#Original Pantheon
lucidexe · 6 months
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double posting so i can show yall my oc sketches
theyre for an original universe these two make up the “life” facet in their pantheon and are known as the Creator (in blue) and the Giver (in orange)
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violetjedisylveon · 4 months
Gay Goddess Anyone?
I made some gay sun and moon goddesses it was supposed to be for pride month, but I didn't finish in time. Then I procrastinated posting for months.
@poeticallydisgraced for being the person I spammed about all the colors and for listening to my info dumps.
Moon Goddess, Esmeray/Lysimachia
(2 names thing explained below the cut)
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Deific Domain:
Magic, all kinds, Mother of Magic
Winter weather, i.e. snow, ice, blizzards ect
Sky, split with the Sun, specifically nighttime sky
Stars(fall under the nighttime sky)
Ocean + water
Wild animals
Poison/toxins + their medical applications
Has some level of control over all aspects of life not under the preview of the Sun.
I really liked that little crescent moon thing if you can't tell, I put it anywhere I could. Lots more info on her under the cut!
Sun Goddess, Herema/Iris
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Deific Domain
Art, Mother of the Arts
Weather, winter weather is the Moon's domain
Sky, split with the Moon, specifically daytime sky
Medicine, some overlap with the Moon
Has some level of control over all aspects of life not under the preview of the Moon
She's the new head of this pantheon I am making, (these are the only two I have finished at the moment, got an ocean deity in the making). She is short, a lot shorter than Esmeray/Lysimachia. Very important detail. Smol lil fox birb goddess with tall cat bat deer goddess gf.
Esmeray/Lysimachia's weapons and shield
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She made all of these herself, her bow and her spear were the first she created and her main weapons, her bow folds in. Her scythe hook things was made with assistance of a harvest deity friend of hers, and the shield she made herself too. The sword she made as a gift for Herema to protect herself with.
All of them are sacred symbols, mortals have ceremonial mimics of it to be used for different rituals. Basically they are used to ask for her favor in something under her preview.
Herema/Iris's stuff(she doesn't really have weapons)
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Not pictured but her lantern is included as an important artifacts.
She forged her sun staff out of sunlight in her ascension process, it was to prove her abilities and control over her powers, the sun(and by association, the moon) is the most important deity in this pantheon, together they possess some level of control over every aspect of existence, the other deities have a more focused control over smaller domains. But a lot of other deities are older and more experienced than Herema/Iris.
Her lantern is something she made as a newly formed entity, before she was discovered by the other deities, she used it to light her way as she wandered around kinda aimlessly for a bit. Her lantern is a very important symbol, in festivals they hang up mimics of it all around to give a village the light of the sun during the night. She carries a tiny sun in her lantern because it's too bright/hot for others for her to take out.
I really love these two and this world I'm building, I wanna make an animation with O Sol e a Lua for them cause that's kinda their dynamic.
Now for world building and the two names thing explanation!
Each deity has a personal name and a public name.
Public names are what the other deity's call them and what they are called by the vast majority of mortals, their personal names are shared with select deities they are particularly close with, and very select groups of mortals or non god non mortal creatures, something like nymphs or fae and other spirits like that.
The vast majority of mortals do not know they are calling their gods the wrong names.
Lysimachia is moon's personal name, Iris is sun's personal name.
I'm working on more background history and world building stuff but I can give you some basics about the gays!
Lysimachia and Iris are relatively new gods, they didn't exist at the outset of creation, the sun and moon as celestial bodies existed but no deity had control or influence over them, they had no life, which the earliest gods thought was weird because everything had a spirit or some deity taking care of it.
In absence of a reason why this happened, the two deities who's domain was close enough took on those roles, even though they had no control and were essentially house sitting the positions while the other deities searched for their missing members.
Those deities were the main fire deity and the deity of the afterlife(Queen of the Dead), those two are some of the oldest and most powerful, so they could keep opportunists from trying to take a role that was clearly meant for someone else.
