#They never really did the parent part of being there for her physically and emotionally most of the time
I remeber looking at Nines official render art yesterday and than later omw to school off-handedly thinking, huh what if he put his hands just a bit higher and over his face, cause hed look just like Fischl lol
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So I made him do just that
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It would've been cool if it stopped at that, exept now I played genshin again after a while and as a very proud Fischl main and kinnie I couldn't restrain my brain and uh, my hands just took a tumble-
Flowers for princess Blaze
A little fox lives in a dystopian city riddled with tyranny, pollution, and abhorrent industrialization. Abandoned by their parents, and avoided and bullied by their peers for their outlandish interests in mechanics and an odd mutation, they hide away in the city's metro.
There's one small hope the fox clings to since the first days they could remember. Lying hidden and carefully protected within their burrow, there's a small set of fantasy books filled with peculiar writing, hard purple cover ragged at the edges, corners of the pages ripped and scratched up. Not because of mistreatment or carelessness but of constant use, the friction of the paper, and the brush of gloved fingers near daily. They do not know where they got these books from or how they exist in the first place, but they know its their last line of defense against the cruel world ouside.
Books were something unheard of in New Yoke city. Some elders would probably remember them as they apparently used to be a common place from the times way before, times unknown to the young fox, and only relayed in old abandoned picture frames or physical scripts like the ones in their possession.
Everything was now replaced with tablets, holograms, and palm-sized glass screens. And while it was compact, easy to read through, capable of finding any information allowed through by the Council's harsh censoring and simply carried around in one's pocket, it never brought the same blanket of comfort as holding a carefully relayed and glued together mesh of pages filled with endless possibilities of words that made no sense in the context of reality did.
At least not the one the little fox lived in.
They were smart and curious. They knew the hostilities of the world, It hated them for they were different. But hidden away in their little workshop beneath the ground, they found the world inside those books real. Logically they knew it wasn't. It were mere fantasies of days gone past and someone who perhaps had too many elusive substances to consume. But to a young imaginative mind, yearning for the smallest semblances of escape from the cruelness of reality, it began to seem real.
Logically they used to know it couldn't be, magic and ravens didn't exist, cats didn't have fire powers and the only authoritative titles were reserved for the heads of the Chaos Council. But ask the fox and they could recite you the complicated words and tongue-twisting names as if merely striking an everyday conversation. They would spent daydreaming for hours, playing with gadgets and fabric to recreate the magic described on those delicate pieces of paper and practice their peech and amnnerisms, and playing alone down in the subway tunnels.
As the years went on, they unknowingly got trapped in a small game of play pretend. Reasoning one day, that they were so different for they were not of this world, but an exiled royal of another dimension and locked away by their enemies in hopes of losing their power and never returning to salvage the world.
Logically they used to know no such things as alternative dimensions existed. Castles and dragons did neither. Yet a small fox abandoned by the world itself could dream. They merely had to regain their power and ascend back to their world to finally rid it of sin and fight, for a princess never surrenders her nobility and dreams.
They used to know it was just a storybook. But a lonely mind of an abused child looks for any escape possible to them. And sometimes, when there's no one to save them before it's too late, they get lost in their own fantasy.
#sonic prime#genshin impact#enjoy this random brainworm of mine#ok so for those who dont know and to just overall context as to what the fuck all this means basically#Fischl She's a 4* Genshin impact character that I relate to on some deep fucking level#Cause while she had supousedly loving parents#They never really did the parent part of being there for her physically and emotionally most of the time#So she spent most of her time in the library#And reading a children's story book called ''Flowers for Princess Fischl''#Fischl is just a name of a fictional character from said book that the girl with the real name ''Amy'' obsessively read#and assumed the identity of In a little game of play pretend#Exept as Amy's parents were adveturers and therfore rarely home she kinda just stayed costplaying as this princess from another world#and she has a talking raven too but thats a post for another time-#and because of her silly way of dressing and talking she had no real friends so she really just grew up with those books in hand#Just don't be like her parents and tell her that she should grow out of it already#because she will smite you and have a mental breakdown afterwards#anyway that brought me to the thought of nine and how they also could fall into the escapism trap#and i renamed it to flowers for princess Blaze cause shes a girlboss adn a princess just like Fischl#also I have extra thoughts about this#cause nine still and inventor after all#theres like a faint outline of an alt design for nine with offbrand Blaze fit and flamethrowers as cassual weapons strapped under his sleve#instead of the metal tails you know#maybe a silly mechanical bird as a frien wouldt be so bad either#afshghkf you get the jist im done now-#thank you for reading trough all this nonsese#miles nine prower#nine the fox#fischl#genshin fischl#flowers for princess balze
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neonscandal · 3 months
What are your satosugu fav moments? And what are your fav personal headcanons about them?
Those sweet, egotistical, baby angels. 🤍🖤
For an insane retelling of their whole deal, I kinda talk incessantly about it. I also kinda did a little head canon exercise with a template before? but wasn't sure what you might be in the market for. In any case, roll the tape!
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Gojo has been spouting nonsense all his life but Geto was the first person to try to understand it, even when he couldn't. I'm not going to fault Geto for not being able to catch up on all that Digimon lore. But for the most part, he'd make it a point to ask clarifying questions or brush up on topics Gojo mentions in passing just to keep up with conversation.
In fact, they hated each other when they first met but bonded over one off the cuff comment Gojo made about a band, book or something and, suddenly, they found common ground. After that, they bonded over making Yaga and, later, Nanami's lives interesting ✨
Gojo is the prankster, Geto is the watchman/getaway driver. No one suspects Geto's role in Gojo's tomfoolery. Stealing Maki and Nobara's uniforms with Inumaki and Panda was a rewash of a stunt he pulled when he was in high school (with Geto's help). He fashions a lot of the pranks he pulls as a teacher off the hijinks he and Geto used to get away with. He wears a mirthful smile for his students but the modern times don't hold a candle to the good old days.
They were only children and both of their parents sucked. Actually, maybe Geto had a sibling who was either significantly older or younger (hence how he learned to be so considerate) who passed. Subsequently, Geto's parents were emotionally distant/neglectful starting when they got creeped out by the inexplicable things he could see that they couldn't. It's why he jumped at the chance when he was scouted for Jujutsu High, why he was triggered when he saw the twins, and why he always sought family elsewhere. Gojo's parents seemed to dote on him but didn't bother to get to know or nurture him, just placate him.
They make it a point to tease and call Ieri the little sister they've always wanted... though she is the oldest in the trio. Even so, they spoil her (to the best of Gojo's ability obviously). Example: if her feet hurt on a mission, Geto is giving her a piggyback ride but Gojo's goofy ass is trading shoes. Never mind the comical disparity in shoe sizes. They'd just be clopping around together much to Shoko's faux chagrin.
The three of them would absolutely bed rot together. It may have started with Gojo slinking into Geto's room for attention but they wouldn't leave Ieri out, even if it was a twin size bed. Just listless days between missions and classes where they would languidly ignore the weight of their responsibilities. Some days all contorting to fit on the bed, other days strewn about the room. It was always in Geto's room, Ieri almost always brought face masks (at Gojo's insistence).
Gojo, quite literally, did not understand the concept of personal space when it came to Geto (or Ieri, really). But, most specifically, with the way he'd casually and absently be all over Geto. Arms over his shoulders, tilting his head inward when addressing him, leaning on him during respites in the day, elbowing him in the side to punctuate a joke.. he just never became conscious of it. That is, until he was no longer around. Geto was always like second skin until he wasn't. In addition to the absence of his company, Gojo felt that physical absence so painfully that he used Limitless more and more to distance himself from the idea that anyone had ever been so close.
When Haibara and Nanami come along, Geto takes his role as a senpai really seriously because the stakes are high at the school. Gojo? Does not ✨ but he does force Nanami to use proper honorifics because he knows it drives him up a wall. He makes it a point to tell Haibara to call him whatever, right in front of Nanami. For the record, Haibara does not obey him but still.
Gojo has a name for all of Geto's favorite or most commonly used curses. The same way girls will refer to their crushes with silly little code names, almost. Like Geto knows that the Rainbow Dragon curse is "Rainbow Dash" or "My Little Pony" whereas other curses might have silly names like "Garfunkle" or "Steve" for no other reason than Gojo felt like it, but he's consistent. So once a name is bestowed, Geto refers to them accordingly. He, of course, never approaches them with fear and he's just as endeared to them as he is to Geto.
Before Gojo got the hang of how to optimize his cursed energy, overuse would leave him... not weak but just not agreeable. Clearly cranky and suffering the drawback, Suguru clocked the difference and that's actually when he started to pamper Gojo. It's also the only reason Gojo ever articulated the downsides of his CT to anyone. I don't know if Geto ever told Gojo the extent of his discomfort with his technique. He either felt like he was being burdensome/ungrateful in sharing or he was embarrassed about what it would say about him (re: regularly ingesting things that tasted like vomit). It's one of the only things he remained furtive about when it came to Gojo though he always wondered if Gojo already just knew.
Supported by canon, but, Suguru absolutely carried candy for Satoru (and a lighter for Shoko) because he's just that considerate. Mans was swallowing vomit rags and still concerned about appeasing Satoru's sweet tooth.
Without realizing it, this gesture inspired a Pavlovian effect and made Gojo super clingy. He associates sweetness with Geto and, in his absence, always overdoes it. Especially after he left the school for good. Nothing fills the void.
We know Gojo became a teacher because of Geto but... Geto would have been an excellent teacher.
You see it in the way they raise kids, Gojo makes sure Megumi and Tsumiki don't simply die. They have lavish accommodations but he has no idea how to parent. I love the Papa-Gojo agenda but know he was out of his depth. He was more like a "cool" but irresponsible (read: unstructured) older cousin if anything, not a father figure per se until maybe his late 20's which was a little too late. I think Geto specifically raised Nanako and Himiko like "normal" kids (ironically, humans) instead of the in the misogynistic, classist way of traditional jujutsu society because they deserved a lifetime of young revelry after everything they suffered. It cost them their lives so maybe everything Geto touched was meant to crumble.
As a fandom, I think people like to think they met up in those ten years of separation and I do too? But, realistically, I think Gojo just kept a forlorn bead on Geto and his whereabouts, too uncertain to go to him. 10 years of absence didn't change how he felt about him though.
I'm sorry but every single time Geto's Japanese voice actor purrs "Satoru"? Does that count? Allow me to do a cartwheel on a bed of nails because OH MY GOSH they nailed that. You feel the teasing, the intimacy.
Gojo acting a fool on the beach with Riko in Okinawa and Geto looking on affectionately. Geto really allowed space for Gojo to be a kid and gave him some of his youth back.
Every time Geto's facade of calm relaxed or broke entirely because something was going on with Gojo. Like checking in in Okinawa, when Toji initially got the drop on him, when Toji announced he'd killed Satoru Gojo. Every time you see what writhes beneath the surface.
Geto, in a sea of despair and perhaps a sprinkle of bitterness, still thinks to ask Haibara to bring back something sweet to share with Gojo. Attentive to a fault and crazy how Gojo still manages to occupy his thoughts in that way, even then.
Every tantrum Gojo threw for Geto. Gojo was literally stabbed and didn't break character. Gutted and killed but showed nothing until he comes back an overconfident mess. But just hearing about Geto's crimes, confronting him on the streets of Shinjuku and he's shaking with rage and disbelief. Not so confident then.
Realizing that Gojo saw the day he confronted Geto as a dark and mournful day when, in actuality, it was a perfectly normal, sunshine-y day.
The moment after Geto's dramatic ass is like "I could never smile from the bottom of my heart in this world!" and Gojo says something to immediately recant that by making him smile so genuinely. Just going to do The Worm across a busy highway.
