#My Post Devil May Cry 5 Fan Fic
skvaderarts · 2 years
Petrichor Chapter 5: Reminiscing
I didn’t forget about that master list. Just been busy. Hoping to have it done Friday!
Chapter 5: Reminiscing
Note: Okay, so this is kind of funny but kind of not at the same time. I went to upload the chapter today, and I realized that I had forgotten to upload the chapter on Wednesday of last week 6/29. This is Wednesday's chapter. In the chapter notes for the chapter on Wednesday, I had left a note mentioning that Friday was my mother's birthday (7/1) so I wouldn't be uploading. But because I forgot to upload this chapter on Wednesday, you guys have just been sitting here for a week probably wondering if I'm dead or not Or if I had given up on writing the story. I'M SO SORRY!!!! I'm just fine! I'm just very forgetful! I hope this chapter makes up for it a little, but I will have a chapter on Friday and we're still continuing forward! This is in fact the 3 year anniversary of the saga now, which is crazy to even think about, so I wanted to thank you all for being here with me! Sorry again for any confusion or worry I caused! My bad!
The room was cool and full of dim light, the curtains pulled shut to block the majority of it so as to not disturb those sleeping within the room. An unused radiator adorned one of the nearby walls, pristine in condition but otherwise unnecessary at the moment. A building of this age almost certainly lacked double paint glass, and as such, the insulation being as good as it was had to be down to some sort of sorcery. It was just after noon now, but a combination of winter weather and an overcast sky meant that it still looked considerably earlier than that, closer to 8:00 a.m. or so.
Leaned against the wall with his eyes closed was Dante, not even slightly asleep, but simply quietly taking in the ambiance of the room he inhabited. The quiet sound of breathing and his brother laying still and undisturbed. He had physically recovered from his injuries by this point, but he seemed to insist upon not waking up. Perhaps there was something internal that prohibited it? Or perhaps his body had simply decided that he needed time to recover the energy he had spent on the task.
It was understandable. Even someone like him only had so much that they could give.
During the quiet time that he'd been allotted since the fight, he had spent a considerable amount of time going over everything that had happened recently in his mind. Things had gone so bad so fast that it was horrifying. In the blink of an eye, they had all almost lost their lives, and if not for some quick thinking, it was very possible that none of them would be here right now. His brother had been willing to lay down his life to protect his sons, much as any of them had been willing to lay down their lives for one another. There was no surprise there as far as he was concerned. Vergil was a lot of things, but a coward who was willing to let those loyal to him die so that he could achieve victory was not one of them. It was something that, in theory, didn't need to be said, but when he had watched his older twin actually jump in front of a blade to his almost certain death to try and save him from an impossibly powerful appointment, that had been a completely different story. Truly a wake-up call in the worst possible way.
Vergil was willing to die for him. Without hesitation. And that was something he struggled to fully process. It made sense in principle. They were identical twins. Brothers. Two pieces dyed different hues but cut from the very same cloth. No one had the privilege of harming them but the other, and despite their often ceaseless bickering and brawling, they would fight side by side without a second thought at least than a moment's notice. It was a relationship of contradictions, and they didn't know how to have it any other way. 
And at this point, so long as they were cordial, he wasn't sure that they should try and change it. After all, things between them had been relatively positive since they had returned from the underworld a few months back. They had gone through their momentary spats, but Vergil had only stabbed him once in the few months he had been here, so that was genuine progress. And above all else, it showed that his brother had the capacity for restraint and to change his behaviors. To learn from his mistakes. He had not completely lost the capacity to give a shit, and Dante would be lying to say he wasn't excited about that prospect. And he was more than willing to help him continue down that road… But first, he had to wake up. And Dante was going to stay here as long as it took for him to do that. He refused to not be here when he opened his eyes again, and he knew that at some point he would. His older brother had been through war and literal hell, and although the wounds he had suffered at the hands of the devil Prince were egregious indeed, they would not stop him. He had been through far worse, unfortunately. He just had to come kicking out the gate this one last time.
"No rush or anything, but everybody's waiting for you. I know you don't like to be late." Dante thought to himself, cracking his eyes slightly as he felt the morning sun on the top of his forehead. The windows were pitched at a certain angle on this part of the building, and they were higher up the wall than most of the rest of the building, perhaps to not disturb those sleeping within. He was willing to bet that this wing of the manor had been built specifically for this purpose. It was times like this that he wondered just how old the place was and how long the Ludwig family had been presiding over it. Had they built it in the first place? Questions for another time, and products of an idle mind with nothing better to think about. There was a certain finality to the situation he found himself in right now, so it was natural that he would send his mind down other avenues of thought. That he would focus on things that he could actually ask questions and get answers on.
Just a few moments later, a soft knock came from the other side of the door. Dante turned his head slightly to face the door, nodding as a familiar face stuck her head through the door and quietly mouthed a request to enter. Magnolia stepped through the doorway, brushing her hair out of her face with her elbow as she let out a soft yawn. She blinked slowly and heavily as her eyes drifted over to her long-time friend, unmoved from his previous position since she had last seen him. She's been there a little while ago to inform him that V and Nero had gone somewhere temporarily and would return later. She shook her head slightly and made her way over towards Dante with the tray of food she was carrying, seemingly aware of the fact that he had no intentions of leaving or even moving from this room unless he needed to. She wasn't going to argue that position or even ask why he would do such a thing. It was quite obvious, after all. But she was, however, going to make sure that he actually ate something today. She didn't need two sick twins in the house.
"I thought that you might be hungry and perhaps desire some company. Both of those assumptions remain merely that, but perhaps I was at least somewhat on the right path?" She said softly as she approached, sitting the trade down on the table next to Dante, he's over at the food, his nose catching no particular smell, but his stomach reacting nonetheless. He hadn't thought about food for at least 2 days. She might have a point there.
"... Yeah, why not? I got some questions you might be able to answer anyway, and you probably have some, too, hu?" He said with a shrug as he extended his arms over his head and stretched, his back making a loud pop as he gritted his teeth and winced slightly, unprepared for that reaction from his stiff body. He was getting old, wasn't he? It was something that he had been teasing Vergil about for some time now, but the more he thought about it himself, the more he wondered how they were actually going to age. In ways, Dante felt younger than he ever had, and in others, he felt considerably older. Did the demonic part of him age slower than the human body that he found himself inhabiting? Did his demonic blood strengthen his body beyond just raw power? Did it improve his longevity? It seemed as though it did, but would the two parts of his soul ever reach equilibrium at some point or another? Had they reached that equilibrium already and he just hadn't noticed? Was that something he would even be able to measure in any quantifiable way? More nebulous questions that would only send him down a spiraling path of existential dread. This wasn't the time to face his own mortality.
"That's fair. I have nothing better to do at the moment anyway, especially this early in the morning. And it occurred to me that we've never really just talked." She said with a soft smile, cluing into some sort of turmoil going on within him that she couldn't pinpoint. She had plenty of assumptions to work off of, but nothing concrete. There was too much going on there. "I was going to ask you if there had been any change with him, but I don't think I need to. It's evident that there hasn't been. And that's a good and a bad thing, I suppose. But I guess we take our hope where we can get it these days, don't we?"
With a sigh, Dante nodded in agreement. She was right on the money with that one. It was bad that nothing had changed in the sense that he had not woken up yet, but it was better than him declining by a country mile. That was the last thing he wanted to see happen. They had just gotten on the topic, but perhaps it was time to change it?
"You've got that right." He cleared his throat slightly as he continued to think, a question popping into his head that he thought might make a good segue into another topic since it was both a genuine question and something that didn't entirely relate to this. "So I've got to ask… What made you decide to befriend my cranky, cold, and generally completely disagreeable twin? Because I can't see why anybody would choose to be friends with him based on the way he was back then. Or maybe he wasn't always like that? I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out how he has two kids. Honestly, I don't know why anybody would want to talk to either one of us when we were teenagers. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my own problems that I needed to work on back then… "
Laughing at his self-evaluation, Magnolia picked up a cup of tea from the tray she brought into the room. She cleared her throat for a moment before taking a sip, swallowing it as she shook her head. She seemed to be struggling to get it down without laughing, holding her hand over her mouth as she lowered the cup so as to not accidentally spit out her drink. It had been a bad idea to try and take a sip before she had calmed all the way down, and on top of that, she was about to burn her mouth.
"A fair question! And one that I didn't expect you to ask me but it probably should have." She cleared her throat again before inhaling deeply and then exhaling, closing her eyes as she settled back into her previous state of calm. She then shook her head slowly as she turned to face Dante again, a very faint blush on her cheeks that he hadn't expected to be there. "I most certainly didn't think I could fix him, if that's what you're wondering. My actual reasons were far more embarrassing If not a bit more complex, at least at the time."
"What, did you have a super obvious crush on him or something?" Dante said with a low chuckle, his mind altogether rejecting the possibility of that even being the case. Magnolia was far too intelligent and bright to ever fall for someone as moody and emotionally unavailable as his older brother, even if it had been for something as silly as a hormone-fueled teenage crush. But as he looked at the increasingly reddening look on her face, he stopped chuckling and his eyes wide and slightly as his pupils dilated. There was no way… was he actually on to something?! "... You're kidding me. Why?!"
Sign deeply, Magnolia rubbed the side of her neck in embarrassment, obviously having a hard time explaining herself. Perhaps she should just say exactly what was on her mind? "... Well for starters, after I got over the fact that he had broken into our house and that I had almost killed him the first time we had met and got to know him a bit, I found him incredibly attractive. I would be lying to say that I still don't. It's a large part of the reason I'm probably still single now. I believe he may have set my standards too high too young and as such I was never able to overcome them." 
It was Dante's turn to laugh at her statement. She was doing so as well, but he hoped that he didn't come off as passive-aggressively rude as he thought he might be. This was all something of a surprise to him, but now that he thought about it, that did make a bit of sense. As hard of a time as he gave his brother for most things, he knew that he would be lying completely if he was to say that he found Vergil completely unattractive. That would be self-sabotage. They might have both picked on one another for their looks over the years, but it was mostly in good fun more than anything else. Even still, Magnolia's revelation was somewhat hilarious to him. 
"So you're telling me that you thought my brother was so attractive that he ruined all future dating prospects for you? I mean, he's not that attractive is he? And wait, if we're identical twins then does that mean-"
At that point, she broke down into hysterical laughter, holding her hand up to stop him and finish saying anything further. She was going to rupture her lung if she kept going like this. She simply hadn't been ready for him to segue into that topic. How on earth had she gotten herself into this mess?!
"Perhaps I should clarify. I don't simply mean that I find him visually attractive. Although I do. I would be lying to say I don't. That is absolutely the case. In fact, as embarrassing as it is to admit, I probably find him more attractive now than I did then. He is aged remarkably well. Like Chardonnay." She grumbled to herself under her breath, folding her arms around her chest and shaking her head. Her entire face was red now, but she was forcing herself to resist the urge to hide her entire head in her shirt or bury her face in her hands. She was not an ostrich. This hadn't been how she had expected her morning to go. And yet, she couldn't say that she was upset about it. This was the funniest conversation she'd had in quite a while, And I was actually somewhat of a relief to talk to somebody about it, even if that person happened to be the identical twin of the person in question which did complicate things. "And yes, that does mean that by extension I do find you quite cute in your own regard, but despite the fact that your twins you do have a different style that makes you individually appealing. Though I suppose you may have better luck with one of my sisters… I believe one of them fancies you. It's… I  suppose it's a bit more difficult to explain what it was that I saw on your brother specifically and what, to some extent, I still do."
Dante blinked away his confusion, taking note of the change in her tone. She was being entirely serious now, and as such, he found it patently inappropriate to continue laughing about it. Now he was genuinely curious as to what she meant when she said that it was difficult to explain. There was some depth to this, wasn't there? Quite a bit of it, it seemed.
"Setting aside the fact that I think I know which sister you might be talking about… do you think you could explain? Because I think you might have known a side of my brother that I never have." Dante glanced over at his older twin, detecting no indication that he could hear or understand them. His breathing hadn't changed and neither had his demeanor. He wondered if he was suffering for a moment, but none of his displayed vital signs indicated that that might be the case. Still, he hoped he wasn't. He'd been through enough as it was for one lifetime. "We didn't talk for years growing up. After what happened with our parents, specifically our mother's death… We went our separate ways. I didn't see Vergil for about 10 years, and his whole life happened between that gap. And then we clashed for about a year on and off until he stayed behind in the underworld and I'm only now getting to know him again. I only met him once between that time and… well you would have to ask him about that. I can't tell you. Not my place to, I guess. But he probably won't talk about it. It's painful for him whether he wants to admit it or not."
A look of visible sympathy spread across her face as she reached her hand out and placed it on Dante's shoulder, hoping that he wouldn't mind. He didn't flinch away from her like she would have expected his brother to, but he did look just as surprised in his own way. He let out a heavy sigh, glancing back over at Vergil again. She could feel how much he wanted his older twin to be okay. And she felt nothing but sympathy for him in that regard. She couldn't imagine what it was like to be a twin and to see your twin in such a state, worrying that he may not survive. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to elaborate after all. Well, at least not as bad as it was for him to not know.
"... Vergil has a certain sort of deeply sarcastic likeability once he lets his garden down. A sort of uniquely bitter somber humor that is actually genuinely enjoyable If you understand it, even if it does indicate that it comes from a place of deep pain that he is still working through. And he can be deeply passionate and inspiring even if it is at the cost of any semblance of a personality outside of his pre-established goals from time to time. His single-mindedness is one of his greatest strengths and weaknesses simultaneously. He possessed a deep drive to achieve his goals and a focus that I could only envy. Or at least he used to." A look of sadness overtook her face as she looked over at him, clearly seeing something that he did not. From what he understood, they had spent a few years in direct contact with one another, so she had probably seen a metamorphosis of sorts occur. He wondered what that had been like. He wished they had talked more and that things have been different in retrospect. He still kicked himself a lifetime later for some of the things he said and did back at the tower, especially after their reunion on Malet island. "I still see glimmers of it from time to time, but more than anything I can see the damage that was done to him over the years. It's incalculable. There's something that's missing from his eyes that used to be there. A light that they used to have. I can see the fire and the spark that he lost. And I know from what you and your companions have said that he has been through hell, though I don't know the specifics and I'm not sure that I ever want to. But I do know that it must have been terrible to strip down the sense of pride and self that he once possessed. And at times it breaks my heart to look at him. He is still finding a sense of purpose now. A new one. And I think a large part of that comes from Nero and V and his desire to protect them and be better for their sake, but I don't know if he possesses the desire to do anything for himself simply for his own satisfaction anymore. Perhaps he gains satisfaction from seeing them happy? But more than anything, I can see somebody that needs someone… and I'm glad he has you, Dante. For better or for worse. I'm glad that he has all of you… But especially you."
