#Radiant Children AU
kookslastbutton · 3 months
Those Eyes Chico ༓ myg (m) | chapter one
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✑ Summary: As the new marketing director for Min Yoongi’s upcoming D-Day album & tour, you’re expected to bring your expertise to the table. This shouldn’t be a problem—you’re the best in the business and you’re used to drawing a strict line between your professional and personal life. But what happens when the lines you’ve fought to keep as separate blur for the first time?
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pairing: idol!yoongi x plus size!poc!reader
genre/AU: angst, fluff, smut, slowburn, coworkers2friends2lovers, winter setting, forbidden love,
word count: 6.5k+
warnings: oc is 28, Yoon is 30, oc is not originally from South Korea, oc has light brown eyes, swearing, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, body insecurities, fear of being blacklisted, emotionally restrained yoon, unstable parental relationships, conservative parents, rude Hybe executive that should be fired, bestie!tae is wonderful support 🥹, and cute yoon and oc interactions bc yeah....its thier first time actually meeting so it must be cute!
now playing: Sweet Dreams by The Last Shadow Puppets
a/n: YAHHH chapter one!! Ok i apologize if the meeting is so long and drawn out...I really tried to make it fun but so much info is needed too haha. Anyway this series is dedicated to my wonderfully crazy friend and sorta beta, Gloom @theuselessdaydreamingidiot, and to all our fellow Yoon lovers bc we miss our sweet man SO MUCH 🥺 Enjoy! 🥰 Also huge thank you to @itaeewon for designing this beautiful series header! Love it!!
Series Masterlist | next chapter >>
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Winter in Seoul feels like stepping onto the set of your most beloved holiday film.
As the brisk air wraps around you, delicate snowflakes gather atop your head, urging you to cocoon in your finest wool trench coat. Yet, despite the chill, the sight of frost-bitten trees basking in the morning's golden rays offers a source of warmth and delight. Perhaps the most radiant tree of them all is the towering Christmas tree that sits proudly in the heart of the city. Adorned with shimmering red and gold baubles, the giant evergreen catches the eye of every person that walks by–both tourists and locals alike.
Nearby shopping malls buzz with holiday fervor too as shoppers scour for treasures, couples engage in friendly competition to find the ultimate gift, and children line up to take their picture with Santa. But the best part is when night falls. The whole city comes alive with joy and laughter as loved ones meet one another on the ice-skating rinks, while karaoke bars echo tipsy renditions of timeless songs sung by overworked professionals, each with a bottle of soju in hand.
Yes, Seoul is a place for making memories and you’re in the thick of it.
Having been in the city for three years, one might assume you’ve become well accustomed to the energy of the season. You've really grown to love it here. But adjusting to the new environment is still proving to be a challenge, the most outstanding being the prevailing beauty standards.
Massive billboards featuring stunning models serve as constant reminders of the type of beauty one should aim to achieve as you commute to work. Impossible to miss are the shining examples themselves – iconic k-pop groups Seventeen, Red Velvet, EXO, BlackPink, Mamamoo, TXT, and of course BTS plastered on the side of every flat surface imaginable. You’re not exactly complaining about that aspect as you’ve helped design a good handful of them as a top marketing and advertising professional. But the strict image of what constitutes a beautiful and worthy individual weighs on you more than you’d like.
While a conventional body type isn’t what you’ve been given in this life, you don’t consider yourself to be completely unattractive either. Having high cheekbones, a strong jawline, striking light brown eyes, good enough ass, and a full chest shouldn’t classify as undesirable. Still, you wish you’d adopt this more body positive mindset rather than your current overthinking one. It’s easier said than done, being that you not only see idols everyday on the streets in digital form but at work as well.
You continue further into city until a set of tall, glass doors meet you mere steps away. You tilt your head back to catch the name of the skyscraper before nearing the building’s sturdy, silver handle.
BigHit Music.
Feeling its cool metal under your fingertips, the door swings open with an easier pull than imagined to welcome you into the bustling lobby. You feel a rush of confidence return to you upon entering– this is your domain, this is where you truly shine.
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“Did you get the files I sent to you?”
The woman nods her head in affirmation while sweeping a few pieces of her long, silky hair behind an ear. To strangers, she appears to look about 24 which is only four years younger than yourself but nonetheless she’s the same age as you. Hei-Ran is her name, meaning “graceful orchid” according to Korean translation.
Hei-ran is one of Hybe’s newest hires and based on her experience, a near perfect fit to being South Korean boy group Tomorrow X Together’s new marketing manager. Until about three months ago, this had been your job.
You never imagined giving up the position after three years of working in the role. But with December right around the corner Hybe had other plans for you.
"Graduated summa cum laude with a bachelors degree in BTech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and a MBA in Marketing from NYU Stern. You worked two years as a brand manager for U.S record label Atlantic Records immediately after graduating, and are now working at BigHit Music as a marketing manager for TXT including liaison with their global marketing team.”
You recall Bang PD's voice vibrate in the back of your mind from mid-August. You thought you were called into his office to discuss details of TXT’s latest promo, so having your resume read back to you was a sweeping curve ball. Your determination must have far exceeded the heaviness you felt in your chest because before you knew it you, you were shaking hands with your boss in acceptance of your role – the new marketing director for Min Yoongi’s upcoming D-Day album & tour.
The tedious knot that’s formed in the nape of your neck reminds you that as surreal as the situation might be, it’s undeniably real.
Months spent drafting a comprehensive marketing proposal for D-Day; often until the wee hours of the night, inevitably takes its toll on even the mightiest of warriors. An entire new team of fifty people, all of who you’ll be in charge of orchestrating for the next eight months, doesn’t provide much to relief either.
You’re excited nevertheless. Working with one of the most respected artists in the music industry is an opportunity you couldn’t let slip by, especially since the album’s rock-inspired genre aligns closely with your own music taste.
“Thank you so much for helping me get settled __,” Hei-ran’s gentle voice returns you to the present. “I appreciate the time you’ve taken these last few months to train me despite the tight deadlines you have.”
Smiling, you shake your head. “It’s no problem at all and if there’s anything you need in the future, feel free to give me a call or stop by my office.”
“On the 16th floor right?”
“1656A. Take a left off the elevator and walk to the end of the first hallway. The door on the right is mine.”
Referring to any room on the 16th floor as your own is something you don’t take lightly. For one the offices are double the size of any other office spaces in the building. Yours in particular has a giant skyscraper window draped with heavy white curtains. Secondly, the floor above is the 17th floor which is exclusive to Hybe artists only.
"How's the proposal coming along, by the way?" Her curiosity is palpable, genuine in its nature. You’ve always appreciated that in an individual.
“It’s done,” you respond. “Only thing left to do is to prepare for our meeting with C-suite executives next Monday. It’s nearly perfect as is, but the presentation could use a bit of refining in terms of organization.”
Hei-ran is silent for a moment longer than usual before her next inquiry, which is undoubtedly the question on both of your minds. “I can't help but wonder what it'll be like to meet him for the first time,” she muses.
You don’t bother asking for clarification on who the “him” is; you’re already well aware that it’s Min Yoongi. The same subject has managed to intrude your own thoughts more and more as the date of meeting him draws closer. It's peculiar honestly, considering you’ve encountered him before.
Granted, it was only a small handful of times the hallway, both heading in opposite directions. Min Yoongi typically greeted you with a hoarse 'Good Morning' those instances, along with a curt nod of his head. You would nod back with a brief 'Morning' yourself. Deep down you feel he'd make a quality friend, though it's only a premonition. It’s not like you actually know much about him beyond those small exchanges.
"I'm not sure what to expect, honestly," you admit. "I imagine it'll be similar to previous professional collaborations—composed, focused, and intense. D-Day is poised to become a global sensation for the next year, so it's going to need our full, undivided attention."
Hei-ran gives a knowing nod. “Good luck __,” she wishes you well as you head towards the elevator doors. Breaks over, back to work.
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After another late-night prep session for Monday’s D-Day proposal, you trudge through your apartment door well past 8:30 pm with an empty stomach and a throbbing headache. Good news is that your graphic design team seems to be well on track with their album mockups ready to present.
The same can’t be said for your U.S. promo team however, who required additional guidance on their projects. The social media team was in a similar boat. Somehow several of their members lost track of time and were convinced the proposal was still two weeks away.
Despite the hiccups, you managed to tie up the loose ends, but it meant that none of you got to leave early.
When you finally get to curl up in your fluffy sofa, a loud, exasperated sigh leaves your lips. Your lids flutter shut too as you rest your head against the soft cushion. Silently, you make one last mental rundown of all the tasks you checked off today.
Did you miss anything?
D-Day is the most crucial project you’ve ever taken charge of—you need it to be flawless.
When nothing pressing comes to mind, you grab the tv remote from your dark oak coffee table and aimlessly flip through the channels. You’ll unwind for an hour and then call it a night.
Ten minutes into an episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine and the light chime of your phone's notification bell catches your ear.
Tae 💚: Haven’t heard from you all day. Everything alright?
Taehyung, your best friend. You smile fondly at his message as your thumbs hover over the reply button. He's always checking in on you. You and Taehyung have been friends ever since you first moved to Seoul and started working at Hybe. You didn't expect your friendship to become this strong, but both of you are sociable individuals, which led to discovering several unexpected commonalities. One of those is a shared love for jazz, which has been one of your all-time favorite genres for as long as you can remember.
You: yeah, I’m good. Just tired. Been working on D-Day's proposal for months and finally got it fully prepped for.
Tae 💚: Well, that's amazing news! You feel good about it?
You: I don't know. I’m definitely ready for this project but I’m also starting to feel a little burned out. The proposal is only the beginning you know, and it's already taking the wind out of me.
Tae 💚: Sorry to hear that 😞 I'm sure it must be draining, but I also know this is your territory. No one is more fit to head this project than you. Everyone thinks so. How about you take the weekend to rest?
You: Yeah...I'm watching B99 rn
Tae 💚: B99?! Without me?
You can't help but giggle. Somehow over the course of three years you've roped your best friend into becoming obsessed with your mindless sitcoms. You've done more than a handful of binge watching together, until all hours of the night.
You: Wanna come over for an hour?
The company might be nice.
Tae 💚: Be there in 20 🏃
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Your door bells rings exactly twenty minutes after you and Taehyng finish exchanging texts. He's so prompt it scares you sometimes.
“Hey.” His deep, baritone voice greets you first, along with a friendly hug. Taehyung slips his snow covered boots off upon entering your apartment and hangs his wool jacket on your coat rack. His limited edition Gucci scarf is next. Taehyung loves the winter as it’s the time he can wear his most luxurious clothes.
“What’s this?” You peak inside a brown paper bag that Taehyung has conveniently set on your kitchen countertop. He flashes you a playful grin and gestures you to open it. Naturally, you're suspicious but it all washes away when a new, unopened bottle of whiskey presents itself. “Oh my god, you didn’t!" You swat his arm in a rush of excitement.
“I had to!" Taehyung opens a kitchen cupboard and grabs a glass from the top shelf. He's been in your apartment enough times that he’s grown comfortable with your place. That and he's also your best friend.
"With all the recent events you've had going on, I think it calls for a celebration." Taehyung expertly pours you a glass of the smooth, rich liquor and offers it to you.
“Thank you, Tae," you say, taking the glass from his hand. "Come sit down. Jake's about to sing I Want It That Way with the police lineup.” Taehyung pours himself a glass of Pinot Noir and follows your lead.
After about forty minutes of sitcoms and booze with your best friend you begin to feel yourself relaxing. Whatever challenges lies ahead, you know you'll be able to handle them one whiskey at a time.
All stream of thought is interrupted when your phone dings off again. It's now half past 9, who on earth is trying to reach you?
You tighten the grip on your phone as soon aa the message appears. Taehyung, previously occupied by the end credit scene, catches the sudden shift in your demeanor and calls your name but he's inaudible to you.
Mom: It’s been almost two weeks since we last heard from you. We know you're busy but your father and I want to know if you’ll be coming home. The holidays are coming up right? Why don't you use some of that time to come see us? There's someone we want you to meet.
"__, who is it?" Taehyung's voice manages to break your intense concentration.
“Just my mom.” You answer briefly, still averting eye contact.
“What’d she say?”
“She wants me to come home for the holidays.” You shut your phone off in an effort to calm yourself.
Unlike Taehyung your relationship with your parents has always been rocky. Expectations are set high from birth and you never see eye to eye. Likely, the only accomplishment that's earned genuine praise from them was when you accepted your initial job proposal with Hybe. A respectable career is only second to health to them after all. Your father was more torn with the news that you’d be moving hundreds of miles away than your mom however, not that you’re surprised.
Of course while having a healthy and respectable career is priority for your parents, there is no mistake that their greatest wish is to see their daughter married. A stable man with ample resources to provide her a secure home and healthy children is preferable.
You love your parents and you'll always be there for them, but you must admit that their traditional outlook is one you can never live up to. They tried setting you up dozens of times before, and tonight's request to have you come home "for the holidays to meet someone” is simply another attempt to marry you off.
Yes, you would like some sort of companionship in your life and you hope if you find it that they’ll approve. But giving your hand in marriage to the first notable suitor isn't your forte. You consider yourself to be an independent woman with a tender heart, and you'd rather be single for the entirety of your life than be forced into another obligation.
Preserving your independence is highly important to you. So no, you draw the line when it comes to relational affairs.
If only you could be firm and repeat all the above to them aloud, rather than within your own head— if only.
“So are you gonna go?"
You don't respond immediately, still weighing out your options. "Not sure," you murmur. "I don't really want to but maybe I should. I haven't gone home to see my parents since last year."
Taehyung recognizes the growing tension in your voice as well as the flushed expression playing on your face. He wishes he could take it all away but instead he moves closer to your side of the sofa and lets you rest your head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry." He's silent for a moment before continuing. "Why don't you tell them you can't go because of work? There must be a number of things you'll need to get ahead of for Yoongi's album."
"True. But it's too easy, they won't buy that. I have to go."
"What if you say I invited you to celebrate with my family this year? We're going to a nice, cozy cabin a few hours north of here for Christmas."
The offer is temping and you know he means it but it's also not enough.
"No," you reject. "They'll think we're dating and ask to meet you."
"I'll do it!" Taehyung's voice lifts into a more playful tone, earning a soft chuckle from you.
"Very cute Taetae, but no. Neither of us are going to say 'that was a good idea' in the end, trust me. I'll have to make this decision on my own."
Taehyung grimaces slightly at your last choice of words. "I really think you should consider telling them you can't due to a full schedule. We don't get that much time off at the company any way. Don't your parents live at least 7-10 hours away? Come on, spend the holidays with me and the guys. Plus, it'll be my birthday soon. I want you there at my party."
When you look at your best friend to gently scold him for not so sneakily using the guilt tripping technique, he's pouting. Like a baby. Not even you can resist him with that face on.
"Fine. I'll think about it."
"Good," Taehyung chirps and snatches the tv remote to flip through episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. "I want you to be around those closest to you, especially around the holidays. You're my badass best friend who deserves more than some stupid forced marriage to a guy with an unhealthy alpha male complex. Should we top the night off with one more episode by the way?"
You nod and Taehyung hits play on the remote. "Thank you," you coo, feeling a tad better.
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The weekend is a blur at best and you’re back at the office before you realize. Of course this is no ordinary work day however, given that today signifies the day you officially start work as D-Day’s marketing director. You’ve been perfecting every detail of the proposal like a madman since the beginning, meticulously obessing over every element. Your new team members must have a pretty eye-opening understanding of what it’ll be like having you as a lead for the next year–you pity them to be honest.
Between your fingers clutches a small tube of lip balm, berry flavored with a faint tint to match. You love chapstick for some odd, inexplainable reason and you felt the need to apply a generous amount of it on your lips for good luck.
“No one’s here yet,” Yi-joon, one of the members of your graphic design team, speaks first upon stepping foot into your assigned conference room. Others hum, unsurprised. Being the ones leading the presentation, you’d be startled if anyone actually arrived beforehand.
A grand mahogany table, seating up to 14 individuals, boasts itself to you in the middle of the room with every chair lined in genuine black leather. Traditional seating arrangements have one chair at the head of the table, but today’s meeting has two, both positioned to face the wide presentation screen at the opposite end.
Undoubtably, they’re reserved for Bang PD and Min Yoongi.
A momentary shiver courses down your spine, yet fades quick when one of your team members asks if anyone's seen the remote to the projector. There’s no time for nerves to be acting up, you remind yourself calmly. Only 15 minutes remain until every C-suite executive in Hybe congregates into the room.
With a composed demeanor, you swiftly gather your thoughts and respond, "Try checking inside the podium. It's likely close by, but if not, we can always power it on manually." You then start delegating tasks to the rest of your team, mentally rehearsing key points of the proposal between each instruction.
Time appears to have vanished in the blink of an eye because in a matter of seconds a gentle breeze slips through the conference door, accompanied by the arrival of several Hybe executives. You offer a polite "good morning," which is briefly reciprocated as they take their respective seats around the conference table.
You count twelve at the table in total, including your own team.
"Sajangnim should be here in about–"
Hybe's Chief Finance Officer doesn't get to finish his sentence when an older gentleman in a freshly pressed suit walks through the door, fully immersed in conversation. The person following close behind him is none other than the man of the hour himself–Min Yoongi, fitted in a clean white dress shirt that's unbuttoned at the collar and sleeves rolled to the elbows. His soft, raven hair falls gently in front of his eyes, framing his face a little too well.
Unexpectedly, both your gazes shift from Bang PD and onto one another. His dark, intense eyes pierce through you as they observe you from the opposite side of the room. You're certain he recognizes you from your previous shared encounters, though you don't have the slightest clue what he's thinking. Min Yoongi has been known to be many things, but an open book isn't one of them.
He then walks in your direction until he's directly toe to toe with you for the very first time. Completely against your wishes, you feel all the tiny hairs on the back of your neck stand straight. You've never officially met before.
"It's nice to finally meet you __-nim. Those nods we give each other in the hallway hardly count as a proper introduction." He extends a hand to you, offering you a sturdy handshake which you accept.
"Absolutely, it's a pleasure to meet you as well Min PD-nim," you say, smiling warmly. "I'm looking forward to working with you on your new album. I truly appreciate the opportunity."
For a split second, Yoongi allows his professional demeanor drop. "I should be the one thanking you. You'll be the one leading this whole operation right? So I'll be in your care."
You want to respond with gratitude, but you're not given the chance due to an authoritative voice speaking up from behind.
"Min PD-nim," Hybe's Vice President calls out to the man in front of you, requesting his attention.
Yoongi is hesitant to leave you mid-conversation but you assure him that it's alright. "Please, feel free to take a seat," you offer. "The presentations will begin soon."
A small, subtle smile graces Yoongi's lips before he turns around to take his seat beside Bang PD at the head of the table. He engages in small talk with Hybe's Vice President who's conveniently seated across from him. Yet despite their conversation, he's only half focused; his eyes repeatedly wandering back to you. At this point, however, you've already stopped looking at him.
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"Good morning, all," you address the room when the time comes to commence the meeting. "We'll be getting started now that everyone's here. I'm sending down samples of the album design our graphics team has created for D-Day. Please pass them along." You hand the stack of copies to Hybe's Chief Technology Officer who smiles courteously.
"On behalf of my team and me, I want to thank you for joining us today to discuss our marketing strategy for Min PD-nim's upcoming D-Day album. Our agenda will be as follows," you guide everyone's attention to the presentation board, which provides a rundown of all the points you plan to cover for the remainder of the meeting.
"Let's begin with introductions. My name is ___ ___, I hold a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from NYU Stern, as well as an MBA in Marketing. Over the past five years, I've worked in the music industry as a marketing manager. Three of those years were spent here at Hybe. The recent promotional campaign for TXT's The Chaos Chapter was lead by my previous team and me, resulting in a positive return on investment. Now, with a new team, I aim to achieve similar success with Min PD-nim's D-Day album."
Once you finish your introduction, you introduce each member of your team. This is soon followed by a brief introduction from each c-suite executive.
The whole room falls silent when you begin diving into the bulk of the proposal; every measurable objective, goal, and market analysis is shared for D-Day. When it comes time to present the brand guide and album design, you invite your graphics team to speak.
"You'll notice that we have two versions of Min PD-nim's albums on the sheet in front of you," Yi-joon refers to the mockups you handed out earlier. A few executives nod quietly as they study the proposed album packaging while Yoongi leans over to Bang PD. He's whispering something but you're far to distant away to hear. His expressions aren't telling either.
Does he like it? Does he not? You don't know.
Nevertheless, you give a subtle smile to Yi-joon as encouragement to continue.
 "We've opted for a sleek, pitch-black design for the first version, and a dusty brown for the second. The first version symbolizes the past, characterized by societal expectations and internal struggles, while the second represents the present and future, conveying a message of liberation. To complement these themes, we've selected a bold and daring font to exude the album's transparency. This design consistency extends to the album's contents; for instance, lyrical cards will reflect the respective color and style of the version they belong to."
Hybe's Chief Marketing Officer appears to be in approval with the entirety of the plan so far, yet it's short lived when a low voice interrupts.
"I think the vision of album's design aligns closely with mine, so I like what I see in front of me." Yoongi pauses and places the mockup on the table. "There's one aspect that I'd like to discuss in hopes of some insight however. I've been mauling over it for a while now."
"I'll do my best to–" Hybe's Chief Marketing Officer opens his mouth to respond yet closes it immediately when he notices Yoongi's gaze sharply shifts to you. It's a signal that it's your insight he specifically requests.
"Please go on," you reply.
"Regarding the name under which the album should be released, should it be 'Agust D' or 'Suga'? I'm personally biased towards Agust D because it holds more weight for me. It's close to my heart and the stories I have to tell as Agust D are heavier than those of Suga, right? The D even stands for Daegu, my hometown where I grew up and where my parents still live. Suga on the other hand is my stage name, which I have some identity in as well."
You don't answer immediately, preferring to carefully process everything he's said. Your team has already proposed to release the album under 'Agust D', yet he makes a valid point that 'Suga' is also a part of him.
"I understand that releasing the album under 'Suga' has its merit. However, I still support the original idea of releasing it under 'Agust D'. As you've mentioned, the name carries a deeper meaning, evoking memories, emotions, trials, and tribulations. I'd also like to emphasize that by releasing D-Day under 'Agust D', you can showcase who the real Agust D is. The collaboration with IU in People Pt. 2 already has you one step in that door."
Like you, Yoongi considers your words cautiously, weighing them in his mind. "Thank you ___-nim," he finally speaks. "Your perspective is reassuring. We'll proceed with releasing the album under 'Agust D'.
Following your short discussion, the graphics team continues presenting their design materials. Minor comments are made by Hybe executives, but Yoongi doesn't comment again until half-way into the social media segment.
"Why do we need to schedule this many Weverse Lives? People might get tired of seeing my face after so many in a row. ARMY will read, 'Min Yoongi started a live' and say to their friends, 'This is the fifth time in a row, is he in love with his own voice or something?'." His joke sparks a light in the room as Bang PD gives a chuckle.
"I don't think that's going to be an issue for you Yoongi," he replies. "Don't you know the strength of your own fanbase?" Bang PD's statement is undeniable. Everyone in the room is well aware of Min Yoongi's international fanbase who willingly stay up all hours of the night just to catch a glimpse of him. In fact, rather than seeing less of him, they hope to receive his live notifications more, as Yoongi isn't as active on Weverse as other idols.
It's clear that compliments like these aren't easy for Yoongi to take though, judging by the flushed look that subtly sweeps over his face. You'd react the same way to be honest.
"If I may Min PD-nim," you speak up, deciding to offer an alternative plan. "Leveraging Weverse Live to help promote D-Day will draw significant international engagement. We know that time differences pose to be a challenge which is why we proposed an increase of live sessions per week. However, we understand that going live this often might be exhausting. Would you consider reducing the frequency to once or twice a week instead?"
"I'm open to once a week but didn't we film the 'Suga: Road to D-Day' documentary for a similar reason? Won't it be too much to add more than two Weverse Lives throughout the entire promotional phase?" Yoongi's challenge is met with an unanimous hum of support from his fellow executives. You'd feel intimidated if you didn't already have a justification mapped out.
"The objective behind releasing 'Suga: Road to D-Day' on Disney+ differs from that of Weverse Lives," you rebuttal confidently. "While the documentary presents a structured behind-the-scenes view of D-Day's development, the Lives focus on building hype among your existing fans who know you well, will spread the word to their peers, and will likely pre-order the album. As you're aware, Lives are more personal and stripped down, allowing your fanbase to feel closer to you."
Thinking of no further objectives, Yoongi, still somewhat unsure, accepts your suggestion. "Once a week will be fine then. While we're still on the topic, do we know when 'Suga: Road to D-Day' is set to release on Disney+?"
"Our digital marketing and promo team will be reviewing the specifics of that soon," you inform. "Right now we have the documentary releasing April 23 of next year. The poster for the film will release a week and a half earlier on the 12th."
Rather than furthering the discussion, Yoongi sends an understanding nod your way which allows the social media team to resume their portion of the proposal. Recording more Weverse Lives than usual remains a pain point for him, but he's willing to move forward if it means connecting with his fanbase.
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Alast, after what seems like three hours of social media; followed by financing & budget talk, the last team to present their material takes lead of the meeting.
"We'd like to provide a timeline for D-Day's promo schedule as a way to wrap up today's proposal," So-hyun from your digital marketing and promos team explains. "Promotions will begin April 10, 2023 and will run until April 25th. During this time the album's track list, concept photos, MV Teaser, and official MV will drop. As far as concert schedule, we're proposing April 26-June 24. These dates include U.S, Asia, and Korea Tours."
"We might need to rethink concert dates but for now I'm on onboard." Yoongi remains brief in his interjection, allowing So-hyun to continue.
"As far as other marketing channels, we plan to implement both print and digital methods including billboards, banners, paid search ads, and YouTube. We'd also like to reach out to a variety of magazines like Rolling Stones Magazine for interviews. If we want to extend our global reach even further, we can book a time slot on the Jimmy Fallon Show. Bare in mind that if we go this route, we'll need to decide fairly quick, as slots are in high demand."
You notice Bang PD whispering amongst Yoongi and his Chief Finance Officer when Jimmy Fallon is mentioned. Yoongi seems the least interested. Perhaps he isn't fond of being front and center of talk shows, you guess.
"When will we need a decision for the Jimmy Fallon Show?" Bang PD inquires for the group.
"No later than three weeks from now," So-hyun answers. "It's a tight deadline but it can been done if we get the official go."
Bang PD directs his attention to Yoongi who's chosen to be silent in this conversation. "What do you think, Yoongi? It's your call."
"Maybe," he says, "give me a day or two to think on it."
Another ten minutes of productive overview with your promos team pass and soon, you're standing up to adjourn the meeting. You have to admit that out of all the proposals you've given in your career, this goes right to the top.
Your team was phenomenal today, and despite the the fact that several Hybe executives are biting at the bit to finally go on their lunch break, you feel confident that everyone is leaving on the same page.
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"Min PD-nim."
You're ears inevitably pick up the conversation in front of you as you make your way out of the conference room. Yoongi and his Chief Financial Officer are running through some quick numbers only a few steps steps ahead, but with everyone simultaneously rushing in the same direction, neither must have realized you were within earshot.
"There's no doubt that she's good at what she does," Hybe's Chief Financial Officer continues. "Still, it's hard to believe that she's only 27 or 28. A person should take better care of themselves don't you agree? Like our Eunchae for example."
If there was a way to erase what you just heard, you'd do so, because in an instant, all previous successes you felt from today's proposal shatters to the ground. You're no stranger to receiving these sorts of comments about your appearance, yet it leaves your confidence fleeting, along with any amount of resilience you've built.
Blinking back the tears that threaten to spill, you exit the conference room the first chance you get. You have no desire to stick around for Yoongi's reply.
Not long after you leave does you phone ring off.
Tae 💚: Hey! How's the meeting going? Still available to get lunch this afternoon? I'm heading to the cafeteria as I type this.
You: It went okay. But I don't think I'll be coming to lunch, just a lot to do. I'm also not that hungry.
You second-guess how convincing your message is, knowing that it's your best friend on the other line. Regardless, it's the only words you can come up with right now. You really do have a lot of work ahead of you though, at least that part is true.
Tae 💚: Are you sure? I was looking forward on hearing how the meeting went! Wasn't there something you had to give me too?
The meaning of the last line suddenly dawns on you as you make your way down the long hallway. How could you forget? You made Taehyung one of his favorite foods to surprise him for lunch; Japchae, a sweet and savory dish of stir-fried glass noodles and vegetables.
You: Right, sorry it slipped from my mind for a second. I'll meet you in the cafeteria to give it to you.
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"Why won't you stay and eat with me?" Taehyung devours the homemade Japchae you made for him with delight, a pair of chopsticks clamped in his hand.
"I don't have much of an appetite, Tae."
You've already told him this twice already, clarifying that you'd be heading back to your office once you deliver his food. Evidently, he's not letting you slip away easily.
"Then take a break with me instead, even if it's only for ten minutes." You watch as your best friend swiftly pulls out the chair next to him from under the table, gesturing you to sit. "Tell me what's got you down," he says. "Did Yoongi say something to you? He can be a bit too outspoken with his opinions sometimes."
Feeling defeated, you slide into the chair. "No, the meeting was fine. I'm just overthinking something that happened."
You then proceed to explain what you overheard Hybe's Chief Finance Officer say about you from earlier, that you didn't look healthy enough for your age and using Eunchae as an example. The scowl that appears on Taehyung's face as you retell the incident is unmistakable–he's clearly pissed.
"First of all," Taehyung starts once you finish, jaw clenched. "Eunchae is 17 and is a part of a Korean girl group. She has an entire team dedicated to making sure her appearance is flawless. It's the idol life; trust me, I'm well acquainted with it, so it's not a fair comparison. Secondly, Hybe's CFO is an asshole who I'd replace in a day. I don't want you letting him make you feel insignificant just because you don't conform to his narrow idea of how a woman should look."
You appreciate Taehyung's efforts to cheer you up, though you remain unaffected. Besides, he still isn't aware of Yoongi's involvement since you purposely left that detail out due to their close friendship.
"Yeah, I don't know. We don't have to talk about it anymore." You decide to dismiss the topic entirely and reach for your phone, along with a pair of earbuds bundled in your pocket. "Wanna listen to something?"
Music has always bonded you and Taehyung's friendship, as you've frequently found yourselves fully immersed in timeless songs from King of Leon and Led Zeppelin together. Taehyung nearly accepts the offer to listen with you once again, but then he freezes all movement. An eager grin follows close after.
"Hyung!" His voice echos though the room, earning the attention of Min Yoongi who's just entered the cafeteria. This time, you feel nothing but discomfort when the man looks your way.
"I have some material I need to review from my promo team. I'll text you later, okay?" You leave your best friend no time to reply as you quickly rise from your chair, stick your phone in your pant pocket, and head for the nearest exit. Yoongi attempts to make eye contact with you on your way out, but you avoid it completely.
When he approaches Taehyung, he acknowledges your semi-odd behavior. "I didn't mean to make her leave," he states, joining the younger at the table.
Taehyung offers a light shrug in response. "Don't worry, you didn't. She had other matters to get to. Something with her team members I think."
Yoongi grabs a fresh clementine from a nearby fruit bowl and beings peeling it little by little. "You two must be pretty close if you're having your lunches together."
It's not hard for Taehyung to read between the lines of what his member is insinuating.
"We've been friends for a while," he clarifies. "Just friends, nothing else."
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a/n: Hope you enjoyed! Lmk what you think 🥰
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no reposting, copying, or translating my work– © kookslastbutton
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nhularin · 9 months
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PAIRING popular bf! sunghoon x f!reader GENRE angst no comfort, childhood friends to lovers to exes, highschool AU WARNING wonyoung hating sunghoon XTRA not as angsty as my other drabbles but..., not proofread, probably some grammar mistakes WC 1.3k series masterlist
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june 2nd, 2002
"stop moping around and eat your sandwich"
wonyoung snickered, mac and cheese muffling her voice as your head laid restlessly on the metal ( probably dirty and oily) cafeteria table.
"like seriously, its been five days since he last messaged you. i always knew he was a jerk, pretty privilege is real! hes nothing but a ken doll with the way his words are filled with nonsense"
"leave him alone" you groaned, head still down, you could practically feel the acne screaming from underneath your skin "hes a nice guy, probably just busy"
"busy my ass, dont you see the way he literally follows that loser group like an overgrown chihuahua? if he can make time to buy booze for a bunch of 17 year olds then he can for sure make time for his amazing, smart and pretty girlfriend" wonyoung rolled her eyes as she stuffed bland coleslaw in her mouth
you looked up, dark bags adoring your face, you had been in a relationship with sunghoon since your freshman year. as children, you both had been inseparable ever since you moved to salt lake city, your bond growing stronger with each passing year. but now, as juniors, things felt different. he had recently joined the popular crowd, the same crowd you both used to talk shit about in between classes, and friday nights had become synonymous with parties and new faces.
tried so hard to be everything that you liked
the change had been gradual at first, but you couldn't help but notice how sunghoon had become the center of attention, attracting the gazes of both girls and sweaty boys alike. his charismatic smile and magnetic personality drew people towards him like moths to a flame, leaving you feeling like a mere extra and shadow in his presence.
but it was the encounters with the prettier, more popular girls that cut you to the core. you couldn't help but compare yourself to them, questioning if you were really deserving for sunghoon. the doubts grew louder with each unanswered message, as sunghoon seemed to drift further away.
you only sighed
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"lets get this over with. you, pretty girl, find your ogre looking piece of shit of a boyfriend and im gonna stay at the entrance" wonyoung ordered sternly, her voice growing darker as she described your boyfriend
unable to bear the weight of uncertainty any longer and seeing you drown in the growing pool of self pity, wonyoung suggested going to the party where sunghoon tweeted where he was going to be at. maybe seeing him in person would provide some clarity. and so, you found yourself at the heart of the celebration, searching for a glimpse of the person who held your heart.
the night was filled with laughter and music as you stood in the midst of the crowded party. but amidst the lively atmosphere, a heavy sense of unease settled in your heart. you couldn't help but feel like a walking shell of sadness with the absence and lack of your boyfriend's warmth, your messages left unanswered for days dont make your overthinking self feel better either. the persistent doubt gnawed like an aggressive parasite in your mind, making you question if you were truly enough for him.
you found someone more exciting the next second, you were gone
it didn't take long for your eyes to land on him. sunghoon stood near the punch bowl, a radiant smile on his face as he engaged in a conversation with the head cheerleader joonhee. your heart sank at the sight, your fears of being replaceable seemingly coming true, his laughter and the way he touched her arm with familiarity stung deeply in your soul.
"1,2,3 breathe, 1,2,3 breathe" you whispered shakingly to yourself with closed eyes, trying to calm the storm inside of you
overwhelmed by heartache, you couldn't stand to witness any more. and so, running through the backdoor and through drunk teenagers, your breath came in ragged gasps as tears welled up slowly, refusing to fall, just like your pride. you couldn't bear to be in that suffocating environment any longer. the cool night air embraced you as you reached your car, parked in lee heeseungs empty suburb's parking lot.
as you sat in the car, your emotions overflowed, tears still threatened to fall freely as your soul filled with rage and betrayal. it was in that moment, surrounded by darkness and engulfed by doubt, that your vulnerability took hold. the floodgates of your emotions burst open, and a stream of tears cascaded down your cheeks. each tear held your deepest fears and insecurities, each sob a cry for validation and reassurance.
and you left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong
"fucking shit" you sighed as incoming calls of wonyoung flooded your notifications. "should've listened to her, huh?" humorless laughter echoed in your crammy dark dimmed toyota. the silence was unbearable, fuelling the whispers in your head that you were not enough and you havent been good enough for him for a while. that you had lost sunghoon to someone who was prettier, much more interesting than you. but deep down, a glimmer of strength began to flicker within you
"why wasn't I enough?" you whispered, the words escaping your lips like a desperate plea. in the depths of your pathetic despair, you couldn't comprehend how you had fallen short, how you had failed to capture sunghoons attention and affection.
the car's small interior offered a temporary solace, shielding you from the actions of the world outside. the emptiness of the parking lot mirrored the emptiness you felt within, making the pain that coursed through your veins grow stronger. you gripped the steering wheel, your knuckles turning white as you tried to steady your trembling body (and if you were your friend, how you were going to run over your boyfriend)
but as the minutes ticked by, you began to actually listen to the daily "you're enough, you're enough. you deserve all the love and happiness in the world, from someone much better" mantra of your friend, realizing that your worth did not hinge on Sunghoon's approval.
you were more than just a measure of your relationship. you were a person with dreams, aspirations, and a heart that deserved to be cherished, regardless of whether it was by sunghoon or someone else.
with each tear that fell, a flicker of resilience ignited within you. screw him, you refused to let your doubts created by him define you. you refused to believe that you were not enough. slowly, you wiped away the tears, your reflection in the rearview mirror revealing tired and empty eyes
Taking a deep breath, you whispered to yourself, "I am enough, i am enough, i am enough. I am deserving of love and happiness." the words hung in the air, the words a combat fighting the doubts that had plagued your mind.
