#They are forced into the same team and there is constant fighting inside
clownsuu · 1 year
Have you ever thought about throwing the Welcome Home cast in a Werewolf AU???
isn’t there an au of that that already exists-?
though I will say I actually have for a while thought of a concept much similar every now and then for the mob au-
Yknow how I cross the mob au with my “shiddy dating sim” au and made the “Yakuza au”? It’s basically that, except instead of the “shiddy dating sim” it’s with the emo au- basically turning the combination of Mob and Emo into the “Twilight au” lmAOOO-
So basically everything is mostly the same- except everyone is like- gay cranked up to eleventy-? And there are the vampires and werewolves (only inside of da mob) smhh-
Wally, Home, Howdy, Frank and Julie are Vampires
Barnaby, Sally, Eddie and Poppy are Werewolves
(If you wanna add Dr stone and Robbie, Robbie is a werewolf and Dr Stone is a human. Also if there is a Y/N they would basically be Bella (human) but later can choose if they wanna be a glittery old dead fart or a doggie
another joke au to add to the list- will I do anything with it? Probably not LMAO, but it’s REALLY funny to think about
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mrs-avenger3000 · 1 year
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Seeing Red
Pair: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: After Steve went into the ice, HYDRA took out their frustrations on his doe eyed little sister Y/n Rogers. Now after being experimented on for half her life, she’s back in Steve’s life. She’s a part of the team. A team that included the elusive Wanda Maximoff who just so happened to have saved her life. An accident forced them together, but it seems something deeper, more mysterious, is keeping them together.
Word Count: 2.9K
Warnings: 18+ Violence, fighting, implied smut, kissing, smut, swearing, angst, fluff, soulmate au, PTSD
A/n: I had this idea whilst reading Vampire Academy. I loved the idea of Rose and Lissa’s bond, so I tweaked it a little and turned it into a soulmate story…
Please do not copy my work or repost with the intent to take ownership of my work :) Feedback is as always welcome as are reblogs, comments and likes
Things were never easy for you, you've lived through a literal world war. You lost your boyfriend and then your brother. You had given up at this point. Without your family... what did you really have? Your parents? Dead. Brother? Dead. Your love? Also dead. The only person you had left was Peggy, and she was just as distraught by Steve's death as you were.
Despite this you kept going. You were determined to ensure your brother didn't sacrifice himself for nothing. You had made it your mission to destroy HYDRA. Every fibre of your body burned with pure rage as you saw what they were doing to your home.
You had mixed feelings about Steve's sacrifice. Because yes, he thwarted their plans, and saved millions of lives, but it cost him his life. And it cost you your brother. This was the guy who would light all the candles in your bedroom every time you had a nightmare. He'd tell you that as long as the candle burns, you were safe. He's the guy who nursed you when you were sick. He taught you never to back down from a fight; he is- was the only constant in your life and you miss him terribly.
You lifted your head as you heard the door to your apartment open. You smiled sadly at Peggy. Her eyes were reddened and puffy. It didn't take you long to deduce that she had been crying again.
"I wanted to stop by... to see how you were." She mumbled, her voice slightly hoarse. You sighed, looking at your feet..
"I'm okay." You say, still looking at your feet.
"I wish I could say the same... I really, really do. I miss him so, so much." She sniffles, her eyes becoming glassy. You took a sharp intake of breath, thinking of him always hurt now. You used to think of your brother and be nothing but happy, but now that he's gone, the happy memories hurt because you know you can never experience anymore.
Thinking for a moment, you glanced at the teary woman in front of you, sighing you turned and walked into your bedroom. Pulling a cardboard box out from underneath your bed, you smiled as you saw the black-and-white picture of you and your brother at the carnival. He had face paint on and you had drawn a silly moustache on yourself. Placing the picture in your pocket, you grabbed what you originally intended to and walked back over to Peggy.
"Here, it was his favourite... it... it still smells like him." You whisper, handing her his favourite jumper. You nodded as she held it to her chest, sniffing it slightly. This seemed to make her cry harder.
"Thank you." She whispered as she slipped the jumper on over her uniform. You smiled as she did so. You knew your brother would have married this woman. She was his future, and you understood why. She was a beautiful human inside and out and you felt extreme pride when you refer to her as your friend.
You two sat and talked for hours until there was a noise that had Peggy reaching for her gun. Your anxiety bubbled as you watched her go check it out. You grabbed a knife from the kitchen and gripped it tightly. There was a loud commotion and shots were being fired, the loud bangs echoing through the walls of the apartment. You could smell the burning of... something, as the air suddenly felt warmer. Something was burning. Your worry increased as you heard Peggy groan in pain. The sudden puff of smoke confirmed your suspicions. Your apartment was now burning. "Y/N! RUN!" Peggy yelled as she came rushing into the front room, only to be tackled by a large burley looking man. He pinned her to the ground, and you glared at him.
"Let her go!" You yelled as you rushed over. Before you could get to him, you screamed as the front door was smashed in wood flew everywhere as it splintered off the door. The door crashed to the floor and your eyes widened as more people filed into the room, they were dressed in a uniform, they were soldiers and you then noticed the marks on their uniforms. Your rage soared as the HYDRA men burst into your home. You gripped the knife tightly before going after them. Even though you had no idea how you were going to win against a small army of HYDRA agents, you were determined to win. You punched, kicked, stabbed your way through the agents, but it was no use. One guy punched you so hard in the face, stars clouded your vision and you felt your eyelids become heavy.
The last thing you heard before you faded into the darkness was Peggy's final scream for you. "Y/N!" she yelled as you hit the floor.
HYDRA had got you now. You were theirs. And nothing could be done about it.
The ringing in your ears intensified as you began running through the halls. There was only one thought in mind. "I have to get out." Your feet moved quickly as you rushed down the hall. You were being chased, but you had one advantage your advisories didn’t. During your time in HYDRA, you had been turned into a super solider just like your big brother was before he died.
You saw the wall and something inside you knew that you were only on the second floor. So you braced yourself and launched yourself out of the window. Glass shattered all around you, slicing your skin. Even more so when you landed. You slid across the ground. A cry leaving your lips as you did. You rolled over before you pulled your body up and broke out into a sprint. All you could think about was not getting caught. It didn’t matter about the fact nothing looked familiar, or that your body was begging you to lie on the floor and give up. You didn’t care about the blood that was seeping into your clothes all you cared about was getting away.
You were so caught up in getting away you didn’t pay attention to your surroundings. You slammed straight into a couple. The man’s hands shot out to steady the girl as they looked angrily at you. Until they saw your condition. The noise of the world hit you at once and you kept turning around, your eyes squinted as you looked all around the place. Tall buildings, loud noises. And they’re way too many people. The man came into focus as he gave you a concerned look.
“Can you tell me your name, doll?” He asked, and you squinted at him. Your heart was pounding in your chest so loud you could barely hear anything else. You swallowed.
“Where am I?”
“New York.” He replied softly.
You shook your head defiantly. “No, no, this isn’t New York. I- no!” You grabbed him by the collar. “Where am I!” you demanded as you shoved him backwards before stepping back from him a few steps. His eyes widened as he looked to your left.
“Watch out!” You heard someone new yell. Suddenly, you were encased in a red glow. It’s spirals moving you. Your body instantly warmed, and you strangely felt comfort from this red embrace. But your comfort didn’t last long as a body knocked into you. You both went tumbling to the floor, causing you to groan as you scraped your already bleeding cuts. Despite the pain, you felt insanely warm. You opened your eyes to see a curious and worried green pair staring back. Your heart jumped into your throat as you gazed at her. She was truly beautiful.
You flushed as you realised that she was practically straddling you. Her cheeks turned red as she stared at you. “Wanda!”
That voice.
The girl you now know as Wanda got up and held her hand out for you. You took it. Her touch was warm, and it left soft tingles on your skin and for a second she didn’t let go of your hand. You blushed softly before your eyes widened. “S-Steve?” You whispered softly. His eyes teared up as he rushed over to you.
“Y/n! How? How is this-” you cut him off by throwing your arms around his shoulders hugging him.
“You died! I- I mourned you.” You cried. His tears wet your shirt as he hugged you tightly.
“Peggy… she said HYDRA attacked and took you and she hasn’t seen you since.” He mumbled. You nodded.
“I… I’m like you now.” You mumbled, and he pulled back, cupping your face with his hands as he surveyed you.
“You’re not my little sister anymore… you’ve grown up.” He smiled, kissing your forehead.
“I was so lost without you. When you didn’t come home… when you went into the ice. I thought you died, Stevie.” You mumble, your voice cracking as you started to cry again. He squeezed you and you gasped in pain, causing Wanda to step forward, worry present on her face.
“Steve, she’s bleeding.” Her voice was like silk, so smooth, and yet she sounded so panicked. You glanced up at your brother through heavy eyelids. The exhaustion was catching up quickly, and you struggled to keep your eyes open.
“I… I think I’m going to close my eyes now.” You muttered as the world started to darken. You remember Steve picking you up before your eyes closed fully.
Steve glanced at Wanda, his eyes widening. He scooped her up and held her to his chest. “Let’s get her back to the tower.” He rushed out as he began running.
Steve sighed as he watched Bruce work on his little sister, his worry increasing when Bruce pulled out surgical instruments. “Just need to throw a few sutures here, Cap. Nothing too serious. She's lost a lot of blood, so I'm going to have to replace it. I've already started a drip and she should be okay in a couple of hours.” He muttered, focusing on what he was doing. His focus was momentarily taken off you as he heard the door open. He smiled softly when he saw Wanda walk in. She had been feeling antsy ever since she left. She didn’t know what, but something was urging her to come seek you out. The way her heart fluttered when you and her locked eyes confused yet intrigued her. Her eyes widened when she saw Bruce stitching up her side.
Steve have her an exhausted smile as she took a swat next to him. Wanda frowned as she could feel how anxious he was. “You never mentioned you had a sister.” She commented with a snippy edge. He glanced at her, noticing her small smirk. He sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“When I went into the ice, she was seventeen. She’s at least twenty-three now. She should be at least 80. Which means for 80 years she has been in HYDRA’s clutches for decades and I didn’t figure it out.” He whispered sadly. Wanda reached over to squeeze it.
“You couldn’t have known.” She whispered.
“But I should have. I should have known.” He repeated, seeming distraught. Wanda wanted to take his mind off it so she asked about her. It helped distract Steve enough, so he wasn’t constantly hovering over Bruce. It also helped to quench Wanda’s compulsion to ask about you more and more.
“When we were kids, our parents used to take us to this field and there was this tree that Y/n made it her mission to climb for weeks. She tried and then when she did. She fell off,” he chuckled. “She never wanted to get down. My father usually had to climb up and get her.” He smiled at the memory.
“And then our parents died, and we only had each other. And then Bucky. She lost him too. She lost everyone. I’m glad Peggy was there for her once I went under. I always wondered if Y/n had a crush on her.” He joked, causing Wanda to giggle.
Bruce had finished stitching you up. He pulled the gloves off his hands and stood up. “The sedation will wear off soon and I’ve given her some medication to help with the pain.” Bruce smiled.
Steve nodded, his eyes travelling to the door. Bucky walked in, his eyes widening. “Y/n?” He whispered, his voice strained. He looked at Steve and he nodded.
Bucky hugged Steve tightly, laughing in excitement. “I can’t believe it.” He whispered, pulling back.
“Me either.”
An hour later and you began to stir. The pain in your side was bearable, but you could tell it was numbed. “Steve…” you called out, reaching up to rub your eyes. You looked down and saw that the girl who saved you… Wanda was resting her hand on yours. You looked at your hands and then at her before your eyes shot up to see Steve.
“Y/n… how- how are you?”
You smiled. But then your smile dropped. “B-Bucky?” You gasped. He stood up and grinned, walking up to you.
“Hey doll, happy to see me?”
“Is everyone who is supposed to be dead not dead? Is Peggy?”
“No… no she, she died a few years ago.” Steve said sadly. You frowned.
“I’m sorry. Did you at least get some time with her?”
Steve smiled, nodding. “A little.”
That little piece of information made you smile. Peggy had always wished for more time, that was it, and you were glad that they had gotten time together, even if it was only a small amount. Bucky came around and held your free hand. He brought it up to his lips he kissed your hand, and then smiled brightly up at you. "Things haven't been the same without you. I've missed you every day." He sighs, and you cast your eyes over to Wanda. She seemed annoyed. There was a small crinkle in between her brows that gave away her annoyance. You wanted nothing more than to. Make it go away. You pulled your hand from Bucky's grip, a small smile on your face.
"I missed you too, Buck." He frowned.
"What happened to you?" Steve asked, and you sighed.
"Well... since you destroyed HYDRA's plan to blow up the world they were angry with you so they took their frustrations out on me, at first it was purely anger based torture, but then they decided they needed me, so they experimented on me and then once they successfully turned me into an enhanced super solider, they froze me I guess, I don 't really remember much, I woke up a few years ago. It was weird I was the same age, but it was like a million years had passed. The world looks so different now. I- I don't think I'll ever be able to catch up." You explained. They all listened to your story intently. Wanda squeezed your hand as if to remind you that she was still here, or to support you, you didn't know which.
"They tortured you?" Steve asked brokenly.
You looked up at him and shook your head. "I survived, I'm okay."
"You're strong." The girl spoke up. You looked at her and smiled softly. Her eyes captured you as she stared at you. You couldn't find the strength to look away. Her features were soft, her eyes assessing you. There was this connection like there was something about her that pulled you into her orbit. She was truly gorgeous, from her fair skin to her cute button nose. You swallowed. Clearing your throat, you smiled.
"You feeling okay?" She asked, her hand still on yours. Her warmth was comforting.
"I'm as okay as I can be." You say with a smile. She continued to stare until a noise blurted out, causing you to jump. Steve smiled apologetically at you. He then pulled out a small square thing and tapped it. You frowned.
"Yes, Tony. I know. She’s okay.” He said, talking into the tiny magic box.
“I’ll update you on this when she has rested.” He muttered. Shoving the square thing back into his pocket.
A sudden chill wracked through my body and in a second the room had warmed and the chill of the room replaced with a toasty feeling. You glanced at Wanda and saw the red tint in her eyes. You tilted your head slightly, looking at the glow in her irises.
“Your eyes change colour?” You asked.
"A side effect of my power." She said, her hands glowing as she showed me. The red glow is similar to the red shield that encased you earlier, only darker, more vibrant. You looked at her in pure fascination. Your hand came up to touch her glowing hand, but Bucky quickly intercepted grabbing your wrist softly.
"Careful, doll, that energy stings." He said, glancing at Wanda's frown.
"Only when I want them to." She said with a feline smirk. In the split second, she made a decision. A small ball of her power shot out from her finger and slammed into Bucky's hand that was still gripping my wrist. He hissed in pain, ripping his hand away. He started shaking his hand as if it would stop the pain. Wanda giggled as he swore at her.
