#Posting this here instead of on main cause I don't want my mutuals to know I live like this LOL
cinna-minute · 8 months
When I first started Disco Elysium, I couldn't understand why people would make such touching, beautiful artwork of Harry. He's gross and yucky!! But after playing a while he had An Effect on me and I. Understood. It really was like this post:
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
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Lol. lmao even.
Thank you so much for proving my point.
Like forgive my "holier than thou" and "fake leftist" attitude about it but I think if you want change you have to take risks, risks that upset the status quo. Like voting 3rd party, especially when nobody (including historically blue labor unions and states) wants Biden to be president.
If there's a chance to change things for the better then leftists and progressives take that opportunity. Every time. If you don't take that opportunity then you aren't even a progressive, let alone a leftist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Conservatives are called conservatives cuz they don't want things to change. You know why? Progress always threatens privilege and their privilege is something conservatives care about maintaining. "Things are fine the way they are, not perfect but be reasonable."
Also since you asked about my praxis; The last 4 years I have: protested/taken tear gas to the face across the entire PNW, organized for BLM, helped create a police alternative in my area so people don't have to call the cops, built mutual aid networks that cross state borders, and then I caught COVID the first time. At which point I became too disabled to keep doing the same level of praxis. So then I spent a Lot of time at the doctor trying to get my new COVID-caused chronic illnesses diagnosed. I couldn't handle activity like that anymore so I shifted gears to accommodate my body. I changed my passively political Tumblr to be my main source of outreach for radicalizing that would double as a political resource for leftist newbies.
Additionally, I've posted about this before and even showed y'all my ballot but I live in Nazi Territory. There is nobody who runs for any office here that isn't a Republican or libertarian and most of the time they're unopposed, too. I regularly don't vote because I don't have anyone to vote for, let alone have a 3rd party candidate to support.
"decolonize your own nationality privilege"
I'm literally Ojibwe, first off. Secondly, you think decolonizing the USA looks like re-electing a colonizer actively commiting genocide? l m a o
Like I said....people like this are closer to being conservative centrists than any kind of leftist. There's No Way someone who supports liberty and self determination would vote for Biden when there are other options ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and if I did NOT call out this clearly co-optive behavior then I would Not be decolonize the left.
Centrists and conservatives will not be allowed to water down leftist beliefs as long as this blog is here.
I literally came here to be holier than thou and judgey and to hold leftists to a higher standard after I shared so many online spaces with leftists who did Not support Landback, hated IDPOL, and thought class reductionism would lead to a revolution.
So if my posts strike a nerve: good, tbh
"real leftism is when you vote for capitalist genocidal Democrats to maintain the peaceful status quo and if you disagree you're a privileged liberal" and "how come you as a famous Tumblr blogger haven't materially affected our elections the last 4 years???" are takes I'd be embarrassed to say out loud so I've hidden your URL, lmfaoooooo
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You could open any of the books I've suggested on race or colonialism or imperialism or native history :) or join one of the unions I've posted about. Watch one of the videos about building mutual aid networks. You could even learn about presidential candidates on my page. And if you think you can do a better job than me then do it. I'm literally begging.
Or yeah, I guess you could keep doing whatever this is *gestures to the post* instead.
That's obviously very useful.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
I saw people asking about me, and wanted to clear things up in case of confusion - this is coming from my own bias because it's my side, but I try to be as objective as possible.
When I was younger I ran a webcomic and went under less of a handle and more of a personal name. Viv sent her friend at the time, Faust, to bully me (they were already bullying a bunch of other artists at the time too), I THINK for "similar styles" since that was something Viv got defensive over and a lot of people compared our art very publicly. This was years worth of bullying, too, so when people say "it happened years ago", yes, and it carried on for years.
Eventually, Faust also bullies another friend of mine, and this causes a mutual friend between the two of us (who ran an HH fan blog) to leave the fandom and announce by on the blog. Viv commented directly on it, and called the blog owner a liar and my other friend a liar. I reblogged the post on my main account, and basically said "My friends aren't liars and here's the proof of what they're saying about what Faust did." Some time after this, Viv started going to her crew and friends, and started telling them to actively block me and stop supporting my work (we had a lot of mutual supporters). I got blocked suddenly by anyone connected to her that I was connected to, and later this was confirmed when one of her former Patreon mods let it slip to a mutual friend between she and I. This was grounds for financial damages technically, I'm not as concerned with that because I was such a small fry in a big webcomic pool, but it did hurt a lot to hear that someone with hundreds of thousands of followers had it out for me because she couldn't beat me into the ground years prior.
Trying to keep a long story short, she sent her sister to apologize to some other victims, and the victim I talked to told me to reach out to said sister since Viv refused to apologize herself and made her sister into a proxy. I DM'd said sister, asked for an apology, got blocked, never tried to contact anyone in her family again. In the apology the other victim got, Viv's sister fully admitted that Viv had an issue with cyberbullying and had in fact sent Faust to attack other people "all those years ago". Viv posted about me by name on Bluesky where I didn't have an account at the time to contest anything she said with - she said I was a stalker (I've never made an effort to find anything that isn't public or sent to me), that I meant her physical harm (I do not, I would never, and I have repeatedly said that what I want in an ideal world is for her to apologize to all her victims, myself included, and then do some soul-searching and come back a better person), that I harassed her family (as said above, I went to her sister on advice from one of the other victims, because Viv used her sister as a mouthpiece and that's on her), and that I ran multiple accounts to do all this (I deleted my old accounts under my personal name because of the personal hurt I was going through, I took a break from the internet for months, and then I came back on this account with a handle that's very sentimental to me - the two accounts never existed at the same time).
Faust may have grown in that time, I only mention them in this story out of wanting to keep clarity, and honestly if they have changed then good for them and I wish them the best. I don't like everything they've said and done, especially where their treatments of clients has come in, but I know they've gone through some rough stuff and also been thrown under the bus by Viv so... I'd appreciate if they at least fessed up to their culpability in it, because that would help vindicate a lot of the victims, and I think a lot of people would be willing to forgive them if they just acknowledged the hurt they caused instead of pretending like it never happened and they never helped Viv do it. That said, Viv was still the one who sicked them on me, and she was still the one who went out of her way to try to hurt my work and myself.
Thank you for your story and clarification. Not gonna comment too much because I want it to let it stand on its own, but it really does sound like everyone else grew up and Vivzie just...never did.
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notsogreatpotoo · 2 months
1, 7, 13 and 17 for your ask game!
hello!! thank you for the ask friendo :]
ask game link for reference
1: favorite or funniest nicknames you've gotten
I haven't gotten a ton of nicknames that I've liked, bc usually nicknames are based off of your 'real' name and I'm closeted to most people I know irl, but one of my friends nicknamed me Emsy, and some of my friends used to call me Mouse in middle school bc I was a very wide-eyed and confused child. but I do really like nicknames when I get them :]
7: an excerpt from your funniest, weirdest, or worst essay from middle school or high school
okay so freshman year of high school, we read romeo and juliet, and i had read it before but not in an academic context and so when my teacher said we were going to write an argumentative essay on which character was to blame for the whole... situation, i was like. no. that's not the point. so i very spitefully wrote an essay that i ended up getting an A on, which was cool because it very much did not fit the prompt. here's the intro:
Placing the blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet has been debated for centuries. Their tragic fate leaves the audience wondering: who was most at fault? Can the blame even be fairly shifted onto only one person? In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, two people become infatuated with each other, but their families have an ongoing feud that limits their relationship. Many characters have expectations set for the two, whether those expectations be that they should be enemies or that their love will fix the feud. They eventually take their lives as the result of a misunderstanding. However, it is clear that Romeo and Juliet’s deaths are ultimately caused by the toxic society and surroundings their own families helped create, and the arbitrary laws of society that their families enforced.
idk, i just think it's funny that younger me was like, i don't want to do this. i'm not gonna blame one character, that's not the point of the story. fuck society.
13: something you really want someone to ask you about
i could literally talk at you forever about my oc insert hunger games fic, the first part and the second part (wip) (i have three parts planned) are currently almost 46000 words and the main character is the closest thing i will ever have to a child. i've decided i'm gonna post the first chapter of it on ao3 in a few days and then figure out a regular update schedule after stuff gets straightened out (i'm moving), but if you ever want to get distracted send me an ask about literally any of it
17: government assigned ao3 tag (choose one you really like, one that seems accurate to your life, or find a generator)
one i really like: Mutual Pining
if i'm in the mood to read fics with ships, i'll find one of my fandoms and sort by mutual pining. i love these fics bc usually the complications are internal emotional complications instead of things like cheating. (note: i do not support censorship. just because i don't like reading about cheating does not mean i support censorship of that sort of reading material. curate your own experience, do not attempt to control others'.) i also like fics that have a little bit of emotional build up through pining or smthn bc it helps me get more invested :]
one that seems accurate to my life: Alternate Universe - College/University
mostly self explanatory (i'm in college and it feels like a different universe)
generator assigned tag: Historical Inaccuracy
as a History major that's hilarious
thank you again for the ask!!! :]
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forgottenluck · 5 months
Mobile Friendly Rules
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Please follow the following rules, and warnings that go along with this blog. If you ignore these warnings, these rules, and make a fuss about what I rp, or who I rp with, then you will be blocked. I make these statements very clear as to not cause confusion.