Don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?
"and i deserve if from someone who values me" your voice cracked, dried tears threatening to fall again
as you started the car, the engine's purr resonated with newfound determination. you drove away from the empty parking lot, leaving behind the doubts and heartache that had consumed you. and as you navigated the darkened streets, a flicker of hope emerged, lighting your path towards self-discovery (having a midlife crisis at the ripe age of seventeen is normal, right?) and a love that would celebrate your true worth.
'Cause someday I'll be everything to somebody else
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incoming messages!
wony (12 new messages, 3 unanswered calls)
hoonie <333 (3 new messages) OPEN
hoonie <333: i saw you at heeseungs
hoonie <333: its not what it looked like, yn
hoonie <333: you know i only love you
are you sure you want to block 'hoonie <333'?
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PERM TAGLIST @misokei @avocarua @sngvhs @essmarye @haechansbbg
SERIES' MASTERLIST @flwerfield @hyhees @mrchweeee @j1nniee @mikaluvsyouu @delulu4-life @mora134340 @beomsbeanie @leep0ems @cIphantom-hive @yla-aira @filmofhybe @nishik1
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joon4eva · 9 months
just the tip? — kim namjoon.
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genre: established relationship au.
summary: you and namjoon are left alone together for a little too long. or: in your childhood home, you learn just how much is really "just the tip" with namjoon.
word count. 3,994 words.
warnings. semi-public sex, namjoon doesn't need much convincing, oral sex (m. receiving) unprotected sex but reader is on birth control, creampie, namjoon takes oc's underwear.
note: happy early bday to our leader who keeps me sane and motivates me to keep living everyday. here is some horny fluff word vomit inspired by all the content we've been getting of namjoon looking delicious in his buzzcut lately. i couldn't resist. pics above are from @rkivsfe ♡
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Namjoon seemed plucked straight from the pages of a classic romance, a perfect gentleman in every sense.
Throughout the day, your parents had been gracious hosts at their house, and Namjoon had gracefully navigated each conversation, his charismatic charm and impeccable manners in full display. 
Yet, it wasn't the refined qualities occupying your mind; rather, it was his freshly buzzed hair and the allure of his domesticated moments – like when he insisted on helping your mother – that made your heart race, feverish heat flooding your core at the thought of creating a home with him someday.
The both of you had never really properly broached the topic of children, especially since you were on birth control. While you had only been dating for two years, discussions of having children had stayed respectfully on the back burner; the decision to wait until marriage, or at least until life was less hectic, appeared sensible to both of you. 
For now, life as it was felt fulfilling.
But lately, as you watched Namjoon tenderly cradle a friend's baby or playfully chase nieces and nephews at family gatherings, you began to see the appeal of having a family with Namjoon. It was hard not to want it sometimes. 
It took every ounce of restraint not to lunge at him right there, an insatiable hunger bubbling within, barely contained. 
And when the rest of your family continued to mingle in the backyard, that was the moment you decided it was time to make your move. 
Namjoon's eyes narrowed perceptively, instantly detecting the undercurrent of mischief in your stride. 
Your smile, wide and radiant, was Oscar-worthy enough to mask your ulterior motives from everyone else; however, Namjoon could see right through your seemingly innocent offer of showing him a 'tour' of your childhood bedroom.
Determinedly, you grasped his arm firmly and practically dragged him up the staircase of your parents’ house and up to your old room located at the far end of the second-floor hallway.
To his credit, Namjoon nearly fell for your act. 
He attentively followed along while you animatedly led him around the room; pointing out the remnants of your teenage years evident in the faded posters of pop bands adorning the walls, a meticulously arranged collection of Studio Ghibli figurines that adorned shelves, and a colorful assortment of plush toys scattered about.
Golden sunlight pours through the window, playing on the sparkle in your eyes as your sundress embraces every curve. Beneath Namjoon’s clothes, a nagging ache intensifies, matched by the growing warmth and strain in his pants as he admires your radiance.
Slowly, time seemed to suspend itself, while the walls in your room appeared to close in on you both. Soon enough, you found yourselves standing face-to-face, completely absorbed by each other's presence.
“You okay?” you ask in a hushed tone.
Namjoon's eyes sparkle with mischief, his eyes shamelessly lingering on your figure. The corners of his mouth turn up in a cheeky grin.
"I know what you’re thinking." 
Brows knitting together, you blink in feigned innocence. "I don't know what you're talking about," you murmur, eyes evading his as your arms cross protectively.
“Oh, of course. You were just so eager to show me your room,” he states matter-of-factly. 
Namjoon’s grin grows wider as he confidently strides closer, hands casually tucked in his pockets. “Nothing more to it, right baby?” 
What a fucking tease.
Warmth creeps up your cheeks as nervous laughter bubbles up, eyes avoiding his penetrating stare – Namjoon always had an uncanny ability to read you like an open book.
It was something that instantly made heat bloom between your thighs.  And when he was looking at you like that, it was impossible to hide anything from him. 
He tilts his head and studies you with an arched brow. “You have that look.”
“What look?”
“The bedroom eyes. I’ve seen it before.”
“I do not!” you manage to choke out, the words nearly vanishing from your throat.
Namjoon just chuckles, disarmingly smug. “Hm. If you say so.”
Within moments, you uncross your arms and navigate the remaining distance, your hands coming up to explore the contours of his body – fingertips slipping under his shirt, feeling the muscles tensing in his back before coming around and daintily migrating northward across his chest.
Namjoon leans down, claiming your lips with a fleeting kiss. "We probably shouldn't," he breathes out softly against your parted lips.
"Hmmm," you pout. "And why not?"
Not waiting for an answer, your lips continue their exploration – slowly moving from his lips, tracing the angles of his jaw, and dancing between gentle nibbles and fervent suction.
Beneath his shirt, your fingers tease his chest, leaving light scratches before brushing against his sensitive nipples.
It only took seconds before you could feel how hard and ready Namjoon was, as his skin burned hotter beneath your touch and his breaths grew shallow.
Trying to suppress a groan and maintain some level of composure, Namjoon bites down on his lip and whispers your name with an unsteady voice. 
"Your family is literally downstairs."
“They’re actually outside.”
Smiling mischievously, you return your attention to him by licking a slow stripe from his neck to the sensitive spot just below his ear – a place you’ve discovered he particularly enjoys being teased.
“I can’t promise I’ll want to stop at just kissing,” he warns with equal parts desperation and plea – a last attempt at cracking your resolve as his hands reflexively grip your waist in a manner both possessive and protective.
“And what?” you breathe out, each word soft and slow, a challenge in disguise. “Where would you want to stop?”
“I won’t.” 
Softening your gaze, you allow your lips to ghost over his. “Then don't hold back,” you whisper, pressing a tender kiss to the corner of his mouth.
His heated gaze flickers across every inch of you – taking in your expression, the way your body presses against his. You couldn't resist further taunting him. 
Your hands slide down his chest and towards the belt loops of his jeans, giving them a playful tug before swiftly moving to unbutton them.
It’s at this moment that Namjoon seems to snap out of his haze.
His lust-addled stupor evaporates like lifting fog, replaced by a rush of clarity where the lines between right and wrong become difficult to blur.
Suddenly decisive, he intercepts your wandering hands with a firm but gentle hold. 
“____. No.”
“I’ll be quiet,” you promise him, a sultry smirk playing on your lips, both tempting and dangerous.
“Baby. We are not fucking in your parents’ house—especially in broad daylight.”
"Oh, Joonie…" you sigh lovingly, pressing a tender and lingering kiss to the small mole just below his lip.
"Always such a gentleman. Holding my hand, praising me in front of my parents, even charming my mom... You don’t wanna fool around with me here?" 
Namjoon's mouth opens as if to protest further, but any words that threaten to come out are swallowed up by a groan that he struggles to stifle at the sensation of you swiftly tugging down his jeans and boxers, just enough for you to wrap your warm, tight hand around his thick length.  
"You’re…s-seriously out of your mind. We…we really shouldn't," he manages to utter, each word strained by the effort he puts into maintaining control – his dark eyes burning with barely restrained desire.
You pause your movements and look into his eyes. "We can make it quick. I promise I'll be quiet."
But you knew Namjoon had always preferred taking things slow, savoring every moment, especially during sex with you. He was never really a fan of rushing, and you learned along the way he was big on foreplay. 
Yet seeing you present yourself before him like a priceless treasure, accompanied by batting those alluring, pleading eyes at him, Namjoon can't help but consider going against his instincts for once – if only for five fleeting minutes.
“I knew you didn’t want to bring me up here just to—Fuck, hold on. Wait,” he stammers, suddenly remembering, “I– I don’t have any condoms. Well, I didn’t bring any, for obvious reasons.”
An awkward silence settles between you two as the unspoken question lingers, and you gaze into his eyes, searching for an answer.
His eyes widen just a fraction when he realizes what you’re silently asking. 
“God, are you…—? No," he says firmly. "Absolutely not."
"But I've been on birth control for years!" you whine.
Namjoon closes his eyes briefly and exhales sharply, tension radiating from his clenched jaw.
“Babe,” he utters with a heavy sigh.
"Namjoon," your voice is barely audible as you breathe the plea into the curve of his neck, the warm air causing a shiver of desire to course through him. 
Your thumb glides across the tip of his cock, smearing the glistening pearl of pre-cum that gathers from the tip.
Your lips begin to trail gentle kisses along the length of his throat, all while teasingly drawing the tip of your fingers up and down his shaft.
Namjoon's breath catches in response to your touch, gasping as he involuntarily thrusts upwards to meet your hand.
“What about ‘just the tip’?” you whisper. “Isn’t that something that guys like to do?”
“Well… I-I’m paranoid and we should be careful,” he stammers out. “It only takes one time, you know. Can’t this wait until we get home?” 
Noticing his faltering resolve, your lip catches between your teeth to suppress a sly grin. Wordlessly, you slowly sink to your knees in front of him. 
He watches transfixed as your tongue traces a slow path up the engorged vein of his cock, pausing to swirl around the head before taking him fully into your warm mouth.
Namjoon emits a soft groan - hands delicately cradling your jaw - while your cheeks hollow and your head begins to bob rhythmically, dewy eyes peeking out from beneath your lashes to watch him.
His head falls back and his eyes squeeze shut, fighting to restrain a moan as desire shoots through him like wildfire, fuelling your own craving for him even more fervently. 
You could sense him teetering on the edge, his self-restraint waning with each moment until, in one deft motion, he withdraws from your mouth just enough to stagger back, hoisting you up by your arms and steering you backwards until the mattress edge halts against your knees and topples you onto it. 
“You’re fucking shameless, you know that?” he pants, scrambling to shove his pants further down and stepping between your legs, holding his hard cock and leaning over you.
Below him, you giggle and hurriedly push your dress up, sliding your panties down and kicking them aside.
Grabbing your wrists, he pulls them over your head and pins them there.
And as his body aligns with yours – his strong chest firm against your breasts, his crotch deliciously nestled between your thighs – every last drop of doubt vanishes from both of your minds. 
Under the sultry gaze of his darkened eyes, he grips your face, his large hands cupping your delicate cheeks, thumbs tenderly caressing the soft skin. 
Your mouths meet urgently; his lips hungrily pressing against yours to lick and tug at your bottom lip, expertly swallowing every stifled sound that begs release.
"Joon," you murmur tenderly against his parted lips, pausing between kisses. "Touch me, please."
Your honeyed pleas don't go unanswered; Namjoon's hands swiftly comply with your demand, gently pulling down the elastic neckline of your dress far enough to let your breasts spring free. 
"Such a tease, wearing this," Namjoon grunts, grabbing a fistful of your dress, "fuck."
His eyes darken at the sight before him: your dress invitingly pooled at your waist, thighs parted and slightly glistening from your arousal visible even to him. It was nearly impossible for him to deny you anything at all when you pleaded with that breathy, needy tone.
His lips move with purpose, trailing a series of warm, sweet kisses across your collarbone, down to the valley between your breasts – lingering just long enough to elicit a breathy gasp before grazing your stiff nipples with feather-light nips. 
You struggle to bite back any gasping moans – honoring the promise you hastily made earlier – with only the softest sighs escaping your pursed lips.
“Feels good?" Namjoon murmurs softly, his hand navigating the space between your bodies to trace delicate circles around your throbbing clit.
"God, you're soaking wet already and I've hardly touched you."
Desperately trying to maintain silence, you find your hips moving instinctually in rhythm with the sinfully slow motions of his long fingers. They gather your slickness, teasingly near your dripping entrance with one finger before returning upward to trace unhurried, deliberate circles on your clit again with two fingers. 
“Wanna come first?”
Your bottom lip captured between your teeth, you shake your head.
"Can we… Can you pull out?" breathlessly escapes from your lips.
He groans your name gently, punctuating his words with a delicate nip on your jawline. "What happened to 'just the tip'?"
"I changed my mind," you whine weakly, stifling a frustrated groan when his fingers stop their movements.
Namjoon's chuckle against your skin is light and teasing. "My greedy girl,” he coos affectionately against your lips before pressing a lingering kiss on the corner of your mouth. 
“Wonder what your parents would think if they knew that right now, their precious daughter was up here with me, legs spread wide and begging for me like this? Hmmm?" 
His dirty words make you choke on a barely suppressed moan, but you do nothing to discourage him.
He doesn't pull his fingers away from your aching core – instead, he bends down to lick them clean before gently pressing them back inside of you.
“Please, just please, can we…” your voice falters as it dissolves into unintelligible murmurs, desperate for relief, desperate for him to fill you up the way you want. 
"So needy," Namjoon chuckles softly at your struggle for coherence; swiftly replacing his fingers with the head of his cock. 
"You’re sure about this?" he whispers hoarsely, the feel of him nudging at your entrance sending already rioting butterflies into overdrive.
Your hands instinctively slide over the firm contours of his backside, urging him closer as your hips rock against his. “Wanna feel you. All of you,” you softly mewl in his ear.
A primal growl emerges from Namjoon’s throat before he nips lightly at the tender flesh of your neck. “So filthy.”
Namjoon finally pushes inside of you, inch by torturous inch, until he’s buried to the hilt inside of you, slowly filling and stretching you in a way that makes your legs shudder and lock around his waist. 
His hips still, giving you time to get adjusted, or perhaps in an attempt to try to steady himself. 
He nuzzles into your neck, spreading his warm breath all over the soft skin there, nudging aside the fabric of your dress to press a kiss to your bare shoulder.
Your arms come up to wrap around his neck, fingers dancing across his freshly trimmed head, massaging and scratching softly at his scalp.
Your hips slightly roll to guide him deeper, enticing him to start moving. 
It's sheer, unadulterated bliss as he pumps into you, filling you up in perfect harmony with your own unsteady breaths.  
It feels even better than you thought – so warm and wet and snug around him, nothing has ever felt as good in your life. 
Out of all the things you and Namjoon have tried, this was something that you just haven’t done. 
And now you know you were ruined.
Ruined for using a condom ever again with this man. Your pulse is pounding so hard against your ears that it seems impossible to focus on anything else at this moment but him and how good it feels to have him bare inside of you. 
"You feel so fucking good, baby," Namjoon breathes hotly against the column of your throat. "So tight around me."
He’s fucking into you agonizingly slow and deep; his movements are deliberate and unhurried, each deep, slow stroke filling the air with your muffled moans and the wet sounds of your slick bodies every time his hips snap up against yours.
His hand entwines with yours, palm-to-palm above your head, while his other arm holds you closer by the thigh curled around his waist.
Enveloped in a sensuous fog where your senses blur and bend, you feel him gradually quicken his pace, each thrust growing more intense.
Namjoon nuzzles his face into your neck, soft moans vibrating against your skin. 
Teasingly, his pulsating shaft glides out completely – slow, torturously slow – pausing just before thrusting back in; filling you completely, his tip applying pressure to a hidden sweet cluster of nerves within you that ignites an uncontrollable tightening around him.
An unfamiliar sound escapes from your throat – a strange mixture of a whimper and his name – and he gasps before laughter takes over. His hand comes up to quickly muffle your sounds.
"Babe," he warns between giggles and gasps for air. "You promised you'd be quiet." 
“But—” your weak rebuttal trails off as warmth spreads across your face and tears gather at the corners of your eyes. “B-but it’s just so… F-feels… so…”
"Shhh, I know," he whispers tenderly against your mouth.
Namjoon’s hand trails from the curve of your thigh to weave through your hair, tightening at the back of your head and pulling you into another heated, sloppy kiss. 
“Doing so well for me,” Namjoon whispers between kisses. “Taking it all.” More kisses. Rougher and wetter. “S-so pretty… so fucking pretty wrapped around me like this.” 
With each impassioned stroke, you cling to him; muffled moans of his name escaping between breathless kisses as waves of warmth wash over you. 
"Want you to come... come inside, Joon, please," you softly plead.
Ardor begins to strain at every seam, your sweet plea threatening to shatter Namjoon's restraint, nearly sending him over the edge.
“Yeah? You close, baby?”
Your eyelids grow heavy, closing tightly as your head fervently bobs in agreement, words failing you.
To this, Namjoon plunges into you with a growl. His cock kisses your g-spot, again and again – and his face is a canvas of pure ecstasy as he thrusts forcefully, his hips colliding with yours while he drives himself even deeper, almost as if he was working to etch himself into your very being. 
Your teeth press into his shoulder to muffle your sobs, while your hands frantically wander— sliding under his shirt to rake at the damp skin of his back or bunching at the wrinkled sheets, desperately searching for something to ground you as he pounds into you, each powerful motion stealing more breath from your lungs. It’s a drawn-out, slow rolling orgasm that he drags out of you.
He fucks you through your climax; deep, steady thrusts that makes your legs quiver and your eyes lose focus as they roll back. 
A low, guttural moan suddenly escapes him as warmth begins to flood every nook and cranny within you, occupying and filling every gap.
The pulsating of the thick vein lining the underside of his cock throbs with each burst of his release, while your own walls tenderly constrict around him.
Your vision is consumed by whiteness as your eyes clench shut from the sheer force of shared euphoria, your mind wonderfully blank.
And then, stillness. 
He stays buried inside you, his large frame forming a protective shield around your body, like a giant blanket swaddling you both.
His nose gently nestles against the side of your neck, as the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest comes to match yours, slowly and peacefully. Your legs are still wrapped snugly around his waist, your hand tracing slow, lethargic circles on his back beneath his shirt.
“Holy shit,” you breathe in elation, “we should do that more often.”
Namjoon huffs out a laugh. Carefully shifting his weight, he hovers above you, hands on either side of your shoulders. “That good?”
“Yeah,” you exhale with a grin. “Really good.” “Really good,” he echoes with a laughter that dances at the edges of his eyes and alights the depths of his dimples.
And you laugh, too, delightfully dizzy and slightly sticky with perspiration as the sun spills through the window's gaps, rays of golden syrup bathing you in warmth.
Namjoon presses a fleeting but tender kiss to your mouth and gently pulls out of you, leaving a lingering emptiness and a sweet ache in your core that lingers.
His eyes curiously wander down to the apex of your thighs and you watch as his hand wanders down to pry your legs apart, his fingertips holding them open as he watches the warm, viscous fluid of his cum slowly form a trail from your entrance. He traces a gentle finger through the slick aftermath, a satisfied hum resonating as your body shudders with blissful oversensitivity. 
In this proximity, he bends down to place a tender kiss on the side of your jaw, with words that now flow like honey. “Think we could make that a priority,” he murmurs.
He follows up with another feathery kiss directly upon your lips - an almost chastely innocent smile dancing across his features, almost sinfully ironic.
You find yourself grinning in response to his obvious overture before letting your hand wander lower on his back.
Slowly, deliberately, almost flirtatiously, it reaches and gropes his rear end. "So would you be open to round two then?" you tease playfully as your fingers pinch just enough for him to know you're serious.
Namjoon’s immediate reaction is priceless – a jolt forward accompanied by an adorably indignant yelp as he tries (and fails) to hide his surprise at your boldness. All he can do is shake his head at you in disbelief before giving in once more to laughter. 
Eventually regaining some composure, he chides you gently by flicking your forehead with one finger, mimicking chastisement but betraying nothing but affection. You feign complete agony with a comically exaggerated moan and grip to your forehead, earning another round of laughter from Namjoon.
“Jesus, baby,” he says, exhaling a heavy breath, forcing a laugh. “You’re going to kill me.”
He shifts to a seated position on the mattress next to you before standing up, his back straight and his movements curiously graceful for someone so tall.
Your gaze follows him, transfixed as he grasps the edges of his boxers and jeans, lifting them back over his lean hips. 
You have to internally curse at how his shirt clings to him like a second skin, accentuating his broad form as he calmly fastens each button, the muscles in his biceps rippling subtly in the process.
This simple act (an undoubtedly mundane and ordinary action) transforms into a hypnotizing display just by virtue of it being Namjoon. 
Shifting your position slightly, you slide the straps of your dress back into place, readjusting the elastic neckline to cover your chest.
Propped up on your elbows, your eyes dart around for your missing panties.
Namjoon seems to be almost telepathic in this moment, glancing over and catching your eye.
Realizing what you're searching for, a playful smirk forms on his lips.
He bends down to retrieve your underwear from its hiding spot on the floor and rather cheekily shoves it into his pocket instead of handing it to you.
Feigning irritation, you huff as he saunters victoriously across the room towards the bedroom door with his stolen trophy secured in his pocket. 
“Namjoon,” you protest, now sitting up completely. “I need those!”
"You can have them back later," he calls over his shoulder as he begins opening the door. 
The curve of his lips breaking into a gentle smile as he adds, "Let's go home. And don't worry, love - I'll keep these safe for you."
As if to emphasize his point, he gives the pocket safeguarding your panties a delicate pat - one last playful jest before disappearing beyond the doorway.
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 4 months
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tags: gojo x f!reader, bridgerton au. (unedited) word count: 1.29k
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it seems as though lady whistledown had taken a liking to you. born out of a prestigious lineage, your name was untainted, holding no negative connotation other than the envy your perfectness shone over anything.
like a porcelain doll, as the queen has once referred to you as on your first visit.
your mother and grandmother before you married as 'pure' with little to no scandals involved, yet it was your mother in her time who caused the biggest uproar in suitors to pursue her. even today, you had grown up with maids, nannies, and people well acquainted with your mother, and your mother at times who would share details over her diamond years. 3, to be exact.
now you felt an obligation to live up to the family name, to honor the work your mother has preserved before you so that you could comfortably live a life with no shame, and you swore that you would do the same for your own children.
if, you decided to bear them.
tonight, you stand in a glorious dress, embedded with the stones your mother and trusted modist claimed to make you look radiant. yet that seemed to be the opposite for you. 4 dances have occurred in your presence and only one man approached to talk to you. the worst thing was that he was unsuitable, and your mother had to intervene, breaking apart the association and taking you to another.
"he was boring," you whisper shouted at your mother who eyed you, aware to not make a scene as you stopped by a secluded balcony. "it seemed everything I told him, he would restate it or make it obvious. it was like talking to myself! if I wanted to, I would have sought company from my mirror."
"how frustrating." you nod in agreement with your mother.
"have all good men gone to waste mama?" you ask, stress and tears welling in your eyes. "If this is the first man I encounter, I cannot bear to think what the rest of them might be like. Or is it I am just ugly?"
"hush, child." your mother holds your shoulders, then cups your cheeks. "you're not acting like yourself tonight. don't let one bad apple ruin your basket. you are young, gifted, and come from a name. you are something because you came from me. have I not taught you well?" she caresses your arm in comfort. "come, wipe those tears that are threatening to fall. you will cause a scandal on your own if you are seen crying tonight. let's find you an honorary man."
that night you only danced with two men. they remained respectful, yet not enough to provoke intrigue in you. though you would never outwardly admit that to your mother, at the end of your second dance, you went for a beverage. opting for some time for yourself.
"I couldn't help but wonder if you were running from that man after that dance, or if the conversation was that good you needed to excuse yourself for a beverage." the voice snickers, standing beside you, "he was terrible, right?"
"I wasn't, I was just dehydrated." you remark, careful with your tone as you defend your doings. as you stand beside him, you cannot see his face as he is taller than you. lifting your head up would raise even more spectacle as you saw one woman and what appeared to be her sister point at you with the mysterious man at your side.
"so do they just dehydrate fair maidens now? seems like a trick to get you to marry the first man you see,"
you don't answer him quick enough.
"lord higurama is a good choice. he has a fair name and a inheritance to obtain, however, be wary of his drinking problem. heard he leaves bars at ungodly hours of the morning with holes in his pockets."
you can't help but gasp softly, almost in disbelief as the man beside you spoke so poorly of the men you danced with. it might have been a given that you needed to get out of here after those girls pointed at you with shock on their faces. have you just ruined your reputation?
"I respectfully fail to see how that is any of your concern, sir." you state, imposing a formal limit, "I have no desire to engage in talk if it pertains to stain the reputation of others."
"please," you hear him snort beside you and you freeze, feeling yourself slightly become smaller. "his reputation is done for. I'd be doing you a favor
"and your reputation, good sir?" you counter, but when you hear silence from him, you fear you have crossed the line. it isn't until you are pulled by mother you see this man. white hair adorns his features while stunning blue eyes decorate his face. the hold your mother has on you let's you know to stand well, and be presentable.
"Lord Gojo," your mother bows, slightly forcing you to bow with her, "what a pleasnt encounter to find you here. my condolences to you and your family after your father's passing."
"lady levington, you are too kind." he man before you bows, offering your mother a charming smile you can't help but hold back a jaw drop at his sudden charming behavior. "I assume you are enjoying your time at the final winter's ball?"
"indeed," your mother smiles charmed, "we were just enjoying our time at the ball. this is my daughter, lady levington. she is of the age to begin looking for a suitor," your mother states, "wouldn't you agree?"
"well I find it difficult to believe that your daughter will struggle to find a suitable partner given her agreeable nature," your jaw slightly clenches, "I suppose you have a large list of eligible bachelor's for your daughter?"
"oh yes," your mother smiles, "but I tell my daughter we must select carefully. it is growing rather difficult to choose an honorable man for marriage, yet modern problems always continue to arise with the passing of time. wouldn't you agree?"
"I couldn't have said it better myself," he smiles, "finding a husband has been growing to be tedious by the years, yet that is why we must be careful in selecting. london is unfortunately filled with lots of ineligible bachelors starting off with lawyers with questionable drinking and spending habits. a poor reflection on our society, wouldn't you agree?"
"it is unfortunate indeed," you mother sighs softly, "but we shall look carefully to ensure a positive outlook for the future."
"that is always a pleasure to hear," smiles gojo, offering a bow. "if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way. it has been a pleasure to find you in good health, madam. and the best of my wishes to your lovely daughter as well."
after some concluding exchanges, your mother stands proudly with a smile on her face. "you will not believe who we just spoke to." she says, moving you away from the drinking station. "we must bid our farewells and leave as soon as possible."
"why?" you frown, "the dance doesn't end until-"
"-we've already met an eligible bachelor," your mother smiles, "you should've seen the look on everyone's faces. you will surely draw attention now, my dear."
the following day, you wake up to the following news from lady whistledown, having written an article about you.
"at the winter's ball, lady levington's beauty could be seen from a mile away, drawing the attention of lords. standing with such poise and grace, lady levington has proved herself to start off as an indestructible force with honor as her first name. will she perhaps be named diamond of the season? or indestructible diamond?"
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edenesth · 8 months
One Day at a Time
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Pairing: kindergarten teacher!Seonghwa x fem!reader
AU: single parent au
Word Count: 15.4k
Summary: Seonghwa, a dedicated kindergarten teacher, had sworn off dating to focus on his job, but everything changes when he meets you, the aunt of one of his students. As you navigate the challenges of parenthood together, a deep connection blossoms. What happens when he finds himself falling in love despite his resolve to stay single?
A/N: Inspired by that episode of ATEEZ on Ch'i'ld Cloud and that time when Seonghwa mentioned how he'd be a kindergarten teacher had he not been an idol.
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"Dude, you need to get yourself a girlfriend if you love kids this much." Joy quipped with a grin.
She glanced at Seonghwa as they both stood at the kindergarten entrance. She couldn't resist the opportunity to tease him, knowing how dedicated he was to his job. She went on about her blissful relationship with her long-term boyfriend, her eyes shining with love and contentment.
Seonghwa rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, as he helped one of the kids put on their tiny shoes. His heart was full from a day spent with these precious little ones, and he wouldn't trade it for anything.
"Worry about yourself, Joy," He retorted playfully, "I have the kids here to keep me busy; I don't need to have my own."
The children, sensing it was time to go home, were excitedly rushing off into the waiting arms of their parents. Seonghwa watched them, his own heart warming as he knew he played a part in their day.
As most of the children had left, he noticed one of the students from his class still seated by the bench near the entrance. Little Eunji, her big brown eyes brimming with anticipation, watched with a pout as her friends left one by one with their parents. Concerned, he crouched down beside her, "Eunji? Are your parents not here yet?"
Just as she was about to respond, her eyes lit up with joy, and a radiant smile spread across her face.
"Eunji-yah, I'm here!"
You called out, your voice filled with warmth, and you appeared at the entrance. The child squealed in delight and darted into your arms, wrapping herself around you. You, on the other hand, looked exhausted as you huffed tiredly, "Sorry, I'm late, sweetheart. I came as fast as I could from work."
The child shook her tiny head, nuzzling even closer to you, clearly relieved to have you there. The teacher watched the touching reunion, his heart swelling with tenderness as he observed the connection between you both.
When you finally stood up properly and turned to Seonghwa to thank him for his hard work, he felt his breath momentarily knocked out of his chest by how breathtaking you looked.
"Oh, you must be Mr. Park, Eunji's class teacher," You said warmly, extending your hand to him, "Listen, thank you so much for always watching after her. I apologise for constantly being late. I promise I'll try to come earlier."
He was at a loss for words, completely captivated by your presence. He stammered, "N-no problem at all, really. It's just my job." He couldn't tear his eyes away from you, and it was only when Eunji tugged at his pants that he snapped out of his trance.
"Thank you, Teacher Hwa! Bye-bye!" The child chimed in, her adorable voice breaking his momentary stupor.
Seonghwa smiled, finally regaining his composure.
"Oh, right! No worries at all. I'm always ready to take care of all the kids. Have a safe trip home, you two!" He waved as you and Eunji walked away, hand in hand.
He continued to watch as you left, his gaze lingering on your retreating figures. There was an undeniable attraction and a curiosity he couldn't ignore.
No, Park Seonghwa, this is wrong.
He battled with his own internal conflict, constantly reminding himself that his attraction toward you was inappropriate.
After all, you were the mother of one of his students. It was his duty to ensure the well-being of the children in his class, and allowing these feelings to grow was risky.
As he observed you during each drop-off and pick-up, he couldn't help wondering about your personal life. Your exhaustion was evident, and he speculated about where your husband might be. The thought crossed his mind that perhaps you were divorced, widowed, or going through some other personal hardship.
But he knew that these were sensitive topics, and he didn't want to pry or make you uncomfortable.
He was torn between his genuine concern for your well-being and his internal struggle to contain his growing attraction. He knew he had to find a way to balance his feelings and responsibilities, and he was determined to do so in a way that was respectful and considerate of your feelings as well.
Other than that, he found himself in a moral dilemma.
He understood that, as a teacher, it was his responsibility to treat all the children equally and not play favourites. But ever since he met you, it became increasingly challenging not to pay extra attention to Eunji. He was acutely aware of how tired you were, raising her on your own, and he felt a sense of responsibility to be even more attentive to the child for your sake.
Besides, it was hard not to notice that Eunji was one of the sweetest and most well-mannered kids he's ever taught. She displayed a level of consideration and maturity far beyond her age.
He truly admired your parenting skills, as it was evident that your love and care have moulded Eunji into such a wonderful and well-behaved child. He admired the kind of mother you were to the child, and it only deepened his attraction to you.
One day during lunch while they watched over the kids, Joy playfully nudged him on the shoulder, "Is it just me, or have you been playing favourites lately? I see you've grown a liking to little Eunji. I mean, I can't blame you; she's literally a sweetheart. But dude, I thought you were more professional than that."
Seonghwa froze in his tracks, realising that he hadn't been as subtle as he thought.
Joy's comment hit close to home, making him acutely aware of the unspoken truth. He had grown closer to Eunji, and it was impossible to deny that it was because of the connection he felt with you, the child's dedicated and loving guardian.
He contemplated whether he should talk to his closest colleague about the undeniable attraction he felt for you. He was torn between wanting to confide in someone and the fear of making things even more complicated. The feeling was eating him up inside, and he knew he needed to address it somehow.
Joy noticed the genuine conflict in his expression, which was far deeper than she initially expected. Concerned, she straightened up, "Dude, I was just playing with you, man. You good?"
He chewed anxiously on his bottom lip before he hesitantly began, "Eunji's mother... she's a remarkable woman, isn't she?"
Joy's expression turned solemn at the mention of the child's parent, "Indeed, she was," The past tense in her response caught Seonghwa's attention, and he furrowed his brow, puzzled, "That's weird, why would you say it like that?"
She scratched her head, genuinely perplexed, "What do you mean?"
He placed his hands on his hips and stared at her, unamused, "You literally said 'was' instead of 'is,' like she's dead or something."
At this revelation, Joy blinked in surprise, "Umm, maybe because she is dead? I thought you knew, that's why you're bringing her up."
Seonghwa shot up from his seat immediately, his eyes wide with shock, "W-what do you mean?! I just saw her drop Eunji off this morning!"
That's when his colleague slapped a palm over her forehead, realising the mix-up, "Bruh, that's not Eunji's mother! That's her aunt, you doofus!"
He sat back down in his seat, his mind racing to process the new information. He felt a mix of embarrassment, surprise, and curiosity, "Wait, what? That's her... aunt?" He croaked, finally comprehending the revelation that upended his assumptions. He's been mistaken all along, wrongly assuming that you were Eunji's mother.
As he replayed all the interactions he's had with you, the pieces of the puzzle started to fit together differently.
It dawned on him that the dynamic he perceived between you and Eunji was not that of a mother and child but of a dedicated aunt taking on the role of guardian. This realisation left Seonghwa with a newfound sense of hope, a chance he'd never imagined before.
His heart began to race, not only from the embarrassment of his mistake but also from the realisation that his feelings for you were no longer encumbered by the thought of you being a married woman.
"Yeah, poor Eunji's parents died in a tragic car accident about a year ago. Her aunt was left with no choice but to care for her all alone, especially since Eunji's grandparents were all gone too. From what I know, she's been struggling quite a bit, trying to adjust her life to the sudden new addition of a child. It must be extremely difficult, so if you're trying to say she's remarkable, I completely agree with you." Joy clarified the situation, finally giving Seonghwa the full picture of the story.
He absorbed this information, his heart aching for the difficult circumstances you've been navigating. The admiration he felt for you deepened even more, not only for the love and care you provided to Eunji but also for the strength and resilience you displayed during such challenging times.
He realised that he's been drawn to you not just because of his attraction but because of the genuine respect and appreciation he held for the way you've handled the situation.
The relief of finding out you weren't Eunji's mother was quite apparent on his face, and Joy, with her mischievous grin, didn't miss a beat. She wagged her finger at him, her eyes twinkling with amusement, "Well, well, well, guess who has a crush on his student's guardian."
His eyes widened in realisation, knowing he'd been caught red-handed, "Wha—"
She interrupted him, not letting him evade the truth.