You grinned at the interaction. Your mind was reeling from today. So much had happened, and there was still so much to learn. You were eager to learn all about this new era, but even more eager to learn about the powerful redhead at your bedside. As if she could read minds, she turned to you and smiled. You smiled back, loving the blissful look on her face. You didn't spare Bucky a second glance as Steve called him over.
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@blackxwidowsxwife @g-cordelia @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @cristin-rjd @yeetus-thyself @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @upsidedowndanvers @wanda-nats-slut @i1ovewanda @littlewinchester15 @fishlikestuff @gengen64 @procrastinatingsapphictrash @liladoesfanfics @baller2412 @rice-wiife @tomy5girls @srtamercury @nothingisrealanyway @marvelwomen-simp @darshikaria @ria900 @ic-4u @atlas-nex @xxromanoffxx @kcthewifitheif @fairydxll @strangegardentaco @maxxione @pbeckn26
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perfectsunlight · 6 months
warnings: minor manipulation, language, mentions of alcohol, toxic behavior
word count: 1.8k
part of the series: LOGICAL
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lisa’s birthday party was supposed to be something worth smiling about. however, a permanent frown seemed to be etched onto Y/N’s face from the moment they arrived.
the bass boosted and the young point guard swirled the red solo cup in her hand, watching as her girlfriend stood in a circle with chaeyoung and a few of the other girls from the volleyball team. lisa’s arm was wrapped around the blonde’s shoulders in a lazy fashion, laughing at whatever comment chaeyoung just made.
the vibrant lights that adorned the party venue cast shifting shadows across her face as she observed the scene before her. her eyes, usually filled with a sparkle, now held a glint of hurt and confusion.
lisa had been the center of Y/N's world for what felt like an eternity. 
ever since they were paired up on the first day of training freshman year, lisa was the only thing she could focus on.
the way she talked, the way she walked, the way she breathed next to her in bed when she slept, and even the way she smelled after a shower. 
lisa was not just her life, she was everything in her life as well.
from morning practices to late night lifting sessions, Y/N was always around her girlfriend. it was a different dynamic having her cousin on the same team as her girlfriend, and with her mom as the coach. but Y/N found it somehow endearing, finding comfort in the fact that she got to share the well loved sport in her family with the love of her life.
when they were on the court, lisa’s attention was always on Y/N. every pass and play consisted of the two working together and being each other’s right hands. there wasn’t a single win in YGU’s books that was done without the efforts of the two girls.
however, once they were off the court, it was a different story.
chaeyoung was the reason Y/N felt like she was third wheeling in her own relationship.
park chaeyoung, with her blonde hair and effortless beauty, had effortlessly woven herself into lisa's life after they met in different classes they had together. 
from the sidelines, Y/N had watched their friendship blossom over the years. at first, it was endearing—a friendship between two athletes, something that seemed innocent enough. but as time passed, Y/N couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in dynamics whenever chaeyoung was around.
her girlfriend was an entirely different person around the volleyball player.
lisa's laughter would ring a little louder, her smiles a touch brighter when in the blonde’s company. they shared inside jokes, lingering gazes, and an inexplicable closeness that left Y/N feeling like an outsider in her own relationship.
while Y/N had never caught the two in any compromising situations, the unease had settled in her mind like an unwelcome guest. the innocent interactions between them often stirred a whirlwind of doubt and insecurity within Y/N. 
she found herself second-guessing every conversation, dissecting every smile exchanged between her girlfriend and the blonde.
to be frank, it was driving Y/N insane.
there were numerous fights about it, both somi and yena being witnesses to the hours of yelling and shouting. lisa always insisted nothing was going on, but Y/N could not believe that.
not entirely, at least.
it wasn't jealousy, not entirely. it was the lingering fear of losing the person who meant the world to her. 
the young girl’s heart ached with the weight of uncertainty, the constant worry that perhaps lisa's connection with chaeyoung ran deeper than mere friendship, even if her girlfriend would never admit it.
the point guard was drawn out of her thoughts when yena took a seat next to her on the couch, sighing dramatically as she pulled her roommate in for a side hug.
“what’s that look for?” yena asked over the music, already knowing the answer was standing 10 feet away.
the brunette forced a smile, trying to mask the tumult of emotions raging within her. “nothing really. just enjoying the party,” she replied, the words tasting bitter in her mouth as she tried to feign enthusiasm.
her roommate arched an eyebrow, her gaze piercing through the facade Y/N was desperately trying to uphold. she never understood why she still tried to hide the obvious from her.
 “yeah right,” she retorted knowingly. “i can practically see the storm clouds hovering over your head from here.”
sighing softly, Y/N leaned in closer to yena, her voice barely audible above the music. “it's lisa and chaeyoung,” she confessed, her words laced with a mixture of frustration and vulnerability.
yena's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes as she cast a glance towards the duo engaged in conversation across the room. “ah, those two,” she remarked, her tone tinged with empathy. “they've been inseparable lately.”
“it's driving me crazy,” Y/N confessed, her voice filled with a hint of resignation. “i feel like i'm constantly second to her. it's not like lisa can’t have friends, but this just feels different.”
yena nodded in understanding, her hand offering a comforting squeeze to Y/N's shoulder. “have you talked to the demon about how you're feeling?” yena asked gently, her concern still evident even in her sarcastic tone.
“yes, and it ends the same way every time.” the point guard huffed, taking an angry sip from her drink before grimacing at the taste.
the girl next to her chuckled before taking the cup from her hand and setting it on the nearby table. “okay, enough of that.” yena’s figure stood up, dragging the other girl with her. 
she was determined to take matters into her own hands. “alright, time for operation confrontation,” she announced with faux enthusiasm, her smirk betraying her playful intent.
before the other girl could protest or comprehend what her roommate meant, yena grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the couch. without giving Y/N a chance to object, yena guided her through the crowd, weaving through dancing bodies until they reached where lisa and chaeyoung stood engaged in conversation.
lisa's eyes met Y/N's for a brief moment, but before any meaningful exchange could happen, yena intervened with calculated boldness.
 “yo lisa, happy birthday!” she shouted, her tone laced with faux enthusiasm. she knew lisa was drunk enough to not comprehend the difference. 
lisa blinked in surprise, momentarily taken aback by yena's sudden interruption. “uh, thank you,” she replied, glancing at Y/N with a hint of confusion before her gaze shifted back to chaeyoung. whenever yena ever spoke to her, it was usually in the form of cursing and throwing things.
Y/N felt a pang of disappointment as her girlfriend’s attention drifted back to chaeyoung after a brief acknowledgement. the ache in her chest deepened as she watched chaeyoung subtly steer lisa's focus away from the brewing conversation by fixing the jacket her girlfriend was wearing.
it made her want to drag lisa out of her own birthday party and wisk her away to some foreign country with no other people except the two of them. perhaps an island, or even somewhere like greenland.
despite the disappointment, Y/N felt a mix of emotions swirling within her—a sense of frustration, hurt, and a growing annoyance at chaeyoung's deliberate interference. she couldn't shake off the feeling that chaeyoung's actions were intentionally undermining any chance of communication between lisa and herself.
the point guard shifted and forced a genuine smile on her lips as she leaned into her girlfriend’s chest, inhaling her familiar cologne. lisa didn’t take her focus off of the blonde in front of her, nodding along to whatever it was she was saying while gently nudging Y/N off of her.
Y/N's heart sank as lisa's attention remained fixated on the other woman, despite Y/N's attempt to seek comfort in her girlfriend's embrace. 
trying to hide her disappointment, Y/N straightened herself, feigning a nonchalant demeanor. she masked her inner turmoil behind the mask of a casual smile, though the ache within her intensified with each passing moment.
“don’t do that while i’m talking, babe.” lisa chuckled, eyes still on chaeyoung before sparing a quick glance at her girlfriend. 
the blonde girl chuckled along with lisa before raising an eyebrow, quickly eyeing Y/N up and down. “is that your girlfriend?” 
the basketball player hummed in response, gently patting Y/N’s cheek in a dismissive manner. “yup.”
Y/N didn’t know how to describe the look park chaeyoung gave her. it wasn’t malice, annoyance, or jealousy. chaeyoung's gaze held a peculiar mix of indifference and subtle dismissal. it wasn't a direct confrontation or a harsh glance; it was a cold, distant demeanor that seemed to cut through Y/N's attempt to engage. 
her silence spoke volumes, a silent assertion of dominance or perhaps an intentional act to disregard Y/N's presence.
as the interaction continued, Y/N felt a knot form in her stomach, a rising sense of frustration at being sidelined and dismissed. she struggled to comprehend the volleyball player’s behavior—was it a deliberate attempt to assert her influence over lisa, or was it merely an innocent display of friendship that inadvertently left Y/N feeling excluded?
despite the confusion and the subtle discomfort, Y/N tried to maintain a composed facade. she attempted to brush off the blonde’s disregard, but the weight of her actions lingered heavily in the air.
lisa, caught in the middle of the exchange, seemed oblivious to the present tension. “i think you two could be close friends. the three of us can hang out soon.” the basketball star stated casually, taking a swig of her drink before glancing back at chaeyoung. “we’ll be off next weekend i think. depends if we have to watch film.”
however, chaeyoung's response was a simple, nonchalant shrug. “dunno, i’m pretty busy. anyway let’s go get punch, i heard it’s drowning in vodka.” 
without another word, she reached for lisa's hand, gently tugging her away from Y/N's side. the blonde's actions were subtle yet definitive, a clear message that their conversation was over and that she had claimed lisa's attention.
as lisa followed chaeyoung's lead, Y/N stood there, feeling a mixture of frustration, hurt, and a growing sense of realization. the manner in which chaeyoung effortlessly redirected lisa's attention away from Y/N highlighted the undeniable hold she had over her girlfriend.
it was becoming increasingly evident that chaeyoung's influence over her girlfriend was something that was clearly never going to change. 
yena rolled her eyes as she swung an arm around her roommate’s shoulder, ignoring the urge to suddenly kick lisa in the back of the head. she never understood how Y/N puts up with the basketball star, but she didn’t bother breaking her brain to think about it.
all she did know was that lisa never deserved Y/N, not even once.
“come on, let’s go find yuqi. we can go get ice cream.”
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OPEN!! comment below the masterlist to be added.
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a/n: i finally updated....el oh el
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Fight Me, Love Me, Save Me Pt. 1
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This will fill the "It's mine, and you can't have it." square on my @jacklesversebingo card. The quote will be bolded.
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Summary: A series in three parts exploring Y/N's and Dean's relationship from bickering children, to love and broken promises, to a plea for salvation.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: None really. This part is mostly fluff, with a tiny bit of making out at the end. They are both 17 when they're making out, so technically underage, but barely - and they are the same age.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Y/N
Word Count: 4,398
A/N: So this series will fill the last three squares on my bingo card. This part covers "It's Mine, and you can't have it." Part two will cover Broken Promises, (Nov 12) and part three will be for the Isolated/Trapped square. (Nov 19)
I hope you enjoy!! If you do, please remember to like, reblog and/or comment. Means the world to us writers! ❤️
The dividers included here were created by @talesmaniac89
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Dean and Y/N basically spent their childhood bickering. They met when they were six, when their fathers teamed up for a hunt. The two of them, and Sammy had been left together with a friendly old lady who was mostly deaf, so she very happily didn’t have to hear their constant fighting. 
They fought over toys, they fought over snacks, they fought over who would get the first turn on the tire swing in the old lady’s backyard. Dean’s longer legs always got him there first and he’d gloat down at Y/N, his smile wide and wicked.
“Too slow, Y/N!” He’d taunt. “It’s mine, and you can’t have it!” 
Since their fathers often teamed up, they ended up with the same babysitters, or in the same schools all the time. Dean was always popular; the teachers always adored him and his sweet smile and big green eyes. But Y/N was shy and slightly awkward, so the other kids didn’t usually play with her and teachers tended to ignore her. 
Dean would never let that stand though. When they'd play tag in the schoolyard he’d purposely go up and tag Y/N even though she hadn’t been invited to play the game.
When he’d tap her arm, she’d scowl at him. “I’m not playing, you idiot.” 
But Dean would ignore her and any of the other kids saying she couldn’t play. “You’re it!” He’d yell and then run away, sticking his tongue out at her and taunting her because he knew she’d never stand for it, and be forced to play. Once she was playing, the other kids usually didn’t care and the game would go on.
No one teased and tormented her like Dean did though. He was constantly yanking on her ponytail, or shooting spitballs at her from across the classroom. They competed over everything; test scores, who got to be the Christmas tree in the Christmas concert, who could skip with a jumping rope more times in a row without stopping, who built the best sand castle, who made a better volcano in science class - anything and everything.
In spite of that, however, Dean was also her biggest champion. When they were in third grade, Chester Hugo, a wiry little blonde boy, called Y/N fat and ugly and laughed at her. He showed her a picture of a whale in the encyclopedia in their classroom and laughed as he pointed to it.
“That’s you.” He whispered, and all his friends giggled with him silently. 
Y/N tried to ignore him, but at recess she was standing up against the brick wall of the school as usual, and Chester began waddling around in front of her and puffing out his cheeks. “Look everybody, I’m Y/N.” He called out before doubling over with laughter.
He only laughed for a second though, because without warning he was tackled to the ground by Dean, and began shrieking and covering his face as Dean pummeled him.
Dean got detention for three days because of it, and got grounded at home too. Y/N felt terrible, but Dean said it was worth it because now every time he walked past Chester, the bully shrank away or ran inside. 
When they were in the sixth grade, they went to Truman Middle School in Fort Madison, Iowa for a few months and ended up with a teacher who was absolutely terrible - Mrs. Abernathy. 
She was ancient and obviously didn’t really like kids anymore - if she ever had. Her classroom rules were arbitrary and confusing. She was constantly yelling at her students for doing things that had been permissible the day before. She barked orders at them and expected silence from them at all times. 
One afternoon the class was set to dissect a frog and Dean and Y/N were paired up to share one of the hapless amphibians. Mrs. Abernathy gave them their frog, closed inside a glass jar, along with a jar of cotton balls soaked in ether to toss in with the frog to kill him.
As soon as the grouchy old lady had moved on, Dean picked up the container holding the frog and pushed it into Y/N’s face.
“Hey Y/N look! It’s lunch time!” He said quietly, thrusting the frog towards her over and over.
“Stop it!” She said in an angry whisper, turning her head. After a while Dean grinned proudly at his ability to gross her out and set the frog back down.
Y/N looked down at it, and then got closer to the jar as the frog lifted its two front legs to press against the glass, looking for a way to hop out. It hopped around the confined space, rather pathetically trying to get free. Suddenly Y/N felt sick to her stomach and tears came to her eyes. 
She looked at Dean. “I wanna let him go.” She said quietly so only he could hear. 
Dean frowned at her. “What are you talking about? In like two minutes we’re gonna kill it and then look at its guts.” He said, trying to tease Y/N out of her concern for the frog.
