#So lock all the cabinets send me to bed
bernard-the-rabbit · 11 months
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Bottled happiness
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collectate · 8 months
now i'm at uni i physically can't listen to go home by julien baker. it comes up on shuffle and i flinch and shy away from my phone like a feral street cat approached by a hand
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Honey Girl. Chapter Four.
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Chapter One. Chapter Two. Chapter Three. Chapter Five. Chapter Six. Chapter Seven. Chapter Eight. Chapter Nine. Series Masterlist. The Playlist.
Chapter Synopsis - You and Bucky deal with the fallout of Cora's reveal. What's that saying? If you love something, let it go...
Pairing - Dad'sBestFriend! Bucky Barnes x Female Reader - soulmate au
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - cursing. angst. alcohol consumption.
Word Count - 5k
Author's Note - i can only apologise that this chapter took a little while!! my life is at a super weird place rn, so i'm just trying to find the time when i can. words cannot describe how incredible all of your support is for Honey Girl. the fact you all reblog and comment and send me asks means the world to me. love you all so much.
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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You can't breathe.
It's like all of the oxygen has been sucked out of the air, leaving it dry, brittle, sterile. Your lungs are burning, scratched like sandpaper. The backyard is spinning, like teenagers at a roller rink - all flashing lights and endless rotations.
You haven't taken your eyes off of Bucky, and he hasn't taken his eyes off of you. If you were thinking more logically, you'd probably realise that you've been staring at each other for too long, and it's starting to look a little suspicious. You don't care.
Your ears are ringing. It's like there's been an explosion, and you're scattered amongst the debris. Smoke, flames, rubble. A catastrophic detonation in your parents backyard.
A gentle hand on your shoulder snaps you back to reality. The music is still playing, everyone around the table is still conversing, the house still stands. No explosion here.
It's your Mom, clearly sensing your distress. She probably thinks you're upset with her, for telling Cora. You are, but that's not what's causing the pain in your chest.
"Come inside with me, baby girl. Let's get away from the noise for a second."
She grabs your hand and pulls you out of your chair, still none the wiser to the magnetism preventing you from breaking your gaze that's locked on Bucky's. She practically drags you inside, the cool air of the kitchen waking you up.
"Sweetheart, I am so, so sorry. Cora overheard the conversation we had earlier. I thought it was good news, so I didn't think to ask her to keep it private."
She looks like she's being eaten alive by guilt. Your bottom lip quivers, your eyes well up, and before you know it, there are warm, salty tears dripping down your cheeks.
"Hey, hey. What's the matter?"
You sit down on the tiled floor, back pressed against the cabinets. Curling your knees to your chest, you try to stifle your sobs.
"Everything's such a mess, Mama."
She drops to the ground, gathering you in her arms. She holds you as tight as she can, rubbing soothing circles into your back and whispering comforting words in your ear. Eventually, she pulls back to look at you.
"What's the matter, baby? I thought Stella's call was a good thing - that you'd be excited to go back to California."
You take a shaky breath before replying.
"It's just... I think - I don't, it's... it's so complicated."
She traces her fingers over your cheeks, your eyebrows, your nose. She dances her fingertips over your face, as if she's committing it to her mind forever. It brings back warm and cosy childhood memories of her doing the same thing to help you sleep. The two of you would snuggle up against all of your pillows in bed, tucked up and safe. She'd lie with you until she was sure you were dreaming, before kissing you on the forehead and sneaking out.
"Talk to me. We can figure it out. We always do."
"It's not that simple. I just... there's a lot going on, I guess. I thought it'd be an easy decision, but it isn't, and it's all I can think about, and it's eating me up because I'm so scared I'm gonna do the wrong thing -"
You cut yourself off with a sob, resting your head on your knees.
"I knew there was something bothering you, sweetheart. Why didn't you come and talk to us? Even if we can't fix it, we can listen."
"I thought I could handle it. I thought I could figure it out on my own."
"You don't ever have to carry stress like this on your own, baby girl. Ever. You hear me?"
You nod and lean into her, letting her rock you in her arms on the kitchen floor.
"I'm sorry again, about Cora. She means well, you know she does."
"I know. Doesn't feel like it sometimes, but I know."
A pause.
"Okay, sweetheart. What are we going to do now? Whatever you decide, we'll support you."
"Your Mom's right," your Dad says from the doorway. "Whatever you choose, we'll be right alongside you. No matter what."
He strides over to join the two of you on the floor, sandwiching you between him and your Mom.
"If you need help packing up and moving, we're here. If you need us to create an elaborate lie to tell Stella, we're here. Either way, you've got us."
You smile at him gently, leaning to rest your head on his shoulder. Regardless of what happens, you have two parents that love you more than anything in the world. That has to count for something.
"You wanna rejoin us outside, or are you too tired? No one will blame you if you go home."
"I think I'll go home," you murmur. "I don't wanna face any more questions for today."
"Bucky's just gone too. Said something about an early morning tomorrow."
You inhale shakily at the mention of his name. You know you'll have to face him sooner or later.
Your Dad stands and grabs your hands to help you to your feet, before doing the same to your Mom. They both hug you tightly before walking you out to the front door.
"Promise me you'll call if you need anything. Anything."
"I promise, Mama. Don't worry about me. I'll be okay."
"Do you want one of us to walk you home?"
"No, it's okay. I think I need the air."
"Love you, baby girl."
"Love you too. Both of you."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You're halfway home when you decide to turn around. You need to talk to Bucky.
It doesn't take you long to figure out where he is. You can feel in your chest that he's close by, that he hasn't strayed far. He hasn't gone home, though. The Universe is pulling you in the opposite direction.
The beach.
You spin on your heel and start walking down the road, picking up pace as you go. You can feel rain in the air, threatening to spill from the clouds at any given moment. Before you know it, you're running, sprinting along the sidewalk in the direction of your soulmate.
You get to the small boardwalk and look out over the sand. The sky is grey as concrete, cold and unforgiving. You spot a figure in a worn brown leather jacket by the shore, and you know instantly. It's him.
You march onto the beach with your shoes still on, wrapping your arms around yourself to act as a shield from the wind. You left your jacket at your parent's house, too eager to get out of there in a hurry. The rain is suspended in the air, never quite reaching the ground. You know it's only a matter of time before the heavens open.
"Bucky!" you yell, practically bounding across the sand. "Buck!"
He doesn't turn because he hears your voice. He turns because he suddenly feels like he can breathe, which he hasn't been able to do for the last hour. He knew you were there before you shouted his name.
"Bucky, please!"
He spins on his heel and stops walking, waiting for you to catch up with him. You're sprinting, panting as you reach him. The ocean waves crash against the shore, dangerously close to his boots.
"Buck, just let me explain," you choke out, trying to catch your breath.
You finally stop running and look at him. He looks broken. His hair looks like he's pulled his fingers through it repeatedly, tear tracks staining his cheeks, lips bitten red. You've never seen him upset like this. It's the worst thing you've ever witnessed.
"There's nothing to explain," he begins calmly, trying to keep a lid on his feelings.
"There is, Buck. There is. I... Cora overheard me confiding in my Mom, telling her about a call I'd gotten, from a classmate at culinary school. It was just an offer - I haven't accepted anything! I never meant for you to find out like this, I swear. It's all just... it's all so fucked up."
He looks at you in disbelief.
"No, you know what's fucked up?" he asks, raising his voice. "Finding out that my soulmate is moving across the country from some alcoholic suburban mom at a dinner party!"
You've never heard him yell before. You don't like it at all. You gather yourself before replying calmly, determined to keep you emotions under wraps.
"I've been trying to find a way to talk to you about it, but I didn't know where to start. How do I even begin to explain any of this?"
"Maybe, I don't know - 'hey, Buck, I got a call and I'm thinking of moving thousands of miles away for my dream job,' would be a good place to start?"
"It's more complicated than that. I was trying to protect you."
"Protect me from what?"
"From blowing your life up for me!"
You stare at each other for a minute, both of you unblinking.
"What are you talking about?" he croaks out.
"You'd drop everything for me, Bucky, and I can't let you do that. You've worked too damn hard to let it all go."
He's dumbfounded, for a moment. Not because he doesn't understand. No. He's realising that you're right.
"I knew that if I told you straight away, you'd have persuaded me to let you come with, and I would have said yes. And then you'd regret it, and you'd resent me, and we'd be over before we've even begun."
When he doesn't say anything, you continue.
"The thing is, Buck, the selfish part of me would have happily invited you along. Me and you, in California, running a bakery? That sounds like a fucking dream. But I have to listen to the other side of me, the selfless part. And that part is telling me that you have worked too damn hard for too damn long just for me to take that all away."
You feel droplets of water on your face, and for a moment, you wonder when you started to cry again. Then, in the deep distance, you hear a crack of thunder. The rain begins to pour, both of you caught in a storm in more ways than one.
"You don't get to make a decision like that for me!" he finally responds, yelling to be heard over the downpour. "We're supposed to talk about these things! To figure them out together! That's what soulmates are - we're a team!"
"I can't think rationally around you, Bucky! It's like all logic goes out the window. I'm just so overwhelmed with-"
You stop yourself before the word comes out, but you both know what you were about to say. He feels it in his ribcage, the surge of emotion from you.
"-with how I feel about you. You're my forever, Buck, and I feel like -" a sob wracks through you, shaking your frame. "-like I've fucked it all up already."
Your tears mix with the rainwater, trailing down your cheeks. You watch as Bucky fights with himself, internally battling his feelings.
"You're not the only one fucking it up," he chokes. "You repeatedly told me we had to take it slow, but I just... couldn't help myself. I've never felt for anyone what I feel for you, and being away from you for even a minute is fucking torture. I moved us too fast, and now look where we are. We've become the equivalent of a married couple in a couple of weeks. No one can handle change that sudden."
"It's not.. none of this is your fault, Buck. I kept something from you, something big. I know it doesn't matter now, but I want you to know how hard it's been to not tell you. It was killing me."
"I felt it," he murmurs shakily, willing himself not to cry. "In my chest. You were so torn up about something, and I just couldn't figure out what it was. I should have pushed you more, but I was worried I'd push you away."
Your lip trembles as you watch him bite his own anxiously.
"I'm so scared, Buck," you whisper. "I feel so lost and so confused and like nothing makes sense."
"Me too," he whispers back, eyes never leaving yours. "I'm fucking terrified. Our worlds have been turned upside down."
"Is it... is it supposed to be this hard? Everyone makes it sound so easy."
"I don't know. Maybe the Universe heard that we were anti-soulmate and decided to be super tough on us. Cosmic karma, or something."
You choke out a laugh through your tears. The rain has plastered your clothes to your body, the salty wind chilling you to the bone. Without thinking, Bucky takes off his jacket and wraps it around you, unable to watch you shiver any longer.
"What now?" you ask quietly. If he wasn't standing so close, he wouldn't have heard it.
"Let's get out of the storm," he suggests, nodding his head towards the path home. "We can talk some more somewhere warmer."
You sniffle and take a deep breath, willing yourself to get it together. Bucky surprises you by linking your hand with his, warm fingers intertwining around yours.
He doesn't let go the whole way home.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Bucky takes you to his house.
You haven't been here since before your Tethering. You walk in the door, and your knees threaten to give way.
It's overwhelming.
Everywhere - everything - smells like Bucky. His scent clings to every fabric, every upholstery, every room. There's pictures scattered across the mantelpiece, his handsome face staring at you wherever you go. The house is warm, cosy, and just so Bucky it makes your heart ache.
You walk over to the fireplace, taking a closer look at the array of frames adorning it. There's one of your parents and Bucky smiling, sat out on his lawn last summer; another of Bucky and his team of mechanics, stood proudly outside his garage. A small black frame catches your eye. You pick it up, and your breath hitches in your chest.
It's a picture of the two of you on the deck of his boat, the day after you found out you were soulmates. The wind is blowing your hair, billowing your shirts, sun beating down on your skin. You're both beaming at the camera, bright and blinding, completely content.
You're holding back tears as you put it back in it's original place.
"My favourite picture," he murmurs from somewhere behind you. "We look happy."
"We were happy," you whisper. Then, quieter, "We will be again."
A pause.
"You want something to drink? Coffee, cocoa? Oh, I have that tea you like, the apple one?"
"You do?"
"Yeah. I, uh, bought some last time I went grocery shopping. In case you stopped by."
"Tea sounds good. Please."
You stay stood in the middle of the living room while Bucky puts the kettle on the stove, worried that your wet clothes will ruin his couch. As if he's read your mind, he pops his head around the door.
"There's a load of fresh clothes folded on top of the dryer. Grab whatever you want, dry off a little."
You wander into the laundry room, sorting through the pile. You find a t shirt with his garage logo on the back in big, white letters.
J.B.B. Motorcycles and Automotives.
The blocky, bold font swirls across the black material. You run your fingers over it, tracing the curves and spikes of the typeface. It's something you've seen him in a million times. You inhale deeply as you slip it over your head, revelling in the way it smells like him. You grab some boxer shorts and slip those on too, glad to finally be warm and dry.
Bucky loses his breath when you walk into the room. He's never seen you in his clothes before, and for good reason. He's about to have a goddamn heart attack.
"Tea is on the coffee table," he chokes out. "I'm gonna change, and then we'll talk, yeah?"
You nod gently, settling into the cushions of his couch and tucking your legs underneath you, mug warming your hands.
When Bucky returns, he's in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie that you want to burrow yourself into. He takes his place, careful to put a little distance between you. Far enough that you're not touching, but close enough that you almost are.
"I'm sorry," you whisper. "I'm not good at this."
"Neither am I," he smiles gently. "It's my first time having a soulmate."
"Mine too," you laugh softly.
It floors you, his ability to always be able to comfort you. It's like a superpower, the way he always knows what to say or do to put you at ease.
"I think we got a little ahead of ourselves," he begins, careful to keep his voice low and deliberate. "I keep forgetting that we have forever. Literally. I was so eager to rush into this with you because I got excited. Don't get me wrong, I'm still ridiculously excited, but I'm realising now that our version of 'slow' wasn't slow at all."
"This whole Tethering thing makes everything so intense. There have been times where I honestly thought I was going to drop dead if you didn't kiss me."
"The feelings mutual," he chuckles.
You lace your fingers with his, never breaking eye contact, before addressing the elephant in the room.
"What am I gonna do about California, Buck?"
Your voice cracks just saying the word.
"Stella needs an answer, and I've upset you, and my parents are clueless, and I just - I don't know what to do. Tell me what to do. Please."
"I can't tell you what to do, honey," he soothes, running his thumb over the back of your hand. "And I'm not upset. I was, in the backyard... but I was mainly just blindsided. I kinda get it, you not telling me. I'm not sure what I'd do in your situation either."
"I just feel like both decisions are wrong. I can't win."
"Hey, hey. Look at me, pretty baby."
Bucky cradles your face in his warm hands, forcing your eyes to meet his ocean blue ones. You have to focus on his words, so you don't get lost in the waves of his irises.
"At the end of the day, it's completely your decision, and no one in the world can change that. But-"
He takes a deep breath, and continues.
"I think that you'll regret it every day for the rest of your life if you don't take the incredible opportunity that's been offered to you."
You take a second to process what he's telling you, your mind running at a thousand miles an hour.
"Are you... you're... are you saying I should take the job?"
"Like I said, it's your decision, but... yes. I'm saying you should take the job."
Your eyes well with tears, and you bite your lip to stop them from escaping. Inhaling carefully, you put your hands on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat under your palms. He's calm. He's sure. He's collected enough for the both of you.
"What about us?" you ask, barely above a whisper.
"Like you said, baby. I'm your forever." Buck leans in, resting his forehead to yours. "We have time."
"All the time in the world."
You connect your lips to Bucky's softly, testing the waters. He kisses you back with so much feeling, tears slip from your lashes without warning. He's crying too, emotion mixing with yours, dousing you both.
You pull away and wrap your arms around him, curling yourself into his chest. He holds you as tightly as he can, knowing this will be the last time for a long time.
"So you'll go."
"I'll go."
"And I'll stay."
"You'll stay."
"And we'll be okay. No matter what, we'll be okay."
You and Bucky fall asleep in each others arms, cherishing the feeling of home one last time.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The happiness is starting to seep through.
You're devastated to be leaving Bucky behind, but you're trying to look on the bright side. Sunny beaches, new people, your dream job. If you think about the positives for long enough, the Bucky sized hole in your chest hurts a little less.
You're packing up your bookshelf when your phone rings, scaring the life out of you.
You know who it is instantly.
"Hi, Lacie."
"Where have you been? Why didn't you answer my text from last night?"
"Shit, sorry. I've been packing. What's up?"
"We're going out tonight. Not just us - all the girls. We're throwing you a goodbye party!"
You groan inwardly, massaging your temples with your fingers.
"A party? Lace, I don't need a party."
"Babe, you do. You really do. It'll be fun! I thought you'd be excited!"
You take a deep breath, and remember what you've been telling yourself. Focus on the positives.
"Okay, fine. Where? What time? What should I wear?"
