#This is shockingly shit idc
gunkbaby · 28 days
I turn 20 tomorrow so have is unedited, uncontrolled, self-pitying, semi-reflective waffle about my wasted teenage years and general misery (aita if i might be a little bit ageist?)
too long so it’s under the cut. This is my birthday gift to myself - I’m dreadfully self-absorbed and self-aware and i think it makes me better than everyone. No one will read this, but it’s for me. My relfection on my horrendous teenage self. Extreme moping. I miss when it was socially acceptable to waffle in self-pity on personal blogs. Gah. How gauche of me.
I’ve been thinking a lot abt the past recently. Especially as I’m abt to turn 20 (no longer a real teenage girl anymore). It sucks bc I really didn’t get to experience adolescence. I left school when i was 13, and an abusive parent meant I wasn’t able to really do anything outside of my home. No wonder I’m such a mess. I have so much anger. Anger of what was taken, what everyone else has, that I will never. I will never get this back. I will never go to prom. I will never know what a teenage party was like. I’ve been to about 3 sleepovers, all before I was 12. My teenage years were spent in hospital wards, doctor’s offices, arguing with my abuser, or in my room, desperately trying to educate myself on my own. I couldn’t socialise myself. No one tried. I had a roof over my head, but outside of the basic privilege of western living, I was kind of abandoned.
It’s kind of shocking to me that I’m 19, about to be 20. And I live alone, sure. I’m going to a great college, I’m about to go through the exams I should have done when I was 16 - that I have worked my ass off to get. I’m about to move up into a higher course, and after that, I’m likely going to university, and I’m going to study my dream degree - zoology/botany. I might be the person I had believed I would be when I was a child. I get to go horse riding every week - something my abuser actively leveraged against me. She leveraged my few social interactions against me. I get to come online everyday and express my love for the one thing that I have had for 8 years - almost a decade, and nearly almost half my freaking life - that I have clung to. That has actively kept me alive. I still remember that fourteen year old girl that was only living to buy the next manga volume, that only agreed to go to the eating disorder clinic because when she came home, the new episode would be out. Staying alive for something to take everything away for a little while.
I think of how I don’t remember being 15, because I had been addicted to alcohol for the past 2 years. How I woke up when Covid happened, but I barely remember that. It was bad when I was 16. I thought, so badly, that something would happen. I might get a little better. I tried recovering and lived with that placebo. I didn’t realise it then, but that was when things with my mother really started to go downhill.
I think of when I was 17, 18, and I first started to use the internet socially, finally started interacting with a fandom I’d lurked in for so long. I think of that girl, and I think of everything she did. Every dumb thing she did, the horrible ways she made people feel, the brazenly incorrect or callous things she said, so desperate to cling onto everything. How little she understood it. I think of her meltdowns, how quickly she’d end up in hospital over anything. I think about how desperate she was to fit in and how much she failed to understand that something like that had already passed for everyone else. Suddenly too old to be behaving how I was. I think about how things got back then.
I think about being so paranoid, I hid under my bed and didn’t eat for a week because I believed people were trying to kill me. I think about how often I’d run away from home. I remember I got lost in the woods once. It was November, and it got so dark, so fast. Hell, to my shock, I think my dumb 17 year old self blogged the fucking thing. I remember my mother had threatened me with hospitsalisation, and I had thrown my coat away, because it was bright yellow and I didn’t want her to follow me. It was so fucking cold. I had my Shuu plushie with me. I don’t think I’ve ever gripped something so hard. I walked for hours. I remember how scared I was. I wonder if I’ll ever not be that scared girl lost in woods. The next I ran away, it was in the middle of the city. I sat in my favourite park and I was scared, but I sat and looked at the city and everyone in it and I felt so calm.
My mother’s face when she tried to kill me. There’s this look people get, and I had never seen it before in my life. But I looked at her and I just sort of knew, you know? I remember pleading for my life, trying to force the car door open, begging her to just let me out. I remember she took me shopping afterwords, sat down and drank a coffee like everything was normal. I was having a panic attack, and she told me that I was being silly. She never said sorry. Recently I found out that she’d gone home and told people she’d ’thought everyone would be better off without us’. I think our relationship died that day, but I didn’t realise it until months later.
And then I think about how one day I decided that it was over. And I ‘chose’ to relapse and kill myself slowly and painfully, then ended up bulimic and more miserable than I have ever been. What a mess I have made of everything.
I am angry at that girl, for a lot of things, but more so, I think I feel sorry for her. In a cold sort of way, I view myself then distantly. I know she was hurting. She was scared and confused, . She was abused and didn’t understand it. She had a fucking personality disorder she didn’t even know the name of. She had a whole ass condition no one would even look at. I wish I could go back to that 17 year old. Part of me wants to shake her and ask why the fuck she’s posting dumb shit on the internet, how anyone could fucking justify how goddamn delusional she was being. But what would that solve - more of a ‘poor me’ narrative, no doubt. What I’ve done isn’t the worst thing anyone’s done, but you can’t escape that guilt, the way you made people feel, how fucking creepy you were - the things I did before I knew I had BPD. I’m not wise enough right now to offer that 17 year old any wisdom.
I can’t hate her. I compare myself to Shuu too much. But it helps sometimes. I forgive him for being unhinged, it’s harder to forgive myself, but I am nothing if not consistent. That girl isn’t all dead yet. She’s shrivelling, slowly, but I still act in ways to people I’m not proud of. I’m still ill.
I’ll still be ill in my twenties. Recovery is no longer the goal - living a life the sick mind can tolerate is. I’m not going to live as long as other people - not of my own accord, though that remains a possibility - people like me just don’t tend to make it that far. I can’t say the idea of old age is appealing. I find oldness detestable - call me ageist, but I am so sick of seeing old people who look like they should have already died. Sometimes you look into the eyes of an old woman, or she will speak to you in such a kind way, and you understand then that there is beauty in old age. I believe, perhaps controversially, that modern medicine might be working too well. We are meant to die, naturally. I think whilst it’s lovely that our grandparents might live to be 100, sometimes I look at old people and I consider than society has chosen quantity over quality. Some old people look at the world with this confusion. I read cosmic horror, it reminds me of that a bit. I feel bad for them, because my world is not theirs anymore. I see anger, confusion, and have the knowledge that these ancient people will never live long enough to come to terms with it. I see it and all I can think about is how, maybe, some people simply should not live to be 90. The body lives, but does the mind? Can our minds handle living so long?
Whatever. Back to me being self-important now.
I can say a million sorries to people I have hurt. To people I made feel uncomfortable. I can apologise for all I have said. For the hatred and negativity I have brought to people. I could say it a million, billion times, but sorry is just a word. I’ll never not feel ashamed of who I have been, I live with guilt in the hope that one day, I might manage myself well enough to not need to think of everything. I hope I make it so far.
