#Nightmare comfort
flowerbedbaby · 1 month
"I don't get nighterrors" Simon Riley
Simon is a military man, he's seen a lot of horrible things. He's going to have nighterrors at the least.
I'm just picturing that it's maybe 3am, you're laying in bed with Simon, and he starts having a panic attack in his sleep, naturally you get closer to him to try and help, but in this terrified state of confusion, he holds onto you, but really tight, like leaving bruises tight. He never ment to, you're his precious gem, why would he ever hurt you?? He'll wake up for a moment mid attack, not realizing what's happening, but you don't care, you love him too much, you need to make sure he's okay. After you calm him down, and talk things out, the both of you fall asleep, you don't even worry about the dark bruises forming from his grip. When morning comes, Simon is the first to wake up, so naturally he looks at you when he does, but this time he notices your shirt pulled up a little bit, and that's when it all comes crashing down. How could he do that?? Will you hate him? What's wrong with him? Why is he so evil? He starts bombarding his own mind with these questions. He wakes you up in fear and constantly apologizes for hurting you so bad, you constantly have to remind him throughout the day that you still love him and he did nothing wrong.
~a little something I was thinking about hehe
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snoringkitty1 · 2 months
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Nightmares (1)
Tw: Fluff, a bit of nightmare comfort. To celebrate his release, enjoy.
It had just been a long day, and Aventurine and you had finished off the day with a nice couch date with dinner and cozy blankets. He may have spent more time teasing you then watching the movie but, all's well that ends well? And now, here you two were in bed, on the brink of falling asleep, mumbling sweet nothings to eachother until you each fell asleep. But not everything was all that great, nor was everything so peaceful.. Aventurine doesn't wake up from nightmares very often, and when he does, he usually doesn't wake you. But tonight was very different, he was stirring and grumbling in his sleep..He was balled up in the fetal position, covering his ears and scowling as well as tearing up..though that was harder to see nor would he admit that even when he wakes up. "Aven..?" You whispered softly and sat up a bit and rubbed your eyes, looking down at him in confusion before gently rubbing his back to ease him out of his slumber. "Wake up.." You called softly and gently shook him but received no response. This nightmare seemed to be rooted deep in his mind, persistently tormenting and invading his thoughts even in the safe space of his own bed. He trembled slightly when he was touched until he opened his eyes and realized his nightmare was just that, a nightmare. "Hey-" you pulled him close once he sat up, gently rubbing his back and making sure he felt safe. The way his arms trembled and the way he sobbed made your heart ache, it was rare to see him so..broken. "You're alright..you're safe, i'm here." You reassured softly and kissed the side of his head, your voice and words of reassurance seemed to ease him and his sobs gradually were reduced to soft sniffles and hiccups. He squeezed you tightly before leaning back, "I don't know what game i won to have you." He muttered softly and held your face. You leaned into his touch and chuckled, "i would've ended up with you even if you lost." you smiled and held his hand before gasping as he suddenly pulled you into a kiss that he immediately deepened. He squeezed you again, furrowing his brows briefly before leaning back and smiling smugly seeing you out of breath. But even if he was smug, his grin was loving and playful, though the aftershock of that nightmare still lingered in his eyes. "You can just say i love you, y'know?" You teased and pecked his lips before flopping back and pulling him down with you. He gasped, but in the end wasn't very surprised as he looked at you, blonde hair messily framing his face as he tilted his head, "But i think my tongue works better in your mouth." He mused softly, chuckling seeing you pause. "Shut up!" You huffed and pinched his cheeks before squeezing him, "Aw~ You don't like when i state the truth?" he grinned, like a cheshire cat and pushed up a bit to kiss your forehead, smiling down at you. "You-!" Aventurine was so good with his words, and flooding you with embarrassment so much so that you couldn't muster the heart to respond. It clearly was his favorite form of entertainment, "Just- just go back to sleep!" You demanded in embarrassment. He tilted his head before scooting down again, setting his chin on your chest and smiling up at you. Those hauntingly beautiful eyes burrowed into your own, as if to get a good look at your own soul. "Your eyes are beautiful." You hummed and set your hand on his head, beginning to brush your hand though the messy golden locks. His smile seemed to disappear for a brief moment, but returned too fast for you to point it out in your sleepy state. "Hm..I like yours more." He muttered, the soft silence in-between words of love and praise along with your warmth seemed to be doing just the trick, lulling him back to sleep slowly but surely. Seeing him starting to nod off, you didn't respond..just brushed your hand through his hair until, finally, he was off to sleep..hopefully without anymore nightmares.
Thanks for reading.
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amber-sekio · 4 months
Oneshot -Diluc needs a hug
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Ships: Diluc x reader
TW: ooc? ; borderline panic attack? ; nightmares
He was too slow, just like last time. He couldn’t save you. Must he lose everyone he cherished? Must he always be too slow or weak to save the ones he loved? Did Celestia hate him so? 
He cradled you in his arms, your body was cold, much too cold. He couldn’t stop the tears or sobs that escaped, unrelenting. 
Diluc jolted awake, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His breaths are short and heavy. Next to him in bed -where you should be- is much too cold. He panicked thinking his nightmare might actually be his reality until he heard the click of the bedroom door opening. There you stood with a cup of tea in your hand. 
“Diluc, are you alright?”   
Tears brimmed his eyes, threating to fall as he looked at you. Closing the door you quickly walked over to him, placing your tea on the nightstand next the bed. When you sat yourself on the bed, Diluc’s arms were immediately around you holding you so close as if you’d disappear into thin air if he didn’t, and to him and his still panic stricken mind, that was a very possible outcome. 
“Do you want to talk about it, love?” You spoke lovingly, voice barely above a whisper.    
His response was a simple shake of his head, opting to instead pull you closer to him. 
“There’s still some tea left, I could go get you a cup if you’d like?” You whispered fondly.   
His response was a simple “Just hold me please.” His voice wavered slightly as he tried to will himself not to cry. 
You pulled him impossibly closer, his head in the crook of your neck, and as you whispered sweet nothings into his ear, the dam finally broke and his tears fell. His body shook with silent sobs as his tears stained your shirt --but you couldn’t care less about your shirt, your mind was only set on calming Diluc. 
“Please... Please d-don’t leave me.” His voice broke through the silence. 
“I’d never dream of leaving you, my love.” You cooed at him as you shifted yourself and Diluc into a more comfortable position. As his tears slowly came to a stop, so did his rapid breaths as they evened back out in the comfort of your embrace. He eventually fell asleep, not long after by you, falling asleep to a pleasant dream with Diluc in your arms --the tea by the bed long forgotten.  
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very-lonely-ghost · 5 months
Heyy can we get some hurt comfort with mizu? Maybe like a nightmare or smth?
The Damage After
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Paring: Mizu x Fighter! G/N! reader - establishes relationship
Waring: Comfort, SFW, some suggestive stuff, Reader is motioned to be a female, hurt comfort, Nightmare,
About: You get hurt when in a fight and Mizu helps to clean you up. Later that night Mizu has a nightmare of where she loses you her beloved.
word count: 1k
A/N: Hello, thank you for the suggestion. I didn't know who you wanted to get the comfort so I sort of did both but let me know if it is not you want, and I can make another one. Other than that, have fun.
It was a normal day for Mizu and her partner. They were not traveling but they had gotten attacked. I was nothing much but there was a slip up that led to you getting hurt. 
A grunt  was heard and then a thump of a weapon. Mizu looked over to see you on the ground. They dropped their weapon and clutched their wound. Mizu stayed with the man she was fighting then and killed the others around you. She dropped on her knees beside you.
‘Are you ok?” She asked if you were ok. You sat up and gave her a lopsided smile
“Best that I can be.” You respond, then look down at the slash across the right side of your body. It was quite a long slash but luckily not that deep. 
Mizu grabbed your weapon and put it on her back then grabbed you bridal style. She held you close to her. She felt as if she was kinda responsible for the pain you felt and was scared to lose you.
“I’m sorry…” You heard her mumble under her breath. You found a little but then brought a hand to her face and smiled at her.
“I’m ok Mizu, you did nothing wrong” You reassured her. 
Eventually you got to a small old house. It wasn’t much but would do. 
Mizu laid you down. You grumbled from the bit of pain you felt. Mizu kissed our forehead before leaving to make a fire and get a bucket of water to clean your wound. 
The fire cracked as Mizu returned with a small bucket of water and placed it beside the fire then sitting next to you. 
You sat up sighing and gruffing in a bit of pain. Mizu looked at you with sad eyes. Mizu started to help you to remove your clothing, so she could clean the cut and repair your clothes. You were happy for the fire because without it you would be freezing at the moment.  
After getting them off you had to undo the bandages you wore over your chess. You looked at Mizu, seeing her slightly blush. You laughed at her slightly flustered expression.
“Don’t act like you haven’t seen them before Mizu.” You said in a teasing manner laughing. 
“Oh, be quiet.” She said, shaking her head, then starting to unwrap the bandages. After they were off you took a breath. It felt nice to have them off but the pain from the cut made the relief short lived.
Mizu took a rag and cleaned the wound. It was slightly warm since it was near the fire. It felt nice on your skin as she cleaned the wound. After cleaning it she took some needle and thread and started to stick you up. You grumbled a bit at the pain that shot through you as she did it. 
Mizu hated seeing you like this. She never wanted to see you in pain and was upset with herself that she could’ve stopped it.
After sewing you up Mizu pressed a few kisses to the wound. She then pleased a few on your chest and collarbone. 
