#MY MAN !!!!!!!!!!MY MAN IS FINALLY FUCKING HOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!
6esiree · 3 days
How They React to Your Thong Straps Showing
Imagine you wear a Y2K inspired outfit, thong and all, and you decide to show it off to Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Vox, and Adam?
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Who doesn’t love some Y2K inspired clothing, baby tee, low-rise jeans, thong straps and all? Apparently Alastor. For someone who dressed so conservatively, you should have anticipated his reaction, his head snapping at an unnatural speed as you excitedly descended the stairs in an outfit that was absolutely scandalous to his standards. Before you could even think about approaching the man, Alastor manifested in front of you, a tight smile on his face.
“My dear, what are you,” Alastor coughed in between his question, his eyes frantically scouring your lower half, “…wearing?”
Your breath hitched as Alastor planted his chest against your back, his hands running tentatively down your sides, assessing the thin, lacey strap’s that clung over your hipbones between his thumb and his forefinger. He lifted the material, clicking his teeth in what you believed to be disapproval when he traced it to your backside.
“It’s just a new style—” You started, but then Alastor let go of the straps, interrupting yourself with a squeak as it snapped at your skin.
“How dare you showcase my favorite pair of lingerie in such a crude, outward display?” Alastor whispered to you, his breath tickling your ear. “What did I do to deserve such a punishment, hm?”
Alastor had interpreted your excitement to follow along a harmless trend as a strange form of punishment, and there was nothing you could say or do to convince him otherwise. You sighed in defeat, reaching behind you to unfasten his coat, too lazy to go upstairs and change. To say that Alastor was pleased was an understatement, unable to handle the thought of anybody else seeing you in such an outfit.
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When Lucifer’s immersed in something, he tends to lock himself away in his office and ignore you. So, in an effort to get his attention, you decided to go out and buy some Y2K inspired clothing, which consisted of a tank top, a push-up bra, low-rise shorts, and of course, a cute thong. As soon as you got home, you put them on, barging into the man’s office and scaring him as the door slammed behind you.
“Damnit, I just—honey, I’m so sorry, but unless you have something important to say,” Lucifer started as he turned around, a deformed rubber duck in his hand, “You’re going to have to—oh my fuck.”
The rubber duck in Lucifer’s hand ceased to exist the moment his eyes landed on your form. Feeling rather triumphant, you did a little spin, allowing him to see your outfit from every angle. The man was practically frozen to his chair, but his stare never abandoned the curve of your breasts, or the way the thong straps tightly clung over your hipbones, squeezing your soft skin.
“Are you…going somewhere?” Lucifer asked you when he finally snapped out of the trance you had put him in.
“No, I’m not,” You said, a sigh of relief escaping his throat. “But maybe I should, huh? You’re so busy and I’d love to try out my new—“
“Wait, what? No!” Lucifer shot up from his chair, panicking. “I mean, how about we go out together? Don’t want you going out all alone dressed like…this.”
You arched a brow at Lucifer, his arms wrapping around you as he planted his chin on your chest, looking up at you with a nervous expression. “Hm, yeah, I’d like that,” You said, chuckling as his grip on you loosened, hands falling down to unashamedly caress your hips. Lucifer’s thumbs moved under your thong straps, goosebumps littering your skin at the act. Yeah, you’d definitely be doing that more often.
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You never really got into the Y2K clothing trend, but tonight you were going to go out to a club. Besides the thong, Angel decided to lend you something nice to wear, nervousness blooming in your chest as you wondered how Husk would react to you in a tube top and torn, low-rise jeans, the elastic straps of your thong tightly clinging to your hipbones. It was just so…revealing, and you quickly figured out that the old man felt the same way when you stopped by the parlor to show him.
“Hey, doll, I don’t mean to state the obvious but…” Husk stuttered from his seat on the couch, his eyes looking everywhere but at you. “Your, uh, underwear is kinda showin’.”
“Oh! Yeah, I know. It’s the style,” You said, turning around and showing him your backside. “Do you like it?”
Apparently, the straps on the side were fine, but the whale tail? Nope. Husk immediately stood up from the couch, a gasp escaping your throat as he wrapped his wings around your body, all while his fingers hooked onto the belt loops of your jeans. “Husk, they can’t go up any higher!” You squeaked, your crotch screaming for help as he tried to pull them up, the denim unforgiving.
“Well, ya can’t go out like this,” Husk practically whined, his hands moving up to your sides. “Christ, I won’t be able to focus on anythin’ else but this skimpy lil’ thing ya got on.”
Husk proceeded to grab your thong straps, tucking them into the safe confines of your jeans. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment when you turned around to glare at him. “Come on, babydoll, I’m beggin’ ya,” He said, tucking his nose into the crook of your neck, looking up at you with those big yellow eyes of his. You had never seen Husk act like this, so you said, ‘Fine,’ chuckling when he purred in response.
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While Vox worked away in his office for most of the day, you found creative ways to distract yourself. This time around, you sought out Velvette, asking her to dress you like one of her models in the latest trend: the Y2K style. She rolled her eyes before snapping her fingers, only stopping when she said, ‘Ah, there’s the one!’ You were so excited with the outcome that you decided to bother Vox for once—that and the fact that Velvette had shooed you away.
“Sweetheart, I have a meeting in exactly 10 minutes,” Vox said as he let you in, the smoothness of his voice allowing him to hide his annoyance. “What is it that you need that couldn’t wait?”
The man casually set down his coffee mug on his desk, unprepared for the sight of you in an off the shoulder top, low-rise shorts, and—wait, what was the thin material on your sides? You patiently stood before Vox with your hands as he leaned forward in his chair, his eyes widening when he figured out that it was your thong straps. A wicked smile slowly took over his face, glad that you had interrupted him in such a pleasant way.
“Why won’t you let me get a closer look, hm?” Vox hummed, leaning back into his chair and patting his thigh, inviting you to sit on his lap.
“Sorry for coming into your office during work hours,” You said as you lowered yourself on his lap, giggling as his hands immediately went to your sides.
“No, no—I’m glad you did,” Vox said, placing a tender kiss on your shoulder. “You look absolutely ravishing, sweetheart.”
You sighed as he toyed with the straps on your hips, his fingers moving underneath the thin material, admiring the lacey fabric. Vox didn’t do anything past that, however, the meeting he had to attend less than 5 minutes away now. “Fuck, I have to get going,” He told you, but he promised to see you as soon as it was over with, leaving the rest of his workload to his assistants. A small part of you felt bad for them, but you couldn’t wait to see Vox earlier than usual.
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If anybody appreciated skimpy clothing, it was Adam. While the way you dressed around him was more casual and therefore less revealing, you decided to surprise him during one of your little meetings, sitting patiently on the edge of your bed wearing a halter top and low-rise shorts, the straps of your thong obscured by your hands. When Adam welcomed himself through your window, that was when you stood up, moving your arms to the side.
“Hey, babe, how’s it—holy shit, what are you wearing?” Adam asked, reaching up to remove his mask to see you better. “Fuck me, is that…? No—yes?”
You bit your lip as Adam seized your hips, maneuvering you with little to no effort, his eyes frantically taking in the sight of you. You looked up at him through your lashes, observing how his throat bobbed in anticipation, especially as he rolled the thin straps between his thumb and his forefinger. To say that you were delighted by Adam’s reaction was an understatement.
“Do you like it?” You asked him, gasping when you were suddenly tossed onto the mattress. “It’s—oof—Y2K inspired, new trend of clothing down here in Hell.”
“Like it? I fucking love it, baby,” Adam said, leaning down to capture your lips in a searing kiss, his hands unbuttoning your shorts. “Everything else can come off—except for the thong, gonna fuck you in it.”
Adam’s wings excitedly flapped behind him as you lifted your hips, allowing him to remove your shorts with ease. Hearing the way he groaned was like music to your ears. “Mind if I spend the night?” He suddenly asked, your breath hitching in surprise. “You can do that?” Adam shrugged, mumbling his classic, ‘I’m the first man alive,’ basically telling you that he’d find a way to explain his absence from Heaven. You rolled your eyes before nodding, already thinking about what to wear next month.
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23victoria · 23 hours
“what did you just call me?”❁
f1 grid x fem!reader
ft. lewis hamilton, max verstappen, lando norris, oscar piastri, charles leclerc, carlos sainz
authros note: thank you anon for the request!!! hope you like it🤍! just fluff and comedy ig!! any feedback is appreciated and please like, comment, and reblog!! hope you enjoy!! also sorry if your name is April!! 😭
f1 masterlist
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You are sitting in your apartment, the scent of Max's cologne lingering in the air. The two of you have just come back from dinner, and you're now nestled comfortably on the couch. Max is s through channels on the TV, looking relaxed in a simple T-shirt and jeans.
"Hey, Marcus, can you pass me the remote?" you say absentmindedly.
Max freezes, his hand hovering over the remote. He turns to you, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What did you just call me?"
You look up at him with innocent eyes. "I called you Max."
He shakes his head slowly, his piercing blue eyes narrowing. "No, you didn't. You called me Marcus. Who the fuck is Marcus? That’s a ugly ass name."
You feign surprise. "No way, Max. Why would I call you Marcus? I don’t know anyone named Marcus."
Max leans forward, his expression a mix of amusement and irritation. "Are you fucking with me?"
You bite your lip to keep from laughing. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, Marcus."
Face turning red, he crosses his arms, his biceps bulging slightly. "You definitely called me Marcus. You got a boyfriend named Marcus I don’t know about?"
You laugh, unable to keep up the act any longer. "Alright, you got me. It was a prank. I would never call you by someone else’s name baby, you know that."
Max's stern expression softens into a grin. "You and your pranks," he says, shaking his head. "Don’t do it again, you had my heart racing."
You lean in and kiss him on the cheek. "Promise, Max. You're the only one on my mind."
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You're in the passenger seat of Lewis car, the city lights of Monaco illuminating the night. Lewis, ever the style icon, is dressed impeccably in a designer jacket and sunglasses, even though it's already dark.
"Lucas, can you turn up the music?" you ask casually.
Lewis takes his eyes off the road for a moment, a look of disbelief crossing his face. "What did you just call me?"
You glance at him with a confused expression. "I called you Lewis."
He shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "No, you called me Lucas."
You maintain your innocent demeanor. "Lucas? Why would I call you Lucas? I think you're hearing things, Lewis."
He pulls over parking the car and turns to you, "I know what I heard. You said Lucas? Are you thinking about someone else while you're with me?"
You try to hold back your laughter. "Of course not, Lucas. Why would I think about anyone else when I'm with you?"
Lewis' jaw drops as he stares at you in shock. "Right there!?! Just now! You called me Lucas? Who the fuck is Lucas? And why is he on your mind?!"
You finally let out a laugh. "Alright, alright. I’m sorry baby! It was a prank."
Lewis shakes his head, sighing in relief, smiling. "You love messing with me, don't you? You almost made me shit my pants. I was getting ready to drive back home and say ‘fuck it’ to dinner."
You grin and laughing. "Not you getting ready to cancel dinner! You was gonna let me starve?!”
“Hell yeah! Coming in my car calling me another mans name!” he’s says exasperated.
“Baby, you know I would never call you by the wrong name." you say rubbing the back of his neck.
He reaches over and squeezes your thigh as he kisses you. "Just making sure. Because there's only room for one man in your heart and that’s me."
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You're at the beach, lounging on a sunbed next to Lando. The sound of waves crashing against the shore is soothing, as the sounds of people laughing fill the air, the sun shining brightly making your skin glow.
"Levi, can you pass me the sunscreen?" you ask without thinking.
Lando sits up, his relaxed expression turning serious. "What did you just call me?"
You look at him with wide eyes. "I called you Lando."
He frowns. "No, you said Levi."
You tilt your head, pretending to be confused. "I’m pretty sure I know my boyfriend's name is Lando not Levi."
“Well I'm pretty sure you don’t since you called me Levi, I heard you, unless I’m turning deaf at 24.” he says with an annoyed tone.
He takes his sunglasses off, his boyish face looking a bit hurt. "Are you sure you're not mixing me up with your side piece named Levi?"
You stifle a giggle. "Side piece?!? I’m not cheating on you, Lando. Why would I do that?"
He narrows his eyes at you. "Because you just called me another man’s name."
“Okay, but what makes you think you're not the side piece?” you say with a straight face.
He freezes staring you at jaw dropped, in shock not knowing what to say, “Wha-“
You burst out laughing, unable to keep the charade going. "I’m joking baby. It was a prank!"
Lando still stares at you trying to comprehend what just happened. Frowning he says “Why would I be the side piece?”
You start to laugh uncontrollably, “That’s what you're focused on! Seriously! I told you I was just playing with you!”
Lando's frown turns into a slight smile. "Yea but, I’m not side piece material, I’m main piece material.” he says softly.
You smile, shaking your head. “Yes Lando, you are main piece material, that's why you're my boyfriend.”
You take his hands in yours, “You being more offended being called a side piece than another man’s name is concerning.” You say in humor and slight disbelief.
He leans over kissing you on the nose. "Because we all know I’m boyfriend material. Unlike whoever this “Levi” is."
“You’re something else.” you say laughing at his antics.
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You're in the kitchen, helping him cook dinner. The aroma of fresh basil and tomatoes fills the air, making your mouth water. You take the freshly chopped onions and throw it in the pan.
"Chris, can you pass me the olive oil?" you ask casually.
Charles stops chopping vegetables and looks at you, bewildered. "What did you just call me?"
You give him an innocent look. "I called you Charles."
He shakes his head slowly, a puzzled expression on his face. "No, you said Chris."
You blink at him. "Did I? I don't think so, Chris."
He narrows his eyes, a hint of frustration in his voice. "You just called me Chris again.”
“No I didn’t, I just called you Charles.” you say seriously.
“Nope, you didn’t.” Putting down the knife, walking towards you. He says, “Who’s Chris?"
"I don’t know. I don’t know anyone named Chris.” You say trying to keep a straight face.
Charles steps closer, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Well clearly you do because you just called me his name."
“I’m telling you I didn’t call you that. You’re just hearing things.” you say starting to get nervous.
“Am I?” he says, staring at you.
You can't help but laugh nervously. "Alright, holy fuck! It was a prank! Stop being all scary!"
Charles shakes his head, chuckling. "You're lucky I knew you were just joking. Just don't let it happen again." He says as he moves closer to your wrapping his hand around your neck squeezing it softly as he says “Your mine and mine only. Yes?”
“Yes.” you say breathlessly as he kisses you briefly before pulling away, smirking as he says “You burned the onions.”
“Oh shit!” you say turning around to turn off the stove as Charles laughs.
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You're sitting in the living room, watching a movie together. The lights are dimmed, and the atmosphere is cozy and intimate.
"Oliver, can you pass me the ice cream?" you ask, your eyes glued to the screen.
Oscar pauses the movie and looks at you, confused. "What did you just say?”
“I asked if you could pass me the ice cream? you say confused.
”No. What did you just call me?" He says turning his body towards you.
You glance at him, playing innocent. "I called you Oscar."
He shakes his head, a slight frown forming. "No, you said Oliver."
You feign surprise. "Who the fuck is Oliver?"
He leans back, crossing his arms. "That’s what the fuck I’m trying to figure April, sorry I mean Y/N?
You gasp saying “Who the fuck is April?”
“I don’t know, who the fuck is Oliver?” he says as he shrugs his shoulders.
“Babe I called you Oscar so why the fuck are you calling me April?” you say trying not to laugh.
“Why the fuck did you call me Oliver, April? Why are you thinking about this man instead of paying attention to the movie?" he says.
You struggle to keep a straight face. "Stop calling me April!! And I’m not, Oscar. Why would I think about anyone else? Why are you thinking about some girl named April?"
He narrows his eyes, his face holding a scowl he says, "Because you just called me another man’s name, April."
“My names not April, Oliver.” You shaking your head while rolling your eyes. "I was just trying to annoy you, it was a prank."
Oscar's frown turns into a smile. "I know April. You really like messing with me, don't you?"
You grin and nod. "Yes Oliver, I can't help it!”
“But you know I would never actually call you by the wrong name baby." you say as you crawl into his lap straddling him.
He wraps his arms around your waist bringing you closer, kissing you. "I know baby, just making sure."
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You're outside in your backyard, relaxing by the pool with Carlos. The sun is shining, and the sound of water gently splashing adds to the tranquil atmosphere. You lean back in your chair, enjoying the warmth, and then decide to add a bit of fun to the moment.
"Babe, could you get me a drink, please?" you ask sweetly.
Carlos gets up with a smile. "Sure thing baby!"
As he heads to the kitchen, you call out, "Thanks, Marcus!"
Carlos stops in his tracks and turns around, raising an eyebrow. "Marcus?"
You feign innocence. "What? I said Carlos."
He chuckles, shaking his head. "No, you definitely said Marcus. Who's this Marcus guy?"
You giggle. "What are you talking about? I said Carlos."
Carlos narrows his eyes playfully. "Alright, if that's how you want to play it."
A few moments later, he returns with your drink and hands it to you. "Here you go, my love."
"Thanks, Marcus," you say with a grin.
Carlos doesn't miss a beat. "Oh, okay." Without warning, he scoops you up in his arms.
You scream, "Carlos, put me down!"
He grins devilishly. "You said Marcus, remember?" And with that, he jumps into the pool, taking you with him. You both splash into the water, and when you come up for air, you sputter, "Carlos, what the hell?"
He laughs, brushing the wet hair from his face. "Oh, looks like you do know my name."
You roll your eyes but can't help but laugh along with him. " Of course I know your name baby."
He pulls you close, still smiling. "I know you do. I can play games too, cariño, if you want me to."
You both laugh, “No, no. You win.” you say pulling away from him. “For now." Then, with a quick motion, you splash water into his face and make a dash for the edge of the pool.
Carlos wipes his face, laughing. "Oh, that’s how you want to play cariño, you're so going to get it now!" He starts to chase you as you scramble out of the pool, both of you laughing.
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© 23victoria 2023-24 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate or claim my work as your own
You both laugh, the playful chase turning the afternoon into a joyful, carefree moment.
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golden1u5t · 3 days
my proof | s.r x fem!reader
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ꨄ requested: anonymous
ꨄ genre: smut
ꨄ summary: in which jj walks in on spencer fucking you after spending a day of teasing him with the others about not having sex.
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"Come on man, just come out with us for once. You might get lucky and get laid." Derek put his hand on Spencer's shoulder, in which he shrugged off with a groan. "i’m telling you man, getting laid will fix all your problems, well, some of them."
"I don't have any problems." Spencer huffed and stormed off to go fix him another cup of coffee. Spencer didn't have any real problems, the only problem he had is that he missed you. He was counting down the hours and minutes before he could go home and see you, 2 hours and 15 minutes. 2 hours and 15 minutes before he could finally see you. 
When Spencer got back to his desk he could hear JJ, Morgan, and Prentiss all snickering with each other, gossiping like teenagers in high school. He shot them a glare from over his coffee mug and sighed dramatically when JJ walked over and sat at the edge of his desk.
"You're a virgin, aren't you?" She asked, a proud smile on her face as if she'd just discovered something, there was nothing to be proud about.
"What? No!" Spencer went red, starting with the tips of his ears ad spreading all the way down his neck. He was embarrassed by the question, speaking about his sex life in such a public place with his coworkers isn't something he liked doing. Spencer didn't share much of his personal life with the team, which is why they didn't know about you. While they liked to talk about their partners and their hook ups, Spencer preferred to stay quiet.
"Oh my god, you are!" Prentiss laughed, setting her pen down and fully turning her body towards Spencer. "You've never done it! You have no proof that you have."
Spencer was just turning redder by the second, embarrassment and anger making him hotter to the touch. "my sex life is none of your business!"
"Oh fuck-" You moaned into the cushions on the sofa. Spencer had you bent over the armrest of the sofa while he practically railed you into the couch. You tried to lift yourself up but each time his hips snapped forward, it sent you flying back down.
Spencer looked down at you with a proud expression on his face, he was positively ruining you. Your hands gripped the cushions, you moaned and screamed with each snap of his hips, he was ruining you and he loved seeing it.
He wrapped your hair around his hand and pulled you up so he could hear all the moans and screams he was pulling from you without them being muffled. Spencer leaned over your body so his chest was pressed against your back. "that feel good, baby?"
You reached back and held his head, your hips starting to move back to chase the high that was so close. "Yes- oh god, yes! M'gonna cum, spence. Gonna cum for you-"
Spencer groaned in your ear once he started to feel your walls tightening around his cock.He leaned up and pushed you back down into the sofa, his thrusts starting to come faster and harder. He was getting close himself, he was no longer trying harder to make you cum but he was also trying to make himself cum. You reached back to grab at any part of him you could reach as you finally got your release, Spencer not too long after you.
The door rattling should have been enough of a warning that someone was about to come into the apartment, but Spencer was so caught up in how good you felt around him that he didn't hear it until the door slammed open.
"Get out!" He yelled and quickly covered your body with the blanket that was draped over the back of the couch. You sat up to see who had barged in but you only caught a glimpse of blonde hair. Spencer carefully pulled out of you and tucked himself back into his boxers and quickly pulled his shirt and pants back on, he made sure you were okay and covered before going to the door.
"What are you doing here?" He panted as he opened the door, he stepped outside into the hallway and closed the door behind him.
"Hotch- he wanted- hotch- you weren't answering your phone." JJ's eyes were wide and her heart was nearly beating out of her chest, she would probably never see Spencer the same after that.
"I was busy." 
"I can see that." She cleared her throat and looked around awkwardly, she knew she probably should've left the situation alone and just left but her curiosity always got the best of her. "Who was that!"
Spencer rolled his eyes and opened the door to his apartment, he stepped back inside. "My proof. Let Hotch know I'll be there in an hour."
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chunghasweetie · 1 day
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— pairing | fem!oc x gangsta!jjk
— summary | gangsta jk wants to crash at her place but she got a lil some up her sleeve
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
cussing, angst, smut, unprotected sex, illegal activities, gun play, mention of head, oc gets fucked with a gun, whining, cum eating, dirty talk.
— word count | 3.9k words
— song suggestion | gangsta (orchestra ver) —kehlani
It was the same thing everyday.
Work, go home, sleep.
Nothing ever changed and it had been like that for way too long.
She needed to switch things up somehow but she didn’t even have the energy to think of what could solve her issues.
Until he came along.
The two met at the liquor store randomly at around 2am. They reached for the same bottle, chuckling at the similar intention.
She immediately caught his eye. Which was surprising to her since she was in her pajamas with messy hair and no makeup.
He asked for her number and they had little meetups here and there.
He was so secretive and mysterious about what he was doing. Not in a gross, womanizer way. In a way that made her want to learn more about him.
He was ‘Jeon’ in her phone. She didn’t even have his full name.
He was inked up in tattoos. Tall and definitely bulky with muscle all over him. He was crafted beautifully.
He had a nice car. She noticed the extremely dark tint and possibly illegal modifications applied to the vehicle.
She had no clue what kind of job he worked or what he did in his day to day life.
Until one day he finally told her. He was the Jeon Jungkook that had been on the run for multiple crimes and ran a large gang in the city.
And she’d been fucking him the entire time.
He knew from the start she wouldn’t turn him in. He had her wrapped around her finger.
He knew all about her dilemma. How she needed that change in her life.
He was more than willing to provide that escape.
She craved something new, and he was just the man to give it to her.
“Let me come over baby.” He spoke on the other line. “Miss you.”
She was on her couch, biting her lip.
She knew he was not a good man at all. She knew that from the beginning. For years she promised herself she’d never be associated with any one of the sort.
Always following the rules got so boring.
“Don’t be like that.” Jungkook hummed. “I just wanna see you. You don’t want to see me Y/n?”
