#LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales
oceandaffodils22 · 2 years
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Daddy Vaderkin for the win!
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ka7an58 · 10 months
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Fucking love Lego Star Wars because it gives me a laugh every time. The self-awareness man.
Also any additional Ben Solo content I will take, even if it ain’t canon. “The Lost Boy” story from Terrifying Tales ahaha Ben’s journey to the Knights of Ren. Yes, I know the comic so I know it’s not cannon but I’ll still devour any content ahaha especially when it makes self aware jokes. “How long did he train on Dagobah, like 20 minutes?” 😂
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the-force-awakens · 8 months
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Because without fear, you can't have courage.
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Lego Star Wars with Rey, Poe and Finn gifset. Enjoy.
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bumpscosity · 2 years
Lego Star Wars Holiday Special wrote the sequel trilogy characters better than the sequel trilogy did
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dooffirmations · 1 year
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*beats down your door like weirdo Big Bird* SPEAK TO ME OF YOUR SITH!LUKE AU, LAY IT ON ME, go Charlie conspiracy from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on me
OH MY GOD you know EXACTLY the image of how I've been feeling for so long about this especially in the past week you are IN FOR IT
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Since your question is so broad, I'm just going to dump all the very basics, the core of the AU in my mind if you will, which honestly might be the best starter for anyone who's interested in this concept that's been rattling around my brain.
I started making the AU in 2021 mostly as a joke or fun concept, and the Lego Star Wars Terrifying Tales of that year that had a bit of Luke joining the Empire just added to the flames.
Soon I was thinking about that "what-if" thread -- what IF Luke was a part of the Empire? What if he grew up there? What WOULD his relationship with Vader be like? What about everyone else? What about the Force?
I based a lot of the story on my head on the canon events of the Original Trilogy and Mandalorian (mostly season 1-2). I pull a little bit from Legends (especially since I've been reading through Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy) and from my own Dinluke obsession because -- uh this is MY AU and if I want Dinluke to happen it'll happen. I've even thought about where the AU would go in the Sequel Trilogy timeline because I do like the Sequel characters, and by then the AU has changed so much that I basically do what I want.
A lot of what I think about has less to do with the trajectory of the war in the galaxy and more about who Luke Skywalker would even BE if he were raised to go down the path of the Dark Side -- and how his relationships with his friends, family, etc. would change or stay the same.
The point in time where the AU basically starts is when Luke is taken by the Empire as a baby and raised by Darth Vader to become his apprentice. Luke spends his life idolizing his father, almost to an unhealthy amount. He's a mold of Vader and JUST VADER, and yet, somewhere down the line, Luke begins to carve out his own destiny, his new sense of self creating tensions with his father.
These tensions meet their peak when Luke and Leia cross paths. Their meeting sets them both off on journeys of self-discovery, of questioning what family is, of finding their places in the galaxy's war, and of their relationships with the Force. The Death Star funnily enough is what brings them together and drives a wedge in their relationship from the very beginning. Luke for a while had been growing a disdain for Palpatine and his idea of "might makes right", his interpretation of the Dark Side of the Force that Luke fundamentally disagrees with -- because at the core of him, despite the changes, Luke still is an idealist at heart, he still has HOPE and trust in the Force that no one else has. When he finds his lost sister, sees that Palpatine uses his power to destroy Alderaan, all that Leia had, it's the final nail in the coffin for him. Leia grows up very similarly the way she had in canon, though meeting with Luke leads her to question what family is meant to mean to her. She gains an intense curiosity of the Force, of the powers she has, because she sees how it affects Luke's perspective, a way of seeing the universe at war that she can somehow understand. Because she eventually walks the path of the Jedi, alone, she struggles with the responsibilities of holding the New Republic together, protecting her friends/family like Han and Chewie, and finding herself and her part in the Force in the midst of ALL of that, mirroring the same kind of struggle that Luke goes through as well. It's VADER in particular that keeps the twins at arms length. To Luke, he is the man that is everything Luke looked up to his whole life, the only family he had, and a victim of Palpatine's control, who he knew they both hated. To Leia, Vader is the man that willingly acted as an arm of power for Palpatine's war, the man that held her back on the Death Star as it destroyed the only home and family she knew.
