#Look man I loved this series so much and I'm allowed to be pissed off that they did a shite job adapting it
People are posting on the Six of Crows tag just to get mad at people for saying they don't like the show??? Oof. Please grow up. People are allowed to have opinions on adaptations???
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negrowhat · 6 months
BL Superlatives of 2023
Instead of doing a roundup (which I still might do) I just decided to do my own Best of 2023 for the handful of BLs I watched this year.
Series I Finished for the Couple- A Boss and A Babe. The plot had way too much going on and a lot of the pieces didn't flow well and a lot of things really pissed me off. Also the only side characters I liked were Porsche and Jack. But I LOVED Boss Daddy Gun and his Cher Bear. They filled me with joy and warm fuzzies and I loved how dependent they were on each other. Gun got was able to let his guard down and Cher found someone he could be vulnerable with.
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Love Scene the Made Me HOLLER- Love in Translation. YangPhumjai fucking nasty across their freshly opened convenience store. They fucked in front of the security cameras and with the way they were slamming each other into the shelves I'm surprised more merchandise wasn't all over the floor. 10/10 love scene. Also I adore YangPhumjai.
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Messiest Plot-Moonlight Chicken. Between the cheating, crying, screaming, and fighting I was thoroughly entertained. They had my emotions all over the place. I loved the series in it's entirety. (No I haven't watched OF or that would've won lol)
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Dilf of the Year- Jeng from Step By Step. Everything about that man screamed 'Daddy'. He was sweet but stern. A very gentle Dom. He ran multiple businesses. He wore dad jeans on his off days. He had a beautiful smile and a BANGING body. And all he wanted to do was cook and take care of Pat...maybe teach him a few thangs. Sigh yeaaaa He was Pat's daddy idc.
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Most Likely to Get Jumped- Saengtai from La Pluie. Don't you dare lie and say you didn't want to fight him at SOME point in this series. Tai was just very selfish and did not know how to apologize. He blamed everyone else for everything and he acted like a spoiled brat through most of the series. And I for one wanted to beat him up a couple of times. He's so cute tho.
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Best Dressed-Chen Yi x Ai Di from Kiseki: Dear to Me. One favored collars, sweaters, and bright colors and the other had more of a biker-streetwear-combat style and somehow they ended up matching 79% of the time. They looked good together. The stylists popped off.
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Most Goodest Boy- Woo Seung Hyun from the New Employee. Just a sweet 28 yr old man eager to work and be his very best. His bubbly personality is easy to love and I just want to squish his face, kiss his forehead, and hug him for hours. I see why Jong Chan fell in love immediately.
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Most Sad Boy-Seo Jae Won from The Eighth Sense. He shut himself off to the people around him and allowed terrible people into his life because he didn't care enough to show them who he was in real life, he covered everything with a mask and acted the way people would expect so they wouldn't seem him crumbling inside. He blamed himself for his brother's passing and also for Ji Hyun's accident. He felt like he deserved every bad thing that happened to him and every bad person in his life. Ji Hyun brought light into his life after being shrouded in darkness for so long.
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Hottest Couple-KingUea from Bed Friend. The love scenes always delivered. That kitty play scene?????? There was consent everywhere which was also sexy. King was such a green flag and they were hot together. Uea wasn't afraid to be sexy and King was a bonafide bisexual himbo who refused to be shy about sex and all it entails. They were grown and sexy type of hot.
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Hottest Scene-The oil rubbing scene from I Feel You Linger in the Air. Not explicit, but extremely sensual. You can feel the desire and tension in that rub down Jom gave Yai. And then Jom going into his room to rub himself down and relive the moment that just passed??? HOT AF. Personally, I think IFYLITA was the most sensual series I watched all year. The series focused a lot on intimacy and physical touch.
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Most Potential-Step By Step. This series had all the makings of a perfect plot but then everything just sort of got away from them. The office part of the office romance sort of stepped on the romance part. There was too much business involved and it made the conflict between the two mains unnecessary and annoying. Also they completely neglected the side couple and made their storyline almost non-existent. The eps were long af and yet the time wasn't placed in the right parts of the storylines and some scenes felt like a waste...even some eps. It was a bummer because I liked all the characters and first leg of the series. JengPat are top notch and I wanted more from JaabJane.
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Fave Side Dish-YiwaMarine from Wedding Plan. Ooops slipped some girls in! Gawd I LOVED THEM! Yiwa was such a sweet talker! She was def a smooth operator. That line about her liking being short so she could kiss Marine better????? SWOON! I could totally see why Marine could never stay mad at her and was always blushing. They were just the perfect pair of girlfriends turned wives and I'm sad we didn't get invited to their wedding.
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la-petite-lapin · 2 months
Double the Love | Part Eight
Double the Love masterlist
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x female civilian!OC Word Count: 2.1k Series warnings (may change between chapters): 18+ Minors DNI, angst, mentions of death, mentions of violence, excessive swearing, mentions of sexually explicit content, self doubt, OC has anxiety, poor communication, polyamory, M/M/F, FMC is (once again) bad at feelings
The morning after
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The next morning, John calls.
Simon and Johnny have left to get some food shopping in, allowing me some much needed time to decompress. I woke up this morning feeling... I don't know. Conflicted. Confused. Like the consequences of getting myself into this - whatever this is - are finally starting to land.
"Hey, Tali," John says softly, and I can hear voices talking in the background. A woman, not Marcella, and a man who sounds fairly pissed off. It takes me a minute to recognise that it belongs to Gaz. "How are things on your end?"
I blow out a long breath. "Everything's okay."
There's a pause. A long pause. An I-know-that's-bullshit kind of one. "Talia, come on. It's me you're talking to." When I don't immediately spill my guts, he adds, "If you won't tell me what's playing on your mind, at least talk to Winslow. Marcella, even. Or, if it's something that the boys have done, try and talk to them about it. They're far more understanding than they look."
My heart stutters in my chest. That's part of the problem. And, to add to that, I don't even know what's wrong.
In the past few days, I've gone from not wanting any sort of relationship at all, to wanting nothing more than to have both of them tell me that they want me. Not even that they love me - God knows that it's far too soon for anything that serious - but something. Any sign that last night was more meaningful to them than a couple hours of mindless fun with a brand-new toy.
But I don't know how to ask. And I don't kind I'm strong enough to handle the inevitable rejection. Not when I've grown to consider them as friends.
"I would... if there was something wrong," I grumble back. My eyes flicker around the empty apartment/ Maybe having some more company around would be a good distraction. "Can you and Kyle come over again, please?"
I can hear the smile in John's voice as he replies. "We're a little busy at the moment, but I'm sure we can sort something out for the weekend. We could watch some more of those God-awful military movies Gaz likes to rip apart."
I snort out a laugh. "Perfect."
We say our goodbyes and John hangs up, muttering something about an 'incident' that he needs to deal with. But, before I can put my phone down, I catch a glimpse of a missed call and a text message from Winslow, all while I was on the call with John.
I'm calling her number before I can even think about it, a sense of panic gripping my chest as I raise the phone to my ear. What if she'd been in an accident? What if she was hurt? Stuck somewhere in a foreign country with no way of me getting to her...?
"Hey, honey," Winnie says immediately, answering on the third ring. Her voice soothes my frayed nerves, so much so that I almost let out a sigh of relief. Just hearing her makes me feel lighter than I have all day.
"I'm so happy to hear your voice." It's only been a matter of days since we last spoke on the phone, but it feels like it was a lifetime ago somehow. Thank God she only has two weeks of her France trip left before she's back home again. "How's Paris?"
Winnie lets out a breathy laugh. "It's been... interesting to say the least. But it's part of the reason why I called." The cold feeling of realisation slides in as she elaborates, "It looks like I might have to stay a little while longer. Just while I help them sort some stuff out and tidy up some loose ends."
My heart seizes at the vagueness of 'a little while longer'. "Okay. How long is that looking?"
"Um... maybe an extra week."
"Oh." It's the only word I can think of.
"I know, I know. I'm really sorry, Tali," Winnie says, and I can hear the genuine sadness in her voice. "I'll be back in time for Alex's birthday though, I promise."
My gaze trails across to the calendar hanging up beside the kitchen. Just under a month. In four weeks, he would have turned thirty.
We would have thrown a big party; which would have pissed Alex off to no end. He would've grumbled about it for months, complaining that he's a private person, which is just a code word for boring, but secretly loving that I'd gone to the effort. Just like his twenty-first.
My heart aching in my chest, I say, "It's okay, Win. You've got to do what you've got to do, and I have the guys here to keep me company." There's a beat of silence, so I follow it up with, "And I'm going back to work, which I've strangely missed."
We both laugh at that.
"Anyway, how've you been?" I can hear Winnie settling in on the other end of the line. I find it more amusing than I care to admit that she's still so invested in what's going on back here while she's living it up overseas. Despite it being a work trip, I've seen her Instagram posts. She's thriving over there.
"I've been good. But there is something you might be interested to know."
Winnie giggles. "Oh? Please enlighten me."
A mischievous grin forms on my lips. "I slept with them. Both of them."
There's a long stretch of silence. It's a pause so long that, for a minute, I think the call might have dropped.
"Winnie? You still there?"
She coughs, spluttering for a second. "Still here. Just stunned into silence because... wow! You really did it? With both of them? How did that even work? What was it like? I have so many questions, Tali! You can't just drop a bomb like that than and not expect me to have questions!"
A laugh slips past my lips, dissolving into a burst of laughter. "It was something new. But it was fun. They didn't take everything all serious and alpha like some guys probably would. They made it fun, we laughed about stuff, and the aftercare was perfect."
"10 out of 10 would recommend then?"
"I would," I reply, letting myself smile. Despite all of the conflicted feelings I have about what happens now, it doesn't in any way diminish how unwaveringly happy I feel thinking about last night.
We talk a bit more - mostly about all of the interesting people Winnie has met in Paris, the new places she's seen, and all the restaurants she's tried - before she has to go. We say our goodbyes and I promise to call her in the morning on my way into the office. Not long after, I hear the sound of the spare key turning in the lock, and I look up to see Johnny nudging the front door open.
He's beaming, a broad smile on his face and two overflowing shopping bags in his hands. Simon follows him into the kitchen, carrying the other three. He nods to me on his way past, a black surgical mask covering the lower half of his face.
"Want to help us with the meal plan, princess?" Si calls out from the kitchen.
I follow them through into the kitchen to find Johnny leaning over the counter with a piece of paper and a pen, as Simon dutifully unpacks the bags. Johnny takes one glance at the questioning look on my face before offering me one of his most charming smiles. "Me and Si were talking. Did'nae think it's fair for ye to be doing all the cooking, not when ye're going back to work now. And we eat most of it."
A frown forms on my lips. "I didn't complain about it."
Si turns around now. "We know, but we don't think it's right. You do a lot for us already, darlin'. Just let us do something for you."
I try not to blush as I fold my arms across my chest. "Fine. Okay."
Johnny grins. "So, what do ye want on Monday?"
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After dinner, we settle in to watch TV in the living room. I fold myself into my armchair, letting Johnny and Simon cuddle up together on the sofa.
It's hard not to keep glancing over at them; even harder to hold back the un-earned feeling of jealousy that keeps nipping at my heart. They're a couple. They're allowed to act lovey-dovey in the privacy of their own home.
Home. Thinking about that makes it even worse. At some point - when all of their army drama blows over - they're going to leave.
Logically, I know that. I know that me, them, and Winnie can't all live in this two-bedroom apartment together, but it still stings. It's irrational, and I know it.
I watch as Simon runs his fingers through Johnny's hair - the Scotsman all but asleep with his head in his partner's lap - as I swallow down the growing resentment. Bitterness coats my tongue, and I swallow thickly.
Simon looks over, because of course he does, with a questioning look of concern. Mask-free, it's all too easy to see his expression now. It almost hurts to look at his face; to know just how beautiful he was.
I shake my head and close my eyes, kicking myself for being so stupid about this.
We're all grown-ups. We agreed to have sex. It was one night.
But then why does my chest burn when I think about them, like someone's trying to squeeze the life out of me?
"You alright, love?"
I nod, my eyes still firmly shut. Why did I do this to myself? Let myself have a taste of the one thing I can't have from them?
"Hey, love," Simon calls again, voice laced with something I can't place. "Open your eyes for me, yeah?"
So, I do. I open my eyes and level him with the blankest expression I can muster. "I don't feel well. I'm going to go for a walk," I say, thankfully giving no hint of my emotions. "I'll be back before midnight."
His hazel eyes harden. "Not on your own you're fucking not."
I wince, but something in my resolve strengthens. "You can't tell me what I can and can't do."
"I'm not telling you what to do," he growls. "I'm saying it's dark out, it's cold as fuck, and I'm not having you out there alone surrounded by a bunch of creeps while I sit in here like a lemon."
We stare at each other for a long, long time.
Uncharacteristically, he breaks the silence first. "Just let me put Johnny in our room and I'll come with you." He nods to the dead-weight of a completely knocked-out Johnny's cheek resting on his muscular thighs.
My temper flares. "I didn't invite you."
I can feel Simon battling his anger from here. I also get the distinct impression that if I was anybody else - other than Johnny - I'd have already received the bollocking of my lifetime for being so damned difficult right now.
"The only way you're leaving this flat tonight, princess, is if I'm with you," he grumbles, hazel eyes dark and unwavering as he pins me with a glare. A glare that tells me Ghost is back. "I'll lock you in your room to keep you safe if I fucking have to."
I match him with a fierce glare of my own. "Why do you fucking care?"
That seems to take him aback. His eyes soften, the harsh line of his mouth pulling down at the corners, making the scars around it all the more apparent. "Of course I care."
