#NORMAN’S; writing
god-complex-12 · 1 year
I've read alot of your moon knight stuff and am a big fan. So if you dont mind can I request Steven grant trying to power bottom for the first time but reader just takes over and fucks him instead.
Tried Your Best *
— Paring; [Mr. Knight] Steven Grant x male reader. Fandom; Moon Knight/Marvel
Quote; “Bet you won’t be trying this again, huh?”
Disclaimer; SMUT. Restraints. Embarrassment. Dumbification. Riding. Teasing. Penetration (Character receiving). Sub Steven. Dom reader. Amab reader.
Word Count: 0.9k
A/N: If you know me irl (you know who you are) do not read this. Thank you for your request and once again, I am so so sorry for how long it has taken me to get to these requests. I am sorry. I’ve just been really really busy, please forgive me. My request will remain closed until I can get these other ones out.
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Steven was tired, so so tired. His thighs ached, and his dick throbbed. He was sweaty and his face was red with frustration and embarrassment. He felt both under and overstimulated. His movements never stopped, but his pleasured moans did. He only panted in desperation. He looked like a wreck. His hair was messy and his brows were knitted together. He was supposed to take the reins, but Steven couldn’t even please himself, let alone Y/N. He was pathetically sloppy, losing all the rhythm he had before.
Steven looked down to the restrained man below him. He cringed at Y/N’s smug expression. He whined and stilled himself — almost in defeat. His face was red with embarrassment. He gripped at Y/N’s shoulders, his nails digging into the flesh in frustration.
“Need help?” Y/N asked with an almost- no, a taunting grin.
Steven’s pathetic glare made Y/N chuckle teasingly. “Come on.” Y/N gentured to Steven’s desperate state with his head. . “You’re getting nowhere like this. Let me help you.” He tried to offer.
Steven whined. “You’re more bottom than power when you make noises like that.” Y/N said with a taunting grin and laugh.
Steven tried moving again, only to stop again in defeat. He begins to fist himself in desperation. His frustration grew every second he was deprived of a release. Y/N gripped at the rope around his wrists. “This is sad to watch.” Y/N lied, Y/N loved watching every but of this. Every single bit.
“Shut up.” Steven grumbled. Any snarkiness in his voice was gone, instead he sounded whiny and shaky. He went back to trying to move again, but he was quickly met with the same disappointing fate. Steven whines in frustration. He shoved his red face in his hands as he let out a dramatic sob.
Y/N looked up at his restraints then back to Steven. His eyebrows rose in an offer. He didn’t say anything — he didn’t have to. His face said it all and Steven understood immediately.
Steven hesitates to undo the rope that bound Y/N to the head board. Y/N grins as his hands are free. He rubs his slightly sore wrists. He then leaned up and kissed Steven. He gently flipped both of them — Steven on his back, Y/N hovering over him. Y/N’s hands roam over Steven’s thighed and chest. Y/N was slow at first despite Steven’s whines in protest.
Y/N began moving. A moan escaped Steven’s mouth as his eyes squeezed shut as he finally felt some relief. He was slow at first. The urge to cum came quickly for Steven from all the over-under stimulation. Y/N puts his hand on Steven's cock and begins rubbing his thumb on the tip. Steven bit his lip and moaned.
Y/N sets a fast pace, his thrusts way more coordinated than how Steven was before. Steven's moans and gasps filled the room. His eyes were squeezed shut as if to focus on the pleasure he wasn’t able to get before. He felt his orgasm was approaching way quicker than he had expected.
“I’m close- oh, shit- I’m close.” He moaned out. His arms wrapped around Y/N.
Y/N chuckled. “Oh, yeah?” He said, tauntingly.
Steven groaned and his head shot back into the pillow. He bit his lip and hummed in confrontation. Y/N snickered at the sight. “Come on, Steven.” He said with a grin. He gripped Steven's thighs.
Steven practically sobbed as he came all over himself. Y/N fucks Steven through his high. “Don’t you feel so much better?” He cooed, gently rubbing circles on Steven’s thighs. Steven pants and nods frantically, his eyes still closed.
Y/N continues to move, this time at a slow pace so as to not hurt the man below him too bad. Steven doesn’t stop him despite the pain — instead, he finds a bit of pleasure in it. Y/N slowly picks up his pace again. Steven whined in the slight overstimulation, but it felt too good to stop. Y/N attached himself to Steven's neck, leaving a pretty little mark for the morning.
Steven felt all control leave him when Y/N hit the same spot over and over. His mind hazed over with lust, pleasure and pain. Multiple pleads spill from his mouth. “Please, please, don’t stop.” He begged. “Oh, please.” He babbles out nonsense.
Y/N’s chuckle was cut off by a moan himself. Steven desperately clawed at Y/N back. The mix of pain and pleasure caused Y/N to groan. Y/N leaned down and kissed Steven. Steven was too out of it to really kiss back, but he tried. Y/N chuckled against his lips when he realized he was fucking the poor guy dumb.
“Bet you won’t be trying this again, huh?” He teased.
“Shut up.”
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
Hazelnut | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Daryl didn't know exactly what he expected when his group settled into Alexandria—maybe some snobby, incompetent inhabitants who couldn't stand their ground if something were to happen or people who would turn on him and his group at any given moment, but definitely not a little girl who basically attached herself to his hip. And he definitely didn't expect to find himself drawn to the mother of that little girl.
Genre: Fluff, angst but not a lot.
Era: Alexandria, pre Saviour war. (Timeline is kinda wonky. Saviours kinda don't exist in this? I don't really know.)
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death, child abandonment, mental abuse, mentions of drugs and alcohol, single parenthood, sexual content but not smut.
Word count: 8k
A/n: This was such a cute idea that @louifaith had! I tried my best, but it honestly sucks. I'm not really happy with how this turned out, but I hope you like it! Also, definitely go check out @celtic-crossbow 's version! Pure perfection, honestly.
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, and now for Scud Frohmeyer as well!
“You have to lighten up, Daryl. How do you expect to make any friends with that 'leave me alone' attitude of yours?”
Daryl grumbled to himself as he continued tinkering with his crossbow. The hot late afternoon sun was relentlessly beating down on the community as its inhabitants continued about their tasks. Daryl had been observing silently everyone from the porch steps he was sitting on, enjoying the moment of solitude he had, but Carol had other ideas.
“Daryl,” Carol started, crossing her arms as she descended down the steps. She turned around to face Daryl, her voice stern. “It would do you good to socialise a bit.”
“I talked to Tobin when we finished up with the construction of the new walls yesterday,” Daryl replied nonchalantly, keeping his eyes focused on his crossbow instead of the stern woman in front of him.
“That doesn't count. That's work talk. I'm talking about actual socialising. Like, striking up a conversation with someone that isn't in our group or someone you have to talk to for work.”
“I dun' need to. Y'all are the only company I need. Ain't gon' waste my time tryin' to make buddies with people who dun' even like me,” Daryl responded with a sense of finality, gripping his crossbow and getting up. “Now get off my back, woman.”
“Where are you going?” Carol called after him, watching the archer walk away from the house.
“Somewhere,” he replied shortly, ending the conversation effectively.
Slightly irritated, Daryl walked with no particular destination in mind. He passed by some people who sent him friendly greetings and small waves, which he returned half-heartedly. After a while of mindlessly walking about, Daryl stopped in front of a makeshift park of sorts. It was a small area surrounded by grass and had a big tree towards the edge. He moved to sit on the grass underneath the shade of the tree. The few kids in the community loved to play in this area, but it was deserted for now; the perfect place for the archer to relax for a while.
Daryl went about sharpening his knife for a while. The mediocre task kept his mind busy, busy enough to ignore the parents and kids who arrived, busy enough to ignore the wary stares the parents threw his way. Daryl simply shook his head—even after two months, there were still people who were wary of him and the rest of his group. Even after everything they did and sacrificed to ensure the community's safety.
“Mistah lonely?”
Startled, Daryl's head shot up and his eyes locked with those of a little girl who looked no older than three years old. The girl looked at him with curiosity written all over her young face, eyeing the knife in the archer's hands with wonder. She tentatively reached forward to touch the knife, her fingertips close to making contact with the cold metal of the knife.
Daryl jerked the knife away and out of reach of the young girl. “Dun' touch tha',” he barked coldly, standing up to keep the knife out of the young girl's reach.
“Sharp mife?” the girl questioned, moving closer towards the archer. She reached up to grab his arm, trying to reach the knife.
Daryl frowned at the girl. He gently pried his arm away from the girl's grasp and took a step back, unnerved by the soft touch of the child's hands. That didn't seem to deter the girl, however.
“Mistah use sharp mife?”
“Scram, kid. Go back to yer mama.”
“Mama?” the girl asked, her eyes lighting up at the mere mention of her mother. “Mama! Get Mama!”
“Wha'? No, tha' ain't—” Daryl started, but was abruptly cut off when the girl took off and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. Daryl raised his eyebrows as he watched the girl's retreating figure, confused by the interaction he just had.
Well, he thought, at least that's the end of that. However, as Daryl gathered his crossbow and sheathed his knife, he inwardly groaned at the sound of the little girl's voice calling out to him.
“Mistah! Mama here!”
Daryl turned and looked at two approaching figures. The young girl was holding a woman's hand, leading the woman over to him. The woman was laughing lightly, allowing herself to be pulled by the little girl.
“Come, Mama!” the little girl giggled, excitedly tugging your hand harder.
“Okay, okay! No need to rip my hand off,” you laughed, soon coming to a stop in front of Daryl.
Daryl looked at you with a frown, scowling slightly. His eyes darted between the excited little girl and you, slightly taken aback by the friendliness you radiated. Despite everything he's done for the community up until that point, only a few select Alexandrians—mainly Aaron and Eric—didn't show him any contempt or wariness. Yet there you were, smiling up at him and looking as pretty as a picture.
“Mama,” the little girl excitedly told him, pointing up to you. She smiled at you, dimples forming on her chubby cheeks.
“I'm Y/n. You must be Daryl?” You introduced yourself, extending your hand for a handshake.
Daryl looked at your hand, not moving to take it. However, just as you were about to lower your hand awkwardly at his dismissal, the little girl stepped forward.
“Like this, mistah,” she instructed, taking the archer's hand and putting it in yours.
Daryl flinched at the contact and quickly withdrew his hand, looking at the little girl with a small frown. He looked back at you, chewing on his bottom lip nervously.
This was the worst random social situation he's ever been in.
“Sorry,” you apologized, giving him a sheepish smile before turning back to your daughter. “Hazel, we don't touch people unless they say we can, alright?”
“Sorry, Mama,” Hazel apologized half-heartedly, not fully understanding what you were saying. She turned back to look at Daryl. “Sorry, Dar.”
“Daryl,” the archer corrected her, talking for the first time since you had approached him.
Hazel looked up at him in confusion. “Dar,” she repeated herself, a look of concentration on her face.
“No, 's—nevermind. Forget it,” Daryl grumbled, shifting his weight from his one leg to the other. He looked back to you again and noticed how awkward you looked, your lips pursed as you avoided his eyes.
“Sorry. She has trouble with the pronounciation of some words and names. I'm working on helping her with that,” you explained.
Daryl noticed the defensive tone in your voice and raised his eyebrows questioningly, yet he refrained from questioning why. “S'alrigh',” he mumbled, awkwardly fiddling with his crossbow that was slung over his shoulder.
“Okay,” you said, gathering Hazel up into your arms. “Well, it was nice meeting you, but I have to get going. I have to get this gremlin ready for dinner. Sorry for bothering you.”
With that, you turned around and retreated back towards the houses, Hazel happily babbling in your arms. Daryl watched your retreating figure with a sense of uneasiness. In that short interaction, he found himself unexplainably drawn to you. He didn't know you, but some part of him wanted to get to know you.
However, as quickly as that thought entered his mind, he just as quickly disregarded it. He didn't need to get attached to any more people, especially people who couldn't protect themselves in this harsh world they lived in. In the end, everyone he cared about died or left, so it was better to spare himself the inevitable pain and keep you and your daughter at an arm's length.
Something told him that it would be easier said than done, however.
The next morning, Daryl found himself working alongside Aaron. The two of them were busy carrying large pieces of metal to the wall they were busy fortifying, Aaron making casual small talk while Daryl simply hummed in acknowledgement. Once the last piece of metal was added to the already existing pile, the two men wiped the sweat from their foreheads and took a drink of water, before walking over to Aaron's house. Aaron took a seat on the porch steps while Daryl remained standing on the grass.
“So yeah, that's how I met Eric,” Aaron told him, concluding his story.
“Story straight out a damn romance novel,” Daryl replied sarcastically, eliciting a laugh from Aaron.
“Yeah, yeah. Make fun of it all you want. Everyone always does.”
“Nah, 's a good story. Pretty cliche with the whole spillin' yer coffee on his shirt bit, but 's still a good story,” Daryl assured him. “Now c'mon, didn't ya say somethin' 'bout havin' a part fer my bike?”
As if materializing out of thin air, Hazel excitedly bounded down the porch steps and threw herself against Daryl, clinging to his leg in a hug. Caught off guard, Daryl stumbled a bit but regained his footing, his eyes darting down to look at Hazel. His eyebrows raised in surprise before he gently pried the girl from his legs, not used to any kid other than Judith clinging to him like that.
“Kid, what are ya doin'?” he questioned, taking a step back from her, but it was to no avail. Hazel simply smiled up at him before throwing herself at him again, clinging to his leg like a monkey.
Aaron chuckled. “I see you've met Hazel. She's quite the character, huh?”
“Wha's she even doin' here?”
“Eric asked to babysit her. He loves having her over, and her mom said yes.”
Hazel giggled against Daryl's leg, turning her head to look at Aaron. “Hi, Rin!”
“Hey, Hazel,” Aaron chuckled fondly, sending the girl a small wave.
“Rin?” Daryl questioned, placing one of his big hands on the little girl's head, accepting his fate of being clung to for now.
“She can't say my name properly,” Aaron explained. “She has trouble with pronouncing some things.”
“Yeah, her mama said somethin' 'bout tha',” Daryl said without really thinking about it.
“So you've met her?” Aaron asked, leaning forward with slight interest. He had a small smirk on his face, one that Daryl couldn't understand.
“Briefly. Hazel practically dragged her over to meet me yesterday,” Daryl replied, looking down at Hazel when he felt her grip loosen on his leg.
Hazel looked up at him and raised her arms, looking at him expectantly. “Upsies,” she said, jumping slightly on her toes. “Dar, upsies!”
To his utter surprise, Daryl found himself leaning down to pick her up. The act hadn't even registered in his brain until the small girl was already in his arms, her small, chubby hands gripping at his shirt as she giggled. The small sound of her laughter made the archer's heart fill with an unexpected fondness, taking him by surprise. It was the same type of fondness that filled his heart whenever he coaxed a laugh from Judith, and yet it was completely different at the same time. He couldn't explain it.
“She seems to like you, Daryl,” Aaron laughed, standing up from his position on the porch steps. “Not a lot of people can say that about her.”
“Wha' do ya mean?” Daryl found himself asking, confused entirely by the man's revelation. From the limited interactions that the archer has had with the young girl up until that point, he naturally assumed that Hazel was this way with everyone. What would make him special enough to the little girl, who just met him, to make her treat him differently than she would others?
Aaron motioned for Daryl to follow him into the house, and he obliged, silently entering the pristine house while still carrying Hazel in his arms. The girl took a great interest in his hair, playing with it to entertain herself.
