won’t be able to finish?” You asked.
You could feel him reach in between your bodies. The pad of his fingers rubbed against your pussy lips, feeling just how wet you were. You grasped upon his body due to his actions and let out a sigh of relief. Asashi chuckled while grabbing his dick to line up with your entrance. He’s leaning down to pepper your neck with soft kisses. The tip of his cock tapped at your entrance, but he refused to put it in because he adored teasing you. “You tell me?” He questioned.
“So you’re just going to be a teasin’ asshole?” You questioned.
“It’s fun,” He said before he entrapped your lips with a kiss before finally indulging in stuffing you with his cock.
Asahi’s hands roamed over your body as if it would be his last day. He didn’t leave any part untouched when he was caressing your body. His hips drove forward in a rhythmic way that had your toes curling. He pulled away to watch how your mouth gasped apart upon each push of his hips.
“Hey, Asahi! Our meeting is in forty-five minutes, and we must travel quite far. So I hope your ass is up and ready.” A voice behind Asahi’s bedroom door said.
You were very familiar with the voice. It was one of his right-hand men, Daisuke. You wouldn’t see one without seeing the other not too far behind. They were practically two peas in a pod. What was he doing interrupting such a heated moment? You had no clue.
Through breathless pants, You glanced up at Asahi. “He has a key to your apartment?” Your words came out like a broken record causing the man to chuckle.
“He’s my wakagashira. Of course, he does.” Asahi leans down to smother your neck with kisses and nibbles. “Let him know I’m not alone.” with that comment, Asahi’s hips ram forward a little harder causing you to yelp out.
“Fuck Asahi.” You moan out.
At this point, your perfectly manicured nails claw at the oni samurai tattoo that imprinted his back. Your moans were like a sweet melody in Asahi’s ear, a mere motivation for him to please you even better. The lewd squelching noise of how wet you were getting with each thrust caused Asahi to be so pussydrunk that his brain felt like he was on cloud nine. His large hand pushed your thighs apart just to have more room before his strokes slowed down. His hips began to rock at a slow and sensual pace that managed for your orgasm to explode. The sensational feeling caused your thighs to quiver, but that didn’t stop Asahi from making love to you through your orgasm. He pulled you into an intense kiss before he pulled out, and soon you felt his thick ropes of cum shoot out on your tummy.
You adored seeing Asahi’s face when he was cumming. It was a perfect sight as he was being tugged off the temporary cloud of pleasure. His groans always came out so whiny, and he would always mumble something in Japanese that you didn’t understand at first but soon found out it meant my love.
You stayed there for a moment before Asahi climbed off you to get a towel. He came back with a wet cloth to quickly clean you up, he was going to his room door, and when Asahi peeked through the small crack of it, not wanting to flash his friend, he smiled at Daisuke. “I promise I’ll be ready soon.”
“Yeah, whatever, asshole. Goodmorning Y/N!” Daisuke yelled as he was walking towards the kitchen.
“Good morning.” You said.
You reached on the floor to tug on the shirt Asahi had on last night. You yawned before speaking, “I have a long shift tonight, so I think I’m going to stay at my place tonight.” You said.
You followed after him into his walk-in closet. You never expected to have a side in his closet, but he offered it to you. Especially considering you have been staying over a lot. Although there wasn't much on your side of the walk-in closet—it was still enough clothes for you to shower and change in until you made it home.
“Okay, I don’t know how long I’ll be with what I have to do anyway. This meeting and then have to sit down with Daisuke about debt reports. I’m going to be quite busy,” Asahi answered as he stepped toward you. “So, don't be alarmed if you can’t reach me.” He added.
“I know,” Your lips form a cute pout that Asahi’s pecking his lips on before searching for something to wear.
“Do you want me to send a driver to pick you up and drop you off at home after work?” Asahi asked. “You know how I feel about you driving home so late and the neighborhood you live in,” He says.
“I’ll be okay.” You answered.
You finally found the black suede tracksuit you were searching for. You grabbed the other things you needed and left the closet. The two of you quickly got ready after showering, and when you finally left the master bedroom of Asahi’s place, Daisuke was in the kitchen going through Asahi’s fridge.
“I’m starting to think your fuckin’ boyfriend doesn’t feed you,” Asahi sighed as he looked at his friend, who was shoving his mouth with grapes.
“He would have made me breakfast if we didn’t have a meeting with those Russians,” Daisuke closed the fridge after grabbing a bottle of water. “We have to drop Y/N off?” His eyes looked at you.
“Yeah, just drop her off at her place, and we’ll be on our way” His arms snake around your shoulder as you smile at Daisuke.
“Okay, only because I kinda like her better than you.” Daisuke walked towards the front door after you let out a snicker.
“He’s such an asshole.” Asahi uttered.
You didn’t even notice that Asahi had taken your hand to intertwine your fingers with his as he led you out of his place. You noticed how well-dressed the two were when you stepped into the elevator. Although the two had two different types of styles, you could tell that they were associated with each other. Maybe it was the matching Rolex watches? You couldn’t quite tell.
“Have you two always known each other?” You asked just in time as the elevator started moving.
“Since we were young and dumb,” Daisuke sighed. “Been a pain in my ass since we were teenagers. We worked for the same guy and just kinda worked our way up,” He explained as the elevator stopped on the main floor.
You let go of Asahi’s hand to attempt to catch up to Daisuke. You were curious to know more, especially when Asahi didn’t give you much about his past. You just learned about his scar this morning.
“The rest was history.” Daisuke sighed. “That man once pulled a bullet out my shoulder.” He said. “And stabbed a guy in the knee in a bar for being homophobic towards me.”
Your lips gasped apart as the three of you waited for the valet person to fetch Daisuke’s car. “He did what?” Your eyes darted from Daisuke to Asashi, who was staring at you as if what Daisuke said was customary to do every day.
“We were about twenty-one when that happened. Our boss had to bail us out of jail.” Daisuke saw his car get parked in front of them.
Daisuke got into the driver’s side, and before you could climb into the backseat, Asahi stopped you. “I hope what he’s telling you doesn’t like scare you away. We were reckless back then—but we’re not like that anymore. We have to think with our brains and not our temper.” He explained.
Your eyes met with his hazel ones before you leaned up to kiss the corner of his lip. “You’re not going to scare me away that easy.” You smiled at him before he helped you in the car so the two could drop you off at home.
“So, do your boyfriend know what you do?” You asked Daisuke as he was driving.
“He does because his family has been the gang’s doctors for years,” Daisuke explained.
“Did you two meet while you were hurt or something? That’s so sweet.” You squeal in excitement at the feeling before you lean back in your seat. “If only Asahi and I met in such a romantic way.”
“Hey! I think how we met was very romantic.” Asahi chuckled as he tucked strands of his hair behind his ear.
“Where did you two meet anyway? I mean, Asahi, never used to shut up about you before I officially met you. However, I never knew how you two met.” Daisuke stopped at a red light, and he looked at his friend in the passenger seat and then at you in the rearview mirror.
“It was nothing too romantic, just a strip club.” You gave him a cheeky grin that he couldn’t help but return.
“So, you’re the girl he would spend hours in that club for,” Daisuke starts driving again. “How romantic…” His voice trails off.
Asahi looks at you with a smirk, “I told you it was romantic.”
“So, Y/N. Was always stripping something you wanted to do? If you mind me asking.” Daisuke asked.
The truth was, it wasn’t. You auditioned because you needed money quickly because of your mother’s death and just stuck with it. You swallowed the large lump that formed in your throat, realizing that you didn’t give him an answer to the question. “No, it just was something I did to help pay off my mom’s funeral expenses. I kinda just stuck with it afterward.”
It grew quiet in the car, and Asahi broke the silence. He didn’t have a clue about your mother. Similar to how Asahi didn’t tell you much about his past or his family—you did the same thing. He didn’t know that your mother passed away and your father didn’t have money to help bury her. Or the fact that you haven’t seen your father in a while. He usually disappears and pops up in your life randomly.
“I’m sorry about your loss.” Asahi said.
You felt the car stop and glanced out the window seeing your apartment complex. You smile at the two, “It’s okay. She’s probably rolling around in her grave about me stripping. But as long as I’m happy, she will be happy. Thanks for the ride. You two better be safe during this meeting.” You climbed out of the car before they could utter another word.
As you walked towards your complex’s entrance, Daisuke’s car horn stopped you. You glanced back to see Asahi rolling down the window to tell you something.
“No, goodbye kiss?” Asahi’s eyebrows knitted together playfully.
You rolled your eyes at his comment as you walked back toward him. You leaned down and kissed him on the lips. You made the kiss—short and brief, just enough for him to get a taste of the lip gloss you had on. “Goodbye, Asahi.” You push his head back into the car and walk toward your apartment again.
You waved at one of your neighbors in the mail room just as you entered it to check if you had any mail.
“Oh, your father is waiting at your apartment. I told him you weren’t home, and then he proceeded to ask if I knew where your spare key was,” Your neighbor admitted while they were flipping through their mail.
A tired sigh escaped your mouth as you collected your mail, “Thank you for giving me a heads up.” You smiled at them as you hurried to your apartment.
When you made it to your apartment, the sight of your father carelessly searching for your house key made you roll your eyes in annoyance. You never hide your spare key anywhere that someone would assume where it was. You hated to admit that when your mother passed away—something shifted when it came to your father. Anyone who lost the love of their life would be off also. You swept the feeling under the rug due to his grieving. However, he wasn’t himself. You assumed it was drugs, but he swore up and down that he wasn’t on anything.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
That was a stupid question. He always came to you for money. He was your father, after all, and it was your mother’s dying wish to make sure he was okay. He always came to you for money.
“I can’t come and see my daughter?” Your father watched as you unlocked your door.
Just as you were about to open it, you realized that if he was here for money—it was no point for you to even let him in your apartment. He no longer deserved to be in your safe space anymore.
“How much do you need?” You asked.
His lips parted to speak as if your words offended him, but he’s still mumbling an amount with desperation and need. You sighed, pulling out your wallet to give him cash before looking at him, “Dad, don’t come to see me anymore if this is what you’re going to continue to ask for. It’s plenty of jobs out there you can go get.”
“Do you really think they’ll hire foreigners like me?” Your father asked.
Your comment upset him. You pressed your back against your door and stared at him. “I’m just saying, you blew the insurance money, and now you’re leeching on me.”
“Yes, leeching. It’s exhausting coming to my apartment and having my neighbor tell me my father is desperately trying to get into it. What do you need the money for? Is it drugs?” You asked. “Are you on drugs, daddy?”
You felt your body go through a massive heat wave realizing that you were finally voicing your opinion. You could cut the tension between yourself and your father with a knife, and you knew that your neighbors could hear. You watched him sigh as he didn’t say anything—he took your money and walked away. The two of you never had disagreements like this. The last one was over where you worked, but he never got upset. He still made sure you were okay and checked up on you. After all, you were still his little girl.
And that was the last time you saw your father.
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cleoluvrr · 1 year
The Last Days of Summer XIX (Rafe Cameron x Heyward!OC)
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Warnings: violence, underage drinking, drug use, verbal abuse, jealousy, forbidden relationship, enemies to lovers, kidnapping, gaslighting + manipulation
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Synopsis: Stuck in a situation she never dreamed of, Neriah Heyward blurs the line between Kook and Pogue; Rafe Cameron a witness.
word count: 8.2k+
“Get up.” Rafe says as he bursts into the bedroom without any notice. 
My head jerked up from its limp position, the intrusion interrupting the deeply unsatisfying sleep I barely got. I was kept up all night tossing and turning, mind racing with exactly what you think a person that was slowly going insane would think about. I had fallen asleep when the sun began to rise, the light blue sky peeking through balcony doors being the last thing I saw before my body forced my heavy eyes shut.
Groggily, I sit up in the bed, bones cracking with every movement from their lack of use. The alarm clock on the nightstand read ‘11:15 AM’ and the sun was shining directly into my face from the balcony. I could hear the birds chirping loudly, the normally soothing sound only leaving me agitated from the little sleep I could grab.
“I said get up.” 
Rafe exits the closet that I never saw him cross the room to enter, right hand fiddling with the expensive gold watch decorating the opposite wrist. 
Walking over to my side of the bed, he rips off the comforter I used to cover my head. The cold air of the air conditioned room blasts my body as my hideaway is taken, bare skin of my arms and legs exposed. Rafe throws the white duvet to the floor and looms over my lifeless body.
“What the hell is your problem?” I rasp out, too tired to put effort into properly speaking. Turning over onto my back I stare up at the blonde with a look I can only describe as vexation personified. 
“Get dressed.” Rafe says. His arms flex in the white button-down he’s dressed himself in, sleeves rolled up to the elbows and the few buttons he had done leaving his chest exposed. My eyes travel down to his bottom half briefly to take in the beige linen slacks before flickering back to meet his gaze. “Wear something nice.”
My head lazily flops to the side to stare at the closed door of the closet. I don’t know what he means by “nice,” but I definitely don’t have that in my limited wardrobe. Had I known I was going to be swept away in the night to live on an island I’d never heard of beforehand, maybe I would have packed heavier. 
I turn back to stare blankly at the man standing above me impatiently, arm lifting off my stomach to point at the closet limply. His brows tick up in question, eyes barely landing where my finger guides them before returning them to my face. 
“I don’t have clothes, Rafe.” I point out. “If I knew I was gonna be gone for an indefinite amount of time then maybe I would be more prepared. Thank you for that, by the way.”
Rafe rolls his eyes at me before they turn their attention to his watch. Sighing, he walks over to the closet and yanks it open. His arm moves from his side to gesture me inside, a tight smile grazing his lips. 
Groaning loudly and dramatically I drag myself out of the bed and take a few long strides over to join him. He prompts me to enter again and I do, the blonde following close behind me. I almost throw up when I see what’s on my side of the closet, the absolute clicheness of it all making me want to gag.
The racks held a colorful array of clothes I had never seen in my life, the new garments mixing in with the items I already owned. The shelves lining the bottom held shoes fitting for the weather, a collection of mules and sneakers that I’m sure I could never afford on my own. I feel Rafe watching me as I survey the state of the closet silently, clearly waiting for my reaction.
“Rafe…” My voice is a release of air from the depths of my body, eyes shutting tiredly as the sigh resonates throughout the medium-sized space.
What kind of life am I living? 
I date a guy from the other side of the island, one that I probably should have never been around in the first place, he whisks me away to an island paradise that feels more similar to a prison than anything else, and fills a closet with a new wardrobe to make up for the fact that I had no clothes. It felt like a badly written book that a fifteen-year-old girl would fawn over.
I doubt he thought I would do any such thing, in fact, I’m sure he thought quite the opposite. So the closet that was once bare and now rivals my own back home only leaves me feeling puzzled.
“Why would you do that?” I ask. He’s leaning against the doorframe silently, feet crossed over each other as he takes in my reaction. He shrugs in response, shoulders hiking up just an inch before dropping into their relaxed position.
“You said you had no clothes. So, I bought you clothes.” He says matter-of-factly. I squint at him as he claps his hands together loudly, fingers locking his hands together. He wears a bright smile, though I can’t tell if it’s genuine or sarcastic anymore. “You’re welcome.”
My eyes remain squinted as I stare at him wordlessly, brows drawn tightly together. I dropped the sleeve of a white shirt I had grabbed when I saw it, hands falling to rest on my hips in irritation.
“I thought I told you to not buy me things.” I say exasperatedly.
His eyes travel down my body when he processes what I said. I feel the hairs stand up on my skin as he does it, the night shorts I wore feeling way shorter than I remember as his eyes linger on my legs and the lack of bra seeming much more obvious as his gaze moves to my tank top clad top half. I don’t react to his blatant ogling, knowing that if I do it will only leave him feeling satisfied with himself.
