#Victuuri x reader
reallyromealone · 3 months
Title: a day in the life
Pairing Victuuri + reader
Fandom: Yuuri on ice
Warnings: fluff, baby reader, male reader, Viktor and Yuuri are dads
Viktor smiled as he looked at the one year old, the little one smiling as he rested his little hand on Yuuri's knee "hello little one"(name) was finally brought home with them, the two having moved to Japan closer to Yuuri's family and where they planned on starting a family. (Name) Was absolutely precious, the two men absolutely smitten with their son who was just so sweet and lovely "you're getting so good at walking my little zajka" Viktor said lovingly to the babe who turned to look at him and raise his arms up to be held.
Only Yuuri's family had met the babe, having brought food and such for the three as they adjust to their newest member of the family, makkachin watching curiously as the babe was carried by Viktor "are you ready to join papa for Skate practice?" Viktor asked the babe as the three walked to the nursery, Yuuri picking out an adorable little poodle, a fuzzy good to boot "oh you're just too much! Phichit is gonna eat you up"
They planned for their friends to visit in the following month, currently just wanting to spend time with their little one who wanted to do everything they were doing.
The three went out, Makkachin having what she needs and Mari going by later to walk the pooch.
(Name) Babbled happily as his parents spoke to one another, occasionally joining (name) into the conversation to encourage talking as the babe was learning three languages at once.
Viktor would tell his son everything Yuuri was doing as they watched him practice, being the Japanese man's coach he knew everything that was going to happen to a T and though (name) didn't really understand he was curiously looking at his papa moving around so fast.
"When you're bigger, we can get you a some skates and you can learn but don't worry about going professional, whatever you wish to do I will support" Viktor said softly to his boys who rested his tiny head against his dad's chest "though if you wanna go into skating I will help you every step"
After practice they got lunch, politely asking the waitress for just a tiny cup of whipped cream for their son who went the day so far without losing his little marbles, usually when he can't do the things he wants to do like eat the couch or climb Makkachin.
"So good!" Yuuri said to his son who ate a tiny spoonful of whipped cream, it was a tiny amount but the boy was absolutely thrilled with the treat as he smacked the table, sitting in Yuuri's lap "I feel this might become an addiction" Viktor joked as they ate their food and entertained the tiny one who kept trying to get to their lunches "when you're bigger you can have this" yuuri said to the boy who was not impressed with this answer.
"I would literally die for him" the two looked over the crib for (name)s bedtime, the little one already having his nap during practice "he's absolutely wonderful... Just a ray of sunshine"
"Everyone is gonna be obsessed with him"
"Just remind phichit no posting"
"Of course"
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glassofspoiledmilk · 5 months
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New years kiss
Synopsis: Victor nikiforov throws a New Year’s party, and your friend Yuri plisetsky is having girl problems.
WC: 1.8k
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“Alright what do we think about..this one!” I say as I spin around, holding a dress by the hanger in front of my body.
“Hmmm..I don’t know..maybe try that silver one behind you” Mila advises.
Today was the day of victors party, and this being my first year in the senior division, it was my first time being invited.
“You know that the party really isn’t all that right? It’s just a bunch of drunk people playing cards against humanity and dancing” she adds as you turn around to put the dress back.
“I know but it’s my first time going and I don’t wanna look lame” I reply, the sound of clashing hangers echoing in my closet.
“Orrr is the real reason you wanna look good because Yuris gonna be there” Mila teased.
“Ughh are you kidding me he’s gonna be there too!” I say as I whip my head around to look back at her.
“Well yea it’s for all the seniors sooo” she adds.
I groan and turn around to reveal the dress.
“How does it look?” I ask.
“It looks perfect….for Yuri” she laughs.
“Cmon Mila you know how I feel about him! He’s arrogant and rude and I do not like him” I scold, my cheeks burning red in embarrassment.
“Yea I’m sure you feel veeeery stronglyyy about him” Mila adds as she continues laughing.
“Ugh I hate you” I say as I roll my eyes.
“Love you too!” She winks.
“So are we going with this one?” I ask with a huff.
“Mila are you sure I look ok?” I say as I walk out of the bathroom.
I had on the silver dress we picked out earlier, and a matching pair of heels. My hair was pulled back and my makeup was done with iridescent eyeshadow and pounds of glitter.
“You look gorgeous, don’t worry” Mila says as she tosses on a fur coat.
“Now cmon, we’re gonna be late” she adds, opening the door.
I grab a black coat off the rack and follow her out of the door.
The air was freezing when we stepped outside, I shivered as Mila unlocked the car. I climbed into the passengers seat turned on the heater.
“I’m kinda nervous” I blurt out as we started moving.