"I knew you'd say yes! Come to my place at like... six? We can get ready together, like old times! And wear something sexy."
She doesn't wait for you to argue, just hangs up the phone. She knows you too well.
You know it'll be good for you, to see your girlfriends - but the thought of all the goodbyes you're about to say breaks your heart a little more.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
"Okay, what the fuck is going on with you?"
You're sat cross legged on Lacie's living room floor, sharing makeup that's scattered across the coffee table. You sip your wine for a moment, trying to come up with an excuse. It's no use.
"I don't know."
You turn to look at her.
"It's bullshit, babe. Something's going on. You've been given your dream job, and you're moping around like you just got broken up with or something. Why aren't you happy?"
There's no malice in her voice, just pure love. She adores you. You adore her. She's the one person with an outsiders perspective on all of this. So, you cut the act.
"I had my Tethering."
She's processing.
"When? Who? Where? How? Oh my God what is happening? Why didn't you say anything? Fuck, I'm gonna cry. I'm so overwhelmed right now, I'm so happy for you! Wait... are we not happy?"
"It's... complicated."
There's a lump in your throat, but a levity in your heart. A weight has been taken off you. Telling someone the truth has made you feel a little lighter.
"Who is it, babe?"
You take a deep breath, and look her in the eyes.
Her jaw drops.
"Your... your Dad's best friend Bucky?"
"That's the one."
"Oh. My. Fucking. God."
"Holy shit."
"This is complicated."
"Aw, babe."
She pulls you in for a hug, not caring about the makeup you're smearing across her shirt. You cling to her as tightly as you can, savouring your best friends comfort.
"Does anyone else know?"
"No. We decided not to tell my parents for a while."
"Shit. No wonder you've been so sad lately. You're moving across the country, away from the one person you're supposed to be near."
"It's really hard," you whisper, tears threatening to spill.
"I can't even begin to imagine," she murmurs, holding you close. "I wish you'd told me sooner. We could have talked about it."
"I know," you sniffle. "I thought I could handle it on my own, but I really can't."
"You're not on your own, okay? You have Bucky, and you have me. You can always talk to me about this stuff. God knows I talked your ear off about Cameron."
You laugh softly, thinking back to that day that feels both like yesterday and a million years ago.
"Where is he tonight?"
"Out with his boys. It's good for us to spend a few hours apart."
You smile at the happiness that's radiating off her. She's glowing, beaming in all directions.
"Thanks, Lace. I love you. You know that right?"
"Of course I do. I love you too. So much," she leans forward to kiss your cheek. "Now let's have one hell of a last girls night, shall we?"
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You've lost track of exactly where you are.
You know you're downtown somewhere, in one of the bars. This one smells like wood and whiskey, lowlit and smoky. You hit the cocktail bar first, then the one covered in leopard print, then the monochrome pink one. Now, you're here.
The six of you are sat at a booth, high heels tangled and legs intertwined under the table. The wood is sticky with lemon wedges from tequila shots, salt scattered across the surface.
"If you find any hot west coast men, will you send them my way?" Reese asks, nudging you with her shoulder.
"And if you find any hot west coast women, will you send them mine?"
Everyone laughs, the scent of perfume filling the air.
"Rosa, what happened to Aubrey? We liked her!"
"Caught her kissing my ex girlfriend. So now they're both my ex girlfriends."
"Jesus Christ."
"Man, that's rough," Lacie giggles next to you.
The other girls continue to talk about Aubrey's infidelity as Lacie leans to whisper in your ear.
"Have you said goodbye to Bucky yet?"
You nod.
"Yesterday. I stayed the night, we fell asleep together. Said our goodbyes in the morning. It was awful."
"Love you," she whispers, squeezing your hand under the table.
"Love you too," you reply, squeezing back.
"There's a table of super hot guys over there," Maggie observes, tilting her head in their direction. "Maybe we should conveniently dance that way in a little while."
You don't bother to look over, knowing that none of them will compare to your soulmate. The other girls seem interested, though, so you smile along with them.
"Babe," Sam hisses, kicking you under the table. "There's a hot guy at that table, three o'clock, that keeps staring at you."
You glance over, and your heart stutters in your chest.
His blue eyes pierce your soul, even from across the room. For a moment, it's only the two of you, all the noise forgotten.
You're snapped back to reality by Sam.
"Fuck, he's hot. If you don't want him, I do."
"You should talk to him," Lacie suggests quickly. "Why not, right?"
She's practically pushing you out of the booth, high school wrestler style. In another life, you think, she would have made a good football player. All five foot four of her.
You walk past his table, eyes still locked on him, and towards the bathrooms. You know he'll follow you. You walk to the end of the hallway and out of the door, into the fresh night air.
You feel him appear before you see him. You lean your body against the wall, head resting on the cold brick. Bucky stands in front of you, shirt stretched across his shoulders gorgeously.
"Hi, honey baby."
You smile softly at the nickname.
"What are you doing here?"
"I got dragged to a boys night. What are you doing here?"
"I got dragged to a girls night."
He laughs, and all the tension melts from your muscles.
"Thought we said our goodbyes. I didn't think I'd see you again before I left."
"Me too. But you know the Universe. It hates us."
"Cosmic karma," you whisper.
The two of you stand down the alleyway, looking at each other carefully. Neither of you wants to spook the other person. You'd processed your leaving, said your emotional goodbyes. And now he's here, standing in front of you. You don't want to have to do it all again.
"I should probably get back inside, before the girls get the wrong idea."
"Baby, I followed you to the bathroom. They've already got the wrong idea."
You chuckle, kicking at a rock on the ground.
"Yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna explain this."
A smile. A pause.
"I'll let you get back to your friends, then."
You lean up to press a kiss to his stubbled cheek.
"Bye, Buck."
"Bye, pretty girl."
You push off the wall and walk away towards the door. Suddenly, a warm hand wraps around your wrist, yanking you into a solid chest.
Bucky kisses you like a man possessed. There's nothing gentle about it - just pure, unadulterated passion. It's all teeth and tongue and nipping and biting, neither of you willing to be the first to pull away.
He walks you back into the wall, pushing you against the rough brick. You hike a leg up onto his hip as he grabs your thigh to pull you closer, desperate to feel all of you. Your hands are in his hair, around his neck, tangled in his collar, his shirt, his belt loops. Anything you can get your hands on, you grab.
A distant chorus of cheers break you out of your lust fuelled haze. A bachelorette party walks by, one of the women winking at you as they go. You and Bucky take a step away from each other, straightening out your clothes and fixing your hair.
"Promise me you'll call me if you need anything," Bucky murmurs, leaning to rest his forehead on yours.
"I promise," you whisper, almost against his lips. "Goodbye, Bucky."
"Goodbye, honey girl."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The salty ocean wind whips through your hair, sun beating down onto your skin, some upbeat pop song humming from the radio. You keep your eyes glued to the road in front of you, begging yourself not to look back. You know if you do, you'll turn the car around and run straight back into Bucky's arms.
Let the happiness seep through, you remind yourself, gripping the steering wheel.
Let the happiness seep through.
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tag list part one -
@lillytracy6996 @securegorgon @roostersforevergirl @povlvr @val-writesstuff  @dreadfulxives18 @1deadpool26 @abbygraceasd @nyutasgirl @mavrellover91 @winterslove1917 @f-this42 @skewedcherries @noisesinthedark @kandis-mom @black-cat-2 @harrystylesandthegoobs @vladsgirlxx @h0nestly-though @arienotari @nash-dara   @wandaneedstherapy @galaxy-dusk @justherefortheficandsmut @cremebruleequeen   @cjand10 @buggy14 @avengers-fixation @blueberrybambi @beautiful-loserr @sarah1barnes @miss-rebel-without-applause @ragingrainbowshipl @shamrockqueen @savemeroman @jenn-f @8crazy-freak8 @daddyjackfrost @openup-yourmind @adangerousbalance  @mandijo17 @daddylorianisastateofmind @rcarbo1 @casa-boiardi @spideegwen @navs-bhat @mssbridgerton @asuni921 @middle-of-the-earth @mfrnchsk
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queenshelby · 2 months
The Babysitter (Part 6)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (47) x Babysitter/School Student (18)
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The following day was a blur of horseback riding, afternoon tea, and family games. Yet, through it all, your mind was not fully present, instead it kept drifting back to the man that had taken you in every sense of the word the previous night.
Danielle, Cillian's wife, seemed to be in a cheerful mood, and seemingly oblivious to the dynamic between you and her husband. Every so often, she would glance at you with a warm smile, and you couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt for the secret you were keeping from her.
You wondered if she would despise you if she knew what had happened between you and Cillian in the dead of the night.
Despite the awkwardness that lingered between you, the day passed without further incident. After dinner, however, Cillian pulled you aside, his eyes blazing with an intensity that made your heart race.
"Remember, my wife goes to bed early, so make sure you are ready for me by about ten," he murmured, his voice low enough that only you could hear.
"Cillian, I am very sore. I don't know if I can handle any more," you whispered back, your voice shaking as you tried to keep your composure.
"Go to the bathroom upstairs, there is some cream in the cabinet. It's in a red tube," Cillian murmured, his expression softening. "You should put it on before and after we fuck. It will help with the soreness," Cillian explained, his voice barely above a whisper. He brushed a stray lock of hair away from your face, his fingertips grazing your cheek. The touch sent a shiver down your spine and you felt a familiar heat pooling in your belly.
"Okay," you whispered, your voice barely above a whisper. You felt a strange sense of disappointment wash over you. You didn't want to admit it, but a part of you craved the pain, the pleasure, the thrill of it all.
Cillian leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear.
"Good girl," he whispered, sending a shiver down your spine.
He lingered for a moment, his breath warm against your skin, before straightening up and walking away, leaving you standing there, feeling both relieved and plagued with guilt.
You made your way to the bathroom, your legs feeling like jelly with every step. Once inside, you opened the cabinet and found the red tube of cream that Cillian had mentioned. You hesitated for a moment, a small voice in the back of your mind telling you to stop, to put an end to this madness. But the deeper, more primal part of you yearned for more. Yearned for the pleasure and the pain that came with being with Cillian.
You hesitantly scooped some of the cream onto your fingers, the cold sensation causing you to shiver. Carefully, you spread the cream onto your sore opening, the coolness Dulling the ache.
The sensation was strange, but comforting, and you found yourself almost enjoying the feeling of the cream sinking into your abused skin.
Your pussy was swollen and red , still aching from the intense pounding it had taken the previous night. But despite the pain, you felt a growing warmth in your belly that was becoming more and more difficult to ignore.
Your anus was still stinging from the intrusion the previous night, but the cream was helping to alleviate some of the discomfort.
As you carefully applied the ointment, your mind began to drift back to the previous night, to the way Cillian's fingers had felt as they delved into your forbidden hole.
Your heart skipped a beat as you remembered his moans, his grunts, and the way he had filled you up to the brim, marking you as his in the most primal way possible.
You shook your head, trying to come back to reality. You couldn't believe what had happened between you and Cillian. It was wrong on so many levels, and yet, you couldn't deny the way your body had responded to him. You wanted more, even though you knew you shouldn't.
At ten o'clock, just as you were laying in bed , you heard the soft click of the guest bedroom door opening, followed by the sound of footsteps padding quietly across the room. Your heart skipped a beat as you felt Cillian's gaze on you, the intensity of his stare making you feel both desired and terrified.
You lay there, motionless, as he approached the side of the bed, turned on the bedside table light and stared down at you, his eyes glinting in the low light of the room.
"Cute Pajamas," he said with a smirk, reaching out to trace his fingers along the edge of your tank top.
You swallowed hard, your throat dry at his sudden nearness.
"Thank you ," you managed to choke out, unsure of what else to say.
Cillian chuckled softly, his eyes roaming over every inch of your exposed skin.
"I think it's time for these to come off," he murmured, his fingers hooking into the hem of your pink cotton PJ bottoms, beneath which you were bare.
Your heart skipped a beat as he began to tug at the material, slowly exposing your bare legs. You couldn't help but feel a shiver run down your spine as his gaze followed the trail of exposed skin, settling on the apex of your thighs.
"Look at this perfect little pussy of yours ," he murmured, reaching out to trace his fingers over your mound. "So red and swollen from being used so roughly last night. You took it like a good girl, didn't you?"
You couldn't help but feel a blush creep up your cheeks at his words. You couldn't deny the way your body had responded to him the previous night, even though every fiber of your being was screaming at you to run.
"I...I don't know," you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper.
Cillian chuckled, his fingers continuing to explore your slick folds.
"Sshh , it's okay," he reassured you, his voice soft and soothing. "Your holes will get used to having me inside them all the time,"  Cillian said as his fingers continued their exploration of your body, dipping and swirling into your wetness, before making their way back up to circle your tight, puckered entrance.
"I will stretch them both out some more tonight," Cillian promised as his thumb pressed against your anus. "Because young holes like yours need a lot of attention, don't they, Y/N?"
"It hurts , Cillian," you whispered, biting your lip nervously as his thumb applied pressure to your tight entrance.
"I know, sweetheart, but I promise it'll be worth it," he replied, his voice low and seductive. "You just have to trust me."
You nodded slowly, your heart beating faster as he worked his thumb into your ass, breaching the tight ring of muscle with a gentle but firm push.
You cried out in pain, the sensation overwhelming, but Cillian didn't stop.
Instead, he pushed deeper, his thumb sinking further into your tight channel, until he was buried up to the knuckle.
"Good girl," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. "Just relax and let me in."
You whimpered, the feeling of his thumb inside you both painfully tight and thrillingly taboo. But you trusted him, and so you did your best to relax, your muscles gradually loosening around his thumb.
Suddenly, Cillian's hand was gone, leaving you feeling strangely empty.
But before you could even register the absence, you felt his weight shift on the bed as he moved to position himself between your legs.
Pulling down his pajama pants, he revealed his hard, pulsing length which he stroked once, twice, before lining himself up with your entrance.
"Tell me, do you like being fucked by a married man? A man who is old enough to be your father?" Cillian's voice was low and gravelly, his hot breath ghosting over your face. "Do you like being filled with a married man's cum? And have it leak out of you the next day while spending time with his wife?" Cillian asked, his voice low and dangerous.
"Yes," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper.
You were surprised by your answer, but it was the truth. Despite the taboo nature of the situation, you couldn't deny the thrill that came with being with Cillian. It was wrong, but it felt so right.
With that, Cillian thrust himself inside of you, filling you up completely. You gasped at the sensation, your muscles still sensitive from the previous night. But the pain quickly gave way to pleasure as Cillian began to move, his hips rocking back and forth as he established a steady rhythm.
Using his fingers, Cillian spread your labia open around his cock to watch himself pump in and out of your tight, wet pussy. It was lewd and yet so irresistibly hot that you couldn't help but watch as well.
"Is this what you want?" Cillian asked, his voice low and rough as he pushed deeper into you.
You nodded, unable to speak or even breathe at the intensity of the sensations coursing through you.
"Look at my cock sliding in and out of your tight little pussy," Cillian groaned, his voice husky with desire. 
His words only served to fuel your own arousal, your pussy clenching around him as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to the edge.
"Hold your hole open for me ," Cillian commanded. "Let me see that gape while I put my cock in your little asshole now ."
You whimpered, your heart racing as you did as you were told, spreading yourself open with your own fingers, exposing yourself to him as he pulled out and aligned himself with your forbidden hole.
The tip of his cock nudged against your tightly puckered entrance, making you shiver as he slowly pushed himself inside.
"I know it hurts , but it's okay. You're doing so well," Cillian soothed, watching as his cock disappeared inside of your anus.
"Sshh, good girl ," he coaxed as he began to move, the sensation both overwhelming and incredibly arousing.
You couldn't help but dig your fingers into the bedsheets, your knuckles turning white as you tried to steady yourself for the onslaught of pleasure and pain.
"You are so tight back there ," Cillian murmured, his voice thick with lust as he continued to push deeper into you. "But you can take it. I know you can."
And you wanted to prove him right. You wanted to show him that you could take everything he had to give, that you could be his dirty little secret.
"Your asshole is so red and swollen," he said, his voice deep and lustful. "I love how it looks, how it feels around my cock."
And just like that, you felt a surge of shame and pleasure mix within you. It was wrong, so utterly wrong, yet you couldn't deny how much you craved his touch, his dirty words.
He continued to thrust into you, each movement sending spikes of pleasure throughout your body. You bit your lip to keep from moaning too loudly, but it was becoming increasingly difficult, which is when he pulled out and plunged back into your pussy instead . The change was so abrupt and unexpected that it made you gasp, but soon enough, you were back to the rhythm of things.
Just as you got used to it though, he withdrew once more and immediatly pushed himself back into your rectum.  The alternating sensations were disorientating and foreign, leaving you puzzled as to why it turned you on so much. Maybe it was the taboo aspect of it all - getting penetrated anally was considered dirty and sinful in many cultures. But then again, so was lusting after a married man who was old enough to be your father. Or maybe it was the fact that Cillian was paying you for these acts.