"But why?" A hollow laugh slips past my kips and I spring up from my armchair, starting to pace in front of the TV. I'm completely aware that I must look borderline hysterical as I look at him with wild eyes. "I'm just one of the many, many women you two have fucked. Why do you care if I want to go walking at night? If I cook dinner?"
Simon's frown deepens. "That's not what this is. You know that."
"Really?" I gesture wildly to Johnny, who's still blissfully unaware of what's happening. "All night you've been cuddled up, while I've just sat here and... and watched you. Do you know how much that hurts? After last night when you made me feel so fucking included? And now you're back to making me feel like an outsider." The words spill out of their own accord, frantic and rushed as I feel the tears start to roll down my cheeks. A broken-sounding laugh bubbles up from my throat. "I've spent all day telling myself I wouldn't do this because it's so fucking embarrassing. It was one night, and now you're both going to think I'm crazy."
Si stares back at me and the expression on his face is so heartbroken that it hurts. "I... we didn't know you'd see it like that."
My heart cracks in two inside my chest. The tears pour even faster as I glare down at my slipper-covered feet.
How could I be so reckless? I've just ruined everything.
"Tali, can you come here please?"
My eyes trail back to Simon. To his hand patting the tiny space on the sofa beside him - the side not occupied by Johnny, soft snores pouring out of his mouth like cats' purrs. My feet carry me across the room. I slot myself into the gap beside Simon, trying not to let any part of my body touch his. Preparing myself for whatever it's not you, it's us speech that is inevitably coming.
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a/n: hey guys! hope you've enjoyed part 8 :) sorry that it ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, but it was getting quite long and I try to stick around 2.5k words to make it flow better i'm aiming to have part 9 out by the end of next week, but I won't make any promises just yet <3 - much love, lapetitelapin
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izvmimi · 10 months
a/n: part of cursed!reader series of drabbles. sfw.
"y'know, it'd be nice to be loved like that," you muse as you follow nanami into the subway station. it's almost 3am, and both of you have sobered up a bit, knowing that satoru and his partner are probably stumbling into one of their apartments' drunk in their own right. you think for a moment that perhaps you should have actually explicitly made sure they made their own way safe, but you're pretty sure even piss drunk gojo can protect him and your friend.
nanami looks tired as usual, but he has a content smile on his face. you wonder if he heard you speak as you sit by him.
"oi, are you even listening to me?"
nanami turns his attention to you, a gentle flush of red on his sharp cheekbones letting you know that he probably is a little more drunk than you expected. it must be nice - you're often careful because you're a chatty drunk, and waking up after blacking out with multiple senses stolen from you is probably not ideal.
"always," he says. you raise an eyebrow. the train doors close and you start moving.
it's a strange answer from him but you allow it.
you sigh, stretching your legs out in front of you. there's just a singular man in the front part of your subway car, and he looks nonthreatening so you lose interest quickly. not much is there to look at, and when you look back at your friend, kento is peering at you through his glasses.
"what part of it do you like?" he asks. he chuckles, and you feel like you're being teased.
"i didn't say i liked it."
"you literally just said 'it would be nice.'"
heat rushes to your cheeks, but then you bite your lip and decide to own it.
"you know what, yes! i'm tired of being single. why would i want to be going halfsies on a tiny apartment with a sourpuss like you when a man should be appreciating my charm and treating me like a queen?"
it's nanami's turn to raise an eyebrow.
"do you think you deserve better?" he asks. you make a show of gasping in shock.
"why i never-"
nanami laughs louder this time and crosses his arms over his chest leaning back into the plastic covered seat. any time he laughs this much you're filled with an odd feeling, dread because he's probably making fun of you, or confusion... perhaps jealousy? you don't think you're that funny, but he doesn't seem to find anyone else as amusing. you hate that.
his hand rests on the top of your head suddenly and you kick him gently in the ankle.
"i deserve it," you remind him. you try to keep your eye contact fierce, making sure he doesn't patronize you; he lets his hand drop back to his side but continues to give you a pretend bemused look.
breathing out through your nose, you decide you'll get him where it hurts.
"are you gonna pretend you're not bitter that your love life sucks?" you ask. he peers again at you sideways, then grins.
"i try not to think about it too much," he replies, promptly.
his ankles cross, and you consider kicking him again but the second time might actually hurt and you don't actually intend to hurt him. you purse your lips to the side and avert your attention instead. the shadows in the subway station start to hypnotize you the longer you focus on them, then you realize you are kind of sleepy. one of you has to stay awake to make it home safely, so you decide to return to antagonism.
"are you still pining over women who are inaccessible?"
nanami's eyes have closed shut by now but they open again.
"whatever do you mean?" he hasn't turned to look at you yet, and you're looking for the tick in his jaw that suggests annoyance but there's nothing yet.
"i told you to stop falling for lesbians, remember?" you tease him.
nanami gives you a look that lasts a bit too long, and for a moment you wonder if you've actually wounded him. you breathe in sharply and you're preparing to say the words, "sorry" but then he interrupts you quickly with the following,
"are you a lesbian?"
the question catches you off guard in the slight inebriation of hours after karaoke, where trot and enka play on loop and the taste of overpriced sushi swallowed not on your dime still ghosts on your tongue.
you would ask, "what's that supposed to mean?" but it's clear. kento's leaned into you and the train is slowing to a stop. you think your heart might slow to a stop too. he must be joking with you.
"i think you're too drunk, you're not making any sense." you finally say through your teeth, but the fact that you're suddenly flustered is apparent in the waver in your voice. kento snorts but it's soft and accommodating, not petulant.
the overhead PA tells you to unboard and kento moves first, getting to his feet but looks back at you and catches you as you stumble on heels too high for just karaoke and meeting with your closest friends.
your hand is in his and he lets go once you're steady.
you thank him but he can't steady your heart too.
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sebastianstansqueen · 2 months
Lost in The Shadows Sixteen
A/N: Hey I'm back, this is a little bitter sweet I will post the final part of this series soon, but that maybe my last post depending on later feelings, I'll always keep this account up however just very little interaction, Tumbler hasn't been what it was when I started using it like 4-5 years ago, when I was a freshmen in High School, it was a lot more fun and had a lot more interesting stories being posted at that time, I haven't found myself coming on here intentionally more out of boredom, and even then I don't see anything I'm interested in anymore. But this also could be a hiatus that last a few months to a year I don't know, my app will still be on my phone so don't be afraid to interact or ask me things, I still have another project I was working on and then stopped, I've also been so busy with my Job, that I just haven't had the energy to Wright like I used to be able to.
Wordcount: 1,404
Warnings:  Angst, Guns, then obviously Brock, kid’s, possible torturer, , If forgot anything let me know please!
Masterlist // Series Masterlist // Taglist open// 
Tags:@cherryblossomsky- @babylooneytoonz- @wonderlandfandomkingdom - @miraclesoflove - @amelia-song-pond- @leyannrae- @avengerlex- @pineprincess - @nik2write - @dorothea-hwldr - @rosie-posie08 - @scxrletrecsmarvel - @sebsgirl71479- @missvelvetsstuff- @hadesownhell - @casa-boiardi- @winterslove1917- @hallecarey1- @ash-craze - @barnesxstan - @unaxv - @bethexo07 - @itsmytimetoodream - @sebastians-love -@stoneyggirl2 - @ordelixx - @arunabrak - @cjand10
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Four Years Ago
After coming back from being gone for months verging a year, Steve seemed to show up out of nowhere looking for Bucky. When Y/n answered and saw the policeman, her already pissed demeanor seemed to intensify, as her eyes shot looking at him that he knew he should already be ten feet into the earth with, he. “What do you want, Rogers?” She hissed. “You couldn’t give a mourning widow and Pregnant woman her space?” 
“Mourning Widow?” He asked, making her eyes widen with realization. 
“Uh, I’m sorry, you didn’t know, Bucky and I were attacked in Romania, where he was shot… twice.” Her fingers knocked themselves around each other. At this moment, Steve was seeing the woman, and not the crime syndicate boss. 
“Y/n, I’m sorry.” He said softly, not really knowing what else to say, he left to process what he’d been told.
A week later he came back. “I want all the information on Brock, Y/n, I want to help you finish this.”
Y/n learned as much as she could about this new chest piece Brock had added to the puzzle, he had insane abilities that matched nothing anyone she had, Y/n wasn’t ever going to send her men, nor Natasha into an unfair fight. So she  decided that tonight, she would end this war that had taken her babies father away, and a good portion of her time away from them as well. They were young, so Y/n knew if she died now, when they were older hopefully they’d forget. As she busted her way through the doors of the warehouse, allowing only the moon’s light into the dark building she could barely see anything. She had her gun ready to go off as soon as she saw anyone. “You came alone.” Brock's voice echoed. 
“I’ve seen what your guy can do. I wasn't going to risk any of my men.” Her voice was cold looking for where the man could be.
Brock’s laugh echoed through the building. “I’m the one who sent Romanoff the tip, I let him be seen by her, Y/n, I’m the one who gave you those videos. I wanted you here.” Brock’s voice turned dark. “I wanted you to see him, come out.” The tall brooding man stepped out of a shadowed corner, moving forward in the darkness, Y/n was only able to see the outline of his foreboding frame, when her arm came into contact with cool metal, the shiver it sent down her spine was one of memories, of being on the sandy beach of the Island in Romania and Bucky’s prosthetic running down her bikini clad back, or when it was nice and cozy that one whiter night and Bucky’s hand reached to pull her impossibly closer. 
By the time her brain caught up with her body she was thrown on the dirt looking up into a cold blue eye that held the moon's rays in them. “Bu-Bucky.” It came out in almost a sob of fear, relief, and sadness. In his eyes however all they held was nothing, maybe confusion, but mostly nothing. “This isn’t you.” 
Four Years Ago
It happened so fast Bucky hadn’t been thinking, as Brock lifted his gun at Y/n, Bucky swiftly moved so that she wouldn’t have gotten hit, as the gun went off once then twice, and the brutalizing pain that went through Bucky’s stomach and chest was worse than when getting his arm amputated, then again that had been done when he was partially in a coma and by professionals, but as he saw Y/n’s wide eyes he realized that for her and for his unborn baby he’d do it again for either one. “Get out! Leave Y/n!” She began running on instinct. 
“Grab him!” Brock’s voice of frustration was the last thing he heard.  Before waking up to himself being operated on by Brock's guys getting the bullets out, he tried to fight them off but quickly found his arm was strapped down and his prosthetic missing. 
“Don’t worry Barnes, you’re gonna be very useful in the downfall of your wife.” Brock Spoke from somewhere out of Bucky’s view. “Give it to him.” 
A blue liquid began to be put through two IV’s and Bucky felt everything in him burn.
“That isn’t going to work Carter, he doesn't know you anymore, we put his mind into a blender.” Brock spoke passively, fueling Y/n’s anger. She only needed to get him, she didn’t want to hurt Bucky, if it wasn’t necessary.
She looked around for an out, so instead She let a low pitched whistle through her lips, making Brock arch a brow, The door’s she had just burst through, came in Steve and a squad of feds. “So you work with cops now?” He recoils into the shadows for his escape. “Ascetic, atack.” And as if a wire was plugged into a TV Bucky’s eyes seemed to darken, as he began to stock towards Y/n.
Steve ran to follow Brock, before he could witness what was about to happen, and all of the feds followed him choosing this time to rade the building, all while she was there facing him alone, he quickly got a hold of her forcing her to the ground, she swiftly jabbed his side. “Bucky, stop this, you need to come home, we have two beautiful babies waiting for us at home, Autumn and Aiden, and they would love to meet you.” She spoke softly, leading him outside as she moved backwards towards the doors. 
“Stop acting like you know me.” His voice held virtually nothing in it.
“I’m not gonna hurt you.” She shook her head. “So you can kill me now, and leave Our kids orphans, or you can return with me.” He faltered taking a step back when Y/n offered to immediately be killed, it was shocking, but he felt a twinge of something when she mentioned the kid’s being orphans, why did he care? He thought.  She could see it in his eyes. “Death and I have shaken hands a few times, I’m not scared, and I’ve made my peace, so if you're going to kill me get it over with.” 
He knew he couldn’t he knew what this would result in when he’d go back, they’d beat him for not completing this, this is what he was made for this is what they told him that he would have to do no matter what, and sure he could and had killed people before but this was different. “You don’t have to go back with him either, you can come with me.” She spoke softly, as the moon shone down on them and made her eyes sparkle, he just shook his head before bolting away into the night. Y/n on fast feet, chased him, she wasn’t about to let him go again, but she only got so far until she felt as if her lungs were going to give up and her legs felt as if any more movement would cause her to collapse, the red, blue, and white, of a cop car was flashing nearby, she fell to her knees, as Steve came and found her his hand went to her shoulder. “We’ve got Brock.” He spoke looking for any sign of Bucky in the shadows, but there would be none, he was so fast he had to be at least a mile away by now. 
She nodded, getting up and composing herself, before getting into Steve's car. He turned to her with a look of concern as he drove. “What is it Steve?” She huffed.
“Are you alright, when you chased Bucky, Y/n you both ran ten miles in thirty minutes.” Steve told her, making her brows furrow, it hadn't felt that far or short for the distance, but her vision had gone into tunnel as she followed Bucky back there. 
She just brushed it off, shrugging, but her thoughts began to stir thinking of Bucky’s strength at the where house, when he tried to force her to the ground there was no possible way to fight back, and his speed he was a decent amount a head of her though still in view, she had no clue what Brock had done to him and she didn’t know if she wanted to. 