She wiped her face with her hand as her chest shifted slightly, it becoming more and more obvious that she was attempting to compose herself and failing at that endeavor to a degree. It wasn't so much that she was afraid to cry in front of Dante. It was mostly that she just didn't have it in her to start down that path right now. Sometimes when you started, it was hard to dig yourself back up, and it could drag you down for a while. But it was even harder to know when you should just let go and allow yourself the time that you needed. The obvious answer was moderation, but learning the patterns to that moderation was an entirely different skill that took a lifetime to learn, and she couldn't say that she was there quite yet.
The youngest son of the Dark Knight Sparda watched her quietly for a moment, tentatively patting her on the shoulder. He wasn't sure that he should hug her. That might be overstepping, and it wasn't something he was sure either of them would be comfortable with.  It did make him wish that V and Nero were back from wherever they had gone earlier. He was willing to bet that they would be better at comforting her, especially V. They just seemed to mesh well.
"... Thank you. Now I feel bad I laughed at what you were saying earlier."
She shook her head and shrugged, gesturing with her head towards him as she wiped her damp hand on her pants. It was a good thing she didn't bother to wear makeup or else they would probably be a mess. "Oh, don't worry about it. It does seem kind of ridiculous in a way. And besides, I got plenty of fun poked at me about it from my sisters and cousins when I was younger. I wasn't very good at hiding it from anyone but him, apparently. I probably wasn't even good at hiding it from him. He was just kind of lost in his own world. Always has been since I've known him. But I was never officially falling head over heels for him in the first place, so perhaps that contributed to it."
Dante shrugged but nodded in agreement. That made sense. It was highly probable, in fact. But as the two of them sat there and took in the conversation they had just had, something out of the corner of both their eyes caught their attention. A slight shift in the covers. 
Vergil had just moved.
And as they both seem to be visibly taken aback by this, the sound of two familiar voices could be heard coming down the hall. It was Nero and V. It seemed that despite their decision to leave earlier, they had arrived with perfect timing nonetheless. Fortunate indeed. It wasn't as though he could go and get them. After all, he had no idea where they were, and the last person on Earth that Yamato was going to answer to was him.
Dante shook his head and leaned over closer to his brother, a mixture of disbelief and relief in his eyes. "Welcome back, Vergil. Looks like you overslept."
Well, this chapter was a roller coaster of emotions! I'm excited about the next chapter! I have some fun stuff planned for you guys! I hope you've all been having a good week. It's been rough for a lot of us. Well, actually all of us in one way or another. I hope that just like during the pandemic my little silly story can give you all some hope, because I know it's rough out there right now we're all a little short on it these days. I'll be going back through and checking for mistakes again, so if you see anything blatant, let me know. My editing software doesn't catch some of the little silly things sometimes, and using voice to text doesn't help. I think my phone is getting progressively stupider lol! I'll see you all on Wednesday, and again, sorry about last week!
3 notes · View notes
that-gay-guy-from-hell · 10 months
Sweet Serenade: Vergil x G/N Reader
MINORS DNI GO AWAY >:[ SERIOUSLY-- *grabs a broom and sweeps at you* SHOO
SUMMARY: Ever since you met the blue devil you’d loved to listen to him; be it a small noise or a loud shout, you always listened. Tonight, you found yourself home alone with him and begin to hear a different noise; one that you realize you aren’t supposed to be hearing.
BEGINNING NOTES: ♭ Top/Dom Vergil x (implied) Bottom/Sub G/N Reader ♮Unestablished relationship. ♯Everyone else can tell you are into each other. The two of you have gone “out” before; even though that’s not what either of you called it, it is what both of you wanted. ♮You live at the DMC with Dante and Vergil. ♭Smut--Vergil masturbation voyeuristic reader ♮Vergil enjoys the idea of the reader consensually submitting to him (I don’t want it to come across wrong) (The song is a link to a YouTube video of it if you want to listen)
     The Devil May Cry was alive and bustling as per usual these days. There was never a dull moment not since the twins’ reunion and return from Hell. Although the happier and more welcoming atmosphere was a nice change of pace, you couldn’t help but miss the peaceful quiet times. Tonight was one of those nights. 
     The last contract was large enough that the whole shop got involved which resulted in an enormous payout. So, the crew decided to go out drinking to celebrate--Most of the crew anyway.
      Nero was hesitant to join, not being one for social outings--like father, like son. However, Nico wasn’t taking no for an answer and was currently shoving Nero--quite literally--out the back door. Lady and Trish had already moved to the garage and were chatting. Then, of course, there were the Sparda twins; Vergil and Dante. The younger sibling had been nagging his brother for over ten minutes.
     “Come on,” Dante playfully poked at Vergil’s shoulder for the umpteenth time tonight, staring at him like a kicked puppy dog, “Pleaseeee--”
     “Dante.” Vergil sighed as he stood up, shutting his book with a loud thump, “For the last time, I am not going to your stupid bar and that’s final.”
     The younger twin pouted slightly and let out an exaggerated exhale, “You’re so boring in your old age, Verge; you gotta learn to live a little,” Dante turned his attention to you and flashed a wide toothy grin, “You’re coming with right?”
     You pursed your lips and shook your head ‘No’.
     The red devil dramatically groaned and slumped forwards.
     You gently patted his back, “Sorry, I'm just too beat to join in.”
     Dante looked up at you and stuck his bottom lip out in a pout.
     A warm smile tugged at your lips as you ruffled the red devil’s hair, “Maybe next time.”
     “If that’s what you want, sure.”
     He stood back up fully, a small smile tugging at his lips, “You’d best believe I’m gonna hold you to that, babe~!” He winked at you as he grabbed his coat from the back of the desk chair, sliding it on, “Just don’t go breaking the old man, alright? Kinda need him in the morning for a contract.”
     “Huh-!?” Your eyes widened as you realized what he meant.
     Vergil rolled his eyes and moved to stand beside you, just a few centimeters away from your side, “Is that a hint of jealousy I hear, Dante?” He folded his arms and leaned back a bit.
     “And if it is?” Dante raised a brow at his sibling.
     “Tch,” Vergil’s gaze thinned, “As if they would have such low standards.”
     “Careful there Verge might insult yourself since we are twins.”
     “Perhaps, but we--”
     The sound of Nero shouting and a loud thud caught everyone’s attention--it seems Nero finally gave in, or rather gave out, and fell face-first into the concrete of the garage. Nico stared down at the young man from the doorway before turning to the three of you, a semi-irritated tone to her voice, “We’re gonna leave your old asses if y’all don’t get a move on!”
     Dante sighed and walked towards the door, “Sorry, only one ‘old ass’ is leaving tonight.”
     Nico said something unintelligible as Dante shut the door, leaving Vergil and you alone. 
     The blue devil sighed quietly before addressing you, “I am going to retire for the night,” he moved toward the stairs. Once at the bottom of the stairs, he paused for a moment with parted lips, as if he were going to say something; however, he said nothing, shut his mouth, and ascended the stairs, disappearing into his room. 
     You sighed through your nose. Part of you had hoped Vergil might want to spend some time together, but that was wishful thinking. He’s not the “hanging out” type, even if the two of you spend most of your waking hours together. Deciding to do the same as the blue devil, you turned off the shop’s lights and headed to your room. 
     The floorboards creaked as you entered your cozy abode and flipped on the lights. With a slight bounce, you flopped onto your bed with a loud sigh. Your room was the smallest of the three make-shift bedrooms of the Devil May Cry and shared a wall with a certain blue devil’s room. Through the thin walls, you could hear the faint sound of Schubert’s music from Vergil’s record player. Admittedly, you didn’t care much for classical music but that slowly changed when the eldest twin moved in. His music selection was so different than Dante’s; it was calmer, relaxing, and gentle, all of which were something you found reflected the man’s inner-self--even if Vergil doesn’t seem the temperate type. Tonight’s selection was no different. Currently, the record was playing one of your favorites “Serenade”. 
     A small smile tugged at your lips as you listened to the violins' crescendos and decrescendos; how each phrase changed and grew. You allowed yourself to relax into your bedding as you slowly began to drift off. However, just as you closed your eyes, a small stifled grunt came from the other side of the wall and piqued your curiosity. Then, a growl followed by a visceral groan emanated from the other room. Although you knew it was intruding--and downright voyeuristic--you couldn’t help but get up and set your ear against the shared bedroom wall, listening intently.
     Vergil had planned on reading and going to bed when he headed upstairs. Wishing to enjoy the few fleeting moments of peace within the walls of the shop. However, Vergil couldn’t get the teasing remark from Dante out of his head--the idea of Vergil making love with you. 
     As he read the same page over and over, Vergil found his thoughts devolving into more and more sinful ideas. He wondered what sounds you'd make when he ate at your body; what lascivious mewls and whimpers would you make? Would you enjoy it? How would you react to him holding you impossibly close as your bodies are neatly and sensually interwoven, connected together in an act of heated passion and lust? The endless amount of devilish sexual amusement he’d get from spearing your innards and watching you come undone under him. Your loud pleading cries from his overstimulating touch as Vergil plays with you long into the night and morning, not wanting to pass up this rare moment of privacy. 
     Admittedly he wasn't sure if you were into him as much as he is to you; however, that didn't stop the growing heat from spreading throughout his body. With an irritated huff, Vergil shut his book and grumbled to himself. He wasn’t typically one for masturbation and had mostly only partaken of such sinful delights in his youth. 
     Perhaps just one time wouldn’t be too bad, right?
     The blue devil carefully set his book down, still debating if he really was going to do this. However, an overwhelming throbbing in his pants answered the question for him. He bit his lip as he closed his eyes, allowing his mind to indulge such degenerative thoughts; thoughts of what he wanted to do to you. 
     He palmed his hard-on through his jeans, imagining it was your hand instead. The slow sound of his belt being unbuckled, the snap of the button of his fly, the smooth sound of the zipper coming undone; all of this he imagined was your doing. Despite his distaste for such joys of the flesh, he did keep a bottle of lube in his bedside drawer just in case he’d ever need it--and tonight was one of those times. 
     Setting the bottle on the tabletop, he closed his eyes and ghosted his fingertips against his aching tent. A shiver ran up his spine as he released his cock from its fabric confines. He opened his eyes for a split second to grab the bottle of lube and put some in his palm before quickly closing his eyes again; not wanting to break his fantasy. 
     It started slow, almost painfully slow, as he bit his lip. He was fantasizing about the wet feeling from the lube being instead caused by your cute little mouth being wrapped around his cock. A small groan left his lips as he continued to fall further and further into this fictitious scenario. What he wouldn’t give just to fuck your mouth at least once. As he continued, his lack of practice became more and more evident as his hand moved in uneven and unsteady strokes. A sudden intense hot feeling spread throughout his body causing him to grow uncomfortable. He knew exactly what it was; he was losing himself, being much too engrossed in his pathetic devilish desires, practically egging on an accidental Trigger. 
     Quickly, he opened his eyes and shot up from the mattress, tossing his vest off to the side. Using one hand to hold himself up from the mattress, he continued to pleasure himself. His brow twitched as he closed his eyes again. In his mind, he toyed with the idea of you being pinned underneath him; completely submissive and powerless. A small growl came from his throat as he began to lose focus on staying quiet. The sight of you breathless and staring back at him with half-lidded eyes made his cock ache and his mind reeling. 
     Again he began to feel the hot feeling consuming his limbs, he needed to let his skin breathe--he needed to undress more. As he fumbled with the shirt buttons, he leaned upwards. Almost instantly getting frustrated with the small plastic clasps, he ripped his shirt from his body--shredding it--and tossed it off in a random direction. Vergil leaned back over the bedding, his hand that was supporting his weight had balled up the sheets; tearing it with his nails. The blue devil bit his lip again as his pace became even faster, however, this did little to deter the loud carnal snarling that he was making.
     Vergil leaned further forwards, placing his forehead on the, now disheveled bedding. In his mind he was laying his head against yours, enjoying the feeling of your hot skin against his. The feeling of your hands within his hair and your legs wrapped around his middle, pulling him closer and further into your hole. A thin layer of sweat adorned his body and his hair had fallen forwards. A mixture of spit and a small amount of blood was dripping from his lips and onto the bed. His breathing was heavy, uneven, and filled with a disgusting amount of lust; a side of himself that Vergil, not only tries to hide from the outside world but, despises. However, he couldn’t be bothered to think about how unrefined and how feral he probably sounded and looked, the only thoughts to be had were ones about you.
     As he approached his orgasm he began to whimper your name quietly to himself, wishing he had the courage to ask you out and to ask for you to give yourself to him--every bit of yourself to him. He began to rock forwards, bucking his hips into his hand. A greedy possessive feeling filled his heart, he wants to hide you away from the world, to keep you all to himself. A snarl left his lips at the thought of anyone else being able to have you, to take you from him. Vergil didn’t care how insane he sounds or how dangerous that kind of mindset is; he’s had everything taken from him his entire life and he will not allow anyone to take you from him. With each passing moment, he got louder and called your name more and more frantically. 
     When Vergil hit his peak, he leaned upwards and threw his head back. A loud thunderous growl and an almost whimpering moan came from him as his body twitched in ecstasy. Lots of smooth white ropes decorated his bedding as he opened his eyes to stare at the dark room’s ceiling above him, he felt several tears running down his face. Using the thumb of the hand still wrapped around his cock, he played with his tip, sending a jolt through his body; despite finding release, he was still just as worked up as before--perhaps even worse than before. 
     That’s when a set of knocks at his door made him freeze. 
     Was Dante back already? Or what if you had--
     “Vergil?” It was you.
     He panicked; despite not being clean, shoved his cock back into his boxers and jeans. Unable to find his shirt from earlier, he grabbed a random t-shirt from his dresser and slid it on so fast he failed to notice that it was backwards. Using the sweat from his brow, he slicked back his hair in hopes it would stay long enough for him to answer the door. 
     When he opened the door his words were discombobulated as he stumbled through his thoughts, “What?” 
     You said nothing but instead shyly looked away from him, your shoulders tensed up and you pursed your lips. That’s when Vergil noticed.
     The strong unmistakable scent of arousal that was coming from you. You were just as, if not more, horny. Admittedly, he wanted nothing more than to pin you to the ground and take you right then and there; but he found himself hesitant. 
