#July writing challenge
amidnightjen · 11 months
“What the hell is this?!”
The words startle Steve awake more effectively than his alarm ever managed and he flails a bit, almost falling off the couch until he recognises Dustin looming over him, hands on hips looking extremely unimpressed.
(Later Steve will have time to be fondly amused that the gesture came from him.)
“Henderson?” he asks, blinking up at the kid with bleary eyes. “Jesus, what time is it?”
“6:30,” Dustin informs him.
“In the morning?” he croaks.
“Yes, in the morning!” Dustin snaps. “What the hell is this Steve?”
Steve is still mostly asleep, he knows he looks like a mess and he also knows that he and Dustin did not have any sort of plans that would give him reason to be waking Steve up at six-fucking-thirty in the morning. So he says, “Sleep, Henderson. It’s sleep.”
Dustin does not look amused by this. “Do you always fall asleep on the couch with Eddie?”
Steve blinks up at Dustin, confused. “What? Eddie?”
Dustin gestures behind Steve and Steve, against his better judgement, turns his head to find that Eddie is in fact on the couch behind him. Turning put him face-to-face with the other man and Steve just sort of blinks in befuddlement before wondering aloud, “Jesus Christ how is he still asleep?” Because he genuinely has no idea how anyone could be sleeping through Dustin’s sheer volume.
“That’s all you have to say?” Dustin demands.
“It’s early,” Steve complains.
“You’re sleeping with Eddie!”
“Well i was,” Steve groaned, “right up until you started shouting. Why are you even here?”
“Sleeping. With. Eddie,” Dustin repeats in case it was lost on Steve the first time.
“It’s six thirty in the morning!” Steve points out. Again. What else was he supposed to be doing at that time of day?
“Sleeping with Eddie!” Dustin repeats like a bad record, needle skipping back and forth.
Steve is too tired for this. “Make sense or go away and come back in two hours.”
“Steve,” and Dustin sounds very serious now, “are you having sex with Eddie?”
“…no?” He squints at Dustin, a little concerned about the kid’s knowledge of sex if he’s asking that when Steve is lying fully clothed and half asleep next to an equally fully clothed and still asleep Eddie.
Dustin does not find this funny. “Then what the hell is this? Why are you cuddling on the couch?”
Relieved, Steve says, “Oh, you didn’t mean that literally.” Then he shrugs. “We must have fallen asleep down here.”
“You fell asleep cuddling on the couch?” Dustin’s voice is very dry.
“…i guess?” Steve doesn’t actually know how the cuddling came about - would he call it cuddling? - but he gets the feeling he should be more worried about what Dustin is insinuating than he is. Mostly because, “Seriously, why the hell are you here so early?”
“Apparently, to catch you and Eddie snuggling on the couch,” Dustin snipes. “Is this going to be a thing?”
Steve looks long and hard at Eddie, doesn’t let himself sink too deeply into the thoughts or the fears, just looks at him and then he says to Dustin, “Yeah, probably.”
Dustin’s outrage is not faked this time and it is loud enough to finally wake Eddie.
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deity-prompts · 2 years
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Breaking control
Miniature acts of rebellion
“I give the orders here, not you.”
An impending storm
“You move with such grace. It’s . . . mesmerising.”
“You think that’s crazy? I’ll show you crazy.”
Nicotine patch
“Those colours don’t match.”
Called at the last minute
“I don’t know why I work for them.”
A spare outfit
“It’s been hurting for a while, I think it’s serious.”
“Would you really betray me again?” “Do you really want me to answer that?”
Stained gloves
The smell of disinfectant
A rigged contest
“You won’t notice it on camera.”
Curling irons
Stress ball
“I hate the taste of salt water.”
A true rumour
“Since when have we used code names?”
An unsent postcard
Also see:
2021 July writing challenge
Writing challenge masterlist
Prompts masterlist
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kaizsche · 2 years
a family recipe
PAIRING: anakin skywalker x pregnant!reader
SUMMARY: Anakin cooks for you. He unfortunately breaches a sensitive topic simultaneously
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“Since when have you been so picky, wife?”
You chuck a pillow at the back of his head from your comfortable position on the bed, eyes unmoving from the fascinating downhill of the female lead as she surrenders to her enemy. Anakin’s muffled ‘oof’ goes ignored as the villain… as the villain–
... continue reading here
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July Writing Challenges!
July 29th’s is “Lipstick”
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liagibasiyseehc · 2 years
You’re a scary shadow monster who adopted a child- Part 3
If you’re new, you can start from the beginning here!
If you haven’t read it, you can find part 2 here!
Many moon cycles passed, and the child remained in your care.
They were a curious creature, always eager to run around the numerous corridors and archways that constitute your territory.  You indulged their inquisitiveness with fond acquiescence, allowing them to grasp one of your tactile sensories and sprint off to explore the sprawling mazes whenever they pleased, silently sending other sensories trailing behind them just in case.
Communication was still an issue- you couldn’t understand the sounds emitted by their major chemical sensory any more than they could comprehend the pheromones you released or the motions of your shadows.  The main mode of information transmission between your kind involved intertwining your sensories until your shadows partially merged, but you were uncertain whether the human body could support this method of communication.
Still, your child was bright, and already the two of you had devised certain gestures that would convey particular phrases or feelings.  They would draw on your tactile sensory, or mime the movements with their appendages, and you would reciprocate with your shadows.
A touch on your tactile sensory drew your attention to where your child was supported, with their rear against the ground and their centre of gravity braced against your core mass.  They were playing with your shadows- they loved shaping your shadows into various shapes and moving them around while chattering animatedly to themselves.  You couldn’t comprehend the purpose of such exercises, but you humoured them all the same, shifting your shadows to represent dragons and fairies and humans with large capes and long swords, all the while increasing the sensitivity of your auditory sensories to capture what you had long since identified as sounds of delight-joy-contentment.
Another touch.  You extended more visual sensories, while the tactile sensory around your child’s appendage signalled Query?
Hungry, they signalled, food-request.
You complied immediately, moving your shadows out of the way to make room for them, only to have them lunge and grab at your shadows with a loud squeal.  You trilled, broadcasting surprise-amusement-query, and you felt them vibrate in response, emitting high pitched squeals that you knew they made whenever they were enjoying themselves.
You raised your shadows, lifting your child up, up until their appendages were dangling in the air, and they squealed even louder, flailing their limbs in a poor imitation of what your shadows could do.  Me-fly, they signalled, pheromones scenting the air with excitement-joy-wonder, me-fly-up-up-fly-fun-more.
It was impossible to refuse them.