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This is a semi-active, slow replies, Mutuals ONLY blog for an extreme (borderline OC) AU version of Yuri Lowell from Tales of Vesperia. 90% of the time I likely will rp him as an OC, but I would love to explore the other vesperia characters with him.
This blog will have mentions of depression, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, and other dark topics. If any of these are something you wish to not interact with, then this blog is not for you. Continue interacting at your own risk.
While I try to tag triggers, I sometimes forget, or don't realize that something is a trigger. If you would like something tagged, please let me know!
It is okay for minors to interact with me. My blog will not contain any nsfw sexual content. (any such scenes will be fade to black or vaugely explained due to my personal trauma).
Reiteration of above point, there will be NO SMUT on my blog. Romantic relationships are absolutely fine, even encouraged because I'd love to explore that. But any writing more than kissing gets put into the fade to black corner. I am not comfortable writing indepth actions due to personal trauma.
Do not, under any circumstance, take control of my character without my consent. My writing style depends heavily on their own mind and actions, so taking control of my character without notifying me first OOC is a big red flag.
Please communicate with me OOC! I need communication via muns so that I know what i’m doing isn’t taken the wrong way. I have had these issues in the past, and would like to avoid repeats. (If we've hit it off on here, and talk consistently, feel free to ask for my discord! I'm not super great at keeping up conversations, but i can try and I'd love to get to know people better!)
I do not mind becoming affiliates! However, this will happen organically. If we talk a lot OOC and rp a lot, then I likely will affiliate with you and make you a Main. Do not ASK to be mains.
I reserve the right to rp with whoever I wish. I do not pick sides. I will not choose one over the other. If you attempt to make me choose either you or someone else, unless I know you very well and we are close friends...I will likely choose the person who is not pressuring me to choose. Firefox and Chrome both have extentions that allow you to block almost all instances of a user on your blog, please use it. (the only exception to that is asks, and for that reason I do not answer asks, but instead make a new post.)
IF YOU FOLLOW ME AND I MAKE AN EFFORT TO RP WITH YOU AND TALK WITH YOU AND YOU DO NOT MAKE AN EFFORT IN RETURN I will unfollow you. I normally do not have an issue with this, but there are a few people who I have been excited to rp with and then it never go anywhere. If I see that you consistently reblog memes and starter requests without fulfilling, I will unfollow you.
The following urls and/or Muns are people I do not associate with. I do not wish them to be brought to my attention, I don't want to know about them. I have their urls blocked to where I cannot see them. I will not, however, tell you who to rp with.
-Star/Usa/whatever her url and name is now: Lots of drama happened with this person and my circle of friends. Due to her sending people to attack me and my friends via anon, I do not wish to even hear about her. This situation has been inactive for months.
-Loke: (renascii) Same reason as above though also for stealing and lieing. This situation has been inactive for months.
-Ezrile: A little bit more difficult to explain, but this person is unmedicated and mentally ill, and uses their illness as an excuse to treat others quite badly and as their personal punching machine. When called to take responsibilty for their actions, they pushed it off and have slandered my name as well as other's in order to justify their actions. This situation is still ongoing, as they continue to vague about me and another person who will remain unnamed, as well as stalk us. (I have confirmed that this person IS in fact a stalker. I would advise in avoiding this user, but will not force it. If you would like more information, send me a message and we can discuss things.)
This list will update as necessary. As stated, You may rp and interact with these people; just make sure to tag them so my blocker can get it. Please understand this is NOT a dni, I just ask if you interact with these people please make sure to tag their urls so that my blocker will pick them up.
I try not to engage in drama. I do my best to keep in my own lane. I have in the past, voiced my opinions on topics that are related to me particularly or related to people I am quite close with. However, I try to stay out of it.
Please do not pressure me in replying. I have ADHD, anxiety, and depression. All of these combined do not make a good cocktail for pressure, and if i'm pressured in interacting, replying, or other things then I get burnt out really fast. I do this because I enjoy it, so please don't take my enjoyment out of it by putting a deadline on me.
That being said, if i've taken more than a week or so to even interact with you, feel free to poke me and just give me a gentle reminder! I don't consider "hey we still good for that rp?" a pressuring measure, and I love to interact so i'd be thrilled to get a message!
I care very little about how other people run their blogs. I care very little about what topics you rp. If I enjoy talking to you, or writing with you, then I will do so. This means I do not take place in censorship culture. I will not shame you, or call you out based on what you find enjoyable. I know for a lot of people, writing and rp is a type of therapy, and most of us are adults here and can choose to disengage when something makes us uncomfortable.
If you DO happen to do something that makes me uncomfortable, I likely will unfollow, but I will at least communicate with you on why before I do. But considering I'm currently rping a bunch of trauma ridden little ones, it's highly unlikely.
Finally, a special rule: I will NOT RP with any characters from the series Tales of Symphonia or Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World. If you are a multimuse that has these characters on it, then as long as those rps are tagged, I'm fine. I have a bit of trauma related to the series and don't wish to revisit it.
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strawberry-barista · 4 months
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⚅ — Rules and Guidelines — ⚅
★— PERSONALS/NON-RP BLOGS: You're welcome to follow me and like my posts, however please do not reblog my threads or art tagged with "do not reblog unless" or any variation of that. This is to keep my notifications clean and my friends safe. Thank you for your cooperation. —★
⚀ RP Etiquette Applies: No God modding, metagaming, etc. etc. If there's something here you don't already know about or are new to rping in general, come talk to me to settle out confusion. I'll help!
⚁ All players must be 18+: I'm an adult and I only wish to roleplay with adults. This is not a space that's safe for minors. Please do not lie to me for both of our sakes.
⚂ I do not accept unprompted M!As: Or anons causing a change to my character or their state, for clarification. Unless I ask for it, I won't answer these types of asks.
⚃ OC and Crossover friendly: Please have a bio for your character that I can read through, even if they're canon. I'm less likely to attempt to write with characters I can't learn about or get ideas for.
⚄ Duplicates friendly: I'm a-okay with and actually encourage duplicates on this blog. Other Hanekomas are some of my favorite muses to write with.
⚅ Shipping: Hanekoma cannot be romantically shipped canonically. However, non-canon ships of all kinds are welcome, and platonic and familial ships can become canon. I ship with chemistry, and even if we come out of the gate with a ship in mind I would still like to build up to it.
⚅⚀ About Connections: Connections are my main/affiliated, canon relationships. I do not make mains calls and I will most likely not be the first person to come discussing making a muse canon to Hanekoma's universe. I am extremely uncomfortable with doing so and would really much rather be approached about this potential instead. OCs are also welcome to be canon muses to Hanekoma's universe.
⚅⚁ NSFW threads are extremely rare: Mun is a severely sex-repulsed asexual and is not generally comfortable writing explicit scenarios. I'll only write smut with mutuals I really trust, and even in this case, there must be plausible build up to the scenario. I will not write it with new mutuals and I will not write it with mutuals I do not already have an ooc relationship with. All smut threads must be tagged appropriately, and they must be cut both for my comfort and my audience. Please respect my boundaries regarding this rule especially.
⚅⚂ Liking and tagging: I tag all triggers as "[trigger] tw" and will often add "ask to tag" which means you should inform me if there's a tag I've forgotten that you need. I also like (❤️) threads to signal that I consider them finished and do not expect a response. It's okay to continue the thread if you want to continue, though.
⚅⚃ Patience and Reminders: I don't mind if you spam me with reminders if you think I've forgotten something, even if you do it a lot. However, I ask you not to get short or impatient with me as I do have a life outside of roleplay that takes priority. Just don't get angry and we'll be golden.
⚅⚄ Drama: I will not be bothered by you posting drama (call outs, etc.) but please understand I do not personally support it and will not participate in it in any way. Feel free to tell me if you think I'm interacting with someone dangerous, but please understand that I won't always take your advice and I will make my own decisions regarding who I do and don't interact with. You are free to send me receipts, but I don't personally trust them and I will most likely make decisions based on my own personal experience and observations. Thank you for respecting my boundaries regarding this.
⚅⚅ Mun Information: Please read my mun page as there is important information about me there that may effect your comfort level with interacting with me.
★— Rules are subject to change without prior warning, so please check back if you're ever unsure about something and always feel free to contact me regarding them! —★
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blujayonthewing · 1 year
WELL SINCE YOU ASKED! :D what's the best way to get to know your d&d OCs?? do you have a collection of info about some of your favorites somewhere? a series of memes? writing pieces? I'd love to have a good starting point to get to know them!