Rafe raises his hand to scratch at his hairless chin, tongue poking through his cheek. His eyes reach mine again after an awkward silence on my end and it feels as though he can see through my facade.
“You can walk around naked for all I care. I was just trying to be nice.” My jaw drops at his words, stunned at the boldness of him. “Is it that hard to just say ‘thank you, Rafe!’ ‘I love you, Rafe!’” He mocks my voice, the high-pitched sound only irritating me more.
He pushes off the wall and approaches me slowly in a casual stride, the sound of his shoes creating a muffled tapping sound from the rectangular carpet resting in the center of the closet. The blonde reaches out to grab the white shirt that I held previously and feels the fabric between his fingers. 
“I have great taste, don’t I?” The way he looked at me made it feel as if there was a double meaning to that question. He releases the shirt and steps backwards until he reaches the door. “Get dressed.” 
He turns on his heel and leaves me alone in the room, the sound of his shoes slapping against the stairs letting me know that he has retreated to the first floor with the rest of his family.
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Lucky for me, not that the word ‘lucky’ really means anything to me lately, I packed a small makeup kit in the bag I brought to Tannyhill due to my need to be prepared for anything that comes my way. 
I felt stupid sitting in front of the vanity mirror. I told Rafe not even twenty-four hours ago that I hated being confined in this dollhouse, that I wasn’t going to be some kind of trophy wife with no mind of her own. Yet here I am, blush on my round cheeks and draped in a dress he bought for me. What else could I feel like but a doll? 
Doing my makeup was once a therapeutic process, but now? It felt like a chore. I couldn’t enjoy the way my eyes sparkled with glitter or the way my lips shined with gloss, not knowing that I was doing it for Rafe. Then again, I didn’t have to do it. I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t want to.
I could have protested harder; I could have cut up all those clothes in the closet and threw them in his face. I could run downstairs at any point and arm myself with a kitchen knife to teach Rafe a lesson. That day I went down to the patio and saw the street I could have run away. Logically, that made no sense, but neither did staying here. I sleep beside him, I eat with him, I drool over him when he’s not looking because I have enough shame to know that I shouldn’t be. Now I sit here in front of this mirror in a silly little outfit, painting my face to gain his approval. 
It makes me feel gross. Not because Rafe makes me feel gross, but because deep down I know that if I truly hated all of this as much as I say I do then I wouldn’t be so quick to do what he asks of me. 
He asks for my obedience, and slowly but surely it slips out of my fingers and into his.
I slam the lip gloss tube in my hand down onto the desk, fingers white knuckling the container as I stare angrily into the mirror. I was tempted to run into the bathroom and wash everything off my face. I couldn’t even enjoy my work like I usually would.
I felt like a beautiful idiot.
Rafe’s footsteps make a sudden return, the sound reaching my ears before I even see him enter the room. He clears his throat behind me to make his presence known to me, but I see him clear as day through the reflection in the mirror. Even if I couldn’t, the aura of pure arrogance that follows him around everywhere would suffocate me before long.
“Are you ready yet?” Rafe asks. He sounds impatient, the purpose of his visit clearly to rush me out of the house. “You’ve been in here long enough.”
I sigh dejectedly and stand up, ready to face my fate. I smooth out the back of the floral sundress as I rise, the material slightly wrinkled for how long I’d been sitting on it. Rafe whistles as I turn around to face him, eyes not leaving an inch of my body untouched. It made me feel naked despite the fact that I’m almost fully covered.
He approaches me slowly with a hand deep in his pocket, the flesh of his bottom lip taken captive by his teeth. Rafe never tries to hide the fact that he’s checking me out. Even before all of this, he couldn’t help himself but to devour me with his eyes. Clearly that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. 
“Don’t pout, you’re too pretty.” He notices the defeated look in my eyes and the slight pucker of my lips immediately. I wasn’t sure how exactly he wanted me to act, but he wasn’t going to get happy.
“I’ll do what I want.” I say. I hold up my hand in front of me when he steps too close to me, forcefully making space between us. 
The taller man wraps his fingers around my extended hand and uses it to pull me closer anyways. My bare skin comes into contact with his own, the deep V-neck of the dress leaving me exposed to the heat of his chest. 
“That’s exactly the problem.” He whispers, neck lowering his head to speak lowly into my ear. He pulls back to look at my face up close and his blue eyes travel over every feature, taking in everything and leaving nothing uninspected. “I always let you do what you want. I let you sit in this room all day and do nothing, because I know you need space. You disrespect me and I let it slide because I’m a very understanding guy, y’know? I understand that…that you’re mad, sad, whatever.”
His unoccupied hand snakes around my waist and rests at the small of my back. I swallow thickly at the sudden contact, our closeness beginning to throw me off balance. I don’t try to pull away, knowing that hell we only pull me tighter against him. His fingers drum against my back, rhythmically tapping at the fabric covered skin. 
“I’m more understanding than you, actually. I take your feelings into consideration when I do things, I always have. But you? You–” He cuts himself off with a dry chuckle. Rafe tilts his head to the side, brows coming together above his eyes before he continues speaking. “You never think about how I feel. You just walk all over me, treat me like–like I’m your little bitch or something.”
“Rafe, can you be serious-” He cuts me off immediately, head shaking side to side as he shushes me with his finger. My face scrunches up at the feeling of the digit against my lips and I jerk my head back instinctively. 
“Don’t! Don’t talk when I’m talking…” Rafe’s patience is wearing thin, the edge on his voice only becoming stronger as he continues speaking. He clears his throat before continuing. “I’m not a bitch, alright? So, when I tell you to do something, you don’t question it. We’re gonna do what I want now, because everything isn’t about you all the time.”
He leans in close, so close that our noses brush against each other and I feel his breath against my glossy lips. I could feel my heart pumping blood through my body so quickly that I was sure my veins would burst open right then. I’m sure he could hear it, that he could feel it in the wrist that was trapped in his hand. 
“So, why don’t you ask me what I want?” He says quietly, each word falling against my lips warmly.
I don’t say anything for a few seconds, mind working hard to deliver the words to my mouth. It was hard for me to function with him pressed up against me like this. It always has been, and this was no different.
“What…” My voice sounds meek, barely audible. I clear my throat of the pathetic sound. “What do you want?” It sounds stronger this time, but I still feel pathetic for giving in so easily.
“What I want…” Rafe stresses the word just barely. “What I want is for you to be a good girlfriend, because I’ve been very good to you. I do so much for you. You can start by saying ‘thank you.’”
My pride wants me to do anything but say those words, but I'd rather not take my chances with the barely stable man. If this were a month ago, I would have no problem telling him off, and while I’d gladly do it now, I wasn’t too sure I would come out unscathed. 
“Thank you.” I practically spit the words out and into his face. They are not sweet and soft like he wanted, though I doubt he expected that from me.
His head pulls back just a little and his tongue strikes against his teeth repeatedly to tsk at me. 
“I need more than that.” He says with a pout on his face. The hand that once held my wrist now finds my chin, the knuckles of his fingers lifting my face to force my eyes to meet his after then had fallen to the floor. “‘Thank you, Rafe. You do so much for me.’”
I could be sick any moment, every nerve in my body itching to say every word in the dictionary but the ones that just left his lips. My tongue felt heavy in my mouth, and I wasn’t sure if I could even move it to form the sentence on my own.
He could tell how much I hated this, a smile grazing his face as he watched me struggle to repeat after him.
Clearing my throat again, I inhale deeply before I allow myself to speak.
“Thank you, Rafe. You do so much for me.” I sounded much weaker than I had planned. I felt humiliated, wanting nothing more than to crawl back under the covers of the bed and fall asleep forever.
Rafe smiles smugly at my defeated, angry face and it makes me want to slap him again, fingers twitching at my side. 
“You’re welcome.” He says sweetly. Rafe releases me from his grasp at his own speed, hands dragging away from my waist at tortoise-like pace. His fingers graze past my bare skin, the cutouts on my side leaving me exposed to the elements of the man before me. 
He turns on his heel and walks towards the bed, hands reaching out for the small white purse I chucked onto the mattress haphazardly and forgot about. I take it out of his hands when he holds it out to me, the lightweight feeling of it only reminding me of its emptiness. I had nothing to put inside, no phone, no wallet. It was just another pretty accessory that made me feel more and more like I’m living in a dollhouse.
I follow Rafe out of the room, the sound of our shoes clashing as we walk down the stairs together. 
This was the first time I had been out of the house and gone further than the driveway. The security guard would always get a little twitchy when I got too close so I never tested my luck. I also had no idea where we were going, everything about the island unfamiliar to me.
The drive to wherever we were going felt like forever, nothing to distract me but the view of the sky above from the car window. Even that was boring, not a single cloud grazed the blue background, and the sun was beginning to burn my eyes. 
Rafe hadn’t said anything the entire drive, eyes buried deep in his phone as he busied himself with something that must have been of great importance. It was only when the driver called out his name that he raised his head. The car had been still for at least a minute and Rafe had made no moves to exit.
He steps out of the car with his phone in hand, shoving it into his pocket as he walks over to my side to open the door for me. He holds his hand to side my exit, the chivalrous gesture coming to him naturally.
“Thanks…” I mumble as I’m pulled out of the car. He hums softly in acknowledgement, door shutting behind us as he guides me to our destination.
It looked to be a yacht port, the long, wooden platforms extending into the water with luxury boats floating around them. My heels tap against the wood noisily as we approach the end of the dock, Rafe’s step falling in sync with mine. Rafe stops in front of a large boat, and I follow his lead.
I study the yacht in front of us for a brief moment. My father’s boat back home was a dwarf compared to this one.
Rafe guides me onto the boat first. I could feel him watching me worriedly as I stepped over the gap between the catamaran and the dock, surely concerned that I’d somehow slip and fall through the small space and drown in the water below. I clear the gap easily, free hand gripping the side of the boat to aid me in keeping my balance on the buoyant chunk of metal. I wait as he climbs on after me, curiously waiting for what he has planned.
I wanted for him to lead me as I wasn’t entirely sure where to go. He walks me to the inside of the boat, the black interior walls of the luxury craft contrasting the white exterior.
“I’ll be right back.” He says.
The blonde takes long strides to the back of the boat near the dock and kneels down to untie the ropes keeping it from floating away. I tear my eyes away from his back, deeply uninterested in the process and let my eyes travel around the boat instead.
He made me get dressed up to go sailing alone? This is what he wanted to do so badly?
Rolling my eyes, I set my practically empty bag down on the couch behind me and walk over to the bar directly adjacent. It was fully stocked with alcohol, not that I drank anyways. Instead of indulging in fermented liquid, I grab a water bottle from the small fridge hidden beneath the bar counter. I can hear Rafe climbing back up the boat, footsteps falling against the steps as he makes his way up to the top level of the boat.
I nearly fall over when the boat begins moving unexpectedly, extremely unprepared for the strong jerk of the vehicle pulling off from the dock. 
I stumble back to the couch where my purse lies and take a seat, far too unstable and inexperienced to wear heels on a moving boat. I kick them off and free my feet of the mildly uncomfortable shoes.
“Jesus Christ…” I grumble to myself. I push off the couch again once my feet are bare and take silent steps to the large wall of windows that surrounded the room. The dock gets smaller and smaller as Rafe steers further into the water, the other boats looking more like miniature replicas as we create distance between them and us.
We drive around for a while, the water practically empty besides Rafe and I. I stopped paying attention to the scenery outside at some point, the sight of the blue water and distant island from behind the tinted windows all blurring together in my eyes. It was when the outside stopped moving that I was snapped out of my trance.
I wasn’t sure how long the boat had been stopped, but it was long enough for Rafe to come back down the stairs. I didn't notice him standing there until he spoke, the sudden intrusion startling me.
“Beautiful view.” He says. My neck snaps towards his direction, the well dressed blonde standing at the bottom of the narrow staircase a few yards away. I wasn’t sure if he was talking about me or the view of the water. I didn't care to ask, instead turning to face the windows again. 
His footfalls reach my ears as he approaches, his strong aura falling closer to me with every stop. He stops right behind me, eyes sharing the view with me from over my head. 
“Yeah, I guess.” I reply dismissively. I’m met with silence after my response, the soft sounds of the water replacing our voices as we stand together in silence.
“Not as beautiful as my girl, though.” I can feel Rafe place his hands on my hips from his place behind me, his reflection in the dark windows showing his head tilting down slightly to place a kiss atop my head.  
The gesture was cute, but I felt much too conflicted to react. If this were a month ago, I would have melted into his arms. But now? I stand stiffly in his hands as his lips make contact with me for the first time in weeks. 
I’m sure he’s testing the waters with me, making sure that I’m not going to lash out against him for doing such a thing. I didn’t plan on it, if my lack of reaction was any indication. He takes that as permission to keep going, lips connecting with my ear and shoulder innocently as he his arms wrap around me completely. It was a position that he always found himself being in with me. I should have pushed him away, but I didn't.
“Come with me.” He releases me from his embrace, settling for my hand in his as he takes me out to the front of the boat. 
The water from here looks even brighter, the clear blue color of it is almost unreal to me. There was a bed-like seating area beneath the sun visor on the boat but Rafe walked past it, me following in tow due to our connected hands. He instead leads us to the net beds at the very front of the bow, water visible through the small holes of the intertwined rope.
I cringed when I saw it, feet planted firmly into the ground to stop any further movement. I wasn’t scared of the water, it’s not like I can’t see what’s beneath it and I can swim perfectly fine, but that doesn’t mean that I trust the nets to not break and drop me into the ocean unexpectedly. 
I look between Rafe and the net a couple of times before he finally gets the hint. He looks somewhat amused by my hesitancy, a light smile playing on his lips. He tugs me to the front anyways, his own bare feet landing on the firm rope bed as he waits for me to join him.
“You’ll be fine. You’ve been through worse.” I am unamused by the comment, not that he cares. He helps me onto the net, the material barely denting underneath the weight of the both of us. I lower myself next to him, deeply unsettled by the possibility of it breaking. “See? You’re fine.”
“Yeah…” I say softly. 
I wasn’t sure what else to say or how to strike up any conversation that wasn’t an argument. It was all we did now. To be honest, it was all we did before, too.
Rafe doesn’t notice my reluctance to speak, and if he does, he doesn’t say anything about it. Instead, we sit together in silence, the ocean breeze blowing against our skin as we take in the beautiful view. 
We sat there together for a while in silence, the usual tension between us paused as we allowed ourselves to be surrounded by the vast ocean. It was scenic, the way the sun sat above the island and the blue waters calmly crashed against the shore. I would have forgotten Rafe was there if he were not sitting so close to me. I could feel the net dip every time he would shift in his seat, his arm brushing up against mine when he would reach up to nervously pull at the cartilage of his ear. 
His anxiety was palpable, his constant fidgeting giving him away. I could feel him glance at me every so often, the feeling of his eyes boring into the side of my head far too strong to completely ignore. I’m sure if I leaned in close enough, I would be able to hear his heart hammering against his rib cage.
I said nothing despite being aware of it, eyes focused ahead on the island in the distance. If he wants to say something, he will.
Rafe was the first one to break the silence. 
“Riah.” Rafe calls my name softly. I hum in response, the noise barely audible. 
He looks conflicted. I watched him attentively, noticing the nervous chewing he was doing to his tongue, the way he kept fiddling with his fingers, cracking them over and over as he played with the family ring decorating his hand. His mind is clearly throwing around a million thoughts at the walls of his skull. 