Luke spends a lot of time trying to fix the wrongs of the Empire against Leia, and Leia sees this, and she knows that Luke has a core of GOOD in him somewhere. However, he can't let go of Vader, he can't let go of the Dark Side of the Force, and Leia cannot sit well with that.
After that, a lot of what I'm interested in is post-Palpatine's defeat, when Luke takes over and makes a new empire from the ground up (The Neo Galactic Empire). He's fixated on renewing the Sith religion, in negotiation versus acts of force, in finding more of his family history, in letting the Empire heal as the Force intends. He wants to be a conduit, not a controller, of the Force, even from the Dark Side. He becomes attached to all of it, and slowly, it consumes him. This is basically the part in the story where I make a lot of stuff up as I want to, like with Din and Grogu becoming a part of Luke's life, Leia's journey as a Jedi and Council-Member of the New Republic, and the outlying Imperial Remnant that remains a threat to both the New Republic AND the Neo Empire.
Through all of this I'm also interested in dissecting the Dark Side of the Force itself, how someone as idealistic as Luke Skywalker would interpret or mold its ways, especially when it comes to power and attachments, and how Luke uses this knowledge in his rule, his relationships, and later, his own teachings.
Later in his life Luke really starts to become a whirlwind of questions of who he is. How much of himself is the Force? How much of himself is Vader? How much of himself is that undying light that lays dormant inside of him, the light that Leia continuously reminds him is there somewhere?
I've compared Sith Luke Skywalker multiple times to a red giant star, a star that quickly grows, trying to give off as much light and warmth as possible, but that scorches everything it touches, before its life ends in a destructive supernova and supermassive black hole. I'm tearing Luke Skywalker apart piece by piece, rebuilding him, seeing how much of him changes, what is left, what causes everything else to break down. It's also me having fun with what-ifs, with angst in relationships, with cool ideas with the Dark Side that I don't think normal Star Wars likes to touch.
I'm really slow at writing all of this in fic form proper, but I am glad I got around to putting everything down in an outline. I draw here or there too, anything that's creatively more my jam than writing just to get concepts out and formulate my ideas better.
BUT PLEASE--I always want to just talk more about it if anyone has any other specific questions or curiosities! And if anyone does want to read what I have gotten down so far, that's over HERE.
And again thanks for the ask @kuiilandtorch -- I haven't gotten an ask yet and I've been itching for one all week!! Hope you liked my lengthy overview!
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classicanalyzer · 1 month
Rebuild The Galaxy Trailer Thoughts
JEDI BOB (Bobby Moynihan) AND DARTH JAR JAR (Ambed Best!) !? This is literally my inner LEGO and SW fanboy inside me manifesting out loud. When I first saw Bob in the LEGO Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary, I never would've thought we would see him in visual media... but here we are! And Darth Jar Jar, we finally get Ambed Best voice the fan theory brought to life! I'm so happy the Ambed Best Renaissance in SW; he deserves all of this after what he went through. Mark Hamill is also voicing Luke which means evil Luke might be here. This could also mean we might see a good Darth Vader just like Infinities as well? This is also the closest we're getting outside of Luke's short story in Terrifying Tales to a SW What If story. I'm looking forward to seeing the other characters in this exciting new chapter of the Lego SW franchise (I love the Lego SW franchise so much alongside the main SW franchise)!
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disneytva · 2 years
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The Walt Disney Company Leads Nominations On Animation & Puppetry On  Inaugural Children & Family Programming Emmy Awards.
The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences  on Tuesday morning announced the nominations for the first annual Children’s & Family Emmy Awards, which will be presented on Saturday, Dec. 10 (Creative Arts) and Sunday, Dec. 11 at the Wilshire Ebell Theater in Los Angeles.
The Walt Disney Company lead the pack of the ceremony with over 38 nominations with 12 in Animation & 22 in Live Action and 4 with Puppetry across their multiple studios 20th Television,Disney Television Animation,Walt Disney Animation Studios Vancouver,Pixar Television Animation Studios,Disney Junior Educational Resource Group,Lucasfilm Animation & The Muppets Studio.