AHH HI HEY HELLO FIRST OF ALL I LOVE YOU FOR ASKING!! I wish I had a good, like-- something succinct to answer with, lmao. I have an OC About Page on my art blog, but it needs updating and isn't accessible on mobile :') I've been meaning to do pinned posts and/or make a carrd or something to intro all my OCs, I just need to get around to it... and like, since all I ever draw or talk about is my OCs I've been meaning to make it a point to prioritize it haha, so, I think that'll be my immediate post holidays project 🤔
as it currently stands, I tag everything related to my OCs both on main and on blujaydoodles with that OC's name, including answered asks and memes and stuff. I also keep up running '[oc name] insp' tags for everyone on main but idk if those would be of interest to anyone but me lmao, they're mostly like, vibes and shitposts and/or aesthetics that remind me of that OC in some way
for now, aside from that about page, I can at least link to their tags (on here, cause I reblog everything from the art blog anyway) :3
Elyss is my water genasi ranger! she's spent half of her life feeling isolated from and unwanted by other people and the other half of her life living alone in the woods, and has spent the entire campaign being surveilled and influenced and betrayed by forces outside her control absolutely constantly, so she has a lot of Issues around love and trust and belonging and control, and a lot of trauma that her campaign's circumstances just keep compounding :') also she's a kill machine, and also she's my longest-running dnd character and still my favorite, my beloved girl
Idri is my forest gnome rogue! she's an arcane trickster whose dad wanted her to go to Wizard College but who opted to join the circus instead because studying tomes all day sounded boring, and when her mentor at the circus died she quit to join an adventuring guild looking for fame and excitement (and to just kinda opt out of processing her grief entirely oops lol no thanks bye) Her campaign is dead in the water so I don't talk about her as much anymore but she's still my lil sunbeam and I lov her ;n;
Juniper is my human druid! She comes from a long line of druids; specifically her family are traditionally the village Wise Woman, but she ran away from home to apprentice with cartographers instead because she's a big nerd (and struggles with suffering and mortality and doesn't think she'd make a very good full time village healer at all tbh) In her campaign she's the only one without, like, Severe Backstory Trauma and she's a mom friend with a martyr complex trying to solve everyone's problems while being wildly out of her depth to relate to anybody else, so she's anxious all the time :'). Also she's FINALLY dating the monk after like two real life years of obliviously mutual pining <3
Aubree is my halfling fighter! She's a lil bit of a roughneck, but fiercely good-hearted; blunt, loud, picks fights she knows she can't win if it's worth making a stand on principle for what's right. She also has a boar called Truffles, whom she found and adopted as an abandoned runt and now rides (and dotes on, that's her best friend). She also died three sessions into her campaign, but she got better, so the story around all of that is, you know, The Whole Thing this campaign is about and oh man it's been A Lot
Melliwyk is my gnome wizard/ artificer! At the beginning of her campaign, the art of creating magic items was eons-lost in her world, so, her whole thing was trying to rediscover or reinvent that process. Now her campaign is mostly about unraveling ancient mysteries (good! her whole jam!!) and uncovering deeply evil and complex conspiracies (wuh oh, not so good!). Her whole thing is she wants to learn EVERYTHING and try EVERYTHING and her originally intended vibe is 'low wis chaotic mad scientist who is blithely unconcerned with risks or consequences', which, she's had a lot of character growth and gained a lot of depth but that's still the heart of her as a concept. Also she has Magical Narcolepsy as the result of a failed experiment, so she spends a lot of time collapsing into an ungainly heap or being carried around in someone else's backpack
Nyssa is my satyr warlock! She's one of my older dnd OCs but there's not as much to say about her because I've never been able to play her regularly :') She's a sweet, gentle creature from a small and closeknit hedonist utopian satyr flock in the woods, so when I have played her it's been a lot of playing with the dissonance in 'gentle pacifist whose warlock magic is mostly aggressive' and 'a satyr trying to navigate Society, with like, clothes and money and (as far as she can tell) no sex for some reason??'
Felix is my NEW BOY that I fixated on instantly despite only getting to play him like. three times. and his campaign probably being dead before it started :') he's a forest gnome inquisitive rogue who loves Finding Stuff Out; he spends most of his time people watching and eavesdropping and taking it upon himself to investigate mysteries just out of curiosity. he also loves small animals and is friends with, in particular, most rats, cats, and small birds
Quick n dirty rundown of other OCs I talk about significantly less, for various reasons: Kethri, my utter sweetheart halfling bard who has found herself thrust backwards in time and, to her dismay, into a position of significant social power for reasons that are still unclear; Tsakesh, my khajiit archer who just wanted to explore some dwemer ruins and examine some weird devices but ended up wrapped up in some daedric end of the world bullshittery; Ambrose, my half-elf bard who is a poet, linguist, and ancient historian studying the ruins of a lost people who all mysteriously vanished at once; and honorable mention to Indigo, my gnome circle of stars druid pirate who's only a one shot character but whom I keep drawing and thinkin about anyway because they're cool 😌
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monsterkiss · 5 months
Catra x S/I backstory
I was asked about the backstory for my selfship with Catra, so I decided to type it out and post it!
I have a semblance of a backstory, just bits of this and that based on what I imagine.
Most times I like to imagine that my S/I, Adora, and Catra all grew up together and a lot of the time had this whole "very close friends, almost dating, but not quite dating" thing going on. Likely experimented with each other and whatnot at some point too, like "practicing kissing" and stuff.
Maybe Catra and Adora even actually dated at some point or at least were heavily flirty and all. When I think of ideas with Catra x S/I, I try to include Catradora in some way anyway but I'm not sure.
Then, eventually, Adora leaves the Horde, S/I and Catra stay behind. S/I hates Adora for leaving, Catra gets obsessed with Adora. S/I is always by Catra's side, her right hand, at all times. As we know, Catra doesn't treat anyone all that well during that period, and that includes S/I, and S/I isn't being that much of a great person either. The two possibly enter a very toxic relationship. Both find solace in each other while simultaneously becoming their worst selves… There's mutual obsession and possessiveness too.
And perhaps, eventually… S/I finally leaves Catra like the others, adding to the pile of betrayal and hurt. Maybe Catra pushes them away and they leave, I don't know. Maybe instead S/I pushes her away. Or even maybe S/I DOES stay. The details of what happens here are fuzzy in my head, it could go either way.
Not sure about further events, but eventually at some point Catra should realize that she's in love with S/I and wants to be with them. Of course, that doesn't mean that Catra doesn't want Adora back. But she realizes that Adora can't give Catra what she wants, that the type of relationship she wants wouldn't work out between them, while it could be different with S/I. (There's a possibility for a polyam relationship here, in some cases I imagine exactly that in which Catra dates both S/I and Adora, but idk tbh when it comes to the "main/canon" storyline…)
During the "Save the Cat" sequence perhaps Adora and S/I BOTH come to Catra's rescue. Or maybe specifically S/I does that, while Adora, Glimmer, and Bow help them. I'm not sure how the entire thing with the failsafe amd The Heart of Etheria should go though. Maybe it goes more or less the same way as in the show but this time it's about "the power of friendship" or something, in which Catra and S/I cause Adora to transform into She-Ra and uleash the magic. There's no kiss between Adora and Catra though and then instead of getting together with Adora, Catra chooses S/I.
Eventually all three still manage to patch up their friendship and become even closer than before. As for Adora? Perhaps she ends up dating Glimmer while Glimmer continues dating Bow, so the three of them are together. And also while sure, Adora dates Glimmer, Catra dates S/I, they all care about each other deeply and are like a family! Maybe in this case after all there's even further polyam potential, just platonic in some cases.
Ok thanks for reading! That's all I have for now. :3
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handirtys · 1 year
FIRST & FOREMOST: I expect all of my rules to be read, as this blog is post-canon based and highly critical of the Grishaverse in all variations. When I follow someone, it is always after I have read their rules and about page. I expect the same etiquette to be followed in return. I will know if you do not read any of my pages and I will hard block those who show that they have not, with no warning and no hesitation.
DISCLAIMER: This is an independent writing blog for an exploration of the Grishaverse character, KAZ BREKKER. I do not own the Grishaverse, its canon characters & materials, or my faceclaim. The lore that I pull from is also not mine. Any headcanons that you see here are mine and mine alone.
PORTRAYAL: This characterization of Kaz is highly critical of his canon material. Nonetheless, I typically default to post-book canon. I am not show-based; however, I do use Freddy Carter as my faceclaim and as such, I utilize content from the show. This does not reflect agreement with the writing done in SAB. I'm currently rereading the Crows duology, which I use for characterization and portrayal framework. Kaz is the leader of the Dregs gang, owner of the Crow Club, and a very good thief. REGARDING SHIPPING: Due to Kaz's trauma and his extreme haphephobia, it isn't a priority of mine to write romantic or sexual dynamics. Also, because I write mostly post-book, I adhere to Kaz's complex feelings for Inej Ghafa. Kaz is difficult to ship with and I will not write him otherwise for the sake of a forced dynamic. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but it is unlikely we will write out that kind of dynamic.