“As much as I love this Mizu, I would like to get some sleep so this can heal.” You laughed at her actions. She leaned back and then pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
“Ok my love.” She spoke softly before getting up to go grab you something to wear. Mizu returned with one of her Juba, and her cloak. It wasn’t much but it would work. You put on bits of clothing. Well you used the cloak more as a blanket though you already had one. 
You and Mizu culled near the fire. You were happy in Mizu’s arms, you felt safe and protected. She was careful of your wound to not make you in more pain but still kept you close to her. 
~~~~~~~~(Time Skip) 
It was late at night. Something didn’t feel right and you could tell. It was colder than normal, and not because the fire was out. You forced your eyes open to notice Mizu wasn’t beside you. You looked around to see her sitting near your feet. 
You pushed yourself up, sleepy, moving over to where she was. As you got close you could tell something was up. 
“Mizu.. What happened?” You asked, fighting the sleep that tried to take you back. 
“Oh y/n I'm sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up.” She said with lots more worry in her voice then usually. You crawled over to her rubbing your face into her arm and covering you both with the cloak. 
“No, it's ok. What's wrong Mizu, something seems to be wrong?” You asked worriedly looking at her.
“I- I just…” She tried to get out but struggled. 
“It's ok Mizu take your time.” You reassured her by rubbing her back to know everything is ok.
“I had a nightmare… and you were hurt and I could- couldn't help you and then you were killed Idon’tknowwhathappendbutyouweregonean-” You cut off her scared rabeling with a light kiss. 
“Hey it's ok, I’m ok Mizu” You took her hand and put it on your face. “See, I'm right and I’m ok.” You smiled at her and she smiled back. She took a few breaths calming down. “Bit calmed down now?” She nodded her head. “Ok let's lay back down then.
You took her hand leading her to laying down with you. Again the both of you cuddled up next to each other. It was soft and calming. You could hear Mizus heart beat slow down from how panicked it had been from the nightmare. 
You nuzzled you face the crook of her neck as your senses were taken over by her. It was nice and you couldn’t have it any other way.
“I love you…” You could hear Mizu whisper under her breath.
“I love you too Mizu.” You said in return, smiling. Then soon both of you fell asleep happily.  
Thank you and as always leave me your ideas or recommendations and have a nice day. <3
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Hello! Good afternoon (or night or day)! I've been a little busy lately and I slowly started drawing this beautiful ship... Without further ado, thank you for your attention (∩_∩)
Nightmare by jokublog
Killer belongs to rahafwabas
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ily-fictional-women · 8 months
I can kinda imagine a part 2 that shows reader and nat starting a relationship and its all very slow and tentative and hesitant because nat’s never done this before and shes soft and shy and awkward or maybe reader and nat maybe in a relationship now and its just super cute and domestic and shows how soft nat is and how wrong the rumours about her are maybe things like she steals hoodies and likes to be the little spoon and stuff like that
I can kinda see this as like its own au with lots of little one shots if you can’t tell 😂
Secrets | Rumors part 2
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Summary: Secrets do more damage than good.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader + platonic!Maria Hill x fem!reader
Warnings: None that I know of but if I should add anything let me know
Word count: 1966
a/n: I’ve been meaning to write this part two. If you haven’t read the first part though it still reads pretty well by itself. (Reblogs are welcome and critiques/advice are heavily encouraged, but please no translating.)
Natasha tosses her bag to the side quickly closing the door behind her, “That was a disaster.” Y/n simply shrugs grinning, “At least you didn’t get stabbed with lab equipment this time.” Letting out a small laugh Natasha rolls her eyes at Y/n as she begins changing out of her mission clothes.
Y/n glances at her phone, “They’ll be here in about ten hours so we have a lot of time.” Natasha flops onto the hotel bed reaching out a hand to Y/n, “Come to bed then, it’s late.”
“Oh no, it’s okay Nat. I’m not that tired.” Natasha looks at Y/n seriously, “Y/n, we have been up and awake for 48 hours. Come to bed, please.” Y/n rubs her eyes, “Alright fine.” After changing her clothes Y/n climbs into bed holding Natasha by her waist turning the nightstand lamp off.
Feeling the warm light coming through the window Natasha starts to feel herself wake up. Sleepily moving her hand across the bed her hand lands on Y/n’s thigh. Remembering Y/n is usually the one to sleep in Natasha sits up squinting her eyes trying to wake up.
“When did you wake up? And what time is it?” Y/n flips a page in the book she’s reading, “It’s six o’clock so you still have about an hour before extraction gets here.” Natasha sleepily glares at Y/n.
“You’re avoiding the more important question Y/n. When did you wake up?” Not taking her eyes off the book Y/n simply replies, “I didn’t wake. I told you I couldn’t sleep. So I waited for you to fall asleep so I could read.”
Natasha bites the inside of her cheek hesitantly resting a hand on top of Y/n’s motioning for her to close the book. Y/n finally focuses her gaze on Natasha, Natasha kisses Y/n’s forehead quickly, “Just tell me when you can’t sleep next time okay?”
“Okay, I will,” Y/n smiles assuringly.
After finishing the debrief with Fury, Natasha and Y/n walk out of the office. “You want to get lunch?” Y/n glances at the clock on her phone, “I can’t I’m planning on doing the mission report right now. And after that, I planned on meeting Maria in the training center to spar. I’ll meet you up for dinner though, yeah?”
“Yeah that works,” Natasha looks down starting to play with Y/n’s hands nervously. “You’ve been awake for a long time though so just please get some sleep in between.”
Pulling away her hands Y/n quickly snaps at Natasha, “I’m not tired! Alright? Just please leave it be.” Not saying another word Y/n quickly walks off to her bunk. She’s hiding something and it’s obvious to Natasha.
Natasha peeks her head through Fury’s office door, “Do you know where I can find Agent Hill? I need to ask her about something.” Fury looks up from his file, squinting his eye at Natasha. “I’m pretty sure she said she’ll be at the firing range right now. Said she wanted to practice her aim for an upcoming stealth mission.”
“Thank you, sir,” Natasha quickly nods her head closing the office door behind her. The firing range was only about two stories below Fury’s office so it wouldn’t be a far trip. But the fact that Y/n was keeping something from her bothered her.
Did Y/n not trust her? What was keeping her up at night? Or more importantly what was keeping her up at night that Y/n couldn’t tell her about? The thoughts intruding on Natasha had swallowed her enough that she hadn’t realized she had gotten to the firing range so quickly.
As Maria fires off the last bullet she unloads the magazine to the gun almost startled by Natasha leaning against the dividers of the firing lanes. “Hey! Romanoff,” Maria gives the redhead a quick grin, “what’s up?”
Natasha crosses her arms, “It’s about Y/n. I’m worried about her.” Maria finishes loading the gun before putting it to the side raising an eyebrow at Natasha. “What do you mean worried? What’s wrong with her?”
“She refuses to sleep. And she just snapped at me a minute ago because I told her she should get some sleep.” Maria scrunches her brows looking down for a moment trying to rack her brain on why Y/n could be acting like this.
Her eyes quickly shoot back up to Natasha, “Wait. What date is it today?”
“May 21st, why?” Maria runs a hand through her hair letting out a loud sigh, “Shit.” Natasha's posture stiffens at Maria’s reaction, “Shit what? What’s wrong with her.”
“Um,” Maria hesitates, “that’s something I can’t be responsible for telling you. But the most I can say is that she doesn’t sleep well around this time and she hasn’t for years. And when she does she doesn’t like it.”
Natasha’s face gets serious, “Could you talk to her for me then?” Maria holds back a small smile, “I can convince her to talk to you. But you’ve been her girlfriend for about three months now. You’ll need to talk to her about this.”
Rubbing the back of her neck nervously Natasha makes her way toward the exit of the firing range, “That’ll work. Thanks, Hill.” Maria picks up the gun again aiming at the target, “Anytime Romanoff!”
Y/n hears a knock on the door to her bunk but she doesn’t get up to answer it. She was falling in and out of sleep every minute trying to finish her mission report. The creaky opening of the door wakes her up though.
Turning in her seat Y/n tries to blink away her sleepiness inevitably giving Maria a sleepy gaze anyway. Maria sits on the bed near Y/n, “You never met me for sparing Y/n.” Y/n’s eyebrows knit together as she glances at the tiny clock on the corner of her computer.
It was about two hours past the time she was supposed to meet Maria. “I don’t remember giving you a key to my room Maria.”
“It was last year, you were assigned on a mission that was supposed to be a week and ended up being four months. You gave me a key to your room just in case something like that happened again so I could give you a supply drop of more of your stuff.”
Silence fills the room for the moment, Y/n had honestly expected Maria to get on her for changing the subject. “She’s worried about you y’know.” Maria had filled the silence and Y/n had somehow wished for it back.
“The nightmares. Are they coming back?” Y/n can feel a lump grow in her throat at Maria’s question. Pressing her hands against her face Y/n lets out a frustrated groan, “Yeah, they just started a few days ago. She wasn’t there for the first one so I was able to get away with not talking about it.”
“Haven’t you been awake for a few days Y/n?” Y/n’s eyes wander her room not wanting to make eye contact with Maria while talking about something like this. Her jaw tightens, “Yeah. Figured I could try and avoid it this year.”
“Y/n…” Maria’s voice is soft. “Talk to her tonight. You know you can’t just avoid this. You need to sleep at some point.”
“And if I don’t?” Y/n’s voice was quiet but bitter. Maria stands up ruffling Y/n’s hair a bit, “Then I’ll tell Fury to put you on probation until you’re deemed fit to come back to work. So talk to her tonight and get some sleep. She cares about you.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to her tonight. You still up to spar though?” Maria laughs out loud at the question, “No, you can’t fight right now. Plus if we did, I’d kick your ass. Then your girlfriend would kick my ass. And that’s a fight I wouldn’t win.”