Geto defying all reason to strangle Kenjaku despite hundreds of years without a fight from a host. Just as Gojo never forgot Geto's scent, Geto's body never forgot it's inclination to protect Gojo. Even if only for a moment.
⚠️ Spoiler warning through JJK chapter 236.
Geto's face being the last face Gojo saw before he was sealed and the first face he saw upon being freed. Then agreeing to fight Sukuna on the anniversary of Geto's death because he was sentimental right until the very end.
At the close of Gojo's life, imagining an afterlife where he sees Geto and all of the people he cares about during the point when he was the happiest. After all that time, more than a decade later and he still reflects so happily back on that era despite how grisly part of it was. Not only that but, in a perfect outcome, he imagines full blown cult leader Geto congratulating him because he would take Geto in any form over not having him around at all.
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drdemonprince · 2 months
Just chiming in to agree that that person is not a selfish bitch. I'm also really put off by moralistic performances of emotion, and I know in my case it's because it was part of a pattern of abusive behaviour that my mother did.
Anytime you expressed to her that there was a problem with her behaviour, she seemed to genuinely believe that if she put enough effort into weeping and crying on her children's shoulders, and verbally denigrating herself for being an inherently bad an immoral person, and stressing so much that she developed physical illnesses from it, then she could follow that up by asking for forgiveness - as if it would be cruel for us to continue her suffering by denying her that forgiveness. Except that to her, "forgiveness" meant "it's all swept under the rug, I have Atoned By Suffering Guilt, so now it doesn't matter and I can keep doing it again." (I really wonder how much the religious background of her parents' generation came into the formation of this worldview.) And at the same time, she refuses to read news that's "too upsetting" and never engages with literature or media about dark themes "because there's enough of that in real life."
It might be cynical of me to read this pattern into the way people talk online about genocide. But I keep seeing parallels. My perspective is that a) if you're not regulating your emotions well enough to function, then you have less capacity to offer practical help; and b) people who are actually trying to survive genocide want unnecessary human suffering to END, so you're not aligning yourself with that hope by engaging in rumination etc that compounds suffering with not practical benefit to anyone.
But also, watching my mother's behaviour has led me to add perspective c) that a lot of people (in Christian cultures?) haven't developed enough understanding of the complexity of the world and how to relate to it, and genuinely believe that an overblown emotionally affected reaction, followed by helplessness and thereby inaction, is the only possible way for them to respond when they're confronted with upsetting information that demands action from them. Being raised to think in a black-and-white "good vs evil" dichotomy, and thinking about people as "either morally good or morally bad" rather than thinking about people as neutral and behaviours as either ethically helpful or harmful... it doesn't give them a conceptual framework to integrate upsetting information and then carry on getting things done, it's like their moral anxiety gets them stuck and that keeps the emotions escalating.
I see people discussing this pattern in the context of religious trauma, and in the context of the cultural construct of "whiteness" - the discovery of something morally bad has to be followed by an extreme emotional reaction that basically amounts to protesting your own innocence and helplessness to deny responsibility for your direct behaviours (in my mother's case) or complicity in a corrupt system (in the case of overwhelmed average people learning about genocide).
Maybe I'm rambling more than I'm analysing here, but the comparison stands out a lot to me and it's troubling to watch.
yo anon no this is gold, thank you for sharing. This is remarkably astute.
I will add the quick caveat that hyperempathic people who are debilitated by their sensitivity exist, of course, and have very real struggles and none of this is intended to denigrate them. In practice, their behavior can have the impact of silencing criticism or distracting from the issue at hand but being wired that way certainly does not doom a person to behaving in a counterproductive, manipulative manner.
This critique is more about performative over the top empathy as a tactic (conscious or not) of offloading responsibility, and as a pseudo-religious ideology that makes predominately white western cultures particularly ill-equipped to deal with the consequences of their global plundering. almost certainly by design. Most moral teachings that we encounter in the west promote this tactic and ideology, and it gets very deeply ingrained in most us if we don't devote a ton of attention to uprooting it.
thanks for this great response.
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lovelyleclercs · 1 year
Weekends Away- CL16
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Charles Leclerc x Fem!Reader
-> Juliette spends the weekend at grandma’s for the first time, leaving you and charles alone to catch up and reminisce.
hey can i have promt #66 with Charles Leclerc please?
#66- “i’ve missed this”
can i have the plot around where charles and reader give their child to charles’/reader’s parents and they have a weekend just together e.g watching movies, going out on dates, hours of chatting and asking each other questions about future plans/ future kids/ careers ect, just spending time with each other really.
just a really fluffy story.
ps. love your work so much 🫶
warnings: google translated french
word count: 2717
a/n: I had so much fun writing this, this is part of the missing home universe!!<3
After three years and two months of spending every day and every night with your little girl, the day had finally come where she had decided she wanted to stay at her grandmother's house. 
After three years and two months of spending every day and every night with your little girl, the day had finally come where she had decided she wanted to stay at her grandmother's house. 
The idea had come spontaneously, you, Charles and little Juliette had gone to Pascale’s house for dinner like you always did on Friday nights when there wasn’t a race. 
Charles’ older brother, Lorenzo had also come over that night, bringing his wife and his two year old daughter, Olivia along for the occasion. 
This weekend in particular, Lorenzo and his wife were dropping Olivia off for the next three days as they were headed out of town for a couple of days for a friend's wedding. Juliette had caught onto the idea of what a sleepover meant that night- though she had never seemed intrigued by them at all in times past. The moment she realized that her baby cousin would be staying at grandma’s house for the whole weekend, Juliette’s eyes lit up. 
The moment you saw Juliette run over to you and Charles with that look on her face, you instantly knew she wanted something. You pulled your hand out of your boyfriend’s grip and held both of your arms out for the little girl, lifting her up into your lap when she finally wrapped her small arms around you. 
“Maman, puis-je avoir une soirée pyjama avec grand-mère et Olivia?" (mama, can I have a sleepover with grandma and olivia?)
You looked at the little girl in your lap, watching as her face grew brighter while asking her question. “Je ne sais pas, ma chérie…" (I don’t know, sweetie…) you said with a sigh, tucking a piece of her curly chocolate brown hair behind her ear. The idea of being away from Juliette for 48 hours scared you, even though she would be in great care. 
Ever since Juliette was born, you had made a promise to yourself and to Juliette that you would be there for her 24/7. With Charles being gone so often with racing, you wanted Juliette to have some sort of consistency in her life. 
Although at times this proved to be mentally, emotionally, and physically draining, you had lived up to your promise. Everywhere you went, she went. The grocery store, races, even a simple walk through the streets of Monaco. That exact promise was the reason you hadn’t attended a race for 2 and half years up until last season.
“s'il vous plaît, maman!!” (please, mama!) Juliette said with almost a whining tone, proving just how badly she wanted to spend the weekend with her baby cousin and her grandma. 
You smiled faintly and kissed Juliette’s cheek gently. “Alright, I suppose that’s ok” you said, knowing that Charles had been encouraging this for the past year so consulting him wouldn’t be necessary. 
“Merci, maman!!” Juliette said before kissing your cheek and sliding off of your lap, running back over to Olivia. 
As you watched Juliette run out of arm's reach, you got up out of your chair at the table and smiled slightly. “I’ll be back” you announced to everyone before turning on your heels and making your way towards the other side of Pascale’s home. You opened the balcony doors and slipped out onto the small patio space before closing the doors behind you, ensuring yourself some privacy. 
As you looked over the city of Monaco, you couldn’t help but wonder how this weekend was going to go. You were going to miss Juliette dearly- there was no doubt about it- but would she miss you? Would she even think of you? What if she missed you too much that she ended up crying for you at night? Was this the right decision? 
Your mind continued to race as it always did whenever you were face to face with any kind of parenting issue. 
Had Charles not put his hands on your waist, you wouldn’t have even known he was there, too zoned out to acknowledge the presence of anyone else. 
“Cherie, is everything ok?” he asked, placing a gentle kiss to your shoulder as he rubbed up and down both of your arms gently. 
You sighed and leaned back into his chest, continuing to look out over the city of Monaco. “Just nervous for this weekend I guess. I’ve spent every day and every night of her life with her and the idea of spending 48 hours without her running around or asking for something every five minutes scares me.. I just hope I did the right thing, you know?” 
Charles turned you around, allowing you to face him as he placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “You absolutely did the right thing, mon amour. You waited for Juliette to decide she was ready for a sleepover, you didn’t force it on her, nor did you ask her if she was interested. She made the decision all on her own, with your approval of course. She’s lucky to have a mother like you.”
You sighed and looked into Charles' eyes, nodding gently. “It’s just so.. Strange. I love watching her grow up and being completely fearless, but I also feel like as she grows up, she needs me less and less you know? It’s just going to be hard this weekend without her…”
Charles nodded, taking in everything you said before wrapping his arms around you. “I know, my love. The house will be quiet without her, but it’ll give us some alone time together.. We haven’t had that in months, you know” 
“You don’t have any work to do this weekend?” 
Charles shook his head, pulling you into a kiss. “I did all of my meetings last night, I'm all yours this weekend, mon amour. We can watch movies, eat pizza, drink wine.. Maybe even try for that second mini leclerc we talked about at the gala a couple of months ago…” he said with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. 
You laughed and rolled your eyes before pulling him into a tight hug. “It’s getting late, we should probably say our goodbyes to Juliette now…”
Charles nodded, grabbing your hand as he opened the balcony door, stepping back into the house that had been just slightly warmer than the outside temperatures. “Jules, Maman et papa doivent y aller” (jules, mom and dad have to get going) Charles said, walking over to Juliette before kneeling down in front of her. “Se comporter pour grand-mere” (behave for grandma) 
Juliette frowned, looking up at both you and Charles. "Où allez-vous?" (where are you going?) she asked, almost as though she was confused. Maybe she hadn’t really understood the concept of a sleepover. 
“Home, sweetie. You’re spending the weekend with grandma, remember?” Charles said, pulling the confused girl into a tight hug. 
Juliette nodded, her tiny arms hugging Charles tight. She still didn’t really have any idea what was happening, but she knew that she wanted to get back to playing with olivia. “Au revoir, papa” she said before breaking the hug with Charles and turning to hug you. “Au revoir, maman” 
You smiled sadly and placed a kiss on your daughter's forehead before she managed to slip away, running back over to Olivia without any second thoughts. 
Charles stood up and held his hand out to you, interlocking your fingers once you had accepted his hand. “Let's get going, my love. The pizza is out for delivery, we don’t want to miss it”
With a quick goodbye and a call if you need anything to Pascale, you and Charles were out the door, leaving your daughter behind. 
The car ride home was silent, both you and Charles being deep in thought as the car maneuvered its way through the streets of Monaco. Though Charles didn’t admit it, he was starting to have second thoughts about letting Juliette stay away for two nights in a row. 
When he pulled into the driveway and parked the car, Charles turned in his seat to look at you. “Not having her in the backseat made the ride home so quiet…”
You nodded, looking over at him. “Yeah, I know. We didn’t have to listen to baby shark..”
Charles sighed and squeezed your hand “I know this is all new to us, but we will get through it. The pizza should be here soon, we can go inside, eat pizza, drink wine, watch one of our favorite movies and just.. Talk”
You smiled a little and nodded before leaning over to kiss him gently. “That sounds amazing, the last one inside is a rotten egg” you said with a smirk before getting out of the car quickly and running towards the front door. 
Charles laughed and got out too, chasing after you in attempts to beat you inside, despite your head start. 
When you had finally gotten inside, Charles bolted in closely behind you, throwing his arms around you as he caught his breath. 
You laughed and placed your hands on his arms, also trying to catch your breath. “I win! What do I get for winning?” 
Charles laughed and kissed your cheek, letting you go from his embrace. “Hmmm… I suppose you can pick the movie, as long as it’s not the notebook. I’ve been forced to watch that movie far too much” 
“Hey! It’s a good movie!”