WRITING: This blog is mainly PLOT-BASED. I love world-building and creating complex dynamics between muses. I prefer writing in third person. My default verse for Kaz, as stated above, is set after the Rule of Wolves timeline. He is 23 years old. In his main verse, he is in Ketterdam, the leader of the Dregs, and considered the King of the Barrel. I currently have several modern-based verses found on my main blog's pinned post. However, I am open to creating other alternate verses for ease of plotting and writing if none of those suit!
Kaz is a very violent and unhinged character. I will not water him down for the sake of a better dynamic or to satisfy egos. I will not woobify a murderous criminal. He can and will lash out. He did not become a feared crime boss by doling out mercy. His mercy is cutting off fingers and ripping out eyeballs instead of killing people. If your muse is mouthing off and being smart, he's bound to cause injury. On the flip side, he's smart. Very much so. And he knows better than to strike someone who is very obviously more powerful than he is. Plotting is great for discussing these kinds of interactions! But if you don't think you (or your muse) can handle the aggression and violence of a gang leader, please refrain from interacting.
I am not a Funko Pop. Please don't use this blog as an addition to your Kaz collection. I thrive on story and world building, and I want meaningful interactions and dynamics that are well-developed. I work best when my writing partner and I match energy. With that being said, I have no intention of collecting canon characters either. This is especially significant given that I write Kaz post-series in his primary arc and will likely diverge from future installations. If you have no intention of plotting or writing with me, refrain from interactions. Also, if you don't want to follow back, please hard block me so I won't risk forgetting that I first followed you and try re-following; I'd hate to be unwittingly a nuisance!
MUN: My name is Rionach, or Rio. I’m twenty-seven years old, she/they pronouns, and I work full time as well as go to school. I’m highly selective and mutually exclusive. Wary of duplicates, but not entirely opposed. If you don’t have your name somewhere on your blog, it’s no from me. Don't be a dickhead. Art on my pinned post is by NanFe. Will remove upon request of the artist.
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eulangelo · 3 years
callout for @genderfluidlucifer
google docs
tw for transmisogyny + TERFs + emotional manipulation
Lucifer is a huge transmisogynist who will complain 24/7 about how TERFs hurt the ace community, but the moment @randomclustermissile , a trans girl (who is not an exclusionist at all) tries to point out transmisogyny in inclusionist circles (in the most vague and general way possible, without pointing fingers nor calling anyone names) Lucifer will immediatly jump to block her and so they did with me (another inclusionist) and i have to suppose to everyone else who agreed with that post, even arriving to vagueing about us in private group chats to suggest that we were “sympathizing with exclusionists”. all because we dared point out transmisogyny in inclusionist circles. lucifer is TME but apparently they think they’re the authority on TERFs and their talking points but actual trans women are not, according to them, since this is the stuff that they would go and spew to other people. (screenshots from @enbyoctoling​)
here’s more examples of Lucifer (again, a transmasc person) going deep in detail about how according to them, TERFs/SWERFs hate aro/ace people and are an active threat to us
1. link
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[Image ID: Three screenshots of a post by Genderfluidlucifer. The first screenshot is of a paragraph that reads, "Hey. So I can actually answer this. Anon your commentary about how you thought terfs would approve of sex repulsed aces is sort of it. Except...not. Basically terfs hate ace people for not wanting sex in the approved by terfs way. Terfs are actually extremely interested in [forcing] amatonormativity onto everyone. Because for as sex negative as terfs are...they don't want to actually acknowledge or change the fact that amatonormativity is at the root cause of rape culture and misogyny."
The second screenshot is a zoomed in section of the post that reads, "So yeah no I have NO idea where exclus allies are getting this idea from that terfs would even remotely care about the sexual rights of ace people. Terfs generally hate any sexualities in the LGBTQ+ acronym that aren't LGB because they can't force a gender binary onto those sexualities. At least, not as easily. That's why it's actually a massive sign of someone who doesn't call themselves a terf being a crypto terf if they use the term LGB in a positive manner. Along with the term SGA, as it is deliberately exclusive of nonbinary and not inherently SGA centric queer-aligned sexualities. /END ID]
link to the full post, these are just excerpts but the whole thing is just a very long rant about how TERFs hate ace people and so on (i think it’s worth noticing that although the actual post is kinda long, trans women are never once brought op in a conversation about TERFs issues and the only time transmisogyny is mentioned is not relevant to the conversation)
2. link
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblog by genderfluidlucifer. The original poster is nothorses. It reads, "Because apparently I have to say it: Testosterone is not a 'violent' hormone. It doesn't make you 'more aggressive' or a worse person, it doesn't make you 'dangerous,' or 'toxic.' Transmascs do not need to be 'warned of the dangers of T.' We do not need to spend our transitions terrified that we're going to become a danger to those around us - that HRT is going to turn us into a monster.
Everyone experiences mood swings during hormonal shifts (pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, estrogen HRT, etc.) and while you might have grumpy moments or feel anger/frustration that you need to learn to handle differently, that doesn't make you a bad person.
Testosterone can change the way you access/process emotions somewhat, but if you're already thoughtful about how you handle your feelings and treat others, you're going to be fine. It's normal to lash out on occasion, by accident, then apologize and work to do better. It doesn't make you a bad person. Everyone on HRT is prone to this, and everyone experiencing hormonal changes is prone to this.
Getting HRT should be positive and affirming; you should not have to spend your entire transition terrified of becoming a monster."
The post then has a reblog by captainlordauditor that reads, "The big danger of T is that needle ouchy." /END ID]
here’s them reblogging from known transmisogynist user @nothorses (once again, the irony that a post about how testosterone is seen as the "aggressive hormone" does not mention transfem at all which are literally the main victims of this rethoric in the first place)
3. link (1), link (2)
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[Image ID: Two screenshots of posts by genderfluidlucifer. The first screenshot reads, "Queer exclus: We're not repackaging terf rhetoric! Saying that is transmisogynistic! Also queer exclus: Remove the plus from LGBT!" and has tags that say, "I will pay these people to grow some god damn self awareness. Imagine being this dense. Queer discourse." The post has 15 notes.
The second screenshot reads, "Honestly it is so stupid and frustrating to see ace exclus continue to deny that the ace discourse was started by terfs. Proof was given countless times. And a big name terf like galesofnovember even admitted to starting it. Those of you who demand proof but ignore all of this never wanted proof to begin with." and is tagged with, "ace discourse. The post has 38 notes. /END ID]
heres another two post of theirs conflating TERFs with ace exclusionism
4. link
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblogged post by furbearingbrick. The original poster is boxlizard, Lucifer's old account. The original post reads, "By the way for people still in denial about it, here's galesofnovember, a terf, admitting that she intended to start the ace exclus movement. She's taking credit for it. Normally if the victims of this behavior weren't ace/aro or other queer identities y'all be ready to rightfully lynch her. But since it's us, y'all just still wanna stamp your feet and go, 'Nuh uh!' instead of acknowledging facts." The part that says, "admitting that she intended to start the ace exclus movement" is a link to a galesofnovember post.
There is then a reblogged addition from furbearing brick that reads, "archived versions of the receipts" and has two links to the webarchive. The tags read, "Bringing this back since it's apparently still relevant. Terfism mention. Aphobia mention. Queerphobia mention. Blocklist." and has 1,455 notes. /END ID]
this is their post that ive already talked about but basically they found a 52 notes post made by a TERF in 2012 and this one person said "i dont know why i dont get to be the princess of the anti-ace-brigade" and apparently they are convinced that this means TERFs started the ace exclusionism movement and that this is one of their goals. which is insane when TERFs in real life only care about making life miserable for transfem people first and foremost.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblog by genderfluidlucifer. The original poster is yu-gay-fudo. It reads, “Just in case you happen to be unaware, some of the “radfem lite” they post to warm you up to their rhetoric, just off the top of my head:
- Ace/aro exclusionism
- Bi exclusionism or claims that bi people are “less queer” bc of “straight passive privilege”
- Saying you have to be dysphoric to identify as transInvalidating nonbinary people
- Calling queer a slur regardless of context, saying people can’t identify as queer, and saying that it can’t be reclaimed
- “Mogai hell”, “kweer”, or otherwise mocking less common labels and claiming they are “just cishets who want to feel special”
- Excluding sex workers from feminist discussions or claiming that sex work is inherently evil
- Basically anyone who thinks they can determine what other people identify as”. The tags read, "queerphobia tw. twerfs tw. no id." and has 70,727 notes. It was reblogged on March 22nd, 2021 /END ID]
another example of conflating radfems to things that, while wrong, have little to nothing to do with them because being a radfem, again, is something very specific that has all to do with transfem oppression.
