#mr. knight x you
god-complex-12 · 1 year
I've read alot of your moon knight stuff and am a big fan. So if you dont mind can I request Steven grant trying to power bottom for the first time but reader just takes over and fucks him instead.
Tried Your Best *
— Paring; [Mr. Knight] Steven Grant x male reader. Fandom; Moon Knight/Marvel
Quote; “Bet you won’t be trying this again, huh?”
Disclaimer; SMUT. Restraints. Embarrassment. Dumbification. Riding. Teasing. Penetration (Character receiving). Sub Steven. Dom reader. Amab reader.
Word Count: 0.9k
A/N: If you know me irl (you know who you are) do not read this. Thank you for your request and once again, I am so so sorry for how long it has taken me to get to these requests. I am sorry. I’ve just been really really busy, please forgive me. My request will remain closed until I can get these other ones out.
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Steven was tired, so so tired. His thighs ached, and his dick throbbed. He was sweaty and his face was red with frustration and embarrassment. He felt both under and overstimulated. His movements never stopped, but his pleasured moans did. He only panted in desperation. He looked like a wreck. His hair was messy and his brows were knitted together. He was supposed to take the reins, but Steven couldn’t even please himself, let alone Y/N. He was pathetically sloppy, losing all the rhythm he had before.
Steven looked down to the restrained man below him. He cringed at Y/N’s smug expression. He whined and stilled himself — almost in defeat. His face was red with embarrassment. He gripped at Y/N’s shoulders, his nails digging into the flesh in frustration.
“Need help?” Y/N asked with an almost- no, a taunting grin.
Steven’s pathetic glare made Y/N chuckle teasingly. “Come on.” Y/N gentured to Steven’s desperate state with his head. . “You’re getting nowhere like this. Let me help you.” He tried to offer.
Steven whined. “You’re more bottom than power when you make noises like that.” Y/N said with a taunting grin and laugh.
Steven tried moving again, only to stop again in defeat. He begins to fist himself in desperation. His frustration grew every second he was deprived of a release. Y/N gripped at the rope around his wrists. “This is sad to watch.” Y/N lied, Y/N loved watching every but of this. Every single bit.
“Shut up.” Steven grumbled. Any snarkiness in his voice was gone, instead he sounded whiny and shaky. He went back to trying to move again, but he was quickly met with the same disappointing fate. Steven whines in frustration. He shoved his red face in his hands as he let out a dramatic sob.
Y/N looked up at his restraints then back to Steven. His eyebrows rose in an offer. He didn’t say anything — he didn’t have to. His face said it all and Steven understood immediately.
Steven hesitates to undo the rope that bound Y/N to the head board. Y/N grins as his hands are free. He rubs his slightly sore wrists. He then leaned up and kissed Steven. He gently flipped both of them — Steven on his back, Y/N hovering over him. Y/N’s hands roam over Steven’s thighed and chest. Y/N was slow at first despite Steven’s whines in protest.
Y/N began moving. A moan escaped Steven’s mouth as his eyes squeezed shut as he finally felt some relief. He was slow at first. The urge to cum came quickly for Steven from all the over-under stimulation. Y/N puts his hand on Steven's cock and begins rubbing his thumb on the tip. Steven bit his lip and moaned.
Y/N sets a fast pace, his thrusts way more coordinated than how Steven was before. Steven's moans and gasps filled the room. His eyes were squeezed shut as if to focus on the pleasure he wasn’t able to get before. He felt his orgasm was approaching way quicker than he had expected.
“I’m close- oh, shit- I’m close.” He moaned out. His arms wrapped around Y/N.
Y/N chuckled. “Oh, yeah?” He said, tauntingly.
Steven groaned and his head shot back into the pillow. He bit his lip and hummed in confrontation. Y/N snickered at the sight. “Come on, Steven.” He said with a grin. He gripped Steven's thighs.
Steven practically sobbed as he came all over himself. Y/N fucks Steven through his high. “Don’t you feel so much better?” He cooed, gently rubbing circles on Steven’s thighs. Steven pants and nods frantically, his eyes still closed.
Y/N continues to move, this time at a slow pace so as to not hurt the man below him too bad. Steven doesn’t stop him despite the pain — instead, he finds a bit of pleasure in it. Y/N slowly picks up his pace again. Steven whined in the slight overstimulation, but it felt too good to stop. Y/N attached himself to Steven's neck, leaving a pretty little mark for the morning.
Steven felt all control leave him when Y/N hit the same spot over and over. His mind hazed over with lust, pleasure and pain. Multiple pleads spill from his mouth. “Please, please, don’t stop.” He begged. “Oh, please.” He babbles out nonsense.
Y/N’s chuckle was cut off by a moan himself. Steven desperately clawed at Y/N back. The mix of pain and pleasure caused Y/N to groan. Y/N leaned down and kissed Steven. Steven was too out of it to really kiss back, but he tried. Y/N chuckled against his lips when he realized he was fucking the poor guy dumb.
“Bet you won’t be trying this again, huh?” He teased.
“Shut up.”
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homeybadger · 1 year
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Summary: Despite all your research- one question weighs on your mind. You finally decide to do something about it.
Warning(s): Thoughts of a Existential/Religious nature, mainly dealing with the Egyptian Pantheon. Possibly ooc characters. One swear word.
Note(s): The reader can see/hear Khonshu- and I set this up for a part two. This is just a collection of musings I had while thinking about the Moon Knight universe. As of right now, all the knowledge I have of the characters/dynamics comes from the show and a few videos on YouTube.
Was it even possible for a god to get lonely?
You discovered yourself asking this question in your subconscious more and more frequently these days. The deeper you researched, the more texts you uncovered, the more you pestered Steven and Marc and Jake- the further the question burrowed itself into your mind’s eye.
After arriving back from Egypt, your friends wasted no time before telling you all about how amazing everything was. Well- Steven normally gushed about the architecture and overall history of everything, while Marc and Jake were simply happy that Steven was happy. You couldn't blame them, it was obvious they all collected some sort of trauma from their time there, one way or another.
You hadn't even tossed a thought in Khonshu's general direction for weeks, far too occupied with ensuring your friends enjoyed their downtime after such a hectic adventure. Layla and you eventually agreed to rotations while visiting the boys' flat, allowing everyone to spend time together separately. Your arraignments also gave Layla enough space to figure out her new position as an avatar, and some time for Marc, Steven, and Jake to get to know each other. It wasn't until your third week of hanging out with them that you noticed how quiet Khonshu was being.
You'd figured, at the very least, Khonshu would've interjected information throughout Steven's historical monologues. When nothing of the sort occurred, you internally reasoned with yourself that maybe Steven and Khonshu worked something out. So, you turned to Marc and Jake, tossing in questions here and there about what they thought about Egypt and its history. When you noticed Khonshu leave the area, your curiosity rose further. That again, however, much like before, could be simply explained by something you weren't privy to. Maybe he was called away for some deity responsibilities? Or he was interested in doing something else? Maybe he was simply bored?
But then it happened again. Then again, and again. And again.
At this point, Khonshu was leaving even when you simply turned something on the TV about Egypt. A history channel documentary for Steven? Gone. Music for Layla, or simply some background noise? Gone. A video to teach yourself about hieroglyphs? Gone. Discussing Ammit, or her old cult, with Marc or Jake? Gone. Asking Layla about Taweret and their relationship? Gone. Researching about the various Egyptian deities you now knew existed? He was gone significantly faster.
It took the last instance for the puzzle pieces to finally slot together in your mind. The click moment wasn't nearly as satisfying as you'd hoped.
Khonshu was a god. He still is a god. He was openly worshiped- culturally and personally- for nearly 3,000 years at the very least. He received countless prayers, offerings, songs, writings and more from his followers throughout time. Feasts and festivals, holidays and rituals, all in his name. He had hundreds and thousands of people talking to him, about him, with him. There were hieroglyphs and statues etched into stone, religious texts and prayers that survived the aging of time, massive temples created in his name. He used to be able to interact with the other deities as well, others who could connect to and understand his experiences. Now what did he get? Only five people in Europe who knew of his existence?
A desperately far cry from the droves of interactions he used to have.
You could bet that actually going to Egypt, witnessing the statues and pyramids and hieroglyphs, he was curtly reminded of what he no longer had. And fighting with the other gods- especially getting locked away by the Ennead- certainly didn't ease his pain. He was almost forgotten at this point. That would hurt anyone, but unlike you, Khonshu couldn't find a therapist or rant to a friend. Harrow confirmed your suspicions in the beginning- Khonshu went through his days unseen and unheard by almost everyone.
The key word being almost. You weren't completely certain on how to help, but you were determined to try. There was no way you were breaching that conversation with anyone, so you decided to just start small. You branched off from Steven's grocery shopping list one night to grab some nuts and dried fruit- along with some scented candles.
Your head swirled with clashing emotions as you made your way inside of the flat. You ran the risk of angering a deity, or someone finding out and accusing you of trying to gain some kind of favor. That conversation could lead to-
You gently shook your head in an attempt to derail that train of thought. They were all your friends, if anything it would simply be awkward for a few days until everything blew over. Layla swung open the front door moments later, card game in hand, and your worries were forgotten for the night.
The next day, you started out with simply lighting the candles to gauge Khonshu's reactions. You weren't certain what exactly his "tell" would be, but you knew you'd know when he liked something. But, after weeks of swapping through various scents- even going back to the store to get some more- you swore you had to have missed it.
You progressed further, adding some dried fruit or nuts in a small bowl by the candle. Still, nothing. Khonshu still seemed to be silently sulking, but you pressed on. You tried saying the phrase, "This is for you, Khonshu.", either in your head or as a whisper. You tried food without the candle. You read about him and the other deities and further studied the hieroglyphs. You baked bread, went star gazing, thanked him whenever the boys made it home safely, and eventually started praying to him. Hell, you even asked him to play a card game with you at one point. Nothing seemed to help as drastically as you assumed.
But you did notice that Khonshu was beginning to seem somehow nicer, gentler even, if you dared to say it. He slowly began to become more involved in game nights, joking alongside Taweret. He'd point out constellations on clear nights, and you swore you caught him sneaking bread with Marc. The boys even noticed the change in his demeanor, Steven mentioning his lack of "worm" comments recently.
In turn, you discovered yourself actually enjoying the activities you tried out. Your friends actually began participating too. Steven and Layla would spend hours teaching you about Egypt, Marc would sneak into the kitchen to eat your baked goods, and Jake would lie awake with you to watch the stars. Although you didn't tell anyone why you started these hobbies in the first place, they somehow stuck in your everyday life.
You didn't realize how much it truly mattered, until you noticed someone following you home one night.
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miguel-owhora · 1 month
hngfhf thinking about steven sucking your dick 😵‍💫 he'd be so flustered and shy, but my god does he have a mouth on him. slowly wiggling his hips, side to side, his pussy leaking inside his pants as he mouths away at your balls. they're heavy and firm, and his mouth waters at the musk. letting his spit dribble down your length as he presses kisses to your balls, his hand wrapped around your cock and slowly jerking it off.
maybe he'll even make eye contact as he licks a flat stripe up your length, lick away at an angry vein and wrap his mouth around your cockhead. he'll look away after that, suddenly embarrassed and aware of what he's doing—until you reach down and card your fingers through his hair. curl them and gently scratch at his scalp, mutter a "good boy" underneath your breath and fuck, it has steven squeezing his thighs and slip into subspace.