It took a long time for your child to be sated, but eventually you lowered them back to the ground, shaky and breathless and doused with sweat.  You weren’t too worried, however.  Perhaps it was an effect of the aura of the magic that animated you, but your child had never gotten ill for the duration of their time with you, and all scrapes and bumps they made during their daily adventures had all healed without any complications.
By the time they had finished their food, their movement had become slow and sluggish, and their visual sensories had begun to droop with exhaustion.  You’re familiar with their behaviour by now that you knew what would soon happen.
They didn’t protest when you gathered them up in your shadows, gently bringing them to your core mass.  They pressed in closer to your mass, reaching out with their upper appendages to embrace more of you, and your core mass rippled with such intense emotion that you feared you would burst.
Slowly, carefully, you lay down sprawling sensories to detect for danger, drew the majority of your shadows back into your core mass, and joined your child in slumber.
Edit: part 4!!
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blackbat05 · 11 months
A shared bond
Joaquin Torres x Reader
Plot: The festive season is around the corner and you’re determined to give your best customer an unforgettable Christmas.
Genre: PG-13 / Trope: Baking, Alone on the holidays
A/N: Another piece for @the-slumberparty🫶🏽 I hope I did this right but it was another challenge that pushed my writing cells and create a piece that is close to home. Thank you for letting me share my work and hope readers enjoy! Reblogs and comments are appreciated!💜
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The alarm beeps, signaling the newest batch of baked goods. Satisfied with the smell of blueberry pie wafting through the kitchen, you leave the delicacy to cool down. You go back out to the counter, pleasantly surprised to see your usual customer already waiting at the door.
“Hello Joaquin! You’re early today.” You let him in. “The usual?”
“Yes please.” He takes a seat at the counter, nose wrinkling to detect the source of smell. “I see you have been cooking up a new recipe. Any chance I could get a taste?”
You sliced a blueberry pie onto a plate and serve it to him with a cup of coffee. “Lucky you, I was trying out something for the Christmas menu and you just happened to be my first customer!”
Joaquin takes a fork and sinks his teeth into the pie, groaning at the impeccable fruity taste that blended nicely with the crumbs. “This shouldn’t be just a seasonal menu.”
“Glad to know. Guess I had enough foresight to make a whole batch of them. Would you like one more?” You carried the tray out and for a moment you thought you saw Joaquin salivating.
“Does it mean I have to pay?”
“Well, this one’s on the house. I insist. In the spirit of Christmas.” You give a second serving to Joaquin before preparing for the morning crowd.
It was like a routine that the both of you were used to. While you attended to customers, Joaquin would busy himself with a book at the side along with his drink and your baked treats. As you helped a father and his young son with their purchase, you can’t help but to sneak a glance at Joaquin who had an unreadable expression. The bell chimes, signaling the pair’s exit.
“What’s on your mind?”
Joaquin sighs. “When I see families, I think about the ones that I’ve lost.” You pause what you were doing, giving him your full attention. “It’s hard when I think about them but it especially hurts during festive seasons. I guess that’s what happens when you’re alone.” Joaquin smiles wanly. “I’m sorry for being such a dampener.”
You frown and shake your head. From your many conversations with Joaquin, you knew he was from military and he had a story that was beyond reality. You don’t know how he does it but he comes to your cafe with a smile every single time. “Don’t say that. You’re the strongest person I know, Joaquin.”
He takes a shaky breath and nods, but you sense that he’s going further down the hole.
“What if I told you that you don’t have to be alone during Christmas?”
Joaquin stares at you curiously and you’re more than positive that this would work out perfectly.
“Goodbye Mrs Lelia!” You moved towards the door, the elderly women trailing behind you.
“Thank you for visiting my dear.” She kisses you on the cheek and does the same for Joaquin. “Come back again soon with those lovely goodies!”
“Will do Mrs Lelia. Happy holidays!” You carefully descend the snow covered steps, checking one more house off the list. Joaquin decides to break the silence first.
“I didn’t know you do this during Christmas.”
“I started not too long ago. Two years back.” You helpfully corrected him. “I wasn’t in a good place.” Joaquin stares at you intently.
“You know how you told me once that when you came back from your tour? There was always people around you and yet you still felt lonely?”
Joaquin nods at the memory. You purse your lips.
“I felt that too. In a different way of course.” You explained. “Being blipped right back and having to see constant doom scrolling and watching others flaunt their extravagant lifestyles while holding to the knowledge that I could be someone better… it ate me up inside. So I decided to kickstart this food drive. I can’t reach everybody but I can do enough.”
Joaquin falls silent at your simple but impactful admission. “We’re all fighting our own battles huh?”
“That’s all we can do.” You respond. “What better way than to help others in the name of Christmas?” You grin, holding up the bag of baked treats. “Come on, we can do this! Dinner’s on me.”
An hour later, you sit beside Joaquin at a Thai restaurant savoring on the much needed spicy Tom Yum soup.
“I can’t express how much it means to have you help me this year. It seems to me like the ladies love you.” You teased.
“If that means having this feast after every food drive, count me in.” Joaquin laughs, taking a bite of the lemon chicken. “But really, I should be the one that’s thanking you. You’ve helped me a lot.”
You suddenly have a warm rush of affection for the man who was a mere stranger eight months ago. Joaquin seems to have noticed the change in temperature as he’s unusually focused at the half eaten chicken on his plate.
“After the blip, it was hard to even talk to someone. And I mean, genuinely have a conversation. That is until I met you.” Joaquin looks at you under his curls. “You didn’t push me and you allowed me to take my time.”
Your heart beats faster and you can feel yourself attempting to control your breathing. A determined glint crosses Joaquin’s eyes and he steadily moves forward.
“I really like you, Y/N. Not because you took pity on me but you saw me as a person. I don’t know if you feel the same way but I-”
Before he can finish his sentence, you launch yourself onto Joaquin, giving him the biggest bear hug that you could. He freezes for a moment at the contact, but he doesn’t hesitate to lean into your embrace.
“I really like you too, Joaquin.” You whispered, slowly detaching yourself to look at him. “And trust me when I say this but you came into my life when I needed someone. So I don’t want you to ever doubt yourself. Not anymore. Not when I’m with you.”
Joaquin pauses, processing what you have just said and breaks out into a big grin.
“I don’t know if this is appropriate but I really want o kiss you right now.”
You giggle at his honesty and take out the last blueberry pie that you saved for desert. Carefully taking a bite, you purposely stained your lips with blueberry coating.
“There. Now you can wipe it off me.” You cheekily point at the creation on your lips. It’s Joaquin’s turn to laugh at your absurdity as he looks at you lovingly.