“Whaaat? Don’t be, I’m sure Yuri will dance with you” she jokes.
“Cmon Mila im behind serious, I hate him” I say, unamused.
“You say that but then whenever the two of you are together you’re all buddy buddy” she adds, pulling up to a stop sign.
“Ugh you are so annoying” I reply, rolling my eyes.
“But in all seriousness there’s nothing to be nervous about, like I said it’s just a bunch of drunk people doing weird shit” Mila says with a laugh.
“Yea I guess you’re right” I add as I pull out my phone.
Around 20 minutes later Mila and I arrived at Victors house.
“Hey you guys made it!” He says, opening the door with a glass of champagne in his hand.
Me and Mila step Inside and she is immediately pulled aside by georgi, who is obviously drunk, complaining about his ex.
“Mila she posted on her instagram, she got a new boyfriend…hic…I’m going to go beat him up…” he slurs.
“Ok yea let’s not do that..” she says, grabbing a red plastic cup out of his hand.
“Um I’ll be right back I’m gonna go handle this..” Mila adds, looking back at me.
“Mila please don’t leave me I have no idea what I’m doing” I say awkwardly.
“You’ll be fine, I’ll be gone for like a few minutes” she replied.
“Let’s go Georgi” she adds, placing a hand in his shoulder.
She leads him into the kitchen and then completely out of my sight.
I decide to walk down the hallway and into victors living room.
The live countdown was on the TV and Victor, Chris, Yuuri, and Pitchit were all sitting on the couch playing cards against humanity.
Leo, Seung-Gil, and Guang-Hong were all standing in the corner loudly talking.
I leaned against the wall and huffed.
I was friends with none of the people here and the only person I knew was currently handling drunk Georgi.
I scan the room until I see Yuri standing against the opposing wall, talking to one of the girls in my division.
She was twirling her dark brown hair and she bitting her lip as she talked to him.
It infuriated me.
I waited until she left to go talk to him.
“Who’s that” I say, leaning on the wall next to Yuri.
He jumps at the sound of my voice.
“None of your business” he says, looking away from me.
“Jeez what’s your problem” I add.
He took a sip from whatever was in his plastic cup.
“Are you drinking??” I say in shock.
“No it’s water dipshit” he says as rudely as ever.
I scoff and roll my eyes.
“So again why were you talking to that girl” I persist.
“Since when do you care who I talk to?” He adds.
“Since now” I reply.
He lets out a loud sigh.
“She’s some girl from the US, she just came up to me and started talking” he says, taking another swig of water.
“She seems pretty into you” I reply with a twinge of jealousy.
“Well I’m not really that into her, she’s weird I don’t know why she keeps coming up to me” he adds.
“Oh shit I think she’s coming back” he says in a panic.
“Uhh we can go in the basement?i think I saw the door next to the stairs” I quickly suggest.
“Yea whatever just get me away from her”
I take a firm grasp on his hand and lead him down the hall to a white door.
I open it up and flick on the light.
Me and Yuri walked over to a corner and sat down on the carpet.
“I swear if I get caught in another conversation with her I think I might jump off the roof” he says dramatically.
I roll my eyes and laugh at his childish antics.
I never really got to have a good look at what Yuri was wearing. His hair was down and he was wearing a black button down and black dress pants.
As I examined his body I felt my face start heating up.
“Are you ok?” He asks.
“Oh yea I’m fine it’s just uh hot in here” I reply, embarrassed.
“So why did you decide to come?” I ask.
“I was bored, and Mila kept pestering me until I said yes” he said with an annoyed tone.
“She did the same to me, she asked me literally every day until I said yes” I laugh.
He lets out a slight laugh.
I open my phone to check the time and it’s roughly 11:50.
“Shit we gotta go back up” I say.
“No please I don’t wanna talk to that weirdo anymore” he whines.
“Just uh..say I’m your girlfriend�� I blurt out.
His face flushes red.
“A-are you sure?” He stutters out.
“I mean it’ll for sure keep her away” I say awkwardly, realizing what I had just said.
“I guess it’s worth a shot”
I grabbed his hand again and we climbed back up the stairs to the main area.
Everyone was dancing, and the girl Yuri was talking to was leaning against the wall talking to Sara.
Me and Yuri walked to the center of the living room and started dancing.
I held both of his hands as I swayed along to the music.
“Hey Yuri~ who’s this?” The brunette girl said as she snuck up behind me.
I watched yuris face go white.
“It’s my girlfriend” he says as he removes his hands from mine.
She looks me up and down and gives me a nasty look.
“Hi, I’m Jessica” she says, forcing a fake smile on her face.