“Do you…” He starts suddenly, eyes flickering back up to mine from his own hands. “You still–you still want to be with me, right?”
I heard the question loud and clear, though I didn't react due to my complete bewilderment. 
“What?” I freeze in my place, unsure if I’m even breathing anymore. If I play dead, maybe I can avoid answering. Maybe I was hallucinating from lack of outside socialization, from being locked in that white bedroom for days at a time with a bunch of crazy people.
I know I’m not going crazy when he repeats the question. He readjusts his position on the net bed to completely face me, his attention captured by my side profile.
“Do you still want to be with me?” He sounds more confident this time, the softness of his voice gone even though he still sounds a bit hesitant.
“That’s…a random question, isn't it?” A question that I was less than prepared to answer out of the blue like this.
“Can you answer it?” He sounds impatient, like he can tell that I don’t want to give him an answer. “Look at me.”
I don’t look at him, opting to keep my head facing forward. I felt ambushed by the sudden interrogation.
Did I want to be with him? I wasn’t sure what to say to that. If he had left on a whim without taking me with him, if I were still back home and had no idea where he disappeared to, then yes. I would want to be with him. I would miss him deeply; I would be thinking about his absence day and night. I’d be wondering why he left with zero contact so suddenly. 
However, that’s not the case. 
I am here on this island with him, by force no less. He is the reason I am not at home right now, why my friends and family probably think something terrible has happened to me. He took away any freedom I had, any autonomy. He completely disregarded everything I cared about, everything I wanted for my life.
Rafe is selfish. I knew that for a long time before we were together, everyone knew that. He‘s brash, violent, and has an addictive personality. His father has money and power, so he has money and power; something that makes him dangerous. He is manipulative and borderline abusive. Whatever complicated relationship he has with his father has clearly affected his personality in a negative way.
He was not known to be a kind person. Arrogant? He is every bit of that. Rude? He is every bit of that. But even knowing all of this, I still decided to become his girlfriend.
I saw something in him, something other than the worst parts of him that he put on display for everyone else. His vulnerability with me struck a chord in my heart. He is a deeply hurt individual, one that depended on acting out for attention. He was willing to change for me, and that made my heart constrict. 
Sure, I’m not pleased with him currently. I told him I hate him and I refused to acknowledge for days, but that was out of anger and frustration. I don’t actually hate him, we both were very aware of that, but I can’t be sure of what I do feel for him. There are so many things that go through my mind when I lay my eyes on him, so many emotions that pass through me and leave me wrecked in their wake.
After ripping me away from my home, treating me like I have no mind of my own, crossing boundaries that I didn’t even know had to be made, did he still deserve me? Any sane person would say no–even I would say no had you asked me before summer started. I think even now, in the moment that we sit on this boat together, I would say no. He doesn’t deserve me. I’m too good for him, and he’s not good for me. 
But do I still want to be with him? Do I still want to call him mine and be called his? Do I want him to hold me, to kiss me, to whisper in my ear and tell me sweet things that make me smile? Do I want him to call me his princess, to touch me in ways that make me burn hot and infest my insides with swarms of butterflies?
I’d be a liar if I said no.
“I don’t know.” Is what I choose to say instead. I’m not strong enough to look him in the eyes when I say it, sure that I will give myself away if I do. 
“What do you mean ‘you don’t know?’” Rafe responds almost immediately. 
“I mean I don’t know, Rafe.” I shake my head at him even though he can’t see my face completely.
“How do you not know if you still want me, Neriah?” He says as if I’ve caused him great offense.
“Rafe…” I sighed heavily, preparing myself for the conversation that was going to have to happen between us eventually. I reposition myself to face him completely, breath stolen away briefly by the gorgeous man in front of me. I swallow thickly, words floating around pointlessly in my brain as I attempt to explain myself.
He impatiently awaits my answer, body shoulders tense as he watches me fight myself for an answer. He brings his fingers to his mouth, teeth picking at the nail of his pinky.
“I…Rafe, you broke my trust in a way that I don’t think I can ever forgive you for.”
“I know that. I understand that Neriah, and I’m sorry.” He says. He seems sincere in his apologies, though he always does and half the time it never means anything. “I don’t think I could ever say sorry enough.”
“No, Rafe. There is no amount of sorrow that could ever fix this, because you truly don’t understand.” I want to feel angry but I can’t, not when he looks at me so sadly. “You hurt me, Rafe. You took me from my family, my home. You only care about what you want, what makes you happy. You don’t care about what makes me happy.”
“That’s not true-”
“Then why am I here, Rafe?” I cut him off exasperatedly. He says nothing to defend himself, already knowing that his answer would not work in his favor. “I’m here because you wanted me here. I didn’t come here on my own.”
Rafe says nothing, surprising me as he always has something to say. I take this as an invitation to keep going. Hesitantly, I reach out for his hand and wrap my fingers around it. He looks shocked that I’ve initiated contact, as it’s something I rarely ever did. His other hand places itself on top of mine, the warmth of his skin seeping into mine.
“Look.” My tongue pokes out to moisten my lips out of habit, the flavorless lip gloss sticky against the appendage. “I care about you. I am so, so angry at you, and I’m confused…When I look at you, I feel so many things, Rafe, but none of them are things that I should feel about you. I should hate you; I should want nothing to do with you because you took advantage of my trust in you. I shouldn’t miss you hugging me, or kissing me, or calling me your pretty girl. I shouldn’t but–but…I do.”
His focus is completely on me, hands gripping mine tightly as he listens to my words attentively. He looks both relieved and nervous, clearly unsure about where I’m going with my speech. I’m not even sure myself, the words just falling out of my mouth as I think them.
“I do, and I don’t know how to stop. But I also don’t know how I’m ever going to trust you again–if I will ever trust you again.” The tension between us has returned, the once clear air now stuffy with the feelings that we had buried before we left the house. I couldn’t stop the words from flowing out of my mouth and into his ears, but I think we both needed to hear it. “So to answer your question, Rafe, yes. Yes, I still want you.”
“You don’t know how much I needed to hear that, Neriah.” His hands release mine and fly up to cup my face gently. His thumbs run over my cheeks delicately, as if I’ll crack if he handles me too roughly. I reach towards his hands on my face and grab his wrists, my fingers circling the joint weakly. 
I can tell he wants that to be my final answer, but nothing is ever that simple. He needed to hear everything that I had to say, whether he accepted it or not.
“Yes, I still want you.” I repeat softly. Rafe’s eyes are deep, drowning in them would be no different than falling in the water below. He could easily trap me with them, keep me with him for the rest of eternity, but I force myself to hold them with my own. “But I can’t sit here and tell you that things can be the same. I can’t let you call me yours, I can’t play house with you and pretend everything is okay just because I still want you. I can’t feed into whatever fantasy led you to bring me here in the first place, Rafe. I just…I just can’t.”
I pull his hands away from my face and place them back in his own lap gently. I stand from my seated position and return to the inside of the boat, leaving him outside on the net to allow him time to process my words. 
My feet carry me to the stairs leading to the top of the catamaran. I need to put physical distance between him and I, sure that one of us will do something we shouldn’t if I didn’t. The tension was suffocating. I barely seat myself on the couch at the top of the boat before I hear Rafe storming after me, his violent footsteps loud and just barely rocking the boat.
“Neriah, please.” Rafe stops a few inches in front of me, an expression of desperation on his face. His voice is pleading, almost pathetic as he says my name. “Please, please. I’m so sorry, please don’t do this to me.”
“Rafe, I’m not doing anything to you. I just–I can’t right now.” 
He begins pacing around the small space, hands grabbing at the non-existent hair on his head. His fingers ball up into his palms, the newly formed fists used to hit the sides of his skull repeatedly as he walks back and forth. 
“No, no, no...” He mumbles to himself as he walks. “I’m so stupid. I’m so fucking stupid!”
I flinch at the sudden outburst. I didn’t know if I should get up and stop him from hurting himself, surely the beating he was giving his head could not be healthy. He stops his pacing and appears in front of me faster than I can blink.
“I–I know I fucked up, Neriah. I know that.” He says from his standing position. He looks down at my expressionless face as he tries to explain himself, hands now busying themselves with clasping and unclasping the watch decorating his wrist. “What we did to you, what–what I did to you, was wrong. It wasn’t right, I know. But I can make it right–I promise I can make things right.”
I shake my head at him, lips pressing together as I watch him shift from foot to foot nervously.
“No, Rafe. You can’t make this right, because nothing about this is right.”
I nearly shoot up out of the chair when he drops to his knees in front of me. He grabs my hands in his tightly, the grip leaving my fingers immobile. I froze in my spot, unsure of what exactly to do in this situation. It’s like he flipped a switch, his semi-calm demeanor now replaced by a desperate grasp at my forgiveness.
“Please!” He yells desperately. Tears well in his eyes faster than he can blink them away. “Please, Neriah, you’re all I have. I–I don’t know what to do without you.”
The display was making me both deeply uncomfortable and pitiful. I’ve never seen him like this, and I wasn’t sure how to react. It felt like a disproportionate reaction to what I told him, but I can’t think of a time where he hasn’t overreacted to anything that even slightly upset him.
“Rafe, please get off the floor.” I hated when he freaked out. The only way to stop it was to give him what he wanted.
“Neriah, baby, I’m so sorry.” He brings my hands to his mouth and places soft kisses onto the skin. “I’m so, so sorry. I–I should have never done this to you, you’re right. I’m selfish and–and I’m a liar, and I hurt you and I’m so stupid for that. I was trying, I was really trying to be good for you. Better for you.”
He releases my hands and opts for wrapping his arms around me, his face pressed into my stomach firmly as he holds me tightly against him. My hands push at his shoulders, body twisting to escape his hold but he doesn’t budge.
“Rafe, you’re being dramatic. You shouldn’t have expected anything different.” I say annoyedly. “Get off me, you’re embarrassing yourself.”
“I don’t care!” I feel the vibration of his yelling through my dress, his voice refracting off my stomach. The tears that were welling up in his eyes just moments ago were beginning to fall and seep through the thin fabric of my dress. “I love you so much, you don’t understand. I’ve been such a horrible boyfriend to you, but I love you more than anything. I’m such…I’m such a shitty person, I know, but I’m trying. I expect you to hate me, I expect you to want nothing to do with me and I deserve all that, alright? Trust me, I know.”
He had an iron grip on me, his biceps flexing against me as he held me like I’m going to disappear. I’d never seen a grown man look so pathetic in my life. I wanted to push him off me and be done with it, but I can’t help but feel a little bad.
“But please…” Rafe says again. He pulls his head away from my torso to look up at me, face damp with tears and red from the heat of emotion. “I don’t need anyone else but you. I don’t want anyone else but you, I never have. I’m so alone without you, Neriah. Please just give me another chance.”
“I’ve given you more than enough chances, Rafe.” 
“So what’s one more?” His eyes are big and glassy, and the sight of him like this makes it hard to stand my ground. 
“One more chance is everything, Rafe.” I say firmly. “If I give you one more chance, then you’ll ask for another, and another. You don’t even deserve another chance right now; you’ve done nothing to earn it.”
“Then I will!” The blonde exclaims. “I’ll–I’ll do anything. I’d do anything for you, just like I said. I meant that. Just–please, Neriah. I’m begging you.”
This is the most powerless I’ve ever seen, him and it was truly a sight to see. While I was slightly annoyed, I can’t say the image of him on his knees begging for my forgiveness wouldn’t be a core memory of mine. 
“Please don’t give up on me. Don’t give up on us.” He looks truly broken, heart bleeding red on his sleeve as the shattered pieces fall out of his eyes and drip onto my lap. “Everyone always gives up on me. I want us to be different…I need us to be different.”
I say nothing, feeling slightly overwhelmed by everything. It was so difficult for me to say no to him, especially when he was like this. It’s how I ended up here in the first place. I knew myself well, and I knew if I spoke, I would say something that would land me in the place of the textbook definition of the word ‘idiot.’
It was just this morning that he practically humiliated me for his own pleasure, a blatant display of his power over me in that moment. 
But how could it be easy for me to reject him when he sits here on his knees before me, so desperate for my mercy? He looked like a broken, lost boy, so distraught at the thought of losing me.
It was hard for me to not sympathize with him. While it is his responsibility to change, it isn’t his fault that act the way he does. His father is a nasty man, one that would let his own son take the fall for a crime he committed. One that would berate him, neglect him, and abuse him for not being the perfect human. How else could Rafe turn out in an environment like that? When you look up to a man that hurts people to get what he wants and flaunts his riches for influence, how could you know being like him is wrong without someone guiding you to be different? 
I was the person that’s supposed to help him be different. I’m supposed to be there for him while he finds himself. What would happen if I gave up on him? 
I should be worried about my own safety rather than his well-being, but I can’t. I was fine, both physically and mentally for the most part. Sure, I’m pissed at him, but simply due to the principle of it all. In no case is kidnapping and drugging okay. But him? He was clearly not okay. He obviously needed help, and he had no one here that was willing to help him. No one had ever tried to help him, and he needed me.
Besides, we were on an island by ourselves in the middle of the Caribbean. How long could I keep this up? We live together and will be for God knows how long. I’d be a fool to believe that I could continue to ignore him for the entire time we’re here, especially when my resolve had already been cracking for a few days.
“Rafe…” I wasn’t sure how to rationalize my decision out loud, sure that I’d sound like a crazy person if I heard myself verbalize my thoughts. My hands go to cup his head, thumbs moving softly across his face to wipe away the fresh tears that were still falling. He leaned into my touch, face hot against my palms. 
“Don’t make me regret this.”
Rafe’s wrecked eyes light up so bright I’m nearly blinded by the swift change. He grabs the hands that rested against the side of his face and places soft pecks against them, his head turning to cover them in countless kisses. I stand up from my seat and he follows after me, rising from his place on the ground, he hunches over to remain eye level with me. 
We switch positions, my face now in his hands as his tear-stained face leans in close. He looked completely smitten with me, something he admitted to being himself just a few minutes ago, eyes sparkling with heart shaped reflections of me. 
“You won’t. I promise you won’t.” He says, minty breath softly hitting my face as he speaks. He studies my face adoringly, drinking in my features like a man dehydrated.
I could feel him leaning into me, lips brushing against mine for just a second before I pulled away in a moment of hesitancy. 
“I’m serious, Rafe.” My voice is soft, eyes darting all over his face warily. His head nods rapidly, one hand moving from the side of my face to tuck a braid behind my ear.
“I know, I know…” 
This time I lean in, glossy lips pressing against his sweetly and hesitantly and pulling away before I can properly feel the warmth of his lips. The evidence of my juvenile peck is left behind on his mouth, lips stained a clear pink from the color on my own. I go to wipe it away, but he blocks it, tongue poking out to collect the residue. 
“What am I gonna do with you?” I say. Rafe smiles at me, pearly white teeth giving me a show. One of his hands leaves my face and finds home on my back to pull me closer. 
“Good things, I hope.” His bottom lip falls captive to the same teeth he used to smile at me with. He looks so entranced with me, unable to escape my features as he examines them for the hundredth time like it’s the first. “God, I’m so in love with you.”
He initiates contact between our lips this time, the hesitancy that I had nowhere to be found in his kiss. It’s gentle but firm, cushiony lips capturing mine with a confidence that I definitely lacked. I felt like I could ascend at that moment. I missed the familiar feeling of his lips against mine, the feeling of him holding me close while I was left breathless in his wake.
The kiss is sweet and rhythmic, the two of us basking in the feeling as we hold each other close.
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The Boy I Love (Ove Bell x Reader)
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Ove Bell is my OC, this is for @call-me-aesthetic especially 💕 Hope you enjoy! ^^
TW: One cuss word. I think- (very mild cussing)
The boy I love is a jokester.