“From what Y/n told us, she was with a group before she got here who treated her and Hazel badly, and Hazel hasn't fully regained her trust in adults yet,” Aaron explained.
Daryl frowned. “Badly, how?”
“She wouldn't say, but it took forever for Eric and I to gain Hazel's trust. We even tried to bribe her with candy but she wouldn't budge. But she seems to trust you and you say you only met her yesterday?”
“Yeah. She approached me at tha' makeshift park the kids play at,” Daryl nodded, rubbing a hand over Hazel's small back unconsciously, shifting her in his arms slightly.
“Then you're definitely special, buddy. This kid doesn't trust easily,” Aaron declared, sitting down on a chair in the dining room.
Daryl followed his lead, sitting across from him on a chair while still holding the small girl firmly in his arms. Hazel's attention shifted from his hair to the loose threads on his sleeveless shirt, playing with them to keep herself busy.
“They were with a group 'fore this? How long have they been here?” Daryl questioned, interested in knowing more about you.
“Yeah. Hazel and her mom haven't been here all that long. I actually found them a couple of days, maybe a week, before I found you all. From what I know, Y/n and Hazel had been on their own for a while before I found them. Y/n almost killed me the first time we met. She thought I was gonna hurt them. It took me and Eric a while to convince her to come back with us, but even then she refused to let her guard down. She was kind of like Rick when we first met, except she didn't tie me up or force me to eat apple sauce.”
Daryl hummed, hissing slightly when he felt Hazel tug at his hair rather harshly. He brought one of his hands up to pry her hand away from his hair, subconsciously rubbing his thumb over her small fist.
“Tha' hurts,” he said softly, surprising himself by the gentleness of his voice.
“Sorry, Dar,” Hazel apologized half-heartedly. She yawned before laying her head on his shoulder. She wrapped her small arms around his neck, nuzzling her head into his neck.
Daryl felt his heart swell with fondness for the second time that day. He gently rubbed her back. From his experience with Judith, that small action could lull a small child into slumber, and he hoped that proved to be right with Hazel.
“You're good at that,” Aaron commented, a smile on his face as he watched that small interaction between the big, 'scary' man and a small, innocent child.
Daryl looked at him, confused by the look the man was sending him. “Good at wha'?” he asked.
“That,” Aaron repeated himself, motioning to Hazel. “Were you a dad before all of this?”
Daryl stiffened at the question. “Nah,” he shook his head, adjusting Hazel in his arms again. “Not the type of guy who could've started a family back then.”
“And now?” Aaron asked, unaware of Daryl's inner turmoil.
Daryl inhaled sharply. “To start a family ya need a partner,” Daryl started, slightly rocking the small girl in his arms. “I ain't got a partner, and there ain't exactly women linin' up to be with me. So kids ain't somethin' I see in my future.”
“It could still happen, you know? You might meet someone. Hell, you know what? I know you'll meet someone.”
“A lot of confidence fer somethin' tha' might never happen,” Daryl grumbled.
“Never say never, Daryl,” Aaron replied, giving the man a small smirk. “Never say never.”
“Mama! Mama!” Hazel called through the house, excitement clear in her voice.
You smiled at the sound of your daughter's voice, glad to be able to see her again after a whole day of being alone at your small house. The sun was setting, the stars starting to twinkle in the sky and you were almost done with dinner. Eric had told you that he would bring Hazel back before sunset and you were starting to get worried, but thankfully she was okay.
You walked into the living room and hunched down to pick up the small girl that ran into your arms, hugging her tightly to you as you placed kisses all over her face. She giggled at the sensation and pulled back, grabbing your hand and excitedly pointing towards the door.
“Mama, Dar here,” she said, smiling widely before turning towards the door.
You followed her line of sight and locked eyes with the archer. You stood up and gave him an awkward smile, painfully aware of the awkward encounter you had with the man the day before. Daryl seemed to mirror your unease—he nervously shifted his weight from one leg to the other, ducking his head to avoid your gaze.
“I see that, sweetheart,” you replied, keeping your eyes locked on the man before you.
“I played with Rin and Eric. Dar played too!” Hazel happily exclaimed, clapping her hands in excitement as she looked up at Daryl in awe.
“Did he, now?” you asked rhetorically, marvelling at the sudden and unexpected change of character for the quiet man. Just the day before he'd shrugged Hazel off and seemed to want nothing to do with her, yet now your daughter was claiming that the huntsman had spent time with her that day. It didn't make sense.
“Yeah! So fun!” Hazel laughed happily, waddling over to Daryl to seemingly hug his leg again.
Daryl, who had been hugged multiple times that day by the toddler, instinctively crouched down to have her hug his side instead of his leg. Hazel wrapped her small arms around him and nuzzled her head into his neck, and Daryl couldn't help the small smile that spread across his face. One day had been more than enough for him to grow fond of the small girl, and he cursed himself for letting his guard down enough for that to happen, but the damage was already done; that little girl had already wormed her way into his heart.
“I'm glad you enjoyed yourself,” you smiled at her, watching the interaction between the archer and your baby girl. “Baby, why don't you go get changed into your blue PJ's, huh? You're a big girl now, right? Think you can get changed without mama's help?”
“Yeah!” she exclaimed happily, pulling away from the hug and giving Daryl a smile, dimples on display. “Bye, Dar!”
“Bye, Hazel,” Daryl greeted her quietly, watching the girl waddle to the stairs and begin to climb them carefully. He then hesitantly shifted his attention to you, but instead of seeing that wariness he'd grown accustomed to other parents giving him, one that he expected you to give him after his encounter with you the day before, there was a look of curiosity and wonder in your eyes.
“Thanks for bringing her home,” you thanked him, offering the archer a small smile.
Daryl ducked his head. “Ain't nothin',” he replied, shaking his head.
“So, you spent the day with her?” you started, looking at him questioningly. “By the way you looked uncomfortable around her yesterday, I would've thought you'd avoid her at all costs.”
“I was spendin' the day helpin' Aaron. He invited me to his place 'cause he had a part I needed fer my bike and Hazel was there. She wouldn't let go of me after she saw me,” Daryl explained, fiddling with his hands.
“So she basically forced you into spending time with her?” you asked with a small laugh, your eyes crinkling in amusement.
“Pretty much,” Daryl joked, his lips involuntarily twitching into a small smile.
You laughed lightly and Daryl chuckled softly, admiring the way your eyes seemingly sparkled. The dim light of the living room gave you a golden glow, and Daryl found himself admiring your beauty. The unnerving thought struck him at full force and he tried to shake that thought from his mind—he couldn't let his mind go there. He wouldn't let his mind go there. He had to keep you at an arm's length. It was bad enough that Hazel broke through his barrier in a day, so he couldn't allow her mom to do the same, too. More attachments wasn't something the archer needed.
“Well, Hazel seems happy. I think you just became her best friend, whether you like it or not,” you told him playfully.
“I have a feeling tha' I ain't got much say in the matter.
“Nope,” you laughed. “But thank you. She hasn't looked that happy in a long time.”
“Glad I could help,” Daryl replied, a small smile on his face. “Sorry fer bein' a dick yesterday.”
“It's fine. We shouldn't have bothered you.”
“Ya weren't botherin' me. I jus'... Wasn't in a good mood, 's all. 'M sorry.”
“Apology accepted.” You gave him a sweet smile before turning around. “Wait here. I'll be right back.”
Daryl frowned in confusion but didn't say anything. A few minutes passed until you reentered the living room, a lunchbox in your hand. You promptly handed it to him, and Daryl could feel the heat radiating off the bottom.
“Wha's this?” he asked, giving you a questioning look.
“Stew. I made more than Hazel and I can finish, so I figured I'd give you some. And before you say anything, just take it. Consider it a thank you gift.”
Daryl pursed his lips but nodded, resisting the urge to deny your 'gift'. “Thanks.”
“No problem at all,” you reassured him, looking up at him with a smile that made his heart flutter uncontrollably.
Daryl ducked his head, willing the blush on his face to go away. “I should get goin',” he mumbled, avoiding your eyes.
“I'll walk you out,” you replied, walking with him over to the door.
Daryl stepped out of your home and turned to you. He gave you a nod and turned to walk away, but stopped when he heard you speak up.
“I hope you realise that she isn't gonna let you off the hook. You're going to be stuck with her now. And my daughter and I are a package deal, so you're going to be stuck with me, too.”
For some unknown reason, Daryl didn't mind that thought at all.
“Easy, Hazelnut. Ya dun' wanna hurt yerself, do ya?”
The toddler giggled, her small hands toying with the arrow in her hands. “Sorry, Dar.”
Daryl smiled at the small girl, bringing one of his hands up to ruffle her hair, successfully coaxing another laugh from her. “I know ya are. Jus' try to be more careful, alrigh'? I dun' want ya gettin' hurt.”
“No boo-boos. Boo-boos hurt,” Hazel replied, gingerly handing the arrow back to the archer.
“They do,” Daryl agreed, taking the arrow from the girl. “Tha's why ya gotta be careful, alrigh'? Dun' want anythin' to happen to someone as sweet as ya, Hazelnut.”
Hazel giggled and nodded. “No boo-boos.”
“No boo-boos,” Daryl repeated, smiling fondly at the young girl.
Two months had passed since Daryl initially met you and Hazel. In those two months, Daryl had found himself becoming intertwined with your lives, a constant presence for you and your daughter.
The archer hadn't asked you what had happened to Hazel's father yet, and he wondered when he could be permitted to ask that. However, Daryl knew that there could only be two plausible explanations; either he was dead, or he willingly left. The huntsman really hoped it wasn't the latter. No person should be left to raise a kid on their own.
However, as Daryl's love for the young girl grew, so did his feelings for you. It got to the point where he had started wishing that he was Hazel's dad, that he could've been there during your pregnancy and watched your belly grow. He would've worshipped your body and been there for you every step of the way. However, as much as he wanted that, that was a dream that couldn't be a reality, so he settled on being Hazel's best friend.
“The two of you look like you're having fun. Mind if I join?”
Daryl's head snapped up at the sound of your voice. His eyes met yours and his heart skipped a beat, that sweet smile of yours making butterflies swarm around in his stomach.
“Mama!” Hazel exclaimed happily, hurrying down the porch steps to fling herself into your arms.
You laughed, picking her up and placing a kiss on her forehead. You looked at Daryl and sent him a smile. “Hey, Daryl.”
“Hey,” he greeted you quietly, fiddling with the arrow in his hands.
“Mama, play with us!” Hazel giggled, wiggling in your arms to be put down.
You lowered her to the ground, watching her climb up the porch steps and clamber into Daryl's lap. Daryl lowered the arrow and wrapped his arms around her, placing a small kiss to the side of her head. You smiled at the interaction, your heart speeding up against your will.
“I can't, baby. It's time to go home. It's dinner time,” you told her.
Hazel frowned and nuzzled her head into Daryl's neck, a whimper building up in her throat. Instinctively, Daryl started rocking her back and forth, rubbing her small back and shushing her quietly.
“S'alrigh', dun' cry. Ya will see me again tomorrow, alrigh'?” he whispered into her ear, his heart breaking at the sound of her sniffles. When he felt her nod, he placed one final kiss to the side of her head before placing her back down. “Why dun' ya go say bye to Jude?”
Hazel looked at you expectantly, and you nodded. “Go ahead, baby. I'll wait for you.”
Hazel ran into the house, leaving you and Daryl alone on the porch. The archer stood up and walked down to meet you on the grass, pushing his hands into his pockets as he looked at you through his hair.
As you looked at him, it took all of your willpower to resist the urge to brush his hair out of his face and cup his cheek. Not trusting your own hands, you crossed your arms and looked up at the huntsman, giving him a small smile.
“This is the first time ya have come to pick her up. I usually bring her home. 'S somethin' wrong?” Daryl asked, searching your eyes for an answer.
You shook your head. “No, nothing's wrong. I just figured that I could come pick her up for a change. Spare you the walk back to my place.”
“It ain't that far,” Daryl pointed out, motioning down the street. “Jus' a couple of houses down.”
“Yeah, I know, but...” you trailed off, unsure if you should lay your problems onto him.
“But wha'?” he questioned, suddenly on edge. Had you changed your mind about him? About him being around you and your daughter? He really hoped not.
You hesitated for a moment. “It's nothing. Just some mom's around the community who like to be judgy.”
“Wha' are they sayin'?”
“That I'm a bad mom for not taking the time out of my day to pick up my own daughter. That I'm smearing my responsibilities onto other people. Just thought I'd start proving them wrong.”
“Hey, yer not a bad mom. I like bringin' Hazel home at the end of the day. Tha' way I know she's safe.” He also liked it because it meant he got to see you being all domestic, hugging your daughter tightly and sending him beautiful smiles, inviting him to stay for dinner each time. He always declined, not wanting to be a burden, but your offer never waned.
You smiled at him, but it didn't quite reach your eyes. Daryl instantly noticed it and placed one of his hands on your shoulder, taking you by surprise. His touch was surprisingly gentle, and your skin flushed where he touched you.
“Dun' let them convince ya yer a bad mom. I ain't ever seen a better mom than ya. How many mom's here can say tha' they kept their kid alive out there in the real world? Tha' despite everythin', their kid came first and tha' they would kill fer them?”
“How did you know I wasn't here from the start?”
“Aaron told me he found ya and Hazel on yer own not too long before he found us. The fact tha' ya kept her alive on yer own for tha' long proves to me tha' yer the best fuckin' mom under the sun.”
You smiled at him and placed your hand over his that was still resting on your shoulder. “Thank you,” you whispered.
“No problem,” he replied, holding eye contact with you. His hand lingered on your shoulder for longer than necessary, and he gazed deep into your eyes.
Your heart sped up and stopped beating at the same time, noticing a shift in the archer's emotions. However, before either of you could do anything else, Daryl snapped out of it and withdrew his hand, taking a step back.
You cleared your throat and ducked your head, your face heating up. Luckily, Hazel ran out at that moment and bounded down the stairs, throwing herself into Daryl's side and clinging to his leg.
“Bye, Dar!”
Daryl pressed Hazel tightly to him. “Bye, Hazelnut.”
Hazel unwound her arms from around him and moved over to you, extending her arms to be picked up. You did just that, holding her tightly to you. You turned to Daryl and offered him a small smile.
“You know, my offer still stands. You could join us for dinner.”
Daryl was about to decline your offer again, but Hazel cut him off.
“Yes! Please, Dar!”
In that moment, Daryl found that he wouldn't be able to say no. He gave you both a small smile and nodded. “Yeah, okay.”
You smiled broadly. “Great! Come on, then.”
“Dun' I need to change?”
“No, you're fine, don't worry. You can come as is.”
“Alrigh',” Daryl nodded. “Let's go.”
“Could you maybe get Hazel settled into her highchair? I'll be right out with the food.”
Daryl nodded and watched you retreat from the dining room into the kitchen before turning around. “Hazelnut!” he called, hearing the toddler's footsteps come into the dining room.
Hazel stared up at the archer with a huge smile, her arms extended to be picked up. Daryl smiled softly at the girl and leaned down to pick her up, placing her in her highchair. Once he was sure she was settled and wouldn't fall off, he got settled in the chair next to her, listening to Hazel's happy babbling.
Soon enough, you reentered the dining room with a pot of spaghetti and meatballs. The aroma of the meal made Daryl's mouth practically water. The last time he'd eaten spaghetti was when Aaron had invited him, and that was a good couple of months ago.
“It smells fuckin' good,” Daryl said without thinking, and instantly regretted his choice of words.
