#Ruby Rossi
ruby rossi from coda is asexual (headcanon)
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welckenna · 2 years
Ruby Rossi icons
Part 1
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rainbowskittle · 2 years
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I want more !!! I want full 40 min episode tv series of this beautiful family !! Pleaseeeee!! 🤟🤟🤟🤟🤟
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CODA (2021)
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fabseg-reader · 4 months
Lilanette: Ruby-Platinum Romance
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I present to you a new Lilanette post. This time, both Marinette and Lila have got their outfit's colours changed.
Marinette wears red/ruby clothes (the outfit makes me remind of Michael Jackson). Her colours come from her superheroin counterpart: Ladybug.
"Lila" wears a platinum wig and a purple jacket. Her colours come from the upcoming Butterfly villainess: Chrysalis.
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Bonuses (variants):
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The left image was already published in my previous post:
I've drawn these images today. They are the last fanarts from the year.
Happy New Year 2024.
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frie-ice · 11 months
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After I saw starEmily46's What If Lila And Chelsea Are Siblings and GFW09's What If Chelsea Replace Lila Rossi DeviantArt memes, I got the idea to do a crossover collage on Chelsea and Lila Rossi. From what I could tell from the trailer and clips from the upcoming DreamWorks film, Chelsea will being pretending to be Ruby's friend in order to gain her trust. Just as Lila lies and schemes to get what she wants. Making these two perfect for each other, as friends, lovers or sisters.
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redcarpet-streetstyle · 10 months
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Minimal Loss: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: You and Spencer go undercover to a ranch that is run by a man who thinks he’s God. When you and Spencer are trapped there, you will do anything to protect him, even if it means putting yourself in danger.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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With the police on edge at being shot at, your team was called in for backup/help. They know you and Spencer are in here, but they don't know exactly what's going on. Hotch made sure to coordinate with the commander in charge only because he knows Hotch has two agents on the inside.
"Dave, they've left the choice of negotiators up to me," Hotch says to his friend.
The police and FBI have set up camp on the edge of the property so that they can be there in a flash if needed.
"I taught most of the hostage negotiation unit. Do you want a recommendation?"
"I'm making you the lead negotiator. Why go to the students when I have the teacher?"
"Because the teacher is emotionally involved, so is the agent in command," Rossi sighs.
"I know I am. This is a unique situation. We have two agents who could affect the outcome on the inside."
"True, but I can't be objective! I know them too well."
"This outcome depends as much on our ability to predict the moves of Y/N and Reid as Cyrus. That's why you're the best man for the job."
"Assuming that Reid and Y/N are still in a condition to make moves."
"I know how bad this is. That's why I want you doing the talking."
"Alright," Rossi finally gives in.
One of the sector members, Nathan Cole, approaches Hotch and Rossi with an angry look on his face.
"You're obviously not in charge. I can see that! I demand to know why I wasn't told that the FBI was sending undercover agents into the Septarian Ranch!"
"The only thing that you're in the position to demand is a lawyer," Hotch glares.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm Aaron Hotchner, Unit Chief. I'm the guy who's gonna tell the Attorney General of the United States whether to charge you with obstructing a federal investigation or negligent homicide."
"You can't talk to me like that."
"Get off my crime scene," Hotch says coldly.
Nathan Cole knows that if he stays, he will be arrested. To avoid that, he has no choice but to leave. Hotch finds the true person in charge, Dan Torre, who knows more about this than anyone else.
"You know Dave Rossi. I assume introductions aren't needed," Hotch says to Dan.
"We've been here before, haven't we?" Rossi chuckles.
"Waco. Ruby ridge. Freeman standoff. Let's hope someone listens to you guys this time."
"Oh, they did more than listen. They put us in charge."
"Bring us up to speed."
"I've sent the state police packing. They started this mess. We lost a man in the process. Hope that's okay."
"If you hadn't, we would've."
"Good. County sheriffs have had no run-ins with the sect. So, we're using them as support. We've had no contact with them so far. They've got solar power which we can shoot out the panels if you think--"
"No. That's an escalation," Rossi cuts him off.
"Okay, but that means they have access to the news."
"I'll get JJ to talk to the press. Are your men ready to be briefed?" Hotch asks, and Dan nods. "Let's go."
Hotch, Rossi, and Dan head inside the small trailer where Derek, Emily, and the rest of Dan's men are gathered.
"This is how we're going to do things," Rossi starts. "I call this the 'minimal loss scenario'. Every person we get out is a life saved. We won't save them all. All of us have to be prepared to accept that situation."
"Cults are structured like pyramids. You got the leader at the top, the diehard believers beneath, and the biggest group--the base--followers or the women and children. These are the people we can save," Derek adds.
"The 'trickle, flow, gush' strategy is designed to get base followers out. First, one or two, then three or four, and then as many as we can as fast as we can. If at any point it starts to go bad, we go in. The leaders are charismatic sociopaths who target those most susceptible to their seduction. They have the ability to see what each person needs, and then they become that thing. We have to undermine their perception that we're an invading army laying siege to their home."
"We'll lose the fatigues. Will rancher's clothes work for ya? Like we did at the Freeman standoff?" Dan asks.
"That's perfect. Anything we can do to demilitarize the situation," Rossi nods.
The next step is actually calling Ben and trying to negotiate, which takes some time. Ben has a secure line that is hard to get into, but once he does, Rossi is able to make a call to him. However, who picks up isn't what Rossi expects.
"Hello?" Rossi asks when no one speaks.
"You killed my mom and daddy. Are you going to kill me too?" the little girl that Jessica was holding asked.
"No one is going to kill you, honey," Rossi sighs.
There is a pause, and someone else takes the phone.
"This is Benjamin Cyrus. Who am I talking to?"
"David Rossi, an FBI agent. We sent the state police away. There's just us and the local sheriff. All we want to do is resolve this before anyone else gets hurt."
"Then leave us alone."
"I'm afraid we can't do that, Benjamin. One of the police bled out on the way to the hospital. So, let's just stop this before things get worse. Please, just put down your guns and come out."