The snow starts to fall harder and the Christmas decorations shine brighter. Reunions bring along joy and happiness across the city and for today, people forget what the world has thrown at them as they laugh with their loved ones. You and Joaquin Torres were not an exception as the bond between the two of you only strengthened with the help of a Christmas miracle.
He is gentle, leaving your lips wanting more. Joaquin gazes at you and how you wished you drank a little less of the wine. The crowd thickens but it is only the two of you in the small and tiny space that you envision. You see his lips moving and you tilt your head in confusion. Joaquin moves closer and you hear it.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
He leans in again, and this time he is sure to leave you breathless.
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saintchaser · 11 months
marlene would never forget that evening. it was so warm and wet, and her feet were sticky against the warmed soil, even though she was not barefooted.
she and dorcas were hand in hand, and the moon shined bright over them, a light that watched over them. it was full that night, so big and beautiful, and she wondered if there was someone who didn’t love her.
dorcas’ thumb rested in marlene’s palm, rubbing soothing circles against her skin. they look at each other, and smile; it’s love, no matter how much the past version of her would have wanted to deny it, a few months ago, actually.
now, however, they were about to graduate, away from the sanctity and safety that hogwarts offered them. now, they would be alone, and they had to fight for their right to survive. now, they would only have love to fight for.
“i don’t really want to join the war,” dorcas admitted, a confession of some sorts. she did it quickly and quietly, like ripping off a bandaid. “i mean, i will, but it’s not something i really want to do, you know what i mean?”
marlene bit the inside of her cheek, thinking of an appropriate response to the statement, having had the very same conversation just a few days ago. “yeah. we’re still young,” she said, dumbly, and her lover chuckled.
“i’ll be joining either way. i won’t let you fight this war on your own, marlene.” they sat in silence for a while, looking at the moon, watching over them. “i love you,” she whispered.
marlene knew she did. and she said it back because, truly, it was their truth. “i love you, too.”
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Prompt Announcement:
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Collection || Prompts (here) || FAQ
Text under cut:
Irresistible: "I love the way you hurt me," BDSM, Free Love, Pain Kink
Beauty/Psycho: "I'm the best worst thing that's happened to you," Half Truths, Resurrection, Blasphemy
Centuries: "The bruises on your thighs are my fingerprints," Amnesia, Wrong History, Fix It
The Kids Aren't Alright: "It's our time now, if you want it to be," Time loop, friends to lovers, too late
Uma Thurman: "I can't get you out of my head" Wedding Vows, Miracles, Dancing
Jet Pack Blues: "Baby come home!" Drinking, rain, black clothes
Novocain: "I am your worst nightmare," numbness, outcast, twisted love
Fourth of July: "I am sorry, I didn't any of it!" Fireworks, Lost Love, Old Scars
Favourite Record: "you can get what you want, but it's never enough," Long Drive, Confessions, Repeat
Immortals: "I try to picture me without you but I can't," time travel, soulmate, inevitable
Twin Skeletons: "I just need enough of you to dull the pain," Holding on, intoxication, promises
I Don't Care: "The best of us can find happiness in the misery," start again, bad reputation, reckless
Thanks for the Memories: "They taste like you, but sweeter," One-night stand, Divination, Messy break up.
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leviathanverse · 6 days
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kingofthering · 20 days
3-days weekend let’s go ✨
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amidnightjen · 11 months
And really, that was just uncalled for.
“Hey,” Steve protested, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“Come on,” Dustin scoffed. “When was the last time you went on a date?”
“Last night.” Obviously.
“That wasn’t a date!” Eddie called from across the room making Dustin shoot Steve a smirk that was deeply patronising.
“I paid for your dinner, we went to a movie and i kissed you goodnight,” Steve yelled back, rather pointedly and without thinking about it.
If he’d thought about it, he might have been paying more attention to the sudden silence in the Wheeler’s basement and not the way Eddie was frowning as he thought over Steve’s words.
“Alright,” Eddie conceded. “You have a point.”
“A point?” Dustin demanded voice high and squeaky and almost completely overriding Wheeler’s “You kissed him goodnight?”
“You went on a date with Eddie?!”
“Yes, Dustin, i went on a date!” Steve snapped triumphantly, completely missing the point.
“With Eddie?” Dustin squawked.
“Yes, with Eddie,” Steve confirmed exasperatedly.
“A guy.” Wheeler had an odd tone that had Steve looking at him funny.
And then he realised what was going on.
He’d just come out to the party in an argument with Dustin.
He’d just come out in an argument with Dustin to the party in the Wheeler’s basement when Robin was not around.
And maybe he should have been focusing on the whole coming out thing, and also possibly the Eddie didn’t know it was a date thing, but mostly he was just a little worried that if he didn’t immediately talk to Robin she was going to kill him for being the last to know.
The paling of Steve’s face must have been spectacular. Eddie was just the only one who seemed to realise why he was freaking out because over the top of Dustin demanding when Steve decided he was into guys he said, “You should probably go tell Robin.”
“Yeah. Yep. Doing that now.”
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So cold 🏔️
Summary: You - a rookie agent on their first mission - are sent out with none other than The Natasha Romanov. But what was supposed to be an easy job, suitable for your first timer status, quickly goes awry when Hydra agents unexpectedly ambush the two of you at your safe house.
You barely get away, always following the steady lead of your experienced partner, even when the path she chooses is icy and unforgiving. Can you keep up, or will you be left behind?
Pairing: Natasha Romanov x Reader
(I did not use any specifying descriptions for body type, skin colour, gender etc. so feel free to imagine whatver you like. Also, in case some descriptive word did escape my notice, please feel free to point it out and I will find a more neutral alternative)
Warnings: 18+, depictions of violence, use of weaponry (guns etc.), environmental extremes (snow storm, ice), detailed near death experience (almost freezing to death), angst, Natasha being a cryptic drama queen
Word count: 6.2k
Author's note: Hi there, long time no see lol. This is my entry for @the-slumberparty's "Christmas in July" challenge! All in the spirit of bringing some nice tropes and themes from the winter season into the heat of summer 🌨️ My chosen prompt/trope is 'Cuddling for warmth' with Natasha Romanov 🖤
I hope you enjoy 🥰💖
“Keep going!” Natasha shouted in front of you, her head slightly tilted to the side as she spoke, so the wind wouldn't carry the words away before they reached your ears. “It's not much longer now, agent!”
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You weren't cut out for this. You had massively misjudged your own abilities and it was coming back to bite you in the ass now.
She was wearing her usual attire, the thin suit not suited for this weather any better than your own tactical gear.