Emotional manipulation
Lucifer has done nothing but block, break boundaries, spread lies and vague about people, some of which were even mutuals with them knowing they would see the posts. when confronted about it Lucifer's only answer was "just say you hate me and block me" but they actually ended up blocking everyone first, making it impossible for anyone to set some boundaries with them or even just to calmly confront them about anything.
[proof: Io(popncourse) and Lucifer had a disagreement in a shared discord server, which prompted Lucifer to vague Io in a vent post. Io confronted them, as being vagued is one of buns triggers, to which Lucifer initially agreed to delete the vent post, but then proceeded to victimize themself and immediatly blocked Io. later on, Jude(malewifedeckard) was confronted by Lucifer, then after Jude told them “I’m worried that you’ll vague me just like you did with Io” they proceeded to block Jude and vagued about him too. when Io made a post (which was not a callout, it was just bun setting buns boundaries) explaining what Lucifer did, Lucifer immediatly jumped to victimize themself, acting like they were being called out and straight-up lying, even going so far as to say that no one tried to hear them out, which is a blatant lie if you consider the aforementioned Io and Jude’s attempts at doing so, with Lucifer immediatly blocking and cutting ties with the both of them. ] 
(screenshots taken by @popncourse and @malewifedeckard)
as seen in the proof above Lucifer’s behaviour is not ok because they don’t accept any kind of confrontation and immediatly jump to blocking, and after blocking, they'd immediatly go and vague about the people who confronted them pacificly, spreading more lies and painting themself as the victim and even arriving to say “no one hears me out at all” which is simply not something you can say when you block people who are trying to hear you out in the first place.
this is by no means an invitation to go and harass them, send them hate or anything like that. i absolutely don’t want anything even remotely hateful or negative to be sent their way after this post. 
this post was only made because:
1. as an ace person who fully supports the inclusion of aspec identities in the lgbt+ community i don’t want to support an enviroment that costantly downplays transmisogynistic oppression in order to be taken seriously. there are hundreds of ways to make aspec activism without acting like we(as in TME aspecs)are the victims of a system that seeks for the annihilation of transfemenine people in real life everyday. i especially don’t want to support TME individuals who act transfem-friendly but then block any transfem who tries to speak on transmisogyny without a second thought.
2. Lucifer’s behaviour has hurt two friends of mine and i don’t want to associate with someone who actively breaks people’s boundaries without taking accountability when messing up.
3. i cannot associate with someone who spreads lies about me accusing me of sympathizing with exclusionists all while having me blocked so that i can’t see it nor defend me. they complain about people not hearing them out but they’re the very first person who does not try to hear people out, and instead jumps to spread baseless rumors. this is not someone i can nor want to associate with. 
(image descriptions provided by @malewifedeckard)
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zephycluster · 3 years
Precolonial HWS SEA Rant Post, feel free to ignore
If you're still reading, then you're probably looking for evidence or some juicy tidbits to throw back at me or to try and find dirt to cancel me, like typical Tumblr/Twitter. Go ahead, I don't really care.
First off, let me just say that If you like Precolonial South-East Asia AUs, feel free to keep enjoying them. I will respectfully support your passions from afar. This post is just to explain why I don't like it, especially the way they keep insisting/portraying PH in it.
Still here? Then let me begin.
Since the recent confirmation that the ASEAN Six Majors (Can't really say ASEAN 10 atm since it's still missing some people) Were completed and the Ma-Phil-Indo Trio was included, there has been a large surge in 'Precolonial' fanarts and portrayals of South East Asians, those three especially.
Even long, long before, circa 2010's ish, a rather well-known fan universe known as 'Maaf' dealt with their story and how their Author thought their intertwined histories went. Written by (my best guesstimate) an Indonesian writer who wants to explore the old, SEA bond.
When I first stumbled across Maaf (I was in Highschool at the time, around age 16-ish), I took a casual interest in it and tried to read it through. But, I will wholeheartedly admit that at the time, Pre-Colonial cultures of South-East Asia in general, let alone Philippine, did not really interest me that much. The focus (I think) was mostly on Indonesia, a country I didn't really know back then, and the liberal use of 'ancient' names and artwork just made it feel like an entirely Original Work (that needed a degree in History to really appreciate) and not something from Hetalia. I also completely disagreed with what I could gather was the story's portrayal of PH but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Do I hate 'Maaf'? No, I don't hate it. Do I wish I never came across it or that it didn't exist? Of course not. Just because I didn't enjoy it or appreciate it that well doesn't mean I wish any ill toward it, its fans, or its creator.
Fast forward to April 2021, the long awaited inclusion of South East Asia to the canon Hetalia verse. I was happy, the other fans were happy, all was good.
Then started the questionable fanarts, fan theories and fan pairings.
Especially the expansion of Precolonial! PH.
Let's go back to Maaf for one moment. From what I understood of Maaf, PH there was a character who once was like all the other South East Asian cultures, trading with them, all around being a nice family.
But all that changed when the Spaniards attacked, so cry the precolonial buffs. They destroyed everything, ransacked and marginalized the tribes, erased everything that PH was!
Did that happen? ABSOLUTELY. The Spaniards had this vision in mind that they must spread Christianity to all of the 'savage, unchristian heathens' of their realm. :V /s
But back up a second, back to PH's portrayal in Maaf. The way she (yeah, she) was portrayed there was that she was slowly losing her memories of being a 'true' South East Asian and grew more and more westernized in the process, like some sort of Culture-specific Alzheimer's or something.
Firstly, that is seriously depressing, and secondly, I just really don't see that happening.
Here's why.
Point 1: Even before Colonial Masters, Filipinos as a people cannot agree on anything.
I'll just begin this segment with a Philippine proverb that outlines what Filipinos call 'Crab Mentality' or 'Crab Bucket Mentality'.
"You don't need a lid for a container when you're keeping multiple crabs. If you keep at least two crabs together, they will just pull each other down instead of helping each other up."
I don't know how it goes with Indonesian or Malaysian history class, but what I know of my homeland, both pre- and post-colonial history, we were never really 'united' or 'together' in the sense that Indonesia and Malaysia were (from what I assume).
Let me pull up a somewhat related question on r/AskHistorians.
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The reason I brought this up as it shows the reasons why, in my opinion, a single entity that is 'Precolonial Philippines-tan' is an impossibility.
The answers are long and would extend this already long post to stupid proportions, so I'll just quote relevant sentences. The link is here for those that wanna deep-dive into the answer.
"All this to say that there wasn't a name used for the entire Philippine islands before the Philippines that people now would agree to. An interesting comparison would be the Holy Roman Empire, which might also be characterized as disparate politico-geographic groups of relatively small size that had a history of relations between each other, but one thing they had that the Philippines did not was a common language, or at least a family of mostly mutually intelligible languages, so that the name Deutschland or Germany isn't terribly offensive to anyone. If you called the Philippines the 'Lupang-Tagalog' or even 'Lupang-Tao' the other ethnic groups would protest."
For those in need of translation, 'Lupang Tagalog' means 'Land of the Tagalogs' and 'Lupang Tao' means 'Land of People', specifically. The first one is already exclusive and offensive, as the Tagalog peoples are but one of many ethnicities here.
And for the 'Lupang Tagalog' suggestion specifically, it's even more offensive as they are the majority ethnicity (not by much, just around 28%) From this chart from Geography Now! It would basically be alienating everyone else in the 72% remainder that isn't 'Tagalog'.
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And even 'Lupang Tao', the most generic name in a local language you can think of, would be met with contempt because the name itself is in the Tagalog language.
Just travelling between two individual island groups today would sometimes require a translator because the words can change very rapidly and very drastically. Here's a sample of some differences coming from a friend living in Visayas (in Red) vs. the words I know living in Luzon (In blue).
Ate vs. Manang = Older Sister
Ibon vs. Pispis = Bird
Tumawa vs. Kadlaw = To laugh
Takot vs. Hadlok = Fear
Kain vs. Kaon = To eat
Ngayon vs. Subong = Now, at this point in time
Iyak vs. Hibi/Gibi = to cry
Talampakan vs. Tiil = Foot (in Tagalog, the word retains its 'body part AND unit of measurement' meaning)
Tulog vs. Tuyo = to sleep (Tuyo in Tagalog is either a dried salted fish or 'to dry')
The kicker is that just like Tagalog is just one of many languages here, so too is the language my friend speaks. Ask an entirely new person, like someone from Mindanao, they'll probably have an entirely new set of words.
It's not just Luzon vs. Visayas vs. Mindanao, either. Here's a map listing some of the ethnic groups here.
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Even the way they're written differs from location to location.
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While we're on the subject of Island divisions, a casual skim across Twitter and Tumblr has shown that their Precolonial PH has been one of the following ancient civilizations: Tondo, Butuan, Sugbu, Namayan. There may have been others but that was what I have found.
Notice how even today, the posters of Precolonial PH can't seem to agree on what he's supposed to be? With Indonesia it's either Majapahit or Srivijaya and Malaysia it's usually Malacca iirc.