"We're believers, Dave. We believe that God says what he means and means what he says. His laws don't depend on what state you live in."
"I have no issues with your beliefs."
"You don't, but the state does."
"I can't answer for other people."
"Oh, God will answer for everyone in the final battle I've foreseen."
"That's why I'm here--to make sure that this is not a battle. Now, the three child services workers--"
"One of them is dead. It wasn't us."
Everyone stops what they are doing. Hotch holds his breath as he waits to hear which one is dead. If you or Spencer is dead, he won't ever forgive himself for it.
"I need a name to inform the family," Rossi says, trying to contain his emotion.
"Her name was Nancy Lunde."
Derek closes his eyes and lets out a silent sigh of relief, and Hotch lowers his head so the others don't see the worry in his eyes.
"Okay. Now, please, Benjamin, send out your wounded. I promise you they'll be well taken care of."
"With enough supplies, we can tend to our own."
"Okay. I need a few hours to put it together. I'll bring them up myself at first light."
Ben hangs up, and Rossi lets out an audible sigh of relief that you and Spencer are okay. It's sad about Nancy, for sure, but both of you are okay... for now.
"You know they can take you hostage, right?" Dan asks.
"I'm going to confirm the kids, Spencer, and Y/N are okay."
"Rossi, let me go with you," Derek begs.
He thinks of you as a sister and Spencer is his best friend. He has to make sure you both are okay.
"No. This is about building trust. I will go alone."
"I want the parabolic arc mics fixed on every window in that structure," Dan says to his men.
"They won't pick up much. They have blinds on all the windows. Unless they're shouting, the glass won't vibrate enough for us to get an audio."
"Well, if they're not shouting, these bugs will pick 'em up, at least until the batteries die. How familiar are agents Y/N and Reid with our playbook?" Dan asks.
"The BAU wrote the CIRG handbook. They'll know that we're trying to get ears in there at all times," Hotch answers.
CIRG stands for Critical Incident Response Group, and they are responsible for providing rapid assistance to incidents in a crisis, such as this one.
"Good. Let's hope they can get these people talking."
"They will."
Your team is here, you can feel them. You overheard Ben talking to someone on the phone, and he could only be talking to one person: Hotch or Rossi. You know they're out there, but you don't know what they're waiting for. Ben told you and Spencer that you could sleep well knowing you'll be safe, but you can't sleep like this.
All the kids are confused, all their parents are panicking, and all of that is being siphoned by you. You're in full-on panic mode, and pushing it down all night has made you jittery. Spencer tries to help however he can without raising an alarm, but you can't accept it at this point. The only thing that will help is if you put distance between you and this entire ranch.
Something is happening when the sun comes up, but you don't know what. When it does finally arrive, you and Spencer are brought to the church where everyone else is. Women, children, men, Ben, and his followers. There's virtually no space between you and Spencer since you need him close for comfort. Spencer has your hand in his, but it's obstructed by your bodies so Ben doesn't see if he were to look over.
Ben is expecting someone to come, and soon, they show. The door to the church opens and Rossi walks in wearing normal clothes, not his FBI outfit. He looks around until his eyes land on yours and Spencer's. He can see how scared you are, but he doesn't acknowledge you in fear it will ruin everything.
He's holding a box full of supplies for Ben, and he welcomes him with a curt nod.
"Dave? I'm Ben. Come on in. These are the children and our guests," Ben says, welcoming him in.
"I'd hope you'd let me take the children."
"No, they're under our protection. They stay for now while I pray for God's guidance. Please don't try to force us out."
"No one's gonna try to force you out of here. Trust me."
"Trust is earned. Tell them I'm not crazy. Tell them I'm just a man living by God's law."
"I will."
Since Rossi has no business being here anymore, he glances over at you as he leaves the church. He knows you two are okay, and you also know that whatever was in that box he brought over, it has something on it that will allow your team to hear what is happening inside. Maybe they have bugs attached to it or whatever, but you know they'll hear everything happening.
"Prepare the wine," Ben says to Chris. "We are celebrating. Everyone drinks. Everyone rejoices because today, we are one day closer to being with Him."
Chris passes out cups with suspicious liquids in them. You refuse to eat or drink anything Ben and his followers hand out, so you politely decline when they pass by you. Luckily, they don't give you a second glance. They had no intention in giving you whatever they're serving, and you're grateful for that.
You look around the church and spot Jessica who looks at Ben with admiration and love. Something isn't adding up. Jessica looks to be in love with him, so why would she make that 911 call? Right next to her is her mother, and as soon as you see her body language, you know exactly who made the call.
"Look at Jessica's body language and the way she looks at him. She literally worships him. There's no way she made that 911 call. I think her mother did," you whisper to Spencer.
"Trust in God with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. Trust in mine," Ben says.
Kathy gets up and tries to block her daughter's view of Ben, but Jessica is quick to look around her.
"Look how she comes between Ben and her daughter. She's inserted herself between them. She made the call so we'd come here and save her."
"Acknowledge him in all things, and he will guide your way. Drink to acknowledge Him, and I will guide our way."
Everyone holds up their glasses, and they all drink to celebrate together. Something isn't right. Ben is too calm. It's like he was waiting for this to happen, and now that it has, he feels vindicated.
"We will be with him soon. We have drank the poison together. Mothers... Fathers... Children... Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we fear no evil. For thou are with us. God will wipe the tears from their eyes, and there will be no more death nor sorrow nor crying. There will be no more pain. For all of the former things have passed away."
"He's going to commit mass suicide," you whisper with wide eyes.
Your heart beats faster as your breathing picks up, but Spencer lays a hand on your thigh to calm you down.
"You're letting your panic cloud your judgment. I don't think it's real. I think he's bluffing."
"Why do you think that?"
"Just after he told them about the poison, he waited for them to start to react. Then he nodded to Chris, and he started writing. Look. They're scanning the audience looking for reactions."
He's right. His followers are writing down the names of those who are crying, which shows they aren't loyal to Ben.
"It's a loyalty list, so he knows who will follow him to the end."