“Fuck,” Hazel repeated happily, completely oblivious to the horrified look that spread over Daryl's face, and the amused one that spread over yours.
“Nah, Hazelnut, dun' say tha'. Dun' ever say tha',” he told her hurriedly, his heart beating faster at his mistake.
“Fuck,” Hazel giggled.
“No, I jus' said—” Daryl started, shooting you a worried look. However, he calmed down when he saw your amused smile. “Wha's so funny?”
“You,” you told him, laughing lightly while serving everyone some food. “Don't look so worried. I'm not gonna bite your head off because of one slip up. If I had a penny for every time I accidentally slipped up since she was born, I would've been able to buy a yacht in the old world. You're good, don't worry.
“Okay, but we can't have her goin' around sayin' tha', though,” Daryl said, taking a deep breath to calm himself.
“You're right about that,” you started, turning to look at Hazel. “Baby, you can't say fuck, okay? That word belongs to Daryl. Until he's ready to share that word, you can't say that, alright?”
“Okay, Mama,” Hazel replied, starting to eat her food rather messily.
Daryl chuckled softly at the girl before turning to his own food. He started eating as well, the flavours of the delicious meal melting on his tongue. He wanted to gulp it all down but he resisted the urge, instead eating with a decency he never knew he had.
The meal was mostly spent in silence, save for Hazel's happy babbling and the occasional input from you or Daryl. Daryl did, however, sneak glances at you when you weren't looking, admiring your beauty and the soft, loving way you acknowledged your daughter and the tenderness you used when you wiped her face clean of the sauce.
Unbeknownst to the archer, you had also been sneaking glances at him. Admiring his gentleness with your daughter, the way his eyes softened and the quiet chuckles he would let out whenever Hazel did something amusing, or the small smiles he gave you. It was amazing how important Daryl had become to you and Hazel in a span of a few months. The big, gruff, quiet man with a heart of gold, who had invaded your thoughts and your heart.
The meal was soon done and Hazel's eyes were beginning to droop. You noticed it and got up to take her out of her highchair. She instantly layed her head down onto your shoulder and closed her eyes, and you placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
“You tired, baby?” you cooed, rubbing her back gently. When she simply responded by nuzzling her face deeper into your shoulder, you laughed fondly and turned to Daryl, sending him an apologetic look. “Sorry, I should probably get this little rascal to bed. You can stay here, I'll be right back.”
However, as soon as you said that, Hazel interjected. “Dar tuck me in with Mama?” she asked innocently, lifting her head up to look at Daryl.
Daryl looked surprised. He locked eyes with you, his heart fluttering at the smile you sent him.
“If Daryl's okay with it,” you whispered.
“Yeah, 'course,” Daryl replied, nodding his head.
You motioned for him to follow you upstairs and he obliged. Together the two of you descended up the stairs and into Hazel's bedroom. Daryl stopped in the doorway, not wanting to overstep any boundaries, but you had other ideas. You gently took his hand and led him into the room, only letting go of it to tuck your daughter into bed. Daryl subconsciously placed his hand on your shoulder instead, watching place your little girl into bed.
Hazel was already half asleep when you put her into her bed. She instantly curled up into her pillow and let out a big sigh, her eyes opening only slightly. In her view, she saw you, her mom, the woman who always protected her when the two of you were living on the road outside the walls, and always loved her despite her shenanigans. And Daryl, the man who at first had been kind of mean, now always there for both her and her mom. The man who started to feel like a daddy to her.
“Night, Mama. Night, Daddy,” Hazel mumbled, her eyes closing and she drifted into slumber. In seconds, she was out cold.
Time froze for a moment. Daryl's eyes widened and his heart practically pounded out of his chest. There was no way that he had heard it right. There was no way that Hazel had just called him dad. There was no way that Hazel trusted and loved him enough in those few months to see him as her father. She couldn't, could she?
He turned to look at you and noticed the unreadable expression on your face. You didn't address what she had just said, however, and Daryl was too nervous to bring it up himself.
“We should probably let her sleep,” you whispered.
“Yeah,” Daryl agreed and followed you out the door.
Together, the two of you descended down the stairs and back into the dining room. You turned to look at Daryl and motioned towards the living room.
“You can wait in the living room. I just wanna put the dishes in the sink and then I'll join you.”
“Nah, let me help,” Daryl protested, moving over to grab all the dishes.
Before you could protest, Daryl walked into the kitchen. You quickly followed behind him and watched him put the dishes in the sink, but before he could start washing them, you quickly stopped him.
“No, it's okay. I'll wash them tomorrow,” you assured him. “Do you want some wine?”
Daryl nodded and hummed, silently observing as you grabbed two glasses from the cabinet, as well as a bottle of wine. You placed the glasses on the counter before popping the the bottle open, pouring the two of you each a glass of wine. You handed him the glass and propped yourself onto the counter, letting your legs swing below you.
Daryl leaned against the counter and took a sip of his wine, humming in approval at the taste. “S'good. Thanks.”
“It's nothing, really. I've been wanting a reason to open the bottle for a while now.”
“Ya can't jus' drink it whenever ya want?” Daryl questioned, taking another sip from the glass in his hand.
“I could, but I prefer not to. I don't want to be like—” you started, but abruptly stopped. You hurriedly took a sip of your wine, welcoming the taste in your mouth.
“Like who?” Daryl asked, frowning at the uncomfortable look on your face.
You hesitated for a long moment, not sure if you should tell Daryl about your past problems. You were afraid that Daryl would look at you differently if you revealed anything. However, as you looked into his eyes, you only saw care and concern, so you found yourself confiding in him.
“Hazel's father,” you said, pursing your lips at the thought of the man you hated more than anything.
“Wha' was he like?” Daryl asked, placing his glass down on the counter. He turned his full attention to you, his eyes trailing over your face for any shift in emotion.
“He was a fucking asshole,” you spat angrily, clenching your jaw in anger. “He was a raging alcoholic and a frequent drug user. He didn't even stop when Hazel was born. If anything, it got worse. I tried so hard to get him sober, but nothing worked. He always yelled at me and threatened to hurt Hazel whenever I brought it up. And then one day, when I woke up, he was just... Gone. No note, no phone call, nothing. Hazel was barely one year old.”
Daryl frowned deeply, anger bubbling inside him at the thought of someone hurting you and Hazel so badly. He clenched his fist and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
“Not too long after that, the world went to shit. His sister came to pick us up and took us to her camp, and that's where I saw that asshole again. He treated Hazel so badly and got the other people in the camp to be mean to her. Hazel didn't even do anything wrong, but they all ganged up on her. Thankfully it never got physical, but that really scarred her. It went on until the camp got overrun, and all of those fuckers got what they deserved. The only reason Hazel and I got out was because his sister helped us. She sacrificed herself for us. After that, Hazel and I were on our own for more than a year. I'm surprised that I managed to keep us alive for that long on my own, but I managed. And then Aaron and Eric found us and the rest is history.”
Daryl was speechless. It angered him that someone would hurt you like that, would hurt little Hazel like that. And the fact that you had to survive on your own for that long... It amazed him. He wished that he could've found you earlier and have protected you and Hazel from all those horrors, but there was nothing he could do to change the past. He could only ensure that nothing ever touched you in the future.
“Yer a strong woman. The fact tha' ya went through all tha' and managed to keep Hazel alive and love her unconditionally proves tha'. Yer amazing and I hope ya know tha'.”
You were taken aback by the sudden confession, but soon a smile spread across your face. You hopped off the counter and stood in front of him, almost chest to chest. You looked up at him, your faces close enough to close the remaining distance between your lips.
“You're amazing too. I don't think you realise how much you mean to Hazel, how much you mean to me.”
With that, you closed the remaining distance between your lips. You pressed your lips against his softly, wrapping your arms around his neck. After a moment of shock, Daryl kissed you back feverishly, pulling you closer by your hips. You gasped against his lips, allowing Daryl to slip his tongue into your mouth. You moaned into his lips and pressed yourself harder against him, eliciting a groan from the man.
As soon as you pulled away for air, you tugged Daryl by the lapel of his vest. “Wanna take this to my room?” you whispered, breathless from the ravenous kiss.
“Wha' 'bout Hazelnut? Won't she wake up?” Daryl asked, pressing his forehead against yours.
“No. She's out cold. The chances of her waking up are basically nonexistent.”
Daryl let out a deep breath and nodded, allowing you to pull him up the stairs. The two of you soon stumbled into your room, hurriedly closing the door and pawing at each other's clothes. However, when you reached for Daryl's shirt, he stopped you, a pained look on his face.
“What's wrong?” you asked, a worried look on your face. “Did I do something wrong?”
Daryl shook his head. “Nah, ya didn't do anythin'.”
“Then what's wrong?” you asked him gently, cupping his cheek in your hand. “Talk to me. I won't judge.”
Daryl inhaled sharply. “I didn't have a good childhood,” was all he said before slowly removing his shirt.
Your eyes hungrily trailed over his body, your hands reaching forward to press against his chest. You didn't understand what Daryl was talking about until you got a glimpse of his back in the mirror in your room. The scars on his back were jagged, and you instantly knew what they meant; someone had hurt this perfect man before you, and you felt so angry.
You walked behind him. “May I?” you whispered, your hands hovering over his back.
Daryl hesitantly nodded. You softly ran your fingers over his scars, your touch feathery light. The archer shivered involuntarily, closing his eyes at the feeling. Before meeting you, the only feeling that he would ever associate with his back was pain from his father's cruelty, yet there you were, tracing over his scars as if they were priceless paintings in a museum.
Soon your fingers were replaced with your lips, and Daryl's eyes flew open. Your lips softly kissed over his scars, trailing down to the last scars on his lower back. When you were done, you turned him around to face you. You gently cupped his cheek, a small smile on your face.
“You're perfect to me, Daryl. You're so sweet, kind and caring. Hell, my daughter called you dad. That says plenty.”
“'M perfect?”
“You're perfect.”
That was all you had to say for Daryl to pull you into another fiery kiss. The two of you soon toppled onto your bed, spending a night filled with passion together.
That next morning when Hazel woke up and walked into your room, she was pleasantly surprised to find Daryl sleeping there, holding you, her mama. She was, however, confused that when she woke the two of you up, you clutched the sheets to your bodies and refused to let her climb under them with you like you normally would do.
Two years later...
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Hazel. Happy birthday to you!”
You and Daryl cheered as Hazel blew out the candles on her homemade cake. Hazel laughed as she struggled to blow out the last one of the five candles on the cake, eliciting soft chuckles from you and Daryl. When she finally managed to blow it out, you and Daryl handed her each a gift. She clapped her hands excitedly. She got up from her seat and ran to hug you and Daryl, which you both returned.
“Thank you, Mama. Thank you, Daddy,” she said with a big smile, eyeing the wrapped gifts on the table.
“Dun' thank us yet, Hazelnut,” Daryl responded with a smile. “Go ahead and open 'em.”
Hazel hurriedly opened each of the gifts and gasped with delight, holding up a colouring book, new crayons and a new doll. She giggled in excitement at the gifts.
“Can I go show these to Judith? We can colour and play dolls together now!”
You laughed and nodded. “Sure, baby. Just be good for Michonne and Rick, okay?”
“Okay!” she agreed and took off in a run, throwing the front door open and disappearing out of it.
“I can't believe she's growin' up so fast,” Daryl mumbled, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He rested his chin on the top of your head.
“I know, right? She'll be moving away from home soon enough,” you joked.
“Hmm,” Daryl hummed, chuckling at your joke.
“Oh!” you exclaimed, turning around in the archer's arms. “I got something for you, too.”
“Fer me?” he asked in confusion, frowning slightly. “Why? It ain't my birthday for another couple of months.”
“I know, but this can't wait that long. Here,” you said, handing him a small box.
Daryl gingerly took the box from your hands and opened it. His eyes widened at the item inside, picking it up and looking at it. After examining it for a couple of moments, he confirmed that his mind wasn't playing a trick on him—it was a positive pregnancy test.
“Yer—Yer pregnant?” he asked, a smile spreading over his face.
“Yeah,” you confirmed, nodding your head. A laugh escaped you when Daryl picked you up and spun you around, before he placed you back on the ground and pulled you into a kiss.
When he pulled back, he leaned his forehead against yours. “Hazelnut's gon' have a baby sibling. We're gon' have another kid.”
“We are,” you agreed, closing your eyes. “I love you, Daryl.”
Daryl placed a gentle kiss against your forehead. “I love ya too. And I already love tha' little peanut in yer belly.”
“Hazelnut and Peanut, huh?”
“Yeah. Our two babies. Our own little family,” Daryl said, placing his hand on your stomach, over the life that was growing there.
“We have Hazel to thank for this. If she didn't instantly like you back then, this might never have happened,” you told him, placing your hand over his.
“Remind me to thank her when she gets back later. But fer now, let's enjoy our alone time,” Daryl replied suggestively, tugging you with him as he walked backwards towards the stairs.
“I like that idea.”
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wintfleur · 3 months
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thinking about Daryl Dixon dating a book worm girly . . . they would meet on the Greene farm. She was a good friend of Hershel’s son Shawn, and stayed and lived with the family when the outbreak started. She would spend most of her time with Hershel and Beth or with her face in a book . . . she would like to be alone a lot, having her own spot on the farm away from the house where she could peacefully read and not have to worry about interacting with anyone, a spot that used to be her and Shawn’s . . . also a spot where Daryl decides to set up his own small camp away from everyone . . . well everyone but her. He would be hesitant at first to approach her when he gets back from another search for Sofia, seeing her leaning up against a tree with a thick book in her lap. He’d seen her around a few times in the short amount of time he’s been at the farm, only with Beth or Hershel. He’d ask her what she wants, assuming that she was waiting for him. She’d apologize, saying that she just wanted to be away from everyone, and surprising the both of them he said with a grunt she could stay as long as she didn’t touch his shit or start reading aloud. And for the first time he sees a small smile on her lips . . . but it was quickly covered when she lifted her book up from her lap.
Time-skip to after the farm falls and before they find the prison. They would become closer . . . well as close as two antisocial and closed off people could get. It was more like they found comfort in each other’s silent presence. She was so good at being quiet and finding her way around in the woods that she would often join daryl tracking/hunting. The first time daryl sees her smile since the farm is when he gives her a book he found in the trunk of an abandoned car. Since she couldn’t carry a bunch of books since they were traveling, every time she was done with a book he’d try and search for another to switch it with . . . would let her quietly mumble about the book she was reading when she couldn’t sleep and he was on watch. Would walk next to her as she walks n reads, making sure she wouldn’t trip.
When they make it to the prison, he’d bring her back multiple books whenever he goes out looking for supplies, and over time the small desk she had in her cell was cluttered with books . . . all from daryl. He would let her ramble about her books whenever they were on watch in the watch tower, him standing up and looking out while she comfortably sat on the floor with her book. He’d realize his feelings for her at the strange and unfamiliar feeling he felt in his chest as he watched her read a book to Carl and Beth who was holding Judith.
Time-skip to when they are now together, he would come back late from his shift at the look out tower in the prison and would check on her in there cell, expecting to see her sleeping since it was late . . . Instead she was curled up in her bed, technically now there bed, reading with a lit candle next to her. Not wanting to sleep without him by her side . . . and wanting to also finish another chapter. Whenever daryl would wake up from a nightmare she would quietly read to him, taking him out of his tortured mind and into the lovely world of her book. Whenever she was too focused on a book he’d surprise her with a kiss on her cheek or lips . . . completely stealing her attention. All she would have to do is bat her eyelashes and say please and daryl would fold . . . reading to her when she’s to tired to read herself, she feels so safe and warm when she’s in his arms as she listens to him read to her . . . he always kisses her forehead when he notices she fell asleep, tucking her bookmark a few pages back, knowing that she probably wouldn’t remember the last few pages he read to her.