"Don't even bother trying to hide it, I see through you. It's about damn time, Park Seonghwa! I was starting to think you were hopeless, but you're making me proud now," She wiped a fake tear off her face dramatically, causing him to roll his eyes and playfully smack her on the arm, "Oh, shut up, it's just a little crush."
But that didn't deter Joy as she continued to tease him with a mischievous grin, "Oh, just a little crush, huh?"
Before she could carry on with her good-natured ribbing, the bell rang, signalling that lunchtime was over. Seonghwa let out a sigh of relief as the students began to file back into the classroom.
The whirlwind of emotions and revelations during lunch left him slightly breathless, but it also ignited a spark of hope and anticipation for what the future might hold.
Today was one of those days when you were terribly late to pick up your niece from kindergarten. Seonghwa and Joy were the only ones left with the child, and as the sky grew dark and the school closed its doors, a sense of unease settled in.
Seonghwa has been trying to reach you, but his calls have unfortunately gone unanswered.
He knelt beside Eunji, trying to reassure the child, whose eyes were welling up with tears, "Hey, hey, it's alright. Your aunty's going to be here soon, I promise," The child's voice trembled as she voiced her fear, "What if aunty leaves me like mummy and daddy?" Joy shook her head, her heart going out to the young girl, "Of course not! Your aunty is coming, I know it!"
Just as her words settled Eunji's nerves, you finally arrived, out of breath and visibly shaken. Your hands were bruised and bloodied, and you looked exhausted. Your niece's tears turned into relief as she spotted you and rushed into your arms, "Aunty!"
You held her tightly, sighing tiredly into her hair as you stroked the back of her head. The teachers approached you, worry etched across their faces as they immediately noticed the dishevelled state you were in. The concern was evident in their eyes, and they exchanged silent glances as they contemplated how to address the situation.
Seonghwa immediately sprang into action, helping you pick up your work bag that had fallen to the floor. Joy, with a look of genuine concern, guided you to the nearest bench.
"Are you alright?" She asked gently.
You sighed heavily, wincing slightly as she examined your injuries, "I was held back by an important meeting today, and while I was rushing to get here, a bike nearly ran into me! Thankfully, a kind stranger managed to pull me out of the way just in time. I guess I'm lucky these are the only injuries I sustained."
Seonghwa frowned, sitting down beside you with Eunji on his lap, the worry etched across his face, "What happened to your car?"
You bit your lip and rubbed your neck sheepishly.
"It's in the workshop waiting to be serviced, but I'm kinda short on money lately, so I can't afford it for the time being. But I promise I won't let that stop me from coming to pick Eunji up on time again! I'm so sorry for the trouble I've caused you both."
Joy shook her head in understanding and quickly moved into the school to grab some plasters for your injured hands. Seonghwa, on the other hand, sat there with furrowed brows, deeply concerned not just about the car but about the tough situation you were in.
He couldn't bear to see you in this predicament and decided that he had to step in and help, otherwise, he would never forgive himself, "How are you going to get home then?" He asked, genuine concern in his eyes.
You were visibly contemplating your options, knowing that walking home with Eunji would be challenging but not wanting to burden the teachers further, "We'll... we'll walk home, we don't live that far from here anyway." It was at that moment that Joy returned with the necessary first aid supplies, and she shook her head in a determined manner.
"Absolutely not, Seonghwa will take you both home." She insisted. She then turned her attention to your injured hands, gently cleaning the wounds and applying the plasters.
Your eyes widened, and you shook your head furiously, feeling guilty about imposing further, "N-no, please, Mr. Park, you don't have to! Gosh, I've troubled you enough. I can't possibly expect that from you."
But Seonghwa simply smiled, ruffling Eunji's hair as she giggled, "Don't worry about it; I want to help. Besides, I have nowhere to be after work, and you say you don't stay far from here, right?"
You nodded shyly, feeling a mix of emotions.
No one has ever been so generous to you before, and the fact that your niece's kind and handsome teacher was going out of his way to assist you touched your heart. The attraction you've been feeling for him has been growing, but now, it has become even more undeniable. Seonghwa's kindness and generosity were drawing you closer to him.
His warm smile filled you with gratitude, "Oh, and please, just call me Seonghwa from now on."
You smiled in response, relieved that he was making an effort to be closer to you, "Okay. Thank you, Seonghwa."
Meanwhile, his colleague pretended to gag behind you, making him throw her an annoyed glare, "Go home, Joy. Your boyfriend must be worried." He said, attempting to make her leave him alone.
Joy smirked, knowing he wanted to be alone with you.
"Alright, alright. I'll get going first then. I trust Seonghwa to take good care of you two. See you tomorrow, Eunji-yah!" She said as she waved to your niece, who beamed in response.
"Bye-bye, Teacher Joy!" The child called out with excitement as Joy finally left, leaving you and Seonghwa alone.
The three of you settled into Seonghwa's car, with little Eunji securely buckled in the back seat. He gave a playful question, asking, "Are you ready?" Your chuckles filled the car when the child responded with excitement, shouting, "Yes! Let's go, Teacher Hwa!"
As you made your way home, he gathered the courage to ask you, "So, do you have any food prepared at home for dinner?"
It was then that you realised you'd forgotten to prepare anything, and you hurriedly replied, "Oh, no! I forgot all about stocking up on groceries, but it's fine! Just drop us home, I'll run to the nearest convenience store and take care of it."
He pursed his lips and shook his head firmly, "No way, I'm taking you two to dinner, and we can go grocery shopping together. How's that sound, Eunji-yah?" He asked, glancing at the young girl, who cheered and clapped happily, her enthusiasm melting your heart.
"But—" You were about to protest, but Seonghwa cut you off, "No 'buts,' we're doing this."
You nodded in defeat, acknowledging that he was being genuinely kind and helpful, "Oh, alright, I owe you for this."
He grinned, fully aware that he had an opportunity to get to know you better and earn your trust. He didn't want to rush things or scare you away, so he was determined to be patient and take things one step at a time.
The teacher took you and Eunji to a cosy little Chinese restaurant and ordered everything you both wanted to eat, even when you protested and told him that you couldn't possibly eat that much. He insisted, his kindness and attentiveness shining through.
You've known that he was a good and caring man; his reputation at the kindergarten made that clear. He was incredibly popular among the parents, not just for his handsome looks but for his genuine compassion and warmth.
As you observed his sweet interactions with Eunji, your heart warmed even more. You realised how much your niece must have missed having a father figure in her life, and Seonghwa was filling that role beautifully during this dinner.
All this time, you've been juggling the responsibilities of both mother and father ever since your sister and brother-in-law had left the world so suddenly. It was a heavy burden, and Seonghwa's presence and the genuine care he showed not only to Eunji but to you as well, were like a breath of fresh air.
As you ate, he found himself staring at the injuries on your hand. Concern for you had taken root in his heart, and he couldn't ignore the fact that you were facing financial difficulties, struggling to even afford car servicing.
The memory of your near accident weighed heavily on his mind, and he decided to broach the subject.
He cleared his throat and spoke gently, "Listen, the situation with your car worries me, especially considering what happened today. How about this? I could drop you off at work in the mornings and pick you up in the evenings. You won't have to worry about your safety, and it would be no trouble at all for me to take Eunji to school with me."
You rejected his offer, grateful for his kindness but concerned about the burden it would place on him, "Seonghwa, you've done so much for us already, and I appreciate it more than you can know. But I couldn't possibly ask you to go through all this trouble. I don't know how I could ever repay you if you did."
He placed his chopsticks down, his expression serious and determined, and he sighed lightly.
"Trust me, I understand that you feel bad, but I promise you're not taking advantage of anything. I genuinely want to help you. If not for yourself, at least accept it for Eunji's sake. You have no idea how scared she was today when you showed up late. She... was afraid you'd leave her like her parents did."
Your eyes widened at the realisation, and you immediately shook your head, pulling your niece closer to you and pressing kisses all over her head as you assured her that you'd never leave her. The thought of Eunji feeling abandoned like that was heartbreaking.
After a moment of contemplation, you realised he was right. You reluctantly agreed, thanking him profusely for his generous offer. His kindness and genuine concern for you and Eunji touched you, and you were so grateful for his presence in your life.
You had an incredibly enjoyable time at the supermarket with Seonghwa after the hearty meal. It has been a long while since you'd had this much fun, and he made sure to spoil your niece with snacks and toys, occasionally sneaking in a few items he noticed you eyeing without your knowledge. The joy on Eunji's face was priceless, and you couldn't help but smile.
As he stood at your apartment entrance with the child asleep in his arms, you opened the door wider to let him in. If he found your small studio apartment cramped, he didn't mention it. He carefully placed Eunji on your queen-sized bed, tucking her in with a soft smile.
You led him quietly back to the entrance, feeling immensely grateful for all that he's done, "Thank you so much for everything, Seonghwa. I will pay you back for it all someday, I promise."
He chuckled, shaking his head, "Don't worry about any of that, just... take good care of Eunji and yourself. That's enough repayment."
His words touched you deeply, and you bit back your tears.
"Alright then, I'll pick you two up at 7am tomorrow morning," He said, a hint of warmth in his eyes, "We'll be ready by then! Drive safe, Seonghwa. Text me when you get home."
His heart skipped a beat at your concern, and he stammered, "Y-yeah, I will. See you!" He gave you a gentle smile before departing, leaving you with a feeling of warmth and a newfound connection that was growing stronger with each passing day.
The next morning, you and Eunji got ready and waited by your apartment entrance at 6:55am. True to his word, Seonghwa arrived right on the dot at 7am. Your niece's face lit up with excitement when she saw her favourite teacher approaching.
"Good morning, Teacher Hwa!" She called out, waving her tiny arm enthusiastically.
You smiled warmly at him, "Good morning, Seonghwa."
He greeted you both and came to help you place the child in her seat at the back, expertly buckling her up. He then ran over to your side and opened the door for you, even when you protested that there was no need to.
"Here, I prepared this for you so you don't start work with an empty stomach." He said, pulling out a bag containing a carefully crafted homemade bento set.
Your eyes widened in surprise, "Oh my, Seonghwa! You're too kind; you really didn't have to! I'm already so thankful you're offering to drive me to and from work."
He blushed slightly, "Well, I... I made extra, so I thought I'd pack you some of the leftovers as well. Don't worry about it, please."
You bit your lip, sensing that he was downplaying his generosity, but you decided not to push him any further, "Alright. Thank you so much, Seonghwa."
He beamed and began driving you to your workplace. As you rode along, a sense of gratitude filled your heart, and you realised that his presence brought light and warmth in a way you hadn't expected.
Seonghwa pulled up outside your office building right on time.
As you got out of the car, you couldn't contain your smile when you saw your friend and colleague, San, waiting at the entrance for you.
San offered to give you a lift after finding out about your near accident, but you told him that you already had it covered, without going into too much detail. So, he was quite surprised to see you arriving in another man's car. What surprised him even more was seeing your little niece in the backseat as well.
You exited the vehicle, making sure to wave at Eunji before bowing in gratitude at Seonghwa as he drove away.
San couldn't resist teasing you when you finally walked up to him, "Ooh, who was that? Don't tell me you found yourself a boyfriend already! And don't think I didn't notice little Eunji sitting in the back as well. You better spill, woman."
You burst out laughing, smacking him on the arm playfully before spilling the details about Seonghwa and his kindness. As you shared the story, your colleague listened with interest, chuckling along with you at the heartwarming tale.
As you both settled into your cubicles, with San's desk just opposite yours, he continued to tease you, "You know what, I think he has a crush on you. He literally hasn't even known you that long, and he's doing all this for you? Girl, I'm calling it."
You shook your head, feeling the blush on your cheeks as you waved him off, "Sannie, please, I honestly doubt it. I think it's more likely that he's taking pity on us and probably just has a soft spot for Eunji. Besides, what man would want to get themselves into this?"
He frowned, not liking the way you were so self-deprecating, "Into what?"
You blinked, taken aback, "Isn't it obvious? I'm basically a single parent, and I could barely take care of myself. Who in their right mind would want to take on this burden?"
San narrowed his eyes disapprovingly at you, "No, I won't allow you to sit here and talk about yourself like that."
Before he could further give you his pep talk to remind you of how wrong you were about yourself, your manager stepped into the office, immediately throwing your friend a warning glare. He was notorious for gossiping during work hours, and your superior has been out to get him ever since she first caught him slacking off.
San pouted and sank into his seat reluctantly, but not before giving you a look that said, "This isn't over."
You sighed, appreciating his concern but not wanting to give yourself false hope. Seonghwa was almost too good to be true, and it would be cruel to let yourself believe that you stood a chance with him when he was probably just that nice of a guy and likely only wanted to help as Eunji's teacher.
Focusing on your work, you reminded yourself that, regardless of the future, you had to continue to be the best parent and guardian you could be for Eunji. Whatever may come, the bond that was forming between you, your niece, and Seonghwa was already a gift in itself.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa arrived at the kindergarten with Eunji in his arms. The sight of him carrying the little girl caused Joy to raise her eyebrows mischievously. He rolled his eyes, fully aware that she wasn't going to let him live this down, especially after he shared the events that unfolded the night before.
Joy had always been quick to pick up on his emotions and seemed to have a knack for getting him to spill the beans about his personal life. As he headed into the kindergarten with Eunji, he knew that he was in for another one of his colleague's teasing sessions.
After setting your niece down in her classroom and watching her run off to play with her classmates, he wasn't surprised to see Joy blocking his way with a devious grin.
She wasted no time in getting to the point.
"So, I take it last evening went incredibly well," She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, "You're welcome, by the way. When you do get married to her, I better be the maid of honour."
He scoffed in disbelief, "Aren't you thinking a little too far ahead? I'm literally a long way from even earning her complete trust. I'd be lucky if she even considered me her friend, and you're joking about marriage, really?"
Joy smirked and nudged him on the shoulder, "Oh, come on, but you do want it to happen, don't you?"
He blinked, stammering, "Sh-shut up, Joy. It's too early to tell."
She snickered, "Oh, is it?" Before she could continue, the bell saved him again as she went to her own class, but not before sending him more teasing looks.
He sighed and shook his head, trying to focus on his work, but he couldn't help thinking about the bond that was slowly forming between him, you, and Eunji. The future was uncertain, but for the time being, he couldn't deny that he was becoming more and more hopeful about what might come next.
Unbeknownst to you and Seonghwa, you had both been on each other's minds the entire day.
As the hours passed, you were equally looking forward to seeing each other again after work. Your lunch breaks were spent enduring playful teasing from your colleagues in your respective ways, but with the thought of getting off work on your minds, you both managed to power through more easily.
Seonghwa, perhaps a bit more than you, was lucky enough to be surrounded by adorable children all day. In contrast, you were piled with endless reports to write and deadlines to meet.
Despite your different work environments, both of you sighed with relief at the same time when the clock struck 6pm. Your hearts fluttered at the thought of meeting again soon, as if the anticipation was a shared connection between the two of you.
"Bye-bye, Teacher Joy!" Eunji waved excitedly, her tiny arms holding onto Seonghwa's shoulders as he carried her to his car. He was preparing to leave the kindergarten and pick you up from work.
He resisted the urge to flip Joy off, who was still wiggling her brows playfully at him and sticking her tongue out to provoke him. Instead, he focused on your niece, giving her a reassuring smile before moving to get into his car.
The car ride to pick you up felt like an eternity, even though it was just a short drive. He was eager to see you, his heart pounding with anticipation.
He couldn't help thinking about how your evening together might unfold and whether you'd been looking forward to it as much as he had. As he pulled up to your workplace, he couldn't stop himself from smiling at the thought of seeing you again.
Seonghwa eventually spotted you emerging from the office, but you were with your male colleague from that morning who was tugging you by the wrist. He knew it was irrational, but he felt a twinge of jealousy seeing you so close to another man who wasn't him.
Your colleague, after spotting his car already waiting, immediately beamed and waved a hand in greeting. Seonghwa nodded back politely, smiling tightly as he watched San ruffle your hair before helping you open the car door.
"Hi, I'm San! Nice to meet you, Seonghwa. She's told me a lot about you. Thank you for helping my friend out; it means a lot!" Your colleague's friendly introduction made it clear that he was just looking out for you.
Seonghwa quickly realised that San was just being friendly and shook his head, "Oh, it's nice to meet you too, San. Please, don't mention it."
San turned to wave excitedly at your niece, "Hey, Eunji-yah!" The child bounced in her seat, "Hi, uncle Sannie!" He cooed before saying his goodbyes and left, not without sending you a devious smile that made you roll your eyes.
Seonghwa was surprised to learn that San and Eunji were already acquainted. He tried to be subtle as he inquired, "Oh, have San and Eunji already met? They seem familiar with each other."
You chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, Sannie's a rather close friend of mine outside of work. He has been over at my place a few times to help out when things get a little overwhelming for me alone."
He made sure to smile widely and nodded slowly, hiding any hint of envy he might have felt. He wanted to be the one to help you out, and he silently promised himself that he would try to be there for you more from now on. He wanted to be the one who made a difference in your life, and he was determined to earn your trust and affection.
Days turned into weeks, and your mornings and evenings with Seonghwa transformed into a comforting routine. He continued to pack you food, despite your protests, and consistently treated you and Eunji to delightful dinners before taking you home.
Over the course of several months, he evolved into a strong pillar of support in your life.
Thanks to his constant presence and willingness to help, you rarely had to ask San for assistance anymore. Seonghwa's reliability eased the burden that life had placed upon your shoulders. He became a source of comfort, and your niece slowly began to see him as a father figure, looking up to him with admiration and affection.
As you spent more time with him, he continuously surprised you with his endless caring and attentive gestures. Whether it was helping you prepare meals, being there to pick you up after work, or simply offering a reassuring presence, he went above and beyond what was expected of a teacher.
Your heart began to race more each day, your affection for him growing as you appreciated the little things he did, even when he didn't need to.
You didn't realise the extent of your reliance on Seonghwa until one fateful night when Eunji's cries woke you up from your sleep. You pushed yourself off of your bed, rushing to her side to check on her.
Panic welled up in your chest as you saw her clutching her stomach and crying out in pain.
"It hurts, aunty... it hurts." She whimpered, her small face contorted in agony. Your heart nearly stopped as she screamed in pain when you tried to lift her up, "Oh no, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, my angel. It's okay... it's going to be okay." Tears welled in your eyes, and your heart ached to see her in so much distress.
You felt helpless, not knowing what to do to ease her pain.
Not daring to move the child further in fear of hurting her even more, you scrambled to grab your phone instead. Feeling frustrated and frantic, you dialled your first contact, which was supposed to be San, but it went straight to voicemail, indicating that his phone was likely turned off.
Your heart sank, and tears rolled down your cheeks as you rushed back to your niece's side, trying to comfort her while trembling with fear. You needed help immediately, and with no other options, you dialled Seonghwa's number.
It took him a moment, but he eventually picked up, his voice filled with urgency, "Hey, is everything alright?" He must have known that something was terribly wrong for you to call at this late hour.
You struggled to keep your voice steady as you spoke to him, your fear and desperation were evident in your shaky words, "S-Seonghwa... please help. I-I'm so scared... God, she's in pain, and I d-don't know what to do..."
Seonghwa didn't waste a second.
He was already up and getting changed the moment he heard you call out to him so vulnerably. His heart lurched in his chest as he tried to comfort you over the phone.
"Alright, I'm going to need you to breathe with me first. Can you do that? Don't hang up; I'm coming over right now, and I'll stay with you on the phone. We'll get through this together, okay? I'll be there before you know it. It'll be okay."
His calming words and the thought of his imminent arrival were like a lifeline, and you did your best to follow his instructions and regulate your breathing. You clung to the phone, thankful for his presence and reassuring voice as you waited for him.
The weight of the situation pressed down on you, and the feeling of helplessness was overwhelming. You held your niece tightly, whispering soothing words to her while you awaited his arrival.
Relief washed over you as you heard the knock at the door. You swung it open and cried out his name in gratitude, quickly pulling him into your unit. He knelt down beside your niece, and you could see the worry in his eyes as he looked at her.
"Teacher Hwa... it hurts." Eunji sobbed, clutching her belly.
Seonghwa gently felt her forehead, his expression turning more serious as he realised she was running a fever.
"It's okay, I'm here now. We'll take you to the hospital, and all the pain will go away real soon, okay?" He reassured her. She nodded as best she could, her trust in Seonghwa evident in her teary eyes. While he comforted her, you rushed around, packing a bag with some clothes and necessities for the hospital.
He approached you and steadied your shaking hands, "Hey, it's going to be okay. I think she has appendicitis; it's pretty common for kids. Don't worry too much, alright?" His calm and reassuring words helped to alleviate some of your anxiety.
Seonghwa's experience and expertise in such situations were a tremendous comfort. He carefully lifted Eunji from your bed and placed her in his car while you quickly got into the back seat, wanting to be as close to her as possible.
The trip to the hospital was still filled with worry, but he expertly guided you both, instructing you on what to do whenever the child felt any discomfort.
As Eunji was immediately taken into the emergency care unit upon arrival at the hospital, the doctors swiftly confirmed the diagnosis of appendicitis. They explained that you both were fortunate to have arrived early enough for her appendix to still be intact. If you had come later, it could have burst, leading to more complications.
Despite the worry, the doctors assured you that your niece would be just fine after the surgery to remove her inflamed appendix. This news was a tremendous relief, and it filled you with gratitude that she was in the right place at the right time, thanks to her teacher's swift response.
Sitting there on the bench outside the operation theatre, you finally let your guard down, tears streaming down your face.
"Thank you so much, Seonghwa. I... I really don't know what I would have done without you. I was going to call San but couldn't reach him, and I was so scared. God, if something were to happen to her, I would never forgive myself. I've already lost most of my family, I... I can't lose her too, Seonghwa. I really can't..."
He listened to your words, and his heart swelled with compassion as he understood the depth of your fears and anxieties.
A small part of him was glad that San hadn't been available, or he wouldn't have been the one to be here with you now. But he reminded himself that now wasn't the time to relish in this.
With a gentle but firm embrace, he pulled you close to him, allowing you to cry into his shoulder. His own heart ached for the pain you've endured and the burdens you carried.
He couldn't imagine how tough things must have been for you all this while. As if losing your sister and brother-in-law wasn't painful enough, you were suddenly responsible for a child you were struggling to take care of physically, emotionally and financially, having no experience whatsoever.
As he held you, he whispered softly, "You're doing an incredible job. It's not easy, but you've shown such strength and resilience. You're a wonderful guardian to Eunji, and she's so lucky to have you."
You clung to him, finding solace in his comforting presence. His support was a lifeline during your most vulnerable moment.
As your sobs subsided, Seonghwa slowly pulled away, his warm hands moving to brush some stray hair out of your face and gently wiping your tears before cupping your cheeks. His actions immediately sent your heart into a frenzy.
He gazed into your eyes with sincerity, his voice filled with reassurance, "You're not alone in this. I'll always be here for you and Eunji, no matter what. You're like family to me now, and I'll support you through all the ups and downs."
Your heart skipped a beat, and you felt your breath hitch as he leaned in closer. The air crackled with unspoken tension, and you felt his warm breath on your lips. It was an electric moment, but he knew it was crucial to respect your vulnerable state.
Deep down, he wanted nothing more than to kiss you on the lips.
But he settled for pressing his lips gently against your forehead for now. His kiss conveyed his unspoken feelings, the deep care and affection he held for you. It was a promise of his support, even in the face of your most challenging moments.
With his lips against your skin, your heart raced with a flurry of emotions. The warmth of the kiss sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but wonder about his true feelings.
On one hand, there were undeniable signs that he cared deeply for you. The way he's consistently been there for you and Eunji, his thoughtful gestures, and the never-ending support he offered in your times of need all pointed to a deeper connection.
But you couldn't shake the nagging doubt that maybe he was just being a caring friend.
Your own insecurities played a significant role in your hesitance. You found it difficult to believe that someone as perfect as Seonghwa would be romantically interested in you, a single parent with a messy, complicated life.
While his actions spoke volumes, you struggled to accept the possibility that this man could want to be part of your world. It left you caught in a whirlwind of emotions, battling between hope and self-doubt, trying to decipher the complexities of your relationship with him.
The relief that washed over you as the doctor confirmed the success of Eunji's surgery was almost overwhelming. You thanked the medical team profusely, your voice trembling with gratitude.
But then, your emotions got the best of you.
You wrapped your arms tightly around Seonghwa's neck and buried your face in his shoulder, this time letting out tears of relief.
His immediate response was to hold you even closer, his arms providing the safety and comfort you desperately needed. His hand gently stroked the back of your head, and he whispered soothing words, "I told you everything would be okay, didn't I?" He said softly, his voice a gentle reassurance.
With a weary nod, you continued to cry against his shoulder, seeking solace in his warm embrace.
Normally, you would have hesitated to be so bold, but the physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion had pushed you beyond your usual boundaries. At this moment, all you wanted was comfort, and Seonghwa was more than willing to provide it.
You decided that, for now, you would allow yourself to lean on him.
As you sat beside Eunji's hospital bed, your eyes were fixated on her peaceful slumber. You breathed a sigh of relief, silently thanking all the gods you didn't believe in for ensuring her safety. You held her tiny hand against your forehead, grateful for the successful surgery.
The peace was interrupted by the ringing of your phone. You swiftly moved away from her bedside to answer, careful not to wake her.
It was San on the other end, his voice filled with concern and guilt, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! My phone died last night, and I forgot to charge it. Why'd you call me in the middle of the night? Did something happen?"
You took a deep breath, preparing yourself to recount the ordeal, and San listened attentively, apologising profusely for not being there when you needed him. You assured him that it was alright, understanding that it was an honest mistake. He promised to visit later after arranging leave from work for both of you.
As the conversation with San came to an end, you suddenly remembered Seonghwa's commitment to his job at the kindergarten. You immediately felt a pang of guilt for relying on him so heavily when he had his own responsibilities to attend to.
You approached Seonghwa, who was peacefully napping on the couch in the corner of the hospital ward, and knelt down in front of him to observe him for a moment.
His head bobbed sleepily, and you couldn't resist smiling at how adorable he looked. It was undeniable now that you'd developed deep feelings for him, but at the same time, you felt the weight of your circumstances bearing down on you. You believed that you had nothing to offer him, and he deserved someone who could reciprocate the love and care he had so selflessly given you.
Collecting your thoughts, you gently shook him on the shoulder.
He immediately snapped awake, "Oh dear, I fell asleep, didn't I? Sorry about that," You shook your head, assuring him that he had nothing to be sorry for, "Gosh no, please don't apologise for that. I should be the one saying sorry. You should probably go home and get some rest before going to work."
In fact, you felt guilty for relying on him so much.
But he quickly sat up straight and protested, "What? No, I'm staying here with you two."
You sat beside him and smiled, "You really don't have to, Seonghwa. Sannie is applying for leave, he's coming over soon. And I... I've troubled you enough; you can't miss work because of us too. You can come to visit after work if you'd like, but please... don't skip work too, I feel bad enough already."
He relented after hearing you out; he could tell you really didn't want him to sacrifice any more for you.
Reluctantly, he agreed to go to work. He didn't want to make you feel like you owed him more than you already did. You smiled and walked him to the room door, expressing your gratitude once again.
"Thank you again, Seonghwa. You... you saved her life, and I can never thank you enough for this." You said with genuine appreciation. Your eyes reflected a mix of emotions and gratitude.
He nodded, his expression soft.
"You don't have to thank me. I want to be here for you and Eunji," He replied, emphasising his genuine concern for you both, "Don't ever hesitate to call me if you need anything, alright? I'm always ready to help, always."
Before he left, you held his hand for a moment, meeting his eyes with a depth of emotion that couldn't be ignored. It was clear that your connection was growing stronger each day, despite the obstacles and self-doubts. He squeezed your hand gently and then left the hospital room.
After Seonghwa's departure, you sat by Eunji's bedside, relieved that she was recovering.
As San walked into the hospital room, his eyes met yours, and he immediately noticed your tear-stained face. Without a word, you ran into his open arms, seeking solace in the friend who has been your rock throughout these challenging times. He held you close, silently reassuring you that he was there and that you didn't need to face everything alone.
"God, I'm so sorry," He whispered softly, his voice filled with genuine regret, "I should've been here for you, especially when you needed me the most."
You clung to him, tears flowing freely, your shoulders shaking with the weight of your emotions. San continued to hold you, providing the support you desperately needed in this moment.
The bond between you and San had grown over the years, as he had been with you through all the hardships you faced. He was like the brother you never had, and his presence brought you immense comfort, reminding you that you were never truly alone.
He chuckled as you both settled down, the tension from earlier finally releasing its grip on you. With a playful gleam in his eye, he couldn't resist some light teasing, "I'm telling you, Seonghwa is definitely a simp for you."
Your laughter was a welcome sound, even given the circumstances, and it was a reminder that life still had its moments of lightness. But as you chewed on your lip and confessed your feelings, his teasing demeanour softened, and he offered his heartfelt advice.
"Sannie... I think I might have feelings for him too, but... I'm scared." You whispered.
He sighed, his gaze understanding and empathetic.
His hand gently rubbed your arm as he spoke, "Listen to me, I know you think that being a single parent makes you unattractive, but Seonghwa has proven you wrong, hasn't he? Besides, don't tell me you're going to deprive yourself of the opportunity to fall in love just because of Eunji? You should still live your life, you know? It's what your sister would've wanted for you, to be happy."
Your eyes met his, filled with gratitude.
"I'm telling you, you deserve happiness just like anyone else," He whispered, his tone filled with sincerity, "You can't let fear hold you back. Seonghwa's actions speak for themselves, don't they? He's a wonderful person, and if you have feelings for him, you should explore that possibility. I can see the way he looks at you; it's more than just sympathy."
You bit your lip, contemplating his words. Your sister would have undoubtedly wanted you to be happy, and it was time to think about your own well-being and happiness. You nodded slowly, gratitude filling your eyes as you met San's gaze.
"You're right, Sannie," You replied with a grateful smile, "I'll... try to open up and see where things go with Seonghwa. Thank you for always being there for me."
San's endless encouragement was the very thing you needed to hear. His words were a gentle nudge toward embracing your feelings.
Eunji's voice was like a soothing melody in the room, and you rushed to her side, tears in your eyes, "Aunty... uncle Sannie?" Her little voice croaked, and you knelt beside her bed, your heart swelling with love.
"Aunty's here, Eunji-yah." You whispered, your voice trembling with emotion.
San, who had been sitting beside you, leaned in to join you, "Uncle Sannie is here too, sweetheart."
Eunji reached her tiny hands out, her fingers brushing against your cheeks to wipe away the tears that trickled down. Her concern and innocence touched you deeply, and you smiled through your tears, "Eunji-yah, you feeling much better?"
San's gentle hands moved the child's baby hair out of her face, and she nodded in response, "Don't cry, aunty. I'm okay now."
You chuckled through your tears, kissing her soft cheeks, "Yes, of course you are. My angel is so brave and strong."
As the medical team checked on your niece and made sure she was stable, you and San remained by her side, grateful for her recovery. Eunji was now sitting up in her hospital bed, engrossed in watching cartoons on the TV.
After a while, she wondered aloud, "Where is Teacher Hwa?" Her voice was still soft, but there was a clear longing in her words.
You smiled and leaned over, ruffling her hair and planting a loving kiss on her head, "Teacher Hwa needs to go to work, sweetie. But he'll come by afterwards, is that alright?"
She nodded cutely in understanding, but there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes, "I miss Teacher Hwa." She admitted.
I miss him too.
San couldn't resist spoiling her with affectionate kisses and playful teasing, and you had to agree with her unspoken sentiment. Deep down, you missed her class teacher too, more than you were willing to admit.
Two days later, Eunji was finally approved for discharge from the hospital. As you settled the hospital fees, you sighed to yourself. The money you were using to pay the bills had initially been saved up for your car to be serviced, but now, it seemed that particular expense would have to wait a bit longer.
You kept your financial struggles to yourself, not wanting to burden San or Seonghwa any further. You knew they would help you without hesitation, but you already felt like you owed them more than you could ever repay in this lifetime.
Returning to Eunji's ward, you find Seonghwa packing up her stuff while San helps her get changed out of her hospital gown.
The sight warmed your heart, and even though San's support was something you'd grown accustomed to and deeply appreciated, having Seonghwa there too gave you a newfound sense of hope. San's words from just a few days ago echoed in your mind, and you began to entertain the idea that maybe, just maybe, love was possible even in the midst of everything you were going through.
Meanwhile, the two men unexpectedly began to form a friendship during the time they spent together taking care of your niece over the past few days. All the while, San never failed to send you playful glances and subtle thumbs-ups whenever Seonghwa looked away to signal his approval of the kindergarten teacher.
Eunji perked up when she saw you enter the room.
"Aunty!" She called out, sprinting towards you as soon as San was done helping her get dressed. You picked her up in your arms and laughed when you saw your friend pouting jealously in the background, his arms crossed in mock annoyance.
"Yes, yes, run to your aunty and leave me behind. Leave poor uncle Sannie alone after everything he's done for you." He sighed dramatically, wiping a fake tear from his eye.
Seonghwa chuckled at the scene.
San reminded him a lot of Joy, and he had a feeling they'd make a chaotic duo if they ever met each other.
Pushing the concerns about your financial status to the back of your mind, you decided to focus on the present and worry about that later. Seeing all the most important people to you together, the future seemed a bit brighter.
You had a growing support system that included a caring friend like San and, possibly, a romantic connection with Seonghwa. Though you were still hesitant to fully embrace the idea of love in your life, your niece's recovery and the presence of these two amazing men were giving you hope that maybe, just maybe, there was room for happiness after all.
As days turned into weeks, Seonghwa's actions became increasingly deliberate. It was as if he could read your mind and were aware of your insecurities, he was making a conscious effort to let you know about his non-platonic feelings.
He didn't just stop at being a good friend and support system; he wanted to be more than that in your life.
His compliments became more heartfelt and frequent, making you blush and smile whenever he praised you. His words, no longer confined to appreciating your strength or kindness, now included expressions of admiration for your beauty, your intelligence, and even your sense of humour. He made sure to remind you of how special you were to him every chance he got.
He began to do little things that set your heart racing.
Tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear during dinner, his fingers gently brushing your skin, sent shivers down your spine. Wiping your lips when you were eating, though seemingly innocent, took on a more intimate meaning when his thumb grazed your lower lip in a slow, deliberate movement. He held your gaze longer than necessary, his eyes revealing the depth of his feelings, and a small, knowing smile often graced his lips.
Seonghwa wasn't afraid to be physical in his affection either. He started walking with a hand resting on the small of your back, his touch warm and reassuring. These gestures sent your heart into overdrive, and you wondered if maybe he felt the same way about you as you did about him.
His advances were impossible to ignore, and it was becoming increasingly apparent that his feelings for you were not limited to friendship.
Unbeknownst to you, he's been preparing to ask you a very important question on a very important day.
The day had been exceptionally hectic for you.
Your workload had grown to mountainous proportions, and while everyone, including San, had left the office, you remained behind to tackle the never-ending tasks. It was one of those days when deadlines and responsibilities refused to be tamed.
You glanced at the time and realised it was much later than you'd initially planned. A quick text to Seonghwa informed him that you would need a little more time at the office and asked him to pick you up slightly later than usual. You suggested he grab dinner with Eunji while they waited for you.
As you dove back into your work, minutes turned into hours. The relentless ticking of the clock was accompanied by the echo of your typing, and the office became a quiet refuge, save for the dim hum of the fluorescent lights.
Seonghwa's text alert came, signalling his arrival, but you were engrossed in a report, and it took you a moment to notice the message. You quickly wrapped up the document and started packing your things, your mind racing to meet the deadline.
When you finally arrived at the entrance, you were greeted by a sight that left you utterly speechless.
There, waiting for you with bright smiles and expectant eyes, was Seonghwa, San, and Eunji. In Seonghwa's hands was a cake with a single lit candle, Eunji clutched a bouquet of colourful flowers, and San held a bunch of balloons.
As they began singing "Happy Birthday" in unison, the tears welled up in your eyes. You've been so consumed by your work that you'd genuinely forgotten about your own birthday. Their thoughtful gesture touched your heart deeply, making you feel cherished and loved in a way you hadn't in a long time.