But it didn’t work. Y/N shook her head, her tears falling fast now. “No, Dean, don’t kill it. I don’t wanna kill it. Look at him.” She said pointing to the little green creature desperately hopping around as though it could sense its impending doom.
Dean shook his head, trying to reason with her. “Y/N it’s just a frog. It isn’t gonna feel anything, the cotton ball will just make him fall asleep and then he'll die.” 
But Y/N was shaking her head, her eyes slightly frantic as Mrs. Abernathy reached the front of the classroom, having given everyone their frogs. Suddenly Y/N grabbed the jar and yanked it open, allowing the desperate frog to immediately hop away. 
She realized her mistake quickly as the frog simply jumped up onto another table and made the boys there scream and jump back, knocking their own frog to the floor so it smashed open, giving a second frog its freedom. The class erupted into chaos as the two frogs hopped around the classroom. Three more frogs had their jars smashed open as some kids scattered and stood on chairs, and some kids chased after the frogs.
Eventually, when all the frogs were finally rounded up and put back into new jars, (much to Y/N’s dismay) Mrs. Abernathy began looking for a culprit. She stood in front of Y/N’s desk and her always stern face was particularly harsh as she pointed a bony finger at her.
“That frog came from your desk, Miss Y/L/N, do you care to explain yourself?”
Before Y/N could answer, Dean stood up. “It was me. I opened the jar.”
Y/N looked at him, frowning and shaking her head. But Dean waved his hand at her. “Y/N told me not to, but I thought it would be funny if he got out.” He shrugged and gave a wholly unrepentant grin. “And it really was.”
Y/N tried to say something, but Mrs. Abernathy was too busy grabbing ahold of Dean’s arm and manhandling him out of the room. “Principal Yates is going to hear about this, young man.”
Y/N felt her stomach plummet as Dean was yanked out of the classroom. She sat quietly at her desk, guilty and sick feeling, as the other kids took full advantage of the teacherless classroom to discuss the frog escapade - loudly and with many sound effects. 
When Mrs. Abernathy returned, Dean wasn’t with her. Y/N tried to talk to her and explain the truth, but the teacher wouldn’t listen.
“Enough!” She shouted angrily. “There has been more than enough disruption in this classroom for today. Sit down and take out your math textbook.” Y/N opened her mouth and the old lady sliced her hand through the air. “Now!” She barked loudly, making all the other students pull their textbooks out as well.
Y/N didn’t see Dean again until the end of school. He was walking down the side road that led to the motel they were all staying in.
“Dean, wait up!” She called to him and he slowed his long stride. When she reached him she shook her head. “What were you thinking? Why did you say you did it?”
Dean shrugged. “Dunno. I just like to see Abernathy go berserk.” He said with a lazy smile.
Y/N frowned. “You got in trouble. Did you get detention again, or -” She stopped still and gasped. “Were you suspended?”
Dean just shook his head and kept walking. “No, it’s fine.”
Y/N ran after him. “What do you mean? What did Mr. Yates do?” When Dean just sped up and kept walking Y/N reached out and grabbed his hand, trying to force him to stop.
Dean winced and inhaled sharply, his face contorting in pain. He tried to pull his hand away, but Y/N had already seen the huge red welts that were spread over his palm and fingers. Tears immediately flooded her eyes and fell down her cheeks as she stepped closer and cradled his hand in hers.
“He gave you the strap?” She whispered, horrified at the image of Dean’s hands being struck over and over with the thick leather strap the principal kept hanging just outside his office.
Dean shrugged as Y/N lifted his other hand and looked at the damage there too. “Yep, five licks for each hand. Said it was supposed to make me remember to not let the devil use my idle hands for mischief.” He rolled his eyes. “I can’t wait till we're out of this bible-thumping, piece of shit town.”
Despite the life they led, Y/N was still sheltered enough that hearing Dean swear felt rebellious and she blushed a little. Then she sniffled and looked at Dean with remorse suffusing her face. “I’m so sorry. I never should have done it. And I really wish you hadn’t said it was you. I should have been the one getting strapped.”
Dean frowned darkly. “No, that would have been so much worse.” He said quickly. 
Y/N’s brow wrinkled in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Dean’s face flushed and he just shrugged and pulled his hands away from her. “No, I mean - I just mean, you know I’m a hunter, I’m used to it. I mean the last hunt I went out on, I took down a werewolf.” He bragged. “You and Sammy, you’re still soft.”
Y/N scoffed at that, running to keep up with him as he walked on. “Whatever, oh great Winchester. ‘Took down a werewolf’? I feel like you probably had some help from your dad and mine.” She said, rolling her eyes.
“Doesn’t matter! I still fought him.” He argued, and the fight was back on. 
Within a few years though, Sam and Y/N did begin to join the hunts. They started slowly, hunting ghouls and wraiths, and other easier-to-hunt monsters.
However, in Y/N and Dean's Junior year, the end of middle school for Sam, their Dads began asking more of them, claiming that they needed to concentrate on learning to hunt. They told the two of them that they were needed for more important things than algebra. That was when Dean dropped out of high school, going to work with them and hunting full time. 
He told Y/N that he was just sick of school, and he’d never need it anyway. But Y/N knew he’d done it to give their Dads the help they wanted while giving her and Sam more time to be students.
By the time they were sixteen Y/N had figured Dean out. He still teased her mercilessly, constantly trying to annoy her with his hard rock, making fun of the boy bands she listened to. When she scored a ninety-five on her chemistry test, he’d called her poindexter for two weeks straight. 
But he was also fiercely protective, and he would bloody the nose of anyone who tried to hurt either her or Sam.
And she knew she was right about why he dropped out of school. Sometimes, when she and Sam were sitting around the motel room doing homework together, discussing the novel one of them was reading, or trying to make sense of trigonometry, she’d look up and catch Dean watching them with a look of longing on his face as he was cleaning weapons.
It was always gone in an instant when he noticed her watching, and he’d usually crack some kind of joke about what nerds they were, but Y/N knew what she saw. She would usually suggest that they stop their homework and watch a movie. Or she’d beg Dean to take them for a ride in the Impala that he’d inherited when he turned sixteen and his dad bought a truck. He’d always act like it was a huge pain, but she knew he loved it when they all piled into the car, rolled the windows down, and pretended to be carefree teens for a while.
She knew him and he couldn't get anything past her.
What did sneak up on Y/N, however, was how much she actually liked Dean. Like…like-liked him.
It became clear to her one day when she was seventeen, and in her senior year. Dean swung by one afternoon to pick up her and Sam after school. He was standing outside, leaning against his beloved car, waiting for them to show. She rounded the corner with a few girls she was doing a group project with; they were trying to iron out details of when they were going to meet to collaborate. 
When she saw Dean waiting there, she raised her hand to let him know she saw him and she was coming. Sam bolted past her and ran to the car. “Tell him I’m coming!” Y/N yelled after him.
She turned back to the discussion wanting to hurry up so she didn’t miss her chance at a ride. But all of the girls were just staring at her like she’d grown a second head.
“What?” She asked, self consciously covering her face slightly, worried she had something in her teeth.
The short girl to her right, Tracy she thought her name was, sputtered slightly and then looked pointedly at Dean. “Are you kidding me? What? Who?” She asked, flipping her hand quickly in Dean’s direction. “Who the hell is that?”
“Oh,” Y/N responded slightly confused, “that’s just Dean.”
“Dean?” The red-headed girl across from her asked. “Is he your brother?”
“What? Ew! No.” Y/N denied vehemently, and it took her a moment to figure out why that idea grossed her out so much. When the girl with braces (Sheila?) spoke though, the reason hit Y/N like a Mac truck.
“He’s so ridiculously hot!” Sheila exclaimed and all the other girls agreed quickly, giving giggly little moans and being incredibly obvious about staring at Dean.
At first Y/N’s mind wanted to mock that idea, remnants of their childhood rivalries and bickering jumping forward. But then she looked back at him where he still stood, talking to Sam. 
Holy crap, she realized with a bolt of lightning kind of realization, he really is ridiculously hot.
He wore black jeans and his black Metallica t-shirt which stretched tightly across his newly broadened shoulders. His hair was thick and perpetually looked like he’d carelessly run his fingers through it. His smile was bright and blinding even across the schoolyard, and though none of them could see it, she knew his eyes would be twinkling in that mischievous way they did when he was bent on getting into trouble.
She could see that he was noticing all the attention he was getting, and he patted Sam on the shoulder and started to walk towards them. Sam gave a full-body eye roll and got into the back seat.
The girls all turned shrill as he approached, laughing like dying hyenas. Y/N felt anger start to burn in her stomach and it confused her. But when Dean stopped in front of them and smiled charmingly at each of them, Y/N recognized that it was jealousy turning her heart green and she was shocked. 
“Hello, ladies.” Dean said in a would-be suave kind of way. It made Y/N roll her eyes, but her classmates practically swooned. 
A chorus of dreamy hellos followed and Y/N grabbed on to Dean to pull him away. But Dean resisted and shoved his hands in his pockets. “So I’ve, uh, got my car over there.” He said, thumbing towards the Impala, his face full of teenage boy pride. “Anyone need a lift?”
All of them began nodding and squealing, but Y/N shouted over them. “No, it’s fine, Dean, let’s just go. They’re good.” She succeeded in dragging him off but when they were a few yards away from them, Y/N ran back quickly to warn her temporary classmates, using a paraphrased version of she and Dean’s childhood refrain.
“Stay away from him. He’s mine and you can’t have him.”
Once Y/N realized her feelings for Dean, things became very awkward for her. All the things that used to be simple, sitting beside him to watch a movie, training with him for hunts, simply sitting across the room from him and looking at him - they all became unbearable situations that she didn’t know how to deal with.
When she sat beside him now she could feel the way he radiated warmth, she could feel her heart skip a beat when he’d shift his leg so his thigh pressed against hers. When they were training, simple holds that she had only ever cared about breaking out of before, now left her breathing heavy. When his big hand would wrap around her wrist or whenever he'd reach his strong arms around her waist from behind, it was everything she could do not to just sink into his arms like putty. 
About a week and a half after her epiphany hit, she and Dean were alone in the motel room, sparring, and he pushed her up against a wall, pinning her there and expecting she'd try to get out. But he was breathing softly across her cheek, his face inches from hers and her whole body started tingling, making her lose her grip on the knife she held. It fell from her grasp and ended up slicing his calf on the way down.
“Aah! Jesus!” Dean shouted as he let her go and hobbled away from her. “What the hell, Y/N? What’s wrong with you?”
He sat down on the bed and Y/N ran over to pull up his slashed jeans, gasping at the long wound that bled down the side of his calf.
“Oh my god, Dean!” She said, jumping up and quickly grabbing the first aid kit. She got back on her knees beside the bed and pressed pads of gauze against his leg to stop the bleeding. She looked up into his face and saw his eyes closed in pain. “I’m so sorry! I just…”
Tears hit the backs of her eyes and she shook her head, looking back at his leg. “God, I’m so sorry.” She repeated in a teary voice.
“Hey.” Dean said as he lifted her chin so she was looking at him again. His thumb brushed away a tear that fell down her cheek. “Sweetheart, it's fine. No need for tears. I’ve survived worse.”
Y/N’s breath stilled in her chest and she whispered quietly. “You’ve never called me that before…sweetheart.”
Dean immediately tried to act casual, but he wasn’t a very good actor. “I didn’t mean anything by it. Don’t, like, freak out about it.”
Y/N nodded and went back to caring for his wound. Once she got the bleeding stopped, she could see it wasn’t very deep. As she cleaned it, she could feel the tension between them rising, like something thick and palpable. 
Dean cleared his throat. “Did you, uh…I mean do you want me to call you that? Or, I mean…did you like it?”
Y/N felt her cheeks turn a burning red and she shrugged as she taped a big piece of gauze over the long cut. “I dunno.” Was her only response.
She was finished taking care of him, so she stood up and started to walk away. But Dean’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the back of her t-shirt. He let go as she turned back to face him. 
“Why have you been so weird lately?”
Y/N laughed nervously. “What are you talking about?”
Dean stood up and pressed closer to her, slipping his hand around her so that it laid against the small of her back. Her blood pumped hard in her veins and she licked her lips. Dean’s jaw clenched and his eyes fell to her mouth.
“I mean that you’ve been weird with me all week. Ever since I picked you up at school and you got all jealous.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped open before she slammed it shut and spluttered. “Whatever! You wish! Like I care about the dozens of girls you riffle through in every town we stay in.”
Dean moved closer to her and brought his other hand up to cup her cheek and trail his fingers along her jawbone. “I mean…it does actually seem like you care a little bit.” 
He walked her backwards a few more steps so that she was pressed up against the wardrobe that sat in the corner of the room. His eyes roamed over her face and then he looked deeply into her eyes, and his green-eyed gaze made her feel exposed, like he could see into her soul so there was no point in lying to him. He’d always known how she felt. He knew when she was scared, knew when she was annoyed, and when she was furious; he knew her sadness and the loneliness that seized her sometimes. 
He always knew, and he always knew just how to make things better for her. She’d already realized that she was actually incredibly attracted to him, but now she realized that he was also her best friend. She felt incredibly stupid for not realizing that sooner. She’d always thought of him as this annoying gnat that wouldn’t leave her alone. But really he was the person who knew her the best, the one she was never afraid to go to for anything, the one she knew would always have her back.
Dean’s breath was soft against her lips as he hovered there. “So, do you care, Y/N? Even a little?”
She could do nothing but nod, and then close the distance between them, pressing her lips against his briefly before pulling back, terrified to see his reaction. 
But a wide, slightly goofy smile spread across his face and it made her smile in return. “I’m gonna take that as a yes.” He said before he planted his mouth over hers and kissed her for real. 
She’d never been kissed before, but she’d imagined it many times. This was nothing like she’d imagined. It was much wetter, much hotter, and much more all-consuming than she’d imagined it would be. Her head was swimming, and she felt like she might pass out. He swept his tongue into her mouth and she moaned. 
The thought of “french kissing” had always weirded her out a little. Who wanted someone else’s tongue in their mouth? But Dean’s tongue was silky and skillful as he trailed it along the roof of her mouth. It felt possessive and that feeling made her stomach clench in a pleasant and shaky kind of way. 
When she reciprocated, slowly allowing her tongue to trail along his, Dean groaned and slipped both his hands down over her hips to press her closer to him. She gasped as she felt his hard on through his jeans, pressing against her lower belly. 
Dean pulled his mouth away from her and dropped his forehead to her shoulder, before turning his head and pressing soft kisses along her neck.
“Sorry.” He said gruffly. “It’s just…I mean, fuck you’re crazy hot. Sorry.” He said again, but Y/N giggled, more thrilled than she could say at his reaction to her and to their kisses.
“But,” Dean continued, “there’s no rush or anything, no rush to, you know, do anything.”  He raised his head to look her in the eye. “I’m just so glad that you're, uh…that you like me, you know…like that. I’ve liked you for so long.”