Your winter clothes were still back at the not-so-safe house you had to abandon after Hydra had invaded the space in search for you and the assassin still trudging ahead of you. Someone must've tipped them off that you were coming and they decided to nip the threat – aka you and Natasha – in the bud.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you panted, toes and fingers frozen from the icy winds. Snowflakes whipped around you, the cold ice crystals biting at your exposed skin. It felt like being poked with dozens of sharp needles.
Natasha and you barely escaped the awaiting Hydra agents and you did so only because of the seasoned assassin's quick wit and ability to improvise in any situation.
She had efficiently taken out the brunt of the attackers, pried a set of car keys from the pockets of a fallen agent and then shouted at you to follow her.
The two of you left, legs pumping and heads ducked as bullets shredded the bark of the pine trees surrounding the property.
The red-head was quick to spot the vehicle, or rather one of the vehicles, their enemy used to get to the secluded house and with a flick of her finger unlocked the correct car. The black, windowless van gave a short 'beep' and flashed its lights and you headed for it without hesitation.
How you went from being in a realtively safe vehicle to stumbling through the ice cold tundra of Svalbard?
Well, your attackers swiftly started the pursuit of you and your red-headed partner, so as soon as the opportunity presented itself, you ditched the car in a mostly hidden location and continued your escape on foot, this way they had no way of tracking you via the car.
So off you went, further away from what little civilization there was in the first place and out into the uncharted terrain of the arctic archipelago.
Your frozen fingers failed to hold the loaded hand gun you had kept at the ready and you cursed when it fell into the snow. You stiff body protested as you tried to bend down to pick the weapon up, frozen limbs making it hard to remain balanced. All it took for you to topple head first into the snow was a strong gust of wind.
The icy snow bit at your skin, the cold seeping through your clothes and settling deep in your bones. You whimpered pathetically, uncoordinated limbs flailing in the snow as you tried to regain your footing.
It was so cold. The wind didn't stop blowing, the snow didn't stop falling from the sky, the usually cheerful ice crystals now glinting with murderous intent as they settled down on your shaking form.
It was summer. You didn't even know it could get this cold somewhere in the middle of summer.
But out here, on this cluster of islands in the middle of the sea, surrounded by looming mountains and sparse plant life, the cold temperatures seemed to be at home. The glittering peaks rose around you, the snow covered stone giants looking down at you like sentient beings silently awaiting your demise.
A violent shiver ripped through your body and you picked up your heavy head to look at the darkening sky. Soon it would be night and the temperatures would keep plummeting.
The thought of freezing to death in this no mans land jolted your body into motion. Along with the terrifying discovery that you couldn't spot your partner anywhere.
Adrenaline poured into your system, forcing your limbs to move. You scrambled to your feet, your legs unsteady beneath you as you stared ahead but could not see any sign of Natasha.
Your gun was long forgotten, left behind thoughtlessly as you hurried through the snow, your frantic gaze sweeping from left to right.
The storm kept sweeping up the settled snow around you and the added snowflakes swirling down from above clouded your vision further, but not so much that you wouldn't be able to see the red-head, had she waited-
Maybe she didn't realise you fell. Maybe... Maybe you laid there longer than you think, motionless in the cold snow, and she didn't notice as she kept trudging along without you.
Panic spread through your chest, a sharp, stinging sensation that expanded to your stomach and made you jittery.
All caution thrown to the wind, you hurried ahead and called out.
“Hello? Agent Romanoff? Hello!”
Your voice briefly echoed around you before the strong winds carried it away, like a sentence written with ink washed away in water.
Tears gathered in your eyes and your throat closed up.
“Please! I'm here! Where are you?”
What if she was gone and you truly were alone? Would the weather get you first, or would Hydra sniff out your trail and kill you?
You should've just accepted a desk job. When SHIELD hired you, it was to join their army of secretive pencil pushers, not to become an agent in action. But as you underwent the mandatory training every single agent had to go through – whether they would see active duty or not – your skills had quickly gotten you a few recommendations and before you knew it, you had been bumped up from a desk job to a field agent.
Just like that.
And now you were forced to accept the consequences of a decision that wasn't even fully yours. You would pay with your life because someone thought you'd make a good field agent and decided your path for you.
You really should've insisted on your original placement. Safe and sound behind a desk, uncovering and hiding away state secrets and ending secret wars all with the push of a few buttons.
You dropped to the snowy ground again, your numb legs felled by a hidden obstacle that blocked your foot and sent you to your knees. Your hands hurt terribly when they made contact with the cold ground, but you didn't dare lift them lest you fall even further. You didn't think you'd be able to get up again.
“Natasha, help-” you shouted out weakly, your arms threatening to buckle beneath you. “I don't want to die.”
Tears flooded your eyes, the salty liquid drawing cold paths along your face and gathering at the tip of your nose before dropping to the cold ground.
Just as you were about to give up, your arms folding and knees slipping, a strong hand roughly grabbed your upper arm.
You let out a scream, your body raising whatever strenght you had left to struggle weakly against the sudden assault, when the flushed face of Agent Romanoff appeared in your vision.
“Agent!” she snapped, bending down fully to grab your other arm and hoist you to your feet.
Your struggle seized immediately and relief flooded through you at the sight of her. Your hands reached out, stiff fingers holding onto her arms with all your might. She was your life line and you wouldn't dare to let her go.
She was saying something, you could hear it, words said in an urgent, but controlled tone. You saw her lips moving, the scowl she wore as she stared at you. But you didn't understand any of it. You just stood there, clutching her arms and staring at her face with wide eyes.
“We have to move!” the woman snapped eventually. She pried your hands off her arms and moved next to you. She hooked one arm around your middle, while the other grabbed one of yours and slung it over her shoulder.
You weren't much help in your state of shock, your body slow and clumsy as she did her best to drag you along, regrettably leaving wide trails in the snow behind you. If you were lucky, the falling snow would cover your tracks before anyone could follow you.
The two of you kept going for what felt like ages until eventually, Natasha stopped in a thicket of bushes and trees. She gently lowered you down, leaning your trembling body against a tree trunk and then hurried away from you.
“Wait!” you called out, the thought of her leaving you again shaking you out of your stupor. You tried to push away from the trunk, to get to your feet and follow her, but your body gave out and you helplessly slumped back agains the rough bark.
Natasha didn't stop. She walked a few more steps before stopping and crouching on the ground. You could see her hands digging through the snow, her pale skin beginning to turn blue due to the cold.
A few moments later the red-head got up again, hands latched to something on the floor. She gave a violent pull, using all her strength, leaning her body into the motion and then, with a loud, tortured creak, a trap door opened in the ground.