“Uh im Y/N” i add awkwardly.
“You know you’d be really pretty if you like..didn’t put on so much makeup. Guys don’t really like try hards..” she says with a snarky tone of voice.
“Well I don’t think my boyfriend has an issue with the amount of makeup I wear” I spat back at her.
“Hmph what a pity, I’m sure he’d like a more natural girl..like me” she says with a sarcastic smile.
“Well I guess I’ll leave you two to it..but I’ll be back” she adds as she winks and walks off.
Yuri shivers in discomfort.
“What a megabitch” i say angrily.
“Tell me about it” he replies with a scoff.
After the song ended, I watched the TV to see who was performing next.
A singer I didn’t know got up on stage and started singing “take my breath away”
All the couples started slow dancing with the song while I started awkwardly at Yuri.
We were both completely still, faces bright red.
Out of the corner of my eye I see the brunette girl making her way towards Yuri again.
I quickly wrap my arms around his neck and in response he gently wraps his hands around my waist.
I lean my head on his chest and whisper “she was walking over, go with it”.
We sway slowly to the music, starting to melt into each others touch.
In the middle of the song I look up at him, our faces almost touching.
He was so close I could feel the heat radiating off his face. His eyes were glistening as beautifuly as ever, and he smelled like expensive cologne.
His eyes were peering into mine, almost like he was about to kiss me.
“q-quit looking at me like that..” he stutters, quickly returning to reality.
His face was redder than ever as he turned to avoid my gaze.
“Shit sorry…I started zoneing out” I say as I return my head to its place on his chest.
As soon and my head hit the fabric, I felt him pull me closer and rest his head on mine.
My breath hitched at the sudden gesture.
Thank god he couldn’t see my face, it was as red as a tomato.
As the song slowly ended, I felt him lift off of me.
I felt an ache in my heart, like I didn’t want the moment to stop.
I removed my arms from around his neck as the TV reverted to the ball about to drop.
The countdown started.
“Y/N.. I need to talk to you about something” Yuri says as everyone chanted the numbers around us.
“Yea what’s up?” I reply as I look up at him.
“Promise me we’ll always be friends ok?” He says, his face red and his eyes glassy.
“Yea I promise..are you ok?” I reply concerned.
“I..uh” he stutters.
I felt my face heat up in anticipation.
Yuri looks away from me.
I watch as he takes a deep breath.
“Seriously Yuri what’s wrong, are you ok?”
And just as the clock strikes midnight he cups my face and pulls me into a kiss.
I feel time stop around me, all the screams and cheers were completely muffled as I melted into his touch.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and returned the kiss.
It was sweet and gentle, and I wish the moment could last forever.
I pulled away as he looked me in the eyes.
“I love you..I always have” he says out of breath, a lovesick look in his eyes.
“I love you too yurio” I add as I jump back into his arms.
“Happy new years” he replies as he places a quick kiss on the top of my head.
A/N: happy new years!! So sorry for slow updates, I’ve been really busy with schoolwork but I have the next chapter of going gold almost finished so be ready for that! Love you guys!!
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sharkdenwrites · 6 months
Hey there ! My name is Carden, welcome to my writing blog ! I'm a trans man and my pronouns are he/him. I have autism and get way too indulgent in media
Keep reading for some rules~
1. General Rules and Stuff
• Most of my works will have the "T" rating on AO3. Please note that an "M" rating will denote violence and the like, not sexual content.
• If you request smut, please be over 18. I won't say minors dni with my blog entirely but please be conscious of my comfort with interacting with minors
• My masterlist will update whenever possible and will include chapter counts, AO3 links, and other useful info
• I mostly write character/character, and mostly write ships I enjoy, but on occasion I might post something platonic or something besides fanfiction
• I would love to talk with you guys about anything currently listed under "current fixations" and hear theories and other things about my work ! I have anon on for my inbox so feel free to blabber away without judgement <3
2. Requests
• I can do character/reader oneshots, but I'm gonna need pronouns and a plot from you
• When I do prompt lists, please follow the specific guidelines for that particular post
• Please don't flood my inbox asking when your request will be done, I'm a perfectionist and want to make sure I put out the best quality work ! Therefore, it will take time.
• I'll do my best to write characters I'm not as familiar with, but please don't send hate because I make a character OOC. I promise I'm trying !
3. Fandom List
• Bungo Stray Dogs
• Jujutsu Kaisen
• Twisted Wonderland
• Obey Me ! (note: will only be /reader oneshots upon request)
• Yuri!!! on Ice
• Sasaki and Miyano
• Pokemon X/Y
• Your Turn to Die
That's all I have for now ! Be sure to check this post every so often to see if anything changes because, let's be real, they'll probably update randomly. I hope you have a good time and I'll see you soon !