“What? I’m scared, s/o. Aren’t you gonna be my knight and shining armour and protect me?~” he playfully reacted as he placed his hand on his hand to look exasperated.
The two of you were in a haunted house as a Halloween date, and you knew jolly well that Ove wasn’t scared of it one bit. No, he just wanted to act scared to cling to your arm… actually no, just cling onto you.
“Are you done pretending?” You raised a brow, monotonously asking your boyfriend. He gasped, touching his chest offendedly. “When your love is in distress, fear, anguish and helpless without you? Oh, how cruel can you be, my snuggle bug?” Ove sighed as he sounded hurt, but that wide grin on his face says otherwise.
“Snuggle bug? Cringe.”
“S/oooooo,” he wrapped his arms firmer around your arm, chin resting on your head. “Protect meeeeeeee~”
“Oh my sevens…” you smiled at him, as he smiled at you back.
The boy I love has bad taste in movies.
“What are we watching?” You asked your boyfriend while looking baffled at the television screen.
You would’ve expected horror, comedy or thriller from this man but…
“It’s an alien invasion movie.”
“Why is the alien invasion movie all stop motion and have un-sync lip sync?”
“It’s from the 1970s.”
You groaned. Oh my god. I mean sevens.
Your boyfriend decided to pick a movie so outdated and cheesy, the plot is almost so cliche with the main characters obviously using the power of friendship to save the day, characters that have the most nonsensical thinking and scripts.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty and I’m not gonna roast you for watching something so awful,” you laughed at the movie for how awful it is, that is somehow became a good film?
“I know. And I know you love the show, too.”
The boy I love learns something new for me
“Ah shit… this’s embarrassin’…” You faced Ove who was sitting cross-legged on the floor, reading a poem out loud with a bunch of papers that had messily written verses scribbled with lead.
“I suck at words and I… I heard poetry was necessary for Valentine’s Day..? That and I had other things prepared but writing is a pain in the ass…”
You picked up one paper, reading it. “ ‘Your eyes are diamonds, your teeth are pearls, your hair is silk and your skin is glitter’? That is so cheesy~ I didn’t know you’re that type of guy, Ove,” you teased him, catching a rare sight of him blushing a glowing red on his cheeks.
“Well, sorry, I’m trying. It’s my first time writing something like this you know,” he huffed, pouting as he crossed his arms. “And I really do think so…”
You smiled, touched by his words and you kissed him on the cheek. “Well, I feel very loved, and it’s the feelings from you that matters to me.”
The boy I love carefully thinks of meaning.
“What the heck…” You entered your room to see green glow-in-the-dark stars messily pasted across your room, with a bright moon and sun lamp illuminating the dark room with a golden glow.
Not that it was bad or anything, but why? You walked over to the drawer at the side of your bed to see a note. More specifically, a note from Ove.
“Did he do this while I was gone?” You asked yourself as you sat down and read the note with the help of your two new lamps.
You’re the stars, the moon and the sun of my world. I did. this so you’d remembered that.
-Ove Bell
PS: I’m getting better at poetry, am I right? Also all this costed me a fortune from Sam’s store so please say you like it I worked hard-
You scoffed lightly, shaking your head as your cheeks bloomed pink. Your boyfriend is such a cheesy little freak.
Sevens, do you love him so much.
The boy I love tries his best to make me happy.
“Hey now…” Ove awkwardly wraps an arm around you as he soothingly hummed.
You know he’s not the best at comforting, and you could feel how stiff he was when he sat down beside you.
He bit his bottom lip, unsure of what to do next. His spider on his shoulder, Todd, tapped on his neck and he showed Todd to your face. “He’s not a scary spider… he wants to see you happy, too..!” Ove smiled, but you hung your head low and only nodded half-heartedly. He frowns, and Todd looked at the boy with a worried body expression of tapping his two front legs together. He placed Todd on his shoulder and scooted closer to you.
“Hey now, look. I know… I don’t know why you’re upset but I think you’re really cool. You’re brave to cry in front of others and… you’re not scared of Todd. Or at least you overcome your fear of Todd. Still I…”
He paused for a moment and pulled you closer to him if that was even possible. “I want you to be happy.” You looked at him, he smiled gently with an almost anxious expression, desperately trying to cover it.
He’s trying his best for you, you thought and you smiled meekly. “I’m sorry for burdening you.” He frowns once more. “Burdening me? I love you why would that burden me, ya sweet bug?” He smirks. “I’d be here for you any day.”
You giggled at his antics, smiling fully as he grins. “Thanks, Ove.”
“No need to thank me.”
The boy I love loves to mess with my hair.
Ove took of his beanie and sat crossed-legged on the floor with a bunch of hairpins and clips, flowers he plucked from outside and from Heartslabyul a brush in hand as he smiled to himself.
You sat in front of him with your back facing him, sighing unamused.
“Don’t do anything funny like last time.”
“What? You know I love playing with your hair~” he coos, slowly brushing your hair.
It was soothing, honestly, and he began to clip some pins and put flowers onto your hair. You hummed to yourself, subconsciously humming to what your boyfriend hums to himself. From his fingers, he touched them and pulled delicate shimmering translucent strings like cobwebs and weaved them like a spider.
“And… done!” He took a hand mirror and gave it to you, letting you see the cobwebbed veil he made that complimented the clips and flowers on your hair.
“Wow…” “Wow indeed, s/o. You look pretty.”
You blushed. “I… tha-” “Pretty normal.”
“OVE-” “I’m joking, I’m joking!” He smiles genuinely. “You’re beautiful.”
The boy I love loves me.
He sat beside you in the open field as the wind blew a gentle, cool breeze. Ove looked at you, eyes softening as he smiled a little wider. He looked back at the sky you were staring so mesmerisingly at, the sunset that shone over the horizon was a sight to behold indeed.
But not as much as you.
He looked down at his lap. “Fuck.”
“Ove, don’t curse!” You chided him. He chuckles to himself. “Sorry but I can’t help myself.”
“And why is that?”
“Because I just realised how stupid I am.”
“I mean you’re a little dumb, but not stupid. Dumb in not having movie taste.”
He gasped offendedly in a playful manner. “My taste is superior!” “Dream on!”
You both laughed. “Nah, but… I’m stupid to realise I never had guts to do something important.”
“Like?” You asked him, raising a brow.
“This.” The next moment he leaned in to your face, your eyes widening. It all felt like slow motion as he leaned closer and closer, finally pressing his lips on yours. He pulled a way a few moments later, smirking at the way your cheeks burned red.
“I love you,” you blinked momentarily, the words he spoke flowed like a waterfall out of his mouth, no hesitation and with full confidence.
His simple words left you overwhelmed, as you felt the corner of your eyes stung with hot tears.
The boy freaked out when a single tear rolled down your cheek, frantically waving his hand.“H-hey, did I said something wro-”
“Not at all,” you told him. “I… I love you, too.”
He stares at you, his gaze on you unwavering as he smiled softly. “Man… you’re really something, s/o…”
Reblogs help! ^^
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biggerbetterbat · 9 months
Daryl Dixon x OC(Charlie Reed)
Summary: Charlie is left alone in the camp. Hard situation makes her to stop distancing herself.
Warnings: language
Song: Riptide Vance Joy
A/N: Hi guys :) There's a chance that today I will post another chapter, but I'm not sure. Also I'm currently on season 10 of the walking dead and I'm a wreck after season 9. Like...what the hell? Anyways, enjoy! And I PROMISE there will be more Daryl here.
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She was sitting on the grass, playing with one blade between her fingers. She felt her skin getting warmer under the hot rays of Georgia's sun. She could still see Atlanta in the distance, some of the highest skyscrapers, that she used to pass by. Charlie wasn't sure how long passed since Glenn was gone since she didn't have a watch.
She sighed heavily at the thought of him and threw a blade away. She tangled her fingers into her hair nervously and pulled, to somehow stop the anxiety.
Carl left his car long forgotten and sat down next to her on the grass. His presence made her uncomfortable as she had a feeling that she should talk to him about something because the silence was making her uncomfortable. He was making her uncomfortable.
"I know you are worried about Glenn." he said. "But everything's going to be okay."
She scoffed.
Carl was living in a bubble created by his mother to protect him. She was feeding him with words like everything's going to be alright, we will be just fine or...
"You should just have faith." he added.
Charlie didn't want to open her mouth, because she didn't want to say something painful to the boy. She didn't like him, but she wasn't heartless. After all, he lost a father not so long ago.
"Maybe you can teach us something fun?" Carl asked.
"Fun?" she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him.
"Yeah." he nodded with a small smile."Like origami. It was fun last time"
Her patience for this kid was out now. Two weeks was enough and actually, Charlie didn't know if she was angry at this kid or at his mother.
"This isn't a summer camp, Carl."
A small smile faded from his face.
"There's people that are dying right now. If you won't stop being a boy, then you will die as one." she said.
Carl got up and walked away. Remorse washed through her because Carl was the one who knew how it was to lose someone. At the same time, she didn't need his pointless words and being comforted by a kid.
She didn't have to wait long until Lori appeared in her line of sight, clearly angry. Her eyes were throwing lightnings and blush covered her cheeks.
"Don't you ever dare to come close to Carl." she said. "Do you hear me?"
Charlie stood up on her feet and looked her in the eyes.
"Every day since I came here I've been sitting with your kid, taking care of him because you're not around." she said.
"You told him he will die!"
"Everyone will die. And if you're going to treat him like a little boy, he will just die sooner than later."
"How dare you?! Do you have any idea how to raise a kid?"
Charlie looked her in the eyes.
"I guess I know as much as you do."
Lori opened her mouth to say something, but apparently, Shane heard the whole conversation and stepped between two women.
"Woah. Let's calm down and..." he said and raised his arms in a calming manner. "I know there are emotions, but let's not fight inside our group, okay?"
Lori looked at him with anger that he didn't have her back and Charlie just rolled her eyes.
"Listen." he said. "Lori is his mother and you shouldn't talk to him like that. He's just a kid. And Charlie also has some right in her words. We shouldn't treat him as a baby." said Shane looking at them.
Further conversation was broken by a CB radio hum and a familiar voice could be heard.
"Hello, Base Camp?"
Everyone turned their attention towards the RV and the voice coming out of it.
"Can anybody hear me? Base Camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?"
"Hello? Hello?" asked Dale who was the closest. "Reception's bad on this end. Repeat, repeat."
"Shane, is that you?" asked T-Dog.
"Is that them?" asked Lori.
They all heard hum and broken speech. It was hard to understand what the person was saying, but she did hear a word trapped and store.
"There are geeks all over the place." T-Dog said. "We're surrounded."
"T-Dog repeat the last." said Dale. "Repeat."
"Oh my God." Charlie breathed and anxiety hit her hard again. "We have to help them." she said.
"No, absolutely not." Shane replied."No."
"We have to do something." said Charlie, walking up to Shane. She touched his bicep and looked him in the eye.
"He said the department store." said Lori, looking at a cop too.
"I heard it too." confirmed Dale.
Walsh looked her in the eyes as if searching for what he should do.
"Shane." Charlie repeated, her eyes pleading him to do something.
"Charlie." he looked at her. "We don't go after them. We do not risk the rest of the group. Y'all know that."
"So we're just gonna leave her there?" asked Amy.
"Look, Amy, I know that this is not easy."
"She volunteered to go to help the rest of us." she argued.
"I know, and she knew the risks, right? See, if she's trapped, she's gone. So we just have to deal with that. There's nothing we can do." he said in a calm voice.
"She's my sister, you son of a bitch." Amy spat and passed him by.
Charlie raised her eyes at him, desperately trying to convince him with her worried expression.
"What if it was Lori that was stuck there?" Charlie asked. "Or Carl?"
"The rules are rules." said Shane through the clenched teeth.
Fury ignited within Charlie as Shane refused to let her join Glenn and the scavenging group. Her fists clenched at her sides, her jaw tightened, and her eyes blazed with frustration. Without another word, Charlie turned on her heel and stormed away into the woods, her steps heavy with resentment and defiance. She needed to cool off, to clear her head before she did or said something she'd regret.
"I can't just sit here while they're trapped in Atlanta. We have to do something," Charlie said as soon as she heard heavy steps behind her.
Shane placed a hand on Charlie's shoulder as a sign of compassion, and to a bit release her anger at him. "I know it's tough, but we have to think strategically. Running in there guns blazing won't help anyone."
"I just feel so helpless, Shane," Charlie confessed. "They're our friends, our family."
"I get it," he said and nodded, when the girl looked him in the eyes. "I do. Just trust me."
"Okay, I'll try."
"Listen," Shane said once the atmosphere softened. "If you have any problem. If there's anything you struggle with...I'm here for you."
"I'll keep that in mind," she nodded.
"They say I'm quite good with distracting people from their worries."
As Shane subtly flirted with Charlie, she couldn't help but feel taken aback by his sudden shift in tone. She saw Shane as a leader. And she saw on her eyes how good of a distraction he was, especially to Lori. Even though, she tried to maintain her composure, a faint blush crept up her cheeks, betraying her inner turmoil. She forced a small, awkward smile, attempting to brush off Shane's flirtation and steer the conversation back to the matter at hand. That's why she only said: "We'll see about that, Shane."
After the CB radio call, the day seemed pretty normal, just like every other before. Daryl was still gone, Amy didn't want to talk with anyone and Dale was just standing on the RV, looking for something. That's how she stuck with Lori and whining Carl.
"I didn't mean what I said about you."
Lori looked at her and smiled slightly. Her eyes showed that she wasn't mad anymore and she didn't hold any grudge towards the younger girl. "It's okay." she smiled. "I know you didn't mean any of those words. We're all just nervous."
Charlie tried to crack a smile.
"Baby, the more you fidget, the longer this is gonna take, so don't, okay?" said Lori, changing the subject, when her son whined louder.
"I'm trying."
"Then try harder." both Lori and Charlie said at the same time.
"Why don't you cut your hair?" asked Carl, looking at Charlie.
"No one is getting close to me with scissors."
"Why?" he asked.
"Because..." she tried to think about the answer. Charlie was thinking if she should just shrug him off or open up to him. "I was the only girl in the family, besides my mom. I had four brothers. I was wearing clothes after them, that weren't that used, and my whole childhood I looked like a boy with short hair." she shared.
"My dad wanted to save money, I guess." she shrugged. "Or another son. I don't know."
"When did you stop looking like one?" asked Lori with a smile.
"I was fifteen. I confessed to a boy and he said that he liked girls." she answered. "Yeah."
"Hard to believe." said Shane, who was keeping quiet.
When he caught her eyes and furrowed brows he added: "That someone could mistake your pretty face."
"Ow, mom!" Carl winced in pain as Lori pulled his hair in an accident.
"You think this is bad, wait til you start shaving," Shane said. "That stings. Days come you will be wishing for one of your mama's haircuts."
"I will believe it when I see it." replied Carl.
"Tell you what, you get through this with some manly dignity, and tomorrow I will teach you something special. I will teach you how to catch frogs." Shane said, looking up from cleaning his gun.
"I've caught a frog before." Carl said proudly.
"I said frogs. Plural." Shane smiled. "And it is an art, my friend. It is not to be taken lightly. There are ways and means few people know about and I'm going to share my secrets."
"Oh, I'm a girl. You talk to him." Lori said as her son looked at her.
"Have you ever caught frogs, plural?" asked Carl.
Charlie smiled lightly.
"Yeah. I did." she said.
"But you're a girl."
"Like I said, four brothers. I did a lot of nonlady-like things." Charlie smiled at the shocked expression on a boy's face."And military freak dad."