What is the big deal? Well, let's go back to the Ask Historians post. "Why didn't the Philippines ever change its name to remove the colonial mark that being named after a Spanish King has?" The answer: "If you suggested something dating to precolonial times, the other ethnic groups would protest."
Since we're on a roll with maps, let me bring this up.
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As you can see, the precolonial PH posts have a reason to not be able to agree on one thing, as there is a LOT of options. Do you also see how THAT list is also split up?
It's split up into those aligned with China (Sinified), aligned with India (Indianized), aligned with the Middle East (Islamicized), and no alignment (Animist). Now, let's go back to the main suggestions for which Kingdom/Polity/Civilization/whatever Modern Philippines used to be.
If the Filipino peoples' couldn't agree on something as simple as WHAT TO CALL THE LAND THEY'RE LIVING ON, what more a living, breathing, walking, talking entity that is supposed to be a beacon of all of their 'unified' culture? ESPECIALLY if that entity used to be a currently existing Kingdom/Polity/Rajahnate/Sultanate/whatever.
Tondo? "Of course, always the damn Tagalogs. Tagalog this, Tagalog that. First the capital city, then the language,* THE REST OF US EXIST, YOU KNOW! What about us in Visayas? Mindanao?"
*The national language known as 'Filipino' is just standardized Tagalog*
Butuan? "Wait, you want Butuan to represent us? They're they only Indian-aligned city in the Islam-majority Mindanao! They're not even that many of them! I'm not gonna change my religion!"
Sugbu, the other name for the Rajahnate of Cebu on the map? Lemme bring back my Visayan friend again. According to her, she hails from the Hiligaynon part of Visayas.
"Sure :v and the other islands are what?
Chopped liver?
Not to mention the language and writing barrier helloooo"
And Namayan? Well. I'll let this pic speak for itself.
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To summarize, no matter who you pick as Modern PH's previous identity, it will not end well nor be accepted by the other Kingdoms at the time.
"So where does that leave Modern PH, he had to have been ONE of them, right?"
Well, not really. He doesn't HAVE to be one of the Ancient Kingdoms that lasted till the modern day. I mean, predecessor representatives exist in Hetalia canon, after all. Like Modern Greece is a different character from Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and Modern Egypt, heck even England and his brothers have a canon mother that was the rep before them.
Or you could even use the same logic that Germany does, in that each specific region has/had its own representative and that Modern!PH is just the 'mediator' between them (cause gawd does PH need one). There could be a Tondo, a Namayan, a Butuan, and a Sugbu, all arguing and this Proto-PH is just trying to make headway in making them all satisfied.
But, even after all this, there is another reason why I personally don't subscribe to the 'Precolonial PH' idea, and by tangential extension, the Indo x Phil pairing.
Point 2: Even without intending to, Precolonial Indo x Phil just comes off as patronizing
This second point is just ENTIRELY personal preference and barely has any facts to back it up.
Again, if you like the pairing and disagree with me, You do you. I will respectfully support you and your passions from a distance.
But for me, Indo being Phil's seme/bae/boyfriend and consistently bringing up precolonial times just comes off as patronizing.
Just one more time, I'd like to point out that I am NOT bashing Indonesia, its people or the subscribers of Indo x Phil. This is just how the pairing feels to ME specifically.
The way I see it, Indo x Phil as a pairing, especially if it extends back into precolonial times, reads the same way as a long-since married couple where the husband/wife CONSTANTLY brings up that ONE outing you had together, or that ONE prom night where you kissed while dancing, even it happened like 30 some-odd years ago and so much more happened since then.
Even in a platonic sense, It reads like two besties where one ALWAYS mentions stuff like 'Yeah but you looked so much cooler back in High School' or 'Back in Grade School you would've known that', or 'Remember back in Pre-school we did X? How could you forget that?'
How does one respond to the notion that no matter what you do now, it will never compare to a past you've already forgotten or barely remember? That the best version of 'you' is already long gone?
"That's because the westerners made you forget your culture! You gotta take it back!"
While it is true, yes, as a collective we barely remember the Kingdom that commissioned the Laguna Copperplate, or created the Banaue Rice Terraces, or created the millennia old bonds that we still share with Indonesia and Malaysia.
But to keep pushing the precolonial identity would be to neglect and cast aside the one REAL binding belief and culture that spans the entirety of these islands we call the Philippines.
We take on all the bad stuff that happens to us, conquer it, and make it our own. Be it natural disasters, foreign powers, or negative stereotypical mentalities.
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Yes, we've forgotten the ancient kingdoms of old and are just now digging through the closet for those remnants of the past. Yes, the colonizers imposed that on us, and made us forget. But in the process we've also taken everything that they left behind, everything that they threw at us, and created something that can only come from us.
The lanterns that the Spaniards used to light the way to the morning masses they made us attend became our globally known symbol of Christmas. The junked vehicles that the Americans left behind in World War 2 are now rolling works of art that announce themselves loud and proud on the streets (for better or for worse). The iced dessert recipe that the Japanese forced us to learn while they were occupying the country is now so distinct and famous it is synonymous with us, and is so delicious even Italy has taken notice.
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Even after all this? Even after all the 425-ish years total we have been under a foreign power, with all the progress we've made as a country, a people, and a nation, you would still imply our fragmented, jigsaw puzzle state of being in the past was better just because it was pure 'South East Asian' like everyone else?
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We might not be as well put-together as Indonesia or Malaysia, but we made this melting pot of angry, leg-pulling, dogpiling, Native, Mestizo, Chinoy, and Fil-Am crabs OURS, damnit!
It's now 4:30 AM and I have work in 5 or so hours. I'll be going to sleep now.
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witch-apologist · 2 years
I've been trying to wrap my head around g/a for years now even by rewatching the whole show trough shipper goggles something I don't do usually and nothing? I've seen compilations, post's on why they're perfect etc cute fanart but it just eh, the wiki mentions something like an almost kiss and I'm like where?? Can you share on why you like them so much ?
I can try!
So there are moments in canon that are just /soft/ between them.
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These are just a few pulled from Google images.
And then they do hold hand (i think a couple of times)
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But those are just moments in canon where they show romantic tension.
I wanna talk about why I like them together because of who they are as people.
I reject the notion that for a relationship to work you have to be so similar or so dislike each other as many people seem to think. I think, realistically, you should probably have some things in common. But I dont think there is a perfect balance of alike and different that balances everything personally. I think that any kind of pairings, handled right, could be enriching to the parties involved. But let's talk about it.
One Glimmer for all of her faults and mistakes, does love Adora, and vice versa. I don't think that's something anyone can really disagree on, they do love each other no matter what kind of love you think it is.
I dont know how much of this is gonna make sense to you but I'm really gonna try here.
They both have perspectives that enrich each others lives, Adora with her insider knowledge of the Horde, and from being someone who was raised a Horde Soldier but turned out a good person. I think pre-season 1 Glimmers ideal end to the war would have either been Ahnilation or imprisonment of the entire Horde. But because of Adoras influence on her by season 5 Glimmer is willing to take a chance even on the likes of Catra, all because of Adora.
Glimmer provides Adora with the perspective of what it really means to be a leader who is trying to protect people. What it really means to be on the other side of the Hordes war. I think its very poetic that the meeting that leads to the end of this war is between a Horde Soldier and a Rebellion Princess. Bow is a good friend and a good moderator but the catalyst of everything really happens when Glimmer decides to take a chance on Adora. She could have held tightly to her beliefs that no one in the Horde is capable of/wants to be good. She could have given up that village and ran to Brightmoon to give her Mom the sword. But instead she saw Adora for who she was and took a chance on it.
When she sees Adora is having a hard time she tries to help Adora relax. Taking her to the best ways she knows how. And when it doesn't work she trues something else.
They often find themselves saving each other, thats a trope that i just can't resist most times.
It also helps that, the main issues between Glimmer and Adora, like with Catradora, stem from being triangulated by a mutual abuser. And, im kinda a sucker for reconciliation between abuse victims. Whether that end in a romantic situation or not. For me it reminds me of how both of my current relationships started, so those kind of stories have a special place in my heart. (Also because im an abuse victim which has made me very compassionate for other victims even if they've hurt me in the past, to a certain point)
Glimmer was targeted by Shadow Weaver at a very vulnerable time in her life, and that caused a rift to form between her and Adora. Im glad they managed to move past it like Adora and Catra did too.
I also think they Glimmer matures throughout the series also plays a role in why I still like Glimmadora even after season 4 made me feel ill about the way Glimmer treated her. And it very much stems from the fact that, Glimmer takes a chance on Catra. And of course it was Catra, and not Hordak or some other Horde soldier who hadn't defected. Glimmer looks at someone she would have once regarded with pure hatred and im sure somewhere in the back of her mind she thinks "There must have been some reason Adora gave her so many chances, there must have been some reason Adora loved her" and she tries to get through to that part of Catra, and it WORKS partially because, they both love Adora and at this time, they've both failed her in a major way. Glimmer and Adoras canonical romantic interest break through years of walls and rifts and barriers over their shared love and guilt over Adora. Thats fucking beautiful.