Charles laughed and walked over to the couch, flopping down on it as he tossed you the remote. “I never said it wasn’t a good movie, it’s just overplayed in this household. 
“Fair enough” you said as you sat down beside him and began scrolling through the list of movies the two of you had created years back.
Movies, wine, and pizza had been a tradition the two of you started when you had first met nearly 8 years ago now. It had become a staple in your relationship, being what you always did together for every anniversary, birthday, or even after any sort of fight- the whole event had always made the two of you look back and reminisce on when you had first fallen in love all of those years ago. 
When the doorbell rang, indicating that the pizza had arrived, Charles got himself off of the couch, heading to the door to greet the pizza man while you continued to scroll through movies. 
By the time charles had returned back to the couch with a pizza box, a bottle of wine, and two wine glasses, you had finally settled on a movie.
“10 things I hate about you? The movie we watched on our first date?” Charles asked with a smile, sitting down beside you as he placed a piece of pizza onto his plate.
You smiled and poured the glasses of wine, nodding at Charles’ question. “I thought it would be nice. We haven’t watched it in ages” 
Charles smiled and kissed you gently, taking a glass of wine from you as he handed you a plate of pizza. “It’s perfect, mon amour.”
After pressing play on the remote, the two of you sat in silence, eating your pizza and occasionally laughing at something said in the movie, doing your best to soak in the limited alone time with each other you had been granted. 
When finished with your pizza, you cuddled up to Charles, wrapping your arms around his torso and resting your head on his shoulder. “Charles”
“Yeah?” he asked, rubbing your side gently as he took his attention off of the tv, looking down at you. 
“I’ve missed this” you whispered, feeling yourself getting emotional as you thought back to all of the time you and Charles used to spend together-back before he got into F1, back before you had Juliette, back before life wasn’t so busy all of the time. 
Charles placed his hand on your cheek and smiled gently “me too, my love. Me too.”
“I don’t think I ever realized how little time you and I spend together, the past three years have been such a routined lifestyle that I never realized how little time we spend alone together..”
Charles nodded, agreeing with everything you had just stated. “I know, that’s why I’ve been suggesting we let my mom take Juliette once in a while, it would be good for us, I miss you”
You smiled a little and snuggled back into his side, looking out the sliding glass doors that led to your balcony. “Do you really want another baby? I mean, do you think it’s what is best for us? Could we handle having two children and still be able to have time for each other?” 
Charles rubbed your back gently, taking a moment as if he was trying to think or put together a sentence in his head. “I want another child, yes. I’d have three more children if you offered it to me. I love watching you be a mom, i’d do it over and over again”
“But what about us? We finally got comfortable with letting Juliette stay the night away from home, a new baby brings us back to square one, no?”
Charles shook his head “not necessarily, no. Juliette is our first born, we were a bit more cautious with her as we were new parents. With a second child, we would be more comfortable bringing them to the race track or letting them go to grandmas- we know what to expect now, it makes it easier for us”
You nodded a little, thinking about Charles’ words for a moment. “You really think so?”
Charles nodded “I know so, mon amour.”
You smiled a little and rested your head on his shoulder again. “Ok”
“Speaking of taking kids to the track, I was thinking about something”
“Oh that’s never good, but what were you thinking?”
Charles laughed and looked down at you “I wanted to know if you and Juliette would attend more races this season…I absolutely adored having you two by my side in Abu dhabi.. I’d love for that to be a more common occurrence…”
You smiled up at your boyfriend and nodded. “Yes, of course. I already planned on it”
Charles smiled and held you close again, turning his attention back towards the TV screen to catch the end of the movie. 
The next 48 hours had flown by. You and Charles had gone grocery shopping together, went out to eat a few times, and even managed to slip out onto the boat one day, despite the cloudy skies that had hovered above monaco. 
Juliette had called a few times, only to inform you of the new games her and Olivia had created throughout the day. 
By the time Sunday night rolled around, you and Charles had been more than ready to pick up your little girl. Although the two of you had enjoyed your time alone together, you missed the crazy little girl who was constantly keeping you on your toes. 
When Charles pulled into the driveway of his mothers house, you had quickly unbuckled and made your way up to the front door, Charles following close behind as you opened the door. 
When you opened the door, you stepped inside and grabbed Charles’ hand, making your way to the dining room where Pascale had informed you they would be.
You walked over to your daughter who had been oblivious to your presence, and kissed the top of her cheek gently.
When Juliette put her fork down and looked up to see who was the culprit behind the kiss, her face lit up. “Maman!!” she practically yelled, standing up in her seat as she wrapped her arms around your neck, giving you a tight hug. 
You smiled and hugged Juliette tightly, placing a kiss on her cheek as you did so. “I missed you so much, Jules. So so much”
Juliette giggled and moved on to hug Charles as well. “I missed you both!!”
“Did you have fun with grandma?” Charles asked, scooping Juliette up in his arms. 
Juliette nodded “and Olivia, too, but I missed you” she frowned. 
You wrapped your arms around Charles and Juliette, taking in the moment and enjoying the fact that you had both of your favorite people in your arms again. “Papa and I missed you, too, sweetie. So much” you whispered.
tag list: @hammick @Cl16msc47 @majkaftorek @04asheley16 @polyjuiceslytherin @Lizziebitch33 @viktorie16 @Johannalindau @Jamieeboulos @cedricdiggorysimpp @Southernprincess1997 @Myescapefromthislife @F1andbookslover @ferrarilover16 @my-fangirling-outlet
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deadbeatbirdmom · 6 months
Why Yang is the best*
*in my admittedly biased opinion, she's my favourite character in RWBY.
Let's get the shallow reasons out of the way first:
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She's very pretty, including her long golden blonde mane of hair and lilac eyes. Blonde bombshell is a fitting description.
And this blonde bombshell can make other things very literally explode with her sticky grenades from Volume 7 onwards.
She's a badass in combat even without her Semblance, but with it she packs even more of a punch, and that's quite an understatement.
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There's also the way her Semblance makes her hair either glow like molten gold or transform into flames (Volume 6 onwards), and her eyes turn red, or later a fiery orange. Both striking.
But Yang is far more than these shallow things. She has depth.
Right from the start in her trailer, from the quote at the beginning to the things she does, it's clear that there's more to her than meets the eye. She's goes to a club, but not to party. She's there for information.
Yet I've read fics where she's written off as a dumb blonde party girl. Sure, the beauty of fanfic is writing what you want, but if Yang's that out of character is she really still Yang, and not an original character by the same name?
Yang isn't dumb. There's no mention of her being a bad student, and she's seen paying attention and poised to take notes in Volume 1.
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She also doesn't fight like someone who just keeps punching until her opponent falls down and can't get up again. I mean, that might be part of it, but she adapts, like she did in the trailer against the kicks of Melanie Malachite.
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In that trailer Yang defeats a club full of goons, two bodyguards (Melanie and Miltia) and Junior himself. All of them adults against a 17 year old who hasn't yet started at Beacon (going by what I've heard of the Roman Holiday book, Melanie and Miltia are in their early twenties in Volume 1, just like Neo).
Yang starts to adapt against Neo on the train in Volume 2, but gets knocked out before she can get far enough to actually do more than throw Neo.
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The Yang that gives the impression of a cheerful party girl is a mask, as can be seen when there's glimpses of her depth in Burning the Candle when she persuades Blake to slow down. And that mask really shatters in Volume 3 when bad things start to happen.
Yang goes through trauma, physically and emotionally. It changes her. But it certainly doesn't make her boring, at least not to me. She also gradually heals, enough to make jokes in Volume 5 onwards. That is a hopeful message to other people who go through bad things. Sometimes bad things just happen, but that's not the end. You keep moving forward. It may take a while to recover, and to get back to yourself, and you won't be quite the same, but you're still you.
Then there's the sisters Xiao Long-Rose. Yang is dedicated to being there for Ruby, to the extent that she raised her after Summer disappeared. Exactly how long their dad was lost to depression isn't clear, but even after he recovered he'd still be busy working. Yang would remain the combined big sister and mother for Ruby even after Tai's more capable of parenting.
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That isn't to say that Yang is perfect, or that she never makes mistakes, or always gets along with Ruby. She's human. They both are. To be human is to err. But they always love each other. They're family, the closest they have. Even if Yang didn't always manage to say 'I love you' back right away. Even if Ruby left her without a goodbye or even a note (the one she left at the end of Volume 3 was for Tai). They know where they stand with each other, even if it took Ruby a reassuring hug and an 'I love you' from Yang to be sure of that in Mistral.
There's Yang’s big heart. I've seen her described as the heart of team RWBY, and it's so true. Yang's intimidating when she wants to be, but she's so kind and caring, to the extent that it led to a rift of sorts with Ruby in Volume 8. Ruby was focused on the big picture, trying to get word out to all of Remnant about Salem, while Yang wanted to help save the population of Mantle before they were overrun by Grimm. Neither of them were wrong.
Yang takes hits, not just as part of her combat strategy to fuel her Semblance, but also to spare others who might not be able to take them as well as she can. Usually Ruby, but her other friends too. She draws Salem's attention away from Oscar when she threatens him, which could have gone so badly for Yang. But that's who she is. Those she loves matter more to her than her own life ever could.
And there's Yang's mothers. Her biological mother Raven, who abandoned Yang when she was a baby for reasons that still aren't clear, but likely to do with Raven being afraid of Salem. Yang's search for her almost got her and Ruby killed as young kids, and when Yang finally found her she was bitterly disappointed by who she found.
I don't hate Raven, I find her an interesting character, but she has without a doubt disappointed and hurt Yang, to the point where that was a large part of what reduced Yang to tears on claiming the Relic in Haven's vault.
Despite all that, Yang kept the fact that Raven was the Spring Maiden to herself, as far as we know. It wouldn't be the first time that a conversation about Raven took place off screen, as Jaune, Ren and Nora knew Raven was Yang's mother. Yet Yang only ever told Blake about her. And I can't see Blake gossiping about that. I figure Ruby likely told them at some point when on the long walk to Haven.
Then there's Yang's step mother, Summer, who took Raven's place so completely that Yang didn't know about Raven until after Summer disappeared. Summer, Yang's super-mom, who Yang must have tried to emulate when raising Ruby, but couldn't possibly be more than a pale shadow of. Yang was just a child, only two years older than Ruby. Summer is Yang's hero, and who she still considers as her mom, as she proclaimed to Salem.
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Last but certainly not least: Blake and Yang. The Bees kissing are what drew me to RWBY in the first place, and Bumbleby is my OTP. They've been through so much together, and they deserve happiness with each other.
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Yang was already my favourite months before the Volume 9 commentary revealed it, but it also means a lot to me that she's only just figuring out her sexuality. It took me a long time too.
This isn't every single thing I love about Yang, but it's what I could think of and get down in writing.
All of this is of course just my opinion. Maybe someone else from RWBY is your favourite. In that case I'm just glad another character can mean that much to you.