"It's a one-time offer, bud." he said. "Not to be repeated."
"Why do we need frogs, plural?" Carl asked.
"You ever eat a frog's leg? Shane asked.
'No, yum."
"No, he's right ew." Lori chuckled.
"When we get down to that last can of beans, you're gonna be loving those frog legs, lady." Shane said to Lori. " I can see it now: Shane, do you think I could have a second helping, please? Please? Just one?"
"Yeah, I doubt that."
"Have you eaten frogs, Charlie?" Carl looked at her again.
"No. My dad always made sure to have just enough cans with beans." she answered and looked at Shane.
"Don't listen to her man." a cop rolled his eyes. "You and me, we'll be heroes. We'll feed these folks cajun-style Kermit's legs."
"I would rather eat Miss Piggy." confessed Lori. "Yes, that came out wrong." she smiled.
"Heroes, son." Shane said. "Spoken of in song and legend. You and me. Carl and Shane.
Boy hummed, still not convinced.
"Military freak father, huh?" asked Shane once Carl was calmed and Lori could cut his hair. "Was he in an army?"
"No." she answered. "My brothers were. That doesn't change the fact that he made all of us do survival shit. He sent us all each summer, three weeks in the middle of nowhere."
Shane smiled.
"So you know a lot."
"I know how to cry in the woods, yeah." she replied and caught Shane's smile. "I hated those things. I absolutely loathed sleeping in a tent, mosquitoes, no running water." she told them as past memories were coming back to her. "I was crying every day. I was hiding anywhere I could, so I wouldn't have to do stupid activities."
She remembered those camps, three weeks of hell. Waking up at five, running God knows how many miles. Eating something that looked like food, but to this day she wasn't sure what exactly that was. There was no running water, no beds, no walls- just them and the forest. And mosquitoes. At the end of the camp, she didn't have a place on her body that wasn't bitten, and was really surprised that she had any blood left in her veins.
The only one who enjoyed those three weeks was Will. He loved all the activities, he loved the feeling of him against nature and his own limits. Her oldest brother- Finn was there with them just two times before he was too old. He said that thanks to that experience he found out he wanted to be a doctor. Finn was practicing his skills on boys or girls there that were too clumsy. Luke - her second oldest brother - didn't mind those. For him those three weeks were nothing special, he was going and he was back, done. That simple. Even her youngest brother, little Pete was enjoying those things. He wanted to toughen up and finally earn their father's approval.But in the end, he was always the one back at home first with some sprains, broken leg or arm, or concussion.
Shane chuckled under his nose."Your dad went hardcore."
"You have no idea."
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draconic-ichor · 4 months
The Cat, The Sun, and The Moon
Chapter 6
Fnaf fanfic
Sun/Moon x female oc
Warnings: strong language, sexual themes, obsessive behavior, angst, bruises, sickness, medication use, mucus mentions, infection, hospitals, delirium
Summary: Tabby’s lungs were weakened in their escape from the fire. When a small cough starts to appear it may signal something much worse than allergies…
Feedback appreciated, 18+. This was getting a bit long so the spice is saved for next chapter!
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After the ‘bad day’, Moon was much more reserved. Whatever progress he had made to come out of his shell had seemingly vanished. He took up movie watching much more frequently, to the point Tabby subscribed to a streaming service just for him.
He’d watch, optics dimming to almost black, and with that common scowl he would frequently wear.  His responses to Tabby reverted as well, mostly answering her with one word sentences or just not answering all together. Tabby gave him space.
Tabby sat on the edge of the tub, legs within to shave. She only truly needed to shave about half the skin now; even with that fact she didn’t save any time given that extra care had to be taken to avoid the scar tissue that twisted around her legs. Since she shaved with her night shorts on and an old tshirt Sun was allowed to hang out in the bathroom with her.
He was curiously shifting through the toiletries that littered the sink.
The sink was a sore subject between them: it being the epicenter of a previous small fight. Tabby was a messy person, but it was a calculated chaos to her mind. Sun was the opposite, enjoying organization and stacking objects around, that fact Tabby letting go in most of the house. But when it came to her makeup she put her foot down. While she was at work, Sun ‘organized’ the bathroom sink, while also throwing away any outdated products.
Tabby wasn’t amused.
In the wake of that little incident Sun was not allowed to interfere with her sink messes. He was allowed to peruse, just don’t move stuff around.
Sun picked up the bottle of mouthwash, the bright, candy colored liquid within captivating him. He opened the lid, faceplate turning over the top. Outside of detecting smoke or blood, he truly didn’t have a good sense of smell at all, that being replaced with his sense of taste.
He tipped his head back, drinking a swig. As soon as the liquid passed his mouthparts, disappearing into that mystery cavity, he began to make choking and sputtering sounds of displeasure.
“Maybe don’t actually drink that, big guy?” Tabby raised an eyebrow to his antics.
“Why does it burn?” He asked, sitting the bottle down to flap his hands.
“It’s not made to be drank!”
“But it looks so fun and is made for your mouth!” He protested.,
“Just to slosh around a spit out!” She argued, a giggle to her voice, “You don’t actually eat the toothpaste either.”
He frowned, looking almost guilty, making her burst out laughing.
“How many inedible things have you tried in here?!” She snorted.
Sun looked even more like a naughty child, rays dropping as she laughed harder.
He pouted a bit as she finished up, drying off her legs to then add the towel to the overflowing laundry basket.
“I guess I need to do laundry again…” she sighed, hand on her hip.
Sun brightened, asking, “Can I help?”
Tabby took a second to think it over before answering, “Well, it’s still in the apartment…and you have different clothes and stuff now.” She thought, “It should be ok.”
“Yeah!” Sun celebrated.
The laundry machines were located in the apartment’s basement, multiple coin operated machines lining one wall. Tabby pulled Sun down, instructing him to keep his rays fully retracted, before pulling his hood up over his head. It wasn’t perfect, but she was hoping from a distance people would think him just a lanky human.
They carried the large baskets of dirty clothes down to the basement, Sun helping separate them into loads when they got there. Once all three washing machines were going he fiddled with his own hands awkwardly.
Tabby was playing on her phone, oblivious.
“Star?” Sun asked.
“What do we do now?”
She closed her phone, shrugging, “We gotta wait.”
“You wait here the whole time?” He looked upset.
“I don’t trust my stuff alone here.” She put a hand on her hip, “Do you know what some people would do with my stuff.”
“Take it?” Sun ventured.
“If only just that…” she sighed.
“W-What else would they do?” He asked cautiously.
“There’s men out there that want women’s panties.” She explained, “Especially ones that have been worn before.”
“Why would they want those?”
“It’s a fetish thing.” She whispered back, leaning on the washer.
“…oooooh.” Sun frowned. He was still for a moment fiddling with his hoodie before asking, “How do you know about that?”
“Oh, everybody does.” She waved away the question, smiling nervously.
M: She’s made approximately 586.64$ selling used panties in the past.
M: heeeheeheehee
Sun’s optics narrows at Tabby making her blush deeper.
As the clothes spun around in the dryer, Sun groaned audibly. “This is taking fooooorever!” He whined, faceplate to the sky.
“The joys of laundry.” Tabby sighed, adding wistfully, “Hopefully, one day we can have a real house with our own laundry room.”
Sun tilted his head, “Us there too?”
“Only if you want to.” She smiled.
Sun nodded, feeling warm inside. He suddenly sobered, thinking.
“We agreed to tell each other things right…?” Sun’s voice sounded guarded.
“Yes?” Tabby put her phone down.
“Well…” Sun rubbed his shoulder, looking away.
M: Don’t.
Sun closed his optics, steeling himself. “Moon has been upset for a while.” He finally blurted.
Tabby stood, face concerned.
“He uh…really misses his hat.” Sun explained, “He was very attached to it…something special to him. And…”
“Oh no, his hat!” Tabby suddenly realized. In the chaos after the fire she’d completely forgotten.
“Yea…he’s been a bit on edge about it.” Sun nodded, quickly adding, “That doesn’t excuse the…outburst…but it may have contributed to raised emotions.”
“Well make him a new one!” Tabby announced, “I have so many clothes I never wear, some of them must be the right colors.”
“Really?” Sun’s face brightened, rays spinning.
“Sure!” She smiled back, “Can you sew?”
“I can learn.” Sun nodded, excited, “He will be so happy.”
Sun was sat cross legged on the floor, carefully looking over all the clothes Tabby had dumped on the floor.
“Are you sure, Starlight?” Sun asked worriedly, touching over the pile of clothes before him.
“Yep!” She nodded, “I haven’t worn this stuff in forever…”
“Okay…” Sun gave a little nod back, starting to sift through the pile.
Tabby sat next to him, asking after a moment, “What would he like? We can do anything.”
Sun paused, eyes going far away. She waited patiently as they spoke. Blinking, he came back. “A darker blue base with stars, like before, but if possible he’d like the stars to be metallic.” Sun put a curled finger to his chin, eyes narrowing with concentration, “He’s also a fan of a furred brim.”
“Well I definitely don’t have any real fur but…” Tabby stood, going back to the closet, thinking.
Sun pulled a blue hoodie from the pile, holding it up.
S: This blue alright, Moony?
M: …yes
S: Swell!
“Look!” Tabby announced, spinning round to show them her find. She held a cat eared hat covered in a soft white-grey faux fur. “We can use this for the fur!” She beamed.
“Are you sure?”
“It’s from my scene kid days…” she shrugged, “Moon will get much better use out of it.”
“Thank you!” Sun lit up, adding that to the blue hoodie, “Now we only need the stars and maybe something to line it to give more stability…”
They shifted through the pile, Tabby adding certain things to a box as they went, for donation. Sun found a pair of pants of a more substantial material to use as a lining. As they reached the end, Tabby spired something metallic, pulling free a shirt with shiny gold shelves.
Sun gasped, hands to his face in a showy display of excitement, “That’s perfect!”
“I thought I had some gold stuff somewhere.” She smiled, handing it over.
Over the next few days, during Sun’s allotted free time, he practiced sewing, just on scrap pieces of fabric at first. Being what he was and given that the task was fairly repetitive, he picked up the skill quickly; moving on to cutting out shapes from the chosen clothes.
Moon was more the one to hack into devices or record others without their knowledge; digging his fingers through all the data he could, like a sick hobby. But Sun was also capable of such things, in smaller, more easier to to justify to himself  doses.
He particularly excused the small video files he’d collected over the recent weeks. Small clips of Tabitha doing mundane things, mostly. Sun noticed that she would carefully cover most of her legs whenever going out; be it with stockings, thigh high socks or pants. She would only show her legs within the apartment, even though it used to be common for her to wear clothing with exposed legs in the past. So it wasn't her usual attire choice.
It had to be because of the burn scars that now decorated her legs like a patchwork, Sun ventured to guess. She was self conscious about them.
Not here.
His optic followed her as he sewed, noting the contentment she held in his presence. Did she forgo covering up her concerns because of a level of true closeness or was it merely she did not view him to the same standards of a fellow human?
He looked back to his project, thinking.
She refused to get naked in-front of him, seeing that act as being intimate. So by that logic she viewed him as enough of a person to illicit embarrassment from ‘inappropriate’ interactions for their current relationship status.
He hummed a bit.
The fact alone she called their interactions a relationship was good.
He looked up the definition of relationship: the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected…..
The way two people are connected…
M: Think any harder and you’ll blow a fuse…
Moon scoffed in their shared headspace.
S: Well then, give me your illustrious insight.
M: If you still need to think if she cares about us as people you need more help than I am qualified to give.
S: I need a great many things you are not qualified to give.
Sun gave a sharp smile to himself, fingers never slowing in their task.
M: Well then you better stop thinking a hole in our head and do something about it.
S: It's not that easy. Especially not after your little stunt. These things take time.
M: uuugh
S: You aren't even talking to her, making things more difficult for us both…
Moon was silent, retreating back, ashamed.
S: I’ll do what I do best, and clean up after your messes.
Sun hissed in their mind.
“You ok?” Came a worried ask, snapping Sun back to the present.
He blinked his optics, seeing Tabby giving him a look. “Of course, Sunshine!” His voice was just a bit too forced, “Why do you ask?”
“You just looked…off?” She murmured.
“Just concentrating.” He held up the hat a little, wiggling it for emphasis. He shut Moon out silently.
“Okay….” She didn’t sound convinced, “Don’t strain yourself though, ok?”
“The only thing I can strain is my patience.” He smiled, “Don’t worry.”
“Hmmm.” Her eyes narrowed, but she thought it better not to press. Sun could be quite threatening if he wished to be, could get that look about him with an overly enthusiastic smile.
“It’s finished!” Sun announced, holding out the hat to Tabby.
Tabby took it, looking it over. There were a few places where the stitches showed on the stars and the bell was a bit oversized but it made it all the more perfect.
“He’ll love it!” Tabby smiled, trying to hand it back.
“No, no.” Sun tilted his head, a soft smile, “I want you to give it to him…”
“Are you sure?” She looked over it again, thumbs rubbing over the fur rim, “…He hasn’t wanted to talk to me much.”
Sun had been careful to shut Moon out in preparation for the surprise, that fact giving him courage to say more. “No…” Sun’s smile faded, “He wants to talk to you so badly.”
Concern shadowed her, an understanding filling her eyes. She bent forward a bit, tilting her head toward him. Sun mimicked the movement, softly bonking his forehead against hers.
“So will you?” He asked, optics opening. Their eyes were so close. His optics cast a soft glow over her features.
“Yes.” She smiled, face lighting up even more.
Sun’s fans kicked up audibly, making Tabby giggle. He pulled away, embarrassed, Tabby catching a small puff of steam escaping a crack in his exoskeleton.
They didn’t have to wait long, night rapidly approaching. With Sun having shut him out right after their argument, Moon had assumed something was wrong.
His optics blinked worriedly at Tabby as he came online, realizing she was standing right in front of him. His gaze shot around the darkened room to get his bearings, posture anxious.
But Tabby didn’t look cross.
She looked…happy? Excited even?
He loosened the stiffness in his form, tilting his head curiously, first to one side then the other with a ‘click’.
“We have a surprise for you!” Tabby announced, stepping closer.
Moon finally noticed her hands behind her back. His fans kicked up loudly.
Tabby revealed the surprise, holding out a folded fabric bundle.
Moon cautiously took it, moving it about his hands to loosen it open. He froze, optics wide.
A new hat, finished and in his hands.
His fingers felt over the fabric, his movements causing the bell to make sweet tinking sounds.
“Do you like it?” She asked excitedly.
Moon’s thumbs felt over the fabric again, optics blinking up to look at her now. Her smile turned gentle, seeing him trying to swallow back emotion.
Moon carefully lifted the hat, clipping it to the special clamps that kept the hat in place and would allow it to shift with their transitions. The bell gave a soft tink as he situated it to his liking.
He finally looked complete, hands coming back down to worry together. Optics shifted around, awkwardly, unable to look at her.
Tabby bounced a bit, giddy. She surged forward, hugging Moon. Moon froze, his fan kicking up loudly. He looked down, face plate painted in surprise. Tabby squeezed him, face pressed into his chest.
Moon’s hands slowly moved to hug her back, hold melting into something closer as he realized she was genuine.
“…Starlight?” His voice was hardly over a whispering rasp.
“Hm?” She didn’t move.
He made a swallowing sound before speaking, “I…am dangerous..”
Tabby made a snorting sound, looking up without breaking contact. “You and every other man.” She said so matter of fact. There was something hidden and dark woven into the words, it made a pang shoot through Moon’s chest.
He held her a bit tighter.
Moon listened to the pittering of rain on the windows, optics trained on Tabitha’s sleeping form.
