#That's going to cost them their PG-13 rating
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He commands him to WHAT O.O;
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yoonia · 2 months
the bedroom hymns ● chapter xvi
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⟶ Chapter summary | The many layers of mysteries that are present in the home castle are beginning to feel daunting. But the biggest mystery of all may have been about your magic. After your last encounter with Yoongi and finding yourself in a predicament which further questions the secret behind your family’s magic, you try to find ways to find your own solutions to grow stronger, to gain control of your magic, only to constantly being face with one obstacle after another. 
⟶ Title | The Bedroom Hymns: a Bluebeard’s twist ⟶ Pairings | Min Yoongi x female reader  ⟶ Genre | Fairy Prince!Yoongi, Crown Princess!reader, Fantasy AU, Fairy Tale retelling ⟶ Word count | 5,406 words ⟶ Ratings | PG-13, +18 / M for Mature for future chapters; include mentions of medical terms, fantasy magic and spells.  ⟶ Story Masterlist: The Bedroom Hymns | ⤎ previous chapter | next chapter ⇢ ⟶ Main Masterlist | Mailbox | Taglist | Feedback | Music Playlist | Ko-fi
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⟶ Author’s Note | It took me a while to finish this part, so forgive me for my absence. I’m splitting what was supposed to be the filler in chapter 16 into two separate chapters because there’s going to be a lot of information dump happening and I don’t want to confuse everyone. So please don’t be surprised with the short chapter(s) coming. Thank you for your patience and have fun reading! [Ps. This is highly unedited so I’m sorry if there’s any mistake]
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chapter xvi. respite
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Quite some time has passed since the first time you began using the magic portals, long since you have arrived in this castle and learned about the existence of magic in this realm, and you are slowly beginning to notice the changes happening with your body. 
It seems to you that the more you are using the portals, the easier your body becomes affected by their magic. Just as how you seem to be getting more sensitive to the flow of magic that is a part of the portals. 
Returning from Grimm had costed you quite a predicament. Once again, the journey had drained your energy that you slept through the night and nearly woke up late the next morning after your return. Even the palace maids who have been tending to your needs since the day you came to the castle had become so concerned, thinking that perhaps you have gone ill.
It wasn’t until later in the evening when you figured out the reason why you have been feeling a deep fatigue coursing through your body each time you returned from your excursions. Not until the moment the royal physician was brought to see you after a full day of being listless, with barely any energy for you to have a meal. 
The royal physician took his time examining your body thoroughly, yet once he deliberated his assessment, you were quickly taken by surprise, not expecting to hear him talk about your mana and how it had everything to do with the reason why you were feeling sluggish and drained. 
“It seems to me that you have exhausted your mana. Have you perhaps been using it excessively as of late, Your Highness?”  
“I—no, not that I recall. I haven’t done much but study with my tutor and keep myself busy with royal duties,” you simply answered as you laid back against the pillows, refraining from admitting openly that you hadn’t even begun training on how to wield your magic, much less to start getting to know about it at all. 
You had no idea how much most of the people within the home castle have learned about you, or if any of them ever knew anything about your previous life at all. Particularly about your life back at The Citadel, back in the human realm where magic didn’t exist. You also had no idea if there was anyone within the castle who may have learned about the family’s magic and the responsibility that had been placed upon you to protect the secret behind the magic.
A part of you wished that you could have said something about it. Because maybe then you could find someone to help you solve the things you had wished to know. To find someone to confide in. 
Someone who belonged in the castle, who was trusted by the King himself, instead of confiding to a member of the mercenary army suspected to pose a threat to the empire. 
Shaking your head, you forced yourself to stop thinking about this—to stop thinking just how dependent you were becoming to the handsome and mysterious stranger that you probably shouldn’t trust—just as the royal physician shared with you another theory while being oblivious to your trailing thoughts.  
“Then perhaps your body is having problems adjusting to the castle. The magic barrier that His Majesty, The King, has placed here is quite strong. It must have been draining your energy as you come in contact with it, or—” the physician stopped himself as he deliberated the issue further while rubbing at his chin. But then he suddenly started shaking his head, as if brushing away those thoughts with his lips curling downward in displeasure. 
“No,” he began wondering to himself, brushing away whatever thought crossing through his mind as he murmured, “I doubt that His Majesty’s magic would feed on your mana. The barrier surrounding the castle would require a power source, but I can’t see anyone else other than His Majesty who would be powerful enough to provide such energy.” 
That can happen? You couldn’t help but wonder. Has your father’s magic been feeding on your mana? 
But that sounds—so terribly wrong.
Just as these thoughts continued to run rampant in your head, a faint tingle ran through your forearm while you were being examined, and you couldn’t help but remember how similar it felt to the sensation coursing through you whenever you walked through the magic portals. 
Had it really been the reason? Have you been right for thinking that perhaps the magic portals have been draining your mana, your energy, feeding off your magic that had been lying dormant within you? 
Is this why Father had insisted that I only use the portal only once a day and not more, and to not stay any longer than the time limit that he had given? 
Or had it been the other way around? What if it has always been my mana which activated those portals, while the keys have only been the medium to help open the doors? 
Clearing his throat, the royal physician brought your attention back to him as he gently reassured you, “I will leave you with some remedy and a special potion to help strengthen your mana and help you rest for the night until your body recovers enough. I will also leave a list of nutritions that could be added to your meal. It may help you heal faster if your body receive the proper sustenance needed for your recovery. I shall leave it in the hands of your personal maids so they could hand them to the royal chef.” 
Your mind was still stuck in his previous comment and your own assessment of the condition that you found yourself in that you barely paid attention to his words, although you were still able to answer him with a soft murmur, “Thank you, Sir.” 
The physician said nothing else after. “In the meantime, please don’t strain yourself too much, Your Highness. You have quite a delicate constitution which may require a lot of care,” he inquired, before softly adding, “I am sure that His Majesty would prefer that you take care of yourself well until he returns home.”  
You said nothing other than gratitude to the royal physician as he made his leave, allowing you some privacy and enough time to have your much-needed rest. Yet the silence that you were left with couldn’t stop you from spending the night wondering, thinking back to everything that he said; about your mana being drained without you realising it. 
Looking down at your hands as you kept them rested on your lap, you slowly opened your palms. There hadn’t been enough books in the library that could have given you any clue on how to make use of your mana and practice your magic. 
You could only figure this out simply because you had tried to look. Out of all the magic books that you had been digging into in the library outside of your tutoring hours, you had found little to nothing that was written about any magic that may conjure portals. At the very least, nothing that seemed similar to the magic that your father had cast in these portals. 
And there had been nothing other than the old scriptures you found about ancient fairies and their ability to move between space and time that sounded similar to those portals. Although there were mentions of these ancient beings traveling to many different parts of the realm, even crossing between realms. 
But what if there was something in those scriptures that could explain about the source of your father’s magic? Had there been something in those texts that you had missed? 
That night, as you slowly drifted into sleep under the effect of the potion that had been given by the physician, you made a promise to yourself to return to those scriptures and learn more about the magic that was written in them. You fell asleep that night feeling hopeful, determined to find the roots of your father’s magic. 
Perhaps, with a little more digging, you would find the reason why he had left you with such a huge responsibility of keeping this magic as a secret, while setting things in motion to have you venturing into those portals and to walk across the parts of the world hidden behind them so blindly.  
Perhaps, you could also find the answer to one of the biggest secrets that he has been keeping from you and everyone else for years. 
The secrets about your mother. 
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“I might have to show it to you to prove it…”
Yoongi’s voice echoes through your mind as if it bounces against the invisible walls standing all around you. 
The words that he gave you seems to have been engraved in your memory ever since the day you met him in Grimm, and they keep haunting you both in your dreams and during your waking hours. It has been a couple of days since, yet it still feels like yesterday when you parted ways with Yoongi in the dark forest of Grimm. 
Since then, you have been overcome with a deep feeling of regret. 
The regret for not being able to have more time to spend with him. The regret of not being able to catch his sight, to be completely helpless as you watch him getting swallowed under the thick foliage, held back by fear that had a tight grip in your chest. 
And you also feel the regret that always comes to haunt you whenever you recall about the offer that he made that day. When he reached out to you, offering to assist you in learning more about your magic. You hate thinking that you might have missed out on a chance to figure out your magic. 
But it couldn’t be helped, after all, when your father’s voice—repeating the same words and warnings about how important it was to keep the family’s magic a secret—kept echoing through your head while you were staring at Yoongi’s extended hand which he offered you that day. You had felt the itch to reach out to him, to accept his hand, even if it was only for the sake of feeling the gentle touch of his fingers on yours instead of actually having him help awaken the magic that was lying dormant inside you. 
Yet you just couldn’t do it. 
And now you are left with the constant wonderings—all the what ifs and what could haves—while the long list of regrets that are still lingering with you becomes the reason why you keep seeing in in your dreams. 
The dreams are never the same. 
In one dream, you recounted the moment you refused his offer. Only this time, you had stepped away from him at the tavern, choosing to end your time together earlier than what you had intended to so you could escape his attentive eyes. In another, you haven’t even heard the same words spoken by Yoongi before his image vanished right in front of your eyes. 
But there was one particular dream that appeared so vividly that you continued to see it even during the daytime, taking over your idle mind with his presence as if you were taken back to that moment, when you sat right across from him with his deep, unwavering gaze locked on yours.
“I might have to show it to you to prove it…”
You never truly understood what he meant by saying those words, but in this dream of yours, none of it mattered. And your father’s voice hadn’t been there to stop you from leaning forward at the table to give him your rapt attention. Your mind was also silent, and the thunderous sound of your heartbeat faded away when you spoke to him, 
“Give me your hand.” 
Time seemed to remain still as you reached out to him, giving him your hand. You barely touched the tips of his fingers when something magical happened; as a bright sparks of silver dust light up between both of your hands, with specks of blue dust erupting the moment you made contact with his skin, and the same tingling sensation that you had often felt from the portals came surging through your arms before settling inside your chest. 
Before your mind could ever make sense of what was happening, the light only grew brighter, and everything faded under its blinding glow which later pulled you away from the dream. And as you slowly woke up, finding yourself lying on your bed alone, nothing else remained from the dream, except for the tingles running across your skin which took their sweet time to fade away. 
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Stepping out of the treasure room, you clutch the golden pocket watch in your palm, feeling victorious that you finally have it in your hand. 
You had come to the treasure room right before your afternoon lessons with your tutor, hoping that you would be able to find anything that might be useful for your next trip through the portals. Your father had been right, after all, that the treasure room may provide you with anything that you may need to support your daily activities while you adjust with your new life at the castle. 
Like a pocket watch, for example.
Something that is so small and simple, yet crucial for the sake of your safety while you are out there, roaming through any foreign land that the portals are taking you. 
Why have I never thought of this before? 
You cannot help but wonder as you look down at the ticking watch in your hand, regretting that you didn’t think of getting one in the first place. It could have saved you a lot of trouble if you had.
The last couple of trips you made had been risky, as you kept cutting it too close to the time limit that had been given to you by your father, only missing merely minutes or even seconds before the portal started closing behind you after you slipped back through. 
You had nearly gotten into a bigger trouble when you returned from Grimm, almost missing a toe when you barely managed to return to the portal before it closed on you. You blame it to your impulse need of chasing Yoongi into the deep forest when you started to feel like he was slipping away from and disappearing for good. 
It was after that incident when you finally learned your lesson and decided that something needed to change. That you would need something to hold onto which may help you to keep up with the time, instead of simply relying on the signs of dusk as a reminder to let you know when it was time to return home. 
The idea first came to you after observing Lord Gordan, the royal aide and the head butler of the castle, while he was working on his duties. You had often seen him pulling out a golden watch from the pocket of his suit to help him tell the time, and wondered if it would be something that you could make use of.  
After receiving the royal physician’s approval to return to your daily duties this morning, you feel like you are ready to embark on another adventure. With this golden pocket watch in your hand, the magic necklace that had been passed down to you from your late mother, and the dagger hidden under the skirt of your dress, you feel as if you are unstoppable, ready to face anything that may come to your path as you walk through the portal later once your tutoring hours are over. 
Now if you only could just find a way to calm the restless thrums of your heartbeat inside your tight chest, then everything would be well. That is all that you could only hope for, at the very least, as you make your way to your tutoring lesson.
Because what better way to find answers other than to gain them straight from the people who are in charge of teaching you everything that is needed to learn as the heir of throne? Who else would know the answers you need, other than your tutors? 
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“You want to—” Lady Laurel carefully repeats your question. She is looking slightly wary to even voice it out loud, even if it is just the two of you in the library that her voice is lowered when she continues, “—practice using your magic?”
You have only been away from the library for a couple of days while you were resting, only keeping contact with Lady Laurel by corresponding through letters and the books that she had left behind through your personal maids for you to read. 
Today would be the first day that you are back with your daily lectures. You could tell from the moment you saw Lady Laurel sitting by the study desk in the library as she waited for you to arrive that she had a lot of things planned out to keep you busy for the day. 
But you have come up with your own plan when you marched your way to the library. 
For weeks now, Lady Laurel had filled your private lessons with lectures about the fairy tale land to get you to know this new realm a lot more. So far, you have learned about its history, about the kingdoms and the people, even the non-human beings that you may find should you ever have the chance to visit those lands—elves, fairies, werewolves, even human mages—and you have heard about the real events that are the makings behind all the tales known and shared in the human realm. 
During those long weeks, Lady Laurel had also been teaching you the basic knowledge of magic; the types of magic that you may encounter and each of their origins, the history behind them, and the ancient spells that have been written in the textbooks that you have found in the library during your solo studying. 
She was also the one who first taught you to find a way to identify your mana. 
She had mentioned how it would be helpful in the future should you start using your magic, as you would have become familiar to the mana flowing inside you by the time you begin your magic practices. If only she knew with what you have been doing once you were done with her lessons, how you have been using the theories that she had taught you into practice once you were left on your own. 
There has been nothing much that Lady Laurel could teach you in her lessons other than the ability to reach within, to feel the presence of your magic and have a good grip on it, to recognise it as a part of yourself instead of something that simply appeared in your body overnight. But your solo practices that you have been doing in the shelter of your bedchamber had taken it a step further, enhancing it until you could make use of it to recognise and then respond to the magic that exists around you. 
Just like the way you had used it to respond to the magic in the portals and to recognise Yoongi’s inner mana. 
Yet that is just as far as both of you could get. You could tell that there are restrictions that your tutors would need to follow when they are guiding you through your lessons. Because not once had she ever tried to do more; whether it was to help you unleash the magic inside you, nor to use it by conjuring the magic for a purpose. 
But you want more. You have been ready for more. And after your last encounter with Yoongi, you have gained the courage to express your desire to learn how to properly use your magic more actively. To learn how to expel its powers and make use of it for your own benefit. 
And that is exactly what you said to your tutor the moment you joined her at the library’s study area, as you were taking the seat right across from her as you usually would during your tutoring hours. 
Keeping your eyes on Lady Laurel, you try to gauge her reaction. Even from the moment you had first thought of bringing this up to her, you had expected to have an intense response from her, and for her to straight up refuse your request. 
And you have been prepared to deal with whatever the outcome may be, knowing that you are not going to back down that easily.
“Yes, that is exactly what I said,” you answer her with your chin raised, feeling determined about taking the next step into learning how to use your magic. “I want you to teach me how to unlock my magic and help me practice using it, instead of just trying to feel it. Because I already know that it’s there, lying almost dormant inside me without me knowing how to use it to protect the people who are dear to me, which is something that I want to be able to do.”
These thoughts have been running through your head for the past few days while you were being holed up in your bedchamber under the royal physician’s restrictions. The feeling of want and the deep curiosity you have to know more about your magic, to be able to reach within yourself so you could somehow wield it so that you could make good use of it, has been growing stronger that you can no longer deny it. 
That need had been lingering in your thoughts that it was almost impossible for you to remain idle during your bedrest, and you had then taken the risk to secretly try to find ways to unlock your magic on your own.  
You just couldn’t help it, after all. When you had nothing else to fill your time with aside from watching the scenery outside of your windows and reading the pages of your books, until neither could easily calm the havoc happening inside your mind. So you stole the short chances you could get between the hours you were given to rest under the heavy medication and the constant flurry of lady maids coming and going into your room as they attended to your needs. 
Using the vivid images of your dreams, the basic knowledge of magic that you learned through your lectures, and the small facts about your magic that you learned from Yoongi as your guidance, you had spent your quiet nights trying to get in touch with the magic that was believed to be coursing through your body.  
You tried everything you could; from using your necklace to see if it could bring out the mana inside you, to copying Yoongi’s action which you saw in your dreams, by placing your hands together to see if it could bring out your magic.
But no matter how hard you tried to concentrate and tried to cast your magic out through your fingertips, nothing seemed to be happening. Nothing more but a surge of energy crawling its way from your palms, through your fingers, stopping at each tip, before they vanished into your veins. 