"Such a good girl , taking all of me like that," Cillian groaned, his hips snapping furiously as he pumped his cock in and out of your asshole.
His words were like a match to dry kindling, igniting a fire within you that threatened to consume you alive. You had never felt so dirty, so sinful, and yet so alive.
Cillian's hand reached down to tangle in your hair, gripping it tightly as he slammed into you once more. The pain was sharp, electric, and you reveled in it.
"I feel really full ," you protested weakly, trying to wriggle away from him. It was true, the feeling of him buried inside no matter where on your body had become strangely familiar, yet still entirely foreign. It was intoxicating and you didn't want to admit it, but you craved the feeling of being stretched, of being taken by him in every way imaginable.
Cillian chuckled, the sound a low rumble that vibrated deep within your chest. "You'll get used to it," he reassured you, his voice soft and familiar as he inserted two fingers into your pussy while still thrusting in and out of your ass.
"Oh my god ," you gasped, your back arching off the bed as he found your G-spot. "Cillian, I-"
"Shh, I know," he said, his free hand tracing gentle circles on your belly as you came undone, squirting  all over his fingers and dripping down to the sheets.
He continued to finger you through your orgasm before withdrawing and licking his fingers clean.
You were too stunned to move, lying there like a limp rag doll as he picked up the pace and then, suddenly, groaned loudly  and stilled, his cock buried deep within you.
You felt him twitching inside you, releasing his hot, sticky load deep into your anal cavity.
The feeling was uncomfortable, even slightly painful, but you didn't say anything. Instead, you just lay there and let him do as he pleased, feeling numb and detached from the whole situation.
After what seemed like an eternity, Cillian finally pulled out of you and got off the bed. His cock was still dripping with your combined essences and he let out a contented sigh as he looked at the mess he made.
Your gaping asshole was covered in his seed, the sight both humiliating and deeply satisfying. The sheets on which you were laying were drenched in your sweat and other bodily fluids, a testament to the raw, uninhibited sex you just had.
Cillian, still standing by the bed, looked at you with a sense of primal satisfaction. He reached out and touched your cum-covered hole , swirling his finger around in  his seed. "Good girl, taking my cock like that," he said, before extending his finger towards your lips.
You hesitated for a moment but eventually opened your mouth wide, allowing him to push his finger inside. The taste of your musk mixed with his saltiness made you recoil involuntarily. "Swallow it all. Every. Last. Drop," he said, authority in his voice.
Your mind raced, your subconscious screaming at you to resist, to rebel.
But the taste of him on your tongue, the reminder of your own arousal mingled with his, seemed to dull that voice, leaving you feeling pliant, obedient.
As you swallowed, your body moved on its own volition. Your arms snaked up your torso, wrapping around your breasts, thumbs tickling your nipples. Your hips gyrated, slow circles seeking pleasure where Cillian had just left off. Your eyes, glazed and half-lidded, stared up at him, silently begging for more.
Cillian chuckled, his hand moving to cup your cheek as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. "Good girl," he whispered, his voice a low rumble.
You couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at his words. It was wrong, you knew it was, but you couldn't deny the way your body responded to him, the way you craved his touch. It was dangerous, reckless even, but you couldn't help yourself.
Cillian stood up, his eyes roaming over your naked form with a predatory gleam. "We will continue this tomorrow," he said, his voice husky. He turned to leave, but not before adding, "Don't you dare touch yourself tonight. You're mine, and I want you begging for release." With that, he walked out of the room, leaving you lying there, your heart pounding with a mix of fear, shame, and excitement.
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queercafe · 5 months
103 notes · View notes
slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
Backseat Driver
[A/N: Don’t ask me how this turned into a nearly 7K fic, mmkay? When I finally hopped on the tumblr train I couldn’t find any Steve x reader x Danny smut so uh… I made it myself :) Sidenote: if you know of any/have suggestions, pls send ‘em my way
This is kind of a preemptive apology because I’m about to sacrifice myself to my Internal Med rotation, so who knows when I’ll be back next 🥲 Enjoy 😈]
“All I’m saying is, once, just once, I would like to drive my own car, okay? That’s all.”
“Look,” Steve shrugs nonchalantly as he slips his key into the lock and eases the front door open, “I’m the better driver, so I drive. Just makes sense.”
“Are you- Are you serious right now?” Danny mutters a curse under his breath, following his partner into the dark house. “You’re not a better driver, you’re just a control fr-”
He’s cut off abruptly by a groan reverberating throughout the house, and his eyebrows knit together as he shares a look of concern with the brunette. Their playful banter ends immediately and weapons are drawn from holsters. Steve takes point up the staircase, muzzle aimed at your shared bedroom door as Danny covers his six, the two creeping upstairs in an easy rhythm from years of performing this dance.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Steve rumbles out, holstering his weapon and running his fingers through his hair while he laughs softly to himself.
“What? Is she o…kay…” Danny’s words and any semblance of rational thought scramble when he catches up with his partner.
You’re sleeping peacefully in bed, mere feet away yet blissfully unaware of the duo, your hair fanned out over the pillow in gentle waves, the sheets twisted up around your legs, clad in one of Steve’s old Navy shirts and- they assume- little else. Soft whimpers fall past your parted lips, gradually increasing in volume until they match the frantic rutting of your hips against the pillow squeezed between your legs.
“Woah, hey now,” Steve shoots his hand up to cover Danny’s line of sight and the blonde slaps at him in retaliation.
“What are you, ten? I came up here as backup, but clearly she’s fine so I can le-”
“Oh fuck, Danny,” you keen, eyes squeezed shut in apparent ecstasy.
The two men’s voices, one laced in slight mortification, the other in poorly-concealed delight, join together to whisper a singular What the fuck? You release another breathy moan before your boyfriend comes to his senses and yanks the door closed, turning on his best friend and partner with a glare. “You saw nothing. And you heard nothing.”
“Nothing to see, nothing to hear,” Danny responds with a shrug, trying and failing to hide a smirk behind twitching lips and a clearing of his throat.
“She said ‘Daddy’,” Steve insists, accusatory finger pointed at the shorter man’s chest. “Just so we’re clear.”
The blonde is all tongue-in-cheek as he shoots back, “No idea what you’re talking about, babe. I heard nothing, remember?” He bounds down the stairs toward the front door, and Steve swears he’s got an extra spring to his already normally bouncy step when he walks out of the house.
“Right,” Steve grits out into the giddy air left in Danny’s wake, mind already whirring with potential ways he’s going to make you repent for this little slip up.
“Good morning, handsome,” you call over your shoulder as you stir creamer into your morning brew, dropping the spoon and squealing in delight when you’re unceremoniously spun around and deposited on the kitchen counter next to the coffee maker. Your boyfriend’s mouth latches onto your neck immediately, muttering out a half-hearted greeting between heated kisses to your skin. You pull your bottom lip between your teeth and let out a whine, knocking your head back against the cabinet when he bites down on the sensitive divot between your neck and shoulder. His tongue darts out to soothe the area, and you instinctively wrap your legs around him and press your heels into his lower back, forcing his erection against your lace-covered center.
A sharp gasp punches out of you at the sheer weight of his cock pressing against you, your mind growing fuzzy as Steve cages you in with his hulking form. “Please,” you whine pathetically, tugging at the short strands of his sleep-mussed hair while he relentlessly lavishes your chest and neck with open-mouthed kisses. Then he redirects his attention to your mouth, pressing a few chaste kisses to your lips before devouring you from the inside out. His tongue slips past your parted lips with ease, effortlessly dancing with and dominating yours, pulling needy whimpers from the depths of your being.
“Steve,” you gasp, pulling back to catch your breath, chest flushed and heaving while you roll your hips against his with lust-driven abandon. “This case took way too long. I need you inside of me, like, yesterday.”
He tenderly brushes his thumb over your swollen bottom lip and you hungrily lap at the digit, drawing it into your mouth and sucking greedily as your eyes flutter closed.
“God,” Steve’s laugh is dark and throaty, and you feel another rush of wetness pooling between your thighs. “You’re fucking feral for my cock, aren’t you, baby?”
You nod frantically in response, sucking on his finger with renewed vigor while tears well in your eyes out of desperation.
“Daddy’s little cumslut, hm? Want it in you and on you all the time, don’t you?”
“Fuck yes, Commander,” you cry out, hoping your play on his authority kink will push him over the edge into giving you what you want. You let your nails rake over the trail of dark hair along his lower abdomen before slipping your hand into his shorts and stroking his hard length. “Just want to be a good girl for you.” Without breaking the steady rhythm of your hand working his cock, you guide his hand to the growing wet spot on your panties, pressing his fingers against where you want him, need him. “Please,” you beg again, damn near your breaking point, “please fuck me.”
Finally, mercifully, he obliges, curling two fingers around your lame excuse for underwear and tugging it aside, shoving his shorts down so that you can line the head of his cock up to your wet heat. Your ass is barely on the countertop now, your body magnetically drawn forward, desperate for connection. He pushes into you inch by inch until he bottoms out, and the sound that escapes your lips is nothing short of pornographic.
“Look at that,” he breathes out with a self-satisfied smile, “not even a single stroke and you’ve already got that dumb look on your face.”
“Feels-” You pause to lick your lips, trying to correct the sudden dryness in your mouth as your walls involuntarily squeeze around the delicious fullness, “so fucking good.”
“Yeah? Remember that.”
And then he’s pulling out and tucking himself back into his shorts, heading upstairs and leaving you high and dry on the kitchen counter, lips and legs parted in surprise.
Seated at your desk at work, your fingers fly over the keyboard before you with a mind of their own, the steady clicking of your nails allowing you to zone out and replay the events of this morning for the hundredth time. You’ve already eliminated the possibility of it being a punishment, because Steve has nothing to punish you for. He’s been working a case tirelessly for nearly the past week, and you barely had time to interact with your super SEAL, let alone do something to warrant being punished. Maybe he missed you so much he wanted you all hot and bothered for mind blowing sex tonight- mission very much accomplished. Maybe he’d finally been hit in the head one too many times, and his amygdala was fucked up now.
Or maybe he was actually upset with you.
The last possibility has your lips curling into a frown. You’ve been steadily chipping away at Steve's hardened exterior and actively working on communicating. It’s become a game now, a pingpong match of Use your words, Steven, and You sound like my mother, and the reigning champion, Doris is the reason your emoting needs work.
You pull out your phone to call Steve and settle this once and for all, but a glance at the time offers a better option.
“Future Mrs. McGarrett comin’ in hot!”
“Thank you for announcing my arrival,” you smile and wave at your boyfriend’s team in greeting, making a beeline for his office before the glass double doors of the Five-0 home base have even eased shut behind you.
“Somebody’s in trouble,” Chin jokes about the intensity of your pace. Danny’s gaze lingers on your passing form for longer than he’d like to admit before he responds with a simple, “Yeah.” And it’s not Steve.
“You,” you start, plucking the pen out of Steve’s large hand and tossing it into the nearby mug with its mates before daintily planting your body on the solid wooden desk, “owe me an explanation.”
He sits back in his chair, arms crossed and a provocative tilt to one eyebrow in a show of dominance, intentionally spreading his legs and arching his hips upward to draw your attention there. “For?”
You let out a wry chuckle, your arms repositioning in a reflection of his standoffish posture. “You know what for.”
He leans forward suddenly, his strong hands splaying over your thighs just below the hem of your skirt, and your breathing immediately picks up in response. He growls out, “Enlighten me,” and a shiver runs down your spine.
“Morning,” you rasp, trying and failing to hold onto the higher ground. “This morning.”
“Princess,” he tuts condescendingly, and a renewed rush of frustration floods your veins, “was that unfair?”
“Yeah, it was fucking unfair,” you huff back, fingers itching to scrape along his greying stubble and pull him in for a heated kiss. There’s a tenth circle in Hell for whoever designed this office space with glass walls.
“My poor baby,” he nuzzles his nose against yours before gingerly pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “I’m sure Danny can fix that for you.”
You sit back, eyes wide, and scrutinize his features for signs of the alien life form that’s evidently taken possession of his body. “What did you just say?”
“I said,” he stands up and tosses his jacket over one arm, offering you his free hand to help you down from the desk, “that Daddy can fix that for you.”
“I could’ve sworn-”
“C’mon, baby,” he tucks you into his side as he leads you out of the office, hiding his smirk with a kiss to your hair. “Let’s go home.”
Steve more than makes up for leaving you unfulfilled that night and in the several nights that follow. You’ve convinced yourself that you must’ve misheard him in the office days ago- your friends are always telling you that you listen to your music at hearing-loss-inducing decibels. The two of you have seamlessly fallen back into your usual routine, devoid of snarky commentary and withholding of pleasure. You’ve put that episode behind you, and things are good.
Until the following Saturday.
You’re sitting in your favorite chair on the beach outside of the McGarrett household, enjoying a gloriously trashy romance novel and the peals of laughter wafting up from the water where Steve and Danny are teaching Grace how to balance on a full-size surfboard. The sight warms your heart, but when your boyfriend steps out of the surf, beads of saltwater rolling down the hard planes of his body as he glistens in the Hawaii sun, the warmth takes an abrupt detour south.
“My, my, Commander,” you simper, lowering your sunglasses and making sure he can see the way your eyes hungrily rove his physique. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
“Take me to dinner first,” he quips, leaning down to steal a kiss before falling into the chair beside you. “Gotta admit, Danno’s lookin’ good, too.”
You place your book down on your lap and rotate your body to face him, eyebrow cocked playfully. “Is this your way of coming out to me?”
“Nah, y’know, I’m just saying he’s a good looking guy,” Steve shrugs. “Man to man. Objectively.”
“Danny is very handsome,” you concede with a coy smile. “Objectively.”
You return your shades to their rightful position so Steve can’t track your gaze and hold your book back up in front of you, leaving a gap over the top so you can enjoy the view. Your eyes rake over the blonde’s solid build, lingering appreciatively on the curve of his ass in the tight, wet board shorts. The muscles in his arms ripple as he holds the surfboard steady for his daughter against the lapping waves, and your temperature ticks up another degree when you think about those strong arms holding you down while he-
“You ever think about him like that?”
“Danny?” Your voice rises in pitch and you resist the urge to wince, knowing that you’ve been caught red-cheeked rather than handed- and ogling his best friend, no less. “No, definitely not,” you lie through your teeth, trying to slow your erratic heart rate while calculating what size ladder you’ll need to climb out of this hole.
“Really?” Steve scrapes his nails along your scalp, a soothing pattern that lulls you into a false sense of security until the other shoe drops. “Could’ve sworn you moaned his name when you were humping my thigh like a bitch in heat last night.”
Your mouth drops open, dumbfounded, and you hurry to play damage control. “Steve, I-”
“And the night I came back from our case on Moloka’i.”
The world around you comes to a screaming halt as you put the pieces together: Steve’s uncharacteristic behavior the next morning, his overt possessiveness (even more so than usual), the offhand comment in his office. “Fuck me,” you groan softly, mistaking his comments for justified anger. “Baby, I’m sorry, it was just a dream, but-”
“Tell me about it.”
You raise your eyes to take in your boyfriend’s posture and facial expression. His body is angled toward you, leaning in, eyes bright, pupils dilated. You realize with a tinge of delight that he’s not upset- he’s excited.
You reach out timidly and trace a random pattern along his knee that’s pressed against yours. “So you’re… not mad?”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, angel,” his laugh takes on a dark tone and he squeezes your hand on his knee, using it as leverage to pull you forward as his voice drops lower. “I was mad. I wanted to tie you to the bed and ravage your little body until you were a crying, screaming mess, until the only word you could remember was my name.”
An involuntary shiver runs down your spine and you lean forward even more, Grace’s presence the only thing keeping you from clambering into his inviting lap. “You can still do that,” you whisper.
His fingers brush through your hair and you let out a happy purr that morphs into a sharp gasp when he suddenly tightens his grip. “And then I thought about depriving you altogether. How frustrated and desperate you would get, on your knees with tears in your eyes, begging for my cock like the little slut you are.” He meets your gaze with a wolfish grin, slotting his knee between your legs so you can’t press your thighs together. “But eventually I realized that you can’t help it. That sweet little pussy has a mind of her own, and she just wants to be filled all the time, whether it’s by your Daddy or- Danny! Hey! How’s it going?”
You meekly tuck your legs under your body as you sit back in your chair, quietly trying to take deep breaths. Despite being outside in the fresh air, there’s suddenly no oxygen available to fill your lungs. You’re completely zoned out from the conversation beside you until two fingers make contact with your chin, angling your face upwards. “You okay, babe?”
Your mouth goes dry when you meet Danny’s piercing gaze, and you merely nod in response, not trusting your brain to string intelligible words together at the moment.
“She’s-” Steve pauses to make sure Grace is out of earshot before continuing, “a little preoccupied thinking about the other night.”
“Don’t,” you growl in warning, sparing him a withering glance before realizing Danny’s still holding your chin and abruptly pulling back like his fingers are on fire. “You know better than to listen to him,” you direct your comment to the blonde.