She flung it open, the heavy metal thumping against the snow covered ground, and turned around to retrieve you from where she left you leaning against the tree.
“Come on, we're almost there,” she said, her voice still steady, though you thought you could hear a smidge of concern in her tone.
The assassin dragged you towards the bunker, your feet tripping over air as you clumsily moved along.
The trap door looked like a hungry maw as it greeted you surrounded by the blinding white of the snow, the sight of it sending a shiver through you that had nothing to do with the icy cold still surrounding you.
“Focus, there are stairs. I can't carry you down,” Natasha said firmly and you did your best to straighten up your slumped body draped over her much more steady form.
She led you down the first step, your clumsy feet slowly following her example, even if only just.
The two of you made your way further down until you reached the bottom of the stairs. It was a good thing too, because you were ready to keel over.
“Here, hold this,” the levelheaded red-head said as she lifted your arm from around her shoulders, leaned you against the bunker wall and pressed a flashlight into your numb hands. Your frozen fingers barely managed to curl around the object before she let go of it and then hurried up the stairs.
As you stood there, shaky legs hardly supoorting your own weight, a numbing sensation took the place of the ever biting cold. The loud 'thunk' of the trap door falling shut barely stirred you, the only thought that occurred was that you should stop feeling so numb with cold now that the wind and ice had been locked out.
But the numbed prickling sensation spreading all over your body made it feel like you were still left out in the storm where the ever creeping fingers of death slowly close around your heart, squeezing it in its icy hold.
“Hey, hey! Eyes on me, agent,” Natasha snapped, a light pop to your cheek startling your eyes open again. You hadn't even noticed they'd closed.
The red-head blew out a long breath as your unfocused gaze slowly zeroed in on her. She eyed you for a long moment before turning to the metal door that was inlaid into the cement wall at the bottom of the stairs. Her pale hands grasped the heavy wheel attached to the door and turned it with all her might until it began turning with a defeaning screech.
You didn't have the energy to actually jerk at the unpleasant sound, your muscles so drained they'd even stopped their violent trembling. You didn't think that was a good thing. Didn't muscles tremble as a way to warm up your body?
The door swung open with another tortured sound and Natasha disappeared inside right after plucking the flashlight from your grasp. You swayed in place, body threatening to fold the longer you stood in the dark.
A few long moments passed and you were starting to grow restless at Natasha's absence. Taking a determined – and horribly misjudged – step forward, you immediately began to crumple to the floor in a decidedly unelegant way and with a hoarse squeak, followed by the loud 'thump' of your body hitting the cement floor.
Strangely enough, there wasn't really a sensation of pain, merely a dulled throb in your knees and elbows.
A light humming sound started to pick up around you just as you found yourself lying on the floor, the flickering of the overhead lights hurting your tired eyes.
Natasha must've found the generator. Or whatever else was used to power this ancient bunker.
You heard the quiet sounds of her light steps growing louder and eventually a cursed “Great!” uttered by her. “Can't leave you alone for a single second. How the hell did you pass your field training...”
She looped her arms underneath yours and began dragging your limp form into the bunker. Your wet clothes left a streak across the bleak floor.
“ 'm tired,” you mumbled, your thoughts swimming aimlessly around your cottony head.
“You're not allowed to sleep. That's an order from your superior Agent,” Natasha barked through clenched teeth.
She heaved your heavy body onto something soft – well, not exactly soft, but definitely softer than the unforgiving floor – and rolled you around until you laid on your back and stared up at the grey ceiling.
“We gotta get you out of your wet clothes. They will cool you down and that's the last thing we need right now,” Natasha informed you, her hand briefly touching your frozen cheek before wandering lower and working on quickly removing your layers of wet clothes.
You tried to help as best as you could, straining to lift limbs and shift left or right so she could slip off various items of clohting until you were left in your sports bra and panties. They too were slightly damp, but you were glad Natasha had decided to grant you your modesty. Not that you could have protested if she had wanted to take the last of your coverage as well.
The red-head had talked to you the entire time, keeping your mind engaged and awake. She was still talking now, her voice much more soothing than before, the tense edge gone from her rich baritone.
Some feeling was slowly coming back to your extremeties and you finally noticed how warm it was in the small underground room – and how cold you were in comparison.
Sharp, stinging pain started to needle at every inch of your skin and you had absolutely no control over the tears that rose unbidden to your eyes, barely brimming along your waterline before spilling over with a weak sob rattling in your hollow chest.
“I wan' go home,” you slurred, tears running down your temples and into your hairline.
“Hey, it's alright. You'll go home, don't worry. I'll make sure of it,” Natasha's voice soothed you.
You were so occupied with crying and suddenly fearing for your life that you didn't notice the red-head had dressed down to her underwear as well and was now climbing onto what seemed to be a sturdy, wall-mounted cot jutting out from the bleak cement walls.
The mattress dipped beneath her body as she climbed on, shuffling carefully on her knees and using her hands to roll you a little further towards the wall.
The movement jostling your body made you aware of the sublte tremble that overtook your muscles once more as you laid on the firm cot. Tears were still trickling down your face and your breathing came in shaky stutters. There were so many things you wanted to say, last words and farewells for Natasha to deliver to your loved ones, but nothing but chocked crying and shuddery breaths made it past you ice-cold lips.
“I'm going to get you warmed up. I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable with this, but I don't know how else to help you,” Natasha explained evenly.
She had shuffled down to lie next to you, her front pressed againt the curve of your spine. You felt the faint vibration of her voice against you trembling back. Your core muscles had begun to shake violently now, the cooled down flesh trying to preserve body heat with a desperate last measure.
“Come here,” the older woman muttered behind you, wrapping her arm around you and pulling your bodies flush together. Her bent legs fit perfectly against your own, her thighs slotted up against the underside of yours and her scarred knees firmly lodged in place in the soft backside of your own.
She reached out to pull the thin blanket over your bodies, carefully making sure that it covered you from your neck down to your frozen toes that still felt concerningly numb.
“S-so c-co- cold,” you mumbled, your tired eyes falling shut as you instinctively nestled back against Natasha's warm body as much as you could in your delirious, weakened state.
“Shh, you'll be warmer soon. Just stay with me, rookie,” the red-head soothed, her hand resting on your soft belly making the smallest of circling motions to calm you.
The touch was so soft, your frozen body almost didn't register it as you sniffled through the gradually slowing tears wetting your cold face.
“ 'wan home,” you tiredly slurred again, your mind getting slow and foggy as you laid tucked up against Natasha, your trembling muscles shaking the mattress.
Bone deep exhaustion was creeping in, the emotional and physical shock of the day's events dragging you under at last, drowning your conscience in thick darkness.