And you continued to try, until there was nothing left but the exhaustion rolling through your body and the missing warmth of Yoongi’s hand which your body seemed to have memorised from that day and what you are now craving to feel the most. 
Having to openly ask your tutor for her help had been your last resort, knowing that she has her limits to what kind of guidance that she could offer you in learning about magic. Yet you had every reason to harbour some hope that she would somehow comply with your request. 
Oftentimes, whenever you would try to inquire about any specific theories to learn about during your lectures, Lady Laurel would have embraced it—she has always loved your curiosity and your eagerness to learn—and grabbed any chance that she could have to share any knowledge about the realm that you were still struggling to understand. 
This time, however, she seems uneasy to hear your request. Not because she is reluctant to teach you about magic, as she has been doing so ever since the first day she started her lessons. What seems to make her reluctant about this is the fact that you are asking her to help you learn about your magic. 
With a remorseful sigh, Lady Laurel leans forward in her seat. Reaching out across the desk, she places a gentle grip on your wrist. “Your Highness, I’m sure that you are curious to learn more about your magic,” she begins with a polite smile, “But His Majesty had specifically inquired—” 
Before she can finish her words, you immediately cut her off.
“I know what my father said”—as you have repeatedly said each time I tried to bring this topic up before, you silently wonder with a frown—”but His Majesty has yet to return, while here I am, feeling like my soul is slowly being sucked out of my body without understanding why. Maybe if I could control my magic, things will be different and I’d know how to prevent something like this from happening again.” 
Through the letters that you have been exchanging with your tutor, you had explained everything that the royal physician had relayed on you about your condition. 
At first, you simply mentioned about your draining mana in your letter to try and ask for her opinion to see if this was something that could possibly happen. Without mentioning the secret doors and the magic portals in your letter, you questioned her if there was anything that you may have come in contact with which might be able to drain your mana without you ever realising it. 
The response that you were given with hadn’t been enough to answer your curiosity. But there was something in her letter which caught your attention, when she explained in a rather plain sentence—
“There are certain elements that have been built all over the castle, each one imbued with His Majesty’s magic. Perhaps, with His Majesty being gone, these elements have been trying to find a new source of energy. I have highly suspected that your magic might be similar to that is of the King’s, which made it possible for the energy around you to mistakenly drain your mana to fill whatever they are lacking.”
“You know very well the reason why I would have to refuse taking over your magic training, Your Highness,” Lady Laurel regretfully says as she pulls back. You hate how genuine she seems to be as she is saying all of this, about the regret of not being able to fulfil your wishes, as she is being held under the King’s orders. 
It wouldn’t be until later when you notice the unspoken words hidden perfectly in her response, that she isn’t refusing your request because she isn’t capable of doing so. Because she is capable. But she is also bound under your father’s rules when it comes to your lessons. 
“All I can do without His Majesty’s guidance would be to guide you to become in tune with the mana that you have inside you, preparing you for the actual training that you are about to have under the King’s guidance himself,” she continues, and just like that, she turns to pick up the guidance textbook and the set of candles that she would use during these sessions, ready to start another one of her practices that she has been introducing you as of late. “We can continue to do that today and see how far ahead we can go this time. The last time we did—” 
Once again, you cut off her words before she could finish talking. “The last time we had our lesson, you were helping me identify my mana and how to channel onto it so I could feel its flow inside me.”
And to recognise it without exposing your magic form. Something that you have caught on after a while and seems to be one of the main tasks given to her when your father passed down the duty of tutoring you while he is gone. But you say nothing of this. 
After all, if you are trying to convince her to change her mind and sneak behind the King’s orders to fulfil your wishes, the last thing you should do is to show her that you have figured out all of her cards—the little tricks that she had played to skirt around the subject of your magic. 
You may never figure out the reason behind all the secrecy about the family’s magic, or why your father would prevent anyone from helping you in unlocking your magic without his presence. But oddly enough, the more you think about it, the more you understand why your father would take such measures. 
The magic that he uses to create the portals wouldn’t have been a regular kind of magic. You can tell that it is something special, something that your father has treasured for a long time, even before you ever came into the world. 
But would your magic be anything similar to what your father has, just like what Lady Laurel previously claimed? Would you be able to create your own portal one day to find your own escape? 
As if answering your question, Lady Laurel gently speaks to you, “I know that you are curious, and the lessons that you have been getting so far no longer seems to adequate to your needs, as you have gotten enough of the basic knowledge that you could gain in such a short amount of time. All I can ask of you is for you to be patient for now. His Majesty will be returning soon, and he will be able to guide you with your magic and answer a lot of your questions.”  
As much as you hate backing down, you realise that you have no other choice—at this moment, at least—but to give up, and follow your tutor’s advice. 
“I suppose, I can be a little more patient,” you finally say to her with a sigh. 
Your acceptance seems to please her, as a smile grows on Lady Laurel’s face. She beams as she rings the bell to summon the maids for a serving of tea and snacks to accompany your lesson, just like always. And while in waiting, she continues to set up all the books of magic that she would need for your lesson, followed by lighting up the set of candles that she has laid out in front of you.
“Let’s continue with our practice on your focus today,” Lady Laurel says to you as she returns to her seat while gesturing you to keep your eyes on the flickering flames. The same way that she has always guided you during your focus training. 
This practice might be far off from helping to unlock your magic, yet you still have to admit that this practice may have been quite helpful so far. Because it was through this practice that you had inadvertently figured out one of the skills that you have developed ever since you started learning about magic. 
The skill which allows you to trace and identify others’ mana; be it within a person or a place. 
The same skill that you revealed to Yoongi the last time you were together. 
As you try to empty your mind and focus on the flickering candlelights, the dejected feeling that came over you earlier is slowly being lifted when you remember that this day is still far from ending, and you still have other tutors to turn to. 
So you try to make it through the end of your lecture, doing your best with your simple training, Even if it only means that you will be walking out of here in the afternoon with sharpened focus. Perhaps it might be able to help you later by preventing you from falling asleep too soon if you ever decide to try to unlock your magic on your own again. 
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— © 2024 Yoonia, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed. unsolicited translations are not allowed.
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norrisleclercf1 · 2 years
Mistakes Can Cost You
Pairing: F1 x Reader, Slight Mick x Reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Jules crash mentioned, angst, suggestion of death, grief, crash, hospital, ICU, incorrect race timeline, Suzuka, FIA, etc. READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION
Synopsis: Mistakes can cost you, but they also teach everyone how fast things can change, and sometimes let’s you see what’s there and not right with what you love.
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“Okay, Y/n, Sainz has crashed; they're bringing out a safety car. Be careful.” Your radio team clicks off, and you shake your head.
“This is fucking ridiculous; red flag the damn race; it's so hard to see anything!” You tell your ream, furious that FIA cared more about getting that finish than the driver's safety.
“We know, but be careful.” Your team repeats, not wanting to add more fuel to the fire.
You scuff and head around the corner; you don't know what went wrong. You didn't even see the damn thing. Hitting the gas slightly, you see a flash before slamming on your brakes. “FUCK!” you yell before feeling yourself become crushed.
No one knew what happened all that they all got called back to the paddock immediately, the other drivers that passed by couldn't even see your crash. “What the hell happened?” Sebastian asks as the other drivers gather in a media room, with no media.
“Oh God.” Lance’s voice strangled and reaches everyone as they turned to the TV. Finally, noticing what the camera was covering.
“Is her car....oh god she's trapped under the crane.” Lewis whispers, covering his mouth, the others staring at the screen as it captures everyone and the medics scrambling not sure what to do.
“Is she okay?” Charles asks to some of the workers in the room. “DAMMIT! IS SHE OKAY?” Charles yells, making the workers jump and run out of room to find out any information.
“This can't be happening, not again not here, not during this weather, not again.” Charles pleads as Carlos and Pierre lead him to sit down as he starts to tremble. “She’ll be okay, she will be.” Pierre whispers to no one, more so just saying the words to comfort himself.
“They can't contact her, she's still trapped underneath, and they have no way of knowing if she's seriously injured; they're working slow not to cause any more damage and because of the rain.” Some worker reports to them after 20 minutes before leaving the room.
“Is she going to die?” Mick asks quietly to Seb, who is sitting next to the young German. Mick and you had become close due to your relative age, but also, you both enjoyed the same things, and Mick and ton just became close.
“I don't know, buddy,” Seb whispers back, pulling the young boy closer to him, wanting to give him some semblance of comfort. Mick just leans in close to Sebastian’s hold sending silent prays for you to come out okay.
“What the fuck was a crane doing out on the tracks anyway? Especially in this weather?” George yells at the TV feeling utterly useless in that moment, watching the replay of the crash.
“Guys.” Angela, Lewis's friend, announces as she enters the room. “What's wrong?” Lewis jumps up, the others crowding around her.
“She.... she's out of the car, but it's...bad.... awful...prepare yourselves.” She mumbles before walking out leaving the guys to stare after her.
“No.” Charles sobs sitting down, sobs racking his body, trying to curl in on himself as everyone cries and prays for the best.
It was the pain that woke you up, the pain of your entire body being on fire. But you knew realistically you weren't in any pain; you couldn't be. You'd woken up three days ago, and the pain medication you were on was enough to knock a damn Bull Elephant off its feet. Sadly you were in the ICU and weren't allowed any visitors; how badly you wanted to see the boys and hold them somehow. You didn't care that 5 of your ribs were broken, a shattered right hand, a head injury with a concussion, and a collapsed lung that they performed surgery on to repair.
Your favorite nurse walks in smiling and sits down next to you. “Hey sweetie, feeling a little better?” She asks, already knowing you probably weren't.
“Hurts,” you grumble, and she nods her head, pushing some hair out of your face.
“Some people are here to see you; I snuck them in.” She smiles, and you see bright red in the corner of your eye; without meaning to, your heart rate picks up quickly as you start to cry seeing Charles and Carlos.
“Princess,” Carlos whispers and sits down next to you while Charles stands at the door, his entire face stained from crying.
“You need to stop crying; you're causing yourself so much pain,” Carlos whispers, kissing your forehead.
You close your eyes and smile slightly; your fave is bruised all over, and any facial expressions make the pain worse. “Charlie.” You mumble, twitching a finger his way. Charles looks up at you, fresh tears falling on his side as he stumbles his way into a seat next to your bed.
“We thought we lost you.” He cries, careful not to put any weight on your body, his head buried into the bed.
“I'm okay; I need an extra couple of months to heal, and ill be back out on the track.” you joke, but the boys nod their heads, not wanting to argue.
“Well, looks like we weren't the first ones, Kid.” Sebastian's face fills the doorway with bright blue eyes and blonde hair behind him.
“Hye,” Mick whispers as they both fill the room, pulling up two more chairs.
The four of them stayed with you for most of the day before visiting hours were over. But you were happy to have the company, even if it was for a little while.
The FIA had issued a formal apology but tried to throw some of the blame on you for excessive speed under a safety car. That was very short-lived when the other drivers, teams, and fans became enraged at the thought of them blaming you.
It's been a couple of months, but you were finally on your feet again and able to travel, but you still couldn't drive yet, not due to injury, but you did need some time to heal completely, and the team allowed you just that. You decided it was time to show your face again to the public after some private time, and you chose to do that at COTA. It was appropriate as everything was more relaxed now since Max had won the championship.
Walking into the paddock, of course, people stared and pointed, but you were determined to visit your rock during the entire healing process. “Roscoe!” You tell happily, seeing Lewis’s dog.
Lewis let you take care of Roscoe while you healed, knowing that you'd been home alone and would want the company. Roscoe loved being with you and barked loudly, letting Lewis and the other drivers turn to see Roscoe run for you as you got on your knees to give the boy some love.
“Oh, yellow, my old friend.” You mumble into his fur, kissing his head and giving him the best pets.
“Love the dog more, alright.” Lewis jokes, making you look up. You stand and brush off your knees before kissing Lewis’s cheek as well. “He kept me company; I have to love on him first.” Shrugging your shoulders and giving everyone else a hello.
“I'd love to chat with everyone, but I have to do some interviews.” “Are you serious? All they're going to ask about is the crash.” Lance spits, knowing the main topic for weeks has been you, the crash, and the FIA statement.
“I know, but it's time to get it over with, and I want to support you all without the cloud over my head.” You shuffle your weight, a slight wince from the healing of your ribs, but no one points it out.
“She's right; we're all going to hate this, but it's time,” Seb says and kisses your forehead. He's always been a father figure to you young drivers, and at times overprotective, and if he could help join you and make the reporters behave and not push. But this was your healing process, and you needed to do it alone.
Heading to the media pit, you stop short with your assistant, who stands with you, not saying anything, as they knew you could handle this. “Okay, let's do this.” whispered no one in particular.
“Y/n, y/n! What’s it like surviving death, and not only that but in a crash that was just like Jules Bianchi?” One reporter asks, making you cringe.
“I want to make this very...very....very clear. What happened to Jules and me should've never happened in the first place. And I never want people to compare the two ever again. His family deserves respect when on the topic of his death, and by doing that, im never going to talk about what happened to him and me in the same sentence. Next question.”
“Y/n, will you still be able to race even after the reports of your injuries are released?” Some girl asks.
“Yes, I was allowed to race here at COTA, but...I deemed it too early and needed some more time, but if my team allows it, ill be more than happy to race in Mexico and hopefully win.” You laugh, making the others laugh.
“Is it true that FIA is deciding whether to give you a penalty for the crash?”
“I sure hope not. The race never should've happened, not in those conditions. And the FIA never told anyone the crane was on track. There's also proof that Nando passed the crane TWICE and never once knew it was there. If anything, the FIA should receive a penalty for what they did and for being very inconsistent and unsafe in their rulings.” Everyone stares at you, having never seen a driver call out the FIA so bluntly.
“Y/n, how are you and Mick?” you turn and face the reporter and can't help the blush that covers your face making everyone laugh and smile at you.
It was no secret that Mick was beside you through everything and was always posting little updates for your fans about you, but your friendship was turning into something more that you weren't sure just what yet.
“It's going well, we're close friends, and Sebastian has known us both since kids, but we grew up together, and having them both as a crutch as I healed helped a lot.” you directed the question but still answered it slightly.
“If that's all, I should get going and see everyone before the race.” you laugh and walk off quickly, going to the Haas paddock and seeing that familiar blonde hair.
“So, we're just good friends, hmm?” He asks, not even turning around from the screen.
You huff and shake your head before letting your hands travel up his back, making his tense form relax. “Yes, we are gold friends, just friends who are a little more.” Kissing his back, he turns around, checking you over, making sure you're okay.
“You handled the first question well.” He praises kissing your lips gently.
“Thanks; I knew mistakes could cost me, but I needed to get that over with.” He nods his head before watching you closely.
“Callin, the FIA out was ballsy.” You drop by the head, knowing that would be a problem.
“But, you were right; trying to lay blame on you was horrible; if they come after you, I'll deal with it. Seb will, but you know what I mean.” He makes you giggle and lean up, kissing his cheek.
“Go, race, cowboy, oh, and mistakes can cost you.” You giggle, making him roll his eyes as he gets ready.
“I'll kick your ass in Mexico; it'll be alright.” He laughs as you roll your eyes.
“Be careful.” in a severe tone, Mick looks down at you and stops knowing since the crash; you hate any of them being in one.
“Always.” He bumps your foreheads together before heading to the car.
Watching them all get in the the car, your heart clenches, but you knew they were the best of the best; they'd all be okay, and so would you.
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The Good I’ll Do | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - written for @sunsetbeachesandwriting ‘s 500 Follower Celebration
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: Tommy and (Y/N) finally step over the line after the celebration of the legal betting license that was given to the family.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, roaming hands and heavy kissing (pg-13 rated)
Word Count: 2458
A/N: this was such a fun story to write. I chose the prompt: “What's going on inside that head of yours?” and also drew inspiration from the song The Good I’ll Do by Zach Bryan. Congratulations on your milestone! Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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Drinks were flowing at the Garrison, everyone was in good spirits. Tommy had managed to get the family a legal betting license, which meant that the operation that was run out of their Watery Lane home was on the verge of an expansion. Things were looking up, and to (Y/N), it felt like they'd won the lottery and become millionaires. No one could touch the Shelbys now.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N) had known the Shelby family for several years now. She met them through Martha, John's late wife, who was her good friend. When she passed, (Y/N) stayed, feeling like the Shelbys were her people; like she belonged with them. She helped out at the shop, running the papers and checking the books alongside Polly, and had quickly become an integral part of both the business and the family.
"Another one, (Y/N)?" Polly questioned as she walked over to the booth the younger woman was sitting in with two glasses in her hands.
"Can't say no, can I?" (Y/N) teased with a grin, accepting the glass as Polly sat down next to her.