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lipstickmarks · 3 months
Steven to the Rescue
Pairing: Steven Grant x fem!reader Category: Hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic fluff Warnings: none Content: Hurt/comfort, fluff, domestic fluff, kissing, making out in public, reader has a terrible horrible no good very bad week and steven is there for her, Steven’s love languages are acts of service and physical touch, reader getting princess treatment, reader is kinda corporate girlie coded, steven being smooth, steven can cook, steven might be slightly ooc bc he is my silly putty and i am bending him to my will
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Steven loved his job. He loved going into work everyday to consume any and all things related to egyptology. It’s what makes him able to withstand the abuse from Donna– which is lessened now that he’s been promoted to tour guide and she technically isn’t his supervisor anymore. But today, he simply does not want to go. 
He’s been watching you pace around his kitchen nervously for the past five minutes, checking your phone, watch, and laptop in quick succession. It had been… a less than stellar week for you.
Firstly, your job has been stressing you out by offloading duties onto you that weren’t in your job description because someone else had quit unexpectedly. Then, there was an error with your bank and your paycheck wasn’t deposited so you had to wait an extra 3 days to pay your bills. On top of it all, your phone service provider was having some sort of nationwide glitch so you barely had any service. 
Not only did you have twice the workload but you weren’t getting any of your work emails on time. Plus, you had to be in constant contact with the bank to sort out their issue. It’s why you’d come over to Steven’s flat before work, to use his internet and hopefully get a better signal. Plus, you two wanted to see each other. 
Steven had made some cranberry muffins and vegan egg bites for the two of you but your plate remained untouched while you paced around, waiting for a bar. 
“Love,” Steven murmured, reaching out to grab your elbow. You looked up from the laptop you were cradling in your arms and Steven nearly sighed out loud at the sight of your eyes. Beautiful, but so so tired. The universe has been running his favorite person ragged and it hurt him to see you so downtrodden by life. “You really should eat something before work.” 
You sighed and sat down your devices, trading them for a muffin. Steven cracked a smile at how your demeanor visibly changed once you took a bite. You always swore Steven put some kind of happy elixir into his food because it never failed to bring your spirits up. You gobbled up one muffin and reached for another. 
“Thank you for breakfast.” 
Steven leaned over and kissed the side of your forehead. 
“You’re welcome, darling. Hate to see you so out of sorts.” 
With you finally eating, Steven finished getting dressed. He had to go into work earlier than you did so he let you stay and finish doing what you needed to do. Before he left, he wrapped his arms around you and gave you a soft kiss. 
“I’m off then, darling. You’ll be okay here?” 
You gave him a reassuring nod as you swallowed a bite. 
“Yeah, I’m gonna finish up in a little bit. I have a feeling today is going to be better.” 
Steven beamed at you. He kissed you once, twice, three times and he knew if we went for a fourth, he’d cave and stay home with you. 
“Right, I’d better get going before I lose my job again.” But Steven made no move to leave. He was staring at you with that dreamy look, the one that had been perpetually fixed on his face ever since you two started dating two months ago. Steven was the perfect boyfriend. Gentle, thoughtful, and he adored you so much. 
“Go,” You told him. “I’ll be fine, really.” 
Steven gave you one last squeeze before walking out the door. 
Steven was finishing up a tour with a school field trip and he was buzzing from how well it went. Usually, preteens were their own unique breed of nasty– making inappropriate noises, laughing obnoxiously, and just generally being awful but a boy and girl had been asking tons of insightful questions, spurring Steven on and letting him flex his breadth of knowledge. And if there was any snark, the teacher shut it down expeditiously so Steven could continue. 
It was probably the best tour he’d given since he started working there. 
Plus, earlier in the morning, the curator had pulled him aside and said they were looking for someone to give virtual tours that they could record and post online. If he got it, it would mean a pay bump and more benefits. 
Things were finally going his way!
The group was just starting to shuffle off for lunch when Steven spotted you, standing off to the side of the museum entrance. His whole face broke out into a grin and his heart skipped a beat, but that elation faded when he saw your eyes. 
You had been crying. 
As soon as everyone was gone, Steven crossed the room to you. You both reached for each other. His hands fell to your hips and you clutched his bicep. 
“Love, what’s happened?” 
You tried to smile but your eyes were bloodshot and puffy. You were holding back tears and you looked like you were on the precipice of a complete breakdown. Like if someone pricked you with a sewing needle, you’d pop. 
When you spoke, it came out small and broken. 
“I tried to call you but my phone—” Your voice died on the word and Steven’s grip tightened around you. 
“I came to ask for a favor. My apartment… they called me while I was at work. A pipe burst.” Your lip quivered. “All my stuff is ruined.” 
Steven’s eyes widened. 
You nodded, fat tears spilling down your cheeks. 
“They said it’s gonna take three weeks to fix it.” You started wringing your hands nervously and took a steadying breath before you spoke again. “I was hoping I could stay with you.”
Steven’s answer is an immediate yes. 
“Absolutely, love. Anything you need.” 
He couldn’t stand it anymore and he pulled you into a tight hug. Your head fell lamely against his chest and he felt your tears soaking through his shirt but he didn’t mind. Not one bit. You peered up at him, face hot and flushed with tears.
“You’re sure it won’t be a problem? We haven’t been dating that long and I don’t want it to be…” You floundered, searching for the right word but Steven knew exactly what you meant. He caught your hand with his and brought it up to kiss the back of it. 
“It won’t be. It'll be like a slumber party, yeah? We’ll bake cookies and watch films. It’ll be fun.”
You nodded but Steven could tell you weren’t convinced. After the week you’d been having, what reason did you have to believe anything else was going to go right for you? You looked like you were a single moment away from shattering entirely. 
“Do you want to leave now? I can take the rest of the day off. I can find someone to cover my afternoon tours.” 
You shook your head and wiped your eyes.
“No. No, I have to go back to work. We have an important meeting.” You sniffed. Steven’s heart broke seeing you like this. You just looked so defeated. 
Steven thought hard for a moment. How could he make this better for you? How could he lighten your load? 
“How about this? I’ll pick you up after work. We’ll stop by your flat and get anything we need and then we’ll go back to mine, hm?” He brushed the falling hair out of your eyes. “We’ll get a takeaway, watch your favorite show, I’ll even let you braid my hair if you like.” 
You chuckled a bit. 
“Can we get dessert?” 
Steven kissed your forehead. 
“Anything you want, love.”
You nodded and a genuine smile returned to your face. 
“Alright, well I better get back. I’m on my lunch break and it’s gonna take me 15 minutes to get back across town.” 
Steven stopped you before you could leave.
“Darling, have you eaten lunch?” 
You looked sheepish when you shook your head. Steven wouldn’t be having that. Wordlessly, he laced your fingertips with his and lead you down to the employee lockers. He opened up his where the only contents were a book of Egyptology, his spare glasses, a Tawaret funko pop, his lunch box, and a picture of you taped to the inside. 
He pulled out his lunchbox and placed it in your arms.
“Steven, no.” You gasped. “I can’t take your lunch.” 
You took his lunch. 
No matter how much protesting you did, Steven insisted, waving off your concerns with a promise that he would get something from a food truck at lunch. He hailed a taxi for you before you could argue any further. 
“Steven, I don’t have cab fare.” You said with wide eyes as the taxi pulled up. “Remember? My bank–”
He pulled out his own wallet and handed the driver his bank card. 
“Can’t have my beautiful girlfriend going across town on public transport. Someone might steal you away from me.” 
You flushed. Your stomach was doing happy flips from feeling so taken care of. Steven took his card back from the driver and tucked it away. You were full on crying now as you wrapped your arms around him and weeped into his chest. 
“It’s alright, love.” He murmured in your ear. 
You pulled back to kiss him. It was eager and much too sloppy to do in broad daylight on the steps of his place of work but you couldn’t help yourself. 
“Thank you for going to all this trouble for me.” You mumbled as you pulled away. 
“It’s no trouble at all, love.” He opened up the cab food for you and didn’t shut it until you were inside. “I’ll pick you up at your office at the end of the day, okay?” 
You nodded and Steven leaned his head through the window to give you one last kiss. 
“Last chance to play hooky with me for the rest of the day?” 
You giggled and shook your head. 
“Tempting, but no. I’ve got to go be a grownup.” 
Steven smiled at you and mouthed a silent “okay.” He stepped back onto the curb and once the road was clear, your cab pulled out into the street. 
Once Steven was out of view, you opened up his lunchbox. He had a habit of overpacking in case he was stuck on the bus for a while and needed a snack, which came in handry because you were starving. You ate his sandwich, chips, soda, half a bag of grapes, and a cookie. 
At a red light, your driver turned back to you. 
“Your boyfriend is so sweet!” She swooned. 
“You don’t know the half of it.” You giggled. “This is his lunch.” 
She gasped.
“Shut up! That is so cute! Oh my gosh, you’re so lucky.” 
You grinned.
“Yeah. I am.” 
The rest of the afternoon went painfully slow for you.Thankfully, you got so busy with work that you temporarily forgot you were broke, without a phone, and temporarily homeless. 
When it was finally time to go, you headed toward the front desk, intending to use the landline to call Steven but when you stepped into the hall, he was already there. You had to do a double take at first because you thought you might have been dreaming or seeing things. But no, this was real life. 
Steven Grant, your nerdy, sweet, perfect boyfriend was chatting to your office receptionist with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. 
“I never realized the museum was free! I always thought it cost money, that’s why I haven’t brought my kids.” The receptionist said, embroiled in a conversation with Steven. 
“Loads of people think that, actually but yeah it’s free entry. It only costs money for tours. Though, if you’re bringing your little ones, I can’t recommend the tours enough. You get loads of extra information that just reading the pamphlets won’t give you. Not to toot my own horn but I give a pretty educational tour if I do say so myself.” Steven said with a relaxed smile. Ever since he’d been promoted to tour guide, he’s been so much more sure of himself. He’s still the goofy, sweet, bumbling nerd he always has been but the constant exposure to his passion has cushioned him in a cozy little bubble of Egyptology, vegan baking, and you. How could he not feel content? 
“I think I’ll take them next weekend.” The receptionist said as you arrived at the desk. “I’d like a tour with you as well.” She looked up from scribbling the museum information on a Post-It note and saw you. “Oh, here you are, darling! Does this sweet man belong to you?” 
Just as she asked, Steven held out the bouquet to you. Red roses, pink tulips, white calla lilies, and some hydrangeas to fill it out. 
“He does.” Your cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. You took the bouquet from Steven and smelled the flowers. Steven gently pulled your purse strap off of your shoulder and took his lunch box out of your hands, holding them both and holding his free hand out for you. 
“Are you ready, love? The cab’s waiting.” 
Do not cry. Do not cry in your place of work. Do not cry because your boyfriend is being so sweet and you’ve never felt this cared for in your life. 
To avoid your voice coming out high and squeaky, you nodded and took his outstretched hand. Bidding goodbye to the receptionist, he led you out the doors and into the cab, leading you home. 
It feels strange.
You’re not sure why. You’ve spent the night at Steven’s flat before, had dinner, read books, spent all night in his bed, but this felt different. 