I’m not going to be a beacon of mental health. But I’m about to get my basic qualifications, then more advanced, then university. I’m going to be a biologist. :)
Writing has come back to me, slowly, surely. So will drawing. Maybe soon, maybe later, I will have beautiful work and I might say ‘hey, that’s not bad, kid!’. I still have Shuu. He’s still here for me. He’s never not been. I will have him as long as I need him. Not a day goes by where I am not grateful for my oldest friend. Art has returned through my desire to celebrate him. He has saved me, once again.
I live alone, and I like it. I get to go horse riding every week - I love it, so much. My abuser is no longer near me. I have a father who tells me every day, how proud he is. I get to see my wonderful little dog once a month, and I have three beautiful guinea pigs. In the summer, I’ll study a botany diploma and I’m planning on volunteering at a local horse & donkey sanctuary. I’ve never had a job before, it’s never been possible, but maybe.
i guess, not all sunshine and rainbows. I still can’t order coffee or really speak to other human beings. I want to, but I can’t stand to be seen. I’ve never hated myself more than I do right now. Things online are still messy, because I made them so, and I continue to. I’m still ill. Still, maybe things are not as messy as I had once made them. My bulimia has never been this bad, and now is not the time to handle it. I’m fairly certain that my exam stress will end me in hospital. I am still, utterly alone, the mental health services don’t seem to care. But I’m about to start ADHD medication soon, which, maybe, would make some things easier. A lot of things.
I guess all this extended waffling is a form of self-comfort. I fancy myself a wonderful writer, can you tell? I think reflection is a healthy tonic, I’m unable to journal consistently, so forgive the long post about me and how interesting I am.
But. I’m going to be 20 tomorrow. I’m going to wake up tomorrow, and nothing will have changed at all. Except I’m no longer a teenager, and it’s never going to happen for me. I’ve lost it. Forever. And my heart is breaking.
It’s so funny. I spent so long wishing I was 20. 24 especially has always sounded like such a cool age. And 22, and 28 - how I love the 2x tables. But now, I’m scared. Because I haven’t had what I should’ve. Being a teenager wasn’t cool, I thought it would be. Maybe then, the conclusion to all this is simple: being a teenager isn’t something I should miss. So I didn’t grow up normally. So far removed from everything. But I don’t think growing up ever stops. When it does, then you become one of those old people - waiting, confused and angry by a cosmically different world that no longer has use for you.
So maybe being 20 will be okay. Maybe adolescence comes later for me. I last had a birthday party when I was 12 - I bought a Tokyo Ghoul DVD, root A, to my utter shame. But, maybe I can have a 21st birthday party. Maybe I can be who I wanted to be when I was a teenager, but a little more wizened. Maybe growing up like this has been a good thing. I’m starting to go out into the world, and I have a backlog of teenage fuckups separate from teenage joy - maybe that joy will come in my 20s. Maybe it won’t be so bad.
There are flowers in my home. If flowers bloom, then things are never that bad. I think.
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
Incorrect quotes
mentions: swearing
*Y/n and the boys are playing among us*
Y/n: this is gunna be good.. *gets killed by Ghost* AHH you TWAT!
Ghost: *smirks under mask*
*the rest laugh at Y/n*
Five games later…
*gets angry and throws phone*
Y/n: all of you keep one eye open tonight besides Rudy he’s nice.. and Price
Ghost: why Price? He’s not playing?
Y/n: exactly and because he’s gunna sit in his office and listen to me rant about this
Gaz: *burst out laughing*
Y/n: *death glares him*
(Was watching Sidemen among us and this came to mind 😂)
Y/n: go knock the light off Gaz
Gaz: no you
Y/n: your last in bed so you
Gaz: your room so you
Y/n: your closer!
Gaz: your room!
Y/n: your mean!
Gaz: your dyslexic!
Y/n: *blinks shockingly* I can take it a step further and say something about your incident with a helicopter.. but I choose life so touché
Price: I’m going out so Y/n your in charge
Y/n: Yay! *fist bumps air*
Price: *Looks at Ghost and gives the ‘your in charge’ eyes*
Ghost: *nods*
Gaz: if you snort ibuprofen does it stop my headache?
Y/n: *blinks*
Y/n: that’s something I would t even ask because even I know that’s stupid and I say some stupid things
*Ghost sat casually in the break room*
*Y/n walks in*
Y/n: Ghost
Ghost: Y/n?
Y/n: I have an important question
Ghost: what is it?
Y/n: how did the first person know how to milk a cow? Like how did they find out?
Ghost: … you know what how did they do it? That’s not that bad of a question… you’ve definitely asked worse
Y/n: when I get killed take my phone and through it as far as you can into a lake any lake idc
Gaz: wait what?! What do you mean when?? And also why?!
Y/n: best not to know Gaz.. best not to know
Have a good day/night
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tmascfaggot · 9 months
hello! i'm signal, 25, they/he/it, bi, and this is my kink blog
something robotic something angelic something tied to forest fog. asks/dms are open, tell me what's on your mind (though please only send sexual messages if you're over 20)
the nsfw basics
- i'm a bear, i'm a masochist, i'm a sub. focus on obedience/service, usually a bottom but can/will service top (rarely, and only for people i know). love to fill all sorts of roles!
- into pain, degradation + praise, leather/gear, boots, robots/tech, pet play, religion/deity kinks, masks, somno, intox, hypno, breeding fantasies, hole stretching/size king shit, monsterfucking, and the works
- i DO post about hard kinks (mostly gore/snuff), all of those posts will be tagged 'hard.core'
- have a huge affinity for demons, minotaurs, cowboys, werewolves, and robots
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the sfw basics
- outside of kink i'm into video games (mostly genshin (sorry), overwatch (sorry), and apex (sorry)), horror media, divination/the occult, indie/alt music, poetry, and various forms of crafting
- i'm autistic as well as a few other neurodivergencies so keep that in mind
- i don't have a main blog shockingly but if u wanna exchange discords or smth lmk! we'll need to chat a bit first tho
a bit about my roles
- petplay wise i see myself less as a pup and more of a working service dog. i'm obedient and attentive. i love following orders. a pup lean is fun sometimes though! all abt the vibes
- i also have a deer/stag role. technically petplay but i see it through more of a primal lense
- i also have a robotboy role that i love very dearly. older model android (think 2000s tech) with visible joints/panelling. i also also have a robodog role, far more futuristic looking, still anthro, led screen face (these r both close to my heart as i feel my gender very digitally in an abstract sense!!)
- newly born angel role that i don't know a lot of specifics of yet but can already tell it's Big for me. similarly there's a worshipper role in here somewhere that'd be best fleshed out with a dedicated partner, i think. but it is there
- oh also i have no dysphoria about my lower half, use whatever terms you want for em idc
#signal broadcast 📺 is for my original posts, #signal response 🔌 is for asks, and #analog signal 📼 is for photos of me, all tagged below!
i hope you have a wonderful day 💚🤍💚
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writingmia · 9 months
i really liked your pjo headcannons post. i thought it was interesting, since most people always put physical touch as some of the main ll for the characters, esp leo n percy. do u have any other headcanons for either of them? it can be generic things, like what they would do with a s/o, or it can be weird shit idc? i swear ive read lit every single post to exist on tumblr n i need more
Oh my god thank you so much! This is so sweet. I'm surprised my first ever post is doing as well as it is. I expected to pass as pretty unnoticed in the beginning. I do have a lot of headcanons for the characters, but I'm going to do Leo in this one since he's my absolute favourite
Note: I haven't read the HOO books in a while, but I just finished my reread of PJO, so if any 'headcanon' is actually canon, please just pretend that I'm Uncle Rick himself.