He brushed his lips across hers. “Been wanting to kiss you since we were about eleven years old.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Seriously? I just realized last week that I wanted to kiss you. How have you known this long, and not tried to kiss me even once?”
Dean shrugged sheepishly. “Never thought you’d want me to, and I wasn't about to try something and weird you out…or make you stay away from me. But then, you seemed so jealous the other day, and the daggers you were shooting at those other chicks gave me some reason to hope. Then you’ve been so weird ever since.”
Y/N snorted. “Whatever, I wasn’t shooting any daggers. I’ve been very cool and collected this whole time.” She lied.
Dean laughed. “Yeah, the gaping wound on my leg says otherwise.”
“Hey, don’t blame me because you lost focus and got yourself hurt.” Y/N said haughtily. 
“Lost focus? I did not lose focus. You got all swoony and dropped the damn knife.”
“That’s totally not true. You know you always - “
Suddenly Dean cut her off with another kiss, one that was deep and probing and left Y/N completely senseless.
Dean’s breathing was harsh and shallow too as he rested his forehead on hers and spoke against her lips.
“God, I’ve always wanted to do that.”
“Kiss me?” Y/N asked, her eyes still closed.
“No. Shut you up.”
It took Y/N a moment to register his words and then her eyes popped open and she saw his wide, mischievous grin and punched his upper arm lightly. “You’re an asshole.”
Dean nodded and yanked her tight against him. “Yeah, but I’m your asshole.”
Y/N laughed. “Yes.” She nodded. “But let’s just remember who kissed who first.”
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman @mimi-luvzyu @jackles010378
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @carryonwaywardgirl
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26 @slut-for-evans-stan
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @jensensgotyoudean @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous @k-slla @stoneyggirl2
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sturnsluv · 2 months
meddle about pt. 1
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pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: when Y/N finds herself falling for her big brothers life-long enemy, will she choose love or family?
warnings: mentions of blood
3:43 pm
I watched Matt storm off, blood dripping from his nose, and chest heaving like some sort of MMA fighter after a match. My head whipped back towards my brother, who stood there like he was some sort of god, shoulders broad, face solemn, and that same bloody nose leaking wine-looking stains all over his white shirt.
“What the hell Jack!” I shouted. This is all they ever do: fight, fight, and fight. My brother Jack and Matthew Sturniolo have hated each other for as long as I can remember, which I completely understand. Matt’s an insufferable dickhead with an ego the size of the Titanic. Despite my best efforts to avoid him, I always manage to find myself around him, caught in the crossfire of their endless feud.
Matt’s brother Nick has been my best friend since 2nd grade when he punched a boy who made fun of the tiara I wore to school that day. Since then, I have been forced into a house that always consists of Matt. Although my hatred partly came from my loyalty to my big brother, Matt’s attitude had a way of making me hate him all by myself. Like all the times he’s made snide comments about Jack’s ability on the hockey team. Or the way he looks at me like his eyes are bullets piercing into my skin with every remark he makes. 
“What? he was being a dick!” Jack hollered back, his face contorting with a mix of confusion and anger. His short, permed, brunette hair fell messily in front of his eyes, and the back stuck up all which ways. He stood tall like Dad, but his green eyes came from our Mother. 
“Mom is going to kill you Jackson,” I say through gritted teeth, my frustration with their constant fighting boiling over. Mom had explicitly warned Jack that the next fight with Matt would result in him being done with hockey, but it seemed like these two senseless men couldn't keep their hands off each other, no matter the consequences.
Jack only had the energy to roll his eyes at me and stumble away, most likely to go clean up his battered face. I sighed in frustration, feeling the weight of our recurring “Sturniolo” drama settling in once again. Ignoring the turmoil brewing inside me, I reached down to my back pocket and pulled out my phone, immediately clicking on Nick’s contact.
our stupid brothers fought again 🥱
you HAVE to be fucking kidding me.
I wish I were bro
at this point I think they’re secretly in love and this is all a cover up
I giggle to myself cause honestly, he’s probably right. Nick always has the perfect way of making me laugh, and he’s one of the only people in my life I never feel judged around. Nick has held me as I cried and laughed with me hours later over the stupid boys who’ve broken my heart. He’s even forced Matt to pick me up after I had been stranded at parties or events. Overall, he’s always been there for me. I have other friends of course, but those friendships have never felt real to me, always one-sided on my part. 
 Looking up I slide my phone back into my pocket and begin the most dreadful trek across the football field. Okay, that was dramatic but looking for Jack isn’t exactly something I'm up for right now. Tonight is going to be restless from the amount of bickering I'm about to hear from him and Mom. The house was already loud enough with Mom and Dad fighting. Ever since I was eight years old, Mom and Dad haven’t gotten along. They’ve tried almost everything to mend their marriage. Even couples counseling, but nothing ever worked, so me and Jack just have to deal with it.
 I sigh to myself as my mind races, and the gentle trudge across the field continues toward the locker room, where I assume I’ll find my brother. But the fighting won't even be the worst part of it all. The worst part will be tomorrow when I'm over at Nick’s house, hearing Matt bitch and moan about Jack. I swear every time I’m around him I have to fight the urge to strangle him. All he talks about is the stupid cheerleaders he’s hooking up with, or lacrosse this, hockey that. His voice is unbearable and it’s genuinely the reason I question if I want to go over every time Nick asks. 
Suddenly I'm broken out of my thoughts when I hear my name called from behind me. I turn around and see the one and only center of my anger. Matt. His voice cuts through the tension-filled air like a knife. His expression is unreadable, but his body language exudes a mix of exhaustion and hesitation.
“What do you want?” I yell back at him. He’s standing about twenty feet away from me with the same bloody face he had about thirty minutes ago. My face drops when he starts to jog towards me and I’m filled with a feeling of ‘please leave me alone.’ 
As Matt gets closer the sound of his sneakers hitting the wet, sloshy turf rises, and so does my frustration. “You have a ride home?” He breathes out, panting lightly. Matt places a hand on his knee to steady himself, while the other scratches the back of his neck. His face is flushed and red. The fight obviously damaged him, and he looked nervous to be standing in front of me.
“That’s seriously all you wanted?” My face gains a snarky scowl and I look him up and down, noticing the way his hand is running through the hairs at the back of his neck and the way he lightly taps his foot on the ground. It's apparent he’s on edge, which I assume is because of the fact he just beat my brother's ass, but I couldn’t care less about either of them right now. I mean I do love my big brother, but not when he’s acting so prideful after doing something so wrong. Even if he wasn’t the one to initiate it. Matt’s loud but unsteady voice cuts off my thoughts.
“Well I just assumed Jack left, and Nick's order is to always look after you, even if I want to kick your face in,” He exclaims as he smiles sarcastically at me. I scoff and look away mumbling a quick ‘I’m good’ under my breath. I hear him start to speak, but I cut him off by turning around and continuing my path toward the locker room. I assume at that moment he turns as well, going off in search of his car.
As I walk away my feet drag against the turf, little beads coming up beneath me and I’m overwhelmed with strange, alluring thoughts of Matt’s bloody face. 
11:47 pm
God, will they ever shut up? I listen to Mom’s and Jack’s muffled voices from the kitchen. Tossing and turning in my bed, I put my fluffy, pink pillow around my ears to attempt to surround myself in silence. That doesn’t work as the pillow is too thin, and the yelling continues pounding into my eardrums. 
When the school called earlier and told our parents what happened, Mom was pissed immediately. Even though the fight was after school hours, it still took place on “school property” so both Jack and Matt ended up suspended. On any normal occasion, I’d be delighted to hear about Matt’s suspension (as it happens quite frequently), but now that Jack’s involved I think I might go insane. His presence in the chaos only amplifies the tension in our home.
But I keep thinking about Matt, and what he said to me. He’s usually not the type of guy to walk over offering any type of help. He’s one of those mysterious types of guys who always get into trouble, even though you barely see them talk. I think it’s all an egotistical act he does to seem tough. Whenever I’m at Nick’s he’s hidden away in his room playing video games made for children. It’s so out of character of him to even think of me and the more I contemplate, I can’t help but grin. Sitting up on my mattress I slap my face. What the fuck am I thinking? Nothing about Matt Sturniolo should be making me smile. Not the way his hair flops in front of his eyes, or the way his mouth lifts to the side when he smiles. Even the way his arms flex when he wraps his hands around a lacrosse stick. Ew! What am I doing? 
I lay my head back on my pillow, letting the thoughts of Matt drift out of my mind. My brain starts to calm and just as I’m about to fall asleep- Ding! 
“Ugh,” I verbally groan at the sound of my phone snapping me back awake. I reach my hand out and turn it over, and the bright screen practically blinds me. As my eyes start to adjust I’m finally able to see what the message is.
Matt Sturniolo: 
hey I gotta ask you something
a/n: first chapter lmk what you guys think! 😊 comment to be on my taglist!
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aerkame · 1 year
TFP Imagine | Vehicon Reader
Tfp vehicon reader that can actually aim well and almost pushes the Autobots into retreating.
I had this one sitting in drafts for a while now. My inspiration was wondering what would happen if just a single vehicon could actually aim in the show. I noticed they have the aiming ability of a Storm Trooper and couldn't hit a target if they were sitting still.
I may turn this into a series though, I really like this concept.
Team Prime would take a surprising amount of time to finally notice that only one vehicon is causing them any real damage. They're so used to the same old fights. Vehicons swarm them, but they're pretty weak and can't aim all that well, and either Megatron or Starscream has to step in to drive off the team.
Optimus and Arcee are the first to notice however, watching you take a good defensive position from behind a boulder between two walls, blasting away at the both of them with near pinpoint accuracy. So much so that both Autobots agreed they needed to retreat further back into the treelines. Vehicon blasters are pretty weak, but you're getting enough hits in on their frames that their very metal is starting to dent and scorch from the constant trauma.
They're left wondering in fear now if the Deceptions started training their vehicons seriously with new blasters or if this is a new member of sorts that joined without their notice. Either way, Arcee convinces Optimus you were the main target for now. They needed to get the heat off of them before proceeding with the mission.
You ducked behind the stone that was your current defense, catching a moment to check your blaster to ensure it didn't overheat. These things were stupidly designed for Primus knows what reason...the stupid thing kept overheating forcing you to take cover after just one round of shooting your targets. You could've driven the two Autobots further back by now.
You knew it was dangerous separating from the other vehicons like this, but you also knew they couldn't aim for scrap and would probably be offline by now if they tried fighting Arcee and Optimus head on. Besides, you were in a good spot that neither Autobot could get into. The Prime wouldn't be able to fit between the walls and the femme couldn't come in without getting blasted in the face. It was a win in your opinion. Your vehicon friends don't get blasted while you distract the Autobots and wait for backup.
Backup didn't come though.
It had been half an hour now since Optimus and Arcee were pushed further back into the nearby forest from your gunfire. Every attempt to just go around was met with several blasts far too close to the helm and Arcee was beginning to lose her patience. Optimus needed a plan and he needed one soon if they wanted any hope of getting passed you and get into the mines, mines that were unfortunately too small to groundbridge into.
It made sense that Ratchet would call by now, asking what happened and why he hadn't heard from either bots for so long. Arcee explained in detailed the current situation with the dangerous vehicon leaving a very surprised Ratchet snorting in disbelief. A vehicon? Come on, it's probably some fancy new weapon, we all know vehicons can't aim that well. Right?
Optimus cut in affirming the situation and requested backup via groundbridge at a specific location, they needed backup fast before the other vehicons inside the mines left with the energon.
Your shoulders slouched as you ducked below the stone once more after a quick peak. Both the Autobots and yourself have started shooting less and less. You were under the assumption that they must have been getting low on energon too by now. And yet, backup still hadn't arrived for you. Anxiety started to fill your frame as you thought about your past life choices that led you here, not noticing the sound of a groundbridge above your hiding space.
Only when the wall next to you crumbled did you notice your surroundings again. You didn't even have time to register what had happened when a giant green mech practically tackled you to the ground making you shriek in surprise.
Bulkhead kept your tiny frame pinned beneath his weight, servos in tight stasis cuffs to ensure you didn't try any last ditch efforts as Optimus and Arcee made their way forward, finally able to get to their goal, albeit lower on energon than they'd like.
Arcee came over to get a good look at you, confirming to Optimus you are just a normal vehicon, nothing noteworthy or special about you or the weapon you were carrying. Optimus paused his trek to the mines for a moment, staring deep into your optics as you lay paralyzed beneath the green wrecker. Of course you mustered up all you could just to glare at him and he quietly commed something to what you assumed were the others.
Within seconds of watching the two disappear into the mines, Bulkhead grabbed your limp frame by the scruff and tossed you through a new groundbridge into the waiting arms of the Autobot medic.
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mactavsh · 1 year
The Time in Between
Synopsis: Soap always knows how to put the pieces back together.
Relationships: John “Soap” MacTavish x Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 1.2K  
Warnings: mentions of death, grief
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Waiting. You hated waiting.
When you enlist they don't tell you how much time you'll waste doing just that.
For extract. For orders. Hell, for a shower.
The agonizing moments when time feels like molasses. When you have no choice but to be left with your thoughts. To let them drag you down and hope you can eventually climb back out.
If you're lucky there's someone to help drag you out - a beacon of light that can crash through the darkness, effortlessly swimming through the expanse with one goal: bring you back to them.
It took a long time to find your person, you were fully convinced it would never happen. Then there he was, crashing through every barrier you had built around yourself. Bright blue eyes pierced through the darkness and offered you a hand.
John Mactavish became your person as soon as you met. The two of you were kindred spirits and you both often found yourselves wondering how you’d made it this far without the other.
He always knew what to do. He was so perceptive to you and everyone around him that sometimes you wondered if you had a billboard attached to your forehead that simply stated help me.
For a demolition expert, he was very good at keeping you from falling apart.
The last mission had been difficult and you knew it was showing, but you didn't care. You had lost some civilians you were trying to protect and their deaths weighed heavily on your conscience.
Since the team had gotten back you hadn't slept, what little rest you did get was riddled with nightmares. Tonight was more of the same, sleep would not come no matter how hard you tried.
Deciding not to fight insomnia any longer you got up from the bed, gently untangling yourself from the mess of limbs Soap was while he slept. You were careful not to make too much noise as you got dressed.
Walking up the stairs to the roof access you gently pushed the door open, the chill night air waking your senses. You easily spotted Ghost in the dim moonlight and walked over to him.
“I can take it from here, Ghost.”
“You should be sleeping.” He looked at you from where he was standing.
“Not tonight.” You shrugged and stood next to him placing your hands in your pockets.
"You look like hell." He spoke simply but you could hear the worry behind his words.
"Feel like it too. Couldn't sleep, thought I might as well make myself useful." You desperately wanted to be doing something. As tedious as being on watch could be, it was better than staring at the ceiling. Of all the members of the task force Ghost understood that feeling the best, he was all too familiar with sleepless nights.
Ghost studied you for a moment before he sighed and handed you his rifle. “Don’t stay out here all night.”