As Maria makes her way out of the room Y/n manages to smile a little, “I would still kick your ass.” Maria laughs out loud again, “Whatever you say Y/n/l.”
Managing to power through dinner pretending to feel awake Y/n follows Natasha back to her room. With the tiredness weighing Y/n down even more though the need to talk to Natasha slipped her mind.
Closing the door to the bunk Natasha sweetly kisses Y/n on the lips, “You ready for bed?” Rubbing her eye little Y/n nods, “Yeah, I could go to bed right now.” Slipping under the covers, feeling Natasha’s warm body next to hers, Y/n falls asleep for the first time in days.
But that's the catch. She fell asleep, so the nightmares followed. The old memories came in flashes. First the ringing in the ears. Then that closing-in feeling. Then the screaming. Then the blood. Then the- there’s whispers. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up Y/n.
Immediately Y/n gasps awake sitting up feeling tears start to stream down her face gasping for air trying to breathe. “Hey- hey. Detka, breathe. Slow breaths.” Y/n felt one of Natashas' hands come up and rest on her chest to feel her breath.
The touch itself started to calm Y/n’s nerves, and her breathing started to slow. But the tears didn’t stop, they just kept going no matter how much Y/n kept cocking her head back. Noticing Y/n struggling Natasha quickly pulled her into a long tight hug.
As the tears stopped Natasha pulled her away to look at her brushing away a few stray tears. “Y/n, what was that?” Y/n runs a hand through her hair sniffling, “It was just a nightmare, go back to bed.”
Natasha puts a hand on Y/n’s cheek having Y/n look at her, “It wasn’t just a nightmare. You were crying and thrashing around in your sleep. Just tell me what’s wrong.” Y/n moves Natasha’s hand holding onto it.
“Back when I was a Marine with Maria, uh, I had to go on a mission with some newer people I didn’t know. We were on our way back to base, but we had to camp out for the night. We were ambushed when we were sleeping though. I was the only one to make it out with injuries that didn’t kill me. Today’s the sixth anniversary of this happening.”
Natasha’s grip on Y/n’s hand tightens, “So is that why you don’t like working in teams?” Y/n lets out a dry laugh, “Yeah, you could say that.” Natasha inches closer to Y/n, “So do you get these nightmares a lot?”
Y/n shrugs drying off the last few stray tears with her free hand, “I used to for about the first two years. But now they just usually come back around the day it happened. In fact, the first year when Maria went on leave with me and slept on the floor next to my bed in my apartment at the time to make sure I was okay.”
“Then I’ll stay awake.” Y/n looks up at Natasha tears starting to well up in her eyes again, “What?” Natasha squeezes her hand, “I’ll stay awake. I’ll make sure you get sleep. You can lay your head on my chest. And if the nightmares come back I’ll be right here to wake you up.”
“Okay,” Y/n whispers. As Natasha hears the confirmation she pulls Y/n close, her head on her chest drawing shapes onto her shoulder whispering ‘it’ll be okay’ quietly over and over until Y/n fell asleep. And then the nightmares didn’t come back.
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sister-lucifer · 3 months
Who’ll Stop The Rain?
Tim Wright/Masky x Gender Neutral Reader 
Genre: Comfort, fluff, slight angst but nothing heavy, not explicitly romantic
Summary: The thunder rouses you from a nightmare-filled sleep, and in your distress you run to Tim for comfort
Content/Warnings: None really, reader has nightmares due to unspecified trauma but nothing is explicitly written, Tim is a little emotionally constipated but does his best, no explicit romance.
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
You nearly jump out of your skin when the screaming thunder rips you from your fitful sleep. You sit up so fast you almost fall out of bed, your jaw hanging open like you’re trying to cry out despite no sound leaving your throat. Your chest is heaving so fast you start to choke on your breath. It takes a moment for your eyes to focus, and even longer still for you to remember where you are. 
Do you recognize this place? 
This isn’t home. 
No. Not quite.
A home, yes, but not your home. 
The TV is still on. 
The wallpaper is still peeling.
The shag rug is still discolored. 
You know where you are. 
You look around for a second, taking in your surroundings and making sure your assessment was correct. It’s like a flood of memories coming back to you in an instant, and for a second it’s almost calming. That is, until you get to the part that made you so afraid in the first place. 
The nightmares have been pervasive for weeks now. You’re not sure why. It’s some sort of episode you think, one of these days it’ll stop, but it’s been wearing on you. You’ve hidden it from Tim as best you can. You don’t want him to worry, that’ll only make you feel worse, and usually it’s easy enough to shake the thoughts from your mind. 
But this time it’s lingering, an unwanted guest meandering in the doorway for an uncomfortable amount of time, like dirty smoke permeating everything around it and yellowing the walls with its horrible malodor. 
God, it’s everywhere.
You squeeze your eyes shut, bringing your knees to your chest and hiding your face in them. It’s a feeble attempt to calm yourself, to stop the images of your nightmare from flashing in your mind over and over again, but it does little to help. 
The thunder cries out again and you yelp in surprise, the harsh noise cutting through the static buzzing taking over your mind. It irritates the pounding headache you can feel coming on. You’re exhausted, only being kept awake by the obscene amounts of adrenaline being pumped through your veins. 
God, it won’t go away. 
There are just some thoughts that can’t be forced out no matter how hard you try. They can’t be pushed away or covered up or cut out of you. You can only wait until they dissolve on their own, but right now they feel like a cement block weighing you down from the inside.
The headache is coming on faster than you thought, and you wince under the pressure of pins and needles in the back of your head. 
God, it hurts. 
You can’t stay here. 
You can’t stay in this room. 
It’s like the walls are closing in on you, the darkness barely shrouding their approach. 
It’s not safe here. 
You need Tim. 
He’ll know what to do.
You jump from your bed and tumble to the floor, not even taking a moment to acknowledge the pain as you thrash your way out of the covers tangled around your ankles. You barely manage to stumble to your feet, slamming into the doorway as you flee the room. It stings, but you don’t care. 
You’ve forgotten all pleasantries or manners as you burst into Tim’s room, slamming the door open so fast the knob rattles from the impact. Tim jolts awake with a grunt of surprise, and for a moment his hand jumps to grab the revolver he keeps in the dresser drawer. He only fumbles with the handle for a moment before he blinks a few times and pauses. He squints at you, tilts his head, then sighs in both relief and annoyance. 
He collapses back onto the bed, rubbing his eyes. 
“God…dammit, kid!” He groans, and you feel a pang of guilt that’s quickly washed away by the flood of tears stinging your eyes and burning your throat. 
You rush to his bedside, collapsing against the mattress and gasping for air as you try to collect yourself. You try to breath in, but the air is forced back out of your lung before you can take a meaningful breath. You choke out a pitiful cry of Tim’s name, but with the old TV being the only light in the room and his vision still blurry with sleep he can’t see the distress that’s evident on your face. 
He turns over onto his side, brows furrowed in annoyance and a hint of a scowl on his lips. 
“What do you need, kid?” 
You don’t get to answer before the thunder comes down again, making you flinch and forcing a surprised noise from your mouth. Tim turns and looks out the window, sighing and rolling his eyes. 
“Is it the thunder, huh? You scared, kid?” 
“Yes,” You finally choke out. 
He pauses, his expression instantly shifting to one of concern. He scrambles to sit up, making room for you on the bed. 
“Okay, okay,” He says softly, “Come on, get up here, I got you.”
You claw at the sheets as you climb up into bed with him, your hands immediately finding his body and grabbing onto his shirt. You pull yourself into him so desperately he almost falls over, barely managing to catch himself just in time to keep you both from going down. 
He’s almost as frantic as you are, large hands fumbling with you as he clumsily pulls you onto his lap and into his chest. Your legs wrap around him instinctively, your fingers clutching the back of his shirt so hard your knuckles are getting sore. It hurts, but you can’t let go. You hiccup and your breath stutters as you fight for air. 
“Hey, hey,” He whispers, trying to keep you still against him without crushing you, “Are you hurt or anything?” 
“No,” You answer, not relaxing your grip for a second. You feel Tim nod. 
“Okay, okay. What’s wrong, kid, what’s got you all worked up?” He asks. Hopefully you can’t hear that little shake in his voice. 
“N-Nightmare,” is the only reply you can stutter out, but it says enough. It strikes a nerve somewhere deep inside of Tim’s being, and it hurts like hell. He knows what it’s like to wake up screaming, terrified and alone. 
You’re not alone, though. Not this time. He won’t let you suffer like that.
…But god, he is so bad at this. 
He loves you with everything he’s got, but he can count on one hand the amount of times he’s come right out and said it. It’s embarrassing for him, that’s all, the words taste contrived and sticky in his mouth and it’s just unbearable. It’s not something he can make himself do. 
What else can he possibly say? 
He ponders that question as he keeps you against him, almost afraid to let you go. He can feel your hot tears soaking through his thin night shirt now. He doesn’t know how to stop them. He’s always suffered alone, he doesn’t even have a frame of reference here. 
Think, dammit, think, Tim. 
He won’t tell you everything is okay. It’s not, it never will be, and he’s not going to lie to you. 
He won’t tell you to stop crying. It’d be a horrible thing to ask of you, full stop. Christ, at this point, you deserve a good cry. 
He won’t stay quiet. It’s completely out of the question, he has to say something, and it has to be the truth. 
He has to tell you the truth. 