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˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( take this as my application to write for twd !!! I wrote this in 20 minutes at 1am, soo it’s probably not the best I just couldn’t sleep without getting this written down. Please let me know if I should continue writing for twd . . . I’m currently rewatching the show and my love for daryl just grows stronger !!! Again please let me know what you guys think, don’t be a silent reader <333 )
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weretheones · 2 years
To The Bone
Plot: You can’t stop shivering and Daryl can’t sleep. (Season 2-3 interim)
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Word Count:
 1.2k (I can't believe I wrote something this short)
A/N: it has been so cold lately, hence this small, barely proof-read fic. I hope it gives u some warmth :*
The farm fell and winter came. 
There wasn’t a moment more heartbreaking to lose your home. Where the walls that fostered generations of Greenes would’ve warmed your heart, the cold and sprawling forest took their place. 
Some nights the walls of a different home kept you warm. Homes that once belonged to people you would never know, absolute strangers that were just gone; dead or lost.
Tonight was not one of those nights. 
Tonight, there were no strangers whose pictures still lined the walls— because there weren’t any walls. Only the forest and a small fire. Barely embers. 
“They might see.”
Rick’s voice echoed in your head frequently these days. An hour wouldn’t pass before he had another demand to make. His last, before patrolling the camp’s boarders with T-Dog and Daryl, was to keep the fire down. Since the incident with Randall’s group and the herd that ripped through the farm, you had a pretty good guess who they were; the living and the dead. A fester of fear and exhaustion lodged in the back of your throat the night you lost the farm, and it’d kept you in line with Rick’s order since. 
The fire was nothing but a soft glow. Enough light to see the colour of the fallen leaves beside your head, but that was it. No warmth and certainly no comfort was found in the glowing ashes. 
Your shivering had started an hour ago and despite your best efforts to curl under the scratchy blanket, the damp floor of the forest chilled you to the bone. The others had fallen asleep by now, lulled by the aches of exhaustion and the body heat of their closest family, and if you hadn’t spent an extra hour on guard duty, you were sure Lori would’ve pulled you in alongside her and Carl. But the constant worries in your mind kept you awake and alert— so your guard shifts lingered longer and longer with each night, and by the time you retreated, your ‘bed’ for the night was only yours. 
Months ago, when the farmhouse had been packed with suitcases and sleeping bags, you would’ve cherished the space. That was before the empty air became cold and bitter, biting at whatever slivers of exposed skin it could find. 
Now, being alone felt almost like another type of fight. A struggle to just get through the night without catching frostnip. 
There were footsteps ahead of you. It took a moment too long to register it— blame the exhaustion— but when you had, your mind was awake again. Light and calculated, they avoided the crunch of crisp fallen leaves like they knew the forest floor off by heart. 
You knew it even before your eyes peeked open. Fighting against the weight of your eyelids, you narrowly watched his shadowy frame sneak through the sleeping bodies of your people, until he moved around the fire and behind you. Your eyes shut again and you listened for the soft rustle of him laying down a blanket. 
Another shiver hit and your muscles clenched.
Beyond the clatter of your teeth, a second or two passed in silence. Eventually, your shiver subsided and your body relaxed again, but your jaw was still stiff from the frigid air. You yanked the blanket up further, covering you up to your red-tipped nose, and waited for the tension to pass. 
Something touched your shoulder— a hand— and your head snapped to the side. It was Daryl, crouched behind you. 
“’S jus’ me,” he mumbled. 
“What’s wrong?” 
He didn’t answer. 
In one swoop, he draped his blanket onto yours and laid down on his side beside you. 
“Come ‘ere,” his voice was low. Not only quiet but soft, like he was worried it might break if he spoke any louder. 
The blanket helped initially, you felt an extra layer of coziness engulf you, but when he finally moved closer... 
It was almost instant, the way your body melted into his. 
So tender and whole that every bit of you that had frozen from the constant death and heartbreak cracked open. It’d been months since you felt even a hint of comfort, since you’d even been touched beyond Maggie’s supportive hand at your shoulder. The way you curled into him was almost instinct; your nerves, once turned to ice, finally thawed again and felt. 
Against your better wishes, your voice shuddered, “Are you sure?” 
His arm snaked around you, pulling you closer by the waist. 
“Can’t sleep with your teeth clatterin’ so loud.” 
You huffed a breath, huddling your shaky fingers closer to your lips to catch a moment of the hot air. Even with his body heat sinking into your skin, your body was still stiff with the last effects of the chill, and you shivered once more. 
He moved you— you couldn’t register where his hands touched specifically, but there were spots of heat up your arms and around your shoulders, like the touch of his skin was separated by thick gloves instead of the thin sweater you wore. You vaguely registered how cold your skin must’ve been for the sensation of his touch to be so numbed. Without any protest, nor much thought, you followed his directions, guiding you deeper into him. Even if it hadn’t been for that pesky crush of yours making you a willing listener of the man, his body heat alone was enough to convince you entirely. As long as you never had to feel that cold and disheartened again, you’d do whatever he asked. His hands stopped moving when you were facing him, forehead touching his chest and face almost completely hidden under the blanket. 
Save those big, beautiful eyes that you looked up at him with. 
“Thank you,” your voice was smothered under the thick fabric, but he knew what you meant from your stare alone. 
He mumbled something, but you barely heard it, finding distraction in the way his chest rumbled with the effort— or the quick pound of his heart. 
Daryl wasn’t particularly known as an affectionate man, hell, the stories you’d heard of his interactions with Merle sounded more like resentment than love. And for a while there, when he pulled away after Sophia, you wondered if he knew love existed beyond what his brother defined it as. 
His pounding heart made sense, then. A life of inexperience didn’t give him the necessary bravado for sudden, almost intimate, contact with a person he only met a few months ago. No matter how necessary it might’ve been with the dropping temperature, holding you in his embrace seemed like an understandable source of nerves. 
The feeling along your back, the slow rub of his thumb down your spine, became less fuzzy as your skin warmed up. By the time you lost your last chill, his heart slowed to a steady pace, and you could even feel the way he’d chewed his nail down to the edge through your shirt. 
When you inhaled, the air was still cold, but it was tolerable. 
His heat sunk into you, deeper with every beat of his heart.
Daryl held you throughout his sleep. You weren’t sure how inviting your body could have been after hours of lonely shivers, but he held you closer and closer as the night passed. 
Perhaps he just needed a little comfort, too. 
A/N: if daryl was ooc in this... no he wasn’t <3
also-- not sure if I should put a read more on this or not bc its so short... please lmk if it was taking up too much room in the tags/on ur dash :) 
if you’re reading this, thank you! I hope you enjoyed this fic. please feel free to leave feedback, it helps so much and I love to read it. have a lovely day <3
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thoughtkick · 1 month
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Norman Vincent Peale
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scarletttries · 22 days
When Fallout Characters Have Their First Kiss...(Fallout Show Request)
Pairings: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Reader, Maximus x Reader, Norm x Reader
Author's Note: Thank you to everyone who voted on my last poll! It was so fun seeing the votes come in so I'll definitely do that again! Please keep sending in Fallout requests, or for any of the other poll options :)
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The Ghoul:
- Life in the wastelands has always been tough, and Cooper Howard's skin has had to grow even tougher, literally and metaphorically. His defenses have slowly steeled themselves over the last two hundred years, every awful encounter and exchange adding another barricade around what was once a warm and friendly heart. He thought that tough exterior was what had kept him alive that long. He also thought your purpose in his life must have been to prove that thought wrong.
- From that first surprising encounter the ghoul found himself drawn to your gaze, your touch, your presence. The way you gave him all three so unflinchingly. Your eyes could look into his without disgust or pity, your hand never snatching away as if the slightest graze could curse you to the same cruel fate. Cooper tried to tell himself the kindest thing he could do for you was to keep your partnership of survival a strictly platonic one, but as nights in each other's company passed one by one he could feel himself inching closer and closer to the warmth you seemed to radiate towards him.
- So used to being in control of every situation, it only shook him more to feel so uncertain of your feelings and if he should act on his own. He feared you being the first person in a century to show him kindness had turned his brain entirely to confetti, that his heart had no choice but to hope you'd take it from his cavernous chest. But your kindness was who you were to everyone, regardless of what they deserved. It didn't mean anything about how you felt about him. So why couldn't he stop himself having that most dangerous hope that maybe his heart wasn't the only one aching with every step you passed side by side, hands hanging just shy of touching, so easy to grab and finally embrace that deep seated truth that this was becoming something more.
- Cooper prided himself on taking the brunt of any danger the world seemed to throw your way, happy to be stitched back together by your soft and caring hands. That day though, he'd been thrown from your side a moment too long and watched helplessly as a half-crazed raider slashed at you with some clumsily wielded machete. You did your best to hold them off, but before Cooper could rise to his feet and grab his pistol you'd taken a hit to the arm, blood dripping from the tip of the blade and red spreading across the tattered fabric of your shirt. The ghoul had never felt such rage encompassing him, ripping through the gang in a violent frenzy that he would have worried would frighten you if he wasn't so focused on his need for overkill.
- He's uncharastically quiet as he practically carries you back to camp, ignoring your insistence that it's just a scratch until he's been able to examine you himself by the familiar glow of your campfire. He kneels beside you and scrutinises your arm, always slightly captivated by how soft your skin has remained in this unforgiving wasteland. Once he realises that you're right, and you'll be just fine, he can feel the swell of relief and terror hitting him all at once, the awful realisation that he could have lost you without ever getting to try and be as close to you as he craves. So he stills his gaze on your face, eyes flickering down to your lips as he inches closer, bracing himself for the rejection of your retreat. Instead you meet him halfway, your lips more warm and soft than any he could remember. In that sweet moment Cooper Howard feels more alive, more human, more safe than he ever did before the bombs hit. He feels like his body is warming from the inside out, a rush of blood bringing him back to the man he once was.
- He may not look any different as he reluctantly pulls away to let you breathe, but he is a changed man inside from your kiss. He realises that it's not his callous cynicism that's kept him alive this long, but his once soft heart, desperate to find hope again. Hope that he's now found, with you.
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- It was hard for Maximus to put his finger on exactly what he felt when he was around you. He knew his entire being ached to be near you, and even when he was, it somehow wasn't close enough. He knew that when you smiled it made him smile, no matter what the context or motivation. He knew that the longer he went without seeing you, the dimmer the world seemed to be, like you were his lens to all the joy and colour around him and he was lost in grey oblivion about it. Maximus felt a lot of things around you that he'd never felt before, but he didn't really know what to call it. And he certainly didn't know what to do with all those feelings.
- The Brotherhood wasn't exactly the best place to learn about feelings growing up, everything complex and difficult hidden behind a layer of steel and obedience. Thankfully if you put enough young people together, eventually gossip will reign supreme. And so Max heard about the idea of a crush from two tables over as he sat eating alone in the canteen. He strained to pick up the conversation between two of the older guys who'd been out on more missions, setting down his cutlery and shuffling closer as he heard one of them talk about the way his stomach was in knots every time one of the new recruits looked at him. By the time they'd described the hot flush in their cheeks when the object of their affections smiled, and how they plagued their every thought, Max was sat with his mouth hanging agape and a renewed sense of purpose for the next time you came knocking on his door to sneak out to see the stars.
- In fact he couldn't wait for that moment to come and instead you found him breathless and fighting with the opening of your tent when you came back from your latest supply run. Upon spotting you he quickly unravelled himself from the ropes that had captured his limbs in his stealthy attempts to sneak a peek inside, and offered his hand to you in such a matter of fact motion that you had to stifle a laugh at the serious expression on his face. He leads you to the quiet corner of camp the two of you frequent, a tarp tucked against a loose fence panel that almost feels like a loveseat made just for you.
"Do you know what a crush is?" Max looked equal parts concerned and excited as he tried to read your puzzled expression.
"Yes Max, do you?" You knew there was something growing in the way you and Maximus had come to rely on each other, and pass every free moment tangled in each other's company, but you also knew he didn't have the best understanding when it came to the more human parts of his life and didn't want to risk misreading the delicate situation.
"I think so, but what should you do when you have a crush on someone?" He looked up at you starry-eyed and hopeless, desperately wishing that you two could be far away from here and working all of this out without the horrors of war hanging over you. You could see the straining heart behind his wide-eyed gaze, his hand still nervously clinging to yours, and decided to take pity on the young soldier.
"Do you want me to show you?" You ask softly, inching closer to his face almost feeling the heat rising in his cheeks as he frantically nodded. Lifting the hand he hadn't claimed, you let your palm rest against his cheek, feeling his body start to tremble in anticipation of what might come next. You leaned in, eyes focusing on his soft full lips until they met yours, pressing gently into him until his brain caught up and finally he started to reciprocate. Unsure and desperate, his free hand found the small of your back, pulling you closer and making sure you wouldn't stop this wonderful feeling in a hurry. As your lips moved slowly against his, he found a rhythm with you, drinking in your sweet warmth and praying this moment would never end, because somehow this strange and overwhelming feeling was still so much better than the years of emptiness that had stretched before it. Finally you pull away from him, searching his eyes for some insight into how he's feeling after such a pivotal first for him. You're met by the widest smile you've ever seen, and a simple question, "Can we do that again?"
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- Norman Maclean couldn't help the overwhelming cynicism that flooded through him every time it was the day of another vault-exchanging wedding day. He wanted to enjoy the delicious array of food, without thinking about how insufferable it must be to suddenly live with a perfect stranger. He wanted to enthusiastically navigate the dancefloor like everyone else, without thinking about how the new couple must be feeling so uncomfortable despite how happy they looked. He wanted to be able to soak in the joy of that magical first kiss without feeling this strange hollow ache inside himself that he tried to write off as an aversion to the falseness of this whole charade. But as he watched yet another 'happy couple' lock lips or move intertwined across the dancefloor, a small part of him knew that his distaste for the day was down to one much more simple feeling: Envy.
- There wasn't even anyone in the vault he wanted to share those kinds of embraces with, but that knowledge did little to assuage the aching loneliness that was nestled deep under layers of logic and intelligence that he let guide him instead of his heart. Or at least there had never been anyone in the vault that had made him feel that way by the time the council decided it was his turn to take part in their little tradition of arranged marriages. And in a most pleasant surprise to the slight young man, he felt a touch of optimism as his wedding day rolled around and he found himself face to face with you. And in a twist of fate that had Norm quite unable to believe his own luck, he was destined to wed someone that stirred those same desperate, longing feelings inside him with no sign of relief.
- The short-lived, perfunctory kiss with which the two of you had sealed your vows had been enough to set his heart ablaze, even with the eyes of the vault on him, even though it only lasted for a split-second, even though he wished the circumstances were entirely different. And as the two of you found common ground and shared secret jokes as the night went on, Norm only found himself falling deeper under your spell and praying when the night was through that you wouldn't resent following him back to a room that might finally feel like home.
- As the music from the old record-player swelled you threaded your fingers through his and pulled him over the sparsely populated dancefloor, most of the Vault 33 having long given up on seeing Norm dance and retreated to their own private quarters. As the lights grew dimmer on the projected skyline you seemed only more beautiful in Norm's eyes, his slender arms finding your waist and holding onto you like he feared he might drift away in an ocean current that threatened to pull him back to reality. He watched the soft smile spread effortlessly across your face, the ease with which you swayed to the music making him dance before he even realised he was moving. His mind replayed the briefest touch of your lips and suddenly he found himself unable to concentrate on anything but closing the distance between you, every nerve in his body sending electricity through him that finally promised to illuminate the dark, aching loneliness that had resided in him for as long as he could remember.