     With a very shy voice, you mumbled to him, “You alright? The record has been skipping for a while now and…” Your voice trailed off, unable to look him in the eye. 
     As he spoke a dark husky sultry tone came from him, a voice you’d never heard him use before, “Oh? Has it now?”
     You nodded, “Yeah, I can hear it from my room…”
     He smirked and turned you to face him, “It is quite invasive to be listening to others, Love.” His eyes met yours, “Especially if you were enjoying yourself to it.”
     Your eyes went wide.
     Vergil chuckled lowly, “I can tell from your heart that you either just ran a mile or were having a good time,” he leaned in closer, “and I can smell it on your hands, Voyeur.”
     A set of sputtering unintelligible noises came from you, your face becoming flushed and Vergil enjoying the sight. 
     He stood back up and turned to face inside the room, “Now, why don’t you come in for a moment? I’ll remove the record after all,” He looked over his shoulder, “I’d much rather listen to your serenade instead.”
ENDING NOTES: ♯This has been sitting in my WIPs half-finished for a while so I wanted to finish it up; sorry if the ending is a bit weird, wasn't sure how to end it lmao ♮Fun fact: the beginning part (right up until overhearing Vergil) was the original start to “As You Wish (Part 1)” lol ♭“That Unwanted Animal” By The Amazing Devil really was a good inspiration for this fic. I’d highly recommend giving their music a listen “The Horror and The Wild” is a REALLY good album lol
If you like this please consider checking this on my AO3. There are extra chapters and my H/Cs over there, so please consider checking them out! Comments, Likes/Kudos, and shares are always appreciated! Thanks so much for reading!! :)))
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raid3r-r4bbit · 7 months
@fuzzydreamin thanks for the lol. ive been a little busy with life so sorry for the late response.
Favorite Color:
Green. Like Blindingly Neon almost yellow bile/acid toxic hazmat pukey green. Also black. I'm also a fan of earthy tones, warm greys and browns, rusty orangey reds, and i also unironically love that "some smoker lived here for 5+ years but i swear the walls are white" sepia color.
Last song:
Either Childish Flamingo or 1x1. I've been hopping in between really screamy and just goofy shit atm because i cant focus with anything else. 🤷 But (I also jsut got a new BMTH hoodie) BMTH's post human album has been feeding me. It's a really good (visual? no.) example of that like just angry and over it nihilist feeling and I just *MUNCH CRUNCH AAAA* like i feel like it could be just the tiniest bit angrier and louder but i think that's my headphones.
as for childish flamingo, its like that miseryxcpr thing imo. It's goofy and funny and it slaps. and it's so catchy. it's like right on the edge of aha funny and fuck you street and i love it. i hope any of that makes sense im sorry lol.
Last movie:
the Demon Slayer movie. I skipped all the way to the end to see the fight between Akaza and Rengoku because they're two of my favs ( in order from that show: Uzui (my mom calls yuzu (my cat) Uzui and its adorable) Akaza and Rengoku. I Found out the english dub is out (im way behind) and just needed to hear their english voice acting. all of it is amazing and Akaza's lil gigles during the fight make me incredibly happy. Guys who laugh/giggle mid combat? Ugh >\\x//<
Currently Watching:
Demon Slayer, Chainsaw man, Tokyo ghoul (im rewatching a bunch of animes) Steven universe. (i love all of these and full recommend them. I literally just yesterday(or the day before idk time is a blur) got a new funko pop, it's the half-kakuja kaneki and i love it.)
Other stuff i've watched this year:
Spy x Family, the Junji ito Collection, Yamishibai (if you like picture style art and horror this is great, its somewhat junji ito like, but shorter stories and ngl the zanbai ep scared me a bit) psychpass (some reccomended this to me cause im (obviously) a fan of darker more gruesome shows, and it is very dystopian, love the art work, but i just dont get it.) Given (if you havent watched this show please watch it its amazing) Yuri on ice, Banana Fish (also another fave)
(I work from home, and pretty much exist at my computer, and need to keep on music or tv to keep the bad thoughts out, so i have a lot of time and opportunity to watch stuff ok)
Shows I dropped this week:
Psycho pass. again, i just couldnt get into it. I know a lot of people seem to really like and it full seems like a show that would be up my alley. that first ep was kind of a lot though. I'm not ashamed to admit i love shows that are unafraid to show nudity and violence but the two together (ifykyk) make me uncomfortable. If this case had been a little further in the show i think it would have been fine, but it's litterally the first like ten minutes of the show. I also tried watching this a few week ago while at wasteland but we were pretty much just out the door.
Devil May Cry. I still love the games and the characters, and i remember loving the anime as a kid but its just... so different from the games lmao.
Currently Reading:
random internet stuff, fics and shit. I feel bad because i used to go to the library all the time but at the same time, i dont really have the room to store a whole bunch of books and despite being super dyslexic, i read insanely fast, so renting/buying books isnt worth it to me. (i've read entire full length series in the span of a day or two, while doing other stuff. I need longer, more conveniently packaged novels and that typically comes in the form of fanfiction. )
tagging: @snowmutant @ivanpahdrylakeracer @glaochormfitheach(idk if ur cool tagging you in this kinda stuff, if not just lmk i though it'd be fun :D) @the-soup-witch(im dragging you into tumblr culture whether you like it or not, welcome to tagging games)
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akashadarkblade · 1 month
Fanfic Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag, @krankittoeleven ! I can’t remember if I’ve done this before, but here we go lol
1: How many fics do you have on AO3? 14
2: What’s your total AO3 word count? 38,116
3: What fandoms do you write for?
On AO3, I have fics for Assassin's Creed, Murdered: Soul Suspect, The Evil Within, and The Last of Us. But I have WIPs for a variety of fandoms including Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, The Legend of Zelda, and - most recently - the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game.
4: What are your top five fics by kudos?
Bloodied Axes and Blooming Flowers, Page Turner, Papa Wolf, Healing Hearts, and Dozing. (though fair warning, 4 of the 5 are REALLY OLD)
5: Do you respond to comments?
I try to respond to all of them, but I also have ADHD and social anxiety so there are times where I don't or I forget.
6: What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Of a posted fic, probably Two Days or No Happy Endings.
7: What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Page Turner. it's nothing but fluff.
8: Do you get hate on fics?
No, thankfully. (not yet, at least lol)
9: Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, though I keep most of it to myself. As for what kind, it varies from pretty tame, vanilla sex to incredibly kinky and stuff not meant for most audiences.
10: Do you write crossovers?
I have, actually. My most ambitious one being Dark Hearts, which was a Kingdom Hearts fic I started in 2018-2019. Craziest part about it and the reason it will never see the light of day? I'm not even that big of a Kingdom Hearts fan XD I've only seen half of the first one, parts of other games, and bits and pieces of 3. Hence, it will never see the light of day, even if I do finish it. But it has been a lot of fun to write, and I love it so much.
11: Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12: Have you ever had a fic translated?
13: Have you ever co-written a fic?
I have not, and I'm not sure if I would. I would love to give it a try, but considering my track record for not getting things finished, I would be terrified of not following through with the fic and disappointing the other person.
14: What’s your all time favorite ship?
How... DARE... you ask me that. Do you know how difficult that is to answer? Especially as a poly/multi-shipper? LOL Honestly, I don't know. I have so many ships that I love, but trying to pick ONE - or even like, five - would be difficult.
15: What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Dark Hearts. I love it with every fiber of my being, but I don't think I will ever finish it. I WANT to. Desperately, I want to. But I'm not sure if I ever will.
16: What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and discription.
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things I've started
18: Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
My opinion is if the character speaks that language, go for it.
19: First fandom you wrote for?
The Legend of Zelda... I think lol
20: Favorite fic you’ve written?
It will probably always be Dark Hearts.
I'll tag @elizaxspears and anyone else reading who would like to participate!
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fabdante · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
I was tagged by my dear friend @thevampireauthoress on this post ! I tag all the fic writers who follow me and see this because I want to see what you guys are up to!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Five! I write every day but only started posting fan fic a year ago and I have more I'm cleaning up to post!
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 36,380
3. What fandoms do you write for?
A Lot. If post about it odds are I've written something about it in some form or another.
The ones I have public fics for are DmC: Devil May Cry and ATLA. I frequently write for World of Warcraft (mostly ocs) privately though and have been making my way back to TF2, Borderlands, and Bioshock works lately.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Since I have only five I can give the whole rundown asdfghj the Zutara fics are, unsurprisingly, the heavy hitters
An Inexact Science
Pinky Promise
Crossroads of Catharsis and Contemplation
A Series of Mild Prophesies
Also the stats chart cracks me up:
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5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I get to most of them! Sometimes when a fic is older and someone just leaves a short little 'this was nice!' or whatever, I don't respond but other then that I do. I get very excited when anyone likes any of my works asdfghjkl
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh...probably Swan Song, which is yet to be posted. Swan Song will definitely probably have the solidly most angst filled ending.
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Just limiting myself to what's already posted on AO3, anything in the Circumnavigators of Celestial Bodies series so far has had pretty happy endings. It's not tinged with the like dramatic irony of anything in Drafting A Swan and both fic's thus far in Circumnavigators end on fairly positive notes I think
8. Do you get hate on fics?
As of now, no
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have but I haven't published any of it yet and I'm not sure I will ever. My favorites to write are definitely monsterfucking related, followed by more general kink but like monsterfucking is the best to write.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I am an avid lover of crossovers, particularly crazy crossovers. I feel like I have several contenders for the most crazy.
First up would be the massive multi fandom high school au my girlfriend and I developed containing like every video game we liked at the time which I still sometimes write because I find the character dynamics fascinating but I doubt, due to the highly niche nature of this crossover, that it'd ever see the light of day (if you ever wanted August Borderlands and Rachel Amber Life Is Strange to talk on the roof of a trailer in the trailer park they both live in though, I am the gal to ask I guess because boy do I have that and I will provide)
Second up would be in a similar vein but like somehow even less attached to any of the serial numbers qualifying it as fan fic. That one is set in a Bioshock AU where Rapture lasted until the 80s somehow under different leadership. It is also a massive multi fandom AU but this time with gang warfare under the sea in a very AU'd version of Rapture. Similarly, it will never see the light of day with the serial numbers attached because it is just so niche as it is that like...I have no idea who would want to read that asdfghjkl I rarely write it anymore despite loving a lot of the concepts and dynamics, and I feel like it'd just be more effective to just rip off the remaining serial numbers and let it be free if I ever wanted to publish it somewhere.
Third craziest is perhaps less crazy but just very weird. But I have an ongoing series of fics where Brigid Tenenbaum from Bioshock 1 and Booker Dewitt from Bioshock Infinite just sort of hang out in this space beyond time and space and just get very cerebral about their oddly parallel lives and similar traumas because a hill I will die on is that they are the parallels of one another between those games, not anyone else. They're very written 'For Fabdante' so they are not very polished and I call them 'Bioshock Void Fics'
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I am aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I am aware of
13. Have you ever co-authored a fic?
When I was waaay younger yes! Those are really old and locked away on fanfiction.net though.
14. What is your all time favourite ship?
Vergil and Kat/Verat from DmC: Devil May Cry. They are my everything.
15. What is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I never want to say never because I do intend to finish these things but here's two:
I have this ATLA fan fic tentatively titled Avatar Champloo which isn't exactly a crossover, more just like an Avatar story featuring the Ba Sing Se kids (Jet, Zuko, and Jin) that plays homage to the vibes and general essence of Samurai Champloo, extrapolating on the already very heavy Samurai Champloo vibes of ATLA. Samurai Champloo is like one of my all time favorite shows so living up to it has been a tall order for me and I fear I will never finish this fic asdfghjk.
I have a few Zelda/Zelgan WIPs that I fear I will never finish. One being a very long one shot based off the idea of a Zelgan romance from the perspective of a bodyguard Link which I'm really fond of, but just have a lot of trouble editing. To give perspective, it was the first fic I ever considered publishing on AO3. And it's still not done to satisfaction for me and thus, not my first fic on AO3.
Obligatory Swan Song (my really long multichapter DmC: Devil May Cry, Verat based, prequel) mention. I don't doubt I'll finish it one day exactly, but when that day will be is far beyond my comprehension asdfghjk
16. What are your writing strengths?
Uh...ngl I have no idea lmaooooo I like how I handle small moments, I guess. Most of what I like to write is small moments between people, and I think I'm pretty ok at that. I'm good at rambling.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing multichapter things, I feel. Because I like small moments too much, I struggle to keep things relevant I feel. The biggest issues with Swan Song, I think, are just there being a lot of useless scenes. I struggle a lot with knowing how long scenes should be in something thats more then a one shot and how to transition between those scenes effectively.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
I don't know any other language confidently enough to write it, so it's not something I ever do nor have an opinion on. I do write a lot of multilingual characters, and when I do I just tend to write the dialogue in italics then notate that the character is now speaking another language in the descriptor so that the reader knows what the italics mean.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Probably ATLA when I was a waaay younger. Writing Circumnavigators has been a return to my roots, I suppose, asdfghjk
20. Favourite fic you've written?
My favorite posted fic is definitely Crossroads of Catharsis and Contemplation. It's got everything for me and is exactly the type of thing I love to write the most.
Unposted? Depending on how it goes, I might have a runner up that is a preboot DMC fic which is a grunge band AU told through excerpts from a biography novel and the interviews within about said grunge band. Similarly, it has everything for me and is exactly the type of thing I love to write asdfghjkl
Thank you again for tagging me!! And once again, I mean it when I say please count yourself as tagged by me if you want to answer these because I really, really would love to see what you guys are writing!!
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polarisbibliotheque · 8 months
Sorry, I saw one post and a half of yours and I'm already a fan.
I still have to scroll down your blog to see more about you, but I saw that two-post-long answer you made for an anon ask (btw, you have such poetic vibes :D your style made me smile, seriously) and I couldn't holf myself to ask:
Hm, have you ever heard of... I mean, "whump"?
If yes, what are your thouhts on it?
(you don't need to answer this, specially if it makes you unconfortable in any ways or anything else XD)
However, I hope you have a wonderful day/noon/afternoon/evening/night(?) !
Hello hello!! First things first, sorry for taking SO LONG to answer, I had a ton of health issues the last couple of months >.<
Secondly, thank you SO MUCH for being so kind!! I saw all your reblogs of that huge answer for such a tiny thing I did and thank you. I'm really happy you like my style too, that makes me smile!
Now now, about your question on whump, I'm gonna be very honest, I had to Google it to make sure we're on the same page HAHAHAHAHAHA
Jokes aside, I know it's sort of a term for hurt/comfort fanfiction - but it's not really clear to me if it's a kink thing or not.