"I've already poured it," the older woman grinned, sipping on her drink.
(Y/N) mirrored her, her eyes falling on the boys again. They were over at the bar, talking animatedly about something, smiles on each of their faces. She was happy to see them smile again. Life after the war was tough on each of them in their own way.
Arthur struggled with keeping his head right, and at times he'd have trouble keeping himself, and his actions, in check. John came home to four kids to watch over, and he was having trouble settling into that role without a woman by his side. And then there was Tommy. Tommy kept everything in and focused every bit of himself on bettering the family business. It paid off, but (Y/N) was able to see what it cost him.
She'd be lying if she said that she didn't feel something each time she looked at him. There was something in the way he held himself; the way that he put himself on the line for his family, that sparked something within her.
Seeing him smile now as they celebrated their moving up in the world made her the most happy. Maybe now he'd slow down.
"It's good to see them happy," she voiced her thoughts to Polly after a few moments had passed.
"It's well deserved," Polly agreed with a nod, a smile on her face. "They'll be happy tonight and then go back to work tomorrow." (Y/N) nodded along, her eyes focused on the three.
Some time later, (Y/N) was ready to leave. She finished whatever was in her glass before she pulled the sleeves of her jacket over her shoulders. Things had settled down as the night went on, and now only the Shelby family and some remaining patrons were left in the bar. Harry was working on straightening everything up and the barmaid, Grace (Y/N) remembered her name to be, was still working the bar.
After grabbing her purse, (Y/N) looked around the room. Polly was still sitting with the man she'd taken a shine to. They were in a booth across the room talking about something. What?…(Y/N) did not know. John and Arthur were in the bag, both of them slouched back in the booth that was behind (Y/N)'s. Tommy had gone into the snug to get away from the noise some time ago, and (Y/N) had no doubt that he was still in there.
She made her way over to the side room's door before heading out the main one. She opened the door wide enough to peek her head through, seeing Tommy sitting in his usual chair, reading the paper with a cigarette between his fingers. He looked over in (Y/N)'s direction when he heard the door open. "I'm going home. I just wanted to say goodbye," she told him her reason behind her presence.
Tommy nodded before he set the paper down on the table and stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray. "I'll walk you home," he announced as he stood from the chair.
"Oh, Tommy, you don't..."
"I was leaving anyway," he cut her off before she was able to decline his offer.
"Are...are you sure?" she asked, frozen as Tommy walked to the door so that he could open it wider.
"That I was leaving? Yes, (Y/N), I'm sure," he answered her with a slight grin on his face, waiting for her to step out of the way so that he could exit the snug. "Let's go," he nodded towards the door then, and all (Y/N) could do was nod back before she allowed him to make the first move. She fell in line beside him then and they exited the tavern.
— —
"This is mine," (Y/N) said as she and Tommy walked up the steps towards her apartment.
"I know, (Y/N)," Tommy responded, his words making her giggle, "I've been here before."
She took hold of the door handle then, surprised that she was able to insert the key and turn it to unlock the door on the first try. Before opening the door, she turned to look at Tommy again. "I just wanted to tell you in case you forgot," she informed him, her words making him chuckle as he heard them. She held his eyes for a moment then, her insides fluttering at the feeling of being trapped under his gaze. "Do you want to come in?" she asked him then, her voice softer than before.
"Would you let me?" Tommy responded with a question his own, his voice dropping to meet the volume she used.
"I asked you, didn't I?" she pointed out, unable to keep the smile from forming on her face as she giggled slightly.
"You did," he agreed with her, pursing his lips as he tried to hide his smile.
"Come in, Tommy," she whispered, her smile full now as she turned the handle and opened the door to her apartment. Like she'd asked, Tommy followed her, shutting the door behind him before he turned to watch (Y/N) as she took off her coat.
(Y/N), aware of his eyes on her, concentrated on what she was doing so that she didn't make a fool out of herself. She slipped her arms out of her coat, but got caught before she was able to get it completely off of her body. Instead of finding the problem, she began shaking her arms in hopes that she'd fix it. In the midst of her movements, she found that her purse was still on her shoulder and that she’d managed to get the strap caught the coat's arm. She stopped her struggle and placed the purse on the table so that she'd be able to take the coat off successfully. She heard Tommy chuckle once she was finished. "What?" she asked him, turning to face him as her cheeks heated up.
"You're beautiful," he told her, the corner of his lips quirked upwards in a grin.
"I think the proper statement would be 'you're drunk'," she pointed out, giggling slightly as her cheeks got even warmer. She was surely blushing at this point.
"It always affects you in beautiful ways," he told her, his grin growing because he was able to see how she was reacting to his words. She looked away from him then, knowing full-well that his eyes were still focused on her. She didn't know what to do, or say, but she couldn't deny that the feelings she had towards him had now been kicked into overdrive.
Several silence filled moments passed before (Y/N) looked over to Tommy again. It didn't surprise her that he was still looking at her. His gaze hadn't moved from when they finished speaking. She tried to keep herself composed as she opened her mouth to speak again. "Will you stay?" she asked, timidness now apparent in her voice.
Tommy tried to hide his smile again, his eyes shifting to the far wall for a moment before they found hers again. "I'll sleep on the floor," he answered her question.
(Y/N) smiled at his response and walked the few steps between them so that she was standing in front of him. She looked down at his hands before she took them into hers, immediately noticing the calloused nature of them as they wrapped around hers completely. She then let her eyes rise up his body until they found his again, and she noticed how he was trying to keep himself composed. For a moment, she wondered if he felt the same way inside as she did right now. Her heart was racing, but the feeling of his hands holding hers grounded her.
She searched his eyes for a moment longer, almost drowning in their blueness before she spoke again, "I'm proud of you, Tommy," she told him, her voice just above a whisper.
Tommy heard her loud and clear due to their closeness and her words, combined with the feeling of her hands in his, made him gain the confidence to jump over the edge and into the unknown. Time seemed to slow down as his gaze flitted down to her lips before coming back up again.
Nothing else needed to be said. They both knew what would happen next. (Y/N)'s hands left his and moved to the sides of his torso at the same time that his hands rose to take hold of her cheeks. Tommy then closed the gap between them, dropping his lips onto hers in a haste kiss, one that immediately had tongues clashing and hands roaming in hopes to find a place to purchase and hold onto.
"Tommy," she gasped as his lips left hers and trailed down her jaw to find a new spot on her neck. Her hands moved underneath his jacket, blindly working to unbutton his waistcoat so that she could get to the collared shirt that was underneath it.
"I know," he mumbled against his skin, gently pulling on the sleeve of her dress so that he'd be able to kiss her collarbone. She'd just managed to unbutton his shirt when he lifted her up and moved her over to the table. Her dress got hiked up towards her waist and his hands moved from the swell of her hips to the exposed area of thighs, her skin turning white under the path that his nails took.
Moving her hands from his sides, (Y/N) took hold of Tommy's face, making him raise his eyes to hers again. Nothing was said between them. They just smiled at each other, the both of them knowing exactly what the other was thinking. After so many instances of toying with the invisible line that stood between them, they'd finally crossed it. And now that they had, neither wanted to go back.
(Y/N)'s eyes dropped to his lips this time, and she didn't even try to be coy about it. Instead of finding his eyes again, she leaned in and pressed her lips to his, kissing him slower and deeper this time; savoring the feeling of his lips on hers. Tommy wrapped arms around her waist again, allowing him to pull her flush against his body. (Y/N) squeaked at the movement before following it with a sigh of content. There was no place she'd want to be more in her life from now on than where she was right now.
"What's going on inside that head of yours?" (Y/N) asked Tommy as she ran her hand lazily through his hair. They'd moved to her bed and were now practically laying on top of each other due to its small size. Tommy had taken off his upper layers, leaving him in his undershirt with the suspenders he was once wearing hung loosely off of his trousers. (Y/N) was still in her dress, although it was now slightly disheveled from her trying to find a comfortable position...it was tough having two people on a bed meant for one.
"Hmm?" he hummed in response, his eyes still focused on the ceiling.
"You're thinking of something...I can tell," she told him as she rolled slightly so that she could see him better. He turned his head slightly as she moved, his eyes hooking onto hers for the umpteenth time that night. "What are you thinking, Tommy?" she asked him softly after a few moments had passed.
He didn't speak right away, and instead reached up to brush a stray lock of hair away from her face. His actions made her cheeks heat up and bashful giggles escape her lips. "I don't want to hide anymore...I need someone who I can be with for more than just a night," he told her as he ran the back of his hand down her cheek again. (Y/N)'s heart felt like it was going to burst at his admission, but she wasn't able to say anything in response because Tommy had put a slight pressure on her cheek, physically telling her that he wanted her face closer to his. "Tell me that you need me, (Y/N)," he breathed against her lips, just barely touching them as he spoke.
"I need you," she whispered back without hesitation before she closed the gap and kissed him again.
Their kiss was languid and only lasted a few moments before Tommy pulled back again. "There's so much good I'll do with you by my side," he told her, speaking with an honesty she'd never heard from him before, "this license is just the beginning," he added before matching his lips to hers again. They shared a few more lazy kisses before pulling away again.
A wordless smile was shared before (Y/N) dropped her head down on his chest. Silence fell around them as (Y/N) closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the lines Tommy was tracing on her back as his heart beated steadily against her ear.
Neither knew how much time had passed before Tommy spoke again. His voice was soft, but (Y/N) heard him loud and clear: "I feel like I'm new when I'm with you, (Y/N)." It sounded like it was a sleepy confession, one that a person would say when they thought their partner was asleep, so she let it stay at that. Although she couldn't help but smile at his admission. What he probably didn't know was that she felt the exact same way.
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @lora21 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @dragons-are-my-favorite @sunsetbeachesandwriting
Listen to the song The Good I’ll Do by Zach Bryan
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all-the-things-2020 · 2 months
Late Night Talking - Chapter Thirteen
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Summary: The aftermath of the encounter with Jonathan.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: references to rehab, loneliness, angst
Notes: This one is more serious than the other chapters but it’s something they had to go through. Things will get more rom-commy after this, I promise!
Word Count: 4300+
Tag list: @rhoorl @avastrasposts @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @gwendibleywrites @weho2kcmo
I was still cramming clothes into my suitcase when I heard the lock buzz on the door.
”What the hell was that?” Dieter said.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be out of here in a few minutes,” I said.
”What the fuck? Are you packing? Em, what’s going on?”
I slammed the suitcase shut and turned toward him. “I should be asking you what the fuck is going on. But I have a pretty good idea.”
He just looked at me. He was going to make me say it. “I saw you, Deiter. I saw you kissing him. And if it was up to me you’d get another Oscar for the performance you’ve been putting on these last few months.”
He ran his hand through his hair. “Oh, shit … I … he caught me by surprise.”
”He caught you and he can have you,” I said, lifting the suitcase. “I’m going home.”
He stepped in front of me. “Wait. Just calm down, Em. There’s no need to go charging off like this. We have a flight booked in the morning. Can we just talk about this?”
”There’s nothing to talk about! You were making out with someone else while we were on a fucking date.”
”I didn’t kiss him back,” Dieter said. “I swear. Like I said, he caught me by surprise and …”
”If someone surprised me with an unwanted kiss, I’d push them away. I’d tell them to stop, not close my eyes and savor the moment.” My voice shook as my throat tightened. “I believed you, Dieter. I thought you loved me.”
”I do love you,” he said. “I — I fucked up. I admit it. I shouldn’t have let Jonathan get as far as he did. I — oh, fuck!” He dropped to his knees. “Please, Em, don’t leave right now. Give me a chance to explain.”
”There’s nothing to explain,” I said sadly. “And maybe we can talk about this later on but right now … I just can’t.”
”Okay, then, we won’t talk about it, but just … stay the night. I won’t talk to you, I won’t touch you, we’ll just get some sleep and try to fix things in the morning.” His eyes were swimming with tears and as angry as I was, I couldn’t resist those puppy dog eyes looking up at me.
”I’ll stay,” I said. “But I can’t talk to you. I can’t even look at you.”
”Fair enough,” he said. “I’ll sleep on the floor or something.”
”Whatever.” I dropped the suitcase on the floor and went into the bathroom. I washed my face. My eyes were red and my face was blotchy, but I didn’t care. I stripped off my clothes and pulled on the clean bathrobe that was hanging on the back of the door. I had a nightshirt in my suitcase but I didn’t feel like going back out and rummaging through the mess to find it. I was tired and angry and as much as I wanted to get away from Dieter, I knew that going to bed was the best idea. In my condition, it really wasn’t a good idea for me to be negotiating my way around a strange city and airport in the middle of the night. Besides, changing my flight would cost money, as would an Uber or shuttle back to Dieter’s place to pick up my car. My bank account was stretched enough as it was.
When I came out of the bathroom, Dieter was sitting on the floor with his back against the side of the bed, his head in his hands. I ignored him and crawled into bed. I told myself I didn’t care if he sat there all night. I turned on my side so I was facing away from him and pulled the covers over my head. I’d been cold all day, and between the robe and the blankets, I finally managed to warm up. I was still shaking, though.
I’d lain there for at least a half an hour when I heard Dieter get up and go into the bathroom. After a moment, I heard his voice, low and urgent. I knew I should ignore him but the idea that he might be on the phone with Jonathan burned a hole in my brain. I crept out of bed and sat against the wall just outside the bathroom door. 
“I fucked up, Freddy,” Dieter said. I relaxed just a bit. He’d called his brother, not Jonathan. “I don’t know what to do,” he sobbed. ”I can’t … I don’t know what I’ll do without her.”
I should have gotten back into bed, but I stayed where I was. At that point, I figured eavesdropping was less of a crime than kissing another person.
”I don’t know,” Dieter said with a deep sigh. “I just … he was there when I came out of the men’s room and I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but he smiled at me and … you know that smile always made my knees weak. Next thing I knew, he was kissing me and I just froze. And she saw us.”
More silence.
”Yeah, she’s pretty pissed off. Not that I blame her. I did convince her not to go to the airport. I’ll try to talk to her in the morning.”
This time the silence was punctuated by sniffles and sobs.
“Yeah, me, too, man. I finally found someone who loves me for who I am, who doesn’t give a shit about whether I’m famous or rich or making her look good and …” His voice broke. “I fucked up with Mom and I fucked up with Dad and I almost fucked up with you and now … I don’t want to lose her, Freddy. I can’t lose her.” 
I crawled quietly away and back into bed. I was crying again myself, but this time it wasn’t because my heart was broken. It was because his was. And it was partly my fault. I hadn’t given him a chance to explain himself. Maybe if I had …
He stayed in the bathroom a while longer, then came out and very gently climbed onto the far side of the bed. I rolled over to face him.
”Sorry,” he whispered, his voice raw. “Did I wake you up?”
”Do you mind if I …?”
”No. It’s fine.”
”Good night.”
I waited a long beat, then slid closer and put my arms around him. “I don’t want to lose you, either,” I said. 
He started sobbing again, his head cradled against my shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m so sorry. I fucked up, Em, I fucked up.”
”Shh … It’s okay. You can tell me in the morning. We both need a good night’s sleep.” I ran my fingers through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp. He calmed down a bit.
”Thank you,” he said, his voice impossibly small.
”For what?”
”For giving me a chance. For not leaving. For ….” His breath hitched. 
“Putting up with your melodramatics?”
He huffed out a laugh. “For being you,” he said. “For being real.”
For once, Dieter was up before I was. I woke up to find him hunched over his phone, tapping away. He glanced up as I stretched. 
“Hey, good morning,” he said hesitantly. “Give me a sec. Just messaging Janice. Want to see if she can work me in when we get back to L.A.”
”Dieter, you didn’t mess up that badly,” I said. “I should have given you a chance to explain, should have confronted you instead of trying to run off ….”
”It’s not that,” he said, shaking his head sadly. “It’s … I woke up during the night and I wanted … I wanted to use. Like if you hadn’t been there right next to me, I’d have been on the phone looking for a hook up. And believe me, there are a thousand ways to get hold of stuff on a Friday night in New York City.”
”But you didn’t,” I reminded him.
”Only because you were here,” he said. “If you’d left like you planned to … fuck, Emily, I don’t want to be that guy anymore. I thought I’d put him behind me.”
”You aren’t him,” I said. I sat next to him and put my arm around his shoulder. “You aren’t. I would never have fallen in love with him.”
”It’s Jonathan,” he said. “He brought back a shit ton of stuff I thought I was done with.”
I laid my head on his shoulder. “Tell me about him. About what happened last night. I promise I’ll just listen.” The morning had brought me a little clarity. I had overreacted.
”I knew Jonathan back in the day, when I was in college,” he said. “We hooked up now and then but it wasn’t anything serious until after my mom died. I was in L.A. and everyone was all about the fucking Oscar and I was self-medicating pretty heavily and he showed up on my doorstep. Like literally, I opened the door one day and he was there. And the first thing he said was ‘I heard about your mom,’ and that was it. He moved in and I thought, ‘Finally, someone cares about me and not just my stupid career.’