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ticklygiggles · 9 months
Happy birthday, Ginny! 🥳🎂
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Welcome to Ginny's birthday extravaganza!
My dearest, @otomiya-tickles's birthday is right around the corner and to celebrate I decided to do this little event thingy(? with all my love!
For seven days straight starting today Saturday 09th, I will be posting one (1) drabble per day for my lovely Ginny with different fandoms, and on her birthday, I will post a whole fic, (that means more than 1.5k words) *claps claps*
I wish I could do more for you, my dearest, but I hope you enjoy this little thing and that you enjoy every day! I love you so muuuch!
Day 1 - Victuuri (lee!Yuuri) [Yuri!!! On Ice]
Day 2 - WangXian (lee!Lan WangJi) [MDZS]
Day 3 - Seo Hyunsoo x Baek Youngchan (lee!Seo Hyunsoo) [XXX Buddy] | N$FW
Day 4 - Ash Jones x Karlyle Frost (lee!Karlyle Frost) [Define the Relationship]
Day 5 - Lucifer x Reader (lee!Reader) [Obey me!]
Day 6 - Takeda Ittetsu x Ukai Keishin (lee!Takeda) [Haikyuu!!]
Day 7 - Kamisato Ayato x Thoma (lee!Thoma) [Genshin Impact]
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otomiyaa · 4 months
Masterpost 2.0
Fics written 'post-retirement' cuz I'm a clown
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* = explicit | red = Only AO3
Note: Any fics written pre-account renewal, so also reposts on AO3 and reblogs from my old blog here, are not included.
However these can be found in the #otomiya!writes tag.
❥ Update: 26.2.2024
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Boku no Hero Academia
All I Want For Christmas: D&D | Lees!KiriBaku x Ler!Deku
Genshin Impact:
From 🐺 To 🐶 | Switches!Wrioney
Terms & Conditions | Lee!Kaveh x Ler!Alhaitham
Last Christmas: A Festive Breakfast | Lee!Uenoyama x Ler!Mafuyu
Jingle Bell Rock: Secret Snack | Lee!Tsukki x Ler!Yama
Honkai Star Rail
The Foreigner | Lee!Sampo & Lers!JingRen
Love and Deepspace
A Date Worth Remembering (collab) | Switches!Zayne x Reader
Nu: Carnival
Wreck The Sun Lord Party | Lee!Dante x Ler!Eiden
Yuri On Ice
New Year's Resolutions (collab) | Switches!Victuuri
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Tickle headcanons can be found here:
Link to my MDZS/TGCF tickle masterpost:
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Thanks @real-life-senshi for tagging me! I rarely do these kinds of 'get-to-know-you' posts but why not?
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four Ships:
Victuuri (Victor Nikiforov x Yuuri Katsuki, Yuri!!! On Ice): I got pulled into the YOI fandom when someone I was following started posting what I thought at the time was an annoyingly excessive number of YOI-related memes and gifs. I ended up watching the series out of curiosity to know what the hype was all about and enjoyed it a lot, which led me to find other people equally interested and talking about it around here, and ultimately led me to the wider world of AO3 where I found many talented writers both in this fandom and others. So I would like to take this opportunity to formally thank the aforementioned YOI-meme poster who unwittingly introduced me to the fandom: @rosepetalrevolution please receive my most heartfelt thanks and this metaphorical gift basket 🎁
Judiki (Julian x Dick Kirrin, Famous Five): If you've been around my blog lately, you know I've been introduced to this pairing by the lovely and talented @sweetsorcery and @majormcnerdy-geekinfantry-blog. This pairing was an unexpected and delightful find that is now living rent free in my head.
Zeus x Ganymede (Greek mythology): @littlesparklight is solely responsible for my discovery and enjoyment of this ship! This prolific writer has also produced many different works around various Greek myths, both shippy and non-shippy, and I can only urge you to visit her AO3 page.
Writers x Readers x Artists: I love collabs. I love when a reader makes a comment that sparks a future idea for a writer. I love when an artist surprises a writer with art for their fics, or when a writer makes a snippet based on a piece of art. Just keep that virtuous circle going!
(I just realised that the 3 ships I listed are all MM but that's not exclusively representative to my tastes. I equally enjoy MF or FF or any other combinations!)
Last Song: The Eurovision 2023 playlist that I listened on repeat for my ratings. I don't really listen to a lot of music on my own; I find it too distracting when I'm reading or looking stuff up on my computer. I listened to music a lot more when I used to draw, though; I always had music as a background then.