“-Ookie. Wake up.”
“-gotta wake up.”
A murmur.
“Can you hear me?”
Your eyes fluttered open for a moment, blurry vision hardly able to focus on your surroundings. The only thing your sluggish mind registered was the glaring light brightening up the space you found yourself in.
“There we go. Come on, keep those eyes open.”
There was a light tap to your cheek. A warm hand settled on the skin and popped against it a couple of times until your eyes opened once more.
“Hey, look at me.”
It took you a moment to figure out what was going on. Your eyes settled on a familiar red-head who stood in front of the cot you were curled up on in nothing but your practical underwear.
Natasha was in the same state of undress, her hair in a mussed up bun. A few strands fell in her eyes when she bent over to stare down at you with observant green eyes.
“Mmh... wha'?” you mumbled, eyes blearily blinking up at the woman who scanned your face carefully.
Your cheek itched and you instinctively reached up, heavy arm fighting against exhausted muscles to scratch the itch.
“You can move, that's good,” Natasha observed and straightened back up. “Stay awake. You need to eat and drink.”
It took you a moment to understand her words and then the dramatic position you had found yourself in not long ago filtered back into your foggy thoughts.
The ice and the snow, the freezing winds tearing at your clothes. You'd fallen, unable to get back up from the frozen ground... After that, flashes of the red-head's face, her hands on your trembling body, dragging you, undressing you, holding you.
“You- you saved me,” you uttered quietly, the words clearer now that you became fully conscious.
Natasha stopped in her tracks. She had already turned her back on you, walking off towards the other end of the room, but your quiet voice made her halt. She glanced at you over her shoulder.
“Yes, I did,” she said evenly and continued her path. “You're welcome.”
You stared after her for a moment, watching as she strode across the cement floor, the glaring ceiling lights throwing her shadow on the ground, until it became too hard to keep your eyes open and you surrendered to the pull of your heavy lids.
“Didn't I tell you to keep your eyes open, rookie. I was under the impression you were good at following orders,” Natasha's voice came from right in front of you, startling your tired eyes open again.
“Sorry. I'm tired,” you mumbled and rubbed your eyes before maneuvering an arm under your body and pressing up into a more upright position. It was hard on your tired muscles and Natasha saw you straining.
She set the bowls she was holding onto the floor and reached out to hoist you into a sitting position with your back leaning against the cool wall behind you. Then she grabbed the bowls and handed you one before climbing into the bed beside you and pulling the blanket over both of you.
“Eat,” Natasha ordered curtly. She didn't shy away from physical contact despite her distant behaviour, quite the opposite. She settled close to you, her side pressed against yours. She was warmer than you, but not noticably so.
It made you realise that, for the first time since you and your partner had fled your safe house at the edge of the sleepy town, you weren't cold. You weren't shaking, your limbs weren't growing numb or stinging from the biting cold.
“Thank you,” you said quietly after having a mouthful of the hot broth steaming in the tin bowl. “For the food and... you know.”
“You're welcome. Now eat. I didn't go through all the trouble of dragging your frozen ass through the tundra just so you die of malnutrition,” the red-head said, nudging your side with her elbow without looking up from the bowl of broth she made and continued eating.
Somehow her answer didn't feel genuine, but then again, saving lives was more or less her job, so maybe she didn't expect any big displays of grattitude.
You tried to shrug it off and silently finished your food. It was tiring, holding the bowl and bringing the spoon to your lips for every bite. The ordeal in the cold had sucked every bit of energy from your body and now that you weren't actively freezing to death or delirious it hit you like a train.
You came incredibly close to losing your life. The realisation was humbling and terrifying and it filled you with so much grattitude towards your mission partner. If it wasn't for her experience in the field, her quick thinking and acting, you would be dead. Not frozen to death in the stormy tundra, no. You would've died with a bullet in your back the moment you were ambushed if it wasn't for Natasha.
Your shaky hands set the empty bowl down in your lap and you raised your gaze, properly studying the space you were in for the first time. It was a bunker, practical, bare, down to the point.
Cement floors and walls, several bunk beds jutting out from the walls, a small nook that held old kitchen appliances, a rickety set of chairs and a table. Several filing cabinets stood pushed up against the far wall to your right.
“Where are we?” you asked, hoping to keep your spiraling thoughts about your fragile existence at bay as well as wanting to fill the eerie quiet surrounding you.
“A bunker,” Natasha supplied very unhelpfully. She pushed up from the cot, pulling the blanket off her body and tucking it back around yours before taking your bowl from your lap and bringing it with her to the kitchen space.
“I.. I can see that. I know I'm a rookie, but I'm not that clueless,” you replied, somewhat irritated at her curt responses.
You thanked her for saving you and for the food. You were trying to make conversation. Why was she being so dismissive? You didn't do anything wrong.
“You almost died out in the cold if it wasn't for me. Not to mention that you lost your firearm. I'd say you're fairly clueless,” Natasha pointed out, her voice still infuriatingly even. As if she didn't care, as if you were nothing but an inconvenience for her.
You clenched your jaw, anger bubbling up beneath your skin. She wasn't being fair. You didn't ask for this. Someone made the decision for you, telling you you'd be better off as a field agent rather than wasting your talents behind a desk. None of this was your fault.
“I- This-” you started, chest puffed out and hands weakly clutching at your blanket.
“Think before you speak,” Natasha commented, leisurely washing the bowls and spoons you had used.
That did it. Your eyes bore into her back, a snarl twisting your features.
Shoving – well, in your state it was more a weak flopping of limbs – the blanket away from your body, you somehow managed to maneuver yourself to the edge of the cot and began to get up.
“Stop it! I- I didn't ask for any of this. This is my first time in the field, a decision that was made for me. They kept telling me I shouldn't waste my skills on a desk job and I was stupid enough to believe them! And look where it got me. I almost died! I could've been dead. Shot, stabbed, tortured by Hydra agents, frozen to death in the snow like some unloved pet left by an owner! It's not my fault things went sideways and I can't be blamed for not knowing better either, so stop acting like I'm some dumbass who purposely makes things difficult for you, you- urgh”
The moment you tried to push yourself up into a standing position to march over to the seemingly indifferent red-head your legs gave out beneath you. You vision swam, head pounding as your heart pumped desperately in your chest to supply your brain with enough oxygen and keep you from passing out.
Natasha was by your side in the blink of an eye. Your knees barely got the chance to touch the floor before she caught you, hands shoved under your arms to keep you from slamming into the cement floor like a sack of potatoes.