Because you see, if you're talking about hurt and comfort, I mean, that's basically what I write HAHAHAHA writing for the Devil May Cry fandom, inevitably someone will be hurt/tortured/mentally abused somehow.
Or impaled. A lot.
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(I mean, that's all this bitch has done for the past 5 games)
And also there's the whole thing with Vergil, his twin brother, being kept as a slave in Hell for 20(?) years and coming back after dragging his crumbling body out of there to find out he has a son and being the peak of cluelessness in the Universe - and me being adamant he deserves love after all that.
So I guess everything I write has a LOT of hurt - and I even put some serious warnings before the fics, 'cause everyone is traumatized in this household - but despite of that, they still can find love, happiness and somewhat soothe all that pain and trauma.
(dramatic, real, horrible, but stil comforting xD)
As a kink, though, I don't enjoy it - and I also don't enjoy putting characters I love through pain and suffering just because. That's why I have a love/hate relationship with horror media: I LOVE horror, but I HATE exploitation.
Movies that have just people being abused, hurt, dismembered and all that kind of horrible stuff happening just because without a real reason to be on the plot - meaning, torture porn - just make my blood boil. And there's a lot of that in horror.
I like when things are more psychological and actually have a REASON to be there. So, in my writing, I'll never torture a character just for the pleasure of doing so and for the pleasure of the reader, I need a point out of it.
For instance, on my cyberpunk-style story, both main characters have gone through a terrible experience together and lost someone who was really dear to them. Both of them went through a lot of physical pain, lost some limbs and needed to install cyberprosthesis, and lost everything they had worked for til that point in their lives.
Horrible, yes. But they had to go through it so I could start the story: because of all of this, the guy made an anarchist/terrorist group and just wants to burn down the city along with the people in power who allowed all that to happen to him, while the woman becomes the best killer for hire so she can get enough money to live and, eventually, retire.
All that physical and psychological pain is a very important plot point and I can't take it away from the story, or else there's no story to begin with. Meanwhile, every time I'm writing I'm thinking "how can I make this as unpleasant as I can so the reader can understand the crushing feeling of all of this?" hahahahaha
That's why I'm not into pain kink - I respect everyone who is, but I can't do it, I feel no pleasure from it.
That's my opinion, I think. For pleasure's sake, I don't like it, but for plot, I really like it. I think it has a hopeful note to it - that even after the storm, the days will shine bright again, you just have to go on. That's what I enjoy from writing things like this, the hope.
Who would've known, I'm not 100% a bitter bitch hahaha
Reading my personal original stories, I think all of them have a painful background and many unpleasant scenes. But I like it, because it's human nature and how life is: bad things will happen, we can just try to make the good ones count even more :)
I hope that was a good answer to your question hahahaha
Thank you once again, and I hope you have a lovely week ahead!! Feel free to spend some time around and ask things if you'd like! ^^
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I've finally given in...
And I wrote a one shot about V after the end of the game, so it's spoiler-filled. Should I post? It's more angsty and fluffy than anything. I couldn't focus on anything except this fic last night, so I powered through. If you'd like, please tell me!
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lokisasylum · 2 years
Tag for Fanfic Writers
(this was supposed to be an Ask Game, but I don’t have the patience to sit and wait for someone to interact/write me one of 50 questions to my inbox. So I’ll just answer them myself LOL)
1. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only for BTS
2. What pairings do you write for?
Jikook, Yoonmin, VMin & VMINKOOK.
3. What is your most popular fanfic?
“Lunatic High” for some reason... its a fantasy au. Has to do with a war that broke out following the assassination of the Emperor, where humans began hunting werewolves after accusing them of conspiring against the monarchy. So you have Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jeongguk as survivors of this war and living as bounty hunters, but one day when Taehyung falls gravely ill and no remedy can cure his disease. The four of them have to journey south where a surviving pack of werewolves live and may be the only ones who can save him. But it is Taehyung himself who holds the biggest secret of them all.
I haven’t updated it in two years and it only needs the final chapter TT
4. Do you write original stories as well?
I used to have this one original story that I spent MANY years plotting and finally began writing in 2009, but after I reached the 32th chapter I left it on permanent Hiatus.
5. What fanfic of yours should everyone have read?
I would like to recommend “All or Nothing”, “Yoongi’s Confession” and “Forever You Said”.
6. What is a fandom you will never write for?
NEVER AGAIN for Death Note that fandom was hella toxic back in the day. I also wouldn’t write for Dragon Ball z (and all the versions of it) I just can’t envision the ships correctly XD
7. What is a ship you will never write for?
Tae//kook sorry no offense to the members themselves... but their crazy, toxic, obsessed fans made me hate the ship. Also the fics I’ve read of this ship are just as toxic and Jimin is always somehow hurt in them. So NOPE. The only way I would come close to writing anything with them is if it involves VMINKOOK as end game.
8. Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.net, Wattpad, Tumblr, etc. which platform do you prefer?
Archive of Our Own all the way. I used to have a FF.net account many years ago but never really uploaded anything to it. Never did liked wattpad’s format and Tumblr isn’t exactly a practical place to read fics plus you have to manually link chapters.
9. What are your favorite fanfics?
Oh wow I’ve read so many good ones... “Surreptitious” (by Bangtanbananas), “bitchin’ witchin’“ (by spookysuga), “forever was never till now” (by SpringonMars) and “The Devil’s Cut”
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
I cry on the floor, go through several breakdowns and then stare blankly at my word doc forcing my brain to work.
11. What’s your longest fanfic?
“Lunatic High” with 16-17 chapters.
12. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
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13. What is your planning process?
I try to write little snippets whenever they come to mind no matter what I’m doing. So I always try to keep my phone close by and my Notes ready for any plot bunny that may run by.
14. What have others criticized about your fanfic?
I’ve honestly never gotten “criticized” per say or negative comments. Though I do get that sometimes my readers can be a bit impatient 🤭 but I get that since I can be impatient too.
15. OCs or no OCs?
No OCs as main characters, only supporting if I run out of people.
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
I try a bit of everything if it helps the ideas flow.
17. Do you use/follow advice from writing blogs/posts?
I try to, but don’t let it influence my writing too much.
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
Strangers to Lovers, most Alternative Universes
19. Dead or overused tropes?
omg, the freaking “school sweet heart who falls in love with the asshole”, the whole “first time/loosing their virginity” trope (how many times is the same character gonna loose their V-Card in 500 universes?!), also any mafia trope. 
20. Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics?
I have like 19 of them. So I’ll just provide the link to them HERE.
21. What’s your shortest fanfic?
“You’re My Tear/You’re My Fear” (944 words) which is a song-fic with the song “TEAR” by BTS.
22. Do you listen to music during your writing process? What music do you listen to while you’re writing?
Hmm I have like 49 or 50 playlists/mixtapes. All from different genres but when I’m writing a particular story I listen to my Release Radar or New Releases and like the songs I think would fit to that story. So many of my fics have their own mixtape ^^
23.Long chapters or short chapters?
I always start a new fic thinking “this will only be a oneshot” and then chapter 2 and 3 happens...
24. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
......like 10...
25. How many WIPs will you finish?
3-4 because I finally have a solid plot for them.
26. First-person-narrative or third-person-narrative?
Both, both are good.
27. Do you take requests?
I used to when I had nothing to write about but some requests.... can be a little intimidating.
28. I will name you three things (object — scenario — fandom/ship): write a paragraph or two!
29. What’s more difficult? Fanfics or original work?
Original works.
30. What writing software do you use?
Nothing fancy, just Word Doc. & Notes.
31. Do you use beta/sensitivity readers?
32. Past or present tense?
33. Do friends and family know that you write fanfics?
Friends... and said friends don’t know me IRL lol
34. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
I was 9yr and into the anime YuYu Hakusho, so I was browsing the internet for images about Kurama and Hiei cause they were my fave characters and stumbled into this blog that someone had and she had this story “Wild Winds”, I read it thinking it was some spoiler to the series and I remember that the story was kind of sad because Kurama had killed his human body and was going back to his Yohko Kurama self and Hiei held him in his arms through the process. At the end Kurama and Hiei kiss but it was out of defiance because they knew they didnt have much time left because they were found out. I legit thought this would or had happened in the series, but the author explained to me that it was made up by her and I found that so fascinating.
35. What is your favorite review?
This one is still a personal fave that I keep close to my heart:
Tumblr media
36. Did you ever delete a work of yours?
From my current fanfics? No, but I did deleted old ones from my deviantart page because years later as I grew more mature I realized how childish a lot of my writing was back then.
37. Did your work ever get plagiarized?
Ahh... that’s an old wound that’s tough to re-open. Because it didn’t happen with my fanfics but it DID happened with that original story I mentioned. And the one who plagiarized it was a long time follower of mine on DA, I even considered her a friend. She used MY story for a contest she made up at a Death Note fan club she had and never told me. I found out because another follower was a member in that club so she asked me about it. What hurt the most is that when I called her out in private and asked her to delete my story from her contest she made this post ON THE CLUB saying I was accusing her of being a disgusting thief and wanted to ruin the contest, so this ended up with her 300+ club members harassing me and sending me death threats. I think that’s one of the reasons I quit writing that story half way.
38.Do you partake in any fanfic/writing events? (Big bangs, zines, NaNoWriMo, etc?)
I’ve thought about it? But most of these contest take place on Twitter which I don’t have an account to and most of Army twitter is well... hella toxic. Especially now with fanfic writers getting harassed/bullied into deleting their accounts and called “fetishizers” by fake woke kpoppies who enjoy listening to fake moan videos and reading Y/N/self-insert fics about being r*ped by their 7 mafia husbands. 😒 (I said what I said)
39. Collaborations or working solo?
I enjoy working solo for now. I like working at my own pace.
40. Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic?
Yes! I freak out, obsessively go over each word and sentence to make sure no typos are in sight, drink two cups of black coffee, have a mental break down, get distracted by tumblr or animal videos on youtube, dissociate for half an hour and finally upload the fic at 6:00AM ^^ then have another meltdown the next day after I find ONE typo I missed 😂😂😂😂😂
41. What is something you don’t like about your writing?
That it doesn’t come out when I want/need it to or the way I have it figured out inside my head.
42. Rudest review?
lol okay so this wasn’t really a “rude” review, but there was this one girl who left very strange comments on every chapter of “Forever You Said” while talking in 3rd person. Its like she was running her own self-insert fic while reading mine. Thankfully she deleted her account.
43. Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
Guilty pleasure tropes... hmm.. I’m a sucker for vampire x werewolf relationships since its considered a “forbidden love” and how they eventually work it out. Also the “Enemies to Lovers” tropes is an all time fave especially when the love happens in a way you never expected it. 
44. Does fanart of your fanfic exist?
I.. as far as I’m concerned I’m the only ones who makes fanart/companion art of my fics 😅😌 I have yet to see a single fanart of any of them....
45. Do fanfics of your fanfic exist?
I don’t think so? But if there are I would like to read them! Just as long as the person didn’t do it out of spite because they didn’t like the pairing/ship I wrote about.
46. Few long essay reviews or many short reviews?
I enjoy both! But the long ones are more fun to read because you get an in depth pov of what your readers liked/disliked about the story.
47. What fanfic of yours is truly underrated?
I feel like maybe “Sin For You” underrated. Its my first vmin fic and second fic I wrote/published.
48. What is your favorite sentence that you’ve used in a fanfic?
Ah there’s SO MANY... but the ones closest to my heart are:
#01. "Someone once said that when you finally learn to love… really learn to love, you won’t need to give up on anything; Not your friends, your family or your hopes and dreams. Because Love is supposed to add up, no take away.” He drew in a shaky breath. “But if that’s true, then why are we so afraid of what we might lose?–” [Jimin to JK, “All or Nothing”]
#02. “Most fairy-tales make you believe that there is such a thing as “Forever”, but in reality kingdoms fall, buildings turn to ruble, words fade, bodies decay and turn to dust. Nothing ever lasts.Not even love.“ [Jimin, “Forever You Said”]
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
Music mainly, especially from composers like Peter Gundry, Zack Hemsey & Adrien von Ziegler.  Secondly since I am a History & Art major I enjoy doing research about topics of my liking to incorporate in the stories (for example: I had to do A LOT of research for “Forever You Said” regarding Joseon Dynasty, how the world kept changing up until World War I & II era. )
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
Sure! This is from a Yoonmin oneshot I’ve been working on:
“He hated remembering those things—those days where he could only be happy not as himself.  Not as Min Yoongi, but as Agust-D.
Agust-D who lived on the edge; where the days and nights passed between cigarette butts, cheap drinks, fast cars, running from the cops, tattered curtains in a motel room somewhere, long roads and even longer nights. Anyone brave or dumb enough to mingle in his world would either come out a stronger man or die a coward trying to run from it without realizing that it was already too late to back out. Which is why only a literal handful of individuals made it till the bitter end of the journey and lived to tell about it.  Though not without a heavy price to pay. “
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skvaderarts · 2 years
Petrichor Chapter 10: Tutelage
Chapter 10: Tutelage
Note: Hi everyone! Happy Friday! Hope the week was worthwhile for you! I have to work for 7 hours tomorrow, and it probably sounds silly, but I'm tired just thinking about standing that long. My feet hate it, even with good shoes, and I haven't had to do that since the start of the pandemic when I was laid off and had to find a new job. Wish me luck… 
Also, sorry again for any mistakes. I'm having the same problems as last time with my editing software and with Google insisting that I don't know how to speak my own native language, so there might be a couple of weird mistakes here or there! I went over it twice, but you know, sometimes things just slip through.
Putting the phone down on the receiver with a sigh and a thud, the demon slayer in the red coat exhaled the breath that he had been holding deep in his chest before leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes for a moment. That was every pizza place in town that he knew of. Then there was no helping it, was there? There was only one thing he could do, and although he knew that it was unlikely to work, he also knew that nothing got done if he didn't even attempt to do it in the first place. There was no helping it, then.
He was going to have to ask Vergil to cook dinner. And that meant he was going to have to eat a vegetable that wasn't part of the ingredient list for tomato sauce.
Dante could feel a part of himself die just imagining that scenario, but there was no getting around it. If by some miracle he did talk Vergil into actually cooking dinner for the both of them, then he was going to insist that he eat something green. And in a way, he found that strangely humorous. 