”Freddy warned me but I was still kind of estranged from him at the time and I told him to fuck off. I thought Jonathan was in love with me and I was in love with him. We got high and fucked each other and went to parties and yeah, maybe his career got a little boost, but he was there for me. At least, I thought so.
”Then one day he tells me he’s going to London with a producer who’d offered him a role in a movie and a Lamborghini. ‘Nothing personal’ he said. And when I asked why he’d stopped loving me, he laughed and said ‘Love doesn’t have anything to do with any of this.’ And he left, and I got so fucked up I got fired from the film I was doing and everything went downhill for years until I was doing Cliff Beasts and waking up in a hospital bed.”
He sighed deeply. “While I was in rehab, Janice helped me see that Jonathan had been using me, that I was better off without him, that I’d never really loved him. But last night … Em, it scared me how much I reacted to him. How attracted I still was.”
”Attraction is instinctual,” I said. “You can’t really control it.”
”He and I have nothing in common except how much we want to fuck each other,” he said. “And I’m with you now. I shouldn’t have felt that way about him.”
”Feeling and acting are two different things,” I said. “You can be attracted to anyone who ticks the right boxes in your brain. That has nothing to do with fidelity. It’s only wrong if you act on it.”
”I let him kiss me,” he said quietly.
”You didn’t kiss him back,” I reminded him. “You get partial credit for that. And you came after me instead of leaving with him.”
”How much of my conversation with Freddy did you hear?”
”A lot,” I confessed. “I … I thought you might be calling Jonathan, so I was listening at the door. I shouldn’t have.”
”No, it’s fine. I didn’t say anything to Freddy I shouldn’t have — wanted to — say to you. I’m not good at relationships, Em. I did everything I could to make my mom love me and notice me and you know how that turned out. And I alienated my dad because I thought I had to choose sides when they got divorced. I almost trashed things with Freddy but he was smart enough to see that I needed help and he was my number one supporter when I decided to go into rehab.
”And you … I don’t know why the universe sent you to me, Emily, but it did and I don’t want to fuck this one up, because I know this time I have the chance to do things right. The night of our first date, I called Freddy and I told him I thought you were The One. And he told me to wait a year and see if I still felt the same way. It hasn’t been a year yet, but I still feel that way.”
”I think … you’re getting ahead of yourself, Deet,” I said carefully. “We’ve only known each other about four months. We’re still in the rose-colored glasses phase. I … I want to jump in as much as you do, but remember when you told me I could move in? I seriously thought about it, and I talked to my friend Sam and she told me to really think it through, to listen to my head as much as my heart. I think she and Freddy are right. We need to slow down a little. We’ve got our whole lives ahead of us. If we do this right, if we take our time and put in the work, it can last.”
”It might be hard,” he said.
”I think we’re worth it. You’re worth it.”
He put his arm around me and kissed my cheek. “I ain’t worth shit, but you are more precious than anything to me.”
”Not exactly eloquent but I’ll take it,” I said. “And you are worthy, Dieter Bravo. Worthy of love and respect, just like everyone else in the world.”
”You really think we can do this?”
I looked him in the eyes. “Yes,” I said. “I think we can. I trust you, Deet. I just need to stop jumping to conclusions every time I see you near an attractive person and listen to you when you tell me you want to be with me.” I tried to smile. “You aren’t the only one in this relationship who’s a bit fucked up, you know.”
”Maybe Janice can give us a two for one special,” he said, a glint starting to shine in his eyes for the first time. “Not sure if she does couples therapy ….” His face went serious again. “I might need some time to get things straight in my head again. Might even have to go back into rehab for a little while … are you okay with that?”
”I’m okay with anything that helps you feel better about yourself,” I said. “I want you to be happy.”
”You make me happy,” he said, laying his head on my shoulder. 
I closed my eyes. “Same,” I said, the only thing I could force out around the lump in my throat. Books and movies made love look so damn easy, but this was hard. This was real. I just hoped I was strong enough to see it through.
Dieter met with Janice on Monday and checked back into rehab that evening. I got a text while I was at work.
DIETER: Good session with Janice. Checking in tonight. Won’t be able to talk to you for a while but J will send updates. Love u.
Janice called about eight o’clock that night to let me know that Dieter was fine. “I can’t tell you much because of patient-doctor confidentiality, but we had a very productive session this morning and honestly, this residence is just a precaution. I think Dieter just needs a bit of a safety net right now. I don’t expect him to be in for long.”
That was one of the longest weeks in my life. Work kept me busy during the day, although it was hard to keep up the facade in front of Eileen, but the evenings were torture. I hadn’t realized how much I relied on those nightly calls from Dieter. Whether we vented about work or made plans for the weekend or just joked around, it was the highlight of my day. I missed him, missed his voice, the weird faces he made when he forgot he was on FaceTime and I could see him. I missed the feeling of connection we’d built.
Friday night, I lost it. I was alone and feeling sorry for myself and I cried. I cried for me but mostly for Dieter. I wondered if he was as lonely as I was. Outside communication wasn’t allowed during the first week of his stay, so I wouldn’t hear from him until Monday at the earliest. 
The weekend crawled by. I caught up on chores and errands, which in theory was a good thing, but by Sunday night, I was feeling even more sorry for myself. A quick peek at Facebook and Instagram showed that most of my friends and coworkers had been out enjoying life while I was grocery shopping and cleaning the toilet and folding laundry. I’d been used to it before I met Dieter — the price I gladly paid for being an independent, self-sufficient single woman — but now it just seemed soul-crushingly dull. I felt myself descending into self-pity and did the one thing I knew could pull me out of the pit. I texted Sam.
ME: Save me.
SAM: What’s going on, chickie?
I dumped it all on her: what had happened with Jonathan, Dieter going into rehab, my feelings of loneliness and futility.
SAM: You’re gonna be okay. You’ve been through worse shit in your life, Em. You should have called me sooner.
ME: I didn’t want to put it on you. It’s my mess.
SAM: How many times have I bitched to you about my life? You’re allowed to tell me about yours.
ME: It’s just Dieter’s going through this by himself. I should be able to do the same.
SAM: Hold up, he’s got a whole fricking team of experts walking him through it. You’re the one who’s by herself. 
Sam was right. I’d been trying to navigate this alone, while Dieter had Janice and the staff of the rehab facility guiding him. As much as I hated to admit it, I needed help, too.
ME: Thanks, chickie. I can always rely on you to slap me upside the head with the truth when I need it. 
SAM: Any time. And hang in there. I think he’s worth it.
ME: So do I.
My phone rang at exactly eight o’clock Monday evening. It was Dieter.
”Hey!” He looked excited. “How you doing, sweetie?”
”Hanging in there,” I said. “You look good.”
”I feel good. It’s been a lot of work but, yeah, I feel really good. About myself. About us.”
”Any idea when you'll be out of there? I miss you.”
”End of the week, probably. Can you … will you be able to come out to my place next weekend?”
”Of course,” I said. 
He grinned. “I’m going one hundred percent sober this time, Em. No alcohol, no edibles, nothing. And it’ll be a lot easier the first few days if you’re with me. Not that I need you to be there, but … it would be nice.”
”I wouldn’t miss it,” I told him. “And you might not need me, but I need you, Deet. I’ve missed you so much.”
”I know,” he said. “I’ve been thinking about you. I’ve got all this support and schedules and really been able to focus on shit and you’ve been dealing with work and real life. I’m sorry, babe.”
”No need to apologize. You needed to do this. And I can already see what a difference it’s made.”
I heard a timer beep somewhere behind him. “Ah, shit, time’s up. I’ve gotta go. But I’ll call you tomorrow. I love you.”
”I love you, too.”
Even though his calls were brief, just talking to Dieter every night made the next week much better. When Friday came, I was champing at the bit all day. Dieter was leaving the rehab facility Saturday morning, and I wanted to be there when he got home, so I was going to make my usual Friday evening trek to Hollywood. For once I didn’t mind the traffic (well, I did, but I was in such a good mood I was able to keep my frustration to a minimum). 
The house felt hollow and empty when I went in. The cleaner had been there to dust and sweep but otherwise no one had been in the house for two weeks. It was too neat and tidy; Dieter always left a bit of chaos behind him. 
I ordered something for dinner and tried to watch TV but it just felt too lonely without Dieter. Then my phone rang.
”Hey, are you at my place already?,” he asked, squinting at the camera.
”Yeah, I wanted to be here when you get home, but … it’s kind of lonely without you. Maybe I should have driven over in the morning.”
”No, I think … I think it’s good. You can warm the bed up for me.” He winked. “I’ll sleep better knowing you’re there waiting for me.”
”Are you excited?” He seemed a bit antsy.
”Excited and scared,” he admitted. “It’s easy to be sober here, but in the real world, it’s gonna be tough. I’m glad you’re going to be there the first couple of days.”
”Me, too. I know this is scary, Deet, but you can do this. And I’ll be with you every step of the way. No matter what.”
After he hung up, I felt much lighter and the house didn’t seem so empty. It was ready to welcome Dieter home. And so was I.
I felt like a kid waiting for Santa Claus. I was glued to the security camera feed on my phone, watching for Dieter’s car to turn into the driveway. I’d changed the sheets on the bed that morning, made sure there was coffee ready to brew in the machine, even run to the local bakery as soon as it opened to get some of those scones that Dieter loved so much. Everything was ready for him. Especially me.
I’d done a lot of thinking over the past two weeks and I felt a lot better about our relationship. It didn’t feel as fragile as it had before. I’d always been waiting for Dieter to realize he could do better than me, but after hearing him on the phone with Freddy, I felt stronger. Dieter needed me as much as I needed him. He saw me as a person, not just something that could enhance or damage his image. And I saw him fully for the first time, as a man who had been through some shit, and was doing his best to deal with it. Not a celebrity, not a dreamboat, just a guy. A guy who needed someone at his side.
And truth be told, I needed someone by my side. As much as I told myself I didn't need anyone else, I wanted to belong to someone. Not in the “I’m not complete until I have a man” way but in a “I want someone to have my back” kind of way. I had Sam but she was so far away, and she had a family and life of her own. She was there for me but I wanted — needed — something more. I wanted Dieter.
I was waiting at the door when he pulled up next to my car. He was smiling ear to ear as he got out, grabbed his bags and practically ran to the house. 
“God, I missed you,” he said, dropping his suitcases in the doorway and wrapping his arms around me.
”I missed you, too,” I said. He smelled amazing. It wasn’t just his cologne, which was subtle and spicy and woodsy. It was him. I’d missed his scent. I breathed him in until I felt like every bit of my body was full.
We barely had the door shut before he was kissing me. “There’s coffee and scones,” I managed to say in between kisses.
”Later,” he said. “Right now I just want you.”
We messed up the bed I’d so carefully made just a few hours ago, but I didn’t mind. It had only been two weeks since the last time we’d slept together, but it felt like months. Everything was new again and we took our time rediscovering each other. 
“You are amazing,” Dieter said afterwards as we lay in bed, knowing we should get up and get dressed but wanting to be lazy for just a bit.
”I didn’t do anything special,” I said. “You on the other hand …”
He shook his head. “I mean, you’re amazing for waiting for me, for listening to me, for understanding.” He toyed with a lock of my hair. “A lot of people would have bailed, especially so early in a relationship. But you stayed.”
”I had to,” I admitted. “You told Freddy you couldn’t lose me. Well, I realized that I can’t lose you. I need you, Dieter. I need you in my life. You’re the piece I didn’t even know was missing.”
He kissed me gently. “Does that mean …?”
”It means I like what we have, where we are right now. I still think we need to take things slowly, not jump into anything but … I think I know where our path is heading and I like it. And I’m looking forward to walking it with you, Deet. Side by side.”
”Hand in hand,” he said, taking my hand in his. 
“Cheek to cheek,” I said, pressing my face against his.
”Butt to butt,” he laughed, twisting around so that his butt was pressed against the side of mine.
”Why are you so fascinated with butts?”
”Because deep inside I’m still a twelve-year-old boy,” he said, batting his eyes at me.
”You know, there’s a reason I don’t work at a middle school …” I started to say, but he cut me off with a kiss that was definitely the work of a middle aged man who’d had years of practice. I was more than willing to overlook a few butt jokes for that.
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kaythefloppa · 11 months
Roar Towards The Future - Masterpost:
I decided that rather than constantly posting separate update fics, that I’d turn my fanfiction based on The Lion Guard into a masterpost. I’ll make it into a huge masterpost/master-chain so that people will properly be able to have better access to the fanfic and to keep my self-promo more organized as well as their synopsis to make it presentable as an “episode list” (even though this is more or less a separate continuation fic rather than a fan-Season 4 of The Lion Guard). So here we go for the chapters that I’ve currently uploaded. The next ones will be promoted through reblogs. If you’re yet to read the fanfic then this’ll be a good start for you.
Synopsis for Roar Towards the Future. - Rated PG-13 for mature themes (involving but not limited to death, violence, blood, profanity, implied suicide, and trauma/grief).
After a long journey outside of the Pridelands, the Lion Guard continue their life-long mission to defend the Circle of Life, now at the legendary Tree of Life. Fighting alongside them are the Night Pride, led by Rani. As the team of protectors journey into adulthood, new trials and challenges arise for them in the future; faces from the past begin to appear: Eyes are opened wider than ever before. The Circle of Life changes for them, and the heroes face their biggest challenges ever that will change their lives forever:
A new dawn arises over the Tree of Life as Kion and Rani take the throne.
Two kingdom saving couples on a race, some puberty hints, and a medicine-mastering mandrill.
A meerkat, a warthog, a honey badger, and a sloth bear walk into a termite mound. Sounds like a set-up for a bad joke. Is actually a love-story.
A tour through the Tree of Life leads to some revelations, recollections, and riveting info.
Not everyone is happy about the union of the Tree of Life’s new rulers. Are these objections paranoic or prophetic?
Chapter 6: Tutaonana Baadaye
The Pridelanders' visit to the Tree of Life comes to an end. The former Lion Guard of the Pridelands prepare their goodbyes as they officially begin their new chapter:
Chapter 7: Predators vs. Patrol
The Lion Guard begin their first patrol at the Tree of Life as the newest members of the Night Pride. Defending the Circle of Life had been their duty... their destiny, and despite their departure from the Pridelands, that would never change. Unfortunately, as an old enemy of theirs had once said, destiny can be full of surprises...
The Night Pride, with the combined forces of half the Lion Guard launch their mission to save the injured animal in a race against time.
Fuli and Makini rush to find plants that could serve as medicine for healing at the Tree of Life. It may take a new friend in order to save the day.
To live or to die is the question: The Night Pride discovers the answer.
The three victim's of today's incident are buried, and two members of the Lion Guard have differing reactions:
Whilst the Lion Guard patrols during the day, the Night Pride guards and protects animals of the night at any cost. Even if that cost is one of their own lives.
The Night Pride and Lion Guard's failings are let slip to a land outside the Tree of Life, where a dangerous foe with a score to settle plans on using it for her own nefarious purposes.
Chapter 14: Speed, Sisters, and Sons
With Fuli still out of commission, a replacement is needed and one certain animal dares to step up to the plate: Meanwhile certain members of the Lion Guard and Night Pride embark on side-quests in the name of family.
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cangelgifs · 1 year
Would you know any fics that have cangel with a side of spuffy
Four Corners by Psycgurl Rating: PG-13 Summary: Angel, Cordelia, Buffy and Spike get stuck in a room mysteriously. How will they spend their time? Plus friendships, romances & evil lawyers!!!
Check, Please! by eilowyn Rating: R, for language. Summary: In some happy post-NFA world where Cordy comes back, Lorne opens another club (this time with a classy restaurant attached), and Spike and Buffy are finally reunited, Angel has the brilliant idea of a double date. Yeah, Angel's idea. It's his inner dork at play, because Buffy, Cordy, and Spike all know this is a bad, bad idea.
Midnight in the Olive Garden of Good and Evil by angearia Rating: PG Summary: Two vampires with souls, the women who love them, and the date night that brings them all together.
Bad Timing by Kelly22 Rating: PG-13 Summary: This story is set a little after Cordy comes back from vacation with Groo, except in my AU world, there was no bad father-devouring-son prophecy and no babies growing up in hell dimensions. So people still like Wesley and I guess Holtz and Justine ran off to the mid-west together, because they certainly aren’t rearing their ugly heads in MY story. The scoobies come to L.A.
Found by CupcakeCute Rating: PG-13 Summary: Begins between TGIQ and Power Play, continues post-NFA. Buffy learns of Spike's resurrection from an unlikely source and immediately sets out to make things right as The Apocalypse breaks out in L.A. Spike/Buffy pairing, some Angel/Cordelia.