You were standing in Steven’s bathroom, hair damp from your shower. The second you got back to his flat, you’d made a beeline to the shower, eager to scrub all of your misfortune off. And you felt so strange, so out of place. 
It was a little more intimate knowing that you’d be here for three entire weeks, which put a decent amount of pressure on a fairly new relationship. You and Steven would be seeing each other in undesirable states, have to give each other space, and somehow maintain the dynamic of your relationship despite these new circumstances. 
You unloaded the grocery bag of toiletries that you picked up from your flat on the way here. Thankfully your hygiene essentials and skincare weren’t damaged. The same couldn’t be said for your clothes, though. 
At least it was the weekend and you didn’t have to worry about outfits for work. You could just lounge around in the sweater and boxers Steven had given you, or nothing if you preferred. Steven certainly wouldn’t mind. 
“Love?” Steven’s voice came through the bathroom door. “The food just got here. I’ll queue up a movie for us.”
“Alright.” You called out. “Be out in a minute.”
“Take your time, darling.” 
What on Earth did you do to deserve that wonderful, wonderful man? 
After changing, you stepped out into the living room where Steven had arranged the takeout boxes, poured you a glass of wine, and queued up “Tangled” on the TV. 
“Steven…” You plopped down on the couch next to him. “We could’ve cooked, you didn’t have to order out for me. I don’t want you going to any trouble for me.” 
Steven looked at you with a glimmer in his eyes that only love could be the catalyst for. He took your chin between his fingers and angled your face to meet his lips in a sweet, slow kiss. 
“Darling, why would it be any trouble to care for you?” 
And just like that, as quickly as a match burns out, all of your anxieties and apprehension faded away. You didn’t feel out of place in Steven’s flat or mistreated by the universe. Here, in Steven’s arms, you only felt loved.
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ilovelosermen69 · 9 months
You people are trying to kill me
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whoreish-behaviour · 11 months
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Steven Grant + Marc Spector x Reader
Warnings >~< = Hair pulling, mild brat taming
Not proof read
Shutting your eyes, you attempted to breathe normally - anger radiating off you in waves as you sat criss cross on the sofa - gaming controller almost on the brink of breaking in your tight grip.
It's just a game, it's just a game, its-
Marc's scolding words repeating in you head as you (forcefully) dropped the controller on the floor, the satisfying sound of the plastic doing little to ease your frustration.
'Just a game.' You murmured, shutting your eyes momentarily so you didn't have to keep staring at the DEFEAT! on the tv screen.
However, as soon as you reopened them - the anger flew right back.
'Fucking assholes! Spamming the same controls doesn't make you a better player-.' You rambled, face flushing as you felt yourself getting worked up.
'And my stupid fucking team, like seriously-'
You snapped your mouth shut at the sudden voice of Steven, turning your head to look at where he was stood by the front door. He was dressed in his usual oversized attire, brows pinched together.
'You okay there?' His voice was soft, head tilting in that adorable way when he was unsure.
You pursed your lips, one side of you knowing that you should just take your loss and move on. But, you couldn't shake it off, it was too fresh.
'I'm fine.' You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning back against the sofa as you looked back to the tv.
You heard Steven's footsteps as he migrated through his apartment, the sound of something heavy dropping on the counter before the tapping of his shoes made their way to you.
You felt slightly stupid for staring at the unmoving tv screen but made no move to change the channel or start a new game.
You felt him loom over you from behind, hand coming up to rub the top of your head lovingly.
'Aw darling, you know its-'
'I know Steven.' You yourself almost winced at the bite in your tone.
He didn't respond, a pregnant pause hanging in the air before he gently removed his hand from your head.
'Okay, well let me know if you-'
'Uh huh.' You cut him off, the rush of being an utter brat going straight to your head.
While Steven was sweet, you also knew that he loved to ring you back and put you in your place - problem was that it took a long time before that switch would set off inside him.
Giving you the perfect open window to let your frustration spew with no consequences.
Uncrossing your arms, you leaned forward and away from Steven to reach for the remote - lips set in a pout.
You weren't expecting the tight grip your hair was succumbed to, fist unforgiving as you were yanked back to your original position, back flat against the sofa.
'That any way to talk to Steven pretty girl?'
You swallowed thickly at the sound of Marc's unmissable American accent, throat bobbing at the sudden nerves racking your body.
'Hm?' He probed, hand pulling your hair even more taught as he leaned down into your space, running his nose over you jaw and then down to your neck.
Your body immediately shut down, Marc's intimidation and dominance usually having that effect on you.
'And now you're ignoring me, just digging yourself a deeper hole.' He reprimanded, using his hold on your hair to give himself more access to your neck.
'I'm sorry.' Your voice was quiet and meek, complete opposite to your earlier coldness.
Shutting your eyes, you accepted your fate when you felt him chuckle into you - lips brushing your skin and making you feel like an exposed nerve.
'No you’re not.' He pulled away, cold air cooling your warming skin.
You gasped, eyes shooting open when the hand in you hair somehow tightened, pulling your head back until it was rested over the edge of the sofa, Marc's displeased upside down face coming into view.
'But you will be sweet girl.'
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mccn-bcys · 5 months
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Je T'aime
prompt: Love Note pairing: steven grant + gn!reader summary: you've been the best thing to ever happen to steven. He loved doing so much cheesy love things with you, even writing little love notes and letters. warning: light angst, steven being a cutie, steven speaking a little french, fluff word count: 1.2 K author's note: this is my second work for the Moon Knight Bingo hosted by @moonknight-events. the bingo board will be at the bottom of my fics for it. This one is a little short, but it's sweet and I just love steven grant so I hope you all enjoy this! As always, if you like it, please, please, please reblog to share it with your friends! also i'm starting my tag list over so if you'd like to be tagged in future fics for specific characters or for this event or for all fics, tell me in my asks and I'll add you to the list!
Steven Grant has always been a romantic. It’s in his DNA, he’s convinced. He loves the idea of love, the idea of unashamedly showing and professing the love that you feel to the person you feel it for. He’s proud to admit that he has seen just about every rom-com out there. He never misses a new Hallmark movie – yes, he knows the acting isn’t good, and that they’re cheap and silly, but they’re reliable. Love always prevails in them.
Sure, there’s probably a reason that Steven has a romantic heart. If he had to guess, he’d probably say it comes from his relationship with his mother. I mean, Steven was born from Marc’s lack of love from his mother; Steven was there to see all the good times with Wendy, he got to experience all the love from his mother, while Marc took all the times she didn’t love. Perhaps Steven liked the idea of someone loving them unconditionally. Perhaps it was the very concept that someone could love them both, that one of them wouldn’t have to take the bad days, or the days that lacked love, because there wouldn’t be days that lacked love.
Perhaps that’s what made Steven fall in love with you so quickly. Because from the start, he knew you would love all of them, not just one part of them. Even if there were bad days, or hard days, you were still here, showing that you still loved them. It was mind-altering, especially for Marc. But for Steven, it meant the world.
Especially, because now he had someone to express all his love to, someone who appreciated all the ways Steven liked to show his love, no matter how cheesy or silly they were. You adored everything he did.
Steven knew you kept all his gifts. They were in a box in your closet. It was full of date receipts, jewelry, drawings, poems, and all other things he’d gifted you throughout your relationship. One thing that he could never find was all the love notes he left for you. You always say you love them, but he never sees them anywhere. And even though he knows you would never do such a thing, the bad part of his brain wonders if you throw them away, or if you tuck them away and forget about them.
That is until one day. You were in the shower while he was combing through your bookshelf, seeing if you had any new books for him to read. And there’s a book he doesn’t recognize. Have you always had this book? It looks almost like a binder, like a notebook that’s meant to pass as regular book. Should he open it? He supposes it couldn’t hurt. If you didn’t want anyone to read it, you wouldn’t leave it out. And even if he isn’t supposed to read it, he’ll take the blame for nosing around.
Pulling it from the shelf, he flips it open, seeing that there’s pages but they each have sheet protectors on them. Pulling out his glasses, he reads the first page, and he realizes what this is. Thumbing through the rest of the pages, he looks and sees the rest of the protected pages in the book.
His love notes.
You had all of them, sitting on your bookshelf, protected in this little book. Emotion wells in his eyes as he reads them over, feeling relief flood through him as he now knows you did like them, you kept all of them, and you kept them on your bookshelf for anyone and everyone to find it and read it.
“Took you long enough to find it,” your voice sounds from behind him, making him slam the book shut and whirl around, like he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t have.
“I’m surprised you haven’t found that before now. Figured it would be the first thing you read when you started reading my books,” you chuckle, walking over to him, your wet hair framing your face as you’re wrapped in a towel. You must’ve used him soaps, he can smell it.
“What do you mean?”
“I left that book out for a while for you to find. On the table, the nightstand, almost everywhere. But you never mentioned it, so I figured you never looked at it. It figures that you’d find it as soon as I put it on the bookshelf.”
Steven didn’t really have any words, wasn’t sure what to say. He just looked down at the book, reading over the words that he had written to you.
“You kept them,” he says softly. It’s not really a question since he can clearly see that you did. But you answered anyways.
“Of course, I did.”
“Why?” he finds himself asking. Obviously, it was because you loved him. But he can’t keep himself from asking, as if the notion baffles him.
On some level it does baffle him. The letters themselves are silly, elementary. But still you kept them, even though anyone else would not have wanted to keep such childish things.
“Because you wrote them. You took the time to write down the way you felt. Because they’re from you,” you said like it was simple. Because, to you, it was simple. You loved Steven, so you wanted to keep every little thing he gave you.
He looked at you softly for a moment, just looking at you. What did he do to deserve someone like you?
“What?” you ask softly.
“Nothing, love, just… thinking about how lucky I am to have you.”
“Funny, I think that same thing every time I read those letters,” you chuckle, slipping your arms around his waist.
“Every time? What do you mean?”
“I read them a lot. Mostly at night before I go to sleep,” you admit.
“Really? Why?”
You looked at him with a curious glance, but you looked so patient and amused. “Because they’re from you. They make me feel loved and comforted. They make me think of you.”
Steven’s chest tightens with emotion. Slowly, he slips his glasses off his nose and puts them back in his shirt pocket, placing the book back on the shelf as he slips his arms around your towel covered body, and he just looks at you.
“Je t'aime plus que tout,” he whispers softly as he brushes a wet strand of hair from your face to behind your ear. His heart squeezes when he sees the way you smile brightly at him. He knows that you love when he speaks French, you’ve always found it romantic and beautiful.
“I love you too, Steven,” you murmur back, leaning in to kiss him softly, which he gladly returns. When you pull back you grin and give his ass a playful squeeze. “Now go take your shower so we can read together before we go to sleep.”
“You got it, love,” he smiles wide, giggling softly as he pulls away to walk to the bathroom.
It’s still steamy in the bathroom from your hot shower, the mirror clouded over with steam. Except for the spot wiped in the center of the mirror, where Steven’s face fits perfectly in, and the words that had been written in your handwriting and Steven realizes you had left him your own love note:
Steven, You Are So Beautiful, Inside And Out. Je T’aime.
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tag list: @moonknight-events @toracainz @marc-spectorr @spacecowboyhotch @juneknight @luvpedropascal @missdictatorme
165 notes · View notes
cosmicblogs · 6 months
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187 notes · View notes
tom-whore-dleston · 5 months
for the event how about snooze with steven grant <3333 they just fit so perfectly together !!