Currently Reading: Bill Bryson's The Body: A Guide for Occupants (non fiction) ... as well as a lot of ongoing fics on AO3 -- mostly original works but some fanfics too.
Last Movie: That would be Alexandre Astier's Kaamelott (Premier Volet), based on the legend of King Arthur. It started as a short-format humoristic TV series made of 3-minute episodes, then evolved into 50-minute episodes as the plot got more involved and explored deeper concepts, and the conclusion should now be in the form of a movie trilogy, the first one of which was released a couple of years ago. For a long time, my awareness of the franchise was mainly about the earlier 3-minute humoristic episodes, as they benefit from regular (but out of sequence) reruns on TV. Only recently did I watch the full 6 seasons in the order they were meant to be watched, which greatly enhances the experience. I hope they can get the final two movies made!
Craving: TIME. Seriously. Give me time to read the growing pile of books sitting on my 'to-read' shelf. Give me time to re-read books I've enjoyed in the past and see if I have the same outlook now as I did then. Give me time to read and re-read and comment on AO3 fics. Give me time to resume drawing and learn how to properly use digital art tools. Give me time to practice the piano again. Give me time to exercise so I can feel fitter and stronger in my body. GIVE ME TIME.
Tagging: Absolutely no pressure doing this! Just tagging some of my mutuals and people whose posts and contents always brighten up my dash :) @moonwhing @proantagonista (whom I have not mentioned above but whose YOI fic "Winter Song" was one of the earliest I read and convinced me there was really good stuff to be found in fanfic) @sweetsorcery @majormcnerdy-geekinfantry-blog @littlesparklight @rosepetalrevolution @happyheidi @somethingyoirelated @sheepskeleton-art
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experiencedep921 · 2 years
Anime poky game
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How to Play the Pocky Game: 8 Steps (with Pictures).
LIFE - THE GAME - Play Life - The Game on Poki.
Anime Yaoi Love - The Pocky Game by Victuuri by NitroxArts... | Facebook.
Monokuma Child Reader X.
Pocky Game Stories - Quotev.
Shoujo City - anime game - Apps on Google Play.
Nuitka no module named.
Pocky | Tropedia | Fandom.
The Duke of Death and His Maid Anime Season 2's Promo Video Features.
Funny Anime Compilation/Pocky Game Moments - YouTube.
Pocky Game | page 8 of 36 - Zerochan Anime Image Board.
Twisted wonderland x reader pocky game.
ANIME POCKY GAME (Shoujo City 3D) - YouTube.
How to Play the Pocky Game: 8 Steps (with Pictures).
Cute Couple Anime Kiss Pocky Wallpapers. Feel free to use these Cute Couple Anime Kiss Pocky images as a background for your PC, laptop, Android phone, iPhone or tablet. There are 69 Cute Couple Anime Kiss Pocky wallpapers published on this page. 402x1989 KISS MEME WITH WAIFUUUU by omocha-san on deviantART.
LIFE - THE GAME - Play Life - The Game on Poki.
Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Wack 100 got hands put on him allegedly by JRoc. He went on social media to confirm he did knock him out Posted by Thrillz. View the video on WorldstarHipHop. STORE.... Jake Paul Reacts To Conor McGregor Getting Knocked Out By Dustin Poirier At UFC 257! "Instead Of $50 Million I Got $10,000 For You Now" 541,336. Pocky is one of the most well-known Japanese snacks in the world. It’s a biscuit stick snack with a flavor coating on the outside. Produced by Ezaki Glico company, Pocky are chocolate-covered biscuit sticks. In Japan they can typically be found in convenience and grocery stores. Other Pocky flavors include matcha, strawberry, almond and many.
Anime Yaoi Love - The Pocky Game by Victuuri by NitroxArts... | Facebook.
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Monokuma Child Reader X.
I recently got back into my favorite game/anime, and I' Jan 31, 2018 - Read !?Mastermind?! Monokuma X Reader from the story... 2017 - Murder fans rejoice! The newest Danganronpa game finally has a confirmed PC release Other characters might demand that Monokuma restore critical systems, should they go out of comission Other characters might. Search: Diabolik Lovers Jealous Scenarios. Sometimes her jealousy is expressed subtly and sometimes it's expressed as large as her size DRAMAtical Murder ended up being boring by the end, and, while it's a guilty pleasure, Diabolik Lovers still is a very terrible series in that it makes abuse look attractive Tsukito stands up for s/o after Loki pranks them "I won't let anything hurt you.
Pocky Game Stories - Quotev.