 -Muppets Haunted Mansion
 -Muppets Haunted Mansion
-Muppets Haunted Mansion
-Muppets Haunted Mansion
 -The Ghost and Molly McGee
 -Ciao Alberto
 -Up’s Dug Days
 -Monsters at Work
-Frozen’s Olaf Presents
-Monsters at Work
 -The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder
-Ciao Alberto
-LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales
-Muppet Babies
 -Up's Dug Days
-Ciao Alberto
-Up's Dug Days
 -Muppet Babies
-The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder
 -The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder.
 -Ciao Alberto.
 -Ciao Alberto
-Up's Dug Days
 -Ciao Alberto
-LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales
-The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse
-Eden Espinosa as The Queen of Hearts, Alice’s Wonderland Bakery
-Daniel Ross as Donald Duck, Mickey and Minnie Wish Upon a Christmas
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oceandaffodils22 · 2 years
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skywalkerresources · 2 years
                                     LEGO STAR WARS: TERRIFYING TALES            starters taken/inspired/adapted from the special. change pronouns as necessary!
“ so, what do you think? ”
“ a little on the nose is what i think. ”
“ look at this place, you could really use something, anything... a chair, perhaps. ”
“ we’ve got a galaxy to conquer. ”
“ i’ve prepared your bath. ”
“ you. [name]. keep an eye on the place. ”
“ it would be my honor to serve. ”
“ what are you, the last five guys in the galaxy to get the news? ”
“ the first order is destroyed. ”
“ you lost! go home. ”
“ i’m not scared of these bucketheads! ”
“ like taking candy from a baby porg. ”
“ don’t be such a worry wampa! ”
“ i just need to make an emergency landing on that bright red lava planet. ”
“ i was not showing off! that TIE got off a lucky shot! ”
“ okay, you can stay here alone in these dark, creepy woods. ”
“ what is this place? ”
“ don’t sneak up on a guy like that, will you? ”
“ you’re building a hotel... in darth vader’s old castle. ”
“ no offense, but that sounds like a really bad idea. ”
“ and you are who, exactly? ”
“ please, allow me to give you a tour. ”
“ we’ve been working ‘round the clock and i’ve spared no expense. ”
“ are you familiar with the term ‘celebrity endorsement’? ”
“ feel the power of the dark side. ”
“ you’ve got skills, kid. ”
“ you’re the best pilot in the galaxy! ”
“ you’re pretty good with those tools. i could use some help fixing my x-wing. ”
“ so, it looks like we each have something the other wants. ”
“ we’re kind of in a rush. ”
“ this is such a waste of time, [name]. ”
“ i’m so much stronger than all of them. ”
“ patience. there are no shortcuts to becoming a jedi. ”
“ i sense your frustration. ”
“ really? wow. did you use the force to sense that? ”
“ the knights of ren are coming. ”
“ don’t listen to him, [name]. ”
“ stay out of it, [name]. ”
“ power is yours for the taking. ”
“ the knights of ren live by our own code. use our power to take what we want. ”
“ you have skills. yet you follow that fossil skywalker when you could have so much more. ”
“ destroy what skywalker has built and you will be free. ”
“ what i want is for you to leave me alone! ”
“ what was even the point of that story? to scare us? ”
“ there is much to be taken by those unafraid to take it. ”
“ would you bantha brains focus?! ”
“ you said you want to be a pilot. ”
“ i’m afraid if i lose this job, my family has nothing. ”
“ you can’t let fear get to you. ”
“ that’s a sith lightsaber. i wouldn’t mess with it. ”
“ at least i can wield the force. ”
“ i will destroy you! ”
“ i’ve destroyed jedi. a half-sith is no match for me. ”
“ it appears you are un-armed. ”
“ oh, funny thing. it must’ve been damaged in the fight. ”
“ maybe you wanna stop staring into the scary saber? ”
“ power comes not from serving others, but from serving yourself. ”
“ now, see where the saber leads you. ”
“ this sith stuff, do you have any idea how dangerous it is? ”
“ the only thing i fear is poor cash flow. ”
“ this has the power to make any dream come true. ”
“ nothing in the galaxy can do that. ”
“ the droid on the south ridge broke down. again. ”
“ i want you to go to mos espa and get a new one. ”
“ i will be a pilot one day and get off this dust ball planet. ”
“ the wookiee’s paw... make a wish and your dream instantly comes true. ”
“ what should i do with this extra pilot gear? ”
“ that maneuver, what do you call it? ”
“ you remind me of a young me. ”