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Pairing: Steven Grant x f. reader
Word Count: 1.5k
This fic contains: fluff, neighbors to lovers, insomnia, meet cute scenario, confessions, kissing, corny play on lyrics of Snooze
Summary: You are the main constant that helps combat Steven’s insomnia. This night, things are a little bit different.
Notes: omg Sil you are so right about how Snooze is Steven-coded!! Thank you bb for the request and I hope you enjoy 🥰🫶🏽 Thank you to @potatothots for beta reading and sharing your insight 🩷
Spotify Wrapped 2023 challenge | send a request here
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Steven glared at the blue squares of his Rubik's Cube. It had been the third time he solved the three dimensional puzzle since the moon illuminated the night sky. The toy tumbled into his lap as Steven’s groggy eyes flickered towards the shimmering sphere that tauntingly gazed back at him. 
The classical record that was meant to aid his sleep came to an end. Steven lost track of how many times he played that record. When his insomnia began many moons ago, the record did wonders for his sleep. Now, it basically is a broken record because of how often he played it at night.
Yet, there was one constant that always helped him fall asleep. And that was you.
You were new to the apartment complex and moved in right next to Steven. The way you both met was one for the books. Your flat mate was running late for work due to lack of sleep from the night before. He rushed out the door, struggling into his coat. Without realizing, his shoelaces dragged carelessly across the floor. Steven, as clumsy as he was, crashed into you carrying a box of clothes, and you both fell to the floor.
The British man’s eyes widened. “Oh my- I am terribly sorry! Are you alright?” His eyes widened even more after one glance upon your beauty.
You sat up chuckling, unaware of his gawking. “No need for apologies. I am perfectly fine.” Then, you noticed the items scattered on the floor.  “Although, I’m not too sure about the pile of clothes.” The man mirrored your movements as you crawled towards an article of clothing.
“Allow me to help you ma’am,” Steven began tossing shirts and sweaters into the box. As you reached for your favorite scarf, a strong hand slightly brushed against yours. You stared into each other's eyes, smiling softly. You could have sworn you saw a twinkle in his brown eyes.
“Oh heavens, I am late for work!” He checked the time on his watch and began to panic. “I missed my bus, too!”
“Perhaps I can take you to work?” You helped him to his feet, and your cheeks grew hot as he began to tower over you.
“Oh no, I-“
“It’s okay. I want to.” You paused. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite.” 
Steven unclenched his jaw and let out a quick laugh. “Thank you ma’am! I cannot thank you enough for your kindness.”
“It’s my pleasure…” your voice dropped upon realizing you didn’t know the name of the British man before you.
“Steven. Steven Grant.”
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It was a typical late Saturday night when you arrived at your apartment complex. Your watch peeked through your cuffed long sleeve, catching a glimpse of the time. 
3:00. That was a record time for the latest you came home from a shift at the local bar. Your body, especially your legs, yearned to crash into the coziness of your bed and sleep until the sun was at its peak in the sky. As you approached the door to your apartment, you stopped in your tracks after meeting your neighbor’s hazy eyes.
The gentleman in question half smiled. “Hello, darling.” 
“Rough night?” You interrogated knowingly. Steven nodded with closed eyes.
You fumbled your key into the lock for a moment before opening the door and stepping to the side. “C’mon in. I’ll make us some tea.”
Steven walked into your apartment and headed towards your couch, as he had done many nights before. He wrapped himself in the blanket you knitted yourself as you fixed a pot of tea. The blanket smelled like you, which always brought him a sense of comfort. A kind of comfort he couldn’t find in his own home. In fact, Steven couldn’t remember the last time he felt any sense of security before meeting you.
“You really fancy that blanket, huh?” You giggled, admiring how adorable he looked being swaddled in your own creation. The day you moved in, you decided to knit a blanket to combat your boredom. Once it was finished, you didn’t dare touch it as you were too afraid it would get ruined. The first night you welcomed Steven into your apartment, he was immediately fascinated with the blanket that he cozied onto your couch bundled in the blanket before falling into the best sleep he had in a while.
“I do, indeed. It helped me sleep when I had no other way of falling asleep.” Steven peered down at the wooly fabric, tracing over the patterns as if his next words were hidden between the stitches.
“Well, I’m happy to have helped you in a subliminal way.” The rest of your surroundings blurred as Steven became the focus of your gaze. Your heart skipped a beat as the dim light in your living room accented his structured face and wavy dark locks. Even with the blanket draped over his frame, his plain white t-shirt did little to hide his muscular arms and broad shoulders.
The abrupt screech of the kettle caused you to jolt and you quickly turned off the stove to avoid the sound reaching your other sleeping neighbors. After steeping chamomile bags in two separate cups, you joined Steven on the couch, leaving a respectful distance between the two of you. You handed him a mug and he gingerly peeled it from your grip. Your teeth gritted together as his soft fingers brushed against yours. Steven frowned, noticing your shift in demeanor.
“You cold, darling?” He shimmied out of the blanket, letting it fall to his waist.
“It’s okay, it’s no big deal-” Suddenly, Steven scooted next to you before throwing the blanket over both of your laps with one hand. It was the smoothest thing you had ever witnessed, you forgot how to breathe in that moment. 
“There we are. It wouldn’t be right of me to hog all of your blanket.” You couldn't help but laugh. Without further thought, you and Steven simultaneously sipped your cups of tea, the hot beverage instantly calming your mind and muscles. Steven hummed happily as the tea warmed his body. Yet, he was still wide awake.
The grandfather clock that stood strong in your living room ticked loudly to fill the silence of the room. It glared dauntingly into your and Steven’s souls as you drank your tea while avoiding each other’s gazes. The pendulum swung from side to side as if waiting for one of you to make a move. As Steven drank the last drop of tea, he was left with no other choice but to break the silence.
“You know something, love?” You suddenly became more interested in Steven as you set the mug on your coffee table. “Ever since I met you, things have changed.”
“I hope it’s a good kind of change.”
Steven peered down, smiling softly. “Yeah, it was. For starters, you have really helped me combat this insomnia. I couldn’t tell you about the last time I had a good night’s sleep.” Your lips curled into a dopey grin, and your skin grew hot. Yet neither the tea nor the blanket contributed to the warm feeling inside you. 
“Then, there is your kindness. No one has been as nice as you have been to me so it feels reassuring to know there’s still good people out there. You are also extremely bold. To move all the way from across the pond is…It’s brave. You’ve done all the things I’m scared to do.” He rambled on and on but one thing reeled in your attention. “To tell you the truth, I’m quite smitten with you, love.” 
“Steven…” You were at a loss for words. Your heart skipped a beat after learning he felt the same way about you. 
“Forgive me if I am too forward, but-”
“No, not at all. In fact, I feel the same way towards you.” Your hands met in the middle of the blanket, bringing you back to the moment your hands first touched outside your doors. This time, the spark between you two was much stronger.
“Can I kiss you, love?” 
“I thought you would never ask.”
Steven laughed before cupping your face with his large hands and pressing his lips against yours. The kiss was soft and sweet yet full of passion. It reminded you of a flame so bright you couldn’t help but reach out and touch it because you knew it wouldn’t hurt or scar you. Your lips molded together like a sculptor forming the greatest piece that’ll be admired for centuries to come. Time froze as your lips danced in unison and space ceased to exist around you and between you. 
Losing sleep was the last thing on Steven’s mind. For how could he lose when he was with you? Sleep will eventually find its way back to him. He couldn’t snooze and miss the moment of you and him in each other’s embrace.
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header credit: @saradika | divider credit: @firefly-in-darkness
155 notes · View notes
eternalsams · 1 month
You know what comforts me at night? Steven Grant would be thrilled to be friends with me because I'm bilingual and can speak french.
I'm better than you /lh
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65 notes · View notes
god-complex-12 · 1 year
— Paring; [Mr. Knight] Steven Grant x male reader. Fandom; Moon Knight/Marvel
Quote; “I want to be someone he wants.”
Description; Steven finds himself falling for a tour guide, but he keeps digging the hole just a little bit deeper every time he thinks of him. Disclaimer; A story inspired by the song Creep by Radiohead (Some parts of the song were not used). Not a songfic. Talks of insecurity. Steven having a big fat crush on the reader, like BIG FAT CRUSH. Reader used to be in the military and talks a bit about his time in the military.
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: I made this random playlist called Even Steven (Don’t try to find it on spotify I don’t use it). It’s basically songs that remind me of Steven, and I was thinking about making the songs into stories. Point is: I’m making this into a series. I took this idea and ran with it so fast. You have no idea how long I’ve been thinking and mapping out this story. I put aside all my requests to write this.
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Steven was happy to have his job back. After some coaxing begging, they let him back in. He still worked in the giftshop, but he was alright with that. He was just relieved he had his paying job again.
When he first started, he met an unfamiliar tour guide. After meeting him, Steven found himself staring at the man, even daydreaming of him. He’s been working there for 9 months and his slight obsession has been growing. He was watching Y/N tour a group around the museum.
He began thinking of his first day back.
Y/N was walking backward into the building, and Steven was trying to read the back of Y/N’s jacket. “Lieutenant L/N”, it read. It was a military jacket. While staring at the man’s back, he couldn’t get out of the way in time before Y/N bumped into him.
Y/N immediately turned around, apologizing profoundly. Steven said it was fine and asked him about the jacket. Y/N explained he used to be in the military, but got shot one to many times and was practically forced into retirement. Y/N became a tour guide for the extra money.
Y/N finished off his tour and kind of just stood there. He seemed to not know what to do. Y/N looked around the museum and caught Steven’s gaze. Well, only for a second because Steven panically looked away.
Y/N shrugged and made his way to the gift shop-ist. Steven’s panic grew with every step the man took closer in his direction.
“Hey, Steven.”
Steven pretended to organize some of the front counter stocks, so his previous stalking wouldn't be so obvious. “Hey, Y/N.” He nervously said. He didn’t dare look at the man, too scared that if he didn’t, Y/N’s facial expression would be a bad one.
Y/N leaned his back against the counter and aggressively rubbed his face. “I’ve been so tired lately.” Y/N complained. “Has that ever happened to you?”
Steven nodded. “Yeah. Uh, y’know,” Steven glanced at Y/N, only to be met with a reminder that he couldn’t look the vet in the eyes, “there’s a great coffee shop down the street.” He pointed in the direction it would be.
“Really? You should show it to me.” Y/N said with a teasing laugh.
Steven stammered a bit and laughed nervously. “I don’t know if I’d ever have the time for that, but feel free to go on your own.”
Y/N stopped for a moment, now feeding off of Steven’s awkwardness. “Oh.”
Steven cringed when his back was turned, wanting nothing more than to smack himself in the face. He caught a glimpse of Marc shaking his head in a nearby reflection.
Y/N caught on to Steven’s dismissive behavior and assumed he was making Steven uncomfortable. “You seem a bit frantic. I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable.” He looked off to the doors of the building
Steven finally met the guide’s eyes. He went to speak but was cut off by Y/N, “My next tour is here. I’ll see you around.” Y/N walked off without another word.
Steven shoved his face in his hands, slumping down to the floor in a fit of embarrassment.
“You had a chance.” Marc said.
“I know.” Steven replied sadly in return.