His voice was so dominant and demanding. He was strict and for right to it.
He somehow was able to have his own phone number that was untraceable by the police.
He was crazy good at avoiding getting caught.
“Okay.” Y/n gave in.
“Mm knew you’d be smart about this.” Jungkook chuckled to her, hanging up and getting in his car to head to her apartment.
She tilted her head back on her couch, sighing.
She didn’t think it would come to this. She thought things like this only happened in stories or in the movies.
This was the last thing she was thinking about. She couldn’t help herself though.
How could she? Jungkook may have been a criminal but he was so hot.
His voice was like a pied piper.
She was so drawn to him. His looks, his charisma, his body, everything.
She wouldn’t call it love. She couldn’t call it love. It was mere attraction and that’s all she labeled it as.
She always thought he looked like he was straight out of a TV show. Although he was rough around the edges, he was super sweet and caring considering what his lifestyle was like.
“Open up mama! Cold as fuck out here!” He yelled out, snapping her out of her thoughts.
Jungkook was at her apartment door, dressed in his white tank and tan cargo pants. His tank emphasized his muscular, tattooed arms so well.
He had a bouquet of roses in his hand, waiting for his girl to answer the door.
He was always doing such romantic gestures for her. There would be nights he wouldn’t want to do anything sexual. Simply coming over to spend time with her.
Once Y/n opened the door, he couldn’t help but curve his lips into a smile.
“Well look at you.” His eyes moved from the bottom to the top of her body. “Gorgeous.” He stepped in, immediately wrapping his arms around her once she shut the door.
She took a silent inhale. He smelt so damn good.
Maybe it was something in the cologne he was wearing that made her so attached to him. His scent instantly sent her into a trance.
“Hey.” Y/n replied. “Was just about to make dinner.”
“You were?” He mumbled against her neck. “Make me something baby.”
She nodded, agreeing. “You’re gonna have to let go of me.”
“Ugh fine.” He groaned. “Spending the night again. Cops looking for me alllll over.”
He knew they’d never find him, but the excuse always worked.
“That’s fine.” She nodded.
She did get anxious when he’d say things like that.
He was a fugitive and she was keeping him in her home.
Jungkook went up to her room, getting comfy in the clothes he already had over there.
She had started cooking for the both of them, making some chicken and rice dish she seen online.
As Y/n focused on her cooking, Jungkook was leaning back on the counter, simply staring at her.
“I like this.”
“You like what?” She blinked.
“Seeing you all domestic and shit.” He chuckled.
“I’m just cooking dinner.” She smiled.
“Mm it’s more than that.” He chuckled. “Making me a nice meal, having clean clothes for me, gonna tuck me into bed later. Love when we play house like this Y/n.”
She blushed. “I guess it is nice.”
“Food smells good.” Jungkook inhaled. “You smell better.” He wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I’m wearing that perfume you bought me last week.” She told him as she was making his plate.
“Oh really? It smells even better than it did in the store.” He hummed against her neck. “You’re wearing the jewelry I bought you too.”
“Of course. Never taking it off.” She chuckled.
“Good. If I’m iced out my girl gotta be too.” He planted a kiss on her neck.
“Well it’s very nice to be spoiled like this.” She giggled, handing him his plate. “Now go eat while it’s hot.”
He removed his body from hers, taking a seat at the table.
“Taste test it baby.” She told him, “I’ll start eating in a minute.”
He nodded, trying the food.
“How is it? Good?”
"Good's an understatement. Shit's fucking amazing, baby." He takes another bite and watches her.
“Yay! Happy you like it.” Y/n replied from the kitchen, trying to clean up some of her mess.
"You ain't made yourself a plate yet? Come here and sit." He looked over at her.
“Okay okay.” She nodded, getting a beer from the fridge for him. She made herself a plate finally and sat down at the table.
He leans back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest after she set the beer down in front of him. "Ain't no one else gonna take care of me like this. I’m lucky to have you.”
“You are.” She laughed. “Doubt any of those other girls know how to care of you.”
“What other girls?” He rose his eyebrow. “Jealous of the girls I’m around?”
“How could I not be?” She questioned. “I just don’t understand.”
He smirks as he picks up the beer and takes a long swig, his throat moving as he swallows.
“Don’t understand what?”
“Why you stick around me.” She spoke. “There’s girls who do the same shit you do. You and your boys go out and there’s strippers and bottle girls. I’m a regular ass person.”
He frowned at her, looking honestly confused. "What the fuck you talking about mama?" He asked as he leaned back in his chair and shook his head.
"I chose you because of you. Fuck all these other bitches. You're the only one who can handle my shit." He said honestly.
“That can’t just be it.” She shook her head.
“So what? You think I’m just in it for a good fuck?”
“That’s not— exactly it.” She sighed.
She could tell he’s growing a bit irritated but it was bugging her.
She knew guys hated that sappy shit. But she couldn’t help that she was getting her emotions get in the way.
He leaned back again, crossing his arms over his chest. He stared at her from across the table before speaking.
"Then fucking tell me, Y/n. What is it?" He asked, his voice growing softer but still holding onto that edge of annoyance.
“Forget it. Nevermind.” She sighed, finishing her food and taking her plate to the sink to wash it.
He watched her finish her food and take the plate to the sink. "You can't start a conversation like that and then drop it, babe." He said.
He began walking up behind her as she washed the plate. "You wanna know why I'm with you?
“I just want to know what we’re doing here. You’ve been coming over for months now and you’re doing all these romantic things for me and I just want to know what’s up.” She spoke honestly.
He stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist gently, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I like you here, like this. I like showing you a good time, you know?" He turned her around in his arms and gazed down at her.
“What does that even mean” She mumbled as she washed plates.
He lifted a hand to her cheek, thumb brushing against it gently. "It means I like being with you, mama. It feels...right.”
He leaned in closer to her, eyes searching hers. "I like spoiling you, taking care of you. Feels different than anyone before..."
As much as she wanted to pester him more about the subject, she didn’t say anything else.
He seemed to notice the hesitance and smiled softly, ducking his head to press a soft kiss against her lips. "You don't gotta overthink it, Y/n. It's just...good, okay? You know I love you.”
She finished up the dishes, putting them away to dry.
He watched her for a moment, before moving to her side and starting to help her with cleaning.
His hand brushed against yours, sending a shiver down her spine.
"Y/n, it's okay. I promise you." He whispered, leaning in to press another kiss against her temple. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” She thanked him. Her lips curved into a smile. “I mean it is cute to see this buff tattooed bad guy get all sappy and shit for me for me.”
He chuckled and shook his head, his eyes crinkling up with amusement. "You better not tell anyone" He threatened, his voice dropping lower as he spoke. "You love it though...”
“I guess I do.”
He laughed softly and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "I know you do." He whispered, his arms tightening around her as he let out a content sigh. "You're the only one who gets to see this side of me.”
“I’ll consider myself lucky then.” She laughed. “I was successfully able to tame the beast.”
He chuckled lightly and pressed a kiss to her neck, holding his arms tighter around her.
"You did more than tame the beast, baby...you own me completely. Shit, you could put a leash and collar on my ass anytime." He whispered hotly against her neck, his lips ghosting over her skin as he spoke.
She couldn’t help but laugh at his joke.
“I could keep you laughing and satisfied all day, if you'll just let me." He mumbled.
“Oh I’d let you anyyyy day of the week.” She laughed. “See what you’ve done to me?”
“I haven’t done shit baby that was all you.” He chuckled.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever you say, baby." He picked her up effortlessly, “Let’s go upstairs hm?”
“Thought you’d never ask.” She agreed, allowing him to take her.
He chuckled, lifting her over his shoulder and carrying her upstairs as he kissed her thighs and gave your ass a playful squeeze. "Look at you...so fucking fine. You know I can't resist."
“Oh my gosh Jungkook.” She blushed as they got inside her room.
"That's right, babe. I got you...right where I want you." He tossed her onto the bed before crawling up to her body, kissing and nibbling at her neck. "If only these walls could talk..."
“Jungkook!” She hid her face in embarrassment, getting flashbacks of all the different things they had done in her room.
"Oh come on, don't hide from me now, Y/n." He kissed her cheek as he caressed her face.
"Do you remember the first time we fucked in this room?" Jungkook smirked and laughed. "You were begging for my cock, mama.”
“That’s not what happened!” She instantly denied.
Jungkook laughed harder, his eyes shining mischievously.
"Oh yes, you were mama don’t play! And when you finally got it you were screaming your lungs out. Kept going on and on about how it was the best sex you’ve ever had…” He continued, not giving her the chance to speak.
“This is so humiliating.” She groaned, hiding her face in embarrassment by flipping the blanket over her face.
Jungkook tugged the blanket down a little, showing her face again. "Don't be shy, Y/n. I fucking loved it when I made you scream my name. And made you cum on the first try?" He crawled on top of her again, his knees on either side of her hips.
“You’re so annoying.”
Jungkook chuckled. "That's not what you were saying when I had my cock in your mouth, babe."
His eyes glinted with amusement as he leaned down to kiss her. "I can make you forget all about your embarrassment again, if you want?"
“How’re you going to do that?” She asked, playing dumb.
Jungkook kissed her slowly, running his tongue along the edge of her lips.
He reached down between her legs and began rubbing, his touch firm and confident. "Do I need to give you a reminder right now?"
He immediately earned a soft moan from her, making him to smirk to himself.
Jungkook smiled mischievously, his fingers never leaving that soft spot between her thighs.
"That's a good girl. Just like that." He began driving his fingers in rhythm with his tongue, letting out a moan of his own. "Is this better, Y/n?”
“Mhm!” She moaned, nodding her head quickly.
Jungkook chuckled against her lips, picking up the pace at her small moan.
"You're fucking soaked, you know that, right mama?" His voice was low, amused. "Looks like I can still make you wet."
She could feel his gun pressed against her from his waistband. It drove her fucking insane with lust.
Jungkook felt her press closer, rubbing against his gun. He smirked at her before moving his hand, placing the gun in plain sight for her.
"See something you like, babe?" He said with a chuckle, twirling it around his finger.
“I-I feel it.” She croaked. She had always been curious about his gun in ways she never thought she was the type to fantasize about.
Jungkook grinned, setting it down gently. "Wanna touch it, babe?" His voice was low and inviting.
He took a step back, giving her room to move. "Just be careful, though. It's loaded." He teased.
She nodded quietly, “I do.”
Jungkook watched her grab the gun, letting you get a feel for its weight. He didn't interrupt, just watch her curiously.
"You like?" He asked with a smirk. "Don't tell me you have some kind of fetish for guns."
“I- um.” She swallowed, “Something like that? Well I’ve never done anything but— I’ve been curious.” She handed his gun back to him.
Jungkook took the gun carefully, his smirk growing into a full-on grin. "I knew it."
He whispered seductively. "Why don't we test out that curiosity of yours?" He suggested with a raise of his eyebrow.
Jungkook pulled her a little bit closer, his free hand wandering up her side before resting on the edge of her waist.
"Do you want me to fuck you with it? How does that sound?" He smirked, unloading the gun in front of her. He places the gullets on her nightstand.
She nodded, letting a quiet ‘please’ slip from her lips.
Jungkook let out a low growl at her response, his grip on the gun tightening.
"You like that idea, Y/n?" He asked. His free hand wandered to the hem of her shirt, slowly lifting it upwards. "Lay back."
She didn’t hesitate to do so, laying back.
Jungkook bit his lip seductively as he looked down at her, the gun clicking gently in his fingers. "Fuck, yes." He said admiringly.
He bit his lip, placing the gun down in a position of reach before trailing his fingers lower and low on her stomach.
Her pussy was sopping wet with need. Her core aching as she watched the now unloaded gun in his hand.
Jungkook watched her with a lustful gaze as he heard her words, biting his lip again before placing the gun on her lip.
"You're so fucking wet for me already, huh? Mama so ready to get fucked with my gun huh baby?" He asked.
“So pretty Y/n.” His hand sliding lower still until he could feel her wetness. “Get the gun all nice and wet for me baby.”
She kept her gaze on him, spitting and sucking on the muzzle the gun like she was told to.
Jungkook groaned at the sight, glancing down at her almost hungrily. "Fucking hell you're such a hungry little girl, y'know that?"
Jungkook couldn't resist her whiny plea any longer, as he pulled the gun out of her mouth.
He lined the gun muzzle up with her entrance. He slowly slid the gun inside of her, gasping at the sight.
A gasp and an ‘oh fuck’ left her lips. Once adjusted, she instantly melted into the feeling, a moan leaving her lips.
It felt better than how she ever could’ve imagined it to be.
Jungkook groaned at her reaction, watching as he slowly slid the gun in and out of her.
"Fuck Y/n you're loving this aren't you? You're such a slut for my gun and I just now put it in you.” He chuckled.
“J-Jungkook” She moaned out his name, biting her lip. “Fuck that feels good.”
With her voice echoing his name, Jungkook lost control of his actions.
He began thrusting the gun in and out of her faster, even pulling her legs over his shoulders.
"Shit you like watching me fuck your pussy with my gun huh?” He spoke to her. “Been practically humping me for weeks. All that to get to my gun huh baby?”
It was so true.
Whenever they made out she would get super close and grind herself on the imprint of his gun. She almost could cum off just rubbing against it.
“Oh fuck yes!” She whined, “Jungkook I fucking love this.”
Jungkook loved her weak voice. Watching her squirm only made him plunge the gun faster.
"Looking so good taking it in. I wanna fuck you all day like this." He whispered seductively in her ear, sucking on her bottom lip.
Her wetness coated the gun, “F-Fuck oh my gosh” She whimpered. “A-All this time I— Fuck” She could hardly talk.
With the gun still inside of her, Jungkook grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him.
"All this time you wanted my gun? Every day I'd bend you over and plow you right... fucking... here..." He grunted. “But this gun was all you really wanted hm?”
“Mmm I— just wanted it so bad jungkook you don’t understand.” She quivered her lip.
A smirk appeared on his face as he began to thrust the gun harder and deeper inside her.
"I understand now baby. I know how badly you wanted it." He growled, grabbing her hips with both hands.
Jungkook smirked, thrusting the gun even harder, making her whimper. "You're such a dirty little slut for me. That's right baby, tell me how much you need my gun to get off.”
“Jungkook please— Feels so fucking good. Never had anything like this. Mm— such a slut.” She was rambling.
The way the gun was penetrating her made her whine with pleasure as it stretched her in the best way possible.
“Came so— so many times. Just from the thought.” She kept going. “Fuck— I was changing the sheets every damn hour”
His cocky grin widened as he pressed the gun deeper, his other hand traveling down to her soaked pussy.
He teased her clit with his fingers, "That's my girl. I want you soaked for me every damn hour.”
“Fuck— You’re killing me.” The double stimulation overwhelmed her.
"Is that too much for you baby? Can't handle it?" He chuckled, thrusting the gun harder, before pressing his fingers deeper, curling them to hit her g-spot.
She gasped again, gripping onto the sheets. “I-I can just— Shit it’s too fucking good” She cursed, grabbing onto her breast with her other hand.
"You love it, don't you baby? When I take control like this." He leaned down, pressing his lips against her ear. "I own every inch of you, and you fucking know it. Whether it’s my cock or my gun.”
She was milking his gun with her juices, whimpering and whining. The gun was fucking her absolutely stupid.
“D-Don’t think I can take any more.” She managed to get out, “W-Wanna cum on the gun”
Jungkook laughed, shaking his head as he continued to thrust the gun into her, pulling the trigger back twice.
The empty clicks filling the room, while he got to touch her throbbing pussy. "You want to cum, huh mama?”
“Jungkook please” She begged him to cum. The sounds of the empty clicks driving her insane.
“You're crazy mama. Absolutely insane." He groaned.
He pulled the trigger back one last time, hearing the empty click after he was spent.
“Jungkook please! I want to cum so bad!” tears of pleasure ran down her cheeks.
"You're more desperate than I thought." Jungkook grabbed her hair, pulling hard as his other hand began rubbing your needy little clit hard.
"Cum on the gun Y/n."
She didn’t waste a second, letting her juices flow and drop down the gun barrel.
He felt his cock twitch at her screams as she came, splashing hot cum all over his hand and the gun.
"Good fucking girl. Now clean this shit up.” He aimed the muzzle of the gun facing her mouth.
“W-What? You want me to clean it?”
“That's what I said." He replied with a snarl as he began stroking his cock again, dripping wet cum from the tip of it.
She obeyed him, sucking and licking her cum off of the gun. She dragged her tongue all over the barrel, looking into his eyes as she did so.
His hands gripped the gun tightly as he watched her sucking and licking her cum off. It was perverted as hell, but his cock was twitching again.
His eyes darkened, and he felt his cock twitch at her words, the sight of her on her knees with his cum mixing with hers.
"I know.." He purred as he pulled the gun away from your her. "Now come here. I got something else for you to suck.”
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pettydollie · 2 days
car sex with chris in the rain 🥰
combining with this request: Imagine Chris driving you around taking you to run all ur errands and then fucking you in the car for making him wait till you guys got home 💕
a/n: first time writing oral for a man pls no be mean😓
warnings/notes: nsfw smut, oral (m receiving), car sex, NOT PROOFREAD will probably suck, mentions “strands of hair” and “brushes hair”, pet names (baby, sweets, my pretty girl, angel), ending sucks ass like always x wc: 1.35k
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pretty water droplets pitter patter onto chris' brand new car's windows. you're in control of the aux, holding his phone in both hands as you scroll through your customized playlist. you two had been out almost all day just running around and getting some errands done here and there. once you finished, you two picked up the beautiful vehicle from the dealership. your boyfriend's a little too anxious to get home. he was ready to pounce on you the minute you walked out of your shared bedroom earlier that day in a tiny little skirt. but he’d been patient, letting you get your errands done and paying for everything like the perfect boyfriend he is (duh). he's rushing to get home to finally relieve himself after a sexually torturous day.
unbeknownst to him, you’ve been turned on almost as long as he has. and watching chris drive was not helping, instead making you feel a way you didn't think it would. his hands gripping the steering wheel frustratingly as he waits for traffic to start moving, the annoyed teething on his bottom lip, his bouncing leg-- it all affected you down there. oh but the worst part was when he had to drop something off at his friend’s house. he'd kept one hand on the wheel as he spun around to parallel park, his other arm reaching behind the head of your seat as he stuck his tongue out in concentration. that was horrible for you, you had clenched your thighs together and kept both of your hands in between them, somewhat embarrassed of your horniness.
you huff around twenty-thirty minutes away from home, giving up on the music. you put chris’ phone back on the middle console, turning your head to look out the window after. you always feel like the universe makes it rain just for you, like it knows how you love it. dropping your head slowly, you needily bite down on your glossed lip. you decide to give into your invasive thoughts by leaning over towards chris. he raises a brow, turning his head to you for a quick second before looking back at the road.
your hand reaches for the waistband of his fresh love sweats, tugging at them to let him know what you’re about to do-- or more so give. he smirks in realization, of course he was right. he knew you were ogling his muscles earlier with an aroused look on your face. “baby.. i’m drivin.” he states the obvious in a warning tone, but makes no moves to remove your hand. you lower the material along with his boxers’ waistband before pulling out his monster cock. you take in a breath at the sight of your boyfriend’s pinky tip, small drops of precum leaking out. chris gently moves his hand to the back of your head before you bend lower to test the waters with a sweet kitty lick right on the tip. his breath hitches and his knuckles tighten on the wheel. anybody sitting in their car waiting for the green light could turn their head and see a head of hair right above the driver's cock. it sent a rush into chris-- the idea of being seen. you hum softly, your freshly manicured finger rubbing small circles on where you licked, spreading your saliva around.
your eyes raise, looking up at your boyfriend with innocent bats of your lashes. he presses the hand against your head lower to shove your mouth onto his dick. he opens his mouth to let out a sigh when you start bobbing your head. your pretty hand wraps around the lower part you can't fit inside your mouth, fisting up and down roughly. he bucks up into your mouth with a small whine while twirling his fingers in your hair. "you're getting-- awshit.. so much better at this, sweets, s'proud of y-you.." he stutters at the end of his sentence when you choke on his length, determined to have more in you. he steps on the gas when the light turns green, ignoring your small gargles to focus on the road. you come back up and swirl your tongue around his red tip while chris lets out small grunts and praises.
"fuck this." your boyfriend spits, tired of waiting. he pulls into a secluded area abruptly causing your head to snap up curiously. he puts the car in park before grabbing your face with both hands to smash his lips on yours. you moan into the kiss as your boyfriend immediately shoves his tongue inside your mouth to play with yours. he pulls back for a moment to cock his head towards the backseats of his brand new car. you giggle, kissing his cheek before climbing into the back, your skirt riding up as you do. he slaps your ass before crawling behind you. you lean against the side before chris pulls down your skirt and panties, shoving two digits inside. he rubs your clit in circles before pushing his fingers inside of you, pumping in and out at a quick pace. you mewl, hitting your head against the window. he leans into lazily make out with you as he brings you to your first orgasm. "ah- ohmygosh-- chrisss.." you moan, releasing on his fingers and the car's seats.
"oh shit 'm sor-" you begin apologizing but get cut off when chris kisses you again, mumbling something along the lines of, "don't worry 'bout it. jus wanna make you feel good." he pecks your cheek before tugging down his sweats. he watches your liquids flow out of your pussy for a few seconds, seeing the way it just gushes out. it's gross of him to be staring like that, you suddenly go a little shy. you nudge his shoulder. "heyy!" you embarrassedly regain his attention to focus on the main event. he chuckles and lines up with your entrance. your walls almost immediately suction around his tip when he pushes in. once he's fully in, chris lets you cockwarm him for a few moments before his hands grab ahold of your waist and begins to thrust in and out of you. the sounds of your pretty whimpers mixed with the pouring rain outside is musical in your boyfriend's ears. along with your bodies smacking against one another, of course.
"my pretty girl." he groans, his pace speeding up. you babble incoherent nonsense, squeezing your eyes shut as he digs his face into your neck to leave kisses and love marks. "fuckk!" you whine out, his hips drilling into you roughly. his teeth clench together as he removes a gripped hand from your waist to your chest, groping and squeezing one of your tits. "oh shit, ohhh shit.." he sighs, picking his head up to stick his tongue in your mouth. you messily suck and pull on each other's lips, your saliva mixing together. he bites down onto your bottom lip before you let out a needy moan. he pulls back, flashing you a cocky smile as he does. his hand pinches your bud to watch your face pinch in a mixture of pain and pleasure. the action causes your walls to pulse around him. "cum on my dick angel. cmon, please." chris' pace falters as his hips begin to stutter. your eyes roll back, your head tilting up as you squeeze your boyfriend's bicep. your buck your lower half up before releasing for the second time.
chris follows you not long after, making sure he gets all of his cum inside of you. he pushes all the liquid he can into your seepy cunt before pulling out. he quickly pulls up his drawers so you can lay your weight onto his body, gripping onto his shirt's fabric before tiredly kissing him for a minute or so. you pull back and drop your head onto his clothed chest with a sleepy sigh. he lazily plays with the bottom of your hair, his legs tangled with yours. "i am never waiting that long ever again." chris dryly chuckles. you grin in response, nodding with a little hum of agreement.