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whinlatter · 7 months
Plss do 5, 22 and 14 for Lily again. I just love her so much😅
5. Best personality trait
one of the things that i’ve always found striking in lily’s letter to sirius in DH is both how immediately warm she comes across, but also how brimming with emotion she is. the ‘thank you, thank you, for harry’s birthday present’ is this lovely, affectionate, slightly dramatic opener. the letter is obviously desperately sad - especially with hindsight - but it’s also emotionally confessional (she ‘cried all evening’ when she heard about the McKinnons), gossipy (‘it seems impossible to believe that dumbledore was ever really friends with grindelwald. i think bathilda’s mind is going, personally’), even spiteful (‘no complaints’ about harry smashing petunia’s vase). her love and concern for james is all over the letter, but so is her concern for peter (‘i thought he seemed down’). even the act of writing the letter and conveying to his godfather how much harry loved his present shows her concern for sirius, too, wanting to make him a part of the moment he missed. i think what i like about it is that if even the letter isn’t a completely truthful insight into lily’s feelings about being in hiding — she doesn’t describe her likely feelings of fear for harry, although we get this little hint about frustrations told through james, and mention of dumbledore having the cloak — it does still give a portrait of a character who feels her feelings deeply and brims with emotion. it’s particularly striking because it also is a rare lapse from jkr’s usual (clumsy, unjust) female characterisations in the series, where female characters are condemned for being gossipy or melodramatic or are rewarded in the narrative for being stoic. that lily ‘cried all evening’ over the mckinnons’ deaths is so indicative of a character who wasn’t yet war-weary (never had a chance to be), so did grief in a very open, unabashed way, and i just love that.
(it also shows how harry, the stoic/emotionally repressed young man, is a function more of his upbringing rather than his parents’ personalities - james is an open book in what little we see of him in canon, and lily clearly was effusive, chatty, heart on her sleeve and had her many emotions right there at the surface. it gives a glimpse of what harry could have been, or could still be, in peacetime. that harry immediately cries when he reads lily’s letter for the first time is this lovely little moment of aspects of the mother coming through in the usually very tightly-wound, repressed son.)
14. Most heroic moment
aside from the - er - canonically lauded and obvious, it’s got to be her joining the order straight out of school, especially as a muggleborn. to put herself at that level of personal risk for a resistance movement age eighteen as a member of a socially marginalised persecuted group is a major slay. lily likely had only been close with the marauders for a year at most (assuming going out with james was the conduit for those friendships, which it seems in canon like it was). so we can assume that she had her own political awakening and her interest in resistance politics wasn’t limited to her association with james and the gang. and i think that is Cool!
22. Best physical feature
if people were still banging on about how gorgeous my eyes were after i’ve been in the ground for a decade i’d be pretty chuffed, let me tell ya! people were falling over themselves/slamming the brakes/stopping traffic/climbing over barbed wire fences to tell lily’s son he had her eyes. those must have been some gorgeous peepers. also you know that hair was fire. that glossy dark red — whew! the potters are a haircare dynasty, remember. they know luscious locks when they see them. it had body, it had volume, it had magic of its own — lily evans’ hair was the moment ❤️‍🔥
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project-sekai-facts · 9 months
Any opinion on Akito and Ena's dad ?
I don’t think he’s the best parent ever by any means, but I also think people often greatly exaggerate what he did to his kids. Both him and his kids have a pretty blunt way of talking and I think this is why they clash so often. The thing is, none of what he said to Ena about art being a terrible field of work to go into was wrong, it’s just that instead of trying to help Ena, he just told her she was talentless which like don’t fucking say that to your child??? I get that he was trying to look out for Ena but he just approached it in the worst possible way and ruined Ena’s mental health. He’s clearly been through it in his art career and doesn’t want Ena to go through the same, especially when she’s already struggling at a non-professional level, but he’s not the greatest parent going and clearly doesn’t know how to talk to his kids. He’s gotten better after Akito talked to him, but still has some work to do.
What I’m saying when people exaggerate what he did is that people tend to dial up the abuse to be more like Harumichi & Toya’s mother or Mafuyu’s parents and this is a very different case. Shin’ei clearly doesn’t know how to communicate with his kids and isn’t good at parenting, and I don’t think he meant to hurt Ena as bad as he did. He didn’t think she would be able to handle an art career and didn’t want her to get hurt, but he ended up hurting her more because he has dogshit communication skills. Yes, he still abused her and isn’t like a hugely present figure in her or Akito’s life (might be work-related? It’s never explained) but I don’t think he intentionally crushed her mental health and self worth. Considering one of his hobbies is camping trips with the family I think he actually does love his kids, he just isn’t a good parent.
It’s a very complex case because yes he did abuse Ena but it doesn’t entirely seem like it was intentional? Like telling her she was talentless was an intentional decision but I don’t think he said it because he wanted her to suffer emotionally for years, does that make sense? It wasn’t like Harumichi who made Toya practice past the point of injury and his wife who banned Toya from having any free time just because they wanted him to be a musical prodigy and live up to their expectations of their family (also Toya has older brothers who probably went through the exact same thing before him). And it wasn’t like Mafuyu’s mother who manipulates her daughter into becoming what she wants her to be and is fully aware of the fact she’s manipulating her, and then tries to manipulate other people on top of that to believe that she’s a good mother and actually cares about her daughter.
Shin’ei actually does seem to care about Ena and Akito and the fact that he does seem to try and change after Akito talks to him adds more proof to that. Harumichi hears Toya out and Toya isn’t scared of him anymore, and although he hasn’t really shown up much since Nocturne, whenever he does or whenether he’s mentioned there’s still this sort of disconnect between him and Toya still? Like he’s kinda just accepted that Toya rebelled against his expectations as an Aoyagi but you can tell he still doesn’t see eye to eye with Toya and probably never will. Hell, when Mrs Asahina is called out on her actions, she tries to manipulate the person calling her out in the exact same way she does her daughter. So Shin’ei at the very least tries to be better even if the improvement isn’t huge and I think a lot of people in the fandom miss that part? Like I consistently see people describe/portray him as far more intentionally malicious and hurtful and sometimes even physically abusive and he isn’t?? Yes he abused Ena and doesn’t seem hugely present in Akito’s life compared to like Ken, but how he abused his kids reads very differently to the other more notable abusive parents. I’ve already said it loads by now but the intent is different. And this is a character analysis and not an opinion
Uh yeah I think he’s pretty well written and I’d like to know a bit more about him but maybe I should invest in the fanbook for that. He’s very realistic like this is definitely something that happens a lot in real life. Some parents just aren’t good at it and don’t mean to hurt their kid but they end up doing so because they just don’t know how to care for them and communicate with them properly. He feels very human.
He’s a shit parent and I hope this doesn’t read like an apologist post because it’s not meant to be, like he drove Ena into a deep depression that’s fucked up. I just wanted to point some stuff out because I really like how he’s written and think he’s a pretty interesting character.
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bwabbitv3s · 1 year
Good Godfather Vlad AU - Part 2
Part 1 Those that asked to be tagged. @kaitouhime @krzys2000 @moobloomrights
~This took a few drafts to get it where I wanted. Vlad is really hard to write as getting the help he needs while still being really new to all the sudden changes. ~
Ice Machines and Fudge
The one that manages to corner him first is their daughter Jasmine. She catches him in the ice machine and vending machine room at the hotel at 3am. He is rather impressed with it as he can’t escape by using his powers as there is a CCTV camera to stop people stealing from the vending machine. 
“You need to talk to Mom and Dad tomorrow, or Dad is going to try to break into your room.” Jasmine says straight away. 
“I beg your pardon?” Vlad responds.
It is 3am, he has not slept well the last two nights. Had a very long video session with his therapist that left him emotionally drained. He just wanted some ice for a cold compress for his headache. The last thing Vlad was expecting was for a teenager to materialize out of the dim shadows between the vending machines. If he had not known better he would have suspected she was a ghost. 
“They are both spiraling from the revelation that they left you feeling abandoned for the last decade. They thought they were doing the right thing in respecting your boundaries and not pushing into your life until you reached out. Your lack of response back even years later never deterred them. They took it as a good sign that you never asked them to stop sending letters. ” Jasmine pauses for a moment.
“Dad sends you an invitation to Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, we all sign it.” Jasmine trails off a bit. 
The ice bucket nearly falls from his hands at that new sucker punch to the gut. Vlad’s family had always been small and after his parents passed he never had anyone to get together for the holidays with. Until Jack found out and dragged him to every single family holiday since. He would always play devil's advocate in the yearly debate over if Santa was real between Maddie and Jack. It was always good fun and they used the most bizarre physics equations to explain their case. At least until the accident, how many Christmases had he missed. 
The ice machine thumps as more ice fills the basin. The static humm buzz of the fluorescent lights fill the air. Jasmine does not press him to respond, just waits for him to collect his thoughts. 
“I don’t know if I am ready to face them.” Vlad says softly.
“Sometimes we are not ready for things. We just have to do them anyway as if we wait to be ready it will never happen.” Jasmine says. 
“You are quite insightful for your age.” Vlad responds. 
“Thank you.” Jasmine.
“Now how do I keep them from trying to smother me while I try to piece things back together.” he continues ending with a wry smile. 
“Well first off, fudge always works with Dad.” Jasmine smiles back. 
“He always did have a massive sweet tooth. I swear he used to live off nothing but fudge and coffee during exams.” Vlad fondly reminisces. 
“Mom is harder and I don’t think you want to be shouting out ghost, while pointing in random directions to distract her.” she embarrassingly tells him. 
“I don’t think that would help very much with this. She is more than likely to drag me after a ghost sighting.” Vlad chuckles. He pauses for a moment before a memory alights. 
“Does she still fiddle with rubix cubes?” Vlad asks. 
“Rubix cubes?” Jasmine asks, confused. 
“Your mother in college used to keep a rubix cube to occupy her hands with. Creating patterns and solving a rubix cube was seen as smart and impressive so it did not get taken away from her. She said it helped her focus on things and ground her emotions.” Vlad tells her. 
“I never knew that. That could work if you need to escape her manhandling.” Jasmine confirms. 
“Well if I am going to face them tomorrow at the brunch I should get some sleep. I will see you and your family tomorrow morning. Have a good night.” Vlad tiredly thanks her. He has to stifle a yawn at the end.
There is a teenage boy staring at his hotel room door, a very familiar looking boy. He feels a flush of warmth inside as he realizes just who has tracked him down. The boy stiffens and turns to look down the hall at Vlad. What an odd pair they must make in this dim hotel hallway. Vlad in his dark silk pajamas and matching housecoat holding a slightly melted bucket of ice. The boy, Daniel, in an oversized NASA hoodie space print flannel pajama pants with a small box?   
“Your sister beat you to it. I fear you are too late to warn me about how your parents are ready to ambush me into restarting our friendship. I have consoled myself to facing them tomorrow at brunch and the emotional encounter it will be.” Vlad dramatically sighs out. 
From the way Daniel untenses that was the right move. His hands fiddle with the small box. 
“Did she catch you in the stairwell or the elevator? I know she has been working on her elevator pitch all day.” Daniel jokingly asks.
“Her elevator pitch was put to good use in the ice machine room. Trapped me between the exit and the vending machines.” Vlad tells him. 
“I did not think she had it in her to actually stalk you. I thought she was going to just stay in the elevator and wait for you to use it.” Daniel laughs out. 
Not that it would have worked as Vlad had been turning invisible and phasing up the elevator shaft to precisely avoid encounters. 
“Never underestimate a determined young woman. Now how may I help you, Daniel?” Vlad asks. 
“Well Jazz did the hard work already getting you to face our parents. Here take this.” Daniel says stepping forwards and offering out the small box. 
Vlad takes the small box which appears to be a chocolate box of some kind. It is fairly heavy for its size. 
“Dad has not had this brand of fudge before. It should give you a solid ten minutes of him running it through his ranking system before he remembers what he had wanted to do. It won’t stop the hug but should allow you the time to remind him to let you keep your feet on the ground for it.” Daniel quickly says. 
“That is very thoughtful of you Daniel.” Vlad thankfully says
“Just Danny, Daniel makes it sound like you are going to give me detention.” Danny embarrassingly jokes. 
“Danny then. Thank you for this. I know it must be hard to find a chocolate maker that Jack has not tried the fudge for.” Vlad says. 
“Glad to help. Well I am still getting over the time zone change and need all the sleep I can. Night Vlad, good luck with Mom. I have yet to find anything to really stop her so you are on your own.” Danny says cheerfully before he sprints down the hall to the elevator. 