Where You Belong by Spuffygirl Rating: M Summary: Post First Date Spike and Buffy Crossover with Angel. The events I want to see happen. New Ch. 25 Now complete!
Life or Death by HydesBride Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Summary: Set during the Ats series finale "Not Fade Away". A hopeless Angel is given a choice of life or death from the PTB, but what he fails to realize is that it is not only his life and fate in the balance. With the help of his guide (Doyle), will Angel make the right decision?
Double Date by klutzy_girl Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Summary: Buffy and Spike and Angel and Cordelia go on a double date (the boys aren't happy about it).
The Long Road by JEAN-VIC Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel is alone and in a deep depression over the death of Cordelia and the loss of the Shanshu. He sees no reason to continue fighting and spends his days locked in his apartment, occasionally coming out to kill the odd vampire or two. This changes however when someone he never thought he would see again returns to set him on the path to his destiny. Reunited with Wesley, Angel must choose his future and the fate of the world.
Taken by Gabriella Rating: R for language and sexual situations Summary: “Look, the bottom line is, Darla and Drusilla are together, and they’re planning on Angel and Spike joining them. At any cost.” Warning: Torture and graphic depictions of violence and the character deaths of Darla and Dru.
Second Chances by YoAngel4E Rating: T Summary: Angel and Spike get a chance to get back the people that meant the most to them after the battle against Wolfram and Hart. But can they keep the real past a secret from the only people they want to share it with? Warning: Everyone is pretty OOC but was I entertained? Yes I was.
Partners by Princess Plum Jade Rating: PG-13/SOFT “R” (for language) Summary: Alternate reality/Romance fic. Buffy, now a retired Slayer, is employed to be Spike’s partner in pairs ice skating competition. Angelus pursues a relationship with Cordelia Chase, a champion singles skater.
If anyone knows of more Cangel & Spuffy fics, please share! :)
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spooky-switch · 7 months
Spooky's FNAF Movie Review (Spoilers Below The Cut)
Final Rating:
General Information:
↬ I have only played the first two games, and that was years ago, but I am fairly familiar with the lore thanks to theory videos and infodumps from my little brother. I think it is safe to say that even if you have not played the games, you can still follow alone with this film and enjoy it. ↬ Takes elements from multiple games and incorporates them all into a new (but familiar) storyline Long term fans will be pleased by the references but might have a hard time with changes made to the lore. ↬ Matthew Lillard and Josh Hutcherson stole the show, of course. They both have some serious acting chops and performed their parts well, though this is not to say that the rest of the cast did a poor job. Most of the cast members did a pretty decent job, though a few minor characters broke the tension at times with comedic overacting (this was probably intentional, though, as this is a PG-13 film). ↬ The puppeteering and suits by the Jim Henson company were absolutely amazing! While I had my doubts after watching the trailer, in the final film they looked far less like CGI and more like actual physical objects, in part due to how they interacted with the actors and the environments. ↬ There were a couple of plot holes at the end of the film that had me scratching my head, but this is 'Five Nights At Freddy's,' so I tried not to nitpick it too much. Looking at the series as a whole, I would say this is the most cohesive story we have been given, so plot holes can be forgiven in my opinion.
Sensory Information:
↬ This movie contains plenty of jump scares (which is normal and expected for the franchise), so expect lots of loud, sudden noises. I watched it in theaters with my little brother, and even though we took care to pick seats away from any speakers, it was still so loud at points that we needed to cover our ears. If you are especially sensitive to sound like I am, I would recommend either bringing hearing protection or watching the film at home (it should be available for streaming on Peacock). ↬ This film also contains tones of bright, flashing lights. These are littered throughout the film and go on for long durations of time. I was not bothered by them but those with high sensitivity to bright lights (and those prone to seizures) might want to be wary of this film.
↬ Can we all agree that Abby is autistic coded? To me, the whole relationship between her and Michael is a big brother learning to connect with his neurodivergent little sister while cope with some pretty severe trauma (the loss of their parents and brother). ↬ I am sad to say that, no, Markiplier is not in the film. However, I can happily say that MATPAT IS, even if just briefly! ↬ Of all the jump scares, the stupid Balloon Boy one was the only one that really got me (even after the third time they did it). ↬ The tickle scene was not as bad as I thought it would be, in part because I had fair warning of what it entailed and where it would be in the film (thanks for the heads up, @unbeleevable, I owe you one). It was arguably less cringy than the 'Barbie' tickle scene, which is all I could really ask for (besides Michael getting pulled into the tickle fight, which I knew was not going to happen). ↬ Honestly? Vanessa was really getting on my nerves. If she had just TOLD Michael what was going on, it would have saved them both a lot of trouble. I mean, if she really cared about Abby being safe, why not explain everything to Michael so he would be more motivated to keep his sister away from the pizzeria? ↬ OH, and when Vanessa just TOSSED Michael's medication into the water?! Like, girl, do you know how much that stuff costs, especially in this economy (we all know Michael was probably having to pay out of pocket for it, too, since there is no way that man had health insurance)? ↬ Oh my god, when the Springtrap suit was finally revealed, I was so excited! It looked amazing, standing out as one of the best practical effects of the film, especially when combined with how it moved and Lillard's vocal performance. ↬ So, did anyone ever find the body of the aunt? Last time we see her, she is laying dead on Michael's living room floor. Did he call the police? If so, how did he explain her death? If not, WHERE DID HE PUT THE BODY?! ↬ When they played the Living Tombstone song at the end, it took everything in me not to start jamming out to it, especially seeing how happy my little brother was. We sat through the credits just to hear the whole thing.
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purplesong1028 · 1 year
Wrong in All the Right Ways
Chapter 11: Back to Back
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Miguel brings the military to Ensenada in a magnificent comeback, but at what cost?
Warning: Detailed description of choking, but it didn’t actually happen.
Rating: PG 13
Paring: Amado/Miguel, Amado/Pacho
Words: 2,078
The flight to Ensenada is more boring than anything. Miguel looks at the silent, obedient military men around him, all bought and paid for. He thought he would be more excited, riled up by vindictiveness and upcoming victory, but he isn’t. There’s no more suspense or uncertainty, no more surprises waiting. He’s already won.
He lets his eyes rest and starts to picture everyone’s reaction, just for entertainment.
Acosta wouldn’t even care. The old fucker doesn’t want to work for anyone, so there’s probably not a big difference between Benjamín and Miguel himself.
Benjamín and the other Arellanos… Oh, what an interesting turn of events for them. He imagines Benjamín’s face: shocked, nervous but still calm and composed on the surface. Honestly, Miguel admires that about the man.
Chapo and Guero. Well, he’s pretty sure these two actually prefer him over Benjamín, or anyone from Tijuana for that matter. Will they be the only two people who are at least a little happy to see him there?
No. There’s also Amado.
Fuck, what about Amado?
Miguel takes a deep breath and leans back into the uncomfortable seat on the military helicopter. Just thinking about Amado being in that meeting brings a sourness to his chest, which he knows doesn’t make sense. What does he expect? Unconditional loyalty doesn’t exist in this business. In fact, he doesn’t believe it exists anywhere. It’s against human nature. Why would anyone give up their future, and even their life for someone with nothing to offer?
That was exactly him a few days ago: someone who had met their end. Even he believed it for a second.
But he got himself out, because he still managed to find something, someone to offer when he seemingly had lost everything.
He sacrificed Neto, Amado’s uncle.
Miguel snaps his eyes open, suddenly realizes the weight of that truth.
Fuck, how is he supposed to face Amado after that? If he insists he has nothing to do with it, will Amado believe him?
Of course not. Miguel almost wants to laugh at his wishful thinking. Amado isn’t stupid. He’s going to realize what Miguel did as soon as he sees the military showing up as Miguel’s personal bodyguards.
Suddenly, he feels his stomach twist as a wave of nausea hits him. He doesn’t remember the last time he ate, not that he can do anything about that now. Miguel takes out two pills and swallows them dry. The soldier sitting next to him spares him a glance but doesn’t say anything.
But he just did what he had to do. He literally had a gun pointed at his head, so he had no other options. It wasn’t even his idea to kidnap a fucking DEA in the first place, so why should he die because of it? If their roles were reversed, Amado would have done the same thing, right? Otherwise why would Amado be there at Benjamín’s meeting?
When they have to choose between their own survival and loyalty to someone else, they always choose themselves. That’s just how things are.
This is who they are. No one’s better or worse than anyone else.
The helicopter makes a sharp turn as the large, secluded villa comes to sight. It’s a beautiful scene: beige walls, white sand, blue ocean. Years ago he used to dream about being somewhere like this, when he thought he couldn’t ever afford it for the rest of his life. Back then, the idea was nothing but a dream, unachievable and perfect.
Or rather, it was only perfect because it was unachievable.
Amado sips his whiskey, keeping his eyes on Benjamín who’s now talking about arranging new protection, but he’s only half listening, because there’s really nothing new, nothing unexpected. He is familiar with the tedious logistics in their business, and so is Benjamín and everyone else. The real purpose of this meeting is to establish Tijuana’s position as their new leader, and as far as Amado is concerned, that’s pretty much settled too.
Palma clearly isn’t qualified and Acosta isn’t interested. He tried with Pacho but…he would rather not think about that again now. So what else can they do? Tijuana seems to be the only option left.
He just needs to sit through this meeting and go back to Juárez, where Acosta is definitely not going to give a single shit about what Benjamín wants.
Putting down the glass, Amado lets his mind wander. How’s Neto doing? He should go visit him as soon as they get back. Honestly, he’s not too worried. The guards will do anything as long as they’re paid, and that no other inmates dare to disrespect Neto in any way. All things considered, Amado is quite sure his uncle isn’t having an awful time in there.
Amado doubts that will be the case for Miguel though. Absolutely nothing about Miguel says he’ll have a good time in prison. Not that anyone will give him troubles considering how much money and connections he has, but just the idea of being confined to a small space, with little control over his life is enough to drive the man crazy.
Part of Amado is amused by that, but mostly he just feels bad.
He’s not delusional. He knows this path they chose only ends in two ways, but still it saddens him, to witness someone like Miguel create something so much bigger than himself, achieving what has never been achieved before, yet still lose all of that in a blink of an eye, when one thing goes wrong.
Amado hears the noise before anyone else does. He’s heard it countless times, from a distance, right in front of it, or from inside.
Helicopters, at least five, maybe more.
People get up and start yelling frantically, taking out their weapons. He also gets his pistol ready, more of an instinct than an actual attempt at defense. They are currently in a large open space on the roof. If there are that many helicopters coming from the air, there’s no way any of them is getting out of here.
Well, fuck. Maybe this is it. Not just Rafa, Neto and Miguel. Maybe they’re all going to prison.
If they make it out of here alive, that is.
The largest helicopter lands first, and a batch of military men rushes out, but they’re not shooting anyone or giving commands, just silently standing in front of the helicopter gate, like they are guarding someone to make a grand entrance.
Amado feels his heart skip a beat. His vision goes dark for a second as his breath hitches at the throat.
He feels it before seeing it with his own eyes.
Miguel walks out.
Amado watches the surreal scene unfold in front of him, too stunned to think. But there’s not much thinking required to draw the clear conclusion: there is only one reason that Miguel has the army standing behind him while Neto is in prison.
Miguel put Neto in prison.
Ironically, Amado has imagined, hoped for something like this to happen, a fantasy where Miguel somehow magically gets away. But there is no magic in the real world. Everything is a deal, and everyone has a price.
The military takes away their men, especially the ones Benjamín brought, but leaves all the plaza leaders, basically anyone who’s important enough for Miguel to keep around for now, until they aren’t.
As Miguel walks past him, their eyes meet for a brief second. Amado can’t make out the other man’s expression across two pairs of sunglasses, and he wonders if there’s even a tiny hint of guilt or regret in those brown eyes that he’s looked into a thousand times.
Would it even matter if there is?
Miguel starts talking, about the business, about Rafa and Neto, about a bright future together. The words get into his ears but they have no meaning, his brain failing to register them.
Out of nowhere, he thinks of Pacho again, how the Colombian shaked his wine glass elegantly while asking him to kill Miguel.
That was it. That was all he needed to do to put Juárez on top, to put himself on top. No Benjamín, no Miguel.
He couldn’t fucking do it.
But Miguel would, if their roles were reversed.
Someone pats him on the shoulder, and Amado almost jumps. He looks to the right, and sees Acosta right there, already stood up from the couch. Beside them, people are already walking out, the Arellanos first, probably not wanting to spend one more humiliating second here, followed by Sinaloa.
He gives Acosta a nod. “I’ll catch up.”
The older man regards him for several seconds, face unreadable as usual, but then walks out without saying anything.
Suddenly the large roof becomes quiet, with all signs of humans faded away. Soft summer wind blows gently, carrying the natural sound of shuffling leaves and rolling sea waves.
Amado walks to the edge of the roof and inhales until his lungs are filled with fresh air. He stops breathing and lets it stay inside of him, as if the natural salty sensation can somehow clean his stuffed chest.
He holds his breath, shutting his eyes as his chest begins to feel tight, and then sour, then burning, his heart rate slowing down.
He knows Miguel is still sitting there, watching him from a safe distance. The military has retrieved from the roof, but they must be still on alert, ready to move in as soon as something goes wrong.
Is Miguel worried about that? Does Miguel think he would try to hurt him? Kill him?
Does he want to?
Amado opens his eyes and finally exhales, loud enough for Miguel to hear. All muscles on his body relax instantly as new oxygen flows into the bloodstream, exactly what he needs.
He turns around and walks to Miguel, hands in pockets, slow and steady, but not slow enough to appear deliberate. Miguel shifts slightly in the chair, like he thought about uncrossing his legs but decided against it.
Amado stops in front of him.
Miguel looks up.
Amado grabs him by the throat, closing his fingers around the vulnerable wind pipes and veins. He still can’t see Miguel’s eyes, but he’s sure they’re now filled with shock and horror.
He lifts him up. Miguel can’t stop him. He can’t match Amado’s physical strength to begin with, and certainly not when Amado’s fueled by hatred induced adrenaline.
Amado hears a choking sound, but he ignores it and crushes the smaller man against the nearest wall, hard enough to cause a mild concussion.
Miguel struggles against him desperately, fingernails digging into his hand, drawing blood. It hurts but he doesn’t care, barely even feels it. It feels like he’s turned into a robot and his hand an iron clap, designed to do one thing and one thing only.
Soon enough, the struggles have slowed down, and the body goes limp against his hold. The shallow breathing and weak pulse are the only signs of life left.
Just a few more seconds. That’s all it takes.
Or he can let go, and do something else.
Anything else, anything he wants.
Amado takes his right hand out of his pocket, and slowly reaches forward, offering a handshake.
“Welcome back, Miguel.”
Miguel’s body stills for a glimpse of a second, too subtle to be noticed by a lot of people, but not to him.
He saw it, and Miguel knows he did.
“Thank you.”
There’s a subtle hoarseness in Miguel’s voice, his palm cold and sweaty against Amado’s hand.
Amado squeezes it tight, and holds onto it for a little longer than necessary. Just a few more seconds. Just this one last time.
Then he turns away, striding to the exit, the residual sensation in his palm disappears as a gentle breeze brushes against it.
Miguel sits alone on the roof. Very rarely, he loses sense of time. Although it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes, since his hand still feels warm, and his pulse is still slightly elevated.
He looks around, again making sure no one is around, and then reaches into his pocket.
His fingertips touch a pack of cigarettes, a lighter, a piece of paper that he doesn’t remember.
And a metal chain.
A golden chain with a weird little metal wheel attached to it.
It feels heavy on his palm.
It glows under the afternoon sunlight.
PS. I know I haven’t updated in a while but I promise I’m back and running!! Thank you so much feveryone who’s still following and supporting my work❤️
Tag list: @ashlingiswriting @hausofmamadas @narcolini @mandaloria314 @cherixrosa @cositapreciosa @criatividad-e @drabbles-mc @sikkui @dashavau @anunhealthydoseofangst (Let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged for this story)
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wwwillowsimagines · 2 years
Off The Chain (Thor Imagine)
“Running, I didn't see it coming. Blinded, it's so stunning I don't wanna let you go” 
based off of this song X
Rated: pg-13
tags: fluff, lighthearted
The lace of the sleeves of your dress sleeves tickles the inside of your arm where the fabric seemed together, the smell of hairspray and honeysuckle lingered in the air as the summer breeze pulled in from the open windows leaving a warm moisture feeling to the air. Your brides maids fussed around mirrors wrapping their hair around warm curling irons applying concealer to hide the dark circles under their eyes from being up since around four a.m. smiles plastered to their faces as the sang along to Beyonce through the small bluetooth speaker. You glanced at yourself in the mirror you sat in front of you dress cut deep along your chest leaving your shoulders exposed you watched them fall and rise with each breath. Today was the day you married your best friend, you were going to be his until the last breath fell from your lips and he was going to be yours until your heart stopped beating. You couldn't help the smile that crept to your face feeling giddy like a school girl sitting here dressed as a princess you just wanted to be in your prince charming's arms. Those big strong arms wrapped around your body while he kissed away every thought that entered your brain.