“…You’re safe with me, kid,” He sputters, trying to get the words out as fast as possible, “You’re safe, I ain’t gonna let nothing happen to you. Not ever.” 
You go quiet for just a moment, like you’re surprised to hear that. Then you hiccup and suck in a harsh breath, and the sobs roll in once more. He sighs and starts to rub your back in smooth circles. 
“Whatever’s scarin’ you, kid,” He mutters in your ear, “I won’t let it get you. Nothing‘s gonna get to you while I’m here. You can sit here in my lap all night if you want, I ain’t lettin’ you go nowhere ‘til you feel safe.” 
As he talks, you slowly start to calm down. It’s gradual, but when he stops talking your hiccups and sobs have gotten just a bit quieter. Your grip on his shirt has loosened a little, too. 
You believe him. 
God, you really do believe him. 
And for some reason, that’s the most amazing thought that’s ever crossed his mind. You really do trust him to keep you safe. 
He plans to keep it that way. 
He adjusts you in his hold just a bit, moving to lean back against his pillows. He tightens his grip a bit just to keep you from moving. He doesn’t want you to think he’s trying to get away from you, he just wants you both to be comfortable. 
Both of his hands rest on your back, slowly sliding up and down as you hide your face in the crook of his neck. Your body shivers against him, the heaving in your chest starting to level out bit by bit as you catch your breath. He can feel your lungs expand and contract with each breath. 
He reaches up to scratch the back of your head, his other arm wrapping around you. He listens intently as your voice quiets until you’re silent, and then the only thing he can hear is your steady breathing. 
He just sits there for a minute when he realizes he’s actually managed to calm you. He’s almost impressed with himself. In any other universe, that was probably a disaster.
His hands still and move to rest on your back once more. He doesn’t feel the need to keep you held so tight now. You’re not going anywhere.
Are you even awake? 
He turns his head to look at you, and you stir a bit in response. He quickly turns his head back so as not to wake you if you are asleep. He’s not going to get up until you are. 
He sighs softly to himself, his eyes turning back to the TV and whatever trashy sitcom he fell asleep too a few hours ago. He doesn’t really care. He won’t be up for much longer. Now that the adrenaline has worn off the exhaustion is quickly taking over, not to mention the warmth and comfortable pressure of you laying on top of him is more relaxing than he’d like to admit. 
He’s only just allowed his eyes to flutter shut when he feels you stir, and suddenly they fly open again. He stays still, but alert. You’re not having another nightmare, are you? Shit… 
He tenses as he listens to you, watching your movements  carefully. You don’t seem upset, at least not yet, but that can change in an instant. 
He’s ready to hold onto you if you freak out. He’s thinking about where he last left the first aid kit, just in case. He’s wondering what he’ll have to say this time if he can’t bring you down again. 
But then you go still. 
And you’re quiet. 
And you’re breathing steadily. 
And everything’s okay again. 
Then Tim flinches as an unexpected mumble of his name falls from your lips, and he turns to look at you in surprise and slight concern. 
“Yeah, kid? What is it?”
He gets no response. 
Your eyes are closed. You’re asleep. 
Thank God.
He huffs at his own anxiousness before laying his head back again. He pats your back softly, and his eyelids are starting to feel heavy again. 
“You know what?” He whispers as he reaches to pull a blanket over both of you, “I’ll ask you in the morning. Sweet dreams, kid.”
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shmolish · 2 months
hello! I love your work, can you do more angst with shadow milk with my oc snowflake weasel cookie? Angst and comfort. Thank u!
ps. maybe make that affogato post like shadow milk hehe
AN: Ah tysm!! OH, and thanks for the help with the other requests as well ♥
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Shadow Milk x OC! Snowflake Weasel
Warnings: Angst (mild)
This same dream, night after night. The same disturbing imagery replayed in your mind, over and over. It feels like your sinking into the deepest of depths. It's suffocating, really.
Why can't these nightmares just leave you be..?
Sometimes you wish you could forget about them. But... does forgetting you're hurt still count as healing?
Those questions would plague your mind until suddenly, you'd wake up. Your heart beat quickly and quick breaths followed after.
"Bad dream?" A voice would ask, catching your attention.
You looked towards the owner of the voice, seeing Shadow Milk looking at you with a soft expression.
You couldn't help the tears that would well up in your eyes as Shadow Milk cupped your face gently.
"Do.. you wanna talk about it..?" He questioned.
You'd shake your head.
"That's fine..." He wiped some of your tears away with his thumb.
You thought back on those vivid memories, remembering each of the horrors. All of them were so prominent, yet they all blurred together in such an odd way that settled right in the depth of you heart
"It's okay. Just focus on the sound of my voice, alright?" Carefully, he'd lay you down on his chest so that you could listen to the sound of his heart while running his fingers through your hair.
"If you ever feel like talking about the nightmare, I will gladly listen." His voice, along with the sound of his heart, was enough to soothe your aching soul.
Slowly, you closed your eyes, getting more drowsy by the second.
"Just fall into yet another slumber, dove. I promise I will be right here when you wake up," he cooed.
And so you'd do just that, slowly drifting off to sleep. The comforting nature of laying in the arms of you beloved would be enough to help anyone through a bad dream.
He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"Goodnight my love," he whispered.
"Goodnight.." you mumbled back.
《☆》 Fin
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thestartax · 4 months
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Eren Jaeger x Reader
Synopsis: You get injured attempting to help Eren
Tropes: Hurt/Comfort, shared bed, nightmare comfort, found family (obviously with the others)
"That was one of the more stupid things I've seen you do," Levi comments idly as Hange lifts you into their arms and lays you in the wagon.
You wince and hold your arm, “I’ll say.”
"I thought it was very brave," Hange tries to reassure you.
Levi looks as bored as always when he says, "Make sure Eren stays in his titan form. We can't afford for him to bow out of the fight now just because he saw his little friend get hurt."
You lower your eyebrows in confusions. "Wh—" you gasp at a sharp pain in your arm but continue, "why would he stop fighting? He knows how important this is."
Hange and Levi share a look you don't understand, whether it be because of the pain or simply something you can't decode—you're unsure.
"You should wheel y/n to a scout we can trust. Eren needs all the motivation he can get. No need to risk cutting any loose," Levi says to Hange.
Hange nods. After they pick up the handles of the wagon and start to cart you away they look over their shoulder with a sly smirk and say, "You sound more like a commander than I do."
Levi looks at them for a moment before looking away and shaking his head, "Just go."
"Yes, sir," Hange teases before actually doing as he says.
As they carry you through the ruined town you can't help but start to ask a stupid and sort of selfish question, "How... how long do you think...”
Hange looks over their shoulder at you with a small, knowing smile. "How long before we might be able to get you back to the base and get you patched up? How long until this fighting might be done?"
You nod, feeling mildly ashamed and embarrassed.
Hange continues walking. "Not too much longer now, should we all make it out, and by some people's standards... win—if you could even call it that."
"Would you call it that?" You ask without thinking.
Hange shrugs. "What constitutes winning?"
You think for a long time—fighting through your pain to form a proper thought. "Being able to go home to the people you love and be proud of yourself."
Hange nods. "Well... are you proud of yourself?"
You scoff. "I'm being carted around in a wagon by someone who's well over qualified to be doing it. But... I guess... I guess l'm proud of killing that titan…”
"The one going for Eren?" Hange guesses. You nod, they can't see you but they know they're right. "Even if Levi thinks it was stupid... and most of the others probably do... I think it was noble."
You blush a little. "Wasn't trying to be noble."
“What were you trying to be then?" Hange asks.
"I was just trying to help Eren," you say it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
"Eren was in his titan form. He could've handled it," Hange reasons.
You frown. "He didn't see it coming. It was nearly the size of him. It could've caught him off guard, it could've—"
"So you stepped in," Hange offers.
You nod firmly. "So I stepped in."
"And nearly got your arm taken off." Hange reminds you.
You go red in the face again. “A minor set back.”
Hange laughs. "Yeah, a minor set back that nearly got you and Eren killed."
You're confused again. "How did that nearly get Eren killed? He turned as soon as he heard the titan get ahold of me. He took it down in seconds."
"And was nearly over run by the other titans while he sat you on the wall," Hange counters.
You frown and your eyebrows lower again. "I guess I didn't notice that part."
Hange nods their head from side to side. "You wouldn't have. You lost a lot of blood real fast before Levi found you and wrapped that arm. You're probably going to lose consciousness here soon."
You gulp. "Is this a lose consciousness and never wake up kind of nap or..?”
Hange shakes their head. "Shouldn't be. More like a lose consciousness and stay down for a few days kind of nap—so long as someone survives long enough to get you back to a medic!"
You nod, not all that reassured but unwilling to admit that. "Who are you going to leave me with?"
"A new recruit. He just switched from the MP's. Name's Marlo. He's scared out of his mind right now but he passed Jean and Levi's tests so he'll get the job done," Hange explains.
You nod again.
After a little while longer Hange puts you in an abandoned house on the outskirts of the destroyed town and promises to return with Marlo. You don't actually see anyone make it back to you because you finally fall unconscious when the pain becomes too unbearable after the adrenaline wears off.
When you open your eyes next, you're in the infirmary. You look down at your bandaged arm in a sling, happy to still have it. You look around the room and see two or three other people still in beds, asleep. A doctor is walking away from you so you assume that's what finally woke you up.
The only other thing you notice is a weight on both of your hands and one, much heavier, weight on your legs. You look down as see Armin holding on of your hands between both of his with his legs pulled up to his chest and his head laying on them while he sleeps. Mikasa is laying her head on her crossed arms on your legs. Your other hand is being held tightly in one of Eren’s while his other arm lays across your waist and his head lays on your gut, facing you.