You stood there, absorbing the warmth of their surprise, appreciating the genuine smiles on their faces, and feeling incredibly lucky to have them in your life.
After they finished singing, you shyly approached Seonghwa to blow out the single candle on the cake, "Oh, thank you so much, you three!" You exclaimed, chuckling through your tears of joy.
You moved to take the colourful bouquet of flowers from Eunji, who seemed puzzled by your tears. She asked with her innocent eyes, "Aunty, don't cry! Are you sad?"
You shook your head, still smiling through your watery eyes as you kissed her little cheeks, "Of course not, silly! I'm crying because I'm happy!" She seemed slightly perplexed but content, leaning in to press a wet, loving kiss to your cheek, "I love you, Aunty." She said, her voice filled with genuine affection.
With Eunji's tender declaration of love warming your heart, San, who had been clearing his throat loudly, playfully complained, "Excuse me, what do I get, huh? Am I invisible?" You rolled your eyes and laughed, moving to hug him as well, "Thank you, Sannie. You're the best, I swear," He grinned, rubbing your back affectionately, "I know." He responded in a cheeky tone.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa seized the moment to get into position. After carefully setting down the cake, he moved to stand behind you, taking his place as he decided it was the perfect time to make his feelings known, "How about me? Do I get a hug too?"
As you turned around, your breath hitched at how close Seonghwa was. Your heart raced, and you noticed the twinkle in his eyes. San discreetly led Eunji to a corner to witness the scene unfold, grinning to himself as he did so.
"Happy birthday." Seonghwa whispered.
Your heart raced, and you thanked him with a smile, the anticipation in the air growing as he gently reached for your hand. The touch sent a shiver down your spine, and you felt that something significant was about to happen.
He looked into your eyes, his gaze unwavering, and said, "There's something important I need to confess tonight." You gulped, your mind racing with possibilities, and nodded slowly. You wondered if this could be the moment you'd secretly dreamed of.
"You know, there used to be a time when I wanted nothing to do with love or romance. I'd sworn off dating for the longest time, wanting to focus only on my job and the kids at work."
Your eyes widened, this was news to you.
He began by sharing a humorous memory from the past, recounting how he'd initially mistaken you for Eunji's mother and the internal turmoil he experienced at the time. He held back his feelings, thinking it was wrong to have a crush on his student's mother. You both laughed about it, and your heart skipped a beat as you began to sense where this conversation was leading.
"I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw you," He shook his head in amusement, "Little did I know you were Eunji's aunt."
You laughed along, "Well, at least now it makes more sense."
As he continued, you listened with bated breath, "But over time, my initial crush evolved into something much deeper, something I couldn't ignore. Watching you, taking care of Eunji, and being so strong throughout it all... It touched my heart." His words stirred your emotions, and you realised that he had feelings for you even then.
He squeezed your hand, his touch reassuring, "I want you to know that you've inspired me, made me want to love again, to have a family of my own, with Eunji as our child."
His confession hung in the air, the weight of his words settling around you both. You took a moment to absorb it all, his vulnerability and sincerity washing over you.
"Seonghwa," You began, your voice soft, "I... I had no idea."
He smiled gently, his thumb caressing the back of your hand, "I didn't want to burden you with my feelings, especially considering everything you've been through."
A rush of emotions swirled within you.
You squeezed his hand, the unspoken understanding between you palpable, "You've been such an amazing friend to us, Seonghwa. You've helped us more than I can put into words."
He nodded, his eyes never leaving yours, "And I want to continue being there for both of you, in whatever capacity you'll have me."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, but they were tears of gratitude, of hope, "Seonghwa, I..." You took a deep breath, gathering your thoughts, "I never imagined this, but... I've come to care for you deeply. You've been a rock for us, and I can't imagine facing all of this without you."
He smiled, his gaze tender, "I feel the same way, perhaps even more."
The sincerity in his eyes overwhelmed you.
This was a turning point, a moment that could change everything. You took a step closer to him, closing the distance between you, "Seonghwa," You whispered, "I would be honoured to have you in our lives, as more than just a friend."
His smile widened, a mixture of relief and joy dancing in his eyes, "You've just made me the happiest man alive."
As you leaned in, he met you halfway, and your lips finally met in a soft, sweet kiss. It felt like a promise, a new beginning. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you, connected in this moment of shared vulnerability and newfound love.
But your romantic moment did not last long with San and Eunji skipping out of their hiding spots, singing, "Teacher Hwa and aunty, sitting on a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Their voices immediately made you and Seonghwa pull away, cheeks flushed crimson.
San smirked, "Well, looks like we have another thing to celebrate now, so who wants cake?" Eunji jumped excitedly at the mention of cake, "Me! Me! Me!" Seonghwa chuckled, lacing his fingers with yours before walking up to the two, "Alright then, let's go." You bit your lip, struggling to take your eyes off your intertwined hands, heart swelling in happiness.
The celebration continued with shared laughter. San couldn't resist a final tease, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but it seems like my predictions were spot on. Congratulations, you two."
The future was uncertain, but you were certain that, with Seonghwa's support and love, you could face anything that came your way.
Seonghwa's following day at work was filled with playful jabs and teasing from Joy, who had learned about your newfound relationship from Eunji, your adorable messenger.
While he might have outwardly displayed annoyance, there was a part of him that secretly relished the teasing. It made everything feel more real and solidified, reminding him that he was no longer just your helpful friend and confidant but your boyfriend.
"Hey, remember when you used to say you'd never waste your time on dating?" Seonghwa rolled his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that day as he packed up after work, Eunji waiting obediently at the playpen for him to go pick you up from work together, "Yes, Joy, I remember. But that was before I—"
She smirked, "Before you met the love of your life?"
He blushed, once again reminded that it might still be too soon to say the L word to you no matter how much he wanted to, he didn't want to pressure you into saying it back to him if you didn't feel the same yet. He would have to find the perfect moment to tell you.
"Yes, Joy, exactly." He chuckled, shaking his head at the playful banter. Joy has always been a close friend, and he appreciated her teasing as a sign that she was genuinely happy for him. He continued to pack his things, a smile playing on his lips.
"I remember all those times I said I'd never date," He admitted, "But I guess life had different plans for me. Meeting her and Eunji... it's like everything I thought I wanted was nothing compared to what I have now. I've never been this content."
She watched him closely, her teasing demeanour giving way to genuine curiosity, "So, what's it like, then? To have someone who's so important to you?"
He sighed, momentarily lost in thought, "It's like having this unwavering support, someone who cares about my day, my dreams, my struggles... It's having someone to share the joys and sorrows with. And with Eunji, it's like having a family, the one I never knew I needed. It's pretty amazing, Joy."
She smiled at him warmly, "I'm so glad you've found it, Hwa. It's beautiful to see how much you've grown and how much love you've discovered."
Seonghwa nodded, grateful for the newfound happiness that entered his life. It was a reminder that sometimes, the unexpected and unconventional paths led to the most fulfilling destinations.
The evening sun cast a warm, golden hue over the scene as you and San exited the office building. There, leaning against his car with an air of casual confidence, stood Seonghwa, a captivating smile on his face. Your heart raced at the sight of him, and you felt incredibly lucky to have him in your life.
Beside him was your niece bouncing around while she waited for you. Eunji's boundless enthusiasm and infectious energy were on full display as she rushed toward you and your colleague, wrapping her little arms around your legs, "Aunty! Uncle Sannie!"
You ruffled her hair lovingly, a radiant smile on your face, "Did you have a good day, Eunji-yah?" You asked, your affection for her shining brightly, "Yes!"
Her ever-doting uncle Sannie picked her up, lifting her high, and she giggled with delight. In the midst of this heartwarming scene, he subtly pushed you toward Seonghwa, who was waiting for you with an expectant look in his eyes.
As you approached him, your gaze was fixated on him, and you couldn't help feeling like a teenager in love.
Your heart fluttered with each step, and without realising it, you missed a step, stumbling slightly on the uneven pavement, your heels causing an issue. But in an instant, your boyfriend's reflexes kicked in, and he rushed forward, his strong arms reaching out to catch you. His hands found your waist and steadied you.
For a heartbeat, your noses bumped gently against each other, and your breaths mingled. The closeness was intoxicating, and your heart raced even faster in response to this unexpected proximity.
"Hi." The two of you whispered at the same time.
Seonghwa's arms encircled you, holding you close in the aftermath of your stumble. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in that tender moment. You looked up into his eyes, your heart pounding in your chest, and in that shared gaze, you found an unspoken connection.
In the background, San playfully covered Eunji's eyes, his voice carrying a comically dramatic tone, "Fear not, young Eunji! I shall shield your innocent eyes from this heartwarming scene of romance!"
Laughter bubbled up from both of you, breaking the spell but only for a moment. Seonghwa's eyes twinkled with affection, and without another word, he leaned in, closing the remaining distance between you. His lips met yours in a sweet, gentle kiss, a promise of the love and care that lay ahead for both of you.
It was a kiss filled with tenderness and the unspoken promise of a future together. The world seemed to stand still, allowing you to savour the moment, etching it into your memory.
When you eventually pulled away, a soft smile graced your boyfriend's lips, his thumb gently brushing against your cheek. There was a warmth in his eyes, a silent reassurance that you were exactly where you were meant to be.
As you both turned to look at Eunji and San, you found them engaged in a playful debate about whether or not it was time for ice cream. It was a perfect tableau of the life you were now building together—a little messy, a lot of love, and filled with joy.
In that moment, you knew you were exactly where you belonged, in the arms of the man who has become your rock, and surrounded by the love of your little family.
In the few months that you'd been with Seonghwa, you marvelled at what a sweet and thoughtful boyfriend he was. He embraced his role as a partner and father figure with open arms, and it showed in the way he cared for you and Eunji.
Seonghwa was a master of small gestures.
Whether it was a good morning text, a surprise lunch he'd prepared and dropped off at your office, or a cosy movie night he'd set up for you and Eunji, he knew how to make you feel loved. His actions spoke louder than words, a testament to his caring and attentive nature.
You couldn't remember when it began, but you and your niece have been staying over at his place frequently lately. So frequent to the point that your own studio apartment felt like a hotel that you'd only return to once in a while.
On the days when you both stayed over, his morning routine included preparing breakfast for you and Eunji, a tradition that quickly became a heartwarming ritual.
You'd wake up to the smell of pancakes or fresh fruit salad, and your niece couldn't contain her excitement when it was a pancake morning. His culinary skills were a surprise to you, but he enjoyed whipping up dishes that made you both smile.
Seonghwa has become the perfect family man.
He'd do the grocery shopping, subtly watch over Eunji in kindergarten without neglecting the other kids, and even help her with her homework. His patience knew no bounds as he explained math problems for what seemed like the hundredth time.
On weekends, you'd all go for picnics, trips to the zoo, or simply have a quiet day at home. You could feel his love in the way he held your hand, kissed your forehead, and smiled at Eunji's jokes. His affection was a warm embrace that wrapped around both of you, making your little family feel complete.
It was his sharp and observant eyes that amazed you the most. He noticed when you were tired or had a rough day, and he'd be there with a comforting hug or a listening ear. He was the first to recognise when Eunji needed a little extra attention or when she was hiding a scraped knee under her dress.
You loved how attentive and observant your boyfriend was, but there was a part of your life that you desperately wished he would be less perceptive about. It was the financial struggles you'd been trying to hide from him for some time.
As the months passed, you managed to pay off the bills for your car maintenance and finally got it serviced, but it came at a price. Sacrificing your budget for that left you unable to afford your rent and credit card debt. Most of the credit card expenses have been related to Eunji and her needs – kids' things were indeed expensive, and you'd always put her first.
One day, while you were at Seonghwa's place with Eunji, you received a text from your landlady, and dread settled in your stomach. She demanded that you return home to speak with her, which was unusual. You quickly thought up an excuse to tell Seonghwa, explaining that you had to run somewhere quickly.
He looked concerned, sensing that something was amiss, and his worry for you was evident in his eyes.
After you left, he couldn't resist the nagging feeling that something wasn't quite right. He decided to check your backpack, where you kept your clothes and necessities for staying the night. That's when he discovered your unpaid bills, debt statements, and financial struggles laid bare before him.
He cursed himself for not realising the extent of your financial difficulties sooner. The truth hit him like a punch to the gut. You were still struggling, and he couldn't stand by and let you bear that burden alone.
Your heart dropped like a stone the moment you arrived home. There, you found all your belongings packed up in boxes, scattered messily outside of your unit, "W-what's the meaning of this, Mrs. Lee?"
The landlady stood in the centre of the chaos, her hands propped on her hips, a furious look on her face. She didn't waste any time expressing her anger, "Are you really asking me that?" She scoffed, "You didn't pay rent for two months. Did you think I was going to let you leech off me like that?"
You were in a state of panic, rushing up to her, your eyes darting around to take in the disarray. You began to explain your situation, your voice trembling, "But you said you understood when I told you I've been saving up to pay you all at once by the end of this month. You know my niece and I—"
She sighed, lifting a hand to stop you.
"Enough with the pity party. You always use the kid as an excuse. I've had it. I've already found a new tenant who will pay more than you. They're moving in tomorrow. So, take your things and leave."
You dropped to your knees in desperation, pleading with her not to do this, your voice quivering.
It was at this moment that Seonghwa arrived with Eunji in his arms. His eyes widened in shock as he took in the scene, and his expression quickly shifted from surprise to anger as he overheard the last cruel sentence uttered by the landlady.
With his nostrils flaring in anger, he marched up to you and gently helped you up from the ground, all while maintaining his composure for the child's sake. Then, he handed Eunji over to you.
Your niece quickly reached up to wipe away your tears with her tiny hands. She asked you not to cry, and you sniffled in response, trying to assure her that everything would be okay.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa turned to confront the landlady.
His voice was firm but never raised, "Mrs. Lee," He began, "I understand that there have been issues with rent, but it's crucial to remember the legal obligations here. Regardless of the situation, you must provide proper notice and follow due process for eviction."
She seemed taken aback by his confidence and knowledge, "Well, I didn't know that, but I've already found someone else willing to pay more for the unit. I can't just let her stay here."
Seonghwa remained unwavering, "I'm not suggesting that you should let the situation continue as it is, but there's a proper way to go about this. You can't just throw them out onto the street. They need time to find a new place."
He continued, "If you follow the right procedures, both parties can come to a mutually agreeable solution without any legal issues. Trust me; I know a thing or two about these matters."
The landlady hesitated, realising that your boyfriend was not to be underestimated, "Well," She muttered, "I didn't know about all that. I'll give you a week to sort things out, but that's it. The new tenant is moving in after that."
He nodded, his demeanour still steady, "Thank you, Mrs. Lee. I'm sure we can come to an arrangement within the given time frame."
You glanced at Seonghwa with gratitude in your eyes, knowing that he just bought you some valuable time to find a new place to live without the immediate pressure of eviction.
As he helped you carry your belongings back into the unit, you couldn't bear to look him in the eye. You felt ashamed and overwhelmed by your financial struggles. He knew something was wrong when you turned your gaze away from him, he sighed and gathered you into his arms.
It was the comforting, secure embrace you needed, and it didn't take long for your tears to start flowing against his shoulder. He gently pressed your head into the crook of his neck, his warm breath caressing your ear.
"Why didn't you tell me you were struggling so much financially?" He whispered softly, his heart aching as he held you.
You sobbed and pulled away slightly, your tear-streaked face revealing your vulnerability, "I'm sorry, Hwa," You choked out, "I didn't mean to hide things from you, but I really didn't want to burden you any more than I already have."
Seonghwa shook his head and cupped your tear-stained cheeks, looking into your eyes with genuine concern, "Listen to me," He said, his voice firm yet tender, "You are not a burden. I'm willing to do anything, including providing for you and Eunji. I want you to come to me for help anytime you need it, you hear me?"
Your heart swelled with emotion, and you bit your trembling lip, tears trickling out the sides of your eyes as you nodded slowly.
After you've calmed down, the two of you settled on your bed. Eunji was taking a little nap, giving you both a moment of privacy. You sat there, staring at the boxes of your belongings and feeling overwhelmed by the uncertainty of your future.
"What am I going to do?" You whispered, the weight of your situation pressing down on you.
Your boyfriend reached for your hand and gently squeezed it, "Move in with me... for good." He said with a calm tone.
You snapped your head up to meet his gaze, searching for any signs of reluctance. But all you found in his eyes was sincerity and an earnest desire to share his life with you and your niece. He leaned in, his thumb brushing your knuckles before he brought your hand to his lips and placed a tender kiss on it.
"Please," He implored, "Let me be there for you. It's why I'm here. You and Eunji, you're my everything now, and I can't possibly sit around while you're struggling. Let me take care of you."
A lump formed in your throat as you shifted closer to him, your hand moving to cup his cheek. You croaked out, "I love you, Hwa," His heart melted at your words, and he chuckled tearfully, his eyes filled with affection. He had longed to hear those three words from you, "So, is that a yes?"
You nodded, and you sealed your decision with a gentle kiss. As you pulled away slightly, he couldn't help expressing his love for you, "I love you too, so much that it drives me crazy."
A week later, you and Seonghwa stood side by side in his apartment, gazing around the transformed living space with pride. The place had undergone a subtle but significant makeover, and now it felt more like a warm and welcoming family home.
The interior had brightened considerably, with cheerful colours and playful decorations that were clearly chosen with Eunji in mind. A colourful toy box stood in one corner, overflowing with stuffed animals and games. The walls were adorned with the child's artwork, showcasing her creativity and vibrant imagination.
Your boyfriend has been more than accommodating, allowing both you and Eunji to have a say in how the place was decorated. It was a collaborative effort that turned the apartment into a reflection of your shared love.
He made it clear that he would have been content even if the place had been transformed into a Barbie-themed wonderland.
All that truly mattered was being with you and Eunji.
Eunji's squeals filled the room as you removed your hands from covering her eyes. She darted around the apartment, pointing out everything that caught her attention. Her infectious excitement made your hearts swell with happiness as she skipped from one corner to another, exploring her new home.
Seonghwa stood beside you, a contented smile gracing his face as he watched your niece's enthusiasm.
Her presence and the shared sense of belonging in this new place filled him with a profound sense of fulfilment. This was not just an apartment; it was a home, a place where your love and family could grow and flourish.
The next day in kindergarten, Eunji's excitement was infectious as she rushed around, handing out invitations to her friends and her beloved second-favourite teacher, Joy. The little ones received their invites with wide eyes and giggles, their youthful enthusiasm matching your niece's.
"Ooh, what's this?" Joy's curiosity got the better of her, and she couldn't resist opening the invitation right there.
Her initial surprise at receiving an invitation turned into a warm smile when she realised it was for your housewarming party. She found it amusing that you were celebrating in such a manner, considering it wasn't a new house but rather a symbol of the new life you, Seonghwa, and Eunji were embarking on together.
She couldn't contain her excitement as she approached Seonghwa with the invitation in hand. Her teasing tone laced with affection, "Why is it that I always have to learn these things from Eunji and not you?"
He rolled his eyes good-naturedly and chuckled, a hint of playfulness in his response, "This is exactly why. You never let me live."
She burst out laughing before getting a little more serious, "Alright, fine. I'll let you off just this once. Can I bring my boyfriend, though?" She asked, her expression eager.
Seonghwa's eyes softened, and he nodded warmly, "Of course, Joy. I'd love to finally meet the poor soul that has to endure you for the rest of his life."
She mockingly smacked his arm, feigning offence, "Yah, Park Seonghwa! I take it back, you'll suffer today."
Meanwhile, your workplace held its own share of celebrations as you handed an invitation to San, your dear friend and colleague. A broad grin stretched across his face as he read the invitation, and he threw an arm over your shoulder, playfully teasing, "Aww, I'm so proud of you, bestie. Look at you, all grown up already."
You wriggled out of his embrace before he had a chance to mess up your hair, retorting, "San, I'm literally older than you."
With a shrug, he quipped, "Does it matter? You'll always be my little baby," He playfully pouted, attempting to look pitiable. But before you could respond, your manager interrupted the exchange with a loud clearing of her throat and a disapproving glare directed at him, "Choi San, this is your last warning," He immediately straightened up and saluted, "Yes, ma'am."
As soon as your manager moved away, he couldn't resist a cheeky comment, "I'm telling you, she has the hots for me," You rolled your eyes and playfully smacked him, "You're ridiculous. If we get fired someday, I'm blaming you."
The weekend had arrived, and your housewarming party was just hours away.
Your heart swelled with happiness as you watched Seonghwa twirl Eunji around the living room. Your niece, dressed in her new Elsa costume, giggled with delight, her laughter filling the room.
While the two of them enjoyed their cute little dance, you were in the kitchen, putting the finishing touches on the food spread. The aroma of homemade dishes wafted through the air, making the atmosphere feel even more inviting.
The excitement was palpable as you glanced around the room, taking in the decorations, the array of snacks, and the cosy ambience you worked hard to create. Everything was ready, and you couldn't wait for your friends to arrive, celebrating not just a new house, but a new chapter in your life with Seonghwa and Eunji.
One by one, the guests arrived.
The first to arrive were Joy and her boyfriend, Hyoseob. You greeted them with a warm smile, "Oh Joy, I'm so happy you could make it!" She beamed in response, giving you a hug, "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Seonghwa, always quick with a teasing remark, couldn't resist the chance to rib Joy about her relationship, "Ah, you must be the famous Shin Hyoseob. Just so you know, Joy never shuts up about you, like ever." This was his chance to get her back for all the times she's relentlessly tormented him about your relationship at work.
Not long after, San arrived, and he immediately scooped up Eunji in his arms, causing her to giggle with delight.
He joined the group, and you introduced him to your boyfriend's colleague. As predicted by Seonghwa, San and Joy hit it off right away, chatting and laughing as if they'd been friends for years.
Soon, Eunji's friends began to arrive one by one, and the house filled with laughter and the joyful chaos of children running about. You would have panicked had it not been for Seonghwa and Joy's expertise in having so many kids under control, the two of them kept a constant watchful eye to ensure they didn't cause any trouble.
The party was now in full swing, and it was a heartwarming sight to see everyone come together to celebrate this special day with you and your little family.
As you sat with the adults at the dining table, your attention kept drifting to your niece, who was happily playing with her friends in the living room.
A bittersweet ache tugged at your heart as you thought about your sister and how she would feel about the life you've created for her daughter. You wondered if she was looking down on you, proud of the strength you'd shown and the love you'd poured into raising Eunji after her passing.
Just a year ago, if someone told you that your life would be this full of love and happiness, you might have thought them delusional.
But now, surrounded by all the people you loved, you felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. Your life was filled with friends who had become like family, a beautiful niece who brought joy into your world, and a man who had become your partner in this journey.
Seonghwa noticed your silence and the distant look in your eyes. He slid his hand into yours, capturing your attention as you turned to look at him, "You okay?" He asked, concern evident in his eyes. To you, he felt like a guardian angel, sent by your sister to protect you and bring happiness into your life.
You nodded and offered a small smile, "I'm fine."
He wasn't entirely convinced, but he smiled back at you and leaned in to place a gentle peck on your temple. His affectionate gesture didn't go unnoticed by your friends, who couldn't resist teasing you both, causing your cheeks to flush with a lovely shade of embarrassment.
As the party came to an end and the last of the guests had left, you began the routine of settling your niece for the night. After a warm, relaxing shower, you tucked her into bed.
Eunji grinned up at you, her eyes sparkling with excitement, "Aunty, that was the bestest party ever!" She exclaimed. You chuckled, leaning in closer to her, "Really? Are you happy?" She nodded enthusiastically, her little face glowing with happiness, "Yes, I love it very, very much!" You gently stroked her cheek and gazed at her lovingly, "And I love you very, very much."
Unbeknownst to you, Seonghwa had been quietly watching the interaction between you two from the room's entrance. His heart never failed to flutter every time he witnessed the bond between you and your niece.
Eunji let out a huge yawn, and you patted her stomach, indicating it was time for bed, "All right, off to bed with you."
The child giggled and nodded, snuggling under her blanket, "Goodnight, aunty. I love you very, very much too."
Hearing those words from her, even though she has said them many times before, touched your heart in a different way. You leaned down, brushing a soft kiss on her forehead, "Goodnight, sweetheart. I love you more." Your words held the promise of endless love and protection, and Eunji drifted off to sleep with a smile on her face.
Later that night, as you finished up your skincare routine in your shared room, Seonghwa approached you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder. His concern was evident in his voice as he spoke, "Are you alright, love?"
You smiled, appreciating how well he knew you. Pulling off your face mask and tossing it aside, you turned to face him.
"Nothing ever goes past you, huh?"
Your boyfriend shook his head, his eyes filled with understanding and affection, "Nope, not when it comes to you, you know that," You wrapped your arms around his neck, deciding to open up about what has been on your mind, "I thought about my sister a lot today."
He tightened his embrace, knowing that this was a sensitive and emotional topic for you, "I was thinking about how she'd feel if she could see where her daughter is today and if she'd be proud of me."
Moving one hand to cup your face, he spoke, "I don't need to be your sister to know that she would be so proud of you. There's no one else who could love and care for her daughter more than you." You felt your heart swell with love for the amazing man who stood before you.
As you chuckled and nuzzled into his touch, you playfully admitted, "I was also convinced that you're my guardian angel sent by her."
Seonghwa grinned, maintaining the playful tone, "Aw man, that was our secret. How did you find out?"
Your laughter filled the room, and he watched you with adoration. Once you've calmed down, you whispered, "I love you so much, Hwa. I can't believe you're really mine," He leaned in closer, his eyes filled with warmth and affection, "Well, you better believe it because I love you even more."
With those sweet words, he pressed his lips firmly onto yours, sealing your love and commitment to each other. In that tender moment, you both knew that you'd found something truly special in each other, something that would last a lifetime.
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Am I the only one who thinks Seonghwa is literally husband material? I doubt it but good GOD, does this man make me yearn for marriage and motherhood. Y'all know I'm lying to myself when I say I'm not a whole ass simp for him.
Hope y'all enjoyed and as always, would love to hear all your thoughts on the story, so feel free to leave as many replies as you want! <3
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina
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306 notes · View notes
nevertheless-moving · 2 months
Hesina Willshaper AU
Step one canon divergence: Amaram's army doesn't do the kind thing. Kaladin's listed next of kin are sent a letter stiffly informing them that their son is a deserter and, thanks to the highmarshall's mercy, has been sold into slavery.
Step two canon divergence: a light spren has started following Hesina around.
The letter reaches hearthstone.
Hesina cries the bones of the first ideal through labor pangs. Their wretched diamond lamp grows slightly dimmer during childbirth.
Hesina and Lirin discuss if there's anyway they could possibly find their son and pay his slave debt. They're not optimistic.
Hesina talks with her lightspren.
Lirin and Hesina talk again about trying to find their son, now that Oroden is starting to be weaned.
Hesina appears to have grown taller. No one but the two of them seem to be aware but they're worried other future changes might be more noticeable.
Hesina and Lirin realize that she can mold rock as if it was clay with stormlight. A spark of hope for freeing their son emerges.
The two leave town.
They find a slave market in the nearest city. They see other parent's sons, but not their own.
Hesina swears to free those in bondage. Stormlight starts coming easier.
They make a tunnel. Rebellion follows. Lirin is horrified by the violence (the violence is not actually that bad all things considered. a couple guards dead. some bystanders frightened. Fair amount of property damage as they rob the military barracks food supply, steal every sphere that's not nailed down. and also steal the spheres that are nailed down. (Lirin won't admit it but the stealing from lamps part is kindof fun.)).
Many of those they freed flee. Some return to slavery willingly, scared of retribution. Many decide to follow the Radiant woman who has vowed to see others like them freed.
The group proceed to the next town. They find another slave market. They make a tunnel. There is more resistance than last time, clearly they were warned something might happened. Hesina kills a man.
Lirin is terrified by what his wife is becoming.
Hesina swears to shelter those without homes. The lightspren forms an unbreakable hammer, perfect for knocking crem free from buildings. And for knocking down men.
A now larger motley group seeks shelter in a mountain town razed in one of Alethkar's many skirmishes over the last decades. Hesina builds homes. Lirin begs her to stay here, to stop fighting before she goes to far down this path, not to go to war. The slaves they've freed are split, many wanting to stay, hide, some wanting to fight and free more, with a radiant at their head, there's a real chance to change things. Hesina lingers, practicing, spends some time falling in and out of shadesmar.
Lirin and Hesina separate.
Lirin stays with Oroden and the noncombatants. Hesina leads those who want to fight to another city, still trying to find their son, still trying to free everyone's children.
The town settles into a routine. Hesina and Lirin miss one another. This is the first time they've gone longer than two days without seeing each other in the last 25 years, and the two days was only when Lirin had to travel to where someone had overturned a cart on the road nearby and Hesina had to stay and watch the children, too young to travel. besides that, it had been every day. they keep turning to talk to each other.
While the army is gone, the free town is attacked by those trying to reclaim her property.
Hesina swims deliberately through shadesmar for the first time. reaches lirin just in time.
Lirin accepts that not fighting won't stop the violence. (It breaks him just a little bit)
Hesina shouts that one person's freedom ends where another's begins. She vows to fight against powers which would rather see their people in cages then homes. A thousand light spren rise up to grant her strength.
(yes I know she's moving fast through the oaths. but she's always been a thoughtful woman and she raised two children who asked difficult questions and now shes mother to another several hundred. honestly she had already worked through some of these concepts before they became actionable on such a grand scale.)
Lirin vows to support his wife through whatever trials the Almighty seems inclined to put her through.
The lightspren, who has started to get some memories back, remembers Oathgate Spren not terribly far from here by physical realm measurements, guarding a hidden human city
the stone remembers the way the radiants once traveled.
The path to a kingdom in the sky is slow — there are many cages to break on the way.
Kaladin doesn't know it right away, because people weren't exactly telling slaves about the freedom riots, but slave wagons start having harder and harder times reaching the shattered planes after him.
Someone mocks Lirin for having a wife so determined to pursue the masculine art of war. Lirin gets pissy and decides to show them by learning to read and write to help support the administrative side of his wife's kingdom wide asskicking.
The highprinces lead a fairly successful misinformation campaign about the slave riots, lots of accusations of rampant violence, the dregs of society lashing out, you can probably imagine
The ongoing rebellion is large enough that word trickles to the bridge crews, encouraging bridge four's hope for escaping, while also making it substantially more daunting, as the crews are even better guarded than canon.
Rumors of a female radiant swirl around. Most people assume it's a woman in shardplate with some sort of tunneling fabrial, which is still pretty crazy, but several major players Take Note
A very large and tired huddled mass of people reach Urithiru. there's just enough squires, and two new willshapers with their own oaths, to make tunnels through the shattered planes and reach the oathgate without being seen by the alethi armies
the parshendi army is another story, but some are willing to take a chance listening to the neshua kadal, and come with them.
The political implications of Dalinar freeing 1000 slaves is slightly more complex, especially considering the rebellions have been impacting Sadeas the hardest
About a week after being freed, Kaladin hires a spanreed intermediary to write home and find out if his hometown is alright (again, a lot of misinformation and rumors about the violence of the riots)
Is informed by Laral that his family left town looking for him shortly before the riots started, were presumed dead
Kaladin is under the impression that 1) his parents are dead because of him 2) the Rebellion is not the righteous fallback plan that he and the men were hoping it was.
Hesina has many reasons to go to the shattered planes. Nearest part of the trade network for food and necessary goods. Many slaves to be freed from there, and a part of her still hopes to find her son, even thought its been so long. Home of Alethkar's political leaders, the source of Alethkar's slavery.
I have spent. A LOT of time imagining many possible reunions between kaladin and his mom in my highly specific high oath hesenia au. She has a couple faces she could wear when visiting the planes. Brightlady. Radiant. Cagebreaker. Queen of Urithiru (not her real title, they're tentatively trying the Listener council model, but they know what the Alethi will understand). Even darkeyed mother, if she and Lirin approach slowly from a different direction. Honestly, pleased as I am with all of the above, a lot is flexible, the key here is kaladin going "MOM??" In some fashion One possible Reunion Here
Thank you @sorchasolas for conversation and the urithiru ideas and for leading me to actually write all this down <3
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sukirichi · 2 days
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— when your greatest love throws itself at you at a time you’re not meant for it, do you risk it all, or keep your peace?
content/warnings: romance, angst, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, unrequited love (misunderstanding), emotional cheating, has a timeskip, modern au. unedited.
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Deep into August, the sun extends its arms over the horizon to caress your bare legs. Your arm is thrown across your face to shield you from the sun, the narrowed eyes contrasting with the equally blinding grin you wore. Toes curled into the sand, you buried yourself deeper into the lap of the person as grim as the dark shades he wore, a handsome frown visible on his agitated face. You couldn’t help but smile wider and reach up to pluck the shades from his nose, appreciating that he accompanied you to the beach despite being uncomfortable with crowds.
“Am I deep winter or smooth spring?”
Brows furrowing, he licks his lower lip before closing his book, the tip of his index finger squeezed between the pages. Sweat trickled down his skin, sure to have the ink staining his damp fingers until the words slowly tattooed itself onto his skin. Sitting up, you steal his free hand into yours and watch as Xiao’s gaze zeroes on your fingers looping through his, cheeks tinted red either from the heat or your gesture.
“You’re summer August, and I’m deep winter,” he answers vaguely, retracting his hand before shielding his eyes with the shades sat at your lap. “Does that answer your question?”
“It does, but I have another one. Why am I summer August?”
Xiao’s nose scrunched–a rather adorable sight, if you were asked. “You’re warm. If the color yellow or orange became a person, it would’ve been you. Bright. Radiant,” the concentration on his face mirrored the ones he wore when working. You wish he’d relax a little bit on your rare day off’s–the sun is out, children are laughing around, and there’s a nearby shaved ice stand; everything is beautiful in this moment but you can’t find it in yourself to reprimand Xiao’s stoicism.
There’s warmth pooling in his eyes, one you only witness when you’re in his presence.
It makes your heart skip a beat until it comes tumbling down the hill of unrealistic thoughts over the hopeless desire that maybe one day, he’ll like you back.
“Stop looking at me like that.”
Smirking, you wiggle your eyebrows and tease him. “Like what?”
“I don’t know! You look weird, like... like–”
“Like I want to absolutely kiss you right now?” Because you did. His cute little hat sits on top of his head so endearingly that you so badly want to take a picture. You want to stare at him a little longer, admire the redness spreading from his nose to his cheeks, watch the way his lower lip curls into his mouth each time he gets flustered, and burn the image of him at the back of your brain.
Xiao, your best friend since the first August of university, and the man you’ve always foolishly pined for despite his constant rejection.
Still, you trail around him like a lost puppy, ignoring his confused yet shy stares each time you announced your presence, and basically decided that you were now going to be his friend, which is the best decision of your life. Xiao isn’t someone you needed to get out of his shell; you had to learn how to enjoy the silence of his life, and respect it.
It’s entirely contradictory to your summer August bumbling self. You’re clumsy where he is always ready to catch you. He’s firm when you are swaying side to side after enjoying too many mimosas from the beach bar. He’s quiet and forever gentle in tucking you under the covers before pressing a kiss to your forehead, and you think of how his lips are summer August hot when it comes to contact with your skin. You think about the young man who sees himself as deep winter, clad in the knitted sweaters you had given him as a gift walk through your door, and hesitantly looks around as if he hasn’t been here a hundred times before.
Where he is deep winter and stiff as a rock when you dance with him under the Christmas lights, you’re the bonfire easing him to relax his muscles, and just enjoy the beat. “We look silly dancing,” he says, then follows up on how he doesn’t like being less of what he deems proper.
But he dances. He twirls you and smiles whilst you laugh, cuts the cheese and swirls the wine in the glass while you drunkenly send him flying kisses – you’re as passionate as he is emotionally numb, and he is the muted version of all your raging emotions.
Whereas you are the definite yes, he is the hesitant no.
“If you’re going to tell me you love me again, thank you. I love you too, but you’ve been babbling it non-stop for the entire night. I think I get your point.”
“Do you?” you giggle, mouth hid behind your hand before you grow more serious, head tilted to the side. “Do you truly? If I said I love you right now, and I’ve always been in love with you, are you still going to reject me?”
Xiao’s frown deepens even more. “There’s nothing to be loved about me.” “There’s plenty.”