She gave a sigh, muttering something under her breath as she heaved your floppy body back onto the mattress and moved you onto your side. She drew the blanket back over your exposed body and then gripped your chin between her index and thumb.
Your vision was still a little blurry, thoughts scrambled from the sudden collapse that you probably should have anticipated considering your current state.
“Stay in bed, rookie. You're gonna get yourself killed if you keep this up,” Natasha reprimanded.
Assumingly having found what she was looking for, the red-head released your face and settled it back on the pillow.
You watched her groggily, eyes following her shape as she retrieved something from a squeaky cupboard and returned to you. It was a water bottle by the looks of it. You couldn't read the label.
Natasha opened the bottle with a swift twist of the cap and then reached behind your neck to prop your head up enough so you could drink from the bottle she held to your lips.
When she deemed that you had had enough, she pulled the bottle away and put your head back on the pillow.
You were too embarassed to speak, ashamed of your outburst and your collapse. Once again, she had to help you. You really were clueless. Not that it could be expected otherwise, seeing as this was your first mission. And it immediately went awry.
Natasha didn't say anything else either. She merely climbed back up onto the mattress, carefully climbing over your lax body and settling close behind, once again molding your two forms together.
After a while of tense silence, you let out a sigh.
Natasha merely hummed at your apology.
You began wracking your brain for more words to say, something to convince the woman that you never meant to make things difficult for her, but that you simply didn't know any better. Before any of those half-bakes sentences can make it past your lips though, Natasha begins to speak.
“It's an old soviet bunker. I know it from my days with Dreykov.”
It took you a moment to place her words, not expecting the sudden change of topic.
So that's where you were. An old soviet bunker. You could only thank the stars that it was Natasha Romanov who you had been sent out with. Anyone else might not have had this knowledge and you would've ended up dead in the snow.
“Okay... How- How did you know it was deserted?” you asked hesitantly.
“I didn't.” Natasha replied bluntly, shifting behind you to press closer. You knew it was only to keep your body temperature up and steady after the hypothermia, but you couldn't help but take comfort from the action.
“But- What would you have done if there were people here? Armed people?” you wondered, images of bloody scenes flashing before your eyes. You shuddered, head dipping down and body nestling back against Natasha's firm one.
“I would've killed them.”
That gave you a pause.
“You- you would've... of course you would,” you stuttered and then gave up with a huff. You didn't know what you expected.
“You're my responsibilty, rookie. I don't like to see colleagues dying on the job,´not if I can help it,” Natasha said. She lifted the arm she'd kept on her hip over your waist, settling her hand on your soft tummy just the way she had done when she climbed onto the cot last time. “Especially not sweet ones like you.”
Your stomach squeezed strangely at the unexpected compliment, a giddy kind of feeling bubbling up in your overtired mind.
“What? I'm not- not sweet,” you deflected, flustered and confused. She was being so steely before and now she complimented you out of nowhere.
“You are. And green behind the ears like no other,” Natasha said matter of factly, causing you to pout a little.
Yes, you didn't have experience, but according to your trainers and superiors you had at least some skill, otherwise they wouldn't have sent you out in the field. Still something you deeply regretted not turning down.
“I usually don't take new recruits on missions. I either work alone or have an experienced agent of my choosing with me. Most of the time Barton, if he's available,” the woman added.
You frowned. Was she regretting this mission? Regretting that she had given it a try to go out on a job with someone less experienced and steady?
“But... why did they send me with you then? They should know you don't work with noobs like me and reagrding your stature in the Agency... Well, I'd like to think they respect your wishes,” you mumbled.
“Oh, they do. I asked for you as my partner. It would've been an uneventful solo mission, so taking you to show you the ropes seemed sensible,” the red-head revealed.
Her words made you stop. She'd requested you as her partner when she could've easily done this by herself without any complications? You didn't get it.
The Black Widow, a former KGB agent and most feared assassin, wasn't known for such niceties. What could have possibly made her think you were worth her time?
Thankfully, Natasha didn't let your thoughts spiral too far.
“I knew the moment I laid eyes on you during your training that the field wasn't your place. You are good, yes. In a controlled environment. But out here, away from shooting ranges and bullet-proof vests? You hesitate. You think too much and it will get you killed. So I made sure that wouldn't happen and that, after all this, you can go back and start that desk job you applied for,” she concluded.
There were countless questions swirling through your head, each one fighting to be ask first.
“Does that make me less?” was the question spilling forth before any of the others.
Natasha sighed. She shifted behind you, legs pressing closer to yours.
“Some would think so. But it doesn't,” she said. For a moment you thought that was it, but after a short silence the red-head kept going.
“There's a reason we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Every job needs doing, no matter how inconsequential it might seem. If not for cleaners and refuse collectors, who would keep our streets and public spaces clean? They are just as fundamentally important to our life in society as any politician or police officer. The same goes for you. We need people out in the field, but without the people behind the desks, directing them, gathering information, finding new sources and uncovering secrets, they would be lost.”
Her words stunned you. They came unexpected. You thought highly of Natasha Romanov, but she always seemed untouchable, so above everything else. It surprised you that she had such on open view of the world. So many active duty agents that you had met in your short time at Shield constantly frowned upon and made jokes about their stationary colleagues who sat behind desks, organised meetings and collected information.
“That... That's a very nice way of looking at things,” you replied eventually.
Once more the red-head only gave a hum. It made you feel like you had overstayed your welcome by asking questions she had to obligation to answer. Then again, she did say she chose you to come on a mission with her, so...
Yes, so what? What was her reasoning for that? She said she knew you weren't fit for the job when she saw you at training. But what does that mean? Why didn't she just report her opinion to someone in charge and spared you all this hassle? Why did she care at all?
“Why me? Why do you care what happens to me?” you blurted out, unable to hold back the burning question that plagued your mind.
“I see a lot and I hear a lot,” Natasha replied cryptically, before continuing in clearer terms. “It is part of the profession. And sometimes, when I see something, I decide that I want to see more. To know more, hear more, learn more. And when I saw you, well, I wanted to do exactly that. To follow the intrigue and see what hid behind it.”
“But I'm not very intrigung, am I?” you deflected nervously.
“Hm, to me you are. You're sweet. Would be a shame for you to be gone before I ever got the chance to have a proper conversation with you, don't you think?”
You found it strange that they were sending you with the Black Widow on your very first mission. It was even stranger that besides a stake out here and there, much of your time was spent with her in close quarters doing not much of anything. Well, before things went sideways, anyway.
It couldn't be that the woman behind you chose you simply for selfish reasons? To get to know you and watch you up close?
'I'm going mad' you thought to yourself, your still sluggish head unable to wrap around the truth that was slowly being revealed piece by piece.