Thanks for reading my little info dump thing! This is an idea I really like and want to expand on more eventually, I've got the ocean deity sketched already now I've just gotta draw it digitally!
Thanks and goodnight!
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i love writing prequels because you can just repeat the same motifs and roll with it. yes this couple from a century beforehand has a similar dynamic. yes the group of rogue girls follow the same doomed rolls. yes everyone is following the same worn tracks over and over again until the end of the world.
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chaotictoast · 4 months
Waltz to Death - Prologue
Xe watched as the more experienced deity shifted its shape through multiple different Syrens. She could almost make out the individuals’ features but they shifted too fast for her to get a good grip. Finally, they settled into what looked like a young man with chin-length fluffy hair and blazing blue eyes. He was wearing a dark blue traveler’s outfit made of thick wool. “This one works, I suppose.” His voice was pleasant and melodic, as usual. “I am in a more extravagant mood today but it’s not quite appropriate to wear silks in this weather,” he laughed and he and Xe walked down a winter road, “so I guess I’ll settle for a boring traveler today.”
Xe still didn’t know how he could be so many things and people. Sometimes he wasn’t even a he, most times he didn’t adhere to any of those specifics. She told herself that she didn’t mind that she didn’t even know his name if he even had one. She admired his skill and thought of her own as she could only shift into a few different forms, and not any other people than how she usually expressed herself.
Xe fastened the buttons on her fur-lined coat. A bitter wind was beginning to stir and sting her cheeks. Her traveling companion didn’t look outwardly fazed. However, he had given himself a scarf that covered his face and nose. “There’s an inn up that way,” he said, pointing to a brick structure with a plume of smoke flowing lazily out of its chimney, “I’m sure they’ll like some business on this cold winter night.”
She agreed and the two of them made their way to the inn. The path they were walking on had been crudely shoveled out and made it so they had to walk single-file. The snowbanks were almost as tall as Xe, although they only reached to her companion’s shoulders. I guess I’m just short, thought Xe with an inward laugh.
As they made it to the inn, her companion checked them in. He pretended not to notice the innkeeper’s startled expression when she noticed his unnaturally blue eyes. When they were safe in their room he sighed, “Yellow probably would’ve been a better choice.”
“I like the blue. It’s classic,” Xe replied, settling down on the smaller of the two beds. The other was larger, but not by much.
“The yellow is ‘classic’ too,” he replied.
“I suppose,” Xe looked up at the bare wood ceiling, “One question. I’ve known you for almost my entire life, which admittedly isn’t that long, but I still don’t know your name.”
“I thought you didn’t mind not knowing?”
“I guess I do now.”
“Well, since you asked, my name is Aurentis,” he said. Xe figured that the name roughly translated to “fractal” or “the one who confuses through shape” in Oldest Syran, the language of Upper Gods like Albys and Syrra. The name made sense from what she knew of him.
As far as Xe knew, Aurentis was one of the older gods in the pantheon, although they usually kept to themself or did errands for Syrra, who couldn’t leave her domain lest she be cast out permanently and another god take her place as Priest of the Sun. From that logic, Xe figured that the whole reason she was with them was that she was the errand for Syrra, whatever that meant. It left a bad taste in her mouth but she still had some sort of innate respect for the Sun Goddess, was she the one who made her? She tried her best not to think of it.
All she knew now was that they were headed north, and at this point, they were about halfway across The Towering Range that split the continent of Seunby-Sy in two. On one side was the Golden Rainforest, named for the way the sunlight filtered through the leaves; and the Kingdom of Tataki and the Vetur Alliance of Provinces, both of which were subject to a terrible lycanthropic curse over a hundred years ago which made all their citizens more wolf or foxlike than human. On the other side of the mountains is the cold Xiollan desert and strangely crystalline Aevum forest, along with the split Syrenian kingdoms of Ornithincia and Sylven. Xe thought it was strange that she never had to be told this information, but maybe it just came with the territory of being a god? Demigod? Spirit? Angel? Something along those lines.