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My weekly roundup CW 23
I try to write down my thoughts after watching stuff to create a little weekly ranking in relation to the previous week on my, most of the times, quiet sundays (and because I love lists!). These are just my personal opinions and preferences based on the feeling I got watching the episodes.
And yes, this will contain spoilers!
↑ 1. Be My Favorite (Ep 3/10)
The one with the most adorable heart eyes this week:
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All right, so now Kawi is trying to keep Pisaeng at a distance so that he doesn't fall in love with him and yet to get closer to Paer so that he will be the man at her side later. We can already see that Pisaeng likes Kawi. I mean, he has such heart eyes that it's really hard to miss! And I love how Pisaeng keeps reassuring Kawi that being himself is enough that others will like him. Even if Kawi eats like a pig and is just socially awkward at times. And I can understand him trying to keep Pisaeng at a distance to pursue his own selfish goal and trying to cement bridges between two former friends because he knows how it feels to lose friends and be lonely. And I'm even more looking forward to when Kawi finally realizes that the best thing he can do is not to stay away from Pisaeng, but to let him into his life and allow everything that happens next.
☼ 2. Love Tractor (2/8)
The most adorable puppy falling in love:
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This is so cute! I read the manhwa and it's so cute! And the adaptation is so good to begin with! I have no idea how the story will fit into eight episodes, but I like to be surprised. The characters are well met. Yechan is one of the cutest puppies we've had on screen so far and he needs to be protected at all costs!
↑ 3. Our Dining Table (10/10 Final)
And there it is again over with getting hungry all the time. It ended the way it began, on a soft episode of feel-good. Yutaka is now officially part of the family, I love Minoru's father, everyone is happy, even though everything is transient, but that's just part of life and it would be much worse if you didn't allow beautiful things to happen just because they might be over again someday. All in all, a very nice, very quiet series.
↑ 4. My Story (9/10)
The most adorable couple in love this week:
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Zeke and Fifth are back and cuter than ever. Fifth finally agrees and poses naked for Zeke and the latter can't stop looking at him as if the most delicious food was being served there. The fact that he didn't have water dripping out of his mouth is everything, too. The two are just incredibly cute lovers. And Sky and Win are also on cloud nine and then Sky's dad dies. And I'll be honest, it was somewhat foreseeable, but for a change in the land of drama.
↓ 5. La Pluie (7/12)
That is me watching flirty Patts and Saengtai:
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Can I first say how pissed off I am with this ending? It just overshadows everything! That Lomfon finally discovers that Saengtian isn't so one-dimensional after all. The cute animals! And that Saengtai and Patts have taken the next step. Even though Sengtai isn't ready to be sexually satisfied by Patts, that doesn't mean he can't satisfy Patts. And I'm absolutely on board with that! It's nice to see that there's consent there. That it's being shown that you don't have to have sex at the first opportunity. That it's okay to say stop. That it's okay to give instead of take, especially if you're sexually inexperienced. Because receiving can be embarrising at first. It needs time to open up and to have the trust in the other person. Well, and then comes the end. And that pisses me off. Why the hell is Patts just standing there and letting himself be kissed? Afterwards it's going to be back to, she kissed me, I didn't mean to, and I'm going to sit there wondering why he didn't just turn his head away, kept her at a distance, said no, and why he closed his eyes…It's such a crappy source of drama. So not just the kiss with the ex, but the misunderstanding as such. I hope they resolve it wisely. I'll try to muster up that much trust after all.
The most unnecessary drama of the week:
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↓ 6. Step by Step (7/12)
It went on and I don't like Put. I don't like how he tries to manipulate Pat into continuing this relationship with him. I don't like how he takes Pat for granted. I don't like how little effort he puts in. I don't like how he uses the stuffed animal as a distraction from the real problem. And basically, nothing has changed. They broke up because Put prioritized his career, which is a legitimate reason, totally non-judgmental here! But then he has the audacity to come back and put Pat back in the closet, to continue to put his career above everything. I think it could have possibly even worked between the two of them if he could have made Pat feel like he came first, if he could openly stand by him, openly care about him. But also only maybe. Because actually Pat has had feelings for Jeng for a while. And I think that's absolutely fine. Jeng is an adult and knows what he wants. He doesn't play games and doesn't have to defend his territory unnecessarily because he's so insecure that someone else wants to play with his toys. And he looks at Pat with that look that I think everyone likes to be looked at with, so that gives plus points. I'll give Jaab and Jane some more time to pick me up. I find their relationship…difficult. So everything, every interaction is difficult for me.
↑ 7. Our Skyy 2 (15+16/16 Final)
The most romantic shit I have seen in a while:
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Yeah, still not a fan of the mix of Bad Buddy and A Tale Of Thousand Stars. I don't know, somehow I don't like Pat and Pran as much after watching this. I'll have to watch Bad Buddy again soon to get rid of the pale aftertaste. Otherwise Phupha and Tian…It was so nice to see them, just the two of them living their lives together like that and cuddling. Would be enough for me, but we were able to witness how our Chief gives his Tian the 1000th star. My heart wanted to stop for a moment. What a fucking romantic ending for the two of them and for the series. It really was a perfect ending. Not to mention all the kissing between the two…I mean hello? Seven or eight? In one episode? That's when my heart almost stopped for the second time…
↓ 8. The Luminous Solution (3/6)
So, next week my predictions come true…cheating…Basically I don't even mind the subject, especially if I don't like the couple and would rather see them in the arms of the other party. And right now, I don't think our doctor and Thana make a good couple. And Ryou and Mai are cute together. That's all I can say right now. The best friend is a pain in the ass, but I'm sure that will resolve itself. And hey, maybe the café will have a reason to be in the story soon!
↓ 9. Naked Dining (9/12)
I really don't know what to make of this at the moment. It's all kind of crap. Mahiro is so impatient that it's kind of upsetting me. I mean, he's been aware of his feelings for years and has accepted them, but for Souta, this is all new and he's confused because he feels something for Mahiro. What that is, he doesn't know. Basically that's okay, what pisses me off is the fact that they don't play on with it now. The two could have gotten closer now. They could have done something other than just cooking. They could have given Souta the space and time to get to know himself better and his feelings. Instead, you randomly throw drama into the mix. This week our dear colleague, who of course knows that there is something in the air between the two, but still wants to fight for Souta, even though there is no indication that Souta likes her that way. And then next week comes an ex who causes Souta to get jealous…This is unnecessary drama that doesn't feel natural and thus somewhat spoils my enjoyment of the series.
As a goodbye, here you have the cutes puppy of this week. Have a great week!
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lokisprettygirl · 1 year
Lose me to Love you (Loki x Female Reader) (AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 10 here / Series Masterlist
Chapter 11
Summary: You tell Loki the truth about your virginity.
Trigger Warning: Extreme dark themes, Sexual abuse, physical abuse, public sex, Rough violent sex, 18+, Steamy stuff, Rough language, mention of suicide, talk of virginity and slut shaming, manipulative behaviour, mention of trauma, smut, toxic relationship between main characters. Dark themes, cult stuff.
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He glared at you as you made your way back to the apartment late at night, he was pissed, he strictly told you to not see Ron, an older man like him willing to date a 19 year old didn't exactly scream safe. But you didn't listen to him of course. You wanted to see how much it would affect him, you wanted to see if he was merely being protective like always or there were other feelings involved, feelings that you had for him.
"Told you to not go out with that degenerate, i asked you for one simple thing but you can't give me that can you?" He sipped on his bear as he questioned you. He seemed calm but you could tell he was furious.
Truth to be told, he was hurt and jealous, extremely jealous, not that he'd ever tell you that because he felt like a pervert developing such feelings for you, he felt like a predator that he has always been. This was his sweet buttons, his precious girl, he felt even more fucked up now realising that he was attracted to you in a sexual manner
"You can do whatever you want but I can't? Why? I'm an adult too" you spoke softly as you walked towards him, the black little dress you had on hugged your curves perfectly, the cleavage you were showing off didn't help the situation, he was extremely affected by the thought of that man fucking you tonight when you looked like this, he didn't deserve you, nobody did. He snapped out of his thoughts as you sat down on his lap and placed your hands on his shoulders.
"I told you to not fuck that man..it wasn't a request darling, it was an order but you couldn't help yourself could you? Your cunt must have ached for a cock right huhh? Did you get it? Did you enjoy it?" Your eyes teared up as he said that but you didn't allow your smile to fade, your reputation spoke for you, the rumors that you had allowed to spread and those guys you dated worked against your image, you didn't care though, he told you that he won't fuck you and that he didn't feel anything for you so what was the point anyways? If he thought of you as a whore then you were a whore.
"I loved it daddy..he was so good, best I have had, going to see him again and you can't stop me" 
 Loki sat down on the couch as he thought about that day, well he did scare that man away from you, he even apologized in his own way afterwards for insulting you like that but what you just told him had changed everything, that man wasn't the last man, you went on dates afterwards with different guys, but everytime things could escalate he drove them away from you, he allowed you to have your fun even though it killed him to watch you with other men, he couldn't have stopped you from having sex with other people, especially when he wasn't going to fuck you either.
But then if you never fucked any of those men then why did you lie? Or you were lying now to mess with him? He was so confused, and if you did tell him the truth then what else were you hiding from him? His phone started to ring and it was Jolene so he sighed as he made his way to her room. 
"You need something?" He asked her but then he heard her sniffling so he walked towards the bed and sat down on the edge "what's wrong?" He asked her softly so she held his hand in hers.
"I'm just..sad and it hurts" his eyes teared up as she said that, he felt helpless "Remember when I used to have cramps, you would just cradle me in your arms? I think I miss that and it's making me sad" She wiped her tears so he brought his hand up to caress her head, she was injured and on meds so she was probably overwhelmed, he couldn't help but wonder why now though? Did she not miss him in the last 4 years?
He laid down on the bed next to her and pulled her closer, as she clutched onto him he caressed her back gently, he didn't want to confuse her but she seemed upset and he didn't want to hurt her any further.
"You're so warm..I love this" he didn't say anything as she mumbled. If it wasn't for you maybe he would have fallen for her again or whatever he felt for her at the time but it was nearly impossible now, not just because he had to take care of you but also because it wasn't Jolene he wanted to cradle and sleep with, it was you that he was missing at the moment.
"Try to sleep okay? If you need something just call me.. I'll be here I promise" he smiled as he pulled away from her, his thumb brushing over her cheeks in a comforting manner, normally he probably would have kissed her on the head but it didn't feel right, not anymore, it felt as if he would be giving her something that only belonged to you.
He stepped out of her room and went back to yours, he found you deep in sleep as he entered so he took his shirt off and got under the sheet. You hummed as you felt his weight next to you but you didn't wake up. How could you sleep so peacefully after throwing that virginity dagger his way?
"A virgin huh? Have you been fooling me all this time or you're doing it now?" He mumbled softly as he was talking to himself really, he leaned down to kiss your forehead before he placed his head down on the pillow, he couldn't stop thinking, ever since Odin has escaped and Jolene entered your lives things seemed a little different, he has always been protective but these past few days he has been overly.. clingy. Something he didn't want to be, something he knew he had to control before it would ruin your arrangement with him. This was much better right? No emotional hang ups, no fights that went beyond the usual yelling or screaming. No fear of heartbreak. This was perfect.
In the middle of the night you did curl up around him like a reptile and when you woke up he wasn't there, he was an early riser and you liked to stay in bed for as long as you could. You could hear their voices coming from the kitchen and it made you feel frustrated already, you didn't have the luxury of a distraction as you didn't have to be on the set today or even tomorrow.
Great, a full day with the love of your life and the love of his life. 
You got showered and chose a floral dress, it had a square deep neckline and frills on the sleeves that made you feel cute but also sexy, you also put some makeup on as you wanted to look good. As you were about to step out there suddenly the conversation from last night hit you, you had let the secret out and he had stormed out of the room. Was he upset? Did he think you were lying? You had no idea but maybe it would be good to just keep the lie going, a virgin still? He'd pity you and that was the last thing you needed. 
"Morning" you mumbled as you entered the kitchen, she was sitting in your spot again and she can't even walk so he must have picked her up and put her there. 
"Got paid, what should we do?" He asked you so you thought about it, everytime you two got paid he treated you both to something, just a little thing you both did but you definitely didn't want to share the tradition with Jolene. You walked closer to him and hugged him from behind, you looked at Jolene and she was fuming so you smiled at her, you pressed several kisses on his back before you grabbed the plate of warm pancakes he had made and went to your room to eat.
"Do you do all the work around here?" Jolene asked him so he looked at her, he could sense the judgement in her voice "She does it when I'm busy" he told her so she hummed in response.
After breakfast he decided to talk to you so he went to your room, you were on the bed laying on the front, the plate of the pancakes were placed to the right and your legs were flailing up and down as you scrolled something on your phone.
"We need to talk" you smiled as you heard his voice but ofcourse he couldn't see you.
"About what?" 
As he climbed on the bed he flipped you around on your back and pinned you underneath him .
"You know what" 
"I lied" you smiled and the corner of his mouth curved as well.
"Just wanted to mess with you" he looked at you as if he didn't believe you 
"Were you messing with me last night or you're messing with me now?" 
"I guess we will never find out huh" he chuckled as you said that.
"Why would you lie darling?" He asked you again even though you had already answered him.
"I told you" 
"No you are lying sweetheart" his hair tickled your face so you pushed them behind his shoulder with your fingers, he was staring at you with such intensity that you wanted to tell him everything, tell him your truth and why you did it but you felt scared and pathetic. What would he think? Would it even matter to him? Would he even care?
"It doesn't matter" he sighed as you said that.
"Fine..talk to me only when you want to tell me the truth" he got off you and left the room immediately, you sighed deeply as you found yourself in a troubling situation, why did you have to open your big mouth like that last night?