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tagsss !! @leah-loves-lilies @imtalkinnonsense @star-sturn @junnniiieee07 @mattsneezing @freshloveee@freshsturns@emma4eva @r6diosturns @matthasmywholeheart @donthugmeimhot @blahbel668 @chrissturnsss @joanofarcily @mattscoquette @slutsturn @sturnioloremarker @ashley9282828 @jnkvivi @sturncakez @lanasturn @riasturns @st7rnioioss @strnlxlqve @starlace111
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formulawolff · 2 days
vii. the in-between - t.w.
pairing: female driver! x toto wolff
word count: 5.2k
warnings: buckle up y’all cause we go. angst, cursing, size kink, edging, praise kink, FUCKING, LOTS OF FUCKING. toto being a simp, banter, yearning, mentions of divorce, mentions of alcohol use, creampie, teasing, yadayadayada… y’all know what’s about to go down
prev. | next.
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“it’s fine, mom. really.” 
bringing a hand to your temple, you begin to massage, attempting to alleviate the accumulated pressure. 
“i mean, yeah, i’m not in trouble or anything. as far as i know, the fia is letting me race in suzuka. it was my first offense so they dropped the investigation. as long as i publicly apologize for my actions, everything will be cleared up.” 
do you know how many people have asked me about you? baby, people approach me at the goddamn grocery store asking me why you beat up that poor little british boy! he’s built like a twig for god’s sake! 
rolling your eyes, you lean back in your chair, keeping the phone pressed against your ear, “mom, his name is george russell. he drives for mercedes. he’s not some little boy.” 
all right, all right. well maybe he needs to come over for some dinner or something. get some meat on those bones. anyway, did i tell you that your father has been scouring ebay trying to purchase sports cards with your car on it? well, he’s found ones with you on them too. he wants to make a booklet of his favorite kiddo. 
with that discovery, your heart swells, “is he really? tell him to look up topps chrome cards. those are the best ones. since i’m not as popular as max or lewis, they should be pretty cheap. and mom, i’m your only kiddo.” 
that’s why we’re so proud of you. even if you get into fist fights, we still love you bunches. when do you think you’ll come home? your dad wants to take you out in his baby. he’s made some modifications to it. he thinks you’ll appreciate it more than i will. 
“where is dad? is he asleep?” 
yes honey. he’s asleep. snoring away on the couch with the dogs. i wish we could give you a taste of home somehow. maybe i could have a care package sent to japan? 
“mom,” you exhale, “that would be so much money. don’t worry about it. were you guys considering flying out for miami?” 
oh yes, about that! you perk up in your chair, anticipating your mom’s response. we are going to be there. we can’t wait to see you. we miss you so much. it’s so quiet when you’re not home. will i be able to meet some of your coworkers? 
letting you a giggle, you shake your head, “mom. they’re my fellow drivers. we’re not coworkers. but yeah, i could probably introduce you to a few of them. daniel wants to meet you two.” 
what about that handsome fellow with the bright blue eyes? he drives for redbull! and yes, i would love to meet daniel. 
“max verstappen?” you arch a brow, “we’d have to see about that one. he’s a very busy man.” 
okay, okay. the line cuts out briefly. hey honey, i think i need to head to bed. i love you so much. keep in touch, okay? we’ll see you in a few short weeks. 
nibbling on your lower lip, you nod, “i love you too, mom. tell dad i love him. i miss you guys. i can’t wait to see you.” 
me either. goodnight honey, or good morning or afternoon or whatever time it is over there. i’ll text you when i wake up! love you. 
“love you,” your lip trembles, hands clamming up as you the line goes silent. 
fuck, were you homesick. 
you just had to make it a few more weeks. then, you could finally reunite with your parents in miami. although you knew you would be so fucking busy, you would make time. 
you always did when it came to your parents. 
also, you had another plan brewing as you scroll through your contact list, searching for a certain dutch assassin. a certain dutch man who happened to be a three-time world champion. 
somehow, someway, your mom was going to meet max verstappen. 
you had to make that happen. 
you had to. 
currently, you were sitting on the edge of a bed in a suite in london, anxiously awaiting the arrival of your driver. a decently-sized suitcase sat near the door, a carry-on stacked on top. 
this driver was provided specific instructions to transport you from london to brackley, dropping you off at the door of a certain team principal’s home. 
yet, you were well aware that it wasn’t going to be just any old home. 
this man was billionaire, after all. 
buzzing in your grasp, your phone notifies you of a new text. 
from none other than toto wolff. 
the driver is on the elevator, heading up towards your suite. DO NOT handle your bags. he will do that for you. i don’t want you to fuss over a single thing. from there, he will bring you here, where he will punch in the code for the gate. i will be waiting for you at the door. 
i can’t wait to see you, schatzi. i miss your beautiful face and sweet laughter. 
oh, and i can’t wait to kiss you. 
(and yes, i am pacing around in my office as i type this. i can’t focus on anything else but your arrival) 
with sazuka quickly approaching next week, you would only have a couple of days with the team principal before you had to part ways. he would have prep, meetings, press, where he would then fly out to sazuka. meanwhile, you would have to catch a flight, meet with your team, prep, and potentially meet with press, fans, and the other drivers. 
additionally, you had to address the incident that occurred last week at the australian grand prix. to your surprise, the fia had dismissed the investigation, finding no substantial evidence that the two of you needed to be punished. due to the nature of the accident, george was not punished, as he did no illegal maneuvers or intentionally attempted to take you out of the race. 
on the other hand, the fia was adamant that if this happened again, you were going to face consequences. you would have to shell out a pretty penny for fines, and then you would be immediately disqualified from three future races, deeming you unable to participate.
although they were merciful, the fia made it very clear that since it was your first offense, they were going to be fair.. 
however, if there was a next time, they would not be so kind. 
a crisp knock rang out, startling you. 
springing to your feet, you open the door, an older man smiling in greeting. 
“you must be golden girl,” sticking out his right hand, he dips his head, “i’m theodore. i’ll be your driver to brackley this evening. i am here to not only be your escort, but to tend to anything you may need. mr. wolff made it very clear that you were not to fret over a single thing.”
“good morning,” the corners of your lips curl into a quaint smile as you shake his hand, “thank you. i’m eager to see the english countryside.”
“i’ll handle your bags ma’am,” theodore clears his throat, “you just take it easy.”
“will do,” you nod, “how long is the drive?”
“about an hour and a half,” theodore responds curtly, slinging your carry-on around his shoulder, “don’t worry, it’s not too boring. follow me this way, my lady. our chariot awaits!”
following him down the hall, he presses the button for the elevator. there’s a silence between you, but not an uncomfortable one. theodore’s presence was warm, inviting even.
upon meeting him, you understood why he was toto’s right-hand driver. once he escorted you to the car, he opens the door for you, ushering you inside. when you settle into the backseat, you notice the glint of a redbull can, along with your favorite snacks and candy. 
“mr. wolff wanted to ensure you wouldn’t be hungry,” theodore states as he climbs into the driver’s seat, pressing the button for the ignition, “he told me that you can be a little cranky if you don’t have any snacks.”
“oh? he said that?” a giggle bubbles up in your throat, “did he say anything else about me?”
“oh yes,” theodore chuckles, turning the gear shift, “he’s told me all about you. to be quite frank, he hasn’t shut up about you the last week or so.”
“so you know who i am?”
“of course i do,” theodore nods, flashing you a grin in the rearview mirror, “you’re one of the best formula one drivers on the grid. you drive for williams racing. you’ve only won one grand prix, but i believe you’ll win a few more this season. your hometown is in yuma, arizona. you’re twenty-two years old, and from what toto has shared with me, you have a very bright future ahead.”
“are you a formula one fan?” you arch a brow, punching open the can of redbull. 
“who isn’t?” he shrugs, “well, ms. golden girl, we are going to begin our journey. if you need anything, please don’t hesitate to speak up. if you’d like, you can tell me a little bit more about yourself. we will have plenty of time.”
as theodore promised, the drive to brackley was painless. yet, as the car pulls up to the gate, your heart skips a beat.
this was no quaint english cottage.
toto’s brackley residence was a sleek and sprawling two-story home, a black and white exterior with massive, thick windows. your jaw almost drops, and theodore notices, letting out a hearty laugh, “don’t act so shocked, golden girl. i’m sure you’re aware toto is a very wealthy man.”
“i thought he would have kept things somewhat simple.”
“oh love,” theodore shakes his head, “you and i both know that toto is anything but simple.”
rolling down the window, theodore punches in a code, the gate sliding open. as the car lurches up the drive, your heart thumps in your rib-cage, blood roaring in your ears. 
this was really happening. 
you were really staying with toto. 
“nervous?” theodore senses the shift in energy, “you have no reason to be nervous. he’s been anticipating your arrival. he’ll be happy to see you.”
“thank you,” you manage to muster a meek smile, “i-i just didn’t think we would get this far.”
“well savor the time together. time flies, especially in our world. one day you’re at a track, the next you’re in another country. he adores you, golden girl. so don’t you fret about that. just relax, and enjoy your time. i will be here in a couple of days to bring you to the airport for your departure to sazuka.” 
“thank you,” at his words, you can’t help but let out a sigh of relief, “i look forward to our next drive together!”
“as do i,” shifting the gears, theodore puts the car in park, slipping out of the driver’s seat, “we have arrived. let me get your bags.”
he strolls over to your door, opening it as you clamber out, stretching your sore legs.
no matter how much time you spent in a car, there was always that persisting stiffness. 
you’d probably need a double-knee replacement by the time you were forty, but that was the least of your worries. 
out of the corner of your eye, you notice a figure strolling towards the car. with the large stature, you knew it could only be one particular individual. 
he’s dressed in a royal blue button-up, paired with khaki slacks. on his feet are earth-toned dress shoes. the blue hue of the button-up complements his dark hair, almost brightening his features, giving them a youthful glow. tufts of his hair are all over as the wind blows. 
yet, he looks as gorgeous as ever, his toned muscles rippling under the thin fabric of the button-up. 
“welcome to brackley schatzi,” the grin enveloping his face is radiant, “i hope the drive wasn’t too bad.”
“not at all,” you shake your head, the team principal nearly sucking the wind out of your lungs as he wraps his arms around you, squishing you against his chest. 
“i missed you so much,” tender lips connect with your cheek, “good afternoon, theo! did she behave herself?”
“of course,” theodore promptly places your bag next to the entrance, suitcase in tow, “i have another commitment here soon, mr. wolff. i hope it is all right i placed her bags next to the door?” 
“don’t worry about it,” toto’s fingers find yours, intertwining them together, “i’ll get them. please drive safe, theo.”
“i will, mr. wolff,” theodore dips his head, turning to you, he takes your hand, shaking it, “it was lovely to meet you. i look forward to our next meeting, golden girl. enjoy your time together, you two!”
“we will,” toto squeezes your hand, “goodbye, theo.”
“goodbye, mr. wolff!” theodore spins on his heel, making his way to the car, “behave, you two!”
in response, toto gives a thumbs up, theodore slipping back into the driver’s seat. as he peels off, toto shifts his body, facing you.
“charming, isn’t he?”
“he’s great! kept me entertained the whole drive!”
“i told him you have a short attention span so to keep you occupied,” toto shooks you a wink, earning an eye roll. 
“i can’t stand you.”
“you’re standing right now, aren’t you?” his chuckle is light, “come, let’s head on in. i have lunch waiting for us.”
“you made me lunch?” 
“yes, i’m going to drive you all the way out here just so starve you,” he scoffs, yet his tone says otherwise, “i have food ready. and wine, if you want some.”
“don’t tell me you want to get me drunk so i’ll confess all my secrets.”
“consider that my new goal for the afternoon,” toto grabs your bag, along with your suitcase. pushing open the door, he clears his throat, “welcome to my home away from home.”
as you step in the entrance, your eyes widen, lips parting.  
the space was truly a reflection of toto. refined and elegant, with a hints of charm. the marble floors gleam under the soft lighting, rays of sun shining through the vast windows. the walls were covered in a menagerie of decor, from pieces of art to mercedes memorabilia. it was not the typical billionaire’s home, where the air felt sterile and cold. 
this place was warm and full of life, coaxing you to stay. 
“cat got your tongue?” his breath fans against your ear, a hand gliding along your back, “follow me, schatzi.”
“your home is beautiful.”
glancing over his shoulder, you are met with his gorgeous smile, dimples and all, “thank you, love. i’m glad you like it.”
trailing behind the austrian, you stroll down a long hallway, turning into the last room on the left. toto places your bag and suitcase next to a glass door, “this is my bedroom. you’ll be staying here with me.”
“straight to the bedroom huh?” you fold your arms across your chest, teasing, “you just couldn’t wait–”
“come here,” toto growls, hands grasping your wrists, bringing you in, “no, i can’t wait.”
looking up, you match his gaze, cocking your head, “what are you going to do about it?”
at your rebuttal, toto’s eyes narrow, “what do you think i’m going to do?”
“fuck me.”
“hmmmm,” he hums, leaning in, “you’re right, schatzi. i am going to fuck you. i’m going to fuck you till you’re weeping me for me to stop.”
“weeping?” your hands roam, tugging on his button-up, “i’d like to see you try.”
“oh schatzi,” he tsks, “you don’t know what you’re in for.”
“show me then.”
“i will,” lips ghost over yours, “i’ll show you how badly i missed you baby.”
as he kisses you, it’s tender at first, brimmed with the sweetness of reunion. one of his hands wraps around the base of your neck, tilting your head back as his tongue gains access to your mouth, the tang of redbull tracing your mouth. yet, as you whimper, a fiery hunger sets ablaze.
fuck, he missed you. 
he missed you more than he liked to admit.
tension hangs thick, clouding the space as his mouth places sloppy, wet kisses down your jawline, finding your neck. nipping gently, it takes every fiber in his being to resist the urge to just mark you all over. to leave marks where they could see. to make them wonder who was doing this to you.
but he couldn’t. not there. 
in response, your hips buck forward, grinding against his. toto groans, his head rolling back. 
there was not a single coherent thought in his mind. 
only lust. and fuck, was it consuming him whole. 
scooping you into his arms, he brings you over to the bed, your back meeting with the plush mattress. 
“i can’t wait,” he pants, chest heaving, “i can’t wait any longer. i need you.”
“then take me,” your words drip like honey, oh so sweet, “make me yours, toto.”
jesus fucking christ.
he was going to fuck the shit out of you. right here, right now.
there was no going back. 
he ached for it. he yearned for it. the fantasy flooded his dreams at night.
the things he wanted to do to you? 
downright filthy. sinful, even 
he couldn’t lose his inhibitions. not yet. he had to hang on. 
however, at this point, toto was hanging on by a thread. 
peeling your leggings and panties off, he tosses them to the floor, “sit up.”
you obey, nearly trembling with anticipation as fingertips hook the hem of your crewneck, pulling it over your head. nimbly, he hovers over you, finding the clasps of your bra. he undoes them, a crimson hue dusting his cheeks as he takes in the sight of you completely naked beneath him. 
god, you were absolutely breathtaking. 
every inch of you was stunning. every scar. every mole. every freckle. every stretch mark. 
you were so fucking beautiful. 
his hands fly to his button-up, eager for what was to come. 
yet, your hands find his, “let me.”
toto bites his tongue as you carefully undo the buttons of his shirt, his cock twitching, aching for your touch as your fingers delve towards his belt. you unbuckle it, tilting your head back, batting your thick lashes.
fuck. fuck. fuck. 
could this moment last forever? 
“i-i don’t know if i can take it all,” there’s apprehension inflected in your tone, almost as if you were embarrassed, “to be honest, i’ve never–”
oh god. 
this was going to ruin him.
just like he was going to ruin you.
“don’t worry,” a tender hand cups your cheek, the pad of his thumb caressing your cheekbone, “i’ll go slow. i won’t make you take it all. i’ll take care of you baby, i promise.”
you nod, lips pursed as you tug on his slacks, hooking the hem of his boxers, “you’re just so fucking big. like holy shit.”
pride swells within the austrian for a moment, a chuckle rumbling in his chest, “i promise you that it’s not as big as you think.”
“can i see for myself?” the question is so innocent, so pure. 
yeah, he was going to ruin you.
he was going to make a mess out of you. 
“lay down schatzi,” he orders, authority oozing into the words. 
kicking off his slacks, he curses slightly as his boxers stick around one of his ankles. this wasn’t going to be perfect, but he wanted it to be. for you. 
he wanted this to be a moment you remembered for the rest of your life. he wanted this memory to fill your thoughts every second of every day. he wanted you to touch yourself to this, desperate and oh so wet, throbbing for him. yearning for his mouth. for his touch. for him.
carefully, he climbs onto the bed, hovering over you. as you look down, you can feel his gaze searing into you, burning right through. 
his cock was far bigger than your fantasies. it was thick, approximately eight or nine inches. you couldn’t tell. his tip was tinged pink, the glisten of precum catching in the light. veins wrapped around the length, throbbing as your hand wrapped around its base.
“fuck,” as he moans, you lick your lips, realizing how much you loved the sound that just filled your ears, “let me feel you, please.”
“please toto.”
swallowing thickly, he inhales sharply as he positions his tip at your entrance. applying pressure, a whimper rings out as he pushes in, your walls stretching. 
your pussy was heaven. absolutely perfect as it wrapped around his cock, begging for more as he pushed further and further. you were absolutely drenched, the juices slick and oh so sickeningly sweet. he didn’t even have to taste you to know. he just knew you were sweet. like pure ambrosia. 
perhaps he could get a taste.
“toto,” your lashes flutter, his name so perfect from your lips, “you feel–”
“your pussy is perfect,” he finds a steady rhythm, pumping in and out of your tight hole, “absolutely perfect baby. fuck, you’re perfect.”
skin connects with skin, the temperature of the room elevated as his hands found yours, pinning them to the bed. lips collide, the kisses desperate, hungry and bursting with need. as he picks up the pace, moans fill his mouth. 
fuck, it felt like he was going to split you into two. 
“t-toto,” there it was again, his name. music to his ears.
“yes baby?” a sheen of sweat clings to his forehead, tufts of hair dampened, “what is it? does it hurt? do you need me to slow down?”
“no. fuck me. just fuck me.”
oh god. 
oh, fuck. 
his cock twitches, the pleasure building in your abdomen as the tip brushes your g-spot, back arching, begging to be closer. closer to him.
could you be any closer to him in this moment? was it even possible?
before you know it, his arms wrap around your frame, picking you up off the mattress. he holds you close to his chest, one hand holding your head, cupping the back of your skull. the other remains on your lower back, gripping you tightly as the new angle sends bliss rippling all throughout your body.
he fucks you, and god there was no holding back. his cock was pounding into you now, showing no mercy. your ass slaps against his thighs, filthy noises flooding the space. 
as you bounce, you tense, your walls practically squeezing him, “toto, oh my god, i’m going–”
“good girl,” his coos, “be a good girl, baby. cum for me.”
as you get closer and closer, toto watches. fuck, the way your lips were parted ever so slightly. the way hairs clung to your forehead. the way your lashes fluttered. all he could see was pleasure. pure, intense pleasure. 
you unravel, coming undone. 
that sight alone was enough to make him cum.
“come here,” toto hisses through gritted teeth, “come here baby.”
the moment his lips mold with yours, you feel his cock throb, pumping threads of cum into your weeping hole. your muscles spasm, shuddering as he pulls out. 
the two of you study one another for a moment, catching your breath. fingertips brush stray hairs from your temple. 
“i’m sorry.”
“for?” you nuzzle into his collarbone, relishing the way his cologne lingered, mixing with his natural scent. 
“going too far.”
“that was not too far.”
tenderly, the austrian pulls you down with him, letting out a sigh as his head hits the pillow. your head remains against his chest, admiring the definition and tone for a moment. he peppers kisses along your forehead, browbone, and cheeks. 
“if i ever go too far, let me know.”
“i think we’re both in too deep,” you murmur, “you’re lucky you had the blinds drawn.” 
“that would be something,” his chest vibrates as he speaks, “could you imagine? some random mercedes intern witnessing the team principal fucking the most beautiful woman on the planet?”
however, a gleam catches your eye.
on his left ring finger, your heart sinks as you notice the ring. 
his wedding band.
toto senses your silence, the way you tensed up against him, “what is it schatzi?”
“why are you still wearing your wedding band?”
oh, so you had noticed.
“it’s complicated.”
“complicated?” your voice falters as you prop yourself up with your elbow so you could meet his gaze, “you’re wearing your fucking wedding ring. it’s not that complicated.”
“yes, i am, wearing my ring,” he exhales, “would you prefer me to take it off? it has no meaning anymore. susie and i are divorced. we finalized it last december. when we signed the papers, we made a mutual agreement to wear our wedding bands when we were in the public eye. it keeps the speculations at bay. it’s mostly for the sake of my children. and for her sake. we respect one another and i would hate for her hard work to be diminished by rumors and gossip.”
although his words were sincere, your heart races still, anxiety a swirling torrent in your stomach, “how long have you been separated?”
“almost three years. we separated in july of 2021.” 
“oh,” you suck in a breath, shame washing over you, “i-i’m sorry for the sudden questions. i just–”
“it would complicate your feelings for me. and no one wants too mess around with a married man. i get it baby, i really do.”
although he provided a very base-level explanation of his failed marriage, toto was more than willing to go into more depth. that is, if you wanted. more than anything, he wanted you to know. that aspect was becoming increasingly frustrating, as the team principal tried to maintain that dominant, bold, persona.
you were making him weak. his little soft spot. 
well, not so little these days. 
“i cannot stand how well you read me,” rolling your eyes, you turn your back to him.
“don’t turn your back on me now,” he tsks, “do you believe me, schatzi?”
“i don’t think you could ever lie to me.”
“i couldn’t,” toto leans over, placing soft kisses all over your shoulders, “i think it would destroy me. the guilt would be too much to bear.”
“if we’re spilling secrets now,” you roll over, face-to-face once again, “i have another question for you.”
“all right.”
“why did you approach james about my contract behind my back?” 
for once, the team principal is caught by surprise, his heart skipping a beat. 
the hurt plastered across your features is clear, your brows furrowed, eyes narrowed. there’s a glimmer of anguish in their depths, slightly glossy from the threat of tears. 
“i wanted to gauge how he felt if you were to leave williams,” that was the truth, really, no other intentions behind it, “he was not too keen to discuss it, but i just wanted to know how upset he would be if you were to sign with another team. i did it for you, to soften the blow.”
“soften the blow?”
“yes,” toto nods, “to soften the blow when you tell him you’re leaving williams and signing with mercedes.”
“you don’t know that for–”
“but i do,” his voice hardens, “i do know. we can’t just lay here and deny that in your heart, you want to be with me at mercedes. you’ve made the decision already. you just haven’t figured out how you’re going to approach james, alex, or your team.”
biting your tongue, you turn your head, averting his gaze.
toto was right. you had made your decision. 
it was just a matter of time before you had to face the facts. 
“i’m right, aren’t i?” 
“you are,” you huff, squeezing your eyes shut, “i-i just don’t know how to tell everyone. i don’t know how to tell my parents. i don’t know how to bring it up to james. it’s just so.. fuck. it’s so fucking overwhelming to think about.”
“then let me help you.”
“how?” you inquire, “how would you possibly do that?”
“i’ll keep my distance from here on out, but i will help you draft up a letter that you can give to james. or, i can help you practice what you’re going to say. just let me help you schatzi,” fingers grasp your chin, turning your head. 
“you hear me? i’ll help you.”
“can we just worry about it later?” 
“of course,” strong arms envelop your frame, drawing you in against his body, “for now, we can snuggle. would you like that?”
“i would.”
your tough exterior completely crumbles as his mouth hovers by your ear, murmuring words in german. desperately, you ache to know what he said. was it something important? or just sweet nothings? 
sometimes he was a difficult man to decipher.
“hey, have you opened that gift yet? the one i brought to you in jeddah?”
“no,” you admit, heat billowing into your cheeks, “i have a hard time accepting gifts.”
before you can respond, he’s up from the bed, strolling over to your bags. unzipping your carry-on, he searches for that parcel. fishing it out of your bag, he sets in on the bed, sliding on his boxers before plopping it in front of you.