It wasn't that his brother couldn't cook. Far from it, in fact. He was actually quite confused as to when he had learned to cook so proficiently considering his limited lifetime in the human world and how much of that time he undoubtedly spent running from his enemies or pursuing his own personal interests. That didn't come off to him as the sort of environment where one learned how to cook gourmet cuisine. But Vergil maintained certain basic standards, and good food seemed to be one of them. He wouldn't compromise there, not in his experience. 
He'd seen him attempt to eat a few slices of pizza from time to time, and he had noticed that he only seemed to prefer one specific local mom-and-pop shop when he did order from there, but aside from that, Vergil just sort of went his own way in regards to food, and he didn't mention Dante's eating habits unless he was utterly appalled by them. And the younger of the two twins was fully aware that he had given him plenty of reason to be, considering the time that he had walked in on him eating an entire rolled-up pizza and had nearly died of disgust.
But that genuinely did raise the question as to where he had learned to cook as well as he did. The both of them had spent time with their mother baking as children, but that was a far cry from the sorts of things that he cooked now, even if Dante did quietly miss his mother's peanut butter cookie recipe. Nostalgia was an incredibly strong drug, and those cookies had seemingly been injected with a full syringe of it. But the question still remained. After all, he was certain that the Devil King Mundus hadn't requested him to carry out that specific task. He wasn't even sure that demons like that actually needed to eat. He was convinced that they just ambiently existed off of the suffering of everyone around them, but regardless, maybe he could ask him that.
Sighing as he stood up and pushed the chair back towards the general direction of the desk with a loud screech across the hardwood floors, he stretched and cracked his back, groaning slightly as he glanced back at the windows at the front of the office for a moment. The air was getting cooler outside. He got the impression that it would rain sometime tonight, or perhaps even snow. Of course it would. It was almost guaranteed that something like that would happen while the windows were all broken, and he most certainly didn't have a tarp of any sort that he could put up. It seemed that his only hope at this point was actually getting a window repair place to come and check it out, but even Morrison probably couldn't pull that off until tomorrow morning at the earliest. They were just going to have to deal with some ice in the house, it seemed.
Sleet and broken glass. What a winning combo. And yet, the building had still been through worse. They were going to be fine. It was just going to be inconvenient.
Opening the door that led to the back hallway, he noted that the bathroom light was out. Not in the sense that it had burned out from overuse, but in the sense that his brother had turned it off and wasn't in there. Unless of course Vergil was one of those crazy people who went to the bathroom in the pitch black, which was something he couldn't exactly put past him. He did like it relatively dark in the house, something that he could only assume came from his time in the underworld. And as far as that was concerned, he wasn't going to even begin to fight him on it. Whatever helped him cope with his personal demons the best was the method he was willing to tolerate. It wasn't as though either of them had bad eyesight anyway. Customers didn't come back here either, so it didn't really matter one way or the other to him. He just wanted his brother's sanity to remain intact, and if that meant not having the lights on in the back part of the house that he rarely went into in the first place, then he couldn't say that he was going to raise any sort of hell over it.
Resisting the urge to simply push the door open and attempt to startle his older brother, Dante decided that today probably wasn't the day for that. He knew that Vergil was rarely in the mood for that sort of tomfoolery to begin with, but considering that he had just woken up from a coma and probably had much to process, he wasn't going to find that very funny. And besides, knowing his brother, he was almost certain that he already knew that he was standing outside of the door to begin with. After all, he had been able to tell he was there from much further distances in the past. It was highly unlikely that he was distracted enough to not notice that he had approached the door.
A small pang of guilt gripped him as he considered the fact that he was asking his brother to do a favor directly after he had awoken from being unconscious for a week. That didn't quite sit right with him, and a part of him was hoping that Vergil would say no just on principle, but he had no idea how this was going to go. Either way, he didn't exactly desire to disturb him, so this wasn't the most enjoyable experience. "I really gotta figure this out at some point… "
Taking a deep breath to compose himself before proceeding, he exhaled heavily and then reached up to knock on the door, three medium knocks presumably all he would need. After all, his brother did have exceptionally good hearing, and if he hit the door any harder, he would probably take it personally and leave a dent in it. Even if his brother was asleep there was no need to try to knock the door off of its hinges. That would just be another repair bill that he couldn't afford right now.
It took Dante a moment to process the fact that Vergil had simply told him to open the door for once instead of opening it himself, but he couldn't say that he was bothered by that in the slightest. He simply hadn't expected it. Shrugging, he pushed the door open to find that his brother was more or less reclined in the chair next to the window, reading what appeared to be a very thick book. And although the book didn't appear to possess any cover artwork, he was willing to believe that it probably wasn't a light read.
Sitting on the bedside table nearest to him was a stack of what looked to be about 30 more books, each of which seemed to be just as old and as thick. There were a few thinner ones in there to be sure, But the majority of them were quite thick and seemed to be substantial in weight and age. But a quick glance at the spines revealed that most of them were either history texts or poetry of some sort. Human history, for that matter. It seemed that for once Vergil wasn't actually looking into anything that had to do with demons, and that was probably the most surprising part of it all. Perhaps he was trying to catch up on things he had missed while he was gone for two decades? Because they were probably better tools for that, Not that he was going to suggest them. Dante wasn't sure he really knew how to use a lot of the newer technology himself. Now retro things like his jukebox, yes. But if he wanted to understand any of the higher tech things that were going on these days, he was probably going to have to talk to Nero.
Dante suddenly felt quite old. Was this what it felt like to be his brother?
"That's a lot of books, Vergil. Did you rob V's house last time you were over there?" Dante said as he stepped in and closed the door, not wanting to linger in the hallway. There was no particular reason as to why he didn't, but he simply didn't want to, and his brother struck him as the sort of person who wouldn't prefer that people keep his door open needlessly. If it was closed, then it had been closed for a good reason, even if that reason was simply to afford him privacy.
Placing his thumb on the edge of the paper with little to no force, he used the other four fingers on that hand to gently close the book, holding his place but not damaging the spine of the book in any way. His eyes then moved in Dante's general direction before he tilted his head slightly to facilitate better eye contact between the two of them. None of the rest of his body moved, seemingly at rest. How anyone could relax in a chair that stiff was beyond Dante, but from what he could tell, he was quite at ease. It was something that he wasn't used to seeing, to be honest, and it almost felt unnatural to witness, but he had to admit to himself that he was glad that his brother had found a sense of equilibrium, even if he personally didn't understand it.
"I borrowed these from the Ludwig Estate. Magnolia's recommendation. Apparently, they rarely browse this section. A shame, really. They are quite fascinating." Vergil said casually, seemingly actually interested in what he had been reading. As far as Dante was concerned, that was quite on-brand for his older twin. If most of those books were history books like he believed them to be, then he was willing to go out on a limb and guess that the one he was reading probably was one too. 
His brother had always been quite fascinated by the past. He had spent countless hours with their father during their youth in his study being told stories of bygone eras and the events that had occurred in them. Sparda had always been happy to humor his interests, even if he had probably grown tired of explaining events that he had probably personally been involved with or had been present for. Dante imagined that history was much less spectacular in a way when one had lived through it personally. In fact, he had an unhealthy habit of lingering in the past at times, so it wasn't entirely surprising to him that he would become engrossed in a history book. But at least he was finding a healthy outlet for his boredom.
"Oh, did you do that before we left? I didn't see you bring any books back with you in the van on the way back to the office." Dante said, Not remembering any boxes of books in the van on their way back. He had been pretty attentive to virtual when they had entered the building, so he was certain that he would have seen him carry in a large box with books when they had arrived.
"I went to retrieve them while you were speaking with your companion," Vergil said almost casually, taking a peep back at the page that he had been reading before using his thumb to hold the page again. It seemed that he was in the middle of something quite engrossing and he imagined that he was not the least bit pleased to be interrupted.
Dante did a physical and mental double take. That would explain how the books had gotten in the house without him noticing, but how had his brother even had the time to do something like that?"Just now when Morrison was here? You left and came back that quick? We were only talking for a second."
Vergil chuckled deeply, a sly smirk on his face that indicated that he was probably right on the money in regards to his assumption that his brother had just gone back to the manor a moment ago while he was talking to Morrison and making the rounds to find a restaurant that was open. "I'm quite familiar with their library. I spent many a happy hour there during my youth."
Dante shrugged, not sure what else he could add to that statement. It wasn't beyond the realm of believability. After all, Yamato didn't exactly take a long time to open a portal, and his brother could move quite fast when he wanted to. It was kind of interesting to him to think that he had noticed him slip out of the house. He must have been very engrossed in the conversation that he'd been having with Morrison. "Well hey, at least this time you didn't get dropped from the roof of the building or whatever. But either way, I came to interrupt you for a second."
 Vergil raised an eyebrow, seemingly more curious than annoyed by the statement, especially considering the fact that Dante was already interrupting him. "Don't you mean that you do not wish to disturb me and allow me to continue reading?"
"Nope. I need to ask you a question. Well, it's less of a question and more of a proposition." Dante said, folding his arms and leaning back against the wall next to the door. He wasn't in any sort of hurry, but he did find his brother's response almost amusing. He could tell that his older twin already knew that his answer was sarcastic and was the complete opposite of what he was here for, but he felt the desire to make his dry joke regardless, and there was something kind of funny about that. It reminded him of a time long since past when they had met in a graveyard after about a decade apart and he had made a similarly dry joke at his expense, albeit under much less cheerful circumstances. Or the time that they had met a top of Temin Ni Gru, for that matter. Vergil had always possessed superior comic timing, even if his jokes didn't always land the way that he'd probably intended.
"You've piqued my curiosity." The Dark Slayer said, sitting up and fully closing his book after marking the page with a scrap of paper that had been laying on the window sill next to a potted plant that Dante hadn't noticed had been there until now. He wondered when he purchased that, or if that was how he had obtained it in the first place. How often did Vergil leave the house to run most certainly wasn't going to ask. His brother didn't exactly owe him an explanation, even though he did hope that he wasn't getting into any trouble. He had a pension for that, after all. "Proceed."
Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, Dante wasn't entirely sure If it was a good idea to bring this up after all. All Vergil could really say was no, but he seemed so comfortable that disturbing him almost felt extra rude just off of principal. Still, you felt no other alternative was viable, and perhaps it wouldn't be that much of a disruption after all? Or was he just saying that to himself to lessen his own irrational guilt? It was probably the second one.
"Every pizza place in this entire city is shut down or not taking my calls from what I can tell. Believe me, I called about 15 of them in the last 10 minutes alone. Nobody even picked up the phone. I can't really say that I'm surprised considering what just happened, but it does mean that I'm basically doomed to starve to death because I can't cook and there's no other food in this house." Dante said as a matter of factly as he could so as to not betray his own awkward discomfort. Little did he know that he had still managed to do so, his older brother quite adept at reading his body language by this point. It was basically impossible for either of them to lie to the other one effectively, not that they tried to for anything that mattered or very often.
"No, you can't," Vergil said, no humor to his tone as he agreed with his brother's assessment of his cooking abilities. There was no ambiguity there. Vergil had absolutely no confidence that Dante could prepare something that even remotely resembled a plate of edible food. "I don't have to even see you attempt to prepare a meal to know that you do not possess the ability to do so. You might be the one who lacks the capacity to gamble, but I'm still not going to take that bet."
"Thanks, Vergil," Dante said, barely suppressing a genuine laugh. Damn, so that's what it felt like to be utterly taken apart and destroyed in regards to your cooking abilities. It hurt, but it was actually quite funny and undeniably true. He just wondered if his brother had actually meant it as a joke or not, because he got the impression that he didn't. "So I was going to ask if maybe you could… You know… Cook something? I don't care what it is or when you do it. I'm not going to die by this time tomorrow or anything like that."
Vergil pivoted slightly in the chair, sitting up straighter than he had been a moment prior. His facial expression was hard to read, but he appeared to be in a state of deep thought, considering something that Dante couldn't place or imagine, but he was willing to guess that his older twin wasn't considering whether or not he felt like cooking. After a moment, he looked back up at his brother, that same incredulous look on his face, but what he could only identify as a glint of humor in his eyes. 
"I am perfectly capable of doing so, but I utterly refuse to."
Dante couldn't say that he blamed him, but he hadn't expected his answer to be so blunt. Still though, there was a tinge of humor to his tone, even if only barely perceptible. He could tell just by looking at his brother that he only partially meant what he had just said. After all, he was going to have to eat at some point anyway, so there's probably a catch to this little game that he was playing. 
"I feel like there's a catch to that statement." The younger of the two twins said with a soft sigh, shaking his head as he rubbed the side of his neck. His brother was going to ask him to do something, wasn't he? That was only fair, but now he was concerned because he had the feeling it wasn't something as simple as asking him to wash the dishes after they ate. "What do you want me to do?"
"You must agree to do something. Two things, actually." Vergil said, clasping his fingers together as he rested his elbows upon the arms of the chair that he sat in. He seemed to be more or less in control of the conversation at this point, and Dante had already admitted defeat internally. Whatever he asked him to do he was going to have to do if he wanted to eat something tonight, and he was certain that no amount of bugging his brother or pretending to dramatically starve in his presence was going to get him to budge. He would probably throw a pack of airplane peanuts at him or something and call it a day.
"What, do you want me to clean the office or something? Because I think I'd rather just starve… " Dante started to say, but he was interrupted a moment later.
"Oh, the office will be cleaned. But I'm not doing it today, either. I simply do not possess the willpower to even consider the undertaking that would require." He said that first sentence almost as though it were a threat, an ultimatum and an unmovable fact that he could not avoid forever. One way or another the front office was going to be restored to its former state at a minimum, and there was no getting around it. Vergil refused to live in a building that had broken windows. Well, at least not anymore. But regardless, there was a tinge of conniving humor to his statement that the younger of the two couldn't help but notice. Dante got the impression that he had something truly horrendous planned for him. "No, I have something entirely different in mind."
"All right, Vergil… What are your "conditions?" He said with reluctance, almost afraid to actually know his answer. It was becoming more and more likely that he might be starving tonight because the almost sinister way that Vergil was pitching this idea to him gave him the impression that he was most certainly not going to want to do it.
"At some point you have to actually renovate this office and attempt to decorate it so that it feels less like an abandoned building you've taken up residence in." He said calmly, but in a way that made it clear that that was only the first half of his statement. After all, he had said that he had two conditions, but considering that that was the first one, Dante couldn't imagine what the second one could be, even if it was framed in a way that implied that it was considerably worse. That being said, the first condition didn't actually bother him much. He had no idea what his brother had in mind, but he was almost certain that he was going to have some examples of what he wanted to be done. It had been inevitable to him that his brother would want to do something with the place he now lived in outside of just his own bedroom at some point, so although he had not expected the request now, he couldn't say that it took him entirely by surprise. 