The fact that you were a virgin as the day you were born made him feel even more protective about you, all this time he taunted you about those boys at the orphanage, he hurt you with his words when you went out with those men, anything could have happened with you by the hands of those men. They could have taken an advantage or make you do something you didn't want to do.
He really thought the little threat he gave you would make you crawl back to him but to his surprise he didn't hear from you all day so he spent his day with Jolene. What option did he really have? At night when you finally came out he was sitting alone on the couch thankfully.
"What do you want me to say?" you asked him so he shrugged.
"Can I sit on your lap?" You asked him as you walked towards him so he smiled.
"Since when do you need my permission?" 
"Since forever" 
You sat down on his lap with your knees folded on either side of his thighs, as your eyes met you cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead.
"What happened to John? You were just fourteen y/n..the story that reached me doesn't go with you being untouched so far" he came straight to the point it seems.
"Okay so when I said virgin.. I just meant I haven't had a dick inside my vagina until now" he furrowed his brows as you said that.
"That's exactly what being a virgin means?" 
"Just wanted to clarify that I have kissed and made out and other stuff" you mumbled like a fool. Why did you have to be like this? "He liked me, alot, he was my neighbour at the foster home, I somehow got into a foster home and fucked it up can you believe it?" You chuckled so he nodded.
"That boy tried to hurt himself because you manipulated him and asked him to have sex with you, that's what they told me" 
"And you believed them?" Your eyes teared up and so did his "Not the whole truth..he was umm..he was sweet and kind and he treated me .. nicely" well he was nice until he wasn't "But he was just another teenage boy, and boys want sex " His eyes flickered as you said that, with your past and everything when Steve told him about what had happened he just assumed that you were a damaged child doing damaging things in life
"What did he do?"
"He found out about the cult and he thought..I must be freaky and whatnot..so he initiated it and i said no, he was okay with it but then he couldn't stop getting touchy even when I didn't want it, that made me lose whatever feelings I had for him slowly" 
"Did you even like this guy?" 
"I did.. well I thought I did" your voice broke so he pulled you closer to him and his arms wrapped around your waist in a comforting manner, he pressed a soft kiss on your neck so you clutched onto him
"After our break-up he was a little sad and he had other issues himself that led him to hurt himself but he was scared his parents would disown him or whatever so he lied about me and his parents complained to the family I was living with and I was immediately sent back to the orphanage, the girls there learned about my past too as we got a little older and all of a sudden I was just that freak from the cult. Oh!!! look freaky y/n gave Jaden a blowjob at the mall's bathroom. Did you hear how freaky y/n sneaked Lucas in her bedroom? What a whore right?"
He was told about everything and his heart didn't want to believe that his sweet buttons could ever be so careless, but when he came back to you and the way you behaved with him, he started to think of those incidents as facts, you didn't say anything to change his perception either.
"None of those things happened, I liked those boys but that was it, we didn't even date properly because I never wanted to go that far but everytime I said no..i became the villain, I became that slut from the sex cult who was manipulating innocent boys" you looked at him and his eyes teared up, he knew what you meant, he understood the pain of it , he could tell you weren't lying to him anymore. Why didn't he ask you about this before? He thought not talking about your past lives will be better for both of you but maybe he was wrong.
"What about that man you went out with on your 19th birthday or several others after that?" he asked you so you looked at him
"Well I'm not fuckin them if that's what you mean..I just watched a movie and had dinner" 
"Why didn't you fuck any of them?" You opened your mouth and were about to answer his question but you heard his bedroom door opening and as you turned your head around you found an angry looking Jolene glaring at you .
"Can we talk? In private" She said to him so you kissed his forehead,
"I'm willing to tell you the truth if you're willing to listen" you got off his lap after you said that and went to your room, making sure to smile at jolene to piss her off even more.
You pressed your ears against the door and you could hear her yelling at him so loudly that you feared that old woman living next to you would file another complaint
"How could you indulge her like that Loki? What's wrong with you?" She said to him and it made you chuckle.
"What do you mean?" He asked her
"You know what I mean Loki..she was just a kid when you met her, god that's disgusting, what is wrong with you? Are you fucking her?" your eyes teared up as she said that to him. How dare she? She was demonizing him for something that wasn't in his control, besides he never even fucked you or even tried to when you knew very well that any other man in his place would have tried to take advantage of the situation especially when you were so desperate for him to love you in anyways he wanted.
You heard his door slamming shut so you quickly sat down on the bed and pretended as if you weren't eavesdropping. As he entered your room you noticed his red face, he was either angry or he had cried, probably both. 
"Why didn't you fuck them?" He asked you, his voice sounded harsh but you knew it wasn't because of you, it was because of what she had said to him so you smiled at him.
"You know John..he umm.. he was tall..so tall for his age.. he was lanky but not in a bad way, green eyes, raven curly hair, face like an angel" you took a momentarily pause as you looked at him so he walked towards you "Reminded me of someone, someone I really wanted to hold and get back to"
Your eyes welled up with tears and his face softened too. He cupped your cheeks and made you look up at him, his thumbs wiped your tears,
"I liked him..I did, but one time we were making out and I just couldn't get myself to feel for him, as I looked into his eyes I realized that he was just a copy..he wasn't who I wanted, he wasn't who I dreamed of, it wasn't fair to him" 
"You were just a kid y/n" 
"I know..that's why I tried over and over again to move on..to forget Youuuu but I couldn't..and then you came for me and I thought It was meant to be you know..but when you told me that you would never ever feel anything for me in that way I couldn't take it.. I got desperate and I wanted to hurt you that night so I did and said what I thought would hurt you.." 
He made you stand up as you confessed some of the things you have been hiding from him all this time, he knew you lusted after him but hearing you say all this to him made him realize that the bond you both shared with each other was way deeper than just lust on your side or responsibility on his side, his thumbs rubbed against your cheeks to wipe your tears but they kept coming. 
"I can't give you what you want from me darling.. you were just a child when I met you.. it's wrong for me to even think of you like that" He had always felt like a pervert thinking of you like that, he was his father's son afterall.
"It's not wrong anymore…look at me, what's the difference between me and those women you fuck? You have fucked girls younger than me" you raised your voice so he shook his head.
"It's not the same thing" 
"Whyyy? What's the difference then?" 
"You won't understand" 
"Enlighten me then.. because It hurts.. watching you with them..it hurts" you clutched onto his shirt as you cried furiously, he wanted to calm you down but his own emotions felt too much at the moment.
"I'm sorry baby I really am.. I just can't ruin you like that, you're too important for me to be ruined like that, moreso now, you saved yourself for meeee? This monster? Things I have done in life would make your skin crawl"
He pulled you away from him and then he left, you bared your soul open to him and you didn't think it made any difference.
He grabbed his jacket and walked out of the apartment, the argument with Jolene and then this discussion felt too much at once, he wanted to tell you that he felt the same but he couldn't, he didn't want to fuck this up more with such feelings that he knew would fade once he had given himself completely, he took a leap of faith once and it only damaged him further.
He was at some bar getting drunk when Jolene called him, he didn't want to talk to her, he really needed her to get out of their lives, probably shouldn't have left you two in the same apartment. 
He couldn't stop thinking about you being a virgin still and suddenly he had an epiphany, a fear that he thought he had overcome returned again, that was one of the things he didn't have to worry about anymore but this new revelation meant your life was in even more danger now that Odin was free to hunt again. It wasn't just a matter of revenge any longer when it comes to you. Once Odin finds out about you he'd try to finish the ritual he had started.
 Blood of a virgin, that's what he needed for the final sacrifice.
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jinwoosungs · 2 years
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what it feels like to surprise him.
vincent fabron (CHAMBER) x fem.reader
to say chamber was pissed would be a complete understatement-
just what gave you the right to blatantly ignore him for so long??
granted, he had been quite busy with his missions and designing some new weapons, but he always made sure to free up his schedule in order to spend time with you.
so why was it when he entered the comfort of your shared room, you were nowhere to be found?
why did it seem like each time he made plans to take you out somewhere, you would always reply back by stating how busy you were before darting out of his embrace?
and the nights, oh, those long nights when he would come home from a grueling mission would be the worst. he wanted nothing more than to hold you, but you would already be sound asleep, making chamber feel guilty at the thought of waking you.
just what was going on? what was making you become so distant with him?
were you cheating on him? had you really managed to find someone better than him?
more often than not, chamber would scoff at such ridiculous thoughts, for who could ever possibly match up to him? he was the full package. rich, devastatingly handsome, and vastly intelligent.
yet sometimes, his insecurities would ultimately win, filling him with an almost indescribable despair.
was there someone out there who could give you the things that he couldn't?
was there someone out there who was willing to dedicate more of their time to you?
was there someone out there who didn't have such a checkered past like him?
yet even with all these questions circling around his mind, chamber didn't think he'd be strong enough to let you go easily-
at least, not without a fight.
today had been pretty uneventful at protocol, and his mind was so distracted with thoughts of your possible betrayal. millions of scenarios ran through his mind of what he should do when it came to saving your relationship. his footsteps echoed throughout the marble flooring of his mansion, and while he worked on loosening his tie, he was almost stunned on the spot upon hearing the sounds of your giggles.
"oh jacques, i love you so much! you're so cute!"
red hot anger was felt coursing through him when he marches toward the living room, following the sounds of your laughter. you had never once called him cute, and it had been so long since he last heard your declaration of love for him-
and you had the nerve to invite another man into his home?! oh, he was going to teach that poor man a lesson, ready to inflict an enormous amount of damage to the prick that had stolen your heart with his tour de force if he had to.
with his fists clenched, chamber pushes up his glasses back on to the bridge of his nose, ready to rip whoever this jacques was away from you. so when he finally steps into his living room, ready to confront you and your new lover, he ends up feeling all of his anger melt away upon facing what was actually in front of him.
in your arms had to be the most adorable toy poodle with a dark blue and gold ribbon wrapped around its neck. his curls of fur were off white in color as his dark, puppy dog eyes were looking at chamber in absolute and unconditional adoration. the toy poodle lets out a series of energetic barks before launching himself out of your arms and runs across the room to reach chamber.
immediately, the french marksman softens at the sight of such an adorable puppy. he kneels down so that the puppy could reach him, allowing him to settle against his expensive dress pants. chamber could feel his claws dig into the front of his shirt as the excited puppy gave him a series of wet kisses.
"ah, i assume that this is jacques, mon amour?"
you nod, standing back to your full height to join them. "yes, and i'm sorry for being so distant these past couple of weeks, but i wanted so badly to surprise you with jacques."
he chuckles richly, embracing jacques while beckoning you to come closer. you follow his directions and settle yourself on his lap with jacques pressed excitedly between both of your forms. he brings you closer, pressing his lips against your temple all while admitting, "i was so afraid you had found someone new. in fact, i was this close to using tour de force had jacques turned out to be another man."
"vincent! that's awful, i would never find another man!"
he laughs once more, grabbing a hold of your chin to press a lingering kiss against your lips, "i know i know, mon cœur. now that i know better, i promise you, you have my complete trust. just please, swear to me that you will not reject my affections for so long anymore. i hated such unnatural silence, my love."
you giggle and nuzzle the tip of your nose with his all while petting jacques, "i promise, vincent. never again will that happen. i was just so afraid that i would ruin the surprise if i spoke to you."
he grunts, "i'd rather you ruin the surprise and have your affections at all times, mon amour."
chamber surges forward, capturing your lips in yet another bruising kiss before gently biting down against your bottom lip, earning a gasp from you when you feel him whisper, "now, i believe you owe me the privledge to make up for some lost time, mon cheri."
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all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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ladymelisande · 2 days
You don't have to post this! But I'm at a point where I'm going to lay off watching S2 of IwtV until all the episodes have been released. I don't trust where the writers are going with Lestat, and I have a feeling he won't be "vindicated" like others are making it sound. He's still going to be made out as an abuser and as a cheater, and worse by those new to the VC fandom--what do you think? I love Loustat in the books, but I'm honestly not rooting for them at all in the show. Louis is a completely different character in all but name, so he just comes off as an original character to me. I also want him to just piss off and leave Lestat alone already😅 At this point, I'd rather have Lestat run off with Armand as a big FU to Louis' holier-than-thou ass. How do you do it? I'll just wait for your posts to see what happens each episode before I decide if I'm going to watch it.
Oh, don't worry, nonny. I'm the fandom's black hole of negative space. If anyone wants to vent, my inbox is always open.
Oh, I'm focused on finishing the first trilogy now, that's how I do it. I don't know if I'm going to watch the episode tomorrow either. I think I'm just gonna use that time to finish QOTD and work in my own vampire writing.
To be honest, I'm kind of bored by the show now. There isn't much left to build tension when we know the trial is coming. Or maybe I'm just burned out by the idiotic fandom and their whining about how Louis and Armand can't possibly be liars about Lestat. Two years just to get to the most boring part of IWTV and Season 1 wasn't even that good. Ironically the only episode I have liked so far is Episode 8 because it actually contained something from Anne Rice's main themes: the tragedy of her vampires' search for connection.
In Paris, the only entertaining character is Armand. In Dubai, the scenes are better when he and Daniel are alone.
And yeah, I don't trust these writers either. So I'll wait until/if they pull the rug in the last episode. Though even then, the changes they have made to the TVL timeline (even if they were completely unnecessary) just smell bad to me. Plus certain writer's beef with Lestat makes me dread how the whole shit with Akasha will be handled in the future.
And yeah, Show Louis is a completely different character. I don't mind him but his fans are so damn annoying and reactionary, acting as if not liking him or even pointing out he has *gasps* flaws is some moral failure... Just makes me appreciate Book Louis more, because at least he was allowed to be character. Liar and all. Can't say the same for this one who is held in the big pedestal of The Character You Have to Like No Matter What™.