Danny turns to his best friend for clarification. “You mean that night we got home from our case-”
“And we thought someone was in the house-”
“But she was in bed dreaming about-”
“O-kay!” You clap your hands together and stand up, gathering your towel and novel. “Let’s just agree to act like it never happened, and we can all move on with our lives, okay? Great. I’m gonna go make dinner.” You make your way up the beach to the house, and you can feel two sets of eyes watching your retreating form.
“So…” The blonde turns back to his partner once you’re out of sight. “Tonight?”
“Yeah,” Steve smirks in response. “We’ve made her wait long enough.”
Later that night, Steve’s helping you load the dishwasher as he fills you in on the culmination of their last case when you startle at the sound of the front door. You instinctively reach for him and he shushes you with a kiss. “It’s just Danny, baby. Grace is back at Rachel’s so I told him to join us for a movie. That okay?”
“Of course.” Your previous worry melts into a smile when Danny graces you with his presence, and you greet him with a hug.
“Why don’t you go change and we’ll get set up, hm?” Steve sends you upstairs with a gentle pat on your ass that earns him a playful glare and an utterly non-threatening, “Watch it, mister.”
When you return in sleep shorts and one of Steve’s bootcamp shirts, the two have already taken up residence on their designated ends of the couch. You slot your smaller body in between theirs, tugging the blanket over your legs and smiling with glee when you spot the glass of red wine in your boyfriend’s hand. Wiggling your fingers, you instruct, “Gimme.” He holds the glass high out of your reach and raises one eyebrow, eliciting a sharp huff from you. Offering your best doe eyes and pouty lip, you amend, “Please?”
“Much better, little girl.” Steve gives you the glass and you happily accept it, not paying attention to his hand creeping up your thigh under the blanket until his fingers ghost over your center.
“Hey,” you hiss quietly, angling your head towards the blonde on your right. “Don’t.”
“If you two are quite finished,” Danny waves the remote accusingly in your direction, “I’m gonna start the movie now.”
Mumbling out an apology, you take Steve’s arm and sling it over your shoulders across the back of the couch so his hand is far away from its intended target. You settle back into the cushions to enjoy the psychological thriller, and as the film plays your single glass of wine turns steadily into a second, and then a third.
“No more of that for me,” you whisper to your boyfriend, reaching over him to place your glass on the side table. You snuggle into Steve’s side, humming contentedly when his arm comes down across your body, his hand splaying possessively over your stomach. You bring your legs up to drape over Danny’s lap, and his hands move to massage your calves. “This okay, babe?”
Maybe it’s the alcohol answering for you, or maybe you’re trying to fulfill that damned dream, but your head drops into a nod of its own volition. Your eyes flutter closed, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of two sets of strong hands on your body. The movie fades into a dull drone in the background as Steve’s hand dips below the hem of your shorts, and then beneath the band of your lace panties. You whimper at the contact, reaching up on instinct to scrape your nails across his stubble. His hot breath fans over your ear and he rumbles out, “Say 'no' right now and we’ll stop.”
Confused by his words, you open your eyes to find Danny hungrily watching Steve’s finger steadily pumping in and out of you beneath the blanket. He licks his lips and then raises his gaze to meet yours. “Do you want this?”
You open your mouth to answer, then look up to Steve for guidance. “Your body,” he presses a tender kiss to your forehead, “your decision, baby girl.”
You turn back to the blonde with a shuddering breath before finding your voice. “Yes. Please.”
You’re sitting on the edge of the bed, nervous energy thrumming through your body as you play with the hem of your boyfriend’s shirt that dwarfs you in size. You’ve laid down the ground rules and discussed your limits, and now Steve and Danny are in the walk-in closet attempting to have a hushed conversation, but every syllable floats its way over to you in the bedroom.
“This isn’t what we talked about, Steve.”
“You’re always complaining about not getting to drive, well, here you go! It’s all you, buddy.”
“Your girlfriend,” you can practically see Danny’s hands moving to emphasize his point, “is not a car to be driven, you goddamn oaf. She is a beautiful, intelligent woman who should be loved, respected-”
“Hey, Danny?” you cut in. Their heads come into view around the corner and you offer, “That’s a really lovely sentiment, but I just want someone to fuck me.”
Steve turns to Danny with a smug smile that clearly reads I told you so. He crosses the room and grips your face tightly, fingers pressing into your cheeks as he kisses you deeply until your head is buzzing and your lungs are screaming for oxygen. “Don’t for a second forget that you belong to me. Am I clear?”
You look up at him with an adoring smile and nod, mumbling an audible affirmative to satisfy him. Then Steve moves to the loveseat in the corner of the room, getting himself situated and motioning for Danny to join you on the bed.
Excitement wins over confusion when the blonde sits next to you, tentatively strumming his fingers over your bare thigh. “You tell me to stop at anytime, got it?”
You beckon him closer and whisper in his ear, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.” The magic words evidently spoken, Danny all but pounces on you while Steve looks on, one hand tangling in your hair as the other slips under your shirt and his mouth dominates yours. You moan unabashedly at the unfamiliar pace and feeling and taste, your body perfectly in tune with Steve’s after all this time together and thrilled by this fascinating newness.
You run your hands along his muscular arms as he latches onto your neck, meeting Steve’s gaze over his shoulder. “You don’t want to join?”
“Not yet, baby,” he shakes his head. You let out a sharp gasp when Danny finds the sensitive spot near the hollow of your throat, and your boyfriend smirks knowingly. “Danny,” he calls to get his friend’s attention. “Slide two fingers in her and bite that spot again. She’ll clench around you and it’s absolutely incredible.”
“I know how to make a woman feel good, Steven,” the blonde shoots back, tugging your shirt off and rolling your nipples between his fingers, causing you to cry out as proof.
“I’m sorry, did that sound like a request? Because it wasn’t.”
“Should’ve known you’d be a control freak about fucking your girlfriend, too.”
“Oh my god,” you pant, embarrassingly turned on by their banter being about your body. Steve trains his wolfish grin on you when he sees your gaze is locked on the prominent bulge in his shorts. He purposefully shifts his hips and you whimper, longing to feel the weight of his cock on your tongue. “Feeling empty, baby girl?”
“Yes, Daddy- oh!” Your eyes roll back and your mouth drops open when Danny spears you apart with two thick fingers. “Your focus should be on me, angel,” he chides softly. “He can’t touch you from over there.”
“Yes, sir,” you cry, using your leverage on your knees to meet his fingers thrust for thrust. “It won’t happen again.”
“That’s my good girl,” he croons, and you practically glow at the praise, swirling your hips as you feel your release building.
And then Steve is snatching your reward away with a simple command. “Don’t let her cum.” You whine at the loss of contact when Danny slips his fingers out of you, and you silently curse your boyfriend for being able to read you so well. “Got something to say, brat?”
“Yeah, actually, I-”
“Shut her up, Danny.”
Your sassy remark gets caught in your throat when Danny slides his fingers, completely coated in your wetness, between your lips. You moan around his fingers and suck greedily, grateful to finally have something in your mouth. You brazenly cup him through his pants, palming at his erection while you continue to suck on his fingers, eyes closed as you try to imagine enjoying the real thing.
“Is that what you want, my little slut?” Steve calls mockingly from his spot in the corner. You whimper pathetically in affirmation and he laughs. “That’s what you’ve been dreaming about, isn’t it? Danny’s cock filling your pathetic little holes, his cum in you and on you?”
A whine escapes your lips, morphing into a high-pitched keen as Danny eases your shorts and panties off and guides you to sit on his muscular thigh. You grind down on his leg, desperate for some friction, and take the opportunity to yank his shirt off so you can feel his bare chest. Danny replaces his fingers in your mouth with his tongue once again, letting the soaking wet digits trail down your naked body until they reach your throbbing clit. He circles the sensitive bundle of nerves over and over again and you dig your nails into his shoulders as your first orgasm rips through you, your head falling back and a strangled moan echoing throughout the room.
Danny’s thumbs rub soothing circles along your thighs as you recover, and you feel your boyfriend’s presence behind you moments before his arms wrap around your body. “Did so good, baby girl,” he murmurs, pressing kisses down the back of your neck. “Take a breather.” You nod weakly, still buzzing from the aftershocks of your orgasm, and Steve tilts your chin up so he can get a good look at you. “Tell me your color.”
Opening your bleary eyes to fix him with a smile, you offer, “Green, Steve. As green as you were when you heard me moan your best friend’s name.”
His eyes flash a shade darker and his mouth twists into a wry grin. Carding his fingers through your hair as Danny kisses along your neck, he remarks, “You really want that punishment, don’t you?”
Intent on pushing your boyfriend’s buttons, you respond, “Wow, Steve, you don’t miss a beat.”
Danny pulls his face back from the valley between your breasts long enough to kindly request that you both shut the fuck up. With a laugh, you turn away from Steve and direct your attention to the blonde, tangling your fingers in his hair and pulling him in for a heated kiss. Steve’s large hands on your hips draw you back against him so he can grind on your ass while you tug Danny closer and appreciate his length pressing insistently between your thighs. Danny’s tongue licks into your mouth, hot and hungry, and your brain goes fuzzy from being trapped between two walls of pure muscle.
Sliding your hands down the blonde’s toned back, you work your way past the band of his sweatpants until you reach your intended target and give a firm squeeze, an appreciative moan building low in your throat. “You have such a nice ass,” you confess, your filter evidently not present at the party thanks to alcohol and lust. “I wanna fucking bite it.”
With a warm chuckle, he comments, “You’re a little freak, huh? You like biting?”
“I love biting,” you emphasize, demonstrating just how much by sucking a harsh mark on the blonde’s chest that has him groaning in pleasure, “but I enjoy being bitten more.”
Steve’s knowing laugh rumbles against the back of your neck, then he drags his lips down the curve of your spine and his palm strikes your cheek before he sinks his teeth into your flesh. The exciting jolt of pain elicits a gasp from you, and Danny takes the opportunity to tug your bottom lip between his teeth until you cry out again.
Fumbling behind you, you manage to push your boyfriend’s shorts down enough to feel his cock spring free, and you guide him between your thighs, already slick from your previous orgasm and unrelenting desire. “You’re a greedy little thing,” Steve admonishes you, sliding his cock between your folds, the tip repeatedly nudging your clit but refusing to give in and fill you up. “Daddy, please,” you whine, tears springing to your eyes as you throw your head back against his shoulder. You pull Danny along with you, and the blonde hungrily latches onto one of your nipples, rolling the other bud between his fingers. Steve keeps up the torturous drag of his throbbing cock along your weeping cunt, his large hands pressing against the outside of your legs so he’s effectively fucking the tight space between your thighs. “Don’t be mean, Daddy,” you cry in earnest, pathetic tears rolling down your cheeks and your pussy aching with need.
“Poor baby,” Danny coos when you sniffle, cupping your cheeks and kissing away your tears. “Do you want me to fuck you?”
“Yes, oh yes, please,” you babble, absolutely desperate to be filled. You can see the blonde smirking at you through your tears, his soft touches and featherlight kisses in direct opposition to how rough and dismissive Steve’s being with your body right now. Your skin feels like it’s on fire, and you have a carnal desire for both of these men to use and abuse you. “I’ll do whatever you want, Danny, please!”
“Bribing the police is a felony offense, little girl,” he tuts, clearly enjoying mocking you.
“Then bring your cuffs next time,” you growl, fed up with their game. You shove Danny’s chest, forcing him to fall back on the bed, and he smiles at the predatory glint in your still teary eyes. “So fucking beautiful,” he breathes out, mesmerized by the sight. You tug his sweats down, then bend at the waist to take him in your mouth. The change in angle has your boyfriend’s cock finally sliding home where he belongs, and Steve lets out a strangled groan at how tightly you’re squeezing him. You moan around Danny’s length, and the blonde lets out an obscene sound at the sensation, a lewd symphony echoing around your bedroom. Steve draws his hips back until only the head of his cock remains inside you, and you mirror his motions with your mouth around Danny. “Oh, I see,” your boyfriend laughs when he notices. “You want me to drive, baby?”
You hum in assent, laving your tongue against the vein on the underside of Danny’s cock. He tangles his fingers in your hair and gives an experimental tug, causing your eyes to roll back from pleasure. “Not today, Steve,” Danny counters with a wicked grin. “She’s my little passenger princess now.”
You whimper at the thought, and your walls clench reflexively around Steve, his fingers digging even harder into your hips in a bruising grip that’s sure to leave marks for days to come. With one hand on your throat, Danny guides you up until you’re on your hands and knees between the two kneeling men.
Your skin flushes red hot and your breathing picks up at the recognizable position, excitement coursing through your veins. “Are you going to-”
“Why are you talking, huh?” Danny questions, tilting his head and pressing his fingers against the column of your throat. “Did I say you could speak?” You shake your head, his authoritative tone and the fact that your dominant boyfriend is relinquishing control to his best friend turning your legs to jelly and your brain to mush. “I asked you a question, Y/N,” Danny growls, and you’re quick to amend with, “No, sir.”
He runs his thumb over your swollen bottom lip and murmurs, “Good girl.” Then, “You both still okay with this?”
Steve answers with, “Yes, Danny,” while you blurt out, “This is so fucking hot.” Your sudden admission shatters the tension in the air, and the three of you can’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry,” you giggle, “it’s just that, well-” Feeling bashful, which in itself is a ridiculous feat with Danny’s cock mere inches from your lips and Steve’s pulsing inside you, you duck your head and murmur, “I’ve been dreaming about this.”
“I know, baby,” Steve admits, pressing a kiss to your back while he squeezes your hips. “You talk in your sleep.”
“You knew?” you hiss, Danny’s grip on your hair keeping you from glaring at your boyfriend. “This whole time? You mother- fuck,” your outrage morphs into a wanton cry, your mouth dropping open when Steve roughly slots himself back between your thighs. “Sorry, Danny,” he apologizes for momentarily taking the reins. “It’s all you now, buddy.”
The blonde shakes his head at his best friend, then guides you forward until the head of his cock slips past your lips. You moan at the taste of him, relaxing your throat and allowing him in further. “Such a good girl,” Danny says softly, his gentle praise going straight to your core and causing you to pulse around Steve who ruts against you in response. His voice rough with desire, he coerces, “Move, Danny.”
“What happened to me being in charge, huh? Two minutes, Steve, you couldn’t go two minutes without opening your big mouth.”
“I’m sorry, does my girlfriend’s pussy have your dick in a vice grip? No? Then shut up and move, for the love of God.”
“Y’know, I think this whole ‘Commander’ thing has really gone to your head.”
“Oh yeah? Which one, cause they’re both pretty big.”
You let out a frustrated grunt, as much as you can with the sizable obstacle in your mouth, and glare up at Danny. “You’re right, baby, I’m sorry,” he sighs, taking a moment to adjust his grip on your hair before fucking your mouth with a renewed fervor. You can’t tell if they’re working in tandem or trying to compete, but you can’t bring yourself to care as you bounce between their bodies in the most obscene version of tug of war you’ve ever played in your life. Steve’s fucking into you like an absolute animal, his low grunts and growls only serving to further spur you on as his hand presses against your belly to feel the bulge there with every flex of his hips. You want to tell him how turned on you are by the fact that you can feel him so deep inside you, how badly you want him to fill you up until he’s dripping down your thighs, how much you love him and love being his little plaything, but you can’t complain about not being able to talk when the reason why is so deliciously hedonistic.
Danny looks like a work of art as he uses your mouth, his head thrown back in pure ecstasy, chest heaving, a thin sheen of sweat coating his beautiful skin. His fingers are splayed across your throat just like his best friend’s lower on your body so he, too, can feel his cock pulsing inside of you with each thrust. Your limbs feel utterly useless right now, and you’re grateful that the two of them are holding you up as they wring out every drop of pleasure from your body. Drool slips from the corner of your lips with every pull of Danny’s cock, mirroring your essence dripping down Steve’s solid thighs, and you can feel the band in your core tightening with every stroke, threatening to snap at any moment. Steve can sense your impending orgasm and he tells his best friend as such, two sets of skilled fingers roaming your body to heighten your pleasure, one teasing your sensitive nipples, the other circling your pulsing clit.
The dual sensations send you hurtling over the edge with a long, muffled moan, your mind going blank as Danny spills down your throat and Steve’s release paints your walls, still squeezing him in the wake of your own climax. They gently pull out of you and you cry out at the sudden shift, every single one of your nerve endings feeling like it's on fire. You barely register the warm washcloth caressing your skin as they murmur gentle praises and sweet nothings to you, then get you settled under the covers. Once you’ve had a moment to catch your breath, you recognize Steve’s solid form underneath you, and you beckon Danny closer before snuggling into your man with a sigh. “You’re welcome, by the way.”
Steve hooks your leg around his waist and presses his lips against your forehead. “I think you mispronounced ‘thank you’ by several syllables there.”
“I meant what I said,” you insist through the haze of sleep, placing your hand over Danny’s on your waist and interlocking your fingers. “I consider this team building. Much more effective than your mandated therapy. Ergo, you’re welcome.”