“open it. right now.”
“right now?” you echo, “toto, i–”
“open it.”
“fine,” nimbly, your fingers untie the bow, peeling away the wrapper. 
underneath the paper, there is a tiny velvet box. it’s long and slender, rectangular in shape.
“what is this?”
“open it and you’ll know,” toto urges, following your every move, anticipating your reaction.
opening the box, your heart swells at the sight before you.
it’s a bracelet, a dainty figaro chain, complete with a charm. the charm is an outline of the saudi arabian track. picking it up, you inspect it, noticing a date engraved on the backside of the charm. 
“how were you able to get this so quickly after the race?” 
“i have my ways,” toto bears a sheepish grin, “do you like it?”
“like it? i love it.”
well, you didn’t love it. you fucking adored it. it was perfect, and so you. it was something that you could wear everyday, a constant reminder of the years of effort to get you here. not to mention it was gorgeous, the chain shiny, freshly polished. 
a hand reaches out, plucking the chain from the box. his brows are knit together with concentration as he slips the chain around your wrist, ensuring it’s safely clasped.
“i figured it would be something you could always wear. a reminder of when you made history.”
“it’s beautiful,” sitting up, you shift your weight to your knees as you wrap your arms around his neck, “thank you, toto.”
“always, schatzi. don’t worry, i will always spoil you.”
as toto nuzzles into the crook of your neck, he was well aware of one thing.
you had made your decision. 
you hadn’t outright said it, but he knew you made your decision. 
you would be signing to mercedes for the 2025 season. 
you were finally going to be by his side every day. 
there was no more in-between. no more will she or won’t she. no more nights of him lying awake, wondering where you stood. no more driving himself insane pondering all of the possibilities that could unravel. 
he had you. 
you were all his now. 
and god, did that leave such a sweet taste in his mouth. 
taglist: @joalslibrary @martwll @prettiest-at-the-party @pucksandpower @kravitzwhore @toldyouitwasamelodrama @annewithaneofthegreengable @persona1lies @zoeyjadetice2010 @whoisss @sinners-98-world
if i missed anyone, please let me know! also, you are more than welcome to be added to the taglist! thank you for reading! <3
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tomhollandsblog · 3 days
am i complex to you prt two ~ joost klein fanfic
READ PART ONE HERE // part three here
My masterlist here ✨💌
Pairing: Joost Klein x female!reader
Description: From first meeting the blonde musician to sharing headphones and very intense eye contact, this was not how you anticipated your evening at your friend's party panning out. 
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: Due to high demand here is part two (yes there will be a part three as well, I'm typing it as we speak). If you like it please show your support by reblogging ❣️
I accept Joost requests btw! [do's: female!reader, smut; don'ts: established relationship, toxic relationships]
Warnings: 18+ only, not proofread
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As you stepped outside the cool air of the night hit your nostrils. Joost's hand was loosely attached to your hip as you waved over to your parked bike.
"Oh, I didn't come by bike," Joost said.
"Oh," you laughed. "We could try having you ride on my carrier," you suggested. "I'm really not that athletic though, it's ten minutes to my flat."
"We'll try," Joost said as you unlocked your bicycle. After you got on the bike, Joost got on behind you.
"Hold on tight," you said and Joost wrapped his arms around your torso, his chin resting on top of your shoulder. Your stomach fluttered and both you and Joost couldn't contain your grins as you caught the other looking at each other.
"Let's go," you said as you pushed your feet off the ground and started pedalling the bike. "Jesus fucking Christ," you exclaimed laughing as you noticed quickly how hard it was for you to ride the bike with the both of you on it. Between the alcohol in your bloodstream, the nerves and excitement of feeling Joost's body pressed to your back and your poor condition, this was sure to be a failed mission pretty soon.
"So, are gonna make it in ten minutes then?", Joost giggled beside you.
"Oh shut up," you huffed out as you were slowly making progress, the bike riding slalom instead of in a straight line. "You give it a try then," you said.
"Alright, if you insist," Joost shrugged and easily got off the bike as you weren't going that fast anyway. As Joost sat down on the seat you realised that your bike was way too small for the tall man and you giggled at the sight of his overly bent knees. "Now you shut up," Joost laughed and for the first time, you were eye to eye as you stood beside the bike.
You took one step closer to Joost, your upper thigh just barely touching his knee. With your hand, you grabbed Joost's chin and leaned forward to kiss him. His hand let go of the bike handles and they found your hips, bringing you closer to him. You wished you were home already as you were losing yourself in Joost's lips - so soft, so perfect on your lips. Joost let out a frustrated groan between his lips and his grip tightened on your hip.
"Fuck," he mumbled as he broke the kiss. "Now get on with it," he gestured with his head to the bicycle carrier.
This time it was your turn to wrap your arms around Joost's body and you would be lying if you didn't seize the opportunity to subtly feel his abs and stomach through the fabric of his t-shirt as best as you could. As Joost started pedalling you were definitely going faster than before but you were still going excruciatingly slow as you were slowly losing your mind at the thought of finally feeling Joost closer to you when you'll get home.
"Now turn left," you said after you had been on the road for 15 minutes already. "... and here we are," you said when you finally reached the front of your apartment complex.
Quickly you locked your bike up and rushed through the front door of your apartment complex. As you pushed the button for the elevator, Joost was coming up behind you, his hand resting on the side of your waist. The elevator door opened and before you could even register to push the button to your floor you were backed against the wall. Your hands instinctively found the back of Joost's head as your lips crashed into each other again. Lips moving in sync you softly moaned into the kiss and you could feel the arousal in your pants. You pushed your chest towards Joost as he sloppily left kisses down the side of your face until he buried his face in your neck. Your fingers quickly found the button of your floor and the elevator started moving upwards. The tips of Joost's fingers grazed the skin of your exposed stomach after he slowly pushed the hem of your top up. With a soft ping, the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened.    
You grabbed Joost's hand and dragged him out of the elevator to the door of your flat. As you were scrambling for your keys in your purse, Joost stood behind you, his front pressed to your back and his hands at your hips. With one hand he carefully pushed your hair aside to expose the soft skin of your neck. Slowly he pressed one kiss after another to your neck, goosebumps running up your spine as your fingers nervously trembled, still searching for your keys.
"Fuck," you cursed.
"Hm," Joost murmured against your skin.
"I can't find my keys," you mumbled.
"Hm," Joost replied concerned this time.
Hot flashes went through your body, maybe caused by Joost's soft lips against your skin, maybe because the memory from earlier this evening came back to you. You recalled how you proudly dangled your keys in front of Mila's face.
"Look at this!" you had exclaimed as you pointed to the small teddy bear, showing off your new key chain to your friend. As you recalled the memory, you also realised that you never put your keys back into your purse after Mila had inspected the bear.
"I left them at the party," you realised and turned around, the palm of your hand planted on your forehead. Your heart was beating incredibly fast.
"You're joking," Joost said softly laughing.
"I swear I'm not," you said and you could see how Joost was grabbling at the seriousness of the situation. Before he could say anything else you were already dialing Mila's number who picked up immediately.
"(Y/N)!" she exclaimed over the loud sounds of the music.
"Mila, I need you to grab my keys, they should be by the couch at the back of the bar."
"Yeah, sure, did you go home?" she asked.
"But you can't get in?" she asked.
"Yes. I'll have to get back," you sighed.
"You can stay at mine, so you won't have to make the trip again," Mila suggested.
"Thanks, just hold on to my keys for now, I'll text you later, okay? Love you," you said.
"Sure thing! Love you too," Mila replied before you ended the call.
"So?" Joost was leaning against the wall, a concerned look on his face.
"Well, I'll have to get back to get my keys," you groaned. "I'm so sorry, this is not how I envisioned this to go down."
"Me neither," he said and paused for a second before he continued. "You could also stay at my place," Joost suggested.
"Are you sure?" you asked as you didn't want to be a bother. You didn't usually do one night stands so you weren't really familiar with the etiquette. What if he wanted to leave your place after the deed anyway? What if he didn't want you to stay the whole night and wake up next to you in the morning?
"Yeah, of course, I live like ten minutes from here," he reassured you.
"Alright, let's go then," you said and pressed the elevator button again.
Silence ensued between you when you entered the elevator, the key incident apparently sobered the both of you up just a bit. You were still longing for Joost's touch but more than anything you felt awkward and like a burden to him right now.
"Are you okay?" Joost asked you softly as he noticed your change in demeanour.
"Yeah," you mumbled. "I'm sorry, I just feel really stupid," you admitted. Joost's hand softly grazed yours and he looked into your eyes.
"No, really, (Y/N), it's fine," he said. "If anything, this is really funny actually," he tried to lighten the mood and a small grin crept onto your face. "There we are!" Joost said happily, his left hand cupping your cheek softly and for a moment you expected him to plant a quick peck on your lips like a loving boyfriend would, but before anything could happen, the elevator door opened again and Joost dropped his hand from your face.
As you were walking side by side, the night quiet and the stars distantly visible above you, there was a long pondering silence between you.
"You know I don't usually do this," Joost said eventually.
"Taking girls home?" you asked.
"Yeah well yes,-" Joost said. "Or having them take me home," he paused. "I'm not really the player type or whatever."
"Me neither," you admitted and you both looked at each other, grins visible on each other faces. "So this is a new experience for the both of us?"
"I suppose," Joost chuckled.
"How's it going so far?" you asked.
"Well, if everything would've gone right we probably would be doing something different right now," Joost said and the thought of that certain something gave you flashes running up your body. You bit your lip, eyeing Joost up and down as you wanted nothing more than to kiss him again. But you knew that it would only mean that you would get to his place even later if you did it right now. So the sexual tension between you two had to persist.
"We're here," Joost announced.
"Oh, finally," you laughed and Joost grinned as he unlocked the front door and held it open for you.
Another excruciatingly long elevator ride where your sides were just barely touching and you two were grinning like two horny teenagers and you finally reached the door to Joost's flat. You nervously fiddled with your fingers as he opened the door and motioned for you to get inside.
"Welcome to my crib," he said and you giggled.
After you stepped inside and turned around Joost had already swiftly closed the door and was standing directly in front of you.
"Hi," you whispered, looking up to him.
"Hi," he said grinning before his lips crashed into yours again.
Soon you were pressed against the wall, Joost's body close to yours and you continued exactly where you left off earlier. You removed Joost's stupid hat and rummaged your hands through his hair which lured a moan from him. Joost softly bit down on your bottom lip which made your back arch. His hands were trailing down your body until they rested on top of your ass, squeezing lightly. Your hands were tugging on Joost's jacket, desperate to finally get his clothes off the man. Without ever breaking the kiss, Joost took off his jacket and discarded it to the side before also removing your jacket. Your hands touched the bare skin on his arms, grabbing at his upper arms as your tongues met in an open-mouthed kiss. Joost hummed into your lips as his fingers slowly felt the soft skin above your ribcage as he sneaked his hands underneath your top, slowly trailing up your body.
"Where's - your - bedroom?" you asked breathily and in between kisses.
Joost moaned against your lips and took your hand into his before he led you down the corridor. Before you could register much of the room you found yourself on top of Joost who was laid on his back on the bed as you were straddling his hips. With your elbows resting beside Joost's head you leaned down to kiss him again. His hands immediately found your hips as you slowly started grinding down into Joost, already feeling his hard groin pressing against your body. You broke the kiss and looked at Joost for a second before you said what you had to say.
"I'm so sorry, I really hate to do this," you started and you could already see the concern and confusion growing on Joost's face. "But I really have to pee," you said with a frown and Joost laughed.
"Yeah, sure, the bathroom is just opposite this one," he said.
"Alright," you said as you got up reluctantly.
"But don't leave me waiting here for too long," Joost said as you looked back at him before leaving his room and you giggled.
You quickly found the bathroom and used the toilet, cursing your bladder for the unfortunate timing. Taking a look in the mirror you fixed your hair and quickly did some sexy poses to boost your confidence.
As you got back into Joost's bedroom just a few minutes later you saw him sprayed out on the bed on his back. He had taken off his pants and was only covered in his t-shirt and boxers, his arms crossed behind his head. As you stepped closer you realised that his eyes were closed and his breathing was steady and slow.
"Joost?" you softly whispered.
No response.
You sat down on the side of the bed and laid your hand on his chest.
"Joost, are you awake?"
No response again.
You let out a soft laugh. You couldn't believe it. After all that went wrong tonight already you finally had made it to Joost's bed and now he was asleep. It was kind of comical actually. You couldn't be mad with the man. It was 4 am already after all and the both of you took a quiet long route home. You grabbed your phone to text Mila.
Did you get my keys? you typed.
Yep, when are you coming? she answered.
It's fine, I'll get them tomorrow. I'm staying at Joost's.
???? Mila replied. Who the fuck is Joost??? she asked in a separate text.
Wait. Joost as in Stuntje's friend?? Mila texted back after a pause.
Yes, you replied.
Stay safe bb, Mila texted.
Dw, he fell asleep already, you typed.
You set your phone aside and watched Joost's peaceful face for a minute. It would be very sweet actually if there wasn't this deep arousal in your panties. You sighed as you accepted your fate and went back to the bathroom. Carefully you looked through Joost's bathroom cabinet to find something to get rid of your makeup. Back in his room, you pondered for a second before stripping down to your underwear. You would have taken your clothes off and slept in his bed anyway, right? Without disturbing the sleeping man beside you too much you slipped under the covers. You tucked Joost also in carefully. As you watched his face with his mouth slightly agape, you laughed softly before you turned to the bedside table to turn the light off.
"Goodnight Joost."
Final A/N: I'm such a tease I'm so sorry, there will be a part three very soon! Part three here
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phyrestartr · 3 days
Love Is Alright | Sukuna x M!Reader
w/c: 1.9k #SFW, reader is early thirties, sukuna is mid twenties, reader is a uni prof, sukuna is a uni student, DON'T SLEEP WITH YOUR PROFS IRL PLS THANK YOU, questionable relationship, fluff, angst, self-deprecating reader, soft sukuna?, sukuna has daddy and mommy issues, TRIED TO EDIT BUT IM LAZYYY, uncle sukuna has entered the chat, ITTY BITTY YUUJI HAS ENTERED THE CHAT
tags: @kamote-kuneho @better-imagination-9 @flowersatwork
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You distanced yourself after the semester ended. 
It felt like your duty, honestly; your responsibility to Sukuna and his well-being hinged on what you could do to remedy the situation. He was a young man, scrambling to figure life out in his mid-twenties while you were failing at life and happiness in your early-thirties. You weren't a good role model. A worse partner. Terrible teacher. 
He'd get over that stupid fling in no time, anyway. Most of your exes did. You'd leave them, mourn them and the relationship, and then feel your heart break a hundred times harder when you found out they'd already moved on. Gotten married. Had kids. All while you hoped they'd come chasing after you. 
But this time would be different. You were protecting someone, someone you cared about. You didn't want to leave, to walk away for the summer, to let him move on peacefully and realize you were nothing but a kink, a fetishized visage of a man, but you had to–you didn't know what it was you'd done to fool Itadori Sukuna, but you had to save him from whatever it was. Because it was your fault. It had to be. 
So why was he knocking on your door? 
“Fucking finally,” Sukuna sighed. He leaned on the doorframe like he was from some 90s greaser film, but you had a feeling he was trying to stop you from slamming the door on his face. “Took you long enough.”
You cleared your throat and tried to ignore the way your heart did backflips in your chest. “I–uh. What're you–?” 
“I need a hand,” the man admitted. “I got midterms comin’ up and I can't fucking focus.” 
You noticed the rings around his eyes, then. You frowned and instinctively reached up, holding the side of his face to get a better look at him. It was hard to tell if he'd gotten in another fight or if he was just tired, but the way he sighed and leaned into your kind touch gave you your answer. 
“Can't focus?” You repeated as you stepped aside and gestured for him to come in. Apparently, you were still too weak to stand your ground and abide by your morals. “Why not–oh.” 
“Hewwo!” The little munchkin on Sukuna's back screeched (rather, he was sitting in Sukuna's unzipped backpack like it was some sort of baby carrier). He had bubblegum pink hair like the older, and his skin was just as tan, but his eyes were more hazel than the reddish brown of Sukuna's. Was he–could this kid be–?
“His name's Yuuji. Little shit's my nephew,” Sukuna lamented. “I have to play daddy for a while, ‘n not in a fun, sexy way.” 
Oh. Not his kid. Okay.
“Huh. Okay.” You closed the door and locked it, sealing away the chill of the rain from the warm, cozy atmosphere of your home. “For a second I thought your playboy antics had caught up with you.” 
“Tch.” Sukuna rolled his eyes and pulled his pack off, being careful not to send his nephew plummeting. He did, however, dump the boy onto the couch like he was an invincible sack of potatoes. 
“Sukuna, be careful--he's just a kid!” You scolded as you went to the teary-eyed little boy. 
“He cries ‘n shit for attention, trust me,” Sukuna scoffed before sitting down as well. “Besides, kids are made of rubber. He'll be fine.” 
“Mean!” Yuuji hollered, battering Sukuna's shoulder with little fists. “Meanie!” 
“Piss off or I'll punt you into the fucking fireplace.” 
“Okay, okay, okay,” you sighed, breaking up the spat. You looked to the little one and smiled when his big, honeyed eyes turned your way. You kind of related to his hopefulness, to his eagerness to find attention and be loved. 
“Yuuji, right?” You hummed as you went to him. “You hungry?” 
The boy lit up. “Ya!”
“Sukuna's hungry, too,” the older chipped in as he plopped his beat up, sticker-clad laptop onto the coffee table and popped it open.
You rolled your eyes and picked up Yuuji as soon as his grabby hands reached out for you. “Fine, fine. I’ll make enough food for three. You just make sure you do your schoolwork, Sukuna. You're not getting free babysitting just so you can slack.”
“Whatever, Mama,” Sukuna dismissed. 
But, he did what he was told. That was the whole point of bringing Yuuji here anyway; it wasn't just to weasel his way back into your life. He seriously needed a break from catering to the tiny, hyperactive tyrant while he was trying to finish his midterm paper. Yuuji was too much for a worn-out student like Sukuna. 
Still, being here, even though you took on the babysitter role without an ounce of resistance, made it hard to focus, too; you handled the little tot with so much ease and care it made Sukuna's head spin. The way you held him on your hip while you puttered around the kitchen, cooking and cleaning, was way too domestic and natural for a bachelor. Sukuna had to wonder if you'd taken care of kids before, or if you'd only dreamed of having your own.
“Focus, Sukuna,” you called from the adjacent room, sounding so pleased. It'd been a while since he heard you sound like that.
“Just making sure you're not cookin’ the runt,” Sukuna huffed. “‘N quit distracting me, asshole.” 
You laughed. Yuuji giggled. Sukuna tried to focus. 
Morning turned into afternoon. Afternoon turned into evening. And Sukuna was still somehow welcomed in your presence.
But the cold press of a beer can against his neck almost made him regret his decision to stay as long as he did.
“You're pretty good at taking care of runts,” Sukuna grumbled as he took the drink from you. You sat beside him, much to his delight, and popped open your own can as you settled on the couch. 
“Yeah, well. I, uh, used to take care of an ex's kid, so–well, I guess it just became second nature.” You smiled a little before sipping at your drink. “Don't really like random kids, though. Boyfriends’ are an exception.” 
“Yeah?” Sukuna asked with a wolfish grin. “‘N so if you like Yuuji, then–”
“Hey, hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves here,” you sighed. “I'm not saying–this isn't–”
“You let me back into your life so fuckin’ easily,” Sukuna said, bulldozing over your words and confidence. His vibrant eyes danced over you like a flame caught in a storm until they eased onto your own, and settled down. “Now you're tryna back out again?” 
You gaped. Your mind scrambled for an excuse, for any sort of reason you could use to push him away again, yet found nothing. Nothing but a spark of warmth left by firelit eyes in the hollows of your chest. 
“When I was your age,” you found yourself saying, dreading the story you suddenly decided to relive, “I dated someone older. A lot older. He was–I thought I was in love, I guess. I don't know. I really needed someone to lean on. He seemed like a good person.
“But, in hindsight, he was too old to be messing around with me. Told myself it'd be alright since we were both legally adults. But it wasn't.
“He was, uh, kinda obsessive and possessive. Made life harder than it needed to be. Made me more miserable than I needed to be.”
You sighed and took a long drink of your beer. “‘N then you came along, and I had to wonder if I was gonna do the same thing to you, y’know? So, I…guess I've been kinda afraid of that.”
Sukuna quirked a brow and frowned “You're talkin’ like you're some kinda fucking villain.”
You laughed bleakly. “I feel like I am.” 
“Fucking hell, just shut up,” Sukuna groaned and ran a hand through his hair, exhausted and frustrated. “You think I'd let you fuck with me, huh? I’m the one who came onto you.” 
“I–well, sure, but I shouldn't be–”
“Shut up.” 
“I'm not listenin’ to you yap. Can it.” 
You pursed your lips and hid as best as you could behind your can. “Uh. Sorry. Maybe?” 
“You're a real dumbass for such a glorified prof, y'know that? Projecting all that shit onto this.” Sukuna shook his head like a disappointed parent and finished off his can before setting it on the coffee table. “I want you ‘cause you thrill me, that's it.”
A fierce heat slapped you in the face. “Oh. Thrill you. That's–wow. Okay. How do I…?”
Sukuna grinned and scooted closer to you on the couch. “You got a nice ass.”
“Shut up, not finished,” Sukuna scoffed. “Nice ass, nice face, nice voice. You know way too much random shit for your own good. You have a trashy tramp stamp–”
“Please forget about that!” 
“--you can cook. Fuck, can you fucking cook. Bake, too. You know how to decorate a damn house, how to make me not wanna go.” He paused for a second and slipped his hand to your thigh, just to feel your warmth under his fingertips. “You make settling down sound like less of a chore.”
“N'awe, that was kind of sweet,” you said like he was a toddler confessing his love for you. 
Sukuna leaned in. “Think I might need a lil’ more sugar from ya.”
You hummed and smiled, leaning in as well. “Don't wanna give you a toothache.”
The man smirked and held the side of your face as his lips brushed against yours teasingly. “Think I'll live–” 
“NUH UH!” 
You both jumped and leaned away from each other before blinking owlishly at the tiny tot standing before you both in A-pose. 
Sukuna's eye twitched. “What the fuck, you little–”
“Yuuji, it's too late for you to be awake,” you scolded lightly. “How come you're awake?” 
“Yuuji pwotect,” he bravely declared as he scurried up onto the couch and onto your lap with a throw blanket in hand–the same one you'd used to tuck him in earlier. 
“Oh, protect me?” You asked, pulling the soft blanket up around him. “From your uncle?” 
“Uncle eevil,” Yuuji whispered. 
“I'm gonna eat you alive, runt,” Sukuna hissed. Luckily for the boy, there was no real fire behind the words–not that he had the brain peanuts to realize that as he started snuffling and tearing up.
“E-ead me..” Yuuji whimpered, hiding under his blanket. “Noh…”
“I'll protect you, Yuuji, you're alright.” You gave Sukuna a look as you patted the little one. “Did you have to threaten to eat him this late at night?” 
Sukuna waved his hand in dismissal. “Little shit cock blocked me. It's what he deserves.” 
“Yeah, yeah, you keep telling yourself that.” You looked down at the little nugget of a boy curled up your lap, kept safe under the shelter of a blanket. Damn, the little thing really was cute. You almost got ideas. 
“We should clock out, too,” you suggested with a yawn before prepping to pick up the sleepy potato in your lap. “It's late. You won't be able to do much more like this.”