You shift a little so you’re sitting up. Immediately Mikasa wakes and sits upright. She smiles a small smile when you make eye contact.
“Happy to see you awake, y/n,” Mikasa says warmly.
“How long have I been asleep?” You whisper, not wanting to wake the two boys at your sides.
“Just about three days,” Mikasa answers.
“Three days?” You exclaim and then quickly slap a hand over your mouth.
Armin yawns and sits up slowly. He rubs his eyes and smiles at you. “Y/n! How are you? Are you in pain?”
You stop and focus on your arm. It’s a dull pain but shockingly less than before. Whatever they have on this wrap if very helpful.
You shrug. “It’s not too bad.” You shake your head. “Enough about me, what happened? Did we win? Did anyone… die?”
Armin shakes his head quickly. “Noone since before you left the fight. We all made it out. I’d… I’d say we won.”
You relax into the bed and nod. “Okay. Good. That’s… good. That’s great.”
There is a comfortable pause. You think it’s so quiet because your friends are letting you adjust to your surroundings and really take in that everyone is safe and whole. Really, it’s because they’re both trying to figure out how to tell you…
“Eren’s been pretty antsy these past few days,” Armin tries to say casually.
Your eyes snap open. “Why? What’s wrong?”
Mikasa and Armin exchange a look, another that you cannot seem to understand.
“You’ve been down for days now, don’t you remember?” Armin asked, nervous that you’d hit your head after all.
You nod quickly. “I know but why would that make Eren antsy?”
Mikasa narrows her eyes and titles her head slightly to the side. Armin smiles sympathetically. You look between them, still confused.
“Y/n, Eren has been worried about you. He hasn’t left your side. The only reason he is not awake right now is because he’s slept, maybe, twenty-four hours in three days,” Mikasa explains.
When your jaw drops Armin adds, “Recently, there was a bit of talk about the possibility of you not waking up if you were unconscious for much longer…”
You stare at them with wide eyes. Slowly you look down at the boy who’s head is on your gut. “Oh, Eren…”
At the sound of you saying his name he slowly stirs. For a moment his eyes flutter open and your eyes meet and he just smiles. Then, it’s like he remembers everything all at once. He jumps up and tosses your hand away—only to take it back a second later.
In mere moments he’s sitting on the edge of the cot and gently taking your bad arm in his hand slowly extending it in different directions to see if you bled through the bandage. Then he’s taking your face in his free hand and using it to tilt and maneuver your head around so he can examine it better to see if you really did acquire a head injury (as if the doctors or captains wouldn’t have noticed). He holds your hand all the while.
Once he seems satisfied with his inspection of your health he just looks at you for a moment longer. He slouches a little in his spot on the edge of your bed. He holds your hand between both of his and just looks at you. It’s like he’s trying to memorize your face. He has this gentle look on his face.
Then, as quickly as it came it goes.
He’s angry very, very fast.
He drops your hand and stands.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He snaps. “Why the fuck couldn’t you just stay with the rest of the unit? Why would you put yourself in the direct line of fire? Did you want to test my reflexes? See how fast I can be? Was it Hange’s idea? To make you bait? That’s a low fucking blow, even for them. I’ve been very understanding about their research but if they fucking—“
You shake your head the entire time he speaks but that doesn’t do much to shut him up so you just shout, “Eren!”
His jaw snaps shut and he looks down at you from where he stands. He’s shaking with anger, his face is red, he’s breathing heavily—but he’s quiet.
“Will you sit?” You ask quietly.
He hesitates but he does as you ask.
You let out a short breath of relief before you start explaining, “Hange had nothing to do with my, as it’s been continuously called, stupid decision. They had nothing to do with it. No one did. No one knew what I was going to do. Not even me. I didn’t plan it, it wasn’t premeditated. It was just something I did. I saw, what I presumed to be, you in danger and I reacted. That was it. I couldn’t let you get hurt so I did what I thought would help. That’s what happened.”
“But you could’ve died! You came pretty fucking close!” He snaps again.
“I’m keenly aware, thank you,” you deadpan.
“So why would you do it? You can’t say it was to protect me because why would you risk your life just for that?” He asks.
“Like I said, it was like an instinct.” You shrug. “Besides, we all risk our lives for each other, even when it’s against our better judgement, all the time. What’s so special about this time?”
“You can’t just put your life on the line on a whim!” Eren shouts.
You startle backward in confusion. “It’s like you didn’t hear anything I just said.”
“Never do that again. Never. Do not risk your life for me. That’s fucking stupid,” Eren says seriously.
You scoff in disbelief and look to Armin and Mikasa to see if they are also acknowledging how hypocritical and crazy Eren sounds. They both avoid your eyes. Mikasa looks at the ground while Armin stairs at the ceiling like words of encouragement from Erwin are written on it.
“Eren, you are being the biggest hypocrite of all time right now. That doesn’t even make sense! Everyone can risk their lives for everyone but I can’t? How does that make sense! I’m fine! I made it! I’m okay! So what’s the problem?” You shout.
“The problem is that if you died out there, especially for something as fucking stupid as protecting me, I would never forgive myself! I would never forgive the world! It’s already taken so much from me! How could you possibly be willing to let it take more!” He seethes.
“Your life is worth so much! If I died to keep you safe I will have done my due diligence! If you died when I could’ve prevented it it would have been the most disgusting injustice the world ever faced, to have this world without you in it!” You counter just as loudly.
“You are worth 12 of me!” Eren continues.
“And you are worth double for every person on this expanse of the world!” You argue.
The room falls deadly silent. No one moves. No one breathes. Nothing happens for a long time.
Eren still shakes with rage. You pant with your own. Your arm aches suddenly. Armin and Mikasa have gotten closer together and seem to be attempting at an exit.
After a few moments longer, Armin gently squeezes your arm and you pretend it doesn’t hurt. He smiles warmly. “We’ll let you rest, y/n. See you soon, I’m sure.”
“We’ll let everyone know to visit you tomorrow. It’s late,” Mikasa says, to which you’re eternally grateful.
You nod and smile at them the best you can. “Thanks, guys. See you.”
They both leave very quickly, only sparing Eren a quick glance.
There is only silence for a long time. You won’t look at each other. Neither of you wants to be the first one to give.
He eventually sits in the chair next to your bed again. He holds up his head with his hand, shielding his face with said hand. This makes you feel safe enough to spare him a glance. He looks disheveled and distressed.
Shockingly, it is him who breaks. “You can’t…” he swallows thickly, “you can’t be careless with your life. Not for me or anyone.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” you counter sharply.
“I’m asking,” he says simply. “I’m asking you to care about yourself. To make yourself a priority. Be selfish.”
You shake your head. “That’s… that’s wrong. If everyone did that there’d be no Survey Corps. There would be so much fighting. It would be—“
“I’m not asking everyone else to be selfish, I’m asking you,” Eren cuts you off.
“Eren…” you shake your head again. “That’s… that’s…”
“Selfish and terrible. I know. But I’m asking anyway,” he looks up at you. You don’t think he’s ever looked so drained.
You lower your eyebrows in confusion but also worry. “Eren, are you okay?”
“Will you be selfish and terrible?” He ignores you.
“Eren—“ You start again.
“Will you?” He asks.
“Will you be selfish and terrible with me?” You snap.
He startles backward a little. “What?”
You sit up straighter. “Why should I sit out of the fight, off in safety, while you go and fight?”
He seems momentarily speechless.
“And don’t bring up your titan form. Mikasa could take out just as many titans as you in the same amount of time as you. Captain Levi could take out more. So don’t,” you say quickly.
He sighs. “Why is everything a fight with you? Why are you so stubborn?”
You choke on a laugh. “Me? I’m the stubborn one?”
He smiles and lets out a small chuckle.
You resolve dies in an instant. It’s like you were never angry, like you’ve never been angry once before. The boiling hot rage dissolves into a soft warmth that worms its way to your heart.
“Maybe I’m a little stubborn, too…” Eren admits almost sheepishly.
You scoff. “Yeah, like a bull.”
He laughs. Then, after a moment his face twists into confusion. He seems hesitant but clears his throat and slowly asks, “…What’s a bull?’
You immediately shake your head with wide eyes and laugh, “I have no idea! I think I heard Armin say it once!”
He laughs much louder now. You laugh for a long time. You both almost forget. Neither of you do.
When Eren stands you can’t ignore the way your heart all but jumps to your throat.
Hesitantly he says, “It’s late. I should let you sleep. I’ve been here for ages anyway, I’m sure the doctors are sick of me.”
You try to smile at his joke but it falls flat. You’re nearly sweating by now. Since the moment you saw that titan approach Eren from behind you’ve been in protective mode. The only thing on your mind was him, even while you slept you dreamt of him. You had nightmares of him leaving your sight for only a second and then dying as soon as you looked back. The idea of him leaving for the entire night brings a new wave of panic over you.
As he starts to grab his cloak off of his chair you quickly say, “Eren!”
He turns to look at you immediately. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
You clear your throat and try again at a smile. “What if you— um… what if you just… stayed? Why don’t you— why not stay? It’s um… its late, like you said. Why head all the way back to the barracks. It’s ages away from here. Why not just… um… just stay?”
He says nothing while you fumble around for the right words. He only watches and does his best to keep a straight face. Really, internally, he’s thankful and reeling with relief. He had no desire to leave your side now. He’d been with you since the moment he could be—he wasn’t all that eager to part ways now.
When you finally stop and stare at him with a red face, glassy eyes, and shakey hands he pauses before nodding. He drops his cloak back onto the back of the chair and pushes it back out.