Warnings: none
Leo Valdez Headcanons - loves sweet&spicy. If that's an option in the menu at the restaurant he went to, he will absolutely get it. He's kind of obsessed with it to the point where one might get worried about his taste buds
- if he had to choose between sweet and sour, he would absolutely pick sweet any day. That's not really the best considering he's very ADHD, even for a demigod and his intake of sugar doesn't really help much, but he just loves sweet. He doesn't care if it's chocolate-type sweet or sugar-sweet, he just likes it. You can bet that when he comes out of Bunker 9 after a long day, his tongue would be all types of colours because his 'meal' for the day was whatever candy was in his stash of sweets
- now if you made the choice between sweet, sour and spicy, he would struggle to pick
- he hates coffee. he's simply not a coffee guy. he thinks it tastes nasty, since we established he loves anything sweet and coffee is definitely not sweet. and he doesn't need it anyway, he's hyper as is. if anything, coffee makes him more tired
- i feel like he would get pretty into anime if he tried watching it. from the trending shonen, chainsaw man would be his fave, but in general he would be such a fan of one piece imo. he is that person who has unironically watched the whole thing like three times - he feels guilty when he isn't doing something productive since he feels this need to constantly be creating something, but he also loves to just get distracted by something and do his own thing for hours, even if there's no 'productive' outcome. so he 'wastes' his time and feels guilty the entire time, but the enjoyment he gets out of it evens out the guilt (what do you mean i'm not projecting on my favourite character... at all...)
- secretly a good singer. piper once caught him singing in the shower and then dragged him out and forced him to sing out loud because she was not expecting such an angelic voice to come out of him
- his go to karaoke song is 'cake by the ocean' by dnce
- i feel like he would learn how to play the guitar and he will be shockingly good at it. like he learns a song so fast and because his fingers are always doing something and tinkering with things, this is the perfect way for him to get his energy out while also having lots of fun
- i also feel like he would purposefully not tell anyone he learned the guitar and one day he just whips out this new talent of his and everyone's like '????'
- honestly, leo is just good at everything. if he wasn't a hephaestus kid, he would be a son of hermes, because he is such a jack of all trades. he is incredibly intelligent (which is canon, btw, and if it's not yes it fucking is have you seen the guy, he is borderline as smart as Annabeth, if not smarter, just in another flavour), but also anything he attempts to do, he succeeds in. he can draw, he can play the guitar, he can sing, he absolutely is a great dancer. you would expect he sucks at cooking but nope, there he goes, making a gourmet meal like it's nothing. he isn't much of a fighter, but if he needs to hold his ground, he can. he's just so versatile, you can barely catch him off guard with something he can't master in a few hours
I fucking love Leo, can you notice this from my post?? Anyway, I got too lazy to edit this after I wrote it, so if it's not grammatically perfect or things don't make sense, apologies and please let me know. I will post more headcanons because I frankly have too many. And a lot of AU ideas. I'm preparing one rn actually so... stay tuned? Maybe follow if you're interested in seeing more shit by me. - mia
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kiyoitiepie · 5 months
My Favorite BL Dramas of 2023
happy new year to everyone who uses the gregorian calendar. we had so much good content come out this year. i'm gonna list my favs. please remember these are my personal faves and may be objectively terrible. do not be alarmed.
My Beautiful Man S2 and Movie
If you ask me this series is one of the best bls of all time. idc idc. im a hira and kiyoi girlie through and through. how many bl's do you know with 2 seasons and an original movie. not those repackaged ones that they try to hand feed us. an actual movie with a plot???? the bar is on the floor clearly. but hira and kiyoi are gonna surpass that bar every. single. time.
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Love Tractor
I didn't hear enough people screaming about Love Tractor. crickets tbh. Which is blasphemous in my opinion. How could you be quiet when this lovely bumbling himbo with the dopiest grin is on your screen? look at him!!
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Eighth Sense
10's across the board. No question. No notes.
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this scene^ BROKE me
Our Dining Table
Ok hear me out. I didn't think this was the best bl in the world BUT it was so wholesome that it deserves a spot. top tier comfort show. It got me through many bad days. Admittedly, there were a few times I purposely put it on bc i knew it would put me to sleep. please don't jump me.
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Unintentional Love Story
Now...I'm not a huge kbl person. However, this was really nice. Had a solid plot. I don't remember much abt it but I know there was pottery and I had a good time
Only Friends
This was culture. This was a movement. I will never forgive them for how they treated Boston. Even still, I was there every week ready for the chaos. I had the time of my life.
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Bed Friend
It's hard to believe this came out this year. Like ??? But really that shows how much I've established this show as a classic in my mind. BED FRIEND? UEA? baddest bitch in the land?? KING? greenest flag out there???? (debatable but for the sake of my argument lets pretend). It had every element. good plot, great visuals, a little heat. like come on who else is doing it like them?
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i just know if me and uea were ever in the same room he would judge me so much
Dangerous Romance
I've seen mixed reviews on this one but I had a fun time. Kanghan is a prissy little spoiled brat, but he's my prissy little spoiled brat. I loved their story progression. Which is saying a lot for me bc I don't like enemies to lovers. like why are we fighting? also "i'm an introvert" is the funniest shit i've heard all year.
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La Pluie
this was so shockingly good i wish it got more attention. iqiyi in general really did their big one this year. when it rains you can only hear your soulmate? love!
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Laws of Attraction
this was a rollercoaster. i started watching ironically because i thought it would be terrible when i saw the mc go super saiyan. that shit is still hilarious idc.
Love Syndrome III
Now before we start throwing tomatoes...let's hear me out. Nothing has caught my attention this year the way this series did. This was another series I was watching ironically until suddenly i wasn't. It's also just so funny that they released the third one without dropping a first or second. but bad bitches don't need to explain themselves. and YES love syndrome is a bad bitch. let's stop acting like we watch bl's solely for the quality. i don't need marvel cgi to have a good time. sometimes a dollar store wig and the most toxic couple you've ever seen is enough to make some shit shake. if this was released during the tharntype era??? oh bitches would've ate it up. HAPPILY. rant over.
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Last Twilight
it's good man. what more can i say? i hope it doesn't disappoint me in the end.
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Pit Babe
i'm very pleased. very much so. i know alot of folks went into this show expecting a little teehee. to laugh at the omegaverse racecar show. NOT ME. i've waited for this moment. and anyone who's seen me screaming in the tag can attest. this is a game changer. not just for bl but the fandom community at large. and don't even get me started on their chemistry. babe's smile whenever he's around charlie?? mama and papa?? MAMA AND FUCKING PAPA?? we deserve this and i will bask in it for as long as I can. jeff had better be pregnant by the end of the show.