“Maybe that’s just you,” he shrugs nonchalantly, “The familiarity of having me around might be confusing you. We’re best friends, but that’s all there is. I don’t really see any logical reason for you to develop such deep, sincere feelings for me when I’m not even an ideal lover, so if I were to reject you, it’s not because I don’t want you. A relationship with me would just ruin our friendship, and...”
“Complicate things?”
“Complicate things, yeah.”
“But would you let me love you?”
He doesn’t respond right away. He mulls over it–you can tell by the slight pinch of his brow, the way his back droops down as he stares at the ground as if to ask himself if he’s even worthy of the affection you badly wanted to give him. The only problem is he doesn’t see this. Not just with you, but with everyone else. Xiao is deep winter; reclusive, cold, unaffectionate. It’s impossible for him to see himself the way you do.
“I think you’re drunk, so I don’t take you seriously,” is his response after several beats, hooking his arms under your armpits to guide you back into your room. “Sleep it out. Then we’ll talk.”
You never have that talk. The unspoken words hang like the mistletoe in the air which Xiao deliberately ignores. Head hung low, lips pursed and pale as if locks held back the truth he wished to convey and begged to set free. But Xiao was the living epitome of self restraint–he quietly slithers next to you in bed instead when he thinks you’re asleep, unaware that you’ve steadied your breathing through the drunken haze–and says nothing else.
No I love you’s like you wish to hear.
But there goes his face slowly moving next to yours, his lips pressed at the top of your hair as his gentle hands reach for the blanket to cover your chest. Arms snaking through your waist to hold you close when close is not close enough, and the space does nothing but grow wider the harder your heart yearns, you begin to close your eyes.
This moment will not last. Moments are called such for they are fleeting and experienced shortly, yet lives on forever in faulty memories that eventually fades away. So you clutch it and engrave it to your bone–the shape of his body next to yours, the foolish hopes tying you to a future where it couldn’t exist–and desperately hope that you get to keep at least this minute where you feel his heart caged with yours.
And when his side of the bed (your bed, truthfully, but he’ll always have a place next to you) grows cold in the middle of the night, and his shoes disappears besides yours on the porch, the true winter begins and August ebbs away.
The ice melts.
Not a peep could be heard in the deep winter. There’s nothing but warmth emanating from the remnants of his vulnerability, which for once, you liked to believe he also feels the same way even when he’s not yours.
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You believe people will always have that love which never comes for them no matter how hard you chase for it. You could go to the ends of the earth, bang on someone’s door, go down on your knees and make promises of the happiness you can ensure, but all is useless when the house is empty. There is nobody to open the door. No one to welcome you when you walk through the space, or arms to fall into after a long day. The lavatory would be too spacious for a single person when it could fit two pairs of hips standing next to each other as you brush your teeth together.
But there is Thoma, and the house has never been more brightly lit than you’ve ever seen it. It doesn’t have to be Christmas deep in winter when fairy lights are strewn everywhere, giving a magical aura to an even more stunning home decorated by framed photographs of you and him on walls like you were his proudest memory. And you are.
From the moment you’ve met Thoma, it’s been summer all year throughout. His kisses are heated as they are honey-like. The words he spoke are like poetry blotted in brown paper with the promise of a lip stain on a napkin corner. He is perfect and real, and loves you more than you could ever imagine yourself to be loved, and you are getting married.
Wedding preparations, amidst its chaos and stress inducing events, felt fulfilling. You and Thoma would be occupied day and night planning things to perfection, followed by a kiss on the cheek to reassure you nothing had to be extravagant if you wouldn’t prefer it. You’re already perfect, your fiancé would whisper between exchanged breaths, there’s nothing you need to worry about. But his efforts leave the opposite effect when your fingers land on a certain invitation printed with a name that has been echoing in your head for years.
Cruel as it may be, you begin to wonder if you’ve fully mourned the loss of someone who has never been yours.
“Wow. You’re getting married.”
“Yeah, I am.
Before you, your best friend, Xiao sits. He’s clad in a suit, all firm lines smoothed into perfection with every move of his muscle as he leant back in his seat.
You couldn’t fathom the emotions flittering through his handsome face. A pinch of the brow, his lower lip jutting out, index finger anxiously tapping at the table as if to call your attention to the empty finger just a space beside it. And truly, you’re as cruel as you can be, hiding your uncontrollable smile by ducking your chin at the thought he’s been unmarried this entire time.
“I… I didn’t know you were dating, but congratulations. I’m happy for you.”
“Thank you,” you respond almost robotically, since everyone seems to repeat the same phrase over and over again until it got tiring. “I would really love if you were our best man. Thoma’s best friend, Ayato, was the original best man but I requested if it could be you instead since the maid of honors are already Thoma and Ayato’s friends. It would’ve been nice if I could have you there.”
Xiao offers a tight lipped smile. The years that have passed start to show in his face, yet his beauty only sinks deeper within his bones. Shoulders broad enough with the strength to carry the entire world from it, lips thin and perhaps just as soft as you envision if you’ve only ever kissed it – seeing him again after how long felt surreal. Unfathomable. So much has changed, yet you still stayed the same. Fighting the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl whenever your crush was in your presence, and him being completely oblivious to your affection.
The only difference now is that you’re to be wed, and for the first time ever, Xiao looks mildly displeased at something you say. “Sure, of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Your gut tells you he doesn’t mean it. Thoma’s face disappears for a moment at the back of your mind, and your belly churns as you lean forward. You shouldn’t be prying into other people’s lives when you’re about to spend your entire one with another. It’s common sense, yet you’ve not always been the brightest when you smile up at him fondly again, heart aching beneath your clothes it became difficult to breathe.
All because your silly heart still longs for the one person you can’t have.
“So how have you been?” is nothing but a silly excuse of tell me everything I missed. Let’s condense the years into this few minutes the universe allows us before the time stops ticking and we need to part our separate ways again. Tell me, from the slightest detail of your most mundane day, and I’ll listen.
“The same as always. I’m doing just fine.”
“Are you happy?”
“I’m content.”
“Those two things are different.”
Xiao shakes his head in amusement; you still haven’t gotten rid of that stubborn head sititng between your shoulders. “Not much has changed about me or my life, Y/N. There’s nothing exciting to tell,” one of his shoulders lift in a shrug before he gestures to you, “You’re getting married, though, and I didn’t hear or see this coming at all. It sounds like you have more stories to tell than I do.”
“I’ve always tried telling you about Thoma, you were just… busy. All the time.”
You were never there, but Thoma was. Resentment and hurt leaves a bitter taste in your tongue that Thoma’s sugary lips could barely coat them between kisses.
“We’re grown adults. We both have jobs. You understand my line of work is demanding and I can’t give you dating advice whenever you need it. Not to mention, I’m not the best to approach for those kinds of things considering my lack of experience.”
“I wasn’t going to ask for that, I just wanted to talk to my best friend.”
Xiao takes a moment to study your face. Pursing his lips, he gives you an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry. I should’ve made more time for you.”
Silence hangs in the air. So much time has been wasted–you’ve graduated university, established your own careers, and have had your fair share of meeting and leaving people who come into your life. Xiao, on the other hand, simply drifted off into thin air. Hanging out at the beach no longer seemed like a possible occurrence when it’s been tradition, and you eventually had to get used to being left on delivered. There’s a magnanimous amount of gaps left in between these spaces, and you want to be greedy. You want him to be in every page you’ve written, every ending you’ve created, if only he was there. But he wasn’t. Thoma was, and he’s colored your canvas in colors you haven’t seen before when your summer August only knew the silence of deep winter.
The what if’s linger deep until it settles onto the blank snow, blanketing you both with the thoughts of what could’ve been if Xiao had only replied to your texts one by one.
Would Thoma have remained in your life? Would you be getting married to someone you never expected to meet? Would you have slowly forgotten what the beach looked like since there’s no point digging your feet in the sand when you didn’t have Xiao who constantly nagged you to stay still?
All these rhetorical questions, and Xiao still manages to take you aback when he chuckles to himself, the sound dry and exhausted. The shoulders who carried the weight of the world sags in defeat. “You know, it’s funny. I always imagined I’d be marrying you.”
The world crashes. The café you met up in goes silent, the people moving about rooting frozen from their spots yet your tea goes cold from the forever of beats that passed between words.
“I remember you were always teasing me when we were younger. I thought it was cute, and I often dreamed that we’d end up together, but now you’re getting married and it’s far from everything I expected,” glancing at your engagement ring and the invitation letter sitting hauntingly between you, Xiao falters in his words. “But… I am happy for you. I can’t be happier now that I know you’re with a good man.”
“What… how… how can you say that, Xiao? Do you really have no idea how much I love you?”
“What do you mean?” he laughs nervously, “You were messing around back then.”
“I wasn’t. I meant every word I said.”
Shrugging, he looks down at his coffee with a frown so forlorn he embodies deep winter with not a warm body around to keep him company. “None of it matters now, does it? You are to be married, and I’ll go back to living my life once this all passes.”
“Passes? You think everything is that easy?”
“I don’t know what you want me to do, Y/N. Our feelings are exactly just that; feelings. They’ll come and go,” Xiao reassures, but it sounds like he’s trying to convince himself more than you. “You’re about to be married, and I want nothing but for you to be happy. Thoma is the kindest man you’ll ever meet so you’ll live a great life. You don’t need to look at me like that–you haven’t lost a thing.”
You haven’t lost a thing.
Not at all. How could you ever lose something you were never quite certain was yours to begin with? But now, it rested at the palm of your hands. Curled up like an innocent creature soaking up the warmth of your fingers until you’d been bled dry and iced to the bone, the rhythm of your heart bringing back to life what had never been dead, rather frozen in time.
“If it’s meant to pass, then why have I been in love with you for as long as I can remember?”
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“Hey, welcome home!” Thoma greets the moment you enter your shared apartment, helping you get rid of your boots and hang your coat while you stare at the ground numbly. “How was your meeting with your friend? Did everything go well? Come tell me all about it through dinner–I made your favorite.”
You lean against the wall for support.
Your life is perfect. Every sane person would die for what you have: a loving, handsome fiancé who comes home early everyday to cook the food he knows you like, a cozy place to spend forever in, the scent of almond tofu screaming home and comfort. And then there’s Thoma, eagerly setting up the table and taking a chair for you when he notices you standing idly by the doorway, his smile creasing into worry as you swallow audibly.
He could tell from just one look of your face that tonight isn’t as good as he hoped. “Thoma…”
He’s beside you in the blink of an eye. Wrapping you in his strong arms, your fiancé rubs his hand up and down your back, easing you as the tears release like a broken damn. “Oh, darling, what’s wrong?”
“Thoma, there’s something I need to tell you,” you pull back, using the hem of your sleeves to wipe away the tears. He’s so beautiful, so kind that you couldn’t have possibly have the heart to hurt him. But your heart belongs to someone else, and you can’t lie to an honest man. He deserves the truth and the truth you tell, nails digging at your thighs as each word that comes out of your mouth drives a knife deeper into his soul. You tell him how you’ve never moved on from a summer love, from an eternal longing, to this craving of a person who left a hole in your heart in which only they could fill.
And you can’t do anything except let Thoma take a step back from you, furiously blinking back the tears that threatened to push through. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Thoma sniffles. “Hey,” he tilts your chin up, warm eyes glistening.
The sight of him, so forgiving even without his words, still so gentle in the way he caresses your cheeks like you hadn’t just stomped on his heart a thousand times nearly made you question if you’re doing the right thing. You wait for it, the hesitance, the slight skip of your heart signaling when a bad decision was to be made, yet there’s none. Nothing but silence lingers at the back of your mind now that Xiao’s face lingers as it has been since the day you learn to love a little more and hope a little less.
“I’ve always known.”
“At the back of my mind, I always knew there must be someone else. You always felt so… distant. You didn’t quite see me in the times you looked at me, and I wondered if you were imagining someone else before you. I won’t deny that I’m hurt and it would take me a while to recover, but you’ve seen me, Y/N,” delicately, he slips off the ring off his fingers and tucks it into your palm, hidden and stored away for eternity like a promise meant to be broken. “This is the first time you’ve let me meet you as you are. So go to him; I won’t hold you back.”
Bringing your fist to your lips, you attempt to muffle your sobs. “I-if you knew the whole time, why did you p-propose to me?”
Thoma smiles, his eyes crinkling. “I love you, and I hoped you felt the same.” “But what about us?”
“Don’t worry about that anymore,” he rises to his feet, his car keys spinning around his finger as he turns to you with a bright, wistful grin. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go find your best friend.”
He doesn’t need to say more before you’re reaching for his outstretched hand, the gesture as familiar as breathing and your hand fitting perfectly with Thoma’s. You hold on extra tight when you beam up at him, both from disappointment and excitement, the both of you aware this is going to be the last time you’d ever hold each other this close. So you hold onto him for dear life as he opens the car door for you, revs the engine like you’re running out of time and perhaps you are, because Xiao always seems to be slipping through your fingertips and you’re not deep August under the blazing heat of the sun anymore.
It’s deep winter. The snow is getting thicker with each passing minute, the road covered in white until the snow begins to flake in your lashes when you step out the car.
Xiao lingers outside his apartment, his breath coming out in small, heated puffs with his brows knitted in thought. When he hears the crunching of your boots, his head spins to your direction, eyes wide at the breathless figure of you. “You,” he breathes out, blinking aghast as Thoma leans over the car door with a supportive smile. He pieces two and two together, and laughs in disbelief. “You’re insane–”
“Xiao, I’m in love with you. I always have been, but now I don’t want to let you go now that I know what you feel. You… you’re all I ever wanted. I couldn’t possibly imagine what my life would be like without you.”
His lips thin. It’s enough to make your heart lose hope again–you’ve seen this scenario happen to you before, how he shuts himself off the world after convincing himself he’s not worth the affection and love people give him. He calls himself names, degrades himself into a smaller, lesser being who’d be best off alone before people realize he’s not as great as people make it out to be. The solace of never seeing people frown at him has been the only way he’s ever known life, but you ever so lovingly smiling up at him since the day you met makes him feel this is a risk he can take.
Maybe now, it’s time to let his walls crumble and let the ice thaw, to let deep August bring warmth to his life.
Studying your ring-free finger, Xiao lets his shoulders drop before crushing you into an embrace. “You’re too damn stubborn, you know that?” he rasps into your ear, and you wrap your arms around him, the biting cold making it painful to cry–the world’s own way of telling you there should be no gloom on the day you’ve always been waiting for. “You forced your way into my heart and I don’t think I can ever close it for you again.”
“Don’t you dare,” you sniffle into his shoulders, “I’m staying with you until you don’t want me anymore.”
Xiao knows he’s never said it before. Every night, he tosses and turns in his sleep, replaying the memories of his youth where he rejects your not-so subtle confessions of love. Even as he grows older and his eyes grow more weary, there’s still that young man inside of him hoping it’s real. He runs away and hides in little corners in hopes he’d get you off his mind. Too afraid of the hurt love might bring, and this is the first time he can confidently say, “I’m not going anywhere. I stay right where you are.”
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lina-linny · 2 months
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summary: One day you meet Yunho in the café where you work and as something develops between you, you wonder if he will still love you if he knows you have a little daughter.
words: 4k
genre: fluff, angst, non idol au
I hastily tied my apron around my hips, grabbed my notepad and hurried behind the counter.
A smile immediately played around my lips as I greeted the first customer. My shift at the café had just started.
The café where I worked was small and inconspicuous. It was in the corner of a small and crowded street and, despite its small size, was always packed with people.
I had lost a little piece of my heart to this place, and to the people who made up this place. I loved smiling at customers when they entered the café or having a regular's order ready before they could even order because I could read what they wanted on their faces. I loved the packed bookshelves, the food and my little daughter when she played with the cats in the café looking like the little angel she was. I also loved a certain person who always sat in a certain spot in front of the window that had always been empty before.
I smiled as this person waved excitedly at me. Just a few months ago, I would never have believed that such sunshine would ever reach my heart or the café.
A few months earlier:
I was finishing the order for Mrs. Lee, an older lady who always smiled kindly at me and usally tipped more as appropriate, when he entered the café.
The man was in his mid-20s, with a friendly face hidden under a mask and brown hair covered by a cap. His clothes were neat, simple and black to gray, while everyone else in the café looked colorful and thrown together. He looked like he was from another world, he didn't belong here. Everything in this café was jumbled and thrown together, but he was neat and orderly.
He took a seat at the table in front of the window and stood out among the grandmas playing cards and the small children stroking a cat as much as a rose among daisies.
After bringing Mrs. Lee her muffin with a cup of tea, I walked towards his table. When I stopped in front of him, he looked straight into my eyes and smiled. My heart beat faster against my chest and I had to pull myself together to behave normally.
"Hey… ahm…. Would you like to order something?" I stuttered.
"An iced americano, please." He smiled at me and I nodded before disappearing behind the counter. My cheeks burned when I brought him the drink a little later. He grinned and did something that took me off guard.
"Hey, I'm Yunho by the way. I asked your colleague over there. She said your shift ends in five minutes. Would you mind sitting with me for a bit?"
My face burned and I thought about it for a moment, then I nodded. I looked down at the floor, a little embarrassed, but I could still see his excited glow.
"Well, then I'll see you soon." He said happily and I stumbled away a little confused.
He was right. My shift was over now and I took off my apron and leaned against the wall in the warehouse for a moment.
"Calm down yn." I commanded myself. It wasn't even his good looks that made me so nervous. It was his charisma, this excited, almost childlike and his radiant smile. I took a deep breath and then went to him and sat down at the table opposite to him.
When I went to bed that day, I fell asleep with a smile on my face. We had talked and laughed until my colleague had to kick us out because the café had to close. He made me laugh more than anyone ever had and yet I felt like I could talk to him about the deepest secrets of my heart.
He had insisted on taking me home and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead to say goodbye. The whole thing was an incredible cliché and yet I left him as a blushing mess.
That was the first time this sunshine entered my heart. He knocked gently and crept further and further in until it felt as if he had always been there.
And so the months passed. Yunho came to my little café every day. Almost every day I stayed and we talked together. When I was with him, I was physically unable to be sad. I had never laughed so much in my life. I had learned that Yunho would do anything to make me laugh, to make my day light up at least for a moment.
He made my whole day at the café brighter with our little conversations, his laughter echoing through the room when I said something funny and the little touches we shared throughout the day. A long hug to say hello and goodbye, how he would take my smaller and petite hand in his big one and not let go until I had to leave and how sometimes he would just come up behind me while I was leaning against the counter and hug me from behind.
I smiled. I spent every spare minute at his table, after my shift we often went for walks together or out to eat in restaurants and even when we were already home we texted late into the night.
I was happier than I had ever been in my life and didn't realize how I was losing my heart more and more to this good-natured boy. How I fell more and more, or maybe I did notice it but acted selfishly and allowed my soul to merge more and more with his.
We spent more and more time together after work. We went for walks and resaurants. Deep down, I was aware that we were dating, that we were heading more and more towards a relationship and yet I let it happen. Even though I was worried about my daughter, I suppressed it deep in my thoughts.
And so it finally came to the inevitable situation. Like so many evenings before, we sat on a bench by the river and talked. I held the flowers that Yunho had given me in my hand and pulled my knees to my chest. Yunho rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped an arm around me.
"I have something for you." Yunho murmured, suddenly getting all excited and happy. He broke away from me to rummage in his pocket. He made a cute noise when he finally found what he was looking for and pulled a small box out of his pocket. Excitedly, he placed the box in my hand. I opened it with a smile and my breath caught a little when I saw the contents.
It was a small ring. But not just any ring. It was the counterpart to the gold ring that Yunho wore every day.
"My grandma gave me the two rings once. She told me to keep the second ring and give it to the person I give my heart to. That way, everyone knows that I belong to you and you belong to me." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but look at him, overwhelmed.
I've always been bad at showing others how grateful I was for gifts and stuff like this. How did I show others that it meant so much to me that they had given me this gift? But this time the solution seemed incredibly simple.
I leaned forward and stopped just before our lips touched. Yunho closed the gap between the two of us and I smiled into the kiss. I had to hold on to him because I could literally feel the love sparking back and forth between us. It pulsed between us like a ticking time bomb that would soon blow up.
It scared me and yet I didn't do the slightest thing to stop it. Our souls were one. Two long-lost parts that had found each other again and would always find each other again, through time and space. They could not be separated. They were meant for each other. Destined to perform a tender dance with their lips, to move in unison to a music of heartbeats.
We loved each other and I knew that I wouldn't be able to keep this love with me. He would leave, like everyone before him. Because I was not alone. Because I had a daughter. The bomb would explode sooner or later and blow our hearts to smithereens
"What do you mean the kindergarten is closed?" I moaned into the phone. Normally Hannah, my little girl, was at kindergarten until the afternoon. However, I usually worked until then, so my mother looked after my little angel until I got off work.
But then the kindergarten director called me and told me that the kindergarten was closed today due to a flu epidemic and my mother was away today.
I sighed and called my boss's number. Maybe I could take Hannah to work with me. She's always been a quiet child and wouldn't cause any trouble. My boss assured me that it was no problem for me to bring Hannah with me, so I woke up my little angel and told her that she was going to the café with me today.
She was incredibly happy and put on her blue fairy wings and her favorite dress to celebrate the day. I gave her a kiss on the forehead, whereupon she giggled and promised to be very quiet for me while I worked in the café.
I packed her favorite picture books and toys in my bag to keep her occupied and grabbed my little princess to walk with her to the café.
Out of a selfish thought, I hoped that Yunho wouldn't come to the café today. Because by now I had admitted to myself how I felt about him and I didn't want this thing between us to end. Because it would end as soon as he realized that I had a child.
No man in his early 20s wanted to date a woman who already had a child. Everyone wanted their own child or saw the child as a disruption or obstacle and Hannah wasn't a disruption. She deserved all my love and more. I would always choose my daughter over romantic affairs or anything like that. I didn't get my hopes up anymore, even if I loved Yunho, I would end it.
No matter what there was between us. It would end because it had no future anyway. No one had "taken" me and Hannah together, none of the guys I had dated wanted me with a child. And no matter how good-natured Yunho was, I couldn't imagine him doing it. He was young. He had choices. Why would he take me when he could have anyone else without a child or "complications"? I was so sure he would see Hannah as a problem just like the others and was ready to push him away because of it. I would go through any heartbreak to spare my daughter the feeling of constant rejection. My daughter comes first always.
We arrived at the café and Hannah obviously sensed that I wasn't feeling well, so she hugged me as best she could from her height. I hugged her back. Then I disengaged and unlocked the café.
That's when he entered the door like every day. Yunho beamed at me, but I couldn't bring myself to smile back.
My heart would break today. He held it in his hand and handled it with care like no one had ever done before. He stroked and caressed it with his loving touch and this time it wasn't my lover who scratched the scratches in my heart and squeezed it until it burst and he could enjoy the shards. It was me. I was the monster who let my own heart shatter piece by piece. Because I didn't know any different.
I had been avoiding going to Yunho's table and taking his order for five minutes. But now I pulled myself together. Yunho waited patiently for me and smiled.
"Hey!" he beamed.
"hi…" I looked down at the floor and tried to be as dismissive as possible.
"Do you want to sit with me?"
"No… There's too much going on. I have to stay at the counter." I said quietly. We both knew it was an excuse. Apart from Yunho, there was only Mrs. Lee and her friends in the café, who were meeting up to play go today.
Yunho looked at me in confusion. I remained silent and looked at the floor until I felt someone tugging at my trouser leg. I looked at my little angel Hannah. She was holding out a picture she had drawn with her pencils and a pretty little bunch of flowers consisting of daisies and some grass. She must have just picked the flowers in the meadow outside the café.
"For you mommy! You looked so sad today. I want you to smile again. That's why I picked you flowers and painted us both with dad." Said the little girl.
Hannah didn't know that her father had left me when she was two months old because he didn't want to have a child yet. I had told her that her father no longer loved me and that was why I had left. I didn't want her to grow up thinking that her father didn't want her.
Hannah had said to me one day that she didn't have a father and so she had decided that someone would be her father one day. She herself would choose who deserved to be her dad and because she wanted a dad, her teddy bear would stand in as her dad until she found a better one. In her little drawing, a stick figure version of me was standing hand in hand with Hannah and the teddy bear was sitting next to us.
But to Yunho it must have looked like I was still with Hannah's "dad" and had a daughter with him. A normal family with a daughter. Whose mother he had flirted with until yesterday and she had flirted with him too.
I looked at Yunho, in whose eyes I saw exactly what I had feared. I had to look away, I could no longer see that hurt expression on his face. Maybe it was for the best. If he thought I was married or at least had a husband, then perhaps he would be able to let go more easily than if I "dumped" him without explanation. I love you. I love you. I love you! I screamed inwardly as I said
"I can't see you anymore." I couldn't look at him without bursting into tears so I turned away without another word, taking Hannah in my arms, who looked back and forth between me and Yunho in confusion.
If I looked back, I would see Yunho with silent tears streaming down his cheeks. He sniffled and hastily packed up his things to rush out of the café.
If he turned around, he would see me hugging my little Hannah and looking at my broken heart. My soul ached as I cried like I had never cried before. No one had ever broken my heart like I had just now.
one week later
Yunho 18:32: "Hey can we talk. I know you didn't want to meet me anymore and I'm sure your husband won't be happy about it either, but I need to talk to you one last time. Please meet me at the café at 7pm."
I had been staring at this message for ages. My heart was pulsing. It wanted him. Maybe I should explain everything to him. Like I actually wanted to do. Maybe he would love me anyway.
I shook my head. I couldn't leave. Hannah would be home alone otherwise and my little princess was still scared of being home alone. But my heart cried out for him. I owed it to him. I was responsible for my own pain. I had inflicted it on myself. But he couldn't help it. At least he deserved the truth.
Y/n 6:43 pm: Can you come to my house? I can't leave my daughter alone."
I didn't get a reply to my message, but at 7 p.m. the doorbell rang. I got up from the sofa, but Hannah was quicker. She opened the door and looked up at Yunho. She giggled
"You're so huge." Yunho gave a pained smile.
"Hannah can you please go to your room. I need to talk to Yunho ok?" Hannah nodded and hopped into her room. Then I turned to Yunho. He looked almost as horrible as I did and it was my fault. I hated myself for taking the light from the sun. All joy had disappeared from his face.
"Come on in. I think we should sit down." I whispered. He just nodded and I led him to our dining table. We sat down opposite each other and I looked sheepishly at the tabletop.
"Isn't your husband home?" Yunho asked quietly.
"I don't have a husband." I sighed. I would tell him everything and not because I hoped to get something out of it. But because he deserved to know the truth.
"Hannah's father left us when she was a few months old. I haven't had anyone since then… Hannah calls her teddy her dad. She always says that until she finds a new one, the teddy is her dad…. She drew a picture of us and the teddy in the café." We were both silent and, if I wasn't mistaken, I saw a spark of hope in Yunho's eyes.
"So… why did you say we couldn't meet anymore?" I sighed again and ran my hands over my face a little desperately.
"You know, whenever a guy starts dating me. He might want to date me, but as soon as he finds out I have a child, they disappear again. I'm 24 and have a 5-year-old child. Men my age want to start their own family. They want to father their own child. Or no family at all. All the men I've dated since then have either disappeared immediately or seen Hannah as a burden. But she's not. She's not a burden. She's my little angel and no matter who I'm with they have to treat her as well as she deserves… But the difference with you was that I never really loved any of those men. But you…. Yunho I love you… I'm terribly sorry that I hurt you. I'm not a very good mother, but I'm just trying to protect Hannah as best I can." Tears shimmered in my eyes.
Yunho had been listening to me carefully the whole time and now smiled sadly.
"If you let me into your life, if you give me a chance, I will promise you that I will love Hannah as much as I love you. I…"
I started to cry.
"I don't know if I deserve this." I sobbed and Yunho wrapped me in his arms. He shook his head slightly.
"Of course you deserve this. Please, … let me love you." I buried my face in the crook of his neck and nodded. We stayed like that for a few moments. Then he broke away from me. He looked deep into my eyes and slowly leaned forward towards me.
"Can… I kiss you?" Yunho asked and I nodded.
Slowly he leaned in further and our lips met and immediately we felt that familiar feeling again. We moved in unison and our souls melted together more and more. My skin burned and my lips throbbed. While Yunho kissed me tenderly and caressed my lips, I clung to his arm. Fearful that he would simply disappear again.
But he stayed. He stayed the whole evening. He picked up the pieces of our broken hearts and glued them together into one. My heart healed with every fleeting kiss he pressed to my lips in the weeks that followed, every time I watched Yunho playing with Hannah, watching them laugh.
My mother no longer had to pick Hannah up from kindergarten every day. Yunho did that. He picked up our princess and took her to the café with me. There they played, painted and laughed together. Whenever I had time, I sat down with them and we played together. When I was off, we went home together. We cooked together or had movie nights. We were a happy little family and, as always, Yunho kept his promise. He loved me and Hannah equally with all his heart.
1 year later:
How could I ever think that Yunho didn't belong here? His soul melted into this place. His childlike nature and good-naturedness enchanted me. He fitted in perfectly here. In my café, in my heart, in my little family. He laughed with my princess and I sank down at the table with them. The whole situation was so natural and yet at that moment I felt infinitely grateful for the man who had changed my life for the better.
"Mommy, can we go to the playground?" Hannah asked excitedly. The nearest playground was only 5 minutes away from the café.
"Honey, I still have to work."
"Please, please, can I go with dad then?" My eyes flicked to Yunho and we looked into each other's eyes for a moment. It was the first time she'd called him that, dad… It sounded right. Yunho was her dad. I smiled.
"Sure you can go." Hannah jumped up happily and started packing up her things. It didn't seem like a big deal to her, but Yunho looked like he was about to start crying. I wrapped him in my arms and we hugged briefly. Then Hannah came into our embrace and whispered
"Family hug!" Yunho laughed and gave our little princess a peck on the side.
Then we broke away from each other and Yunho took Hannah on his shoulders. The two of them left the café together, leaving me beaming with happiness. The sun shone straight into my heart, I let it happen and welcomed it.
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slexenskee · 10 months
The Continuation of Satoru Supremacy
Am I just going to slot this poor boy into every fandom? Signs are pointing to yes at this point lol. Ok so I've had either a JJK/HOTD and JJK/GOT crossover rumbling around my brain for ages now and its gotten to a boiling point lol. The JJK/GOT would probably be Satoru/Robb Stark and the JJK/HOTD probably Satoru/Aegon II. I have them pretty fleshed out in my head ngl.
THE PROBLEM is that I love his name, Satoru, and it literally makes no sense to have him reincarnate into ASOIAF works and somehow end up with that name, which means I would need to change it, and I don't know wtf to change it to.
Literally grasping at straws rn lol. I lowkey like Soren since it sounds Valyrian enough and also I feel like Satoru would be over the moon about it because he'd share a name with one of his favorite Fire Emblem characters.
Anyway the HOTD one would be a isekai/reincarnation AU with Satoru as Daemon and Rheanyra's surprise brothel baby that Rheanyra had to get shotgun-wedding'd to Leanor for 😅 so yeah Satoru is once again causing chaos and problems for other people just by existing... this time before he was even born! He's also called the Radiant Prince and also still the Honored One because he's basically a god and everyone in HOTD is going to damn well know it.
In this life, as in his last, his birth was heralded with reverence and veneration, and wrought with untenable legacy. 
He was the firstborn son of the Realm’s Delight, lovely and fair and every bit as preternaturally beautiful as his mother. He was said to have his grandmother’s Arryn blue eyes, the king’s tousled white curls, his mother’s smile, and the very birthright of his great Valyrian heritage etched into his very existence; from his heavenly features, to his dragon, to the very name bestowed upon him. 
For days on end the whole realm celebrated his birth as a magnificent affair; bells tolled long into the night, nobles spilled from the four corners of Westeros bearing gifts of abundance and splendor, the smallfolk celebrated en masse along the streets of King’s Landing. 
They called him a blessed child, a perfect child, a glorious new heir for the throne. 
Upon his very birth the Princess Rheanys was said to have looked into his heavenly eyes and pronounced him a gift from the gods of old Valyria. Those same eyes, a precious, celestial blue resembling the late Queen Aemma, were said to have reduced his grandfather the King to tears from the moment he opened them. Lord Velaryon had named them a mark of the gods’ favor; such a curious, mystifying color, never settling no matter the lighting, as mercurial as a tempest sea. 
Just the mere sight of such a marvelous child, a mortal so obviously marked by the gods, so destined for greatness, could easily quell the rumors beginning long before his birth. 
Such derelict hearsay would never grace the ears of such a divine prince, of course. But he heard it anyway.
They rushed the wedding, they said. 
The princess was meant to start her royal procession to select her prince consort, but instead was married to the Velaryon heir within a moon’s turn. (The King had to appease the Velaryon’s somehow, after the way he snubbed their pure Valyrian heiress for his Hightower bride.)
The babe came early— so suspiciously early. (The Princess Rheanyra was so young, of course she would have difficulty carrying to term. Didn’t you see him? The babe was born so small!)
And he looks every bit a Targaryen, not a speck of Velaryon to be seen on him. (But of course the blood of Aegon the Conqueror would run strong within the royal line— and the Princess Rheanys is his paternal grandmother, such features run on both sides. Why, look at Queen Alicent's children! Do they look Hightower to you?) 
The Rogue Prince dotes on him, shockingly so. He perhaps even reconciled with his brother just to remain near the young prince. (The Rogue Prince has always remained stoutly devoted to his family, no matter his unsavory reputation, his loyalty to the throne is unquestioned. That he is just as devoted to his brother’s heir as he is to his brother is merely filial piety.) 
No matter the rumors swirling around him, it only took a single glance from his blessed blue eyes to halt the whispers in their tracks. 
His divine beauty and grace, his mystical eyes, his magnificent dragon— such pedestrian slander seemed silly and absurd in the face of them. 
To question the legitimacy of the Radiant Prince, the Honored One… no mere mortal could possibly be capable of uttering such blasphemy. 
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holopossums · 3 months
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This is Cedrus Draxum, one of my ROTTMNT OCs — he is Baron Draxum's older brother!
A bit about Cedrus below the cut:
As the eldest of the Draxums, he's very serious and a bit of a mother hen.
Has a regal, traditional vibe. Calm and genteel but with a strong, commanding presence. (But he comes off differently in private or around his brother.)
Standing at 5'9, he is far shorter and a bit stockier than his younger brother, but he makes up for it with an impressive set of horns.
Cedrus considers things like the law and bringing honor to one's family to be very important, perhaps to a concerning degree.
He has a prestigious job as an orator/politician and as the main representative of an elite guard for the Hidden City.
Cedrus' mystic powers are tree growing and wood manipulation. He possesses extraordinarily powerful magic but with unique limitations.
His voice claim is the Turtle Pope (Miriel) from Elden Ring. Yeah, I gave the Turtle Pope to the sheep.
One of his main hobbies is woodworking, specifically a traditional kind where he does not use power tools, only hand tools. He also limits his use of magic as a challenge. He considers not doing either of these to be cheating himself out of a good time.
He is a twice divorced gay man who never got to have children, though he desperately wants them. Due to his demanding job he does not consider adopting and single parenting, he definitely wants a partner if he's to have kids. Please help this senior citizen find love again.
Cedrus will eventually make an appearance in my AU fic, Radiant Souls! We're not there yet, but we're getting there. You'll know when he appears.
Old bonus pic of these two fossils:
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kanthonyficrecs · 15 days
Collection: Pregnancy AUs
A Bolt From The Blue by WaterlilyRose Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Anthony and Kate share a night of passion that must never be spoke of again. That’s the end of the story. Right?
A Crumpled Up Piece of Paper by Moomin_94 Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma were perfectly happy after their quickie wedding in Fiji Until (She thinks) he told her to leave
A Journey by anidlequeen Rating: NR Status: Complete Summary: Very simply, a Kate gives birth fic.
Anything You Can Do by Mx Kate B Rating: M Status: WIP Summary: A collection of fluffy HEA drabbles to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Couldn’t Say It To Myself by INTPSlytherin_reylove97 Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: When Anthony began dating Edwina, he knew she’d fit the bill. When the annual Bridgerton summer holiday rolled around, he had every intention of proposing to Edwina. He just did not expect her to bring along her meddlesome sister, Kate.