Vlad looks after as Danny turns a corner then disappears from sight. He sighs before unlocking his hotel room. It seems that at least the children have decided to help him take things at his own pace. He sets the box gently onto the bedside table. Put the ice that has not melted into the cold compress bag for his headache. Sets up his laptop and begins the searches for the closest store that has rubix cubes. 
If one happens to go missing from inventory the next morning. Along with several bills totaling more than the cube are found in the empty cash drawer when they go to open the register for the morning, well that is just a wonderful coincidence. 
Now with a Part 3, and Part 4
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blueyellow8green · 1 year
Random thoughts about Spider from Avatar 2
So I know everyone really hates Spider and don't get me wrong I love the memes but I want to analyse his character a bit beyond "he betrayed neteyam by saving Quaritch".
Because that isn't the full story here. So from the comics which includes Spiders childhood and "origin" story we see his mother is killed at a very young age. So there's trauma number one as we know his dad is also dead making him an orphan. He is then abandoned by the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE by being left behind. I know he is raised by norm and the scientists but cmon that's abandonment issues squared. Then on top of that he is labelled a "pandoran human" (a human born on pandora) which he is the first one ever. This separates him from other humans as well and would explain even further his connection to the planet.
All of that alone in a young teenage boy is gonna traumatise him enough into making some perhaps stupid choices (I don't think him saving Quaritch was stupid, it was an emotionally loaded decision). But it doesn't end there with abandonment issues because although he grows up alongside the Sully family (and therefore Na'vi culture) he is never truly a part of that culture. He has no way to connect to ewya by the hair thing (I can't remember what it's called). He is disconnected on a physical level trying to keep up with the Na'vi, being unable to breathe with them, being separated from their cultural practice and not being able to take part in their religion no matter how much he may believe in ewya.
And despite all this he seems happy, at least in the comics and flashbacks of the movie. He is content enough with how things are with the Sully's. He clearly cares a lot about them and views them like his family.
Yet Jake literally refers to him as "a stray cat" that won't quite leave them alone. Neytiri openly dislikes him and probably ignored him as best as she could (a decision fueled by her own trauma but also he husband is half human?? Like girl pick a standard at least Spider hasn't committed war crimes unlike Jake). We actually don't see much if the kids interacting with Spider once their older apart from the scene where he goes "it's not great to know who your father is 😐"
Which yes was a funny scene but really he is opening up about what is probably a strong point of trauma with him and he gets ZERO support or recognition from people he sees as family.
I remember watching the movie and getting half way through and just constantly thinking "the Sully's haven't mentioned spider yet? When are they going back for spider? That boy is being tortured and no one cares? No one cares cause he's human?" I know getting him back wasn't feasible for Jake but they don't even say his name. They go and play with the fish and forget he ever even existed. Jake's main concern is what Spider will say, he assumed he couldn't be trusted despite practically raising that boy. Imagine you are abandoned by everyone, your parents are dead, you have never been accepted ever. And then you find out that you "family" forgot about you AGAIN. Spider has every right to be hurt and he wasn't.
I'm disappointed because we had an opportunity for an halarious dynamic is Neytiri and Jake had adopted Spider more officially when Quaritch return they could be like "we killed your ass and stole your son :p". Objectively I think that would be way more entertaining.
Him saving Quaritch if anything proves he is better than his father and maybe even Jake. Spider is literally breaking a cycle of abuse and violence in this movie but no one is willing to see it. Him teaching Quaritch the way of the Na'vi may seem like betrayal but really what we see is a traumatised abandoned child sharing his love for his home. What he is doing is more that what Jake did by trying to bride the gap with the Na'vi, Spider is bridging the gap with the sky people. Which I think will make the difference in the war.
I don't know if Quaritch will get a redemption arc but I do know Spider deserves better than everything he has been given. And the solution isn't to just give Spider an avatar body but to give him a home and the unconditional love a child deserves.
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ashleywool · 1 month
I wore my How to Dance in Ohio hoodie to church today. It's Palm Sunday and we did our customary palm procession from Duffy Square into the building, which is nice and all except winter decided to come back and bite my skin off again...so that sweatshirt seemed like the best choice as warm enough for the weather + can fit under my choir robe + won't get swelteringly uncomfortable once we're inside at the service. It did the job. Truly the ultimate transition piece. Get yours today while supplies last.
At fellowship afterwards, someone from the congregation that I didn't know--she's only in NYC part of the year--pointed out my sweatshirt and said "I LOVED THAT SHOW!"
It took her a moment to recognize me (she initially confused me for Madison, which, yeah that happens, I'll never be mad about it), and we had a lovely chat about the show. And what I noticed after walking away was...the subject of autism, or me being autistic, didn't come up at all.
I love and cherish the advocacy aspect of my work on HTDIO. I love and cherish the opportunity it gave me to be the autistic representation I wished I'd had growing up. But I have to say, it was SO nice to have someone, a total stranger, talking about the show and loving the show independent of The Autism Part.
It was wonderful being part of discussions about diverse representation, and I will never turn down opportunities to eagerly participate in those conversations. But I really wanted us to stick around long enough that the "novelty" aspect of "autistic characters played by autistic actors" (or even "canonically nonbinary/genderqueer characters") would wear off sufficiently for more people, so they could focus on the story and the characters and the music and all the other things that make our show great irrespective of the Representation aspect.
I've had a ROUGH few weeks, y'all. Truthfully, I've been going through one of the worst depressive episodes of my life. Aside from the obvious grief factor and logistical stressors, it turns out that post-operative depression is absolutely a thing. While I'd like to think I'm cognitively and emotionally mature enough to handle this level of change, especially considering how lucky I am to have robust support systems in family, friends, and healthcare practitioners, my very autistic nervous system has had a difficult time letting the sympathetic part cooperate with the parasympathetic part. So I've been a ball of tension, exhaustion, and worst of all, that soul-sucking apathy where nothing seems enjoyable or interesting, but maybe it would be if I had the energy to be interested.
It's helped to find a great physical therapy clinic that is giving me comprehensive, multi-pronged care and NOT charging me copays (because apparently my insurance pays them excellently--thank you, Equity-League and Cigna). It's helped that I got back in touch with a therapist I had seen years ago on BetterHelp (she's since left the platform and honestly, GOOD FOR HER). It's helped that I have parents with the means to help me out financially--and, crucially, the means to keep me accountable without resorting to pressure and guilt-tripping. It's helped to still live in a city where financial assistance isn't excruciatingly hard to come by if all else fails (at least compared to other states). It's helped to have agents submitting me for tons of exciting projects, and having several cabarets and readings to look forward to in this time of transition. It's helped to have a really chill, supportive church community keeping me spiritually grounded without buying into the yt American evangelical toxicity. It's helped to have my cats.
But sometimes, what makes me the happiest of all, is hearing "I LOVED THAT SHOW!"
I'll never not be proud to be known for How to Dance in Ohio and everything we stood for. I'm proud that the love was real, and the quality of the material reflected and reverberated that love. I'm proud of the representation aspect, and I'm proud that it wasn't just about that. And people who saw it, saw all of that.
It's so comforting to know that we shared this show with enough people that it's going to continue to matter.
People aren't going to forget.
I love that for us.
By the way, it was too cold to really show it off, but this is the shirt I wore underneath the sweatshirt. :)
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mageofseven · 1 year
MC Asks the Brothers for Another Baby (Part 3)
This has been in my drafts for a while now. It already had a chunk of it done so I decided to finish it. Plus, I always enjoyed writing these baby posts lol
Part three for Beel and Belphie! Part one and two can be found here and here.
Once again, I aim to answer these questions with the post:
How likely is it that each brother would be willing to give MC another baby if she asked, especially since the first time was so dangerous?
How well do they handle the second pregnancy and are they any more prepared physically, mentally, or emotionally for it?
How their kids react to their Mama being pregnant and how they feel about getting a new brother or sister?
Okay, with these two, the question wasn't whether they should have another child or not, but rather, when.
Beel and MC have honestly been talking on and off since their twins were born about having more kids.
Beely is very much a family man with a lot of love to give; he doesn't wanna stop at just two kids. If MC didn't want anymore kids, he would have been extremely disappointed, but still accept her decision.
Luckily, MC is just as excited at the prospect of having more kids so the couple has been on the same page since Day One.
So why has the couple waited three years to add to their family? Simple. They were debating how they wanted to add to it.
Both of them agreed that they should avoid getting MC pregnant again; I mean, she did almost die last time.
MC brought up all of the other methods from Human realm that they could try, notably surrogacy and adoption.
It took three years to go think through and search out to see if they could make either method possible.
Surrogacy got ruled out rather quickly. It wasn't really something known about in the Devildom and honestly, it'd be too risky to trust another demon to carry their child because children are a very precious resource in their realm. Fertility rates are very low because of a demon's long life span so demon children are very rare and treasured greatly.
And obviously, the couple couldn't even humor the idea of a human doing it for them. After what MC went through, how could they wish it on another human?
Because of this, the two were very focused on the idea of adopting and explored this possibility very thoroughly.
This was another method not available in the Devildom; again, children are a rare treasure in this realm, one that demons have a long history of literally killing for. Demons generally don't care too much about bloodlines and genes, but adding to their family's power and passing down beliefs? Historically, it's always been very important in demonic culture.
Though when I say not available, I mean not by MC and Beel's morals. Yes, it's culturally acceptable in the Devildom to kidnap children and do whatevers necessary to 'win' them, but that's just so fucked up and overall, not something the couple would be okay with.
That left the two with adopting a human child instead a demon one. The couple spent a while going back and forth with Lucifer and Diavolo, trying to see if such a thing was possible, but it was essentially a game of 'we'll see'.
The cultural exchange has opened up a lot opportunities between realms, especially between the Devildom and the Human realm, but to the degree of the humans trusting them to raise their children? Not quite, especially since the exchange is still considered highly controversial by both demons and humans a like.
Essentially, three years of waiting cause the two of them to become a little antsy. Not just them, but their daughters too.
Though MC and Beel never directly told their girls that they were looking to have a child added to the family, the girls have to still heard many conversations between their parents over the years.
It's okay though because their girls are just excited! Like seriously, you know those car situations where kids are asking like a thousand times, "Are we there yet?"
That's essentially the situation with the girls and their potential baby sibling.
"Are we having a baby now? Why not?"
And yes, the twins say 'we'. This potential baby has kinda become a family project and it's honestly kinda cute to think about.
The parents aren't even annoyed by the daily questioning. In fact, it warms their heart to know that they are all in agreement for this as a family, especially Beel's.
Their daughters' loving impatience was part of why the couple gave in; obviously, they were not gonna be able to adopt anytime soon (though the two agreed that if the opportunity ever arises, they will 100% adopt a child regardless of how many they have at time)
So the two sat down and talked about...well, making their own. They knew the risk and originally wanted to avoid pregnancy because of it, but the wait along with their daughters' enthusiasm just broke their hearts everyday. The longer they went without a third child, the more it hurt their hearts and took up space in their minds.
MC was the one would brought it up. As much as Beel wanted more kids, he would have never asked his Muffin to go through something so dangerous a second time for him. Since she asked for it though...well, that made it easier.
Beel still had his worries though, which he talked through with MC. Even outside of all of his love and concern for her, there was still the girls. How would Arsi and Anais feel, watching a baby starve their Mama over the months just like they did? And...what if, Devil forbid it...what if she died this time. The first time, it was just Beel who have been destroyed if MC died, but now...now the girls would be crushed as well.
Beel just feels so complicated, stuck between his strong protectiveness of his girlfriend and kids and his (as well as MC and the girls') strong desire to add to their family.
Likelihood of him agreeing: (a guilty) 89%
If yes:
Pretty much no 'if'. It's definitely a yes.