You nodded but you both knew it was a lie. He left, checking his watch as he descended the stairs back inside. Ghost made a mental note to wake Soap in a few hours if you hadn’t gone back inside by then.
You sat down, one leg dangling over the edge as your rifle lay in your lap. Time passed slowly as your eyes scanned the darkness.
The traveling nature of your mind tended to be the worst while on watch. Alone, stuck staring out into the endless scenery waiting for something, or nothing, to happen. Your body anticipates a fight that may or may not come leaving your skin practically buzzing with anxious energy and your mind in a constant state of fight.
The moon continued its slow descent as your mind insisted on replaying their fatal moments. 
You rubbed at your eyes Desperately trying to stay alert to any movement around you. Looking up at the sky you spotted a shooting star just as you heard the door open behind you. You tensed for a moment before a familiar face stepped through.
“Thought Ghost was on watch tonight?” Soap spoke as he approached, he sat across from you on the ledge mirroring your position, and then handed a thermos to you. You eagerly took a sip from it, the fresh coffee instantly warming your cold body.
“Couldn’t sleep so I relieved him.” You shrugged and handed the thermos back to him. “What are you doing up this late? Well, early I guess at this point.”
“My bed was awfully lonely.”
“Tattled on me didn’t he?”
“Aye.” He smirked for a moment before his expression shifted to worry. “When was the last time you slept?”
You shrugged again knowing it was useless to lie to him, the state of your features spoke for themselves. “Been a while.”
“Love,” He scooted closer placing a hand on your knee. “you need to get some rest.”
You looked down, unable to meet his eyes as yours began to well up. “All I see is their faces, John. They were terrified. I was supposed-” Your voice broke as tears started to fall, Soap reached up and gently wiped a tear away with his thumb. “I was supposed to protect them and I failed.”
“You did everything you could, Y/n. Their deaths are not your fault it’s on the bastards who shot ‘em.” Soap closed the distance between you two, wrapping his arms tightly around you as you cried. He placed a hand on your head as he held you close to his chest and slowly rocked you both. All the pent-up emotions and exhaustion finally broke through and you were helpless against it all.
“I’m here, love.” He spoke against your hair.
“I hate this part.” Your voice came out in a small whisper against his chest.
“I know, me too.” He didn’t bother telling you it gets easier. In your line of work, death was a constant shadow lurking behind all of you. Instead, he held you, reassuring you that he would always be there to help you through.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed in his arms. His hold never waivered even after your cries had subsided. Eventually, you broke it, sitting up to look into his eyes. You could stare into them for hours, to you they held every answer.
After a moment you spoke. “You always know what to do.”
“Funny, I’m usually saying that about you.” He smiled, leaning forward to kiss your cheek.
The door opened once again this time Price walked through with his rifle strapped to his chest. “On your feet lovebirds, I'm taking over.”
“I’ve still got a few hours in me, sir.” You spoke and both men shot you a look.
“Nope time for bed, love.” Soap spoke putting an arm around your shoulders and leading you toward the door.
“Go get some rest.” Price patted your shoulder as you passed him. He said nothing about your puffy eyes as he moved past you and approached the ledge where you had been perched. He pulled a cigar from his vest, and as he lighted it he yelled back to you and Soap. “And no funny business, kids.”
Your face instantly turned red and Soap laughed at the sight. 
“Aye sir!” Soap yelled back to the captain before turning toward you as he opened the door. “You heard him no funny business, Y/n.”
“Pretty sure that was directed toward you big boy.” You smiled as a deep laugh roared from his chest and you could feel the weight begin to lift off yours.
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workersolidarity · 2 months
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[ 📹 Friends and family say goodbye to the martyred Al-Arabi family who were killed in a Zionist airstrike on their residential home in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip last night.]
[ 📈 Inforgraphic showing the current death toll in Israel's ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip, with more than 31'988 Palestinians killed, mostly women and children, with another 74'188 civilians wounded since October 7th.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🚀🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On the 167th day of "Israel's" ongoing war of genocide in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 7 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of 65 Palestinians, mostly women and children, and wounding another 92 others over the previous 24-hours.
IOF soldiers admitted today to executing at least 140 Palestinians at Al-Shifa Medical Complex and its surrounds since the beginning of ground operations in the area four days ago.
According to both Palestinian and Hebrew media, the IOF said it had killed more than 50 Palestinians at Al-Shifa just in the last day, with occupation authorities claiming all 140 martyred Palestinians were "gunmen" and "terrorists."
However, constant air and missile strikes, along with intense artillery shelling of the area, some of which caused fires to break out in medical buildings, makes the likelihood of precise identification of targets impossible, and while clashes with resistance forces did take place, the hospital itself was filled with wounded and displaced civilian populations, many of whom were killed or wounded in the fighting.
Giving evidence to the Zionist crime of extrajudicial executions of civilians, eyewitnesses told Palestinian news agency SAMA News, that they directly saw occupation soldiers take 8-10 Palestinian civilians to the hospital's morgue before hearing the sounds of intense gunfire, after which, the Israeli soldiers returned without their prisoners.
Previously, human rights organization Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor (Euro-Med) warned that civilians could be subjected to field executions and expressed concern about the situation at Al-Shifa Hospital and the danger to civilians sheltering inside.
Euro-Med has since told the local media that it has sent field teams to document the testimonies of witnesses to the deaths of 60-80 Palestinians who were executed by gunfire by occupation soldiers in and around the Al-Shifa complex.
In the meantime, heavy bombing and shelling also targeted the Al-Rimal neighborhood of Gaza City surrounding Al-Shifa Hospital, while lines of communication were cut off to the hospital and its surrounds by occupation authorities and as a result of the shelling.
At one point, an occupation Apache helicopter opened fire on local residential buildings near the medical complex.
At the same time, occupation soldiers give warnings over loudspeakers, telling rhe remaining civilians in the hospital to evacuate under threat of bombing and gunfire, while occupation forces fire on anything that moves in the vicinity of the complex.
Zionist forces are also intensively shelling with artillery, not just the Al-Rimal neighborhood, but also the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, along with the Sheikh Ajlin neighborhood and the Al-Shati Refugee Camp areas of Gaza City.
In one example, IOF warplanes bombed a residential home in the Al-Shati Camp, west of Gaza City, martyring and wounding dozens of Palestinians.
Meanwhile, occupation gunfire towards civilians waiting for humanitarian aid near the Al-Kuwaiti roundabout, east of Gaza City, resulted in several casualties today.
At the same time, occupation artillery forces shelled the town of Al-Qarara, to the northeast of Khan Yunis, in the central Gaza Strip, luckily however, no casualties were reported as a result.
In new atrocities committed by the IOF, Zionist artillery forces shelled the Abu Hasira family home on Al-Rashid Street, in the Al-Mina neighborhood, west of Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of dozens of Palestinians and wounding a number of others, while artillery forces also shelled several other residential structures in the Al-Mina neighborhood.
Occupation aircraft also bombarded the residential home of the Saidam family in the Al-Maghazi Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, resulting in several casualties.
Similarly, Israeli occupation forces bombed a residential home belonging to the Kurd family adjacent to the Jaffa Mosque, in the city of Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, killing and wounding dozens of civilians.
In yet another tragic atrocity, Zionist warplanes bombed the Abu Al-Arabi family home, in the New Camp area, west of the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, martyring at least 9 civilians and wounding a number of others, while large numbers of victims remain trapped under the rubble of the building.
Occupation aircraft also continue bombarding the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, for the fourth consecutive day.
Previously, Israeli fighter jets bombed the Issa family home, east of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, resulting in the deaths of six civilians and wounding several others.
At the same time, occupation air forces bombed a residential home belonging to the Haboush family, west of Gaza City, martyring a mother and her son.
In another war crime, Zionist drones bombed a group of civilians gathered near the Hamouda intersection, east of Jabalia, in the north of Gaza, murdering three civilians and wounding at least 10 others.
IOF drones, aircraft and missile strikes also targeted several residential homes across a large area stretching from Al-Qarara to Al-Zanna, in the south of Gaza.
IOF soldiers also continue to detonate residential buildings west of Gaza City, including the Dhu Al-Nourin Tower, near the Al-Saraya Junction, and also destroyed the Al-Qishawi home, west of Al-Shifa Hospital, while occupation soldiers burned down several other residential structures in the area.
As a result of Israel's ongoing war of genocide in the Gaza Strip, the endlessly rising death toll has now exceeded 31'988 Palestinians martyred, more than 25'000 of which being women and children according to the United States Pentagon, with an additional 74'188 civilians wounded since the beginning of the current round of Israeli aggression beginning on October 7th, 2023.
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deanwanddamons · 2 years
Love To Hate You
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Summary: Y/N and Soldier Boy hate each other, but can’t resist one another when they meet again after many years apart.
Word Count: 2.2K
Pairings: Soldier Boy x F Supe!Reader.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex (female receiving), P in V, loathing, swearing, SB being a dick, violence, drug use.
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing Soldier Boy. Please be kind. I would love to know your comments. 
A/N 2: As always thank you to my beta @winchest09. You are my cheerleader, my bestie and my constant support. I love you. Also, thank you to @waywardbaby for pre reading and your support. 
My Masterlist 
Buy Me A Coffee
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His strength was phenomenal.
Y/N had no choice but to allow herself to be pushed backwards, until her shoulder blades hit the filthy wall behind her.
With one almighty yank, Soldier Boy ripped her thin T-shirt away from her body, the flimsy pieces being thrown to join the debris strewn on the ground, along with her bra which had also been torn, her breasts bouncing with the force of his actions.
His rough palms cupped her tits, his large hands easily covering them. He squeezed them, eliciting a moan from deep within her throat. A satisfied smirk pulled his mouth into a grin.
“I fucking hate you,” Y/N growled, loathing the fact that her nipples were hardening at his touch. On one hand, the man in front of her made feelings of pure abborance rise in her chest, on the other she had never wanted anyone as much as she wanted him.
Memories of them screwing against a tree on the battlefield after a particularly bloody fight flooded her mind, the images sending waves of pleasure coursing through her. When she had been approached by the Russians to help capture him, she had of course been reluctant, but the rest of the Payback team had out voted her, so she had gone along with it.
Thanks to her powers, it took thirty years for her to age only one year. During that time, she regretted being part of his downfall, and had never expected to see him again. When he had found her after all these years, demanding answers, she thought she was seeing a ghost.
“Nuh huh, babygirl,” he growled, “you don't hate me. You know what you hate? You hate the fact that you love the way I’m touching you right now.” He fisted his hand in her hair and roughly pulled her head closer to him. He could always read her body so fucking well, since the very beginning when she had been with him.
“You hate how wet you are between your legs, how soaked your panties are and how much you want me to fill up your pussy.”
She jerked her head to get out of his grip and he let her go, chuckling and looking at her under his long lashes.
“Me on the other hand? I hate you,” his voice was low and full of malice, “for betraying me. For siding so easily with everyone who pulled me down, who sold me out. And you need to pay for that. You are going to pay for that.”
His lips crashed into hers. His kiss was hard, his tongue snaking its way into her mouth. She tasted weed and whiskey. She knew she should be disgusted by this, but inexplicably felt wetness seep into her panties.
Bracing her palms against his solid chest, she tried to push him away, but it was no use. She knew she had more strength than she had displayed; being a superhero had its benefits. However, she held back as secretly she had wanted this to happen for months.
He didn’t even stumble. Instead, he pulled away and leaned back slightly, the moonlight streaming in through the cracked windows glinting off his green eyes that were boring into hers. Bringing his hand up to her cheek, he moved away a loose strand of hair with his fingers. She grabbed his wrist and yanked his arm away.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” she hissed through gritted teeth. She could never really understand how it was possible to loathe his touch and yet at the same time crave it so much. She had accepted the fact that this encounter could not end well for her. After all, Soldier Boy was used to getting his own way and she knew that deep inside he relished how she wanted to put up a fight. And she was going to give him one. At least just for her sense of pride, she'd try.
Bringing her arm up in front of her, she pulled her fist back and punched him in the chest with all her might. This time he did stumble, but only briefly.
She glowered at him, gripped hold of his arm, and spun him around, forcing it up behind him. He sarcastically chuckled as she pressed her knee into his back, and attempted to move him forward. He didn’t budge, his feet planted flat on the ground. Her hatred flowed out of her as she tugged at his hair, wanting to cause him pain. The only thing she could think of doing was to bite a small bit of his exposed skin. So that’s what she did.
“Bitch!” he grunted.
It didn’t hurt him. His skin was impervious but the nerve of her annoyed him. Soldier Boy whipped his body around, and grasped her throat between his fingers, lifting her up and ramming her against the opposite wall. She huffed out a breath as she hit the concrete.
Soldier Boy's mouth suddenly covered hers again, his kiss sloppy and needy, his teeth nipping at her bottom lip. She yanked her head away, feeling liquid drip down her chin. Brushing the blood away with her thumb, Y/N kicked him in the shin. He frowned, before a smirk graced his features.
“There is no point fighting it, Y/N,” he whispered, “I want this, you want this. May as well admit it.”
Suddenly having no control over her actions, she felt herself nod. He was right. She really wanted to try more, fight more, resist more but her body had betrayed her almost the minute they had met in this abandoned building. She had tried and this is what she kept repeating in her head like a redemption mantra, like an excuse for allowing herself to surrender to him once again.
Soldier Boy dropped down onto his knees, his blunt teeth suddenly clamping down on her pebbled nipple, sucking it in hard. Pain radiated through her, but the feeling caused her underwear to become soaked. She clutched his hair in her fingers attempting to move his head away, but it only made him suck harder.
He let her sensitive nub go with an audible pop, before rising to his full height. His form was intimidating, tall and broad, the front of his supe suit clearly jutting forward, his erection obvious.
He gripped the side of her shorts and along with her panties, shuffled them down her legs, leaving them pooled around one ankle. She was limp, allowing him to strip her completely naked, as though she was in a trance.
He stepped back, his head leaning to one side as he admired her, his hand disappearing into his suit. She realised he was stroking himself when she saw the material begin to move up and down.
“Turn around,” he said through gritted teeth, “and spread those legs for me.”
Y/N’s chest was heaving as she did as he asked. Slowly spinning her body, she rested her palms on the cold concrete, and leaned forward. Closing her eyes, she waited, her arousal warm between her thighs.
She felt his palms spread her legs further apart, his stubble tickling the delicate skin of her thigh deliciously, then a wet tongue licked a strip along her cunt from front to back.
“Hhmm, you taste delicious,” she heard him mumble before she felt his nose nudging against her slit, “and smell divine.” His breath made her shiver as he deeply inhaled her aroma. “So wet for me,” he murmured, dipping a thick finger into her entrance, gathering her slick with the tip, before inserting a second digit. He scissored her open, the stretch stinging slightly causing her to let out a hiss.
She pushed her hips back against his mouth, letting him know that she wanted, no, needed more.
He chuckled. “Like that do you?”