You feel this cold wave of relief wash over you that’s so strong it makes you lay your head down and close your eyes as you take a deep breath. “Thanks,” you mumble.
He doesn’t say anything about that and just asks, “Do you want anything? Food? Water?”
You shake your head and you go to say ‘no’ but for some reason you mouth gets ahead of your brain and can’t stop itself before saying, “No, just you.”
Eren had already turned to get water when he heard what you said, it makes him stop dead in his tracks. You smack a hand over your mouth and your face feels hot. He just stands there for a long time before walking away.
You think, vaguely, that he might not come back—just fetch his cloak when you fall asleep, but you know Eren better than that.
When he returns he offers you the cup of water he’s clearly been sipping on the way back from fetching and even though you rejected it before you gladly take a drink of it now. Eren knows you well.
“Have you slept in that chair for all three of the days I was out? Or did you sleep in your on bed for at least one of them?” You ask, trying desperately to keep him distracted.
He shakes his head. “No, I stayed here the whole time. I never left.”
You swallow thickly and nod. “…Okay. Well,” and for some reason you decide that you’ve already dug yourself so deep so why not go deeper, “I’m sure that’s uncomfortable and I mean… you’re staying another night, per my request, so um… I just— I wouldn’t want you to… to have to sleep all hunched over again… so um…” you clear your throat and refuse to look at him. “You could always sleep up here. If you, um, if you wanted.”
There is a long silence—or maybe it isn’t so long, it just feels that way to you.
When you finally look up at him he’s taking off his over shirt and kicking off his shoes. “Would you uh… would that make you feel safer?”
You clench your jaw and swallow your embarrassment enough to be honest and nod.
He nods too before climbing into the bed next to you. You throw the blanket out of the way to let him crawl under it and he does. It’s not the largest cot so you’re shoulder to shoulder—thankfully on the side of your good arm.
Shockingly, even though you’ve been unconscious for days, you’re tired. It’s likely all the energy excursion after having used none for days.
So you just roll onto your side, facing away from him and lift your arm up so you don’t crush it. “Thank you, Eren.”
“Anytime, y/n,” he says quickly.
You fall asleep quickly but it feels like you’re instantly met with a nightmare. Another of Eren being violently attacked. The two of you are running through the woods from titans but without ODM gear. You look behind you to try to spot the titans and see how far away they are for just a moment. As soon as you look back you see a titan cut in font of you and grab Eren.
Just before it can lift him to it’s mouth you’re being shaken. You wake in a cold sweat, panting, and with wide eyes. You grab tightly onto the figure in front of you, sitting up very quickly.
You look up and see Eren and relief washes over you instantaneously. “Oh, Eren…” you breath.
“Nightmare,” he acknowledges.
You nod. “Yeah… but,” you catch your breath, “you got me out before it got to the awful part.”
He nods too. “Yeah, I’ve gotten good at that.”
You run a hand through your hair to push it out of your face and look up at him. “What do you mean?”
He shrugs. “You’ve had a lot of nightmares the last couple of days, even while unconscious. We couldn’t figure out what it was at first. The first times were the worst. The most you’d say was… well… my name.”
You nod, too confused to be embarrassed. “Yeah, my nightmares are usually about you getting hurt or killed.”
He nods too. “I assumed as much. It was like if I could catch you before you got too far into it and you heard my voice you’d settle down again. It was hard to catch the signs fast enough at first but I figured it out. I’m just happy it worked even when you were conscious.”
“It definitely did,” you sigh. “Thank you, again.”
He shakes his head. “It’s no problem.”
You think about arguing that but decide against it. Instead you just lay back down. He follows right after you.
This time, you lay facing him and he does the same. You lay together with your faces inches apart. You can feel his breath on your face, warm and constant—it’s very grounding.
The silence is comfortable and it feels like it could go on forever, like it could lay over the expanse of the night.
Again, just as shockingly, it is Eren who breaks it.
So quietly, just barely audible, “Hi.”
You smile because it feels so juvenile, so secretive and small. “Hi.”
He looks over your entire face. He reaches out and so gently moves your hair from the side of your face and pushes it back to join the rest of your hair. “You’re so beautiful… like the sea.”
Your face heats up and it feels like you’re the only two in the world. “Would it scare you away if I said that I jumped in to help you because… because I love you?”
You think, at first, that he doesn’t hear you; because you said it so quietly but also because, for a short moment, he doesn’t react at all.
Then, very suddenly he pulls you to him. He holds you against his chest. His kisses the top of your head and just holds you.
For a long time, you lay there like that, wrapped in his arms, clinging to him like he’s the only thing tethering you to this earthly world.
Eventually, he says, “I love you. I love you. I love you,” over and over again like a chant—like a prayer.
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star1ight0 · 2 months
Denki Kaminari × Reader "Rough night"
I've suffered with night terrors for a long while so I hope this is something that can help you if it applies<3
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It was a rather gloomy night in the UA dorms, training had seemed extra hard and your body felt weak. Taking a long shower swaring up and down to your boyfriend you wouldn't pass out, luckily you didn't, in fact you felt a lot better. Still shitty just a little less so now that you feel clean. Despite how Denki acted around his classmates he was a pretty caring person, still extremely hyper but caring nonetheless.
You made it a point not to tell Denki about your rather frequent nightmares but on night when it was particularly bad you'd go over to his dorm and play videogames and cuddle playing it off as insomnia, which was technically true. Leaving out the fact the reason you were scared to sleep or flat out couldn't was because of your mind.
This night in particular it was extra hard to get to sleep, but you knew Denki would already be asleep. You tried to push through eventually falling asleep, only to be awaken clenching your chest and hyperventilating. You pick up your phone clicking on your boyfriends contact, it rang and rang and just as you were about to hang up you hear static before Denki answer "Sparks?? What's up.. it's like 4am" he says still groggy, you can practically hear his eyes being heald open "Can I come over, I can't sleep" you say attempting too hide the panic instilled into your voice. There is a few seconds of silence before you hear him shifting around. "You know, if something is actually bothering you you can talk to me Sparks" he says pausing for a moment before taking a deep breath "I know you well enough to know this isn't just insomnia. I can hear the shakiness in your voice"
You can now hear him moving around seemingly walking around his room perhaps? Thinking of an excuse in your head you hear a knock at the door. "Denki Kaminari you better not be outside my door" You say pulling your body out of bed and opening the door. "Damn you managed to make looking sad and tired so fucking cute" he says grabbing your hand and pulling you to your bed makinig you lay down. As you move around getting comfortable you feel Denki wrap his hands around your waist.
"I'm not gonna make you talk but you are going to get a good night's rest" he says pulling you further into him. After about 30 minutes of cuddling and mindless talking Denki fell asleep, as did you not long after. However peace only lasts so long in the void that is your mind.
The dream that has decided to burden your sleep was that of your boyfriend, tied up and being tortured by some villain. Despite your best efforts you were nothing but a shadow whose streams could not be heard.
"Denki!" You gasp sitting up holding your chest and looking around. You feel a hand on yours, "Sparks..it's late why are you-" you stops mid sentence getting a better look at you. He sees the worried look that seems to be covering your otherwise cheerful smiles "Hey, it's okay your okay" he says rubbing his hands up and down your back. You lean back against your bed placing your head on Denki's shoulder you can feel the tears on your face as you cling to your boyfriend feeling his hands wipe your tears away. "Is this what you were hiding from me? Sparks, nightmares are nothing to be ashamed of. "
You told Denki more about the nightmares later that day and he helped you find ways to cope and rationalize your dreams making sleepless nights less common. With the occasional one here and there Denki was there to talk you out your fears, be it on the phone or a late night cuddle session.
The boy may be a huge flirt but he knows how to make it count. Finding ways to pull you from your darkness and into the light of his corny pick up lines.
Request are open!
This one was kinda messy I've been off and on writing it all day, exams are killing me
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kywaslost · 11 months
Nightmares - Aizawa Shouta
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A/N: There was a time when I tried to write for everyone on my masterlists. I don’t remember if I actually finished it or not, but I’m gonna try again since I’ve been working on requests for so long. I spin a wheel to choose which character, then spin another wheel to tell me what prompt theme I should go for. Today’s theme is nightmares with Aizawa. Here we go!
Prompt/s Used: A being so upset from their nightmare that they throw up
Warning/s: vomit, description of vomiting
It had been an extremely exhausting past 8 hours, and by the time you had returned from patrol with Aizawa, both having showered and eaten, the two of you were ready to call it a night. You lay beside each other under the blankets, enjoying the peacefulness that was the presence of each other. You were wrapped in Aizawa’s arms, pressed against his chest as you slowly began to fall asleep. 
Somewhere between the late hours of the night the both of you had fallen asleep. You had rolled over in your sleep, back against Aizawa’s chest. He unconsciously wrapped an arm around your hips, the other resting under your head. Shouta was a light sleeper and woke up to every movement you made in the night. So when you began moving more than usual, he stirred awake.
“Y/N/N, you ok?” he grumbled deeply, taking a deep breath. Opening his eyes, he noticed the struggling expressions you were making, and the way you gripped the blanket tightly worried him. He sat up on his elbow, using the hand that was on your hip to shake you gently. “Hey, love, wake up.”
You bolted upright with a gasp, immediately choking on the sudden intake of air. You were trembling more than Aizawa had ever seen, and were struggling to take in a solid breath. The pro placed a hand on your back, rubbing smooth circles between your shoulders in an attempt to calm you down. “Sh, you’re alright. It was just a nightmare.”