“Ha? You think I'm an old fuckin’ geezer like you?” Sukuna scoffed. “I'm not even–I ain't–” he cut off with a yawn and threw you a middle finger. “Fuck you.” 
You got up with the freshly K.O-ed bundled baby tucked in your arms. “Come on, bed time.” 
Finally, Sukuna sighed, and nodded.
“Alright. Fine.”
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torturedtraveler · 1 day
Mulan: The Best Disney Character Ever Made
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okay, i may be in a disney phase right now. but as a fellow asian, there is no way i'm going to talk about disney princesses without mentioning the best disney princess (character) disney has ever made - mulan.
originally a legendary chinese folk heroine from the northern dynasty era in chinese history. the disney adaptation of mulan is somewhat similar, only difference is that she had siblings in the original folklore, and she had to go to war because her brother was too young and her father was too old, and at the end, she revealed her identity only after returning home.
let's face it, the fact that a disney princess went to war made her stand out from the rest of the lineup. let's go over a few badass facts about her in the movie: 1. she wasn't going to give up because she did bad in training. her perseverance and determination led to her trying over and over, pulling herself up that pole that literally no other men in the army could do. she's unbending, not willing to give up without putting up a fight, and she not only proved to li shang and her peers that she's not weak, she proved to herself after all that self-doubt that she's just as capable as anyone else, more than anyone else if anything. 2. the fucking avalanche scene. the fact that she was smart enough, quick-witted enough to plot that within seconds with her enemy right in front of her, clearly using her brain for a good cause to save her entire army which consisted of about 50 people against thousands of huns. war is about tactics, and she demonstrated just that. she also ignored the pain of her wound to pull li shang up from the snow just shows her loyalty to her troops. 3. even after being thrown out of her army in the middle of the mountains full of snow, seeing the huns rising from the snow, she knew she gotta alert li shang that they were coming. despite li shang not believing her (or tried to ignore her), she tried her best to come up with ways in attempt to save her country from potentially being invaded. at that moment, she didn't care about the fact that she literally lost her dignity in front of everyone, she only cared about her country, her homeland, and that just shows how selfless she is.
4. the last scene was probably the most badass out of the entire movie. again, plotting a scheme within minutes in attempt to save the emperor, coming up with ways to get into the palace, get into the emperor's room, and revealing her identity as ping to shan yu to save li shang again. best part was, the only weapon she had in her hand was a fan, it not only symbolized her identity as a female, but also the fact that she was a female in the army. (fucking pulling the sword out of the fan was so badass i need to insert the gif here)
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everything about that scene was perfect. it wasn't entirely serious, some ridiculous humor was implemented there and there, but also allowed for one final demonstration of how strong mulan is, not physically, but mentally.
5. actually, this last one might be the most badass. she didn't bring honor to her family (and herself) by marrying a man, starting a family like what the society expected her to, she earned a standing ovation, a collective bow from the entire country of china and the emperor with her own hands. best part? she didn't care about the honor, she didn't care about the fact that she was offered a position in the council as a female, she only cared about her family, her father. love was what made her strong. gracefulness, bravery, loyalty, and intelligence are just a few of her qualities. not only was the character full of great qualities, her imperfections were also shown, her stubbornness and clumsiness. it felt as though she was a real human because of her merits and faults, and her character development throughout the movie never ceases to amaze me.
again, i don't want to go on forever about this, but one thing will never change - mulan will always be my favorite fictional character ever created.
my little baby is all grown up and ... and savin' china
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bettyfrommars · 3 days
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Call From a Payphone at the End of the World
Eddie Munson x Reader
18+ONLY, mention of smut, yearning, gender neutral reader but a few pet names are used, alcohol consumption, no Vecna, new crush, star-crossed lovers, strange things happen. Reader and Eddie are over 21.
word count: 1.6k
This a mix of several fic ideas that all blended together somehow. One being a road trip fic where Eddie falls for an older reader that I hope to finish one day, plus something for the Stranger Prompts list. Several of the prompts are used in this, but I wanted to keep them a secret. I wouldn't say this is a hurt/no comfort fic, but there will be a hint of that. It is a hopeful, star-crossed lovers story at its core.
After Eddie pumped a few bucks worth of gas into the tank, he couldn’t get across the parking lot to the payphone fast enough.  He was sure his heart would explode if he couldn’t talk to you again as the few hours of highway seemed to roll out for an eternity. 
He punched numbers into the metal key pad and then held a hand over his heart, waiting.  Just after the second ring, there you were with that voice he’d come to adore with every fiber of his being.
“Hey you,” his smile was so big it made his cheeks hurt. “It’s Eddie. Wanted to check in, you know, make sure you made it home okay.”
At the other end, butterflies exploded in your stomach.  “Hey there stranger,” you ached to reach out and hold him.  “I was hoping it would be you.”
He played with the metal cord attaching the receiver to the phone box, tucking his chin so that his next words were mumbled.  “What would you say if I told you I missed you already?”
He felt as if he no longer existed in this reality, as if time and space and whatever the hell else didn’t matter as long as he was connected to you somehow, as long as you were real.  The words kept bubbling up in his chest, and if he didn’t let them out and tell you how he felt, he might suffocate.  
You put down the stack of mail you were holding and sat on the nearby chair to calm your buzzing head.  “I’d say you got it bad for me, Munson.”
“I think you might be onto something there,” he chuckled, turning his head to make sure no one from the isolated gas station was lurking nearby.  “I wish I could kiss you right now.”
“I wish we could do more than that,” you said, grinning. 
“Glad I’m not the only one,” he pinched the front of his Megadeth shirt and brought it to his nose. “I’m never gonna wash this shirt ever again, just so you know.  It smells like you.”
“I almost kept it,” you started to doodle spirals on the pad in front of you with a red pen. 
“I would’ve let you,” he smirked, remembering the way you straddled him in nothing but that shirt in the back of his van for one final quickie before parting ways.  The feeling of being inside of you, that sense of completion and connection, would be his main masturbation fodder for the foreseeable future.  
Holy shit, he was crazy about you.
Having such intense feelings for someone after barely 24 hours of knowing them was not reasonable, he knew that, but he also didn’t care.  
He’d been on his way home from visiting his friend Ronnie when the storm hit, and some of the roads were blocked off due to flooding.  The rain crashed down all night, lightning cracked the sky, and all he could think of as your bodies writhed tangled and sweaty, was that he could die a happy man.  
He called Gareth that night, told him he wouldn’t make it to practice, and decided to slink into a dark bar for a beer.  There you were, looking all sorts of futuristic and out of place.  You had a device in your hand that resembled something out of Star Trek, but you said it didn’t work, that it was “dead” and you couldn’t find your “charger”.  You fascinated the fuck out of him.  He asked if you were an alien, and without missing a beat, you responded, “would that be a problem?”
Not at all, sweetheart.  Not. At. All.
“I kinda want to get in my car and race back to you,” you spoke softly.
Eddie tilted his head back and closed his eyes. “Man, that’s all I could think about the whole way was turning around. I feel like I left my heart on the road back there.”
“I’ll keep it safe,” you whispered, making his entire body shiver with longing.
“When can I see you again? I mean, when do you think…should I come to you or—”
The automatic operator’s voice cut him off, asking him to deposit 25 cents.
“Are you calling me from a payphone?” You sounded astonished.  “I didn’t even know those things existed anymore.”
“They’re all over the place, sweetheart,” he huffed, distracted with searching his denim pockets for change.  “Not all of us have strange little pocket calculator things we speak into.”
“I love an old school man.”
Hearing the word “love” roll off your tongue in relation to him made him want to reach out and take you in his arms so bad he could scream.  
“Hey, I left all my change in the van, this is going to cut me off, but I’ll call you when I get home, yeah?”
“Please do, I don’t care how late it is.”
“Okay I will, and also—”
But then the line went dead.
You pulled your iPhone away from your cheek and stared at the screen with a sad frown.  You hoped that one day he’d let you bring him up to speed with the age of technology.  Until then, you found it charming as fuck that he didn’t own a cellphone, and loved to act oblivious to anything involving computers. 
You had your cell charging on the countertop when one of your friends texted you a few minutes later, demanding the details of the mystery man who’d swept you off your feet in some dive bar out in the boonies.  
Usually, you avoided one night stands at all costs.  You had to care very deeply about someone in order to be intimate with them, and for some reason, you felt bonded to Eddie after the first hour.  It was thrilling, but also scary and uncomfortable all at once. 
“What happened to the dude you were supposed to meet there?” Your friend Tina asked.  “The one from the dating app?”
“Oh, he never showed,” you chuckled, thinking that you’d totally forgotten why you’d driven almost two hours away to another town in the first place. “But it was for the best.  If he hadn’t ghosted, I never would have met Eddie.”
“What was the name of the bar again?” She asked after you dished all of the details on your new crush.
“Wait, I think I have one of their matchbooks in my bag—” you dug around, finally holding it out in front of you.  “I guess it’s called The Upside Down? Never heard of it before, but the address was correct, I’m sure of it. My GPS was acting weird, so who knows.”
The bar hadn’t been updated since the 70’s, it seemed.  Wood paneling, sticky tables, peanut shells on the floor, and one of those vintage jukeboxes that played nothing but oldies.  Eddie remarked that it reminded him a lot of one of the bars he did gigs at with his band.
Corroded Coffin, you doodled the name down, reminding yourself to google it later. Eddie said he wasn’t on social media, and pretended not to know what it even was.  Just one more quirk of his that charmed you to death and made you smile to yourself.
You fell asleep on the couch that night with the phone on your chest, and woke up the next morning with a kink in your neck and a dry mouth.
Nothing from Eddie, not even a missed call.  
Maybe he got in late and didn’t want to wake you.  It was almost 9:00 in the morning when you tried the number he’d given you for his uncle’s place.  
The number had been disconnected or was no longer in service.  
Panic swelling in your throat, you scrolled back to the number of the payphone he’d called you from. 
Also not in service.
Glassy eyed, you sat up and stared at the wall for a long time.
Soon after, you wiped away frustrated tears and got on the internet to search.
“That can’t be right,” you whispered at the screen, looking at a photo of Corroded Coffin at a bar called The Hideout in 1985.  Eddie Munson, graduate of Hawkins High in 1986.
You swallowed thickly, shaking your head.
Zooming in on the few photos you found, you couldn’t help but notice the insane similarities between your Eddie, and 1980’s Eddie.  The one you knew was maybe a few years older, but that was definitely him.
Could it be a relative? No.
All of the odd conversations you’d had that night began to click together.  Had his perplexity with the idea of you carrying a phone been legit? You figured he was just being silly.  
There wasn’t much you could find about him, but one final news snippet caught your eye:
“....Hawkins native and Corroded Coffin frontman Eddie Munson has not been seen or heard from since the fall of ‘89 after leaving a cryptic note for his uncle, Wayne Munson.  “He had a bunch of letters he wanted me to pass out to his friends,” Wayne explained. “He said he hoped that he would be able to come back to Hawkins, but he wasn’t sure how it all “worked”. That he loved me, but he had to go and find someone.”
You gulped, tears rolling hot down your cheeks.
“He went back,” you sniffed, choking on a sob. “He went back to find me, he…”
You trailed off, looking up at the clock, and then over to your car keys on the table.
What if Eddie circled back to find you and you weren’t there? What if that bar you’d met at never even existed?
But Eddie, he was real, and he was coming for you.
You left a note too, texted Tina, and then you were on the road again.
Pedal to the metal into the gathering storm.  
Thank you for reading, I love you.
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toriangeli · 2 days
2.04 notes
-Biggest note, finally, FINALLY we have seen the real Armand. I'm not just talking about his heartbreaking speech in the Louvre, I'm talking about his increasingly unhinged behavior and especially that flashback moment where Daniel is remembering him asking him why he's so fascinating. -Is it insane that Claudia's suffering is more upsetting to me than anyone else's? I think it hits closer to home when it's a woman. That, or maybe they're oversaucing the pudding. Like, we get it, she's Super Tragic. Can we process -Santiago sulking in his dressing room while Claudia is onstage. They should have formed an alliance from the start to get this act off the stage. -Man this episode does make me remember how insufferably snobby Louis was in the book. Thank god they've got Jacob playing him. -I adore them showing coven politics. Love love love. Could Armand have prevented it? I mean, obviously, if he could put the entire coven to sleep in an instant. But they are clearly setting up the impetus to be more complicated than many make it out to be. -Daniel says "Yah" to Louis asking if he wants to know what Dreamstat felt like. -"He's not that attractive." Bro. I'm not even a dudes kinda lady and even I know he's hot. -HE CALLED HIM A BUFFOON OMG -I think Rashid, on orders from James, mixed in those photos with Louis' to cause an argument and allow Daniel more time with the files he was sent. -I wondered if they were going to find one of Marius' paintings in the Louvre, but finding one of Armand/Amadeo is even better (because Marius is...not mediocre, but definitely not Louvre material). -"Who am I, Louis? Am I my history I have endured? Am I the job I do not want? I am not sure anymore. No one has painted me in over 400 years." Oh god for them to address Armand's identity issues this directly--he is fully aware of that emptiness and openly seeks to fill it. He's begging Louis for it. -Then to turn around and show this authoritarian side to him, FUCK YES. -Starting to venture closer to the theory that Louis has been telling the lie of him being the one who slit Lestat's throat for so long that he has come to believe it. -Jesus. I know Dreamstat isn't even real and doesn't have feelings, but I still feel for him. -This scene where Louis advises Armand. People are seeing is as being more sinister than I'm seeing it. There are definitely power plays, but nothing Armand pushes back on. I don't think he's doing this because he fancies being Lestat, though I'm as perplexed as anyone by his reaction to Armand's story. But I think here, he's giving Armand a place to vent, to be vulnerable, to safely express fear for the first time in well over a century. I do think it snowballs by the time we get to Dubai (hence Jacob talking about Louis becoming "the Lestat" in his relationship with Armand), but here, Armand seems deeply reassured. Contrast their argument in the bedroom, where Armand is immediately concerned with who to blame because he doesn't want the argument he knows is coming. That instant anticipation of the argument isn't a great sign. But the one moment in the 1940's that's a sign of how toxic it's likely to get? Louis called Armand by the name Armand said he went by as a slave, which he could not be sure was his birth name. That's taking the BDSM fantasy too far. Other than that? Every time Armand starts to spiral emotionally in the conversation, Louis redirects him, and it genuinely seems to make Armand feel better. What I don't like is that Louis has stepped back into a persona he doesn't like. At this juncture, it's more unhealthy for Louis than for Armand. Though as we see, it seems to become equally unhealthy for them both. -That being said, some people are still weirdly insistent that Armand is secretly 100% in control of everything ever, in spite of the mounting evidence that it's not the case. Just because he can put his coven to sleep for 15 seconds without breaking a sweat doesn't mean he's some kind of puppet master. There's only one of him.
Next week: finally getting truly unhinged Armand omg.
80 notes · View notes
2chopsticks2eyes · 24 hours
(Part Two)
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This is part two of a multiple part series, please be sure to start from part one!
(Part One) | (Part Two)
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Fem Reader
Themes: Angst, (Smut), (Fluff)
Word Count (all parts): ~21.8k | AO3
Summary: You were penniless and working tirelessly at a seedy club when you were assaulted. As soon as you resigned yourself to your fate, Lee Minho saved you, albeit grudgingly. You received treatment and you didn’t have to pay them a dime under one condition: You must be confined to his home for the remainder of your recovery.
Author’s Note:
The overall plot line was based off a recommendation from @linoots from Tumblr (I received permission from them to write this type of content)
(I’ve missed you all dearly. So sorry it’s taken so long 🥺)
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You silently watched as the doctor removed the IV that had been pumping fluids into your body for the past 48 hours and you rubbed the uncomfortable bandage he replaced it with.
You refused to make eye contact with him. In fact, you did not look or talk to anybody since you woke up in that same home-hospital room you had grown accustomed to. Not Chris, not Felix, and definitely not Minho.
You were a shell of your former self and you didn’t know if you were upset or relieved that you were revived. You didn’t know what to make of it. But now, there was one emotion you knew that burned brighter than your numbness.
You couldn’t quite believe Felix’s words when he said that Minho was the one who came to your rescue… again…
But that was preposterous. The bastard probably told the younger man to say that to make himself look better… Whatever, fuck it all.
You allowed yourself to be led back to your room to get some rest. However, when Felix left and Minho walked in, you fortified your walls even further. You felt your face turn sour with each passing moment without even looking at the man and you rolled over in bed so your back was facing him.
There was a long pause of silence that seemed to drag on for hours.
You finally heard a long sigh and then the sound of him plopping down into the chair by your bed. “You know…” He started, and you squeezed your eyes shut. “There’s a reason I bothered to do all of this...”
You tried your hardest to ignore him, but you couldn’t control the fact that his words piqued your interest, your ears already tuned-in to his velvety voice.
“Not just this time, but… the reason I brought you here in the first place.” After a moment of silence, he realized you weren’t going to respond, so he huffed in frustration. “Forget it.”
You suddenly heard the door open and you peered over your shoulder. Without turning to face you, he blankly said, “You are now required to have 24/7 supervision, congratulations.”
And with that, the man walked out while Felix walked in, a meek smile on his face and hands full with baked goods.
“In the mood for cookies?” You sighed and just returned to your side as you balled up in a mess of frustration and confusion under the covers, mind still tingling with the thought of what Minho was going to say.
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter, Felix. I’m a grown woman.”
Felix just huffed, obviously sick and tired of your complaints. “You know why it’s this way, sweetie. Don’t blame me for doing my job.”
The topic was a constant now. He was obviously there for your physical therapy, but he was also everywhere else. You loved the man, you did, but there is only so much time you could stand without a little alone time!
You wanted to watch TV? He was there. You wanted to nap? He was there. You couldn’t even go to the bathroom without having to leave the door open so he ‘has access to you at all times’. Thank god he stayed outside while you did your business…
After a week of this bullshit, you decided to do something about it…
Throughout your exploration of the house, you found some rooms with names on them. Evidently the ones that Minho once said were strictly prohibited. A couple of the rooms had names you were completely unfamiliar with, but others, you remembered well. Chan, Felix, Jisung, Seungmin, Jeongin, and finally some large double-doors with the initials L.M.
Lee Minho.
The man had supposedly been ‘out on business’ the entire week, but you knew for sure he had come back today with all of the ruckus of the house staff.
So, when you were positive that Felix had finally passed out on the sofa in your room for the night, you, as quietly as humanly possible, snuck out of the room and tip-toed down the hallway and downstairs to the doors you knew by heart now.
The room was surprisingly extremely secluded and you thanked the heavens because you knew for sure you wouldn’t be able to keep cool once he was in sight. You were fully prepared to bang your fist all the way through Minho’s door to meet the man himself if that’s what it took, but as you raised your fist to knock, the door suddenly opened.
Well… shit…
You really didn’t want to admit it, you really didn’t, but… the sight before you was absolutely, without a doubt, mouth watering. He looked just as surprised as you, but you found yourself focused on something other than his face for once…
The man was completely shirtless, pajama pants riding low on his hips and revealing the prominent V of his abdomen. Speaking of abdomen, the dude was of course ripped. Well, maybe not Dr. Chris (Or Christopher, or Chan, or what the fuck ever you want to call him) kind of ripped, but enough to make your eyes bulge out and glue themselves to every inch of impeccably toned abs and pecs.
And another thing that stood out in particular was the sleeve of tattoos twisting and swirling around the upper half of his right arm. You had only seen him in button-ups thus far and, even if he rolled up his sleeves, you somehow hadn’t ever noticed it. You were usually hyper-focused on his face, but at that moment, all you could see was the vast amount of skin on display.
You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“What are you doing here?” His stern words snapped you back to reality and you had to rapidly blink to regain a semblance of consciousness.
What am I doing? You shivered and grimaced at yourself for your intrusive thoughts before meeting his eyes.
“Uh-uhh I–” You halted your words when you noticed he was clutching something on his side. Curiosity got the better of you and you peered around his towering frame to see a soiled and basically useless bandage dripping with blood. “Holy shit! Are you alright?!” You said stepping towards him instinctively, catching yourself once he tensed and stepped back, correcting his posture as if to defend himself.
Psh, what could you possibly do to him? You couldn’t even defend yourself…
He glanced at the cloth he was currently pressing to his side and made a disgruntled noise. “I’m fine.” He said with a curt and slightly annoyed huff. “Why don’t you have anyone watching you right now?” He grumbled, obviously frustrated as he looked around behind you in search of your babysitter.
You furrowed your brows, still peeved but also worried about the still-bleeding wound on his side. “I had to sneak away because I don’t necessarily appreciate being babysat like a fucking child! Now you need to refresh that bandage before it gets infected!” You borderline shouted.
You could almost feel the daggers he shot at you with his eyes pierce through your flesh. “I said I’m fine! Now go back to be– Hey!”
You cut his sentence off short when you saw a first aid kit that looked like it had been through war and back on a small table behind him before you marched your way in, not giving two flying fucks that you were invading his room. “Get your ass in here, we need to clean you up first.” You demanded, collecting the kit and marching into what looked like the ensuite, completely ignoring his protests.
Jesus, is this much luxury even necessary? You thought as you passed through his behemoth of a room. Gray, white, and covered in smooth marble and chandeliers, it housed all of the amenities to be considered its own wing of the house. The gray material of the sofa and bed looked so soft and luxurious you were tempted to walk over and run your fingers along them. But that would have to wait.
He slammed his bedroom door shut with a huff and turned around. “You can’t just–!” You ignored him as you strolled into the bathroom (Still unnecessarily gorgeous).
“Just get your ass in here and sit!” You shouted from the bathroom. When you saw him stop in the doorway and glare at you, you just proceeded to open the first-aid kit and then pointed at the black and white marble countertop next to the sink. “Sit.”
He rolled his eyes before squeezing them shut and breathing out a slow sigh. “You… You’re a pain in my ass.” He groaned before dragging his feet over to you and hopping up to sit on the counter like you asked. If you hadn’t been right in front of him, you would have almost missed the slight hiss of pain he breathed through clenched teeth.
Why you had felt a pang of sympathy for the man, you had no clue.
He watched you apprehensively as you washed your hands and moved to face him. A brief moment of awkward silence had permeated the air before you tentatively raised your hands to remove the soiled bandage.
Minho visibly stiffened, but he made no move to stop you as your shaky fingers slowly peeled back the gauze.
Holy shit. That was 100% unmistakably a bullet wound.
Your mind was automatically transported back to that first night where you witnessed this guy casually gun down those men, effectively splattering five different brains on the fresh snow without even batting an eyelash. Who the fuck is Lee Minho? And what all was he capable of?
“If you’re going to just stand there and stare, then kindly leave me the fuck alone.” His gruff voice made you jump slightly as you were pulled from your thoughts.
You cleared your throat as you proceeded to throw away the red-stained dressing. You avoided his eyes as you grabbed the saline solution and a towel, still feeling his eyes bore into you with every movement.
However, you froze as you held the saline up to the mangled skin. “U-um… Did you take out—?”
“Yes, I already removed the bullet. Get on with it.”
Your stomach churned at his affirmation of the cause of injury, but you were getting sick and tired of his assholery as you glared up at his blackened eyes. “You know, a little gratitude goes a long way, shithead.”
He seemed stunned for a moment, looking at you as if you had gone crazy before returning to his deadly glower. “Look here, Tinkerbell—“ You bristled at that stupid-ass name again… “YOU’RE the one that barged in here. YOU’RE the one who has been a pain in my ass ever since you got here. So, no, I won’t give ‘gratitude’ where it’s not deserved. Plus, you’re the one to talk…” He murmured the last bit, but you still clearly heard him.