They have many good moments and many good ways that they enrich each others lives. And you may not ever really be able to see it the way we do which is fine! There are some popular ships that I just can't get behind for reasons unbeknownst to me even though there's nothing really wrong with it. It happens!
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
I got tagged by @xpromethiosx !!!
Why did you choose your URL?
My first name is Haleigh, and "sloth" is a play on words I guess. It's very close to my actual last name lol
Any side blogs?
One that was mostly a name saving blog. Haleigh-goth lol. I was gonna use it for halloween but I don't feel like going through the trouble of changing my main URL. I think if I can travel more starting in November like I plan to, I may make it into a travel blog to just keep my pictures and videos.
How long have you been on tumblr
Oof. I was in 9th grade soooo 2011. With a decent break ranging from 2016/17 to last November, 2020.
Do you have a queue tag?
Nope. But I do have a queue going.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I started it in 9th grade basically to nerd out. I was into manga and anime and it's what me and my best friends used to express that interest.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp
I use drawings for my icon to have a unique one that nobody else will have. Even before BNHA. Shigaraki because he's my favorite.
Why did you choose your header?
Again, same reason. It's a drawing. And it's Midoriya and Shigaraki because I love them both, they're my favorite part of the story, and I can't wait for their conclusion.
What’s your post with the most notes?
A post with the panel of Touya ripping at his hair from the spoilers. From waaaay back when 300 came out and we got that glimpse of stressed little Touya.
How many mutuals do you have?
I have no idea, but not too many. I like it that way.
How many followers do you have?
818. Some of these ARE from the old days though. A lot of them are not current, or even active on tumblr.
How many people do you follow
49 lmao
How often do you use tumblr each day?
Oof more than I'm proud of. It passes time when work is dead, it's my "me time" at night after work before bed. So I guess at least two hours of interacting with the website each day.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
I think I've argued once or twice. Back when I was just getting into the fandom on here for BNHA. Then I quickly realized that there's only like, 40 or so blogs worth talking to lmao, and that arguing is dumb. I'm gonna post and say what I want, and I encourage other people to do the same on their own blog instead of arguing. Asks prompting discussions are different, but straight up arguing back and forth is dumb.
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this posts”
I ignore them. Half the time I check the comments and the info on the post is faulty, or I just don't find it actually helpful to reblog a fucking post to help a cause.
Do you like tag games?
Do you like ask games?
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@/hamliet for sure lol, aside from her I'd say @/thyandrawrites is pretty big and has a big following, @/todomitoukei also because her translations are badass and everyone knows it
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No, y'all watch anime how could I ever
Tagging: @redphlox @mettywiththenotes @helga-grinduil @todomitoukei @thyandrawrites
Sorry if any of y'all were tagged already 🥺
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goth-bunny · 3 years
Tumblr media
I hate to say this, but I no longer feel at home or safe using Tumblr.
Within the past 3 years, it's caused me a lot of anxiety and caught the unwanted attention of bigots, even to the point that I constantly had asks flood my inbox and my personal posts reblogged and mocked.
In 2018, I was targeted by T_RFs, in 2019 I was dogpiled by wh_te supremacists, and in 2020 I was stalked, harassed, sent death threats/suicide baits, and nearly doxxed by a transphobic anon who couldn't take accountability for a simple mistake, to the point that they had to target my main Twitter account.
All these events have made me more anxious and apprehensive when it comes to socializing with others on this website and the lonliness is overbearing.
I've been on this website for 10 years (this blog for almost 7) and I've learned so much about myself and other people through this platform. I've made long-term friends and acquaintances. It's safe to say this has been my home and safe space when it comes to sharing content and being out and accepting about my own identity as a nonbinary bisexual on the spectrum, but in recent years...I feel like I can't even vent about small things on here without anons coming into my Inbox and tell me that I complain too much on my own blog.
I don't want to be on Twitter all the time because of its notorious userbase. Facebook isn't exactly the best place for it and I've also had some negative experiences there last year, what with some self-absorbed member of our pagan group insulting me when I told them I was trapped in a family that doesn't always seem to understand me, and an artist around my age who was exposed for defending child abuse materials and harassing minors.
I feel sad coming to think of having to leave this website since it helped me form my own thoughts and grow into my own person instead of having to rely on my own parents and their weekly Sunday church visits all the time.
Even though I started off ignorant and naive when I joined, I laughed at the nonsensical humor posts, I listened to personal anecdotes, I learned more about the world around me and beyond, all without having to leave my country.
I soon learned that the relationship I got into when I was 18 wasn't exactly how I pictured it, and I never had the chance to explore my identity fully until I was 21 and I had to break up with my ex for being stubborn and lacking compassion for marginalized sectors at the time, as well as being transphobic when I came out nonbinary.
I've learned that a lot of the tics and habits I had is commonly found in others on the autism spectrum and it gave me a new understanding of why I act and think the way I do.
I know I haven't exactly been the kindest last year, and I haven't been as open as I hoped. My poor mental and emotional health impaired my judgment and critical thinking, costing me a long-term friendship and the trust of some others. However, I did repay the people who commissioned me when I said I couldn't be able to do them due to my mental health. That is a reason, but not an excuse for how I acted. know I've done something wrong and I would like to apologize. I know it may seem like I haven't changed much, but it's hard to be open and honest when your words and actions can be twisted online and that ill-willed folks might be watching my every move.
What's next for me?
Well...I'm not sure.
I'm currently thinking that I might take an indefinite break from this website, even if it breaks my heart. Or start anew on a new blog and live quietly, even if it means giving my comfort space.
If you reached the end of this post, thank you for taking the time to read it. I know I don't seem like it, but I appreciate the mutuals and followers I have, even if I don't know you very well. You make my life less lonesome and I hope you have wonderful days ahead of you.
And I'm sorry if I've ever been petty or unbearable at times. Even if it was about little things like preferences, maybe I shouldn't have been too much of an ass and actually just said what I meant. I'm still learning how to accept my shortcomings and bad mental health days without having to resort to memes. Wisecracking can only get you so far and some things are not worth poking fun at, especially if they're treading on more sensitive issues.
P.S. I don't think I will be turning on anons for a long time. If you want to say something to me, whether good or bad, please be open and honest with me. I appreciate it.
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gg-astrology · 5 years
Hi thank you for quickly answering about my sun-moon combo and my ascendant 😊 I learned that I'm a second decan aries.. If you don't mind I have something to ask about some of my placements I have Jupiter retrograde in Leo in the 5th house opposite my saturn in aquarius in the 10th house, my saturn also squares my moon in Taurus in the 1st house, I have been having a really hard time.. My saturn return will be soon too 😭 right now I'm in a place where I dnt know where to go..
Hey there!! 💕💕💕 I’m so sorry I didn’t reply to this immediately :(( I jus saw it now, I hope things are going well for u!! I had to take a week off as well phew things have been Kicking My Ass 💕💕💕
So I gotta break this down a lil for me.... Leo Jupiter rx in 5th, 
Taurus Moon in 1st, square Aquarius Saturn in 10th 
Phew ok, so to address your saturn return (congrats for getting to this point btw!!💕💕💕) hopefully things will be better for you or at least, revert to something more manageable 💕💕💕 Depending on transit, it can be harder or easier for the person bc of the natal placement as well (Jupiter’s in Sag right now and Saturn is in Capricorn) 💕💕
When I do social planets (Jupiter/Saturn) I try to look at generational planet too. It has a strong impact/influence on each other, so somethings to look out for-- Uranus is in Taurus now and once it reaches an aspect with your Aquarius Saturn (square) that will be around the time you might be forced to go through unexpected changes. It’s a good time right now, to prepare for that. Try to prep yourself to be ‘open’ to things, flexibility, paths.
Long-term plan might change, and stability might get wonky, try not to rely too much on what you ‘know’ of the world, or your position or who you are-- often times Aquarius likes over-hauls. Overture of their personality, public reception or criticism, life paths and independence. That’s in essence part of their self-transformation and individuality.
It can be a period where you’re humbled to start finding different paths/structure for yourself again. Remember that Aquarius is one of the ruler of Saturn, but often time it’s rebellious (unlike Capricorn). The 10th house has to do with the public, so a lot of the time-- you may fare better if you prepare to be confident in yourself/your changes thus you don’t feel like you’re completely losing your footing in the public y know (as opposed to others opposing you, and then you start doubting yourself/feeling isolated/alienated again) 
The main key here is that the 10th house is the highest point in your chart, and often times when it’s going through some changes --- you’ll have to consider how ‘others’ are going to see your problem/situation too and will most likely judge you for it. In an ‘unexpected’ aspect (Uranus-Saturn) a lot of restructuring might surface, frustration and tension tend to rise.