A squeeze around your middle brought you back to the present moment.
“Don't worry you pretty little head about it, rookie. I already contacted Fury when you were sleeping. The communication systems down here are outdated, but I made it work. They are sending an extraction team for us and backup to sniff out where Hydra is hiding. Soon, we'll be back and then you have all the time in the world to figure this out,” Natasha said, the slightest bit of a teasig undertone to her voice.
“Until then, sleep. You need it and I need you to make a full recovery,” she added at last.
You wanted to say more, protest that you weren't tired and wanted to figure out what she was so intriguingly hinting at, but your body agreed with Natasha's statement.
A shuddered jawn tumbled out of your mouth and you could already feel your eyes fluttering shut despite your efforts to keep them open.
A soft humming sound came from behind you, helping you drift off to sleep until the last thing you remembered was a rough hand softly stroking your skin until you fell asleep.
There we go! A little late, but I managed after all! Cuddling for warmth is such a weakness of mine, especially when it is with my favourite Agent and Partner in crime Natasha Romanov 😌😇 I'd let her cuddle me day and night. I'm very squishy and soft, so perfect for snuggling! 🥺🥰
I really appreciate being allowed to submit this late 😅😳 and I hope you enjoy this angsty detour into the icy, nothern territories that, even in summer, are cold and unforgiving ❄️🤍
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kaizsche · 2 years
i was made for loving you, baby.
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SUMMARY: A collection of one-shots featuring Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi and sometimes a little bit of both from July Writing Challenge 2021
oh darling, it's alarming to think of us apart obi-wan kenobi x reader
the end of the world anakin skywalker x reader
sparks obi-wan kenobi x reader
tonight, let's forget about the rest of the world anakin skywalker x reader
let me show you my darkness darth vader x reader
she hits like ecstasy anakin skywalker x reader
i'm so insecure, i think. anakin skywalker x reader
you know it's not the same as it was darth vader x reader
tender is the night for a broken heart anakin skywalker x reader x obi-wan kenobi
a family recipe anakin skywalker x reader
holding out for a hero til' the morning light obi-wan kenobi x reader
bucket lists anakin skywalker x reader
ongoing ...
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July Writing Challenges!
July 13th’s is “Geeky”
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liagibasiyseehc · 2 years
You’re a scary shadow monster who adopted a child- Part 8
If you’re new, you can start from the beginning here!  
If you haven’t read it, you can find part 7 here!
“You’re wrong.”
Gerald stopped and pinched his spot between his eyebrows for what felt like the millionth time.  This frickin’ kid.
“Look,” he ground out, mustering the last dregs of his patience, “It’s nice that your “friend” gave you food and cuddles and whatnot.  It’s nice, it really is, but right now, if they catch us, they will kill us- don’t give me that look.  Your friend is literally hunting us down right now, you don’t get to say anything.”
The kid pouted, but didn’t say anything.  Gerald mentally awarded himself a point for the win.
The next couple of minutes passed by in silence, something that he was extremely grateful for.  Less talking meant less strain from the soundless-charm, which meant he could focus more on avoiding shadow tentacles that wanted to eat him, which was always a good thing in his opinion.
Then a mass of smokey tentacle slammed in front of him and he froze, the glowing symbols on its surface burning themselves into the back of his eyes as he stared and stared and stared at the massive thing that furled and unfurled and rippled and flowed.  His mind was a confusing blend of cold terror and sharp, electrifying adrenaline, of dull resignation and petrified denial.  One thing rang clear and unmistakable in his head: he was going to die.
Then the thing moved, and he realised two things.  One, he was still alive.  Two, the tentacle was heading away from him, and it was moving without obvious intent.
He checked his charms again.  Still intact.
The tentacle swooshed over his head and he ducked, heart pounding, fully conscious of the fact that the only reason they were still alive was because the monster didn’t know where they were.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw the kid reach out, their hand peeking out of the protection of his invisibility cloak.  Time slowed, his mouth opening to shout a warning too late, his racing mind uttering every single curse word in existence, and he saw the exact moment the monster’s tentacles picked up on the sight of the kid’s hand.
Tentacles exploded, swaths of pure darkness rocketing straight towards the two of them.  Saying a mental goodbye to his ma, Gerald dropped all pretence of stealth and cast the strongest light spell he could manage, dropping the see-all charm in favour of boosting the strength of the spell.  Light burst into existence, incandescent and humming with energy.  The shadows reared back, pushed away by his magic, and Gerald grabbed the kid’s arm and ran.
Another terrifying screech from the monster, but Gerald would be delusional to think that his magic had hurt it in any way.  Light- and light magic- can repel shadow monsters, but not harm them.  Only Divine Light could do that, but the chances of Gerald stumbling upon one of the treasures stored in the treasure room of this dungeon while running for his life with a kid in tow is pretty slim, so unless the universe decided to throw him a bone and gift him with insane plot armour or something like that, he was on his own, with only his own magic to rely on, and he was super screwed.
Then his foot caught on something on the ground and he face-planted awkwardly onto the concrete, flailing his limbs to untangle them from his invisibility cloak.  He sat up to find the culprit only to see a small golden box lying innocuously near his feet, and the kid was looking at him with the most terrified expression he’d ever seen.
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i-did-not-mean-to · 11 months
Summer Stories 2023
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If someone wants to add some spice...here is a list for yet another event for July :D Feel free to add a prompt from that list lol
Week 1
Fireflies - Bagginshield for @lordoftherazzles
Seaside - Círdan and an ugly ship for @fishing4stars
Beat the heat - Daemags for @searchingforserendipity25
Postcards - Victorian AU Balin for my husband
Evenings - Curuwendil for @cilil
Week 2
Ice-cold drinks - Dwalin x Nori for @lordoftherazzles
Summer festival - Gil-Galad x Elrond x Glorfindel for @maglor-my-beloved
Campfire - Gothmog x Eönwë for @cilil 🔥
Picnics - Beleg/Mablung for @lycheesodas 🔥
Shade - The Fëanturi for @cilil
Week 3
Grassy hillsides - Maedhros x Fem!Reader for anon
Summer storms- Bagginshield for @maalezzo
Roadtrip - meta-story for my husband
Cocktails - Bagginshield for @lordoftherazzles
Suntan/Freckles - Halenthir for @elentarial
Week 4
Poolside: the Ultimate Pool Party Eleganza Extravaganza
Stargazing - Elrond x Erestor for @maglor-my-beloved
Dandelions - Bagginshield for @lordoftherazzles
Fireworks - Fëanor x reader for @wandererindreams
Frozen treats - Gothmog x OC for my husband
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