“ your eyes can deceive you. don’t trust them. ”
“ you have mastered the dark side of the force. ”
“ i sense you are still unsatisfied. ”
“ good to have you, [name]. and thank you for rescuing me earlier. ”
“ i wasn’t sure i’d make it off the death star alive. ”
“ that story is a warning. ”
“ i know what you want... for your family to be safe. ”
“ i thought you were the one to make it happen. ”
“ i’m strong with the force? ”
“ now, the galaxy shall fear me. ”
“ these fools have served their purpose. ”
“ we gotta grab that holocron! it’s the source of his power! ”
“ we’ll do it the old-fashioned way! ”
“ my dreams are crumbling around me. ”
“ everyone gets scared. ”
“ you can’t control fear, but you can choose what to do with it. ”
“ without fear, you can’t have courage. ”
“ may the force be with you. ”
“ i’ll buy us time. ”
“ nice flyin’, kid! ”
“ you don’t have that kind of time. ”
“ oh, don’t get all mushy on me, kid. ”
“ you have any idea what this’ll cost me to fix?! ”
“ see? that’s what greed gets you. ”
“ i guess you’re out of a job. what’re you gonna do now? ”
“ i saw you handled the x-wing. we always need pilots. ”
“ so you were scared back there? ”
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elisemscott1122 · 10 months
Star Wars Complete list of LEGO films, shorts and series to watch:
LEGO Star Wars:
Short films (3-5 minutes)
Revenge of the Brick (2005)
The Han Solo Affair (2002)
The Quest for R2-D2 (2009)
Bombad Bounty (2010)
Films (20-25 minutes each)
The Padawan Menace (2011)
The Empire Strikes Out (2012)
Holidays (48 minutes each approx.)
Holiday Special (2020)
Terrifying Tales (2021)
Summer Vacation (2022)
The Yoda Chronicles (2 Seasons)
Droid Tales (1 season, 5 episodes)- retells the story of the live action films from the droids POV
Microfighters (1 season, 4 episodes)- during Clone Wars
Freemaker Adventures (2 seasons, 26 episodes)- between ESB and ROTJ
The Resistance Rises (1 season, 5 episodes)
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the-force-awakens · 4 months
Okay, so the first poll finally ran out, so I'm once again asking y'all to vote again because I missed some material the first time that I wanna include this time around. I did exclude some titles from this, yes. Why is Resistance Reborn not on here? Because I already know it's popular. I also chose not to include Allegiance because...Poe's hardly in it. I waffled on including the choose your own adventure but because of the nature of that novel being essentially up to the reader, I decided not to include it. Also the movies/see results won the last poll, so this is for science I wanna know what it'd look like without that as an option.
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virtie333 · 8 months
Spooky Season Damerey Fanfiction
Well, we all know Poe already had his own Halloween special, but sadly, Rey wasn't a part of his adventure.
However, two of my stories could be considered good spooky season fare. Both are Modern Alternate Universe stories.
The first one was written for last year's Damerey Week and had the prompt "Porcelain Dolls." It's a short story (for me) about a curse, and I actually researched how to remove curses for it! The house in the moodboard is the Adams House in Deadwood, SD, where I got to go on a real paranormal investigation a few years back.
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The second one actually stars a haunted house and a familiar ghost. It's long, angsty, and has some intense smut, so be prepared! The house used in this moodboard is the house located on the property where I board my horse. It sat for over 100 years near downtown Rapid City, SD before being moved to its current location in 2008. I'm not sure if it's haunted, but it sure could be!
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'Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation' is another home run for Lego Star Wars
‘Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation’ is another home run for Lego Star Wars
For three years running, Disney+ has released one Lego Star Wars Special a year. In 2020, it was the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special. In 2021, it was Lego Star Wars: Terrifying Tales. In 2022, the release is Lego Star Wars: Summer Vacation.  As with its predecessors, Summer Vacation takes place after the events of 2019’s The Rise of Skywalker. This special focuses on Finn (voiced by Omar Benson…
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