I'm a firm believer that Lestat is gonna reject Louis in NOLA (if you see the scene again, Lestat looks kind of rigid and his face is not buried on Louis' neck like it would be) and that's why he is so bitter and hateful towards him (plus the trial). And honestly I hope that happens. It was one of Anne Rice's ideas for the movie and it will make more sense now instead of Lestat dragging himself for Louis attention. In the novels as much as people want to go around about how Lestat chased Louis' attention,... Lestat did keep his distance after QOTD and it took years for them to actually get together. I don't know, I'm not exactly a shipper when it comes to this series but our man is about to go through hell and back (literally), I don't think this relationship is going to be the biggest priority. It shouldn't be.
But hell, the show maybe won't even want to touch that. They are clearly not interested on Lestat as a dynamic protagonist as much as they are interested on him as a walking chekov's gun and scapegoat.
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tinyglitterrose · 6 months
part three of the Princess Series
Mashton, boxboy, 18+
Bottom Ashton, Top Michael
Warnings: SMUT
"Hey, Ash?", Michael opened the door to the back room of their tour bus.
Ashton looked up from his phone, sitting up more straight from where he'd been lazily lounging on the long couch. Calum and Luke were fumbling around in the kitchen, trying to cook, while the bus was driving on the high way.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Not much", Michael shrugged his shoulders and walked into the room, maybe a bit too casually, "You?"
Ashton shrugged as well, turning back to his phone.
Michael just stared at him.
"You sure you're good?", Ashton looked back up, grinning lopsidedly at his bandmate.
"Mhh, well", he waited until Ashton furrowed his eyebrows to keep talking, "I think I could be. If I wasn't the only one being excluded."
"Ex- from what?", the drummer was more than confused, especially with how Michael was grinning like a menace at him. Was he high?
Michael shrugged again, sighing as if something traumatic had happened to him but none of the boys cared enough to notice it.
Ashton laid his phone down beside him, giving Mike his full attention.
"Did we do something? I'm sorry if we did something, Mike, I promise we didn't purposefully exclude you from anything."
"You really didn't, did you?", Michael's face changed to an almost pityful expression. Where was the boy going with this? Ashton looked at him, getting more lost every second, shaking his head again.
"Makes sense", Michael nodded to himself, "After all you're a little princess. Princesses are spoiled, so why would you come up to me, right?"
Ashton's eyes went big. Shit, he had thought that this was almost forgotten. It had been another three weeks since Luke had, well, fucked him with a dildo until he was crying and they hadn't talked about it again. It wasn't awkward either, everything was good.
But apparently not for Michael.
"I, uh-"
"You what? Obviously Luke told us what you two did and you know, I was hoping that maybe you'd come up to me and offer to not have me be the only one being excluded, but oh well. Gotta do everything myself."
"Is the mighty princess busy right now or can I pledge for an allowance to touch your oh so fantastic behind?"
"Mike", Ashton winced, he didn't like his best friend sounding so mean. He didn't want him to be pissed off or angry at him.
He caught his lip between his teeth, worriedly biting on it. Should he...? It would make Michael happy again, right? But it would also be so embarrassing. Then again, it would feel good and he secretly loved the humiliation and it wasn't like Mike didn't exactly know what he was asking for.
So Ashton took a long shaky breath, then he slid off the couch and kneeled on the floor, hands claspes together in his lap.
"I'm sorry for being a brat", he mumbled to Michael's left knee.
Michael didn't react at all for a few seconds. Calum and Luke had described Ash as incredibly bratty and unwilling to obey to anything. But now he was kneeling in front of him and apologizing. Without even having been given any instructions to do so.
"Wow, Ash, you can be obedient then, huh?", he was mumbling himself.
"Just - just wanna be a good..."
"A good princess?"
Ashton nodded quickly, still not lifting his gaze and not able to say the word. It still embarrassed him too much to admit to it, that he liked being their princess. He was a man after all, a tall, fit, grown man with chest hair and abs. Being a princess was just... it was so humiliating.
"Say it, Ash"
But he didn't say anything.
"Aw, come on, Ashy", Michael leaned down to put two fingers under the others' chin, making him look him in the eyes, "Tell me what you are or I'll have to fuck the words out of you. And this door over there", he nodded towards the slide door that led to the bunk beds, "has no lock on it. The other boys could just walk in, while I'm making you sit on my cock."
Ashton clamped his mouth shut. He was too stubborn for this. And he kinda wanted what Michael was threatening to do. Wanted him to make him scream and beg so loud that Cal and Luke would come in wondering if he was hurt.
And Michael quickly picked up on that.
"Alright then", he grinned wickedly, lifting his hips off the couch and pushing his pants and underwear down. Before Ashton cod fully register what was happening, his jaw was gripped and forced open and a half hard dick was fed into his mouth.
"Suck", Michael demanded, still holding onto the other man's jaw with a tight grip, but he slid his hand up the side of Ashton's face to then instead take hold of his curls at the back of his head, forcefully pushing him down. Not even Calum had been this rough with Ashton.
Ashton choked but didn't try to pull back.
"Alright, enough", Michael pushed him away barely two minutes later.
Ashton looked up at him with wide eyes, mouth still open. Did he do somethin wrong? Was Michael suddenly digusted of him?
But he wasn't.
"Clothes off", he said, dick still being out and crossing his arms over his chest. He lifted his eyebrows expectantly, when Ashton didn't move.
Ashton gulped, blushing heavily, but started doing as asked.
"That too", Michael grinned when he hesitated to take his boxers off. Biting his lip, the drummer obeyed, then he got back on his knees in front of Mike, hands clasped together in his lap.
Michael didn't say anything for a while, just staring at his older friend and having him sit there in front of him. Entirely naked and waiting for directions.
It was quite a sight to behold and Michael wondered if Ashton would let him take a picture if he asked.
"Tell me if you want me to stop with anything", he said seriously instead and Ashton nodded shakily. He didn't know what to expect, what might be coming.
Or who, he realized when he remembered that any of the other two boys - or even anyone at all - could just walk into the back of the bus.
"Wait here"
Ashton obeyed, not moving an inch until Michael came back. He then turned his head to look at him, but the younger one only had to lift an eyebrow to make Ashton's head whip back around.
"Don't jump", he heard him mumble right behind him. He had kneeled behind Ashton.
Ashton kned his fingers in his lap, anxiously waiting for what Michael was going to do.
He couldn't believe he was in a situation like this again, was this all just okay with his bandmates?
And why did it excite him that he wasn't sure if they enjoyed this as much as he did?
i haven't posted in quite some time so i'm splitting this one into a two part imagine to give you something new 🥰👀
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alyssaswrld999 · 2 years
Argument and make-up treatment is always amazing - Daryl Dixon x reader smut
Guys comment If You all want a part two or a series of this! Love you guys ❤❤❤
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Dear Diary,
I have been together with the archer quite some time. I mean ever since I first met him in high-school i was always attracted to the man. I actually got together with him after the start of the world turning up to a bigger pile of shit then It already was. Which was "Amazing". It started out as hanging out and checking up on each other and making sure he wasn't gonna kill Merle or anyone else at the camp outside of the city in Atlanta. Next It went to being drunk and stealing a kiss at the CDC. Then having our first time with each other at Hershels farm. To now where it was us together at the prison being married. I just adore him so much and I guess he adores me. He has changed my life and it is amazing. I never knew love really existed until I met the one and only Daryl Dixon. I always knew he was a troubled youth ever since I first met him. There were signs you just gotta learn how to read them as daryl would say. I knew his brother Merle all to well. The Dixons were always the talk of the town. I wanted to kill Daryls dad for beating Merle and Daryl. Also wanted to do the same to Merle for not being there for Daryl and making it to where Daryl took Merles place in getting hit and beaten. I get it that Merle can be an asshole but when you get to truly be nice and talk to him more he ain't as bad as you think. Same with Daryl I mean at first he was a asshole but after he seen he could trust me and we became close both the Dixon brothers trusted me and to this day they still do. I was there for Daryl when he would get a new scar or scratch or even a black eye. I was there for Daryl when no one else was. Daryl did the same thing for me and he still does.
Suddenly as I was writing I heard a knock on the doorway. I look up and seen Daryl. "Hey" I said closing my journal. Daryl looked at me and it seemed he was mad.
"I need to talk to you" Daryl said. I looked at Daryl and in my mind I was confused but I pushed it aside. "Ok um are you alright" I said.
"Rick told me you went out on a run by yourself is that true" Daryl said. At that moment I was feeling weird. So what If I went out by myself I'm allowed to do as I damn well please.
"Are you seriously pissed off that I went alone to look for supplies" I said standing up. "Ya I am cause what would have happened if you didn't come back or hell got even bit" Daryl shouted.
I looked stunned at him and i was now getting really pissed off. "Daryl are you being serious I am fine I know how to look after myself" I said in defense.
"Y/n I'm trying to protect ya hell even put the damn ring on ya finger and you can't wait for me or someone to go with you to look for supplies" Daryl said.
"Daryl it's even a bigger risk to bring another person I mean look what happened to Maggie and Glenn they were tortured and abused" I said.
"That's exactly why I don't want ya out there alone" Daryl said. "Oh right ok here folks it's Daryl the night and shining armor dixon coming to my rescue again like I even need it" I said.
I look at him in disgust and I look away. "You know what how about you find someone who's a better spouse instead of fucking keeping me because apparently I'm not good enough for ya" I said throwing down the wedding ring Daryl gave me.
I push him aside and go to exit the cell block. I make my way outside and spend my time up in the guard tower taking watch.
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immortalbumblebee · 2 years
Chapter 11: Foreign Material
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*nervous laughter* I'M SO SORRY I KNOW ITS BEEN LITERAL MONTHS. I swear to god I'm still in love with this series, and trust me when I say I'm getting more and more dedicated to forming a proper upload schedule.
As a gift to make up for my absence, I wanted to give y'all some extra content so...I kinda sorta made a character playlist for Min? Just a collection of songs that reminded me of her/I think she'd like! Hope this helps makes up for me being a terrible writer to all of you.
“You’re sure you’re good with this, Sewer Fish?” Benzo’s question should have been some comfort, but it wasn’t. Looking up at the towering structure in front of you, a large concrete structure with smokestacks reaching up to the cloudy sky above, dark smoke billowing out of them and across the river, you felt nothing but anxiety.
You flattened your hair for the hundredth time, the hair gel you had slathered into it feeling alien to you. “Can I be honest?”
“Would be pissed if you weren't."
“Not really.”
Benzo chuckled, but it wasn’t out of humour as he slung an arm around your shoulders outside those giant metal doors. Feeling the strong, miner arm of your best friend, you allowed yourself to breathe deeply; the topsider air tickling your lungs.
“You’ve got this. If anything happens, you have your escape routes. Just make a distraction and you’re gone.” Benzo attempted to comfort you.
“But…what if I don’t get the job at all? Then what? All this stress and planning for nothing? Getting Vander mad for no reward?” You sighed deeply. “I wish I had my dagger. I feel naked, and not in a fun way. If I get killed, my mom’s going to kill me..”
“Something tells me your new boss wouldn’t appreciate his new street-rat brandishing a weapon.” As Benzo let you go, you began fiddling with the sleeve of your shirt. “Niya said the job was pretty much yours, guaranteed. Just don’t show off how much smarter you are than all of them and you’ll be golden, Sewerfish. And don’t worry about all the rest of that; planning is a part of life, and Vander’ll cool down soon.”
The air seemed to get a little bit colder as you thought about your brutish friend. “He hasn’t said a word to me since I told him about this damn job!”
“Man has the attention span of a goldfish, soon he won’t even remember why he was upset to begin with." Benzo chuckled. "Since when are you so bothered by a guy, anyway? Aren’t you the one that’s always warning me about getting attached?”
“But-” “Look, if we go through every possible scenario, we’re going to be out here all week.” The deadpan look on his face reassured you that he was right. You couldn’t stand here overthinking all day, you had a job to get to.
“You’re right.”
“When am I not?” You slugged him in the arm for that one, but to his credit, it did make you giggle.
“Thanks for walking me, and for the shirt.” You offered a smile, and Benzo nonchalantly shrugged back.
“Thank Luoi, he’s the one that lets me take long lunches if I need to.” As he began to walk away, he pointed at you one last time. “Tell you what. If you survive today without pissing anyone off, we go out for drinks tonight. Your first round’s on me.”
You feign shock, moving your hand in a clutched-pearls expression. “You saying you wanna buy me a drink, Benzo? How forward.”
Rolling his eyes, Benzo turns his back and continues on his way. “Save the charm for your new boss, Fishie!”
Then he turned the corner and he was gone. And you were alone in front of the factory doors.
Meeting with Niya to tell her you wanted to accept the position had been bad enough for your anxiety, but crossing the bridge and travelling to the factory itself? To say you’d been sweating buckets as you walked in the heavy metal doors would have been an understatement. You weren’t sure what you’d be met with when you got there, as you'd only been told to look presentable and to bring your work papers.
The latter hadn’t been a problem, just a case of using the fake work papers you usually kept on-hand. ‘Looking presentable’, however, had been a completely different ballgame. You had nice clothes, but what did someone wear to a job interview on the rich side of town? For a factory job? Eventually, you wound up raiding Benzo’s closet and borrowing one of his good work shirts and a pair of simple trousers.
That was nice enough right? You hoped so, at least.
Taking one final deep breath to steel yourself, you opened the door and strolled in.
Being escorted from the front reception to the head supervisor’s office, you were struck by the notion that no factory had any business looking as nice as this one did.