Subway Surfers. Subway Surfers is a classic endless runner game. You play as Jake, who surfs the subways and tries to escape from the grumpy Inspector and his dog. You'll need to dodge trains, trams, obstacles, and more to go as far as you can in this endless running game. Collect coins to unlock power-ups and special gear to help you go. Online Games. Play our addictive online multiplayer games for free on Poki! Play 3D multiplayer shooting games such as V and Battle Forces. Show your friends who the boss is in Rabbids Wild Race and House of Hazards. Or work together to solve puzzles in ZOOM-BE and Duo Survival. You can even create virtual chaos together in S!. An anime meme subreddit that's friendly for women, queer people, and generally marginalized anime fans who want a break from how toxic anime spaces usually are. Of course, anyone is welcome, but be respectful to the intention of the space. Also consider joining us on discord!.
Shoujo City - anime game - Apps on Google Play.
What are Anime Games? Anime is the most popular type of cartoon in Japan, which is beginning to appear in the US, Europe, and even Asia. The main feature of these anime games is that the characters are specially created in a certain way, and the graphics of the characters are unmistakable. Most of the time, the characters are girls or boys.
Nuitka no module named.
R/ShikimoriIsntJustCute. A subredddit dedicated to the anime and manga series Kawaii Dake Janai Shikimori-san (Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie) written by Keigo Maki. 7.5k. The new season will premiere in 2023. The television anime's first season premiered in Japan in July 2021. Funimation streamed the anime as it aired in Japan. Funimation had previously described.
Pocky | Tropedia | Fandom.
Yeah I don't know... You decide the ultimate OTP? 1 LIKE = FREE POCKYAnime TEXT Prank: Trash: 5NwHRealTDrag. Shoujo City on Steam: City for iOS: a.
The Duke of Death and His Maid Anime Season 2's Promo Video Features.
IPhone. Shoujo City is a dating simulator game where you'll have to interact with cute anime girls in a virtual Japanese city. Your goal in this anime dating sim is to win love of a girl in 10 days by giving her gifts, playing games, inviting to a cafe, or having regular dates. While talking to a girl, each dialogue choice affects your intimacy. Jun 30, 2022 · 13:30 Crunchyroll to Stream To Your Eternity Anime's Season 2 in Fall; 13:10 Sakuretsu! Amabie-Hime.... ― You don't need to know anything about Pocky or Rocky to enjoy their latest game, Pocky. Jul 18, 2013 · Pocky Game (Vocaloid Guys X Fem! Reader) August 4, 2016 FishieX3Spoon. Vocaloid | BIG AL VY2 Yuuma Kaito | Anime/Manga Fanfiction Romance Len Gakupo Kiyoteru Piko Oliver Rinto Luki Mikuo Meito Gumo. Let's play a game, more specifically the pocky game. With your favourite Vocaloid guys nonetheless.
Funny Anime Compilation/Pocky Game Moments - YouTube.
Jun 30, 2022 · It's a marvelous reimagining of an already enjoyable overhead action game, paying tribute to a classic while standing taller than just about any of its genre relatives. Pocky and Rocky have waited. It's time for yet another huge cover mashup from FNF Games here on our website, with our team now sharing with you the mod called FNF: Animal but Every Turn a Different Cover is Used, where Animal is the main song, only each verse of the song is going to be a different cover made by a different character in the series, such as Annie, Agoti, Hex, Carol, Kapi, Garcello, Sky, and many, many more!. Game developers release fun New Games on our platform on a daily basis. Our most Popular Games include hits like Subway Surfers, rabbids-wild-race, Stickman Hook and Rodeo Stampede. These games are only playable on Poki. We also have online classics like Moto X3M, V, Bullet Force Multiplayer, 2048, Minecraft Classic and Bad Ice-Cream to.
Pocky Game | page 8 of 36 - Zerochan Anime Image Board.
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Twisted wonderland x reader pocky game.
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ajokeformur-ray · 7 years
Whatever kinda poly you'd like to portray (platonic or otherwise 💕), but: Victuri + reader poly where reader didn't think they'd be able to skate if they hadn't started as a kid, but trying it for the first time as an adult when Vitya and Yuri tell them that's not true? And reader just getting all star-eyed and excited and having fun and learning fast even tho they're all wibbly-wobbly? 💖
This is Victuuri x Reader in the romantic sense so enjoy, bean!!!
You wobbled on your new skates, clinging onto the barrier as if your life depended on it. Victor and Yuuri were already on the ice, and you took a minute to watch them skate circles around each other, hearts in all of your eyes as you basked in your love for each other.
“Aa, Y/N!” Victor reached you first, standing several feet away from you. He held out one hand before him and another to the side: one hand was for you and the other was for Yuuri. Just as you edged forward onto the ice, you began to slip and you panicked.