The next day was the same. Steven watched Y/N from behind the gift shop counter when Y/N was touring in his line of view. Steven would sometimes get annoyed when people shopped during this time. He also hated getting caught either by you or one of his coworkers.
He couldn’t stop himself though. He noticed that Y/N wears his military jacket every day. Not while he’s working though, he just comes in and leaves with it on. He also noticed that when he recommended that coffee shop, Y/N comes in everyday with a coffee from it. Steven got a peek at the order once, he even slipped the receipt off the cup while Y/N wasn’t looking. He thought about getting Y/N’s drink if Y/N ever needed it.
He started pointing out stuff to himself. Y/N’s tight white button-up, his beige dress slacks, his black dress shoes, his rolled up sleeves, the fancy watch, the tour guide badge around his neck. He kinda looked like a history teacher. He also noticed the lack of a wedding ring. How Y/N walks. How Y/N is able to explain everything, so simply and easily. How everything around the man was just brighter.
Y/N met Steven’s eyes, and for once, Steven didn’t look away. Y/N’s expression didn’t change, so Steven felt as if he was coming off as a creep. Y/N smiled and went back to touring.
“Did you see that?” Marc asked.
Steven looked at his reflection on his dark phone. “See what?”
“He smiled when you turned away.”
“No, he didn’t. Stop teasing me.” Steven grumbled.
“I swear.”
Steven just shook his head and turned his phone face down.
Mr. Knight sat on a rooftop. He was supposed to be looking for someone under Khonshu’s order. He wasn’t focusing on the task at hand though. His mind was clouded by a certain H/C haired man.
Today, Steven was bombarded by said man. He saw Y/N running towards him with a girl running behind him. Steven quickly moved out of the way when he saw Y/N preparing to jump. Y/N jumped over the counter like it was a high jump in track. Y/N frantically looked around.
“Steven. Steven! I need a pen!”
Steven patted himself down to feel for any indents in his pockets.
His movement quickened and he looked around the desks — knocking some stuff over. The girl from earlier was watching the situation unfold.
“Y/N, hurry up!”
“Steven, hurry up!”
Steven found a pen and it fumbled in his hand. When he went to give it to Y/N, it slipped out of his hand. Y/N gladly caught it. Y/N grabbed a sticky note and wrote his number on it.
“Here you go. Oh, and tell your mother I said ‘hey’.” He said with a wink.
The girl rolled her eyes. “I wish you’d stop flirting with my mother.”
“Do you think he likes girls?” Steven asked.
“Yes.” Marc said.
“What about boys?”
Marc sighed. “Yes.”
“What about,” Steven paused for a moment, “me?”
Marc was silent for a second. “Honestly? Yes.”
“Steven.” The hollow eyed god spoke. He was met with no response. “Steven.” He tried again. “Steven, if you don’t get your ass in gear, I’m going to kill you!”
Steven flinched. “Yeah, I’m sorry.”
“Give me Marc.” Khonshu demanded.
“I can do this. I swe-”
“Give me Marc!”
Steven sighed and looked down. “Yeah, alright.”
Steven stood in front of his mirror. He was wearing a short-sleeve shirt which he doesn’t usually do. He stared at himself.
“I’m like a creep staring at him from the corner of a party.” Steven grumbled. He started messing with his hair, trying to fix it up the best he could.
“You’d be less creepy if you talked to him.” Marc said.
Steven shook his head. “I look like a bloody knob.”
“Don’t say that.” Marc glared at him through the glass.
“I think I’m too masculine looking, or maybe too-”
“Steven, stop.”
“How the hell would he even notice me? I’m just a weird dork who stocks stuffed hippos for a fuckin’ livin’.” Steven shoved his head in his hands.
Marc stayed silent. Steven sighed and went back to his closet and put on a sweater. He pulled the sleeves away off his arms, making the sweater look even baggier.
“It’s too hot to be wearing sweaters.” Marc said.
Steven just waved him off, and headed for the door.
Steven walked around the museum, arms filled with boxes.
“... And, of course, this is a statue representation of Cleopatra.” Steven stopped at the sound of Y/N’s voice. He peeked around the corner, seeing Y/N with a group of kids.
“Fun fact about her: she was the last pharaoh to rule over Egypt, and,” Y/N looked around to see if anyone was looking, “she lived closer to our time than she did of the construction of the pyramids.” Steven snickered, not seeing Y/N had to be so secretive about that.
The kids giggled and he watched one of them lean over to their friend. “He uses big words.”
Steven lent down to their level. “Cleopatra is closer to our time than the building of the pyramids.” He translated.
“Everyone, this is Steven.” Steven’s head snapped up and he saw everyone staring at him.
“Fun fact about him:,” Y/N spoke, “he knows more about Egyptology than I do, and he works in the gift shop.” He then pointed to the group of kids. “Be sure to hit up the gift shop though.”
Steven stood up and turned around. “Everyone say, ‘bye, Steven’!” Y/N teased. Steven’s face heated up.
“Bye, Steven!” The group yelled.
“Seems like he notices you.”
Steven looked at one of the glass cases, seeing Marc. “That shouldn’t have happened.”
Steven lent down and put his head against the gift shop counter. He let out a sigh, wanting nothing more than to go home. He hated this so much.
“You are just hurting yourself at this point. You need to do something about this. Rejection is better than whatever you’re doing to yourself right now.”
Steven lifted his head, looking at Marc through a nearby mirror. “I don’t care. I just want to be able to control this stupid brain of mine. It’s like every thought I have involves him.”
“Who’re you talking to?” Steven looked to the front of the counter. Y/N stood there, leaning over the counter as usual. He was wearing his jacket, so he assumed the vet’s shift had ended.
“I, uh-” Steven stumbled over his words. “Myself.”
Y/N’s face washed over with one of concern and Steven felt the urge to slap himself in the face. “Well, I mean-” Steven’s eyes casted down to Y/N’s hand. There was a scar, but it was covered by colorful markers. Steven stared at it for a moment too long.
“Oh,” Y/N said, hiding his hands in his pockets and standing up straight, “sometimes, when the kids are on their lunch breaks, I let them color over that scar. It’s an ugly one, so why not make it pretty, right?” He awkwardly said.
“That’s sweet.” Steven said.
Y/N nodded his a bit, looking off to the side. “Well, it was good talking to you.” Y/N patted the counter and smiled at the man. “See you tomorrow, yeah?”
Steven rapidly nodded his head. “Mhm.”
Steven stood in front of his mirror again. He rubbed his arms.
“What are you doing?”
Steven sighed.
“Not this again.”
“Do you think I’m too slim? I’ve seen him talk to much bigger men than me.” Steven said.
“Steven, we are fine. This little crush has gone too far.”
Steven huffed and walked off. He collapsed onto his couch and hugged up to one of the sofa pillows. Today was Steven’s off day. Y/N and Steven almost have the same work days, they’re just one day off. Y/N works one extra day than him.
“I want to be someone he wants.” Steven turned over and stared at the ceiling.
Marc groaned. “Well, you might be, but you have to try.”
Steven smiled like an idiot. “Do you think he notices when I’m gone?” He looked at the glass cup on the table.
“I think he notices the lack of hawkeyes watching his every move.” Marc teased.
“Oh, shut your trap.” Steven grumbled.
“I can’t believe you didn’t get a jacket.” Steven grumbled to himself. He walked into the employee locker room and shivered. Today Marc dressed them.
When Steven entered the room, he saw Y/N picking up his stuff getting ready to leave. “Hey, Steven.”
Steven stopped in his tracks, staring at Y/N’s back. “How’d you know it was me?”
Y/N turned around with a chuckle. “When you’re in a place where anyone can kill you, you tend to pick up on things that might identify a person. I listen for footsteps. I’m able to determine a person by them.”
Steven smiled. “That’s cool. I guess the military gave a lot of habits, huh?”
Y/N shrugged. “Habits that have saved a lot of people, including mine.” He picked up his jacket and folded it over his arm.
Steven shuddered again. “It’s a bit cold today, innit? Especially for the weather we’ve had lately.” Steven started picking up his stuff too.
“Here.” Y/N outstretched his jacket towards the man.
“Hm?” Steven asked, shocked.
“Here, take my jacket.” Y/N’s phone rang and he fished it from his pocket. Y/N answered it. He smiled and pushed the jacket into Steven’s hands. He walked out of the locker room while talking with whoever he was on the phone with.
Steven stared at the jacket in his hand with a huge smile. He then hastily put it on and looked at himself in the mirror. Suddenly the locker room door opened and one of his coworkers walked in.
“Lieutenant L/N’? Thought your last name was Grant.” Steven looked at him and the man only shook his head. “This week has been wack.”
Steven grabbed his stuff and made for the door. While walking past a display, he spoke to Marc, “I got his favorite jacket!” Marc rolled his eyes.
Steven mindlessly watched the group of school kids roam through the gift shop. He watched a familiar guide supervise them too. One kid approached the counter with one of the many stuffed hippos.
Steven smiled at the kid and rang up the item. “3.78.” He said.
The kid placed three dollars on the counter and Steven took it. “Do you have another?”
The kid patted himself down, searching for money. Suddenly the kid was sad. “Oh, no.”
Y/N walked up to the two of them. “What’s up?”
“I don’t have enough money for the hippo.” The kid pouted.
Y/N pulled out his wallet. “How much?”
“Just another dollar.”
Y/N nodded his head and put another dollar on the counter. He then gave the stuffed hippo to the kid and he eagerly ran off with it. Steven gave Y/N the change with a smile.
“That was sweet.”
Y/N shook his head then looked at Steven. He then chuckled. “Ya like the jacket?”
Steven looked at his attire and blushed. “Oh! Do you want it back?”
Y/N shook his head. “No, keep it.”
“Is it because I’m wearing it? I can wash it if that's the problem.”
“It's gonna be cold today and I didn’t see you come in with another jacket, so just keep it.” Y/N reassured. He then looked at his watch and went back to the kids.
A thought I didn’t add in the story but I thought about too much to leave out:
- Reader had a bunch of scars under his clothes
- And of course you have the one on his hand that usually has writing on it.
- One day it wasn’t drawn on and Steven pointed it out, and the reader asked if he wanted to write his name on it.
“Worst part of the military is the jokes.” Y/N said with a laugh. Steven and Y/N were spending their lunch break together and Steven couldn’t be happier. “One time,” Steven’s eyes casted down to Y/N’s hand. It was abnormally bare, “one of the privates call me over and said-”
“Your scare. Did you not let them draw on it this time?” Steven asked.
Y/N looked down at his hand and shrugged. “Guess not.” He then found a soft tip pen in his pocket and rolled it over to the man. “Wanna write your name?”
Y/N shrugged, “Why not?”
Steven grabbed the vet’s hand and wrote his name in all caps over the scar. It filled up the entire scare.
Y/N observed his work. “It’s like it was meant to be.”
- Reader lets him do it more often and now only Steven writes on it.
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bubuslutty · 2 months
40-something Moon Man ROCKS the Dancefloor! (REAL NOT CLICKBAIT!)
pairing: Marc Spector & Female Reader
word count: 4026
warnings: none
Marc Spector accidentally goes viral on TikTok after his uni student neighbour/friend drags him to the club with her.
a/n: i wrote this in a silly goofy mood and i love marc sooo much <3 Also I used Darling instead of Y/n cuz im funky like that.