The next day they started their descent down from the mountains. Traveling became much quicker once they got out of the domain of people, as they could shift into more graceful shapes and run on four tireless legs. Aurentis preferred a form similar to a wolf or fox, although it was taller with long legs and tail, and a peculiar blue coloring with dark blue stripes that ran down the entire length of its body. Xe’s favorite form was a black wolf with one long horn on one side of her head. And so they ran for tireless miles, and sometimes they flew, Xe as an eagle and Aurentis as a dark blue jay with stars glittering under its wings.
“Where are we going?” Xe finally asked.
“To Albys. You need the blessing of the Moon Preist,” Aurentis said, diving through the sky to land in the suddenly appearing prairie. And she heard no more about it.
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gt-blendergod · 9 months
The Ward Story (will eventually be masterpost)
So basically it’s like this. In this world, mortals are tiny and gods are big. They live in separate realms but gods obviously control the mortal world. Gods can size shift in order to create demigods. It was recently discovered that demigods can get upgrades and become gods. It’s neat.
One day, an elderly demigod who was living in the gods realm was expecting an upgrade. Instead of an upgrade, he got MURDERED. His experiments on mortals are uncovered during the investigation and blah blah blah spoilers spoilers.
Basically, the ward was a relative of the demigod of simple magic (though simple is a LOT more than you’d expect) and has to be adopted by him because he was their only living relative. They have no divine blood in them. Ever since their relative was murdered, the ward has been the only mortal in the godly realm. The only tiny.
(Btw gods can only size shift in the mortal realm not the divine realm.)
And that’s all the info I’ll give for now! Stay tuned
(Ps. I will not be posting these in order so good luck lmfao)
Investigation/Trial Arc
2, 3, 4, 5
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THE SORCERER’S APPRENTICE Presents: An Updated Family Tree for 🌿 The Birthday Party. 🌿
*This Page is Subject to Random Updates*
A personification of the Sun, whose love is ecstasy and immolation, life and death. 
A personification of the Earth, of might. “Terra” (*in my world) is the root of “terror,” of “terrifying.” She is represented as a woman in a sky-blue veil or cloak, sometimes haloed by the sun. Her symbol is a Macaw.
The marriage of the Sun and the Earth, Bernardo and Terra, gives us night and day, the archetypical experience of the passage of time. Their children are, accordingly, the three states of time; past, present, and future.
Rupert is a personification of the Past. He is the eldest of Terra and Bernardo’s children and represents exploitation, greed, and repression. His symbol is the dragon. He murders his father to protect his mother Terra and sister Pia, and to avenge the death of his sibling Calix. 
Calix is the personification of the Present. They are the second child born to the marriage of Terra and Bernardo. While they are still a child, they’re murdered by their overbearing father. Henceforth, the present becomes “fleeting;” a realm, disconnected from the rest of time (timeless, without memory, eternally youthful). Calix is said to inhabit this realm as an eternal child (over time they become known as ‘the noontide demon’).
Pia is a personification of the Future, or the drive/openness to change. She is the youngest of Terra and Bernardo’s children, and the only one to have children of her own with her partner, a personification (among many) of Fate, named Chia. Their children are: Bruno (Winter Time), Cordelia (Spring Time), Cleo (Summer Time), and Iris (Autumn Time *Why don’t we say this?).  She is the guardian of children and young people. Her symbol is the hare.
The marriage of the Future and Fate, Pia and Chia, gives us repetition. This is the reason why their children are the seasons; they are natural  (because they are also grandchildren of the Earth, Terra) cycles.
The eldest of Pia and Chia’s children, Bruno is a representation of Arctic Winter (snow and ice), hardship, and death. 