It's a guilty yes though because he worries...is he being selfish by agreeing to this? He keeps telling himself that it isn't because all three of his girls want this so much, but he can't help feeling like he should of been strong and said no for MC's safety.
Big Guy feels so conflicted 😔
But he loves MC and the twins more than his own life and the very moment he found out MC was pregnant again, that same powerful love extended to this new baby.
It helped a lot to see how excited the girls were at the news. Anais was so hyped up about it that her parents couldn't understand her for a full minute because she was talking so fast.
Arsi was much calmer, but her smile never left her face for the rest of the day and was scarcely gone during the week.
MC her was so happy she cried. Beel kissed her and held her tight as she smiled through the tears.
All the while she kept telling him over and over that it's finally happening.
This pushed away a lot of the guilt he held inside him because how could something that makes his Muffin this happy be the wrong decision?
Not to mention that even he cried a few happy tears. I mean, he's having another child with the woman he loves. What could be more perfect than that?
For a while, it seemed like nothing could make this family happier than this baby made them.
There was some anxiety between the couple when MC's appetite started to pick up though.
All Beel could think about was when his Muffin was pregnant the first time and just how starved she looked. Sunken cheeks, all flesh and bones...
Hell, MC lost weight back when she was pregnant with the twins and that's not how it should be.
After discussing his concern with Lucifer, the two managed to get MC on an IV drip to consistently push water and nutrients into her body.
Yes, the human still ate an ungodly amount of food like last time, but unlike before, she didn't look like she was at Death's Door for the majority of the pregnancy.
Obviously, it was uncomfortable having a needle in her arm for months on end, but MC was grateful that her daughters didn't have to see her like she was before.
The couple decided to keep the gender of the baby a secret, even from themselves.
Satan, being the one who periodically checked up MC with his spells, was the only one who knew the baby's gender and it was only through him that the couple knew for sure that it was only a single baby this time around.
Beel wasn't disappointed though. Yes, this man would have loved it if they were to have more twins, but what matter to him right now was that they were having a new baby at all
And he already loved this child so much that his heart was practically bursting with it.
Because of the secrecy with the gender, the girls would argue about what the gender would be.
It was done in a playful way though so their parents actual enjoyed listening to their banter.
Arsi wanted a baby brother, but Anais said boys (others than Daddy) are stinky and that a sister would be better.
Well after being pregnant for nine months and six days, MC gave birth to a baby boy.
Sorry Anais, I guess you have a stinky baby brother now~
Still, everyone is happy and loves this new baby so much
And now MC and Beel have three children that they love more than anything in the three realms
Arsenia, Anais, and...
Ok so...Belphie is complicated one, to say the least
This man never used to like kids, not after having to deal with Satan as one
So when MC was pregnant with their twins, this man was not the least bit thrilled.
It really, really took time for him to adjust to being a dad
But he grew to love Judas and Lilith more than his own life.
I mean, he still can't stand other kids, but his are the best.
Despite his love for them, this man was right about one thing: kids are exhausting.
The Avatar of Sloth was tired enough without those two little gremlins (which he calls them affectionately)
But with them? Parenting takes a lot out of him.
Still, Belphie has no regrets. His kids mean everything to him.
Hell, he doesn't even want to imagine life without them.
Things are going good for the little family
And when things go good, MC can't help but to let her mind wander...
And her heart hope that...maybe they could have just one more?
Honestly though, the human was too worried to even talk about it with their boyfriend.
It took a long time to get things to settle for their family
And MC...she was scared that if she so much as uttered her question aloud, the peace and happiness the two of them have built would come crashing down.
Could she really test her luck like that?
She fretted over this for weeks.
Belphie could tell something was up and repeatedly ask her what was wrong.
All she did was wave away the question, give an excuse, or even avoid answering all together
And there was only so much of this that the seventh brother could take.
"How am I suppose to fix it if you don't talk to me?"
The twins were out getting ice cream with their Uncle Beel so the couple could talk in private.
"Belphie...I dunno, okay?"
The human still wasn't sure if she should risk it and the last thing she wanted was her boyfriend interrogating her about it.
"I can tell something's bothering you, Butthead."
The demon sighed and plopped down on the bed before taking her arm and leading her to his side.
"Just talk to me."
And just liked that, it occurred to her that they were in the exact same spot they were over three years ago
And the women was afraid of things repeating.
She remember back when she and Beel were here in the attic, telling Belphie about her pregnancy
And how that didn't end well.
Would he be mad like he was that day? Would he tear her down for even asking for something he never even wanted before?
The human didn't realize it before, but she was crying
And Belphie was now wiping each tear off her cheeks with his sleeve.
The tears came faster
And so did his lips.
The demon kissed his girlfriend, keeping his forehead pressed to hers for moment.
After the kiss, MC slowly grabbed his hand and just stared at it for a long minute.
"I want another baby..." She whispered. "But I don't want to upset you."
The man froze, just staring at his human.
She's crying...about this? She's really that scared about upsetting him?
That's when all of his sins towards her came back to choke him.
Belphie felt like he's made so many fuck ups when it comes to her.
MC remembered this room as the one where she told Belphie she was pregnant
But Belphie remembers it as the room where he stole her life from her, all those years ago, just for being human.
If it wasn't for Barbatos, he...everything he loves about his life wouldn't exist and instead he would still be just a miserable, resentful man grieving his sister.
MC brought him closure. But she also brought him love and perspective and two kids that he never knew he needed till they were thrusted upon him.
Though MC (strangely enough) seems to have forgotten what he did to her most days, Belphie never has and that incident has been the driving force to make it up to her, if such a thing is even possible.
Yet he still fucked up. The night she told him she was pregnant, he screamed at her, told her shouldn't have their twins, told her she would only die again.
But he's been working on things so hard, both during her pregnancy and since the twins were born.
The demon though he was doing ok, doing better. If MC's this afraid to talk to him though...how could he actually be any better than before?
"Belphie?" He felt her squeeze his hand as she said his name.
"I'll always be a fuck up, won't I?"
He pulled away from her, his back to her now.
"I--no! Belphie--"
"You've been worried about asking me this because you think I'd act the same as before...even though I've tried to be better."
The man was depressed. I mean, he's been depressed for a long time, but in this moment, it was really hitting him hard.
Silence hung in the air, one just as potent to the couple as Belphie's miasma powers. It was filled with so much pain and confusion on both sides; Belphie wanted to know how to be better and MC wanted to know how to soothe his heavy heart.
Wordlessly, MC leans in and hugs her boyfriend from behind, laying her cheek against his back.
"They...my people have a saying, 'All good things must come to an end'. I just...I just don't want everything we have to be one of those things, ya know?"
Belphie closed his eyes. He...he had the same fear. I mean, he once lost everything that made him happy in life. Since starting his new life in the Devildom, he always felt like anything good in front of him would shatter just like before. Her fear...he shared it.
What does a person do when they want to keep good things? Do they continue to search for more good to add to their life or accept well-enough and hope nothing falls through the cracks? Or do you pray to some deity, god or devil, to keep life worth living?
He didn't know...but he knew one thing.
The demon turned around and kissed his girlfriend. Unlike last time, however, MC found herself laying on the bed with Belphie over her.
After the kiss, Belphie just stared down at his human, causing her to blush.
"Let's have another baby then."
All Belphie knew is that he wanted to make her happy--no. He needed to make MC happy
So if having a third kid does that then he needs to do it, for her.
Just as Belphie leaned down to kiss her again, the couple heard a shout.
"Daaaaaaaaadddddyyy!" Lilith called from the bottom of the stairs. "I gotchu mint chocolate!!!!!"
"Don't yell so loud." Judas scolded her before calling for MC. "But uhh I picked devils n' cream for ya, Ma!"
Welp. No baby-making was gonna happen now.
Likelihood? Well I've written this like it's definite thing, but in truth, I simply wrote more detail in the best scenario. Belphie could easily fall on his old ways and be hurtful to MC before he realizes. I wanted to write him in a way that shows more growth though. In truth, this would be a more 50/50 for Belphie.
If yes:
The heavy atmosphere between them, though doesn't completely go away, gets mixed with some positivity.
Though its not easy to find alone time when you have twins, when the couple managed it, it was nice.
The two had forgotten what it was like to just be the two of them
Which is kinda sad in a way, but the trade off was worth.
Still, the couple now had plenty of 'fun' together
So it didn't take long for MC to wind up pregnant
And unlike last time, Belphie took care of her every step of the way.
Telling the twins about the baby was...an interesting experience to say the least.
When they told the kids, they were essentially like 'why?', but seemed neither upset nor excited for the baby.
Lilith's words "That's weird." essentially summed up their mostly indifferent mindset
And in truth, the parents found it almost funny.
From there on, Lilith was pretty whiny because her dad didn't always have time to play with her; he had to take care of MC after all.
Judas was extra clingy with his mom, always needing to stay by her side. He just wanted to take care of her just like his Daddy did
And when this pregnancy made her just as exhausted as the last, she needed the extra help.
Everything was good. It was definitely an adjustment, especially for Lilith, but the little family was happy
And luckily, MC didn't fall into a coma this time.
During the last pregnancy, she fell into occasionally comas because of stress.
This time, her relationship with Belphie was much and she had the sweet support of her kids. This made this second pregnancy much easier on her.
Still, her mind was almost always foggy so it wasn't safe for MC to do any cooking or really be left alone. There have even been a few times that the tired human almost fell down the stairs because of her mental fog.
The first time that happen, the only reason the woman didn't tumble down the stairs was because Judas was with her and her son reacted quickly enough to pull her back by her arms.
The pregnant woman landed her butt and it remained sore for the rest of the day, but it was a hell of a better outcome then sliding belly-first down the stairs.
Both Belphie and Judas hovered over her a lot after that.
Overall, this pregnancy was nearly as bad as the last though.
When MC started to go into labor, she was actually in denial.
She had only just entered her 8th month; the contractions had to be fake.
But they weren't; they kept getting worse and woman was honestly freaking out.
Belphie stayed with her and eventually asked Beel to send Satan their way.
Satan used his magick to check on the baby and, more than anything, give MC some peace of mind. Belphie too.
The sloth demon didn't actually think anything was wrong. I mean, the twins came a bit early too and they were find.
That's what was stuck in his mind though. Their twins were early.
So...did that mean--
Satan was trying to repress a smile.
"What? Is the baby okay?" MC practically begged.
The fourth brother nodded.
"They've both developed enough so they should be fine."
Oh dear devil. Twins? Twins again?
Belphie started laughing, as if he heard the best joke of his life.
"B-Belphie?" MC stared at her boyfriend, worried that the new just broke him.
'I'll never sleep again.' He thought, humorous disbelief on his face.
Instead of speaking this, the man just leaned down and kissed the human's forehead.
"They're fine. It's fine. So you don't need to worry, okay?"
Satan grabbed his tome and started heading towards the door, but not before leaning towards the 7th brother's ear.
"You have some luck." The blonde whispered with a smirked.
"Shut up." The dark haired brother elbowed him before the other continued towards the door and left the couple alone.
Belphie turned back to MC and found her staring.
"Belphie...are you really okay with this?"
The man huffed and joined his girlfriend on the bed.
He pulled her into his arms.
"I told you; you have nothing to worry about, Butthead."
If truth, the demon could see the humor in this. He, the Avatar of Sloth, the man who once couldn't stand being around any child, is about have not one but two sets of twins; four kids in total.
If he was the same man as he was before Judas and Lilith were born, this new would have set him off, made him think that all this world wants to do is punish him.
Now...well, the whole reason these kids are here is that he wanted to make his girlfriend happy. A second one doesn't change that.
No matter how much work it will be (and this man knew it would be a lot), Belphie knew it would be worth it; he knew he would love these kids just as much as he loves Judas and Lilith.