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^ that’s his charlie smile 🥲
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loops-n-boops · 2 months
Seed Dump!!
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after a little unexpected turn to a DC hyperfixation that lasted roughly two weeks I'm back to my farcry shit (the usual) so imma give y'all a three for one, John doodles, Seed playlists and hcs in one post,, take your juice
Jacob Seed:
listens to cheesy love songs and some rock and metal
Most think John swears the most but that's a lie, it's him. Whenever Joseph isn't around he'll throw a "fuck this" every now and then
likes adult coloring books and crossword puzzles
if Joseph asks a favor that doesn't involve strength he always goes "I volunteer Johnny"
He opens doors for John and goes "ladies first"
can and will tackle John to the ground and yell "say uncle". He does all the annoying older brother shit idc
Tends to fight with Joseph. They always fought back and forth. As kids it was about how Joseph wouldn't 'man up'. Now it's about how he treats John, not knowing Joseph's been manipulating him to stay this whole time too
So in the past I hc that he's gay, I feel he struggles to come to terms with that. To this day he still is under the impression that it's wrong and makes him look soft, so he still tries to act like he doesn't
Rants to the judges. He is waits until he knows he's alone with the alpha of the pack and just dumps everything he has in his mind. That dog knows things no one else knows
His friendship with Eli in the past was a good one. It reminded him too much of his friendship with Miller (minus the possible secret romance part). They had similar inside jokes, Eli playfully punched him the same way Miller did. He hated it. He still hates it
Jacob is much more of a listener than a talker but prefers surrounding himself with people who talk a lot
Joseph Seed
Joseph doesn't hate John. He's hard on John so he learns. Johns become their father in Joseph's eyes and is making sure to shape him up. However he doesn't realize how terrible he's being to him as he does so.
His biggest fear is being alone. To combat that he almost subconsciously manipulates people to stay with him. He doesn't want to hurt them, but if he doesn't they'll leave. He'll be alone again
As a child Joseph wanted to be an author. He had notebooks filled with vibrant stories he made up in his head. Once a teenager though he found an interest in baking. Him and his wife's date nights consisted of them playing music as they tried a random recipe they found. It was a piece of happiness he never had as a child. They wanted to save money and open a bakery together. Still, to this day, Joseph gathers ingredients on Friday nights and bakes.
Has a heavy preference for Jacob. The man was with him the longest, helped him the most. It isn't that he doesn't love John, but he's detached. John wasn't there as long as Jacob was. John was raised by different people.
He hates winter. Winter was when Faith taken from him. He won't enter any vehicle. He won't go outside much. He hates it.
Puts everyone before himself. He could have not eaten at all that day but he will still be sure to make sure everyone else has. He will forget to eat unless someone else tells him to
His favorite song is Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac and whenever he hears it he gets a boost of happiness. He knows every word.
I don't care what anyone says, I think he's shockingly the worst with kids. He can't handle the tantrums, they stress him out. He doesn't yell or hit but he completely shuts down and won't really react
Doesn't put his hair down often. He sleeps with it down but beyond that? It's always up. Usually in a bun, but sometimes he'll go ponytail.
When angry he tends to quietly glare. He tells from time to time yeah, but he more often will glare at whoever upset him. A look that basically says 'you know what you did'
Hes actually much more of an introvert than people may think. He doesn't like being alone but that doesn't make him an extrovert. His idea on a relaxing day is sitting in a room with his brothers where they all do their own thing but they don't speak much. Comfortable silence. The idea that they're there makes him happy, and the fact that they can indulge in their own hobbies without judgment makes him even happier
John Seed
Much more of a talker than a listener. This makes him and Jacob a good pairing since he would talk a lot and Jacob would smile and listen.
He despises fast food. He tried it once and declared it as the grossest thing to every touch his mouth. He's also definitely the pickiest eater in general. He hates most seafood, broccoli, brussel sprouts, fast food, pizza if it's too greasy, chicken if there's too much tendon, the flavor of mashed potatoes and steak together but he'll eat it on separate occasions. He was picky as a kid and he's still picky as an adult
Actually needs glasses but will not wear them. Luckily he has contacts. However one time he lost one and had to wear his glasses and his chosen were staring at him confused. He needed them since he was little but he never got the appointment when he was with his brothers. Jacob did notice him squinting a lot. Joseph only had glasses because he got his prescription years ago (but they should've been renewed)
He went to religious schools from second grade onward. I'm talking the ones with uniforms and all your teachers are nuns. There's so many pictures of little John with one of those school uniforms and dorky glasses and a big smile.
Speaking of which I believe he was the cutest kid out of all of them. He had big ol doe eyes and got excited over everything. Joseph and Jacob used to call him sunshine when he was young because no matter how miserable and dark the world was around him he always was a happy little boy. He was bright, loving, innocent. An absolute sweetheart in his youth. He was the kid that waved to strangers on the street, his go to form of affection was hugs, and he comforted his brothers when they were upset despite not understanding why they were even upset.
The Duncan's viewed Johns innocent nature as why he was a tainted soul. He didn't understand accountability and the idea that not everyone was good confused him. They had to teach him. Besides, the Duncan's weren't too good themselves.
His adoptive parents were Henry and Amelia Duncan. They adopted John due to Amelia's infertility. John was the youngest there and was promising so they chose him not knowing they were taking a broken boy and breaking him beyond recognition. Johns obvious mental illness also made them feel he needed to be shaped. They were the type of people that thought praying could solve everything. John barely saw doctors, he never got therapy, and when they found out their son was bisexual they threatened to send him away.
However, Henry's mother: Evelyn loved John for who he is was. Accepted her little grandson. Henry's family was large, the man having four brothers and a sister. John was the baby, all of his newly adopted cousins being older than him. Not a lot of them were good, John wasn't even that good, but Evelyn had a clear preference for John, always calling him her angel. (I have too many Duncan hcs I'll stop there)
Johns behavior first began to plumiit near his sophomore year of high-school. He got a stick and poke tattoo when he was too young to have one from a friend. It did get infected but that was fine for him. It was a taste of freedom. A taste of freedom he never had in the past. He wanted a taste of the freedom of adulthood and was willing to rush his adolescence to get that. By the time he was a senior the little angel people knew and loved died, and in his place was a cold hearted snake that lacked any form of remorse for what he did. All he cared for was his own amusement.
As a boy he drew a lot, he quickly discovered art was something he enjoyed. He drew pictures of him and his brothers, but when he lived in Atlanta their faces started to become blurry. Were Joseph's eyes blue or were they green? Who was taller, Joseph or Jacob? What didn't help was the Duncan's wanted every aspect of Johns life before them to not exist. They tried convincing him that they weren't his family and that they hated him. They made him go into speech therapy to force his rural accent to go away. They didn't adopt a son, they adopted a pet.