First Words by MiniM236 Rating: G Status: Complete Summary: Kate’s pregnant, and she and Anthony are ready and excited. However, the happy couple’s competitiveness rears its head when they are deciding what baby Neddy’s first word will be!
How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) by moresassythanclassy Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Kate and Anthony are desperate for some alone time, but having three kids and a million responsibilities makes it tough. One interruption after the next leads to one very awkward situation, an impromptu discussion about the birds and the bees, and a happy little accident somewhere down the line.
insomnia by starkswinterfelling Rating: T Status: Complete Summary: Kate and Anthony learn to deal with some of Kate’s more bothersome pregnancy symptoms.
Lockdown by Stars_of_Kyber Rating: NR Status: Complete Summary: Anthony and Kate Briderton’s family was having a relatively easy time with Lockdown. And then Mary Sharma, a nurse working in the front line of medical care, got admitted to the hospital and Kate’s pregnancy test comes back positive. Anthony must find a way to hold his wife and children together as they navigate these complicated times.
Swollen by hydriotaphia Rating: E Status: Complete Summary: He did not know how to say to her that it excited him, all of it: the radiant glow of her skin, the thickness in her ankles that she soaked daily; watching her grow and grow like a swelling drum, like a cathedral, around his child, their child. She was ripening like a flower and Anthony could not keep his hands or his eyes off his wife.
take my hand, wreck my plans (that’s my man) by yetanotheremptypage Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: If two months ago you’d told Kate Sheffield-Sharma that she would be sitting in her flat with Anthony, Viscount Bridgerton, on the couch across from her and a positive pregnancy test sitting on the coffee table in between them, she would’ve told you that you were insane.
The MILF in 2B by folklauerate Rating: E Status: WIP Summary: She’d hoped her new neighbor would be polite. Willing to water her plants if she paid them. Generally uninterested in her life. By her fifth brownie, it’s clear to her that Anthony is likely to not be that type of neighbor.
To Build A Home by WaterlilyRose Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Anthony Bridgerton is missing. His family hunts for him with the mounting certainty something terrible has happened to him.
Until I Found You by goldenluxfairy Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: Dearest reader, The time has come to place our bets on the marriage mart of 1815. As the ton casts it’s discerning gaze on the budding romances of this year’s social season, we should not neglect to keep a watchful eye on the married couples of the past. It is true that no outsider knows what goes on in a marriage behind closed doors. Only time will tell - and of course, this author. Yours truly, Lady Whistledown
What We Have Together by DoodlingAwaits Rating: M Status: Complete Summary: the accidental sperm donor AU nobody asked for but got anyway
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exo-levi · 9 months
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Title: Timeless Reference: AoT, Taylor Swift's Timeless (parts of it) Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Fem!Reader Universe: Reincarnation!AU, Canonverse Period: AoT Season 4 and Postwar Warning(s): Small amount of spoilers from the manga ahead Theme: Fluff & angst Word count: 1.5k words
Disclaimer: - AoT Universe belongs to Isayama Hajime. - Song used belongs to Taylor Swift
Summary: Haunted by vivid dreams of a past life, she embarks on a quest to uncover the mysteries behind her connection to Levi and a world plagued by Titans. As she delves deeper into the past, she encounters a man who bears an uncanny resemblance to Levi, leading to a profound realization that their love is truly timeless.
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It was a tranquil day, perfect for a leisurely stroll through town. The streets were dotted with neighbors engaged in pleasant conversations, relishing the beautiful weather at the park, and the joyful sounds of children playing filled the air. This picturesque scene was a rarity, particularly for her.
Normally confined to her apartment on weekends, she had ventured out today in an attempt to escape the relentless headache that had plagued her for the past two days. It wasn't an illness but rather a persistent sleeplessness that had left her head throbbing.
For nearly a month, she had been experiencing peculiar dreams that seemed almost like vivid memories. Some were nightmarish, inducing terror capable of jolting her awake, while others were warm and filled with longing—for something, for someone.
The previous night was no exception, with her headache intensifying. So, she had chosen to take a walk to clear her mind of the unsettling dream she had just experienced.
"Stay with me," a deep voice had echoed in her dream.
Although everything appeared blurred, the voices were crystal clear. Cries and screams reverberated, creating a cacophony of chaos.
Who is this Levi?
The eerie feeling of familiarity that accompanied the name lingered, as if she had met him somewhere before. Dismissing it, she continued her walk. Whoever Levi was, she resolved to deal with him—or forget about him—later.
A few steps later, she abruptly halted, inexplicably drawn to an antique shop she had never entered before. While she often passed by it on her way to work, she had never ventured inside. Yet today, an inner impulse guided her through its doors.
As she explored the store, her eyes danced over an array of beautifully preserved items—pottery, vintage furniture, memorabilia, and more. It was remarkable how these artifacts from bygone eras still retained their original charm and pristine condition.
Guided by an unseen force, she eventually reached the counter where a slightly worn-out box captured her attention. In bold marker, it read, "25 cents each." Curiosity piqued, she peeked inside and found it filled with a multitude of old photographs.
"See anything you like, dear?" the shop owner inquired.
"Just looking, Ma'am," she replied with a warm smile.
The owner nodded, "Feel free to browse at your leisure."
Thanking her, she selected two photographs. The first depicted a young woman, radiant in her wedding dress, while the other captured the same woman and a military man sharing an affectionate smile. The love evident in their eyes was undeniable.
Leafing through the stack, she couldn't help but smile at the love story that unfolded before her. These photographs painted a tale of a couple's romance from the 1940s, evoking dreams of an enduring love. The images strangely reminded her of Levi.
That enigmatic name returned, flooding her thoughts once more.
"I love you," he whispered in her dream, his eyes locked onto hers in the dim light of their surroundings. Her fingers tenderly brushed through his hair, gently tucking it behind his ear. "I love you too," she replied breathlessly, the aftermath of their passionate encounter still lingering in the air.
Tomorrow marked the day they would reclaim Wall Maria, and they had seized this precious moment to be together before the impending battle.
The memory from her dream played on a loop in her mind, and she couldn't help but be unsettled by the persistent presence of this man named Levi. She had never encountered anyone with raven hair and a stern yet handsome countenance—certainly not in her waking life.
"Levi…" she murmured incredulously.
The rain poured relentlessly, drenching her surroundings. There he lay, her beloved, covered in blood and surrounded by shards of wood from a nearby explosion. He looked lifeless. Kneeling beside him, she cradled his head and drew him close, silent tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Would you look at that, our biggest threat is covered in his own blood," Floch muttered from behind. "Let's shoot him in the head," another soldier suggested.
"He's dead," Hange declared. Her eyes met Hange's, and the unspoken understanding between them led her to maintain her silence, her gaze unwaveringly fixed on Levi.
"He was caught in a Thunder Spear explosion at point-blank range. Internally, he's in pieces," the soldiers explained. Floch insisted on checking Levi's pulse, but both she and Hange remained quiet. Before Hange could respond, a nearby Titan began to steam, revealing Zeke beneath it. The soldiers' attention quickly shifted, providing an opportunity for her, Hange, and Levi to slip away. They escaped, rescuing him from the brink of death.
"I have brought all the reports from Captain Levi, Ma'am," a cadet reported.
"Thank you, cadet. You're dismissed," the co-captain acknowledged.
With a salute, the cadet left, and the co-captain delved into the files, diligently tending to her captain's duties. Amidst the paperwork, a small folded paper slipped from one of the folders and landed on the floor.
She picked it up and unfolded it, revealing a heartfelt message. A soft smile graced her lips as she recognized the familiar handwriting.
"Don't overwork yourself and always stay hydrated.
I love you.
It was the little gestures, the sweet notes, and loving sentiments that Levi conveyed that never failed to warm her heart and rekindle her love for him. She placed the love letter aside, alongside the other letters Levi had written, with the intention of showering him with affection after a long day. He unquestionably deserved it.
"Do you ever think about what you'd do when this is all over?" she asked Levi one day.
Levi was taken aback by the genuine question, pausing to contemplate his response. "Hmm," he began, "I'd like to build a Tea Shop."
"A Tea Shop?" she quizzically inquired.
"Yes," he replied, his gaze fixed on her, his voice a soft whisper, "and you'll be there."
Her eyes widened in slight astonishment at his sweet declaration, and then she smiled. She reached out, her fingers gently combing through his hair before caressing his soft cheek. "I'd like that, Levi," she whispered back. She leaned in for a kiss, and as they parted, she continued, "And we'll have a garden outside the Tea Shop, so customers can dine there too. Doesn't that sound wonderful?"
Levi chuckled softly at her unexpected enthusiasm. "It does," he concurred. He reached for her hands, bringing them to his lips and planting a tender kiss on her knuckles, his thumbs gently rubbing them. "We'll end this war, and we'll live in peace, together."
His sudden displays of affection never failed to melt her heart and renew her love for him.
Before Connie could turn to see who had called his name, a powerful shove from behind propelled him out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding an imminent Titan attack he hadn't seen coming. The young woman who had saved him was not so fortunate, as the Titan's teeth sank into her leg during her heroic act. She lost her balance, and in her fall, a claw sliced through her side, causing further injury.
As she plummeted to the ground, Levi caught her, having swiftly moved from a distant part of the battlefield. Gently laying her down, he assessed the extent of her injuries.
"Stay with me," his deep voice echoed.
Although her vision blurred, the voices were clear and distinct. Cries and screams surrounded them, creating a scene of utter chaos.
"Levi…" she whispered weakly, her lifeblood staining the earth beneath her.
In response, he knelt beside her, his expression a mask of concern and fear. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her. "I've got you. I'll bandage your wounds and get you out of the combat zone," he promised, his voice trembling.
She interrupted him, prompting him to meet her gaze. His breath caught in his throat, and his heart raced. He couldn't lose her, not now. "Wrapping my wounds will take time. You need to go back out there and help the others," she insisted, her voice strained. "I'll make it quick. Don't worry."
She interrupted him once more. "Please, Levi, let me go."
He whispered her name, his voice choked with emotion. "I can't lose you like this. We're on the brink of ending this war," he pleaded.
"You won't lose me. We'll find each other in another life," she assured him with a sad smile. Her hand reached up to wipe away a tear that he hadn't realized had fallen. He was silently weeping.
"I love you," she whispered.
He couldn't accept this. They were so close to victory, and he couldn't fathom a life without her. This wasn't what either of them wanted, but if it was the hand fate had dealt them, there was little they could do.
"I love you too."
"Finish this war without me. I have faith in all of you."
Levi leaned down and pressed his forehead on her own, tears escaped the moment his closed his eyes tight. His lover leaned to him closer to kiss him passionately.
"I'll see you later," she whispered.
Her heart ached as much as her head did as different memories kept flooding in her mind. She closed her eyes tight for a second to recover herself and realized she's been staring at the same box for who knows how long. She returned the photos in the box and went out of the shop.
Enough of this.
The young woman sighed. Hopefully, she'll find an answer.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, yet the ache in her heart remained. She resumed her normal life, following her mundane routine, but it felt as though a part of her was missing. Her dreams, those memories from a different time and place, haunted her relentlessly.
One evening, as she gazed out of her window at the setting sun, an overwhelming restlessness consumed her. The need for answers had grown too strong to ignore. The strange connection she felt to the name "Levi" and the vivid memories that felt so real could no longer be dismissed.
Taking a deep breath, she resolved to embark on a quest to unearth the truth behind these haunting memories. She threw herself into research, scouring old books and articles, desperately searching for any mention of a Levi who might have lived during the time of her dreams. It was a long shot, and the odds were against her, but an unshakeable feeling told her that this was important.
Weeks stretched into months as she painstakingly combed through historical records. One day, she stumbled upon a faded photograph in an ancient journal—a black and white image of a group of soldiers. In the center of the photograph stood a man who sent shivers down her spine.
"Levi," she whispered his name aloud, as if to confirm his existence. The man in the photograph possessed the same raven hair and stern yet striking countenance she had seen in her dreams. It couldn't be a coincidence. The journal provided some details about a group of soldiers who had fought in a war against colossal humanoid creatures called Titans. It was a war that had occurred over a century ago, and most of the soldiers had perished.
Delving deeper into her research, she discovered that the war against the Titans had taken place in a world vastly different from her own. A world where humanity lived within colossal walls to protect themselves from these monstrous entities. It was a world that should have had no connection to her, yet the memories and emotions she experienced were undeniably real.
With newfound determination, she decided to seek out a local historian who specialized in that era. Perhaps this historian could provide more information about the soldiers who had fought in the Titan War, particularly the mysterious Levi.
The historian's office was a cluttered treasure trove of ancient documents and maps, a testament to his lifelong dedication to his field. He listened attentively as she recounted her dreams and the inexplicable connection she felt to a past life.
After a long pause, the historian finally spoke. "What you're describing is known as reincarnation memories—a phenomenon where individuals recall events and emotions from their past lives. It's rare but documented."
"But why do I have these memories, and why do I feel so connected to this Levi?" she implored, her desperation palpable.
The historian leaned forward, his gaze a mix of curiosity and sympathy. "It's possible that your soul carries the memories of a previous life, and for some reason, they've resurfaced in this lifetime. As for your connection to Levi, it's a mystery. Perhaps you were deeply entwined in that past life, and your souls remain bound in some way."
Leaving the historian's office with more questions than answers, she knew she couldn't stop now. The memories of her past life were like fragments of a puzzle begging to be pieced together. The sensation of her connection to Levi felt more than mere happenstance.
The following day, she decided to visit a teashop she had never frequented. It was a small, charming establishment with an atmosphere of tranquility—an ideal setting to collect her thoughts and attempt to make sense of her experiences. As she entered and settled into a corner table, an inexplicable sense of déjà vu washed over her.
Ordering her favorite tea, she watched as steam curled from the cup, her thoughts drifting back to the memories of love, war, and sacrifice that had played out in her dreams. It was almost as if she could hear Levi's voice softly murmuring, "Together, always."
Lost in her thoughts, the teashop's door swung open, and a man entered. With raven hair and a stern, yet striking countenance, their eyes locked. Time seemed to stand still as recognition flooded over them both.
"Levi?" she whispered, her voice trembling.
His eyes widened in disbelief as he made his way toward her table. "I… I don't know how, but I remember you," he said, his voice filled with equal parts incredulity and longing.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she reached out to touch his hand, and he covered it with his own. In that moment, the inexplicable connection between their souls became undeniably real.
"I love you," she whispered, just as she had in her dreams.
"I love you too," he replied, their love transcending time and space.
As they sat together in that small teashop, hand in hand, they knew that their reunion was no mere coincidence. Their love had endured through the ages, a love that was truly timeless.
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About. Masterlist. Taglist.
Yours truly,
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alltheworldsinmyhead · 5 months
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ain't no mountain (high enough)
There is a wedding on a farm two towns over from Lij. Everybody talks / or, no trauma au
#no trauma AU #everyone is alive AU #Jordie Rietveld Lives #Family Drama #Wedding Fluff #Alternate Universe - 1950s(but very vaguely)#POV Multiple #POV Outsider #Kaz Brekker gets to have a mom #Inej Ghafa gets to be a blushing bride #awkward dinnertime conversations #cottagecore au #everyone is ooc because they are happy and mentally healthy #mentions of human trafficking #Culture Clashes #heirloom jewelry #all comfort no hurt #Happiness because they deserve it
The wedding is to take place on the Rietvelds' farm, two towns over from Lij. The banns are read in church a month before the set date; when the names of the bride and the groom are announced, a collective gasp spreads through the congregation like wind through a wheat field.
Soon enough, a small Suli caravan arrives in horse-drawn wagons, intricately painted in yellows and reds. Their women wear veils on their heads and their children are dressed in all manner of colorful clothes that the quaint Kerch countryside has never seen before. Ilke, the miller’s daughter, falls out of her window in her attempts to get a better look, getting a broken leg for all her efforts (but then again, Karl, the shoemaker says to anyone who would listen, she was never the shiniest apple on a branch, if you know what I mean). They set up a camp by the forest edge, on the border of Rietvelds’ and van Graafs' fields. The children sneak in closer to gawk at them and their parents pretend that they don’t notice it.
It is said that the younger Rietveld boy met his bride in Ketterdam, during his studies at the University, but what the girl was doing there no one knows and the tongues waggle feverishly.
There is, of course, a leading hypothesis, because what else could a Suli girl be doing in a big city, but the voices hush wherever even a strand of hair on Theresa Rietveld’s head shows up. Everyone and their mother knows she is very protective of her younger son and she doesn’t tend to hold her words back whenever she feels his character is judged unfairly (and she feels so fairly often, according to the general opinion of her neighbors. Insufferable woman. But who could blame her for placing all of her hopes in Kazimir, after Jordan– )
Whoever she is and whatever she did back in Ketterdam, there is one thing everyone can agree on when it comes to Miss Inej Ghafa:
She’s so pretty, the little girls sigh and their fathers nod and their mother shake their heads.
The bride-to-be rides in the wagon leading the procession down the dusty country roads, all dressed up with ribbons and paper-mache lanterns and flowers. Sitting underneath the garland of red geraniums, she is as radiant as the sun, a light-yellow veil spilling down her dark hair and a sheer scarf around her shoulders. She doesn’t rouge her cheeks or lips like the bolder local girls do and she doesn’t wear curls. Her beauty is a quiet, intriguing one, not drawing attention but making it hard to pull one’s eyes away once they find her. She watches everything, wide-eyed, and Lij watches her right back.
She meets their stares, openly. Boldly.
************read more on ao3**************
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(you might get double of this same ask bc I'm not sure the last one went through so ignore this one if it did)
Just thought of a weird thing where cybertronians aren't created by the allspark or any other canon variation but are instead made a la vampire/cybermen from Doctor Who style, where already living organisms are turned into cybertronians. I just think it'd be interesting to see how this au would play out (especially with the kids- would they get turned by the Deceptions for some reason- evil or otherwise- or, in an angstier way, by the Bots?). I just think it'd be interesting
This concept has me in a CHOKEHOLD. Now I NEED to write for it. I've always found these sorts of ideas interesting. This is going to be LONG though.
The Weakness of Flesh
The legends said that during the beginning of all things, Unicron created his minions of chaos. They were wrapped in living material, organic matter, and cast out amongst the stars that were forged from Primus's radiant light. World filled with organic life flourished, creatures spring up left and right, and in that moment, life filled the previously empty universe. The preachers said that Primus saw this desecration of his holy lands and strove to return all to the light of his being in the creation of his own champions.
From the strongest of Unicron's minions, Primus took them unto himself and raised them up. He remade them piece by piece, stripping away the weakness of flesh for the eternity of a frame of metal. From his own frame he cut until the swirling nebula of his lifeblood fell upon the creations of Unicron he chose. The tainted creatures of Unicron basked in Primus's essence and consumed it, the impurity of their beings washed away with every sip. Many of the chosen perished in the light of Primus's essence, too tainted to survive. However thirteen endured the changes and were born anew, each strong and gifted with power unique to them based upon what they once were.
The records said that once they were made anew the first thirteen fought against the chaos god at Primus's bidding and struck him down. It is said that they then used their gifts to reforge Primus's slumbering frame to be a world upon which they could live. However none know precisely what happened, only that the thirteen gathered up organics made of the chaos god and brought them to Cybertron, the slumbering form of their Sire. There they each took upon themselves organic creations and shared their lifeblood as Primus had with them, changing the organics to match them in image. Then just as the work began, it ended with conflicts among the thirteen as those with the most converts fought amongst themselves.
Little is known of their battles, but in the end, Solus and Liege fell, many retreated to the stars, and Onyx, Micronus, Nexus, and the Thirteenth quietly vanished after draining their energon for others to consume. With time, those that remained also vanished into obscurity, lingering but never acting in any significant way.
Those were the times of legends, and that is what the preachers said.
Whatever really happened, Cybertron was born and on its surface a race reliant on others to reproduce was formed. Made of metal and with cores formed from the essence of the divine, Cybertronians stormed the galaxy with Primes, those with the purest bloodlines, on their side. Those who wished for young travelled far and wide across the stars, searching out organics who they found to fit their bloodline and be worthy of conversion.
While they lived, Predacons gathered the strongest young of organic species after having them fight to the death in pits. The young that lasted were treated as treasures during conversion and cared for with utmost patience and love as they endured the torment of transformation. Although when Predacons arrived to search out young, war almost always followed as the organic worlds they travelled to fought against them bitterly for the sake of their children.
Minicons searched out the most intuitive and thoughtful through trials of knowledge. They spent vorns dutifully travelling to places of learning and high activity to find ones who might be worthy. Often they were heralded with great gusto when they came as it was seen as a blessing for one's child to be made into an immortal. The young they took unto themselves were always treated gently and raised with care, for every convert is a blessing due to how dangerous the process was.
Grounders rarely left, but when they did hunt for young, they searched across the stars for those of stalwart hearts. Those they gathered under them in droves, often turning many at a time and training them all lovingly. The arrival of a grounder in search of young to convert was often seen as a blessing or a curse depending on the world. For a grounder searching out young will not leave until they have at least one, no matter the circumstances. The grounder in question would serve the community they were trying to collect a child from, but they were known to get aggressive when unable to take a child into their fold.
Fliers were similarly conservative in their hunts for young, but when they left to search, they too were not content with merely one when possible. Their arrival was heralded similarly as well, often leading to great celebration or debate. Fliers came in trines, and that meant more potential danger. Not only that, but they were not nearly as willing to bargain as grounders. If they found young they liked, they took them regardless of the parent species's feelings on the matter.
Beastformers wandered the stars carefully selecting young. They took in the lost and the homeless and never asked questions about the children they took in who came from broken homes. They gathered those that others didn't want, and that was fine with them. They needed no heralding, they only wanted family.
This was the way of things and all the galaxy knew of the Cybertronian hunts for young. Some would offer up children in tithes just to avoid conflict. Others would train to possibly be worthy of being accepted as an immortal. And some still fought bitterly against the waves of Cybertronians coming for young, waging war and fighting tooth and nail to keep their young to themselves. Whatever the case, this was the way and Cybertronians continued their existence through the welcoming of new blood.
Orion Pax was taken up from the rubble of a long forgotten world, the last survivor of a deadly plague while still a young child. None knew exactly what he was or where he came from considering his organic form did not match that of the race that lived upon the planet. Still, he wandered the surface, lost, starving, and struggling bitterly against death as he hunted for something, anything to keep him alive. He lived wild, hunting and rummaging through what he could to get by. Alpha Trion of all mecha sensed his presence and collected him, taking INCREADIBLE care when it came time to convert the organic child.
Orion Pax was not given just Alpha Trion's essence, no, he was also infused with the energon of the other Primes that Alpha Trion managed to save for this very purpose. Orion didn't know nor did he care. He survived the changes and his flesh was stripped away in favor of metal and a spark. All the Matrix did when he gained it was wake up the dormant power within him, forcing the power of the divine to change him into something greater, something purer.
Mortal to Immortal
The conversion process was by no means an easy thing to endure. There was a reason that potential young were taken only from among the strongest, be it in mind, body, or spirit. Few survived the process without dedicated care and love from their Sire. All sorts of issues could come up if a Sire was negligent or failed to provide adequate amounts of energon to sustain the young during the change.
Outliers formed randomly, there was no notable event that caused their existence. However ghouls, spark eaters, and terrorcons were a legitimate threat when young were not tended to. Ghouls were born of a lack of energon, their bodies unable to fully finish development due to the neglect or lack of a Sire leading to them having to supplement on the energon of others their whole lives. Spark eaters were born of a lack of love from a Sire, resulting in their sparks forming incorrectly and requiring the essence of others to try and stabilize their own self destructive being. And of course Terrorcons came from a sparkling perishing halfway through the process due to neglect and their unfinished frame being reclaimed by the chaos god.
So many threats were involved with the changes, and yet it was required to sustain their species. However with how time intensive the changes are, the war put a damper on reproductive efforts.
The only sparkling among the Autobots who was brought into the fold was Bumblebee, and that was only because he was on the brink of death in his mortal frame when Optimus and Ratchet took him in and agreed to bring him into the fold together. Even then Bumblebee's changes were carefully observed and every moment not at war was spent tending to him. There simply wasn't enough time or peace to really bring in more into the fold.
Thus when the Autobots and Decepticons arrived on earth and found it to be somewhat safe, the urge to bring more into their folds was strong but controllable... up until the children got involved. Cybertronians all have a natural urge to want to bring more into their fold once they are old enough and their bloodline stabilizes. It is even more powerful when there are too few of them. The Decepticons kept themselves in line, with few being willing to raise a sparkling during war. But the Autobots? With how often the children got into dangerous situations, they found themselves with little choice, especially after Starscream nearly nabbed Miko for his own purposes and Soundwave almost made off with Rafael.
There was no choice. The children needed to be brought into the fold before the Decepticons lost control and took them into theirs. It was a matter of safety, there was no other way. As such quietly the team prepared the necessary items and began designating Sire's while also readying their offerings to the humans in exchange for their young.
Arcee was given sole responsibility over Jack, a position she carried with pride when Optimus granted her his blessing for her to be Jack's Sire. Bulkhead and Wheeljack were given Miko to Sire, to which both were ecstatic and immediately began preparing the correct offerings. And lastly Rafael was taken on by Ratchet, and by extension Optimus. Bumblebee was too young to raise a sparkling, but Primus did he wish he could when the plan was announced. None were all too proud of having to take the children from their caretakers and their race of origin, but it was for the best.
June was offered respect whenever she came to base, often with Arcee bowing kindly and offering up small gifts and tokens which the nurse took with confusion. Miko's host family and biological parents found themselves wired with extra cash from an unknown source. Rafael's parents were anonymously gifted strange artworks and also wired cash. The children didn't know, but they didn't need to until the time came. It was best they remained unknowing.
As all that went on, Optimus worked with the team to carefully prepare small injections of energon to be given to the children. He took energon from the designated Sires and offered it to the children in drinks he bought using a holoform. It felt underhanded, but the changes would be easier if the children were unaware for as long as possible since it wouldn't stress the mind quite as much. He added some of his own energon to all the children's injections just to stabilize things and ensure the children came out strong, but beyond that the only child he focused his efforts on was Rafael. It was not his place to interfere with the others.
Day by day over the course of months, the changes began.
Arcee treated her boy as gently as possible as his body ached and his internals seemed to burn more with every passing day around his chest. She cradled him when he fell asleep at base, singing to his slowly forming spark to calm it and cause Jack the least pain. She took great care to ensure Jack didn't receive too much energon and was there to quietly run scans and slip his Cybertronian painkillers when the aches grew worse in order to hide the truth from June for as long as possible. She stopped raising her voice, attentive to her boy's sensitive hearing and vision during the changes. She knew the changes, although those memories were distant.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack tended to Miko with utmost care as she came to them exhausted and unknowingly searching for attention as her slowly forming spark cried out. They held her near their sparks and sang to her as she slumbered all while quietly doing their best to soothe aching muscles and burning limbs as metal overtook flesh. They gave her higher doses of energon in order to speed the process along, but they never rushed Miko to do anything, instead being soft and loving with her even when she grew angry or snapped as new emotions ravaged her mind.
Ratchet and Optimus were well acquainted with the changes and cared for Rafael with practiced ease. Ratchet soothed aching muscles and stressed skin with special ointments and massages meant to lessen the pain. Optimus sang and used his field to care for Rafael's young spark, knowing full and well that his larger energon donation in Rafael made the boy more open to his affections. Together Ratchet and Optimus worked as one unit, both caring for Rafael physically and emotionally as his Sire's to be and both allowing equal amounts of their energon to be given to the boy. Bumblebee for his part did what he could to keep Rafael distracted as his bones slowly were remade and he began to loose feeling in his limbs as flesh was converted to metal.
The changes were necessary for their own safety. It was better they were brought into the fold by Autobots instead of Decepticons, especially since with the changes, their minds would shift and alter too. However this reality did not make it any easier when the children began to grow aware of how they were changing and their parents grew suspicious too.
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hippolotamus · 6 months
(More than) Seven Sentence Sunday
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tagged by the always talented @thewolvesof1998 mi amor @disasterbuckdiaz @monsterrae1 @wikiangela @callmenewbie @buddierights @eddiebabygirldiaz 😘 (don't forget to check their snippets if you haven't!)
Another snippet of come close (let me be home) aka Bridgerton au. Prev snippets here. I'm kinda really in love with this section from Buck's POV. Takes place during the initial horse race in the park.
Now, with the morning chill on his face, and riding cloak wrapped around him, Evan knows he’s got a superior plan for unwinding. He’s not all that familiar with the land, but that seems all the more reason to explore it. Even under a blanket of fog, the sprawling landscape of green hills and forests call to him. With every hoofbeat against the earth, carrying him further from proper society, his nerves unfurl and his blood sings.  It makes him think of riding with Maddie when they were young and still permitted to be children. She would take him to all the places they weren’t technically supposed to go. Through fields and abandoned structures at the edge of the Buckley estate. He attempted tricks on his horse and Maddie patched him up when it inevitably didn’t go well.   They also regularly played hide and seek in the gardens, chasing each other among roses and topiaries and fountains. Evan would stand next to each one, imitating their ridiculous poses, pretending to spit water from his mouth, just to make Maddie laugh. A feat that became more and more difficult the older they got.   No matter what argument he had, his sister always insisted she was fine. Doing well, even. But he could see how her features slowly lost their glow. How the radiant sunshine no longer reached her eyes and her smile grew more frail. Like a porcelain doll that might crack with the slightest touch.
no pressure tagging @apothecarose @rmd-writes @welcometololaland @vanillahigh00 @stereopticons LOML @lizzie-bennetdarcy @jamespearce9-1-1 @exhuastedpigeon @spotsandsocks @thekristen999 @daffi-990 @hoodie-buck @watchyourbuck @loserdiaz @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @underwater-ninja-13 @fortheloveofbuddie @eowon @jesuisici33 @malewifediaz @shortsighted-owl @elvensorceress @spagheddiediaz @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @your-catfish-friend @the-likesofus @911onabc @spaceprincessem @fionaswhvre @barbiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @pirrusstuff @steadfastsaturnsrings @weewootruck @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @statueinthestone @heartshapedvows @indestructibleheart @evaneds @maygrantgf @lemonzestywrites and anyone else who wants to share
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edenesth · 8 months
So Wrong, It's Right
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Pairing: foster brother!Jeongin x fem!reader
AU: non-idol au (forbidden love)
Word Count: 17.6k
Summary: Jeongin knew it was wrong to harbour feelings for his adoptive elder sister, but it wasn't something he could control. Convinced that the silly crush would fade as he aged, he was proven wrong when the feelings he fought hard to bury resurfaced years later. What happens when the lines between foster siblings and something more begin to blur?
A/N: Based on a wild ass dream I had of Jeongin being my brother. You won't believe how upset I was because of that lmfao.
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"Honey, come over and say hi to Jeongin." Your parents called out, standing beside your new brother.
The adorable 14-year-old boy fixed his gaze on you with wide, awe-filled eyes as you descended the staircase of your home. A radiant smile graced your face, and you waved excitedly at him, exclaiming, "Hi, Jeongin! It's nice to meet you. From now on, I'll be your sister. Just call me noona, okay?"
He nodded, the rapid thumping of his heart resonating in his chest as he admired your striking presence, "H-hi, noona," He stammered, his cheeks turning a rosy shade as he met your gaze, "It's, um, really nice to meet you too."
The decision to adopt Jeongin might have been a sudden one, but you wouldn't have it any other way. Looking at him now, you understood why your parents felt the need to take him in.
Your parents stumbled upon him at a nearby bakery one day, they watched as he stood pitifully alone.
With a sense of curiosity and kindness, your parents struck up a conversation with the young boy, who had been gazing longingly at a display of freshly baked bread from outside the shop. They noticed his hesitant demeanour and asked, "Why aren't you going inside, young man? The bread is delicious!"
Jeongin hesitated at first, but he saw the genuine concern in their eyes. He admitted with a heavy heart, "I don't have any money, and I can't afford to buy anything."
Concerned, your mother inquired further, "Did you run out of pocket money your parents gave you?"
It was then that Jeongin felt compelled to share his difficult truth. With a tremor in his voice, he confessed, "I don't have parents. I live in a nearby orphanage, and we're all struggling. There isn't much money for anything, really."
Your father decided to take matters into his own hands. He bought Jeongin all the bread he had been eyeing, as well as some sweet pastries, and the three of them sat together, sharing stories and laughter in the bakery.
Jeongin had never felt such warmth before.
The couple sat there, fully absorbed in the boy's passionate storytelling about his aspirations.
He spoke animatedly about his dreams of becoming a kindergarten teacher or a social worker, eager to extend his help and care to children who, like him, were in need of love and guidance. His eyes sparkled with unwavering determination, and it was evident to them that he was not just a good kid but a remarkable young soul deserving of so much more in life.
After they left the bakery, your parents escorted him back to the orphanage, where the bleak conditions of the place broke their hearts. It was a stark contrast to the loving home they created for you. The poor children there were deprived of even the most basic necessities.
Later that night, after a long and heartfelt discussion with you, your parents decided to extend their love and generosity to Jeongin.
They welcomed him into your family, providing him not only with a loving home but also the opportunity for a brighter future. The decision was a life-changing one for all of you, as you opened your hearts and home to the young boy who had touched your lives so profoundly.
To your parents' absolute relief, you and Jeongin got along extremely well. He may have been a little shy at first, but with all the initiative you took in getting him to open up to you, he eventually did.
One afternoon as the school bell chimed the end of another gruelling day, you and Jeongin found yourselves making your way home together. High school had been a whirlwind of challenges, but the bond you'd formed with your brother made it a little brighter. You were a senior, and he was a freshman, but your connection transcended the age gap.
As you walked along the tree-lined path that led to your neighbourhood, you reminisced about how this friendship had all begun. It was that very path where Jeongin first opened up about his dreams of becoming a kindergarten teacher or a social worker. His dream resonated with you and became a shared vision.
You looked over at him, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes as he recounted a funny moment from class, and you smiled at that. The two of you started this journey as siblings, but over the course of a year, your relationship deepened into something more, a friendship that was founded on trust and shared experiences.
You remembered the days when you invited Jeongin to join your lunch group, which consisted of your close friends, Chan and Minho.
They welcomed him with open arms, treating him like a little brother. Chan, the ever-protective and caring friend, had taken Jeongin under his wing, offering advice and guidance. Minho, the laid-back and funny one, had been the source of laughter and camaraderie that made Jeongin feel right at home.
Together, you formed a tight-knit quartet.
Lunch hours became a time of shared laughter, stories, and secrets. Chan would often share stories of his younger sister and brother, which allowed Jeongin to see that sibling relationships could evolve into something deeper and more profound.
The year passed by in a whirlwind of exams, late-night study sessions, and adventures. And in that time, the bond between you and Jeongin had grown stronger. As you approached your house, you felt grateful for the way your friendship had developed.
You knew that this shared journey was just the beginning of an extraordinary chapter in both of your lives.
As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, Jeongin did his best to navigate the tumultuous waters of his feelings. He knew, deep down, that it wasn't right to have these emotions for you, even if you weren't biologically related. You were his adoptive sister, and the societal norms made it clear that such feelings were taboo.
But the heart, as they say, has a mind of its own.
Jeongin was determined to suppress his romantic feelings and focus on the friendship that blossomed between the two of you. He took every measure he could to see you as nothing more than his friend and big sister.
When you invited him to hang out with your friends, he eagerly participated in the activities, valiantly trying to blend in with the group. He laughed at their jokes, shared their interests, and offered his own opinions to the conversations. In the midst of it all, he felt himself slipping into the role of your little brother without a choice.
Late-night study sessions were another challenge.
As you worked together on assignments and helped each other prepare for exams, Jeongin had to remind himself that this closeness was borne from a shared pursuit of knowledge, not an opportunity for romantic connection. He focused on the task at hand, suppressing the romantic thoughts that occasionally tried to intrude.
His determination to maintain the purity of your sibling relationship was fueled by his admiration for you. You became his role model, a paragon of kindness and ambition. He appreciated the way you always had his back and the encouragement you gave him in pursuing his dreams.
Despite the occasional flutter of his heart and the way his cheeks might flush when you smiled, he persisted in viewing you as the friend and sister that you were meant to be.
He took comfort in the warmth of your friendship, hoping that with time, the inappropriate feelings he struggled with would fade away, leaving behind a bond that was deeper and more profound than any fleeting crush.