“Fuck yes,” she purred, her voice coming out a croak.
“Good, as I’m going to eat you alive. But you’re not gonna come until I tell you that you can. Got that?” She agreed with a nod of her head.
Soldier Boy bent his fingers at the knuckle, the movement making her yelp, his calloused pads finding that small, spongy area inside her. Her legs began to shake, pure pleasure sending shockwaves down her spine. Replacing his digits with his mouth, he speared his tongue into her entrance, fucking her with it while he flicked her clit with his thumb.
“Fuck, Ben. That’s it. Right there.”
He hummed at the use of his real name, the vibration hitting her core, the coil there extremely close to snapping. He continued to lap into her, before he licked up her slit, slurping against her puckered hole, dipping the tip of his muscle into her tight ring. She bit down on her bottom lip as a hiss escaped her.
Soldier Boy pulled away suddenly leaving her bent over, naked. She glanced at him over her shoulder and noticed he had stepped out of his clothes, his impressive erection bouncing in front of him as he moved, his muscular arms, shoulders and sharp abs on show. He rummaged in the pocket of his suit which was now on the floor, producing a bag of white powder. Y/N went to move from her position, but a sharp slap across her ass cheek halted her movements. A yell of pain fell from her lips.
“Do not move,” he growled.
She acquiesced, resting her forehead against the cool wall in front of her as she waited to see what would happen next. She felt some powder land across the small of her back and her ass. Soldier Boy then leaned down to snort it up, running his tongue across her heated skin to get any excess before he bit down on her ass cheek, making her squeal in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He trailed his mouth up her back until his lips were resting on her shoulder.
Wrapping her hair around his left wrist, he pulled her head back to expose her neck. As his right hand squeezed her throat, she felt his hard cock lining up against her hot sex. He teased her waiting pussy with the tip, rubbing it up and down her folds, causing her to lean over further, opening herself up to him. He slid into her with ease as she was so wet. The stretch of her entrance felt delicious.
“Oh fuck,” she exclaimed.
He wasted no time setting a rough pace, letting go of her hair and throat in order to grip tightly onto her hips. Soldier Boy pounded into her furiously, bending his knees to allow him to grind into her as far as he could. Her legs began to buckle with the force, so he wrapped his arms around her thighs and effortlessly lifted her off the ground. This action opened her up to him even further.
She groaned as his cock disappeared deeper into her, the blunt head hitting her G spot perfectly. Knowing that his strength was plenty to take her weight, she allowed herself to relax into his hold. He lifted her up slightly, then dropped her onto his solid member, and repeated the action, bouncing her up and down, his erection dragging over her walls with each thrust.
A long whimpering moan passed her lips, her eyes closed from the pleasure. Just as the tip was going to slide out, he lowered her down and pushed his hips forward hard.
“Fuck. Soldier Boy. Harder,” she encouraged him, wanting him to ruin her and knowing that he could.
An animalistic growl began to emit from his throat as his thrusts became faster, the frequency of her bounces almost a blur. The familiar feeling of falling off a cliff raged within Y/N as he pistoned her body up and down with ease.
She knew the sound he was making was a precursor to his release. “I’m going to come,” she announced, the coil in her belly tightening to an almost painful degree.
“Fuck Y/N,” he grunted. “Come all over my cock.”
As requested, she let herself go, the ferocious pounding proving too much to handle and with a ragged scream she climaxed, her juices running down his shaft and flowing over his balls. His hands clenched her thighs, the grip no doubt leaving bruises on her skin as she felt him still, and a bestial growl was released into the air as he came deep inside her.
Soldier Boy held her exactly where she was as he pulled out of her and with a gentleness that surprised her, lowered her to the ground. His seed ran down the inside of her thigh, her breathing laboured as she sucked in much needed oxygen. As she turned to face him, she realised he was already dressed, gathering her clothes together.
“Are you going to kill me now?” She questioned.
“I’ve changed my mind,” he grunted, handing over her ruined clothing. “You’re too good a fuck to let go. So you’re off the hook. For now.”
With a wink and a smirk, he walked away, leaving her standing there, naked, clutching the shredded material in her hands.
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
Resistance (Yandere Hinata)
A request from my Quotev!
This reads a little like a crack fic but I swear it’s serious adsgfdf
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Title: Resistance
Pairings: Hinata x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, swearing, minor violence, forced cuddling, Hinata calm tf down
Summary: Hinata wants to cuddle and enjoy the day with his favorite person! You don’t.
the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.
“(Y/n)! Where are you?”
Hinata’s voice comes out in a loud whine, as though he’s truly disappointed by your defiance.
He expected you to greet him in the evening, when he came back from volleyball practice or a big game. He expected you to watch his games on TV and tell him how amazing his spikes were when he walked through that damned front door.
As if.
You weren’t the type to hide from your captor, your attitude even more fiery than the color of his hair. Today though? You didn’t feel like dealing with his suffocating hugs and constant cuddling. His team had lost their game today and you had no intention of being some sort of comfort doll for him to cling onto and drag around the house every time he had to move.
You could hear him opening cabinets in the kitchen and almost laughed when you pictured yourself trying to fit in those tiny little drawers. He wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, to put it lightly.
“(Y/n)!” He was calling for you now, voice edged with worry. If he thought you’d escaped, he was, unfortunately, mistaken. There was no way to get out of a house so expertly locked like this one.
You sat on your shared bed, waiting for him to finally get a clue and check the bedroom. You may not put any effort in hiding, but you weren’t going down without a fight. Not if your handy broomstick had a say.
Plus, if this failed, he’d take away the brooms and you wouldn’t be expected to pick up that “chore” anymore. Fuck sweeping.
Steps on the stairs. You got to your feet and bristled, knuckles paling as you gripped the broom handle so tight you were concerned it might snap in half.
The bedroom door creaked open just a crack, Hinata’s dark eyes peeking through to see if you were hiding inside. You raised the broom with a war cry and charged.
The broom hit the now-closed door fruitlessly and you let out a frustrated screech.
“(Y/n), it’s okay, it’s just me!” If Hinata thought those words were soothing, he was sorely mistaken.
“Go away!”
Silence for just a moment, before, “Are you on your period?”
“Shut the fuck up!” You screamed, pure fury driving you to whack the broom against the closed door a few times in childish response. Hinata only sighed in response.
You knew he was stuck- he couldn’t come inside or you’d bash his head in, but he also had zero patience. He’d probably wait a while before trying to take you by surprise…
 You flung the door open and ambushed him with another war screech. His eyes widened in surprise, but he sidestepped you easily and grabbed the handle of the broom as it slammed down where he’d once been.
The two of you tugged on either side of the broom with all of your strengths, but it was clear from the beginning that Hinata, the trained athlete, was going to win this round. You let go suddenly, causing him to fall backwards onto the ground, still clutching the broom.
You thought you were above hiding, but desperate times do call for desperate measures.
Your heart pounds in your ears as you clamor down the stairs, Hinata’s cries for you to stop muffled by your panic-filled thoughts. The house you’d stayed in for nearly a year now was suddenly unfamiliar and much too big and small at the same time. You felt woozy.
His footsteps are heavy on the floorboards behind you, but you couldn’t stop running if you wanted to. You don’t want to be a prisoner anymore, but, if you can’t escape this house, maybe you could escape his smothering affection for just one day.
There will come a time when you’ll be too tired to outrun him, but, thankfully, it’s not now.
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mopeymi · 1 year
You Have Terrible Morals and Obligations - Ghost/Soap
Official Part 7
Soap bit against the refusal that bubbled in his throat. Price had just finished discussing the mission plan in it's entirety, explaining everyone's role. Price and Gaz would serve as over watch while Soap, Ghost, Konig, and Horangi would move towards building infiltration. Once inside, Soap and Ghost would head West in the building to sweep and gather intelligence, Konig and Horangi doing the same in the opposite direction.
Soap chimed in, claiming Ghost was their best Sniper and would be best serving over watch, but Price assured him Ghost's hand-to-hand and close quarter fighting achievements were essential.
They had intel that a car would be delivering important documents detailing Makarov's dealings within the last few months around 8 pm, so the boys were to wait inside the building for the cargo to pull up and deal with it accordingly. Gaz suggested Ghost and Soap wait inside of the lower levels to catch the men who entered the building off guard while Konig and Horangi made their way to the roof to provide high support and a better angle than Price or Gaz would be able to from their distance.
Soap cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself. Konig shifted at his side, pressed a little too close but Soap enjoyed the warmth. He could sense Ghost glowering across the table, but he refused to look at the Brit instead looking towards Price and Gaz. Horangi looked over at him from the other side of Konig, leaning forward for a better view.
"Wouldn't it be better for us to stay together? 2 men versus whatever gets out of the car... doesn't seem fair to me." Everyone regarded him carefully, and then Price snorted.
"You and Ghost are not only some of my best operators, but you make one hell of a team. I believe in your abilities." Soap blinked unbelieving. Had the last few weeks just been forgotten? Did Price forget about him collapsing onto his office floor and sobbing about Ghost's non-dead death? Or literally avoiding the man as though he was plagued with some infectious disease?
Words formed in his mouth in the shape of a protest, but he felt a solid hand on his knee. He looked down to see his thigh dwarfed by Konig's large hand, warmth flooding through his body. He snapped his mouth shut and gave a sharp nod.
Over the time that Konig and Horangi stayed at the base - It was only two days. - Soap already considered them close friends of his. Horangi wasn't really the talking type, but he didn't appear swayed from Soap's constant jabbering, even seeking the man out during lunch and free times during the day. Konig on the other hand was simply shy in the beginning, choosing not to talk. Once Soap had broken through his shell though? The man was as talkative as a scientist defending their thesis from a skeptic.
Price went back to explaining the plan, but Soap's mind was elsewhere. Was pairing Ghost and Soap together some type of forced proximity to get them friendly again? Did Soap's emotions on the situation simply not matter? He supposed not, considering he was just supposed to be a good little soldier without thoughts or feelings.
Ghost was perfect in that way; Emotionless, detached, withdrawn. Everything Soap wasn't. It’s probably why Gaz was so shocked when Soap drunkenly admitted his attraction for their superior officer. It felt stupid in hindsight, considering half the base already assumed the two had something going on. Especially after Soap went a little off the rails at Ghost’s apparent death.
“Alright, that’s the plan. Good to go?” Price asked the group.
“Good to go.” Soap responded.
“Yes, cap.” Gaz.
“Ja.” König.
“Yes.” Horangi.
Soap quirked an eyebrow as he waited to hear Ghost’s response. Lifting his gaze, he saw Ghost standing across the room, his arms crossed and gaze unwavering from König. The large Austrian shifted uncomfortably next to him.
“Yes, sir.” Ghost grunted out, and then abruptly left. Soap couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he stood, grabbing his phone and slipping it into his pocket. He took his leave soon after, beckoning König to follow. He extended the invitation to Horangi, but the man simply shook his head and motioned towards Gaz and Price who remained talking about mission plans. Soap merely nodded as he started making his way to the common room.
“I don’t think Geist likes me too much…” König said with a sigh. Soap snorted as he pushed open the doors, slumping down in the nearest lounge chair. The other was quick to follow, sprawling out in the next best seating option.
“He doesn’t like anyone too much.” Soap responded, picking idly at his nails.
“He seems to like you, Seife.” His tone sounded completely honest, a small hint of curiosity laced into it.
“Tolerates seems more appropriate.” Was how Soap chose to respond. He crossed his ankles as he rested his head back and closed his eyes. He could feel a headache beginning to bloom.
“Did something happen between you two?” Soap knew the question was going to come eventually. He opened his eyes and regarded König carefully. The man had leaned forward onto his knees, hands holding up his head. Recently he had stopped wearing the sniper hood around base, opting for a plain balaclava similar to one of Ghost’s. It made his eyes more visible, a pretty green-blue.
“I suppose you could say that. I think I assumed I was more important to him than I actually was. They really mean it when they say don’t fraternize with superiors.” König eyes flew wide open, body language exuding shock.
“Y-you and… Geist, you…?”
“No! No.” Soap snorted and then straightened himself up. His tone became serious, “Nothing like that, König.”
“Why not?” König asked, looking around cautiously for any prying eyes.
“Honestly… we’re too messed up. Our lives aren’t made for the personally complicated things.” Soap’s tone had a sad edge to it, yet he sat stoic. His face showing no emotion.
“Who says lust is complicated?” Soap paused at the words. His brows furrowed in confusion, thinking he may have heard him wrong. Perhaps it was the man’s accent; Lust?
“I- Don’t think I understand ya, big guy.” König laughed lightly at that, relaxing back into the chair.
“The tension, Seife. It’s suffocating. I’m sure the two of you can figure something out? To relieve it and in turn, yourselves?” König had said it like it was commonplace. As if the mere mention of Soap fucking his superior officer wasn't bad enough to get them reprimanded.
"First- First of all," Soap began, stomach fluttering uncomfortably, "He's my SO. I don't know what they do in your mercenary groups, but that doesn't fly in the SAS. Second; Ghost?! Mr. 'Emotional capabilities of a rock who flinches at a mere fist bump'? That isn't happening." Konig belly laughed at that, slightly shrill. Soap was surprised that a man that size could make a sound like that.
"Maybe it's being on the outside looking in," Konig said after catching his breath. A few recruits had looked their way, but Soap gave them a quick glare and they turned back to their own conversations, "But I don't think Geist would be very opposed to a more physical relationship with you." He shrugged. His eyes glanced above Soap's head and he could see the man smile beneath his mask.
"Horangi and I planned on going to the shooting range for some quick practice. Wanna come?" Konig offered as he stood, beginning to walk out. Soap only shook his head and said a small 'Thanks, but no.'
That conversation stayed in his head the entire rest of the night. Soap tried to think of instances where it seemed Ghost was interested in some way, but it really only felt like the man indulged him in all honesty.
Talking over comms in Las Almas? That was just so Ghost had peace of mind his responsibility was still alive.
'Of course, no? 'No-' 'Yes. No one fights alone.' Easily translated into "I had a job to do and you just fell into my line of duty."
No one knowing (Except Price) that Ghost was alive as a way of protecting both them and him? Nope, just another selfish ploy so the lone wolf guy would have a few weeks of peace. Not having to worry about Soap's constant talking or his management - Hell it was a damn paid vacation.
That's what Soap had convinced himself. All of that among other things that painted Ghost as some sort of villain and Soap as some misguided civilian caught in line of fire.
The plane hit a bout of turbulence, shaking him out of his thoughts. He was surprised Ghost had sat as close as he did, only a seat between the two of them. Soap looked across from him, seeing Konig and Horangi talking quietly.
"Been a bit since we've worked with mercenaries." It was quiet, rumbly. Soap gave Ghost a sideways glance.
"Yep." He popped the 'p', sitting up straighter in his seat.
"Getting along with the large one, then?" His tone was even, yet Soap couldn't help but smirk at the thought of Ghost being jealous.