After a few moments of silence, Ben speaks again.
"Be still. There was no poison. Instead a test of faith. Because your adversary, the devil, waltzes about as a roaring lion! Choosing whom he may devour. Watch each other for signs of weakness. You are your brother's keeper."
"I can't take this anymore, Spencer. I want to go home," you whisper and look up at him.
"I know it's overwhelming for you. I know you're scared, but you can't freak out. If you do, you, me, and other people might die. Just look at me when you're feeling this way. I'm right here."
He's right. You have to pull yourself together. You'd slap yourself if you weren't frozen to your seat. Whatever plan Rossi has, he better do it fast because you need to get out of here.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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satansapostle6 · 4 months
Characters I Write For
Please message me with any ideas/requests! I need ideas(short fics or series)
Mostly write for fem!readers. I can write fluff, angst, smut, etc. If I’m not comfortable with something I can let you know
Character/Actor List
Favorite Characters/Actors To Write For
Draco Malfoy, Weasley twins
Jesse Pinkman
Paul Dano characters
Josh Hutcherson characters
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Damon Salvatore, Silas, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson
Rodrick Heffley
Bellamy Blake
Ezra Fitz(should probably make it clear I don’t condone)
Ian Duncan(Community)
Charlie(It’s Always Sunny)
Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
Finnick Odair
Tommy Shelby
Killian Hook
Paul Dano
Klitz(The Girl Next Door)
Dwayne Hoover(Little Miss Sunshine)
Edward Nashton(The Batman)
Calvin Weir-Fields(Ruby Sparks)
Brian Wilcox(Fast Food Nation)
Joby Taylor(For Ellen)
Nick Flynn(Being Flynn)
Josh Hutcherson
Peeta Mellark(The Hunger Games)
Mike Schmidt(FNAF)
Josh Futturman(Future Man)
Devon Bostick
Rodrick Heffley(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Jasper Jordan(The 100)
Cillian Murphy
Tommy Shelby(Peaky Blinders)
Dr. Jonathan Crane(The Dark Knight)
Neil(Watching the Detectives)
Christian Bale
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne(The Dark Knight)
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman
Jane Margolis
Saul Goodman
Harry Potter(Golden Trio Era)
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greengrass
Adrian Pucey
Terence Higgs
Harry Potter(Marauders Era)
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Lily Potter
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Arthur Weasley
Harry Potter(Fantastic Beasts Era)
Newt Scamander
Queenie Goldstein
Leta Lestrange
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace
Jason Grace
+ Gods
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Cat Adams
Megan Kane
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Mary Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Rowena McLeod
Adam Milligan
Jessica Moore
Benny Lafitte
Bela Talbot
Jo Harvelle
Ellen Harvelle
Gilmore Girls
Lorelai Gilmore
Christopher Hayden
Luke Danes
Logan Huntzberger
Jess Mariano
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Katniss Everdeen
Gale Hawthorn
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Pretty Little Liars
Aria Montgomery
Spencer Hastings
Emily Fields
Hannah Marin
Mona Vanderwaal
Alison Di Laurentis
Jason Di Laurentis
Ezra Fitz
Toby Cavanaugh
Jenna Marshall
Caleb Rivers
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Octavia Blake
Jasper Jordan
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Frank Gallagher
Mandy Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
The Bear
Carmy Berzatto
Sydney Adamu
Richie Jerimovich
Suicide Squad
Harley Quinn
Rick Flag
Once Upon A Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Robin Hood
Jeff Winger
Abed Nadir
Annie Edison
Troy Barnes
Ian Duncan
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Charlie Kelly
Dennis Reynolds
Dee Reynolds
House MD
Greg House
Robert Chase
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Parks and Recreation
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
MCU, Marvel
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker(Holland, Garfield, Maguire)
Peter Quill
Scott Lang
Steven Strange
Jessica Jones
Wade Wilson
Oliver Queen
Barry Allen
Felicity Smoak
Laurel Lance
Sara Lance
Malcom Merlyn
John Constantine
Leonard Snart
Ray Palmer
Caitlyn Snow
Julian Albert
Rip Hunter
10 Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
New Girl
Jess Day
Nick Miller
Other Characters
Charlie Kelmeckis(Perks Of Being A Wallflower)
Jesse Eisenberg Characters
Dr. Who(10th Doctor)
Will Probably Add More
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oscuvridad · 3 months
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 ... manuel 'manu' echeverría !
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is that enzo vogrincic? oh, no, that’s manuel echeverría, a twenty-seven year old fisherman who uses he/him pronouns. they currently live in valparaíso, and the character they identify with most is ruby rossi from coda. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas! 
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
full name: manuel carlos echeverría díaz. nickname(s): manu. age: twenty-seven. gender: cis male. date of birth: september 17th. zodiac sign: virgo. place of birth: valparaíso, chile. occupation: fisherman. orientation: bisexual. language(s) spoken: (chilean) spanish, a little bit of english.
positive traits. responsible, hard-working, perceptive. negative traits. withdrawn, distrustful, extremely shy. neutral traits. family-oriented, workaholic, analytical.
manuel is the first and only son of a seamstress and a fisherman. as a child, he had trouble making friends because of his withdrawn nature, and would often prefer his own company rather than someone else's. his father, being a self-employed fisherman, expected him to continue down his line of work. manuel was supposed to inherit his father's fishing equipment once he became of age, and help his family monetarily. he spent most of his teenage years waking up early in the morning and learning how to fish, and then would accompany his father while he tried to sell each catch. while it always seemed like more of a responsibility rather than a choice, he quickly became enamoured with the craft. it never seemed to matter if he made it to class completely exhausted after spending an entire morning out in the sea, it was always worth it. despite everyone's expectations, manuel decided he wanted to attend university before taking over his father's business. he convinced his parents by arguing that having a degree might be useful for him someday, if—god forbid—fishing wasn't an option in the future. he studied business management, secretly hoping that his knowledge might allow him to expand his father's business someday, to go from a self-employed fisherman to the owner of a fishing company. while his parents tell him he's completely delusional, manuel still believes if he works hard enough, it can become a reality someday. manuel has recently moved into his own apartment after saving enough money from his fisherman job, alongside some other side gigs. he still meets his father each morning to go fishing, and usually eats lunch with his mother every week. knowing that he's an only child has put some pressure on him to try and spend as much time with them as possible, which isn't a problem because of how much he loves them and how close they are. he's managed to break out of his shell, although it is still difficult for him to trust people enough to become friends. once he does, though, he's the most loyal friend that could ever exist.
very big fan of chilean rock music. some of his favorite bands are: los bunkers, los prisioneros and los tres.
adopted a kitten after a few weeks of living on his own, having found it after coming home from work. he usually jokes the kitten, named tesoro, was a gift from the universe.
doesn't like his birthday because of how close it is to the chilean independence festivities, which usually overshadow the excitement of his own birthday.
more to add once i think about them :).
𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬.
i know i said he doesn't have a lot of friends but i would love to develop some friendships, maybe it was difficult gaining his trust at the beginning but now they're the best of friends! i would also be interested in romantic connections, maybe past relationships or old flings that didn't work out because of his workaholic tendencies, current romantic interests that are trying to make it work, etc etc. and finally i'd also love connections where they don't like each other, maybe not as much as enemies but general dislike.
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the-worst-bracket · 1 year
The Worst Bracket Begins!
Polls are going up starting Wednesday, April 19th, 32 per day! Bracket and list under the cut.
Round 1
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Bracket A (4/19-26)
Mineta Minoru (My Hero Academia) v  Anglerfish from Dark Bramble (Outer Wilds)
Iago (Othello) v Barbas (Skyrim)
Brendan (Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald) v Mimic (Dark Souls)
Dan (Dan vs) v Pink Diamond (Steven Universe)
Jurgen Litner (The Magnus Archives) v Lily Tucker-Pritchett (Modern Family)
Lonnie Byers (Stranger Things) v Zeus (Greek Mythology)
Lemongrab (Adventure Time) v Steve Cobs (Inanimate Insanity)
Alex Eggleston (Yiik) v Larry Butz (Ace Attorney)
Jerry (Undertale) v Po (Teletubbies)
Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things) v Old Man Who Snitches on Haru (A:TLA)
Kai Winn (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) v Ashfur (Warrior Cats)
Mr. Burns (The Simpsons) v Boscha (The Owl House)
Octavian (Heroes of Olympus) v Makoto Teruhashi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
 Robbie Valentino (Gravity Falls) v Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Walter White (Breaking Bad) v Guy Mortadello (Papa Louie)
Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater) v Snowball (Pinky and The Brain)
Bracket B (4/19-26)
Rohan Kishibe (JJBA) v Jin Guangshan (The Untamed)
Agravaine (Merlin) v Michael (Wii Sports)
Scout (TF2) v Mitsuhiro Higa (Danganronpa)
Creek (Trolls) v Berdly (Deltarune)
Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney) v Jeff Winger (Community)
Nazeem (Skyrim) v David (Animorphs)
Simon Laurent (Infinity Train) v Mayuri Kurotsuchi (Bleach)
Kikimora (The Owl House) v Cronus Ampora (Homestuck)
Michael Tritter (House MD) v The Director (Red v Blue)
Eridan Ampora (Homestuck) v Lila Rossi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Skadge (Star Wars: The Old Republic) v Lord Henry Wotton (The Picture of Dorian Gray)
Claptrap (Borderlands) v Jodie Foster (Dungeons and Daddies)
Bill Hawks (Professor Layton) v Carcer (Discworld)
Bender Bending Rodríguez (Futurama) v Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!)
 Corrin (Fire Emblem) v The Dark Lord (Miitopia)
Cybelle (Carole and Tuesday) v Jasper (Steven Universe)
Bracket C (4/20-27)
Gul Dukat (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) v Admiral Zhao (A:TLA)
Hordak (She-Ra) v Rachel Berry (Glee)
Book (Battle for Dream Island) v Darth Maul (Star Wars)
Jessica (The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself) v Lester Papadopoulos (Trials of Apollo)
Pong Krell (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) v Aaron Burr (Hamilton)
Armand (Vampire Chronicles) v Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
Dorodoron (Futari wa Precure Splash Star) v Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Christopher Taub (House MD) v Tate Landon (America Horror Story: Murder House)
Izzy Hands (OFMD) v Princess Daisy (Super Mario Bros)
Spike (MLP:FIM) v Atlas May (Lackadaisy)
Clutch Powers (LEGO Ninjago) v Orin Scrivello (Little Shop of Horrors)
Thanos (MCU) v Minecraft Skeleton (Minecraft)
Frank Burns (M*A*S*H*) v Lieutenant Nolan (Star Wars: The Bad Batch)
Carter Pewterschmit (Family Guy) v Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
Miyo Takano (Higurashi When They Cry) v Borsolino (One Piece)
Hiyoko Saionji (Danganronpa) v Pennywise (IT)
Bracket D (4/20-27)
Pierce Hawthorne (Community) v Ren (Ren and Stimpy)
Whirlpool (Wings of Fire) v Cinder Falls (RWBY)
Thaddeus Campbell (Dishonored) v The Grabber (Black Phone)
Takumi Ichinose (Nana) v Heimskr (Skyrim)
Gale Weathers (Scream) v Lee Kiyoung (Regressor Instruction Manual)
Ianthe Tridentarius (The Locked Tomb) v Alvin Marsh (IT)
Director Ton (Aggretsuko) v Angelica Pickles (Rugrats)
Pencil (Battle for Dream Island) v Odalia Blight (The Owl House)
Kyubey (Madoka Magica) v Newman (Seinfeld)
Jacob Hill (Abbott Elementary) v Gregory House (House MD)
Rachel (Tower of God) v Monkey D Luffy (One Piece)
Dame Alina (Keeper of the Lost Cities) v Miki Kawai (A Silent Voice)
John Winchester (Supernatural) v Kyouichi Saionji (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Magikarp (Pokemon) v Hippeux (Animal Crossing)
Elmo (Sesame Street) v Saint Charlos (One Piece)
Melli (Pokemon Legends: Arceus) v Dr. Janet Lubelle (WTNV)
Bracket E (4/21-28)
Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) v The Blue Border (Scott the Woz)
Calico Jack (OFMD) v B.E.N. (Treasure Planet)