- He prayed your smile was genuine as he stepped ever closer, taking a visibly deep breath before finally taking the plunge and landing what he hoped would be the first real kiss of many in your marriage. His chest pressed firmly against yours as he tried to remove all space between the two of you, every ounce of hope and affection pouring out into a kiss that had your head spinning, pure dedication from your new husband clear in his every touch. It felt all consuming to finally be so connected to another person, a feeling Norm feared would never find him but now seemed a tangible part of his present and future. By the time he pulled away his lungs ached and he worried his eyes would well up if you kept staring at him with such intensity. He felt himself freeze on the spot as he awaited your verdict; on his kiss, on the marriage, on him. A moment that stretched out an eternity passed before finally he watched a smile grace your lips, feeling your hand find his again as you said softly in his ear, an unfamiliar gleam in your eye,
"Which of these rooms is ours, husband?"
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grimesgirll · 14 days
you love forcing your guys to watch tv with you.
snuggled up on the sectional together, there’s nothing you’d rather be doing with your saturdays.
your head is on daryl’s chest and your feet in rick’s lap while the old vhs tape plays an old episode of six feet under.
one of the alexandrians who’d passed long before your group arrived had a considerable hbo collection, along with some of the other most popular television series of your time before the end of the world as you knew it. from dvds of mad men to nip/tuck, there was enough to keep you preoccupied binging the best of the 2000s.
your duties in your new neighborhood kept you to a constant schedule but making time for tv wasn’t hard. slipping away to rock judith asleep in your arms was made easy with an episode of grey’s anatomy. it was nice to feel normal for once - like someone who wasn’t holing up behind ten foot high walls from hordes of the dead.
it’s even nicer getting your busy, go-getters to simply sit and enjoy your company, and the glow of the tv.
having never had a tv aside from the busted flatscreen merle’d once ditched at his place before everything went down, you were shocked when daryl told you he didn’t have a favorite show. it seemed every dvd or vhs you inserted had the man mocking the media.
dexter is dumb. arrested development’s cast consists of assholes. house bored him. psych too. and don’t get him started on desperate housewives.
at least you could count on wrestling rick into the couch for an episode of cops. rick’s rambling on everything the show got right and wrong was worth it if you could get him off his feet, because then it wouldn’t be long before you were teasing a foot along his leg.
still on top of daryl, you’re hoping the two pick up on what you’re putting down without you having to be too obvious. rick ruins your perfectly scripted scene with a single clearance of his throat. that’s all it takes for his attention to be diverted from the screen and for a hand to settle on your foot.
your tongue swipes across your lips. your twinging foot eventually brings rick’s attention from the limb to your lust addled expression. daryl’s probably half asleep. he doesn’t give a fuck about cops.
“they’re all gettin’ caught doin’ some dumb shit merle’d do,” he’d gruffed when you first played the title.
regardless, he’s relaxed beneath you. the hand wrapping your frame into him pulling him close. a lightly planted hand on your breast that lures your gaze back to his. you curl into the warmth of his arms and into a balmy kiss.
rick blisters his own impressions onto your calf. “ah,” you hum off-guard into daryl’s mouth. that only spurs the sheriff further up your thigh until you feel a finger over top the crotch of rick’s your boxers. between two pairs of masterful mouths, you could care less about cops. you have your own pulling down your underwear with his teeth and an outlaw on your lips. the latter is laying a hand on your head, savoring the feeling of your soft hair beneath his rough, calloused hand. you don’t mind it at all when he ushers you crushingly closer.
“were you even watchin’?” rick asks, the breath of his laughter panting onto your thigh.
“a bit,” you admit in a puff of breath. “cops is boring.”
“say that again,” daryl snarks into your neck.
rick shakes his head. those bronzed locks brush against the sensitive skin of your thighs, with rick now situated front and center facing your dripping core. he parts the light bush you’ve been maintaining to spread open your plush pussy. cool air makes you whine just as the roving pucker on your pulse point pulls the same sounds from you. “you want a finger? or my mouth?” rick leaves it to you.
you choose the hybrid option.
rick should know that you live for the way he prods you open with a nice fat finger, then letting his tongue wander up and down your clit.
knowing you inside and out, rick is ready to do just that. so it only makes sense that his tongue and a thick finger is already driving you up the sofa, so far gone already that all you can do is muffle your cries with daryl’s mouth.
the brother of georgia’s most wanted has no problem absorbing your pleasure. in fact, he works in near tandem with rick to get your heartbeat racing on both ends. fingers fall into a deft hold on your breasts, going from groping to taunting the buds popping up through your thin long sleeve. bunched up over your chest or your head seems to be the only fate that typically befalls that shirt. the thin material is always accenting your headlights in a cold room or straining holding back your bust enough that your boys always take note of it.
daryl loves it. loves getting a fistful of the flowy, flexible, blue and white flowered fabric. loves it even more when it’s out of his way. bunched up over your tits, it goes. “you gon’ come, pretty girl?” daryl questions, ducking down to capture your breast in his mouth.
you don’t know what to say. the answer is obvious but your words are mere babbles and all you do is moan and huff and pant yes.
all you can see of rick is that fluffy mop of brown. hands dug into your hips, he’s not relenting even as your clit pulses beneath his tongue. he only takes it as an opportunity to run his skilled appendage along the single pronounced ridge of your pleasure point.
“rick takin’ care of ya’? givin’ you a break from the pig show?”
you feel a snort against you, but it’s not long before you’re bucking your hips against rick’s face and he’s steadying your hips. that damn tongue just has to drag against you and you’re ready to flop off the couch. you can barely manage a smile at daryl’s dig because your mouth is contorting into an open o shape - o for orgasm because that’s the only thing on your mind. not the dead stalking the gates upon hearing a single human breath, not the responsibilities of running the community within those gates, not worrying about who’s on watch, definitely not anything other than the burst of delight coursing through you.
sunlight tumbles through the windows onto the perfect center of the living room. it would be blinding rick had he not still been between your thighs. squeezing your eyes shut, the last thing you see is rick’s sunlit head grooving up and down.
feeling snug on rick’s two fingers is enough for you to feel completely unbound. clenching but not clamping like daryl is now on your tit.
“fuck me,” you groan. the vulgarity comes out wispy as the man flattening his tongue and pancaking a new finger to your soaked clit steals your breath.
the denim hardness beneath you has you guiding daryl’s mouth from your chest to your face for another kiss. your hand is wound in his hair, almost like the kiss could distract you from the overstimulation rick’s so hellbent on.
a stripe of gold beams across your faces - and rick’s - so once you’re parting from the messy mash of tongue and lip you’d shared with daryl, the sight of rick has you squeezing your thighs again. with a finger still inside of you, rick’s slowly massaging your newly drenched cunt, and he’s never looked better. pink glossy lips have you yearning for a taste.
luckily, you and rick are always on the same page, thus, he’s leaning up on forearms to croon, “wanna taste yourself, baby girl?” and with a sure nod, your mouths are connecting so you can sample the fruits of your labor.
a hand on daryl’s dick, a bit of maneuvering on your part, and some sweet sounds from rick are all it takes for the television to be ignored. it feels like you’ve all fast forwarded through a season of cops by the time anyone recognizes the television’s still on but no one gives a damn. not when there are better distractions.
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rebelliousstories · 1 month
Speak Now
Relationship: Norm McLean x Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: Yes by @fallout-girl219
Warnings: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 1,250
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Summary: On what is supposed to be the happiest day of her life, she cannot help but feel Norm is hiding something.
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“Oh, I just love a wedding. Well we haven’t had one in a while but still.” Lucy gushed as she helped get her friend ready for her special day. Her hair was being pulled every which direction, while Stephanie tidied up her nails.
“How are you feeling?” The blonde at her hands asked, looking up briefly. The woman in the chair took a deep breath, and blew it out hard while she thought.
“Okay. Nervous, I guess.” She stated. Stephanie, having just gotten married recently, was still in her honeymoon phase and reminiscing.
“I get what you’re feeling. But once you see him in front of you, you’ll know. That’s the one. Like Bert,” her eyes held little clouds in them, “I just knew he was the one for me when we were set up.” Lucy looked towards her friend like she was eagerly taking in the story, but the same could not be said for the woman in the chair.
“I don’t know. Just… the idea though. Of marrying a complete stranger that I’ll meet at the vault exchange. It doesn’t feel right.” She lamented, expressing her concern with the practice.
“You’ll change really quick when you see him. Why I just knew that Bert was going to be the best man for me the second I saw him.” Stephanie said softly once more. They quieted their chatter as the two women began to work on the bride-to-be’s makeup. All the while, she sat there, running through every possibility.
Nothing her mind came up with helped her current predicament. A figure passed by the window into her room, that stopped just for a second to long. It was Norm. Her neighbor and life-long friend, even if he was a bit peculiar. Their eyes locked and she swore that she could see an upset look in his eyes. That was, until, it was broken off by Lucy standing in front of the bride to apply her lipstick.
She had no idea why Norm would be upset over her getting married, even to a stranger. They were just friends. Nothing more. Nothing less. Although, she had tried to get him to notice her. Taking up a new hobby to show him, only to be met with a disinterested stare while she spoke about it. Styling her hair a different way just to have him ask if she was feeling alright. Trying to find out his hobbies and having him wonder what she was doing there.
But to no avail. There was nothing to suggest that he thought about her in any other fashion than that of a friend. And even that was a maybe, if he even considered her one. She sure considered him a friend of hers. By the time she could see through the window again, Norm was gone. Her heart hurt a little bit. She should be happy. Not pinning after her friend. How could she be happy though? She was not excited to be marrying a stranger from Vault 32. That was not what she wanted. But she had to. For the good of society.
As the two women finished up their beautification of the bride in the chair, she was presented with a mirror. She had to admit; they did an amazing job. Presented with a white dress, she took the offered pen and hesitantly signed her name with the date on the inside panel. Getting dressed, her heart was speeding up considerably. Her nerves were getting the better of her. The walk down to Vault 32 was terrifying. Faces passed and all she wanted to do was scream and run. Her mother and father greeted her as she made it to the spot in front of the door to Vault 32.
“How are you feeling, honey?” Her mother asked, voice airy and sweet.
“Fine.” She replied. Her voice was cut short as a lump formed in her throat. The vault door seemed larger and more daunting now as they stood in front of it. A crowd of people came around the door to watch the exchange happen. Amongst those people, she scanned for one person, who stood at the back of the room. Norm was there. It made her feel better to have him there, but not as good as she should have been.
Hank MacLean came up to her and held her hand while pulling her towards the door. Even she could feel the sweat beading up on her, and her heart beating out of her chest. Before the door could be open though, a voice shouted above the commotion.
“Wait!” Norm pushed his way to the front of the crowd. “Wait, wait, wait.”
“What are you doing, son?” Hank whispered, about to scold him.
“She can’t get married to someone else.” He stated, looking towards the woman in a wedding dress, standing before the vault door.
“What are you talking about, Norm?” His father, once again, tried to keep a lid on the situation.
“Because I won’t allow you to marry her off. We can trade something else, but I will not have her marrying anyone else. There’s no direct bloodline between us, which means that our children won’t be directly related to anyone except our direct relatives in this community.” He finished his speech, and finally took another breath. Norm looked at his father, his friend, and back to his father. She looked relieved, and a little scared.
“You wish to marry her? Right now?” Hank pressed, waiting to see how this is going to play out.
“Yes. I’ll do it right now.” Norm stood up straighter, looking usually sure of himself as he faced the situation with conviction.
“Alright then. We’ll inform Overseer Jackson we no longer need a match. We’ll find something else of value to trade. I’ll go inform him.” Hank let go of her hand and waked out with his council. Her parents walked out as well, still confused as to what was happening. Soon, it was just the two kids who were looking down at their shoes.
“So… what was that all about?” She questioned, peeking her head out from her lashes.
“I just didn’t want you marrying someone who you didn’t know. I figured you would be more comfortable with someone you know.” Norm murmured.
“Is that all?” Once again, she pressed her friend for answers.
“Well-” he started, “maybe. Not really. I just, just…”
“Norm?” A call made his head peak up. She stepped closer and closer until they were toe to toe, and chest to chest.
“Yes? You are very close to me.” That was the last thing he was able to say until her lips pressed softly against his own. They stood there, finding their place in the moment. Unfortunately, the need for air came about which led for the pair to draw away from the other.
“I think we’re supposed to do that at the alter.” Norm whispered, which sent her into a fit of giggles. He giggled along with her and moved to hold her hand. She grasped his hand tightly and felt the sweat disappear from her palms. Norm felt a surge of confidence as he looked her in the eyes once more.
“Shall we go get married now?” He suggested, looking back into their own vault.
“Let’s go get married.” She agreed, beginning to drag him along with her. Norm followed willingly, and even ended up dragging her a little bit in his excitement to finally have the girl.
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dix0nvix3n · 5 months
MDNI 18+
Murphy definitely dirty talks and praises you in different languages. I mean he knows so many, why not use them?
In bed he'd fluently switch between languages. He loves watching you get all flustered because even though you don't know what he's saying you know it's absolutely sinful.
You'd lay with him in bed after you're done fucking for the night and your mind is still swimming in euphoria, you'd giggle and sweetly ask him what languages he was using and what he was saying to you. He'd repeat the words back and translate them with a straight face and he'd laugh as you hide your face in his chest, feeling your face heat up.
Eventually because he's translated enough to you during pillow talk, you end up being able to dirty talk in other languages too, usually just simple phrases but you'd be somewhere in public and say something to him and laugh as you watch his cheeks flush pink and prepare yourself for the night ahead of you.
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emodaryls · 3 months
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Little one
Summary: teen reader! Daryl finds you lost in a shopping center, he decides to take you back to Alexandria. You find Daryl to be a potential father figure!!
Word count: 2216
warnings: slight cursing, mentions of blood
A/n: this isn’t cg Daryl but more of father figure Daryl? I’m thinking of making a second part cus it feels unfinished… anyway this is my second fic umm I still don’t know everything abt writing so it might be bad ?!?!? Ok enjoy ❤️
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Daryl was riding his motorcycle to an abandoned shopping center, desperate to find medical supplies. He parks his bike near a tree a short distance away from the shopping center, getting leaves and fallen tree branches to cover and hide it. He takes his crossbow off his shoulder, double checking it to make sure its loaded with a bolt. Upon entering the building, he immediately heads towards the pharmacy. He makes sure to be quiet in order to not attract any of the undead that may be wandering around. As he arrives, he rummaged through cabinets, drawers, and boxes.
"Dammit, already raided." He grumbles to himself in a low, hushed voice. He turns around with a quiet sigh, getting ready to leave. Just as he heads towards the exit of the pharmacy he hears a small crunch. Quickly turning around, he heads towards the sound to investigate, his crossbow at the ready.
"In the corner of the pharmacy, there you are. Covered in what might be a mix of walker blood and your blood. Dirt covers your worn and torn clothing, and you look up at him with wide, terrified eyes. Daryl senses your fear and his eyes soften a bit.