“Bet he still won’t let me drive, though,” Danny mumbles against your skin, and you can feel his lips quirk up in a cheeky grin.
Steve leans up on his elbow to look at his partner over your half-asleep form. “Are you serious right now?”
“Yes, I’m serious. Why would you ask me if I’m serious? Have you ever know me to be unserious when commenting on your neurotic ways?”
“I just- you’re unbelievable, Danny, y’know that? I share my bed with you, I share my girl with you, and you still say things like that. Where do you hide all that audacity in such a small stature, huh?”
“Oh, for the love of- will you two shut up?” you groan. Both men mumble apologies and shift closer to envelope you in their warmth which you happily accept. “It’s imperative I get my postcoital beauty sleep since you two will clearly need more team building sessions.”
“You wanna do this again?” Danny asks, quirking an eyebrow at Steve who shrugs as he awaits your answer.
“Of course,” you mumble through a yawn, already dozing off. “I’m sure dream Danny will be visiting again for inspiration sometime soon.”
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jungwnies · 1 year
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syn ' a fight sends doyoung missing in action, will it make or break the relationship? pairing ' fem!reader x husband!doyoung
warnings ' cursing, marital problems, arguing, lowkey toxic
requested by @kang-yeosangs-initials
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"this is bullshit doyoung!" you shout across the kitchen as he puts on his shoes. "we fight about this all the fucking time!"
"y/n, i don't know what you fucking want from me." doyoung argues.
the second walked out that door, your head was hot. you were angry. honestly, you were hoping he'd never come back through that door.
you grab a glass from the cabinet and pour yourself some wine, sitting alone on the couch.
when you woke up in bed alone, you sighed. "bastard." you mumbled to yourself getting up.
you get ready and leave the house, you didn't come back for the past three days.
if doyoung wasn't going to be there, then what was the point of you being there? the house was supposed to a be a sacred ground for the two of you, but it just felt wrong, even if it was originally your home, it still felt empty without him.
"he hasn't come home yet?" your friend asks you sitting across the cafe table from you.
you shrug, "i don't know i haven't been home in days, but if he was home i would've gotten a motion notification from the security cameras."
"maybe you should just get a divorce, he's not good for you anymore." your friend tells you hesitantly.
"that's if i even see him ever again." you tell her laughing. "he should've never left, we could've talked it out, but i don't know after this argument, it just seems like the end."
⎯ ts
you type in the code to your lock and go into your home, it smelled the same, but it didn't feel the same. you see doyoung in the kitchen sitting down with some take-out.
"hey." he says, with a smile.
you scoff and put down your things walking away.
"y/n, why aren't you talking to me?" he asks putting down his fork.
"seriously?" you snap turning around to face him, "you want me to talk to you after you've been awol for three days?"
doyoung looks at you confused, "y/n i don't know what you're talking about, i've been home."
you laugh, "oh my god, don't you think i would've known if you were home?"
"seriously y/n, don't be delusional." he sneered.
"either way doyoung, i don't want you here, so please just leave." you tell him, with a tired tone.
"what did i do?" he complained.
"what did you do?" you ask with a scoff, "are you seriously asking me that right now?"
"yes?" he says, confused.
"every time there's an argument, you just leave, you never fucking listen to what i have to say, you never want to fix things, you just leave, and then you come back like nothing happened!" you exploded. "you're not the same man i loved four years ago, and i want you out, i don't want you to come back!" you shout, tears coming out of your eyes.
"what?" doyoung asks, shocked.
"please doyoung, just stop acting like everything’s fine when it’s not fine!" you cried, trying to wipe the tears off your face as they kept coming down.
doyoung walked up to you and grabbed the sides of your arms, "y/n..."
you shake him off, "don't touch me, and don't act like you're sorry, because if you were this would have never been a problem."
doyoung steps back, "y/n please stop crying." doyoung said, crying with you.
"i just wish you never promised to love me till death did us apart." you tell him sobbing, "i tried really hard to make this work, and you just walked away every time."
doyoung looks at you with a bittersweet expression, "are you okay?"
you look at doyoung and you laugh as tears fall out of your eyes, "after you just ended our seven year relationship? yeah i'm just peachy."
you walk away from him and put back on your jacket, "when i come back, i want you and your things gone."
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2022 © jungwnies
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russellsppttemplates · 11 months
mick "wearing" rora or baby seb in a wrap sling 😍
(the bulky chest and narrow waist but with a cute baby attached to them is too much for my poor poor ovaries to handle.
Note: as you can see, dad!Mick and mentioning his waist and back get me going
"Do you want to go outside today?", Mick asked you as he looked out of the window as he finished washing the mugs from breakfast, seeing it was a nice sunny day.
"It would be nice to leave the house", you commented, looking at Angie, "and I bet she would love to go on a W-A-L-K", you spelled, knowing the word would send her running, "I'll go get ready then, she's still sleeping, but I think she'll wake up soon", you said, excusing yourself and making your way upstairs.
When you reached your bedroom, you set the baby monitor on your bed while you looked for something comfortable to wear, finding a pair of leggings and a comfortable hooded jacket, looking for some socks and then heading to check on Aurora, having seen her move a little bit on the monitor's screen. So, reaching her bedroom, where you saw your baby girl wagging her little arms, cooing up to you when she heard you walk inside the room, "hello, my little bunny", you smiled, "did you have a good nap?", you asked as you helped her out of the cot, picking her up so you could change her diaper, "I hope you did, because papa has a fun morning planned for us".
Unfastening her body suit, you managed to change her diaper all in one go before choosing a warmer outfit so you could go outside without her getting cold.
Packing the diaper bag, you slung it over your shoulder while holding Aurora in your arms, heading downstairs to see Mick adjusting Angie's collar, "all good, Angie", he said before the dog noticed you two, making her way to you, "look, Rora, it's your best friend!", you exclaimed.
Since you had brought Aurora home, Angie had taken it upon her responsibility to always look out for the little baby whenever she was in the room, finding her many times asleep at the feet/bottom the furniture pieces your daughter would sleep and play on.
"Do we need her buggy?", you asked, "the ground there has a few stones, it will be bumpy for her", you recalled, "I was thinking we could put her in the wrap sling", your husband said and you nodded, seeing him grab the soft fabric from one of the cabinets.
"Can I carry her?", Mick asked, "I know you usually do it, but I want to try it of that's okay", he said, a hint of blush on his cheeks as he looked hopeful at you, making you chuckle at his cuteness, "sure, let me help you, though", you said, laying your daughter on the large sofa so she could wait comfortably.
Grabbing the material, you wrapped it around Mick's narrow waist, pulling each end over his broad shoulders, "grab these, please, I can't pull them all the way in front of you on my own", you asked, giggling at your struggle before finally being able to manage all the cross patterns in in torso, "are you just feeling me up or is this all needed?", your husband giggled as you swatted his chest playfully, rearranging the fabric, "can you blame me though? All this is doing is hugging your very handsome and well looking torso", you said as you went to kiss his lip, turning around to grab Aurora so she could be secured in the bundled fabric, "Hello, my little love, ready for a walk?", he said before kissing the top of her head, hands going around where her butt was.
The walk was slow paced, since you were still taking it easy, Angie always near you as you and Mick talked about some gossips he had heard and other news you had to share, "You can let your arms go from around her, you know? It's the whole point of wearing a sling after all", you teased your husband, seeing his arms locked around the bundled up baby, "I know, but I like having one here", he said as his other hand went to lace yours. Throughout the whole walk, your heart fluttered everytime Aurora would make a little noise, Mick explaining to her everything you were seeing and enjoying the family day out.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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kylobith · 2 months
Little Town Tails
Chapter 3: A Sitting Duck
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Summary: Beaky goes home, and Halsin offers his help so the owlbear will no longer be the target of cruelty. He also considers welcoming a new member in his team.
Ship/Pairing: Halsin x Fem!Tav
Trope: Modern AU, Meet-cute, Little countryside town, Cosy
Word count: 3,657
Read it on Ao3 here
Listen to the dedicated playlist on Spotify here
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Dream a Little Dream of Me fills the cramped little office of the practice, accompanied by the soft hum of a mobile phone. Halsin pats the floor beside him until he retrieves it, groaning and cracking an eye to disable his alarm. Still groggy from his short night, he rubs a hand across his face and sits up.
Little light filters through the lowered slats of the Venetian blinds. Just enough for him to know that the sun has already risen. He sits there for a minute, taking his time to wake up while embracing the warmth of sunlight upon his cheek. Once his mind has cleared of most of the nightly fuzz, he unlocks his phone, grimacing as the screen’s brightness blinds him at first.
Five messages await him, received during his slumber. All were sent by the same person, professionally registered under the name ‘Ms. Ashguard - Beaky’. With a soft smile, he opens the text thread and reads it.
‘Hassle Beaky been able to eat yet?’
‘*Has, sorry.’
‘Rabbits are his favourite if that helps in any way. Boar is fine too.’
‘What should I prepare for him to come home? Can he stay in the field or is it better that he remains indoors at first?’
‘Sorry for sending you so many texts… Not used to having a pet of my own (if I can call an owlbear a pet, haha!), so I’m just worried. Thanks for everything you do. Good night!’
Halsin chuckles and scrolls farther up the conversation, refreshing his memory of what information he has given Tav and in what manner. He groans in embarrassment when he notices some typos in his messages that he did not see after sending them. He has yet to grow accustomed to his new work phone, especially its keyboard. His fingers are too large to type properly, which often frustrates him. Usually, he notices the mistakes on time before sending emails or messages, but it seems that his fatigue after waking up several times during the night to check on Beaky in the recovery room blinded him to them.
He exits the conversation without answering Tav and begins to type a new message.
‘Good morning Karlach, would you mind buying some rabbit meat from the butcher for Beaky before coming to the practice? You can use the company card. See you later. Halsin.’
He locks his phone and stretches his back, before finally dragging himself off the inflatable bed he set up in his office to remain close to Beaky if something were to happen. Rubbing his round stomach as it rumbles, he paces up to the window and opens the blinds, welcoming the morning light in.
After slipping on his T-shirt, he finds Beaky in the recovery room, curled up on the mattress from his guest room that Karlach helped him bring downstairs. Scratch is huddled up beside the owlbear cup, his ears perking up when he hears his owner’s footsteps.
Halsin goes up to the dog and ruffles the fur on his head.
‘Good morning, Scratch,’ he chimes. ‘You have been taking good care of Beaky, I see. Good boy.’
He reaches into a box perched up at the top of a cabinet and takes out a treat he gives to the white dog. Then, noticing that Beaky is stirring awake, he crouches in front of the cub, letting it sniff his hand before daring to pet it.
‘And good morning to you too, Beaky. Still faring well?’
The owlbear produces a low hoot, scratching the mattress with its paw.
‘Alright, let’s have a look, mh?’
Halsin unwraps the bandages and checks the scars. After disinfecting and airing them, he ties up a plastic cone around the ankle so Beaky does not pick at the scabs while he fixes himself a cup of tea. Before adding some honey to the infusion, he dips mint leaves directly into hot water in his favourite mug, decorated with ducks. While stirring the beverage with his spoon, he hears his phone ping in his pocket.
As he unlocks it, he sees a text from Karlach.
‘On it, Doc! No need to sign your texts, btw, got your number saved already.’
He chuckles and thanks her. He is quite aware of how old he sounds when speaking, but his way of texting seems much worse. Once his tea is finished, he puts the mug down and goes back to the office to deflate the mattress and bring it back upstairs, where he takes the time to shower and change.
Right when he heads back to the practice, dressed in his teal scrubs, he sees Karlach peeking through the door, carrying something wrapped up in an old newspaper. He unlocks the door and the tiefling instantly hugs him.
‘Morning, Doc! Got the rabbit meat here. How’s Beaks?’
‘Doing well. I will bandage him up again and call his owner.’
‘Eager to see her, huh?’ she teases, nudging him in the ribs with a mischievous gleam in her eyes as she makes her way to the recovery room.
He rolls his eyes and comes to watch her feed the cub with the raw meat. He whistles at Scratch, who follows him to receive his breakfast in turn and frolic in the garden afterwards. While the dog is busy chasing a butterfly, his tongue lolling out happily, Halsin takes a moment to call Tav.
‘Hello?’ the voice on the other side of the line answers.
‘Good morning, Miss Ashguard,’ he greets, smiling widely, ‘Dr Silverbough from the Emeral Grove veterinary office speaking.’
‘Oh, morning doctor! Is everything alright with Beaky?’
‘Everything is in order. He had a good night’s sleep and my assistant gave him some fresh rabbit meat. No appetite loss whatsoever! So, I believe that he is in shape to go home. You can pick him up anytime.’
He hears a heavy sigh of relief.
‘Thank you so much, doctor, I will come later this morning. Do I need to prepare anything for his recovery?’
‘No, I will have everything ready for you. No special arrangement necessary on your part.’
‘Oh, great. I will see you then!’
‘See you later, Miss Ashguard.’
She hangs up and he slips his phone back in his pocket. A smile lingers on his cheeks as he fills his lungs with the flowery scent of the air. He eyes his little flower garden on the side of the yard, admiring the daffodils that have finally grown and bloomed. Their golden petals shimmer in the sunlight, only disrupted by the morning breeze. Perhaps he should think of growing a few more next year for the reception. Plants brighten up a place like nothing else, he always says. In the meantime, he will need to be content with ordering bouquets from Jaheira’s shop.
Then comes the time for them to open the practice and welcome the first patient of the morning. Arfer, the elderly man who waters the planters and flowerbeds throughout Heawick, is already waiting at the door, bringing his old tortoiseshell cat in his carrier. Halsin offers him a warm welcome and a cup of tea, then proceeds to examine the animal. It is but a routine check, accompanied by a slightly overdue vaccine.
Despite its advanced age, the feline is in perfect shape, and its senses — and claws — are still sharp. It always pleases him when people take such great care of their furry companions, and much to his relief, the area seems to be filled with loving owners. In just a day, the difference between the patients in Heawick and those from the village and the city where he previously worked has proved quite striking.
Halsin healed too many dogs in dire need of exercise that were kept in cramped rooms and flats. Many ended up overweight and suffered severe issues, and it always tugged at his heartstrings to see them in such conditions. He often wished that he could offer to adopt them instead, knowing that he could offer them a more fulfilling life, but there was only so much that he could do. In some cases, he did trigger the alarm and contact animal protection services. It was never pleasant to see the pets and owners separated, but it was often better this way.
At least he did not just stand by and watch without trying to save the animal.
When Halsin escorts Arfer back to the reception after creating his file, the old man shakes his hand and gives him a toothy grin.
‘It is quite nice to finally have a vet in town,’ he says. ‘I don’t need to travel all the way to the city to have my Clawdia looked at anymore! When I play Talis with my friends later this week, I will tell them about you, doctor. They all have pets, you see, and some of them are too old to travel to the city.’
‘That is quite nice of you, Mr Proudcobble. It is a pleasure to help the local community,’ Halsin responds with a kind smile. ‘That is precisely why I settled down here, after all.’
‘We are in good hands, then, I say!’
Arfer waves him goodbye and does the same to Karlach, who responds with her usual bubbly greetings. Halsin sighs in satisfaction and takes a look at his watch. He still has about an hour before the next consultation. On his way to his office, Karlach intercepts him with a smirk.
‘Doc, somebody is in the waiting room.’
‘I was not aware that we had another appointment in the meantime.’
The tiefling clears her throat with a wink and nods — not so subtly — towards the waiting room. Halsin turns around and sees a fidgeting Tav on one of the chairs. His smile instantly returns to his lips.
‘Oh, good morning, Miss Ashguard! My apologies, I did not see you there.’
‘That’s nothing, doctor,’ she chuckles, standing up and approaching him to shake his hand. ‘I couldn’t wait to pick up Beaky after all, so I came as fast as I could.’
‘That is quite alright. Right this way.’
He walks with her to the recovery room and Tav instantly coos at the owlbear, throwing herself on her knees at its side to cuddle and pet it. The creature seems delighted to see her, acting much like a lapdog and not as a wild animal as it leans against her touch and rests its heavy head on her shoulder. He leans against the doorframe, watching the scene and embracing the warmth spreading through his chest at the sight.
Indeed, Heawick’s region does not lack loving owners.
Once the initial elation has somewhat dissipated, Halsin approaches the two and crouches before the animal, undoing the plastic cone and dressing the wounds again. Tav watches every gesture with interest, knowing that she will need to mirror each and every one of them once she is home. Noticing her staring, he smiles and explains each step, explaining to her what the best way of tying up the bandage is for such a creature.
Then, he stands up and retrieves a bag he prepared the previous night with everything she might need to care for the cub.
‘I prepared this for you,’ he says gleefully while handing it to her. ‘It contains everything you will need. I added some painkillers, but try to use them only if you see that he is struggling. In case of doubt, you can always call or text.’
‘That’s perfect, thanks! What about the stitches?’