Doogal (Doogal) v John Gaius (The Locked Tomb)
Crawlings (The Mysterious Benedict Society) v Liza Lotts (Scott the Woz)
Zolf J Kimblee (FMA) v Baron Draxum (Rise of The TMNT)
Kaito Momota (Danganronpa) v Nandor the Relentless (What We Do In the Shadows)
Logan Roy (Succescion) v Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Fermet (Baccano!) v Seymour Krelborn (Little Shop of Horrors)
Emperor Belos (The Owl House) v Taylor Kelly (9-1-1)
AM (I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream) v Jar Jar Binks (Star Wars)
Stuart Little (Stuart Little) v Vinsmoke Sanji (One Piece)
Bibble (Barbie: Fairytopia) v Dennis Nedry (Jurassic Park)
Byakuya Togami (Danganronpa) v Grima Wormtongue (LOTR)
Moe (Calvin and Hobbes) v Balloon Boy (FNAF)
Felix (Red vs Blue) v Klorgbane the Destroyer (Regular Show)
Bro Strider (Homestuck) v Jughead Jones (Riverdale)
Bracket F (4/21-28)
Count Olaf (A Series of Unfortunate Events) v Mort (Madagascar)
Mantle (Dr Stone) v Phillip Anderson (Sherlock)
Eisuke Hondo (Detective Conan) v Drosselmeyer (Princess Tutu)
Hiram Burrows (Dishonored) v Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) v Prince Diamond (Sailor Moon)
Marty (Steven Universe) v Hibiki Shikyouin (PriPara)
White Diamond (Steven Universe) v Norman Osborn (Marvel)
Stregabor (The Witcher) v Cedric Jeanne Elmir (I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss)
Barney Stinson (HIMYM) v Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
Griffith (Beserk) v Chloe Valentine (Be More Chill)
Scott Pilgrim (Scott Pilgrim) v Lionel Luthor (Smallville)
Lydia (Skyrim) v Shadow Weaver (She-Ra)
Rand Ridley (Inside Job) v Jun Kawanakajima (Ultra Maniac)
Krusty the Clown (The Simpsons) v Fire Lord Ozai (A:TLA)
Joseph Sugarman (BoJack Horseman) v Huey Emmerich (Metal Gear)
Anti - Pops (Regular Show) v Kylo Ren (Star Wars)
Bracket G (4/22-29)
Ross Geller (Friends) v Akito Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Henry Bowers (IT) v Junko Enoshima (Danganronpa)
Winner Sinclair (Chibi Vampire) v Evil Do-er/Dark Blue (Animation vs Minecraft)
Clint (Stardew Valley) v Luke Castellan (Percy Jackson)
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa) v Colin Robinson (What We Do In The Shadows)
Spy (TF2) v Ghetsis (Pokemon)
Billy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) v Queen Vanessa (A Hat In Time)
Doofus Drake (Ducktales) v Servantis (Ben 10)
Elias Bouchard (The Magnus Archives) v Francisco Guerra (Paranatural)
Tingle (The Legend of Zelda) v Hawt Saus (Chikn Nuggit)
Trishna (Papa Louie) v Mark Brendanawicz (Parks and Recreation)
Unparalleled Innocence (Rain World) v Morgana (Persona 5)
Lady Gisela Sencen (Keeper of the Lost Cities) v Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts)
Suzy Johnston (Phineas and Ferb) v Kaidou Shun (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Souichi (Junji Ito) v Dr Hotti (Ace Attorney)
Morgoth (LOTR) v Sarah (Ed, Edd, and Eddy)
Bracket H (4/22-29)
Han Sooyoung (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint) v Barney the Purple Dinosaur (Barney)
Andy Bernard (The Office) v Lars Barriga (Steven Universe)
Dio (Zero Escape) v Caillou (Caillou)
Gideon Gleeful (Gravity Falls) v Balgo (Burn the Witch)
Joshu Higashikata (JJBA) v Toby Flenderson (The Office)
Touga Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) v Teledji Adeledji (FFXIV)
Chairman Rose (Pokemon) v Donnel Udina (Mass Effect)
Father (FMA) v Harumi (LEGO Ninjago)
Akio Ohtori (Revolutionary Girl Utena) v Richard (Requiem of the Rose King)
Miranjo (Ranking of Kings) v Kray Foresight (Promare)
Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) v The Worst (Ben 10)
Hisoka Morrow (Hunter x Hunter) v Doc Scratch (Homestuck)
Tony Stark (MCU) v Sakura Horuna (Naruto)
Sir Tristan the Cold (Penumbra Podcast) v Clay Puppington (Morel Orel)
Bling Bling Boy (Johnny Test) v George Constanza (Seinfeld)
Quiche (Tokyo Mew Mew) v Enji Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
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welckenna · 2 years
Ruby Rossi icons
Part 2
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What is Tea but Love in A Cup? Hope. 
Pretty sure it's midnight now...Happy birthday, @darcyfangirlsfrequently ! Here is your present. Fluffy angsty not smutty Garvez. wc: 2,623 ao3
Every day Luke brings Penelope tea. It’s something he started doing regularly since her return...something he started doing since that day.
Privately, it’s the best part of his day, those few minutes they spend just the two of them.  
Sometimes it’s in a thermos from home like that first time, sometimes it’s in one of her favorite mugs from the collection that’s slowly been accumulating in the cupboards again and made in-office, but regardless of where it steeps, by 10:30am he always makes sure there’s hot tea in her hands. 
These past few years of remoteness and restriction, forced solitude, had worked slowly to expose deep in himself what he valued, what he needed, and what he wasn’t willing to give up so easily on any longer, so no matter what he’s doing, by 10:20 Luke excuses himself and makes his way to her. 