“Then why bother saving me in the first place?!” You basically screamed at him.
Silence and a shocked disposition was all you got in return.
“I had nothing to live for anyway, so why bother?! You could have just as easily ignored what was happening and went on your merry fucking way. Could have left me behind that dumpster to freeze and bleed to death so you wouldn’t have to deal with this ‘pain in the ass’. Could have also left me alone to OD and suffocate on my own vomit the other day. So what gives?” You finished with a seething remark while gesturing to yourself.
His face was stark blank. “You want to know why I saved you?” He said through gritted teeth. You just responded with a curt nod. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration before his expression morphed into something more solemn. It seemed like he was having an internal battle before he began to speak. He finally sighed and leaned his head back against the wall mirror with closed eyes. “I once… I had a cousin, one that was very close to me. I would always be overbearing and protective and she would always tell me to stop babying her.”
He chuckled fondly as he reminisced and you found yourself latching onto his every word. You chalked it up to the fact that you were finally learning something about this enigmatic man and this whole fucked up situation.
“Anyway, as we got older and I got busier, I began giving her more space. She was becoming a woman and I accepted the fact that she could begin to take care of herself.” He paused, but considering the faintest waver in his voice and his dry swallow, it didn’t sound like it was because he was waiting for a response… “I thought she was safe… but there were… others… vile pigs that knew how close she was to me…”
Another beat of silence and you watched his face slowly morph from sorrow to unbridled rage.
“I found her in almost the exact way I found you…” His words felt like a punch to the gut and painful images flooded your mind as you swallowed the bile that rose to your chest. “But, in her case, the scum that had… done that to her had already fled and I… I couldn’t save—” He squeezed his eyes tighter and his jaw clenched hard around the emotions before they could spill out.
You both knew he didn’t need to finish that sentence.
You felt the numbness that had taken over your soul begin to crack once again at the feeling of sympathy towards his cousin, and that shit scared you like none other.
“So, yeah. You might be a raging bitch and I might be a pretentious motherfucker. But even so, I couldn’t just leave you… I just couldn’t…” You felt something churn in your gut and you furrowed your brows in frustration as to what it was. You watched him take a deep breath and sit up a bit straighter. “So, with that being said, I can’t just allow you to throw away everything you’ve worked for so far.”
As if indicating that he had enough of the back-and-forth, he attempted to grab the saline bottle from your hand, only to be met with adamant resistance. You gently pushed his hand away (thankfully without any struggle) and brought the saline and towel up to his ever-bleeding wound that was dripping down to the puddle it created, causing a concerning amount of deep crimson to flood the marble countertop.
You silently flushed the deep cavern with the solution until you deemed it was properly cleaned before moving on to the peroxide. “This might sting a bit…” You warned as you watched his jaw clench. He closed his eyes as you disinfected it and you wondered how he could keep so cool after having a bullet plunged into his side.
Once he was properly cleaned and covered in antibiotic ointment, you picked up the gauze and searched for some tape. Your eyes widened as he wordlessly moved to hand you a long compression wrap.
You emitted a noise that sounded somewhat like a sputtering engine and your face flushed as you saw his suppressed smirk. To wrap that thing around him, you would have to run your hands all over his muscled torso… fuck.
“Something the matter?” He lilted in that nonchalant, annoying timbre. Teasing. “If you don–”
“It’s fine!” You cut him off, maybe a bit too loudly as you refused to make eye contact. “It’s just… just… don’t you have any dressing tape?” You said as you coincidentally eyed his well-defined pecs and abs.
He shrugged. “Nope. Not with me anyway. I just have this—“ He said while waving the fabric in front of your face again with a challenging brow lifted.
You nervously chuckled and squeaked out, “O-okay… Stand up…” You instantly felt goosebumps rise all over your flesh as he hopped off the counter, keeping the gauze pressed to his wound, and stepped a bit too close for a man you barely even knew. Deep breaths, you can do this…
“Hey…” You slowly raised your eyes to meet his own at the sound of the softer change in his tone. He took the tiniest step back to make it easier for him to look you in the eyes. “If you're uncomfortable… I mean… I’m not…” You don’t think you had ever seen him struggle so much with his words. He sighed and closed his eyes before sadly looking at you again. “You have nothing to be afraid of with me… I wouldn’t even think of…” He huffed and shook his head in disgust as he seemed to be thinking of the exact same thing that had plagued you day and night since arriving here.
Before he could even drive his point home, you gently laid your hand on his shoulder, causing his gaze to return to you. “I know…” You replied. “You hardly scare me, Lee Minho.” You teased with a wry smile that even surprised you.
His disturbed face was slowly replaced with a pleasantly surprised grin similar to your own. You watched with feigned mockery as he raised the wrapping once again. “Then prove it, Tink.” You just scoffed and rolled your eyes at the shortened version of his unrelenting name for you and snatched the elastic cloth from his hand.
“Fine.” You huffed defiantly before looking at his abdomen once again. You tentatively pressed the end of the wrap against his heated skin that made you blush. You could feel him watching you and you suddenly felt like hiding.
You wrapped the bandage over several times, feeling yourself tense up every time you touched his bare skin, and secured it tightly once you were finished. “O—“ Your voice cracked when you tried to speak and your face heated as you cleared your throat. “Okay, you’re finished…”
You wouldn’t look him in the eyes, how could you after you basically forced him to let you run your hands all over his tan, muscular, and absolutely gorgeous skin?
“W—“ He hesitated and, despite yourself, you found your eyes instinctively seeking his own out to somehow read the words through his dark irises. You found he was searching your eyes as well with pursed lips before he looked away and cleared his throat as well. “Thank you.”
“Channie-hyung wasn’t available when I returned home so I tried to take care of it myself. I guess my half-assed effort didn’t do much, huh?” He chuckled and looked back at you with a meek smile.
Who the fuck is this man and where did Lee Minho go?
He nervously chuckled and you realized you’d been staring at the man far too long. You took a deep breath and stepped back. “Well, I kind of owed it to you now, didn’t I?” You said it lightheartedly, but he furrowed his brows.
“You don’t ever have to owe me anything.”
You arched a brow, but he just turned and began packing away the first aid kit again. You watched his back, trying to remember why you came to his room in the first place. “Minho?”
He stilled his movements.
“What do you even do?” He turned and arched a brow at you and you rolled your eyes, stepping forward next to him to lean against the counter. “Like, you are obviously loaded…” You said gesturing to your luxurious surroundings. “You have a full staff with a doctor to patch up nasty bullet holes like this and god knows what else…” You both looked at his bandage. “And not to mention the bullets you cleared through those guys’ heads without even blinking an eye that night…”
He bit his lip and you followed the action with your eyes. You instinctively wet your own lips. After he was done staring at the marble countertop for an unnecessarily lengthy amount of time, he hesitantly turned his body to face you.
“You could say I sort of run something like a… secret organization?” He said tentatively like it was a question unto himself and you furrowed your brows.
You squinted skeptically at him. “So… you're telling me—“ Is that worry on his face? “—that you're a secret agent? Like a spy?” You looked at him in disbelief.
He sputtered a restrained laugh and looked at you with a suppressed smile. “I suppose you could say I’m like a spy.”
“LIKE a spy?”
He looked up like he was deliberating. “Sure. Like a spy.”
“But not actually a spy?”
He groaned at your questioning and ran a hand through his messy hair. Come to think of it, this is the most dressed-down look you’d seen on him. Gone were the button-ups and slacks, now replaced by sweats and a compression wrap over his shirtless body.
He stood straight and crossed his arms, obviously ready for the conversation to be over. “Does it matter? Look, it’s already really late and Yongbok will panic if he realizes you ran off.”
Oh shit, that’s right. That’s the whole reason you were even there. In Minho’s bathroom. Standing closely to him. With the man half naked and you in your flimsy, silk nightwear. Your peaked nipples seemed suddenly way more apparent as you crossed your arms over your chest. You rapidly blinked as if suddenly waking up and quickly stepped back.
“I-I wanted to ask you something…” He arched his brow and you continued. “Can you please call off the reinforcements? I know I made a bad decision and all, but I will honestly go crazy if I have to use the bathroom with the door open one more time.” You found yourself begging rather than demanding like you had initially intended.
Why, though?
He looked hesitant and you quickly added, “I don’t even mean all of the time! Like, I’ll keep my bedroom door open so he can check up on me and he can even watch me secretly while I’m around the house, I just want at least a little sense of privacy!”
You knew you sounded like a pathetic child, but you had resigned yourself to that fate as soon as you had to take a massive, violent shit earlier that day and you knew Felix had heard everything from the other room. Without any doors to create that sweet, sweet sound barrier? Ugh… You were still mortified to look at him.
You silently watched him with imploring eyes as he tiredly rubbed his brow. “You…” You widened your eyes with a hopeful energy pulsing through them, hoping to portray as such as he looked into your pleading eyes. He sighed. “I suppose those terms are fair…” You lit up like a Christmas tree before he raised a finger. “BUT, if you are EVER alone ANYWHERE, you need to let him know where you are and give him regular updates on your whereabouts to let him know if you are okay. Okay?”
You vehemently nodded your head and perked up. “Thank GOD!”
He smirked and crossed his arms again. “I think I like you calling me a god. Have I upgraded from a narcissistic asshole?” He tilted his head with raised brows and you were, once again, reminded how gorgeous this man really was.
You rolled your eyes and went to shove his shoulder, but before you could even touch him, he grabbed your wrist in the blink of an eye. For some reason, you both looked surprised as he froze with your wrist in his hand from less than a foot away. Your heart was racing and you chalked it up to being from fear of someone grabbing you.
But why did that conclusion not feel quite right…?
Before you could ponder it, he dropped your arm and quickly stepped away. “Fuck. I-I’m sorry.” He shook his head and you watched worry swirl in his eyes.
No, you weren’t afraid of this man. You don’t know why, but you knew he wouldn’t hurt you intentionally. Even after everything… “It was just instinct! I swear! I would never intend to—“
“I know, Minho.” You cut off his panicking, but his brows gave away his lingering concern. “I guess I’m just going to have to take your word for it on the whole spy thing, though, because those were super fast reflexes.” You chuckled to ease the tension and his face softened slightly.
It was silent for a moment and he cleared his throat again. “Well, I should walk you back to your room, it’s late and I’ve had… a very long few days.”
You took a large breath and promptly left the bathroom. “I’m perfectly fine on my own, you know?” There’s that twinge of irritation again…
”I know, I know. But if Yongbok is awake, I want to be able to ease his worries and update him on his role in taking care of you.
Taking care of…
Not treating, not monitoring. Taking care of. You supposed that’s what they were doing, huh? Felix was, in fact, doing much more than treating or monitoring. He waited on you hand and foot and you were being a bitch about it. You made a promise to yourself right then and there to let him know as soon as possible how much you appreciated his care and apologize for your behavior.
You nodded, both to yourself and to Minho’s reasoning before making your way back to your room with the mysterious and intriguing man just a few steps behind you.
Felix was a saint. Not only did he forgive you when you apologized, but he went as far to say it was his fault for being overbearing. Which was obviously preposterous.
With your new parameters in effect, Felix decided to leave the estate shortly, before quickly returning with gifts for you. Among them were several jigsaw puzzles and you perked up at the sight of them. Over time, you had come to really appreciate those puzzles. So much so that you had already finished all of the ones currently at the estate, strangely enough. All kinds of different collections displayed on random tables throughout the mansion.
Felix was true to his word and gave you your space, only briefly giving you regular check-ups as you sat in one of the many living rooms that giant freaking place held and began the therapeutic work of putting together an adorable puzzle of a litter of kittens.
You would love to have cats…
When a sudden ruckus erupted down the hall, you furrowed your brows and looked behind you to the source. Down the corridor you saw the same seven men that you had seen regularly around the house (obviously minus Felix) dressed in what looked like active-wear gathering around the front entryway.
The men never approached you, but that was most likely because you tried to make yourself scarce once you saw one of them. Maybe Dr. Chris, Felix, and Minho you trusted, but you didn’t know those other men and it made you sick to your stomach thinking of being alone with a stranger without one of those three men accompanying you.
”Okay, guys, this is just routine training today, so no fire hazards, alright Hyunjin?” You heard Minho announce to the group.
Training? Like their super-secret-spy type training?
You felt yourself stand and march over to them without even formulating what you were doing. Who needs rational thought anyway?
If you were remembering correctly, the one named Jeongin spotted you first with a look of surprise. “Come. On. Hyuuung. We need to be prepared for anyth—“ Jeongin harshly elbowed the one who you assumed was Hyunjin and quickly spoke up.
’Hy-Mr. Lee, sir. I think someone is here for you…” He nodded a bow to you and you returned it, giving a meek smile to the group before meeting Minho’s gaze.
He looked slightly surprised before giving you… was that a smile? No, surely not…
You cleared your throat as Felix made his way over with hurried steps and a worried expression. You, then, glanced over at the other men who had become quiet as death upon you stepping up next to Minho. You scanned over them before slightly bowing. “Um… Good morning…” You introduced yourself before hearing a small ‘oh’ from the man beside you. You turned your head as he stepped forward and turned to face you again.
”I guess I haven’t really introduced them all to you yet… These are my… This is my inner circle.” He hesitated and turned to gesture to each of them. “Some I’m sure you already know. Like Channie-Hyung, Yongbok, and Jisung.” The three nodded politely with soft smiles. “But to formally introduce you to the others, this is Changbin…” The shorter, muscular man offered a shy smile. “Hyunjin…” Your eyebrows raise at the incredibly handsome man as his full lips formed a smile as well. “Seungmin…”
”Nice to formally meet you.” He said with an amused grin and you nervously chuckled as you informed him likewise.
”Then there’s our maknae, Jeonginnie.” Hyunjin cooed at the youngest when he also gave a shy smile and he received a death-glare in return.
All of the men remained incredibly polite, bowing their heads when introduced and maintaining their distance. Shit, they probably already know everything about you and your situation… especially considering the fact that no one asked you who you were or why you were there.
You guessed you understood and you were actually somewhat grateful. It saved you from having to explain it yourself and relive all of the pain again…
”It’s very nice to meet you all.” You gave the men a polite smile before turning to Minho again. You were on a mission. “Minho, can I please come train with you guys?”
You could hear a pin drop with how silent the room got. “You… you want to train?” You gave a determined nod before slumping your shoulders at his shake of the head. “No. No way.”
“What?! Why?!”
”Um, I think it’s best we head out first. We will meet you there sir.” The youngest quickly relayed before walking out the front door with the other men in tow, Felix quickly retreating to some other corner of the estate.
After watching the mass leave, you fixed your glare on Minho’s resolute expression. “Not only are you not employed by me, but you also have an injured arm—“
”It could be good therapy for me! And I can even raise it horizontally now!” You demonstrated the movement with gritted teeth, trying to hide the pain, and he responded with an unimpressed visage.
“You are already receiving therapy and you would just be a liability. So, no. End of discussion.”
A liability? Ouch.
You felt anger rise up in you and you took a step near him, his features remaining stone-cold. “You… You’re a… ugh!” You couldn’t even muster up the will to call him an asshole anymore. What the fuck was WRONG with you?
With the lack of anything better to say, you furiously stomped away up to your bedroom to fume in private, but not without flipping him off the entire way there.
“Knock knock, love.” Felix announced before stepping through your open doorway. It hadn’t been long since you petulantly curled up on the plush armchair by your window to angrily watch the rain outside.
Of course it would rain. Apparently fate had decided to mock you as if you were an actress in some sort of sad music video. Surely Felix would agree.
You watched with hesitancy as he held out his hand to you. “Follow me.” He said calmly with a smile. “I want to show you a new room.” You perked up at that notion. You had been running out of places to explore recently and the prospect of seeing something new was like a kid going to a playground.
You took his hand and allowed him to lead you to one of the many locked double-doors on the estate. What you saw made you gasp in awe. Bookshelves upon bookshelves lined the walls of a massive, two-storied library that was stocked to max capacity with what looked like brand new books as well as older than hell pieces of literature. All surrounding a cozy living area with couches, armchairs, and even a fireplace.
”Minho-hyung must really trust you to let me show you this. These books mean a great deal to him and many of them are extremely fragile as well.” He trusts me? You thought as you watched Felix’s eyes widen. “I-I mean Mr. Lee…”
You furrowed your brows and turned to him. “Why do you do that?” You asked and he just blinked at you with worry written on his features.
”D-do what?”
Playing dumb, are we? “That! Those other guys do it too! Why don’t you just call him Hyung? You all are obviously close. Why try to hide it?”
Felix nervously rubbed the side of his neck and looked down. “It’s not like we are trying to hide it, necessarily. We are just trained to remain professional. It’s just much harder when we are all home and much more relaxed.”
You nodded your head in understanding. “But why do you try to hide it with me? I’m not exactly here on business.” You arched your brow and he smiled sweetly.
”It…” He seemed hesitant to speak until he sighed and lowered his head. “If we keep things professional with you, it might be easier when we have to see you go…” You were taken aback. Easier? Is he saying they would miss you? Why? You were a nobody, and you were honestly kind of a bitch. No, that can’t be it.
”What do you mean by easier?”
He seemed confused by your question. “When you spend so much time with someone, it’s easy to get attached. Even the coldest heart can find warmth in someone they find trustworthy and important.”
Trustworthy? Important? You? What in the world did you do to earn those titles?
Felix must have read the disbelief on your face because he continued. “You and I have spent a lot of time together over the past months. I’ve learned a lot about you and your habits.” You blushed. He most definitely knows a lot about you. He’s seen a lot too. “I know you are a good person. I have an eye for these things.”
He winked at you and you huffed a chuckle.
“And Minho-hyung knows you are a good person too. He just has a different way of… expressing his feelings.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “No, it’s true! We discuss you and your progress often and the kind of leniency he gives you in this place is unheard of for anyone other than our circle. Even some of the house staff haven’t been allowed in some of these rooms you’ve seen.”
What on god’s green earth did you say to them to trust you? I mean, of course they can trust you. You bear no ill will toward any of them, not seriously anyway. But why do they think so? Felix could definitely see the confusion on your face when he gently placed a hand on your upper back and guided you two further into the treasure-trove of books.
“Don’t think about it too much, love. Just know that everything we do, we do out of good and pure intentions.”
You definitely thought about it too much.
You were determined.
You were going to get out of that damned house, even if just for a minute, whether he liked it or not. By exploring the house, you ended up finding a board room, like true business-official type shit. A long table surrounded by office chairs and even a projector screen. And with a small tip from Felix, you knew they all happened to have a meeting that morning.
An actual business meeting. Not the one including half-naked women this time.
So, after gearing up in some serious workout attire, you marched yourself to that exact room, not even bothering to knock. You were on a mission. ”Lee Minho, I demand to be included in your training. I won’t take no for an answer!”
His were the first eyes you seeked out when you entered the room and you willed yourself to not back down.
You, then, remembered the presence of the other seven men in the room and how silent everyone had become. It was as if they thought, if they move even slightly, all hell would break loose. And by looking at Minho’s facial expression, they might have good reason to think as such.
”I. Said. NO. Now please see your way out. As you can see, we are clearly busy.” You were pissed, no, more than pissed, but you squared your shoulders.
However, before you could utter a word, Jisung spoke up. “Hyung. I think we should let her. She is obviously passionate about it.” Minho glared at his friend and then back at you. He was silent for a moment, as if he was deliberating, before speaking again.
”FUCKING HELL, MAN! I have been sitting on my ass here for months now for a reason I’m sure everyone here already knows about—!“ You watched guilty expressions color the room. “—and now that I’m getting better, you’re not going to help me defend myself if something like that happens again?” You witnessed his eyes widen as a traitorous tear fell down your cheek. “Fuck. You. Lee Minho!”
Resilience be damned, you were itching to escape that suffocating room and the problem within it. You stormed away once more with a harsh slam of the door and a burning fire inside you fueled by hate and anger.
Fuck this.
You felt a plop on the couch next to you and you jolted in place with a tiny squeak.
After the meeting room fiasco, you had been spending all of your time in the library. You were so immersed in your book that you didn’t even realize there was another presence in the room.
With a quick whip of the head and an incredulous look on your face, you watched Minho smirk next to you in amusement. “For someone who is super quick with their tongue, you sure are slow with everything else.” He chuckled as you came down from your fright and you placed a hand on your rapidly beating heart.
That motherfucker just about killed you! Well, not literally, but still! You closed your eyes to collect yourself before opening them again to glare at him.
However, instead of that same annoying smirk, his face turned into one of regret. “Shit, I’m sorry… I didn’t even think if that would make you… fuck, I didn’t—“
”It’s fine!” You quickly cut him off, knowing where he was going with that statement. “I-I’m fine… you just startled me a bit.” You calmly placed your bookmark before turning back to him with narrowed eyes. He looked a bit more relieved.
”Still, I need to be more… considerate.” He looked down at his hands, avoiding your eyes. “In more ways than one…” You furrowed your brows in suspicion before he returned your gaze once more. “I’ve thought about it a lot and I realized that I haven’t necessarily been easy on you throughout all of this. I might have played a part in helping you physically, but I didn’t consider how this would all affect you mentally.”
You were speechless. Was this the same man? He’s actually being… remorseful…
“So, yeah. Sorry about all that…” He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck while averting his eyes. He clearly wasn’t used to apologizing so much. “I, um… I wanted to ask you if we could, like, start over?”
You had never seen the man fumble so much since meeting him and it was quite a refreshing sight. “Why? Are you about to drop another ridiculous rule on me and you’re just saying this to lessen the blow?” You huffed a bitter chuckle.
You could see his temper start to rise before he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I’m saying this…” There was a slight edge to his voice before he opened his eyes again with a much more gentle demeanor. “—because I am tired of us butting heads.” He slumped into the backrest and you arched a brow. “And also because you were right.”
Okay. Something is seriously wrong.
”I thought it would be dangerous for you to train with professionals and be subjected to a room full of random men.” He limply turned his head your way while remaining melted into the cushions. “And yes, there will be other men there. All of my subordinates use this training center. It’s one of my most used gyms for my… industry.”
You scoffed. “Pft. ‘Industry’” You mocked with finger quotations.
He smirked. “Yes. Industry.” His face gradually returned to a more serious disposition. “There is also the matter of secrecy.” You nodded your head. Yeah, that made sense considering his occupation, but who were you going to tell? “Not saying I don’t trust you—“
”Why do you trust me?” You blurted, the question still buzzing around in your mind like an annoying pest. He furrowed his brows as if he didn’t understand. You continued. “Like, yeah, I get why you saved me now and all, but why do you trust ME?”
His brow slightly softened and he cleared his throat. “Y-you have given me no reason not to trust you. Why? Did you do something?” He said with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes. “No, asshole. It’s obvious to me that you should trust me, but you’re just going to take my word for it? You must be a really shitty spy.” He guffawed loudly, sitting up with a bright grin as he seemed like himself again.
”You haven’t seen what I can do, Tinkerbell.” You rolled your eyes, but you did find the notion intriguing.
”Oh yeah? What can you do?” You could see a spark light up in his eyes as he stared into your own and you had to gulp down the saliva that pooled in your mouth from the sight.
”Well…” He shifted to face you, elbow now propped up on the back of the couch. “You’ll get to see some of it when we train you.”
You felt your heart jolt. “When you train me?” You felt the corners of your mouth slowly lifting and his followed right behind.
”We leave at noon. Unless you’ve changed your mind?” He mused.
”No! No, I want to!” You looked at the clock. 11:30. Shit, he couldn’t have told you a little sooner? You sprang to your feet and he stood as well. “Just let me go change and I’ll meet you in the foyer.”