He was recording her, like he did most nights, this time it was from a place of growing concern. His sharp toothed smile had fallen, head tilting to the side. With every exhale her breath wheezed from her lips, sounding like a failing voicebox in a way.
M: ….Sun?
S: Yes?
M: She’s wheezing when she breathes.
S: How long has that been happening?
M: For a while…but it’s been getting worse the last three nights. Has she been coughing or anything during your time?
S: A bit, yea.
M: And you think that’s ok??
S: Well no! But I figured it’s from the fire?
M: shit…
S: Don’t.
M: I can say whatever I want now, tightass.
S: You’re so immature.
M: Back to the real issue. I’m sending the recordings of her sleeping from the last few nights to you. When should this be brought up as a problem?
S: She's very adamant about not wanting to see a doctor. I’ll review the tapes and look through our files but we really only have general first aid…
M: uhhhg…
S: ?
M: We are useless…
S: No! I’ll think of something!
M: Sure…
The room was illuminated for a split second, not long enough to elicit a transformation but enough to make the animatronic tense. Rolling thunder followed, making Tabby stir.
“Moon?” Her voice was thick with sleep. The glow of his optics emanated from the corner, stone still.
She’d started to get used to his nightly presence, it spooking her less and less every time.
Lighting cracked outside again, making her jump. When her attention went back to Moon his head was turned 180 degrees, regarding her silently.
Thunder rolled overhead, drawing a wince from her.
“Scared?” His voice rasped.
“I didn’t used to be.” She admitted softly.
Soft clicking was audible as his head smoothly rotated back.
“Little kitten, scared of rain and thunder.” He jeered, smile sharp.
She rolled onto her side, pulling the blankets closer as another crash of thunder rattled the windows. “Come here?” She reached out, voice a soft question.
His smile faltered, blinking at the offered hand. Had he had eyebrows they surely would have been furrowed.
After a moment of stalemate she withdrew her hand in defeat. Feeling foolish as she rolled the opposite way, no longer facing him.
The bed suddenly creaked with added weight, Tabby sitting up, surprised. Moon sat on the edge, watching her. She hadn’t heard him move over the pounding of rain.  A smile reached her face, scooting over to give him more room. She patted the space beside her as if he were a cat.
Moon moved slowly, as if the bed itself would break from under him. Ever so carefully, he laid down beside her, still as a board as his faceplate pointed to the ceiling.
Tabby got comfortable, her modest bed putting her along his side. An optic was trained on her, glowing iris tilted to the side as far as it’d go so not to move his head.
She watched him back, cuddling into her blankets.
“Sleep.” He finally instructed, sensing her heartbeat lowering.
Her eyes were growing heavy before he’d spoken, not needing any persuasion.
“Thank you.” She murmured, sleep overtaking her.
He didn’t respond, but remained there until morning.
“Tea?” Tabby questioned, looking down at the hot cup before her.
“Yes!” Sun smiled widely before turning to pack her a lunch for the day.
“But why tea?” She pressed, used to coffee.
“It’s good for you.” Sun answered simply, turning his faceplate only slightly away from his task.
She sipped the hot liquid, grimacing at the herbal taste. Just as it started to sooth her scratching throat a cough rattled through her. Tabby had to quickly sit the cup down, hacking into a paper towel.
Sun watched, concern painted over his features. “Maybe take the day off, Sunshine?” He ventured, “Take it easy?”
She shook her head, catching her breath. Finally able to talk, she argued, “I’m fine, just a little cough.”
Sun made a sound, optics narrowed.
Her face grew stern, pointing at him, “Don’t you scan me!”
His optics narrowed further as she voiced her irritation more loudly.
“So what’s so wrong with me Dr. Smartypants?” She asked sarcastically.
“That’s Mr Dr. Smartypants, thank you!” He corrected offendedly, wilting to answer more seriously, “And I don’t…know…”
Tabby snorted, “See, I’m fine.”
“My scans are for general health concerns.” He informed, reaching over to grab the soiled paper towel from the counter. His voice became earnest as he opened the towel, revealing a green sheen to the mucus, “But that color isn’t ‘fine’.”
“Gross.” Tabby grimaced again, pushing him away.
“Mhm.” He huffed, balling up the paper towel before disposing of it.
“I’ll take some allergy meds before I leave.” She shrugged, heading towards the bathroom to finish up.
That night Moon could hear her coughing from her office, face falling with worry. He wandered in, seeing her wrapped up tightly in a blanket.
He padded closer, realizing her desk held a mountain of used tissues and her face was red.
“Sick.” Moon frowned, hand coming up to feel her forehead.
Tabby made an upset sound but didn’t move away from his touch.
Moon’s frown deepened, “Fever.”
She didn’t fight him as he urged her to her feet, leading her to the bedroom. Moon helped her into bed, sitting next to her protectively.
“I don’t work this weekend…I’ll just rest and get better.” Tabby sighed.
Moon didn’t look convinced, standing to leave the room for a moment. He returned with medicine and a glass of water.
 He resumed his place beside her, helping her sit up to take the medicine.
She cuddled up beside him, needing extra pillows to keep her head elevated. Moon reached out, brushing away her bangs from her face. Tabby blinked up at him.
“Pretty.” He smiled, voice scratchy, “Pretty Star.”
She gave a weak giggle, “I look so gross right now, I’m sick.” She said the words like facts, but Moon looked at her in full belief of his previous statement.
He ran his fingers through her hair again, smoothing it back, eyes half lidded. “Still pretty.” He murmured.
Tabby feebly smiled, easing into the contact as sleep threatened her. She reached up, taking his hand. Moon froze, optics widening. Tilting her head up a bit, she softly pressed her lips to the back of his hand, still feeling the cracks under the silicone.
Moon’s fans kicked up as she let him go, relaxing into bed. He stayed beside her.
As she fell into a fitful sleep from the coughing Moon filed away the sounds of her breathing: labored, with a strained wheezing sound to follow.
The first day of the weekend, Tabby spent most of it in-front of the computer, hacking into tissues and drinking the many cups of tea Sun would bring. The medicine eventually couldn’t soothe her symptoms, and by the second day she didn’t leave her bed…
“Here, you need to eat.” Sun helped her sit up, carefully placing the tray before her. Tabby blinked down into a hot bowl of soup.
“We didn’t have soup.” She wondered, looking up at him.
“I made it.” He answered gently with a soft smile.
She blew on a spoonful, trying it. Her face brightened as much as her poor state would allow, gushing, “It’s so good!”
Sun continued to smile, sitting on the edge of the bed. There was a tight worry hidden under the smile, eyes betraying him.
He watched her eat, relieved she still had an appetite.
When she couldn’t take another bite, exhaustion taking over again, she lay back on the bed. Sun moved the tray to the floor, shifting back to tuck her in.
Her breathing came out with little wheezes, dark circles under her eyes.
“The soup was so good.” She smiled weakly, trying to look at him. Her eyes were so heavy, “You are getting good at cooking.”
Sun reached out, caressing her cheek, gently moving to smooth back her hair. The touch was loving, soothing Tabby to close her eyes and rest. Sun repeated the movement, his concern finally cracking over his face when she was asleep.
“She’s getting worse…” he whispered.
Moon wasn’t as in practice as Sun with such matters, although neither truly had any direct experience with sickness. He stayed by her side constantly, despite that.
He lowered his temperature in an effort to soothe her fever, causing his systems to slow and become sluggish. Having to enter into a partial rest mode, he lay beside her with a cool hand over her forehead.
The morning brought another issue: she was scheduled to work.
Sun scanned her, seeing her vitals were even lower. There’d be no way she could go in, and he wasn’t even sure if she could even make the call herself. The sickness was starting to cause small bouts of delirium to weed into her.
Sun paced, phone held up to the side of his faceplate, waiting as it rang.
“Yes, Hello.”
“I’m calling for Tabitha Penn…..Yes.”
“She will not be able to come in today…..Yes……Yes, I apologize.”
Sun spoke to the other on the phone, keeping a professional tone:
“She is very ill, and has a high temperature….yes.”
“Who am I?” He echoed the question, mind racing for a moment. He glanced at the bed, Tabby seemingly asleep.
“This,” he lied, “This is her husband….Yes. I apologize again for this inconvenience.”
“Thank you for the understanding.”
“I will…thank you.” He sighed, hanging up the phone.
Sun closed his optics, worry thick in his rigid posture. As he tapped the phone against his faceplate in thought a sound roused him. He blinked, turning back towards the bed.
Tabby smiled weakly to him.
“Hey starlight.” He came to the bedside, kneeling down, “I called work for you, you just rest. Everything is taken care of.”
“You said you were my husband.” Her voice slurred, fever causing slight delirium to fog her mind.
Sun started to apologize but her next words stuck him silent.
“I’m your wife.” She giggled, “That means you like me.”
“I like you.” He nodded, voice soft. He smoothed her hair from her face adding, “And you are very sick.”
“I like you too.” She reached out, taking the sleeve of his hoodie in a weak hold, “You are so nice and funny. I’ll be your wife. It’s ok.”
Sun pet her gently, “You are just sick. You need to rest.” He urged.
She was already nodding off from a mixture of the medication and his soothing touch, murmuring, “Even when I’m not sick.”
“I’ll love you.” She whispered.
Sun’s hand froze, optics widening. Tabby was out, wheezing breathing deepening.
She’s just sick….
He told himself, leaning forward to softly press the mouth of his faceplate to her forehead.
Things didn’t improve in the night. Moon laid beside her, playing soft tunes on his music box, unsure of what else to do as she drifted in and out of consciousness.
By the morning she stopped waking up entirely.
“She’s so much worse.” Sun held his faceplate, “We have to do something.”
He looked towards her phone, hearing Moon protest in his head.
“We don’t have a choice, she needs help.” Sun argued, moving towards the phone.
“Arav….It’s Sun.”
“Please…We wouldn’t have contacted you unless it was an emergency…..It’s Tabitha.”
“She’s…she’s very sick.” Sun explained, “We can’t drive…please can you take her to a hospital…please. We didn’t know who to call.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He chanted, relief heavy in his tone.
Arav was there within the hour, the seriousness of the situation truly crushing him when Sun showed him to Tabby’s room.
Sun helped him get her down to his car, careful to retract his rays and keep his hood up. As he placed her in the seat, he squeezed her hand, heart breaking he couldn’t go with her.
He stayed on the sidewalk until the car was long out of sight, feeling useless…
“It’s a bacterial infection in her lungs. She has to stay overnight but if she’s awake by tomorrow then she should be able to come home with antibiotics.” Arav explained, “Can you take care of that when she’s back?”
“Yes, we can take care of all of that.” Sun nodded.
“They are giving her fluids right now, I’ll let you know if I find anything out.” The man promised. He had stopped by the apartment on his way home from the hospital. Still not fully understanding the depths of the animatronic’s personhood, the fact they called him alone earned more respect in his mind.
“Thank you….” Sun looked down, “Thank you for helping her.”
“Tabby has been a good friend…in her own way.” Arav shrugged, “I’ll do what I can.”
The silence in the apartment was deafening. All tasks quickly completed and the cage-like area that was their new boundaries meticulously cleaned without anyone flesh and bone to make any messes. Sun reverted back to the corner, curling in on himself and forcing a partial rest mode. He kept certain systems on alert, for any calls or news.
Moon fared no better, wandering from room to room aimlessly in the pitch darkness. He listened to the muffled sounds of other tenets, scratching at the places the baseboards met the walls. If Sun felt restless then he was utterly agitated.
On the second day, they finally got news: she was coming home.
Sun saw Arav’s car pull along the street in front of the apartment, almost tripping over himself to run out onto the balcony. He watched him go around, opening up the side door, Sun began to flap his hands excitedly with the first little flash of pink hair.
Tabby walked out onto the sidewalk, a bit shaky but standing on her own.
Sun about fell off the balcony as he leaned over the edge, calling out happily, “Star! Starlight! Staaar!” Waving like mad.
“I think someone missed you.” Arav chuckled, grabbing her bag from the back seat.
“Oooh I don’t know…” she jested to Arav, watching Sun flap his arms wildly to be seen.
“Now she has to take these twice a day with food and this one once a day with water.” Arav instructed, showing each pill bottle respectively. He pulled out a discharge pamphlet with even more detailed information.
“Got it!” Sun gave him a thumbs up, smile never wavering.
Arav was careful to make sure Tabby was in the bathroom before speaking again, “She asked for you, you know?”
Sun tilted his head, curiously.
“Yea…” Arav admitted, “Quite a few times. But I don’t think she remembers much. She had that infection for a while.”
The animatronic nodded, mirth faded a bit.
“But…she was in pretty good condition all things considered.” He sighed, eyes drifted to the closed bathroom door. True concern burner in his dark eyes, before he looked back to Sun, “Keep it up, I guess. Taking care of her.”
“It’s our job.” Sun smiled.
Arav nodded, looking worn out. He said quick goodbyes, declining to wait for Tabby, citing that she needed rest.
Sun looked at the door long after it closed, something in his chest feeling both heavy and light at the same time. He didn’t break out of his trance until the bathroom door clicked.
“We missed you so so so so much!” Sun chanted as he hugged her tightly.
“Careful.” She warned gently, making him quickly loosen his hold.
Sun apologized profusely, moving to look her over. She took off her coat, revealing some heavy bruising in the crook of her arms from previous ivs. Tabby gave a weak smile as Sun began to fret over her anew.
“Sun.” She sighed, when he didn’t hear her over himself she said a bit more pointed, “Sun!”
“Oh, sorry.” He took a step back, worrying his hands together.
“It’s ok.” She soothed, but added, “I’m gonna go lay down though, okay big guy?”
He jumped a bit with realization, “Yes, yes, yes….of course.”
He followed right on her heels as she went into her bedroom, head clicking back and forth. Tabby placed her phone on the nightstand, taking care to plug it in before sitting on the bed. She started taking off her shoes and long socks, pausing after to look up at Sun.
His idle swaying stopped in its tracks.
“Could you…turn around for a second?” She asked, a blush to her cheeks.
“Oh!” He jolted in realization. Never one to do anything in half measures, he spun around on the tips of his toes, crouching slightly and covering his eyes showily. The pose was reminiscent of what he would do when playing hide and seek. It made Tabby crack a small smile with amusement. She stood, turning her back to him, just to be sure, peeling off her clothes. There was already a set of pajamas ready on her bed for her, she thankfully took them.
Hearing a little click of gears she warned, “No peeking.”
The clink was quickly echoed as he moved back to the original position.
Finally dressed she crawled into bed, sighing, “Ok.”
Sun instantly jumped to attention, shifting to look at her. He came up to the bedside, reaching out to smooth down her hair.
Tabby leaned into the contact like a cat, closing her eyes a bit. Her body ached, exhaustion tugging at her mind.
“Sun?” She murmured.
“Yes, Sunshine?” He smiled.
Tabby shifted closer to the wall, out of his reach. Sun tilted his head, face a mixture of hurt and confusion.
It was short lived as Tabby patted the newly opened spot in the bed, asking a bit bashfully, “Would you want to cuddle, maybe?”
Not needing to be asked twice, Sun instantly crawled into the bed beside her. His movements were eager as he got comfortable beside her. Unlike Moon, Sun took no time before shifting to cuddle her, pulling Tabby close to his chest.
He was incredibly warm, heat radiating from his metal exoskeleton. Tabby relaxed into him, the warmth a soothing balm to her aching body. She could hear his fans whirling loudly, tiredness threatening to drag her under.
Sun resumed his petting, the movements soothing her into sleep easily. Once she was out he pulled her even closer, curling a bit protectively around her. His faceplate pressed into the crown of her head, eyes closing happily.