She didn’t like to work in her cave anymore he’d noticed. She worked in there as little as possible these days, preferring the bright natural lighting of one of the spare offices near Rossi and Prentiss to the dark, isolated space that was her high-tech hollow. He wasn’t sure what it was; if the place held too many lifetimes she’d shed when she left, or if it was haunted by memories she’d rather not be reminded of, if she just missed everyone and wanted to be closer, or if she felt more safe, secure, tucked between two agents. Maybe it was all of those things, maybe it was none of them. Maybe she just didn’t like the space anymore (despite the cleansing), but whatever it had been she didn’t feel the need to elaborate, and no one asked.
Carrying “Nancy” a large porcelain mug in the shape of a magenta unicorn leaping out of a curling white cloud (tail making up the handle, naturally), Luke climbed the stairs to the catwalk across the office. Giving a brief knock he sang out her name in greeting, “Pen-nell-O-pea” and peered into the room only to find it empty of both Penelope, and any sign she’d been there. 
Perplexed, he backed out. He knew she was here today, he remembered the new shoes she was wearing vividly, exceptionally short dress paired with the especially steep arch adding that much more draw and definition to her already arrestingly shapely spade calves…not that he was looking at her legs.
They were the oddest translucent cranberry platform heels he’d ever seen. Constructed entirely of plastic cut-out hearts, they looked like gummy candy, but they obviously had to of been made from something more substantial...even if they did appear to be particularly tempting and sexy edible playthings rather than actual footwear. They were also hands down the most garish shoes he’d ever seen, and having grown up in 70s-90s Brooklyn, that was saying a lot. But they completed her outfit; big red felt heart earrings, sky blue a-line mini dress with sprinkles of large cupids and arrows all over it, those shoes, and a matching ruby cardigan delicately keeping her within dress code. Delicately keeping her on the verge of his mind.  
Luke decided if she wasn’t here, he’d track her down.
His skill as a hunter was sorely underutilized in this particular search however as she happened to be in the second place he went looking, the second most obvious place as he passed back through the Penelope-less bullpen and the Garcia-barren halls to her tech office. This time, there was no knock preceding his entrance, instead, he started with concern, a soft “Hey, you okay?” brokering his arrival. She hadn’t been in here in weeks, but now suddenly, she was back.  
The doors were open, he could see her sitting on the low plush settee, computer in lap, fingers tirelessly tapping. She didn’t look up, but chirped back, “Agent Alvez, welcome back to my currently lesser used, but none-the-less beloved temple of knowledge.” With some finalizing clicks, Penelope moved the laptop to the cushion on her opposite side and canted her head, indicating she was waiting for him to join her. 
Luke entered taking the seat next to her, his right arm wrapping around her shoulders, his left crossing his body to place the cup in her waiting hands. Penelope, familiar to the routine now, was already pillowing her head to his chest as he pulled her in further, kissing her forehead and running his hand up and down her cardigan clad arm. 
“There a reason you’re working in here today…or maybe one for why you haven’t been?” He had long ago let her know he would gladly be the person she came to if things were wrong, and for a brief time, she confided in him, let him be that person for her…but since her return it had been a bit off…he still was that person, but she always qualified it now with some cutting list of who didn’t have time for her, or why she couldn’t go to anyone else. 
Excuses, he told himself.  
Penelope didn’t respond, opting instead to relax the full weight of her head on his shoulder, to feel his support. The cup balanced on her thighs, hands framing the heat radiating from it. There’s no one else she’d rather be there right now. 
She wasn’t thinking about his question, just him being there, him having been there, his unwavering consistency, their everyday little break and check-in, how lucky they’ve been that the team hasn’t been called away, how lonely it will be when they are… how she won’t have this when he is. She has to admit to herself that it’s been nice having someone else care for her. Silently, selflessly, comforting and caring. She’d missed that part of working with family. SOAR were more like her children, they were all so young, she was sheltering them , it’s why she started it in the first place. But the BAU those were her people, she grew up with them in a sense, the bond created there something unto itself, something untouchable, irreplaceable. They all looked out for each other, would do anything to protect each other... had done anything to protect each other... including Luke.  
Lifting the cup to her lips, the spicy chai scented steam tickles her nose and she inhales deeper letting the cardamom and ginger mix with the briny astringent smell of his aftershave before taking a sip, pooling the hot liquid in a bowl on her tongue, swallowing, then sighing, and sinking into the ocean of him, “I love you.” 
The stroke of Luke’s fingers stop.
 Penelope’s eyes pop open at the admission.  
“This. I love this. The tea. Thank you. It is just. WhAT I needed.” She quickly stilts, sitting up and pulling away from his embrace, his fingers falling to release her like so many falling petals.
She won’t look at him, eyes cast to the floor, her tea, the screens. How could she- did she just really? 
She loved him, she knew, had known since the dinner, or thought she could anyway. But she also knew he didn’t feel that way about her! It’s why she called it mid-meal! All that dining and wine-ing leading to other surely wonderful treacherous activities, only for her to get more attached and then him to gently, ease away? No, it was better to break it off right then, that way she wouldn’t get attached. The time apart from the team had been majorly helpful in easing those feelings, or so she thought. And this, she thought she had a handle on it, that things had gone back to being platonic. Or as platonic as they had ever been. These were just little visits between teammates, Luke noticing her daily work-from-home tea ritual helped center and relax her, helped her be more productive…
 But she just said it. 
And damn how true it was when she said it.How right it felt rolling off her tongue and curving past her lips, how good it felt to say it out loud escaping with the steam from her cup.  
Except now. Now it did not feel so good. Now it was out there floating around oppressively. And this, this stupid fucking outfit. Oh my god. He was going to think she’d done it on purpose, a grandiose planned declaration with cupids and hearts and everything!
Penelope walked to her desk, placing Nancy down, worrying her lip, still refusing to look at him. She wasn’t dumb, she felt his reaction, his shock, the physical stall of his body on hers. And Fluff, she could only guess what his mind was doing in response. He must feel like fleeing. She’d made a mess of things, so uncomfortable…Now he’d feel the need to let her down easy, to tell her he loved her too, just not in that way, that he cared for her, but maybe they should cool it with the tea-times for a bit. 