"Hey... who are ya? Are ya alright?" He speaks in a calmer tone, his voice still having his gruff charm. He lowers his crossbow slightly, but still keeps it ready. You don't respond, you just continue to look up at him in fear. Daryl sighs and lowers his crossbow completely. He feels bad for pointing it at you, a lost teenager who's probably scared out of your mind. You likely mean no harm.
"Are ya... lost? Do ya need any help?" He continues. "Look, I uh, I got a group... they can help ya. They're good people." He's always been weary when revealing something like that to someone he just met, but come on, you're just a kid who probably needs help.
You fidget with your hands out of nervousness, fingers twiddling around. You take a deep breath and speak with a shaking voice.
"I'm lost.. I-I lost everyone.. I'm so scared..."
Poor kid.
"I don't know where I am, I just want my parents back!”
You start to cry, tears running down your dirty and blood stained cheeks. Daryl feels terrible. Shifting from one foot to the other, he thinks about taking you back to Alexandria to meet the rest of the group and probably live there. He thinks a little while longer, then makes his decision.
"I'll take ya back with me. I got a real nice place I stay at... there's food, clean water," He gets down to one knee to get to your level. "There's uh, nice housing, nice people. There's also other kiddos yer age too, Ya could make some friends." He looks up at you, chewing on the inside of his cheek. You stare right back at him, a look on your face as if you're considering it. You then nod your head as you wipe your nose on your sleeve, sniffling. "I wanna go with you..."
Daryl's slightly taken aback, but he recomposes himself.
"Are ya sure?" He asks, and you nod. "I'm sure... I wanna go with you."
After a few moments of silence, Daryl nods and stands up. He reaches out a hand to you which you take, and he helps you up. "Alright then," he sighs. "Let's go." You two begin to walk outside the pharmacy and to the exit of the shopping center. The dirt and debris crunch under your feet and the setting sun shines brightly. It’s almost nighttime, and the night chill is already slowly starting to settle in.
You follow him to where he had parked his motorcycle, standing behind him as he moves aside all the leaves and branches he hid it with. Daryl stands up the bike and gets on it, kicking back the stand. You get on behind him, wrapping your eyes around him. After he makes sure you're ready, Daryl revs the engine and the bike begins to move, gradually getting faster.
You both ride through the streets surrounded by woods, the wind whipping through your hair. You rest your head on Daryl's back, finding the wind and high speeds oddly soothing.
Time flies by fast and before you know it, you're at the gates of 'Alexandria Safe-Zone'. The guard at the gates lets Daryl in, and he can feel all the eyes on himself and you. Daryl ignores it, not wanting to deal with anything at the moment. He slowly rides the bike to the house he stays at. He knows he'll be questioned sooner or later about who he brought back with him, but he'll do it with it eventually.
He parks the motorcycle in front of the house and kicks the stand into place, getting off. He helps you get off the bike as well.
"Hey, uh, kid," he starts, scratching the back of his head as you two walk up his porch steps. "Ya can stay with me if ya want, for as long as ya want. I have a spare room ya can stay in. It's got a nice bed and everythin'." He unlocks the door and pushes it open. The house has a warm and cozy atmosphere. It's nicely furnished, but he didn't furnish it himself. All of the houses in Alexandria are pre-furnished as it was originally a quarantine safe zone for politicians when the outbreak first started.
Daryl puts down his crossbow and slips off his boots, leaving them by the front door. You copy him, not wanting to break any unspoken 'no shoes' rule that he may have. Daryl walks over to the couch, plopping down on it and sighing. You do the same, sitting at the corner of it. You bring your legs to your chest, making yourself feel small.
It's a new environment for you, you've pretty much gotten used to being in the woods all alone, having to be stealthy and dodge walkers left to right. But the change is nice, feels a little like how the world was before. It'll just take a bit to get used to.
You can finally get a good look at the man who rescued you. He has a rugged appearance, but for some of reason you don't find him very intimidating. You feel safe around him, like he has a calming fatherly presence.
Then, you break the silence, speaking in a shy voice. "Um, what's your name? I don't think you ever told me."
Daryl looks over to you, eyes softening once more. "Daryl." he responds. "Daryl Dixon." You nod and go back to looking around the house from where you are. You stare into space for a little while before another thought comes up.
"Could you show me where the spare room that you mentioned earlier is?"
Daryl turns his head to you once again and nods. He gets off the couch with a slight grunt. You stand up as well, following him as he leads you up the stairs. He stops in front of a door and opens it, holding it open for you. You walk in and take a look around the room. It's nothing super fancy, but it's well furnished and simple. The moon shines through the window at a perfect angle, dimly lighting up the room in a soft and dreamy glow.
You walk over to the bed that's placed beside the window and sit on the edge of it. "I'm tired..." you murmur sleepily, laying down on the bed. You untuck the blanket and pull it up to your chest. You snuggle into the covers, curling into an almost fetal position. Daryl chuckles to himself, watching you get comfortable. Daryl feels this weird, fatherly urge to protect you, to make sure you're cared for and loved. He has a feeling you two will get along pretty well.
You soon fall asleep, and he walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him. He goes over to his own room, getting ready for bed himself. It's been a long day, riding out to an abandoned shopping center for medical supplies and instead coming back with a lost, orphaned teenager in need of care. He settles into bed, pulling the blankets over himself and falling asleep.
In the morning, Daryl goes downstairs to make his breakfast. You've beaten him to it, already eating orange slices on the couch. You hear his steps and turn your head around, looking up at him.
"Hey..." You mutter, then going back to eating your orange. "Hey." Daryl responds, brushing his hair back a bit and going over to the kitchen. He grabs a glass of water and makes himself some oatmeal that he found during his last supply run. Once its ready, he pours half of it into a separate bowl to share with you. Daryl walks over to the couch and sits beside you, placing the bowl on the coffee table in front of you.
"Ya should eat some more," he starts, grabbing a spoonful of oatmeal and eating it. He waits to finish until continuing. "Getting some oatmeal in ya is good, especially if ya haven't eaten in a while."
You look over at him and then to the bowl in front of you. You set down your orange slices on a napkin and grab the bowl.
"Thanks..." you responded, eating a spoonful. You finish it up pretty quickly, which makes sense. You haven't eaten a proper meal in who knows how long. You eventually finish eating both the oatmeal and orange slices, and you settle back onto the couch. Suddenly, you remember that you're still dirty and need to clean up. Your face flushes out of embarrassment. Have you really been looking like that this whole time?
"Do you have a shower that I could, uh, use?" You asked Daryl in a timid voice, now feeling hyper aware of your dirty appearance.
"Yeah, to the right of yer room." He replied, nodding his head towards the stairs. You nod your head in gratitude, getting up from the couch and going to the bathroom.
That shower was possibly the most refreshing one you've had in a while. There was warm water, soaps, and possibly the fluffiest towels you’ve ever seen. But now you have another problem, clothes. The only ones you have were the torn, dirt covered ones you've been living in for the past few months or maybe even over a year. You wrap a towel around yourself and crack open the bathroom door just enough to peek your head out. "Daryl?" You call out, face flushing from embarrassment once again. "Could I borrow some clothes?" There's a moment of silence before you hear him shout back a "yeah", and you close the door, waiting. You wait for a few minutes until you hear the sound of his heavy footsteps, cloth falling on the floor, and then a knock. After that, he walks away. You wait a few seconds before cracking open the door and taking the clothes he left for you. It's a black shirt with a faded metal band logo printed in white, the pants are dark blue and denim. They're definitely going to be too big and baggy for you, but you wear it anyway.
You tighten the waistband of the jeans to fit you better, and you come out, hair wrapped in a towel. You walk down the stairs, damp feet pattering against the wooden floor. Daryl's still sitting on the couch, but in a more lounged position. You sit close to him and take a breath.
You begin to speak. “Um... this might be a little weird, but to me, you feel like a father." You tell him, and his eyes widen. But he looks touched. "We just met yesterday, but it feels really comforting to be around you." You twiddle your fingers, looking a little embarrassed. But Daryl smiles. It’s subtle, but there’s still a smile on his face.
"Tha's awfully sweet." His voice is softer than you've ever heard before. "I've never had a little one of my own, always kind of wanted to, though. I just don't think i'd be a good dad."
You smile at him, chuckling. "I think you would. You sort of have this really fatherly presence. It was unusually easy for me to warm up to you." You shift close to him, resting your head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close. You smile more. "Maybe I could be your little one. You can like... adopt me, or something."
Daryl chuckles again. "We'll see, kid. We'll see."
You look up at him and then go back to snuggling. You curl up beside him, getting so very comfortable. You feel safe in his embrace, you never want to leave.
“Can we see maybe… now?” You ask in a playful way, looking up at him again. Daryl looks down at you with a slightly wider smile, shaking his head.
“Well, I-… yeah,” he sighs. “Alright, yer gonna be my little one. I’m never gonna let anything happen to ya.” He holds you a little tighter. “I might not be the best daddy, but I’m sure as hell gonna try.”
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god-complex-12 · 1 year
Elysian Feelings
— Paring; Jonathan Levy x male reader. Fandom; Scenes From a Marriage
Quote; “Well, they say the way to someone’s heart is through the stomach.” “You reached the heart before even getting close to the stomach.”
Description; Jonathan has a fat crush on his neighbor. He sees his neighbor baking and next thing he knows, he’s sharing brownies and his feelings. Disclaimer; Fluff. Confession. Teasing. Reader is shirtless. Jonathan kind of (not in a creepy way) watches the reader from a window.
Word Count: 1.3k
Scenes From a Marriage Masterlist, Oscar Isaac Masterlist
A/N: Wow, I said I had writer's block, now I’m posting two fics in one day.
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Jonathan walked into his kitchen, searching for a quick snack. It was around 9 at night and he had just put Ava to bed. Jonathan was in a white T-shirt with pajama pants. He flicked on the light in his kitchen and pushed his glasses up with the back of his hand. Jonathan looked around and grabbed a banana. He placed it on a cutting board and grabbed a knife. He cut it in half — the peeling still on.
Jonathan grabbed the half he wanted and peeled it, throwing the peel in the trash. He took a bite of it and went back to the knife and put it in the sink. The bearded man glanced out the window for a split second. He had to do a double take. His and his neighbor’s kitchen windows were parallel to each other. He lifted one of the blinds and peered out — curious because he saw his neighbor’s light on.
There his neighbor stood. He was shirtless, but in a black apron that hugged his muscular waist nicely. He chewed slowly as he took in the sight. After Mira left, and this guy moved in, he started to become almost overbearingly infatuated with the man. The sight of Y/N shirtless baking wasn’t new to him. He found that Y/N baked a lot, especially shirtless.
Jonathan shrugged and continued to eat his banana. He began cleaning up the kitchen in the process. When he finished that half of the banana, he began washing the dishes. Occasionally he would let his impulsive thoughts win and glance up at his hot neighbor. He thought of what Y/N was baking and couldn’t help but feel the urge to want to try it. He glanced up again and was a little confused when he saw Y/N was gone.
Jonathan stopped washing the dishes, his hands sinking into the soapy water as he leaned in more, trying to figure out where he went. After a few seconds of looking, he heard a knock at his door. He leaned back and glanced in the direction.
“Be right there!” He called out to the person. He panicked a bit at the sudden visitor. He tried to shake his hands dry, and then wiped them on a towel. He then began walking to the front door. He opened it and his eyes widened.
There stood his neighbor with a plate full of saran wrapped brownies. Y/N smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, to bother you. I baked some brownies and I can’t really eat them all, and I know you have a daughter, so I thought I’d give you guys a treat.”
Jonathan’s eyes trailed down to the brownies and to Y/N’s body. He still had an apron on, but he was also still shirtless. Jonathan felt his ears heat up and he tensed up. He swallowed a lump in his throat and looked up at Y/N. “Uh, wow. That’s- uh, that’s really sweet of you.” He smiled, trying to cover up how flustered he was.
Jonathan stepped to the side to let Y/N walk in. Y/N thanked him and entered the home. He looked around and smiled. “Very nice place.” He complimented.
Jonathan gave a polite nod. “Thank you.” He led Y/N to the kitchen.
Y/N placed the baked goods on the counter and smiled at Jonathan. Jonathan returned it, feeling a bit nervous. “They look amazing.” He praised.
“Do you want one? I made them for you and your daughter so you are welcome to them.” He gestured to the plate.
Jonathan nodded and grabbed one. His hand shook slightly, the sight and thought of Y/N was a little overwhelming at the moment. He watched Y/N grab one too. Y/N raised it up a bit like a cheer and Jonathan returned the action. Jonathan held eye contact as he took a bite. His eyes widened as he bit into the thin layer and into the gooey insides. He let out a small moan — which caused his face to heat up in embarrassment.
Y/N chuckled and covered his mouth. “That good, huh?”
Jonathan chuckled along with him. “These are the best brownies I’ve ever had.”
“I’m glad.”
For a moment, they share a silence. They stare at each other, there’s something hiding behind their gaze that neither of them are willing to admit. Y/N didn’t know what he was feeling until this moment. Up until now, all he knew was that his neighbor was clouding his thoughts and that he wanted any excuse to talk to him — that’s why he brought him brownies. The realization hit him in the moment. His eyes widened a fraction as he realized that what he was feeling wasn’t just some hyper-fixation, it was a crush.
Jonathan was the first to break the moment, he looked away with an awkward cough. Y/N looked to the side. He felt his heart quicken and his breath grow a little heavy. His eyes searched around the kitchen for a distraction. It landed on the half cut still peeled banana.
He remembered something his mother taught him in that moment and used it to diffuse the awkwardness. “You know, banana peels are really good for roses.” He looked back at Jonathan.
“Really?” He asked, he couldn’t care less though, his mind was hazed over with a feeling of an unsatisfied want.
“Yeah, the potassium is really good. You could preserve the peel in water and apply it to the roses.”
“I never believed bananas actually had potassium. Potassium is a very reactive element, especially to water.” He said with a shrug, grateful for the distraction from the moment they just shared.
“Bananas decay, so it makes the potassium less reactive.” He said, gripping the counter edge he was leaning on.
Jonathan chuckled. “So you're a nerd and a chef?” He teased with a smirk.
Y/N chuckled nervously. “Yeah, I guess so.” He muttered. Their eyes met again with that same gaze with the unspoken intent. After a second, Y/N spoke up. “I guess it’s kind of weird for your neighbor to come to your house at night shirtless with a plate of brownies.” He joked.
“No, not at all!” Jonathan said with a laugh. “I’m grateful actually.”
“The brownies or me?” Y/N said teasingly. He then caught himself and got a little embarrassed. He looked down and shuffled a bit “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” He awkwardly chuckled. “I don’t know what came over me.”
Jonathan smiled, he couldn’t help but find it all more endearing. “No, it’s fine.” He assured him with a sweet smile. “I’m lucky to have you.”
“As a neighbor or..” Y/N trailed off as he waited for an answer.
Jonathan felt a rush of confidence surge through his body. He caved into his impulsive thoughts like he did before. “To love you.” He said, boldly.
Y/N was sent into utter shock. His eyes remained the same though. He didn’t look shocked, but he was. He fell completely silent as he stared at Jonathan. His heart racing and his mouth agape. He could feel his heart pound aggressively in his chest, begging him to say something. “Well, they say the way to someone’s heart is through the stomach.” He said quietly as his face turned red.
“You reached the heart before even getting close to the stomach.”
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dixons-sunshine · 2 months
Spot Of Tea | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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*GIF isn't mine*
Summary: Marrying Daryl was one of the best decisions you ever made. He was no longer the hot-headed, rude hunter from the quarry who you couldn't stand. Instead, he was someone who you'd come to love above all else, someone who you bled with and shared a beautiful baby girl with. And just when you thought you couldn't love your husband more, he just had to go and have a cute little teaparty with your daughter.