"Yeah." Is all he answered with. He really hoped Ghost would stop talking. It was already bad enough their proximity and then being stuck basically glued to his side on the mission? A form of emotional torture.
"Just remember to keep it tactical, Sergeant. Don't want another Graves situation." Soap's jaw tensed at those words. A rebuttal was on the tip of his tongue.
"Landing in 2." Cut through their comms. A chorus of acknowledgements flooded through.
Mission focus.
It helps that I remembered what I wrote, I just needed to fill in the little bits. How we feeling abt this?
I think imma make some smut along with this, yall good with that? Or would you rather just have mentions of rated-r happenings?
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cybernightart · 9 months
How I imagine Genji under his armour + head cannons!
(slight nudity warning? He still has boxers on but you know...nothing else... anyways heads up)
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(Also I drew him in boxer shorts cuz I didn't want him to be naked 👌)
Since the paper is hard to read(also I added more info) here is what each blurb says corisponding to the number:
1. Cybernetic built in to his brain
2. Cybernetic spine
3.face scars from Swiss explosion so mainly just around the eyes and lower face
4.synthetic voicebox
5. Perma tanlines from his blackwatch outfit
6. prosthetic / cybernetic legs start just above the knee
7. Arm chopped off here (mid bicep)
8. Cybernetic brain implant
9. Cybernetic spine (I picture one reason he couldn't walk after he as saved was because Hanzo accidentally broke genji's back during the fight, or of the the OverWatch rescue team may have dropped him while transporting him to the dropship, no one knows! And Genji was so out of it at that point between the bloodless, shock, and the instant pain killers he was given when they realised he was alive, that he can't remember for the life of him what happened, but he doesn't remember Hanzo breaking his back at any point. Which says alot considering he remembers getting stabbed through his neck but not that ...hmmm 🤔)
10. He had more stuff fixed internally, both cybernetic and not, but they're not visible on the surface for the most part
*This is the bare minimum, he normally wears a lot more of his armor on a day to day basis, even when going to bed. This is strictly the bear minimum.
Additional stuff I didn't write on the paper:
.The shoes are a part of the legs but he can detach them and put on different feet(for like if he needs to wear dress shoes or something he has a different kind of feet taking attached that would actually fit into the shoe instead of trying to put a shoe on another shoe) you can also change out the entire cybernetic legs for the most part except for parts that physically connect to his human body which are inside of the cybernetic legs so you can't see it
. Same thing goes for his arm, where he has interchangeable arms, 90% of which also have the Shuriken reloading thing, but he does have one or two that don't energize more everyday non-ninja cybernetic arms. Also so he can change his arm to go with his different armor, because this man builds his cosplays around the fact she has no idea when he's going to be called out to a mission so they all have to be battle ready.
. In my design for current Genji his scars have faded to a much lighter color, still quite prominently they are noticeable but they've healed a lot more and aren't as prominent as they used to be
. He also has little divots in his ears from all his piercings that he got in his youth, which she can't wear most of the time because it wouldn't really be safe with his helmet in battle, but when he isn't wearing his helmet he quite often puts his earrings back in
. Also he's kind of forced to have an under cut now due to the cybernetics. After black watch when he changed into his OverWatch 1 armor, you would just completely both his hair so he wouldn't have to deal with it and it was the least amount of maintenance option, it wasn't until he was with Zen that he started growing his hair out again and with Zen's help (a lot of googling on Zen's part acting like he knows what he's doing) he learned to cut his own hair, and eventually he redyed it green on top
. I like to imagine the red glowing in his eyes wasn't actually the cybernetics it was his dragon, which had a constant red hue to them during black watch most evidently and basically until he started making progress with Zen. Because him and his dragons rage was manifesting into his eyes constantly glowing but because he was constantly in a state of fight or flight and was essentially just surviving until zen helped him start living again, in which his eyes stopped glowing. That is unless he gets really emotional (primarily anger) or very protective, where they'll glow bright green unless he's really really pissed, then they'll be red again...but that almost never happens because he has a much better control of his emotions now, but every now and again his good old Shimada family anger issues can creep up on him a little
Feel free to leave thoughts and opinions, this is just how I see him but I'm more then willing to listen to others opinions on it!
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chilly-me-softly · 2 years
Family of five • Mason Mount
Enjoy this request while I take care of the last details for the dad mason serie x
You and Mason have agreed to let you attend one last game at the stadium before the birth of your new baby. You are eight months pregnant and he starts to feel uneasy about you being there without him, even though you are always with trusted people as you also have a four-year-old boy and a two-year-old girl. It was inevitable, even in the other two pregnancies you had had the same talk and as always you had made compromises because if it was up to you you would always be there cheering for him but it was also true that at the end of the day you couldn't cope with your body in constant need for the new creature growing inside you and two lively toddlers.
The girl is without a doubt a daddy's girl, Mason had gotten to the point where he had to be careful opening the front door on his way home from practice because she used to run towards it as soon as she heard just the keys jingling in the keyhole. They were inseparable and even that day she had made no fuss about changing and putting on her jersey to go cheer on her dad.
The eldest had no clear preference, he looked for both equally depending on what he needed. He has Mason's features, his mum always says he looks a lot like him at his age and the photos don't deny it. When he laughs most of all you can recognise him without a doubt. He's very quiet and likes sports, Mason believes he can become one of those commentators seen on tv. But without a doubt when he teams up with his sister it's trouble for everyone.
His mother is with you that day and she often helps you and happily entertains her grandchildren. Since your belly doesn't allow you to do certain things, keeping up with both of them has become difficult and she is giving you a big hand along with other people in your family.
"Love, sit quietly in your seat for a while" you good-naturedly remind the little one who doesn't stop going back and forth making you feel sick. Despite being in the family seats, you can't help but try to tame her because even if they say she doesn't bother you know from experience that after a while they would all like a bit of quiet.
Yet that day the little girl is a tornado and more importantly she wants her father. It's no use trying to explain to her that she can't see him or play with him yet, it's one of those days when even bribing her doesn't do any good.
"Are you okay sweetie?" her mother checks you seeing you slowly run a hand over your bump.
"Yeah, I'm just feeling a little nauseous"
"Do you want me to call someone?"
"No, don't worry it's nothing serious. If only this one would stop going back and forth" you take her to sit on your lap for a while but she decides to remain standing and play with your necklace.
"I want daddy"
"I know love, just hold on a little longer please okay?"
"Hey get off mommy, you're hurting her" the boy comes towards you to your rescue starting a fight with his sister and you are forced to split them up after rolling your eyes.
"Hey hey no come on" you pick him up too holding him on the other leg, "see? She's not doing anything to me" the children seem to calm down for that moment making you sigh with relief but occasionally sticking their tongues out.
"Man I don't have any hands left, I wonder where I'll put the other one" you joke with his mother leaving a kiss on both children's heads.
"You always find a way" the woman smiles and stops to contemplate that pretty picture, but inside she knows something is wrong. She too has had children of course and knows how exhausting it can be to look after two small children and one on the way, and by now she knows you always try to cover up and not worry anyone. But you are not comfortable, your face is more contracted than usual and she at least tries to get you off the kids so you can relax in your own way for a moment.
"No it's too soon" you murmur slightly in panic, a twinge in your belly that feels familiar but you refuse to admit.
"It's too soon!" you inevitably draw someone's attention around you, who realising the situation rushes over to call for help.
Security promptly arrives and tries to coax you into an ambulance as they talk amongst themselves about the quickest way to the hospital in all that mess. Another contraction hits you as you grit your teeth not to scream and not to let your children see that you are not well at all, as panic takes hold of you. You wish no one would talk or ask you stupid questions at that moment, you can't take it any longer.
"Mom take the kids somewhere else" that so familiar voice makes you hope for a moment in the emotional turmoil you feel in that moment.
"Daddy!" the squeaky voice of your daughter immediately leaning out seeing her father and him catching her so she doesn't fall.
"Come on love, you have to go with grandma. Be good please"
"No!" she would have none of it, tightening her thin arms around her father's neck. She had been waiting for him all day and now that she had him there, she didn't understand why she couldn't be with him.
Mason is lost. The joy of the victory and the desire to see his family had been replaced almost immediately after the final whistle in worry, nervousness and a whole set of thoughts that didn't allow him to be lucid. His heart is pounding, he knows everyone probably expects him to be in charge between the two of you at the moment and he really wants to try but he really needs to see you first.
"I said now!" his stern tone covers everything for a moment, the little girl blinking and letting the woman take him with ease and not even giving him another glance as they walk away.
And then a hand clasps yours, Mason. Relief hits you like a sudden wave before tears begin to fall copiously down your face.
"It's okay my love, everything's okay"
"No, it's not. It's still too soon, I can't" he strokes your cheeks gently trying to make those tears disappear and calm you down, putting aside all thoughts that cloud even his brain.
Someone from security calls Mason aside and he manages after a few attempts to get you to let go of his grip on his hand just for a moment. His gaze always falls on you to check you out, but you can see that he's not calm about whatever the guard is telling him. You see him shake his head and sigh and the feeling in the pit of your stomach tells you it won't be good news.
"Everything's fine, everything's under control" he tells you as soon as he gets back to your side but you're blind with anger, already exhausted from everything.
"Nothing is under control Mason! In case you haven't noticed I'm about to have a baby... and I pretend to know what's going on"
He sighs wrapping your hand with his, "Listen to me, the game is over and the traffic will be awful. We have to do this here"
"No Mason-" a shiver runs down your spine as those words sink in and the realisation of what they mean begins to make its way into your head.
"Listen to me, listen to me... don't think. You are strong and we will make it. All of us. We will be fine"
"Stop saying that, you don't know that"
"I do know that. I know, because we're in a special place and I can feel it" Mason's forehead rests gently against yours as his hands gently hold both of your sides. "We can have this baby"
Mason's back is against the wall of the room separating him from you, his head down and his hands occasionally running over his face in expectation.
"Mason!" the boy turns his head to the side hastily, standing up as soon as he recognises his family. He hugs his father and that's where he lets go, all his concern and being strong for you who needed it most comes overpoweringly as the man holds him tightly against him.
"You did good son" he murmurs to him, his hand firmly behind his son's neck as he sobs into his neck.
"How are her and the baby?" his mother asks and Mason then lifts his head, composing himself and wiping away his tears.
"They're still checking them out - with a trembling voice he begins to speak - the doctors are in with her now for-" but his attention is caught by a small figure moving behind his mother's legs.
Mason crouches down, a shy smile as he makes eye contact with his children and extends his arms to hold them close to him. He knows he's overreacted before, he's had time to think about it since he was alone once he reached the hospital. He never thought he would raise his voice to his children like that, and he certainly doesn't want to blame this or that. He just has to try to make up for it with time and make sure he manages better next time.
Only the eldest runs into his arms and after sighing, Mason tries again.
"Hey you, come to daddy" one arm is extended towards her again while the other clutches the boy and with grandma's push the little one takes a few steps towards him until she falls into his arms.
"I'm sorry" Mason wastes no time in squeezing them and leaving many kisses on their heads, "Daddy is so sorry"
The door opens at that moment and the doctors come out, one of them stops to talk to him and Mason gets up after gently telling the children to stay with their grandparents for just another moment.
He speaks to them briefly before turning around and realising that everyone in that corridor has disappeared, but the door is open and he can hear some commotion coming from the room. He smiles unconsciously as he approaches the doorway and then stands there for a moment, enjoying watching his family. You look up at that moment and see him and the smiles on your faces match perfectly.
He slowly approaches, taking his little girl in his arms to continue with his amends, enjoying her laughter, and coming to your side being very careful.
"Thank you Mason, you are our rock. I don't know what I would have done today without you by my side"
"Are you kidding? You're a badass woman"
"Just tired at the moment"
"We'll let you rest in a moment"
"No, you can stay. I like having you around" you murmur sleepily as Mason leaves a sweet kiss on your temple.
"I knew you could do it. We're a family of five now"
"Yeah, no more kids for a while now Mount"
"I love you" he chuckles.
You sigh, "I love you too"
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tomtenadia · 1 year
Station 5 - chapter 2
Good evening/ day/ night
Here I am with another chapter of Station 5. I have been slowly writing this fic and I have 8 chapters but for some reason it still fights me and I can’t find the right flow to it. 
Ach well... for now I hope you will like ch 2.
CW: very light depiction of ptsd, language.
Rowan lay awake in his bunk. Station 5 was a very modern firehouse and every firefighter had a small private room with a bed and a nightstand. It was not a palace but it was good enough to ensure some privacy and peace, without having people snoring around you. 
That quiet had however, the nasty downside of allowing his brain to just wander and just replay that fateful night when his career went belly up. A constant reminder and the stabbing sense of guilt that he had survived but three of his colleagues had not. 
With a deep sigh he rolled over and pushed off the bed in his sweatpants and a t-shirt then decided to wander to the common room where, to his surprise he found Lorcan.
“Hey, can’t sleep?”
Rowan shook his head and sat down on the sofa “Getting adjusted I think…”
Lorcan was silent for a moment “What happened, man? Last I heard you were a captain, and now you come back as a probie?”
Rowan looked away and ignored his friend, then looked back at the dark-haired man “Bad call.”
He was not ready yet, the wound still to fresh. Discussing it with the captain and the chief had been enough. Mentally, he was not ready yet to admit it to his new team.
Lorcan waited for more but he knew Rowan well enough that he was not going to offer more. 
On that aspect they were practically identical. People had to extract information from them with brute force.
“Well, whatever happened, you are here now and I can keep an eye on you.”
Rowan gave his friend a timid smile “Sure, Lor.”
“Shut up, smartass or I send you to the captain.”
“She hates me.”
Lorcan made a sound that resembled a chuckle “Believe me, we are not best buddies either, but I like her style.”
“What’s her deal with the kid?”
Lorcan patted his friend on the back “not my story to tell,” he stood “go back and get as much beauty sleep as you can.”
Rowan went to the kitchen, grabbed a glass of water and eventually dragged himself back to bed.
It was the middle of the night when dispatch alarm went off, awakening all the inhabitants of station 5. Rowan jumped out of his bed with practiced skill and ran to the apron where he met the rest of the team doing the same thing. Quickly wore his bunker gear, grabbed his jacket and then stopped. The captain had forgotten to tell him if he was serving on truck or engine.
“Probie, get your arse on truck.” He followed Aelin’s orders and climbed at the back with Fen and the guy with dark blue hair called Dorian. Aedion was at the wheel while Aelin was on the passenger seat since she was the captain. 
Fen yapped away happily, while Rowan stared out of the window and got mentally ready to his first call. He felt nervous. It had been a year since the fire that had changed his life. Firefighting had become like second nature, but now a pang of anxiety was tying his stomach in knots. He had to relax. He knew that nervousness in his job could be dangerous. So he closed his eyes and descended in his glacial calm.
They arrived a good five minutes later and the vehicles stopped in front of a building on fire. Oh good, a nice structure fire. Quickly he got off truck and started following Aelin’s orders. 