Beel had been trying to keep the kids occupied, but as more and more time went on, the kids (especially Judas), kept trying to slip into the room.
Eventually, the parents decided to let their kids into the room. Judas was incredibly antsy, wanting to make sure his mama was okay.
Obviously, the kids couldn't be in the room for the birth, but they got to keep their mama company for a while.
Despite MC's worry, the birth went without issue
And eventually, she was graced with two little boys in her arms, Cain and Abel.
Belphie could only stare at the three of them at first
That when he noticed MC crying. Only then did he notice that he was crying too.
MC was happy and Belphie was happy that she was happy. Yeah, he definitely got more than he bargained for with them having another set of twins, but still, he had hope for the future, probably more than he ever has.
Belphie felt like the six of them will be happy. Himself, MC, Cain, Abel, Judas, Lilith...he felt like they all had a good life ahead of them
And he was going to be the best dad and boyfriend he could be.
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outofangband · 25 days
@imakemywings I really love the collection of Narn quotes you made here and your awesome responses to them and obviously because I am very biased My favorite one was the one about Morwen
"But when they bade Turin turn and look back upon the house of his father, then the anguish of parting smote him like a sword, and he cried: 'Morwen, Morwen, when shall I see you again?' But Morwen standing on her threshold heard the echo of that cry in the wooded hills, and she clutched the post of the door so that her fingers were torn."
It’s such a vivid quote; I have always thought about how it’s impossible to tell if Morwen is intentionally replacing her grief for the physical pain of her fingers being cut open or if she is unaware of the pain because of her grief and/or her suppression of it. Both of those seem in character for her. I really loved @imakemywings ‘s analysis of it; Morwen is cold and blunt but she is absolutely not unaffected by her child’s grief, we see it again and again, like in this quote yoo. She is acutely aware of it, perhaps even more so than her own, but she is determined for her son to survive and for her son to survive not as a thrall to the occupying men. And it’s not just that he is her son, he is also among the last Bëorians left alive. There is a cultural legacy as much as a family one and even by sending him away she knows at least some of this legacy may well be lost
but I just keep thinking about Morwen having to send Túrin away and how in my opinion this cannot be separated from the implicit separation between Morwen and her parents some sixteen years before.
Morwen’s past is within the lines of The Children of Húrin, not directly stated beyond “the sorrows of the house of Bëor saddened her heart she came as an exile to Dor-lómin from Dorthonion after the ruin of the Bragollach”. We know her father is Baragund who remained in Dorthonion with Barahir until he and the other outlaws were murdered, several years later. We are not given names or fates of either Morwen or Rían’s mothers but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to infer that Morwen was effectively orphaned in the Bragollach. We know she was a child when this happened (None of this is new information or anything, I’ve rambled about it a million times before in my houseless for exiles tag)
She sends Túrin away knowing that when her parents sent her away for safety, she never saw them again and that her safety was temporarily and fragile and has now been broken. It’s such a devastating decision for her and I love her so much.
I also think about this passage, which comes two pages before, and is probably the most emotionally honest that Morwen is in the entire book, and I am sure you know I do not mean this at all as an insult to her 
“I am sending you away so that you did not learn it. Morwen answered, and she set him before her and looked into his eyes as if she were trying to read some riddle there. “It is hard, Túrin, my son,” she said, at length “not hard for you only. It is heavy on me in evil days to judge what is best to do. But I do as I think right for why else should I part with a thing most dear that is left to me.”
(Note The parallel here to Túrin, noticing “that his father often looked steadfastly out him as a man might look at something dear that he must part from”.)
Morwen has no allusions about what might await Túrin when he leaves and it speaks a lot to the horror of post Nírnaeth Hithlum that she will risk this to spare him death or captivity at the hands of the incomers. She’s survived invasion before, after all.
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stardewsnail · 1 year
Ok so hear me out-
It's not sexual abuse, def not, but what about a farmer who was physically & emotionally abused by parents and/or a previous partner. The farmer never told anyone because they don't want to make anyone worry or feel sad, (also because they feel unworthy of attention + sympathy because they are very gentle and shy). Anyways, the request is how would Elliot react to figuring this out? (I would prefer if they got into an argument and the Elliot sees the farmer flinch, however, you can make him figure it out in any way you want) essentially, hurt/comfort. (Sorry this is super long, thank you for letting me waste your time)
Thank you for wasting my time I really like specific requests and I am a sucker for hurt/comfort
Elliot x Farmer, Hurt/comfort
Cw: references to domestic violence
“Dammit, we’re going to be late!” he yelled, his annoyance finally getting the best of him. But Elliot stopped short. The farmer had flinched back, eyes shut, leaning away as if he had—as if she had been expecting to be hit. His stomach clenched, as he caught her wet, unfocused eyes. Her mouth had pressed into a thin line, and her hands clenched into fists.
“I..” her voice broke, and she looked up and away from him in an attempt to hide her tears, “I need a minute.” She turned and fled the suddenly stifling cabin.
Elliot stood rooted to the spot, every bit of anger rushing from his body and leaving him cold. She had flinched—he could still see the genuine fear in his mind’s eye, a tragic visage burned into memory. He let out a shaky breath, brushing away his own guilty tears. He should give her space, let her calm down and come back when she felt ready, right? He checked the time, and tried to sit patiently. He was pacing soon after.
It was exactly eleven minutes and twenty seconds when she came back—his eyes had been glued to the clock on the wall—fifteen minutes and he would have gone after her.
“Hey.” She stood in the doorway, eyes downcast, hands fidgeting.
“I’m so sorry,” the words rushed out and his hands clasped in front of him and then shoved in his pockets and then—“I shouldn’t have raised my voice. It doesn’t even matter if we’re late.” His hands went down back to his sides, twisting the fabric of his trousers.
She shook her head, “I’m sorry. I know I overreacted,” her voice was quiet but it was clear she was holding back tears, “I just…” she wrapped her arms around herself and squeezed her eyes shut, “Sorry,” she sniffled, “I think I’m totally okay sometimes but…” she shrugged, looking up to him with wide, wet eyes.
Elliot half extended his arms, letting her make the choice to crash against his chest, holding her tight when she did. She was shaking, and he could only curse himself and whatever sick bastard had scared her.
“No, darling,” he kissed her temple, “I shouldn’t have yelled. I’m sorry. If something happened to you, you know you can tell me, right?l
She nodded against him, “I…I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I didn’t want you to worry or feel bad for me or something.”
Elliot cradled their cheek in his palm, directing their gaze upwards, “I love you,” he said firmly, “it’s my job to worry about you. It’s my job to take care of you. And if you want to talk about it I’m right here and I will continue being here until you’re ready.” Her lips trembled and she pressed her face back down into his chest.
“It’s just that my last relationship wasn’t great,” she began, voice muffled in his coat, “That’s part of why I moved all the way out here. I needed to get away—I have a restraining order but that only actually does so much, y’know?” She sniffled, and Elliot contemplated murder, “He just yelled a lot and…he only hit me a few times. Mostly he was just a grade A asshole.”
“Thank you for trusting me with that,” he stroked his fingers through her hair, “I’m so glad you were able to get away,” he breathed, trying to keep himself steady to comfort her. She exhaled, looking up on her own and pushing to her toes to kiss his jaw.
“I’m okay now, El,” she assured him, “I got out, went to therapy, and then moved out here and found you,” she smiled and he could have melted.
“No more yelling,” he promised, “and if there’s anything else I do that makes you uncomfortable, please tell me?”
“Deal,” she agreed, “I do still want to go to the egg festival though. Should we head out?”
“If you allow me the honor of escorting the most beautiful attendee,” he bowed, hand outstretched, relieved when she giggled at his antics.
“I think that honor is going to me, actually.” She took his hand, squeezing it and pulling him back to her for a soft kiss. They linked arms and began the walk. He would suggest perhaps moving in together sooner than he had planned…he didn’t like her all alone out there on the far edge of town, even with her dog.
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barclaysangel · 3 months
Guardian Doll (part 1)
So no one commented on that post I made regarding if I should post this or not...but I did it anyway. I decided to post it just to see if there are people who would be interested on this story and want me to continue. I am already writing a second part, I'm still working on where the plot will go, but y'all are free to join me on this journey.
So please comment if you like this and/or want me to continue writing/posting this story! Comments really do help fuel my motivation so maybe I will write it but if enough want to see it, I will post it as well.
Anyway, thank you and enjoy :)
Word count: 624
Tags: @vi0lentg0d @streets-in-paradise (if you want to be tagged for future chapters, lemme know!)
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Cecilia was exhausted. 
Physically, emotionally, you name it. Seventh grade was hell and school just drained the life out of her, sucked her soul dry, and she still had to walk home. 
At least she would be alone on her walk. Where she didn’t need to deal with her classmates purposefully bumping into her, laughing at her. It would be a nice break from her parents being up her ass about her homework and being their own and only “perfect” child. 
Yeah, a break from all of that would be nice. 
Take what you want, take what you can, take what you please, don’t give a damn. 
The song played in Cecilia’s headphones, humming the lyrics under her breath as she strolled through the cemetery. It was a shortcut, a bit of a faster yet much more peaceful way to get home. She enjoyed the sense of serenity, the trees looming over her head and gentle breeze of wind surrounding her. 
But just then, something odd caught her attention. 
Ask for forgiveness, never permission. 
There was a doll sitting on the grass, alone. It wasn’t by a particular gravesite, it just sat there in the middle of the small field. 
Cecilia moved closer, crouching down in front of the doll and tilted her head to the side. It was a rather tall doll, probably would’ve been up to her knee had it been standing. It had blonde hair with black roots, wearing a white dress and black leather jacket with black heeled boots, painted black lips and dark eyeliner around its piercing green eyes. 
Overall, it was a fascinating style for a doll and something that Cecilia herself wouldn’t mind trying out sometime. 
Yeah, as if. Her parents would kill her if she walked around dressed like a doll. 
“How long have you been here, pretty girl?” Cecilia wondered out loud. It must have been some time, there were leaves on the doll’s dress, which she silently plucked away. After a moment of staring, she picked the doll up, smoothing back the soft blonde hair that almost felt real, and stood up. 
Take what you want, take what you can, take what you please, don’t give a damn. 
Cecilia walked further into the field near where she found the doll, wondering if this was a child’s toy that had been forgotten or it was placed on the grave of a deceased child and somehow been misplaced or moved. But judging by the names and birth and death date, there were no children tombstones. For some reason, only one tombstone that was closest to where she found the doll caught her attention but it belonged to an adult man. 
Charles Lee Ray. 
Well, whoever that was, Cecilia was sure that he wouldn’t have a doll by his grave, especially if he had been dead for about thirty years. 
To her, it seemed like the doll had no home. 
This was a very nice doll. If Cecilia sold her, she could probably get a lot of money for it. 
“How would you feel if I took you home, hm? I’ll make sure you’re nice and comfy.” She spoke to the doll with a little smile. 
Then, the sun shone and Cecilia noticed a gold necklace on the doll with a word written on it. 
“Tiff…” she read out loud, smiling more, “is that your name? Tiff?” 
Of course, the doll didn’t respond but she felt like she knew the answer. 
Finally, Cecilia readjusted her grip on the doll, Tiff, and she started walking home. She always liked dolls and it would be nice to finally get a new one after years. 
Besides, what could go wrong?
It’s in the blood and this is tradition.