The clean air was one thing, you'd left your bandana in your pocket because you’d expected the lighter air quality. But the whole damn place practically glimmered, not a drop of oil or rust in sight. The entry was decorated with framed photos of the factory over the years, leading to a heavy wooden desk where a receptionist sat on the other side. You barely spared the images a passing glance as you introduced yourself, affirming the time for your appointment. The assistant-a young girl-was prim and pretty, that much you could have expected. Speaking politely with a neutral expression, her hair was placed in a tight bun that pulled all her features up and back.
Then, before you could really even catch your bearings, you were escorted up to your new boss' office. As you climbed the spiralling staircase, you couldn't help but marvel at the polished hardwood that you stepped on. Hardly the right substance for heavy foot traffic. But the wood paled in contrast to the railings that kept the staircase in place; intricate spiralling patterns were woven with a shiny black metal that you weren't quite familiar with. It was beautiful, deep black similar to a starless night sky, that had seemingly been moulded and smithed to perfection as the patterns danced around one another until tying off at the end of the ascent. As much as you found yourself gawking at the masterful artistry, you couldn't help but wonder why someone would put so much effort and resources into a place like this. After all, it was a factory, not an art gallery. Who came to an industrial building expecting glamour?
Just as you thought you couldn't be anymore awed, you were let into a big-looking office, seemingly that of your new employer, and all your preconceived notions of what a factory should look like flew out the window. Light hardwood floors spanned the floor, save for a plush rug in the center, which drew the eye to the heavy wooden desk in the middle of the room. Above the desk was a giant crystal chandelier, something you'd only seen in ballrooms during big jobs. This was smaller than one you may find in a ballroom, but it was nonetheless spectacular and gaudy as it cast little glimmering lights across the walls and furniture. Your eyes tried to take in all the sights, assaulted by the sheer amount of belongings put into the room. Plush couches, beautifully crafted tables, a bird cage of some kind.
What the hell were you getting yourself into?
Stepping into the room of riches, you were welcomed by the superintendent and subsequently had to hold back a laugh behind a polite smile. The fact that he looked exactly as you’d expected was completely humorous in your mind, and you’d only wish the boys had been around to share in your amusement. A fat, white, and balding man in a fancy suit, smoking from a fancy pipe, sitting at a fancy desk with a bunch of fancy, useless paperweights on it. Suddenly, the room was beginning to make much more sense.
“Minerva, I presume.” The man called to you, tapping the end of his pipe into an ashtray. Looking at the pipe, which you could only assume was an antique based on the shape and design, you wondered if it was actually practical to use. But the subtle yellow staining in the man's otherwise silvery white mustache spoke for itself.
“Yes, Sir.” You nodded, making your way over to his desk with an extended hand. “Mr. Morichi, nice to meet you.” As you spoke, you were careful to hold your chin up and keep a watch on your accent.
He shook your hand, a tight but casual grip as a metal ring with his family crest dug into the meat of your fingers. “Morrison, please. Mr. Morichi was my father.” He had an easy smile, and you were reminded of the businessman smirk that Benzo often used when making deals.
“Morrison.” You corrected off-handedly.
He gestured to a soft leather seat across from his desk. “Please, sit.” You accepted the invitation, actively sitting on the edge with your stiff spine refusing to lean against the back. “Ms. Minerva, I’ve heard good things about you. One of my managers knows a friend of yours? Tells me you have quite a bit of experience in the field.”
For the next few minutes, the two of you have a polite back and forth discussing all the places you’ve worked over the years. Over 13 years, you'd made up an impressive resume working in just about every factory, blacksmith, and vendor shop in the Underground. This was only more remarkable thanks to the fact that practically every boss you'd had had nothing but good and kind things to say about you. This, you knew, would come in handy during this hiring process.
As you name a few of the more well-known places you'd worked, he nods and asks about the bosses working there, seeming to recognize them through business dealings.
“So you’re familiar with parts of the metal industry in the Fissures?” You ask politely.
He shrugs, taking a couple of puffs from his pipe. By now you’ve got a full smell of the tobacco between his lips, and recognize that it’s much lighter and smoother than the stuff you’re used to. “It’s a small city, Piltover. Even between the two ends, Top and Bottom side, people forget that sometimes. But when you’ve been working in this field for as long as I have…you make yourself familiar with every piece of possible competition that stands in your way.”
That was an interesting answer, knowing full well that the Morichi metal monopoly had bought out several of the larger factories in your home city. One of their bigger buy-outs had put about 4,000 people out of work. But you chose not to bring that up just yet
“Such an impressive resume. You've got the experience, and the references to prove it." Your smile grows, if only a little. "So why venture away from the Underground?”
Squaring your shoulders, you recalled your practiced answer in your mind’s eye. “I wanted to broaden my horizons...sir. Maybe by working here, I hope to encourage more collaboration between topside and the Underground, specifically when it comes to industry.” A generic interview answer, but Morison didn’t seem to mind as he just absently nodded while studying the paper in-hands.
“You’ve uh,” The man, Morrison, continues; “neglected to mention your skillset in this impressive resume of yours.”
Biting your lips, you clear your throat and continue; praying you sounded more confident in this whole thing than you felt. “If I may ask, what’s your opinion on mages, sir?”
He chuckles a bit at this. “Pretty sure you’re the one supposed to be interviewed here, Ms. Minerva.”
“Would you prefer not to answer the question?”
He smiles for a moment, holding off on his answer as bright blue eyes scan you over. You don’t flinch from his gaze. “You have backbone, kid. I appreciate that. But you got to be careful on this end of the city, you know. A lot of people see some little girl from the Underground and are going to misconstrue backbone for arrogance.”
“Not you though?”
“Lucky for you, no.” He puts down his pipe. “As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been in this business quite a while. My father owned this factory, and his father before him. I plan on retiring soon and passing it down to my son. And if there’s one lesson I want him to learn from me…is that business opportunities come in every shape and size.” You hesitate, waiting for this anecdote to lead somewhere notable...but it doesn't. You realize that, much like many Topsiders, this man just likes the sound of his own voice.
“And that’s what I am after all,” a sarcastic note slipping into your tone, “a business opportunity.”
“You’re a smart girl. You know better than to think this situation is anything otherwise.”
“To be frank, Ms. I want to be clear that this isn’t an act of charity or some sort of diversity ploy for good marketing,” Morrison explained. “Rest assured, this business holds no loyalty to you. If any of my staff finds you being light-fingered with the merchandise, you start causing conflict with the other employees, or you get on the wrong side of the law-” again, you had to hold back a smirk, “you will be sent out of here faster than a bat out of hell. Frankly, I don’t care that you’re a mage or whatever filthy, inbred, slum you come from, Politics is for the council to worry about. If hiring you means I get to pay fewer wages? Fantastic! But I will not tolerate Trencher Trash in my family’s factory, do I make myself clear?”
Trencher Trash, there it was.
Your teeth grit at this, and you could feel your nostrils flare angrily, but you remained still. Breath even, eyes locked on the man across from you as he raised his eyebrows expectantly. After a long, tense moment, however, your gaze softens and your lips pull into a polite smile.
“Crystal clear, Mr. Morichi.” You nodded. “And, as for my skill set-” with a singular beckoning motion of your finger, his pipe flies out of his hands and into yours. You catch it easily, smiling as his eyebrows shoot up ever so slightly at the sudden motion. “-I’m sure you will find them satisfactory for the job.”
After watching you with steady eyes for just a second more, Morrison reaches into a pile of paper, pulling out a few sheets you recognized as Piltover work papers and a proper liscence to use your mage powers on company grounds. You’d never had one of those mage licenses, never needed one in the Underground, and the whole concept felt very uncomfortable to you, like a leash. But with a heavy ‘thunk’, he presses a rubber stamp of his family crest onto the loose-leaf paper and then hands it to you.
“Glad to hear it! Welcome aboard, Ms. Minerva. I’ll call up your floor manager to give you the rest of your orientation.”
“Okay, okay.” Niya hiccuped, her face (much like your own) pink at the cheeks as she giggled slightly to herself. Leaning into her giggles, you muffled your own behind a closed fist. “But, like, seriously, Girlie! What was he like?”
“Morrichi?” You clarified, puffing a breath up to brush your hair out of your face. “Same generic self-entitled, full-of-himself, Topsider snob. Definitely hasn’t ever missed a meal before, if you know what I mean.” Despite being in a quieter corner of the pub, you still had to yell quite a bit so that Niya could hear you over the loud conversations and jukebox music. The place was packed for a weeknight, crammed like a can of sardines, and smelled just the same. The scent of body odour, ale, and smoke filled the air and created a rank atmosphere.
Niya rolled her eyes, finding your answer completely unhelpful. “Was he handsome? In his correspondence with the paper, I always imagined him as a silver-fox type.”
You made a gagging motion, face curling up into a cringe. “Niy’! He’s, like, 60!”
“Some 60-year-olds can be sexy!” She exclaims, lifting her hands defensively. “What about that, uhhh, floor manager you mentioned? Would you consider it?”
Yet again, you cringed before taking a sip of the ale you held in hand. Even the thought of possibly romancing any of your new ‘coworkers’ was enough to create a bitter aftertaste in your mouth. “Sure, Niya. Dorian could be considered attractive…if you could ignore the blatant prejudice against us Fissure-folk. He only referred to me as a 'sumprat', never by my name! Everyone in that factory is the same, that’s why I never fuck Topsiders…unlike some people.”
After another hiccup, Niya swayed in her seat and pointed an accusatory finger at you. Her dark skin was shiny with sweat, bringing out the natural glow that always seemed to encapsulate her. Even when she was sloppy-drunk…“Hey! Heyyyyy~ don’t be mean to meeeee! You said he was good when he was showing you the furnace-thing, right? That means he’s good with his hands! Plus...nothing like a prejudice-fueled hate-fuck, amIright Babes?”
You gapped at your friend for a long moment, utterly speechless, before reaching over and grabbing her half-drunken glass of wine. “Aaaand that’s enough for you tonight. You're ridiculously stupid-horny when you're drunk, you know that?”
Niya made a sort of half-hearted groan of disapproval as you set the glass away from her, leaning more onto the table. She may be an Underground native, but Niya was never able to drink with the rest of the Fissures, couldn’t hold her liquor to save her life. Two glasses of wine and she was done. Shaking your head, you downed the rest of your own ale and felt the heat in your cheeks grow and migrate down to the tips of your ears. Maybe you should think about slowing down yourself…
Feeling a soft touch on your shoulder, you turned to see the beautiful face of Skye, her long and silky purple hair draped over her shoulders and hooded eyes smiling at you as she floated to the corner table. Despite being clothed in just a ragged blouse and plain jeans, the way she carried herself had always struck you as nothing but graceful and elegant; almost akin to Topsider beauty. Behind her, Silco crept over and stood closer to where Niya was now fully slouched over the table. Upon seeing the two, Niya exclaimed their names excitedly, causing Silco to pat her head like a toddler.
“I didn’t know you were here tonight!” You smiled back at Skye, welcoming the friendly hug she offered. Back in their teens; Niya and Skye had been great friends, only for them to naturally grow apart when Niya took more of an interest in working topside, while Skye was more interested in getting married and settling down. They were still friendly these days though, as far as you knew.
“I just wanted to pop in for a little while and say congrats on the job. Benzo told us this morning on his rounds. I gotta say, was not expecting you to be the type to take Topsider cash.” You heard the inquisitive tone in her voice.
“Trust me, I’m not just doing it for the pay. Never hurts to have another pair of ears when it comes to those elitist sons-of-bitches, right?” You winked at her. “For Zaun.”
She smirked back. “For the rebellion.”
“You should tell her about the uniforms,” Silco smirked from his place across the table.
The woman’s eyebrows flew up. “Uniforms? What kind of factory is this?”
You sighed loudly, rolling your eyes. “Don’t even get me started. The damn place has me wearing a fucking dress, for Lady’s sake. I mean, talk about impractical.”
“Fucking Pilties.” Skye cursed, laughing dryly. “It’s kinda funny picturing you waltzing around a workfloor in a ballgown.”
“Oh fuck off, I may be a damn-fine dancer, but I don’t ‘waltz’ for anyone. I don’t care how good the pay is.” The three of you continued, discussing your various places of work (with the odd slurred mumblings of Niya thrown in every once in a while). After a while though, you began looking around the room.
“Speaking of factory workers though, is Narco here too? I haven’t seen him. I’d love to talk to him about some of the metals I was working with today.”
Skye shook her head. “Nah, he’s on babysitting duty for the night. When Benzo was telling everyone it was a pub night, I tried to convince him that Violet was just fine with my mom, but…one sad look from that girl and he refused to walk out the door. She has that man wrapped around her little finger, let me tell you.” After laughing a bit at her joke, she eyed Niya with concern. While you’d all been talking, the reporter had begun childishly poking into Silco’s ribs, much to the man’s annoyance. “How much has she had this time?”
“Two glasses of wine, not even.” You laughed and watched Silco slap her fingers away yet again. You tilted your head up to him. “How have you been making out tonight? You see where our boys wandered off to?”
“I think I saw Benzo leave with someone, didn’t see who though. Typical.” Silco explained. “Niya, Would you please stop–as for Vander…” His eyes danced behind you, and-somewhat hesitantly-you followed his gaze only to regret it a second later. Sitting at the bar, Vander was seated next to a guy you didn’t recognize. He was young, maybe a couple of years older than you lot, and very pretty. He also seemed to be laughing quite heartily at what Vander was saying. In return, Vander was smiling quite heartily as they chatted, not a care in the world. Stubbornly, you turned your head away, looking at your glass and wishing it wasn’t empty.