‘We can remove them in about two weeks. Sometimes it can be done earlier, but I would rather remain on the safe side. You can already plan the appointment with my assistant.’
Tav peeks inside the bag and shoves it inside the satchel hanging from her shoulder. As she slips her arms underneath Beaky to lift him, Halsin halts her and does it ever so naturally.
‘If you could open the doors on the way, I would be grateful,’ he chuckles.
‘Oh, of course.’
She guides him through the practice and they stop by the reception so Karlach can make the appointment for Beaky’s stitch removal. Tav pays for the surgery and consultation and goes to open the front door for the vet and the creature. She guides them to her car, whose backseats have been flattened so the cub can be driven around. Halsin places Beaky there, careful not to hit its paw as he does so. When he closes the car boot, he finds Tav standing close enough to him that he can feel the heat radiating from her body.
The two of them, surprised by this sudden proximity, stare into each other’s eyes for a second. Rosy hues tint their cheeks and noses. He admires the way they dance around her freckles, further softening her delicate traits.
But before he catches himself staring for too long, she chuckles and he mirrors her, taking a step back. They both lower their gazes, and he witnesses the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes in action, they which were left unused the previous day.
And gods does she look beautiful.
‘So, um,’ he forces himself to speak to defuse the odd tension settling between them, ‘have you asked your neighbour about the bear trap, then?’
Tav’s eyes widen and she nods vehemently.
‘Oh, yes! Yes, I did. I met with Minsc as you advised, and he came with me to Combury to check the woods near my house. When Mr Bongle saw us by the field and the broken fence, he just confessed to everything.’
She shrugs, almost as though she expected this turn of events from the start.
‘It was just like you predicted, doctor. He felt guilty when Beaky got trapped, so he removed the trap and left. Good thing, though, he’s refunding me the costs of the consultation and the operation.’
‘I see. Well, it is good to hear that you had closure on the matter.’
‘Not really. Minsc told me not to shrug the situation off. He told me that owlbears were protected in the area, which I didn’t know, so I made an appointment with one of the lawyers of the organisation for animal protection. Hopefully, they can do something.’
Halsin nods and glances towards Beaky, who has fallen asleep in the back seat.
‘If it helps in any way, I will be happy to fill in a medical report for Beaky, including the costs and the follow-ups,’ he suggests, nervously rubbing his palm against the back of his neck. ‘I am glad that you are not leaving the matter to rest. Even if Mr Bongle felt guilty, what says that he would not do it to other animals? Besides, Beaky could have sustained worse damage, but he also worsened his condition by yanking the trap.’
‘You would do that?’
As he faces her again, he meets her twinkling gaze. He finds himself short of breath again the longer he plunges himself into their turquoise pools, nearly feeling the freshwater of their streams upon his skin.
‘Of course.’
Tav smiles from ear to ear and tucks a lock of her hair behind one of them.
‘I might take you up on that offer if you truly don’t mind. We should wait until I meet up with the lawyer in the city. I should know more about the process once I speak to her.’
‘Feel free to text me when you know more.’
‘That’s kind of you. Really.’
They smile at each other again and Tav twirls her car keys around her finger.
‘I should get going. Beaky must be exhausted, still.’
‘Of course. I would advise keeping him indoors for the first few nights and changing the bandages every four hours. When you go to bed, you can wait until morning, that should be fine.’
‘Amazing! Thank you, doctor.’
‘Good luck with Beaky and the lawyer. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or doubts. We would rather be bothered than learn that something went south with Beaky.’
‘Will do. Have a lovely day, doctor.’
‘You too, Miss Ashguard. Take care.’
He shakes her hand and steps away from the car as she hops inside and drives away. He waves awkwardly and heads back inside. Karlach is already leaning against the counter with a smug grin.
‘You really won’t admit that you have the hots for her, Doc, will ya?’
‘Karlach, that is not appropriate.’
‘I saw you, you know. All blushy when she looked at you.’
‘All the time!’
‘Sure, Karlach.’
Checking the time, he heads towards his office and turns on the computer. A few minutes later, as he browses several websites with a frown of deep focus creasing his brow, Karlach comes in, bringing him a cup of coffee.
‘Here you go, Doc.’
‘Oh, thank you.’
He wraps his hand around the hot mug, relishing the warmth as he continues to peruse the catalogues and inventories. He hears the tiefling taking a seat behind him and feels her eyes burning through him.
‘What are you looking for?’ she asks, blowing softly on the surface of her own coffee.
‘Larger pillows for big animals. I should have invested in them earlier, but I did not expect to ever have an owlbear as my patient. Thing is, I cannot find them anywhere.’
She takes a first sip of her drink and gasps loudly in satisfaction. It is a good thing that Halsin has such a high tolerance for mouth noises of all kinds, otherwise he would have long been irked by her presence. Thankfully, it is not the case, and he does not even mind when she breathes down his neck when she has got nothing to do.
‘By the way, doc, did you look into the post-op onesies I told you about? It’s definitely better than the cones. My friend, who has a cat, told me that it didn’t even try to scratch or bite the stitches at all. It did walk funny for about two weeks, but that was it.’
‘I did, I emailed several suppliers, and I’m hoping that they will be open to negotiating prices. So far, the prospects are not quite pleasant, to say the least.’
Karlach ponders about the prices for a moment as he shows them to her, checking different suppliers. Indeed, they represent quite a cost for a new practice. Halsin is keeping money to the side, but he is hoping to save it for a rainy day instead of spending it all whenever he thinks about something which could be helpful for the practice before he can be sure that he will make any use of whatever his purchases are.
The young woman sighs and sets down her cup.
‘Hey, Doc,’ she speaks in a melancholy tone, ‘I know that your employing me was nothing but charity. I’m completely aware of it, you don’t need to lie.’
Taken off guard by the sudden turn in the conversation, Halsin turns around with a lifted eyebrow.
‘Karlach, what are you talking about?’
‘No, but really, Doc, I’m not trying to go all emotional on you, but it’s true. I’ve got no qualifications, no diplomas, nothing, yet you still took me in. And I’m super grateful.’
Karlach shrugs and smiles at Halsin.
‘I might not know much, but I know charity when I see it. So, I was wondering if you would trust me to bring that charitable side of you one more time.’
‘What do you mean?’
She nods towards the computer screen and takes the mouse, scrolling through the catalogues for both pillows and onesies, keeping herself from gasping at most of the prices.
‘These are expensive as hell, and I know what I’m talking about,’ she scoffs. ‘But, see, there’s a friend of mine who’s in a bit of a pickle. He might lose his job if he doesn’t do some community service first. Thing is, he’s not the easiest person to live with, he’s got quite a temper, so nobody takes him in. I know that it doesn’t sound like the best of plans, but I can testify that he’s amazing with a needle! He could do his community service here and make the pillows and onesies himself. Perhaps even do some extra chores when you need him to. That will cost you much less than any of that pre-made crap!’
Halsin pauses to consider her words. The practice already needs another team member and he knows it. There are already struggles about the team being so small. If Karlach is busy while he is examining patients, then there is nobody else to welcome other visitors. Another person, even if not a veterinarian, would fix this issue in no time. If they are agreeable, that is, and from what Karlach has said, he finds himself doubting it.
‘Mh. He does not sound very pleasant so far.’
‘Oh, but he is when he puts his mind to it. It might help that I’m working here too. Once he trusts someone, he’s lovely! I mean, he behaves like a cat sometimes, but he’s great!’
He sighs and drinks some of the coffee. It is much too dark, more to her taste, but he does not say a word about it. She made the effort to make it for him, and it is unlike him to bite the hand that feeds.
‘Listen,’ she adds, catching his attention again, ‘I’m willing to be held responsible if he misbehaves. If he messes up, throw me out for even referring him in the first place.’
The veterinarian finishes the cup as fast as he can, chugging the liquid so it does not linger on his tongue too much.
‘He is good with a needle, you said?’
‘A real talent,’ Karlach answers excitedly. ‘He makes some of my accessories in his free time, actually.’
‘Do you think he can start tomorrow?’
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Taglist: @emmanuellececchi @reignydeys @cakenpiewhyohmy
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an-au-blog · 8 months
I have a horrible au idea...
cw: mention of human experimentation, child abuse, violence, panic attacks etc
(if anyone writes this pls send me link or tag me or something)
Modern au (with the og 5) where the strawhats are true crime content creators and like to dig in old cases, visit "haunted houses" and urban legends.
When one day they start looking at the Vinsmoke family's child disappearance case. There was almost no evidence and the Vinsmokes weren't even the ones who filed in the missing persons report. It was one of the private tutors they had. He was fired afterwards. The case was deemed a cold case and officially closed. The Vinsmokes moved to Germany and left a huge mansion behind. No one wanted to buy or maintain it. Many thought that they covered it up. There were too many oddities around the family.
So obviously Luffy decided to break into their old mansion. It's been almost 10 years since they moved. So they didn't expect any inhabitants.
They found the top floors abandoned and dusty (as expected). Creaking and spiders on the walls only added to the uneasy feeling that a standard haunted mansion vibe. The lower floors looked like someone actually came once in a while but they thought it's because a lot of people came here on dares or like them: for content.
What they weren't expecting was to hear noises from the cellar. Or attic? Whatever was down there... it was behind a wall and it sounded like crying. They couldn't find a way to bust down the walls but Nami and Usopp found the crack of the entrance and they cranked ot open.
It was what looked like a hiden prison with only a window for air to come in with bars on it. When the secret door thing was open, the crying stopped. They called out if anyone was there. No answer.
Bloodstains and rotting rat carcasses were on the floor. There was an operation bed and a cabinet of chemicals, syringes and other rusted tools. When one of them pointed it out there was a sound that came from the locked room.
It was obvious at this point someone was in there. They opened to see, to their horror that there was a skinny blond boy shriveled in the corner. Shivering and holding his hands up to protect himself.
He kept flinching and the surprising cries get louder every time any of the boys tried to approach him, he keeps getting full on panic attacks. The only person that didn't evoke that kind of reaction was Nami. (She looked a like his sister: short light hair (plus pink and orange look alike in the dark) and the rest of the men from his family used to abuse him) He was almost entirely nonverbal but a dna test confirmed that he was the Vindmoke's missing son: Sanji.
He slowly started warming up to the rest. He was going through a rehabilitation program but they kept visiting him. He started warming up to Usopp first. Sanji kept staring at his hair. The first time they saw him smiling was when Usopp let him play with his curls. The next to make him cheer up was Luffy. At first Luffy kept his distance because he felt so horrible he couldn't do anything and he couldn't bare to see Sanji act like that at the mere sight of him. But once he heard Usopp was a "safe" person, he did everything in his power to make Sanji laugh. The only one who Sanji never opened up to was Zoro. With his stature and green hair, he looked too much like Yonji. Zoro stopped going into the hospital room. He just waited in front of the room or in the car. He knew when he was unwanted.
That was until he finally revived and could leave the hospital. Nami couldn't come because of her finals, Luffy had to to pay his brother bail and Usopp was left preparing the surprised "party" for Sanji's release (it was going to be just them and a few family members like Nami's sister, Usopp's fiance etc).
It wasn't ideal, but Zoro was stuck picking him up. Sanji stayed at least 3 meters away from him at all times. When they got to the car three weirdly dressed men with colourful hair tried to approach them. Sanji started getting a panic attack, all the progress they've made down the drain. Zoro told them to fuck off but they kept walking closer. So he started fighting them. The security of the hospital got involved. And a mental note for a restraining order was made.
After that Sanji no longer saw Zoro as a copy of Yonji, but as a big guard dog to hide behind.
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losfacedevil · 6 months
All My Love // Pt 1
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a/n ~ Meet Sam and Lovey, high school sweethearts who have to fight and find their way back to each other. This idea makes me nervous due to the subject matter but has to be one of my most self indulgent ideas in the way of the story line. I hope you all enjoy the roller coaster this is about to become. I have to give the biggest thank you to my absolute best Lovebug, @vanfleeter who always lets me bounce my insane ideas off of her and encourages me in the most wild child ways I love you! Also a huge thank you to @rhythm-of-space & @dannythedog for reading through this for me as outside eyes, you don’t know how much I appreciate it. 🎵Playlist🎵
The presence of another is most deeply missed when the whereabouts of the person is unknown. When their presence is misplaced amongst the chaos of a blip of time and they slip away, unbeknownst to that of their lover. Where their clouded mind has shifted from that of the protection and well being of another to that of their own. The presence of another is most deeply missed when they slip away into the night without even the softest mutters of a goodbye into the ear of their lover.
Sam had met Lovey in high school and had hit it off with her right from the beginning. Stumbling into her lunch table one afternoon was all it took for her piercing eyes to capture his and intrigue him to find out more of who she was. Though in the same grade, she was a year younger than he. Sam had taken her under his wing and learned to love the girl for who she was, through all of her flaws, and her wild child instincts. He found her endearing, some of her actions and the phrases that came out of her mouth sending him into giggling spirals and he didn’t fully grasp the extent of.
They say that high school sweethearts never make it past graduation, but they were determined to make it as they applied for the same colleges, proof reading each others essays as they submitted application after application. Their wide smiles and shared jittery giggles something the had come to truly love about each other.
But college it seemed, wasn’t in the cards for them as they both received multiple rejection letters. Lovey had found herself to be more defeated than Sam. Never letting on to the fact she would sit, silently crying, in their shared bathroom with the shower running. Or the late nights she sat in bed next to his peacefully sleeping form as she drowned her sorrows in whatever alcohol she could get her hands on without anyone noticing.
Sam though, had taken quick notice. One less wine cooler in the fridge, unexplained broken glass on the sidewalk and just the smallest amount of Jakes whiskey spilled about the bar cart top. He’d sigh quietly as he wiped up the small messes, taking note of the bottle caps she had thought were well hidden in the coffee grounds she disposed of last night.
He had pulled Jake aside, quietly assessing what was happening and making sure it wasn’t Jake making messes in a drunken stupor he didn’t know about. Jakes heart had shattered in his chest at the sight of his brother, his face falling slightly as he began to realize that Lovey might be facing inner demons no one knew about and using alcohol as a coping mechanism.
It wasn’t long before a locking alcohol cabinet replaced the cart Jake loved so much; knowing that if the alcohol remained accessible that she would drink herself into oblivion - or worse. Their worlds rocked the night she found out she no longer had access to her vice. The scream that ripped from her chest waking both boys from their sound slumber.
Sam made his way to the kitchen, the soft sounds of her sobs reaching his ears before he rounded the corner and found her slumped in front of the cabinet like a child who didn’t get their way. A sigh slipped past his lips as he closed the distance between them and he kneeled down to her level. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pressing soft kisses to her temples as he pushed himself to stand and pulled her up with him.
“It’s for your own good, Lovey, this stuff is gonna kill you.” He murmured against her hair, pressing another kiss to the crown of her head as he began to direct her towards their shared bedroom.
Her tears didn’t cease. She was angry with the world, with Sam and Jake, but she was most angry with herself. The way she was acting over not being able to drink was unlike her, not a way she would have normally reacted under the circumstances. Sam watched her from where he laid, her bottom lip tucked safely between her teeth as tears continued to flow down her cheeks - her sobs having finally ceased and her breathing more regulated.
“I’m sorry, but you’ll thank us in the long run.” Sam mumbled, reaching over to place a reassuring hand against her thigh. Lovey caved finally and with a deep sigh slid down to curl up in Sam’s arms.
Lovey behaved herself to an extent, never asking for a drop of alcohol when the boys were indulging or sneaking any when their backs were turned. But the urges and cravings never waned, almost painful pits forming in her stomach when the days would be hard and she’d need an outlet to turn to. The locked cabinet they had used as a solution to a problem bigger than they had imagined, only worked when she remained in the home.
Lovey would run off after work, shooting Sam text messages with stories of a work dinner or hanging out with coworkers; something she didn’t often do. Sam had given her the benefit of the doubt at first noting her appearance, the way she spoke and the scents that may have permeated off of her. But she began to slip in her ways, the sneaking around beginning to catch up with her as one drink turned to two, and three. Each outing resulting in her limit rising and shots of hard liquor being added to the rotation.
She stumbled home after a long night out, the world spinning on its axis and her stomach contents finding a new home in the rose bush next to the front porch as she fell inside the now opened front door. Sam’s eyes grew wide at the state of his girlfriend, almost fully passed out on the living room floor covered in her own vomit and smelling of a brewery.
Sam’s eyes had found Jakes, the expression on his face displaying both his distaste and disappointment as he bent at the waist and lifted his deadweight girlfriend off of the floor. Jake shook his head as he made his way over to where Sam stood and gently slipped his hands under Loveys arms, supporting her weight as Sam got a better grasp on her and tossed her over his shoulder.
Knowing she had broken their trust had eaten her alive. The disappointed looks and soft, frustrated sighs that would slip passed their lips every time the memory clicked in their head was enough to send her in a spiral. But she tried harder to be better. She began coming straight home after work, making her way past every bar she would frequent with short waves into the door at the bartenders.