I'll do a little softer one for the end: Johns secretly a bit of a hopeless romantic. He's always been fond of the idea of romance. He loves cheesy rom-coms, he reads romance books. All of it. Hes well aware that a romantic relationship is something he'll never have, but it doesn't hurt to wish for one. He falls too quickly, but then gets scared when he has to be vulnerable. He has issues, he's not a good person. His issues will scare everyone away. He has no chance. A part of him envies his brothers: Joseph for having a marriage and Jacob for clearly not being interested in romance at all. But some nights, he doesn't care. He'll grab a DVD player and watch his silly little romantic comedy movies (or say yes to the dress if he's feeling something dramatic) and will eat half a bag of gummy bears
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xevanescentxx · 5 months
He's so irrelevant but idc i like him
oh dude i have headcanons for everyone. forenzik, hookman, jack, william, SMILES…. i’ve been obsessed with creeps since i was in 7th grade. for reference im a sophomore in college.
anyways, let’s move on with bee headcanons.
Bell/Beezlebub Headcanons
also, just so everyone is aware i am literally obsessed with old mafia type gang shit. literally obsessed with it. the godfather and good fellas are two of my favorite movies.
bell is one of the biggest crime bosses in the underworld, he works directly under zalgo.
bell is well over a thousand years old, but he takes form as an older middle aged man who always dresses formally. he has slicked back brownish hair and wears a orange suit with black stripes.
bell has well over 20 groups that work for him, but the group he favors most is his sons. Tony.
Bell absolutely hates Lorraine Marie Warren with a passion. So does his son.
Bell and Frankie are also relatively close. Frankie and Tony both refer to bell as ‘pops’.
Bell owns nearly all the buildings/apartment buildings in the main underworld city.
He also owns all strip clubs and supermarkets. he has a big influence.
Has killed well over 100,000 souls.
Bell is very good at keeping calm. thats just what makes him so terrifying. most crime bosses scream, yell and act out to get their way. it’s predictable. Bell is unpredictable.
is a good father towards Tony. Tony is, shockingly Bells only offspring.
knows hookman relatively well. they aren’t friends because known acquaintances.
that’s it for now. i don’t have a lot of them, but i do have my bell headcanons! if any of you have any questions for me please let me know i love answering them!
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mushybrainpaste · 29 days
went to the dentist today. shockingly only had one cavity that needed filling for next monday. but the dentist said i had moderate to severe gingivitis which explains why my teeth bleed so fucking much. she told me to just aggressively scrub at my gums for a few days when i brush and it should go away. i don't believe her in the slightest. she said i had pretty teeth tho, thats new.
honestly idc how pretty they are, i'll revel in my teeth rotting out if they do. teeth are so much fucking upkeep, and no matter how well i took care of my teeth for the past few years there was always something wrong. no matter what i do there's always something i could do better with them. shocked they haven't rotted away already. also my family has no dental insurance and this shit is expensive. ofc my family can just pay out of pocket for everything but i'm not going to be able to in the future! i never understood why some kids never went to the dentist when i was younger, now i understand.
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furryprovocateur · 8 months
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idc how pathetic this sounds getting, living legend done THAT well is the highlight of my week.
i'll start out with the ONLY negative i have about how this came out: i had to burn an extra turn to get the body ring because i accidentally fucked up the exploit for always getting treasure and i had to choose between an extra turn or the body ring. the latter was obviously the correct choice, mostly because sitting another turn also gave an excuse to get more experience with the experience generating machines known as ninian, serra, and priscilla.
yes, this chapter is where my staff hoarding comes to pay off in spades. physics just in and of themselves justify hoarding, but barrier staves? yes. torch staves? also yes. any time there's no one to heal, i have serra and priscilla using barrier to generate experience. i mean, it also helps that slapping heath with a barrier is genuinely extremely helpful for his offense (anyone who says heath is bad. use a pure water/barrier on him and it suddenly becomes very difficult for him to die.). but it's the experience i give the biggest fuck about. considering i'm not using erk or lucius but i have been using bartre, raven, and guy, i'm not worried about hitting kenneth's pfod instead of jerme's, so there's no reason to not get as much experience on those two girlies as much as possible. and ninian? casually it might be a hard sell to bring her, but for a ranked run, you are absolutely shooting yourself in the foot any chapter you do not bring her. i'd be shocked if there's any chapter that isn't the berserker where i don't bring her. hell, even during that one i might do it anyway.
so, with that in mind, my deployment was heath (linchpin of the offense this chapter + his low level but high bases means he's the best combo of leveling fast while still carrying), florina (pent limo, sure, but she's also doing a lot for me in being able to tank magic units and carry pent without dying instantly. i did try to use fiora as an excuse to level her up a bit more, but both of them are at the same level and florina is blowing her out of the water. i feel so much regret for ever saying bad things about florina.), priscilla (obvious), serra (obvious), ninian (obvious), lyn (remember how we need the lords' cumulative levels to be 50 or higher? i didn't.), and matthew (shockingly, i'm not using him for the desert items, but instead to steal the guiding ring + white gem, which i figuratively and literally cannot afford to ignore.). it's worth mentioning now to anyone who's played FE7 and doesn't know about the desert item exploit that thieves are no longer necessary for guaranteeing desert item pickups. i won't repeat what's stated in this thread, but if you want a short demonstration of how it works, boot up any (literally any) file of this game at living legend hnm/hhm and start the chapter immediately. press r on hector and view his stats, exit out, then move him two squares to the right. you will literally 100% of the time get the ocean seal there. it's that type of RNG manipulation.
everyone seems to hate this chapter, but even with the fog of war, i do think it's one of the most fun desert chapters, mostly because it's such a tidal wave of shit. like it's bad but it's so bad that it loops around to being good and i'm not joking. i really enjoy something about how unrelentingly shitty it is to deal with pent while trying to survive the onslaught of fog of war enemies. as i said before, heath is 100% required in how i play this level, because his axereaver + being slapped with a barrier means no enemy wants to deal with him. by the time his barrier wears off, you should either be able to comfortably reapply it, or you should have most of the big enemies dealt with such that the only remaining ones are scattered mages and shaman who don't pose a threat. seriously, heath not only killed the majority of units in this chapter (or at least, most of the ones that mattered), but he even killed both of the bosses. not just one, but both. again, his gargantuan base defense + axereaver means that neither jasmine nor paul are doing much to him (tbf jasmine is potentially doubling if your heath hasn't hit 11 speed yet, but his AS loss with the steel axe will make him very unlikely to hit and the hand axe isn't capable of 1RKOing at full health, so you're completely fine.). i cannot overstate how useful heath is, hhm bonuses really make him invaluable in this chapter, especially if you managed to get him some experience during kinship's bond.
it's funny that i called hector a "do not use under any circumstances" unit, because i used him a fairly large amount. sure, he's getting no experience, but i needed to weaken (and, in a few cases, kill) enemies and he was basically the only option. hell, i used lyn less than him. speaking of lyn, she got about a full level's worth of experience killing the knights and cavaliers in the northeast. it's a little risky considering she's still frail as all fuck, but i made it work. i was definitely debating using the angelic robe on her, but i want to see if i can hold onto that for as long as possible. i basically only need to use lyn and eliwood for one more chapter, and after that, i can permabench them at my own discretion (i hate saying this, but at the same time, using heaven seals hurts your funds soooo much and both of them are outclassed by other units at this point.).
i don't have anywhere to insert this, but i noticed that i forgot to log 42 experience with canas, so i'm just adding it to this chapter's experience count to make life easier. i assume it happened in his recruitment chapter, because i haven't fielded him otherwise iirc.
anyways, i'm really happy with how heath is coming along. he's at 16/13/12 in offense, 11 luck, and 14 defense. that's very very good by my standards, and he got a nearly perfect level up at one point (missing only resistance). god, i just love heath so much. he's such a great unit.
next up is genesis. it's not a matter of if i'm saving turns, but instead how many turns i'll be saving. i will not be leaving that chapter until i have 50 levels in the lord trio, but i'm debating if i need to bring both lyn and eliwood or just one of the two. right now, i'm leaning just bringing eliwood, but i'll have to think about it.