You remembered the night you both met so vividly like a movie that played behind your eyes. It was a warm summer night three years ago you just ended your late shift at a mediocre steak restaurant that you served at. Dirty dollar bills pressed into your back pocket were itching to be spent on the bar down the street on a nice cranberry vodka. Your aching feet carried you across the sidewalk the night life buzzing on a Saturday night, you loved living downtown. Was your small apartment double the price to be in the heart of downtown? Yes. Did you mind the extra cost? No.
You finally made it into the bar as music hummed through the speaker people mumbled to each other a group people surrounded the pool table being loud waging bets. You walked straight up to the bar greeting the familiar bartender asking for your drink he smiled and informed you a few cocktails were ahead of you, you smiled politely and let him know there is no rush as you sat on one of the velvet wrapped stools. A seat was taken beside you, a very tall slender man with glasses to thin for his face and an outdated fedora perched on his head hiding most of his bald head.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing here alone?" The words came out of his mouth and you wish they hadn’t.
"Uh..." You chuckled nervously "I'm actually waiting for my uh boyfriend" You lied quickly cracking your knuckles nervously. You were talented at a lot of things sadly lying was not one. You hoped he was too drunk to notice.
"Well it's quite dangerous for a lady such as yourself to sit alone, I'll hang around until he shows up" He replied just as quick. Your stomach twisted in knots as you looked for the bartender as he was on the other side of the bar with multiple cups in front of him as he poured numerous liquors into them.
"I've seen you here before always alone I've always kept an eye on you from a distance, you are lucky there is nice guys like me around here because if the wrong guy were to see you here alone…" He trailed off his sentence almost like it was a threat.
"Honey there you are!" A booming voice echoed behind you making you jump a hand landed on your shoulder and the guy's eyes widened the size of planets. You glanced up and a tall gym rat type dude stood beside you with a warm smile that didn't reach his eyes as he glared at the fedora man.
"I believe you're in my seat" he told the guy, the guy opened his mouth and closed it a few times then ran off with his tail between his legs the sight made you snicker as you realized the stranger behind you must have overheard the conversation.
"Thanks but I could've ran him off" You told the man behind you he laughed; his laugh was so loud it echoed around you. He walked around and sat on the stool that fedora guy was on. He had his blonde hair tied into a bun a simple black t-shirt clung to his fit arms, you face turned red as you quickly glanced away at something unimportant across the room not wanting to be drooling all over this stranger.
"Yeah you were doing a great job" he said sassily, you whipped your head around fixing to snap at him when you recognized his face, I mean how could you not? How many times had you seen in plastered on the news.
"You're Thor" You choked out in surprise.
"You have my name but I have yet to learn yours" He smiled at you his teeth white.
You stuttered out your name in shock the bartender made his way over with your drink and a polite smile for your wait.
"Make that two of those good sir" Thor told him "And put hers on my tab"
You were quickly brought back to reality as you maid of honor squalled, you jerked around to see she had burned herself with the curling iron.
The evening passed in a blur, you tried to remember the vows you both exchanged but your brain kept coming up empty as Thor spun you around the dance floor his arms circled around you holding your tired feet up. The room was decorated in sparkling lights that resembled the night sky; white ribbon draped around the pillars. The live band was playing a gentle rendition of Frank Sinatra, you felt like you were in a dream.
"Today has been an epic one" You grinned at him looking into his eyes, he smiled eyes crinkling.
"You think this is epic? Wait until we land in bora bora babe" He wiggled his eyebrows making you laugh and fall onto his chest warmth spreading through your body.
"I plan to hold you to that god of thunder" You told him, you wondered if you were going to be able to stop smiling because your jaw was starting to become sore.
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freya-fallen · 9 days
I take commissions.
I take them through ko fi and Patreon, but I will also discuss direct commissions outside of those sites.
A few things to note: I only write adult content for adults. If you are under 18, I will write for you, but only up to the maturity level that is appropriate-- ie, PG 13 for anyone between 13 and 17, R rated for anyone 17, etc.
I want to be happy writing for you, so I'll make suggestions if your idea doesn't quite hit me. I want you to be happy with what I write, so I'll also ask for input. Should we not quite see eye-to-eye, I may refer you to someone else.
I'm willing to work out deals-- payment plans, lower cost-per-word for higher word commissions, writing for art or a commissioned story of my own, but I've been writing both as a hobby and professionally for my entire adult life. I'm also highly educated. My prices might seem high, but I (like most creatives) undercharge for my work. Please understand I won't won't write for nickels. I have plenty of free content out there and everything that is fanfic will be posted for free online somewhere and at some time.
That's another thing: My commissions are not ghost-writing fees. Those need to be discussed in addition if that's what you want.
What will I write? Pretty much anything involving fictional characters and situations. I don't have an interest in RPF. That's about it. I specialize in darkfic, especially as it comes to trauma, healing from and dealing with trauma, and non-romanticized dark situations. I have written fluff, so if you just like my style, feel free to ask.
I am always open to suggestions, but not big on concrit since I'm a professional editor and proofreader. If I want concrit, beta-ing, or editing, I'll find someone. But if you have an idea you think I might like, go ahead and shoot.
Fandoms I will write for are anything I'm familiar with or can easily become familiar with (if it's on a streaming service like Netflix, Hulu, Prime, etc). I also write original fiction (way more than I write fanfic), but there's additional conversations to be had for that.
I love/never get enough of writing
Kidnapping/abduction/darker version of canon events
Death games AUs (hunger games, squid games, you name it)
My own universes wherein I write how different interconnected stories would work
omegaverse, soulmates, or similar mating/forced relationship tropes
angry female veterans
MFM polyamorous relationships
Dealing with trauma through BDSM
Power imbalances
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maginxlia · 3 years
Starring Nanami, Gojo, Toji and Sukuna Ryomen In It’s all about Your Hair
Rated PG-13
Contains Foul language and Suggestive themes
✨Director's Commentary ✨ I've been going through a creative block and I'm so so sorry for neglecting y'all! I've been working on other headcanons Too Boos💖 Now let me state for the record that all hair is absolutely beautiful, Please don't ever be ashamed of Having Coily or Straight or Wavy or Curly hair because it's something that you can't control and something that your body grows in it's own beautiful way💖 I really tried my best to include all hair types in this including those of Us who wear protective styles, some of these I can relate to because I once had dreads, I used to wear wigs and Now I currently got My Curly hair out for the world to see💖 This won't be the last y'all see of me this week I swear it. I hope y'all are safe and those of y'all who are out for fall break are getting lots of Rest and Relaxation 💖 I love all of y'all 💖 I want to thank you all for the love and support you all send my way💖 I am so grateful and appreciative💖 Pronouns outta of this cause it’s a party for all
Nanami Kento
If You have Coily or Curly hair
Pays for your hair appointments and he doesn't care how much it cost as long you're happy
He's knowledgeable about your hair type and porosity
Best hair care products on your shelf
This man will DIY you some hair care products from Gel to hair masks
He loves wash day because he gets to assist you with your hair
He always seems to have time for you and your hair
Lemme tell you this man is makes wash day 100% easier
He Will detangle your hair with loving hands so if you are tender headed you're in luck
His give the best head massage that make you lean into him while falling asleep
Really this man take good care of you
Shrinkage shocks this man but stretching amazes him
Expensive bonnets and scarfs for you boo
If someone dare to disrespect you by touching your hair without your permission, he's gonna tell them the fuck off
Learning about your hair has encouraged him to learn more about the proper way to tend to his own hair type
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
I'm adamant that this man is Husband goals
The moment you even mildly suggest you want to get your hair done he's gonna do some research for the best stylist in y'all area on his down time
He knows that Braids/Faux locs are protective styles and understand why you want to get your hair done
Whatever hair you want you're gonna get, If you want Remy braiding hair that cost 50 dollars per bundle you best believe Nanami gonna get it for you and he pays for your hair appointment too
Nanami actually helps you wash and stretch your hair before your appointments
This man buys you Whatever you need for your hair
When you come outta of your appointment looking fly as hell he's gonna spin you around and tell you how beautiful you look🥺
Oils your scalp and give you bomb hair treatments
Helps you with scalp cleanses too
Actually helps you a lot with keeping your hair within the Braids/Locs Healthy
Buys you so many beautiful accessories for your hair
Lovingly Helps you with your nighttime routine
Just a over all a Good man
If You're a Dreadlock babe
This man thinks you look Absolutely beautiful 
His curiosity makes him knowledgeable about locs and your hair
Knows the difference between locking Gel and wax
Buys that expensive ass dreadlocks Shampoo and conditioner for you
If you say your scalp is itching he will apply oil to your scalp gently
Hunts for the best hairdressers who knows how to handle locs and if he can't find one he'll learn how to safely loc your new growth
Love Dreadlock cuffs, he buys you so many accessories for your hair
He actually adore your locs but he Support you if you want to comb out your locs one day too because it's your hair
Nanami will fucking scold a fool who calls your dreads dirty or unkempt
If Your hair is Naturally Bone straight or Wavy
Gets only the finest natural hair products for the both of you
If you don't like doing your own hair Nanami will pay for your salon visits hell the man will book your appointments if you want him too
He always Notice any little thing you got done to your hair and he's always compliments you too
If you don't like going to a salon he understands
This man will help you wash, condition and style your hair
He watches YouTube tutorials and practice everything he learnt before he dare touch your hair
Actually is very good at giving you a hair cut without damaging your hair
Use the best products for your hair and doesn't dare to add heat to your hair without a heat protector
Man is made skilled with a flat iron
Do everything in his strength to give you the hairstyle you asked for
Actually your hair looks like you visited a salon and feels like it too
Hair Serums that makes your hair shine beautifully
Gojo Satoru
If You Rock Wigs
As a Master class Hoe This man knows you wear wigs but he don't say shit
Doesn't touch your head at all because he doesn't want to accidentally wig check you until you tell him your wig is secured but HE KNOWS that doesn't mean he can tug on it
Surprisingly knowledgeable about wigs
He names your wigs and he actually have favs
Pays for your wigs and installs
Loves you with and without the wigs but he acts like a schoolboy when he see you with his fav on your head
Do not let him go into a beauty supply because he can't control himself🤦🏾‍♀️
Will wear your wigs while doing a cover of TLC No scrubs music video
Actually can install the fuck outta of a wig
Will do a install on himself to mess with Megumi and Nanami, Melts the lace perfectly and his bald cap method can't be touched💅🏾 Walks out of y'all home with a 22 inch Snow White Bone straight Brazilian Remy wig with the Baby hairs laid
You actually start letting him do your installs because he doesn't fuck around.... well in this instance
If You have Coily or Curly hair
Is Mesmerised by your hair
The way your hair is poofy, soft and gravity defying is exciting to him
Loves your hair and will not let you talk down about your hair
Get too invested into natural hair YouTube drama and videos
Starts bitching about Eco styler Gel, Petroleum Jelly and mineral oil
Actually back tf up when you tell him to chill
He Pays for new products if you jump on the all natural products bandwagon
He Actually Stans Coconut oil and it's Versatile uses
Gets excited to participate in your wash day
Surprise! He's a Pro at detangling
Goes through your hair with gentle precision
His fingers in your hair makes you sleepy asf
Wash n Go's become a breeze with this man
He got you From the Denmen brush to the praying hands technique
Knows how to Safely stretch your hair to eliminate the dreaded shrinkage
Your hair always is frizz free and looks fucking beautiful after he gets done; This man has done his studying, Homework and passed all the tests with flying colours
Gojo will start using Shea butter on his hair and skin
BUT he has this deep obsession with 360 waves and he swears one day he will achieve them
Sleeps with a Bonnet his damn self now
If someone dare touch your hair without your permission ITS OVER
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
The moment you said you was planning to get your hair done he was like 👀 and then you said the words "I gotta go to the Beauty Supply" like a kid hearing the words Toys R Us (Rip Big homie) he was up
When y'all got there You told him to stay in the car and he begrudgingly did
Look imma be honest but he loves when you get your hair done
Especially if you get hair to match his eye colour or his hair colour, tbh you might as well be in the nude because it all has the same effect on him
He knows your head might be hurting so he will do whatever it takes to make your head feel better
Hot oil treatments and tending to your scalp is his specialty
Helps you clean your hair and scalp
Constantly bragging about how beautiful you are to Yuuji, Megumi and Nanami
If You're a Dreadlock Babe
Are You from Jamaica? Cause Jamaican me crazy jokes all the time (Boy if you don't sit your ass down) tell him to stop it and he will never repeat it again
Love how your hair makes you look like a baddie
Whatever you want you know he will provide, out here driving to Five different beauty supplies trying (and succeeding) to find your favourite locs shampoo
Assists you with different styles
Will search hard and heavy for a reliable stylist for you but he's not above learning how to tend to your hair and he's actually good at except he uses too much Gel/Beewaxs
Repairs your broken locs too
Is very patient when it comes to how long it takes for hair to dry like he will hold a hair dryer for hours if it meant helping you get your hair dry
Makes him weak when you wear accessories in your hair
Wishes someone would disrespect you so he can obliterate them
If Your hair is Naturally Bone straight or Wavy
Gojo is a Product Junkie (I CAN RELATE)
Love to walk into Sally's and go ham
Y'all own so many different shampoos and conditioners it's ridiculous
He loves natural products tho and will DIY hair masks for y'all hair
Pays for your salon visits
But he knows his way around a flatiron and curling rod
Actually thinks he knows everything about hair because he watched one Brad Mondo video 🤦🏾‍♀️
Wants to bleach your hair so bad because he really believe it's gonna come out perfect ( It won't)
Cuts your split ends pretty good tho but shit goes belly up the moment you ask him for a trim like this man will keep fucking your hair up while adamantly saying he can fix it (He can't) So watch him
Master of the French braid
He loves Hair glosses and Serums
Fushiguro Toji
If You Rock Wigs
This fucking man🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️
Ignorance is not a virtue so Toji really isn't virtuous
Lemme be honest he didn't know your hair was a wig
He's not gonna ask either
The first time y'all got busy Mister super kinky pulled your fucking wig off 🤦🏾‍♀️cap and all (He's VIOLATING)
Your Edges? Gone. Toji? Holding your wig shocked asf. Wormy? Fucking Frighten. The Hotel Toji staying at for the next few nights until (IF) you forgive him? Booked with Trivago
Gives you 500 dollars for a new wig and pays for your install BUT (That's a big booty btw) the damage has been done
He Never touch any of your wigs again
Toji will use the Lace Glue you don't like as glue to fix shit around the house like your favourite vase that got broken is being held together by lace glue that was incompatible with your skin
He will patiently sit and wait while you try on wigs at the beauty supply
His guilt always makes him buy whatever wigs you likes and the installs everytime
If you have Curly or Coily hair
UnKnowledgeable but Respectful
Really tho he fucking loves your hair and the way the products you put it smell
Do not let him detangle your hair until you PROPERLY SHOW HIM HOW
He's absorb all the words you say like a sponge and learn slow but surely how to tend to your hair
Since he's not always home he consider it pure luck to participate in a wash day with you
He just love to touch your hair and it's one of the things he keep hidden
Detangle your hair as soft as he can and the way you taught him
Something about looking up at Toji while his hands are in your hair that is just so intimate and sexy
Scalp manipulation makes you go 🤤
He watched your wash day routine one time and he remembered all the products you used in what order too
It still amazes him when the water touches your hair how the frizz dissipate
Mans bought you towels just for your hair
Buys you new products especially if he used it on himself
When he Sit on the couch with you He likes to subtly smell your hair
Would bury his face into your hair if he could get away with it
If some rando touch your without permission their asses are going MISSING
Accepts the life of sleeping on satin pillow cases and watching you put on a bonnet or wrap your hair up before you let him wreck you like his name Ralph
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
He left home for a week and came back to your hair laid plus swaying when you walk
Questions? He got em but he's not saying shit. He just call you sexy and spank your ass with both hands
Will oil your scalp for you if you want him to
Asked you how long did it take to get your hair done and when you say it's was long ass time he's floored
When he's out on his travels, he buys you cute accessories and adornments for your hair
Loves when you move your hair to one side slowly
Wants you pull your hair when he freaks you but he knows better
He is a big Help when it comes to your scalp treatments
Also is a huge help when it come to finding hard to get products especially braiding gel
Easily Gets you everything you need to maintain your hair
If You're a Dreadlock Babe
This Man loves your hair
Questions you a lot about it Like is you okay if he gently pull on your hair🤦🏾‍♀️
If you have a hard time searching for someone to do your hair, he will quickly learn
He Loves the way beeswax or gel smell in your hair
When he comes back home from work he always brings you new things for your dreads especially things you voiced that you can never find
Actually a big help when it comes to a ACV rinse
He learns how to repair your locs too
Loves to see style your dreads in a new way
Would unconsciously play with one of your dreads if you’re looking at TV with him
If Your hair is Naturally Bone Straight or Wavy
He's not a knowledgeable Man about What shampoos is good for what hair types
He has and will google what Shampoos can clean blood from your hair🤦🏾‍♀️
You have to tell him what to get you
Also Toji don't know shit about a flat iron or a curling wand
So with that being said He pays for you to get your hair done
He will assist you with brushing your hair
This man is a god at getting out knots from your hair
Actually good at trimming hair, he's very precise with a pair of shears
Eliminate spilt ends effortlessly
Toji Finds all the hair ties you thought you lost around the house
He loves to smell your hair cause it smells so fucking good
Toji will use THE ENTIRE BOTTLE OF SERUM ON HIS OWN HEAD (Go ahead and tell him a little goes a long way and That Serum cost 50 dollars; Toji has Instant Regrets)
If you want to shave it all off he's right behind you and If you want to grow it down to your knees he's right behind you
Ryomen Sukuna
If You Rock Wigs
Sukuna lived thousands of years, He knows Damn well a Human can't have a Blonde Bob today and have long Red hair tomorrow
So gets all his knowledge from Yuuji
Don't ask you about your hair and he don't touch it
Offers to pay for your wigs and installs with Yuuji credit card
Everybody Knows damn well Sukuna isn't allowed with near Any of Yuuji credit cards but that doesn't stop him for remembering the numbers and security codes, Yuuji got a statement for a 700 dollars custom human hair lace front and mans got nauseous
Amazed at how different each wig feels and the different varieties of them
Sooner or later the curiosity gets to the king of curses and he just got to ask you how do you fit all your hair under a wig? Show him braids and the bald cap method, it will surprise the hell outta of him
If you say you need wig glue This man going to nag Yuuji to buy all the wig glue the store got; coming in bragging about I spoil my baby yes I do🤦🏾‍♀️
Only wants the best for you because if you're fucking a King you're royalty in his eyes
If you have Curly or Coily hair
Now He openly admits he doesn't know shit about your hair type
Gives you the money outta of Yuuji wallet for you to go to the salon with
Will complain when you say you have to wrap your hair up before any night activities but don't fret he's learning
It's a slow process because he just can't grasp the Idea that your hair needs more maintenance than Yuuji
Talking about poor Yuuji When Sukuna and him are alone Sukuna is constantly on that ass with questions like " Insolent fool. Y/N sleeps on a luxurious silky pillow case, Why must you rest our head on cheap microfiber?" Or the infamous "Brat why the fuck do Y/N use different creams and oils in their hair when all your lazy fucking ass do is run water and soap through Ours??"