He just gave you a brief nod before turning on his heel and leaving you giddily buzzing in your skin.
Somehow, you had plenty of options to choose from, but you opted for a simple T-shirt and joggers. Not the cutest, but who were you trying to impress?
A vision of Minho flashed in your mind and you reeled from the thought. Ugh. Why did my head think of HIM? In fact, why were you thinking so much about him in the first place? You chalked it up to it being from interacting more frequently nowadays. Yes. That must be it. You resolutely threw on a hoodie over your shirt and marched your way to the foyer.
“You ready? It won’t be easy.” He said from where he was leaned up against the staircase banister. You took in the sight of his workout attire, not really taking the time to fully appreciate it until now.
He wore a loose pair of sweatpants and an airy tank top that allowed you to gaze at his intricate sleeve of tattoos once more. He would almost look human if he hadn’t been blessed with his other-worldly beauty.
You blinked away the thoughts and gave a firm nod to him in response. “I don’t want easy. I want effective.”
He smirked and stood up straight when you approached. “We’ll see soon how confident you are in that statement.” You glared and he gestured his head. “C’mon, let’s go.”
Instead of heading out the front, he made his way further into the house. You furrowed your brows. “Where are the other guys? And where are you going?”
”Tsk. So many questions!” He mused and grinned at your responding scowl. “The guys are already there and, as to where we are going…” He stepped up to a large door located in the next room and opened the door for you to enter first, your face surely gawking at the luxury. You heard a chuckle from behind you. “Your reactions are always so adorable.” He smoothly teased.
You whipped around and glared at him as he just continued walking past you. “Now…” He turned back to face you again. “Which one do you want to take?” He said plainly as he gestured to the plethora of extremely expensive cars.
The garage definitely looked like it belonged in a spy movie, but you were stumped. He said he was like a spy. Not a spy. Like a spy. You were still racking your brain as to what that meant.
Your eyes grazed over the fancy marble interior of the museum-like garage and the cars on display. How can someone have this much disposable income?
You didn’t know the first thing about cars, why did you have to pick?
When you just pointed to some random car, he raised his brows. “Really? The Rolls Royce?”
“Well, shit I dunno! Why do I need to pick? You obviously know more than I do when it comes to this!”
He cackled and led you closer to your chosen car. “Oh, I know waaay more than you, Tink.” You grumbled and he chuckled as he opened the door for you, letting you slide into the disgustingly luxurious vehicle.
”Why do you even have all of these cars? Don’t you have someone else to drive you?” He donned a cocky half-grin when he slipped into the driver seat.
”Sure, when I’m on business I do. But we are just going to train.”
In the blink of an eye, his face was directly in front of yours as he reached across you, eyes fixed on your seatbelt strap as he grasped the material. As soon as he stretched it across your body, he seemed to notice your surprise.
He froze, blinked at you rapidly, then quickly averted his gaze back down to the strap to buckle you in. He cleared his throat and gulped before starting the car. “Plus…” He added with a slightly strained voice. “It’s not nearly as fun riding as it is driving.”
“Was the bag seriously necessary? Who would I even tell?!” You seethed as you threw the black, silky fabric at him.
Before you two even left the driveway, he forced you to shove your head in a stupid black hood so you “couldn’t know the location” once you left the estate later. You told him that it was unnecessary and stupid, but the man insisted.
You ripped the damned thing off as soon as he put the car in park.
”Have you forgotten what I told you? About my work? Why are you surprised with the secrecy?” He explained calm and composed as he discarded the bag in the car again.
”Well then blindfold me next time! I could barely breathe!” You were over exaggerating, of course. That material was extremely airy and breathable, you just wanted to feel superior to such treatment.
”Well excuse me, your highness…” He rolled his eyes as he pulled out his keys and walked up to the door of a large, nondescript, concrete building. Unlocking and opening the door for you, he gave you an exaggerated bow.
You narrowed your eyes at him as you passed the threshold, and marched into what looked like a massive gym complex of some sort.
However, the entire building was devoid of life. Of course that’s not including the seven familiar figures you saw fighting on the far end of the room. ”I thought you said all of your employees train here?” You said with an arched brow.
Minho passed you with a shrug. “Not today they don’t.” Well that answered nothing…
”Hey there, girly! Ready to get that blood pumping?”
”Calm down, Changbin. She is still going through therapy, remember?” Dr. Chris told the younger muscle man from where he was doing crazy heavy deadlifts off to the side.
”I know, I know, grandpa.” Changbin smirked at the doctor’s glare. “But just remember: ‘What hurts today makes you stronger tomorrow.’”
The other men groaned in tandem and you found yourself slightly smiling. “That’s a great motivational outlook, Changbin.” You said to the group as you watched Changbin’s face light up.
”Okay, enough, enough.” Minho declared. “Today’s training is obviously a bit different than usual.” He gestured vaguely at you. “We have a base level trainee and she needs to be trained from ground zero.” He gave you a side-eye and a cocky smirk. “Maybe even lower than that…”
”Hey!” You made a move to give him a lighthearted shove, and then was immediately reminded of what happened last time as his hand shot to your wrist to stop the action. You tried to free yourself, but his grip was like stone. “Let me go, asshole!”
”Make me.” He said as he suddenly faced you, pulling you closer. “Come on, show me. What would you do if you wanted to be released?”
You didn’t have an answer for him. Any move you could possibly make would be caught by his cat-like reflexes. You just challenged him with your eyes before his own softened, along with his grip on your wrist.
Just as your wrist was released he gave you a couple pats on the head. “Don’t worry Tinkerbell. I’m sure you will figure it out eventually.” You just about growled at him as he walked over to stand by Chris who was now seated on a bench nearby. “Channie-hyung and I are just here to observe and critique ALL of you, so do your best.” The man made an annoyed expression and waved the back of his hand in front of him. “Well? Get on with it!”
With that, you found yourself surrounded by six (frankly gorgeous) men looming over you.
“Hey! Back off! Don’t all go at her at once! I said ground zero you pabos!” Minho shouted from the sidelines before the others retreated and Changbin stepped in front of you.
”Calm down, Minho. This is what I’m here for.” You breathed in a resolute huff and nodded at Changbin. “I’m ready.”
“Watch out for her arm!”
”Don’t actually try to hurt her, idiot!”
”That’s too rough!”
The entire training session Minho had shouted at each and every one of the men trying to teach me at least once and it was growing tiresome. “Why even let me train if I can’t even, I dunno, actually train???” You grumbled at the stubborn man as the group was taking a break. “I have legitimately learned nothing with the parameters you have set!”
”For real, hyung. You aren’t letting her show her full potential. She needs—“
Minho instantly cut Changbin off. “I will decide what is needed and I think that it would be better for her to just watch for now. It’s obvious that she is not ready.”
”WHA—?” You squealed with widened eyes and a disbelieving expression.
”Actually, I think she is doing quite well in her recovery…” Dr. Chris stated matter-of-factly where he stood next to the other six men drenched in sweat.
You watched Minho slowly turn his murderous expression to the doctor, but you stepped into his line of sight before he had the chance to retaliate. “Please let me continue… I promise I will take it easy, I just…” You looked down at your restless hands before returning your gaze to his blackened irises. “This is just really important to me…”
You watched as the man’s face minutely softened and glanced at the seven men around you that also awaited his instruction.
”Please?” You implored, not used to such pleading from your end. His eyes darted back to you before he moved to rub his temples with a sigh.
“Fine.” He groaned. “But base-line self defense only. We can move on to more advanced training once you have recovered a bit more.”
You don’t know why you felt such relief come over you. Maybe it was the satisfaction of even marginally getting through to him, but you let a wide grin escape as your body involuntarily moved to hug the man.
What the fuck?
Just as quickly as you embraced the man, you retreated just as fast with furiously heated cheeks. Why in the world did you do that? You were FAR from hugging terms with him! He probably just about shot you in the head from the unexpected touch!
However, you couldn’t help but notice the citrus and sandalwood scent emanating from his solid, warm body. His skin felt like flames against yours and you welcomed the heat. It didn’t last long, but the simple contact with him made your blood boil and quickly reddened your entire face.
When you pulled back and cleared your throat, you witnessed a millisecond of bewilderment on his stone-cold face before it was immediately schooled back into place (but that did nothing to cover up his bright red ears). “Th-thank you.” You mumbled before you escaped to the water fountain that was, blessedly, on the other side of the room. Never mind the fact you had a water bottle already with you by the group…
By the time you and the rest of the boys finished (which was a very productive start if you do say so yourself), Minho had informed he was called in for an unexpected ‘business meeting’ across town and that training would finish early for the day as he needed to take a couple of his men with him.
You were a bit disappointed, but at least you got to do something. Which was more than you expected honestly.
As you requested, you were blindfolded for the car ride back instead of the stifling bag he donned you with on the way there, but you rode back with only five of his men instead.
You could feel all of their eyes on you as you rode in silence. Jeongin drove the unnecessarily expensive limousine, Changbin, and Hyunjin sat across from you, and Felix and Chan bracketed you on each side.
The silence was even more suffocating than the bag you wore earlier as you felt yourself start to become antsy. “For the love of god, please someone say something! I feel like I’m an exhibit in a museum right now.” You whined and buried your face in your hands (even though you couldn’t see anything anyway).
”And what a lovely piece of art you are, darling~” Hyunjin lilted before you heard a slap of skin and an over dramatic squawk from said man.
”Yah! Don’t be a creep!” You heard Changbin exclaim as the precious Felix giggled next to you.
”It was supposed to be a compliment!” You heard someone click their tongue before Chan decided to speak up.
”It’s interesting isn’t it…” He commanded the whole group’s attention with practiced ease and you quickly realized the hidden influence this man had over the lot of them. Which would make sense due to the fact that the doctor had probably saved most of, if not all of their lives at some point in time. “I haven’t seen or heard of Minho ever taking it easy on a trainee before… Most of them have to come see me even after their first session with him.”
”For real though, the man is ruthless with everyone else! He will even push them through the pain of broken bones!” Hyunjin exclaimed incredulously.
”He wants to make sure they are prepared through anything, even excruciating pain.” Jeongin stated simply from the driver’s seat.
Holy shit, these guys are no joke! “What the fuck? Why can’t he do the same with me?!” The entire car went dead silent in response. You could feel the annoyance creep into your bones. “Is it because I’m a girl? Seriously?!”
You heard Felix scoff next to you. “As if.” He sputtered in amusement. “The female trainees are some of the toughest among all of us.”
Then why?
”Maybe he just has a soft spot for you…” You heard Hyunjin mumble and you outright cackled at that one.
”Are you kidding?! Have you seen the way he treats me??” You question with an incredulous chuckle.
“You never knooow~” Hyunjin stated with a teasing lilt to his voice before you heard another smack.
And before another word could be said, your blindfold was removed and you were ushered into the estate once more.
A soft spot? What a joke.
I hope you guys are happy with the turn-around. 😏
I’ve missed you all so dearly and I apologize for the wait. 🥺 I would say that the next part will come out sooner, but I don’t want to guarantee that if life decides to fuck with me some more. 🙃
As always, please like, follow, and share!
Thanks baby Stays! Love you and missed you guys! 💋😽💋
And of course my squad and tag list:
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
73 notes · View notes
deepestnightcolor · 2 days
saw this and thought of you immediately!! it sounds so cute
ᴀ/ɴ: First of all, thank you SO MUCH for thinking of me! I tried my best with this one, and I hope you will enjoy it! I think I got a little carried away, hehe... Thank you for your time and thoughts, love!
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Sam (SDV) x Fem!Reader
ᴡᴄ: 4182 words.
ᴍᴅɴɪ ✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: sloppy sex, unprotected sex, teasing, despair, semi public sex, Sam still has a dick piercing (fight me), drool, biting, mentions of oral (male receiving)
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☾ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛꜱ ☽
Being a farmer was in direct relation to being incredibly busy. Getting up early every morning; caring for all the hungry mouths that needed to be fed, tending to crops that either required watering or harvesting. Sure, your husband, Sam, was often of great help, getting up even before you to give you a hand, but that didn’t mean you could just relax for the rest of the day. A livelihood needed to be made, after all. Sadly, being a farmer also meant that you hardly ever had time to come up with ideas for dates. You tried really hard to compensate for that with thoughtful gifts or tasty dinners for your husband, yet still, sometimes you wished it was different.
That was also why your heart had leaped in your throat when Sam stopped you as you were just about to leave the house. Green-blue eyes sparkling at you with the excitement they always held when he came up with a new project or idea as he asked you on a date to camp out in the woods. “I will get everything ready; you and your cute ass just have to show up,” he had smiled. And how could you have said no to that? There was no way in hell you could have done that either way, but now he underlined his words with that cute little pout he used when he tried to convince you of something (often of something stupid, you had to admit). Instead, you had wrapped Sam in a tight hug and kissed his cheek, then his lips as you said yes, leaving the man on the porch with a bounce in your step.
And really, Sam was so proud of himself for coming up with the idea. It was going to be perfect, he found. So right after you had vanished in the barn to begin with your daily routine, he shouldered the heavy backpack that contained everything he would need to make his way to Cindersap forest.
He chose the spot close to the river, making sure to be far enough from both Leah’s and Marnie’s homes – after all, he wanted you all to himself tonight. He dropped the rucksack to the earthy ground, excitement rushing in his veins when he pulled out the bag that contained the tent. The user manual was the first thing that smiled at him when he opened the sack, but why would he, Sam, need a user manual? It was just a tent, after all. Pitching it would be self-explanatory, right? And besides, how hard could it be? Those wilderness explorer kids he sometimes saw on TV could do it, so…
It turned out that it was way fucking harder than it looked and those wilderness kids were probably a scam. At least that was what Sam’s bruised ego would have liked to believe, given the fact that he had dropped the metal bars on his toes more than once already and that he had even gotten himself caught in the canvas that was supposed to offer the two of you shelter tonight. Sam was huffing and puffing as he finally managed to untangle himself from the fabric, sweat glistening on his forehead. Where the fuck was the user manual when he needed it? He lifted the canvas again, only to be met with the pile of metal laughing at him. Why did a tent even need this many bars? It was a tent, not a mansion, for fuck’s sake! What had he been looking for again? Right, the manual. He lifted the backpack off the ground, letting out a relieved huff as he saw the booklet resting right beneath it. He was just about to reach out for it, yet a gust of wind proved itself to be faster. The booklet was picked up by the invisible force and dropped in the cool of the river. As if to add insult to injury, Sam was able to watch it drift along the stream, slowly vanishing out of his field of vision. Exhausted, he allowed himself to drop on his butt, hollering as the hard metal bars met his tailbone. What the fuck was this tent’s problem? He got up again to give it a good kick, just to regret it when his toes actually hit the hard material – even he had to admit that he could have guessed that outcome.
A glance at his phone revealed that it was nearing ten AM, and the tent didn’t even have the decency to be halfway pitched. The blond decided that harder measures were needed. Pulling out his phone again, he searched for the only solution he could think of: “Dad? Can you teach me to pitch a tent?”
Sam’s father had appeared surprisingly fast, and after getting the first few questions out of the way -very good questions, admittedly, like why he was trying to pitch a tent at ten in the morning, and where the manual was –, the tent found its master. Kent was quick in setting it up; it didn’t even take him half an hour. Sam was watching in disbelief as his father worked because he made it look as easy as it seemed on TV. “We will practise that again,” Kent offered, smacking his son on the back affectionately. “So you don’t need to call me out here again.” A grin was plastered on the otherwise stern face. “Treat her well tonight.” Sam was left blushing in the Cindersap forest as Kent made his way back home, the blond staring at tonight’s shelter. “Why the hell wouldn’t you act that way for me?”
After staring some more daggers at his newfound mortal enemy, your husband decided there was no more use in crying over spilled milk. You would arrive in about six hours, and Sam wanted this to be perfect. He carefully put up the fairy lights he had brought before he began working on the fireplace for tonight. He had brought a pot and some veggies, hoping he would be able to make a good stew for later. The rest of his plan was executed more smoothly, especially since he didn’t have to make a fire from scratch but instead had the support of his lighter.
“Sam, wow,” a voice, so soft, so full, completely in awe came from behind him. He quickly dropped the ladle he had used to stir the stew, turning around to see the love of his life. His heart swelled in his chest, seeing you like this. You had put on a dress and Yoba did you look pretty. You always did, of course. But every now and then he had moments where the realization of just how pretty you were sunk in for him; hitting him like a ton of bricks at full speed. Sometimes it overwhelmed him, to know that you, you of all people were married to him; it made him want to kick his legs, jump around, holler out the excitement that squeezed his heart in a grip full of love. He pulled you in his chest and kissed your head, allowing himself to take in this moment and quietly thank you for showing up. You felt so right in his arms, and Yoba, he would have done anything for you, just to see the look of happiness on your face. Just so you could catch a glimpse of how much he loved you.
“Come on, I made dinner,” he smiled, leading you to the fireplace. He pulled out two bowls from his rucksack – for once it seemed that Sam hadn’t forgotten anything – filling it with the hot stew that he had been preparing ever since he had been done with setting up. The two of you cuddled up near the fire as you took the first sip, a small moan leaving your lips at the taste. If Sam knew how to do something, he always managed to rock it. This stew was a recipe both he and you knew inside out, and yet it always amazed you how delicious it turned out when he cooked it. Sam was so full of pride and love that he felt himself ready to burst. When your head rested on his shoulder, he knew he had done everything right; and fuck, how he wanted to please you. Dinner was mostly silent aside from the sound of you humming happily as you did that little bobbing motion you always did when you were happy about food. It was those little things that had made Sam fall for you hard and that had him in an iron grip even after a year of marriage.
The bowls were long empty as the sun had finally settled in its bed behind the hills, but your head was still comfortably resting on Sam’s shoulder. The blond had his arm wrapped around you tightly, fingers brushing through your hair. He was mindlessly picking up pebbles off the ground as he held you, flicking them into the river. Some bounced across the surface, which always managed to get you to coo out in awe. “You know, I never figured out how to skip rocks,” you murmured into the silence of the night. Sam gasped at your confession, eyes immediately snapping down to you. “You didn’t?” “Nope. I tried once or twice, but my rocks always sank right away.” “That will definitely change tonight.” There was no time to protest because Sam had pulled you to your feet faster than you could have reacted. Just mere seconds later you were standing near the river, pressed up against your husband’s chest with a flat rock in your hand. Sam pulled your hand back gently, just to guide it forward, sending the rock bouncing over the water. “Oh wow, what the-“ you laughed, tipping your head back so you could look up at him. How was someone being so undeniably cute fair? “Now you try,” Sam urged, but what he didn’t expect was the feeling of your ass grinding into his dick as you suddenly bent down, picking up a rock that seemed flat enough to be skippable. “Like this?” You asked, pulling your hand back and then twisting it forward, just like he had shown you. The rock had the mercy to bounce twice before sinking with an audible plop.
“I did it!” You called out, jumping up and down on your heels. Sam wanted to be excited for you, seriously, he tried! But the pressing and grinding of your ass against his crotch was… a distraction.  One that made his cock stir against the fabric of his jeans. “You did it!” He strained, only barely able to hold back the moan at the tip of his tongue as you bent down again. This time your ass was flush against him, having his head roll back. Sam had always been down bad for you, and Yoba did you feel good. He knew you probably had figured out by now that he was hard and that this was part of a little game, but did he care? No.
His hands wrapped around your waist, and it took him nothing but mere seconds to pull him flush into his chest again. With a strong grip on your hipbones, he thrusted forward, allowing himself to inflict friction on you this time around. His voice was husky as it met your ear, and you could feel the smile that was plastered on his lips as you shuddered against him. “I know rock skipping is fun once you’ve got it figured out, but I have got something that could be much more fun.” “Oh, do you now?” It was a weak attempt at biting back, yet there was no way to blame you. Sam’s erection was now grinding between your legs, and you could already feel that delicious cock entering you, drooling all over your squishy walls. You could feel the metal of his piercing bump against you while he fucked into you, praising how good you took him. You could already hear his shaky little whines that always escaped him when he mindlessly and sloppily bucked his hips into you, always like a bitch in heat. It was undeniable that you could feel yourself growing wet, your clit throbbing under that arousal that ran down your spine. You hadn’t thought your teasing would bear fruit so quickly, yet your mouth was able to do much better things, you believed. Like shamelessly bellowing out that shaky moan as Sam rubbed against you much faster, with much more vigour as his hands held you to him with an iron grip. Sam’s thoughts were definitely going in the same direction, his head tipped back, your question long forgotten. He wasn’t even ashamed that he was rutting against you out in the open, illuminated by the innocence of the fairy lights he had put up just hours before. Your moans simply were so delicious, so precious. He could have fed on them for hours, starving as he was. Usually, Sam would have taken you right then and there, not minding if your screams awoke the whole valley. Though tonight, he didn’t feel like sharing.
Sam’s body moved backward to the tent, one of his hands always staying on your hip bone, as the other simply began to tug and rip at your clothes. He simply didn’t have time to be careful with how incredibly hard he was for you, his heart thundering with both arousal and love for you. “Sam!” You gasped out as you heard the seams of your shirt rip, but a muffled “sorry” had to suffice. After all his lips were busy kissing all over your neck as he dragged you to the tent, a set of sharp fangs sinking into your freshly exposed shoulder while his other hand worked on undoing your pants. The urgency within his movements finally made you snap into motion, the fingers that had been curling in the fabric of Sam’s blue jacket now finally working on discarding the bothering piece of clothing.
When the two of you finally stumbled into the tent both of you were breathless, and you were already half naked. Sam clumsily zipped the tent shut, before slowly turning around to you. You had already dropped to your knees on the ground, looking up at your husband with those big doe eyes of yours that he had fallen in love with. He let out a shaky breath, roughened-up palm reaching out to pin back a loose strand of hair. He had to close his eyes for a second when you leaned your head into him; the feeling of love that rushed through him was almost unbearable. “Sam,” you suddenly cooed, your own palms reaching for the tent – that one he had been able to pitch easily – in his pants, “I...I am so wet. Please, please hurry.” It was a mere murmur, but one that sent his stomach into tight twists. He knew his cock was leaking in his boxers, the wettened fabric clung to the shaft in a way that had him embarrassed. Sam licked his lips as he unbuckled his belt, half-opening his eyes to see the look of anticipation on your face. And really, your eyes were glued to his crotch as you rocked your own against your legs. He really was the luckiest man on earth, wasn’t he? Being gifted with a literal angel. He allowed his pants to pool around his ankles, his boxers soon following suit. Sam almost stumbled as he tried to approach you, but your hands on his hips guided him into a steady position. The sweet smile you gave him made his pierced tip leak more globs of pre-cum – at least he hoped it was only pre-cum. He had to hold himself together, to feel your sweet, wet cunt clench around him, hug his dick like a glove. Which, again, was harder than he had deemed it to be, especially now that your tongue darted out and pressed flat against his tip, just to turn to kitten-licks in an attempt to clean him up. His breath was already shaky in his throat, and he was surprised he was able to inhale air with how tight his whole body felt already. “Fuck, babe, no- I- I asked you on a date,” he tried, lowering himself to his knees. He was surprised you didn’t whine as he took in a criss-crossed sitting position, though he soon found out it was only because you busied yourself with getting on his lap. You had pulled off your panties by now, the fabric hanging loosely between your teeth.