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beavesaintmarie · 5 years
lol i kinda love how some people think that anyone who is anti t*rg is just really anti d*ny and therefore can be written off as misogynistic like they aren’t some huge valid issues pertaining to why people don’t fuck with house t*rg.
like inbreeding to keep bloodlines pure and powerful forces coming into a land that is not theirs and subjugating people to bend to their rule are things to genuinely not fuck with or be uncomfortable about. 
like some of y’all are so damn simple i can’t 
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angelhummel · 3 years
what would you do with the characters you don't like if you had power over glee? would you completely get rid of them, replace them or rewrite them to be something different?
I mean the mean part of me wants to say I would just scrap Brittany completely bc she didn't amount to anything in the end asjdfhlfsk BUT if I'm trying to be creative then no, that's too easy. With Brittany, there are two ways I could play it
1) She actually is quite clever but puts on the typical ditzy cheerleader act for funsies. To make sure Quinn knows she isn't a blonde rival threat lol. To mess with guys who think they can take advantage of her. Mostly for her own amusement, to see the looks on people's faces whenever she says something "dumb". But she drops the act midway thru s2 (when they quit the cheerios) and we get to see her for who she really is. Sharp and blunt at the same time, with a sardonic and dry wit that sometimes goes over people's heads. But she's dropped the dumbass act to be a lil smart ass
"How do you know my dim-witted inexperience isn't merely a subtle form of manipulation used to lower people's expectations thereby enhancing my ability to effectively maneuver within any given situation?"
2) She is kind of a ditz but she actually has the emotional intelligence that people claim she has. But the good "Go back in there and be there for Kurt", "family is a place where everyone loves you no matter what" kind, not the "you have to actually eat the chocolate bar or it will melt and look like you have poop in your hand". Basically Brittany talking about poop or toilets or anything in that same vein is strictly forbidden. She's not great in school, makes C's and D's in her main classes. But has creative electives like art, photography, creative writing, etc and does amazingly in those classes. She has her own unique way of looking at things and offers her own unique wisdom to help put things in perspective from time to time
Either way, she is never a complete fucking bonehead turned math genius bc that is fucking awful. And maybe you could even add in the actual autism angle bc like. Doesn't understand social cues, takes things too literally, etc. And either way she would graduate in s3 and get out of my face. So that's what I'd do with Brittany
Finn is easier but also harder bc this is such a gargantuan task and deviation from canon but. Have him actually be more like the person we're told he is. You TELL me he is this amazing uniter of cliques, kind hearted, perfect blend of a jock and show choir god, ushering the school into a new age of togetherness. You SHOW me he is a lil bitch who runs away from the club at the slightest difficulty, drops slurs and outs people on the reg, wants to be the leader without putting in the work, and is kind of a ball hog who actually sucks at football and isn't that great a singer. What's not clicking
Obviously Finn doesn't have to be perfect. He can have issues and uncertainties. But holy shit maybe have one issue once or twice. Doing this same bullshit half a dozen times and never learning a lesson makes me hate him!!!! Idk man just make him less of a fucking asshole
And don't fucking act like he ascended to sainthood when he died. I'm sorry but that bullshit about like "Finn wanted Sam in the club bc he was looking for someone to take over his legacy when he was gone" like shut the fuck up that actually sounds insane. Don't fucking do that. Finn is just a dude. Just make him be a kind of chill and cool dude with his heart in the right place but he slips up and makes mistakes bc he's still human. He doesn't use slurs or out anyone. He isn't constantly beating people up. He doesn't attack a sex worker, thanks. Maybe don't make him a serial cheater either, that would be nice
As for Sebastian, yeah, no, you can scrap him completely. He isn't interesting or fun and it actually drives me insane that he's the fifth most popular character on ao3. You can have your own preferences, you can like a little rich bitch bratty bad boy villain wannabe. But knowing that that many people are so far up his butt makes me wanna scream lol
Shelby, I would change her plotline by having her end up in jail. That would be a nice arc for her character
Will, I would change him by having him be a decent teacher. Broke: himbo Finn. Woke: himbo Will. He's kind and tries his best but he is shockingly dumb. Doesn't realize his wife isn't really pregnant for like five months?? The pieces are there. He sometimes lets himself be bulldozed in his own classroom but when other students talk, he listens. Takes their suggestions, actually shines a light on everyone, helps them improve and lets everyone have their moment in the spotlight. In the end everyone loves him and when he wins teacher of the year, it doesn't feel like a hollow bullshit contrivance
Sue. Either make her drop the villain shtick by about s3, or get rid of her entirely. Talk about going around in circles. I really think she was the worst of it. It got sooo old and boring and it was the same thing for six seasons. So have her be an ally to the club come s3, after her sister's funeral bc that makes sense. Or just write her off. Idc how
Don't ever let Rory set fucking foot on this show. Sorry to the actor but that character was partially responsible for why s3 went down the fucking shitter. He was terrible, and having to write plots about being Irish made early s3 a fucking joke
Oh and I would magically make it so that the viewers of the show have some common fucking sense. And if a character is being racist or a bigot or just a general cunt, there wouldn't be 2395890 compilation videos on youtube praising them for being brutally honest or sassy or hilarious or what have you. :) You know, if I had THAT kind of power
So yeah those are my thoughts. Took me a while to answer but I appreciate the ask!
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wtfevenismypage · 4 years
request: Hey, can I request a fic where the team are on a night out for readers birthday, at a club where they get drunk and high? Spencer declares his love for reader, after a chat with Morgan, Rossi & Hotch outside whilst the girls are all dancing. Everyone knows his feelings for Y/N, but she keeps her feelings hidden until Spencer says something. They end up spending the night at Spencer's apartment, and go to work the next day in the same clothes they wore the day before. (idc if it's smutty or not)
Warnings: cursing
A/N: This request was very similar to another request I’ve received, so I decided to make this the “part 2″ of Maroon! Also I am 100% going to start writing for haikyuu, if you haven’t watched it, I highly recommend it! It’s a volleyball anime that’s pretty easy going but still very intense, Go watch it!
Read part one, Maroon, Here
Spencer had woken up at six a.m, Confused and slightly hungover, but all in all, he remembered last night to a T. 