Time flew by, and the next thing you all knew, the day of your high school graduation arrived.
As you walked across the stage, beaming with pride, to accept your diploma, Jeongin watched from the audience, sitting with your parents. It was a bittersweet moment for him, and his heart swelled with a mix of pride and sadness.
Seeing that beautiful smile on your face as you held that symbolic piece of paper in your hands was a moment he would treasure forever. Your success meant the world to him, but at the same time, he felt a pang of sadness. You were about to leave for Seoul City to pursue your dreams of becoming an author, leaving behind the life you've known.
He knew that the upcoming separation was inevitable. In a way, he believed it might be for the best. This time apart could serve as a respite, a chance for him to reflect on his feelings and, hopefully, come to terms with them. The intensity of his emotions had not waned, and he understood that it was time to face the reality of his situation.
The idea of missing you was painful, but he knew that he needed to work on getting over his romantic feelings.
He hoped that in your absence, he could focus on his own personal growth and, perhaps, redirect his ambitions toward becoming the kind-hearted and supportive person you've always been for him.
Jeongin made a silent promise to himself that he would use this time apart to heal and grow, while always cherishing the special bond you had as siblings. Your graduation marked the beginning of a new chapter for both of you, and he was determined to make the most of it, both for your sake and his own.
As the day of your departure arrived, you stood at the entrance of your home, a mix of excitement and sadness in your heart, with Minho by your side helping you load your luggage into the car's trunk while Chan was already seated in the driver's seat.
The three of you had been accepted into the same college, which felt like a stroke of luck, even though you were pursuing different degrees.
Your parents hugged you tightly and repeated their words of advice and affection. They wanted to ensure you were prepared for the adventures and challenges that awaited you in the big city. It was a heartwarming scene filled with warmth, support, and love.
When it was Jeongin's turn to bid you farewell, he didn't hesitate. He wrapped his arms tightly around you, burying his face in your neck. The embrace was filled with an unspoken fear of the unknown. He didn't know when he would see you again, and he wanted to hold you as close as he could at this moment.
You smiled, even as tears welled up in your eyes, and you gently stroked the back of his head to comfort him, "I promise I'll come back during breaks, Jeongin-ah." You reassured him.
He pulled back slightly, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, "You better, noona. I'll miss you."
You chuckled, your voice filled with tenderness, "I'll miss you too, cutie pie. Take care of mum and dad for me, will you?"
He nodded, holding onto your hands tightly, ignoring the rapid fluttering of his heart. With a reluctant smile, he waved at Minho and Chan before watching somberly as you got into Chan's car. The engine roared to life, and you all began to drive away, leaving your childhood home behind.
Jeongin's gaze remained locked on the car, a mixture of sadness, longing, and hope swirling in his heart as he silently wished you a bright and fulfilling journey.
Over the next four years, life took you and Jeongin in different directions.
You immersed yourself in the college experience, pursuing your passion for literature and growing as an aspiring author. The bustling city provided the backdrop for your personal and academic adventures. You met new friends, experienced new cultures, and even dated a few guys during your college years.
But, no matter how much your life expanded, a piece of your heart always remained at home.
On the other hand, Jeongin was making his own journey through high school, diligently focusing on his studies. While you were away, he thrived academically, often being the top student in his class. He poured himself into extracurricular activities and helped out at the orphanage whenever he could.
The multiple confessions from girls at his school came and went, but he politely declined each one. He was determined to bury his feelings for you, convinced that by the time he graduated high school, he could move forward without the weight of an unrequited love.
The two of you had your share of brief reunions during semester breaks. Each time, you were greeted with a warm hug and that familiar, heartwarming smile from Jeongin. Your family remained the constant support system in both of your lives, and it was always a comfort to come home to their open arms.
Despite your separations, the bond between you remained strong. You would often talk late into the night, sharing stories of your college experiences, the people you met, and your dreams for the future. In those moments, it was clear that your relationship was built on something more profound than mere biology.
Jeongin's determination to let go of his romantic feelings for you was evident in his endless support and encouragement.
He wanted nothing more than to see you succeed, and the happiness in your eyes was all that mattered to him. With each passing semester, he hoped that he was one step closer to the day when his heart would finally let go of the unattainable dream that had haunted him since he met you.
On one of the weekends when you returned home for a traditional festive celebration, the house was filled with the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals and laughter. After a hearty dinner with your parents, you and Jeongin retreated to your room.
As you sat side by side on your queen-sized bed, you couldn't contain your excitement, eager to share all the fun and exciting things that happened during the semester. Your eyes sparkled, and your voice was filled with enthusiasm as you recounted your adventures. Jeongin, being the attentive and caring brother he's always been, listened intently, hanging on your every word.
He noticed how happy you appeared, and he couldn't help but comment, "You seem really happy, noona."
You blushed slightly, a shy smile playing on your lips, "Well," You began hesitantly, "There's this guy I've been seeing. I really like him."
Jeongin's expression remained neutral, but a pang of heartache pierced through his chest. He accepted the truth that it was forbidden to love you in a romantic way, no matter how deeply he felt for you. He knew he could only be happy for you if you found someone who was genuinely right for you.
He continued to watch you with endearing affection as you mumbled sleepily, exhaustion finally catching up with you, "I missed you so much, Jeongin-ah." You whispered, the words barely audible as you began to drift into slumber.
Gently pushing a strand of hair away from your face, he let out a soft, wistful sigh. His unspoken emotions remained trapped within his heart as he watched over you, the love in his gaze too deep and too forbidden to ever be shared.
Jeongin muttered softly, his voice barely above a whisper, "I missed you too, noona, more than you could ever know." His heart ached with the weight of unsaid words, with emotions too heavy to bear. He leaned down to press a gentle kiss on your forehead, a silent promise of love and protection, before tucking you in with great care.
As he left your room, he did so quietly, as if trying to keep the sanctity of the moment undisturbed. The sadness that had been gnawing at his heart began to intensify as he returned to his own room, which suddenly felt much emptier than usual.
He sat on the edge of his bed, the turmoil in his heart almost unbearable. He wondered if he would ever truly move on from the feelings he had for you. Every time he felt like he made a little progress, it all crumbled when he saw you again, heard your voice, or felt your presence. It was a constant struggle, a daily battle against the emotions he tried so hard to suppress.
He knew that the path he had chosen, one of being content with being your brother and nothing more, was the right one.
But the ache in his heart, the longing that seemed to grow stronger with every reunion, made it painfully clear that moving on was going to be a lot harder than he'd ever imagined. Jeongin rested his head in his hands, lost in the torment of a love that could never be, hoping that someday he could find the strength to truly let go and move on from the impossible dream that held his heart captive.
As you entered your final year of college, the weight of schoolwork and academic responsibilities pressed upon you, leaving little room for anything else. This time, you couldn't make it home for the traditional festive celebrations, and the absence of your presence left an undeniable void in your family's hearts.
Jeongin, in particular, felt the absence keenly.
But he saw an opportunity in your absence, an opportunity to create some distance and try to avoid thinking about you. He decided to dedicate all his thoughts and focus to his own senior year of high school. He filled every available moment with extracurricular activities and volunteering, immersing himself in various projects, and contributing to his school and the orphanage.
The idea was to keep his mind preoccupied, to allow himself to grow and develop independently, far away from the influence of unrequited love. Although your absence was painful, Jeongin believed it might help him in the long run.
During this time, the only updates he received were through your social media. He saw photos and stories of you with a guy named Mingyu, whom he assumed was the one you mentioned that night. The pain of seeing those updates, the envy that welled up inside him, and the realisation that you've found happiness with someone else was like a bitter pill to swallow.
Yet, that pain became his driving force.
The hurt and envy he felt served as a catalyst for him to finally let go of the romantic feelings that had haunted him for so long. He used these emotions to motivate himself to move forward and to continue building a future that didn't revolve around you.
With each post he saw, he allowed the heartache to be a reminder that his heart needed to heal and that it was time to focus on his own dreams and aspirations. It was a painful process, but he was determined to emerge from it stronger and ready to embrace a life without the burden of unrequited love.
Towards the end of that year, Jeongin began to feel like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
It was as though he could finally breathe again, no longer haunted by the painful emotions that had plagued him whenever he saw anything you posted with Mingyu. He made remarkable progress in letting go of the feelings he once thought he had for you.
As the final months of his high school life passed by, he realised that he could genuinely be happy for you. Seeing you with Mingyu no longer stirred up jealousy or heartache. Instead, it brought a sense of contentment, knowing you've found love and happiness.
On Jeongin's graduation day, he stood proudly on the podium as the valedictorian, delivering a heartfelt speech that moved not only his fellow graduates but also your parents, who watched with pride and tears in their eyes. It was a day of celebration, a recognition of his hard work and dedication.
While he knew you weren't able to make it due to your final exams, he wasn't too upset. In fact, he couldn't wait for the surprise he had in store for you. You didn't know it yet, but Jeongin had been accepted into the same college as you. He would soon be near you again, and he couldn't wait to see the look of shock and joy on your face when he finally revealed his plans to be near you.
It was the beginning of a new journey for both of you, one that held the promise of rekindling the bond you shared as siblings and exploring the infinite possibilities of the future together.
On your college graduation day, you hugged your parents tightly, your heart filled with pride and accomplishment. As you held them close, your excitement couldn't be contained, and you couldn't help but ask, "Where's Jeongin? I can't wait to see him."
Your parents exchanged a cheeky grin, and you noticed their mischievous smiles, "He has a surprise for you," Your mother said, her eyes twinkling with anticipation, "He'll be coming to see you soon."
Your curiosity was piqued, and you pleaded with them to reveal more details, but they remained resolute, sharing only vague hints about the surprise. Your parents had a knack for keeping secrets, and they weren't about to give away the surprise before the right moment.
But as the graduation ceremony drew to a close and your fellow graduates reunited with their families, there was no sign of Jeongin. You felt a mix of emotions, a blend of anticipation and disappointment.
Eventually, it became clear that you wouldn't get to see your brother on this special day. Your parents had to leave to return home, and you remained in Seoul where you were set to start your new job at a well-known media organisation. It was a bittersweet ending to the day, filled with both professional excitement and a sense of longing to see your family, especially Jeongin, who had promised a surprise.
Looking out at the cityscape, you wondered what the surprise could be and when your brother would finally reveal it.
As the clock struck 10pm, you sighed, realising that it was time to retire to your bedroom. The disappointment of not having seen Jeongin on your graduation day weighed heavily on your heart. You missed him terribly, especially after an entire year of separation.
With a heavy heart, you got up and prepared to turn off the lights in your apartment's living room. You were about to retreat to your bedroom when, suddenly, the doorbell rang. You froze in place, and your heart skipped a beat. The unexpected sound sent a jolt of excitement through you.
Without a second thought, you hurried to the door and pulled it open. Your breath caught in your throat, and you felt tears welling up in your eyes at the sight of the person you've longed to see. It was Jeongin, standing before you, a shy smile playing on his lips.
You cried out his name, overcome with emotion, and without hesitation, you jumped into his awaiting arms. He held you close, his arms wrapped securely around you. The feeling of his presence, the warmth of his embrace, and the sound of his voice whispering, "Surprise, noona," was like a dream come true.
Tears of joy streamed down your cheeks as you held onto him, unable to believe that he was here, in the city with you, after all this time.
The longing for him had been replaced with an overwhelming sense of happiness and love. Your heart felt complete as you held your brother close, knowing that this surprise reunion was a moment to cherish for a lifetime.
Settled in your living room, you finally had the opportunity to take a proper look at Jeongin. You noticed just how much he's grown over the past year. He looked mature, and it was evident that he was no longer the cute little boy you once remembered.
He became undeniably good-looking, and it was clear to you that he must have been a heartbreaker during his final school year. You couldn't resist teasing him about it after you told him how proud you were of him for graduating as valedictorian, which only made him blush and shyly dismiss your compliments.
After a round of lighthearted jokes, you turned serious and asked the question that's been bothering you, "Why did you miss my graduation, Jeongin-ah?"
He finally decided to tell you the truth, "I'm starting my early childhood education degree at the college you just graduated from," He admitted, "I had to settle into the dormitory during the day, and I couldn't make it to the ceremony."
Your eyes widened, realisation dawning on you. You gasped, "You're going to be here, near me from now on?"
Jeongin's face broke into a bright smile, his eyes filled with excitement, "Yes, noona. I'm going to be here, and I can't wait to spend more time with you."
The thought that your brother was now living in the same city and attending the same college as you filled you with joy. You felt a surge of protectiveness and a desire to look after him, now that he was here. You excitedly volunteered, "You know what? You're not going to be alone in this big city. I'll take care of you now."
His smile widened, and he happily accepted your offer.
As the night wore on, you and Jeongin spent hours catching up, sharing stories, and reminiscing about old times. The bond you shared felt as strong as ever, and you both enjoyed every moment of it. The laughter and conversations flowed seamlessly, bridging the gap that a year of separation had created.
Eventually, as the hours passed, it became clear that there was no way Jeongin could head back to his dormitory at this late hour. You insisted that he spend the night at your place, assuring him that you'd drop him off at the dorm the next day.
The two of you settled in your cosy living room, reminiscing about your childhood and discussing your plans for the future. But as the night grew quieter and the two of you sprawled on your bed, the conversation took a more serious turn. Jeongin, his head propped up on his arm, mustered the courage to ask you about Mingyu.
Your smile faltered, and you gazed at the ceiling for a moment. You softly admitted, "We actually broke up just before graduation."
Jeongin couldn't deny the mixture of emotions that washed over him upon hearing the news. He tried to keep his expression neutral, not wanting to show any trace of his own feelings.
Truth be told, he knew he was hopeless from the moment he saw you again. You looked even more beautiful than he remembered, and his heart ached with longing. He tried to keep himself in check, to focus on being a good brother and a friend to you. But when you admitted that you were single again, a spark of hope ignited within him.
His concern was evident in his eyes as he asked, "Are you alright? What happened with Mingyu?"
You sighed heavily, the weight of your recent breakup still lingering in your heart, "I'm still working on healing from it," You admitted, "Mingyu got an opportunity to work abroad, and he didn't want to have a long-distance relationship. It was a mutual decision, but it's been really tough."
As you spoke, the disappointment and heartache came rushing back, and tears welled up in your eyes. The emotions you've been trying to hold back finally overflowed, and you started to cry. Jeongin didn't waste a moment. He pulled you close into his arms, kissing the top of your head and held you tightly as you sobbed into his chest.
Through your tears, you heard his soothing words, "I'm here for you, no matter what happens. You can always rely on me."
Nodding against him, you felt the warmth and comfort he provided. At that moment, you realised that your little brother wasn't so little anymore. He's grown into a dependable and caring presence in your life. With him by your side, you felt less alone.
In the quiet of the night, Jeongin watched as you gradually found comfort and rest beside him. He pulled the duvet up and tucked you in gently, ensuring you were warm and snug. As he gazed at your peaceful face, he couldn't resist leaning in to kiss your forehead softly, his lips brushing against your skin with tenderness.
With great care, he settled down next to you, the events of the day and your emotional conversation lingering in his mind. Seeing you so upset and heartbroken, he felt the need to help you find happiness again, even if it meant putting his own desires and feelings aside.
As he closed his eyes and began to drift off to sleep, his thoughts were filled with one singular purpose: to be the supportive, loving brother you needed to overcome the pain of your breakup. With determination, he silently vowed to be by your side, offering his love and comfort, ready to help you heal and find happiness once more.
The next day, you took Jeongin to his dormitory, pulling up to the entrance of the building. As he gathered his things and prepared to get out of the car, you shared a warm hug with him, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek before you drove off, a fond smile on your face.
Unbeknownst to both of you, Jeongin's roommate, Felix, had been standing by the entrance, watching the entire scene with a hint of amusement in his eyes. He grinned smugly as he saw the blush forming on Jeongin's face.
As he climbed out of the car, Felix couldn't resist teasing him.
"Whoa there, Jeongin," Felix said, crossing his arms and wearing an amused expression, "Already found yourself an older girlfriend here, huh?"
Jeongin's smile faltered slightly as he considered Felix's words. He hesitated for a moment before deciding to clear things up, "No, Felix. She's my foster sister."
Felix's playful demeanour quickly shifted to one of surprise and apologetic understanding. He realised that Jeongin's feelings for you might be more complex than he initially thought, and he decided not to press the matter further.
Jeongin's situation was a delicate one, and Felix respected that. As he stepped into the dormitory with Jeongin, he silently hoped that his roommate would find happiness and navigate the complex emotions he felt for his foster sister in his own way.
A few months passed since you started your new job, and Jeongin has settled comfortably into college life as well. You both made an effort to meet up during the weekends, cherishing the time you could spend together when neither of you had prior commitments.
This particular weekend, he came to your apartment for a cosy dinner and movie night. Before the night's activities, you decided to go grocery shopping to stock up on all the snacks and ingredients you needed. You grabbed a couple of bags, and together, you headed to the local supermarket, laughing and chatting along the way.
Jeongin accompanied you as much as he could, always by your side, not wanting you to be stuck alone with your thoughts of Mingyu.
In the grocery store, you both carefully selected the items you needed for your movie night, exchanging playful banter and sharing smiles as you navigated the aisles.
As you reached for an item perched on the top shelf of the aisle, you found yourself struggling to grasp it. Your fingertips barely brushed the edge of the product, and you huffed in frustration. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Jeongin snickering at your predicament.
Unwilling to give in to your momentary defeat, you stretched on your tiptoes, hoping to reach the item. But it was futile, and you sighed, admitting defeat.
Just when you were about to abandon your mission, you felt a presence behind you. Jeongin moved close, his warm breath brushing against your ear as he whispered, "Let me help."
He reached up effortlessly, plucking the item from the shelf with ease. As you turned your head slightly to look up at him, you were met with the close proximity of his face. The moment felt charged with unspoken tension, and your breaths hitched as you gazed into his eyes.
You couldn't deny how manly and handsome Jeongin has become. His features matured, and there was a quiet confidence about him that made your heart race. It seemed that he, too, was affected by the close proximity, his eyes flicking briefly to your lips.
Before either of you could react to the electric moment, an elderly woman passed by, and her eyes twinkled with amusement as she cooed at the two of you, "Aww, young love is so adorable."
You blinked rapidly, caught off guard by the unexpected comment. You moved away from him, shaking your head, "N-no, we're not—"
But the elderly woman waved you off before you could explain, her knowing smile intact as she walked away, leaving the two of you with a moment of embarrassment and the unspoken awareness that perhaps there was something more to your bond.
Despite the pounding of your heart and the replay of that intimate moment in your mind, you chose to continue on as if nothing had happened. It was the safer route, the one that preserved the comfortable sibling relationship you've cherished for so long.
As you moved through the store, your conversations and laughter returned to their usual ease.
You picked up groceries, playfully teased each other, and shared stories about your week. It was as though the elderly woman's comment had never happened, and you felt a mixture of relief and uncertainty about the unspoken tension that lingered between you and your brother.
For Jeongin, that quick glimpse he saw in your eyes has stirred something within him. He knew, even if just for a moment, that you didn't see him as just a brother.
It was a tiny glimmer of hope, a spark of possibility that he couldn't ignore. He tried to keep his own feelings in check, not wanting to jeopardise the relationship you shared, but the knowledge that there was a chance beyond being just siblings remained in the back of his mind.
After your grocery shopping adventure, you and Jeongin returned home to prepare dinner together.
You decided to make your mother's famous soybean stew, hoping to recreate the comforting flavours of home. As you began cutting up the ingredients, you found yourself struggling with the knife, and a momentary lapse of concentration nearly resulted in a close call as the blade neared your finger.
Before any harm could befall you, Jeongin rushed to your side. He gently took the knife from your hand, placing it aside. Like a mother hen looking after her chick, he instructed you to take care of the simpler tasks, ensuring your safety.
As you carried out the tasks he assigned you, you watched his back as he expertly worked on preparing the stew.
His competence and caring nature were on full display, and you couldn't deny that you liked what you were seeing. For a brief moment, you found yourself thinking.
I could get used to this.
But you quickly snapped out of your trance, realising the implications of what you've just thought. You've always seen Jeongin as your little brother, but now you wondered if your feelings for him were evolving into something more complex. The realisation left you feeling a mix of emotions, both uncertain and intrigued about the uncharted territory that lay ahead.
As you both enjoyed the homemade dinner, you finally took notice of his attentive actions.
They were hard to miss as he carefully blew on the stew to cool it down before feeding you the first spoonful. His gaze was unwavering as he watched you savour the flavours, and he didn't hesitate to wipe the corner of your lips when a grain of rice got stuck there. He even made sure your bowl was filled with all your favourite things and took the items you liked the least for himself.
In that moment, you wondered if he'd always been this attentive or if these actions were only becoming more pronounced recently. You questioned if you were overthinking it or if there was a possibility that Jeongin could see you as more than a sister.
Recalling what the elderly woman said about you two in the supermarket earlier, you realised that he hadn't bothered to correct her at all. He simply smiled shyly to himself when he thought you weren't looking. It was a small but significant detail, and it left you with an unspoken question that hung in the air between you and your foster brother: was there something more to your relationship than mere sibling affection?
After dinner, you find yourself doing the dishes in the kitchen, trying to focus on the task at hand and push those silly thoughts to the back of your mind. Jeongin has been your little brother since the day you met him, and it wasn't right to entertain such thoughts. You squeezed your eyes shut and told yourself not to give these emotions any time of the day.
Determined to shake off those uncertain feelings, you quickly finished the dishes and got cleaned up.
You made your way to the living room, where you found Jeongin laying out the snacks you bought earlier, preparing for your movie night. It was a cherished tradition for you both to play rock-paper-scissors to decide who got to pick the movie. You always fought hard to win because Jeongin loved horror movies, while you avoided them like the plague.
When the game ended and Jeongin won, you groaned loudly, preparing yourself for the horror flick that awaited you. But to your surprise, Jeongin handed you the remote instead, "I'll let you pick the movie just for tonight."
Little did you know, he had a hidden motive.
He was willing to sacrifice anything, even his own movie preference if it meant he could make you smile and forget about Mingyu, even if just for a little while.
Feeling a twinge of guilt that Jeongin had willingly given up what he wanted to watch for you, you decided to pick something that could please both of you. After some consideration, you chose a psychological horror film. It didn't have the typical jump scares, but it contained enough eerie and mysterious elements that you knew he would enjoy.
As the movie began, he couldn't hide the grin that spread across his face. He leaned over to tease you, saying, "Oh, a horror movie? Trying to toughen up, huh?"
You playfully slapped him on the arm, retorting, "Shut up and focus on the movie before I change my mind."
With a mischievous chuckle, he left you alone to enjoy the movie. But deep inside, Jeongin couldn't deny the happiness he felt. Your choice of the film was a thoughtful gesture. It was a simple act, but it spoke volumes about how much you cared for him.
As the movie progressed, you began to regret your decision bit by bit. The suspense and tension had you inching closer to your brother for comfort. He was focused on his snack when he felt your warmth getting nearer, prompting him to turn and check on you.
His heart melted at how adorable you looked, your eyes wide with anticipation and fear, as you worried about what was going to happen next in the movie. Unable to contain his amusement, he snickered and teased you, "Are you scared, noona?"
You scoffed and tried to act tough, "Psh, of course not." But your trembling hands and the way your eyes darted around the screen told a different story.
As Jeongin finished his snack, he cleaned his hands and opened his arms, "Come here."
This time, you didn't bother to keep up the facade. You gladly went into his familiar embrace, seeking the comfort and safety he offered. He pressed his cheek against the top of your head and muttered, "It's alright, I'll protect you."
You whimpered and snuggled even closer to him as the climax of the movie approached, seeking refuge in his comforting presence. Jeongin smiled, tightening his hold on you. This was precisely why he loved horror movies so much; they provided the perfect excuse to hold you close like this every time, and he cherished these moments more than anything.
After the heart-pounding horror movie, you decided to wind down the night with a cute animated film. You started to get up from your cosy spot in his embrace to change the movie, but he gently stopped you, his arms wrapped snugly around you.
When you looked up at him in question, he gave you a sheepish smile, "I'm too comfortable like this. Can't I keep my teddy bear a little longer?"
You chuckled and shook your head, realising that his hold was indeed quite comfortable. You settled back down in his arms, finding that perfect spot for your head between his neck and shoulder, and felt yourself relaxing.
As the animated film played, the warmth of his embrace and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat were incredibly soothing. Somewhere towards the end of the movie, your eyelids grow heavy, and you end up falling asleep.
Jeongin relished the moment, feeling your soft breathing against his neck. He pulled the throw blanket from the couch over your frame and nestled your head into the crook of his neck. It was a feeling of contentment he's longed for, and he held you closer, realising that it was becoming more and more difficult for him to hide his growing feelings, especially now that you were both away from your parents.
More time passed, and you experienced new emotions the more you spent time with Jeongin. He made your heart flutter more than once, and you found yourself having feelings that went beyond the bounds of sibling affection.
It was a bewildering and confusing experience, one you didn't dare voice to anyone, fearing the judgement and misunderstanding that might come with it. It felt like a taboo, a secret that was too delicate to share with anyone.
You kept these thoughts to yourself, trying to sort through your feelings. It was an emotional journey you were navigating alone, unsure of where it would lead.
The weekend arrived, and it was a perfect time to have Chan and Minho over to catch up. Jeongin was just as excited as you were to reunite with your friends, having built a strong bond with them over the years. Your living room was the designated hangout spot, and you all gathered there with bottles of soju.
As the evening progressed, stories flowed freely, punctuated by laughter and shared memories.
Jeongin was animated and engaged, contributing his own anecdotes to the lively conversation. It was one of those nights when you could forget about the complexities of life and simply enjoy the company of your closest friends.
But the tranquillity was shattered when Chan unexpectedly brought up your ex. He leaned back on the couch, one arm resting on the backrest, and casually mentioned, "Oh, by the way, I saw Mingyu in town the other day. It looks like he's back for good."
The room fell quiet as his words hung in the air. You didn't know how to feel about this revelation.
It has indeed been a while since you'd thought about Mingyu. His absence from your thoughts had been telling, but now it was all coming back. A swirl of emotions welled up within you, and you realised that your mind has been preoccupied with someone else recently, someone who has taken up more space in your heart than you'd ever expected.
Jeongin, sitting beside you, sensed the shift in the atmosphere and exchanged a concerned glance with Minho. You took a deep breath and tried to push those feelings aside, but the growing confusion and uncertainty about your emotions weighed heavily on your heart.
Realising how insensitive he must have sounded, Chan quickly offered an apology, "Gosh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories or anything."
You offered him a reassuring smile, "It's okay, Chan. I'm fine, really. I've moved on." It was a half-truth, for you have indeed moved on, but your heart was now muddled with feelings you weren't sure how to process.
Trying to steer the conversation away from yourself, you asked, "How's Mingyu doing, though? Is he alright?"
Minho shot his friend a stern, warning glare.
Chan understood that he needed to tread carefully when discussing your ex, so he nodded and replied, "Mingyu seems to be doing okay. He's back in town, but... he seems different, more regretful about certain things. It seems like he's returned to make amends."
Jeongin, who had been quietly observing the conversation, grew increasingly concerned for you. He worked tirelessly to help you move past your previous relationship, and the last thing he wanted was for that guy to hurt you again. He checked on you, a mix of worry and protectiveness evident in his gaze.
As the night came to a close, you hugged Chan and Minho goodbye at the door as they prepared to leave. After they departed, you returned to the living room to start cleaning up the remnants of the evening – empty soju bottles and scattered snacks.
Jeongin, however, couldn't help letting his concern show. The thought of your ex returning seemed to be bothering him more than it was you. He approached you as you worked, his eyes filled with a mixture of worry and protectiveness.
"Are you really okay, noona?" He asked, searching your eyes for the truth.
You smiled warmly and reached out to ruffle his hair, assuring him, "I'm alright, Jeongin, don't worry."
But before you could retract your hand, he gently held onto it and brought it to his chest, his heart beating steadily beneath your fingers, "Noona," He implored, "Promise me you'll always come to me, no matter what happens."
The touch of his hand and words sent a rush of emotions through you. You nodded, squeezing his hand, "I promise, Jeongin-ah."
He took a step closer, his voice a little more earnest, "I'll always be your favourite boy, right?"
Your heart raced in your chest, and your pulse quickened at his words. You smiled, though it was tinged with a hint of nervousness, "Of course, silly. You know it."
The atmosphere between you two grew charged with unspoken emotions, feelings that were beginning to spill out of the boundaries of your sibling relationship.
As the days passed, you found yourself growing more and more conflicted about your feelings. Jeongin's actions had taken a bolder turn recently, and it was becoming increasingly difficult for you to convince yourself that his concern and care were purely brotherly.
You sighed, pushing those thoughts aside as you enjoyed a meal alone at a restaurant you frequented during your lunch break.
The pleasant atmosphere was disrupted when the entrance bell chimed, signalling the arrival of a customer. You instinctively looked up and froze in your seat when you saw who it was. Mingyu scanned the room and, upon spotting you, made his way to your table.
"Hi," He said, hesitating slightly, "Mind if I take a seat?"
You gulped, feeling a mix of surprise and uncertainty, but you nodded, saying, "Please."
You blinked and tried to regain your composure, continuing to eat as he settled in at the table with you. Eventually, he mustered the courage to break the silence and ask, "How have you been?"
Taking a deep breath, you managed a smile, "I've been great, thank you. And you?"
Mingyu's expression turned more serious, and he confessed, "I haven't been fine."
His regret was palpable as he continued to speak, "I shouldn't have broken up with you, not like that, not when there was nothing wrong with our relationship. I've spent all this time thinking about it, and I've missed you so much."
He leaned in a little closer, his gaze fixed on you, as he continued, "Since graduation, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, and I realise now how much I've missed you. I've even transferred back to the local headquarters to be near you, to seek your forgiveness, and to make things right."
His words hung in the air, and the sincerity in his eyes was hard to ignore. It was clear that he was struggling with his own feelings of regret and longing, and he hoped you might be willing to give him another chance.
You sighed deeply, your heart heavy with the mixed emotions his reappearance has stirred within you, "Mingyu, I appreciate your honesty, but you need to understand that I've genuinely moved on from our relationship." The words were difficult to say, and they pierced his heart like knives.
He couldn't accept the fact, his voice tinged with desperation as he asked, "Is there someone else?"
Your eyes widened when Jeongin immediately came to mind, and you shook your head, "No, it's not about someone else. It's about the fact that from the moment you made that decision to end our relationship all those months ago, things changed, and they will never be the same again."
Feeling the need to distance yourself from this uncomfortable conversation, you pushed your chair back and rose from your seat. Mingyu chased after you, his expression filled with regret and apology, "I'm sorry for coming on so strong. I understand how you feel, and I know I deserve this, but I will work to earn your trust and forgiveness again."
Your emotions were all over the place, and you were caught in a whirlwind of feelings. Trying to escape the situation, you told him, "I have to go back to work."
With a heavy heart, you left the restaurant, leaving Mingyu standing there, knowing that he didn't deserve your forgiveness so easily after how he abandoned you.
When you returned home that day after work, your exhaustion was still lingering from the tense encounter with Mingyu. As you entered your apartment, you raised your brows in surprise to find Jeongin already there, bustling around the kitchen, and making dinner. He wasn't supposed to come over until the next day.
"Jeongin-ah, why are you here already?"
He turned to you with a warm smile, "My professor let us off early today, and I thought I'd come over and cook us a proper dinner. You always end up eating unhealthy instant food when you're alone, and I wanted to take care of you."
You managed a half-hearted smile, still feeling somewhat distraught after Mingyu's sudden reappearance and his desire to reenter your life. But Jeongin was perceptive, and he could read your emotions well. He turned off the gas and approached you, gently helping you take off your shoes.
When you told him it wasn't necessary, he sat you down on the couch and kneeled in front of you, taking your hands in his, making your heart flutter, "Are you okay, noona?" He asked, his eyes filled with genuine concern.
You let out a tired sigh, feeling comforted by his presence and deciding to be completely honest despite your initial intention of keeping this from him. You knew it would worry him, but you couldn't hold it in any longer.
You recounted what happened with Mingyu during lunch, and Jeongin tightened his hold on your hand as he listened.
His frown deepened, and he told you in a protective tone, "You should call me the next time he dares to bother you again. I'll make sure he doesn't trouble you."
You patted his head affectionately and reassured him, "Mingyu won't do anything to hurt me. He just wanted to talk, that's all."
Unable to resist the growing curiosity in his heart, he finally asked, "Noona, be honest with me. Do you still have any feelings for him?"
You contemplated for a moment, weighing your emotions before answering honestly, "No, Jeongin-ah, I don't."
As you looked properly into his eyes, your heart racing, you assured him once more, "I have truly moved on from Mingyu." If only Jeongin knew, it was him who has been occupying your thoughts lately, taking over every corner of your mind.
He sighed in relief, his fingers tenderly tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, "I'll always be here for you, noona."
You smiled at his words, the warmth in your heart growing as you replied, "I know."
In an effort to lighten the mood, he gently pulled you up from the couch and led you into the kitchen. Your heart swelled with gratitude and affection as you watched him cook and take care of you, realising that, despite your initial intentions to care for him, it seemed like he was the one taking care of you more.
The following day, Jeongin decided to take you cafe hopping to help get your mind off your ex.
And it worked like a charm.
From the moment you stepped into the first cafe, you were fully distracted from any thoughts of Mingyu just by being near Jeongin. The day was filled with visits to countless cafes, each with its own unique concept and a menu of delicious, inventive desserts.
As you entered what felt like the fifth or maybe sixth cafe of the day, you'd lost count, but it didn't even matter. It was all about enjoying the moment with Jeongin. You giggled with delight as he ordered a drink served in the shape of a cute cartoon character, and he couldn't stop telling you how it resembled you.
Taking a sip, you didn't realise you'd gotten some foam on your lips until he leaned closer to gently wipe it away with his thumb. His touch lingered, and you found yourself staring up at him with wide eyes. The gaze you shared in that moment told you that there was so much more to your relationship than mere sibling love. It was a feeling that you couldn't ignore any longer.
Before you or Jeongin could say anything, a voice suddenly interrupted, "So this is what you've been so busy with? And you said there wasn't anyone else?"
Your head snapped up to see the person standing behind your brother, staring straight at you, and you stuttered, "M-Mingyu?"
Jeongin's eyes immediately narrowed as he got up from his seat and turned to face your ex, his protective instincts kicking in, "And what's it to you? Have you forgotten you were the one who wanted to break up? She's no longer your girlfriend, so don't make it seem like she's cheating on you. If you're apologetic, then at least act like it."
You panicked when you saw Mingyu's nostrils flare, "Wait a minute, I know you. Aren't you her brother? Why are you—"
You got up and stood between the two men, not wanting him to finish that sentence, "That's enough. Let's not do this in here." Realising what you said, Jeongin and Mingyu looked around to see the other customers staring at the three of you, bewildered by the dramatic scene.
In a hushed tone, you continued, "Let's talk outside."
Jeongin nodded, ready to protect you from any potential confrontation, while Mingyu reluctantly followed.
Outside, the chilly breeze hit your face, and you felt a mixture of emotions swirling within you, as the two important men in your life stood in front of you, ready to face whatever was coming next.
You let out a deep sigh and pressed your face into your hands, gathering your thoughts before facing your ex with an unhappy expression, "I'll be honest, I didn't appreciate your accusatory tone earlier," You looked straight into his eyes, "We've already broken up, Mingyu, and you don't have the right to question me like that."
Sensing that Jeongin was about to step in and add more aggressive words, you held onto his hand and shook your head, signalling for him to stay silent, and he gave in, squeezing your hand in support.
Mingyu looked remorseful and admitted his fault, "You're right. I let my jealousy get the best of me, and I'm sorry. I just... I really want you back."
Your heart ached at his words, but you knew you had to make it clear that there was no turning back this time. Letting go of Jeongin's hand, you moved to stand in front of Mingyu, locking eyes with him.
"Look, Mingyu, you need to understand something," You told him, your voice firm, "Our relationship was always on your terms. You decided to end it, and I respected that decision, even though it was hard for me. And now, just because you want me back, you can't expect me to drop everything and go back to the way things were. What about what I want?"