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“Please, Marc.” Darling begged the 40-something man while he tried to clean his flat.
“No.” Marc answered flatly, wearing a very washed-out and loose t-shirt and a pair of dark blue shorts. His hair, now longer was tied at the back of his head in a tiny man bun.
“Why??? We’ll have so much fun and you need a night out to dislodge the stick up your ass.” Darling groaned and fell on her knees in the kitchen, ready to hold onto his legs and beg if need be. Marc sighed and ignored the 19-year-old teenager on his kitchen floor as he cracked another window open and increased the volume of the radio on the window ledge, BBC Radio 1 playing a Central Cee song in the flat as he picked up stray books, papers, food wrappers, socks and random junk, a bin bag clutched in one hand and a laundry basket clutched in his other arm.
Marc finally got himself to start cleaning his flat, he read that it would help his mental health to live in a cleaner space. That’s why she was over, she was meant to help him clean so it wouldn’t be too overwhelming on his own, and motivate him to get on with cleaning so he finished faster and could escape her non-ending yapping sessions. But now, it seemed like she was more interested in annoying him, which is literally second nature now, a natural reaction she had to him, annoying the shit out of Marc. 
I mean, he could literally kick her out, and scare her enough that she’ll leave him alone for good, he’s done it before, to other people. He’s tried, but she’s Steven’s friend and he can’t do that to him. And he knows deep down he actually enjoys her presence and would kill anyone that hurts her then himself. He cannot lie, the kid had a big heart and was incredibly kind and patient. He was a little jealous that her parents were able to make a girl like that because Marc knew he could never produce that level of goodness into the world. He can never come close. She was too good.
Marc dropped the basket on a chair and the trash bag on top of it, letting out a long sigh and putting his hands on his hips. “Why do you want me to go with you?”
Darling’s miserable puppy eyes immediately vanished and she got up from the floor, walking up to him with a huge grin on her face. “Well, first of all, you’re my friend, and I like hanging out with you.” Marc raised one brow and didn’t say anything.
“I found this club with great music and I really want to try it out,” Darling said shrugging.
“Why don’t you go with your friends? People your own age.” Marc asked, his arms now crossed over his chest. “People from my uni are… I never really enjoyed going out with them, sure, nothing terrible happened cuz we always stuck together but uh-” Darling tried to explain and Marc failed to understand why the hell she wanted him to go with her out of all people.
“I’ll just be in the way if I go with you. And I can always pick you up at the end of the night, you know?” Marc said and Darling frowned in confusion, “In the way of what?” 
Marc almost laughed in disbelief but held it together, “Don’t you want a boyfriend? No one will get close to you if I’m with you.” 
Darling looked unimpressed, “What boyfriend? You mean drunk finance bros with an Andrew Tate mentality? Plus, I don’t do hookups, I have anxiety, mate.” Marc was confused and Darling remembered he wasn’t as chronically online as she was, so he probably had no idea who the abomination of a man was.
“I just want the experience. I just want to dress up and dance all night without men I don’t know breathing down my neck.” Darling explained, picking lint up from her way too big t-shirt with a Pikachu plastered on the front, so she wouldn’t have to look at him in the eyes.
Marc understood and thought about it for a second before picking up the trash bag and walking to the area that was his kitchen and putting it on the floor, next to the bin. “You want me to be your bodyguard?”
Darling’s head snapped up, eyes wide, “No! I mean- Yeah, sure..” 
Marc pondered over the thought and asked, “When?” 
“This Friday.” Darling quickly answered, smiling big and all, excitement radiating off her in waves.
“Alright, but so you know, I don’t dance.” That’s also what Chad from High School Musical said but go off. Darling knew to keep her mouth shut instead of calling him out.
“Thank you. Thank you so much!” She squealed, jumping up and wrapping her arms around his waist.
“Alright, enough.” He grumbled even though he was smiling, and ripped her away with his hands on her shoulders. “You won’t regret this,” Darling promised and Marc just nodded, he’ll see about that.
“Now, do me a favour,” Marc said, turning around and picking up two trash bags in his hands. “Take out the trash.” 
Darling groaned and Marc fixed her with a look and her shoulders slumped, taking the bags out of the door to put them downstairs.
“How do I look? Be honest.” Darling asked, standing in the corridors as Marc locked his door and shoved the keys in his pockets, his black leather jacket held in his other hand.
Marc straightened his back and analysed her outfit from head to toe. She was wearing a sleeveless, backless sparkly blue top paired with jean shorts and white trainers. Simply put, she looked pretty and it surprised Marc a little, he didn’t know she was capable of wearing anything but washed-out old t-shirts with unhinged slogans on them. It was an addiction at this point, she loved buying the weirdest t-shirts she could find on the internet. She even bought him a t-shirt once that said “I lactate”. And swear to God, Marc almost killed her right then and there. It’s still ranked as one of her “biggest Ws” whatever the fuck that meant.
“Not ugly,” Marc answered flatly and Darling grinned, that was Marc’s way of saying she looked nice. 
“And you look great, did Jake pick the clothes?” She asked, looking him over.
“No.” Marc lied and she giggled, because the one who dressed cunty every single time without fail, was Jake, and unfortunately, Marc didn’t possess the level of serve Jake did.
Marc was wearing a black short-sleeved button-up, unbuttoned at the top, where his David’s star necklace glinted against his tan chest, paired with black trousers and black shoes. Simple, clean. His hair was brushed back this time, but still, some curls fell over his forehead no matter how many times he ran his fingers through it.
“Let’s go,” Darling said after checking she had everything she needed in her small handbag.
The two decided to take the underground rather than Jake’s cab because it was faster than being stuck in traffic in central London. It was a bit busy and lots of people looked like they were heading to clubs and pubs for the night, dressed in all sorts of manner. Marc was honestly just looking around and taking everything in, he had never witnessed London’s nightlife like this, maybe saw some things from rooftops while tracking someone, but that didn’t count.
He saw an alarming amount of young men dressed in techs, standing in hoards. And girls wearing matching bodycon dresses. The underground station was hot, extremely loud and stinky. Darling was standing next to him, complaining about the prices that TFL charged. How ridiculously expensive the tube and trains were, even with a student oyster. He just hoped he wouldn’t get a nasty headache by the end of the night.
They hopped on the tube when it came, screeching to a stop, people spilling out of it in crowds. When they got in, they sat across each other as more people sat around them. And if it couldn’t get any louder, a man walked in with a big speaker resting on his shoulder and a cracked iPhone gripped in his other hand. “Bassline Junkie” blasted loudly as he sang along, and soon enough, a group of rowdy teenagers, around Darling’s age, started singing along too. Darling started laughing and Marc watched as the man started approaching them, goading the sitting people to get up and start singing with him. Darling got up and shouted the lyrics at some girls as they sang together. They somehow managed to drag Darling away from her seat, holding each other and singing loudly, multiple phones recording the scene. When they reached their stop, Marc got up and pulled Darling by the hand out of the tube before they missed it.
“BYE!” She shouted over her shoulder, laughing and breathing hard.
Marc let go of her hand and watched her put her hands on her knees, panting and straightening, fixing her hair and looking at Marc with bright eyes, “I’ve never done that before.”
He smiled a little, “Good job.”
“To the club!” Darling pointed in the direction of the gates, pulling Marc by his arm.
When they left the station, Darling let out a shuddering breathing, suddenly feeling very cold in the polluted crisp air of London. Marc noticed and frowned, “Don’t get sick.”
“Wow, thank you, Marc.” Darling rolled her eyes and started walking down the street, Marc following her behind. She turned around, walking backwards, “By the way, I have your jacket so I won’t get sick.”
“I’m not giving you my jacket, dipshit.” Marc said and Darling rolled her eyes, “Yeah, whatever you say.”
They spent 30 minutes trying to figure out where the hell that club was, bickering while following the map on Darling’s phone. At some point, she ended up locking arms with Marc after a rando whistled after her when she walked by and had to physically stop Marc from turning around and bashing the man’s face in.
When they finally reached the club, Darling was so excited and Marc had a hand wrapped around the back of her neck, guiding her through the crowds of people to the bar so they could get a drink in their system first and take in the place. “You’re paying, by the way,” Darling said over the loud music, taking a sip of her cocktail, this drink will probably be her first and last. She didn’t plan on throwing up on the pavement, and she wants to be able to remember tonight.
“You’re the one taking me out, aren’t you supposed to be paying?” Marc asked, leaning in so she could hear him over the music. “I’m paying for kebabs later. 50/50, yeah?” She said and he hummed.
He looked around and noticed how a lot of people were dressed, it faintly reminded him of the early 2000s with twists to fit today’s fashion trends. He could tell that this was the look Darling was going for, then he finally allowed himself to actually hear the music and was surprised when Flo Rida was blasting from the speakers, the floor vibrating under the weight of the bass.
“Come on, let’s dance,” Darling said after she finished her drink and dragged him on the dance floor, drink still in hand. Rihanna was now playing and Marc was a little mortified because he doesn’t remember the last time he danced in a club. Darling gave him encouraging nods while she practised a Just Dance routine without missing a beat as Marc nodded to the music, finishing his drink and trying not to laugh at her and failing miserably.
At some point Darling got rid of his empty glass for him and ran back, almost crashing face-first on his chest if he didn’t catch her. “THAT’S MY SONG!” She shouted over the music and Marc immediately recognised the beat. It was that Usher song that even the aliens from outer space could recognise, the one and only: “Yeah!”. Marc was a little confused because he was sure as hell she wasn’t even born when it came out.
“I WAS BORN TO SERVE CUNT AND SLAY THE CLUB!” She shrieked and Marc knew she must be out of her mind because there’s no way one drink made her say shit like that. He was dragged to the centre of the dance floor and Darling started busting moves he never saw her do, and Marc had to admit, she was a good dancer. But he was a great dancer.
He ran a hand through his curly hair and watched her dance with fire in her eyes. Marc smirked. Alright , if this is how this is going to go, then so be it. He popped another button open from the top of the shirt and rolled his neck, getting his muscles loose, nodding to the beat. Darling watched him as she bounced with the beat and honest to God, Marc started krumping. Krumping in the club.
Darling’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets and she screamed in delight, hyping him up with her whole body, “I knew you could do it!” 
He was good. Really good.  
So good in fact that the people around them started to notice and the space between them got bigger, creating a clear space where they could see Marc and Darling better. Darling didn’t even notice, her eyes glued to Marc who was absolutely destroying the dance floor. She didn’t even notice the phones pulled out to record the scene. And when it looked like Darling was starting to lose against Marc, a random girl squeezed herself through the crowd, handing Darling her drink and started dancing battling Marc. Darling was losing her mind, laughing and having the time of her life. The crowd hyped both the girl and Marc.
Marc was smiling the whole time, his curls moving this and that way, now falling over his eyes, sticking to his forehead. His face was warm and his necklace kept constantly swinging as he ate up every single person who decided to battle him. In between songs, he kept being offered drinks while Darling kept complimenting his skills. She was proud to get him out of his shell and was genuinely so grateful that everything went as planned. But most importantly, she was proud of him.