Genre: Fluff
Era: Alexandria, post Saviour war, pre the building of the bridge.
Warnings: None.
Word count: 1.5k
A/n: Back at it again with another Dad!Daryl fic, and this one was inspired by @louifaith's amazing idea! This was so cute and I just had to write this. Domesticity with Daryl is my favourite genre. I hope you like this!
As always, my requests are open for any TWD requests, as well as Scud Frohmeyer requests.
The sun was just starting to set. Everyone was starting to retreat into their homes for the night and the people on guard were switching shifts with the people on night shift. You were done for the day, a successful day's work in the infirmary adding a bounce to your step as you walked up the porch stairs and into your shared home with Daryl, locking the door behind you and shedding your coat.
The house was eerily silent. Daryl had sustained an injury while on a run and had been given the week off by Rick to heal. Although your husband had initially been against the idea, one look from you had shut any protests down—being the community's nurse and his wife gave you that advantage. It was already day three and he'd been spending all of his time with Hazel, your daughter. Each night you'd come home to find him watching some old cartoons he'd found tapes of with her in the living room, all cuddled up under a big, fuzzy, comfortable blanket.
So where were they that night, and why was it so quiet?
“Daryl?” you called out after searching the first floor of your small home with no sign of the archer or your daughter. You started descending up the stairs, but stopped when you got to the top. You could hear your three year old's voice coming from her room, soon followed by Daryl's own.
You walked down the hallway and into her room, stopping in the doorway at the sight that you met; your daughter sitting down on the ground in front of her bed, surrounded by her stuffed toys with the plastic tea set Daryl had found for her in the middle, with the archer himself sitting on the opposite side of her. The big, gruff man was "drinking" from the plastic teacup, sporting a plastic tiara. Hazel was happily babbling on, and Daryl was looking at her fondly, a small smile on his face as he hummed in agreement to whatever she said.
You leaned against the doorway with an amused smile on your face, silently observing your husband dutifully playing out Hazel's storyline. They hadn't noticed your presence yet, and you jumped at the opportunity to admire the two most important people in your life.
“Do you want some more tea, Daddy?” Hazel asked, pouring the imaginary tea into the cups of the stuffed animals surrounding her.
Daryl nodded and extended the plastic cup in her direction. “Yeah, 'course I do. Ya make the best tea in the land.”
Hazel giggled and poured the imaginary tea into Daryl's cup. “There you go, Daddy.”
“Thanks, Princess Hazelnut,” Daryl thanked her, taking a sip from the plastic cup and humming in approval. “Tastes good. Wha'd ya put in this?”
“My secret recipe,” Hazel responded with a giggle, placing the plastic teapot down on the ground, picking up her own cup. “You look pretty, Daddy. Like a real princess.”
Daryl chuckled and patted at the tiara on his head. “S'the crown. S'makin' me look like royalty.”
“Yeah, the look suits you,” you voiced, finally making Hazel and Daryl aware of your presence.
Hazel dropped the plastic teacup in her hands and hastily got up, rushing over to you. “Mama!”
You crouched down to catch her in your arms, picking her up and placing sweet, soft little kisses on her face. “Hey, baby,” you greeted her, an affectionate smile on your face. “Were you and Daddy having fun?”
“'Course we were,” Daryl chipped in, slowly getting up from the floor due to the injury on his leg. He walked with a noticable limp over to you, ruffling Hazel's hair. “We always have fun. Ain't tha' righ', Hazelnut?”
Hazel giggled and buried her face into your shoulder. “Yeah. Daddy played princesses and tea parties with me.”
“Yeah. 'M Princess Dana of the Forest Kingdom. This lil' one is Princess Hazelnut of the Fairy Kingdom. We were jus' meetin' up to form an alliance to fight against the dangerous Fire Tribe, who wants to destroy the forest and all the animals in my kingdom. We need the help of Princess Hazelnut and the Fairy Warriors to defeat them once and fer all,” Daryl explained, using a deeper voice for dramatic effect.
“Well I'm sorry I interrupted your meeting. Do you want me to leave?” you asked teasingly, sending the archer a playful smile over your daughter's head.
Hazel shook her head. “No. Daddy and I will finish tomorrow.”
“Well, I've got the day off tomorrow. Would you mind if I joined you two?”
“Yay! Mama's gonna join us, Daddy!” Hazel exclaimed happily, hugging you tighter.
Daryl smiled fondly at Hazel, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on the top of her head. “Yeah, I heard tha', Hazelnut. Mama's gon' help us defeat the Fire Tribe. They will no longer hurt the animals in my kingdom.”
“Yeah! Mama's gonna help us win!”
You laughed lightly at their theatrics, shaking your head. You placed another kiss on Hazel's forehead before placing her back down on the ground. “Why don't you go wash your hands and wait for me and Daddy downstairs? If you promise to be good, there will be a surprise for you after dinner.”
“A surprise? Yay! Thank you, Mama!” Hazel exclaimed, hugging your legs tightly before bounding out of the room excitedly.
You chuckled affectionately at the little girl that brought so much light into your life. It amazed you how one small human being could fill a hole in your heart that you hadn't even realised existed before. Hazel was your pride and joy, your baby girl who you'd go to great lengths to protect, as would Daryl.
You turned back towards the archer and gave him an amused smile. “Hi.”
“Hey,” Daryl mused, stepping forward to place his hands on your hips, pulling you closer to him. “How was yer day?”
“Not as eventful as yours, I'm guessing,” you teased, laughing lightly. You gently took the tiara from his head, inspecting it. “Gotta say, though, the whole "Princess Dana" thing suits you. Never would've guessed it was you with this tiara on. You looked really pretty.”
“Stop,” Daryl said with a chuckle. “Hazel asked me to wear the tiara. It made the story more believable.”
“It sounds like a good storyline. I'm actually invested now, and I wonder how the two of you are gonna work me into the story.”
“Hazel will figure it out. She's a real creative kid. She has a big imagination,” Daryl replied, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb over your hip in a gentle caress. “She's amazin'.”
“Just like her daddy,” you responded, gazing up at your husband lovingly.
Daryl scoffed and ducked his head, but you didn't miss the way his lips twitched up into a small smile. “Nah, she got it from her mama. She's a mini ya.”
“I don't think so, but okay,” you relented, dropping the tiara on the bed before wrapping your arms around his neck. “She's perfect.”
Daryl hummed. “Jus' like her mama,” he whispered before capturing your lips with his, kissing you sweetly and lovingly.
The kiss ended all too soon for your liking, but you remembered that you had a toddler waiting for you downstairs. “We should probably get her fed and ready for bed.”
“Yeah,” Daryl agreed, taking a step back. “Wha' surprise do ya have fer Hazel?”
“Who made them?”
“Carol. She dropped them off earlier before she went back to the Kingdom,” you explained, before leaning up to whisper something in his ear. “If we get Hazel to bed early enough, I'll show you what surprise I have for you.”
Daryl Dixon loves his daughter. She is his little girl and he would do anything for her, including dressing up as a princess for tea parties. He enjoys her company and wished to be in it 24/7. He'd kill anything that tried to hurt her and he'd die protecting her.
But at that moment, Daryl wanted to get her to bed and asleep as quickly as humanly possible. As much as he loved her, he had another idea of fun that involved only you, the love of his life, a bed, and no tea sets.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 6 months
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Here you will find the full list of my works for Daryl Dixon and other characters portrayed by Norman Reedus. [Main masterlist]
Requests are OPEN
⬇️ Masterlist under the cut! ⬇️ [My Ao3]
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★ indicates smut, 18+ content.
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Paintings & Picture frames [Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7]
No apocalypse AU. Daryl and reader are studying at the same college and are assigned orientation project parters. [ONGOING, HIATUS]
Wings [Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6]
Judith plays matchmaker by stealing your jacket and making it match Daryl’s
Records of forgotten times
Digging through old music brings back sad memories, but also happy talks of the future.
Sinful ★
Father Daryl enjoys some private moments with the not-really nun.
You're chilling on the couch watching your favorite show. Daryl joins you because he wants to learn about your interests.
Shielded (Fantasy AU)
Everyone openly shows and uses their powers, except for Daryl. Until you get hurt.
Bad ideas ★
During a laundry round while home alone you find some ..'used' items of Daryl's to fuck yourself with and now have to work through the concequences.
Daryl is in a sucky relationship but doesn't see it at first. Reader helps him see and later shows him how a good partnership works.
Hunters Ink
One tattoo leads to many more when you fall head over heels with the artist.
Creep (modern AU)
Finding an apartment in this new town was easy, but now you needed a job.
Daisy chains
Daryl gets separated after the prison attack. He comes across a home for him and his kid to hole up in. Your home.
Requested : "Could you do a Daryl x reader where at first he doesn’t like her, and she tries to get to know why hes so mean to her? Maybe he yells at her and then some comfort after?"
Rough times
Requested: Hi! Would you be willing to maybe do a one shot with Daryl x reader in a pre established relationship but the reader is pregnant with a child that doesn't belong to him and she isn't proud of? (non-con if you're comfortable with that) Some angst about the reader being worried he won't love her once he finds out 👀
The fun has just begun
Two men snatch you away for some fun. Before they even get anywhere you and Daryl have turned the tables and have some fun of your own. CW: Torture
Forest Guardian
You plan a week long vacation to a luxury cabin. Luxury is nowhere near what you find.
Not your usual undead (Vampire AU)
Which undead do you choose? The ones outside, or the one in front of you?
Period cramp relief
Photographer Daryl
Different kinds of sex w/ Daryl
You needed Daryl for something
"Hey buddy, what are you doing here?"
"Carol gave me some cookies to share!"
Rick and Daryl go out on a run
Old man Daryl
Showing Daryl how beautiful he is ★
Worshipping Daryl's worn body
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🐺Were!Daryl 🦊Were!Reader
Shared interests [Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] ★
Grimes!reader. Your father shares information about the man he considers his brother in support of your interests. Those interests take a different turn than he expected..
🐺Monsters among us [Pt.1] [Pt.2]
Your water breaks in the middle of nowhere but you find the prison in time for them to help you. There you meet the man of your nightmares. CW: childbirth
🐺🦊Feral for you [Pt.1] [Pt.2★]
Request. Daryl develops a crush on a soft and sweet lady, afraid to ask you out and ruin your sweetness, only to learn later on your have a feral side as well,
🐺 His girls (xOFCs)
Alexandria's new residents find a dog. And his very handsome owner.
🐺Full moon meetings
You get stuck in the woods, surrounded by walkers and are saved by ..something.
🐺Night shifts
During a night shift with Rick he sends you to investigate movement in the woods, knowing it would end with two of his group members coming home together.
🐺Dog person ★
You’re Dog’s new favorite human and Daryl gets jealous. Lucky for him you’re also good with his dog-side.
🐺Creature Feature ★
After overhearing your spilled dirty little secret of old world fantasies, Daryl suddenly feels like he does have a chance to get you into bed with him.
This can be read as a continuation of Dog Person. Reader is pregnant with Daryl’s pups and has to hide it from the community until they can leave for Daryl’s cabin. CW: childbirth
🐺Roses for the ones left behind
Daryl gets taken and leaves a pregnant reader, not knowing her child and partner aren’t human. CW: childbirth
🐺New comforts ★ alt. ending ★
No one needed to know that sex between the two of you was for human Daryl only. Alt.: Rick now knows.
🐺Witch hunt
Thanks to an emotional slip-up you almost risk your home in Alexandria.
🐺Arrows & Rags
You help a wounded creature who leads you back to its den, where you find the one person you thought you had lost in the walker attack.
🐺Why didn't you tell me?
You follow Daryl into the woods on the one night he asked you to stay away.
🐺🦊The softer the skin, the sharper the teeth
Request. WereDaryl and Glen find a she wolf (in human form) out and talk to her about coming to the prison. She and Daryl are mates
🐺 Shame
Your most private moments are shared with the intent to drive you away. And it amost worked.
🐺 Not a monster
Request. Beauty and the Beast inspired fic. Set during Alexandria times.
🐺 Domesticated
Request. Cuddling in bed, like mundane little moments in their relationship
🐺 Bath time
Daryl's distaste for showers rubbed off on his children.
🐺 Forbidden ★
Strickt parents and werewolves don't mix, so you run.
🐺🦊 Found
Daryl finds a young girl and takes her home. He adopts her and learns she's a wolf too.
🐺 Savior ★
You show a little too much interest in Negan's new prisoner so he uses you as a test subject. CW: Non-con, forced impreg
🐺King of the cage
In the apocalypse, entertainment is hard to come by. Until you hear of underground groups fighting with anything nonhuman.. CW: Descriptive violence and murder.
🐺King and his Queen ★
[KING series pt.2] After Daryl's match he gets treated like royalty by his loving partner.
Daryl finds a woman with her newborn pup, taking them into the group. Slowly their bond grows stronger.
🐺Rules of Nature
Daryl gets hurt on a simple hunting trip and reader patches him up.
🐺Get rid of it
You and Daryl never fought, until you did. Daryl relives old traumas while you stay at Hilltop.
🦊 Daryl was out on a hunt > Daryl liked being around her > Daryl has never been so proud
🐺 Daryl hated full moon these days.
🐺 You, Carol and Daryl go out on a run.
🐺 "Man, 's colder than a witch's tit."
🐺 You and Daryl had a great life.
🐺 Daryl came home early today.
🐺 Daryl saves you
🐺 You were all sitting around the bonfire
🐺 Daryl came home from a run. (xOFCs)
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The adventures of Daryl the werewolf and his witch girlfriend.
Inked Sigils. ★
Fate brought you together. Spells finally brought you family
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Bored ★
You tagged along with your boyfriend who ‘just needed a minute’, but you were so bored..
Momma's boy ★
You find your boyfriend all alone and desperate in your apartment, so you help him out. Again.
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Warm & fuzzy
You just love him. It doesn’t matter what the others think
Much fun indeed ★
A summary of what being with the biker has thought you over time.
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Coming soon??
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Double Stuffed ★ Daryl/Scud/reader
It's your birthday so you get to have twice the fun!
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weretheones · 1 year
Good Intentions
Plot: Daryl was certain something went wrong on that run, it was the only reason why you’d be so late coming back. Until, you proved him wrong. (Season 3-4)
Requested by Anon <3 
Paring: Daryl Dixon x reader
Word Count:
Warnings: so many italics lol. 
A/N: a couple days late but I finally have a little holiday fic for you guys!! I hope you enjoy it <3 
Daryl got it now. 
The cold air numbed his fingers enough that he could barely feel the zipper of the bag he undid. Rick’s instructions fell on deaf ears, muffled by a pounding heartbeat as Daryl reached for the handle of his gun and forgot the bag the moment it slipped past his grip and dropped on the snow-dusted ground. 
Every time a run had gone too long, or he came home covered in blood and guts, he never understood why you seemed so… out of place, so wild-eyed. He knew you cared, even if it took him all the months you spent practically yelling it for him to finally get it, yet he never quite let himself believe it was all for him. But his hands shook as he slid the gun into the back of his pants— cold, clammy, and weak— and even if the sensation sent a shiver down his spine, all he could think about was you. 
“She’s been gone all day.” 