Evaluate-- clearly, why little things rile you up or make you tense. This is a sign that you should probably start keeping checklists for yourself on what kind of changes, paths, restructuring you’d like to make because-- most of the time, the criticism/frustrations are valid. They are things that do require changes, because you are growing as an individual and you deserve to have a better path and goal for yourself.  
Of course things might get turbulent, but again-- try to believe in yourself and not others/what you materialistically have or has built up for yourself. You’re still growing, and this saturn return is going to have you humbling and starting from the ground on certain things if it gets to that (potentially/not always). 
There’ll be period where you’ll have to question the stressful system, limitation or restrictions you’ve been complacent/settled into. Think of this period as something to cut off the excess, to renew and revigorate yourself. Aquarius demands alot of hard disciplining lessons, you’ll have to be flexible and patient. 
Unlike Capricorn, it’s a period where you’ll most likely have to wait for things/circumstances to come to you and adapt/flex as you go (air sign after all, even if it’s fixed) Aquarius is self-made, even if it’s at the cost of the things it’s built for itself crumbling. 
Communicate, if you can-- and try to let others know what you’re doing along the way (doesn’t have to be the same people, new people who come into your life are often good choices too) build support for yourself with those who see, and can accept the changes you’re going through. Who has your best interest instead of those who clings to the old or has their own personal insecurity in mind. 
It’s completely normal to not-- know exactly where to go, or feel like you’re losing sight of things you knew were sure before (if that happens for you) remember it’s a period where planning and clinging onto the past will be faced with Taurus Uranus’s questioning-- most likely, there’ll be frustration to an extent. So try to be patient, flexible and open-mind about circumstances. And believe in yourself. You’re your biggest supporter here, so do it! 
Try not to resist the changes, or over-think too much. It’s a time and period where your Aquarius will be put through some test of patience. Think of it as a round of Taurus vs Aquarius boxing match, but instead of seeing it as black as white as that. Taurus is actually trying to make Aquarius manifest itself better by working as the catalyst for Aquarius to take action and get back into it’s original energetic form-- that is, believing in the self, being someone who can often think or see past old out-dated thinking, methodical planning but not exactly commitment, and working with the flexibility of air-- and the amusement of fixed signs. Try to reconsider that instead.
If problems start arising, restrictions starts forming and you can see that it’s causing you frustration. Deal with it or don’t let it settle into your new life with you, learn how to tackle these problems instead of ignoring it or letting it get to you. Remember, Aquarius can often ‘explode’ too, so make sure you deal with things the way level-headed Aquarius can do. 
Right, that’s probably not coming right now though... And we’ll be going through some Pluto shifting into Aquarius as well--- maybe that’ll catalyst something for you too. Make sure to consider your personal placements as well, but let’s get back to your natal??
Jupiter opposition Saturn can sometimes make the individual ---hmm swing between wanting something, having the other. It’s a matter of swinging between recklessness, spontaneously, ‘good things come when you act upon it/want it’ versus being too cautious, hesitant and serious that you end up don’t do things at all. Individuals of this position may often find themselves working between the two--- as they may find that having patience, perseverance and channeling their attitude forward tends to help them with situation a lot of the time.  
You’ll notice it, but both of these social planets makes the ‘public’ important to the individual, needing to seek approval or being seen can happen too (knowing how they’re seen) a certain way is always an important component. Through transits and whatever is happening (saturn return), it may become more prominent with you and you may feel frustrated that-- you act or say/seek things a certain way, when you really want to seek approval of yourself or find communication harder to bare, harder to be accepted, harder to beloved.
Realizing habits/behaviour pattern of yourself when you’re with others is common, Leo/Aquarius aren’t dumb and are very aware of how criticisms against their character can go. Often times you want to deal with internal problems like--- ‘no this is who i want to be/who i am’ yet at the same time, you keep acting in other ways. This frustration might be more prominent, particularly because it’s squaring your Moon that holds your emotions. Taurus here is at a position where it wants to be honest, open. But at the same time, the quarreling between Leo/Aquarius can be hard to settle in mutual agreement if you aren’t just shutting/suppressing them down completely.
Thats why being confident, prepping yourself to be ready for your Saturn return is important. The earlier section-- also I hope you can read the Saturn post as well, might be helpful? 💕 Don’t rely too much on thinking ‘oh this is like my childhood’  -- certain things can stick and stay, leaving a taint/mark on you if you let it ‘settle’ into a norm for you. Dealing with things and small frustration, talking to people, helps a lot 💕💕💕 I hope this is helpful to you! 💕
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lets-get-fictional · 7 years
So I have an aroace character. Another character falls in love with her and she doesn't with him. She never will. Now, she does come to love him. Just not romantically. (Spoilers!) He's killed at the end of the first book. This is when she finally comes to terms with loving him, and she basically cries, "I love you" to his dying body. The thing is, how can I communicate to my audience that she never had romantic feelings for him? I don't want people to think her being aro is just for angst
Thanks so much for your question, love!  That sounds like a great relationship, and one I’d personally love to see published :)
So we’ve talked a lot about romantic love on the blog – in fact, we made a recent post on the distinction of romantic love.  But we haven’t talked about how to specify platonic love over romantic, and that can be very important in modern fiction – especially in today’s fandom culture, where fans assume every two characters that breathe in a mutual direction are romantically attracted to one another.  Strong F/M friendships (and aromantic characters!) are desperately needed in modern fiction!
I have some advice for you that might help :)  Here we go...
How to Keep Fictional Friendships Platonic
Avoid admiration of each other’s physicality -- especially involving sexualized body parts.  Friends may notice attractive qualities in each other, no matter their gender or sexuality, but these thoughts can easily confuse readers.  When observing a scene through your aromantic character’s POV, avoid dwelling on the other character’s eyes, lips, scent, muscles/curves, or any details that might be considered sexual (e.g. how their clothing hugs their body).  Some writers don’t think about how their descriptions color their main character’s image/emotions -- and that’s how we get female characters who notice each other’s glistening hair and “plump breasts” but are never ever lesbians because god forbid.
Show your character’s discomfort at romantic advances.  Just because your character grows to platonically love their friend does not mean they’ll become more comfortable with romantic displays.  Longing looks, moments of silence or one-way sexual tension, small displays of affection like hugs that last too long or gifts (with clear romantic intention) -- if the romantic love isn’t returned, those moments will be awkward, and maybe even guilt-inducing.  It’s hard when someone wants you to feel something you don’t, especially if you’re close to them.  Those moments will be there.
Allow your character to treat their friend with love, without expectation of anything in return.  A clear indication of love is when a person is kind/considerate or goes out of their way to help their friend -- but that moment afterward, when they watch their friend smile and want a hug or a kiss or some kind of reward, turns it romantic.  Friends help each other because they care about each other; they’ve already reached the status of friendship, and they just want to maintain it.  But when you love someone, you’re pursuing something -- you’re expecting advancement and change.  When your character is kind to their friend, let them do it just because that’s what friends do.  Skip the long silent moment of anticipation afterwards.
Keep them on a level playing field.  The easiest way to make a relationship seem instantly romantic is to typecast the characters involved -- especially if they’re F/M.  Putting the woman in the “woman role” -- portraying her softness, her patience, her need for protection -- and putting the man in the “man role” -- protective, strong, unemotional -- causes readers to associate them with the stereotypical romance story.  Instead (and you should do this with romance anyway), portray them as equals and separates.  They can do things without each other.  They have thoughts about people other than each other.  They aren’t each other’s puzzle piece and the universe isn’t pushing them together.  And they aren’t Man and Woman -- they’re Person and Person.  Playing up their genders (and gender roles) will not serve you in any way.
Let them express that they have no romantic feelings for their friend.  Maybe they say it in dialogue; maybe they say it in their head.  Maybe they show it in how they describe the other person (”tall, wears cool jackets, has a great sense of humor, awful driver,” and other non-romantic but still affectionate details).  Maybe they have a romantic encounter with that character, just to feel it out, and decide they just don’t feel anything at all, even if they wanted to.  Maybe the character outright states they’re aromantic, and that solves the puzzle for readers right there (although you may have to say it a few times).  Phrases like: “I can’t love you the way you want.”  “I feel like I’m a disappointment to you.” “I care about you a lot.” “You’re my best friend.”  As angsty or as non-angsty as you want, any phrase a whiteguy would refer to as “friendzoning” can be your ticket to an indirect expression of platonic love.
And specific for you, anon: when the friend dies, make sure your character only has platonic memories of them, just to make their meaning behind “I love you” clear.  Have them remember the bad jokes, or the high-fives, or the deep conversations -- basically anything that isn’t touchy-feely or a stereotypical couple-thing.  Once your character drops the ILY, readers might get confused.  Make sure they leave the book with a clear image of what you intended for your characters.
I know that got long, but I hope these ideas help you!  I applaud you for wanting to make your aromantic representation clear, and I hope this goes well for you.  If you have any more questions, the inbox opens on Nov. 1st :)
Thanks again, and good luck!
If you need advice on general writing or fanfiction, you should maybe ask us!
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