How Emily pressured him into telling you, clinging to the lower half of your body and told you about his love, and then how he proceeded to kiss you. 
And you kissed back. Oh god you kissed him back. You brought him back to his apartment and helped him to bed.
He heard a quiet snore from his left side, turning to see you laying there in peace. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he continued to stare at you in disbelief.
“Hey Spencer?”
“I love you too.”
The words played in his mind repeatedly as the minutes went by, and eventually, you began to slowly wake up as well. 
Your entire face scrunching up in slight discomfort as you woke up. When you remember where you are though, you shoot up like a bullet, looking around frantically before your eyes land on a shirtless, laid back Spencer with one hand behind his head and the other resting on your bare clad thigh.
“Shit, I forgot we went home together.”
You chuckle a bit before plopping back down, laying your head against his chest and letting your fingers trace little patterns on his tummy. It was shockingly warm considering it was the middle of the night. 
“Do you remember last night?”
“Of course I do Spence, I only had a cup of wine once we got here.”
Your mind spiraled, what if he didn’t mean what he said? Did he regret kissing you? Did he regret taking you home?
“You meant it then right? When you said you love me? Because I meant it.”
A smile easily glides its way onto your face, burying your face in his chest as he raises the hand resting on your thigh to rub circles on your velvet clothed back.
“I did in fact mean it. I meant every word. I love you so much Spencer Reid.”
He smiles wide,  Hugging you tightly with joy, the words he’s always wanted to hear finally flow out of your lips like a stream of water cutting through the earth so smoothly.
“Really?” With your nod of assurance, he giggles like a little schoolboy and peppers you with kisses across your face, finally landing on your lips with pure passion.
They weren’t quite soft, but they weren’t too chapped either. Just kind of dry from just now waking up.
“Hmmmm, I could stay like this all day.”
You say, a slight morning rasp in your voice as your’s and Spencer’s phones suddenly ring.
“Ugh. Way to ruin the mood.”
He says, grabbing his phone and pulling it to his ear as you do the same, Talking to Hotch and Emily.
“A case!? In twenty minutes!? Seriously can kidnappers just take a collective off day?”
You complain after hanging up, Standing slowly and straightening out the velvet red dress which rode up during the night, revealing your lace panties and strapless lace bra.
“Well you look good.”
“Yeah, and I will continue to look this good until we get on the jet, because I have no time to go change! Ugh.”
He laughs, standing up aswell, his suit coat thrown on the floor. 
“Well, you won’t be alone at least.”
“How much you wanna bet Morgan teases us the second he sees us?”
“Oh you bet he will.”
Which is how you and Spencer walked down the runway of the plane for Penelope to take photos. because according to her you were “a power couple who needed a private jet runway photo-shoot”.
Meanwhile Morgan and Emily couldn’t stop laughing at the situation. 
“Kid! You did it! You finally got a girl!”
“I’ve had a girl before.”
“Yeah but you haven’t had a woman.”
Emily corrected the two boys, nudging your side while laughing. Hotch and Rossi only watched with JJ as the others swarmed the two of you.
“You know, If they were criminals instead of agents, I doubt anyone would ever catch them.”
“Yeah let’s try and keep them as agents. M’kay Rossi?” 
“Yeah okay.”
PERMANENT TAGLIST(OPEN) @pinkdiamond1016 @spencer-reids-snow-white @sheepfather @eusuntgroot @libradolan @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @zhangyixingxing1 @secretpickleprofessordean @aquarius-pisces-rose @hopebaker @law-nerd105 @roses-and-grasses @damonwhitlock
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jojotichakorn · 4 years
for the ask game: my engineer and dark blue kiss!! (also hope u have a nice day xx)
thank you so much for the ask lovely , hope you have a nice day as well !! 🌸
⚙ my engineer
my favorite female character
ting ting !! she's cute , a great friend , AND her " lichrally everyone around me is in love , how gross " is lowkey relatable jfkekfekfjked
my favorite male character
ram !! he is incredibly shy and socially awkward , which is a hell of a mood . but , at the same time , he's also very nice and caring . he's been through a lot of shit , but he's trying to stay afloat and i fucking support him . also , despite being as shy as he is , he was mostly the one who made the first steps with king , so we stan ! that takes so much bravery ! i can go on and on , he's amazing 🥺
my favorite episode
shockingly , the finale !!! despite the fact that i fucking hate cliffhangers , overall i found it to be a really good episode . we got the first actually good moments with bohnduen in episodes , and finally finished off their drama . mekboss settled everything , and became the old married couple that they were destined to be . ramking had one of the best kisses in history of bls , and generally set up a very interesting storyline for season two ( even though , ughhhh cliffhanger ) . the only thing i really didn't like was tharafrong's no homo moment . i was kinda hoping they would take a very different approach with them ( because this trope is not only overused in general , but we have also already had TWICE in THIS SAME SHOW ) , but oh well :(
my favorite cast member
cooper !! idk , he's just adorable and very very likable . also we are both in the hastag braces gang , so ... solidarity for the pain jfkdjkfjdkfkd
my favorite ship
ramking !! i think that's a pretty popular opinion with this one , so i don't even feel the need to explain myself . though i have to say i love mekboss very much as well .
a character i'd die defending
i don't think he needs much defending , but if anyone attacks jfkdjkfkdmf , it's ram once again !! he can do no wrong , idc .
a character i just can't sympathise with
kumfah . stop with the fetishizing :/
a character i grew to love
frong !! 110% blame @m34ns for this one 🤷‍♂️
my anti otp
boss with someone who isn't mek !! i'm sorry , but i'm way too attached to these two , and they have so many tropes i really LOVE that aren't usually used in bls , so i need these two to work out . however . by recasting , by negotiating - i don't care . but they better keep those two together .
☕ dark blue kiss
my favorite female character
kitty !! do i even have to say anything here ? she is such a great friend and kind person , she's helped both sun and mork so much , and she's just gorgeous 😍 bonus points for being queer as well ;)
my favorite male character
mork !! not only is he my favorite character in dbk , he is one of my favorite characters of all time . i pretty much never shut up about him , he is everything i like in a character ( or a person ) . he's the fucking best .
my favorite episode
the finale again !! ( can you tell how much the ending of a show means to me ? jfkejfkdjkfke ) morksun finally got on the same page ( and we got some intimacy with those two , so yay !! ) . petekao were also there , finally fine and past all the bullshit they have been through . just a good episode , you know . and a fantastic conclusion to a story , which is SO important .
my favorite cast member
podd !! i have been a fan of his for almost two years now , right from the moment when i've heard of him . he's amazing .
my favorite ship
morksun , obviously !! i feel like i'm always repeating myself with dbk ( because i talk about it so much ) , but they are truly fucking perfect for each other , and grew so much thanks to each other .
a character i'd die defending
pete !! this boy was attacked A LOT for his behavior in dbk , but i repeat : PETE 👏 WAS 👏 RIGHT 👏
a character i just can't sympathise with
non . fuck that kid . absolutely FUCK that kid .