Hours later, by the time they left the club, the two were walking down the streets, singing together to a Britney Spears song, arms linked and still warm and sweaty. Darling had Marc’s (Well, it was actually Jake’s) leather jacket draped over her shoulders, keeping her shielded from the cold wind. Meanwhile, Marc may as well unbutton his shirt all the way down and take it off because it was sticking to him and a huge, very generous chunk of his chest could be seen, still shining with drying sweat. His hair was a little crazy because no matter what he tried to do, it refused to stay still and he didn’t have anything to hold it with. But that’s alright, he looked very pretty and he had a great time to care about his hair at the moment.
The two made their way to the first kebab place they saw. “What do you want?” She asked, looking at the old and worn menu above the counter, on the wall. “A number 2.” 
“Bossman, let me get two number 2s and two Coke Zero’s.” Darling said and the man nodded, “£22.98, please.” Darling reached for her purse. “I got it,” Marc said, digging in his pocket for notes before she had the chance to protest.
“I was going to pay.” She mumbled, rubbing her eyes, feeling tired.
“You can pay next time.” He said, patting her head.
“You always say that and you never let me.” She complained, leaning her weight against him, cheek squished against his warm arm. “Yeah, yeah.” Marc checked his phone for any notifications and scrolled a bit while waiting for their food to be done. When they got their food, they left the joint because there were literally no seats in there, you just collect your food and leave. Marc held the plastic bag in one hand and wrapped the other around Darling’s shoulder just in case she tripped, she didn’t drink much but she exhausted herself to the bone, and he didn’t want to end up in the ER looking after her.
“Do you want to eat in the tube?” He asked.
“No, I’ll get sick. Aren’t there any chairs anywhere?” She asked.
Marc hummed and looked around, spotting a park? A garden? It was really small and fenced, and in the middle, there was a big statue of a man Marc couldn’t recognise. He walked closer and saw that there was an empty bench inside. Perfect.
They got settled down, Marc unwrapped their food and Darling complained about the cold bench against her thighs. “Sit on the jacket.” He said, opening his Coke and taking a sip.
“But then my back will touch the bench.” She complained and Marc rolled his eyes.
“Just eat your food.” He said and they dug in.
They didn’t speak for a long time, both looking up at the dark sky. There were no stars to be seen due to the city lights, but they could see the moon and the clouds. It was as peaceful as London could get. When they were done, they collected the trash in the plastic bag but didn’t move, still sitting on the bench, looking at the moon together. “Uhm-” Marc spoke and Darling turned to look at him. As soon as she met his eyes, he snapped his mouth shut.
Darling didn’t say anything, just looked at him with an open expression, eyes heavy-lidded due to sleepiness. Marc licked his lower lip and parted his lips to speak but nothing came out. So instead, he opted for squeezing one of her knees in his warm hand, trying to make her understand what he was trying to say with his eyes.
He wanted to say thank you. He wanted to say that he appreciated her taking him out with her. He appreciated her patience and kindness. He appreciated how she never judged him for being himself. How she was brave and strong and didn’t get scared easily. 
And Darling understood.
It was around 12 in the afternoon the next day when Darling got a text message from one of her uni friends. She frowned in confusion, she usually never received any messages from them during the weekends. She put her spoon in her cereal bowl as she chewed, and paused the YouTube video she was watching on her laptop.
Darling opened the message. It was two messages actually, one of them read, “Is this you?” And the other was a link. 
She suddenly felt scared as her finger hovered over the link, she was sure she had a good digital footprint. I mean, she had profiles where family and friends followed, and she also had separate accounts online where she caused havoc without revealing her identity. And she was sure there was no way anyone she knew in real life could find her accounts and link them to her. She was careful.
Darling opened the link and instead of loading in a browser tab, it opened the TikTok app. Now, what the hell is this?
At first, she didn’t know what she was looking at, but her brain caught on and she felt like screaming. It was a video of the day before, from the club. There she was dancing battling Marc in the middle of the circle. Her jaw was on the floor, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Then she looked at the likes and screamed because why did it have 2M likes?
Her finger pressed the comment section before she could think and was flooded with comments like “This is what I mean when I say I want to go to the club”, “Okay but why did he eat?”, “Where is this??”, “Get this man in a Step Up movie NOW”, “Goo Goo Ga Ga”.
Darling leapt off the bed laughing and scrambled out of her flat, phone in hand. She didn’t even bother to wear slippers and instead ran over next door, Steven’s door, knocking quickly. When the door didn’t open in a millisecond, she turned the doorknob and walked inside without bothering to shut the door properly behind her, “Marc, you have to see this!”
Marc was in bed, shirtless and wearing a pair of loose PJ bottoms, wearing his reading glasses as he read his book. Well, he wasn’t reading it now . He was looking at Darling with an annoyed expression. She ignored it and ran to him, but not without throwing a quick “Hi, Gus” to the tank. She dived knees first on his bed and he sighed, slamming his book shut and placing it on the bedside table.
“What do you want?” 
“Look!” She held her phone in front of his face and he tried to comprehend what he was looking at. Darling saw the moment he realised what it was, he grabbed the phone with both hands, a look of horror plastered on his face. “All of London saw the video. You’re viral, Marc.”
“Delete it.” He said without ripping his eyes from the screen.
“What?” Darling frowned.
“Delete it. Right now.” He repeated.
“It’s not my video. I can’t delete it.” Darling said and Marc dropped the phone in his lap, gathering his head in his hands, groaning. He truly had fun, but he didn’t know how he felt about all of London seeing this video.
Darling picked up her phone again, “I’m going to send it to DuChamp, he’s going to love it.” 
Marc screamed and ripped the phone away from her hands, scaring her. She got scared not because he had taken her phone but because she never heard the man scream before. “Give it back!” She said, trying to grab her phone but Marc didn’t let her. It was a struggle because not only Marc was stronger, way stronger, but he wasn’t wearing a t-shirt so she didn’t have any grip on him, except his shoulders and hair. But she knew if she even thought about pulling his hair he’d throw her out of the window. “I’m going to report the video so it can be taken down.” He said and Darling gasped, “You don’t even know how to do that! You never used TikTok in your life, boomer!” 
“Watch me,” Marc said through gritted teeth as Darling struggled against him, then she somehow managed to wrap her arms around his free arm and threw herself down on the bed, back first and swung her legs up to wrap them around his head, choking him. Marc let out a surprised shout, his eyes sent 500 million invisible daggers to Darling. He threw the phone down on the floor, out of her reach and lifted her off the bed, her legs still wrapped around his neck and she screamed when he flipped them around and slammed her down on the bed, head first, WWE style. 
The two kept wrestling and clawing at each other until Darling ended up in a headlock, Marc squishing her body on the bed with his whole weight, “Help!” She wheezed, clawing at him, trying to get away from him. “Quit it.” He hissed as she tried to kick him with the heel of her foot on his ass.
A cough startled the two out of their fight, both of them looked up and Marc froze.
“What are you…doing?” Layla asked, looking at Marc, then back down at Darling. She had her phone in her hand, and a big Tesco shopping bag in the other. God bless her heart, she brought her disaster of not-technically-divorced husband groceries.
“Oooh, is that the bad bitch you fumbled-”
Tag list (pls ask to be added or removed): @bobastayhigh @weblesstherains @h-leigh @unspokenmoon @ahookedheroespureheart @thursdaywritings @gebstargeb @softieekayy @fem-moony @peachjellypackets @pakhiya @darlinglittledevil @anixluxtt @mrs-cupidd @gebgeb @poeticabomination
this work is part of the "I'm friends with the moon" series. You can read it as a stand-alone or delve deeper into this AU.
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miguel-owhora · 1 month
i lied. anyways, have this small steven drabble :3
"Slow- ah! - down!" Despite Steven's attempts at getting you to slow down, you did anything but. Your claws gripped his knees to his chest, his pretty plump pussy on full display, and fuck, what a view it was. It stretched nicely around your cock, the sweet wet squelch sound bouncing off around his room as you all but fucked into him.
Not that he was complaining, of course not your little Steven. You knew he was a little slut, you knew it when you first met him, could feel his pheromones teasing you, fucking slut. The thought alone has you growling, sharp teeth clenched and drooling down your dark lip as you quickened the pace—somehow.
It ripped a loud squeal from Steven, who thrashed and cried out as he squirted, and your hold on him tightened as you pressed him deeper against the bed and deepened your thrusts. Your cock pounded into his sloppy cunt, ou could feel his gummy walls clenching around your cock, silently begging for your knot. Steven babbled underneath your larger form, his curly hair sticking to his scalp as he cried, so flushed and sweaty; you leaned down to lick at his tears. It was salty.
He opened his mouth to say something, anything, but all that came out was a sharp moan when you sharply jabbed your cock against his sweet spot. He looked exhausted—maybe getting fucked by a werewolf was what he needed to have a good night's rest.
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thestoriesfold · 11 months
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Is the Moon Knight fandom still alive? I've got a potential series sitting in my lap atm. I just wanna know if I'm gonna indulge in this alone? It is what it is.
Edit: here y’all go
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messrmoonyy · 2 years
Moonboys reacting to your baby’s first kick
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Prompt- could you please write what the boys would react like to feeling your baby kick for the first time?
A/n- I had to delete the ask prompt as this uploaded funny before, and everytime I add in a ‘read more’ cut it starts duplicating my paragraphs so 😃🔫 So. Let’s repost and see how it goes now lmao. Baby’s and pregnancy are not my forte so I hope this okay. Enjoy these little drabbles.
Warnings- none. Fluff
Masterlist- requests open for hcs, drabbles and one shots
Reblogs and comments appreciated <3
It was late. Well. Early. The clock beside the bed showing 1:34am in a practically mocking way. He had thought that once Khonshu was no longer leering over him that sleep would come easier. But it had been years now and yet he still struggled from time to time.
You were next to him, curled up on your side, his arm draped over your belly as he read in some attempt to fall tired. But sleep still evaded him, even though the book wasn’t particularly exciting. He had read practically every baby book known to man he was certain, he wanted to be prepared after all. And the entire thing was just… exciting. He took great joy in telling you all about the interesting things currently cooking up inside your womb, informing you the size of the baby every week. It was carrot sized now. Or telling you the best baby bottles he thought you should get because tiredtwinmum95 online said they were just brilliant.
He couldn’t be more excited. Yes it was a terrifying thing, especially in your situation. Three dads, one body. But it was exciting none the less. You were 21 weeks gone, not that he was counting down the days or anything. You’d pushed past that stage of just kind of looking bloated all the time, to actually looking pregnant now. Your bump still small but rounded out, clearly pregnant when you weren’t wearing baggy shirts. It was all starting to feel a bit more real.
He looked down at you with a warm smile, fast asleep. He’d spent the hour before bed massaging your achy shoulders and back, and you’d been dead to the world ever since. You deserved the rest. He thought it was a miracle how you still were able to go to work and do day to day things, when you carrying such precious cargo. Doing such an incredible and important job of growing and protecting his daughter.
He turned back to his book but after only another paragraph he froze. His eyes darted over to you, wondering if what he had felt was real or his imagination.
But then… again.
A small movement under the hand that was resting on your belly, gentle but definitely there. His face lit up, tossing the book to the end of the bed and placing his other hand there too. It was a little more prominent when it happened again, almost as if his daughter could sense he was there. He almost wanted to cry.
“ Heyyyy little one “ he said softly, leaning his face closer and gently pulling you over onto your back. Not wanting to disturb you but overwhelmed by the excitement of some actual movement “ can you hear me yeah? “ You stirred at the movement and opened a bleary eye, looking at your husband with nothing but confusion “ that’s right you can can’t you? “
“ Steven? “ he did look a little mad, beaming smile and wild eyes, holding onto your bump gently.