You couldn’t seem to calm down and began coughing harshly. You were so scared. Your chest hurt, you kept choking on air, and you felt extremely sick to your stomach. You could feel the bile rising in your throat, and didn’t have enough time to warn Aizawa before hiccuping, vomit spilling down your chin and nightshirt. You began to cry harder, now both scared and embarrassed.
Aizawa jumped out of bed and onto his feet, careful not to jostle you too much. “Ok, it’s ok.” He heard you gag and rushed to grab the nearest container, which happened to be the small trash can you kept in the room by the dresser. He ran to grab it, then placed it in your lap as you heaved the rest of the contents of your stomach into the bin. Aizawa felt miserable knowing the only thing he could do to help you is sit with you until this was all over. 
You cried as you lifted your head from the bin, glossy eyes turning to the man beside you. “I’m sorry.”
“Honey don’t be sorry,” Aizawa cooed. “Never be sorry.” He ran a hand up and down your back, looking over you worriedly. “Do you feel like you may still get sick?” You shook your head, looking down to see the mess you’ve made all over yourself and the bed. “Y/N don’t worry about it.” Aizawa moved the trash bin off of your lap and onto the bed. “I’ll clean it up while you take a shower.”
After cleaning yourself and changing into a warm set of nightclothes Aizawa had set out for you, you entered your bedroom to see that your lover had changed the bedding, cracked the window, and lit your favorite candle. Said man was already under the covers, book in hand as he waited for you. You crawled in beside him, snuggling into his side and resting your head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around you, pressing a kiss to your head.
“That must have been a nasty nightmare,” Shouta said quietly. “I know you have them often, but I’ve never seen one make you sick before.”
“They never have,” you whispered. “I don’t want to talk about it, if that’s ok.”
“Of course.” Aizawa rested his head on top of yours. “Do you think you can fall back asleep?” You shook your head almost immediately. “Alright, that’s ok. I can read to you, if you’d like.”
“Please?” Aizawa pecked the top of your head again, then picked up the book in his lap. “Sho?”
“Thank you.” You cuddled even deeper into his side. “For everything.”
“Anything for you, love.”
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replaycamera2 · 1 year
Sleepy Davey Head-Canons
• Davey is the lightest sleeper out of all the wolf bois. Even Angel moving in their sleep is enough to wake him up and he always makes sure they’re alright before going back to sleep.
• The flip side of this is that Davey falls asleep the fastest amongst the wolf bois. Once his head hits the pillow, he’s asleep in under 10 minutes.
• There is an exception to this however: if Angel isn’t in bed cuddling with him, Davey has trouble falling asleep. If they’re working late, Davey will give them an hour or so before shutting their laptop himself and physically dragging them to bed. Davey has the hardest time falling asleep and is the least rested when Angel is away on a business trip.
• Davey never wears a shirt to bed because he knows Angel loves burying their face in his chest. He also loves the feeling of skin on skin. He wears PJ pants to bed in the colder months and just his boxer briefs in the summer.
• Davey’s favourite cuddle position is big spoon with as much physical contact with Angel as possible. Arms wrapped around them, chest pressed to their back, and legs tangled together.
• Davey sleeps like a log. He doesn’t really move much during the night, doesn’t snore or talk in his sleep, though he breathes very deeply through his chest and resting your head on it while he’s sleeping gives a comforting feeling of being rocked.
• Davey doesn’t mind the cooler months because he has Angel’s “furnace of a body” he can snuggle up to, but he suffers so badly when summer is at its height because Davey can not deal with being hot in bed even though he absolutely can in the other context. It should be noted that this in no way impedes his ability to cuddle Angel, he’ll be damned if he gives that up.
• Davey makes a point of always going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even if it’s the weekend. He tries to hold Angel to this as well, though he’ll make exceptions occasionally. (See Sleepy Morning Cuddles With Your Tsundere Werewolf Boyfriend)
• Davey always wakes up before Angel and loves watching them sleep before getting up.
• If Angel has a nightmare, Davey wakes up immediately and will gently pull them to his chest. He’ll then whisper to them and try to softly wake them up so it’s not too jarring for them. Davey will then talk to them while rubbing their back and cuddling them until they fall back asleep.
• Davey very rarely has nightmares but when he does, they’re extremely frightening. He forgets them as soon as he wakes up, but he’ll be covered in sweat necessitating a quick wash and a change of clothes.
• Davey usually has a hard time going back to sleep after a nightmare as they tend to shake him up a lot. He won’t wake Angel up though (not wanting to burden them), instead he’ll sit on the bed and try to take some deep breaths and calm his mind. Once he feels calm enough, he’ll lay back down and pull Angel to him, falling asleep as he inhales the scent of their hair.
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lia1512 · 8 months
Loki comforting the reader after a nightmare
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In the dimly lit chambers of the Asgardian palace, the moonlight filtered through the ornate windows, casting ethereal patterns on the grand bed. You, the reader, had been residing in Asgard for some time, and your heart had found an unexpected connection with the enigmatic Loki.
Tonight, however, was different. A harrowing nightmare had awakened you, leaving you trembling and drenched in cold sweat. Images of darkness and despair still clung to your mind as you lay in bed, clutching the sheets tightly.
As if sensing your distress, Loki entered the room with his usual grace, a flicker of concern in his emerald eyes. Without a word, he approached your bedside and sat down, his presence providing an immediate sense of comfort.
You turned to him, your eyes reflecting the residual fear from the dream. Loki extended a gentle hand, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "Tell me, my dear," he whispered softly, "what haunts your dreams tonight?"
With his encouragement, you found the strength to recount the haunting dream, describing the terrors that had plagued your slumber. Loki listened intently, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on the back of your hand.
As you finished your tale, Loki's expression shifted from concern to determination. "Fear not," he assured you, "for I shall banish those nightmares from your mind."
With a graceful wave of his hand, he conjured a shimmering, iridescent light that danced around the room, dispelling the shadows that lingered. His magic wrapped around you like a warm, protective cocoon, banishing the remnants of your unsettling dream.
Loki continued to sit by your side, his presence a reassuring anchor in the night. "You need not face your fears alone," he murmured, his voice like a soothing melody. "I am here, and I shall guard your dreams."
You felt a deep sense of gratitude and trust wash over you. With Loki's support, you knew that even the darkest of nightmares could not withstand the power of his comforting presence. Together, you found solace in the safety of each other's company, knowing that in Loki, you had found not just a protector, but a friend and confidant.
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anniebear-92 · 1 year
Had this pop into my head while I tried to fall asleep last night. However as per usual this snarky blonde boy bullied his way into my thoughts and here we are. 😤
Reverse Nightmare comfort: Bakugo has had reoccurring nightmares since his run in with the slime villain and you are just the person to help him through it. Childhood best friends / neighbors.
Pairing: Bakugo x reader.
Warnings: SFW, fluff, nightmare comforts.
I decided there will be two endings so you can read both or the one you prefer. One platonic and one romantic. Reader is referred to have a super strength quirk. Brief mention the reader is female but mostly GN.
You grumbled as the deep voice cut into your precious dreams, curling around your pillow tighter.
“Oi!” A finger jabbed into your side, earning your full attention now. Swiveling your head over a shoulder to come face to face with your ash blonde neighbor.
“Kats? What are you doing here at… 2 am?”
He huffed in response while lifting the covers, unceremoniously shoving you from your comfortable position. Many protests and the flailing of limbs, you found yourself on the cold side of the bed with two strong arms locking around your waist. Katsuki buried his face into the back of your neck, the soft puffs of breath tickling your skin.
Inhaling deeply you ran your fingers over the fine hair along his forearm, knowing your best friend needed a moment to gather his thoughts before he would finally tell you what was wrong. When you heard him shuffling behind you, it was a clear sign he was ready.
His words were muffled by your skin but being fluent in Bakugo, you heard him loud and clear.
“Had a fucking nightmare.”
Continuing to run your fingertips over his arms you waited for him to elaborate, or not. Leaving it entirely up to him.
“Stupid slime villain.” These words were lower, almost as if he did not mean for you to hear them. A sad smile crossed your lips as you remembered that day clearly yourself as if it were yesterday.
——— flashback to that day
You were furious. Absolutely, undeniably furious. Your so called best friend had just told one of your closest friends to unalive himself. All over not having a stupid quirk?!
You had left Izuku standing by the small Koi pond outside the school and were currently scouring the alleyways that you know your soon to be ex friend frequented. He was going to get a piece of your mind regardless of wither he wanted it or not.
“Hey Kaachan let’s go to the arcade today!” Your ears perked at the sound of your childhood friend’s nickname, making a line for the alley entrance. “Yeah whatever.”
Hearing that recognizable gravelly voice solidified that he was indeed just around the corner. Rounding said building, you were met with the spikey, haired boy and his two forever shadows.
“Oh hey! It’s L/N again, come to yell at us?” The boy with the creepy fingers waived at you with a snicker. As you passed, your arm shoved him out of your way a bit harshly that he crashed into the trash cans behind him. They stepped further away as you locked eyes with those vermillion that were widening in shock.
“You!” You growled in his face, gripping his collar and lifting him easily off his feet against the brick wall behind him. You began a screaming match with him about your green haired friend and how disgusted with him you were.
Finally dropping his collar and returning him to his feet he bit his tongue to hold back the venomous words he wanted so badly to spit. However you on the other hand had no filter at this point. “I don’t know how we are even friends right now!”
The words bit his heart as his foot shot out and kicked a nearby bottle, your e/c eyes shooting him the nastiest glare he’d ever seen on you. Meeting you back with his own when his lips parted to speak, however the voice that came next was definitely not his own.