But she’d covered, maybe he’d hang on to that, let it dissolve between them, waft into the vents or get swept up in a dustpan like so much other dirt. 
She loved him? She loved him? She loved him. Could she really? The words had felt loving when he heard them, but her teasing and looks had felt that way too until they didn’t, until it came time for them to be honest. 
His fingers faltered, mind sputtering blank. He loved her, had loved her, for so long from so many different distances, so many different places. He loved her so deeply he was willing to be what she needed when she needed it, putting his desire for reciprocation aside to be with her in any capacity she’d allow, knowing he was doing it all despite her not loving him, even when it hurt that she wouldn’t see how he feels and wont feel the same. But this, was she finally maybe, opening up to the possibility? Did she love him? Actually? Romantically? Not in the way she says it to JJ and Morgan and Prentiss and hell…everyone but him.
Risking. It was a great risk to do what he felt was the only option for clarification, but one everything about this told him wasn’t so risky at all. He was glad to be a profiler at this exact moment and that he’d had all that practice reading Penelope Garcia specifically for so long.  
Luke stood, taking the two strides it took to get to her with more eagerness than may have been appropriate. 
And, oh look, right on cue here he is to deliver that crushing blow. “Ohh, the time!” Penelope said looking at her bare wrist, “You know I have to go- JJ- Emily-“ She faltered, still unwilling meet his gaze, turning to walk past him, make her way back to her abandoned laptop. Save herself, save face…cry out in her embarrassment the bathroom. 
Luke stopped her, hands clasping firmly around her elbows, large heavy stance keeping them both in place. Her face was cast down and god how he hated it, hated not seeing the candy of her eyes shining back at his. 
She was quiet, not saying a word, they both were for a minute. Then, gathering the rest of his courage, Luke requested soft and deep, slowly so that she’d hear every intention in his words, “Penelope Grace Garcia, I need you to look at me.” As he did, he move a hand from elbow to chin, “Right now, Chica.” and god, if he’d imagined the shiver of her body at his touch...
Tentatively her eyes met his, looking guilty, sad, his soberly hopeful, needing to know, “Do you mean it? How long?”
Penelope jerked her head to the side, face falling and hands pushing away,  “Alvez, let me go-“ 
But he wouldn’t, couldn’t, not when there was this crack in the wall, not now when she’d let this shimmer of truth slip. Breaking in a rush, he cut her off “-It’s been years. For me. Penelope Garcia, I’ve spent a lifetime loving you. Longer than lock-down, longer than I should have. If it were possible, I’d say longer than I’ve known you. But it’s not, it just feels like an eternity because I love you, and I have loved you and I think you love me too. God, I hope-” But he finds the rest of his thought turning to muffled noise as soft lips press to his and fingers curl against him, nails grazing his biceps as she pulls herself closer. 
His arms fold around her back and low on her waist, body rocking at the propulsion of her movement. She’s sweet and spicy, vanilla and chai, soft and silky and plush and warm and he’s walking her back and she’s following his lead and he should stop he should they’re at work, anyone could walk in at any time, this wasn’t entirely allowed, they work on a team together, Emily would kill them, which is honestly the least bad thing that could happen if they were found at this moment, but he can’t now that they’re here, he doesn’t want to now that they’re here. His heart is pounding and the blood is rushing through his ears, she hasn’t broken their kiss yet and his hand is drifting lower, gripping and pulling her closer but it only reminds him how short todays dress really is when fingertips brush along the meeting of ass and thigh and Penelope lets out a squeak of surprise that morphs into an “oof!” as they get resistance hitting the wall.
Her hands let go moving to spread on his chest, when she opens her eyes he’s looking down at her, wrecked, acquisitive, wild, and short of breath. Luke takes a step back, recovering space between them, pulling the hem of her skirt down in the process. Penelope slumps back against the wall, knees suddenly uncooperative. “So you love me huh?” 
Sucking in his lower lip, he eyes her playfully, and all Penelope can think is how nice that lip felt on hers, how she wants it back on hers, latching down her throat, wandering over her chest, down, down, down…her vision shifts. 
“I dunno, you still think you can’t talk to me without taking shots?”
Her eyes snap back to his, the pang of regret hitting when she sees the wound behind the joke.
“It was never like that…even when I tried to pretend it was. I’m sorry.” 
Luke only nods, “I do love you. I’m not sorry.” 
He was teasing, mostly, he was willing to let it go, had let what should have been much worse go, because as Pope said, hope springs eternal…and after that night, after the wake, she seemed to look at him differently, things had been different. 
Penelope’s hands dropped, her gaze going with them, finding it easier to communicate at this turning point when she wasn’t looking directly at the target of her hurt, focusing on her cuticles instead, “So where do we go from here?”
Scooping up the abandoned mug of tea and taking a hand in his, Luke pulled her back to the settee, “I think tonight, I take you home. We’ll order takeout from La Cubana, and we’ll have a do-over. But right now, I think we have tea and relax, and then in a few minutes we get back to finding killers, like normal.”
Sitting with his arm once again around her, Penelope looks up at Luke, unimpressed, a little horrified, “Our normal’s kinda gross.”
A twitch of amusement crosses his face, cheek dimpling with the smirk that forms, “Yeah, but it’s better when there’s hope.”
_____ _____
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never Is, but always to be blest. The soul, uneasy, and confined from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come."
-Alexander Pope
-A Darcy fic check list- ✓ Fluffy cuddles ✓ Forehead kiss ✓ Over the top profession of love from one Luke Alvez ✓ Full name ✓ Singsong name ✓ Emotional check in 𐄂 Platonic Morvez, Garvez + Morgan
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Cherry Rose(Drugfriend's second ex-girlfriend before Lila Sky)
Warning: Mentions of molest, sexual abuse and Rape
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Name: Cherry Rose Lynn
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Species: Human, Immortal witch(Revenge Arc) then Imp demon later.