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thefirstknife · 1 year
Mara is being a classic manipulative abuser trying to sway everyone to pity her and putting the spotlight on her own grief rather than the immeasurable suffering she has caused others, and the fandom is falling for it hard. As someone who will spend likely the rest of my lifetime healing from the hurt caused by someone like her and hangs out with many fandom friends with the same experiences... it's just really anxiety inducing and hurtful to see how large chunks of the fandom are so quick to praise and adore her for her "character growth". She is upset to be facing consequences for her actions and is trying to get pity. She is a horrible person and a fantastic character and she should be allowed to be the asshole that she is. She doesn't have to be good to be enjoyable. I am terrified the narrative will go the way of having Crow forgive her because that's the "good" and "kind" thing to do, thus essentially saying abuse victims need to be the "bigger person" and forgive their abusers. Not even gonna get into how she used the Awoken people from the first moment. There's nothing wrong with loving Mara but I think all of you need to take a step back and listen to people who have met real life Maras and understand just how messed up your support of her is when you're touting her as this traumatised person just trying to do what she believes is right (true) which makes her good and worthy and simply misunderstood (false, her trauma doesn't absolve her of being a cunt). She isn't growing, she's just further manipulating people and making things about herself. There is no moral failing in enjoying characters who are horrible people. She's no different from Clovis with her god complex and having slightly more noble intentions doesn't excuse her whatsoever. Her remorse might be genuine but at the moment she isn't seeking to provide any reparations to her victims, she just want people to feel bad for her being sad.
I was abused by my older brother, emotionally and physically, who manipulated (and still does) people around him.
I shouldn't have to say this, but I'm getting really tired of people assuming that everyone who sees some value in Mara's character growth has never been abused. That assumption is disrespectful and forces the person you're telling this to out themselves about their own abuse. Because if I don't, then people will just continue saying that I can't possibly understand what it's like. I understand. Unfortunately, personally. I would advise not to approach random people telling them that they can't understand what it's like because they happen to like Mara as a character.
Another thing that I want to mention at the start is that I have never in my life claimed that Mara did nothing wrong or that she isn't a bad person. She is. It's a part of the reason why she's a fascinating character. She's an uncompromising leader who worked under the idea that the end justifies the means and that she is the only one that can see us through to that end. It's a cruel life for everyone around her.
Her trauma doesn't absolve her of being a cunt, but it does explain why she is one. I think this is not only valuable, but crucial to understand because that explains that her cruelty wasn't out of sick malice and enjoyment of hurting others.
If we want to care about abuse, we have to understand that parental neglect is also abuse. Mara is also an abuse victim. This also doesn't absolve her of her actions, but it does explain them. Mara's recent new line in which she tells Elsie about Osana Sov, her mother, is a classic abuse victim story about parental abuse. It's one that rarely gets acknowledged because that type of abuse is structured specifically in a way to go unnoticed. But it's abuse nonetheless. And I'm sorry but if we care about abuse victims, we also have to care about abuse victims who become cunts. That's the only way to really fix the situation.
And I do genuinely believe in fixing the situation. I know that a lot of people don't want their abusers to get better or to change and I also know that a lot of people don't believe that their abusers CAN get better and change, but they can. Not all of them of course, but some can. Insisting that Mara is not actually changing and is just pretending and being manipulative again is your trauma talking. The text is incredibly clear in this scenario and it's not just coming from Mara herself; it's coming from people around her. So unless we believe that literally every character (including incredibly perceptive ones like Elsie or Ikora) would fall for Mara's every word even when they never did so previously, Mara is genuinely changing and she isn't manipulating anyone or pretending to be trying to get better for good girl points. That's incredibly uncharitable interpretation where you have to go out of your way to insist that she's just pure evil. It's equally incorrect as saying that Mara is pure good.
Again, I know that not everyone is capable of dealing with that in the same way or same time as someone else. There was a time in my life when I genuinely wanted my brother to just die and be gone from the world and that he is not deserving of any introspection or the ability to change. And I know there are horrific people who have done truly unforgivable things and that it's hard to think about them as people deserving of effort and change. But if those people put in the effort and want to change, we have to give them that second chance.
Of course, their victim is not obliged to help them or be in their presence ever again. This is a right that Crow is currently exercising, with no end in sight. But if he eventually chooses to give it a go? His story will not be worth any less to an abuse victim. It won't align with everyone's story, but it will align with some of them and again, if we care about abuse and abuse victims, then we also have to care about those that aren't identical to us. It's not about being the "bigger person." I don't want to be prove being a bigger person to my brother, I just genuinely think that it would be better for everyone involved if he changed and worked through all of our issues and we were a normal family.
The text is also more than clear about Clovis who has never in his life believed that he is wrong or that anything that he did was wrong, including all suffering he caused to all of his family and humanity. Like, this cannot get any clearer. And the game directly made that comparison to debunk it in a very on-the-nose way: in a full dialogue in-game. Clovis doesn't think anything he did was wrong; Mara does (and Rasputin admits to the same).
I would also like to point out that the game is filled with abusers who never get a fraction of the same flack. Calus is a massive abuser who neglected and emotionally manipulated and punished Caiatl her whole life, as well as treated his people as accessories to his own goals and tossed them into suffering and death for his own amusement. Not even for anything dire like saving all life in the solar system; for pure amusement. Reading about Gahlran is a special type of horrific depiction of Calus' disregard for people's autonomy and safety.
People also for some reason don't see it, despite it being incredibly clear in the lore book, but the Witness abused Rhulk into obedience through isolation and manipulation. It picked Rhulk because he was already on the edge and then it used isolation and manipulation abuser tactics to sway him away from his people and turn him into the genocidal unquestioning obedient follower that he became.
Savathun was also a fairly abusive person as well and probably the best comparison with Mara. She was knowingly manipulating her siblings, and her nephews, and also her children, for whom she had very little love and care. She also completely ignored them and left them pretty much for dead when she decided to become a Lightbearer. And you know what? Savathun is also an abuse victim herself as well. She is a traumatised person that has been on the receiving end of manipulation and we all feel very bad for her circumstances. And Savathun also wanted a second chance; and she got it!
Clovis was a massive abuser whose wife had to run away from him and hide, who did not see his child and his grandchildren as real individual people. He manipulated every single one of them, most of all Elsie, to whom he most likely lied about her disease to make her accept the Exo body and to whom he directly said that he is in control of all information about her own body. He also did not view any people as real people and instead, they were all experiments. Reading his logbook and his extra experiments (warning for medical trauma and body horror) is, to borrow words from an in-game character, "a gratuitous exercise in horror." He has never, not once, said or did anything that shows he regrets it or thinks anything he did was wrong.
You might say "but nobody is making excuses for Calus or Savathun or the Witness or Clovis!" And like, yes they are. They're never addressed as abusers and they have plenty of fans who treat them just like their cool blorbos. A really interesting example is the Witness who, by god, has a really cool design, but whom people are consistently treating only like a sexy otherworldly alien who is just sooo shippable with its abuse victim.
And as much as that makes me super uncomfortable, same as Calus bros who to this day swear that he's actually someone worthy of following or that Clovis is just a poor little meow meow that everyone is being too mean to, I am not here to tell people that they aren't allowed to do those things. And I am not going to send them guilt-tripping asks telling them that I am an abuse victim and that they cannot possibly have similar experiences because they post positively about these characters. And I certainly can't claim that none of them understand abuse.
I don't know why Mara is the only one that gets this sort of response. Mara is both an abuser and an abuse victim, she was a miserable person as a human to the point where she straight up decided to commit suicide. She was a cruel leader who believed that only she alone can save the world and that everybody else is at her disposal to be used as she wants. And she has since learned how awful she was and regrets it. She wants to change and be better. No matter the timeline, she remains our steadfast ally until the end. It's really not that difficult. There's no double or triple deceptions and manipulations involved.
Me and many others have actually literally been talking about how Destiny writing is currently focused so much on every character sounding like they've been going to therapy and how everyone is super introspective about their problems and wrongdoings. I assume this is because we're slowly wrapping things up and we can't have characters being too ambiguous in the face of our endgame enemies, but no matter what's the reason for it is, the conflicts and characters have been getting increasingly more straightforward. Mara is not going to flip the switch on us.
If you for any reason can't stand to see a storyline in which someone like Mara gets a second chance, that's something that you will have to deal with in your own time. Disengaging from the story is okay. Disengaging from the fandom is okay. Sometimes media will tell a story about your experience that doesn't align with yours perfectly, but it does align with other people who have been through similar issues.
And in case of Destiny, this is a story whose main theme is "second chances." Mara wants one so she deserves one. Savathun wanted one and she deserved one. Even Calus or Clovis or even the Witness; if they want one, they deserve one. It's okay to not want to forgive any of them personally and even to struggle with the fact that the story is trying to pass that as the right thing to do, but again, that's something for everyone to deal with in their time. And please don't make assumptions about other people and their relationship with abuse.
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samasmith23 · 1 year
Why do fans hate Bruno from Ms. Marvel so much?
Back when I was still on Twitter and was reading Saladin Ahmed's run on Magnificent Ms. Marvel as it was being released on a monthly basis, something which really confused me was witnessing a fair number of Ms. Marvel fans talking about how they not only really disliked Kamala's childhood best friend Bruno Carrelli as a character, but even would go as far as to label Bruno as a "manipulative incel" and accuse his and Kamala's romance subplot in Magnificent Ms. Marvel as being "emotionally abusive."
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Like... I've honestly never understood where these criticisms were coming from. Especially since I personally never got that impression of Bruno's character having read all 75-issues of G. Willow Wilson & Saladin Ahmed's initial runs. And while Ahmed did state in a tweet that the romance subplot between Bruno & Kamala was about "overcoming toxic pedestals," I still think a lot of the claims I've seen from fans that he somehow wrote Bruno as behaving like a manipulative incel or something is a massive stretch.
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I personally took Ahmed's statement to instead mean that he was trying to convey that childhood-friendships-turned-teenage-romances don't always lead to the most healthy or naturally progressing relationships, especially one of them has an idealized version of the other even if both harbor similar romantic feelings for each other (which Kamala did for Bruno contrary to some fan claims).
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And Kamala and Bruno both realized this and decided that even though things would always be weird between them, they should just "keep it weird but without the kissing" in Magnificent Ms. Marvel (2019) #15.
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I always really loved this scene. Although I was personally a huge shipper of Kamala & Bruno as a couple, I honestly understood both of their perspectives about why they felt pursuing a romantic relationship together won’t work out them and feel they should just stay friends despite their feelings for one-another. Kamala acknowledges that she's not ready to commit to such a relationship since despite kissing Bruno she did so purely in a heat of passion when she was emotionally stressed due to outside factors like her Kree Stormranger Nanosuit negatively influencing her physical behavior to try and kill her nemesis Discord, as well as experiencing extreme grief and anger when her Abu dying in the hospital and receiving life-saving surgery and she was forced to go off and fight the supervillain Mister Hyde.
Conversely, Bruno realizes that the progression of his and Kamala's relationship has felt forced and unnatural due to him having an idealized version of Kamala in his head, and Kamala herself wasn’t ready to commit to romance due to all the hardships she was then-currently experiencing.
It's also worth noting that the worst thing Bruno did in Magnificent Ms. Marvel was briefly complain about them still not dating while on a trip to the state fair due to Kamala not being ready to do so despite previously kissing him, and angrily storming off (which he recognized was a mistake on his part in the very next issue).
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But aside from that, Bruno never came across as particularly jerkish to me, since he never insulted or demeaned Kamala. And throughout Ahmed's run, Bruno was shown to be always willing to put Kamala's feelings and well-being into consideration. Whether it be helping her find her missing parents, comfort her when her father was dying, and saving her from being drowned by Stormranger.
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Plus, it not like Kamala lacked any agency in their relationship, and she clearly held similar feelings towards him (both in Ahmed or Wilson's runs). And the fact that she and Bruno decided to simply remain friends felt very genuine and authentic to me when I read it.
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So overall, the criticisms against Bruno always felt rather inflammatory to me, blowing the character's flaws wildly out of proportion to make him seem like the worst most unlikable irredeemable person ever.
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I honestly just don't understand the outrage towards Bruno among other Ms. Marvel fans... I really don't...
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