Yuuji is down very fucking Bad at this point and all he wants for is for Sukuna to shut his fucking mouth so He decided that it would be in his own best interest to learn about your hair
With the help of the internet The King of Curses has one less thing to bitch about
Next time Sukuna is out and about when you're washing your hair he surprises you with offering to Detangle your hair...... with his fingers BUT the feeling of his claws on your scalp feels oddly delicious
He's actually very soft and gentle with your hair
He's not a real big help he like will fully detangle your hair and hand you the items you need while you're in the shower but that's it
remember he's slowly learning and when he get your routine down He will excel at helping you
If he seeings that you're running low on something he's gonna bitch until Yuuji buy some for you
Thinks some of the products you use smells damn right scrumptious
You often find him Admiring (He will deny it) your hair
Finds himself asking more about Frizz and shrinkage
Used Yuuji money to buy hair accessories he thinks you like
Actually helps you a lot at night when it's time to put your hair up, he has many different ways to keep you from waking up with flat crushed hair
Buys you Everything and anything you want for your hair
Demand that Yuuji buy the same Shampoo you use because he secretly want to smell you even when you're not around
Will rip someone arms from their body if they dare to lift a finger to touch your hair without your okay
For My boos with the Faux locs and Braids
He paid for your hair to get done With his vessel (His words) money
You showed him the idea and explained how everything is done so he has no questions
He's already arrogant asf, You got him really out here showing his ass now
You even got Yuuji bashful asf now
Proudly oils your scalp
Doesn't know what a scalp treatment is but baby he quickly learns
Compliments you all the fucking time
More of Yuuji Money is spent on accessories for your hair
All you got to the is say the word and he will be paying for your hair to get done again
If You're a Dreadlock Babe
Sukuna loves your hair but hate how beeswax gets everywhere
Actually love the smell of beewaxs tho
Yuuji and him Is very supportive, If You can't find a stylist who take care of locs they will learn
Sukuna is surprisingly good at locking down new growth but is rough handed and consider this bonding time between the two of you. Yuuji tho Works Slower than Sukuna and is gentler at separating your hair to expose your scalp better. So pick your hair warrior wisely
Sukuna will make Yuuji Hunt for the best products for your hair
Gets you articulate accessories for your hair
Sukuna Will help you Blow dry your hair even if it TAKES HOURS
If Someone calls your hair dirty they will be swallowing their teeth if They form those words in front of Sukuna
If Your hair is Naturally Bone straight or Wavy
Oh so you Said you want to get a haircut? Maybe a new hairstyle?
Sukuna Sukuna Sukuna🤦🏾‍♀️ Has ancient hair styling and trimming techniques... Some work, some don't but why in the fuck would you risk it? I mean yes he's sexy but it's your hair if you dare Humor him on this
After Yuuji Explained to him how that is not the greatest idea Sukuna dropped it but he most certainly asked Yuuji to open them pockets for you to get your hair done
So you got three solid options a nice salon, Yuuji who at least will try to learn and his best or Sukuna who will try to learn but please remember old dogs and their struggles with new tricks at times
Congratulations! You picked Option One A nice Salon! Your hair looks bomb and you're happy which means The King of Curses is happy; Yes Yuuji pockets maybe lighter but You look beautiful and there's a smile on your face so no complaints from him.
Oh you picked Yuuji! A solid choice while he is inexperienced at least he's willing to learn and give it his all! Yuuji actually did a decent Job at styling your hair even tho he took three hours to finish trimming your split ends and was fearful to use a flat iron, he did a decent job! He was also very gentle and sweet with your hair so A+ for effort, Technique and love Yuuji!💖
You picked Option Three? Sukuna? I tried to tell your ass but eh it's your hair. Sukuna Tried he really did but he fucked up by going in with enough arrogance and ego that could make a Corrupt Tax dodging Billionaire Blush (If you know you know)
He bought the Expensive Products including shears and Serums
Washed your hair like a pro and made your ass fall asleep
Hair treatment he gave you was 100% perfect but it all went down hill from there
He went in to bold actually had the audacity to get cocky after rubbing and washing Suds from your hair🤦🏾‍♀️
First cut was aight but The second is where he took too much off and The third became noticeably uneven
The King of Curses is baffled so he keeps going for his pride sake but end up fucking your shit up worse
So he gives Poor Yuuji full control and Yuuji is shocked, mortified and disgusted.
Yuuji calls in a stylist for help costing Yuuji $$$ but he's saving you from having fucked up hair
Sukuna is very regretful about what happened, ofc he blames the shears and the lack of adequate training from the YouTube videos he watched🤦🏾‍♀️
Only shampoos your hair from now on if you even let him touch your hair that is
Comments, Likes, Reblogs and Requests is Hella Loved and Appreciated 💖 Please don’t Steal My Shit.
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Heey, can you write something with Rodrick and a Tomboy Girl??? I've never seen someone doing an imagine/one shot with "Tomboy"
— (sorry about my English, its not my first language) 💕💕
sorry about the delay! work has got me drained! but i hope you enjoy, never written for a tomboy so yeah!
Fixer Upper - 【Rodrick Heffley x GN!Reader】- One-Shot
word count: 1061
rating: pg-13 [strong language used like once]
“Hey, Heffley, you’re in fuckin’ my seat.”
“Didn’t know a lunch table had names on them.”
“Well now they do, so move before I push you off it.”
This was often how the two of you greeted each other, no matter the time of day or what was happening around you two. There was little to no formality or politeness to the content of the words uttered, but there were no tones of harshness or aggression in your voices. It was just the banter that kept you two going with whatever you would call your relationship. It was, at its baseline, a friendship. But to the eyes of others, something was not entirely right about your relationship because it seemed you two were also a little more than just friends. It was just something you or Rodrick ever brought up.
You two were close, sure, but the moment too long staring at the other when they turned away, the slight tingle whenever your hands touched when passing a drumstick or something along, or the times either of you just fell asleep on the other was just how you two operated. And, at least for you, if anyone ever did bring it up, you would shoot them down instantly. Telling them that they were stupid or telling them to mind their own buisness, that it did not concern them in the slightest.
You had met during shop class--a class that you had excelled at simply because you had fallen in love with woodworking at a young age, watching your father work away in his workshop. And wanting to be like him, that led you to sports and cars, too. Music was something your mother had wished for you to be interested in, but she did not expect the heavy metal and punk rock music that came later on. While you did not play an instrument, that simply just meant Rodrick could teach you if he so desired.
“I heard the van makin’ weird noises when it came in this morning.” You had pointed out as you idly picked at whatever the public school district decided to constitute as food to feed the students on the tray in front of you, “Which isn’t out of place, sure, but it was a different weird noise so want me to check it out after school?”
“Why?” Rodrick questioned, mouth full of whatever it was Susan managed to sneak into his backpack before he left for school, “Care about my safety?”
“More so I care about others safety, and considering how you drive, Heffley,” You began with a matter-of-fact tone, “I should already be concerned for others safety. But if something breaks down on that van, it’s over for more than just you and the guys.”
“Fine, I guess you can look it over.”
“Awesome,” You said standing up with the tray of questionable food, “Bring it by my house later.”
“Will do, chief.”
It was around four in the afternoon when Rodrick pulled the barely there van Rodrick owned into the drive-way of your home. You had already done what homework you could breeze through without much thought simply because you knew your mother would want it done before you did anything else, especially if that thing was basically hanging out with Rodrick. Besides, you also had to wait for a time closer to when your father got home in case you needed a second opinion and as one of the many local mechanics, it was valuable insight.
“You're early, Heffley.”
“My brothers were already getting on my nerves after I woke up from my after school nap and had to escape.”
“Right…” You trailed off briefly before popping the hood of the van up, already met with a puff of smoke that came from somewhere inside, “Was that from your driving or…”
“Let’s just say driving.”
And once the engine was cooled enough where you could touch near it and the engine itself without hurting yourself, you got to work. There was some idle chatter with Rodrick as he started to pace about the driveway, kicking rocks and the like as you worked through checking over his van. While he knew you often demanded silence whenever you worked on any of your hobbies and interests, he wasn’t one to keep quiet for long, especially around people he liked.
“I think one of the pipes or something must be loose,” You finally concluded, “But my dad’s an expert at those, so we might have to wait for him to double check.”
“How much is that gonna cost to fix?”
“I’ll see if I can get a friends and family discount for ya, Heffley.”
“You sure you can’t do it?”
“Not confidently.”
“Wanna put a bet on it?”
“You wanna bet your van’s already lacking quality on a theoretical thing I may or may not fix correctly?”
“What’s life without a little danger.”
You looked at Rodrick with a very confused expression plastered over your face before you went to open the garage, “What's the wager?”
“...a free drum lesson from yours truly if you fix it and it works.”
You tried to not focus on the first part, and tried to counter it with, “And if I don’t?”
“I believe you can do it.”
And with that, you got to work after getting everything you needed. The repair did not take too long and you wondered if that was telling or not. But you tried to not think about it, because you were trying to be confident in the amount of times you had watched your dad do it before. Which was not many times, but still.
“Okay, go for a bit of a drive--the long way home, whatever and if that noise is happening tomorrow morning, I didn’t fix it right.”
“And if there are no not-common noises from her, remember the drum lesson.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
The next morning, you stood in the parking lot beside your own car, waiting for the tell-tale noises of Rodrick’s van to echo over the quiet parking lot. And as soon as you heard it, you tried to pick out the noise you had heard yesterday morning but couldn’t hear it.
And luckily Rodrick did not let you forget as he pulled right next to your car, window already down.
“You free tonight for that lesson?”
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babyloposts · 3 years
Summary: How my favorite boys would react to their child having a nightmare. Some single dad head cannons because my baby fever is back
Includes: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Takami Keigo
Warnings: none, fluff, aged up characters, references to GN parent titles
He was up and down the hall as quickly as the first wail left his daughter’s mouth. He was desperately hoping that the screams were not from a villain trying to kidnap her.
He was relieved for only a second as he saw her safely tucked into bed as he left her earlier that night, but the worry came back as he saw her broken out in a cold sweat.
Careful not to startle her awake Katsuki rubbed her forehead gingerly removing the sweat and bangs from its place matted on the top of her head.
“Kid. Wake up.” His tone soft. The one he reserved only for her.
“Daddy?” Her brows furrowed and her eyelashes fluttered open to see a stoic yet comforting face.
“You okay? I think you were having a nightmare. Scared the hell out of me.” He chuckled, still soothing her as her breathing slowed.
“M-me too. I was so scared Dad. The monsters were trying to get me.”
“What monsters?” Katsuki feared the worst. What if she had seen a villain and they knew she was his kid. That could mean she was being watched and in danger. He couldn’t let anything happen to her.
“From the movie dad. The one I watched when hanging out with the Midoriya’s.” Bakugou’s face scrunched and his daughter winced in fear of being in trouble for watching a PG-13 movie.
“What’d I tell you about watching scary movies with Deku’s kid. Now look at you all scared with nightmares.” Bakugou scolded, but his expression softened. He was just glad she was safe.
“I’m sorry Dad. I won’t watch scary movies anymore. I don’t want any monsters to get me.”
“It’s okay. I promise I won’t let any monsters get you. They have to go through me first, alright squirt.” She nodded and gave Bakugou a small smile, knowing she was safe and in the most capable hands of the #2 hero.
Bakugou smoothed her hair back and placed a kiss to her forehead. “Love you squirt. Sweet Dreams.”
“I love you too Dad.”
Izuku is no stranger to weird dreams, but he had never expected his One for All induced visions to transfer to his daughter as well.
He wouldn’t even know if she hadn’t been weeping by his bedside at one in the morning.
“D-daddy.” A small voice warbled out next to Midoriya. His eyes shot open not expecting to see a teary eyed five year old only a few inches away from his face.
“What’s wrong Bubby?” Izuku quickly sat up in bed and moved to the edge of the bed, scooping the crying child into his arms.
“I had a bad dream.” She whimpered as he wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Aww I’m sorry.” He hugged her tightly to his chest rocking slightly to soothe her. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She nodded slightly before starting. “I was so scared Daddy. You were there and somebody—a bad man—stole your quirk away from you. He was too strong. And nobody would help you. Not even All Might. And I was too little to help you, Daddy and I’m so sorry.” And just like that the tears were flowing from her tear ducts again.
Izuku shushed her and started back trying to soothe her again. “Don’t worry, I’m right here, okay? I’m not going anywhere.” He brought his daughter back to her bedroom and tucked her into her Princess themed bed. “Are you comfy?” She asked and she nodded.
Izuku gave her a kiss to her temple before getting up to move to a bookshelf on the far side of the room. “Would you like to hear a story?” She nodded and Izuku climbed into the side of the bed and wrapped his arm around her.
Midoriya read the story book to her that were more kiddie versions of some of All Might’s best missions (even in fatherhood he was a total fanboy).
His daughter was knocked before he was even halfway through the book, the tales of heroism and safety lulling her into a peaceful sleep. Although she was peaceful and very cute Izuku had realized his grave mistake far too late.
His daughter was the lightest sleeper he knew. It would be almost impossible to remove himself from the bed without waking her up.
He tried several times to stand from the bed without causing her to stir, but ultimately failed and gave in to the reality that he’d be spending the night on the edge of a twin bed.
It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but Izuku would give up anything for his little girl, even the comforts of his own bed, to make her feel safe.
It took a lot to get Denki up, which wasn’t always a good thing having such a young child to look after. He was finally awoken by the third kick to his ribs by a little foot in bed.
“Ouch, what the-?” Denki whipped the blanket down to reveal a small body in the fetal position hunched against his side.
“Wha- hey Little Man. What happened? Why aren’t you sleeping in your big kid bed?”
The small boy was unmoving, pretending to be asleep to prevent being bothered or moved from his comfortable position.
“I know you’re not sleep, Buddy. Tell me what’s wrong. Please?” Finally Denki’s son’s head poked up from his arm shields and showed off his pouty face.