The boys knew she had been trying harder, watching on as she picked up random hobbies, journaling, reading, drawing. But they knew she was still sneaking off to get her fix, one night a week coming home a little later than usual. She’d never let on, never tell them that she was popping into a bar on the other side of town where no one knew her, one where she’d never be found.
Sam wanted nothing more than for her to be better, for her to return to the Lovey he had fallen in love with. But he watched on as she slowly turned back into the childish girl who had cried over a locked cabinet. She began coming home more and more drunk, her vice finally getting its arms around her and dragging her under for the third time.
Lovey needed help
TAGLIST: @gretasmokerising @ascendingtostardust @vanfleeter @belovedsamuel @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @tommie-gvf @the-wicked-gnome @stardustvanfleet @sinsofstardust @gracev0609 @runwayblues @lightsofthe-living-gvf @sunfl0wer-power @mackalah @twistedmelodies @dannys-dream @dannythedog
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headcansxfanfictions · 3 months
FANFICTION Its 1:30 am so i wrote this out of no where
PG-13: talk of sexual themes but no sexual acts
TW: character worries about SA
Plot: Asexual Illumi finds himself having a heat unexpectedly after taking suppressants for too long. The closest safe place is Hisoka’s penthouse. Illumi just makes it in time.
Hisoka was alarmed when Illumi Zoldyck showed up at his penthouse in full heat.
“Hisoka Im sorry I needed somewhere safe.” Illumi pants holding on to the door frame and shaking from trying to not to collapse.
Hisoka isn’t alarmed easily but right know Illumi seems 10 times more vulnerable then he has ever seen the man.
Illumi stumbles forward and Hisoka catches him. Illumi’s scent is amazing and Hisoka has to mentally slap himself.
Hisoka half caries Illumi to his bedroom. “I almost didn’t make it here,” Illumi starts to cry.
The sobs send chills through Hisoka, Illumi never cries he hardly ever shows emotion. That being said he has never seen Illumi in heat before so maybe this is normal for him?
Illumi is laid down on the bed and Hisoka sits next to him waiting for Illumi to say more.
“I-I almost didn’t make it. I could have died or worse, raped and left pregnant. Hisoka I was so scared. I almost didn’t get away.“ Hisoka hears Illumi’s deep voice break for the first time.
“Illumi you did make it though, you just stay here. You’ll be safe.” Maybe its his alpha instincts but Hisoka has a sudden strong urge to protect Illumi at all cost while he is in heat.
Despite his reputation for being promiscuous and constantly horny, at the age of 26 Hisoka is actually able to control his alpha very well. Yes, Illumi’s heat is effecting him but he respects Illumi enough to push that aside as much as he can.
“Illumi, I’ll be back in a moment I just need to go get some things. Is there anything medicine you usually take?”
“I don’t know,” Illumi’s breathing is ragged, “haven’t had a heat in years… suppressants.”
“You’re on suppressants? Was this heat expected?”
“No,” Illumi writhes struggle for words.
“Never mind we can talk later let me go get you somethings. I’ll be back as fast as I can.” With that Hisoka leaves the bedroom and heads swiftly for the kitchen. He takes two pill bottles from the cabinet and takes a pill from the first one; a suppressant of his own. He doesn’t usually take them but has them for emergencies like this to prevent him from going into rut. Then he gets a glass of water and a thermometer and heads back to Illumi.
Illumi looks worse than when he left. He is read hot and writhing trying desperately to hold himself back and maintain some dignity.
“Illumi here, something for the pain.” Hisoka helps Illumi take the pain medicine and drink some water.
“Thank you,” Illumi whispers through his ragged breathing.
Hisoka then used the forehead thermometer to check Illumi, 101.3F, he’ll be okay, Hisoka will watch it.
“Do you need anything else?” Hisoka asks then hesitantly adds, “I can help you if you want me to… I’m an alpha you know.”
“No,“ Illumi whispers immediately. “I-I dont like doing that.” Illumi cries harder.
“Hisoka I hate this.” Illumi feels scared and small, like being 17 again locked in his room having his first heat. Illumi doesn’t like to talk about it but he hates the idea of sex or anything sexual. It disgusts him. Heats are the only time he ever has sexual feeling and it is hell for him. This is why he always takes suppressants. He has only had 3 heats prior to this; once that first time at 17 again at 19 and again at 21. He was supposed to let himself have one every other year but last year it had been too difficult to make himself do it so against the advice of his doctor he had stayed on the pill illegally. He had been fine up until a couple hours ago when it had hit him like a freight train and he found himself far from home unable to protect himself.
“Okay okay, it was just an offer.” Hisoka watches Illumi curly up on his side, slick is wetting throw his pants.
“Wanna put something more comfortable on? Im gonna go grab some towels to put under you so you can stay clean.” Its unlike Hisoka to be this serious, especially about something that could warrant many sex jokes however the vulnerability Illumi is showing is enough of a shock to make him grow up for the time being.
Illumi hums is appreciation as Hisoka lays the bed with fresh towels and helps illumi into a nightgown. He leaves Illumi’s underwear on not wanting to make him feel unsafe.
Illumi finally falls asleep and Hisoka takes this opportunity to braid the man’s long raven hair so that it won’t be tangled with all the writhing and thrashing that will occur once he wakes.
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lou-struck · 1 year
Sick Days With You
Meguru Bachira- sick fic
Prompt: 🤧🤒 + cuddles
~When you’re feeling under the weather, Meguru jumps at the chance to take care of you.
a/n: I love a good sick fic, and I hope you do. This was my first time writing for any Blue Lock Characters so I hope I didn't mess it up too badly.
~This is one of the requested prompts for My Emoticon Expression’s Event; check out the masterlist On my welcome page.
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The morning sun hasn’t even picked through your blinds yet, and you are awakened by a devilish pounding in your head. Your joints ache, and your skin is clammy with an uncomfortable layer of sticky sweat. You’re definitely sick.
Your poor throat feels tight as you breathe out a tired little whine, twisting yourself so that your back is to the window.
You reach an arm out across the mattress, hoping to find the familiar figure of your boyfriend sleeping next to you, only for it to lay flat against the cold- slightly wrinkled sheets.
How rude, “you think to yourself. You must have gotten this cold from standing in the rain watching Meguru’s last home game. 
He never forces you to go, but he refers to you as his good luck charm, so often you feel the need to make it to as many as you can. 
Reluctantly, you pull yourself out of bed and head to the bathroom, searching the cabinets for some medicine that will make it easier for you to rest. Turning on the light, you can see your reflection in the mirror, and you look rough. All natural color has been completely drained from your face, and your skin shines with a sickly hue; peering in closer, you see that your eyes are bloodshot and watery. As for your nose, there are definitely some bats in the cave, but the thought of doing anything about them just makes your head pound more.
After taking a bit of medicine, You have just enough sense about you to send a quick message into work telling them that you will be taking a sick day. Before your head hits the slightly cooler pillow and you drift off into a dreamless sleep.
Something touches your cheek. It’s just a little tap, innocent, playful. But It’s enough to have you peek open your eyes. Meguru’s bright citrine gaze stares back at you kindly. “You’re not feeling too well, are you?” He asks the question in his usual chipper voice, but you can’t tell that he is worried about you. 
You shake your head; you are not feeling any better than you had this morning. You didn’t think it would be possible, but now you feel worse. “No,” Your throat feels tight and itchy as you croak out your response. “I-I think I’m sick.”
“I can check for you,” he offers, placing the back of his palm on your dry forehead. His much colder skin feels like heaven against your own. 
“Oh my, you’re really burning up.” His features light up in a way that doesn’t quite fit the mood, and you furrow your brow, trying to figure out why he looks so eager about the whole thing. 
 “Isn’t this exciting?” he says earnestly.
“What? Exciting?” You wheeze pitifully, your body shivering underneath the blankets as you pull them impossibly tighter.
“Very exciting,” affection and adoration clear as day on his face as turns walks across the bedroom. Tossing open the closet door, he pulls out a pile of folded, fluffy blankets and plops them on the edge of the bed so he can unfold them. “It’s exciting to me that today, I get to be the one to take care of you.”
He carefully drapes the first one over your still shaky form and tucks it tight against you. 
“I don’t know if I’d call this exciting,” you murmur, watching him unfold another blanket and lay it on top of the other one, effectively turning you into a human blanket burrito. As you look at how much care he puts into such a simple action, you know it’s not just the blankets that are making you feel a bit warmer.
“Oh, but It is.” he grins, tucking the last of the pile over you. “You took care of me when I wasn’t feeling well, so now I get to be the one to do it.” He makes the idea of caring for you sound so dreamlike you may not understand what goes on in his head. But you know he’s being honest when he says he wants to help you.
There is a familiar tingling sensation under your nose, a sneeze, the kind of sneeze that threatens to spill the contents of your overstuffed nose everywhere. Your arms are tucked so neatly into the blankets you are unable to free them in time to reach for a tissue, or at least your arm.
But just as you are about to blow, your boyfriend carefully presses a wad of them against your nostrils. The feeling of having someone else do it is foreign to you, but it works, and instead of looking disgusted, Meguru looks almost accomplished, having helped you out already for the second time.
“See? I told you I’m here to take care of you.” He smiles, tossing the wad into the nearby trash can, sanitizing his hands.
The sneeze may have partially cleared up your sinuses, but that headache from before has returned in full force. Can you try and borrow yourself further underneath the covers to shield your sensitive eyes from the light? You are unsure why, but now you are feeling so, so self-conscious about this whole thing.
“Meguru, you really should get away. Right now, I’m cold, hot, and shaky. My head feels like it’s going to fall off, and my stomach is doing flips” You try again, speaking to him from underneath the covers. It will be much easier if you don’t have to look at his cute face while you reluctantly tell him to go away. You don’t want him to leave, but he shouldn’t have to deal with you like this, “you have a big game this weekend; you shouldn’t get sick taking care of me..”
“I’m not leaving, you are telling me all these things to push me away, but they only make me want to help you more.” he says, gently pulling the blanket off your head, “I don’t care about getting sick; I just want you to feel better.” You were ready to send him off with another brigade of excuses, but then he brings out the pleasing puppy dog eyes. “Please let me help you.”
Dammit, He’s good
“Sometimes, you are just too persuasive for your own good.” you sigh as he slips a large pillow behind your back to prop you up. “If you really want to help me out, I won’t stop you.”
He beams victoriously; the look in his eyes is almost as joyously intense as when he megs a goalkeeper to score. “Just wait; I am going to take such good care of you; you will feel better in no time.”
You wiggle a bit, working to free your arms from the confines of your blanketed prison. You have a feeling today will be much more enjoyable if you are able to move them freely. But the blankets don’t budge. “A little help, please…” you huff. 
“I tucked you in a bit too tight, didn’t I” he giggles. “I guess that was my way of trying to keep you in bed today.”
You laugh at his joke but quickly lose your breath. Your whole body heaves with each cough putting fat tears in your eyes.
“Hey, You gotta take it easy,” he says, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as if he thinks that True Love’s Kiss is powerful enough to cure a common cold. You love that he is a romantic, but you really don’t feel much better and continue to cough into your sleeve as if you are dying.
“What can I do to help you right now?” 
You are about to ask for a glass of water to soothe your dry throat, but he gets ahead of himself.
“Oh, I know; I can run down to the grocery store and pick you up some Gatorade, so you stay hydrated. I should also get you some good things to eat and pick up some medicine.” he starts pacing across the room, talking more to himself than to you. “Then when I get back, we can watch some of your favorite movies, or maybe if you are up for it, we can play those video games you like.”
He got so lost in his ramblings he forgot that you actually need something until your next fit of coughing hits you. “Are you okay? What do you need?” he’s kind of freaking out.
He starts to rush to the kitchen but stops and comes back, realizing that your voice is already so weak you shouldn’t have to yell for him.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he says, taking a deep breath and getting close, calming down for both your sakes. “What can I get you?
“C-could I have a glass of water, please,” you say in a small voice.
He nods eagerly, rushing out of the room as quickly as he can. His eagerness is utterly adorable. 
At first, when you heard the clinking and clanking of glass and doors in the kitchen, you were concerned, but you truly know that Meguru Bachira is a capable adult who won’t burn the place down just by pouring a glass of water for his sick partner.
He comes back with a tall glass of water, a pitcher, a few tablets of Ibuprofen, and a frozen water bottle.
“Thank you,” you say, taking a pill for your headache and chasing it with a greedy gulp of water. “You’re the best,”
“I haven’t even started yet.” he laughs, cheeks turning a bit pink from your praise. “Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?”
Despite the mountains of blankets already on top of you, your coughing fit has given you quite the chill. Your skin covers itself in goosebumps as you look up at him pitifully. “Could you get me another blanket?” 
“Another one? You really must be freezing,” he says, looking in the closet for any more blankets. “I don’t see anymore, but I have something better in mind.”
You cock your head to the side as he strides across the room, springing onto the bed. Before you can object, he wiggles underneath your mountain of blankets and lays next to you. “Wait, what are you doing?”
“Keeping you warm with some Cuddles,” he says innocently. “I told you before that I don’t care about getting sick, so why don’t we just relax and watch your favorite comfort movies. I placed an order for some groceries, so I won’t have to leave your side today.”
You cling to the heat he is giving out and enjoy the feeling of his embrace. “Do you promise?” you hum.
“I promise,” he shoots you a playful wink and holds you even tighter to his chest. “After all, I would never want to miss out on a sick day with you.”
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xxcallmemaryxx · 2 years
You rope your beloved ghouls into a game of Hide and Seek! Cue frantic and possessive ghouls. 
Request for Anon! 
Today is practice day for the ghouls. They lock themselves in the practice studio for hours and hours to rehearse for upcoming tours. Sometimes you join them, other times you stay back to enjoy the peace. 
Today you decided to stay back, lounging around in the common room you all share. You've occupied yourself with a good book for a while now, and checking the time, you've got about an hour until the guys finish up. 
You are a little bored of reading, and as much as you love having some quiet time… you need to find something else to do. 
Looking around the room trying to think of something you land on a cabinet you keep tucked away to the side. It's used to store the DVDs the lot of you have collected over the years. It barely gets touched now. You haven't seen any of the ghouls open that thing in months, but you've always thought it looked big enough for you to fit in. 
Obviously with an hour to kill now is the perfect time to test that theory. So you empty it out, and crawl inside. It's pretty much perfect. 
Feeling a little proud of yourself you think you'll have some fun with this. 
You crawl out, and move all of the DVDs to your room. Hiding them away so your plan doesn't get busted. 
Once you're happy with that, you go into Rain's room and steal his fluffy blanket off his bed.  You wrap it around yourself and then crawl back into your new found home nice and snug. 
Pulling your phone out to check the time, you see you've got about 15 minutes until the ghouls wrap up and make their way back down to the ghoul rooms. So you click into the group chat you've had with them for a while. 
You cannot for the life of you stop the grin that grows on your face as you type out your little text.
“Whoever finds me first gets rewarded. All the cuddles and kisses you want.”
Then after a minute or so after you press send you watch as each of their contact names pop up under the message, notifying you they've seen it and they are now well aware of the game you've roped them into. 
You're almost positive they've ditched their instruments and are now on the hunt to find you, you would think creatures from the pits of hell would be as scary as they sound…. But in reality they’re the softest, sookiest beings you've ever known. So full of love with such intense needs to be loved. 
You predict it won't take long for them to find you, but you want a small challenge… hence you stealing Rain's blanket. They would be able to sniff you out within seconds, so hopefully this masks your scent for a little while.  But… you also know the longer they can't find you, the more crazed they get. Their need to have you again will overpower their self control, even if they know it's a game. Their bond with you is out of this world and it just won't allow you to hide from them for too long. The thought of them finding you while they're in that state makes your heart race. The possessiveness makes you weak and you come crawling back for it every. Single. Time. 
Rechecking your phone, you see it's been about 10 minutes. They have yet to even step foot inside the common room and you can already picture them tearing the place apart for a simple whiff of your scent. 
They know you well though, there's a lot of places around the church you wouldn't even dare sneak into just for a silly game. So they know which places to look and where to avoid. They can't be wasting time knocking on Nihil's door just to ask if they can look through his closets. Even attempting to would earn them a one way ticket back down to hell. 
It's only a matter of minutes later when you hear them throw the door open and start searching the room. With there being 5 of them, you already know they've scoured the halls of this church at least twice before making it back home. 
You can hear the opening and closing of cabinet doors, the stomping of their feet as they walk past your little hide so unknowingly, and the slight panic in their voices when they realise they haven't quite caught your scent since entering the room like they thought they would. Obviously it's a little bit stronger here, but not enough to track you. 
“They’re masking themself” you hear Rain call out. 
In return to his statement you hear a chorus of confused grunts come from the other ghouls. 
“My blanket is gone. The one I sleep with…. That's why we can't smell them.” 
You smile at that. You knew he would notice eventually.. You're surprised at how quick he realised given how frantic he sounds… but you always steal it from him and he knows how much you love this thing. 