Your words hung heavily in the air as you challenged him. Mingyu looked taken aback, realising that he'd never considered your feelings and desires in your past relationship. The silence between you was palpable, and you awaited his response, hoping that he would finally understand your perspective.
The realisation of his past actions and selfishness hit your ex hard, like a tidal wave crashing over him.
He could now see how one-sided the relationship had been, always revolving around his feelings and desires, without ever considering what you wanted or needed. He felt a deep pang of guilt for being so blind to your feelings.
His hands trembled as he let out a shaky breath, his eyes reflecting the inner turmoil he was experiencing. Slowly, he nodded, his voice filled with remorse, "God, you're right, I've been so wrong. I've never considered what you wanted. You deserve someone better than me, someone who will prioritise your happiness above all else."
His apology was sincere, and he continued, "I'm so sorry for not being that person for you, for not treating you the way you should have been treated. I... I promise I won't bother you again, if that's what you want. You deserve to be happy."
You nodded in response, feeling a mix of relief and sadness, "Thank you, Mingyu, I appreciate it."
His words seemed heartfelt, and you hoped he would find the self-awareness to grow and change. With a heavy heart, you wished him well and turned to rejoin Jeongin, who was still standing by your side.
As he watched you walk away with Jeongin, your ex felt a bittersweet mix of emotions. The sight of you with someone else, whether it was your foster brother or a new love interest, weighed heavily on his heart. He knew he didn't have the right to be upset, for he was the one who had ended your relationship, and he understood that you deserved happiness, even if it was with someone else.
Mingyu noticed your interactions earlier in the café, and at first, he misunderstood them.
The way you looked at Jeongin, and the comfortable way you interacted, gave him the impression that there was more to your relationship than just sibling affection. He'd been so sure that he was witnessing a new romantic connection in your life, only to later realise that it was your brother.
Deep down, Mingyu recognised that it wasn't technically wrong for you to have a romantic relationship with Jeongin. After all, you were not blood-related, and your sibling relationship existed mainly on paper. The legal and technical aspects of your relationship didn't diminish the deep bond you shared.
With a heavy sigh, he turned and walked away, understanding that he needed to accept the reality of the situation and focus on his own growth and self-improvement.
Meanwhile, your walk home with Jeongin was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves in the wind. As the streets grew quieter, your mind grew louder with thoughts of the encounter with Mingyu.
His words echoed in your mind: "You deserve someone who would prioritise your happiness over anything else." It struck a chord within you, and you felt a twinge of fear. The realisation that followed scared you even more—the first person who came to mind was Jeongin.
Lately, you noticed that your interactions with him were blurring the lines between sibling affection and something more. It was a feeling you've tried to suppress, but it was becoming harder and harder to deny. The way he cared for you, the moments that felt more intimate than they should be for siblings, it was all starting to blur the boundaries.
The weight of it all settled heavily on your chest.
You worried about the implications of these feelings. What would it mean for your relationship with Jeongin, for your family, for your future? How would your parents react if they knew? What would your relatives and friends say?
The fear of it all consumed you, and you couldn't shake the unease that settled deep within. It was a battle between your heart and your rational mind, a conflict that left you feeling lost and uncertain about the path ahead.
Jeongin was incredibly perceptive, and he understood that you needed some space and time to process your thoughts and emotions. He didn't press you for conversation, instead remaining a supportive presence by your side, offering a comforting hand or a warm meal when you needed it.
The weekend passed in quiet contemplation, and you were grateful that he respected your need for solitude.
As Sunday evening approached, the time for Jeongin to return to his dorm drew near. The car ride was quiet, with the radio providing the only sound in the background. He was worried but wanted to give you time to come to terms with your own feelings.
When you arrived at his dormitory, he hesitated before getting out of the car. He squeezed your hand and said, "Noona, remember to—"
You cut him off with a weak smile and understanding eyes, "Yes, I know. I'll come to you if I need anything. You'll always be my favourite boy, Jeongin-ah."
His heart swelled with affection at your words, but a hint of unease remained. The way you said it left him feeling unsettled. You leaned over and pressed a lingering kiss on his cheek, causing his cheeks to flush with warmth. Before he could say anything else, you gestured towards the outside of the car where his roommate was waiting.
"Go on, your friend's waiting," You said softly, your eyes filled with tenderness, "I'll see you next weekend."
He nodded, his emotions swirling within him. He stepped out of the car and closed the door, turning back to look at you once more before heading to meet Felix. The conflicting feelings within him mirrored your own as he left, and he knew that your relationship had reached a pivotal crossroads that neither of you could ignore.
Jeongin couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.
Ever since the evening at the cafe with Mingyu, you'd been acting distant and aloof. He'd been eagerly anticipating the next weekend, hoping to see you and spend time together as usual, but his heart sank when he received a text from you telling him not to come over because you had a date. It felt like a punch to the gut, and he couldn't understand what changed.
In the days that followed, your interactions became more strained. You only contacted him when it was necessary, and you'd been spending your free time outside of work on dating apps and meeting new people.
Jeongin couldn't make sense of it.
He thought you shared his feelings, and he'd been more than willing to take that next step. But your behaviour now was pushing him further away, and he couldn't bear the thought of being relegated to the role of a mere brother.
Jeongin has kept his feelings to himself for too long. He was tired of the secrecy, the unspoken words that hung between you. He'd been convinced that you felt the same way, but your recent actions left him bewildered and hurt. He couldn't understand why you were suddenly treating him like a brother when it felt like there was something more between you.
The frustration was building within him, and he couldn't hold back any longer. He needed to confront you and get to the bottom of this, no matter how difficult the conversation might be.
His heart ached with the uncertainty of your feelings, and he had to find out what changed between you. He decided to go to your place, leaving you a text to inform you of his visit. He watched as the message was marked as "delivered" but received no response. The coldness of your silence stung him, but he couldn't abandon his mission.
Arriving at your door, he knocked several times and called out your name, but there was no response from within.
Panic started to bubble up as he called your phone and heard it ringing on the other side of the door. You were undoubtedly inside, so why were you not answering? Fear for your safety began to creep in, and he decided to use the spare key you'd given him to unlock your door and enter.
He cautiously moved through your apartment, searching for any sign of you. When he reached your bedroom, he noticed the door slightly ajar. He called out to you softly but received no response.
Jeongin pushed the door open gently, and relief washed over him when he saw you lying on the bed. But the relief turned to alarm as he got closer and realised that you were drenched in sweat, your face pale, and your body burning with fever.
You were sick.
Frowning with concern, he touched his hand to your forehead, wincing at the intense heat radiating from your skin.
Worry was etched across his face as he whispered, "Noona?" He knew he needed to take care of you, and at this moment, any confusion or doubts about your feelings faded into the background. Your well-being was what mattered most to him now.
Jeongin hurriedly grabbed a tub of water and a washcloth, gently wiping the sweat from your face and forehead. The cold water offered some relief from the fever that consumed you. He pulled the duvet up to your chin, ensuring you were snug and comfortable. Your slightly improved condition eased his worries, but his heart still raced with concern.
As he turned to go to the kitchen to prepare a soothing soup for you, your weak voice stopped him in his tracks. You reached out, your hand grasping his arm, trembling. The vulnerability in your voice broke his heart as you whispered, "Don't go, Jeongin-ah... I'm sorry, I know I hurt you..."
Sitting down beside you, he held your hand in his and wiped away a fresh tear that slid down your cheek, "Then why, noona?" Your eyes locked with his, and he saw the anguish in them. You continued, your voice shaky with emotion, "I'm scared..."
His heart constricted with a mix of emotions, understanding your hesitation. He knew exactly what you meant – you were afraid of the new and unfamiliar feelings that developed between you two. Your attempts to push him away and maintain boundaries had been out of fear, but now you realised it had only hurt both of you.
He squeezed your hand gently, a reassuring presence by your side, "Noona," he whispered softly, "You don't have to be scared. We'll figure this out together, step by step. You're not alone in this, and I'm not going anywhere."
You let out a shaky breath, finally allowing your emotions to surface as you nodded. With his support, you began to understand that maybe, just maybe, you didn't have to be afraid of your own heart.
As the evening light casts a warm glow in your room, you lay there, your mind finally free from the tumultuous thoughts that have been plaguing you for weeks. In the quiet space of your bedroom, you let your heart's true feelings wash over you, unencumbered by doubts and worries.
For too long, you've tried to suppress your emotions, viewing Jeongin as nothing more than a brother, even though you knew deep down that your bond was evolving into something different. The time you spent apart from him had been torturous. The realisation hit you like a tidal wave – you were in love with your foster brother.
It was a complex emotion, a mixture of joy and fear, excitement and apprehension. You couldn't believe this was happening, but you couldn't deny it any longer. You knew that you couldn't keep pushing your feelings aside.
Taking a deep breath, you made a decision.
You were going to face your emotions head-on and confront the truth about how you felt. The journey ahead might be difficult and filled with uncertainties, but one thing was certain – you were ready to explore the depths of your heart, and you knew you wouldn't have to do it alone. Jeongin would be there, beside you every step of the way.
After your recovery, your shared understanding of the unspoken feelings that have been growing between you became impossible to ignore. The day has come when you know you need to address the elephant in the room.
Jeongin had taken care of you during your illness, staying by your side and nursing you back to health. His caring actions only made your feelings for him even more evident.
With newfound clarity, you decided that the time had come to talk about your emotions. You stood alone on the balcony, feeling the cool breeze as the city lights twinkled in the distance. You gazed out at the vast cityscape, the view offering a sense of perspective and contemplation.
Jeongin, on the other hand, busied himself in the kitchen, tidying up the dishes. He insisted on taking care of everything after your meal, leaving you free to gather your thoughts. He knew this conversation was important, and he wanted to make everything as comfortable as possible for you.
Unbeknownst to you, he quietly approached.
You turned to him as he gently draped his oversized jacket over your shoulders, his familiar scent enveloping you. A warm, fond smile graced his lips as he broke the silence, "Wouldn't want you to be sick again." He said with a touch of humour in his voice, although his eyes held a deeper understanding.
You both settled into a comfortable silence, leaning against the balcony's railing and allowing the city's sights and sounds to wash over you. It was a peaceful moment, one where the unspoken words were about to find their voice.
After what felt like an eternity of shared silence, you finally found the courage to break the ice, "Jeongin-ah," Your voice trembled slightly, "There's something I need to talk to you about." You turned to look at him, and he met your gaze with a reassuring nod.
He moved closer, his shoulder brushing against yours, "I've been thinking about it too," He admitted, his voice soft but filled with hope, "There's something I want to tell you as well."
Taking a deep breath, you began, "To be honest, I... I didn't plan for any of this. I never thought I'd feel this way," You paused, trying to find the right words, "You've always been my little brother. But lately, something changed, something shifted."
He listened attentively, his expression a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. He was clearly eager to hear what you had to say.
"Maybe it's the way you've grown, how mature you've become," You continued, your voice gaining more confidence, "Instead of me taking care of you, I find myself relying on you, more and more every day."
Your heart was racing as you admitted your feelings, the words you never thought you'd say out loud, "Jeongin, I've been feeling different around you," You confessed, your eyes glistening with emotion, "I don't know when it started, but recently, it's as if our interactions are more than just brother and sister. And when Mingyu told me that I deserved someone who would prioritise my happiness above all else, it was you who came to my mind..."
Now, in a small, vulnerable voice, you finally let it out.
"I think... I think I'm in love with you."
The weight of your feelings hung heavy in the air between you, your heart pounding in your chest as you waited for his response.
Jeongin's smile began to bloom, and you felt his warm hand encase yours. The softness in his eyes mirrored the affectionate grin playing on his lips, and his words tumbled out, as if he'd been holding onto them for far too long.
"You have no idea how many times I've dreamed about hearing you say that," He admitted, his voice gentle and sincere, "I've felt this way for so long, and it's been... difficult, to say the least. Noona, I've loved you from the moment we first met." His thumb caressed the back of your hand as he continued.
You let out a small gasp at that. It was news to you; you had no idea he felt this way for you all along.
"I spent the first year trying to suppress these feelings," He confessed, "I thought I could get over this silly crush by distancing myself from you, but every time I saw you again, it just became impossible. The time I spent apart from you, like my final year in high school when I didn't see you, made me think maybe I could move on from these romantic feelings."
Jeongin's gaze never wavered from yours, "But then, I came to Seoul and saw you again. After a whole year of being apart, I knew it was hopeless. I realised that I'll always be yours, noona."
As his words settled in the air between you, you felt a profound sense of relief and contentment. The unspoken emotions that simmered beneath the surface were finally out in the open. Your connection was no longer confined by the boundaries of a sibling relationship.
The nights turned into days, and the two of you decided to keep your newfound love a secret. It was a shared agreement, a whispered pact, born out of caution and a desire to be sure before revealing your relationship to anyone.
The days that followed were marked by an unspoken understanding that you'd take things slow, allowing your feelings to deepen and grow organically.
You enjoyed every stolen moment together, experiencing the joy of love without the scrutiny of prying eyes. You ventured out on quiet dates, exploring the city together, building new memories while keeping your budding love hidden from your friends and family.
As you navigated this uncharted territory, you both acknowledged that taking the time to nurture your relationship in private was important. It allowed you to be absolutely sure of your feelings for each other and ensured that when the moment came to share your love openly, you'd be standing on a solid foundation.
Your relationship was something you were willing to protect and cherish until the right time came to reveal it to the world. It was a journey you were excited to embark upon together, and you were both determined to savour every moment of this beautiful, hidden love story that was just beginning.
Jeongin sat at the table one weekend, immersed in his assignments, determined to get as much done as possible while you buzzed around, ensuring he had everything he needed to concentrate. Cold water in his favourite glass, a bowl of fresh fruit, and some snacks on a plate were all arranged neatly on the small table next to him.
Every once in a while, you'd glance over to check on him, making sure he was comfortable. He couldn't help but admire your care and attention, which has become such an integral part of your relationship. The sight of you bustling around, making sure he was well taken care of, was heartwarming.
As dinner time approached, you busied yourself in the kitchen, preparing a delicious meal for both of you. The fragrant aroma of your cooking wafted through the air, making Jeongin's mouth water. He bit his lip as he watched you, feeling so lucky to have you in his life.
Finally, dinner was ready, and you both sat down to share a quiet, intimate meal. The conversation flowed naturally, your laughter filling the room as you talked about your day and the little things that's been on your minds.
After dinner, you moved to the living room, where movie night awaited. You settled on the couch next to him, and as the movie began, you leaned into him without hesitation. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer, and you nestled comfortably against him. The warmth of his embrace felt like the most natural thing in the world.
Jeongin's heart swelled with contentment, realising that he didn't have to think of ways to keep you close anymore. You were already there, right where you both belonged, in each other's arms, a silent promise of love and companionship that's been growing stronger with each passing day.
As the romantic comedy movie played on the screen, a particularly passionate kissing scene unfolded before your eyes. You were engrossed in the storyline, the characters' connection so palpable that it tugged at your heartstrings.
Beside you, Jeongin has been fighting an internal battle, and the sight of that on-screen kiss has only intensified his yearning. He'd been patient, respecting your boundaries. You'd both held hands and exchanged countless cheek and forehead kisses, but that was it. The thought of sharing a first real kiss with you has crossed his mind many times, but he never wanted to rush it.
But this moment, with the movie's romantic ambience and your hearts aligned, felt different.
His heart raced as he shifted slightly closer to you. His hand, previously resting on your shoulder, inched toward your cheek, his fingers softly grazing your skin. He swallowed hard, the warmth of your proximity igniting an intense longing.
With a tender smile, he tilted your chin upward, his eyes searching yours for reassurance. Your breath caught in your throat as your faces drew nearer. You met his gaze with wide eyes, your heart pounding with anticipation.
His warm breath ghosted over your lips as he whispered, "Do you trust me, noona?" Your nod was all the confirmation he needed, and the radiant, almost boyish smile that lit up his face was nothing short of breathtaking.
Finally, the distance between you vanished.
Jeongin leaned in and gently pressed his lips to yours for the first time. His heart soared in his chest when he felt you kiss him back; your lips were even softer than he imagined. He still found it hard to believe that he was actually kissing you; his dreams were finally coming true, one by one.
As the kiss deepened, your worries and doubts melted away, leaving only the warmth of your love for each other. It was a sweet and heartfelt exchange, a testament to the trust and affection you've nurtured throughout your journey together.
After that first kiss, Jeongin decided that kissing you was his new favourite thing to do. But as much as he loved your kisses, he never failed to seek your consent before pressing his lips against yours. At first, you admired his respect for you and found it adorable whenever he felt the need to ask before kissing you.
But over time, there were moments when you wished he'd act on his own impulses, and let spontaneity guide your affection.
And today was one of those days.
You'd been playfully dancing around the living room, lost in laughter and movement until a slow song came on. As the music swelled, Jeongin gently pulled you close, his eyes locked onto yours. He leaned in, but before your lips could meet, he paused and asked, "Can I kiss you, noona?"
You chuckled, cupping his face in your hands, "Yang Jeongin," You whispered, your breath mingling with his, "You don't ever have to ask me again. Just kiss me."
His heart somersaulted at your words, and his hesitation melted away. At that moment, he leaned in without any more questions, capturing your lips in a sweet and passionate kiss. The music continued to play, but you had both entered your own world, a world where you didn't need words to express the depth of your love for each other.
He pulled away slowly to catch his breath, the lingering warmth of your kiss still hung in the air, and your eyes remained closed as you revelled in the delightful sensation.
When your eyes fluttered open, you found Jeongin staring down at you with a loving gaze, his fingers tenderly brushing a strand of hair from your face. You couldn't help pouting at him, curiosity dancing in your eyes, "Are you sure you've never dated around before?" You playfully inquired, unable to contain your amazement.
His eyes widened at your question, and he quickly shook his head, responding with fervour, "I swear, noona, you're the only one I've ever loved. You're my first girlfriend, my first kiss, and—"
Before he could finish his sentence, you interrupted with a light laugh, "Oh no, you silly boy! I meant that you're just so good at kissing, it baffles me that this is your first time."
His cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, and he hid his face in your neck for a moment, embarrassment creeping in. As he pulled away slightly, he managed to mumble, "Wait, am I better than Mingyu?"
You blinked, not quite expecting this question, but after a moment's contemplation, you nodded slowly, "Yeah, you are."
He immediately broke into a triumphant grin, thrilled at the idea that he was a better kisser than your ex, "Yes! Take that, Kim Mingyu!" He exclaimed, playfully taunting the ghost of your past relationship.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes with a chuckle, "Alright, alright. That's enough."
But Jeongin had mischief in his eyes, "No, it's not enough." He leaned in, capturing your lips again with newfound boldness, clearly intending to prove his point once more.
Many months have passed, and your relationship with Jeongin has evolved and become quite stable. You both decided to take things slow, enjoying your time together and strengthening your bond, all the while keeping it a secret from everyone.
But now, things were changing.
Jeongin was ready to open up to someone he trusted, and he believed it was time to let his roommate in on the truth. Felix had been a little suspicious for a while, especially after witnessing a near-kiss between the two of you when you dropped Jeongin off one day.
He took a deep breath and finally admitted, "Felix, you know that time you saw us nearly kissing... Well, we're actually together."
Felix's eyes widened with surprise, and he shot up from his bed, grinning from ear to ear, "I knew it!" He exclaimed, thrilled to have guessed right all along, "Man, I've had my suspicions for ages! Congrats, buddy! I'm here to support you every step of the way."
Jeongin couldn't help smiling, thankful for having a friend like Felix who would stand by his side.
Later on, you both discussed breaking the news to your friends, Chan and Minho. It was a decision that weighed on your minds for a while, and you felt that it was time to share your secret with your closest friends. The idea of keeping this from them had begun to feel more like a burden than a protective secret.
One weekend, the two came over for your usual catch-up session. They noticed that you and Jeongin seemed even closer and more affectionate than before, exchanging quiet jokes and smiles, leaning in to whisper to each other, and laughing about private little things.
Finally, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Minho, with his arms crossed, demanded, "Alright, I know we're idiots, but even we can tell there's something different about you two. Tell us now, what is it?"
You exchanged a knowing look with Jeongin, and after a brief pause, you decided it was time to share your secret. Your voice trembled slightly as you began, "Well, there's something we've been keeping from you guys. Jeongin and I... we're dating."
There was a moment of shocked silence as the two processed this revelation, their eyes widening in surprise. Finally, Chan broke into a wide grin, "No way! You're together? That's amazing!"
Minho, after recovering from the initial shock, couldn't help laughing, "Honestly, it makes sense. You two have always been so close. It's about time you figured it out."
Seeing your friends' positive reactions brought tears to your eyes, but they were tears of relief and gratitude. You were deeply moved by their understanding and acceptance of your relationship with Jeongin. When Chan noticed your tears, he immediately expressed concern, "What is it? Did we say something wrong again?"
You shook your head, your voice filled with emotion, "No, it's just... I didn't think you'd both accept it just like that... Jeongin and I, we've been so worried about what other people would think."
Minho shook his head with a reassuring smile, "Look, I know it might seem wrong without proper context. But you two aren't biologically related, and Jeongin joined your family relatively late. It's not like you grew up together as siblings and then fell in love. There's technically nothing wrong with this. You have our full support."
The weight on your shoulders felt even lighter as your friends' understanding and approval washed away your concerns. It was comforting to know that your closest friends saw your relationship for what it was, a deep and loving connection that had grown naturally between two people who cared about each other deeply.
The tears in your eyes transformed from those of worry to those of happiness, and you gave a sincere smile of gratitude to Chan and Minho for being there for you.
As Jeongin's semester break approached and the return home to visit your parents became imminent, you found yourselves lying in bed beside each other one night. Your head was resting on his chest while he drew comforting circles on your back. In the midst of the quiet moment, you gathered the courage to voice your thoughts.
"Innie... we've been together for a while now, and our friends in the city all know about us. Should we..." You looked up at him, seeking his thoughts, "Should we tell mum and dad?"
He leaned down to press a reassuring kiss onto your lips before responding, "They'll have to find out sooner or later. We might as well get it over with once and for all. If our friends are so accepting, maybe our parents will be too..."
You smiled at his supportive response and nodded, "Let's hope so."
He closed his eyes, pulling you even closer, and you both tried to fall asleep that night with your minds wandering to how your parents would react to the news of your relationship.
It was a mix of excitement and nervousness, but you knew that whatever happened, you had each other to lean on.
As you both packed up for the trip back home after informing your parents of your return, there was a noticeable tension in the air. You carefully loaded your car's trunk with your belongings while Jeongin watched closely, his perceptive eyes not failing to catch the slight trembling of your hands.
Before you could make your way to the driver's seat, he reached out, taking hold of your hand and gently pulling you closer to him. He circled his arms around your waist, concern in his eyes as he asked, "Hey, what is it?"
You swallowed hard, "I'm just nervous, Innie. What we're about to tell them might change things forever. I'm scared."
He pressed your head onto his shoulder, holding you close as he placed a gentle kiss on your head, "I'm scared too," He admitted, "But whatever happens, we're in this together, right?"
You nodded against him, feeling the reassuring warmth of his embrace, "Right."
With a determined resolve, he squeezed you gently, "Then let's do this."
You took a deep breath, wiped away the threatening tears, and got into your car. As you started the engine and began your journey back home, you felt a mix of fear and hope.
Upon your arrival at your parents' home, you and Jeongin went to hug them. They expressed how proud they were of both of you for doing so well taking care of each other in the city. A slight falter in your smile betrayed the internal turmoil you were feeling. Would they still be proud once they found out the truth about your relationship?
Jeongin looked over at you and gave you an assuring nod. He understood your apprehension but was there to support you. For now, you followed your parents into your childhood home, deciding to wait for the right moment to break the news.
In the meantime, you caught up with your parents, sharing the latest updates and stories from your lives in the city.
The evening passed pleasantly as you all settled back into your family routine, but in the back of your mind, the knowledge that you needed to reveal the truth was a constant presence. You were both determined to face whatever would come next, knowing that honesty was the only way forward.
As you all settled down at the dining table, dishes filled with your and Jeongin's favourite food in front of you, the atmosphere was warm and comforting. Laughter filled the air as you enjoyed the meal.
Then, out of the blue, your mother turned to you and asked, "Honey, tell us about your love life. Have you met any nice guys or do you already have a boyfriend without us knowing, hm?"
The question hung in the air, and you stilled, your hand reaching for a dish in front of you halted mid-air. You threw a sidelong glance at Jeongin, who met your gaze with a nod, silently encouraging you to seize this moment.
You knew it was time to reveal the truth.
Setting down your utensils, you cleared your throat, "Mum, dad, there's something that we have to tell you both."
The cheerful atmosphere shifted, and your parents set down their utensils, their expressions curious. Your father asked, "What is it, honey?"
Your voice shook slightly as you began, "I do have a boyfriend," Your parents' faces lit up with excitement, and your mother asked, "Oh, that's great! What does he do?"
You held up a hand to pause their assumptions, "Wait, I'm not finished, mum. You... you both know this person incredibly well," They paused, clearly puzzled. Your father guessed, "You're not dating Chan or Minho, are you?"
Shaking your head, you lifted your hand, placing it over Jeongin's on the table, "He's right here, next to me."
Your parents froze, their eyes widening as they tried to process your words. They watched as Jeongin laced your fingers together before adding, "It's me... we're together."
The room fell into silence as your parents absorbed the revelation, their expressions shifting through a range of emotions.
You jumped in your seat when your father slammed his hand on the table, his voice filled with anger and disbelief, "What is this atrocity?! You're siblings, for god's sake!" Tears welled up in your eyes as his outburst shattered the room's silence.
Jeongin nervously gulped, "But dad... Noona and I, we really love each other. We hoped you could accept our relationship."
Your father stared at Jeongin with an incredulous look, "Are you out of your goddamned mind? She's your sister!"
Feeling a mixture of anger and sorrow, you couldn't stay silent. You stood up from your seat and implored, "Stop, dad! Don't yell at him; he didn't do anything wrong."
Your father, however, seemed beyond reasoning. He rose from his seat, his tone unyielding, "I don't care. You two better stop this madness, you hear me?" With those words, he stormed out of the dining hall and into his room, forcefully slamming the door shut.
Feeling overwhelmed and heartbroken, you collapsed back into your seat, overcome with emotion. Jeongin immediately gathered you in his arms, planting a comforting kiss on your head.
Amidst the turmoil, your mother finally spoke, her voice wavering, "Tell me, do you two truly love each other?" You both nodded, and Jeongin answered her, "I know this might be a lot to take in, but we wanted to be honest with you. Our relationship developed over time, and we've been together for a while now."
Your mother nodded slowly, taking a deep breath before responding, "It's alright, you have my support," Her words brought you both a sense of relief, and you looked at her, surprised, "Really?"
She smiled, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding, "Yes, honey. You're both my children, and I love you no matter what. I want to see you both happy. Besides, it's not like you're actually siblings. Your father... he just needs a little time to sort out his thoughts; he'll come around, I promise."
You breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that at least your mother understood and supported your relationship. While your father's reaction was hurtful, you hoped that, in time, he would come to accept the love between you and Jeongin.
The next two weeks at home were emotionally challenging as your father continued to give you both the cold shoulder.
Despite the fact that Jeongin wasn't even his biological son, your father's refusal to accept your relationship felt like a heavy weight on your shoulders. Every time he turned away from you or acted as if you were invisible, it hurt you deeply.
One day, after he walked past you and ignored your presence, you couldn't hold back your frustration any longer.
"Are you really going to behave like this forever, dad?" You asked, your voice laced with disappointment. He stopped for a moment, seemingly contemplating your words, before continuing to walk away from you.
Sighing heavily, you returned to your old room.
Lying on your bed, you cried silently into your pillow. The rejection and disapproval from your father felt unbearable. Eventually, you heard footsteps entering your room, and you felt a dip in your bed. A familiar hand landed on your trembling shoulder.
You turned to see Jeongin, and you didn't waste another second. You melted into his warm embrace, crying into his neck as he held you close. His presence was your anchor in the storm of your father's disapproval, and he whispered soothing words into your ear, promising that things would get better with time.
He couldn't bear to see you so upset and decided he needed to confront your father. After you've cried yourself to sleep in his arms, he gently laid you down and tucked you in.
Determined, he went in search of your father.
Jeongin found him sitting alone on the front porch, contemplating the turmoil within his own heart. With a deep breath, he sat down beside the man who had raised him as his own son.
"Hey, dad," Jeongin began, his voice steady but filled with determination.
Your father grunted, refusing to meet his gaze, "If you're not here to tell me you've come to your senses and realise what you're doing with your sister is wrong, then don't bother starting."
Jeongin sighed but decided to go on.
"I understand that this situation is difficult for you, and I appreciate everything you've done for me all these years. I came here to talk, not to argue. I know that we aren't blood-related, but we've lived under the same roof for years. You're the closest thing to a father I've ever had, and I love you as if you were my real dad."
He continued, "Noona and I didn't plan for this to happen. Our feelings developed naturally over time. We've tried to be respectful and considerate of your feelings and our family's reputation. But we can't change the way we feel."
Jeongin's eyes softened as he concluded, "We just want your understanding and acceptance. Noona and I are in love, and we don't want to hide our relationship from our family. I hope that, in time, you can find it in your heart to support us and be happy for our happiness."
As your trip home came to an end and you prepared to return to Seoul, you and Jeongin loaded your car trunk with your belongings. Your mother stood alone, getting ready to bid you both goodbye. Your heart ached at your father's absence, but you knew it was a step-by-step process.
You hugged your mother, tears glistening in your eyes. Just as you were about to enter your car, your father's voice rang out, "Wait up!" You turned and chuckled tearfully when you saw him approaching with a container full of kimchi that you'd watched him prepare just the day before.
He held it out to you, and Jeongin helped you take it, "Thanks, dad." You said, touched by the gesture.
Your father scratched the back of his neck sheepishly before he finally smiled, "Promise me you'll continue to take good care of each other, alright? And... I wish you both happiness."
Your eyes widened, and Jeongin smiled knowingly, "Does this mean you... you accept us, dad?"
He nodded, his smile growing, "I might have overreacted a little... but deep down, I know neither of you are doing anything wrong. It was just too sudden, and I needed some time to digest it."
You nodded, smiling through your tears, "Thank you, dad. It means the world to us." You hugged him tightly, relieved that the toughest hurdle was over.
You could both finally be together openly now.
With a warm farewell from your parents and the promise to visit again soon, you and Jeongin drove back to the city, hand in hand.
As you both settled back into your apartment that night, you couldn't stop smiling. All the most important people in your life had accepted your and Jeongin's relationship, and there was no more reason to keep it a secret.
But there was one thing you couldn't figure out: why did your father change his mind so abruptly? Did something happen?
Jeongin found you deep in thought as you brushed your teeth and crept up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist, "What's on your mind, beautiful?" He asked, his voice warm and comforting.
You blushed and quickly rinsed your mouth before turning around to face him, "I was just wondering what made dad change his mind so suddenly..."
He grinned knowingly, his eyes sparkling with mischief, "I may or may not have said something to him."
You softened, realising that Jeongin had played a part in bridging the gap with your father, "Of course, it's you... seems like I have to rely on you for everything now."
He nodded, a hint of playfulness in his eyes, "Guess you do." Then, he caught your lips in a loving kiss. Seeing you happy was enough for him, and he was determined to support you through all the challenges and joys life had in store for both of you.
A few years have passed since the night you finally revealed your relationship to your parents and the world.
You and Jeongin have been living your lives openly and happily as a couple, surrounded by the love and support of your friends and family. By now, everyone who mattered in your life was aware of your relationship, and they celebrated your happiness alongside you.
One day, you both decided to spend a leisurely afternoon shopping at the local mall. As you walked hand in hand through the bustling shopping centre, a familiar face caught your attention. It was Mingyu, your ex. He seemed surprised and intrigued as he watched you and Jeongin together.
His suspicions were soon confirmed as he observed Jeongin leaning down to press a kiss on your lips. He chuckled to himself before making his way over to the two of you, a friendly smile on his face.
"Hey there." He greeted you warmly. This time, there was no tension or unease in the air.
You beamed, not at all hesitant as you introduced the love of your life to your ex-boyfriend, "Mingyu, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Jeongin."
As the three of you chatted and shared stories of the past and present, Mingyu noticed the way Jeongin looked at you. The love and affection in his eyes were undeniable, and Mingyu realised that you've found someone who truly cherished you. At that moment, he felt genuinely happy for both of you, knowing that if Jeongin was the one who made you happy, that was all that mattered.
Weeks later when Jeongin's graduation day arrived, you were bursting with pride and excitement. Together with your parents, you cheered loudly for him as he walked across the stage to receive his degree. It was a moment of immense joy and accomplishment, and you couldn't have been happier for him.
After the ceremony, as the four of you stood together, Felix helped capture the joyous moment in family photos.
Your heart swelled with happiness as you looked at the man you loved, knowing that you've come so far together. What once felt like an impossible dream was now a beautiful reality. Jeongin, too, felt the weight of the moment, still somewhat surprised by the fact that you were finally his. It was a dream he has long harboured, and now it was his reality.
You both exchanged a knowing glance, understanding that this love you shared was your endgame. It was always meant to be, from the beginning until the end, and that's all that truly mattered.
Not long after, as Jeongin prepared for his first day at his new job, you helped him tidy up his work attire with a smile. He was about to start working at a kindergarten for refugee children near your office, and you were both thrilled that you'd be able to travel to work and back home together daily.
"Alright, now you're all set." You said as you straightened his collar and gave him a proud smile.
He beamed back at you, feeling grateful for your support, "Thanks, noona. Love you."
You leaned up to kiss him gently, "Love you too, Innie. I'll see you after work."
Watching him walk into the building with excitement, you drove away to your own workplace, feeling content and blessed. Life was going great, and you couldn't have been happier with how things have turned out.
The day went by rather slowly as you wondered how your boyfriend was liking his new job, feeling incredibly proud of him. Guilt washed over you when you realised you'd spent most of your day thinking about him more than getting any actual work done. Even after years of being together, he still had the ability to make you feel like a teenager in love at times.
You jumped in joy when the clock finally struck 6pm, signalling the end of the work day.
When you went to pick him up from work, it seemed he wasn't done just yet. So, you decided to park your car and take a look around the area. That's when one of Jeongin's colleagues, Jisung, quickly smacked him on the arm to get his attention, gesturing toward you.
"Dude, is that your ride home?" Jisung asked, curiously.
Jeongin nodded quickly, realising you've arrived. Jisung boldly stated, "Yo, dude, your sister's hot."
Before he could respond or clarify your relationship, his colleague was bounding towards you, sweeping a hand over his hair in an attempt to look cool, "Excuse me, noona. Do you have a boyfriend?"
Your eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected question, "Umm, hi," You greeted him, "Well, yes, I do have a boyfriend," Jisung sighed dramatically, pouting, "Of course, you do! You're so pretty; your boyfriend is one lucky guy."
Jeongin came up behind Jisung, clearing his throat, "I sure am," Jisung rolled his eyes, thinking he misunderstood, "Not you, doofus. Her boyfriend."
You stifled a laugh as you watched the exchange. Jeongin stared at his colleague, unamused, "I am her boyfriend, you idiot," Jisung blinked rapidly as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that he'd just attempted to hit on his new colleague's girlfriend, "Oh shit, dude, I'm sorry—"
Jeongin shook his head, trying to hide a smile, "It's fine. You're not the first one. Bye, Jisung. I'll see you tomorrow."
You waved at Jisung, and both of you chuckled as you walked away, Jeongin's arm wrapped protectively around your waist to mark his territory. He sulked slightly as he muttered, "You're too pretty, noona. Guys are always hitting on you."
You laughed, "Is that my fault?"
He scratched his chin thoughtfully, "I guess not."
You softened, cupping his jaw to make him look at you, "What does it matter, Yang Jeongin? In the end, I'm yours."
His smile returned, "That's right, you're all mine."
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This is my failed attempt at staying loyal to Minho, all thanks to Jeongin's disrespectful ass for wrecking me lately, goddamnit.
No regrets though lmfao, this is probably one of my personal favourites. It's my first time writing for SKZ, and I didn't think it'd be for baby bread, but here we are.
Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed! As always, I love reading all your thoughts, reviews, and feedback, so feel free to leave as many replies as you want! Thank you, my lovelies! <3
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