"Okay, I can stick some plants in the front office or something. Done. What's the second part?" Dante said with what appeared to be too much confidence, his brother smirking in a way that almost immediately caused him to regret having said anything at all. Oh dear, something wasn't right about all this… 
"… And you're going to help me cook. I refuse to even begin to comprehend how you managed to survive this long without the ability to cook an actual meal, and I have my suspicions as to how you did, but it ends here. If I have to get up and make dinner tonight, which will undoubtedly require heading to a market of some sort beforehand, then I believe it's time you at least attempted the basics." Vergil said in a way that implied that he knew that this was probably the last thing that his brother wanted to do or had expected him to say. He dropped it on him like an atomic bomb, His mannerism so calm that it was obvious that was no negotiating it. And that was why he was going to make him do it in the first place. There was a genuine sentiment to his tone that implied that he was actually somewhat concerned and bewildered by the fact that his brother had probably subsisted off of pizza and tomato juice his entire adult life. It was astounding to him that he hadn't contracted a bad case of acid reflux disease by this point, or something considerably worse. His eating habits were frankly appalling. How fortunate indeed that they were that they possessed demonic and human blood.
Dante turned visibly paler as the reality of what had been proposed to him sunk in. He wanted him to… His older brother was offering to teach him something? He'd been under the impression most of his life that Vergil didn't believe it was possible for him to learn anything. In a strange way, he was actually kinda flattered that Vergil actually believed he had the capacity to learn something from him, let alone be taught by him personally. 
But then that also meant that he was going to have to be taught something by his older brother… and Vergil wasn't exactly famous for his patient temperament… 
Oh. Oh no.
Yep, Dante is gonna die. Poor guy. It was nice knowing you, buddy! Let's just hope that Vergil has infinite patience lol! I know you all like these conversation chapters, so I thought you might enjoy this! I don't have my work schedule for next week yet, so let's just keep things as usual for now. See you next week on Wednesday and Friday! I hope you liked the chapter, and I'll see you in the comment section! Have a wonderful weekend!
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falsegoodnight · 4 years
some fic recs from the past months:
(this is for the person who requested via an ask!)
i haven’t been reading as many fics as i would like to be reading especially in the past few weeks, but here’s a bunch that i’ve either read or reread in the past couple of months (in no particular order):
make this feel like home by @soldouthaz | 43k
The house on West 28th Street in London is twice the size of Louis', more expensive than the price of all of his house and car payments combined, and is falling apart at the seams.
like it’s a game by @soldouthaz | 32k
there is little harry hates more than truth or dare.
and louis.
let me carry your weight by @soldouthaz | 29k 
louis is fresh out of a bad relationship with someone who made him feel awful about how he looked. on his journey to better himself, he meets harry - the ridiculously attractive and fit personal trainer.
call if you need me by @soldouthaz (a reread!) | 11k
If anyone asks later on, Louis plans to tell them that it’s all Niall’s fault.
* as you can tell, i’m very much biased when it comes to sarah :) especially her last fic which i beta-read! go read!
shouldn’t cry (but i love it) by @bloubird | 7k
They're roommates. They're quarantined. There's a small problem coming up.
Until by @allwaswell16 | 38k
Rural Eagle County, Colorado wasn’t the type of place to find a famous musician or actor. At least not until songwriter Louis Tomlinson showed up with pop star Niall Horan to visit his uncle’s horse ranch, and they just happened to find themselves next door to a reclusive former movie star.
Ours are the moments I play in the dark by @holdingthornsandroses (reread!) | 31k
Jane Austen's Persuasion AU. Nine years ago Louis Tomlinson was persuaded to break off his engagement to Harry Styles, a poor sailor. Since then Louis has come to regret being so easily convinced to give up his one chance of happiness. Now Louis' family is in debt and his childhood home is being sold. In a complete reversal of fortune, Harry has returned to England a wealthy bachelor looking to settle down. Events conspire to bring them together once more though Louis is- must surely be- the last man on earth that Captain Styles would think of now.
Ghost Note Symphony by @crazyupsetter | 96k
Louis is on tour when he first hears about it. It’s all over the news – Harry Styles Attacked By Fan runs in headlines for days. It’s not even just the gossip rags, either. Actual journalists are covering the story. It would have been impossible to avoid hearing about it. Technically, Oli is the one who tells Louis about it, but it’s not exactly being covered up. Harry doesn’t answer Louis’ text asking if he’s alright, but that’s not really surprising. They haven’t spoken for months, and it’s been a lot longer than that since they’ve had a real conversation. The sting of the text going unanswered is still there, less painful than it might have been a few years ago.
It’s not that it’s easy to forget about, exactly. Louis has a whole life outside of One Direction now, though. So Louis goes on with his life, figuring that if Harry was seriously hurt he would have heard about it by now. He might currently be in the same country as Harry, but being on opposite sides of it puts enough distance between them that putting it in the back of his mind is easy. There’s nothing Louis could do, even if he thought Harry might want him to.
That’s why everything that happens next comes as a complete shock to him.
Love’s Truest Language by @smrwine (a favorite of all time) | 53k
The first part was meant as a joke. He didn't really expect Harry to buy anything. It was just Louis’ way of softening the ‘get the fuck out’ blow.
“Where's your order forms, then?”
“I don't want your flowers.” Louis chided before directing all of his attention to the arrangement in front of him.
Harry laughed under his breath as he stood to his full height, “Who said anything about them being for you, love?”
Tainted Saints and Velvet Vices by Toomanytears (reread!) | 126k
A self-fulfilling Hogwarts AU in which Louis is new to seventh year and Harry is the resident devil-may-care Slytherin set to make his entire experience a living misery. Due to less than favourable circumstances they're forced to forge an unwilling, tentative relationship for their own survival. Repressed emotions, decidedly unromantic ballroom dancing, Triwizard Tournament tasks, creative jinxes and twilight flying above the Forbidden Forest ensue.
a trail of honey through it all by @yvesaintlourent | 27k
The boy in front of him, well really, the man in front of him, was like something out of a confusing wet dream. Built, tall, tan and muscular, his skin glistened with sweat after a long day of working outdoors with his hands. He was wearing a cut up old American football shirt, the bottom hem was torn and the sleeves were cut off to the point where the t-shirt was really just a loose tank top. The shorts he had on had clearly been full length jeans at one point, and were now just crudely cut off above the knee. His white socks were pulled up too high on his calves, and the brown work boots he had on were old as fuck, the leather peeling along the edges of the soles. Curly brown hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards snapback, and there was a smudge of grease wiped along his brow bone. The smattering of hair along his jaw proved that he hadn’t shaved in a week or two, the hair growing in thicker across his upper lip and around his chin. His sinfully bowed mouth was pink and plump, and Louis was suddenly hyper-focused on the way that he chewed at the toothpick stuck between his lips. He looked like he needed a shower. Louis wanted to lick him.
Or, the TPH fic we’ve all been waiting for.
kiss like fire by @louizsv | 9k
Harry watches as his uncle's new omega walks around the backyard, serving canapés and drinks to all of the family members gathered. Harry is surrounded by his cousins, all sat together, too young for the adults but too old for the kids and teens. He lifts his beer to his lips and takes a sip when the omega crouches down by one of Harry's younger cousins and hands her a small cracker, sending her off with a sweet smile.
He watches as his uncle comes out of the house, sliding the patio door shut behind him and quickly making his way over to his omega. The omega looks up at him when he wraps an arm around his waist. His pretty lips move with soft-spoken words. Harry has to fight to keep his alpha in check when his dirty old uncle's hand dips down, grabbing at the omega's ass and making him jump.
"Dude," one of his cousins says, "Uncle Darron's new omega is such a milf."
Also, this one isn’t completed yet but I still recommend: 
Lidocaine and Palm Trees by @boldbabe | currently 40k, 4/5 chapters posted
Heat, fake tans and lots of traffic.
Harry never expected to earn his living this way when he moved to LA.
Louis didn't think he could ever be the same after his divorce.
A lighthearted story about two guys trying to find themselves in the vibrant, sprawling city of Los Angeles, with a side of technical porn industry stuff.
that took much longer than anticipated but i hope you (or anyone) enjoy! if anyone asks, i’ll maybe do a rec list for my favorite fics of all time... we’ll see.
remember to give kudos and consider commenting if you check any of these out!! they’re all fantastic!
*let me know if i made any errors :)
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leviathan-dee · 4 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Devil May Cry Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Vergil (Devil May Cry)/Reader, Kyrie/Nero (Devil May Cry) Characters: Vergil (Devil May Cry), Dante (Devil May Cry), Lady (Devil May Cry), Trish (Devil May Cry), Morrison (Devil May Cry), Nero (Devil May Cry), Nico (Devil May Cry), Nero's Mother (Devil May Cry), Demons (Devil May Cry) Additional Tags: Demons, Superpowers, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Family, Family Feels, Family Drama, Romance, Blood and Injury, Blood and Gore, Blood, Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Devil May Cry 5, Trauma, Dadgil, Healing
After the Qliphoth incident, you changed. Your nights were haunted by one demon, its horned figure visiting your lucid terrors, gifting you with unfathomable powers. You searched these sleepless nights for a solution, for help only a certain kind of professional can provide. It seemed you were one phone call away with Morrison from that solution. On one fateful June afternoon, you stood on the steps of a very special devil hunters' parlour: Devil May Cry.
Perhaps these 'professionals' will have the answers you're looking for?
Y’all, I’ve done did it again, another multi-chap fic. I’ve had this simmering in my head for a while, so I thought I might as well write it up and throw it into the wide world of fan fiction.
Vergil lives rent free in my head. Someone help.
Anyway I’m going to sleep now, night y’all!
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smallblueandloud · 4 years
fsk emotions: the playlist
(i’d like to apologize in advance for how long this is going to get. UPDATE: yeah, this is around 4k, i am So Sorry.)
in case y’all weren’t aware, i have fitzskimmons emotions ALL THE TIME. my poor friends have to deal with me texting them at 11 pm like “i’m freaking out about fsk again” embarrassingly often. so, i figured i’d try to share some of those emotions with y’all, in the form of songs from my private fsk playlist on spotify. 
that playlist is 63 songs long. hopefully i will not feel the need to talk about ALL 63, but i’m not going to make any promises. y’all know what i’m like about this. i’m planning on giving you a list of the songs for your listening pleasure, and then go into detail about the lines / vibes from each song that i think especially fit the ship. we shall see how this goes.
just a warning: my music taste is very all over the place. i associate the sound of 80s love songs with fsk, so there’s gonna be a few of those, but also some weird obscure indie songs and some pop and just... bear with me, okay? these songs are in no particular order, because i have no idea how to make a “”legit”” playlist or whatever the heck y’all are doing to make such good mixes. i’m just gonna stick a tracklist here and move on.
can’t fight this feeling // reo speedwagon
gravity // sara bareilles
new year’s day // taylor swift
don’t go breaking my heart // elton john & kiki dee
dancing in the dark // bruce springsteen
born to be yours // kygo & imagine dragons
i choose you // sara bareilles
ordinary people // john legend
carry on // fun.
blackbird // the beatles
thunder road // bruce springsteen
the long and winding road // the beatles
the archer // taylor swift
army of angels // the script
paper rings // taylor swift
lucky // jason mraz & colbie caillat
wonderwall // zella day
team // noah cyrus
i melt with you // modern english
cornelia street // taylor swift
coroner’s report // molly ofgeography
two // sleeping at last
fair // the amazing devil
arms unfolding // dodie
making love out of nothing at all // air supply
all the song explanations are under the cut, because this is going to get long. there’s also ten honorable mentions if you manage to make it to the end of this. let’s get started!
1. can’t fight this feeling // reo speedwagon
i felt legally required to put this one first because i literally named my magnum opus after it. i like this song a lot on its own, but it specifically reminds me of fsk because the idea of your partner(s) as the place you will always gravitate towards is peak fsk for me. also, these three are canonically each others’ reassurance and rock and i’m just... i love them a lot, okay? this song’s imagery and lyrics have come to be inextricably associated with fsk for me and i love it a lot.
important lyrics: “And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night”
“And if I have to crawl upon the floor, come crashing through your door Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore“
2. gravity // sara bareilles
this one goes second because it’s probably my favorite song of all time. i play it on repeat whenever i’m feeling sad or anxious or pining or happy or just... anytime, lmao. but i also think it’s a very fsk song, and more specifically the fitzdaisy relationship! not only does it have more of that “gravitating towards each other” theme (more literally in this case), but the lyrics are also... very much fitzdaisy, i think, who are very much each others’ safe space and have been vulnerable with each other from the very beginning.
important lyrics: “ Oh, you loved me 'cause I'm fragile When I thought that I was strong But you touch me for a little while And all my fragile strength is gone”
(although really every single lyric fits really perfectly, so go and check out this song! it’s genuinely my favorite song ever and i think everyone would benefit from a listen or two)
3. new year’s day // taylor swift
the most underrated song from reputation, this song is probably the most INTENSELY fsk song i’ve ever heard. these three have grown up together, have changed together, have left their mark on each other in ways that can never be undone. the thing i’m most nervous for in the series finale is the show completely ignoring that impact (along with all three’s relationships with coulson and may especially!). no matter their romantic configuration, none of them would be the same if they hadn’t known the others. and new year’s day really articulates that, along with a really sweet feeling of trust and the image of them cleaning up together after a party - which makes perfect sense when you think about canon, and how they’d stick together even after leaving the life-changing experience of shield. even though there’s no more life-changing adventures, they’re still going to be together, and that means something. y’all, this song is really good and the best fsk song ever and you NEED to listen to it.
important lyrics: “Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you And I will hold on to you”
“Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere”
4. don’t go breaking my heart // elton john & kiki dee
look, just let them be happy, okay? also, i really love the trust aspect of this song, which i associate intensely with the fsk relationship. after all of the betrayal and pain and suffering they’ve experienced, i really love thinking about how much all three must trust each other, even in canon. also i wrote a fic where all three danced to this song and now i won’t ever get that image out of my head.
important lyrics: “Don't go breaking my heart I couldn't if I tried Honey, if I get restless Baby, you're not that kind”
“And nobody told us 'Cause nobody showed us And now it's up to us, babe Whoa, I think we can make it“
5. dancing in the dark // bruce springsteen
okay, this song is a bit darker than the others but i am a secret lover of springsteen, shh. also the mood works VERY well for three agents of shield who haven’t gotten a break since they left college. i really like the idea of them making their own happiness in the middle of the darkness together, because that’s part of why i’m so emotional about them! they are each others’ safe space and protector!