Cordelia is a personification of spring and Pia and Chia’s second child. She is a representation of procreation and reproductive rights. She is also the guardian of children and young people. Like her mother, Pia, she is the only one of her siblings to have children of her own; through parthenogenesis, Cordelia has twins Juno (Truth) and Celeste (Beauty). She is later burned at the stake (at a lynching.) Her symbol is the frog, and she is associated with water and monsoons (rainy seasons).
Cleo is the third of Pia and Chia’s children. They represent summer, abundance, and wealth and are most like their grandfather, Bernardo. In extremes, they also represent drought and famine (dry season).
The youngest of Pia and Chia’s children. They represent autumn, the liminal state between life and death, and are the herald of ghosts. Their symbol is a black moth, a living messenger of death. 
None of the four siblings mentioned above is currently living.
One of Cordelia’s twin daughters, Juno represents truth. After the death of her mother, she’s beaten to the brink of death and is rescued by her grandmother, Pia (or grandmothers, I haven’t decided). Her symbol is a monkey.
The second of Cordelia’s twin daughters, Celeste represents beauty. After the death of her mother, she is kidnapped by the murderous mob and is also rescued by her grandmother, Pia (or grandmothers, I haven’t decided). Her symbols are a pink river dolphin and a star. 
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claraoswalds · 1 month
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This is a brand new science for me, and I love it. The language of luck. 'Cause what is a coincidence but a form of accident? Two things bumping together unexpectedly. Like you and me.
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fnulr · 2 years
I am aware not everyone knows who Clara noctes is
So here is her myth (created by me)
So Clara was a party animal like the biggest one in history she was known for practically lighting up every party she went to
And this was especially in the summer when the nights were bright
Eventually she fell in love
With a charming young woman
And they were inseparable for a summer
Nothing was able to get them apart
On the last day of summer as sunset was approaching, she kissed her lover
And time froze, making this night bright forevermore and making Clara the god of the bright nights
But eventually the older gods brought her to her eternal realm
However she was forced away from her lover and legend has it that if ever a night seems to feel supernaturally bright it's Clara returning in attempt to find her long lost love
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the matron of ravens and sarenrae, observing their blorbos: Baby. Bestest child. I want you to have everything.
sarenrae: actually pike should get another blazing pillar of light
raven queen: vax'ildan will appreciate these visions
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chrispywhispy · 30 days
The Neighbors
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hey guys! Feeling a bit better in terms of self, I got my foundation laid out in the form of journaling, now all I need to do it keep it up until I fully feel like the true version of myself again. Thought I’d share some art I made during the week! I read through lots of articles and heard that Himeros was mentioned as a neighbor of the muses in Theogony, which I found pretty funny lmao
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here’s the girlies!!! Color theory really isn’t my thing but hey, I drew girls?? 9 of them in one day???? and thats a Slay???????
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emifye · 5 months
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Devotional Art for Hermes ♥️
"I am dissonance,
waiting to be swiftly pulled into tune.
ll go anywhere you want,
anywhere you want me."
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pocketgalaxies · 1 month
thinking about if/how the loss of opal as we know her will affect at all their perception of protecting the gods, especially compounded with fcg's death. when you reunite with someone you've missed so much and all he has to tell you is that his brother was killed by a god and his friend was forcibly surrendered to serve that god in the name of self-protection from predathos. when your best friend found so much hope in their god and went on this journey with you feeling like they were doing the work of a god who helped him find purpose, and all there is to show for it is a pile of scrap metal. how do you reconcile the idea that your mission is to defeat this entity that threatens the gods, when the gods are relentlessly demanding sacrifice and death from the people you love in order to protect themselves. how can you not think for at least a moment that maybe the gods deserve to be destroyed
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olympain · 7 months
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tinysweetnight · 2 months
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Fish update.
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chaotictoast · 7 months
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Trash animal but make it ✨fancy✨
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stilljordan · 6 months
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so i started playing hades... you'll never guess who my favourite is
btw the reference for this one is a painting by a 19th century artist Camillo Melnik, specifically his painting "A Red-Haired Beauty" (see below)
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let no one tell you i don't credit my references ;)
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