“Wow girlie, you’ve got some strength in you! I think you’ll do, maybe even take down All might with this power!”
The bubbling voice sounding of someone drowning chilled your soul as both of your eyes locked on the growing green mass spilling out of the bottle Katsuki had kicked a moment before. The cap had busted off, releasing whatever villain now stood? Slithered? Before you.
His large grin widened as large tendrils wrapped themselves around your arm and wrists, a shriek leaving your throat as it began dragging you towards it. Your strength failed out of terror, having never faced a real villain in your life. Two large hands gripped your waist, yanking you free from the slime, only to be captured in the writhing mass themselves.
“No! I didn’t want you brat!” You turned to find Katsuki being pulled into the dripping slime of the villains body, your words failing you as he squirmed and let off explosions in the means to escape. “Well, you’re powerful too! What are they feeding kids nowadays? No matter, I’ll take you instead!”
(You all know what happens next, Izuku rushes in, all might saves the day. If you don’t.. what you doing here? Go watch the show! :| just kiddin back to the story) this is where the platonic / love endings come in. I started with the love, for the platonic scroll down until you see the ~~ again.
———- Romantic route
That day never left either of your minds, night terrors had plagued your mind for months after the event. You truly thought you were going to lose your best friend. Feeling powerless a hero had carried you away as a green haired streak went rushing in.
Your parents had freaked when you returned covered in green goo, only to send you away for the next ten months for hard training with your ex pro-hero grandfather for the UA exam. Leaving Katsuki to deal with his trauma all by himself.
When you had returned for UA’s entrance exam, you would’ve thought Katsuki saw a ghost upon locking gazes with you. You had grown up during the time away, filled out with age and training. You were even more beautiful to him now than ever before, especially now that you were back.
He had been stuck to your side like glue ever since, hence the fact the boy was laying in your bed, wrapped like an anaconda around your limbs.
“You wanna talk about it?” Your voice a whisper as he turned his head, cheek pressing to your shoulder. “No.”
You squirmed in his arms, turning so you were face to face with him. His beautiful red eyes were currently closed, frown lines and angry eyebrows still visible as you smoothed them out with a thumb. He let out a long sigh, face relaxing as you retracted your hand. Those gorgeous crimson eyes opened, showing the small gold flecks that encircled his dark pupils. They reflected in the sunlight that most people didn’t know existed save you who were privy enough to get close enough to see them.
“Better?” Your voice soft as his eyes followed suit, gazing into your own e/c ones that shown nothing but admiration for the boy.
A soft smile graced your lips as he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against your own, the tips of your noses brushing just so softly.
“I thought I was going to lose you that day.”
Your eyes raised to his, soft and sincere. You gave him a soft smile before poking his chest “It’ll take a lot more than that to get rid of me.”
He grinned, slapping your hand away.
“You’re an idiot you know.”
His words caused you to frown, eyebrows dropped to question the audacity this boy had at this moment. “How so?”
His own lips spread in a small smile as his hand lifted to trail his fingertips up and down your spine. Shivers ran through your body as he leaned even closer to twitch his nose back and forth against your own, earning a giggle from you.
“Because you continue to put up with me.”
A puff of air left your nose as you pressed your finger against his forehead, pushing him back softly. “You’re my best friend. How couldn’t I put up with you?”
He rolled his eyes, still not a frown line in sight.
“What did you do for the nightmares while I was gone?”
He turned his eyes towards the ceiling, a soft pink tint coating his cheeks. “I slept in your bed.”
A laugh escaped you as his turned darker, the frown lines back though not as deep. “You would crawl out your window, hop across the wall to crawl into mine, then sleep in my bed while I was gone?”
He nodded before turning his attention back to you, fingers trailing a thumb over the apple of your cheek. “It smelled like you.”
You smiled brightly, arms wrapping around his torso to pull him close. Resting your cheek against his warm chest, listening to the pitter pat of his heart beat.
“Y/N. I love you.”
Your breath caught, head pulling back as you looked up to catch his face buried into your hair. The tinge of red coated the tip of his ears, a smile that you couldn’t control broke onto your face.
“I love you too Katsuki.”
You listened as his own breath caught, chest stiffening as if he did not expect your returned feelings. He pulled away, eyes meeting yours with more adoration than you had ever seen in them before.
“You do?” Your nod brought his own wide smile, your favorite one that he only showed when you were around.
His fingers curled around your jaw, thumb pressing softly to angle your face towards his as he leaned in slowly to press his soft lips against yours. You had imagined this moment for a long time and it surely did not do it justice as he kissed you more gently than you ever thought possible for Katsuki Bakugo.
He pulled back after a moment, brushing a soft tear from your cheek. “Now go to bed. I’m tired.” He scolded as if he wasn’t the one who had woken you with his own issues.
You patted his cheek before turning in his arms that constricted, holding you tightly against the heat of his body.
“Good night Kats.”
“Good night Angel.”
Needless to say, Katsuki got the best of sleep in a long time, no nightmares to return that night. Instead of falling asleep holding a pillow that still held your scent, he got to hold you.
~~~~~~Platonic route
That day never left either of your minds, night terrors had plagued your mind for months after the event. Your parents had freaked when you returned covered in green goo, only to send you away for the next ten months for hard training with your ex pro-hero grandfather.
Leaving Katsuki to deal with his trauma all by himself. Upon returning for the start of UA he had stuck to you like glue, his best friend returned to him finally.
Katsuki shifted to pull away from you, his hands loosely holding you still as you continued to rub his arm.
“Feeling better?”
He nodded softly as you smirked “I can’t hear your brain rattling. Use your words.”
He snorted, a hand raising to slap the back of your head. “Hey! This is what I get for comforting you after a nightmare?” His lips curled into a smirk as he shifted you closer once more.
“Shut up and go to sleep.” You huffed in response, crossing your arms and grumbling obscenities at his expense.
You paused, turning just your head to give him the stink eye. His own were closed, not a frown line to be found.
“I love you.”
You smiled, tapping your finger against his nose before turning back away, knowing full well your friend didn’t mean in a romantic kind of way. Though he voiced his feelings rarely, when he did… You could feel it.
“I love you too dummy.”
Katsuki snuggled back into your neck, getting the best sleep in awhile with his best friend as a snuggle buddy.
Sorry if this is terrible it kept me up for awhile until I wrote it down. 😅
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somberauthor · 3 months
AHH!! OKAY so i liked the komahina headcanons you did like FOREVER AGO NOW. i was wondering if one of you might want to write a parent komahina/child reader where reader wakes up from a nightmare and they have to comfort them??
AAAAA!!! i love you. i mean, wasn't excited to do this request at all...(i love you:3)
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Hajime and Nagito were snuggled up on the couch watching some show, you couldn't quite tell because of the tears that blurred your vision. hearing your door open, Nagito looked over the couch over to you. your small shaking frame standing in the walkway sniffling, gently nudging Hajime awake(to no avail), nervous that his luck may have caused something bad to happen to you. "daddy..?" you call out, not to any one specific parent; you just needed the comfort of knowing they were there. "we're here kiddo" Nagito calls out to you, knowing he probably wouldn't be the best parent to handle the situation, but what choice did he really have at this point as you were now standing in front of him teary-eyed...with a still sleeping Hajime besides him.
"Another nightmare, my little hope..?" 'another' nightmare.. because this unfortunately was a normal occurrence. You nodded your head, voice caught in your throat, and he lifted you up into his arms, snuggling your snotty face into his shirt(kinda gross, but he didn't mind too much). "y'know,," he starts "i've had some nightmar-" he gets cut off by, a now very awake Hajime, covering his mouth with a hand. "wha- dID YOU JUST LICK MY HAND??" this elicits a giggle from you, and Nagito shrugs. Hajime sighs, wiping his hand off "eugh...anyways.." he pats your head with his NOT licked hand, " 'nother nighmare..? you wanna talk about it, kiddo?"
you think back to your dream. it was a terrible, terrible dream. you didn't want to think about it, but it was almost impossible not to.. "you dove have to, of course" he adds, sensing your hesitance.
you nestled further into Nagito's arms, you took a deep breath and tried to collect your scrambled thoughts. the nightmare still lingered vividly in your mind, but the warmth of being held by your two fathers helped to ground you. "it was really bad...." you hid your face as you contemplated wether or not to explain the dream to them... explain the large dark figures you had seen, how they had taken the two of them away while you were held back, forced to do nothing but watch.
Hajime stares at you for a second or two, waiting for some type of response "...you don't HAVE to say anything." he says in a rather matter-of-fact voice(although he always sorta has that tone). you snuggle into Nagito again, and he pats your back. "we'll always be here for you" Hajime comforts "well..-" Nagito starts, Hajime shoots him a glare that shuts him up pretty quickly.
As the tension eases with Hajime's assurance and Nagito's somewhat awkward attempt at support, you feel a bit more at ease. Despite the lingering unease from the nightmare, the presence of your fathers comforts you enough to feel sleepy again.
As you drift back into a more peaceful state, Nagito and Hajime exchange a glance, silently communicating their concern for you. Hajime adjusts himself on the couch so he can wrap an arm around both you and Nagito, creating a cozy little family huddle. you distinctly feel Nagito petting your hair, despite your eyes being closed, you can tell from the tenderness and boney fingers.. then he swiches off with Hajime it seems, though you aren't sure why.. maybe he had fallen asleep?
you hear the buzzing of their movie restarting as you drift off again, comforted knowing that the both of them are still there and would NEVER leave your side...
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uses super cute dream i had as a kid for reference kinda(also sorry if they're out of character, i tried)
~mod john:B
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Passive nightmare and nightmare by @jokublog
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