important lyrics: “You can't start a fire Sitting 'round crying over a broken heart This gun's for hire Even if we’re just dancing in the dark”
6. born to be yours // kygo & imagine dragons
heck yeah, let’s talk about the fact that no one in the ot3 would be the same if they hadn’t met the others! not just that, but the fact that they support each other and are a big reason why each of them have made it through the pain of the series with, like, less trauma then they could’ve. fitz was there for daisy when she developed her powers and is the one who talked her into coming back in s4, daisy was there for jemma when she came back from maveth (and in the framework), and jemma and fitz have been supporting each other since they worked things out in s3. also, they know each other insanely well and i think this song does a great job of expressing that!
important lyrics: “I never knew anybody 'til I knew you I never knew anybody 'til I knew you And I know when it rains, oh, it pours And I know I was born to be yours”
7. i choose you // sara bareilles
they! change! together! thank you for coming to my ted talk! also, i’m just... very obsessed with the idea of them choosing to be together, choosing to try to work through their problems, even when there have been so many. i am also obsessed with the idea of them spending their lives together. leave me alone.
important lyrics: “We are not perfect we'll learn from our mistakes And as long as it takes I will prove my love to you I am not scared of the elements I am underprepared, But I am willing And even better I get to be the other half of you”
8. ordinary people // john legend
i really, really love this song, actually? i’m a big fan of a lot of his music lmao. but i like this song specifically because it’s about how complicated love can be sometimes, and i think fsk’s love gets really complicated sometimes! and like, despite it all, they love each other and they’re trying to work it out. but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s really hard sometimes! (shoutout to the fic i titled with a lyric from this song that exemplifies that exactly)
important lyrics: “I know I misbehaved and you made your mistakes And we both still got room left to grow And though love sometimes hurts I still put you first And we'll make this thing work but I think maybe we should take it slow”
9. carry on // fun.
first off, this song has INTENSE post-framework fitz vibes. this is very much how i headcanon his relationship with violence works after they escape from the framework and fuck canon. but also, just, the idea of them all healing together? the idea of them moving on together after shield? poetic cinema. chef’s kiss. they’ve all changed SO MUCH since the show started, and yeah, not all of that change is good! but at least they’re still together.
important lyrics: “You swore and said we are not We are not shining stars This I know I never said we are Though I've never been through hell like that I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back”
10. blackbird // the beatles
i don’t know what about this song reminds me of jemma but something in this song reminds me of jemma, and fitz and daisy helping her heal. regardless, i am So Into them helping each other heal! mostly because the way that the show refuses to give them a break is SO FRUSTRATING. (also it tends to involve them being soft with each other and i am Weak.)
important lyrics: “Blackbird singing in the dead of night Take these broken wings and learn to fly”
11. thunder road // bruce springsteen
this is probably my second favorite song of all time. i am Absolutely Unbiased For Sure. regardless, i adore the imagery of this song, the contrast between the poetic feeling of it and the down-to-earth lyrics. this song, to me, is about people coming back to each other at the end of a long long journey. being in love while tired and recovering from a long, painful, messy life. and that just fits them... so well.
important lyrics: “Well now I'm no hero That's understood All the redemption I can offer girl Is beneath this dirty hood”
“With a chance to make it good somehow Hey what else can we do now Except roll down the window And let the wind blow back your hair? Well the night's busting open These two lanes will take us anywhere“
(y’all do not understand how hard it was to not copy All The Lyrics. you really really have to listen to this song.)
12. the long and winding road // the beatles
EXACTLY THE SAME THING THAT I SAID FOR THE LAST SONG. god this song works so well for them. they are never going to be able to leave each other because they’re so interconnected and yeah, part of that is circumstance, but so MUCH of that is CHOICE. they CHOSE to spend time together, they CHOSE to spend time together, i’m getting emotional over here.
important lyrics: “The long and winding road That leads to your door Will never disappear I've seen that road before It always leads me here Lead me to you door”
13. the archer // taylor swift
this is THE definitive daisy pov song. try to tell me i’m wrong. you can’t. daisy showing vulnerability is a BIG DEAL because of how easily she deflects things! she shows vulnerability to people she loves, most notably mack, coulson, fitz, and jemma! it physically pains me to think about how much she trusts them, y’all. there’s also this sense of melancholy throughout the song, because she’s never going to be the person that she once was. I’m Upset, Y’all.
important lyrics: “Combat, I'm ready for combat I say I don't want that, but what if I do? 'Cause cruelty wins in the movies I've got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you Easy they come, easy they go I jump from the train, I ride off alone I never grew up, it's getting so old Help me hold onto you”
14. army of angels // the script
this song is courtesy of @theclaravoyant, who recommended this as THE fsk song, and i think she’s very right! they fight TOGETHER, y’all. i’m very emo about it. their love is TRANSCENDENT and helps them OVERCOME their obstacles and i’m Really Upset About It, okay?? this song especially sounds like jemma’s voice, but it works so well for any of them and i Love It.
important lyrics: “When they got me cornered Close to giving in Oh I feel you round me like a second skin”
15. paper rings // taylor swift
*sobbing* i just want them to be HAPPY. i think part of my feelings about this song stem from, like, how fsk manages to find love during really, really dark times? and manages to be in love with each OTHER during the events of the show, which are VERY DARK as i think we can agree. and yet they managed to get together! and they managed to stick together! and idk, y’all, i’m just so soft for permanent partnerships and people being Married(tm) and this song brings that in SPADES.
important lyrics: “Kiss me once 'cause I know you had a long night Kiss you twice 'cause it's gonna be alright Three times 'cause you waited your whole life”
“I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings Uh huh, that's right Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this“
16. lucky // jason mraz & colbie caillat
this song just SCREAMS domesticity to me and no it’s absolutely NOT because i used a lyric from this song to title my collection of domestic fsk ficlets, i have no idea where you would get such a ridiculous idea. they are all BEST FRIENDS okay and they’re in LOVE and they come HOME TO EACH OTHER at the end of the day. they genuinely like spending time together. god, this song is so cute, i love it so much.
important lyrics: “I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Lucky to have been where I have been Lucky to be coming home again Lucky we're in love in every way Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Lucky to be coming home someday”
17. wonderwall // zella day
before you tell me i’m being stupidly cliche, look at the artist. and then realize that the artist doesn’t make a different for how cliche i’m being. first off, this is such a wlw song (google that one car commercial if you don’t believe me) and skimmons is kind of. my peak wlw song. but also this song is so lovely because it’s about people persevering through challenges to be together, even their own feelings, and that’s VERY good and VERY fsk. i’m just very gay, alright? leave me alone.
important lyrics: “And all the roads we have to walk are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would like to say to you But I don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one that saves me And after all You're my wonderwall”
18. team // noah cyrus
this song is from @bobbimorseisbisexual’s fsk playlist (thanks al i love you) and it’s VERY GOOD for this ship. god, i have so many emotions about them being on the same team (which is part of why it’s so FRUSTRATING when the show tries to split them up-). especially because trust is such a big aspect of their relationship? look, these are three people who have been betrayed a lot, even by each other. it’s so IMPORTANT that they trust each other to be on the same team!! (also this song is one of the only songs i’ve ever heard that’s apparently singing to both a man and a woman, and i’m gonna ignore the fact that it’s a duet. let me have my poly songs.)
important lyrics: “Whenever you're winning I'll give you strength, boy And I'll share your name, girl 'Cause I'll always be on your, I'll always be on your team Yeah, I'll always be on your team”
19. i melt with you // modern english
this song is sponsored by @florchis, who not only was the person that first told me about this song but also named her entire fsk collection after one of the lyrics. she has very good taste. first off i love how high-energy and happy this song is. declaring your love for someone is a VERY fun thing to do in the best of circumstances! and i just love the idea of them taking time for each other in the middle of all of their shield business. i love them so much, y’all.
important lyrics: “Moving forward using all my breath Making love to you was never second best I saw the world crashing all around your face (let me hear you) Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace (c'mon)”
“I'll stop the world and melt with you You've seen the difference And it's getting better all the time There's nothing you and I won't do”
20. cornelia street // taylor swift
YES, i know this is the FOURTH tswift song on this list. she’s really good at songwriting, okay? also... y’all.. the VULNERABILITY. the LONGING. the idea of having to deal with the very real fear of loss fits VERY well for a ship where everyone involved is in mortal danger three times a week. also, the idea of never being able to separate the memories of a place from the people? that’s peak fsk. i know i keep saying this but they’re all HUGELY INFLUENTIAL on each other and it’s a BIG DEAL!! they’re never going to get over this relationship, this love, and I’m Never Going To Get Over Them.
important lyrics: “And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends I'd never walk Cornelia Street again That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend I'd never walk Cornelia Street again”
21. coroner’s report // molly ofgeography (aka @ofgeography)
first off, everyone should listen to this ENTIRE ALBUM because it’s VERY GOOD. secondly, i know this song is really sad but imagine this as steeling yourself for the series finale. canonverse fsk hurts SO MUCH, y’all, and i love them so much. the metaphor in this song is *chef’s kiss* and the guilt of losing love is.... yeah. i’m sad. please be sad with me.
important lyrics: “How do you bury love, and what gets carved into the stone? If I had waited by the window would love be safe and back at home?”
“We held hands in the procession, black and veiled and strange You said, ‘love was good when love was here,’ it didn't ease the ache“
22. two // sleeping at last
okay i definitely think that part of this is me being an extreme 2 and therefore considering this song the Peak of Romance. which is probably a little unhealthy but leave me alone. i don’t know enough about enneagram types to diagnose any of the ot3, but definitely this song resembles all of them to some extent, especially daisy. (i am in pain.) this song, to me, feels like daisy pining for fs in canonverse. (i am in PAIN.) she would ABSOLUTELY give parts of herself up for them and count on the fact that they wouldn’t notice. god, this hurts so much. i love this song so much. if it helps, i think in a happier universe they all also sacrifice parts of themselves for the others? which hurts too but in a good way.
important lyrics: “Tell me, is something wrong? If something's wrong, you can count on me You know I'll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat”
“I just want to build you up, build you up 'Til you're good as new And maybe one day I will get around to fixing myself too“
23. fair // the amazing devil
this song is CRIMINALLY unknown. GO LISTEN TO IT RIGHT NOW AND THEN MEET ME BACK HERE. this song just screams fsk at me. the humor, the depths of love, the good-natured resentment, the depths of love... god. it’s so good. i definitely think the strength of their emotions for each other overwhelm them sometimes. i think they find comfort with each other, i think they tease each other, i think they’re disgustingly in love all the time. god.
important lyrics: “She promises to fight them all when it all becomes too much And he, he curses at the world for Leaving him behind and he's falling out of touch And she is stronger than he's ever been he knows And she brushes her hand through His hair, he's got so much fucking hair”
“And he holds her close just to keep the world at bay And when they're sure no-one can hear them She'll turn to him to say, she'll turn to him and say It's not fair, It's not fair how much I love you“
(yes i DID copy more than i’ve been copying for the rest, because the songwriting in this song and album are PHENOMENAL and YES i will harass y’all until you listen to it because LOOK AT HOW GOOD IT IS.)
24. arms unfolding // dodie
i know, i know, this is a really short song. but it’s really pretty and i think it fits daisy, like, extremely well. think about daisy during early s4, specifically. she loves them enough to break down her walls. that’s what this song is about. and that’s what i’m gonna go cry over now. god this post is so long what the heck.
important lyrics: “Hope I'm not tired of rebuilding 'Cause this might take a little more I think I'd like to try Look at you And feel the way I did before”
“You know I could live without or with you But I might like having you about“
25. making love out of nothing at all // air supply
okay, so i admit it, i’m actually a HUGE fan of really cheesy 80s music. but i really love this song for them? especially jemma. i think it fits jemma really well. first off, it’s that good old vulnerability with admitting that she doesn’t know everything! and it’s admitting that she specifically doesn’t know what she’s doing with this relationship! and admitting how much she loves both of them even though she might not have wanted to! and i think she’s just... so amazed, so so amazed at the way that fitz and daisy are able to forgive and be loving even when they’re in the worst situations? which is definitely a big message of this song. (oh jemma, i love you and your violent tenancies. i see al’s valid criticisms and i am Loving You Anyway.)
important lyrics: “I know all the rules and then I know how to break 'em And I always know the name of the game But I don't know how to leave you And I'll never let you fall”
“And I don't know how you do it Making love out of nothing at all”
jesus CHRIST this got long. i actually also had a bunch more songs that i didn’t have a LOT to say about but i thought they fit anyways, so uh, honorable mentions:
can’t help falling in love // elvis presley (”wise men say only fools rush in / but i can’t help falling in love with you”)
the longest time // billy joel (they’ve influenced each other)
after all // peter cetera & cher (they’re never going to be able to forget the influence they have on each other)
leave a tender moment alone // billy joel (daisy pov for skimmons. that is all)
she // dodie (i am Soft and Gay and skimmons is also Soft and Gay)
bremen // pigpen theatre co. (honestly idk what to say here, it’s just The Vibe)
say something // a great big world (similar vibe to ordinary people)
saturn // sleeping at last (Science and also Influence On Each Other)
celeste // ezra vine (thanks to al for this one too, i REALLY want to write a fic about them and this song at some point)
 you’re the inspiration // chicago (i just love the sound of this song. also i think all of them - but jemma especially - are inspired by the others to be better)
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rose-mori · 4 years
I used to write a lot of x reader fan fictions but I stopped coming up with ideas and I stopped writing cause I couldn’t think of anything to write about. Now here I am knowing characters I want to write for but still having no ideas to write about them so this is my attempt to get back into writing hoping that people will have ideas they would like me to flesh out for them! I will be multi-fandom because from previous experience I find writing for just one thing is pretty draining (plus the fandoms I wanna write for seem to have very few fics I need to change that for all of them 😤). Here’s hoping this time will be better than the last few!