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wordsbymae · 2 years
Mae's Yandere Thought of The Week 18+
A strange man has arrived in your village, speaking an unknown language and wearing unusual garments. The town shuns him, despite his attempts to seemingly ask for help. You, however, take pity on the traveller, however, you'll wish you didn't.
Pairing: Time traveller x gn!reader
tw: gn!reader, possessive behaviour, vulgar speech, implied physical abuse, misogyny? reader is gn but can be read as sexism slut shaming (is this even the right way to describe it?)
notes: so I disappeared for much longer than 2 weeks. Anywho, this came to me seconds before I passed out from exhaustion last night. There is no plot just vibes and also I'm trying to decide which of my OCS to write for first. I want to do all of them but I am struggling to pick one. Give me a shout if you have a preference.
Also, the little village is in no particular place really so you can have it anywhere. Although the reader doesn't know what a camel is.
Also also sometimes these thoughts are casual and sometimes I actually try. I did not try. And I gave this guy a name for some reason? if this it means what is written is spoken in a langague reader cannot understand but for your benefit, I have included it.
Anyway, enjoy!
Lots of love mae xx
Your father always did say you were too kind. Too eager to please, too willing to help those in need. He warned you that your kindness would one day be repaid with heartache. No good deed goes unpunished. And yet as you watched the butcher's son push the strange man into the mud with a sneer, those warnings were lost to the wind.
The man came from the south, rushing into town with thin clothes and unpractical shoes. He spoke a strange tongue, some words sounded similar to the rough fishermen who often traded with your town, but others had a familiar tone to the men and women who once passed through your small village, with strange long-legged and long-necked creatures in tow.
In one hand he held a strange black object that reflected the sun as he raced into the town yelling and shouting at those around him. You watched in confusion from your place by your cart, if you were any more your father's child you would have lifted yourself into the seat and call your mule home. But you worry for the man, this worry made you stay and watch as those around him shunned him and turned their backs on him. He wasn't a tradesman or farmer. He was too clean. His skin was without the usual muck of the other working men. He wasn't a soldier or guard. He was without armour or leather and had no weapon in hand.
He was just lost and afraid.
He rushed towards the butcher's son, Adil, the only one who hadn't turned away from him. But when he grabbed the young man's shoulders, he was pushed to the ground.
"Mind your hands' scum!" Adil sneered, lifting his leg back to deliver a kick.
"Stop!" you shouted, rushing towards the pair. Adil turned to face you placing his foot back down. You kneeled beside the man as Adil scoffed and walked away. The villagers stopped to stare at the scene before resuming their day.
The man gave a grunt as he leaned up onto his elbows, mud dripping from his back as he did.
"Are you ok?" you asked, a hand touching his shoulder. He stared at you for a second before his gaze fell on the strange black object, now covered in muck and mud by his side. He gave a groan as he grabbed it, desperately trying to clear the mess. He sigh as the black screen once more came to view.
"What is your name?"
his eyes fell on you once more, brow furrowed in confusion.
"Name?" you tried again.
He only just stared.
You pointed to your chest before slowly saying your name, before pointing to his just and urging him with a nod. A word flowed from his mouth, short and sounding somewhat like a sound your father used to make with his hammers.
You slightly tilted your head, mouthing the sound as you did.
"Yack?" you questioned. A soft chuckle left his lips.
"J- ack" he slowly said, repeating the first sound a few times.
"Ah! Jack!" you exclaimed.
Jack gave a nod and a smile.
"Come. Follow me" you said, jumping to your feet and reaching for his arm to pull him up.
He made a sound of hesitation but you quickly shushed him, dragging him to the cart.
"Up, up" you urged, as he struggled to rise into the seat.
You were justified in your hurry. You could hear the whispers of the townspeople, their fear and unease. It wouldn't take long for it to morph into hate and anger. It best to take Jack with you, to claim him as a ward under your care.
If you had been born with the gift of seer sight you would have left Jack in the mud where he belonged.
It had been a few weeks since you took Jack home. You knew he was strange when you saw him, but it was the little things that were the most unusual. How he didn't know how to skin the rabbits that you gave him, instead he looked at them in disgust. How he bulked at feeding the donkeys and chickens, often calling for you in fear, only for you to find him being cornered by the animals in the barn, screaming at them in his mother tongue. Or how he would sook if you didn't allow him to bathe every night. He had to be some kind of noble. He had to be. He had no farm skills and definitely no trade. But if he was noble would he not be educated? Then why did he not know some sort of common langue? You spent days trying to find one, even if you only knew one word or phrase. Or how come no one had come to claim him? Surely news would have reached your town of a lost or runaway noble.
There were other things that unnerved you. How sometimes you could see a brief flash of light coming from the black object. How he drew a large image in the dirt outside of curved lines that made odd-looking shapes and kept pointing to them, speaking to you over and over getting frustrated when you were unable to decipher his images. How he would often stand too close to you, touch you for too long, and look at you strangely.
He was getting better at these things, better at skinning rabbits, and feeding donkeys. He bathed less and the flashes resided, he began to communicate with you in your tongue and he would even teach you some of his. But the touches and stares only increased.
Jack had yet to go back to town, but with the weeks passed and him now properly dressed and could somewhat communicate, you thought it safe for him to reappear in town.
As you thought, the townspeople had all forgotten Jack, it helped he looked different from last time. His hair was longer and his beard grown, and his clothes were much more practical. You were still worried someone might say something, so worried that you didn't even think Jack would be the problem.
You had sent Jack to fetch some thread, and you took the time to speak to the attractive young man manning the pottery stand. As you giggled at the man tracing the lines of your palm telling you of a future of love, you were unaware of Jack marching across the town's square, until he ripped the man away from you, holding him by his shirt collar, pushing him into the wall behind him.
"hands off scum!" Jack seethed.
"Jack! Stop it!" you cried, trying to make him let go, "Please!"
It took Adil and another man to finally remove him, Jack now speaking in his own tongue, his tone harsh and sharp. Adil threw him to the ground and turned to you.
"Keep your mutt away, he is not welcome here" he warned.
You gave a cry as you watched the town turn away from you. You looked at Jack in the dirt, his eyes of fury. You shook your head and raced back to the cart, ignoring Jack's calls.
You waited for him to be seated before urging your mule home.
Minutes passed in silence. You had so much to say but none which Jack would understand.
"Not sorry" Jack whispered head turned from you.
"Why," you asked
Jack did not answer, only turning to stare at you for a few moments before turning away.
Home slowly came into view, releasing your mule and leading him back into his paddock, refusing to acknowledge Jack. He stood by the cart awaiting a word from you. But you walked straight past and went inside your home. Jack rushed to follow.
The night went in the same manner, not a word from you. Jack was getting frustrated, he was never very patient. He started trying to speak to you in your tongue, before reaching to touch you. It was during dinner when you shrugged off his hand from your shoulder that he finally had enough. You watched as he stood up quickly and rushed towards the front door to lock it as you looked at him in confusion.
"Jack what are you doing?" you questioned, placing the bread in your hand down. Jack only walked towards you, his hands reaching for your father's old leather belt that sat atop of your dresser.
"Jack," you said in worry, slowly standing from your chair.
"stop" you urged, reaching to grip the dull dinner knife that lay beside your plate in your hand.
"You asked why" he stated "because you are mine"
Jack surged forward, grabbing your wrist and twisting your arm behind you, you cried out in pain as the knife clattered to the ground. you were pushed onto the table, a pitcher being knocked over in the force, ale streaming forth.
Jack spoke in his mother tongue, his tone harsh and cruel
"fucking tease. I bet you would have ended up on your knees for that fucking piece of shit, mouth wide open, begging for his cock. Not for me though, oh no, no matter what I do, what I say, you just treat me like a fucking pet. No more! I'll show you who the man of the fucking house is.
Your father always did say you were too kind.
You were already cursing your foolishness by the first hit of the leather across your arse.
I kinda hate this? even tho i fixed the ending
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gamequeenanya · 9 months
Security Breach: The Collab Fic! - Violet’s Version (Part 1)
Summary: A girl named Pocket has a birthday today. The animatronics in the Pizzaplex help her celebrate, along with a slew of other friends! But what happens when the Moon gets tickled? Chaos, naturally!
(Note: Since Pocket cancelled this fic, I offered to write it instead, and she gave me permission! This fanfic is the one with YOUR OCs in it! All OCs belong to their respective owners. Enjoy!)
It was a busy day in the Pizzaplex. There were so many customers that they had to close the pizza stand early because they ran out of dough. But it was also a special day in the Pizzaplex because it was the One Year Grand Opening!
There was one girl working in the Pizzaplex as a writer for many stories that would be told about the animatronics here. Her name was Pocket. She had brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and was about average height. She was really cute, and she loved her job as a writer. However it was difficult finding her passion again. You see, she had trouble saying "no" to people and the story requests kept piling up. So she felt trapped trying to write things to please other people instead of focusing on the things that made her happy.
One day she passed by the Daycare in front of the slide, and she met someone. It was her friend, Glamrock Freddy.
"Hello Pocket!" He said enthusiastically. Then he noticed the look on her face. "Oh. What's wrong, Superstar?"
She sighed. "Hey Freddy. It's all this work I have to do..."
Freddy offered a hug. "There there; it's okay. We'll find a way to help you, Superstar."
She nodded, hugging Freddy. "Thank you..."
Some loud laughter was heard from the daycare. Curiously, Freddy went over to check it out. Pocket followed him. When they were at the fun slide, she went first. Sliding down the slide and feeling a rush of excitement as she went fast. It was like being a kid again.
Glamrock Freddy called out to see if she was alright. She called back.
“I’m fine!”
Swimming through the pit, she found the source of the noise. It was the Daycare Attendant Sun laughing as many people tickled him. Among them were Nova: a purple haired cat girl, Insanity: a pale ginger, Rando: a punk goth with half his head shaved, Rain: someone with blue eyes and long hair, Travis: someone with vitiligo and an all-black outfit, Aenz: someone with pink hair and pink/white clothes, Ash: someone with black hair, brown eyes, and brown skin, Bee: someone with dark hair and skin, who wore a yellow shirt and black and yellow Pikachu ears, Mizuki: a girl with purple hair, green eyes, and a purple outfit.
And while some people tickled him, others preferred to watch. Some of them giggling while doing so. The people watching were Smileheart: a redhead with pink skin, A: a guy with black ripped skinny jean overalls, and Joker: a tall man with brown hair, black eyes, and a caramel skin tone.
“OHOHOHOHOOOOHOOO GOOHOOHOOOHOOODNESS!!” He shrieked. There must have been about ten people there, poking his sides, back, belly, and upper torso. “STAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHP! PLEHEEHEHEHHEEHEHEEHEASE!”
Pocket giggled. Just another day at the Pizzaplex. “Hey guys!” She called out, waving to them.
“Oh, hey Pocket!” They all said, waving back.
Seeing as they were busy waving to their friend, Sun took this opportunity to get them back, skittering his fingers along their sides.
They shrieked loudly, all running in circles to try and either get away or form a counter strike. Some of them got far enough to escape Sun’s amazing tickles. Most weren’t so lucky.
“A tickly Sun is on the loose!” Mizuki cried, and ran to the light switch. She turned the lights off. “Bye bye!”
Everyone gasped, a sinking feeling going through them at realizing what happened.
“Ahhhhhhhhh! Noooooooooo!” Sun shrieked. “What have you done?!” He fell to the ground and struggled, weakened by the dark.
“Sun…?” Mizuki said. “Are you okay?”
Suddenly, Sun sprang to his feet. But he wasn’t Sun anymore.
“Ohooooohooooooo!” Moon said. “Big mistake…!”
He wiggled his fingers and chased the screaming crowd. Scooping Ash, Smileheart, and Travis into his arms, he tickled their bellies. They scream-laughed, pushing at his fingers, trying to get loose.
Mizuki puffed out her chest. “Not so fast, Mr. Moon! I know your weakness!”
She sneaked around behind him and tickled behind his knees.
He screamed and let go of the captives, hands going to protect his sides.
“Hey, he’s ticklish too!” A cried, and he proceeded to poke and prod Moon’s hypersensitive torso.
“Wow, you’re worse than Sun!” Joker teased. That made Moon squeal even harder.
Meanwhile, Scott’s hair was drying in the Salon. Glamrock Chica was there now, feeling a little lonely. Being a former security guard at Freddy’s, he was at least 60 now, though his beauty shone through even at this age. He had thick grey hair, was average height, and was slightly underweight.
He used to be the Phone Guy. Now he was an undercover investigator.
He never took his eyes off Chica, feeling uneasy. It wasn’t fair of course, since she’d never done anything to him, but she understood the trauma he must have been through. She moved slowly as she undid his hair curlers.
It was Scott who started the conversation.
“Hey Chica, how’s it going?”
She perked up at him speaking to her. “Oh, I’m fine! Never been better!” She spoke too quickly and grinned a little too wide. Maybe she would have convinced an ordinary person, but Scott could tell when someone was lying.
“Oh. Uh, listen. If there’s something on your mind, I’ll be here to uh, listen.” He said slowly, wanting to be kind.
She finished with his hair and sat in the chair next to him, ready to clear her mind of woes.
Roxanne Wolf stomped around the track.
Chica’s words echoed in her head. She’d told Roxy she spent too much time in front of the mirror these days, and they hardly spent time together.
Obviously Chica was being silly! After all, she needed that time in front of the mirror. How else would she convince herself she was beautiful…?!
She tried not to think of something else in their life that would have affected her behaviour. Instead she kept stomping around the track. She didn’t look where she was going and almost ran into someone.
“Hey, careful!!”
The person stopped and looked up at her. It was Shannon, one of Pocket’s best friends.
“Wait, you’re Roxy!” She said. “I love you!”
Roxy was about to send the person away but stopped and grinned.
“Of course you do. I’m the best!” She flipped her green hair to show off. “So, are you interested in learning to race?”
Shannon nodded.
There were a couple of other fans watching as well named Sofia and Nicole. They decided to stay and watch Roxy too.
Meanwhile Glamrock Freddy was dealing with something of his own. Pocket was following the crowd’s example and had started to poke Freddy’s upper torso where his ribs would be. And to make things worse, more friends of Pocket’s had shown up! Fluff and Ray were tickling Freddy’s hips and legs.
“Hahahahahaahhahahahaha! Superstar~!” He giggled. And then Nova came up and tickled along his hips. “Hey, wahahahahahaaait!” Freddy cried. “That’s not fair!”
Then Moon, who’d managed to escape the naughty people’s fingers, ran over and scooped up Pocket, Bee, and Rain. He ran through the Pizzaplex, laughing like a gremlin.
“I’ve got the birthday girl! Ahahaahahahaaaahaaa! Your party will be ruined!”
Freddy and the crowd gasped.
“Not so fast! We’ll save her!”
And they chased after Moon, who was giggling as he tickled the current captives. He mostly went for the sides, belly, and neck.
Moon ran all the way to the Raceway.
Seeing him and the laughing captives, Roxy got an idea. As she finished her safety lesson in the parked car she was showing them, she wiggled her paw pads.
“And when you’re driving, never ever let yourself get distracted.”
Giving Sofia and Nicole some playful pokes, she relished in their squeals. Shannon just preferred to watch, and smiled.
Meanwhile, Chica told Scott her woes. She talked about how concerned she was with how distant Roxy was. How she was spending too much time in the mirror and was neglecting their friendship. Scott felt for her and offered some comfort.
She accepted the hug, pulling him in close, and felt him stiffen.