“Did I ever tell you how lucky I am to have you?” Sam breathed, leaning forward to grip the string of lace between his own teeth, just to drop them on his lap in favour of kissing you. The kiss was hard and sloppy, teeth clattering against teeth as your tongues licked at one another’s. The moan you two shared made Sam shiver, his cock so painfully hard this felt like the most pleasurable torture on earth. His hands reached for your pretty tits, only to find them still held up by your bra. Your husband grunted into the kiss; a sound of dismay while his hand reached around your back. You could feel his fingers work against his skin, and just seconds later your breasts bounced free. After all, if Sam had acquired a skill, he was good at it. “Pretty, pretty wife,” he whispered against your lips, tugging on the lower one gently. “Fuck, I love you so much, baby. So, so much,” he murmured. You giggled into the silence of the night, but the sound quickly shifted into one of a moan as the blond’s lips wrapped around a perky nipple. You needed Sam; you needed him so, so badly. Your mind had been whirring for him all day, and now you could feel him; smell him, touch him. Usually, it was Sam’s patience running thin, but this time it was yours. You lifted your hips while your fingers wrapped around the base of the man’s heated up shaft, guiding the leaking tip to your drooling hole. It was like you froze Sam in place, his lips still wrapped around your nipple, but his tongue did no longer swirl around it. He was too busy moaning your name, the high-pitch in his voice only turning you on more. Fuck, he really tried to give you the reins tonight, but you were so wet already and your pretty sweet pussy was clenching around him already, as if it attempted to pull him in. He would have been an absolute monster if he didn’t oblige! He needed to, or he would go up the wall. “Saaam!” the whine was long and drawn out as he bucked upwards, his thribbin g dick gliding along your walls. And he had to swallow down the dryness ruling in his throat caused by that glorious sound, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down at the strained motion of his throat. He loved you. Shit, he loved you so, so much- and he simply couldn’t resist. His hips moved upwards, the stretch his length caused only making his eyes roll back. You always felt so perfect around him, and it never did not feel like a betrayal when he had to pull out of you. He could have stayed forever like this, buried to the hilt inside of your beautiful cunt. Yet your hips shifted upwards, and he could slowly feel the tightness wrapping around him so snugly vanishing. This time it was Sam who whined until he felt you slide down on him again. He had to keep himself from fucking into you whenever you lifted your hips, so his arms wrapped around your hips tightly. “That’s my girl,” he cooed, his head thrown back, just for him to crane it forward in an attempt to catch your bouncing breast. “Takin’ me so well again, aren’t you?” His words were already slurred; feeling you around him like this just always had him so incredibly pussy-whipped. He could hear the wetness of your pussy squelching around him in protest whenever you moved upwards, and your moans just mixed so beautifully with that sound. Sam knew he was big; he knew it was always a stretch for you and that it never was easy to take him, but you just fucking did. Fucking yourself on him the way you liked, looking like an absolute goddess as you were bouncing on his lap.
The greenish blue of his eyes was filled with admiration, neigh worship spreading out in the sea of them. And the way you looked down at him – eyes holding the same love for him he felt for you, freckles of lust having them glazed over. He could have cum from nothing but looking at you, yet your pretty pussy felt so incredibly good around him, too. He barely was able to breathe as the cocktail of emotion swirled around in his blood, a trail of drool leaving at least a trace of all these feelings on your chest. “That’s my girl, my good, good girl. Think you can- ah- think you can handle me a little faster?” The beg that was underlying in his words was obvious; Sam simply wasn’t ashamed to beg. His arms were still pressing you to his body as you rocked back and forth, your jaw slack when you felt his pierced tip bump into your sweet spot. And it felt so incredibly good around him, feeling you leak all over him, moaning out his name in a sense of pride, with so much need accompanying these pathetic little sounds. The more high-pitched they grew, the closer you were. Sam knew it- and he just couldn’t hold back anymore. His hips snapped upwards while you rocked yours, tearing that cry from you that never failed to make his world go black. He himself was teetering incredibly close to the edge; each clench around his shaft, each begging whine of his name, each brush of your hands along his neck, soon to be followed by your lips leaving reddening spots behind; it all pushed him closer. His thumb found your clit to rub sweet little circles on, his lower lip now bitten in an attempt to keep himself from filling you to the brim. Not yet, he told himself; he had that carnal need to make you cum first. “Sam! Babe! Oh, fuck!  I am going to- I need to-“ A sob escaped you before you could silence it by biting down on his shoulder, yet the whimper that left your husband only made the twists in your tongue tighten. The blond wasn’t able to produce words anymore, only your name left his wettened lips. A trace of drool ran down his chin, tongue lolling out as he licked down along your cleavage, thumb unwilling to come to a halt on the throbbing bundle of nerves. The whisper of your name, so full of…everything, simply was too much for you. The knot in your stomach snapped, making you shoot upwards and press into Sam, your thighs shaking as they wrapped around his tender hips. You were sobbing quietly while your orgasm rocked through your body like a storm tormenting the sea. You were barely even able to feel how tight you clenched around your husband, who struggled to aim his sloppy thrusts upwards. “Saham!” You cried when his tip bullied further into you, earning a groan in response. “Fuck- shit, so tight,” he yapped, only managing one last buck upwards before he himself came undone.
Only your name left his lips in tiny whimpers as ropes of cum painted your walls, his eyes halfway closed as he tried to overcome the wave of pleasure that seemed to take a never-ending hold on him. His hips were still giving tiny thrusts upwards, unable to hold still under the pressure of his orgasm. You were still sobbing against his neck as his hips finally halted, sloppy thrusts having milked everything out of him he had. And you were full – so fucking full of your husband’s cum that mixed with yours.
Your head tiredly dropped against Sam’s chest, shaky breath nothing but an effort to ground yourself. Sam wasn’t in much better shape; his body still quivered from the orgasm that had just wrecked through him. Still, that didn’t keep him from beginning to run his fingers through your hair, tiny little “I love you”s were sent your way as soon as he had been able to find the words. Sam kissed your head, giving himself permission to slowly drop back onto the sleeping bag that he had brought, his arms locked around you still.
The two of you lay there for a while, allowing the sounds of the night to wrap around you like a warm blanket, basking in the afterglow of your orgasms.
“Take me on dates more often?” “Fuck yes.”
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rottingcorps3s · 1 day
Could I get another older man! neighbor!price thing? (maybe some Headcanons or oneshot of them becoming official) I beg of thee!
(Brain went to the one tiktok audio going : KENDRICK!!!! DROP ANOTHER DISS TRACK! AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!)
YES!!! I GOT YOU BBY!! I already had some other ideas brewing, thank you for the ask and hope you like it! \(@^0^@)/
this is angsty at first, but has a happy ending!
continuation of this post…
my personal opinion, i feel that John wouldn’t jump straight into the relationship following your…recent activities…i feel like he’d have doubts, not because of you! not at all! but because of himself. he’d pull away from you, which only lead to things being complicated. it got to a point of him avoiding you where you took it into your own hands and cornered him in his own home.
“why’re you avoiding me?” you asked sternly, your brows furrowed with frustration; hands balled up into fists by your sides. “you come to my home and-and use me and nothing comes out of it?” you were serious, stern, straight to the point.
“i mean-come on john, we talked for hours that night!” you were getting upset now, your lip quivering as you looked off into space, a sad look in your eye as you remembered the conversations.
you had both expressed wanting more than a one-night stand. wanting more than just to ‘mess around’. you had shared similar feelings in wanting to find someone to build the rest of their life with.
john wasn’t sure what to say, too scared that he’ll say the wrong thing. he didn’t want fuck this up. it was too good to be true, and a part of him thought he was being punked. or it was some sort of sick and twisted karma the universe was repaying him with.
“say something!” you spoke again, this time louder than before, but not yelling.
he inhaled deeply before he finally spoke.
“i do want it.” he confessed, his tone sincere, but it wasn’t enough yet. you stared at him, waiting for him to continue. “i just wanna do it right.”
“court you, date you, wine and dine you, however you wanna put it.”
you stood silent for a moment, your frustration seeming to dissipate as you absorbed his words. you simply nodded.
“a heads-up would’ve been great…” you mumbled.
john approached you, slowly, timidly. as if he were trying to tame a cat. you let him, watching him as he reached out for you and held your face in his big hands.
“you sure you wanna be with an ol’man like me?” he asked, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. you rolled your eyes at his question, pursing your lips.
“well not that you mention it…” you pretended to contemplate, resting your finger on your chin. “i wouldn’t of cornered you for an answer if i didn’t!”
he chuckled, a large grin on his face as you smiled sheepishly at him. “let me make it up to you…i’ll do it right this time…”
you agreed.
john showed up at your front door later that night, a small vase of fresh flowers in hand. you tried to hide your smile as you took them from him, running excitedly to put them on your kitchen table for display.
you returned back to where he stood, he looked delicious. he had cleaned up his facial hair, giving it a well needed trim. his hair was freshly washed and styled. he was in something casual, as were you. something cute but still comfy.
john held his hand out to you, which you took. you had opted for an at home date. both of you slightly disgusted at the thought of going to a busy restaurant downtown on a weekend. we’ve got all the time in the world to go to fancy places. you’d said, he agreed. he couldn’t help the feeling of his heart swelling in his chest at your comment.
all the time in the world…
john walked to over to his home, kicking the door closed as you both entered. he was quick to lead you over to the kitchen, where you were met with a dimly lit room and a beautifully set table.
you both immediately dove into the meal, bouncing silly conversations off each other the rest of the time. there was a small break in conversation, john was cleaning up the rest of the meal when you decided to finally ask.
“who was your company the other night?”
john smiled to himself at the mention of them.
“uh-“ he chuckled, “some old coworkers.” he said simply. you listened along.
“from when you were enlisted?” he simply nodded. it was silent again, he looked up to see you staring off into space, clearly thinking something through.
“captain…” he heard you mumble, followed by a small giggle.
“you got that right.” he said, his tone thick with humor, “the boys-“ he stopped, thinking, “they’re jealous.” you looked at him, your face full of question.
“jealous of me.” he continued to elaborate. he was done with cleaning up, sitting down on one of the chairs right next to you.
“jealous that, i got a pretty little bird makin’ me homemade meals…” he continued, you smiled. your cheeks flushing bright red. “comin’ over, wearing a cute li’l sundress…”
the energy in the room seemed to shift as he kept talking, it was powerful. he was powerful. each time he spoke, it demanded attention. he was able to make an entire room of people listen to him.
he was staring at you, more than just your face. his eyes roaming over your entire body.
“they tried your cookies.” he smirked, his hand reaching out to grab your own, gently running his fingers up and down your arm.
“never heard those boys make so many promises to a single person.” it made you laugh.
“i’ll remember to make more next time.” you said. he hummed in response. it was quiet again. comfortable. he was looking at your face again, eyes locked on you.
“you-“ “can-“
you both started to speak at once. stopping to let the other person talk. john’s mouth hung slightly agape, anticipating, waiting for you to say your part first.
the moment was tense. the only thing you could hear was the sound of your breathing.
“john…” you said quietly, gently digging your nails into his forearm as you pulled him towards you.
“i want you so badly…”
YESSSSSS i love using dialog from the first part to mesh it with the second part 😩
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livyjh · 15 hours
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Come Sail Away ch.1
Bff’s dad!Joel Miller x Plus size!Fem!Reader
Series rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Chapter 1 rating: PG
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Your spring break has been saved by your roommate and best friend, Sarah Miller. She’s invited you to come on vacation with her and her dad, a man you’ve never met. But you didn’t think twice before accepting her invitation. When you finally meet her dad, Joel, you have an instant crush on him. You thought it was one sided… he proves you wrong.
Chapter warnings: mainly plot forming exposition, no smut, meeting new people, large ships, the ocean, talk about clothes and vague plus size body description.
Series Masterlist
Joel Miller Masterlist
“What are you doing over spring break?” Your roommate and best friend, Sarah, asks you.
“Probably nothing. I mean, we have beaches and stuff at home but they’re just… gross. Lots of rocks and trash and seaweed and stuff. I wish I could go on that cruise with you.” You sigh.
Sarah and her dad were going on a Caribbean cruise for the whole of spring break this year and you’re incredibly jealous. Home is… fine. Your parents are okay. You love them but you don’t really have a lot of fun hanging out with them unless you’re all doing an activity or playing a game or something.
Being an only child had its perks, there’s no doubt. But not having someone close to your age in your immediate family kind of sucked.
“Sorry, I need to make a quick phone call.” Sarah smiles and gets up, leaving the dorm room for a few minutes.
You’re not sure what she’s up to, and you’re even more unsure when she walks in the door with a big grin on her face.
“Call me a genie because I just granted your wish.” Sarah giggled and sat back down on her bed.
“What?” You sit up and raise your brows.
“You’re coming to the Caribbean with me… If you’ve got $500 to spare?” She scrunches up her nose.
“I have been saving for a car… but I’m doing okay without one for now…” you think for a minute.
“Fuck it. Let’s do it.” You clap and stand up and she does the same.
You both grab each other’s hands and do a quiet but excited little scream. “Yay!”
Sarah explained to you that she and her dad were already going to have separate staterooms on the ship, but now you can bunk with her for a great last minute deal the cruise line was offering.
You were so excited you almost couldn’t sleep. You had one more exam tomorrow and then you were free for a whole week. And going to the Caribbean on a fucking cruise!
Your exam was a piece of cake. All you had to do was pack tonight, go with Sarah to her dad’s place, then fly to Florida, and get on the ship.
Yeah. That should be simple enough, right?
You were excited but stressed at the same time. This last minute planning was a bit chaotic but you knew it would be worth it.
You packed all of your favorite outfits that were suited for tropical weather, your sexy two piece bikini, your more modest and practical one piece that fit you like a glove, and your best walking shoes and cutest sandals.
You remembered all of your toiletries and meds, your device chargers, your vibrator (for times when you may get the room to yourself for a while), a sweater just in case, and a few snacks for the plane.
The drive to Sarah’s dad’s place wasn’t bad. 3 hours from Houston to Austin was nothing compared to the trip your parents took to drive you to college in the first place.
You chose your school based on its business major program, which is what you wanted. You were a a year and a half into your 4 year masters degree and 24 years old. You already had your associates degree and decided to take a little break between that and getting your masters.
Sarah was younger, 21 now. She studied music theory and production. You guys got paired up this school year as roommates when your last roommate graduated.
You’ve been best friends ever since.
“Here’s my place!” She smiled as she pulled into the driveway of a beautiful two story house in a nice neighborhood.
Tomorrow morning you three would fly to Florida and head straight for the ship.
For now, you were a little nervous to meet Sarah’s dad. Was he gonna be awkward? Weird? Quiet? Mean? Overbearing?
Just as you two were getting out of Sarah’s car, the front door opened and a gorgeous man about 6 feet tall emerged from it.
He had medium length brown hair that had some curl. Probably more if he were to let it grow out longer. He donned a simple and semi-close trimmed beard, one that was starting to get gray patches around his jaw. His nose looked like it was sculpted from the finest of clays by a renowned artist. His arms were thick and toned, as were his thighs.
“Hey, girls!” He waved and walked down the driveway to Sarah to give her a big hug.
“I’ve missed you so much, dad.” Sarah was almost in tears. You knew she hadn’t been home since Christmas.
“Missed you too, baby girl.” He kissed the top of her head and took a good look at her, like a parent does, trying to make sure their child is in good health and well fed.
“Dad, this is my bestie I’ve been telling you about; Y/n.” Sarah walked around to your side of the car and her dad followed.
“Y/n, this is my dad, Joel.” She motioned to him.
He reached out his (quite large) hand and you shook it happily. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you!” You smiled and tried to keep from blushing.
“You too, Y/n.” He smiled and nodded before you both broke the handshake.
Joel took a breath and broke eye contact as he walked around you to get into the trunk and help with bags. “How was the drive?”
“Pretty chill.” Sarah said as she also went to the back of the car.
You followed, “yeah it went by quick.”
“Good.” Joel smiled at you both.
You brought the bags in and then sat down in the living room. It was nearing 9pm now.
“Ya girls hungry?” Joel asked.
“I could eat.” You shrug, trying to keep from smiling at his adorable accent.
“Me too.” Sarah nodded.
“How about I fix some turkey sandwiches?” Joel stood and walked into the kitchen.
“Thanks, dad!” Sarah spoke up.
“Thank you, Mr. Miller!” You called out.
After you all finished eating you took the luggage upstairs to Sarah’s room and got settled in.
Joel retired to his room after a quick goodnight to you two.
You and Sarah got into pajamas, both of you pulling your hair into cute little top knots.
“Thank you, Sarah.” You smile as you both get into her bed.
“For what?” She pulls the comforter up over you both.
“Well, everything. But the cruise mainly.” You reply.
“Of course. I’m not gonna let my best friend have a boring spring break if I have anything to say about it.” She laughed.
You giggled along. “I appreciate it.”
The next morning was a blur of airport traffic and security checkpoints. Things slowed down when you boarded the plane.
“I call the window seat!” Sarah walked back to your row and scooted in to the third seat, by the window.
You usually hated sitting in the middle because it made you a bit claustrophobic but this plane wasn’t as cramped on butt space as other ones you’d been on. So you got into the seat next to Sarah and Joel sat in the aisle seat next to you.
You figured Sarah would’ve wanted to sit next to her dad… but you also wanted to sit next to her. Now you had the best of both worlds.
Sarah on one side, and her sexy dad on the other.
Oh god, you cannot be attracted to your best friend’s dad. There’s a rule against that somewhere, right??
You couldn’t help but to keep touching elbows with both Sarah and Joel. You were thick, wasn’t anyone’s fault. With Sarah being so skinny she really only bumped elbows when she leaned in to talk to you. With Joel, he was broad shouldered and half asleep for the first part of the flight. You fell asleep too.
“This is your pilot speaking, welcome to Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport. The skies are blue and temperature at a comfortable 73 degrees.”
This was what you heard as you started to wake up, realizing your head was rested on none other than Joel’s shoulder.
You sat up quick, “oh my gosh, sorry, Mr. Miller.” You blushed and laughed a little.
“It’s okay, sweetie.” He smiled and briefly patted the back of your hand that was on the armrest between you two.
“Th- thank you.” You stutter a little.
The lights in the cabin come on and the plane makes a slightly rough landing, waking Sarah up next to you.
“Are we here already?” She held her head up.
“Yep.” You look over at her. “It’s almost cruise time.” You giggle.
“Cruise time?” She mocks you.
“Shut up. I’m still sleepy.” You snort.
Getting off the plane and out of the airport was nothing short of a nightmare. It was extremely busy. It took a half hour to get an available shuttle to the pier.
You all finally got on board the ship after checking your big bags and going through security.
You could breathe now. Vacation had finally started.
Joel Miller tag list: @evyiione
@chyannealaniz @cesspitoflove @supersingle @jrosie25 @blackfemalenerd @bongsrconfusing @milly-louise @farintonorth @brittmb115 @ashleyfilm @steverogers123-blog
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ursemma · 13 hours
"I'll always love you" pt 2
Pt 1.
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Mattheo Riddle × fem!reader
Theodore nott × fem!reader (ex)
Warning: smut, fluff, 18+, minors stay away!
Not a proof read!
Summary: waking up in strangers bed isn't probably the best idea of moving on right? Or is it?
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I woke up in an unfamiliar room with a bad headache. Looking over my side I saw a man sleeping peacefully, naked? I looked at myself and realised I too was naked.
"fuck" i mumbled and went to look for my clothes but they were no where to be found, suddenly a voice came making me flinch "you're clothes aren't there" I turned to see that guy rubbing his eyes trying to open them, "look away!" I scolded him while covering my self with a towel that I found on the chair.
"nothing I haven't seen before" he said with a smirk. How can someone be this handsome? "Anyways the clothes are probably laying in bathroom, covered in water, I'll give you a warm bath and my clothes to wear, and I can't leave you empty stomach, so we'll grab brunch and then I'll drop you at your home" he said while going in bathroom leaving me dumbfounded.
Is that what you do to your one night stand?
"come on the bath is ready!" I heard him saying, I tried to walk but the pain in my abdomen was killing me, last night must be rough, as I didn't entered the bathroom immediately he came and saw me stumbling, he chuckled and picked me up, "hey I can walk you know!" I shouted in protest, "yeah I saw that" he smiled at me and walked towards the bathroom.
He helped me take a bath and this time I didn't protested because I was so tired, that i barely remember last night.
"By the way, what's your name?" I asked him as me massaged my back "Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle" he answered and massaged my back harder earning a moan from me.
As his hands travelled my back i couldn't help but think of very inappropriate thoughts.
"you were crying very bad yesterday" he told me, as I was sitting in his lap he couldn't see my face so he tried to peek to take a look, "yeah my apparent love of my life got married to someone else" I told him with no emotions, I just couldn't feel anything, I guess the one night stand and vodka did worked.
"ohh" was all he said, and his hands moved to my neck, and my breath started to feel heavier with each moment passing by, i turned around, and looked into his eyes.
My hands trailing his perfectly cut abs, his broad shoulders, his chest and abdomen. He looked at me with eyes filled with mixed emotions, and said "are you sure?" "Never been more sure in my life" i answered and pulled our lips closer, they didn't touched but lingered on eachother, our breath started to become heavier, i pulled back looking into his eyes, and pulled closer again, with a frustrating groan he finally attached our lips and kissed me with desire.
His hands travelled to knead my breast and my hands travelled to his back leaving marks with my nails, his lips moved slowly to my neck and I gave him more space to mark his territory.
Soon his lips were on my nipple, nibbling and sucking them with one hand paying attention to my other breast. His one hand trailing my body trying to memorize it "you're so beautiful" he said and i blushed.
I grinned on his hard boner earing a moan from him, fuck so beautiful. I needed him.
"Mattheo- oh my" i moaned as he bit my nipple. "I'm going to enter you" he told me before slowly slipping his dick into my folds, "Matty!" I moaned as I felt him into me.
"What did you called me?" He spoke while looking into my eyes, "Mattheo?" I answered him with confusion, "no the other name" and realisation hit me brain "Matty?" I answered "yeah call me again" he said and thrusted into me few times, pulling in and out, after sometime I felt my orgasm coming near, i moan his nickname as pleasure rode me over "Matty I'm gonna cum" i warned his before cumming all over his dick, "I'm gonna cum too" he said and I told him "cum inside me" he gave me a are you sure? Look and I nodded, and just like that he came inside me.
We tried catching our breath "that was-" before he could finished i answered for him "amazing".
He cleaned both of us gave me his cloth and took me to brunch. "So tell me about yesterday I forgot everything" i said while eating my food, he chuckled "you came into bar and drank vodka like a madman, i came and sat by your side and told you to slow down, but you insisted and told me you had the worst day of your life, and then you told me to help you forget it and that's how we landed in my bed" he shrugged and i felt embarrassed "oh my" that's all I could say.
We talked the entire brunch and it felt amazing, it felt so refreshing that I wish the day wouldn't end, but it was time for me to go home, he opened the door for me and I sat into his car, I turned the radio on and played Taylor Swift, to my surprise he knew the songs, "you listen to Taylor?" I asked him curiously "i do, i love her" he answered while looking over me, we jammed the entire ride and felt him stealing glances at me.
We arrived at my house and he opened the car door for me, I was about to leave but I turned around and called his name "Mattheo!" He turned and looked at me smiling "yeah?" "It was nice meeting you. Mind exchanging phone numbers?" I asked him grinning like a child, he chuckled "i thought you'd never ask" we exchanged our numbers and hugged eachother, "we'll meet this weekend?" He asked me "a date?" I looked at him teasingly "A date! Be ready at 6" he answered and i chuckled at him.
I laid on my bed thinking about the events that occurred in past 2 days. I am moving on. I smiled at myself and my phone vibrated, i looked at the text it said
Matty here! Be ready at 6 on Saturday I'll pick you up ;)
I laughed and answered
Sure ;)
And yeah I'm officially going crazy.
Thought it was being long so I decided to end it here! If you want a part 3 with Theodore's encounter let me know!
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