The words left Rick’s mouth, cursed with that defeated tone in his voice like he’d been holding onto some idea that you’d be back any second until Daryl and the rest of the day’s run crew pulled through that gate instead. It was like all the blood had been drained of him, and a pale, shaky excuse of a man was the only thing left. For once, Daryl didn’t care what anyone might think, what jokes Glenn and Carol might whisper into his ear later on, not when something went wrong out there— he knew it. It’d been too damn long. The sun’s rays had slipped into amber an hour ago. Dusk was closing in, even if checking those snares should’ve taken you a couple of hours, at most. 
“What route did she take?” Glenn asked between cautionary glances over Daryl’s worsening composure. 
“The north turn. Said she’d wrap ‘round, gather the east snares then head back ‘fore the river.” 
“That should’ve taken two hours, maybe three.” 
Rick’s head fell for a second, before he sighed, “I know.” 
“’N ya didn’t go out sooner?” Daryl finally snarled. 
Rick inhaled like he’d been expecting Daryl to wind up so tight he had no choice but to snap. “I followed the path earlier… but ‘m not a tracker. Ya know tha’. We were jus’ ‘bout to go out lookin’ again.” 
“’S been all damn day! She coulda needed your help hours ago!” 
“She knows how to handle herself. She— she has her gun. Ya know how it’s like out there, sometimes ya jus’ get stuck waitin’ for a herd to pass or—“ 
Daryl scoffed and turned on his heel, “‘M goin’ out.” 
Rick knew better than to try and stop him. 
Of course, that was when an old, rusty car turned onto the prison’s road. It rolled up to the fences. Whoever was on guard duty must’ve recognized the driver because the first gate began to open, then the second, and soon enough they all saw your familiar face through the windshield. Flashing that bright grin of yours, you slowed to a stop just beside the group, jumping out of the car with nothing more than a bit of blood splattered on your jacket. 
Glenn gasped your name as they all ran up to your side. 
“I’m fine! I know I’m late, yes I’m sorry, yes I won’t do it again… but you guys gotta see this,” you rambled, so fervent— that crazy woman title Daryl gave you seemed fitting. You didn’t even give them the chance to ask questions, instead, yelling something about finally getting lucky and running around to the trunk. 
“It's Christmas!” 
Rick and Glenn shared a look. 
“It is?” 
“Well, it's cold.” You shrugged. “And I happened upon what must’ve been some charity drive right before everything fell apart. I got food, handmade scarves, even some toys.” You gestured to the bags filling the trunk of the car with that same crazed smile on your face. “So yeah, it’s Christmas! Or close to it.” 
“How did you...?” Glenn trailed off, laughing at the piles of supplies practically overfilling the trunk. 
You shrugged. “I got lost and found a road. Everything was piled into this bigger truck, but it didn’t run. So I kept looking until I found a car that worked, loaded everything up, and made my way here.” 
You told Rick that the first box filled with knitted outer wear, comics and toys buried underneath, was for the kids. With a smile of his own building, he grabbed the edge and peeked inside just before you slipped a black beanie over his head. 
“Your ears have been looking a bit cold since Carl stole that hat.” 
Rick huffed a laugh at that, pulling the hat off his head to rub the fabric between his cold fingers. 
“But the real present are those boxes there, each one filled to the brim with canned beans, corn, hell, anything you can fit in a can— it's there.”  
That time, he smiled. 
“Well, how ‘bout tha’.” Rick grabbed a can from the top, reading the label before squeezing your shoulder. The look in his eye said it all. 
“Glenn.” You tossed him the car keys. “It's certainly seen better days, but you said you were looking for another vehicle for runs.” 
Glenn chuckled thanks. There was no telling how long the thing would actually run for, but maybe with a little tune-up from Daryl, it could prove to be a worthy car. With smiles of their own, Rick and Glenn loaded into the packed car and drove it up over the field’s hill, ready to hand out the gifts to everyone huddling inside. 
On the other hand, Daryl hung around, like that sinking feeling in his gut probably would for the rest of the night. His eyes flickered between you and the frumpy newspaper-wrapped ball in your hands.
“Ya alright then?” 
“Alright? I’m amazing.” You grinned. 
“Ya got blood…” He gestured to your top. 
“Oh. It's not mine.” 
He huffed, “Since when are ya runnin’ ‘round ’n puttin’ yourself in danger for some toys ‘n cans?” 
“I wasn’t in any danger. It was one walker.” 
“Still, ya could’a—“ 
You pushed something into his chest and he lost his train of thought. 
“Hells this?” He grabbed the ball of newspaper, the weak pages crinkling under his lightest touch. 
“It's your gift,” you answered. “What? You didn’t think I got you anything?” 
Daryl looked down at it, at his gift. The first gift he ever got from anyone other than Merle— and even then, that was a rare enough occurrence that Daryl didn’t know what the hell to do. 
There you were, with an expectant smile on your face, only growing brighter as the seconds passed. So he unwrapped it. The paper was weak from over a year of abandon and tore easily. Peeks of beige, red, and orange, until the newspaper was as forgotten as his bubbling anger and he was holding up a long piece of fabric. 
“It's a new poncho since you keep giving me yours. Now you don't have to freeze on account of me,” you explained. 
Daryl never minded sharing— not with you. He liked the way it smelt after you handed it back to him, and that pretty blush you got when you thanked him over and over. But he’d be lying if he said those nights it wrapped around you, instead of him, were easy. The cold was an unforgiving thing, after all, it didn’t have much sympathy for good intentions. 
“Thanks. Tha’s uh…” The tips of his ears reddened. “Thanks,” he mumbled again, this time keeping his eyes on the poncho and away from your smile he swore could warm him better than any fire. 
“Of course.” Your smile turned bashful, too. “It was the least I could do, considering everything you’ve done for me.” 
Daryl really didn’t know what to do— or say— then. Familiar thoughts, encouraged by that warmth on your lips and the affection in your eyes, swarmed his heart again. There were things he wished he could say, things he wished he could do— if he was a different man, if things were different. For now, whatever those thoughts and wishes meant, it was all too fresh, too delicate, like the dusting of snow on the ground below. 
“I have another gift for you,” you said and grabbed his arm. With a hurried pace and a playful grin, you lead him up the hill Glenn and Rick had driven up just moments ago. 
“I know I shouldn’t have just gone off like that.” The smile on your lips was still strong, but Daryl could see the sincerity in your eyes. “I’m sorry. I just had to do this.”
Deep down, Daryl knew you didn’t need another lecture, but that pit in his stomach was still weighing him down; he couldn’t think rationally when it came to you. His mouth opened again, ready to lecture about staying out of trouble and only taking risks that were absolutely necessary because damn it, people were waiting here for you. Until his eyes caught sight of his second gift of the day. 
Perhaps a bit less tangible than his new poncho, but it was warmer than anything you could’ve scavenged. The kids, once so apprehensive to be living in a place as grim and dull as the prison, were running around the courtyard with new gloves and hats. They played with ratty stuffed animals and dusty action figures between occasional throws of frail snowballs. Even Carl had picked up his baby sister, holding his oversized hat over her tiny head as he protected her from the incoming dustings of snow. Judith was giggling— they all were. 
You glanced up at him, and it took everything in him to not adorn that same, stupid smirk you had. But a small smile slipped past— he couldn’t help it, really. The anger in him lifted the second he saw you alive and your skin unmarked by teeth or a blade. And the scene of his people, his family, happy and warm almost made up for that pounding in his chest, even if his heart still beat a second too fast for his liking. Although, this time, he could blame your tight grip on his arm and dazzling smile for that. 
A/N: if you’re reading this, thank you! I hope you enjoyed this fic. please feel free to leave feedback, it helps so much and I love to read it. have a lovely day <3
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lonleydweller · 4 months
Well aware of requests, but I would love your favourite slasher yandere hcs!
🥀Yandere Norman Bates hcs🥀
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THANK YOU THANK YOU ANON!! ^^ So excited to get a slasher request!! Sorry if this seems rushed I was just super excited to write it
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!Warnings!: yandere trope, spoilers for pyscho, stalking, murder, kidnapping, mentions of reader possibly dying
Yanderes are OK to enjoy in fiction. They should stay fiction. They are not examples of healthy relationships. These behaviors are NOT okay in real life. They are horrid. This is for entertainment purposes
● You're more than likely just another person passing through, staying the night, wanting nothing more than to sleep and be gone in the morning, off to your destination. Having gotten lost off the main road, after all, no one stops by anymore unless they've done that.
● He greets you with the same friendliness he gives most of his guests, ushering you in, offering you food. Quickly becoming enamored with you as soon as you walk in. Obsession festering from a simple small chat.
● At first your fate seemed like it would end up like the rest of the people Norman's shown interest in, dead by the hands of his "mother".
● However in this case by some miracle after bickering and pleading with himself, he manages to convince his other personality to not kill you. That you're different than the rest! Who knows, maybe even mother will start taking a liking to you.
● You're given room one, right next to the front desk if you need anything, walls so thin you can knock on the wall if you need anything. Thin enough to poke a peephole through. With you none the wiser.
● Then there's issue of you leaving.. he can't have that can he? It's unlikely he'd never see you again. The only person his mother approved of. The only chance at any kind of connection that wouldn't immediately end up as a body in the swamp. No, no, he can't let you leave.
● He'll make you stay, wether it be by begging, by slashing your tires, by locking you up in his home, or keeping what remains of you in his basement with the delusion that you're still there.
● If he dosen't take the most extreme option, you'll wake trapped up in the guest room of his home. With Norman doting over you, frantically trying explain and rationalize his actions to you as you scream and cry to be let go.
● He understands to a degree, but at the same time he dosen't. He dosen't understand entirely what he's doing is wrong, but he isn't oblivious either.
● As for example he's shown in the film to show some remorse about Marion's death, before quickly cleaning it up and hiding the evidence. He's aware it's wrong to some degree.
● He knows that the law and general populous would view what he's doing to you as wrong, but he excuses it in his mind. He needs you here. Its better for both of you this way. In his mind you just need time to adjust and you'll be fine. He just needs to be patient. That's what he tells himself.
● An escape wouldn't nesscarily be easy either. Not many people stop the motel, let alone Norman's house. There's no places nearby within walking or running distance. Then of course you have norman wacthing over you like a hawk, one that will swoop down and stop your plans, unlike the lifeless stuffed birds that decorate his parlor.
● You'll haft to walk on eggshells, while Norman tries his best, swearing he won't hurt you, who says his mother side won't get fed up with you? What stops him from killing you in a last dicth effort to make you stay? He wouldn't even see the difference. As long as he has your body, has the delusion in his head, you're still alive to him.
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grimesgirll · 3 months
nights where both of your boys were home were the best.
if rick wasn’t picking up an extra patrol shift, then daryl was going on a night hunt or a herd of walkers needed to be taken care of and both of them were required to leave the comforts of your shared bedroom, on it before you could even say goodbye.
that’s why they loved taking their time with you when they could. there was nothing better than both of them coming through the door and immediately sitting to unwind with you, having a nice dinner with carl and judith, and then your boys taking you upstairs for the night. upstairs to your bedroom where it was a tossup between them bending you over the mattress or having you on your knees on the carpeted floor.
that was when they weren’t twisting thick fingers into you until you were on the verge of tears on rick’s lap. it took a lot of control for them to resist diving cockfirst into you, but when they could, they would be rewarded by the sweet sounds of your long awaited coming undone. and it was even sweeter knowing you were losing your mind on their fingers. just their digits had you bucking your hips and asking rick to lower you onto his dick already since you were already in his lap.
that typically opened the floodgates but your leader held out. “you’ll get it, darlin’,” he’d promise before repositioning you between daryl and himself to have his cock suddenly at your face’s level.
“you look so pretty like this, honey,” the sheriff crooned at you, giving you a moment to take as much of his cock into your mouth as you could before he was fucking that pretty little mouth.
daryl was there for you though; so you could enjoy the feeling of a mouth on you too.
“dare’, baby,” you were whining already.
he didn’t respond, just kept taking his time licking long, laborious stripes up and down you. even against your aching clit as you struggled to stay still. it had you gagging and moaning all over rick’s spit covered cock as daryl teased your tight hole.
rick’s hands found your hair right on schedule. the man loved your hair. the way it felt in his hands, the way it looked on you, the way you always kept it long - your preferred length. nothing felt better than digging his hands in your hair after a long day.
your pussy grew wetter with rick’s length in your mouth and daryl’s mouth treating you like an all you can eat buffet. you barely notice when daryl’s tongue and three fingers are replaced with his cock. not until you’re suddenly letting out muffled screams that have rick plunging his way too large cock down your throat.
the pattern resumes of them taking turns and pulling out of your gripping, squelching cunt because they wanna cum in your perfect mouth. alternating between holding your legs open overloading your pussy with pleasure, torturing your clit, and running their tongues over every inch of your tits.
that’s until they give you what you’d been suspecting was coming all night.
the way rick is lowering down with his back to the sheets, pulling you down flush against him. it’s obvious when daryl wedges a finger between the two of you what they’ve been carving out time and your pussy to do to you.
as he carries on, you do your best to be their good girl and not rock against daryl’s fingers too hard.
“such a pretty pussy all stuffed. you want another one?”
he didn’t ask you word by word if you wanted to be stuffed with another cock but it only took your high pitched moan and movement against rick and the redneck’s fingers to signal that it was time to get you fucked open.
“i think she needs another cock, daryl.” rick states laboredly from beneath you.
“what, you don’t wanna be crammed up inside her either?”
the sheriff laughed into your neck. “fuck her already, dare’.”
he didn’t have to ask twice you both learn as the archer nearly knocks you two up the bed. his grip on your ass has you whimpering into rick’s neck, perfect for you to hear his rapid breath while daryl drags against him.
“naughty girl, needin’ two cocks.” rick teases.
you don’t have the energy to banter. “you guys just feel so good.” you mewl when daryl slams into you. “i know you love how tight it is. i feel so full with you two.”
“do you, honey?”
“so fucking tight,” rick whispers in your ear through gritted teeth.
“you feel all nice and filled up?” daryl asks, muscles tending before driving his hips into yours.
you nod with enthusiasm. “wanna feel your cum in me next, dare.’”
“can do, baby.”
“fuck!” you and rick mutter in unison as daryl begins a new, vigorous pace.
his girthy dick continues to bully in and out of your crammed cunt. every movement he manages in and out of you has you and rick trying to keep up.
deep purple bruises litter rick’s shoulder, and you leave some more as you try to cope with daryl jamming in and out of you. rick’s fingers find your breasts and squeeze roughly. he buries his head on your own shoulder when you feel his cock pulse.
“fill me up, fill me up,” you’re begging with hips shoveling back towards daryl.
“fuck, honey!”
and rick is huffing under you.
daryl kisses you from behind through your orgasm, attacking your neck without abandon as you start to pulse around him - around the both of them.
“fuck, you’re so warm baby. so tight with two dicks in ya’.”
rick is saying something too but you’re too busy drifting off when your orgasm hits you for the umpteenth time that night. you know you have that look on your face, all fucked out with tears in your eyes. they love you like this. the goal most nights was to get you on the verge of tears from how well they were fucking you on their cocks. you couldn’t complain when they delivered.
you convulse around daryl again and feel him warm your insides, collapsing on top of you only to fuck his cum into you slowly. you mewl and writhe at the sensation fading in and out post-climax.
panting on the sheets, you can feel their cum dripping out of you. the mixture is sticky on your thighs and you’re wondering when it’ll be time to move to the shower tonight.
fucking you until you’re dazed and crying only gets them hard again. then one of them ends up back in your mouth.
you know you won’t be sleeping even after you shower with rick and daryl not being on watch tonight. can’t pass up an opportunity for them to take their time with you.
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