“Oh. Heh!” He tried to make himself calm, assuring himself that Chica was in Safe Mode. It was nice and quiet for a while. He patted her back.
“Yeah, uhh… Is there an animatronic therapist around here?” He wondered. “Cause uh, to me it sounds like Roxy is suffering. Maybe she needs to talk about whatever is troubling her?”
“Maybe…” Chica said, looking away. “I guess I didn’t notice it, I thought she was being selfish. But not too long ago, one of our band mates was in a tragic accident…”
Scott chuckled despite everything. “Yeah. That’ll do it.”
There was a small bot in the Pizzaplex as well. All he wanted was to give people maps – as well as scaring people with his little jumpscare. He did the same thing when an unsatisfied customer wanted a refund.
Seeing some people rush by, he offered his map. But Moon was the one carrying them and he ran right past, bumping into Map Bot and making him spin around in circles.
A visitor named Juno noticed poor Map Bot and came over to steady him.
“Hey… Are you okay?”
Map Bot beeped with a nod. He seemed confused by the affection.
Juno checked him over for any damage to his casing, feeling around the area his ribs would be. The bot started to giggle.
Chuckling, Juno continued, checking the belly and spine area. Map Bot laughed, wrapping his arms around his waist. Finally Juno got to his hips. He couldn’t take it anymore.
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Please stop!” He said robotically. The visitor obliged, now seeing what was going on. There was a smile on their face.
“Don’t worry, you only have a few scratches on your casing. Your mechanic should have no problem!”
Map Bot sighed in relief.
“Thank you. Moon does not usually barrel past like that.” Reaching into his bag, he then offered a gift. “Now please, take a map! Free map.”
(End of Part 1!)
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void-heroes · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick | Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Fem!OC
Also published on my Wattpad (-voidheroes)!
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The sheer curtains of Emerson's bedroom danced in the soft breeze that her ceiling fan generated as the early morning sun shone through them. Outside her window was the gentle crash of the ocean waves that were mere steps from her porch. Emerson Blackwood still resided in her childhood home in Miramar, California.
She glanced at the sleeping man beside her. The early sun created a glow across his already tan skin. This wasn't the first time Emerson had found herself in bed with Bradley Bradshaw, and it certainly wouldn't be her last.
A relationship just wasn't in the cards for Bradley and Emerson. There would always be a mission and the fear of not returning. Bradley had experienced that firsthand. Plus, it didn't help that they both grew up without a father. They didn't know how traditional relationships worked. How could they expect to form one? But this, whatever this was, seemed to work just fine for them.
Emerson scooted closer to Bradley, rubbing lazy circles across his toned back. "You keep that up and I'm not getting out of this bed," he said in his raspy morning voice.
"We have a big day ahead of us, Lieutenant."
He rolled over, now on top of her, leaving a trail of kisses down her neck to her collarbone. "Or we could spend the day right here." Emerson hummed contently as his lips traveled lower down her body.
Using her pointer finger, she tilted his chin up, "You keep that up, Lieutenant, and I'm not getting out of this bed." She tossed the covers off their bodies and began picking up their mess of clothes from the night before. She tossed Bradley his white tank top and Hawaiian shirt. "Are you worried about today?" She asked, sliding her jeans back on.
He pulled his shirt over his head, "Should I be?"
An image of Maverick danced in Emerson's head. Should she warn Bradley about the possibility of seeing Maverick? She decided against it in hopes that she was wrong about him being their instructor.
Emerson shrugged, putting her top on, "Just asking."
He kissed her cheek, "I'll see you in a bit."
✈︎     ✈︎     ✈︎     ✈︎     ✈︎
The selected Top Gun graduates sat in neat rows of desks in one of the base's hangars as they awaited further orders. "Attention on deck!" They all rose from their seats, standing at attention for their superiors.
Admiral Bates approached the podium, "Good morning. Welcome to your special training detachment. Sit down." Following the Admiral's orders, the aviators took their seats. "I am Admiral Bates, call sign, Warlock. You are all Top Gun graduates; the best of the best. But that was yesterday. The enemy's new fifth-generation fighter jet levels the playing field. We no longer possess the technological advantage. Success depends on the man or woman in the box. Half of you will make the cut and only one of you will be named mission leader. The rest will attend to any reserve roles necessary."
The eyes of the aviators searched the room, trying to predetermine the outcome of their training. The hangar was filled with only elite pilots. Who could possibly come out on top?
"Your instructor is one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. His exploits are legendary. What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death," Warlock remarked.
Emerson immediately knew the pilot Warlock was referring to. She heard his echoing footsteps walking up the aisle. All the pilots turned their heads, but Emerson didn't have to. She watched as the guys from last night ducked their heads out of fear and embarrassment. In front of her, Bradley sunk in his seat, clearly disappointed in the Navy's choice of instructor. Should she have warned him? Emerson knew the history between Captain Mitchell and Bradley. Though she disapproved of what he had done to Bradley, she still couldn't help but marvel at the distinguished captain before her.
"I give you Captain Pete Mitchell, call sign, Maverick," Warlock concluded and stepped away from the podium.
Maverick took Warlock's place at the podium. "Good morning." He held up the F/A-18 manual, "This book contains everything they expect you to know about your aircraft. I assume you all know it well." This earned him a few verbal responses but mostly nods.
He tossed it into the trash bin beside him, "So does your enemy. But what the enemy doesn't know, is your limits. I intend to find those limits and push beyond them. So today, we will start with what you think you know." He dismissed the group to grab their gear and head to their respective planes.
Emerson pulled Bradley aside, "You going to be okay?"
"You knew didn't you?" He spoke with an almost accusing tone as if the woman in front of him was to blame for the presence of his adversary.
"I assumed. I saw him at the Hard Deck last night." Bradley's jaw tightened, but he remained silent. "Hey, listen to me, do not let him get to you." Ignoring her, he grabbed his helmet and walked toward his plane. "Goddamit, Bradley."
"Raven," Maverick called.
"Your reputation precedes you."
"As does yours, sir."
Maverick smiled, "I don't think that's a compliment for either of us."
Emerson studied the captain's face; she felt as though she had seen it a million times before. It was an odd feeling to have at their first meeting. But, she returned his smile, "Probably not, sir."
Today's exercise split the candidates into teams. It was two versus one, the one being Maverick. The first team consisted of Rooster, Payback, and Fanboy.
"Good morning, aviators. This is your captain speaking. Welcome to basic fighting maneuvers. As you were briefed, today's exercise is dogfighting. No missiles. Guns only. And no going below the hard deck of five thousand feet. Work as a team to shoot me down, or else."
"Or else what, sir?" Fanboy asked into the comms.
"Or I shoot back."
Listening from the radio on base, Emerson could imagine the grin on Maverick's face. She knew he was going to enjoy embarrassing them.
"How about we put skin in the game," Payback countered.
"What do you have in mind?"
"Whoever gets shot down first has to do two-hundred pushups."
A laugh escaped Emerson's lips. The rest of the aviators were naive to the significance of their competitor. By the end of the day, Emerson knew they would all be stuck with the pushup punishment.
"That's a lot of pushups," Maverick commented.
"They don't call it exercise for nothing, sir."
"You've got yourself a deal. Let's turn and burn!" Maverick's jet soared between the jets of Payback and Rooster, catching them both off guard.
Though Payback and Rooster are well-trained pilots, the competition with Maverick didn't last long. Rooster's vengeance allowed him to be the first pilot shot down, and thus, the first in the long line of pushups.
The next team consisted of Raven, Phoenix, and Bob.
"Bob, do you see him?" Phoenix asked into her headset.
Bob checked over his left and right, "Negative!"
As if on cue, Maverick soared between the jets of Phoenix and Raven. The two women moved into attack formation and flew after Maverick. Except, it didn't do much good for Phoenix and Bob. Maverick came from behind and shot them down. He sent them back to base to begin their pushups. Now, Raven was the only one left in the game.
The aviators back on base grew antsy as the exercise was taking longer than expected. With Maverick and Raven, it was like chasing a tail. The two pilots were exceptionally good and equally matched. Eventually, Maverick lost sight of Raven.
Trying to coax her out of hiding, Maverick spoke over the comms, "Having any fun yet?"
Raven flew out from her hiding spot beneath the belly of Maverick's F-18. "I'm having lots of fun." Falling into position behind him, she pressed the trigger of her gun, "That's a kill, Mav." Raven was ecstatic; she just beat her idol at his own game.
The aviators back on base jumped with excitement after hearing word of Raven's accomplishment. It may not have been them that got to shoot Captain Mitchell down, but at least one of their own did.
They repeated the exercise again with similar results. No one came close to beating Maverick, except Raven, who shot him down again. Maverick was genuinely impressed by the woman's skills. He had only ever seen maneuvers like that from himself. Hell, he thought some of her maneuvers were ones he had created. He understood the reluctance Warlock and Cyclone expressed earlier.
And similarly, Rooster went head to head with Maverick. He sent them into a downward spiral that quickly broke the hard deck rule as both men's pride and egos were too large to be the first to pull up. Maverick sent Rooster back to base for his two-hundred pushups.
Rooster was nowhere near his two hundredth pushup, but Officer Bernie "Hondo" Coleman took pity on the Lieutenant. "That's enough, Rooster." But Rooster didn't let up, still pushing his body to the brink of exhaustion. "Come on, man. That's enough." There was still no stop from the pilot on the ground, so Hondo decided to leave the man to his misery.
Finally, Bradley collapsed to the ground beneath him.
"Insubordination and flying below the hard deck. Now, that sounds more like me."
Bradley stood up, looking anywhere but the woman in front of him.
"Come on, Bradley. You can't let him get to you that easily. You're better than this."
His eyes snapped toward her. They were dark, clouded with anger, pride, and failure. The usual carefree, easygoing nature of Bradley was gone. "Easy for you to say. You shot him down twice." There was an edge to his voice that Emerson was unfamiliar with. She couldn't recall a time when Bradley had actually shown any anger towards her.
"Are you seriously mad at me?" Emerson received no response. Bradley just stared off in the opposite direction, avoiding her gaze altogether. "If anyone should be mad here, it should be us."
That caught his attention. "And what is that supposed to mean?" He asked through gritted teeth.
"You're Nick Bradshaw's son! Hell, Maverick practically raised you! That puts all of us at a disadvantage!"
He was in her face now; Emerson could feel his hot breath on her face. His face was red, burning with anger. "When has being Goose's son ever put me at an advantage? He pulled my papers, Em!"
"I know that! Clearly, Mav didn't believe in you then, but look at you now! You're here! You proved him wrong!"
The anger on Bradley's face subsided as he reflected on her words, but before he could say anything else, Emerson stormed off.
✈︎     ✈︎     ✈︎     ✈︎     ✈︎
It was nighttime now. Only the glow of Emerson's TV illuminated the interior of her house. She was curled up on her couch watching a rerun of Friends that she had seen a million times, but it still managed to make her laugh. The show, along with the ebb and flow of the ocean outside, put Emerson at ease after the stressful day she had.
It had been several hours since her fight with Bradley, if she could even call it that. It wasn't like them to act in such a way, but she assumed it was the overbearing pressure of the mission and Maverick.
"Pivot!" Emerson yelled into the emptiness of her house, mocking the character Ross Geller.
She was interrupted by a familiar rhythmic knock on her front door. She didn't bother to look through the peephole; she knew who would be standing outside her door.
On her front porch stood Bradley with a box of donuts in his hand. "I'm sorry," he said upon Emerson opening the door.
"You think you can just come over in the middle of the night with donuts and expect me to forgive you?"
Bradley's usual smirk rested on his face and Emerson rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry, too. I never should have brought up your dad like that."
Bradley stepped into her doorway, dropping the box of donuts on her floor. He kicked her door closed with his foot and threw Emerson over his shoulder. A surprise squeal escaped her lips as he carried her to her bedroom, gently laying her down on the bed.
"Let's never fight again," he said planting a soft kiss on her lips, but soon beginning the familiar trek down her neck.
"You know I actually wanted to eat those."
His hand slid up the inside of her thigh, and Emerson let out a moan, "On second thought, I think this is a much better treat."
Tag List: @littlewhiterose​ :)
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fallen-chances · 6 months
@stormbeyondreality tagged me in this SUPER cool writing tag game. I have to find the words fire, soup, green, sunlight, and blade in my WIPs! I shall tag ummm @thequeenofthewinter @blossom-adventures @kagrenak @nightlist and anyone else who wants to do this!
The words you guys have to find in your WIPs will be FEEL(ing/felt), LOSE(ing/lost), BLIND(ed/ing/ly, SHAKE(en/ing/shook) and NIGHT. sorry for choosing verbs lmao.
Fire (His Daughter [an intro writing for my oc Ysmine])
Fire smoke wafted into the sky, blocking the dusty pink sunrise behind the mountains, and Blair had a sinking feeling that they were too late. The recent crippling of the Dawnguard had their forces spread thin, and when they finally received reports of vampires attacking a farm on the outskirts of Kynsgrove night after night, Blair considered not even sending a full squadron to check. Then they learned exactly who lived on that farm. Shorvald, A retired adventurer and a well known daedra hunter. There's only two reasons a group of vampires would be so relentless. Revenge, or powerful artifacts Shorvald had hidden.
Soup (that's just unfortunate. [Massara's turn into a vampire])
“You should leave while you still can. Strangers aren't well received here,” She hissed out and Massara scowled, slamming his lukewarm soup down on the table. “Yeah, I got that. No money, no service. I'll get out of your drafty inn and keep walking through the mud overnight,” Massara spat out bitterly as he moved to stand, only for the innkeep to grasp his arm. “I'm refusing you to save your life. You need to leave before you catch her attention. Alva– She… She's got a hold on almost everyone. She controls everything,” She warned, and Massara looked past her to the woman at the bar, who's eyes lifted from her conversation partner to meet his. He's been noticed.
Green (Campfire [nerevarine fic uwu])
The long line of Addarash's profile was something that Ilenar had grown familiar to. Straight nose bridge, rounded tip. Strong brow, full lips. His septum piercing glinted in the firelight. "Well, I consider you a friend. We've talked a lot over this week. And before as well. Despite your unfriendliness." Ilenar watched Addarash set the jar aside, his lithe fingers lingering on the glass edge for a moment. The flowers he used in his salve stained his nails green, contrasting with the deep purples of his skin.
Sunlight (TEETH [Merry getting turned into a vampire for a SECOND time.])
Merriell looked down at the water, blinking droplets from his eyelashes and froze. The water was tinted red and Merriell frantically looked up to his reflection in the mirror, pawing at his neck, looking for any signs of a wound. But there was nothing. Just all his old scars, ever overlapping bites on his neck. Memories of cold nights stuck in a cave. Teeth ripping at his throat. He looked back at the water and his distorted reflection stared right at back him expectantly. Maybe it was just the pipes. Back home the water would run red sometimes, from the clay in the ground, or rust in the pipes. He drew back the curtains on the window and winced. His head throbbed at the sunlight, aching behind his eyes. He unlatched the window and threw out the discolored water. He briefly peered out and caught sight of the sun; he had slept far too long, it was nearly midday.
Blade - (The Snow Prince Awakens)
Then Areyor’s memory began to fail him. He could recall cutting through swaths of armored foes with his spear. He could remember falling– feeling crushed. Crushed by the weight of his mount collapsing onto him. Pain radiated up from his legs, he couldn't move! Panic began to set in and the last thing he remembered was a scream – no, a roar – of anguish as a shadow blocked his view of the sun. A twinkle of its reflection on a blade, a brief explosion of pain, then nothing. A great chasm of nothing. It seemed to stretch for eternity until he woke. Here, in the dark. The freezing dark.
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