“ she moved “ he said in amazement “ y/n she moved. There’s an actual baby in there “ he said with a stunned laugh, shaking his head. A smile made its way onto your own face as you watched him and the utter joy on his face.
“ Right a baby of course. I was beginning to wonder what it was “ he dropped his cheek to your stomach, the smile never leaving him for even a second.
“ can you hear me little one? Yeah? I’m your daddy. Well. I’m one of them “
“ babe I don’t think she can he- “ your baby moved again in response and Steven gave you a slight smug look at that.
“ see. She can hear me. I read about it, they can hear music and everything. Gods don’t let Jake play her any music she’ll come out speaking Spanish “ your daughter moved again and he raised an eyebrow “ I think she technically just kicked me in the face “
“ feisty one “
“ like her mum “ he shuffled back up to lay beside you and wrapped his arms around you, a gentle kiss falling on your cheek “ it’s just mad, innit? “ he sighed dreamily “ we made a baby love. Like. An actual real baby. Mental “ you laughed and pulled him in for a soft kiss before shifting back onto your side, Steven cradling your bump as you fell back into sleep
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Marc wasn’t a morning person. At all. He always woke up with a grudge against the world no matter how much sleep he’d had. So his usual morning ritual was roll over, pull you into his arms, bury his face into your neck and grumble about how much he hated mornings. But how much he loved you. But when he rolled over the bed was empty. His face fell against a cold pillow instead of your hair, hands grabbing at cool sheets instead of your warm skin. It simply made his morning mood worse.
He sat up with a frown etched into his face, angry at the world and everyone on it. But his brow soon relaxed, his scowl easing from his features, when he saw you stood in the kitchen. He got out of bed as quietly as his still sleepy limbs would allow him, covering the distance between the bed and the kitchen in quick time. Anxious to get his hands on you and resume his regular way of easing himself into the world.
“ hi “ he grumbled as his arms wrapped around you from behind, not as easy as it once had been with your ever growing bump in the way.
“ hey sleepy head “ you said, leaning your head to accept the kiss he dropped onto your cheek, as you continued to wash the dishes that had been left in the sink from the night before.
“ why are you up so early washing damn dishes and not in bed? “ he closed his eyes, breathing you in as his senses finally started to come around and wake up.
“ for one, it’s not early. It’s 9:30. And two, I woke up at 7 to pee again and I just got this mad urge to clean. Steven says it’s nesting or something. Like wanting things to be perfect and ready. I don’t know I just really wanted to clean “ he smiled against your skin, unable to control his inner joy anytime the baby was mentioned.
He’d been absolutely terrified at first. He’d literally refused to deal with it, not fronting for an entire week no matter how much Steven and Jake tried to convince him too. A baby was far too much pressure. A tiny life in his and your hands when he barely knew how to take care of himself properly? It was terrifying. He’d come around though.
“ great. Already got your mom wrapped around your finger havent you? Got her running around like a mad woman when she should be cuddling with me? “ he said, patting your stomach gently which made you giggle.
“ sorry you and the boys are in second place now. This little princess is number one, isn’t that right? “ you cooed as your dried off your hands, placing a hand over Marcs. It was then that Marc felt it, the little prod under his hands.
“ what was- “
“ oh someones awake “ you cooed and gently moved Marc’s hand to the left slightly “ feel there “ he felt it again then, movement under your skin. It was ever so slightly weird but also incredible. He’d never felt the baby move. You’d called him from work the first time, crying in a mix of joy and fear. Then spent the entire evening trying to make her move again so he could feel it too.
Then any other time she’d moved Marc simply hadn’t been fronting. But now he finally was.
“ made me wait for that one didn’t you baby girl. Damn “ you laughed and held his hand in place as she continued to wiggle around. 
“ you feel it yeah? “ he nodded, awestruck at the feeling “ she’s getting more active. I think she knows eviction time is getting closer “ you still had a while to go but it truly couldn’t come quick enough “ now you’ve met all your daddy’s haven’t you? “ he smiled and turned you around in his arms, looking at you with every ounce of adoration he could muster.
“ I love you “ he said quietly and you beamed a smile, leaning forward to kiss him “ and you. Even if you did make me wait “ he said with a light pat to your bump.
“ you soppy sod “
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“ Jake! Jake! “ Jake startled as you screeched for him from the bathroom, almost throwing the tv remote at the screen in his shock “ Jake! Get in here quick! “ he assumed it was probably a spider in the tub or another bee had snuck in through the window.
But then again. What if it was something worse… a person. An old enemy seeking revenge. Someone having somehow slipped past him and ready to tear away his family. He charged for the bathroom, skidding into the room ready to deck whoever dared to lay a hand on his wife and child.
“ No la toques. te mataré, puta madré! “ Jake yelled as he frantically looked around for whoever had you. But stopped in confusion to find you alone, stood half undressed as you got ready for your bath “ mi amor? “
“ come here! Quick “ you were beaming at him, beckoning him over to you “ quick jake! “ he made his way over and you grabbed his hands, placing them on to your baby bump
“ what are you- “
“ just wait. Hang on “ you held his hands in place “ come on love don’t be shy now it’s your daddy “ you said softly, looking down at your stomach. Jakes brows furrowed and he opened his mouth to say something else but then he felt it, as if something was poking him under his hands.
“ dios mío is that-“
“ yeah. Been wiggling around for the last few minutes “ he dropped to his knees in front of you and let you move his hands around to follow your daughters movements “ see. She knows it’s you “ the baby wiggled around again “ talk to her the doctors said she can hear us. Talk to her “ he did feel a little silly to even think about talking to your stomach. But you had become the only person alive he’d ever let him self be soft and silly with. So he indulged you.
“ hola Princessa “ he said quietly “ Steven tells me you’re a carrot now “ you snorted a laugh at that and shook your head.
“ wonderful first impression there, calling her a carrot “
“ ¿qué? Blame steven. He tells us every week the new vegetable “ you shook your head again with a smile and Jake pressed a gentle kiss to your bump before rising to his feet again. He looked at your glowing face, how happy you looked and he couldn’t help but look at you as if you were placed on the earth simply just for him.
Learning you were pregnant had been a tough pill to swallow at first. What was he supposed to do with a baby? His hands were made for taking life. Not cradling a tiny precious one. He took. He didn’t make. It felt wrong to even think of holding such a delicate little person in his hands that were so bloodstained.
“ you’re cute you know that? “ you said with a grin, squishing his cheeks between your fingers and making his lips pout. He looked like a rather unamused cat that was being forced to play.
“ sure “ he deadpanned and twisted his himself out of your grasp and placed a kiss to your lips.
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Translations ( apologies if wrong. Google translate is all I have 😞)
No la toques - don’t touch her
te mataré, puta madré - I’ll kill you mother fucker
Mi amor - my love
Hola Princessa - hello princess
Dios mio - oh my god
¿qué? - what
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multific · 1 year
A Man With Love
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Marc Spector/Jake Lockely/Steven Grant x Reader
Summary: You had to learn a lot, having two boyfriends, and one day you learned about a third.
When Steven told you about the other person inside his body, you thought it was a very weird way of telling someone 'It's not you, it's me' when breaking up with them.
But to your surprise, it wasn't a break up.
He just wanted you to meet Marc Spector.
It took a lot for you to fully wrap your head around what was happening, to fully understand his personality disorder and the reasoning behind it.
It broke your heart, yes, but you also understood.
With the help of the internet, you even managed to do your research to understand better.
You learned about triggers.
What to say and what not to say to either Marc or Steven.
But then, one day, someone else got triggered to the front.
You were on a date with Marc, having dinner in a nice cosy restaurant then on your way home you stopped at a small convenience store to grab some things before heading home.
You were in the snack aisle when a loud bang as if something exploded came from the front. 
Men came barging into the store, you saw them as you leaned over and one of them noticed you.
Marc was in hiding.
"Get on the floor bitch!" you lifted your hands, but froze in terror at the gun pointed at you. "Are you deaf?! Get on the floor." the man took another step when Marc lounged forward, knocking the man out and the gun out of his hands. The man groaned in pain and you quickly dodged behind the shelves, kneeling onto the floor before letting your boyfriend take care of everything.
You knew he used to be a mercenary, so you didn't doubt his skills.
It still didn't stop your ears from ringing, you couldn't hear anything from your loud heartbeats.
You failed to notice your boyfriend in front of you. When you finally started to come back to your senses, you were home, sitting in Steven's favourite armchair with your boyfriend kneeling in front of you as he softly spoke. 
You blinked a couple times before you started to hear what he was saying.
"We shouldn't have gone to that store, Chiquita. We should have just got you home. Lo siento, Mi amor." he placed a kiss on your hands and you were confused. You grabbed his chin and made him look into your eyes. "Lo siento, Chiquita." he said once more.
"You are not Marc." he shook his head. "Not Steven." another shake. "Who are you then?"
"I'm the one who does the dirty work, the one who does what the others can't, the one who saved you tonight."
"What's your name? Or should I call you Zorro?" you tried to joke.
"No, Mi amor. Jake Lockley, the one hiding in the dark. You must not mention me to Marc or Steven, they don't know about me. But I needed to save you, Chiquita."
Your eyes searched his. You did recall Marc mentioning blacking out as did Steven, they were sure the other was blocking them, but this made more sense. 
"Have I met you before?"
"Once or twice. I came home once, you thought I was Marc, you insisted I take a bath while you made dinner. You fell asleep by the time I got out of the shower. Another time, you thought I was Steven, gave me a hug while I slept, kissed my back and fell asleep on me. Mi vida, I mean no harm to you or your relationship with the others. I merely watch through their eyes, that sounds wrong...I... I care for you, Mi vida."
"You saved me, thank you." he nodded and kissed your hand, you moved the other to his cheek. "You are so different, I can feel it, you are dangerous, mysterious and so fucking sexy."
"That might be the adrenaline, you never had a gun pointed at you before."
"No." your hand moved from his cheek to neck, to the necklace he wore with the star of David. Your eyes were looking at him as if you have never seen him before. Like he was the meal and you were the lion. "You are so different from them. Steven's sweet, Marc's serious and you, you are dangerous. Something in me tells me to run while my other half wants to just tear the shirt off of you."
"That might be lust. Chiquita."
"And you speak Spanish, you devil." Jake watched as your eyes darkened. He would be a liar to say that he wouldn't want you. He would be a liar if he said he never watched any of the other two have their way with you. He would be a liar if he said he wasn't thinking about the ways he would make you moan and groan. But he couldn't.
"I'll give the body back to Marc."
"Leaving so soon?"
"You will see me again, I promise."
"Say it in Spanish."
"Te prometo, Mi amor." and you nodded before you watched the change in his eyes.
"Marc, as I said, I'm fine, you saved me." you said with a smile as Marc tried to collect himself. He didn't remember saving you, he blamed his training.
"Love, are you really okay?"
"As I said, yes. Thank you."
You will keep Jake's secret as long as he wants you to. After all, you couldn't help but fall in love with all of them all over again.
Steven hugged you close. But both him and Marc was very suspicious as neither remembered anything of the incident. 
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @soleil-dor​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​​ @violet-19999​​ 
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