Family: Sara Lynn(Mother), Eric Lynn(Father), Thomas Lynn(Big brother)
Personality: Selfish, nasty, self-centered, cruel, Spoiled, crazy, obsessed, perverted, Naughty, Mean
Likes: Taking advantage of people, money, molesting people, Manipulating people into doing things that they didn't want.
Dislikes: Getting in trouble, psychopaths, getting caught, people cheating on her instead, Police officers, Being arrested
Friends: Lila Sky, Clara Rossi, Layla Miller(Penelope's ex-girlfriend), Fanzo Miller, Tiffany Cake(Pico's ex-girlfriend), Evan demon
Love Rival & Victim: Sick Boyfriend
Drugfriend: 2nd ex-boyfriend
Sick Boyfriend: Love rival & Victim
Sickpants: Scared of
I'll do later...
Cherry Rose and Drugfriend met after Drugfriend broke up with Layla, He find Cherry Rose so beautiful like cinderella. Of course they dated for a while but then it all went south very quick....Cherry Rose showed Drugfriend her true colors. She's like Lila Sky but way worse, She cheated on Drugfriend with another guy and Drugfriend got upset and dumped her. What really shocked Drugfriend even more is that he later found that She was a sexual predator like her family. He then called the police Cherry's parents and her older brother except her since she's a minor, This really pissed off Cherry so she decided to get back at Drugfriend by going after his current current Lover, Sick Boyfriend. After finding out that He's afraid of Sexual abuse, she took that opportunity to sexual assault him. This happened when they were in high school, Cherry snuck into Sick BF's room and while he's asleep, She tried to take advantage of him, But he woke up and found Cherry on top of him, He was about to scream but Cherry was trying to shut him up and continue, but he was able to scream so loudly that his parents and drugfriend heard him and went to his room to see what was going on, Cherry was caught red-handed, Drugfriend was super pissed and tried to catch her but she escape.
She got away with it but it wasn't until, Sickpants went after her to get revenge after he heard the conversation between the others that Sick Boyfriend got sexual assaulted by Cherry. This made him very angry and crazy and decide to hunt down cherry. Cherry was terrified that Sickpants was gonna kill her so she hid inside the closet of her bedroom. But Sickpants found her and brutally killed her, he ripped her eye and nostrils off, chopped off her head, ruined her hair and ate her body parts. All was left was her head. She died in a very brutal way.
Her soul was roaming around in hell and wished she could be brought back to life for revenge. So she made a deal with the devil for immortal life but with a price, She has wore a red ruby choker on her neck which gives her immortal life, she should not let any type of power or get slashed with a sharp object go near it because if it breaks, her soul becomes the devil's property and transform into an imp and she would be dragged down to hell along with the others that she sold their souls to.
That's all about Cherry Rose lynn
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2000sfm · 2 months
any suggestions for roles or reboots that would fit 30+ muses well? either existing or new ones!
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we  would  love  more  older  muses  around  here.  some  ideas  for  older  muses  in  existing  reboots  are  listed  under  the  cut  since  it's  quite  a  long  list.  however  some  other  reboots  that  could  definitely  fit  30+  muses  are  :  13  going  on  30,  legally  blonde,  american  psycho,  mamma  mia,  how  i  met  your  mother,  the  office  &  desperate  housewives  !!
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the  vampire  diaries:  alaric  saltzman,  jenna  sommers,  john  gilbert,  meredith  fell,  sybil,  liz  forbes,  lillian  salvatore,  josette  laughlin,  isobel  flemming,  carol  lockwood,  abby  bennett,  pearl,  mikael  mikaelson,  zach  salvatore  &  esther  mikaelson.
the  oc:  alex  kelly,  sandy  cohen,  kirsten  cohen,  julie  cooper,  jimmy  cooper
one  tree  hill:  dan  scott,  keith  scott,  deb  scott,  karen  roe,  quinn  james.
sons  of  anarchy:  jax  teller,  opie  winston,  donna  winston,  gemma  teller-morrow,  clay  morrow,  tara  knowles,  juice  ortiz,  tig  trager,  chibs  telford,  happy,  wendy  case,  half-sack  epps.
gilmore  girls:  sookie  st.  james,  christopher  hayden,  emily  gilmore,  richard  gilmore,  max  medina,  michel  gerard,  mrs.  kim.
pretty  little  liars:  ezra  fitz,  melissa  hastings,  wren  kingston,  ashley  marin,  meredith  sorenson,  veronica  hastings,  ella  montgomery,  byron  montgomery,  ian  thomas,  tom  marin.
sex  and  the  city:  samantha  jones,  charlotte  york,  miranda  hobbes,  mr.  bing,  aiden  shaw.
supernatural:  dean  winchester,  sam  winchester,  jo  harvelle,  bobby  singer,  john  winchester,  mary  winchester,  ruby,  lilith,  castiel,  ellen  harvelle,  jessica  moore.
friends:  phoebe  buffay,  ross  geller  (ross  gang),  janice  hosenstein,  gunther,  mike  hannigan,  carol  willick,  emily  waltham,  susan  bunch,  kathy,  jill  green,  amy  green.
criminal  minds:  spencer  reid,  derek  morgan,  penelope  garcia,  emily  prentiss,  hotch  hotchner,  jason  gideon,  david  rossi,  elle  greenaway.
grey's  anatomy:  lexie  grey,  mark  sloan,  derek  shepherd,  amelia  shepherd,  izzie  stevens,  george  o'malley,  cristina  yang,  alex  karev,  miranda  bailey,  callie  torres,  arizona  robbins,  april  kepner,  jackson  avery,  owen  hunt,  addison  montgomery.
true  blood:  bill  compton,  eric  northman,  lafayette  reynolds,  sam  merlotte,  tara  thorton,  pam,  alcide  heveraux.
jennifers  body:  nikolai  wolff
resident  evil:  chris  redfield,  albert  walker,  jill  valentine,  ada  wong,  barry  burton,  rebecca  chambers,  ashley  graham.
scream:  gale  weathers,  dewey  riley.
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