“Easy now, Y/N. Slowly.” Yuuri reached Victor and took the proffered hand. Your boyfriends were hand in hand before you, watching you take your first steps on the ice. In a way, it felt like watching their child learn to walk.
You took one step. Another. Another. You slid forward and thrust your hands out, ready to stop your fall.
Victor easily grabbed your hand and tugged you towards him, towards safety. Yuuri’s arms encircled you and you became the filling of a Victuuri sandwich.
“Didn’t we promise to catch you whenever you fall?” Victor teased.
Yuuri completed Victor’s sentence. “It wouldn’t be the first time.” He smiled at you and kissed your cheek.
“Aa. Come on, Y/N. You might be an adult but you’ll be skating like us in no time!”
Holding one of their hands in each of yours, the three of you made your way around the ice, Victor and Yuuri murmuring tips, ticks and compliments as you did so.
YOI:@miyakokurono @theoriginalgodsgirlrachel@foroursweetblasphemy @chloeolivialuce @shingeki-no-julchen @fandomfuel @konan-rem
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Yuri on Ice Incorrect Quotes
Yuuri: What do we think of Chris?
Victor: *sighs* Nice pal.
JJ: I think he's gay.
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shimi0 · 3 years
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yuuri-nsane · 3 years
a bit random but i've just been thinking
it's no secret that yuuri has probably read millions of fanfictions, most about viktor (probably reader inserts) - and maybe he still occasionally reads a few every once in a while to pass time
and viktor, he's not unfamiliar with fanfictions - i bet he and chris have made a drinking game out of finding the weirdest fanfics
that being said, viktor knows how particularly. uncensored. the fanfic side of things can be. but keep in mind he doesn't know that yuuris been reading them ever since post adolescence.
so imagine
yuuri just casually reading fanfiction
viktor comes along and he just
"hey yuuri! whatre you doing?"
"just reading."
"hm - i'm reading this really good fanfiction right now about-"
"did you just say fanfiction-?"
and you can literally see, like see, the colour drain from poor viktors face.
what's his precious fiancé doing?! he shouldn't be exposed to such unspeakable things he's too PURE is he forgetting about the whole pole-dancing and eros thing smh
he immediately grabs yuuris phone and just "no"
yuuri, completely unphased, just slowly takes his phone back, looks viktor in the eye, goes "yes" and goes back to reading like nothings happened.
...and then a few days later viktor borrows yuuris laptop and accidentally finds an old folder FULL of saved viktor x reader fics and viktor just.
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glassofspoiledmilk · 6 months
Can I please request headcanons of Yuri girlfriend with the Yuri Angels? Can be anything, like how the fans reacted to their relationship, if they like her, etc. Thanks in advance ❤
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Yuri plisetsky x reader headcannons
A/N: OMG thank you so much for requesting !! Sorry for replying so late things have been hectic recently
Synopsis: Yuris angels reaction to you, his girlfriend
★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★
Yuris angels
They are very protective over Yuri, and if they don’t like his girlfriend they get angry
However, they were very fond of you
At first they were skeptical of you and you make snarky tweets like “who does she think she is going after a worldly man like Yuri 🙄”
But after maybe a month of you guys dating they started to warm up to you
They would make edits of you guys together and post them tagging the both of you
Eventually they came up with that ship name that went viral
At every competition they would fangirl over you and Yuri together, and would ask you things about Yuri when you were caught alone
Yuri however, is not super fond of him fans clinging to you. Not because he wants them just as his fans but because he dosent want them annoying you.
You assure him that they aren’t annoying and that you actually quite like them.
One time when you and Yuri were out eating at a cafe in Moscow after a competition and a few fans saw you guys eating together.
They came inside and walked up to you two and asked for a photo
You quickly said yes and Yuri allowed it because you were fine with it.
After the picture they posted it on Instagram and it blew up with comments about how cute the two of you were together.
There is that one section of fans that hates you with every fiber of their being
But Yuri always manages to keep them in check
There are so many fan edits and fan arts of you guys it’s not even funny
Every time you guys go out together, later that day there will be many pictures of the two of you up on fan accounts
There is one specific photo that everyone knows of tho
When you two were out at a super fancy restaurant, one fan got a photo of the two of you kissing outside the restaurant and people went crazy
★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★
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ms-illusions · 4 years
hi yuri on ice fandom, will you accept my enby yuri plisetsky headcanon?