a character i grew to love
pete , if we compare to kiss me again . i liked him there , but i truly started loving him in dbk .
my anti otp
kao and non , i guess they were technically a possible ship . yikes .
send me a name of a show , and i'll tell you all these things about it
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noonetosmilefor · 4 years
a soft, stay at home ask game
send me some numbers and i’ll share my answers to the below! 💐🌻
thank you for asking me these, @uneven-odds. <3
your favourite playlist (made by yourself or someone else) - my sports playlist on spotify. the songs motivate me so much.
how many houseplants in your room, and what kinds are they? - mostly orchids and a few succulents and aloe vera plants and a cactus. so, overall 5.
your favourite “grounding” activity (anything that involves using the hands/doesn’t involve “spacing out” or escapism - something like gardening, knitting, dancing, cooking) - baking.
an account on social media whose posts make you smile - riccardo simonetti’s instagram acoount ( @uneven-odds knows what i’m talking about haha )
5 tv shows that cheer you up - currently mr. robot (weird, i know), himym (LIKE ALWAYS!), also hannah montana atm (lol), hsm (not a tv show tho but idc) and stranger things.
how you get relaxed when you’re struggling to sleep - reading.
your favourite board game - monopoly.
if you were going to write a non-fiction book on any topic, what would it be? - cats.
a quote that you would consider getting tattooed or putting in a frame -  “I think I'm going through denial, it's been a while, but it's clear when it hits me.” (i’m so in love with this whole song and lyric)
something you’ve created in the last year that you’re proud of (a playlist, a piece of art, some writing, a craft hobby, a social media account, etc) - i crafted something for my kitchen and i love it!!
a tip or hack you’ve learned that makes cleaning or tidying easier - structure! it’s so much easier if you have a plan and do one thing after the other.
if you could make a candle that smelt like anything, what would you pick? - roses.
the last so-bad-it’s-good joke you heard - my best friend wanted to celebrate her mom’s birthday but couldn’t since the whole lockdown is going down here and i told her “Tja, das ist wohl MIT ABSTAND die beste Party.” (hard to translate) and i was so proud of this bad joke haha. 
an artist (of any kind) whose work you look forward to seeing - alec benjamin. bought a ticket yesterday to see him in july in vienna. but well, no concerts til the end of august. fml.
the last tv episode that made you laugh out loud - the hannah montana episode with the jonas brothers in it. I LOVED THIS EPISODE and it makes me laugh everytime.
how you wake your body up when it’s feeling tired, achy or needs a stretch - go for a walk.
a bath, shower, beauty or toiletry product that makes you feel revived, or that you always re-order when it’s running out - the almond milk & honey body butter by body shop.
a book series you can always escape in - harry potter.
the sport or exercise you enjoy the most, and what’s helped you get better at it - hit workouts. i concentrated on doing it right rather than doing it fast.
a skill you’ve picked up in the past few years - i learned to cook way better.
a youtube video you find useful, entertaining or relaxing - coldmirror’s videos are my safe place.
if you were going to dye your hair any colour of the rainbow, what would you choose? - violet.
the book you just finished and what you thought (no spoilers!) - the 6th book of the ice and fire series (6th book from the german row obv). i really loved it. a lot of arya’s story so of course i loved it haha.
describe the most wacky, weird and wonderful at-home outfit you’ve put together - a black t-shirt, my sweatpants and fluffy socks.
a game you’re playing that takes your mind off things - animal crossing: new horizons. it’s such a relaxing game.
the film you watched most recently that you could watch again and again - extremely wicked, shockingly evil and vile. i loved this movie, holy shit.
your favourite flavour and brand of tea - lemon/ginger tea and yogi tea.
a good-will story you’ve heard on the news that’s made you feel hopeful - that people like cashiers finally get the recognition they deserve!
a favourite easy recipe: 5 ingredients or less, or takes less than 30 min to make - flour, sugar, eggs, milk and butter. et voilà, there you have kaiserschmarrn.
a song that makes you want to have a boogie round your bedroom - literally the whole new all time low album wake up, sunshine makes me dance, ngl. i love almost every song and even though i’m so happy, i’m sad i’m not able to see them live this summer.. 
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cheoliehae · 5 years
xxii question tag
so thank you Eiko @bhubblemilk (OMG SBS IS PLAYING TWILIGHT IM SCREAMING AHHH STAN ONEUS! DID I REALLY WRITE THIS IN THE OF MY SENTENCE YES! IT’ S MY BLOG POST) and Jackie @moonrisn (you tagged my personal but it was more fitting to do it here) enjoy reading about me (stan oneus ✌🏼)
1. name: haha good luck 
2. nickname: solo
3. star sign: cancer
4. gender: female
5. sexuality: straight 
6. favorite color: green and light yellow (like beach sand yellow)
7. time: 6:04 pm
8. normal amount of sleep: shockingly a sold 8-9 hours
9. last thing i searched: the girl group 3YE
10. # of blankets: 2
11. favorite fictional character: 
12. what I’m wearing currently: a blue sweater (idk why its freakin summer) and sport shorts
13. favorite book: the subtle art of not giving a f*ck by Mark Manson (cause im sick of fake people so ✌🏼)
14. favorite artists: kpop // skz, bts, ateez, day6, oneus, & more // non-kpop // shawn mendes, the beatles, fall out boy & more
15. dream job: orthopedic doctor
16. # of followers: on my personal 29 (follow my personal if you want idc) on my kpop shit account 1,663 (idk how cause i legit just reblog stuff), on my skz writing account 810 (im not as talented as eiko)
17. when did you join tumblr?: good old year of 2017 cause i was my best friend told me to
18. what do you post about?: personal - legit stiff i like that non-kpop with a hint of kpop // @bubblletae - my kpop shit account // @changarroo - skz writing 
19. what made you get an account?: my best friend made me get one and i dont regret it 
20. when did you blog reach it’s peak?: HAHAHAHA
21. do you get asks daily?: no cause i have like 3 friends (listen making moots is hard af)
22. why did you choose your url?: bubble tea + kim taehyung from bts = bubbletae and then i add an extra “l”
tagging: @melonkooky and that’s it cause again making friends is HARD 
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feedingthewrongwolf · 6 years
10, 11, and 12. :)
10. three favourite Halloween/spooky songs
For a goth, I shockingly have little interest in Halloween, so this is a tough one. BUT my favorite genre of music is essentially built on ‘spooky’, so I’ll go with: ‘Room of Ghosts’ by Sidewalks and Skeletons, ‘Haunted by Screams’ by myuu, and then, the main theme from the Halloween movies cause that shit bangs idc
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack
Azula’s Theme from Avatar: the Last Airbender (OF COURSE), the Agni Kai theme from A:tLA again, and laugh all y’all want but La Fleur de la Musique - from the soundtrack of the movie Entrapment. Catch these hands, that song is beautiful
12. three favourite songs from video games
Holy shit, this one’s too easy!! Gerudo Valley theme from Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Song of Healing from Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, and Majora’s Incarnation from MM, again. Fun fact: Those songs are practically why I learned to play the piano as a wee tot! :D
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