“I don’t want to sleep in my big kid. It’s too dark and scary in there. I don’t want to have bad dreams.” The child’s eyes started to water.
Denki sighed. “Bud, I thought we agreed that when you turned four you’d stop sleeping in Papa’s bed and sleep by yourself.”
“I don’t want to anymore. I’m scared. It’s too dark and you are too far away.” He whined. Denki knew that he was the age where he needed to start being able to self-soothe and sleep by himself, but he couldn’t deny his son. He was a good kid, maybe with a bit of separation anxiety, but all around he was pretty easy.
Denki’s nanny would probably scold him for babying his son, but he didn’t care. It’s not like Denki liked sleeping alone anyway.
“Bud, you can’t sleep down in the covers like that. You’ll get way too hot.” A small smile spread over Denki’s lips as his son shuffled his way up onto Denki’s chest with his arms wrapped around his neck in a death grip.
Denki chuckled once the grip loosened and rubbed his son’s back as he slipped into sleep. “Can we try sleeping in your big kid bed tomorrow night?” Denki whispered.
“I’ll try Papa, but no promises.” Denki chuckled and closed his eyes in content.
“That’s okay Buddy. I love you.”
“Love you too, Papa.”
Takami Keigo:
Keigo really hoped that an intruder wasn’t in the house right now. He knew it was irrational to think, but stranger things have happened, plus he was already worked up from the last patrol he went on last night where he fought a surprisingly difficult villain.
Stealthily Kei climbed out of bed and sent a feather flying into the kitchen where the noise was coming from to scope out the intruder.
When he heard a high pitched scream and low thud he was actually more relieved than worried.
He rushed from behind his bedroom door out to see his son sat on the ground in front of the open refrigerator.
“The hell are you doing up? It’s 2 AM!” Keigo whisper yelled to ensure he didn’t bother the neighbors.
“Sorry Dad. I was hungry.”
“What are you still hungry for? You basically ate a whole chicken by yourself for dinner. At this rate keeping up with your eating habits cost more than the rent.” Takami chided, but he couldn’t be too mad, his son was a growing boy and they needed their sustenance.
“I’m sorry Dad. I just woke up and wanted a snack that’s all.” That’s what he said, but the glossiness in his son’s eyes gave him away.
Keigo bent over to pick up the food that had fallen out of the fridge and grab a carton of ice cream out of the freezer along with two spoons. His son watched his father intently as he moved to the kitchen island to sit and patted the stool next to him.
“Come sit down and have your snack.” Keigo sighed. Reluctantly his son sat down beside him and grabbed a spoon scooping into the slightly freezer burnt cookies and cream.
“So tell me what’s really going on. You wouldn’t tear up just from me knocking you on your ass earlier.” His son’s eyes grew wide, surprised that his dad had noticed that small detail.
“There’s nothing wrong.”
“I know when you’re lying to me Kid. So just go ahead and tell me.” Kei said wrapping an arm around his son’s shoulders.
He took a deep breath before finally caving. “I... I had a dream about Baba. When they died.” Keigo’s usual cocky demeanor faded away and his eyes softened as he recalled the painful memory.
“Wow.” Keigo said as he cleared his throat. “That uh... hasn’t happened for a while. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault Dad. I just wished... I don’t know. I just miss them a lot.” He began to tear up again. Keigo sighed. It has been almost seven years since his significant other died tragically from cancer. Their son was just a kid then. What Five year old can really comprehend that and grieve a parent properly. Since then Kei’s been doing his best as a single Dad, but maybe he should have talked about them more.
“I know you miss them Kid. I do too. I miss them everyday, but you remind me of them. You’ve got the same face and spirit they had, so it’s like a little piece of ‘em is always with us. They’re in you.” Keigo’s grip tightened around his son’s shoulder and he left a comforting rub up and down his forearm.
“I know sayin all this isn’t going to bring them back, but just know they’re always in your heart and they loved you very much.”
“Thanks Dad.”
“No problem Kid. Just finish your ice cream and get to bed. I don’t want you late for school in the morning.”
His son nodded. Keigo stood from the island and ruffled the hair of his son before depositing his dirty spoon in the sink. Before he made it all the way to his bedroom a voice rang out behind him.
“I love you Dad.”
Keigo smiled softly. “Love you too Kid.”
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winchesterxxi · 3 years
A Link (Din Djarin x Reader)
Tumblr media
Rating: PG-13
Type: Angst
Request: “Fic request - reader is a Jedi ( untrained) and Luke requests she also joins him. She has to choose between leaving Din or going with the child. After watching that episode I’m already depressed as hell so the more angsty the better!”
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: CH.16 SPOILERS
A/N: What’s the most depressing love song you can think of? Play it.
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You’d never think this rescue mission would lead to this. The plan was to get in, rescue Grogu, get Moff Gideon and walk out - the less damage the better. Needless to say, things didn’t go exactly according to plan, not in a single way.
But you definitely were not expecting an X-Wing to land on the ship and for a Jedi to walk out of there. Not any Jedi: Luke Skywalker. You’d heard a few gossips here and there about how he was the last great one of his kind, but you couldn’t predict that he’d sense Grogu and come get him. Ashoka? Sure. Luke Skywalker? Not in a million years.
It all happened so slow yet so quickly. One minute Grogu was in your arms, pointing at a screen, the next Din was saying goodbye to him, letting him see his face for the first time, while tears pooled across his vision before putting him down and letting the child waddle to Luke and the droid.
All eyes were focuses on Grogu as he exchange some sort of conversation with the beeping droid, before Luke’s eyes met yours.
“The force is strong with you too, Y/L/N”
“Just Y/N is fine.” you correct him, deferring his statement.
“Were you ever trained, Jedi?” he questions you, clearly noticing how unlike a Jedi your garments were - a beskar armor Din made sure to make buy you in Naboo as to protect you as much as possible, given the jobs you carried alongside him. It had cost him a great deal of credits but he didn’t want to hear a word about it. If it’s to keep you safe, I’d sell my own armor, he said.
“No?... I don’t know, I’ve just always felt The Force, I kind of taught myself everything I know."
“Have you ever maneuvered a lightsaber?”
You shook your head “No. Just blasters and spears.” 
“A Jedi must learned to use one.” You don’t like where this conversation is headed and you can see by the way that Din’s shoulders are tensing up, as he stands next to you, that neither is he.
“Do you know the dangers of being your age and untrained, Y/N?” look questions, eyeing you only.
“No.” Din cuts in abruptly, stepping in front of you in a protective manner, his frame towering over you completely cutting your form from Luke’s vision “You’re not taking her as well.”
You can hear the croak in his voice. He is still on the verge of tears but there’s anger in there as well. Luke wants to take his lover away.
You step out from behind him to his side, left hand on his shoulder, forcing his bowed head to look at you. Your eyes meet his and it’s as if every muscle in your body felt like floating up to space. This man melted you every time.
But you have to own up to yourself, looking up at him with eyes as if to exchange a message in a language that only the two of you spoke. As if saying I should go.
His lips tremble and he shakes his head.
“Not you too, cyar’ika.” he begs.
“Don’t leave me. I’ve lost my home, my son, I - ... Please, don’t leave me” he grabs both of your hands in his, bowing his head and sniffing, as a single tear falls in the back of your hand.
The feeling of the wet drop in your hand opens your own gates, but only slightly, as you try to keep it together for the both of you.
“You don’t need to worry about me,”  you sniff, palming his cheek in your left hand “you have... plenty to figure out on your own.” you say touching the handle of the dark saber hanging from his gun belt.
“I don’t care about that piece of junk, I care about you.”
You wan’t to fight him back. You want to tell him how big of a deal that saber is and how much he should indeed care about it. But that wasn’t Din, that wasn’t Mando. He didn’t care about some stupid weapon or the status that it’d bring him. He went as far as to yield it to Bo-Katan as soon as he could, but unfortunately that’s not how it’s supposed to work. But he didn’t care. He only cares about the people he loves. And that made your heart ache all the most.
You are standing there, shaky breaths looking down at your hands, before sniffling and facing Luke.
“What happens if I go with you?” Din’s head shots up, looking at you,
“Given that you’re way past the normal age gap in which a Jedi is trained, you’d probably be assigned to a Master right away and they’d be responsible for all your training.” Luke explains, Grogu at his feet.
You nod and turn your head to look in Din’s eyes, your voice quieter now “And if I stay?”
“That’s... that’s not recommended as the grasp you have--” he starts
“What if I stay?” you insist.
“You’ll stay untrained, to put it simply. You’ll keep not understanding the dimension of your powers and the responsibilities that come with it. You might misuse it, you might not be able to control it and hurt the ones you love. You might kill without intending to, and you might turn to the dark side.”
“I would never - “ you interject, defending yourself
“It’s a faith you can’t control. Unless you train yourself. Unless you refine your skills.”
You ponder his words. The weight of both options dawning on you as you consider them.
“Even with me having a different Master from Grogu, will I still be able to make sure he’s okay?” you look at Grogu, adoringly. Who knew that little green ball of bald hair, if there even was such a thing, would become such a big part of your life. 
“Arrangements can be made, yes.” Luke assures you.
You nod your head to yourself, eyeing the floor. You have made your decision.
You grab both of Din’s hands once again, this time his are the ones in between yours and you grab them hard. Not as to hurt him but to comfort him about what he knew you were about to say. But before you can say anything he shakes his head, another tear falling down his right cheek.
“Please, no.” he breathes 
“It’s what’s best for everyone, Din.” you plead
“For everyone? I’ve lost my home, I’ve lost him, I can’t lose you too.” he takes a break to catch his breath, sniffling a few times “No, not you.”
“Din... let me go, please, don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
“How can you ask me that?” He looks you in the eyes. Those sweet brown eyes and his furrowed brows, asking you how you can even dare to break him this way “Please don’t walk out of that door.”
“If I stay, I might hurt people and I - “
“You’d never do that. You care for everyone you meet you’d never hurt people.” he brings your hands up to his chest, planting them there. You can feel both his breathing and heartbeat.
“You heard Luke...I might not be able to control it.” you try to reason with him “Din, if I ever hurt you I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.” 
He bites his bottom lip trying to keep it from trembling and you grab the back of his head, feeling his curls and pulling his forehead to rest against yours.
“Do you trust me?”
“What? Of course I do.” he says in less than a second
“Then please...” you breathe out“ trust that I’ll keep him safe. Trust that I’ll come running back to you as soon as I finish my training.”
Seeing the scenario unfolding in front of him, Luke decides to help you out “She might also act as a link between you and the child. The three of you are connected by a very strong bond and Y/N can act as a communication link.”
You look in his direction, silently thanking him.
“Din.” you whisper his name. Oh how sweet his name has always sound in your voice. Every time you’d call him his heart would flutter inside is ribcage, but he would never admit to that. But he understands you.
“It is for the best, isn’t it?” he whimpers quietly, barely above a whisper.
“It is. I know it hurts. Fuck, it hurts so bad, but it is.” 
Pulling slightly away from you, he reaches into his back pocket taking out something before offering it to you, on the side that is hidden from the other presences in the room.  He reaches down into his pocket taking out the sphere.  When he opens his gloved hand, you can see it’s the tiny sphere from the Razor Crest that Grogu loved so much.
“I want you to give him this.”
You shake your head, carefully closing your fingers over his “No.” 
“But the kid -”
“Din, keep it.” you know it’s the only thing that he’ll have to remember the kid “You’ll need it more than him.”
There is silence, at last. Only both of your altered breathings can be heard for a while until you notice Din’s hands shuffling at the bottom of your peripheral vision. Looking down, you can see that he is taking his gloves off and your brows furrow in confusion. 
Before you can process whatever was happening, his hands, his ungloved hands, come up to rest on both sides of your face and he holds you there. His hands are a little rough but you don’t mind - they are all the more warm and gentle as you feel his skin against yours. His thumbs wipe a few tears away from the corners of your eyes as they stare at him. His right hand slides slightly down from your cheek to your lips as he wipes your top lip, carefully, feeling the softness of them. His delicacy causing you to lean into his palm and placing your corresponding hand on top of his. 
He wanted to touch you. If this were the last thing he gets from you, he’ll be happy with it. Slowly, Din then dips his head to join your lips with his in a passionate but sweet kiss, your hands still on top of his, cherishing his touch as much as you could. Despite your eyes being close, you can tell he was crying just as much as you as you could feel tears that weren’t yours come in contact with your cheeks.
Pulling away, but not enough to separate your faces, your foreheads rest once again against each other. One of his hands finds it’s trail to where your heart would be and he rests it there, you doing the same to him with your opposite hand. Feeling each other's heartbeat, connecting. 
A few moments pass until you hear his voice again.
“This isn’t a goodbye is it?”
You shake your head slightly. “Not in a million years. We’ll both be back to annoy your ass before you can even notice.”
This causes him to give a half-hearted chuckle, yearning for the day when that happens. “If you come back-”
“When I come back...” you are quick to correct him.
“ When you come back, the first thing I’m going to do is make you my riduur, I promise you that much.” you squeeze his hand, intertwining your fingers with his. 
“And I promise you that I’ll say yes, in a heartbeat.”
His head shifts slightly and he rest his lips against your forehead, whispering the words that until a year ago he would’ve never dreamed of ever saying to someone, but that he has since said so many times. But only to a single person. Only to you,
“I love you.”
“I love you.” you assure him against his chest.
Taking a big breath in, you pull away taking a good look at him one last time. Until suddenly you feel a tug on the bottom fabric of your armor. Looking down you can see Grogu with his little arms up, gesturing for you to pick him up.
Laughing between the tears, you reach down and pick him up, facing Din. In any other occasion, one could interpret the way the three of you were standing as a mother holding her child, saying farewell as the father heads out to work. But this reality is so much more painful. In this reality you’re both the ones leaving, and what you leave behind has a wound that won’t be fixed for a long time.
Tilting your head close to the kid you prop him to say his goodbye “Say bye bye to Din.”
Grogu’s little 3-fingered hand shakes as much as his arms allow him to in front of him as he coos, probably thinking he was articulating an actual farewell. Before you can a step away, Din grabs the back of your head one last time, kissing you between your eyes, before letting you go.
You step in Luke’s direction, communicating through The Force how grateful you were with him for being so patient, and he nods in acknowledgment.
“May The Force be with you.” he says to Din, who nods his head.
The four of you turn to walk away, but Grogu manages to climb up your arms and stay looking at Din as he gets farther and farther away. When you all reach the elevator you turn to face him one last time, using the force for what you never did before - connect with him.
I will always let you know where we are.
And as his eyes soften, you hear a response.
And I’ll always be at the ready to fly to you.
✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸ ✸
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kaisooficrec · 3 years
kaifectionery (2021): kaisoo fics
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catch my heart, feel your lips
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Length: 4275 w
Rating: NC-17
Kinks: First Time, Loss of Virginity, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Shy Jongin, Virgin Jongin, Implied Demisexuality, Body Worship, Oral Sex, Premature Ejaculation
Summary: “Does it bother you that I'm not a virgin?"
Jongin was pulled from his revere, eyes meeting Kyungsoo’s with caution. He hesitated before speaking, fidgeting, "Well... no," he slowly said, “... as long as it doesn’t bother you that I am."
Pockets Full of Good Intentions
Genre: Wizarding World (Harry Potter), Quidditch Player Do Kyungsoo, Quidditch Player Kim Jongin
Length: 14,186 w
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Do Kyungsoo, Ballycastle Bat’s star steeker, has secured his spot as the Nation’s pick for five years now. Enter: Kim Jongin. The genius seeker that had to go on a hiatus because of an injury but is now returning as a member of Puddlemere United.
Their rivalry is friendly at best, but things take on a different turn when something between them begins to bloom with certainty.
A Handful of Sand Isn’t a Desert
Genre/Warning: Murder Mystery, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Infidelity, Not kaisoo tho, Character Death, Mostly farm boys being farm boys, Smidge of Violence
Length: 34,849 w
Rating: M
Summary: The night Kyungsoo arrives at a farming town he finds the town Sheriff dead. The locals think he think he did it, but this isn’t his first dealing with a murder, so he's not going down without a fight. He's going to prove his innocence, no matter the cost. And maybe, just maybe, the son of the dead Sheriff will help him do it.
Rose of Dusk
Genre/Warning: Vampires, Vampire Bites, Blood, Violence, Alpha Kim Jongin, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Do Kyungsoo, Roommates chankai, Best Friends chankai
Length: 27,617 w (ongoing)
Rating: M
Summary: One hazy night supposedly lost to alcohol.A night that unknowingly changes his life forever.Jongin doesn't expect the lost amount of time he can't remember to suddenly thrust him into the night of the Lune world, and even much less make him royalty.Amongst dealing with his transformation and new life, he still has to find the one who turned him, possible blooming romance, and the question of how he will present: Alpha or Beta?
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