List of properties and the characters in them I can write for:
Fire Emblem Three Houses (All of Golden Deer House + Sylvain, Dorothea, Annette, and Ingrid are the characters I’m most familiar with but I can attempt the others. I’ll update this when I get a feel for other characters when I do the rest of the routes)
Persona 3,4, and 5 (any of the story focused characters, includes party members such as but not limited to; protagonists, Yosuke, Ann, Mitsuru, Ryuji and so on, also includes characters that play an impact on the main story such as but not limited to; Adachi, Dojima, Akechi and so forth, the only game I will do other s-link characters for is P5, the only spin off character I will write for is Kanami Mashita, under no circumstance will I write for Nanako, Ken, or any other child character and will only write them as a side character in any fic... basically I’ll only do things like Yu x reader where reader helps nanako with homework and it makes Yu feel warm and fluffy or something lol)
The Wolf Among Us (Bigby)
Devil May Cry (Dante, Nero, and Nico)
Code Geass (Lelouch, Suzaku, and Kallen)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Arthur)
Space Dandy (Dandy)
I can’t really think of anything else for right now but I’ll probably make more posts of things that I end up liking I’m sure, you can also ask me if I’m familiar with a fandom not listed and see what happens! I play a lot of games so most video game characters are a safe bet to ask about.
Rules and other things to know:
I only do character x reader’s
I’ll only write the reader as either female or gender neutral I hope that is ok!
I’ll write fics/one shots and headcanons, please let me know which format you want your request to be!
Please be as specific as you possibly can when you request as I said before I’m not very good at creating ideas for the general ‘plot’ but if I have an idea in mind I can write quite a bit so please do tell me as much as you can about what you want me to write about! The more details to the request the better the outcome!
I do have to go to my job so please be patient, however you’re always welcome to follow up with me and ask how long it may take for your request and see how far along I am to completing it
Criticism and suggestions are welcome! They will help me become a better writer!
I’ve never written nsfw but I can definitely try
If I happen to be uncomfortable with a request I will let the requester know via private message if it wasn’t anonymous
I may do commissions in the future when I feel more confident in my writing ability, commissioned fics would be longer and perhaps even fully personalized for the person commissioning, we’ll see!
Thank you so much for reading all the way through. Please consider requesting or enquiring about a character or fandom not listed. I see fics as a little escape from problems or just everyday life in general and I want to be able to sprinkle a little bit of joy in someone’s day or week!
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You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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ashenpages · 3 years
17 questions 17 people!
I was tagged by @pompous-hat, and they very graciously called out one of the fics I posted at the beginning of the month, and have just been generally sweet, so I’m going to go ahead and do this for them!
Nickname: I’ve had the nickname “Tree” a lot growing up because my IRL name is shortened to “tree-sa” when people are talking quickly in a West-coast American accent. I tend to go by “Ash” on here. =)
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5′ 9″
Hogwarts House: JK Rowling can eat my entire ass for being a TERF and for constantly writing everyone in my house like they’re an asshole instead of in the house that motherfucking MERLIN was in. *indignant huff* Anyway, I’m a Slytherin. Well done to the fans reclaiming the Wizarding World as our space. Keep up the good work.
Last thing I googled: Google Translate for Spanish to English because someone left a wonderful comment on one of my fics, and I only knew enough Spanish to get the gist and needed help understanding the details.
Song stuck in my head: Bury the Light by Casey Edwards, which is Vergil’s theme for Devil May Cry 5, which I am playing constantly now that Vergil is out and playable! (I’m a really big Devil May Cry fan, have been since I was in high school).
Number of Followers: 306  O.O I didn’t know there were that many of you still here. Thanks for sticking around! I hope you won’t get fed up with my multi-fandom fics and reblogs!
Amount of Sleep: It fluctuates a lot. I’ve been working from home since March, so sometimes I get to nap. Can be between 6 hours and 9 hours. I get more sleep on weekends.
Lucky Numbers: 3, 7, and 11
Dream Job: I’m a progressive, so my dream job would be no job at all--which is not to say I don’t want to work. I do, I just don’t want to have to have a job to survive. I want to work on things that bring me happiness, not because I have to pay rent and put food on the table. I’m currently in Book Production at the comics house I dreamed of working for when I was at university. It’s a fun job, and allows me to use my creativity in a way that still leaves me enough creative energy to work on my fanfics and my own original writing projects in my off time. I’m very defensive of my writing time, and sometimes sacrifice sleep to it, though. So even though I’m definitely working a job that is a dream job right now, I’d love to do it or only 30 hours per week instead of 40.
Wearing: Champion Blue Breath of the Wild tanktop, and cozy fleece pajama pants.
Favorite Author: Picking a favorite is always so hard. I read a lot of queer graphic novels and comics. I really liked The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang. I adored Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me by Mariko Tamaki. I really, really love the short four volume manga series Our Dreams at Dusk by Yuhki Kamatani. I love old Victorian era stories too, like Frankenstein and Dracula. Jane Austin and the Bronte sisters are really fun for me too. And I love Diana Wynne Jones. Tamora Piece got me through my childhood.
Favourite Instrument: I love all kinds of flutes. I’m biased, having played it in school, but I love the sound of different kinds of flutes, and swoon every time I hear jazz flute or Celtic penny whistle or reedy wooden flutes. I love a spirited harp as well, and it’s difficult to resist cello.
Aesthetic: A friend once described my look as “butch high femme” and I love it? I have an undercut and like to wear lipstick, boots, and flannel button downs. It’s definitely the look of a Pacific North West queer kid. =)
Favorite Song: Dearly Beloved from the Kingdom Hearts franchise. I know it may sound cheesy, but that series has been going for so long that there are so many versions of Dearly Beloved, and it always makes me feel things. I also collect game soundtracks, so maybe this isn’t actually all that surprising. I go back to the .hack//Infection soundtrack for similar reasons. 
Favorite Animal Noise: I grew up in the woods, so I find the singing of coyotes to be very soothing. I also like the songs of crickets. And I know it’s not an animal sound, but the sound of rain goes hand in hand with these other two for me.
Random: I’m married to my platonic life partner. That confuses a lot of people, but it makes us happy. =)
I don’t typically do these things, so I don’t think I’ll tag anyone, but if you’re one of my followers and see this and want to do it and share with me, please do copy this and tag me so I can see your answers and celebrate them with you!
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rahirah · 4 years
via Barb's Place MAYOR: Open your present. There. That look on your face is my reward. [The present is a knife with an intricate design.] FAITH: This is a thing of beauty, boss. MAYOR: Well, it cost a pretty penny. So, you just take good care of it. And you be careful not to put somebody's eye out with that thing, until I tell you to. FAITH: Any particular eyes in mind?
~~Choices (Season 3)~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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A Conversation with the Fae (Buffy. Xander, T, Devil May Cry xover) by madimpossibledreamer
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Crescendo Nocturne (Buffy/Spike, M) by MissLuci
Something is Wrong with Buffy (Buffy, Giles, T) by we_are_who_we_are
Lonesome Whistle, Blow My Blues Away (Xander, Faith, T) by nwhepcat
Not a Fairytale (Buffy/Spike, E) by Unfeathered
Not Just a Game (Buffy, G, Fast & Furious xover) by lateVMlover
Illyria helps (Illyria, Spike, Angel, Willow, G) by Bacner
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Imagine: Telling Spike you are bi (Spike/reader, unrated) by randomfandomimagine
The Asgards' New Princess (Cordelia, G, MCU xover) by Buffyworldbuilder (lateVMlover)
Dirty Jokes (Spike/reader) by chubbyreaderchan
The Perfect Moment (Spike/Reader, unrated) by writings-n-stuff
for the world to become good (Buffy/Faith, M) by rootsmachine
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A Series of Unfortunate Events (Giles, T) by IBJoyful
Unused Key (Buffy, Dawn, Willow, T, Charmed xover) by btvsforever
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Eyes of Gold Ch. 1-2/2 (COMPLETE) (Buffy, unrated, LotR xover) by ElzaCBoe
The Scoobies in a Marvel World 1-7/25 (Ensemble, G, MCU xover) by Buffyworldbuilder (lateVMlover), lateVMlover
Willow Season One Ch. 1 (Ensemble, T) by PleaseNo1985
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Darkness Rising Ch. 8 (Buffy, M, Anita Blake xover) by Deesse
Mommy Dearest Ch 2 (BUffy, M, Harry Potter xover) by Deesse
What do you think you are, a Jedi or something? Ch 51 (Buffy/Faith, M, Star Wars xover) by Blackhat
The Meaning of Strength Ch 1 (Xander, T, DCU xover) by AxelBlade
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Honeysuckle Ch. 45 (Spike/OC, T) by Mushroom99
Let the Wrong One In CH. 15 (Buffy, Giles, Spike, OC, T) by Cynder2013
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More Grimm Tails, Chapter 20-21 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Twinkles
Distant thunder, Chapter 9 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Axell
Prisoners of Love, Blue Skies Above, Chapter 22 (Buffy/Spike, E) by bewildered
Tutor, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Holly
Summer's Lease, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Iamblichus
Love & Thunder...& Vampires , Chapter 1-2 (Buffy/Spike, T, MCU xover) by all_choseny
Reconstruction, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, E) by EllieRose101
Eye of Eleos, Chapter 68 (Buffy/Spike, M) by pfeifferpack
Love is a Many Splendored Bitch, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by MissLuci
Sleeping Arrangements, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, T) by ChryshCn
Always Been Bad , Chapter 24 (Buffy/Spike, E) by DarkEternity96
Civilized monster, Chapter 30 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Axell
Divination, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Miss Marisol
It Must Be Tuesday, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Safire
Beneath the Surface, Chapter 11 (Buffy/Spike, E) by The Danish Bird
More Than A Crush, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, M) by all_choseny
These Violent Delights, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Touchstoneaf
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Echoes of Beljoxa 1: Plan B (Buffy/Spike, unrated) by myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:BtVS Season 5 () by Cooke8008
Artwork:Buffy () by Gabraskolbe
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Artwork:Little Doodle for my Fav Badass (Buffy) by a-z-e-r-t
Artwork:Buffy () by MatthewB
Artwork:Buffy and Tara () by taffybtvs
Artwork:Buffy () by goldenebee
Icons: Tara Maclay Pride Headers () by tarasmaclays
Icons:Buffy Summers icons & 5 Buffy Summers headers () by midnightisquiet
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Video: Series Rap Battles - BtVS () by Geeks Who Drink Pub Quizzes
Video: Buffy & Giles | Prepare Me. [Father’s Day 2020] () by hostilepoet17
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: Power Play/Not Fade Away by Once More With Commentary
PODCAST: Go Fish S2 E20 by Buffy and the Art of Story
PODCAST: 118. Blood Ties (S5.13) by Still Pretty
VIDEO: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 1 Episode 1:Welcome To The Hellmouth by JustDaggers
PODCAST: 073 - Jonathan (S04E17) by Buffy Boys
PUBLICATION: Rewatching Buffy – Episode 134 Potential by COnfusing Middle
PUBLICATION: Rewatching Angel – Episode 75 Long Day’s Journey by Confusing Middle
[Community Announcements]
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Countdown to Summer of Giles 2020 by summer-of-giles
[Fandom Discussions]
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Amazing Buffyverse Storylines by itsnotmymind
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Soulless Spike is not a hero by blackkismet
S5 Rewatch Reactions 1 by turdle
Tara in Buffy is one of my favourite characters ever. by winterfellsroses
Buffy not telling Riley she loved him by blackkismet
Quarantine Conversations: Willow and Angel and Modern Decor by stashofmystories
Prior to his fall fron grace did you have any attachment to Whedon's works? by blazehedgehog
Faith and Spike by eldritch--fae
My biggest takeaway from watching Angel by merelyspecters
William Meta by xanderharrisisgay
i feel like there are a lot of bargain bin spikes out there by moistvonlipwig
Is Warren Mears in the show Buffy the Vampire slayer an introvert or extrovert by dailybuffy
essay i don’t have enough time to rewatch the high school seasons to write: by impalementation
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Conversations with Dead People by Btvs fan
Buffy as Abuser/Spike as Victim by LeeJones41
The Anointed one 's death by spikenbuffy
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Angel and Oedipus by Nina
Bringing the Angel cast back to Buffy was it feasible ? by BtVS fan
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Reoccuring characters by davect01
Discussion of Charisma Carpenter Interview by Use_Her-Name
Spike s2 and s7 by LilyyZara
Empty Places by lurkernotacreeper
I know it's overstated... by Snifflewinks
Question about the endings of both shows(Spoilers Obviously). by thatguy10095
Dead Things - probably unpopular opinion by figtoria
Wiggiest episodes by _emmxy
What is the coolest shot in the show? by Knicks1986
A very refreshing relationship by Why_not_What
Which episode/story arc would you rewrite and why? by nondenomifan
Seasons 8-12 by killvfly
Seeing red and who finds out by LilyyZara
Opinion on season 7 by tikitytok
Buffy and angels secret conversation by LilyyZara
The other thing I hate about Dead Man's Party by Garlicknottodaysatan
Buffy and Spikes relationship was ruined with sex by The810kid
Does Angel get better? by BlueInFlorida
Drusilla is the MOST UNDERUSED Buffy character PERIOD. by SarcasticGayBitch
Spike and Harmony by missag_2490
Why there was no downfall of Xander by LilyyZara
BOOM! Buffy Legacy Edition Book One by SpikeRocks
Oz will forever be the best and my perfect man. by joshpled1
What season from the tv series would you have scraped in favor of a season from the comic? by shonenhikada
When does Buffy first find out about Spike in the comics? by Ashes_A
What’s your favourite season? by LilyyZara
The Red Flags of Riley Finn by purplemackem
Season 7 - Faith by Petrova322
Favourite & Least favourite episode or (episodes) of season 1? by thezepp0
Is Amy Willow’s Faith? by purplemackem
Kendra in 2020 by TypicalPsychology6
A question I’ve been dying to ask by LilyyZara
I have an issue to put forth... by ava_joyce
Season 6/7 Giles is the WORST by Caitlink_1990
Which dream sequence? by TypicalPsychology6
Does anyone know exactly why SMG didn’t like S6? by IUsedToBeRasAlGhul
Out of all of Buffy's BF, who do you think Willow liked the most? by shonenhikada
S5 E10 Xander’s Odd Moment by bad_elyn
Observations by babyblue01625
Is it necessary to watch all of the first season? by kristin137
I got it now. S6E01-02 by Berserker_BG
Faith/Buffy in season 3 by TypicalPsychology6
What are some fan theories about why the monks wanted the key for? by Hairsprayisfab
Show Development by Dm_Me_Pancakes
On my third re-watch now, just finished Season 6 and JUST realized the symbolism by skies12612
What’s your opinion on spuffy? by LilyyZara
Does anyone else prefer not to think of "Angel" as canon? by Elementaryfan
https://buffy-reddit-feed.dreamwidth.org/2314331.html by matkoba
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PODCAST: The Complicated Queerness in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by MATT ST. CLAIR
Fic Search: Post series memory lane by Harvardkid08
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PODCAST: Charisma Carpenter Interview by Shut Up Evan
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