“Uh oh…” Skye muttered, squeezing your arm. “Do I sense some trouble in paradise?”
“Shouldn’t be.” Silco shrugged, although the twinkle in his eye made your skin crawl uncomfortably for some reason. “Right, Min?”
You paused for a second, staring angrily at your glass as though it was the root of all your problems, before swallowing the lump in your throat and looking back up; a smile now plastered on your face. Logically, you knew you shouldn’t be feeling mad right now. You and Vander weren’t together, never were. You’d chosen that path a long time ago, and both of you had had plenty of partners since. So why bother being upset about something like this?
Because the stupid, stubborn arsehole hadn’t spoken a word to you in days, that’s why.
“Right then." Your accent slipped for just a second, causing you to clear your throat before continuing. "Nothing to worry about. Can I get you guys a drink? A pitcher for the table, maybe?”
“Another wine!” A now very sleepy Niya exclaimed, but you just ignored her.
“I’ll take the house whiskey if you don’t mind.” Silco shrugged. “A nightcap. I think I should probably take our lovely Ms. Niya here home in a minute.” Looking down at your girl friend, you weren’t surprised to find her falling into slumber, lightly drooling on the table.
“Nah, I’ll do it.” Skye volunteered.
You frowned. “But I just bumped into you! You can’t leave yet!” But she just shook her head.
“It’s probably for the best… This may not be the best time to bring this up but-” her hands landed on her abdomen, a smile lifting the corners of her lips “-I can’t drink right now anyways.”
Your and Silco’s eyes sprang open, looking quickly to each other for confirmation before looking back at the purple-haired woman in front of you, who was now full-on grinning.
“You’re pregnant again?!” You exclaimed, rushing to hug her, all previous issues now wiped from your memory. “Since when?”
“Three months now. We wanted to tell everyone ASAP but Dr. Yan was real strict about waiting 'til the first trimester before telling anyone, just to be careful.”
“Congratulations!” Silco grinned, leaning in to give her a congratulatory handshake. “You two seem to be popping them out like rabbits, huh? Narco’s got to be thrilled.”
“You have no idea. He’s hoping it’s a boy this time.” She laughed. “And I don’t know if I’d say three years was ‘popping them out like rabbits’.”
You shook your head. “We’re just thrilled. It’s not common that kids in the Underground grow up with one awesome parent, never mind both of them. If more kids get to experience that then we’re excited for all of you.”
Skye smiles, shrugging modestly. “Ah, we try our best.”
“If you need anything, at all.” Silco eyed her seriously. “You let us know, alright? We’re always here to help.”
“Thank you, both of you.” With another smile, she made her way over to the passed-out Niya, scooping her up in her arms and propping her up straight as the other girl whined in partially-conscious complaint. “That’s the main reason I wanted to come out today, just to get a start on the announcements. But Niya really looks like she needs to get home now.”
“You sure you’re good to do that on your own?” Silco asked, eyebrow raised. But he was just met with a passive handwave.
“I’m pregnant, not weak. Besides, Niya’s, what? 90 pounds soaking wet? I’ll be fine. See you guys soon?”
“You better.” You smile. “Come by sometime! I’ll make something pregnancy-safe for dinner!”
“We may just take you up on that.” Skye smiled and waved to the two of you before walking off towards the exit.
“That’s awesome.” Your own smile is seemingly glued to your face, eyes following the two women as they disappear into the crowd. “She and Narco make such adorable parents.”
“Two little ones is quite the handful though. I would have waited a couple more years, personally.” Silco notes, taking Niya’s half-drunk wine and swirling it in the glass. You can’t help but laugh, eyeing him out of the corner of your eye. He’s wearing one of his nicer outfits, as he tends to do when you all go out. A light purple button-down, billowy with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, layered underneath a cheap-but-nice-looking grey blazer that you’d all bought him for his last birthday. His hair slicked back to reveal his angular features, you notice that his nose is just slightly pinker than normal, a sign that he had been drinking lately as well. But based on the fact that he wasn’t swaying or slurring his words, you guessed that it hadn’t been very much.
“I’m sorry, how many of you did Mikael raise again? You guys are, like, a few months apart between the three of you, and he seems to have done just fine.”
Silco, half smirking, nods and downs the mouthful of wine. “Fair point.” As he reaches into his pocket, he pulls out a box of what you recognize as his home-rolled cigarettes. “I know you said something about a drink, but how would you feel about a smoke instead?”
For a moment, you’re hesitant. There are more people here you haven’t said hello to yet, and you can still hear another bottle of ale calling your name. But one look back to the bar, and you see that mystery guy has stepped closer to Vander now. Suddenly, the anxiety from before returns tenfold, watching with unmistakable envy as you watch the man's hand reach out to touch Vander's bicep. 
“Count me in.”
Taglist (if you want to be added just lemme know!) @the-lake-is-calling @conretewings @officialjellydoughnut @ladyoakenshield @lovesleepybearwriter @pinkrose1422 @pinkheartfleece
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It’s a double feature and Choices were made at Scholastic.
The Winter of Red Snow, 1777-1778, Abigail Jane Stewart
Cannons at Dawn, 1779-1781, Abigail Jane Stewart
By: Kristiana Gregory
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Protagonist Age: 11-15/16
Started- 10/17/2022 and 10/19/2022
Finished- 10/19/2022 and 10/24/2022
The first installment in this duology starts with Abigail Jane Steward just living her life with her parents, older sister, younger sister, and brand new baby brother with the Continental Army rolls in to winter at Valley Forge.
She witnesses the tough conditions and harsh reality face while having access to major historical figures and events. Her and her older sister (15ish I think) sew coats for soldiers in the hopes of Catching a Man and the family takes in a pregnant teen widow who they (appear?) to essentially adopt (but she all but disappears in the sequel).
Hope is high and everyone is happy when Spring and Summer come, the army leaving as the temperatures rise. END BOOK ONE!
The only direct sequel in the series picks up almost six months after the last one with Papa having left to join the Continental Army. That night their house burns down so they go to Philly to live with cousins who aren’t there anymore so they stay with a random widow.
They decide to find Papa and follow the army but big sister decides to stay to be close to her soldier boy which results in a letter a couple of months later that she is pregnant and married now. Following the army is miserable and taxing. There are lots of time jumps but by the time our 13 year old protagonist is 15, she’s married and has a baby around her 16th birthday but the war is over. HUZZAH!
Timeout. I’m guessing that sunrise would have been about 7:30-8:00 ish and they have been up since 4:30? And it took Papa that long to get back with the midwife but Abigail can see the midwife’s house? So it must only be a few miles at most. I suppose weather and road conditions were a factors but this timeline seems suspect. This would not be a solid alibi in a court of law.
Was there a grade system based on age in the 1770s colonial school system or is this a contrivance to make connections with the intended readers?
IT IS A 28 MINUTE WALK FROM THE STEWART HOUSE TO MRS. HEWES? Why did it take a wagon HOURS to make the round trip?
I don't like what they’re doing with how Billy Lee (enslaved by the Washingtons) talks. He is directly reports to General Washington and we don’t need to make him sound like he’s in Gone With the Wind.I am suddenly worried for future books...
What “private underthings” do they have besides shirts and trousers? Breeches that look like trousers and cover about the same amount of skin? It’s not like they have 18th century briefs.
The concept of bounty shirts and coats amuses me. “Ah yes. I will sew something and embroider my name in it so then whoever gets it (who will of course be a handsome soldier boy) MUST fall madly in love with me.”
I don’t think knickers weren’t a thing yet. They were breeches.
I don’t think that Martha Washington spent this much time in the kitchen.
We're bonnets a thing in the 1770s? I know caps and hats were but I'm not sure about bonnets. And at this point I don't think caps tied under the chin like they might have in the past. The style doesn't really allow for it.
Sister Sally wants to pet the stray cat. I am Sally.
Oh sister Elizabeth. You may be barking up the wrong tree. I don't think any young man serving directly under von Steuben is going to want to settle down with you.
Were beards in style? Were they fashionable?
I love the image of Alexander Hamilton yelling swear words as he's translating because von Steuben is pissed off.
I feel bad for Elizabeth that the dog is wearing the coat that she made for Pierre but that's kinda funny. Wrong. Tree.
And for the sequel. Buckle up.
Why are they sharing a bed with Mama? Nevermind. It helps if I keep reading.
Where are teen mom 1 Helen and baby Olivia... Nevermind. Found 'em.
Campbell!? I believe that is Abigail's future married name if I remember my epilogue correctly. Is there a romance afoot!?
We have a love interest, folks! I repeat, we have a love interest. I feel he's too old but he hasn't shown any intent yet so he's on thin fucking ice.
Ah. We're explain away things from the first book in a hand wavey way. Got ha.
Sir. I know where this is headed but I need you to stop flirting with a 13 year old immediately.
A hat's a hat. I don't think tricorn hats had political affiliations before slogans were being printed on then.
You're so worried about Willie not having a hat, Abigail, when you passed up a perfectly serviceable hat one entry ago.
I'm confused. On 114 Benedict Arnold is court-martialed but here he's been given command of West Point? Will verify.
I know why he (Benedict Arnold) won't give the okay for repairs.
No one, including her mother, thought to check on why the pregnant teen felt like shit on the march? I mean, all that moving and walking must have been good for inducing labor but come on. Also, teen mom 3.
Okay. She just feels shitty. That doesn't automatically mean pregnant. Yeah, you ruled out other symptoms but that's a leap. At this point can they 100% confirm pregnancy before the baby moves? Teen mom 4
You'd best work to keep those feet dry or else you'll have trench foot.
Thoughts on the Afterward
Nothing groundbreaking. It was sweet that they noted that after Abigail dies her soldier boy got sick and dies (of a broken heart).
Overall Thoughts After Reading
It's fine. Nothing compelling. I was also singing Hamilton whenever a figure from the show appeared. It also really made me sad that von Steuben isn't in the play given that he was close with Hamilton.
I think Kristiana Gregory does a fine job but there's not much else to say.
This is one of the books I read as a wee thing so there's some fondness but I didn't remember a ton except the 40 egg cake and bleaching laundry with piss.
The epilogue is juicy enough but I'll be interested to see how the next book ends.
As for the sequel, I wouldn't say that the Revolution is painted in a glowing light but it was certainly Right and Just.
The think I'm stuck on is the 4 teen pregnancies. You can't really get into sex and pregnancy in a book for middle readers so why? It's unnecessary for 15, 16, 17 year olds (ages taken with a grain of salt) to be married and pregnant. 1 I'll allow but I don't thing that was the norm, even in the colonies. I would have ages everyone up 5 years, then you don't have an 18 year old flirting (albeit inadvertently and without sexual intent but still flirting) with a 13 year old or a barely 15 year old getting married and having a baby at 16. But aging Abigail up doesn't fit with the audience. This just makes me want an edgier show/series where it's the same premise, but it's aimed at adults so we can take on more serious issues
Rating Scale
Book 1: 7/10 Bounty Coats
Book 2: 4/10 pregnant teens (Which is the same number mentioned between the two books?
Other Possible Contenders: caps not bonnets, chamber pots to bleach laundry, unpleasant sounding marches
Photo Credit:
Cover: Still me!
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okay let's be boring and go with ace as a name bc that's my nickname irl bc I'm a massive gilmore girls fan (team logan btw iykyk)!!
I really want to attempt writing fics but I'm wayyyy to nervous! I was okay at English in school and I always send obnoxiously long asks into blogs on here with my ideas based on their fics (sorry fellow tumblr.com authors you all get forced to see my writing) but I have nightmares of writing and putting it on here only to be bullied off the platform ahahahahah
jealous of the sun bathing in England rn its been pissing it down raining all dayyyyy, we only get like 1 week of sun a year and the rest of the time its very stereotypically rainy !! my day was shit but always better after taking to you bff!
also please excuse my excessive use of exclamation marks idk why but to me a full stop feels mean and I also use ellipsis way too much but I, like you, am the drama so I love to build unnecessary tension...
I've actually always wanted jury duty but I've never been called for it, I know it's meant to be so boring but I want to live my jury duty delusion of being a hot juror! a torrid jury love affair? hello I'd read that fic
spring break always sounded so fun to me as a sad English child!! we just call it Easter holidays and be boring and religious but when I hear spring break I imagine drunk people on a beach in florida yk?
my current obsessions for blogs are;
-lottiecrabie (pfms has me in a chokehold)
-toomuchracket (living in the flatmate! matty delusion rn)
-byyourside28 (loving the soft sound series as a person obsessed with getting tattoos)
-justlikemebutsixfootthree (literally all their smut is god tier)
-bookishstrawberry (fluffy and gizmo series has my heart)
-imightgetbetter (the whole love it if we made it series has me wanting children but only fictional ones with matty... the delusion creation is STRONG)
and OF COURSE the no 1 blog on tumblr is the beautiful, amazing and unmatched... shinycollorboneapologist
omg yes to only letting matty into our cottage to sing, we will bring him out tea and cigarettes but otherwise no rats allowed sorry ratthew!! taylor however gets the master suite with a 4 poster bed and unlimited pampering!! same with Ross, George and Adam bc only ratty needs humbling (I really do love you tho Matthew give me one chance I'll be your controversially young gf)
ily bff!!!