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ticklygiggles · 2 years
Masterlist - fanfiction pt. 2
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Masterlist pt. 1 | All fanfics | Masterpost
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“I have a friend...” | Lams - Lee!Alexander
Howl’s moving castle
“In the field” | Howl x Sophie - Lee!Howl
“Skilled fingers” | InuKago - Lee!InuYasha (n$fw)
Kamisama Hajimemashita
6. “I wasn’t laughing!” & 21. “Of course you’d believe that.” | Nanami x Tomoe - Lee!Tomoe, Lee!Nanami
Love Stage!!
"Lucky man" | Ryouma x Izumi - Lee!Izumi
Mahoutsukai no Yome
“This tickling” | Elias x Chise - Lee!Elias, Lee!Chise
"Tired little mage apprentice" | Chise & Ruth - Lee! Ruth (commissioned by @/wertzunge)
Mo Dao Zu Shi
“Make me laugh, make me sleepy” | WangXian - Lee!Wei WuXian
“Meditation goes wrong” | WangXian ft. Lan XiChen - Lee!Lan WangJi
“Summer night melodies” | WangXian - Lee!Lan WangJi
“Skin threats?” | WangXian - Lee!Lan WangJi
“Teasing brothers” | WangXian ft. Lan XiChen & Jiang Cheng - Lee!Wei WuXian, Lee!Lan WangJi
“Tickle fights are tickle fights” | WangXian ft. Lan SiZhui - Lee!Lan SiZhui
“One cup, two cups, three cups” | WangXian - Lee!Wei WuXian
“A little warmer” | Nie Brothers - Lee!Nie Brothers (mostly Nie HuaiSang)
Mystic Messenger
“For all of your past birthdays” | Jihyun Kim x Reader - Lee!Jihyun
“I love you, too” | Jumin x Reader - Lee!Jumin
“One is enough” | Zumin - Lee!Zen (n$fw-ish)
“The oldest trick” | Jumin x Reader - Lee!Jumin (n$sfw)
“Your house is haunted” | Zumin - Lee!Zen
Obey Me! Shall we date?
"Spiciest chocolate cake" | Lucifer & Reader - Lee!Reader
"Royal Pajama Party" | Diavolo x Reader - Lee!Diavolo, Lee!Reader
“Cute little brother” | Lucifer & Satan - Lee!Satan 
"Liar liar, pants on fire" | Belphie x Reader - Lee!Belphie
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi
“We work here!” | Nostalgia (Takano x Ritsu) - Lee!Ritsu
“You only live once” | Trifecta - Lee!Kirishima
21. “Dont laugh. Do. Not. Laugh. This is not funny” | Destiel - Lee!Castiel (College!Au) 
Tian Guan Ci Fu
“Big melons and juicy apples” | HuaLian - Lee!Xie Lian
“Say yes, say no” | HuaLian - Lee!Xie Lian, Lee!Hua Cheng (commissioned by @/h-u-a-l-i-a-n)
The song of Achilles
“Immortal Memories” | Patrochilles - Lee!Achilles, Lee!Patroclus
-. “Let the tickle war commence” | Shklance - Lee!Everyone
Yuuri!!! On Ice
8. “I think I’m stuck!” | Victuuri - Lee!Yuuri
21. “It looks very nice” | OtaYuri - Lee!Yurio
23. “Did you eat all the cookies?” | Victuuri - Lee!Victor
40. “Not now. I’m busy” | Victuuri - Lee!Yuuri
“Christmas is for lovers” | Victuuri - Lee!Victor
“Eros and Agape” | Victuuri - Lee!Yuuri
“Katsudon & Co.” | OtaYuri - Lee!Yurio
“Let me give you the world” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
“Lunch date” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
“Manners” | Victuuri ft. Yurio - Lee!Yurio
“Maybe” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
Otabek sees Yurio’s smile for the first time - Lee!Yurio
Otabek tickling Yuri’s bum - Lee!Yurio
Revenge leads to revenge | Victuuri ft. Yurio - Lee!Yurio
“Spoken kisses” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
“Too much, too good” | Victuuri - Lee!Victor (n$fw)
“The kitten’s awake” | OtaYuri - Lee!Yurio, Lee!Otabek
“Twister” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
“Watch your mouth” | OtaYuri - Lee!Otabek
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jasmines-greentea · 3 years
more edits i made last night >:33 my top 3 anime ships as of now
TRIGGER WARNING: FLASHING LIGHTS, EMOTIONS (i had the urge to rewatch 3 animes while making this-)
i love them so much 🥺💖
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fictionaldump · 4 years
welcome to fanfic hell
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yo,,, im kiz! im highkey soft for fanfic and anime so im dumping all the ones i read here,,, on the internet,,, for everyone to know who i am as a person
anyway heres some of the fandoms i’ve read for so far:
yuri on ice
attack on titan
a lot of my bnha ones are here
im working on the lists but it takes a while to get them all up!
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