“Probie, you are coming in. Where I walk, you walk.”
Rowan grumbled silently, grabbed his gear and followed his captain inside. The fire was rolling and they both headed upstairs and methodically started primary search room by room. The smoke was so thick that it was hard to see much, so he went on his knees and started sweeping for victims. If he happened to get separated from the captain he could use the excuse that visibility was hell. 
He was about to call for the all clear when all of a sudden he felt a hand. Slowly followed it until he touched the person’s head. His fingers searched for a pulse and when he got one, albeit shallow, he pulled the victims towards him “I am taking this person out,” he shouted at the captain. 
When no answer came he just grabbed the victim and found his way back outside where the paramedics were waiting for the patients. In the distance he spotted the chief and hoped he was not in trouble already. Ten minutes on a call and he had already broken the rules. Quickly he ran back inside and tried to find the captain again. Maybe she had not noticed. He threw himself inside another room and started another sweep until he bumped into a familiar body. Lorcan was in front of him “you take that end. We are still looking for two victims.”
Lorcan was a lieutenant, his superior and that was an order. Screw the captain.
“Copy that.” Swiftly he moved away and went back to his job.
He crawled on his knees until he found two bodies “Lor, help me, I have someone.” The other man found his way on the other side of the room and amidst the thick smoke, they freed one victim each, shouted the all clear for their sector to the team and ran out. Outside, Rowan pulled his mask off his face and popped open his bunker jacket and coughed hard. Dorian passed him a bottle of water “The first kid you took out is at Med and he will be fine.”
Rowan nodded “Thank you.”
“She will eat you alive, you know?”
“I saved three lives,” he coughed “she can shout all she wants.”
Dorian laughed and patted him “Welcome to the team, Rowan. You will fit in perfectly.”
The ride back to the station had been quiet. The captain at the front chatted away with Aedion and he, for the time being, was still alive. Back at the station everyone climbed off with loud groans while he took it a bit slower and hid in the gear room. They would all run to the bathroom to get cleaned up. He could wait.
In the locker room he met Lorcan and Fen and he felt at ease. They were friendly faces. 
His locker was just beside’s Brullo. The man had been welcoming too but Rowan still kept his distance. He removed his uniform and pulled a towel around his waist, then jumped into the sweet oblivion of a warm shower.
He had probably basked in that hot shower a bit too long, but he had been the last one in so he just indulged. After nine people took hot showers however, the room was filled with thick steam and his body clashed with the one who was getting out of the shower next to him.
“Hey, watch out.”
Blue eyes looked up at him and he saw the captain, wrapped in a blue towel. Her stare landed on him and a strange light flickered in them making him suddenly aware of his body only covered by a small towel. 
“Get dressed newbie and come to my office.” 
Rowan stood and watched the woman storm out of the shower block. Yeah, she was not nice to him, but the man in him could not deny she was hot.
Aelin rushed back to her quarters, shut the door quickly and sat on her bunk bed. She had crashed into him. Into his glorious, wet, hard, tattooed chest. And his eyes. They were the most stunning pine green and in that brief second they seemed to stare deep into her soul. Aelin groaned annoyed. She was not an hormonal teenager, damn it. She was a captain and a mother, she had no place in getting all flustered by a set of pretty green eyes and a muscular body.
Quickly Aelin wore her clean uniform and while dressing up she convinced herself that she was mad at him for disobeying in the fire. She had to focus on that.
But he saved three lives. 
“Blasted conscience,” she mumbled while tying her hair.
She tried to ignore the voice of reason and concentrate on her displeasure.
She sighed, went to seat behind her desk and waited for him.
Eventually Rowan knocked at the door and she called him in.
“Take a seat, Whitethorn.”
He sat down and crossed one leg above the other almost in challenge.
“Do we speak a strange language here in Terrasen? Do you require an interpreter?”
Rowan looked at her puzzled.
“I had asked you to stay attached to my backside, to be my shadow. Which part of my order you did not understand?”
Rowan breathed in and pushed his frustration down “With all due respect, I saved three people. I am not a fucking newbie fresh out of the academy. I know the hell I am doing. I know how a structure fire works, so stop treating me like an incompetent.” He shouted. He tried to control himself but in the end he failed.
Aelin stood and leaned against the windowsill “While you are in my house and until I say so, you are a candidate. That was the deal, Whitethorn,” she spat back.
“Are you fucking serious?” He stood and stared at the woman in front of him with defiance “Are you telling me that I need to ignore twenty years of training? That if I see a victim I don’t do anything until my captain tells me so?”
Aelin’s stare hardened and walked out from behind the desk and stopped in front of his towering figure “You pull a stunt and endanger one of my firefighters and you are out of the TFD forever.”
“I was a captain when you still were trying to figure out how to leave your bunker gear neatly near the truck. Stop being a spoiled brat.”
He had gone too far and from her expression he was positive of that. Well done Rowan, You idiot.
“Tomorrow before we finish our shift you will spend the morning scrubbing the kitchen. I want it so shiny that I can use it as a mirror.”
“Yes captain.”
Aelin sat back down  “you are dismissed.”
Half an hour later Elide and Lysandra popped in the office. It was in the middle of the night, but after a call, most of them struggled to go back to sleep.
“So,” started Lysandra while plopping on the sofa with a tub of pop corn “We saw our newbie come and visit you. Any scoop?”
“Lor told me that Rowan was asking about you.”
Aelin grabbed some of the pop corn too “Yeah I noticed he was quite chummy with him and Fen.”
Elide nodded “Lor said that they know him from back in Wendlyn and served together in a firehouse and added that he was a damn great firefighter.”
Until he fucked up added Aelin silently.              
Now she was intrigued by her friend’s comment.
“Any scoop? I can’t read him and he is so infuriating.”
Lysandra laughed “Or maybe you are just attracted to him? You can deny that the man is a hot piece of candy.”
Aelin scoffed loudly.
“Darling, maybe it’s time to get laid again? Your ex Chaol was the last one and you have definitely scrub away the cobwebs and hide the mistake in your closet of shame.”
“I got Aisling out of that. And she is not a mistake.” Added Aelin with a bit too much bite.
“I know,” added Lys at her friend sad expression.
“I am not dating. My daughter has the priority and I can’t allow anyone in.”
Lysandra and Elide threw popcorn at her “Booo. Boring.”
“Also, he is a candidate. So big no no.”
Lysandra chuckled “Uhhh forbidden love makes things spicy though.”
“Is he really though? A newbie, I mean. Dorian told me that the way he acted in the fire was not the way a newbie would. He was far too good.”
Aelin sighed. The real reason of Rowan’s presence at Station 5 was known only to her, Aedion and Gavriel. If he wanted to tell everyone, that was his choice but she was not going to blab on confidential details. “Maybe just very skilled.”
“Fine, keep your secrets.”
“I can ask Lor if he has some interesting tidbits about him.”
Aelin smiled “Please do.”
Elide stood “well ladies, this woman here is going to bed because I am pooped.”
Both Lys and Elide left the office and Aelin paced the space for a while until exhaustion took over and decided to go to baed.
After the meeting with Aelin, Rowan had gone back in the common room and tried to blend in with the team. They were all good people and Fen had helped to act as a bridge and apart from Aedion, they all had been welcoming. Even Manon had showed a hint of friendliness. To be honest, the woman scared him. 
Now it was the following morning and he was ready to go back home. As per the captain’s orders he had scrubbed the kitchen until it was perfect and met her standards, but now he was ready to go home.
He had joined halfway through the shift, but for the next one he would be in from the start. After a year he realised it would take him a bit longer to recover and get back in the groove of the long shifts.
He was on the apparatus floor when he stopped at happy the voices near the big rolling doors. Rowan stared at the image in front of him. A woman who looked like an older version of Aelin and then a little girl with brown hair and bright blue eyes. Without intruding he studied the interaction. He watched Aelin lift her daughter in his arms, and the smile that blossomed on her face was one of the most beautiful things he ever saw. He was curious. He did not spot a wedding ring and now a million questions rushed in.
He could ask Fen, the man loved to gossip. 
Maybe next shift.
For now, he was looking to go back to his flat and start to unpack and make the flat look like a liveable place.
Start to feel at home in a city where he still felt like a stranger.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @whimsicallyreading @elentiyawhitethorn @aelin-bitch-queen @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity  @mis-lil-red @thegreyj @sailorsassley @leiawritesstories @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire @sv0430 @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon @rowanaelinn @backtobl4ck @susumaus98  @gracie-rosee @mybloodrunsblue @tanvee1231 @avenrebekah @whoever-you-choose-to-love  @theywillnotsingforme @universallytreepost @black-daisy-water @goddess-aelin @whispers-in-the-darkest-heart @lovely-dove-zee @athena127
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foster-the-moths · 1 year
Do you also have something for Adam and Jonah friendship? You have said that Adam was Jonah's only friend but is there something else? Or maybe how Adam saw their friendship?
Sorry if I asked too much
YOURE FINE DW I LOVE TALKING ABT THEM!!!! i think that, like i've mentioned, adam is probably one of jonah's only friends and the only person that can 'tolerate' him. i feel like jonah probably wants more friendships but he's kind of scared to initiate them. every time he tried to be friends with someone in the past he was either forced into it, they weren't who they seemed, they lost contact, or something happened and he just couldn't bear to be around them anymore. at first he kept adam at arm's length until he realized 'ooh this guy is just as fucked up as i am' and decided hes gonna attach himself to adam like a barnacle until he tells him to fuck off. like adam just straight up told him everything so he knows what to expect, if this friendship crashes and burns, he feels no responsibility for letting it happen. but it doesn't happen, and for 2 whole years he has the most stable friendship hes had since elementary school or some shit. which he thinks is pretty pathetic but hey. he'll take what he can get at this point.
and on adam's side, he wants a solid friendship but he just seems to hurt anyone he gets close to and although he won't admit it, he feels REALLY guilty about it. he genuinely believes he is irredeemable, so he just stops trying at some point. i think that he feels like an empty husk most of the time and he is desperate to have a meaningful relationship with someone, but he also doesn't want to allow himself to have one. so he hides it. and then jonah just tears down all his walls and refuses to leave. and at first adam is kind of furious. he's trying so hard not to make the same mistakes and jonah is ruining his plan and he lashes out and. jonah doesn't even blink. because no matter what terrible shit adam could tell him, jonah already knows all of it. he knows he's pathetic and lazy and irresponsible and a million other things because the inside of his head is like. a constant 24/7 loop of self-loathing. and, like adam, hes just kind of accepted that maybe he is a shitty person, but doesn't mean he cant have fun with it. so adam finally lets himself have a friend. even if he's not even really sure if that's something he can really do, he's willing to at least humor jonah.
and its fantastic. they shoplift and run from the police and climb fences and fall off of fences and go to the er for broken bones. they eat stolen pizza out of the trunks of stolen cars. they fight over which radio station theyre going to play to the point that they have to pull over to avoid getting into a car crash. they scrape together what little money they have to get high on the worst strains of weed that are probably laced with something bc adam's face is melting and jonah is overcome with a primal, heart pounding terror but its pretty funny. and they both feel alive. jonah feels like he isn't running from himself anymore, and adam doesn't feel like he's walking on eggshells waiting to make a mistake that sends everything crashing down. and even though adam never says it, jonah knows he's having fun, and that's all that really matters at the end of the day. and, yeah, they have a LOT of issues but. i think if they were given the chance they would have been able to work through them.
basically. they are like edgy dollar store team rocket but they don't even have a meowth. or maybe its more accurate to say like. team dark from sonic but i don't really know enough abt sonic to say that. like the snapcube sonic dubs version of team dark. u get what im saying. not romantic, not platonic, not found family, but a secret 4th thing (wanted by the FBI).
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l2vifysims · 4 months
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Meagan McKay
age: teen
traits: cheerful, loyal
aspiration: academic
Meagan is a 17 year old girl who comes from a well-off family. She has always been a bright and determined young girl, excelling in school and dreaming of becoming a writer one day. She has a good head on her shoulders and is wise beyond her years, something she developed growing up in a house full of arguments and tension. Her life has mostly been shaped by events centered around her family, and Meagan's relationship with them is strained due to the constant fights. She often feels like an outsider in her own home and has learned to distance herself emotionally from her parents. This created a tense and uncomfortable home environment for her, leading her to seek a form of escape at her childhood best friend Charlie's house. The two of them grew closer and eventually started dating in middle school. Her saving grace through all of this has been her relationship with Charlie, who has been a constant source of love and support for her. They have been through thick and thin together and their bond has only grown stronger over the years. Meagan's relationship with Charlie has allowed her to open up emotionally and learn to trust others. She has also learned to stand up for herself and voice her opinions, which was something she struggled with in her family dynamic. In their senior year of high school, the couple is faced with an unexpected situation and are forced to make life-changing decisions.
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Charlie Fink
age: teen
traits: romantic, loyal
aspiration: soulmate
Charlie is a 17 year old boy who has always been more introverted and shy, coming from a middle-class family. His parents worked hard to provide for him, but even with decent paying jobs, it was tough. Some months they struggled to make ends meet, other months there was plenty of spending money to go around. Charlie had always secretly harbored a love for sports, watching his favorite teams playing on TV often made the lonely days seem more bearable. He dreamed of one day becoming a professional athlete and making something out of himself. He was often bullied in school for being the skinny, awkward kid trying to join the sports teams. So, he buried his dreams deep inside and focused on his studies. As he grew older, Charlie's family became more distant. His father had to travel for work, chasing better job opportunities to provide for his family. His mother, on the other hand, would often pick up extra hours at her job, or take on odd jobs and hustle to bring in some extra income. They were never around much, leaving Charlie to fend for himself. Thankfully, Charlie always had his childhood best friend, Meagan. They met in kindergarten and were inseparable ever since. In middle school, their friendship blossomed into a romantic relationship, and they became each other's rock. For Charlie, one of his main goals was to make Meagan happy and love her forever. They shared the same dreams of escaping their less-than-ideal circumstances and building a better life for themselves. However, during their senior year of high school, life decided to drop a bombshell on the couple leaving them to face the toughest decisions of their lives.
CC used for Meagan’s looks:
hair 1, hair 2, hair 3, hair 4, hair 5 top 1, top 2, top 3, top 4, top 5, top 6, top 7 pants 1, pants 2, pants 3, pants 4, pants 5 dress 1, dress 2, dress 3, dress 4 shoes 1, shoes 2, shoes 3, shoes 4, shoes 5, shoes 6, shoes 7 swimsuit necklace 1, necklace 2, earrings 1, earrings 2 lipstick, skin detail, eyebrows, lip mask, eyebags model poses by helgatisha (used multiple packs)
CC used for Charlie's looks:
hair top (hot weather) pants (cold weather) shoes, boots male model pose pack n1, male model pose pack n3 by nell-le
GShade Preset
colourful and sharp by boyfrogsims
Lighting Mods
eye shine remover, noblu, noglo, milk thistle by softerhaze
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