-ace (my new name rip illicit affairs anon you will be missed)
ps. apologies for the ridiculously long ask I literally am so obnoxious
..... i love gilmore girls. lets chat abt that.
okay that is very ... warranted. i also was super nervous and tbh ... style was probably never going to be posted but i was a bit inebriated after my birthday and just posted it without looking back. look at us now!!! so for that, i say you should 110% just take the leap. i will be your #1 fan actually.
i will send the sunshine and good vibes your way. i usually like the rain a lot, but i can imagine it gets a bit tiring if its like that all year long. im glad you had a good day!!!!
i love your use of exclamation points okay. there i said it. it just makes everything you say feel so excited and happy and i love it. the ellipses ...... love that for us. ofc you are the drama, you're the main character hello.
that is how i want my spring break to be, but alas i am working and writing my silly little stories for tumblr.com. SGLJFDLG easter holiday just sounds so cute though?
okay can we talk about pfms.... because that. that fic is my hyper fixation atm. like i just … it’s everything to me.
also all of those blogs i follow and love more than life itself. most of them axtually inspired me to write myself which is like 🫂 i use all of them as my silly little delusional daydreams (esp toomuchrackets flatmate!matty, the things i would do for that man and justlikemebutsixfootthree’s recent smut… jeez)
please you are too kind. idk abt no 1 blog BUT… i’ll take it okay.
maybe some cheese too, since he is a rat. taylor gets the master suite with us, we’ll bake her little cookies and biscuits and give her the best pampering treatment of her life. (also pls let’s not conjure matty to my blog … that would be so embarrassing to me i think i would keel over and die) (i also will fight u for the spot of matty’s controversially young gf)
ilysm and i hope u have a great day
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On Kong Kenan/Super-Man
It should've been him. He should've been the Superman of 5G/Future State/right now not Jon, and he should be the one getting an HBO Max series not Val. Hell he should be getting a movie!
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God this dude is literally the best legacy character Superman has ever gotten, wholly his own person with his own lore and status quo while still building on the idea of "Superman". I am so pissed at DC for essentially just dropping him after his ongoing ended, what the hell Lee? You keep trying to make the Wildstorm characters happen, I need you to get my man Yang another Kenan book.
Have to admit I was a bit nervous at first about whether or not Kenan would be a worthwhile character. Yang's New 52 Superman run had been a disappointment to me overall, with only the the arc where Superman has underground wrestling matches against forgotten gods really sticking with me. Now he was introducing a brand new Superman? Didn't feel like he had "earned" that yet. But from the first issue I was hooked on this new character.
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Kenan was unlike any other member of the Superfamily. He wasn't kind or sweet, he was an asshole! He was a bully! He was fantastic! Right from the start Kenan was set up to undergo a very different kind of character journey than the other members of the Superfamily. Empathy, humility, respect for people weaker than himself, these are all traits most heroes wearing the S-shield already posses by the time they first don the crest, but not Kenan.
Like all bullies he was even a bit of a coward himself at first, trying to bail on the experiment meant to give him Superman's powers right as it begins. After "saving" Lixin (the kid he bullies and steals lunch from every day) from Blue Condor he demands all the money Lixin has on him as payment. He's not courageous or selfless either at the start, Kenan is as much of an opposite of Superman as you can get short of being Bizarro. Learning the appeal of these traits formed the basis for his growth over the course of his series.
Seeing Yang bring in a lot of recognizable "Superman" elements in the series, but with a twist, was also great. Kenan is the one who bullies "Luo Lixin" rather than the traditional Clark/Lex friendship of Pre-Crisis and Birthright. Initially Kenan develops a crush on intrepid reporter for Primetime Shanghai, Laney Lan, but she dismisses him as too young and Kenan eventually ends up pursuing Avery Ho (Flash) instead. Baxi the Bat-Man of China has a similar relationship with Kenan as the traditional Superman/Batman in terms of being vitriolic best buds, however Baxi is the one who has the most respect for authority while Kenan is the rebel. Kenan is a part of the "Justice League of China" which does not meet with the approval of the already established Chinese superheroes, the Great Ten. That contrasts nicely with the good relationship the Justice Society and Justice League have, as well as seeing Yang lampshade the "Chinese copy" trope and incorporate that into his storytelling.
One of the funniest differences is how Kenan chooses to immediately reveal his identity as Super-Man to the world by taking off the compliance visor he was forced to wear, contrasting with Clark's choice to hide his identity. He was so eager to impress people that he never gave any thought to the danger he could put himself or his family in by revealing his identity until it was too late, something Clark is well aware of and has taken great pains to keep his identity secret. Was a missed opportunity for DC to have Kenan comment on Clark copying him for once when he outed himself under Bendis.
But one of the most poignant differences between Clark and Kenan is the gulf in separation between their relationship with their parents. Clark has a loving relationship with Ma and Pa Kent, trying to live up to their lessons as best he can. In contrast Kenan's mom was believed to have died in an airplane crash when he was just a child, and he never really knew her. His father was distant from him after that and the two weren't really close despite Kenan's attempts to impress him. So Kenan lacks that strong connection while still clearly loving both of them.
Pa Kent's death is one of the most tragic examples of Clark's love for his parents, and I've always been a fan of takes where Clark promises his father to fight for the powerless on Pa's deathbed. Kenan gets a similar scene at the start of his career, his dad "dies" (after being exposed as Flying General Dragon, a pro-democracy "supervillain" from the Chinese authorities perspective) and wants Kenan to promise he'll fight for Truth, Justice, and Democracy. But because Kenan's dad never really bonded with him, Kenan doesn't know what those mean, and can only promise that he never wants to see people die, something his father takes comfort in at least. In classic comic book fashion it's revealed that Dr. Omen, Kenan's "boss" and the one who gave him his powers, saved Kenan's father, because she is Kenan's mother! Kenan's relationship with his parents forms a lot of the crux of his character arc, and seeing how Yang utilizes the classic Superman concept of family kept the storytelling exciting.
Yang's brilliant exploration of the concept of "Superman" through the prism of Chinese culture was a great way to differentiate Kenan as well.
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I absolutely freaking love how he tied to the concept of Qi to the S-shield in particular. Connecting the shape of the shield with the way Kenan has acquired his powers along the path of the Bagua (eight trigrams used in Taoism that represent the fundamental principles of reality), with his octagon S-shield outline representing all eight principles together, was mindblowing! So was the idea of restricting Kenan's access to his powers unless he was actually acting in a Superman manner, that tied his character growth to his power growth in an entertaining manner. There were so many characters and concepts that meshed Chinese and DC lore together, like how Emperor Super-Man was Kenan's "Doomsday", they even recreated that iconic dual kill shot! The Chinese Wonder Woman Peng Deilan, being based on the Chinese Legend of the White Snake! There was even some Korean mythology referenced with the Aqua-Man member of the JLC "Dragonson".
Yang also managed to do a Superman Blue/Superman Red story with Super-Man Yin/Super-Man Yang!
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Shameful that it took me a while to realize what Gene Yang was doing but once I caught on I was touched. You can tell how much Yang loved Superman and his mythology, and how he was excited to incorporate as much from Clark as he could, while still using it in a way that was solidly Kenan's. And not just Superman's mythology, but the history and lore of the entire DC Universe. I-Ching got to be brought in, fleshed out, and used as Kenan's mentor! The "Yellow Peril" villain from Detective Comics #1, the comic DC gets its name from was brought in and revamped as I-Ching's twin brother All-Yang! Hats off to Yang for taking a racist caricature and attempting to make him into something more.
This series was a beautiful attempt by Gene Yang to build a space for Asian heroes and villains where they could be more than stereotypes, Kenan himself being a defiant mold-breaker in every regard as the complete opposite of most Asian characters in Western media (a jock, a bully, loves his dad but not on great terms with him, a powerhouse as a hero, etc). So much thought and hard work was poured into this by Yang and his team of artist collaborators.
Especially the costumes, man Kenan had so many great looks. From his starting outfit (which is my favorite Superman variant not worn by Clark himself), to the one with the Yin/Yang shield he acquired later on, to his Super-Man Yin & Super-Man Yang outfits, Kenan looked damn cool. Part of me is bummed they didn't go with the Chinese character shield they toyed around with, but I loved how Yang used the "s-shield" as a plot point, so I'm not too broken up over it.
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All that great work Yang did to build that space up has been more or less forgotten sadly. It was nice to see Kenan in the DC Asian Month Celebration issue. Avery is going to be in Justice Incarnate at least (unsurprising considering she was created by Williamson). So fucking bummed that Superman Family Adventures cartoon didn't happen, they were going to have Kenan and John Henry Irons in it! Would've been a dream come true for me to see Irons in animation again, and Kenan making the jump to outside media! Maybe that would've encouraged DC to let Yang keep writing New Super-Man, or at least encouraged them to use him elsewhere instead of allowing him fall into Limbo.
Unfortunately I'm not sure what the future holds for Kenan. Jon is being pushed as Clark's replacement in the comics, with DC keeping all the other contenders such as Kon benched. Calvin is leading the Justice Incarnate team likely due to the upcoming Coates reboot that will make Clark black. Val will probably get something once Taylor leaves Jon's book or once they officially announce the HBO Max show is happening. So where does that leave Kenan, my new favorite PoC legacy hero? Currently my only hope is that Yang is working on something for DC involving him. Yang left Batman/Superman, where I was hoping to see a Baxi/Kenan team up, to go work on "exciting other opportunities" per his Twitter. So fingers crossed that there's something in the works for Kenan!
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One day I hope he gets his day in the sun again.
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
Hello Mr. Barber, I wanted to ask what are some qualities we ladies should look for as our deal breakers in finding a perfect match? I'm not very lucky in the dating sphere and I'm quite ready to give up. You and your wife are very lucky to have found each other and worked on your relationship. Obviously every person is different in what they look for in a partner, but do you have any suggestions or advice?
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Summary: Andrew Barber returns to answer even more of your burning questions about love and marriage. Written from Andy's POV. Also check out Volume I and Volume II, as well as an Interview with Mrs. Barber.
Warning: the following response contains mature themes, including references to oral sex and cursing. Minors DNI.
A/N: For more insight into Andrew Barber and his Baby Girl, please check out my ongoing Growing Pains Series. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
Well hello again, everybody! First let me say that it’s nice to be back. My wife and I have really come to enjoy these questions. However, this time I felt the need to consult her as I wrote this response. This is in addition to letting her review my answers before hitting “publish”.
I just wanted to make sure that my answers made sense. Lucky for me, Baby Girl is a very honest creature. So, without further ado, here we go.
Allow me to begin by saying that there’s no such thing as a perfect match. Although I initially disagreed with this, my wife helped break it down for me so that I could better see her point. That’s one of the many things I love about this woman, you know? She’s willing to challenge me and the ways I see the world.
And sometimes that’s exactly what I need.
Now, that’s not to say there’s no hope of ever finding the yin to your yang. That’s absolutely possible. I just mean that perhaps you ought to consider tweaking your perspective a little. 
Maybe reframe it in terms of you’re seeking a partner. Because that’s what you’re looking for, right? That’s the goal – the endgame. You’re searching for someone to do life with, together. Forever. 
And in order for that to happen, you need an effective partner. Someone who sees you for who you are. Who loves you the ways you need to be loved. Someone who enhances instead of detracts. 
You want someone who’s willing to meet you where you’re at with the intention of helping you grow.
With that in mind, I would implore you not to lower your standards. Maintain your values. Know your worth. Don’t ever compromise any of that for another person. I’d also advise you to be immediately wary of any man or potential significant other that ever asks you to do so. 
One of things that really attracted me to my spouse is that she expected to be treated a certain way from the very beginning. She’s the type of person who commands respect from everyone wherever she is. She’s always been that way. And it’s because she knows her worth.
Case in point, when I almost blew it on our very first date. To this day, I’m grateful that I found the balls to chase after that woman when things went south at Cibo Matto. This man right here “ain’t too proud to beg”, I can tell you that much.
And yes, I know that’s a song by The Temptations. I was actually just serenading Baby Girl with it the other night. If memory serves, she was pissed at me for eating the last of her homemade cinnamon rolls. So, I did what any good husband would do when their lady threatens to run away to the grocery store and never come back. I swooped her up as she was stomping out the door and carted her off to my office so that I could apologize for my actions.
Besides, I’d much rather eat her any day. I mean can you blame me? My woman is the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted. The stories I could tell you about all the ways I’ve convinced her to forgive me for the stupid things that I’ve done…
But that’s not what this was initially about, is it? My sincerest apologies. Where was I? Oh, that’s right. Knowing your worth and refusing to lower your standards. 
During our first date, my girl refused to settle for being treated as an afterthought. So she left. Just straight up walked out on me. Because she deserved better than how I was treating her. 
That evening should have been about us getting to know each other better. Instead, I unknowingly allowed my ego to get in the way and almost derailed everything before it had the chance to start. Which meant that I almost lost out on something magical. 
Which brings me to my next point. Everyone makes mistakes. This can be especially true when nerves are involved. I’m fortunate in that my Baby Girl eventually forgave me, and with that also came a second chance. But only because – and she explained this to me again last night – I had enough sense and maturity to apologize.
And fucking mean it. 
So, I’m going to suggest that you be willing to grant any of your potential suitors some grace. But only if they’re worthy of it. Meaning that if he’s not willing to apologize – especially if he’s done something to accidentally hurt or disrespect you – then walk away.
Because that’s a sign that you’re dealing with a boy. Not a man.      
The only other thing I would encourage you to do is to keep yourself open to love. Magic tends to find us when we least expect it. It likes to sneak up and knock you square in the face. And when that happens, I think you should embrace it.
Run with it. Cherish it. Be thankful for it.
Treat that relationship like a seed and water it daily. You’ve got to pour into one another and tend to that love. Cultivate it gently with tenderness and patience. And hopefully one day you and your partner will look up and be utterly amazed by what has blossomed.    
Thank you for your question and never forget that Mrs. Barber and I are cheering you on from the sidelines. 
Best Wishes, Andrew Barber
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