At this point you're counting down the seconds. Hearing them be so close has you on edge, your heart is racing and your hands are starting to shake. You're sure they've tipped their bedrooms upside down, and you know damn well they've ransacked your room by now too. 
Then as if on cue…. The door to the cabinet you're in flies open. Light fills the space and there you are. Tucked away, hidden underneath a fluffy blanket with the stupidest grin on your face. 
And there he is. 
His eyes are wild, his fangs are barred and his breathing is erratic. Before you can even utter a word out to him, his clawed hand reaches in and yanks you out. Straight into his chest. 
His arms are wrapped around you and his nose is in your hair and neck. Half scenting you, half scenting himself. You look around and see the array of looks on the rest of the ghouls' faces. At first they're happy you've been found…but then as they realise they miss out on your affections, they're left with such disappointed facial expressions… it breaks your heart a little. 
You give Aeth a little kiss on his forehead then whisper into his ear… 
“I'm sorry honey…” 
Before he can properly ask you why, you're already calling out to the rest of them…
“You all win, I cant… you all deserve to win”
Aether looks at you with a soft smile, clearly not at all upset that he now gets to snuggle with all of his favourite beings in the world.
One by one the rest of the ghouls bolt into your room, stripping shoes and shirts as they go… eager to have you back to themselves again. 
But before you join them you plant a gentle kiss on Aethers lips. 
“How'd you find me?”
“Found the DVDs in your room… “ he says with a smirk. 
You smile at him and let him kiss you one more time. This time a little longer… and a little more feverish… but he deserves it. 
You walk over to your room together and see the mess the guys have made of your bed. Blankets and pillows have been rearranged to form a makeshift nest, Dew and Mountain are putting it together while Rain and Swiss are gathering more blankets from the other rooms. 
You can't even crawl in yourself… you are quite literally dragged into the bed by Mountain, who takes this opportunity to wrap himself around you while the others take their rightful places in your bed.  Within seconds you're a mess of tails and limbs… but you've never felt safer. 
They don't say anything. Their actions speak loud enough. But you make a point to plant kisses on every body part you can reach. They are clinging to you like they've been searching for you for years, and you know you'll be giving them all endless amounts of love over the next few days. 
You all love a good chase… but at the end of the day you all love each other way more. 
You can feel your eyes drooping, you know you're not moving from this spot for a long time. But you can feel a small nudge in your side. You pop an eye open and see Rain already looking at you…
“Why don't you just keep the blanket… I know you love it” he very shyly mumbles to you.
You smile at him, such a sweet baby he is.
“If it belonged to me it wouldn't smell like you anymore…”
You watch that information process, and judging by the sparkle in his eyes and the blush on his cheeks he took it quite well.
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nevvaraven · 1 year
Home Videos
From @jegulus-microfic’s prompt - camera (752 words)
“So that’s….a camera.”
“Yes I can see that,” Sirius grits out, a look of pain coming over his face.
“It’s not what it looks like!” James rushes out, cringing slightly because it’s exactly what it looks like.
“Really? Cause it looks like a video camera pointing directly at the bed you share with my baby brother.” Sirius wrinkles his nose as he speaks, choosing to look up only at the ceiling as he breathes out a frustrated sigh. 
James begins to protest but with the glare Sirius sends him as he opens his mouth he opts instead to hang his head shamefully and shuffle over to move the incriminating camera away, “ok it’s exactly what it looks like, but in my defence I told Regulus to put the rest of it away before you got here!” 
“The rest of it?” Sirius asks slowly, narrowing his eyes as James halts all movement.
“Um…well…you see..” James swallows roughly like a deer caught in headlights, fiddling with the buttons off the camera as his eyes reflexively dart towards the bedside cabinet where they keep their other….toys.
Sirius’ head instantly snaps towards where James’ guilty gaze falls, his eyes darting rapidly between the bed, the camera, and the locked drawer, all whilst James struggles to find the button to unhook the camera from the stand. 
It’s obvious when Sirius connects the dots as the scandalised gasp that falls out of his mouth is enough to make James squeeze his eyes shut and just hope the ground swallows him up before he can do any further damage.
“Eurgh! Fucking hell- alright just, stop talking before this gets any worse.” Sirius says rubbing at his eyes. 
“Oh come on Pads it isn’t that bad-“ 
James’ words are cut off when his thumb swipes a random button and the sound of Regulus’ moans begin to blare through the room. 
James and Sirius can only stare at each other in open mouthed horror as the reality of the situation dawns upon them and the chance of escape dwindles to nonexistent. 
“Fuck!” Regulus’ shout blasts out at volume startling James into action as he fumbles and fails to turn the blasted video off, whilst Sirius seems to fall into a catatonic state of simply staring straight faced at the mess James makes of the camera as Regulus’ voice fills their unwilling ears, “James, please, just- oh. oh!” 
It’s as the sound of Regulus’ orgasm from the previous night continues to blare through the room and Sirius is yet to make any humanely movement in response, that James decides he’s had enough and simply picks the stand up, camera still attached, and throws it directly out the open window. 
The sound of the camera crashing in the back garden lingers painfully in James’ ears as he and Sirius proceed to stand in the room, for who knows how long, in the most prolonged and awkward silence he has ever known, with Sirius still doing a flawless imitation of a traumatised sort of statue and James unable to meet his eyes for fear of getting punched. 
“So-“ James attempts to break the silence.
“Unless you want me to be the next thing that flies out that window do not say one more word.” Sirius grits out still not able to meet James’ eyes. 
James can only nod in response as he fights the urge to start word vomiting in response to the nerves now overcoming his body as he rocks back and forth on his heels.
Sirius shakes his head after a moment of more torturous silence and gestures lightly for James to follow him. “Come on, let’s just go downstairs.” He breathes out. James follows quickly but stops in his tracks when a sudden thought comes to mind.
“Pads,” James starts as Sirius halts at the doorway, “Could you just do me one favour and promise not to tell Regulus? I think he’d kill all three of us if he found out you heard….that.” James asks, cautious with his choice of words. 
“Yeah at this point I wouldn’t really be so opposed to that,” Sirius says leaning his forehead against the doorway, “but yeah I agree, Reg should never know.” 
James breathes out a sigh of relief at that, making a move to follow Sirius out the door when the new sound of Regulus’ not so happy voice trails up from out the window. 
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As the Sun Sets // Relief or Regret // Part 8
TW: None? Angst maybe?
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Scarlets POV:
The snow falls in gentle whispers, coating the world in a blanket of white as I stand frozen in place. The cold mirroring the numbness that spreads throughout my chest and my mind as the doors I spent months carefully constructing locks on, slam open. 
The words Adrian spat echo throughout my head, The doors that I keep tightly locked are slamming open with all the terms of endearment my parents have instilled in me throughout the years. Overwhelming my senses, I drop to my knees. The voice of my mother and father, once distant whispers muffled behind closed doors now roar within my ears. Each syllable cuts through my already crumbling self worth.  
The walk back to Hogwarts was cold and wet, which I endured without the use of warming charms, allowing the weather to numb my body in hopes to stop my inner thoughts from causing me to have a mental breakdown in front of all my peers. 
As soon as I stepped foot within the doors of the castle, heat envelopes me instantly, chasing away the chill from my bones, but not from my soul. I was safe now, from the elements, but not from the storm that was currently raging on within my head. When I reach the common room I hesitate for just a moment. I take a deep breath before muttering the password, watching the golden snake appear revealing the door. 
After a day like today I praise Salazar that the common room is empty, which to my pleasure it is,  save for a few students either studying or enjoying their goodies from their trip to Hogsmead. I quickly head straight for the women's dorms. Once inside, I let the damn break. 
Stripping off my wet clothes from the storm that started to rage outside, I close the curtains to my four poster, charm them shut and lastly casting a silencing charm. Within minutes my sobs turn into whimpers, covered with heavy breaths, and before I know it, I’m asleep.———————��——————————————————————————With a woosh a bird flies out of the cabinet soaring around the room, getting lost within a labyrinth of chairs and furniture around them.
Pansy got me out of bed the next day. Essentially dragging me out of bed, forcing me to go to class. It was no easy task, she destroyed my bed in the process. She may be small but her curses are strong. 
“We did it!” a smug look on Draco's face as my smile widens. I wrap my arms around my cousin in a jump of joy. Relief floods through my veins, but just as soon as it was there, it's replaced with regret. We fixed the cabinet, but the castle will be infiltrated with Death Eaters.
Students. Teachers. No one is safe. 
We aren't sure how long we will be at the castle as soon as they take over. Will we be forced to come back to school? Or will we have a worse fate. Doing the bidding of a lunatic. That's what terrifies me most. What else will Draco and I be forced to do because of who our family is? 
As if reading my mind, Draco tightens his grip around me. My resolve breaks and I let the doors open. Sobbing quietly into his chest. Draco leads me to the chaise letting me fall apart in his arms. 
“Draco… Do you think we are going to be okay?...” I manage to breathe out in between sobs. 
The words spoken this summer ring out into the void between us. Whether it is the hesitation in his voice or the look in his eyes as I stare back up into them through the tears, or maybe it's the realization of what is to come, but he doesn't give me false hope as he did this summer. No, this time his own eyes well up with tears as he stared back at me. 
“I dont think so…” 
Before we left the room of requirement Draco and I decided that we would wait to tell the Dark Lord until after the first quidditch match of the season. We want to be able to prepare before unleashing hell onto Hogwarts. Unbeknownst to Draco, I want to be able to warn Harry beforehand. Before Draco has to kill Dumbledore. 
The thought still sends chills down my spine. Draco isn't a killer. A prat? Of course. But a murderer? The boy who holds me while I cry? The boy who I spent my entire childhood with? He's scared of spiders for bloody sake! I have full faith in Dracos ability to do many things, but to cast an unforgivable you need to want to do? I know Draco and I know that he does not want to kill anyone…
It was late by the time we made it back to the common room. Our friends are sat by the fireplace in the far corner, playing games and laughing with each other. A part of me doesn't want to go over there and drop this pile of shite onto them. To ruin their carefree school year, but we have to tell them. Just because we are the kids of Death Eaters doesn't mean we are safe, Draco and I have learned that first hand.
“There you guys are. We have been waiting all night for you.” Blaise says smiling up over his game with Pansy.  They all look over as Draco and I walk up to the group.
Well, everyone except for Theo. He and I haven't talked to him since Adrian broke up with me a week ago. He's been avoiding me like the Black Cat Flu, refusing to even acknowledge me when I enter a room.
“Anyone fancy a smoke?” Draco has his hands in his pockets to stop him from fidgeting nervously. The air around us shifts, negative energy engulfs the group, alerting them that something bad is about to happen. They look at each other and slowly stand up to follow Draco and I to our spot by the lake. 
I hang back, hoping to gain Theos’ attention. I reach for his arm, wrapping my small hand around his bicep. “Theo?” I mutter, suddenly very anxious. He stops in his tracks but does not turn around to face me. Immediately I look to the ground. Why is he acting cold?
He's silent, waiting for me to speak. “I--uh I haven't seen you much this week.” I explain stumbling over my words. Why am I so nervous to talk to him? He's my best friend for Salazars sake. 
“H--how's your hand?” I question, as I lower my hand down his arm to grab his bruised hand. He pulls away from my touch quickly, as if I burned him. “I’m fine. Better than your boyfriend's face” his words are harsh as he stalks out of the common room. 
I am left stunned in place. My boyfriend? Did Theo not know that Adrian and I broke up? I have obviously been upset about our break up, but not because I regret it. No, because I am embarrassed I let a man treat me the same way my parents do. 
Adrian made me choose between him and Theo. I of course choose Theo. I would choose Theo over most people in my life. I would do anything for him. 
——————————————————————————————————Pansy, Draco and Blaise all knew what happened, I had just assumed they would have told him. I guess I'm not the only one he has been avoiding. 
When I made it to the group, their faces were riddled with sadness. Draco must have started without me. I quietly sit next to Draco on my blanket that he laid out on the grass, pulling at the bottom of my skirt so it covers most of my exposed thighs.  After Draco's confession Blaise is the first one to speak. He looks over to Draco with a solemn expression “So that means you have to kill Dumbledore?” Draco's jaw clenches at the thought. “Yes it does.” 
“We tried to come up with another--” I hesitate for a moment trying to come up with the right words to use. “--way to achieve the Dark Lord's task. But we were unsuccessful.” I am fidgeting with my wand now, this conversation plus my earlier interaction with Theo has put me on edge. 
I occlude further in order to regain control of my emotions. It's Pansy who now speaks next “Katie Bell--” it's a statement, not a question. She already knows the answer. Her eyes hold a sad look, while she holds back tears. 
Draco darts his vision over to the lake and nods his head slightly squeezing his eyes shut. 
It was quiet for a moment. Everyone is taking in the weight of the situation that has been plagued upon us, before Blaise breaks the silence once again. “What can we do? There has to be something we can do to help.” 
Draco snaps his vision back over at them with a serious expression, similar to the one that is displayed on my face. “Nothing. You will do nothing.” “We want you to stay in the dorms until we come to find you.” I add quietly but stern, knowing this is the part that they aren't going to agree with. 
We do everything together. Homework, holidays, pranks. We are inseparable. Draco and I knew that ordering them to stay hidden was surely going to cause an argument. We prepared for this. 
Our order gains Theos attention. His head snaps up turning to face the blonde haired boy next to me instead of the spot on the blanket he was burning a hole in. 
“Absolutely not! If you think I am letting you two fend for yourselves amongst a group of deranged Death Eaters, you're bloody mad!” Theo shouts, anger is radiating off of him in waves. 
At the mention of Death Eaters, my Mark burns slightly. I ghost my hand over where my cardigan is covering my Mark. The Dark Mark has a consistent phantom burn radiating off of it. No doubt created purposefully by the Dark Lord as a constant reminder of what I’ve done and the things I will do. The Mark tainting my skin will always be there and he ensured all of us will never forget it.
Draco catches my attention as he too has his hand ghosting over the mark. “I am a Death Eater, Theo.” Draco spits at his best mate. 
Theo scoffs rolling his eyes, as Blaise shouts angrily “You are nothing like the other Death Eaters! Y-you didn't choose this!” He turns to look at me as he throws his arms out in my direction. “Scar isn't even marked. Why is she even a part of this!?” 
“They will not hurt us Blaise. They are just there for aid. Besides, Snape will be there.” Draco says, grabbing my hand and squeezing it attempting to crush the utter fear he knows that I am feeling.
“That's not good enough Draco! What if something goes wrong?” Pansy asks while holding on to Blaises hand so hard I’m afraid she's breaking his hand. 
Draco sighs rubbing his temples. We knew this conversation wasn't going to be easy, but I don't think Draco took into account how tired and drained we would be already. “Snape has made an unbreakable vow to protect me. He will meet us before so he can assure he is with us the whole time.” 
Draco looks at all of them now, trying to show them that he is confident in the protection of our old potions professor. 
Theos’ eyes are like daggers piercing through Draco. His stare still refusing to reach me. “What about Scarlet?” Theo asks, acknowledging my existence for the first time in a week. 
“What about Scarlet?” Draco echoed, eyes equally as sharp, staring back at him.  
“Did Snape make an unbreakable vow to protect her as well?” Theos tone is harsh. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Of course Theo would be the one to catch on to our deception. Draco is occluding fully now, his jaw is clenched tight. Theo turns to stare out into the Black Lake, scoffing at our silence, already knowing the answer. Pansy and Blaise both give me a look of sympathy.
I knew Snape made the vow and after Draco found out, Draco begged Snape to vow to protect me too. Snape refused, he and I both knew it was useless. I am doomed either way.  
Theo doesn't participate in the conversation anymore, not seeing the reason to since his point was made. He just nods his head once in anger, quietly inhaling the smoke from his cigarette. 
Draco and I went over the details with everyone and made it very clear they are to stay in the dorms until we come get them. 
“We will let you know when it is time. It is important that you stay in your dorm until we come get you. Don't leave for any reason. We aren't sure who will be joining us, or what they will do, but we promise, you do not want to find out for yourself. Just please, stay hidden.”
Once the plan was set, Draco extended his hand and helped me off the lakeside ground as we started to head back to the castle. The walk to the common room was quiet. We could all feel the world had shifted. A lingering sense of fear follows us through every corridor we sneak through. Once we are all safely back in the common room, the group disperses, but I stay back trying once more to try and get Theo to talk to me. 
I carefully grab his wrist stopping him from following the other two down the corridor to their dorms. “Theo, wait please.” I beg. I sense his resolve break slightly at the tone of longing that's intertwined with my plea. 
He stops, giving me a chance to continue. He is still refusing to look at me, He barely seems to be breathing, as if he is holding his breath. I am frozen in place in fear at the coldness in which he refers me but I swallow my pride and ask him anyway. “Are we okay?” I barely whisper. 
I can see him take a deep breath, as if weighing his next words carefully before pulling away from my hold on his wrist. This time it was a lot gentler than before. It's almost as if he doesn't quite want to pull away. “We are fine, Scarlet.” He sighs, before marching down the hall away from me. 
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